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Math 2 DLP Q1 WEEK 5

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School: Grade Level:

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 1st QuarterW5



A. Content Standards: Demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 1 000, ordinal numbers up to 20th , and money up to PhP 100

B. Performance Is able to recognize and represent ordinal numbers up to 20 th in various forms and contexts
M2NS–Ie-16.2 M2NS–Ie-17.2 M2NS–Ie-17.2 M2NS–Ie-18 M2NS–Ie-18
C.Learning Identifies the 1st through the Reads and writes ordinal Reads and writes ordinal from Identifies and uses the pattern Identifies and uses the
Competencies 20th with the emphasis on from 1st through 20th 1st through 20th of naming ordinal numbers pattern of naming ordinal
the 11th to 20th object in a M2NS–Ie-17.2. 1 M2NS–Ie-17.2.2 from 1st through 20th numbers from 1st through
given set from a given point Reads and writes ordinal Reads and writes ordinal from M2NS–Ie-18.1 20th
of reference from 1st through10th 11th through 20th Identifies and uses the pattern M2NS–Ie-18.1
of naming ordinal numbers Identifies and uses the
from 1st through 10th pattern of naming ordinal
numbers from 1st through

Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number
II. CONTENT (Visualizing and Identifying (Reading and Writing (Reading and Writing Ordinal (Identifying and Using the Sense
the 1st through 20th ) Ordinal Numbers from 1st to Numbers from 11th to 20th) Pattern of Ordinal Numbers (Identifying and Using the
10 )
th 1st – 10th) Pattern of Ordinal Numbers
11th – 20th)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide 47 – 49
2. Learner’s Materials 34˗ 44 33˗ 44 33˗44 40˗ 44 42˗ 44

3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Chart, pictures, Chart, pictures, Chart, pictures, Calendar, pictures, Calendar chart,
Resources flashcards flashcards flshcards chart, flashcards flashcards, pictures

A.Review previous lesson Recite the English Alphabet. Teacher checks pupils’ Read the letters of the alphabet. Drill: ordinal numbers Drill: ordinal numbers
answers in their Buluhaton ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP Checking of attendance using Checking of attendance
or presenting new lesson
sa Balay. QRSTUVWXYZ ordinal numbers from first up using ordinal numbers from
Tell what letter is in the following to the last pupil in each group. first up to the last pupil in
each group.
15th____ 12th ____ 18th ____
11th ____ 17th ____ 20th ____
19th ____
A. Establishing a Purpose Today, we are going to learn Read the letters of the Today, we will read and write Today we will identify the Today we will continue
the order of a given set of alphabet. ordinal numbers from 11th to 20th pattern of ordinal numbers the pattern of ordinal
for the Lesson
objects and the alphabet ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO
from 1st to 10th. numbers from 11th to 20th.
Tell what letter is in the
following position.
5th____ 4th ____ 3rd ____
1st ____ 8th ____ 10th ____
9th ____
Today, we will read and write
ordinal numbers.

B. Presenting Teacher shows the order of Teacher shows a picture of 10 . Teacher shows a picture of 20 Shows the flip chart of ordinal Shows the flip chart on
children falling in line with children falling in line with names
Examples/Instances of the alphabet. numbers from 1st to 10th. ordinal numbers from 1st to
names on them. on them. Let them count the Ask: What ordinal number is 20th.
the Lesson Ask: What is the 1st letter? 3rd
children. Ask: Ordinal numbers
letter? 7 letter? 10 letter?
th th
Let them count the children.
before 10th?
Who is the 14th child? How do you
read 14th?
before 20th?
Who is the 3rd child? How do We read: 14th
you read 3rd ? We write: ikanapulo ug upat o

C. Discussing New Shows the chart of objects. We read: 3rd Teacher shows the flip chart. Shows a calendar on the Shows a calendar on the
Concepts and We write: (ikatulo ) o third month of July, 2018 month of July, 2018
Practicing New Skills words symbols Ask:What days is before Ask: Ordinal numbers at the
Friday of the month? third Monday of the month?
eleventh 11th What day is in the third of What day is in the 15th of
july? july?
twelfth 12th

thirteenth 13th

fourteenth 14th

fifteenth 15th

sixteenth 16th

seventeent 17th

eighteenth 18th

nineteenth 19th

twentieth 20th

After the gift which

obejct is in the fourth?
the fifth? the sixth, and
the tenth? The twelfth,
the seventeenth, and the

D. Discussing New Teacher shows another set of Teacher shows the flip chart. Teacher shows set of objects. Group work: Group work:
Concepts and objects. Words symbols What is the position of the G1: Ordinal numbers before G1: Ordinal number before
Practicing New Skills Do: Let them identify each First 1st umbrella? Leaf Tree? Sun? 6th?h. What is it? ____ 12th.What is it?? ____
position from 1st – 20th. Table? G2: Ordinal numbers G2: Ordinal number after
#2 Second 2nd
Ask: What is in the third after3rd?. What is it? _____ 19th. What is it? _____
Third 3rd G3: Ordinal numbers between G3: Ordinal number
place? ninth? fourteentht?
seventeenth? Fourth 4th seventh and ninth?What is it?? between 16th and 18th .
Fifth 5th ______ What is iti? ______
sixth 6th G4: Ordinal numbers between
seventh 7th 1st and third What is it?
eighth 8th
ninth 9th
tenth 10th

Teacher show another

set of object.

What is the position of

an umbrella? Triangle,
leaves, tree etc?
E. Developing Mastery Group activity: Divide Draw 20 objects that you
(Leads to Formative the class in four . Group activity: Draw ten objects that you can see inside the
Assessment 3) Give each group can see inside the classroom. Write their
Group 1 Write the ordinal classroom. Write their ordinal positions from 1st
different objects of numbers in symbols
cutouts from 1st to 20th ordinal positions from 1st to to 20th with the leftmost
to be arrange. 10th with the leftmost drawing as the point of
Group2 Write ordinal
Teacher plays music numbers in symbols drawing as the point of reference.
while they are doing the reference.
activity. If music stops ,
they must be finished
arranging themselves .
The group who can
finished ahead of time
shall be the winner.
F. Finding Practical How do you order the How do we write the first? How do we keep our things? During the group activity, how During the group activity,
Applications of object? (in order) did you work with your group? how did you work with your
Concepts and Skills in How do we know the What letters do you see Is it important to arrange our group?
position of each group? after first? things in order? Why? Why Did you help? Why? Did you help? Why?.
Daily Living not?
Which do we begin as the What letters do you see
first object? after all the other
Answer the exercises orally. numbers?
If the fork is the 1st? what is
the position of a cup? How did you find the
. activity?
Did every member of the
____ 1. group do his/her part?

____2. What made your group



G. Making How do we identify and How do we read and How do we identify and use How do we identify and
Generalizations and visualize the 1st ˗ 20th write ordinal numbers How do we read and write the pattern of ordinal numbers use the pattern of ordinal
Abstractions about object from a given from 1st to 20th ordinal numbers from 11th – up to 10th? numbers up to 20th?
20th? We must know what is before
the Lesson point of reference? between and after.
What is added to 10? (th) One must know what
12? (th) 13? (th) 14? (th object is before,
What do you think is the
importance of using between,and after
ordinal numbers?

H. Evaluating Learning : Let the pupils do Buluhaton : A. IWrite the following A. Write the ordinal number in Read and understand Encircle Read and
1 sa LM p34, letter A only. ordinal numbers in words on words the correct answer: understand.Encircle the
the blank . 1.12th ________ 1. Ordinal numbers correct answer
1.2nd ________ 2. 20th _________ before 2nd? A. 1st 1. Ordinal numbers
2. 10th _________ 3. 15th ________ B. 2nd C. 3rd before 12nd? A.
3. 5th ________ 4. 18th _________ 2. Ordinal numbers 10th B. 12th C.
4. 8th _________ 5. 13 ______ between 4th and 6th? 13
5. 3rd _______ A. 3rd B. 4th C. 2. Ordinal number
B.Write the ordinal numbers in 5 th between 14th 16th?
B.write the ordinal numbers symbols. 3. Ordinal numbers after A. 13th B. 15th
in symbols. 1. ifourteenth = ___ ninth? A. 8th B. 9th C. 17 th

1. fourtht=___ 2. sixteenth = ___ C. 10th 3. Ordinal numbers

2. sixth= ___ 3. nineteenth = ___ 4. Ordinal numers after 19th ? A. 18th
3. ninth = ___ 4. seventeenth = ___ before 8th? A. 7th B. 19th C. 20th
4.seventh = ___ 5. eleventh = ____ B. 8th C. 9th 4. Ordinal number
5. first=___ 5. Ordinal numbers before 18th? A.
after 1st? A. 1st B. 2nd 17th B. 18th
C. 3rd C. 19 th

5.Ordinal numbers after

11th? A. 11th B. 12th
C. 13th
I. Additional Activities Answer LM Buluhaton Let the pupils answer Answer Buluhaton sa Balay
for Application or sa Balay Buluhaton 1 in the LM on sa LM page 43.
Remediation page 40.


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What
else needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant Write a 3

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Credit to the author of this file

See the attachment


1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th
5 th 6 th 7 th 8th
9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th

13 th 14 th 15 th 16 th
17 th 18 th 19 th 20 th

Write the ordinal numbers on the

blank :
____ 1. ____ 6.
____ 2. ____ 7.
____ 3. ___ 8.
____ 4. ___ 9.
____ 5. ___ 10.
1 st 2nd 3 rd
4 th 5th 6 th

7 th 8 th 9 th

10 th 11 th 12 th
13 th 14 th 15 th

16 th 17 th 18 th
19 th 20 th

19 th 20 th
Write the ordinal number on the
____ 1. ___ 6.
____ 2. __ 7.
____ 3. ___ 8.
____ 4. ___ 9.
____ 5. ____ 10.
Write the ordinal number in
1. 2 nd ____________
2. 10 ____________

3. 5 _____________

4. 8 _____________

5. 3 _____________
Write in symbols .
1. fourth = ______
2. sixth = ______
3. ninth = ______
4. seventh = ______
5. first = ______
Write in words:
1. 12 ____________

2. 20 th _____________
3. 15 th_____________
4. 18 _____________

5. 13 _____________
Write in words.
1. fourteenth =
2. sixteenth = ______
3. nineteenth = ____
4. seventeenth =
5. eleventh = ______

G1: Ordinal number

before6 .
th What is it??
G2: An ordinal number
after third?What is
1.An ordinal number
before 2 ?

A. 1st B. 2 C. 3
nd rd
2.Ordinal number
between 4 and 6 ?
th th

A. 3rd B. 4 C. 5
th th

3.An ordinal number

after ninth?
A. 8th B. 9 C. 10
th th
4.An ordinal number
before 8 ?

A. 7 B. 8 C. 9
th th th

5.An ordinal number

after 1st? A. 1st

B. 2nd C. 3 rd

1.Ordinal number
before 12 ?

A. 11 B. 12 C. 13
th th th
2.An ordinal number
between 14 -16 ?
th th

A. 13th B. 15 C. 17
th th

3.Ordinal number
after fifteenth?
A. 17 C. 16 C. 15
th th th
4.Ordinal number
before 18 ?

A. 17 B. 18 C. 19
th th th

5.An ordinal number

after eleventh? A. 11 th

B. 12th C. 13 th

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