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A 2012 review of the academic literature found that the word "teamwork" has been used "as a
catchall to refer to a number of behavioral processes and emergent states".

In healthcare, teamwork is "a dynamic process involving two or more healthcare professionals
with complementary background and skills, sharing common health goals and exercising
concerted physical and mental effort in assessing, planning, or evaluating patient care". Having
followed a volatile trend in the past century, the societal diffusion and application of teamwork
has shown a sharp increase since the late 1970s.

In a business setting, accounting techniques may be used to provide financial measures of the
benefits of teamwork which are useful for justifying the concept. Health-care policy-makers
increasingly advocate teamwork as a means of assuring quality and safety in the delivery of
services; a committee of the Institute of Medicine recommended in 2000 that patient-safety
programs "establish interdisciplinary team training programs for providers that incorporate
proven methods of team training, such as simulation."

In health care, a systematic concept analysis in 2008 concluded teamwork to be "a dynamic
process involving two or more healthcare professionals with complementary backgrounds and
skills, sharing common health goals and exercising concerted physical and mental effort in
assessing, planning, or evaluating patient care." Elsewhere teamwork is defined as "those
behaviours that facilitate effective team member interaction", with "team" defined as "a group of
two or more individuals who perform some work related task, interact with one another
dynamically, have a shared past, have a foreseeable shared future, and share a common fate".
Another definition for teamwork proposed in 2008 is "the interdependent components of
performance required to effectively coordinate the performance of multiple individuals"; as such,
teamwork is "nested within" the broader concept of team performance, which also includes
individual-level taskwork.

Definition of Teamwork
Teamwork can be defined as a technique which is used by an organization or among the group of
people in order to accomplish certain task assigned to them. Some more points on teamwork are
given below in order to explain the definition of teamwork more clearly.

1. In entire process of teamwork all the partners or the members of a team works together
and share mutual responsibilites in order to achieve their goals.
2. The main advantage of teamwork is that it allows learners to discuss their work together,
and as a result they grow professionally.
3. Some of the important characteristics of an effective teamwork are : Respect of roles
between members of a team, Positive student-student relationships, Setting of rules and
norms, Trust between team members, Leadership qualities etc.,
4. Teamwork or a group in a class room helps the students to learn the fundamental skills
associated with working as a collective unit toward a common goal.
5. This type of teamwork qualities introduces a variety of important or valuable skills which
will help the students later in the workplace or workforce.
6. Teamwork also helps to improve the communications skills, time management skills and
resource allocation skills.

Types of Teams
There are four main types of teams explained below:
• Informal Teams
The main motive behind forming an informal team is social purposes. This type of team
facilitates the employee pursuits of the common concerns such as improvement in the working

• Problems Solving Teams

These types of teams are formed when a problem can’t get solved within the structure of the
standard organization. The problem-solving team works in a cross-functional way for the
betterment of an organization.

• Leadership Teams
The leadership teams consist of management that brings together for spanning the boundaries
between the several functions in the company. The heads of finance, marketing, and production
have to interact with each other and come with a common goal for the product.

• Self-Directed Teams
In these types of teams, the autonomy is given to decide how a work will be completed. The self-
directed teams are offered with a mission by the company and then determine how to complete
this purpose.

Characteristics of an Effective Teamwork

In a group of people, the characteristics of the effective teamwork consist of the willingness to
take responsibility and set aside the personal issues for achieving a common goal. Have a look at
the characteristics of the effective teamwork:
• Credibility
All the people in the group should take responsibility and accept the credit for their actions as a
team and not on an individual basis.

• Sense of Purpose
There is a need to have a sense of purpose in the team for achieving a specific and clear mission.
All the members of the team should believe that this mission is necessary to attain.

• Accountability
It is necessary that the teams must be accountable as a group for all their failures and successes.
It means that you required rewarding the team as a group for their accomplishments if you are a
business owner.

• Cooperative Spirit
There is a need for the spirit of cooperation in a successful team. All the members required to
work collectively for achieving the specific missions. It can be tough if some of the individuals
in the group are highly opinionated or strong personalities.

• Appreciation
All the members of the group should appreciate the knowledge’s diversity, which the other
individual in the group can offer. They should use the skills and knowledge of a particular
member in a convincing way for achieving the organization’s goals.

Why Teamwork Matters

 Motivates unity in the workplace environment

A teamwork environment promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendship and loyalty.

These close-knit type ambiances motivate employees in parallel and alignment to work
harder, cooperate and be supportive of one another. Individuals possess diverse talents,
weaknesses, communication skills, strengths and habits. Therefore, when a teamwork
environment is not encouraged this can pose many challenges towards achieving the
overall goals and objectives.

This creates an environment where employees become self-absorbed in promoting their

own achievements and competing against their fellow colleagues. Ultimately, this can
lead to an unhealthy and inefficient working environment.

 Offers differing perspectives and feedback

Teamwork structures provide diversity of thought, creativity, perspectives, opportunities

and problem solving approaches. A team environment allows individuals to brainstorm
collectively, which in turn increases their success to problem solve and arrive at solutions
more efficiently and effectively.

They also allow the initiative to innovate in turn creating a competitive edge to
accomplish goals and objectives. Sharing differing opinions and experiences strengthens
accountability and can help make effective decisions faster, than when done alone.
Teamwork effort increases output from instantaneous feedback and multiple sets of
skills; that is, stages of designing, planning and implementation can be done almost

 Improved efficiency and productivity

When incorporating teamwork strategies employees become more efficient and

productive as it allows the workload to be shared, reduce the pressure off individuals,
ensure tasks are completed within a set time frame, allows goals to be more attainable,
enhances the optimization of performance, improves job satisfaction and increases work

Ultimately, when a group of individuals work in tandem, compared to one person

working alone, they promote a more efficient work output and are able to complete tasks
faster due to many minds intertwined on the same goals and objectives of the business.

 Provides learning opportunities

Working in a team enables individuals to learn from one another’s mistakes. They are
able to avoid future errors, gain insight from differing perspectives, and learn new
concepts from more experienced colleagues.

In addition, individuals can expand their skill sets, discover fresh ideas from newer
colleagues and therefore ascertain more effective approaches and solutions towards the
tasks at hand. This active engagement generates the future articulation, encouragement
and innovative capacity to problem solve and generate ideas more effectively and

 Promotes workplace synergy

Mutual support, shared goals, cooperation and encouragement provides workplace

synergy. With this, team members are able to feel a greater sense of accomplishment, are
collectively responsible for outcomes achieved and feed individuals with the incentive to
perform at higher levels.

When team members are aware of their own responsibilities and roles, as well as the
significance of their output being relied upon by the rest of their team, team members will
be driven to share the same vision, values and goals. The result creates a workplace
environment based on fellowship, trust, support, respect and cooperation.

Without the ability to effectively work in a team environment, this can impede on the success of
developing, formulating and implementing new and innovative ideas. The ability to problem
solve is reduced, as well as the attainment of meeting goals and objectives in turn limiting the
efficiency and effectiveness of growing a successful company is hindered.

The synergy of individuals is a powerful and potent instrument; don’t be fooled by the idea that
working in isolation brings glory. Working in solitude may bring about bouts of stardom,
however, will not necessarily make you a regular winner!

Advantages of Teamwork
1. Improves Productivity : Teamwork helps to improve productivity, profitability and
employee satisfaction by sharing ideas, opinions and interpersonal skills.
2. Improves Creativity : The creative problem solving is seen using the inputs of the
individuals in the team. Greater creativity and innovation can be achieved.
3. Distribution of Work load : The responsibility can be shared or distributed among the
individuals of the team to reduced the work load.
4. Quick Solution : Teamwork allows to generate multiple ideas for solving various
problems and makes easier to resolve issues.
5. Diversity of Ideas at workplace : Teamwork provides a large pool of ideas.
6. Better and Effective Decision : Teamwork helps to improve the quality of decision
7. Motivation : Commitment among teams enhances and stimulates motivation,
performance and attendence.
8. Learning : There is an interaction among teams, enhances learning and knowledge
among teams. Opportunity of learning from others for working as a team.
9. Higher quality input : Teamwork shares expertise and skills and helps to achieve quality
work. Increases profits and product quality.
10. Less cost and time : Work is completed faster and effectively. Less time is wasted.
11. Commitment : Team members commit to support each other.
12. Communication : Teamwork helps to improve communication and interpersonal skills.
Improved communication among staff.
13. Coordination : Interaction and coordination among the members of the teams enhances
the knowledge of the whole team.
14. Mutual support : It helps to achieve mutual support and learning on different problems.
15. Increase the trust : Teamwork helps to improve the team relations and increases trust
among the team members.
16. Positive work environment : By appreciating team members, listening to innovative
ideas and building trust on your team meambers allows to create positive environment at
17. Continuity of work : If the member or individual leaves the team then the work of the
project continues during teamwork.
18. Greater control over the task : Members of a team works together to complete taks
19. Greater job satisfaction : Better information sharing and work is often more happier and
enjoyable at workplace.

Disadvantages of Teamwork
1. Lack of competence : Sometimes during teamwork lack of ability to do specific work is
observed among the team members.
2. Conflicts : Sometimes conflict is developed among the members of a team.
3. Difference in opinions : Some members have difficulty in accepting ideas that differ
from their own ideas or opinions.
4. Some individuals in a team are not compatible with the assigned team work.
5. Unwillingness to participate : Sometimes the team members do less work than other
members of the team and do not participate much.
6. Unequal participation : Teamwork may lead to an unequal participation of individuals
in a team.
7. Difference in work style : Sometimes teamwork may slows down the problem-solving
process because of disussion and disagreements.
8. Task ambiguity : Due to poor work planning among the individuals the task remains
9. Poor readiness to work : Sometimes a team may take longer time to produce desired
10. Social Loafing : People working together may exert less effort to achive a goal but when
they are kept alone they might work more, hence social loafing is observed in teamwork.
11. Sometimes one person's negativity may demoralize the entire team.




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