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The Recoverability of Fingerprints on

Nonporous Surfaces Exposed to Elevated

Ainsley J. Dominick 1
Niamh Nic Daéid 1
Stephen M. Bleay 2

Abstract: Previous work by the authors compared the effectiveness

of ninhydrin, 1,8-diazaf luoren-9-one (DFO), and physical developer
(PD) as enhancement reagents for fingerprints deposited on paper that
had been exposed to elevated temperatures. This research extends
the previous study and investigates the recoverability of fingerprints
deposited onto glass and ceramic surfaces in order to mimic the envi-
ronment these surfaces may be exposed to within a fire scene.

This research has shown that ridge detail is still retrievable from
ceramic after exposure to 800 °C (1472 °F) for 20 minutes, although,
at temperatures in excess of 350 °C (662 °F), ridge detail would only
survive if the fingerprints had been protected from direct exposure to
radiant heat and direct air f low across the surface. This investigation
has shown that the most effective enhancement technique overall was
found to be superglue followed by BY40 at all temperatures except
200 °C (392 °F) in which case, iron powder suspension was supe-
rior. However, superglue followed by BY40 may have to be excluded
as a prospective enhancement technique for many situations because
the nonporous surface may become wet during firefighting activity.
The use of silver vacuum metal deposition has been demonstrated to
develop fingerprints after exposure to higher temperatures and may
have future potential for this application.

Centre for Forensic Science, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K.
Centre for Applied Science and Technology, Home Office Science,
Sandridge, U.K.

Received July 13, 2010; accepted October 18, 2010

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520 / 61 (5), 2011
At a cost to the economy of £53.8 million in England and
Wales, the 2213 arson attacks that occur on average each week
in the United Kingdom cause 2 fatalities and 53 injuries and
damage or destroy 20 schools and colleges, 262 homes, 360
businesses and public buildings, and 1402 vehicles [1]. Once
the origin and cause of a fire have been declared as arson, the
next aim is to identify the arsonist. Fire is destructive in nature
and will damage and obscure many types of evidence. However,
many items, including f inger prints, may still survive [2– 4].
If f inger prints have been deposited at the scene, this is one
potential source of identification. However, their survivability
and recovery from fire scenes have not been fully investigated.
Although some studies have been carried out into fingerprint
recovery from fire-affected articles since the late 1930s, few of
these have used large numbers of fingerprints. The work of Deans
[3] demonstrated that fingerprints could be repeatedly obtained
from a wide variety of articles retrieved from fire scenes, and
Bradshaw et al. [5] investigated the number of latent finger-
prints that could survive high temperature exposure. However,
none of the previous studies have used sufficient numbers of
fingerprints to enable a full statistical analysis of the results to
be comprehensively carried out. This study was undertaken to
establish whether various ages of fingerprints deposited on glass
and ceramic and exposed to various temperatures for different
exposure times could survive, and, if so, to determine the most
effective technique for their enhancement.
Previous work into the recoverability of f inger prints on
ceramic tiles had considered a minimum exposure time of one
hour [5]. However, many f ires are extinguished before this
period. For example, London Fire Brigade sets attendance
time targets: the first fire appliance must reach the fire 65%
of the time within five minutes and 90% within eight minutes
[6]. Other fire services will have similar standards. Therefore,
a more comprehensive study was required to investigate the
survivability of fingerprints on nonporous surfaces exposed to
elevated temperatures and to include exposure times of less than
one hour. In addition, fingerprints of primary interest are likely
to be one hour old or less, rather than the one-day minimum age
used previously, and, therefore, this shorter time period between
deposition and exposure was investigated.

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Materials and Methods
Gla ss wa s s up pl ie d by St eve n age Gla ss (St eve n age,
Hertfordshire) and cut to A4 size. It was cleaned using Fairy
washing-up liquid (Proctor and Gamble, Brooklands, Weybridge,
U.K.), air-dried, washed with ethanol (Hayman Limited, Witham,
Essex, U.K.), and then air-dried once again. It was only handled
while wearing gloves. A depletion grid was drawn on the glass
surface as shown in Figure 1.
Fingerprint depletion samples (ten consecutive samples in
each depletion series) were donated by five people from a mix
of male and female donors over a wide age range to represent a
cross-section of people. Only donors who had not washed their
hands 30 minutes prior to deposition were allowed to deposit
and, before donation, they rubbed their hands together to evenly
distribute the sweat across all digits used for deposition. Each
donor donated 840 depletion series in total – one for each
variable tested in the study on both glass and ceramic.
These fingerprints were aged in the ambient environment for
various times before being subjected to different temperatures
for different exposure times. They were then enhanced by differ-
ent methods (Table 1).

White ceramic tiles (20 cm x 25 cm) were purchased from

Wickes (St. Albans, Hertfordshire, U.K.). They were washed,
and depletion grids were drawn on them as previously described.
The various ages of fingerprints on ceramic were also exposed to
various temperatures for different exposure times. These experi-
mental parameters are given in Table 2.
Two en ha ncement tech n iques for nonporou s su r faces
were employed: (1) iron powder suspension and (2) superglue
followed by BY40. Superglue followed by BY40 was exercised
in accordance with the Home Office’s Manual of Fingerprint
Development Tech niques (MoFDT) [7]. I ron oxide-based
powder suspension was formulated from 20 g of magnetic iron
oxide (Fisher Scientific, Loughborough, Leicestershire, U.K.)
suspended in a detergent solution consisting of 10 mL of Kodak
Photo-Flo Wetting Agent (Kodak, Paris, France) and 10 mL of
distilled water [8]. The iron powder suspension was applied to
the glass and ceramic using a small brush. After the surface
was coated, it was washed off using tap water before the iron
powder suspension could dry on the surface. The treated glass
and ceramic surfaces were left to dry overnight prior to exami-

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Figure 1
Example of a depletion grid.

Temperature Exposure
Substrate Aging Time Treatment
(°C) Time (min)
200 1. Powder
1 hour,
250 Suspension
1 day, 10, 20, 40,
Glass 1 week, 300 80, 160, 320 2. Superglue
1 month
350 - BY40

Table 1
Summary of exposure to heat experiments on glass.

Temperature Exposure
Substrate Aging Time Treatment
(°C) Time (min)
600 1. Powder
1 hour, Suspension
1 day, 10, 20, 40,
Ceramic 650
1 week, 80, 160, 320 2. Superglue
1 month 700 - BY40

Table 2
Summary of exposure to heat experiments on ceramic.

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A brief study into the effectiveness of vacuum metal deposi-
tion (VMD) was also undertaken at the higher temperatures.
Bleay et al. [4] stated that vacuum metal deposition (VMD) was
extremely effective for temperatures up to 900 °C. However,
soot deposits and areas where water had dried would show up
during treatment, making it difficult to resolve marks in practi-
cal situations. VMD is an expensive enhancement technique and
not all laboratories have access to it. Therefore, the effective-
ness of VMD was only brief ly investigated in this work. These
experimental parameters are given in Table 3.

Temperature Exposure
Substrate Aging Time Treatment
(°C) Time (min)
700 1. Powder
1 hour,
Ceramic 10, 20 2. Superglue
1 day - BY40
3. VMD

Table 3
Summary of exposure to heat experiments on ceramic (brief VMD study).

Vacuum metal deposition was car ried out using a West

Technology Systems Ltd metal deposition machine (WTSL,
Yate, Gloucestershire, U.K.). The tiles were attached to the
workholder using tape at the corners to minimize the amount
of contact on the surface. The chamber was pumped down to a
vacuum of 2 x 10 - 4 torr. Gold (Goodfellow, Cambridge, U.K.)
and then zinc (Sigma-Aldrich, Gillingham, Dorset, U.K.) were
evaporated before bringing the chamber back to atmospheric
pressure for removal of the tile [7]. A limited VMD trial on a
single tile was conducted using silver (Goodfellow, Cambridge,
U.K.) as a single metal, according to the method of Philipson
and Bleay [9].

Results and Discussion

Iron oxide-based powder suspension and superglue followed
by BY40 were selected based on previous work, where they had
both outperfor med other techniques (with iron oxide-based
powder suspension being the superior technique at exposure
temperatures up to 200 °C and superglue followed by BY40
effective at temperatures from 200 °C to 500 °C) [4 –5]. In
practical terms, an advantage of using iron oxide-based powder
suspension is that the detergent within the for mulation can
assist the soot removal on fire-exposed articles. The limitations

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with selecting superglue followed by BY40 as an enhancement
technique for items exposed to fire is that the method of extin-
guishing the fire can exclude the use of superglue, because this
technique cannot be used on items that have been wet [4].
It is impor tant to note here that f inger prints that were
exposed to direct heat and air f low over the glass and ceramic
surfaces from within the furnace did not survive at temperatures
of 350 °C and over. Once they were protected from these condi-
tions, fingerprints did survive. Therefore, the results obtained
from exposure to 350 °C and upwards are from fingerprints that
were shielded from the direct heat and air f low in the furnace.
Also, when the study was being undertaken, it was clear
that the fingerprints were still being enhanced at the maximum
exposure time for glass of 500 °C for 320 min. Because it would
become extremely difficult to expose the glass to temperatures
exceeding 500 °C and still be able to remove the glass from the
furnace unbroken, the surface was changed to ceramic. Results
obtained at 500 °C for both glass and ceramic were analyzed
statistically and demonstrated to have no significant difference.
Therefore, when comparing the techniques, the results achieved
for glass and ceramic have been combined and subsequently
analyzed together.
Some of the fingerprint deposits appeared to “burn” as the
temperature increased, leaving a visible black deposit with ridge
detail on the ceramic at 500 °C prior to any fingerprint enhance-
ment technique. An example of this is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2
Example of “burnt” fingerprint on ceramic after exposure to
500 °C for 20 minutes.

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Iron Oxide-based Powder Suspension
Powder suspension has many forms. There are the commer-
cial products Wetwop (Armor Forensics, Jacksonville, Florida)
and Wet Powder (Evident, Union Hall, Virginia), which are both
carbon-based products, and Adhesive-Side Powder (Sirchie,
Youngsville, North Carolina), which is iron oxide-based. The
Centre for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) has also
formulated its own powder suspension that is iron based [8],
and the CAST recommends iron oxide-based formulations for
nonporous surfaces [10].
In order to assess the quality of the enhancement technique,
each finger print had to be assessed. The assessment method
employed estimated the proportion of the developed fingerprint’s
clear ridge detail, with a score assigned to each fingerprint of 0
to 4. This was a much quicker and simpler method for a nonex-
pert to use rather than counting minutiae. Fingerprints were all
graded as follows in Table 4:
Score Level of Detail
0 No evidence of print
1 0–1/3 ridge detail
2 1/3–2/3 ridge detail
3 2/3–1 ridge detail
4 Ridge detail over every point of contact visible

Table 4
Fingerprint scoring system.
Finally, a resultant score was calculated by taking an average
score for each finger’s depletion series.
The fingerprint scores obtained were inputted into the Minitab
15 software package for statistical analysis. A Kolmogorov-
Smir nov test for nor malit y was u nder taken to assess the
distribution of the data for each enhancement technique. This
resulted in P values of <0.010 for both techniques. This P value
is compared to the α value of 0.05, with P < 0.05 indicating
the variable has a signif icant effect on the response, or P >
0.05 indicating no significant effect on the response [11]. In
this case, it showed that the data was not normally distributed
for either technique. As such, a Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric
test was undertaken that tests whether the medians of the data
are equal or not. This P value is also compared to the α value
of 0.05. A Kr uskal-Wallis test was performed on the results
obtained for both glass and ceramic at 500 °C to assess whether
there was any difference in the fingerprint scores obtained from
each substrate. The P value generated in this test was 0.726,
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indicating that there was no statistical difference in the scores
at 500 °C obtained from glass and ceramic. Therefore, the scores
obtained from each surface were combined and tested together.
Kruskal-Wallis tests for each of the variables in this research
(temperature, time, and age) were attained from Minitab. The P
values from these tests are given in Table 5.
Variable Kruskal-Wallis P value
Temperature 0.000
Time 0.000
Age 0.684

Table 5
Kruskal-Wallis P values for iron powder suspension-enhanced fingerprints.
The P values indicate that two of the variables (tempera-
ture and time) are significant to the resulting fingerprint score.
Age is not significant to the score. This implies that varying
the temperature and the time that fingerprints are exposed to
the temperature, no matter what age they are, will significantly
change the enhancement score of the fingerprint. A main effects
plot shows this visually, by comparing the mean of the scores
for each variable. This is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3
Main effects plot for iron oxide-based powder suspension-enhanced

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The main effects plot shows that (generally) as the tempera-
ture increases, the mean fingerprint score decreases. There is
an increase in score observed at 350 °C and this is explained by
the fingerprints being shielded from direct heat and air f low by
covering with a metal tray. Also, iron powder suspension appears
to enhance more detail in the fingerprints exposed to 150 °C than
at lower temperatures. Because the fingerprint component that
iron oxide-based powder suspension reacts with is unknown, it is
not possible to explain this increase in score. As exposure time
increases, the score decreases, too. These plots show that there
is a difference in the results between each temperature and each
exposure time because the results are divergent from the mean
response line of 0.483 on the plot, whereas the scores for age
stay close to the mean response line, indicating no difference in
the scores with increased age.
Superglue Followed by BY40
Superglue vapor (ethyl cyanoacrylate) reacts with certain
eccrine and sebaceous deposits of the latent fingerprint. The
vapor selectively polymerizes on the fingerprint to form polycy-
anoacrylate, which appears as a white deposit [12]. This can be
subsequently dyed with f luorescent stains such as basic yellow
40 to increase contrast with the background. Photographs of
superglue-enhanced fingerprints are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4
Fingerprints developed using superglue followed by dyeing
with BY40 on glass after exposure to 150 °C for 40 minutes.

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The superglue enhancement scores were also not normally
distributed. A K r uskal-Wallis test was undertaken to check
whether the scores obtained at 500 °C for each substrate were
statistically the same. This test resulted in a P value of 0.375.
When compared to the α value, this revealed that there was no
significant difference in the scores for each substrate at 500 °C.
The scores for glass and ceramic were combined and analyzed
Kruskal-Wallis tests for each variable were also undertaken
for superglue followed by BY40 enhancement. The results of
these tests are given in Table 6.

Variable Kruskal-Wallis P value

Temperature 0.000
Time 0.000
Age 0.888

Table 6
Kruskal-Wallis P values for superglue followed by BY40-enhanced
The results for enhancement by superglue gave the same
outcomes as the results given for iron oxide-based powder
suspension. This implies that temperature and time are signifi-
cant to the f inger print score, but age does not inf luence the
result. A main effects plot for superglue followed by BY40
enhancement is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5
Main effects plot for superglue followed by BY40-enhanced

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The main effects plot shows similar trends to the plot for iron
oxide-based powder suspension, with scores decreasing with
increased exposure time and no difference in the score observed
with increased age. When examining temperature, an increase
is observed at 100 °C, 50 °C lower than the increase with iron
oxide-based powder suspension. There is another increase at
300 °C that does not coincide with the shielding effect. There
appears to be a dip in the scores for 400 °C, also. The mean
response line is higher at 1.182, showing increased scores with
superglue followed by BY40 enhancement than iron oxide-based
powder suspension.
Enhancement Technique Comparison
The scores obtained for both f inger pr int en hancement
techniques were combined for further analysis. To check whether
there was a significant difference between the scores for each
enhancement technique, a Kruskal-Wallis test was used. This
gave a P value of 0.000, indicating that there is a difference in
the scores for the enhancement techniques. This was evaluated
further using a main effects plot, which is given in Figure 6.
The main effects plot clearly shows that the scores for super-
glue followed by BY40 are higher than the iron oxide-based
powder suspension scores. The Kruskal-Wallis test implies that
the higher scores for superglue followed by BY40 are signifi-
cantly higher than iron oxide-based powder suspension.
An interaction plot examines the interaction between the
variables tested and is presented in Figure 7.
The interaction plot shows (generally) that as the tempera-
ture increased, the effectiveness of both techniques decreased.
Superglue followed by BY40 produced better scores at all
temperatures (except at 200 °C) than powder suspension. This
differs from the work of Bradshaw et al. [5], who undertook a
series of tests similar to the ones explored in this work where
samples were exposed to regulated temperatures for specific
periods of time.
The interaction plot also shows that as the exposure time is
increased, the resultant score is lower. Superglue again outper-
forms iron oxide-based powder suspension. There is very little
difference observed in the scores as the age of the fingerprints
increases. The interaction between temperature and time shows a
general trend that the fingerprint scores decrease with increased
exposure to the heat. Scores are greater for samples exposed to
lower temperatures. This is mirrored in the interaction between
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Figure 6
Main effects plot comparing enhancement technique scores.

Figure 7
Interaction plot for fingerprints deposited on glass and

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temperature and age. In the interaction between time and age,
scores are greater for fingerprints exposed for shorter periods
of time.
From the results of the K r uskal-Wallis test and the main
effects and interaction plots, superglue followed by BY40 is the
superior technique in terms of laboratory controlled experiments.
The practicality of selecting this technique is unknown because
superglue can only be used on dry surfaces, and the firefight-
ing activity involved in suppressing a fire could inadvertently
wet the surface. This could exclude the possible selection of
the superglue followed by BY40 technique. However, Bradshaw
et al. [5] also placed samples directly into fire environments
and found that iron oxide-based powder suspension was more
effective than superglue on ceramic tiles because it enhanced
fingerprints placed on the surface that had been placed “face up”
into the fire environment and exposed to temperatures brief ly
between 600 °C and 900 °C. Superglue followed by BY40 did
not enhance any “face up” fingerprints. In their study, glass was
not tested. Deans [3] also placed numerous items within fire
compartments. His results, specifically for glass, were unsuc-
cessful. Either the glass yielded no fingerprint ridge detail or
the fingerprints were unrecoverable after the fire exposure. The
method of fingerprint enhancement employed on the recovered
glass was not discussed in the paper. Ceramic was not used in
any of his tests.
VMD Study
VMD was only brief ly examined in order to investigate its
effectiveness at 10-minute and 20-minute exposure times, at
700 °C, 750 °C, and 800 °C, and after 1 hour and 1 day of aging,
in comparison with iron oxide-based powder suspension and
superglue followed by BY40. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normal-
ity test was undertaken for this new data set and showed that the
data was not normally distributed. A Kruskal-Wallis test was
undertaken also to assess the differences in scores for each of
the enhancement techniques. This provided a P value of 0.071,
indicating no significant difference in the scores obtained from
the different enhancement techniques. The main effects plot is
given in Figure 8.
The main effects plot shows that even though there is not a
significant difference in the scores (according to the Kruskal-
Wallis test interpretation), superglue followed by BY40 scores
are higher than the other two scores, with VMD third. The inter-
action plot is given in Figure 9.
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Figure 8
Main effects plot comparing enhancement technique scores.

Figure 9
Interaction plot for fingerprints deposited on ceramic.

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The interaction plot for enhancement technique and tempera-
ture shows that VMD performs poorly compared to the other
techniques. Superglue followed by BY40 scores for 700 °C
and 750 °C are higher than the others, but the Kruskal-Wallis
test illustrated that this difference was not significant. Scores
decreased with increased exposure time and appear to increase
slightly from one- hour to one-day-old fingerprints (except for
VMD, which shows a slight decrease with age). The interaction
between temperature and time shows that scores decrease with
increased temperature and exposure time, although an increase
in score with increased age is observed for 750 °C, but decreases
for the other two temperatures. A lower exposure time provides
a higher score across the ages because the conventional VMD
process coats the heat-exposed surfaces very rapidly with a
coating of zinc, and there is little, if any, definition between
ridges and background.
In their work, Bleay et al. [4] suggested that VMD was an
extremely effective enhancement technique and could even
enhance fingerprints up to 900 °C, but they also suggested that
VMD will expose soot deposits or areas where water has dried.
This brief study showed that both superglue followed by BY40
and iron oxide-based powder suspension were more effective
than the conventional gold–zinc VMD process at the tempera-
tures tested here; however, a more complete study would need
to be undertaken to provide any definite conclusions.
A further experiment carried out on a single ceramic tile
using the silver VMD process demonstrated that this VMD has
far greater potential to detect fingerprints on marks exposed to
this higher temperature regime. Good-quality marks were devel-
oped from a range of donors, and some of these were improved by
allowing the silver coating to age and change color. Examples of
marks developed using silver VMD on a tile exposed to 800 °C
for 20 minutes are shown in Figure 10.
The short experiment reported here shows that the technique
has potential for use on exhibits exposed to this higher tempera-
ture range, but further work would be required to confirm this.

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Figure 10
Fingerprints developed using silver VMD on ceramic after
exposure to 800 °C for 20 minutes (brightness and contrast
adjusted using photo editing software).

All fingerprint enhancement techniques tested did enhance
deposited f inger prints to some degree. The technique that
produced the best results overall was superglue followed by
Therefore, when undertaking fingerprint analysis on nonpo-
rous surfaces recovered from a fire scene, superglue followed by
BY40 should be the first technique to be considered although it
would be dependent on whether the surfaces remained dry or wet
during the extinguishing of the fire. If the surface was wet, then
iron powder suspension would still be effective at developing
fingerprints, but to a lesser extent. VMD is an option but may
not be the most effective technique in operational scenarios,
with further work being required to evaluate the silver VMD
For further information, please contact:
Ainsley J. Dominick
Centre for Forensic Science
University of Strathclyde
Royal College 204 George Street
Glasgow G1 1XW
United Kingdom

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61 (5), 2011 \ 535
1. Arson Prevention Bureau. Statistics pag. www.arsonpreven- (accessed 20 January 2009).
2. DeHaan, J. D. Kirk’s Fire Investigation, 6th ed.; Pearson
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3. Deans, J. Recovery of Fingerprints from Fire Scenes and
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6. London Fire Safety Plan 2008/2011; London Fire Brigade:
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7. Bow man V., Ed. Manual of Fingerprint Development
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8. Additional Fingerprint Development Techniques for Adhesive
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9. Philipson, D.; Bleay, S. Alternative Metal Processes for
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10. Fingerprint and Footwear Forensics Newsletter. H.O.S.D.B.
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11. Minitab Inc, Minitab StatGuide. Minitab v.15 software,
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12. Champod , C.; Len na rd , C.; Ma rgot, P.; Stoilovic, M.
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