A Study of Fluid and Structure Interaction in A Carotid Bifurcation
A Study of Fluid and Structure Interaction in A Carotid Bifurcation
A Study of Fluid and Structure Interaction in A Carotid Bifurcation
School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria
CSIRO Manufacturing & Materials Technology, Highett, Victoria
MODEL DESCRIPTION At very high stress/strain above the toe (low strain) and
The analyses of the flow and the structure in this work stiff (medium strain) regions, individual collagen fibers of
were conducted with use of the so-called ‘one-way the blood vessel begin to rupture and the vessel
coupling’ fluid /structure interaction (FSI) model. deformation becomes irreversible (plastic deformation).
Initially, a fluid-dynamics simulation was conducted to The stress/strain values at which the blood vessel rupture
obtain the stress distribution on the carotid wall. The begins are referred to as ultimate stress/strain. Like the
obtained fluid stresses was subsequently imported into and stress/strain relationship, the ultimate stress/strain vary
used in a structural analysis. depending on age, disease history, and mechanical load.
The ultimate stress/strain also depends on the dynamics of
the mechanical load.
Uniaxial tension tests by Mohan et al. (1982) (performed
on human thoracic aorta) gave an approximate value of
tensile failure strength in the range from 1.47 MPa to 5.07
MPa. In the work by Monson (2001), ultimate stretch
(ratio) of 1.35:1.5 and failure stress of 1.06 to 3.4 MPa
were reported for cerebral blood vessels).
The finite element model of the carotid bifurcation has
been built based on the measurement data reported by
Delfino et al., 1997:
The diameter of the common carotid is 8.92 mm;
One branch of the carotid bifurcation has a large bulb
Figure 2: Carotid bifurcation model with an obstacle
with inner diameter of 9.24 mm. To the outlet of this
blocking the flow in the large bulb.
branch, the artery diameter gradually decreases to
Typical arterial walls consist of three layers: the intima, 7.08 mm;
media and adventitia, where the predominant connective In the smaller branch, the carotid diameter slightly
tissue components are smooth muscle, collagen and decreases from 6.46 mm to 6.38 mm;
elastin. The influence of smooth muscle in determining
The angle between the axes of the internal and
the form of stress strain relationship is relatively small. At
external carotids is 50o;
different levels of stress, the elastin and collagen fibers
contribute differently to the total structural function of the The total arterial wall thickness is 0.7 mm throughout
artery wall, which leads to the so called “biphasic” artery the carotid bifurcation;
structural behaviour. That is linear isotropic stress-strain The carotids are “thin-walled” and no residual stress
dependency at low stress and highly non-linear and in the carotid wall is present in unloaded state.
anisotropic (viscoelastic ) behaviour at high stress (Figure The modelling and numerical analyses have been carried
2). The mechanical behaviour of a typical abdominal out using the commercial finite-element ANSYS 6.0 code.
aorta exhibits this “ biphasic” nature.13 The fluid-dynamics simulation was carried out using
To qualitatively describe the blood vessel mechanical 53,705 FLUID142 elements. The carotid bifurcation
properties, the vessels can be modelled as purely elastic, model consists of two layers: the inner one to represent
pseudoelastic, or viscoelastic material. The purely elastic the combination of tunica intima and media, and the outer
(linear isotropic) assumption is most commonly used to one to represent tunica adventitia. The inner layer of the
reduce the model complexity, but it can not describe non- carotid bifurcation wall which includes the obstacle was
linear mechanical behaviour of the artery wall. The built with 6720 elastic SHELL63 elements. The outer
pseudo-elastic material model is usually based on the use layer was represented by 6652 SHELL63 elements.
of hyperelastic strain energy functions, which are given in SHELL63 is a 4-node finite strain element with six
terms of either Green-Lagrangian strain components or degrees of freedom at each node - translation in the x,y,z
strain invariants. Many experimental measurements (both directions and rotation about the x,y,z axes. This type of
in-vivo and simulated) have been conducted to determine element has both bending and membrane capabilities and
the parameters of the strain energy correlations, which is able to deal with large (geometrically non-linear)
were found to change significantly through aging, disease displacement. The contact between the two layers was
and change in mechanical load. modeled using 13,304 ANSYS contact element pairs. In
total, 26,676 finite elements were used to model the
carotid bifurcation wall and obstacle.
CFD simulation
The average blood velocity in the common carotid was
assumed to be 1 m/s. Constant systolic pressure of 24 kPa
(180 mmHg) was set at the branch outlets. The blood
density and viscosity were specified as 1060 kg/m3 and
0.0036 Pa.s, respectively. The flow Reynolds number was
about 2650. Figure 7: Distribution of the wall shear stress.
The computational results are shown in Figures 5-7. The Structural analysis
obstacle is seen to have a significant effect on the flow In the realistic elastic arteries (aorta, carotids), the
and the distribution of wall pressure. In figure 5, thicknesses of the media and adventitia layers are
significant pressure build-up is observed in the flow comparable. In this analysis, the thicknessses of both inner
before the obstacle. Lower pressure is seen in the flow and outer layers are assumed to be equal to 0.35mm which
behind the obstacle which can be explained by the is a half of the total thickness (0.7 mm). In this work,
formation of an area with slow recirculation. The media and adventitia were modeled as isotropic, linear
computational results indicate that the wall shear stress is elastic materials. The structural properties reported in the
small compared with the wall pressure. Therefore, only work by Finet et al., 2002, and Ohayon et al., 2005, were
fluid pressure was used in the following structural used and listed in Table 1. In this analysis, the carotid
analysis. bifurcation is modeled using thin (and plane) shell
elements and, hence, the effect of cross-plane deformation
is ignored. The stiffness of the obstacle is set to a
relatively high value so that its deformation is small.
Young’s Poisson’s
modulus, kPa ratio
Adventitia 850 0.27
Media 150 0.27
Estimated equivalent 500 0.27
single layer properties
Table 1: Structural properties used in the analysis (Finet
et al., 2002).
Two simulations were conducted: one with different (case
1) and the other with equivalent single-layer (case 2)
structural properties of the wall. Appropriate displacement
constrains were applied at the ends of the carotid
bifurcation section to prevent its movement. The pressure
Figure 5: Distribution of the blood pressure on the carotid
load was initially set equal to 1% of the full load and
bifurcation wall.
gradually ramped up to 100%. Careful control of ramping
step was required to obtain convergence. To accurately
predict the deformation of the thin shells the option of
“Large Displacement solution” was activated in all
Case 1
Case 2
Figure 8: Von-Mises stress 1 in the inner layer. Figure 10. Von-Mises stress in the obstacle.
Case 1
Case 2
Figure 9. Von-Mises stress in the outer layer. Figure 11. Sliding distance.