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The document discusses calculus of variations and variational problems. It introduces concepts like functionals, variations, extremals and Euler-Lagrange equations which are important in solving variational problems.

A functional is a function whose domain is a set of functions, rather than numbers. It associates a real number to each function in its domain. In contrast, the values of independent variables in ordinary functions are numbers. Functionals have functions as their independent variables.

The variation of a function is the change in its dependent variable for an infinitesimal change in the independent variable. The variation of a functional is denoted by δf and defined in terms of partial derivatives with respect to the function and its derivative. It is analogous to the differential of an ordinary function.

Chap-04 B.V.

Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13

Chapter 4
Calculus of Variations

4.1 INTRODUCTION function of the independent variable y(x), which is

a function. Thus
Calculus of variations deals with certain kinds of ! x2 "
“external problems” in which expressions involving L{y(x)} = 1 + y ′2 dx
integrals are optimized (maximized or minimized). x1
Euler and Lagrange in the 18th century laid the foun- Y
dations, with the classical problems of determining cn
a closed curve in the plane enclosing maximum area c2
subject to fixed length and the brachistochrone prob-
lem of determining the path between two points in c1
minimum time. The present day problems include
the maximization of the entropy integral in third law X
of thermodynamics, minimization of potential and Fig. 4.1
kinetic energies integral in Hamilton’s principle in defines a functional which associates a real number
mechanics, the minimization of energy integral in L uniquely to each y(x) (the independent variable).
the problems in elastic behaviour of beams, plates Further suppose we wish to determine the curve hav-
and shells. Thus calculus of variations deals with the ing shortest (least) distance between the two given
study of extrema of “functionals”. points A and B, i.e., curve with minimum length L.
Functional: A real valued function f whose This is a classical example of a variational problem
domain is the set of real functions {y(x)} is known in which we wish to determine, the particular curve
as a functional (or functional of a single independent y = y(x) which minimizes the functional L{y(x)}
variable). Thus the domain of definition of a func- given by (1). Here the two conditions y(x1 ) = y1 and
tional is a set of admissible functions. In ordinary y(x2 ) = y2 , which are imposed on the curve y(x) are
functions the values of the independent variables are known as end conditions of the problem. Thus varia-
numbers. Whereas with functionals, the values of the tional problems involves determination of maximum
independent variables are functions. or minimum or stationary values of a functional. The
Example: The length L of a curve, c whose equa- term extremum is used to include maximum or min-
tion is y = f (x), passing through two given points imum or stationary values.
A(x1 , y1 ) and B(x2 , y2 ) is given by
L= 1 + y ′2 dx Consider the general integral (a functional)

! x2
where y denotes derivative of y w.r.t. x. I {y(x)} = f (x, y, y ′ )dx (1)
Now the length L of the curve passing through x1
A and B depends on y(x) (the curve). Than L is a
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


Extremal: A function y = y(x) which extremizes

' (
f1 f2 δf1 −f1 δf2
(d) δ f2
= f22
(1) and satisfies the end conditions y(x1 ) = y1 and

y(x2 ) = y2 is known as an extremal or extremizing (e) d
(δy) = dx (ϵη) = ϵ dx
= ϵη′ =
function of the functional I (given by (1)). A
' (
δy ′ = δ dx .
variational problem is to find such an extremal
Thus taking the variation of a functional and differ-
function y(x).
entiating w.r.t. the independent variable x are com-
mutative operations.
Variation of a Function and a Functional
When the independent variable x changes to x + !x Result: The necessary condition for the functional
then the dependent variable y of the function y = I to attain an extremum is that its variation vanish
f (x) changes to y + !y. Thus !y is the change of i.e., δI = 0.
the function, the differential dy provides the varia-
tion in y. Consider a function f (x, y, y ′ ) which for 4.3 EULER’S EQUATION
a fixed x, becomes a functional defined on a set of
functions {y(x)}. A necessary condition for the integral
For a fixed value of x, if y(x) is changed to y(x) + x2
I= f (x, y, y ′ )dx (1)
ϵη(x), where ϵ is independent of x, then ϵη(x) is x1
known as the variation of y and is denotd by δy.
Similarly, variation of y ′ is ϵη′ (x) and is denoted by to attain an extreme value is that the extremizing
δy ′ . Now the change in f is given by function y(x) should satisfy
# $
!f = f (x, y + ϵη, y ′ + ϵη′ ) − f (x, y, y ′ ) ∂f d ∂f
− =0 (2)
∂y dx ∂y ′
Expanding the first term on R.H.S. by Maclaurins
series in powers of ϵ, we get for x1 ≤ x ≤ x2 .
Note 1: The second order differential equation (2)
# $
∂F ∂F
!f = f (x, y, y ′ ) + η + ′ η′ ϵ +
∂y ∂y is known as Euler-Lagrange or simply Euler’s equa-
tion for the integral (1).
∂ 2 F 2 2∂ 2 F ′ ∂ 2 F ′2 ϵ 2
% &
+ η + ηη + ′2 η +
∂y 2 ∂yy ′ ∂y 2! Note 2: The solutions (integral curves) of Euler’s
equation are known as extremals (or stationary func-
+ · · · − F (x, y, y ′ )
tions) of the functional. Extremum for a functional
or approximately, neglecting higher powers of ϵ. can occur only on extremals.
∂f ∂f ∂f ∂f Proof: Assume that the function y = y(x), is
!f = ηϵ + ′ η′ ϵϵ = δy + ′ δy ′
∂y ∂y ∂y ∂y twice-differentiable on [x1 , x2 ], satisfies the end
(boundary) conditions y(x1 ) = y1 and y(x2 ) = y2
Thus the variation of a functional f is denoted by δf
and is given by and extremizes (maximizes or minimizes) the inte-
gral I given by (1). To determine such a function
∂f ∂f y(x), construct the class of comparison functions
δf = δy + ′ δy ′
∂y ∂y Y (x) defined by
which is analogous to the differential of a function. Y (x) = y(x) + ϵη(x) (2)
on the interval [x1 , x2 ]. For any function η(x), y(x) is
Result: (a) δ(f1 ± f2 ) = δf1 ± δf2
a member of this class of functions {Y (x)} for ϵ = 0.
(b) δ(f1 f2 ) = f1 δf2 + f2 δf1 Assume that
(c) δ(f η ) = ηf η−1 δf
η(x1 ) = η(x2 ) = 0 (3)
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


Differentiating (2), EQUIVALENT FORMS OF EULER’S

Y ′ (x) = y ′ (x) + ϵη′ (x) (4) (I) Differentiating f , which is a function of x, y, y ′ ,
w.r.t. x, we get
Replacing y and y ′ in (1) Y and Y ′ from (2) and (4),
we obtain the integral df ∂f ∂f dy ∂f dy ′
= + + ′
dx ∂x ∂y dx ∂y dx
! x2
I (ϵ) = f (x, Y, Y ′ )dx (5) df ∂f ∂f ∂f
x1 = + y′ + y ′′ ′ (8)
dx ∂x ∂y ∂y
which is a function of the parameter ϵ. Thus the Consider
problem of determining y(x) reduces to finding the # $ # $
extremum of I (ϵ) at ϵ = 0 which is obtained by solv- d ∂f d ∂f ∂f
y′ ′ = y′ ′
+ ′ y ′′ (9)
ing I ′ (ϵ = 0) = 0. For this, differentiate (5) w.r.t. ϵ, dx ∂y dx ∂y ∂y
we get Subtracting (9) from (8), we have
∂f ∂Y ′
! x2 # $
dI ∂f ∂Y df d
∂f ∂f d
= I ′ (ϵ) = + dx − y′ ′ = + y′ − y′
dϵ x1 ∂Y ∂ϵ ∂Y ′ ∂ϵ dx dx ∂y ∂x ∂y dx ∂y ′
! x2 # $
∂f ∂f ′
= η+ η dx Rewriting this
x1 ∂Y ∂Y ′ . / . # $/
d ∂f ∂f ∂f d ∂f
f −y ′ ′ − =y ′ − (10)
putting ϵ = 0, dx ∂y ∂x ∂y dx ∂y ′
x2 Since by Euler’s Equation (2), the R.H.S. of (10) is
! # $
∂f ∂f
I ′ (0) = η + ′ η′ dx (6)
x1 ∂y ∂y zero, we get another form of Euler’s equtaion

because for ϵ = 0, we have from (2) Y = y and Y ′ =

. /
d ∂f ∂f
f − y′ ′ − =0 (11)
y ′ . Integrating the second integral in R.H.S. of (6) by dx ∂y ∂x
parts, we have
∂f ∂f
) $ + (II) Since ∂y ′
′ is also function φ of x, y, y say ∂y ′
x2 ∂f **x2
! * ! x2 #

I (0) =
η+ η − η
d ∂f
dx φ(x, y, y ). Differentiating w.r.t. x
x1 ∂y ∂y ′ *x1 x1 dx ∂y ′
∂φ dy ′
# $
d ∂f ∂φ ∂φ dy
= + + ′
Since by (3), η(x1 ) = η(x2 ) = 0, the second term dx ∂y ′ ∂x ∂y dx ∂y dx
vanishes and using I ′ (0) = 0, we get
# $ # $ # $
∂ ∂f ′ ∂ ∂f ′′ ∂ ∂f
= +y +y
! x2 , # $- ∂x ∂y ′ ∂y ∂y ′ ∂y ′ ∂y ′
∂f d ∂f
I ′ (0) = − η dx = 0 (7) d
∂ 2f ∂ 2f ∂ 2f
x1 ∂y dx ∂y ′ = + y′ + y ′′ ′2 (12)
dx ∂y ′ ∂x∂y ′ ∂y∂y ′ ∂y
Since η(x) is arbitrary, equation (7) holds good only
when the integrand is zero Substituting (12) in the Euler’s equation (2), we have

∂f ∂ 2f ∂ 2f ∂ 2f
− y′ − y ′′ ′2 = 0
# $
∂f d ∂f − (13)
i.e., − =0 (2) ∂y ∂x∂y ′ ∂y∂y ′ ∂y
∂y dx ∂y ′
General case: the necessary condition for the occur-
Note: Equation (2) is not sufficient condition. Solu- rence of extremum of the general integral
tion of (2) may be maximum or minimum or a hori- ! x2
zontal inflexion. Thus y(x) is known as extremizing f (x, y1 , y2 , . . . , yη , y1′ , y2′ , . . . , yη′ )dx
function or extremal and the term extremum includes x1

maximum or minimum or stationary value. involving η functions y1 , y2 , . . . , yη , is given by the

Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


set of η Euler’s equations Geodesics: A geodesic on a surface is a curve on

∂f d
$ the surface along which the distance between any
− =0 two points of the surface is a minimum.
∂yi dx ∂yi′
for i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , η.
First integrals of the Euler-Lagrang’s equation: 4.4 STANDARD VARIATIONAL
Degenerate cases: Euler’s equation is readily inte- PROBLEMS
grable in the following cases:
Shortest distance
Case (a): If f is independent of x, then ∂f
= 0 and
equivalent form of Euler’s Equation (11) reduces to Example 1: Find the shortest smooth plane curve
$ joining two distinct points in the plane.
f − y′ ′ = 0
dx ∂y
Integrating, we get the first integral of Euler’s equa-
f − y′ = constant (14)
∂y ′

Thus the extremizing function y is obtained as the

solution of a first-order differential equation (14)
involving y and y ′ only.
Case (b): If f is independent of y, then ∂y
= 0,
and the Euler’s Equation (2) reduces to
$ Fig. 4.2
dx ∂y ′
Solution: Assume that the two distinct points be
Integrating, we get the first integral of the Euler’s
P1 (x1 , y1 ) and P2 (x2 , y2 ) lie in the XY -Plane. If y =
equation as,
f (x) is the equation of any plane curve c in XY -
= constant (15) Plane and passing through the points P1 and P2 , then
∂y ′ the length L of curve c is given by
which is a first order differential equation involving x2
! "
L[y(x)] = 1 + (y ′ )2 dx (1)
y ′ and x only. x1
Case (c): If f is independent of x and y then the The variational problem is to find the plane curve
partial derivative ∂y ′ is independent of x and y and is whose length is shortest i.e., to determine the func-
therefore function of y ′ alone. Now (15) of case (b) tion y(x) which minimizes the functional (1). The
= constant has the solution. condition for extrema is the Euler’s equation
∂y ′
y ′ = constant = c1
# $
∂f d ∂f
− =0
Integrating, the extremizing function is a linear func- ∂y dx ∂y ′
tion of x given by 0 ∂f ∂f 1 2y ′
Here f = 1 + y ′2 so ∂y
= 0, ∂y ′ = 2 √
y = c1 x + c 2 1+y ′2

Case (d): If f is independent of y ′ , then ∂y ′
=0 d
and the Euler’s Equation (2) reduces to 0− 0 =0
dx 1 + y ′2
=0 "
∂y or y ′ = k 1 + y ′2 where k = constant
Integrating, we get f = f (x) , i.e., function of x
Squaring y ′2 = k 2 (1 + y ′2 )
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


subject to the boundary conditions y(0) = 0 and

i.e., y′ = = m = constant. y(x2 ) = y2 . Integral (1) is convergent although it is
1 − k2
improper. Here
Integrating, y = mx + c, where c is the constant of 0
integration. Thus the straight line joining the two 1 + y ′2
f = √
points P1 and P2 is the curve with shortest length y
(distance). which is independent of x. Now

Brachistochrone (shortest time) problem ∂f 1 1 1

= √ 0 · · 2y ′
∂y ′ y 1 + y ′2 2
Example 2: Determine the plane curve down
which a particle will slide without friction from the The Euler’s equation
point A(x1 , y1 ) to B(x2 , y2 ) in the shortest time. d
f − y′ ′ = 0
dx ∂y

reduces to
)0 +
d 1 + y ′2 y ′2
√ −√ 0 =0
dx y y 1 + y ′2

1 + y ′2 1 + y ′2 − y ′2
0 0
√ 0 = k1 = constant
y 1 + y ′2
or y(1 + y ′2 ) = k2 (1)
' (2
Fig. 4.3 where k2 = k1 , put y ′ = cotθ where θ is a
parameter. Then from (1)
Solution: Assume the positive direction of the y-
axis is vertically downward and let x1 < x2 . Let y=
k2 k2
= k2 sin2 θ = (1 − cos 2θ )
P (x, y) be the position of the particle at any time t, 1 + y ′2 1 + cot2 θ 2
on the curve c. Since energy is conserved, the speed (2)
v of the particle sliding along any curve is given by Now
2 (+2 · sin 2θ )dθ
v = 2g(y − y ∗ ) dx =
# $ y′ cotθ
∗ v12
where y = y1 − 2g
. Here g is acceleration due k2 2 · sin θ · cos θ dθ
= = 2k2 sin2 θ dθ
to gravity, v1 is the initial speed. Choose the origin cotθ
at A so that x1 = 0, y1 = 0 and assume that v1 = 0. dx = k2 · (1 − cos 2θ )dθ.
Integrating, x = k2 θ − sin22θ + k3 , where k3 is
2 3
ds 0
= v = 2gy constant of integration. So
Integrating this, we get the time taken by the particle k2
x − k3 = (2θ − sin 2θ ) (2)
moving under gravity (and neglecting friction along 2
the curve and neglecting resistance of the medium) Since y = 0 at x = 0, we have k3 = 0. Put 2θ = φ
from A(0, 0) to B(x2 , y2 ) is in (1) and (2), then
1 x=x2 1 + y ′2 k2 k2
! !
ds x= (φ − sin φ), y = (1 − cos 2φ) (3)
t[y(x)] = √ = √ √ dx (1)
2gy 2g x=0 y 2 2
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


Equation (3) represents a one parameter family of Substituting f and ∂f

, we have
∂y ′
cycloids with k22 as the radius of the rolling circle.
Using the condition that the curve (cycloid) passes y 1
y 1 + y ′2 − y ′ 0 · 2y ′ = c1
through B(x2 , y2 ), the value of the constant k2 can 2 1 + y ′2
be determined. y{(1 + y ′2 ) − y ′2 } y
0 = 0 = c1 (2)
1+y ′2 1 + y ′2
Note: A curve having this property of shortest time
is known as “brachistochrone” with Greek words Put y ′ = sinh t, then from (2)
‘brachistos’ meaning shortest and ‘chronos’ meaning y y
time. In 1696 John Bernoulli advanced this ‘brachis- = = c1 or y = c1 cosh t (3)
1 + sin2 ht cosh t
tochrone’ problem, although it was also studied by
Leibnitz, Newton and L’Hospital. dy c1 sinh t dt
So dx = ′ = = c1 dt
y sinh t
Minimal surface area Integrating x = c1 t + c2 (4)

where c2 is the constant of integration. Eliminating

Example 3: Find the curve c passing through two
‘t’ between (3) and (4)
given points A(x1 , y1 ) and B(x2 , y2 ) such that the
rotation of the curve c about x-axis generates a sur- x − c2
face of revolution having minimum surface area. c1
x − c2
# $
therefore y = c1 cosh t = c1 cosh (5)
Equation (5) represents a two parameter family of
catenaries. The two constants C1 and C2 are deter-
mined using the end (boundary) conditions y(x1 ) =
y1 and y(x2 ) = y2 .

Solid of revolution with least resistance

Example 4: Determine the shape of solid of revo-

lution moving in a flow of gas with least resistance.

Fig. 4.4

Solution: The surface area S generated by revolv-

ing the curve c defined by y(x) about x-axis is
! B ! x2 "
S[y(x)] = 2πy ds = 2πy 1 + y ′2 dx (1)
A x=x1
Fig. 4.5
To find the0extremal y(x) which minimizes (1).
Here f = y 1 + y ′2 which is independent of x. The Solution: The total resistance experienced by the
Euler’s equation is body is
! L
f − y′ ′ = 0 or f − y′ = constant = c1 F [y(x)] = 4πρv 2 yy ′3 dx
dx ∂y ∂y ′ 0
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


with boundary conditions y(0) = 0, y(L) = R. Here

4 ' (2
ρ is the density, v is the velocity of gas relative to Here f = a 1 + sin2 θ · dφ

is independent of φ,
solid. Here f = yy ′3 is independent of x. The Euler’s but is a function of θ and dφ
. Denoting dφ = φ ′ , the
dθ dθ
equation is Euler’s equation reduces to
# $
∂f d ∂f d
= y ′3 − (3yy ′2 ) = 0
# $
− (1) d ∂f ∂f
∂y dx ∂y ′ dx =0 or = constant.
dθ ∂φ ′ ∂φ ′
Multiplying (1) by y ′ , we get
1 1
d i.e., a · " · 2 · sin2 θ · φ ′ = k = constant
(yy ′3 ) = 0 2 2
1 + sin θ φ ′2
Integrating Squaring a 2 sin4 θ · φ ′2 = k 2 (1 + sin2 θ · φ ′2 )
yy ′3 = c13 or y′ = 1 dφ k kcosec2 θ
y3 or = φ′ = = 0
sin θ · sin2 θ − k 2
dθ 1 − c2 cosec2 θ
Integrating y 3 dy = c1 dx yields
Integrating, we get
kcosec2 θ dθ
= c1 x + c2
4 φ(θ ) = + c2
3 (1 − k 2 ) − (kcotθ )2
or y(x) = (c3 x + c4 ) 4 (2) 5 6
−1 kcotθ
Using boundary conditions φ(θ ) = cos 0 + c2
1 − k2
0 = y(0) = 0 + c4 ... c4 = 0
where c2 is constant of integration. Rewriting
3 R3
R = y(L) = (c3 L) 4 ... c3 = kcotθ
L 0 = cos(φ − c2 ) = cos φ · cos c2 + sin φ · sin c2
1 − k2
The the required function y(x) is given by
' x (3 or cotθ = A cos φ + B sin φ
y(x) = R . 0
L (cos c2 )( 1 − k 2 )
where A = ,
( 1 − k2 )
Example 5: Find the geodesics on a sphere of B = (sin c2 )
radius ‘a’.
Multiplying by a sin θ , we have
Solution: In spherical coordinates r, θ, φ, the dif-
ferential of arc length on a sphere is given by a cos θ = A · a · sin θ · cos φ + B · a · sin θ · sin φ

(ds)2 = (dr)2 + (rdθ )2 + (r sin θ dφ)2 Since r = a, the spherical coordinates are x =
a sin θ cos φ, y = a sin θ sin φ, z = a cos θ , so
Since r = a = constant, dr = 0. So
# $2 # $2 z = Ax + By
ds 2 2 2 dφ
= a + a sin θ
dθ dθ which is the equation of plane, passing through ori-
Integrating w.r.t. θ between θ1 and θ2 , gin (0, 0, 0) (since no constant term) the centre of
1 sphere. This plane cuts the sphere along a great cir-
θ2 cle. Hence the great circle is the geodesic on the
! #

s= a 1 + sin2 θ dθ
θ1 dθ sphere.
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


Solution: Here f = 1+y y ′2
which is independent of
WORKED OUT EXAMPLES x. So the Euler’s equation becomes
# $
d ∂f
f − y′ ′ = 0 (1)
Variational problems. dx ∂y
f is dependent on x, y, y ′ 2 2(1 + y 2 )
% &
∂f ∂ 1+y
Here = = − (2)
Example 1: Find a complete solution of the Euler- ∂y ′ ∂y ′ y ′2 y ′3
Lagrange equation for Substituting (2) in (1), we have
! x2 , -
2 ′ 2
1 + y2 2 1 + y2
% & % &
y − (y ) − 2y cosh x dx (1) d ′ (−2)(1 + y ) d
x1 −y =3 =0
dx y ′2 y ′3 dx y ′2
Solution: Here f (x, y, y ′ ) = y 2 − (y ′ )2 − y ′2 (2yy ′ ) − (1 + y 2 )2y ′ y ′′
2y cosh x, which is a function of x, y, y ′ . The =0
y ′4
Euler-Lagrange equation is
# $ or (1 + y 2 )y ′′ − yy ′2 = 0 (3)
∂f d ∂f
− =0 (2) ′
Put y = p, then y = ′′ d ′
y = d
p = dp dy
∂y dx ∂y ′ dx dx dy dx
y ′ dp
= p dp
. Putting these values in (3),
Differentiating (1) partially w.r.t. y and y ′ , we get
dp dp py
∂f (1 + y 2 )p − yp 2 = 0 or =
= 2y − 2 cosh x (3) dy dy 1 + y2
dp y dy 1 d(1 + y 2 )
∂f Integrating = =
= −2y ′ (4) p 1 + y2 2 (1 + y 2 )
∂y ′
p 2 = c12 (1 + y 2 ).
Substituting (3) and (4) in (2), we have
" "
d so p = c1 (1 + y 2 ) or = c 1 + y2
2y − 2 cosh x − (−2y ′ ) = 0 dx
dx dy
Integrating = c1 dx we get
y ′′ + y = cosh x (5) 1 + y2

The complimentary function of (5) is sinh−1 y = c1 x + c2

yc = c1 cos x + c2 sin x Thus the required extremal function is
and particular integral of (5) is y(x) = sinh(c1 x + c2 )
1 where c1 and c2 are two arbitrary constant.
y= cosh x.
Thus the complete solution Euler-Lagrange Equation f is independent of y
(5) is
Example 3: If the rate of motion v = ds dt
is equal to
1 x then the time t spent on translation along the curve
y(x) = c1 cos x + c2 sin x + cosh x.
2 y = y(x) from one point P1 (x1 , y1 ) to another point
P2 (x2 , y2 ) is a functional. Find the extremal of this
f is independent of x functional, when P (1, 0) and P2 (2, 1).
Example 1: Find the extremals of the functional ds ds
Solution: Given = x or = dt.
! x2 (1 + y 2 ) dt x
I [y(x)] = dx 0 0
x1 y ′2 But ds = 1 + y ′2 dx so 1 + y ′2 dx
= dt.
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


Integrating from P1 to P2 Squaring (1) and (3) and adding

x 2 + (y − c3 )2 = (c2 sin v)2 + (−c2 cos v)2
x2 x2 1 + y ′2
! !
dt = dx. The functional is
x1 x1 x = c22 = c4 (4)
x2 1 + y ′2 Equation (4) represents a two-parameter family of
t[y(x)] = dx
x1 x circles. If (4) passes through P1 (1, 0) Then y(0) = 1.
√ Then (4) becomes
1+y ′2
Here f = which is independent of y. Euler’s
x7 8 1 + (0 − c3 )2 = c4 or 1 + c32 = c4
equation is d
dx ∂y ′
If (4) passes through P2 (2, 1) then y(2) = 1.
So from (4),
5 6
d 1 1 1 ′
· ·0 · 2y = 0
dx x 2 1 + y ′2 4 + (1 − c3 )2 = c4 = 1 + c32 ... c3 = −2
. /
x (1 + y ′2 )y ′′ − y ′ (1 + y ′2 ) + xy ′ y ′′ and c4 = 5. Thus the required extremal satisfying the
end points P1 and P2 is
x 2 (1 + y ′2 ) 2
x 2 + (y + 2)2 = 5.
xy ′′ − y ′ (1 + y ′2 )
= 3
x 2 (1 + y ′2 ) 2 Invalid variational problem
′′ ′ ′2
or xy − y (1 + y ) = 0. Example 4: Test for an extremum of the functional

Put y = u, then x dx
− u(1 + u2 ) = 0 ! 1
I [y(x)]= (xy + y 2 − 2y 2 y ′ )dx, with y(0)=1, y(1)=2.
du du udu dx 0
= − 2
u(1 + u ) u 1+u x
2 u 32 Solution: Here f = xy + y 2 − 2y 2 y ′ . Differenti-
Integrating x
= c12 (1 + u2 ) ating partially w.r.t. y and y ′ , we have
y = c12 x 2 (1 + y ′2 )
′2 ∂f
= x + 2y − 4yy ′ and
= −2y 2 .
" ∂y ∂y ′
or y ′ = c1 x (1 + y ′2 ).
Substituting these in the Euler’s equation

1 + y ′2 = 1 + tan2 v =

√ y = tan v, then ∂f d
− = (x + 2y − 4yy ′ ) − (−2y 2 ) = 0
sec2 v ∂y dx ∂y ′ dx
y′ 1 tan v 1
so x= = = sin v (1) = x + 2y − 4yy ′ + 4yy ′ = 0
c1 (1 + y ′2 ) c1 secv c1
1 or x + 2y = 0 i.e., y = − .
and dx = cos v dv 2
However, this function y = f (x) does not satisfy the
Now = y ′ = tan v given boundary conditions y(0) = 1 and y(1) = 2
i.e., 1 = y(0) ̸= 0 and 2 = y(1) ̸== − 21 . Thus an
dy = tan v dx = tan v · · cos v dv = extremum can not be achieved on the class of con-
tinuous functions.
= sin v dv
c1 Geodesics
Integrating y = −c2 cos v + c3 (2)
1 Example 5: Determine the equation of the
where c2 = or y − c3 = −c2 cos v (3) geodesics on a right circular cylinder of radius ‘a’.
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


Solution: In cylindrical coordinates (r, θ, z), the Then

differential of arc ds on a cylinder is given by # $2 # $2
ds dr
2 2 2 2 = + r 2 sin2 α
(ds) = (dr) + (rdθ ) + (dz) dφ dφ
Since radius r = a = constant, dr = 0. Then Integrating w.r.t., φ
# $2 # $2 # $2 φ2
ds dz ds dz
! #
2 dr
=a + or = a2 + s= + r 2 sin2 α · dφ
dθ dθ dθ dθ φ1 dφ
Integrating The arc
s of the curve is to be minimized. Here
+ r 2 sin2 α is independent of φ. Then
$2 dr
θ2 f =
! #
s= a2 + dθ. dφ
θ1 dθ the integral of Euler’s equation is
Since geodesic is curve with minimum" length, we ∂f
2 dz 32 f − r ′ ′ = constant = k
have to find minimum of s. Here f = a + dθ ∂r
1 2r ′
which is independent of the variable z. Now the or r ′2 + r 2 sin2 α − r ′ · 0 =k
Euler’s equation is 2 r ′2 + r 2 sin2 α
# $ "
d ∂f ∂f
= 0 or
= constant = k r ′2 + r 2 sin2 α − r ′2 = k r ′2 + r 2 sin2 α
dθ ∂z′ ∂z′
5 # $2 6 squaring, r 4 sin4 α = k 2 (r ′2 + r 2 sin2 α)
∂f 0
dz 1 2 · z′
so = a + = 0 =k
∂z ′ dθ 2 a 2 + z′2 r 2 sin2 α(r 2 sin2 α − k 2 )
r ′2 =
or z′2 = k 2 (a 2 + z′2 )
r sin α
k2 a2 or = · r 2 sin2 α − k 2
z′2 = dφ k
1 − k2 kdr
dz ka i.e., = sin α · dφ.
r r 2 sin2 α − k 2
i.e., z′ = = 0
dθ 1 − k2 !
Integrating k · = sin α · φ + c1
Integrating z(θ ) = √kaθ + c1 . Thus the equation of r r 2 sin2 α − k 2
1−k 2
the geodesics which is a circular helix is where c1 is the constant of integration. Introducing

z = k θ + c1 and r=a
r = 1t , dr = − t12 dt, t = 1r , the L.H.S. integral trans-
forms to
where k∗ = 0 . !
$ !
1 − k2 k· ·t " · − 2 = −k 0
sin2 α t 2
sin α − k 2 t 2
− k2
Example 6: Find the geodesics on a right circular # $
cone of semivertical angle α. = cos−1
sin α
Solution: In spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ) the dif- #
ferential of an arc ds on a right circular cone is given Then cos−1 = φ sin α + c1
sin α
(ds)2 = (dr)2 + (rdθ )2 + (r sin α dφ)2 . = cos(φ sin α + c1 )
sin α
With vertex of the cone at the origin and z-axis as k
Thus = cos(φ sin α + c1 )
the axis of the cone, the polar equation of cone is r sin α
θ = α = constant so dθ = 0. and θ = α are the equations of the geodesics.
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


Hint: EE: y ′′ + y = 2 cos x, y = c1 cos x +

EXERCISE c2 sin x + x sin x, c1 = 0, c2 = arbitrary
Ans. y = (C + x) sin x.
Variational problems
1. Test for extremum of the functional 4.5 ISOPERIMETRIC PROBLEMS
In calculus, in problems of extrema with constraints
! 'π (
I [y(x)] = (y ′2 − y 2 )dx, y(0) = 0, y = 1.
0 2 it is required to find the maximum or minimum of a
Hint: Euler’s Equation (EE): y ′′ + y = 0, y = function of several variably g(x1 , x2 , . . . , xη ) where
c1 cos x + c2 sin x using B.C, c1 = 0, c2 = 1 the variables x1 , x2 , . . . , xη are connected by some
given relation or condition known as a constraint.
Ans. y = sin x The variational problems considered so far find
Find the extremal of the following functionals the extremum of a functional in which the argument
2. x12 (y 2 + y ′2 − 2y sin x)dx functions could be chosen arbitrarily except for pos-
sible end (boundary) conditions. However, the class
Hint: EE: 2y − 2 sin x − 2y ′′ = 0 of variational problems with subsidiary conditions
Ans. y = c1 ex + c2 e−x + sin2 x or constraints imposed on the argument functions,
91 apart from the end conditions, are branded as isoperi-
3. 0 (y ′12 + 12xy)dx, y(0) = 0, y(1) = 1. metric problems. In the original isoperimetric (“iso”
Hint: EE: y ′′ = 6x, y = x 3 + c1 x + C2 , C = for same, “perimetric” for perimeter) problem it is
0, c2 = 0 required to find a closed curve of given length which
Ans. y = x 3 enclose maximum area. It is known even in ancient
9π Greece that the solution to this problem is circle. This
4. 02 (y ′2 − y 2 + 2xy)dy, y(0) = 0, y π2 = 0
2 3
is an example of the extrema of integrals under con-
Hint: EE: y ′′ + y = x, y = c1 cos x + straint consists of maximumizing the area subject to
c2 sin x + x the constraint (condition) that the length of the curve
is fixed.
Ans. y = x − π2 sin x The simplest isoperimetric problem consists
5. x12 (y 2 + 2xyy ′ )dx, y(x1 ) = y1 , y(x2 ) = y2 of finding a function f (x) which extremizes the
Hint: EE: 2y + 2xy ′ − 2(xy ′ + y) = 0 i.e., ! x2
0=0 I [y(x)] = f (x, y, y ′ )dx (1)
Ans. Invalid problem
92 3 subject to the constraint (condition) that the second
6. 1 yx′2 dx, y(1) = 1, y(2) = 4 integral
! x2
Ans. y = x 2 J [y(x)] = g(x, y, y ′ )dx (2)
9 3 ′2 x1
7. 2 yx 3 dx, y(2) = 1, y(3) = 16
assumes a given prescribed value and satisfying the
y ′′
Hint: EE: y′
= x3 , y ′ = cx 3 , y = c1 x 4 + c2 prescribed end conditions y(x1 ) = y1 and y(x2 ) =
3 4 y2 . To solve this problem, use the method of
Ans. y = 13 x − 35
9 x1 2
13 Lagrange’s multipliers and form a new function
8. x0 (y + y ′2 + 2yex ) dx
H (x, y, y ′ ) = f (x, y, y ′ ) + λg(x, y, y ′ ) (3)
−x 1
Ans. y = Ae + Be + x
xex where λ is an arbitrary constant known as the

9. 0 (4y cos x − y 2 + y )dx, y(0) = 0, y(π ) =
Lagrange multiplier. Now the problem is to find the
0 extremal of the new functional,
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


I ∗ [y(x)] = x12 H (x, y, y ′ )dx, subject to no con- where t is the parameter. The area enclosed by curve
straints (except the boundary conditions). Then the C is given by the integral
modified Euler’s equation is given by 1
! t2
. .
I= (xy − x y)dt (2)
# $
∂H d ∂H t1
− =0 (4) . .
∂y dx ∂y ′ where x = dx , y = dy . We have x(t1 ) = x(t2 ) = x0
dt dt
The complete solution of the second order Equation and y(t1 ) = y(t2 ) = y0 , since the curve is closed.
(4) contains, in general, two constants of integration Now the total length of the curce C is given by
say c1 , c2 and the unknown Lagrange multiplier λ. ! t2 "
. .
These 3 constants c1 , c2 , λ will be determined using J= x 2 + y 2 dt (3)
the two end conditions y(x1 ) = y1 , y(x2 ) = y2 and 1 . . . .
given constraint (2). Form H= (xy − x y) + λ x 2 + y 2 (4)
Corollary: Parametric form: To find the Here λ is the unknown Lagrangian multiplier. Prob-
extremal of the functional lem is to find a curve with given perimeter for which
t2 area (2) is maximum. Euler equations are
. .
I= f (x, y, x , y , t)dt # $
t1 ∂H d ∂H
− . = 0 (5)
∂x dt ∂x
subject to the constraint # $
∂H d ∂H
! t2
. . and − . =0 (6)
J = g(x, y, x , y , t)dt = constant ∂y dt ∂y
t1 . .
Differentiating H in (4) w.r.t. x, x , y, y and substi-
solve the system of two Euler equations given by tuting them in (5) and (6), we get
# $ # $ ⎛ ⎞
∂H d ∂H ∂H d ∂H 1. d ⎝ 1 λx
− . =0 and − . =0 y− − y+" ⎠=0 (7)
∂x dt ∂x ∂y dt ∂y 2 dt 2 . .
x2 + y2
resulting in the solution x = x(t), y = y(t), which
⎛ ⎞
is the parametric representation of the required func- 1. d ⎝1 λy
− x− x+" ⎠=0 (8)
tion y = f (x) which is obtained by elimination of t. 2 dt 2 . .
. . x2 + y2
Here x = dxdt
and y = dydt
. . . . . . Integrating (7) and (8) w.r.t. ‘t’, we get
H (x, y, x , y , t) = f (x, y, x , y , t) + λ g(x, y, x , y , t)
The two arbitrary constants c1 , c2 and λ are deter- y−" = c1 (9)
. .
mined using the end conditions and the constraint. x2 + y2
and x+" = c2 (10)
. .
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants. From (9) and
Circle (10) squaring (y − c1 ) and (x − c2 ) and adding, we
Example 1: Isoperimetric problem is to determine ⎛
⎞2 ⎛
−λy λx
a closed curve C of given (fixed) length (perimeter) (x − c2 )2 + (y − c1 )2 = ⎝ " ⎠ +⎝" ⎠
which encloses maximum area. . . . .
x 2 +y 2 x 2 +y 2
. .
Solution: Let the parametric equation of the curve (x 2 + y 2 )
= λ2 . 2 . 2 = λ2
C be (x + y )
x = x(t), y = y(t) (1) i.e., (x − c2 )2 + (y − c1 )2 = λ2
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


which is the equation of circle. Thus we have 1 2y ′

i.e., (y + λ)( 1 + y ′2 ) − y ′ (y + λ) · 0 = k1
obtained the well-known result that the closed curve 2 1 + y ′2
of given perimeter for which the enclosed area is a . / "
′2 ′2
maximum is a circle. (y + λ) (1 + y ) − y = k1 ( 1 + y ′2 )
Catenary or y + λ = k1 1 + y ′2 (4)

Put y ′ = sinh t, where t is a parameter, in (4)

Example 2: Determine the shape an absolutely
flexible, inextensible homogeneous and heavy
Then y + λ = k1 1 + sin2 ht = k1 cosh t (5)
rope of given length L suspended at the points A
and B dy k1 sinh t dt
Now dx = = = k1 dt
y′ sinh t
Integrating x = k 1 t + k2 (6)

Eliminating ‘t’ between (5) and (6), we have

x − k2
# $
y + λ = k1 cosh t = k1 cosh (7)
Equation (7) is the desired curve which is a catenary.

Note: The three unknowns λ, k1 , k2 will be

determined from the two boundary conditions (curve
passing through A and B) and the constraint (2).
Fig. 4.6

Solution: The rope in equilibrium take a shape such WORKED OUT EXAMPLES
that its centre of gravity occupies the lowest position.
Thus to find minimum of y-coordinate of the centre
Example 1: 9 π Find the extremal of the function
of gravity of the string given by
I [y(x)] = 0 (y ′2 − y 2 )dx with boundary condi-
9 x2 0
′2 tions y(0)
9 π = 0, y(π ) = 1 and subject to the con-
x y 1 + y dx
I [y(x)] = 9 1x 0 (1) straint 0 y dx = 1.
x 1 + y ′2 dx
Solution: Here f = y ′2 − y 2 and g = y. So choose
subject to the constraint H = f + λg = (y ′2 − y 2 ) + λy where λ is the
! x2 " unknown Lagrange’s multiplier. The Euler’s equa-
J [y(x)] = 1 + y ′2 dx = L = constant (2) tion for H is
x1 # $
∂H d ∂H
Thus to minimize the numerator in R.H.S. of (1) sub- − =0
∂y dx ∂y ′
ject to (2). Form
" " " Using derivatives of H w.r.t. y and y ′ , we get
H = y (1 + y ′2 ) + λ 1 + y ′2 = (y + λ) 1 + y ′2 d
(3) (−2y + λ) − (2y ′ ) = 0
where λ is Lagrangian multiplier. Here H is inde-
pendent of x. So the Euler equation is or y ′′ + y = λ

∂H whose general solution is

H − y′ = constant = k1
∂y ′ y(x) = CF + P I = (c1 cos x + c2 sin x) + (λ) (1)
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


The three unknowns c1 , c2 , λ in (1) will be deter- B.C’s y(1) = 3 and y(4) = 24 (i.e., passing through
mined using the two boundary conditions and the points P1 and P2 ) and the given constraint. From (1)
given constraint. From (1) λ
3 = y(1) = + c1 + c2 (2)
0 = y(0) = c1 + c2 · 0 + λ or c1 + λ = 0 4
Again from (1)
1 = y(π ) = −c1 + c2 · 0 + λ or − c1 + λ = 1
24 = y(4) = 4λ + 4c1 + c2 (3)
Solving λ = 21 , c1 = −λ = − 21
Now from the constraint
Now from the given constraint ! x2 =4
! π y(x)dx = 36
y dx = 1, we have x1 =1
0 ! 4 #λ $
or x 2 + c1 x + c2 dx = 36
(c1 cos x + c2 sin x + λ)dx = 1 1 4
0 *4
*π λ x3 x2
i.e., + c2 x ** = 36
c1 sin x − c2 cos x + λx ** = 1
* · + c1
4 3 2 1
(0 + c2 + λπ ) − (0 − c2 + 0) = 1 or 42λ + 60c1 + 24c2 = 288 (4)
π( From (2) & (3):
or 2c2 = 1 − π λ = 1 −
λ − c2 = 12
Thus the required extremal function y(x) is
and from (3) & (4)
1 1 π 1
# $
y(x) = − cos x + − sin x + . 2λ − c2 = 8
2 2 4 2
Solving λ = −4, c2 = −16, c1 = 20. Thus the spe-
Example 2: Show that the9 extremal of the isoperi- cific parabola satisfying the given B.C.’s (passing
metric problem I [y(x)] = x12 y ′2 dx subject to the through P1 and P2 ) is
9 x2
condition J [y(x)] = x1 y dx = constant = k is a 4
y = − x 2 + 20x − 16
parabola. Determine the equation of the parabola 4
passing through the points P1 (1, 3) and P2 (4, 24) and i.e., y = −x 2 + 20x − 16.
k = 36.

Solution: Here f = y ′2 and g = y. So form EXERCISE

H = f + λg = y + λy.

The Euler equation for H is 1. Find the curve of given length L which joins
# $ the points (x1 , 0) and (x2 , 0) and cuts off from
∂H d ∂H the first quadrant the maximum area.
− =0
∂y dx ∂y ′
Ans. (x − c)2 + (y − d)2 = λ2 , c = x1 +x
d (x2 −x1 ) 2 2 2

λ− (2y ′ ) = 0 a = 2 ,λ = d + a , d + a 2 2
cot −1 da = L2 .
2 3
or y ′′ − = 0 2. Determine the curve of given length L which
Integrating twice, joins the points (−a, b) and (a, b) and gen-
erates the minimum surface area when it is
λ x2 revolved about the x-axis.
y(x) = + c1 x + c2 (1)
2 2
Ans. y = c cosh xc − λ, where c = a' (
, λ=
which is a parabola. Here c1 and c2 are constants of sin h−1 L

integration. To determine the particular parabola, use c
4 + L2 − b
Chap-04 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:13


3. Find ′2
9 π 2the extremal of I = 0 y dx subject to 5. Find the curve of given length L which mini-
0 y dx = 1 and satisfying y(0) = y(π ) = 0
mizes the curved surface area of the solid gen-
Hint: EE: y ′′ − λy = 0 erated by the revolution of the curve about the
" x-axis.
Ans. yη (x) = ± π2 sin ηx, η = 1, 2, 3 . . . Ans. Catenary
4. Show that sphere is the solid of revolution 91
6. Determine y(x) for which 0 (x 2 + y ′2 )dx
which has maximum volume for a given sur- 91 2
is stationary subject to 0 y dx = 2, y(0) =
face area.
0, y(1) = 0.
Hint:√H = πy 2 + λ[(2πy) (1 + y ′2 )], EE:
Ans. y = ±2 sin mπ x, where m is an integer.
4λ2 −y 2
y′ = y
, (x − 2λ)2 + y 2 = (2λ)2 ; cir-
cle, solid of revolution sphere.

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