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Bio Materic Authentication-1

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IT Capstone Project



Biometric ATM authentication


Session fall 2019

Department of Computer Science

Superior University
Superior University
Department of Computer Science
IT Capstone Project Proposal submission Form

PROJECT ID For office use

TITLE Biometric ATM authentication

NAME MR . Arslan Akram


ADPCS sc13- F17-

ADPCS sc13-F17-

ADPCS sc13-F17-

Soft-copy of this document is enclosed YES / NO

I/We confirm to state that this project proposal is free from

any type of plagiarism and misuse of copyrighted material


Supervisor’s Signature
(with status Recommended/ Approved below column)
This project proposal deals with the Bio materic ATM authentication. This project completely
deals with the system that is to be built to fulfill the importance of the project work. This project
would be developed with the complete approach of the software engineering from start to end. The
project is all about making use of ATM instead of typing password on ATM they use their thumb.
This system provides the way to get access easily and efficiently. In short, it saves the time.
Different tools will be incorporated during the accomplishment of this project which is the essential
part. The estimated cost in this project would be approximately 1 lakh eighty Thousand rupee.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7
Project background .................................................................................................. 7
Project objectives ..................................................................................................... 8
2 Existing system ............................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Drawbacks of existing system ........................................................................ 11
3 Proposed system ........................................................................................................... 11
Use case diagram of Proposed system ................................................................... 12
Access control list .................................................................................................. 13
Advantages of proposed system ............................................................................. 13
4 Feasibility analysis ....................................................................................................... 14
Technical feasibility ............................................................................................... 14
Economic Feasibility ............................................................................................. 14
Operational Feasibility ........................................................................................... 15
5 Methodology and Work Plan ........................................................................................ 15
6 Time schedule and Cost estimation .............................................................................. 16
7 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 17
8 References .................................................................................................................... 18

Figure 1: Sample Bio materic ATM authentication 9

Figure 2: Use Case Diagram of Existing System 10
Figure 3: Model of proposed the System 12
Figure 4: Use case diagram of Proposed system 12
Figure 5: Gantt Chart of Project 16
Table 1: Access Control policy 13
Table 2:Cost estimation 16
Table 3:References 18
Bio materic ATM authentication is aimed at developing an thumb based ATM login . This system
will be Thumb login provided. Our system will have two type of accessing modes, administrator and
user. Bio materic ATM authentication will have managed by an administrator. It will be the job of the
administrator to admit and monitor the whole process. When a user log in to the system. He would only
view details of its own account. He can't perform any changes The system has two modules. They are



Project background
As with most real world activities, there are numerous benefits to using a software system for Bio
materic authentication . The most apparent to this project is the unification of the entire process.
Another aspect of a software system is the use of a central database. This database is the basis for all
actions in the system and can be trivially updated and used to aid in all of the system’s processes,
meaning all of the required information is stored in one central location and thus is easily accessible.
This is a far more reasonable storage method than typing password .
The main objective of this system is to make the performance of certain tasks much faster . This also
means that these tasks can be done solely by the system, freeing up those involved to perform more
important tasks. The simplicity of this project insures the effectiveness of the system.
This main advantage of this system if user forgotten the password with the help of his thumb he/she
will be able to access his/her account ,that save time and make user tention free.

Project objectives
The objective of our project to provide Bio materc authentication through thumb .In this project we
propose a method for fingerprint matching based on matching algorithms.
Existing system
Information about some of the existing forms has been collected. We have attached here a sample of
the form in Figure:1 that is currently being used in HBL depalpur . This is only the view where the
user type password

Figure 1: Sample Admission Form

In the current environment several banks are using semi-automatic system for banking . It creates the
problem for customers to type the form under manual environment. In that stage there is a need of such
system which helps the customers to work more comfortably. The thumb-based authentication
system will facilitate the user to access the account by his/her thumb.
The present system for the ATM traditional approach which does not have plenty of features. All
the customers not getting maximum benefits from such system.

Traditional systems do not have the facility to connect to internet. Because of this the students have to
go to college /University to

Figure 2: Use Case Diagram of Existing System

Drawbacks of existing system
The present system for the ATM in HBL depalpur is a traditional approach which does not have
plenty of features. All the customers are not getting maximum benefits from such system.
Followings are the Drawbacks of Existing System

In present scenario , ATM system accepts only on the pin code security system, enabling the other
person rather than the owner to access the account very easily.
This ensure that the traditional ATM system is not fully secured.

Proposed system
The proposed system aims to Bio materics authentication . These criteria include the customers to
use thumb. The data used by the system is stored in a database that will be the center of all information
held about customers .This software can pick only authentic fingerprint out of crowd,extract that
fingerprint is compared from rest of which those are stored in database.
elaborated detailed in Figure 4.
Figure 3: Model of proposed the System

Use case diagram of Proposed system

Figure 4: Use case diagram of Proposed system

Access control list
Access control policy is described in Table 1. Access control is very important for any system and its
privileged is not given to everyone. Only Administrator can have all the privileges. So the access
control of every user is described in Table 1.
Table 1: Access Control policy

Access control Administrator Applicant

System Registration Yes Yes

System Login No Yes

View the account detail Yes Yes

Add update and delete user Yes No

Manage all record Yes No

Advantages of proposed system

The aim of the proposed system is to address the limitations of the current system. The requirements
for the system have been gathered from the defects recorded in the past and also based on the feedback
from users of previous metrics tools. Following are the objectives of the proposed system:
 Bio materics ATM authentication is capable of ensuring fast and reliable protected
access information
 One of the key points of biomateric technology is its ability to eliminate the need to use
passwords at all through the use the use of Bio materic technology.
 Bio materic technology is high individual identification accuracy.

 Bio materic ATM authentication is less exposed to damage and sudden changes .
Feasibility analysis
For the system that is to be developed must satisfy all the feasible strategy. This step deals with the
various types of the feasibilities that are needed to be considered during the system development.
Mainly there are different types of feasibility that are needed to be considered and they are

Technical feasibility
The necessary technology to develop our project online transport management system form
submission exists. Software like SQL, MY SQL, ORACLE, THUMB SCANNER .can be used to
develop the back end which contains the actual database in which various records are stored which
can be manipulated or retrieved as per the requirement. Dreamweaver can be used to develop a user
friendly interface to be used by the system user. Therefore, the project team feels it is capable of
making use of the available technology to build online University transport management system’.
Hence the system is technically feasible

Economic Feasibility
Economic analysis is most frequently used for evaluation of the effectiveness of the system. More
commonly known as cost/benefit analysis the procedure is to determine the benefit and saving that
are expected from a system and compare them with costs, decisions is made to design and implement
the system.
In the system, the organization is most satisfied by economic feasibility. Because, if the organization
implements this system, it need not require any additional hardware resources as well as it will be
saving lot of time

 Cost of developing/purchasing application is equal to the sum of the cost of computer

on which the application id develops, the cost of software required to develop
application and wages of project team
 Cost of personal computer and software on which to run the application
 More efficient management of transport
 Greater applicant satisfaction
Operational Feasibility
Since Bio materic authentication is intended to be user friendly application with
no formal computer training required for the system user and also the application will
make his/her work easier and the working environment more satisfactory it is assumed
that there will be no difficulty in bringing the system into operation in an actual work
environment as long as user’s requirement are met.

Methodology and Work Plan

Each member will be assigned several tasks of this project on the basis of their interest in particular
portion of system development. Weekly meeting will be held to assess the status of Each member and
propose restructuring of plans when required. Regular discussion with the project supervisor will be
held to gather suggestions related to the Project. It will also provide us chance to update our
supervisor about the progress of the project.
We will use Java at the front end as a development tool and Microsoft SQL 2005 at the back end for
database. Java has powerful library to interface with database, networking and web development .
Software tools to be used for the development of the system are listed below:

a) Microsoft SQL

b) Microsoft office Word

c) NetBeans 7.0

d) Microsoft Visio
2 Time schedule and Cost estimation
The most cost estimation procedures focus on estimating effort in terms of person-months (PM). By
properly including the "overheads" (i.e., the cost of hardware, software, office space, etc.) in the cost of
a person-month, effort estimates can be converted into cost. For a software development project, effort
and schedule estimates are essential prerequisites for managing the project.
Time schedule and Cost estimation are described in Figure 5 and Table 2 respectively

27-Feb 6-march 15-march 25-march 6-aprill 10-april 1-may


Phase study
Preliminary Investigation
Problem Analysis
Requirement Analysis
Decision Analysis
Figure 5: Gantt Chart of Project

Table 2:Cost estimation Start Date Duration

Particulars Cost

Computers 45,000/-

Salary 45,000/-

Electricity 10,000/-

Software tools 80,000/-

Total 180,000/-
Web technology is the most evolving and growing technology in the world today. The world has
been narrowed day by day due to development in the web technology. Internet is the widely used web
technology today.
We get to know from news and other sectors that world has grown up with its new lookup of web in
each and every field. Keeping in mind this fact we attempted to build this project which is beneficial in
every aspect mostly in today’s context. This project will prove to be beneficial to both the students and
University in a sense that it would provide a platform for both of them to work easily as this project
provide the feature of submitting forms online, managing large records of students and their details,
etc. It would be really a great experience to work on this project.
3 References

Table 3:References

Material Type Reference List/Bibliography

A Book

A Book Chapter

1. creately (2008-2016, October). October 12, 2016,

2. lucidchart (2008-2016, October) October 12, 2016

3. techtarget (2008-2016, October) October 12, 2016


4. scribd (2008-2016, October) October 12, 2016

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