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Yishtabach (Hebrew: ‫( )ישתבח‬Hebrew: "

[ God ] be praised") is a prayer in the
final portion of the Pesukei Dezimra
morning prayers of Judaism known as
shacharit, recited before the second
kaddish leading to the Shema prayers.

The theme of the number "fifteen" plays

a pivotal role in the blessing; there are
fifteen expressions conveying praise in
the beginning half of the paragraph and
fifteen words in the concluding blessing
(after "Blessed are You, God..."). The
number fifteen is an allusion both to the
Divine Name ‫( יה‬whose gematria is
fifteen) and to the fifteen Songs of
Ascents composed by King David
(Psalms 120–34).

There are two themes of Yishtabach:

God's power and might are deserving of
our praise and adoration, and that one
must continually praise God.[1]

Since Baruch Sheamar and Yishtabach

are both blessings, this gives the sense
that Pesukei Dezimra is one single
prayer.[2] Yishtabach is not recited
unless Baruch Sheamar is recited,
because Baruch Sheamar is the
opening blessing, and Yishtabach is the
closing blessing.[3]
Yishtabach is normally recited while
standing. This is because Baruch
Sheamar is recited while standing, and
since Baruch Sheamar is the opening of
Pesukei Dezimra and Yishtabach is the
conclusion, they are both recited in the
same manner.[4] However, on Shabbat,
some congregations have a custom to

The author of Yishtabach is not known

to this day. But with words 2-5 in the
prayer spelling ‫( שׁלמה‬Shlomo), this
alludes to a reference to King

Text of Yishtabach
Aramaic /
English translation Transliteration

May your Name be praised forever Yishtabach shimcha la'ad ‫יִשׁ ַתּ ַבּח ִשׁ ְמ ָל ַעד‬
our King, malkeinu ‫ַמ ְל ֵכּנוּ‬

the God, the great and holy King in ha'eil hamelech hagadol ‫ָה ֵאל ַה ֶמּ ֶל ַה ָגּדוֹל‬
heaven and on earth. vehakadosh bashamayim ‫ ַבּ ָשּׁ ַמיִם‬,‫וְ ַה ָקּדוֹשׁ‬
uva'aretz. ‫אָרץ‬
ֶ ‫וּב‬

Because for You is fitting O LORD, Ki lecha na'eh adonai ‫ִכּי ְל נָ ֶאה יְ יָ ֱא ֵהינוּ‬
our God, and the God of our eloheinu v'eilohei ‫בוֹתינוּ‬
ֵ ‫וֵ א ֵהי ֲא‬
forefathers avoteinu

song and praise, lauding and shir ushvacha halleil ‫ ַה ֵלּל‬,‫וּשׁ ָב ָחה‬
ְ ‫ִשׁיר‬
hymns, power and dominion, vezimra oz umemshalla ‫וּמ ְמ ָשׁ ָלה‬
ֶ ‫ עֹז‬,‫וְ זִ ְמ ָרה‬
triumph, greatness and strength, netzach gedula ugvura ,‫בוּרה‬
ָ ‫ ְגּ ֻד ָלּה ְוּג‬,‫נֶ ַצח‬
praise and splendor, holiness and tehila vetif'eret kedusha ,‫ וְ ִת ְפ ֶא ֶרת‬,‫ְתּ ִה ָלּה‬
sovereignty, blessings and umalchut berachot ‫וּמ ְלכוּת ְבּ ָרכוֹת‬
ַ ,‫ְק ֻד ָשּׁה‬
thanksgivings from this time and vehoda'ot mei'atta ve'ad ‫הוֹדאוֹת ֵמ ַע ָתּה וְ ַעד‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬
forever. olam. .‫עוֹלם‬

Blessed are You, O LORD, God, King Baruch atta adonai eil ‫ ֵאל ֶמ ֶל‬, ָ‫ָבּרוּ ַא ָתּה יְ י‬
exalted through praises, God of melech gadol ‫ ֵאל‬,‫ָגּדוֹל ַבּ ִתּ ְשׁ ָבּחוֹת‬
thanksgivings, Master of wonders, batishbachot eil ‫ ֲאדוֹן‬,‫הוֹדאוֹת‬
ָ ‫ַה‬
hahoda'ot adon hanifla'ot ,‫ַהנִּ ְפ ָלאוֹת‬

Who chooses musical songs of habocheir beshirei zimra ,‫בּוֹחר ְבּ ִשׁ ֵירי זִ ְמ ָרה‬
ֵ ‫ַה‬
praise King, God, Life-giver of the melech eil, chei .‫עוֹל ִמים‬
ָ ‫ֶמ ֶל ֵאל ֵחי ָה‬
world. ha'olamim.

1. Every person's guide to Jewish prayer
By Ronald H. Isaacs, page 117
2. Talelei oros By Yiśakhar Dov ben
Shaʼul Rubin, Gershon Robinson, page
3. To pray as a Jew: a guide to the
prayer book and the synagogue service
By Hayim Halevy Donin, page 171
4. How does Jewish law work?: a rabbi
analyzes 95 contemporary halachic
questions By J. Simcha Cohen, page
5. How does Jewish law work?: a rabbi
analyzes 95 contemporary halachic
questions By J. Simcha Cohen, page
6. The JPS guide to Jewish traditions By
Ronald L. Eisenberg, Jewish Publication
Society, page 411

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