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Storage and Handling of Welding Consumables PDF

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Storage & handling

recommendati ons for



Environmental care - sound welds page 3

Covered MMA electrodes page 6
Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure
Covered MMA electrodes in VacPac page 11
the accuracy of the information contained in this
MIG/MAG/SAW wires, TIG Rods and
handbook at the time of going to press, ESAB gives
strips page 13
no warranty with regard to its accuracy or
Cored wires page 16
completeness. It is the responsibility of the reader to
SAW and strip cladding fluxe page 18
check the accuracy of the information contained in this

handbook, read product labels and equipment

instructions and comply with current regulations. If the

reader is in any doubt with regard to the proper use of

any technology they should contact the manufacturer

or obtain alternative expert advice. ESAB accepts no

responsibility or liability for any injury, loss or damage

incurred as a result of any use or reliance upon the

information contained in this handbook.

care - sound welds

Maximum storage time

If the recommended storage
conditions described in the
individual consumables sections in
this handbook are adhered to, the
maximum storage time for all the
consumbles covered in this
handbook is 3 years. After this time
the product should be thoroughly
checked before use.

The majority of the packaging used
ESAB is one of the few international companies with a
global ISO 14001 certification. Every ESAB product is by ESAB are designed for
produced to the same environmental standard with every environmental friendly recycling.
step taken to minimise environmental impact, from the  Any product, residue (slag),
cradle to the grave.
disposable container, liner or other 
The broad range of consumables packaging should be disposed of in
sold by ESAB are manufactured an environmentally acceptable
under a strict ISO 9001 quality manner, in full compliance with
assurance programme. Moreover, federal and local regulations.
with IS0 14001 worldwide Please address your local disposal
certification, the company’s  high company for prescribed disposal.
quality consumables are preferred by Information on product and
industries for their ability to minimise residues are given in the Safety
welding defects. Special packaging, Data Sheets available through
such as Marathon PacTM and
VacPacTM has also been developed
to make handling even more rational
for the customer.

Quality of welds. indicative of a large amount of gas
Porosity is formed by entrapment of  being formed, which is then trapped
discrete pockets of gas in the in the solidifying weld metal.
solidifying weld pool. The gas may Hydrogen is also a contribution to
originate from poor gas shielding, cracks in welds or the HAZ.
surface contaminants such as Hydrogen in combination with
moisture, rust or grease, or  residual tensile stresses and crack
insufficient deoxidants in the parent sensitive steels can cause cold
metal, electrode or filler wire. A cracking several hours or days after
particularly severe form of porosity welding. High strength steels and
is ‘wormholes’,   caused by gross constructions with high levels of 
surface contamination or welding residual tension are more sensitive
with damp electrodes. to hydrogen cracking. For these
Characteristically, wormholes are applications ESAB recommend
elongated pores which produce a using methods and consumables
herring bone appearance on the that give low hydrogen levels
radiograph. Wormholes are together with adequate procedures

Marathon Pac is folded flat after use for mimimal disposal space.

for pre-heating, work temperature condense will form for a number of 
and post weld heat treatment. It is given differential temperatures. *
important to note that there can be Example - If the relative humidity in
other significant sources of  the weld area is 70%, the base
hydrogen e.g. moisture from the metal and electrode must be no
atmosphere or from the material colder than 5˚ C below the air 
where processing or service history temperature to prevent moisture
has left the steel with a significant condensation.
level of hydrogen.
This can happen when plates or
Hydrogen may also be derived electrodes come from a colder
from the surface of the material or workshop, warehouse or from the
the consumable, or from oil and outside.
paint etc.
The below chart shows the relative
humidity at which detrimental water 

Dew point conditions versus relative humidity

(Tair - Tmeta l)* Relati ve Humidit y (Tair - Tmetal ) Relative Humidity
OC % O
C %

0 100 12 44

1 93 13 41

2 87 14 38

3 81 15 36

4 75 16 34

5* 70* 18 30

6 66 20 26

7 61 22 23

8 57 24 21
9 53 26 18

10 50 28 16

11 48 30 14

* Difference in temperature between work piece or consumable and the air temperature

Covered MMA electrodes

ESAB electrodes can be supplied Storage conditions

in different packaging types  All covered electrodes are sensitive
depending on the type and grade. to moisture pick-up. High moisture
contents in the coating can cause
• Shrink film paper box, this is not porosity or hydrogen cracking.
completely airtight, so moisture However, the pick up rate will be
from the surrounding very slow when stored under 
atmosphere can enter the box correct climatic conditions:
and be picked up by the • 5 - 15°C: max 60% RH
coating. • 15 - 25°C: max 50% RH
• Plastic capsules have a lid and • >25°C: max 40% RH
tape, moisture will permeate
through at very low rates and be  At low temperatures, the humidity
picked up by electrode coatings. level can be maintained at low levels
by ensuring a storage temperature of 
Therefore, if there is any doubt at least 10°C above the outside
about whether an electrode is dry temperature. Cold packs should be
enough, it should be re-dried allowed to reach ambient
according to instructions shown on temperature before being opened.
the label before use.  At high temperatures, low humidity
• VacPac vacuum packaging levels can be maintained by air 
provides a complete protection dehumidification.
against moisture provided the
package is intact (vacuum If electrodes are stored under the
maintained). If this is the case, described storage conditions, they
no re-drying is needed before can be kept for maximum of three
use. years.

Redrying Redrying conditions
• Low hydrogen covered basic • Redrying and holding temperatures
electrodes should be re-dried and holding times are specified on
before use whenever there are the package label.
application requirements relating • The redrying temperature is the
to weld metal hydrogen content temperature in the bulk of the
and/or radiographic soundness electrodes. The redrying time is
(not needed for VacPac). measured from the point at which
•  Acid rutile stainless electrodes the redrying temperature has
and all types of basic electrodes been reached.
may produce pores in the weld • Do not stack more than four layers
metal if they have not been of electrodes in the redrying oven.
stored in sufficiently dry • It is recommended not to redry
conditions. Re-drying the covered electrodes more than
electrodes will restore their three times.
usability. •  A summary of recommended
• Mild steel rutile and acid redrying conditions for ESAB
electrodes normally need no electrodes is given in table on the
re-drying. next page.
• Cellulose electrodes must not
be re-dried.
• Electrodes, which are seriously
damaged by moisture, cannot
be restored to their original
condition by baking and should
be scrapped.

Recommended redrying temperatures, holding time two hours for OK electrodes.
80°C 150°C 200°C 250°C 300°C 350°C 350°C

OK 92.78 OK 50.10** OK 39.50 OK 33.60 OK 62.53 OK 38.48 OK 67.43

OK 61.25 OK 33.80 OK 68.82 OK 38.65 OK 67.50

OK 61.35 OK 33.81 OK 83.50 OK 38.95 OK 67.51

OK 61.35 Cryo OK 67.13 OK 83.53 OK 48.00 OK 67.52

OK 61.50 OK 67.20 OK 84.78 OK 48.04 OK 67.53

OK 61.85 OK 68.37 OK 84.80 OK 48.05 OK 67.60

OK 63.35 OK 68.53 OK 92.82 OK 48.08 OK 67.62

OK 63.85 OK 68.55 OK 94.25 OK 48.15 OK 67.70

OK 67.15 OK 69.33 OK 48.18 OK 67.71

OK 67.45 OK 69.63 OK 48.30 OK 68.17

OK 67.55 OK 84.76 OK 48.50 OK 68.25

OK 67.75 OK 84.84 OK 48.60 OK 68.81

OK 310Mo-L OK 92.05 OK 48.65 OK 73.08

OK 68.15 OK 92.15 OK 48.68 OK 73.15

OK 69.25 OK 92.55* OK 53.00 OK 73.35

OK 83.27 OK 94.35 OK 53.18 OK 73.46

OK 83.28 OK 53.35 OK 73.68

OK 83.65 OK 53.68 OK 74.46

OK 84.42 OK 53.70 OK 74.70

OK 84.52 OK 55.00 OK 74.78

OK 84.58 OK 61.20 OK 75.75

OK 85.58 OK 61.30 OK 75.78

OK 85.65 OK 61.80 OK 76.16

OK 86.08 OK 61.81 OK 76.18

OK 92.18 OK 61.86 OK 76.26

OK 92.26 OK 62.73 OK 76.28

OK 92.45 OK 62.75 OK 76.35*

OK 92.58 OK 63.20 OK 76.96

OK 92.59 OK 63.30 OK 76.98

OK 92.60 OK 63.34 OK 78.16

OK 92.86 OK 63.41 OK 83.29

OK 63.80 OK 86.28

OK 64.30 OK 86.30

OK 64.63 OK 92.35

*1h drying time **3h drying time

Equipment for storage and
redrying of electrodes

The PK 1 is a light and handy dry-

storage container for electrodes. It
is easy to carry around. The storage
temperature is around 100 OC.

PK 1 dry-storage container 
The PK 5 is a combined drying and
dry-storage system for most types
of electrode. The drying time at full
effect is one to seven hours
depending on the type of 
electrode.The temperature is
thermostatically controlled and
ranges from 50-300OC. The
electrodes should be stored in the
PK 5 drying equipment
PK 5 without packaging.

The SK 40 is a dry-storage cabinet

with four removable shelves for
storing electrodes. The electrodes
should be stored without packing.
The cabinet is equipped with a
thermometer, thermostat and
control lamp. SK 40 dry-storage cabinet

Discoloration in the
If the colour of the electrodes
changes during storage, they
should be scrapped or an ESAB
representative should be contacted.

Damaged coating
Physically damaged electrodes
PK 410 drying cabinet where sections of the coating are
missing will not perform correctly
The PK 410 is a robust cabinet for and should be scrapped.
the drying and dry storage of 
electrodes. The drying temperature
can be regulated between 0 oC and
450oC. The dry-storage
temperature is around 150 oC. The
PK 410 is equipped with a control
lamp, electronic thermometer and
electronic thermostat. The PK 410
also has a seven-day timer. The
timer makes it possible to
automatically change from drying
to dry storage for selected times
and temperature ranges.

Covered MMA
electrodes in VacPac

No re-baking, no holding H4 or H5), re-absorb moisture

ovens, no quivers. slowly from the air. The safe
MMA electrodes from VacPac can exposure time for this type of 
be used straight from the package electrode is 12 hours* after opening
without the need to re-bake them the VacPac with the foil left in place.
and store them temporarily in
holding ovens and quivers. Upon * Valid at standard AWS test
opening, fresh and dry electrodes conditions of 26.7 °C and 80% RH.
are guaranteed when the vacuum is
maintained. How to handle VacPac
To protect the vacuum foil, avoid
Electrodes of low moisture using a knife or any other sharp
absorption type (LMA, classified as object when opening the outer 
package. Keep the electrodes
inside the package and do not take
out more than one electrode at a
time. Low moisture absorption type
electrodes (LMA) that have been
exposed to the atmosphere in an
opened VacPac for more than 12
hours (26.7°C and 80% RH) should
be discarded or re-dried.

VacPac is available in various packaging sizes to suit

fabricators’ individual consumption of MMA electrodes.

 Area to note date and Complete product Ducted plastic box and Plastic box protects the

time of opening the information on label aluminium foil can be electrodes. It can be

VacPac separated for disposal and re-sealed for further use

recycling. within the time intervals

The plastic box only specified for ESAB VacPac

produces carbon dioxide electrodes.

and water when incinerated.

Greatly simplified storage and

handling for major savings

Without VacPac With VacPac

Central store
Central store
max. 50°C


Shop store
Shop store
max. 50°C
   g    s
   a           t

   m   c
Quiver    e    l

Welding Welding

rods and strips

Solid MIG/MAG wires, TIG rods least the ambient temperature

and SAW wires should be stored before opening the package. Other
in dry conditions in original sealed hydrogen-containing substances,
undamaged packaging as supplied. like oil, grease and corrosion or 
Contact with water or moisture substances that could absorb
should be avoided. This could take moisture must also be avoided on
the form of rain or the condensation the surface of the wires. Spooled
of moisture on a cold wire. To avoid wire is supplied packed in plastic
condensation, keep the wire in the bags and partly used spools
original packaging and, if necessary, should be replaced into a plastic
leave the wire to warm up to at bag for storage to prevent surface

contamination. Wire should be lifting straps from the octagonal
stored at ambient conditions of  drum and fold it completely flat for
temperature and humidity, and easy and space saving storage until
dusty areas should be avoided collection. Also note that Marathon
when wire is not enclosed in some Pac protects your welding wire from
type of dust-protecting packaging contamination.
or equipment.
Wire for TIG (GTAW) welding Recommended conditions of storage
should be protected from dust and for all solid wires are minimum
airborne contamination after removal temperature of 15°C and humidity
from the packaging. The package of maximum 60% RH.
for TIG wires consist of a rigid fibre
tube with a plastic lid that can be Aluminium wires
closed again after breaking the  Atmospheric conditions affect weld
sealing. The tube is PE coated and quality. Moisture (H 2O) is a prime
provides a very good moisture source of hydrogen. At arc
protection. The package is also temperatures, water breaks down
very stable and user friendly. releasing hydrogen atoms that
cause porosity in weldments.
Marathon Pac bulk drums for MIG/  Aluminium, which is allowed to
MAG welding is designed for fast, repeatedly come into contact with
efficient handling and ease of  water, will eventually form a
eventual recycling. VCI paper inside hydrated oxide (AIOH) coating.
every drum and protective foil
around each pallet is protecting the Moisture from condensation present
wire against moisture during on either the electrode or the base
transport and storage. metal can cause two problems
Once empty, simply remove the during welding:

• Porosity caused by hydrogen should be cleaned and brushed
generated from the breakdown with a clean stainless steel brush
of water or from the breakdown prior to welding. ESAB recommends
of hydrated oxide (AIOH) present mild alkaline solutions and
on the metal surfaces. commercial degreasers that do not
• Entrapment of the actual oxide evolve toxic fumes during welding.
(AIOH) present on the metal Welders should wipe joint edges
surfaces, in the weldment. with a clean cloth dipped in a
volatile petroleum based solvent.
In an aluminium welding shop, the  All surfaces must be thoroughly
uniformity of air and metal dried after cleaning.
temperatures is important
especially when the relative Strips
humidity is high. Electrode and Welding operators must keep
base metal should be allowed to strips as clean and protected as
stabilise to the weld area possible. This includes careful and
temperature. The electrode should proper storage and handling all
not be opened in the weld area for stock to prevent dust and organic
24 hours after entry from a cooler  compounds including body oils
storage area. The base metal contaminating the strip surface.

Cored Wires

Cored wires should be stored in are not susceptible to rapid

their unopened and undamaged moisture absorption since the core
original packaging. Failure to do ingredients are protected from the
this may seriously reduce the atmosphere but the sheath. Strict
durability of the consumables. QA procedures ensure all of 
ESAB’s  cored wires contain low
Storage times should be kept to a levels of moisture in the as
minimum and stock rotation should manufactured condition.
be used.
Non and low alloyed cored wires To maintain the low moisture levels
cored wires should be stored under 
correct conditions. Poor storage
conditions can be detrimental to
their performance and shelf life.
Inadequate storage conditions can
lead to surface rusting or 
contamination of the wire to the
extent that feedability and diffusible
hydrogen levels are adversely

Stainless steel cored wires are

more sensitive to moisture pick
up. Therefore the spools are
vacuum packed in Aluminium foil
pouches. The storage
recommendations are the same as
for unalloyed and low-alloyed
cored wires.

For stainless steel cored wires cold wire. To avoid condesation the
extra attention is required in order relative humidity and temperature
to ensure that they are returned to shall be monitored and the
the correct storage conditions the temperature should not fall below
end of the working period. the dew point (listed in table on
page 5).
Wires should not be left on welding Other hydrogen-containing
machines or out of the store for substances like oil, grease and
prolonged periods, especially corrosion or substances that could
overnight, since condensation of  absorb moisture must also be
moisture from the air may lead to avoided on the wire surface.
rapid surface deterioration. Always
replace wires in their original Deteriorated product
packaging and return them to Cored wires that are rusty, have
controlled storage areas. suffered from serious water and
moisture contamination, or have
If a wire has been left on the been exposed to he atmosphere
equipment for a long period of  over long periods of time cannot be
time, it is good practice to run off  restored in their original condition
at least one layer of wire to remove and should be discarded.
the worst of any surface oxidation
or contamination that may have ESAB ceramic weld metal supports
occurred. have no adverse influence on weld
metal composition and mechanical
 All cored wires should avoid direct properties. They are dry and
contact with water or moisture. insensitive to moisture absorption,
This could take the form of rain or  leaving consumables’  low-hydrogen
the condensation of moisture on a performance unaffected.

SAW and strip cladding

ESAB fluxes, agglomerated and long as it is unopened and

fused, have a guaranteed undamaged.
as-manufactured moisture content • The content of unprotected flux
from production. This moisture hoppers must, after an 8 hours
content is controlled by internal shift, be placed in a drying
ESAB specifications. Before cabinet or heated flux hopper at
transport, each pallet is shrink a temperature of 150 +/- 25°C.
wrapped in plastic foil. This • Remaining flux from opened
In order that customers precautionary action is done in order bags must be placed at a
can use fluxes without
to maintain the as-manufactured temperature of 150 +/- 25°C.
prior redrying, ESAB has
equipped the BigBags
moisture content for as long as
with an aluminium liner, possible. Flux should never be Re-cycling
reliably protecting the exposed to wet conditions, such as • Moisture and oil must be
flux from moisture, even
rain or snow. removed from the compressed
in tough climates such
as around the equator. air used in the re-cycling system.
The complete BigBag, Storage •  Addition of new flux must be
including the aluminium
• Unopened flux bags must be done with the proportion of at
liner, is fully recyclable
stored in maintained storage least one part new flux to three
(EN 13431).
The new moisture pro- conditions as follows: parts re-cycled flux.
tected BigBags have T: 20 +/- 10°C Relative humidity: • Foreign material, such as
a very well defined
as low as possible - not millscale and slag, must be
discharge spout which
can be closed during exceeding 60%. removed by a suitable system,
the flux flow. such as sieving
• Fluxes delivered in aluminium
lined BigBags can be stored Re-drying
under more severe climatic • When handled and stored as
conditions, because the above, the ESAB fluxes can
packaging protects the flux normally be used straight away.
reliably from moisture pick-up, as

• In severe applications, stipulated hours. Fused fluxes: 200 +/-
by the applicable material 50°C for about 2-4 hours.
specification, re-drying of the flux • Redrying must be done either in
is recommended. equipment that turns the flux so
• Furthermore, if the flux has that the moisture can evaporate
somehow picked up moisture, easily or in an oven on shallow
re-drying can return the flux to plates with a flux height not
its original moisture content. exceeding 5 cm.
• Re-drying shall be performed as • Re-dried flux, not immediately
follows: Agglomerated fluxes: used, must be kept at 150 +/-
300 +/- 25°C for about 2-4 25°C before use.

JK 50 Powder Dryer  JS 200 Flux storage silo

- Redries flux at max. 500°C - Keeps flux dry and clean
for about 3 hours - Adjustable temperature
- Then automatically drops between 100 and 300°C
temperature to pre-set value - Capacity: 200 l
(max. 200°C) and stores flux - Supply voltage: 220V,
- Capacity: 50 l 1 phase; output: 2 kW
- Supply voltage: 400V, 3 phase;
output: 3.7 kW

World leader in welding and cut-
ting technology and systems.

ESAB operates at the forefront of welding and Systems across all our global
cutting technology. Over one hundred years of  manufacturing facilities.
continuous improvement in products and
processes enables us to meet the challenges  At ESAB, quality is an ongoing process
of technological advance in every sector in that is at the heart of all our production
which ESAB operates. processes and facilities worldwide.
Multinational manufacturing, local
Quality and environment standards representation and an international network
Quality, the environment and safety are three of independent distributors brings the
key areas of focus. ESAB is one of few benefits of ESAB quality and unrivalled
international companies to have achieved the expertise in materials and processes
ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards in within reach of all our customers, wherever 
Environmental, Health & Safety Management they are located.

ESAB Sales and Support Offices worldwide

Global solutions for local customers - everywhere.

Box 8004, SE-402 77 Göteborg, Sweden.    9

Phone: +46 31 50 90 00. Fax: +46 31 50 93 90.    9


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