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VUE Standard Lease

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THIS LEASE AGREEMENT ("Lease") made and entered into this ____ day of
______________, 201__, by and between _______________________________
("Landlord"), with an address of ________________________________, and
_________________________ (collectively "Tenants") with an address of Unit _______,
150 East Robinson Street, Orlando, Florida 32801.

Upon execution hereof, the Tenants shall pay the Landlord the following sums, in
accordance with the provisions hereinafter set forth:

Pro-rated Rent $ First Month's Rent $

Last Month's Rent $ Security Deposit $
Pet Deposit $ Other $
Total $


Landlord leases to Tenants a residential condominium unit more particularly described

as: Unit ____, 150 East Robinson Street, Orlando, Florida 32801 (the "Premises") for a
term of _____________, commencing on the ____ day of ____________, 201__, and
ending on the _____ day of ___________, 201___ (the "Term").


Total Rent for the Term is $___________ based on a monthly rental of $_______. The
rent is payable in monthly installments without any deduction or prior notice, payable in
advance on the first day of each month during the Term, at the address of Landlord
hereinabove set forth or such other place as Landlord may designate. Upon execution
hereof, Tenants shall pay first month's rent, any pro-rated rent for a partial month, and
security deposit as hereinafter set forth, unless otherwise specified herein. If any
payment due under this Lease is not received by Landlord by the fifth day after it is due,
Tenants shall pay a late charge of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) which shall be
considered additional rent. In the event a check of Tenants’ is returned, there shall be an
additional bad check charge of $35.00 or five percent (5%) of the amount of the check,
whichever is greater. If Tenants terminate the Lease or defaults hereunder for any reason,
then any deficit amount then due and owing shall be immediately due and payable by


The Premises shall be occupied only by the named Tenants for residential
purposes only. The Premises may not be used for illegal immoral, or improper purposes.
Should Tenants want to have other persons living at the Premises, Tenants shall obtain
the written authorization of Landlord. Landlord reserves the right to terminate the
authorization with thirty (30) days notice; unless physical harm to either Tenants or the
Premises is indicated, in which case the notice period shall then be twenty-four (24)

Landlord Initials: ______ Tenant Initials: ______

hours. The Premises consists of a condominium unit within The Vue, a Condominium
(the "Condominium"). The Premises, Tenant, all occupants of the Premises and the
Condominium are or will be subject to that certain Declaration of Condominium of the
Vue at Lake Eola, a Condominium, which was recorded in Official Records Book 9444,
Page 3009, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and as may have been
subsequently amended and/or supplemented from time to time (collectively, the
"Declaration"). The Premises, Tenant, all occupants of the Premises and the
Condominium are or will also be subject to those certain rules and regulations of the
Association, as those rules and regulations may be amended, modified and/or revised
from time to time. Tenants hereby acknowledge, understand and agree that a material
condition of this Lease shall be Tenants’ and/or all occupants of the Premise’s full and
complete compliance with the covenants, terms, conditions, obligations, requirements,
rules, regulations and/or provisions of the Declaration, the Association’s Articles of
Incorporation, the Association’s By-Laws, the Association’s Rules and Regulations,
Chapter 718 of the Florida Statutes and/or other applicable provisions of any agreement,
document or instrument governing the Condominium and/or administered by the
Association. Tenants hereby acknowledge and agree that Tenants have received a full and
complete set of the Condominium’s governing documents, including without limitation,
the Declaration. Tenants hereby further acknowledge and agree that Tenants have
received a full and complete set of the Association’s Rules and Regulations. Tenants
acknowledge, understand and agree that it is the responsibility and/or obligation of
Tenants and/or all occupants of the Premises to know the contents of the Declaration
and/or the Association’s Rules and Regulations in order to follow, adhere and/or abide by
the terms, conditions, requirements, provisions and/or covenants contained therein.


Upon execution of this Lease, Tenants deposit with Landlord $__________.00, receipt of
which is acknowledged by Landlord, representing a deposit for the faithful performance
of this agreement by Tenants. Deposit monies may be utilized by Landlord to make any
necessary repairs or maintenance to the unit after the termination of the Lease. However,
damages are not limited to the amount of the Deposit and Tenants will be personally
liable for any additional amounts expended by Landlord for repairs or maintenance after
the termination of the Lease. Further, Landlord may utilize the deposit monies to pay
unpaid rents in the event Tenants fail to pay any rental payments due herein. Tenants
may not apply any of the security deposit toward rent.


Tenants shall not assign the Lease, or sublet the Premises or any part thereof, or permit
the Premises or any part thereof to be used or occupied by any one other than Tenants
without the prior written consent of Landlord.


Tenants shall take good care of the Premises and Landlord's appliances and furnishings
therein, and shall maintain them in good order and condition, ordinary wear and tear

2 Landlord Initials: ______ Tenant Initials: ______

excepted. Landlord may repair, at the expense of Tenants, all damage or injury to the
Premises resulting from the misuse or negligence of Tenants, a member of Tenants’
family, or other person on the Premises with Tenants’ consent. The cost of such repairs
shall be paid by Tenants to Landlord as additional rent within five (5) days of rendition of
Landlord's bill concerning such costs. There shall be no allowance to Tenants and no
liability on the part of Landlord by reason of inconvenience or annoyance arising from
the making of any necessary repairs, alterations, additions or improvements to the
Premises or any portion of the building in which the Premises are located, unless such are
done wholly for convenience of Landlord and substantially disrupt Tenants’ quiet


The monthly rental amount does not include telephone, electricity or chilled water. The
Landlord shall supply water, sewer, garbage collection and basic cable utilities.


(a) Tenants shall be responsible for all conditions created or caused by the
negligent or wrongful act or omission of Tenants, a member of their family, or other
person on the Premises with Tenants’ consent.

(b) Tenants, at all times during the tenancy, SHALL:

(i) Keep the Premises clean and sanitary, remove all garbage in a
clean and sanitary manner and keep all plumbing fixtures clean and sanitary and in repair.

(ii) Use and operate in a reasonable manner all electrical, plumbing,

sanitary, heating, cooking, ventilating, air-conditioning and other such facilities,
appliances and equipment.

(iii) Conduct himself or herself, and require persons on the Premises

with Tenants’ consent to conduct themselves in a manner that does not unreasonably
disturb Tenants’ neighbors or constitute breach of the peace.

(iv) Comply with all present and future laws, orders and regulations of
Federal, State, County and municipal authorities which affect the use occupation of the

(v) Prior to the expiration of the Lease, at Tenants’ own cost and
expense, remove any wall covering or any attachments Tenant may have installed.

(c) Tenants, at all time during the tenancy, SHALL NOT

(i) Destroy, deface, damage or remove any part of the Premises or

property therein belonging to Landlord, or permit any person to do so.

3 Landlord Initials: ______ Tenant Initials: ______

(ii) Commit waste on the Premises, or maintain or permit to be
maintained a nuisance thereon.

(iii) Make any changes, alterations or improvements of any kind in or

to the Premises without Landlord's prior written consent.

(iv) Place or keep any water filled furniture on Premises.


Tenants are _______ permitted to keep _____________ at the Premises.


(a) If Tenants fail to keep any of Tenants’ agreements mentioned in the Lease
or any side letter executed in connection therewith, other than Tenants’ agreement to pay
rent, or if Tenants engage in objectionable conduct, or if the Premises are damaged
because of negligence or misuse by Tenants, a member of their family or other person on
the Premises with his or her consent, then in any one or more of such events, Landlord
may serve upon Tenants the seven (7) day notice referred to in Section 83.56(2). Florida
Statues, and if such default of Tenants has not been cured and corrected or objectionable
conduct stopped within said seven (7) day period, then at the end of said seven (7) days,
Landlord may use Landlord's option, either (i) terminate the Lease by serving Tenants a
three (3) day notice of Landlord's election to do so and upon the expiration of said three
(3) days the Lease shall terminate and Landlord shall retake possession of the Premises
for its own account, or (ii) retake possession of the Premises for the account of Tenants,
who shall remain liable to Landlord; and in either event Tenants shall give up the
Premises to Landlord.

(b) If Tenants shall default in the payments of the rent, and such default shall
continue three (3) days after the giving of the written three (3) day notice referring to in
Section 83.56(3) Florida Statutes, Landlord may at Landlord's option, either (i) terminate
the Lease, and retake possession of the Premises for its own account, or (ii) retake
possession of the Premises for the account of Tenants, who shall remain liable to
Landlord; and in either event Tenants shall give up the Premises to Landlord.

(c) In the event that Landlord exercises a right of re-entry, Tenants do waive
any claim, except for gross negligence arising from said re-entry, including but not
limited to claims from damages caused by Landlord, its employees or agents.


If Tenants fail to keep any of Tenants’ agreements mentioned in the Lease or any side
letter executed in connection therewith and Landlord has obtained a writ of possession
for the Premises, or Tenants have abandoned the Premises prior to the end of the Term
(the parties acknowledging that Tenants shall have a right to terminate the tenancy early
as described in section 1, Landlord may either (i) treat the Lease as terminated and retake

4 Landlord Initials: ______ Tenant Initials: ______

possession for its own account, thereby terminating any further liability of Tenants; (ii)
retake possession of the Premises for the account of Tenants, holding Tenants liable for
the difference between the rent stipulated to be paid under the Lease and what Landlord
is able to recover from a reletting the Premises. If Landlord retakes possession, Landlord
has a duty to exercise good faith in attempting to relet the Premises, and any rent received
by Landlord as a result of the reletting must be deducted from the balance of rent due
from Tenants. The term “good faith in attempting to relet the premises” means that
Landlord uses at least the same efforts to relet the Premises as were used in the initial
rental or at least the same efforts as Landlord uses in attempting to rent other similar
dwelling units but does not require Landlord to give a preference in renting the Premises
over other vacant dwelling units that Landlord owns or has the responsibility to rent; or
(iii) stand by and do nothing, holding the Tenants liable for the rent as it comes due.


(a) If the Premises are damaged or destroyed so that the enjoyment of the
Premises is substantially impaired, then the rent shall be proportionately paid up to the
time of the casualty and thenceforth shall cease until the date when the Premises have
been repaired or restored by Landlord, provided, however, that in the event of such
substantial impairment, Landlord or Tenants shall have the right to terminate the term of
the Lease by giving notice to the other of his exercise of such right at any time within
thirty (30) days after the occurrence of such damage or destruction. if this notice is given,
the term of the Lease shall terminate on the date specified in the notice, (which shall be
not more than fifteen (15) days after the giving of such notice), as fully and completely as
if such date were the date set forth in the Lease for the termination of the Lease. If
Tenants exercises the option to terminate the Lease, Tenants must immediately vacate the
Premises. If neither party has given the notice of termination as herein provided.
Landlord shall proceed to repair the Premises, and the Lease shall not terminate.

(b) If the Premises shall be partially damaged or partially destroyed, without

substantial impairment of Tenants’ enjoyment of the Premises, the damages shall be
repaired by and at the expense of Landlord and the rent until such repairs are made shall
be apportioned according to the part of the Premises which is usable by Tenants.
Landlord shall not be liable for any inconvenience or annoyance to Tenants resulting in
any way from such damage or the repair thereof, if Premises are partially damaged or
partially destroyed as a result of the purposeful wrongful or grossly negligent act of
Tenants, a member of Tenants’ family, or other person on the Premises with Tenants’
consent, there shall be no apportionment or abatement of rent.


At the end of the term, Tenants shall vacate and surrender the Premises to Landlord,
broom clean and in as good condition as they were at the beginning of the term, except
for ordinary wear and tear, and Tenants shall remove all of Tenants’ property. All
property, installations and additions to be removed by Tenants at the end of the term
which remain in the Premises after Tenants have vacated shall be considered abandoned

5 Landlord Initials: ______ Tenant Initials: ______

by Tenants and, at the option of Landlord, may either be retained as Landlord's property
or may be removed by Landlord at Tenants’ expense.





Landlord agrees with Tenants that upon Tenants’ paying the rent and performing all of
terms, covenants and conditions of the Lease on Tenants’ part to be performed, Tenants
may peaceably quietly enjoy the Premises.


Landlord's right to enter the premises shall be governed by the provisions of Section
83.56, Florida Statutes, it being understood that hurricanes or severe weather warnings
shall constitute an emergency under such section. Landlord and its agents shall not have
the right to show the Premises to prospective tenants or buyers prior to termination of the
Lease. Tenants hereby permit Landlord to have access to and enter the Premises at all
reasonable and necessary times to inspect the Premises or for any purposes connected
with the repair, improvement, care and management of the Premises.


If Tenants hold over and continue in possession of the Premises, or any part thereof, after
the expiration of the Lease without Landlord's permission, Landlord may recover double
the amount of the rent due for each day Tenants hold over and refuse to surrender
possession. Such daily rent shall be computed by dividing the rent for the last month of
the Lease by fifteen (15).

18. "AS IS"

Tenants have inspected the Premises and are familiar and satisfied with its present
condition. The taking of possession of the premises by Tenants shall be conclusive
evidence that the Premises were in good and satisfactory condition at the time such
possession was taken. Landlord makes no representation as to the condition or
effectiveness of the locks, bolts, doors, windows or other security devices presently
existing, in the Premises; and no representation is made as to the security of the Premises
as a whole.

6 Landlord Initials: ______ Tenant Initials: ______


The failure of Landlord to take any action against Tenants for violation of any of the
terms of the Lease shall not prevent a subsequent act of Tenants of a similar nature from
being a violation of the Lease.


Interruption or failure of any service required to be furnished to Tenants by Landlord if

due to causes beyond Landlord's control, shall not entitle Tenants to any allowance or
reduction of rent.


The Landlord shall have the right at any time and from time to time to place upon the
Premises or any part hereof a mortgage or mortgages to any person or institution which
shall be wholly prior to the rights of the Tenants under this lease; and the Tenants upon
demand will execute any and all instruments deemed necessary or advisable to
subordinate this Lease and Tenants’ rights hereunder to such mortgages. If the Landlord
should transfer its Premises or assets to another, the Tenants hereby consent to such
transfer and agree that the Landlord upon such conveyance shall thereupon relieved of
further liability hereunder.


Landlord shall be responsible for maintenance of the Condominium common elements.

Tenants shall be responsible for maintenance of the air conditioning, all appliances, and
all other matters. Any clogs that occur from negligence of the Tenants (including,
without limitation, by paper towels, feminine products, food, grease) must be cleared at
Tenants’ expense. If Tenants fail to do this, or make any other required repairs, Landlord
has the right to enter the Premises to perform the necessary repairs, and charge the cost of
the repairs back to the Tenants as additional rent.


Landlord shall not be liable for any loss by reason of damage, theft or otherwise to the
contents, belongings and personal effects of the Tenants, or Tenants’ family, agents
employees, visitors, or guests located in or about the Premises, or for damage or injury to
such persons. Tenants hereby agree to obtain personal property insurance for the
contents of the Premises and provide Landlord with a copy of same.


As required by law, Landlord makes the following disclosure: Radon gas is a naturally
occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient
quantities may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of
radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in Florida. Additional

7 Landlord Initials: ______ Tenant Initials: ______

information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from the county public
health unit.


Landlord hereby declares and gives notice that all monies taken as security deposits are
held in a Florida bank of its choosing. Upon vacating of the Premises for termination of
the Lease, Landlord shall have fifteen (15) days to return the security deposit together
with interest if otherwise required, or in which to give the Tenants written notice by
certified mail to the Tenants’ last known mailing address of its intention to impose a
claim on the deposit, and the reason for imposing the claim. The notice shall contain a
statement in substantially the following form: This is a notice of my intention to impose a
claim for damages in the amount of $________ upon your security deposit, due to
______________________. It is sent to you as required by § 83.49(3), Florida Statutes.
You are hereby notified that you must object in writing to this deduction from your
security deposit within fifteen (15) days from the time you receive this notice or I will be
authorized to deduct my claim from your security deposit. Your objection must be sent
to _____________________________________________. If the Landlord fails to give
the required notice within the 15-day period, it forfeits its right to impose a claim upon
the security deposit. Unless the Tenants object to the imposition of the Landlord's claim
or the amount thereof within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the Landlord's notice of
intention to impose a claim, the Landlord may then deduct the amount of this claim and
shall remit the balance of the deposit to Tenants within thirty (30) days after the date of
the notice of intention to impose a claim for damages. If either party institutes an action
in a court of competent jurisdiction to adjudicate his/her/its right to the security deposit,
the prevailing party is entitled to receive his/her/its court costs plus a reasonable fee for
their attorney.


In the event of litigation, arbitration or other legal proceedings, including appeals, arising
out of this Lease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to the award of reasonable
attorney's fees and court costs, plus necessary costs of executing, enforcing and/or
collecting any judgment. This Lease contains the entire agreement between the parties,
and shall not be modified except in writing signed by the parties hereto. This Lease shall
be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, legal representatives,
successors and assigns. Each party hereto has had the opportunity to consult with
independent counsel, whether or not any party has elected to do so. Whenever the
context permits, singular shall include plural and gender shall include all. All addenda
and exhibits referred to herein are incorporated herein by reference. Where in conflict,
typewritten provisions shall supersede printed provisions, and handwritten provisions
shall supersede both. No indulgence extended by any party shall be deemed a waiver,
nor shall a waiver regarding one breach be construed as a waiver relative to any
subsequent breach. The parties shall execute such documents and shall take such further
actions as may be reasonably necessary to give effect to the provisions of this Lease. In
all matters arising out of this transaction, exclusive jurisdiction shall lie within the county
or circuit court in and for Orange County, Florida. No agreement to accept surrender of

8 Landlord Initials: ______ Tenant Initials: ______

the premises from Tenants will be valid unless in writing and signed by the Landlord.
The parties will use good faith in performing their obligations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed the Lease as of the day
and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:

Printed Name __________________ - “Tenant”

Printed Name

Printed Name ___________________ - “Tenant”

Printed Name

Printed Name ___________________ - “Landlord”

Printed Name

Printed Name ___________________ - “Landlord”

Printed Name

ORLDOCS 12868912 2

9 Landlord Initials: ______ Tenant Initials: ______

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