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Civil Engineering May 2019 [~]tmlW IINYATIONt Algebra 1

be 28 years more than A's age by then. How old reached B 4 hours after they passed each other, 24. A train, an hour after starting, had an accident
is A now? Answer: 28 yrs old the second reached A 2 houts and 15 minutes and was detained for an hour, after which it
/ 10. At present, the sum of the parents' ages is twice after they passed. Find the time that each train proceeded at 3/5 oftts former rate and arrived
the' sum of the children's ages. Five years ago, required to make the trip. 7 hrs and 5.25 hrs at the destination three hours after the time.
the sum of the parents' ages was 4 til;nes the Had the accident happened 50km farther on the
16. Simplify: 7(2x)-B( 2x-l) Ans: 10/3 Jine, it would have arrived one and one-half
sum of the children's ages. Fifteen years from 2x+J -2x-l
now, the sum of the parents' ages will be equal . hours sooner. Find the length of the journey.
17. Two students attempted ·to solv.e a problem . Ans: 88.89 km
to the sum of the children's ages. How many
which reduces into a quadratic equation. One,
children are there? Answer: s 25. In the expansion of (x 1l 2 - 3r3/ 2) 12, find the term
in simplifying, made a mistake in the constant
~ / 11. In 1930, the following question was proposed: free of x. Ans: --5940
term and had -2 & 6 for his roots. The other
A man's age at death was one twenty-ninth of made a mistake in the coefficient of the first- 26. If the middle term of the expansion of (x 3 + 2y2)n
the year of his birth. How old was he in the year degree term and had -3 & 5 for his roots. What is Cx18y12, find C. Ans: 59,136
1900? Answer: 44 yrs old is the correct quadratic equation? 27. Two £rains, one 350 ft long, the other 450 ft long,
/ 12. A certain physicist, who is always in a hurry, Answer: x2 - 4x - 15 = 0 on parallel tracks, can pass each other
walks up an ongoing escalator at the rate of one 18. Find the sum of the coefficients of the terms in completely -in 8 seconds when -moving in
step per second. Twenty steps bring him to the the expansion of (4x - 3) 8. Ans: -6560 opposite directions. When moving in the same
top. Next day he goes up at two steps per 19 .. Mang Andoy has lived one-fourth of his life as direction, the faster train completely passes the
second, reaching the top in 32 steps. How a boy, one-fifth as a youth, one-third as a man, slower one in 16 seconds. Find the speed of the
many steps are there in the escalator? Ans: 80 and has spent 13 years in his dotage. How old faster train. Ans: 75 fps

/ 13. A man was enjoying the afternoon rowing is he?" Ans: 60 28. ' A battleship started on a 500-miie voyage but
leisurely upstream when his baseball cap fell in 20. A and B run around a circular track whose was brought to full stop an hour after starting
. the water. So absorbed was ·he in listening to circumference is 150m. \.\Then they run in for military reasons, delaying it for full hour,
the music frol}l his earphones that it was 12 opposite directions they meet every 5 seconds, after which it was ordered to proceed at a
mint,1tes before he discovered his cap missing. but when they run in the, same direction from reduced velocity equivalent to 75% of its
He turned around and recovered the cap 1 km the same point they are together every 25 former rate. The ship arrived at its destination
downstream from where it fell. Assuming seconds. What are their rates? 3 hours and 3 quarters after scheduled time. If
constant speed and neglecting the time for Ans: 18m/ s and 12m/ s it was desired for the ship to arrive ·one hoq..r
turnaround, what was the speed of the_water 21. An airplane takes 1.5 hours to travel 600 mi, and a quarter sooner, how far from the
current? Answer: 2.5 kph with the wind and 1.6 hours to fly back. Find destination should the ship have ·been ordered
the speed· of the plane. stopped? Ans: ·243.24mi.
/ 14. A train, an hour after star.ting, had to stop due Ans: 387.5mph
to some engine trouble. After one hour, H Situation 1. Allan can cover a circular track in 50
22. A boatman rows to a place 48 km distant and
proceeded at 60% of its former rate and arrived seconds while Brando can cover the same track
back in 14 hours; he finds he can row 4km with in 40 seconds. Going in the same direction, find
3 hours after the time. Had the incident the stream in the same time as 3 km against the the time they· wql be together if:
happened 50km farther on the line, it would stream. Find the rate of the stream. Ans: I kph 29. Brando gives Allan a head start of 5 seconds.
have arrived 1.5 hours sooner. Find the length · Ans: 20 sec of Brando
23. A policeman is pursuing a snatcher who is
of the journey. Answer: 88.89 km 30. Allan gives Brando a head start of 5 seconds.
ahead by 72 of his own leaps. The snatcher
/ 15. Two trains started at the same time from cities Ans: 175 sec of Allan
takes 6 leaps while the cop takes 5 leaps, but 4
A and B, respectively, the first going from A to 31. Allan and Brando start at the same time.
leaps of the snatcher are as long as 3 leaps of the
Ans: 200 sec
Band the second from B to A. They traveled at cop. How many leaps will the cop make before
uniform but different rates. The first train he catches the snatcher? Police~n: 540 leaps
' .
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Civil Engineering May 2019 ~ 1 l \ t>A"('L [~lffllliV INNOYITION! Algebra 1
SIGNIFICANT DIGITS: . BINOMIAL THEOREM: Motion in water current or air current
To ,t;nd the number of significant digits: If x = velocity of (boat/ airplane:) in 'itiJ!
(x + y)" = x" + nxn-1y1 + n(n-1) xn-2y2
Counting from left to right, start with the first non- 2! (water/ air) ~
zero digit and continue counting until the last digit; n(n - l)(n - 2) _ y = velocity of the (water/air), then
be it zero or not. + ----'-'---'-X 11 3 y3 + ... + nx1l-1+ l
. 3!
x + y = velocity when going (downstream/w ith the
Note: x - y = velocity when going (upstream/ against the
l. (a,,,) 11 = a"m
1. It starts with x 11 and ends with y11 • . wind)
2. Q,n X Q 11 = am-n 2. The power of x decreases by 1 while the power
a"' m-n of y increases by 1. Motion in a circle or any closed circuit
3. -=a 3. The sum of the powers of x & y in any term is Starting from the same point and the same time
. a"
always n. 1. Going in the same the direction:
4. al / n =¼ 4. There will be 11 + 1 terms in the expansion. d r.ster - d,1o wer = 1 circuit
- II 1 5. If the coefficient of a term is multiplied by the 2. Going in opposite directions:
5. a =-
a" power of x in that term and then the product d fa,ter + d, 1ower· =1 circuit
6. (axb)"' =a"'xb"' divided by the power of y increased by 1, the
resulting number is the coefficient of the next Problems:
term. -"'1. How many significant digits are there in
0.001040050? Answer: 7
Ax2 +Bx+C =0 ,-th Tenn of Binomial Expansion
✓2. If 8x = y, then what is 2 5x- 3 equal to in terms
Quadratic Formula r term in (x + y)" = C(n, m)x"-mym of y? Answer: ysn / 8
, 3. If the product of the roots of the quadratic
n! equation x2 + 2a:.x +a= 0 is equal to 3a + 6, find
X where m = r - 1 and C(rz, m)
(n-m) 1 m ! the sum of its roots. Answer: -18
/ 4, What is the value of k in'the equationh2 + 9x +
8 = 0 if the equation is to have only one root?
Roots of Quadratic Equation \
Answer: 81/ 32
/ 5. Find the quadratic equation whose roots are the
If x = -present age of a person reciprocals of the roots of the equation Ax2 + Bx
x - 3 = age of the person 3 years a~
+ C = 0. Answer: exi + Bx + A = O
x + 5 = age of the person 5 years hence
/ 6. Find the 6th term in the expansion of (2x3 + 9y) 11.
Note: The age-difference of t~vo persons is Answer: l,745,960,832Y18y5
Properties of Roots constant at any time. / 7. Find the constant term in the expansion of (x +
B x-3/2) 15. Answer: 5,005
Sum of the Roots: x1 + x 2 = - -
A / s . Find the sum of the coefficients of the ·terms in
C MOTION-RELATED PROBLEMS the expans_ion of (4.x - 7y) 4. Answer: 81
Product of the Roots: x 1 x 2 =-
A distance= velocity x time / 9, Four years ago, the sum of the ages of A and B
was 45. Six years from now, twice B's age will

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