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Effect of Rotational Speed On The Performance of Unreinforced and

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& Design
Materials and Design 28 (2007) 765–772

Effect of rotational speed on the performance of unreinforced and

glass fiber reinforced Nylon 6 spur gears
S. Senthilvelan, R. Gnanamoorthy *

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India

Received 13 June 2005; accepted 2 December 2005

Available online 31 January 2006


Polymer gears used in power and motion transmission work under different loads and speeds. Mechanical properties of the polymers
are severely influenced by the loading rate compared with the metals. The gear rotational speed decides the loading frequency of the
polymer gear tooth, which influences the temperature generated and thereby the strength of the material. Performance of polymer base
gears at different gear rotational speeds is reported in this paper. Injection molded unreinforced Nylon 6 and 20% short glass fiber rein-
forced Nylon 6 spur gears were tested at various speeds and torque levels in a power absorption type gear test rig. Gear rotational speed
affects the performance of gears made of both the materials at high running speeds and high test torques and not in low speeds and tor-
que levels. On-line measurement of test gear surface temperature and failure analysis was done to understand the failure mechanisms. At
all the investigated gear speeds, glass fiber reinforced Nylon 6 gears shows superior performance over unreinforced Nylon 6 gears due its
superior mechanical strength and resistance to thermal deformation.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Polymer matrix composite; Gears; Speed; Thermal; Fatigue; Wear

1. Introduction designs are derived from metal gear design procedure,

polymer based gears demand special considerations for
Polymer and polymer composite gears find increasing the heat build-up and associated effects that occur in ser-
application because of the low material and manufacturing vice [10].
costs, part weight and quiet performance compared with The temperature rise during service in gears was mea-
the metal gears. However polymeric materials suffer from sured in various ways [11–13]. Faatz and Ehrenstein [11]
poor mechanical strength and thermal resistance compared measured the tooth temperature of acetal gears using ther-
with metals. Reinforced polymers offer high mechanical mal camera and correlated with Hachman and Strickle
strength and thermal resistance and are suitable for struc- model. Yousef et al. [12] developed a technique to study
tural/load bearing applications. Short fiber reinforced the running temperature of thermoplastic gears and pre-
polymers permit fabrication of complex shaped products sented preliminary test results on acetal and polycarbonate
economically using injection-molding process. Many gears. Liu et al. [13] suggested analytical techniques to pre-
research works have been performed on the issues related dict the flank temperature of thermoplastic spur gears and
to the performance of polymer and polymer composite measured the flank temperature using a infrared pyrome-
gears [1–9]. In those articles influence of reinforcement on ter. Performance of polymer gears at elevated temperature
the fatigue performance and wear resistance of polymer conditions was investigated by few researchers [14–16].
gears is well discussed. Since many polymer based gear Tsukamoto et al. [14] conducted the performance test at
elevated temperature environment on machined Nylon
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 44 2257 4691; fax: +91 44 2257 0509. gear to estimate the service life. Tests on acetal spur gears
E-mail address: (R. Gnanamoorthy). at various temperatures were conducted and the need for

0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
766 S. Senthilvelan, R. Gnanamoorthy / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 765–772

temperature correction factor in the design is discussed precision wire cut electric discharge machine considering
[15]. Hooke et al. [16] measured the surface temperature the shrinkage. The gear data and location of the injec-
of acetal gears during testing and correlated with gear tion-molding gate in gear are shown in Fig. 1. Detail com-
wear. A methodology was proposed to predict the gear puter aided simulation studies of gear molding were
temperature. conducted for finding out the best gate location and are
Machine elements like gears experience both gear tooth described elsewhere [25]. Molded gears were dried at
fatigue and contact loading during service. Gear tooth fati- 313 K for 30 min to remove the moisture content. Test
gue loading causes hysteresis heating of the tooth. The heat polymer base spur gears were mated against the hobbed
generation in conventional fatigue loading is studied by standard stainless steel spur gear (AISI SS316).
many investigators [17–22]. Rittel [17] investigated the heat
generation during cyclic compressive loading on polycar- 3. Gear test rig and testing procedure
bonate and polymethylmethacrylate specimens. Both the
materials are heated up during cyclic loading and the 3.1. Test rig details
amount of heat generation depends upon the frequency
and amplitude of loading. The failure mode of both the Fig. 2 shows the schematic of the in-house developed
material is influenced by the temperature rise and distribu- gear test rig used for conducting performance tests. In this
tion. An increase in temperature during fatigue testing was test rig, the test gear is driven using a DC motor and can be
observed in glass fiber reinforced polyester resin tensile fati- run at any speed up to 1500 rpm. Test gear mates with an
gue specimens loaded at different frequencies [19]. Temper- identical standard gear, which is connected to the DC gen-
ature, frequency and loading type were found to affect the erator. The required test torque is introduced by loading
fatigue performance of different polymers [20]. Chen et al. the rheostat connected to the generator. Various features
[23] identified pitch line velocity as one of the factors, of developed test rig are discussed elsewhere [26]. Severe
which affect the fatigue strength of Nylon gears. No work wear of the gear tooth is one of the gear failure modes,
has been performed to understand the influence of gear which leads to a gradual increase in sound and vibration
rotational speed on surface temperature of gear and gear of the unit. In the gear test rig, the vibration level of the
performance. bearing block, gear tooth surface temperature and sound
This paper discusses the effect of gear rotational speed level of the system are monitored. When any one of mon-
on the performance of injection molded Nylon 6 and glass itoring sensor indicated an abnormal value, the tests were
fiber reinforced Nylon 6 spur gears. Test gears were run at terminated and the gears were inspected. Speed sensors
different rotational speeds and the performance is dis- and digital counter are suitably placed to monitor the speed
cussed. Failure mechanisms at different rotational speeds and number of cycles run, respectively. Detail methodology
are investigated using optical microscope. followed for test gears condition monitoring is discussed
elsewhere [27].
2. Gear materials and processing
3.2. Gear test procedure
Commercially available Nylon 6 and 20% glass fiber
reinforced Nylon 6 granules were used for injection mold- Gear tests were conducted at different torque levels, 0.8,
ing the test gears used in the current investigations. The 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 Nm. The corresponding gear tooth bend-
mechanical and thermal properties of the test materials ing stresses computed using Lewis equation [28] are 8, 15,
are shown in Table 1 [24]. The strength, modulus and ther- 20, 25 and 30 MPa, respectively. Tests were conducted at
mal conductivity of glass fiber reinforced material are supe- four gear rotational speeds, 600, 800, 1000 and 1200 rpm
rior compared to that of unreinforced material. The under unlubricated dry conditions. Rotational speed of
granules were preheated at 353 K for 4 h prior to injection the test gear is gradually increased to the test speed and
molding to remove the moisture content. Test gears were maintained constant throughout the test. Tests were con-
made using an injection molding machine (Macfield) at tinuously run until the gear failure is observed or until 5
the molding pressure of 125 MPa and melt temperature millions of cycles run whichever is earlier. At least three
of 513 K. Gear profile in the molding die was cut using a specimens were tested at each torque level. All the gear

Table 1
Properties of Nylon 6 and 20% glass fiber reinforced Nylon 6 material [24]
Unreinforced Nylon 6 20% Glass fiber reinforced Nylon 6 ASTM Standard
Flexural strength (MPa) 110 193 D790
Flexural modulus (MPa) 2965 6206 D790
Elongation at yield (%) 18.5 6.57 D638
Deflection temperature at 1.82 MPa (°C) 71 243 D648
Thermal conductivity (W/m K) 0.3 0.42 C177
S. Senthilvelan, R. Gnanamoorthy / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 765–772 767

Fig. 1. Test gear details and gate locations.

Fig. 2. Schematic of the power absorption gear test rig.

tests were conducted at the laboratory conditions (room 1

Contact period of a tooth ¼
temperature: 302 ± 5 K and humidity: 64 ± 5%). Tested Number of teeth  Speed in rps
gears were observed using an optical microscope to under- ð2Þ
stand the failure mechanisms. qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
r2a1  r2b1 þ r2a2  r2b2  ða  sin aÞ
Contact ratio ¼
4. Results and discussion Pb
4.1. Gear tooth rate of loading
where ra1 and rb1 are radius of addendum and base circle of
The mechanical properties of polymer and polymer driver, ra2 and rb2 are radius of addendum and base circle
composites are sensitive to strain rate and temperature of driven, a is the center distance of gear pair, a is the pres-
[10,17–22]. When the rotational speed of test gear is sure angle and Pb is the base pitch. The computed theoret-
increased, the rate of loading on each gear tooth during ical contact ratio for the gear pair under investigation is
service also increases [29]. Rotational speed of the gear 1.514. When the gears transmit 0.8 Nm torque at different
can be correlated with the loading rate of single tooth con- rotational speeds 600, 800, 1000 and 1200 rpm, the rate of
sidering the load sharing. The rate of loading or the strain loading of a single tooth is 89.8, 117.8, 149.7, and
rate of a gear tooth is expressed as [29,30]. 179.7 Nm/s, respectively. Similarly for the entire test condi-
tions loading rate of single gear tooth is computed and
Rate of loading or strain rate plotted in Fig. 3. Increase in the gear rotational speed in-
Torque acting on the tooth 1 creases the frequency of loading of a single gear tooth. This
¼  ð1Þ significant rise in the rate of loading on a single tooth will
Contact period Contact ratio
lead to hysteresis heating of the gear tooth and is discussed
where in the following section.
768 S. Senthilvelan, R. Gnanamoorthy / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 765–772


700 600 rpm 800 rpm

Tooth Loading Rate (Nm/s)

600 1000 rpm 1200 rpm



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Applied Torque (Nm)

Fig. 3. Effect of applied torque and gear rotational speed on the tooth
loading rate.

Fig. 5. Gear tooth surface temperature of glass fiber reinforced Nylon 6

4.2. Hysteresis heating gears tested at different speeds at 8 MPa gear tooth bending stress.

In the case of metallic gears tooth deflections are negli-

gible and hence the effect of material hysteresis due to the gears also shows similar trend but the rise in surface tem-
frequency variation is negligible [28]. The polymer gear perature due to the increase in gear rotational speed is com-
tooth deforms severely because of the low gear tooth stiff- paratively less than that at unreinforced gears (Fig. 5).
ness (about 100 times less than that of metal). Repeated Addition of glass fiber increases the gear tooth stiffness
gear tooth loading and subsequent deformation of gear [24] and hence less gear tooth deflection occurs for the same
tooth contributes to hysteresis heating [31–33]. The heat loading condition. Hence the heat generation due to mate-
generated in gears is due to friction between the mating rial hysteresis losses is less. In addition due to superior
gear teeth and hysteresis effects. The equilibrium of gener- thermal conductivity of the glass fiber reinforced material
ated and dissipated heat in the gear drive determines the [24] better heat dissipation occurs. Both the unreinforced
net temperature of the test gear [32]. The surface tempera- and reinforced gears show only a marginal rise in surface
ture of test gear, which is the net equilibrium between heat temperature due to the increase in gear rotational speed.
generation and heat dissipation, is measured in the current No sudden rise in temperature due to the increase in gear
investigations. This on-line measurement of gear tooth sur- rotational speed is observed, which indicates that no
face temperature during testing shows an initial increase in change in the failure mode can be expected due to the
temperature, which stabilizes after a certain period (Figs. 4 change in speed.
and 5). The heat generated due to friction as well as hyster- Figs. 6 and 7 show the measured surface temperature of
esis loss increases with increase in gear rotational speed. unreinforced and glass fiber reinforced Nylon gears tested
The gear tooth surface temperatures measured during test- at various stress levels at 1200 rpm. At a particular stress
ing of unreinforced Nylon 6 gears at 0.8 Nm torque shows level, glass fiber reinforced Nylon 6 gears shows less surface
a rise in temperature with the increase in gear rotational temperature than unreinforced Nylon 6 gears. For both the
speed (Fig. 4). The behavior of glass fiber reinforced Nylon test gears the net surface temperature of gears increases

Fig. 4. Gear tooth surface temperature of unreinforced Nylon 6 gears Fig. 6. Variation of the gear tooth surface temperature of unreinforced
tested at different speeds at 8 MPa gear tooth bending stress. Nylon 6 gear tested at 1200 rpm at different stress levels.
S. Senthilvelan, R. Gnanamoorthy / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 765–772 769

increases the surface temperature of gear. On-line measure-

ment shows also a sudden rise in temperature after some
time at certain loading condition, which clearly indicates
that magnitude of stress severely influence the mode of fail-
ure. Correlation of surface temperature of gear on failure
mode and gear performance is discussed in the following

4.3. Gear performance and damage mechanisms

Gear rotational speed influences the net surface temper-

ature of both the unreinforced and glass fiber reinforced
Nylon gears. But no significant difference in the failure
mode was observed due to the variation of speed at a par-
Fig. 7. Variation of the gear tooth surface temperature of glass fiber ticular stress level in the tests conducted. However, the fail-
reinforced Nylon 6 gear tested at 1200 rpm at different stress levels. ure mode is severely influenced by the magnitude of stress
experienced by the gear tooth. The optical photographs of
with increase in stress levels. At 25 and 30 MPa tooth bend- the failed unreinforced Nylon gears tested at different gear
ing stress tests, there was a continuous rise in the tempera- speeds and stress levels are shown in Fig. 8 (a–f). Gear
ture until gear failure was noticed. Whereas at 8, 15 and tooth root cracking and tooth wear were observed in gears
20 MPa test bending stress levels, after 0.1 million of life tested at all rotational speeds and at low gear tooth
cycles, no rise in surface temperature observed. The bending stress, 8 MPa (Fig. 8a and b). However beyond
increase in gear tooth bending stress level considerably the applied bending stress of 8 MPa, a significant plastic

Fig. 8. (a–f) Failure morphology of unreinforced Nylon 6 gears tested.

770 S. Senthilvelan, R. Gnanamoorthy / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 765–772

deformation was observed (Fig. 8c–f). Significant tempera- 35

ture rise at high stress levels and poor thermal conductivity 30
600 rpm 800 rpm

Tooth bending stress (MPa)

of the unreinforced material leads to severe temperature 1000 rpm 1200 rpm

induced plastic deformation. 25

In the case of glass fiber reinforced Nylon 6 gears, the 20

increased resistance to thermal deformation causes gear
tooth deformation only above bending stress of 20 MPa
(Fig. 9(a–f)). Gear tooth wear and root cracking similar 10
to unreinforced gear was observed in gears tested at 5 Unreinforced Nylon 6 gear
8 MPa and 15 MPa stress levels at all rotational speeds
(Fig. 9a–d). At high stress levels (above 15 MPa tooth 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07
bending stress) visible plastic deformation of the tooth Number of cycles (N)
was observed (Fig. 9e and f).
Fig. 10. Influence of gear rotational speed on the fatigue behavior of
Figs. 10 and 11 show the gear tooth-bending stress plot-
unreinforced Nylon 6 gear.
ted against the number cycles run for the unreinforced and
glass fiber reinforced gears, respectively. Test results indi-
cate a significant performance difference at different speeds, and glass fiber reinforced Nylon gear performance only
which is normally not observed in metallic gears. In both at high loads.
the unreinforced and glass fiber reinforced gears, only at Fig. 10 shows the performance of unreinforced Nylon
higher stress conditions, influence of speed on gear perfor- gears at different speeds, 600, 800, 1000 and 1200 rpm. At
mance is observed. This behaviour is well coincident with low stress levels (8 MPa), no influence of gear rotational
the trend indicated by the loading rate at various speeds speed on gear performance is observed. No thermal or
(Fig. 3). Loading rate significantly influences unreinforced thermal associated failures were observed and only tooth

Fig. 9. (a–f) Failure morphology of glass fiber reinforced Nylon 6 gears tested.
S. Senthilvelan, R. Gnanamoorthy / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 765–772 771

35 Acknowledgments
600 rpm 800 rpm
Tooth bending stress (MPa)

1000 rpm 1200 rpm Authors acknowledge the financial support provided by
25 the Robotics and Manufacturing Division, Department of
20 Science and Technology, India.

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