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Failed Hypospadias in Paediatric Patients

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Failed hypospadias in paediatric patients

Marcello Cimador, Santiago Vallasciani, Gianantonio Manzoni, Waifro Rigamonti, Enrico De Grazia
and Marco Castagnetti
Abstract | Failed hypospadias refers to any hypospadias repair that leads to complications or causes patient
dissatisfaction. The complication rate after hypospadias repairs ranges from 5–70%, but the actual incidence
of failed hypospadias is unknown as complications can become apparent many years after surgery and series
with lifelong follow-up data do not exist. Moreover, little is known about uncomplicated repairs that fail in terms
of patient satisfaction. Risk factors for complications include factors related to the hypospadias (severity of
the condition and characteristics of the urethral plate), the patient (age at surgery, endocrine environment,
and wound healing impairment), the surgeon (technique selection and surgeon expertise), and the procedure
(technical details and postoperative management). The most important factors for preventing complications
are surgeon expertise (number of cases treated per year), interposition of a barrier layer between the
urethroplasty and the skin, and postoperative urinary drainage. Major complications associated with failed
hypospadias include residual curvature, healing complications (preputial dehiscence, glans dehiscence, fistula
formation, and urethral breakdown), urethral obstruction (meatal stenosis, urethral stricture, and functional
obstruction), urethral diverticula, hairy urethra, and penile skin deficiency.
Cimador, M. et al. Nat. Rev. Urol. 10, 657–666 (2013); published online 6 August 2013; doi:10.1038/nrurol.2013.164

Hypospadias is a spectrum disorder. Meatal location Accordingly, reported reoperation rates after primary
and associated ventral curvature are the two major procedures can exceed 50%.2 Failed hypospadias occurs
variables that determine the severity of the condition, when the primary surgery does not achieve the cosmetic
ranging from patients with a glanular meatus and no and functional goals of a straight penis with a glanular
associated curvature to those with a perineal meatus meatus that enables normal urinary and sexual function.
and associated curvature of >90°.1 Preoperative assess- Failed hypospadias includes all complicated repairs, as
ment of hypospadias severity is often misleading. The well as uncomplicated repairs that do not fulfil patient
actual starting point of the malformation (where the expectations and cause dissatisfaction. It is worth noting
spongiosum splits into two halves leaving a thin urethra that none of the repairs available to date can be used
in between) is often much more proximal to the visible to create a urethra with the same biological and uro­
hypospadic meatus and its exact location can only be dynamic properties as a native urethra and, therefore,
Section of Paediatric
determined after skin degloving. Furthermore, the functional outcomes, particularly voiding and ejacu- Urology and Paediatric
manoeuvres required for penile straightening can be latory function, can be severely affected even in the Surgery Unit,
Department for Mother
very different in patients with comparable degrees of absence of any complications. 4 Furthermore, patient and Child Care and
curvature and can only be determined intraoperatively satisfaction is very subjective and mainly depends on Urology, University
of Palermo,
using a step-wise approach, going from ventral dissec- the ability of the patient to cope with cosmetic and func- Via A. Giordano 3,
tion (with or without dorsal plication) to urethral plate tional abnormalities. Patient perception of the outcomes 90127 Palermo, Italy
transection (with or without procedures for lengthen- can, therefore, be very subjective and diverge widely (M. Cimador,
E. De Grazia).
ing the ventral radium of the penis).2 Other anatomical from the assessment of the surgeon. For example, the Paediatric Urology Unit,
characteristics that can influence technique selection prevalence of persistent curvature after hypospadias Ospedale
and surgical success include the width of the urethral repair was significantly lower in patients for whom Via Commenda 10,
plate, the depth glans, and the overall size of the penis.2 curva­ture was assessed by the patient or a parent com- 20122 Milan, Italy
In general, when the penis is shorter, ventral lengthen- pared with the surgeon (presumably because these (S. Vallasciani,
G. Manzoni). Section of
ing pro­cedures are favoured over dorsal shortening ones, individuals do not give the same relevance to the same Paediatric Urology,
and the patient is more likely to be dissatisfied in the degree of curvature),5 and adolescents with hypospadias Urology Unit, University
Hospital of Padova,
absence of complications. seems to be generally less satisfied with the long-term Via Giustiniani 2,
More than 300 surgical procedures have been results of a repair than the paediatric urologists who 35128 Padua, Italy
described for hypospadias repair, suggesting that no o­perated on them as children.6 (W. Rigamonti,
M. Castagnetti).
single approach is fully satisfactory for all variants. 3 The burden of a failed hypospadias repair can be
devas­t ating for a patient and his family. In a series Correspondence to:
M. Cimador
Competing interests of 1,176 patients with failed hypospadias, a median of marcello.cimador@
The authors declare no competing interests. five additional procedures (ranging from 2–23) were


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Key points Risk factors for failed hypospadias

Factors related to the condition
■■ Hypospadias failure is any repair that leads to complications or causes patient
Several factors can influence the success of hypospadias
dissatisfaction; the latter is very subjective and difficult to assess
■■ Surgeon expertise, interposition of barrier layers between the urethroplasty
repair (Box 1). In general, the risk of developing compli-
and the skin, and urinary drainage are the most important factors for cations increases with the severity of the hypospadias.17
preventing hypospadias failure The presence of a narrow and shallow urethral plate has
■■ The most common complications associated with hypospadias failure include also been associated with an increased risk of compli-
residual curvature, fistula formation, urethral breakdown, meatal stenosis, cations,18 although this finding has not been confirmed
and urethral stricture in sub­sequent studies.19,20 Moreover, the assessment of
■■ Residual curvature can be addressed by dorsal shortening of the penis; urethral plate characteristics seems to be somewhat sub-
however, urethral substitution should be performed if curvature is caused by
jective, with wide interobserver variability.21 It is worth
a contraction of the ventral neourethra
■■ Reurethroplasty technique should be selected according to residual curvature
noting that some anatomical characteristics—such as the
secondary to contracture of the neourethra, quality of the residual urethral presence of a short penis, which is relatively common in
plate, and suitability of genital skin for elevating flaps patients with proximal hypospadias—can cause dissatis­
■■ Urethral dilatation and direct vision internal urethrotomy are much faction in the absence of complications. It can be very
less effective than reurethroplasty for treating urethral strictures after difficult to assess the effect of these characteristics on
hypospadias repair the success of repair.2,22

Factors related to the patient

required to achieve a satisfactory final result.7 In a series Age at surgery
of 50 adults who underwent repair of failed hypospadias, Mainly for psychological reasons, hypospadias repair
treatment was only successful in 76% of cases, meaning is generally performed when patients are aged about
that one in four cases of failed hypospadias could not be 12 months, although there have been no trials as yet to
fixed, even after repeated surgeries.8 In this Review, we support this recommendation.23–25 Early surgery gener-
consider the prevalence of failed paediatric hypospadias, ally means that the patient is more likely to accept his
possible risk factors for the failure of primary repairs, and own body image, thereby improving patient satisfaction,
principles for the management of major c­omplications although one group of researchers observed no signifi-
associated with failed hypospadias. cant differences in reported rates of satisfaction with
penile appearance between patients who received surgery
Prevalence of failed hypospadias at age <18 months compared with age ≥18 months.26
Little is known about the prevalence of uncomplica­ Some evidence suggests that performing surgery at a
ted repairs that fail because of patient dissatisfaction, younger age also decreases the risk of complications. In
perhaps owing to the fact that this is a highly subjective— a series of 693 patients, those who underwent repair at
and, therefore, difficult to assess—outcome. Instead, age <12 months had a 3.4% complication rate, compared
most studies report the prevalence of failed hypospadias with 18.7% for patients who received surgery later in
caused by complications.9 Reportedly, overall compli- life.27 Series of patients undergoing delayed hypo­spadias
cation rates after hypospadias repair range from about repair have consistently reported greater complication
5% in cases of distal hypospadias without associated rates than those generally reported for patients whose
curva­ture to 70% in the most severe cases. 10,11 A key surgery is not delayed.28–31 However, one research team
consider­ation in the evaluation of complication rates found no effect of patient age at surgery on urethro­
is the duration of follow-up assessment. In the 1980s, plasty complication rates in 669 consecutive prepu-
many urologists thought that long-term outcomes of bertal patients.32 Despite these controversies, an age of
hypospadias repair could be predicted after just 2 years 6–18 months is generally recommended for surgery.23
of follow-up assessment.12 However, it is now evident that
this is not the case.13 In one study to assess the timing Hormonal stimulation
of presentation of urethrocutaneous fistula after hypo­ Several studies have shown that preoperative hormo-
spadias repair in 26 patients, one-quarter of fistulas were nal stimulation facilitates penile growth, irrespective of
detected more than 2 years after initial surgery.14 Another the administration route.23 Hormonal stimulation also
study of 126 patients who had undergone a one-stage reduces the severity of hypospadias, enabling the use of
hypospadias repair at a mean age of 7 years (ranging less-­complex reconstructive procedures.33 However, one
from 1–14 years) reported that 17% of the complica- research team have reported an increased complication
tions were detected after the first 5 years of follow-up rate in patients receiving hormonal stimulation, suggesting
assessment.15 Very few studies have reported outcomes that hormonal stimulation might actually interfere with
of hypospadias repairs after puberty, which seems to be wound healing.34 This hypothesis is supported by in vitro
the most critical period for the development of some and in vivo studies to show that α‑dihydrotestosterone
complications, such as recurrent curvature. 16 Several inhibits wound closure by inhibiting re-epithelialisation.35
surveys have reported an increasing number of patients
with failed hypospadias as they pass into adult care. 4,7 Wound healing impairment
Thus, series with lifelong follow-up data are needed to Although many extrinsic and intrinsic factors influence
calculate the true prevalence of failed hypospadias. surgical outcomes in hypospadias repair, wound healing

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is probably the most important surgeon-independent Box 1 | Factors influencing results in hypospadias repair
factor. Wound-healing processes are strongly influ-
Factors related to the patient
enced by hormones, and sex steroids have contrasting
■■ Endocrine environment
roles in the regulation of cutaneous repair processes.36,37 ■■ Wound-healing impairment
Oestrogens promote wound retraction by enhancing ■■ Decreased growth factor activity
dermal repair processes, inhibiting the production of Factors related to the surgeon
inflammatory cytokines, promoting re-epithelialization ■■ Expertise
and neoangiogenesis, and increasing the production ■■ Choice of procedure
of platelet-derived growth factors. Androgens, on the ■■ Perioperative and postoperative management
other hand, are thought to repress cutaneous repair in Factors related to the diagnosis
both acute and chronic situations, retarding the healing ■■ Incorrect identification of the urethral ending
process and increasing inflammation. These effects ■■ Incorrect evaluation of the urethral plate
might explain why some investigators have reported ■■ Incorrect evaluation of the spongiosum
poor outcomes in patients with hypospadias treated with Factors related to the procedure
androgen stimulation before urethroplasty.38 ■■ Inadequate technique
Furthermore, some studies39 have reported an imbal- ■■ Inadequate choice of repair
■■ Influence of suture materials
ance in the proportion of structural tissue-building epi-
■■ Urethral stenting
thelial tissue factors (such as cadherin E and claudin 1) to
destructive epithelial tissue factors (for example, metallo­
proteinase 2) in the ventral penile tissue, but not the dorsal Factors related to the procedure
penile tissue, of patients with hypospadias. Perhaps this Technical details
could explain why better results were achieved using the Technical details are key to the success of hypospadias
onlay procedure, for which dorsal tissue is transposed ven- surgery. Coverage of the urethroplasty with multiple
trally. In this technical repair, the inner dorsal preputial layers of well-vascularized tissue is particularly important
layer is harvested as a flap, preserving the blood supply. for both distal and proximal hypospadias.47–49 The flaps
The harvested flap is then used to cover the native urethral most commonly used for uethroplasty coverage include
plate, thus providing the ventral wall of the neourethra. flaps of subcutaneous dartos elevated from around the
urethral plate, the prepucial pedicle transposed ven-
Factors related to the surgeon trally, and the tunica vaginalis flap. The importance of
Selection of the technique suture materials is unclear. Suture materials with a longer
Most urologists agree that no single procedure is appro- reabsorp­t ion time might favour healing and prevent
priate for all hypospadias repairs1 and several surveys fistula formation, but they might also cause prolonged
have shown a wide variability in procedure choice among tissue reaction, potentially increasing the risk of stricture
different surgeons.40,41 Moreover, many surgeons have formation in the reconstructed urethra. Some studies
modified their surgical approaches as their practice has have indicated a key role in repair success,50,51 whereas
evolved.27,42 Very few studies have provided comparative others have shown no difference in urethral complication
data for different repairs performed in a uniform setting.43 rates when using different suture materials.52,53
Although some techniques have been associated with
some specific complications—for example, urethral diver- Postoperative management
ticula occurs almost exclusively after flap tube repairs44— In one study, early mobilization (within 48 h post­
a systematic review of the literature on the treatment of operatively) was shown to decrease the incidence of fis-
primary severe hypospadias concluded that no single tulas from 22% to 9.8%, whereas factors such as catheter
urethroplasty technique is clearly superior to the others.2 dislodgement and blockage, presence of postoperative
erections, constipation-related straining, and inter­
Surgeon expertise ference with dressings were associated with increased
In a recent ‘round table’ meeting of experts on hypo- complication rates.54 However, type and duration of
spadias, it was suggested that intellectual interest in the urinary diversion, type of dressing, catheter size, and
condition and number of operated cases are the two most anaesthetic regime have been shown not to significantly
important surgeon-dependent variables for predicting influence outcomes,55 and a recent review of the litera-
the success of hypospadias repair. 22 In a series of 299 ture on perioperative management of primary severe
patients undergoing primary hypospadias correction, hypospadias concluded that most interventions, such
complication rates improved considerably as the surgeon as postoperative antibiotic prophylaxis or wound dress-
became more experienced.45 A cut-off threshold of 100 ing,56–58 are based on weak evidence and their influence
cases per year has been proposed for classifying surgeons on repair outcomes is poorly defined.23 Only postopera-
as experts in hypospadias surgery,22 although one team tive urinary drainage has been consistently shown to be a
has suggested that this threshold should be lowered to 50 critical factor in reducing the complication rate.59
cases per year, as risk for hospital readmission within the
12 months after primary repair was found to be lower in Management of complications
centres treating more than 50 cases per year compared Failed hypospadias is not only a urethral issue; the
with those performing fewer procedures.46 corpor­e al bodies and penile skin are also commonly


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Table 1 | Overview of complications in hypospadias failure

Complication Prevalence Clinical presentation Diagnostic tools Treatment options
(success rate)
Recurrent curvature 9–32%5 Curved penis Clinical assessment; photos; No treatment if <30° (NR);
during erection erection test corporoplasty (93–96%16,60);
urethral substitution (NR)
Preputial 2–20%68 Tight or open prepuce Clinical assessment Circumcision (100%66)
dehiscence or
secondary phimosis
Glans dehiscence 0–8%69 Meatal regression Clinical assessment No treatment (NR); redo distal
to coronal sulcus urethroplasty (70–95%69–71)
Urethral fistula 4–28%72 Double stream Clinical assessment Simple closure (75–100%74–74);
(number, size, and location); closure with flaps (90–100%73–74)
calibration of distal urethra
Urethral breakdown NR Recurrent hypospadias Clinical assessment Retubularization (74–81%76,77);
augmentation urethroplasty
(76–85%76,93); substitution
urethroplasty (62–66%76,81)
Meatal stenosis 0–14%87 Weak stream; Clinical assessment; Meatotomy (100%87)
other lower urinary meatal calibration; retrograde
tract symptoms and voiding urethrography and
cystoscopy if stricture suspected
Urethral stricture 6–12%88 Weak stream; Clinical assessment; urethral Urethral dilatation (21–40%88);
other lower urinary calibration; retrograde and endoscopic incision (NR);
tract symptoms voiding urethrography and augmentation urethroplasty
cystoscopy if stricture suspected (53–100%88); substitution
urethroplasty (NR)
Urethral stricture 4–16%97,98 Weak stream; Clinical assessment; urethral Substitution urethroplasty with
owing to BXO* other lower urinary calibration; retrograde and oral mucosa graft (NR)
tract symptoms voiding urethrography and
cystoscopy if stricture suspected
Urethral 4–12%44 Urethral ballooning Clinical assessment; calibration Urethral tapering (100%44)
diverticulum‡ during micturition of distal urethra; retrograde and
voiding urethrography
Hairy urethra 5–15%105 Recurrent urinary Urethroscopy Ablation of hairs and their
infections and follicles (NR); substitution
urethral stones urethroplasty (NR)
Abnormal skin 55%60 Abnormal appearance Clinical assessment Skin reconfiguration (NR)
Skin deficiency 5%107 Trapped penis Clinical assessment Free skin grafts (NR);
skin expanders (NR)
*After repair incorporating a preputial skin flap. ‡Only after tube repair. Abbreviations: BXO, balanitis xerotica obliterans; NR, not reported.

involved. The most common complications include (Figure 1).61 Incorporation of additional extragenital
recurrent curvature, preputial dehiscence, glans dehis- tissue is often necessary for repair in these patients.
cence, urethral fistula or breakdown, meatal or urethral
stenosis, urethral stricture, urethral diverticulum, hairy Residual and recurrent curvature
urethra, penile skin deficiency, and abnormal penile Curvature can persist after a primary repair (owing to
skin configuration (Table 1). In a series of 50 adults with inappropriate correction during initial surgery) or recur
failed hypospadias, urethral strictures (n = 36), urethro­ if previous manoeuvres or attempts at ventral tethering
cutaneous fistulas (n = 12), persistent hypospadias (n = 7), have failed, leading to retraction of the reconstructed
hair in the urethra (n = 6), and severe penile curvature urethra or the penile skin. No longitudinal cohort studies
(n = 7) were observed.8 Complications were rarely iso- have been set up to determine the prevalence of curva-
lated. In a large series of failed hypospadias repairs, half ture persistence or recurrence in relation to the initial
of all patients undergoing urethral reconstruction also straightening manoeuvres. In a study of 100 patients with
required complex procedures to resurface the penile proximal hypospadias and severe curvature, recurrent
shaft or reconfigure the whole genitalia.60 When com- curvature was reported in a total of 22 patients, including
bined with urethral breakdown or stricture, scarring and three (of 32) children who underwent ventral lengthen-
retraction of the neourethra are likely to lead to recur- ing procedures and 19 (of 68) who underwent dorsal pli-
rent curvature. The term ‘hypospadias cripple’ is used cation (9% versus 28%; P = 0.03).6 This study suggests that
to describe a scarred hypovascular and shortened penis ventral lengthening could be more effective and durable
caused by multiple failed attempts at hypospadias repair in achieving penile straightening. However, in another

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a b c

Figure 1 | A case of hypospadias cripple in a 19-year-old boy; the term is used to describe a scarred hypovascular and
shortened penis caused by multiple failed attempts at hypospadias repair. a | Persistent curvature during spontaneous
erection associated with skin scarring. b | Metallic probes show the presence of multiple urethral fistulas. c | Hairs are
detected inside the lumen of the scrotal urethra after opening.

study of 22 patients with recurrent curvature >10 years for dehiscence and 6.3% for secondary phimosis in
after initial penile straightening, 19 patients had received patients who underwent distal hypospadias surgery. After
dorsal plication as their initial procedure and three had a mean follow-up duration of 3.7 years, 90% of patients
undergone ventral tunica vaginalis grafting.16 Median had retractable foreskins.66,67 Although the relevance of
age at onset of recurrence was 16 years (ranging from cosmetic appearance following preputial reconstruction
12–18 years). These data show that penile curvature can remains controversial,68 cosmetic appearance was consid-
recur after both dorsal plication and ventral procedures, ered to be ‘good’ (according to surgeon assessment) for
and that most recurrences occur during puberty. all of our uncomplicated patients and none of the parents
Diagnosing residual curvature is not always easy, of these patients reported dissatisfaction.66 Overall, pre-
owing to the lack of a standardized diagnostic tool for putial reconstruction can be performed safely and with a
defining the degree of residual curvature that should low complication rate in appropriately selected patients.68
be considered clinically relevant. The surgeon often
has to rely on patient or parental report, which can Glans dehiscence
vary significantly from surgeon assessment.6 If physical Prevalence of glans dehiscence ranges from 0–8%. In the
examination during erection is unrealistic, photographs only specific study of this complication, risk of dehis-
should be taken by the patient during erection. In any cence was not affected by age at surgery, preoperative
case, if the correction of residual or recurrent curvature testos­terone use, or glansplasty suture. However, the
is elected, an intraoperative erection test is mandatory risk of glans dehiscence after tabularised incised plate
before embarking on any further procedure. Treatment repair was 3.6-fold greater in patients with proximal
of residual or recurrent curvature should follow the same hypo­spadias compared with distal meatal hypospadias
principles as for primary curvature. 2 Minor residual and 4.7-fold greater for repeat procedures (14%) than for
curva­ture (<30°) can be left untreated provided it does primary repairs (4%).69 Most patients are treated conserv-
not interfere with sexual activity. If treatment is required, atively for glans dehiscence. Indeed, although a coronal
options include dorsal shortening procedures or ventral regression of the meatus is likely to have a negative effect
lengthening, which can sometimes require the removal on cosmetic appearance, this complication might actually
of all ventral scarred tissue and urethral substitution. improve urinary function, as it reduces outflow resist-
The former is potentially easier, but ventral lengthening ance and, therefore, the risk of urinary obstruction.
should be considered when the curvature is caused by a Indications for the correction of glans dehiscence are
shortage of skin or a contraction of the neourethra. similar to those for extremely distal hypospadias, namely
spraying, deviation of urinary stream, and unsightly
Inappropriate healing glans appearance.70 Several techniques can be used for
Preputial dehiscence and secondary phimosis repeat reconstruction of the distal urethra, including the
Preputial reconstruction is often requested by parents, well‑established meatal-based flipped flap approach.71
particularly in European countries with large numbers
of uncircumcised males. Moreover, the foreskin is erog- Fistula formation
enous tissue that could be important for the future sexual Reportedly, fistula formation occurs in 4–28% of patients
life of the patient.62–64 Unfortunately, preputial recon- after hypospadias repair,72 either in isolation or in associ­
struction increases the risk of postoperative morbidity ation with a meatal or urethral stenosis. The presence of
and, therefore, of repair failure. Specific complications stenosis should always be ruled out before embarking on
include foreskin dehiscence and secondary phimosis. In fistula closure. Treatment depends on the number, loca-
one study, total dehiscence and phimosis were reported tion, and size of the fistulas. Prolonged catheterization
in 6% and 12.6% of patients treated with preputioplasty might be suitable for treating small fistulas that occur
for hypospadias repair.65 We have reported rates of 3.8% soon after the repair, whereas formal surgical repair is


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Failed hypospadias: urethral breakdown urethral plate for reuse and the genital skin for mobili-
zation and incorporation in the new repair procedure
Curvature greater than 30° or interfering with sexual activity (Figure 2). When a suitable urethral plate is available,
possible strategies include tubularization of the plate
Yes No
(with or without a midline-releasing incision), tubu-
Residual urethra suitable to be incorporated in the re-urethroplasty larization of the urethral plate after inlay grafting of the
dorsal midline incision, and placement of a flap or graft
onlay over the urethral plate.76–78
Residual urethra sufficient to accomplish the re-urethroplasty When the plate is visibly scarred or deemed to contrib-
Yes No ute significantly to the persistence of ventral curvature,
urethral substitution is required, typically involving prepu-
Quality of genital tissue good enough
to mobilize a skin flap tial island tube placement or staged-graft urethroplasty.76,78
If extragenital tissue is to be used as graft owing to paucity
Yes No
of local tissue, most surgeons prefer to use an oral mucosa
Substition Tubularization of Flap Onlay or inlay graft harvested from the lower lip or inner cheek.79–81 The
urethroplasty the urethral plate urethroplasty graft urethroplasty
tongue and the retroauricular region are additional poten-
Figure 2 | Algorithm for the management of failed hypospadias owing to tial harvesting sites.82,83 No graft is definitively superi­or to
urethral breakdown. the others in terms of harvesting site morbidity or success
of the urethroplasty.84,85 Irrespective of the graft used,
a b
the first stage of repair involves quilting the graft onto
the ventral aspect of the penile shaft after the removal of
any scarred tissue. The graft is then tabularised around
6 months later. This staged approach to repair enables
the graft to ‘take’ properly before tabularization, which
m­inimizes the risk of postoperative complications.86

Urethral obstruction
Meatal stenosis
* Major causes of obstructed voiding after hypospadias
repair include meatal stenosis and urethral stricture.
* Meatal stenosis is particularly common with repair tech-
niques such as tabularized preputial flap urethroplasty
(performed when the glans is tunnelled) and tubularized
incised plate urethroplasty. The latter t­echnique—which
Figure 3 | Retrograde and voiding urethrographies in a patient with urethral stricture
following hypospadias repair. a | During retrograde injection of contrast from the
is one of the most commonly performed repairs—is
glanular urethral meatus (denoted by an arrow), a narrow urethral segment is associated with a 0–14% risk of meatal stenosis, usually
visible. This segment, which is proximal to the stenosis, is dilated (denoted by an occurring within 6 months of the procedure.87 A deep
asterisk). b | During voiding, the dilated segment becomes even more apparent incision of the plate and the creation of a wide meatus
(denoted by an asterisk). No contrast is visible between the dilated urethral minimize the risk of this complication and negate the
segment and the tip of the penis (denoted by an arrow). need for calibration of the neourethra. 87 The most
common presenting symptoms are a weak stream, a
required for those that persist for >6 months after the long and thin stream, and spraying. Clinical diagnosis
initial hypospadias surgery. The repair can be simple or is generally based on meatal calibration; radiological
with flaps. Although simple repairs are easier, they are investigations are unnecessary unless proximal exten-
also less effective and, therefore, generally less appropriate sion of the stricture is suspected. Treatment is relatively
for large and recurrent fistulas.72–74 Redo distal urethro- straightforward and entails a ventral cutback of the
plasty might be more effective than fistula repair for fistu- e­xternal u­rethral meatus, namely a ventral meatotomy.
las that arise at, or distally to, the coronal sulcus. Urethral
mobilization and advancement might also be considered Urethral stricture
for treating persistently recurrent hypospadias fistulas.75 The reported prevalence of urethral strictures proximal
to the meatus after hypospadias repair is 6–12%, 88 and
Urethral breakdown hypospadias surgery is the major cause of urethral stric-
Treatment for urethral dehiscence will depend on ture formation in adults aged <45 years.89 Patients with
the length and extension of the neourethral defect, the strictures most commonly present with a weak stream,
amount of scar tissue encountered, and the availability with or without lower urinary tract symptoms. A dila-
of local skin.76 Thus, in order to select the appropriate tation of the urethra proximal to the stricture can be
repair option, the surgeon should check for persistent observed upon physical examination. Retrograde and
ventral curvature (and gauge whether this is secondary voiding cystourethrography (Figure 3) and cystoscopy
to contracture of the neourethra constructed during the are used to diagnose urethral strictures, as well as deter-
previous surgery) and assess the suitability of the residual mine the location, degree, and extension of the stricture.

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It is worth noting that obstructive voiding can occur a

after hypospadias surgery in the absence of a true stric-
ture, owing to functional obstruction caused by a stiff
r­econstructed urethral segment.90 b
Treatment modalities include urethral dilatation, direct
vision internal urethrotomy (DVIU), and reurethro­
plasty. Dilatation and DVIU are less-invasive approaches
than reurethroplasty and are almost always considered
as primary approaches. However, success rates for these
techniques are quite low, ranging from 21–40%,88 and
are not generally improved by a 3‑month period of clean
intermittent catheterization post­operatively.88,91 In addi-
tion, the chance of a successful DVIU decreases with
each repeated attempt, and possibly exposes to the risk
of stricture lengthening.88,91 The available evidence sug-
gests that it is only worth attempting dilatation or DVIU Figure 4 | A case of megalourethra. a | Massive dilatation of the reconstructed
for the repair of failed h­ypospadias with relatively short penile urethra. b | Retrograde urethrograph showing an abnormal dilatation of the
(1–1.5 cm) urethral strictures. reconstructed urethral segment owing to the abnormal dictation of the preputial
For longer strictures, or if the first attempt at repair fails, flap, which is not supported by the spongiosum used for the urethroplasty.
redo urethroplasty should be considered. Alternative treat-
ments for these patients include single-stage augmentation
urethroplasty or staged urethral substitution. The former
technique involves widening the narrow urethral segment
via the incorporation of a flap (if local skin is available)
or a graft of extragenital tissue. The graft can be placed
above the open narrowed urethral segment (onlay graft)
or dorsally (inlay graft);92–94 there is no evidence that one
graft orientation is superior to the other. Indeed, the most
important step for success seems to be coverage of the
flap with well-vascularized tissue.94 During substitution
urethroplasty, all of the scarred tissue is excised and substi-
tuted for an extragenital graft. Under these circumstances,
a staged approach is generally favoured.95 Importantly,
all patients with urethral strictures should be carefully
assessed for evidence of balanitis xerotica obliterans
(BXO) before treatment.96 BXO is thought to account
for 4–15% of the strictures that occur after hypospadias
repairs in which the urethroplasty is performed using a
prepucial flap or graft.97,98 Substitution urethroplasty with
oral mucosa is mandatory in the presence of BXO.98,99
Figure 5 | Endoscopic view of a hairy urethra in a 16-year-
old boy presenting with recurrent episodes of UTI and
Urethral diverticula urethral bleeding.
Dilation of the neourethra (Figure 4), also known as
megalourethra, has been described after the correction
of proximal hypospadias,100,101 although only for flap tube is diagnosed by cystoscopy—are recurrent urinary infec-
repairs.44 It is unclear whether this complication is caused tions and stone formation within the urethra (Figure 5).
by an intrinsic lack of flap strength or by a subclinical Treatment is almost always required. Simple grasper
or functional distal obstruction. Tapering of the affected extraction of the hairs is seldom effective, as it does not
segment with excessive de-epithelialisation of the u­rethral ensure removal of the hair follicle, thereby preventing
wall and reinforcement of the reduced neourethra by regrowth. Thus, alternative treatments include carbon
pseudospongioplasty is generally effective. dioxide laser desiccation, neodymium-doped yttrium-
aluminium-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser photocoagulation,
Hairy urethra electrolysis treatment, and hair tricholysis with thio-
In order to minimize the risk of hairy urethra formation, glycolate.102–105 Endoscopic urethrolithotripsy is recom-
hair-bearing tissue should not be used in the repair of mended as the initial treatment, followed by periodic
hypospadias. This practice has been recognized for some self-catheterization of the neourethra to prevent the for-
time and hairy urethra are generally only observed today mation of hairballs.106 If these treatments fail, open surgi-
in patients who were operated on many years ago using cal revision—which entails a substitution urethroplasty of
techniques that have since been abandoned. The most the hair-bearing segment with a free graft of extragenital
common presenting symptoms for this condition—which tissue—can be used as a last resource.


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Skin complications influence surgical outcomes. Surgeon expertise, defined

Penile skin coverage is one of the most neglected steps of as intellectual interest in the condition and number of
primary hypospadias repair. More than half of all hypo- cases treated per year, is a key factor in the prevention
spadias reoperations require a rearrangement of the penile of failed hypospadias, irrespective of the technique used.
skin.60 In the majority of patients, the redistribution of Interposition of a barrier layer (between the urethro-
available skin suffices, although this approach often plasty and the skin) and postoperative urinary drainage
requires creativity and ad hoc solutions. However, multi- are the two most important technical considerations for
ple penile surgeries can substantially reduce the amount of p­reventing c­omplications following hypospadias repair.
penile skin that is available for redistribution and, some- The most common major complications that lead to
times, the available penile skin is inadequate for a straight failed hypospadias are recurrent curvature, preputial
erection (also known as trapped penis). Fortunately, this dehiscence, glans dehiscence, urethral fistula or break-
problem occurs relatively infrequently, affecting <5% down, meatal or urethral stenosis, urethral stricture,
of hypospadias cripple repairs.107 Under these circum- urethral diverticulum, hairy urethra, penile skin defi-
stances, two main strategies can be used—penile cover- ciency, and abnormal penile skin configuration (Table 1).
age with free skin grafts or a staged reconstruction with Residual curvature can be addressed by dorsal shorten-
delayed penile resurfacing after skin expanders have ing of the penis, unless caused by a contraction of the
been inserted to increase the amount of available skin. ventral neourethra (in which case, urethral substitution
Free skin grafts are easy to harvest, although major draw- should be favoured). For patients with complete urethral
backs include possible secondary contraction, different breakdown, the surgeon should assess whether residual
pigmentation from genital skin, and loss of sensation.108 curvature is secondary to contracture of the neourethra
Tissue expanders, on the other hand, enable penile resur- before embarking on a reurethroplasty. They should also
facing with genital tissue. Nevertheless, tissue expansion is consider the suitability of the residual urethral plate to
a lengthy process (taking more than a year in some cases), be reused and the suitability of genital skin for elevat-
can be slightly uncomfortable for the patient, creates an ing urethral flaps. Urethral dilatation and direct vision
unnatural distortion of the dorsum of the penis, requires internal urethrotomy are easier options than redo
multiple office visits and inflations, and has psychological urethro­plasty for treating urethral stricture, but are also
implications.107 Also, these tissue expanders occasionally much less effective. Irrespective of the complications
need to be removed owing to extrusion or infection. leading to the failure of the primary repair, paucity of
residual local tissue seems to be the greatest challenge
Conclusions for further surgery. As such, there is much interest in the
A consensus on the standardized assessment of hypo­ d­evelopment of tissue engineering techniques that can
spadias surgery has not yet been reached. In general, generate large amounts of tissue with appropriate and
failed hypospadias refers to any repair that leads to specific biological characteristics.
compli­cations or causes patient dissatisfaction. However,
patient satisfaction is very subjective and many complica-
tions only become evident after many years of f­ollow-­up Review criteria
assessment, highlighting the need for life-long follow- Data for this Review were selected by searching the
up data, which are not yet available. Complication rates, Medline database for the keywords “hypospadias”,
ranging from 5–70%, increase linearly with severity of “failure”, “complications”, and “reoperation”.
the condition, although the role of other anatomical English‑language articles were selected on the basis of
relevance. Key studies related to failed hypospadias that
character­istics is unclear. Likewise, it is unclear whether
were already known to the authors were also included.
age at surgery or preoperative hormonal stimulation

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outcome after oral mucosa harvest for Kelly, J. H. & Chow, C. W. Balanitis xerotica M. Cimador wrote, edited, and discussed this Review
urethroplasty in children and adults. J. Urol. 180, obliterans with urethral stricture after with colleagues. S. Vallasciani and M. Castagnetti
2624–2628 (2008). hypospadias repair. Pediatr. Surg. Int. 16, researched data and contributed towards writing the
85. Maarouf, A. M. et al. Buccal versus lingual 144–145 (2000). article. In addition, M. Castagnetti made substantial
mucosal graft urethroplasty for complex 97. Mattioli, G. et al. Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus contributions towards discussions of content.
hypospadias repair. J. Pediatr. Urol. http:// in children with phimosis and hypospadias. G. Manzoni, W. Rigamonti, and E. De Grazia reviewed Pediatr. Surg. Int. 18, 273–275 (2002). and edited the manuscript prior to submission.

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