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6 Thermodynamics of Water Steam: 6.1 Ideal Rankine Cycle

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6 Thermodynamics of water steam

Keywords: Rankine cycle, efficiency of Rankine cycle, steam superheating,

steam reheating, regenerative features, water steam.

6.1 Ideal Rankine cycle

Conversion of heat into work is described by the rankine cycle. Power source
for the cycle is an external heat, what is supplied to a closed loop with some
carrier medium (mostly clean water). Combustion of fossil fuels and nuclear
fission are the two most common heating processes used as power source for
this cycle. Usage of this cycle provides about 90% of electric power generated
in the world (coal-fired and oil-fired power stations, nuclear power plants,
biomass and solar thermal power stations) and also allowed expansion of
steam engines in 19th century. The cycle is named after William John Rankine,
a Scottish scientist and Glasgow University professor.

Rankin cycle is actually a practical example of Carnot cycle. There are two main
differences to Carnot cycle. The heat addition in the boiler or reactor is isobaric
and also rejection in the condenser is isobaric. Both processes in the theoretical
Carnot cycle are isothermal.

Fig. 6.1.: Rankine cycle

As presented on the TS diagram shown on Fig. 6.1., there are four main stages
in the Rankine cycle.

 Stage 1-2: the working medium in liquid state is pumped from lower to
higher pressure. The pump stage requires some input of energy.

 Stage 2-3: the preassurised liquid medium enters boiler in the point 2.
Here it is heated at constant pressure to dry saturated steam. The
heating stage requires energy from an external heat source.

 Stage 3-4: the dry saturated steam expands in a turbine and transfers its
energy. This process decreases the temperature and pressure of the
steam and some condensation may occur. Output work is generated.

 Process 4-1: the wet steam enters condenser in the point 4. Here it is
condensed at a constant temperature and changes state to saturated

Work of the pump is defined as difference of enthalpies in the point 2 and

point 1 from the diagram.

w pump  i2  i1 [J/kg] [6.1.]

Input heat entering the cycle in the boiler is defined as difference of enthalpies
in the point 3 and point 2 from the diagram.

qin  i3  i 2 [J/kg] [6.2.]

Work of the turbine is defined as difference of enthalpies in the point 3 and

point 4 from the diagram.

wturbine  i3  i4 [J/kg] [6.3.]

Waste heat leaving the cycle in the condenser is defined as difference of

enthalpies in the point 4 and point 1 from the diagram.

q waste  i 4  i1 [J/kg] [6.4.]

Each value of enthalpy h1 - h4 for water steam cycle can be calculated from IS
chart or from steam tables.
There are two most important factors affecting efficiency of the Rankine cycle –
the working medium and used materials. Maximum pressure of the working
medium in liquid state cannot reach super critical levels (22 MPa for water).
Maximum temperatures are limited by the creep limit of turbine blades (typically
400 – 650 °C for stainless steel) and condenser temperatures (typically around
30 °C). These temperatures give a theoretical Carnot efficiency about 63%
while modern coal-fired power stations reach real efficiency about 42%.

The pump used in stage 1-2 pressurizes the working medium from the
condenser in liquid state instead of gaseous state, because pumping of the
liquid medium throught the cycle requires much less energy then compression
of the gas. All the energy used for pumping the working medium through the
complete cycle is lost. Using the condensation of the medium, the work required
by the pump consumes only 1% or 3% of the turbine power. The condenser
significantly contributes to higher efficiency of the real cycle.

Work of the turbine and pump and input heat defines the thermodynamic
efficiency of the cycle.

Wturbine  W pump
 therm  [-] [6.5.]

Also most of the energy used for vaporization of the working medium in the
boiler in stage 2-3 is lost to the cycle. Condensation that can run up in the
turbine is limited to about 10% in order to minimize the erosion of turbine blades
and the rest of vaporization energy is rejected from the cycle through the

The working medium in the Rankine cycle is constantly reused in a closed loop.
Clean water is usually used in the Rankine cycle, while different substances
could be also used, because of its favorable thermodynamic properties,
availability, low costs and nontoxic and nonreactive chemistry. Some organic
fluids such as acetone or toluene allow usage of Rankine cycle with low
temperature heat sources (70 – 120 °C) such as solar thermal collectors. The
cycle is then called Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). The name means only
marketing strategy but no special physical principle. Efficiency of the cycle in
this case is much lower as a result of the smaller temperature range, but this is
balanced with low costs of earning heat at these low temperatures.

Relatively low temperatures on the turbine entry (compared with a gas turbine)
are also the reason for common usage of the Rankine cycle as the final cycle in
combined-cycle gas turbine power stations.

6.2 Real Rankine cycle

The pumping and expanding stage in the ideal Rankine cycle would be
isoentropic. It means that pump and turbine are ideal and generate no entropy.
Processes 1-2 and 3-4 are represented by vertical lines on the T-S diagram, so
that the cycle more closely resembles the Carnot cycle. But the compression by
real pump and the expansion in real turbine in a real steam cycle are not
isoentropic. The entropy is increased during these processes so that the
processes are non-reversible. The power required by the pump is a bit higher
and the power generated by the turbine is a bit lower then in ideal cyclus.

Fig. 6.2.: Real Rankine cycle

6.3 Enhancing the Rankine cycle
The efficiency and service life of the steam turbine would be decreased by
water droplets after partial condensation of the steam. The drops would hit the
turbine blades at very high speeds, what could cause progressive degradation
of the blades.

6.3.1 Steam superheating

The easiest way to avoid this issue is the steam superheating. Original
finishing point of the heating process (stage 2-3) is located just on the curve of
saturated steam. Additional heating (superheating) process 3-3’ shifts the
diagram more to the right and evokes production of drier steam during
expansion 3’-4’.

Fig. 6.3.: Real Rankine cycle with superheating

This process is commonly utilized in steam power stations as the final stage of
the heating process in the upper most part of the boiler.
6.3.2 Steam reheating
Different way to prevent the vapor from condensation during long expansion is
steam reheating. In this case, two turbines work in series. Steam from the
boiler enteres the first turbine, expandes during stage 3’-4’, is reheated in the
boiler during stage 4’-5 and expandes in the second (low pressure) turbine
during stage 5-6. More of the heat flowin the Rankine cycle with reheating
occurs at higher temperature, what again increases the efficiency of the cyclus.

Fig. 6.4.: Real Rankine cycle with reheating

6.3.3 Regenerative features

Some other features to increase cycle efficiency and economy are commonly
used in real thermal power stations. These features, called regenerative
features, effectively increase the nominal heat input temperature of the cycle.

Heating of the cold feed water is realized in regenerative feed water

preheater, what decreases the heat addition at relatively low temperatures in
the boiler. Direct contact heating means that working medium emerging from
the condenser is preheated by mixing with the steam bleeded from the hot part
of the cycle. Closed feed water heating means that working medium emerging
from the condenser is preheated by the steam bleeded between turbine stages
in an ordinary tubular heat exchanger.
6.4 Water steam
Heating means any heat addition causing some increase of the temperature.

Vaporization means the change from liquid state to gaseous state.

Evaporation means free vapor generation on the liquid surface in open space
at any temperature.

Boiling means vapor generation on and under the liquid surface.

Vaporization heat means the amount of heat necessary for vaporization at

boiling temperature.

Vapors are gaseous states not corresponding Boyle-Gay-Lussac law.

Wet steam means a mixture of boiling water in saturated liquid state and
saturated vaporized steam. Wet steam is generated by amount of heat lower
than vaporization heat at preasure and temperature of boiling.

Saturated steam means homogenous amount of the steam generated by

addition of vaporization heat at preasure and temperature of boiling.

Superheated steam means saturated steam with temperature higher than the
temperature of boiling. Superheated steam is generated from saturated steam
by additional amount of heat.

Critical point means the boundary between liquid and gaseous state on the
curve of saturated steam.

Dew point means the temperature on the surface of a device, when the water
vapors start to condensate.
6.5 Exercise
1. Explain the term “vaporization heat”.

2. Explain difference between terms “vaporization” and “evaporation”.

3. Explain difference between terms “saturated steam”, “wet steam” and

“superheated steam”.

4. Explain ideal Rankine cycle on TS diagram and describe all phases of

the cycle.

5. Explain difference between Rankine cycle with reheating and Rankine

cycle with superheating.

6. Explain the term “Organic Rankine cycle”.

7. Calculate the efficiency of the ideal cycle in thermal powerstation. Steam

enteres turbine with pressure Pa = 6,5 MPa and temperature t a = 430 °C.
Temperature of condensed liquid water is t kd = 37 °C. Use IS diagram of
water steam.
6.6 Answers
1. Vaporization heat means the heat necessary for vaporization a liquid at
boiling temperature.

2. Vaporization means common process of any change from liquid state to

gaseous state, while evaporation means free generation of vapor on the
liquid surface in open space at any temperature.

3. Saturated steam means homogenous steam generated by addition of

vaporization heat at boiling temperature. Wet steam means a mixture of
boiling saturated liquid water and saturated vaporized steam.
Superheated steam means saturated steam with temperature higher
than the temperature of boiling.

4. Rankine cycle describes a conversion of heat into work with an external

power source of heat looped with some carrier medium. The cycle is
used in many types of power stations such as coal-fired and oil-fired
power stations, nuclear power plants, biomass and solar thermal power
stations. The Rankine cycle is presented on the TS diagram by four main
stages. Stage 1-2 describes the pumping of working medium in liquid
state from lower to higher pressure with addition of some input energy.
Stage 2-3 describes the heating of liquid medium in the boiler at constant
pressure to dry saturated steam with addition of heat from an external
source. Stage 3-4 describes the expansion of the dry saturated steam in
a turbine. Output work is generated. Process 4-1 describes condensation
of the wet steam to saturated liquid at a constant temperature in the
condenser. Waste heat goes along this stage.

5. Both cases describe a possible increase of the Rankine cycle efficiency.

Steam reheating is shown on diagram 6.4. Steam from the boiler enteres
the first turbine where it expandes (stage 3’-4’), then is reheated in the
boiler (stage 4’-5) and again expandes in the second turbine (stage 5-6).
Steam superheating is shown on diagram 6.3. Original finishing point of
the heating process (point 3) is shifted from the curve of saturated steam
more to the right (point 3’) what evokes production of drier steam during
expansion 3’-4’.
6. The name means only marketing strategy for a Rankine cycle using
some organic fluid as working medium to usage of the cycle with low
temperature heat sources. ORC is used for example in solar thermal

7. Find the intersection of isobaric curve at 65 MPa with isothermic curve at

430 °C in the IS diagram of water steam. Read the enthalpy of the steam
entering the turbine (ia = 3245 kJ/kg).

Fig. 6.5.: Reading the IS diagram of water steam

Then look for conditions in the condenser. Find the intersection of

isothermic curve at 37 °C with the curve of saturated steam. In this point
read the value of pressure in the condenser (Pe = 6,4 kPa).

The steam expands isoentropically from the pressure Pa to pressure Pe.

Intersection of the expansion line with the isobaric curve at 6,4 kPa show
the enthalpy of the emmision steam (ie = 2040 kJ/kg). Diference between
ia and ie defines the ideal isoentropic gradient of the turbine h ad.

had  ia  ie  3245  2040  1205kJ / kg [6.6.]

Difference between enthalpy of the steam entering the turbine and the
enthalpy of condensed liquid water defines the input heat.

ikd  t kd * c p  37 * 4,17  155kJ / kg [6.7.]

q input  i a  ikd  3245  155  3090kJ / kg [6.8.]

Efficiency of the cycle can be then calculated as ratio between the output
work (ideal isoentropic gradient) to the input heat.

had 1205
    38% [6.9.]
qinput 3090

The efficiency is 38%.

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