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ISA System Architecture 3rd Edition, Tom Shanley and Don Anderson

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ISA System
Third Edition





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Foreword............................................................................................................................... xxiii
About This Book
The MindShare Architecture Series...................................................................................... 1
Organization of This Book...................................................................................................... 2
Who This Book Is For............................................................................................................... 2
Prerequisite Knowledge .......................................................................................................... 2
Documentation Conventions.................................................................................................. 3
Hex Notation ....................................................................................................................... 3
Binary Notation................................................................................................................... 3
Decimal Notation................................................................................................................ 3
Signal Name Representation............................................................................................. 3
Identification of Bit Fields (logical groups of bits or signals) ....................................... 4
We Want Your Feedback ......................................................................................................... 4
System Kernel ........................................................................................................................... 6
Memory Subsystems ................................................................................................................ 6
ISA Subsystem .......................................................................................................................... 7
Origins of ISA ........................................................................................................................... 7
The IBM PC ......................................................................................................................... 7
The IBM PC/AT.................................................................................................................. 8
The ISA Concept....................................................................................................................... 8

Part 1: The System Kernel

Chapter 1: Intro to Microprocessor Communications
Instruction Fetch and Execution .......................................................................................... 11
General ............................................................................................................................... 11
In-Line Code Fetching...................................................................................................... 13
Reading and Writing.............................................................................................................. 15
Type of Information Read from Memory...................................................................... 16
Type of Information Written to Memory....................................................................... 16
The Buses ................................................................................................................................. 16
The Address Bus ............................................................................................................... 17
Control Bus – Transaction Type and Synchronization ................................................ 19
The Data Bus — Data Transfer Path .............................................................................. 19

ISA System Architecture

Chapter 2: Introduction to the Bus Cycle

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 21
Automatic Dishwasher – Classic State Machine Example.............................................. 21
The System Clock – a Metronome ....................................................................................... 22
Microprocessor's Bus Cycle State Machine ....................................................................... 23
Address Time .................................................................................................................... 24
Data Time........................................................................................................................... 25
The Wait State ................................................................................................................... 26
Chapter 3: Addressing I/O and Memory
Evolution of Memory and I/O Address Space................................................................... 29
Intel 8080 Microprocessor Address Space..................................................................... 29
8086 and 8088 Microprocessor Address Space ............................................................. 33
286 and 386SX Address Space ........................................................................................ 34
386DX, 486 and Pentium Processor Address Space..................................................... 35
Memory Mapped I/O ............................................................................................................. 36
The I/O Device ........................................................................................................................ 36
Chapter 4: The Address Decode Logic
The Address Decoder Concept............................................................................................. 39
Data Bus Contention (Address Conflicts).......................................................................... 41
How Address Decoders Work .............................................................................................. 41
Example 1– PC and PC/XT ROM Address Decoder ......................................................... 42
Background ....................................................................................................................... 42
The PC/XT ROM Address Decode Logic ..................................................................... 44
Example 2 – System Board I/O Address Decoder ............................................................. 47
Chapter 5: The 80286 Microprocessor
The 80286 Functional Units................................................................................................... 53
The Instruction Unit ......................................................................................................... 55
The Execution Unit ........................................................................................................... 55
General Registers....................................................................................................... 56
The Status and Control Registers ............................................................................ 59
The Address Unit.............................................................................................................. 63
The Segment Registers .............................................................................................. 63
Segment Register Usage in Real Mode ................................................................... 63
Code Segment (CS) & Instruction Pointer (IP) Registers ..................................... 67
The Data Segment (DS) Register ............................................................................. 69
The Extra Segment (ES) Register ............................................................................. 70
Stack Segment (SS) & Stack Pointer (SP) Registers ............................................... 71
Little-Endian Byte-Ordering Rule ........................................................................... 74
Definition of Extended Memory.............................................................................. 75
Accessing Extended Memory in Real Mode .......................................................... 76

The Bus Unit...................................................................................................................... 81
Address Latches and Drivers................................................................................... 81
Instruction Prefetcher and 6-byte Prefetch Queue................................................ 81
Processor Extension Interface .................................................................................. 82
Bus Control Logic ...................................................................................................... 83
Data Transceivers ...................................................................................................... 83
80286 Hardware Interface to External Devices.................................................................. 83
The Address Bus ............................................................................................................... 83
How 80286 Addresses External Locations .................................................................... 85
The Data Bus ..................................................................................................................... 87
The Cardinal Rules ........................................................................................................... 88
Cardinal Rule Number One ..................................................................................... 88
Cardinal Rule Number Two..................................................................................... 89
Cardinal Rule Number Three .................................................................................. 89
The Control Bus ................................................................................................................ 89
Bus Cycle Definition Lines ....................................................................................... 90
Bus Mastering Lines .................................................................................................. 90
Protecting Access To Shared Resource ................................................................... 92
Ready Line.................................................................................................................. 94
Interrupt Lines ........................................................................................................... 95
Processor Extension Interface Lines........................................................................ 96
The Clock Line ........................................................................................................... 97
The Reset Line............................................................................................................ 97
Protected Mode ....................................................................................................................... 98
Intro to Protected Mode and Multitasking Operating Systems.................................. 99
Segment Register Usage in Protected Mode ............................................................... 101
Chapter 6: The Reset Logic
The Power Supply Reset ..................................................................................................... 107
Reset Button........................................................................................................................... 108
Shutdown Detect .................................................................................................................. 108
Hot Reset ................................................................................................................................ 109
Alternate (Fast) Hot Reset ................................................................................................... 111
Ctrl-Alt-Del Soft Reset ........................................................................................................ 111
Chapter 7: The Power-Up Sequence
The Power Supply – Primary Reset Source ..................................................................... 113
How RESET Affects the Microprocessor.......................................................................... 115
Processor Reaction When Output Voltages Stabilize.................................................... 115
The First Bus Cycle............................................................................................................... 116
Chapter 8: The 80286 System Kernel: the Engine
The Bus Control Logic ......................................................................................................... 119

ISA System Architecture
The Address Latch ................................................................................................................ 121
Address Pipelining............................................................................................................... 123
The Data Bus Transceivers.................................................................................................. 124
Data Bus Steering Logic ...................................................................................................... 126
Scenario One – Read Even-Addressed Location in 8-Bit Device.............................. 128
Scenario Two – 8-Bit Read from Odd-Addressed Location in 8-Bit Device ........... 129
Scenario Three – 8-Bit Write to Odd-Addressed Location in 8-Bit Device ............. 131
Scenario Four – 16-Bit Write to 8-Bit Device ............................................................... 132
Scenario Five – 16-Bit Read from 8-Bit Device............................................................ 133
Scenario Six – 8-Bit Read from 16-Bit Device.............................................................. 134
Scenario Seven – 16-Bit Read from 16-Bit Device....................................................... 134
Scenario Eight – 8-Bit Write to 16-Bit Device.............................................................. 134
Scenario Nine – 16-Bit Write to 16-Bit Device............................................................. 134
The Ready Logic.................................................................................................................... 134
Access Time ..................................................................................................................... 134
Stretching the Transfer Time......................................................................................... 135
The Default Ready Timer .............................................................................................. 135
Custom Ready Timers.................................................................................................... 136
Extending the Default Timing ............................................................................... 137
Shortening the Default Timing .............................................................................. 138
Chapter 9: Detailed View of the 80286 Bus Cycle
Address and Data Time Revisited..................................................................................... 139
The Read Bus Cycle.............................................................................................................. 141
Bus Cycle A ..................................................................................................................... 144
Bus Cycle B ...................................................................................................................... 145
The Write Bus Cycle............................................................................................................. 146
The Halt or Shutdown Bus Cycle ...................................................................................... 150
Halt ................................................................................................................................... 150
Shutdown......................................................................................................................... 151
Chapter 10: The 80386 DX and SX Microprocessors
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 153
The 80386 Functional Units................................................................................................. 154
General ............................................................................................................................. 154
Code Prefetch Unit ......................................................................................................... 155
Instruction Decode Unit................................................................................................. 155
Execution Unit................................................................................................................. 156
General...................................................................................................................... 156
The Registers ............................................................................................................ 156
General Registers.............................................................................................. 156
Status, MSW and Instruction Registers ......................................................... 157
Debug Registers................................................................................................ 159

Test Registers .................................................................................................... 160
Segmentation Unit .......................................................................................................... 160
Paging Unit...................................................................................................................... 161
Bus Unit............................................................................................................................ 162
Protected Mode ..................................................................................................................... 162
Page Translation ................................................................................................................... 164
Virtual Paging ................................................................................................................. 164
Translation Lookaside Buffer........................................................................................ 170
Virtual-8086 Mode ................................................................................................................ 172
Automatic Self-Test.............................................................................................................. 174
80386DX External Interface ................................................................................................. 175
The Address Bus ............................................................................................................. 175
The Data Bus ................................................................................................................... 183
The Control Bus .............................................................................................................. 184
Bus Cycle Definition Outputs ................................................................................ 185
Processor Extension Lines ...................................................................................... 185
Address Status Output ........................................................................................... 185
Pipelining Control Input......................................................................................... 186
Dynamic Bus Sizing (BS16#) .................................................................................. 186
80386SX External Interface.................................................................................................. 187
Interface Signal Differences........................................................................................... 187
A0 or BLE#....................................................................................................................... 188
Addressing Scheme, Data Bus Width Ramifications ................................................. 188
Throughput and Compatibility Considerations ......................................................... 189
Chapter 11: The 80386 System Kernel
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 191
The 80386SX System Kernel ............................................................................................... 192
The 80386DX System Kernel .............................................................................................. 194
80386DX System Kernel with Dynamic Bus Sizing.................................................... 194
Introduction.............................................................................................................. 194
Reading from an 8-Bit Device ................................................................................ 196
One-Byte Read from an 8-Bit Device ............................................................. 196
Two-Byte Read from an 8-Bit Device............................................................. 197
Four-Byte Read from an 8-Bit Device ............................................................ 198
Writing to an 8-Bit Device ...................................................................................... 200
One-Byte Write to an 8-Bit Device ................................................................. 200
Two-Byte Write to an 8-Bit Device................................................................. 201
Four-Byte Write to an 8-Bit Device ................................................................ 203
Reading from a 16-Bit Device ................................................................................ 205
Two-Byte Read from a 16-Bit Device............................................................. 205
Four-Byte Read from a 16-Bit Device ............................................................ 206
Writing to a 16-Bit Device ...................................................................................... 207

ISA System Architecture
Two-Byte Write to a 16-Bit Device ................................................................. 207
Four-Byte Write to a 16-Bit Device................................................................. 208
Reading from a 32-Bit Device ................................................................................ 210
Writing to a 32-Bit Device ...................................................................................... 211
80386DX System Kernel without Dynamic Bus Sizing.............................................. 212
Introduction.............................................................................................................. 212
Reading from a 16-Bit Device ................................................................................ 214
Two-Byte Read from a 16-Bit Device............................................................. 214
Four-Byte Read from a 16-Bit Device ............................................................ 215
Writing to a 16-Bit Device ...................................................................................... 216
Two-Byte Write to a 16-Bit Device ................................................................. 216
Four-Byte Write to a 16-Bit Device................................................................. 217
Chapter 12: Detailed View of the 80386 Bus Cycles
The Bus Cycle Types ............................................................................................................ 221
Address Pipelining Overview............................................................................................ 222
Memory or I/O Read Bus Cycle.......................................................................................... 222
Memory or I/O Write Bus Cycle......................................................................................... 224
Address Pipelining Example .............................................................................................. 226
Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycle .................................................................................... 230
Halt or Shutdown Bus Cycle .............................................................................................. 230

Part 2: Memory Subsystems

Chapter 13: RAM Memory: Theory of Operation
Dynamic RAM (DRAM) Memory ..................................................................................... 235
DRAM Addressing Sequence ....................................................................................... 236
Row and Column Address Source ............................................................................... 238
DRAM Addressing Logic .............................................................................................. 239
Detailed Description of DRAM Addressing Sequence.............................................. 242
How Data is Stored in DRAM....................................................................................... 244
DRAM Refresh ................................................................................................................ 244
Refresh Logic and RAS-only Refresh.................................................................... 245
CAS-before-RAS Refresh........................................................................................ 248
Hidden Refresh........................................................................................................ 248
Self-Refresh............................................................................................................... 248
Destructive Read: Pre-Charge Delay and Cycle Time ............................................... 250
DRAM Bank .................................................................................................................... 251
DRAM Bank Width ........................................................................................................ 253
DRAM Error Detection and Correction....................................................................... 256
DRAM Parity............................................................................................................ 256
Error-Checking-and-Correcting Memory ............................................................ 259
Page-Mode DRAM and Its Variations ......................................................................... 259

Page Mode DRAM .................................................................................................. 259
Enhanced Page Mode DRAM ................................................................................ 264
Burst and Nibble Mode DRAM ............................................................................. 265
Static Column RAM (SCRAM) .............................................................................. 267
Synchronous DRAM ............................................................................................... 268
Interleaved Memory Architecture................................................................................ 269
Static RAM (SRAM)............................................................................................................. 271
Chapter 14: Cache Memory Concepts
The Problem .......................................................................................................................... 273
The Solution .......................................................................................................................... 274
Principles of Locality...................................................................................................... 277
Temporal Locality.................................................................................................... 277
Spatial Locality......................................................................................................... 277
Cache Performance......................................................................................................... 278
Overall System Performance......................................................................................... 278
Cache Consistency.......................................................................................................... 279
Components of a Cache Subsystem .................................................................................. 279
Cache Memory ................................................................................................................ 279
Cache Management Logic ............................................................................................. 281
Cache Memory Directory .............................................................................................. 281
Intro to Cache Architecture, Coherency, Write Policies and Organization ............... 282
Cache Architectures.............................................................................................................. 283
Look-Through Cache...................................................................................................... 283
Look-Aside Cache........................................................................................................... 287
First- and Second-Level Caches.................................................................................... 289
Combined (Unified) and Split (Dedicated) Caches.................................................... 290
Cache Consistency (Coherency)......................................................................................... 291
Causes of Cache Consistency Problems....................................................................... 292
Write Policy ..................................................................................................................... 292
Write-Through Cache Designs............................................................................... 293
Buffered Write-Through Designs .......................................................................... 293
Write-Back Cache Designs ..................................................................................... 294
Bus Master/Cache Interaction ...................................................................................... 295
Bus Snooping/Snarfing ................................................................................................. 295
Coherency via Cache Flushing...................................................................................... 297
Software-Enforced Coherency ...................................................................................... 298
Cache Organization and Size ............................................................................................. 299
Fully-Associative Cache................................................................................................. 299
Direct-Mapped Cache (One-Way Set-Associative) .................................................... 301
Two-Way Set-Associative Cache .................................................................................. 304
Four-Way Set-Associative Cache.................................................................................. 307
Least-Recently Used (LRU) Algorithm........................................................................ 307

ISA System Architecture
Cache Line Size ............................................................................................................... 308
Cache Size........................................................................................................................ 310
First-Level Cache Size ............................................................................................. 310
Second-Level Cache Size ........................................................................................ 310
Cache Addressing ................................................................................................................. 311
I/O Information Not Cached............................................................................................... 311
Non-Cacheable Memory...................................................................................................... 312
Testing Memory.................................................................................................................... 313
Chapter 15: ROM Memory
ROM Memory — Theory of Operation ............................................................................ 315
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 315
Fusible-Link PROM ........................................................................................................ 317
Masked ROM (MROM) ................................................................................................. 317
Eraseable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM) ......................................... 318
Electrically Eraseable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) .................. 319
Flash EEPROM................................................................................................................ 320
ROM's Interface to System ............................................................................................ 320
System Board ROM Memory ............................................................................................. 322
Testing.............................................................................................................................. 322
Shadow RAM .................................................................................................................. 324
Shadow RAM and ROM Occupying Different Address Spaces ....................... 324
Shadow RAM and ROM Occupy Same Address Space..................................... 325
Double Mapping ROM and Shadow RAM Address Space............................... 325
Recovering Unused ROM Address Space............................................................ 326
32KB System Board ROM Configuration .................................................................... 327
64KB System Board ROM Configuration .................................................................... 329
ROMs on ISA Cards (Device ROMs)................................................................................ 330

Part 3: The Industry Standard Architecture

Chapter 16: ISA Bus Structure
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 335
Address Bus ........................................................................................................................... 338
Data Bus.................................................................................................................................. 339
Bus Cycle Definition............................................................................................................ 339
Bus Cycle Timing.................................................................................................................. 341
Device Size............................................................................................................................. 343
Reset ........................................................................................................................................ 344
DMA........................................................................................................................................ 345
Interrupts................................................................................................................................ 347
Error Reporting Signal......................................................................................................... 349
Miscellaneous Signals ......................................................................................................... 350


Chapter 17: Types of ISA Bus Cycles

Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 351
Transfers with 8-bit Devices............................................................................................... 352
Transfers with 16-bit Devices............................................................................................. 355
Standard 16-bit Memory Device ISA Bus Cycle......................................................... 355
Standard 16-bit I/O Device ISA Bus Cycle ................................................................. 359
0-Wait State Access to 16-bit Memory Device ............................................................ 362
Chapter 18: The Interrupt Subsystem
What Is an Interrupt? ........................................................................................................... 365
Microprocessor Response to Interrupt Request.............................................................. 366
Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycles.............................................................................. 369
Saving Pointer to Interrupted Program ...................................................................... 373
Clearing the Interrupt Enable Flag............................................................................... 378
Jumping to the ISR.......................................................................................................... 378
Resuming the Interrupted Program ............................................................................. 379
When One 8259 Interrupt Controller Isn't Enough ........................................................ 383
Servicing Requests to Slave Interrupt Controller .......................................................... 387
Interrupt Table Entry Assignments................................................................................... 388
IRQ2 Redirect ........................................................................................................................ 389
Shareable Interrupts in ISA Machines ............................................................................. 391
Generating the Interrupt Request................................................................................. 391
Interrupt Table Initialization – Add-in Devices ......................................................... 392
Shared Interrupt Procedure .......................................................................................... 393
Phantom Interrupts .............................................................................................................. 394
Programming the 8259 ......................................................................................................... 396
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 396
Programming the Registers ........................................................................................... 396
Non-Maskable Interrupt Requests (NMI) ....................................................................... 399
Software Interrupts .............................................................................................................. 402
Software Exceptions ....................................................................................................... 402
Software Interrupt Instruction ...................................................................................... 403
Protected Mode Interrupts .................................................................................................. 406
Chapter 19: Direct Memory Access (DMA)
DMA Concept........................................................................................................................ 409
DMA Example ....................................................................................................................... 410
DMA Controller (DMAC) ................................................................................................... 414
DMA Transfer Types...................................................................................................... 414
DMA Transfer Modes .................................................................................................... 414
Single Transfer Mode.............................................................................................. 415
Block Transfer Mode ............................................................................................... 416

ISA System Architecture
Demand Transfer Mode.......................................................................................... 416
Cascade Mode.......................................................................................................... 417
DMAC Priority Logic ..................................................................................................... 417
DMA Bus Cycle............................................................................................................... 420
Byte or Word Transfers........................................................................................................ 423
DMAC Addressing Capability........................................................................................... 423
Addressing ISA Memory............................................................................................... 427
Addressing Local Bus Memory .................................................................................... 428
Address Translation ....................................................................................................... 430
Data Bus Steering............................................................................................................ 430
DMA Transfer Rate .............................................................................................................. 431
DMAC Initialization During POST.................................................................................. 431
Chapter 20: ISA Bus Masters
ISA Bus Master Capability ................................................................................................. 433
ISA Bus Masters in 80386DX and Higher Systems ........................................................ 435
Address Translation ....................................................................................................... 438
Data Bus Steering............................................................................................................ 438
Bus Masters and DRAM Refresh....................................................................................... 439
Chapter 21: RTC and Configuration RAM
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 441
Accessing the RAM Locations............................................................................................ 442
Address Decoder and RTC's Hardware Interface........................................................... 442
Real-Time Clock Function .................................................................................................. 443
Using BIOS to Control Real-Time Clock ......................................................................... 445
Configuration RAM Usage ................................................................................................. 446
Chapter 22: Keyboard/Mouse Interface
Keyboard/Mouse Interface ................................................................................................. 449
Keyboard.......................................................................................................................... 450
Mouse ............................................................................................................................... 450
8042 Local I/O Ports .............................................................................................................. 450
Hot Reset.......................................................................................................................... 451
A20 Gate........................................................................................................................... 451
Local Port Definition ...................................................................................................... 452
System Interface.................................................................................................................... 453
Command/Status Port................................................................................................... 454
Data Port .......................................................................................................................... 456
BIOS Routine......................................................................................................................... 457
Chapter 23: Numeric Coprocessor
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 459
Setup ....................................................................................................................................... 460

With Numeric Coprocessor Installed................................................................................ 460
Numeric Coprocessor Reset ................................................................................................ 463
Without Numeric Coprocessor Installed (Emulation) ................................................... 465
Weitek Numeric Coprocessor............................................................................................. 467
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 467
Systems Incorporating Just the Weitek........................................................................ 467
General...................................................................................................................... 467
Weitek Handling of Intel Coprocessor Instructions............................................ 467
Systems Incorporating Both Coprocessor Types ........................................................ 468
Chapter 24: ISA Timers
ISA Oscillator, OSC ............................................................................................................. 469
System Timer (Timer 0) ....................................................................................................... 469
Refresh Timer (Timer 1) ...................................................................................................... 471
Speaker Timer (Timer 2) ..................................................................................................... 471
Watchdog Timer.................................................................................................................... 472
Slowdown Timer .................................................................................................................. 474

I/O Address Map................................................................................................................... 479
Glossary of Terms................................................................................................................. 491

Index........................................................................................................................................ 507

Chapter 1: Intro to Microprocessor Communications

Chapter 1
This Chapter
This chapter defines the microprocessor's role in the system, the usage of mem-
ory, and defines the role of the address, control and data buses.

The Next Chapter

The next chapter, “Introduction to the Bus Cycle,” introduces the concept of the
bus cycle and defines the basic sequence of events when the microprocessor
uses a bus cycle to communicate with memory or an I/O device.

Instruction Fetch and Execution

The microprocessor is an engine with only one task in life — to continually
read instructions from memory and execute them (perform the operations
specified by the instructions).

An instruction tells the microprocessor to perform one of three basic types of


• Read data from an external device.

• Write data to an external device.
• Perform an internal operation that doesn't involve reading from or writing
to the outside world (such as math functions).

Note — As used in this book, the term external device refers to a device exter-
nal to the microprocessor chip itself. Refer to figure 1-1.

The instructions fetched (read) from memory tell the microprocessor what to
do. When a microprocessor-based system is initially powered up, the micro-
processor knows what address in memory to fetch (read) its first instruction
from. This location is known as the power-on restart address. A group of in-

ISA System Architecture
structions that cause the microprocessor to perform a particular task is referred
to as a program. After fetching the first instruction from the restart address, the
microprocessor is totally dependent on the program to tell it what to do.

In a properly functioning system, the microprocessor is never idle. At any

given moment in time, the microprocessor is reading data from an external de-
vice, writing data to an external device, or executing an instruction that doesn't
require that a read or write take place (for example, an instruction to add the
contents of two of the microprocessor's internal registers together).

The microprocessor communicates with all external devices by reading data

from them or writing data to them. The terms read and write are extremely im-
portant in any discussion of microprocessors. Always think of reading and
writing from the point of view of the microprocessor rather than from that of
the device the microprocessor is communicating with. The microprocessor does
the reading and writing. Devices are read from and written to by the micro-
processor. If you think of the terms read and write from the device's point of
view, much of the information in this book will not make sense.

Chapter 1: Intro to Microprocessor Communications

Figure 1-1. Microprocessor's Relationship to External Devices

In-Line Code Fetching

When a microprocessor fetches an instruction from a memory location and exe-
cutes it, the address of the next instruction may or may not be specified as part
of the currently executing instruction.

Case 1: The currently executing instruction doesn't specify the memory

address of the next instruction. The microprocessor automatically
assumes the next instruction is to be fetched from the next sequential
memory location.
Case 2: The currently executing instruction specifies the memory address of
the next instruction. Execution of the instruction, called a jump
instruction, causes the microprocessor to alter its program flow (which
is usually sequential). Rather than fetching its next instruction from the

ISA System Architecture
next sequential memory location, the microprocessor fetches it from the
memory location specified by the instruction.

After executing a JUMP instruction, the microprocessor resumes fetching in-

structions from sequential memory locations until another JUMP instruction is
executed. Most well-written programs do not contain an excessive number of
JUMPs. Statistically then, the microprocessor is executing non-jump instruc-
tions the majority of the time. This means that the microprocessor is performing
what is commonly referred to as in-line code fetches most of the time.

As an example, refer to figure 1-2. Assume that the microprocessor has just
fetched the ADD instruction from location 00000h in memory. The flow of in-
structions fetched and executed proceeds as follows:

1. The microprocessor executes the ADD instruction fetched from location

00000h. Since it's not a JUMP instruction, the microprocessor fetches its
next instruction from memory location 00001h.
2. The microprocessor executes the SUBTRACT instruction fetched from loca-
tion 1. Since it's not a JUMP, the microprocessor fetches its next instruction
from memory location 00002h.
3. The microprocessor executes the MOVE instruction fetched from location 2.
Since it's not a JUMP, the microprocessor fetches its next instruction from
memory location 00003h.
4. The microprocessor executes the JUMP 10000 instruction fetched from loca-
tion 3. The JUMP instruction alters program flow. Rather than fetch its next
instruction from the next sequential memory location (00004h), the micro-
processor fetches it from memory location 10000h.
5. The microprocessor executes the MOVE instruction fetched from location
10000h. Since it's not a JUMP, the microprocessor fetches its next instruc-
tion from memory location 10001h.
6. And so on.

Chapter 1: Intro to Microprocessor Communications

C o m pa re 10001h
M ove 10000h
Jum p 1 000 0 00003h
M ove 00002h
S ub tract 00001h
A dd 00000h

Figure 1-2. Sample Instruction Sequence

Reading and Writing

The microprocessor communicates with external devices under the following

• To fetch (read) the next instruction from memory.

• When the currently executing instruction directs the microprocessor to
read data from an external device.
• When the currently executing instruction directs the microprocessor to
write data to an external device.

Chapter 2: Introduction to the Bus Cycle

Chapter 2
The Previous Chapter
In “Introduction to Microprocessor Communications,” the microprocessor's
role in the system, usage of memory, and the role of the address, control and
data buses were defined.

This Chapter
When the microprocessor must communicate with an external device, it uses its
buses. The sequence of events necessary when using the buses to perform a
read or write transaction is referred to as a bus cycle. This chapter introduces
the microprocessor's bus unit, the concept of a state machine, and defines ad-
dress time, data time and the wait state.

The Next Chapter

The next chapter, “Addressing I/O and Memory,” provides a definition of an
I/O device. It defines the method used by the x86 processors to distinguish
memory and I/O addresses and the range of memory and I/O addresses avail-
able to the 8088, 8086, 80286, 80386, 80486 and Pentium microprocessors.

The microprocessor's internal bus unit is a state machine that performs the re-
quired bus cycle when the microprocessor must communicate with another de-
vice. The concept of the state machine is introduced, as well as the concept of
the clock, or timebase, used by the state machine to define the duration of each

Automatic Dishwasher – Classic State Machine Example

Any task is easier to perform when divided into logical steps. A state machine
is a device (either mechanical, electronic, or software-based) designed to per-

ISA System Architecture
form a task that can be divided into steps. Prior to starting the task, the state
machine is said to be idle. When commanded to perform the task, the state ma-
chine leaves the idle state and moves through a series of steps, or states. Prede-
fined portions of the overall task are performed during each state. The duration
of each state is defined by a clock, or timebase.

In the case of the automatic dishwasher, the dishwasher is idle until you start it.
A timer then begins to run, defining the duration of each state the dishwasher
must pass through in order to accomplish the overall task of washing dishes.
These states are:

• During the first state, the state machine wets down the dishes.
• During the second state, the dishes are soaped.
• During the third state, the dishes are rinsed.
• During the fourth and final state, the dishes are dried.
• The state machine then returns to the idle state.

Most dishwashers also have one or more switches the user can manipulate to
alter the sequence of states or possibly to cause the machine to execute a par-
ticular state more than once. A perfect example would be the “Pot Scrubber”
button. When pressed, this might cause the state machine to execute the “rinse”
state two times instead of one.

The System Clock – a Metronome

Every x86 microprocessor has an input called CLOCK (or a similar name). This
signal is produced when a voltage is applied to a crystal oscillator. It then be-
gins to generate an electrical signal of a specific frequency. In essence, the oscil-
lator acts as a highly accurate electronic tuning fork. The signal looks like
Figure 2-1.


Figure 2-1. Crystal Oscillator Output

All microprocessors perform their operations in a highly organized, pre-

defined fashion. Portions of each task are always performed during pre-
defined time slots. The duration of each time slot is defined by the output of the
crystal oscillator.

Chapter 2: Introduction to the Bus Cycle
Indirectly, the 80286 and 80386 microprocessors use the CLOCK input to de-
fine the length of a time slot. They divide the frequency of the CLOCK input by
two to yield an internal timebase referred to as the Processor Clock (PCLK).
The CLOCK input is referred to as a double-frequency clock because its fre-
quency is double that of the required PCLK. The 486DX microprocessor, on the
other hand, uses the CLOCK input as the PCLK without dividing it. Clock-
doubling or clock-multiplying processors, such as the DX4, use phase-locked
loops or similar technology to multiply (instead of divide) the CLOCK signal to
produce a PCLK that is faster than CLOCK.

PCLK is the real metronome that defines the duration of the time slots during
which the microprocessor performs a task or a pre-defined portion of a task.
Refer to Figure 2-2.



Figure 2-2. Relationship of CLOCK and PCLK

As illustrated in figure 2-2, PCLK is half the frequency of CLOCK. When a PC

manufacturer refers to the operating speed of their computer as 8MHz (mega-
hertz, or million cycles-per-second), 10MHz, etc., they are referring to the mi-
croprocessor's PCLK frequency, not that of CLOCK.

Microprocessor's Bus Cycle State Machine

When the microprocessor performs a read or a write operation, it initiates a se-
quence of events called a bus cycle.

During a bus cycle, the microprocessor places the address on the address bus,
sets the control bus lines to indicate the type of transaction (such as a memory
read or I/O write bus cycle), and transfers the data between the target location
and itself. This happens in a very orderly fashion, with each step occurring at
the proper point during the appropriate time slot.

x86 microprocessor chips include a subsystem called a bus unit, tasked with
the job of running bus cycles when required. The bus unit is a state machine

ISA System Architecture
that is stepped through its various states by the PCLK signal. The duration of
each state is one cycle of PCLK.

Refer to figure 2-3. As an example, if the CLOCK input frequency is 40MHz (40
million cycles per second), the PCLK frequency is half that frequency, or
20MHz. In order to determine the duration of one cycle of PCLK, just divide 20
million cycles-per-second into one second. In this example, a PCLK cycle is
50ns in duration (50 nanoseconds; 0.000000050 seconds or 50 billionths of a
second). Since the bus unit state machine's states are each one PCLK in dura-
tion, this means that each bus unit state is 50ns in duration.

state state state state state

C LO C K 40M H z

20M H z

50ns 50ns 50ns 50ns 50ns

Figure 2-3. Each Cycle of PCLK Defines the Duration of a State

If not currently engaged in a bus cycle (a read or a write operation), the bus
unit state machine is said to be in the idle state. It remains in the idle state until
the microprocessor must perform a bus cycle.

Address Time
When the microprocessor must perform a read or a write, its bus unit initiates a
bus cycle. The bus unit leaves the idle state and enters a state that will be re-
ferred to in this text as address time. Although Intel uses a different name for
this state, address time is the name that will be used in this text for clarity's
sake. During address time, one PCLK cycle in duration, the microprocessor
places the address on the address bus and the bus cycle definition (type of bus
cycle) on the control bus lines.

Chapter 2: Introduction to the Bus Cycle

Data Time
After performing all actions required during address time, the bus unit state
machine immediately enters the state we will refer to as data time. As with ad-
dress time, Intel uses a different name for this state, but, for clarity's sake, data
time is the name that will be used in this text. During data time, one PCLK cy-
cle in duration, the microprocessor expects the data to be transferred between
itself and the currently addressed device. At the end, or trailing edge, of data
time (refer to reference point 1 in figure 2-4), the microprocessor samples (tests
the state of) its READY# input to see if the currently addressed device is ready
to complete the bus cycle. If the READY# input is asserted (low, as indicated by
the pound sign), the bus unit state machine terminates the bus cycle.

If a read were in progress, the bus unit interprets an asserted level on READY#
to mean that the currently addressed device has placed the requested data onto
the data bus for the microprocessor. The microprocessor reads the data from
the data bus and terminates the bus cycle.

If a write were in progress, the bus unit interprets an asserted level on READY#
to mean that the currently addressed device has accepted the data being writ-
ten to it. The microprocessor terminates the bus cycle. The chapter entitled
“The 80286 System Kernel: the Engine” provides a detailed operational de-
scription of the Ready logic. Figure 2-4 illustrates a bus cycle consisting of ad-
dress time and data time.

The 0-wait-state bus cycle is the fastest type of bus cycle the 80286, 80386, 80486
and Pentium microprocessors are capable of performing. In other words, the
fastest x86 bus cycle takes two “ticks” (cycles) of PCLK. If this were an 80386
running at 20MHz (PCLK speed), a 0-wait-state bus cycle would take 100ns
(50ns each for address time and data time).

Chapter 3: Addressing I/O and Memory

Chapter 3
The Previous Chapter
The previous chapter, “Introduction To the Bus Cycle,” provided a basic de-
scription of the microprocessor's communications scheme. Using the three
buses, the microprocessor performs bus cycles to read information from or
write information to memory or I/O devices.

This Chapter
This chapter explores the addressing scheme used by the x86 processors. It de-
fines the addressing range provided by the 8086, 8088, 286, 386, 486 and Pen-
tium microprocessors. A basic definition of the term I/O device is also

The Next Chapter

Having covered the addressing scheme used by the x86 processors in this chap-
ter, the next chapter, “The Address Decode Logic,” introduces the concept of
the address decoder. Several examples of address decoders are examined in de-

Evolution of Memory and I/O Address Space

The Intel 8080 microprocessor is the ancestor of the entire x86 microprocessor
family. Many of the family's characteristics stem from this common ancestor.

Intel 8080 Microprocessor Address Space

The 8080 microprocessor's address bus consists of 16 address lines, A[15:0].
With 16 address lines, the microprocessor can place any address pattern on the
address bus from all zeros (0000h) to all ones (FFFFh). In other words, the 8080
can place any one of 65536 addresses on the address bus and can therefore ad-
dress any one of 65536 locations located in external devices. In the computer

ISA System Architecture
industry, 65536 is referred to as 64K (K stands for Kilo, Greek for 1,000, but in
the computer industry, kilo is 2 or 1,024). Refer to figure 3-1. This means that
the designer of an 8080-based system can include memory devices with a total
of no more than 64K locations in the system.

locatio n F F F F h

64 K

locatio n 00 00h
Figure 3-1. Single 64K Address Space

In addition to memory devices used for program and data storage, the designer
must also use a number of locations for input/output ports (I/O ports) used to
communicate with I/O devices. In simple terms, any device that the micro-
processor can read data from or write data to that isn't a memory device (RAM
or ROM) is an I/O device. Implementing these ports certainly is necessary, but
depletes the number of addressable locations available to be assigned to mem-
ory devices.

Chapter 3: Addressing I/O and Memory
Rather than use up already scarce memory locations to implement I/O devices,
Intel provided two new instructions to the 8080 microprocessor: IN and OUT,
and added a way for the 8080 to indicate to the system that the 8080 wishes to
communicate with an I/O device instead of a memory device. The system typi-
cally included an Intel 8228 controller chip which detected the 8080’s intention
to communicate with an I/O device.

Some of the functionality of the 8228 was incorporated in the 8085 microproc-
essor, a successor of the 8080. The 8085 has 16 address lines, as does the 8080,
so the 8085 can address 64K locations.

The 8085 has a new output pin called IO/M#. In Intel signal names, the “/”
character should always be read as the English word “or.” IO/M# therefore
stands for “IO or Memory.” Since there is no pound sign after the “IO”, a high
on this signal line means an I/O address is being output by the microprocessor.
The pound sign after the “M” portion of the signal name indicates that a mem-
ory address is present on the address bus when IO/M# is low.

The addition of the IO/M# pin actually created two separate address spaces (or
maps), one for Memory and the other for I/O. In essence, the IO/M# pin
“points” to the appropriate address space when the microprocessor places an
address on the address bus.

Refer to figure 3-2. As previously mentioned, the 8085 provides 64K of memory
address space. However, due to the limited number of I/O devices typically
found in systems, Intel only implemented 256 I/O locations.

ISA System Architecture

256 FFh
A ddress
0000h 00h

IO /M #
Figure 3-2. The 8085's Memory and I/O Address Spaces

As an example, if the microprocessor places address 0010h on the address bus

and places a high on IO/M#, it is addressing I/O location 0010h, not memory
location 0010h. On the other hand, if the microprocessor places address 0010h
on the address bus and places a low on IO/M#, it is addressing memory loca-
tion 0010h, not I/O location 0010h.

In addition to the IO/M# pin, Intel also added two I/O instructions, IN and
OUT, to the 8085's instruction set. When executed, the IN instruction causes the
microprocessor to perform a read from the I/O address specified by the pro-
grammer. This address is placed on the address bus and the IO/M# pin is set
high, thereby indicating the presence of an I/O address on the address bus to
external logic. In the same way, the OUT instruction also causes the microproc-
essor to place an I/O address on the address bus with IO/M# set high to indi-
cate the I/O address it wishes to write data to.

Chapter 3: Addressing I/O and Memory

A separate instruction, MOV, is used by the programmer to specify a memory

address to move data to or from. When executed, the MOV instruction causes
the specified memory address to be placed on the address bus and the IO/M#
pin to be set low, indicating the presence of a memory address.

These changes allowed the designer to implement I/O ports without encroach-
ing on memory space.

8086 and 8088 Microprocessor Address Space

When Intel designed the 8086 and 8088 microprocessors, they increased the
number of address lines from 16 to 20. This means that the 8086 and 8088 mi-
croprocessors can place any address from 00000h to FFFFFh on the address
bus, giving them an address range of 1,048,576 or 1M locations. “M” stands for
the Greek prefix Mega, meaning large or great. In physics, M is 1,000,000, but
in the computer industry, M is 2 or 1,048,576. Some computer companies use
M to mean 1,000,000 when referring to disk storage while still using M to mean
2 when referring to memory size, so beware!

As with the 8085 microprocessor, the 8086 and 8088 microprocessors have a pin
to indicate memory or I/O addresses. Note that the pin name and function is
slightly different (or completely different, depending on your point of view).
It’s named M/IO#, meaning that the 8086 and 8088 set the M/IO# pin low
when executing an IN or OUT instruction. The 8086 and 8088 set the M/IO#
pin high when executing a MOV instruction to access memory. This is just the
opposite of the way the 8085 did it.

For the 8086 and 8088 microprocessors, Intel also increased the size of the I/O
address space to 64K. The programmer may specify any memory address
within the 1M memory address range, but is restricted to I/O addresses in the
first 64K locations of address space (0000h to FFFFh). There were two reasons
for this decision:

1. The 8086 and 8088 microprocessors remain backward-compatible with the

I/O instructions in the 8080 instruction set, although these instructions will
not take full advantage of the processors address capability.
2. Virtually no designer requires more than 64K I/O ports (locations) to im-
plement a full complement of I/O devices, no matter how complex they
might be.

Chapter 4: The Address Decode Logic

Chapter 4
The Previous Chapter
The previous chapter, “Addressing I/O and Memory,” explored the address-
ing scheme used by the x86 processors. It defined the addressing range pro-
vided by the 8086, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486 and Pentium microprocessors, and
provided a basic definition of the term “I/O device.”

This Chapter
This chapter describes the function performed by address decoders, discusses
the address decoder design process, defines data bus contention, and provides
a detailed analysis of two example address decoders found in ISA systems.

The Next Chapter

The next chapter, “The 80286 Microprocessor,” provides a detailed description
of the internal hardware architecture of the 80286 microprocessor, describes its
register set, and supplies definitions of real and protected modes.

The Address Decoder Concept

Refer to figure 4-1. When the microprocessor must read data from or write data
to an external device, it places the address on the address bus. Every device
that can be read from or written to has an associated piece of logic called an
address decoder. The address decoder selects its associated device when an
address within its defined range is detected.

In most cases, the selected device contains multiple internal locations. When se-
lected, the addressed device examines the address to identify the exact internal
location with which the microprocessor wishes to perform a data transfer.

ISA System Architecture

M ic ro -
proc esso r

ROM RAM K ey bo ard F lop py

A dd re ss A dd re ss A dd re ss A dd re ss
D e cod er D e cod er D e cod er D e cod er

K ey bo ard F lop py
B oot S ystem D rive
ROMs RAM In terfa ce
C o ntrolle r

Figure 4-1. Relationship of Address Bus, Address Decoders and Devices

A memory or I/O chip does not respond to any pre-assigned address range.
Rather, the device's address decode logic informs it that the address currently
on the address bus is assigned to one of its internal locations by asserting the
device's chip-select input pin.

The overall range of memory and I/O locations addressable by a particular mi-
croprocessor are commonly referred to as address maps. The design of its asso-
ciated address decoder, not that of the memory or I/O device itself, defines
where a device lives within the overall memory or I/O address map of a mi-

Chapter 4: The Address Decode Logic

Data Bus Contention (Address Conflicts)

Under no circumstances should the address decoders for two devices installed
in a system be designed in such a fashion that they both detect the same ad-
dress ranges. This would cause data bus contention.

Every expansion card installed in an ISA system has its own address decode
logic that defines the address range the card responds to. Address conflicts are
a common problem in the PC world. Consider the problem that arises if the
address decoders on two expansion cards are both designed to detect the same
address range.

As an example, assume that two cards respond to the I/O address range 03F0h
to 03F7h. If the microprocessor executes an instruction that causes a read from
I/O location 03F1h, both devices are chip-selected by their respective address
decoders. Each then places the contents of its respective location 03F1h onto the
common data bus simultaneously. One card may be driving a particular data
bus signal line high while the other card is driving the same data bus signal line
low. In this situation, we have two separate current sources trying to drive five
volts and zero volts onto the same piece of wire.

At best, this situation will cause garbled data and, at worst, hardware damage.
The proper term for this condition is data bus contention, a problem quite
common in the PC world. A user populates a PC with many cards purchased
from various manufacturers. The prospect of an address conflict is very real.

In order to permit resolution of address conflicts, a card designer should allow

the user to easily alter the address range the board responds to. In ISA systems,
this is usually accomplished with configuration switches (or jumpers) on the
board. By changing the switch setting, the user causes the card's address de-
coder to detect a different address range, thereby resolving the conflict.

How Address Decoders Work

The address decoder function is similar to that performed by the post office.
Because it more or less identifies a neighborhood, the zip code is analogous to
the high-order part of the address (upper address bits). The low-order portion
of the address identifies the exact location within the neighborhood.

In much the same way, the address decoder associated with a device examines
the high-order part of the address being output by the microprocessor. It de-

ISA System Architecture
termines if the address is within the range assigned to its device. If it is, the ad-
dress decoder chip-selects the device. The chip-selected device then examines
the lower part of the address to determine the exact location within it the mi-
croprocessor is addressing.

It should be noted that an address decoder doesn't have to look at the entire
address to determine that the current address is within the address range as-
signed to its respective device. If you were traveling in a car and were told to
keep an eye out for the two thousand block, you would only need to look at the
thousands digit of the address to determine if it was within the desired range.
The lower digits would be insignificant to you.

The following two sections describe example address decoders and how they
function. The first example is that of the ROM address decoder in an IBM
PC/XT. The second example is that of the address decoder that detects ad-
dresses assigned to the I/O devices found on a typical ISA system board.

Example 1– PC and PC/XT ROM Address Decoder

The original IBM PC was designed around the 8088 microprocessor. With an
address bus consisting of 20 lines, designated A[19:0], the 8088 could address
any one of 1,048,576 memory locations. The designers chose to populate this
memory map as illustrated in Figure 4-2.

The memory address range from F0000h to FFFFFh was assigned to the system
board ROM. This ROM is frequently referred to as the boot or POST/BIOS
ROM. The 64K addresses from F0000h to FFFFFh are set aside for the boot
ROM. It should therefore be selected whenever the uppermost digit on the ad-
dress bus is Fh and the M/IO# pin is high (indicating the presence of a memory
address on the address bus). Table 4-1 illustrates the state of the address lines
when any memory address in this range is accessed.

Chapter 4: The Address Decode Logic
B oot
ROM F0000h
64 K B
O ption
ROM E0000h
12 8K B R eserved
F or
D e vice
ROMs C0000h
12 8K B
V id eo
M em ory

64 0K B
C o nventiona l
M em ory

Figure 4-2. PC Memory Address Map

Table 4-1. State of the Address Lines When Any Memory Address in Range F0000h to
FFFFFh Is Addressed
19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

In addition, memory address range E0000h to EFFFFh was assigned to the op-
tional ROM that could be installed in the empty ROM socket provided on the
system board. This capability was provided to allow the installation of a ROM
containing the BIOS routines and interrupt service routines for optional devices
that could be added to the machine. This add-in ROM is commonly referred to
as the option ROM. The 64K addresses from E0000h to EFFFFh are set aside for
the option ROM. It should therefore be selected whenever the uppermost digit
on the address bus is Eh and the M/IO# pin is high (indicating the presence of

Chapter 5: The 80286 Microprocessor

Chapter 5
The Previous Chapter
The basics of microprocessor communication have been introduced. This in-
cludes concept of the bus cycle and the types of devices that the microprocessor
communicates with (memory and I/O), along with how these devices are ad-

This Chapter
This chapter provides a description of the 80286 microprocessor. Emphasis is
placed on the hardware interface between the 80286 microprocessor and the
remainder of the system. Memory address formation in real mode is covered in
detail and an introduction to protected mode is provided.

The Next Chapter

The next chapter provides a description of the six possible sources for various
reset signals found in ISA systems and the effect each of them has on the sys-
tem. It also explains the actions taken when Ctrl/Alt/Delete are depressed.

The 80286 Functional Units

Any microprocessor is really a system consisting of a number of functional
units. Each unit has a specific job to do and all of the units working together
comprise the microprocessor. Figure 5-1 illustrates the units which make up the
80286 microprocessor.

ISA System Architecture

B u s U n it (B U )
A d d re ss L a tch e s
a n d D rive rs A ddress Bus
P ro ce s so r E xte n sio n
In te rfa ce

B u s C o n tro l C ontrol Bus

In stru ctio n
P re fe tch e r

D a ta
Tra n s ce ive rs D ata B us
6 -B yte
P re fe tch Q ue u e

E xecu tion
U nit In stru ctio n
D e c od e r

(E U ) D e c od e d
In stru ctio n
Q u e u e (3 d e e p )

In structio n U n it (IU )

Figure 5-1. 80286 Microprocessor Block Diagram

Refer to 5-1. When the microprocessor starts operation, it will automatically

begin fetching (reading) instructions from memory. It is the bus unit's task to
perform the bus cycles required to fetch all instructions from memory. Instruc-
tions are read from memory over the data bus and placed into the instruction
Prefetch Queue. From there they go to the instruction unit where they are de-
coded and sent to the execution unit one at a time for processing.

Execution of some instructions requires that data be read from or written to

memory or I/O devices. If a memory device is specified, the execution unit di-
rects the address unit to form the memory address of the location specified by
the instruction. I/O addresses specified by an instruction do not require special
address formation as do memory address. Instead they are sent directly from
the execution unit to the bus unit to run the bus cycle specified by the instruc-

Chapter 5: The 80286 Microprocessor
In summary, two types of information may be read into the microprocessor; in-
structions (code) and data. Instructions are read from memory over the data
bus, go through the data transceivers, and are placed into the prefetch queue.
Data to be processed is read from either memory or I/O devices over the data
bus and is transferred via the data transceivers to the execution unit.

An instruction may also specify that data be written to a memory or I/O loca-
tion, in which case data is sent from the execution unit to the data transceivers
for transfer over the data bus.

In short, the 80286 microprocessor consists of four functional units:

1. Instruction unit. Decodes the instruction prior to passing it to the execu-

tion unit for execution.
2. Execution unit. Handles the actual execution of the instruction.
3. Address unit. When the microprocessor must address a memory location,
the address unit forms the memory address that is driven out onto the ad-
dress bus by the bus unit during the bus cycle.
4. Bus unit. Handles communication with the world outside the microproces-
sor chip (by performing bus cycles).

The following sections provide a more detailed description of each of these


The Instruction Unit

One at a time, the 80286 instruction unit pops (reads) instructions from the pre-
fetch queue, decodes them into their component parts and places them into the
decoded instruction queue to be forwarded to the execution unit.

The Execution Unit

Instructions are executed by the 80286 execution unit. In general, instructions
cause either internal processing of data already stored within the execution unit
registers, or reading data from or writing data to devices external to the micro-

When the currently executing instruction requires writing or reading a memory

or I/O location, the execution unit issues a bus cycle request to the bus unit.
The execution unit then stalls until the bus unit completes the requested data

ISA System Architecture

Two types of information may be read into the microprocessor: instructions

(code) or data. Instructions are always read from memory and are placed into
the instruction prefetch queue. From there, they are routed to the instruction
unit where they are decoded and sent to the execution unit for processing. Data
to be processed goes directly to registers inside the execution unit. These regis-
ters have several functions as described in the following paragraphs.

A register can be thought of as a storage location within the microprocessor.

Some registers can only be read from, and some can only be written to, while
others are both readable and writable. Registers within the execution unit are
used by the programmer or the microprocessor itself for the following pur-

• to temporarily hold values to be used in calculations

• to receive data being read from an external memory or I/O location
• to provide the data to be written to an external memory or I/O location
• to keep track of the microprocessor's current status
• to control certain aspects of the microprocessor's operation

Although they are storage locations, the programmer refers to the microproces-
sor's registers by names (rather then by the hex addresses used to address ex-
ternal memory and I/O locations). Most of the 80286 registers are 100%
backward-compatible with the 8086 and 8088 microprocessor's registers. The
registers inside the execution unit can be logically divided into two categories:

• General Registers
• Status and Control Registers

The following sections describe each of the registers in the General and the
Status and Control register sets.

General Registers
This section offers a description of each of the general registers and examples of
their usage. Figure 5-2 details the registers in the general register set.

Chapter 5: The 80286 Microprocessor

7 0 7 0
G eneral
R e gisters
Figure 5-2. The 80286 General Registers

The AX, BX, CX and DX Registers—Each of these four registers can hold 16
bits (two bytes) of information. As an example, the following instruction will
move the 16-bit value 1234h into the AX register:

MOV AX,1234 ;move the value 1234h into AX

In addition, the programmer can individually refer to each of the 8-bit registers
that make up the upper and lower half of each of these 16-bit registers. As an
example, the AX register actually consists of two 8-bit registers: the AL (Lower
half of AX register) and AH (upper half of the AX register) registers. The same
is true of the BX, CX and DX registers.

If the programmer wants to move only one byte of information, he or she

would specify one of the 8-bit registers rather than a 16-bit register. In the fol-
lowing example, the programmer wants to write the value 02h into I/O loca-
tion 60h:

MOV AL,02 ;move value 02h into AL

OUT 60,AL ;write AL contents to I/O port 60h

In the example above, the programmer first moves the value 02h into the 8-bit
AL register and then performs an I/O write instruction to write the contents of
the AL register to I/O location 60h. This will cause an I/O write bus cycle with
address 000060h on the address bus and 02h on the lower part of the data bus

Chapter 6: The Reset Logic

Chapter 6
The Previous Chapter
The first five chapters introduced the concepts of microprocessor communica-
tions and provide a detailed understanding of the 80286 microprocessor's inter-
face signals.

This Chapter
ISA products usually have six separate source for reset, two of which are gen-
erated only by hardware and four that can be initiated by software commands.
This chapter details the reset sources within typical ISA systems.

The Next Chapter

The next chapter explains the sequence of events that occur immediately after
an ISA system is powered on.

The Power Supply Reset

The power supply provides the operating voltages necessary for system opera-
tion. When the power switch is first placed in the on position, it takes some
time for the power supply's output voltages to reach their proper operating
levels. If the system components were allowed to begin operating before the
voltages stabilized, it would result in erratic operation.

Every PC power supply produces an output signal commonly called POWER-

GOOD. On the system board, the POWERGOOD signal is used to produce the
RESET signal. During the period required for stabilization of the output volt-
ages, the POWERGOOD signal is kept deasserted by the power supply. While
POWERGOOD is deasserted, the RESET signal is kept asserted.

While RESET is asserted, it has two effects on the microprocessor and other
system components:

ISA System Architecture
1. Keeps any activity from occurring until power has stabilized.
2. Presets the microprocessor and other system devices to a known state prior
to letting them begin to do their job. This ensures that the machine will al-
ways start up the same way.

When POWERGOOD becomes asserted, the RESET signal is deasserted and the
microprocessor can begin to fetch and execute instructions. The first instruction
is always fetched from the power-on restart address which is always located 16
locations from the very top of the memory address space. For the 8088 micro-
processor, this would be FFFF0h, FFFFF0h for the 80286 and 80386SX, and
FFFFFFF0h for the 80386DX, 80486 and Pentium microprocessors. This location
contains the first instruction of the POST.

Reset Button
Some systems provide a momentary-contact switch which the user may press
to force the RESET signal to be asserted to the microprocessor and to the rest of
the system. The effect on the system is the same as deasserting POWERGOOD
from the power supply, but the power supply is not actually turned off.

Shutdown Detect
When the microprocessor detects an exception while attempting to execute the
handler for a prior exception, the two exceptions are generally handled serially.
Certain combinations of exceptions cannot be handled serially, however. These
exceptions are caused by protection violations in protected mode. For example,
in protected mode, if an application attempts to access data that is outside its
data segment, the microprocessor will start running the general protection fault
exception handler. If, say, a stack overflow were to occur while the microproc-
essor ran the general protection fault exception handler, the microprocessor
would not be able to handle the two faults serially. The microprocessor would
invoke the double-fault exception instead.

If the microprocessor detects another exception while attempting to service the

double-fault, it goes into a shutdown condition. This is sometimes referred to
as a triple fault. The microprocessor indicates the shutdown condition to exter-
nal logic by running the halt or shutdown bus cycle. Since the microprocessor
has abnormally ceased to fetch and execute instructions, it can’t run a program
to inform the user that a severe error has occurred. Therefore, in an ISA ma-
chine, the shutdown detect logic outside the microprocessor detects the shut-

Chapter 6: The Reset Logic
down and toggles the microprocessor's RESET line, causing the system to re-

See the chapters entitled “Detailed View of the 80286 Bus Cycle” and “Detailed
View of the 80386 Bus Cycle” for additional information on the halt or shut-
down bus cycle.

Hot Reset
MS-DOS was written specifically for the Intel 8088 microprocessor using 8088-
specific instructions. Since the 8088 only has 20 address lines, it is incapable of
generating a memory address greater than FFFFFh, or 1MB. Furthermore, pro-
tected mode wasn't introduced until the advent of the 80286 microprocessor.
Consequently, MS-DOS can only address the lower 1MB and doesn't under-
stand protected mode.

When an 80286 is powered up, it operates in real mode. In other words, it op-
erates as if it were an 8088. This means that, although the 80286 has twenty-
four address lines and can physically address up to 16MB of memory address
space, it is limited to the lower 1MB when in real mode.

Most current applications programs are written to run under MS-DOS. Many
of these programs require access to more memory space than allowed under
MS-DOS. As an example, many Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets require very large
amounts of memory space, well in excess of that allowed under MS-DOS and
the 8088 microprocessor.

If a system is based on the 80286 microprocessor, the problem can be solved by

switching the microprocessor into protected mode. This allows the microproc-
essor to access up to 16MB of memory space, but MS-DOS presents a problem.
It doesn't understand protected mode and is therefore incapable of generating
addresses above 1MB.

Special software that understands protected mode operation prepares the seg-
ment descriptor tables in memory prior to switching into protected mode. It
also must save the address of the next instruction to be executed when the mi-
croprocessor returns to real mode so MS-DOS can continue to run at the point
where it went to protected mode. The 80286 is then switched into protected
mode and the extended memory above 1MB accessed (for example, to store
spreadsheet data).
Once the extended memory access has been completed, the microprocessor
must be switched back into real mode so the applications program can continue

ISA System Architecture
to run under MS-DOS. Here's where the problem comes in. In order to switch
the 80286 microprocessor from protected to real mode, the microprocessor
must be reset.

To do this, the following actions must be taken:

1. The programmer stores an address pointer that points to the address of the
real mode instructions that are responsible for restoring the system to its
previous operating condition. This pointer is stored in locations 0040:0067
to 0040:006A. The contents of these locations will be used later when the
processor returns to real mode to find the address in memory where the
real mode instructions reside.
2. A special value (05h or 0Ah) is stored in the configuration CMOS RAM lo-
cation (0Fh) to indicate the reason for the reset. Refer to table 6-1 for defini-
tions of the reset byte in CMOS RAM.
3. The system has now been prepared to return to real mode. The Hot Reset
command must now be issued to the keyboard/mouse interface.* This is
accomplished by writing a FEh to the keyboard/mouse interface's com-
mand port at I/O address 0064h.
4. In response, the keyboard/mouse interface pulses its Hot Reset output one
time, causing the hardware to generate a reset to the 80286.
5. When reset becomes deasserted, the microprocessor begins to fetch and
execute instructions at the power-on restart address exactly as if a power-
up had just occurred.
6. At the beginning of the POST, the programmer reads the value stored in
the configuration RAM location to ascertain the reset's cause. In this case,
the value (05h or 0Ah) indicates that it was caused by Hot Reset to get back
to real mode and continue program execution.
7. POST then retrieves the previously stored real mode address pointer found
at location 0040:0067 and jumps to the indicated address and picks up
where it left off in real mode.

* Some manufacturers employ a Hot Reset “intercept” where external circuitry

recognizes an FEh written to the keyboard controller and immediately gener-
ates a Fast Hot Reset. This provides a faster reset signal compared to the slower
generation via a command to the keyboard controller. Later versions of Intel's
microcontrollers (typically used as keyboard controllers) provide an internal in-
tercept that also results in a fast Hot Reset.

Another method used to produce a fast Hot Reset is to cause the microproces-
sor to go into the shutdown condition by intentionally causing faults using
software. This causes the shutdown detect logic to reset the microprocessor.

Chapter 6: The Reset Logic

Alternate (Fast) Hot Reset

The Alternate or Fast Hot Reset command is found in some ISA systems that
implement system control port A at I/O address 0092h, sometimes called the
PS/2 compatibility port. Alternate Hot Reset performs the same function as the
Hot Reset command. However, the microprocessor is reset more quickly using
this method than when using Hot Reset. The Hot Reset command must be in-
terpreted by the ROM-based program inside of the keyboard/mouse interface,
while the Alternate Hot Reset command is executed by the hardware much
more quickly.

Alternate Hot Reset is generated by setting bit 0 in system control port A to a

one. This generates a pulse on the Alternate Hot Reset signal line which, in
turn, causes a pulse on the Hot Reset signal. This resets the microprocessor. For
a more extensive explanation of Hot Reset, see the previous section.

Ctrl-Alt-Del Soft Reset

When the control and alternate keys are depressed and held, followed by the
delete key being depressed, three “make” codes for these keys are stored in the
keyboard buffer in memory. When the sequence of “make” codes are detected
by the keyboard interrupt service routine, the soft reset routine is invoked. The
soft reset routine causes the system to:

1. Place the value 1234h into the reset flag location (0040:0072) in main mem-
ory. This value tells the system to skip a portion of the POST when reboot-
2. Store a special value (00h)in configuration RAM to indicate that a Con-
trol/Alternate/Delete is causing the reset (also used for power-on reset).
3. Depending on the computer model and manufacturer one of two methods
is typically used to reset the processor.
• Write a FEh to port 64h, causing a CPU reset. When the reset is re-
moved, the microprocessor begins to fetch and execute code from loca-
tion FFFF0h, the beginning of POST.
• Jump to location FFFF0h and begin program execution.
4. Near the beginning of the POST, the programmer reads the value stored in
the configuration RAM location to ascertain the reset's cause. In this case,
the value indicates that it was caused by Control/Alternate/Delete or
power-on reset.

Chapter 7: The Power-Up Sequence

Chapter 7
The Previous Chapter
The previous chapter, “The Reset Logic,” provided a detailed description of the
possible sources for RESET.

This Chapter
This chapter provides a description of the ISA machine power-up sequence
from the moment power is applied until the microprocessor begins to fetch and
execute instructions.

The Next Chapter

The next chapter, “The 80286 System Kernel: the Engine,” describes the sup-
port logic necessary to allow the 80286 microprocessor to communicate with 8-
and 16-bit devices.

The Power Supply – Primary Reset Source

The power supply provides the operating voltages necessary for system opera-
tion. When the power switch is first placed in the on position, a period of time
is required for the power supply's output voltages to reach their proper operat-
ing levels. If the system components are allowed to begin operation before the
supply voltages have stabilized, erratic operation would result.

Figure 7-1 illustrates the power supply-related logic that produces the micro-
processor's RESET signal. Every ISA PC power supply produces an output sig-
nal commonly called POWERGOOD. On the system board, the RESET signal is
derived from the POWERGOOD signal. In order to guarantee proper operation
of the microprocessor, the RESET input must change state in synchronism with
the CLK2 signal (the microprocessor's double-frequency clock input). On each
rising edge of CLK2, the state of the POWERGOOD input is latched by the flip-
flop, inverted to its opposite state, and presented on the flip-flop's output, RE-
SET. During the period required for stabilization of the output voltages, the

ISA System Architecture
POWERGOOD signal is held deasserted by the power supply. While POWER-
GOOD is deasserted, the RESET signal is held asserted. The flip-flop in the fig-
ure provides a RESET output that is synchronized with CLK2 and is the invert
of the POWERGOOD signal from the power supply.



R e se t
S yn c

S u p p ly

Figure 7-1. RESET Is Derived from POWERGOOD

While RESET is asserted, it has two effects on the microprocessor and other
system components:

1. Keeps any activity from occurring until power has stabilized.

2. Presets the microprocessor and other system devices to a known state prior
to letting them begin normal operation. This ensures that the machine will
always start up the same way.

Chapter 7: The Power-Up Sequence

How RESET Affects the Microprocessor

Table 7-1 defines the values forced into the 8086 and 8088 microprocessor's reg-
isters when RESET is asserted.

Table 7-1. Values Preset Into 8086 and 8088 Microprocessor Registers by RESET
Register Contents
FLAGS 0002h
CS F000h
DS 0000h
ES 0000h
SS 0000h

While RESET is asserted, the microprocessor cannot fetch and execute instruc-
tions and its outputs are set as illustrated in tables 7-2 and 7-3.

Table 7-2. State of 80386DX Outputs While RESET is Asserted

Pin Name Pin State
LOCK#, D/C#, ADS#, A[31:2] high
W/R#, M/IO#, HLDA, BE#[3:0] low
D[31:0] tri-state (floating)

Table 7-3. State of 80286 Outputs While RESET Is Asserted

Pin Name Pin State
A[23:0], S0#, S1#, PEACK#, BHE#, LOCK# high
D[15:0] tri-state (floating)

Processor Reaction When Output Voltages Stabilize

When the power supply output voltages have stabilized, the POWERGOOD
signal is asserted and the logic on the system board responds by deasserting
RESET. The deasserted level on RESET allows the microprocessor to begin
functioning. It should be noted that the 386, 486 and Pentium microprocessors
can perform a self-test when RESET becomes deasserted. Details of the proces-
sor self-test are discussed in the chapter entitled “The 80386DX and SX Micro-

ISA System Architecture
processors” and in the MindShare Architecture Series books 80486 System Ar-
chitecture and Pentium Processor System Architecture published by Addison-
Wesley. The microprocessor initiates the fetching and executing of instructions
from memory, using the code segment (CS) and instruction pointer (IP) register
contents to point to the memory location containing the first instruction.

While RESET was asserted, the machine status word (MSW) register had FFF0h
forced into it. Since the protect enable bit, bit 0, is therefore 0, the microproces-
sor always begins operation in real mode. In real mode, the microprocessor al-
ways appends an extra 0h on the end of the CS register contents, F000h,
resulting in a code segment start address of F0000h. It then adds the offset por-
tion of the address, FFF0h, contained in the IP register, to the segment start ad-

CS F0000h
IP + FFF0h
FFFF0h = physical memory address

The resultant memory address, FFFF0h, is referred to as the power-on restart

address. Since the address is formed exactly the same way every time the sys-
tem is powered up, the 8086 or 8088 microprocessor always fetches its first in-
struction from the power-on restart address.

The First Bus Cycle

The microprocessor then initiates a memory read bus cycle to fetch the first in-
struction from the power-on restart address in memory. The power-on restart
address is always located in the boot ROMs. This is because the first instruction
must be located in non-volatile memory. If the first instruction were fetched
from RAM memory, the information returned would be junk. This is because
RAM memory is volatile.

The first instruction fetched from the power-on restart address is always the
first instruction of the power-on self-test, or POST. The POST program is con-
tained in the boot ROMs and is always the first program to be run.

Although they always begin operation in real mode and should therefore func-
tion as a fast 8086, the 286, 386, 486 and Pentium microprocessors have more
than twenty address lines. When the 286 or higher microprocessors place the
power-on restart address on A[19:0] of the address bus, the address lines above
A19 are automatically set high. This results in address FFFFF0h being placed

Chapter 7: The Power-Up Sequence
on the 286 and 386SX address bus, rather than 0FFFF0h. The 386DX, 486 and
Pentium processors place FFFFFFF0h on the address bus.

The processor keeps these upper address lines high until the program performs
a jump to another code segment; in other words, until a new value is loaded
into the CS register. A jump instruction that reloads both the CS and the IP reg-
isters is referred to as an “inter-segment jump” or a “far jump.” The upper ad-
dress lines are then set low and remain low unless the processor is switched
into Protected Mode by the program. In practice, the first instruction executed
from system ROM is always a jump instruction, thus a new CS value is imme-
diately loaded when the first instruction is executed.

After the upper bits are set low, they will not be set high again while the proc-
essor remains in real mode. This means that the processor cannot access ex-
tended memory (memory above the lower megabyte) while in real mode. There
is one exception to this rule. It is discussed in the chapter entitled “The 80286
Microprocessor” under the heading “Accessing Extended Memory in Real

Chapter 8: The 80286 System Kernel: The Engine

Chapter 8
The Previous Chapter
The preceding chapters have explained how the 80286 microprocessor commu-
nicates with memory and I/O devices and how the 80286 interfaces with exter-
nal devices. Sources of system reset and the power-up sequence have also been

This Chapter
This chapter introduces and explains the external logic required by the 80286
microprocessor to communicate with 8- and 16-bit devices. Additional logic
needed to synchronize memory and I/O devices of varying speeds is also cov-
ered. A thorough understanding of this chapter is crucial to understanding the
80386 kernel.

The Next Chapter

The next chapter provides a detailed look at the bus cycles that an 80286 can
run. The chapter includes timing diagrams and explanations for read, write,
and the halt or shutdown bus cycles.

The Bus Control Logic

In order to perform all of the actions required to complete a bus cycle, the
80286 microprocessor requires the aid of external logic. One of the major pieces
of logic involved in this process is referred to as the bus control logic. Refer to
figure 8-1.

Logic external to the microprocessor can detect the beginning of a bus cycle by
looking at the 80286's bus cycle definition outputs. When either S0# or S1# is
detected going low, this indicates the start of the bus cycle. This triggers the bus
control logic's state machine that works with the microprocessor's Bus Unit to
accomplish a data transfer during a bus cycle. The bus control logic uses CLK2,
the double frequency clock, to define time slots for its state machine. At the

ISA System Architecture
proper points during a bus cycle, the bus control logic performs the appropri-
ate actions to accomplish the bus cycle.

The functions performed by the bus control logic are described in this chapter.

Figure 8-1. The Bus Control Logic

Chapter 8: The 80286 System Kernel: The Engine

The Address Latch

Refer to figure 8-2. Intel dictates that every 80286-based system must incorpo-
rate an external device known as an address latch. When the microprocessor
outputs the address onto its local address bus during a bus cycle, the bus con-
trol logic signal ALE (address latch enable) commands the address latch to hold
(latch) the address and remember it. Once latched, the address latch outputs
the address to the system on the system address (SA) bus, SA[19:1]. Address
decoders throughout the system can then examine the latched address to see if
the microprocessor is attempting to communicate with their respective device.

ISA System Architecture

LA B us LA23:LA17
B uffer

CLK2 A 23:A1
A ddress
80286 BHE# SBHE#

S 0#
S 1#
M /IO #
IO 1 6#
C o n trol
M 16 # L og ic


Figure 8-2. The Address Latch

The address latch and LA lines (latchable address lines) must be included to
support the 80286's address pipelining capability. Notice that address lines
A[23:20] are not latched. These address lines go directly to the LA bus through
a buffer, along with address lines A[19:17]. From the buffer, the LA bus is con-
nected directly to the 16-bit slots on the ISA bus. The purpose of the LA bus
will be described later.

Notice that the address latch only latches A[19:1], but not A0 (address bit A0).
The reason for this is clarified later. Rather than going to the address latch, A0
goes to the bus control logic where it is allowed to pass through onto SA0 at the
same time as A[19:1] are latched and presented on SA[19:1].

Chapter 8: The 80286 System Kernel: The Engine

Address Pipelining
When the 80286 microprocessor must perform back-to-back memory transfers,
it uses address pipelining. This involves placing the address for the next cycle
on the microprocessor's local address bus during the current bus cycle. This is
possible because the current address will have been latched on the system ad-
dress bus (SA Bus) and held for the duration of the current bus cycle. As a re-
sult, the address for the next bus cycle can be output by the microprocessor
since the address for the current bus cycle has already been latched.

A portion of the next bus cycle's address, LA[23:17], goes directly to the ISA
bus via an address buffer. LA[23:17] (the latchable address bus) are simply a
buffered version of the uppermost bits of the microprocessor's address bus. 16-
bit memory expansion boards are designed to decode the LA address lines.
This allows 16-bit memory expansion boards to chip select their memory de-
vices much earlier than would be possible if they waited for the latched ad-
dress (SA lines).

At the end of address time of the next bus cycle, the bus control logic again
pulses the address latch enable (ALE) line, commanding the address latch to
latch address lines SA[19:0] and SBHE#. Since the high order bits (LA[23:17])
have already been used to generate the chip select, address decoding can be
completed very quickly. Additional information regarding address pipelining
can be found in the chapter entitled “Detailed View of the Bus Cycle.”

Although the 80286 microprocessor pipelines out its entire 24-bit address, the
ISA bus only provides seven of those lines, LA[23:17]. It would have been more
expensive to include all 24 of the pipelined address lines and system designers
are always looking for ways to reduce cost while maintaining or improving
performance. If the designers had provided all 24 lines, the cost would have
gone up but the performance would not have improved. There are two reasons
for this: 1) the vast majority of bus cycles are memory reads since the processor
is constantly fetching instructions and 2) the 4164 memory chip was popular
when the PC/AT was designed. The 4164 has 64Kbits of information in it, but
it’s only one bit wide. Sixteen 4164’s are needed to make a bank of memory for
the 80286 microprocessor. Sixteen times 64Kbits yields 128KB, which is the
smallest block of addresses that can be produced using LA[23:17]. With
LA[23:17], the memory subsystem has enough information to select the proper
bank of memory chips. Additional information about memory banks can be
found in the chapter entitled “RAM Memory: Theory of Operation.”

Chapter 9: Detailed View of the 80286 Bus Cycle

Chapter 9
The Previous Chapter
Previous chapters have covered how the microprocessor communicates with
memory and I/O devices and have explained the support logic needed to allow
the microprocessor to communicate with both 8- and 16-bit devices.

This Chapter
The exact timing of read and write bus cycles for both memory and I/O are
covered in this chapter. Detailed explanations of the halt and shutdown bus cy-
cles, along with the causes of each are also covered.

The Next Chapter

The next several chapters detail the 80386 microprocessor and the support cir-
cuitry required for the 80386 kernel.

Address and Data Time Revisited

The concept of the bus cycle was introduced in the chapter entitled “Introduc-
tion to the Bus Cycle.” The microprocessor performs a bus cycle when it has to
transfer information between itself and a memory or I/O location. The micro-
processor's bus unit uses the address, data and control buses to address a de-
vice, indicate the type of transaction in progress and to transfer the data
between the microprocessor and the currently addressed location.

The microprocessor uses the bus cycle definition lines to indicate the type of
transaction. The types of bus cycles are indicated in table 9-1.

With the exception of the interrupt acknowledge bus cycle, this chapter pro-
vides a detailed description of each bus cycle type. The interrupt acknowledge
bus cycle is described in the chapter entitled “The Interrupt Subsystem.”

ISA System Architecture
Table 9-1. 80286 Bus Cycle Definition
M/IO# S1# S0# Bus Cycle Type
0 0 0 Interrupt Acknowledge
0 0 1 I/O Read
0 1 0 I/O Write
1 0 0 Halt or Shutdown
1 0 1 Memory Read
1 1 0 Memory Write

When it must perform a bus cycle, the microprocessor's bus unit leaves the idle
state and enters address time. During this “tick” of PCLK, the microprocessor
places the address and bus cycle definition on the buses. Address decoders
throughout the system start decoding the address during this time slot.

Address time is always followed by data time. During this state, the micro-
processor expects the data to be transferred between itself and the currently
addressed device.

In reality, these aren't the state names Intel uses for the 80286 and 80386 bus
unit states. Table 9-2 lists the state names used by Intel:

Table 9-2. 80286 and 80386 Bus Cycle State Names

Nickname 80286 Name 80386 Name
Address Time Ts T1
Data Time Tc T2

These states were renamed for clarity's sake because the names Ts and Tc pro-
vide little information regarding the actions that occur during these states. Intel
calls address time Ts, meaning “Send Status” time, because one of the things
that occurs during Ts is the output of the bus cycle definition on M/IO#, S0#,
and S1#. Intel refers to S0# and S1# as the microprocessor's status outputs,
hence the name “Send Status” time. Data time is called Tc, “Perform Com-
mand” time, because it's time to perform the command, or data transfer, that
the microprocessor initiated.

The various actions that must take place during a bus cycle have been de-
scribed in previous chapters. This chapter provides an in-depth look at the se-
quence and exact timing of these actions in relation to each other.

Chapter 9: Detailed View of the 80286 Bus Cycle

The Read Bus Cycle

With the exception of the M/IO# output, I/O and memory read bus cycles are
identical. This section describes the exact timing of the actions performed dur-
ing a read bus cycle. Figure 9-1 is a timing diagram illustrating a series of typi-
cal 80286 read bus cycles.

PCLK has been placed across the top of the timing diagram as a point of refer-
ence. Remember that each cycle of PCLK defines the duration of one bus unit
state. Vertical dotted lines have been superimposed on the diagram to define
each cycle of PCLK (and, therefore, each state). In addition, the name of each
state is written across the top of the diagram.

A general idea of the information presented can be derived from the state
names across the top. In this example, the sequence of states is as follows:

Tc Data Time
Ts Address Time
Tc Data Time
Ts Address Time
Tc Data Time
Tc Data Time
Ts Address Time

Every bus cycle consists of at least an address time and data time pair. Addi-
tional data times (wait states) may be inserted in the bus cycle if the microproc-
essor samples its READY# input deasserted at the end of data time. Based on
these rules, the states illustrated on the diagram can be interpreted as follows:

Tc Data Time end of previous bus cycle

Ts Address Time start of bus cycle A
Tc Data Time 1st data time of bus cycle A
Ts Address Time start of bus cycle B
Tc Data Time 1st data time of bus cycle B
Tc Data Time wait state inserted in bus cycle B
Ts Address Time start of next bus cycle

In other words, the diagram illustrates the end of a bus cycle followed by a 0-
wait-state bus cycle (bus cycle A), a 1-wait-state bus cycle (bus cycle B) and the
start of another bus cycle.

ISA System Architecture
When reading a timing diagram, one scans from left-to-right (from earlier in
time to later in time) looking for the signals that change first, second, and so on.
Since PCLK should always be pulsing (changing), it's not necessary to note the
fact that it changes.

Figure 9-1. The Read Bus Cycle

Chapter 9: Detailed View of the 80286 Bus Cycle
Figure 9-2 shows the 80286 system engine. Referencing both the timing dia-
gram and the functional block diagram will help tie the timing and functions
together for a more complete understanding.

LA B us LA23:LA17
B uffer

C LK2 A23:A 1
A ddress
SA 19:SA1
80286 BHE# SBHE#

D15:D 8 U pp er SD 15:SD 8
D ata B u s
Trans ceive r
D T /R # D ata B u s
Ste ering L ogic

Lo w er
D7:D 0 D ata B u s
Trans ceive r

S1# L AT C H L O W
A0 IO R C #
IO 1 6 #
C o n tro l
IO W C #
M 16# L o g ic SA0


Figure 9-2. The 80286 System Engine

Chapter 10: The 80386DX and SX Microprocessors

Chapter 10
The Previous Chapter
A detailed analysis of the 80286 microprocessor, the kernel logic necessary to
interface it to external devices, and its bus cycle types were covered in prior

This Chapter
This chapter provides a detailed description of the 80386DX and SX microproc-
essors. It covers the functional units, processor self-test, enhancements to pro-
tected mode, virtual paging, virtual 8086 mode, and the processor's hardware
interface to external devices.

The Next Chapter

The next chapter, “The 80386 System Kernel,” defines the support logic neces-
sary to interface the 80386DX and SX microprocessors to external devices.

This chapter describes the 80386DX and SX microprocessors. The 80386DX and
SX microprocessors are identical internally and only differ in their interface to
external devices. This chapter is therefore divided into three parts:

• a discussion of the internal structure and operation of the 80386 microproc-

• a discussion of the 80386DX interface to external devices.
• a discussion of the 80386SX interface to external devices.

ISA System Architecture

The 80386 Functional Units

Figure 10-1 illustrates the units that make up the 80386 microprocessor.

Figure 10-1. 80386 Microprocessor Block Diagram

Chapter 10: The 80386DX and SX Microprocessors
The 80386 microprocessor consists of five functional units:

• Bus Unit. Handles communication with devices external to the microproc-

essor chip.
• Code Prefetch Unit. Fetches instructions from memory before the micro-
processor actually requests them.
• Instruction Decode Unit. Decodes the instruction prior to passing it to the
execution unit for execution.
• Execution Unit. Handles the actual execution of the instruction.
• Memory Management Unit (MMU). When the microprocessor must ad-
dress a memory location, the MMU forms the physical memory address
that is driven out onto the address bus by the bus unit during a bus cycle.

Code Prefetch Unit

The code prefetch unit capitalizes on the predictability of program execution.
Statistically, program instructions are fetched from memory sequentially most
of the time. Only jump instructions alter program flow, causing it to jump to
another area of memory. Once the flow alteration has occurred, however, the
program returns to sequential instruction processing until another jump in-
struction is encountered.

When the bus unit isn't performing bus cycles for the execution unit, the code
prefetch unit uses the bus unit to fetch the next sequential instruction from
memory and stores it in the 16-byte prefetch queue. The code prefetch unit al-
ways attempts to maximize the bus unit's throughput by fetching an entire
doubleword (four bytes) at a time. The prefetched instructions are placed in the
prefetch queue to await processing by the instruction decode unit.

Code prefetch requests are given a lower priority by the bus unit than requests
from the execution unit. This ensures that the execution unit will not be stalled
while waiting for a memory or I/O data transfer to complete. For all practical
purposes, instruction prefetching reduces the time the execution unit spends
waiting for the next instruction to zero.

Instruction Decode Unit

The instruction decode unit takes an instruction from the 16-byte prefetch
queue, converts it into microcode and stores it in a three-deep decoded instruc-
tion queue for use by the execution unit. Any immediate data and offset associ-

ISA System Architecture
ated with the instruction is also taken from the prefetch queue and stored in the
decoded instruction queue.

Execution Unit
The execution unit executes each instruction received from the decoded in-
struction queue. It communicates with the other microprocessor functional
units on an as needed basis in order to execute each instruction. The execution
unit is comprised of three sub-units:

• The control unit's microcode and special parallel hardware speeds multi-
plies, divides and effective address calculation.
• The data unit contains the arithmetic logic unit, or ALU, eight general-
purpose registers and a 64-bit barrel shifter. The data unit performs data
operations requested by the control unit.
• The protection test unit checks for segmentation violations.

The Registers
The 80386 execution unit incorporates the following registers:

• The general registers

• The status and control registers
• The debug registers
• The test registers

The following sections describe each of these register groups.

General Registers

The general registers implemented in the 80386 microprocessor are a superset

of those found in the earlier implementations of the X86 processor family. Fig-
ure 10-2 illustrates the general registers.

Chapter 10: The 80386DX and SX Microprocessors

31 23 15 8 7 0


Figure 10-2. The 80386 General Registers

Extended versions of the AX, BX, CX, DX, BP, SI, DI and SP registers are now
available to the programmer. The names of each of the extended registers starts
with the letter “E”. Referring to the EAX, EBX, ECX or EDX registers within a
MOV instruction allows the programmer to specify a doubleword, or 32-bit,
object to be moved. Extending the width of BP, SI, DI and SP registers to 32 bits
permits the programmer to specify any memory address within the 4GB ad-
dressing range of the microprocessor without changing the contents of the
segment registers.

Status, MSW and Instruction Registers

Figure 10-3 illustrates the 80386's status and instruction registers.

Appendix B

access time - The time span between a device being addressed and when it delivers or
accepts valid data.
active - see asserted
address bus - The group of signal lines that carry an address from a bus master.
address decoder - Every device that can be read from or written to has an associated
piece of logic called an address decoder. The address decoder selects its associ-
ated device when an address within its defined range is detected.
address latch - A device connected to the microprocessor's local address bus. This de-
vice drives the address to all devices throughout the system and latches (holds)
the address for the duration of the bus cycle. Once latched, the Address Latch
outputs the address to the system on the system address (SA) bus, SA19:SA1.
address pipelining - A process in which the microprocessor places the address for the
next cycle on its local address bus during the current bus cycle. This can reduce
access time to system memory if designed to take advantage of address pipelin-
address translation - The process of converting one type of address to another. For ex-
ample: translating the address from an ISA bus master (SA16:SA0, LA23:LA17
and SBHE#) to a 32-bit memory address (A31:A2 and BE3#:BE0#) required by
32-bit memory.
AEN - An ISA bus signal or a pin on the 8237 DMA controllers. Note that the same
name is used for two differently-acting signals. When the CPU asserts the
HLDA signal, the ISA bus AEN signal is asserted, disabling all I/O address de-
coders to prevent I/O devices from mistaking the address as theirs during
DMA transfers. When the DMA controller sees its HLDA input asserted, it as-
serts its AEN pin to enable the outputs of its address latch and page register.
ALE - The Address Latch Enable signal that controls the operation of the Address
arbiter - An arbiter is a device that evaluates the pending requests for access to the bus
and grants the bus to a bus master based on a system-specific algorithm.
asserted - A signal is asserted when it is at its logic true state. A signal such as HOLD is
asserted when it is high (positive logic). A signal such as MRDC# is asserted
when it is low (negative logic). A signal such as W/R# is always asserted since
both its high and low states represent true logic states. The opposite of asserted
is deasserted. The term “asserted” is used in this book instead of “active” be-
cause “active” is ambiguous. The term “active” can mean either that a high im-
pedance buffer’s output is on (driven), or that a signal is at a logic true state.
For example, a tri-state buffer may be actively driving CHRDY low (false), in
which case the signal is active (by one of the ambiguous definitions) but inac-
tive (by the other definition). In this case, CHRDY is deasserted.
BALE - An ISA bus signal that is used by expansion devices to notify them that a valid
address is on the ISA bus. BALE is a buffered version of ALE on 8088- and

ISA System Architecture
80286-based PC’s, but it is asserted at different times than ALE on 80386 and
higher PC’s.
BCLK - An ISA bus signal (bus clock) that provides the timing reference for all bus
big-endian byte-ordering - A bus master using big-endian byte-ordering stores the
MSB from the specified source register into the start memory address and the
less-significant bytes from the register into the ascending memory locations
immediately following the start address.
BIOS - Basic Input/Output System routines usually contained in system ROM and de-
vice ROMs that provide a low level interface to devices.
bit cell - A one bit storage location in a typical DRAM consisting mainly of a capacitor.
block - Same as cache line in X86 processors. The cache stores information in its cache
in blocks of a fixed length. The cache block length is processor design-
dependent. As an example, an 80486 cache block is 16 bytes long.
block transfer mode - A DMA transfer mode in which an entire block of data is trans-
ferred prior to the DMA Controller giving up ownership of the buses.
bridge - The device that provides the interface between two independent buses. An
example is the Bus Control Logic and associated transceivers between the
80386 host processor’s bus and the ISA bus.
buffered write-through - A variation of the write-through policy where a look-through
cache controller stores an entire write operation in a buffer so that it can com-
plete the memory write to main memory later.
bus concurrency - Separate transfers occurring simultaneously on two or more separate
buses. An example would be an ISA bus master transferring data to or from
another ISA device while the host processor is transferring data to or from sys-
tem memory. Bus concurrency allows a processor to gain access to memory
from its memory cache, while another bus master accesses main memory over
the system bus at the same time.
bus control logic - The logic that assists the microprocessor in running bus cycles over
the ISA bus.
bus master, ISA - An ISA card that can gain ownership of the ISA buses and run bus
bus snooping - Bus snooping is the method used by cache subsystems to monitor main
memory accesses made by another bus master.
byte enables - 80386 and higher X86 processor address bus signals that indicate which
data paths will be used during a transfer. The byte enables indicate which bytes
within an addressed doubleword are being accessed.
cache - A relatively small amount of high-speed static RAM (SRAM) that is used to
keep copies of information recently read from system DRAM memory. The
cache controller maintains a directory that tracks the information currently
resident within the cache. If the host processor should request any of the in-

formation currently resident in the cache, it will be returned to the processor
quickly (due to the fast access time of the SRAM).
cache coherency - If the information resident in a cache accurately reflects the informa-
tion in DRAM memory, the cache is said to be coherent or consistent.
cache consistency - see cache coherency
cache controller - A cache memory controller manages cache memory which stores
copies of frequently accessed information read from DRAM memory.
cache directory - Memory inside of a cache controller that keeps track of information
stored in cache memory. Sometimes called the tag RAM.
cache FLUSH# - A cache controller input that causes the cache controller to clear the
valid bit in every directory entry to 0, thereby invalidating all cache entries.
cache line - A line is the smallest unit of data that a cache can keep track of.
cache line fill - When a processor's internal cache, or its external second level cache has
a miss on a read attempt by the processor, it will read a fixed amount (referred
to as a line) of information from the external cache or system DRAM memory
and record it in the cache. This is referred to as a cache line fill. The size of a
line of information is cache controller design dependent.
cache memory - Cache memory is a relatively small amount of high cost, fast access
SRAM designed to improve access to system memory.
cache page - The size of the cache data RAM in direct-mapped caches and the size of
each way in a set-associative cache. The cache views main memory as divided
into pages that are the same size as the cache pages.
cache read hit - The process in which the cache memory controller sees the microproc-
essor initiate a memory read bus cycle, checks to determine if it has a copy of
the requested information in cache memory, and if a copy is present, immedi-
ately reads the information from the cache and sends it back to the microproc-
essor at zero wait-states.
cache read miss - The process in which the cache memory controller sees the micro-
processor initiate a memory read bus cycle, checks to determine if it has a copy
of the requested information in cache memory, and find no copy is present. The
cache memory controller then passes the read bus cycle on to slow main mem-
CAS# - A memory enable called Column Address Strobe used to latch the column por-
tion of the address inside a DRAM chip.
CAS before RAS refresh - Some DRAMs incorporate their own row counters to be
used for DRAM refresh. The external DRAM refresh logic has only to assert the
DRAM's CAS line and then assert its RAS line. The DRAM will automatically
increment its internal row counter and refresh (recharge) the next row of stor-
CBR refresh - see CAS before RAS refresh
channel check - This signal is asserted by an ISA expansion board to signal a catastro-
phic error condition to the microprocessor.

ISA System Architecture
channel ready - By using the CHRDY signal (Channel Ready) on the ISA bus, designers
can override the default timer and stretch out the bus cycle by the required
number of wait states to match the access time of the device.
CHCHK# - see channel check
CHRDY - see channel ready
CMOS RAM - see configuration RAM
coherency - see cache coherency
concurrent bus operation - see bus concurrency
configuration RAM - A small amount of low power battery-backed memory used to
store configuration information used during the boot-up process.
consistency - see cache coherency
control bus - A group of signal lines used by the microprocessor to control a variety of
miscellaneous functions.
cycle time - The amount of time needed between accesses to DRAM memory, consist-
ing of access time plus precharge delay.
DAKn# - A group of signals on the ISA bus (named DACKn# or DAKn#) used to notify
DMA I/O devices that a DMA cycle is about to be performed to transfer data
for them.
data bus - The group of signal lines used to transfer data between devices.
data bus contention - An address decoding problem that arises if the address decoders
for two devices are both designed to detect the same address range. In such
cases both devices would deliver data to the data bus simultaneously during a
read operation, causing contention.
data bus steering logic - Logic used to match transfers between devices with different
sized data busses. Consists of transceivers connected between the data paths.
deasserted - A signal is deasserted when it is at its logic false state. See asserted.
debug registers - Six programmer-accessible debug registers provide on-chip support
for debugging and are present in the 80386. Debug registers DR0 through DR3
specify the four linear breakpoint addresses. The Breakpoint Control Register,
DR7, is used to set the breakpoints, define them as data or code breakpoints,
and whether to break on an attempted read or write. The Breakpoint Status
Register, DR6, reflects the current state of the breakpoints.
demand transfer mode - The transfer mode where the DMAC runs DMA bus cycles
back-to-back as long as the I/O device can continue to supply data.
device ROM - ROM on an ISA expansion device. Also known as expansion ROM. This
ROM typically contains the initialization code and possibly the BIOS and inter-
rupt service routines for its associated device. Device ROMs should reside in
memory address space between C0000h and DFFFFh.
direct-mapped cache - A cache organization in which only one directory entry needs to
be checked to determine whether the requested memory location is in the
cache. A direct-mapped cache is the same size as a (cache) page in memory.
When a line of information is fetched from a position within a page of DRAM


1 A
1.19318MHz clock, 469, 471 A2 output, 465
14.31818MHz clock, 350, 469 A20 GATE, 79, 450
16-bit read from 16-bit device, 134 A20 MASK#, 79
16-bit read from 8-bit device, 133 access time, 134
16-bit write to 16-bit device, 134 address pipelining, 123
16-bit ISA bus master, 345 address bus, 17
16-bit write to 8-bit device, 132 address decoder, 18, 39
address enable, 345
3 address latch, 121
address translation, 438
32KHz crystal oscillator, 441 AEN, 345, 424
alarm output of real-time clock and con-
8 figuration RAM chip, 386
ALE (address latch enable), 121
80286 and 80386 bus cycle state names, 140 alternate gate A20, 400
80286 bus cycle definition, 140 alternate hot reset, 400
80286 microprocessor address space, 34 atomic access, 94
80287, 459
80386DX outputs while RESET is asserted, B
80386SX microprocessor address space, 34 BALE, 342
80387, 459 basic input/output system (BIOS) routines,
8042 local I/O ports, 450 405
8042 microcomputer, 449 BASIC language, 322
8042 sample keyboard/mouse interface battery, 441
command list, 455 buffered write-through cache, 293
8042 test port, 452 bus control logic, 119
8080 microprocessor, 29 bus snooping, 295
8086, 33 BCLK, 341
8087 numeric coprocessor, 459 BHE#, 83
8088, 33 big-endian byte ordering rule, 74
8237 DMA controller, 410 BIOS, 322
8259 programmable interrupt controller, BIOS ROM, 42
366 BIOS routine, 43, 404
8-bit read from 16-bit device, 134 bit cell, 244, 315, 318
8-bit write to 16-bit device, 134 BLE#, 188
8-bit write to odd addressed location in 8- boot program, 322
bit device, 131 boot ROM, 42, 116
8-Bit read from odd addressed location in BOUND range exceeded exception, 403
8-bit device, 129 breakpoint, 403
buffered address latch enable, 342
bus clock, 341

ISA System Architecture
bus concurrency, 278 CMOS century part of time and date func-
bus high enable (BHE#), 83 tion, 446
bus low enable (BLE#), 188 CMOS checksum value, 446
bus master capability, ISA, 433 CMOS data port, 442
BUSY#, 461, 464 CMOS diagnostic status byte, 446
CMOS diskette drive type byte, 446
C CMOS equipment installed byte, 446
CMOS fixed disk drive type byte, 446
cache coherency, 292 CMOS indicator for memory above 1MB,
cache FLUSH#, 313 446
cache handling of non-cacheable memory, CMOS low and high base memory bytes,
312 446
cache line, 283 CMOS RAM memory, 441
cache memory, 279 CMOS RAM valid, 445
cache memory controller, 274 CMOS reset code byte, 446, 447
cache read hit, 274 CMOS system information byte, 446
cache read miss, 275 CMOS, accessing, 442
cache ways, 305 code cache, 291
cache, advantage of, 276 column address, 236, 238, 239, 242
CAS# (column address strobe), 236, 242 combined cache, 290
CAS-before-RAS refresh, 248 command outputs, 145
CBR refresh, 248 command port, 36
cache and testing memory, 313 configuration RAM, 460
cache consistency, 279 configuration RAM usage, 446
cache directory, 281 control bus, 19
cache handling of I/O information, 311 control/alternate/delete soft reset, 111, 447
cache line size, 308 coprocessor chip-select, 465
cache management logic, 281 coprocessor emulation, 460, 465
cache performance, 278 coprocessor error, 403
cache size, 310 coprocessor error conditions, clearing, 463
column address decoder, 237 coprocessor RESET, 463
column address latch, 236 coprocessor status register, 463
column address strobe (CAS#), 242 coprocessor's data register, 460
channel or I/O check, 349, 400 coprocessor's opcode, or instruction, regis-
channel ready, 342 ter, 460
CHCHK#, 349 coprocessor, systems using Intel and
checksum error, 331 Weitek, 468
checksumming, 322 coprocessor/processor communication
CHRDY, 137, 342 signals, 464
clear interrupt enable instruction, 368 copy protection scheme, 474
CLI, 368
CMD0, 465 D
CMD0#, 465
CMD1, 465 DAK0#:DAK3#, 345
CMOS address decoder, 442 DAK2#, 412
CMOS address port, 442 DAK4#, 417

DAK5#:DAK7#, 345 DMA transfer count, 410
Dallas Semiconductor real-time clock and DMA transfer count exhausted, 413
configuration RAM chip, 441 DMA transfer modes, 414
data bus, 19 DMA transfer rate, 431
data bus contention (address conflicts), 41 DMA transfer types, 414
data bus transceivers, 124 DMA verify transfer, 414
data cache, 291 DMA write transfer, 414
DATA ENABLE, 126 DMA, EOP (end-of-process), 413
data port, 37 DMA, fly-by transfer, 409
date and time, 441, 470 DMA, TC (terminal count reached), 413
data bus steering logic, 126 DMAC, 409
default ready timer, 135 DMAC control register, 431
direct-mapped cache, 301 DMAC initialization during POST, 431
dynamic RAM (DRAM) memory, 235 DMAC mode register, 431
dedicated cache, 290 DMAC states, 420
descriptor, 101, 162 don't care bits, 46
descriptor privilege level (DPL), 105 double exception detected, 403
device ROMs, 330 DPL, 105
divide-by-zero condition, 402 DRAM, 235
DMA acknowledge, 412 DRAM addressing sequence, 236, 242
DMA acknowledge for channels 0 through DRAM access time, 250
3 and 5 through 7, 345 DRAM address decoder, 240
DMA address latch, 424, 431 DRAM addressing logic, 238
DMA ADSTB signal, 424 DRAM addressing multiplexer, or MUX,
DMA AEN signal, 424 240
DMA block transfer mode, 416 DRAM bank, 251
DMA bus cycle, 420 DRAM bank width, 253
DMA byte or word transfers, 423 DRAM memory chip block diagram, 237
DMA channels, 410 DRAM parity, 256
DMA clock, 420 DRAM refresh logic, 471
DMA compressed timing, 421 DRAM refresh, 244
DMA controller (DMAC), 409, 414 DRAM, burst mode, 265
DMA controllers cascaded, 419 DRAM, cycle time, 250
DMA demand transfer mode, 416 DRAM, destructive read, 250
DMA direction of transfer with reference to DRAM, enhanced page-mode, 264
memory, 410 DRAM, interleaved memory architecture,
DMA extended write option, 422 269
DMA master and slave controllers, 417 DRAM, nibble mode, 265
DMA memory address logic, 425, 426 DRAM, page-mode, 259
DMA page register, 423, 424 DRAM, pre-charge delay, 250
DMA read transfer, 414 DRAM, static column RAM (SCRAM), 267
DMA request, 412 DRQ0:DRQ3, 345
DMA request for channels 0 through 3 and DRQ2, 412
5 through 7, 345 DRQ4, 417
DMA single transfer mode, 415 DRQ5:DRQ7, 345
DMA start memory address, 410 DT/R#, data transmit or receive, 126

ISA System Architecture

ECC memory, 259 halt, 150, 230
EEPROM, 319 halt or shutdown bus cycle, 150
EM bit, 460, 466 hard disk controllers, 387
ENABLE LOWER, 126 Hi/Lo byte copier, 130
ENABLE UPPER, 126 hidden refresh, 248
EOI (end-of-interrupt) command, 379 high memory area, 79, 327
EOI (end-of-interrupt) command, for slave, HLDA, 412
388 HMA, 79, 327
EOP (end-of-process), 413 HOLD, 412, 475
EPROM, 318 hold time, 149
ERROR# output of the numeric coproces- hot reset, 450
sor, 386, 463, 464
error-checking-and-correcting memory, 259 I
exception 7 interrupt request, 466
exception 7 interrupt service routine, 466 I/O address decoder, system board, 47
exception interrupts, 402 I/O address range assigned to system
extended memory block-move return, 447 board devices, 52
I/O bus, 335
F I/O check, 349
I/O ports, 30, 36
first level cache, 289 I/O read command, 340
four-way set-associative cache, 307 I/O size 16, 344
fully associative cache, 299 I/O write command, 340
fixed disk activity LED, 400 ICW1, 397
flag register, 374 ICW2, 371, 397
floating gate, 318 ICW3, 397
floating-point, 459 ICW4, 397
floating-point calculations, 466 IDT, 101
floating-point processor, 459 IDTR, 102
floppy disk controller, 387 interleaved memory architecture, 269
FLUSH#, 313 IMR, 397
FORCE A20, 79, 451 IN instruction, 32
in-line code fetch, 14
G in-service register, 371
instruction cache, 291
GDT, 101 INT instruction, 403
GDTR, 102 INTA, 369
general protection software exception, 403 integer math, 465
global descriptor table (GDT), 101 interrupt acknowledge, 369, 374
global descriptor table register (GDTR), 102 interrupt cascade bus, 387
interrupt controller, 366
interrupt controller cascading, 383
interrupt controller, slave, 387

interrupt descriptor table (IDT), 101 INTR, 368
interrupt descriptor table register (IDTR), invalid opcode exception, 403
102 invalid task state segment, 403
interrupt ID, 371 IO16#, 128
interrupt instruction, 403 IORC#, 340
interrupt mask register, 397 IOWC#, 340
interrupt on overflow, 403 IRET (interrupt return) instruction, 379, 404
interrupt priority scheme, 368, 384 IRQ lines, 347
interrupt request, 365 IRQ0, 386, 472
interrupt request (IRQ) lines, 347, 366 IRQ0 frequency, 470
interrupt request level 0, 384 IRQ0 interrupt service routine, 470
interrupt request level 7, 384 IRQ0 latch, 469, 473
interrupt request register (IRR), 371, 399 IRQ0 through IRQ7, 386
interrupt return instruction, 379 IRQ0, resetting, 470
interrupt service routines, 43, 322, 366, 369 IRQ1, 372, 386, 449
interrupt servicing flowchart, 367 IRQ10, 387
interrupt servicing, clearing the interrupt IRQ11, 387
enable flag, 378 IRQ12, 387, 450
interrupt servicing, jumping to the ISR, 378 IRQ13, 386, 463, 464
interrupt servicing, saving instruction IRQ13 interrupt service routine, 463
pointer, 374 IRQ14, 387
interrupt table, 369 IRQ15, 387
interrupt table entry assignments, 388 IRQ2, 383, 386, 387
interrupt table entry number, 371 IRQ2 redirect, 387, 389
interrupt table initialization, 371 IRQ3, 386
interrupt type code, 371 IRQ4, 386
interrupt vector, 371 IRQ5, 386
interrupts, dedicated IRQ lines, 386 IRQ6, 387
interrupts, edge-triggered mode, 397 IRQ7, 387
interrupts, end-of-interrupt, or EOI, com- , 391, 395
mand, 397, 398 IRQ8, 386, 444
interrupts, exception, 402 IRQ8 through IRQ15, 386
interrupts, initialization command words, IRQ9, 387
or ICWs, 396 IRR, 371
interrupts, initialization sequence for the ISA address bus, 338
master interrupt controller, 397 ISA bus cycle definition, 339
interrupts, initialization sequence for the ISA bus cycle timing, 341
slave interrupt controller, 398 ISA bus master capability, 433
interrupts, in-service register, 398 ISA command lines, 340
interrupts, master's interrupt ID, 397 ISA connector, 337
interrupts, operation command words, or ISA connector, 16-bit, 336
OCWs, 396 ISA connector, 8-bit, 336
interrupts, programming the 8259, 396 ISA device size lines, 343
interrupts, software interrupts, 402 ISA DMA transfer rates, 431
interrupts, special fully-nested mode, 397 ISA DMA-related signals, 345
interrupts, special mask mode, 399 ISA error reporting signal, 349

ISA System Architecture
ISA interrupt request (IRQ) lines, 347
ISA interrupt-related signals, 347
ISA miscellaneous signals, 350
M/IO#, 33
ISA reset signal, 344
M16#, 128, 344
ISR, 366
machine status word (MSW) register, 116
ISRs, 369
maskable interrupt request line (INTR), 368
master interrupt controller, 383
J MASTER16#, 345, 435
MC146818 real-time clock and configura-
jump instruction, 13
tion RAM chip, 441
memory address bus, 236, 241
K memory parity error, 399
memory read command, 340
key matrix, 450 memory size 16, 344
keyboard, 449, 450 memory write command, 340
keyboard BIOS routine, 457 memory-based semaphore, 93
keyboard break scan code, 450 miscellaneous ISA signals, 350
keyboard command port,, 451 MODE command, 475
keyboard data port, 450 Motorola MC146818 real-time clock and
keyboard interrupt request, 450 configuration RAM chip, 441
keyboard interrupt request line, 386 mouse, 449, 450
keyboard interrupt service routine, 372, 450 mouse BIOS routine, 457
keyboard make scan code, 450 mouse interface, 387
keyboard scan, 450 mouse interrupt request, 450
keyboard scan code, 450 MOV instruction, 33
keyboard/mouse command/status port, MP bit, 460, 466
454 MRDC#, 340
keyboard/mouse data port, 456 MROM, 317
keyboard/mouse interface, 449 MS-DOS function calls, 404
MSW register, 460
L multitasking operating system, 472
MUX, 240
LA bus, 122 MWTC#, 340
LA23:LA17, 338
latchable address bus, 122, 338 N
LDT, 101
LDTR, 102 NCA#, 312
line, 283, 308 NMI, 349, 399, 442, 473
little-endian byte ordering rule, 74 no wait state, 343
least recently used (LRU) algorithm, 307 non-specific EOI, 379
local data bus, 126 NOWS#, 138, 343
look-aside cache, 287 NPRD#, 465
local descriptor table (LDT), 101 NPS1#, 464
local descriptor table register (LDTR), 102 NPS2, 465
look-through cache, 283 NPWR#, 465

numeric coprocessor, 459 processor extension segment overrun ex-
numeric coprocessor control bits in the ception, 403
MSW register, 460 program, 12
numeric coprocessor installed, description PROM, 317
of operation, 460 protect enable, 62
numeric coprocessor, Weitek, 467 protected mode, 62, 98, 162
numeric processor read, 465 protected mode to real mode, 447
numeric processor select 1, 464
numeric processor select 2, 465 R
numeric processor write, 465
RAM parity check, 400
O RAM refresh logic, 433
RAM, dual-ported, 312
OCW1, 397 RAS#, 236, 242
option ROM, 43 RAS/CAS delay, 236, 242
OSC, oscillator signal, 350 RAS/CAS generation logic, 240
OUT instruction, 32 RAS-only refresh, 245
overrun condition, 369 read, 12
read bus cycle, 141
P read-only memory, 315
ready line, 141
page fault, 403 ready timer, 135
parallel port 1, 387 READY#, 141
parallel port 2, 386 READYO#, ready output, 464
parity, 256 real mode, 369
parity generator/checker, 256 real-time clock bytes, 443
PASS A20, 451 real-time clock chip, 470
PEACK#, 461, 464 real-time clock function, 443
PEREQ, 461, 464 refresh, 474
PIC, 366 refresh and ISA bus masters, 439
POST, 322 refresh interval, 249
POST/BIOS ROM, 42 refresh logic, 245, 433
POWERGOOD, 113 refresh request, 400
power-on reset, 447 refresh request signal, 471
power-on restart address, 12, 116 refresh row counter, 245
power-on self-test, or POST, 116, 322 refresh timer, 471
page-mode DRAM, 259 refresh timer, reprogramming, 471
principle of locality, 277 REFRESH#, 247, 350
prefetcher, 54 requestor privilege level (RPL), 102, 105
processor extension acknowledge RESDRV (reset drive) signal, 344
(PEACK#), 461, 464 reset code byte, 447
processor extension not available exception, reset register values, 115
403 RESET signal, 113
processor extension request (PEREQ), 461, ROM address decoder, 42
464 ROM checksum, 322
ROM chip-enable, 321

ISA System Architecture
ROM chip-select, 321
ROM memory\: theory of operation, 315
ROM output enable, 321
SA19:SA0, 338
ROM programmer, 316
SBHE#, 338
ROM scan, 330
scan code, 450
ROM, device ROM signature, 331
SCRAM, 267
ROM, device ROMs, 330
SD15:SD8, 339
ROM, electrically eraseable programmable
SD7:SD0, 339
read-only memory (EEPROM), 319
security lock latch, 400
ROM, eraseable programmable read-only
segment descriptor, 101
memory (EPROM), 318
segment not present, 403
ROM, erasing contents of EPROM, 319
segment wrap-around, 452
ROM, flash EEPROM, 320
segment wraparound, 79
ROM, fusible-link PROM, 317
self refresh, 248
ROM, masked ROM (MROM), 317
self-modifying code, 16
ROM, system board, 322
semaphore, 93
row address, 236, 238
serial port 1, 386
RPL, 102, 105
serial port 2, 386
read from even addressed location in 8-bit
set interrupt enable instruction, 368
device, 128
setup time, 149
refresh timer, 245
shadow RAM, 324
row address decoder, 237
shared resource, 92
row address strobe (RAS#), 242
shutdown, 108, 151, 185, 230
row latch, 236
single step, or trap, interrupt, 403
RTC 24-hour mode, 444
slave ID, 387, 398
RTC alarm interrupt enable, 444
slave ID register, 383, 387
RTC alarm interrupt flag, 445
slave interrupt controller, 383, 387
RTC BIOS control, 445
slowdown timer, 474
RTC chip, 441
SMRDC#, 340
RTC chip's status registers A through D,
SMWTC#, 340
snoop hit, 295
RTC date mode, 444
software interrupt instruction, 403
RTC daylight-savings enable, 444
software interrupts, 402
RTC interrupt request flag, 445
software-enforced coherency, 298
RTC periodic interrupt enable, 444
speaker data timer, 471
RTC periodic interrupt flag, 445
split cache, 290
RTC rate selection bits, 444
SRAM, 271
RTC set bit, 444
second level cache, 289
RTC square-wave enable, 444
snarfing, 295
RTC status register A, 444
snooping, 295
RTC status register B, 444
spatial locality, 277
RTC status register C, 445
static RAM (SRAM), 271
RTC update in progress, 444
system address (SA) bus, 121
RTC update-ended interrupt enable, 444
stack, 374
RTC update-ended interrupt flag, 445

stack segment overrun or not present ex- timer 1, 471
ception, 403 timer 2, 471
stale data, 279 timer 2 (speaker timer) output, 400
status enable, 464 transfer complete, 345
status port, 37 trap interrupt, 403
STEN, 464 Ts, 140
STI (Set Interrupt Enable) instruction, 368 tag RAM, 281
synchronous DRAM, 268 temporal locality, 277
system address (SA) bus, 338 two-way set-associative cache, 304
system bus high enable, 338
system configuration information, 446, 450 U
system control port A, 400, 473
system control port B, 400, 471, 473 UMB, 327
system data (SD) bus, 126 unified cache, 290
system data bus, lower path, 339 upper memory blocks, 327
system data bus, upper path, 339
system memory read command, 340 W
system memory write command, 340
system timer, 386, 469 watchdog timer, 472
system timer frequency, 469 watchdog timer status, 400
system timer interrupt, 472 Weitek interpretation of the memory ad-
dress, 468
T Weitek numeric coprocessor, 467
Weitek-specific driver routine, 467
T1, 140 wraparound, 79
T2, 140 write, 12
Tc, 140 write bus cycle, 146
TC (DMA terminal count), 345, 413 write policy, 292
time delay device, 239 write-back cache, 294
timer 0, 469 write-through cache, 293
timer 0 frequency, 469


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