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Final Exam For WRBS

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Rose of Lima Catholic School

Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija
Transforming Lives for God and Society


TRACK:_____________________________ DATE:_____________________SCORE:__________________

I. Multiple Choice. Read the statement carefully. Encircle the letter with the best answer.
(1 point each

1. A set of very controlled, slow –moving exercise that discipline the body and the mind..
a. Taosim b. Tai Chi c. Tao d. Yin Yang
2. It refers to a power which envelops, surrounds, and flows through all things, living and non-
a. Taoism b. Tai Chi c. Tao d. Yin Yang
3. He is said to be the founder of Taoism.
a. Lao Tzu b. Taoist c. Tao Te Ching d. Chi’ng
4. It means “the way” or “the path”.
a. Taoism b. Tai Chi c. Tao d. Yin Yang
5. It means not doing anything that goes against nature.
a. Wu Wei b. Yang c. Yin d. Chi
6. This refers to the two complementary forces that exist in nature.
a. Taoism b. Chi c. Tao d. Yin Yang
7. This is the “bible” of the Taoists.
a. Lao Tzu b. Tai Chi c. Tao Te Ching d. Chi’ng
8. It represents masculine and active.
a. Wu Wei b. Yang c. Yin d. Chi
9. It represents Feminine and passive.
a. Wu Wei b. Yang c. Yin d. Chi
10. It is the Life energy present in all living things.
a. Wu Wei b. Yang c. Yin d. Chi

II. True or False. Write T if the Statement is TRUE and F if the statement is False. (1 point each)

______11. The martial art of Tai Chi is designed to aid the flow of Qi throughout the body.

______12. Yin Yang is the Universal harmony and unity between complimentary opposites.

______13. Tai Chi is used for self defense.

______14. Chi is the road towards perfection, perfect balance and perfect harmony.

______15. Taoism previously has 20 million followers.

______16. Yin represents Evil.

______17. Some people say that Lao Tzu is a diety.

______18. The three great religions of China are Taoism, Shintoism and Buddhism.

______19. State support for Taoism ended with the end of the Chi’ng dynasty in 1911.

______20. In Taoism, the universe is seen as being in a constant process of re-creating itself.

______21. Lao Tzu was believed by many religious historians to have overlapped the life of Confucius

______22.Tai Chi was invented by Taoists.

______23. Chi is the center of authentic and meaningful life.

______24.Too much Yin or Yang is not good (bad).

______25. Taoists say that the Eternal Tao cannot be truly defined.
III. Matching Type. Match the situations in column A with the quotes given in column B. (2
points each)


a. Anna grew up in a poor family. She

_____ 26-27. “Because she competes with no worked hard to reach her goal of providing a
one, no one can compete with her.” good life for her parents. She succeeded.

_____28-29. “Those who know do not speak. b. Dean likes Pia because she is more
Those who speak do not know.” beautiful than Rowie.

_____30-31. “Under heaven all can see c. Sofia does her best in studying so that
beauty as beauty only because there is her parents would be proud. She does not
ugliness. All can know good as good only boast.
because there is evil.”
d. Because Mr. Lim had been an
_____32-33. “A violent wind does not last for a accountant for 20 years, he knows his job very
whole morning; a sudden rain does not last for well.
the whole day.”
e. Rody finished the school mural all by
_____34-35. “A man with outward courage himself, but Sheena, who was his partner, was
dares to die; a man with inner courage dares boasting how easy and fast THEY made it.
to live.”
f. Col. Ramos tried his best to prevent
_____36-37. “A skillful soldier is not violent, an his’ subordinates from being killed during their
able fighter does not rage, a mighty conqueror clash with the MILF.
does not give battle, a great commander is a
g. The Commander-in-Chief attempts to
humble man”
carry on with the peace talks with the
_____38-39. “What is firmly rooted cannot be country’s least ally.
pulled out.”

IV. Essay. Answer the question briefly but precisely.

40-54. Draw the symbol of Yin Yang and give their differences.(15 points)

55-60. Why does other Thinkers believe that it is not possible for Lao Tzu to be the founder of Taoism?
(6 points)

Prepared by: Giancarla Ma. L. Dingle

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