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Business English Course Ware

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Business English Week 1 March 17-20 2015

Specific Language Week Lecture Topics Date Procedure and

Objectives methodology

Understand various
discourse forms covering 1st Session (2 hours ) Business Introductions March 17 Video comprehension
Business Introductions 1 developing combined
and greetings Introductions and visual-audio receptive
greeting skills to deduce meaning
from context.
Learn vocabulary and
useful phrases in Business Vocabulary Introduction
Important body
Get familiar with language to remember
situations involving
business introductions Speaking practice
Pair work/ Role playing

Understand various
discourse forms involving 1 2nd Session (2hours) Welcoming visitors in March 18 Video comprehension
Welcoming visitors the Office. developing combined
visual-audio receptive
Learn the appropriate Greeting customers and skills to deduce meaning
from context.
skills in making a good colleagues in business
impression on guests, situations Vocabulary Introduction
clients and customers the
organization receives. Welcoming visitors to Speaking Practice
your office – offering Group activity/ Role
Prepare students to drinks, leading visitors to playing
receive guests formally meeting rooms.
and informally “ Prospective investor
and partners visiting
the office
Business English Week 1 March 17-20 2015

Specific Language Week Lecture Topics Date Procedure and

Objectives methodology

Understand various
discourse forms involved 3rd Session (2 hours ) Making a request in the March 19 Video comprehension
in ‘ Courteously making a 1 office developing combined
request” visual-audio receptive
How to politely ask for skills to deduce meaning
from context.
Learn vocabulary and information in the office
useful phrases in making a Vocabulary Introduction
request in the office Proper statement and
intonation Requesting Materials
Become acquainted with and Tools and
the “different style of Appropriate
appropriateness in making Responses
a request.

Speaking practice
Pair work/ Role playing

Adapting to
Workplace culture in
making and
responding to request

Understand various
discourse forms in making 1 4th Session (2hours) Making and setting March 18 Video comprehension
and setting appointments appointments developing combined
visual-audio receptive
Learn the skills and role of The Formal and informal skills to deduce meaning
from context.
a business person in way of making
arranging meetings and appointments Vocabulary Introduction
Creating a weekly
Practice and apply the planner
language for making
appointments Role play/ making
appointments based on
the content of the
weekly planner
Business English Week 2 March 24-27 2015

Specific Language Week Lecture Topics Date Procedure and methodology


To develop learners’ 1st Session Describing job March Video comprehension developing
ability to speak in full 2 (2 hours ) Responsibilities 24 combined visual-audio receptive skills to
sentences to deduce meaning from context.
describe a job • Identifying different
Vocabulary Introduction
job titles and their
To give practice of associated duties Speaking practice
using the verbs: deal Pair work/ Role playing
with, work in, look
after, helps (to + do), Students brainstorm and
when describing the describe jobs
duties of a job •
Students discuss job interests,
To develop learners’ conduct interviews and give
vocabulary of job career advice to each other
roles and duties.

Understand ways of
performing language 2 2nd Session The importance of March Video comprehension developing
functions related to (2hours) politeness in 25 combined visual-audio receptive skills to
fostering social Business- Structures deduce meaning from context.
relationships, with and expressions of
Vocabulary Introduction
appropriate politeness
Appropriate language Speaking Practice
Adapt and put in use to build a better Group activity/ Role playing
different social and workplace
grammatical relationships Perform language functions such
structures for as accepting and rejecting invitations
expressing politeness appropriately
in English.
Using modals for polite requests
Identify the various
uses of polite
Business English Week 2 March 24-27 2015

Specific Language Week Lecture Topics Date Procedure and

Objectives methodology

Identify essential 3rd Session The basics of customer March 26 Power point
customer service skills 2 (2 hours ) service presentation
Customer service
Know the three main Dealing with customer skills
methods of customer situations
Guide students
delivery through the
Work through scenarios
dealing with service in
practice 1. Discuss the
tasks and set
up possible
role play
2. Highlight the
lessons from
this activity
Explain how failure to Show the PowerPoint
remedy customer 2 4th Session (2hours) Dealing with Customer March 27 on Handling Customer
complaints affects the Complaint Complaints and
organization or business discuss the
importance of good
Describe the types and customer service.
actions of customers who
complain After the PowerPoint,
ask the students to
Learn ways on how to identify the steps of
effectively deal with
creating good
customer complaint
customer service

Show the Handling

Customer Complaints
Role play PowerPoint
and review student
responses in class.
Dr. Filemon C. Aguilar Information Technology Training Institute
COURSE SYLLABUS - ENG 131 (Business English)

COURSE TITLE: Business English

COURSE OVERVIEW: Business English is a basic course designed for intermediate students of English as a
second language who wish to improve their written and spoken business communication skills. The
course focuses on level-appropriate grammar, introduces vocabulary specific to various business
domains, and familiarizes students with the finer points of business etiquette and business








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