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Dragon 5e Class

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- A homebrew class for 5e D&D -

Art by BenWootten - Sourced from DeviantArt.Com (

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Dragon level
Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Dragon level
after the 1st.

Armour: Light armour, Medium armour
Weapons: Simple weapons, Tooth and Claw
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Deception, Persuasion,
Survival, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Perception

Buy your own equipment, worth 4d4 x 10gp.

Agreeable Form
Starting at 1st level, the body you have from your race is revealed not to be
your natural form. You are a dragon in disguise. You can drop this disguise as
a bonus action, initially assuming the shape of a Medium hatchling. While in
dragon form, you gain Natural Weapons in the form of Tooth and Claw. You
are proficient with these attacks. They count as finesse weapons, and deal 1d6
damage. Finally, your dragon form has a natural armour class of (13 + your
Dexterity modifier).
You can only wield weapons or benefit from armour while in your
humanoid guise, not in dragon form. Your draconic front limbs are otherwise
prehensile enough to hold and finely manipulate most objects. Dragons can
wield non-weapon magic items and even write, as long as they have a quill
made bespoke to their needs. Any object you are wearing or carrying while in
humanoid form can be subsumed into your body when you become a
dragon, if you so choose. You can switch back to humanoid form as a bonus

Chromatic Alignment
Dragons are powerful magical creatures, closely attuned to a specific type of
magical energy. The colour of your magic expresses itself in the hue of your
scales and the nature of your abilities. Starting at 1st level, choose a colour you
are aligned with: Black, Blue, Green, Red, or White. You gain features from the
chosen archetype at 1st, 2nd, and 5th level. All archetypes are detailed at the
end of the class description.
Antipathic Energy
Starting at 1st level, you gain vulnerability to one of the following damage
types: Fire, Cold, Lightning, Force, Necrotic, or Radiant.

Mana Points
Starting at 2nd level, some of your magical abilities are fueled by Mana Points.
Consult the Dragon table to see how many Mana points you have at any
given level. Your pool of magical energy refreshes when you take a long rest.

When you reach 3rd level, you gain a fly speed of 60 ft while in dragon form.

When you reach 3rd level, your keen affinity with magic consolidates your
true name into a simple, easily knowable phrase of three words or less. You
know this name. Other creatures can only learn the name from you, or from
other creatures who learned it. Anyone that knows your Truename and is
capable of forming words can use a bonus action to speak it aloud. If you can
hear your name spoken, you are affected in the following ways for one
● You cannot damage the speaker.
● The speaker’s attacks against you are always critical hits - no roll
● The speaker succeeds on all saving throws against you, and you fail on
all saving throws against the speaker - no roll required.
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast spells for which you have spell
slots available. You learn three 1st or 2nd-level spells from the Wizard spell list.
In addition, you learn 2 cantrips from the Wizard spell list. Consult the Dragon
table to see how many spells you know at any level. Whenever you gain more
spells known, you can learn any Wizard spell for which you have spell slots.
Dragons are mutable creatures. You can choose to forget spells in order to
learn another whenever you level up. Your spell save DC for spells cast from
this class is (8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier).

Frightful Presence
Starting at 7th level, you can use your action to emit an ear-splitting shriek
that shakes nearby enemies to the core. Any creature of your choice that is
within 120 ft. and aware of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
against your Dragon Save DC or be frightened until the end of their next turn.
Targets can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending
the effect on themselves on a success. You can use this feature a number of
times equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain your expended uses when
you take a long rest.

Greater Drake
When you reach 10th level, you truly come into your own as a dragon. Every
time you leveled up before this point, you slightly grew in size. Your dragon
form is now Large. Your dragon form has a natural armour class of (14 + your
Dexterity modifier). Your natural weapon attacks do 2d6 damage. Your
maximum age is multiplied by 100.
Bicolour Mind
When you reach 13th level, you gain one archetype feature from a Chromatic
Alignment that’s different from your own. If the feature has Metamagic
associated with it, you gain that too.

Grand Drake
When you reach 14th level, you grow into an adult dragon. Your size in dragon
form is Huge. Your dragon form has a natural armour class of (15 + your
Dexterity modifier). Your natural weapon attacks do 3d6 damage. Your fly
speed increases to 80 ft.

Strength of the Sanguine

At 15th level, you master a voracious kind of blood magic. Whenever you kill a
creature, you gain an amount of Mana points equal to its CR. If the creature
has a CR lower than 1, you gain no points.

When you reach level 20, you are among the greatest dragons that have ever
roamed the multiverse. Your might is on par with that of the ancients. Your
size in dragon form is Gargantuan. Your dragon form has a natural armour
class of (16 + your Dexterity modifier). Your natural weapon attacks do 4d6

Black Dragon

Unholy Breath
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to spew forth a mass of oily, smoky
shadows. As an action, you breathe out a 15-ft. cone of negative energy.
Creatures in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw against your
Dragon Save DC: (8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier). On a failed save,
a creature takes 2d8 points of necrotic damage. They take half the damage
on a success.
At level 9, the damage taken increases to 8d8 and the range becomes
30 ft. At level 7, the damage becomes 12d8. Once you have used your breath
weapon, you cannot use it again for 1 minute.

Twitching Cadavers
Starting at 2nd level, you use your action and expend 1 Mana point to briefly
reanimate a corpse you can see. The reanimated creature takes a normal turn
immediately after your turn ends, and follows your mental commands. It dies
again at the end of its turn. You cannot raise creatures of a CR higher than
your level.

Enthrall the Dead

Starting at 5th. level, you gain the ability to imbue corpses with a mockery of
life. You use your action to turn one or more corpses within 60 ft into undead.
You raise any number of undead with a total CR equal to the number of Mana
points you spent. Each individual undead you raise must have a CR equal to
or lower than your proficiency bonus, but this restriction is void from Dragon
level 17 onwards. The type of undead you summon must make a modicum of
sense for the corpse you are using; a highly specific creature like a dracolich
cannot be raised from the Rogue’s deceased human great-uncle. The
creatures are under your command unless you release them from this bond.
After 1 hour, they are automatically released, and you must use this effect as if
raising them again to regain control.

Enthralling Metamagic
When you use Enthrall the Dead, you can expend additional mana points to
change its effects. As long as you have the appropriate amount of points, you
can combine all or none of the effects below.
● The raised entities remain under your control for a day. +1 mana point.
● The raised entities remain under your control until the magic binding
them is dispelled. +5 mana points.

Blue Dragon

Maddening Breath
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to wreck the minds of your foes with
your mere breath. As an action, you emit a 15-ft. cone of psionic energy.
Creatures in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw against your
Dragon Save DC: (8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier). On a failed save,
a creature takes 2d8 points of psychic damage. They take half the damage on
a success.
At level 9, the damage taken increases to 8d8 and the range becomes
30 ft. At level 7, the damage becomes 12d8. Once you have used your breath
weapon, you cannot use it again for 1 minute.
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action and spend 1 mana point to
transport yourself to a point within 100 ft.

Translocating Metamagic
When you use Translocate, you can expend additional mana points to
change its effects. As long as you have the appropriate amount of points, you
can combine all or none of the effects below.
● In addition to transporting yourself to the location, you also translocate
an additional creature you are touching. You do not have to teleport
yourself, but you can. Can be taken multiple times to teleport multiple
creatures. +1 mana point.
● Translocate the targets to a location you know or have heard of outside
100 ft. +6 mana points.
● Translocate the targets to a location you know or have heard of on a
different plane of existence. +7 mana points.

Undeniable Will
Starting at 5th level, you can use your action and spend 2 mana points to
forcibly make a creature believe something you say. The creature must make
a Wisdom save to resist your enchantment, and gains a +10 bonus on the
save if the belief is likely to lead to direct harm for itself or its allies. If the
creature succeeds on the save, it knows you’re trying to manipulate its mind.
The creature gets to repeat its saving throw each hour if enchanted. If it fails
on three such repeated saves, it permanently believes what you told it.
Starting at 12th level, you can spend an additional 5 mana points to
deny the creature its +10 bonus when you cast this effect.

Green Dragon

Corrosive Breath
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to breathe out a toxic substance that
corrodes any metal it touches and burns with a green flame. As an action, you
emit a 15-ft. cone of acid. Creatures in the cone must make a Dexterity saving
throw against your Dragon Save DC: (8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma
modifier). On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 points of acid damage. They
take half the damage on a success.
At level 9, the damage taken increases to 8d8 and the range becomes
30 ft. At level 7, the damage becomes 12d8. Once you have used your breath
weapon, you cannot use it again for 1 minute.

Fabricate Object
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to create objects from elemental
matter. You can use your action to fabricate a medium or smaller object,
which appears within 30 ft. The object disintegrates after an hour. Your
creation can be worth no more than 100 gp. This effect normally costs 1 mana
point, but you can summon a larger or more valuable object by expending
more. In this case, the spell costs +1 mana point per size category above
medium, and +1 mana point per 100gp value above 100gp. The effect takes an
action to cast.

Fabricate Creature
Starting at 5th level, you gain the ability to create creatures from elemental
matter. You raise any number of undead with a total CR equal to the number
of Mana points you spent. The effect takes a number of actions to cast equal
to the total CR of the creatures raised.
The casting is cancelled if you do anything else with your actions before the
ritual is completed. If this happens, mana points are not expended. Each
individual creature you summon must have a CR equal to or lower than your
proficiency bonus, but this restriction is void from Dragon level 17 onwards.
The creatures are under your command unless you release them from this
bond, and disintegrate after 1 hour.

Fabricating Metamagic
When you use Fabricate Object or Fabricate Creature, you can expend
additional mana points to change its effects. As long as you have the
appropriate amount of points, you can combine all or none of the effects
● The summoned entities last for a day. +1 mana point.
● The summoned entities last until dispelled. +5 mana points.

Red Dragon

Fiery Breath
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to breathe out a blast of scorching
flame. As an action, you emit a 15-ft. cone of fire. Creatures in the cone must
make a Dexterity saving throw against your Dragon Save DC: (8 + proficiency
bonus + Charisma modifier). On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 points of
fire damage. They take half the damage on a success.
At level 9, the damage taken increases to 8d8 and the range becomes
30 ft. At level 7, the damage becomes 12d8. Once you have used your breath
weapon, you cannot use it again for 1 minute.

The Name of Fire

At 2nd level, you have learned to evoke elemental energies. As an action,
spend 3 mana points to emit a 15 ft. line or cone of flames from your position.
Creatures within the area must succeed on a Dex save or take 2d6 fire
damage and be ignited, taking an additional 1d6 fire damage on the start of
each of their turns. Creatures that make their save take half damage, and are
not ignited. A creature that is on fire can use its action to douse the flames.
Objects within the area are ignited if flammable.

The Name of Winter

At 2nd level, you have learned to evoke elemental energies. As an action,
spend 3 mana points to emit a 15 ft. line or cone of icy wind from your
position. Creatures within the area must succeed on a Dex save or take 2d6
cold damage and be stunned for a round. A creature that succeeds on the
save takes half damage and is not stunned. Water within the area is frozen

The Name of the Thunder

At 2nd level, you have learned to evoke elemental energies. As an action,
spend 3 mana points to emit a 15 ft. line or cone of searing lightning from
your position. Creatures within the area must succeed on a Dex save or take
3d6 lightning damage. A creature that succeeds on the save takes half
damage. For each die of damage that you add to this effect with metamagic,
add a second d6.

The Name of God

At 5th level, you become able to evoke more complex energies. As an action,
spend 3 mana points to emit a 15 ft. line or cone of golden light from your
position. Undead within the area must succeed on a Dex save or take 2d8
radiant damage. Living creatures within the area are healed for 1d8 instead.
Undead reduced to 0 hp by this effect are disintegrated.

The Name of Death

At 5th level, you become able to evoke more complex energies. As an action,
spend 3 mana points to emit a 15 ft. line or cone of oily, ragged shadow from
your position. Living creatures within the area must succeed on a Dex save or
take 1d8 radiant damage. Undead within the area are healed for 2d8 instead.
Living creatures reduced to 0 hp by this effect are reduced to heaps of
shriveled skin.

Naming Metamagic
When you use The Name of Fire, Winter, The Thunder, God, or Death, you can
expend additional mana points to change its effects. As long as you have the
appropriate amount of points, you can combine all or none of the effects
● Increase the damage and healing generated by the effect by one die.
Can be taken multiple times. +1 mana point.
● Increase the range of the cone or line by 10 ft. Can be taken multiple
times. +1 mana point.
● Cause the effects to linger for three rounds in the cone or line you
created. +3 mana points.

White Dragon

Celestial Breath
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to breathe out rays of blinding light.
As an action, you emit a 15-ft. cone of fire. Creatures in the cone must make a
Dexterity saving throw against your Dragon Save DC: (8 + proficiency bonus +
Charisma modifier). On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 points of radiant
damage. They take half the damage on a success.
At level 9, the damage taken increases to 8d8 and the range becomes
30 ft. At level 7, the damage becomes 12d8. Once you have used your breath
weapon, you cannot use it again for 1 minute.

Tides of Life
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to drain or grant life-force with a
touch. As an action, touch a creature and spend a number of Mana points.
Said creature is healed for a number of HP equal to
(number of Mana points spent x your Charisma modifier). Alternatively, you
can drain a number of HP from the creature equal to the amount of Mana
points you spent. If the target is unwilling, it can make a Constitution save
against your dragon save DC to resist the effect. You gain the drained
number of HP as temporary hit points, and you can transfer them to another
creature within 5 ft as an action.
Ward Against Hard Knocks
Starting at 5th level, you gain the ability to ward off unwanted visitors. Spend
1 mana point to draw a barrier that surrounds an area no larger than a 10-ft.
square. You choose which objects, energies, and types of creatures you want
to ward off. “All fiends, everyone named Steven, and those hipstery teacups
without ears” are all examples of acceptable things to ward against.
Whenever an unwanted entity crosses the border, you are mentally notified,
and can choose to make a loud noise emanate from the barrier. The barrier
lasts for 24 hours, and can be made permanent if cast each day for a year and
a day. It takes 1 action per mana point spent to cast this effect.

Warding Metamagic
When you use Ward Against Hard Knocks, you can expend additional mana
points to change its effects. As long as you have the appropriate amount of
points, you can combine all or none of the effects below.
● Increase the area by an additional 10 ft. square. Can be taken multiple
times. +1 mana point.
● Unwanted creatures must succeed on a Charisma save against your
Dragon save DC when they attempt to cross the barrier. On a failed
save, they are prevented from passing. The save can be repeated once
each hour. +5 mana points.
● Unwanted creatures have disadvantage when trying to attack things
within the barrier, and creatures within the barrier have advantage on
saving throws against their abilities. +3 mana point.
● The effect of a spell you know triggers the first time that unwanted
creatures or objects try to cross the barrier on any given day. Works
only once. +1 mana point per level of the spell.
Ever since the first edition of Dungeons & Dragons was released, players have
dreamt of playing a dragon. Gary Gygax relates he used to get phone calls from
concerned DMs asking him how to deal with this wish. How would he run a dragon
PC? Could it even be done? D&D is a role-playing game. It is about your group’s
imagination. The answer to ‘can this be done?’ has to be yes.
There is a caveat to that statement. While D&D as written has a broad theme,
it’s made for telling fantasy adventure stories with a strong focus on action, the
flavour of adventure will differ between groups. Some groups care about highly
tactical and perfectly balanced combat encounters. Some groups are somewhat
competitive, and prefer to have the sense that all PCs are exactly equal in power. This
class may not be for those groups.
That doesn’t mean the Dragon is unbalanced. A PC with this class is probably
less disruptive to your campaign than you would be inclined to think. The design
intent here is to allow a player to live out the fantasy of being an Actual. Damn.
Dragon! Without ruining other people’s fun. Dragons can fly, breathe fire, perform
strange magic, etc, but at the end of the day they’re still another PC with a few skills
and a d8 hit die. They won’t get far without the party to back them, especially since
dragons have a number of distinct weaknesses a cunning enemy could exploit.
The best advice I can give would be to check with your group (and DM) before
deploying this class. Is everyone okay with a character that doesn’t necessarily fall
within the framework of what a traditional PC can be? Is your group able to
cooperate with this magical ally? If the answer is yes, we can have our cake and eat
it too. The dragon gets to 1: be supercool and 2: function within a party.
Lore-wise, the dragon is inspired by traditional 5e D&D creatures, and by the
mana-colours of Magic: The Gathering. Such a dragon existing in your world doesn’t
have to mean the whole species function like this. Perhaps this is just one of the
many draconic subspecies. This accounts for the necessary distinction between PC
dragons and the kind found in the Monster Manual.

Cover art by BenWootten - Sourced from DeviantArt.Com


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