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Abstract: The article provides a brief description of critical information infra-

structure and analyzes the extent to which organizations depend on the proper
functioning of banking and financial services, electricity, fuel and water supply
networks, as well as information and telecommunication networks. The conse-
quences of attacks on specific elements of these infrastructures are examined, as
well as the initiatives and problems that arise with their protection on national and
international level. Special attention is paid to the state of critical infrastructure
protection in Bulgaria, with analysis of the reasons for its poor level and recom-
mendations for improvement.
Keywords: Critical Information Infrastructure Protection, Information Security,
Malware Attacks, Vulnerabilities, National Cybersecurity.

The information revolution and the spread of Internet are stimulating globalization
and allowing corporations to conduct business around the world. Communication
technologies improve the productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of organiza-
tions around the globe. Today, organizations are outsourcing much of their business,
consolidating operations by tunneling data to one central processing location, and
using the Internet to cut down operation costs and overhead. With the increasing
number of transactions, enormous amounts of data with varying degrees of protection
are flowing over the Internet.
On the other hand, modern society has become much more dependent on the avail-
ability, reliability, safety and security of many technological infrastructures. Both be-
cause of the significant social and economic benefits they provide as well as because
of the serious consequences of their malfunctioning, information systems have be-
come a necessity for human well-being. Infrastructures considered critical are those
physical and information-based facilities, networks and assets, which if damaged
INFORMATION & SECURITY. An International Journal, Vol.17, 2005, 105-119.
106 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: Analysis, Evaluation and Expectations

would have a serious impact on the well-being of citizens, proper functioning of gov-
ernments and industries or other adverse effects. The following infrastructures need
to be functioning at least at a minimal level for the public and private sectors to be
able to survive:
• Electricity, fuel and water supply;
• Transportation and communication systems;
• Food supply and waste management;
• Finance and insurance;
• Information and telecommunication networks;
• Military and defense systems, civil protection;
• Emergency, health and rescue services;
• Public agencies and administration, justice system;
• Media, major research establishments, etc.
The energy supply and the communication systems can be regarded as crucial since
the rest of the infrastructures depend on them in order to function properly.
Although in the past many of these systems have been physically separated since the
technology boom and the change of market dynamics in the 1970s, critical infra-
structures have progressively converged and become dependent of information
structures such as the public telephone network, the Internet, terrestrial and satellite
wireless networks for a variety of information management, communications, and
control functions. Technological progress has lead to more automation in the opera-
tion and control of critical infrastructures and the creation of a special information in-
frastructure. Recently, this infrastructure has emerged as one of the most important
critical infrastructures because it is the base for managing and integrating all other
critical infrastructures as well as new forms of communication, information exchange
and commerce. This symbiosis is a national security priority, since the information
infrastructure is crucial for economic progress, military and civilian government op-
erations. In particular, the government and military information infrastructures de-
pend on commercial telecommunications providers for everything from logistics and
transport to personnel and travel functions. The extent to which these systems are in-
tertwined increases the effects of any malfunctioning since they are spread across dif-
ferent infrastructures, affecting a wide range of users.
Furthermore, the greater role of information and the availability of electronic means
to collect, analyze and modify it, have transformed information and information sys-
tems both into an invaluable asset and a lucrative target.
Eugene Nickolov 107

Following this train of thoughts, one should place the destructive potential of cyber-
war in between nuclear and conventional war although currently tools for cyber at-
tacks are developed in 120 countries, and nuclear arms – in 20 countries.

Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure

The increased interdependency combined with greater operational complexity, has
made critical infrastructures particularly vulnerable to natural hazards, human error
and technical problems as well as new forms of cyber crime, terrorism and warfare.
Each of these events can result in severe service deterioration or outright infrastruc-
ture failure. The technology development and the struggle towards complete automa-
tion have reduced our ability to incorporate the necessary safety features, including
detection, prevention and mitigation standards and practices. The vulnerability cre-
ated by these gaps affects not only utility services, but also databases and systems that
maintain a variety of sensitive and confidential information.1
Many of our most critical systems are extremely vulnerable to natural disasters such
as earthquakes, inclement weather, etc. Even when they are not physically impacted,
sudden demand surges during crises can provoke blackouts, leading to loss or denial
of service. Similar scenarios can occur through deliberate or accidental human action.
The Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) has become especially vulnerable to fun-
seeking hackers, criminals and even state actors and terrorists. The main tools used to
attack critical systems are malware (computer viruses, worms, logical bombs, trojans)
that modify and destroy information or block the computer systems. Tools for eaves-
dropping of information exchange in computer networks as well as tools for modify-
ing the normal function of the computer network and blocking the access to its ser-
vices are also widely used for destructive purposes.
These automated tools allow intrusions from remote systems to be done within a few
seconds which makes Internet attacks easy to launch and increasingly hard to trace.

The Enemy Is Really Dangerous

Underestimating the abilities, knowledge and experience of cyber terrorists could be
fatal for critical infrastructures. Some Islamic fundamentalists declared that Al-Qaeda
and other Islamic fundamentalist groups plan to use the Internet as a weapon against
CII in the US and Western Europe. A leader of a fundamentalist organization said re-
cently: “We will soon be the witnesses of attack to the stock exchanges in New York,
London and Tokyo.”
The variety of activities undertaken by hackers is enormous: attacks on systems with
insecure perimeters, use of third-party web pages for nationalist propaganda, e-mail
bombs that overwhelm servers at organizations they are protesting against, zombie
108 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: Analysis, Evaluation and Expectations

computers deployed across the Internet serve as remote controls for attacks. In some
countries even the government is involved by approving official documents for the
preparation and execution of cyber attacks.
Most cases of CII breach are easy to perform since the vulnerabilities or configura-
tion errors as well as detailed how-to guides are available for everyone on the
Internet. However, the background knowledge required to perform the intrusion is
steadily decreasing, thus increasing the overall success rate of intrusions. All one
needs in order to initiate an information structure attack is a personal computer con-
nected to the Internet and an e-mail program, while organizations trying to prevent
intrusions are usually constrained by both staff and equipment shortage. End-users are
often left to train themselves; new employees may not possess the same level of
knowledge as incumbents about system capabilities, potential vulnerabilities or risk
reduction measures.
Due to the increasing pressure to reduce production time, a new surge in the number
of computer and network vulnerabilities is to be expected. Therefore, one should plan
for infrastructures that have built-in instability, critical points of failure, and extensive
interdependencies. Furthermore, more and more CIIs are becoming privately-held or
owned by foreign nations.
CII attacks include:
• Unauthorized access to sensitive or confidential information;
• Destruction, modification or substitution of software needed by critical infra-
• Limited access for the agents able to prevent or mitigate the results of the at-
The possible consequences from critical infrastructure attacks include:
• Blocked transportation, electricity and water supply, communications, data
transmission, nuclear power plants, air-traffic control;
• Bankruptcy of commercial structures and financial systems, failure of interna-
tional business transactions, destabilization of markets and financial institu-
tions, money and information theft;
• Loss of intellectual property or reputation (due to a worm attack the company
for on-line payments PayPal was facing a bankruptcy in 2002);
• Human victims or material losses, provoked by the destructive use of critical in-
frastructure elements (cyber sabotage in the food industry, air or railway traf-
• Unauthorized access and/or modification of personal information;
Eugene Nickolov 109

• Possibility for imputing terrorist acts to other country/government and aggrava-

tion of the tension in international relations.
While the actual restoration of the CII is often a quick and easy task, the indirect ef-
fects of even the shortest failures can be felt for a while. CII attacks can seriously un-
dermine public and business confidence in electronic commerce and government ini-
tiatives. The human and economic costs associated with recovery or mitigation strate-
gies are enormous. The loss of business and productivity is now measured in billions
of dollars from each world-wide virus attack, and even the largest software vendors
are hard-pressed to keep up with security enhancements.

Measures for CII Protection

The CII Protection (CIIP) has three strategic objectives 2:
• Prevent cyber attacks against critical infrastructures;
• Reduce national vulnerabilities to cyber attacks;
• Minimize damage and recovery time from cyber attacks that do occur.
In order to achieve these objectives a new strategy is needed; one that incorporates
more than just the technological issues and includes the following elements:
• Taking preventive measures at all levels;
• Improving early detection and rapid reaction capabilities, both for damage con-
trol and pursuit of the culprits;
• Limiting the impact of disruptions on government and society;
• Ensuring that the affected systems continue to function at a minimum level or
can be restored within the shortest possible time.
Threats and vulnerabilities consist of physical, informational and psychological com-
ponents; therefore, an open, non-hierarchical dialogue on newly recognized vulner-
abilities is needed and physical, informational and psychological protective measures
have to be defined.

Measures on National Level

Five national priorities can be defined:
1. Establishing a national cyberspace security response system.
2. Developing a national cyberspace security threat and vulnerability reduction
3. Creating national cyberspace security awareness and training program.
4. Securing government systems.
110 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: Analysis, Evaluation and Expectations

5. Strengthening national security and international cooperation on cyber secu-

The framework for CIIP at national level has to be considered in the wider context of
the business, social, and technical environment. CIIP requires a multidisciplinary re-
sponse incorporating technical, management and educational solutions. Both vendors
and consumers need to prioritize better security in their products. Companies must
adopt and share their best practices. The third approach is to promote better under-
standing of computer security and ethics through public education efforts. This pro-
gram requires improved communication and coordination at three levels – within the
industry, between the industry and the government, and within governmental struc-
tures and bodies.

Protection of the CII within Enterprises and among Industries

The most important factors for critical infrastructure vulnerability in the enterprises
• Large staff;
• Numerous physical facilities;
• Wide availability of phone numbers;
• Lack of security training;
• Lack of a system for data classification;
• Lack of procedure for reporting and reacting to incidents.
The measures that could be undertaken include:
• Physical Protection of the Key Elements of CII. Depending on the business, it
may be necessary to install badge swipes, access codes or hire security guards.
Cable locks, alarms, motion detectors, antitheft systems, biometric scanners,
etc., could also come in useful. Electronic keypads on server rooms that are not
shut off in the event of power loss may be necessary for some companies. These
are just a few example physical security measures needed to secure a facility.
• Technical Measures – Technical Security. They include use of e-mail and file
encryption to conceal the operations and prevent sensitive data from unauthor-
ized disclosure, whether national security secrets or private customer account
data or confidential proprietary information. Firewalls, intrusion detection sys-
tems, access control lists, strong password policy, and anti-virus software are
also components that companies may need.
• Social Measures - Staff Training and Control. A background check on new em-
ployees is an excellent security measure. This is a good defense measure from
Eugene Nickolov 111

an information warfare standpoint. It informs employers whom they are hiring

before the new employee has any physical access to a facility and sensitive
User training is a huge step in the right direction. All employees have to be
trained to lock their computer screens when they leave their desks, to use strong
password management schemes, to know the methods of social engineering so
that they do not end up revealing any confidential information. When employ-
ees feel personally involved in protecting the company or agency they work for,
they tend to take more pride in what they do. The more they understand the
policies set forth, the less potential problems will arise in future.
• Security Policy. All technical and social measures have to be implemented with
a strong security policy that should:
o Define what the user wants to protect;
o Analyze what it is the user wants to protect it from;
o Explain how the user intends to protect it.
The policy must be updated regularly, signed off by management, and everyone
in the IT department must be familiar with it.
The overall security policy will address such areas as:
o Physical security of the data and systems;
o Access control to the data and systems;
o Data integrity and availability;
o Contingency and recovery plans.
To be effective, the security policy must be both inclusive and dynamic. To be
successful, it must have realistic goals and be phrased in a way that is simple
and short enough to ensure it is understood and followed by all users.

Public / Private Cooperation between Industry and Government

Due to the large number of private actors that own or use CIIs, forming public-private
partnerships is an important part of CIIP.3 These partnerships should include:
• Problems and threats to national CII;
• Alerting software and hardware vendors to the security and the protection of
their products;
• Fast and efficient reaction to all incidents related to the functioning of critical
• Creation of systems for formal and informal sharing of information about com-
puter related crimes and cyber terrorism.
112 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: Analysis, Evaluation and Expectations

Looking into more detail at the last item, it is clear that the private sector and law en-
forcement must gather and share information about threats, vulnerabilities, remedies
and successful operating models of cyber security. To improve CIIP, industries have
to share some information about incidents and damages with the government and the
public, even when information sharing is damaging for the company itself. Only
complete disclosure of information both in the private sector and the government
could even the potential of the attackers and the defenders of the CII.
On the other hand, sharing CII has some negative side effects both to public and pri-
vate interests. Information sharing could be regarded as price fixing, unreasonable re-
straint to trade, or systematic discrimination against certain customers. It also could
raise privacy concerns, expose proprietary corporate secrets, and reveal weaknesses
and vulnerabilities that erode public confidence and invite hackers. Retailers and
credit card issuers often worry that disclosing any problems with the security of
online transactions (e.g., hackers gaining access to credit card numbers or purchase
history) may undermine public confidence in Internet commerce, to the detriment of
their businesses. An ISP attack disclosure also could lead to a loss of customers and
revenue.4 Releasing a top ten vulnerabilities list to the public helps system
administrators and computer users, but provides hackers with the information they
need to successfully attack at-risk networks.
Therefore, trust with respect to how the information will be used, how it will be pro-
tected from disclosure, and whether legal tools can be used by the government and
private parties against those sharing information is needed among those sharing in-
formation in order to achieve successful protection of the national CII.

Tasks on Governmental Level

The most important task is the creation of a national security policy which has to in-
• Security policy for strategic objects controlled by computer networks, based on
the risk analysis of possible attacks;
• Programs for practical implementation of security policy and operational meas-
ures to ensure the rules are followed;
• Strict adherence to the assessment standards of products and systems prone to
cyber attacks;
• Analysis of the current reaction abilities of network elements and systems based
on their reaction to possible attack scenarios;
• Assessment of the efficiency of protection tools by:
Eugene Nickolov 113

o Reliable verification (reasonable balance between confidentiality

and access to common data);
o Protection of all systems and subsystems using testing (honey pots
and honey nets) and specific criteria (“Orange book,” Canadian
criteria for security estimation of information technologies, harmo-
nized European criteria).
The best practices and resources on cyber security policy developed in the last years
provide valuable guidance both to industrialized and developing countries. The fore-
runner, the British Standard 7799, has now evolved into the International Standard
ISO/IEC 17799. A number of other IT security standards have been developed, in-
cluding ISO/IEC 13335 which relates to the Guidelines for the Management of In-
formation Technology Security.
One of the most important aspects of effective organization of CIIP is government
funding. Often the security measures undertaken by businesses are not very effec-
tive – or effective enough to outweigh the investment. Government investments in re-
search and development of computer security measures resolve this problem to a
certain extent. The second important task to be performed on the governmental level
is the elaboration of common policy in the control of computer systems especially for
the vital branches of national defense and business. This policy has to be founded on
a legal framework for CIIP to be considered in the larger context of the business, so-
cial, and technical environment. CIIP has to be seen as a part of society’s (cyber)
crime prevention. Cyber crime is a very broad concept that has various meanings,
ranging from technology-enabled crimes to crimes committed against individual
computers, and includes issues such as copyright infringement, computer fraud, child
pornography, and network security violations. Cyber crime is generally fought with
traditional law-enforcement strategies that include adopting appropriate legislation
and fostering international cooperation.
Only governmental institutions could create a united front against cyber attacks. This
front needs a central unit for infrastructure protection – a body that is already created
in some countries. It must focus on the collaboration of the private sector, law en-
forcement, prosecution and the intelligence community and provide support in the
following four areas:
• Management of the computer emergency response teams (CERT) and virus
centers in the country;
• Investigations on the Internet to identify criminal misuse and to monitor danger-
ous situations, such as the vulnerability of widely used hardware and software
114 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: Analysis, Evaluation and Expectations

• Verifying whether the reported matter constitutes a criminal offence, coordinat-

ing with ongoing proceedings and referring the case to the relevant prosecution
authorities at home and abroad;
• Analyzing the interconnectedness of critical sectors and their dependence on in-
formation technology, and developing measures for prevention, response, and
comprehensive security management of the national critical information struc-
These tasks include systematic examination of all infrastructure areas for possible
weaknesses and improvement possibilities in terms of IT dependencies and security.
Further, they necessitate the appropriate solutions, recommendations for each indi-
vidual sectors, as well as indications of technical or organizational support needed in
order to be executed.
The US was the first country to broadly address the new vulnerability of the vital in-
frastructures.5 The Presidential Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection
(PCCIP) defined in 1997 the CII, its particularities and vulnerabilities. Following the
PCCIP’s publication, US President Bill Clinton started initiatives to increase the
protection of critical infrastructures in the US, on the premise that a joint effort by
government, society, organizations, and critical industries was needed to defend these
vital assets.
Recently, following the example of the US, many countries including Australia,
Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, the U.K., and Japan have
taken steps on their own to better understand the dangers to their CII, and have pro-
posed measures for the protection of these assets.
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) coordination centers are also being
established around the globe and provide assistance in handling computer security in-
cidents and vulnerabilities, publishing security alerts, researching long-term changes
in networked systems, and developing security information and training materials.

Problems in CIIP on National Level

The main difficulty is that vendor product development and testing cycles are de-
creasing, thus leaving exploitable vulnerabilities. There are infrastructures with fun-
damental security design problems that cannot be quickly addressed. Vendors pro-
duce software with vulnerabilities, even such that can be easily avoided and computer
source code often is not required to find them. In addition, the sophistication of at-
tacks and intruder tools is increasing and many are designed to support large scale
Eugene Nickolov 115

There are also several other factors that complicate efforts to improve CII security.
First, there is an inequality between the low cost performing an attack and the high
cost of protection mechanisms. Therefore, there are indeed well-known technical vul-
nerabilities inside many infrastructures, but because of the prohibitive costs not
enough has been done to address them.
Sometimes, losses from security breaches can be dealt with only if large numbers of
parties coordinate to make the necessary investments. The incentive that one consci-
entious network owner has to invest in security measures is reduced if the owner be-
lieves that other connected networks are insecure, which would undermine the impact
of the conscientious owner’s measures. Moreover, assigning liability for security
breaches is difficult – a user cannot easily identify the source of the problem (e.g.,
whether it was due to the user’s software, the ISP, the backbone to which the ISP is
connected, or software used by others).6
Another complicating factor is that computer network externalities are international in
scope and implementation of a strong security policy conflicts with efforts to promote
open communication environment. Furthermore, current highway net infrastructures
connect countries with different levels of technological development; the “weak
points” are vulnerable in two different ways: by themselves and as an initial point for
attacks (zombing).

International Level
CII attacks are becoming a growing transnational phenomenon, making prosecution
extremely difficult. Therefore cyber security must be approached from an interna-
tional perspective, taking into account:
1. National and international initiatives;
2. Legal developments;
3. Best practices and resources;
4. Guidance on developing and implementing effective security programs;
5. Technological considerations.
Achieving cyber security requires a global effort; it cannot be achieved by a few na-
tions. It requires the input from all information and communication technologies us-
ers, including citizens, governments, businesses, and organizations. On the multina-
tional front, the Group of Eight (G8), the Asia-Pacific Economic Conference
(APEC), the European Union (EU), the Council of Europe (CoE), the Organization
for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD), the Organization of American
States (OAS), and the United Nations (UN) are each working towards solving this
problem. As early as December 1998 the General Assembly of the United Nations
116 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: Analysis, Evaluation and Expectations

approved Resolution 53/70 on cyber crimes, cyber terrorism and cyber war. It appeals
to the member states to inform the UN Secretary General of their opinions on the
following issues:
• The problems related to information security;
• Basic notions related to information security;
• Development of international principles of the global information space and tele-
communications, which help combat cyber terrorism and cyber crimes.
The EU has adopted the Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on Attacks
against Information Systems that recommends a harmonized approach to attacks
against information systems through uniform prohibitions against illegal access to in-
formation systems, as well as instigating, aiding or abetting such acts. The Council of
Europe developed the Convention on Cyber crime (with the United States participat-
ing as an observer), which has since been signed by 42 countries.7
In October 2004 the General Assembly adopted a resolution about the creation of a
global culture of cyber security and the protection of CII which recommends:
• The creation of emergency warning networks and crisis communication networks
regarding cyber-vulnerabilities, threats and incidents;
• Public and private partnerships to share and analyze critical infrastructure
• The adoption of adequate substantive and procedural laws to enable states to
investigate and prosecute attacks on CII and coordinate such investigations with
other states when necessary.
In addition, many bilateral and multilateral documents have been signed for legal
help, extradition, and law unification, guaranteeing transnational and international
prosecution of cyber criminals. For example, the U.S. has held bilateral meetings on
critical infrastructure protection (CIP) with Germany, Japan, Australia, Canada,
China, and India. The European Commission recently held a conference at which EU-
Russia cooperation regarding cyber security was highlighted. The case of U.S. v.
Gorshkov,8 in which an FBI agent conducted a cross-border search of a Russian com-
puter to obtain evidence to indict a Russian citizen on extortion charges, is an exam-
ple of how international cooperation helps cross-border searches in the current envi-
ronment and how it might become the norm in the absence of formal international co-

Problems of CIIP in Bulgaria

The most important problems of CIIP in Bulgaria could be summarized as follows:
• Lack of legal acts for cyber criminal proceedings;
Eugene Nickolov 117

• Lack of trained staff;

• Lack of the necessary technical tools for response to cyber attacks;
• Lack of reliable system for interaction with special organizations from other
• Lack of national organization on governmental level coordinating the CIIP;
• Lack of national strategy aimed at funneling the modest financial resources of the
country to the development of such an organization;
• Lack of national action plan binding the national funds with international pro-
jects on regional level for the development of such organization.
Bulgaria needs a legal framework that would authorize governmental agencies to read
e-mails, intercept wireless communications, monitor computer use, etc. A special law
could make it illegal to intentionally crack a computer, or to deliberately cause dam-
age launching a malicious program that harms a system. Hacking could be included in
the definition of terrorism and may even face life imprisonment, as under the provi-
sions of USA Patriot Act of 2001.

Recommendations and Suggestions

The following recommendations and suggestions could be given:
1. Organization of effective collaboration between the judicial bodies and
special services of Balkan and European countries and international organi-
2. Creation of a national strategy for prevention and combat against cyber
3. Creation of a national service against cyber criminality and international
contact point for reaction and help during transnational computer incidents.
4. Extension of international collaboration in the field of judicial aid in the
struggle against cyber criminality.
5. Creation of special laws in the area of telecommunications and computer
networks in accordance with the current international standards and the
Convention of EC for cyber criminality.
The best governmental approach would be to facilitate the establishment of a single
technical point of contact that would enable the administrators at the backbone ISPs
to share, in real time, information to combat a cross-industry attack (such as Bagle,
Mydoom, Netsky, Sasser, Korgo, Sober). Coordination among the technical experts
during a distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attack, for example, would help them
identify the source of the attack, as well as potential solutions to block the attack, and
118 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: Analysis, Evaluation and Expectations

restore the network to operational capacity faster. Informal communication and coor-
dination do take place, but with the evolution of the Internet itself there is a need to
increase the scope and scale of such activities.

Conclusion: Towards Practical CII Protection

One of the key features of our networked environment is that individuals, corpora-
tions and governments all share a responsibility in securing this environment. There-
fore, the private sector, law enforcement, intelligence agencies and competence cen-
ters in certain fields, such as the CERTs in the domain of information infrastructures,
must be brought together to ensure an integral and therefore successful protection of
the national critical infrastructure.
Since usually the majority of a nation’s critical infrastructure is operated and owned
by the private sector, public-private partnerships are the key. In order to accomplish
this, however, the government, which is usually in charge of the protection of the na-
tional critical infrastructure, should offer a well organized, efficient and reliable net-
work to the private sector, covering all relevant fields from battling misdemeanors
and early warning, to technical expertise and support.
Eugene Nickolov 119


John Moteff, Claudia Copeland, and John Fischer, “Critical Infrastructures: What Makes an
Infrastructure Critical?” Report for Congress RL31556 (Congressional Research Service,
Library of Congress, 21 Jan 2003).
Andreas Wenger, Jan Metzger, and Myriam Dunn, eds., International CIIP Handbook
(Zurich: Center for Security Studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 2004),
U.S. The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace (US Government, February 2003),
<> (18 July 2005).
Paolo Donzelli, “A Goal-Driven and Agent-Based Requirements Engineering Framework,”
Requirements Engineering 9, no. 1, Springer-Verlag London (February 2004): 16-39.
Patrick L. Anderson and Ilhan K. Geckil, “Northeast Blackout Likely to Reduce US
Earnings by $6.4 Billions,” AEG Working Paper 2003-2 (Anderson Economic Group, 19
August 2003).
Paolo Donzelli and Roberto Setola, “Putting the Customer at the Center of the IT System –
A Case Study” (paper presented at the Euro-Web 2001 Conference – The Web in the Public
Administration, Pisa, Italy, 18-20 December 2001).
ENG> (18 July 2005).
U.S. v. Gorshkov, 2001 WL 1024026 (Western District of Washington).

EUGENE NICKOLOV, Prof. DSc. PhD Eng. Mag., has been Director of the National
Laboratory of Computer Virology in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences since 1991. He is
Professor of Informatics, Doctor of Mathematics, Doctor of Computer Sciences, Engineer of
Radioelectronics and Master of Sciences in Microelectronics. His main scientific interests are
in informatics: algorithms, effectiveness, protections of operating systems; abstract models of
computer systems, theory of programs; simulation and modelling of computer and
communication technologies; theory of information and cryptographics; data security,
computer security, communication security; analysis, synthesis, protection of stegano objects.
Address for correspondence: Acad. G. Bontchev Str., Building 8, Office 104, 1113 Sofia,
Bulgaria; Phone: +359-2-9733398; E-mail:

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