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Onion Production Guide PDF

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Bulb onion (Allium cepa L.) locally known as

“sibuyas”, is probably the most indispensable culinary
ingredient in the favorite seasoning. Its pungent aroma and
sharp taste make it ideal for spicing up meat, salads and
vegetable dish. It is also used to cure a various physiological
disorders such as cough, obesity, insomnia, hemorrhoid
and constipation.
There are two types of bulb onion grown in the

Philippines; the yellow and red. The yellow varieties are
either the granex (flat) or the grano (round) type and
short day onions. The red varieties, on the other hand,
Production Guide are produced because of their long storage life. Strains of
Red Creole and Red Pinoy are among the popular varieties
being grown.
Bulb onions are grown at about mainly in Central
Luzon and the Ilocos Region and are usually exported to
Japan, Hongkong, Singapore and Thailand.

This Publication is a project of the Department of Agriculture,

Regional Field Office No. 02, High Value Crops Development Pro-
gram. It contains the most recently available and locally adaptable
technical information on Onion Production in Region 02.

November 2012

Onion Production Guide 3

Seed Establishment and Seed Sowing (Nursery)
located in a well-drained,
Varieties friable soil with good
Yellow Onions Red Onions water holding capacity and
Yellow Granex Hybrids Red Orient with high organic matter
Superex Red Creole content. If soil pH is lower
Cal 120 Red Pinoy than 5.8, lime application
Cal 202 BGS 95 (F1 hybrid) is necessary at the rate of 3 tons/ha., applied one month
Liberty Capri before transplanting.
Land should be prepared by thorough plowings
and harrowings. Level and pulverize the soil to facilitate
formation of beds (1 meter wide and 20 m long). Prior to
seed sowing, sterilize the beds by burning rice straw on top
or by pouring boiling water to prevent pest and disease
Broadcast decomposed or processed chicken manure
or compost at the rate of 4 tons/ha combined with 3 bags
14-14-14. Space 10-15 cm between rows and sow seeds
evenly in a row at 5-6 seeds/inch. Cover the seeds with rice
hull before watering the bed. Approximately, 25 grams
Climatic and Soil Requirements of seeds is needed per square meter. Irrigation should be
Bulb onions grow well in friable and well-drained applied adequately in the field right after seed sowing.
loam soil with good water holding capacity and pH Seeds will germinate at about 7-10 days after sowing and
between 5.8 - 6. For best growth and bulb quality, onion are ready for transplanting 45 days after sowing.
requires cooler weather during the early stages of growth
and a dry atmosphere to moderately high temperature for Land Preparation and Formation of Beds
bulb development and maturation. Prepare the field by 2 plowings and 2 harrowings.
Level and pulverize the soil to a fine texture to facilitate
formation of beds. Raised beds are constructed at 75 cm
wide with 10-15 cm high.

4 Onion Production Guide Onion Production Guide 5

Basal Fertilization and Transplanting Fertilization
Basal application of chicken dung or compost at Four application of fertilizer is required.
the rate of 100 bags/ha combined with 3 bags 14-14- • 1st application – basal (organic or inorganic
14 (complete fertilizer) or 2 bags 16-20-0 (Ammonium fertilizer 7-10 days before transplanting).
phosphate) will be applied in the prepared area and cover • 2nd application – side dress by band placement (5
with rice straw. cm away from the plant and 8 cm deep from the
Transplant one seedling in each hole by pressing root system, Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5) must be
downward the base of the seedlings so that the roots will have applied with nitrogen at 20-30 days old.
a good contact with the soil. Irrigate after transplanting. • 3rd application – apply nitrogen and potassium at
30-40 days. Do not apply Phosphorus Pentoxide
Side-dressing (P2O5) beyond 30 days old plant.
Side-dressing will be done ten days after transplanting • 4th application – apply nitrogen and potassium 45-
with 1 bag/ha of Urea plus 2 bags/ha of Muriate of Potash. 50 days, do not apply any fertilizer beyond 50 days
Land Preparation old plant.
Spray the field infested with “Mutha” and other
noxious weeds with any weedicide with the rate of 18-20 Spraying of Foliar Fertilizer
tbs per 16 liters of water. Spray foliar fertilizer when seedlings are 55
Plow the field vertically (1st plowing) followed by days old (formation of bulb). Spray early in the
harrowing, plow horizontally (2nd plowing) followed by morning or late in the afternoon. Repeat spraying
harrowing to attain good tilth and maintain “glomolin” when the plants are 70 days old.
(super glue) in the soil structure.
Bulb onions require adequate moisture for steady,
continuous and desirable growth. Depending on soil types,
irrigate between 4 and 7 days. The last irrigation should be
a light one. Irrigation should be applied after transplanting.
Weekly irrigation is done or whenever necessary. Most
frequent watering is needed when the bulbs are developing.
Do not irrigate 3-5 days before harvesting or when 20-30%
of the plant tops fall over naturally.

6 Onion Production Guide Onion Production Guide 7

Cultivation and Hand Weeding the plant approaches maturity. A combined approach
Cultivation and hand weeding should be done 10 involving cultural and chemical control is necessary.
days after transplanting to be followed by two to three • Sooty Mold – Occurs generally after the bulbs have
times more to eliminate weeds and avoid waterlogging. been harvested. This is favored by high temperature
and humidity. Curing the onions quickly with good
ventilation is necessary.
MANAGEMENT OF INSECTS PESTS AND DISEASES • Bacterial Soft Rot – Bulbs that have mechanical
injuries/bruises are susceptible. Make sure that plants
Pests are mature before harvest. Provide proper ventilation
• Thrips – Abundant during dry season. Adult and during the curing, packing and transport. Fungicide
nymphs rasp the leaf surface and suck juice from the spraying is done to prevent fungal diseases. Spraying
leaf. The leaves appear slippery with sunken area that starts 12 days from sowing or as needed.
later dry up resulting to weakened plant, reduced
growth and lower yields. Examine closely some plants Harvesting and Curing
from 14 m perimeter of the field by pulling the leaves Harvest the crops as soon as the necks of the plants
apart from the base. If attack is severe, apply chemical tends to fall down or when 75% of the stems are fallen over.
control. Harvesting is done manually by pulling the matured bulbs.
• Armyworms – The larvae bore into the onion leaves After harvest cut the leaf by using sharp knife up to the neck
and fed leaving the exterior almost intact. Damage and place in red bag and bring them to the curing house.
is worst in weedy fields. Thorough land preparation The curing house should be well ventilated and relatively
is done to destroy the egg laying sites and feeding dry. Harvested bulbs are cleaned by cutting the remaining
source. Chemical control is recommended especially roots before sorting.
when population in high. Remove or cut tops with shears 1.5-2.5 cm from
• Cutworms – Larvae feed at night and hide near their stem end of the bulbs. Do not remove outer scales. Place
feeding site during the day. They roll when disturbed. the bulbs on racks made of tiers of bamboo, wood or netted
Apply chemical insecticide. wire. Put the racks in a well-ventilated shed.

• Purple Blotch – Fungal disease occurs on the leaves,
bulbs, flowers. Lesions start at small sunken area with
dark purple center. Infection of the bulb occurs as
8 Onion Production Guide Onion Production Guide 9
For easier harvesting system, pull the bulbs, then pile
in group, followed by cutting of leaves up to the neck, and
placing in red bag before bringing to the packing house. ESTIMATED COST AND RETURN ANALYSIS
At the packing house, remove the bulbs inside red bag and PER HECTARE OF ONION
trim onion roots by cutting through the use of scissors. ITEMS AMOUNT(P)
Place onion bulbs cleaned in a sorting table and sort by size VARIABLE COST
before packing on red bag and pile ready for market. A. Labor (P250/MD); (P300/MAD)
Seedbed preparation (5 MD) 1,250
Post harvest
Plot preparation (3 MD) 750
Cure harvested bulb for 10-14 days in a sunny well-
Seed sowing (2 MD) 500
ventilated area. Align onions so that the leaves of one onion Collection & placement of rice hull on 1,250
can be parallel to another. Grade bulbs according to size plot (5MD)
and quality. Pack bulb onions in net sacks for storage and/ Care & maintenance of seedlings 750
or immediate disposal. Weeding of seedbed (10 MD) 2,500
Daily watering of seedbed (5 MD) 1,250
Plowing (3 MAD) 900
Harrowing (2 MAD) 600
Manure application (15 MD) 3,750
Pulling of seedlings (15 MD) 3,750
Planting (30 MD) 7,500
Irrigation (10 MD) 2,500
Side dressing (10 MD) 2,500
Spraying (10 MD) 2,500
Weeding (30 MD) 7,500
Harvesting (20 MD) 5,000
Miscellaneous activities (20 MD) 5,000
(bagging, cleaning, sorting,final bagging)
Sub-Total P49,750

10 Onion Production Guide Onion Production Guide 11

B. Materials
Seeds (400 kgs) 15,000
Animal Manure (100 bags) 20,000
14-14-14 (3 bags) 6,000
16-20-0 (2 bags) 5,400
0-0-60 (3 bags) 4,600
Urea (1 bag) 1,400
Chemical sprays 5,000
Fuel and oil 5,000
Miscellaneous activities (20 MD) 5,000
(harvesting, hauling, etc.)
Sub-Total P67,400
Grand Total P117,150

Gross Income
Regular season- - -12,000 kgs at P25/kg = P300,000
Offseason- - - - - - 3,000 kgs at P70/kg =P210,000

Net Income
Regular season - - -P300,000 – P117,150 = P187,850
Offseason season – P210,000 – P117,150 = P92,850


12 Onion Production Guide Onion Production Guide 13


Writer / Editor : Prisca B. Baquiran

Technical Editor : Celerina T. Miranda

Layout Artist : Dicksteine U. Pascual


Information Officer-I /
OIC, Agricultural Communication (AGCOM) Section

Project Coordinator:

Regional HVCDP Coordinator /
References: OIC Chief- Research Division
• Cultural Directions for Philippine Agricultural Crops (1974)
• PCARRD, Bulb Onion Production Guide, Information
Bulettin No. 270 / 2008 Consultants:

Website: ORLANDO J. LORENZANA OIC - Regional Technical Director for Extension, Research and Regulatory
on-white.html Regional Executive Director

14 Onion Production Guide

Produced By:

High Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP)

Contact No. (078) 846-3379

Agricultural Communication (AGCOM) Section

Contact No.: (078) 304-0562
Email Address: /

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