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EASA Annual-Safety Recommendations Report 2017 PDF

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Catalogue number ISBN ISSN DOI
PDF TO-AE-18-001-EN-N 978-92-9210-212-8 2599-7793 10.2822/177336



Designed in Luxembourg
Strategy & Safety Management Directorate
Safety Intelligence & Performance Department

Annual Safety
Recommendations Review


Neither the European Aviation Safety Agency, nor any person acting on behalf of the European Aviation Safety
Agency is responsible for the use which might be made of the following information.

The Annual Safety Recommendations Review is produced by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). This
edition provides an overview of the safety recommendations that have been addressed to EASA in 2017. It also
presents the replies produced during the year.

This annual review aims at providing a feedback on the follow-up given to safety recommendations in the con-
text of openness, transparency and accountability that characterises the European Public Administration.

Apart from its safety related information character, this review is also expected to provide relevant information
related to raised safety concerns, both for EASA itself, as well as its stakeholders, including the European public.

Image credits

Chapter 0- Vasco Morao

Chapter 1- iStock
Chapter 2- Samuel Pernet
Chapter 3-Alina Daliani
Chapter 4- iStock
Chapter 5- iStock
Chapter 6- Arjan Van Dijk
Annex A- iStock
Annex B- Gilles Gardiol
Annex C- iStock

© European Aviation Safety Agency, 2018. All rights reserved. Proprietary document.

Printed copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet site:
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review

0  Abbreviation list 5
1  Executive summary 7
2  Introduction10
3  Safety Recommendations received in 2017 13
3.1 Overview of Safety Recommendations received in 2017���������������������������������������������������������������������14
3.2 Origin of the Safety Recommendations received in 2017��������������������������������������������������������������������16
3.3 Involvement in accident and serious incident investigations�������������������������������������������������������������20
4  Safety Recommendations replies in 2017 23
4.1 Overview of Safety Recommendations replies in 2017������������������������������������������������������������������������24
4.2 Status of the Safety Recommendations replies in 2017�����������������������������������������������������������������������25
5  Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 28
5.1 Large aeroplane cabin and passenger safety - emergency evacuation����������������������������������������������30
5.2 Encountering severe turbulence at high altitude��������������������������������������������������������������������������������32
5.3 Runway surface conditions and aircraft ground anti/de-icing������������������������������������������������������������33
5.4 Helicopters performing CAT operations�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35
5.5 Flight simulation training and other flight training exercises�������������������������������������������������������������37
5.6 General Aviation (GA) – various aspects in the frame of airworthiness���������������������������������������������39
5.7 Unmanned Aircraft (UA)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
5.8 Ballistic Parachute Recovery Systems (BPRS)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41
6  Conclusions43
ANNEX A: List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies45
ANNEX B: Definitions226
ANNEX C : Safety Recommendations classification 230
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review

List of Figures
Figure 1: Safety Recommendations addressed to EASA per year........................................................... 14
Figure 2: Annual Safety Recommendations by occurrence class 2012-2017.......................................... 15
Figure 3: Safety Recommendations received in 2017 by Type of Operation and Aircraft Category..........16
Figure 4: Origin of Safety Recommendations received by EASA............................................................ 17
Figure 5: States contribution to Safety Recommendations received in 2017........................................ 18
Figure 6: EASA responses to safety recommendations in 2017 by year received.................................. 24
Figure 7: Safety Recommendation Responses sent in 2017 [status, total number]............................... 25
Figure 8: Response assessment received by originator on EASA Final Replies sent
in 2017 [percentage, reference date: 26.03.2018]................................................................................... 26
Figure 9: Assessment EASA received on the Final Responses sent in 2017
[total, reference date: 26.03.2018]........................................................................................................... 27
Figure 10: Safety Recommendations addressed to EASA per topic by EU SIAs..................................... 29






CHAPTER 6 Abbreviation list



2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Abbreviation list PAGE 6

AD Airworthiness Directive
AFM Aircraft Flight Manual
AAIB UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch United Kingdom
AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance
ANSV Italian National Agency for the Safety of Flight
BEA Bureau d’Enquête et d’Analyse pour l’Aviation Civile
CAT Commercial Air Transport
CIAIAC Civil Aviation Accidents and Incidents Investigation Commission
CM Certification Memo
CRI Certification Review Item
CRM Crew Resource Management
CS Certification Specifications
CS-LSA Certification Specifications for Light Sport Aeroplanes
CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder
DSB Dutch Safety Board
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
ENCASIA European Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities
EPAS European Plan for Aviation Safety
ETOPS Extended Operation
ETSO European Technical Standard Order
EU European Union
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual
FDM Flight Data Monitoring
GA General Aviation
GM Guidance Material
HEMS Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
HOFO Helicopter Offshore Operations
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
ICCAIA International Coordination Council for Aerospace Industry Associations
ILS Instrument Landing System
LOC-I Loss of control-inflight
MOPSC Maximum Operational Passenger Seating Configuration
MS Member States
NCO Non-Commercial operations with Other than complex motor-powered aircraft
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
PED Portable Electronic Devices
RE Runway Excursion
RMT Rulemaking Task
SIA Safety Investigation Authority
SIB Safety Information Bulletin
SRGC Safety Recommendation of Global Concern
SRUR Safety Recommendations of Union-wide Relevance
STC Supplemental Type Certificates
STSB Swiss Transportation Safety Investigation Board
VFR Visual Flight Rules






CHAPTER 6 Executive summary



2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Executive summary PAGE 8

Executive summary
The Annual Safety Recommendations Review provides infor­mation on the activity carried out by the Agency in
the field of safety investigation and follow-up. In addition, the review highlights a range of safety issues and
Agency safety improvement efforts that are of interest to the European Aviation Community and the public.

This 11th edition reviews the 2017 activity and presents:

ƒƒ General statistical data on the safety recommendations addressed by safety investigation authorities
to EASA in 2017;

ƒƒ Replies that EASA has given to safety recommendations in 2017;

ƒƒ Main safety topics related to the above mentioned recommendations and/or replies that have been
addressed through actions taken.

At the European Union level, the principles governing the investigation of accidents and serious incidents are
defined in Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 on
the investigation and prevention of accidents and incidents in civil aviation. Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 imple-
ments international standards and recommended practices as described in Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention
on International Civil Aviation.

During the last 10 years the Agency has become the main actor in safety investigation follow-up within Europe
and this has also been reflected in the establishment of a robust and rigorous processing of the safety recom-
mendations received. Owing to EASA central posi­tioning in the system, the Agency is able to take actions with
respect to systemic problems and other issues in the management of risk.

The implementation of safety recommendations provides tangible improvements in safety as a result of infor­
mation that has been learned during safety investigations. In Europe, the methodical approach to investigatory
work and the implementation of recommendations brings some meaning to the loss experienced as a result of

During 2017, Safety Investigation Authorities from 15 different States addressed 42 safety recommendations to
EASA in the context of the Agency’s remit. This number is about the half of the safety recommendations received
by the Agency in 2016, and by far the lowest in the last 8 years.

They were mostly related to aircraft or aviation related “equipment or facilities” [39%, Aircraft/Equipment/
Facilities] and to “procedures or regulations” [37%, Procedures/Regulations]. 16 were classified as safety
recommendations of Global Concern (SRGC) and 16 were classified as safety recommendations having Union-
wide Relevance (SRUR).
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Executive summary PAGE 9

Therefore, the handling of the safety recommendations in both an ex­peditious and responsible manner consti-
tutes one of the pivotal responsibilities for EASA. In response, the Agency in 2017 produced 157 replies to safety

ƒƒ 86 of them were final replies (closing safety recommendations) with more than 48% carrying an agree-
ment assessment, and 35% with partial agreement;

ƒƒ The remaining 71 updating replies provided information on the progress of the actions decided upon
by the Agency and for which the relevant activities were not yet completed;

ƒƒ Only 9% of the final response provided by EASA were assessed as “not adequate” by the Safety Inves-
tigation Authorities.






CHAPTER 6 Introduction


2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Introduction PAGE 11

At the European Union (EU) level, the principles governing the investigation of accidents and serious incidents
are defined in Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010
on the investigation and prevention of accidents and incidents in civil aviation.

Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 implements international standards and recommended practices as described in
Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation. It sets down an obligation for each Member
State of the European Union to establish an independent permanent national civil aviation safety investigation
authority, which shall investigate accidents and serious incidents in order to improve aviation safety and prevent
future occurrences without apportioning blame or liability. Investigation reports and the related safety recom-
mendations shall be communicated to the concerned aviation authorities for consideration and appropriate
action, as needed.

Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, the EASA Basic Regulation, states that “Results of air accident investigations should
be acted upon as a matter of urgency, in particular when they relate to defective aircraft design and/or opera-
tional matters, in order to ensure consumer confidence in air transport”.

EASA assigns a high priority to the follow-up of safety recommendations and has established effective proce-
dures to that effect:

ƒƒ EASA delivers the first response to incoming recommendations within 90 days;

ƒƒ The safety recommendations process is subject to continuous internal monitoring until all corrective
actions are closed;

ƒƒ The Agency receives assessments of its responses from Safety Investigation Authorities (SIA) and can
identify when opinions diverge. In this context, EASA considers the assessment given by the safe-
ty investigation authority on the appropriateness of the mitigation measures when closing the

In November 2017, EASA was audited by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). ICAO performed
the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) of its Member States to check the correct implementa-
tion of their ICAO obligations. The report will be published on ICAO web page.

All safety recommendations must be taken into full consideration by the organisations to which they are ad-
dressed. In this context, the Agency maintains transparency with respect to its decisions and actions, in line with
its safety mission. The Agency will maintain the current levels of cooperation in working with the European Net-
work of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities (ENCASIA) - WG6 on Safety Recommendations.

Furthermore, EASA is also monitoring safety recommendations that are issued to other aviation and non-avia-
tion addressees. The types of safety recommendations that are listed below have noticeably increased over the
past 3 years:

ƒƒ Safety Recommendations of Union-wide Relevance (SRUR) and with Global Concern (SRGC), address-
ing mainly systemic safety concerns;
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Introduction PAGE 12

ƒƒ Safety recommendations addressing new developments at the national level, such as safety rec-
ommendations related to increasing number of unmanned aircraft systems (drones/RPAS/UA), or
‘dual-use’ products which can be used for both military and civil aircraft;

ƒƒ Interdisciplinary safety recommendations addressing non-aviation entities, such as those relating to

cumulative events or to studies, with safety recommendations addressing a wide range of actors;

ƒƒ Security-related-safety recommendations, such as criminal acts affecting (interference) aircraft, crew

members, aviation critical infrastructure or the safety of airspace over conflict zones.

The Annual Safety Recommendations Review provides an overview on the follow-up performed by EASA in
response to recommendations addressed to the Agency by Safety Investigation Authorities in relation to the in-
vestigation of Accidents and Serious Incidents or originating from safety studies.

The first edition of this review was issued in 2007. This 11th edition reviews the 2017 activity and presents:

ƒƒ General statistical data on the safety recommendations addressed by safety investigation authorities
to EASA in 2017;

ƒƒ Replies that EASA has given to safety recommendations in 2017 and;

ƒƒ Main safety issues that have been addressed through actions taken.

Since 2011, a process to assess and mitigate safety risks at the European level has been established by EASA. At
the heart of this system is the concept of safety risk management, comprising hazard identification, risk assess-
ment and decision-making resulting in the best agreed course of action to mitigate those risks. EASA, Member
States (MS) and industry work closely together in this process. At the European level, this process is coordinated
by the Agency and documented in the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS).

The EPAS identifies the key safety issues as well as the agreed safety actions to resolve or mitigate the hazards.

Safety recommendations are one of the key inputs to the safety risk management process. They provide informa-
tion on the hazards as well as proposed solutions to mitigate the associated safety risks to the aviation system.





CHAPTER 6 Recommendations
received in 2017

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations received in 2017 PAGE 14

Safety Recommendations
received in 2017

3.1 Overview of Safety Recommendations received

in 2017
During 2017, EASA received a total of 42 safety recommendations.

Figure 1 shows the total annual number of safety recommendations that the Agency has received over the last
10 years. The exchange of safety recommendations and the role of EASA in that regard is enforced by the adop-
tion of Regulation (EU) No 996/2010. The issuance of safety recommendations addressed to EASA started to
develop shortly before this regulation came into force in 2010. In the years from 2012 to 2016, the annual num-
ber of safety recommendations addressed to EASA remained constant. In 2017, this amount reduced to half: This
is by far the lowest number of yearly safety recommendations addressed to the Agency during the last 8 years.

This is in line with the decreased number of safety recommendations issued in 2017 by the SIA in EASA Members
States. This fact was noted by ENCASIA when publishing their annual report. It was noted that in comparison to
2016 only 60 percent of safety recommendations were recorded in the European Safety Recommendation In-
formation System (SRIS). WG6 of ENCASIA intends to review this data in more detail in order to understand the
reason for this change.

´´ Figure 1: Safety Recommendations addressed to EASA per year

total annual number of safety recommendations
No. of safety recommendations

100 93 92
88 86 88

60 55


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations received in 2017 PAGE 15

In 2017, the safety recommendations were related to one study, one transmittal letter and 30 different occurrenc-
es, comprising 20 accidents, 8 serious incidents and 2 incidents.

The study was initiated by the Swiss Transportation Safety Investigation Board (STSB) and reviewed the organi-
sation and efficiency of the civil aviation search and rescue service in Switzerland1 (Swiss – SAR) addressing et al
one safety recommendation to the Agency regarding crash survivability of the emergency locator transmitter
(ELT) system (signal and technical construction).

The transmittal letter was received from the Romanian Civil Aviation Safety Investigation and Analysis Center
(CIAS) with one safety recommendation addressed to the Agency regarding the language used for passenger
safety briefings on domestic flights.

In summary, each investigation of the applicable occurrences resulted in one to three safety recommendations
being addressed to the Agency.

Figure 2 shows the total number of safety recommendations by different occurrence classes since 2012.

´´ Figure 2: Annual Safety Recommendations by occurrence class 2012-2017

71 69

No. of safety recommendations

50 47 47

22 24 24
20 18
12 13 12 14
10 5 7
0 1 2 0 1 2 2
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Accident Serious Incident Incident source type Study and Other

The aircraft categories, per type of operation, that were involved in the occurrences that resulted in safety
recommendations in 2017 are listed in the table below.

1 “Studie Nr. 3 der Schweizerischen Sicherheitsuntersuchungsstelle SUST über die Organisation und die Wirksamkeit des Such- und
Rettungsdienstes der zivilen Luftfahrt (search and rescue – SAR) in der Schweiz“
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations received in 2017 PAGE 16

´´ Figure 3: Safety Recommendations received in 2017 by Type of Operation and Aircraft


Aircraft Category

Fixed Wing
Type of Operation Fixed Wing Small
Lighter- Rotorcraft UA/ Grand
Large than-air Total Total
(incl. Glider, RPAS

Commercial Air
14 1 2 8 25

Cargo 1 1 2

Passenger 13 2 8 23

Airline 13 13

HEMS 7 7

Sightseeing 2 1 3

2 10 1 1 14

State Operations 1 1

Firefighting 1 1

not applicable* 2

Grand Total 16 11 2 10 1 42
*including safety recommendations stemming from one study and one letter

3.2 Origin of the Safety Recommendations received

in 2017
In 2017, Safety Investigation Authorities of 15 different States addressed 42 safety recommendations to EASA.

Figure 4 shows the percentage distribution of safety recommendations between EASA Member States and non-
EASA Member States that were addressed to EASA in 2017. The chart shows that EASA Member States issued
90 % of the safety recommendations that were received by EASA in 2017.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations received in 2017 PAGE 17

´´ Figure 4: Origin of Safety Recommendations received by EASA


EASA Member States

Non EASA Member States


Almost one third [28%] of the safety recommendations received in 2017 were related to 4 major occurrences as
follows [each investigation issued 3 safety recommendations addressed to EASA]:

1. An accident involving a rescue helicopter AgustaWestland AW109SP, with registration HB-ZRV, on

26 February 2015 during the approach to the Base “Rega Erstfeld” in Switzerland;

2. A serious incident involving an AIRBUS A330, with registration N276AY, on 26 June 2016 at London
Heathrow Airport (United Kingdom) with an emergency evacuation at the parking stand after an APU
failure filled cabin with smoke;

3. An accident involving a RANS S6 aircraft (Annex II aircraft), with registration EC-YDQ, on 15 July 2016
in the vicinity of the “Los Garranchos” airfield in Spain;

4. A serious incident involving a BK117D2 helicopter, with registration I-BRXA, in a powerplant related
event, en-route during an Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) operation on 11 October 2017 at Mon-
tichiari Airport in Italy.

The safety recommendations that EASA received from non-EASA Member States are related to the following four

ƒƒ An accident involving an ATR 72 aircraft, with registration VH-FVR, operating on a scheduled passen-
ger flight from Canberra to Sydney, Australia, sustained a pitch disconnect while on descent to Sydney
on 20 February 2014. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) addressed one safety recommen-
dation to EASA.

ƒƒ A fatal accident involving a BOEING B747-412F, with registration TC-MCL, on 16 January 2017 while
performing a cargo flight from Chek Lap Kok Airport (VHHH, Hong Kong) via Manas International
Airport (UCFM, Bishkek) to Ataturk Airport (LTBA, Istanbul) impacted the ground during approach to
RWY 26 of Manas International Airport, Kyrgyz Republic. The accident is being investigated by the
Russian Federation Interstate Aviation Committee Commission (MAK), and in the published preliminary
report one safety recommendation was addressed to EASA.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations received in 2017 PAGE 18

ƒƒ An incident investigated by the Transport Safety Investigation Bureau of Singapore that occurred dur-
ing a flight from Sydney to Singapore on 26 November 2016 involving a BOEING B787, with registration
9V-OJF. The aircraft experienced vibration in one engine during the climb and cruise phase and an
engine failure during descent to Singapore Changi Airport. The SIA addressed one safety recommen-
dation to EASA.

ƒƒ The United States National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigated an accident involving an
AIRBUS Helicopters AS350 that suffered a loss of control at take-off from a ground-based hospital heli-
pad in Frisco, Colorado on 3rd July 2015. The SIA addressed one safety recommendation to EASA.

Safety recommendations coming from non-EASA Member States mainly addressed actions to EASA certified
products (focused on reviewing the design to ensure the ongoing safe operation) or recommended cooperation
with the primary certification authority.

Figure 5 shows the contribution of different SIAs worldwide, also indicating the number of occurences that
contributed to the safety recommendations that were addressed to EASA in 2017. The contribution of the occur-
rences is proportional to the number of safety recommendations. The SIAs of Sweden [8], Switzerland [7] and
Spain [6] issued the highest number of safety recommendations.

´´ Figure 5: States contribution to Safety Recommendations received in 2017

Number of occurrences that contributed to Safety Recommendations received by EASA

10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of occurrences contributed to the Number of Safety Recommendations EASA received by:
Safety Recommendations EASA received EASA Member States
Non-EASA Member States

The Swedish Accident Investigation Authority (Statens haverikommission - SHK) issued 8 safety recommendations
that were related to 6 different occurrences, all of which occurred in Sweden. The majority of the safety recom-
mendations arise from different occurrences and are not drawn from the previously described 28% of all safety
recommendations received in 2017:

ƒƒ An accident involving a hot air balloon LINDSTRAND (model LBL 120A, with registration SE-ZOU) at
Nynäs Fallet on 10 May 2016. The investigation resulted in two safety recommendations being ad-
dressed to EASA.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations received in 2017 PAGE 19

ƒƒ A serious incident at Vilhelmina Airport in Sweden on 6 April 2016 involving a BAe ATP aeroplane, reg-
istration SE-LLO, in a runway excursion. The investigation determined that this event was caused by an
asymmetrical reverse thrust and the braking action was probably worse than that indicated by the cal-
culated friction coefficients. Two safety recommendations were addressed to EASA.

ƒƒ A serious incident on 6 April 2016 involving a FOKKER F28-100 aeroplane, with registration YR-FZA,
that occurred during an instrument approach to Gällivare airport, which was performed in the dark
with snow and rain. After a hard landing in the touchdown zone, the aircraft overran the end of the
runway and came to a halt on the runway strip. The investigation determined that the serious incident
was caused by the gradual deterioration of conditions allowing for a safe landing, which was not per-
ceived in due time. One safety recommendation was addressed to EASA.

ƒƒ A serious incident involving an AVRO 146-RJ100, with registration SE-DSP, occurred on 29 September
2016 at Malmö Airport and related to a component failure/malfunction [non-powerplant / SCF-NP] due
to inadequate maintenance. One safety recommendation was addressed to EASA.

ƒƒ A serious incident involving an AVRO-RJ 100,with registration SE-DSV, after take-off from Gothenburg/
Landvetter Airport on 7 November 2016. The investigation determined that the incident was partly
caused by the operator lacking safe procedures for performing a complete contamination inspection,
and partly because the operator had not properly checked the subcontractor’s working methods. This
resulted in the aircraft taking off with ice-contamination on critical surfaces. One safety recommen-
dation was addressed to EASA.

ƒƒ A Loss of control – inflight (LOC-I) involving a Diamond DA42, with registration SE-LVR, during a train-
ing flight on 22 January 2016 at Ängsö (Västmanland County). The investigation resulted in one safety
recommendation being addressed to EASA.

The Swiss Transportation Safety Investigation Board (STSB) issued 7 safety recommendations that were related
to one study and 4 accidents as follows:

1. An accident involving a rescue helicopter AgustaWestland AW109SP (HB-ZRV) on 26 February 2015

during the approach to the Base “Rega Erstfeld” in Switzerland. Three safety recommendations were
addressed to EASA.

2. An accident involving an AIRBUS A319 (HB-JZQ) on 20 July 2014. One safety recommendation was ad-
dressed to EASA.

3. An accident involving a ROBIN DR400 (HB-EQN) on 26 August 2016. One safety recommendation was
addressed to EASA.

4. An accident involving an ATR72 (D-ANFE) on 04 December 2014. One safety recommendation was ad-
dressed to EASA.

5. A study2 concerning the review of the organisation and efficiency of the civil aviation search and res-
cue service in Switzerland (Swiss – SAR) addressing et al one safety recommendation to the Agency
regarding crash survivability of the emergency locator transmitter (ELT) system.

2 “Studie Nr. 3 der Schweizerischen Sicherheitsuntersuchungsstelle SUST über die Organisation und die Wirksamkeit des Such- und
Rettungsdienstes der zivilen Luftfahrt (search and rescue – SAR) in der Schweiz“
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations received in 2017 PAGE 20

The Civil Aviation Accidents and Incidents Investigation Commission (CIAIAC) in Spain issued 6 safety recommen-
dations that were related to 4 different occurrences (3 accidents and 1 incident). The safety recommendations
were in the scope of operations [1 safety recommendation Flight Planning and Fuel Management (FPFM)], Air
Crew training [1 safety recommendation concerning the training program for helicopter pilots for the LTE phe-
nomenon, and 1 safety recommendation related to flight crew water survival training for flights over water
in specialised air operations] and three safety recommendations concerning aircraft equipped with a ballistic
parachute recovery system. The volume of safety recommendations is consistent with one of the four main con-
tributing events, as described in the previous chapter.

In general, the safety recommendations issued by the European SIAs in 2017 addressed a wide scope of tech-
nical subjects in the remit of the Agency: Certification, air operations, air crew, aerodromes and air traffic
management. Aspects covered were, inter alia, the initial and continued airworthiness of light aircraft and large
helicopters, various aspects of air operations (such as flight planning, weather conditions, fuel consumption and
de-icing), CAT operations, as along with flight crew training and procedures for air crew (emergency procedures).

3.3 Involvement in accident and serious incident

In 2017 several investigations of major accidents and serious incidents have been opened and or conducted. The
Agency’s role in the field of aircraft accident and incident investigation is mostly focused on following-up on the
progress of aircraft accident and incident investigations, the Agency being represented during investigations and
providing technical expertise to investigations as required.

Below is a list of 2017 accident and incident investigations where EASA was closely involved, mainly through the
appointment of an EASA Technical Advisor:

ƒƒ A serious incident on 11 March 2017 in Colombia involving an AIRBUS A340-300 (registration F-GLZU),
which experienced a slow rotation take-off from SKBO (Bogota) on RWY 13R. The investigation is
delegated to the BEA by the Colombian Aircraft Accident Investigation (GRIAA).

ƒƒ On 10 August 2017, an accident occurred involving an HPH Glasflügel 304 eS (registration G-GSGS),
which is an electric self-sustainer sailplane, having a battery fire in the Front Electric Sustainer (FES)
during landing at Parham Airfield, in the United Kingdom. The occurrence was initially referred to the
British Gliding Association (BGA) for investigation in accordance with an existing Memorandum of
Understanding between the AAIB and the BGA for non-fatal gliding accidents. Having conducted an
initial investigation, the BGA requested further assistance from the UK AAIB, resulting in the UK AAIB
launching a field investigation.

ƒƒ A serious incident occurred on 09 September 2017 involving an ATR 72-212A (registration EC-KKQ)
during a flight from Alicante to Madrid (Spain), which experienced Loss of Control Inflight (LoC-I) after
entering icing conditions. The investigation is led by the CIAIAC.

ƒƒ A collision with terrain involving a LET-410UVP (registration RA-67047) that was performing a sched-
uled passenger and cargo flight along the route Khabarovsk-Chumikan-Nelkan while approaching the
landing site at Nelkan airport (Russia) on 15 November 2017. The accident is being investigated by the
Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK).
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations received in 2017 PAGE 21

ƒƒ On 17 November 2017, a serious incident occurred en-route involving an AIRBUS A320, registration
EC-HQJ, operating from Geneva airport (Switzerland) to Barcelona airport in Spain) when the pilots be-
came partially incapacitated. The pilots donned the oxygen masks, declared an emergency situation
and diverted towards Marseille Airport in Provence. The occurrence is being investigated by the BEA.

Events with encountering sudden severe turbulence at high altitude:

ƒƒ An accident involving a Bombardier CL-604 and an AIRBUS A380, on 07 January 2017. During the cruise
phase above the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, approximately one minute after it had been passed over-
head by the AIRBUS A380 flying in the opposite direction, the CL-604 experienced a temporary loss of
control. After losing approximately 9,000ft of altitude, the pilots regained control of the aircraft and
subsequently landed at an alternate aerodrome; Muscat Airport, Oman. The German Federal Bureau
of Aircraft Accident Investigation (BFU) is leading the investigation and EASA, at the invitation of the
SIA, has been appointed as an adviser to the Investigator-in-charge.

ƒƒ Two events involved the AIRBUS A330 aircraft type operating in severe turbulence with the potential
to induce an upset:

1. The first involved, an AIRBUS A330-300 (registration 9M-XXS) during cruise in Malaysian airspace
on 03 May 2017. The Air Accident Investigation Bureau of Malaysia has opened an investiga-
tion in accordance with ICAO Annex 13 as the event occurred over international waters (State of
Registration/Operator – Malaysia).

2. The second involved an AIRBUS A330-200 (registration B-5926) during cruise while en-route from
Paris (France) to Kunming (China) at FL390 about 260nm northeast of Tyumen (Russia) on 17 June
2017. The investigation is being led by the Chinese Aircraft Accident Investigation Division, Office
of Aviation Safety.
In both events EASA, at the invitation of the SIA, was appointed as an adviser to the BEA accredited

Events involving helicopters:

ƒƒ Two events occurred in Italy involving the helicopter type Agusta Westland AW139:

1. On 24 January 2017, with registration EC-KJT during an Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
(HEMS operation) flight;

2. The second, with registration I-TNCC, occurred on 05 March 2017 while performing winching
during an HEMS operation.
The ANSV has opened two investigations and EASA, upon invitation from the SIA, appointed an
adviser for the investigation.

ƒƒ An accident involving a BK117 C-2 helicopter (registration N146DU) performing a HEMS operation in
North Carolina (USA) occurred on 08 September 2017. The investigation is being led by the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).

ƒƒ An accident involving a Sikorsky S92 (with registration EI-ICR) of the Irish Coast Guard conducting
a Top Cover off-shore mission for Search and Rescue (SAR) occurred on 14 March 2017 in Ireland.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations received in 2017 PAGE 22

ƒƒ An accident involving an Enstrom 480B helicopter (with registration N-480W) during a VFR flight from
Bolzano airport (LIPB) to Linz airport (LOWL) occurred on 10 May 2017 in Italy. EASA, at the invitation
of the SIA, was appointed as an adviser for the investigation opened by ANSV.

Events related to engine failure [engine malfunction]:

ƒƒ A serious incident involving a SAAB 340 (with registration VH-NRX) with an in-flight propeller mal-
function 19 km SW of Sydney Airport (Australia) occurred on 17 March 2017. The SHK (State of Design
and Manufacture) assigned an accredited representative to assist the investigation led by the ATSB,
and EASA, at the invitation of the SIA, was appointed as an adviser to the accredited representative.

ƒƒ An accident involving an AIRBUS A380-800 (with registration F-HPJE) during a flight from Paris Charles
de Gaulle (France) to Los Angeles (USA) occurred on 30 September 2017. An engine failure occurred
during cruise at FL370 over Greenland, causing the crew to divert the aircraft for a safe landing at
Goose Bay airport (Canada). The Danish Accident Investigation Board delegated the investigation lead
to the BEA. Investigators from AIB Denmark (State of Occurrence), from the NTSB (State of Engine Man-
ufacture), and the TSB (State where the flight crew diverted), are taking part in the safety investigation.

ƒƒ Three powerplant failures [SCF-PP: powerplant failure or malfunction] involving the aircraft type AIR-
BUS A330 (with ROLLS-ROYCE TRENT 700 engine), were classified as serious incidents:

1. During a flight on 15 May 2017, the pilots of an AIRBUS A330-200 (with registration SU-GCI) flying
from Cairo (Egypt) to Beijing (China) rejected a take-off due to an engine failure.

2. During a flight on 11 June 2017 from Sydney (Australia) to Shanghai (China), with an AIRBUS A330-
200 (registration B-6099) an inlet cowl damage occurred. The aircraft returned to Sydney for a safe
landing. The occurrence is being investigated by the ATSB. The BEA and the UK AAIB each appoint-
ed an accredited representative (respectively as State of Aircraft Manufacture and State of Engine
Manufacture). EASA, at the request of the SIA, was appointed as an adviser to each of the two Eu-
ropean accredited representatives.

3. On 25 June 2017 during a flight from Perth (Australia) to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), an AIRBUS A330-
300 (registration 9M-XXE) suffered a fan blade fracture en-route at FL380, which led to severe
vibrations and the shutdown of the engine involved. The crew returned to Perth for a safe landing.
The ATSB opened an investigation. The UK AAIB was appointed as an accredited representative and
EASA, at the invitation of the SIA, was appointed as an adviser to the accredited representative.

Please note that safety actions that were taken immediately during an investigation do not appear in this pub-
lication if a Safety Investigation Authority did not issue an associated safety recommendation to EASA in 2017.





CHAPTER 6 Recommendations
replies in 2017

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations replies in 2017 PAGE 24

Safety Recommendations
replies in 2017

4.1 Overview of Safety Recommendations replies

in 2017
In 2017, EASA issued 157 replies to 147 safety recommendations. Regular updates were provided, meaning that
in a given year there may be several response letters issued for the same recommendation. The main volume of
replies that were produced in 2017 were EASA responses to safety recommendations that were received in 2016
and 2017.

However, replies to recommendations from earlier years were also issued, as per the table below, for those cas-
es where follow-up actions and conclusions were reached, which required updates and or closure of the safety

´´ Figure 6: EASA responses to safety recommendations in 2017 by year received

Year Safety Recommendation received in Number of replies in 2017 Including Final Replies

2004 1 0

2005 0 0

2006 1 1

2007 2 2

2008 1 1

2009 6 4

2010 8 3

2011 15 11

2012 3 2

2013 19 12

2014 10 8

2015 14 9

2016 46 24

2017 31 9

total 157 86
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations replies in 2017 PAGE 25

4.2 Status of the Safety Recommendations replies

in 2017
Each final response closing a safety recommendation and its response assessment by the originators is classified
according to the categories3 given in Annex C.

Among the 157 replies that were sent by EASA in 2017 and summarised above, 86 were final replies that closed
safety recommendations with the following EASA response category distribution:

ƒƒ EASA agreed to take corrective actions in 71 cases either by directly applying the recommended
actions as was the case for 41 of them, or by partially agreeing to take corrective action for 30 of them
In partially agreeing, the Agency acknowledged the safety issue but took corrective actions other than
those recommended;

ƒƒ In another 15 cases, the safety recommendations were evaluated and the safety benefit was not
agreed with. Figure 7 below shows this distribution.

´´ Figure 7: Safety Recommendation Responses sent in 2017 [status, total number]

Closed - Agreement, 41

Closed - Partial
agreement, 30

Open, 71

Closed - disagreement,15

In order to monitor safety recommendations, their status remains open until the proposed action related to each
recommendation is fully developed and completed.

In addition to the 86 final replies closing a safety recommendation, 71 updating replies (so-called intermediate
response) were also issued. These updating replies provided information on the progress of the actions decided
upon by the Agency and for which the relevant activities were not yet completed.

3 These definitions of classification categories are developed in collaboration with European Safety Investigation Authorities and are
part of a taxonomy aimed at facilitating the management of safety recommendations.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations replies in 2017 PAGE 26

To follow-up on whether or not the competent Safety Investigation Authority (SIA) considers the response to be
adequate or disagrees with the action that EASA has proposed, the Agency has implemented procedures in com-
pliance with Regulation (EU) No 996/2010.

Figure 8 shows the total number of response assessments that EASA has received from the SIAs, based on the 86
closing replies that were sent in 20174. As assessed, 50 percent of the responses provided by the Agency were
deemed to be “adequate” or “partially adequate”, and 9 percent as being “not adequate”. With respect to 35 clos-
ing responses or 41% of those sent in 2017, EASA is awaiting the assessment of the SIAs.

Figure 9 provides a more detailed view of the recommendation assessment and or classification as determined
by the addressee.

´´ Figure 8: Response assessment received by originator on EASA Final Replies sent in 2017
[percentage, reference date: 26.03.2018]

(blank), 41% Adequate, 40%

Not adequate, 9% Partially adequate, 10%

4 The statistical reference date is 26 March 2018.

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Safety Recommendations replies in 2017 PAGE 27

´´ Figure 9: Assessment EASA received on the Final Responses sent in 2017 [total, reference
date: 26.03.2018]

Recommendation assessment by EASA

Closed-Partial agreement


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Response assessment by the originator

Adequate Partially adequate Not adequate (blank)




Overview of key


CHAPTER 5 safety topics

processed and actions


ANNEX B. carried out in 2017

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 29

Overview of key safety topics

processed and actions carried
out in 2017
In 2017, Safety Investigation Authorities from 15 different States issued 42 safety recommendations to EASA
that addressed proposals in all EASA remits. Figure 10 provides a percentage breakdown of the safety recom-
mendation topics. Among the safety recommendations, the European SIAs classified 16 as being of Union-wide
Relevance and 16 as being of Global Concern (SRGC). Thus, the handling of the safety recommendations in both
an expeditious and responsible manner constitutes one of the pivotal responsibilities for EASA.

´´ Figure 10: Safety Recommendations addressed to EASA per topic by EU SIAs5


Personnel, 17% Aircraft / Equipment /

Facilities, 39%

Procedures or
Regulations, 37%

Figure 10 provides information on the main topics by safety recommendation, according to the taxonomy used
in the European Safety Recommendation Information System (SRIS). The majority, almost 80 percent of safety rec-
ommendations that EASA received in 2017 make proposals for aircraft or aviation-related equipment/ facilities
[39%, 21 safety recommendations] and procedures or Regulations [37%, 20 safety recommendations].

Only 24 percent of the safety recommendations that EASA received in 2017 addressed safety topics in the fields
of “Personnel” and “Quality Management System/Safety Management System/State Safety Plan [QMS/SMS/SSP]”,
with 17 percent and 7 percent respectively.

5 Note: data in Figure 10 contains also safety topics estimated by EASA for 10 safety recommendations not recorded in EU SRIS by the
SIAs of the MS.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 30

Among the actions taken in 2017, several key safety topics are outlined below with accompanying information
on the action that the Agency took. The description highlights the safety issues that were underlined by the safe-
ty recommendations, together with the actions taken by the Agency in response. Furthermore, the follow-up of
safety recommendations that were classified as being of Global Concern (SRGC) and Union-wide Relevance (SRUR)
are also specially taken into account.

5.1 Large aeroplane cabin and passenger safety -

emergency evacuation
There are many factors that can influence aircraft incident and accident survivability and subsequent emergen-
cy evacuations. The physical factors include, adopting the correct brace position for impact, the correct use of
seatbelts, the location and operation of all emergency exits and the configuration of the cabin including aisles
and galleys, seating arrangements and the positioning of cabin crew assigned stations. Survivability in emergen-
cy evacuations is also affected by information factors such as passenger safety information cards, videos, signs,
placards, emergency lighting and marking systems, and verbal briefings by the cabin crew.

Investigations containing an analysis of actual emergency evacuations are important to gather ‘lessons learned’,
which in turn should enhance passenger safety in the event of an emergency evacuation. The aftermath of inves-
tigations and their safety recommendations are often classified as being of Global Concern (SRGC).

In 2017, and in previous years, several recommendations have been addressed to EASA on safety equipment and
‘passenger briefing’ [material, emergency exit briefing or Passenger emergency exit seating], for example:

ƒƒ Ensure that all operators performing domestic flights provide the safety briefing for the emergency
cases stipulated by CAT.OP.MPA.170 PASSENGER BRIEFING of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012
also in the official language of the state in which the flight is operated. [ROMN-2017-002]

ƒƒ On aircraft that are parked and have passengers on-board, require cabin crew to be evenly distribut-
ed throughout the cabin and in the vicinity of floor-level exits, in order to provide the most effective
assistance in the event of an emergency. [UNKG-2017-028]

ƒƒ Ensure safety briefings emphasise the importance of leaving hand baggage behind in an evacuation.

ƒƒ Develop recommendations on the content of visual aids such as safety briefing cards or safety videos
that information be included on how passengers, including those with young children, should use the
escape devices. [UNKG-2014-006]

ƒƒ Consider the need for expanded information and checking the understanding of emergency evacua-
tion procedures of passengers who are expected to act in an emergency evacuation. [SWED-2011-011]

ƒƒ Require modifications to life vest stowage compartments or stowage compartment locations to im-
prove the ability of passengers to retrieve life vests for all occupants. [UNST-2010-095]

ƒƒ Regulate the operation of interphone handsets, including during emergency communications, so that
it is standardised irrespective of aircraft type. [UNKG-2017-025]
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 31

EASA Actions:

In general, cabin crew duties, responsibilities and procedures, such as Passenger briefing procedures and surveil-
lance of the passenger cabin, addressed under Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 of 05 October 2012
‘laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations’, are expected to
provide an acceptable level of safety in the event of an emergency evacuation.

(A) Based on the context of the above-listed safety recommendations concerning passenger briefing, the Agen-
cy evaluated this safety issue within the framework of rulemaking tasks RMT.0516 and RMT.0517 ‘Updating Air
OPS Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 Implementing Rules and related Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) &
Guidance Material (GM)’.

The outcome of the evaluation is contained in EASA Executive Director (ED) Decision 2017/008/R, which was
published on the Agency’s web site on 30 March 2017. The ED Decision introduces:

ƒƒ Amendments to AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.170 on ‘passenger briefing’ which now states that, before take-
off/landing, passengers should be briefed on/reminded of the correct stowage of hand baggage and
the importance of leaving hand baggage behind in case of evacuation [see points (a)(1)(iii) and (c)(1)
(iii)]. [UNKG-2014-005]

ƒƒ New guidance material GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.170 ‘Passenger briefing — SAFETY BRIEFING MATERIAL’ ad-
dressing both the safety briefing card and the safety video, and providing guidance on the minimum
content, as applicable to the aircraft and the type of operation. Inclusion of information on how pas-
sengers, including those with young children, should use the escape devices is addressed in point (f)
(7)(iv). [UNKG-2014-006]

ƒƒ New guidance material addressing the need for a clear depiction for passengers of emergency escape
routes from the cabin via the wing to the ground for aircraft with overwing exits (see point (f)(6)(iii) of
GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.170 ‘Passenger briefing — SAFETY BRIEFING MATERIAL’). [UNKG-2002-043]

ƒƒ New guidance material GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.170(a) ‘Passenger briefing’ to recommend instructions that
the passenger(s) should receive through an ‘exit briefing’. It also recommends verification by the cabin
crew that the passenger has understood the instructions received. [SWED-2011-011]

(B) The following actions have taken place related to the safety recommendations addressing standards for
safety equipment:

ƒƒ The Agency has collaborated with FAA to revise the minimum performance standards for aircraft
seating systems, (European) Technical Standard Order (E)TSO-C127a, by adding new life vest retrieval
requirements that take into account this safety recommendation. Consequently, the FAA has published
TSO-C127b dated 06.06.2014. The Agency has also revised ETSO-C127 (from issue ‘a’ to issue ‘b’) under
rulemaking task RMT.0206. The associated ED Decision 2016/013/R amending CS-ETSO (amendment
11) entered into force on 5 August 2016. [UNST-2010-095]
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 32

5.2 Encountering severe turbulence at high altitude

In the last 10 years, events involving aeroplanes flying at high altitude encountering sudden severe turbulence
have progressively become more frequent worldwide. Independent from the genesis of these turbulent events -
passage of other aircraft traffic or atmospheric conditions - turbulence regularly causes injuries or serious injuries
to cabin crew and passengers, as well as damage to the structure of the aeroplane. A number of turbulent events
have the potential to induce an upset in flight6.

So far, investigations of these occurrences have focused on the review of the certification requirements for the
passenger cabin with respect to operational procedures, and have highlighted the importance of providing the
crew with adequate training on the aircraft type.

A study about turbulence in air transport was carried out by the BEA in 2008. The study analysed accidents and
incidents involving CAT operators between 1995 and 2007 that had encountered atmospheric turbulences dur-
ing the cruise(excluding events generated by wake turbulence).

In this context, the BEA identified various actors and addressed aspects of air traffic control, forecasting mete-
orological issues and communication of meteorological information via data link. One safety recommendation
was addressed to EASA.

Recent investigations and their recommendations underline the importance of providing the crew with ade-
quate information and training on the aircraft type to identify and manage anomalies in the air data information.

The aforementioned investigations which opened in 2017 refer to the following:

ƒƒ Accident involving a Bombardier CL-604 and an AIRBUS A380 on 07 January 2017 during cruise flight
above the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean.
ƒƒ Two serious incidents involving an AIRBUS A330 (one event on 03 May 2017 (registration 9M-XXS)
during cruise flight in Malaysian airspace and one on 17 June 2017 (registration B-5926) during cruise
flight at FL390 about 260nm northeast of Tyumen (Russia).

EASA Actions:

(A) Raise Awareness for ‘En-route Wake Turbulence Encounters’

With the increase of the overall volume of air traffic and enhanced navigation precision, wake turbulence en-
counters in the en-route phase of flight above 10 000 feet (ft) mean sea level (MSL) have progressively become
more frequent in the last few years. Therefore, on 22 June 2017 the Agency published EASA SIB No.: 2017-10
‘En-route Wake Turbulence Encounters’ to enhance the awareness of pilots and air traffic controllers of the risks
associated with wake turbulence encounters in the en-route phase of flight and provide recommendations and
advice with the purpose of mitigating the associated risks.

6 An aeroplane upset is a  condition where an aeroplane unintentionally exceeds the flight parameters experienced during normal
flight. Upsets that are not corrected in a timely manner are likely to lead to loss of control in-flight (LOC-I).
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 33

(B) Providing the crew with weather information

Since March 2016, the Agency has has been conducting a project on ‘weather information to pilots’. The objec-
tive is to propose means to maximise in-flight safety through enhanced meteorological situational awareness in
the cockpit and, therefore, to reduce the risk of flying in severe weather conditions. The resultant EASA strategy
paper is published on the EASA website [
information-pilots], and concludes with nine recommendations to facilitate and promote enhanced situational
awareness in the cockpit with regard to the weather. The strategy paper recognises the potential benefits of
additional situational awareness that may follow from the provision of in-flight weather updates, for strategic
planning purposes, to the cockpit via emerging technologies such as Electronic Flight Bags. The recommenda-
tions and subsequent actions from the strategy paper aim to more accurately quantify and assess the benefits
and challenges in order that appropriate safety promotion and or regulatory material can be developed.

The Agency has published Opinion No 10/2017 [

ion-102017] ‘Transposition of provisions on electronic flight bags from ICAO Annex 6’ (18/12/2017), related to
Comment Response Document (CRD) 2016/12. The use of In-flight Weather updates on Electronic Flight Bags is

The Agency intends to monitor data distribution through the use of datalink as part of the Single European Sky
ATM (Air Traffic Management) Research (SESAR) work programme. As the concept and technology improves, the
Agency will develop the necessary regulatory material, as appropriate.

(C) Make the crew fit: provide Loss of Control Prevention and Recovery Flight Cew Training/ Cabin Crew Pas-
senger Management

The Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 ‘Loss of control prevention and recovery training’ from rulemak-
ing task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017. This Opinion introduces mandatory upset prevention and recovery training
(UPRT), testing and checking at various stages for pilots who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commercial

5.3 Runway surface conditions and aircraft ground

In 2017, EASA received two safety recommendations on runway surface conditions and one on aircraft ground

ƒƒ The recommendations stemming from 2 serious incidents which occurred in Sweden (one occurrence
consists of two separate incidents, with the second having been a  consequence of the first)
address ‘Runway Surface Condition Assessment and Reporting’ [SWED-2017-006], and operations/
performance of aircraft ‘on surfaces contaminated with slush or water’ [SWED-2017-005].

ƒƒ One safety recommendation was received regarding methods for aircraft ground de-icing and post-
de-icing checks [SWED-2017-014].

All three safety recommendations are identified as being of Global Concern (SRGC).
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 34

EASA Actions:

In order to maintain a high and uniform level of civil aviation safety in the Union while pursuing the objective of
an overall improvement in aerodrome safety, the Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 of 12 February 2014
‘laying down requirements and administrative procedures related to aerodromes’, has been published. Reflecting
the state of the art and the best practices in the field of aerodromes while taking into account the applicable
International Civil Aviation Organisation Standards and Recommended Practices.

EASA has taken the following actions in relation to runway surface condition assessment and reporting:

ƒƒ The Agency has been actively supported the development of ICAO standards on this topic. With
Amendment 13B to Annex 14 and Amendment 1 to PANS-Aerodromes, ICAO introduced provisions
regarding the use of a global reporting format for assessing and reporting runway surface conditions,
with the objective to link better assessed runway surface conditions with aircraft performance. These
provisions are required to be implemented by November 2020.

In order to transpose this amendment to Annex 14, the Agency introduced rulemaking task RMT.0704
“Runway Surface Condition Assessment and Reporting” in the European Plan for Aviation Safety
(EPAS) 2017-2021, with a view to amending Regulation 139/2014. The task has been launched on 13
September 2017 with the publication of the terms of reference and the rulemaking task is planned
to finish by second quarter of 2020. The safety recommendation SWED-2017-006 will be considered
within the context of this RMT.

ƒƒ EASA has taken the following actions in relation to generic performance corrections for aeroplane
operations on surfaces contaminated with slush or water [SWED-2017-005]:

—— Rulemaking task RMT.0296 ‘Review of aeroplane performance requirements for CAT operations’
was launched by EASA on 9 June 2015 with the publication of the terms of reference. The
associated notice of proposed amendment NPA 2016-11 was published on 30 September 2016. It
includes proposals on standards for runway surface condition reporting, airworthiness standards
for landing performance computation at time of arrival and an in-flight assessment of landing
performance at time of arrival. The NPA takes into account the following recommendations made
in the 2013 European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions (EAPPRE):

›› Establish and implement one consistent method of contaminated runway surface condition
assessment and reporting by the aerodrome operator for use by aircraft operators. Ensure the
relation of this report to aircraft performance as published by aircraft manufacturers.

›› It is recommended that aircraft operators always conduct an in-flight assessment of the landing
performance prior to landing. Note: Apply an appropriate margin to these results. The deliverable
for RMT.0296, an EASA Opinion, is planned to be published in the second quarter 2018.
In addition, the Agency published Safety Information Bulletin SIB No.: 2018-02 on 18 January
2018 concerning ‘Runway Surface Condition Reporting’. The aim of this SIB is to enhance
awareness of air operators and pilots of the risks associated with incorrect or unreliable runway
surface condition reporting, inform about on-going rulemaking actions on the matter and
provide recommendations for the purpose of mitigating the associated risks.

Regarding the safety recommendation on aircraft ground de-icing and post de-icing checks [SWED-2017-014],
the Agency will consider, in collaboration with the ground de-icing industry community, whether there is a need
to re-inforce the established procedures through safety promotion channels, to remind the service providers of
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 35

the importance of applying the procedures correctly. This will inevitably include an evaluation of the suitability
of the recommended methodologies.

In addition the Agency published the following Safety Information Bulletin:

ƒƒ SIB No.: 2017-11, Issued: 14 July 2017, Subject: Global Aircraft De-icing Standards.

5.4 Helicopters performing CAT operations

In 2017, the Agency received a total of 10 safety recommendations [24%] stemming from occurrences involving
helicopters. Seven of those safety recommendations resulted from investigations of 2 accidents and 1 serious in-
cident involving a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) operation.

EASA Actions:

(A) CAT operations - HEMS

The Agency initiated a rulemaking task related to Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) operations. The
specific objectives of this rulemaking task RMT.0325/0326 ‘HEMS performance and public interest sites’ are the

(a) To issue an efficient and proportional regulation by adapting HEMS requirements to mountain opera-
tions and rescue operations other than search and rescue.

(b) To maintain a high aviation safety level by reviewing the provisions related to flights to/from a PIS lo-
cated in a congested area.

(c) To maintain a high aviation safety level by reviewing requirements related to HEMS flights by day or
night, regarding equipment, training, minima, operating/hospital site illumination.

(d) To issue an efficient and proportional regulation by adapting regulations in order to ensure that limit-
ed certifying staff authorisations can be issued to the best suited personnel regarding the release of
the aircraft following line maintenance on helicopter sling, hoisting, or other cabin equipment.

In 2017, a Notice of Proposed Amendment was under development through RMT.0325/.0326 for publication in
the first quarter of 2018.

(B) SPO - specialised operations

Since 21 April 2017 Annex VIII (Part-SPO) of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on Air Operations
has been applicable for specialised operations (SPO) with helicopters. As per definition, SPO may be of non-
commercial or commercial nature.

According to SPO.OP.230, before commencing a  specialised operation, the operator shall conduct a  risk
assessment, assessing the complexity of the activity to determine the hazards and associated risks inherent
in the operation and establish mitigating measures. Based on the risk assessment, the operator shall establish
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) appropriate to the specialised activity and helicopter used (for example
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 36

refer to SPO.SPEC.HESLO.100). This should take into consideration the risks related to the helicopter’s design
during operations with a suspended load. The associated SOPs should include suitable operational defences to
ensure that the equipment is installed and operated safely, also taking into account any instructions prescribed in
the manufacturer’s manuals. The SOPs should specify the training for crew members and task specialists required
to perform their tasks, as well as the responsibilities and duties of crew members and task specialists.

Furthermore, in 2017 the Agency took the following actions to enhance the safety of helicopters
performing CAT and specialised operations:

ƒƒ The Agengy issued Airworthiness Directive 2017-0025 on 14 February 2017 to mandate specific
inspections and a modification of the attaching means of the rescue hoist handle of the rescue hoist
support for specific installations on AW109SP. The manufacturer is also considering the introduction
of a protective cover as a design improvement. [SWTZ-2016-528];

ƒƒ The Agency has approved the Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) No. 10060852 and EASA STC
No. 10061056 to certify, under certain limitations, a crash resistant fuel system for the AS350B3e
rotorcraft. This configuration will be progressively introduced by the manufacturer in the newly
produced rotorcraft. [ASTL-2015-030];

ƒƒ The management of the carriage of passengers can often increase the workload of the pilot and can
cause a distraction during a flight. On 15 September 2017, the Agency issued SIB No.: 2017-15 ‘Carriage
of Passengers on Helicopters’. This SIB promotes two EHEST training videos on Passenger Management7
by way of raising the awareness of helicopter pilot licence holders, National Airworthiness Authorities,
Air Training Organisations and staff involved in helicopter operations;

ƒƒ EASA published updated Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Large
Rotorcraft (CS-29 Amendment 4). The specific objective is to update the certification specifications in
order to maintain a high level of safety and to provide cost-efficient rules harmonised with those of
international partners. This Decision amends AMC 29.351; to reflect certification experience and to
ensure a consistent and safe approach to establishing structural substantiation; to adopt AC 29-2C —
Change 4, published by FAA in May 2014. Most changes adopted in this AC were previously developed
jointly by FAA and EASA however some minor differences remain; to create new Certification
Specifications on High-intensity radiated fields (HIRF) (CS 29.1317) and lightning (CS 29.1316). This will
better reflect existing certification practice and will replace reliance on ageing JAA interim policies;

ƒƒ The publication of the EHEST Pre-departure Risk Assessment Checklist – This tool has been developed
to allow pilots and technicians to evaluate the actual risk of the flight or of the maintenance. The tool is
based on the PAVE (Pilot, Aircraft, environment, External pressure) check list and adapted for the type
of flight (HEMS, leisure, training, passenger, etc.). The final purpose is to make pilots and technicians
aware that simple factors, when combined, can raise the total risk significantly, eventually resulting in
a situation where the helicopter should not flight unless some of the risk factors are mitigated;

ƒƒ The publication of the new Edition of the EHEST Helicopter Flight Instructor Guide based on
a manual developed by the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and other international
organisations – This edition features a series of further changes and improvements such as chapter
reorganisation matching the EASA Part FCL syllabus requirements. The Guide covers the Teaching and
Learning syllabus of the Flight Instructor Course including pedagogical theory, human performance,
threat and error management together withricher content addressing training programme

7 All EHEST material was transferred in 2017 to the EASA Safety Promotion website.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 37

development and administration. In addition, it covers the PPL(H) Air Exercises with lesson objectives
added as a checklist for instructors.

5.5 Flight simulation training and other flight

training exercises
In 2017, EASA received 5 safety recommendations [12%] concerning the flight training in simulators and flight
training exercises.

Safety recommendations related to flight training for helicopter pilots:

ƒƒ Simulation of uncontrolled flight conditions due to „Loss of tail rotor effectiveness” (LTE) to require for
helicopter pilots a flight simulation training including a sufficient and dedicated training on „Loss of
tail rotor effectiveness” (LTE) and recovery actions for all training, examination and proficiency check
flights (on appropriate and certified simulators). [AUST-2017-001];

ƒƒ To standardise the theoretical and practical training on the LTE phenomenon among the various
helicopter training programs for obtaining the LAPL(H), PPL(H), CPL(H), ATPL(H) and FI(H) licenses.
This training should benefit the level of complexity and responsibility associated with each license.

Other safety recommendations concerning flight training issues, addressing EASA:

ƒƒ To amend the regulations so as to authorise, in the context of FCL, the use of types of FSTD simulators
with a lower level than FFS during smoke or emergency descent training on Cessna 525B aeroplane
types and, more generally, on complex HPA aeroplanes. [FRAN-2017-001];

ƒƒ To identify exercises in flight training that might entail an increased risk factor and to issue guidance
material (GM) for the practical execution of these. [SWED-2017-001];

ƒƒ To ensure that the manufacturer improves the awareness of the flight crews of the Airbus A320 fami-
ly and provide them training to overspeed situations. [SWTZ-2017-524].

EASA Actions:

In 2017, in the wake of several safety recommendations addressing loss of control in flight, the Agency published
opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery training”. This opinion introduces mandatory
UPRT and testing and checking at regular intervals for pilots who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commer-
cial airline. In support of the new standards, appendix 9 — Training, skill test and proficiency checks for MPL,
ATPL, type and class ratings, and proficiency checks for IRs is amended to include UPRT. It now covers procedures
requiring a high workload in a short time frame, such as going around with all engines operating. In addition,
opinion No 05/2017 amending Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 related to flight crew licensing (FCL)
coordinates Part–FCL safety and regulatory issues and takes benefit from new learning objectives (LOs) for ATPL,
MPL, CPL and IR for aeroplanes and helicopters developed in ED Decision 2016/008/R related to performance-
based navigation (PBN) operations.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 38

In response to recommendations to improve flight simulators fidelity, including the need to improve training
on the latest UPRT amendments and to also cover some specific manoeuvres such as rotorcraft loss of tail rotor
effectiveness, the Agency took all inputs into consideration in the Rulemaking Task RMT.0196 ‘Update of flight
simulation training devices requirement’, which was launched with the objective to adapt the requirements for
Flight Simulator Training Devices (CS-FSTD) to the training need.

All EHEST Training and Education material was transferred in 2017 to the EASA Safety Promotion website. Refer
in particular to:

ƒƒ EHEST Helicopter Flight Instructor Guide, a comprehensive and fully illustrated Helicopter Flight
Instructor Guide;

ƒƒ EHEST Leaflet HE 12 Helicopter Performance: This leaflet discusses the factors affecting helicopter
performance. It then provides pilots with guidance, tips and techniques to ensure safe operations;

ƒƒ EHEST Leaflet HE11 Training and Testing of Emergency and Abnormal Procedures in Helicopters:
This leaflet provides guidance and safety tips for pilots, instructors and examiners on the subject of
training and testing of emergency and abnormal procedures;

ƒƒ EHEST Leaflet HE 10 Teaching and Testing in Flight simulation training Devices (FSTD): This leaflet
provides guidance to helicopter instructors and examiners on how to conduct aircrew training and
testing in Flight Simulator Training Devices (FSTDs), and provides basic principles on how to get the
best use of this invaluable training asset;

ƒƒ EHEST Leaflet HE 6 Advantages of Simulators in Helicopter Flight Training: This leaflet emphasises
the advantages of simulators in helicopter flight training. The document presents the various
helicopter flight simulation training devices available and reviews the additional training and safety
benefits related to recent technological and regulatory developments;

ƒƒ EHEST Leaflet HE 5 Risk Management in Training: This leaflet provides tools and methods to improve
risk management in training;

ƒƒ EHEST Leaflet HE 1 Safety Considerations: addresses Degraded Visual Environment (DVE), Vortex Ring
State (VRS), Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness (LTE), Static & Dynamic Rollover and Pre-flight Planning
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 39

5.6 General Aviation (GA) – various aspects in the

frame of airworthiness
In 2017, the Agency received six safety recommendations [14%] stemming from investigations of different occur-
rences related to various general aviation aircraft types.

These safety recommendations address specific airworthiness aspects for small aeroplanes, for example:

ƒƒ To modify the design of the APEX DR400 brake system after two cases of wing fire of the wooden
structure on the ground as a result of overheating of the brake disc [NETH-2017-001 (SRGC)] or;

ƒƒ To demand a mandatory warning system to detect overheat in the battery and warn the pilot for glid-
ers fitted with Electric Sustainer (FES) systems as recommended in UNKG-2017-018 (SRUR).

It is worth mentioning that three safety recommendations are classified with Global Concern (SRGC) and three
safety recommendations are classified with Union-wide Relevance (SRUR). One recommendation with SRUR and
SRGC character is addressing a proposal concerning the certification of unmanned aircraft and is specifically dis-
cussed in the next safety topic [ref. chapter 4.7].

EASA Actions:

In general, the Agency agreed with the intent of all received safety recommendations in this scope. All request-
ed actions have been properly addressed, either together with the Type Certificate Holder (TCH) or by issuing an
Airworthiness Directive.

The above mentioned cases have been addressed as following:

ƒƒ The safety recommendation NETH-2017-001 (SRGC) is being addressed with the TC holder to improve
the pedal design mechanism and avoid misuse of the brakes and;

ƒƒ The safety recommendation UNKG-2017-018 (SRUR) has been closed with AD 2017-0167-E, which
requires the removal of the FES battery pack or an EASA approved modification of the FES batteries
before the next flight, Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) improvement and updating the Flight Control
Unit (FCU) software with regard to the warnings presented to the pilot and modifications to the FES
battery design.

General Aviation is a high priority for EASA and the Agency is dedicating effort and resources towards creating
simpler, lighter and better rules for General Aviation. Recognising the importance of General Aviation and its
contribution to a safe European aviation system, EASA in partnership with the European Commission and other
stakeholders has created a Road Map for the Regulation of General Aviation (GA). EASA recognises that existing
regulations impacting General Aviation may not necessarily be proportional to the risk exposure of GA. Some
of this regulation was intended to cover more demanding (in terms of safety) activities, such as commercial air
transport operations.

Following the objective to simplify the airworthiness certification and oversight system for small and low-risk
General Aviation, EASA has re-written CS-23 certification rules for small aircraft. The reorganised CS-23 remove
design limitations for manufacturers and thus open the way to innovation.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 40

5.7 Unmanned Aircraft (UA)

In 2017, the Agency received one safety recommendation issued by the Italian – ANSV stemming from an accident
that occurred on 12 April 2016 during an experimental flight of an unmanned aircraft (UA). The recommendation
proposes as a mandatory requirement that unmanned helicopters be fitted with an automatic emergency recov-
ery (autorotation) function to mitigate the risk of ground impact in case of engine failure.

The Air Accident Investigation Unit Belgium (AAIU-BE) issued four safety recommendations related to UA in 2017
that addressed the NAA and design organisation concerning the review and or modification of requirements for
design and operations following an accident investigation of a UA that took-off in Belgium and crash landed in
northern France due to a series of communication interruptions between the ground station and the aircraft that
caused the autopilot to initiate the automatic landing procedure, which ultimately failed.

In 2016, 5 safety recommendations were issued by the Italian – ANSV stemming from a study related to “Inter-
ference of unmanned aircraft in the Italian airspace. The recommendations were concerned associated risks for
the safety of the flight of manned aircraft”. They addressed the Italian National Aviation Authority and covered
the safety topics of aircraft certification, aircraft operations, oversight and auditing, design, production and

EASA is following-up all actions as the majority of these safety recommendations are classified as having Global
Concern (SRGC) and Union-wide Relevance (SRUR).

EASA Actions:

A new regulatory framework is currently being developed by the European Commission and EASA to accommo-
date the operation of all Unmanned Aircraft (UA) in the EU:

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 (hereinafter referred to at the ‘Basic Regulation’),
the regulation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) with a maximum take-off mass (MTOM) of less
than 150 kg falls within the competence of the European Union (EU) Member States (MSs). This leads
to a fragmented regulatory system that hampers the development of a single EU market for UAS and
cross-border UAS operations. A new proposed Basic Regulation (hereinafter referred to as ‘the new
Basic Regulation’), currently under discussion between the Council, the European Commission, and
the European Parliament, aims to solve this issue, by extending the competence of the EU to regulate
all UAS regardless of their MTOM.

In view of the adoption of this planned ‘new Basic Regulation’, the Agency:

ƒƒ Published a Technical Opinion (Opinion of a technical nature) in December 2015 which proposed a reg-
ulatory concept which is operation centric, proportionate, risk- and performance-based. It includes
the establishment of three categories of UA operation (Open, Specific, Certified) which are based on
the risk posed by the operation;

ƒƒ Started in 2016 a Rulemaking task RMT.0230 and published in August 2016 a ‘Prototype’ regulation for
the ‘Open’ and ‘Specific’ categories;
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 41

ƒƒ Published in May 2017 the Notice of Proposed Amendment 2017-05 ‘Introduction of a regulatory
framework for the operation of drones - Unmanned aircraft system operations in the open and spe-
cific category’;

ƒƒ Published on 6 February 2018 Opinion 01/2018 entitled ‘Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) operations
in the ‘open’ and ‘specific’ categories’. The objective of this Opinion is to create a new regulatory
framework that defines measures to mitigate the risk of operations in the:

1. ‘Open’ category, through a combination of limitations, operational rules, requirements for the
competency of the remote pilot, as well as technical requirements for UAS, such that the UAS
operator may conduct the operation without prior authorisation by the competent authority,
or without submitting a declarationand;

2. ‘Specific’ category, through a system that includes a risk assessment being conducted by the
UAS operator before starting an operation, or an operator complying with a standard scenar-
io, or an operator holding a certificate with privileges.

Moreover, this Opinion is intended to:

1. implement an operation-centric, proportionate, risk- and performance-based regulatory framework

for all UAS operations conducted in the ‘open’ and ‘specific’ categories;

2. ensure a high and uniform level of safety for UAS operations;

3. foster the development of the UAS marketand;

4. contribute to addressing citizens’ concerns regarding security, privacy, data protection, and environ-
mental protection.

Thus, the safety risk associated with a UA falling onto third parties or properties is taken into account in the de-
velopment of the regulations. The magnitude of the risk depends both on the type of operation performed and
on the characteristics of the UA. Different means can be used to mitigate this risk, at the operational and design
levels. For an unmanned helicopter, an autorotation function is one of those mitigations.

In Addition, the Agency has developed a Safety Risk Portfolio for UAS with the support of the EASA task force
and Collaborative Analysis Group (CAG). Furthermore, in the UAS domain, there is a large strategic EPAS action
that will cover all the various safety issues identified in the safety risk portfolio.

5.8 Ballistic Parachute Recovery Systems (BPRS)

In 2017, three safety recommendations have been received regarding the need to have a better means of iden-
tifying aircraft equipped with Ballistic Parachute Recovery Systems (BPRS), in order to alert rescue or other
personnel at the scene of an accident or incident and to mitigate the risk to first responders and other person-
nel during a rescue operation. Addressing EASA to:

ƒƒ Lay out the measures required so that aircraft equipped with a ballistic parachute reflect this in the
flight plan as part of point SERA.4005, Contents of a flight plan, “Emergency and survival equipment”.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Overview of key safety topics processed and actions carried out in 2017 PAGE 42

ƒƒ Lay out the measures required to initiate, at the European level, an awareness, information and
training campaign directed at general aviation users and emergency services personnel on the
existence, identification, location and deactivation of ballistic parachutes in the event of an accident
or incident. [SPAN-2017-040];

ƒƒ Liaise with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to include standards for the design
(conspicuity, coloration, visibility, and content) in the installation of ballistic parachute systems.
This should include, as compulsory for pyrotechnical systems, specifications of the routing of the
components of the system and a thermal exposure indicator to enable emergency responders to
quickly and safely disable the system, and fully alert persons to the hazards and the danger areas on
the aircraft. [SPAN-2017-042];

EASA had already received three safety recommendations in 2015 and one in 2014 addressing the need for better
means of identification for aircraft equipped with Ballistic Parachute Recovery Systems (BPRS), in order to alert
rescue or other personnel at the scene of an accident and mitigate the risk to first responders during a rescue
operation. All of them have been closed with final replies.

EASA Actions:

Ballistic Parachute Recovery Systems (BPRS) for EASA certified aircraft are regulated in the Certification
Specifications for Light Sport Aeroplanes, CS‑LSA, which requires compliance of the BPRS with the ASTM standard
F2316-12 (‘Airframe Emergency Parachutes for Light Sport Aircraft’). The same reference standard can be applied
to other small aeroplanes category certified by EASA through a Special Condition.

EASA holds that the installation of placards complying with this standard provide an adequate level of safety, and
that the same standard is also available for use on aircraft not certified by EASA.

In addition, EASA intends to issue an Opinion to amend Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012
concerning the common rules of the air (SERA), as well as of the related Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC)
and Guidance Material (GM) so that aircraft equipped with a BPRS reflect this in the flight plan and emergency
equipment list as recommended in SPAN-2017-038.

EASA will also examine how to improve the awareness emergency services personnel as to the BPRS
identification, location and deactivation in the event of an accident, as recommended by SPAN-2017-040.






CHAPTER 6 Conclusions


2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Conclusions PAGE 44

In 2017, EASA received a total of 42 safety recommendations that:

ƒƒ Originated from 1 study, 1 transmittal letter and 30 different occurrences (20 accidents, 8 serious in-
cidents and 2 incidents);

ƒƒ Were addressed by Safety Investigation Authorities of 15 different States;

ƒƒ 90 percent of the received safety recommendations [38 total] were issued by EASA Member States.
Among those, 16 were classified as safety recommendations having Union-wide Relevance (SRUR);

ƒƒ 16 were classified as safety recommendations of Global Concern (SRGC) and;

ƒƒ Were mostly related to aircraft or aviation related equipment or facilities [39%, Aircraft/Equipment/
Facilities] and to procedures or regulations [37%, Procedures/Regulations].

This number of safety recommendations EASA received in 2017 is about the half of those received in 2016, and
by far the lowest in the last 8 years. Although this can be the result of a number of factors, one contributing
element is certainly due to the fact that no single investigation report was issued in 2017 containing a large batch
of safety recommendations addressed to the Agency as it was the case in the previous years.

In response, the Agency in 2017 produced 157 replies to 147 safety recommendations:

ƒƒ 86 of them were final replies (closing safety recommendations) with more than 48% carrying an
agreed assessment, and 35 percent with partial agreement;

ƒƒ The remaining 71 updating replies provided information on the progress of the actions decided upon
by the Agency and for which the relevant activities were not yet completed;

ƒƒ 85 percent of the final responses provided by EASA and assessed by the originator of the recommen-
dation were “adequate” or “partially adequate”.

The number of replies provided in 2017 was consistent with the number of replies provided in 2016. In
particular, the volume of 86 closing replies sent in 2017 allowed a significant reduction in the number of safety
recommendations currently open for the Agency.

Furthermore, the actions taken by the Agency in response to the safety recommendations outlined several of
the key safety topics that are currently part of the EPAS and are included in the safety risk management process.




List of 2017 Safety

CHAPTER 6 Recommendations

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 46

ANNEX A: List of 2017 Safety

Recommendations Replies
The replies EASA sent in 2017 to safety recommendations are listed below. In the case of multiple replies sent
during the year (in total EASA sent 157 reply letters), only the latest reply is provided (147 reply letters). They are
sorted by country of origin and grouped by occurrence.

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

LV-CEJ Caltaruna, Province of Rio Negro 18/05/2011 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On 18 May 2011, the pilot in command (PIC) and the crew - composed of the co-pilot (COP) and cabin crew mem-
bers (CCM) - initiated the flight OSL 5428 from Rosario International Airport (ROS) in the province of Santa Fe at
20:35, the final destination being the Comodoro Rivadavia International Airport (CRD), in the province of Chubut.

The flight had scheduled intermediate stopovers at Cordoba International Airport (COR), Medoza (MDZ), and Neu-
quén (NQN), according to the company’s plans. The company designated aircraft Saab 340A, with registration
number LV-CEJ, for the flight.

After having made the intermediate stopovers in Cordoba (COR) and Mendoza (MDZ), the pilot landed the air-
craft at the airport in Neuquén at 22:20. After refuelling and carrying out the planned dispatch, the crew and 19
passengers (18 adults and one minor) on board, prepared to make the last leg of the flight OSL 5428, from Neu-
quén Airport (NQN) to the final destination: Comodoro Rivadavia International Airport (CRD). The flight took off
at 23:05.

After the take-off, the aircraft started to climb AWY T 105, to reach FL 190, in accordance with the flight plan. Af-
ter flying for 24 minutes, the pilot levelled the aircraft at 17800 ft, and remained at this level for approximately 9
minutes. Due to the fact that the meteorological conditions at this level caused icing, the technical crew descend-
ed to FL (flight level) 140. Shifting to FL 140 took five minutes. During this stage of the flight the icing conditions
steadily worsened.

By the time the aircraft had reached FL 140, the icing conditions were severe. The aircraft flew for approximate-
ly two minutes with a straight and level flight attitude, increasing the accumulation of ice.

Then the aircraft completely lost lift, which resulted in a loss of control, and the subsequent entry into abnormal
flight attitude. The aircraft plunged towards the earth and impacted the ground, which resulted in a fire. Every-
one on board perished and the aircraft was destroyed.

The accident happened at night under IMC conditions.

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 47

Safety Recommendation ARGT-2015-001 (JIAAC)

It is recommended to the Aviation Authorities to consider implementing changes to the compliance requirements
with regard to the crew’s instruction and training, related to flight manoeuvre that are carried out during oper-
ations with a large angle of attack or with abnormal flight attitudes.

Consider making the following manoeuvres obligatory during the training and the licensing inspection (in flight
simulators), in accordance with the aircraft:

a) Recognising when a stall commences and how to prevent it from happening.

b) Recognising and recovering from an artificial stall warning

c) Recognising and recovering from a total aerodynamic stall

d) Practising how to recover from typical abnormal flight attitudes.

Reply No. 2 sent on 23/08/2017:

Mitigating Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is one of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA’s) high-
est priorities, and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset Prevention and Recovery
Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the necessary competencies
to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
ED Decision 2015/012/R published on the EASA website entered into force on 04 May 2016. It defines Ap-
plicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM) for recurrent training programme of
Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (ORO.FC.230) and conversion training (ORO.FC.220) pertaining
to Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operators using ‘complex motor-powered aeroplanes’.
The material takes into account the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 6 amendment
38, ICAO Doc 9868 ‘Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Training’ (PANS-TRG) amendment 3 relating
to UPRT, and ICAO Doc 10011 ‘Manual on Aeroplane UPRT’. Reference is also made to the Original Equip-
ment Manufacturers’ (OEMs’) Aeroplane Upset Recovery Training Aid (AURTA).
In addition, the Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery train-
ing” in the wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017.
This Opinion proposes to introduce mandatory UPRT, testing and checking at various stages for pilots
who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commercial airline:
ƒƒ advanced UPRT course (new FCL.745.A) as a prerequisite for training courses for single-pilot aero-
planes operated in multi-pilot operation, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and
multi-pilot aeroplanes (amendments to FCL.720.A);
ƒƒ Inclusion of UPRT elements considering the specificities of the particular class or type during the
relevant class or type rating training course (amendments to FCL.725.A);
ƒƒ Amendments to Appendix 9, paragraphs 5 and 6 in Annex I (Part-FCL) of Commission Regulation
(EU) No 1178/2011 for including upset prevention and recovery exercises into training courses,
skill test and proficiency checks related to single-pilot aeroplanes operated in multi-pilot oper-
ations, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and multi-pilot type rating training
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 48

The newly developed advanced UPRT course, which is to be mandated as an addendum to ATP and MPL
training courses and also to serve as a prerequisite prior to commencing the first type rating course in
multi-pilot operations, is an important step towards enhancing a commercial pilot’s resilience to the psy-
chological and physiological aspects often associated with upset conditions.
In support of the new standards, the proposals place greater emphasis on the training of instructors in-
volved in the flight and synthetic training who are foreseen to deliver the various UPRT elements. EASA
proposes training up to the stall but does not propose post-stall training to be required in a full flight
simulator (FFS), due to the risk of negative transfer of training, and reiterates that existing flight simula-
tor training devices (FSTDs) may be used to facilitate UPRT.
In line with ICAO, the opinion and the decision mentioned above propose UPRT to proficiency during in-
itial and recurrent training.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

VH-HWQ Bulli Tops, New South Wales 21/03/2013 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

At about 1207 on 21 March 2013, a Robinson Helicopter Company R44 helicopter (R44), registered VH-HWQ,
landed at a grassed area adjacent to a function centre at Bulli Tops, New South Wales. Shortly after landing, the
helicopter was observed to simultaneously lift off, yaw right through 180° and drift towards nearby trees. The
helicopter struck branches of the trees before descending, impacting the ground nose low and rolling onto its
right side. A short time after coming to rest a fire started and engulfed the helicopter. The pilot and three pas-
sengers were fatally injured.

Safety Recommendation ASTL-2015-030 (ATSB)

The ATSB recommends that the European Aviation Safety Agency take action to increase the number of hel-
icopters manufactured in accordance with the 1994 certification requirements for helicopters to include
a crash-resistant fuel system. [AO-2013-055-SR-030]

Reply No. 2 sent on 14/03/2017:

The Agency has approved the Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) No. 10060852 and EASA STC No.
10061056 to certify, under certain limitations, a crash resistant fuel system for the AS350B3e rotorcraft
model. This configuration will be progressively introduced by the manufacturer in the newly produced

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 49

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

VH-FVR 47 km WSW of Sydney Airport 20/02/2014 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On 20 February 2014, a Virgin Australia Regional Airlines (VARA) ATR 72 aircraft, registered VH-FVR, operating on
a scheduled passenger flight from Canberra, Australian Capital Territory to Sydney, New South Wales sustained
a pitch disconnect while on descent into Sydney. The pitch disconnect occurred while the crew were attempting
to prevent the airspeed from exceeding the maximum permitted airspeed (VMO). The aircraft was significantly
damaged during the occurrence.

In accordance with the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (the Act), the ATSB initiated an investigation into
the occurrence. On 15 June 2016 the ATSB released its first interim investigation report that contained the fol-
lowing safety issue:

ƒƒ Inadvertent application of opposing pitch control inputs by flight crew can activate the pitch uncou-
pling mechanism which, in certain high-energy situations, can result in catastrophic damage to the
aircraft structure before crews are able to react.

In the interest of transport safety, this safety issue was brought to the attention of the aircraft manufacturer (ATR)
and the wider aviation industry prior to completion of the investigation.

During the continued investigation of the occurrence, the ATSB has obtained an increased understanding of the
factors behind this previously identified safety issue. This increased understanding has identified that there are
transient elevator deflections during a pitch disconnect event that could lead to aerodynamic loads that could
exceed the strength of the aircraft structure.

The ATSB also found that these transient elevator deflections were not identified, and therefore not considered
in the engineering justification documents completed during the aircraft type’s original certification process. The
ATSB considers that the potential consequences are sufficiently important to release a further interim report pri-
or to completion of the final investigation report.

This second interim report expands on information already provided in, and should be read in conjunction with,
the interim report released on 15 June 2016 report and an update on the ATSB website on 10 June 2014. It is re-
leased in accordance with section 25 of the Act and relates to the ongoing investigation of the occurrence.

Readers are cautioned that the factual information and analysis presented in this interim report pertains only to
the safety issue discussed herein. The final report will contain information on many other facets of the investiga-
tion, including the operational, maintenance, training and regulatory aspects.

Readers are also cautioned that new evidence may become available as the investigation progresses that will
enhance the ATSB’s understanding of the occurrence. However, in order to ensure the veracity of the analysis of
the evidence leading to the identified safety issue, the ATSB engaged the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch
(AAIB) to conduct a peer review. The AAIB conducted an analysis of the evidence relating to the safety issue and
concluded that their findings were consistent with those provided by the ATSB.

Safety Recommendation ASTL-2017-015 (ATSB)

The ATSB recommends that EASA monitor and review ATR’s engineering assessment of transient elevator de-
flections associated with a pitch disconnect to determine whether the aircraft can safely withstand the loads
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 50

resulting from a pitch disconnect within the entire operational envelope. In the event that the analysis identifies
that the aircraft does not have sufficient strength, it is further recommended that EASA take immediate action to
ensure the ongoing safe operation of ATR42/72 aircraft. [AO-2014-032-SR-015]

Reply No. 1 sent on 07/07/2017:

EASA is in regular contact with ATR regarding their engineering assessment of transient elevator deflec-
tions associated with a pitch disconnect.
As an initial step, ATR is examining scenarios that were considered at the time of the original certifica-
tion by analysing the relevant and most critical failure cases with pilot input consistent with the flight
test data available. ATR has already performed a parametric study for the case of elevator jamming which
shows that whatever the pilot input is, the loads experienced during the transient elevator deflections
are below the certified ultimate loads.
As a second step, EASA and ATR have already started discussions regarding analyses of scenarios that will
be evaluated based on current certification practices with regards to CS 25.671.
Finally, EASA and ATR will explore the severity of the consequences of dual input, looking at reasonable
scenarios based on in-service experience.
The above overall plan is expected to be completed in autumn 2017. Should an unsafe condition be iden-
tified then ATR and EASA will take action as per Annex I paragraph 21.A.3 of Commission Regulation (EU)
No 748/2012 to ensure the ongoing safe operation of the ATR42/72 aircraft.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

AEROSPATIALE AS332 Flugplatz Zell am See,

05/03/2007 Accident
DIAMOND DV20 Austria

Synopsis of the event:

Der Zusammenstoß eines Motorflugzeugs der Type DV 20 „Katana“ mit einem Hubschrauber der Type AS 332
„Super-Puma“ ereignete sich um 09:53 Uhr, ca 1 NM NW des Flugplatzes Zell am See (LOWZ), als der Hubschrau-
ber auf dem Weg von Kaprun Richtung Berchtesgaden den Flugplatzbereich in Richtung NNE überquerte. Dabei
kreuzten einander die Flugwege des Hubschraubers und des Motorflugzeugs entlang der Platzrunde über dem
Südosthang der Schmittenhöhe. Das Motorflugzeug war zum Zeitpunkt des Zusammenstoßes im Steigflug, der
Hubschrauber befand sich kurz nach dem Übergang vom Steigflug in den Horizontalflug.

Als Unfallursachen konnten Sichtbehinderungen und komplexe psychologische Faktoren der Piloten der beiden
Luftfahrzeuge ermittelt werden, die das Erkennen des jeweils anderen Luftfahrzeugs und ein rechtzeitiges Aus-
weichen verhindert haben.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 51

Safety Recommendation AUST-2008-002 (VERSA)

[German] - Die Empfehlungen aus früheren Untersuchungen der UUB (bzw der FUS) zu einer Verwendung von
Zusammenstoßwarngeräten muss nach diesem Zusammenstoß und einem ähnlichen im November 2006 in der
Nähe von Wr. Neustadt eindringlich wiederholt werden. So sollten seitens der EASA die Voraussetzungen für die
Entwicklung von Vorschriften hinsichtlich Technik, Einbau und Zertifizierung von kostengünstigen Zusammen-
stoßwarngeräten für die Allgemeine Luftfahrt geschaffen werden. Es sollte auch eine mögliche Subventionierung
von Zusammenstoßwarngeräten überlegt werden (Aero-Club, Steuerbefreiung usw). Welches der verfügbaren (auf
gegenseitiger Funkabfrage bzw auf Transpondererkennung basierend) oder der in Erprobung befindlichen Systeme
(satellitengestützte Verarbeitung von Transpondersignalen, ADS-B, bzw RFID- Technologie in Verbindung mit GPS)
zum Einsatz kommen sollen, wird noch zu diskutieren sein. Testflüge mit allen derzeit erhältlichen Systemen durch
die UUB haben jedenfalls eindrücklich die Wirksamkeit solcher Systeme bestätigt. [SE/UUB/LF/02/2008]

Reply No. 4 sent on 28/04/2017:

The European Aviation Safety Plan 2011-2014 already contained first actions on Mid-air collision/Near
mid-air collision (MAC/NMAC) by improving the “see and avoid” for general aviation. Among the actions
already taken, EASA is facilitating the voluntary installation of electronic conspicuity devices via Standard
Changes, as defined in 21.A.90B of Commission Regulation (EU) 748/2012 (refer to CS-SC002a, CS-SC051a
in CS-STAN Issue 1 dated 8 July 2015, CS-SC058a in CS-STAN Issue 2 dated 30 March 2017) and installation
approvals of this type of devices.
In addition, EASA is in the process of publishing a CS-ETSO for Traffic Awareness Beacon System (TABS).
There are currently several technical solutions for general aviation for electronic conspicuity devices with
varied strengths and weaknesses. The main issue is the interoperability between all of these solutions.
According to the EASA Annual Safety Review 2016, MACs contributed to 6% of the fatalities in the 2006-
2015 period in Non-Commercial operations with aeroplanes. The related fatalities mainly involved loss
of control (47%) or controlled flight into terrain (15%). The Agency recognises that the safety barriers of
the Visual Flight Rules (VFR), which rely on the “see and avoid” principles, should be reinforced. Cost-ef-
ficient electronic conspicuity devices can be one contributor.
The European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2016-2020 already addressed the issue under the umbrella
of the safety topic “general aviation safety”. The current version of the plan, (EPAS 2017-2021) includes
further actions for MAC/NMAC in general aviation, under the strategic safety area “General Aviation -
Preventing mid-air collisions”.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

Sankt Pantaleon, Austria 20/09/2007 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Der Pilot führte mit einem Passagier vom Flughafen Linz zum Flugplatz Krems/Gneixendorf mit dem gegenständ-
lichen Luftfahrzeug einen Privatflug durch. Beim Rückflug nach Linz fiel nach dem Start das rechte Triebwerk aus,
worauf der rechte Propeller in Segelstellung wechselte. Der Pilot wollte jedoch den Flug zum Zielflugplatz fortset-
zen. Da er Probleme bekam, den ausfallsbedingten Momentenausgleich zu bewerkstelligen und Flughöhe verlor,
versuchte er das rechte Triebwerk wieder zu starten, was jedoch misslang. Der rechte Propeller befand sich nun-
mehr nicht mehr in Segelstellung, wodurch das Luftfahrzeug stärker an Flughöhe verlor. Der Pilot entschloss sich
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 52

nahe St. Pantaleon/NÖ zu einer Notlandung. Im Endanflug bemerkte er eine etwa quer zur Anflugrichtung ver-
laufende Stromleitung, die er versuchte zu unterfliegen. Nach dem Aufsetzen überschlug sich das Luftfahrzeug.
Der Pilot wurde schwer, seine Passagierin leicht verletzt. Das Luftfahrzeug wurde zerstört.

Safety Recommendation AUST-2009-011 (VERSA)

[German] - Änderung der Zertifizierungsvorschriften für Kolbentriebwerke CS-E:

Nach der Zertifizierung der DA 40 und DA 42 mit TAE Triebwerken Centurion 1,7 und 2,0 sind eine Vielzahl von
schweren Störungen und Antriebsausfälle aufgetreten. Die Zertifizierungsvorschriften sollten dahingehend geändert
werden, dass vor der ersten Auslieferung an Kunden die Funktion des Gesamtsystems in voll konformer Installation
über einen wesentlichen Zeitraum der angestrebten TBO ohne Antriebsausfall oder markantem mechanischen De-
fekt nachgewiesen wird.

Reply No. 3 sent on 28/04/2017:

This Safety Recommendation will be considered within the framework of rulemaking task RMT.0180
‘CS-E engine testing, endurance/IMI/ETOPS’ which is included in the Agency’s rulemaking programme
2017-2021 and planned to be launched in the first quarter of 2018 with the publication of its terms of

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

MCDONNELL DOUGLAS Vienna Schwechat Airport Serious

MD88 (LOWW) incident

Synopsis of the event:

The MD 88 aircraft took off from the Vienna Schwechat airport for Madrid on 31.07.2008 at 17:34 UTC. During
the take-off run immediately before becoming airborne, the left engine experienced loss of power and vibra-
tion, as well as a smell of burning, upon which the pilots shut the engine off. The pilots returned to the airport
and landed at 18:50. The aircraft was able to leave the runway under its own power.

The incident did not cause any personal injury, but the aircraft was seriously damaged.

The investigations by the Aviation Safety Investigation Authority showed that the unsecured valve stem on the
rim of tyre 2 has worked loose and the O-ring underneath was torn apart, which had the effect of deflating the
tyre. As a result, during the take-off run and past the point of decision, the tread of the tyre broke away, break-
ing off part of the water deflector attached to the left engine. The landing gear well was damaged, and then
parts of the tread were thrown into the left engine, which caused loss of power and vibration, after which the
engine was shut down.

A further consequence of the damage in the landing gear well was that no locking indication of the left-hand
landing gear could be observed, and as a precaution the subsequent landing was performed in accordance with
the “Landing with unsafe landing gear and possible evacuation of the aircraft” checklist.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 53

Safety Recommendation AUST-2013-008 (VERSA)

EASA, FAA: SE/SUB/ZLF/8/2013: Supplement to Certification Specifications 25 (CS-25), pressure displays of land-
ing gear tyres: Insufficient pressure in landing gear tyres can, as happened in this serious incident, cause massive
damage to the aircraft and result in flight situations with increased risk. On this topic also see, for example, the
accident report issued by the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB): Runway Overrun during Reject-
ed Takeoff, Global Exec Aviation, Bombardier Learjet 60, N999LJ, Columbia, South Carolina, September 19, 2008, CS-25 should be revised to specify installation of pressure
indicators for all landing gear tyres in the cockpit of commercial aircraft.

Reply No. 3 sent on 07/07/2017:

With the amendment 14 of CS-25 (effective on 20 December 2013, applicable to new certification projects
of large aeroplanes), the Agency introduced new certification specifications to upgrade the protection
against the damaging effects of tyre and wheel failures.
However, the Agency has initiated a new rulemaking task, RMT.0586, to propose a regulatory change to
better ensure that the inflation pressures of tyres of large aeroplanes remain within the pressure speci-
fications defined by the aeroplane manufacturer.
The terms of reference and the rulemaking group composition were published on 30 May 2017 on the EASA
Mandating the installation of a tyre pressure monitoring system is one of the elements to be considered
among the objectives of RMT.0586.
The next step of RMT.0586 is the publication of a Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) which is envis-
aged during 03Q2018.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

near Katzelsdorf 14/11/2006 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Pilot A startete am 14.11.2006, um 12:08 Uhr alleine als verantwortlicher Pilot mit dem Flugzeug A nach Sicht-
flugregeln am Flugplatz Wr. Neustadt-Ost (LOAN) mit dem Flugziel Flughafen Graz-Thalerhof (LOWG).

Zur gleichen Zeit flog Pilot B alleine als verantwortlicher Pilot mit dem Hubschrauber B nach Sichtflugregeln vom
Flugplatz Trieben (LOGI) kommend zum Flugplatz Wr. Neustadt-Ost (LOAN).

Flugzeug A kurvte vom Meldepunkt GOLF kommend im Steigflug nach rechts auf südwestlichen Kurs, Hub-
schrauber B kurvte im Horizontalflug nach links auf nordöstlichen Kurs. Gegen 12:12 Uhr kollidierten die beiden
Luftfahrzeuge ca. 2,1 km südwestlich von Meldepunkt GOLF des Flugplatzes Wr. Neustadt-Ost in ca. 1800-1900
ft MSL und stürzten ab.

Beide Piloten erlitten tödliche Verletzungen. Beide Luftfahrzeuge wurden zerstört.

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 54

Der Zusammenstoß ist auf das für ein Ausweichen der Luftfahrzeuge zu spätes Erkennen der Zusammenstoßge-
fahr zurückzuführen.

Safety Recommendation AUST-2016-001 (VERSA)

[German] - Auf die anlässlich der Untersuchung des Zusammenstoßes eines Motorflugzeuges Type DV20 und eines
Hubschraubers Type AS 332 am 05.03.2007, um 09:53 Uhr UTC im Platzbereich des Flugplatzes Zell am See, Salzburg
(GZ. BMVIT-85.121/0002-II/BAV/UUB/LF/2008) von der Unfalluntersuchungsstelle des Bundes herausgegebene Sicher-
heitsempfehlungen Nr. SE/UUB/LF/02/2008 wird nochmals hingewiesen:
SE/UUB/LF/02/2008 - Zusammenstoßwarngeräte
Die Empfehlungen aus früheren Untersuchungen der UUB (bzw der FUS) zu einer Verwendung von Zusammen-
stoßwarngeräten muss nach diesem Zusammenstoß und einem ähnlichen im November 2006 in der Nähe von Wr.
Neustadt eindringlich wiederholt werden.
So sollten seitens der EASA die Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung von Vorschriften hinsichtlich Technik, Einbau
und Zertifizierung von kostengünstigen Zusammenstoßwarngeräten für die Allgemeine Luftfahrt geschaffen werden.
Es sollte auch eine mögliche Subventionierung von Zusammenstoßwarngeräten überlegt werden (Aero-Club, Steu-
erbefreiung usw).
Welches der verfügbaren (auf gegenseitiger Funkabfrage bzw auf Transpondererkennung basierend) oder der in
Erprobung befindlichen Systeme (satellitengestützte Verarbeitung von Transpondersignalen, ADS-B, bzw RFID-Tech-
nologie in Verbindung mit GPS) zum Einsatz kommen sollen, wird noch zu diskutieren sein.
Testflüge mit allen derzeit erhältlichen Systemen durch die UUB haben jedenfalls eindrücklich die Wirksamkeit sol-
cher Systeme bestätigt.

Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

The European Aviation Safety Plan 2011-2014 already contained first actions on Mid-air collision/Near
mid-air collision (MAC/NMAC) by improving the “see and avoid” for general aviation. Among the actions
already taken, EASA is facilitating the voluntary installation of electronic conspicuity devices via Standard
Changes, as defined in 21.A.90B of Commission Regulation (EU) 748/2012 (refer to CS-SC002a, CS-SC051a
in CS-STAN Issue 1 dated 8 July 2015, CS-SC058a in CS-STAN Issue 2 dated 30 March 2017) and installation
approvals of this type of devices.
In addition, EASA is in the process of publishing a CS-ETSO for Traffic Awareness Beacon System (TABS).
There are currently several technical solutions for general aviation for electronic conspicuity devices with
varied strengths and weaknesses. The main issue is the interoperability between all of these solutions.
According to the EASA Annual Safety Review 2016, MACs contributed to 6% of the fatalities in the 2006-
2015 period in Non-Commercial operations with aeroplanes. The related fatalities mainly involved loss
of control (47%) or controlled flight into terrain (15%). The Agency recognises that the safety barriers of
the Visual Flight Rules (VFR), which rely on the “see and avoid” principles, should be reinforced. Cost-ef-
ficient electronic conspicuity devices can be one contributor.

The European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2016-2020 already addressed the issue under the umbrella
of the safety topic “general aviation safety”. The current version of the plan, (EPAS 2017-2021) includes
further actions for MAC/NMAC in general aviation, under the strategic safety area “General Aviation -
Preventing mid-air collisions”.

Status: Open – Category:

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 55

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type


near Unterklien 18/05/2015 Accident
Lange Aviation GmbH Antares 18

Synopsis of the event:

Am 18.05.2015 um ca. 12:30 Uhr ereignete sich ein Zusammenstoß zweier Luftfahrzeuge im Fluge. Dabei kollidi-
erte das Luftfahrzeug Antares 18T mit dem Luftfahrzeug DG 300 ELAN ACRO in einer Höhe von ca. 950 m über
dem Steinbruch nahe Unterklien. Das Luftfahrzeug DG 300 ELAN ACRO konnte vom Piloten nach der Kollision am
Flugplatz Hohenems notgelandet werden, das Luftfahrzeug Antares 18T stürzte dabei ab.

Safety Recommendation AUST-2016-002 (VERSA)

[German] - SE/UUB/LF/2/2016 ergeht an: Austro Control, Aero Club und EASA
Erweiterung der Mindestausrüstung:
Die Mindestausrüstung insbesondere von Segelflugzeugen, sowie von Motorsegelflugzeugen sollte in Hinblick auf
Kollisionswarnsysteme erweitert werden.

Reply No. 1 sent on 20/01/2017:

The European Aviation Safety Plan 2011-2014 already contained first actions on Mid-air collision/Near
mid-air collision (MAC/NMAC) by improving the “see and avoid” for General Aviation. Among the actions
already taken, EASA is facilitating the voluntary installation of electronic conspicuity devices via Standard
Changes, as defined in 21.A.90B of Commission Regulation (EU) 748/2012 (refer to CS-SC002a, CS-SC051a
in CS-STAN Issue 1 dated 8 July 2015) and installation approvals of this type of devices.
In addition, EASA is in the process of publishing a CS-ETSO for Traffic Awareness Beacon System (TABS).
There are currently several technical solutions for general aviation for electronic conspicuity devices
with varied strengths and weaknesses. The main issue is the interoperability between all these solutions.
According the EASA Annual Safety Report 2016 the MACs contributed to 6% of the fatalities in the 2006-
2015 period in Non Commercial Operations for Aeroplanes. The largest amount of fatalities involved loss
of control (47%) or controlled flight into terrain (15%). The Agency recognises that the safety barriers of
the Visual Flight Rules (VFR), which rely on the “see and avoid”, need to be reinforced and cost-efficient
electronic conspicuity devices can be one contributor.

The latest version of the plan, European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2016-2020 is further addressing
the issue under the umbrella of the safety topic “general aviation safety”. The next version of the plan,
(EPAS 2017-2021) will address and take further actions for MAC/NMAC in general aviation, under the um-
brella “General Aviation - Preventing mid-air collisions”.

Status: Open – Category:

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 56

Safety Recommendation AUST-2016-003 (VERSA)

[German] - SE/UUB/LF/3/2016 ergeht an: Austro Control, Aero Club und EASA
Sicherstellung der Funktionsfähigkeit von Kollisionswarngeräten:
Festlegung geeigneter Maßnahmen welche sicherstellen, dass ein eingebautes Kollisionswarnsystem gemäß seinen
Bestimmungen funktioniert. Im Besonderen, dass richtige und für andere Kollisionswarngeräte verwertbare Daten
ausgesendet und im Umkehrschluss auch empfangen werden.

Reply No. 1 sent on 20/01/2017:

The European Aviation Safety Plan 2011-2014 already contained first actions on Mid-air collision/Near
mid-air collision (MAC/NMAC) by improving the “see and avoid” for General Aviation. Among the actions
already taken, EASA is facilitating the voluntary installation of electronic conspicuity devices via Standard
Changes, as defined in 21.A.90B of Commission Regulation (EU) 748/2012 (refer to CS-SC002a, CS-SC051a
in CS-STAN Issue 1 dated 8 July 2015) and installation approvals of this type of devices.
In addition, EASA is in the process of publishing a CS-ETSO for Traffic Awareness Beacon System (TABS).
There are currently several technical solutions for general aviation for electronic conspicuity devices
with varied strengths and weaknesses. The main issue is the interoperability between all these solutions.
According the EASA Annual Safety Report 2016 the MACs contributed to 6% of the fatalities in the 2006-
2015 period in Non Commercial Operations for Aeroplanes. The largest amount of fatalities involved loss
of control (47%) or controlled flight into terrain (15%). The Agency recognises that the safety barriers of
the Visual Flight Rules (VFR), which rely on the “see and avoid”, need to be reinforced and cost-efficient
electronic conspicuity devices can be one contributor.
The latest version of the plan, European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2016-2020 is further addressing
the issue under the umbrella of the safety topic “general aviation safety”. The next version of the plan,
(EPAS 2017-2021) will address and take further actions for MAC/NMAC in general aviation, under the um-
brella “General Aviation - Preventing mid-air collisions”.

Status: Open – Category:

Safety Recommendation AUST-2016-004 (VERSA)

[German] – SE/UUB/LF/4/2016 ergeht an: Austro Control, Aero Club und EASA
Wiederholte Aussprache der Sicherheitsempfehlung aus dem Jahre 2008 SE/UUB/LF/02/2008:
Die Empfehlung aus einem Unfallbericht aus dem Jahr 2005 (GZ. BMVIT-85.053/0008-FUS/2004) anlässlich eines Zu-
sammenstoßes in der Luft im Jahr 2004 zu einer Verpflichtung zum Betrieb von Zusammenstoßwarngeräten muss
nach diesem Zusammenstoß und einem sehr ähnlichen im November 2006 in der Nähe von Wr. Neustadt eindring-
lich wiederholt werden.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 57

Reply No. 1 sent on 20/01/2017:

The European Aviation Safety Plan 2011-2014 already contained first actions on Mid-air collision/Near
mid-air collision (MAC/NMAC) by improving the “see and avoid” for General Aviation. Among the actions
already taken, EASA is facilitating the voluntary installation of electronic conspicuity devices via Standard
Changes, as defined in 21.A.90B of Commission Regulation (EU) 748/2012 (refer to CS-SC002a, CS-SC051a
in CS-STAN Issue 1 dated 8 July 2015) and installation approvals of this type of devices.
In addition, EASA is in the process of publishing a CS-ETSO for Traffic Awareness Beacon System (TABS).
There are currently several technical solutions for general aviation for electronic conspicuity devices
with varied strengths and weaknesses. The main issue is the interoperability between all these solutions.
According the EASA Annual Safety Report 2016 the MACs contributed to 6% of the fatalities in the 2006-
2015 period in Non Commercial Operations for Aeroplanes. The largest amount of fatalities involved loss
of control (47%) or controlled flight into terrain (15%). The Agency recognises that the safety barriers of
the Visual Flight Rules (VFR), which rely on the “see and avoid”, need to be reinforced and cost-efficient
electronic conspicuity devices can be one contributor.
The latest version of the plan, European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2016-2020 is further addressing
the issue under the umbrella of the safety topic “general aviation safety”. The next version of the plan,
(EPAS 2017-2021) will address and take further actions for MAC/NMAC in general aviation, under the um-
brella “General Aviation - Preventing mid-air collisions”.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type


Airport Innsbruck (LOWI) 20/04/2015
VENTUS CM incident

Synopsis of the event:

Der Störungshergang wurde aufgrund der Aussage des Luftfahrzeughalters in Verbindung mit den Erhebungen
der Sicherheitsuntersuchungsstelle des Bundes Bereich Zivilluftfahrt wie folgt rekonstruiert:

Am 25.04.2009 wurde von einem nach EASA Part MF genehmigten Instandhaltungsbetrieb ein Notfunksender
der Type ACK E-01 rechts neben dem Fahrwerkskasten in das Motorsegelflugzeug Ventus cM eingebaut. Der Not-
funksender ACK E-01 ist das Vorgängermodel des ACK E-04, welcher von der Halterung mit diesem ident ist. Das
Einbaudatum des Notfunksenders ACK E-04 wurde seitens des Luftfahrzeughalters mit dem Datum 29.12.2011
angegeben. Der letzte Jahrestest des Notfunksenders gem. den Herstelleranweisungen konnte nicht rekonstru-
iert werden. Am 20. April 2015 wurde der Notfunksender (ELT) ACK E-04 im Zuge einer Umrüstung auf ein
alternatives Gerät aus dem Motorsegelflugzeug ausgebaut. Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, dass das Gehäuse
der Notfunksender Batterie teilweise geschmolzen war. Die Halteplatte, sowie die Struktur des Motorsegelflug-
zeuges wiesen keine Beschädigungen auf. Der genaue Zeitpunkt, wann die Beschädigung entstand, konnte nicht
rekonstruiert werden.

Safety Recommendation AUST-2016-005 (VERSA)

[German] - Nr. SE/UUB/LF/1/2016, ergeht an: Hersteller, FAA und EASA:

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 58

Der Isolationskörper der Steckverbindung bzw. die Steckverbindung zwischen thermischen Schaltelement und Kon-
taktfeder sollte so gewählt werden, dass ein Durchscheuern durch Teile der elektrischen Steckverbindung nicht
möglich ist.

Reply No. 2 sent on 14/03/2017:

EASA has contacted the Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) manufacturer with the help of Federal Avi-
ation Administration (FAA) to investigate the origin of the issue revealed by VERSA.
The manufacturer has produced a report describing additional tests conducted on the fuse-spring assem-
bly. These tests intended to determine how much pressure is required to make electrical contact between
the rod, and test contact through the isolator and the cell insulating wrap. It showed that an electrical
contact could only occur when pressure was well beyond the one that could be exerted by the equipment
design. This shows that the damages observed on the cell are not the root cause of the event. These are
most probably due to the contact being the result of the cell venting heated corrosive gases. Statistically,
lithium cells, despite high quality production standards, can on very rare occasions spontaneously self-
heat due to manufacturing defects.
EASA noted that the internal protection mechanism (thermal fuse, cell fuse) were successful in avoid-
ing the single cell heating to develop in a full thermal runaway. Indeed, only one cell was affected and
none of the cells, including the damaged one, depleted their charge during the occurrence. In addition,
the foam around the cells suffered limited damages, showing that the temperature rise was limited. This
shows that TSO-C142a/ETSO-C142a approval provided a good protection by avoiding that this self-heat
evolved in a thermal runaway.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

Vienna Int’l Airport (LOWW) 06/05/2015
DHC8 incident

Synopsis of the event:

Flug XXX meldete wenige Minuten nach dem Abheben von der Piste 29 des Flughafens Wien-Schwechat (LOWW),
Rauch in der Kabine als auch im Cockpit des Luftfahrzeuges. Das Luftfahrzeug befand sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt,
ca. 2 Minuten nach dem Abheben, mit 43 Passagieren und 5 Besatzungsmitgliedern an Bord im Steigflug unter
Sichtflug-Wetterbedingungen (VMC) entlang der Standardabflugroute (SID) SITNI 4C mit dem Flugziel Innsbruck
in ca. 5000 ft (Flugfläche 50).

Die Piloten entschieden sich zur Rücklandung des Luftfahrzeuges zum Flughafen Wien-Schwechat. Das Luft-
fahrzeug landete kurze Zeit später ohne Probleme auf dem Flughafen Wien-Schwechat. Alle Passagiere sowie
die gesamte Flugbesatzung konnten das Luftfahrzeug unverletzt verlassen.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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Safety Recommendation AUST-2016-008 (VERSA)

[German] - EASA: SE/SUB/LF/8/2016

Die Auswirkungen von kontaminierter Kabinenluft in Luftfahrzeugen auf den menschlichen Körper sollten zeitnah,
umfassend und unabhängig untersucht werden, um aus den daraus gewonnenen Ergebnissen Lösungsansätze für
den Schutz von Passagieren und Besatzungsmitgliedern aufzuzeigen und verpflichtend umzusetzen. Dies könnte
gegebenenfalls mittels einer internationalen Kooperation mit bereits laufenden Forschungsarbeiten erfolgen.

Reply No. 2 sent on 02/06/2017:

On 23 March 2017, EASA published the final reports of two studies it commissioned with the aim to gain
solid scientific knowledge about cabin air quality on board large aeroplanes operated for commercial
air transport.

Study 1: Cabin air quality (CAQ) measurement campaign - study conducted by a consortium of the
Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine and the Hannover Medical School.
In-flight measurements have been conducted on a number of commercial flights after defining adequate
and reliable air contaminants measurement methods for cockpit and passenger cabin areas.
The results show that the cabin/cockpit air quality is similar or better than what is observed in normal in-
door environments (offices, schools, kinder gardens or dwellings). No occupational exposure limits and
guidelines were exceeded.
In total, 69 measurement flights were performed between July 2015 and June 2016 on 8 types of aer-
oplane/engine configurations. This included 61 flights on aeroplanes equipped with engine bleed air
systems, and 8 flights on Boeing 787 which is equipped with electrical compressors (‘bleed free’ system).
For all flights, measurement equipment was installed in the cockpit and in the cabin. Special attention
was paid to organophosphates, in particular Tri Cresyl Phosphates (TCP) with the use of high sensitivity
analysis techniques.

Study 2: Characterisation of the toxicity of aviation turbine engine oils after pyrolysis - study conducted
by a consortium of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research and the Dutch Nation-
al Institute for Public Health and the Environment.
This study characterised the chemical composition of some transport aeroplane turbine engine oils (in-
cluding pyrolysis breakdown products), and the toxic effects of the chemical compounds that can be
released in the cabin or cockpit air.
It concluded that ‘neuroactive pyrolysis products are present, but that their concentration in the pres-
ence of an intact lung barrier is that low that it could not be appointed as a major concern for neuronal
function’. TCP was present in the analysed oils, however no ortho-isomers could be detected. Finally the
‘analysis of the human sensitivity variability factor showed that the complete metabolic pathway and the
contribution of inter individual variability in the metabolic enzymes is still largely unknown for the ma-
jority of industrial chemicals, including cabin air contaminants’. Two brands of oil were used in this study,
and both new and used oil samples were analysed.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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Both reports can be found on EASA website:
Based on these results, a causal link between exposure to cabin/cockpit air contaminants and reported
health symptoms is still considered unlikely. At this stage, the results do not support new mandatory ac-
tions for the ‘protection of passengers and crew members’.
As a follow-up activity, further research has started in a European Commission (EC) study, with technical
support from EASA. It will take into account the findings and recommendations from the two EASA stud-
ies to develop a comprehensive understanding of the cockpit and cabin air quality.
The contract award notice was published on 22/02/2017 and can be found here:

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation AUST-2016-009 (VERSA)

[German] - EASA: SE/SUB/LF/9/2016

Der Einbau von technischen Überwachungsmöglichkeiten wie etwa Sensoren welche die Zusammensetzung bzw.
eine mögliche Verunreinigung der Kabinenluft im Luftfahrzeug in Echtzeit routinemäßig aufzeichnet und die Pi-
loten rechtzeitig warnt, gepaart mit geeigneten Filtersystemen, sollte bei Luftfahrzeugen welche Zapfluft von den
Triebwerken für die Kabinenluft verwenden, verpflichtend vorgeschrieben werden.
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Reply No. 2 sent on 02/06/2017:

On 23 March 2017, EASA published the final reports of two studies it commissioned with the aim to gain
solid scientific knowledge about cabin air quality on board large aeroplanes operated for commercial
air transport.
Study 1: Cabin air quality (CAQ) measurement campaign - study conducted by a consortium of the Fraun-
hofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine and the Hannover Medical School.
In-flight measurements have been conducted on a number of commercial flights after defining adequate
and reliable air contaminants measurement methods for cockpit and passenger cabin areas.
The results show that the cabin/cockpit air quality is similar or better than what is observed in normal in-
door environments (offices, schools, kinder gardens or dwellings). No occupational exposure limits and
guidelines were exceeded.
In total, 69 measurement flights were performed between July 2015 and June 2016 on 8 types of aer-
oplane/engine configurations. This included 61 flights on aeroplanes equipped with engine bleed air
systems, and 8 flights on Boeing 787 which is equipped with electrical compressors (‘bleed free’ system).
For all flights, measurement equipment was installed in the cockpit and in the cabin. Special attention
was paid to organophosphates, in particular Tri Cresyl Phosphates (TCP) with the use of high sensitivity
analysis techniques.
Study 2: Characterisation of the toxicity of aviation turbine engine oils after pyrolysis - study conducted
by a consortium of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research and the Dutch National
Institute for Public Health and the Environment.
This study characterised the chemical composition of some transport aeroplane turbine engine oils (in-
cluding pyrolysis breakdown products), and the toxic effects of the chemical compounds that can be
released in the cabin or cockpit air.
It concluded that ‘neuroactive pyrolysis products are present, but that their concentration in the pres-
ence of an intact lung barrier is that low that it could not be appointed as a major concern for neuronal
function. TCP was present in the analysed oils, however no ortho-isomers could be detected. Finally the
‘analysis of the human sensitivity variability factor showed that the complete metabolic pathway and the
contribution of inter individual variability in the metabolic enzymes is still largely unknown for the ma-
jority of industrial chemicals, including cabin air contaminants’. Two brands of oil were used in this study,
and both new and used oil samples were analysed.
Both reports can be found on EASA website:
Based on these results, a causal link between exposure to cabin/cockpit air contaminants and reported
health symptoms is still considered unlikely. At this stage, the need for mandating a cabin air monitoring
system and cabin air filters is not supported.
As a follow-up activity, further research has started in a European Commission (EC) study, with technical
support from EASA. It will take into account the findings and recommendations from the two EASA stud-
ies to develop a comprehensive understanding of the cockpit and cabin air quality.
The contract award notice was published on 22/02/2017 and can be found here:

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

SCHWEIZER Stockerau, Niederösterreich,

09/08/2014 Accident
269C Flugplatz LOAU

Synopsis of the event:

Der Pilot des Hubschraubers startete am 09. August 2014 um 09:07 Uhr in Begleitung eines Passagiers mit dem
Hubschrauber der Type Schweizer 269C vom Flugplatz Stockerau (LOAU) zu einem kurzen kommerziellen Rund-
flug. Kurz vor der Landung um 09:18 Uhr begann der Hubschrauber in ca. 1,5 m Höhe um die Hochachse nach
rechts zu drehen. Nach mehreren Drehungen setzte der Hubschrauber hart auf den Kufen auf und kippte nach

Der Passagier und der Pilot wurden durch den Aufprall bzw. durch das Kippen des Hubschraubers leicht verletzt.
Der Hubschrauber wurde schwer beschädigt. Es entstand geringer Flurschaden.

Safety Recommendation AUST-2017-001 (VERSA)

[German] - SE/UUB/ZLF/01/2017, ergeht an die EASA.

Simulation von unkontrollierten Flugzuständen durch Verlust der aerodynamischen Heckrotorwirkung (= LTE - Loss
of Tailrotor Effectiveness) auf Simulatoren: Seit Jahrzehnten ist das Auftreten von LTE’s eine häufige Ursache von Un-
fällen mit Hubschraubern.
Piloten sind sich in vielen Fällen nicht bewusst, dass sie sich in einer Flugsituation befinden, die einen LTE begün-
stigt. Sie erkennen nach dem Auftreten oft nicht, dass es sich um einen LTE handelt und ergreifen daher auch nicht
die notwendigen Maßnahmen zu dessen Behebung.
Bei der Ausbildung, bei Prüfungs- und Checkflügen wird das Auftreten und Ausleiten von LTE’s nur theoretisch ges-
chult bzw. geprüft.
Da es sich um einen unkontrollierten Flugzustand mit deutlich erhöhtem Risiko handelt, wird der LTE deshalb rich-
tigerweise praktisch nicht geschult und geprüft.Um das Auftreten eines LTE’s rasch zu erkennen bzw. um einen LTE
sofort wirksam beheben zu können wäre jedoch eine praktische Schulung erforderlich.
Das Auftreten und das Beheben von LTE’s kann auf dafür geeigneten und zertifizierten Simulatoren geübt werden.
Die EASA soll bei der Ausbildung, bei Prüfungs- und Überprüfungsflügen von Hubschrauberpiloten auch das Üben
des Auftretens und Behebens von LTE’s auf dafür geeigneten und zertifizierten Simulatoren vorschreiben.
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Reply No. 1 sent on 02/06/2017:

Loss of tail rotor effectiveness (LTE) is part of the helicopter flight instruction syllabus (Executive Di-
rector’s Decision ED 2011/016/R published 15 November 2011; AMC1 FCL.210.H ‘PPL(H) — Experience
requirements and crediting’; exercise 18 ‘Hover out of ground effect (OGE) and vortex ring’). The Agen-
cy published a Safety Information Bulletin on LTE (SIB No. 2010-12R1), which covers the conditions under
which LTE may be encountered, how it can be prevented and recovery techniques to be applied if LTE is
In addition, the European Helicopter Safety Team issued several leaflets published on EASA website that
address LTE phenomenon and provide practical guidance:
ƒƒ EHEST Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual
ƒƒ HE 1 Leaflet – Safety considerations
ƒƒ HE 5 Leaflet – Risk Management in Training
ƒƒ HE11 Leaflet - Training and Testing of Emergency and Abnormal Procedures in Helicopters
It is acknowledged that Flight Simulator Training Devices (FSTD) can support the training on LTE
For Commercial Air Transport, AMC1 ORO.FC.230 Recurrent training and checking already states the
(a) Recurrent training
(4) Aircraft/FSTD training
(ii) Helicopters
(A) Where a suitable FSTD is available, it should be used for the aircraft/FSTD training programme. If
the operator is able to demonstrate, on the basis of a compliance and risk assessment, that using
an aircraft for this training provides equivalent standards of training with safety levels similar to
those achieved using an FSTD, the aircraft may be used for this training to the extent necessary.
(B) The recurrent training should include the following additional items, which should be completed
in an FSTD:
ƒƒ settling with power and vortex ring
ƒƒ loss of tail rotor effectiveness.
Therefore, the regulation promotes the use of simulators for LTE training in a proportionate manner,
which also takes into account the availability of simulators.
There are currently around 23,000 helicopter pilots in EASA Member States that fly on 76 different types
currently defined by EASA for licence endorsement purposes. Of those 76 type ratings, only around 20-25
have an FSTD that is representative of its type. It represents a small category of around 40 Full Flight Sim-
ulators (FFS) in EASA countries that are not appropriate for LTE demonstration of lighter helicopter types.
Building a cost-effective FSTD with current technology is probably only feasible for less than 30% of the
76 different types being flown. In some cases, the cost of a helicopter FSTD exceeds by far the cost of fly-
ing the machine, especially for the light end category of helicopters.
Therefore, mandating the use of FSTDs for LTE training is not realistic today.
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CS-FSTD(H) already address antitorque device ineffectiveness in Helicopter Full Flight Simulators with
subjective testing of the loss of anti-torque effectiveness. Nevertheless, the Agency will review the
requirements for helicopters FSTD within the context of rulemaking task RMT.0196 ‘Update of flight sim-
ulation training devices requirements’, which was launched on 15 July 2016 with the objective to enhance
LTE simulation aspects on Helicopter Full Flight Simulators.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

GELBRESSEE 19/10/2013 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

The aeroplane was used for the dropping of parachutists from the parachute club of Namur1. It was the 15th
flight of the day. The aeroplane took off from the Namur/Suarlée (EBNM) airfield at around 13:25 with 10 para-
chutists on board. After 10 minutes of flight, when the aeroplane reached FL50, a witness noticed the aeroplane
in a level flight, at a lower altitude than normal. He returned to his occupation. Shortly after he heard the sound
he believed to be a propeller angle change and turned to look for the aeroplane. The witness indicated that he
saw the aeroplane diving followed by a steep climb (major pitch up, above 45°), followed by the breaking of the
wing. Subsequently, the aeroplane went into a spin. Another witness standing closer to the aircraft reported see-
ing the aeroplane flying in level flight with the wings going up and down several times and hearing, at the same
time an engine and propeller sound variation before seeing the aeroplane disappearing from his view. The aero-
plane crashed in a field in the territory of Gelbressée, killing all occupants. The aeroplane caught fire. A big part
of the left wing and elements thereof were found at 2 km from the main wreckage.


The cause of the accident is a structural failure of the left wing due to a significant negative g aerodynamic over-
load, leading to an uncontrollable aeroplane and subsequent crash.

The most probable cause of the wing failure is the result of a manoeuvre intended by the pilot, not properly
conducted and ending with an involuntary negative g manoeuvre, exceeding the operating limitations of the

Contributing safety factors:

ƒƒ The weakness of the monitoring of the aeroplane operations by the operator.

ƒƒ The lack of organizational structure between the operator and the parachute club.
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Safety Recommendation BELG-2015-001 (AAIU-BE)

It is recommended that the EASA mandates the installation of a lightweight recording system in aircraft used for
parachuting activities.

Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

Depending on the specific nature of the undertaking, parachute operations in EASA Member States are
covered by the provisions in Part-SPO (Specialised Operations) or Part-NCO (Non-Commercial operations
with Other than complex motor-powered aircraft) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (the air
operations regulation), applicable from 01 July 2014.
The Agency published, on 03 April 2017, Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-03 under rulemaking
task RMT.0271 ‘In-flight recording for light aircraft’.
The NPA includes a proposal to mandate the carriage of lightweight flight recorders for turbine-engined
aircraft with a Maximum Certified Take-Off Mass (MCTOM) greater than or equal to 2 250 kg, when the
aircraft is newly manufactured, is commercially operated (including commercial specialised operations
under Part-SPO such as parachuting activities), and is not currently required to carry a flight data record-
er. This includes the Pilatus PC6, for example.
The outcome of the impact assessment is that voluntary installation (through safety promotion chan-
nels) of in-flight recording systems is the most appropriate way forward for all other cases. The rationale
is based on the principles of proportionality for general aviation in line with the EASA General Aviation
The next RMT.0271 deliverable, an EASA Opinion, is planned to be published in 2018. Pending adoption
of the Opinion and publication of the related amending regulation to Commission Regulation (EU) No
965/2012, an Executive Director’s Decision containing the associated Acceptable Means of Compliance
and Guidance Material will be published.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

SOCATA Serious
Aerodrome of Genk 17/12/2015
TBM700 incident

Synopsis of the event:

At the end of a short 12-minute flight from EBLG to EBZW the pilot checked the landing gear position indication
lights, confirmed he saw three greens and no red light and entered the landing circuit. In the final leg, after the
flaps were extended to landing position, the pilot checked again the landing gear position lights. The touch-
down and the first phase of the landing were uneventful, however the nose landing gear collapsed as soon as it
made contact with the runway.


The cause of the serious incident is the failure of the nose landing gear actuator to lock down combined with
the landing gear control system wrongly indicating that this landing gear was properly extended and locked.
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The root cause of the serious incident is a spurious triggering of the NLG actuator extend dual switch into “ex-
tend and locked”.

Investigation determined that the activation system of the dual switches has the potential to cause simul-
taneously a false indication (showing 3 greens and no red light) on the LGCP and stop the operation of the
electro-hydraulic generator, interrupting the landing gear leg extension before reaching the locked position.

Contributing factors:

ƒƒ The mechanical improvement of the actuators involving the installation of differential plungers
(MOD70-0334-32), introduced in December 2012, was not applied to the aircraft.

ƒƒ The possibility to improve the safety of the landing gear system by installing the differential plungers
(MOD70-0334-32) was not communicated and was not recommended to the end-users.

Safety Recommendation BELG-2017-011 (AAIU-BE)

It is recommended that EASA mandates the improvement of the switch kinematics using hydraulic pressure to
help the plunger movement by the application of Part 4.2. of MOD70-0334-32 to all landing gear actuators not
already modified during application of EASA AD 2013-0227. This would include the prohibition of the installation
of unmodified actuators, which is currently allowed by EASA AD 2013-0227.

Reply No. 1 sent on 07/07/2017:

EASA will review with the Type Certificate Holder (TCH) the documentation referenced in the Airwor-
thiness Directive (AD) 2013-0227 in the frame of the Continued Airworthiness Review process and will
evaluate the need of an AD update.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type


over Black Sea 30/06/2015
2) SP-LDK 2) EMBRAER ERJ170 incident

Synopsis of the event:

On 30.06.2015 at 12:26 h UTC, in the controlled upper airspace of the Republic of Bulgaria, particularly in Sofia
Control FS Varna East Upper airspace an infringement of the standards on the minimum radar separation be-
tween two aircraft occurred. An unidentified unknown aircraft flying without two way radio communication and
without transmitting transponder (Mode A/C) passed by a controlled aircraft Falcon 900, registration marks VP-
CGD, of „VOLKSWAGEN AIR SERVICE” AO, performing flight with flight number WGT62N, at a minimal horizontal
distance at 0.9 nm at same FL 370. Later on the unidentified unknown aircraft established radio communication
with Sofia ACC FS Varna West and it was identified as Embraer 170 aircraft, registration marks SP-LDK, perform-
ing flight with flight number LOT7293 of „LOT” AO.
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Based on the grounds of the performed investigation, including the research and analysis of the available fac-
tual information, the Investigation Commission concluded that the serious incident resulted from the following
main and several accompanying causes:

Main cause:

Unintentional interruption of the Air Traffic Service in regard to LOT7293 on the side of ACC Bucharest after
changing of the aircraft transponder mode of operation to STANDBY, particularly in Bucharest Control BANAP
sector, during the its flight in Bucharest FIR and later on in Sofia FIR.

Accompanying causes:
ƒƒ Not implemented procedures by the flight crew of Embraer 170, registration marks SP-LDK, after the
momentary failure of the transponder system.
ƒƒ Not provided information in timely manner on the location, direction of flight and height of the uni-
dentified aircraft by ACC Bucharest to ACC Sofia, previously received from NATO07.
ƒƒ Not implemented procedures by ACC Bucharest from the LETTER OF AGREEMENT between BULATSA
ƒƒ E.1 Transfer of Control
ƒƒ E.2 Transfer of Communications;
ƒƒ F.2.5 Transfer of Aircraft Identification.

Safety Recommendation BULG-2016-001 (AAIU)

ЕАSА and ICAO to request that the AOs operating Embraer 170/175/190/195 aircraft upgrade the Primus Epic
Load software with a version that can display caution CAS message XPDR (1/2) IN STBY. [BG.SIA-2015/03/07]

Reply No. 1 sent on 14/03/2017:

The Agency has reviewed the alert system in use on the aircraft at the time of the event where a Network
Interface Module (NIM) reset caused the transponder to go to STANDBY mode and found it adequately
effective when the existing procedures are correctly followed by the crew.
In fact, during the time the NIM reset took place causing the activation of the STANDBY mode, the
pilot should have received a “NAVCOM1(2) FAIL” CAS display message in addition to an aural alert. Fur-
thermore, the active and pre-selected frequencies and squawking code fields in the COM, NAV and
transponder windows on the Primary Flight Display (PFD) and on the Radio Multifunction Control Dis-
play Units (MCDUs) would have been replaced by dashes.
After the reset, when the transponder was in STANDBY and the above mentioned CAS message and
dashes had disappeared, there was an amber “TCAS OFF” message on the Primary Flight Display (PFD),
and if checked according to the procedures, the Radio MCDU page would have shown the status of the

There is no evidence to suggest the alerts did not function as expected during the incident.
So, even if the crew misses the “NAVCOM1(2) FAIL” message, whose associated procedure requests them
to check the status of the transponder, the remaining amber “TCAS OFF” message on the PFD should lead
them to check it in the Radio MCDU page.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 68

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

MCDONNELL DOUGLAS Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia 5 nm

HB-IWF 02/09/1998 Accident
MD11 SW, Canada

Synopsis of the event:

On 2 September 1998, Swissair Flight 111 departed New York, United States of America, at 2018 eastern daylight
savings time on a scheduled flight to Geneva, Switzerland, with 215 passengers and 14 crew members on board.
About 53 minutes after departure, while cruising at flight level 330, the flight crew smelled an abnormal odour
in the cockpit. Their attention was then drawn to an unspecified area behind and above them and they began to
investigate the source. Whatever they saw initially was shortly thereafter no longer perceived to be visible. They
agreed that the origin of the anomaly was the air conditioning system. When they assessed that what they had
seen or were now seeing was definitely smoke, they decided to divert. They initially began a turn toward Bos-
ton; however, when air traffic services mentioned Halifax, Nova Scotia, as an alternative airport, they changed
the destination to the Halifax International Airport. While the flight crew was preparing for the landing in Hal-
ifax, they were unaware that a fire was spreading above the ceiling in the front area of the aircraft. About 13
minutes after the abnormal odour was detected, the aircraft’s flight data recorder began to record a rapid suc-
cession of aircraft systems-related failures. The flight crew declared an emergency and indicated a need to land
immediately. About one minute later, radio communications and secondary radar contact with the aircraft were
lost, and the flight recorders stopped functioning. About five and one-half minutes later, the aircraft crashed into
the ocean about five nautical miles southwest of Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada. The aircraft was destroyed
and there were no survivors.

Safety Recommendation CAND-1999-002 (TSB)

As of 01 January 2005, all aircraft that require both an FDR and a CVR be required to be fitted with a CVR having
a recording capacity of at least two hours. [A99-02]
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Reply No. 4 sent on 20/01/2017:

Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/2338 (resulting from EASA rulemaking task RMT.0400) in December
2015 amended Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on Air Operations. Among other changes, the
provisions related to Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) recording duration were modified.
ƒƒ Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 contains the following provisions on CVR recording du-
ration for Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operations:
For aeroplanes: CAT.IDE.A.185 Cockpit voice recorder
(a) The following aeroplanes shall be equipped with a cockpit voice recorder (CVR):
(1) aeroplanes with an MCTOM of more than 5 700 kg; and
(2) multi-engined turbine-powered aeroplanes with an MCTOM of 5 700 kg or less, with an MOPSC of
more than nine and first issued with an individual CofA on or after 1 January 1990.
(b) Until 31 December 2018, the CVR shall be capable of retaining the data recorded during at least:
(1) the preceding 2 hours in the case of aeroplanes referred to in (a)(1) when the individual CofA has been
issued on or after 1 April 1998;
(2) the preceding 30 minutes for aeroplanes referred to in (a)(1) when the individual CofA has been is-
sued before 1 April 1998; or
(3) the preceding 30 minutes, in the case of aeroplanes referred to in (a)(2).
(c) By 1 January 2019 at the latest, the CVR shall be capable of retaining the data recorded during at least:
(1) the preceding 25 hours for aeroplanes with an MCTOM of more than 27 000 kg and first issued with
an individual CofA on or after 1 January 2021; or
(2) the preceding 2 hours in all other cases.
For helicopters: CAT.IDE.H.185 Cockpit voice recorder
(a) The following helicopter types shall be equipped with a cockpit voice recorder (CVR):
(1) all helicopters with an MCTOM of more than 7 000 kg; and
(2) helicopters with an MCTOM of more than 3 175 kg and first issued with an individual CofA on or af-
ter 1 January 1987.
(b) The CVR shall be capable of retaining the data recorded during at least:
(1) the preceding two hours for helicopters referred to in (a)(1) and (a)(2), when first issued with an indi-
vidual CofA on or after 1 January 2016;
(2) the preceding one hour for helicopters referred to in (a)(1), when first issued with an individual CofA
on or after 1 August 1999 and before 1 January 2016;
(3) the preceding 30 minutes for helicopters referred to in (a)(1), when first issued with an individual CofA
before 1 August 1999; or
(4) the preceding 30 minutes for helicopters referred to in (a)(2), when first issued with an individual CofA
before 1 January 2016.
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ƒƒ Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 contains the following provisions on CVR recording
duration for Non-Commercial operations with Complex motor-powered aircraft (NCC), and for Spe-
cialised Operations (SPO):
For aeroplanes: NCC.IDE.A.160/SPO.IDE.A.140 Cockpit voice recorder
(a) The following aeroplanes shall be equipped with a CVR:
(1) aeroplanes with an MCTOM of more than 27 000 kg and first issued with an individual CofA on or af-
ter 1 January 2016; and
(2) aeroplanes with an MCTOM of more than 2 250 kg:
(i) certified for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots;
(ii) equipped with turbojet engine(s) or more than one turboprop engine; and
(iii) for which a type certificate is first issued on or after 1 January 2016.
(b) The CVR shall be capable of retaining data recorded during at least:
(1) the preceding 25 hours for aeroplanes with an MCTOM of more than 27 000 kg and first issued with
an individual CofA on or after 1 January 2021; or
(2) the preceding 2 hours in all other cases.
For helicopters: NCC.IDE.H.160/SPO.IDE.H.140 Cockpit voice recorder
(a) Helicopters with an MCTOM of more than 7 000 kg and first issued with an individual CofA on or after
1 January 2016 shall be equipped with a CVR.
(b) The CVR shall be capable of retaining data recorded during at least the preceding 2 hours.
With the publication of the above-mentioned provisions, the Agency has completed its actions to ensure
that the CVR has a recording duration which is adequate for the aircraft it is installed in, with a minimum
baseline duration of 2 hours for all aeroplanes used for CAT or SPO, and for complex aeroplanes used for
non-commercial operations.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation CAND-1999-003 (TSB)

As of 01 January 2005, for all aircraft equipped with CVRs having a recording capacity of at least two hours,
a dedicated independent power supply be required to be installed adjacent or integral to the CVR, to power the
CVR and the cockpit area microphone for a period of 10 minutes whenever normal aircraft power sources to the
CVR are interrupted. [A99-03]

Reply No. 5 sent on 20/01/2017:

This safety recommendation is taken into account within rulemaking task RMT.0249. The terms of refer-
ence are published on the Agency’s website.
The Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) from this rulemaking task, which will include the topic cock-
pit voice recorder (CVR) power supply, is planned to be published first quarter 2017.

Status: Open – Category:

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

SIKORSKY St. John’s, Newfoundland and

C-GZCH 12/03/2009 Accident
S92 Labrador, 35 nm E

Synopsis of the event:

On 12 March 2009, at 0917 Newfoundland and Labrador daylight time, a Cougar Helicopters’ Sikorsky S-92A (reg-
istration C-GZCH, serial number 920048), operated as Cougar 91 (CHI91), departed St. John’s International Airport,
Newfoundland and Labrador, with 16 passengers and 2 flight crew, to the Hibernia oil production platform. At
approximately 0945, 13 minutes after levelling off at a flight-planned altitude of 9000 feet above sea level (asl),
a main gearbox oil pressure warning light illuminated. The helicopter was about 54 nautical miles from the St.
John’s International Airport. The flight crew declared an emergency, began a descent, and diverted back towards
St. John’s. The crew descended to, and levelled off at, 800 feet asl on a heading of 293° Magnetic with an air-
speed of 133 knots. At 0955, approximately 35 nautical miles from St. John’s, the crew reported that they were
ditching. Less than 1 minute later, the helicopter struck the water in a slight right-bank, nose-high attitude, with
low speed and a high rate of descent. The fuselage was severely compromised and sank quickly in 169 metres of
water. One passenger survived with serious injuries and was rescued approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes after
the accident. The other 17 occupants of the helicopter died of drowning. There were no signals detected from ei-
ther the emergency locator transmitter or the personal locator beacons worn by the occupants of the helicopter.

Safety Recommendation CAND-2011-001 (TSB)

The Board recommends that The Federal Aviation Administration, Transport Canada and the European Aviation
Safety Agency remove the “extremely remote” provision from the rule requiring 30 minutes of safe operation
following the loss of main gearbox lubricant for all newly constructed Category A transport helicopters and, af-
ter a phase-in period, for all existing ones.

Reply No. 5 sent on 07/07/2017:

Rulemaking task RMT.0608 started on 22 May 2014 with the publication of its terms of reference (ToR)
and group composition (which includes TCCA and FAA) on the EASA Website. A reference to this accident
and safety recommendation is included in the ToR.
Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) 2017-07 has been published on 31 May 2017 on the EASA Website:
The specific objective of the NPA is to reduce the level of risk associated with loss of lubrication of ro-
torcraft gearboxes and to implement recommendations arising from the Joint Certification Team (JCT)
review of rotorcraft gearbox certification specifications (CSs). This aims to both reduce the potential for
lubrication system failures from occurring and to mitigate the consequences of any failure.
The NPA proposes to achieve this objective by improving the safety assessment of pressurised lubrica-
tion systems, and by improving the certification and development testing specifications for the ‘loss of
lubrication’ condition in order to substantiate a maximum period of continued operation which can
be included in the rotorcraft flight manual (RFM) emergency procedures. More specifically, this NPA
proposes to amend CS 29.917(a) to include rotor drive system gearbox lubrication systems in the def-
inition of the rotor drive system. This means that these lubrication systems will be considered to be
within the scope of the design assessment of CS 29.917(b). As the design assessment specification cur-
rently addresses the risk of single hazardous and catastrophic failures, additional material has been
added to complement the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 29-2C, support-
ing 29.917(b), specifically in the domain of lubrication systems.
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CS 29.927(c) on ‘loss of lubrication’ has been completely revised and replaced by a more objective-based
specification that requires substantiation of the gearbox ability to continue safe operation (for at least
30 minutes) after a loss of lubrication to be followed by a safe landing; the ‘unless such failures are ex-
tremely remote’ provision has been removed. This is supported by substantial changes to the associated
acceptable means of compliance (AMC). Finally, CS 29.1521 has also been amended to include an addi-
tional power plant limitation that describes how the RFM emergency procedures should reflect the test
evidence relating to a loss of lubrication.
The next step of RMT.0608 is the publication of a Decision amending CS-27 and CS-29, envisaged 03Q2017.
Regarding existing Category A transport helicopters certified in accordance with the current CS 29.927(c),
a review has shown that most types complied without using the ‘extremely remote’ rationale to exclude
particular lubrication system failure modes. For helicopter types where potential lubrication system fail-
ure modes were excluded from the ‘loss of lubrication’ test on the basis of extremely remote likelihood
of occurrence, additional actions have been taken to ensure that an acceptable level of safety is main-
tained, and the Agency will continue to address any identified type-specific unsafe condition within the
scope of Part-21.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type


5B-CLI 22/10/2014 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On the 22nd October 2014 the AAIIB was notified by the JRCC of an aircraft accident which occurred 47 NM south
east, off the coast of Larnaca, involving a twin aircraft (DA42), registration 5B-CLI. This aircraft departed Paphos
Airport with destination Beirut Airport. Last communication with Nicosia ATC was at 16:02:25 UTC and then dis-
appeared from the radar screen.

Safety Recommendation CYPR-2015-001 (AIIB)

EASA to re-examine the required minimum hours of night flying training.

Reply No. 2 sent on 14/03/2017:

The privilege to fly at night in accordance with FCL.810 (Night rating) was reviewed in the frame of the
rulemaking activity that delivered Commission Regulation (EU) No 245/2014. The group considered the
existing minimum training provisions of 5 hours of flight time in the appropriate aircraft category at
night, including 3 hours of dual instruction, 1 hour of cross-country navigation and 5 solo take-offs and
full-stop landings, to be proportionate to the safety risk of this activity. Additional training is required
for instrument rating to ensure a safe conduct of flights in IMC conditions.
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Based on the safety recommendation received, the subject was brought again to the rulemaking group
constituted to conduct rulemaking task RMT.0188 amending Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
on aircrew. The group of experts did not find new evidence that indicates that the existing night rating
provisions are presenting a disproportionate risk. The review confirmed the previous opinion that the re-
quired minimum hours of night flying training appear coherent with the risk level.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

OH-CKB Alastaro 08/05/2012 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

An aircraft accident occurred at Alastaro Circuit on Tuesday 8 May 2012 at 18.32 Finnish time. A Cessna FA152
Aerobat aircraft registered OH‑CKB, owned and operated by the Finnish Aviation Academy based at Pori Airport,
collided with the ground. The aircraft caught fire on impact and was completely destroyed. The pilot, who was
alone on board, was killed immediately.

The pilot had departed for a VFR cross‑country flight (under visual flight rules) from Pori in accordance with the
flight training syllabus. The meteorological conditions were good at the time of departure. According to radar re-
cordings, the pilot had flown at a height of about 1000 feet to the village of Yläne, from where he intended to fly
to Huittinen via Alastaro. He followed the planned route quite roughly. About 13 km before Alastaro he reached
road no. 9 leading from Turku to Tampere. Alastaro Circuit is located along this road, and the next turnpoint at
Huittinen follows after it. When the pilot reached the road, he started to follow it towards Huittinen without fly-
ing to Alastaro. The circuit is located about five kilometres from the point where the pilot started to follow the
road towards the north. After reaching the circuit the pilot began circling above it at a height of about 600–1000
feet (180–300 m) from the ground, as a result of this he lost control of the aircraft and crashed onto the circuit.

People who saw the crash reported the accident immediately to the local emergency response centre.

The investigation showed that student pilots sometimes regarded the daily cross-country flights as tedious and
not challenging enough, especially as there could be three to five successive flights on the same day. On such
cross-country flights many students had been performing activities that were not included in the flying exercise,
such as aerial photography. It also came out that the requirements for spin avoidance training in PPL instruction
were partly unclear, and the flight schools’ training instructions were inadequate in the same respect.

The probable cause of the accident was a sudden asymmetric turn stall which developed during the climbing,
steepening turn. It caught the pilot by surprise and led to a complete loss of flight attitude control. The stall de-
veloped because the pilot failed to sufficiently monitor the aircraft’s attitude and flight data as he was circling
above the motor circuit and paying too much attention to the events on the circuit.
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Because of the pilot’s short flying experience and the low flight altitude, he was unable to make the correct re-
covery manoeuvres quickly enough and the aircraft collided with the ground.

A contributing factor to the accident was that the pilot decided to divert from the planned route to look for
Alastaro racing circuit, which he had previously not found. After he located the circuit and noticed that there was
an event going on, he started circling above it.

Safety Recommendation FINL-2014-002 (SIA)

JAR-FCL 1 requires the inclusion of exercise 11: “Spin avoidance” in the PPL(A) syllabus, which includes “stalling
and recovery at the incipient spin stage” and “instructor induced distractions during the stall”. The English lan-
guage version of the document does not infer any active “distraction” to the use of flight controls, for example,
as it almost invariably is understood – and done in Finland.

Safety Investigation Authority Finland recommends that the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) consid-
er the translation, provide more detailed comments on the purpose of this exercise, and clarify it with practical

Reply No. 3 sent on 17/11/2017:

The Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (Regulation
Aircrew) covers flight instruction syllabus for the Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes) [PPL(A)]. The Agency
does not provide a translation of AMC and Guidance Material in various EASA countries language and
has no responsibility in translation provided by the Competent Authorities.
Exercise 11 in this syllabus concerns ‘Spin Avoidance’ training and it includes stalling and recovery at the
incipient spin stage as well as instructor induced distractions during the stall. The Agency has reviewed
these materials within the framework of rulemaking task RMT.0581 and published Opinion No 06/2017
on “loss of control prevention and recovery training” on 29 June 2017.
In relation to PPL(A) and Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes) [LAPL(A)], EASA considers that the ex-
isting AMC is still adequate, but will now consider this recommendation in a dedicated General Aviation
task force.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

OH-OTL at Oulu Airport 03/10/2016 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Landing gear failure during landing run at Oulu Airport on 3 October 2016

A Reims F406 Caravan II aircraft (OH-OTL), operated by the Finnish company Lapin Tilauslento Oy, departed for
a routine cargo flight from Rovaniemi Airport to Oulu on 3 October 2016. The aircraft had a crew of two pilots
and carried mail as cargo.
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When the landing gear was retracted after take-off, the warning lights for the landing gear and hydraulic sys-
tem remained on. The gear was then selected back down, and the three green lights indicating that the gear was
down and locked illuminated normally. The crew continued the flight to Oulu in good weather with the gear ex-
tended. When approaching at Oulu, it was already dark.

When landing at Oulu, the aircraft touched down at the beginning of the runway. The landing run was normal
at first. After the speed had decreased and the pilot-in-command started braking, the right main landing gear
failed and the aircraft tilted to the right. The aircraft stopped quickly after the landing gear had collapsed, with-
in a distance of about 80 m, but remained on the runway. The aircraft sustained significant damage in the area
between the right propeller and the inner wing flap on the right-hand side. There were no injuries to persons.

Before the accident flight, the aircraft main landing gear had been subjected to maintenance, for which the gear
had to be removed and reinstalled. When the right main landing gear was installed, its forward pivot pin had
been secured incorrectly. As a result of this error the pivot pin moved out of its place, eventually causing the gear
to collapse at landing.

The investigation revealed shortcomings in the main landing gear installation instructions, and the order of
actions was found to be impractical in places. Therefore they did not support the correct performance of main-
tenance actions and related inspections. These factors have contributed to the accident besides human factor

The Safety Investigation Authority, Finland recommends that the type certificate holder of Reims F406 aircraft
review and update the maintenance instructions so that any deficiencies in main landing gear installation in-
structions are rectified. In addition, it is recommended that the type certificate holder of Cessna 404 aircraft,
which has a similar type of landing gear, also review the corresponding instructions, including those for other
similar aircraft types.

The recommendations are issued to improve safety, to prevent similar accidents in the future, and to minimise
any damage resulting from such accidents.

Safety Recommendation FINL-2017-026 (SIA)

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) require the aircraft type certificate holder to review and update the
maintenance instructions for Reims F406 aircraft, so that any deficiencies in main landing gear installation in-
structions are rectified. The landing gear installation instructions do not cover all necessary phases of work, and
the order of phases is impractical in some places. The instructions provide no warning of the possibility of incor-
rect pivot pin installation. [2017-S26]

Reply No. 1 sent on 07/07/2017:

The Agency agrees with the aim of the Safety Recommendation (review of the maintenance documenta-
tion) and will discuss with the Type Certificate Holder (TCH) the required activities and documentation
updates in the frame of the Continued Airworthiness Review process.

Status: Open – Category:

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

OH-COV Vampula Aerodrome 24/09/2016 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Pilot incapacitation during landing at Vampula Aerodrome on 24 September 2016

The accident occurred on Saturday, 24 September 2016 to the pilot of a Cessna 172N aircraft. At 12.21 the pilot
took off from Tuulikki-Vampula aerodrome for a local flight with two passengers. The pilot decided to abort the
flight because he did not feel well. Following the landing the aircraft drifted off the runway into a ditch at 12.36.
The pilot died soon after the landing as a result of a heart attack. One passenger had a sudden attack, requir-
ing hospitalisation.

The pilot suffered from multi-vessel coronary heart disease and sleep apnoea. Within the five years prior to the
accident he had had three heart attacks which were treated with coronary angioplasty.

On the basis of the investigation the pilot’s higher overall risk of a recurring heart attack, as regards flight safety,
was not recognised. The European guidance material only partly provides for decision-making associated with
overall risk assessment.

The pilot was unaware of the privileges of a medical certification and the validities of the licence. Moreover,
while the public health care system was aware of the pilot’s flying hobby, national legislation does not lay down
any duty of notification associated with medical certification to doctors treating licence holders.

On the basis of the investigation Safety Investigation Authority, Finland issues four safety recommendations:

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) should include such a risk assessment model in the Manual
of Civil Aviation Medicine that can be used in aeromedical decision-making for assessing the risk of pilots who
have had recurring heart attacks.

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) should improve AME risk assessment competency in aeromed-
ical decision-making through training and by increasing their competency in consultation and in the use of

The Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications should standardise the duty of notification between avi-
ation and road transport associated with a person’s state of health as part of advancing the safety of flight.

The Finnish Transport Safety Agency should see to it that the practitioners of general and sport aviation receive
clarifying information pertaining to the privileges associated with the pilot’s licence and the significance of the
requirement to report medical issues.

Safety Recommendation FINL-2017-035 (SIA)

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) improve AME risk assessment competency through safety pro-
motion, competency based recurrent training and specific training on the national procedures for referral and
consultation as well as for the use of limitations. [2017-S35]
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Reply No. 1 sent on 23/08/2017:

Part-MED of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 already provides guidance regarding the risk as-
sessment for fitness.
EASA Opinion No 09/2016 published on 11 August 2016 includes new requirements for Aeromedical Ex-
aminers (AMEs) to demonstrate maintenance of aero-medical competency in order to revalidate/renew
their certificate.
The opinion mentioned above sets new learning objectives to reinforce risk management and decision-
making principles and the number of hours for training is increased to give more time for subject related
to risk assessment, such as acceptable aero-medical risk of incapacitation, types of incapacitation, oper-
ational aspects and basic principles in assessment of fitness for aviation.
AMEs shall be able to make a proper risk assessment taking into consideration the severity of the prin-
cipal pathology and the additional comorbidities. As every applicant is unique, the risk assessment is
based on the knowledge and competency of the AME who must give proper consideration to stage of
the disease, existence of risk factors and other comorbidities as well as effects and side effects of any as-
sociated medication.
Therefore, in addition, the Agency has initiated a safety promotion task to better support AME with low
exposure to aero-medical assessment.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

F-GMPG Pau Pyrénées 25/01/2007 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

L’avion décolle en piste 13. Peu après l’envol, il s’incline à gauche, à droite, puis à gauche. L’aile gauche de l’avion,
maintenant en descente, frotte sur le revêtement en limite droite du bord de piste. L’avion touche le sol légè-
rement incliné à droite, rebondit, roule dans les servitudes à droite de la piste, traverse le grillage d’enceinte
de l’aérodrome et franchit une route en heurtant la cabine d’un camion. Les trains d’atterrissage principaux
heurtent le talus opposé de la route et se séparent de l’avion. Celui-ci glisse dans un champ sur environ 535
mètres, à droite de la rampe d’approche de la piste 31.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2009-001 (BEA)

[French] - Le BEA recommande que tout en veillant à maintenir les exigences opérationnelles relatives au contrôle
du dégivrage avant le vol, l’AESA s’attache à faire évoluer les spécifications de certification pour demander l’analyse
du comportement des avions lorsque les surfaces d’ailes sont contaminées au sol et pour garantir le maintien des
marges de sécurité acceptables en cas de contamination légère.
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Reply No. 3 sent on 02/06/2017:

This safety recommendation is being taken into account in rulemaking task RMT.0118 entitled ‘Analysis
of on-ground wing contamination effect on take-off performance degradation’ which started with the
publication of its terms of reference on 21/03/2017:
The specific objective of this task is to mitigate the risk of loss of control of an aeroplane (in particular
during, but not limited to, the take-off phase), and the risk of runway excursion after an aborted take-off
at high speed, caused by an aerodynamic performance or controllability degradation, as a result of aer-
odynamic surfaces contamination by ice or de/anti-icing fluids.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

F-GVPD Besançon - La Vèze 18/10/2006 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Le 18 octobre 2006 à 22 h 40, l’avion débute son décollage en piste 23 revêtue sur l’aérodrome de Besançon - La
Vèze. Après avoir roulé pendant 950 mètres, il quitte le sol mais prend peu de hauteur. Quelques instants plus
tard, il heurte la cime d’arbres situés dans l’axe de piste, prend feu et tombe dans un bois. Le pilote n’a signalé
aucune difficulté et n’a pas émis de message de détresse.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2009-007 (BEA)

[French] - Le BEA recommande que l’AESA étudie l’élargissement des conditions imposant la présence d’un équipage
à deux pilotes en transport public.

Reply No. 4 sent on 14/03/2017:

The Agency conducted a safety review of worldwide single-pilot commercial air transport occurrences
during the last 10 years.
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) or night operation are common contributing factors evidenced in the review
of occurrences and ORO.FC.200 (c) of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 issued on 5 October 2012 sets the fol-
lowing specific requirements when operating under such conditions:
ƒƒ For aeroplanes, the minimum flight crew shall be two pilots for all turbo-propeller aeroplanes
with a maximum operational passenger seating configuration (MOPSC) of more than nine and all
turbojet aeroplanes.
ƒƒ For helicopters, the minimum flight crew shall be two pilots for all operations with an MOPSC of
more than 19 and for operations under IFR of helicopters with an MOPSC of more than 9.
ƒƒ When single pilot operation is permitted, additional requirements are added in ORO.FC.202 in
terms of crew training and qualification.
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The occurrence review does not show a predominant risk in single-pilot commercial air transport opera-
tions, considering that many historical single-pilot occurrence would require a second crew if those EASA
operational rules were applicable.
To be complete, a more specific review of helicopters emergency medical services (HEMS) occurrences
was conducted, because it introduces specific risks when selecting the landing site and the MOPSC is of-
ten below 9. This type of operation is covered by a Specific Approval (Part SPA Subpart J) and a minimum
crew of 2 pilots at night or one pilot and one HEMS technical crew member under specific conditions is
defined (SPA.HEMS.130 (e)). Part-ORO subpart TC defines training requirements for HEMS technical crews.
On this basis, the restrictions and mitigation means applied for single-pilots operations appear coherent
with the safety review.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

F-GRRA Saint Rambert d’Albon, France 04/06/2010 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Le vendredi 4 juin 2010, les 2 pilotes décollent à bord du CAP10 C immatriculé F-GRRA pour réaliser un vol de ré-
entraînement à la voltige. L’instructeur est en place gauche. Ils montent à une hauteur de 5 000 ft à la verticale
de l’aérodrome de Saint Rambert d’Albon (26) pour débuter les exercices qui ont été préparés lors d’un briefing
avant le décollage. Après avoir exécuté une vrille « dos », ils remontent à la même altitude pour débuter une
vrille « plate ». La mise en vrille plate à droite est réalisée selon la procédure décrite au briefing par l’instructeur.
Après plusieurs tours de vrille, le pilote en place droite puis l’instructeur tentent sans succès d’arrêter la rotation
de l’avion. L’instructeur décide de l’évacuation et largue la verrière. Le pilote en place droite s’extrait de l’avion
et actionne la commande d‘ouverture du parachute qui s’ouvre normalement. L’instructeur n’a pas le temps
d’évacuer avant que l’avion entre en collision avec le sol.

Causes de l’accident

L’accident est dû à la perte de contrôle de l’avion par l’équipage lors de l’exécution d’un exercice de vrille aplatie,
en raison de l’application erronée de la procédure de sortie de vrille.

Ont contribué à l’accident:

ƒƒ les changements de stratégie répétés au cours de la tentative d’arrêt de la figure.
ƒƒ une hauteur de début de figure insuffisante et l’absence d’une hauteur de sécurité définie.
ƒƒ l’application d’une procédure de sortie de vrille correspondant à un autre type d’avion.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2011-006 (BEA)

[French] - L’AESA étudie l’obligation d’équiper les avions de voltige de parachutes avec une sangle d’ouverture au-
tomatique qui permette l’ouverture du parachute quel que soit l’état de conscience du pilote qui a évacué.
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Reply No. 3 sent on 12/09/2017:

The Agency has considered the recommendation and concluded that requiring Personnel Emergency Par-
achutes (PEPs) of a particular design for pilots of aerobatic flights would not support the principles of
proportionality and risk-based rulemaking established for general aviation, including aerobatic flights,
in the EU regulatory framework for air operations (see the General Aviation Roadmap published on the
EASA website).
Aerobatic flights are addressed under Part-SPO (specialised operations), Part-ORO (organisation re-
quirements for air operations) and/or Part-NCO (non-commercial operations with other-than complex
motor-powered aircraft) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations (applicable for
aerobatic flights since 21 April 2017 at the latest). The applicability of the provisions depends on the na-
ture of the operation ie commercial or non-commercial, and on the complexity of the aircraft ie complex
motor-powered or not (as defined under Regulation (EC) No 216/2008).
Although PEPs are not a specific requirement for pilots of aerobatic flights, operators are required to con-
duct a risk assessment of their operation/s, and to establish suitable mitigating measures, which could
include PEPs, depending on the type of aircraft and the type of aerobatic manoeuvres to be undertaken.
The design and functionality of the PEP is also not specified in the regulations, as this should be decid-
ed by the operator, depending on the risks associated with the individual operations. However, it should
be noted that parachutes with a strap or static line for automatic opening of the parachute could create
new risks, which the operator should take into account when considering whether to use a PEP and, if
so, which type to use.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

BOMBARDIER AD Paris - Charles de Gaulle,

F-GRZK 19/01/2010 Incident
CL600 2B19 France

Synopsis of the event:

Vertical flight path excursion during ILS approach with autopilot engaged

LVP procedures were in force at Paris – Charles de Gaulle. Established on runway 08RILS on a CAT III A preci-
sion approach, the crew noticed that from 1,700 ft AMSL radio-altimeter 1 was working intermittently. The crew
performed a missed approach at around 800 ft AMSL after detecting an APCH WARN message displayed on the
head-up guidance system (HGS) and on the PFD. The origin of this message was a greater deviation to the per-
missible limits between the heights measured by both of the aeroplane’s radio altimeters.

A second CAT III A approach was performed on runway 08R. At around 1,700 ft AMSL, radio altimeter 1 was op-
erating intermittently again. At 1,000 ft AMSL, a MASTER CAUTION warning message, accompanied by the EFIS
COMP MON message at EICAS and the APCH WARN message on the HGS were triggered for a few seconds for the
same reasons as during the first approach. The crew performed a missed approach about fifteen seconds later, at
an altitude of about 800 ft AMSL. The EFIS COMP MON and APCH WARN warning messages were triggered again.

The RVR was sufficient to perform a CAT I precision approach on runway 08R. Using the cloud ceiling noted dur-
ing the two previous approaches, the crew told the controller that they wished to make a CAT I approach and
that in the event of another missed approach, they would divert to Lille airport. At around 1,700 ft AMSL, radio
altimeter 1 was working intermittently again. The AP was connected. From 700 ft AMSL, that is 160 ft above DA
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and up to 340 ft AMSL radio altimeter 1 was not supplying height data. During this period, the aircraft’s pitch at-
titude started to fluctuate. At the altitude corresponding to DA, it was slightly positive (0.3 degrees nose up) then
it increased to 1.3 degrees nose up before decreasing rapidly to an attitude of about 7 degrees nose down at 100
ft AGL. The G/S deviation was then one point below the ILS glide path. The PF disconnected the AP as soon as he
noted the decrease in attitude, at 120 ft AGL. He altered the glide path and, in sight of the approach lights, con-
tinued on to land without further difficulty on runway 08R.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2012-010 (BEA)

The BEA recommends that EASA ensure that Aircraft manufacturers modify maintenance procedures that could
have consequences on the radio altimetry system in order to take into account the risks of damage.

Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

The safety concern with radio altimeter failures is addressed through the Continuing Airworthiness
Through this CARI, the Type Certificate Holder (TCH) is requested to:
1. Review the design of aircraft systems and in particular the auto throttle/autopilot system which use
output from low range radio altimeter, and determine:
a. The effect of internally undetected radio altimeter errors on other aircraft systems such as auto
b. Where there is an effect on other systems, identify any potential consequences.
c. Review flight deck alerts and indications that may contribute to crew awareness of undetected radio
altimeter failures, and determine whether these are sufficient to make crews aware and lead to action to
alleviate any adverse effects which may result.
d. Review existing flight crew procedures, and determine if these are adequate to prevent adverse
e. Review training material to ensure crew awareness of potential consequences of radio altimeter
2. Review the in service experience regarding radio altimeter failures and highlight the identified causes.
Based on the replies received, there have been modifications on the European designs and recommen-
dations have been provided to non-EU authorities.
As a result:
ƒƒ the combination of airplane systems design, crew procedures and crew training is now expected
to be robust enough to avoid that internally undetected radio altimeter failures can cause severe
ƒƒ radio altimeters with a lower reliability than expected are replaced by new designs.
In addition, in response to the request made through the CARI 25-04, some TCHs have additionally im-
proved the radio altimeter maintenance procedures.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

AVIONS ROBIN AD Le Touquet Paris-Plage,

F-GABB 04/04/2011 Accident
DR400 France

Synopsis of the event:

Nose gear failure on landing roll, during instruction flight

The student was undertaking a dual-control instruction flight between Dunkirk and Le Touquet aerodromes.
On arrival, he flew the downwind leg for a landing on runway 32. The flare and main landing gear touchdown
occurred without any problems. When the nose gear touched down, the aeroplane was subject to strong vibra-
tions. The instructor pushed the control column forwards and braked. The nose gear collapsed and the aeroplane
came to a stop on the runway.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2012-031 (BEA)

EASA, in collaboration with the DGAC, implement a technical solution in order to prevent the appearance of
new failures of this type and, consequently, modify Airworthiness Directive EU-2010-0231. [Recommendation

Reply No. 3 sent on 28/09/2017:

EASA has reviewed the issue with the Type Certificate Holder (TCH) CEAPR and considering the nature
of the damage, the different designs available for the affected parts (upper and lower support plates)
of the landing gear, and the corresponding service histories of the various aeroplane types affected by
Airworthiness Directive (AD) EU-2010-0231 (DR253, DR300, DR400, HR100 and R1180), has agreed the
following actions:
ƒƒ A new Service Bulletin SB BS_160403 has been issued in September 2017 by the TCH for the aero-
plane types DR253, DR300, DR400 that provides revised inspections instructions and intervals and
defines a life time for the replacement of the affected parts.
ƒƒ The associated Major Change documentation package is under review by EASA.
ƒƒ A new AD has been drafted and will be issued once the Major Change is approved and it will man-
date such service bulletin and will supersede AD EU-2010-0231.
ƒƒ A new service bulletin BS_160402 has been issued in September 2017 for the aeroplane types
HR100 and R1180, that provides revised inspections instructions and intervals. For these aero-
plane types, considering the service history, it has been deemed not necessary to define a life time
for the replacement of the affected parts and furthermore, it has been assessed that such SB does
not need to be mandated by an AD.
ƒƒ The associated Major Change documentation package is under review by EASA.

Status: Open – Category:

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

AIRBUS Serious
F-GLZU Paris Charles de Gaulle 13/03/2012
A340 incident

Synopsis of the event:

Approach above glide path, interception of ILS sidelobe signal, increase in pitch angle commanded by autopilot

The crew took off from Bamako (Mali) aerodrome on 12 March 2012 at 23 h 59 heading for Paris Charles de
Gaulle (CDG) airport. On arrival, the ATIS indicated that the low visibility procedure (LVP) was in force. The crew
prepared themselves for a CAT III precision approach.

The aeroplane was stable at FL90 at about 30 NM from the threshold of runway 08R. Autopilot 1 was engaged
in HDG and ALT mode. The ATHR was engaged in SPEED mode. The speed was stable at 250 kt in accordance
with the controller’s request. The crew was in contact with CDG approach. They were cleared to intercept local-
izer 08R.

At 04 h 40 min 20, the controller cleared the crew to descend to FL80 and five seconds later the aeroplane, stable
at FL90, passed above the 3° glide path. The crew was then cleared to descend to FL60. They selected an altitude
of 6,000 ft on the FCU and the autopilot mode changed to OP DES. The autopilot captured the localizer 08R signal
(LOC*) and then the LOC mode engaged. When the aeroplane descended to 7,220 ft, and was 17.5 NM from the
threshold, or about 1,275 ft above the glide path, the controller requested that a speed of more than 200 kt be
maintained. The aeroplane’s speed was about 250 kt. The crew read back and requested to continue the descent.

The controller apologised for his omission then cleared the crew to descend to 3,000 ft to intercept the 08R ILS.

The crew selected 220 kt and 3,000 ft. The OP DES mode remained active. The aeroplane speed and rate of de-
scent decreased which resulted in increasing the deviation from the glide path. The crew extended the airbrakes.
When the aeroplane speed reached the target speed of 220 kt, the rate of descent increased again to a value
of -1,840 ft/min.

At 10 NM from the runway threshold and at an altitude of 5,500 ft, the approach controller requested that the
crew maintain a speed of more than 160 kt and that they contact the tower. He did not inform the tower control-
ler that the aeroplane was above the glide path. The crew selected a speed of 210 kt then 183 kt and wing slats/
flaps configuration 1. Again, the rate of descent decreased and the aeroplane deviated from the 3° glide path.

The crew contacted the tower and indicated that they were 9 NM out. The aeroplane was at an altitude of 4,950
ft (1,750 ft above the glide path). The controller initially cleared the crew to continue the approach. The latter
read back “Cleared to land 08 right… “. The controller indicated that he then checked that the CAT III ground ser-
vices were clear then confirmed clearance to land. The crew selected slats/flaps configuration 2 and retracted the
airbrakes. About one minute later, they re-extended the airbrakes, set the G/S mode using the APPR switch and
engaged autopilot 2. The glide deviation displayed on the PFD indicated to the crew that they were approaching
the glide path from above. The aeroplane was 4 NM from the runway threshold, at about 3,700 ft (that is 2,100
ft above the glide path at 3°) and was located in an ILS signal sidelobe.

About 30 seconds later, the crew extended the landing gear. The glide path capture mode (G/S*) was activated
when the aeroplane was 2 NM from the runway threshold at 2,850 ft (that is about 1,600 ft above the glide path
at 3°). The ATHR changed to SPEED mode. The pitch attitude increased from 1° to 26° in 12 seconds. The PNF stat-
ed that he had called out the difference in the pitch attitude when the chevrons appeared. When the aeroplane
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pitched up, the speed dropped from 163 kt to 130 kt, the vertical speed changed from – 1,600 ft/min to + 3,300
ft/min. When the pitch attitude reached 26°, the crew disconnected both autopilots and the PF made a pitch
down input almost down to the stop. The pitch attitude and vertical speed decreased.

The crew retracted the airbrakes. The throttle levers were in the IDLE position. The speed was 143 kt and the
ATHR disengaged. About 30 seconds later, autopilot 1 was engaged, the levers were repositioned on the CL set-
ting and the ATHR was activated. The PF explained that he engaged autopilot 1 to perform a go-around on

The LOC and G/S modes were active and the ATHR was in SPEED mode. The speed was 147 kt. The aeroplane was
directly above the runway threshold at an altitude of about 2,700 ft. The pitch attitude then decreased from 2°
to -5° and the aeroplane descended.

The PF stated that he realised that the modes displayed on the FMA were not appropriate. He then disengaged
the AP 8 seconds after having activated it and then displayed a pitch attitude of about 6° and placed the throttle
levers in the TOGA setting at an altitude of about 2,000 ft.

The crew made a second approach and landed without further difficulties.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-008 (BEA)

The investigation showed that it was possible to intercept a sidelobe ILS glide path in autopilot without alerting
the crew. Furthermore, under these conditions, the autopilot put the aeroplane in an unusual attitude (26° pitch-
up) during a critical phase of the flight. This issue could well involve other aircraft in public transport.

Consequently the BEA recommends that EASA ensure that aircraft ILS modes are not engaged on an ILS signal
other than the one corresponding to the published descent path; that failing this, a system enabling the crew to
be alerted be put in place.

Reply No. 3 sent on 20/10/2017:

In discussions with industry in the context of the EUROCAE WG-101 on “Runway Overrun Awareness and
Alerting System (ROAAS)” it was concluded that combining a ROAAS function and a warning function
identifying a capturing of the glide slope from above, as proposed to EUROCAE by EASA, is not suffi-
ciently similar to be handled in one standard. The EUROCAE WG, therefore, did not consider appropriate
taking on board the development of a dedicated function generating a warning or prohibiting the ILS
capturing in case there is a risk to intercept a side lobe having a reverse signal characteristic.
As a follow-up, EASA has identified some issues, leading to the conclusion that a technical solution has
some principle challenges to deal with:
ƒƒ The ILS approach angle is not published systematically.
ƒƒ The ILS approach is defined by physical reference to the runway and not by reference to way-
points. The agreed standard for AIP publication allows for a margin of +/- 50 metres between the
airport reference system and the ICAO WGS 84 worldwide coordinate system. This poses difficul-
ties to use GPS for comparison with ILS.
ƒƒ The system would have difficulties to cope with steep approach situations and would most likely
not work for those conditions.
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ƒƒ The functioning of such system would assume a “standard” antenna use on the ground. This may
be a practical initial assumption while there is no such standard and no verification demand where
the side slope is located. When using other antennae e.g. with more or less antenna gain, the side
slope is different. Consequently, there is no way to verify the assumptions used to create the ILS
beam. All verifications are concentrating on the main slope.
In summary, the identified technical limitations do not allow to design an independent monitoring func-
tion able to protect the aircraft safely under all foreseeable conditions from capturing the side slope.
EASA has also considered the mandate of such function. A preliminary qualitative impact assessment
shows that it is difficult to justify a mandatory equipment of aircraft due to the low number of events hap-
pening and considering, on the other hand, the typical estimated effort for aircraft equipage.
This does not preclude some protection being developed by industry. The potential are not sufficiently
mature, at this stage, to allow the development of an industry standard for such function, which would
be a precondition for a mandate.
While disagreeing that a technical solution should be implemented on a mandatory basis, EASA considers
that good airmanship principles should be reminded, which would help to avoid those conditions in the
day-to-day environment. To raise awareness on this issue EUROCONTROL published an article ‘Unstabi-
lised Approach: Vectoring Resulting in Intercepting the Glidepath from Above’ on the SKYbrary webpage
on 5th November 2014, and EASA published SIB 2014-07R1 ‘Unexpected Autopilot Behaviour on Instru-
ment Landing System (ILS) Approach’, dated 12 August 2015.
In a broader context, the potential safety relevance of the topic is shared by the Agency being the
False or Disrupted ILS Signal Capture a safety issue now included in the Commercial Air Transport (CAT)
aeroplanes Safety Risk Portfolio (SRP). This safety issue will be regularly monitored through safety per-
formance monitoring activities.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type


Synopsis of the event:

Study on Aeroplane State Awareness during Go-Around (ASAGA)

Towards the end of the 2000’s, the BEA observed that a number of public air transport accidents or serious in-
cidents were caused by a problem relating to “aeroplane state awareness during go-around” (ASAGA). Other
events revealed inadequate management by the flight crew of the relationship between pitch attitude and thrust,
with go-around mode not engaged, but with the aeroplane close to the ground and with the crew attempting
to climb.

Moreover, these events seemed to have some common features, such as surprise, the phenomenon of excessive
preoccupation by at least one member of the crew, poor communication between crew members and difficulties
in managing the automatic systems.

A study was thus initiated with a view to:

Determining if this type of event is associated with a particular type of aircraft;

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Listing and analysing the factors common to these events;

Suggesting strategies to prevent their recurrence.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-017 (BEA)

The BEA recommends that EASA in coordination with manufacturers, operators and major non-European avia-
tion authorities ensure that go-around training integrates instruction explaining the methodology for monitoring
primary flight parameters, in particular pitch, thrust then speed. [Recommendation FRAN-2013-017]

Reply No. 4 sent on 31/08/2017:

The dispersion of attention/channelized attention phenomena is a human performance issue. EASA
Rulemaking Task RMT.0188 reviewed this recommendation and delivered Opinion No 05/2017 amend-
ing Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 related to flight crew licensing (FCL) on 29 June 2017.
The Opinion coordinates Part–FCL safety and regulatory issues and takes benefit from ED Decision
2016/008/R of 2 May 2016 that addresses performance-based navigation (PBN) operations with new Ap-
plicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM). This decision introduces new learning
objectives (LOs) for ATPL, MPL, CPL and IR for aeroplanes and helicopters and the theoretical aspect of
the monitoring of primary flight parameters is highlighted in LO 033 06 01 03.
In addition, dispersion and/or channelized attention is mitigated by teaching the flight crew about such
risks during realistic training scenarios that contain surprise and startle effects conducive to high work-
load in a short time frame. Effective monitoring of the primary flight parameters is a major criteria to
prevent Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I), and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset
Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the
necessary competencies to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
ED Decision 2015/012/R published on the EASA website entered into force on 04 May 2016. It defines
Applicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Commission Regulation (EU) No
965/2012 for recurrent training programmes (ORO.FC.230) and operator conversion training (ORO.FC.220)
pertaining to Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operators using ‘complex motor-powered aeroplanes’.
In addition, the Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery train-
ing” in the wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017.
This Opinion proposes to introduce mandatory UPRT, testing and checking at various stages for pilots
who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commercial airline.
The newly developed advanced UPRT course, which is to be mandated as an addendum to ATP and MPL
training courses and also to serve as a prerequisite prior to commencing the first type rating course in
multi-pilot operations, is an important step towards enhancing a commercial pilot’s resilience to the psy-
chological and physiological aspects often associated with upset conditions. It develops the ability of the
pilot to cope with unforeseen events.
In support of the new standards, appendix 9 — Training, skill test and proficiency checks for MPL, ATPL,
type and class ratings, and proficiency checks for IRs is amended to include UPRT. It emphasizes regular
training on go-arounds with all engines operating from various stages during instrument approach (4.2)
and also on manual flying manoeuvres and procedures with or without flight directors and at different
speeds and altitudes (3.1).
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In line with ICAO, the opinion and the decision mentioned above propose UPRT to proficiency during in-
itial and recurrent training. The amended skill test and proficiency checks supported by operators’ UPRT
recurrent training and conversion course reinforce pilot competence through regular training. UPRT in-
structors are also required to match minimum experience and receive dedicated UPRT training to deliver
effective teaching and avoid negative transfer of training.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-018 (BEA)

The BEA recommends that EASA, in cooperation with the national civil aviation authorities and major non-
European aviation authorities, ensure that during recurrent and periodic training, training organizations and
operators give greater importance to the assessment and maintenance of the monitoring capabilities of public
transport pilots. [Recommendation FRAN-2013-018]

Reply No. 5 sent on 31/08/2017:

The dispersion of attention/channelized attention phenomena is a human performance issue. EASA
Rulemaking Task RMT.0188 reviewed this recommendation and delivered Opinion No 05/2017 amend-
ing Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 related to flight crew licensing (FCL) on 29 June 2017.
The opinion coordinates Part–FCL safety and regulatory issues and takes benefit from ED Decision
2016/008/R of 2 May 2016 that addresses performance-based navigation (PBN) operations with new Ap-
plicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM).This decision introduces new learning
objectives (LOs) for ATPL, MPL, CPL and IR for aeroplanes and helicopters and the theoretical aspect of
the monitoring of primary flight parameters is highlighted in LO 033 06 01 03.
In addition, dispersion and/or channelized attention is mitigated by teaching the flight crew about such
risks during realistic training scenarios that contain surprise and startle effects conducive to high work-
load in a short time frame. Effective monitoring of the primary flight parameters is a major criteria to
prevent Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I), and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset
Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the
necessary competencies to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
ED Decision 2015/012/R published on the EASA website entered into force on 04 May 2016. It defines
Applicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM) to Commission Regulation (EU) No
965/2012 for recurrent training programmes (ORO.FC.230) and operator conversion training (ORO.FC.220)
pertaining to Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operators using ‘complex motor-powered aeroplanes’.
The material takes into account the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 6 amendment
38, ICAO Doc 9868 ‘Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Training’ (PANS-TRG) amendment 3 relating
to UPRT, and ICAO Doc 10011 ‘Manual on Aeroplane UPRT’. Reference is also made to the Original Equip-
ment Manufacturers’ (OEMs’) Aeroplane Upset Recovery Training Aid (AURTA). Respective components
of UPRT includes effective scanning (effective monitoring).
In addition, the Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery train-
ing” in the wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017.
This Opinion proposes to introduce mandatory UPRT, testing and checking at various stages for pilots
who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commercial airline.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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The newly developed advanced UPRT course, which is to be mandated as an addendum to ATP and MPL
training courses and also to serve as a prerequisite prior to commencing the first type rating course in
multi-pilot operations, is an important step towards enhancing a commercial pilot’s resilience to the psy-
chological and physiological aspects often associated with upset conditions. It develops the ability of the
pilot to cope with unforeseen events.
In support of the new standards, appendix 9 — Training, skill test and proficiency checks for MPL, ATPL,
type and class ratings, and proficiency checks for IRs is amended to include UPRT. It emphasizes regular
training on manual flying manoeuvres and procedures with or without flight directors and at different
speeds and altitudes (3.1).
In line with ICAO, the opinion and the decision mentioned above propose UPRT to proficiency during
initial and recurrent training. The amended skill test and proficiency checks supported by operators’
UPRT recurrent training and conversion course reinforce pilot competence through regular training. The
National Competent Authority ensures through its Air Operators and Aviation Training Organisations
oversight that the training objectives are met.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-022 (BEA)

The BEA recommends that EASA review the regulatory requirements for initial and periodic training in order to
ensure that go-arounds with all engines operating are performed sufficiently frequently during training.

Reply No. 4 sent on 31/08/2017:

Mitigating Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is one of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA’s) high-
est priorities, and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset Prevention and Recovery
Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the necessary competencies
to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
ED Decision 2015/012/R published on the EASA website entered into force on 04 May 2016. It defines
Applicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Commission Regulation (EU)
No 965/2012 for recurrent training programmes (ORO.FC.230) and operator conversion training (ORO.
FC.220) pertaining to Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operators using ‘complex motor-powered aero-
planes’. UPRT shall be trained at least every 12 calendar months and all elements shall be covered over
a period not exceeding 3 years.
In addition, the Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery train-
ing” in the wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017. This Opinion proposes to introduce
mandatory UPRT, testing and checking at various stages for pilots who intend to pursue a pilot career
with a commercial airline.
The newly developed advanced UPRT course, which is to be mandated as an addendum to ATP and MPL
training courses and also to serve as a prerequisite prior to commencing the first type rating course in
multi-pilot operations, is an important step towards enhancing a commercial pilot’s resilience to the psy-
chological and physiological aspects often associated with upset conditions. It develops the ability of the
pilot to cope with unforeseen events.
In support of the new standards, appendix 9 — Training, skill test and proficiency checks for MPL, ATPL,
type and class ratings, and proficiency checks for IRs is amended to include UPRT. It now includes go-
arounds with all engines operating from various stages during instrument approach (4.2) and rejected
landing with all engines operating from various heights below DH/MDH and after touchdown (4.5).
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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In line with ICAO, the opinion and the decision mentioned above propose UPRT to proficiency during in-
itial and recurrent training. The amended skill test and proficiency checks supported by operators’ UPRT
recurrent training and conversion course implement the recommendation that go-arounds with all en-
gines operating are performed sufficiently frequently.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-025 (BEA)

The BEA recommends that EASA, in coordination with major non-European aviation authorities, amend the CS-
25 provisions so that aircraft manufacturers add devices to limit thrust during a go-around and to adapt it to the
flight conditions.

Reply No. 4 sent on 07/07/2017:

Rulemaking task RMT.0647 (‘Loss of control or loss of flight path during go-around or other flight phases’)
has started with the publication of its Terms of Reference and its Group Composition on 06/07/2015 (htt-
A Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) 2017-06 was published on 11 May 2017 on the EASA Website:
This NPA proposes to amend CS-25 to ensure that:
ƒƒ the design of large aeroplanes is such that the go-around (G/A) procedure with all engines op-
erating (AEO) can be safely conducted by the flight crew without requiring exceptional piloting
skills or alertness. Risk of excessive crew workload and risk of somatogravic illusion must be care-
fully evaluated, and design mitigation measures must be put in place if those risks are too high;
implementing a reduced G/A thrust function is one of the possible solutions which can be used,
and it is considered as an acceptable means of compliance with the proposed new specification;
ƒƒ the design of large aeroplanes provides an adequate longitudinal controllability and authority
during G/A and other flight phases (focusing on low speed situations).
The first proposed measure addresses the intent of this safety recommendation without being prescrip-
tive and allowing manufacturers to propose other means of compliance.
The next step of RMT.0647 is the publication of a Decision amending CS-25, envisaged 01Q2018.

Status: Open – Category:

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-026 (BEA)

The BEA recommends that EASA examine, according to type certificate, the possibility of retroactively extend-
ing this measure in the context of PART 26 / CS-26, to the most high-performance aircraft that have already been
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Reply No. 4 sent on 07/07/2017:

Rulemaking task RMT.0647 (‘Loss of control or loss of flight path
during go-around or other flight phases’) has started with the publication of its Terms of Refer-
ence and its Group Composition on 06/07/2015 (
A Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) 2017-06 was published on 11 May 2017 on the EASA Website:
This NPA proposes to amend CS-25 to ensure that:
ƒƒ the design of large aeroplanes is such that the go-around (G/A) procedure with all engines op-
erating (AEO) can be safely conducted by the flight crew without requiring exceptional piloting
skills or alertness. Risk of excessive crew workload and risk of somatogravic illusion must be care-
fully evaluated, and design mitigation measures must be put in place if those risks are too high;
implementing a reduced G/A thrust function is one of the possible solutions which can be used,
and it is considered as an acceptable means of compliance with the proposed new specification;
ƒƒ the design of large aeroplanes provides an adequate longitudinal controllability and authority
during G/A and other flight phases (focusing on low speed situations).
The rulemaking group has conducted a regulatory impact assessment which considered options requir-
ing already certified large aeroplanes, in particular the most-at-risk ones (wing-mounted twin turbofan),
to implement design changes to mitigate the risk of excessive work load and somatogravic illusion
during G/A, such as reduced G/A thrust function. This assessment concluded that such options are not
suitable, and that amending CS-25 is the best option.
The next step of RMT.0647 is the publication of a Decision amending CS-25, envisaged 01Q2018.

Status: Open – Category:

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-033 (BEA)

The BEA recommends that EASA, in cooperation with the national civil aviation authorities and major non-Euro-
pean aviation authorities, ensure that the risks associated with dispersion and/or channelized attention during
the go-around, to the detriment of the primary flight parameters, be taught to crews.

Reply No. 4 sent on 23/08/2017:

Risks associated with high workload are addressed in CS 25.1523 and Appendix D to CS-25. Systems and
controls, including indications and annunciations shall be designed to minimise crew errors, which could
create additional hazards according to CS 25.1302 and CS 25.1309 (c).
The dispersion of attention/channelized attention phenomena is a human performance issue. EASA
Rulemaking Task RMT.0188 reviewed this recommendation and delivered Opinion No 05/2017 amend-
ing Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 related to flight crew licensing (FCL) on 29 June 2017.
The opinion coordinates Part–FCL safety and regulatory issues and takes benefit from ED Decision
2016/008/R of 2 May 2016 that addresses performance-based navigation (PBN) operations with new Ap-
plicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM).This decision introduces new learning
objectives (LOs) for ATPL, MPL, CPL and IR for aeroplanes and helicopters and the theoretical aspect of
the monitoring of primary flight parameters is highlighted in LO 033 06 01 03.
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In addition, dispersion and/or channelized attention is mitigated by teaching the flight crew about such
risks during realistic training scenarios that contain surprise and startle effects conducive to high work-
load in a short time frame. Effective monitoring of the primary flight parameters is a major criteria to
prevent Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I), and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset
Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the
necessary competencies to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
The Agency published, on 08 April 2014, Safety Information Bulletin SIB 2014-09 ‘Aeroplane Go-Around
Training’ to raise awareness on the risks associated with unexpected or poorly executed go-around ma-
noeuvres and to encourage operators to specifically address these risks in their safety management
ED Decision 2015/012/R published on the EASA website entered into force on 04 May 2016. It defines Ap-
plicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM) for recurrent training programme of
Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (ORO.FC.230) and conversion training (ORO.FC.220) pertaining
to Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operators using ‘complex motor-powered aeroplanes’.
The material takes into account the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 6 amendment
38, ICAO Doc 9868 ‘Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Training’ (PANS-TRG) amendment 3 relating
to UPRT, and ICAO Doc 10011 ‘Manual on Aeroplane UPRT’. Reference is also made to the Original Equip-
ment Manufacturers’ (OEMs’) Aeroplane Upset Recovery Training Aid (AURTA).
In addition, the Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery train-
ing” in the wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017.
This Opinion proposes to introduce mandatory UPRT, testing and checking at various stages for pilots
who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commercial airline:
ƒƒ advanced UPRT course (new FCL.745.A) as a prerequisite for training courses for single-pilot aero-
planes operated in multi-pilot operation, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and
multi-pilot aeroplanes (amendments to FCL.720.A);
ƒƒ Inclusion of UPRT elements considering the specificities of the particular class or type during the
relevant class or type rating training course (amendments to FCL.725.A);
ƒƒ Amendments to Appendix 9, paragraphs 5 and 6 in Annex I (Part-FCL) of Commission Regulation
(EU) No 1178/2011 for including upset prevention and recovery exercises into training courses, skill
test and proficiency checks related to single-pilot aeroplanes operated in multi-pilot operations,
single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and multi-pilot type rating training courses;
The newly developed advanced UPRT course, which is to be mandated as an addendum to ATP and MPL
training courses and also to serve as a prerequisite prior to commencing the first type rating course in
multi-pilot operations, is an important step towards enhancing a commercial pilot’s resilience to the psy-
chological and physiological aspects often associated with upset conditions. It develops the ability of the
pilot to cope with unforeseen events.
In support of the new standards, appendix 9 — Training, skill test and proficiency checks for MPL, ATPL,
type and class ratings, and proficiency checks for IRs is amended to include UPRT. It now includes go-
arounds with all engines operating from various stages during instrument approach (4.2).
In line with ICAO, the opinion and the decision mentioned above propose UPRT to proficiency during in-
itial and recurrent training.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-035 (BEA)

The BEA recommends that EASA, in coordination with manufacturers, operators and major non-European avi-
ation authorities, study whether to extend these measures to other procedures requiring a high workload in
a short time frame.

Reply No. 4 sent on 23/08/2017:

Risks associated with high workload are addressed in CS 25.1523 and Appendix D to CS-25. Systems and
controls, including indications and annunciations shall be designed to minimise crew errors, which could
create additional hazards according to CS 25.1302 and CS 25.1309 (c).
The dispersion of attention/channelized attention phenomena is a human performance issue. EASA
Rulemaking Task RMT.0188 reviewed this recommendation and delivered Opinion No 05/2017 amend-
ing Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 related to flight crew licensing (FCL) on 29 June 2017.
The opinion coordinates Part–FCL safety and regulatory issues and takes benefit from ED Decision
2016/008/R of 2 May 2016 that addresses performance-based navigation (PBN) operations with new Ap-
plicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM).This decision introduces new learning
objectives (LOs) for ATPL, MPL, CPL and IR for aeroplanes and helicopters and the theoretical aspect of
the monitoring of primary flight parameters is highlighted in LO 033 06 01 03.
In addition, dispersion and/or channelized attention is mitigated by teaching the flight crew about such
risks during realistic training scenarios that contain surprise and startle effects conducive to high work-
load in a short time frame. Effective monitoring of the primary flight parameters is a major criteria to
prevent Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I), and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset
Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the
necessary competencies to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
ED Decision 2015/012/R published on the EASA website entered into force on 04 May 2016. It defines Ap-
plicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM) for recurrent training programme of
Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (ORO.FC.230) and conversion training (ORO.FC.220) pertaining
to Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operators using ‘complex motor-powered aeroplanes’.
The material takes into account the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 6 amendment
38, ICAO Doc 9868 ‘Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Training’ (PANS-TRG) amendment 3 relating
to UPRT, and ICAO Doc 10011 ‘Manual on Aeroplane UPRT’. Reference is also made to the Original Equip-
ment Manufacturers’ (OEMs’) Aeroplane Upset Recovery Training Aid (AURTA).
In addition, the Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery train-
ing” in the wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017.
This Opinion proposes to introduce mandatory UPRT, testing and checking at various stages for pilots
who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commercial airline:
ƒƒ advanced UPRT course (new FCL.745.A) as a prerequisite for training courses for single-pilot aero-
planes operated in multi-pilot operation, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and
multi-pilot aeroplanes (amendments to FCL.720.A);
ƒƒ Inclusion of UPRT elements considering the specificities of the particular class or type during the
relevant class or type rating training course (amendments to FCL.725.A);
ƒƒ Amendments to Appendix 9, paragraphs 5 and 6 in Annex I (Part-FCL) of Commission Regulation
(EU) No 1178/2011 for including upset prevention and recovery exercises into training courses,
skill test and proficiency checks related to single-pilot aeroplanes operated in multi-pilot oper-
ations, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and multi-pilot type rating training
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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The newly developed advanced UPRT course, which is to be mandated as an addendum to ATP and MPL
training courses and also to serve as a prerequisite prior to commencing the first type rating course in
multi-pilot operations, is an important step towards enhancing a commercial pilot’s resilience to the psy-
chological and physiological aspects often associated with upset conditions. It develops the ability of the
pilot to cope with unforeseen events.
In support of the new standards, appendix 9 — Training, skill test and proficiency checks for MPL, ATPL,
type and class ratings, and proficiency checks for IRs is amended to include UPRT. It now includes go-
arounds with all engines operating from various stages during instrument approach (4.2) and also cover
other procedures requiring a high workload in a short time frame such as rejected landing with all en-
gines operating from various heights below DH/MDH and after touchdown (4.5).
In line with ICAO, the opinion and the decision mentioned above propose UPRT to proficiency during in-
itial and recurrent training.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-042 (BEA)

The BEA recommends that EASA, in cooperation with the major non-European certification authorities, make
mandatory the implementation of means to make crews aware of a low speed value and, where necessary, pre-
vent an unusual nose-up trim position from occurring or being maintained.

Reply No. 4 sent on 07/07/2017:

1) Low speed awareness:
Certification Specifications for Large Aeroplanes (CS-25) contains provisions to protect the aircraft against
low speed.
The current CS 25.1329(h) (dated December 2007-Amendment 4) requires, when the Flight Guidance Sys-
tem (FGS) is in use (like Autopilot engaged), a means to avoid excursions beyond an acceptable margin
from the speed range of the normal flight envelope. Such means can be either an automatic control or
guidance from the FGS, or the implementation of an alert to increase flight crew’s awareness of a poten-
tial airspeed excursion.
AMC N°1 to CS 25.1329 provides guidance on FGS alerting functions. In chapter 9.3 it is reminded that
alerting information should follow the provisions of CS 25.1322 (Flight Crew Alerting) and its associated
advisory material. In addition, chapter 9.3.1 is dedicated to Alerting for Speed protection:
“To assure crew awareness, an alert should be provided when a sustained speed protection condition is
detected. This is in addition to any annunciations associated with mode reversions that occur as a conse-
quence of invoking speed protection (see Section 10.4, Speed Protection). Low speed protection alerting
should include both an aural and a visual component. […]”
In manual flight mode, other means exist to increase flight crew awareness, like flight envelope protec-
tion features or stick force gradients. Furthermore, in practice, aeroplanes equipped with a low speed or
low energy alerting system provide this functionality not only with the FGS engaged, but also in manu-
al mode.
Therefore the current CS-25 specifications provide adequate protection against airspeed excursions, in-
cluding low speed situations.
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Concerning in-service aeroplanes, further to the delivery of the Avionics System Harmonization Working
Group - ASHWG (combined aviation authorities and industry working group) report to the FAA through
Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC), the review of accidents conducted by the ASHWG did
not provide enough safety evidence to justify mandating a costly retroactive design change for incor-
poration of a low speed or low energy alerting system. However further ASHWG discussions have taken
place since 03Q2014 with Agency participation, and the Agency continues to monitor relevant in-service
2) Unusual nose-up trim position
Rulemaking task RMT.0647 (‘Loss of control or loss of flight path during go-around or other flight phases’)
has started with the publication of its Terms of Reference and its Group Composition on 06/07/2015 (htt-
A Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) 2017-06 was published on 11 May 2017 on the EASA Website:
This NPA proposes to amend CS-25 to ensure that:
ƒƒ the design of large aeroplanes is such that the go-around (G/A) procedure with all engines operat-
ing (AEO) can be safely conducted by the flight crew without requiring exceptional piloting skills
or alertness. Risk of excessive crew workload and risk of somatogravic illusion must be carefully
evaluated, and design mitigation measures must be put in place if those risks are too high; imple-
menting a reduced G/A thrust function is one of the possible solutions which can be used, and it is
considered as an acceptable means of compliance with the proposed new specification;
ƒƒ the design of large aeroplanes provides an adequate longitudinal controllability and authority
during G/A and other flight phases (focusing on low speed situations).
The second proposed measure addresses the intent of this safety recommendation related to nose-up
trim condition. More specifically, the NPA proposal to upgrade the existing certification specifications
and acceptable means of compliance to require:
ƒƒ for G/A: to demonstrate adequate longitudinal controllability and adequate stall margin during
transition from any approved approach and landing configuration to G/A and up to the next flight
phase and level-off (All Engine Operating (AEO) and full thrust/power, different combinations of
automatisms to be evaluated). For other flight phases, when the aeroplane has an automatic pitch
trim function, the stabiliser (or trim tab) travel should be limited before or at stall warning acti-
vation to prevent excessive pitch trim such that it is possible to command a prompt pitch down of
the aircraft for control recovery.
The next step of RMT.0647 is the publication of a Decision amending CS-25, envisaged 01Q2018.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

PIPER 3NM from Saint Martin Grand

F-GXES 05/05/2012 Accident
PA42 case aerodrome

Synopsis of the event:

Le pilote décolle à 2 h 39 en piste 12 de l’aérodrome de Saint Martin Grand Case à destination de Fort-de-France.
Quelques minutes plus tard à environ 3 NM, l’avion entre en collision avec la surface de la mer, légèrement
à droite de l’axe de la piste. Le pilote n’a signalé aucune difficulté et n’a pas émis de message de détresse.
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L’examen de l’épave n’a pas mis en évidence de défaillance technique susceptible d’affecter significativement
les performances de l’avion. L’absence d’enregistreurs de vol n’a pas permis de préciser les circonstances de

Les causes de l’accident n’ont pu être déterminées avec certitude. Cependant, l’état d’astreinte quasi-permanent
pour les personnels navigants et l’exploitation en monopilote ont pu contribuer à l’accident.

Le BEA a adressé à l’AESA trois recommandations de sécurité relatives à:

l’obligation d’emport d’enregistreurs de vols à tous les avions exploités en transport aérien commercial;

l’obligation de présence d’un équipage à deux pilotes en vol d’évacuation sanitaire;

la prise en compte des réserves autres qu’à l’aéroport dans la future réglementation relative à la sécurité en mat-
ière de limitations de temps de vol applicables aux vols d’évacuation sanitaire.

Dans l’attente de la mise en place de cette nouvelle réglementation, le BEA a adressé à la DGAC une recomman­
dation de sécurité relative aux actions de surveillance de la DGAC, afin qu’elle s’assure que les exploitants veillent
à ce que leurs pilotes, lorsqu’ils sont en réserve hors aéroport, soient aptes à entreprendre un vol à tout moment.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-052 (BEA)

[French] - Le BEA recommande que L’AESA prévoie la mise en place en priorité de la réglementation imposant la
présence d’un équipage à deux pilotes en vol d’évacuation sanitaire.

Reply No. 3 sent on 14/03/2017:

The Agency conducted a safety review of worldwide single-pilot commercial air transport occurrences
during the last 10 years. This includes air ambulance flights.
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) or night operation are common contributing factors evidenced in the review
of occurrences and ORO.FC.200 (c) of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 issued on 5 October 2012 sets the fol-
lowing specific requirements when operating under such conditions:
ƒƒ For aeroplanes, the minimum flight crew shall be two pilots for all turbo-propeller aeroplanes
with a maximum operational passenger seating configuration (MOPSC) of more than nine and all
turbojet aeroplanes.
ƒƒ For helicopters, the minimum flight crew shall be two pilots for all operations with an MOPSC of
more than 19 and for operations under IFR of helicopters with an MOPSC of more than 9.
ƒƒ When single pilot operation is permitted, additional requirements are added in ORO.FC.202 in
terms of training and qualification.
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The occurrence review does not show a predominant risk in single-pilot commercial air transport opera-
tions, considering that many historical single-pilot occurrence would now require a second crew if those
EASA operational rules were applicable.
To be complete, a more specific review of helicopters emergency medical services (HEMS) occurrences
was conducted, because it introduces specific risks when selecting the landing site compared to air am-
bulance flight and the MOPSC is often below 9. This type of operation is covered by a Specific Approval
(Part SPA Subpart J) and a minimum crew of 2 pilots at night or one pilot and one HEMS technical crew
member under specific conditions is defined (SPA.HEMS.130 (e)). Part-ORO subpart TC defines training re-
quirements for HEMS technical crews.
On this basis, the restrictions and mitigation means applied for single-pilots operations appear coherent
with the safety review.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

TAE STUDY #Missing#

Synopsis of the event:

Since 2003, events relating to powerplant malfunctions on aircraft equipped with Thielert engines have frequent-
ly been notified to the BEA. By the end of August 2011, 44 had been the subject of a BEA investigation.

In 2005, the BEA recommended to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) that the Thielert TAE 125-01
engine certification be reviewed. This recommendation gave rise to several actions by EASA and Thielert regard-
ing maintenance, operational documentation and training maintenance personnel and in relation to the design
of one part. However, although EASA classified its answer as “agreement”, no certification review action was

New events have occurred since 2004. Most of these notifications came from flying schools. Not all the events
notified required investigation. Nevertheless, the considerable number of notifications bears witness to oper-
ators’ specific concerns about these engines. Some training organisations decided in particular to apply usage
restrictions (no night flights or IFR in IMC in single-engine aircraft, no solo flights on DA40).

Given the number of notifications, the recurrence of specific malfunctions and the technological novelty of these
engines, the BEA decided in 2009 to conduct this study, the aim of which was to establish if a new request for re-
view of the engine certification was justified or not and if safety recommendations were required.

To do this, the BEA invited the following flying schools to take part in the study and to notify events according to
predefined criteria. These schools operate numerous aeroplanes equipped with Thielert engines:

ƒƒ ENAC: Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (French National Civil Aviation School);

ƒƒ EPAG: Ecole de Pilotage Amaury de la Grange (French Flight Training Organisation);

ƒƒ ESMA: Ecole Supérieure des Métiers de l’Aéronautique (French Flight Training Organisation).

This study is based on the investigations conducted by the BEA on malfunctions to Thielert engines during the
period under consideration.
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Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-084 (BEA)

The European regulatory definition of in-flight shutdown (AMC 20-6) is not adapted to light aviation. Therefore,
comparisons between a reference rate and the different manufacturers’ engine shutdown rates seem difficult to
establish. Moreover, losses of power that prevent level flight being maintained should systematically be count-
ed, their consequences being similar to those of an engine shutdown.

Consequently, the BEA recommends that:

EASA, in cooperation with FAA, adopt a definition of engine shutdown for aircraft certified in accordance with

Reply No. 3 sent on 07/07/2017:

The current regulatory framework for CS-23 small aeroplanes used for private operations requires to re-
port engine in-flight shut down (IFSD) and engine power loss related occurrences to EASA, but there is
no obligation to report fleet flight hours of the involved engines or aeroplanes. Therefore EASA cannot
determine IFSD rates for all specific engine models of this fleet of aeroplanes, and it is not deemed nec-
essary to create a specific definition of ‘engine shut down’ for CS-23 aeroplanes.
Nevertheless, some Type Certificate holders (TCH) have established their own systems for collecting flight
hours. For TAE 125 engines, statistical figures have been published here: ileadmin/_centur ion/news/newsuploads/149/
The IFSD rate of TAE 125 engines is monitored by EASA. Regular joint continuing airworthiness meetings
between aircraft TCH, engine TCH, and EASA have been established to review all engine and engine in-
stallation related occurrences, and to define the appropriate corrective actions.
However, for single-engined turbine aeroplanes used in commercial air transport, Commission regulation
(EU) 2017/363 issued on 1 March 2017 introduced specific requirements for the approval of operations
at night or in instrument meteorological conditions that include an acceptable level of turbine engine
reliability achieved in service by the world fleet for the particular airframe-engine combination (see par-
agraph (a) of SPA.SET-IMC.105 SET-IMC operations approval).
Through ED Decision 2017/004/R, AMC1 SPA.SET-IMC.105(a) has been created and provides more details
on the turbine engine reliability data requirements which includes a definition of engine ‘loss of power’,
which itself encompasses engine ‘in-flight shut down’:
“(a) The operator should obtain the power plant reliability data from the type certificate (TC) holder and/
or supplemental type certificate (STC) holder.
(b) The data for the engine-airframe combination should have demonstrated, or be likely to demon-
strate, a power loss rate of less than 10 per million flight hours. Power loss in this context is defined as
any loss of power, including in-flight shutdown, the cause of which may be traced to faulty engine or en-
gine component design or installation, including design or installation of the fuel ancillary or engine
control systems.

(c) The in-service experience with the intended engine-airframe combination should be at least 100 000
h, demonstrating the required level of reliability. If this experience has not been accumulated, then,
based on analysis or test, in-service experience with a similar or related type of airframe and turbine
engine might be considered by the TC/STC holder to develop an equivalent safety argument in order to
demonstrate that the reliability criteria are achievable.”

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

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Safety Recommendation FRAN-2013-085 (BEA)

In France, the majority of events occurred during a flight performed in VMC by day. The pilot was generally able
to land in the country or at a nearby aerodrome. However, one accident occurred during a night flight, and other
malfunctions may have appeared in IMC, at night or in solo flight, conditions in which the success of an emer-
gency landing is uncertain. Thus the operational consequences of the same powerplant malfunction may vary
greatly depending on the flight rules adopted. However, in CS-23, classification of engine failure does not de-
pend on operating conditions.

Consequently, the BEA recommends that:

ƒƒ EASA define the acceptable occurrence rate for drops in engine power, particularly those that make
it impossible to maintain level flight, in order to establish a classification appropriate to operating

Reply No. 3 sent on 07/07/2017:

The current regulatory framework for CS-23 small aeroplanes requires to report engine in-flight shut
down (IFSD) and engine power loss related occurrences to EASA, but there is no obligation to report fleet
flight hours of the involved engines or aeroplanes. Therefore EASA cannot determine IFSD rates for all
specific engine models of this fleet of aeroplanes, and it is not deemed necessary to define ‘the accepta-
ble frequency of occurrences of decrease in power’.
Nevertheless, some Type Certificate holders (TCH) have established their own systems for collecting flight
hours. For TAE 125 engines, statistical figures have been published here: ileadmin/_centur ion/news/newsuploads/149/
The IFSD rate of TAE 125 engines is monitored by EASA. Regular joint continuing airworthiness meetings
between aircraft TCH, engine TCH, and EASA have been established to review all engine and engine in-
stallation related occurrences, and to define the appropriate corrective actions.
However, for single-engined turbine aeroplanes used in commercial air transport, Commission Reg-
ulation (EU) 2017/363 issued on 1 March 2017 introduced specific requirements for the approval of
operations at night or in instrument meteorological conditions that include an acceptable level of turbine
engine reliability achieved in service by the world fleet for the particular airframe-engine combination
(see paragraph (a) of SPA.SET-IMC.105 SET-IMC operations approval).
Through ED Decision 2017/004/R, AMC1 SPA.SET-IMC.105(a) has been created and provides more details
on the turbine engine reliability data requirements which meet the intent of this safety recommendation:
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“(a) The operator should obtain the power plant reliability data from the type certificate (TC) holder and/
or supplemental type certificate (STC) holder.
(b) The data for the engine-airframe combination should have demonstrated, or be likely to demon-
strate, a power loss rate of less than 10 per million flight hours. Power loss in this context is defined as
any loss of power, including in-flight shutdown, the cause of which may be traced to faulty engine or en-
gine component design or installation, including design or installation of the fuel ancillary or engine
control systems.
(c) The in-service experience with the intended engine-airframe combination should be at least 100 000
h, demonstrating the required level of reliability. If this experience has not been accumulated, then,
based on analysis or test, in-service experience with a similar or related type of airframe and turbine
engine might be considered by the TC/STC holder to develop an equivalent safety argument in order to
demonstrate that the reliability criteria are achievable.”

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

RAYTHEON Near Annemasse aerodrome, in the

VP-CAZ 04/03/2014 Accident
390 commune of Cranves-Sales

Synopsis of the event:

Stall after takeoff in icing conditions, collision with the ground, fire

The pilot and two passengers arrived at Annemasse aerodrome at about 7 h 00 for a private flight of about five
minutes towards Geneva airport. The temperature was -2°C and the humidity was 98% with low clouds. The aer-
oplane had been parked on the parking area of the aerodrome since the previous evening. The taxiing and the
takeoff run were nominal. As soon as the main landing gear wheels left the ground, the aeroplane stalled, as
a result of the presence of ice on the surface of the wings. The low height reached by the aeroplane did not allow
the pilot to exit the stall situation and to avoid the collision with the ground. The pilot and the passenger seated
to his right were killed. The female passenger seated at the rear was seriously injured.

The investigation showed that the pilot’s insufficient appreciation of the risks associated with ground-ice led him
to take off with contamination of the critical airframe surfaces. This may have contributed to the occurrence of
32 accidents recorded since 1989 for which no de-icing of the aeroplane had been undertaken before takeoff.

The investigation also showed that an onboard device for the detection of ice on the ground could have prevent-
ed the accident and that Annemasse aerodrome does not have any ground de-icing facilities.

The BEA addressed three safety recommendations to EASA and the DGAC relating to:

ƒƒ training on the risks associated with takeoff with contaminated wings;

ƒƒ the installation of ice detection systems;

ƒƒ the availability of anti-icing/de-icing facilities on aerodromes.

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Safety Recommendation FRAN-2014-005 (BEA)

The BEA recommends that EASA, in coordination with national civil aviation authorities, make changes to the
training requirements for pilots so as to include periodic reminders on the effects of contaminants such as ice
on stall and loss of control on takeoff.

Reply No. 3 sent on 14/03/2017:

Mitigating Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is one of the highest priorities and the Agency has launched
several actions to mitigate the risk of icing which is identified as a major LOC-I contributor.
Safety Information Bulletin SIB 2011-29 raised awareness regarding the operation of affected aircraft in
cold weather or icing conditions during take-off.
Icing is covered in the initial flight crew training provisions. The instrument rating course includes icing
hazards and de-icing operation in its learning objectives. The recurrent skill test for high performance
complex aeroplanes covers flight preparation and anti-icing / de-icing systems (Part-FCL Appendix 9 of
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 related to civil aviation aircrew) but it cannot detail all safety
threats. It provides a reference for the flight examiner to review the various tasks of a pilot.
However, in the case of non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft (NCC), ad-
ditional requirements apply in terms of a management system for the operator and designation of
a pilot-in-command with adequate knowledge of the aerodromes, facilities and procedures to be used
(ORO.FC.105 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 related to air operations). Part-NCC of air oper-
ations regulation contains specific provisions regarding ice and other contaminants (NCC.OP.185 & 190).
Detailed guidance on de / anti-icing procedures are provided as well as a reference to the operator’s in-
itial and recurrent de-icing and/or anti-icing training programme for crew involved in such operations.
Other safety initiatives such as the Operations Manual template for NCC operations published on the
EASA website in August 2016 guide the operator and recall the pilot responsibilities on de-icing / anti-ic-
ing. For operators subject to winter operation, it promotes an annual training / familiarization of crews
and appropriate operator’s personnel to be done by self-study prior the winter period.
In line with the proportionality of the rules, extra requirements apply to flight crew engaged in commer-
cial air transport operation. This includes recurrent training and checking (ORO.FC.230) with an operator
proficiency check every six calendar month and line check every 12 calendar month.
For Commercial Air Transport, the Agency is taking benefit of this recurrent training and checking
scheme to mandate recurrent flight crew Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) (see ED De-
cision 2015/012/R, published on 04 May 2015). Its related AMC1 ORO.FC.220&230 identifies icing and
contamination effects as key component of upset prevention training programme and recurrent training
now covers all upset aspects over a period not exceeding 3 years.
In all cases, the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) describes the operating limitations and remains the valid
reference to operate safely. The involved aircraft AFM reminds to check that the wing leading edge and
upper surface are clear of frost or other contaminants. This reference available to the aircrew provides
reminders on the effects of contaminants, such as ice, and the applicable procedures. More prescriptive
requirements in terms of the management system (see ORO.GEN.200 of the air operations regulation)
and recurrent UPRT training for Commercial Air Transports are introduced in line with the proportionality
of the rules to the risks of each activity but it is not intended to apply similar provisions to all operations.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 101

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

F-HTAV Aix les Milles 11/05/2013 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

The owner of the aeroplane wanted to make a two-day trip to Spain with another person. Not holding a licence
himself, he asked a pilot to undertake the flight. On 10 May 2013, the pilot, accompanied by those two passen-
gers, took off from Aix les Milles aerodrome bound for Madrid Cuatro Vientos (Spain) aerodrome. The flight took
place without incident.

The following day he took off, accompanied by the same two passengers, at about 13 h 00 to return to Aix les
Milles aerodrome. The flight plan planned the first part of the flight in VFR as far as AGENA and continuation of
the flight in IFR until Aix les Milles aerodrome.

On the approach to Aix les Milles, following a request by the owner, the pilot called out to the approach control-
ler his intention to reroute to Castellet aerodrome in order to carry out a touch-and-go, before returning to Aix
les Milles. Given the wind on the ground at Castellet, he performed an approach followed by a go-around. The
pilot was then cleared to perform a visual approach for runway 33 at Aix les Milles aerodrome. The approach was
stabilised. The speed was about 90 kt, the aeroplane was in fully extended flap configuration and the auto-pilot
was disengaged. The atmosphere was turbulent due to a strong wind in the north-west sector.

During the landing flare, the aeroplane banked about 10° to the left, then returned to a wings horizontal at-
titude. The left wheel touched the runway and the aeroplane bounced. The pilot started a go-around. At that
instant, the air speed was about 60 kt, the stall warning sounded. The pitch increased to 12° and at the same
time the aeroplane banked sharply to the left, turned over and then struck the grassy strip located between the
runway and the taxiway.

It crossed the taxiway perpendicular to it and came to a halt on its back in front of the hangar at the foot of the
control tower. The passengers evacuated the aeroplane before the emergency services arrived.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2015-007 (BEA)

The investigation showed that the pilot inputs on the flight controls during the go-around were inadequate and
that the pilot may have been surprised by the intensity of the p-factor from the Cirrus SR22 engine. A signifi-
cant number of losses of control in g-around on Cirrus SR20 and SR22 were due to inappropriate pilot inputs on
the controls. The manufacturer has identified the need for specific training on the SR22 which specifically takes
into account its relatively high engine power. European regulations do not provide for specific training on these

Consequently the BEA recommends that EASA require specific training linked to aeroplane performance for pi-
lots of the Cirrus SR20 and SR22.
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Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

According to Part-FCL (Flight Crew Licensing) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, the Cirrus
SR22 is in the category of the single engine piston single pilot aircraft (SEP) class rating (See FCL.700).
Differences or familiarisation training, according to FCL.710, is not required for exercising the SEP class
rating privileges with the Cirrus SR22 if the class rating was acquired for the Cirrus SR20, for example.
The establishment of mandatory pilot training requirements through Operational Suitability Data (OSD),
according to Part-21 (Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012) is limited to aircraft type ratings. Con-
sequently, OSD does not address training requirements for aircraft within class ratings beyond those
already required by Part-FCL.
The operation involved in the accident is covered by the provisions in Part-NCO (Non-Commercial opera-
tions with Other than complex motor-powered aircraft) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (the
air operations regulation), applicable since 25 August 2016 at the latest.
According to Part-NCO, the Pilot-In-Command (PIC) is required to ensure that all operational procedures
and checklists are complied with as referred to in 1.b of Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 (See
NCO.GEN.105). It is the PIC’s responsibility to familiarise him/herself with the operating procedures under
normal, abnormal and emergency conditions and situations as specified in the flight manual associated
with the aircraft operated.
Furthermore, according to ARO.GEN.300 in Part-ARO (Authority Requirements for air Operations) of the
air operations regulation, the competent authority is required to verify continued compliance with Part-
NCO. Such oversight should detect any non-compliances or safety issues, which should be required by
the competent authority to be corrected.
Regarding the potential need for specific training linked to aeroplane performance for pilots of the Cir-
rus SR20 and SR22, the Agency has analysed, together with the Manufacturer and the FAA, the available
data on service experience and training material. This analysis confirmed the following:
ƒƒ the SR20 and SR22 design and operational characteristics do not differ from other Types includ-
ed in the SEP class and
ƒƒ the Cirrus basic and advanced trainings, along with their Safety Promotion Programmes are con-
sidered to be adequate for this class of aeroplanes without the need of any further mandatory
training elements.
Therefore, in line with the “GA Roadmap” concept, the Agency believes that additional mandatory
measures against this class of aeroplanes (SEP) will have no significant positive impact on safety while
constituting an unreasonable economic burden for Industry and Operators.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type


Buno Bonnevaux Airport 05/05/2012 Accident
2) BGA4926 2) SLINGSBY T31

Synopsis of the event:

Collision between a tug and a glider, on an aerodrome circuit, during an air display

At about 16 h 45, the pilot of the PA25 took off from runway 28 at Buno Bonnevaux aerodrome while towing
a glider. Following the release, he began a continuous descent towards the aerodrome in order to land back
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there. At about 16 h 50, flying over the southern threshold of runway 10, at a height of about 100 metres above
some woods, the aeroplane collided with another glider. The latter had taken off from runway 28, with the as-
sistance of a winch, a few minutes earlier.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2015-057 (BEA)

EASA encourage the development, use and generalisation of interoperable onboard traffic detection systems.
This can be achieved through standardisation of the broadcast and exchange formats between the various sys-
tems. [Recommendation 2015-057]

Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

The European Aviation Safety Plan 2011-2014 already contained first actions on Mid-air collision/Near
mid-air collision (MAC/NMAC) by improving the “see and avoid” for general aviation. Among the actions
already taken, EASA is facilitating the voluntary installation of electronic conspicuity devices via Standard
Changes, as defined in 21.A.90B of Commission Regulation (EU) 748/2012 (refer to CS-SC002a, CS-SC051a
in CS-STAN Issue 1 dated 8 July 2015, CS-SC058a in CS-STAN Issue 2 dated 30 March 2017) and installation
approvals of this type of devices.
In addition, EASA is in the process of publishing a CS-ETSO for Traffic Awareness Beacon System (TABS).
There are currently several technical solutions for general aviation for electronic conspicuity devices with
varied strengths and weaknesses. The main issue is the interoperability between all of these solutions.
According to the EASA Annual Safety Review 2016, MACs contributed to 6% of the fatalities in the 2006-
2015 period in Non-Commercial operations with aeroplanes. The related fatalities mainly involved loss
of control (47%) or controlled flight into terrain (15%). The Agency recognises that the safety barriers of
the Visual Flight Rules (VFR), which rely on the “see and avoid” principles, should be reinforced. Cost-ef-
ficient electronic conspicuity devices can be one contributor.
The European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2016-2020 already addressed the issue under the umbrella
of the safety topic “general aviation safety”. The current version of the plan, (EPAS 2017-2021) includes
further actions for MAC/NMAC in general aviation, under the strategic safety area “General Aviation -
Preventing mid-air collisions”.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

AIRBUS Serious
F-HBNI Bordeaux Airport-France 02/08/2013
A320 incident

Synopsis of the event:

Entrée dans un orage de grêle lors de l’approche, cisaillement de vent lors de l’approche, déclenchement bref
de l’alarme de décrochage

En approche sur l’aérodrome de Bordeaux Mérignac, l’équipage d’un Airbus A320 d’Air France traverse un orage
de grêle. L’avion est soumis à un important cisaillement de vent. L’assiette de l’avion augmente jusqu’à envi-
ron 25° sous pilote automatique et la vitesse descend jusqu’à 109 kt (VLS - 27 kt). L’avion descend au maximum
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d’environ 200 pieds. L’équipage remet les gaz. L’alarme de décrochage retentit furtivement et la protection « Al-
pha Floor » se déclenche. L’équipage poursuit l’approche après être sorti de l’orage de grêle.

L’équipage effectuait le troisième et dernier vol de la journée. Une passagère, qui est copilote dans la compag-
nie, était présente dans le poste de pilotage lors de la totalité du vol. Elle est intervenue dans les échanges de
l’équipage pour décider de la trajectoire à suivre.

L’enquête du BEA a conclu que la décision inappropriée du commandant de bord de débuter l’approche, alors
qu’une cellule orageuse se trouvait sur la trajectoire d’approche résulte de la rupture progressive du fonctionne-
ment CRM de l’équipage, qui n’a pas su arriver à une décision partagée sur la trajectoire d’arrivée et d’approche.
Les interventions spontanées de la troisième personne présente dans le cockpit, et le souvenir d’une rotation
que le commandant de bord et le copilote avaient réalisée ensemble trois ans auparavant ont probablement con-
tribué à cette déstructuration du CRM et à l’inefficacité de leur stratégie TEM.

L’absence d’information de vol précise sur la situation météorologique fournie par le contrôleur, la répétition de
messages d’une situation météorologique dégagée sur l’aérodrome ont pu contribuer à la sous-estimation des
risques liés à la situation météorologique.

Le BEA a émis onze recommandations de sécurité à l’attention de l’AESA et la DGAC sur les thématiques suivantes:

ƒƒ interférence d’une tierce personne dans le poste de pilotage;

ƒƒ gestion des menaces et des erreurs;
ƒƒ évaluation par les exploitants de la performance individuelle des pilotes;
ƒƒ la formation des équipages;
ƒƒ entraînement à la détection humaine d’un phénomène de type cisaillement de vent;
ƒƒ aide à la détection du phénomène de cisaillement de vent;
ƒƒ information de vol sur les situations météorologiques;
ƒƒ réglage de l’alarme de décrochage pour les avions protégés en incidence.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2015-062 (BEA)

[French] - L’AESA définisse les modalités permettant à un exploitant de mettre en oeuvre la formation basée sur les
risques telle que précisée dans le doc OACI 9995 de l’OACI. [Recommandation 2015-062]
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Reply No. 2 sent on 20/01/2017:

EASA Executive Director (ED) Decision 2015/027/R published on 16 December 2015 enables the imple-
mentation of evidence-based training (EBT) according to the principles established in International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) Doc 9995 taking into account the European Union regulatory framework.
‘Evidence-based training’ means training and assessment based on operational data that is characterised
by developing and assessing the overall capability of a trainee across a range of core competencies rath-
er than by measuring the performance during individual events or manoeuvres.
The Decision contains new Guidance Material (GM) to support implementation, by operators, of EBT con-
ducted in Flight Simulation Training Devices.
The GM is linked to existing Organisation Requirements for Operators (ORO) sub-paragraph ORO.FC.230
(a);(b);(f) ‘Recurrent training and checking’ and sub-paragraph ORO.FC.A.245 ‘Alternative training and
qualification programme’ (see Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012).
While the development of EASA Rulemaking Task RMT.0599 ‘Evidence-based and competency-based
training’, launched on 05 February 2016, may further develop the concept, this Decision and the related
ICAO guidance already define how an operator can take benefit from EBT.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2015-065 (BEA)

[French] - L’AESA, en coordination avec la FAA, évalue la faisabilité et l’opportunité d’élargir le domaine de disponi-
bilité des alarmes de détection du phénomène de cisaillement de vent. [Recommandation 2015-065]

Reply No. 2 sent on 23/08/2017:

Airborne weather radars with forward looking windshear detection function are certified in compliance
with RTCA standard DO-220 or DO-220A (revision A is the last revision dated 17.3.2016) ‘Minimum Op-
erational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Airborne Weather Radar with Forward-Looking Windshear
These standards are respectively referred to in FAA TSO-C63d and FAA TSO C63e (the current revision).
EASA is in the process of adopting an equivalent ETSO-C63e (see NPA 2017-08 published on 22.6.2017, re-
lated to rulemaking task RMT.0457 ‘Regular update of CS-ETSO’).
In the meantime, EASA has been certifying such radars as part of the aeroplane’s design accepting the
applicants’ compliance with DO-220 or DO-220A under CS 25.1301.
The Agency has discussed this safety recommendation with the RTCA Special Committee (SC) 230 (Air-
borne Weather Detection Systems). This committee of experts is in charge of revising DO-220A.
The FAA is involved in the SC-230 and was therefore also consulted.
The windshear phenomenon is caused by a change of wind speed and/or direction which directly affect
the airspeed of the aircraft. This type of event is hazardous at low altitudes where the available perfor-
mance of the aircraft may not be sufficient to perform a safe go-around.
RTCA DO-220A states that windshear aural and visual textual alerts should be provided from ground lev-
el to a minimum of 1200 ft above ground level (AGL), unless inhibited under the following conditions:
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- Inhibit all new aural and visual textual alerts above 1200 ft AGL.
- At take-off, inhibit all new aural and visual textual alerts late in the take-off roll and re-enable after
lift-off. This inhibit region is generally determined by aircraft speed, which should be specified by the
manufacturer as appropriate for the intended aircraft installation. The intent of this requirement is to
avoid high-speed rejected take-off.
- During final approach, inhibit all new aural and visual textual alerts from 50 feet AGL until touchdown.
- During final approach, provide automatic range scaling to prevent the annunciation of a windshear
Warning alert beyond the touchdown zone […].
The height of 1200 ft was selected for the following reasons:
ƒƒ The predictive windshear detection system as defined by DO-220A is designed to provide detec-
tion and alerts of a particular class of windshear events, specifically microburst induced events,
ƒƒ The 1200 ft altitude restriction was imposed to maintain validity to the underlying fluid dynamics
assumptions on which windshear calculations are designed,
ƒƒ At altitudes above 1200 ft, the probability of encountering a microburst-induced windshear event
is low since the outflow region characteristics of microbursts are only present close to the ground,
ƒƒ The determination of the range of heights on which a windshear alert has to be triggered is a bal-
ance between alerting when required and avoidance of nuisance alerts caused by turbulence.
Extending the altitude range of availability of the predictive windshear alerts would increase the risk
of triggering alerts when encountering other atmospheric conditions. This can create confusion for the
flight crew, and also potentially generate inappropriate reactions; for instance, at higher altitudes it may
not be appropriate to make a missed approach but rather to make an avoidance manoeuvre.
For those reasons, it is considered not to be appropriate to ‘extend the domain where windshear detec-
tion alarms are available’ beyond the existing thresholds provided by RTCA DO-220A.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

HB-JFN Kuala Lumpur Airport 24/05/2011
FALCON7X incident

Synopsis of the event:

Pitch trim runaway in normal law, during descent

On 24 May 2011 at 08 h 10, the crew of the Falcon 7X registered HB-JFN took off from Nuremberg (Germany)
bound for Kuala Lumpur (Subang Airport) for a repositioning flight. The co-pilot was PF.

During the descent, the autopilot (AP) and auto-throttle were engaged and the calibrated airspeed was 300 kt. At
approximately 19 h 55, the PF reduced the rate of descent on approaching the cleared altitude (11,000 ft). He se-
lected a rate of descent of 1,300 ft per minute and activated vertical mode VS [Mode to maintain vertical speed].
A few seconds later, when the aeroplane had passed below 13,000 ft, the horizontal stabilizer THS [Tail Horizon-
tal Stabilizer] went from neutral to maximum nose-up position (12 degrees) in fifteen seconds.
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The AP remained engaged for the first eight seconds of THS deployment. The flight control laws counteracted the
nose-up movement of the THS by a nose-down action on the elevators, which reached approximately two-thirds
of their maximum travel before AP was disconnected. The THS continued its nose-up movement. The aeroplane’s
pitch attitude and load factor increased. The PF applied maximum nose-down input on the sidestick and placed
the throttle levers in Take-Off position. The auto-throttle disconnected. The PF’s nose-down input did not stop
the nose-up movement of the THS, which reached its limit seven seconds after AP was switched off. The FCS
displayed “TRIM LIMIT” on the PDU. Between disconnection of the AP and when the THS reached its stop, the
calibrated airspeed dropped from 297 to 220 kt.

The increased pitch attitude during THS runaway was combined with a slight bank to the right and increased al-
titude. The PF made a leftwards input on the sidestick, causing the aircraft to bank 15 degrees to the left. The
pitch attitude reached 25 degrees nose-up. Feeling that his pitch input was ineffective, the PF made a full right-
wards input. He explained that he was trying to bank enough to decrease the pitch attitude, increase speed and
regain pitch control. During the manoeuvre, the bank angle reached 98 degrees to the right.

Meanwhile, the Captain (PNF) made nose-down inputs and roll inputs contrary to those of the PF. These simulta-
neous inputs decreased the bank input of the PF and increased the pitch attitude, load factor and angle of attack
once again. These simultaneous inputs triggered the “DUAL INPUT” alarm. The PF stated that he therefore asked
the PNF to stop making inputs on his sidestick. He also took over priority of the controls by pressing the appro-
priate push-button on his sidestick for six seconds. The PF maintained the bank angle at 40 to 80 degrees to the
right for about twenty seconds. After reaching 42 degrees nose-up, the pitch attitude gradually decreased to 10
degrees. The angle of attack and load factor fell quickly, from 22 to 5 degrees and from 4.5g to between 1.25 and
1.5g respectively. Meanwhile, the calibrated airspeed dropped from 300 kt to 150 kt.

The PF then made leftwards roll inputs until the bank angle was stabilised at about 50 degrees. The THS re-
mained in full nose-up position, and the pitch attitude and calibrated airspeed remained stable for around forty
seconds, at 10 degrees nose-up and 200 kt respectively. The PNF stated that he attempted to use the manu-
al pitch trim and reengage the flight controls by pressing the “FCS ENGAGE” push-button on the upper panel.

Noticing no improvement, the PNF made roll inputs on his sidestick, in the opposite direction to those made
by the PF, as well as full nose-down inputs. The simultaneous roll inputs of the two pilots gradually brought the
bank angle to zero, which caused the pitch angle to increase once again to approximately 30 degrees, and the
calibrated airspeed to drop to 125 kt. The crew stated that they heard the “INCREASE SPEED” alarm.

This second dual input phase lasted approximately twelve seconds. The Captain then took over the controls.
The attitude began to decrease and the altitude reached a maximum of 22,500 ft. When the attitude reached 5
degrees nose-down, the Captain made nose-up inputs. The attitude increased again and the Captain resumed
making full nose-down inputs.

For a reason unknown to the crew, the THS began to move towards a level position, going from twelve degrees
to one degree nose-up in fifteen seconds. The aeroplane pitch was once again able to be controlled via inputs
on the sidestick. The crew made the decision to continue in manual flight mode. The approach and landing took
place with no any further incidents.

2 minutes and 36 seconds passed between the start of THS nose-up movement and its return to balanced posi-
tion. During this time:

ƒƒ the load factor reached 4.6g;

ƒƒ altitude increased from 13,000 to 22,500 ft;

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ƒƒ the calibrated airspeed went from 300 to 125 kts;

ƒƒ the pitch attitude reached 41 degrees.

Following this serious incident, the Falcon 7X fleet was temporarily grounded. It returned to service on 16 June

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-002 (BEA)

EASA, in coordination with FAA, SAE and EUROCAE, evaluate and propose alternative or additional methods to
the FMEA for electronic equipment and software. [Recommendation 2016-002]

Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

Currently, the Agency is actively involved with the SAE and in particular the committee A-6 which ad-
dresses all aspects of aerospace flight and utility actuation and control systems as well as fluid power
systems. This working group has approved in January 2017 a new project ‘Failure Modes and Effects Anal-
ysis Process for Flight Critical Actuation Electronic Systems and Software’ aiming at improving the quality
of FMEAs for Flight Critical Actuation Electronic Systems.
The final outcome, the ARP, will provide guidelines for improving the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
process, including alternative or additional methods, for flight critical actuation equipment electronics
and software. The Agency intends to work together with the industry in the preparation of the ARP doc-
ument at the next SAE A-6 meeting planned in April 2017 and the resulting document will be drafted by
the end of 2017.
Furthermore, it has to be noted that the overall Safety Assessment Process, as applied to an aircraft, re-
lies on the combination of different assessments: the Aircraft and System Functional Hazard Assessments
(AFHA/SFHAs), the Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment (PASA), the Preliminary System Safety Assess-
ments (PSSAs), the System Safety Assessments (SSAs), and the Aircraft Safety Assessment (ASA).
These safety assessments are conducted using different safety analysis methods such as Failure Modes
and Effects Analyses (FMEAs), Fault Tree Analyses, Common Cause Analyses - including Common Mode
Analyses (CMAs), Particular Risk Analyses, and Zonal Safety Analysis. These safety analysis methods com-
plement one another, and combination thereof is key to assess aircraft and system architectures from
different perspectives, e.g. top-down approach vs. bottom-up approach, functional view vs. geometrical
view, independent failures vs. common cause failures, random failures vs. errors in development, manu-
facturing, installation, and maintenance.
The industry standard SAE ARP4761 “Guidelines and methods for conducting the safety assessment pro-
cess on civil airborne systems and equipment”, referenced in the AMC 25.1309, is currently being revised
under the responsibility of the Working Groups (WG) EUROCAE WG-63 and SAE S-18.
Draft revision A of the SAE ARP4761 improves particularly the CMA appendix, and its role in the safety
assessments at each stage of the development process (i.e. PASA, PSSAs, SSAs, ASA). The draft revision
A puts emphasis on the identification of independence principles in the aircraft and system architectures,
on the generation of the associated independence requirements, and on the validation and implemen-
tation verification of these requirements. In that respect, the Agency is confident that the future SAE
ARP4761A will contribute to enhance the overall Safety Assessment Process, so that an error in a critical
equipment FMEA does not develop into a single failure with potential catastrophic outcomes at aircraft

Status: Open – Category:

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

OE-FKG Toulouse-Blagnac 28/10/2011 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Asymmetric thrust, loss of control on final approach, collision with ground, fire

The pilot, accompanied by three passengers who were family members, took off at 16 h 35 from Kassel (Germa-
ny) aerodrome for a private flight under IFR to Toulouse-Blagnac. After about three hours of flight, he was cleared
for approach and received radar vectoring for the runway 14R ILS. During the last exchange with the controller,
as the aeroplane was on final at 900 feet, the pilot stated that he had a problem without specifying what type,
as the message was interrupted. Shortly afterwards, radar and radio contact was lost. The wreckage was found
close to the threshold of runway 14R.

The pilot and the three passengers were fatally injured.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-007 (BEA)

EASA reinforce the content of training programmes related to complex high performance single-pilot aeroplanes
by integrating exercises on management of asymmetrical flight during approaches with a view to a landing. [Rec-
ommendation FRAN-2016-007]

Reply No. 2 sent on 23/08/2017:

Mitigating Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is one of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA’s) high-
est priorities, and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset Prevention and Recovery
Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the necessary competencies
to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
The Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery training” in the
wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017.
This Opinion proposes to introduce mandatory UPRT, testing and checking at various stages:
ƒƒ advanced UPRT course (new FCL.745.A) as a prerequisite for training courses for single-pilot aero-
planes operated in multi-pilot operation, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and
multi-pilot aeroplanes (amendments to FCL.720.A);
ƒƒ Inclusion of UPRT elements considering the specificities of the particular class or type during the
relevant class or type rating training course (amendments to FCL.725.A);
ƒƒ Amendments to Appendix 9, paragraphs 5 and 6 in Annex I (Part-FCL) of Commission Regulation
(EU) No 1178/2011 to include upset prevention and recovery exercises into training courses, skill
test and proficiency checks related to single-pilot aeroplanes operated in multi-pilot operations,
single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and multi-pilot type rating training courses;
In line with the safety recommendation, an exercise in Part-FCL Appendix 9 for the skill test in multi-pilot
aeroplanes and single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes has been inserted (exercise,
requiring a manually flown approach, with one engine simulated inoperative, during final approach un-
til touchdown or through the complete missed approach procedure. This exercise aims at developing
competence in managing asymmetrical situations and familiarise pilots with the type-specific character-
istics of such an event.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

D-AIPX Prads-Haute-Bléone 24/03/2015 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

The co-pilot had been flying for Germanwings since June 2014 and was the holder a class 1 medical certificate
that was first issued in April 2008 and had been revalidated or renewed every year. Since July 2009, this medi-
cal certificate had contained a waiver because of a severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms that
had lasted from August 2008 until July 2009. This waiver stated that it would become invalid if there was a re-
lapse into depression.

In December 2014, approximately five months after the last revalidation of his class 1 medical certificate, the
co-pilot started to show symptoms that could be consistent with a psychotic depressive episode. He consulted
several doctors, including a psychiatrist on at least two occasions, who prescribed anti-depressant medication.
The co-pilot did not contact any Aero-Medical Examiners (AME) between the beginning of his decrease in med-
ical fitness in December 2014 and the day of the accident.

In February 2015, a private physician diagnosed a psychosomatic disorder and an anxiety disorder and referred
the co-pilot to a psychotherapist and psychiatrist. On 10 March 2015, the same physician diagnosed a possible
psychosis and recommended psychiatric hospital treatment. A psychiatrist prescribed anti depressant and sleep-
ing aid medication in February and March 2015. Neither of those health care providers informed any aviation
authority, nor any other authority about the co-pilot’s mental state. Several sick leave certificates were issued by
these physicians, but not all of them were forwarded to Germanwings.

No action could have been taken by the authorities and/or his employer to prevent him from flying on the day
of the accident, because they were informed by neither the co-pilot himself, nor by anybody else, such as a phy-
sician, a colleague, or family member.

In the cruise phase of the accident flight, the co-pilot waited until he was alone in the cockpit. He then intention-
ally modified the autopilot settings to order the aeroplane to descend. He kept the cockpit door locked during
the descent, despite requests for access made via the keypad and the cabin interphone. He did not respond to
the calls from the civil or military air traffic controllers, nor to knocks on the door. Security requirements that led
to cockpit doors designed to resist forcible intrusion by unauthorized persons made it impossible to enter the
flight compartment before the aircraft impacted the terrain in the French Alps.

The BEA investigation concluded that the process for medical certification of pilots, in particular self-reporting
in case of decrease in medical fitness between two periodic medical evaluations, did not succeed in preventing
the co-pilot, who was experiencing mental disorder with psychotic symptoms, from exercising the privilege of
his licence.

The following factors may have contributed to the failure of this principle:

ƒƒ the co-pilot’s probable fear of losing his right to fly as a professional pilot if he had reported his de-
crease in medical fitness to an AME;

ƒƒ the potential financial consequences generated by the lack of specific insurance covering the risks of
loss of income in case of unfitness to fly;
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ƒƒ the lack of clear guidelines in German regulations on when a threat to public safety outweighs the re-
quirements of medical confidentiality.

The BEA has addressed eleven safety recommendations to the WHO, IATA, the European Commission, EASA,
BMVI and BÄK relating to:

ƒƒ medical evaluation of pilots with mental health issues;

ƒƒ routine analysis of in-flight incapacitation;
ƒƒ mitigation of the consequences of loss of licence;
ƒƒ anti-depressant medication and flying status;
ƒƒ balance between medical confidentiality and public safety;
ƒƒ promotion of pilot support programmes.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-011 (BEA)

EASA require that when a class 1 medical certificate is issued to an applicant with a history of psychological/
psychiatric trouble of any sort, conditions for the follow-up of his/her fitness to fly be defined. This may include
restrictions on the duration of the certificate or other operational limitations and the need for a specific psychi-
atric evaluation for subsequent revalidations or renewals. [Recommendation FRAN‑2016‑011]

Reply No. 2 sent on 14/03/2017:

An EASA-led task force was established on 06 May 2015 to examine the preliminary findings of the tech-
nical investigation by the French Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses, and to assess the adequacy of the
current European air safety regulations.
Six recommendations were proposed in the resulting task force report which was published on 17 July
2015. EASA published an action plan on 07 October 2015 to implement these recommendations.
Annex IV Part-MED and Annex VI Part-ARA (Authority Requirements for Aircrew) of Commission Reg-
ulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and the associated Executive Director Decisions contain provisions which
are intended to ensure that suitable conditions/limitations are imposed if a class 1 medical certificate
is issued to an applicant with a history of psychological/psychiatric trouble of any sort [see MED.B.001,
MED.B.055 and ARA.MED.125 and the related Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Ma-
terial (GM)].
Nevertheless, EASA launched rulemaking Task RMT.0700 which delivered Opinion 09/2016 on 15 Au-
gust 2016. This opinion updates Part-MED and improves the medical follow-up by introducing new
ƒƒ to strengthen class 1 medical examination for applicants for and holders of certificates by com-
prehensive mental health assessment as well as improved follow-up in case of medical history of
psychiatric conditions. This includes the introduction of a limitation for a specific regular medical
examination for revalidation or renewal for applicants with a history of a psychiatric condition;
ƒƒ to increase the quality of the aero-medical examinations and assessments by improving the train-
ing, oversight and competency assessment of the AMEs.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

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Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-012 (BEA)

EASA include in the European Plan for Aviation Safety an action for the EU Member States to perform a routine
analysis of in-flight incapacitation, with particular reference but not limited to psychological or psychiatric issues,
to help with continuous re-evaluation of the medical assessment criteria, to improve the expression of risk of in-
flight incapacitation in numerical terms and to encourage data collection to validate the effectiveness of these
criteria. [Recommendation FRAN-2016-012]

Reply No. 2 sent on 14/03/2017:

Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation, re-
quires crew incapacitation occurrences related to the operation of the aircraft to be reported when these
occurrences may represent a significant risk to aviation safety.
The associated Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2015/1018 requires reporting by aircrew
of incapacitation of any member of the flight or cabin crew that results in the reduction below the min-
imum certified crew complement.
Analysis of accident and incident data is systematically performed by the European Aviation Safety Agen-
cy (EASA) and also by the Network of Analysts (NoA) as required in accordance with their role under
Regulation (EU) No 376/2014, to support the continual development and monitoring of Safety Risk Port-
folios, which in turn supports the development of the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS).
The Annual Safety Review 2014 introduced the EASA Safety Risk Portfolio for fixed wing Commercial
Air Transport which identifies crew impairment as a contributory safety issue. Consequently, EASA per-
formed an analysis of crew impairment which identified mental illness, gastrointestinal illnesses and
fatigue as main hazards. The Agency decided to include in its safety performance framework the annual
in-flight incapacitation rates to facilitate a uniform monitoring of incapacitation occurrences across the
EASA Member States.
In addition, the anticipated or perceived consequences of reporting occurrences related to psycholog-
ical or psychiatric issues can also deter full reporting. An EASA-led task force examined the findings of
the technical investigation by the French Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses and published its recommen-
dations on 17 July 2015 followed by an action plan on 07 October 2015.
As part of this action plan, EASA decided to overcome the challenge of such reporting by launching Rule-
making Task RMT.0700 which delivered Opinion 14/2016 on 09 December 2016. This opinion proposes
changes to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations to carry out a psychological as-
sessment of the flight crew before commencing line flying, and ensure access to a flight crew support
It further proposes to establish the principles governing a support programme (draft Acceptable Means
of Compliance and Guidance Material to new CAT.GEN.MPA.215) to ensure that pilots have access to peer
support groups to report and discuss personal and mental health issues. It provides the assurance that
information will be kept in-confidence, and that pilots will be supported and helped with the aim of al-
lowing them to return to flying duties without jeopardising flight safety. Such support systems will also
deliver aggregated statistical data for purposes of safety management, albeit whilst respecting confi-
dentiality issues.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-013 (BEA)

EASA, in coordination with the Network of Analysts, perform routine analysis of in-flight incapacitation, with
particular reference but not limited to psychological or psychiatric issues, to help with continuous re-evaluation
of the medical assessment criteria, to improve the expression of risk of in-flight incapacitation in numeri-
cal terms and to encourage data collection to validate the effectiveness of these criteria. [Recommendation

Reply No. 2 sent on 14/03/2017:

Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation, re-
quires crew incapacitation occurrences related to the operation of the aircraft to be reported when these
occurrences may represent a significant risk to aviation safety.
The associated Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2015/1018 requires reporting by aircrew
of incapacitation of any member of the flight or cabin crew that results in the reduction below the min-
imum certified crew complement.
Analysis of accident and incident data is systematically performed by the European Aviation Safety Agen-
cy (EASA) and also by the Network of Analysts (NoA) as required in accordance with their role under
Regulation (EU) No 376/2014, to support the continual development and monitoring of Safety Risk Port-
folios, which in turn supports the development of the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS).
The Annual Safety Review 2014 introduced the EASA Safety Risk Portfolio for fixed wing Commercial
Air Transport which identifies crew impairment as a contributory safety issue. Consequently, EASA per-
formed an analysis of crew impairment which identified mental illness, gastrointestinal illnesses and
fatigue as main hazards. The Agency decided to include in its safety performance framework the annual
in-flight incapacitation rates to facilitate a uniform monitoring of incapacitation occurrences across the
EASA Member States.
In addition, the anticipated or perceived consequences of reporting occurrences related to psycholog-
ical or psychiatric issues can also deter full reporting. An EASA-led task force examined the findings of
the technical investigation by the French Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses and published its recommen-
dations on 17 July 2015 followed by an action plan on 07 October 2015.
As part of this action plan, EASA decided to overcome the challenge of such reporting by launching Rule-
making Task RMT.0700 which delivered Opinion 14/2016 on 09 December 2016. This opinion proposes
changes to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations to carry out a psychological as-
sessment of the flight crew before commencing line flying, and ensure access to a flight crew support
It further proposes to establish the principles governing a support programme (draft Acceptable Means
of Compliance and Guidance Material to new CAT.GEN.MPA.215) to ensure that pilots have access to peer
support groups to report and discuss personal and mental health issues. It provides the assurance that
information will be kept in-confidence, and that pilots will be supported and helped with the aim of al-
lowing them to return to flying duties without jeopardising flight safety. Such support systems will also
deliver aggregated statistical data for purposes of safety management, albeit whilst respecting confi-
dentiality issues.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

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Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-014 (BEA)

EASA ensure that European operators include in their Management Systems measures to mitigate socio-econom-
ic risks related to a loss of licence by one of their pilots for medical reasons. [Recommendation FRAN-2016-014]

Reply No. 2 sent on 14/03/2017:

The anticipated or perceived consequences of reporting psychological or psychiatric issues can deter full
reporting in case of a decrease in medical fitness of operating crew. An EASA-led task force examined
the findings of the technical investigation by the French Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses and published
its recommendations on 17 July 2015 followed by an action plan on 07 October 2015.
As part of this action plan, EASA decided to overcome the challenge of such reporting by launching Rule-
making Task RMT.0700 which delivered Opinion 14/2016 on 09 December 2016. This opinion proposes
changes to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations to ensure access to a flight crew
support programme.
The principles governing a support programme should enable self-declaration in case of a decrease in
medical fitness and, if appropriate, allow the crew member to receive temporary relief from flight duties,
and to be referred for professional advice. To effectively and efficiently foster self-declaration, the sup-
port system should ensure that risks related to fear of loss of licence are properly mitigated.
Such support systems will also deliver aggregated statistical data for purposes of safety management, al-
beit whilst respecting confidentiality issues.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-021 (BEA)

EASA ensure that European operators promote the implementation of peer support groups to provide a process
for pilots, their families and peers to report and discuss personal and mental health issues, with the assurance
that information will be kept in-confidence in a just‑culture work environment, and that pilots will be supported
as well as guided with the aim of providing them with help, ensuring flight safety and allowing them to return
to flying duties, where applicable. [Recommendation FRAN-2016-021]
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Reply No. 2 sent on 14/03/2017:

The anticipated or perceived consequences of reporting psychological or psychiatric issues can deter full
reporting of cases of a decrease in medical fitness of operating crew. An EASA-led task force examined
the findings of the technical investigation by the French Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses and published
its recommendations on 17 July 2015 followed by an action plan on 07 October 2015.
As part of this action plan, EASA decided to overcome the challenge of such reporting by launching Rule-
making Task RMT.0700 which delivered Opinion 14/2016 on 09 December 2016. This opinion proposes
changes to ensure access to a flight crew support programme.
It further proposes to establish the principles governing a support programme (draft Acceptable Means
of Compliance and Guidance Material to new CAT.GEN.MPA.215) to ensure that pilots have access to peer
support groups to report and discuss personal and mental health issues. It provides the assurance that
information will be kept in-confidence, and that pilots will be supported and helped with the aim of al-
lowing them to return to flying duties without jeopardising flight safety.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

TECNAM Andermos-Les-Bains
F-GXEC 26/10/2013 Accident
P2002 Aerodorome

Synopsis of the event:

Failure of a rudder control component, runway excursion during landing, coming to a standstill in a ditch

The aeroplane landed shortly beyond the displaced threshold on unpaved runway 13, rolled about 100 metres
and exited the runway to the right. After crossing the taxiway, it came to rest in the adjacent ditch.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-038 (BEA)

The BEA recommends that EASA ensure that the improvements made in production are effective and places an
obligation on the Tecnam P 2002 manufacturer to establish means to detect cracks on aeroplanes in service that
are more reliable than those mentioned in the two Service Bulletins relating to rudder pedal linkage inspection.
[Recommendation 2016-038]

Reply No. 2 sent on 02/06/2017:

Regarding the improvement to the production process of the part in subject (Rudder pedal linkage to
the Nose Landing Gear (NLG)), the Italian Authority, ENAC (Ente Nazionale Aviazione Civile), in charge
of the manufacturing oversight, has investigated the issue together with the type certificate holder
(TCH) Tecnam. The TCH has concluded that, considering also the criticality of the failure of the linkage,
the manufacturing process and the corresponding quality inspections are adequate and no further ac-
tion is necessary. ENAC has agreed to such conclusion in their response to BEA Safety Recommendation
FRAN-2016-037 (Ref. FACTOR 01/2017). EASA acknowledges such response and has no further comment
regarding improvements in the manufacturing process.
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Regarding the inspection of the rudder pedal linkage on the aeroplanes in service, EASA has investigat-
ed with the TCH the effectiveness of the Service Bulletin SB-018 CS (applicable to the certified version of
the P2002 type only) and has concluded that the inspection method is adequate. Such conclusion keeps
into account also the severity of the linkage failure (impairment of the steering capability of the NLG on
ground only, with no impact on the rudder control during flight) and the service history of the type.
Regarding the SB-017 UL (applicable only to P2002 serial numbers classified as Annex II according to Reg-
ulation (EC) No 216/2008), EASA has requested Tecnam to inform the National Aviation Authorities of
the State of Registry about the occurrence and about the actions taken on EASA certified type design.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

N129AG near Meaux 06/08/2014 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

The pilot, accompanied by four passengers took off from Cannes-Mandelieu aerodrome (France) at about 10 h 40
min bound for Courtrai aerodrome in Belgium, under an IFR flight plan. Cruise was performed at FL240 in a thick
cloud layer. After about 1 h 40 min of flight, the aeroplane dived suddenly in a right turn, down to FL149. During
this descent, the speed increased significantly and the overspeed warning (VMO warning) was triggered. About
forty-five seconds after the beginning of the dive, the aeroplane climbed back up, reaching a climb rate of over
10,000 ft/min. The speed dropped until a stall at around FL201, while the aeroplane was still in IMC. The aero-
plane then went into a spin, which flattened out during the descent. When the aeroplane came out of the clouds
at an altitude between 1,000 and 2,000 ft, in a flat spin, the height was insufficient to allow the pilot to take the
necessary actions to pull out of the spin and regain control of the aeroplane.

The difficulty in identifying the spin and applying the appropriate recovery inputs, when there were no visual
references, made it impossible for the pilot to regain control of the aeroplane and to avoid the collision with the

In the absence of flight recorders, the investigation was unable to establish with any certainty the circumstances
of the accident. Eight safety recommendations have already been issued by European safety investigation au-
thorities aimed at introducing installation of recorders on light aircraft. In response, EASA studied this subject
through a regulatory task. The BEA thus addressed two additional safety recommendations to EASA to include
the case of this accident in the evaluation of the regulatory task under way and to install flight recorders on aer-
oplanes classified as “high performance”.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-045 (BEA)

Consequently the BEA recommends that:

EASA add this accident to the TBM700 registered N129AG on 6 August 2014 at Saint-Jean-les-Deux-Jumeaux in
the terms of reference for regulatory task RMT.0271.
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Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

The Agency has included this safety recommendation in the Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-
03, published on 03 April 2017, from rulemaking task RMT.0271 ‘In-flight recording for light aircraft’.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-046 (BEA)

EASA require or promote the installation of on-board recorders on aeroplanes categorised as high performance
aircraft (HPA), in accordance with the type of aircraft operation.

Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

The Agency published, on 03 April 2017, Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-03 under rulemaking
task RMT.0271 ‘In-flight recording for light aircraft’.
The NPA includes a proposal to mandate the carriage of lightweight flight recorders for turbine-engined
aircraft with a Maximum Certified Take-Off Mass (MCTOM) greater than or equal to 2 250 kg, and for aer-
oplanes with a Maximum Operational Passenger Seating Configuration (MOPSC) of more than 9, when
the aircraft is newly manufactured, is commercially operated (commercial air transport and commercial
specialised operations), and is not currently required to carry a flight data recorder. This includes the So-
cata TBM 700, for example.
The outcome of the impact assessment is that voluntary installation (through safety promotion chan-
nels) of in-flight recording systems is the most appropriate way forward for all other cases. The rationale
is based on the principles of proportionality for general aviation in line with the EASA General Aviation
The next RMT.0271 deliverable, an EASA Opinion, is planned to be published in 2018. Pending adoption
of the Opinion and publication of the related amending regulation to Commission Regulation (EU) No
965/2012, an Executive Director’s Decision containing the associated Acceptable Means of Compliance
and Guidance Material will be published.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

1) F-BXIU 1) Reims Aviation F172

St. Martin de Brethencourt 08/09/2009 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Déroulement des vols

Le pilote du F 172 immatriculé F-BXIU décolle de l’aérodrome de Toussus-le-Noble à 12 h 15 pour un vol lo-
cal en instruction. Lors de ce vol de début de formation, l’instructeur et l’élève effectuent divers exercices de
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maniabilité, à altitude sensiblement constante. Ils ne sont pas en contact avec un organisme de la circulation aé-
rienne au moment de l’accident. Le code transpondeur affiché est 7000 avec le mode C.

Le pilote du Commander 114 immatriculé G-DANT décolle de l’aérodrome de Montbéliard à destination de

l’aérodrome de Lognes où il atterrit en milieu de journée. Un passager le rejoint et, après un repas rapide, ils dé-
collent à 12 h 12 à destination de Dinard. Le pilote se dirige vers le sud en direction de Melun puis s’établit sur
une trajectoire rectiligne au cap 260 en direction de Chartres, à une vitesse sensiblement constante de 100 kt et
à une altitude stable de 1 500 pieds QNH. Le pilote est en contact avec le CIV Paris Info avec le code 7010 affiché
au transpondeur (mode C en panne).

A 12 h 40, les deux avions entrent en collision en vol au dessus de la commune de Saint-Martin-de-Bréthencourt:

ƒƒ le F 172 perd une partie de l’aile droite, heurte le sol à quelques centaines de mètres du lieu de la col-
lision en vol et prend feu;

ƒƒ le pilote du Commander 114 conserve le contrôle de son avion, se déclare en détresse sur la fréquence
et annonce avoir heurté « un ULM ou quelque chose comme ça ». Il atterrit dans un champ situé sur la
commune de Boinville-le-Gaillard, à environ trois kilomètres du lieu de la collision en vol.

Causes de l’accident

L’accident est dû à une absence de détection réciproque de la part des pilotes.

Ont contribué à l’accident:

ƒƒ la configuration à aile haute du F 172 en sortie de virage à droite et à aile basse du Commander 114
en croisière;

ƒƒ la fausse impression de sécurité du pilote du Commander 114 qui pensait recevoir une information de
vol sur tout trafic potentiellement conflictuel de la part du CIV Paris Info alors que les dispositions ré-
glementaires applicables à un CIV ne le prévoient pas.

La position du soleil dans le champ de vision du pilote du Commander 114 a pu contribuer à l’accident.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-100 (BEA)

[French] - En conséquence le BEA renouvelle sa recommandation auprès de l’AESA afin d’accélérer l’évaluation des
différents systèmes d’aide à la détection de trafics existants et d’assurer la promotion de leur déploiement dans le
domaine de l’aviation générale.
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Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

The European Aviation Safety Plan 2011-2014 already contained first actions on Mid-air collision/Near
mid-air collision (MAC/NMAC) by improving the “see and avoid” for general aviation. Among the actions
already taken, EASA is facilitating the voluntary installation of electronic conspicuity devices via Standard
Changes, as defined in 21.A.90B of Commission Regulation (EU) 748/2012 (refer to CS-SC002a, CS-SC051a
in CS-STAN Issue 1 dated 8 July 2015, CS-SC058a in CS-STAN Issue 2 dated 30 March 2017) and installation
approvals of this type of devices.
In addition, EASA is in the process of publishing a CS-ETSO for Traffic Awareness Beacon System (TABS).
There are currently several technical solutions for general aviation for electronic conspicuity devices with
varied strengths and weaknesses. The main issue is the interoperability between all of these solutions.
According to the EASA Annual Safety Review 2016, MACs contributed to 6% of the fatalities in the 2006-
2015 period in Non-Commercial operations with aeroplanes. The related fatalities mainly involved loss
of control (47%) or controlled flight into terrain (15%). The Agency recognises that the safety barriers of
the Visual Flight Rules (VFR), which rely on the “see and avoid” principles, should be reinforced. Cost-ef-
ficient electronic conspicuity devices can be one contributor.
The European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2016-2020 already addressed the issue under the umbrella
of the safety topic “general aviation safety”. The current version of the plan, (EPAS 2017-2021) includes
further actions for MAC/NMAC in general aviation, under the strategic safety area “General Aviation -
Preventing mid-air collisions”.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

F-HKCR Salon de Provence 07/04/2015 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Le 7 avril 2015, une mission de liaison est effectuée avec un Cirrus SR 22. Pendant la phase de décollage depuis
le terrain de Salon de Provence, le siège recule violemment ce qui conduit à une perte de contrôle de l’appareil.

Celui-ci impacte la piste et est détruit. Le pilote et les deux passagers sont indemnes.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2016-991 (BEAD-Air)

[French] - Le bureau enquêtes accidents defense air (BEAD) recommande a Cirrus en relation avec l’agence europée-
nne de la sécurité aérienne (AESA) d’étudier la possibilité de mise en place d’un système de sécurité (mécanique,
lumineux on sonore,...) permettant de s’assurer du bon verrouillage.
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Reply No. 2 sent on 14/03/2017:

EASA has investigated with Cirrus and FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), primary Certification Au-
thority for the aeroplane, and concluded that there is not a safety issue with the design and/or the
installation of the seat when the aircraft inspection and maintenance instructions in the existing AMM
(Aircraft Maintenance Manual) are complied with. This conclusion is based on the review of the AMM
procedures and aircraft service history. In addition, the Pilot Operating Handbook requires the flight
crew to verify the seat position and security prior to take-off. This is considered sufficient to ensure
a proper seat locking.
Moreover, on the basis of the demonstrated strong safety record (of models SR20, SR22 and SR22T), Cir-
rus does not consider adding further mechanical, light or sound devices, since such devices will only add
complexity that may negatively impact safety.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

CESSNA 10 NM au NE Paris-Orly aerodrome Serious

F-HCIC 22/07/2013
525 climbing through FL 180 incident

Synopsis of the event:

L’équipage décolle à 05 h 40 de l’aérodrome de Paris Le Bourget à destination de l’aérodrome de Lannion pour
un vol de mise en place. À 05 h 47, en contact avec le secteur départ du CRNA/Nord (CRNA/N), il est autorisé
à monter vers le FL 240 en direction de KOKOS. Le copilote est PF et le pilotage est effectué en manuel. À partir
de 05 h 47 min 37 s, la pression d’huile du moteur gauche commence à fluctuer. L’examen réalisé par le con-
structeur a mis en évidence la rupture du palier intermédiaire n° 2 du moteur gauche (moteur 1). Les conditions
météorologiques sont CAVOK à Orly.

Alors qu’ils passent le FL 180 à 05 h 47 min 55 s, les deux membres d’équipage sentent une forte odeur de brûlé.
En quelques secondes, une fumée opaque envahit le poste de pilotage par l’arrière. Le Commandant de bord
(CdB) prend les commandes et donne l’ordre de mettre les masques. Ce faisant, il perd ses lunettes de vue et
son casque radio avec lequel il communiquait. Il n’arrive pas à retrouver ses lunettes en raison de la densité de
la fumée et prend alors ses lunettes de secours. Les deux pilotes ne mettent pas leurs lunettes de protection. Le
CdB ramène les deux manettes de poussée au ralenti à 05 h 48 min 19 s. Six secondes plus tard, l’alarme sonore
« Left engine oil pressure » retentit. Le CdB entame immédiatement une descente d’urgence et l’aéronef prend
progressivement une assiette à piquer de 15°. La température d’huile du moteur gauche augmente à partir de
05 h 48 min 43 s. Pendant ce temps, le copilote informe le contrôleur de la descente d’urgence puis annonce une
phase d’urgence PAN PAN. Le copilote pointe ensuite le cadran du moteur 1. Le contrôleur du CRNA/N accuse ré-
ception de la descente mais ne reçoit pas le message PAN PAN, la fréquence étant occupée par un autre équipage
à cet instant. Le contrôleur et son coordinateur assurent alors la séparation du F-HCIC avec un trafic conflictuel
au départ de l’aéroport d’Orly en direction de l’ouest.

À partir de 05 h 49 min 09 s, le CdB procède à l’arrêt du moteur gauche, sans l’annoncer. Il place dans un premier
temps la manette de poussée sur OFF. L’alarme TCAS « Trafic Advisory » retentit à 05 h 49 min 12 s. Le CdB arrête
la génératrice associée au moteur gauche à 05 h 49 min 29 s. Environ quinze secondes plus tard, n’ayant pas reçu
de réponse à son message PAN PAN, le copilote passe un message de détresse MAYDAY et demande un guidage
radar pour effectuer une approche ILS piste 07 au Bourget. Le contrôleur accepte la demande.
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À partir de 05 h 49 min 48 s, l’alarme survitesse retentit pendant près d’1 minute 30 s en concomitance avec
l’alarme «left engine oil pressure». L’assiette longitudinale varie entre - 13° et - 6° à la suite d’une action à cabr-
er du copilote. Celui-ci n’annonce pas son action sur les commandes. La vitesse varie entre 295 kt et 215 kt et la
vitesse verticale entre - 8 000 ft/min et - 1 500 ft/min.

Le CdB ne répond pas au copilote lorsque celui-ci lui signale à plusieurs reprises une survitesse en criant
«vitesse». Le CdB indiquera aux enquêteurs qu’il se préoccupait en priorité de descendre le plus vite possi-
ble. L’avion tourne à gauche. Le CdB passe le sélecteur d’air en position FRESH AIR. Selon les deux membres
d’équipages, les fumées dans le poste sont toujours denses et ne se dissipent pas. Le CdB voit moins bien les in-
struments de bord que le copilote.

À 05 h 50 min 20 s, le contrôleur demande à l’équipage s’il peut changer de fréquence.

Cette communication n’est pas entendue car elle est masquée en raison d’un appui sur l’alternat du CdB qui tente
de passer un message MAYDAY. Le contrôleur radariste en conclut que l’équipage n’est plus en mesure de chang-
er de fréquence.

Il le garde alors en fréquence et un contrôleur organique de la position coordonne par téléphone les clairances
avec les contrôleurs d’approche de Roissy en charge de l’approche du Bourget et de l’espace aérien où se situe
maintenant l’avion. Peu après, la position de contrôle est renforcée par une troisième personne qui s’occupe des
coordinations avec Roissy. Ces coordinations génèrent des échanges continus entre contrôleurs au niveau de la

À 05 h 50 min 26 s, l’avion passe l’altitude de 9 384 ft en descente avec un vario moyen de 3 000 ft/min. Le con-
trôle guide l’avion au cap 290. Constatant que cette consigne n’est pas prise en compte, le copilote hurle à six
reprises « cap deux!neuf!zéro!». L’avion se stabilise au cap 030 et se dirige alors vers la ville de Paris.

À 05 h 50 min 58 s, les aérofreins sont sortis pendant 1 min 19 s. La vitesse passe de 286 kt à 225 kt.

L’avion entre dans la zone interdite P23 à 05 h 51 min 24 s à l’altitude de 5 275 ft et continue de descendre. À 05
h 51 min 25 s, la température d’huile du moteur gauche atteint un maximum de 131 °C alors que celle du mo-
teur droit reste stable à 71 °C. L’équipage vire ensuite vers la gauche à 05 h 51 min 48 s. Dix secondes plus tard,
le copilote reçoit une clairance de descente à 3 000 ft qu’il collationne en indiquant que l‘avion se situe à une al-
titude de 2 800 ft. L’avion est alors au cap 270°, et toujours dans la zone interdite. Le CdB indique que la fumée
commence à se dissiper. Les communications au sein de l’équipage, qui étaient quasiment inexistantes depuis
l’apparition de la fumée, reprennent. Le CdB n’a pas remis son casque.

Un contrôleur de Roissy détecte que l’avion est trop bas. Cette information est transmise in fine au contrôleur du
CRNA/N en contact avec l’avion. Celui-ci annonce à l’équipage qu’il est trop bas. L’avion sort de la zone interdite
de Paris. Le CdB réduit le taux de descente et ordonne au copilote d’indiquer qu’ils ont le feu à bord, ce qui est
réalisé par le copilote peu de temps après. Les contrôleurs donnent ensuite un cap radar 040 à l’aéronef. L’avion
stoppe sa descente à 05 h 52 min 46 s à l’altitude de 2 000 ft.

La fumée se dissipe peu à peu bien qu’une odeur irritante reste présente. Après avoir été guidé radar, l’équipage
est autorisé ensuite à atterrir en piste 07 au Bourget.

Le CdB passe sous le plan afin de pouvoir faire un arrondi doux. Des alarmes GPWS « Glideslope » se déclenchent
à partir de 05 h 56 min 53 s.
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Le toucher des roues a lieu à 05 h 57 min 09 s. Les pompiers de l’aéroport suivent l’avion qui ne présente aucun
dégât apparent. Après s’être arrêté au parking, l’équipage est surpris par l’absence de dégât extérieur appar-
ent et effectue un débriefing qu’il enregistre sur un smartphone. Il notifie ensuite l’incident aux autorités de
l’aviation civile.

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2017-001 (BEA)

The crew was not sufficiently trained on application of the fire/smoke or emergency descent procedures. The
European Air OPS regulation in force allows for the use of different types of FSTD simulators while the part FCL
regulation makes mandatory the FFS level for emergency descent exercises. Due to the prohibitive cost, FFS simu-
lators are not available. Today, fixed FSTD simulators can answer the requirements for crew training in emergency
situations on HPA aircraft.

Consequently, the BEA recommends that:

ƒƒ EASA amend the regulations so as to authorise, in the context of FCL, the use of types of FSTD sim-
ulators with a lower level than FFS during smoke or emergency descent training on Cessna 525B
aeroplane types and, more generally, on complex HPA aeroplanes. [Recommendation FRAN-2017-001]]

Reply No. 1 sent on 23/08/2017:

EASA Opinion No 05/2017 amending Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 on Flight Crew Licens-
ing (FCL) was published on 29 June 2017. It resolves inconsistencies identified after the adoption of the
FCL implementing rules and reflects the best practices developed in the Member States in the field of pi-
lot training, testing and checking with the objective to maintain a high level of safety.
The opinion brings new definitions in FCL.010 for flight simulation training device (FSTD) availability
and accessibility to clarify when an FSTD, and in particular a full-flight simulator (FFS) must be used for
training, testing and checking. It provides special conditions for single-pilot high-performance complex
The introduction of the definition comes together with a new wording in Appendix 9 — Training, skill
test and proficiency check for MPL, ATPL, type and class ratings and proficiency check for IRs. It stipu-
lates that the suitability of the FSTDs used shall be verified against the applicable ‘Table of functions and
subjective tests’ and the applicable ‘Table of FSTD validation tests’ contained in the primary reference
document applicable for the device used. All restrictions and limitations indicated on the device’s quali-
fication certificate shall be considered.
As a consequence, in section 6 ‘Multi-pilot aeroplanes and single-pilot high-performance complex aero-
planes’, the text is amended to refer to Other Training Devices directly when acceptable or mentioning
the use of an ‘FSTD’ when required. Inputs received for the use of a specific FSTD have resulted in an in-
tensive review of the training, testing and checking programme for class and type ratings contained in
Appendix 9 and are now more connected to the performance of each individual simulator, thus allowing
to make use of the latest technical developments in the FSTD area.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation FRAN-2017-002 (BEA)

When the smoke filled the cockpit, the Captain lost his goggles and his headset. Due to the absolute necessity to
descend, he did not have time to don his spare goggles. The co-pilot didn’t don his goggles either and his eyes
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stung after the incident. In an emergency situation, it is difficult to quickly don a protective mask and protective
goggles when smoke appears in the cockpit. A full-face mask allows time to be saved and better protects crew
members. A search in the DGAC database for event reports brought to light crew reports relating to the difficul-
ty in the use of separate masks and goggles.

Consequently, the BEA recommends that:

ƒƒ EASA, in cooperation with the FAA, study the in-service experience on the use of masks with separate
goggles compared to the use of full-face masks, and that it draws conclusions on making it mandatory
for full-face masks to be installed on HPA type aeroplanes mainly used for public transport. [Recom-
mendation FRAN‑2017‑002]

Reply No. 1 sent on 23/08/2017:

EASA has registered a candidate safety issue in the Commercial Air Transport (CAT) Aeroplanes Safety
Risk Portfolio on the subject of continued safe aircraft operations in emergency situations with degrad-
ed vision/smoke-filled cockpit environments. A candidate safety issue analysis will be performed within
the context of the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) strategic analysis programme to support deci-
sion-making on whether the safety issue and associated actions should be included in the relevant Safety
Risk Portfolio for the EPAS.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

Freiburg aerodrome, Germany 12/01/2006 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

At 18:55 hrs on 12 January 2006, the German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Investigation (BFU) was ad-
vised by the Münster Search and Rescue centre that an aircraft accident had taken place in the vicinity of Freiburg
Airfield. A BFU investigation team arrived at the accident site at about 01:00 hrs. Aided by local external expert
for field investigation who was tasked the location and recording of any volatile traces, the team began the im-
mediate investigation on-site.

The Beech 300 (B300) took off on the morning of 12 January 2006 from its home base at Freiburg im Breisgau
(EDTF) Airfield for a commercial flight in which passengers were to be transported from Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden
(EDSB) to Braunschweig (EDVE) and return.

The B300 landed back at Karlsruhe at 17:19 hrs. The passengers disembarked at their destination and the flight
crew took off again at 17:59 hrs. This latter sector was flown under Visual Flight Rules Night (VFR-Night).

The flight continued south at 4,500 ft in radio contact to Strasbourg Approach (119,450 MHz). Before leaving this
frequency at 18:12 hrs, the commander asked the Air Inspection Officer (‘Flugleiter’) at Freiburg for the current
airfield weather. The cruising altitude was reduced to 3,500 ft.
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In subsequent radio exchanges, the crew gave position reports to the Flight Information Service at Freiburg and
received the current weather information. At 18:16 hrs the aircraft was above the destination aerodrome on
a southerly heading.

When above the town, the aircraft then reversed heading to a northerly course to begin an approach to land.
This was followed by a further 180 degree turn to intercept the approach path to Runway 16.

The undercarriage was lowered during final approach to Runway 16, and a short time later the commander gave
his position to the Flight Information Service at Freiburg as 3 to 4 NM from the airfield. The aircraft made con-
tact with trees at 18:26 hrs about 450 m from the threshold to Runway 16 at Freiburg Airfield. Both pilots were
killed by the impact.

The accident occurred during the final stages of an approach under Visual Flight Rules, when the aircraft made
controlled descent and then had contact with trees. The causes of the accident were:

ƒƒ because the decision was made to undertake VFR Night flight although the weather was marginal, and
ƒƒ the approach to Freiburg Airfield was continued in conditions of insufficient visibility.

Safety Recommendation GERF-2009-025 (BFU)

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) should regulate to require that “Single-Pilot Aircraft” engaged in
EU-OPS 1.940 flights made in accordance with Instrument Flight Rules and at night, must have a minimum crew
of two pilots, and that their training is in accordance with JAR-FCL including Multi-Crew-concept (MCC) training.

Reply No. 5 sent on 14/03/2017:

Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, of 5 October 2012 related to air operations laid down specif-
ic flight crew composition requirement in ORO.FC.100.
Even for single-pilot aircraft, the flight crew shall include additional flight crew members when required
by the type of operation and shall not be reduced below the number specified in the operations manu-
al. Therefore, two pilots are required to operate Commercial Air Transport operations under Instrument
Flight Rules (IFR) or at night under the specific provisions defined in ORO.FC.200:
ƒƒ For aeroplanes, the minimum flight crew shall be two pilots for all turbo-propeller aeroplanes
with a maximum operational passenger seating configuration (MOPSC) of more than nine and all
turbojet aeroplanes.
ƒƒ For helicopters, the minimum flight crew shall be two pilots for all operations with an MOPSC of
more than 19 and for operations under IFR of helicopters with an MOPSC of more than 9.
ƒƒ When single pilot operation is permitted, additional requirements are added in ORO.FC.202 in
terms of training and qualification.
It is the operator responsibility to designate one pilot-in-command/ commander amongst the flight crew.
In accordance with ORO.FC.115:
ƒƒ the flight crew member shall have received Crew Resource Management (CRM) training, appropri-
ate to his/her role, as specified in the operations manual; and
ƒƒ elements of CRM training shall be included in the aircraft type or class training and recurrent train-
ing as well as in the command course.
This address the Multi-Crew-concept (MCC) training.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type


Synopsis of the event:

For the last few years the German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation (BFU) has been receiving an
increased number of reports of so-called fume events. These kinds of events include smell, smoke or vapour in-
side the airplane and/or health impairments of aircraft occupants. In addition, this topic is increasingly discussed
among flight crew, occupational unions, the media and in political committees.

In the “study of reported occurrences in conjunction with cabin air quality in transport aircraft” a total of 845
cases were taken into consideration; Accidents, serious incidents and incidents, which have been reported to the
BFU between 2006 and 2013.

A conjunction with cabin air could be determined in 663 reports. In 180 reports health impairments were de-
scribed although a conjunction with cabin air quality could not be determined.

In 460 of the 663 reported fume events, smell development and in 188 cases smoke development was report-
ed. In 15 cases there was neither smell nor smoke but health impairments which may possible have conjunction
with a fume event.

For this study, the BFU has divided the reported occurrences into the following categories:

ƒƒ Fume events affecting flight safety

ƒƒ Fume events possibly affecting the occupational safety of crew members

ƒƒ Fume events affecting the comfort of aircraft occupants

ƒƒ Fume events and possible long-term effects on aircraft occupants.

Safety Recommendation GERF-2014-007 (BFU)

EASA should implement a demonstration of compliance of cabin air quality during type certification of aircraft
(CS-25), engines (CS-E) and APU (CS-APU) such that the same requirements apply to all these products and per-
manent adverse health effects resulting from contaminated cabin air are precluded.

Aircraft, engine and APU type certification should include direct demonstration of compliance of all substances
liable to cause cabin air contamination. Certification should be based on critical values which preclude perma-
nent adverse health effects on passengers and crew.
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Reply No. 3 sent on 02/06/2017:

On 23 March 2017, EASA published the final reports of two studies it commissioned with the aim to gain
solid scientific knowledge about cabin air quality on board large aeroplanes operated for commercial
air transport.
Study 1: Cabin air quality (CAQ) measurement campaign - study conducted by a consortium of the Fraun-
hofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine and the Hannover Medical School.
In-flight measurements have been conducted on a number of commercial flights after defining adequate
and reliable air contaminants measurement methods for cockpit and passenger cabin areas.
The results show that the cabin/cockpit air quality is similar or better than what is observed in normal in-
door environments (offices, schools, kinder gardens or dwellings). No occupational exposure limits and
guidelines were exceeded.
In total, 69 measurement flights were performed between July 2015 and June 2016 on 8 types of aer-
oplane/engine configurations. This included 61 flights on aeroplanes equipped with engine bleed air
systems, and 8 flights on Boeing 787 which is equipped with electrical compressors (‘bleed free’ system).
For all flights, measurement equipment was installed in the cockpit and in the cabin. Special attention
was paid to organophosphates, in particular Tri Cresyl Phosphates (TCP) with the use of high sensitivity
analysis techniques.
Study 2: Characterisation of the toxicity of aviation turbine engine oils after pyrolysis - study conducted
by a consortium of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research and the Dutch National
Institute for Public Health and the Environment.
This study characterised the chemical composition of some transport aeroplane turbine engine oils (in-
cluding pyrolysis breakdown products), and the toxic effects of the chemical compounds that can be
released in the cabin or cockpit air.
It concluded that ‘neuroactive pyrolysis products are present, but that their concentration in the pres-
ence of an intact lung barrier is that low that it could not be appointed as a major concern for neuronal
function’. TCP was present in the analysed oils, however no ortho-isomers could be detected. Finally the
‘analysis of the human sensitivity variability factor showed that the complete metabolic pathway and the
contribution of inter individual variability in the metabolic enzymes is still largely unknown for the ma-
jority of industrial chemicals, including cabin air contaminants’. Two brands of oil were used in this study,
and both new and used oil samples were analysed.
Both reports can be found on EASA website:
Based on these results, a causal link between exposure to cabin/cockpit air contaminants and reported
health symptoms is still considered unlikely. At this stage, a need for amending certification specifica-
tions is not supported.
As a follow-up activity, further research has started in a European Commission (EC) study, with technical
support from EASA. It will take into account the findings and recommendations from the two EASA stud-
ies to develop a comprehensive understanding of the cockpit and cabin air quality.
The contract award notice was published on 22/02/2017 and can be found here:

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

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Safety Recommendation GERF-2014-008 (BFU)

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) should launch a research project to have an independent institute,
e.g. institute of aerospace medicine or a medical university, study and assess the potential causal connection be-
tween transport aircraft cabin air contamination and chronic illnesses.

Reply No. 3 sent on 02/06/2017:

On 23 March 2017, EASA published the final reports of two studies it commissioned with the aim to gain solid
scientific knowledge about cabin air quality on board large aeroplanes operated for commercial air transport.
Study 1: Cabin air quality (CAQ) measurement campaign - study conducted by a consortium of the Fraunhofer
Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine and the Hannover Medical School.
In-flight measurements have been conducted on a number of commercial flights after defining adequate and
reliable air contaminants measurement methods for cockpit and passenger cabin areas.
The results show that the cabin/cockpit air quality is similar or better than what is observed in normal indoor
environments (offices, schools, kinder gardens or dwellings). No occupational exposure limits and guidelines
were exceeded.
In total, 69 measurement flights were performed between July 2015 and June 2016 on 8 types of aeroplane/
engine configurations. This included 61 flights on aeroplanes equipped with engine bleed air systems, and
8 flights on Boeing 787 which is equipped with electrical compressors (‘bleed free’ system). For all flights,
measurement equipment was installed in the cockpit and in the cabin. Special attention was paid to organ-
ophosphates, in particular Tri Cresyl Phosphates (TCP) with the use of high sensitivity analysis techniques.
Study 2: Characterisation of the toxicity of aviation turbine engine oils after pyrolysis - study conducted by
a consortium of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research and the Dutch National Insti-
tute for Public Health and the Environment.
This study characterised the chemical composition of some transport aeroplane turbine engine oils (includ-
ing pyrolysis breakdown products), and the toxic effects of the chemical compounds that can be released in
the cabin or cockpit air.
It concluded that ‘neuroactive pyrolysis products are present, but that their concentration in the presence of
an intact lung barrier is that low that it could not be appointed as a major concern for neuronal function. TCP
was present in the analysed oils, however no ortho-isomers could be detected. Finally the ‘analysis of the hu-
man sensitivity variability factor showed that the complete metabolic pathway and the contribution of inter
individual variability in the metabolic enzymes is still largely unknown for the majority of industrial chemi-
cals, including cabin air contaminants’. Two brands of oil were used in this study, and both new and used oil
samples were analysed.
Both reports can be found on EASA website:
Based on these results, a causal link between exposure to cabin/cockpit air contaminants and reported health
symptoms is still considered unlikely.
As a follow-up activity, further research has started in a European Commission (EC) study, with technical sup-
port from EASA. It will take into account the findings and recommendations from the two EASA studies to
develop a comprehensive understanding of the cockpit and cabin air quality.
The contract award notice was published on 22/02/2017 and can be found here:

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

PK-AXC SUB - SURABAYA, Indonesia 28/12/2014 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On 28 December 2014 an Airbus A320-216 aircraft registered as PK-AXC was cruising at 32,000 feet on a flight
from Juanda Airport, Surabaya, Indonesia to Changi Airport, Singapore with total occupants of 162 persons. The
Pilot in Command (PIC) acted as Pilot Monitoring (PM) and the Second in Command (SIC) acted as Pilot Flying

The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) recorded that 4 master cautions activated following the failure of the Rudder Trav-
el Limiter which triggered Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) message of AUTO FLT RUD TRV LIM
SYS. The crew performed the ECAM procedure on the first three master caution activations. After the 4th mas-
ter caution, the FDR recorded different pilot action and the parameters showed similar signature to those on 25
December 2014 when the FAC CBs were pulled on the ground. This pilot action resulted on the 5th and 6th mas-
ter caution activations which correspond respectively to ECAM message of AUTO FLT FAC 1 FAULT and AUTO FLT

Following two FAC fault, the autopilot and auto-thrust disengaged and the flight control reverted to Alternate
Law which means the aircraft lost several protections available in Normal Law. The aircraft entered an upset con-
dition and the stall warning activated until the end of recording.

Participating in the investigation of this accident were Australian ATSB, French BEA, Singapore AAIB and MOT
Malaysia as accredited representatives.

The investigation concluded that contributing factors to this accident were:

ƒƒ The cracking of a solder joint of both channel A and B resulted in loss of electrical continuity and led
to RTLU failure. The existing maintenance data analysis led to unresolved repetitive faults occurring
with shorter intervals. The same fault occurred 4 times during the flight.

ƒƒ The flight crew action to the first 3 faults in accordance with the ECAM messages. Following the fourth
fault, the FDR recorded different signatures that were similar to the FAC CB‟s being reset resulting in
electrical interruption to the FAC’s.

ƒƒ The electrical interruption to the FAC caused the autopilot to disengage and the flight control logic to
change from Normal Law to Alternate Law, the rudder deflecting 2° to the left resulting the aircraft
rolling up to 54° angle of bank.

ƒƒ Subsequent flight crew action leading to inability to control the aircraft in the Alternate Law resulted
in the aircraft departing from the normal flight envelope and entering prolonged stall condition that
was beyond the capability of the flight crew to recover.

Issues such as flight approval considered did not contribute to the accident and was not investigated. The FDR
data did not show any indication of the weather condition affecting the aircraft.
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Following this accident, the Indonesia Air Asia has performed several safety actions.

KNKT issued several recommendations to Indonesia Air Asia, Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), US Feder-
al Aviation Administration and European Aviation Safety Administration (EASA) and Airbus.

Safety Recommendation INDO-2015-002 (AIB)

The KNKT recommend expediting the implementation of mandatory for upset recovery training earlier than

Reply No. 2 sent on 23/08/2017:

Mitigating Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is one of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA’s) high-
est priorities, and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset Prevention and Recovery
Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the necessary competencies
to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
ED Decision 2015/012/R published on the EASA website entered into force on 04 May 2016. It defines Ap-
plicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM) for recurrent training programme of
Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (ORO.FC.230) and conversion training (ORO.FC.220) pertaining
to Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operators using ‘complex motor-powered aeroplanes’.
The material takes into account the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 6 amendment
38, ICAO Doc 9868 ‘Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Training’ (PANS-TRG) amendment 3 relating
to UPRT, and ICAO Doc 10011 ‘Manual on Aeroplane UPRT’. Reference is also made to the Original Equip-
ment Manufacturers’ (OEMs’) Aeroplane Upset Recovery Training Aid (AURTA).
In addition, the Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery train-
ing” in the wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017.
This Opinion proposes to introduce mandatory UPRT, testing and checking at various stages for pilots
who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commercial airline:
ƒƒ advanced UPRT course (new FCL.745.A) as a prerequisite for training courses for single-pilot aero-
planes operated in multi-pilot operation, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and
multi-pilot aeroplanes (amendments to FCL.720.A);
ƒƒ Inclusion of UPRT elements considering the specificities of the particular class or type during the
relevant class or type rating training course (amendments to FCL.725.A);
ƒƒ Amendments to Appendix 9, paragraphs 5 and 6 in Annex I (Part-FCL) of Commission Regulation
(EU) No 1178/2011 to include upset prevention and recovery exercises into training courses, skill
test and proficiency checks related to single-pilot aeroplanes operated in multi-pilot operations,
single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and multi-pilot type rating training courses;
The newly developed advanced UPRT course, which is to be mandated as an addendum to ATP and MPL
training courses and also to serve as a prerequisite prior to commencing the first type rating course in
multi-pilot operations, is an important step towards enhancing a commercial pilot’s resilience to the psy-
chological and physiological aspects often associated with upset conditions.
UPRT in operators ‘conversion course and recurrent training is already in force since May 2016. EASA
envisages that from April 2019 (after entry into force in 2018 and with a subsequent one-year transi-
tional period), ATP, CPL and type rating licensing aspect should also include UPRT in line with the safety

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

EC-ITP Cork Airport 10/02/2011 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On 10 February 2011, a Fairchild SA 227-BC Metro III registered EC-ITP, was operating a scheduled commercial air
transport flight from Belfast City (EGAC) to Cork (EICK) with 2 Flight Crew members and 10 passengers on board.
At 09.50 hrs during the third attempt to land at EICK in low visibility conditions, control was lost and the aircraft
impacted the runway. The aircraft came to rest inverted in soft ground to the right of the runway surface. Post
impact fires occurred in both engine nacelles which were extinguished by the Airport Fire Service (AFS). Six per-
sons, including both pilots, were fatally injured. Four passengers were seriously injured and two received minor

As a result of this Investigation 11 Safety Recommendations have been made.

Safety Recommendation IRLD-2014-003 (AAIU)

The European Aviation Safety Agency should review Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 as amended by Com-
mission Regulation (EC) 859/2008, to ensure that it contains a comprehensive syllabus for appointment to
commander and that an appropriate level of command training and checking is carried out.

Reply No. 3 sent on 24/11/2017:

Paragraphs ORO.FC.100 and ORO.FC.115 (a) of Annex III Part-ORO (Organisation Requirements for air Op-
erations) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations requires the operator to define the
crew composition and provide Crew Resource Management (CRM) training appropriate to the flight crew
member’s role as specified in the operations manual.
ORO.FC.105 (b) and (c) specify the conditions to be fulfilled by a flight crew member before he/she can be
assigned as commander. ORO.FC.205 lists the elements of the command course including training and check-
ing. The development of a detailed course syllabus is the responsibility of the operator and needs to be
approved by the authority in accordance with as per ORO.FC.145 (c).
ED Decision 2015/012/R published on 04 May 2015 on Upset Prevention and Recovery Training provides new
Guidance Material (GM) to ORO.FC.105 to emphasise that the pilot-in-command/commander’s knowledge
of the route to be flown should include an understanding of environmental phenomena with the potential
to induce an upset. It emphasises the need for understanding climatology relevant to the route of operation
and relevant mitigating procedures because recent ‘loss of control’ aeroplane accidents appear to have been
connected with convective cloud in the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ).
CRM is also a major contributing factor to many occurrences, therefore the Agency significantly extended
and modernised the existing CRM training scheme with ED Decision 2015/022/R, which entered into force
on 01 October 2016. In particular, AMC1 ORO.FC.115 now refers to the broader integration of CRM principles
into flight crew training and operations and requires in-depth knowledge of CRM elements to be included
in the command course (ORO.FC.115 (b)).
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The CRM extension recognises the importance of Human Performance and its non-technical skills. Empha-
sis is given on Threat and Error Management, which has been instrumental in the development of Evidence
Based Training (EBT) as a pilot training concept. EBT pilot competences address both technical and non-tech-
nical skills and are used as countermeasures to threat and errors.
The Agency considers that the Commander competence is essential and has already taken measures to de-
velop their knowledge and non-technical skills.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

1) G-COBS 1) DIAMOND DA42 5 NM east of Ireland West Serious

2) G-FCSL 2) PIPER PA31 Airport (EIKN), Knock, Co. Mayo incident

Synopsis of the event:

While in the process of conducting separate flights for the calibration of navigation aids at EIKN, the lateral sep-
aration between two calibrating aircraft reduced to 0.42 nautical miles (NM) with no vertical separation. One
aircraft initiated avoiding action following a Traffic Advisory System (TAS) warning and subsequently declared an
AIRPROX. Both aircraft landed without further incident. There were no injuries. A total of five Safety Recommen-
dations have been made as a result of this Investigation.

Safety Recommendation IRLD-2014-017 (AAIU)

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) should consider a requirement for calibration aircraft operating in
Europe to be fitted with TCAS.

Reply No. 2 sent on 31/08/2017:

EASA Rulemaking Task RMT.0376 ‘Carriage of ACAS II equipment on aircraft other than aeroplanes in ex-
cess of 5700 kg or 19 Pax’ is included in the Rulemaking programme 2017-2021 to ensure alignment with
other on-going developments within the Agency, namely the efforts to find a solution for cost-effective
collision avoidance equipment for General Aviation aircraft.
This task will also include a thorough impact assessment aimed at evaluating the cost-benefit of ACAS II
equipment anti-collision systems carriage.
The publication of the associated terms of reference (ToR) for the rulemaking task RMT.0376, is planned
to be published in the second quarter of 2018.

Status: Open – Category:

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

G-SKYE Abbeyshrule 21/06/2014 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

The aircraft, a Cessna TU206G, was being used for parachuting/skydiving activities at Abbeyshrule (EIAB) on the
day of the accident. Shortly after take-off, the Pilot felt what was described as a “knock” following which the en-
gine lost power. This resulted in the Pilot making a forced landing in a nearby field. There were five people on
board the aircraft - the Pilot and four skydivers. The skydivers comprised of two tandem pairs, with each pair
being made up of a qualified skydiver and a person skydiving for charity secured to him. Following the forced
landing, all occupants successfully evacuated the aircraft, which sustained substantial damage.

The Pilot and qualified skydivers reported no injuries at the scene. The two charity skydivers attended a local
hospital, but were released a short time later. The Investigation found that the cause of the engine power loss
was a failure of the crankshaft.

Five Safety Recommendations are issued as a result of this investigation.

Safety Recommendation IRLD-2015-001 (AAIU)

The European Aviation Safety Agency should consider issuing a Safety Information Bulletin highlighting the im-
portance of using the correct sealant/process on the crankcase parting surfaces of engines manufactured by
Teledyne Continental Motors.

Reply No. 2 sent on 23/08/2017:

The Federal Aviation Administration, as primary certification authority for this engine type, issued Spe-
cial Airworthiness Information Bulletin (SAIB) No NE-16-13 on 08 March 2016.
EASA has adopted this SAIB for the existing European fleet by publishing it, on 09 March 2016, under the
list of mandatory continuing airworthiness information on the EASA web site.
The bulletin alerts the affected registered owners, operators and maintenance personnel of the availa-
ble service instructions for proper installation procedures and approved materials for joining engine case
halves and installing cylinders.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

HA-YDJ Casale Monferrato 29/08/2015 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

L’incidente è occorso in data 29 agosto 2015, alle ore 12.00 UTC (14.00 ora locale), nelle immediate vicinanze
dell’aeroporto di Casale Monferrato, all’aeromobile di tipo SMG-92 Turbo

Finist marche di identificazione HA-YDJ, con 11 persone a bordo (1 pilota e 10 paracadutisti). Il velivolo, subito
dopo il decollo, nella fase di salita iniziale, ancora all’interno del perimetro

dell’aeroporto e su prua pista, perdeva quota e precipitava in un fossato appena fuori della recinzione aeropor-
tuale. Gli occupanti riportavano lesioni gravi.

Safety Recommendation ITAL-2016-001 (ANSV)

ANSV recommends EASA to extend the applicability of AD No. 2015-0014 also to other S/N of the M601 engine,
potentially re-evaluating the criteria for identifying the parameters used in the risk assessment process which led
to the identification of the list of the S/Ns affected by the aforementioned AD. [ANSV-1/2354-15/1/A/16]

Reply No. 2 sent on 28/09/2017:

The referenced AD 2015-0014 has been issued for a different failure mode, which is cracking of the quill
shaft. The related risk assessment is based on this failure mechanism. Therefore extending the AD to oth-
er criteria would not be effective.
EASA issued AD 2017-0151 to address the different Failure modes and criteria related to failure of the
power turbine or quill shaft splines by mandating a modification of the affected engines and to pro-
hibit installation of pre-mod parts. The modification incorporates improved containment in case of an
overspeed event and will reduce the wear and related failure of the power turbine/quill shaft joint. AD
2017-0151 has been published on 18 August, 2017 and is effective from 1 September 2017.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

AIRBUS Serious
G-EZTC MXP - Milan Malpensa Airport 12/08/2013
A320 incident

Synopsis of the event:

L’incidente è occorso il 12 agosto 2013, alle ore 16.16’ UTC (18.16 ora locale), in località aeroporto Milano Mal-
pensa (LIMC), ed ha interessato l’aeromobile tipo Airbus A320-214 marche di identificazione G-EZTC.
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Durante la corsa di decollo per pista 35R si verificava il distacco di parti della cappottatura del fan del motore
sinistro. L’equipaggio del G-EZTC veniva allertato via radio dal pilota di un aeromobile al suolo che aveva assis-
tito all’evento. Il comandante veniva informato dell’accaduto anche dalle assistenti di volo, le quali, a loro volta,
erano state informate dai passeggeri seduti in prossimità del motore sinistro, che avevano osservato il distac-
co della cappottatura. L’equipaggio di condotta dichiarava l’intenzione di rientrare a Malpensa con priorità
all’atterraggio, in condizioni di overweight. L’atterraggio avveniva sulla pista 35L e, durante la corsa al suolo,
avveniva il distacco di ulteriori parti della medesima cappottatura. Il velivolo rientrava al parcheggio ed i passeg-
geri sbarcati con procedura normale.

Safety Recommendation ITAL-2016-013 (ANSV)

ANSV recommends EASA to highlight to civil aviation national authorities that when certifying the maintenance
organization it must be ascertained that the organization MOE procedures, safety policy and safety standards
adequately indicate and encompass requirements and methods to use the applicable technical documentation
during maintenance activities. [ANSV-13/1656-13/1/A/16]

Reply No. 1 sent on 03/03/2017:

Compliance with the rules is a basic principle upon which Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1321/2014 is
built. Part-M (Annex I), Part-145 (Annex II) and Part-66 (Annex III) are robust and mature enough to be
satisfactory understood by the Maintenance Operators (MOs), the aircraft maintenance license (AML)
holders and the European competent authorities (NAAs).
In particular, Part-145 already addresses the need to have the maintenance data used during the per-
formance of maintenance and any Maintenance Organisation Exposition (MOE) to render the use to the
maintenance data mandatory through its procedures.
The statement in the certificate of release to service explicitly establishes that the maintenance tasks
must be properly carried out in accordance with the maintenance data.
Any Aircraft Maintenance License (AML) holder must not exercise his/her privileges unless he/she re-
mains in compliance with the applicable requirements of Part-M and Part-145.
The NAAs must implement mandatory oversight actions targeting the use of the maintenance docu-
mentation, the release to service and a full review of the Maintenance Organisation Exposition (MOE)
procedures every 24 months.
In addition, EASA would like to remind that the issuance of Airworthiness Directives No. 2016-0053
and No.2016-0069 should efficiently limit the Human Factor maintenance concern relating to the clos-
ing of the A320 fan cowl engine doors through the mandatory modification of the latching systems by
25 March 2019.
However, EASA is fully aware of the lessons learned when maintenance contributes to accidents or seri-
ous accidents, deviation to the Standard Operating Procedures, including deviation to the maintenance
data and the MOE procedures, is often cited. In particular, it is well known that operational aspects, time
pressure, and inadequate safety or organisational culture, may lead the AML holders to deviate from the
basic principle of compliance or systematically to record their maintenance actions and not to comply
with the maintenance data.
For this reason the Agency will consider to approach this issue through safety promotion activities, high-
lighting the need to strictly adhere to the maintenance data and the risks induced by such deviations.

Status: Open – Category:

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Safety Recommendation ITAL-2016-014 (ANSV)

The lack of a specific procedure in the FCOM, in the QRH and in the FCTM addressing the situation of an engine
fan cowling opening or detachment in flight leave ample margins of discretion to the crew regarding precau-
tions and proper actions to apply.

ANSV recommends EASA to propose Airbus to evaluate the development and addition of a specific procedure,
in the applicable flight operating manual, addressing the specific situation of an engine fan cowling opening or
detachment in flight.

Reply No. 2 sent on 02/06/2017:

The European Aviation Safety Agency has requested Airbus to review, within the operational documen-
tation, the existing procedures and to evaluate the need to develop specific ones addressing the scenario
of in-flight opening or detachment of engine fan cowlings.
The review concluded that relevant applicable generic procedures are already included in the Flight Crew
Techniques Manual (FCTM) and the Flight Crew Operational Manual (FCOM) and there is no need to add
a specific procedure for subject scenario.
These generic procedures are inclusive of damages resulting from a fan cowling detachment which may
have various effects and consequences along the airframe and/or to the aircraft systems. They are also
associated with potential Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitor (ECAM) messages which will efficient-
ly guide crew actions to mitigate the effect of system failures that result from loss of an engine fan
cowling(s) in-flight.
EASA considers that the existing procedures, while not specific to the engine fan cowling opening or de-
taching in flight, are adequate to address the subject scenario.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

I-UASC RUAS SD-150 HERO Aeroporto Siena Ampugnano 12/04/2016 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Durante un volo sperimentale volto alla verifica delle caratteristiche di controllabilità dell’elicottero, avveniva un
calo di giri del motore a partire dalla condizione di hovering.

L’aeromobile, che si trovava inizialmente ad una quota di circa 35 m AGL, perdeva quindi quota velocemente fino
ad impattare contro il terreno. L’intero volo è durato circa 10’.

Safety Recommendation ITAL-2017-001 (ANSV)

In case of engine failure on a manned helicopter, the pilot would start an autorotation maneuver in order to de-
crease the vertical velocity. The unmanned helicopter under investigation was not equipped with an automatic
system able to reduce the vertical velocity, lessening the effect of the ground impact. In this framework, it is im-
portant to highlight that the EASA document “Policy Statement, Airworthiness Certification of Unmanned Aircraft
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Systems (UAS) - E.Y013-01”, paragraph 7.1 “Emergency Recovery Capability”, states: «no mandatory airworthiness
requirement to fit or configure systems to provide an emergency recovery capability».

Therefore, it is recommended to take into consideration the possibility that unmanned helicopters will have, as
mandotory requirement, automatic emergency recovery capabilities able to reduce the vertical velocity acquired
following an engine failure. This would consequently lessen the effect of the ground impact.

Reply No. 1 sent on 28/04/2017:

A new regulatory framework is currently being developed by the European Commission and EASA to ac-
commodate the operation of all Unmanned Aircraft (UA) in the EU.
The Agency published a Technical Opinion (Opinion of a technical nature) in December 2015 which pro-
posed a regulatory concept which is operation centric, proportionate, risk- and performance-based. It
includes the establishment of three categories of UA operation (Open, Specific, Certified) which are
based on the risk posed by the operation.
EASA Rulemaking task RMT.0230 started in 2016, and a ‘Prototype’ regulation for the ‘Open’ and ‘Spe-
cific’ categories was published in the summer; this will be followed by a concrete proposal in an NPA to
be published 02Q2017.
More information is available on the EASA Website:
The ‘Certified’ category will be the subject of other NPAs to be published from end of 2017.
The safety risk associated with a UA falling onto third parties or properties is taken into account in
the development of the regulations. The magnitude of the risk depends both on the type of operation
performed and on the characteristics of the UA. Different means can be used to mitigate this risk, at op-
erational and design levels, and for an unmanned helicopter an autorotation function is one of them.
Based on the principles explained above, EASA does not intend to mandate a prescriptive solution, rather
it intends to require that operational risk assessments are conducted, and that adequate and proportion-
ate protection means are put in place to control these risks.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

I-CTAC Aeroporto Catania Fontanarossa 06/02/2016 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Durante un volo scuola condotto secondo le regole VFR, dopo l’atterraggio avvenuto per RWY 08, in fase di de-
celerazione per uscire al raccordo “C” come istruito dalla TWR, il velivolo imbardava violentemente verso destra.
La semiala sinistra toccava il suolo ed il carrello anteriore collassava. Il velivolo continuava la sua corsa striscian-
do al suolo, fermandosi con una posizione di circa 90° rispetto all’asse pista.
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Safety Recommendation ITAL-2017-002 (ANSV)

[Italian] - Durante il sopralluogo operativo si è riscontrato empiricamente che la forza opposta dalla leva di aziona-
mento freno parcheggio risultava molto blanda, al punto da consentire un azionamento involontario della stessa.
Nel contempo si è verificato che nel Tecnam P2002-JF Aircraft Maintenance Manual non viene fornita una indica-
zione quantitativa su come regolare tale leva, lasciando alla sensibilità del singolo manutentore la decisione di una
eventuale regolazione o sostituzione di parti usurate.

Inoltre, nell’ambito dell’inchiesta di sicurezza si è potuta verificare la discrepanza sulla regolazione del valore di pres-
sione degli pneumatici esistente tra il predetto Aircraft Maintenance Manual e l’Aircraft Flight Manual.

L’ANSV raccomanda di:

ƒƒ fornire ai manutentori del tipo di aeromobile in questione informazioni quantitative per la regolazione
della leva del freno parcheggio, sufficienti ad impedire un suo azionamento involontario, stante l’attuale
mancanza di indicazione di resistenza minima che tale comando debba opporre alla sua attivazione;

ƒƒ rendere uniformi i valori di pressione di gonfiaggio degli pneumatici contenuti nell’Aircraft Flight
Manual e  nell’Aircraft Maintenance Manual, eliminando le discrepanze attualmente esistenti.

Reply No. 1 sent on 23/08/2017:

The Agency, together with the Type Certificate holder (TCH), has reviewed the design of the parking
brake. Such design does not include a means to regulate the resistance of the handle, thus it is not fore-
seen that the handle is adjusted to a specific setting by the maintenance operator. Based also on the
service history of the aircraft type (this is the first occurrence), and the severity of the related occurrence
in case of inadvertent activation, the Agency has found that no further action is necessary.
Regarding the pressure of the tyre, both values are suitable for the type of tyres installed. Nevertheless,
for coherence purposes, the TCH has corrected the Aircraft Flight Manual so that it now refers to the val-
ue specified in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual. This modification has been approved as a minor change
(approval reference MOD2002/197.170728).

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

STUDY ILS GS #Missing#

Synopsis of the event:

In 2014 the Dutch Safety Board published the study “Pitch-up upsets due to ILS false glide slope”. The Dutch Safe-
ty Board launched this investigation based on the investigation to an incident at Eindhoven Airport.

During the approach to Eindhoven Airport (The Netherlands) on 31 May 2013, a Boeing 737-800 was radar vec-
tored towards runway 21 for a landing with the aid of the Instrument Landing System (ILS). The aircraft was flying
under Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC). During the latter stage of the approach, the aircraft was
above the intended 3 degree Gilde Path. After the Localizer was captured, a Glide Slope intercept from above was
executed. The Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) and the Auto Throttle (AT) were engaged. The Approach
mode was armed and the aircraft was configured for landing.

At short final, approximately 0.85 NM from the threshold at 1060 feet altitude, the Glide Slope was captured.
Upon Glide Slope capture, a pitch increase of 24.5 degrees aircraft nose up (ANU) occurred in about 8 seconds.
The crew pressed the ‘take-off/go-around’ (TOGA) button for a go-around, almost simultaneously followed by
the activation of the stick shaker warning. During the following approach to stall recovery manoeuvre there was
a second stick shaker activation. The crew made a successful go around and landed at Eindhoven Airport.

The activation of the aircraft’s stick shaker during an autopilot coupled ILS approach in close proximity to the
runway was a factor of interest that prompted the Dutch Safety Board to start an investigation. The occurrence
(henceforth: the Eindhoven incident) has been categorized by the Safety Board as a serious incident.

It became clear during the investigation that the Eindhoven incident was not unique. Four other occurrences
with autopilot commanded pitch-up upset during ILS approach from above the 3 degree Glide Slope were iden-
tified. These incidents took place with different types of aircraft, operated by different airlines, on approach to
different airports.

These findings led the Dutch Safety Board to conclude that little known ILS signal characteristics pose a signif-
icant threat to aviation safety, as they may result in unexpected aircraft behaviour and my thus endanger the
safety of passengers and flight crews. Because identified occurrences, combined with the potential severity of
this hazard, the Dutch Safety Board decided to asdress this issue separately.

This report (study) represents the investigation into the ILS signal characteristics and the SMS framework. The
other findings from the Eindhoven incident are presented in a separate report, issued contemporaneously.

Safety Recommendation NETH-2014-005 (DSB)

To the regulators involved with the manufacturing of transport category aircraft; European Aviation Safety Agen-
cy (Europe), Federal Aviation Administration (USA), Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (Brasil), Civil Aviation
Administration of China, Federal Air Transport Agency (Russian Federation), Japan Civil Aviation Bureau, and
Transport Canada.

5. Training regulations
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Review the applicable regulations on initial and recurrent flight crew training to assess whether they adequate-
ly address the potential degradation of situational awareness (basic pilot skills) and flight path management due
to increased reliance on aircraft automation by flight crews.

Reply No. 3 sent on 23/08/2017:

Mitigating Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is one of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA’s) high-
est priorities, and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset Prevention and Recovery
Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the necessary competencies
to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
The degradation of situational awareness and flight path management are human performance issues
that can be mitigated by teaching the flight crew about the risks associated with dispersion and/or chan-
nelized attention during realistic training scenarios that contains surprise and startle effects conducive
to high workload in a short time frame. Effective monitoring of the primary flight parameters is a major
criteria to prevent Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I), and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew
Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew ac-
quire the necessary competencies to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
The Agency published, on 16 October 2015, Safety Information Bulletin SIB 2015-17R1 ‘Unreliable Air-
speed Indication at High Altitude/ Manual Handling at High Altitude’ to raise awareness on the risks
associated with manual flying at high altitude and to encourage operators to specifically address these
risks in their safety management systems.
ED Decision 2015/012/R published on the EASA website entered into force on 04 May 2016. It defines Ap-
plicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM) for recurrent training programme of
Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (ORO.FC.230) and conversion training (ORO.FC.220) pertaining
to Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operators using ‘complex motor-powered aeroplanes’.
The material takes into account the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 6 amendment
38, ICAO Doc 9868 ‘Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Training’ (PANS-TRG) amendment 3 relating
to UPRT, and ICAO Doc 10011 ‘Manual on Aeroplane UPRT’. Reference is also made to the Original Equip-
ment Manufacturers’ (OEMs’) Aeroplane Upset Recovery Training Aid (AURTA).
Upset prevention training list the upset prevention elements to cover in AMC1 ORO.FC.220&230 and in-
clude manual handling skills and flight path management.
In addition, the Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery train-
ing” in the wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017.
This Opinion proposes to introduce mandatory UPRT, testing and checking at various stages for pilots
who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commercial airline:
ƒƒ advanced UPRT course (new FCL.745.A) as a prerequisite for training courses for single-pilot aero-
planes operated in multi-pilot operation, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and
multi-pilot aeroplanes (amendments to FCL.720.A);
ƒƒ Inclusion of UPRT elements considering the specificities of the particular class or type during the
relevant class or type rating training course (amendments to FCL.725.A);
ƒƒ Amendments to Appendix 9, paragraphs 5 and 6 in Annex I (Part-FCL) of Commission Regulation
(EU) No 1178/2011 for including upset prevention and recovery exercises into training courses,
skill test and proficiency checks related to single-pilot aeroplanes operated in multi-pilot oper-
ations, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and multi-pilot type rating training
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The newly developed advanced UPRT course, which is to be mandated as an addendum to ATP and MPL
training courses and also to serve as a prerequisite prior to commencing the first type rating course in
multi-pilot operations, is an important step towards enhancing a commercial pilot’s resilience to the psy-
chological and physiological aspects often associated with upset conditions. It develops the ability of the
pilot to cope with unforeseen events.
In support of the new standards, appendix 9 — Training, skill test and proficiency checks for MPL, ATPL,
type and class ratings, and proficiency checks for IRs is amended to include UPRT. It emphasizes regular
training on manual flying manoeuvres and procedures with or without flight directors and at different
speeds and altitudes (7.1).
In line with ICAO, the opinion and the decision mentioned above propose UPRT to proficiency during in-
itial and recurrent training. The amended skill test and proficiency checks supported by operators’UPRT
recurrent training and conversion course reinforce pilot competence through regular training.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

PH-SPZ Rotterdam The Hague Airport 08/07/2013 Accident

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

PH-HLR Rotterdam The Hague Airport 04/07/2014 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On 8 July 2013 and 4 July 2014, respectively, two aeroplanes of the make and model Apex DR400/140B were
seriously damaged by fire. In both cases, the fire started during taxi after landing, on the left-hand side of the
aeroplanes, destroying the left-hand wing. Since the two fires seemed of a similar nature and both aeroplanes
were operated by the same flying club, Dutch Safety Board decided to combine the two investigations into the
cause of these fires.

Safety Recommendation NETH-2017-001 (DSB)

Advise the manufacture of the Apex DR400 to improve the aeroplane’s brake unit, as to prevent overheating of
the brake disk as a result of friction between the brake disk and brake pads.

Reply No. 1 sent on 07/07/2017:

The Agency agrees with the aim of the Safety Recommendation and will discuss with the Type Certificate
Holder (TCH) the required activities and possible modifications in the frame of the Continued Airworthi-
ness Review process.

Status: Open – Category:

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

STUDY.WIN.OP various various various

Synopsis of the event:

Winter operations, friction measurements and conditions for friction predictions

Over a 10-year period, the Accident Investigation Board Norway (AIBN) has received 30 reports of accidents
and incidents related to operations on contaminated and slippery runways. Nine of these concerned accidents
and serious incidents. In the same period AIBN has published 12 investigation reports and issued 36 safety

Although the majority of the incidents were less serious in which the pilots regained control of a sliding aircraft,
or the aircraft left the runway or taxiway at a low speed causing limited damage to personnel and aircraft, the
accident at Stord Airport in 2006 shows the potential for a fatal accident following a runway excursion. Interna-
tionally, runway excursions are considered as being one of the high risk areas.

In 2006, the AIBN decided to perform a theme investigation into the theme ‘winter operations and friction
measurements and conditions for friction predictions’ to supplement the individual safety investigations. The
individual safety investigations focused on the operators and their possible safety actions. The theme investiga-
tion focuses on the general framework for operations on contaminated and slippery runways and the potential
for safety improvements in general. The AIBN has accumulated and analysed a large volume of documentation,
reports, test and research data from various national and international sources in addition to consulting exper-
tise in the field of micrometeorology.

Safety Recommendation NORW-2011-011 (AIBN)

The AIBN recommends that FAA, EASA and CAA Norway evaluate the airlines’ crosswind limits in relation to fric-
tion values and consider whether they should be subject to separate approval by the authorities.

Reply No. 5 sent on 23/08/2017:

Since May 2011, when the study report on ‘winter operations, friction measurements and conditions for
friction predictions’ was issued by the accident investigation board Norway, a new European Union reg-
ulatory framework has been established for civil air operations, applicable for commercial air transport
since 28 October 2014.
Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations and Commission Implementing Regulation
(EU) No 628/2013 on standardisation inspections include the concept of safety management systems
and associated risk assessment and mitigation models. The regulations provide a foundation for safety
through provisions on operator responsibilities, oversight by civil aviation authorities and standardisa-
tion inspections by EASA.
Operational crosswind limits are either based on manufacturer’s approved data or on manufacturer’s
advisory data. Therefore, an additional approval by the competent authority is considered not to be
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Furthermore, guidance is provided in Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) No 2014-20 on ‘aeroplane opera-
tions in crosswind conditions’, which was published by the Agency on 23 June 2014. The overall objective
of the SIB was to raise awareness of the risks associated with operations in strong and/or gusty crosswind
conditions. This includes factors which aircraft manufacturers, operators and approved training organisa-
tions should take into account when developing or revising approved aircraft flight manuals (AFMs), flight
crew operating or training manuals, operational procedures and limitations, and initial and recurrent
flight crew training programmes. Notably, the SIB recommends that operators and training organisations
consider publishing operational crosswind limitations which take into account their operational experi-
ence and the operating environment (e.g. runway width and state, prevailing weather conditions, etc.).
These limits should be based on the AFM maximum demonstrated crosswind value, when more limiting
values are not published in the limitation section of the AFM. The Agency considers that the safety issue
is adequately addressed through this SIB.
Any future action, if deemed necessary, will be taken through systematic implementation of the Agen-
cy’s Safety Risk Management process and the associated rulemaking and safety promotion programmes
and the European plans for aviation safety.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

BRITTEN NORMAN In the vicinity of Horea village,

YR-BNP 20/01/2014 Accident
BN2A Alba County

Synopsis of the event:

On 20.01.2014, the Civil Aviation Safety Investigation and Analysis Center (CIAS) was notified indirectly by phone
about the accident. Subsequently CIAS received an „Air Safety Report” (ASR), from the operator representing the
written communication of the accident in which it was involved a BN-2A-27 aircraft, registered YR-BNP.

BN-2A-27 aicraft, radio call indicative ”RFT 111”, performed a flight from Bucharest – Băneasa Airport to Oradea
Airport, having on board a crew of two pilots and 5 passengers. The flight was performed based on an IFR flight
plan, the aircraft took off at 13.38 LT. The last radio communication between the aircraft and the air traffic agen-
cies was made at 15.34.51 LT, at the distance of approximately 52 NM from the point ROŞIA (air radio reporting
point). At 15.47 LT a passenger of the aircraft informed by phone that the aircraft crashed, but without being able
to communicate their exact location. The wreckage of the aircraft was located after almost 5 hours from receiv-
ing the information, in the vicinity of Horea commune, Petreasa village, Alba County.

As a consequence of the accident, the aircraft was destroyed, five of the persons on board were injured and two

The cause of the accident occurrence consisted in the engine shutdown due to the severe icing of carburettors
based on the following favouring causes:
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ƒƒ incorrect assessment of risk factors specific to the development of this flight due to long interruption
from flight and to the crew’s lack of experience on BN-2A-27 aircraft, included in MEP class;

ƒƒ incorrect decision of the aircraft Captain to fly for a long period of time in icing conditions;

ƒƒ incorrect decision of the aircraft Captain to take off with a weight over the maximum admitted lim-
it and with gravity center position outside the limits calculated and imposed by the manufacturer;

ƒƒ incorrect decision of the aircraft Captain to continue the mission in IMC flight conditions on IFR flight
rules below AMA;

ƒƒ long-time flight interruption and lack of experience of the crew on this MEP class aircraft.

Safety Recommendation ROMN-2015-053 (CIAS)

EASA should consider to establish some requirements for the air traffic service providers on the management of
unintentional situations, such as possible infringements of the routes provided in the flight plan, of the minimum
flight levels, of the minimum navigation requirements, and so on, determined by problems such as weather con-
ditions, technical ones, determined by the aircraft performances and/or by other factors through which the air
traffic controllers would require these crews confirmation on the flight rules they followed.

Reply No. 3 sent on 23/08/2017:

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 [Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA)]
contains the requirements for the flight crews with regard to adherence to the flight plan (SERA.8020). In
addition, it implicitly requires the flight crews to advise the Air Traffic Services (ATS) in case of failure, or
degradation, of navigation, communications, altimetry, flight control or other systems, or if the aircraft
performance is degraded below the level required for the airspace in which it is operating.
With regard to the requirements for the ATS providers and Air Traffic Controllers, the Agency has includ-
ed the transposition of the provisions in ICAO PANS-ATM 8.7.1 regarding ATS surveillance services in the
Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) for PART-ATS (RMT.0464). More specifically, the provisions will:
ƒƒ address providing ATS surveillance in order to enhance safety,
ƒƒ provide vectoring to assist pilots in their navigation,
ƒƒ maintain flight path monitoring of air traffic,
ƒƒ receive information regarding any significant deviations by aircraft from the terms of their respec-
tive ATC clearances, including their cleared routes as well as levels, when appropriate.
The consultation period of the NPA closed on 28th February 2017 and EASA is currently reviewing the
comments received.
The next deliverable for the rulemaking task RMT.464, an EASA Opinion is planned to be published in
the last quarter of 2017.
It should be noted that the SERA.5015(c)(3) includes the following provision (Change from Instrument
Flight Rules (IFR) flight to Visual Flight Rules (VFR) flight): “No invitation to change from IFR flight to VFR
flight shall be made by ATS either directly or by inference.”

Status: Open – Category:

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

Romania 20/11/2016

Synopsis of the event:

Language for the Passenger Briefing on Domestic Flights.

Safety Recommendation ROMN-2017-002 (CIAS)

It is recommended for EASA to take all the necessary actions to ensure that all operators performing domes-
tic flights are providing the safety briefing for the emergency cases stipulated by CAT.OP.MPA.170 PASSENGER
BRIEFING of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 also in the official language of the state on which’s territory the flight
is being carried on.

Reply No. 1 sent on 31/03/2017:

There are many factors that can influence aircraft incident and accident survivability and subsequent
emergency evacuations. The physical factors include; adopting the correct brace position for impact,
the correct use of seatbelts, the location and operation of all emergency exits and the configuration of
the cabin including aisles and galleys, seating arrangements and the positioning of cabin crew assigned
Survivability in emergency evacuations is also affected by information factors such as passenger safety
information cards, videos, signs, placards, emergency lighting and marking systems, and verbal brief-
ings by the cabin crew.
Initial cabin crew training programmes are required to include training on methods to motivate passen-
gers and the crowd control necessary to expedite an emergency evacuation (see Appendix 1 to Part-CC
(Cabin Crew) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 on aircrew). Thereafter, cabin crew shall un-
dergo training from the operator which should also cover passenger handling in emergency situations,
tailored to suit the aircraft type and the characteristics of the routes operated (see AMC1 ORO.CC.125(d)
of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations).
Operators are required to ensure that passenger safety briefings and demonstrations are delivered in
a form that facilitates the application of the procedures applicable in the event of an emergency (see
sub-paragraph (a) of CAT.OP.MPA.170 of the air operations regulation). In addition, passengers shall be
provided with a safety briefing card on which picture-type instructions indicate the operation of emer-
gency equipment and exits likely to be used by passengers (see sub-paragraph (b) of CAT.OP.MPA.170 of
the air operations regulation).
How the operator should achieve compliance with the above-mentioned provisions is not prescribed.
This supports the performance-based approach to rulemaking which, together with implementation of
effective safety management systems (see ORO.GEN.200 of the air operations regulation), is intended to
make aviation safer, more efficient and suitably flexible.
There are multiple ways that the operator can meet the safety objective set out under sub-paragraph (a)
of CAT.OP.MPA.170. It can be by delivering briefings/demonstrations in language(s) that are most likely
to match the native language(s) of most of the passengers on any particular flight, supplemented with
non-verbal techniques such as pictorial information for those whose native language is not used in the
briefing/demonstration. In fact, assuming the language knowledge of all passengers on any particular
flight can be misleading, as even domestic flights may have passengers from different nationalities on
board. There is, therefore, no specific language requirement for cabin crew regarding the language to
be used when communicating with passengers.
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Through their oversight, certification and enforcement responsibilities under ARO.GEN.300 of the air
operations regulation, the competent authority is required to verify that the operator to whom the Air
Operator Certificate (AOC) shall be/has been issued complies with the applicable requirements.
Therefore, the operator should demonstrate to the competent authority how the passenger briefing/
demonstration will satisfy the requirement to give it ‘in a form that facilitates the application of the pro-
cedures applicable in the event of an emergency’.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Russian Federation
Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

VP-BYZ Roschino (Tyumen) airport 02/04/2012 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On 02.04.2012, at 01:35 UTC (07:35 local time), at day time, under VMC after the take-off from the Roschino (Ty-
umen) airport RWY 21, the АТR72-201 VP-BYZ aircraft, operated by JSC “UTAir Aviation” (further referred to as
“UTAir”) crashed while performing the scheduled passenger flight UTA120 from Tyumen to Surgut.

According to the load sheet the A/C TOW and centre of gravity were 18730 kg and 30.72 % MAC corresponding-
ly and that was within the aircraft operation limits. Onboard there were 4 crew members (PIC, F/O and two flight
attendants) and 39 passengers, all RF citizens.

After the landing gear and the flaps retraction the aircraft started descending with a significant left bank and
then collided with terrain. The ground collision first led to the structural damage of left wing followed by the
fuel spillage and fire, and further to the complete destruction of aircraft with the right wing, cockpit and rear
section with empennage separation.

Out of the 43 persons on board, 4 crew members and 29 passengers were killed. Others received serious injuries.

Safety Recommendation RUSF-2013-002 (AIB)

Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK) recommends EASA and other simulator certification authorities to consider
the possibility to add into the simulator data-package the capability to simulate an unexpected or sudden air-
craft stall at any stage of flight.
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List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 146

Reply No. 6 sent on 23/08/2017:

Mitigating Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is one of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA’s) high-
est priorities, and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset Prevention and Recovery
Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the necessary competencies
to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
ED Decision 2015/012/R published on the EASA website entered into force on 04 May 2016. It defines Ap-
plicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM) for recurrent training programme of
Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (ORO.FC.230) and conversion training (ORO.FC.220) pertaining
to Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operators using ‘complex motor-powered aeroplanes’.
The material takes into account the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 6 amendment
38, ICAO Doc 9868 ‘Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Training’ (PANS-TRG) amendment 3 relating
to UPRT, and ICAO Doc 10011 ‘Manual on Aeroplane UPRT’. Reference is also made to the Original Equip-
ment Manufacturers’ (OEMs’) Aeroplane Upset Recovery Training Aid (AURTA).
In addition, the Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery train-
ing” in the wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017.
This Opinion proposes to introduce mandatory UPRT, testing and checking at various stages for pilots
who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commercial airline:
ƒƒ advanced UPRT course (new FCL.745.A) as a prerequisite for training courses for single-pilot aero-
planes operated in multi-pilot operation, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and
multi-pilot aeroplanes (amendments to FCL.720.A);
ƒƒ Inclusion of UPRT elements considering the specificities of the particular class or type during the
relevant class or type rating training course (amendments to FCL.725.A);
ƒƒ Amendments to Appendix 9, paragraphs 5 and 6 in Annex I (Part-FCL) of Commission Regulation
(EU) No 1178/2011 for including upset prevention and recovery exercises into training courses,
skill test and proficiency checks related to single-pilot aeroplanes operated in multi-pilot oper-
ations, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes and multi-pilot type rating training
The newly developed advanced UPRT course, which is to be mandated as an addendum to ATP and MPL
training courses and also to serve as a prerequisite prior to commencing the first type rating course in
multi-pilot operations, is an important step towards enhancing a commercial pilot’s resilience to the psy-
chological and physiological aspects often associated with upset conditions.
In support of the new standards, the proposals place greater emphasis on the training of instructors in-
volved in the flight and synthetic training who are foreseen to deliver the various UPRT elements. In line
with the recommendation, the rulemaking group considered the option to require post-stall training.
Due to the risk of negative transfer of training, the final opinion proposes training up to the stall but does
not propose post-stall training to be required in a full flight simulator (FFS), and reiterates that existing
flight simulator training devices (FSTDs) may be used to facilitate UPRT. EASA and the rulemaking group
concluded that requiring a full stall simulation during the take-off phase cannot be realistically accom-
plished without the risk of negative transfer of training.
Rulemaking Task RMT.0196 ‘Update of flight simulation training devices requirement was launched on
July 2016 with the publication of its terms of reference, with the objective to adapt the requirements for
Flight Simulator Training Devices (CS-FSTD) to the training need, and especially to the latest UPRT amend-
ments. Because UPRT training requirements do not require post-stalls exercises in FSTD in situations
exceeding the flight envelope limits due to the risk of negative transfer of training, no further mandato-
ry specifications for FSTD full-stall simulation is considered in that domain.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 147

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

F-GLSA Moscow - Vnukovo, Russia 20/10/2014 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On 20.10.2014, at 19:58 UTC (23:58 local time), at night, during takeoff at Moscow (Vnukovo) A/D a Falcon 50EX
F-GLSA aircraft operated by Unijet crashed while conducting charter flight LEA074P from Moscow (Vnukovo) to
Paris (Le Bourget).

Safety Recommendation RUSF-2016-006 (AIB)

It is recommended that EASA, IAC Aviation Register, Rosaviatsiya and other certification authorities: Consider the
practicability to make mandatory for newly certified airplane (as per CS-25, AR-25 or equivalent) the installation
of a nose wheel steering accessible by each flight crew member at their duty position.

Reply No. 2 sent on 02/06/2017:

EASA has evaluated the recommended safety action and reached the following conclusion:
The aircraft lateral control during take-off and landing is already provided and accomplished through the
main controls on both sides of the flight deck and the nose wheel steering function for taxiing purpos-
es is provided through the tiller located on one side only. The steering through the tiller is not intended
to provide lateral control during any other phase of the flight but taxiing and it should not be used dur-
ing take-off and landing.
Thus, the Agency considers that the relevant certification specifications regarding this issue are adequate
and no further action is necessary.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

BOEING Bishkek-Manas International

TC-MCL 16/01/2017 Accident
747 Airport (UCFM), Kyrgyzstan

Synopsis of the event:

On January 2017 the crew of a cargo Boeing 747-412F a/c registration TC-MCL operated by ACT Airlines including
Captain, FO, loadmaster and a/c technician were performing Flight TK6491 transporting cargo from Chek Lap Kok
Airport (VHHH, Hong Kong) via Manas Airport (UCFM, Bishkek) to Ataturk Airport (LTBA, Istanbul). Manas Airport
was planned as a transit airport for refuelling and crew change. The approach was conducted to RWY 26. The
a/c overflown the entire length of the runway and impacted the ground near RWY 08 LMM. The a/c was totally
destroyed in the accident. The 4 persons on board were killed. 35 local residents of Dacha-SU settlement were
killed by the crash a/c and ground fire, 37 local residents got injuries of varying severity.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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Safety Recommendation RUSF-2017-001 (AIB)

It is recommended that the FAA in cooperation with the Boeing Company consider the practicability of changing
the A/P logic to prevent occurrences of following inertial glideslope descent (in LAND 3 or LAND 2 mode) in cas-
es when approach path does not allow landing in the appropriate area on the runway. It is recommended that
other certification authorities and aircraft manufacturers consider the applicability of this recommendation tak-
ing into account actual A/P algorithms.

Reply No. 1 sent on 30/06/2017:

The Agency is at the stage of verifying the need to consider the applicability of this recommendation to
EASA certified products. Additionally, the Agency is in contact with the FAA regarding their analysis of
the B747 case.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

G-BYAG Girona Airport, Spain 14/09/1999 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

The aircraft made an approach and landing at Girona Airport, Spain, at night through heavy thunderstorms with
rain. At a late stage of the approach the airfield lighting failed for a few seconds. The aircraft touched down
hard simultaneously on the nose and main wheels and bounced. A second harder touchdown on the nosewheel
displaced the nose landing gear and its support stucture. Resultant aircraft systems damage caused the loss of
virtually all electrical power, interference with controls and uncommanded forward thrust increase.

The aircraft ran off the side at high speed around 1,000 metres after the second touchdown. After crossing
a number of obstacles it landed heavily in a field outside the airfield boundary and come to rest after having
travelled almost 1,900 metres from the second touchdown. The fuselage had been fractured in two places and
there was considerable disruption to the cabin. There was no fire. Evacuation of all the occupants, initiated by
the cabin crew, was completed rapidly. Emergency services had difficulty in locating the aircraft in the adverse
conditions and arrived on the scene after evacuation had been completed.

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2004-030 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended to EASA that they evaluate the possibility of making mandatory requirements to train flight
crew in go-around manoeuvres even from below the decision height, with the aim of reducing the response time
when faced with unforeseen events.
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Reply No. 3 sent on 31/08/2017:

Mitigating Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is one of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA’s) high-
est priorities, and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset Prevention and Recovery
Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the necessary competencies
to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
The Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery training” in the
wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017. This Opinion proposes to introduce mandatory UPRT,
testing and checking at various stages for pilots who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commercial
The newly developed advanced UPRT course, which is to be mandated as an addendum to ATP and MPL
training courses and also to serve as a prerequisite prior to commencing the first type rating course in
multi-pilot operations, is an important step towards enhancing a commercial pilot’s resilience to the psy-
chological and physiological aspects often associated with upset conditions. It develops the ability of the
pilot to cope with unforeseen events.
In support of the new standards, appendix 9 — Training, skill test and proficiency checks for MPL, ATPL,
type and class ratings, and proficiency checks for IRs is amended to include UPRT. It now includes go-
arounds with all engines operating from various stages during instrument approach (4.2) and rejected
landing with all engines operating from various heights below DH/MDH and after touchdown (4.5).
In line with ICAO, the opinion and the decision mentioned above propose UPRT to proficiency during in-
itial and recurrent training.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

EC-HFP Madrid-Barajas Airport, Spain 20/08/2008 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On 20 August 2008 at 14:24 local time, a McDonnell Douglas DC-9-82 (MD-82) aircraft, registration EC-HFP, oper-
ated by Spanair, suffered an accident immediately after takeoff from Madrid-Barajas Airport, Madrid (Spain). The
aircraft was destroyed as a result of impact with the ground and the subsequent fire. Of the aircraft’s occupants,
154 were killed, including all six crew members, and 18 were seriously injured.

The investigation has determined that the accident occurred because:

The crew lost control of the airplane as a consequence of entering a stall immediately after takeoff due to an im-
proper airplane configuration involving the non-deployment of the slats/flaps following a series of mistakes and
omissions, along with the absence of the improper takeoff configuration warning.

The crew did not identified the stall warnings and did not correct said situation after takeoff. They momentarily
retarded the engine throttles, increased the pitch angle and did correct the bank angle, leading to a deteriora-
tion of stall condition.
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The crew did not detect the configuration error because they did not properly use the checklists, which contain
items to select and verify the position of the slats/flaps when preparing the flight.


ƒƒ They did not carry out the action to select the flaps/slats with the associated control lever (in the “Af-
ter Start” checklist);

ƒƒ They did not cross check the position of the lever or the status of the flaps and slats indicating lights
when executing the “After Start” checklist;

ƒƒ They omitted the check of the flaps/ slats when doing the “Takeoff Briefing” in the “Taxi” checklist;

ƒƒ During the visual check performed as part of the “Final Items” in the “Takeoff Imminent” checklist, the
actual position of the flaps/slats as shown on the cockpit instruments was not verified.

The CIAIAC has determined that the following factors contributed to the accident occurrence:

ƒƒ The absence of takeoff configuration warning resulting from the failure of the TOWS to operate, which
thus did not warn the crew that the airplane’s takeofff configuration was not appropriate. The reason
for the failure of the TOWS to function could not be reliably established.

ƒƒ Improper crew resource management (CRM), which did not prevent deviation from procedures in the
presence of unscheduled interruptions to flight preparations.

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2009-008 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of
the United States require the Boeing Company to evaluate the operating conditions, in-service life, reliability
and failure modes of relays in position R2-5 of the ground sensing system in the DC-9, MD-80, MD-90 and B-717
series of airplanes and that it specify a maintenance program for this component based on the results of said
evaluation. [REC 08/09]

Reply No. 3 sent on 28/04/2017:

The Agency has further reviewed the content of this safety recommendation in the light of the addition-
al information provided by the CIAIAC.
However, it is confirmed that the fleet wide in-service history for this relay does not indicate that any
reliability issues exist. Collectively, the Twinjet fleet has accumulated over 120,000,000 flight hours, with-
out any reports of significant issues with the relay in the R2-5 position, or for this relay part number in
Furthermore, EASA considers the flight crew action to verify the function of the Take Off Warning Sys-
tem (TOWS) before every flight as sufficient monitoring of the safety related function in which the R2.5
relay is involved.
For the abovementioned reasons, EASA does not see justification for imposing further monitoring on
the subject relay.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

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List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 151

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2009-009 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended to the European Aviation Safety Agency and to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of
the United States that the design of Takeoff Warning Systems (TOWS) be reviewed in transport airplanes whose
certification standards did not require the installation of such systems or which, if they did require it, did not
apply to them the guidelines and interpretation provided by AMC 25.703 in the case of the EASA, or circular AC
25.703 in the case of the FAA. The goal of this review should be to require that the TOWS comply with the appli-
cable requirements for critical systems classified as essential in CS 25.1309 and FAR 25.1309. [REC09/09]

Reply No. 3 sent on 28/04/2017:

The Agency has further reviewed the content of this safety recommendation in the light of the addition-
al information provided by the CIAIAC.
However, it is considered that the accident rate since 1962 remains a valid evidence to support the con-
clusion that no unsafe condition exists.
In fact, the CIAIAC accident report itself mentions “the absence of an improper take-off configuration
warning resulting from the failure of the TOWS to operate” only as a contributing factor to numerous
causes for the subject accident.” Furthermore, the same accident report states that “the reason for the
failure of the TOWS to function could not be reliably established”.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2011-018 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and European Aviation Safety
Agency (EASA) require takeoff stall recovery as part of initial and recurring training programs of airline trans-
port pilots. [REC 18/11]

Reply No. 5 sent on 31/08/2017:

Mitigating Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is one of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA’s) high-
est priorities, and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset Prevention and Recovery
Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the necessary competencies
to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
ED Decision 2015/012/R published on the EASA website entered into force on 04 May 2016. It defines
Applicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) for recurrent training programme
(ORO.FC.230) and operator conversion training (ORO.FC.220) pertaining to Commercial Air Transport
(CAT) operators using ‘complex motor-powered aeroplanes’.
In addition, the Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery train-
ing” in the wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017. This Opinion proposes to introduce
mandatory UPRT, testing and checking at various stages for pilots who intend to pursue a pilot career
with a commercial airline.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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The newly developed advanced UPRT course, which is to be mandated as an addendum to ATP and MPL
training courses and also to serve as a prerequisite prior to commencing the first type rating course in
multi-pilot operations, is an important step towards enhancing a commercial pilot’s resilience to the psy-
chological and physiological aspects often associated with upset conditions.
It should be noted that the exercise to be conducted includes recovery from a stall event in the take-off
configuration at a safe altitude. EASA and the rulemaking group concluded that requiring a stall event
recovery during the take-off phase cannot be realistically accomplished without the risk of negative trans-
fer of training.
In support of the new standards, the proposals place greater emphasis on the training of instructors in-
volved in the flight and synthetic training who are foreseen to deliver the various UPRT elements. EASA
proposes training up to the stall but does not propose post-stall training to be required in a full flight
simulator (FFS), due to the risk of negative transfer of training, and reiterates that existing flight simula-
tor training devices (FSTDs) may be used to facilitate UPRT.
In line with ICAO, the opinion and the decision mentioned above propose UPRT to proficiency during in-
itial and recurrent training.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2011-019 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and European Aviation Safety
Agency (EASA) study and assess the stall recovery procedure in the flight manuals of large transport airplanes to
include a check of the flap/slat lever and its adjustment, if required. [REC 19/11]

Reply No. 3 sent on 14/03/2017:

The Agency has further reviewed the content of this safety recommendation in the light of the addition-
al information provided by the CIAIAC.
However, stall recovery procedures are not included in the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM), as this is not re-
quired according to Certification Specifications for large aeroplanes (CS-25). The check of the flap/slat
lever should be included in other original equipment manufacturer (OEM) manuals, such as the Aircraft
Operating Manuals/Flight Crew Operating Manuals (AOM/FCOM), if required. Such procedures are not
part of the certification process, therefore enabling provision of procedures which are tailored accord-
ing to the individual characteristics of each individual aircraft, including also any possible configuration
Therefore, EASA opted to issue a Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) to encourage any manufacturer to
study and recommend that manufacturers assess whether their documented stall recovery procedure
properly addresses a check of the flap/slat lever and its possible adjustment. The intent of the SIB would
be to highlight the importance of establishing the correct configuration during a stall event.
SIB 2013-02, whilst drawing attention to the stall recovery procedures, states that specific items, such as
configuration changes (i.e., flaps extension), that could be required at a specific point during the stall re-
covery, will be included in a specific procedure for a particular aeroplane.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 153

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2011-020 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) establish requirements for flight simulators
so as to allow simulator training to cover sustained takeoff stalls that reproduce situations that could exceed the
flight envelope limits. [REC 20/11]

Reply No. 5 sent on 31/08/2017:

Mitigating Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is one of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA’s) high-
est priorities, and the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset Prevention and Recovery
Training (UPRT) with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire the necessary competencies
to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets.
The Agency published Opinion No 06/2017 on “loss of control prevention and recovery training” in the
wake of rulemaking task RMT.0581 on 29 June 2017. This Opinion proposes to introduce mandatory UPRT,
testing and checking at various stages for pilots who intend to pursue a pilot career with a commercial
The proposal places greater emphasis on the training of instructors involved in the flight and synthetic
training who are foreseen to deliver the various UPRT elements. EASA proposed training up to the stall
but does not propose post-stall training to be required in a full flight simulator (FFS), due to the risk of
negative transfer of training, and reiterates that existing flight simulator training devices (FSTDs) may
be used to facilitate UPRT. EASA and the rulemaking group concluded that requiring a full stall simula-
tion during the take-off phase cannot be realistically accomplished without the risk of negative transfer
of training.
Rulemaking Task RMT.0196 ‘Update of flight simulation training devices requirement was launched on
July 2016 with the objective to adapt the requirements for Flight Simulator Training Devices (CS-FSTD)
to the training need, and especially to the latest UPRT amendments. Because UPRT requirements do not
require post-stall exercises in FSTD in situations exceeding the flight envelope limits due to the risk of
negative transfer of training, no further mandatory specifications for FSTD full-stall simulation is consid-
ered in that domain.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2011-030 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) undertake regulatory initiatives intended to
require commercial air transport operators to implement a program of line operations safety audits, as part of
their accident prevention and flight safety programs. [REC 30/11]

Reply No. 4 sent on 31/03/2017:

The accident prevention and flight safety programme as prescribed under Commission Regulation (EC)
No 859/2008 (also known as EU-OPS 1 and now repealed), has been enhanced and integrated into pro-
visions on operator’s Management Systems in a new regulatory framework for civil aviation, applicable
since 28 October 2014 (see ORO.GEN.200 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations).
The operator is required to establish, implement and maintain a management system that includes the
identification of aviation safety hazards entailed by the activities of the operator, their evaluation and
the management of associated risks, including taking actions to mitigate the risk and verify their effec-
tiveness (see sub-paragraph (a)(3) of ORO.GEN.200).
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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Safety performance monitoring and assessment should include safety audits by the operator focussing
on the integrity of the operator’s management system, and periodically assessing the status of safety risk
controls [see sub-paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of AMC1 ORO.GEN.200(a)(3)]. This replicates the principles behind
the line operations safety audits referred to in the safety recommendation through conducting a pro-
gramme of in-flight observations during normal operations.
Under an established process of continuous improvement the operator should conduct proactive and re-
active evaluations of procedures through safety audits and surveys; proactive evaluation of individuals’
performance to verify the fulfilment of their safety responsibilities, and reactive evaluations in order to
verify the effectiveness of the system for control and mitigation of risk [see sub-paragraph (f) of AMC1
Furthermore, operators should operate an internal occurrence reporting scheme to identify those in-
stances where routine procedures have failed, and to take appropriate safety action (see Regulation (EU)
No 376/2014, applicable since 15 November 2015). This proactive, evidence-based approach is an essen-
tial part of the overall monitoring function and is complementary to the normal day-to-day procedures
and ‘control’ systems [see GM1 ORO.GEN.200(a)(3)].
In summary, through its management system, the operator should conduct safety audits to assess the
effectiveness of mitigation implemented (such as crew resource management training, threat and er-
ror management training, standard operating procedures) against risks identified. Through this process,
the operator should proactively promote best practices and enhance the organisation’s underlying safe-
ty culture.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2011-031 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safe-
ty Agency (EASA) clarify the definition of an inoperative element that is contained in the preamble to all Master
Minimum Equipment Lists (MMEL), so as to avoid interpretation errors in its application. [REC 31/11]

Reply No. 3 sent on 14/03/2017:

EASA discussed, in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the definition of “inop-
erative” included in the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) at the Rulemaking task group meeting
for Certification Specifications CS-MMEL. The definition was found, during the Rulemaking task group
discussion and subsequently, as the best possible one and it is consistently used during the daily applica-
tion of MMEL items through the appropriate MEL.
Additionally, the FAA issued, on May 11, 2015, Policy Letter (PL) 25, Revision 21 GC (Global Change), which
contains the definition of “inoperative”, providing harmonization with respect to the EASA definition.
Based on the above, EASA considers that the current definition of “inoperative” included in the sample
preamble to MMEL in the CS-MMEL is the clearest possible and provides harmonization with the FAA.
Any change to the wording of the definition would potentially render it more ambiguous and prone to
erroneous interpretations in its application.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
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Safety Recommendation SPAN-2011-033 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issue an interpretation regarding the need
to identify the source of a malfunction prior to using the MEL, and that it assures that national authorities ac-
cept and apply the same standards with regard to their procedures for overseeing operators in their respective
States. [REC 33/11]

Reply No. 4 sent on 14/03/2017:

The Agency has taken an action to address this safety recommendation through publication of Exec-
utive Director (ED) Decision 2014/017/R on 24 April 20014 which contains amendments to Acceptable
Means of Compliance (AMC)/Guidance Material (GM) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air
The operator is required to ensure that the Minimum Equipment List (MEL) contains a preamble, in-
cluding guidance and definitions for flight crews and maintenance personnel using the MEL [see ORO.
MLR.105 (d)(1)].
The MEL preamble should provide guidance on how to identify the origin of a failure or malfunction to
the extent necessary for appropriate application of the MEL [see new sub-paragraph (d) of the associat-
ed AMC1 ORO.MLR.105(d)(1) introduced through ED Decision 2014/017/R].
This should ensure that the source of a malfunction is identified prior to use of the MEL, and the com-
petent authority should verify this preamble during the MEL approval process [see ORO.MLR.105 (b)].
In addition, the competent authority is required to verify compliance with all of the MEL requirements
before issuing an approval, and to verify continued compliance by the operator [see ARO.GEN.300 (a)(1)
and (2)].

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2011-042 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) draft guidelines and instructions so that
national authorities are better able to assess the general situation of commercial air transport operators that
undergo notable changes, such as rapid expansions, a significant growth in their resources, or the opposite
situation, a reduction in their activity or resources, such as through personnel layoffs, the purpose being for
authorities to constantly adapt their monitoring plans to consider their evaluation of these changes so as to pro-
actively detect and assess risk factors that point to a possible degradation in safety level. [REC 42/11]

Reply No. 3 sent on 14/03/2017:

Change management principles are embedded in the management system provisions under Commis-
sion Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations, and the associated Acceptable Means of Compliance
(AMC) and Guidance Material (GM), which has been applicable for Commercial Air Transport operations
since 28 October 2014.
The operator is required to establish, implement and maintain a management system that includes the
identification of aviation safety hazards entailed by the activities of the operator, their evaluation and
the management of associated risks, including taking actions to mitigate the risk and verify their effec-
tiveness (see sub-paragraph (a)(3) of ORO.GEN.200).
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The operator should have sufficient qualified personnel for the planned tasks and activities to be per-
formed in accordance with the applicable requirements (see sub-paragraph (c) of ORO.GEN.210).
The operator should manage safety risks related to a change. Complex operators may establish a safety
action group to assist or act on behalf of the safety review board which is described under AMC1 ORO.
GEN.200(a). The group should assess the impact of operational changes on safety [see sub-paragraph (d)
(3) of GM1 ORO.GEN.200(a)(1)].
Any change affecting the scope of the air operator certificate or the operations specifications or any of
the risk management elements of the operator’s management system requires prior approval by the com-
petent authority (see ORO.GEN.130). Typical examples of such changes are related to a change of legal
entity, the operator’s scope of activities, additional locations of the operator, or changes to the facilities
[see sub-paragraph (a) of GM1 ORO.GEN.130(a)].
Changes not requiring prior approval shall be managed as defined in the procedure approved by the
competent authority (see sub-paragraph (c) of ORO.GEN.130). The competent authority shall assess the
change information provided by the organisation, to verify compliance with the applicable requirements
(see sub-paragraph (c) of ARO.GEN.330).
As part of initial certification and continuing oversight of an operator, the competent authority should
evaluate the operator’s safety risk assessment processes related to hazards identified by the operator [see
AMC2 ARO.GEN.300(a);(b);(c)].
As part of its continuing oversight, the competent authority should continue to assess the organisation’s
compliance with the applicable requirements, including the effectiveness of the management system [see
GM1 ARO.GEN.300(a); (b);(c)].
When determining the oversight programme for an organisation, the competent authority should
consider the scope of changes not requiring prior approval [see sub-paragraph (a)(2) of AMC1 ARO.
GEN.305(b);(d);(d1)]. If the organisation has continuously demonstrated that it has full control over all
changes, the oversight planning cycle may be adjusted accordingly by the competent authority (see sub-
paragraph (c)(2) of ARO.GEN.305).
Effective implementation of the above-mentioned provisions should ensure that the risks associated with
changes in the organisation are suitably mitigated by the operator, and that the effectiveness of the mit-
igation is continuously monitored by the operator and the competent authority.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

SUKHOI Serious
EC-HPX Ocana Airport, Toledo 05/03/2001
SU29 incident

Synopsis of the event:

On 5 March 2001, a Sukhoi aircraft on a local flight over the Ocana Aerodrome (Toledo) suffered a jammed rud-
der, which forced the pilot to land using the other control surfaces.

The aircraft had taken off a few minutes earlier from runway 11 at the aerodrome to conduct tests as part of the
approval process for certifying the aircraft in Spain.

Over the course of the flight and after some manoeuvres, the pilot noticed that the rudder control was jammed
to the right. He reported this on the radio, and it was suggested to him that he parachute from the aircraft. The
pilot was able to compensate for the lack of rudder by banking to the left. He made an approach to runway 11
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and managed to land. During the landing run, without steering control, the aircraft departed the runway and
came to a stop in a grassy area next to the runway.

Once the aircraft stopped, the rudder was unjammed and, there being no apparent damage, the aircraft was tax-
ied to the stand without external assistance. The pilot was unharmed.

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2015-006 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that EASA ensure that the flight control systems on Sukhoi 29 be designed such that neither
the occupants nor objects in the cockpit can cause jamming, chafing or interference in said systems, or if they
do, that the pertinent corrective actions be established. [REC 08/12]

Reply No. 2 sent on 02/06/2017:

The Su-29 is a Russian type and has been granted a Type Certificate (“CT 60-29” dated 5th May 1994) by
IAC AR (Russian Aviation Authority) against the Russian AR-23 (similar to the FAR-23). The Russian Federa-
tion is the “State of Design”. Sukhoi is the Type Certificate Holder (TCH). The Su-29 is not type certificated
in an EASA Member State.
A limited number of Su-29 (less than 15) are flying in EASA Member States under Specific Airworthiness
Specifications (SAS) EASA.SAS.A.093 or Permit to Fly (with EASA approved Flight Conditions). These are
the only SU-29 aircraft for which EASA is responsible.
Since it is primarily the responsibility of Russian Aviation Authority to address the issue behind the safety
recommendation, EASA has informed Russian Aviation Authority and the TCH of the issue and has asked
for their position.
To date, EASA is still awaiting feedback from Russian Aviation Authority and the TCH.
In addition, in order to discharge their responsibility with respect to the aeroplanes registered in Europe,
EASA has investigated with the European aeroplane owners their service experience, through a survey
with the known Su-29 owners (through the applicable Member States’ national aviation authorities). The
Su-29 owners have confirmed that no similar cases were encountered and no issues were found on the
design of the control systems of the Su-29.
Based on the above and considering that no other similar cases have been reported in the last 15 years,
EASA finds that no other actions are necessary, apart from the standard continued airworthiness moni-
toring process.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type


SP-SUC 10/08/2016 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On Wednesday, 10 August 2016, at approximately 16:50 local time, a PZL-Swidnik W-3AS Sokol aircraft, registra-
tion SP-SUC, was involved in an accident while taking part in firefighting activities.
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The aircraft, which was at the Forest Firefighting Support Squad (BRIF) base in the town of Puntagorda, on the is-
land of La Palma, was mobilized at around 15:00 to take part in firefighting efforts in the town of Villa de Mazo.

After making 12 drops in the area, the forward command post instructed its crew to proceed to a different point
from the last one but where they had already made a drop. While executing the approach maneuverer to make
a drop at that point, the helicopter started to yaw left at an increasing rate, eventually becoming uncontrollable.

The aircraft crashed into the mountainside and was significantly damaged. The two occupants were taken to
a hospital for observation.

The investigation has concluded that this accident was likely caused by a loss of tail rotor effectiveness (LTE),
which the pilot was late in identifying, resulting in a loss of control of the helicopter, which ended up impact-
ing the terrain.

Contributing to the accident is the fact that the water was not dropped and the bucket was not released.

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2017-010 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the EASA standardize the theoretical and practical training on the LTE phenomenon
among the various helicopter training programs for obtaining the LAPL(H), PPL(H), CPL(H), ATPL(H) and FI(H) li-
censes. This training should benefit the level of complexity and responsibility associated with each license. [REC

Reply No. 1 sent on 17/11/2017:

Loss of tail rotor effectiveness is in the tail-rotor aerodynamics learning objectives (LO) 082 06 01 02 (ref.
AMC1 FCL.310; FCL.515 (b); FCL.615 (b)) in support of the detailed theoretical knowledge syllabus and
LOs for airline transport pilot licence (ATPL), commercial pilot licence (CPL) and instrument rating (IR).
It is also part of the flight instructor for helicopters FI(H) training course so that the instructor is compe-
tent to teach such exercise.
The theoretical knowledge for Light aircraft pilot license helicopters LAPL(H) and private pilot licence
for helicopters PPL(H) is simplified (ref. FCL.110.H and FCL.210.H). The associated AMC for flight instruc-
tion describes the flight instruction syllabus and specifically mentions loss of tail rotor effectiveness to
be trained.
For commercial licences, an ATO might develop a training for an ATP integrated, ATP modular, CPL/IR in-
tegrated, CPL integrated, or CPL modular course for helicopters. This is reflected in Part-FCL Appendix 3
and the breakdown of training exercise is given in AMC1 to Appendix 3 - Training courses for the issue
of a CPL and an ATPL.
This breakdown of flight exercises for a professional licence, as presented in Part-FCL, is less descrip-
tive than for private pilots. The ATO is responsible for developing a training programme for each type of
course offered (ORA.ATO.125 Training programme). It will depend on initial pilot qualification at entry
and the training tools (FSTD, helicopter complexity…). For instance, a PPL(H) is a prerequisite for a mod-
ular course.
To ensure that the organisation is capable to carry this level of responsibility, Annex VII (Part-ORA) to
Commission Regulation (EU) 1178/2011, Subpart ATO – Approved Training Organisation contains in
Section II, additional requirements for ATOs providing training for CPL, MPL and ATPL and the associat-
ed ratings and certificates. The ATO should demonstrate to the competent authority that an adequate
number of qualified and competent staff is employed with minimum qualification level for the Head of
Training and Chief Flight Instructor. It should also describe the briefings and air exercise that have to be
followed in the training manual and operations manual (AMC1 ORA.ATO.230(a)).
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There is an optimum balance between personnel competence and heavier organisation approval process
versus the privilege to manage the complexity of training programmes for commercial licences, taking
into account the various type ratings and associated flight Crew Operational Suitability Data. The Agency
does not regulate into the details such training programme, but the approval process is there to guaran-
tee continued quality standards in training delivery. ORA.GEN.200 Management system also ensure that
compliance monitoring function and a safety management system are in place.
As a support, the Agency, published documentation such as the “EHEST Helicopter Flight Instructor Man-
ual” or the “EHEST Leaflet HE 5 Risk Management in Training”. Both cover the LTE in detail.
Following this Safety Recommendation, the Agency did a safety review of LTE occurrences. This review
did not reveal any obvious weakness in the commercial training programme compared to private pilots.
LTE phenomena involving private pilots are often associated with low experience pilots flying on low
performance helicopters. LTE phenomena involving commercial pilots are often associated with the risk
management of complex operations or manoeuvers such as sling release, high altitude operations or
highly specific photography shooting.
As a follow-up, the Agency intends to review this topic with Competent Authorities of EASA Member
States and establish whether some concerns exist in the development of training programme by ATO es-
pecially using the very specific example of LTE.
Following this review, the Agency will provide feedback.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

HUGHES In the ocean 3 NM east of

EC-LXF 19/05/2015 Accident
369 Pinedo (Valencia)

Synopsis of the event:

On Tuesday, 19 May 2015 at 14:00, helicopter EC-LXF took off from the temporary heliport in Huércal-Overa (Alm-
ería) on a positioning flight to La Seu d’Urgell (Lleida). Onboard the aircraft were the pilot and another occupant
who was also a helicopter pilot but who had no flight duties in the cockpit.

Upon reaching the Valencia TMA, the pilot requested to proceed from Cullera to Sagunto along the coastline at
1000 ft or below, which Valencia Approach Control authorized.

While flying over the sea, they heard a loud noise in the helicopter, which started rotating violently left while
banking right.

The pilot ditched the aircraft and issued a MAYDAY on the radio at 15:18. The helicopter fell into the sea and
sank. The occupants managed to exit the aircraft under their own power.

An aircraft flying in the area received the MAYDAY call and notified Valencia approach control. Upon verifying
that they had lost the radar signal from the aircraft, they activated the search and rescue services.

The two occupants were rescued alive by a SASEMAR vessel.

The helicopter wreckage could not be found despite a months‐long search under water.
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Based on the statements of the helicopter’s occupants, the most probable cause of the accident seems to have
been the interruption of power transmitted from the engine to the main transmission through the shaft joining

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2017-017 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) considers the suitability of ruling the need
to conduct water survival training for flights over water in specialized air operations, as they are defined in Reg-
ulation (EU) 965/2012, part SPO. [REC 17/17]

Reply No. 1 sent on 17/08/2017:

This safety issue is addressed under Part-SPO (specialised operations), Part-ORO (organisation re-
quirements for air operations) and Part-NCO (non-commercial operations with other-than complex
motor-powered aircraft) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (applicable for SPO since 21 April
2017 at the latest), with the applicability depending on the nature of the specialised operation ie com-
mercial or non-commercial, and depending on the complexity of the aircraft ie complex motor-powered
or not, as defined in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008. It should be noted that the operation (SPO with other-
than complex motor-powered helicopters) involved in the accident on 19 May 2015, which is related to
this safety recommendation, was governed by national legislation. The relevant provisions under Com-
mission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 are as follows:
ƒƒ The operator is required to conduct a risk assessment of their operation/s and to establish suitable
mitigating measures through implementation of either standard operating procedures for non-
commercial SPO with complex motor-powered aircraft and for all commercial SPO (SPO.OP.230;
AMC1 SPO.OP.230; SPO.SPEC.HESLO/HEC.100), or checklists for NCO (NCO.SPEC.105; GM1 NCO.
SPEC.105; NCO.SPEC.HESLO/HEC.100), including, where appropriate and/or applicable, carriage
of specific equipment for over water flights and/or provision of water survival training for flight
crew. The mitigation should be tailored according to the level of exposure to the safety risk eg
survivability in the event of a survivable accident over water taking account of whether the oper-
ations are frequently or only occasionally conducted over water.
ƒƒ Moreover, helicopter operators are required to carry additional equipment for flights over water,
such as life jackets, survival suits, life rafts, and/or survival emergency locator transmitters, de-
pending on the nature of the operation and depending on the complexity of the helicopter (SPO.
IDE.H.195/7/8/9 or NCO.IDE.H.175).
ƒƒ In addition, complex motor-powered helicopters operated on flights over water in a hostile envi-
ronment at a distance from land corresponding to more than 10 minutes’ flying time at normal
cruising speed, and other-than complex motor-powered helicopters flying over water in a hos-
tile environment beyond a distance of 50 NM from land shall be fitted with emergency flotation
equipment (SPO.IDE.H.203 (c) or NCO.IDE.H.185, and see subparagraph 69 of Annex I of Commis-
sion Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 for definition of hostile environment).
ƒƒ Also, operators conducting non-commercial SPO with complex motor-powered aircraft or con-
ducting commercial SPO shall ensure that their aircraft are equipped and its crews are qualified as
required for the area and type of operation (ORO.GEN.110 (d)).
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In addition, the safety issue has recently been evaluated by EASA through rulemaking task RMT.0409
on helicopter offshore operations (HOFO), which concluded with the publication of additional legisla-
tive mitigation (Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1199 of 22 July 2016 amending Regulation (EU) No
965/2012, and the associated Executive Director Decision 2016/022/R) for operations with the highest ex-
posure to the safety risk ie commercial HOFO and non-commercial HOFO with complex motor-powered
helicopters (applicable from 01 July 2018), as follows:
ƒƒ Provisions on Specific Approvals (SPA) under SPA.HOFO, including, for example:
ƒƒ additional procedures and equipment for operations in a hostile environment, for example, life
jackets, survival suits, emergency breathing systems, life rafts (SPA.HOFO.165);
ƒƒ water entry and sea survival training for flight crew (SPA.HOFO.170 (a)(3));
ƒƒ implementation of operating procedures (SPA.HOFO.110).
The above-mentioned provisions are expected to achieve an acceptable level of safety with regard to wa-
ter survival in the event of a survivable accident over water, taking into account the level of exposure to
the risk.
Lastly, EASA has in place a Safety Risk Management process, which, through routine monitoring based
on data analysis, aims to identify any weaknesses in the regulatory framework in order to take appropri-
ate action to close any safety gaps.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

EC-YDQ San Javier-Murcia 15/07/2016 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

The pilot was flying a second traffic circuit of the “Los Garranchos” airfield, in the municipality of San Javier (Mur-
cia). Based on information provided by eyewitnesses, during the final phase of the circuit the engine misfired
and seemed to stop. The aircraft pitched up and veered to its right, vertically impacting the terrain. The pilot was
killed as a result of the impact. The aircraft was outfitted with a ballistic parachute. While this parachute was be-
ing deactivated by specialized personnel, a fire broke out that affected the aircraft.

The investigation concluded that the accident occurred due to a loss of control of the aircraft after the downwind
leg of the airfield circuit. No signs were found that the aircraft and/or its components malfunctioned, although
it could not be rule out that a drop in power at the most critical point in the circuit surprised the pilot, who did
not have experience on the aircraft.

The following factors contributed to the accident:

ƒƒ the wind conditions that day at the airfield, with moderate wings and strong gusts that could have af-
fected the aircraft’s behavior at the most critical point in the circuit if the engine failed,

ƒƒ the pilot’s lack of experience on this aircraft type, which was less powerful and had an opposite direc-
tion of propeller rotation than his usual aircraft and
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ƒƒ the fact that the pilot had been tuning up the engine before making the first flight with the aircraft,
which might have contributed to a possible engine failure.

The investigation also conducted an analysis on the use of ballistic parachutes on aircraft and the lack of knowl-
edge that emergency personnel (firefighting, rescue, etc.) have regarding this system.

Several safety recommendations are issued in this regard on the need to warn, inform and train said personnel
in order to avoid an inadvertent ignition of the system, which could compromise the physical integrity of nearby
individuals in the event of an aircraft accident or incident in which the parachute does not deploy.

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2017-038 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) lay out the measures required so that air-
craft equipped with a ballistic parachute reflect this in the flight plan as part of point SERA.4005, Contents of
a flight plan, “Emergency and survival equipment”. [REC 38/17]

Reply No. 1 sent on 15/12/2017:

EASA agrees with the proposed intent of the Safety Recommendation.
With Rulemaking Task RMT 0.476, EASA intends to ensure the maintenance of Commission Implement-
ing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 concerning the common rules of the air (SERA), as well as of the related
Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) included in the Executive Director
(ED) Decision 2013/013/R. In this context, by first quarter of 2018 EASA will issue an Opinion and a re-
lated draft Decision in accordance with Art. 15 (Direct publication) of Management Board Decision No
18-2015 on the Agency’s Rulemaking Procedure, to introduce necessary amendments to the existing Im-
plementing Regulation (IR), AMC and GM.

Status: Open – Category:

Safety Recommendation SPAN-2017-040 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) lay out the measures required to initiate,
at the European level, an awareness, information and training campaign directed at general aviation users and
emergency services personnel on the existence, identification, location and deactivation of ballistic parachutes
in the event of an accident or incident. [REC 40/17]

Reply No. 1 sent on 15/12/2017:

EASA will examine how awareness of ballistic parachute recovery systems (BPRS) to emergency services
personnel can be improved further. At this stage, the subject of BPRS and the associated risk is currently
undergoing initial analysis in the EASA Safety Risk Management (SRM) process, which will enable the sys-
temic identification of both strategic actions for inclusion in the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS)
and any more immediate actions that may be considered appropriate.

Status: Open – Category:

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Safety Recommendation SPAN-2017-042 (CIAIAC)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) should liaise with International Civil Avia-
tion Organization (ICAO) to include standards for the design (conspicuity, coloration, visibility, and content) in the
installation of ballistic parachute systems. This should include, as compulsory for pyrotechnical systems, specifi-
cations of the routing of the components of the system and a thermal exposure indicator to enable emergency
responders to quickly and safely disable the system, and fully alert persons to the hazards and the danger areas
on the aircraft. [REC 42/17]

Reply No. 1 sent on 15/12/2017:

EASA is analysing this safety recommendation and will provide an updated reply during first quarter

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

BOEING Arlanda airport, Stockholm

LN-KKD 20/12/2009 Incident
737 County

Synopsis of the event:

The flight was a regular flight with passengers from Stockholm/Arlanda airport to Nice in France. The airplane
was equipped with 148 seats and had 145 passengers on board.

During the preparations for engine start on the apron the electrical power from the airplane’s APU-generator
ceased, and resulted in that the main lighting in the cabin extinguished and the cabin internal communication-
and advertisement system stopped to function.

The pilots continued with the preparations for flight and during start of the right engine short fire flames from
engine’s exhaust appeared. A small pool of fuel on the ground behind the engine also caught fire, but soon ex-
tinct spontaneously.

Some of the passengers observed the fire flames and called “it is on fire”. This led to that a number of passengers
left their seats and moved forward toward the exits. The cabin crew in the forward part of the cabin could not
properly assess the situation, since the passengers prevented both view and passage backward, but concluded
that there was a safety risk. An emergency evacuation was therefore initiated by the cabin crew in the forward
part of the cabin.

The cabin crew member in the rear part of the cabin observed that both the flames from the engine and the
fire on the ground soon ceased, considered that there was no further risk for fire. Because of the electrical pow-
er loss, there was however no possibility by normal procedures to communicate with the other crew members.
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The airplane was evacuated through the front doors. No person was injured in the emergency evacuation.

The serious incident to personal injury at the unexpected evacuation of the aircraft was caused by that the cab-
in attendants were unable to control or prevent the course of events in the cabin, when spontaneous calls about
“fire” had started a reaction among the passengers.

Safety Recommendation SWED-2011-011 (SHK)

The European Aviation Safety Agency is recommended to consider the need for expanded information and
checking of understanding emergency evacuation procedures, of passengers who are expected to act in emer-
gency evacuation of aircraft. [RL 2010:10 R2]

Reply No. 5 sent on 28/04/2017:

The Agency evaluated this safety issue within the framework of rulemaking tasks RMT.0516 and RMT.0517
‘Updating Air OPS Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 Implementing Rules and related Acceptable Means of
Compliance (AMC) & Guidance Material (GM)’.
The outcome of the evaluation is contained in EASA Executive Director (ED) Decision 2017/008/R, which
was published on the Agency’s web site on 30 March 2017.
The ED Decision introduces a new point (a)(3) in AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.170 on passenger briefings before
take-off, which states that passengers occupying seats with direct access to emergency exits not staffed
by cabin crew members should receive an additional briefing on the operation and use of the exit.
The Decision also introduces new GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.170(a) on the briefing of passengers occupying seats
with direct access to emergency exits not staffed by cabin crew members. Point (a) of this GM states that
the emergency exit briefing should contain instructions on the operation of the exit, assessment of sur-
rounding conditions for the safe use of the exit, and recognition of emergency commands given by the
crew. Point (b) of the same GM states that cabin crew should verify that the passenger(s) is (are) able and
willing to assist the crew in case of an emergency and that the passenger(s) has (have) understood the

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

BAE Serious
SE-MAP Helsinki Vantaa airport 11/01/2010
ATP incident

Synopsis of the event:

A cargo aircraft of type BAe ATP was to fly from Helsinki to Copenhagen. Owing to the prevailing weather con-
ditions, the aircraft had undergone a twostep deicing prior to departure. In the two-step deicing procedure, hot
water is mixed with glycol (Type I fluid) to remove ice, frost and snow from critical surfaces on the aircraft; after
this, a fluid containing thickening agent (Type II/IV) is applied, to prevent ice from reforming. At takeoff, the con-
trol column could not be pulled back when the rotation speed was reached, and the pilot felt that the elevator
movement was restricted. Takeoff was aborted and the aircraft taxied back to the apron.
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Once SHK’s investigation had started, it was discovered that several similar incidents involving the same type
of aircraft and similar conditions had occurred. Following an initial technical inspection, it could be noted that
the individual craft which had experienced these incidents shared certain common denominators: deicing with
Type II/IV, combined with too narrow a gap between the stabiliser and elevator, were determining factors in the

In collaboration with one of the operators, SHK has carried out a series of tests to recreate and document the
phenomenon. The test results verified the connection between too small an elevator hinge gap and elevator re-
strictions, in situations where deicing had been carried out using fluids containing thickening agents.

The investigations also showed that the process for drawing up specifications and requirements for deicing fluids
is, to a certain extent, controlled by trade organisations. The investigation found, too, that at present no moni-
toring or specific inspection activities relating to these fluids are carried out by any pan-European aviation safety
body. Neither is there any authorisation process, or any set certification rules, with regard to the types of aircraft
which can/may use different types of deicing fluids.

The incidents involving elevator restrictions were caused by a phenomenon which, for unknown reasons, occurs
following the use of anti-icing fluids containing thickening agents, on individual aircraft where the stabiliser and
elevator are too close together. One contributory factor was the fact that there were shortcomings in that part
of the aircraft’s type certification exercises that concerned anti-icing.

Safety Recommendation SWED-2011-016 (SHK)

It is recommended that EASA should investigate the possibility of tightening requirements on aircraft design or-
ganizations in terms of demonstrating that the aircraft has full manoeuvrability during all phases of the takeoff
procedure after the application of de- and anti-icing fluids. [RL 2011: 16e R2]

Reply No. 4 sent on 02/06/2017:

This safety recommendation is being taken into account in rulemaking task RMT.0118 entitled ‘Analysis
of on-ground wing contamination effect on take-off performance degradation’ which started with the
publication of its terms of reference on 21/03/2017:
The specific objective of this task is to mitigate the risk of loss of control of an aeroplane (in particular
during, but not limited to, the take-off phase), and the risk of runway excursion after an aborted take-off
at high speed, caused by an aerodynamic performance or controllability degradation, as a result of aer-
odynamic surfaces contamination by ice or de/anti-icing fluids.

Status: Open – Category:

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

EP-IBB Stockholm/Arlanda Airport 16/01/2010 Incident

Synopsis of the event:


The incident occurred in connection with a commercial air transport with the airline Iran Air. The aircraft in ques-
tion, an Airbus A300-600 with the registration EP-IBB, was to commence a flight from Stockholm/Arlanda Airport
to Tehran in Iran. Following normal preparations, the aircraft was taxied out to runway 19R for take-off.

The runway conditions were reported as good, with some patches of ice along the runway. The investigation
has however revealed that the runway was contaminated and likely had coefficients of friction which fell short
of the reported values.

After taxiing out, the crew began routine take-off procedures by increasing engine thrust during acceleration on
the runway. After just over 10 seconds, one or more of the edges in a repaired section of the engine – the diffus-
er aft air seal – separated, thereby triggering a sequence which led to a sudden engine failure.

No warning messages were announced in the cockpit at the time of the failure; the pilots only noticed the en-
gine failure through a muffled bang at the same time as the aircraft began to veer to the left. The initial veer,
immediately after the engine seizure, was a result of the nose wheel being unable to gain sufficient force against
the contaminated surface to counteract the moment which arose when the right engine – for a duration of ap-
proximately 1.5 seconds – supplied full thrust at the same time as the left engine rapidly lost thrust. The highest
speed registered during the sequence was 59 knots (110 km/h).

Despite the co-pilot’s reactions – retarding the thrust levers after just over a second, at the same time as steering
and opposite rudder were applied – the veer could not be corrected and the aircraft ran off the runway, main-
ly caused by the forces from the moment in combination with the slippery surface. The chances of stopping the
continued veer were probably reduced by the fact that the pilots did not apply any differential braking in the op-
posite direction.

The investigation also showed that the pilots’ braking was unintentionally asymmetrical, with a higher brake
pressure on the “wrong side”, i.e., in the direction in which the aircraft ran off the runway. Even if this fact may
have affected the aircraft’s movement pattern, such an impact has, however, not been possible to determine
with any reasonable degree of certainty. It is, nevertheless, noteworthy that analyzed data from the FDR show
that the recorded brake angles (asymmetric braking) were not accompanied or followed by any corresponding
change in the rate of heading change.

There are no specific certification requirements for aircraft design organization to show that the aircraft is ma-
noeuvrable in the event of a sudden loss of engine thrust during the initial stage of the take-off sequence. There
are also no mandatory requirements for training regarding how to handle sudden losses of engine thrust dur-
ing the initial stage of the take-off sequence for pilots in training or recurrent training for this class of aircraft.
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Following the event, the engine was sent for examination to Lufthansa Technik (LHT) in Hamburg on behalf of
SHK. Following a completed damage analysis, LHT provided a report on the examination. In addition to an anal-
ysis of the sequence and the damage, the report also contained an opinion on the probable cause of the engine

According to LHT, it is likely that the diffuser aft air seal had come loose due to micro cracks in the nine attach-
ment lugs that hold the seal against the diffuser.

Neither General Electric Aircraft Engines (GE) nor SHK were in agreement with the LHT’s assessment of the recov-
ered hardware for which reason the decision was made for further analysis of the recovered parts of the failed
engine at the Volvo Aero Corporation metallurgical labs.

The analysis carried out by Volvo Aero Corporation indicated that the engine failure that occurred – and which
was the primary reason for the incident – had probably been caused by fatigue damage in a different part of the
diffuser aft air seal.

The engine failure started once the aft air seal separated from the diffuser assembly. Seal fragments began in-
creasing the amount of debris when seal material fractured a six bolt section of the stage 1 HPT1 blade retainer,
liberating pieces of bolt threads, nuts and retainer material. This debris quickly got into the engine gaspath re-
sulting in downstream damage from the HPT Rotor aft causing an engine stall.

The engine stall is clearly visible in the films taken by onlookers from the station building. As the liberated de-
bris travelled aft down the engine’s gaspath, low pressure turbine blades were being broken / separated. With
the amount of LPT blade damage, fan speed (N1) began to decrease since the LPT didn’t have enough blade air-
foils to drive the fan.

The overall assessment of the investigation results suggests that the fatigue had started in the repaired seam at
the diffuser aft air seal teeth. All documented cases of CF6-80C2 diffuser aft air seal failures have been seals that
had been previously repaired.

The incident that occurred was caused by the following factors:


ƒƒ Deficiencies in the certification process for large aircraft with wing-mounted engines with regard to
requirements for yaw stability in the event of sudden loss of engine power in the speed range below

ƒƒ Deficiencies in pilot training with regard to training for sudden losses of engine thrust in the speed
range below VMCG.


ƒƒ Deficiencies in the approval and follow-up of the Dabbler TIG Weld repair on the engine’s diffuser aft
air seal.
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Safety Recommendation SWED-2012-006 (SHK)

EASA is recommended to ensure that initial and recurrent pilot training includes mandatory rejected takeoff ex-
ercises that cover events of a sudden loss of engine thrust below VMCG. [RL 2012: 21 R6]

Reply No. 4 sent on 31/08/2017:

EASA Rulemaking Task RMT.0188 reviewed this recommendation and delivered Opinion No 05/2017
amending Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 related to flight crew licensing (FCL) on 29 June
2017. The opinion coordinates Part–FCL safety and regulatory issues and takes benefit from ED Decision
2016/008/R of 2 May 2016 that addresses performance-based navigation (PBN) operations with new Ap-
plicable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM). This decision introduces new learning
objectives (LOs) for ATPL, MPL, CPL and IR for aeroplanes and helicopters. LO 081 08 02 10 requires to de-
scribe how velocity, minimum control (ground) (VMCG) is determined and to explain the influence of the
centre of gravity location. LO 081 08 02 11 requires to describe the influence of density and to explain
why velocity, minimum control (air) (VMCA), velocity, minimum control (landing) (VMCL) and VMCG re-
duce with an increase in altitude and temperature.
In support of the new standards, appendix 9 — Training, skill test and proficiency checks for MPL, ATPL,
type and class ratings, and proficiency checks for IRs is amended but no change to the rejected take off
manoeuvre was deemed necessary.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

BOMBARDIER Oajevágge, Norrbotten County,

SE-DUX 07/01/2016 Accident
CL600 2B19 Sweden

Synopsis of the event:

The accident occurred on 8 January 2016 during a commercial cargo flight from Oslo/Gardermoen Airport
(ENGM) to Tromsø/Langnes Airport (ENTC) and involved an aeroplane of the model CL-600-2B19, manufactured
by Bombardier Inc. The aeroplane was operated by West Atlantic Sweden AB and had the registration SE-DUX.

The flight was uneventful until the start of the event, which occurred during the approach briefing in level flight
at FL 330. The event started at 00:19:20 hrs during darkness without moonlight, clouds or turbulence. The lack
of external visual references meant that the pilots were totally dependent on their instruments which, inter alia
consisted of three independent attitude indicators.

According to recorded data and simulations a very fast increase in pitch was displayed on the left attitude indi-
cator. The pilot in command, who was the pilot flying and seated in the left seat exclaimed a strong expression.
The displayed pitch change meant that the pilot in command was subjected to a surprise effect and a degrada-
tion of spatial orientation The autopilot was, most probably, disconnected automatically, a “cavalry charge” aural
warning and a single chime was heard, the latter most likely as a result of miscompare between the left and right
pilots’ flying displays (PFD).
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Both elevators moved towards nose down and nose down stabilizer trim was gradually activated from the left
control wheel trim switch. The aeroplane started to descend, the angle of attack and G-loads became negative.
Both pilots exclaimed strong expressions and the co-pilot said “come up”.

About 13 seconds after the start of the event the crew were presented with two contradictory attitude indica-
tors with red chevrons pointing in opposite directions. At the same time none of the instruments displayed any
comparator caution due to the PFDs declutter function in unusual attitude. Bank angle warnings were heard and
the maximum operating speed and Mach number were exceeded 17 seconds after the start of the event, which
activated the overspeed warning. The speed continued to increase, a distress call was transmitted and acknowl-
edged by the air traffic control and the engine thrust was reduced to flight idle.

The crew was active during the entire event. The dialogue between the pilots consisted mainly of different per-
ceptions regarding turn directions. They also expressed the need to climb. At this stage, the pilots were probably
subjected to spatial disorientation. The aircraft collided with the ground one minute and twenty seconds after
the initial height loss. The two pilots were fatally injured and the aeroplane was destroyed.

SHK has investigated the alerting and rescue services that were performed. There is a potential for improvement
of procedures, training and exercises that could shorten the alerting time, improve the situational awareness of
relevant rescue authorities and increase the ability to carry out a rescue operation in the mountains.

The accident site and the wreckage did not show any evidence of an inflight break-up.

The flight recorders were recovered and readout. Calculations and simulations were performed to reconstruct
the event and showed that the aeroplane’s flight control system operated normally.

The erroneous attitude indication on PFD 1 was caused by a malfunction of the Inertial Reference Unit (IRU 1).
The pitch and roll comparator indications of the PFDs were removed when the attitude indicators displayed unu-
sual attitudes. In the simulator, in which the crew had trained, the corresponding indications were not removed.
During the event the pilots initially became communicatively isolated from each other.

The current flight operational system lacked essential elements which are necessary. In this occurrence a system
for efficient communication was not in place. SHK considers that a general system of initial standard calls for the
handling of abnormal and emergency procedures and also for unusual and unexpected situations should be in-
corporated in commercial aviation.

The accident was caused by insufficient operational prerequisites for the management of a failure in a redun-
dant system.

Contributing factors were:

ƒƒ The absence of an effective system for communication in abnormal and emergency situations.

ƒƒ The flight instrument system provided insufficient guidance about malfunctions that occurred.

ƒƒ The initial manoeuver that resulted in negative G-loads probably affected the pilots’ ability to manage
the situation in a rational manner.
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Safety Recommendation SWED-2016-001 (SHK)

EASA is recommended to ensure that a general system of initial standard calls for the handling of abnormal and
emergency procedures and also for unusual and unexpected situations is implemented throughout the commer-
cial air transport industry. [RL 2016:11 R2]

Reply No. 1 sent on 20/01/2017:

Part-FCL (Annex 1) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 on Aircrew includes specific multi-crew
cooperation (MCC) training (FCL.735.A). The MCC course includes training to achieve competencies in
communication, problem-solving, decision-making, monitoring and cross-checking. It includes making
and responding to standard callouts (see AMC1 FCL.735.A).
The operator shall also define the crew composition (ORO.FC.100) and provide Crew Resource Manage-
ment (CRM) training appropriate to the flight crew member’s role, as specified in the operations manual
(ORO.FC.115 (a) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012). Elements of CRM training are required to
be included in the aircraft type training and recurrent training as well as in the command course (ORO.
FC.115 (b)).
CRM is a major contributing factor to many occurrences, therefore the Agency significantly extended and
modernised the existing CRM training scheme with ED Decision 2015/022/R, which entered into force
on 01 October 2016. In particular, AMC1 ORO.FC.115 refers to the integration of CRM principles into
flight crew training and operations including abnormal and emergency procedures. It identifies as train-
ing elements the operation monitoring and intervention as specified in the operations manual and puts
a special emphasis on crew resilience, surprise and startle effect.
The regulatory framework already provides requirements for monitoring and intervention on abnormal
and emergency procedures with a special emphasis on unexpected situations. The Agency intends to sup-
port air operators in its implementation.
For this purpose, the Agency held a workshop on “CRM in practice” on 8 November 2016, and plans to
launch a safety promotion action to take stock of and disseminate the best practices discussed during
the workshop.

Status: Open – Category:

Safety Recommendation SWED-2016-005 (SHK)

Ensure that the design criteria of PFD units are improved in such a way that pertinent cautions are not removed
during unusual attitude or declutter modes. [RL 2016:11 R3]

Reply No. 1 sent on 03/03/2017:

Pitch miscompare flags are implemented in Primary Flight Displays (PFD) to mitigate the effect of mis-
leading attitude indication. The intent of the certification requirements for PFD is that miscompare flags
are not removed in unusual attitudes or declutter modes.
EASA is in contact with TCCA, primary certification authority for the CL600-2B19, to analyse the reasons
why the pitch miscompare flag is removed in this design in unusual attitudes. In parallel, EASA is investi-
gating if any other EASA certified design has similar design features.

Status: Open – Category:

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

ATR during approach to Visby Serious

SE-MDB 30/11/2014
ATR72 Airport incident

Synopsis of the event:

The incident occurred during a scheduled flight from Bromma to Visby. The commander has stated that small vi-
brations were felt during descent, at around 7,000 feet. The indicated speed was 250 kts and the power levers
were set to idle.

The vibrations increased in intensity and the commander reduced the rate of descent to 2,500 feet per minute.
The vibrations became so severe that the cabin crew had difficulties moving in the cabin and that there were dif-
ficulties reading the instruments in cockpit.

Information from the flight recorders shows that the left propeller was first feathered momentarily. The right
propeller was feathered thereafter, after which the right engine was shut off. The flight continued with the left
engine in operation. The information also reveals that the communication between the pilots did not include
confirmation of which engine’s power levers were manoeuvred. A number of warning signals were activated dur-
ing the sequence of events. The signals were not reset during the acute phase of the event.

When the commander moved the right propeller control to feather position, he was unable to push it all the way
to fuel shut-off position. The control was therefore returned to the “auto” position and then pushed back via the
feather position to fuel shut-off, whereby the vibrations subsided.

The co-pilot explained the situation to the air traffic controller in the Visby tower and declared an emergency sit-
uation. The air traffic controller triggered the alert signal.

The approach and landing were executed without problems.

The investigation revealed following damages:

ƒƒ The eccentric trunnion pin on blade no. 2 was ruptured.

ƒƒ The front propeller pitch change actuator plate was severely bent on all six positions.

ƒƒ The engine mounts had received damage from contact with metal.

ƒƒ The engine’s compressor housing was cracked along half of its circumference.

ƒƒ The shaft of the AC generator was ruptured.

SHK has been unable to establish the cause of the serious incident.

Safety Recommendation SWED-2016-002 (SHK)

EASA is recommended to:

Consider introducing temporary limitations in the manoeuvring envelope, or limitations of the power ranges
within the latter, until the problem is resolved and rectified. [RL 2016:07 R1]
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Reply No. 1 sent on 17/01/2017:

On 19 January 2016, EASA issued Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) 2015-03R1. Since then, there were no
further events on record where propeller vibration caused damage to the hardware.
Operators flying aeroplanes as defined in the Applicability of this SIB should follow as much as possi-
ble the aeroplane manufacturer recommendation for a standard descent speed at maximum 240 knots
(refer to ATR Fight Crew Operating Manual – Section 3.07). If, for any reason, during descent the speed
becomes close to VMO and the power levers have to be reduced to ‘flight idle’ position, a smooth and
progressive reduction of the power levers should be accomplished.
Additionally, the UTAS company issued in August 2015 (SB568F-61-69) “Propeller - Variable Pitch Aircraft -
Introduction Of New Ball Separator”, addressing reduction of internal friction loads which are suspected
to contribute to the observed vibrations.
Testing coordinated between the Aircraft- and Propeller Type Certificate holder is still ongoing. These
tests are necessary to confirm the possible causes of severe vibrations.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

SE-LVR Ängsö, Västmanland County 22/01/2016 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

A training flight in an aeroplane of the model Diamond DA42 was to be undertaken at Västerås Airport. On board
were an instructor and a student in the front seats, with one further student in the back seat. During the training
exercise – the plan for which included approaches and flying on one engine – the instructor should demonstrate
a manoeuvre called “deep stall”. It was dark during the flight, which was undertaken partly under instrument
meteorological conditions, with overcast clouds with base of 300–400 feet and tops of approx. 2,000 feet, with
icing conditions forecasted in clouds.

According to the instructor, the exercise was conducted in the following manner: The aeroplane was brought into
a steep climb with an attitude of approx. 25–30º at the same time as an approx. 30º bank to the right was set. Dur-
ing the deceleration, both engines were set to full power and when the aeroplane was approaching stall speed, the
stick was pulled fully back. However, the students gave evidence when interviewed that the pitch attitude during
the climb was at least 50º (nose up). This information also supports the analyses conducted by the Swedish Accident
Investigation Authority (SHK) on data recorded by units in the aeroplane.

At the top of this manoeuvre, the aeroplane rolled over to the left and entered a spin from an altitude of approx.
4,500 feet. The instructor attempted – e.g. by varying the engine power – to exit the spin. However, the aeroplane
continued to spin and, following a sequence of events lasting just over 30 seconds, crashed into woodland close to
Ängsjö Church. According to the data registered on units on board and the radar data that have been obtained, the
rate of descent in the initial phase is determined to have been approx. 52 m/s (approx. 10 200 ft/min), which then
gradually decreased to approx. 19 m/s (approx. 3 700 ft/min) prior to impact.

During the impact phase into the woods, a tree trunk entered the fuselage, causing the student in the back seat to
be thrown out of the aeroplane. With the rate of descent and the rotation decreasing and with parts of the aero-
plane remaining in the surrounding trees, the wrecked aeroplane finally impacted in the woodland and was totally
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destroyed. The two people in the front seats survived, but were seriously injured. The student in the back seat, who
also suffered serious injuries, came to his senses standing in front of the aeroplane wreckage.

Both SHK and the type certificate holder, Diamond, have made the assessment that the manoeuvre performed can
be classified as a type of aerobatic flying that is not permitted in accordance with the aeroplane’s approved flight

According to the applicable regulations, the flight training organization shall have a well-thought-out and functional
quality and safety system for the identification and minimisation of potential hazards in its operations. This system
is scrutinised during the Swedish Transport Agency’s initial inspection and oversight inspections.

However, these inspections do not encompass any detailed inspection of practical realisation – or levels of risk –
with respect to the aspects of practical flight training that may be associated with increased levels of risk. The
applicable regulations also contain no guidance pertaining to the practical execution of such exercises.

All in all, SHK is of the opinion that it must be possible to guarantee students at flying schools the same level of
flight safety as afforded to passengers on commercial flights. This accident shows that both regulations and super-
vision are deficient with respect to the identification of areas of risk and hazardous circumstances in conjunction
with flight training.

The accident was caused by the following factors:

ƒƒ The high risk factor of the exercise.

ƒƒ Deficient planning of the training exercise with respect to the options for managing hazardous situations.

ƒƒ Lack of guidance from the authorities concerned regarding practical implementation of certain exercis-
es within flight training.

Safety Recommendation SWED-2017-001 (SHK)

Identify exercises in flight training that might entail an increased risk factor and to issue guidance material (GM) for
the practical execution of these. [RL 2017:04 R1]

Reply No. 1 sent on 02/06/2017:

EASA made a comprehensive review of all accidents and serious incidents since the year 2000 related to
flight instruction or examination on aircrafts with a maximum take-off weight below 5.7t. This review
highlighted the higher risk related to stall and upset training exercises as well as the in-flight simulation
of an engine-out situation.
EASA used the opportunity of the aircrew standardisation meeting with the competent authorities that
took place on 12.10.2016 to present a similar accident investigation as a case study. The EASA review was
shared with competent authorities of EASA Member States to support them in the frame of their over-
sight responsibilities.
However, the Agency believes that there is not a one-size-fits-all guidance material because the risk ar-
eas vary depending on the type of activity. The risk has to be permanently evaluated and monitored in
line with latest information. Each organisation has to define their own procedures tailored to mitigate
the risks associated with their specific fleet and operations. The Agency does not offer the proper lev-
el of granularity and cannot substitute for the requirement for an Approved Training organisation (ATO)
to implement a hazard identification and risk mitigation process (ORA.GEN.200 Management System of
Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1178/2011).
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Therefore, whilst it is acknowledged that prescriptive limitations without safety assurance have limited
effect, awareness and safety promotion are key vectors to help ATOs in their Safety Risk Management.
The Swedish Safety Investigation Authority has already issued a similar recommendation and expressed
a doubt on the effectiveness of individual flight schools’ safety management systems (SMS). Because SMS
is an essential component of organisations approval and is under the scrutiny of the oversight function,
EASA will send a new information to all Member States to carefully take into consideration the increased
risk of such exercise in the frame of their oversight function and clarify the status of Upset Prevention
and Recovery Training.
In addition, the Agency will contact the Swedish Transport Agency and work in cooperation with it with
the objective that individual flight schools properly follow SMS principles and demonstrate it to their
Competent Authority.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

FOKKER Serious
YR-FZA Gällivare Airport 06/04/2016
F28 incident

Synopsis of the event:

The serious incident occurred during a scheduled flight from Arvidsjaur to Gällivare airport and involved an
aeroplane of the type Fokker 100 with registration marks YR-FZA. The aircraft was operated by the Romanian
operator Carpatair on behalf of the Swedish airline Nextjet.

During the instrument approach to runway 30 at Gällivare airport, which was performed in darkness with snow
and rain, the runway threshold was crossed at approximately 50 feet with a recorded speed of 134 knots. After
a hard landing in the touchdown zone with unchanged speed the aeroplane bounced and was displaced in yaw.
Reported friction coefficients were 0.36, 0.34 and 0.35.

After the landing, which was performed with full flaps and air brake, the lift dumpers on the wing’s upper
surface extended. According to interviews, maximum reverse was activated and the brakes were applied imme-
diately after the displacement in yaw. Data from the recordings indicate that reverse rpm increased from low idle
only 20 seconds after touchdown at a speed of about 50 knots. Engine reverse rpm then only reached 75% and
65%, while the maximum speed limitation is 95.5%.

The aeroplane overran the end of the runway and came to a full stop on the runway strip. There were no injuries
and the damage to the aeroplane was limited.

The investigation revealed that the serious incident was caused by the gradual decrease of the conditions for
a safe landing, which was not perceived in due time.

Contributing factors:

ƒƒ The airspeed did not decrease from 50 feet’s height to touchdown.

ƒƒ The reported friction coefficients were probably unreliable.

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ƒƒ The wheel brakes were probably not fully applied due to the initial yaw disturbance.

ƒƒ The reverse rpm increased only 20 seconds after touchdown.

Safety Recommendation SWED-2017-003 (SHK)

EASA is recommended to work for the introduction of a generic Safe Landing concept including the flight phase
from the runway threshold until full stop. [RL 2017:03 R2]

Reply No. 1 sent on 02/06/2017:

The European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) is fed from the European Safety Risk Management process.
At the heart of the EPAS are the domain Safety Risk Portfolios, which identify the Key Risk Areas (Acci-
dent Outcomes) to be prevented and the associated Safety Issues. The assessment of identified Safety
Issues results in the identification of EPAS action proposals. A Safety Issue has been added to the CAT Aer-
oplanes Safety Risk Portfolio for “Approach Path Management”. This will be subject to a full Safety Issue
Assessment that will fully evaluate the Safe Landing Concept as part of the action proposals.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

BAE Vilhelmina Airport, Västerbotten Serious

SE-LLO 06/04/2016
ATP County incident

Synopsis of the event:

The occurrence consists of two separate incidents, with the second having been a consequence of the first. The
occurrence has therefore been described as the first incident and the second incident, respectively.

The first incident

The aeroplane, a BAe ATP from NextJet AB with the registration SE-LLO, took off from Hemavan Tärnaby Airport
on a scheduled flight to Vilhelmina. There were 19 passengers and four crew members on board.

The plan was for the flight to continue on to Stockholm Arlanda Airport after a short stay on the ground in Vil-
helmina. Due to the prevailing weather, the pilots were informed via radio from the airport in Vilhelmina that
snow clearance of the runway had commenced.

The pilots commenced an ILS6 approach to runway 28 in Vilhelmina. The visibility at the time was approximate-
ly 1,400 metres in snow with reported friction coefficients of 0.43, 0.45 and 0.42 and 0.5 cm (5 mm) of slush on
the runway. Performance calculations were made using the lowest friction value of 0.42, but without corrections
for contamination on the runway. According to the commander, the approach was normal and without devia-
tions or problems. The approach was perceived early on to be stabilised and no major adjustments to attitude
or engine power needed to be made. This is supported by recordings from the aeroplane’s flight data recorder.

According to the commander, no deviations were perceived in the final phase of the approach in terms of flight
controls, engine thrust or changes in the aeroplane’s trim position. According to the commander, touchdown
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was at a normal speed on the centre line in the touchdown zone of the runway. Immediately after touchdown,
the aeroplane drifted over to the right side of the runway and after a certain amount of ground roll outside the
runway edge, was steered back towards the runway centre line again.

Measurements have shown that the aircraft’s right pair of wheels left the asphalted section of the runway around
400 metres after the estimated touchdown point and rolled outside of the runway for a distance of 155 metres
before it could be steered back onto the runway again. The wheels were at most 2.5 metres outside of the edge
of the asphalt. Roughly 500 metres from the touchdown zone, the aeroplane’s wheels hit one of the runway edge
lights, which came loose from its fitting and was thrown to the side.

Data from the aeroplane’s flight data recorder (FDR) revealed that the thrust during reversal of the engines after
touchdown was not symmetrical. The thrust of the right engine was notably higher than that of the left engine.
This caused a yawing moment to the right which could not be corrected by the crew. The incident was caused
by the following factors:

ƒƒ Asymmetrical reverse thrust.

ƒƒ The braking action was probably worse than what was indicated by the friction coefficients.

The second incident

When the aircraft taxied back after landing, the crew checked the wheel tracks and informed air traffic control
that they had run off the runway and also damaged a runway edge light. Following the incident, the commander
attempted to make contact with the company’s technician, only to find that he had left the airport. The com-
mander thus performed an inspection of the aircraft himself and detected no damage.

During their stay on the ground, the commander had a dialogue with one of the ramp service persons regarding
the occurrence. At this time, the crew’s perception of the incident changed and they did not believe they had run
off the runway. This perception is however not consistent with the radio com-munications with the tower, the in-
formation provided by the ramp service person and the images taken directly after the incident.

The commander contacted the company’s Head of Flight Operations to inform them about the occurrence. At
this time, however, it was not reported that the aircraft had left the runway – only that it had “drifted far out to-
wards the runway edge”. The Head of Flight Operations thus had no objections to the flight continuing on to
Stockholm Arlanda, according to plan.

However, it was established during an inspection the day after the occurrence that the aeroplane had suffered
structural damage to the right wing flap, likely caused by the runway light being thrown up towards the un-
derside of the wing when it was run over. SHK has established that the damaged wing flap – which had to be
replaced – had cracks and other damage which likely affected the structural integrity of the unit. The aeroplane
was thus not airworthy for the flights which were carried out following the landing in Vilhelmina. The incident
was caused by the following factors:

ƒƒ Continued flight was prioritised in the crew’s assessment of the incident during landing.

ƒƒ Shortcomings in the company’s systematic safety management with regard to maintenance checks
and inspections.

Safety Recommendation SWED-2017-005 (SHK)

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The EASA is recommended to:

Introduce generic performance corrections for aeroplane operations on surfaces contaminated with slush or wa-
ter. [RL 2017:0e R1]

Reply No. 1 sent on 02/06/2017:

The current regulatory framework addresses the risks associated with aeroplanes landing on contami-
nated runways, such as:
Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations:
ƒƒ For wet and contaminated runways, performance data determined in accordance with applicable
standards on certification of large aeroplanes or equivalent shall be used, and shall be specified
in the operations manual (sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) of CAT.POL.A.200).
ƒƒ If the performance data has been determined on the basis of a measured runway friction coeffi-
cient, the operator should use a procedure correlating the measured runway friction coefficient
and the effective braking coefficient of friction of the aeroplane type over the required speed
range for the existing runway conditions (AMC1 CAT.POL.A.200).
ƒƒ Contaminated runway means a runway of which more than 25 % of the runway surface area with-
in the required length and width being used is covered by: surface water more than 3 mm (0,125
in) deep, or by slush, or loose snow, equivalent to more than 3 mm (0,125 in) of water; snow which
has been compressed into a solid mass which resists further compression and will hold together
or break into lumps if picked up (compacted snow); ice, including wet ice (sub-paragraph (25) of
Annex I ‘Definitions).
ƒƒ Before commencing an approach to land, the commander shall be satisfied that, according to the
information available to him/her, the weather at the aerodrome and the condition of the run-
way or final approach and take-off area intended to be used should not prevent a safe approach,
landing or missed approach, having regard to the performance information contained in the op-
erations manual (see CAT.OP.MPA.300).
ƒƒ Provisions under CAT.POL.A.235 and CAT.POL.A.335 for aeroplanes landing on wet and contami-
nated runways.
Certification Specifications (CS) and Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) for large aeroplanes:
ƒƒ CS 25.1591 requires performance information to be contained in the Aircraft Flight Manual or
a statement to prohibit operations on contaminated runways. The derivation and methodology
of such performance information is described in AMC 25.1591.
The above-mentioned provisions, together with effective implementation of the air operations provi-
sions on safety management systems (ORO.GEN.200) and oversight by the competent authority (ARO.
GEN.300), are expected to provide an acceptable level of safety.
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Nevertheless, rulemaking task RMT.0296 ‘Review of aeroplane performance requirements for CAT op-
erations’ was launched by EASA on 9 June 2015 with the publication of the terms of reference. The
associated notice of proposed amendment NPA 2016-11 was published on 30 September 2016. It includes
proposals on standards for runway surface condition reporting, airworthiness standards for landing per-
formance computation at time of arrival and an in-flight assessment of landing performance at time of
arrival. The NPA takes into account the following recommendations made in the 2013 European Action
Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions (EAPPRE):
ƒƒ Establish and implement one consistent method of contaminated runway surface condition assess-
ment and reporting by the aerodrome operator for use by aircraft operators. Ensure the relation
of this report to aircraft performance as published by aircraft manufacturers.
ƒƒ It is recommended that aircraft operators always conduct an in-flight assessment of the landing
performance prior to landing. Note: Apply an appropriate margin to these results.
The next deliverable for RMT.0296, an EASA Opinion, is planned to be published in the third quarter of

Status: Open – Category:

Safety Recommendation SWED-2017-006 (SHK)

The EASA is recommended to:

Review the feasibility of changing the method of reporting from airports in terms of friction coefficients, so that
measured values are reported as unreliable under certain conditions. [RL 2017:05e R1]

Reply No. 1 sent on 02/06/2017:

Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 requires the aerodrome operator to provide data relevant to
the aerodrome and available services to the users and the relevant air traffic services and aeronautical
information services [ADR.OPS.A.005 (b)].
AMC1 ADR.OPS.A.005 further specifies that the aerodrome operator should provide information concern-
ing the condition of the movement area, whereas GM1 ADR.OPS.A.005 states that ‘for contaminants such
as slush, wet snow and wet ice, contaminant drag on the equipment’s measuring wheel, amongst other
factors, may cause readings obtained in these conditions to be unreliable’.
ICAO, with Amendment 13 to Annex 14 and Amendment 1 to PANS-Aerodromes, introduced provisions
regarding the use of a global reporting format for assessing and reporting runway surface conditions,
with the objective to link better assessed runway surface conditions with aircraft performance. These
provisions are required to be implemented by November 2020.
The Agency has introduced rulemaking task RMT.0704 “Runway Surface Condition Assessment and Re-
porting” in the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2017-2021, and is currently preparing the Terms
of reference for the RMT, which are planned to be published by second quarter of 2017. This rulemaking
task is planned to finish by second quarter of 2020.
The safety recommendation will be considered within the context of this RMT.

Status: Open – Category:

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

BAE Serious
SE-DSP Malmö Airport 29/09/2016
AVRO146RJ incident

Synopsis of the event:

The incident occurred during a regular flight from Malmö Airport to Bromma Airport. At pre-flight inspection
a damage was detected on the left hand airflow sensor. The sensor was replaced before the flight.

The take-off was normal until lift off, when the stick shaker was activated. However, the flight crew quickly iden-
tified the warning as false.

A warning was indicated on the instrument panel, (IDNT 1). The commander pressed the IDNT/INHIB 1 button
and the INHIB part of the button lit up, but felt that nothing happened.

Later during the climb, when they got into clouds at 660 feet above the ground the stick push was activated,
which means that the control column is pushed forward.

By following the emergency checklists, the systems could be shut down which solved the problems. Thereafter
a normal landing was performed.

An examination of the left hand airflow sensor showed that the unit was incorrectly assembled and that it was
45–50 degrees out of the specification for all angle readings.

To get a stick shake it is sufficient for one sensor to indicate a high angle of attack. In order for the stick push to
be activated, one sensor must have a high angle of attack and the other must have a high angle or a high rate
of change.

The most likely explanation for stick push activation is that the turbulence caused the change rate of the service-
able airflow sensor to become large enough.

In the absence of tampering or warranty seals, it is impossible to determine if the device has been delivered in-
correctly or if someone has manipulated it at a later stage.

The airflow sensor consists of two parts, the vane and the electronic unit. The vane can be replaced separately,
but in this case the complete unit was replaced.

After the replacement of the airflow sensor a simple test intended for vane replacement was performed, which
meant that the fault on the sensor was not detected.

The serious incident was caused by the mix up of test instructions for installation of “Vane assembly” and “Air-
flow sensor” which led to a prescribed functional test was not performed and the fault in the airflow sensor was
not detected.
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Contributing factors:

ƒƒ The different component names Vane assembly and Airflow sensor enhance the risk of confusion be-
tween tasks.

ƒƒ The interruptions during the change of the airflow sensor were a stress factor which increased the
risk of mistakes.

ƒƒ Re-inspection after replacement of airflow sensor was not performed.

Safety Recommendation SWED-2017-008 (SHK)

EASA is recommended to encourage that components that require specially approved maintenance facilities are
sealed to detect unauthorized manipulation. [RL 2017:08 R2]

Reply No. 1 sent on 24/11/2017:

EASA is aware that it is common practice for many products, parts and appliances to seal units or specific
items after certain maintenance or production steps (e.g. after closure, installation, tightening, torque-
ing, calibration, adjustment). This applies to actions starting with production, including maintenance or
repair of the components including those requiring special approved maintenance facilities.
The assessment of the criticality of items for interfering with however requires detailed knowledge of
the specific product and component, so it can only be performed by the Type Certificate (TC) holder, Eu-
ropean Technical Standard Order or equivalent holder, and/or vendor who designed the item, and/or
who decided to install the item to their product. It requires detailed knowledge about the susceptibility
of the component to interference, and of the criticality of the function it performs. This includes assess-
ing whether sealing components may hinder necessary inspections or checks required to be performed.
EASA therefore agrees that “encouraging” is an appropriate level of action, and intends to publish safe-
ty promotion material aiming at the responsible authors of instructions for continued airworthiness for
products, parts and components, highlighting the importance of identifying actions which require spe-
cial skill, equipment or facilities, and related items or components which should be sealed to protect
against unauthorized interference and to include the associated procedures (e.g. applying torque seal,
applying a sticker) in the relevant manuals and instructions for continued airworthiness (e.g. Component
Maintenance Manual, Aircraft Maintenance Manual, Overhaul Manual, Installation Manual). This should
especially include mentioning the seals in the installation manuals/procedures of the affected compo-
nents to make sure that only items with undamaged seals are installed.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

SE-ZOU Nynäs Fallet, Örebro County 10/05/2016 Accident
model LBL 120A

Synopsis of the event:

The intention of the flight was a hot air balloon flight experience with two passengers. The weather forecasts
showed that the wind strength would increase during the evening because a sharp cold front was moving south
over Svealand 5 during the afternoon and evening.
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The hot air balloon lifted off just after eight o’clock in the evening in favourable weather conditions. The flight
time was calculated to be one hour. After about 40 minutes flight, a significant weather change in the form of
fog was observed. The pilot decided to immediately abort the flight and commence descent.

Before the landing could be commenced, the wind changed direction and strength, which made a landing at the
first designated site impossible, upon which the pilot selected a new landing site.

The first touchdown was very hard. Both the rate of descent and the speed were high. All those on board lost
their balance and fell over. In connection with this, the pilot happened to inadvertently put the burners on full
power. This contributed to the balloon climbing to an altitude of 30-50 metres. Shortly thereafter, the pilot suc-
ceeded in shutting down the burners.

A second hard touchdown was made after about 1 000 metres. The balloon basket was then pulled along the
ground and was at times in the air a little above the ground. The system for a rapid deflation of the balloon’s hot
air was not activated in connection with this touchdown.

About 400 metres after the second touchdown, the pilot fell out of the balloon basket. The balloon then climbed
with only the two passengers on board. The passengers, however, operated the top vent so that the balloon
again descended towards the ground. They subsequently decided to leave the balloon. In conjunction with this,
the first passenger became caught for a short while between the basket and the ground. The second passenger’s
foot became tangled in an operating line. Held fast by the line, the passenger was dragged behind the balloon
for several hundred metres before the balloon drifted into a power line and stopped.

The pilot and one of the passengers were seriously injured, while the other passenger received minor injuries.

In light of the weather information that was available, it is SHK’s view that the margin appears too small between
the time of planned completion of the flight and the time at which there was reason to assume that the weath-
er could deteriorate drastically. However, there are no rules regarding time margins between planned flight and
forecasted significant aviation weather. In SHK’s view, the introduction of such rules could reduce the risk of ac-
cidents of this type.

When the hard landing occurred, the pilot was not wearing the safety harness that was in the basket. However,
there are no explicit rules regarding the conditions in which the pilot is to put on the safety harness. National
rules will soon be replaced by common European rules. According to the proposals for new rules, the actual type
of balloon will no longer be subject to any safety harness requirements. As the event shows that there is a risk
that the pilot will fall out of the basket even in the actual type of balloon, SHK believes that EASA should con-
sider introducing safety harness requirements for all types of balloons in commercial air transport and to clarify
when it will be used.

The accident was caused by the following factors:

ƒƒ The flight was planned with a too small, albeit permitted, time margin to forecasted significant weath-
er conditions that could impair a safe flight.

ƒƒ A high speed and rate of descent during the landing caused the touchdowns to be very hard. In addi-
tion, after a hard ground contact, the pilot fell out of the basket and thereby lost the ability to control
the balloon.

ƒƒ The system for a rapid deflation of the balloon’s hot air was not activated in connection with the sec-
ond touchdown.
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Safety Recommendation SWED-2017-011 (SHK)

EASA is recommended to:

Consider introducing time margins between planned landing time and significant weather conditions. [RL
2017:06 R1]

Reply No. 1 sent on 17/08/2017:

EASA Opinion No 01/2016 ‘Revision of the European operational rules for balloons’ (hereinafter referred
to as the ‘Balloon’ Opinion), stemming from EASA Rulemaking Task RMT.0674, was published on 7 Jan-
uary 2016. The specific objective is to establish a simpler, ‘lighter’ and proportionate air operations
regulatory framework for balloon operations. The final deliverable, a ‘Balloon Regulation’, is anticipat-
ed to be published in the first quarter of 2018 (applicable from 8 April 2019). National legislation applies
in the meantime.
The ‘Balloon’ Opinion includes a proposal to ensure that the latest available meteorological information
indicates that the weather conditions along the route and at the intended destination at the estimated
time of use will be at or above the applicable Visual Flight Rules operating minima, and within the me-
teorological limitations specified in the Aircraft Flight Manual (BOP.BAS.145). Before commencing the
flight, the pilot-in-command will be required to be familiar with available meteorological and aeronau-
tical information appropriate to the intended flight, and to study the available current weather reports
and forecasts, and to plan for an alternative course of action in case the flight cannot be completed as
initially planned (BOP.BAS.130).
In addition, for commercial operations, the operator will be required to identify and evaluate safety haz-
ards entailed by their activities and manage the associated risks, and take actions to mitigate the risk and
verify their effectiveness [BOP.ADD.030 (a)(3)]. The operator will be required to establish procedures and
instructions for the safe operation of each balloon type, containing crew member duties and responsibil-
ities [BOP.ADD.005 (e)]. This should include details of the pilot-in-command’s responsibility to obtain and
assess weather forecasts, and to take into account the predicted weather at the planned time and place
of landing with suitable margins to address possible changes.
Furthermore, the competent authority will be required to verify continued compliance with the ap-
plicable requirements of organisations from whom it has received a declaration (ARO.GEN.300 (a) of
Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, applicable for commercial balloon operations from 8 April
Effective implementation of the above-mentioned provisions is expected to provide the foundation
for safe balloon operations. The Agency considers that the risk of operating outside meteorological
limitations is suitably addressed, and that more detailed rules concerning the assessment of weather con-
ditions would not support the objective of the ‘Balloon’ Opinion, which is to provide a simpler, ‘lighter’
and proportionate regulatory framework for balloon operations.
Lastly, the Agency has in place a Safety Risk Management process, which, through routine monitoring
based on data analysis, aims to identify any weaknesses in the regulatory framework, in order to take
appropriate action to close any safety gaps. This will include the balloon air operations regulation once
it becomes applicable.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

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Safety Recommendation SWED-2017-012 (SHK)

EASA is recommended to:

ƒƒ Consider introducing requirements for safety harness or other restraint systems for all types of bal-
loons in commercial passenger operations and clarifying the conditions in which the system is to be
used. [RL 2017:06 R2]

Reply No. 1 sent on 17/08/2017:

According to the rationale provided in the accident investigation report, the scope of the Safety Recom-
mendation is oriented towards pilot’s restraint systems.
EASA Opinion No 01/2016 ‘Revision of the European operational rules for balloons’ (hereinafter referred
to as the ‘Balloon’ Opinion), stemming from EASA Rulemaking Task RMT.0674, was published on 7 Jan-
uary 2016. The specific objective is to establish a simpler, ‘lighter’ and proportionate air operations
regulatory framework for balloon operations. The final deliverable, a ‘Balloon Regulation’, is anticipat-
ed to be published in the first quarter of 2018 (applicable from 8 April 2019). National legislation applies
in the meantime.
According to the ‘Balloon’ Opinion, for commercial operations, the operator will be required to iden-
tify and evaluate safety hazards entailed by their activities and manage the associated risks, and take
actions to mitigate the risk and verify their effectiveness [BOP.ADD.030 (a)(3)]. The operator will be re-
quired to establish procedures and instructions for the safe operation of each balloon type, containing
crew member duties and responsibilities [BOP.ADD.005 (e)]. This should include the provision and use of
pilot’s safety harnesses or restraints.
In addition, the competent authority will be required to verify continued compliance with the applicable
requirements of organisations from whom it has received a declaration (ARO.GEN.300 (a) of Commission
Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, applicable for commercial balloon operations from 8 April 2019).
Furthermore, according to CAT.IDE.B.120 of the current air operations regulation (Commission Regula-
tion (EU) No 965/2012), for commercial air transport operations, balloons with a separate compartment
for the commander shall be equipped with a restraint system for the commander. The ‘Balloon’ Opinion
prescribes, in more detail, the conditions under which the restraint system is required and when it is to
be used, as follows:
ƒƒ The balloon shall be equipped with a restraint system for the pilot-in-command when (as in the
current rule) equipped with a separate compartment for the pilot-in-command, or (according to
the Balloon Opinion) when the balloon is equipped with turning vent(s) (BOP.BAS.320). Guidance
Material (GM1 BOP.BAS.320) is planned to be published in the associated Executive Director’s
Decision, as follows: A pilot restraint harness mounted to the basket is considered to meet the re-
quirements of CS 31HB/CS 31GB for a restraint system.
ƒƒ When a restraint system is required in accordance with BOP.BAS.320, the pilot-in-command shall
wear the system at least during landing (BOP.BAS.175).
In addition, according to CS 31HB/CS 31GB.63 under Part 21 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012
(the Initial Airworthiness Regulation):
(a) There must be a restraining means for all occupants, which can take the form of hand holds [See CS
31HB/CS 31GB.59 (h)].
(b) For baskets having a separate pilot compartment, there must be a suitable restraint for the pilot
which must meet the strength requirements of CS 31HB/CS 31GB.30. Additionally, the restraint must
be designed so that:
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(1) The pilot can reach all the necessary controls when the restraint is correctly worn and adjusted;
(2) There is a method of quick release that is simple and obvious; and
(3) The possibility of inadvertent release is minimised.
Effective implementation of the above-mentioned provisions is expected to provide the foundation for
safe balloon operations. The Agency considers that the provision and use of pilot’s safety harnesses
or restraints is suitably addressed and that more detailed rules would not support the objective of the
‘Balloon’ Opinion, which is to provide a simpler, ‘lighter’ and proportionate regulatory framework for
balloon operations.
Furthermore, EASA believes that extending the requirements further on pilot’s restraint systems could
create additional risks, such as occupant entanglement or tripping, or restricting necessary movements
by the pilot. For single compartment balloon baskets, the restraint systems required for all occupants by
the Airworthiness Requirements (e.g. hand holds) provide means of restraint for all occupants, includ-
ing the pilot.
Lastly, the Agency has in place a Safety Risk Management process, which, through routine monitoring
based on data analysis, aims to identify any weaknesses in the regulatory framework, in order to take ap-
propriate action to close any safety gaps. This will include the balloon air operations regulation once it
becomes applicable.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

CN-MBR St. Gallen-Altenrhein (LSZR) 06/08/2012 Accident
EMB 505

Synopsis of the event:

On 6 August 2012 the Embraer EMB-505 Phenom 300 aircraft, registration CN-MBR, took off at 12:59 UTC from
Geneva (LSGG) on a commercial flight to St. Gallen-Altenrhein (LSZR). After the initial call to the aerodrome con-
trol centre St. Gallen tower, the crew quickly decided, after an enquiry from the air traffic controller, on a direct
approach on the runway 10 in-strument landing system (ILS). Shortly thereafter, the landing gear and flaps were
extended. The flaps jammed at approximately 10 degrees and the FLAP FAIL warning message was displayed.
The crew carried out a go-around shortly before landing. The landing gear subsequently remained extended.
The flaps remained jammed for the remainder of the flight.

The crew decided immediately on a second ILS approach with jammed flaps, which accord-ing to the manufactur-
er’s information required an increased approach speed. During the ap-proach, the crew had difficulty in reducing
the airspeed to this increased approach speed. At 13:40 UTC, the aircraft subsequently touched down on the wet
runway at an indicated air speed of 136 kt, approximately 290 m after the runway threshold, and could not be
brought to a standstill on the remaining length of runway. The aircraft then rolled over the end of run-way 10,
broke through the aerodrome perimeter fence and overrun the road named Rhein-holzweg running perpendicu-
lar to the runway centreline, on which a public transport bus was travelling. The aircraft rolled very close behind
the bus and came to a standstill in a maize field, approximately 30 m from the end of the runway.
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The female passenger and the two pilots were not injured in the accident. The aircraft was badly damaged.

There was crop damage and damage to the aerodrome perimeter fence.


The accident is attributable to the fact that the aircraft touched down late and at an excessively high speed on
the wet runway after an unstabilised final approach and consequently rolled over the end of the runway.

The following factors contributed to the accident:

ƒƒ The insufficient teamwork and deficient situation analysis by the crew.

ƒƒ The flaps remained jammed at approximately 10 degrees, a position that is almost consistent with the
flaps 1 position.

ƒƒ Late initiation of full brake application after landing.

Safety Recommendation SWTZ-2014-482 (AAIB)

Together with the aircraft manufacturer, the European aviation safety agency (EASA) should examine how the
manuals can be amended so as to provide optimal assistance to pilots in abnormal situations.

Reply No. 2 sent on 28/09/2017:

EASA together with the primary certification authority ANAC (Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil, Brazil)
and the type certificate holder Embraer, has investigated on the issue. The aeroplane flight manual and
the Quick Reference Handbook of the aeroplane have been modified by Embraer and the procedure for
flap failure has been revised to include the action to inhibit the aural “TOO LOW FLAPS” in the FLAP FAIL-
URE procedure.
This has been found adequate by ANAC and EASA and no further actions are envisaged.
Such manual changes have been submitted to EASA for review through Embraer document “revprop
543”. This has been found acceptable by EASA and the corresponding revision of the EASA AFM 2666 will
be approved by ANAC in accordance with the Technical Implementation Procedures of the Bilateral air
Safety Agreement concluded between EU and Brazil.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

1) HB-3373 1) SCHEMPP HIRTH VENTUS2B Approx. 8 km WSW of

06/06/2013 Accident
2) HB-DFP 2) MOONEY M20J Airfield Birrfeld (LSZF)

Synopsis of the event:


Der Pilot der HB-3373 startete um 11:55 Uhr im Birrfeld und beabsichtigte, einen Segelflug entlang des Juras in
Richtung Neuenburger See auszuführen. Beim Flug der HB-DFP von Lommis nach Ecuvillens handelte es sich um
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einen Einführungsflug zwecks Kennenlernen der verschiedenen Systeme und des Autopiloten. Im Raum Villigen
leitete die Besatzung der HB-DFP um 12:16 Uhr einen Steigflug mit eingeschaltetem Autopiloten ein. In der Re-
gion Linn steuerte die Besatzung der HB-DFP in Richtung Süden, mit der Absicht, den Regionalflugplatz Birrfeld
zu umfliegen.Nachdem der Pilot mit der HB-3373 über dem Chestenberg eine Höhe von etwa 1450 m/M erreicht
hatte, folgte er um 12:17 Uhr zwei anderen Segelflugzeugen in westlicher Richtung zur Gisliflue.

Ab diesem Zeitpunkt befanden sich beide Flugzeuge auf einem Kollisionskurs und die HB-3373 war für die Be-
satzung der HB-DFP bis mindestens 5 Sekunden vor der Kollision durch die Cockpitverstrebung respektive den
Magnetkompass verdeckt. Nachdem die HB-3373 die Aare überflogen hatte, blickte der Pilot in Richtung Norden,
um das Wetter im Schwarzwald zu beurteilen. Ungefähr eine Minute später nahm der Pilot der HB-3373 im rech-
ten Bereich seines Sichtfeldes ein Flugzeug wahr, das von rechts her kommend auf ihn zuflog.

Um 12:18:52 Uhr kollidierten die beiden Flugzeuge über dem Raum Auenstein auf einer Höhe von 1285 m/M
(4216 ft AMSL). Die HB-3373 wurde derart beschädigt, dass sie unkontrollierbar wurde. Der Pilot konnte sich mit
dem Fallschirm retten. Die Besatzung der schwer beschädigten HB-DFP konnte die Flugverkehrsleitung alarm-
ieren und flog anschliessend zum Startort zurück. Der Pilot der HB-3373 verletzte sich bei der Landung mit dem
Fallschirm leicht, während das Segelflugzeug beim Aufprall zerstört wurde.


Der Unfall ist auf eine Kollision zwischen einem Segel- und einem Motorflugzeug zurückzuführen, weil die
beiden Besatzungen den Luftraum zu wenig aktiv überwachten. In der Folge wurde das Segelflugzeug unkon-
trollierbar und stürzte ab.

Als systemische Ursachen wurden folgende ermittelt:

ƒƒ Das Motorflugzeug war nicht mit einem Kollisionswarnsystem ausgerüstet.

ƒƒ Die Transpondersignale des Motorflugzeuges konnten durch das Kollisionswarnsystem des Segelflug-
zeuges nicht empfangen werden.

Safety Recommendation SWTZ-2016-002 (AAIB)

[German] - Das Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt (BAZL) sollte in Zusammenarbeit mit den Anspruchsgruppen und der Eu-
ropäischen Agentur für Flugsicherheit (EASA) ein Konzept für die Einführung von kompatiblen, auf Standards der
Internationalen Zivilluftfahrt basierenden Kollisionswarnsystemen für die allgemeine Luftfahrterarbeiten und einen
Aktionsplan für die kurz-, mittel- und langfristige Umsetzung erstellen und umsetzen. [Sicherheitsempfehlung Nr. 499]

Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

The European Aviation Safety Plan 2011-2014 already contained first actions on Mid-air collision/Near
mid-air collision (MAC/NMAC) by improving the “see and avoid” for general aviation. Among the actions
already taken, EASA is facilitating the voluntary installation of electronic conspicuity devices via Standard
Changes, as defined in 21.A.90B of Commission Regulation (EU) 748/2012 (refer to CS-SC002a, CS-SC051a
in CS-STAN Issue 1 dated 8 July 2015, CS-SC058a in CS-STAN Issue 2 dated 30 March 2017) and installation
approvals of this type of devices.
In addition, EASA is in the process of publishing a CS-ETSO for Traffic Awareness Beacon System (TABS).
There are currently several technical solutions for general aviation for electronic conspicuity devices with
varied strengths and weaknesses. The main issue is the interoperability between all of these solutions.
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According to the EASA Annual Safety Review 2016, MACs contributed to 6% of the fatalities in the 2006-
2015 period in Non-Commercial operations with aeroplanes. The related fatalities mainly involved loss
of control (47%) or controlled flight into terrain (15%). The Agency recognises that the safety barriers of
the Visual Flight Rules (VFR), which rely on the “see and avoid” principles, should be reinforced. Cost-ef-
ficient electronic conspicuity devices can be one contributor.
The European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2016-2020 already addressed the issue under the umbrella
of the safety topic “general aviation safety”. The current version of the plan, (EPAS 2017-2021) includes
further actions for MAC/NMAC in general aviation, under the strategic safety area “General Aviation -
Preventing mid-air collisions”.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

AGUSTA Rega-Center, Zurich Airport Serious

HB-ZRS 06/06/2013
A109 (LSZH) incident

Synopsis of the event:

At 15:03 on 6 June 2013 the pilot took off in the HB-ZRS helicopter on a technical flight. On board was a hoist op-
erator and on the ground was a mechanic with the prepared load. The mechanic’s task was to attach the load to
the hoist hook.

After the helicopter took off and climbed to an estimated height of 7 m above ground level, the hoist operator
received clearance from the pilot to extend the hoist cable while the helicopter was hovering. The hoist opera-
tor extended the cable to approximately 7.5 m. The mechanic on the ground had difficulty attaching the load to
the hoist hook, whereupon the hoist operator extended the cable further.

After the load had been attached to the hoist hook, the hoist cable was touching the ground. The hoist opera-
tor gave the pilot the command to position the helicopter approximately one metre further forward. At the same
time, the hoist operator slowly began to retract the hoist cable. When the helicopter was directly above the load,
the hoist operator continued to retract the hoist cable and told the pilot that the cable was under tension and
that the load could be lifted. According to the statement of the hoist operator, his focus at this time was on what
was happening below him and how the cable was being guided on the rescue hoist was outside his field of vi-
sion. When lifting the load, the pilot noticed a sudden change in the helicopter’s attitude to the left and heard
a bang. The hoist operator then informed the pilot that the hoist cable had broken. Up until the cable broke, nei-
ther the pilot nor the hoist operator had noticed anything unusual.

After the cable broke, the helicopter pilot hovered in place until he had gained an overview of the situation on
the ground. He then landed on the apron at the Rega-Center.

The hoist operator wore gloves and a helmet with a radio while on duty. He was in constant radio contact with
the pilot and the mechanic on the ground.


The serious incident is attributable to the fact that the rescue hoist cable became snagged behind the handle as-
sembly nut and broke when the test load was lifted.
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The design of the rescue hoist attachment assembly was identified as a causal factor.

The restricted visibility from the hoist operator’s working position was identified as a contributing factor.

Safety Recommendation SWTZ-2016-528 (AAIB)

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in cooperation with the helicopter manufacturer, should introduce
technical measures to ensure that the hoist cable is prevented from snagging on the rescue hoist attachment as-
sembly. [Safety recommendation No. 528]

Reply No. 1 sent on 14/03/2017:

EASA agrees with the need to address the risk of snagging on the rescue hoist attachment assembly.
EASA issued Airworthiness Directive 2017-0025 on 14 February 2017 to mandate specific inspections and
a modification of the attaching means of the rescue hoist handle on the rescue hoist support. The man-
ufacturer is currently considering also the introduction of a protective cover as a design improvement.
EASA will consider making this change mandatory.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

STUDY various

Synopsis of the event:

“Studie Nr. 3 der Schweizerischen Sicherheitsuntersuchungsstelle SUST über die Organisation und die Wirksamkeit
des Such- und Rettungsdienstes der zivilen Luftfahrt (search and rescue – SAR) in der Schweiz“

In den vergangenen Jahren haben sich wiederholt Unfälle mit Luftfahrzeugen der allgemeinen Luftfahrt ereig-
net, bei denen Besatzung und Luftfahrzeug nur mit erheblicher Verzögerung gefunden und geborgen werden
konnten. Im Rahmen der Sicherheitsuntersuchung dieser Unfälle wurde verschiedentlich festgestellt, dass die am
Such- und Rettungsdienst (search and rescue – SAR) beteiligten Organisationen nicht in der Lage waren, eine ra-
sche Suche und Rettung sicherzustellen.

Es zeigte sich auch, dass selbst viele Fachleute und Nutzer der Zivilluftfahrt nur unzureichende Kenntnisse des
SAR und seiner Eigenheiten aufwiesen.

Deshalb entschloss sich die Schweizerische Sicherheitsuntersuchungsstelle (SUST), in Zusammenarbeit mit den
beteiligten Verkehrskreisen eine umfassende Studie zu diesem Thema durchzuführen.

Safety Recommendation SWTZ-2017-515 (AAIB)

[German] - Das Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt (BAZL) sollte zusammen mit der Europäischen Agentur für Flugsicher-
heit (European Aviation Safety Agency – EASA) Anstrengungen unternehmen, ELT konstruktiv und einbautechnisch
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so zu verbessern, dass ihr korrektes Funktionieren möglichst in allen Fällen gewährleistet ist. [Sicherheitsempfe-
hlung Nr. 515]

Reply No. 1 sent on 22/08/2017:

EASA has already taken some actions to improve the availability of the alerting signal transmitted by ELTs
(Emergency Locator Transmitter):
ƒƒ European Technical Standard Order - ETSO-C126b (‘406 and 121.5 MHz Emergency Locator Trans-
mitter’) was issued by EASA in August 2016. In this ETSO, hook and loop fasteners are excluded
from the acceptable means to attach the ELT in the aircraft, because it is a known weak point of
the ELT installation. The ETSO can be found here:
ƒƒ EASA published Certification Memorandum (CM) on ‘Installation of ELTs’ (EASA CM–AS-008 Issue
01) in December 2016. This CM provides guidance for the installation of ELTs and recommenda-
tions for the maintenance procedures that might improve the reliability of ELTs:
ƒƒ EASA is participating in a joint RTCA Special Committee 229/EUROCAE Working Group 98 in
charge of preparing an update of the ELT minimum operational performance specifications DO-
204A/ED-62A whose Terms of Reference include the following items:
—— Antenna and cabling specifications,
—— Crash safety specifications,
—— So called ‘second generation ELT’ which use the Medium Earth Orbit Search And Rescue con-
stellation (MEOSAR) providing instantaneous detection and location of the beacon.
The group is also working in improving the installation section of the standard.
Once this standard is updated, ETSO-C126b will be revised to refer to the latest standard, and CM–AS-
008 will be updated to reflect these changes.
Additionally, in order to promote the installation of ELT within the General Aviation community, EASA
allows the installation of ELTs in aircraft through a simplified process by means of a dedicated Standard
Change. Refer to CS-SC101b in CS-STAN Issue 2:

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

HB-ZRV Rega-Basis Erstfeld 26/02/2015 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Um 14:15 Uhr startete der Rettungshelikopter AgustaWestland AW109SP, eingetragen als HB-ZRV, vom Dach des
Kantonsspitals Altdorf zum Überflug zur Einsatzbasis der Schweizerischen
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Rettungsflugwacht (Rega) in Erstfeld. Während des Anfluges zur Basis reduzierte der Pilot die Vorwärtsgeschwin-
digkeit des Helikopters bei gleichbleibender Sinkgeschwindigkeit.

Der Pilot erhöhte den kollektiven Blattverstellhebel (collective) kontinuierlich, um die Sinkgeschwindigkeit zu
reduzieren. Diese verminderte sich jedoch nicht. In der Phase des Übergangs vom Vorwärts- zum Schwebeflug
(transition) erhöhte sich der Leistungsbedarf des Helikopters.

Bei einer Vorwärtsgeschwindigkeit von weniger als 20 kt vergrösserte sich die Sinkgeschwindigkeit in den letz-
ten Sekunden vor dem Aufprall von 1100 ft/min auf über 1300 ft/min und liess sich nicht mehr kontrollieren. Um
14:18 Uhr schlug der Helikopter rund 30 m südlich des Landeplatzes der Einsatzbasis der Rega auf einer Wiese
auf. Drei der vier Insassen wurden verletzt und mussten in Spitalpflege gebracht werden.


Der Unfall ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass der Helikopter während eines steilen Landeanfluges mit grosser
Vertikal- und minimaler Vorwärtsgeschwindigkeit in geringer Höhe über Grund in den Bereich des Wirbelring-
zustands geriet, der Pilot die Kontrolle über die Sinkgeschwindigkeit verlor und der Helikopter schliesslich auf
dem Boden aufschlug.

Die folgenden Faktoren wurden als kausal für den Unfall ermittelt:

ƒƒ Der Pilot nahm die zu hohe Sinkgeschwindigkeit bei zu geringer Vorwärtsgeschwindigkeit während
des Endanfluges nicht wahr.

ƒƒ Der Pilot erkannte den sich entwickelnden Wirbelringzustand des Helikopters zu spät.

Die folgenden Faktoren haben zum Unfall beigetragen:

ƒƒ geringe fliegerische Erfahrung des Piloten auf dem Unfallmuster;

ƒƒ nicht der Windsituation angepasste Anflugtaktik;

ƒƒ unzureichende Kenntnisse eines wesentlichen Grenzwertes.

Die folgenden Faktoren haben zwar nicht zur Entstehung des Unfalls beigetragen, wurden aber im Laufe der Un-
tersuchung als risikoreich (factors to risk) erkannt:

ƒƒ Nicht ausreichend realitätsnahes Testverfahren für aufschlaghemmende Sitze;

ƒƒ Unzureichende Funktionsfähigkeit von Komponenten des verwendeten Notsendermusters.

Safety Recommendation SWTZ-2017-525 (AAIB)

The Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) should take measures
to ensure that crews of helicopters are alerted by an acoustic warning to the danger of an imminent or develop-
ing vortex ring condition near the ground. [Safety recommendation No. 525]
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Reply No. 1 sent on 22/08/2017:

EASA shares the intent of the safety recommendation and is considering the feasibility of such a device
from the technical point of view.

Status: Open – Category:

Safety Recommendation SWTZ-2017-530 (AAIB)

The Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) should check wheth-
er the test procedures for impact resistant seats in the AgustaWestland AW109SP helicopter model correspond to
the actual conditions that actually occur in the event of a fundamentally survivable collision. Where appropriate,
the test and approval conditions should be improved in such a way that the seats provide adequate protection
against such accidents. [Safety recommendation No. 530]

Reply No. 1 sent on 22/08/2017:

EASA is the certifying authority for the AgustaWestland AW109SP type design. The AW109SP is compli-
ant with the applicable crashworthiness requirements which are established to provide the occupants
with the greatest possible chance to egress a rotorcraft without serious injury after a survivable emer-
gency landing or accident.
In November 2015, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) tasked the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory
Committee (ARAC) with providing recommendations regarding occupant protection regulations in nor-
mal and transport category rotorcraft. An ARAC Working Group, Rotorcraft Occupant Protection Working
Group (ROPWG) has been tasked to provide recommendations to the ARAC on occupant protection rule-
making for initial certification and continued airworthiness.
Crashworthiness requirements will be evaluated as part of this task with the objective to improve the sur-
vivability of rotorcraft occupants in the event of a crash. EASA participates in the Working Group and will
consider the outcome of this activity for application to the existing European fleet in the frame of EASA
rulemaking task RMT.0710 on “Improvement in the survivability of rotorcraft occupants in the event of
a crash”.
The next deliverable for RMT.710, the terms of references (ToR) is planned to be published in the first
quarter of 2018.

Status: Open – Category:

Safety Recommendation SWTZ-2017-531 (AAIB)

The Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), together with the
manufacturers of the AgustaWestland AW109SP helicopter type and the ARTEX C406-N HM emergency locator
transmitter, should take appropriate measures to ensure the functioning of the aforementioned emergency lo-
cator transmitter after an accident. [Safety recommendation No. 531]
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Reply No. 1 sent on 22/08/2017:

EASA is assessing the recommendation and what would be the implications and appropriate measures to
ensure the operability of the emergency transmitter, ARTEX C406-N HM after an accident.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

D-ANFE Zurich Airport (LSZH) 04/12/2014 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

At 05:33 UTC on 4 December 2014 the ATR 72-202 aircraft, registration D-ANFE, took off from Dresden airport
(EDDC) on a scheduled flight to Zurich (LSZH), with two pilots, two flight attendants and 26 passengers on board.

After an uneventful descent and approach, D-ANFE touched down normally at 07:02 UTC on runway 14 at Zurich
airport in a light northerly wind. After the nose landing gear wheels had come into contact with the runway ap-
proximately 1050 m after the runway threshold, both tyres separated from the wheel rims, whereby the left tyre
got blocked between the wheel rims and the right tyre completely detached and was found 2080 m after the
runway threshold. The nose landing gear continued to slide only on the wheel rims approximately 1520 m after
the runway threshold.

By means of an asymmetrical power setting of the two engines and asymmetrical braking of the main landing
gear wheels, the flight crew managed to vacate the runway at the next intersection. The flight crew then request-
ed the fire brigade, as they suspected there was a problem with the landing gear.

All the occupants were uninjured. The passengers left the aircraft using the onboard steps and were taken by bus
to the arrival terminal. The runway was closed immediately after this event and re-opened for operation with
a reduced rate of arrivals after a runway inspection at 08:07 UTC.


The accident is attributable to the fact that during landing the nose landing gear was not centred and so the two
nose gear wheels could not turn freely. Subsequently it was no longer possible to exercise control via the nose
landing gear steering system, as the nose landing gear was substantially damaged.

The interaction of the following factors was determined as the most probable cause of the accident:

ƒƒ a valve input lever of the differential control selector valve which had been fitted to the nose landing
gear in an inverted state (rotated through 180°);

ƒƒ inadequate maintenance of the nose landing gear.

The fact that the valve input lever can be attached incorrectly, in an inverted state (rotated through 180°) as a re-
sult of its structural design was determined to be a contributing factor.
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Though the small parts of the aircraft found on the runway during a runway inspection performed hours later
did not contribute to the origin and history of the accident, they nevertheless constitute a factor to risk.

Safety Recommendation SWTZ-2017-529 (AAIB)

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), together with the aircraft manufacturer, should ensure that it is no
longer possible to attach the valve input lever of the hydraulic differential control selector valve (DCSV) incorrect-
ly. [Safety recommendation No. 529]

Reply No. 1 sent on 22/08/2017:

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in cooperation with the aircraft manufacturer has assessed
the event and the safety issue highlighted by this safety recommendation and concluded that:
The event aircraft operated for a period of several months without reporting steering problems and with-
out maintenance intervention in the area. There was no evidence that the required functional check after
replacement of the hydraulic differential control selector valve (DCSV) was performed.
During the Certification of the ATR aeroplanes, the loss of Nose Wheel Steering was classified as “Mi-
nor”. The contribution of the valve input lever of the hydraulic DCSV to such an event is low. Restrictions
in movement of the nose landing gear would only materialize at low speeds and high steering angles
which typically occur in the gate area.
Meanwhile, ATR has updated the applicable Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) and Job Instruction
Card (JIC) to add a caution when re-installing the steering valve.
Based on the above, the Agency will take no further action on this issue.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

United Arab Emirates

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

N571UP Dubai Airport UAE 03/09/2010 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On September 3rd 2010, a Boeing 747-44AF departed Dubai International Airport [DXB] on a scheduled interna-
tional cargo flight [SCAT-IC] to Cologne [CGN], Germany.

Twenty two minutes into the flight, at approximately 32,000 feet, the crew advised Bahrain Area East Air Traffic
Control [BAE-C] that there was an indication of an on-board fire on the Forward Main Deck and declared an emer-
gency. Bahrain Air Traffic Control advised that Doha International Airport [DOH] was ‘at your ten o’clock and one
hundred miles, is that close enough?’, the Captain elected to return to DXB, configured the aircraft for the return
to Dubai and obtained clearance for the turn back and descent.

A cargo on the main cargo deck had ignited at some point after departure. Less than three minutes after the first
warning to the crew, the fire resulted in severe damage to flight control systems and caused the upper deck and
cockpit to fill with continuous smoke.
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The crew then advised Bahrain East Area Control [BAE-C] that the cockpit was ‘full of smoke’ and that they ‘could
not see the radios’, at around the same time the crew experienced pitch control anomalies during the turn back
and descent to ten thousand feet.

The smoke did not abate during the emergency impairing the ability of the crew to safely operate the aircraft for
the duration of the flight back to DXB.

On the descent to ten thousand feet the captains supplemental oxygen supply abruptly ceased to function with-
out any audible or visual warning to the crew five minutes and thirty seconds after the first audible warning. This
resulted in the Captain leaving his position. The Captain left his seat and did not return to his position for the du-
ration of the flight due to incapacitation from toxic gases.

The First Officer [F.O], now the Pilot Flying [PF] could not view outside of the cockpit, the primary flight displays,
or the audio control panel to retune to the UAE frequencies.

Due to the consistent and contiguous smoke in the cockpit all communication between the destination [DXB]
and the crew was routed through relay aircraft in VHF range of the emergency aircraft and BAE-C. BAE-C then
relayed the information to the Emirates Area Control Center (EACC) in the UAE via landline, who then contacted
Dubai ATC via landline.

As the aircraft approached the aerodrome in Dubai, it stepped down in altitude, the aircraft approached DXB run-
way 12 left (RWY 12L), then overflew the northern perimeter of the airport at 4500 ft at around 340 kts. The PF
could not view the Primary Flight Displays [PFD] or the view outside the cockpit.

The PF was advised Shajah International Airport [SHJ] was available at 10 nm. This required a left hand turn, the
aircraft overflew DXB heading East, reduced speed, entering a shallow descending right-hand turn to the south
of the airport before loss of control in flight and an uncontrolled descent into terrain, nine nautical miles south
west of Dubai International Airport.

There were no survivors.

Safety Recommendation UNAR-2013-047 (AIB)

FAA and EASA regulatory certification standards to consider the development of a quantitative framework for
assessing the degradation of cargo compartment liner polymer matrix or the current industry standard panel
material properties and the resulting degradation in the structural integrity of these structures when subjected
to extreme heat, vibration and/or thermo-mechanical energy.

Reply No. 2 sent on 17/11/2017:

EASA and FAA requirements related to Cargo fire protection are fully harmonised and the semi-flexible
laminate or semi-rigid honeycomb liners are designed to withstand the extreme temperatures that may
be generated in a cargo compartment fire. Service experience indicates that compartment liner designs
work effectively as long as they are properly maintained. Also, there has not been known instances where
cargo material properties have degraded as a result of vibration and/or thermo-mechanical energy.
Therefore, no further action is considered necessary.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

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Safety Recommendation UNAR-2013-050 (AIB)

The NTSB, FAA and/or EASA fire test divisions to perform a test on lithium batteries to determine the ignition
properties for lithium type batteries when subjected to external sources of mechanical energy, including acous-
tic energy in flight range modes, acoustic harmonic modes and a separate test to determine the susceptibility
of lithium batteries to vibration from a mechanical source. The purpose of this testing is to determine the safe
limits for the air carriage of lithium type batteries in dynamic aeroelastic, vibrating structures where the battery
electrolyte composed of an organic solvent (and dissolved lithium salt) could become unstable when exposed to
these forms of mechanical energy.

Reply No. 2 sent on 17/11/2017:

The Agency and the European Commission are involved in a research project: “Safe transport of lithium
batteries by Aircraft”. One of the firsts steps of this project is to identify the hazards that may be encoun-
tered during the air transport of lithium batteries (e.g. battery chemistry, design, size) to further identify
mitigating measures that can be used to enhance safety when transporting lithium metal and lithium ion
batteries on board an aircraft. The risks and measures will be fed to a risk assessment method to enable
operators to establish and evaluate safe conditions for transport.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

AIRBUS Serious
A6-EDQ Dubai International Airport 09/11/2016
A380 incident

Synopsis of the event:

An Airbus A380 operated by Emirates Airline from London Heathrow, the United Kingdom, to Dubai, the United
Arab Emirates, experienced a green hydraulic system overheat warning. The crew isolated the green hydrau-
lic system in accordance with the Flight Crew Operations Manual (FCOM) which resulted in a number of flight
control limitations and the requirement for the emergency freefall landing gear extension for landing (gravity

When the crew selected the gravity extension, the left wing landing gear remained locked in the Up position,
whereas the remaining landing gear locked in the Down position. The Aircraft proceeded with an uneventful
landing and came to a stop on the runway.

After the passengers disembarked and the payload was off loaded, the aircraft was towed to a maintenance
hangar where troubleshooting was carried out in the presence of Airbus landing gear specialists. It was found
that three electrical wires on each of the two independent circuits of the left wing landing gear emergency un-
lock actuators were broken near the connector plugs.

Safety Recommendation UNAR-2016-073 (AIB)

EASA is recommended to issue a mandatory fleet inspection requirement for all Airbus A380 operators in accord-
ance with Airbus All Operator Transmission (AOT) A32-R009-16-00 instructions, to ensure that all A380 operators
perform the inspection, and rectify any damage where required.
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Reply No. 1 sent on 14/03/2017:

The A380 fleet inspection has been completed in accordance with Airbus All Operator Transmission (AOT)
A32-R009-16-00, and appropriate repairs have been carried out in case of damages being found.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation UNAR-2016-074 (AIB)

Depending on the data collected from all Airbus A380 operators; EASA is recommended to ensure that Airbus
determine the probable cause of the flexure endurance fatigue and develop a design improvement for the re-
duction of possible future wire failure incidents.

Reply No. 2 sent on 28/09/2017:

In order to address this potential unsafe condition, the EASA has issued the airworthiness directive (AD)
2017-0131 on 27 July 2017 mandating the Airbus-issued AOT A32R009-16 Rev. 01 instructions for repeti-
tive inspections and modification 77381. It requires repetitive detailed inspections of wing landing gear
(LG) up-lock Emergency Unlock Actuator wiring and functional tests of the wing LG gravity extension sys-
tem and modification of the electrical harness.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

A6-DYR Dubai 22/01/2014 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On 22 January 2014, an Airbus Helicopters EC-130B4 Aircraft, registration A6-DYR, operated by Helidubai impact-
ed the heliport during departure to Dubai International Airport (OMDB) from the Atlantis Palm hotel heliport.

The Aircraft had operated six passenger tourist flights over Dubai prior to the positioning flight from the Atlantic
Palm heliport to the Dubai Air Wing fixed operating base (FOB) at OMDB. The final flight of each day was a posi-
tioning flight from the heliport to the Operator’s FOB at OMDB.

The departure was normally a coastal departure along the Palm, inbound to OMDB.

The flight required lifting to a hover position, a pedal turn to a northerly heading, and a standard climbing de-
parture from the heliport. The Aircraft was airborne at 1132:21 UTC for the 15-minute positioning flight.

On lift-off, the Pilot simultaneously pulled power into the climb while applying continuous left pedal, turning
the Aircraft counter clockwise (to the left). This turn continued past the optimal northerly heading for departure,
with the Aircraft turning rapidly counter clockwise.
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The turn rate accelerated, increasing to approximately 180° per second at a height of approximately 22 meters
(72 feet) above the heliport. The Aircraft then descended rapidly, pitching forward, while continuing in a coun-
ter clockwise turn prior until impact with the heliport. The Aircraft impacted the heliport vertically, with a level
attitude, minimal forward speed, with approximately 5° nose down attitude and a rapid rate of descent (ROD),
until impact.

The Air Accident Investigation Sector (AAIS) determines that the causes of the Accident were intentional entry
into a continuous left hand pedal turn, which rapidly increased the rotation rate of the Aircraft leading to an un-
stable condition developing outside of the Pilot’s ability to respond, resulting in a loss of control in-flight (LOC-I)
and impact with the heliport.

The Pilot was in a spatial disorientation resulting from the rapid onset of the yaw/high speed rotation combined
with the effects of the rotational inertia forcing the Pilot and HLO forward.

The Pilot was unable to determine the cause of the induced turn rate and apply the corrective actions necessary
to return to a stable, steady state condition. The Pilot lowered the collective resulting in an uncontrolled descent
onto the heliport.

Safety Recommendation UNAR-2016-085 (AIB)

Provides adequate guidance on the definition of ‘Aerobatic Flight’. Specifically, a maneuver limitation in the flight
manual which clearly and unambiguously states that yaw rates have to be controlled within defined margins with
a clear warning that excessive intentional induced yaw can lead to pilot disorientation and onset of an uncon-
trollable flight condition.

Reply No. 1 sent on 14/03/2017:

EASA disagrees with the need to specify the yaw rate as a manoeuvre limitation and therefore no pre-
cise guidance is provided in the Rotorcraft Flight Manual on the definition of ‘Aerobatic Flight’. As stated
in the report, this has been done on the AS350-B3 and not the EC-130-B4 only because of the associated
structural limitations associated with the conventional tail rotor head of the AS350 versus the “fenestron”
design of the EC130. The maximum controllable yaw rate depends on several factors and EASA is of the
opinion that knowing that excessive yaw rate can lead to pilot disorientation and onset of uncontrolla-
ble flight condition is considered as pilot’s basic airmanship.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

Safety Recommendation UNAR-2016-086 (AIB)

Considers the option for a mandated locking mechanism for crew harness restraints where the risk during take-
off or maneuvering is that the inertia reel ‘g’ lock limit of 1.5 g will not be exceeded.
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Reply No. 2 sent on 17/11/2017:

EASA considered the implications of mandating a manual locking mechanism for crew harness restraints
and concluded that a manual locking mechanism or reducing the value of the inertia reel ‘g’ lock limit
may create additional risks in other accident scenario.
In fact, such a mechanism would provide not only a discomfort to the pilots, but it could also reduce their
ability to move the upper torso in cases needed for the safe operation of a helicopter.
Therefore, the Agency disagrees with the recommendation.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

United Kingdom
Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

BOEING London Gatwick Airport, United

4X-BAU 03/10/2000 Incident
757 Kingdom

Synopsis of the event:

After an uneventful flight from Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, the crew made an ILS approach to Runway 26 Left
at London Gatwick Airport. The commander was ‘pilot not flying’ (PNF) in the right seat and another captain was
the ‘pilot flying’ (PF) in the left seat. Prior to commencing their approach, the crew had received ATIS Informa-
tion ‘Delta’, timed at 1920 hrs, which broadcast the following information: “Runway in use 26 Left; surface wind
180°/10 kt; visibility 10 km or more; cloud, scattered two thousand feet; temperature +16°, dew point +13°; QNH
1015, QFE 1008.” There was no significant change in ATIS Information ‘Echo’ timed at 1950 hrs. Along with their
landing clearance, the crew were advised by ATC that the surface wind was 190°/ 9 kt. The landing was made
with Flap 25 and Mode 2 autobrake selected in conditions of slight drizzle. The crew considered that a normal
landing had been made, touching down at approximately 135 kt, just beyond the PAPIs and slightly left of the
runway centre-line. Shortly after touchdown the commander stated that the autobrake had disconnected. The
PF acknowledged and reselected Mode 2 on the autobrake. The PF had selected reverse thrust and both pilots
considered that retardation was normal until 100 kt when some vibration was felt. Around this time an engineer
working on an aircraft to the north of the runway heard what he described as two separate distinct “bangs”, sep-
arated by some 5 to10 seconds. The PF continued to slow the aircraft and, on the instructions from ATC, cleared
the runway at fast exit ‘Golf Romeo’. On initial check-in with the ground controller, the PNF advised that they
would be holding position as they suspected a “flat tyre”. The crew had also noticed an indicated loss of some
hydraulic fluid contents in both Left and Right Systems. The controller cleared the crew to hold at ‘Golf 1’ and
advised them that the AFS were on their way to inspect the aircraft. He also declared an ‘Aircraft Ground Inci-
dent’ and advised the tower controller. As a precaution, the tower controller instructed the next landing aircraft
to goaround and then initiated a runway inspection. The inspection revealed tyre debris on the runway and the
runway was declared closed at 1955 hrs. By now, the AFS had inspected the aircraft and informed the crew that
the two right rear tyres had burst. The passengers deplaned via the normal exits and the aircraft was then towed
onto stand. The runway was swept and, following a further inspection, was declared open at 2044 hrs.
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Safety Recommendation UNKG-2002-014 (AAIB)

It is recommended that Airworthiness Authorities such as the JAA and FAA consider implementing the measures
outlined in AAIB Safety Recommendations 99-11 and 99-12 concerning requirements for tyre pressure monitor-
ing and warning systems.

Reply No. 3 sent on 07/07/2017:

With the amendment 14 of CS-25 (effective on 20 December 2013, applicable to new certification projects
of large aeroplanes), the Agency introduced new certification specifications to upgrade the protection
against the damaging effects of tyre and wheel failures.
However, the Agency has initiated a new rulemaking task, RMT.0586, to propose a regulatory change to
better ensure that the inflation pressures of tyres of large aeroplanes remain within the pressure speci-
fications defined by the aeroplane manufacturer.
The terms of reference and the rulemaking group composition were published on 30 May 2017 on the
EASA Website:
Mandating the installation of a tyre pressure monitoring system is one of the elements to be considered
among the objectives of RMT.0586.
The next step of RMT.0586 is the publication of a Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) which is envis-
aged during 03Q2018.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

FOKKER Serious
G-UKFI Manchester Airport 01/04/2002
F28 incident

Synopsis of the event:

During taxi for takeoff at Manchester International Airport, the aircraft passenger cabin filled with smoke and an
emergency evacuation of the aircraft was carried out. The evacuation was carried out expeditiously, but the cab-
in crew had difficulty opening the Galley Service Door and some passengers using the overwing escape hatches
were unsure of how to descend to the ground. The smoke had originated from a damaged Auxiliary Power Unit
(APU), which had allowed oil from the unit to leak into the bleed air system.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2002-043 (AAIB)

The CAA and JAA should review the requirements for passenger safety cards to ensure that, for aircraft with over-
wing exits, the safety card is required to clearly depict the emergency escape route(s) from the cabin, via the
wing, to the ground.
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Reply No. 5 sent on 28/04/2017:

The Agency evaluated this safety issue within the framework of rulemaking tasks RMT.0516 and RMT.0517
‘Updating Air OPS Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 Implementing Rules and related Acceptable Means of
Compliance (AMC) & Guidance Material (GM)’.
The outcome of the evaluation is contained in EASA Executive Director (ED) Decision 2017/008/R, which
was published on the Agency’s web site on 30 March 2017.
The ED Decision introduces new GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.170 ‘Passenger briefing - safety briefing material’,
which states, under point (f)(6)(iii), that the operator should consider including, in its safety briefing ma-
terial, information on escape routes and depiction of those escape routes including via the wing to the

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

N90AG Birmingham Airport 04/01/2002 Accident
CL600 2B19

Synopsis of the event:

Immediately after takeoff from Runway 15 at Birmingham International Airport the aircraft began a rapid left roll,
which continued despite the prompt application of full opposite aileron and rudder. The left winglet contacted
the runway shoulder, the outboard part of the left wing detached and the aircraft struck the ground inverted,
structurally separating the forward fuselage. Fuel released from ruptured tanks ignited and the wreckage slid to
a halt on fire; the Airport Fire Service was in attendance less than 1 minute later. The accident was not survivable.

Numerous possible causes for the uncontrolled roll were identified but all except one were eliminated. It was
concluded that the roll had resulted from the left wing stalling at an abnormally low angle of attack due to flow
disturbance resulting from frost contamination of the wing. A relatively small degree of wing surface roughness
had a major adverse effect on the wing stall characteristics and the stall protection system was ineffective in this
situation. Possible asymmetric de-icing by the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) exhaust gas during pre-flight prepara-
tions may have worsened the wing-drop tendency.

N90AG’s pilots should have been aware of wing frost during pre-flight preparations but the aircraft was not
de-iced and the ice detector system would not have alerted them. It was considered that the judgement and con-
centration of both pilots may have been impaired by the combined effects of a non-prescription drug, jet-lag
and fatigue.

Possible contributory factors were; the inadequate warnings on the drug packaging, Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration (FAA) guidance material suggesting that polished wing frost was acceptable and melting of the frost on
the right wing by the APU exhaust gas.

The investigation identified the following causal factors:

1. The crew did not ensure that N90AG’s wings were clear of frost prior to takeoff.
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2. Reduction of the wing stall angle of attack, due to the surface roughness associated with frost con-
tamination, to below that at which the stall protection system was effective.

3. Possible impairment of crew performance by the combined effects of a non-prescription drug, jet-lag
and fatigue.

Seven safety recommendations have been made.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2003-060 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the FAA and JAA review the current procedural approach to the pre takeoff detection and
elimination of airframe ice contamination and consider requiring a system that would directly monitor aircraft
aerodynamic surfaces for ice contamination and warn the crew of a potentially hazardous condition.

Responsibility has passed to EASA, recommendation should be addressed to the Agency.

Reply No. 3 sent on 02/06/2017:

Mandating the installation of a system which monitors aircraft aerodynamic surfaces for ice contamina-
tion in the frame of on-ground pre-takeoff detection is not envisaged by the Agency. Indeed, available,
or under development, sensor technologies are not deemed suitable as they cannot monitor all sensi-
tive aerodynamic surfaces of the aeroplane, and therefore the existing methods of inspection would still
be needed. These technologies are rather adapted to monitor a limited area and therefore can be used
in-flight to detect icing conditions, or first signs of ice accretion, to support the activation of ice protec-
tion systems.
Nevertheless, the accident to N90AG and this safety recommendation are being taken into account in
rulemaking task RMT.0118 entitled ‘Analysis of on-ground wing contamination effect on take-off perfor-
mance degradation’ which started with the publication of its terms of reference on 21/03/2017:
The specific objective of this task is to mitigate the risk of loss of control of an aeroplane (in particular
during, but not limited to, the take-off phase), and the risk of runway excursion after an aborted take-off
at high speed, caused by an aerodynamic performance or controllability degradation, as a result of aer-
odynamic surfaces contamination by ice or de/anti-icing fluids.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

BRITTEN NORMAN 7.7 NM NW of Campbeltown

G-BOMG 15/03/2005 Accident
BN2B Airport, United Kingdom

Synopsis of the event:

The Glasgow based Islander aircraft was engaged on an air ambulance task for the Scottish Ambulance Service
when the accident occurred. The pilot allocated to the light had not flown for 32 days; he was therefore required
to complete a short light at Glasgow to regain currency before landing to collect a paramedic for the light to
Campbeltown Airport on the Kintyre Peninsula.
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Poor weather at Campbeltown Airport necessitated an instrument approach. There was neither radar nor Air
Traffic Control Service at the airport, so the pilot was receiving a Flight Information Service from a Flight Infor-
mation Service Officer in accordance with authorised procedures. After arriving overhead Campbeltown Airport,
the aircraft flew outbound on the approach procedure for Runway 11 and began a descent. The pilot next trans-
mitted that he had completed the ‘base turn’, indicating that he was inbound to the airport and commencing an
approach. Nothing more was seen or heard of the aircraft and further attempts at radio contact were unsuccess-
ful. The emergency services were alerted and an extensive search operation was mounted in an area based on
the pilot’s last transmission. The aircraft wreckage was subsequently located on the sea bed 7.7 nm west-north-
west of the airport; there were no survivors.

The investigation identified the following causal factors:

1. The pilot allowed the aircraft to descend below the minimum altitude for the aircraft’s position on the
approach procedure, and this descent probably continued unchecked until the aircraft flew into the

2. A combination of fatigue, workload and lack of recent lying practise probably contributed to the pi-
lot’s reduced performance.

3. The pilot may have been subject to an undetermined influence such as disorientation, distraction or
a subtle incapacitation, which affected his ability to safely control the aircraft’s flightpath.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2006-102 (AAIB)

Considering the circumstances of air ambulance flights, the Civil Aviation Authority in conjunction with the JAA
should review the circumstances in which a second pilot is required for public transport flights operating air am-
bulance services.

Reply No. 3 sent on 14/03/2017:

The Agency conducted a safety review of worldwide single-pilot commercial air transport occurrences
during the last 10 years. This includes air ambulance flights.
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) or night operation are common contributing factors evidenced in the review
of occurrences and ORO.FC.200 (c) of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 issued on 5 October 2012 sets the fol-
lowing specific requirements when operating under such conditions:
ƒƒ For aeroplanes, the minimum flight crew shall be two pilots for all turbo-propeller aeroplanes
with a maximum operational passenger seating configuration (MOPSC) of more than nine and all
turbojet aeroplanes.
ƒƒ For helicopters, the minimum flight crew shall be two pilots for all operations with an MOPSC of
more than 19 and for operations under IFR of helicopters with an MOPSC of more than 9.
ƒƒ When single pilot operation is permitted, additional requirements are added in ORO.FC.202 in
terms of training and qualification.
The occurrence review does not show a predominant risk in single-pilot commercial air transport opera-
tions, considering that many historical single-pilot occurrence would now require a second crew if those
EASA operational rules were applicable.
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To be complete, a more specific review of helicopters emergency medical services (HEMS) occurrences
was conducted, because it introduces specific risks when selecting the landing site compared to air am-
bulance flight and the MOPSC is often below 9. This type of operation is covered by a Specific Approval
(Part SPA Subpart J) and a minimum crew of 2 pilots at night or one pilot and one HEMS technical crew
member under specific conditions is defined (SPA.HEMS.130 (e)). Part-ORO subpart TC defines training re-
quirements for HEMS technical crews.
On this basis, the restrictions and mitigation means applied for single-pilots operations appear coherent
with the safety review.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

AIRBUS London Heathrow, United

G-EUOB 22/10/2005 Incident
A319 Kingdom

Synopsis of the event:

The incident occurred at 1926 hrs on 22 October 2005, to an Airbus A319-131 aircraft which was operating
a scheduled passenger flight between London Heathrow and Budapest […].

As the aircraft climbed to Flight Level (FL) 200 in night Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) with autopilot and
autothrust engaged, there was a major electrical failure. This resulted in the loss or degradation of a number of
important aircraft systems. The crew reported that both the commander’s and co-pilot’s Primary Flight Displays
(PFD) and Navigation Displays (ND) went blank, as did the upper ECAM1 display. The autopilot and autothrust
systems disconnected, the VHF radio and intercom were inoperative and most of the cockpit lighting went off.
There were several other more minor concurrent failures.

The commander maintained control of the aircraft, flying by reference to the visible night horizon and the stand-
by instruments, which were difficult to see in the poor light. The co-pilot carried out the abnormal checklist
actions which appeared on the lower ECAM display; the only available electronic flight display. Most of the af-
fected systems were restored after approximately 90 seconds, when the co-pilot selected the AC Essential Feed
switch to Alternate (‘ALTN’). There were no injuries to any of the 76 passengers or 6 crew. After the event, and
following discussions between the crew and the operator’s Maintenance Control, the aircraft continued to Bu-
dapest […].

It was not possible to determine the cause of the incident due to a lack of available evidence, however, nine ad-
ditional Safety Recommendations are made in this report.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2007-062 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency should, in consultation with other National Airwor-
thiness Authorities outside Europe, consider requiring training for flight by sole reference to standby instruments
to pilots during initial and recurrent training courses.
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Reply No. 3 sent on 20/01/2017:

Appendix 9 of Annex I (Part FCL) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, for training, skill test and
proficiency check for Multi-Crew Pilot Licence (MPL), Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL), type and class
ratings, and proficiency check for Instrument Ratings, already covers simulated failure of attitude indi-
cator and abnormal operation of navigation equipment, instruments and flight management system.
In addition, the Agency has published provisions on flight crew Upset Prevention and Recovery Training
(UPRT), with the specific objective to ensure that flight crew acquire and maintain the necessary compe-
tencies to prevent and recover from developing or developed upsets (see Executive Director (ED) Decision
2015/012/R, published on the Agency’s web site on 04 May 2015, amending the Acceptable Means of
Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012).
AMC1 ORO.FC.220&230 ‘Operator conversion training and checking & recurrent training and checking’
introduces upset prevention elements for the recurrent training programme at least every 12 calendar
months, such that all the elements are covered over a period not exceeding 3 years.
This covers, in particular, specific system malfunctions such as instrument failures (as listed in AMC1 ORO.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

BOEING London Heathrow, United

G-YMMM 17/01/2008 Accident
777 Kingdom

Synopsis of the event:

Whilst on approach to London (Heathrow) from Beijing, China, at 720 feet agl, the right engine of G-YMMM
ceased responding to autothrottle commands for increased power and instead the power reduced to 1.03 En-
gine Pressure Ratio (EPR). Seven seconds later the left engine power reduced to 1.02 EPR. This reduction led to
a loss of airspeed and the aircraft touching down some 330 m short of the paved surface of Runway 27L at Lon-
don Heathrow. The investigation identified that the reduction in thrust was due to restricted fuel flow to both

It was determined that this restriction occurred on the right engine at its Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger (FOHE). For
the left engine, the investigation concluded that the restriction most likely occurred at its FOHE. However, due
to limitations in available recorded data, it was not possible totally to eliminate the possibility of a restriction
elsewhere in the fuel system, although the testing and data mining activity carried out for this investigation sug-
gested that this was very unlikely. Further, the likelihood of a separate restriction mechanism occurring within
seven seconds of that for the right engine was determined to be very low.

The investigation identified the following probable causal factors that led to the fuel flow restrictions:

1. Accreted ice from within the fuel system released, causing a restriction to the engine fuel flow at the
face of the FOHE, on both of the engines.

2. Ice had formed within the fuel system, from water that occurred naturally in the fuel, whilst the air-
craft operated with low fuel flows over a long period and the localised fuel temperatures were in an
area described as the ‘sticky range’.
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3. The FOHE, although compliant with the applicable certification requirements, was shown to be sus-
ceptible to restriction when presented with soft ice in a high concentration, with a fuel temperature
that is below -10°C and a fuel flow above flight idle.

4. Certification requirements, with which the aircraft and engine fuel systems had to comply, did not take
account of this phenomenon as the risk was unrecognised at that time.

Eighteen Safety Recommendations have been made.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2008-049 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the Federal Aviation Administration and the European Aviation Safety Agency review the
current certification requirements to ensure that aircraft and engine fuel systems are tolerant to the potential
build up and sudden release of ice in the fuel feed system.

Reply No. 3 sent on 07/07/2017:

Since this accident, a generic Special Condition (SC) “Water / Ice in Fuel system” is raised for applicable
large aeroplane certification projects. The SC requires the applicant to demonstrate that:
ƒƒ the free water (or ice) remains evenly dispersed in the fuel under all operating conditions, or
ƒƒ the amount of ice that could be released as a slug is minimised. The applicant must establish the
threat(s) (quantity of ice, temperature) that can be released. The complete fuel system (including
the engine) must be shown to be tolerant to such sudden release of ice, without significant ad-
verse effect(s) on the powerplant system.
This action fulfils the intent of the safety recommendation.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

SCHEMPP HIRTH Portmoak Airfield, Scotlandwell,

G-EENN 04/09/2012 Accident
NIMBUS3 Kinross

Synopsis of the event:

The glider was being winch launched from a grass airfield. At an early stage of the launch the right wing tip con-
tacted the ground, the left wing lifted and the glider cartwheeledto the right before coming to rest, inverted.
The pilot was fatally injured.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2013-008 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency amend the certification standard for Sailplanes and
Powered Sailplanes (CS 22) to include the requirement that the cable release mechanisms can be operated at any
stage of the launch without restricting the range of movement of any flying control.
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Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

EASA supports the proposal to make a change to Certification Specifications (CS) CS-22 that introduces
a specification for the cable release mechanism for sailplanes and powered sailplanes in line with the
safety recommendation.
The plan is to develop this change in cooperation with the Organisation Scientifique et Technique du Vol
à Voile (OSTIV) Sailplane Development Panel (SDP). Because this existing forum has the support and in-
volvement of a high number of stakeholders, EASA intends to introduce the necessary change to CS-22
through rulemaking task RMT.0037 (22.010) ‘Regular update of CS-22’ that is already in the current EASA
rulemaking programme 2017-2021. A Notices of Proposed Amendment (NPA) is planned to be published
in 2nd quarter 2018.

Status: Open – Category:

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2013-009 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency require that Type Certificate holders of EASA Type
Certificated gliders ensure, where practicable, that the cable release control can be operated at any stage of the
launch without restricting the range of movement of any flying control.

Reply No. 2 sent on 07/07/2017:

The Agency assessed the issue and had identified the sailplane Types that are potentially affected, with
the support of the Type Certificate Holders (TCH).
Following this investigation, the following actions will be pursued:
ƒƒ EASA will issue within 2017 a Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) to make owners and pilots aware
of the possible interference between the flight and the cable release controls. Owners/Pilots who
identify their sailplane (specific serial number) being affected will be requested to get in contact
with the respective TCH.
ƒƒ A clearer and more specific wording of the Acceptable Means of Compliance ( AMC)to Certifica-
tion Specifications (CS)22.777 ‘Cockpit Controls’ has been developed and agreed by the external
advisory body the International Scientific and Technical Soaring Organisation (OSTIV) and will be
included by the next revision of CS-22.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

G-VSXY Gatwick Airport 16/04/2012 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

The aircraft was operating a flight from London Gatwick Airport to McCoy International Airport in Orlando, USA
with three flight crew, 10 cabin crew and 304 passengers on board including three infants. Early in the flight
the crew received a series of smoke warnings from the aft cargo hold and the commander elected to return to
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London Gatwick. The crew carried out the appropriate emergency drills, including the discharge of the fire extin-
guishers in the aft cargo hold, but the smoke warnings continued. The aircraft landed safely, the crew brought it
to a halt on the runway and endeavoured to establish the extent of any fire. This produced conflicting evidence
and, with smoke warnings continuing, the commander ordered an emergency evacuation.

The passengers all left the aircraft within 90 seconds but two injuries, classed as ‘Serious’, were incurred. Subse-
quent examination of the aircraft and its systems showed that the smoke warnings had been spurious.

The investigation identified that injuries were sustained during the evacuation of the aircraft. The evacuation
was initiated based on the commander’s assessment of the available sources of information, including the repet-
itive and intermittent nature of the aft cargo smoke warnings.

The investigation identified the following causal factor for the intermittent cargo smoke warnings:

1. A latent fault on the T1 thermistor channel of smoke detector 10WH, in combination with a CAN Bus
fault and possible high levels of humidity in the cargo compartment due to the carriage of perishable
goods, provided circumstances sufficient to generate multiple spurious aft cargo compartment smoke

The investigation identified the following contributory factors for the intermittent cargo smoke warnings:

1. The thermal channel fault in 10WH was not detected prior to the event by the internal smoke detec-
tor temperature monitoring.

2. The proximity of the fire extinguisher nozzles to the smoke detectors.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2014-005 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency amend AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.170, ‘Passenger briefing’,
to ensure briefings emphasise the importance of leaving hand baggage behind in an evacuation.

Reply No. 4 sent on 28/04/2017:

The Agency evaluated this safety issue within the framework of rulemaking tasks RMT.0516 and RMT.0517
‘Updating Air OPS Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 Implementing Rules and related Acceptable Means of
Compliance (AMC) & Guidance Material (GM)’.
The outcome of the evaluation is contained in EASA Executive Director (ED) Decision 2017/008/R, which
was published on the Agency’s web site on 30 March 2017.
The ED Decision introduces new text under AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.170 on ‘passenger briefing’ which states
that, before take-off/landing, passengers should be briefed on/reminded of the correct stowage of hand
baggage and the importance of leaving hand baggage behind in case of evacuation [see (a)(1)(iii) and (c)
The ED Decision also introduces guidance under point (f)(5)(vi) of GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.170 ‘Passenger brief-
ing - safety briefing material’, which states that the operator should consider including information on
leaving hand baggage behind, in its safety briefing material on emergency exits.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

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Safety Recommendation UNKG-2014-006 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency develops recommendations on the content of visu-
al aids such as safety briefing cards or safety videos to include information on how passengers, including those
with young children, should use the escape devices.

Reply No. 4 sent on 28/04/2017:

The Agency evaluated this safety issue within the framework of rulemaking tasks RMT.0516 and RMT.0517
‘Updating Air OPS Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 Implementing Rules and related Acceptable Means of
Compliance (AMC) & Guidance Material (GM)’.
The outcome of the evaluation is contained in EASA Executive Director (ED) Decision 2017/008/R, which
was published on the Agency’s web site on 30 March 2017.
The ED Decision introduces new guidance material under GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.170 ‘Passenger briefing -
safety briefing material’, which addresses both the safety briefing card and the safety video, and provides
guidance on the minimum content, as applicable to the type of aircraft and the type of operation. In-
clusion of information on how passengers, including those with young children, should use the escape
devices, is addressed under point (f)(7)(iv).
Furthermore, EASA Safety Information Bulletin SIB 2013-06, published on 17 May 2013, provides guid-
ance on evacuation with young aircraft occupants.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

G-EUOE London Heathrow Airport 24/05/2013 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

As the aircraft departed Runway 27L at London Heathrow Airport, the fan cowl doors from both engines de-
tached, puncturing a fuel pipe on the right engine and damaging the airframe, and some aircraft systems. The
flight crew elected to return to Heathrow. On the approach to land an external fire developed on the right en-
gine. The left engine continued to perform normally throughout the flight. The right engine was shut down and
the aircraft landed safely and was brought to a stop on Runway 27R. The emergency services quickly attend-
ed and extinguished the fire in the right engine. The passengers and crew evacuated the aircraft via the escape
slides, without injury.

Subsequent investigation revealed that the fan cowl doors on both engines were left unlatched during mainte-
nance and this was not identified prior to aircraft departure.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2015-003 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency amends Certification Specification 25.901(c), Ac-
ceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) 25.901(c) and AMC 25.1193, to include fan cowl doors in the System Safety
Assessment for the engine installation and requires compliance with these amended requirements during the
certification of modifications to existing products and the initial certification of new designs.
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Reply No. 2 sent on 20/10/2017:

Based on the lessons learnt from in-service events, the Agency introduced, in 2013, a new Certification
Review Item (CRI) providing a Special Condition (SC) for the retention of engine cowls.
The SC requires a cowling design that minimises any in-flight opening or loss of cowling. It also provides
some requirements for the retention system of each openable or removable cowling:
ƒƒ Keep the cowling closed and secured under the operational loads and after improper fastening
of any single latching, locking, or other retention device, or the failure of single latch or hinge;
ƒƒ Have readily accessible means of closing and securing the cowling that do not require excessive
force or manual dexterity; and
ƒƒ Have a reliable means for effectively verifying that the cowling is secured prior to each take-off.
This SC has been applied since 2013 on several large aeroplane certification projects where the design
of the cowling and its installation have similarities with the aeroplanes subject to the in-service events
of engine cowl separation.
Compliance with the new specifications is required for new designs, as well as for changes to existing
designs if applicable in accordance with point 21.A.101 of Annex I (Part-21) to Commission Regulation
(EU) 748/2012
Building on this SC, the Agency has published Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) 2017-12, dated 24
July 2017, related to EASA Rulemaking Task (RMT) 0673, in order to implement the content of this SC
in the Certification Specifications for large aeroplanes CS-25. The NPA proposes to amend CS 25.1193
(Cowling and nacelle skin) in a consistent manner with the above SC, and also to create corresponding
Acceptable Means of Compliance (new AMC 25.1193(e)(4) and (f)).

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

G-SPAO Glasgow City Centre, Scotland 29/11/2013 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

The helicopter departed Glasgow City Heliport (GCH) at 2044 hrs on 29 November 2013, in support of Police
Scotland operations. On board were the pilot and two Police Observers. After their initial task, south of Glas-
gow City Centre, they completed four more tasks; one in Dalkeith, Midlothian, and three others to the east of
Glasgow, before routing back towards the heliport. When the helicopter was about 2.7 nm from GCH, the right
engine flamed out. Shortly afterwards, the left engine also flamed out. An autorotation, flare recovery and land-
ing were not achieved and the helicopter descended at a high rate onto the roof of the Clutha Vaults Bar, which
collapsed. The three occupants in the helicopter and seven people in the bar were fatally injured. Eleven others
in the bar were seriously injured.

Fuel in the helicopter’s main fuel tank is pumped by two transfer pumps into a supply tank, which is divided into
two cells. Each cell of the supply tank feeds its respective engine. During subsequent examination of the helicop-
ter, 76 kg of fuel was recovered from the main fuel tank. However, the supply tank was found to have been empty
at the time of impact. It was deduced from wreckage examination and testing that both fuel transfer pumps in
the main tank had been selected off for a sustained period before the accident, leaving the fuel in the main tank,
unusable. The low fuel 1 and low fuel 2 warning captions, and their associated audio attention-getters, had been
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triggered and acknowledged, after which, the flight had continued beyond the 10-minute period specified in the
Pilot’s Checklist Emergency and Malfunction Procedures.

The helicopter was not required to have, and was not fitted with, flight recorders. However, data and recordings
were recovered from non-volatile memory (NVM) in systems on board the helicopter, and radar, radio, police
equipment and CCTV recordings were also examined.

During the investigation, the EC135’s fuel sensing, gauging and indication system, and the Caution Advisory
Display and Warning Unit were thoroughly examined. This included tests resulting from an incident involving
another EC135 T2+.

Despite extensive analysis of the limited evidence available, it was not possible to determine why both fuel trans-
fer pumps in the main tank remained off during the latter part of the flight, why the helicopter did not land
within the time specified following activation of the low fuel warnings and why a MAYDAY call was not received
from the pilot. Also, it was not possible to establish why a more successful autorotation and landing was not
achieved, albeit in particularly demanding circumstances.

The investigation identified the following causal factors:

1. 73 kg of usable fuel in the main tank became unusable as a result of the fuel transfer pumps being
switched off for unknown reasons.

2. It was calculated that the helicopter did not land within the 10-minute period specified in the Pilot’s
Checklist Emergency and Malfunction Procedures, following continuous activation of the low fuel
warnings, for unknown reasons.

3. Both engines flamed out sequentially while the helicopter was airborne, as a result of fuel starvation,
due to depletion of the supply tank contents.

4. A successful autorotation and landing was not achieved, for unknown reasons.

The investigation identified the following contributory factors:

1. Incorrect management of the fuel system allows useable fuel to remain in the main tank while the con-
tents in the supply tank become depleted.

2. The RADALT and steerable landing light were unpowered after the second engine flamed out, leading
to a loss of height information and reduced visual cues.

3. Both engines flamed out when the helicopter was flying over a built-up area.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2015-035 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency mandate the ICAO Annex 6 flight recorder require-
ments for all helicopter emergency medical service operations, regardless of aircraft weight. The last two hours
of flight crew communications and cockpit area audio should be recorded. The cockpit area audio recording
should continue for 10 minutes after the loss of normal electrical power.
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Reply No. 3 sent on 28/04/2017:

Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 contains the following provisions on CVR recording duration
for Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operations with helicopters (including emergency medical services):
CAT.IDE.H.185 Cockpit voice recorder
(a) The following helicopter types shall be equipped with a cockpit voice recorder (CVR):
(1) all helicopters with an MCTOM of more than 7 000 kg; and
(2) helicopters with an MCTOM of more than 3 175 kg and first issued with an individual CofA on or af-
ter 1 January 1987.
(b) The CVR shall be capable of retaining the data recorded during at least:
(1) the preceding two hours for helicopters referred to in (a)(1) and (a)(2), when first issued with an indi-
vidual CofA on or after 1 January 2016;
In addition, the Agency published, on 03 April 2017, Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-03 under
rulemaking task RMT.0271 ‘In-flight recording for light aircraft’.
The NPA includes a proposal to mandate the carriage of lightweight flight recorders capable of record-
ing flight parameters for turbine-engined helicopters with a Maximum Certified Take-Off Mass (MCTOM)
greater than or equal to 2 250 kg, when the helicopter is newly manufactured, is commercially operated
(commercial air transport and commercial specialised operations), and is not currently required to carry
a flight data recorder. This includes the Airbus Helicopters EC135, for example. However, the benefit of
recording of cockpit audio was not considered sufficient to mandate it.
The impact assessment concluded that voluntary installation (through safety promotion channels) of in-
flight recording systems (also capable of recording cockpit audio) is the most appropriate way forward
for all other cases.
The next RMT.0271 deliverable, an EASA Opinion, is planned to be published in 2018. Pending adoption
of the Opinion and publication of the related amending regulation to Commission Regulation (EU) No
965/2012, an Executive Director’s Decision containing the associated Acceptable Means of Compliance
and Guidance Material will be published.
The issue of an alternate power source for the CVR is currently being considered within the framework
of RMT.0249 ‘Recorders installation and maintenance thereof - certification aspects’ which was launched
on 18 September 2014 with the publication of the Terms of Reference. The Notice of Proposed Amend-
ment (NPA) from this rulemaking task is planned to be published in the first half of 2017.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

AEROSPATIALE on approach to Sumburgh

G-WNSB 23/08/2013 Accident
AS332 Airport in the Shetland Islands

Synopsis of the event:

At 1717 hrs UTC on 23 August 2013, an AS332 L2 Super Puma helicopter with sixteen passengers and two crew
on board crashed in the sea during the approach to land at Sumburgh Airport. Four of the passengers did not
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The purpose of the flight was to transport the passengers, who were employees of the UK offshore oil and gas in-
dustry, to Aberdeen. On the accident flight, the helicopter had departed the Borgsten Dolphin semi-submersible
drilling platform in the North Sea, to route to Sumburgh Airport for a refuelling stop. It then planned to contin-
ue to Aberdeen Airport.

The commander was the Pilot Flying (PF) on the accident sector. The weather conditions were such that the fi-
nal approach to Runway 09 at Sumburgh Airport was flown in cloud, requiring the approach to be made by sole
reference to the helicopter’s instruments, in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) set out in
the operator’s Operating Manual (OM). The approach was flown with the autopilot in 3-axes with Vertical Speed
(V/S) mode, which required the commander to operate the collective pitch control manually to control the hel-
icopter’s airspeed. The co-pilot was responsible for monitoring the helicopter’s vertical flightpath against the
published approach vertical profile and for seeking the external visual references necessary to continue with the
approach and landing. The procedures permitted the helicopter to descend to a height of 300 ft, the Minimum
Descent Altitude (MDA) for the approach, at which point a level-off was required if visual references had not yet
been acquired.

Although the approach vertical profile was maintained initially, insufficient collective pitch control input was
applied by the commander to maintain the approach profile and the target approach airspeed of 80 kt. This re-
sulted in insufficient engine power being provided and the helicopter’s airspeed reduced continuously during
the final approach. Control of the flightpath was lost and the helicopter continued to descend below the MDA.
During the latter stages of the approach the helicopter’s airspeed had decreased below 35 kt and a high rate of
descent had developed.

The decreasing airspeed went unnoticed by the pilots until a very late stage, when the helicopter was in a critical-
ly low energy state. The commander’s attempt to recover the situation was unsuccessful and the helicopter struck
the surface of the sea approximately 1.7 nm west of Sumburgh Airport. It rapidly filled with water and rolled in-
verted, but was kept afloat by the flotation bags which had deployed.

Search and Rescue (SAR) assets were dispatched to assist and the survivors were rescued by the Sumburgh-based
SAR helicopters that attended the scene.

The investigation identified the following causal factors in the accident:

ƒƒ The helicopter’s flight instruments were not monitored effectively during the latter stages of the non-
precision instrument approach. This allowed the helicopter to enter a critically low energy state, from
which recovery was not possible.

ƒƒ Visual references had not been acquired by the Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) and no effective
action was taken to level the helicopter, as required by the operator’s procedure for an instrument

The following contributory factors were identified:

ƒƒ The operator’s SOP for this type of approach was not clearly defined and the pilots had not developed
a shared, unambiguous understanding of how the approach was to be flown.

ƒƒ The operator’s SOPs at the time did not optimise the use of the helicopter’s automated systems dur-
ing a Non-Precision Approach.
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ƒƒ The decision to fly a 3-axes with V/S mode, decelerating approach in marginal weather conditions did
not make optimum use of the helicopter’s automated systems and required closer monitoring of the
instruments by the crew.

ƒƒ Despite the poorer than forecast weather conditions at Sumburgh Airport, the commander had not al-
tered his expectation of being able to land from a Non-Precision Approach.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2016-008 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency considers establishing a European Operators Flight
Data Monitoring forum for helicopter operators to promote and support the development of Helicopter Flight
Data Monitoring programmes.

Reply No. 2 sent on 28/04/2017:

The Agency decided to focus firstly on offshore helicopter operators for promoting flight data monitor-
ing (FDM), through paragraph SPA.HOFO.145 in Annex V to Commission Regulation (EU) 965/2012, which
requires offshore operators to implement an FDM programme by 01 January 2019 (see Commission Reg-
ulation (EU) 2016/1199 of 22 July 2016 amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012).
Hence, an on-line survey was conducted by the Agency in September and October 2016, which includ-
ed the topic of creating an FDM forum for the exchange of good practice between offshore operators.
Twenty-six organisations responded, among which sixteen were offshore operators (eleven of which
have their principal place of business in an EASA Member State). The survey results showed clear sup-
port from offshore operators for the proposal to create such an FDM forum, as well as the need to share
experience between experts in the FDM field.
Based on this result and after coordination meetings with CAA-UK and HeliOffshore (safety association),
it was decided to open up the next FDM conference organised by the Agency to helicopter operators. This
FDM conference will take place in June 2017, as announced on the EASA website.
In addition, the European Operators Flight Data Monitoring (EOFDM) forum has been extended to in-
clude participation from helicopter operators: the terms of reference of EOFDM were amended for that
purpose. Helicopter operators (starting with offshore operators) will be invited to join the working group

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2016-009 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency collaborates with National Aviation Authorities and
helicopter operators to develop and publish guidance material on detection logic for Helicopter Flight Data Mon-
itoring programmes.
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Reply No. 2 sent on 20/01/2017:

In June 2016, the Agency discussed the idea of developing guidance material on detection logic for heli-
copter Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) programmes with the European Authorities coordination group on
Flight Data Monitoring (EAFDM). The need for such guidance material was acknowledged by this group.
Further to that, in September 2016, the Agency launched an industry survey on FDM programmes ad-
dressed to helicopter offshore operators. Among others, the results of this survey indicate that three
quarters of respondents identify a need for guidance on detection logic for helicopter FDM programmes.
In the meantime, the Civil Aviation Authority of United Kingdom (CAA-UK) announced its intention to
produce ‘guidance on best practice to support the new European Air Operations Regulations for off-
shore operations (SPA.HOFO)’: refer to CAP1386 (Safety review of offshore public transport helicopter
operations in support of the exploitation of oil and gas: Progress report 2016) available on the CAA-UK
website. This guidance material is foreseen to include ‘new or revised “events” or “measurements” to
monitor for adherence to company Standard Operating Procedures’. For this project, the CAA UK plans to
work with ‘UK helicopter operators and EASA’.
It is considered that this CAA-UK project will satisfy the intent of the safety recommendation, and the
Agency is supporting it.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

SAAB Serious
G-LGNO en-route 15/12/2014
2000 incident

Synopsis of the event:

The aircraft was inbound to land on Runway 27 at Sumburgh when the pilots discontinued the approach be-
cause of weather to the west of the airport. As the aircraft established on a southerly heading, it was struck by
lightning. When the commander made nose-up pitch inputs the aircraft did not respond as he expected. After
reaching 4,000 ft amsl the aircraft pitched to a minimum of 19° nose down and exceeded the applicable maxi-
mum operating speed (VMO) by 80 kt, with a peak descent rate of 9,500 ft/min. The aircraft started to climb after
reaching a minimum height of 1,100 ft above sea level.

Recorded data showed that the autopilot had remained engaged, contrary to the pilots’ understanding, and the
pilots’ nose-up pitch inputs were countered by the autopilot pitch trim function, which made a nose-down pitch
trim input in order to regain the selected altitude.

Five Safety Recommendations are made relating to the design of the autopilot system and the certification re-
quirements for autopilot systems.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2016-050 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency review the design of the Saab 2000 autopilot sys-
tem and require modification to ensure that the autopilot does not create a potential hazard when the flight crew
applies an override force to the flight controls.
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Reply No. 1 sent on 20/01/2017:

The European Aviation Safety Agency has performed a preliminary review of the design of the Saab 2000
autopilot system, together with a review of the in-service experience of the Saab 2000 and a benchmark
of the other certified autopilot systems, in light of the Loganair incident and associated investigation re-
port. While it was found that some simple improvements to the design could possibly further enhance
safety and should be further evaluated in cooperation with the TC holder, it is not believed that an exten-
sive change such as enabling autopilot disengagement by pilot input force on the control column would
be commensurate.

Status: Closed – Category: Disagreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

G-BYCP Near Chigwell, Essex 03/10/2015 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

The aircraft was climbing through approximately 750 ft amsl after takeoff when it began to turn right. It con-
tinued to climb in the turn until it reached approximately 875 ft amsl when it began to descend. The descent
continued until the aircraft struck some trees at the edge of a field, approximately 1.8 nm southwest of the
aerodrome. The evidence available was consistent with a loss of aircraft control in Instrument Meteorological
Conditions (IMC), but this could not be concluded unequivocally because of a lack of evidence from within the
cockpit. However, it is possible the pilot became incapacitated and the additional crew member was unable to
recover the aircraft in the height available.

Three Safety Recommendations are made regarding the fitment of Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2016-055 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency require all in-service and future turbine aircraft
with a Maximum Certificated Take-off Mass of 5,700 kg or less and with a maximum operational passenger seat-
ing configuration of between six and nine passengers to be fitted with, as a minimum standard, a Class B Terrain
Awareness and Warning System certified to ETSO-C151b.

Reply No. 3 sent on 17/11/2017:

EASA has evaluated the existing regulatory mitigation for the risk of Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT)
accidents with small turbine-powered aeroplanes, within the context of Rulemaking Tasks RMT.0371 and
RMT.0372 on Terrain Awareness Warning Systems (TAWS). The tasks were conducted in accordance with
the EASA Management Board (MB) Decision No 18-2015 (the rulemaking procedure). The deliverables
developed by EASA were based on input from a dedicated rulemaking group representing authorities
and industry. All interested parties were consulted through public consultation of Notice of Proposed
Amendment NPA 2015-21. Comments received and the associated EASA responses were published in Com-
ment-Response Document CRD 2015-21. EASA Opinion 15/2016, was published on 16 December 2016.
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The Opinion includes proposals for amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 to require
turbine-powered aeroplanes performing commercial operations for which the individual Certificate of
Airworthiness (CofA) is first issued after 1 January 2019, having a Maximum Certified Take-Off Mass (MC-
TOM) of 5 700 kg or less, and a Maximum Operational Passenger Seating Configuration (MOPSC) of six
to nine, to be equipped with a TAWS that meets the requirements for Class B equipment, as specified in
an acceptable standard. Existing guidance material defines ‘acceptable standard’ as the applicable Euro-
pean Technical Standards Order (ETSO) issued by the Agency (e.g. ETSO-C151 (any revision) or equivalent.
Mandating TAWS to be installed on existing aeroplanes (retrofit) and to be applied to aircraft used for
non-commercial operations was also considered under the RMT. The outcome of the data analysis and
impact assessment did not support this, especially taking into account the principle of proportionality
for general aviation legislation. However, considering the potential safety benefits of TAWS, i.e. further
reducing the probability of CFIT accidents, and taking into account that ICAO recommends that all tur-
bine-engined aeroplanes of a MCTOM of 5700 kg or less and authorized to carry more than five but not
more than nine passengers should be equipped with a ground proximity warning system, EASA consid-
ered that there were significant grounds to recommend the installation of TAWS on such aeroplanes.
Therefore, the Agency published a Safety Information Bulletin (SIB No 2017-14), on 06 September 2017,
recommending that owners and operators of the afore-mentioned aeroplanes, as well as affected aero-
plane manufacturers, install a TAWS that meets the requirements for Class B equipment, as specified in
an acceptable standard, e.g. ETSO-C151 (any revision), or equivalent.
During the RMT, when building the safety case during a regulatory impact assessment (RIA), one of the
major aspects taken into account was that the absence of TAWS in the aircraft within the scope of the task
was a factor in only two accidents in Europe in the last 10 years.
Technology has evolved and most terrain awareness functions are nowadays an integral part of the avi-
onics. Manufacturers in Europe and the US offer this system with their new aircraft, in line with the
recommendation from ICAO and the FAA requirements on TAWS. Furthermore, a significant proportion
of operators have voluntarily installed TAWS or an equivalent terrain awareness system to existing air-
craft in Europe (20 % of those responding to an EASA survey conducted under the TAWS RMT).
Lastly, the risk area of terrain conflict, including controlled collision with terrain, features in the pub-
lished EASA Rulemaking and EPAS programme 2017-2021. The Agency is committed to the continuous
assessment and improvement of risk controls to mitigate the risk of controlled flight into terrain, through
monitoring of safety issues identified in the Commercial Air Transport Fixed Wing Portfolio (see the EASA
Annual Safety Review 2016) for this particular risk area.
This includes the establishment of a Member State Task MST.006 to include CFIT in national State Safety
Programmes, including, as a minimum, agreeing a set of actions and measuring their effectiveness. Any
weaknesses identified in the regulatory framework will be acted on appropriately in order to close any
emerging safety gaps.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

G-GSGS Parham Airfield 10/08/2017 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

The pilot had fully charged both Front Electric Sustainer (FES) batteries on 4 August 2017, after which they were
removed from the chargers for storage. He installed them in the glider on the morning of 10 August, with the
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intention of flying the glider that afternoon. He initiated the FES battery self-checking procedure before con-
ducting a daily inspection of the glider, after which the self-checking procedure had completed with no faults
indicated on the FES Control Unit (FCU). He then fitted the FES battery compartment cover and applied tape
around the edges of the cover.

The pilot conducted a ground run of the FES propeller, which operated normally. He then switched the Power Switch
OFF, and also turned the FCU OFF, which was contrary to his normal practice of leaving the FCU switched ON.

The pilot launched from Parham Airfield by aerotow at 1021 hrs and flew in ridge lift for a period of 38 minutes
before encountering a rain shower. He decided to use the FES propulsion system and turned the Power Switch
ON. He then noticed that the FCU was switched OFF, so he switched the FCU ON without moving the Power
Switch position.

After waiting a few seconds for the FCU green LEDs to show that the FES propulsion system was available, he op-
erated the FES motor which responded normally and operated for 4 minutes. The pilot did not recall observing
any fault messages on the FCU during the motor operation.

After stopping the FES motor the pilot noticed that the propeller did not realign itself correctly against the nose
of the glider. The pilot had experienced this problem previously and did not consider it to be a significant issue,
so he did not attempt to realign the propeller. He switched the Power Switch OFF, leaving the FCU switched ON
and continued in soaring flight for a further 1 hour 15 minutes before positioning the glider to land on grass
Runway 22 at Parham Airfield. The circuit was flown normally to a smooth touchdown, however at the moment
of touchdown the pilot heard an unexpected noise.

As the glider slowed during the ground run, the pilot smelled burning and the cockpit filled with smoke that
was moving forwards from behind the pilot’s head. The pilot did not report observing any warning messages
or illuminated LEDs on the FCU, although his attention was drawn outside the cockpit during landing. He vacat-
ed the cockpit normally, without injury, and observed that the FES battery compartment cover was missing and
that smoke, followed shortly by flames, was coming from the battery compartment. The airfield fire truck ar-
rived promptly and an initial attempt was made to extinguish the fire using a CO2 gaseous extinguisher, but this
proved unsuccessful. Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) was then sprayed into the FES battery compartment and
the fire was extinguished.

The FES battery compartment cover was found close to the glider’s touchdown point. The cover’s rear carbon
fibre catch was fractured, consistent with a vertical load acting on the inside of the cover. The cover did not ex-
hibit any overheating damage.

Safety Recommendation UNKG-2017-018 (AAIB)

It is recommended that the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) requires that all powered sailplanes, oper-
ating under either an EASA Restricted Type Certificate, or an EASA Permit to Fly, and fitted with a Front Electric
Sustainer (FES) system, are equipped with a warning system to alert the pilot to the presence of a fire or other
hazardous condition in the FES battery compartment.
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Reply No. 1 sent on 17/11/2017:

The Agency agrees with the intent of the Safety Recommendation.
As first action, the Emergency Airworthiness Directive (EAD) 2017-0167-E was published on September
6th, 2017. This EAD requires removal of the Front Electrical Sustainer (FES) battery pack or an EASA ap-
proved modification of the FES batteries before the next flight. The three affected manufacturers are
currently in the process of developing the corrective action addressed by the EAD and the Air Accident
Investigation Branch (AAIB) Special Bulletin. EASA concurs with the recommendation and will require
a warning system as part of the corrective action. Design details of such warning systems are not availa-
ble yet, since the systems are still under development.
Moreover, the Agency will look into further items such as, Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) improvement,
Flight Control Unit (FCU) software update with regard to the warnings presented to the pilot and modifi-
cations to the FES battery design itself.
EASA will ensure that the same corrective action is applied to aircraft under Permit to Fly as well.

Status: Open – Category:

United States
Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

AIRBUS Hudson River about 8,5 miles

N106US from La Guardia Airport, New 15/01/2009 Accident
A320 York, USA

Synopsis of the event:

Loss of Thrust in Both Engines After Encountering a Flock of Birds and Subsequent Ditching on the Hudson River

On January 15, 2009, about 1527 eastern standard time, US Airways flight 1549, an Airbus Industrie A320-214,
N106US, experienced an almost complete loss of thrust in both engines after encountering a flock of birds and
was subsequently ditched on the Hudson River about 8.5 miles from LaGuardia Airport (LGA), New York City, New
York. The flight was en route to Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, North Carolina, and had de-
parted LGA about 2 minutes before the in-flight event occurred. The 150 passengers, including a lap-held child,
and 5 crewmembers evacuated the airplane via the forward and overwing exits. One flight attendant and four
passengers were seriously injured, and the airplane was substantially damaged.

The scheduled, domestic passenger flight was operating under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations
Part 121 on an instrument flight rules flight plan. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the

The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the ingestion
of large birds into each engine, which resulted in an almost total loss of thrust in both engines and the subse-
quent ditching on the Hudson River. Contributing to the fuselage damage and resulting unavailability of the aft
slide/rafts were (1) the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) approval of ditching certification without deter-
mining whether pilots could attain the ditching parameters without engine thrust, (2) the lack of industry flight
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crew training and guidance on ditching techniques, and (3) the captain’s resulting difficulty maintaining his in-
tended airspeed on final approach due to the task saturation resulting from the emergency situation.

Contributing to the survivability of the accident was (1) the decision-making of the flight crewmembers and
their crew resource management during the accident sequence; (2) the fortuitous use of an airplane that was
equipped for an extended overwater flight, including the availability of the forward slide/rafts, even though it
was not required to be so equipped; (3) the performance of the cabin crewmembers while expediting the evacu-
ation of the airplane; and (4) the proximity of the emergency responders to the accident site and their immediate
and appropriate response to the accident.

Safety Recommendation UNST-2010-088 (NTSB)

The National Transportation Safety Board makes the following recommendations to the European Aviation Safety
Agency: Modify the small and medium flocking bird certification test standard in Joint Aviation Regulations–
Engines to require that the test be conducted using the lowest expected fan speed, instead of 100-percent fan
speed, for the minimum climb rate. [A-10-88]

Reply No. 4 sent on 17/11/2017:

Rulemaking task RMT.0671 started on 30 May 2017 with the publication of its terms of reference.
The Agency published the Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) NPA 2017-16 for consultation on 2 Octo-
ber 2017. The NPA proposal has taken into account this accident and the related safety recommendations,
as well as the Engine Harmonization Working Group (EHWG) report ‘Turbofan Bird Ingestion Regula-
tion’ of 19 February 2015. The EHWG was formed after the FAA tasked the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory
Committee (ARAC) to address the NTSB safety recommendations from this accident. EASA actively par-
ticipated in this working group.
The NPA proposes to amend the medium flocking bird ingestion demonstration provisions in Certifica-
tion Specification for Engines (CS-E) to include an additional test specification for turbine engines to be
required to continue to operate following the ingestion of a medium-sized bird into the engine core with
a fan speed that is representative of the climb condition (i.e. the lowest expected available climb thrust
setting for the engine installation).
However, no change is proposed to the maximum take-off thrust requirement for other aspects of the
medium flocking bird provisions since this requirement is far more stringent for the fan blades.
The final EASA Executive Director decision to amend CS-E is planned for second quarter of 2018.

Status: Open – Category:

Safety Recommendation UNST-2010-089 (NTSB)

The National Transportation Safety Board makes the following recommendations to the European Aviation Safe-
ty Agency: During the bird-ingestion rulemaking database (BRDB) working group’s reevaluation of the current
engine bird-ingestion certification regulations, specifically reevaluate the Joint Aviation Regulations–Engines
(JAR-E) large flocking bird certification test standards to determine whether they should

1) apply to engines with an inlet area of less than 3,875 square inches and
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2) include a requirement for engine core ingestion. If the BRDB working group’s reevaluation determines
that such requirements are needed, incorporate them into JAR-E and require that newly certificated
engines be designed and tested to these requirements. [A-10-089]

Reply No. 4 sent on 17/11/2017:

Rulemaking task RMT.0671 started on 30 May 2017 with the publication of its terms of reference.
The Agency published the Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) NPA 2017-16 for consultation on 2 Octo-
ber 2017. The NPA proposal has taken into account this accident and the related safety recommendations,
as well as the Engine Harmonization Working Group (EHWG) report ‘Turbofan Bird Ingestion Regula-
tion’ of 19 February 2015. The EHWG was formed after the FAA tasked the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory
Committee (ARAC) to address the NTSB safety recommendations from this accident. EASA actively par-
ticipated in this working group.
In the NPA, the Agency proposes no amendment to the large flocking bird provisions in Certification
Specifications for Engines CS-E 800 for the reasons described below.
The large flocking bird certification test provisions were reviewed to determine whether they should
apply to engines in the class D size (inlet throat areas of 1.35 to 2.5 m²/2092 to 3875 in²) and include
additional provisions for engine core ingestion. The potential benefit of adding a large flocking bird re-
quirement to this engine size class was considered and it was found that, due to the shorter fan blade
length in this size class, the large flocking bird test condition would not clearly provide any significant
safety benefit for either the fan bypass threat or the core ingestion element. Simulations provided by an
engine manufacturer revealed that the current additional integrity test requirement provides an equiv-
alent structural challenge to the fan blade up to the 1.58 kg bird size. Manufacturer simulations also
showed that the current medium flocking bird requirements provide similar energy at the core intake
(within 2%) despite the larger amount of bird material associated with the large flocking bird.

Status: Closed – Category: Partial agreement

Safety Recommendation UNST-2010-095 (NTSB)

The National Transportation Safety Board makes the following recommendations to the European Aviation Safety
Agency: Require modifications to life vest stowage compartments or stowage compartment locations to improve
the ability of passengers to retrieve life vests for all occupants. [A-10-95]

Reply No. 6 sent on 28/04/2017:

The Agency has collaborated with FAA to revise the minimum performance standards for aircraft seating
systems, (European) Technical Standard Order (E)TSO-C127a by adding new life vest retrieval require-
ments taking into account this safety recommendation.
Consequently, the FAA has published TSO-C127b dated 06.06.2014.
The Agency has also revised ETSO-C127 (from issue ‘a’ to issue ‘b’) under rulemaking task RMT.0206.
The associated ED Decision 2016/013/R amending CS-ETSO (amendment 11) entered into force on
5 August 2016.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

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Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

N14053 Belle Harbor 12/11/2001 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On November 12, 2001, about 0916:15 eastern standard time, American Airlines flight 587, an Airbus Industrie
A300-605R, N14053, crashed into a residential area of Belle Harbor, New York, shortly after takeoff from John F.
Kennedy International Airport, Jamaica, New York. Flight 587 was a regularly scheduled passenger flight to Las
Americas International Airport, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, with 2 flight crewmembers, 7 flight attend-
ants, and 251 passengers aboard the airplane. The airplane’s vertical stabilizer and rudder separated in flight and
were found in Jamaica Bay, about 1 mile north of the main wreckage site. The airplane’s engines subsequent-
ly separated in flight and were found several blocks north and east of the main wreckage site. All 260 people
aboard the airplane and 5 people on the ground were killed, and the airplane was destroyed by impact forces
and a postcrash fire. Flight 587 was operating under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121
on an instrument flight rules flight plan. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident.

The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the in-flight
separation of the vertical stabilizer as a result of the loads beyond ultimate design that were created by the first
officer’s unnecessary and excessive rudder pedal inputs. Contributing to these rudder pedal inputs were charac-
teristics of the Airbus A300-600 rudder system design and elements of the American Airlines Advanced Aircraft
Maneuvering Program.

Safety Recommendation UNST-2010-119 (NTSB)

The National Transportation Safety Board recommends that the European Aviation Safety Agency modify Eu-
ropean Aviation Safety Agency Certification Specifications for Large Aeroplanes CS-25 to ensure safe handling
qualities in the yaw axis throughout the flight envelope, including limits for rudder pedal sensitivity. [A-10-119]

Reply No. 4 sent on 07/07/2017:

The FAA Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) established the Flight Controls Harmonization
Working Group (FCHWG) to assist in the analysis of the issue of rudder pedal sensitivity and rudder rever-
sals (notice published under Federal register Vol.76, No. 59, dated 28 March 2011). The task of the group
was to review the need to revise existing certification specifications for large aeroplanes as well as the
need to enforce retroactive measures for the already certificated aircraft.
EASA participated to this Group which released its Rudder Pedal Sensitivity/Rudder Reversal Recommen-
dation Report dated November 7, 2013; the report includes recommendations for the amendment of FAR
Part 25 and CS-25. It is available on the FAA Website at:
Based on this report, the Agency issued a Special Condition (SC) to ensure that the aeroplane must be
designed for loads, considered as ultimate, resulting from the application of two rudder reversal pedal
inputs. The SC was published for consultation on 11/12/2015. The final SC, acceptable means of compli-
ance (AMC), and the responses to comments are available on the EASA Website:
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 222

This SC will be applied to new Type Certificates for which an application is made after the publication
of the final SC. In accordance with Part 21.A.101 the applicability will be evaluated for major significant
changes to previously certified aeroplanes.
Rulemaking task RMT.0397 will introduce new certification specifications in CS-25 (applicable to new cer-
tification projects for large aeroplanes) to mitigate the risk of pilots unintended or inappropriate rudder
pedal usage. RMT.0397 started on 30 May 2017 with the publication of its terms of reference on the EASA

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

N902FX Lubbock, Texas, United States 27/01/2009 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

On January 27, 2009, about 0437 central standard time, an Avions de Transport Régional Aerospatiale Alenia ATR
42-320, N902FX, operating as Empire Airlines flight 8284, was on an instrument approach when it crashed short
of the runway at Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport, Lubbock, Texas. The captain sustained serious in-
juries, and the first officer sustained minor injuries. The airplane was substantially damaged. The airplane was
registered to FedEx Corporation and operated by Empire Airlines, Inc., as a 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part
121 supplemental cargo flight. The flight departed from Fort Worth Alliance Airport, Fort Worth, Texas, about
0313. Instrument meteorological conditions prevailed, and an instrument flight rules flight plan was filed.

The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the flight
crew’s failure to monitor and maintain a minimum safe airspeed while executing an instrument approach in ic-
ing conditions, which resulted in an aerodynamic stall at low altitude. Contributing to the accident were 1) the
flight crew’s failure to follow published standard operating procedures in response to a flap anomaly, 2) the cap-
tain’s decision to continue with the unstabilized approach, 3) the flight crew’s poor crew resource management,
and 4) fatigue due to the time of day in which the accident occurred and a cumulative sleep debt, which likely
impaired the captain’s performance.

Safety Recommendation UNST-2012-027 (NTSB)

The National Transportation Safety Board makes the following recommendation to the European Aviation Safe-
ty Agency: evaluate all European Aviation Safety Agency-certificated transport-category airplanes equipped with
stick pushers to ensure that the stick pusher activates at an angle of attack that will provide adequate stall pro-
tection in the presence of airframe ice accretions. [A-12-27]
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 223

Reply No. 4 sent on 02/06/2017:

Following the National Transportation Safety Board’s safety recommendation A12-27 (EASA reference:SR
UNST-2012-027), the EASA issued a letter to all large aeroplane European Union Type Certificate holders,
ref:HHO/sha/C(1.1) 2013(D)53130, dated 5 July 2013, inquiring feedback on their EASA certified types and
models that feature a stick pusher function, and requesting them to provide in this case the values of the
angle of attack (AoA) triggering the stall warning (stick shaker) and the stall protection (stick pusher).
Following the EASA preliminary answer provided to this safety recommendation through the letter
2015(D)56316, dated 07th January 2016, the SAAB 340 was identified as having a stall protection (stick
pusher function) where the AoA threshold activates the stick pusher irrespective of the icing or non-icing
conditions. However, the SAAB 340 stall warning (stick shaker function) has different AoA values depend-
ing on the icing or non-icing conditions.
The need for a specific stick pusher setting in icing conditions was already assessed by the Certification
Authority in 2008. The outcomes of this assessment confirmed that such a dedicated stick pusher setting
for icing conditions was not needed due to the proper activation of the stick pusher function before the
aerodynamic stall occurred in both icing and non-icing conditions.
To complete the evaluation of the SAAB 340 design in the frame of this Safety Recommendation, EASA
confirms that no in-service occurrence has put into question the conclusions made at the time of the
2008 assessment.
The reliability objectives, imposed by the type certification basis, have also been computed with the
current fleet figures (number of occurrences / cumulated flight hours), confirming that the number of re-
ported occurrences does not impair the safety objectives set for the stick pusher system. EASA confirms
that the SAAB 340 stick pusher function provides adequate stall protection in the presence of airframe
ice accretions.
The particular case of Fokker 70/100 was not mentioned in the EASA letter 2015(D)56316. The design of
the Fokker 70/100 does not have different AoA thresholds for the stall protection for icing or non-icing
conditions. The stick shaker function, as well as the stick pusher function, are set with AoA thresholds
values which ensure sufficient safety margin before reaching the aerodynamic stall of the aeroplane on
both non-icing and icing conditions.

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

N390LG Frisco, Colorado 03/07/2015 Accident

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

N356AM St. Louis, Missouri 06/03/2015 Accident

Synopsis of the event:

Crash-Resistant Fuel Systems on Airbus Helicopters

On March 6, 2015, about 2310 central standard time, an Airbus Helicopters EC130 B4 helicopter, N356AM, oper-
ated by Air Methods Corporation, doing business as ARCH, struck the edge of a hospital building and impacted
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 224

its parking lot near St. Louis, Missouri, during approach to an elevated rooftop helipad. The helicopter was
destroyed by impact forces and a postcrash fire. The pilot was the sole occupant and sustained fatal thermal in-
juries. Night visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the flight conducted under the provisions of 14 Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 135. The NTSB’s ongoing investigation determined that the accident was imme-
diately survivable in the absence of a postcrash fire.

On July 3, 2015, about 1339 mountain daylight time, an Airbus Helicopters AS350 B3e helicopter, N390LG, oper-
ated by Air Methods Corporation, partially impacted a parked recreational vehicle in a parking lot near Summit
Medical Center in Frisco, Colorado, after takeoff from a ground-based hospital helipad. The helicopter was de-
stroyed by impact forces and a postcrash fire. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the flight conducted
under the provisions of 14 CFR Part 135. Video footage from a parking lot surveillance camera revealed a post-
crash fire initiating a few seconds after ground impact concurrent with large quantities of fuel flowing from the
helicopter wreckage. The pilot and two flight nurses survived the initial ground impact. One flight nurse sus-
tained a back injury and the other sustained serious thermal injuries. A medical staff member on the ground near
the crash site also sustained thermal injuries while attempting to rescue the pilot from the helicopter wreckage.
The pilot ultimately died from his injuries.2 The NTSB’s investigation of this accident is ongoing.

Neither the AS350 B3e nor the EC130 B4 helicopter was equipped with a crash-resistant fuel system, which if in-
stalled, may have prevented or reduced the risk of thermal injuries.

Safety Recommendation UNST-2016-001 (NTSB)

Once Airbus Helicopters completes development of a retrofit kit to incorporate a crash-resistant fuel system
into AS350 B3e and similarly designed variants, prioritize its approval to accelerate its availability to operators.

Reply No. 2 sent on 14/03/2017:

As a result of a close and priority effort with Airbus Helicopters, EASA approved Supplemental Type
Certificate (STC) No. 10060852 to certify a crash resistant fuel system in the AS350B3e under certain lim-
itations. Additional flexibility to use this configuration is granted, if needed, by EASA STC No. 10061056.
This design shall be available for operators both in new delivered aircraft and as retrofit kit for aircraft
already in service.
EASA continues working together with Airbus Helicopters on the certification of design solutions which
may allow the installation of a crash resistant fuel system without limitations.

Status: Open – Category:

Registration Aircraft Type Location Date of event Event Type

N390LG Frisco, Colorado 03/07/2015 Accident
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
List of 2017 Safety Recommendations Replies PAGE 225

Synopsis of the event:

Loss of Control at Takeoff

On July 3, 2015, about 1339 mountain daylight time, an Airbus Helicopters AS350 B3e helicopter, N390LG, oper-
ated by Air Methods Corporation, partially impacted a parked recreational vehicle in a parking lot near Summit
Medical Center in Frisco, Colorado, after takeoff from a ground-based hospital helipad. The helicopter was de-
stroyed by impact forces and a postcrash fire. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the flight conducted
under the provisions of 14 CFR Part 135. Video footage from a parking lot surveillance camera revealed a post-
crash fire initiating a few seconds after ground impact concurrent with large quantities of fuel flowing from the
helicopter wreckage. The pilot and two flight nurses survived the initial ground impact. One flight nurse sus-
tained a back injury and the other sustained serious thermal injuries. A medical staff member on the ground near
the crash site also sustained thermal injuries while attempting to rescue the pilot from the helicopter wreckage.
The pilot ultimately died from his injuries.2 The NTSB’s investigation of this accident is ongoing.

Safety Recommendation UNST-2017-011 (NTSB)

After the actions requested in Safety Recommendation A-17-10 are completed, require operators of Airbus Hel-
icopters dual-hydraulic AS350-series helicopters to incorporate changes to the dual hydraulic system to both
ensure pedal control hydraulic assistance and mitigate the possibility of pilot error during any check of the hy-
draulic system.

[A-17-10 addressed to Airbus Helicopter is the following: for existing dual-hydraulic AS350-series helicopters,
assess and implement changes to the dual hydraulic system that would both ensure pedal control hydraulic assis-
tance and mitigate the possibility of pilot error during any check of the hydraulic system.]

Reply No. 1 sent on 02/06/2017:

EASA has required operators of Airbus Helicopters dual-hydraulic AS350-series helicopters to incorpo-
rate changes as follows:
ƒƒ EASA Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2015-0178 mandated a new procedure for the function-
al check of the Yaw Load Compensator, introduced with Airbus Helicopters Service Bulletin (SB)
ƒƒ EASA AD 2016-0220 mandated the modification to trigger a caution when the hydraulic switch
on the collective grip is set to OFF, mandated the installation of an additional indicator light, and
mandated the replacement of the bistable ACCU TST push button with a monostable push but-
ton. These modifications were introduced by Airbus Service Bulletins (SB) AS350-67.00.64 and SB

Status: Closed – Category: Agreement







CHAPTER 6 Definitions


2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Definitions PAGE 227

The following definitions are extracted from Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 20 October 2010.

Accident: occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which, in the case of a manned aircraft, takes
place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such per-
sons have disembarked, or in the case of an unmanned aircraft, takes place between the time the aircraft is ready
to move with the purpose of flight until such time it comes to rest at the end of the flight and the primary pro­
pulsion system is shut down, in which:

(a) a person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of:

ƒƒ being in the aircraft, or,

ƒƒ direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have become detached from the air-
craft, or,

ƒƒ direct exposure to jet blast,

except when the injuries are from natural causes, self- inflicted or inflicted by other persons, or when the injuries
are to stowaways hiding outside the areas normally available to the passengers and crew; or

(b) the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure which adversely affects the structural strength, performance
or flight characteristics of the aircraft, and would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected
component, except for engine failure or damage, when the damage is limited to a single engine, (including its
cowlings or accessories), to propellers, wing tips, antennas, probes, vanes, tires, brakes, wheels, fairings, pan-
els, landing gear doors, windscreens, the aircraft skin (such as small dents or puncture holes) or minor damages
to main rotor blades, tail rotor blades, landing gear, and those resulting from hail or bird strike, (including holes
in the radome); or

(c) the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible;

Incident: an occurrence, other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft which affects or
would affect the safety of operation;

Serious incident: an incident involving circumstances indicating that there was a high probability of an accident
and is associated with the operation of an aircraft, which in the case of a manned aircraft, takes place between
the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have dis-
embarked, or in the case of an unmanned aircraft, takes place between the time the aircraft is ready to move
with the purpose of flight until such time it comes to rest at the end of the flight and the primary propulsion sys-
tem is shut down.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Definitions PAGE 228

A list of examples of serious incidents is given below. The list is not exhaustive and only serves as guidance with
respect to the definition of ‘serious incident’:

ƒƒ a near collision requiring an avoidance manoeuvre to avoid a collision or an unsafe situation or when
an avoidance action would have been appropriate,

ƒƒ controlled flight into terrain only marginally avoided,

ƒƒ aborted take-offs on a closed or engaged runway, on a taxiway, excluding authorised operations by

helicopters, or from an unassigned runway,

ƒƒ take-offs from a closed or engaged runway, from a taxiway, excluding authorised operations by heli­
copters, or from an unassigned runway,

ƒƒ landings or attempted landings on a closed or engaged runway, on a taxiway, excluding authorised

operations by helicopters, or from an unassigned runway,

ƒƒ gross failures to achieve predicted performance during take-off or initial climb,

ƒƒ fires and smoke in the passenger compartment, in cargo compartments or engine fires, even though
such fires were extinguished by the use of extinguishing agents,

ƒƒ events requiring the emergency use of oxygen by the flight crew,

ƒƒ aircraft structural failure or engine disintegration, including uncontained turbine engine failures, not
classified as an accident,

ƒƒ multiple malfunctions of one or more aircraft systems seriously affecting the operation of the aircraft,

ƒƒ flight crew incapacitation in flight,

ƒƒ fuel quantity requiring the declaration of an emergency by the pilot,

ƒƒ runway incursions classified with severity A according to the Manual on the Prevention of Runway In-
cursions (ICAO Doc 9870) which contains information on the severity classifications,

ƒƒ take-off or landing incidents. Incidents such as undershooting, overrunning or running off the side of

ƒƒ system failures, weather phenomena, operation outside the approved flight envelope or other occur-
rences which could have caused difficulties controlling the aircraft,

ƒƒ failure of more than one system in a redundancy system mandatory for flight guidance and navigation.

Safety investigation: process conducted by a safety investigation authority for the purpose of accident and
incident prevention which includes the gathering and analysis of information, the drawing of conclusions, in-
cluding the determination of cause(s) and/or contributing factors and, when appropriate, the making of safety
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review
Definitions PAGE 229

Safety recommendation: proposal of a safety investigation authority, based on information derived from a safe-
ty investigation or other sources such as safety studies, made with the intention of preventing accidents and

Safety recommendation of Global Concern (SRGC)8: is defined as a safety recommendation made to a State civil
aviation authority, to a regional certification authority, or to ICAO regarding a systemic deficiency having a prob-
ability of recurrence with potential for significant consequences, and requiring timely action to improve safety.

An SRGC would meet one or more of the following criteria:

a) the deficiency underlying the recommendation is systemic and not solely a local issue;

b) the probability of recurrence of the accident and the adverse consequences are high;

c) the risk to persons, equipment and/or environment is high;

d) the urgency for taking effective remedial safety action is high;

e) there is a history of recurrence of the relevant deficiency;

f) the deficiency underlying the recommendation constitutes a risk to the airworthiness, design, manu­
facture, maintenance, operation and/or regulation of the involved aircraft type;

g) the deficiency underlying the recommendation constitutes a risk to more than one aircraft type, to
more than one operator, to more than one manufacturer and/or to more than one State; and

h) the mitigation of the risks associated with the deficiency will require coordinated efforts of more
than one entity of the air transport industry, such as civil aviation authority(ies), manufacturer(s) and

Safety recommendation of Union-wide Relevance (SRUR): a safety recommendation identified by the Euro­
pean Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities according to Article 7 (g) of Regulation (EU) No

A safety recommendation of Union-wide Relevance (SRUR) would meet one or more of the following criteria:

ƒƒ The deficiency underlying the safety recommendation is systemic, not related to a specific aircraft
type, operator, manufacturer component, maintenance organization, air navigation service and/or ap-
proved training organisation, and not solely a national issue, or;

ƒƒ There is a history of recurrence across Europe of the relevant deficiency.

8 Source: ICAO Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation (Doc 9756 -2014), Part IV Reporting, Chapter 1.6 RELEASE AND








2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review

Safety Recommendations
The classification has been established in the scope of the safety recommendations taxonomy working group in
cooperation with representatives from European Accident Investigation Bodies, Eurocontrol, the European Joint
Research Center (JRC) and EASA. The aim of this group was to initiate a taxonomy dedicated to recommendations.

This activity took place in 2007 and is being used to implement a safety recommendation database developed
by the JRC.

In addition to common definitions, the taxonomy also defines a unique pre-defined format for referencing safe-
ty recommendations. This format is composed by a 4 digits originating state name followed by the year it was
issued and then a three digits number (ex: UNKG-2007-001 for recommendation #1 issued by United Kingdom in
2007). Consequently, all references comply with this taxonomy foreseeing that existing safety recommendations
will be imported in a central database and shared with a community of users.

Recommendation assessment: assessment given to a safety recommendation by the addressee as defined


ƒƒ Agreement: safety recommendation for which the safety concern is agreed by the addressee and sub­
sequent action is planned or implemented.

ƒƒ Partial agreement: safety recommendation considered relevant by the addressee but not applicable
and for which a safety issue has been recognised and a new orientation has been given to the recom­
mended action.

ƒƒ Disagreement: safety recommendation considered not relevant or not applicable by the addressee.

ƒƒ No longer applicable: safety recommendation has been superseded or has become no longer

ƒƒ Not Responsible: safety recommendation wrongly allocated or not in the scope of responsibility of
the addressee.

ƒƒ More information required: safety recommendation for which more information is required by the
addressee before any action initiated. Additional information should be sent by the originator.

ƒƒ Unknown: safety recommendation which was issued before any tracking implementation status and
for which insufficient information to assign any other status has been received.

Response assessment: The classification of the response as determined by the originator (when a response is

ƒƒ Adequate: safety recommendation for which appropriate action is planned or implemented or suffi­
cient evidence of completed action satisfying the objective has been received by the originator.
2017 Annual Safety Recommendations Review

ƒƒ Partially adequate: safety recommendation for which the planned action or the action taken will
reduce but not substantially reduce or eliminate the deficiency or for which a safety issue has been
recognised and a new orientation has been given to the recommended action.

ƒƒ Not adequate: safety recommendation for which no action has been taken or proposed that will
reduce or eliminate the deficiency, or for which the proposed action is considered not applicable/

ƒƒ Response is awaited: safety recommendation for which no response has been received.

ƒƒ Response received awaiting assessment: response to the safety recommendation has been received
by the originator and is awaiting assessment.

ƒƒ Superseded: if the recommendation has been superseded by another recommendation.

ƒƒ Unknown: the safety recommendation is one which was issued before any tracking implementation
status and for which insufficient information to assign any other status has been received.

Status of a safety recommendation: progress of the implementation of the response to a recommendation as

defined below:

ƒƒ Open safety recommendation: safety recommendation for which the reply has not yet been defined
or the appropriate action addressing the safety concern is still in progress.

ƒƒ Closed safety recommendation: safety recommendation for which appropriate action has been tak-
en and completed addressing the safety issue.
European Aviation Safety Agency
Safety Intelligence & Performance

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50452 Cologne

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European Aviation Safety Agency
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Tel. +49 221 89990 - 000

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