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The Schoolcraft Families of

Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi

County, QC


David J. Ellis
David J. Ellis
1 Wilshire Drive
Londonderry, New Hampshire, 03053
Edition 3.2
© 2014 David J. Ellis
Since my original publication of this work I released several updates and had decided that it
was time to let the work stand on its own. Such decisions should never be made. In 2013 I
was contacted by Dennis Rodgers, one of the much earlier researchers of the Schoolcraft
family line. Dennis was extremely helpful in highlighting some discrepancies in my
documentation of the Virginian lines, discussed in Chapter 17 and which I had included in
my second edition. Several of the facts produced by Dennis were new to me. Coupled with a
number of other changes I decided that an update to Edition 3 was appropriate.

I consider myself an amateur genealogist. It is not my profession, although it has been over
20 years since I started looking at my wife’s ancestors. I have had considerable assistance
from others. They are most likely responsible for those parts of this interpretation that are
correct. The errors are my own work, and I accept responsibility for them. I have been
careful and diligent in my research but human error is always possible.

It is not possible to list the many people who have contributed to this work. In an attempt to
address this I must acknowledge a few. Mr. Grove Schoolcraft has spent countless hours in
chasing down and verifying hundreds, if not thousands of references necessary to the
preparation of this document. I would never have had the time or patience to do that work on
my own. In the early stages of my research Ms. Francine Hart provided considerable help by
providing leads to the Boomhower family. Ms. Marilyn O’Leary is another who has provided
considerable insight into the Schoolcraft line in Clarenceville, Quebec. It is easy to focus on
the male line where the name is easy to follow. I am guilty of this. I am therefore grateful to
Ms. Lamora Magdaleno for providing much of the information about Ann Schoolcraft, the
wife of Simon Stone from Stanbridge, Quebec. Ms. Judy Antle of the Missisquoi Museum
deserves credit for the help she provided in allowing me access to some of the records held at
the Museum. One with whom I never spoke but who helped a great deal is Mr. Ed
Schoolcraft of Albuquerque, New Mexico. His work on the early Schoolcraft presence in the
Americas inspired me by his clarity of analysis and insightful use of circumstantial evidence.
Between the summer of 1985 and the summer of 1987 Ms. Ethel May Diel started and
published a Schoolcraft Newsletter. While I did not possess copies of that Newsletter when
preparing this book, a lot of the leads and clues that I obtained from others and subsequently
used have their origins in that Newsletter. In 1986 Ed Schoolcraft published his book titled
“Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country and Detailing Some Facts
and Opinions on One Particular Branch of This Family - With Regards to the Migration of
That Branch From New York, to Virginia and Kentucky”. I have used some of Ed’s analysis
and appropriately refer to it in the body of this book. In 1988 and 1989 Ed published a
newsletter titled Schoolcraft Ancestral News. When preparing this book, a lot of leads and
clues that I used have their origins in that newsletter. Most recently, Mr. Greg Parkes
acquired copies of some of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft’s original manuscripts and generously
provided copies to me. A letter from Henry to his father-in-law has added detail about
Henry’s great grandfather that is surprisingly consistent with known facts and also gives
insight into Henry’s sources. Greg generously permitted me to include his transcription of
another document in Appendix B. All these sources have guided my interpretation of the

Schoolcraft family. To those many others who have assisted me in this work but whom I
have not explicitly named I do assure you that your assistance was greatly valued and I am
indebted to you.

This document would not have been possible without the understanding and patience of my
dear wife, Denise. In return for the countless hours she allowed me to spend on this hobby I
dedicate this work to her. She has been continually supportive of the time spent at a computer
screen when I should have been spending time with her

PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................................. I
CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... III
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER 1 : 17TH CENTURY ENGLAND .....................................................................................................5
A PRESBYTERIAN MINISTER................................................................................................................................5
HEADMASTER OF THE ROYAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL, LANCASTER ........................................................................8
JAMES SCHOOLCROFT‘S FAMILY .........................................................................................................................8
OTHER ENGLISH ANCESTORS ............................................................................................................................ 14
CHAPTER 2 : JAMES, THE AMERICAN SCHOOLCRAFT ..................................................................... 17
CHRISTIAN SCHOOLCRAFT ................................................................................................................................ 20
LAWRENCE SCHOOLCRAFT................................................................................................................................ 21
THE IGI BIRTH RECORDS FOR JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT‘S CHILDREN ................................................................... 23
JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT‘S CHILDREN ................................................................................................................... 25
JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT‘S DEATH ........................................................................................................................ 27
CHAPTER 3 : HENRY ROWE SCHOOLCRAFT‘S GRANDFATHER ..................................................... 31
THE MILITARY RECORD .................................................................................................................................... 31
JOHN SCHOOLCRAFT‘S DESCENDANTS .............................................................................................................. 33
HENRY ROWE SCHOOLCRAFT............................................................................................................................ 37
CHAPTER 4 : A MILITARY FAMILY .......................................................................................................... 41
THE MILITARY RECORD .................................................................................................................................... 41
LAWRENCE’S CHURCH LIFE .............................................................................................................................. 44
FINDING THE JACOB .......................................................................................................................................... 45
WILL THOSE CALLED PETER SCHOOLCRAFT STEP FORWARD? ......................................................................... 46
DAVID SCHOOLCRAFT ....................................................................................................................................... 49
A CASE OF RESURRECTION! .............................................................................................................................. 51
THE RELATIONSHIP OF ELISHA AND SYLVESTER SCHOOLCRAFT....................................................................... 52
JACOB FRIDENDALL .......................................................................................................................................... 53
OZIAS AND ADAM SCHOOLCRAFT IN TIOGA COUNTY ....................................................................................... 53
CHAPTER 5 : A LOYALIST FAMILY ........................................................................................................... 57
THE ANAQUASSACOOK (SCHERMERHORN) PATENT .......................................................................................... 57
THE LOYALISTS OF CAMBRIDGE ....................................................................................................................... 59
THE MILITARY RECORD .................................................................................................................................... 61
THE QUEBEC LAND GRANTS AND OATHS OF ALLEGIANCE ............................................................................... 65
CHRISTIAN SCHOOLCRAFT‘S CHILDREN ............................................................................................................ 70
CHAPTER 6 : AN EARLY DEATH ................................................................................................................ 75
LAWRENCE SCHOOLCRAFT, MARRIED TO MARIA SCHNEIDER IN 1790 ............................................................. 75
SAMUEL SCHOOLCRAFT, SOLDIER ON THE CONNECTICUT LINE ........................................................................ 77
CHAPTER 7 : THE DAUGHTERS.................................................................................................................. 81
MARGARET SCHOOLCRAFT, BORN ABOUT 1734 ............................................................................................... 81
MARIA MAGDALENA SCHOOLCRAFT, BAPTIZED SEPTEMBER 29TH, 1735 ........................................................ 82
ELIZABETH SCHOOLCRAFT, BORN DECEMBER 25TH, 1738 ............................................................................... 82
CATHERINE HELEN SCHOOLCRAFT, BAPTIZED JULY 26TH, 1741 ...................................................................... 82

CHAPTER 8 : UNRESOLVED ISSUES IN SCHOHARIE COUNTY ......................................................... 85
RACHEL SHOECRAFT, BORN ABOUT 1788 ......................................................................................................... 86
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, NEW YORK................................................................................................................ 86
H. LAWRENCE SCHOOLCRAFT, BORN ABOUT 1787 ........................................................................................... 87
LUKE SCHOOLCRAFT, BORN ABOUT 1790......................................................................................................... 87
JACOB SCHOOLCRAFT, BORN BEFORE 1796 ...................................................................................................... 88
SOPHIA SCHOOLCRAFT, BORN ABOUT 1803...................................................................................................... 89
ANN SCHOOLCRAFT, BORN ABOUT 1805 .......................................................................................................... 89
MARY ANN SCHOOLCRAFT, BORN ABOUT 1806 ............................................................................................... 89
CHAPTER 9 : ADAM SCHOOLCRAFT, A STANBRIDGE ASSOCIATE ................................................ 91
ADAM SCHOOLCRAFT‘S CHILDREN ................................................................................................................... 95
CHRISTOPHER SCHOOLCRAFT ........................................................................................................................... 95
CATHERINE PHELPS ........................................................................................................................................... 98
CHAPTER 10 : WILLIAM SCHOOLCRAFT, A FARM BY THE LAKE ................................................ 103
WILLIAM AND CATHERINE’S CHILDREN.......................................................................................................... 105
WHERE THE CHILDREN WENT ......................................................................................................................... 108
REMAINING AMBIGUITIES ............................................................................................................................... 111
CHAPTER 11 : JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT OF ST. IGNACE DE STANBRIDGE ................................... 117
JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT JR. ................................................................................................................................ 118
ELIJAH SCHOOLCRAFT AND VAN BUREN COUNTY, MICHIGAN ....................................................................... 119
JOEL SCHOOLCRAFT AND A NAMING COINCIDENCE ........................................................................................ 120
MOSES SCHOOLCRAFT AND ANOTHER MICHIGAN CONNECTION..................................................................... 121
TWO DAUGHTERS, OR SOMETHING MORE COMPLEX ...................................................................................... 122
CHAPTER 12 : PETER SCHOOLCRAFT, LIFE ON THE BORDER ...................................................... 129
PETER SCHOOLCRAFT‘S CHILDREN ................................................................................................................. 130
ISAAC SCHOOLCRAFT, THE IMPOSSIBLE GRANDFATHER ................................................................................. 134
THE CASE FOR MATILDA, AND NANCY SCHOOLCRAFT ................................................................................... 134
THOMAS SCHOOLCRAFT .................................................................................................................................. 135
CHAPTER 13 : JOHN SCHOOLCRAFT, A FAMILY UNDER STRESS ................................................. 141
WHO IS SOLOMON DUNHAM?.......................................................................................................................... 141
SIMON SCHOOLCRAFT ..................................................................................................................................... 144
A FINAL LOOK AT JOHN SCHOOLCRAFT‘S FAMILY ......................................................................................... 145
CHAPTER 14 : MARTIN SCHOOLCRAFT OF ST. IGNACE DE STANBRIDGE ................................ 147
THREE CHILDREN THAT CAN BE PROVEN....................................................................................................... 148
THREE EARLY ANGLICAN MARRIAGES ........................................................................................................... 150
LORENZO SCHOOLCRAFT ................................................................................................................................ 151
THE STUKELY CONNECTION............................................................................................................................ 152
MARTIN SCHOOLCRAFT‘S WIFE, HANNAH SCOFIELD ...................................................................................... 154
MARTIN’S CHILDREN ...................................................................................................................................... 155
CHAPTER 15 : ANNA SCHOOLCRAFT AND SIMON STONE............................................................... 167
WHO IS SIMON STONE? ................................................................................................................................... 170
SIMON STONE AND ANNA SCHOOLCRAFT‘S CHILDREN ................................................................................... 170
CHAPTER 16 : UNRESOLVED ISSUES IN MISSISQUOI COUNTY ..................................................... 177
THE KENTUCKY CONNECTION ........................................................................................................................ 177

A NEW HAMPSHIRE MARRIAGE ...................................................................................................................... 179
SOME ISOLATED RECORDS WITH CONNECTIONS TO QUEBEC OR NEW ENGLAND ........................................... 179
CHAPTER 17 : THE VIRGINIANS .............................................................................................................. 183
STAFFORD COUNTY, VIRGINIA ........................................................................................................................ 183
AUSTIEN SCHOOLCRAFT AND THE EARLY LOCATIONS IN WEST VIRGINIA ...................................................... 184
AUSTIEN SCHOOLCRAFT'S CHILDREN .............................................................................................................. 185
ABOUT JOHN SCHOOLCRAFT'S WIFE ............................................................................................................... 189
GEORGE SCHOOLCRAFT .................................................................................................................................. 193
A LOUISIANA CONNECTION ............................................................................................................................ 198
OTHER EARLY SCHOOLCRAFTS ....................................................................................................................... 199
APPENDIX A : SKETCHES OF THE LIFE OF HENRY R. SCHOOLCRAFT ...................................... 205
APPENDIX B : A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF COL. LAUREN SCHOOLCRAFT ............................... 221
3 - 19................................................................................................................................................................... 239
LETTER WRITTEN BY MARGARET BUSH ......................................................................................................... 239
LETTER WRITTEN BY J. W. CALHOUN ............................................................................................................. 241
JOHN SCHOOLCRAFT, HIS FAMILY AND THE MASSACRE .................................................................................. 242
APPENDIX D : DOCUMENT IMAGES ....................................................................................................... 249
FIGURE 1: LANCASTER AND CATON, A COMPOSITE FROM GREENWOOD 1818 ................................................ 249
FIGURE 2: ALBANY MUSTER 1713, A. COMPANY, SOLDIER 78 ....................................................................... 250
FIGURE 3: FIRST REFORMED CHURCH, SCHENECTADY, AUSTIEN.................................................................... 251
FIGURE 4: SCHOHARIE TO ALBANY, EXTRACT FROM CÓVENS AND MORTIER 1780 ........................................ 252
FIGURE 5: DONATION BY LAWRENCE TO ST. PAUL’S CHURCH ........................................................................ 253
FIGURE 6: ANAQUASSACOOK (SCHERMERHORN) PATENT ............................................................................... 254
FIGURE 7: QUEEN’S LOYAL RANGERS, COL. PETERS COMMAND [PART OF] .................................................... 255
FIGURE 8: 3RD COMPANY ROSTER CIRCA 1778 ............................................................................................... 256
FIGURE 9: BENNINGTON BATTLEFIELD ........................................................................................................... 257
FIGURE 10: AGREEMENT OF ADAM SCHOOLCRAFT AND ISAAC AFSELSTINE ................................................... 258
FIGURE 11: JACOB ROSE FAMILY RECORD ...................................................................................................... 266
FIGURE 12: STANBRIDGE CIRCA 1830-37 ........................................................................................................ 268
FIGURE 13: MISSISQUOI COUNTY, JOSEPH BOUCHETTE [H11/300 -1831 #11 OF 12]....................................... 269
FIGURE 14: LOCATIONS ON A MODERN MAP ................................................................................................... 270
FIGURE 15: CANADIAN ARCHIVES NATIONAL MAP COLLECTION [NMC 19134] ............................................ 271
FIGURE 16: MISSISQUOI BAY CIRCA 1830 ....................................................................................................... 272
FIGURE 17: ROUVILLE MILITIA ANNUAL RETURN, 1838 ................................................................................. 273
FIGURE 18: SOUTH BEECH RIDGE CEMETERY - MCCLELLAN 1941 ................................................................. 275
FIGURE 19: EARLY WEST VIRGINIA SETTLEMENT........................................................................................... 277
APPENDIX E : OUTLINE DESCENDENT REPORTS .............................................................................. 278
JAMES SCHOOLCROFT OF CATON, LANCASHIRE .............................................................................................. 278
JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT, CHRISTENED JUNE 27TH, 1688 .................................................................................... 282
JOHN SCHOOLCRAFT BAPTIZED APRIL 28TH, 1731 ........................................................................................... 289
LAWRENCE SCHOOLCRAFT BAPTIZED MARCH 20TH, 1732/33.......................................................................... 309
CHRISTIAN SCHOOLCRAFT BORN ABOUT 1732 ............................................................................................... 355
WILLIAM SCHOOLCRAFT BORN ABOUT 1730 .................................................................................................. 364
THE DAUGHTERS............................................................................................................................................. 369
UNPLACED INDIVIDUALS IN NEW YORK.......................................................................................................... 374
ADAM SCHOOLCRAFT BORN APRIL 9TH, 1756.................................................................................................. 378
WILLIAM SCHOOLCRAFT BORN ABOUT 1767 .................................................................................................. 406
JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT BAPTIZED FEBRUARY 19TH, 1762 ................................................................................. 461
PETER SCHOOLCRAFT BORN ABOUT 1768 ...................................................................................................... 494

JOHN SCHOOLCRAFT BORN AUGUST 12TH, 1766 .............................................................................................. 517
MARTIN SCHOOLCRAFT BAPTIZED FEBRUARY 6TH, 1764 ................................................................................ 525
ANNA SCHOOLCRAFT BORN BEFORE 1775...................................................................................................... 627
UNPLACED INDIVIDUALS FROM CANADA ........................................................................................................ 656
THE VIRGINIANS ............................................................................................................................................. 662
NAME INDEX .................................................................................................................................................. 695
ERRATA ........................................................................................................................................................... 717

My involvement in genealogy would not have occurred were it not for a seemingly simple
request by my mother-in-law. She asked for help in finding out about her family, which was
believed to contain Native American blood. Her mother had given her a box containing old
photographs and some small number of notes. Some of these had been handed down from her
grandmother. Some of the photographs dated back to about 1900. While it did not take long
to determine that the claim of Native American blood was true, records for that line ceased
with my mother-in-law’s great grandfather. However, on the other side of the tree was a
“Lavina Boonhower”. The name fascinated me, but there was no obvious clue to her origin.
She was really my first introduction to what genealogy entailed. With the help of others I was
directed to the work of the Rev. Harold Boomhower. He showed how the Boomhower line
might have originated in Germany in 1490 but his focus was the Boomhower name and along
the way an oversight created another problem. Lavina Boomhower was the child of Jacob
Boomhower and Orra Schoolcraft. His oversight was that he attributed Orra, who married
and lived in Stanbridge, Quebec, to Lawrence Schoolcraft and Arianne Reinhard who had not
left the Mohawk Valley in New York State. It did not seem reasonable that a young single
female would travel 300 miles, alone, to marry someone she had never met. I was hooked.

One thing that I have learnt is that there is no single interpretation for much of this data.
What seems logical one day may be disproved by new evidence the next day. Where citations
are provided you are urged to confirm these through your own endeavors. There are several
places where there is not indisputable evidence that a relationship, date or place is correct. I
have used circumstantial evidence to determine the most plausible interpretation. I have tried
to be judicial in my use of such evidence but in a few cases I have gone beyond what is
normally acceptable. In defense of this I have provided full explanation of my reasoning so
that you may be knowledgeable of it when you decide to accept or ignore my conclusions. In
those places where I present a fragment of the family tree I use four words in a very precise
way to define a family relationship:

• Proven This term signifies that the relationship it is

associated with can be determined explicitly, and beyond
reasonable doubt, from the citations or, that the body of
circumstantial evidence is so overwhelming as to leave no
reasonable doubt.
• Probable This term signifies that the relationship it is
associated with cannot be determined explicitly from the citations
but that the body of circumstantial evidence is such that it is
unlikely to be incorrect.
• Conjecture This term signifies that the relationship it is
associated with cannot be determined explicitly from the citations.
There is some circumstantial evidence pointing to the conclusion
but that evidence is not sufficient to truly establish the relationship.
Further research is required.
• Claimed This term signifies that others have claimed the
relationship exists. I have not attempted, or have been unable, to
verify the relationship. This term is most often used with
relationships that are ancillary to the primary thesis of this work.
My desire to clearly show my confidence in a relationship has influenced my decision to
include these terms adjacent to names in the lineage of the Outline Descendent Report
format. Placement beside the name of a child indicates confidence in the child to parent
relationship. Because individuals sharing a common name can lead to ambiguity in
relationships, some may not be marked proven even though a baptismal or other reliable
document stating a relationship is available.

Where I use the abbreviation abt. with a date it implies that an approximate date has been
computed from other information. Typically it is used with a birth date. Often it reflects a
date calculated from the date of death by using the person’s stated age but it may also be the
date of a baptism when a birth date was not specified. Do not assume that the individuals
identified in this work are the only ones in the family. I have done little work to trace
descendants of the females in the tree. There are also several individuals that probably
represent unplaced children. It seemed more appropriate to publish what I do know than to
withhold information until some perceived state of completeness. Such a state will likely
never be reached.

I do not discuss individuals in chronological order of their birth. Some families may be
resolved unambiguously. By discussing those families first it is possible to reduce ambiguity
in the remaining individuals. By successively applying this principle it is possible to establish
the correct lineage in almost all situations. This is particularly true for the original
immigrants to Missisquoi Bay where birth records are very incomplete.

Always a concern with genealogy is the spelling of names. Before the 20th Century, spelling
was largely phonetic. The standardization that we enjoy today did not exist. Most of the
records that are available to us were prepared by Church ministers or by civil clerks who
used whatever spelling seemed appropriate to them. Most of our early ancestors were not
literate and so could not have produced a “correct” spelling even had one existed. In the case
of the Schoolcraft families, a considerable intersection with the Germanic community
resulted in the use of Germanic forms of their name. I have found it impossible to provide a
meaningful presentation when these spelling variations are adhered to. For this reason I have
rationalized all names to a common form and retained the original spelling only when
quoting the specific citation.

The Schoolcraft families that I shall discuss have their origins in 17th Century England.
From an initial immigrant to the Albany region of New York they established a significant
pro-Revolutionary presence in what would become Schoharie County and in the Albany
region. One member of the family chose to remove farther East into what would become
Washington County, New York. The region he removed to was less sympathetic to the
Revolutionary movement and that may have played a significant role in himself and his sons
becoming Loyalists during the Revolution. After the British defeat, that family removed into
Quebec to settle in Missisquoi County. I shall visit each of these parts of the family during
this narrative. I shall refer to various historical events. History is written by the victorious.
Good guys sometimes do bad things and bad guys sometimes do good things. Your school
history primer is probably not the best source of information. There are many good, modern,

investigative history studies available for the periods that are important to us. Refer to these
and keep an open mind as even these can have their biases.

Chapter 1: 17th Century England
Edward J. Schoolcraft1 analyzed the early Schoolcraft presence in the Americas and
concluded that they came from the County of Lancashire in northern England where the
family name was Schoolcroft. The essence of Ed’s conclusion is that a James and an
Augustine Schoolcroft who are found in the Americas in the very early 1700s are the same as
two individuals of the same name who are baptized in St. Mary’s Priory Church in Lancaster.
Church records, predominantly from St. Mary’s Priory Church and from the chapel at Caton,
allow us to prepare a family tree for James Schoolcroft. (Caton is a small chapelry about five
miles east from Lancaster [Appendix D, Figure 1] in the Lonsdale deanery, Archdeaconry of
Richmond.) There is some ambiguity in this family tree as only the father is specified for
most of the christenings. None the less, it is possible to see three generations of children, the
most well documented being the earliest and having a father called James Schoolcroft who
would have had to have been born before about 1615. I shall show that that person was a
Presbyterian Minister and that his great grandson was the James Schoolcroft who came to
Albany, New York around 1710. It is that person and his descendants who are the subject of
this book.

The Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire
has produced well over one hundred volumes in which are recorded transcripts of Church and
Civil records for the counties of Lancashire and Cheshire. These documents show that variant
spellings of the name Schoolcroft are, for the most part confined to the northern part of
Lancashire around the town of Lancaster, although some instances of the name occur farther
to the south. Another name, Scowcroft, is widespread in the south, around Preston and
Kirkham, but does not appear to be in the Lancaster area. Kirkham is only thirty miles from
Lancaster. It may be that these two family names represent variations in dialect across the
county and are in fact from the same family root. If that is the case then it may be possible to
trace this family back into the mid-16th century.

A Presbyterian Minister

One reason that the earliest James Schoolcroft’s family is comparatively well documented is
that he was a minister of the Church. The earliest clue is contained in a document dealing
with the recovery of the seized estate of Francis Nicholson the Younger, of Poulton, near
Lancaster, Yeoman2. Francis had helped raise an army for the Royalists and picked the wrong
side. His estate had been seized and he was attempting to recover it. Part of the transcription
of his claim is a reference to a document in Folio 579 that is described as follows:

fo. 579. Certificate signed by James Schoulcroft, minister, of Caton, declaring

that compounder took the National Covenant before him 9 January, 1648[-9],
witnessed by Hen. Porter and Christopher Atkinson, X his mark.

There is a very relevant hidden significance in this statement. The 17th century was the time
of Civil War and bitter fighting in England. There were many factors involved in this war3. It
is not my intent to make this a study of history but a summary of a few events will put the
National Covenant in context. Religious factors were crucial in the Civil War. Scotland was

fiercely Calvinistic. Ireland was fiercely Catholic. England was mostly Protestants of either
Anglican or Puritan persuasion with some ‘closet’ Catholics. Just before the War the Puritan
and Calvinist influences dominated Parliament. Parliament believed that the King acquired
power from the people who could, in the more extreme view, dispense with him if he failed
to live up to expectations. King Charles I had a Catholic wife and was sympathetic to more
freedom for Catholics. Charles believed that his appointment came from God. God could do
no wrong, so neither could he. This came to a head in July 1637 when Charles supplied the
Scottish Calvinists with a new prayer book that did not adhere to their Calvinist beliefs. After
throwing footstools down Church aisles, the prayer book riots subsided and the Calvinists
responded in 1638 by creating the National Covenant. This was a Presbyterian concoction
that affirmed Presbyterianism, condemned the “Roman Antichrist”, and was claimed to show
how the King and the Presbyterian faith could be compatible. As Charles was a Catholic
supporter and staunch believer in the Divine Right of Kings, while the Presbyterian
movement at that time was adamant about ‘King Jesus’, all that the Covenant did was assure
the Civil War. Charles was defeated and imprisoned on the Isle of Wight. In 1647 he was
presented with the National Covenant by the victorious Presbyterians and asked to sign it.
His failure to do so was one of the factors leading to his execution. In the period following
their defeat most Royalists were required to accept the National Covenant if they had any
hopes of living some sort of normal life or recovering any of their property.

Thus we can see that not only was James Schoolcroft the minister of Caton, he was also
almost certainly a staunch Presbyterian charged with determining an individual’s adherence
to the National Covenant. This assumption of Presbyterianism is strengthened by later
references to James. James continued as minister almost to the end of the next decade4.

Thornton in Lonsdale; Caton; Bolton; Wyresdale; Ribchester. August 29th

Ordered that Mr Humfrey Harwood, recr, doe pay unto MR JAMES
SCHOOLCRAFT minister of Caton in the County of Lancr the summe of £60
out of the pfitts by him recd out of the impropriate rectories of Bolton and
Clapham in the County’s of York and Lancaster due before the 25 day of
March last in full of all arreares to him due from these Trustees for his
augmentations till the sayd 25 day of March last: provided that his ordr be
first entred with the auditor. - JO. THOROWGOOD, JO. HUMFREY, JO.
POCOCK, EDW. HOPKINS, RI. SYDENHAM. - Lambeth M.S., vol. 970, p.
Whereas Sr Henry Compton by indenture dated the 10th of March 1647 hath
conveyed the rectories of Bolton and Clapham in the Counties of York and
Lancaster in trust (among other thinges) for the raising of £100 a year for the
minister of Caton in the County of Lancaster, in pursuance of the sayd
conveyance and of the trust in us reposed it is ordered that Mr Robert
Stockdale, recr, doe from tyme to tyme pay unto MR JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT
minister of Caton aforesayd (approved according to the Ordinance for
Approbacon of Publique Preachers) the sayd yearely summe of £100 out of

the profitts of the aforesayed rectories; the same to be accounted from the
25th day of March last and to be from tyme to tyme continued and paid to the
said Mr Schoolcraft for such tyme as he shall discharge the duty of the
minister of the said place or untill further order of these Trustees: provided
that this order be first entred with the auditor. - JO. THOROWGOOD, JOHN
M.S., vol. 97O, p. 176.

Significantly, these documents show that James was from Caton. The Bolton mentioned is
not the familiar large city in southern Lancashire. A small village called Bolton is about four
miles North West of Caton. Clapham is a little ambiguous. There is also a district on the
West side of Lancaster town that is also known as Clapham. However, it is not shown as
such on Greenwood’s map. The document above also refers to the County of York. There is a
village of Newby cum Clapham about fifteen miles East from Caton in West Yorkshire. I
believe that the Clapham referred to is the one called Newby cum Clapham. The sums of
money are substantial for the time and suggest that James was probably well established in
the church hierarchy.

A more significant reference appears a couple of years later:

Whereas these Trustees by their order of the 23rd of July May 3, 1659. 1658
(amongst other things) ordered the allowance of 1Os. a Lords Day should be
made to such minister as supplied the cure of the parish church of Caton in
the County of Lancaster, in the vacancy after the ejection of Mr James
Schoolcroft late minister there, about the payment and distribucon whereof
Colonel Wm. West by the said order was to be advised with; now it being
certified to these Trustees by the said Colonel West that the said cure was
supplied by divers able ministers for 31 Lords Dayes during the said vacancy,
ordered that the sume of £15.10.0 be paid into the hands of the said Colonel
West, he giving acquittance for the same; and he is hereby to make
distribucon thereof to the severall ministers aforesaid: and that Mr Lawrence
Steele, treasurer, doe pay the same accordingly. - JO THOROWGOOD,
M.S., vol. 987, p.12.

Clearly Mr. Schoolcroft was no longer the minister. Lambeth Palace is the London home of
the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Anglican Church. These documents originated in
the Anglican Church but it was not the Anglican Church we are familiar with. Cromwell,
with justification, had accused the Church of corruption as early as 1638 and it had been
subjected to many Puritan reforms since then. What happened between 1656 and 1659 was
that the Puritan regime was faltering and on the way out. Oliver Cromwell died in 1658. His
son, who succeeded him, did not take a stand on anything and was not leadership material.
The monarchy would be restored in 1660 under Charles II. Our Presbyterian friend and
advocate of the National Covenant was most definitely on the wrong side of the fence and
may have removed from office under less than amicable circumstances. I draw attention to
the use of the phrase “Mr James Schoolcroft late minister there”. At first I felt that the word

“late” was being used in the context of his ministry. However, I later found that James died
in August 1657 (Table 1). In light of the many enforced demises during this period, I cannot
help wondering if James might not have been one of them.

Table 1: Caton Parish Register, burials 1585-1718

pp. 111 30 Aug 1657 Mr James Schoolcrofte.
pp. 112 4 Mar 1657 Mr rich: Schoolcroft, in ecclia.
pp. 115 8 Jul 1664 Margtt Schoolcroft in ecclia.

Headmaster of the Royal Grammar School, Lancaster

Before he became a Presbyterian minister James was a school teacher. The Athol Murray
History of the Royal Grammar School5, Lancaster pp. 39-41 discusses a headmaster called
James Schoolcroft who held the post until about 1652. He is first mentioned in 1631 but
Athol Murray concludes he may have taken the post as early as 1625. This position would
imply that James was probably actually born in the very early 1600s or late 1500s. The
History records that he home schooled at least two of his sons, Augustine and Richard, who
both entered St. John’s College, Cambridge6, 7 on April 12th, 1654. The History notes the
overlap between James’ teaching duties and his ministerial ones. The History also records
that James claimed a Master of Arts degree, although no record of that fact could be found.
James’ school was involved in a Civil War skirmish on March 18th, 1643. Later, in
December 1645 James was one of ten signatories to a letter declining to become involved
with the Scottish army under the Duke of Hamilton in 1648. That letter states that James had
taken the convenant previously discussed but also that James and the others were receptive to
re-establishing the monarchy. Murray records that James was buried at Caton on August 30th,

James Schoolcroft‘s Family

The foregoing shows that James lived in Caton throughout the Civil War and that is where
his children would have been born. As Caton is a chapelry within the Priory Church of
Lancaster and as James is a Minister it is not surprising that the christenings are actually
recorded in St. Mary’s church rather than the chapelry. Eight christenings are recorded
between 1633 and 1648 (Table 2).

Table 2: James Schoolcroft’s Children

Augustine SHOULECROFT Gender: M Christening: 3 Nov 1633 Saint Mary,
Lancaster, Lancashire, England
Richard SCHOOLCROFT Gender: M Christening: 6 Feb 1636 Saint Mary,
Lancaster, Lancashire, England
William SCHOOLCROFT Gender: M Christening: 6 Feb 1636 Saint Mary,
Lancaster, Lancashire, England
Thomas SCOWLCROFTE Gender: M Christening: 18 Oct 1638 Saint Mary,
Lancaster, Lancashire, England

Robert SCHOOLECROFT Gender: M Christening: 20 Feb 1641 Saint Mary,
Lancaster, Lancashire, England
Jacob SCHOOLECROFT Gender: M Christening: 19 Jan 1642 Saint Mary,
Lancaster, Lancashire, England
John SKOULECROFT Gender: M Christening: 28 Jun 1644 Saint Mary,
Lancaster, Lancashire, England
Mary SKOULECROFT Gender: F Christening: 8 Oct 1648 Saint Mary, Lancaster,
Lancashire, England

As appears customary for this time and place, the mother is not specified in any of these
baptisms. However, the Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to
Lancashire and Cheshire refers to the Will of a Margaret Schoolcroft8 of Caton in the
Lonsdale deanery that was probated at Richmond in 1664. That document comprises a single
page Will, a single page Inventory of her estate, and a single page, partly in Latin, recording
the Probate.

Every attempt has been made to transcribe each character as it was written. Case and
punctuation have been transcribed as originally written. Allowance has been made for
malformed characters when the intended character was also clear. The letter “f” is frequently
used where modern rendition would use a letter “s”. The right edge of the document is worn
away and some characters are missing. Many characters are uncertain. I have presented my
best attempt. If I had marked every instance of uncertainty as such, the resulting transcription
would be completely meaningless.

╣ or ╠ Indicates missing characters due to physical damage on the edge of the

~ Indicates truly illegible characters in the body of the document.
[thus] Indicates that I have expanded an abbreviated word.

In the name of god amen, the ninte day of may in ye year

of [our] Lord one thoufand six hundred sixty four I
Margret Schoulcroft of Caton in ye county of Lanc╠
~id: being in whole minde & in good & perfect rem ╠
brance; Laude & praife be unto Allmighty god, maker &
ordeme, this my prefent [teftament], ~onterning her╠
my laft will & [teftament], in maner & forme following
ffirst I bequeath my soul into ye hands of Allmig╠
god my maker, hoping [yet] through ye meritorious de╠
& paffion of Jefus christ my onely savioure & redeem╠
, to receive free pardon & for giveneffe of all my sinnes
and my body to be buried in ye Church of Caton in ye
county of [Lancaster], Item I will [yet] all such debts & duties a╠
owe of right or of ronfrie~e to any pfon or pfons be╠
well & truly ron~en~ed & paid by my~e executor hereaft╠
named, or elfe ordain foe for to be paid without any delay╠
ro~~~adiron, And after my debts paid, & my funerall Ex╠

pences pformed. I give & bequeath all my goods & Ca╠
as well moveable as inmoveable & debts so╠
onto my fonne Jamesjun, Item I will &╠
╣Henry shall & may peaceably & quie╠
houfe wih ~ I now dwellin paying unto my two
sonnes James & John forty pounds of lawfull mon╠
of England after ye ~pare of one yeare after my d╠
cease ( or to ye one of them then prefent, And of this
my prefent will & teftament I make & ordeine my sone
Auguftin: Schoulcroft my [Executor], And I utterly
zexor~e & difanull all & eny other former [teftaments], wills
~egares, requefts & [executors], by me in anywife before
made. In witneffe whereof I here unto fett my
hand & seale ye day & yeare first above written XX
sealed & doe╠
[The remainder of the document is torn off.]

When this document is considered in the light of what we know about James Schoolcroft and
his family, it is clear that Margaret must be his wife. It mentions sons Augustine, James Jun.,
and John for whom baptismal records exist. (The letters “juN” are indicated just above the
name “James” where he is mentioned for the first time and may have been added by a
different hand.) Augustine, the executor, is the eldest son. The two sons James and John are
the youngest two of those baptized and are aged 22 and 19. A fourth son, Henry, is absent
from the baptismal record but marries in Caton five days after this Will is drawn (Table 3). It
seems probable that Margaret was providing for her three youngest sons. The family home
went to Henry, who was about to marry, while his brothers James and John were provided
with a cash settlement. Thus I would conjecture that neither James nor John was married at
this time and that Henry was born between 1641 and 1644 at the height of the Civil War
when records may have been lost or destroyed.

Table 3: Marriages and Christenings of James’ Later Descendants

Elizabeth SCHOULCROFT Gender: F Christening: 4 Jun 1668 Colwich, Stafford,
William SCOWCROFT Gender: M Marriage: 28 Nov 1773 Saint Mary, Lancaster,
Lancashire, England
Henry SCHOOLCROFTE Gender: M Marriage: 14 May 1664 Caton, Lancashire,
James SCHOOLCROFTE Gender: M Christening: 23 Nov 1665 Caton, Lancashire,
Margaret SCHOOLCROFTE Gender: F Christening: 16 Feb 1671 Caton, Lancashire,

James SCHOOLCROFT Gender: M Christening: 27 Jun 1688 Saint Mary,
Lancaster, Lancashire, England
Agustine SCOOLCROFT Gender: M Christening: 9 Nov 1690 Saint Mary,
Lancaster, Lancashire, England

The Athol Murray History of the Royal Grammar School5, Lancaster states that James’ only
daughter and two of his sons died in infancy. The only daughter may be easily identified as
Mary who would have died before 1650. The sons are more confusing as all except one can
be shown to have survived. Augustine6 and Richard7 were both admitted to Cambridge,
although Richard died9 before matriculating. William marries Margaret Knight10 in 1773.
Henry marries Elizabeth Hodgson11 in 1664. James, the son, and is alive when his mother
prepares her Will as is his brother John. The Athol Murray History states that Robert
survived to maturity. That leaves only Thomas who could be one of the two males who died
in infancy. Thus I conclude that James was father to one other, as yet unidentified, son.

To this time, I have not been able to locate Margaret’s maiden name. There is a suspicious
marriage in St. Peter’s church in Bolton between James Scowcrofte and Margeret
Greenhalgh on July 26th, 1625. However, I cannot reliably connect the James in Caton to this
event and another researcher has suggested that this James Scowcrofte died in 1632. I accept
this marriage is irrelevant to the James Schoolcroft herein. Margaret directs that her body is
to be interred in the Church of Caton. An inspection of markers in the church yard and the
church itself may yield Margaret’s age from which her lineage might be determined. (Such a
search might also reveal considerable additional information about other family members.)
Unfortunately, I do not have physical access to that region. A published listing12 includes
nothing earlier than 1775.

In Colwich, Staffordshire, just south of Lancashire, an Augustine Schoulcroft baptizes his

daughter Elizabeth in 166813 (Table 3). Augustine’s college record6 shows that he is James’
son and that he married the daughter of John Greensmith. Her name is shown to be Sarah by
the baptismal record13 of their daughter. The Wolseley papers14 include a lease from
November 16th, 1680 that identifies Augustine as the Vicar of Colwich.

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service, Wolseley Papers Ref.

D(W)1781/9/2/40: Date 16 Nov. 32 Chas. II [1680] Sir Chas. Wolseley /
Augustine Schoolcroft, Vicar of Colwich and Geo. Austine, inn holder.

In the 1680s a marriage bondsman called James Schoolcroft is operating in Heversham15.

1682 Aug 3rd Benjamin Gregge and Agnes Shaw.

Bondsmen: James Schoulcroft and Thomas Hall of p. Heversham.
Witnesses: Thomas Milner, Richard Carnthwaite
1682 Oct 23rd Richard Jackson and Alice Burrow,
Bondsmen: Richard Soul and James Schoulcroft.
Witnesses: Thomas Milner, John Croft.

1684 Dec 26th Matthew Foster, p. Kendale, and Jane Dodshon.
Bondsmen: William Wharton, p. Heversham, and John Hall of Kendall.
Witnesses: Thomas Milner, James Schoulcroft.

1685 Jul 6th Anthony Milner, of Scircoate, p. Halifax, and Joyce Hopkins.
Bondsman: James Schoulcroft, of Heversham.
Witnesses: Rachel Milner, James Barker.

Heversham is in Westmoreland about fifteen miles north of Lancaster and Caton at the head
of Morecambe Bay. The Ingilby Records show that a James Schoolcroft was in a legal
dispute with Elizabeth Lingard concerning Thomasin Burrowes’s Will. Thomasin is
identified as Elizabeth’s sister.

West Yorkshire Archive Service, Ingilby Records, papers in various suits Ref.
WYL230/3166: Date 1678-81. Of Burrowes v. Lingard, Schoolcroft v.
Lingard, Lingard v. Dearlove, Dearlove v. Ingilby, Ingilby v. Bellingham etc.,
connected with the will of Thomasin Burrowes the elder, sister of Elizabeth
Lingard, and arising from an action brought by Elizabeth Lingard against
James Schoolcroft, in which Peter Dearlove was pledge for Schoolcroft at the
instance of Sir William Ingilby who apparently acted at the instance of Sir
James Bellingham, so that various actions for damages followed, including
briefs, copies of orders and writs.
West Yorkshire Archive Service, Ingilby Records, Deposition by Marmaduke
Scott of Knaresborough Ref. WYL230/3171: Date 6 Sep 1679. Concerning the
trial of an issue between James Schoolcroft and Elizabeth Lingard, in which
the verdict was given against the plaintiff who refused to stand to it and
became nonsuit.
West Yorkshire Archive Service, Ingilby Records, Deposition of William
Parker Ref. WYL230/3172: Date 11 Sep 1679. Concerning the suit of James
Schoolcroft v. Elizabeth Lingard heard at York Assizes, when Schoolcroft,
seeing that the verdict would be against him, became nonsuit.
West Yorkshire Archive Service, Ingilby Records, Lawyer’s bill for case of
Schoolcroft and Dearlove v. Lingard Ref. WYL230/3178: Date c. 1680.

We can deduce from these that James was a fairly wealthy and well established individual to
be involved in a suit such as this. The mention of his being pledged by Sir William Ingilby
on the recommendation of Sir James Bellingham indicates he was ‘well connected’. Clearly
he would have some connection to Thomasin Burrowes or Elizabeth Lingard in order to be
involved in the will. That connection proved to be most interesting:

Dear Mr Ellis
Thank you for your email received here on 18 October 2005. Unfortunately
the Ingilby papers (ref. WYL230/3166) relating to the will of Thomasin
Burrowes do not include a copy of the actual will. From looking at the
documents in this bundle I have been able to find out that Thomasin Burrowes
was from Nidd, West Riding of Yorkshire. Wills for Nidd would have been

proved in Richmond, as confirmed in the documents. From the documents I
can also say that the will would have been proved between 1675, when there
was an amendment to the will and 1678, the date of these documents. I have
checked in our index for the surviving wills from the Archdeaconry of
Richmond, however there is no reference to the will of Thomasin Burrowes.
This would suggest that the will has not survived.
It appears from the documents that the case relating to Thomasin Burrowes’
will was heard at the Court of King’s Bench. It is possible that if a copy of the
will was submitted to the court that it may appear in the papers of the Court of
King’s Bench which are held at the National Archives. However please be
aware that the papers held here appear to be copies of the documents
submitted to the court, and as there is not a copy of the will within these
records it would appear unlikely that there will be a copy of the will in the
Court’s papers.
The contact details for the National Archives are; The National Archives,
Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU, telephone +44 (0) 20 8876 3444, website
I am sorry I can not help you any further in tracing this will. Please do not
hesitate to get in contact if you wish to receive any further information.
Yours sincerely
Daniel Sudron
Archive Assistant
West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds
Chapeltown Road

Although Daniel Sudron suggests that Thomasin’s Will was proved in Richmond, it does not
appear in the index of Wills proven at that time, nor in the other places suggested. I have
concluded that it is lost. However, Elizabeth Lingard’s deposition in the Court papers does
add considerably to our understanding of this situation.

Leeds Archives [] Thu 22-Dec-2005 06:18:

The documents in this case (WYL230/3166) are indeed very bulky. Purchasing
copies would be impractical, unless you have the budget of a small nation
(and in any case, condition prevents the copying of numbers of them). The
nature of court proceedings means that a subset is unlikely to encapsulate the
case as a whole (otherwise the lawyers would not have been kept in business -
as in Dickens’ novel “Bleak House”).
A deposition of Elizabeth Lingard, at the top of the pile, gives further
information as to the case. Schoolcroft was summonsed to appear before the
Consistory church court at Richmond in December 1676 to exhibit the will of
Thomasine Burrowes the elder and to show cause why Mr Bellingam her

kinsman should not have administration of her goods. JS provided a will by
word of mouth (nuncupative is the technical term), sworn by Rebecca Haynes
and Ellen Sheffield. The challenges to the legality of this later alleged will
form the nucleus of the case.
JS was the guardian of Thomasine Burrowes the younger. He would not have
to be a relative to be in this position, merely a male in a position to safeguard
her interests. This and the subsequent dispute over the will explains his
Elizabeth Lingard also explains that JS has recently married Rebecca Haynes.
Edward Haynes her father and George Haynes her brother (married to
Elizabeth Lingard’s sister) told her this. That presumably makes him an
indirect relative anyway.
TB died at Overlevens (which doesn’t ring any bells as a local place name
with me - perhaps you’ve come across it elsewhere in your searches).
Andrew George, Senior Archivist

Apart from being able to construct the relationship between the parties we see that James is
claiming a guardianship based on a verbal Will. Although Andrew George did not recognize
the location, Over Levens, more commonly known as Levens Hall, is a stately home in
Heversham where James Schoolcroft was a marriage bondsman. The History of Heversham16

1597 Thomas Bradley of Arnside sold the manors of Heversham and

‘Milthrop’ to James Bellingham of Over Levens (Levens Hall).

Notice in particular the name Bellingham. While age precludes it being the James
Bellingham of 1597, Elizabeth Lingard’s deposition clearly states that a Mr. Bellingham was
kinsman to Thomasin Burrowes the elder. By seeking guardianship of Thomasin Burrowes
the younger, James Schoolcroft may have been seeking to gain access and control of some
portion of the estate of Levens Hall. Levens Hall17 is a most desirable Elizabethan Manor
with exquisite gardens that were constructed shortly after this date.

I have only managed to construct one other family from James Schoolcroft’s sons. The son
Henry marries in Caton in 1664 and has two children. I believe that one of those children,
James, is the father of the James and Augustine Schoolcroft that came to the U.S.A. These
records (Table 3) are readily available in the Caton and Lancaster parish registers.

Other English Ancestors

There are several interesting references to Schoolcroft in southern Lancashire. Lancashire is

not really that large so these might be related, although travel was such that families tended
to stay close to where they were born and the following references are certainly a couple of
days travel from Lancaster. One of the earliest records is of Adam SCOLCROFT and his son
Richard living in Manchester in 1545. The citation comes from Society for the Publication of
Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. 35: Pleadings and
Depositions of the Duchy Court of Lancaster.

To the Right Hon. Sir John Gage, Knight.
WILLIAM Trafford, the King’s Aulneger, in the county of Lancaster, informs
that where in the Parliament held at London, 3rd November, 21 Henry VIII.
[1529], it was ordained that any clothier putting clothes to sale before every
one of them shall be sealed with the Aulneger of the said county where they
shall be made, shall forfeit the same; one-half of which forfeiture shall go to
the King, and the other half to them who sue for the same by bill or otherwise.
So it is, that Adam Scolcroft and Richard Scolcroft, son of the said Adam, and
Henry Johnson, being clothiers and great occupiers, dwelling in Manchester,
in the county of Lancaster, the 10th August, 37 Henry VIII. [1545], sent
certain clothes made in the said county not sealed as aforesaid, to wit, the
said Adam and Richard Scolcrofte 10 pieces of clothes called Cottons, valued
at ?, and the said Henry Johnson five pieces of clothes called Rugges, of the
value of ?, contrary to the said Act, by reason whereof they are forfeited and
plaintiff claims the one-half.
Moreover, the said Adam and Richard, in order that the same clothes might
appear to be sealed, have forged, “ oon countrefayte and vntrue Sealle” like
unto plaintiff’s seal, and have therewith sealed the said 10 pieces of
Prays for Letters of Privy Seal.
Michaelmas term, 37 Henry VIII. [1545].
Privy Seal to Adam Scolcrofte, Richard Scolcrofte, and Henry Johnson to
appear Octaves of Hilary next.
Vol. xvi.
[Calendar 14.]
T 1.
37 Hen. VIII.

Another early reference is from Chorely. At an inquisition following the death of Alexander
Waddington, of the Streete on 10 Jan 1622/23 it was determined that he owed an unspecified
debt to Adame Schoulecrofte18. Chorely is about fifteen miles from Manchester but the span
of dates suggests it is unlikely that this Adam Schoolcroft is the same as the one in
Manchester. A little farther south than Chorely is a petition to recover seized estate for Seth
Hart, of Preston, in which Richard Schoulcroft19 of Bolton is identified as a “tenant, farmer
or occupier” in 10 Jul 1651. The Richard who is James Schoolcroft’s son is too young and
clearly the one from Manchester will be dead by now.

Preston is about thirty miles from Lancaster. Bolton is not very far from Staffordshire where
Augustine Schoulcroft christened his daughter Elizabeth13 at Colwich on 4 Jun 1668. This
shows that the Schoolcroft name was also found in the southern part of Lancashire.

1 Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country and Detailing Some Facts and Opinions on Two
Particular Branch of This Family - With Regards to the Migration of That Branch From New York, to Virginia and
Kentucky. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Edward J. Schoolcraft, 4809 Douglas MacArthur NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
87110, 1986 (4th Printing 1993, w/revisions)
Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Royalist Composition Papers,
Vol. 36, pp. 216-217
A History of Britain, Simon Schama, Published by BBC Worldwide Ltd.
4 Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Royalist Composition Papers,

Plundered Minister's Accounts,Vol. 36, pp. 149-150

Athol Murray History of the Royal Grammar School, Lancaster. Master and Pupils, 1572 - 1680, pp. 39 – 41. James
Schoolcroft is first mentioned in 1631, but may have succeeded Foster in 1625. ... About two years before his sons
went to Cambridge, he ceased to be Headmaster.
6 Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses. Part 1, Vol 4, pp. 30. Schoolecroft, Augustine. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St. John's, Apr.

12, 1654. S. of James, clerk. Bapt. Nov. 3, 1633, at Lancaster. Matric. 1654; B.A. 1657-8. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar.
10; priest, Mar 13, 1660-I. C. at Colwich, Staffs', in 1659, to John Greensmith, whose daughter he married in 1666. V.
of Colwich, 1663-70. Buried Feb. 16, 1699-1700. Brother to the next. (Wm. Salt Arch. Soc., 1915).
7 Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses. Part 1, Vol 4, pp. 30. Schoolecroft, Richard. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St. John's, Apr.

12, 1654. S. of James, clerk, Lancaster. Bapt there, Feb. 6, 1635-6. Matric. 1654. Brother of Augustine (above).
8 Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Lancashire Wills Proved at

Richmond, Vol. 10, Schoolecroft, Margaret, of Caton, L 1664

9 Registers of Caton (Lancashire) 1585-1718 by Henry Brierley [FHL BRITISH Film #0844812, IGI]. Caton Parish

Register, burials 1585-1718, pp. 112, 4 Mar 1657 Mr rich: Schoolcroft, in ecclia.
10 Registers of the Parish and Priory Church of Lancaster by Henry Brierley [FHL BRITISH Film #0844800, IGI].

Marriage William SCOWCROFT, M, Spouse Margaret KNIGHT or NIGHTINGALE, Date 28 Nov 1773, Place Saint
Mary, Lancaster, Lancashire, England.
11 Registers of Caton (Lancashire) 1585-1718 by Henry Brierley [FHL BRITISH Film #0844812, IGI]. Marriage Henry

SCHOOLCROFTE, M, Spouse Eliz. HODGSON, Date 14 May 1664, Place Caton, Lancashire, England.
12 FHL BRITISH Film 6414251: The parish church of St. Paul, Caton with Littledale, Caton Green Road, Brookhouse,

North Lancashire: existed 1246, O.S. map ref. SD542 646. transcribed by Barbara Baxter ... [et al.]
13 FHL BRITISH Film 417187: Parish Church of Colwich (Staffordshire) Parish registers, 1659-1871. Christening

Elizabeth SCHOULCROFT, F, Father Augustine SCHOULCROFT, Mother Sarah, Date 4 Jun 1668, Place Colwich,
Stafford, England
14 Staffordshire and Stoke-onTrent Archive Service, Wolseley Papers Ref. D(W)1781/9/2/40.
15 Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Marriage Bonds at

Lancaster, Vol. 74.

16 History of Heversham,
17 Levens Hall,
Lancashire Inquisitions, Vol. 17. Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and
Royalist Composition Papers, Vol. 36, pp. 196-199. Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to
Lancashire and Cheshire.

Chapter 2: James, the American
Edward J. Schoolcraft1 spent some 20 years studying and understanding the early
Schoolcraft’s in America. The study included a comprehensive review of Henry Rowe
Schoolcraft’s memoirs [0] and related documents. Ed provides a very persuasive analysis of
Henry’s writing, grounded in verifiable facts that identify Henry’s departures from the truth.
Anyone reading my arguments in this document should first study Ed Schoolcraft’s work. I
accept and agree with the vast majority of Ed’s conclusions. Ed expresses the opinion that
Henry’s memoirs were prepared to intentionally mislead the reader by concealing James
Schoolcraft’s first marriage and by attributing a significant part of his grand uncle’s military
career to that of his own father. That certainly does seem to be the case when one examines
the statements concerning his father’s military career. However, recent evidence located by
Greg Parkes and contained in the Henry Rowe Schoolcraft papers now in the Library of
Congress, containers 36 and 63, does indicate that Henry is not entirely to blame for this mis-
information. Among those papers is a draft letter from Henry to his father-in-law dated
18282. In that letter Henry writes:

I know but little of the situation and circumstances of those who preceded me,
genealogically, but what I have derived from my parents, from my uncle John,
or from some collateral relatives. I attached little consequence to the subject.
Most of my relatives attached less. And it may therefore be supposed that the
topic was seldom mentioned. Many particulars are of course, forgotten and
among that number, possibly some which it might be proper to mention on an
occasion like this.

While Henry has lined through much of that paragraph I feel that he has done so not because
it was untrue but more because it was not necessary to state in his letter. Clearly a lot of
Henry’s genealogical statements are hearsay from his uncle John, and his father. Elsewhere
he refers to a conversation with his first cousin, Fanny Montressor Allen, concerning the
name “Colcraft” but it’s not clear from that statement whether or not Henry was “leading
the witness” to confirm something his father or uncle may have said. His father did have a
significant military career in the later stages and after the Revolutionary war. Perhaps during
the “old war stories” some of these facts were embellished or perhaps Henry confused them
with known records of his great uncle.

Aside from the initial references that establish the Schoolcraft presence in America, I shall
not reiterate Ed’s explanation here but will address only those few places where my own
opinion differs.

Ed located references in the Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants that showed a
Jonathan Schoolcraft came to Virginia in 1666 and that Augustine Schoolcraft came in 1714.
Both were probably indentured servants. Neither had any proven descendants, although I
refer to Augustine later in Chapter 17. Augustine, christened 09-Nov-1690, is the brother of

James Schoolcraft who is the focus of this chapter. Ed obtained a transcription of a letter
from the Manuscripts and History Section, New York State Library, Albany. Robert Hunter,
whose signature appears on the letter, was the British Governor of the Colony of New York.
The Col. Ingoldesby referred to in the text of the letter was the Lt. Governor of the Colony.

January 28th, 1711

I have your letter of the 8th inst as to the Palatines you have secured. As soon
as the weather will permit, I will order them to the county where the fact was
commited and order their tryal. In the mean time I’m sure you’ll take care
that none of them make their escape.
I have considered the sentence of the Court Martial of the three deserters
from Col. Ingoldesby’s company and have thought to pardon Richard Evans
and James Schoolcroft, but Robert Holding being an old offender, it is
requisite that exemplary justice should be done on him to deter others from
like offences. You are therefore, the first fair day after the receipt of this, to
draw up the men in your Garrison under their arms to cause the said Robert
Holding to be shot to death at the head of the Companys, he being sentenced
by the said Court Martial to suffer death for desertion. I am &c.
/S/ Robert Hunter

This is the first known reference to James Schoolcraft in America. Given time to desert and
then to be placed before a Court Martial by 1711 James must have been in America by 1710.
A muster roll dated October 25th, 1713 [Appendix D, Figure 2 Soldier 78] shows James
Schoolcroft stood muster as a member of A Company commanded by Capt. Richard
Ingoldesby, stationed at Albany, New York. James next appears in the Schenectady church
records in 1720 with his first wife Madalena at the baptism of Austien3 [Appendix D, Figure
3]. Ed suggests that the Dutch “ob” indicates that Austien was named for his uncle in
Virginia. Austien is the ancestor of those members of the Schoolcraft family that went south
through Pennsylvania and Virginia. I shall not be discussing that branch and refer you to Ed’s

At this point it is worth revisiting that letter that Henry Rowe Schoolcraft drafted to his
father-in-law. Two paragraphs are particularly pertinent, although we must bear in mind that
this information is hearsay from one of two grandchildren, both of whom were at best in their
early teens when they last saw their grandfather. [James is stated to have gone to the New
York grants to live with a son who made his own removal to there around 1766.]

From such sources I have learned that my great grandfather came from
England, during the reign of Queen Anne, under the name of James Calcraft,
or Colcraft. He either engaged in or followed was a non-commissioned officer
in the British & Colonial army, and served in the war against Canada, about
the period that He was in garrison at Forts Edward and Anne were created on
the source of the Hudson. He had previously served in his corps of artillery
under the Duke of Marlboro on the continent, and had received a severe
injury lost an eye from the flash of a cannon in the capacity of gunner, in one
of the Duke's European engagements. Owing to these services he entertained
a high notion of his own intrepidity, and after his discharge in his old age was
in the habit of speaking of himself as a true Briton, and a subject of Queen
Anne. He had crossed the Atlantic in a squadron of three public ships, which
came out to New York.
After the Peace of Utrecht (1712) relieved the frontier troops he went into
garrison at Albany. (I do not know the causes that prevented him from
returning to England, or his seeking civil employment in the country.) Here he
received an honorable discharge with two of his companions, Glen and Yates.
He, for some time, practiced land surveying, and afterward acted as an
English teacher. In the latter capacity he settled in Schoharie, a German
settlement and frontier town. At this place he married the only daughter of
Christian Camerer, a wealthy German farmer, by whom he had seven
children, James, William, Lawrence, John, Elizabeth, Helen and Margaret.
He possessed a robust constitution. He lived to the advanced age of 102, and
left a numerous progeny.

Queen Anne reigned from March 8th, 1702 until August 1st, 1714. The Treaty of Utrecht was
finally signed in March 1713, although Britain and France had come to terms by October
1711 and a standing peace existed throughout 1712. In the letter above Henry seems to be
saying that James initially served in Europe under the Duke of Marlborough, then crossed the
Atlantic to continue serving in the war against Canada, which was then under French rule. At
that time he was garrisoned at Forts Edward and Anne. Following the treaty he was
garrisoned at Albany. None of this seems to conflict with the proven facts. For James to have
fought against Canada he would have had to have reached the U.S.A. before October 1711.
Robert Hunter’s letter does not state that James was in Albany and his desertion may well
have taken place at Fort Edward or Fort Anne. James’ appearance in the Albany muster is not
until 1713 which is after the Treaty of Utrecht. It is worth noting at this juncture that Henry’s
letter, that places James Schoolcraft’s arrival in the U.S.A. before 1711 conflicts with
Henry’s more frequently cited, and much later biography, that places his arrival in 1727. In
fact, even the document transcribed in Appendix B also suggests the earlier date and I am left
wondering whether the date 1727 is a printing error rather than an error on the part of Henry.

Records for enlisted men in military service in Europe probably do not exist. If he enlisted at
age 16 he would certainly have seen service from 1704 onwards. That would permit 6 or 7
years of service before his desertion during which time he may well have achieved a non-
commissioned rank. His desertion would have resulted in a reduction in rank to Private –
consistent with the 1713 muster roll. Given this degree of correlation I am prepared to accept
that he probably did have an eye injury and a robust constitution. I do note that in this letter
Henry states that James was not shy about talking of his accomplishments and so suspect a
tendency to embellish. Thus I am not prepared to accept everything that is stated in Henry’s
later document that is transcribed in Appendix B. Henry seems to have added too much detail
in the intervening 30 years between the documents for me to feel comfortable with it.

At this juncture I ask the reader to indulge me in an intriguing conjecture. Henry states that
James “crossed the Atlantic in a squadron of three public ships”. The Palatine emigration
took place in 1710. The Palatines boarded in London in December 1709 but did not actually
leave until April 1710 when they set sail from Portsmouth. They crossed in eleven transport
ships chartered by the government and were escorted by two frigates. They were

accompanied by Governor-Elect Hunter and because a state of war still existed it is almost
certain the sailing included a military escort. The eleven transports became separated enroute,
arriving in New York between June and October. Most interestingly, two squadrons of three
ships each arrived, one on June 14th and one on June 16th. These ships were not privately
funded with paying passengers and might well be described as “public ships”. My conjecture
is that James was one of the soldiers in the military escort and thus would have arrived in mid
June, 1710. For Henry to say that James “served in his corps of artillery under the Duke of
Marlboro on the continent” is not actually very informative. John Churchill, Duke of
Marlborough, took command of the 24th infantry regiment on December 14th, 1702. He was
victorious at the battle of Blenheim on August 13th, 1704. After that, his military command
expanded to such a degree that just about anyone in the army who was in Europe would be
able to make such a claim.

I mentioned above that James appears in a Schenectady church record. I make the point that
it is a “church record” as I do not feel that James was actually in Schenectady. Henry Rowe
Schoolcraft’s letter to his father-in-law states that James went from Albany to Schoharie. As
Schoharie did not have a church till the late 1720s, I think it likely that the parish was served
by a minister from the Schenectady church.

Christian Schoolcraft

There are three places where I depart from Ed’s conclusions. The first of these concerns
Christian Schoolcraft, who we shall see is the ancestor of those who are found near
Missisquoi Bay in Quebec. Ed concludes that Christian is a son of James and Madalena, born
after Austien. Ed’s argument commences with three children for whom birth records do not
exist: James, Christian and William. Because they do not have birth records, the initial
presumption is that we do not know who the parents are. He goes on to prove William’s
lineage through William’s will. He accepts James’ lineage because of the statement by Henry
Rowe Schoolcraft that he was the eldest son of James and Anna. He then draws the
conclusion that Austien and Christian were the only two children of James and Madalena. I
disagree with this and believe that Christian was in fact a son of James and Anna that was
born after Johannes and before Johann Lorantz.

Table 4: William, Christian and Lorentz

William Christian Lorentz
Birth 1729 1733
First Communion 1744 1748 1751
Marriage 1749 1753 1759

Births, Communions and Marriages: From St. Paul’s in Schoharie we have two pages of
communion records. These are sequential pages and titled “Register of the boys and girls,
who for the first time, have been at Holy Communion with me”. The first is for William in
1744 and it clearly indicates that this is William’s first communion4. The second page of the
record continues the list and includes both Christian in 1748 and Lorentz in 1751. Also from
St. Paul’s we have the marriage records for William in 17495, Christian in 17536 and Lorentz
in 17597. Next, Ed Schoolcraft reasons that William was born about 1729. I shall show

shortly that Lorentz was born in 1733. I find these dates, shown in Table 4, indicative of
three children who were born and matured in the order shown.

Elisabeth Margretha Becker: Another piece of circumstantial evidence is the age of

Christian’s wife. Elisabeth Margretha Becker8 was born on March 10th, civil year 1736, the
daughter of Andonius and Charlotte Becker. While there are exceptions, it is most common
to find marriages where the husband is only a few years older than the wife, particularly
when the wife is young. Elisabeth is seventeen and half when she marries. I find it far more
likely that Christian would be about twenty-one than that he would be about thirty, as would
be the case if he were Madalena’s son.

Henry Rowe Schoolcraft: One of Ed’s arguments actually strengthens my case. Later in his
paragraph about the children, Ed legitimately argues that Henry Rowe’s reason for “giving
the 1727 arrival date was to obscure the fact that James had been married prior to his
marriage to Anna”. This is why Henry failed to mention Austien. Therefore, why would
Henry fail to mention Austien but spend time identifying and discussing Christian?

Conclusion: I find the circumstantial evidence sufficient to prefer placing Christian as a child
of Anna Christina Kammer. Because of the ages implied from the communion and marriage
records and because Henry Rowe Schoolcraft states that John is the third son9 [Appendix A]
I believe the evidence points to Christian being the fourth son and born between Johannes
and Johann Lorantz. Given that those dates of birth are known, that they are only two years
apart, and that there are few options later than Johann Lorantz, that pretty much implies
Christian was born in the spring of 1732.

Lawrence Schoolcraft

Lawrence is often referred to using the Germanic spelling Lorentz. I chose to use that
spelling in the body of this discussion as it reduces confusion when referring to records and
to the work of others. Ed refers to Lorentz’s date of birth three times, first and second in the
body of his document where he uses a birth date of 4th September 1738. Then in Exhibit D
he uses a birth date of 20th May 1738. I do not believe that either of these dates is possible,
but that Lorentz was in fact Johann Lorantz who was born in 1733. This is based on
circumstantial evidence. While no single bit is sufficient in itself, taken in combination I feel
they substantiate my conclusion. First I show that Lorentz could not have been born on either
of the dates in 1738 and must have been born earlier. Then I establish the dates of birth for
his two wives. Because they are both born before 1738, statistically, Lorentz would be
slightly older. Lastly, the name “Johann” is used when a ‘rufname’ such as Lorentz is
present. “Johann” is dropped in later records.

IGI Records: An exhaustive search of the records of the High and Low Dutch church and St.
Paul’s church has failed to produce a birth record in the name of Lorentz. Ed refers to James,
William and Christian as being the only children without birth records, implying that he
found a record for Lorentz. I believe the record he used was the IGI. The IGI has records for
seven of James and Anna’s children. One is entered twice. Note that the date of birth for
Lorentz is one of those that Ed Schoolcraft uses. In some cases the IGI is a reliable source of
information but you must pay attention to the sources. If you trace the source of the
information for each of these eight records you find that the source is “Patron sheets, 1969-

1991” which are described as “Individual entry forms and family group sheets used to submit
names to the temples for temple work.” These particular records do not explicitly trace back
to a vital record although it is clear that information from vital records has been used as the
basis for some of them. Within the church, there is a desire to identify and include all of
one’s ancestors. Unfortunately, not all records submitted by church members received ‘due
diligence’. Without the ability to recover the original source information I do not consider
these to be reliable records.

Table 5: James Schoolcraft and Anna Kammer’s Family

John Loventz Schoolkraft Gender: M Birth: 20 Mar 1728 Schoharie, Schoharie, New
Johannes Schoolkraft Gender: M Birth: 2 Apr 1731 Schoharie, Schoharie, New
Margaret Schoolkraft Gender: F Birth: 7 Nov 1733 Schoharie, Schoharie, New
Magdalena Schoolkraft Gender: F Birth: 29 Sep 1735 Schoharie, Schoharie, New
Elizabeth Schoolkraft gender: f birth: 9 Oct 1736 Schoharie, Schoharie, New
Lorenzo Schoolkraft Gender: M Birth: 4 Sep 1738 Schoharie, Schoharie, New
Catharin Schoolkraft Gender: F Birth: 26 Jul 1740 Schoharie, Schoharie, New
Catarina Schoolcraft Gender: F Christening: 26 Jul 1741 Schoharie, Schoharie,
New York

Baptismal Records: The baptismal records for Maria10 on 29 September 1735, Elisabeth11 on
28 December 1738 and Catharina12 on 26th July 1741 limit when Lorentz could have been
born. Firstly, there will be a minimum of ten months between births due to biological
restrictions. Secondly, it is unlikely that a parent would baptize a previous child only a few
months before the birth of the next as they would wait and baptize both together as was the
case with Maria and Margaret. This means that Elisabeth’s baptism in December 1738
implies that Lorentz would be born before February 1738 or after September 1739, i.e.
excluding both the dates in Ed’s document. In fact, if we assume that Johann Lorantz who
was born in 1733 is not the same person as Lorentz, the available windows for Lorentz’ birth
are between mid 1736 and very early 1738 or between late 1739 and mid 1740, neither of
which agree with any of the claims.

Communion Records: The communion records in Table 4 may be used here. If Lorentz was
born between late 1739 and mid 1740, he would only have been eleven years old at the time
of his communion. In my opinion this is noticeably younger than appears to have been the
practice with other children.

Maria Schneider: The key to determining Maria Schneider’s date of birth is locating her
family. First consider the sponsors of Lorentz’ children:

• Peter Jan 9 [1760] 13: sponsors Peter Schneider and his wife.
• Jacob 18 Dec 176114: sponsors Jacob Schnider & Elizabeth Mann.
• Lorentz Nov 15 [1763]15: sponsors Peter Schneider Jun. & Maria
Elisabeth Schulkraf.
• Lysabeth Oct 18 [1775]16: sponsors Peter Schneider and his wife.
• Maria Sept 9 [1778]17: sponsors Johannes Schneyder and his wife.
That’s a lot of Schneider’s and some must be close relatives. Henry Z. Jones Jr.18 describes
several Schneider families in the Schoharie region. He includes an Anna Maria Schneider,
whose baptism on 15 March 1736/37 is recorded on the Early Baptisms of St. Paul’s church,
Schoharie19. Her father is Peter Schneider; she has a sister Elisabeth and three brothers: Peter,
Jacob and John. This serves to establish Maria’s family through names of those who were the
sponsors at her children’s baptisms. The sponsors of five of Lorentz’ children are, his father
in law Peter, his brother in law Jacob, his brother in law Peter, either his father in law or
brother in law, and lastly his brother in law John. From that we can conclude that Lorentz’
wife Maria was the one baptized on 15th March civil year 1737.

Christina Sternberg: Lorentz’ second wife, Christina, is identified from her Will in which
she names Lorentz as her husband and lists daughters Maria and Rebecca and a son
Christian, all from her previous marriage to Johannes Lawyer. The Schoharie Churches
contain several records of Christina’s children, her first marriage and her own baptism in

The Rufname: Often a person does not go by his first given name, especially if that first name
is Johann or Maria. The rufname is a common name that is used in everyday life. Examples
include Johann Wilhelm Kämer, Lorentz’ grandfather who is subsequently referred to as just
“Wilhelm” and Johann Henrich Schneider, Maria’s uncle who is subsequently referred to as
just “Henrich”. The families of both Lorentz and Maria contain several “Johann Wilhelm”
and “Johan Jacob”. I believe that “Johann Lorantz” went through later life as “Lawrence”.

Conclusion: I believe that Ed Schoolcraft used the IGI records for the birth information. The
circumstantial evidence presented shows that Lorentz’ date of birth cannot be that shown in
the IGI and must be earlier than either of the dates provided by Ed. It is rare to find a first
marriage of a young couple where the male is significantly younger than the female. The
circumstantial evidence points strongly to Lorentz being slightly older than his first wife. I
believe that Lorentz and Johann Lorantz are one and the same. Lorentz was baptized on 20th
March civil year 1733 and is about four years older than his first wife.
The IGI Birth Records for James Schoolcraft‘s Children

Before concluding the discussion of the births of James’ children it is appropriate to examine
the record. Only six of the children have baptismal records and none of these specify a date
of birth. The IGI has records for seven of James and Anna’s children (Table 5). (There are
clearly duplicate records for Catarina.) Note that the dates of birth for Johannes, Margaret
and Elisabeth in the IGI show a high degree of correlation with those that Ed Schoolcraft
uses (Table 6). Margaret’s date of birth is off by a year but that is all. It is the births of these
three children that are of concern here as the source of the dates is unclear.

Baptismal Records: For Johannes, Margaret and Elisabeth the baptismal record provides a
baptismal date but not a birth date. John’s baptismal record indicates April 28th, 173120. In
Margaret’s case the baptismal record is a joint one with Maria and only shows the baptismal
date of September 29th, 173510. However, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft describes her as the
eldest daughter [0] so we know she was probably born in 1734 (before Maria and after
Johann Lorantz). It is possible that Margaret’s birth may be found in one of the archives
dedicated to her son-in-law, Ethan Allen, although I have not been able to locate such a
record. Elisabeth’s baptismal record states her baptism on December 28th, 173811.
Elisabeth’s date of birth three days earlier can be found in her son’s family bible21.

Ed Schoolcraft’s View: For each of these children, Ed Schoolcraft provides a specific date of
birth that is not the same as the baptismal date. Ed refers to John’s date of birth twice, first in
the body of his document and then in Exhibit D. On both occasions, he uses a birth date of
April 2nd, 1731. Ed refers to Margaret and Elisabeth’s dates of birth only in Exhibit D where
he shows them as November 7th, 1734 and October 9th, 1736 respectively.

The IGI: I have explained earlier my concern over data from Patron Sheets. The right hand
column in Table 6 contains my suggestion regarding how these records may have come

Table 6: IGI Birth Records - Batch Numbers 8204880, 7419301
Ed Date of
IGI Schoolcraft Baptism Comment
Assumed the birth was four
Johannes 2 Apr 1731 2 Apr 1731 28 Apr 1731
weeks prior to baptism.
John IGI probably read the year at
Lorantz 20 Mar 1728 20 Mar 1733 20 Mar 1733 the top of the page by
There does not appear to be
justification for the IGI date
Margaret 7 Nov 1733 7 Nov 1734 29 Sep 1735
and it collides with Johann
Lorantz’ baptismal record.
Taken directly from the
Magdalena 29 Sep 1735 29 Sep 1735 29 Sep 1735
baptismal record.
There does not appear to be
justification for this. A family
Elisabeth 9 Oct 1736 9 Oct 1736 28 Dec 1738
bible shows she was born 25
Dec 1738.
There does not appear to be
justification for this and it
Lorentz 4 Sep 1738 20 May 1738
collides with Elisabeth’s
baptismal and birth record.
Misread or mistyped by one
Catarina 26 Jul 1740 27 Jul 1741 26 Jul 1741
day and a year.
Ed misread or mistyped by
Catarina 26 Jul 1741 27 Jul 1741 26 Jul 1741
one day.

Conclusion: I believe that Ed Schoolcraft used the IGI records for the birth information in his
family record sheet. From the obvious high quality of his work it is unlikely that Ed would
have taken this data at face value without verification. Therefore it is likely that further
research will reveal the original source for these IGI records. Remembering that Ed’s primary
interest would be in his own family line that descended from Austien, he may have been
more concerned with the relationships than with the specific birth dates for Austien’s step
brothers and step sisters. He was certainly interested in them by virtue of having to determine
why Henry Rowe Schoolcraft ignored James’ first family and why so much of what Henry
wrote was incorrect. However, the details of the individual birth dates are less critical in this.
I think he left the New York lines for the rest of us to sort out.

James Schoolcraft‘s Children

I shall discuss seven of James Schoolcraft’s children in subsequent chapters but his marriages
and his other children should be mentioned now so that they are not overlooked. As will also
be the case later, I shall not treat these children in chronological order. Genealogical research
encounters many ambiguities but often one family is far less ambiguous than others. By
dealing with that one first, it is often possible to remove or reduce the level of ambiguity in
the other families. This family is no exception.

James’ first marriage was to Magdalena, whose age and origin is not known. He had one
child by her, Austien, who married Catharina Countryman (Conterman). There are Ancestral
File records that provide a lineage for Catharina but these do not appear to be substantiated
by more reliable sources. Significantly, Henry Z. Jones22 cites an Albany Reformed Church
marriage record that seems to show Catharina’s mother was actually married to a different
Conterman than is claimed in the Ancestral File. Henry Z. Jones does acknowledge Catharina
but does not indicate any specific lineage, birth, or death information. I have only conducted
limited and fairly superficial research of this line myself. It has been stidied in depth by a
number of others, although there are still many unresolved issues. I shall be discussing this
family in Chapter 17.

James’ second marriage was to Anna Christina Kammer, the daughter of William Kammer
and Catherine Mees. The marriage can be inferred from baptismal records of the children but
Anna’s father is proven from his grandson’s Will. William Schoolcraft died shortly after his
marriage and in his Will he referred to his grandfather: “I leave to my wife Maria all my
estate and all the portion that may fall to me from my grandfather, William Cammer”.
William and his wife are witnesses the birth of their grandson, Lawrence23. It is not known
when Madalena died, but it was probably between 1721 and 1725. I think this because James
and Anna had two children, James and William, who were born prior to 1731, the year in
which Johannes was baptized. This leads me to believe that James and Anna were probably
married about 1727 which, just happens to coincide with the date that Henry Rowe
Schoolcraft gave for the arrival of James in this country. I think a possible reason for him
giving the 1727 arrival date may have been to obscure the fact that James had been married
prior to his marriage to Anna. However, Henry admits to having only limited recollection of
his ancestors when he writes to his father-in-law (excerpted early in this Chapter). James and
Anna had nine children, although Henry Rowe Schoolcraft only identifies eight of them,
omitting Maria. It is possible that Maria died shortly after her marriage to Balthasar Kern24 as
nothing is known of either of them after that date.

The first child was James Schoolcraft who was probably born about 1728 in Schoharie.
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft states that James remained a bachelor. Ed Schoolcraft states.

The oldest son, James, is the son who, along with other members of the
immediate family, followed Conrad Wiser into Pennsylvania. It is believed
that James eventually moved to Virginia where he then married. This is
probably the reason HRS thought that James had died a bachelor.

I am unsure about Ed’s conclusion regarding James. In 1745, James was in Saratoga where
he and others were captured. In the Boston Public Library there is preserved what is believed
to be the only existing copy of The Boston Gazette, or Weekly Journal, of Tuesday, August
18th, 1747. It contains a list of captives who had been taken by the French and Indians at
various times and places and carried to Canada and who in the summer of 1747 were sent
from Quebec to Boston, where they arrived on August 16th of that year. Among them was
Rev. John Norton, from whom the list published in Gazette was obtained.

Taken Nov. 19th, 1745, by M. Martin Saristoque. Jacob, John [Jun.], and
Frederick Fort, Richard Crawley [Brawley], Jacob Himstrait, John Clute

[Saratago], Richard Vanderbeyden [Vanderbeyden, Carrying-Place], Heither
[Hartwright] Quaquinbush, Garret [Garard] and Mary Vanderverrek
[Vanderick], Isaac Powderkirk [Ouderkerk], Kellyan Ryder [Killian
DeLidder], and James Schoolcraft all of New-York [Saratago].

The foregoing James Schoolcraft is captured in 1745 in Saratoga. This predates any of James
Schoolcraft’s grandchildren by Anna Christina Kammer. There is no implication that this
James was a young child. In fact he was probably in military service. James Schoolcraft, born
in 1688, would be 57 years old, probably too old to be in such a situation and unlikely to
have left his young family in Schoharie anyway. I conclude that this is his son, James
Schoolcraft born about 1728, who would be 17 years old and ideal for military service. I
think it quite plausible that James would have remained in Massachusetts.

Maria Magdalena Schoolcraft was baptized in 1735 with her sister Margaret. A Maria
Elizabeth married Balthasar Kern24 on September 23rd, 1764 in St. Paul’s Evangelical
Lutheran Church, Schoharie. I have been unable to locate any issue from this union or any
further information on either of them. It may be that they died and that that is why Henry
Rowe Schoolcraft overlooked them. As all the other sisters can be accounted for during this
period I am convinced that Maria Elizabeth and Maria Magdalena are one and the same.

Anna Christina Kammer appears to have died between August 1841 and August 1843. She is
identified at the baptism of Catharina12 in July 1841 but by August 1743 James Schoolcraft is
the sponsor at the baptism25 of his grandson by Austien and James’ wife is clearly stated as
Elizabeth. The only James Schoolcraft old enough to be married by 1843 is Astien's father.
This is suffient to identify that James and his wife were the sponsors. There is the possibility
that Elizabeth's name has been misrecorded and this has cast some doubt on this fact. At one
time I considered the birth of James' grand-daughter, Catharina Lisabetha26 [84], in
Tulpehocken, Berks Co., PA in 1749 to be significant as the sponsors last name “Schraff" is
so similar to "Schoolcraft". That suspicion is unjustified as a “Schraff” family is living
nearby and is more likely to be the source of the sponsor.

James Schoolcraft‘s Death

Henry Rowe Schoolcraft has stated [0]:

When far advanced in life, he went to live with his son William, on the New
York grants on Otter Creek, in the rich agricultural region south of Lake
Champlain--which is now included in Vermont. Here he died at the great age
of one hundred and two, having been universally esteemed for his loyalty to
his king, his personal courage and energy, and the uprightness of his
After the death of his father, when the revolutionary troubles commenced,
William, his youngest son, removed into Lower Canada. The other children all
remained in Albany County, except Christian, who, when the jangling land
disputes and conflicts of titles arose in Schoharie, followed Conrad Wiser,
Esq. (a near relative), to the banks of the Susquehanna

There are several problems with this statement. James’ son William died in Schoharie in
1761 at the age of about 3027. James could not have been living with him. If James lived to
the age of one hundred and two then he died in 1790, after the Revolutionary War, not
before. Also, we have already shown above that William was not the youngest son. Before
discarding these statements I prefer to look further.

In Chapter 5 I shall show that Christian did not follow Conrad Wiser south as stated but that
he removed to Anaquassacook in the Schermerhorn Patent with his family in about 1765.
Some members of his family remained in this location through the Revolutionary War until
at least 1790 when the entire family removed to Lower Canada. Coincidentally, Christian had
a son called William who was born about 1767. In Chapter 5 I shall show that Christian
fought in the Revolutionary War for the Loyalists with his eldest sons. William would have
been too young to fight but would have been one of those sons left at home, possibly taking
on the role of ‘man of the house’ in the 1780s during his father’s absence. I believe that it is
the Schermerhorn Patent that Henry refers to as “the New York grants”. This Patent is also
very rich agriculturally. It is located on the border of Cambridge, New York and Arlington,
Vermont, adjacent to what is also known as Camden Valley. This is less than thirty miles
south of the headwaters of Otter Creek that rises in the hills south of Rutland, Vermont and
flows north into Lake Champlain. Those headwaters actually extend as far south as East
Dorset, Vermont. Henry first states James’ lived to be 102 in his letter to his father-in-law
and he is consistent in that throughout his various documents. However, as genealogists are
aware, age at death is often incorrect and usually overstated. I do not doubt that James’ lived
into at least his nineties. He would have been able to be in Anaquassacook with Christian.
Records show that at least two of Christian’s sons were still there as late as 1789. If James
lived into his nineties he would have been alive at the time of the Revolutionary War. I
believe he probably died in Anaquassacook in the late seventeen eighties, just before the
family went to Canada. I attribute the apparent conflict of dates regarding the Revolution to
ambiguous writing. The “revolutionary troubles” could be interpreted as referring to the
persecutions of the Tory’s that persisted through the seventeen eighties.

Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country and Detailing Some Facts and Opinions on Two
Particular Branch of This Family - With Regards to the Migration of That Branch From New York, to Virginia and
Kentucky. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Edward J. Schoolcraft, 4809 Douglas MacArthur NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
87110, 1986 (4th Printing 1993, w/revisions)
2 Library of Congress, Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers, 73039115, container 36, reel 19, unbound correspondence, Jan 1826 to Dec 1829, letter from
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft to John Johnston.
3 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Astien ob Augustien on [2 April 1720], parents Jacob

Shultgraft & Madalena Schultgraft, sponsors Phillip Schueler & Grechen Vrooman.
4 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, “Register of the boys and girls, who for the first time,

have been at Holy Communion with me.” The first is for Wilhelm Schulkraf on June 24th, 1744 stating first
communion. The second page records Christian Schulkraf on April 10th, 1748 and Lorentz Schulkraf on July 14th,
5 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriages Vol. 1 pp. 206 #2: Marriage on 9 May

[1749] of Wilhelm Schulkraf and Maria Elisabet Schneider Text Dom. 6. 14.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 9 Oct [1753] of Christian Schulkraf &
Elisabet Margareth Becker on account of my absence married by Domine Schuyler.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 23 Oct [1759] of Lorentz Schulkraf &
Maria Schneider.

8 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Baptismal Pages Possessed by St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church but not from St. Paul's: Baptism of Elisabetha Margaretha [Becker] on Mar 10 [1735/36],
parents Andonius Becker, sponsors John Phillipps Bergmann besides John Peter Knickern's daughter, Elisabeth
9 Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers: with brief notices of

passing events, facts, and opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Philadelphia, Lippincott,
Grambo and co., 1851. John the third son.
10 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Baptismal Pages Possessed by St. Paul's

Evangelical Lutheran Church but not from St. Paul's Dual baptism: Baptism of Maria Magdalena on Sept 29 [1735],
parents Schimms Schulkrafft, sponsors Pieter Mann, Margaret, his wife. Baptism of Margretha on [Sept 29 1735],
parents [Schimms Schulkrafft], sponsors Maria Elisabeth [Schoolcraft?].
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of Elisabeth on Decemb: 28
1738, parents James Schilkragt & Anna Christina Kemmer S:H:V, sponsors Jacob Snyder & Elisabeth Snyder.
12 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of Catharina on July 26, 1741,

parents Jaems Schoelkrafft & Anna Christina, sponsors Johannes Finck & Catharina Seibel.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Peter on [1760] born Jan 9 [1760], parents
Lorentz Schulkraf & Maria, sponsors Peter Schneider and his wife.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Schulkraf, Jacob on [1761] born 18 Dec
1761, parents Lorentz & Maria Schulkraf, sponsors Jacob Schnider & Elizabeth Mann.
15 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Lorentz on [1763] born Nov 15 [1763],

parents Lorentz Schulkraf & Maria, sponsors Peter Schneider Jun. & Maria Elisabeth Schulkraf.
16 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Lysabeth on [1775] born Oct 18 [1775],

parents Lorentz Schulkraft & Maria, sponsors Peter Schneider and his wife.
17 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Maria on [1778] born Sept 9 [1778],

parents Lorentz SchulCraff & Maria, sponsors Johannes Schneyder and his wife.
18 Henry Z. Jones Jr., The Palatine Families of New York, (Picton Press, Camden, ME), pp. 899 et seq.: Peter Snyder

was a freeholder at Schoharrie in 1763 (Albany Co. Freeholders). He md. Elisabetha Catharina Brucker (HJ). The ch.
of Peter² and Elisabetha Catharina were: i) Anna Maria³, bpt. 15 March 1736/37 - Sp.: Johs. Scheyver and A. Maria
Scheyver (Schoharie Luth. or Ref. Chbk.). She md. Lorentz Schoolcraft 23 Oct 1759 (Schoharie Luth. Chbk.).
19 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Anna Maria [SCHNEYDER] on Mar 13

1736/37, parents Pieter Sneyer & Elys. Sneyer, sponsors Johns. Scheyver & A. Maria Scheyver.
20 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of Johannes on 28 April [1731],

parents Jacobus Schoelgraft & Anna Christina Kemmer, sponsors Johannes Ingolt & Joh: Siever & Margrieta Bekker.
21 National Archives W4578, micropublication M804, Record Group 15., New York: Jacob Rose Family Record.,

William Rose was born in Hefse Cafsel Germany Sept 14th, 1738. Elizabeth Schoolcraft was born in Schoharie New
York U.S.A. Dec. 25th, 1738. William Rose married to Elizabeth Schoolcraft in Schoharie N. Y. 1760. Jacob Rose, son
of William Rose was born in Schoharie N. Y. April 21st, 1761.
22 Henry Z. Jones Jr., The Palatine Families of New York, (Picton Press, Camden, ME), pp. 430 et seq.: Anna

Christina², bpt. June of 1704 - sp.: Jehan Wilh. Kämmer, Elsa Christina - d/o Christian Diederich there, Anna Gertraudt
- servant at Johannes Mees's from the Neuburgische country, and Johann Daniel - s/o Weyandt Wirttges at Seg.
(Niederbieber Chbk.). She md. James Schoolkraft (HJ); the will of William Schoolcraft of Schoharie 22 Sept 1760
mentioned property left by his grandfather William Canner (Fernow Wills #1551).
23 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Baptismal Pages Possessed by St. Paul's

Evangelical Lutheran Church but not from St. Paul's: Baptism of Johann Lorantz on [Mar 20 1732/33], parents James
Schulkraft & Anna Christina, sponsors Wilhelm Kammer & Apelonia Kammer.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 23 Sep 1764 of Balthasar Kern & Maria
Elisabeth Schulkraf.
25 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of James on August 12 1743,

parents Asten Schoelkrafft & Catharina Contriman S:H:V: sponsors James Schoelkrafft & Elisabeth S:H: Vrouw
26 Pennsylvania: Vital Records, Pennsylvania Births - SAN Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. 52 Ref. FHL Book 974.816/T1 K2h.:

Catharina Lisabetha Schul Kraft parents Asten Schul Kraft, Spon. Catharina Lisabeth Schraff. Born bpt. 18 Jun 1749 in
Host Ref. Ch., Tulpehocken, Berks Co.
27 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Deaths and Obits Vol. 1 pg 235 #3 Death on 13 Apr

[1761] of Wilhelm Schulkraf.

Chapter 3: Henry Rowe
Schoolcraft‘s Grandfather
Johannes, or John, is the first of James Schoolcraft’s children by Anna Christina Kammer for
whom we have a primary birth record. That record indicates Johannes was baptized on April
28th, 1731. He was probably born a few weeks earlier. Ed Schoolcraft indicates Johannes
was born on the April 2nd, 1731 but does not cite his source. It was probably the IGI Patron
Sheet entry. That Patron Sheet probably used a genealogical estimate that birth was about
four weeks prior to baptism in arriving at the date of April 2nd.

Henry Rowe Schoolcraft writes extensively of John, and of his son Lawrence, in his
memoirs. As mentioned in Chapter 2, and as explained by Ed Schoolcraft1, Henry’s memoirs
can mislead the reader regarding his great grandfather’s first marriage and his father’s
military career. The letter that I referred to in Chapter 2 indicates that a lot of Henry’s
genealogical statements are hearsay from his uncle John, and his father. If we look beyond
the exaggerated military claims to the simple genealogical facts there are many that I believe
can be relied on. Those are the ones for which no benefit or advantage would accrue from
reporting anything other than the facts. This must be tempered by alertness to the failings of
human memory. Henry never knew his grandparents and has stated that much of what he
wrote was recollections from his own father or aunts and uncles who “attached little
consequence to the subject”.

Henry Rowe Schoolcraft states that John was the third child of James Schoolcraft, that he
married Anna Barbara Boss and that there were three children called Lawrence, John and
Anne. This is likely to be correct except for any children that may not have lived to maturity.
There does not appear to be a marriage record for John and Anna but five baptismal records
can be found. The first three correlate to the children mentioned by Henry. The last two, both
called Jacob, probably represent children who did not reach maturity and thus would not be
known to Henry. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft indicates that this family removed from Schoharie
to Watervliet. The baptismal record suggests that John left Schoharie between October 1760
and October 1762. However, the baptismal record for John’s children does not indicate his
removing to Watervliet but to Loonenburg, Hellenberg and, by 1768, to Schenectady where
his brother Christian had also removed. Some of these places bear different names today. The
Cóvens and Mortier map of 17802 [Appendix D, Figure 4] is a valuable tool in determining
locations. (Be alert that this map was prepared with North towards the lower left corner.) It is
John’s grandchildren who first appear in the baptismal records for Guilderland in the late
1780s indicating that the move to the capital region did not take place till then.

The Military Record

At this point it is appropriate to discuss military service. First I wish to make the distinction
between a muster roll and a roster. In the Colonial times there was a Provincial law that
required all men between the ages of 16 and 45 to be members of the militia. That rule
carried over to the new States and when a survey of men in that age group was made for each
town, they were automatically assigned to the appropriate militia group. This caused them to
appear on a roster. If they were paid for actual service performed then they would also appear
on a muster roll or payroll. Thus we must be careful not to construe military service from a
roster alone, although it is likely that military service would have followed.

John appears with his brother Lawrence as privates in the muster roles of Capt. Robert
McGinnis Company3 in the summer and fall of 1755. John is no longer listed in the
December muster for this Company and Lawrence has been furloughed. Few documents
survive from the Revolution itself. John is present in the roster of the 3rd Regiment Militia as
a Sergeant. This roster applies to the period from October 28th, 1779 to November 4th, 1781.
John had a change of command from Captain Groat to Captain Slingerlandt that must have
occurred after March 4th, 1780, as the latter does not make the promotion lists before that.
Records also exist in the Levies. The Levies were short-term assignments of troops from the
Regiments so it can be hard to prove who was who. Col. John Harper’s Regiment of Levies
was from May 11th, 1780 to November 30th, 1780 and includes a Johannis Schoolcraft. Col.
Marinus Willett’s Regiment of Levies was from April 1782 to December 1782 and includes
John who appears to have been assigned, at different times, to three Captains - Capt. James
Cannon, Capt. Joseph Harrison and Capt. Stephen White. John probably came from the 3rd
Regiment Militia, as that is the only Regiment listing the name John Schoolcraft. We do not
know whether this record in the Levies is for the father or for his son of that same name.

John’s two sons both served in the Revolutionary War. The roster of the 3rd Regiment
Militia includes two privates, John Jr. and Lawrence who, because this is a Rensselaerwyck
Regiment, would almost certainly be the children of John who were born February 12th,
1758 and October 20th, 1760. (Private Lawrence is Henry Rowe Schoolcraft’s father so this
is further evidence in support of Ed Schoolcraft’s analysis that Henry’s father was only a
private.) Pension records4 for both exist confirming actual service:

SCHOOLCRAFT John, NY Line, S30689, appl 16 Aug 1832 Albany Co NY

aged 72 on 21 Oct 1832 & it appeared sol had lived in Albany Co NY during
the Rev.
SCHOOLCRAFT Lawrence, NY Line, S42260 (see N.A. Acc #874 #050158
not ½ pay), appl 14 Dec 1830 Oneida Co NY aged 73, sol enl at Johnstown
NY & later enl at Watervliet NY, in 1830 sol had wife aged about 72.

Further detail of Lawrence’s record5 shows:

Lawrence Schoolcraft aged 73 years upwards, a resident of said Co. who

being first duly sworn doth on his oath make the following declaration in
order to obtain the provisions of the Acts of Congress of the 18th March 1818,
and the 1st May 1820 --that he the said Lawrence Schoolcraft enlisted in the
town of Johnstown in the State of New York in the month of January 1776 in a
Company commanded by Capt. Andrew Fink in the 1st New York Regiment
commanded by Col. Goese VanSchaack, for the term of one year--that he
continued to serve in said Corps until January 1777 when he was discharged
at Saratoga. That he enlisted again at Watervliet in the Co. of Albany on the
15th day of April 1777, for the term of three years or during the war, in the
Company commanded by Capt. Henry Tieborst in the 3rd New York Regiment

commanded by Col. Peter Ganservort--that he continued to serve in said.
Corps. until the 20th day of April 1778--when he was discharged from service
(on procuring Godfrey Byers as a substitute, who was received in his place,
who served to the end of the war) as will appear by said discharge hereto
annexed--at Fort Schuyler.

The Revolutionary War Records, (Brainbaugh, Vol. I) also state that:

Schoolcraft, Lawrence (AC. 50,158) Pvt., Orgn not known. He resided in

Vernon, Oneida Co., N.Y. for 32 years previous to his death, and previous to
that time he lived in Guilderland, Albany Co., N.Y. He died 7 June 1840,
leaving no widow, and no will, but 4 children. His pension was payable at the
Albany Agency, N.Y. His son Henry Rowe Schoolcraft was living in 1840 in
Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan. Lawrence Schoolcraft was living with Joseph
Pixley at the time of his death.

I believe the foregoing deals appropriately with the Revolutionary War period. However, it
does not mention what military career Private Lawrence Schoolcraft might have had after
that. When his daughter dies in Vernon in 1829 the obituary in the Albany Gazette does refer
to her as being the “youngest daughter of Col. Lawrence Schoolcraft”. Lawrence was 71
years old at the time and probably left the funeral arrangements to one of the sons. It is
possible that Henry Rowe Schoolcraft wrote the obituary but it may have been another
relative. We may, in fact, not know precisely when the military record was embellished or
who started doing it.

John Schoolcraft‘s Descendants

Although John Schoolcraft and Anna Boss’s children are known from baptismal records, I
believe the later generations are incomplete. Most of the descendants of this family removed
from those parts of New York where good early records exist to parts that were less well
documented. I shall not spend time explaining all the children and grandchildren as they may
be seen in the genealogical report that follows. I shall instead focus only those situations
where the situation may not be obvious from the citations alone.

Lawrence was John Schoolcraft and Anna Boss’s eldest child and was Henry Rowe
Schoolcraft’s father. I am indebted to Greg Parkes for retrieving and providing a crucial
document6, without which it is not possible to accurately determine Lawrence’s family.
Merely relying on the baptismal record leaves an incomplete picture and misidentifies some
children. His transcription of that document is presented in Appendix B. Greg has also been a
great help in crystallizing my thoughts on this particular branch of the family.

Henry states that his parents married in 1781 and attributes thirteen children to their
marriage. He further states6 that they lived initially “near the falls of the Tawasentha, &
afterwards at the village of Hamilton, in Albany county”. The first location is generally
known as Norman’s Kill while Hamilton village is known today as Guilderland and is about
four miles away from the first.

Eleven baptismal records can be located; the earliest two are in Schoharie. It may be that
Lawrence initially lived in Schoharie after his marriage or it may be that he merely returned
for the baptisms as that is where his relatives and friends lived. The third baptism is a child
called Lawrence who is born in Norman’s Kill. There then follow eight more baptisms in
churches that are in the Guilderland vicinity.

The baptismal record actually contains two children called Lawrence. The third record in
sequence is actually held in a Schenectady church but has a notation that the child was born
in Norman’s Kill. The fifth record in sequence is apparently for another child called
Lawrence, but no date of birth is provided and his baptism conflicts with the birth of Henry.
Normally I would explain this as no more than the reuse of the name, presuming the first
child to have died. In this instance, however, I think a different explanation is at work. Many
churches require a person to be baptized into that church before they are considered members
of the congregation. For children, this would permit religious instruction. Baptisms from
other congregations are usually accepted but the first Lawrence was born in Norman’s Kill
and his record is in Schenectady. I suspect that he was in fact baptized by a travelling
minister who was serving the Norman’s Kill congregation. That would explain the record
being in a church as distant as Schenectady. The parents may not have realized where the
baptism was actually recorded and a second baptism in their new church is the easiest way to
resolve this. I believe that only one child called Lawrence was born and that he was baptized
twice. Later I shall discuss additional evidence that supports this hypothesis but to introduce
that at this point would only serve to confuse. Before leaving Lawrence, I must explain a
mis-identification. Jonathan Pearson7 shows a child, Lawrence, who dies in Schenectady on
July 28th, 1851 at age 63. Jonathan also provides Lawrence’s birth date and location of May
2nd, 1786 in Norman’s Kill. However, examination of the census record shows that the
Lawrence who dies in Schenectady is not that son of Lawrence and Margaret but is their
nephew who was born September 29th, 1788. It is not apparent to me where Jonathan
Pearson located the death information but I believe he incorrectly attributed it to Lawrence
and Margaret’s son whose baptismal record just happens to be located in the First Reformed
Church of Schenectady.

Thus ten children can be determined from baptismal records. This is where a crucial
statement by Henry6 comes into play.

While living near the falls of the Tawasentha, & afterwards at the village of
Hamilton, in Albany county, death had removed his daughter Kate, at 7 years
of age, & had made repeated inroads on the year of infamy, with drawing
from the family, uncle, three infant male children & one female Anna Maria,
who died in 1801 on her first birth day. In proportion as these had numbered
but few years in the subliminary scenery & made but slight advance to
individuals of character, the shock of their loss was of temporary duration.

Firstly, a daughter, “Kate” who would probably have been Catherine, dies at age seven. It is
immediately tempting to assume she is Anna Catharina who was born March 26th, 1798.
However, that cannot be as that Catherine marries Willette Sherman. Furthermore, Henry
clarifies this with the statement6:

About 1816, he returned to his homestead & farm at Vernon, where the family
had continued to be permanently located, on his final return from New
England [illegible] his second daughter Catherine, from the scene of her
education, at one of the most celebrated & efficient female schools, and she
was united in marriage to W. H. Shearman of Oneida county.

Clearly there is another child called Catherine who is born before, and therefore dies before
1798. Henry’s parents marry in 17818. The first three male children are born approximately
one and a half to two years apart from that date. Then there is a birth hiatus from May 1786
till October 1790 during which time the family appears to move from Norman’s Kill to
Hamilton. It is early in this hiatus that I think the first Catherine is born. Her death would
thus be about 1795, before the birth of the second child called Catherine. The next child
mentioned by Henry is Anna Maria who died on her first birthday in 1801. The baptismal
record shows Anna Maria was born on April 21st, 1800. But in Sault St. Marie, Michigan,
we have another Anna Maria who married John Hulbert. Henry provides the answer to this
problem when he states6:

“... and in 1825, on a return visit to the parents at Vernon, took to this new
scene of enterprize, his youngest son James, & his daughter Anna Maria.”

Clearly the name Anna Maria has been re-used. Examination of the Michigan death record
for this second Anna Maria shows that she was born about December 28th, 1802, shortly
after the death of the first. At this point we have added two more female children to the list
bringing the total to twelve. Now we return to that statement of Henry that identifies Kate6. It
states that three male infants died within the same year and seemingly in the same year as
Kate. Looking at the twelve children we had identified, all of the males except two can be
shown to have survived into the 1800s. The two that did not are Jacob and Lawrence. Clearly
they must have died about 1795 and about the same time as Kate. A third as yet unidentified
child must exist. Here is where we deal with my earlier references to Lawrence. Had there
been two children called Lawrence then one would have had to have died before the other.
As the second baptism demands a birth in or before 1792, the first one would have died
before that. The second could then have died in 1975 shortly after Kate. That, however,
would be a total of thirteen children but only two males would have died in the space of
about one year. Thus we may conclude that the baptisms of Lawrence had to be duplicates
and that a third unidentified male had to have been born, probably in the later part of the birth
hiatus, and then to have died about 1795.

While discussing deaths in this family it is appropriate to consider one more. In 1828 Willette
Sherman writes to Henry Rowe Schoolcraft9:

“I have to communicate to you the painful intelligence of the death of your

niece Margaret C. Schoolcraft, she died Saturday morning the 17 instant after
a distressing ilness of several months, ... Your sister Helen is in poor health
and I fear will not long survive Margaret. Yours,
W. H. Sherman.”

Greg Parkes reports the cemetery markers for members of the family who are buried in
Vernon. One of them is this otherwise unidentified Margaret C. Schoolcraft who died aged
23. As she is now clearly identified as Henry’s niece we may deduce that she is a child of
Henry’s brother John who died in 1806. No other brother is old enough to have fathered a
child born in 1805. In fact John’s death record in the Albany Register notes that he left a
widow and two small children. One of them was John Lawrence Schoolcraft. Clearly the
other was Margaret.

Henry’s youngest brother met an untimely death in Sault St. Marie.

Rome Citizen Death Recordings

SCHOOLCRAFT - From the Detroit Daily Advertiser - Melancoly Event. --
We regret to learn JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT, Esq., was killed at the Sault St.
Marie last Sunday afternoon. He was returning from a small field of his back
of the village when he was fired upon from a thicket and must have instantly
expired. A ball and two buck shot struck his right arm, and passed through the
vital parts of his body -- the ball lodging in his left arm. He was found lying
on his face.
Suspicion of his murder immediately rested upon an old man named Tanner,
who had frequently threatened Schoolcraft. The night before the murder he set
fire to and burned his own house, and fired random shots at several persons
during the day. A party of soldiers with a large number of Indians started at
once in pursuit, but had not yet caught him.. -- One of the soldiers had a
glimpse of him in the woods and fired but missed him. -- Mr. J. K. Livingston
has offered a reward of $100 for his capture. Tanner is said to have been a
native of Pennsylvania or Kentucky, whence he was stolen when a child by the
Indians, and has mostly lived with them. Some account of his capture by the
Indians was published a few years ago.
Mr. Schoolcraft was a younger brother of H. R. Schoolcraft, Esq., not of New
York, and was for several years a Representative in our Legislature. At his
death he was sutler to the post at Fort Brady, and also engaged extensively in
the fur and other trade. He leaves a wife, now in this city, and young children
to mourn their loss. (RCJu.21/1846)

John’s second son, also called John, was married twice. The determination of that is not
immediately apparent. The clue is in contained in the baptismal record of a grand daughter by
a daughter from his first marriage which was to Maria Truax. He and his second wife, Maria
Catherine McKinney, are sponsors at that baptism.

Baptism of Maria Reginia [Fisher] on 14-Feb-1808 born 1-Jan-1808, parents

John H. Fisher & Anna Schoolcraft, sponsors John Schoolcraft & Maria

Another grandchild of John Schoolcraft and Maria Truax by their son John Wyngaart
Schoolcraft is Nelly F. Schoolcraft. Her daughter’s marriage is recorded in Laconia, NH
where it states that Nelly was born in Lyons, NY. I believe this is no more than an erroneous
record as I have seen no evidence to suggest that Nelly’s parents were ever near Lyons.



Henry Rowe Schoolcraft is perhaps the most well known member of the Schoolcraft family.
His biographical information was discussed extensively in Chapter 2. Henry was a
geographer and geologist who traveled extensively throughout the Great Lakes region
documenting many Native American cultures and languages. Henry claimed to be the
original recorder of the legend of Hiawatha. Henry’s work, which included the discovery of
the source of the Mississippi river, is well documented and available online10 [Appendix A],
in the Library of Congress Archives. The reader is referred to that source for further
information. Henry’s work was not without controversy11. I cite one such report here not
because I necessarily assert it’s accuracy but because it indicates the need for caution on the
part of researchers like ourselves when extracting facts from these early accounts. The report
is from 1872, shortly after Henry’s death and thus not too remote from Henry’s own writings.

When Mr. Schoolcraft published his Notes on the Iroquois, he did not give Mr.
Clark that credit which it is believed he should have done, for his legend of
Hi-a-wat-ha; and when Prof. Longfellow published his celebrated Song of Hi-
a-wat-ha, the curiosity of the public was considerably excited in regard to
some of the incidents referred to in that elaborate and popular poem. A warm
controversy arose between Mr. Clark and Mr. Schoolcraft, in which Mr. Clark
asserted his claims to the honor of having first published the legend, which
had suddenly assumed such prominence in the public mind, and which he had
obtained from two aged chiefs of the Onondaga tribe. Mr. Schoolcraft, in
reply, imputed to Mr. Clark motives unworthy of a gentleman, and
superciliously ignored his claim to that honor; and Mr. Clark, in turn, clearly
convicted Schoolcraft of plagiarism, if not of untruthfulness. It is not my
province to enter into that controversy, nor even to express any opinion upon
the merits of the case only so far forth as the interests of historic truth
evidently require.
That Mr. Schoolcraft did Mr. Clark great injustice in that matter is made quite
clear by Mr. Francis Parkman in his late work, The Jesuits in North America
in the Seventeenth Century, a work which presents the Indian traditions more
fully, perhaps, than any other now before the public. Mr Parkman says, “In
all Mr. Schoolcraft’s productions, the reader must scrupulously reserve his
right of private judgement.” He also says of Mr. Schoolcraft’s six large
quarto volumes, entitled, The History, Condition, and Prospects of Indian
Tribes, “It is a singularly crude and illiterate production, stuffed with
blunders and contradictions, giving evidence on every page of a striking
unfitness either for historical or philosophical inquiry, and tasking to the
utmost the patience of those who would extract what is valuable in it from its
oceans of pedantic verbiage.” From this view of Mr. Schoolcraft’s historical
work, it is almost an unavoidable inference, that Mr. Clark had altogether the
best side in that controversy, and that his claim to the honor of having first
published the legend of Hi-a-wat-ha, is just. Several years ago, Mr. Clark sent
this Society a long account of this unpleasant affair, which may be found
among the Society’s manuscripts.

The foregoing was extracted from a report by the New England Historic, Genealogical
Society, January 1872, pp. 86-87. The author was not evident.
1 Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country and Detailing Some Facts and Opinions on Two
Particular Branch of This Family - With Regards to the Migration of That Branch From New York, to Virginia and
Kentucky. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Edward J. Schoolcraft, 4809 Douglas MacArthur NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
87110, 1986 (4th Printing 1993, w/revisions)
2 Cóvens and Mortier map of 1780
3 Berthold Fernow, New York: New York in the Revolution, (originally published as Documents Relating to the

Colonial History of the State of NY, Vol. XV, Albany, NY 1887; Reprinted for Clearfiled in 1999 by Genealogical
Publications Co, Baltimore), Muster Rolls for Capt. Robert McGinnis Company, last half of 1755.
4 Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files Volume III: N-Z Abstracted by Virgil D. White 1992
Military Service Records Section, National Archives, Washington, D.C. (File No. S42260)
6 Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers,,

container 63, reel 51, unpublished manuscript by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. “A Sketch of the Life of Col Lauren [sic]
7 Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of the Patent and City of Schenectady:

LOURENS, of Noormanskil, and Margaret Row. Ch: Lourens, b. May 2, 1786, d. in Schenectady, July 28, 1851, a.
Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers,,
container 63, reel 51, unpublished manuscript by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. “A Sketch of the Life of Col Lauren [sic]
Schoolcraft”: In 1781, he married Miss Margaret Anna Barbara Rowe, a native of Fishkill, Dutchess county, N.Y. by
whom he had a family of thirteen children.
9 Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers,,

container 36, unbound correspondence, Jan 1826 to Dec 1829, letter from Willette Sherman to Henry Rowe
Schoolcraft: I have to communicate to you the painful intelligence of the death of your niece Margaret C. Schoolcraft,
she died Saturday morning the 17 instant after a distressing ilness of several months, ... Your sister Helen is in poor
health and I fear will not long survive Margaret. Yours, W. H. Sherman.
10 Library of Congress Archives,
11 New England Historic, Genealogical Society, January 1872, pp. 86-87. The author was not evident

Chapter 4: A Military Family
A comprehensive discussion identifying Lawrence was presented in Chapter 2, page 21.
Lawrence is the youngest son of James Schoolcraft and Anna Christina Kammer. His
baptismal record indicates “Johann Lorantz” was baptized on March 20th, ecclesiastical year
1732, civil year 17331. He was probably born a few weeks earlier. His family is one of the
larger and better understood ones as they remained in the Schoharie region where the early
records are more complete than other locations. None the less, there are several places where
ambiguities and confusion can arise and this chapter will address those.

Henry Rowe Schoolcraft2 states that Lawrence is the ancestor of persons of that name in
Schoharie County. Lawrence had two wives. He marries Anna Maria Schneider on October
23rd, 1759. Anna Maria was born on the March 15th, 1736/37 in Schoharie. Anna’s family is
documented in “The Palatine Families of New York”3. This source also shows that the Maria
Schneider who married Wilhelm Schoolcraft is a stepsister to this Maria’s father. Lawrence
and Anna Maria have ten children whose baptisms are recorded. His second wife is Christina
Sternberg, the widow of John Lawyer with whom she had eleven children. Christina’s will4
identifies several of her children by John Lawyer but also identifies her as the wife of
Lawrence Schoolcraft.

The Military Record

As the chapter title suggests, Lawrence was a military man. Not only did he rise to become
Adjutant of the Fifteenth Regiment, Albany County Militia at Schoharie but five of his sons
also saw service, some in the Revolutionary War. Lawrence first appears with his brother
John as privates in muster roles of Capt. Robert McGinnis Company5 in the summer and fall
of 1755. By the December muster for this Company Lawrence is furloughed. Ed Schoolcraft6
has previously laid out the case proving much of the military record during the Revolutionary

No records exist to indicate that Lawrence Schoolcraft ever made a

declaration of service as an Adjutant during the Revolutionary War in
accordance with the provisions of any of the Pension or Land Grant Acts of
Congress, passed in March 1818, May 1820, June 1832, and July 1836.
Because of this, we must look elsewhere for information concerning his
One source of proof of his service is found in a book titled “New York in the
Revolution” prepared under the direction of the Board of Regents-New York
State Archives, by Berthold Fernow, printed by Weed, Parsons, and Co.,
Albany, New York - 1887. (See listing for 15th Regiment, Colonel Peter
Vrooman, Commander.) Further proof is found in the Military service
Records Section, National Aichives, Washington, D.C. (See declarations of the
following persons: John Schoolcraft, File No. S15221; Jacob Schoolcraft, File
No. W19323; and Lawrence Schoolcraft, File No. R9267.) I am convinced
these three Schoolcrafts are sons of Lawrence Schoolcraft, the Adjutant.

On October 3rd, 1832, John Schoolcraft (S15221), in the Court of Common
Pleas in Schoharie (now Albany) Co., New York, made a declaration in
support of his application for a pension as provided for by an Act of Congress
for service performed during the Revolution. He states that he was 67 years
old at that time (actual date of birth was 31 January, 1765). He further states
that during the spring of 1780, he served for approximately 3 months; during
the spring of 1781, he served for approximately 3 months; and during 1782,
he served from 1 April to the end of that year. He states that he performed his
services under Col. Vrooman, Col. VanShaick, Capt. Stubrach; and Capt.
Gray. This declaration also contains a statement by Jacob Schoolcraft
wherein he states that “He has been well acquainted with John Schoolcraft,
the applicant for a pension, ever since the American Revolution, that he, this
disponent, has frequently seen the said John Schoolcraft in the Militia Service
as he has stated in his declaration.”
On 5 October, 1832, Jacob Schoolcraft (W19323), in the Court of Common
Pleas in Schoharie (now Albany) Co., New York, made a declaration in
support of his application for a pension as provided by an Act of Congress for
service performed during the Revolution. He states that he was 70 years old at
that time and was born on 18 December, 1761; that he served for one or two
months in the fall of 1776 in a Company commanded by Capt. Christian
Stubrach of Col. Peter Vrooman’s Regiment, and as soon as he joined his
Company, he was appointed Orderly Sergeant. In 1777, he served from spring
until late fall, again as orderly Sergeant in the same Company in which he
had served in the previous year. During the years of 1778 and 1779, he again
served from spring until late fall, as Orderly Sergeant, in the same Company
and Regiment, which were commanded by the same officers. He states that he
served continuously from the spring of 1780 until May 1783 in the same
Company and Regiment commanded by the same Officers, again as Orderly
Sergeant. He further states that John Schoolcraft can testify to the truthfulness
of his statements.
On 11 June, 1854, Lawrence Schoolcraft (R9267) appeared before Amos
Cray, a Justice of the Peace, in Albany Co., New York and made a declaration
in support of his application for a pension as provided by an Act of Congress
for service performed during the Revolution. He states that he was 88 years
old at that time (actual date of birth was 28 March, 1767) . Lawrence states
that he served from April to November 1778, in a Company commanded by Lt.
Jacob Snyder, and that his brother Peter Schoolcraft, served in the same
Company with him,--in the year 1779, he served in a Company commanded by
Lt. Peter Snyder, and Jacob Snyder was Ensign. This service was performed
between June and mid-August,-during 1780 he served from spring until the
end of December and states that much of his service in 1780 was as a
substitute for his brother John Schoolcraft, and his officers were Capt.
Christian Stubrach, Lt. Jacob Snyder, and Lt. John Duty. He also states that
his brothers, Jacob, Peter, and John were all soldiers in Capt. Stubrach’s
Company belonging to Col. Peter Vrooman’s Regiment. He states that he
continued to serve from the year of 1780 until the close of hostilities in 1782,

and that his father, Lawrence Schoolcraft was the Adjutant of Col. Vrooman’s
Regiment. He states that he is “Quite certain that his father was never a
Private in the Militia under Col. Peter Vrooman and his recollection is
distinct on this subject”. He also states that his “Father was on duty at
Albany, Stillwater, and Saratoga until within a few days of the taking of
Burgoyne, when he returned to Schoharie, and immediately thereafter
resumed the duty of Adjutant of Col. Vrooman’s Regiment, and remained as
Adjutant of said Regiment until the close of the War”.
Of the three declarations referred to above, only two, those of John and Jacob
Schoolcraft were allowed. The declaration made by Lawrence Schoolcraft
was not allowed because he could not furnish adequate proof of his service. I
will not attempt to make any judgment as to the fairness of the decision made
to disallow the declaration made by Lawrence. However, after taking all the
facts into consideration concerning Lawrence Schoolcraft, the Adjutant, and
the declarations made by John, Jacob, and Lawrence Schoolcraft, --I am
convinced that Lawrence’s declaration, to a great degree, bears the import of
the truth.
Unfortunately, there is no evidence that the fourth son, Peter Schoolcraft, ever
made a declaration in connection with his service. Records do exist, however,
to support the statements made by Lawrence that Peter Schoolcraft did
perform some service during the American Revolution. (See “New York in the

In fact I believe there is evidence that five sons were involved in the Revolutionary War, or
at least in the few years immediately following it. One of them, Jacob, went on to achieve the
rank of General7. If you extract all the Schoolcraft references from New York in the
Revolution by the State Comptroller8 and group them by Regiment and the associated Levies
they break into three groups. The largest by far is the 15th Regiment Militia from the united
districts of Schoharie and Duanesburg under Col. Peter Vrooman. The 3rd Regiment Militia
also known as the 1st Rensselaerwyck Battalion under Philip P. Schuyler includes the
ancestors of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft that were discussed in Chapter 3, page 31. The 16th, or
Cambridge Regiment under Col. John Blair, Col. Lewis Van Woert includes members of
Christian Schoolcraft’s family and will be discussed in Chapter 5, page 61. There are also
numerous short-term assignments to the Levies. As mentioned previously, one cannot
necessarily conclude that actual service was performed based only on an individual’s
appearance in a roster. An examination of the content is informative.

To return to the roster of the 15th Regiment, this roster applies to the period from July 1778
to April 8th, 1781. The simplest one to locate is the Adjutant Lawrence Schoolcraft, born
March 20th, 1732/33 who is the son of James and Anna. Because this regiment was raised in
Schoharie the recruits would come from that area. They all correlate to children of Lawrence,
the Adjutant, and are all privates. The first is Peter born January 9th, 1760 who had three
Captains within his time with the regiment - Christian Brown, Dirck Miller, and Christ’n
Stubragh. As none of these made Captain till February 20th, 1778, Peter’s service, if any,
would not have been before that. (I noticed that the dates of their commissions predate the
Regiments active service so be careful what conclusions you draw regarding dates. Peter may

have changed Companies or the Company command may have changed.) The second is
Jacob born December 18th, 1761 who had four Captains. Capt Geo. Rechtmyer was probably
first as he was commissioned in 1775, long before the others. Christian Brown, Dirck Miller,
Christ’n Stubragh are the same ones as commanded Peter so this may indicate that Jacob was
assigned before Peter. Third we have William born January 1st, 1769 who was commanded
by Storm Becker. There’s a problem with this one in that William is only age twelve in 1781.
There is not an alternative William, therefore I conclude these rosters must cover a period of
time extending out into the mid 1780s. Fourthly there is Lawrence Jr. born March 28th, 1767.
This has the same age problem as William but as he is identified as “Lawrence Jr.” it is
fairly obvious who he is. I consider it significant that he is in the ‘index’ of all New York
troops but is not listed in the Regimental roster. This would be the situation if that roster only
went to April 8th, 1781, although that still leaves a problem with William. He had four
changes of command - Christian Brown, Dirck Miller twice and Christ’n Stubragh. Lastly,
John appears in the Levies under Col. Marinus Willett, with his brother, Peter.

Lawrence’s Church Life

Lawrence Schoolcraft plays a substantial role in St. Paul’s church. In 1781 and 1784,
Lawrence is an elected elder and trustee of the church. His children follow his example with
John, Lawrence [Jr.], William and grandson David figuring in lists dated 1810 - 1815, 1818 -
1819, 1826 - 1828, 1829 - 1831, and 1833. Lawrence makes a sizeable donation to the church
in 17869 [Appendix D, Figure 5]. His frequent attendance at communions substantiates his
church involvement. There is but one cloud.

In researching this family an interesting reference appears in the records of St. Paul’s Church.
It is a note written by Domine Braun on September 8th, 1791 when he is preparing to leave
Schoharie, which is subsequently cancelled out, presumable when he did not leave. The
content is particularly intriguing:

Dearest Brother, whosever comes here to feed this flock, be watchful; set
cautiously in finding out your friends; flee from those who at first appear as if
abounding in friendship; believe me, the serpent is concealed with amicable
words, surrounding you with deceitful hearts. There are three who delight in
giving laws to the whole body, and in the end overthrow everything. I will
disclose to you one, with indeed a true heart; that may be relied upon;
question him, he will tell you everything; he is named in Latin Johannes
Advocatus Senior. Turn the name underscored with a line into the English
language, and you will find him near the Reformed Church. In the meanwhile
have patience, and may the Spirit of Jesus Christ be with you in all things.
Pray for me. I am your most obedient servant.
Schoharie, Sept. 8, 1791. A. T. Braun.

It is easy to determine that John Lawyer Sr. is the person explicitly referred to. What of the
other three? The persons most likely to be involved would be elders or trustees who would
have easy access to the minister and also be in a position to influence Church policy. One of
these is Lawrence Schoolcraft. Lawrence is also the Camp Adjutant, a position dependent on
ones ability to effectively direct the actions of others and make rules governing their

behavior. The military are necessarily well known for their ‘command and control’ approach
to people management. I believe that Lawrence was probably one of the persons referred to
in this quotation and that it shows he did not restrict his people skills to his military career.

Finding the Jacob

A significant problem when researching this family is the preponderance of individuals

named Jacob, Lawrence and John. Many of them have wives called Maria or Catherine. It is
only possible to disambiguate these individuals by first allocating those relationships for
which no ambiguity exists. Then, by paying close attention to the locations, the churches
being used, sponsors at ceremonies and biological limitations it is possible to allocate the
remainder. Too try and include the more complex explanations, by using citations and notes
alone, makes any Genealogical Report almost impossible to read. In order too resolve that, I
shall discuss the appropriate ones now.

One key fact is not intuitive and might reasonably be referred to as “finding the Jacob”! The
census and early church records for the late 1700s and very early 1800s identify at least four
individuals called Jacob in Schoharie, although one can be confidently presumed to have died
an infant. Lawrence’s son John had a son Jacob who is referred to as Jacob Jr. Lawrence’s
son Jacob also had a son called Jacob who did not use the designation “Jr.” but who
sometimes used a middle initial of “J” or “I”. Lawrence’s son Jacob also had a son John
who is referred to as John Jr. while Lawrence’s son John had a son John who did not use the
designation “Jr.”. I.e. Jacob Jr. is the son of John and John Jr. is the son of Jacob. This
information is conveyed in the Wills of their parents10:

Will of Jacob Schoolcraft of Schoharie: Dated Aug 11, 1834: Probated Jun 3,
1839: Mentions wife Mary Catherine, daughter Sophia Schoolcraft, daughter
Betsey Zimmer, son Jacob I., son John Jr., grand-daughter Rachel Bennett,
grand-daughter Caty Ann Shaver, grand-daughter Caroline Woolford:
Executors son John Jr., son-in-law John Zimmer Jr.: Witnesses Ezra Gallup
Jr. of Schoharie, George Zimmer of Schoharie, Darius Coye of Schoharie:
Vol. 3, pg. 335

This Will associates Jacob I. and John Jr. to parents Jacob Schoolcraft Sr. and Maria
Catherine Zimmer.

Will of John Schoolcraft of Schoharie: Dated Oct 10, 1831: Probated Sep 6,
1849: Mentions son Jacob Jr., wife Mary Catherine, daughter Elizabeth wife
of John Schultes: Executors daughter Elizabeth, son Jacob Jr.: Witnesses
Isaac Barber, Jacob I. Schoolcraft, Cicero Barber: Vol. 4, pg. 363

This Will associates Jacob Jr. with parents John Schoolcraft Sr. and Maria Catherine Schell.
(The fourth individual called Jacob is a son of Jacob Sr. born in 1783 who died before 1785.)

Identifying these three persons called Jacob is only a part of the task. Jacob Schoolcraft Sr.
marries Maria Catharina Zimmer. Jacob I. Schoolcraft marries Catherine Salsburg. Jacob
Schoolcraft Jr. marries first Eva Settle and second Catherine Steiner. Most of Jacob Sr.’s
family can be determined without ambiguity as it is before 1805 and thus before the other

two marry. By taking care to observe the mother’s names and sponsors it is possible to
correctly allocate the children born after 1805. Jacob Schoolcraft Jr. and Eva Settle have
eight children and Eva is explicitly identified with each birth although the maiden name on
one shows a minor anomaly and is recorded as “Zell”, aka a variant of the maiden name of
Jacob’s mother. Jacob I. Schoolcraft and Catherine Salsburg have ten children. In each case
Catherine is named as the mother and in some Jacob is identified by his middle initial.

Emery and Miles Schoolcraft, grandsons of Jacob I. Schoolcraft by Ira Schoolcraft, born
April 10th, 1823. This photograph might have been taken at Cedar Rapids, Nebraska, where
Emery rented a horse barn11. Photograph kindly provided by Grove Schoolcraft.

Will Those Called Peter Schoolcraft Step Forward?

Between 1802 and 1822 five people called Peter are born to descendants of Lawrence
Schoolcraft and Anna Maria Schneider. The first is a grandson by Peter Schoolcraft and
Beata Marinus who is born in Schoharie on February 16th, 1802. A great grandson by David
Schoolcraft and Rachael Westfall is born in Guilderland on April 19th, 1806. A great
grandson by Jacob Schoolcraft and Eva Settle is born in Schoharie on December 2nd, 1814.
A great grandson by William Schoolcraft and Mary Zimmer is born in Schoharie on January
22nd, 1819. A great grandson by Lawrence Schoolcraft and Hannah Gleichmann is born in
Schoharie on April 2nd, 1822. Clearly there is ample room for confusion and census records

are a good way to start resolving it. These show how the families stayed in close proximity
and can help in determining who is related to whom. Note that in Table 7 the records for
Peter [09-Jan-1760] are from Rensselaerville and Berne. Records before 1850 are from
Schoharie, 1850 and later are from Wright.

Table 7: Census Records from Schoharie or Wright [dwelling or page]

1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850
Peter [9-Jan- pp. pp.
1760] 192.28 127.20
William [28-
Feb-1799] dw. 14
Peter [22-Jan- Richmond
Peter [16-Feb-
Jacob [18-Dec- pp. pp. pp. pp. pp.
1761] 200.13 1170.15 31.39 189.16 23.16
David [22-Jan- pp. Tioga
1781] 23.18 Co.
Peter [19-Apr- pp.
1806] 182.02
John [31-Jan- pp. pp. pp. pp. pp. pp.
1765] 200.11 1170.11 32.09 187.38 22.20 182.24
Jacob [abt. pp. pp. pp. pp.
1784] 32.10 190.07 23.17 182.24
dw. 160
Peter [2-Dec-
Lawrence [28- pp. pp. pp.
Albany Co.
Mar-1767] 1170.12 32.08 187.37
Lawrence [13- pp. Tioga
Tioga Co.
Feb-1794] 24.03 Co.
Peter [2-Apr-
1822] Tioga Co.

First I shall determine Peter [22-Jan-1819]. In 1850 he is living in a two family residence in
Richmond (Table 7). His brother Ezra is the second family and their father is living with
Ezra. Peter’s wife Lena is identified.

Federal Population Schedule 1850: pg. 281: Richmond Twp., Schoharie Co.,
NY, dwelling 14, family 14. Schoolcraft, Peter P age 29 sex M Farmer born in
NY, [Schoolcraft], Luna age 33 sex F born in NY, [Schoolcraft], May M age
11 sex F Student born in NY, [Schoolcraft], William M age 7 sex M Student
born in NY, [Schoolcraft], Lorenzo age 5 sex M Student born in NY

His Will shows that he died between March 25th, 1860 and October 12th, 1862.

Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, Abstracts of Wills,
(Abstracts of Wills, Letters of Administration and Guardianship, Schoharie
Co., NY), Vol. 5 pg. 10, Will of Peter P. Schoolcraft of Richmondville, NY:
Dated Mar 25, 1860: Probated Oct 12, 1862: Mentions son William Miner,
son Lorenzo, son Irving P., daughter Catherine Elizabeth, daughter Nancy
Maria, wife Lena: Executors Dr. Chase of Richmondville: Witnesses Lyman
Baker, Peter Miller.

The 1860 census shows his wife staying with her father in law, indicating that Peter probably
died before June 1st, 1860.

Federal Population Schedule 1860: pg. 847: Richmond Twp., Richmondville,

Schoharie Co., NY, dwelling 178, family 135. Schoolcraft, William age 61 sex
M farmer born in NY, [Schoolcraft], Maria age 65 sex F born in NY,
[Schoolcraft], William M. age 17 sex M born in NY, [Schoolcraft], Munzo age
16 sex M born in NY, [Schoolcraft], Elizabeth age 6 sex M born in NY,
[Schoolcraft], Ervin age 3 sex M born in NY, [Schoolcraft], Lana age 45 sex
F born in NY

The foregoing proves that Peter [22-Jan-1819] married Lena and lived and died in Richmond.

Peter [2-Apr-1822] may now be determined as he is the only person of that name in Tioga
County and appears to have removed there with his father. Now that Peter [22-Jan-1819] has
been eliminated, there is strong correlation with age in the 1850 census record and his birth
date in 1822. He is married to Angeline Bakeman.

A Peter Schoolcraft marries Christina Becker in Schoharie on March 19th, 1835. Evidence
identifying that this is Peter [2-Dec-1814] comes from the 1850 census and from three
baptisms in St. Paul’s, Schoharie on September 7th, 1836. Table 7 shows Peter is living in
dwelling 160 in Wright in 1850 where his father, Jacob Jr., is head of household. This
association is confirmed as Peter’s son, George Becker Schoolcraft, is baptized with Peter’s
brother Gideon’s twins, Maria Malvina and Joseph Miner Schoolcraft.

Peter [19-Apr-1806] is another one I show in the census records in Table 7. With a birth date
only four years from Peter [16-Feb-1802] we must be careful. However, in this particular
case Peter consistently states an age in 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880 that is exactly appropriate
to his birth in 1806. For this reason I am satisfied that the correct Peter is identified and that
he is the only one involved. He marries twice. In 1850 he is shown with Phoebe who is
widely claimed to be Phoebe Cheeseboro. (I have not pursued a citation that confirms this.
Her mother is apparently in the household in 1850.) In 1860, 1870 and 1880 he is shown with
Leah. I am grateful to Harold Miller of the Berne Historical Society for the following

Esther Schoolcraft shown in the 1860 census, born about 1852, and an
implied daughter of Peter Schoolcraft, is actually Esther L. Wright, his step-
daughter who married Edgar Weidman. In the 1880 census, Edgar Weidman
age 22 is married but his wife is not living with him. He is working on the
farm of James Young, on page 357D of the census. On the next page, 358A,

about 7 households away, is Ester L. (Estella) Weidman who is married but
not living with her husband. Since she is the stepdaughter of Peter
Schoolcraft, she must be the daughter of Leah. Since we know Estella’s
maiden name is Wright, then Leah’s married name was Wright. I identify her
as Leah Van Arnem, widow of Jervis Wright who died August 22nd, 1855. The
census was two weeks before the birth of Bertha on July 16th, 1880 so Estella
was staying with her mother until the baby was born.

Peter [19-Apr-1806] first married Phoebe Cheeseboro and second married Leah Van Arnem.

It only remains to say that there does not appear to be any record of Peter [16-Feb-1802]. His
father is missing from the census record after 1800 in Berne. His brother William is
enumerated in 1820 but then does not appear in the census record till 1850 in Richmond.
Further study may shed light on what happened to this branch of the family.

David Schoolcraft

The David that I wish to discuss was born on January 22nd, 1781. He has an uncle of the
same name who was born on October 25th, 1773. The available church, census and other
records suggest that only the one who was born in 1781 married and had any family. David
first marries Rachel Westfall on February 26th, 1805. Their first child is born in 1806 and the
second, Rachel Schoolcraft, is born on December 28th, 1809. It is this second child that
proves that her father was the David born in 1781, as her grandparents are the sponsors at her
birth and she is mentioned in her grandfather’s Will. David and his family are shown
consistently in the census record from 1810 through 1860. He dies in Newark on November
7th, 1861. Eight more children are found to a mother usually called Anna and once referred
to as Nancy.

There is nothing in the foregoing that is particularly unusual and I would not be discussing
David were it not for one fact. It is commonly asserted that his second wife, Anna, was
actually two persons. David’s second marriage is claimed to Anna Schaffer on September
14th, 1807 with the first child, called Catherine, who is often claimed to be born born about
1808. Anna is claimed to have died about 1824 following the birth of Ira, who was a cripple
and mentally handicapped, possibly due to birth complications. David’s third marriage is
claimed to Anna Zimmer on October 9th, 1824 by whom three more children were born. The
problem with these assertions is that the second marriage and the birth of the first child by
that marriage seriously conflict with David’s proven marriage to Rachel Westfall. If the facts
pertaining to the second marriage are correct then clearly there is another person called David

I have contacted several persons whose names have been associated with these assertions and
none have been able to identify the original person who made the assertions. A search of
typical records where these facts might be expected to be recorded has not even yielded
confirmation of the maiden names of the second two wives. I do not expect that such
assertions would have been made without some basis. Most likely the facts are partially
correct but contain errors that are concealing the true fact. Until this is resolved I continue to
show the second and third marriages as being to a single person called Anna, maiden name
unknown, and at a date later than the birth of Rachel Westfall’s last child.

Before leaving David it is appropriate to discuss his daughter Eva and the claimed daughter
Catherine that was mentioned above. Daniel Zimmer’s obituary proves that he married
someone called Eva Schoolcraft.

Source unstated:
Daniel Zimmer, one of the oldest residents of East Newark was found dead in
bed at home. He had been feeble several months; but around the house. Tues.
night he went up to his room as usual. He did not get up as early as usual, his
daughter, Miss Josephine, who kept house for him, went up and found he had
died during the night.
He was born in Knox , Albany Co., NY in 1814 and came with his father to
this town in 1832, when they moved onto a tract of land where the farm of
Alexander Saddlemire is now located. All that section at that time wa s
pathless forest, and to get to the point where his village is located , the settlers
followed a trail down around by way of the McCullough neighborhood. In
1835 Daniel married Mrs. Eva Schoolcraft who died in 1876. Two children
born to them: Sylvenus Zimmer of Maine and Miss Josephine at home. The
funeral held from his home Rev. J. B. Cook officiating.

The census record shows that Eva was born variously in 1820, 1822 or 1823. This is close
enough to September 1818 that one might consider the case closed. However, living very
close by is Peter and Eva Sperbeck. The 1880 census shows that Eva’s maiden name was
also Schoolcraft. This potential ambiguity must be resolved. Earlier census records show Eva
Sperbeck to be born in 1817 and also to be called Eva Ann.

David’s brother, Jacob I. Schoolcraft, had a daughter called Eva Ann born October 25th,
1815. That Eva’s brother Jacob is buried in Tioga County in 1849 and her father is buried
there in 1853. Thus there is a connection to the county to account for finding Eva Ann there.
However, as her father and his family remained in Schoharie through 1840 she cannot be the
same Eva that married Daniel Zimmer in 1835 as Daniel was already in Newark at that time.
On the other hand, David Schoolcraft’s family did go to Tioga county between 1830 and
1835. Thus we may conclude that Eva Schoolcraft, daughter of David, is the one that married
Daniel Zimmer and that Eva Ann Schoolcraft, daughter of Jacob, is the one that married
Peter Sperbeck. This conclusion is strengthened by examination of the census record. In 1880
Eva Schoolcraft, the presumed daughter of Jacob, is enumerated twice. Once she is living
with her son-in-law in Newark Valley12. Secondly, she and her son-in-law are enumerated in
Liverpool, Onondaga County13, with Eva’s widowed sister-in-law, Catherine Chase
Schoolcraft. This is sufficient to prove that we have placed the appropriate Eva with the
appropriate parent.

In the beginning of this section I mentioned the claimed Catherine Schoolcraft, daughter of
David and his wife Anna. Daniel Zimmer had a brother called David who is claimed to have
married that Catherine. The census records show Catherine was born variously in 1819,
1821, or 1822. A number of online genealogies claim she was born about 1808. Others claim
she was born in 1814 and a few that she was born specifically on May 7th, 1814. This last
date is a clue to one problem. David Schoolcraft had a son called Paul who married Catherine
Zimmer, who was a sister to Daniel Zimmer. Paul and Catherine are buried in the East

Newark cemetery. That record shows the names Schoolcraft and Zimmer. This points
strongly to someone confusing the wife of Paul Schoolcraft with the wife of David Zimmer
and getting her married name and maiden name mixed up! The problem with “Catherine
Schoolcraft” at this time is that I have no evidence to prove Catherine’s maiden name was
Schoolcraft. Nor do I have any evidence to prove her parents. For that reason I am refraining
from even showing her as a claimed descendent of David Schoolcraft.

A Case of Resurrection!

There is an apparent contradiction between the death records associated with Mary (Settle)
Schoolcraft and the 1880 census that I shall explain here. The error is in the 1880 census that
has identified Sylvester Schoolcraft’s paternal grandmother instead of his maternal
grandmother, Mary Zimmer. Jacob Schoolcraft and Maria Catharina Zimmer have a son John
Schoolcraft Jr. born 14th October 1790. This is proven by both baptismal record and a Will.

The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation at Schoharie, NY. 1728-
1816 Doop book, Baptism of Jan on 9 Nov [1790] born 14 Oct, parents Jacob
Schulkraft & Maria Catharina, sponsors Johannes Schulkraft & Maria
Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, Abstracts of Wills, Letters of Administration and
Guardianship, Vol. 3, pg. 335, Will of Jacob Schoolcraft of Schoharie: Dated
Aug 11, 1834: Probated Jun 3, 1839: Mentions wife Mary Catherine,
daughter Sophia Schoolcraft, daughter Betsey Zimmer, son Jacob I., son John
Jr., grand-daughter Rachel Bennett, grand-daughter Caty Ann Shaver, grand-
daughter Caroline Woolford: Executors son John Jr., son-in-law John
Zimmer Jr.: Witnesses Ezra Gallup Jr. of Schoharie, George Zimmer of
Schoharie, Darius Coye of Schoharie.

John Jr. Schoolcraft and Mary Settle are married and have a son Elisha. This is proven by
baptismal record and a Will.

Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church at Berne, NY. pg. 152, Baptism of
Schoolcraft, Elisha on [Bet 1812 Sepr. 27 & October] born Sept. 28 1812,
parents John Schoolcraft & Mariah Settle, sponsors Johanas Schoocraft &
Maria Catharine Shal.
Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, Abstracts of Wills, Letters of Administration and
Guardianship, Vol. 5, pg. 31, Will of John Schoolcraft Jr. of Schoharie: Dated
Aug 14, 1862: Probated Dec 8, 1862: Mentions son Elisha, son Isaac, son
Hiram, daughter Nancy Maria, grand-son Sylvester, son of Elisha
Schoolcraft, grand-daughter Mary, daughter of Hiram Schoolcraft, wife
Mary: Executors son Hiram: Witnesses John Gebhard of Schoharie, John P.
Shafer of Schoharie.

The Will also establishes that Elisha had a brother called Hiram and a son called Sylvester.
Records of the High and Low Dutch Congregation and an obituary establish that Mary Settle
died 1st November 1864. The obituary, through reference to Hiram confirms that it truly is
Elisha’s mother (Sylvester’s grandmother) who has died.

High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation at Schoharie, NY. List of
members: Schoolcraft, Mary Settle wid. of John Schoolcraft Died Nov. 8,
Schoharie Republican Newspaper, Death on Nov 1 [1864] of Mary
Schoolcraft In this village on Tuesday Nov 1 at the residence of her son Hiram
Schoolcraft. Relict of the late John Schoolcraft Jr, in the 74th year. S.R. Nov 3

This conclusively proves the lineage and the death of Mary Settle, yet the 1880 census
apparently shows that Sylvester’s widowed grandmother, Mary Settle is living him.

Federal Population Schedule 1880: pp. 297A: Turin, Lewis Co., NY:
Sylvester Schoolcraft Self male married white age 31 born in NY
occupation Farmer father born in NY mother born in NY
Elma Schoolcraft Wife female married white age 31 born in NY
occupation Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY
Leroy Schoolcraft Son male single white age 7 born in NY father born
in NY mother born in NY
Anna Schoolcraft Mother female white age 67 born in NY father born
in NY mother born in NY
Mary Schoolcraft GMother female white age 88 born in NY father
born in NY mother born in NY
Lillian Cook Other female single white age 17 born in NY occupation
House Keeper father born in NY mother born in NY

The Mary Schoolcraft is in reality Mary Zimmer born about 1791 and who married John
Dominick June 16th, 1812 in St. Paul’s church, Schoharie. She is Sylvester’s maternal
grandmother not his paternal one. The 1880 census enumeration has included an incorrect

The Relationship of Elisha and Sylvester Schoolcraft

Before leaving this family, it is worth examining an inconsistency in the relationship of

Elisha and Sylvester Schoolcraft. An undated list of members of the High and Low Dutch
Congregation indicates that Elisha may have had a second wife called Anna Maria Hiltz.
John Schoolcraft’s Will dated in 1862, states that Sylvester is the son of Elisha.

Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, Abstracts of Wills, Letters of Administration and

Guardianship, Vol. 5, pg. 31: Will of John Schoolcraft Jr. of Schoharie: Dated
Aug 14, 1862: Probated Dec 8, 1862: Mentions son Elisha, son Isaac, son
Hiram, daughter Nancy Maria, grand-son Sylvester, son of Elisha
Schoolcraft, grand-daughter Mary, daughter of Hiram Schoolcraft, wife
Mary: Executors son Hiram: Witnesses John Gebhard of Schoharie, John P.
Shafer of Schoharie.

Sylvester is born about 1848, determined from the 1850 census where he is shown in Elisha’s
family at age two. Elisha marries Anna Maria Dominick in 1832 and two children are proven
to these parents in 1834 and 1839. Records of the Lewis County Court refer to Elisha
obtaining guardianship of Sylvester in 1864, implying that Elisha was not the natural father.
If Sylvester were the child of Anna Maria Hiltz and Elisha had married about 1849 then the
guardianship action would be appropriate - Elisha might be adopting a son from Anna Maria
Hiltz’s previous marriage. The problem is that in 1860, Anna Maria Dominick’s parents are
living with Elisha. This does not make sense if Elisha had remarried.

Sylvester is certainly Elisha’s adopted child. His mother is not known but for now I show her
as Anna Maria Dominick. The reference to Anna Maria Hiltz in the High and Low Dutch
Congregation may be no more than confusion with Elisha’s sister in law, Catherine Maria

Jacob Fridendall

Before we move on from these Wills we should consider grandson, Jacob Fridendall, who is
mentioned in Maria Catherine Zimmer’s Will.

Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, Abstracts of Wills, Letters of Administration and

Guardianship, Vol 3. pg. 215: Will of Mary Catherine Schoolcraft of
Schoharie : Dated Feb 18, 1835 : Probated Aug 7, 1837 : Mentions Betsey
Zimmer, daughter Sophie Schoolcraft, grand-daughter Mary Catherine
Zimmer, grand-daughter Caty Eliza Wolford, grand-son Jacob Fridendall :
Executors John C. Zimmer, Peter Zimmer : Witnesses William Schoolcraft of
Schoharie, Ezra Gallup Jr. of Schoharie

This indicates one of her daughters married someone called Fridendall. That daughter cannot
be Maria as Adam Weidman’s family’s bible shows that Maria died in 1823 while still
married to Adam. Elizabeth marries John Zimmer and a substantial family can be shown that
culminates in twins in 1833. While not conclusive, this would suggest that Elizabeth is not
that daughter as there are only two years between that event and her mother’s will, dated in
1835. Very young children were rarely mentioned in Wills as the survival rate was low.
Catherine marries John Wolford as is proven by the Beaver Dam Reformed Church
communion and member’s records dated April 2nd, 1831 that mark her as dead. Her death
before her mother would be a reason to include her daughters, Caty Eliza and Caroline, one
in each of their grandparent’s Wills. We cannot be sure precisely when Catherine died, but
her widowed husband, John Wolford, married her sister, Sophia, on August 27th, 1836 with
Caty Eliza Wolford as a witness. Thus it would seem that Sophia is the only daughter who
could have married a Fridedall, and that that marriage would have been before her marriage
to John Wolford.

Ozias and Adam Schoolcraft in Tioga County

This branch of the family has several descendants that remove to Tioga County. They are the
descendants of the brothers Jacob, born December 18th, 1861 and Lawrence, born March
28th, 1867. There is an otherwise unidentified Ozias Schoolcraft who dies on 11-Jan-1826
and is buried in the East Newark cemetery. That record is used to compute his birth date on
October 8th, 1794. Table 8 shows others in this region for later years. It is clear from this
information that David and Lawrence are the heads of the families that go into Tioga County.
It is curious that Ozias is buried there this soon as the earliest census records for the others

are in 1840. Both David and Lawrence are still in Schoharie in 1830. This may indicate Ozias
was the first to leave Schoharie. Given his age, he would have to be a son of either Jacob
born in 1761 or Lawrence born in 1767. I do not like placing too much trust in ages from
death records but if his age is correct then he could not be a child of Lawrence as that would
clash with the birth of Lawrence on 13th February 1794. Given that the name Ozias is also
reused in Jacob’s line, I believe Ozias to be the child of Jacob Schoolcraft and Maria
Catharina Zimmer.

Table 8: Newark and Owego Census Records [dwelling or page, age]

1840 1850 1860 1870
Descendants of Jacob December 18 , 1761
David [22-Jan-1781] pp. 60.24 dw. 243, ae. 69 dw. 260, ae. 79
Paul [26-Oct-1811] pp. 59.21 dw. 198, ae. 49 dw. 467, ae. 58
Ozias [about 1845] dw. 327, ae. 22
Adam [1-Jan-1815] dw. 252, ae. 34 dw. 262, ae. 45 dw. 306, ae. 55
Ira [24-Feb-1823] dw. 260, ae. 27
Elijah [28-Dec-1829] dw. 262, ae. 29
John [14-Oct-1790]
Elisha [28-Sep-1812]
John [8-Sep-1834] dw. 260, ae. 26 dw. 457, ae. 37
Ozias [8-Oct-1794]
Adam [10-Oct-1800] pp. 57.10
Descendants of Lawrence March 28th, 1767
Lawrence [13-Feb-1794] pp. 59.25 dw. 349, ae. 52 dw. 424, ae. 66 dw. 469, ae. 76
Jacob [15-Jun-1819] dw. 425, ae. 41 dw. 469, ae. 47
Peter [2-Apr-1822] dw. 858, ae. 28 dw. 421, ae. 36
Philip [about 1848] dw. 857, ae. 2
Minor [about 1826] dw. 426, ae. 35 dw. 468, ae. 40
Seneca [about 1832] dw. 76, ae. 28 dw. 383, ae. 37
Percy [about 1835] dw. 81, ae. 35

In the 1840 census record for Tioga County is an Adam Schoolcraft. I include this person as
Adam [10-Oct-1800]. That record shows six children and a female care giver. Because there
are no other known persons called Adam Schoolcraft that are close to the age range stated,
and because he has brothers who are also there, it seems to be an unambiguous record.
However, his wife, Catherine Schoolcraft, dies on January 18th, 1837 in Clay, just outside
Syracuse. That is a substantial distance from Tioga County. I conjecture that after his wife’s
death, Adam may have joined his brothers for family support and found a second wife who
may have had prior children of her own to account for the misaligned counts in the census.
By 1850 Adam has removed to Belvidere, Illinois.

1 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Baptismal Pages Possessed by St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church but not from St. Paul's: Baptism of Johann Lorantz on [Mar 20 1732/33], parents James
Schulkraft & Anna Christina, sponsors Wilhelm Kammer & Apelonia Kammer.
2 Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers: with brief notices of

passing events, facts, and opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Philadelphia, Lippincott,
Grambo and co., 1851.
3 The Palatine Families of New York, Volume 1, Henry Z. Jones Jr., Picton Press, Camden, ME
4 Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, New York: Abstracts of Wills, (Abstracts of Wills, Letters of

Administration and Guardianship, Schoharie Co., NY), Vol. 1, pp. 209: Will of Christina Schoolcraft daughter of
Lambert Sternbergh and the wife of Lawrence Schoolcraft : Dated Sep 23, 1808 : Probated : Mentions daughter
Rebecca wife of Daniel Budd, daughter Maria, grand-daughter Christina eldest daughter of Christian Lawyer :
Executors husband Lorentz Schoolcraft, daughter Maria, daughter Rebecca : Witnesses Peter Wiesmer, Samiel Snyder,
Noah Dudley.
5 New York: State Archives, Annual Report of the State Historian: Muster roll of Capt. William McGinnis Company

dated 1755.
Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country and Detailing Some Facts and Opinions on Two
Particular Branch of This Family - With Regards to the Migration of That Branch From New York, to Virginia and
Kentucky. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Edward J. Schoolcraft, 4809 Douglas MacArthur NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
87110, 1986 (4th Printing 1993, w/revisions)
7 New York, Schoharie: Republican Newspaper, Death on 12 [Aug 1834] of Jacob Schoolcraft In this town on the 12th.

Gen. Jacob Schoolcraft in his 74th year. S.R. Aug 26 1834.

8 Berthold Fernow, New York: New York in the Revolution, (originally published as Documents Relating to the

Colonial History of the State of NY, Vol. XV, Albany, NY 1887; Reprinted for Clearfiled in 1999 by Genealogical
Publications Co, Baltimore)
9 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Miscellaneous Vol. 2 pg 56 On 17 Abrill 1786:

Laurence Schulgraft Receipt for £30 (joint with Johannes Lawyer).

10 Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, Abstracts of Wills, Letters of Administration and Guardianship,

Schoharie Co., NY, Vol. 3, pg. 335 and Vol. 4, pg. 363.
11 Nebraska: Newspaper, Omaha Daily Bee, September 24th, 1890: A barn belonging to George McClintock, four

miles west of Cedar Rapids, was burned. The place was rented by E. A. Schoolcraft, who lost one horse, some
machinery and other goods. One horse was saved by Mrs. Schoolcraft by great personal risk, but she burned her hands.
12 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254937 National Archives Film T9-0937 pp. 133C: Newark Valley,

Tioga Co., NY : James M. CLIFFORD Self male married white age 35 born in KY occupation Farmer father born in
PA mother born in PA: Celia A. CLIFFORD Wife female married white age 33 born in NY occupation House Keeper
father born in NY mother born in NY: Fred W. CLIFFORD Son male single white age 13 born in NY occupation At
Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Eva A. CLIFFORD Dau female single white age 11 born in NY
occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Eva SCHOOLCRAFT MotherL female white age 60 born
in NY occupation Lives Here father born in NY mother born in NY.
13 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254906 National Archives Film T9-0906 pp. 229B: Liverpool,

Onondaga Co., NY : Cath. A. SCHOOLCRAFT Self female white age 61 born in NY occupation Keeping House father
born in RI mother born in NY: William M. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 29 born in NY occupation
Laborer father born in NY mother born in RI: James M. CLIFFORD Self male married white age 35 born in KY
occupation Farmer father born in PA mother born in PA: Celia A. CLIFFORD Wife female married white age 33 born
in NY occupation House Keeper father born in NY mother born in NY: Fred W. CLIFFORD Son male single white age
13 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Eva A. CLIFFORD Dau female single
white age 11 born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Eva SCHOOLCRAFT MotherL
female white age 60 born in NY occupation Lives Here father born in NY mother born in NY.

Chapter 5: A Loyalist family
This chapter will present Christian Schoolcraft and identify his children. It will not discuss
Christian’s later descendants as they will be the subject of subsequent chapters.

It is widely accepted that the progenitors of the Schoolcraft name in Quebec were the sons of
Christian Schoolcraft and Elizabeth Margaret Becker. I have not located any document that
would conclusively prove this for all cases but the circumstantial evidence from Military
Records; Oath’s of Allegiance and Land Grant documents dating from about 1790 is
substantial. Gen. Gabriel Christie records that Christian and at least some of his sons,
including Adam, were residents of Noyan1 aka Christie’s Manor. These documents mention
the six sons whose births can be proven, one more whose birth has not been proven, and a
proven son-in-law (implying a daughter). The discussion in Chapter 2, page 20 shows that
Christian Schoolcraft was born in Schoharie NY in the spring of 1732. He married Elizabeth
Margaret Becker October 9th, 1753 in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Schoharie2. Elisabeth was
the child of Adonius Becker and his wife Charlotte3. Christian’s first two children, Margaret
and Adam were born in Schoharie. Between the birth of Adam on April 9th, 17544 and the
baptism of Christian on September 25th, 17595 the family removed to Schenectady. The
family stayed in Schenectady till at least the baptism of Martin on February 6th, 17646 but
they had left the town by August 1766. When John is baptized in Schoharie on August 12th,
1766, a note on his baptismal record is particularly significant and represents the first of
several clues regarding this Loyalist branch of the family. Entry 3 for the year 1767 on page
82 of Vosburgh’s transcription of the records of St. Paul’s Lutheran church in Schoharie7

Johannes, Aug. 12 Christian Schulcraf Lorentz Schulcraf

Auf Quaschen 1766 Elisabeth Margarath and his wife
Kill Maria.

John is born in “Quaschen Kill”. It seems likely that Christian and Elizabeth Margaret have
returned to Schoharie to visit Christian’s brother and his wife who are the sponsors at John’s

The Anaquassacook (Schermerhorn) Patent

The Anaquassacook Patent was situated in the old town of Cambridge on the border with
Arlington, Vermont and south of the Battenkill River. Today, most of this land lies in the
town of Jackson although the earlier name of Anaquassacook can still be found on some
modern maps, as can the Camden Valley Road. The significance of this region is best
understood from a 1783 property claim8 made in Montreal by Peter Miller.

A New Claim Received in England.

343. Evidence on the Claim of PETER MILLER, late of Albany County,
N. Y. Province. 15th February, 1788
Claimt. Sworn.

Says he was in Montreal in 1783 & sent his Claim to England by Major
N.B. - By the copy from England the Claim appears to have been sworn to at
Montreal, 17th Octr., 1783.
He is a native of Ireland. He came to America in 1770. He soon after settled
in Cambridge district, Albany County, & lived there in 1775. Says that he
never joined the Americans & came to Canada in 1776 with Capt. Sherwood.
After he came in he served in Coll. Peters’ Corps., & with Major Leake.
He now lives at Missisqui Bay.
No. 1 100 acres of Land in Camden on a Lease forever from Mr. DeVaznes,
of N. York. He had Cleared 16 acres, with a House, etc.
No. 2 210 acres in Quasencooke, Albany County. Produces Lease forever
from Ryn. Schormorhorn to Peter Miller in Considn. of £7 N. Y. Cury. per an.
Conveys 200 acres of Land as described, 14th March, 1774.
Says he built a House & Improvements which he pd. £39 for it. After the
purchase he fenced it & cleared many acres. Thinks it cost him £250 York.
His family were turned from this farm. It is in Possession of the Landlord.
He lost 2 Mares & 2 Colts, 6 Cows, 2 Oxen, a Steer, some Sheep & Hogs.
Farming Utensils. Hay. His wife saved their furniture.
Wits. Christian Schoolgrave, Sworn.
Says he knew Claimt. in Charlotte County before the War. He was a Loyal
Remembers No. 1. He had considerable Clearance & No. 2. He had cleared
30 acres & had a House, etc. He had 2 Horses, 2 Colts, 6 Cows, 2 Oxen. Says
the rebels took all these.
The Lands in Possession of the Owner.

There are several locations mentioned in this claim. Peter Miller’s reference to “Cambridge
district, Albany County” establishes the general location of the property claim and is
reasonably unambiguous. His reference to “Quasencooke, Albany County. Produces Lease
forever from Ryn. Schormorhorn” is referring to Anaquassacook and the Shermerhorn
Patent. His earlier reference to “Camden” refers to the fertile valley where today’s Camden
Valley Road in Salem NY exists. A map from an 1895 Atlas of New York [Appendix D,
Figure 6, Jackson - right hand side half way down] that depicts the grant using data from the
original period. These locations can be found on this map. The Anaquassacook Patent is the
highly irregular region south and west of the Battenkill River. The river enters the map from
Vermont on the east side and is the dark line flowing slightly south of west to the middle of
the map whence it makes a sharp turn to flow north. This river forms the northernmost
boundary of the patent. Lot one of the patent is in the northernmost extent beside the river
near the top of the map. The western boundary is the solid straight line extending south to the
bottom of the map, east for about a mile to Ashgrove, then north-east for about four miles
back to the river and the Vermont border. Camden is shown just north of the river, outside
the patent, and beside the Vermont border. Christian’s reference to “Charlotte County” is the

name of the old county in northern New York, that included the patent, and that was
subsequently divided to form Washington County. This claim establishes that Peter and
Christian were in Anaquassacook between 1770 and 1775.

The true significance of John Schoolcraft’s baptismal record can now be seen. John is born in
“Quaschen Kill” which I believe to be Anaquassacook. This shows that Christian moved his
family from Schenectady to Anaquassacook between the spring of 1764 when Martin is
baptized and the summer of 1766 when he visits his brother in Schoharie and baptizes John.
Christian is still in Anaquassacook in 1779 as he is included on the October 23rd, 1779 Tax
List for the Cambridge District of Albany County, New York. This document is located in
the Garret Y. Lansing Papers in the New York State Archives9. While Peter Miller’s property
claim shows Christian to be in Montreal in February 1788 when the claim is reviewed, not all
the family had reached Quebec and even he may not yet have established a permanent
residence in Quebec. One of his sons still remained in Anaquassacook in 1790. Christian’s
son James, who is recently married10, is enumerated in the 1790 census11. A second
enumeration for a John Schucraft12 has been suspected of being Christian’s son John. I do not
believe this is the case, even though James and John are apparently enumerated fairly close to
each other. John Schoecraft baptizes four children in the Protestant Presbyterian
Congregation of Cambridge between June 21st, 1792 and January 13th, 1793. John Shoecraft
can be traced to Ulster Co., New York where he is shown to be the uncle of Rachel Shoecraft
who is discussed in Chapter 8, page 86. The Garret Y. Lansing Papers in the New York State
Archives show that Christian’s eldest son, Adam Schoolcraft possessed jointly with Ichabod
& Christian Cook 400 acres in Lot 24 of the Schermerhorn Patent in 1790. This lot is also
shown on the map mentioned above. It is a large area of land in a bow in the river and almost
on the Vermont State line and, due to it’s proximity to Camden, probably represents the
general location that Christian and his family were formerly living. This land record does not
necessarily mean that Adam was still a resident of the town at this time. He might have
already left for Quebec, but not yet relinquished his lease, which would explain his absence
from the census record.

The foregoing suggests that Christian and his family, except for James, probably left for
Quebec between about 1788 and 1790.

The Loyalists of Cambridge

The Battle of Bennington was fought in what was Albany County at a location only a few
miles south from where the Schoolcraft’s were living. An article by Joe Parks13, speaking at
the Symposium on the Battle of Bennington in October 2000, traces the origin of claims that
“large numbers of ancestors left their oxen and plows in the field, rushed towards the sound
of cannons with their hunting pieces, to help turn back the enemy” [i.e. the British] to Levi
Chandler Ball. Ball had collected information from family legends and written the same in a
series of articles in the mid 1800s called “The Annals of Hoosick”. Joe Parks explains how
Ball’s well-meaning endeavor came about and also led to several “vanity” histories of
Washington County. Joe further explains how Nelson Gillespie tried unsuccessfully to
corroborate Ball’s work in 1904. Joe himself reports trying to substantiate the claims, finding
that from a list of sixty-four individuals known to be in the region at the time and a list of ten
regiments, only five men from the region could be proven to have taken part in the Battle.

There undoubtedly were many other participants than these but this was not the strongly
Revolutionary region claimed in the “vanity” histories. There is no clear and single reason
for the Loyalist sentiment in this region. One factor is probably the friction between the
aristocratic land owning elite of the Hudson Valley and their tenant farmers on grants such as
the Shermerhorn patent. The farmers did not own the land but instead they owned the title to
leases on the land. In perpetuity, farmers owed these landlords a fixed annual rent. The
farmers were responsible for all taxes on the land, but had no right to any of the resources on
the property. Should a farmer choose to sell his title to a lease, the landlord was owed a
proportion of the sale price. Of particular relevance in the case of Christian Schoolcraft is his
friendship with Peter Miller. Peter’s ancestry is Palatine and he was strongly Loyalist. He and
his family are well documented in “The Loyalists of the Eastern Townships of Quebec”,
1783-84 to 1983-84 Bi-centennial, Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch U.E.L., Stanbridge
East, Quebec, Canada 1984. During Queen Anne’s rule many Palatines were settled in
Ireland, which is where Peter was born. By the 1760s these individuals found the U.S.A.
more attractive and settled in the Camden valley. They were, for the most part, strongly

Before continuing into the Revolutionary War activity I wish to point out an ambiguity. The
military records refer only to Christian Schoolcraft without any disambiguating feature such
as “Sr.” or “Jr.”. As Christian invariably appears with Adam and James, the first and third
sons, it is possible that the Christian involved in the military action is his second son.
However, some events involving capture are difficult to rationalize if only one person called
Christian is involved. I believe that Christian Sr. is most likely to have been the one in
service, and assume so in the following discussion.

After the Revolutionary War commenced, a group of individuals from the Camden Valley
under the leadership of Edward Carscallen14, made their way north to New Haven. There
they joined local Loyalists led by Justus Sherwood and continued north to Crown Point in
October 1776. All were assigned to the Queen’s Loyal Rangers commanded by Col. John
Peters who formed them into a Company under Captain Justus Sherwood. A return made by
Col. Peters15 [Appendix D, Figure 7] after the Battle of Bennington that shows Christian and
his sons Adam and James entered the Queen’s Loyal Rangers on June 25th, 1777 and left (to
Captain Samuel McKay) on August 24th, 1777. A more recent roster16 [Appendix D, Figure
8] for the 3rd Company prepared by Sherwood shows that the Company was formed on the
day before the Schoolcraft’s entered it. Thus we can conclude that Christian and his sons
were part of Edward Carscallen’s initial group from the Camden Valley. Peter Miller,
mentioned in the property claim discussed previously is also part of the same group as is
Garret Miller, his brother, who made a similar claim to Peter. Descendants of Christian marry
into the Miller family, although I presently think it may be a different branch than Peter.
Other branches are found in Alburg, Vermont and Clarenceville, Quebec. A Ralph Miller
from Clarenceville is conjectured to be the father in law of one of Christian Schoolcraft’s

The Military Record

Col. John Peter’s report15 implies that Christian and his sons saw service in General
Burgoyne’s campaign. I encourage you to read a history of this campaign such as that by

Mary Beacock Fryer14. To set context for subsequent analysis I shall summarize the more
relevant features here. Mary has written that the Queen’s Loyal Rangers were initially
quartered on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, near Montreal, and departed south from
there some time after June 12th, 1777. They captured Fort Ticonderoga on July 6th, 1777,
and then sailed farther down Lake Champlain to Skenesborough. The main force continued
from there to fight at Hubbardton, Vermont, on July 7th, 1777. Justus Sherwood’s 3rd
Company was not involved in that battle as he had been sent to forage for supplies.
(Hubbardton was so close to Sherwood’s home in New Haven that he knew the country very
well.) From there they continued to the battle of Bennington on August 16th, 1777. In that
battle Colonel Baum’s German troops took a massive number of casualties on the hill that is
now the historical site. Captain Sherwood deployed to the south and east of the hill on a ridge
overlooking a meadow by the Walloomsac River. The actual location was to the south of
Caretaker’s and Cottrell Roads and on the east bank of the river directly opposite the
battlefield caretaker’s building, known as the Tory redoubt shown in the center of the map
[Appendix D, Figure 9]; note that the map is oriented with North to the right hand edge).
Here Sherwood’s 3rd Company fought part of John Stark’s New Hampshire Militia. Of the
311 men in Col. John Peters’ Queen’s Loyal Rangers at Bennington, 111 were killed or
missing. On August 20th twenty-four men in Justus Sherwood’s Company asked for a
transfer out of the 3rd Company into Captain Samuel McKay’s Company. Col. Peter’s told
them to stay put or go to jail - they all chose jail. Burgoyne intervened and sent them to
Captain McKay as Burgoyne needed every fighting man and could not afford to have them
locked up. After Bennington, Burgoyne retreated towards Saratoga. On September 19th,
1777 they fought at Freeman’s Farm, referred to as Stillwater by Justus Sherwood, and then
again on October 7th at Bemis Heights, also near Freeman’s Farm. After this Burgoyne
realized he was defeated and ordered Col. John Peters and his men to escape and make for
Canada. Burgoyne surrendered on October 17th, 1777 in Saratoga. The only Queen’s Loyal
Rangers captured with Burgoyne were Justus Sherwood and 10 privates. Col. John Peters
escaped with just under 80 others. About 500 of the Queen’s Loyal Rangers died in the 1777

Christian and his sons Adam and James were with Sherwood through the Battle of
Bennington. However, all three, together with Peter Miller, Ichabod Cook who occupies land
with Adam in 1790, and others demanded transfer17 out of Sherwood’s command:

To His Excellency Sir Guy Carleton that of the most Honr. order of the Bath
Govr. & Commander in Chief of the Provinces Quebec General &
Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Forces.
The Memorial of Justus Sherwood.
May it Please your Excellency your Memorialist Begs leave to Represent that
a number of men to the amount of twenty four that Existed under me in Col.
Peters Corps. Rec’d money and cloathing was Voluntarily mustered and
returned as Soldiers in my Company of which I have a Certificate Signed by
Capt. Cambel D. Company of Muster they was Essentially with me in Scouts
and Skirmishes against the Rebels until the twentieth of August when by
Persuasion from Capt. McKay who flatters them that they should soon be
Discharged they left me and joined him. I informed General Burgoyne that

those men had Petitioned you Excellency (where they was in Canada) to leave
Jessup and join me as I had conducted them safely ~~~ the Army and that they
had ~~~ in this month of May while ~~~ The General said it was never his
intention that they should leave and advised me to make myself Easy found I
should have Employ & Receive Capts Pay wheather I has the men or not I
was obliged to put up with the wrong done me But determined as soon as
possible to make to your Excellency or to General Sir William How for
Redress. Since I have the happiness to be once more under your Excellencys
Protection and Commissiond I Beg leave to inform that from upwards of Sixty
men which I had before the defeat at Wallum peak I am Reduced to the twenty
four at present I had before the defeat and so I think no man has had so much
Fatigue and Anguish as I have to Bring those men unto his Majesty’s Service
that are now with Capt. McKay I humbly Pray your Excellency to Consider
my Case and if in your wisdom it seems meet will Please to Grant me those
men for the Ensuing Campaign which Favour shall and as far as Possible be
greatfully acknowledged By Your Excellency’s Most humble and most
Devoted Servant
Justus Sherwoo[d]
March 9th 1778
Names of the men you from our to Capt. McKay.
David Dulmage Alexander McGongal Daniel McGrillobray
Justis McKains James Hogel Frances Jones
John Embery Seley Stiles Ichabod Cook
Andrew Embery John Carscallen Adam Schoolcraft
John Lawrence James Parrigo Christian Schoolcraft
James Carscallen Peter Miller Jacob Schoolcraft
Paul Hick Peter Dettler Valentine Detler
William Busteed Samuel Pariyant
Endorsed - Mr. Sherwood’s Memorial

Obviously all three survived the Battle of Bennington. However, their eventual transfer to
Samuel McKay did not gain them much. When Col. Peter’s makes his return of the Queen’s
Loyal Rangers on December 14th, 178018 all three are identified as having been taken
prisoner. This return is divided into the current muster and, on the last four pages, those who
are no longer with the Company having been captured or killed. Christian and Jacob are
shown on page 8 as no longer being with the Corps. having been taken prisoner at Stillwater.
Adam is listed on page 9 as having been taken prisoner at Bennington. Clearly Adam
survived Bennington as he transferred to McKay after that. The confusion over when an
individual was taken prisoner is understandable with three major battles and the surrender so
close together. I believe this statement regarding Adam’s capture at Bennington should
probably refer to Stillwater.

The claims regarding the disposition of prisoners vary and the truth is that it probably all
occurred but not everyone was treated the same. I have found reports of prisoners being
dragged through the streets of Bennington behind horses and of others being force-marched
through deep snow in winter. Lion G. Miles wrote for the Hoosick Historical Society that:

As a general rule, the victors turned them over to the states from which they
came and each jurisdiction disposed of them according to its own rules. Those
who were found bearing arms at the battle usually were treated more severely
than the others. New York State sent them to prison ships in the Hudson River
but, in the confusion of the times, neglected to procure sufficient evidence
against them and released many. The Albany County commissioner in
Cambridge complained that they have been sent home to the great
dissatisfaction of the friends of liberty. Some of whom are the worst of
villains, others not quite so bad; others again, as soon as the battle went
against them, ran off to their homes.

An early release was the case here, as Christian appears twice before the Commissioners for
Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the spring of 1778.

April 18, 1778: Christiaen Schoolcraft and James Small were brought before
this board, and nothing appearing against them. Ordered That they be
discharged and permitted to return to their usual place of abode.
May 15, 1778: Ichabod Cook on Recognizance in.... £100_.
Christiaen Schoolcraft his Bail. in.... £100_.

In this second appearance, Christian is posting bail for a friend which would indicate that
Christian is no longer under suspicion himself. Neither Adam nor James is mentioned in
these reports.

At this point it is appropriate to introduce the name Christopher Schoolcraft. The Missisquoi
County records abound with instances of this name and yet have few if any occurrences of
the name Christian after 1800. The transfer of the men from Justus Sherwood to Samuel
McKay provides the answer. Sherwood refers to Adam, Christian (page 3)17 and Jacob when
transferring them to Samuel McKay. However, when McKay accounts for them a few weeks
later in December of 1777 he lists them as Adam, Christopher (page 5)19 and Jacobus.
Clearly the names Christopher and Christian are being used synonymously and refer to the
same person.

In 1778 Christ., Adam, Christopher and Cobus Schoolcraft appear in New York roster for the
16th (Cambridge) Regiment20 of the Albany County Militia under Col. Van Woert. I believe
that “Cobus” is a miswritten or misread “Jacobus” (i.e. “James”). While the original sources
used to compile the list of names for the Militia’s are believed to be military, there is
ambiguity regarding their reliability. (Many of the original sources were destroyed in a fire.)
I believe some facts may have come from sources that did not necessarily imply service.
Some respected researchers disagree with me. The evidence that they fought as Loyalists in
1777 is substantial and indisputable. I consider three possibilities regarding their appearance
in records of the 16th Regiment.

1. It has been suggested that, following their capture at Saratoga, a condition of their
release might have required service for the Revolutionary cause. I am not very
convinced of this as the concept of placing men of dubious loyalty in service to fight
against those they recently aided seems a great risk.

2. In the Colonial times there was a Provincial law that said that all men between the
ages of 16 and 45 had to be members of the militia. That rule carried over to the new
States and when a survey of men in that age group was made for each town then they
were automatically assigned to the appropriate militia group. I.e. they may have been
on a roster but only if they are on a muster roll or payroll as well would they have
necessarily served. That may be the situation here. Following the capture at Stillwater
and subsequent release, Christian Sr., Adam and James returned to Anaquassacook.
Being normally resident in the town, they would have been placed on the roster, as
would Christian Jr. who is listed as Christopher. (Martin, the fourth son born in 1764
would be under age sixteen.) If the original source of this list of men in the 16th Regt.
was in fact a roster, then this is likely the reason that Christian, James and Adam are

3. As I shall show shortly, Christian Jr. did serve for the Revolutionary cause, was
captured at Fort Ann, imprisoned and appears on a Loyalist Regimental list as
“billeted”. That Regimental list also includes men in active service and those who
were killed or captured during battle, including Christian Sr. and his sons Adam and
James who are listed as “taken prisoner at ...”. If the Loyalist forces accounted for
prisoners like Christian Jr. on their rosters, surely it is likely that the Revolutionary
forces did likewise. If the original source of this list of men in the 16th Regt. was a
monthly return or muster roll, then I believe it is very plausible that Christian, Adam
and James are on that list of the 16th Regiment because they were “billeted” with
them during their imprisonment.

Certainly it is doubtful that Adam ever served for the rebels as he rejoined Capt. Leake’s
Corps. at St. John’s, Quebec, on August 24th, 178021.

Returning to Col. Peter’s return of the Queen’s Loyal Rangers on December 14th, 178018, on
page 5, an entry for a Christian Schoolcraft indicates he is “billeted”. Elsewhere in that same
document are the entries for Christian, Adam and James that list them as “prisoner at
Stillwater”. It has been reported by Chris McHenry that the Haldimand Papers include a list
of Rebel prisoners held at Montreal in 1780. Included is a list “Taken Ft. Ann All in Arms”
that includes “Christr. Schoolcraft 19”22. The number beside each name on the list is
undoubtedly the age implying that “Christr.” is Christian’s son of that name. On October
10th and 11th, 1780, Major Carlton attacked Fort Ann, which would correspond to the
capture. This is probably evidence that Christopher who appeared in the roster for the 16th
Regiment was mustered for the Rebels and was captured at Fort Ann. Col. Peter’s return of
the Queen’s Loyal Rangers correlates with the prisoner list showing that, while a prisoner,
Christian Jr. was “billeted” with the Queen’s Loayal Rangers, probably at St. John’s which is
a few miles south of Montreal.

In conclusion, I believe that Christian Sr., Adam and Jacob fought for the Loyalist cause,
took part in the Battles of Bennington and Stillwater, were captured at Stillwater and
subsequently released to return to their home in Anaquassacook. They, with Christian Jr.,
were listed on the roster of the 16th Regiment. Only Christian Jr., who had not previously
fought for the Loyalists, actually saw service for the Rebels. He was captured at Fort Ann
and taken to Quebec where he was billeted in the Queens Loyal Rangers.

The Quebec Land Grants and Oaths of Allegiance

Starting in the 1780s and continuing through the 1790s many Loyalists and refugees went
north. Initially they congregated just south of the border. Merrill Dennison23 writes.

In the summer of 1782 a party of 197 Loyalists then camped at Burlington VT

included family names that occurred up to 1784 include: Barron, Struthers,
Friott, Linton, Cameron, Stillman, Scott, Ward, Leech. Dunham, Stone,
Clapper, Schoolcraft, Salls, Curtis, Wilcox, Tryon, Vaughn, Ruyter, Dewer,
Filer and Grifts. These were soon followed by Derik, Mosher, Beerworth,
Hawley and others.

Each of the family names in Gen. Gabriel Christie’s list of residents of Noyan1 is also
included in Merrill Dennison’s list from 1782. We have seen from previous evidence James
was still in Cambridge, New York, as late as 1790 and that Adam must have been there at
least until almost that date. Once across the border they gathered in the region around
Missisquoi Bay at places like Caldwell’s Manor and Christie’s Manor. The British
government was resistant to opening lands for settlement that were too close to the border
and most Land Grants were not made till after the close of the century. Regardless, many
applications were made in the period prior to this and the Schoolcraft’s were among the

One of the earlier references is from Phillip Ruiter’s Day Book (Montgomery Papers) dated
1788. An account of work done in surveying the Missisquoi Bay area includes 13 days
performed by “John Schoolcraft”. While this may be Christian’s son who was aged 22 at the
time, I think it was probably Christian who was aged 56. Christian is more likely as he is
known to have been in Quebec by this time and is also recorded as “John” in the Granby
petition. Others, contemporary to this period, have used the names “Christian”, “Christ
John” and “John” to refer to the same person. This source is reported to be available at the
Missisquoi Historical Society and a copy is available in the Summer 1986 issue of the
Schoolcraft Newsletter, Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 424.

On May 25th, 1790, Gen. Gabriel Christie prepares a description of his property in Noyan1
aka Christie’s Manor that includes a list of its present residents:

Isle aux Noix or Noyan A Seigneurie situated on the east side of the River
Richelieu Joining Sabrevois on the North & Foucault or what is commonly
called Callwell Manor on the South; being Two Leaugues in Front by three
Leagues in depth; the Rhumb de vent being due East & West, The half of the
said Seigneurie only belongs to M. General Gabriel Christie.

The Original Grant to M. Chavey Noyan was Ratifyd by the King on
the 25th day of March 1745.
Sale of the aforesaid by Monsieur D. Noyan & Madame Noyan his
spouse to Mefs. Lieut. Col. Gabriel Christie and Captain John Campbell
dated 27th March 1764 - the half of which being now the property of M. Genl.
Gabriel Christie –

List of the present Inhabitants on the Premifses.

Name No Name
1 Abraham Fryot 10 John Ward
2 George Linton 11 William Leech
3 Capt: Duncan Cameron 12 Dudley
4 James Struthers 13 Allen & Dunham
5 Garret Barien 14 Simon Stone
6 Abner Stillman 15 Solomon Dunham
7 Walter Scott Senr. 16 Adam Clapper
8 Walter Scott Junr. 17 Adam Schoolcraft
9 Thomas Scott 18 Schoolcraft & Sons
G Christie

Although it does add credence to the earlier assumption that Christian Schoolcraft and most
of his family had reached Quebec by 1790, even this is not solid proof that the individuals
named were actually in residence. Christie, and others, used location tickets in this period
and people who came and got location tickets may not have stayed25. Note that this, and
Dennison’s reference, also includes the individuals Simon Stone and Solomon Dunham that
will discussed later.

One of the earlier land applications is Alex Taylor’s letter of October 21st, 1794 and his
undated petition that others have marked with 1788. This refers to his and his Associates
prior land grant petition for the town of Stanbridge dated June 3rd, 1783. With this letter is a
list of Associates dated July 23rd, 1795. Entries 31, 33, 34 and 3526 of the list on page 4 are
Solomon Dunham [father in law of John Schoolcraft, Adam Schoolcraft, Christian
Schoolcraft and Simon Stone [the spouse of Anne Schoolcraft]. While some were probably
actually in Quebec as early as the original application in 1783 we know that James at least
wa still in Anaquassacook till about 1790. I do not believe that we should conclude that any
of the names on the list were necessarily in Quebec very much before the date of the list
itself. In this particular instance, I am also concerned that only one “Christian Schoolcraft”
takes the Oath at Missisquoi Bay just prior to the date of this list, implying that the other had
died. Alex Taylor’s application certainly does date early enough to have included Christian
Sr. and it may be that this list was generated by Taylor from earlier records. Christian Sr. is
the most likely to be involved in an application dating into the 1780s.

An application that is significant to Schoolcraft research is Henry Caldwell’s application for

the town of Granby. Henry’s letter of March 1795 refers to a warrant of survey granted on
May 3rd, 1792 as a result of his and his Associates prior land grant application for the town
of Granby. This letter includes a statement of recommendation dated February 6th, 1795 and

a list of Associates that must pre-date February 6th, 1795. The list includes Christian and all
his sons27:

ln. 1: John Schoolcraft Sr. of Christie’s Manor.

ln. 2: John Schoolcraft Junr. of Christie’s Manor.
ln. 3: James Schoolcraft of Christie’s Manor.
ln. 4: Adam Schoolcraft of Christie’s Manor.
ln. 5: Martin Schoolcraft of Christie’s Manor.
ln. 6: William Schoolcraft of Christie’s Manor.
ln. 7: Peter Schoolcraft of Christie’s Manor.
ln. 8: John Schoolcraft of Christie’s Manor.
ln. 13: Solomon Dunham of Christie’s Manor. [Father in law of John
ln. 14: Simon Stone of Christie’s Manor. [Spouse of Anne Schoolcraft].

There is a problem with this list. Three people called John Schoolcraft are listed. Before we
merely conclude that the first two are father and son who really are called “John”, consider
that Christian’s son John is born in August of 1766. By the time of this list he is 29 years old.
Even if he married at sixteen a son of his would be no older than 12 and certainly would not
be old enough to receive a land grant. I find it very curious that even though both Christian
Sr. and his son by that name were alive only a few years earlier, neither is apparently listed.
Yet one of them is available to take an Oath of Allegiance a few months later. Occasionally
one finds the name “Christian” written as “Christjohn”. Writing in 1886 of the Histoire de
la Paroisse de Notre-Dame des Anges de Stanbridge, Abbé Isidore Desnoyers uses the
phrase “Christian or Christjohn” when stating that name. Spelling is certainly nothing to be
relied on before 1900 and this alternate form may or may not have phonetic significance.
Either because of this alternate form or by virtue of a basic error in the list, I suspect that
lines 1 and 2 of that list are in reality Christian and his son of the same name. There is no
sign of a second John, let alone a third, in any of the subsequent records that I have

Primary evidence of presence in Quebec is obtained from the Oaths of Allegiance. In order to
take this Oath the individual had to appear in person. I have located two distinct sets of these.
First is a collection of documents commencing in early 1795, taken at Missisquoi Bay, and
with some documents dated 1797. Next is a set where each name is associated with a specific
town. This second set is really a precursor to the grants and assures that each recipient of a
grant has sworn allegiance to the Crown. However, the list of Oath takers does not always
correlate precisely with the final list of grantees. This second set of oaths was taken mostly in
1800. From the first set we have:

Page 3: 12th May 1795

ln. 35: Peter Schoolcraft.

ln. 36: William Schoolcraft.
ln. 37: Martin Schoolcraft.

ln. 38: Simon Stone. [Spouse of Anne Schoolcraft].
ln. 40: Solomon Dunham. [Father in law of John Schoolcraft].
ln. 42: Ralph Miller. [Father in law of William Schoolcraft].
Page 4: 25th May 1795
ln. 10: Adam Schoolcraft, going to Stanbridge.
ln. 11: James Schoolcraft, going to Hatley.
ln. 12: Christian Schoolcraft.
ln. 13: John Schoolcraft.

With only a single Christian Schoolcraft listed, this may indicate that one or other had died.
After Amos Lay’s petition for the town of Ely on 23rd March 1796 there is no sign of either
of them. Table 9 identifies most of the Land Grants and Oaths of Allegiance on which the
Schoolcraft names are found.

Table 9: Land Applications, Grants and Oaths of Allegiance

Township Land Associates
Gen. Gabriel
Simon Stone, Solomon Dunham, Adam Schoolcraft,
Noyan QC Christie
Schoolcraft & sons.
25 May 1790
John Schoolcraft, John Schoolcraft Jr., James
Henry Caldwell Schoolcraft, Adam Schoolcraft, Martin Schoolcraft,
Granby QC
6 Feb 1795 William Schoolcraft, Peter Schoolcraft, John
Schoolcraft, Simon Stone, all of Christie’s Manor.
Oath of
Peter Schoolcraft, William Schoolcraft, Martin
Schoolcraft, Simon Stone all of Christie’s Manor QC.
12 May 1795
Oath of Adam Schoolcraft going to Stanbridge, James
Allegiance Schoolcraft going to Hatley, Christian Schoolcraft, John
25 May 1795 Schoolcraft all of Christie’s Manor QC.
Simon Stone, Christopher Schoolcraft, Martin
Abner Bingham
Milton QC Schoolcraft, John Schoolcraft, William Schoolcraft, all
20 Jul 1795
of Christie’s Manor.
Hugh Finlay
Stanbridge QC Adam Schoolcraft.
22 Jul 1795
Alex Taylor
Stanbridge QC Christian Schoolcraft, Adam Schoolcraft, Simon Stone.
23 Jul 1795
Thomas Scott
Durham QC John Schoolcraft of St. Armand.
18 Sep 1795
Amos Lay
Ely QC Christian Schoolcraft of Caldwell’s Manor.
23 Mar 1796
Sieur Gabriel
Foucault QC28 Christie 14 Jul Simon Stone 4 x 30 arpents in the 8th Range

Sieur Gabriel
Foucault QC28 Christie 15 Jul Ralph Miller 4 x 26 arpents
Oath of
Hatley QC Allegiance James Schoolcraft
circa 1800
Oath of
Stanbridge QC Allegiance Adam Schoolcraft
circa 1800
Crown and Clergy
Multiple applications to lease: Peter Schoolcraft lot 9
Sutton QC 10 Aug 1801 to 27
range 5.
Apr 1807
Crown and Clergy Applicants to lease: Martin Schoolcraft lot 14 range 9,
Stanbridge QC
24 Aug 1801 James Schoolcraft lot 15 range 9.
Land Granted
Stanbridge QC Adam Schoolcraft lot 12 range 7
1 Sep 1801
Land Granted
Sutton QC Simon Stone lot 28 range 4
8 Jul 1802
Land Granted
Durham QC John Schoolcraft lot 10 range 5
25 May 1802
Lease granted: William Schoolcraft lot 13, range 10.
Crown and Clergy
Stanbridge QC James Schoolcraft lot 15, range 9. Simon Stone lot 13,
13 Mar 1805
range 7.

From the successful applications the subsequent grants of land were made. When the
Stanbridge Land Patent was finally approved on September 1st, 1801 Adam Schoolcraft
received 5 lots of 200 acres each although an agreement signed by all Associates in October
1799 meant that he only kept lot 12 in range 7. The Sutton Land Patent shows that a Simon
Stone received lot 28 in range 4. It is not clear if this is the same one that married Anna
Schoolcraft. I am inclined to think it is not Anna’s husband because Simon is authorized to
lease lot 13, range 7, in Stanbridge29 on March 13th, 1805. An 1803 land sale in Ascot30
involves a Simon Stone from Templeton, New Hampshire [sic], who is represented by his
son, Isaac Stone. The Stone family in Templeton, Massachusetts is well documented and that
Simon is much older than Anna’s husband. I believe Anna’s husband is the one who received
land in Foucault from Gabriel Christie. On May 25th, 1802 John Schoolcraft is granted land
in Durham as a result of Thomas Scott’s petition. He received 6 lots of 200 acres although an
agreement he signed in October 1801 meant that he only kept lot 10 in range 5. John removes
from Durham to Stanbridge by 1807 and later sells the land in Durham31 in 1814. Several of
the others apply for Crown and Clergy land and settle in towns consistent with such grants
being made. I have not been able to verify if this land was indeed granted or whether they
acquired land through conventional purchase.

At this point we have enough information to summarize the family’s movement. Christian
Schoolcraft is born in Schoharie, New York in the spring of 1732. He marries Elizabeth
Margaret Becker October 9th, 1753 in Schoharie. Christian’s first two children, Margaret and
Adam, are born in Schoharie. Between the birth of Adam on April 9th, 1754 and the baptism
of Christian on September 25th, 1759 the family removes to Schenectady. The family stays
in Schenectady till the baptism of Martin on February 6th, 1764. Between then and John’s

baptism on August 12th, 1766, the family removes to Anaquassacook. In the fall of 1776
Christian and his sons, Adam and James, travel to Montreal with Edward Carscallen. They
are part of General Burgoyne’s campaign and are captured at Stillwater in September, 1777.
They are probably imprisoned on the Hudson and returned to Cambridge before April 18th,
1778. By August 24th, 1780 Christian’s son, Adam, has rejoined the Loyalist forces and is
stationed in St. John’s, Quebec. By the fall of 1780, Christian’s son, Christian Jr., has been
mustered with the 16th Regiment, captured at Fort Ann, and sent to Montreal where he is
imprisoned and billeted with the Queen’s Loyal Rangers in December 14th, 1780. By
October 17th, 1783, Christian Sr. is in Montreal with Peter Miller. On March 26th, 1789, his
son James who had apparently remained in New York, is married in Sandgate, Vermont, the
town adjoining Anaquassacook, New York. James, is enumerated in Cambridge in 1790.
Adam still holds a joint lease on land in Anaquassacook in 1790, although Adam’s name on
this lease may be merely left over from an earlier time. On May 25th, 1790 Adam
Schoolcraft and Simon Stone are present in Noyan1. In that same document Gabriel Christie
also refers to “Schoolcraft and sons” as being residents. It is very probably that this refers to
Christian Schoolcraft Sr., indicating he was still alive at that time and was in Quebec. By
February 6th, 1795 the entire family is located beside Missisquoi Bay, Quebec. This is the
last time that both Christian and his son by that same name are found in the same document.
One might conclude that either Christian Sr. or Christian Jr. died between February 6th and
May 25th, 1795, as only one person called Christian takes the Oath of Allegiance. However,
the wording of Henry Caldwell’s application leaves open the possibility that the list of
applicants attached may be from an earlier date than February 6th. The subsequent references
in land grant applications are ambiguous regarding whether it is the father or the son. I
believe that Christian Sr. probably died sometime between May 25th, 1790 when Gabriel
Christie records him in Noyan and May 25th, 1795 when he fails to sign the Oath of
Allegiance. The locations of the children will be explained more fully in later chapters.

Christian Schoolcraft‘s Children

In the foregoing discussion the reader will have noticed the introduction of several names in
the context of being Christian’s children but names for which no baptismal record or other
evidence has been presented. It is appropriate to deal with this issue before continuing. The
children for which we have baptismal records are those born before August 12th, 1766, viz.
Margaret, Adam Christian, James, Martin and John. Two others, William and Anna can be
proven and yet two more, Peter and Maria, can be inferred with reasonable confidence.

A crucial document in identifying several of the early Schoolcraft’s in Missisquoi County is

the posthumous sale of land by Adam Schoolcraft to Isaac Asseltine. Adam and Isaac had
been discussing this sale just prior to Adam’s death. Adam died without a will and his
widow, Catherine Phelps, did not have the resources to probate the estate. She gathered
relatives and abutters and made them part of an agreement notarized by Leon Lalanne on
January 12th, 1807 [Appendix D, Figure 10], whereby she was able to conclude the sale to
Isaac Asseltine. The document is lengthy and not easy to decipher but the more significant
sections are transcribed in Chapter 9.

Wording in this document explicitly identifies that William is a brother to Adam and that
Simon Stone is a brother-in-law. The death record of George Stone32 identifies that Simon
Stone was married to Anna Schoolcraft.

At the present time I have not been able to locate any evidence that would conclusively prove
that Peter Schoolcraft is Christian’s child. His death recorded in Frelighsburg Anglican
church33 indicates that he was born about 1768. An analysis of his land transactions and
census records indicates that he probably lived in Sutton till the early 1820s and then
removed to Eccles Hill in St. Armand East. He married Mary Stolicker, identified by a land
sale34. Her baptism in the Reformed Dutch church, Hillsdale, NY under the name of Maria
Stalker shows that she is the daughter of John Stalker, whose family is described in his land
petition35, and who is an abutter to Adam identified in the document discussed earlier. Given
the continued association of Peter with the others, I firmly believe he is another child of

Only the name Maria Schoolcraft remains to be examined. On August 3rd, 1805 Baltus
Boomhower takes out a search warrant against Adam Clapper Sr. on behalf of Maria
Schoolcraft who may have been robbed by the accused:

To James Prentice appointed this to execute.

District of Montreal
County of Bedford
Whereas it appears to me Philip Ruiter One of his Majesty’s Justices of the
peace afsigned to keep the peace in the said District by the information on
Oath of Boltus Bomhower of the Township of Stanbridge in the said County
aforesaid Yeoman that the following goods or articles, to wit, to four run of
Woollen yarn a One dollar & a half in money have on or about the tenth day
of July last past by some person or persons unknown, been feloniously taken
and carried away out of the house of Maria Schoolcraft in the Township of
Stanbridge aforesaid in the County aforesaid And the said Boltas Bomhower
hath probable cause to suspect and doth suspect that the said yarn & money
or part thereof are concealed in the dwelling house of Adam Clapper Sen. of
the Township of Stanbridge & County aforesaid, Yeoman.
These are therefore in the name of our Lord the King to authorize and require
you with necefsary and proper appointments to enter in the day time into the
said dwelling house of the said Adam Clapper Sen. in the Township of
Stanbridge & County aforesaid, and there diligently to search for the said
goods or articles and if the same, or any part thereof shall be found and also
the body of the said Adam Clapper by me, or some other of the Justices of our
said Lord the King afsigned to keep the peace in the District aforesaid, to be
disposed of and dealt with according to law.
Given under my hand & seal at Saint Armand in the said District this third
day of August and in the year of Our Lord Christ one thousand eight hundred
and five.
Philip Ruiter

My reasoning in this matter is that if Maria Schoolcraft were not of age she would almost
certainly be living with her parents or guardian and they would be dealing with any matter
such as this, not Baltus Boomhower. Hence I would construe that Maria is probably born
before 1784. Further, as all the Schoolcraft children except Christian Jr. can be shown to be
alive at this time and none of them are acting for her, the possibilities for her father are
considerably reduced. I have not been able to locate a second conclusive reference to Maria
after this date but have found one reference in the 1861 census36, that is probably her. This
census reference shows that an “M. Schoolcraft” who was a spinster aged 81 died in St.
Armand West within the previous year, i.e. an unmarried female born about 1780. Such a
date can only represent a child of Christian Sr.

The actual locations that Christian’s children settled will be examined individually in
subsequent chapters. However, some general comments now will simplify later discussions.
The locations can be determined with varying degrees of accuracy from a combination of old
maps, from Notarial and land records, and from census enumeration. When I discuss these
locations the reader should keep in mind that the individuals being discussed did not
necessarily live in the locations depicted at the same time. For example, I shall show that
Adam Schoolcraft lived on the banks of Pike River from the very late 1700s till his death in
1805. Simon Stone did not arrive in St. Ignace de Stanbridge till 1810 and James Schoolcraft
did not arrive there until after 1820. None the less location is an important factor when
studying these families. A map37 [Appendix D, Figure 13], prepared by Joseph Bouchette in
1831 shows the roads and villages as they would have existed in the 1820s. It is both
interesting to visit the actual locations and also to compare how the road patterns and
settlements have changed between then and now. Today this region is intensly agrigultural
with very rich farm land and, except for the town of Bedford, the villages are mostly small
clusters of houses. It was not always so and a study of map and census data for the 1850s
shows that the population density was much greater around that time. A map from about
185038 [Appendix D, Figure 15], shows individual houses along the roads. There were very
many more of them in 1850 than can be seen today.

Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 59, pp. 30122-30123. May 25, 1790. Gen. Gabriel Christie’s list of present residents of
"Isle aux Noix or Noyan A Seigneurie" includes "Abraham Fryot, Goerge Linton, Capt. Duncan Cameron, James
Struthers, Garret Barien, Abner Stillman, Walter Scott Sr., Walter Scott Jr., Thomas Scott, John Ward, William Leech,
Allen & Dunham, Simon Stone, Solomon Dunham, Adam Clapper, Adam Schoolcraft, Schoolcraft & Sons.
2 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 9 Oct [1753] of Christian Schulkraf &

Elisabet Margareth Becker on account of my absence married by Domine Schuyler.

New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Baptismal Pages Possessed by St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church but not from St. Paul's: Baptism of Elisabetha Margaretha [Becker] on Mar 10 [1735/36],
parents Andonius Becker, sponsors John Phillipps Bergmann besides John Peter Knickern's daughter, Elisabeth
4 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Adam on May [1756] born Apr 9 [1756],

parents Christian Schulkraf & Elisabet Margareth, sponsors Adam Becker and Elisabeth Schulkraf.
New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Christiaan on Sep 25 [1759], parents Christiaan
Schoolcraft & Elizabeth Margarita Beckker, sponsors Pieter Levengteyn & Apolona Levengteyn.
6 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Martinus on Feb 6 [1764], parents Christiaan

Schoolcraft & Elizabeth Margarit Bekker, sponsors Henderick Hauqe & Eva Bekker.
7 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Johannes Auf Quaschen Kill on [1767]

born Aug 12 1766, parents Christian Schulkraf & Elisabeth Margareth, sponsors Lorentz Schulkraf and his wife Maria.

8 Loyalists in the American Revolution, United Empire Loyalists Part I, Volume XII - Montreal, 1787-1788, pp. 407.
The Report of the Bureau of Archives 1904. A Loyalist claim made by Peter Miller shows he had land in
“Quasencooke” (Annaquassacook Patent about five miles east of Cambridge NY) and “Camden” (Camden Valley
about three miles farther east). This claim is witnessed by “Christian Schoolgrave” who states he knew the claimant in
Charlotte county (now Washington County that includes Cambridge NY). This claim is sworn in Montreal on 17th
October 1783 showing Christian was alive and in Montreal at that time. It also shows he was in Camden Valley with
Peter Miller in the early 1770's and therefore the reference to “Quaschen Kill” in John Schoolcraft's birth is also
referring to Annaquassacook.
9 New York: State Archives, New York State Library call number: KT 13324, Garret Y Lansing Papers, Box 1, File 2:

1779 Cambridge District, Albany County, NY Tax List, December 27th, 1779, Schoolcraft, Christian DJE: Also
claimed to be on the list in October 23, 1779.
Vermont, Sandgate: Congregational Church, (Edited by Royden Woodward Vosburgh), pp. 24, March 26 1789
James Schoolcraft & Clary Horton.
11 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Cambridge, Albany Co., NY, pp. 315.43, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 >16,

female: 2.
Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Cambridge, Albany Co., NY, pp. 315.49, John Schucraft. Male: 1 >16, 2 <16,
female: 2.
The Hoosick Township Historical Society of Hoosick Falls, New York.
14 “King's men: The soldier founders of Ontario” by Mary Beacock Fryer. Dundurn Press (1980)
15 Col. John Peter's - Corps Return after Bennington, undated presumed late 1777
16 Capt. Justus 3rd Co. Return - dated 1778
17 War Office Papers - Headquarters Records. Military and Provincial Memorials. 1776-1781. W. O. 28. Vol. 9. Capt.

Justus Sherwood - Memo Concerning Transfer of Men to Capt. McKay dated 9th March 1788.
18 Col. John Peter's - Corps Return dated 14th December 1780
19 Roll of Men Under Capt Samuel McKay - Names of Men in the Campaign dated 20th December 1777.
20 Roster of the 16th Regiment Militia: This roster seems to apply to the period from 13 Apr 1779 to 30 Nov 1780. It

shows four individuals, all privates. Christian and three of his sons. Adam, Christopher [Christian] and Cobus
21 Haldimand Papers, PAC, B167-35, Ottawa, Ontario, 3 Sep 1777, St. Johns, Canada. Subsistance account of Captain

Leake's Corps. From September 3, 1777 to 24 October 1777 being 52 days: Stephen Young, Peter Young, Christian
Snyder serving with Maj. Rogers at St. Johns, Adam Schoolcraft rejoined from the Colonies 24 August 1780.
22 Rebel Prisoners at Quebec by Chris McHenry, Wholesale House, Barber and Taylor, 380 Edison Way, Reno NV

89564: Transcribed records from Haldimand papers MSS 21,843 Ottawa: Among list of about 60 prisoners in Montreal
about 1780 marked “Taken Ft. Ann All in Arms”. Age stated as 19 yrs.
23 Ethel May Diel, Schoolcraft Newsletter, published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 3 Summer 1986: Source “The

Barley and the Stream”, a history of the Molson family. In summer of 1782 a party of 197 Loyalists then in Burlington
agree to go to Caldwell's Manor. Names include Barren, Struthers, Friott, Linton, Cameron, Dunham, Stone, Clapper,
Schoolcraft, Salls, Tryon, Ruyter, Hawley.
24 Ethel May Diel, Schoolcraft Newsletter, published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 4 Summer 1986: Image of a page

form Philip Ruyter's day book shows “John Schoolcraft spent 13 days aiding in the survey of Dunham. This may
actually have been 'Christ John Schoolcraft', his father, as that confusion appears elsewhere.
25 Francoise Noel, Professor of History, Director of the Institute for Community Studies and Oral History Nipissing

University, North Bay, ON: Private communication April 4th, 2006.

26 Alex Taylor's Petition for Stanbridge
27 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1630512: Petition for Town of Granby, 28-Mar-1795
Abbé Isidore Desnoyers, 1886, Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Jacques de Foucault, pp. 2: In 1797, Seigneur Gabriel
Christie made several grants. 8e Rg pros la Baie: 14 Juill à Simon Stone 4x30 arp 42#. … à Ralph Miller 4x26 ~ àu
mémes 4x25 arp …
29 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 60, pp. 30196-30217. Mar 13, 1805, pp. 30216. Authorization to lease Crown and

Clergy land. James Schoolcraft, range 9, lot 15; William Schoolcraft range 10, lot 13; Simon Stone range 7, lot 13;
Elijah Spears range 9, lot 19.
30 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 21st Sept. 1803, Sale by Gilbert Hyatt to Simon Stone.
31 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne, 10th June 1814: Sale by John Schoolcraft to Anthony Stockham.
32 Quebec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Folio 16th: George Stone of the Township of Stanbridge, farmer, son

of late Simon Stone and his wife Anna Schoolcraft died on the Twenty Fourth day of November in the year of our Lord
Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Five and was buried on this Twenty Seventh day of the same month and year
in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me R. A. Flanders, Minister. Witnesses Francis Welch and Lorenzo D.

33 Quebec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, Peter Schoolcraft, of Franklin the State of Vermont died on the
eleventh day of April Two thousand eight hundred and fourty two, in the seventy fourth year of his age, and was buried
on the twelfth day of the same, in this parish in presence of the subscribing witnesses by me. Signed James Reid Pastor,
Witnessed Joseph Vincent and James Schoolcraft.
34 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne, 10th January 1833 Peter Schoolcraft to Patrick Small:

...personally appeared Peter Schoolcraft of the Seignory of St. Armand aforesaid and Mary Stolicker his wife...
35 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Petition of John Stalker to Robert Prescott, Leut. Gov. 28th Nov 1796: …who

has a wife and eight children…

36 Quebec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 2.37, St. Armand West, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family frame house, P.

Cammel age 29 M/S born in C. E. occ./rel. farmer, C of E, M. Schoolcraft age 81 F/S born in C. E. occ./rel. spinster, C
of E., died age 81 in last year, non family member, P. Parker age 19 M/S born in C. E. occ./rel. laborer, C of E.
Canadian Archives National Map Collection, Ottawa: H11/300 - 1831 #11 of 12. Map of the District of Montreal
Lower Canada, Joseph Bouchette 1831.
38 Canadian Archives National Map Collection [NMC 19134]. Missisquoi region map circa 1850.

Chapter 6: An Early Death
William Schoolcraft was introduced in Chapter 2. No birth record exists for William but it
has been reasoned that he was born about 1729 in Schoharie. He married Maria Elizabeth
Schneider on May 9th, 1749 in Schoharie. Maria Elizabeth Schneider was the half aunt of
Anna Maria Schneider who married William’s brother Lawrence. William died in Schoharie
on April 13th, 1761 and his Will may be used to determine his grandfather. To the extent of
my knowledge, no children are attributed to this marriage by other researchers because no
baptisms are recorded in Schoharie. Until recently I held the same opinion. However, some
records in the Schoharie region lead me to conjecture that this marriage did have issue. It is
that conjecture that I shall discuss here.

None of the individuals discussed in this chapter have a primary record that clearly identifies
their parents. In order for them to be considered as a possible child of William Schoolcraft
two conditions are expected:

• The individual would be born in the period between William’s

marriage, May 9th, 1749 and within a few months of his death,
April 13th, 1761.
• While not a strict requirement, the individual would be likely to be
living in or near Schoharie.

Lawrence Schoolcraft, Married to Maria Schneider in 1790

A Lawrence Schoolcraft is identified from his marriage to Maria Schneider at the High and
Low Dutch Reformed Congregation in Schoharie on the 19th January 17901. This implies he
is born before about 1772. No witnesses are recorded at the marriage that would help identify
Lawrence. Maria, born June 9th, 1960, is the daughter of George Henry Schneider and
Elizabeth Zimmer. It is likely that Lawrence is a similar age to Maria, i.e. probably born
within a few years of 1760, and thus could be William Schoolcraft’s son.

Sponsors are recorded at the baptism of their two children. The second child, Christian, is
sponsored by Christian Lawyer and his wife Elizabeth Schneider who were married August
30th, 17912. Christian Lawyer, born December 25, 1768, is the son of John Lawyer and
Christina Sternberg and is the step son of Lawrence Schoolcraft who was born in 1733.
Christian’s wife, Elizabeth, was born December 28th, 1769, the daughter of Peter Schneider
and Maria Catharina Sternberg. Thus there is a connection to both the Schoolcraft and the
Schneider families, although neither is close enough to imply who Lawrence might be. The
sponsors of the other child are Adam Zimmer and Margaret Schaeffer. Adam was born April
9th, 1749. Again, there is a distant connection between Adam Zimmer and Maria Schneider’s
mother but not close enough to provide clues to Lawrence Schoolcraft. When sponsors do
not provide clues other approaches must be tried.

Lawrence is unlikely to be James Sr.’s son who is baptized in 1733 because that implies a 27
year age discrepancy between Lawrence and Maria Schneider. This suggests that Lawrence
would be a grandchild of James Sr. He is born far too early to be a great grandchild. James Jr.

is excluded as he is unmarried. We can positively eliminate that he is the child of John
Schoolcraft who already had a son called Lawrence born on February 12th, 1758 and who
married Margaret Rowe around 1780. They had a substantial family with proven children
born between October 25th, 1782 and August 16th, 1808. Between 1784 and 1786 this
Lawrence left Schoharie for Schenectady and from there went to Guilderland. The conflict of
location and a substantial family in the period leading up to, and following, 1790 precludes
the Lawrence who married Margaret Rowe from being the same one who marries Marie
Schneider in 1790. We can positively eliminate that he is the child of Lawrence Schoolcraft
who had two sons called Lawrence. The Lawrence born on November 15th, 1763 dies a
month later and the Lawrence born on March 28th, 1767 marries Arianne Reinhard on
August 15th, 1790. Clearly the Lawrence who marries Marie Schneider January 19th, 1790 is
not the same person as marries Arianne Reinhard as there is a serious date clash with the
marriages as well as a substantial family by Lawrence and Arianne in the period following
1790. Christian does not have a documented son called Lawrence. However, Christian has
left the Schoharie region completely by 1768 and there is little reason to suppose that one of
his children would return and marry in 1790, particularly as the rest of the family were
Loyalists who went to Quebec after the Revolutionary War.

Table 10: Schoharie Census Records [page.line]

1790 1800 1810 1820

Lawrence [20-Mar-1732/33] 200.12 1170.14

Jacob [18-Dec-1761] 200.13 1170.15 31.39 189.16

Jacob J/I. [11-Feb-1785] 32.01

John Jr. [14-Oct-1790] 190.17

John [31-Jan-1765] 200.11 1170.11 32.09 187.38

Jacob Jr. [about 1784] 32.10 190.07

Lawrence Jr. [28-Mar-1767] 1170.12 32.08 187.37

William [1-Jan-1769] 1170.13 32.02 188.02

David [25-Oct-1773] 32.13 188.04

Widow Elizabeth [bef. 1766] 32.11

Christian [18-Jul-1792] 188.01

One possibility that must be considered is that Lawrence Schoolcraft might be a grandchild
of James Schoolcraft by his son Austien. However, by 1749 Austien has removed into
Pennsylvania with his family and no record of his return to the Schoharie region is known.

The census record provides a little more help. The 1790 Schoharie record, Table 10, shows a
Lawrence on pp. 200.12. That is most likely James’ son baptized in 1733. In 1800 the record
shows Lawrence on pp. 1170.14 with his sons, including Lawrence Jr., on adjacent lines. By
1810 only one Lawrence is listed in Schoharie on pp. 32.08. As he is in the midst of the other
sons of Lawrence Sr. it is most likely he is also a son of Lawrence Sr. It is strange that the
Lawrence Schoolcraft and Maria Schneider under discussion here do not appear in the
Schoharie record. Yet by 1820 Christian, a son of Lawrence and Maria Schneider shows up
in the midst of Lawrence Sr.’s sons. I find it curious that in the 1810 enumeration an
Elizabeth Schoolcraft, over age 45, is enumerated with two children aged 10 but not yet 16.

Elizabeth is too old to have married a great-grandson of James and Anna (Kammer)
Schoolcraft. If we consider the sons of Lawrence and Anna Maria (Schneider) Schoolcraft
we find that Jacob, William, Lawrence and John, who live nearby, all have wives who are
still alive and apparently still with their husbands. Their son, Peter, married Beata Marinus
and while they are absent from the 1810 census record, they were living in Berne since
before 1790 and Beata’s name is not a match to Elizabeth. There was another son called
David, born in 1773, but no record of any family has been located. Further more, he would
be at least 8 years younger than Elizabeth and would have married about age 22 to comply
with the 1810 census record. While not impossible it is not common to find that large an age
gap when the marriage age is young. John and Anna Barbara (Boss) Schoolcraft had two
male children with families. However, one was living in Guilderland and one in Vernon at
this time and both were still fathering children with wives whose names are not Elizabeth.

The foregoing presses for consideration of another possibility. William Schoolcraft died in
1761 and left a widow called Maria Elizabeth. In Chapter 2 I explained the use of rufnames.
Suppose for the moment that Maria Elizabeth was using her rufname, Elizabeth. When
William died in 1761 the entire family was located in Schoharie. It likely that Elizabeth
would have remained there, possibly living with a relative of her’s or William’s. She would
not necessarily show in the 1790 or 1800 census. She may well have been living with
William’s brother, Lawrence, as he is not enumerated in 1810. Clearly the two children in the
1810 census are not William’s. No record of Lawrence Schoolcraft who married Maria
Schneider on January 19th, 1790 is found after the birth of their two children. I conjecture
that the parents died between 1792 and 1800 and that their two children, Margaret and
Christian, went to live with their widowed grandmother, Maria Elizabeth Schneider. The
1810 census is incorrect in stating the ages of the two children, who are 18 and 20, but is
otherwise supportive of this interpretation.

The foregoing leads me to conjecture that William Schoolcraft and Maria Elisabeth
Schneider are a plausible choice as parents, implying Lawrence would be born before 1761. I
conjecture that after his father’s death, Lawrence’s uncle of the same name may have
maintained close contact with the family which may account for Christian Lawyer being a
sponsor at the baptism of a child and also for Christian Schoolcraft living in such proximity
to his cousins in 1820. Regardless, there is no proof so this remains conjecture on my part.

Samuel Schoolcraft, Soldier on the Connecticut Line

Having opened the possibility that William Schoolcraft did father children, other potential
children may now be examined. Samuel Schoolcraft first appears in Stonington, CT where he
served on the Connecticut line and met his wife. However, it is clear that after the
Revolutionary War he returned to the Schoharie region. The most informative reference is in
fact the Revolutionary War Pension Files3:

SCHOOLCRAFT Samuel, Mary, CT Line, W5999, BLW #1108-100-15 Feb

1825. sol appl 3 Oct 1820 at SCHOHARIE NY age 64, sol had enl at New
London CT, in 1820 sol had wife Mary aged about 60 & they were living at
Middleburg in Schoharie Co NY, on 7 Feb 1825 sol appl for BLW in Albany
Co NY, wid appl 3 Aug 1837 Huron Co OH aged 76 & she referred to sol as
formerly of Exeter in Otsego Co NY, sol m Mary Baley 22 Sep 1784 (she was
then aged 22 & she [sic] was aged 26) & they had pledged to each other as
husband & wife as much as 6 yrs prior to their marriage & after their
marriage they had 4 children of which 3 were living in 1837, sol & wid had m
at Stonington CT, sol d 18 Apr 1828 aged 70, family data, Samuel Schoolcraft
b 26 Jul 1794, Eunice Schoolcraft b 11 Jun 1797, Dianthee b 5 Jun 1799,
Martha Schoolcraft b 22 Jun 1804, the son Samuel, Jr. d 13 Nov 1815,
Cynthia (no last name) b 3 Mar 1819.

Samuel was born about 1756. He meets the age criteria for being William’s child. The
Schoharie County connection is greatly strengthened by three census records that show he
lived there for over twenty years.
• 1790 pp. 22.08, Stonington, CT
• 1800 pp. 141.18, Berne, NY
• 1810 pp. 41.06, Middleburg, NY
• 1820 pp. 215.02, Middleburg, NY

He is unlikely to be James Sr.’s son as James would have been almost seventy and there is no
indication of his having had any children after 1741. James Jr. is unmarried, Lawrence does
not marry for another three years, and those of John’s children that survived to maturity are
documented by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. Christian could be the father but, born in 1756,
Samuel would have removed to the Schermerhorn Patent with his father when young. He
would probably have supported the Loyalist’s in the Revolutionary War, as did Christian, his
sons and most of the other residents of that region. I showed in Chapter 5 that Christian
Schoolcraft was part of a group that went to Canada in support of the Loyalist cause. I think
it unlikely that Samuel is Christian’s child.

The pension and census records show no ties to Virginia. If he were from Austien’s line and
is from one of the Virginia branches he would almost certainly have been part of the
Virginian line, along with others from that branch of the family. (Jacob born 1759 and John
born 1757 both appear in the VA Line4, 5.)

This leaves William Schoolcraft and Maria Elisabeth Schneider as the plausible choice. They
were married on the May 9th, 1749 and William died on the April 13th, 1761 so there is
ample time for a family, although none has been proven. I conjecture that Samuel was raised
in Schoharie by his widowed mother. His pension file showed that he enlisted in New
London on March 1st, 1776 under Capt. Shipley for 9 months. He then reenlisted
immediately after for 3 months in service at Rhode Island and served until June 9th, 1783, at

which time he was serving under Col. Samuel B. Webb. It appears that he met Mary Baley
about the same time as he enlisted but that they did not marry till six years later.

I have not been able to discover any reason why Samuel would have enlisted in Connecticut
if he had been raised in Schoharie. This is a significant weakness in my considering him to be
William’s son. However, his age and his obvious affinity for Schoharie county after his
military service make the forgoing seem plausible. Regardless, there is no proof so this
remains conjecture.

The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, at Schoharie, NY. Marriage on 19 Jan. [1790] of Lorentz
Schulkraft with Maria Schneider.
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, at Schoharie, NY. Event Marriage: Elisabeth SCHNEIDER : F : Spouse
Christian LOWYER : Date 30 AUG 1791 : Place Saint Pauls Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schoharie, Schoharie, New
Abstracted by Virgil D. White, Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files, SCHOOLCRAFT,
4 Abstracted by Virgil D. White, Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files, SCHOOLCRAFT John,

VA Line, S7468, sol was b 13 Feb 1757 in Hampshire Co VA & he lived in Ohio Co VA at enl & in 1781 he moved to
Monongahalia Co VA & also enl there & after the Rev he lived in Lewis Co VA where he app 2 Jul 1833, on 27 Apr
1860 sol's wid Nancy Schoolcraft made aff'dt in lewis Co VA aged 76, sol had m Nancy Brown 18 Jul 1804 in Harrison
Co VA & sol d 6 Mar 1850 in Lewis Co VA.
5 Abstracted by Virgil D. White, Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files, SCHOOLCRAFT Jacob,

VA Line, R9268, sol was b in 1759 in Hardy Co VA & he lived in Augusta Co VA at enl & after the Rev he lived in
Monongahalia Co VA then moved to Harrison Co VT[sic] then moved to Lewis Co VA where he appl 25 Nov 1833.

Chapter 7: The Daughters
Most of us know that there is a tendency to focus on the males in genealogy as they carry the
family name that we are researching. It takes a conscious and continual effort to research the
female lines as they carry the husbands name and are less likely than the husband to be found
in ancillary references such as legal or land documents. Like most, I have not been as diligent
with the female lines as with the male ones. In this chapter I present what I know and advise
that those who desire more information consult with researchers of the appropriate family

Margaret Schoolcraft, Born About 1734

Margaret is baptized on September 29th, 1735 with her sister Maria Magdalena. In Chapter
2, page 25 I explained why I believe she was the first female child who would thus have been
born in Schoharie about 1734. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft writes [Appendix A]:

Margaret, the eldest daughter, married Col. Green Brush, of the British army,
at the house of Gen. Bradstreet, Albany. Her daughter, Miss Francis Brush,
married the celebrated Col. Ethan Allen, after his return from the Tower of

Greg Parkes has researched Margaret as much as anyone that I know and I am indebted to
him for the following. Greg has referred to Ethel Diel, to a hagiographic biography of Ethan
Allen by John Pell, and to documents at the Fort Ticonderoga Museum. [The following is
presented with clarifying edits to remove ambiguities]:

Margaret had a daughter, evidently with John Montressor, whom she was
seeing without benefit of clergy. John Montressor and his father were British
Army engineers who did much of the design of forts Niagara and Ticonderoga
during the French and Indian War. The child, Frances (Fanny), was born in
Boston. After the war, John Montressor dumped his colonial baggage at the
tideline, went home to a proper Scottish lady and a lifetime of unsuccessfully
nagging the Crown for monies he believed his due for services in America.
Margaret then married Crean Bush on August 10th, 1765. He was an Irish
lawyer and also an Army officer. He committed suicide at some point, and she
then married Patrick Wall, a New York City doctor. She did well financially
with both marriages, and could pass for rich, in Vermont anyway. Margaret
and her daughter each received 20,000 acres of Vermont land from Bush.
They went to Vermont in 1784 to perfect their claim, where Fanny met and
wowed Ethan Allen and became his second wife. Margaret died in April 1805
in Westminster VT.
Portraits of both ladies, along with some of their possesions are in the Fort
Ticonderoga museum.

Margaret’s death is recorded in Westminster, Vermont, and confirms that she was married to
Patrick Wall. Census enumerations show that Patrick was resident in Westminster in 1790,

1800 and 1810. That Margaret’s daughter was John Montressor’s child is evidenced by her
grave marker1 in Burlington, VT which states “Frances Montezuma wife of Dr. Jabez
Penniman who died Oct 13, 1834 aged 74 years. Formerly wife of Gen. Ethan Allen”. Ethan
Allen, his wives and children have been written about by many others2. I shall not reiterate
that information here. I also mentioned in Chapter 2, page 25 that Margaret’s claimed date of
birth might exist in papers associated with Ethan Allen, her son-in-law.

Maria Magdalena Schoolcraft, Baptized September 29th, 1735

Maria is baptized as Maria Magdalena but uses the name Maria Elizabeth at her marriage.
Maria marries Balthasar (Baltus) Kern on September 23rd, 1764 in Schoharie. After that, I
have not been able to locate any information on her, her husband or any children. A Jacob
Kern marries Anna Elizabeth Wanner in 1759, so Jacob might be Balthasar’s brother. Jacob
and his wife baptize five children in St. Paul’s church in the following few years. Strangely,
the surname Kern does not appear in the early census records for Schoharie or Berne. The
1790 Schoharie census enumerates several individuals with the surname Kenis Kern. Two on
page 201, one on page 204 and three on page 208. The surname Kenis Kern also appears in
Rensselaerville (Berne). Because Henry Rowe Schoolcraft does not even acknowledge Maria
as one of James Schoolcraft’s children, I think she probably died shortly after her marriage
and without issue.

Elizabeth Schoolcraft, Born December 25th, 1738

Elizabeth marries William Rose on October 30th, 1760 in Schoharie. Their first eight
children are baptized in the Schoharie churches and the ninth in Reformed Dutch Church in
Warwarsing. The family is well documented in a handwritten family record, apparently from
a family bible that belonged to the eldest son, Jacob, and which is part of his pension papers
held in the National Archives3 [Appendix D, Figure 11]. The family record provides the birth
information for Elizabeth and William as well as substantial family details. William and
Elizabeth left Schoharie and went south, initially into Ulster County but by 1800 had reached
Colchester, Delaware County. William died in Colchester in 1819 and Elizabeth died three
years later in Chenango, Broome County. Their son, Jacob, raised his family in Tomkins
County. My research of this family has been limited to the content of the family record.

Catherine Helen Schoolcraft, Baptized July 26th, 1741

The baptismal and marriage records refer to Catherine. The name Catherine is also used at
the baptism of each of her nine children. None the less, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft lists Helen
as the last of James’ children and does not include a Catherine. Henry might have been
mistaken in the name or Helen might have been her middle name. Catherine marries William
Heens in 1761 in Schoharie. The record is undated but is recorded between two entries that
were made on October 16th and November 4th. Nine children are baptized in Schoharie.
Despite the fact that they baptize their eighth child on August 30th, 1789 and their ninth on
March 12th, 1792, I am unable to locate any census enumeration for William Heens or Hines
in either Schoharie or Rensselaerville (Berne) during 1790. It seems unusual for a family that
large to be included in another household. There is an enumeration for a Peter Heen in
Rensselaerville but his family only numbers two adult males and a female.

1 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Burlington, Elmwood Ave. cemetery: Frances Montezuma wife of Dr. Jabez Penniman
who died Oct 13, 1834 aged 74 years. Formerly wife of Gen. Ethan Allen.
2 Web sites for Fort Ethan Allen and the Ethan Allen Homestead Museum, hagiographic biography of Ethan ALLEN

by John Pell. [,]

3 National Archives W4578, micropublication M804, Record Group 15., New York: Jacob Rose Family Record.

Chapter 8: Unresolved Issues in
Schoharie County
Before continuing by looking at Quebec families, which will take us away from Schoharie
County, I wish to address some of the unresolved issues in the New York families. It is
possible to determine the relationships of many of the individuals who carry the Schoolcraft
name and show an affinity to the Schoharie, New York region. Those relationships have been
presented in previous chapters. A few unplaced individuals remain with birth dates before
about 1810. In all probability these are grandchildren or great grandchildren of James
Schoolcraft. The choices are relatively limited and because of that I shall detail them here.
Many of them contain strong clues that suggest a family relationship but I have been unable
to close that final link. Firstly, there are some conditions that can be used in analyzing these
• Unless the individual is born before 1743 they are very unlikely to
be a child of James. While absence of evidence is not evidence of
absence, James’ third wife Elizabeth is likely to be no more than
about fifteen years his junior so her child bearing years are pretty
much exhausted by 1755. I believe James may be removed from
consideration as a parent.
• Austien, his son by Madelana, has four children, three apparently
born in Schoharie, but the entire family has removed to
Pennsylvania sometime between 1745 and 1749. I believe Austien
may be removed from consideration as a parent.
• The eldest son James by Anna Christina did not marry till after he
left the region and may be excluded from consideration.
• There are no unambiguously proven children of William. If any
did exist they would be born between 1749 and 1761.
• John’s grandson, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, identifies three of
John’s children. Each is found in church records with two others
that probably did not reach maturity. There would seem little
motive for Henry to conceal additional children. If any more
children existed they would probably also have died before
maturity. I believe that John Schoolcraft and Anna Boss can be
eliminated as possible parents.
• Henry Rowe Schoolcraft states that his own parents, Lawrence
Schoolcraft and Margaret Rowe, had thirteen children. From
baptismal records and Henry’s writing as explained in Chapter 3,
page 33, all these children have been accounted for. I believe that
Lawrence Schoolcraft and Margaret Rowe can be eliminated as
possible parents.
• Christian’s children are born after his marriage in 1753. Birth gaps
do exist but by 1766 Christian has left the region, taking his family
with him. It is unlikely that any child of his would have returned to

Schoharie. I believe Christian may be removed from consideration
as a parent.
• Lawrence’s children are born after his marriage in 1759. Birth gaps
do exist.

Rachel Shoecraft, Born About 1788

My reason for including Rachel Shoecraft is that Rachel is misrecorded as Rachel

Schoolcraft. Between February 5th, 1808 and December 23rd, 1812 three children are
baptized in the First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, Charleston, Montgomery Co., New
York1, 2, 3. The parents are Francis H. & Rachel Pruyne. In one of the baptisms the mother’s
maiden name is recorded as Schoolcraft and in the others as Shoecraft or Shoocraft. There
are some transcriptions by others that show one or both of the Shoecraft baptism as
Schoolcraft. No record of the marriage is apparent. However, the Reformed Protestant Dutch
Church Of Caughnawaga, Fonda, Montgomery Co., New York records the marriage of David
Pruin and Maryte Shewgraft on August 29th, 1799. A child, Hendrick is christened in 1800
with the mother recorded as Maryte Shewraft.

The foregoing is indicative of two brothers who might have married two sisters. Online
genealogies for the Pruyn and Shoecraft families claim this to be the case and that Mary and
Rachel’s parents were Jacob and Catalina (Sammon) Shoecraft. Baptisms and a marriage
correlating to this claim are found in the Reformed Dutch Church, Shawangunk, Ulster Co.,
New York:

• Marriage of Jacob Shoecraft and Catalina Sammon on April 21st,

• Baptism of Marretye, parents Jacob Shoecraft and Catelina
Sammons on June 29th, 1783.
• Baptism of Rachel, parents Shoecraft and Catelyntie Sammons in
• Birth of Sarah, parents Jacob Shoecraft and Catelyntie Sammon on
February 7th, 1791.
• Birth of Lina, parents Jacob Shoecraft and Cathelyntie Sammon on
July 3rd, 1793.
• Birth of Mathew Sammon, parents Jacob Shoecraft and Catlyntie
Sammon on May 30th, 1795.

In conclusion, Rachel is not a member of the Schoolcraft family and the two baptismal
records from the First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, Charleston, are incorrect in
showing her to be a Schoolcraft. The Shoecraft family is claimed to be of German origin.
John Shoecraft, Rachel’s uncle, was mentioned in Chapter 5 as he is sometimes thought to be
Christian’s son, John Schoolcraft.

Montgomery County, New York

Montgomery County lies just to the north of Schoharie and just to the west of Schenectady.
The earliest reference to Schoolcraft in this county is Richard Skulgraft who is enumerated at
Palatine in 17904, apparently with a wife but no children. All that can be determined from

this record is that he is born before 1776. Jacob Rose, the son of William Rose and Elizabeth
Schoolcraft who were discussed in Chapter 7, page 82, is also enumerated in Montgomery
County in 1790 but at Chemung (Herkimer). This is only 24 miles west of Richard. However,
the Rachel Shoecraft, discussed above is only 11 miles east of Richard at Fonda in the early
1800s which raises the possibility that Richard may not truly be a Schoolcraft.

For the present, let’s assume that Richard is indeed a Schoolcraft who is born before 1776.
He cannot be a son of James Sr. He cannot be a son of John Schoolcraft and Anna Barbara
Boss as that family is already fully defined. If he were a son of Lawrence Schoolcraft and
Anna Maria Schneider it is very strange that he is not in the Schoharie baptismal record.
Lawrence is a church elder and has been baptizing all his children since his marriage in 1759
till the last child in 1778 and there are few noticeable gaps in the birth sequence. It is possible
that Richard is another child of William Schoolcraft and Maria Elizabeth Schneider who
were discussed in Chapter 6. Without a more precise idea of his true age we cannot even
conjecture this much.

Richard is important to us as he might be the ancestor of a fairly extensive Schoolcraft family

headed by William Schoolcraft who is enumerated in Mohawk and later Palatine in 18505,
18606, 18707 and 18808. William is born about 1822 and married to Cecilia VanDenburgh.
Cecilia’s family appears to be in Fonda, Montgomery County in the 1830s so presumably she
and William met in Montgomery County. Their family in 1860 and 1870 includes a child
called Rachel who is subsequently identified as a sister in 1880, possibly indicating her true
parents died between 1858 and 1860. Rachel is an uncommon name in the Schoolcraft lines
and suggests a family relationship to maybe John Wyngaart Schoolcraft who has a daughter
called Rachel or David Schoolcraft and Rachel Westfall. I have been unable to determine a
viable connection between Rachel and either of these two families so at this time it appears
this name is no more than a coincidence.

H. Lawrence Schoolcraft, Born About 1787

Lawrence is identified from an 1871 death notice in the Schenectady Evening Star stating
“H. Lawrence Schoolcraft, d. 18 May 1868 (81 yrs)”. By 1871 the mobility of individuals
has increased to such a degree that this record in Schenectady does not necessarily convey
any great significance. In fact, the death notice does not even convey that he died in
Schenectady and being a few years after the event it is very likely he did not die in that town.
If he were a grandchild of James, then he would need to be a child of Lawrence Schoolcraft
and Anna Maria Schneider. However, they have a good record of baptizing children with the
last one being in 1778. A nine year gap in births with Anna Maria being 51 years old
suggests this is unlikely. However, he probably is a great grandchild of James. We can
eliminate that he is the child of John Schoolcraft and Maria Truax who was born and
baptized on September 29th, 1788 in Helderberg as he died on July 28th, 1851 in
Schenectady. Lawrence Schoolcraft and Anna Maria Schneider have three children, Peter,
Jacob and John, who marry soon enough to be potential parents.

Luke Schoolcraft, Born About 1790

Luke appears in an 1860 census record for Wright9 where he is living with a wife called
Catherine who is three years older than he. With him are Harriet Haferly age 16 and Lydia

Schermerhorn age 38. He is living very close to other Schoolcraft’s in Wright who are very
likely to be related. I do not believe “Luke” to be his baptismal name.

Table 11 shows the census entries for Wright for the period 1840 to 1880. The individual
who most closely matches Luke is John Schoolcraft who was born on 14th October 1790.
However, John is also listed in Schoharie where he keeps a hotel. He dies in Schoharie on 5th
November 1862. His wife Mary Settle remains with him throughout his life and dies in
Schoharie on 1st November 1864. Wright is the town adjacent to Schoharie and to the East,
towards Berne. I suspect that John may have had a second residence in Wright near his
grandchildren. Mary, his wife, may actually be called Mary Catherine. I believe this to be the
most plausible explanation for Luke although I cannot eliminate his being a previously
unidentified grandchild of Lawrence Schoolcraft and Anna Maria Schneider by one of the
other children.

Table 11: Wright Census Records [dwelling or page, age]

1840 1850 1860 1870 1880
Peter [09-Jan-1760 Probably dead as no record since 1800.
Jacob [18-Dec-1761] Died in 1834.
David [22-Jan-1781] Tioga County in 1840 and later.
Peter [19-Apr-1806] dw 116, ae 44 dw 627, ae 54 dw 114, ae 64 pp. 358A, ae 74
Jacob I. [11-Feb-1785] pp. 181.01 dw 157, ae 64 Died in 1853.
John [14-Oct-1790] pp. 178.20 dw 1841, ae 58 dw 184, ae 71 Died in 1862.
(Schoharie) (Schoharie)
Isaac [5-Oct-1816] pp. 178.05 dw 233, ae 34 dw 627, ae 45
John [31-Jan-1765] pp. 124.24 Died in 1849.
Jacob Jr. [about 1784] pp. 124.24 dw 160, ae 65 dw 805, ae 75 Died 1869
Gideon [7-Nov-1812] dw 154, ae 36 dw 843, ae -- dw 85, ae 57 pp. 361D, ae 67
Peter [2-Dec-1814] dw 160, ae 35 dw 805, ae 45 dw 69, ae 55 pp. 363C, ae 65
Jacob [13-Nov-1823] dw 845, ae 36 dw 49, ae 46 pp. 363C, ae 56
Lawrence [28-Mar-1767] Knox in 1830 and later.
William [29-Jul-1799] pp. 170.08 Probably dead as Ezra is living with relatives.
Ezra [23-Sep-1837] dw 48, ae 12 dw 391, ae 22 dw 602, ae 32 pp. 268D, ae 43
William [1-Jan-1769] dw 274, ae 81 Died in 1850.
David [25-Oct-1773] Probably dead as no record since baptism.
Luke & Catherine dw 839, ae 70

Jacob Schoolcraft, Born Before 1796

Jacob and Caty are listed as the parents of Ann Eliza who is born 12th May 1814 in
Schoharie10. This Jacob is very unlikely to be the son of Lawrence Schoolcraft, born 18th
December 1761, due to his wife’s age. This Jacob cannot be the grandson of Lawrence called
Jacob I. and born 11th February 1785 as that creates a conflict with the birth of Jacob
Sylvester. This Jacob cannot be the grandson of Lawrence called Jacob Jr. and born about
1784, as his wife is Eva Settle and it would also create a conflict with the birth of Peter. This

suggests that this Jacob is a previously unidentified person who would probably be a child of
Peter Schoolcraft and Beata Marinus, Lawrence Schoolcraft and Arianne Reinhard or
William Schoolcraft and Christine Reinhard.

Sophia Schoolcraft, Born About 1803

Ed Schoolcraft reports11 a citation found in the Albany State Library that shows a Sophia
Schoolcraft who dies in December or 1869, aged 66. There is no indication if this Sophia was
a spinster or a widow, or even a widow using her maiden name. I have failed to find a
plausible match. There is a Sophia, the daughter of Jacob Schoolcraft and Maria Catharina
Zimmer whose birth year is very close. However, her death is in 1888 although only based on
a members entry in the Schoharie High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation church
book. Possibly that entry is incorrect. The 1860 census does imply that that Sophia had
separated from her second husband and no record has been found for her in either 1870 or

Ann Schoolcraft, Born About 1805

Ann should be readily identifiable but she is not. She is found in the 1860 census for Weston,
Middlesex Co., MA12 where she is in the household of Francis Slack. Very few Schoolcrafts
from New York went into Massachusetts. One was Frances Schoolcraft, the daughter of John
Schoolcraft [Appendix E] and Maria Catherine McKinney who had married Robert Slack in
1822. Robert and Frances are found in Weston in 1850 and it seems that by 1860 Robert has
died. One expects that Ann is related to Frances Schoolcraft, either as a sister or sister-in-law.
Unfortunately, no suitable match appears to exist. Frances does have a step-sister called
Anna but she is twenty years older than the one enumerated in Weston.

Mary Ann Schoolcraft, Born About 1806

Mary is another who should be readily identifiable but is not. She is from Rotterdam, NY and
marries Giles Van Vorst in 1847 at Schenectady13. With this location it is hard to imagine
that she is not one of the descendants of either the John Schoolcraft and Maria Catherine
McKinney, mentioned in connection with Ann, or else Lawrence Schoolcraft and Margaret
Rowe, the parents of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. She is Giles’ second wife and, from the 1850
census14, has a child called Elizabeth by him.

New York, Charleston: First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),
Baptisms pp. 10. Baptism of Abraham on Feb 5th [1808] born Dec 22nd 1807, parents Francis H. Pruyne & Rachel
New York, Charleston: First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),
Baptisms pp. 17. Baptism of Sarah Maria on [June] 27th [1810] born May 19th 1810, parents Francis H. Pruyne &
Rachel Shoecraft.
New York, Charleston: First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),
Baptisms pg 23. Baptism of Daniel on 23rd [Dec 1812] born Dec 3rd 1812, parents Francis H. Pruyne & Rachel
Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Palatine, Montgomery Co., NY, pp. 114.1.37, Richard Skulgraft. Male: 1 >16,
female: 1.
5 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jul-1850, pp. 368B.22, dw. 196, Mohawk, Montgomery Co., NY, fam. 216, William

D. Schwolcraft age 28 sex m labourer born in NY, Cecilia age 29 sex f born in NY, Cyntha age 5 sex f born in NY,
William A. age 3 sex m born in NY, James W. age 5 mos. sex m born in NY.

6 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Jul-1860, pp. 96, dw. 6581, Mohawk, Montgomery Co., NY, fam. 742, William
Schoolcraft age 38 sex M farmer born in NY, Cecelia age 39 sex F born in NY, Cynthia A. age 15 sex F born in NY,
William O. age 13 sex M born in NY, John W. age 10 sex M born in NY, Isaac M. age 8 sex M born in NY, Eva F. age
5 sex F born in NY, Rachael C. age 1 sex F born in NY, Angelica Dulihot age 21 sex F maid born in NY, Hiram Cole
age 18 sex M laborer born in NY.
7 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1870, pp. 19.11, dw. 142, Mohawk, Montgomery Co., NY, fam. 165, William

D. Schoolcraft age 48 sex m farmer born in NY, Cecilie age 48 sex f born in NY, William D. age 22 sex m farm laborer
born in NY, Isaac M. age 17 sex m farming born in NY, Rachel C. age 11 sex f born in NY, Alexander L. age 8 sex m
born in NY, Edward F. age 5 sex m born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254865 National Archives Film T9-0865 pp. 346A: Palatine,
Montgomery Co., NY : William SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 58 born in NY occupation Farmer
father born in NY mother born in NY: Celia SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 58 born in NY
occupation Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: Rachel SCHOOLCRAFT Sister female single white
age 21 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Alexander SCHOOLCRAFT Son male
single white age 18 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Edward SCHOOLCRAFT
Son male single white age 18 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Fox LEAMON
Other male single white age 21 born in NY occupation Servant father born in NY mother born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 18-Aug-1860, Wright Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, dwelling 839, family 856, Luke
Schoolcraft age 70 sex M cooper born in NY, Catherine [Schoolcraft] age 73 sex F born in NY, Harriet E. Haferly age
16 sex F born in NY, Lydia S. Schermerhorn age 38 sex F born in NY
10 St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Schoharie, NY. Vol. 2 pg. 108 # 25, Baptism of Ann Eliza on 19 Jun 1814

born 12 May 1814, parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Caty.

11 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, SAN Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 68,

History of Albany Co. NY State Library. Newspaper References: Died. “Dec 1869, Sophia Schoolcraft, age 66.”
12 Federal Population Schedule, 3-Jul-1860, pp. 18.34, dw. 126, Weston, Middlesex Co., MA, fam. 140, Francis Slack

age 59 sex f born in NY, Sarah age 31 sex f born in NY, John L. age 27 sex m law student born in NY, Francis M. age
24 sex m born in NY, Robert H. age 22 sex m born in NY, Peter D. age 21 sex m born in NY, Ann Schoolcraft age 55
sex f born in NY, Eliza Slack age 74 sex f born in MA, Adeline Flagg age 59 sex f born in MA.
13 Charlotte Taylor Luckhurst, New York, Schenectady: Reformed Dutch Protestant Church, (Film 0532958), Film

0532958 Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Schenectady Marriages: 1847 December 24 of Giles Van Voast and
Mary Ann Schoolcraft Giles of Schenectady, Mary of Rotterdam.
14 Federal Population Schedule, 8-Oct-1850, dw. 61, Glenville, Schenectady Co., NY, fam. 61, Giles Van Vorst age 49

sex m mason born in NY, Mary age 44 sex f born in NY, James age 20 sex m laborer born in NY, Abner age 15 sex m
none born in NY, George age 11 sex m born in NY, Joseph age 9 sex m born in NY, Wm. age 7 sex m born in NY,
Charles age 4 sex m born in NY, Jane A. age 5 sex f born in NY, Elizabeth age 7 mos. sex f born in NY, Maria age 70
sex f born in NY.

Chapter 9: Adam Schoolcraft, A
Stanbridge Associate
The reason I choose to work on Adam’s family next is not just that he is the eldest son. In all,
there are seven male children by Christian Schoolcraft in Missisquoi County, all except one
of whom can be shown to have had extensive families. This leads to considerable confusion
unless the analysis is approached in a very specific order. By successively eliminating
options it is possible to resolve most of the relationships. Adam’s family is the most well
defined as he is known to have had only five children, four of those can be positively
identified and the fifth is so highly probably as to leave only the slightest possibility of error.

Adam is born on April 9th, 17561 in Schoharie. The posthumous sale of land2 to Isaac
Asseltine in 1807 that was first introduced in Chapter 5 identifies Catherine Phelps as
Adam’s widow and that this was Catherine’s second marriage, provides data about Adam’s
death on July 8th, 1805 and states that there were only five children:

Notary Léon Lalanne:

12th Jany 1807
Agreement of
Adam Schoolcraft
Isaac Afselstine

Marginal notes in the following transcription are indicated as: [MN: Marginal note]. This
transcription attempts to follow the original spelling and punctuation although it has not been
independently verified.

On the twelfth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and seven. Before the subscribing Notary Public residing in Shefford
in the County of Richelieu in the District of Montreal in the Province of Lower
Canada. Personally came and appeared Catherine Phelps of the Township of
Stanbridge in the County of Bedford in the Said District, widow of Adam
Schoolcraft late of Stanbridge aforesaid, Yeoman, deceased [MN: on the
eighth day of July], who in the presence of the Said Notary and of the
Witnefses herein after named, declared and affirmed as follows that is to say
that the Said Adam Schoolcraft her husband, died on the eighth day of July in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five. That about one
year previous to his decease he, the Said Adam Schoolcraft by verbal
agreement verbally covenanted and agreed with Isaac Afselstine of Said
Stanbridge, Yeoman, to sell and convey unto him the Said Isaac Afselstine and
to his Heirs & Afsigns forever. All that piece & Parcel of that Tract or Parcel
of Land situate lying & being in the aforesaid Township of Stanbridge [MN1:
that is to say all that part of that Lot] known & distinguished by Lot number

twelve in the Seventh Range of Lots in the Said Township, which lies on the
west side of Pike River which runs acrofs Said Lot [MN2: & for the Sum of
and at the rate of two Spanish dollars per each acre of its contents which]
contents of which Said piece of Land were not afsertained that and promised
and to convey the same unto and upon the first demand of the Said Isaac
Afselstine his Heirs or Afsigns. That the Said Isaac Afselstine in that same
year to wit the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & five pay unto
the Said late Adam Schoolcraft the Said sum of one hundred and seven
Spanish dollars by one mare, one yoke of steers, one cow and one heifer: and
further in as much as the Said piece & part of Said Lot was so agreed to be
Sold as if in its full State and there was then about five acres of the Said piece
cleared and fitted for cultivation, he the Said Isaac Afselstine covenanted and
agreed to clear under fit for cultivation the same number of acres on that
other part of the Lot which the Said Adam Schoolcraft kept to himself that the
Said Isaac Afselstine in [MN3: part] fulfilment of this last that article of their
agreement, did clear and fit for cultivation on the Said [MN4: remaining] part
of the Said Lot four acres and is to clear yet one acre more. And that it was
finally covenanted & agreed that if the Said Piece of Land So bargained for
and sold should contain more than fifty sufserficial acres he the Said Isaac
Afselstine Should pay for every acre of Surplus at the Sume rate
aforementioned to wit two dollars per acre. That, the Said Adam Schoolcraft
died did not in his lifetime execute a legal conveyance of the said piece of
Land to the Said Isaac Afselstine tho were willing so to do if he had been
thereunto requested by the Said Afselstine She the Said Catherine Phelps
having frequently heard her Said late husband say that he was perfectly
satisfied with the price and payment which he had as beforementioned
received of the Said Afselstine for the Said premises.
That when he & the Said Adam Schoolcraft died he left
That the Estate whereof the Said Adam Schoolcraft was pofsefsed at the day of
his decease, being (besides the remaining part of the aforesaid Lot of Land)
inconsiderable & its small revenues [MN5: which were hardly adequate to
her support & maintainance and that of the children he left which were were
in number five by her marriage with him and two by her former marriage]
have not and cannot yet enable her to make the disbursments necefsary and
incident to the taking of the Steps directed by the Laws for the difsolution of
the Community which existed between her and her Said late husband and for
her being authorized by the Court of the District aforesaid to execute a Deed
of Conveyance of the Said piece of land so as aforesaid bargained & sold to
the Said Afselstine. And that desirous to sume the same to him the Said
Afseltine his heirs and afsigns as much as She equitably and justly can under
her present circumstances She the Said Catherine Phelps hath for that
purpose caused the nearest relations to her Said the Said Adam Schoolcraft
and her nearest neighbors to afsemble and declare what they know of the
verbal bargain so as aforesaid made by & between the Said Adam Schoolcraft
and Isaac Afselstine and advise with them on the Promises whom she
requested to bring forward before the Said subscribing Notary and who

forthwith appeared and were James Schoolcraft, John Schoolcraft and
William Schoolcraft brothers to the, Simon Stone brother in law [MN6: all of
the Said Township of Stanbridge] John Stalker, John Boomhower, Uriah
Deline and William Norton neighbors to the Said late Adam Schoolcraft in his
life time; which Said relations and Neighbors after being Sworn before the
Said Notary did unamimously declare that the deceased did in his lifetime tell
them that he had sold the aforedescribed piece & part of his Lot of Land to the
Said Isaac Afselstine and had received his pay for it and the Said John
Stalker, Uriah Deline, John Boomhower and Simon Stone further declared
that the deceased did tell them that he had received one hundred dollars of the
Said Isaac Afselstine for the sale of the Said piece of Land. And the Said John
Stalker, Uriah Deline and Simon Stone further declare that the deceased did
Show them the Said Mare, Steers, Cow and Heifer and told them he conceived
that it was better than one hundred dollars on Interest which they declared
also was and is yet their opinion. And on the Said James Schoolcraft, John
Schoolcraft, William Schoolcraft, Simon Stone, John Stalker, John
Boomhower, Uriah Deline and William Norton being asked their advice
touching the necefsity of Suming the Said piece of Land unto the Said Isaac
Afselstine and the most proper way and method of so doing under the [MN7:
Said Catherine Phelps] present circumstances did unanimously declare that
they were of opinion that the Said Catherine Phelps whose situation as well
an input to her family as to the estate left her by the Said deceased. they Said
they were perfectly knowing so could not without [MN8: greatly] injuring
herself & Family make the necefsary applications to the Court of King’s
Bench of this District for to be authorized to convey the Said piece of Land but
that it were most just & equitable to Sume the same to the Said Afselstine as
much as could be by Notarial Act. Therefore the Said Catherine Phelps for
herself and also for and on the behalf of all her Children was well those ifsaid
of her Marriage with the Said late Adam Schoolcraft as those ifsaid of her
former marriage [MN9: by all and each of whom She hereby promises to
cause these presents to be certified & confirmed as fast as they Shall attain
the age of twenty one years] did and hereby doth grant, ude, Sell, alien convey
and confirm from henceforth forever and promise to warrant and guaranaty
from and against all haubles and handerances whatsoever Unto the Said
Isaac Afselstine and to his Heirs & Afsigns, he the Said Isaac Afselstine
present and accepting and declaring the bargain between and the Said Adam
Schoolcraft to have been made as has been herein before declared & united
by the Said Catherine Phelps. All that Piece and Part of the Said Lot number
twelve in the Seventh Range of Lots in the Said Township of Stanbridge, that
is to Say. All that part at the west end thereof which lies on the west side of
Pike River the contents of which the Said Isaac Afselstine doth hereby promise
to cause to be afertained at his own proper cost whenever thereunto rasonably
required by the Said Catherine Phelps. To Have and To Hold the Said Piece
& part of Lot of Land with all the improvements nuted and made thereon and
~~~ the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the Said Isaac Afselstine his
Heirs & Afsigns to the only ~~~ & behaof of the Said Isaac Afselstine his

Heirs & Afsigns forever by virtue of these present. Subject neverthelefs to the
terms & conditions, Provisions, limitations restitutions & reservations in the
Letters Patent of the Said Township of Stanbridge Set forth and contained.

[Further description of the transaction without additional genealogical content.]

Thus done and pafsed at St. Armand in the house of Philip Ruiter Esquire, the
day & year aforesaid in the presence of the said Witnefses who with the Said
John Stalker & Simon Stone have hereunto Set & Subscribed their Names the
Said Catherine Phelps, Isaac Afselstine John Schoolcraft, James Schoolcraft,
William Schoolcraft, John Boomhower, Uriah Deline and William Norton
declaring that they could not write have made their usual marks these
presents bring first duly made according to Law.

Census records of his children and widow in 1825 and 1831 suggest that this was an
Anglican family and the birth dates of two of the five children seem to be after 1800. This
probably means that the other two were born only just before, or just after, 1800 and that
Adam probably married when he was about forty. Four of the children are proven by land
sales in which they sell or transfer their inheritance. Jonathan sells his inheritance3 on
February 12th, 1820; Susannah sells her inheritance4 on June 19th, 1823; Catherine transfers
Jonathan’s part to William5 on December 12th, 1827 and subsequently transfers the rent6
associated with it on March 9th, 1839; and Huldah sells her inheritance7 on December 4th,
1841. (“Susannah” is found as “Rosannah” in later documents.)

The fifth child is Christopher. Christopher is shown as a land owner in concession 7 in the
1831 census. This land would have been inherited from his father. The correlation of his
proximity to William and to William’s mother, the land ownership and a common religion,
Anglican, is strong evidence that this Christopher is a son of Adam. Bonnie Timperley, with
whom I have communicated, reports the existence of a family bible, too fragile to copy, that
is in the possession of her 3rd cousin. Entries in that bible, claimed to be by Emily Louise
Schoolcraft or taken from notes made by Emily Louise, state that Christopher was born in
1799 or 1800 in the town of Wales, Maine, and that his parents were Adam and Catherine.
Clearly the town is in error but the parents are consistent with the foregoing. The date that the
entry was made is uncertain so we cannot know whether it reflects first hand knowledge
obtained from Christopher or genealogical research after his death. The bible entries are
believed to have originally been started around 1843 by Ann Wilson, Emily’s mother-in-law,
who made entries up to about 1870. After that date the bible was given to Emily who
continued to make entries.

The 1827 notarial document confirms that the family lived on lot 12 in range 7, which was
Adam’s original allocation in the Stanbridge Land Grant. It is located in the south west of
Mystic with the Pike River flowing through it. An 1830s map [Appendix D, Figure 12]
shows various lots in Stanbridge that are relevant to Schoolcraft research. Lot 12 in range 7 is
marked only with the name “Schoolcraft” at a point where the Pike River makes a pair of
horseshoe turns. One of those horseshoe turns has been cut off by the river today but it is still
visible on a Satellite image. The Notarial record transcribed above implies that Adam lived
on the east bank of the river until his death in 1805. Joseph Bouchette’s map [Appendix D,

Figure 13] may then be used to locate that same lot relative to the major roads that existed
around 1830. On a modern map [Appendix D, Figure 14], it is just East of where Chemin de
la Rivière crosses the river and make a sharp turn. I shall show later that John is located to
Adam’s west, towards Stanbridge Station, that James and Martin are in St. Ignace de
Stanbridge, and that Peter and William are in different townships. Catherine is listed in the
1831 census in concession 5, maybe where houses belonging to Schoolcraft and Phelps are
shown on the 1864 Walling’s map of Stanbridge. She is living with a teenage male who is, in
all probability, a grandchild from her first marriage. Catherine handles Adam’s estate through
a series of notarial transactions in the early 1820s in which land is transferred to and from
various children. The sale of Adam’s land in 1807 includes the phrase “She hereby promises
to cause these presents to be certified & confirmed as fast as they Shall attain the age of twenty
one years”. Jonathan sells his inheritance 12th Feb 1820, Susannah sells her inheritance 19th
June 1823, Catherine transfers Jonathan’s part to William 12th December 1827. From this I
deduce Jonathan is born about 1799, Susannah about 1801, and William about 1805.
Christopher’s birth in 1802 is established through a census so that Huldah is most likely born
between 1803-1804. A land purchase by Simon Stone, witnessed by Jonathan P.
Schoolcraft8, is further indication that Jonathan is age twenty-one by 1820.

Adam Schoolcraft‘s Children

The last definitive reference to Jonathan is in 1820. There is a hint that he may be one of the
single males living with his brother William in 1825.

Susannah and John Decker have two sons and a daughter between 1820 and 1825. In these
birth records, from Stanbridge Anglican church, Susannah is recorded as Rosannah. John
Decker is enumerated in St. Armand in 1825 and Swanton by 1830, although Susannah’s age
is mis-recorded in 1830. By 1852 John is enumerated as a widower in Stanbridge. It is
possible that Susannah actually died before 1830 and John is living with an older woman
who is caring for the young children.

William is enumerated in 1825 and 1831. There are probably two daughters and a son from
his union with Mary McIntosh, but I can find no trace of him after 1831.

Huldah and Benjamin Noyes, who are identified from an 1841 land sale, are not
unambiguously recorded after that. They are enumerated in 1825 and 1831 with the
implication of three daughters and a son by 1831.

Christopher Schoolcraft

One of Adam’s children has a complex family. Christopher had seven children by his first
wife; after her death he married her sister and had three more and after her death married a
third time. One of his sons, Lorenzo Schoolcraft and his wife Barbara witness Christopher’s
third marriage to “Roana Hutchins Widow” in 18619. Until recently I had not realized who
Roana was as she next appeared a long way from Dunham. She is in fact Roana Downer, the
widow of Benjamin Hutchins by whom she had a son called William. This fact is best proven
through correlation of her son William’s last three marriages and his baptism in Frelighsburg
Methodist church10, 11, 12, 13. Her marriage to Christopher did not last and she is found in
Allegan County, Michigan in 1870 with her children. Christopher’s first cousin, Elijah, also

went to Allegan County which obscured the analysis of this line as I had incorrectly assumed
that “Roana Schoolcraft” was somehow part of Elijah’s family. Armed with the realization
that this was not so and with the benefit of hindsight one can put together a time line of
various events that illustrate what took place.
Christopher Schoolcraft is living in Dunham with his second wife and family14. Neither
Roana, her husband Benjamin Hutchins, nor their son William were enumerated in
Missisquoi County, QC. This probably means they came to Quebec from Vermont
between 1852 and 1861.
[This is the official enumeration date.] Christopher is enumerated in Dunham in his son’s
home15. He is described as “widower” and has three of his children enumerated below
him. Legibility of this record is poor but “Roana Hutchen” is also enumerated in this
household as a widow but without her son William, who would only be age six! William
appears to be in the home of Levi and Louisa Hutchins on the preceding page16. Levi and
Louisa are just about old enough to be grandparents but I have not researched the
Hutchins family for proof.
Christopher marries “Roana Hutchins Widow” and both declare that they are from
William Hutchins, age 10, is baptized in Frelighsburg Methodist church10. Because this
church covered more than Frelighsburg, the location of the baptism may well have been
Dunham. Furthermore, William’s place of birth is not stated. This is the first of several
records that can be used to determine Roana’s maiden name and her first husband.
Roana is enumerated in Allegan County, Michigan17 with daughter, Ida Schoolcraft, who
was born about 1865 in Quebec. This record implies the marriage had failed by 1870.
When they married, Roana was only 30 years old whereas Christopher was 60. This may
have been a factor. This census record might be the clue to Roana’s presence in Allegan
County. She is enumerated in the home of Isaiah Stockwell and a Moses Stockwell was
enumerated very close to her in 1861. Possibly there was some connection between
Roana and Stockwells.
I have not located Christopher in Dunham in 1871 but as I do not have all the pages
available I may have missed him. If he truly is missing from the 1871 enumeration it may
mean he had gone to Michigan with Roana around the time of the 1870 and 1871 census
and was not enumerated anywhere as he was in transit.
Roana marries Jarvis Sperry18. The marriage is recorded in the Allegan County copy of
the marriage records and is transcribed in the IGI. The State copy is also available. Both
copies are mangled transcriptions. In the State version, Roana’s maiden name is recorded
as “Lawner” and her place of birth is “Stonebridge”.

An enumeration in Trowbridge, Allegan County, includes “Downe Spery” and “Roasia
Spery”19. The household following them is “Wm. Withiers”, “Ella Withiers”, “Hiram
Withiers” and “Ida Schoocraft” who is stated to be William’s daughter. I have not
viewed the original to clarify this but I strongly suspect that this is not two dwellings but
one dwelling with two families and that “Wm. Withiers” is probably William Hutchins.
Ida Schoolcraft marries Marcellus Green in Allegan County, Michigan20. Her place of
birth is stated as Stanbridge but her father is not stated.
Christopher Schoolcraft is enumerated as a widower in Dunham, QC21.
Christopher Schoolcraft dies in Dunham, QC22.
1881 - 1901
Vital records show that Marcellus and Ida Schoolcraft Greene had at least five children.
1896 - 1915
Vital records show that William Hutchins married three more times.

There is one issue of contention within this family - the name of Lorenzo Schoolcraft’s wife.
Strangely, Lorenzo’s children seem confused over their mother’s name. There does not
appear to be a record of Lorenzo and Barbara’s marriage to provide conclusive proof of her
name. There are a number of references to her in her children’s marriage records and even a
single baptismal record for three children:

• 1894 baptism of Clara, Alpha and Florence - parents Lorenzo

Schoolcraft and Barbara Wilson23.
• 1896 marriage of Clara - parents Lorenzo Schoolcraft and Barba
• 1896 marriage of Espy - parents Lorenzo Schoolcraft and Kimbal
• 1897 marriage of John F. - parents Lorenzo and Margaret26.
• 1899 marriage of Florence - parents Lorenzo Schoolcraft and
Barbara Allen27.
• 1902 marriage of Edward - parents Lorenzo Schoolcraft and
Barbara Barnes28.
There are no significant gaps in the births of children that might imply multiple marriages.
From 1861 through 1891 Lorenzo is enumerated with a wife called Barbara or Barbary who
was born about 1840. This leaves little doubt that Lorenzo’s wife was called Barbara.
Kimmel and Kimbal are phonetically similar and I do not think there is any significance to
those two forms. Espy’s marriage record is from the State of Vermont and is itself a
transcription of information from the Town of Alburg. I have not inspected the original town
record and it may be that “Kimbal Barnes” is some kind of name inversion in the original
record. Clara’s marriage in 1896 is probably the most reliable record as it is Catholic. In
order to be married in the Catholic church you had to show legitimacy. The Church took
great pains to ensure that the parents of both persons were correctly stipulated. Thus I
personally consider that particular marriage to be more reliable than any of the others,

including the baptismal record which was actually an adult baptism after the mother’s death.
Barbara Kimmel is then readily identified from a Stanbridge Anglican baptism and in a
location consistent with her marriage to Lorenzo. Barbara is old enough to have had a
marriage prior to Lorenzo.

While Christopher and most of his children remained in the Eastern Townships, the first
three sons went west. The migration was fairly gradual. Christopher Columbus Schoolcraft is
enumerated in Malone, New York in 1850, Wisconsin in 1855, Minnesota in 1860, Iowa in
1870 and Colorado in 1880, where he died. He enlisted in the 142nd Infantry New York
regiment for the Civil War but deserted in 1863 in Alexandria, Virginia. William Schoolcraft
is enumerated in Malone, New York in 1850, Wisconsin in 1855 but has returned to Malone,
New York by 1860. Silas Schoolcraft remains in Quebec through 1871 but is enumerated in
Michigan in 1880 and 1900.

Catherine Phelps

Jonathan Phelps Schoolcraft is Adam’s first child. I do not believe that Adam would have
baptized his first child with the surname of his wife’s first husband so I conclude that
Catherine’s maiden name is Phelps. As the name Jonathan is not common in the Schoolcraft
line, Jonathan Phelps may have been Catherine’s father. A Jonathan Phelps is recorded in a
Location List, Settlers at Sorel, 1785, Muster Roll No. 1.

One remaining aspect must be covered - the children by Catherine Phelp’s first marriage. It
has recently been determined that a Michigan Death record for Mary Deline, December 5th,
1871 in Marathon, Lapeer Co. records her parents as Adam and Catherine Schoolcraft. Mary
was the wife of George Deline. There is considerable uncertainty regarding her age between
the census records and her death record. The 1850 and 1860 census records are moderately
consistent placing her birth about 1795. The death record suggests her birthday was October
24th. I believe that Mary is Catherine’s daughter and Adam’s step-daughter. Because Mary
has taken the Schoolcraft name, and in order to include her, I have provided the descendant
chart for Catherine Phelps’ first marriage. Unfortunately, as George Deline’s family has only
become relevant so recently, I have not yet obtained the relevant sources to verify many of
the facts.

Mary’s use of the Schoolcraft name indicates that Adam and Catherine had raised the two
children from Catherine’s first marriage using the Schoolcraft name. We do not know if this
was a formal adoption but given the period, and the legal cost, I doubt that it was. None the
less, a child born in the late 1790s and using the Schoolcraft name may be Adam’s step child.
I conjecture that that child is Philip Schoolcraft.

In 1828 Philip Schoolcraft married Eveline Decker29. Philip initially lives in St. Armand after
his marriage. In prior work I have conjectured that Philip was the son of Peter Schoolcraft
and his wife Mary Stolicker. This was based largely on his presence in St. Armand.
However, Philip is in Philipsburg (range 1) whereas Peter and his sons are in Eccles Hill
(range 10). As Philip’s father in law was a farmer in St. Armand West and his descendants
are found in the western part of town, Eveline Decker is just as likely to be the reason for him
to be found there.

Philip went to Malone during the 1830s and lived there till his death. In 1850 Christopher
Columbus Schoolcraft, a grandson of Adam Schoolcraft, also goes to Malone where he
marries. Although Christopher has gone to Wisconsin by 1855 and moves on from there
through Minnesota to Colorado, he continues to maintain ties to Malone - probably because
of his wife. Christopher’s infant son, Willie, is buried in the Webster St. cemetery in 1867
suggesting he returned to Malone from time to time. Christopher’s death notice was
published in the Malone Palladium on January 14th, 1897. With no other apparent reason to
chose Malone, I suspect a relationship between Philip and Christopher may have provided
some security or incentive.

Table 12: The Early Census Records

1825 1831 1840 Interpetation

Provincial Provincial Federal
Married male 1800-1807 William Schoolcraft (1805- )
Married female 1780-1811 Mary McIntosh
Single female Bef. 1781 Catherine Phelps, mother
Single male 1785-1800 Philip (1798-1861)
Single Male 1800-1807 Christopher (1802-1888)
Child 1819-1825 Unidentified child of
William and Mary

Married Male 1771-1801 1790-1800 Philip Schoolcraft (1798-

Married female 1786-1817 1800-1810 Eveline Decker (1805-1866)
Single female Bef. 1787 Christine Vandousen,
mother in law (1771-1858)
Single male 1801-1810
Single male 1813-1817
Single female 1817-1831 1825-1830 Mary Ann (1830- )
Child 1817-1825
Child 1825-1831 Mary Ann (1830- )
Male 1835-1840 Ephraim(1839-1885)

Another coincidence is that Philip married Eveline Decker. Eveline is the younger sister of
John Decker who married Rosannah Schoolcraft sometime before 1820. If Philip and
Rosannah were related this would have provided ample opportunity for him to have met and
married Eveline Decker in 1828.

Philip was born about 1799. While this is very close to the date that Adam and Catherine
married, it is based on census and death record information. Taken literally, the combination
of the 1850 and 1860 census suggests he was born between October 5th, 1798 and June 23rd,
1799. His natural father could have died as early as February 1798 which would certainly not
interfere with Catherine’s remarriage. I conjecture that Philip Schoolcraft was Adam’s step

Philip only remains in Philipsburg for a short while and may actually be living in his
widowed mother in law’s home. The 1831 enumeration implies she, and probably some of
her children, are living with him (Table 12). In 1825 I suspect he is still with his mother who
is living with her son William. William has recently married and appears to have a young
daughter. Sisters Mary, Rosannah and Huldah are married. Brother Christopher married
before August 20th, 1825 so it’s unclear if he is enumerated or not. It is not known if
Jonathan died or not. Because he is the eldest yet he sells his inheritance to his mother, I have
a suspicion he may have been near death in 1820 and actually sold his inheritance as a way to
circumvent problems for his mother. This suggests the interpretation shown in Table 12.

Philip, his wife Evaline and his son Ephraim are all buried in the Webster Street cemetery in
Malone, New York30,31, 32. The Webster St. cemetery listing claims that Philip died on June
23rd, 1860, but this cannot be true. He is enumerated on that exact same day by Frank Berry
who took the Malone census. Further, Philip’s death notice appears six months later!33

Frontier Palladium, Malone.

January 17th, 1861
Died: In this village, Thursday evening, the 10th inst., of consumption, Mr.
Philip Schoolcraft, aged 62 years.

Incidentally, this implies he was born before January 10th, 1799 which, with census data
places his birth in the last quarter of 1798 and is very consistent with his being Adam’s step

1 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Adam on May [1756] born Apr 9 [1756],
parents Christian Schulkraf & Elisabet Margareth, sponsors Adam Becker and Elisabeth Schulkraf.
Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac
3 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Feby 1820, Sale by Jonathan P. Schoolcraft to Catherine

Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 19th June 1823, Transfer of rights of sucession by Susanah
Schoolcraft the wife of John Decker to William Schoolcraft.
5 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Joseph-Édouard Faribault: No. 275 12th December 1827, Donation by Catherine

Schoolcraft to William Schoolcraft.

6 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary L. Dugas: No. 799, 9th March 1839: Transfer of the arrears of a certain

life rent by Catherine Phelps to Tilly Blakely.

7 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Deed of Sale: 4th December 1841, by Benjamin C. Noyes & Consort to Ozen

Green Skeels.
Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Feby 1820, Philip Ruiter atty of F. Derivieres to Simon

9 Quebec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, On this the ninth day of February Two thousand eight hundred and

sixty [Two] Christopher Schoolcraft, Widower, and Roana Hutchins Widow, both of Dunham; after the publication of
banns; were joined together in the Holy estate of Matrimony in the presence of the following witnesses, by me Joshua
Gear Minister. Christopher Schoolcraft. Roana Hutchin Witnesses Lorenzo Schoolcraft, Barbara Schoolcraft.
10 Quebec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Frelighsburg Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Hutchins, William,

B. Feb. 27, 1855, Bapt. Feb. 13, 1865, s/o Benjamin & Rosa Hutchins.
11 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342504, v 2 p 374 rn 3563: 30 Jun

1896, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Groom William Hutchinson, age 41, born Vermont, father Benjamin Hutchinson, mother
Leona Downey, Bride Elizabeth Vande Fifer, age 40, born Holland Europe, father John Crane, mother Elizabeth
12 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342512, item 2 p 432 rn 4811: 24 Jun

1899, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Groom William B. Hutchins, age 38, born Vermont, father Benjamin
Hutchins, mother Rouena Downer, Bride Mabel Mayo, age 24, born South Haven, father Hamilton Mayo, mother
Harriet Moulton.
Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342710, v 3 p 99 rn 15326: 12 Jul
1915, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Groom William Hutchins, age 60, born Canada, father Benj. Hutchins,
mother Rowena Downey, Bride Minnie Stratton Myers, age 46, born Michigan, father Wm. Stratton, mother Libbie
14 Quebec: Census, 2-Feb-1852: pp. 152.13, Dist. 3, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 162.42

Lot 10-26: Christopher Schoolcraft age 51 male born in Canada occ./rel. Carpenter, Joiner, W. Methodist, married.
Atlanta age 29 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. W. Methodist, married. Lorenzo age 15 male born in Canada occ./rel. W.
Methodist. Albert age 13 male born in Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist. Alvira age 5 female born in Canada occ./rel. W.
Methodist. Armineia age 3 female born in Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist. Infant age 1 female born in Canada occ./rel.
W. Methodist.
15 Quebec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 9.33, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family log house, Lorenso Schoolcraft

age 25 M/M born in L.C. occ./rel. farmer, Adventist, Barbary Schoolcraft age 21 F/M born in L.C. occ./rel. Adventist,
Christofer Schoolcraft age 55 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. farmer, Adventist, widower, Albert Schoolcraft age 22 M/S
born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer, Adventist, Amida Schoolcraft age 13 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. spinster, Adventist, Emily
Schoolcraft age 10 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. Adventist, ~~~ay Hutchen age 31 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. Adventist,
16 Quebec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 8.43, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family log house, Levi Hutchen age 56

M/M born in U.S.A. occ./rel. W. Meth., Louisa Hutchen age 55 F/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Meth., Nelson
Hutchen age 16 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Meth., William Hutchen age 6 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W.
17 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1870, pp. 15.24, dw. 119, Trowbridge, Allegan Co., MI, fam. 122, Isiah

Stockwell age 70 sex m farmer born in VT, Laura age 71 sex f keeping house born in VT, Roena Schoolcraft age 39
sex f domestic servant born in VT, Ada H. age 5 sex f born in Canada E.
18 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342453, v 1 p 11 rn 1245: 10 Apr

1872, Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Jarvis Spurry, age 59, born Yorkslate [York State], white, Bride Roana
Lawner, age 40, born Stonebridge [Stanbridge], white. Groom: Farmer.
19 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254569 NA Film T9-0569 pp. 383D [Badly mangled transcription of

Jarvis Sperry and Roana Downer with Ida Schoolcraft.], Trowbridge, Allegan Co., MI : Downe SPERY Self male
married white age 75 born in NY occupation Blacksmith father born in CT mother born in CT: Roasia SPERY Wife
female married white age 50 born in VT occupation Keeping House father born in VT mother born in VT : Wm.
WITHIERS Self male married white age 25 born in CAN occupation Farm Laborer father born in CAN mother born in
VT: Ella WITHIERS Other female married white age 20 born in NY occupation House Keeper father born in NY
mother born in NY: Hiram WITHIERS Son male single white age 4 born in MI father born in CAN mother born in
NY: Ida SCHOOCRAFT Dau female single white age 15 born in CAN occupation At Home father born in CAN
mother born in VT.
20 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342466, v 1 p 25 rn 1296: 25 Dec

1880, Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Marallus M. Green, age 26, born Monroe Co., New York, Bride Ida M.
Schoolcraft, age 15, born Stanbridge, Canada.
21 Quebec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district H || Division 4 ||

pp. 16 || hse. 82 || Census Place: Dunham, Missisquoi Co., QC || Charles Schoolcraft Married German Male age 39 born
in QC, Carpenter, Congregationalist || Lucy Schoolcraft Married English Female age 40 born in USA,
Congregationalist || George Schoolcraft English Male age 15 born in USA, Congregationalist || Diana Gorham Irish
Female age 35 born in QC, Methodist || Alice Drewe English Female age 20 born in England, Music Teacher, Church
of England || Christopher Schoolcraft Widowed German Male age 80 born in USA, Adventist.

22 Quebec, Cowansville: Methodist Church Records, Burials: Christopher Schoolcraft carpenter of East Dunham county
of Missisquoi province of Quebec died the twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight
hundred and eighty eight and was buried by me on the twenty fourth day of the same month and year in the presence of
the subscribing witnesses of whome the first is the youngest son of the said Christopher Schoolcraft. Isaac Whealty
Minister, Witnesses Charles A. Schoolcraft and L. A. Schoolcraft.
23 Quebec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clara May, Alpha Mary and Florence Ethel, daughters of

Lorenzo Schoolcraft and Barbara Wilson his wife were baptised by me on the eleventh of March Two thousand eight
hundred and ninety four in the presence of the subscribing witnesses. Clara May was born on the nineteenth day of
May eighteen hundred and seventy two, Alpha Mary was born on the thirteenth day of June eigthteen hundred and
seventy six and Florence Ethel on the fourth of March eighteen eighty Two. W. Rilance Methodist Minister. G. N.
Clark, H. F. Green.
Quebec: Catholic Marriages in the Blue Druins, St. Jacq. Clarenceville recorded marriage of Jos. PELLETIER to
Clara SCHOOLCRAFT on 27 Juil. 1896. Jos. PELLETIER's parents Charles PELLETIER & Adeline THIBAULT.
Clara SCHOOLCRAFT's parents Lorenzo SCHOOLCRAFT & Barba KIMMEL.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Alburg VT reported marriage between Espy Schoolcraft (Male) and Malinda Pelky on 5-
Aug-1896. 1st marriage of Espy Schoolcraft (Male) age 22 born in Bedford QC residing in Clarenceville QC.
Occupation Farmer, parents Lorenzo Schoolcraft = Kimbal Barnes.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Richford VT reported marriage between John F. Schoolcraft and Ida May Perry on 9-
Nov-1897. 2nd marriage of John F. Schoolcraft age 30 born in Dunham QC residing in Richford VT. Occupation
Laborer, parents Lorenzo=Margaret.
27 Vermont: Marriage Record, Alburg VT reported marriage between Etta Schoolcraft and George McCullough on 1-

Apr-1899. 1st marriage of Etta Schoolcraft age 18 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Clarenceville QC. Parents
Lorenzo Schoolcraft=Barbara Allen.
28 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage between Edward Schoolcraft and Rosa Rosely on 15-

Sep-1902. 1st marriage of Edward Schoolcraft age 28 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Clarenceville QC.
Occupation farmer, parents Lorenzo Schoolcraft = Barbara Barnes.
29 Quebec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, On this seventeenth of March Two thousand eight hundred and

twenty eight Philip Bachelor and cabinet maker and Eveline Decker spinster both of the age of majority and of the
Seignory were married after Banns being first published in presence of her brother and sister here subscribing. Richard
Whitwell minister. Philip Schoolcraft, Eveline X Decker, Barnabas X Decker, Catharine X. Decker.
30 New York, Malone: Cemetery Listings, “Electronic,” Webster Street cemetery: Philip SCHOOLCRAFT Died 23

January 1860 Age 62 yrs.

31 New York, Malone: Cemetery Listings, “Electronic,” Webster St. Cemetery: Eveline wife of Philip

SCHOOLCRAFT died Aug. 8, 1866 AE 61 Yrs. 5 Ms.

32 New York, Malone: Cemetery Listings, “Electronic,” Webster Street cemetery: Schoolcraft, Ephraim died Sept. 1,

1885; Ae. 46 yrs.

33 New York: Newspapers, Frontier Palladium, Malone, Thursday January 17th, 1861: Died: In this village, Thursday

evening, the 10th inst., of consumption, Mr. Philip Schoolcraft, aged 62 years.

Chapter 10: William Schoolcraft, a
Farm by the Lake
I choose to examine William next as he and his children are almost fully determined by a
cession document and a notarial document and because all are living in Clarenceville. This
location, with Missisquoi Bay and the Pike River hindering frequent travel to the east, limits
the likelihood of the early residents of Clarenceville coming from the villages of Stanbridge
and St. Armand. As neighbors frequently married neighbors, this also simplifies the marriage
options for this family.

I have discussed in Chapter 2 that I believe the first reference to William was made by Henry
Rowe Schoolcraft. If correct, the implication is that William was in Vermont until about
1790. After that he joined his brothers in Christie’s Manor, now St. George de Clarenceville,
where it is likely, from the ages of his early children, that he married Catherine Miller. South
Beech Cemetery records provide William’s age, and that of his wife Catherine Miller.
William and Catherine are Methodists. Catherine’s age makes it unlikely that any of their
children were born before 1795. From a Notarial document1 we know that William was
living in Stanbridge in 1807 and that he is the son of Christian Schoolcraft.

At this time I have not been able to prove Catherine Miller’s parents, although I do
conjecture that they were Ralph Miller and Mary Hotchkins. While Peter Miller, whose
claim2 shows he knew Christian Schoolcraft and thus probably also knew William, had a
daughter called Catherine of the appropriate age, she can be eliminated as she is proven to
have married Samuel Embury with whom she had a large family. The best clue to
Catherine’s parents comes from the “Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Jacques de
Foucault”3, by Abbé Isidore Desnoyers, 1886. Abbé Isidore Desnoyers prepared histories for
many of the early Parishes around Missisquoi Bay. He was a Roman Catholic priest,
apparently with lots of spare time. He had access to the archives of the Roman Catholic
diocese and started to write parish histories. These have never been published and are
conserved in manuscript form at the archives of the Séminaire de Saint-Hyacinthe. I am
indebted to M. Jef Asnong both for bringing these documents to my attention and for
providing the partial translations.

Page 2, 1797:
The year 1797, Sieur Christie from his side made landgrants as follows: 2nd
Range, 15th July to Abner Hilman 4 x 28 arp. 3rd Range, 15th July to Jacob
Comer 4 x 28, - £47 5 tournois. - 4th Range 14th July to Mathias Taylor 4 x
28 - £47 5. - to Hix Salls 4 x 28 arp. - to Isaac Salls father 4 x 28, - 15th July
to Daniel Taylor 4 x 28 annual rent £47 5. 8th Range near the Bay : 14th July
to Simon Stone 4 x 30 arp. £42 - 15th July to Jonas Carter 4 x 28 - rent £39 8
- to John Allen 4 x 26, - £37 2 - to Ralph Miller 4 x 26 to the same 4 x 25 arp.
- to Peter McKenny the Lots Nos. 14 and 15, 8 x 23 arp. rent £64 18 tournois.
All in the second division of Noyan. All these landgrants as well as those of

1785-88 and others of that period were made in favor of American Loyalists
of different origin, English, Scottish, Irish, German, protestants.
This shows that a Ralph Miller acquired land on July 14th, 1797 from Gabriel Christie.
Ralph’s presence in Noyan can be confirmed much earlier.

Montreal Archives
Ref. P167,522,D3
Film #3835
1790 field book
Lot 13, 4 x 24.5 = 98 arpents The westerly end of this lot is swampy and poor
but the easterly end is tollerable good land fronting on Missisquoi Bay is
occupied by Rolph Miller.

Ralph is an uncommon name yet is one that William Schoolcraft and Catherine Miller choose
for one of their sons. Inspection of the Oath of Allegiance at Missisquoi Bay shows that a
small party of nine persons, all from Christie’s Manor, took the Oath on April 9th, 1795. That
group comprised Ralph Miller, William, Peter and Martin Schoolcraft, Simon Stone,
Solomon Dunham, John and Amasa Westover and Peter McKinnie. The foregoing clearly
shows that Ralph Miller knew the Schoolcraft’s and shows that he and William Schoolcraft
were living in the same place at the time that William married. It is worth looking into Ralph
Miller’s family. Ralph Miller was married to Mary Hotchins4 who was born about 1748 and
died on June 15th, 1832 in Frelighsburg. This implies Ralph was probably of similar age and
they would have been an appropriate age to be Catherine’s parents. In Dunham, another
Ralph Miller and his wife, Sarah VanAntwerp5, baptize four children in the Dunham
Anglican church between 1819 and 1831: Mary Ann, Alexander, Susannah and Eliza. The
1852 Dunham census6 shows this second Ralph was born about 1787 in Canada. He died in
Dunham on August 17th, 1871. Clearly he is too young to be the one in Foucault in 1797 but
he is likely to be the son of Ralph Miller and Mary Hotchins. A widowed Susan VanAntwerp
born about 1767 is part of his household in 1852 suggesting she was his mother-in-law. Also
in Dunham a Ralph Miller is witness to the baptism of five children of Robert and Ellen
Getty between 1811 and 1820 in the Dunham Anglican church. It is not clear which Ralph
Miller was the witness but given the dates of the baptisms it seems likely that Eleanor7, who
was born about 1784, and the younger Ralph in Dunham would be siblings. The name
Eleanor is also echoed in William Schoolcraft’s family suggesting that Catherine Miller may
have named her daughter for her younger sister. One of Eleanor’s sons is called Ralph Getty
and one is called William Miller Getty, both names that are also echoed in Catherine Miller’s
family. I conjecture that Catherine is Ralph Miller Sr.’s daughter.

The Oath of Allegiance at Missisquoi Bay shows that William Schoolcraft and some of his
immediate relatives were residing in Christie’s Manor in the late 1790s. However, William
may have left there and settled in Stanbridge near his brother Adam as he is identified as a
resident of Stanbridge on January 12th, 1807 in the Notarial document commissioned by
Catherine Phelps that is discussed to in Chapter 5 and Chapter 9, page 98. I use the word may
as it is possible that notary Leon Lalanne was imprecise when he added in a margin note that
William and the others were “all of the said Township of Stanbridge”. William may not have
been an abutter of Adam. On March 13th, 1805 he is granted authorization8 to lease

Stanbridge lot 12, range 10. This is just north of Pike River village on the west side of the
river in what is also known as Malmaison. William is recorded in Caldwell’s Manor on
February 3rd, 1808 when he baptized a daughter called Mary9.

William is still in the Seignorie de Foucault on August 30th, 182210 when he signs a
Seigneurial agreement on behalf of his son John. He is enumerated in St. George in the 1825
Provincial census11, in the Foucault town census of 183012 and in Foucault in the 1831
Provincial census13. He does not remove between St. George and the Seignorie de Foucault,
as these two places are synonymous. William was located on lot 11 in ranges 10 and 11
where he is identified in Cornelius Irish’s Seigneurial Agreement14:

Notary Leon Lalanne

31st August 1822
Cornelius Irish
... description of which lands and tenements are as follows, that is to say:
Lot number twelve in the tenth Range and Lot No. twelve in the eleventh
Range or consefsion of Lots in the said Seigniory the latter Lot lying East of
the former and together containing One hundred and ten acres of land in
superficies by the same more of lefs, bounded respectively on the South by lots
No. Eleven in each the Sd. Ranges occupied by William Schoolcraft, and
North on the other side by Lots No. thirteen in each of the same Ranges
occupied by Peter West and John Schoolcraft.

This location is in Clarenceville East and right on the shore of the lake where a ferry landing
was located [Appendix D, Figure 16].

William and Catherine’s Children

William’s age and that of his wife Catherine Miller are obtained from South Beech Cemetery
records. Catherine was somewhat younger than William and, based on the births of the
children that I shall discuss shortly, was probably married at about age 18. Only one
baptismal record has been found - Mary9 who was born on February 29th, 1806. We must use
other methods to determine the extent of their family. On August 30th, 182210, William
renewed a Seigniorial agreement on behalf of his son, John who was too ill to attend. He
states that John was of major age and thus born on or before August 30th, 1801. In point of
fact, John had acquired this land from Jonathan Irish on October 18th, 1821 so we may
deduce John Schoolcraft was born before October 18th, 1800 in order to be of major age and
able to execute such a transaction. Because of other children that I shall discuss, I estimate
John was actually born in 1798 or 1799. An 1845 cession document15 implies eight children
survived until close to William and Catherine’s death.

... Were present, Isaac Schoolcraft farmer and resident of the parish of St.
George in the Seignorie of Noyan, George Schoolcraft and Miss Minerva
Schoolcraft both resident in the Seignorie of Foucault all three presumptive
heirs of the late William Schoolcraft and the late Catherine Millar his spouse
their father and mother deceased ab intestat for each one eighth in the said

That translated statement identifies that Isaac, George and Minerva are three of William and
Catherine’s children. It also states that William and Catherine died “ab intestate” - i.e.
without leaving a Will. Later, on the same page, Henry Irish and a William Schoolcraft
Junior are mentioned. In the margin to the left is written “leur frère et beaufrère”, i.e. their
brother and brother-in-law. This proves William Schoolcraft Jr. was also a son and that
Henry Irish was the son-in-law. At this point in the document a stricken sentence identifies
that Eleanor Schoolcraft is the spouse of Henry Irish. The stricken word “soeur” in the
margin note confirms that she is the sister of Isaac and the others. Eleanor is the wife of
Henry Irish who, with William Schoolcraft, is a recipient of the shares of the inheritance
from the other three. The reason that the reference to Eleanor was stricken is that she died
just a little over a year before her parents. Henry Irish is an inheritor because of two children
left by Eleanor. We have thus added five more children, Isaac, George, Minerva, William
and Eleanor for a total of seven. Cemetery and census records show they were born as
follows. Isaac about 1800, George December 25th, 1812, Anna Minerva about 1819, William
Jr. about 1816 and Eleanor about September 2nd, 1810.

A protest16 issued by notary Faribault against Thomas and Isaac proves them to be brothers.
Census records show Thomas was born about 1797 and was thus the oldest of the children.
With a total of eight children and a cession document dividing the estate into eight parts the
unwary might think we are done. However, only six of these eight are known to be alive or to
be part of the inheritance. Mary, the only child baptized, was probably baptized during illness
from which she was not expected to recover. This practice seems to have existed and shows
some correlation with fact in those cases where the family has an incomplete baptismal
record for all the children. John was also too sick to execute his Seigniorial agreement. As
there is no mention of either Mary or John after these records, I believe both died and were
not part of the cession agreement. This reduces the tally to six who can be proven to be
surviving children.

The clue to another child comes from a death record. Sarah Schoolcraft died on April 6th,
1889 in Clarenceville17. The 1852 census18 shows that Sarah was born about 1800 and is
probably another child of William Schoolcraft and Catherine Miller. She would also have
been one of the eight children implied by the division of William and Catherine’s estate.
Baptismal and census records may be used to show that John Terry and Sarah Schoolcraft
had a family of at least seven children between 1827 and 1845.

There is another Schoolcraft that should be examined. Ralph Schoolcraft appears in the
Rouville Militia in 1837 and 1838. Douglas Macfie, a descendent of Captain Alexander
Macfie who headed that Militia, possesses the original documents, copies of which he
provided to the Canadian Federal Archives in 1982. The January 1st, 1838 Annual Return of
the Company of the 5th Battalion of the Rouville Militia. The third and fourth militia men
listed on the first page [Appendix D, Figure 17] are Geo. Schoolcraft 26 years old and Ralph
Schoolcraft 27 years old. On the second page is Isaac Schoolcraft 32 years old. As Ralph is
born about 1811 he is undoubtedly the son of William and Catherine. Ralph is mentioned
again on March 10th, 1852 in a notarial record19. He is subsequently enumerated in Saranac,
New York20 in 1860 so he would be the eighth child implied by the cession document,
confirming that Mary and John did not survive.

William and Catherine’s census records do not correlate easily with their known children.
Early census records are not that accurate but some insight can be gained by comparing at
them. (For ease of comparison I have converted the stated ages into birth year ranges.)

In 1825 the household comprises eight individuals but four individuals are supposedly over
the age of fourteen and five are under the age of fourteen; i.e. the numbers are not consistent.
Only one of the columns (children six and under) has a plural count, all other columns being
blank or having a count of one. The most likely place to conceive an error is in a plural
count. I believe that the children six and under should be three and not four as stated,
although this still leaves some age inconsistencies. As the 1830 Foucault census confirms a
total of eight persons and also that there are five males and three females such an assumption
seems justified. The 1831 census shows that one person is no longer in the family and that it
is an older male that has left. Table 13 shows how I believe these three sets of census records
should be interpreted - I believe the 1825 record should have stated three children six and
under, not four. Consideration of the combination of a specific enumeration date and the fact
that an age can represent a 12 month period means that possible birth year brackets will
appear to overlap. It is further complicated in Canada as females under a certain age should
be enumerated twice, once as children within an age group and once as females in an age

Table 13: Early Clarenceville Census Records

1825 1830 1831 Suggested
Provincial Foucault Provincial

Married male 1766-1785 male 1772-1801 William Schoolcraft

Married female 1781-1811 female Bef. 1786 Catherine Miller

Single female 1781-1811 female 1787-1817 Eleanor born 1810

Single male 1786-1800 male Gone

Single male 1812-1819 male 1811-1813 George born 1812

Single male 1820-1825 male 1814-1817

Single male 1820-1825 male 1814-1817

Single female 1820-1825 female 1818-1831 Minerva born 1819

Ages stated in these early records are generally not reliable but sometimes provide an
indication. Hence the fact that the 1825 and 1831 records do not precisely correlate is not
surprising. Because of the known errors in 1825 I’m inclined to favor the 1831 ages. William
and Catherine may be easily recognized as the only two married individuals. Thomas and
Isaac are both married and accounted for in different records. They are not part of these
records. Sarah who married John Terry is born about 1800 and while I do not know when she
married (her first proven child is born in 1827) she is too old to be in these records. Similarly

Mary born in 1806 would be too old, although I suspect she died young and that that is the
reason she was the only child baptized. George and Eleanor, as children who do not marry till
after 1831, would be expected to be living at home and be included in the census. It is
apparent that a single male born before 1800, (who leaves the record set between 1830 and
1831), two males and a female remain to be found. The older male might be John (born
before 1800), the female and two younger males might be Ralph born about 1811, William,
born about 1816/19 and Minerva, born about 1820. (Anna Minerva married21 Cornelius Adle
and is enumerated in the 185222 that provides her age.) As stated above, this correlation is not
as good as it should be.

Where the Children Went

Thomas, the eldest son, married Eunice Jewett. The proof of this is a little tenuous. The later
census records show that Thomas married someone called Eunice who was born about 1802.
On March 2nd, 1829 a protest is issued by notary Faribault against Thomas and Isaac that
proves them to be brothers.

Notary Faribault: No. 454, 2nd March 1829 Protest at the request of Jubel
Wheeler vs Isaac and Thomas Schoolcraft:
“... To the domicile of Isaac Schoolcraft & Thomas Schoolcraft of Noyan,
farmers where being & speaking as follows to Caroline Jewet his cousin, at
the domicile of said Thomas Schoolcraft she gave for answer & said I know
nothing about that but Mr. Schoolcraft is not at home at the domicile of said
Isaac Schoolcraft and to himself personally ....”

From the context, the text that has been struck through seems to be so marked because it was
irrelevant rather than because it was untrue. However, that passage does show that Isaac was
not at home and that he was, by implication in a different house than Thomas. Caroline
Jewett was in Thomas’ house and is stated to be Thomas’ cousin. However, Thomas has no
cousin called Caroline in the Schoolcraft line and there is no indication of the Jewett family
marrying into the Quebec Schoolcrafts, except as now explained. Therefore, Caroline must
be Eunice’s cousin. The 1825, 1830 and 1831 census enumerates Humphrey Jewett close to
William Schoolcraft. The Berkshire, Vermont town records show that Humphrey Jewett had
a daughter called Caroline Amelia Jewett born on March 29th, 1814. She and her family
would have been known to Thomas Schoolcraft. The History and Genealogy of the Jewetts
of America shows that Humphrey was the son of Elam Jewett and Eunice Richardson. They
also had a son called Jeremiah, whose birth on December 7th, 1773 was recorded in
Coventry, Connecticut. Jeremiah had a daughter called Eunice whose birth on March 5th,
1802 is recorded in the Berkshire, Vermont town records. This is the Eunice that married
Thomas. Her cousin, Caroline Amelia Jewett, is in Thomas’ home when notary Faribault
visits on March 2nd, 1829. The 1825 enumeration shows two young children, one male and
one female, which suggests a marriage in the early 1820s. Some have claimed these two
children were the product of an earlier marriage by Eunice but I have not been able to obtain
even rudimentary evidence to substantiate such a claim. The Noyan town enumeration shows
four children, two female and two male. Of the eight children that I can identify, only two are
born before 1830 suggesting a son and a daughter remain to be found. Thomas probably left
Clarenceville about 1833 when he sold his land in Clarenceville23 to his brother, Isaac. He is

not enumerated again till 1850, after he has settled in Parrishville in St. Lawrence County,
New York. The family remained in this part of New York for about thirty years. Many of
those bearing the Schoolcraft name in St. Lawrence County can be traced back to one of
Thomas’ children. Between 1860 and 1870 he, with several of his children, removed to Alma
in Jackson County, Wisconsin. The motivating force for this move may have come from one
or more of his adult children, as Thomas was in his sixties by this time.

Four of William’s children, Isaac, Sarah, Eleanor and Anna Minerva had families that
remained, for the most part, in the Clarenceville region.

Sarah married John Terry by whom seven children have been identified. Sarah and John
remain in Clarenceville till her death on April 6th, 188917. Their descendants are found in
Clarenceville and in Stanstead, where some remarried into the Schoolcraft line. Sarah Terry
married her first cousin, Henry Schoolcraft. Herbert Beerwort married his first cousin once
removed, Ida Schoolcraft. Ida and Henry Schoolcraft were brother and sister, the children of
George Schoolcraft and Abigail Irish. Sarah Schoolcraft’s daughter, Harriet Eliza Terry,
married Frederick Beerwort and was the mother of Herbert Beerwort.

Isaac Schoolcraft married Diadama Miller and is continuously enumerated in Clarenceville

till his death on May 21st, 188024. He is buried in the Southridge cemetery near his parents.
Notarial and other records suggest he lived on the land at Nutt’s Corners that he acquired
from his brother, Thomas, on February 26th, 1833. Ten children have been identified. Most
remained in Clarenceville, or Alburg and Swanton in north west Vermont. The first born
child marries Ebenezer Irish and removes, just before her death, to Stanstead, Quebec.
Diadama’s parents have not been determined. There is a claim that she is actually Diadama
Niles, the widow of John Miller, but this can be disproved. Diadama Niles is born in Alburg,
Vermont, on January 27th, 179725. There is an age discrepancy that is not based on vanity.
Diadama Niles is enumerated in her own home in Alburg Springs in 186026, stating her
correct age. She is living next door to her brother, which is in conflict with the enumeration
of Isaac and Diadama Schoolcraft in Clarenceville in 186127 where Diadama states her age
that is nine years younger. John Miller’s marriage is the root of the confusion. Depending on
the claim, it is stated that he married Diadama Niles between 1815 and 1820. The reality is
that John Miller married Diadama Sutherland in 1839 and the minister’s name was Niles28. I
am aware of a claim that Diadama Sutherland was in fact Diadama Niles, the widow of
Emanuel Sunderland. There is no record of Emanuel’s marriage or death in the Alburg town
records but it is not really relevant. It is apparent that even if John did marry Diadama Niles,
it was in 1839 and long after Diadama Miller had married Isaac Schoolcraft. Diadama Niles
and Diadama Miller are two different individuals. Isaac’s children remained in the area;
Clarenceville, Stanbridge, Alburg and Stanstead with one exception. I am aware of a claim
that Isaac’s daughter, Eleanor married John Robert Miller and went to Greene Co., Missouri.

Eleanor Schoolcraft married Henry Irish by who she had three children before her early death
on September 5th, 1842. Care must be exercised when reviewing the Clarenceville Church
and cemetery records as there are two persons called Emily Irish. One is Eleanor’s daughter
who is not the one that married John Cupples. The Emily Irish that married John Cupples
was a half first cousin to Eleanor’s daughter.

Anna Minerva, who married Cornelius Everett Adle, is the last of the four children who
remained in Clarenceville. Four children have been identified. The Clarenceville Methodist
church burial record shows that Anna Minerva died on November 12th, 186029.

Little is known of Ralph Schoolcraft and his descendants. He is enumerated20 in 1860 with a
much younger wife and two children. The children’s ages suggest he may not have married
till the mid 1850s. If he were living in another household he would not be explicitly
enumerated in 1842. If he removed from Quebec to New York in between the 1850 New
York census and the 1852 Quebec census he would not be enumerated in either. He is
presumed to have died before 1870 as his wife is enumerated as a pauper in 1870 in the
County Poorhouse30 with a son called Joseph. Three weeks later Julia appears to have been
rescued and is enumerated in31 Saranac with George Terry who is probably related to Ralph’s
brother-in-law John Terry. Julia’s age is rather inconsistent between her enumeration in 1860
and the ones in 1870. I believe the more reliable source to be in 185032 when she is
enumerated with her parents. I note that she is enumerated as “idiotic” when in the poor
house. If she was mentally impaired this might be the reason she was there.

George Schoolcraft married Abigail Beals Irish and remained in Clarenceville till 1861, after
which he removed to Stanstead County, Quebec. Ten children are known. Most married and
remained in Stanstead, Quebec or Derby, Vermont. Two of these children, Henry and
Heman, are the source of some confusion as the names are so similar. Part of the confusion
stems from the wording of the Ruiter’s Corner cemetery listing33. That suggests that Sarah
Terry is Heman Schoolcraft’s wife, which is not so. Henry Schoolcraft is the one that
engages in a first cousin marriage to Sarah Terry. That marriage is recorded in Derby,
Vermont34 and reported in the Stanstead Journal. After Sarah’s death, Henry next marries
Lucinda Peters35. Heman Schoolcraft marries Mary Barry36. To understand how this
confusion in the cemetery listing came about it is necessary to inspect the graves. There is a
joint marker for George Schoolcraft and Abigail Irish with Heman and Sarah on the left and
right sides. The left and right markers read Heman L. Schoolcraft b. Feb.12, 1844, d. Feb. 11,
1905 and Sarah M. Terry wife of H. W. Schoolcraft d. Sept. 28, 1872 aged 27 yrs, 2 mos, 3
days. The spousal relationship is between Sarah and Henry W., who is not buried in that
location. The preparer of the cemetery listing has incorrectly assumed that the “H. W.” on
Sarah’s marker refers to the “Heman L.” buried on the other side of the plot. The 1852 and
1861 enumerations of George’s family include a child called Jedediah. In 1869 a Jared
Schoolcraft marries Loelah Moulton37. Subsequent enumerations and records refer to Jared
and not to Jedediah. The implied date of birth of both is the same. I believe it is probable that
Jedediah and Jared are the same person. The descendants of George Schoolcraft are often
found in Orleans County in northern Vermont.

William Schoolcraft marries Mary Hogle38 in Alburg, Vermont on 9-Jun-1844. This probably
does not signify that they removed to Alburg, as it is the adjacent town to Clarenceville.
More likely, it was merely a convenient place to be married by a Justice of the Peace so that a
civil record of the marriage would exist. There is ambiguity in William’s age. The 1850
census39 implies he was born in 1819, the 1861 census40 implies 1816, the 1870 census41
implies 1811 and his death record42 implies 1816. After his marriage, William is enumerated
in Champlain, New York, in 1850. This relocation appears to be short lived as he is back in
Clarenceville by 1861. By 1870 he is on the opposite side of Missisquoi Bay in Highgate,

Vermont. He dies in 1880 in Swanton. This is not a substantial relocation as all towns are
close to Clarenceville. What is significant is that he and Mary have fourteen children who are
the ancestors of many of those in the Swanton and Highgate area that carry the Schoolcraft

Remaining Ambiguities

The 1845 cession document showed that William Schoolcraft was a son of William and
Catherine. The William Schoolcraft from Clarenceville, discussed above, married Mary
Hogle on 9-Jun-1844 in Alburg, VT. I concur with the widely held opinion that this is the son
of William and Catherine referred to in the cession document.

The Muster Roll for the Rouville Militia, July 4th and 5th, 183843 lists two persons called
William Schoolcraft: William, Ralph and George on lines 14, 15 and 16 of page 1 and then
Isaac and William on lines 7 and 13 of page 2 A Muster Roll is definite proof that these are
two distinct persons - money was involved. The Rouville Militia Muster Roll January 1st to
March 28th, 1838 confirms there are two persons called William as it also lists “Wm.
Schoolcraft”44 twice. This was not a full time regular army. There was still some friction
with the U.S.A. and occasionally barn burning. This was a part time Militia of local farmers
protecting each other. It did not recruit persons from as far away as Stanbridge so both these
persons called William are from the Rouville area. Each person would be at least age sixteen,
i.e. born bef. 1822. William born about 1816-19, the husband of Mary Hogle, would be one
of the two Militiamen. Thomas and Isaac have children, called William, but both are far too
young. All of George’s children are too young. William Sr. (born about 1767) is 72 years old
and seems unlikely to be the other. None the less, I believe he is the only option and probably
did occasionally muster along with four of his sons. He may be the one listed as a
“volunteer”. If nothing else, this would provide him the opportunity to help protect his
property. A part time militia, such as this, may well have been as much a social activity like
the VFW as it was a military one.

One reason that this even came up is a somewhat misleading cemetery listing. The most
readily available listing for Southridge (Hawley) cemetery was prepared as a list of names
taken from standing stones in 1957 or 1958 by Mrs. George (Beryl Hauver) Tremblay. This
list included an entry “William A. Schoolcraft”45, no dates. William Sr., born about 1767, is
included elsewhere in the listing. Further, other known William Schoolcraft’s from this
region could be accounted for elsewhere. This looked like the extra William from the
Rouville Militia. Mrs. Tremlay’s listing also included a “Hannah E. Schoolcraft died 1859”
who was listed adjacent to this William and could be his wife. My first thought was that this
was William Miller Schoolcraft and his wife Hannah Eliza Irish but Hannah’s death date is
very incorrect and both he and she are buried in the Stone (St. Ignace de Stanbridge)
cemetery. I believe the answer comes from a much earlier listing by McClellan in 1941. The
Schoolcraft entries from that listing show an infant daughter46 of William and Hannah E.
Schoolcraft [Appendix D, Figure 18]. She dies in 1859 and is the daughter of William Miller
Schoolcraft and Hannah Eliza Irish. She is not included in Mrs. Tremblay’s list. Perhaps the
stone was standing but damaged so that only the parent’s names showed or perhaps it was an
inadvertent transcription error but I believe that the William Schoolcraft and Hannah E.
Schoolcraft shown in Mrs. Tremblay’s list do not exist in the Southridge cemetery. An infant

daughter should be included in their place. Unfortunately the present state of the cemetery
and the large number of broken markers makes it impossible to verify this hypothesis.

William Miller Schoolcraft and Hannah Eliza Irish. Photographs kindly provided by Marnie

Quebec: Notary Leon Lalanne: Unnumbered document, 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac
Afselstine... appeared and were James Schoolcraft, John Schoolcraft and William Schoolcraft brothers to the, Simon
Stone brother in law [MN6: all of the Said Township of Stanbridge]...
Loyalists in the American Revolution, United Empire Loyalists Part I, Volume XII - Montreal, 1787-1788, pp. 407.
The Report of the Bureau of Archives 1904. A Loyalist claim made by Peter MILLER shows he had land in
“Quasencooke” (Annaquassacook Patent about five miles east of Cambridge NY) and “Camden”
Abbé Isidore Desnoyers, 1886, Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Jacques de Foucault, pp. 2: In 1797, Seigneur Gabriel
Christie made several grants. 8e Rg pros la Baie: 14 Juill à Simon Stone 4x30 arp 42#. ... à Ralph Miller 4x26 ~ àu
mémes 4x25 arp ...
4 Quebec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.04: Hotchkins, Mary, D. June 15, 1832, Bu.

June 17, 1852, ae. 84 yrs. Widow of the Ralph Miller. Wit: Robert Aitken.
5 Quebec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst), pp.

352: Miller, Ralph, M. 30 Dec 1816, , in Dunham residing Dunham, Anglican spouse Sarah Van Antwerp.
Quebec: Census, 2-Feb-1852: pp. 136.03, Dist. 3, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., 1 story block, 1 fam., Agric. 160.39 Lot
9-9 & 10-9: Ralph Miller age 65 male born in Canada occ./rel. Anglican, farmer, married. Sarah age 58 female born in
U.S.A. occ./rel. Anglican, married. Alexd. age 32 male born in Canada occ./rel. Anglican, farmer. Susannah age 28
female born in Canada occ./rel. Anglican. Eliza age 21 female born in Canada occ./rel. Anglican. Susan VanAntwerp
age 85 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Anglican, widow.

7 Quebec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, Frelighsburg Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.04: Miller, Eleanor, D.
Oct. 10, 1824, Bu. Oct. 12, 1824, ae. 40 yrs. w/o Robert Getty of Dunham, QC. Wit: Moses Knap.
8 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 60, pp. 30196-30217. Mar 13, 1805, pp. 30216. Authorization to lease Crown and

Clergy land. James Schoolcraft, range 9, lot 15; William Schoolcraft range 10, lot 13; Simon Stone range 7, lot 13;
Elijah Spears range 9, lot 19.
9 Quebec: Missisquoi Historical Society, Eastern Townships Research Centre, Dunham United Church fonds,

UC033/008/001a [Stewards Book for the Dunham Methodist Circuit] and file cards at Missisquoi Museum: Caldwell’s
Manor: Mary daughter of Wm & Catherine Schoolcraft Born Feby. 29th 1806 Bapt Feby. 3, 1808 by G. Pearce.
10 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 30th August 1822, Robt. Christie for Hon. J. Caldwell to

William Schoolcraft.
11 Quebec: Census, 1825: pp. 815.21, St. George, Bedford Co. Head of household William Schoolcraft, 8 total in

household, 4 under 6, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Sing.: 1 40 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but
not 45 Sing.: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
12 Quebec: Census, Seignories of Foucault, Noyan and Sabrevios Census, December 4th, 1830: Entry No. 56, Foucault,

Head of Household Wm. Schoolcraft, No. of Male 5, No. of Female 3, Total 8.

Quebec: Census, 1831: pp. 1612.194, Segnorie de Foucault, Rouville Co. Concession Head of household William
Schoolcraft, owner, Cultivateur. 7 Total in household. Males: 2 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 18 but not 21 Sing., 1 30 but not
60 Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Marr., 7 Methodist.
14 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 31st August 1822, Cornelius Irish's Seigneurial Agreement.
15 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Édouard-René Demers: No. 1377, Le 11 Janvier 1845, Cefsion par

Isaac, George et Minerva Schoolcraft à Henry Irish et William Schoolcraft: William and Catherine's estate is divided
into eight shares. Isaac, George, Minerva, William and Eleanor are identified as children.
16 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Faribualt: No. 454, 2nd March 1829 Protest at the request of Jubel

Wheeler vs Isaac and Thomas Schoolcraft: The said Isaac Schoolcraft said “the land is not mine and I have nothing to
do with it because I gave it up to my brother Thomas Schoolcraft”.
17 Quebec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Sarah Schoolcraft, widow of the late John Terry of the Parish of

St. George de Clarenceville aged eighty seven years died on the sixth day of April Two thousand eight hundred and
eighty nine, and was buried on the eighth day of the same month and year in the presence of subscribing witnesses by
me John W. Clipsham Minister. Fred Beerwort, Daniel Derrick.
18 Quebec: Census, 25-Mar-1852: pp. 25.11, Dist. 10, St. George de Clarenceville, Rouville Co., 1 story block, 1 fam.,

John Terry age 50 male born in Canada occ./rel. laborer, Methodist, married. Sarah age 52 female born in Canada
occ./rel. Methodist, married. Adam age 12 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Sarah age 7 female born in Canada
occ./rel. Methodist. Eliza age 19 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist.
19 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Édouard-René Demers repertoire.
20 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Oct-1860, pp. 155.31, dw. 1025, Saranac, Clinton Co., NY, fam. 976, Ralphas

Schoocraft age 50 sex m day laborer born in Canada, Julia age 36 sex f born in VT, Hannah age 3 sex f born in NY,
John age 2 mos. sex m born in NY, Hannah Otus age 74 sex f house work born in NY.
21 Vermont: Marriage Record, Alburg Town records, FHL 0027773 Marriage Book, pp. 101: State of Vermont, Grand

Isle County: 2 Mar 1848 Cornelius E. S. Adle of Canada East and Anna Minerva Schoolcraft of same place by John W.
Sowles, J.P.
22 Quebec: Census, 26-Jan-1852: pp. 15.36, Dist.1, Phillipsburg, Missisquoi Co., 1 story frame, 1 fam., Cornelius E. S.

Adle age 42 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. blacksmith, Weslyan, married. Anna M. age 32 female born in Canada
occ./rel. Weslyan, married. Rose Rave age 10 female born in Canada occ./rel. Catholic. George W. Adle age 2 male
born in Canada occ./rel. Weslyan.
23 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: Unumbered 26th February 1833 Thomas Schoolcraft to Isaac

Quebec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Isaac Schoolcraft of the Parish of St. George de Clarenceville in
the Province of Quebec, Canada, died on the twenty first day of May in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight
hundred and eighty and was buried on the twenty third day of the same month and of the same year. By me John Hunt
Minister. Witness Asahel Hawley.
25 Vermont: Birth Record, Alburg Town Book Two, pp. 15: Diadamia Niles January 27th 1797, Elizabeth Niles

February 10th 1799 - Ichabod Niles.

26 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1860, dw. 26, Alburgh Springs, Grand Isle Co., VT, fam. 27, Diadama Niles age

63 sex f born in VT.

27 Quebec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 9.13, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story, 1 family block
house, Isaac Schoolcraft age 61 M/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. farmer, no denom., Dorne Schoolcraft age 55 F/M
born in U.S.A. occ./rel. matron, no denom., Herick Schoolcraft age 34 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, no
denom., Helena Schoolcraft age 27 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, no denom., Eliza Schoolcraft age 21 F/S
born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, no denom., David Schoolcraft age 17 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, no
denom., Maranda Schoolcraft age 12 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. no denom., Ruggles Schoolcraft age 3 M/S born in
L. Canada occ./rel. no denom.
28 Vermont, Alburg: Town Records, Book 10, pp. 176: Miller, John, M: 10-Feb-1839, Dadamia Sunderland. Alanson

Niles Minister.
Quebec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.9: Schoolcraft, Minerva A. died 12-Nov-
1860 and was buried 14-Nov-1860 wife of Cornelius Adle. Wit. M. C. Flanders.
Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jul-1870, pp. 66.37, dw. 513, Beekmantown, Clinton Co., NY, fam. 503, County
Paupers, Julia Schoolcraft age 39 sex f Idiotic born in Ireland, Joseph Schoolcraft age 5 sex m born in NY.
31 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Aug-1870, pp. 29.37, dw. 217, Saranac, Clinton Co., NY, fam. 217, George Terry

age 27 sex m farmer born in VT, Clarina age 47 sex f keeps house born in VT, Oliver age 57 sex m born in VT, Ellin
age 24 sex f born in NY, James Kimball age 2 sex m born in NY, Julia Schoolcraft age 43 sex f pauper born in VT,
Hannah age 13 sex f domestic born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 7-Sep-1850, pp. 248.19, dw. 9, Harriets Town, Franklin Co., NY, fam. 9, Stephen Otis
age 63 sex m farmer born in NH, Hannah age 64 sex f born in NH, Julia Ann age 23 sex f born in VT.
33 Ruiter's Corner, Stanstead Co. / Northern Vermont Cemetery Index from Stanstead Historical Society, Colby-Curtis

Museum, Stanstead, Quebec: Schoolcraft, Heman L; Ruiter's, born Feb 12, 1844; died Feb 11, 1905. Husband or Wife
Section: Sarah M Terry- died Sep 28, 1872. Notes Section: Age of wife 27/02/03.
34 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage of Henry Schoolcraft to Sarah Terry on 8-Sep-1868. First

marriage of Henry Schoolcraft residing in Stanstead PQ, occupation Farmer, age 26, born Clarenceville PQ, parents
George Schoolcraft & Abigail Kist. First marriage of Sarah Terry residing in Clarenceville PQ, age 23, born
Clarenceville PQ, parents John Terry & Sarah Schoolcraft.
35 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Henry W. Schoolcraft and Lucinda Beters on 16-

Apr-1878. 2nd marriage of Henry W. Schoolcraft age 35 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Stanstead QC.
Occupation Farmer, parents Geo. Schoolcraft & Abigail Irish.
36 Vermont: Marriage Record, Holland VT reported marriage between Heman L. Schoolcraft and Mary Barry on 6-Sep-

1887. 1st marriage of Heman L. Schoolcraft age 43 born in Caswell Manor PQ residing in Stanstead PQ. Occupation
Carpenter, parents George Schoolcraft & A. Irish.
37 Quebec: Newspapers, “Electronic,” Stanstead Journal: Married: At the residence of the bride's father on

Dec.22,1869, by Rev. E.B. Ryckham, Jared Schoolcraft to Loellah P., eldest daughter of Mr. Edwin Moulton, both of
38 Vermont: Marriage Record, FHL US/CAN 0027773 and 0027769 Alburg Town records: State of Vermont, Grand

Isle County: Be it remembered that at Alburgh in said county on this 6th day of Sept AD 1844 William Schoolcraft and
Mary Hoyle both of Caldwell's Manor Province of Canada were duly joined in marriage by me B Gordon Justice
39 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Nov-1850, dw. 3337, Champlain, Clinton Co., NY, fam. 3579, Wm. Schoolcraft

age 31 sex M farmer born in Canada, Mary age 28 sex F born in Canada, Sarah age 6 sex F born in Canada, Wm. age 4
sex M born in Canada, Catherine age 3 sex F born in Canada, Caroline age 2 sex F born in Canada, Walter age 1/12 sex
M born in Canada, Adaline Hogle age 16 sex F born in Canada.
40 Quebec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 3.11, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family log house,

Wm. Schoolcraft age 46 M/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, W. Methodist, Mary Schoolcraft age 39 F/M born in
L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Sarah Schoolcraft age 17 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, W. Methodist,
William Schoolcraft age 15 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, W. Methodist, Eleanor Schoolcraft age 14 F/S
born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Caroline Schoolcraft age 13 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist,
Walter Schoolcraft age 11 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, George Schoolcraft age 10 M/S born in
U.S.A. occ./rel. W. Methodist, Ann Schoolcraft age 9 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Jacob Schoolcraft
age 7 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Herbert Schoolcraft age 5 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W.
Methodist, Horatio Schoolcraft age 3 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Emina Schoolcraft age 1 F/S born
in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist.
41 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jul-1870, pp. 42.16, dw. 315, Highgate, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 320, William

Schoolcraft age 59 sex M farm laborer born in Canada, Mary age 48 sex F born in Canada, Ann age 16 sex F born in
Canada, Herbert age 14 sex M born in Canada, Horatio age 12 sex M born in Canada, Emma age 10 sex F born in
Canada, Augusta age 7 sex F born in Canada, Lucy age 6 sex F born in Canada, Louise age 4 sex F born in Canada.

42 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Donaldson cemetery: Will~~~ ~~~t | died | March 10, 1880 | ae. 64 yrs. | Buried next to
Mary, top of stone broken.
43 Quebec: Military Records, Books, official records, etc., Rouville Militia Muster Roll 4th and 5th July 1838.
44 Quebec: Military Records, Books, official records, etc., Rouville Militia Muster Roll January 1st to March 28th,

45 Quebec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, Aird: SCHOOLCRAFT, William A.
46 Quebec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, McLellan 1941: Infant || Dau. of || William M. & || Hannah E. ||

Schoolcraft || Died || Nov. 12, 1859 || AE. 2 mo. 22 d's.

Chapter 11: James Schoolcraft of
St. Ignace de Stanbridge
We have previously examined Adam Schoolcraft’s family and shown it to be complete.
William Schoolcraft’s family has been analyzed and shown to be both complete regarding
children who survived beyond 1844 and to be isolated from Stanbridge. James is the next son
whose family can be determined with good confidence. James’ grandson, George
Schoolcraft, who was born in 1825 stated1 that his own father was “one of a family of four
sons and two daughters”. Thus we have known limits on James Schoolcraft’s family,
although with all statements like this one must consider that the grandson may not have been
aware of any children that died before maturity. In this chapter I shall show that James
Schoolcraft was one of the two brothers who lived in St. Ignace de Stanbridge. James
Schoolcraft Jr.2 and Elijah Schoolcraft3 are two proven children. Another son, Joel
Schoolcraft, can be determined with such confidence that I consider him to be proven. He
names a daughter, Clarissa Horton Schoolcraft4, 5, for his mother, whom I suspect may have
recently deceased. I shall also discuss other possible children.

In Chapter 5, I showed how James was one of the sons that fought for the Loyalist cause with
his father. James married Clarissa Horton6 on March 26th, 1798 in Sandgate, Vermont. The
Sandgate Congregational church was located in the center of Sandgate. Camden Valley Rd.
in New York continues across the State line and becomes West Sandgate Rd. which runs
directly into Sandgate center. It is only eight miles from the Church to the location where
Adam Schoolcraft had a lease in 1790. The census record shows that after the war James
remained in Cambridge (Anaquassacook) till 17907. I shall discuss that record later and the
daughter that is implied.

In Chapter 5 I also discussed James’ presence in the various Land Grant Applications leading
up to 1800. The Philip Ruiter Ledgers, Book 1799, Accounts March 5th through June 23rd
1800 in the name of James Schoolcraft include that he was “of South river”. This location
was most likely in modern day Noyan on the southernmost bend of South River. Historically
two adjacent settlements in that location were known as Mandigo’s Landing and Mitchel’s
Landing. They seem likely to be the location referred to by Philip Ruiter. This location is also
known as Christie’s Manor. Although no other Schoolcraft’s are found in the Philip Ruiter
Ledgers, all of the brothers state their location as Christie’s Manor when they take the Oath
of Allegiance in 1795. When he took the Oath of Allegiance in 1795 and again in 1800 both
indicated he was going to Hatley. However, I have not been able to locate him in subsequent
Hatley records. On August 24th 1801 he applies, with his brother Martin, for Crown land in
Stanbridge. They are seeking the adjacent lots fourteen and fifteen in range nine. That
location is just north of Pike River village on the east side of the river in what is also known
as De Rivieres. On March 13th, 1805, James is granted authorization8 to lease that lot. An
earlier petition9 on September 10th, 1804 includes the phrase actual settlers suggesting James
was already resident there, possibly since 1801. This conclusion is born out in a petition10
dated July 20th, 1807, seeking more favourable lease terms and that discusses back rent. Back
rent would only be due if they were already resident on the land. The Leon Lalanne11

document from 1807 that was first presented in Chapter 5 states that James is living in
Stanbridge at that time. However, by July 17th, 1813 he is in New Haven12, Addison Co.,
Vermont where he is warned out of town. The widowed Keziah Patterson, with whom he is
living, is his sister in law. By December 20th, 1814 he is being warned out of Georgia13,
Vermont and by May 6th, 1816 he is being warned out of St. Albans14, Vermont. As is
typical, no reason is given for these warnings. The usual cause is poverty and an expectation
that they may become a financial burden on the town. Possibly his Loyalist Canadian
connections may have been the cause. In any event, by 1820 he has returned to Georgia15,
Vermont and has three family members as well as his wife. By 1825 James has returned to
Quebec16 and in 1831 we find he is living in Range 3, Stanbridge17. At this point the map is
useful. Jas. Schoolcraft is shown faintly in Range 3, Lot 20 [Appendix D, Figure 12]. This is
East and a little North of the center of St. Ignace de Stanbridge. A modern map [Appendix D,
Figure 14] allows us to determine that this is near Chemin Louise. An examination of James’
neighbors in the 1825 census is very consistent with his being in this same location at that
time also. I have not located any record of James after this time and it is not known where he
died. Elijah’s death record3 in Michigan implies that they went to Pine Grove but I consider
this unreliable. The record was made many years after James would have died and
supplemental information like this is often in error. Further, Elijah was still in New York
State through 1850. I believe that Clarissa probably died during the late 1830s or early 1840s
accounting for Joel’s naming of his daughter4. In point of fact, James’ grandson, George,
states “His grandfather Schoolcraft migrated from Massachusetts to Stanbridge, Canada,
and having purchased land was there engaged in farming during the remainder of his life”1.
While that statement is incorrect with respect to Massachusetts, it does suggest that James
remained in Stanbridge till his death.

James’ location over time is a significant factor in being able to determine his family.
Examination of the early census records for any family shows that a large majority of the
children remain in the family home till they marry and then often settle nearby. It is not
always the case but can be a strong circumstantial indicator. For the case in point, James’
children born between about 1795 and 1807 would be born in Quebec, initially in Christie’s
or Caldwell’s Manor but later in Stanbridge. Between about 1813 and 1820 they would be
born in Vermont and after 1825 they would be born in St. Ignace de Stanbridge. We can take
this one step farther. Any children of James who married between 1813 and 1820 would have
done so in Vermont and would not be recorded in Quebec. Only individuals who married in
Quebec after 1820 can be considered potential children of James. We are now in a position to
examine James Schoolcraft’s family in more detail.

James Schoolcraft Jr.

James Schoolcraft Jr. is easy to prove. His death record2 is explicit. That record provides his
parents, birth and death, although I favor a census record for his true age. The same may be
determined for his wife, Abigail Holbrook, who dies shortly after18. I have not located any
record of their marriage which, from census information19 seems to have been just before
1825. They are enumerated adjacent to James Schoolcraft Sr. They have two children, Alfred
and Azro who are born six years apart. Azro is killed in the Civil War at Spotsylvania Court
House20. Various records imply or state that Alfred was born in Stanbridge about January
28th, 1824. The 1825 census implies there was also a young daughter, in addition to Alfred,

in James Jr.’s household. James Jr. removes back to Georgia, Vermont, by 1830 where Azro
is born. After living in Fairfax, James and Abigail finally settle in Hyde Park, Vermont,
where they remain till their deaths.

Elijah Schoolcraft and Van Buren County, Michigan

There was also a son called Elijah but we must go to Van Buren County, Michigan to prove
that using his death record3. Elijah was born in 1793, a few years after James Jr. His marriage
to Sarah Dimond21. is recorded in Franklin, Vermont in January 1825. George Dimond,
Sarah’s father, lived on lots 23 and 24 in range 2. That is only a short distance north of James
Schoolcraft. Elijah is listed in the 1825 Stanbridge census but his precise location is not clear.
From correlation with his neighbors (Timothy Jones and David Safford) it would seem likely
he is in one of the higher numbered lots north east of St. Ignace de Stanbridge, somewhere
along 2nd Range Rd. North and almost into Farnham. Elijah does not appear again until 1840
when he is in Essex County, New York. The birth locations of his children imply he removed
to New York between 1836 and 1838. By 1860 he has reached Van Buren County, Michigan
but there is evidence in his children’s records that the family probably spent a short time in
Ohio between 1850 and 1860. Two of his sons, William and George, have biographies in “A
History of Van Buren County Michigan”1. The biography for George is particularly helpful
to determining James Schoolcraft Sr.’s family as it states: “One of a family of four sons and
two daughters, Elijah Schoolcraft was born in Massachusetts, and as a youth went with is
parents to Canada.” While the Massachusetts birth is very unlikely, knowing the number of
children in James’ family, and their gender, is very helpful. One must realize that George is a
grandson and his memory in 1912 of aunts and uncles that he would not have seen since their
deaths many years before, may not be complete. Particularly, he probably would not have
knowledge of any who might have died before about 1825. Elijah and his children account
for many of the families in Van Buren and Allegan Counties that carry the Schoolcraft name.

While most of Elijah’s children can be determined relatively easily, it is worth discussing
Freeman at this time as some records pertaining to him are very misleading. Freeman is
identified as Elijah’s son in the History of Van Buren County22, which is confirmed by the
1850 census23, which shows he was born in 1833. A Ticonderoga newspaper report refers to
a Freeman Schoolcraft but is misleading because of other associated records:

Ticonderoga Sentinel, Friday, August 22, 1884, Personal and General:

Saturday afternoon about 5 o’clock as the canal boat Martha L. Schoolcraft
of Champlain, N.Y., reached Fort Edward, the captain’s wife, Mrs. Freeman
Schoolcraft, attempted to light a fire with kerosene. The can exploded, and in
an instant Mrs. Schoolcraft and the whole interior of the cabin were in flames.
The unfortunate woman’s cries brought her husband, who soon succeeded
with the aid of wet carpets in smothering the flames but was severely burned
himself. Dr. Vandenburg was summoned, and did all in his power to alleviate
the woman’s sufferings, which were intense, as there was not a square inch of
her person but was burned. At 7 o’clock she died and with the consent of
Coroner Vandenburg her remains were placed in a casket and sent with the

afflicted husband to Champlain. The deceased was about forty years of age,
and left three small children. - Troy Times.

Unfortunately, tragic accidents like this afflicted our ancestors all too often during everyday
life. The 1880 census24, enumerates this Freeman Schoolcraft born about 1845 in New York,
his wife, Louise, born about 1852 and four children, one of whom must have died between
1880 and 1884. Freeman’s wife is identified as Louise Aunchman from a cemetery record in
St. Mary’s Prospect Hill Cemetery25, although that cemetery record is incorrect in her date of
death which it states as 1888. (I have examined the newspaper report which is unambiguous
in its publication date. I have not examined the cemetery marker to determine if the listing is
incorrect or the stone cutting is incorrect.) Louise is born in 1847 which does nothing to raise
suspicion regarding Freeman’s claimed birth in 1845. Freeman remarries in 188926, but his
age is not stated. The name Freeman is only found infrequently in the Schoolcraft lines, the
most likely related instances are among Elijah’s descendants. It is only by 1900 that Freeman
is found with his second wife, Agnes, and living in Van Buren Co. Here his age is far closer
to the truth. I conclude that he obscured his age in 1880 because he was considerably older
than his first wife. One more item concerning Freeman should be mentioned. In 1870 an
Albert Schoolcraft, age 11, is enumerated in the household of Peter Aunchman27. Aunchman
is not a common name and I conjecture that Peter is Louise’s father because a Schoolcraft is
living in his household. The question is, who is Albert? There is no conclusive evidence to
relate him to Freeman. Another researcher has stated: “Albert is Elijah Schoolcraft’s adopted
son - my aunt, age 80, is very clear on the matter involving Albert. She matter of factly states
that grampa (Albert) was an orphan and was adopted by a Canadian man and his indian
squaw wife and that they never met anyone from his family. She stated it was common
knowledge that he was adopted.” I do not accept the part concerning Elijah as Elijah is in
Michigan by 1860, probably sooner. Albert was either unborn or only one year old and I
cannot image he would have remained in New York. I thus conjecture that Albert is in reality
the adopted son of Freeman who is visiting with his grandfather in 1870.

Joel Schoolcraft and a Naming Coincidence

The key to considering Joel as a son of James Schoolcraft is his naming a daughter “Clarissa
Horton Schoolcraft”4. I consider that alone to be proof that Clarissa is a grand daughter of
Clarissa Horton. (Her date of birth precludes her being a daughter of James and Clarissa.)
She is best shown to be Joel Schoolcraft’s daughter by census enumeration28 and cemetery
listing29. Together these provide name and age correlation between Clara Horton Schoolcraft
buried in Eastman and the Clara Schoolcraft who is Joel’s daughter. The foregoing evidence
is so strong that I consider Joel to be proven to be James’ son.

Joel is a complicated individual to follow. One of the earliest references is the marriage of a
daughter30. She specifies a father but no mother. The marriage to Lee Selby has been misread.
Lee and Hannah (Schoolcraft) Libby are buried in South Stukely31, 32 cemetery. Hannah was
born on or about August 28th, 1825 implying Joel was married before then. The first marriage
that I have a record of is to Mary Clement33, which takes place in Georgia, Vermont. As this
is the same town as his brother, James Jr., is living I am even more confident that Joel is
James Sr.’s son. There is a third marriage in 1855 to Sarah Notemire34, by whom Joel has a
substantial family. The last child is born when Joel is seventy three years old35. My initial

reaction to this was that I had confused two persons called Joel Schoolcraft. However, both
the 1861 and 1871 census enumerations confirm Joel’s age. The Waterloo Advertiser is
germane to showing that Joel was married to both Sarah Notemire and to Mary Clement:

April 12. 1895: Deaths, “Emma Schoolcraft at Eastman, on March 23, 1895
of heart failure. Lived with her half sister and husband, Mr and Mrs Rufus
Tibbits. An investigation was made into her death due to the suddenness. Age
June 14 1895 Waterloo Advertiser (Under Eastman News): “Emma
Schoolcraft, her inquest showed she died of natural causes.”

Jane Schoolcraft is enumerated with her father and step mother in the 1861 census and it is
she that married Rufus Tibbets36. While I have not yet resolved the initial marriage that gave
rise to Hannah Schoolcraft, Hannah’s marriage location, Joel’s age and the absence of
alternatives leaves little room for doubt that Joel was married three times.

As is illustrated by the foregoing, Joel and his descendants can be found in Shefford County,
Quebec. Unfortunately the loss of some census enumerations for this area in 1851 and 1861
hinders research.

Moses Schoolcraft and Another Michigan Connection

The 1831 census37 includes Moses Schoolcraft who is living close to George Dimond in
Range 1. If we check on the Stanbridge Map [Appendix D, Figure 12] there is an “M.
Schoolcraft” shown in lot number 26, range 1. This is almost in Farnham Centre and close to
both George Dimond and the presumed location of Elijah Schoolcraft. In fact, the 1825
census38 enumerates Moses in Farnham. Moses consistently states his place of birth is
Canada and, as he is born in 1805, this is consistent with the time when James Sr. was in
Stanbridge. Moses married Hannah Ring in 1824. The marriage was performed by John Parr,
Justice of the Peace, and was recorded in Highgate, Vermont. While Highgate is fairly distant
from northern Stanbridge, a civil registration in Vermont was not uncommon for marriages
that had been performed in Quebec as the Province did not have a civil registration. As
Hannah’s family was in Phillipsburg at one time, Highgate may be considered a likely
location to make a civil registration.

Moses’ first wife is buried in Farnham Center cemetery39 with two others who are of an
appropriate age to be her sisters. [I will state now that the inscription recorded in the footnote
is what is written on the marker. There is an incorrect cemetery listing that records this
person as a Hannah Schoolcraft who died on the same day in 1815 and is often claimed to be
the wife of Martin Schoolcraft. That cemetery listing is incorrect.] By 1842 Moses has
apparently removed across the town line to Dunham, although it is not possible to tell
precisely where he located in that town. At this point it is worth noting that the village of
Farnham Centre is located on the southern edge of Farnham just about where the towns of
Dunham and Stanbridge join. It is possible that Moses was moving no more than a few
hundred yards between the enumerations of 1825, 1831 and 1842, or possibly not moving at
all if census re-districting was occurring. Following his first wife’s death he marries a widow
from Dunham40. While Joel Spears, a witness at that marriage, might seem a genealogical

indicator Joel is a very common name in the Spears family. Further, there are marriages to
the Spears family from both the Schoolcraft and Ring families. Thus I do not attribute
genealogical significance to Joel’s presence. After his second marriage Moses removed to
Norfolk, New York where he is enumerated in 1850, 1860 and 1870. In fact, the nearby
village of Stockholm may have been his true location as that is referred to by his son41. This
location is about twenty miles from Thomas Schoolcraft, one of William Schoolcraft’s sons.
However, William cannot be Moses father as we fully accounted for William’s family in
Chapter 10. Because many other families also seem to be removing from the Eastern
Townships into New York State around this time I believe Moses’ choice in going to Norfolk
was coincidental. Moses remains in Norfolk till 1870. In 1880 his widow and her two sons all
appear in Cheshire, Allegan County, Michigan. As this is only ten miles from Elijah
Schoolcraft in Pine Grove, Van Buren County, I believe this is very significant and
strengthens the case for Moses being the fourth son of James Schoolcraft. Possibly Moses
had gone to Michigan around the time that Elijah died in 1873 and his family remained in
Michigan after his own death.

I believe that Moses is probably James Schoolcraft’s son and is the last of the four sons
referred to by James’ grandson.

Two Daughters, or Something More Complex

The Georgia, Vermont town records contain an intriguing entry42:

Georgia Town Records, Book 2, pp. 5:

To either constable of Georgia in said County, Greeting. By the authority of
the State of Vermont you are hereby requested to summon Annis Schoolcraft
and her family now residing in Georgia to depart said town. Hereof fail not
but of this precept and your doings here ~~~ make according to law. Georgia
January 4th, 1817.
Georgia 20th January 1817 theis served this precept by leaving a true and
attested copy at her usual place of abode, with this my ~~~ thereon in ~~~.

This is very similar to the warning given to James Schoolcraft Sr. on December 20th, 1814.
As there are no other Schoolcraft’s in Georgia around this time it is very likely there is a
relationship between James Sr. and Annis. I have searched elsewhere in the Georgia records,
and quite a few other likely places, but have found no other mention of Annis Schoolcraft.
The warning tells us she had a family and as these warnings usually went to the male head of
a family it is likely she was a widow. That alone suggests she would be born before about
1802. “Annis”, a form of “Agnes”, is not a common name. Significantly, Clarissa Horton has
a sister called Annis43.

Washington Co. Clerk of Wills

Copy of the Last Will & Testament of Elijah Haughton deceased, recorded
July 19th 1817.
Secondly I give and bequeath to my Daughter Annis the wife of Abijah Hubbel
and to my Daughter Clarrifsa the wife of James Schoolcraft, each the sum of
sixty dollars, to be paid to them respectively in neat stock two years after my

decease by my executor herein after named which said Legacy I do hereby
charge upon all my real and personal Estate herein after given and devised to
my son Jehial Haughton -

[Be careful when reading this Will. “Annis” is actually hyphenated across two lines about
two thirds of the way down and is easily misread.] This gives me confidence to say that
Annis Schoolcraft is probably the daughter of James Schoolcraft and Clarissa Horton.

There is more we can deduce about Annis Schoolcraft. I have already stated that her name is
not common. None the less, there is another Annis close by whose maiden name is not
explicit. She is the wife of Samuel Sisco. Coincidentally, Samuel Sisco, his wife Annis and
three children (Benjamin, Esther and Samantha) are warned out of Huntsburg44, now
Franklin, on March 30th, 1807. Vermont birth records show Samantha45 was born on
December 5th, 1805 implying that Benjamin and Esther were probably born earlier. A
subsequent birth of Diantha Sisco46 is recorded on February 21st, 1808 in Franklin. No
mention is made of Samuel Sisco or his wife after this. Samuel Sisco’s father is William
Sisco. In William’s Pension Application, he states47:

“On this eleventh day of July 1820.... William Scifsco of Franklin aged 70
years... My family consists of my wife age is 68 years two daughters one
fifteen the other twelve....”.

One of these children was born about 1805 and one about 1808. William’s wife would have
been aged 53 for the first and 56 for the second. Not impossible but unlikely in those days.
Also puzzling is that William’s previously youngest known child was Harriet born in 1796 so
we have a nine year hiatus in the births. I do not believe these two children are William’s. I
think it likely that they are the two grand daughters, Samantha and Diantha, who are living
with him. This would suggest that their parents are dead. I conjecture that Samuel probably
died around 1816 and that Samuel’s wife, Annis, is actually Annis Schoolcraft who died
between 1817 and 1820. The existence of the other children, Benjamin and Esther,
mentioned in Samuel’s warning out would imply that Annis was born before 1790. James
Schoolcraft and Clarissa Horton married on March 26th, 1789 and were enumerated in 1790
with a second female in the household. I believe that female is Annis Schoolcraft who was
therefore born about 1789.

Louisa Schoolcraft is located in the Dunham Methodist church records48 through the death of
her son. Louisa is enumerated with her husband, John Truax, in Stanbridge in 185249 and
186150 and then in Hopkins, Allegan Co., Michigan51 by 1870. The census enumerations
show she was born about 1816 and consistently show she was born in Vermont or the U.S.A.
Her death record implies a birthday of November 30th, suggesting she was probably born
November 30th, 1815. The 1852 agricultural census shows that the enumeration is in
Stanbridge Lot 2-2349. This is very close to Farnham Centre, to Moses and Elijah Schoolcraft
and to where James Schoolcraft was last recorded. I do not have a location for John Truax
before 1852, but his parents lived in Farnham and their children were baptized in the
Dunham Anglican church which is very compatible with his being close to Farnham Centre.
Adding to this, the 1870 enumeration in Hopkins, Allegan County, MI is only 20 miles from

Cheshire where Mary Tryon is found and only 24 miles from Pine Grove where Elijah
Schoolcraft is found. A relationship to James Schoolcraft seems evident.

In Louisa’s case, James Sr.’s census enumerations can be particularly informative. In 1820
James is back in Georgia and the enumeration includes a female child under age 10, in 1825
she is aged 6 but not 14 and in 1831 is aged 14 but not 45. Taken in combination, this child
was born between 1812 and 1817 and thus is very consistent with Louisa. Moses, born about
1805, is the youngest of James and Clarissa’s own children, previously discussed. A ten year
birth hiatus to Louisa is troubling. That 1820 census enumeration also includes a female aged
16 but not 26. I showed above that two of Annis Schoolcraft’s daughters were living with
their paternal grandparents in 1820. The age 16 to 26 female is fully consistent with Annis’
eldest daughter, Esther Sisco. I conjecture that Louisa Schoolcraft is in reality, Louisa Sisco,
the daughter of Samuel Sisco and Annis Schoolcraft and that both Samuel and Annis had
died, leaving their children split between the two sets of grandparents. Annis’ son, Benjamin,
would be over 16, likely to be working, and enumerated within another household. Possibly
also significant in this hypothesis is that in 1861 Louisa enumerates as Baptist. The Sisco’s
were Baptist, with strong circumstantial evidence that they were Sabbatarian. It is known that
this sect was often confused as Jews which in turn could lead to persecution i.e. being warned
out of town. Some town records contain declarations by the Sisco’s that they “are Baptist”,
adding credence to the persecution angle. James Schoolcraft’s family is not Baptist. Perhaps
Louisa acquired this interest because it was the religion of her blood parents.

It would be nice to locate some substantiating evidence but so far that has proved impossible.
Louisa’s death record52 does contain a statement regarding her parents but it is either terribly
mangled or incorrect. “Father ~~~ Luke residing Vermont, Mother ~~~ Sebright” implies
that either the first names were unknown to the informant or that this county record was
copied from some other record in which the first names were illegible. The death record for
her son48 leaves no room for error in stating that “Schoolcraft” should appear as one of her
parent’s names.

John Truax had a son, Abraham Alexander Truax53, born in Stanbridge on August 6th, 1844
but the mother was called Catherine. I am informed, but have not verified, that John Truax
and Catherine Truax, his second cousin, were married in the Dunham Anglican Church
December 30th,1830. Catherine died on September 3rd, 184654 just prior to John’s marriage
to Louisa Schoolcraft. The 1852 census enumeration records eight children, six of whom
must be Catherine’s and two must be Louisa’s. Another daughter, Juliette Rebecca, by
Catherine may be inferred from a later baptismal record.

The foregoing is only a hypothesis. I am confident enough to state that Annis Schoolcraft is
probably James and Clarissa’s daughter. I conjecture that she married Samuel Sisco. I
conjecture that Louisa “Schoolcraft” is actually Samuel Sisco and Annis Schoolcraft’s
daughter who took the name Schoolcraft because she was raised by her maternal
grandparents. It was probably Annis and Louisa that George Schoolcraft referred to when he
stated that James had two daughters.

1Biographies of Van Buren Co., Michigan Residents in 1912. From A History of Van Buren County Michigan By
Captain O. W. Rowland Volume II. Published by The Lewis Publishing Company Chicago and New York 1912

2 Vermont: Death Record, Hyde Park VT reported death of James Schoolcraft on 3-Jun-1858 of Numb Palsy at age 62
yrs. 9 mos. 26 days, occupation Farmer. Parents James Schoolcraft & Clarissa. Wife Abigail. Buried in Holbrook
3 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363453, p 146 rn 1419 date 26-May-1874:

Elijah Schoolcraft, 10 Feb 1873, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, age 79 years 11 months 29 days, Lung Chills, born
Canada, Male, White, Married, Farmer, Father Jas Schoolcraft residing Pine Grove, Mother Clarissa Schoolcraft
residing Pine Grove.
4 Quebec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst), pp.

461 Clarissa Horton SCHOOLCRAFT, a spinster of Twp of South Stukely to Sewell Stone PARKER on 23 Jun 1863
in Shefford Methodist church.
5 David J. Ellis, Joel names his daughter by Mary Clement for his mother, who, I conjecture, probably died before 1842

due to her abscence from that year's census.

Vermont, Sandgate: Congregational Church, (Edited by Royden Woodward Vosburgh), pp. 24, March 26 1789 James
Schoolcraft & Clary Horton.
Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Cambridge, Albany Co., NY, pp. 315.43, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 >16,
female: 2.
Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 60, pp. 30196-30217. Mar 13, 1805, pp. 30216. Authorization to lease Crown and
Clergy land. James Schoolcraft, range 9, lot 15; William Schoolcraft range 10, lot 13; Simon Stone range 7, lot 10;
Elijah Spears range 9, lot 19.
9 Lib. Arch. Can. RG4 A1 (S-Series) Vol. 84, pp. 26219-26222. Sep 10, 1804 petition to lease Crown and Clergy land,

pp. 26220. James Schoolcraft, range 9, lot 15 west half.

10 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L, Vol. 65, pp. 32486-32489. Jul 20, 1807 petition seeking more favourable lease terms sign

by Peter Schoolcraft, James Schoolcraft and Simon Stone uses the words “back rents”.
11 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac

12 Alden M. Rollins, Vermont: Warnings out, (Vol. 1 Northern Vermont, Vol. 2 Southern Vermont), New Haven [p.

291] 17 July 1813: Schoolcraft[?], James, his wife and children, Patterson, Keziah (widow) with her children; warrant
left at the “residence of the within named James Schoolcraft and Kaziah Patterson.”
13 Vermont, Georgia: Town Records, PP. 170. State of Vermont, Franklin County, To either Constable of Georgia in

said County Greeting you are hereby requested to summons James Schoolcraft now residing in Georgia to depart said
town. Herewith fail not but of this precept and your doings herunder this make according to law Griven under our
hands at Georgia this 20th day of December 1814. Stephen Dunton, Seymour Eggleston Selectmen of Georgia. DJE:
Notice was left on table in his dwelling house on 24th Dec., 1814.
14 Alden M. Rollins, Vermont: Warnings out, (Vol. 1 Northern Vermont, Vol. 2 Southern Vermont), St. Albans [p. 209]

6 May 1816: Schoolcraft, James and family.

15 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 183.05, Georgia, Franklin Co., VT, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-16, 1 >45,

female: 1 <10, 1 16-26, 1 >45, agriculture: 1.

16 Quebec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.13, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household James Schoolcraft, 5

total in household, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 2 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 60 and up Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 45 and up
17 Quebec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.41, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 3 Head of

household James Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. 5 Total in household. Males: 2 21 but not 30 Sing., 1 60 and up Marr.,
Females: 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Marr., 5 Methodist.
18 Vermont: Death Record, Hyde Park VT reported death of Abigail Schoolcraft on 1-Nov-1858 of Lung fever at age

61 yrs. 6 mos. 20 days, born in Townsend VT. Husband James Schoolcraft. Buried in Holbrook cemetery.
Quebec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.14, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household James Schoolcraft Jr., 4
total in household, 2 under 6. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
20 Civil War listings, Azro Schoolcraft. Enlisted as a Private on 13 August 1861. Enlisted in Company D, 5th Infantry

Regiment Vermont on 16 September 1861. Reenlisted in Company D, 5th Infantry Regiment Vermont on 15 December
1863. Killed Company D, 5th Infantry Regiment Vermont on 12 May 1864 in Spotsylvania Court House, VA.
21 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Elijah Schoolcraft to Sarah Dimon on Jan-1825.
22 Captain O. W. Rowland Volume II, Michigan: History of Van Buren County, (The Lewis Publishing Company

Chicago and New York 1912), George W. Schoolcraft.- Elijah Schoolcraft lived to nearly ninety years old, and his wife
attained venerable years. They reared nine children, as follows: George W., the special subject of this sketch; James;
Freeman; Maria; William; Juliet; Sarah; Melissa; and Guy.

23 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jul-1850, dw. 129, Moriah, Essex Co., NY, fam. 133, Elijah Schoolcraft age 52 sex

m farmer born in Canada, Sarah age 45 sex f born in NY, George age 23 sex m born in Canada, James age 21 sex m
born in Canada, Hannah age 19 sex f born in Canada, Freeman age 17 sex m born in Canada, William age 15 sex m
born in Canada, Juliet age 14 sex f born in Canada, Sarah age 12 sex f born in NY, Guy age 11 sex m born in NY,
Melissa age 3 sex f born in NY.
24 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254819 National Archives Film T9-0819 pp. 199A: Champlain,

Clinton Co., NY : Freeman SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 35 born in NY occupation Tailor father born
in NY mother born in NY: Louise SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 28 born in NY occupation Keeps
House father born in NY mother born in NY: Martha SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 13 born in NY
occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Oscar SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 12
born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Howard SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single
white age 10 born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Norman SCHOOLCRAFT Son
male single white age 7 born in NY father born in NY mother born in NY.
25 New York: Cemetery Records, St. Mary's Prospect Hill Cemetery, Champlain NY: Louise Aunchman born 1847

died 18-Aug-1888 wife of Freeman Schoolcraft. In Section C2 (rear left quadrant from Prospect Street).
Quebec: Archives Judiciares de Montreal, M155/201: SCHOOLCRAFT Freeman Lorenzo & 1889 West End 6v
McKetchin Agnes Philomen. Film # M336.38 West End Methodist church - [Montreal]: Freeman Lorenzo Schoolcraft
- boatman - of Montreal, & Agnes Philomene McKetchin, widow of Louis Cadette (??) of New York City were marr
Apr 10, 1889 by license. Minister: S Bond. Wits: Mrs S Bond & Lydia Boxill or Boyill.
27 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1870, pp. 127.05, dw. 991, Champlain, Clinton Co., NY, fam. 1027, Peter

Aunchman age 55 sex m farmer born in Canada, Mary age 56 sex f keeps house born in Canada, Henry age 25 sex m
works on farm born in NY, Adaline age 18 sex f born in NY, Elisabeth age 14 sex f born in NY, Octavia age 16 sex f
born in NY, Peter age 10 sex m at home born in NY, Albert Schoolcraft age 11 sex m at home born in NY.
28 Quebec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 365.32, Stukely, Shefford Co., Jonel Scoulcraf age 58 M/M born in BC occ./rel.

farmer, protestant, Anna Nutmeyer age 31 F/M born in BC occ./rel. protestant, Lorenzo Scoulcraf age 4 M/S born in
BC occ./rel. protestant, Henry Scoulcraf age 3 M/S born in BC occ./rel. protestant, William Scoulcraf age M/S born in
BC occ./rel. protestant, Jane Scoulcraf age 9 F/S born in BC occ./rel. protestant, Clarifsa Scoulcraf age 15 F/S born in
BC occ./rel. protestant. The Agricultural record lists Josselle Scoulcraf in lot 20 range 2 with 50 acres, 7 of which are
29 Quebec: Cemetery Headstones, Silver Valley Cemetery, Eastman, QC: Headstone reads: Sewell Stone Parker | Mar

18, 1817 - Jan 7 1901 | His wife | Clara Horton Schoolcraft | Dec 25, 1844 - Jan 13 1905 | Their daughter | Cynthia A. |
Mar 16 1878 - Dec 31, 1884.
30 Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst), Marriage of Hannah

Schoolcraft, of Bolton to Lee SELBY on 13 Jun 1843 in Knowlton Anglican church. Parents Joel Schoolcraft residing
in Stanbridge.
31 Québec: Cemetery Records, South Stukely cemetery: Range 6, lot 6, No. 4. Lee Libby Husband of Hannah

Schoolcraft Born Feb 28, 1821 Died April 25, 1879. "At Rest".
32 Québec: Cemetery Records, South Stukely cemetery: Range 6, lot 6, No. 5. Hannah Schoolcraft Wife of Lee Libby

Died March 18, 1849 Aged 23 ys. 6 mo. 18 ds. "A woman of the cross."
33 Georgia VT Town Records, Book 2, pp. 242: Be it remembered that at Georgia in the County and State afsd. that on

the 29th day of February AD 1837 Joel Schoolcraft & Mary Clement both of Georgia in the State and County afsd were
duly married by me John W. Wittens Justice of the Peace.
34 Quebec, Shefford: Methodist Circuit Records, On this nineteenth day of November in the year of our Lord Two

thousand eight hundred and fifty five Joel Schoolcraft, farmer of the township of Stukely a widower, and Sarah Ann
Notemire of the same township spinster, were united in the bands of matrimony after due publication of the banns in
the presence of subscribing witnesses by me Geffard Dorey Minister. Joel Schoolcraft, Sarah Ann [X] Notemire,
Nathan Parker, Peter Schoolcraft.
35 Protestant Births in the District of St. Francis, Vol. 2, 1815 - 1879, Baptism of Sarah Emma Schoolcraft on 3-Feb-

1878 in Magog, born on 23-Sep-1876, daughter of Joel and Sarah A. Schoolcraft of South Stukely.
36 Protestant Marriages in the District of St. Francis, Vol. 2, 1815 - 1879, Marriage of Jane Schoolcraft, of Magog to

Tibbets, Rufus Edmond on 02-09-1878 in Fitch Bay.

37 Quebec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.07, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 1 Head of

household Moses Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 4 Total in household, 1 under 5, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 21 but not 30
Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 4 Methodist.
Quebec: Census, 1825: pp. 857.24, Farnham, Bedford Co. Head of household Moses Schollcraft, 3 total in
household, 1 under 6. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.

39 Farnham Centre cemetery headstone: In Memory of Hannah L. Ring wife of Moses Schoolcraft who died Feb.15th,

1845 in the 38th year of her age. “Calm on the bosom of thy God / Dear Spirit rest thee now / Even whilewith us thy
footsteps trod / His seal was on thy brow.”
40 Quebec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Folio twenty two. On this twenty second day of December in the

year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and thirty five Moses Schoolcraft of the Township of Dunham in the
county of Mifsisco and Province of Canada widower and Mary Tryon of the Township of Stanbridge in the said county
& province spinster were after due publication of banns united in the holy bonds of matrimony in the presence of the
subscribing witnefses by me John B. Kelly Clerk. Witnesses Moses Schoolcraft, Mary Tryon, Edward Blakely, Joel
Quebec, Granby: Anglican Church Records, Married on the fifth day of February Two thousand eight hundred and
fifty two by me George Slack Minister of the Church of England after due publication of banns Benjamin P.
Schoolcraft youngest son of Moses Schoolcraft of Stockholm, N. York U.S. and of Hannah Rosetta his late wife
maiden name Ring and Susannah Welch eldest daughter of Joshua D. Welch and Rebecca his wife maiden name
Chandler. In presence of Emily Warren, D. L. Chandler.
Vermont, Georgia: Town Records, Book 2, pp. 5. State of Vermont, Franklin County, To either Constable of Georgia
in said County Greeting By the authority of the State of Vermont you are hereby requested to summon Annis
Schoolcraft and her family now residing in Georgia to depart said town. Hereof fail not but of this precept and your
doings herunder ~~~ make according to law Georgia January 2th 1817. Stephen Dunton, SSolomon Blifs, Young Clair.
Selectmen of Georgia. DJE: Notice was left at her usual place of abode on 20th Jan., 1817.
43 Wills and Probate, FHL US/CAN 513862: Elijah Haughton's will written 14-Mar-1816 names: son Elijah Haughton

Jr., daughter Annis the wife of Abijah Hubbel, daughter Clarrifsa the wife of James Schoolcraft, son Jehial Haughton,
daughter Orra wife of Christopher Switzer, daughter Keziah the widow of Levi Patterson, daughter Molly wife of
Caleb Loomis, grandson David Griswold, grand daughter Sally the wife of Anson Hollister. Probated 10-Apr-1821.
44 Vermont, Franklin: Town Records, Franklin Town Proceedings, Vol. 1, 1802-1832, pp. 35: State of Vermont,

Franklin County. To Clark Rogers Constable for the Town of Huntsburgh Greeting. By the authority of the State if
Vermont you are hereby directed to warn out of this Town the following Persons to wit - William Sisco Abigale
Benjamin Chandlor Mariah Abigail the 2nd & Parrit Sisco Melinda Powers Amanda Powers Samuel Sisco Annis
Benjamin Esther Semantha Sisco. Hereof fail not and make due return to us within twelve days Dated at Huntsburgh
this 30th day of March in year of our Lord 1807. Signed Samuel Hubbard, Hezekiah Wead, Asa Gallup - Selectmen.
45 Vermont: Birth Record, Franklin VT reported birth of Samantha Sisco on 5-dec-1805.
46 Vermont: Birth Record, Franklin VT reported birth of Dianthey Sisco on 21-Feb-1808. Parents Samuel Sisco.
47 Revolutionary War Pension Claim, Vermont No. 352. William Sisco of Troy.
48 Dunham: Methodist Church Records: Arthur Henry Truax died Oct. 3, 1852, bur. Oct 5, 1852 ae. 2 yrs. 7 mos. s/o

John & Louisa Schoolcraft Truax.

49 Quebec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 13.47, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 81.22

Lot 2-23: John Truax age 44 male born in Canada occ./rel. Farmer, Episcopalian, Married. Loisa age 36 female born in
U.S.A. occ./rel. Episcopalian, married. William age 21 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Emmaly age 19
female born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. John age 17 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Jane age 15
female born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. George age 12 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Abraham age
8 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Howard age 4 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Arthur age 2
male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian.
50 Quebec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 3.35, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., John Truax age 52 M/M born in L. C. occ./rel.

farmer, Loisa age 45 F/M born in U.S.A. occ./rel. baptist, George age 19 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer, Abraham
age 16 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer, Howard age 12 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer.
51 Federal Population Schedule, 3-Aug-1870, pp. 2.22, dw. 13, Hopkins, Allegan Co., MI, fam. 13, John Truax age 64

sex m farmer born in Canada E., Louisa age 52 sex f keeps house born in VT, family 14, Allison Varney age 24 sex m
farmer born in OH, Amelia age 20 sex f keeps house born in MI, Emma A. age 10 mos. born in July sex f born in MI.
52 Michigan: Death Record, Allegan Co. Deaths 1901-1914 LDS US/CAN 1017873, pp. 8 rn 351: Louisa Truax, 22-

Oct-1901, Dorr, Allegan, MI, age 85 yrs. 10 mos. 22 days, Old age, born Vermont, Female, White, Widow, Housewife,
Father ~~~ Luke residing Vermont, Mother ~~~ Sebright Recorded Nov. 4 [1901].
53 Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Stanbridge Ang.: Truax, Abraham Alexander, B. Aug. 6, 1844, Bapt. Oct. 28,

1844, s/o John & Catherine Truax. Wit: Robert & Jane Hunter.
54 Anglican Church Records, Stanbridge Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Truax, Catherine, D. Sept. 3, 1846, Bu. Sept.

5, 1846, Wit: John Truax & Robert Hunt.

Chapter 12: Peter Schoolcraft,
Life on the Border
I choose to look at Peter next because he is located in St. Armand, close to the Vermont line,
at the time his children marry. Thus there is physical separation between his family and those
of his brothers in Stanbridge and Clarenceville. I shall show in Chapter 14 that Martin, with
whom Peter’s children are most likely to be confused, was located in the village of St. Ignace
de Stanbridge. This is twelve and one half miles distant and entails a river crossing that in
early times would have further limited travel frequency, particularly for minor children. Thus
the choice and location of marriage partners can be used to aid in determining the ancestry,
although care must be exercised when drawing conclusions.

Peter is the only one of Christian’s sons for whom we only have circumstantial evidence of
his lineage. Peter first appears in the 1795 Granby Papers where he is listed 7th out of eight
in the group of all the Schoolcraft’s. He subsequently signs the 1795 Oath of Allegiance at
the same time as William and Martin, indicating he is a resident of Christie’s Manor. This
circumstantial evidence was presented in Chapter 5 and is strong enough to conclude that he
is probably Christian’s son. Peter died1 on 11-Apr-1842 in Franklin, Vermont at the age of
74. His wife was Mary Stolicker2 who died on 2-Oct-18333 in St. Armand, Quebec at the age
of 53 years and 7 months. The marriage has not been recorded but the first child is born
about 1799. Mary is the child of John Stalker (Stolicker), and was born April 8th, 1780 in
Hillsdale, NY4. I am indebted to Shon Stoliker Halacka for most of the information about the
Stolicker family and in particular for the record of Mary’s birth. Shon went to considerable
trouble to obtain this image (now also available through the Church of Latter Day Saints).
Mary’s age at death can be used to correlate and thus show that the names Stalker and
Stolicker are synonymous. On the 28th November 1796, John Stalker individually petitioned
Robert Prescott5, Lieutenant Governor of the Province, to be included in the list for
Stanbridge. In that petition he declares:

… was therefore induced by the above circumstances to improve a small

clearing made by the Indians on Pike River in the Township of Stanbridge and
has since increased that clearing…
… who has a wife and eight children…

This assertion is confirmed by the Oath of Allegiance which John takes on August 16th, 1796
stating that he came from Stanbridge. John Stalker is identified again in 1807 as an abutter,
of Adam Schoolcraft in the document described in Chapter 9. The significance of these
events is that they show John Stalker was probably located in the south end of Mystic on the
banks of the Pike River. This would allow that his family probably came in contact with
Peter Schoolcraft in the late 1790s. Peter applies for Crown and Clergy land in Sutton in
1801. Peter is not included in the 1807 document, suggesting he was not close enough to
attend and thus probably not a resident of Stanbridge in 1807. In 1804 a vote taken in St.
Armand lists all proprietors in St. Armand6. Peter’s omission from that list suggests he was
probably not in St. Armand in 1804. His son John’s death record7 indicates that John was

born in Sutton in 1805. Peter signs a petition8 dated July 20th, 1807, seeking more favorable
lease terms and that discusses back rent. Back rent would only be due if they were already
resident on the land. While the petition does not explicitly name Sutton, the only applications
to lease Crown and Clergy land by Peter refer to Sutton lot 9, range 5. On December 28th,
1820 Ammie Squiers sells some land to Peter who states that he is living in Sutton9. On
January 27th, 1825 Peter purchases some land in Eccles Hill10. from William Chadborn, both
are identified as yeomen from St. Armand. Therefore I would conjecture, that for Peter
Schoolcraft and Mary Stolicker to have met and married, Peter probably lived briefly in
Stanbridge with his brothers in the late 1790s but then removed to Sutton shortly after 1801
where he lived till between 1821 and 1824 when he finally removed to St. Armand.

Peter’s location in St. Armand is determined from land deeds and census data. The
concessions and lots in St. Armand are not organized in the same manner as Stanbridge. The
1861 census contains maps that show the concessions run north to south but are numbered
from one in St. Armand West on Missisquoi Bay (Philipsburg) to fifteen in St. Armand East
(Frelighsburg). Lot numbers are shown as being numbered contiguously from the south east
to the north west across all concessions so that lot numbers one through eleven are in
concession fifteen, lots twelve through twenty two are in concession fourteen, and so on. On
January 25th, 1825 Peter purchases land in lots thirty-four and thirty five10. These are the
southernmost lots in concession twelve and are located just to the east of Eccles Hill. Joseph
Bouchette shows this as “Village” [Appendix D, Figure 13] at the point where the road to
Franklin crosses the road that is just on the Canadian side of the border. The 1831 census
shows Peter owning land in concession ten. The names Toof and Vincent are frequently
found as witnesses to Schoolcraft documents in St. Armand. Both these families hold land in
the southern ends of concessions ten and eleven, i.e. in Eccles Hill. This is where I believe
Peter lived. The 1831 census shows him to be Anglican.

Peter Schoolcraft‘s Children

In the following I shall attribute ten children to Peter and Mary. Four can be proven from
vital records and notarial documents. Three are determined from circumstantial evidence that
is substantial enough to claim that they are proven. Three more are difficult to place with any
other parents and as they show an affinity to Peter and Mary’s location, I conjecture that they
are their children.

Hannah11 born in 1802, John12 born in 1805 and Seena13 born in 1809 can be positively
identified as Peter’s children from vital records. A Notarial record14. identifies that Samuel
Coat Schoolcraft is also Peter’s son.

Notary Leon Lalanne

16 November 1833
Deed of Sale Peter Schoolcraft to Samuel Schoolcraft
Deposited 4th Jany 1834
Before the subscribing Witnefses in the Seigniory of St. Armand in the County
of Mifsiskou in the District of Montreal in the Province of Lower Canada,
personally appeared Peter Schoolcraft of the Seigniory of St. Armand

aforesaid, yeoman, who, in the presence of the said subscribing Witnefses
voluntarily declared & acknowledged that for & in consideration of the sum
of twenty five pounds current money of the Province aforesaid, unto him in
hand well & truly paid before the execution of these presents by Samuel Coat
Schoolcraft, his son, of the same place, yeoman, ...

Hannah marries Joseph Vincent on March 14th, 1824. Six children have been identified and
all remain in the vicinity of St. Armand and Franklin, Vermont. Hannah lived to be 91 years
of age. John does not appear to have married but, like Hannah, remains in the vicinity of St.
Armand and Franklin, Vermont. Seena married George Cameron, who was eighteen years
older than she, on April 22nd, 1850. In 1861 Seena is enumerated with the son by this
marriage in the home of her sister Hannah, but without her husband or her nine year old
daughter. I have not located George Cameron subsequent to his marriage so he may have
died shortly after the marriage. Seena is enumerated again in Farnham in 1881 and 1901 with
her married daughter, Janet. Janet had first married John Getty15 in 1868. I can find no issue
from this marriage and the 1881 census shows that she has remarried to Samuel Johnson. The
census shows five children in the household. Three can be proven to be by Samuel’s first
wife, Nancy Getty. The remaining two might be either Samuel and Nancy Johnson’s children
or John and Janet Getty’s children.

Samuel, Christopher and James Schoolcraft, Three Brothers in Illinois

Samuel, Christopher and James can be tracked across country to Winnebago County, Illinois
through the census records listed in Table 14. Christopher and James Schoolcraft are proven
to be brothers in the 1880 Illinois census. We saw above that Samuel is a proven son of Peter.

Table 14: Census Locations of Samuel, Christopher and James

Samuel Christopher James
Born 1800 Born 1807 Born 1817
1831 pp. 1225.39, St. pp. 1229.21, St.
Armand Armand
1840 pp. 308.08, Fletcher pp. 221.31, Fairfax
1850 dw. 3, Georgia VT dw. 160, Franklin VT Dw. 279, Franklin
1860 dw. 2573, Howard IL dw. 179, Highgate
1870 dw. 33, Franklin VT
1880 pp. 36C, Durand IL pp. 36C, Durand IL

James is a witness at Peter’s funeral1 with Joseph Vincent who is proven to be Peter’s son-in-
law. Particularly telling is that Christopher’s daughter, Sarah, is also enumerated with his
presumed brother-in-law Joseph Vincent in 185016, shortly after her mother’s death. In 1870
Christopher, who was widowed in 1850, is living with his nephew Ethan Vincent17 and
Ethan’s daughter. This persistent association of the brothers Christopher and James with

proven members of Peter’s family is sufficiently strong circumstantial evidence that I
consider them to be proven sons of Peter Schoolcraft and Mary Stolicker.

Having discussed these three sons, there are some uncertainties in their own families that
should be reviewed. The 1850 census18 and a Nebraska death record19 can be used to prove
that Samuel married Hannah Bradley. An initial definition of Samuel’s family is determined
from the 1850 census enumeration. Families for two of his children can be similarly
determined. However, the eldest child is enumerated as a male called “Jone”. This individual
is really a mis-enumerated female called Martha Jane who married Silas Jacob Winch but it
is necessary to examine various Minnesota and Illinois records to prove it. The rather
complicated life of Martha’s brother, Andrew Jackson Schoolcraft, is also hidden in these
mid-western records.

The best place to start is with a Civil War pension application20 by Silas Winch. This proves
that he married Martha Jane Schoolcraft on November 22nd, 1862 and that they had six
surviving children in 1898.

Department of the Interior,

Washington D.C. January 15, 1898.
Certificate No. 907553
Name, Silas J. Wench
In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for
your next quarterly payment please favor me by returning this circular to him
with replies to the questions enumerated below.
Very respectfully,
First. Are you married? If so, please state your wife’s full name and her
maiden name. Schoolcraft
Answer. Yes. Martha Jane Wench,
Second. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer. 22nd Nov. 1862, Saratoga Minn, Thos. Dixon J.P.
Third. What record of marriage exists?
Answer. Marriage Certificate on record
Fourth. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your
former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce.
Answer. Yes. Mary F. Slade Prairie Hill Iowa
Fifth. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and dates
of their birth.
Answer. Yes. Clara Bell, Hattie E., Bertha E., Cora May, Alden S. and Rhoda
A. P. Wench. 4th March 1859, 4th July - 64 July 9th - 66 Twins Feb 8 - 68 and
Rhoda Jan 19 1876
Date of reply, July 3d, 1898.

Evidence to substantiate that Martha Jane and “Jone Schoolcraft” really are the same person
comes from two 1870 census enumerations from Prescott, Minnesota. These are extremely
faded and hard to decipher unless you have prior knowledge of the family structure to refer

July 30th, 1870 Prescott, Faribault Co., Minnesota

pp. 12.18, dw. 83 fam. 92 S. Jacob Winch 36 m carpenter VT
Mary J. 35 f keeps house VT
Hattie 7 f MN
H. E. 3 f MN
A. S. 2 m twins MN
C. M. 2 f MN
fam. 93 C. Schoolcraft 23 f teacher Canada
A. C. 2 f NY
A. E. 1 m MN
pp. 13.56, dw. 88 fam. 98 T. Braithwaite 26 m farmer NY
Orpha 23 f keeps house VT
George 4 m MN
Frank 2 m MN
S. Schoolcraft 68 m farmer Canada
Hannah 58 f keeps house Canada
Thos. McCrady 23 m hire hand NY
P. K. Braithwaith 17 m laborer NY
J. A. Snyder 16 m laborer NY

The first family in this document correlates with that described by Silas Winch. The
following discussion shows that family 93, living in the same house as Martha Jane,
correlates with her brother’s (Andrew Jackson Schoolcraft) first wife and his two children.
On the next page, family 98 correlates with Martha Jane’s sister, Ophelia, whose marriage to
Thomas Braithwait21 is recorded in Winona County, Minnesota. Enumerated as part of that
family are Martha Jane’s parents, Samuel and Hannah Schoolcraft. The only major pieces of
this puzzle that are missing are some marriage records. Martha Jane’s cannot be located but
the pension application is sufficient evidence. Andrew Jackson Schoolcraft married three
times. First he married Cordelia Winslow22 in Fillmore Co., Minnesota on May 19th, 1866.
They had two children that have been separately identified through detailed local research by
LaVerda Butler and correlate with the 1870 census. By the time of the 1870 census Andrew
and Cordelia have apparently separated. This is evidenced by the 1875 State census for
Fountain, Fillmore Co., Minnesota23 where Cordelia is enumerated under her maiden name.
By this time Andrew has married Elizabeth Skakel24, 25 in Stephenson Co., Illinois on July
18th, 1874. He had two children by her but appears to have separated by 1880 when she is
enumerated without him. Cordelia meanwhile, has married and then separated from someone
with the surname Eddick as she is enumerated under that name in 1880 but with her two
children by Andrew. Then on April 6th, 1884 he remarries his first wife26, Cordelia, in
Fillmore Co., Minnesota.

Christopher has a larger family but one that is not fully understood. The first problem is that
his wife, Mary Snider, is buried in the Vincent cemetery at Eccles Hill with a death date of
January 25th, 1849. However, she is also apparently enumerated on October 10th, 1850 in
Franklin. I have carefully inspected the cemetery in Eccles Hill and do confirm that the
marker reads exactly as cited. I have concluded that the Mary enumerated in 1850 must be
someone else but I do not know who. Possibly her surname was not Schoolcraft so that she
might be a relative of the recently deceased Mary Snider. The small age discrepancy between
the cemetery record and the census supports this. Most of Christopher’s children can be
determined from census and other records with little difficulty. There is a minor concern
whether Elmer and Emery are one and the same. I think that they are the same person.
Christopher’s children remove a little West of St. Armand and settle in Brome County,
Quebec and Orleans County, Vermont.

Isaac Schoolcraft, The Impossible Grandfather

Isaac Schoolcraft is born about 182527. He first marries Elizabeth Smith who dies in 1864
and is buried in the Vincent cemetery at Eccles Hill. Isaac can be traced from St. Armand
East in 1861, where he is living beside Joseph and Hannah Vincent, to Dunham in 1871, and
then to Brome in 1881 and 1891. Brome is next to Potton, the location that many of
Christopher Schoolcraft’s descendant’s settle. The most telling fact is that Isaac is
enumerated twice in 1891, once with his own family on April 7th28 and again on April 28th29
in the household of Leonard Schoolcraft, who is Christopher’s son. The 1891 census
stipulates family relationships relative to the preceding family head. Leonard, his wife and
children are enumerated first with relationships to Leonard being stated. Then follows
Prescott who is identified as Leonard’s son. Then Prescott’s wife, identified as “wife”, and
finally Isaac who is identified as “g father”. Age alone precludes Isaac from being Prescott’s
grandfather. However, this is a clear indication of a close family relationship. If Isaac were
Peter’s child he would be a brother to Christopher and thus the true relationship should be
recorded as “grand father’s brother”. I believe this is what was probably described to the
enumerator who curtailed it to simplify enumeration. Given that none of Peter’s sons are
married in time to be Isaac’s father, I consider this sufficient evidence to prove that Isaac is
Peter’s son.

The 1891 census includes additional information of genealogical significance. In the second
enumeration on April 28th. Isaac is enumerated as a widower. It appears that Bridget Bream
has died between April 7th and April 28th and that Isaac is, at least temporarily, living with
his nephew in Potton.

The Case For Matilda, and Nancy Schoolcraft

If we are to understand the families around Missisquoi Bay, then we need to examine all
affinities and divide the individuals accordingly. These two individuals both show an affinity
for St. Armand or Franklin County, Vermont, or else show involvement with relatives and
descendants of Peter’s family. At this point I should remind you that Peter was living in
Eccles Hill close to the border. Franklin center is only two and a half miles south of Peter via
Richards Rd. That road was only closed as a border crossing in the twentieth century and
would have previously provided easy access between Eccles Hill and Franklin. The births of
the seven proven children are 1800, 1802, 1805, 1807, 1809, 1817 and 1825. Two noticeable
hiatuses in the birth sequence suggest the presence of other children.

Matilda Schoolcraft married James Prouty30 in Franklin on September 4th, 1831. All this
allows us to determine is that Matilda was probably born before 1815 and probably lived in
Franklin or St. Armand. I conjecture that she is another of Peter’s children.

From her age at death, Nancy Schoolcraft is born about 182331. When she dies in 1853 in
Franklin, Vermont she is buried in Cook’s Corner in St. Armand. The witnesses at her
funeral are N. Vincent and J. Toof, both from families that closely interact with Peter’s
family, as is evidenced in other church records. Indeed, Hannah Schoolcraft married Joseph
Vincent, the brother of Nelson Vincent who is the witness at Nancy’s funeral. This is not
really strong evidence but given that none of Peter’s sons are married in time to be her father.
I conjecture that Nancy is also Peter’s daughter.

Thomas Schoolcraft

Peter or one of his sons probably has a son called Thomas but this is far from proven.
Thomas W. Schoolcraft is married to Dolly Atwood in Georgia, Vermont on September 4th,
185332. The record states that Thomas is residing in Franklin. No age is given. Thomas is
from Franklin and Dolly from Georgia. Even though it is only 3 years previous, neither can
be found in the 1850 census for that part of Vermont. Nor can they be found in the 1852
census for Missisquoi County. The marriage may not have lasted as in 1861 a T. W.
Schoolcraft is enumerated in St. Armand West in the household of Lydia Brill33 when his age
is recorded as 28, born in Quebec. He does not appear to be enumerated in the 1870/71
census. In 1881 a Thomas Schoolcraft, age 60 born in the U.S.A., is enumerated in Potton.
Thomas dies on January 14th, 189234 but no age is recorded. Clearly Thomas’ true age is an
issue and a big problem in deciding his parents. I almost always favor the earliest census
record as the one least likely to be in error when children are enumerated, but Thomas is not
a child in any enumeration. The 1881 census has Thomas born about 1821 in the U.S.A. and
the 1861 has him born about 1834 in Quebec. His own declaration in 1881, rather than that of
his apparent landlord, may be the more reliable. In 1881 he is enumerated in Division 2 in
Potton. In that enumeration dwellings 237, 238 and 239 are respectively Elmer, Leonard, and
Thomas. Elmer and Leonard are both children of Christopher. Orin is another child of
Christopher. Dwellings 47 and 74 in the 1881 enumeration are respectively George and
Linus, two of the Orin’s children. This speaks highly to Thomas being related. None of the
early census enumerations are definitive in showing where Thomas should be placed. Table
15 shows that he does not fit with either Christopher or Samuel. I had considered that
Thomas W. might have been Whitman, the son of Samuel, except that Whitman is readily
shown to have gone to Minnesota by 1870, where he marries and later dies. For the present I
consider Thomas to be another son of Peter, probably born about 1821. To accommodate
this, one must make some assumptions. First that Isaac was born just after the 1825 census so
that Thomas would have been the youngest male child enumerated in 1825. Second that
James, who would be 14 by 1831, is not enumerated in the family at that time.

Table 15: The Early Census Records

1825 1831 1840 Interpretation
Provincial Provincial Federal

Married male 1765-1780 Bef. 1772 Peter Schoolcraft (1768-
Married female Bef. 1781 Bef. 1787 Mary Stolicker (1780-
Single male 1785-1800 Married Samuel (1800-)
Single male 1800-1807 John (1805-1876)
Single male 1800-1807 Married Christopher (1807-)
Single female 1780-1811 Seena (1809-)
Single female 1811-1825 Married Matilda (-)
Single female 1811-1825 1817-1831 Nancy (1823-1853)
Child 1807-1811 Seena
Child 1811-1819 Married Matilda
Child 1811-1819 James (1817-)
Child 1819-1825 1817-1825 Thomas (1821-)
Child 1819-1825 1817-1825 Nancy
Child 1817-1825 Isaac (1825-)
Married male 1771-1801 1790-1800 Samuel (1800-)
Married female 1786-1817 1800-1810 Hannah (1812-)
Male 1830-1835 Whitman (1835-)
Female 1830-1835 Jane (1832-)
Female 1835-1840 Ellen (1837-)
Married male 1801-1810 1800-1810 Christopher (1807-)
Married female 1786-1817 1800-1810 Mary Snyder (1807-1849)
Child 1825-1831 1825-1830 Leonard (1831-1904)
Male 1835-1840 Orin (1832-1896)
Male 1835-1840 Elmore (1835-1915)
Female 1835-1840 Mary (1836- )
Female 1835-1840 Sarah (1839-1867)

Having determined seven, possibly ten, of Peter’s children it is appropriate to examine the
early census records for correlation. Early census records can be tricky. Individuals are
enumerated by age bracket. Consideration of the combination of a specific enumeration date
and the fact that an age can represent a 12 month period means that possible birth year
brackets will appear to overlap. It is further complicated in Canada as females under a certain
age should be enumerated twice, once as children within an age group and once as females
in an age group. Hannah is the only child who has married before 1825 and she may be
discounted in the following. Samuel, and Christopher are married by 1831 and are
enumerated independently. Matilda marries in 1831 and I do not believe she is enumerated
with Peter in 1831. As is often the case, the 1825 census contains an error. The household
claims nine individuals in total. The enumeration has thirteen entries, including three single
females that should also have been enumerated as children. I.e. at least ten individuals are
shown in the columns and only nine in the total. One possible interpretation is that shown in
Table 15. Duplicate enumerations of the daughters as children are indicated thus.

Christopher’s enumeration is fully consistent with the 1850 census that is used to prove his
family. Samuel’s enumeration is consistent with the 1850 census that is used to prove his

family except that Andrew Jackson Schoolcraft, born about 1839, is missing. Possibly
Andrew was actually born in 1840, just after the enumeration.

In my earlier work, I presented a case that Philip Schoolcraft was a child of Peter. The
circumstantial evidence supporting this was weak. I presently believe that Philip is a step son
of Adam Schoolcraft [Chapter 9].

Quebec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, Peter Schoolcraft, of Franklin the State of Vermont died on the
eleventh day of April one thousand eight hundred and fourty two, in the seventy fourth year of his age, and was buried
on the twelfth day of the same, in this parish in presence of the subscribing witnesses by me. Signed James Reid Pastor,
Witnessed Joseph Vincent and James Schoolcraft.
2 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: Deed of Sale 10th January 1833 Peter Schoolcraft to

Patrick Small “...personally appeared Peter Schoolcraft of the Seignory of St. Armand aforesaid and Mary Stolicker his
3 Quebec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Folio fourteenth, Burials: Polly wife of Peter Schoolcraft of the

Seignory of St. Armand Farmer departed this life October the Second aged fifty three years and seven months and was
buried the fourth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three in the presence of
the subscribing witnesses by me Matthew Lang Minister. Witnessed Joseph Vincent, Henry Toof.
4 New York, Hillsdale: Reformed Dutch Church, Reformed Dutch Church, Hillsdale, Columbia Co., New York:

Christening of Maria Stalker on Jun 25, 1780, born Apr 8, 1780, father Johannes Stalker, mother Rosena Egelston.
5 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records: November 1796 Petition of John Stalker for land in Stanbridge.
6 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: January 1804 Roads in St. Armand
7 Vermont: Death Record, Death of John Schoolcraft on 20-Aug-1876 in Franklin VT, age 71 yrs., 6 mos. of

Consumption. M. Born in Sutton QC, parents Peter Schoolcraft & Mary St. Occupation Farmer.
8 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L, Vol. 65, pp. 32486-32489. Jul 20, 1807 petition seeking more favourable lease terms sign

by Peter Schoolcraft, James Schoolcraft and Simon Stone uses the words “back rents”.
9 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: 28th December 1820 Deed of Sale by Ammie Squires to

Peter Schoolcraft. “Peter Schoolcraft, of Sutton aforesaid, yeoman,”

10 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: No. 466, 27th January 1825, Deed of Sale by William

Chadborn to Peter Schoolcraft. Peter purchases 100 acres in lots 34 and 35 and the range is unspecified. From the
description it is located right on the U.S.A. border at 45 degrees latitude.
11 Vermont: Death Record, Franklin VT reported death of Hannah (Schoolcraft) Vincent on 12-May-1894 of old age at

age 91 yrs. 6 mos. 3 days, born in Canada. Parents Peter Schoolcraft and Stolicer. widow.
12 Quebec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, John son of Peter Schoolcraft yeoman of the seignory of St.

Armand and of Polly his wife was born on the twentieth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and five and was baptised on the ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand and thirty two by
me Ingham Sutcliffe Minister, Witnesses Langdon Simpson, Isaac Smith.
13 Quebec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Seena daughter of Peter Schoolcraft yeoman of the Seignory of

Saint Armand and Polly his wife was born on the eighth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and nine and was baptized on the ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
two. Witnessed by Langdon Simpson and Isaac Smith.
14 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: No. 2017 16th November 1833 Peter Schoolcraft to

Samuel Schoolcraft.
Quebec, Farnham: Anglican Church Records, Farnham Anglican Church, LDS Film 1430756: Marriages: John Getty
of the Township of West Farnham County of Missisquoi District of Bedford Bachelor of major age son of George
Getty of the Township of Dunham in the aforesaid County and District and of his wife Polly Truax and Janet Cameron
Spinster of minor age daughter of George Cameron of the Township of West Farnham aforesaid and of his wife Sena
Schoolcraft were married after publication of Banns the thirty first day of December eighteen hundred and sixty eight
by me.
Federal Population Schedule, 14-Oct-1850, pp. 358, dw. 267, Franklin, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 271, Joseph Vincent
age 57 sex M farmer born in NY, Hannah age 47 sex F born in Canada, Leandia age 22 sex M farmer born in Canada,
Allen age 19 sex M farmer born in Canada, Charlotte age 15 sex F born in Canada, Sarah Schoolcraft age 12 sex F born
in VT, Benjamin Stoliker age 15 sex M born in Canada.

17 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jul-1870, pp. 5.18, dw. 33, Franklin, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 34, Ethan Vincent age
49 sex M farmer born in Canada, Abigail age 18 sex F born in VT, Hawley Litteman age 12 sex M at home born in VT,
Cynthia Beckham age 45 sex F born in Canada, Kit Schoolcraft age 60 sex M farm labororer born in VT, Mary Vincent
age 49 sex F keeps house born in VT.
18 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Aug-1850, dw. 3, Georgia, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 3, Samuel Schoolcraft age 50

sex m stone mason born in Canada, Hannah age 38 sex f born in VT, Jone age 18 sex m born in VT, Whitman age 16
sex m born in VT, Ellen age 13 sex f born in VT, Jackson age 11 sex m born in VT, Maria age 8 sex f born in VT,
Ophelia age 4 sex f born in VT, Other lodgers.
19 Nebraska: Vital Records, Napier, Boyd Co. #959: Maria O. Cowan wht., fem., wid. b. Feb 29, 1845 VT ae. 67 yrs.

10 mos. 30 days, housewife d. Jan 29, 1912 of Choleti~hirsis contributory peritonitis.. Parents Samuel Schoolcraft b.
VT & Hannah Bradley b. VT. Informant J. B. Bailey (undertaker) of Napier filed Jan 30, 1912. Bur. Oceola, Nebr. Feb
Military Records: Civil War listings, Pension application, Cert. No. 907553, 15 Jan 1898: Silas J. Wench, married to
Martha Jane Schoolcraft on 22 Nov 1862, Saratoga, MN, certificate on record. Prev. marriage to Mary F. Slade in
Prairie Hill, IA. Children Clara Bell, Hattie E., Bertha E., Cora May, Alden S. and Rhoda A. P. Wench. 4 Mar 1859, 4
Jul 64, 9 Jul 66 twins, 8 Feb 68 and Rhoda 19 Jan 1876. Signed 3 Jul 1898.
Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1377817 Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950: Thomas B. Braithwait to
Ophelia Schoolcraft on 17 Jul 1864 Winona, Minnesota.
22 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1316804 Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950: A. J. Schoolcraft to Adelia

Winslow on 19 May 1866 Filmore, Minnesota.

23 State Census, State Census 1875, Fountain, Fillmore Co., MN, family 121. Cordelia E. Winslow, female age 28 born

in Canada, father born VT, mother born Canada, Alfrereta C., female age 7 born in MN.
24 Illinois: Vital Records, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763 - 1900: Schoolcraft, Andrew J and Tucker, Bessie

(Mrs). Married Stephenson Co. 18-Jul-1874. License 9.

25 David J. Ellis, The 1880 census shows Betsy's maiden name as her brother is living with her.
26 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1316805 Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950: A. J. Schoolcraft to C. E.

Winslow on 6 Apr 1884 Filmore, Minnesota.

27 Quebec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 11.19, St. Armand East, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story, 1 family frame house, Isaac H.

Schoolcraft age 36 M/M born in L.C. occ./rel. farmer, W. Methodist, Elisabeth Schoolcraft age 30 F/M born in U.C.
occ./rel. W. Methodist, Mary Smith age 13 F/S born in U.C. occ./rel. spinster, W. Methodist.
28 Quebec: Census, 7-Apr-1891, pp. 4.02, Hse. 20, Dist. 143-C Div. 1, Brome, Brome Co., Isaac Schoolcraft, male, age

64, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., labourer, Bridget, female, age 56, married, wife, born in
Ireland, father Ireland, mother Ireland, Meth., Minerva, female, age 22, divorced, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother
Ireland, C. Eng., Susan, female, age 21, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C. Eng., John, male, age 18, son,
born in QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C. Eng., George, male, age 16, son, born in QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C.
Eng., James, male, age 14, son, born in QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C. Eng., Grace, female, age 10, dau, born in
QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C. Eng., Olive, female, age 2, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C. Eng.
29 Quebec: Census, 28-Apr-1891, pp. 29.24, Hse. 155, Dist. 143-E Div. 2, Potton, Brome Co., Leonard Schoolcraft,

male, age 58, married, head, born in USA, father QC, mother QC, farmer, Maria, female, age 49, married, wife, born in
USA, father USA, mother USA, Minnie, female, age 16, daughter, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, farmer,
Arvilla, female, age 10, daughter, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, Orville O., male, age 6, son, born in QC,
father USA, mother USA, Prescott, male, age 25, son, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, Etta, female, age 16,
wife, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, Isaac, male, age 64, widow, g fath, born in USA, father USA, mother
30 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Matilda Schoolcraft to James Prouty on 4-Sep-1831.
Quebec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, Nancy R. Schoolcraft, single woman of Franklin Vermont died on
the second day of March one Thousand eight hundred and fifty three aged thirty years and was buried on the fourth day
of the same at Cooks Corner in the presence of her friends by me James Reid Minister. Witness N. Vincent, J. W. Toof.
32 Vermont, Georgia: Town Records, Georgia VT Marriage Records, Book 1, pp. 21: Be it remembered that at Georgia

County and State aforesaid on this 4th day of Sept AD 1853 Thomas W. Schoolcraft of Franklin & Dolly L. Atwood of
Georgia were duly joined in marriage by me E. M. Kellogg, Minister of the Gospel.
33 Quebec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 1.32, St. Armand West, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 2 family frame house, Lydia Brill

age 75 F/S born in U. States occ./rel. farmer, W. Methodist, John Brill age 23 M/M born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer, W.
Methodist, Hellen Brill age 23 F/M born in U. States occ./rel. F. Baptist, T. W. Schoolcraft age 28 M/S born in L.C.
occ./rel. laborer, E. methodist.

34Quebec, Mansonville: Methodist Church Records, Thomas Schoolcraft of the Township of Potton in the County of
Brome, died on the fourteenth day of january in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety two and
was buried by me on the sixteenth day of the month in the said year in the presence of the subscribing witnesses:
Elmore [X] Schoolcraft. P. H. Allin [Minister].

Chapter 13: John Schoolcraft, A
Family Under Stress
John Schoolcraft’s known family is small, but challenging, as only one child is proven. There
are tantalizing hints at family relationships but in the end most of what follows in this chapter
is conjecture. I shall show that John is located to the West and South of Adam. The Pike
River also separates him from his brothers. That is some help in disambiguating his family
from those of his brothers but only five miles is involved. A key factor is that Adam’s family
and James’ family are both fully determined so they cannot be the parents of any of the
individuals discussed in this chapter.

I discussed in Chapter 5 that John was born on 12th August 1766 in Anaquassacook. He was
too young to be involved in the Revolutionary War. John is the recipient of a land grant in
Durham, Drummond County in 18021. The grant is for lot 17 in range 8. This is a
considerable distance from Stanbridge and I’m uncertain if John ever lived there. He holds
that land until 1814, and then sells it2 to Anthony Stockham. However, he is recorded as
living in Stanbridge in 1807 when Catherine Phelps sells land to Isaac Asseltine in 18073. I
have not been able to determine how significant John’s presence was in Durham. From 1825
to 1842 John is listed in the Stanbridge census. From 18314 we learn that he is renting land in
Range 8. At this point we can see that it is lot 11 in range 8 that he shares with another
person [Appendix D, Figure 12]. This lot touches the South West corner of lot 12 in range 7
that was granted to Adam Schoolcraft. (On a modern map, Appendix D, Figure 14, this is
located near the junction of Rang Brais and Chemin de la Rivière west of Bedford.) A very
near neighbor is significant, Solomon Dunham, whom I shall discuss shortly.

The census implies that John Schoolcraft did not have a large family living with him. 1825
shows only one possible child and 1831 shows none. John declares as a Methodist in 1831
and in 1842. Only one of John’s children can be positively identified, Lydia, who is married
in a Methodist church. Lydia marries Henry Notemire in 18305 and identifies her mother
only as Barbary. This was a second marriage for Henry Notemire who has lived near John
Schoolcraft in range 8 at least since 1825. Henry’s first marriage was to Elizabeth
Schoolcraft who is Lydia’s first cousin. I shall discuss Elizabeth in Chapter 14.

Although I did not originally determine John’s family in the sequence that I shall describe, it
is easier to follow if approached with the known end point stated. I believe that most of
John’s family, except for two children and some grandchildren, had died before April 7th,
1842. Furthermore, several members of this family died during the early summer of 1842.
This is consistent with the 1842 enumeration that shows John in a household without a
married female, with two married males, and with only adults present, two of which seem to
be visitors. That looks like a gathering after the recent death of a family member.

Who is Solomon Dunham?

Solomon Dunham is shown on lot 10 in range 7 [Appendix D, Figure 12]. This was land he
obtained as one of the original associates in the Stanbridge grant. If we return to the 1795

Oath of Allegiance we find that Solomon is listed with William, Peter and Martin Schoolcraft
and Simon Stone. He is also listed next to Simon Stone on the 1795 Granby land petition. He
would certainly have known the Schoolcraft’s. These coincidences could easily be dismissed
were it not for Solomon’s Will. This Will was not prepared by a notary and thus was
probated in Montreal.

Holographic Will: No. 381

The 31st August 1842
Probate of the last Will and Testament of Solomon Dunham
In the name of God Amen. I Solomon Dunham of the Township of Stanbridge,
County of Missiskuoi - District of Montreal and Province of Canada, Farmer,
being weak in the body but of sound mind, memory and understanding do
make and publish the following as my last Will and Testament, uterly revoking
all former Wills by me made, do declare this to be my last Will and Testament.
Firstly - With much humility I resign my Soul to God who gave it and my body
to its Mother Earth to be interred in such decent and Christian like manner as
my Executors hereinafter named shall be pleased to direct. and so touching
my Estate with which it has pleased Almighty God to bless me with. I do give
and bequeath in manner and form following to wit.
Secondly - I do give and bequeath unto Christopher Schoolcraft of the
Township of Stanbridge aforesaid, the free use and occupancy of Twenty five
acres of Land, the same that he now lives upon and occupies, it being the
North Westerly part of my farm in Stanbridge aforesaid, during his natural
life, and which Twenty five acres of land aforesaid I do order and direct shall
at the decease of the said Christopher, be given to, held by and by these
presents forever bequeathed unto Mary Schoolcraft the daughter of said
Christopher and unto her heirs and assigns forever -
Thirdly - I do also give and bequeath unto Melinda Schoolcraft the present
wife of James Watson of Stanbridge aforesaid the free use and occupancy
during her natural life of one acre of Land lying and being on the North side
of and adjoining to Pyke River, being a part of my farm, on which is erected
and standing a framed Building formerly used and occupied by said James
Watson as a Wheelwright shop together with a water privilege on said Pike
River adjoining to said one acre of Land for the use of said Wheelright shop
and for other purposes and also a passage or Road way leading from said
shop to the Main Road going to Bedford Village, sufficient for a two horse
team, to be made, fenced and kept in repair by herself and her Heirs and the
whole of the aforesaid one Acre of Land, the Buildings, water privileges and
appartenance are herein before granted to Melinda Schoolcraft during her
natural life, I do order and direct shall at her decease, be equally divided
between her lawful begotten Children by James Watson, to them and their
heirs forever -
Fourthly - I do also give and bequeath unto Mary Schoolcraft the present wife
of William Gray of the Township of Stanbridge aforesaid, the free use and
occupancy of Twenty five acres of Land being a certain part or portion of my

farm in Stanbridge, the same on which she now lives with her family to be
divided and set off to her according to my directions, or according to the
directions of my Executor, on condition that the said Mary and her husband
William do abandon and deliver over to my said Executor all of the Pine Logs
taken off my said farm by said Young man lying in the Mill Yard occupied by
Daniel Meigs --- which if not abandonned and given up this fourth bequest is
null and void otherwise good and valid provided that she the said Mary either
her husband William, shall cut or cause to be cut and taken from off my farm
without his excuses of any Kind of Tree or timber without first obtaining
permission from my hereinafter named Executor so to do, and which said
Twenty five acres herein mentioned and granted to Mary Schoolcraft the wife
of William Gray I do order and direct shall at her decease be equally divided
between her present Heirs by William Gray to them and their Heirs and
assigns forever -
Fifthly - I do also give and bequeath unto my dear wife Eve all the rest and
residue of my Estate both real and personal after all my just debts - funeral
charges, and the expense of enregistering this my last Will and Testament are
paid. together will all other expenses in the settlement of my Estate to the only
proper use and disposal of my said wife Eve and her assigns forever, and also
during her life, at her free disposal to give and bequeath the same to
whomever she may please to them and their Heirs for ever.
Lastly - I do hereby appoint my dear wife Eve[,] Clark Rogue Vaughan,
Esquire, together with Samuel M. Conant, all of Stanbirdge aforesaid,
Executors to this my last Will and Testament.
Solomon “X” Dunham
Signed, sealed and declared by the said Testator to be his last Will and
Testament this Seventh day of April in the year of Our Lord, One thousand
Eight hundred and fourty two in the presence of the undersigned witnesses -
Signed John Watson
John C. Bockus
Saml. M. Conant
Signed C. R. Vaughan Witness this will
at the request of the Testator
the 15th day of April 1842

No family relationship is expressed between Solomon Dunham and the Schoolcraft’s yet
Solomon is making quite sizeable bequests to Christopher, his daughter Mary, and to
Melinda and Mary Schoolcraft, despite the fact that Mary’s husband has apparently been
stealing logs from him. Aside from his wife, Eve, the Schoolcraft family is the only
beneficiary. I feel this Will definitely implies a family relationship.

Before proceeding to analyze this situation it is necessary to establish some dates for those
mentioned in the Will. Christopher Schoolcraft is born about 17936 and marries Hannah
Gibson7, who died shortly before this will was prepared. Mary Ann Schoolcraft,
Christopher’s daughter, is born in August 18278. She is unmarried at the time of this Will.

The census shows Melinda Schoolcraft is born about 18229. The Mary Schoolcraft, wife of
William Gray, is born before 1805 because her first child is born in 182010. Death records
show that Solomon Dunham was born about 175611 and that his wife, Eve, was born about

Mary Schoolcraft, born before 1805, cannot be Christopher’s daughter but her inclusion in
the Will demands a close relationship. Probably it is a sibling relationship. Christopher
Schoolcraft is enumerated in 1825 with a wife and two young children13, one son and one
daughter. John Schoolcraft is enumerated in 1825 with a wife and a single adult male. This is
consistent with Melinda Schoolcraft being Christopher’s daughter. Solomon Dunham, John
Schoolcraft, Henry Notemire and William Gray are all enumerated close together, in ranges 7
and 8, in 1831. In 1842 Solomon Dunham, John Schoolcraft, Christopher Schoolcraft and
William Gray are still together, although Henry Notemire is no longer enumerated. John
Schoolcraft’s wife, Barbary, does not appear to be included in the 1842 enumeration. A
plausible interpretation is that Christopher and Mary Schoolcraft are both children of John
Schoolcraft. Such an interpretation would be consistent with Solomon’s Will if he were
Christopher and Mary Schoolcraft’s maternal grandfather. Thus John Schoolcraft’s wife
would be Barbary Dunham.

One thing is suggested by the foregoing analysis. The mention of only two grandchildren in
Solomon Dunham’s Will implies that no individual surviving after 1842 should be
considered to be John Schoolcraft’s child. However, the same cannot be applied to the great
grandchildren. Mary Schoolcraft and William Gray had five children, none of whom are
mentioned in the Will. One can imagine many reasons for this but I suspect that the very
recent death of their mother is the reason that only Christopher’s children were included.

It is appropriate to test other facts against this hypothesis. John’s wife, Barbary, is the only
one of the wives of the Schoolcraft brothers whose maiden name is not already known. Mary
includes the Dunham name when she baptizes her second child14, Edward Dunham Gray.
Neither Lydia Schoolcraft nor Henry Notemire can be located after 1831 suggesting one or
both may have died. If that were the case it would explain why they are not beneficiaries of
the Will. Barbary does not appear to be included in John’s 1842 enumeration indicating that
she also had died and so would not be a beneficiary. Christopher and Hannah are buried in
the older part of Mystic cemetery. They are side by side in range 2, lots 1 and 2. Next to them
are three unmarked lots. Then in lot 6 is Solomon Schoolcraft who died in 1818 at age 19.
Then follow another seven unmarked lots before we reach a much later date burial of
Amanda Schoolcraft. Solomon is an uncommon name in the Schoolcraft family and I
conjecture that Solomon may be another child of John and Barbary who was named for a
maternal grandfather. Christopher, the first child, was probably named for his paternal
grandfather. All these facts are consistent with the hypothesis that Christopher and Mary
were the only surviving grandchildren when Solomon Dunham prepared his Will.

Simon Schoolcraft

Before closing John Schoolcraft’s family there is one more situation that must be taken into
account. There are two individuals called Simon Schoolcraft that are enumerated in 1831
with a wife and family. One of these is positively identified as the son of Martin Schoolcraft
and will be discussed in Chapter 14. The other is enumerated in 1831 renting land very close
to two of Adam Schoolcraft’s sons15. He cannot be Adam’s son as Adam’s family is fully
determined. Further, Adam’s sons are shown as land owners, not renters. However, he is also
only a few entries from John Schoolcraft whose land is just across the river from Adam’s
sons. I conjecture that this Simon has to be John’s son as no other possibilities exist. This is
not inconsistent with the foregoing discussion as Simon is missing from the 1842
enumeration and may have died as did so many others in this family.

A Final Look at John Schoolcraft‘s Family

Consider this family’s situation in 1842. The census record implies that Barbary died
between 1831 and 1842, probably very recently. Hannah Gibson died in October 1841.
Solomon Dunham died at the end of May 1842. Christopher Schoolcraft died a few days after
Solomon in early June 1842. Although John’s death has not been determined, he did not
survive to 1852. Neither Simon Schoolcraft mentioned just previously nor Lydia Schoolcraft
and her husband are found in the 1842 census suggesting they had died before Solomon
made his Will. There seems to be a lot of death in this family in and about 1841 and 1842. I
suspect that some illness was afflicting the families in that part of Stanbridge, which was
located along the southern river bank, just west of present day Bedford. With so many deaths
this was clearly a family under considerable stress. It is possible that that same reason
explains the disappearance of two of Adam Schoolcraft’s children, William and Huldah,
around the same time as they were living on the opposite bank of the same river.

The foregoing discussion has suggested five children. Christopher is born about 1793;
Solomon is born about 1799; Simon is born between 1802 and 1810; Mary is born before
1805 and probably after 1801 which is her husband’s date of birth; and Lydia is born before
1810. Only a few descendants of Christopher and Mary are known. Mary dies on January 1st,
184716 and William Gray later marries her first cousin17, once removed. Mary’s descendants
remain in the vicinity of Bedford. Christopher’s daughter, Melinda, removes to Isle La
Motte, Grand Isle Co., Vermont. In 1849 she sells the land that she inherited from Solomon
Dunham to Cyrene Schoolcraft18. I believe this to be a conventional sale that does not imply
any special relationship between Cyrene and Melinda, who are 2nd cousins. Christopher’s
second daughter, Mary Ann, has a relationship with Levi Traver in May 1856 that results in
an illegitimate child19.

There is still too much unknown to feel confident about John Schoolcraft’s family. The
material presented here should be considered only as a starting point for future work.

Before leaving this section I have one last observation. Range 2 in the Mystic cemetery is in
the older part of the cemetery against the fence. Perhaps those ten unmarked lots amongst the
Schoolcraft’s are not really empty but represent some of the early ancestors whose graves
have not been found. In early times, many were buried with wooden markers that would have
decayed. It is possible that the three ‘empty’ lots between Christopher and Solomon may
include the burial site of John and his wife. When working with the Mystic cemetery listing,
be alert that there are two versions at the Missisquoi Historical Society. The first was
prepared from tombstones and information from the directors and is so marked, although
there are typographical errors. The second is an alphabetized transcription that unfortunately
contains quite a few errors. It has also been supplemented with family information that is not
present in the cemetery records and comes from unstated sources. The first listing is the more
accurate. While the alphabetized version is easier to use, information in it should be verified
in the first version or, if possible, with the actual tombstones.

1 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Land grant list 30th August 1802.
2 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: Unumbered, 10th June 1814, Sale by John Schoolcraft to
Anthony Stockham.
3 Quebec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac

Quebec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.21, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 8 Head of
household John Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 2 Total in household. Males: 1 60 and up Marr., Females: 1 45 and up
Marr., 2 Methodist.
Quebec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Marriages: On the twenty ninth day of December in the year of our
Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty one Henry Notemire Farmer of the Township of Stanbridge Widower
and Lydia Schoolcraft Spinster both of the same Township both parties being of age and with the consent of the parents
of the aforesaid Lydia Schoolcraft after due publication of banns were united in holy matrimony in the presence of John
Schoolcraft and Barbary Schoolcraft the Father and Mother of Lydia Schoolcraft aforesaid. Henry Notemire, Lydia
Notemire, John Schoolcraft, Barbary Schoolcraft. None of these persons being able to sign their names they were
written by me.
6 Quebec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Christopher Schoolcraft of Bedford, Farmer aged Forty Nine years

died on Friday the Third of June and was buried on Sunday the 5th of June One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty
Two. By me, James Jones. Witness Shelden Berman, John Bockus.
7 Quebec, Stanbridge: Cemetery Headstone, Mystic: Marker, family group of two: SCHOOLCRAFT, Christopher d. 3

June 1842 ae. 48 yrs.: SCHOOLCRAFT, Hannah d. 20 Oct 1841 ae. 38 yrs. wife of Christopher Schoolcraft.
8 Quebec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, Bedford, Burial: Mary Ann Schoolcraft daughter of Christopher

Schoolcraft, farmer, Bedford, and Hannah Gibson his wife, was born at Bedford on the -- day of August eighteen
hundred and twenty seven, died on the thirtieth day of March Eighteen hundred and seventy five, and was buried on the
first day of April by me. Witness Lyman Barnes and,illegible.
9 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Sep-1850, dw. 624, Isle La Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT, fam. 625, James Watson age

34 sex m laborer born in England, Malinda age 28 sex f born in Canada, Julia age 12 sex f born in Canada, William age
10 sex m born in Canada, Mary J. age 2 sex f born in Canada.
10 Quebec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Julia Lucina Gray born Feb 17, 1820,

bapt. Jul 16, 1842 d/o William and Mary Gray of Bedford.
11 Quebec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Solomon Dunham of Bedford, farmer aged 86 years. He died on

Tuesday the thirty first of May and was buried on Thursday the second of June one thousand eight hundred and fourty
12 Quebec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.6: Dunham, Eve, D. Dec. 11, 1848, Bu. Dec.

13, 1848, ae. 84Yrs. Wit: N.S. Brown.

13 Quebec: Census, 1825: pp. 812.19, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Christopher

Schoolcraft, 4 total in household, 2 under 6. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
Quebec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Edward Dunham Gray born Oct. 8, 1822,
bapt. Jul 16, 1842 s/o William and Mary Gray of Bedford.
15 Quebec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.07, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of

household Simon Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 3 Total in household, 1 5 and under. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr.,
Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 3 Anglican.
16 Quebec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Stanbridge Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Gray, Mary, D. Jan. 1,

1847, Bu. Jan. 4, 1847, Wit: E. Jones.

17 Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst), Page 507 records the

marriage of Zanetta 0. STONE, age 23, of Stanbridge to William Asa GRAY on 26 Oct 1848 in Stanbridge BA church.
Quebec, Bedford: Land Registry Records, Bedford Registry of Deeds, Register B, Vol 4, pp. 371, #1705: 17 July
1849. Malinda w/o James Watson of Isle La Mott in Grand Isle VT for $130 to Cyrene Schoolcraft of Stanbridge part
of Lot 10, Range 7. Same as conveyed to Malinda in Will of Solomon Dunham.
19 Quebec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.5: Traver, William Freeman D. Sept. 25,

1859 Bu. Sept. 27, 1859 ae. 2Y. 7M. Illegitimate child of Levi & Mary Ann Schoolcraft Traver of Dunham Phil. Ang.

Chapter 14: Martin Schoolcraft of
St. Ignace de Stanbridge
In this chapter I shall show that Martin Schoolcraft was the second of the two brothers who
lived in St. Ignace de Stanbridge. I shall show that Martin married Hannah Scofield. I shall
present proof that Hannah Schoolcraft and Simon Schoolcraft are his children. I shall show
from circumstantial evidence that Scofield Schoolcraft and Peter Schoolcraft are both
probably his children. The evidence for Scofield Schoolcraft is sufficiently strong that I
consider his relationship to be proven. I shall discuss that two daughters and a son that have
Anglican marriages are probably also his children. I shall also discuss others where the case
is somewhat weaker.

Martin Schoolcraft is the last of the brothers in the Eastern Townships with a proven family.
Martin is baptized on the 6th February 1764 in Schenectady1. In Chapter 5, page 65 I
discussed Martin’s presence in the various Land Grant Applications leading up to 1800.
When he took the Oath of Allegiance in 1795 he did not indicate any destination. On August
24th, 1801 he applied, with his brother James, for Crown land in Stanbridge. They were
seeking the adjacent lots fourteen and fifteen in Range nine. That would be in Pike River
village. There is no evidence to suggest this application was granted. The Leon Lalanne
document from 18072 that was first presented in Chapter 5 does not include Martin. This may
indicate he was a later arrival in Stanbridge or it may have no significance whatsoever. The
earliest positive proof of Martin’s presence in Stanbridge is on page 808.25 of the 1825
census3. He is enumerated adjacent to Scofield Schoolcraft, Peter Schoolcraft and Peter
Stone. James Schoolcraft is also enumerated nearby, and is living just North of St. Ignace de
Stanbridge. In Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Ignace de Stanbridge by Abbé Isidore
Desnoyers it is explained that what we know today as St. Ignace de Stanbridge was originally
known as Stone Settlement. This was with good reason. Simon Stone and his sons all lived in
that village. Abbé Isidore Desnoyers identifies that Simon Stone lived on lot 19, range 44 (the
site of the present church) and that Peter Stone was nearby. Other members of the Stone
family were a little South where the Stone cemetery is located. This is where Martin is living
in 1825. The more significant item in the 1825 census is that Martin is shown as unmarried
implying his wife had died. In 1831 on page 1251.395 Scofield Schoolcraft is listed with a
family of his own and a single elderly adult male that correlates with Martin. Martin married
Hannah Scofield6 so that the unusual name Scofield, together with their proximity in the
1825 census seems conclusive evidence that Scofield would be Martin’s son. Scofield is also
shown to be living in Range 4, still close to Peter Stone and James Schoolcraft, reinforcing
that Martin was a resident of St. Ignace de Stanbridge. I have not been able to determine
Martin’s precise location as he is not shown on the early maps but I believe it likely he was
living very close to Peter Stone in the center, or just to the South, of St. Ignace de Stanbridge.
All members of the family are identified as Anglican in 1831. I believe this choice of faith
may have come into the family from Hannah Scofield. Peter is the only other one of
Christian Schoolcraft’s children to declare as Anglican and he is a resident of Sutton and
later St. Armand so his children are unlikely to be found in St. Ignace de Stanbridge.

Before dealing with Martin’s children it is appropriate to address a point about Hannah
Scofield. It has been claimed that Hannah was buried in Farnham Center cemetery in 1815 at
age 38. This claim is incorrect. The Farnham Center cemetery record that is often referred to
was mis-transcribed and should read 1845, not 1815. The full record identifies that this is
Hannah L. Ring, the wife of Moses Schoolcraft. This record was first referred to in Chapter
11, page 121.

There are only a few possibilities for confusion remaining. Very few of the descendants of
any of the brothers have families earlier than about 1820. Thus individuals born before about
1820 are going to be children of one of these brothers. Only Martin, Adam, James and John
lived in Stanbridge. James and Adam’s families are fully determined. Solomon Dunham’s
Will, which was discussed in Chapter 13, page 141, implies that John’s family does not to
contain anyone who was alive after 1842, except those individuals mentioned in the Will.
Thus any Schoolcraft in Stanbridge, born before about 1820, and not previously discussed
should be considered a strong candidate for being Martin’s child. Other indicators are if they
are from St. Ignace de Stanbridge or belong to the Anglican faith, although religion is not a
strong indicator as descendants may change faith when they marry and for other reasons.

Three Children That Can Be Proven

Simon Schoolcraft is the only child that has a baptismal record. He is baptized into the
Methodist church6 as an adult in 1844 and at that time explicitly identifies his father and
mother as well as his birth date on March 18th, 1800. This record also proves that Martin
Schoolcraft married Hannah Scofield.

Before we move on from Simon we must consider the Montreal Tutorship Record No. 5017
as this provides proof that Simon and Hannah are brother and sister. This record is two
documents. The first document is a declaration that details why the action is being taken:

14th Augt. 1854

Minors Simon Schoolcraft Tutorship
On the tenth day of July in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and fifty four, in the afternoon -
Before me, the undersigned Public Notary, duly commissioned for Lower
Canada, residing in the District of Montreal came and appeared Elizabeth
Kinman, widow and relict of the late Simon Schoolcraft in his life time of the
Township of Stanbridge yeoman, who departed this life the Twenty fifth day of
November Eighteen hundred and fifty two leaving issue of his marriage with
the said Elizabeth Kinman six minor children and whereas it becomes
necessary that a Tutor or Tutrix and sub Tutor should be appointed to the six
minors as well to their persons as to their property and for other legal
purposes she requires the counsel and advice of the relations and friends of
the said minors -
Therefore act at the late house and residence of the said late Simon
Schoolcraft, on the day month and year aforesaid and signed by me the said
notary the said Elizabeth declaring she could not write

Signed J. M. McGregor

Then follows the document in which the tutor is appointed:

On the tenth day of July, in the afternoon in the year of Our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and fifty four -
Before me the undersigned Public Notary for Lower Canada - residing in the
District of Montreal Came and appeared, Elizabeth Kinman, widow and relict
of the late Simon Schoolcraft in his life time of the Township of Stanbridge
yeoman deceased, who hath caused to be assembled before me the said notary
for the purposes mentioned in the above declaration made before me on the
tenth day of July Instant to the intent that a tutor or tutrix and sub tutor be
appointed to Emily, Edward, Polly, Jewich, Phillip and Ibei Schoolcraft of the
respective ages of nineteen, sixteen, fourteen, twelve, ten and seven, minor
children issue of her marriage with the said Simon Schoolcraft to wit - Elijah
Spiers of the Seignory of Noyan yeoman cousin of the said minors - Joel
Spears of the Seignory of Noyan yeoman cousin of the said minors Gilbert
McDougal of the Seignory of Noyan yeoman, William Bailley of the Seignory
of Noyan yeoman Elihu Spears of the Seignory of Noyan Henry Spears of the
Seignory of Noyan yeoman, Joseph Patreau of the Seignory of Noyan,
yeoman, all [Margin Note 1: friends] and relations of said minors, who after
having been duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelist taken communication of the
declaration above mentioned and maturely deliberated together were
unaminous of opinion that the said Elizabeth Kinman be tutrix and the said
Joel Spears of the Seignory of Noyan yeoman, as sub tutor, who being present
have voluntarily accepted the said office and promised under oath to fulfill the
duties thereof, wherefore act at the late residence of the said late Simon
Schoolcraft in the said township of Stanbridge on the day and year first before
enterred and have signed with me the said notary - except the said Elihu
Spears, Joseph Patreau and Elizabeth Kinman who declared they could not
write have made their mark. Three words erased null one marginal note good.
Signed J. Spears
Elijah Spears
William Bailey
Gilbert McDougal
Henry Spears
Elihu “X” Spears
Joseph “X” Patreau
Elizabeth “X” Kinman
J. M. McGregor

There is considerable genealogical information in these documents that I shall return to later.
For the present I wish to focus on Elizabeth Kinman. Her name is also recorded as Elizabeth
Cummings. Simon and Elizabeth are found in the 1852 census living in St. Alexandre8,
Rouville County. Simon is erroneously recorded as Samuel in this French language census
but Elizabeth’s presence resolves the mistake. This document shows that the Simon who

married Elizabeth was born about 1800 and thus is the one that is Martin’s son. Because this
census was taken only a few months before Simon’s death I believe it likely that Simon had
been ill for a while and that the children were already at least partly in the care of the tutors
referred to above. The tutorship document identifies that Joel and Elijah Spears were cousins
to Simon’s children.

The Vermont record shows that Hannah Schoolcraft married Moses Spears9 in 1807. The
Pike River cemetery listing10 shows she was born about 1789 and provides the names of
several of her children. This marriage is the clue that there is a relationship between Hannah
and Simon Schoolcraft. From the tutorial document we see that Elijah Spears is a cousin to
Simon’s children. Elijah is Moses Spears’, and thus Hannah Schoolcraft’s, son11. He was
born about 1812. Joel Spears was born on December 5th, 181012 and was also Hannah’s
child13. Therefore Hannah Schoolcraft must Martin Schoolcraft’s daughter.

Although I do not have a document trail to conclusively prove that Scofield Schoolcraft is
Martin’s son I consider him to be proven. The 1825 census record shows him adjacent to
Martin. The 1831 census record shows includes an elderly single male that is almost certain
to be Martin. The name Scofield is sufficiently unique that the match to his mother’s maiden
name is extremely significant.

Before we leave this part of the analysis I wish to work backwards from the 1852 census
record for Simon and Elizabeth. In 1842 only a single record exists for Simon14 that shows
him with a substantial family that accommodates the children described in the tutorship
record. Examination of the 1831 census shows two persons called Simon Schoolcraft. One is
living in the north end of Mystic village15 in range 7, next to Solomon Walbridge whose
location is lot 15 in range 6. The other is farther south16 and renting land in range 7 near
Christopher Schoolcraft. Christopher inherited his land on lot 12 in range 7 from his father,
Adam, and is discussed in Chapter 9, page 95. Only the one who is living in the north end of
Mystic village15 in range 7, next to Solomon Walbridge accommodates someone born in
1800. The younger one was John Schoolcraft’s son, who I believe had died by 1842. The
1831 record for the elder Simon includes two children aged 5 and under. As females under
age 14 are explicitly counted, these two children must be male, one of whom will be Simon
Jr. In 1825 a Simon Schoolcraft is enumerated with a single, presently unidentified, male
child17 who appears to still be with Simon in 1831. This 1825 enumeration is adjacent to
Simon Stone in St. Ignace de Stanbridge, close to Martin. Elizabeth Kinman is only fifteen
by 1825. I believe her marriage to Simon either occurred about 1825, or she grew a little
younger by 1852. To recap, Martin’s son Simon is enumerated in 1825 on page 808.08, 1831
on page 1253.23, in 1842 on page 2576.11 and in 1852 on page 85.12 in St. Alexandre.
Three Early Anglican Marriages

I believe the parents religion to be significant discriminator with female children as the
bride’s family generally chose the marriage location. While exceptions do exist, these usually
involve marriages between Protestants and Catholics where Catholicism tends to dominate.
Two early Anglican marriages are recorded in the Philipsburg Anglican church. Orra
Schoolcraft marries Jacob Boomhower18 on February 1st, 1813. (Orra is the reason that I got
involved with Schoolcraft genealogy in the first place.) This suggests Martin might be her
father but more evidence is required. Jacob Boomhower is the son of a father by that same
name that was an original settler in Stanbridge on lot 14 in range 6. While his father
purchased land in Pike River in 1815, his family was living in Mystic before that. This is
sufficiently close to Martin to foster a relationship between the children. The marriage
between Orra and Jacob would probably have taken place in St. Ignace de Stanbridge. In
previous chapters I showed that the families of the other brothers were fully determined.
Therefore Martin really is the only remaining choice as Orra’s father. Although this is based
on location and religion I consider this relationship to be probable.

The second marriage is on February 4th, 1816 between Elizabeth Schoolcraft and Henry
Notemire19. It is in all respects very similar to Orra’s. The same arguments apply. I believe
that Elizabeth Schoolcraft is also probably Martin Schoolcraft’s daughter. At this point I will
mention that Elizabeth appears to be missing from the 1825 census record and that Henry
Notemire marries Elizabeth’s cousin, Lydia, in a Methodist ceremony on December 29th,
1831. This was discussed in Chapter 13.

The third person I shall discuss here is William Schoolcraft. While William’s marriage is
Anglican20 it is clearly less significant than that of the two daughters, as his spouse would
normally have made this choice. William declares as Anglican in the 1831 census21.
However, that record also shows an elderly single female who is Catholic. I believe it
possible that Rosella Lalande’s mother may be living with them and that Rosella’s family
was Catholic. I have not been able to locate a Catholic marriage corresponding to William
and Rosella and do not believe there was a marriage in that faith. Strong inter-
denominational feelings still existed between the Anglicans and Catholics in this period.
William, as an Anglican, may have refused to marry in the Catholic faith. I believe that in
this instance William made the choice of religion. William is a common name. This one was
born about 179122. The 1851 census records him with Rosella, confirming his age23.
William’s marriage record shows he is a shoemaker in Montreal so evidence of his childhood
location is masked. However, I recommend caution regarding the statement that he was in
Montreal when he married. In these times circuit ministers were common. “This parish” may
have been quite extended, possibly even to include parts of Stanbridge. In any event, the
1831 census shows that William has returned from Montreal and is living in Range 7 and is
close to John Boomhower’s widow and her sons that live in northern half of lot 19 in range 7.
I believe this is evidence enough to conjecture that he came from Stanbridge and thus that he
is Martin’s son.

Lorenzo Schoolcraft

Lorenzo Schoolcraft married Hannah Boomhower. Orra Schoolcraft married Jacob

Boomhower. Some researchers claim Hannah Boomhower is the child of Jacob Boomhower
and Orra Schoolcraft. If this were true then Orra and Lorenzo clearly would not be children
of the same parent. I believe the claim is incorrect and think that Hannah Boomhower is the
child of Jeremiah Boomhower and Mahala Stolicker. Jeremiah Boomhower is Jacob
Boomhower’s brother.

The reference cited in connection with this claim is a letter from Clark Boomhower, the
proven son24 of Jacob and Orra, written to his own son. In that letter, which is dated October
26th, 1880, he states “Aunt Hannah died yesterday at five minutes past three with the typhoid
pneumonia. She is buried tomorrow at 1 o’clock, funeral at the Stone schoolhouse, buried at
Mystic.”25 From the date, there is clearly no doubt that the letter refers to this Hannah
Boomhower26. I believe the answer lies in the use of the term “Aunt”. Clark is one of only
two of Jacob and Orra’s nine children who returned to Quebec. The others remained in
Vermont near their parents. From 1861 to 1881 Clark lived in Dunham, close to Lorenzo and
Hannah. It is likely that he and his family would have a close relationship to a first cousin
who lived nearby. As is often the case in such family relationships, such a person would be
referred to as “your aunt” rather than as “your first cousin once removed”. To substantiate
my belief that Hannah is Jeremiah’s child I refer firstly to the early census records for Jacob
Boomhower. When the proven children in Jacob’s family are mapped against these records,
no individual is left unaccounted for and there is no room to include Hannah. The records are
an unusually good fit for such a large family. Jacob’s brother, Jeremiah, is the only male
sibling with an early family. He married Mahala Stolicker on February 16th, 1818. Although
Jeremiah’s family by Mahala is not fully understood, both the 1825 and the 1831 census
enumerations accommodate a female child of similar age to Hannah Boomhower. With
Hannah born just 8 months and 24 days after Jeremiah’s marriage I believe I am correct in
my interpretation that she is the first child of Jeremiah Boomhower and Mahala Stolicker.
This probably also accounts for the Hannah’s choice of two unusual names for her children.
Mahala for the name of Hannah’s first-born child commemorating her own mother who died
eight years earlier and Sabrina for her second child commemorating her younger sister.
Lastly, the William Harold Boomhour, a United Church minister and great grandson of Jacob
Boomhower and Orra Schoolcraft, extensively researched his Boomhower ancestors and yet
made no mention of what would have been his great aunt Hannah.

I believe that Lorenzo Schoolcraft is Martin’s son, a step brother to Orra Schoolcraft and that
his wife Hannah Boomhower is Orra Schoolcraft’s niece by marriage. Lorenzo has a son
called James who married Louisa Bigford. When Louisa dies, the witnesses at her funeral are
Edward Schoolcraft and Alonzo Boomhower27. Edward Schoolcraft is proven to be the son
of Simon Schoolcraft and thus a grandson of Martin and first cousin to the widower. Alonzo
Boomhower who was the second witness at Louisa Bigford’s funeral is generally claimed to
be a child of Jeremiah. He would be an uncle of the widower. Both are logical choices of
witness from within the family. If Lorenzo were not the son of Martin then Edward would
only be a second cousin and Alonzo would be unrelated. Neither would be likely to be
witnesses at the funeral.

The foregoing gives me confidence to say that Lorenzo Dow Schoolcraft is probably
Martin’s son.

The Stukely Connection

The 1825 census enumeration is a close indicator of a family relation between Peter
Schoolcraft and Martin Schoolcraft. Martin, Scofield and then Peter Schoolcraft are
enumerated sequentially in 1825. This is in St. Ignace de Stanbridge as the enumeration is
immediately after Adam Stone, John Lampman and Peter Stone who will be discussed in
Chapter 15. Being this close together I consider that Peter Schoolcraft is probably Martin’s
child. Unfortunately, not much can be determined about Peter. The 1825 enumeration implies
a wife and young daughter but after that he is missing from the census record till 1871. He is
enumerated with two children in South Stukely in 1871. His wife is separately enumerated in

Stukely in 1861. Clearly Peter’s family is not well documented. A more detailed search of
the Shefford County records may help but this is hampered as the 1851 census was lost.

When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however unlikely, must be the

I feel that the statement by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is at work in what follows, although I do
not consider the following to be that unlikely as the evidence that is available does not
conflict with Martin being their father.

The first to consider is Daniel Schoolcraft. Daniel is not explicitly enumerated until 1852 in
Stanbridge when he is 48 years old. Before that he was probably included in some other
household and not identified by name. By age 48 he has been independent of his parents so
long that any location significance in the census enumeration is lost. He marries Mary
Mariah Dimond in Cowansville in 1857 and is living in Dunham in 1861. I conjecture he is
Martin’s son.

Earlier I explained why I felt that Peter, who removed to Stukely, was probably Martin’s son.
A second Stukely resident of interest is Anthony Schoolcraft. Anthony is first enumerated in
Stanbridge in 1842, although the birth of his first child shows he was married before 1827 to
Sarah Smith. At least two of his children are born in Stukely and one is enumerated there in
1871. Like Peter, research of Anthony is hampered because some of the Shefford County
enumerations were lost. The 1842 census does not provide a helpful limit on his date of birth,
saying only that he was aged between 30 and 60. The implication from his family is that
Anthony married Sarah about 1826 or 1827 when she was about 17 years old. It is unlikely
that Anthony would be more than five years older with such a young bride. Therefore I
would conjecture that Anthony was born about 1805 to 1808 in a birth gap that will become
apparent when Martin’s entire family considered. Certainly the widest plausible gap for his
birth places him between 1799 and 1812.

Two of the Boomhower brothers marry two Schoolcraft’s, although only one marriage
record28 has been located. In Sarah Schoolcraft’s case there is no marriage record but her
death record leaves no doubt that she married Adam Boomhower. Martin Schoolcraft lived in
St. Ignace de Stanbridge. The widow and children of John Boomhower lived nearby. John
Boomhower’s original grant was lot 16 in range 6 (the north end of Mystic village) but after
he died his widow disposed of that land and in 1815 purchased29 the northern half of lot 19 in
range 7. This lot is only a mile from St. Ignace de Stanbridge. The 1825 census enumeration
is particularly informative. On page 809, line 2 is Jacob Boomhower with Orra Schoolcraft.
On line 3 is Adam Boomhower, Jacob’s first cousin, who marries Sarah Schoolcraft. On line
16 is Adam Boomhower’s grandmother. On line 17 is Adam’s brother, Walter Boomhower,
who has just married Deborah Schoolcraft. Next to Walter on line 18 is his brother Jacob
Boomhower. There is ample family connection through Orra and her husband for any
daughter’s of Martin to form a relationship with Walter and Adam Boomhower.

At least three of the Boomhower brothers, David, Peter and Walter, removed to Addington
and Lennox Counties in Ontario. Martin’s son, Scofield, also went to this part of Ontario
about the same time. This move seems to have taken pace in the 1830s and 1840s. An 1851
murder trial of one of Peter Boomhower’s sons prompted some members of the family to

change the family name to Howard, although that change did not affect the descendants of
Sarah or Deborah Schoolcraft.

Martin Schoolcraft‘s wife, Hannah Scofield

In order to understand Hannah Scofield it is necessary to start with the birth of Martin’s

• Hannah about 178910

• William C. about 179123
• Orra about 179230
• Elizabeth before 179519
• Peter about 179531
• Simon March 18th, 18006
• Scofield about 180232
• Lorenzo Dow August 5th, 180333
• Daniel about 180434
• Anthony between 1805 and 180835
• Deborah about 180936
• Sarah about 181137
We have no record that shows where Hannah was born. William’s census record shows
Quebec. Orra’s census records show New York and Vermont. Even if they were born in New
York or Vermont, I believe these children were so young when they were brought to Quebec
that they would not clearly remember. Martin’s location would be the best guide but that is
also uncertain. In Chapter 5 I showed that Christian and his children came to Quebec around
1790, were in the Missisquoi Bay area till the late 1790s when they removed to the individual
towns in which they settled. With Hannah being born about 1789 it is likely that Martin met
and married her mother in Anaquassacook or, if he preceded his brothers James and Adam,
possibly he married her mother in Christie’s Manor. That is a problem. I have searched
exhaustively for signs of the Scofield surname in Cambridge and Jackson, New York, as well
as in Missisquoi Bay during the late 1780s and early 1790s. It is not found. It does not appear
in any church or census records for that part of New York nor is it found in the Oaths at
Missisquoi Bay nor the Military records for the regiments where the Schoolcraft’s served.

However, there is quite a lot known about a Scofield family in St. Armand except that they
did not arrive there till much later. It comes from The History of Canaan New Hampshire by
William Allen Wallace, Edited by James Burns Wallace, The Rumford Press, Concord, NH,
1910. Wallace writes extensively of John Scofield (1715 - July 5th, 1784) and his wife Sarah
Crocker (died September 4th, 1796) who came to Canaan from Lebanon in December 1766.
John remained loyal to the Crown but did not fight in the Revolutionary war. He had four
daughters and two sons. The sons, John (born June 11th, 1756) and Eleazer (born 1754),
were Revolutionaries but decided to leave Canaan around 1800 and settled in St. Armand.
John’s family of nine children is well documented and many can be identified in the
Frelighsburg records. John did not have a daughter called Hannah. Eleazer’s family is less
well documented by Wallace who identifies three sons explicitly but only refers to two
daughters that he does not name. I presently suspect that one of Eleazer’s daughters was
Hannah Scofield, the wife of Martin Schoolcraft. However, such a marriage would not have

been possible before about 1800, after Eleazer came to Quebec. I believe that the birth hiatus
seen in Martin’s children between 1795 and 1800 implies this was Martin’s second marriage.
I have been unable to locate anything that would confirm or disprove my suspicions
regarding Martin’s first wife. If I am correct then this also has a bearing on Martin’s location.
After the 1790s we have no visibility of Martin till 1825. I believe that indicates that he was
not in Stanbridge. I suspect that following his first wife’s death he may have removed to
Sutton with his brother Peter around 1800 and that both may have been near the town line
with St. Armand East. It would be in that location that he would have opportunity to meet
and marry Hannah Scofield. Sometime between 1807 and 1812, Martin probably decided to
remove to Stanbridge, initially near his widowed sister-in-law Catherine Phelps. In this
location Orra would have ample opportunity to meet and marry Jacob Boomhower. Shortly
after that, St. Ignace de Stanbridge which was initially settled in 1810, would be the new
growth area for settlement. Martin may have been attracted to that new settlement by the
presence of his sister Anne and her family and the probable availability of land.

Clearly this premise regarding Martin’s wife or wives is pure speculation and the reader is
strongly advised not to place too much reliance on it. It has only been included here to show
my present thinking on this family and in the hope that it may provide some ideas for further

Martin’s Children

Martin had an extensive family as did several of his children. Some stayed in the Stanbridge
area while others removed to distant places.
Hannah Schoolcraft is the oldest of his known children. She had twelve children by Moses
Spears, including the Revd. David Spears, a Methodist minister in the area. Her family is
centered around Pike River and Noyan although some are found in other parts of Missisquoi
County and in Franklin County, Vermont. The family has been well document in The
Descendants of George Spear 1642-1988, (The Trade Press, W. Springfield, MA 1988) by
Verne Raymond Spear. Many of the facts claimed are easily located in vital records. There is
one aspect that I am concerned about. One of Moses and Hannah’s sons is Joel Spears, born
on December 5th, 1810. Joel is a very common name in the Spears family and easily
confused. A substantial family of ten children is attributed to Joel, the son of Moses and
Hannah, by a wife called Minerva Lucretia Spears whose ancestry is not documented by
Verne Raymond Spear. Joel grew up in Pike River where his mother died a few years before
his marriage. Joel, Minerva and the start of their family are enumerated a few years after his
marriage, as a land owner in St. Ignace de Stanbridge38, and sequentially after Elihu Spears
who is landowner of an abutting lot. Further, another land owner that abuts Joel is Elihu’s
son, Jeremiah Spears. My concern is why Joel is not located in Pike River where he was
raised but is found so close to Moses’ step brother and his family. Further more, the
enumeration shows Joel was born about 1815, not 1810. Moses has a nephew called Joel who
was born about 1812 and would seem to be a better fit with the enumeration. The crucial
factor in resolving this uncertainty is proving which Joel Spears married Minerva Lucretia
Spears. This may come from examination of the witnesses at the births of their children or it
may come from Notarial records and a more complete understanding of the people that Joel

interacted with, but as I have not yet located direct evidence of either of these I am unable to
comment further at this time.
William Schoolcraft’s family is not well documented. His marriage to Rosella Lalande is
recorded in the registers of Christ Church Anglican Cathedral in Montreal20. One child,
Anne39, can be proven. Anne marries Benjamin Hauver and I am aware of six children born
to this couple in Stanbridge. Rosella Schoolcraft is very probably William Schoolcraft’s
daughter. She was born about a year after William’s marriage and carries the same name as
her mother. William is buried in the Vaughan cemetery40. The only other Schoolcraft buried
in the Vaughan cemetery is R. Schoolcraft, wife of Peter Hauver41 Her age at death evaluates
to a birth on December 20th, 1815. Peter Hauver, Benjamin Hauver’s brother died in 184742
and is also buried there. At this point the 1852 census becomes significant. Page 129, line 42,
enumerates Silas Steven with wife Rosella and two children with the surname Hauver43.
Following Peter’s death, his wife Rosella married Silas Steven. A third Schoolcraft marriage
into the Hauver family44 exists. Philip Hauver married Clarinda Schoolcraft and was a
brother to Benjamin and Peter. Clarinda Schoolcraft was born about February 1827, seven
children are known. While I have no proof of Clarinda’s parents I conjecture that she is a
third sister to have married a Hauver. She is a witness at the baptism of Anne Schoolcraft’s
first child45 making a sibling relationship plausible. From the 1852 census we can place
Sophronia Schoolcraft, the wife of John Bockus. Her marriage to John Bockus is identified
by the death of her son46. The 1852 census shows Sophronia and her husband living beside
her father and her sister while her niece by Rosella Schoolcraft is present in her household. I
conjecture that William Schoolcraft had three more children: Cyrene, Elizabeth and Amelia.
Cyrene and Elizabeth are enumerated as sequential families in 1852, page 123. (Elizabeth is
the wife of James Goddard.) While both Elizabeth and Cyrene declare Episcopalean,
Cyrene’s wife and children are Catholic. I previously mentioned my suspicion that Rosella
Lalande came from a Catholic family. This would have brought William’s children into close
contact with other Catholic families, increasing the chance of inter-denominational
marriages. Amelia Schoolcraft is buried in Pigeon Hill47 with her husband and with Anne
Schoolcraft and her husband. William’s descendants seem to have remained in the
Stanbridge area. There is, however, one more item of interest concerning William. I located
the following reference in the Wentworth, New Hampshire Town Records:

Wentworth, Grafton Co., Vol. 2, pp. 369-371: The Selectmen of Wentworth for
the year ending March 7th, 1836 discharge themselves by the following Sums
of money which they have paid out for the benefit of said town Viz. .... Paid
Timothy Skeels for Services to Stanbrige L.C. to obtain an affidavit from Wm.
C. Schoolcraft 6.85.

I am moderately convinced that this is the William Schoolcraft under discussion herein but
have not been able to identify what this affidavit was about. Wentworth is a long way from
Stanbridge and it seems unusual that such a transaction would occur. An interesting story
may lie waiting to be discovered.

Orra Schoolcraft married Jacob Boomhower18 and lived in Stanbridge till some time between
1831 and 1840. Then they removed to northern Vermont living in Georgia, St. Albans and,
lastly, Swanton. Orra had nine children who mostly remained in that part of Vermont. Clark
Boomhower, previously mentioned, had returned to Dunham by 185548. By 1870 Orra and
Jacob have separated. Orra is living with her son Abraham in St. Albans, she dies in Swanton
six years later. Jacob is living in Eden, Lamoille County, with his son Lester. By 1881 Jacob
has returned to Quebec where he is living with Clark Boomhower49 until his death in 1888 at
the age of about 9450. It is unclear if the marriage itself was troubled or whether this was just
a case of two very elderly persons being cared for by various children who found it necessary
to share the burden by separating them. There is a history of Alzheimer’s/dementia in my
wife’s family that can be proven back to within two generations of Orra. It may go farther
and such a disease in either parent would place a heavy burden on the care giver.
Elizabeth Schoolcraft marries Henry Notemire in 181619 The 1825 census is ambiguous51
showing a tally that does not match the individuals and showing only unmarried adults. I
believe that Elizabeth died about 1825. In 1831 Henry, now a widower, marries Elizabeth’s
first cousin52. I have not located any children from either union although a person called
Henry Notemire, who might be a son, is buried in Dunham.
I believe that Peter Schoolcraft is the last child by Martin’s first marriage. He enumerates in
187131 in South Stukely with two children called Gilbert and Chester. His wife, Jane, died in
1870 in South Stukely53. She is enumerated on her own in 1861 in South Stukely in the
household of Thomas Stuart. I am suspicious that she may be the elder sister, or possibly
mother by a prior marriage, of Abraham Bice, the head of the household in which Peter is
enumerated in 1871, as this enumeration is only a few months after her death. The daughter
from another Bice family, Sarah Sophia Bice, married Alpheus Edgar Schoolcraft who is
Peter’s nephew. I have not been able to locate Peter or the two sons in 1852, 1861 or 1881.
After the foregoing children there appears to be a birth hiatus till March 18th, 1800 when
Simon is born to Hannah Scofield6. Simon and his wife Elizabeth Kinman have eight
children. Those with families remain in Quebec and northern Vermont. Their eldest child is
Simon who has eight children, the last seven being born in Belvidere, Vermont. Simon Jr.’s
first marriage fails and he marries his second wife in 1899, some eight years before his
death54. Simon Sr.’s second son is Robert Munson Schoolcraft55. Robert has two wives and
seven children. He lives in Farnham with his first wife, marries his second wife there but by
1862 he has removed to Stanbridge. Edward56, the third son, also marries twice and has seven
children. Edwards’s second marriage in Montgomery, Vermont is unambiguous. However,
his first is a little troubling. It is identically recorded in the Baptist church both in Potton and
in Frelighsburg dated July 6th, 185957. In all probability it took place in Stanbridge.
Edward’s age is consistent with that provided in the tutorship document so his parents are
reasonable well proven. The problem is that the 1861 census, just two years later, includes
two children who predate the marriage. I wonder if Edward had actually had a prior marriage

or whether these children were Hannah Deline’s from a prior marriage. Hannah is a little
older than Edward and may have been married before. By 1871 Edwards’s census
enumeration58 is even more interesting. Two children, Ida and Emma have been added.
Employed as a domestic is a Mary Schoolcraft and her son Corey B. I believe this is an
enumerator’s error and that Corey B. is Cora Belle who was born in Eden Vermont in 186959.
Mary Barry, whose husband Philip Schoolcraft died early in 187160, is now employed as a
domestic by her brother-in-law. After Philip’s death in 1871, Mary Barry marries second
John Vorce and third Heman Schoolcraft. Simon’s fifth child, Polly, has a late life marriage
in Troy, Vermont61. I have not found an earlier marriage for her. Simon’s son, Philip
William, marries before 186959 and settles in Eden, Vermont.
Scofield Schoolcraft marries Catherine32. After 1831, he does not show in the census record
till 1861 when he is found in Kennebec, Ontario. He is reported to have died in August 1877
at age 72. This record is apparently in the Ontario Death Records although I have not yet
obtained a copy to examine. I believe he had seven children. The youngest, Charlotte, is
enumerated in his household in 186132. Mary Ann states her parents in her marriage record62.
In 1852 Edward is enumerated close to his sister Charlotte who, still being a minor, cannot be
far from her parents or a relative. Hannah and Daniel are enumerated very close to Scofield
in 1861. Charity Louisa and Jane are also enumerated near Scofield and as he seems to be the
only male Schoolcraft to have come to this region he is conjectured to be their father.
Lorenzo Dow Schoolcraft married Hannah Boomhower26, the daughter of Jeremiah
Boomhower. They lived in Stanbridge and had seven children. All are either explicitly
identified from church records or are enumerated in their parents household. Ethan Allen
Schoolcraft’s marriage record shows explicitly that he was born in North Stanbridge, which
is probably indicative that Lorenzo lived in St. Ignace de Stanbridge. Lorenzo is not
identified in Schedule B in 1852 but those enumerated before and after him are. They are in
range 4, lots 20 and 21 so it is reasonable to conclude that Lorenzo was just north of the
church in St. Ignace de Stanbridge.
Daniel Schoolcraft marries Mary Dimond in 185763 and they have a daughter, Alice, who
appears to have an illegitimate child with her in 1881. Daniel is aged 53 when he marries and
there may be an earlier marriage that I am unaware of. I suspect Mary Dimond may be the
daughter of George Dimond and Hannah Phillips who also lived in North Stanbridge. Two
witnesses at the marriage are identified by the name Phillips and their daughter, Sarah,
married Daniel’s first cousin, Elijah. However, I have not located any evidence to prove this
Anthony Schoolcraft was discussed earlier. He and Sarah Smith64 had six children in the
1842 enumeration65. The family then went eastwards into Stukely and Magog. Anthony is
not found in the census record after 1842 and other evidence suggests he was probably living
in Stukely whose census enumerations for 1852 and 1861 were lost. By 1871 Sarah is living

with her eldest son Alpheus66. While this enumeration does not explicitly identify Alpheus as
her son and the enumeration has used some off-beat spellings, the assumed relationship is
strengthened by Matilda’s presence as a witness at Alpheus’ marriage67. Matilda is explicitly
proven to be Anthony’s child by the 1891 census68 enumeration that identifies Sarah as
“mother”. (Matilda’s marriage to Robert Buzzel69 is documented in 1855.) Caroline and
Melvina are proven to be Anthony’s children by their marriage records64, 70. I consider
Alpheus, Matilda, Caroline and Melvina to be proven. Martha is probably Anthony’s
daughter. Alpheus and his wife are witnesses at her first marriage71. to David Ritcha. I am
aware of a claim that Martha’s second marriage was to Abner Rider. If confirmed, census
information places Martha’s birth about 1830.

Elizabeth, is conjectured to be Anthony’s children as she is enumerated in Magog in 1860,

the adjoining town to Orford and very close to South Stukely where other children are found.
There are also three more that I conjecture are also Anthony’s children. This is weak as only
Melissa actually exhibits a tie to the general region (when she marries72. in Derby, Vermont).
There are several census enumerations in Massachusetts in 186073, 187074, 75, 76 and 188077
that show three individuals that are probably siblings. All three give their birth place as
Quebec and their age is such that they should be living with their parents in 1852. I have not
located these individuals in the 1852 census enumeration. A plausible explanation for this
would be that their parents are living in one of the towns whose 1852 enumeration was lost.
Anthony Schoolcraft is an immediate suspect, although he is not the only possibility. His
enumeration in 1842 exhibits a least one problem - the family supposedly numbers seven yet
six children, and two adults are enumerated. The foregoing analysis suggests that seven
children should be present. My interpretation is shown in Table 16. After matching each of
the proven and probable children against the ages and genders shown in 1842, four are left.
Those four, shown in italics, correlate with Elizabeth and the three who are found in
Massachusetts in 1860, 1870 and 1880. I conjecture that these three children are Anthony’s.
Further work is needed on this and hopefully a baptismal or death record that specifies the
parents can be located for one of these three individuals.

Table 16: March 2nd, 1842, pp. 2569.30, Stanbridge

Gender Birth Range Suggested Correlation
Married Male 1783-1812 Anthony Schoolcraft, probably born 1805-1808.
Married Female 1798-1828 Sarah Smith born about 1809, immigrated about 1827.
Male 1829-1837 Alpheus Edgar born about 1827.
Female 1829-1837 Martha Diana born about 1830.
omitted Matilda Jane born August 1833.
Male 1829-1837 David born July 1835.
Female 1837-1842 Elizabeth born about 1837.
Male 1837-1842 Herman born July 1839.
Female 1837-1842 Melissa born about 1842.

Deborah Schoolcraft married Walter Boomhower, the first cousin of Orra Schoolcraft’s
husband. The marriage is recorded in Highgate, Vermont, in 182528 but as both were

residents of Stanbridge at the time, it is likely that the marriage took place in Stanbridge and,
like so many others, was recorded in Vermont as Quebec did not have a civil registration
procedure for marriages at that time. They had nine children. After 1831, Walter is not
enumerated again until 1861 when he is in Kennebec, Ontario, fairly close to Scofield
Schoolcraft. It seems likely that both Scofield Schoolcraft and Walter Boomhower were
traveling together and in 1851 were probably in one of the many towns whose census records
are lost. Two of Walter’s brothers, Peter and David Boomhower, also went to the same part
of Ontario at this time.
Sarah Schoolcraft is the youngest child of Martin. She married Adam Boomhower78, brother
to Walter Boomhower, but they remained in Stanbridge where they raised a family of eleven
children with a large number of grandchildren. Although I have not located incontrovertible
proof of Adam’s location within the town, what evidence I do have suggests he moved into
the South East section of town in the vicinity of lot 4, range 4. Sarah may not be Adam’s first
wife. The first proven child is Hannah, born in 183779. However, Adam is enumerated with a
wife and what may be a young son in 1825. Sarah is only 14 years old in 1825 whereas
Adam is aged 33. When Adam Boomhower’s son, James, is born in 1828 Adam is 36 years
old while Sarah Schoolcraft is only 17. One, possibly two, more sons are born before 1831
yet Adam is not enumerated in 1831 suggesting he was living in another household. Then
there is birth hiatus between 1831 and 1837. It seems plausible that a prior marriage existed
and that his first wife may have died about 1831. Possibly, the family name Skakel (Scagel)
or Bigford was involved in that earlier marriage as the first two of Adam’s children, James
and Albert, are enumerated with William Scagel and his wife Persis Bigford in 185280. The
third Boomhower in that record, Isaac, might be their first cousin or another of Adam’s sons.

New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Martinus on Feb 6 [1764], parents Christiaan
Schoolcraft & Elizabeth Margarit Bekker, sponsors Henderick Hauqe & Eva Bekker.
2 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac

3 Québec: Census, 1825: Page 808.25, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Martin Schoolcraft, 2

total in household, 1 14 but under 18. Males: 1 60 and up Sing. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Sing.
4 Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Damien de Bedford, by Abbé Isidore Desnoyers, 1887, pp. 101, 102. Simon se fixa

sur le lot No 19 précisément sur la terre où est bâtie l'église actuelle de St-Ignace.
5 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.39, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 4 Head of

household Scofield Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. 8 Total in household, 3 under 5, 2 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not
60 Marr., 1 60 and up Sing.Females: 4 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 8 Anglican.
6 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Simon the son of Martin Schoolcraft of Stanbridge, husbandman,

and of Hannah his wife whose maiden name was Scholefield was born on the eighteenth day of March in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and was baptised on the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and fourty four in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me W. M. Harvard Minister.
Joel Spears, Moses Russell.
7 Montréal Tutorship Records: No. 501 this 14th Augt. 1854 Minors Simon Schoolcraft Tutorship ... Elizabeth Kinman,

widow and relict of the late Simon Schoolcraft in his life time of the Stanbridge yeoman, who departed this life the
Twenty fifth day of November Eighteen hundred and fifty two ... a tutor or tutrix and sub tutor be appointed to Emily,
Edward, Polly, Jewich, Phillip and Ibei Schoolcraft of the respective ages of nineteen, sixteen, fourteen, twelve, ten and
seven, minor children issue of her marriage with the said Simon Schoolcraft
Québec: Census, 25-Mar-1852: pp. 85.12, Dist. 8, St. Alexandre, Rouville Co., Agric. 109.03 Lot not stated: Samuel
Schoolcraft age 52 male born in Allemagne occ./rel. cultivateur, Methodist. Elizabeth Commons age 42 female born in
Allemagne occ./rel. Methodist.

9 Vermont: Marriage Record, Highgate VT reported marriage of Hannah Schoolcraft to Moses Spears on 2-Mar-1807.
Hannah Schoolcraft residing in Stanbridge Lower Canada.
10 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vieux Cimetière de Pike River, Pike River, R.VI-N.82: Sacred to the memory of

Hannah || Wife of Moses Spears || Who died June 27, 1839 - Aged 50 years.
11 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Marriage of Elijah SPEAR, age 21 a yeoman
of Stanbridge to Alzina COREY, spins ae 20 of Stanbridge with consent of her parents on 24-Jan-1833 in St. Armand
Methodist church. Witnessed by Moses SPEAR his father, Caleb COREY her father.
12 Verne Raymond Spear, Genealogy: The Descendants of George Spear 1642-1988, (The Trade Press, W. Springfield,

MA 1988).
13 Québec: Notarial Records, Pierre Gamelin, February 16th, 1844, Hannah Schoolcraft Inventory: Mentions Moses

Spear Sr., his first wife Hannah Schoolcraft, present wife Priscilla Tryon. Mentions minor son Noah Spear aged 20 yrs.,
2 mos. Mentions other sons Joel, Elijah, Ibri, and Martin being of major age. Mentions daughter Lydia Spear wife of
Samuel Roberts of Granby. Mentions daughter Hannah Spear wife of James Kent of Granby. Mentions Mrs. Filura
Hallan McDougal of Noyan, widow of his son the late Moses Spear Jr. Mentions Amanda Spear, age 3 yrs. 2 mos.,
daughter of Moses Jr. and Filura. Moses Spear Sr. living on formerly Stanbridge lot 13, conc. 10, now lot 1 East conc.
Québec: Census, 2-Mar-1842: pp. 2576.11, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Simon Schoolcraft, renter,
farmer. 9 total in household, 9 native of Canada. Children: 1 male under 5, 1 female under 5, 2 male 6 but under 14, 2
female 6 but under 14, 3 aged 5 thru 16, Males: 2 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr., Females: 1 14 but not 45
15 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1253.23, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of

household Simon Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 4 Total in household, 2 under 5. Males: 1 30 but not 60 Marr., Females: 1
14 but not 45 Marr., 4 Methodist.
16 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.07, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of

household Simon Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 3 Total in household, 1 5 and under. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr.,
Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 3 Anglican.
17 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.08, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Simon Schoolcraft, 3

total in household, 1 under 6. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
18 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, Folio fourth: On the first day of February one thd. Eight hund. And

thirteen Jacob Boomhower, Bachelor, farmer and minor and Aura Schoolcraft spinster of major age, Both of Stanbridge
were Married by Banns in the presence of his brother and the subscribing witnesses. C. Stuart Minr. Jacob Boomhower,
Aura Schoolcraft her mark, Jeremiah Boomhower his mark, George Mitchell.
19 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, Folio second: On this fourth day of February One Thousand eight

hundred and sixteen, Henry Notemire, Batchelor Farmer and Elizabeth Schoolcraft, Spinster, both of major age and of
Stanbridge were married after publication of Banns in presence of the subscribing witnesses by James Reid Minr.
Henry Notemire his mark, Elizabeth Schoolcraft her mark, John Bockus, George Mitchell.
20 Québec, Montreal: Anglican Church Records, Registers of Christ Church Cathedral in Montreal, register for the year

1814 on the front of folio 22, Québec National Archives microfilm #128.1: On the Eighteenth day of October One
thousand, eight hundred and fourteen William Schoolcraft Shoe Maker, Single man, and Rofsella Laundrah, single
woman, Both of this parish, were married by Banns in the presence of William Kane and John Baptist Bouderi. By me
(signed) Jt. Mountain Minister. (signed with an x) Will'm Schoolcraft's mark x. (signed with an x) Rofsella Laundrah
mark x. (signed) Will'm Kane. (signed with an x) Jn. Baptist Bouderi's mark x.
21 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1255.09, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of

household William Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 10 Total in household, 2 5 and under, 3 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but
not 60 Marr., Females: 5 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 2 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Sing., 9 Anglican, 1
22 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, William Schoolcraft aged 64 years died on the 28th and was buried

on the 30th of May Eighteen Hundred Fifty Five. by me, James Jones, Minister. witness Robert Reid.
23 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 133.25, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story log, 2 fam. Female age 80

yrs. Died in 1851, William C. Schoolcraft age 61 male born in Canada occ./rel. Shoemaker, Methodist, Married.
Rosella age 59 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, Married. William Douglass age 22 male born in Scotland
occ./rel. Labourer, Presbyterian, married. Amilia age 18 female born in Canada occ./rel. Presbyterian, married.
24 Hyde Park VT reported death of Clark Boomhower on 16-Jun-1901 of Chronic bronchitis at age 79 yrs. 1 mos. 12

days, occupation Farmer, born in Stanbridge PQ. Parents Jacob Boomhower & Orrah. Widowed.
25 David J. Ellis: I have not been able to obtain a copy of this letter.

26 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 6, Lot 11: Hannah Boomhower wife of Lorenzo D. Schoolcraft
died Oct 23, 1880 ae. 61 yrs. 11 mo's. & 16 days. Lot 12: Lorenzo D. Schoolcraft died May 14, 1878 aged 74 yrs.
Blessed are the dead that live in the Lord. Lot 13: Milo Schoolcraft died Oct. 17, 1877 aged 23 yrs. 11 mos. & 11 ds.
Lot 14: Louisa Bigford wife of James Schoolcraft died Sept. 10, 1873 ae. 19 yrs. & 17 ds.
27 Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, North Stanbridge Sept 12th 1873.

Attended the Funeral and Burial of Louisa Bigford wife of James M. Schoolcraft who died at the residence of her father
in law Lorin Schoolcraft in North Stanbridge aged eighteen years and twelve days and buried in the Public Burying
ground at Mystic. Witnessed Edward Schoolcraft and Alonzo Boomhower.
28 Vermont: Marriage Record, Highgate VT reported marriage of Miss Deborah Schoolcraft to Mr. Wallerhum

Boomhower on 28-Apr-1825. Miss Deborah Schoolcraft residing in Stanbridge L. C., Mr. Wallerhum Boomhower
residing in Stanbridge L. C. [Maiden name mis-recorded on the bride's record.].
Notary Leon Lalanne: 10th June 1815 Sale by Philip Ruiter Atty of ~~~ ~~~ to Magdelena Boomhower.
David J. Ellis: From her marriage record, Orra is born before 1-Feb-1792. From her death record she is born about
1792. Census records generally show her a little younger.
Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 127 pp. 14.09, Stafford, South Stukely, Shefford Co., dw. 53, fam. 53: Abraham Boice
age 55 M born in QC origin German religion Methodist. Susann age 55 F born in U.S.A. origin English religion
Methodist. John age 15 M born in QC origin German religion Methodist. Peter Scoulcraf age 76 M born in QC origin
German religion Methodist. Gilbert age 27 M born in QC origin German religion Methodist. Chester age 28 M born in
QC origin German religion Methodist.
32 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 5.32, Conc. 6 N. Qtr. 8,

Log, 50 acres, Schovel Schoolcraft, age 59, married, male, born in Bedford, L.C., Farmer, E. Meth., Catherine, age 62,
married, female, born in York State, U.S., E. Meth, Charlotte, age 20, single, female, born in Sheffield, E. Meth.
33 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Buried by me in presence of the subscribing witnesses Lorenzo Dow

Schoolcraft of North Stanbridge Co. of Missisquoi Que. Was born on the Fifth day of August One thousand Eight
hundred and Three. Buried on the Sixteenth day of May One thousand Eight hundred and Seventy Eight Aged Seventy
five years. Witnesses Hannah Schoolcraft and Leonard Stone. John ?cufell Meth. Minister.
34 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 163.46, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 2 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 181.42

Lot 10-10: Ebenezer Taylor age 75 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Farmer, Methodist, Married. Lucinda age 67 female
born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Methodist, Married. Eliza Ayer age 17 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Joseph Davis
age 16 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Daniel Schoolcraft age 48 male born in Canada occ./rel. Laborer,
35 David J. Ellis: The implication of this family is that Anthony married Sarah about 1826 or 1827 when she was about

17 years old. It is unlikely that Anthony would be more than five years older with such a young bride. Therefore I
would Conjecture that Anthony was one of Hannah Scofield's children and was born about 1805 to 1808.
36 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 8.44, Conc. 4 Lot 8, Log,

100 acres, Walter Bumhower, age 54, married, male, born in Lower Canada, E. Meth., Debby, age 52, married, female,
born in Lower Canada, E. Meth., James, age 18, single, male, born in Sheffield, E. Meth., Mary A., age 16, single,
female, born in Sheffield, E. Meth., Peter, age 14, single, male, born in Sheffield, E. Meth.
37 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 49.40, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story frame, 2 fam., Female 2 yrs old

died in 1851, Adam Baumhower age 60 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Labourer, None, Married. Sarah age 41 female
born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, Married. James age 23 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Albert age 22 male
born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Hannah age 14 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Nelson age 12 male born
in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Horatio age 11 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Ryli age 9 male born in Canada
occ./rel. Methodist. Walter age 7 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Albro age 5 male born in Canada occ./rel.
Methodist. Lavinna age 2 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist.
Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 69.04, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story block, 1 fam., Agric. 83.43 Lot
5-19: Joel Spears age 38 male born in Canada B. occ./rel. Adventist, farmer, married. Minerva age 28 female born in
U.S.A. occ./rel. Adventist, married. Edson age 7 male born in Canada B. occ./rel. Adventist. Jude age 4 male born in
Canada B. occ./rel. Adventist. Eleanor age 2 female born in Canada B. occ./rel. Adventist. Elizabeth age 20 female
born in Canada B. occ./rel. Adventist. James Printice age 19 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Adventist, laborer.
39 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, On this fourth day of January one thousand eight hundred and

twenty four Anne Daughter of William Schoolcraft of Stanbridge, Farmer, and Rozella Lalande, his wife, born on the
tenth day of July, One thousand eight hundred and twenty three, was baptized, The Sponsors are Charles and Elizabeth
Neer and Mary Schoolcraft here subscribing by (signed) James Reid, Min'r. (all signed with x) William Schoolcraft,
Rozella Schoolcraft, Charles Neer, Elizabeth Neer, Mary Schoolcraft.
40 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vaughan cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, William G. d. May 28, 1855 ae. 64.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Vaughan cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, R. d. May 16, 1888 ae. 72y, 4m, 26d w/o Peter

42 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Peter Hauver, aged thirty eight, died on the Twenty ninth of
September, and was buried on the First of October, Eighteen hundred and Forty Seven. By me (signed) James Jones
Minister Witness (signed) Robert Hauver.
43 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 129.42, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Living with Philip Hawver, Silas

Steven age 50 male born in United States occ./rel. laborer, no church, married. Rosella age 39 female born in Canada
occ./rel. no church, married. Amanda Hawver age 15 female born in Canada occ./rel. no church. Anna age 11 female
born in Canada occ./rel. no church.
44 Québec, Barnston: Methodist Church, Clarinda Schoocraft wife of the late Philip Hauver of Coaticook in the County

of Stanstead and Province of Québec, died on the nineteenth day of September A.D. one thousand eight hundred and
eighty nine and was buried by me on the twentieth day of the same month and year aforesaid in presence of the
subscribing witnesses aged fifty seven years and seven months. (signed) Wm Smith. Witnesses (signed) Lemuel R.
Lathe, O.M. Moulton.
Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.6: Hauver, William Hamilton, B. Sept. 17,
1840, Bapt. June 26, 1853, s/o Benjamin & Ann Hauver. Wit: Clarinda Hauver & Hamilton Douglas.
Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, Bedford, Burial: On the twenty eighth day of February, Eighteen
hundred and seventy two the body of John, son of John Edwin Bockus of North Stanbridge yeoman and of Sophrania
Schoolcraft his wife having died on the twenty sixth and was interred by me.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Pigeon Hill cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, Emilia d. 9 Jan. 1895 ae. 58; wife of Hamilton
Douglas d. 20 Mar. 1885.
48 Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, Baptism. Clark Boomhower of the

Township of Dunham District of Montreal and County of Missisquoi, was baptised on the second Day of December on
thousand Eight Hundred and fifty five By P. West Minister. Witnesses Charles Evrett and Martha D. Evrett.
49 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district H || Division 2 ||

pp. 11 || hse. 51 || Census Place: Dunham, Missisquoi Co., QC || Clark BOOMHOUR Married German Male age 58
born in QC, Carpenter || Betsey G. BOOMHOUR Married English Female age 48 born in USA, Weslyan Methodist ||
Jacob BOOMHOUR Widowed German Male age 87 born in USA, Painter, E. Methodist.
50 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Jacob Boomhower farmer of the township of Stanbridge in the

County of Missisquoi and Province of Québec died on the twenty third and was buried on the twenty fifth day of May
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight. Witnessed Robert Beerwort and J. B. Sargent.
51 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 813.11, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Henry Notemire, 5 total

in household, 2 under 6, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Sing. Females: 2 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Sing.
52 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Marriages: On the twenty ninth day of December in the year of our

Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty one Henry Notemire Farmer of the Township of Stanbridge Widower
and Lydia Schoolcraft Spinster both of the same Township both parties being of age and with the consent of the parents
of the aforesaid Lydia Schoolcraft after due publication of banns were united in holy matrimony in the presence of John
Schoolcraft and Barbary Schoolcraft the Father and Mother of Lydia Schoolcraft aforesaid. Henry Notemire, Lydia
Notemire, John Schoolcraft, Barbary Schoolcraft. None of these persons being able to sign their names they were
written by me.
53 Québec, Shefford: Methodist Circuit Records, Died on the fifteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and

seventy, Jane wife of Peter Schoolcraft of South Stukely in the eighty third year of her age, and was buried on the
sixteenth day of the same month and year in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me LeArmstrong, Minister
Witnesses A. Sargeant and Cynthia H Sargeant.
54 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Simon Schoolcraft on 23-Aug-1907 in Milton VT, age 76 yrs., 4 mos., 17 days of.

M. Born in Canada.
55 Québec, Farnham: Anglican Church Records, Farnham Anglican Church, LDS Film 1430755/56: Marriages:

Monson Schoolcraft son of Simon Schoolcraft and Elizabeth his wife was married after publication of banns to Mary
Ann daughter of George and Mary Hoskin on Monday the fifteenth day of March eighteen hundred and fifty two, the
woman of minor age.
56 Vermont: Marriage Record, Montgomery VT reported marriage between Edward Schoolcraft and Elizabeth Hakie

Billings on 26-Aug-1878. 2nd marriage of Edward Schoolcraft age 38 born in Stanbridge QC residing in Franklin VT.
Parents Simon Schoolcraft & Betsy Cummings.
57 Québec, Potton: Baptist Church Records, Register of the marriage between Edward Schoolcraft farmer of Stanbridge

aged twenty years and Miss Hannah Deline of Stanbridge aged twenty three years this sixth day of July one thousand
eight hundred and fifty nine. Witness John Frazer and Harriett Schoolcraft.

58 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 4, pp. 44.01, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 159, fam. 169: Edward Schoolcraft age 30

M/M born in QC origin German occupation machinist religion W. Methodist. Hannah age 45 M/F born in QC origin
Irish religion W. Methodist. Hattie age 17 S/F born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Charles age 13 S/M
born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Henry age 12 S/M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist.
Ida age 9 S/F born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Emma age 8 S/F born in QC origin German religion
W. Methodist. Mary age 21 S/F born in QC origin German occupation servant religion W. Methodist. Corey B. age 2
S/M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist.
59 Vermont: Birth Record, Eden VT reported birth of Cora Bell Schoolcraft on 9-Feb-1869, sex F. Parents Philip

Schoolcraft & Mary Barry, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in Stanbridge QC, mother born in St. Albans VT.
Vermont: Death Record, Death of Phillip W. Schoolcraft on 15-Mar-1871 in Eden VT, age 26 yrs. Typhoid fever. M.
Born in Bedford QC. Occupation Farmer.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Troy VT reported marriage between Polly Schoolcraft and N. W. Dunham on 17-Feb-
1904. 1st marriage of Polly Schoolcraft age 55 born in Bakersfield VT residing in Burlington VT. Parents Lumon
Schoolcraft & Elizabeth.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Marr. Reg., #3: Sept. 26, 1860 Peterson,
Philip age 20 residing Kennebec born Portland, parents Peterson, Jacob & Peterson, Phoebe to Schoolcraft, Mary Ann
age 30 residing Kennebec born Canada East, parents Schoolcraft, Schoval & Schoolcraft, Catherine.
Québec, Cowansville: Congregational Church Records, Cowansville: Daniel Schoolcraft farmer in the township of
Stanbridge, bachelor, and Maria Maria Diamond in the township of Dunham, spinster, were married on this sixth day of
June one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven after the publication of banns by me. Witnessed Daniel “X”
Schoolcraft, Mary M. Dimond, David Phillips, Mary Phillips.
64 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Caroline Schoolcraft and Aaron Wittier on 13-Jan-

1872. 1st marriage of Caroline Schoolcraft age 24 born in Stukely QC residing in Magog QC. Parents Anthony
Schoolcraft & Sarah Smith.
65 Québec: Census, 2-Mar-1842: pp. 2569.30, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Anthony Schoolcraft,

renter, laborer. 7 total in household, 1 native of U.S.A., 15 years in province for non native. Children: 1 male under 5, 2
female under 5, 2 male 6 but under 14, 1 female 6 but under 14, 3 aged 5 thru 16, Males: 1 30 but not 60 Marr.,
Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 deaf female, 2 British Wesleyan Methodist.
66 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 127 pp. 7.19, Stafford, South Stukely, Shefford Co., dw. 29, fam. 29: Elpeus Scoulcraf

age 43 M born in U.S.A. origin German occupation Journalier religion W. Methodist. Sala age 36 F born in U.S.A.
origin German religion W. Methodist. Eladjer Scoulcraf age 18 M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist.
Albert age 14 M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Sala age 62 F born in U.S.A. origin German
religion W. Methodist.
67 Québec, Stukely: Methodist Church, Marriage: Alpheus Edgar Schoolcraft Bachelor Farmer of Brome and Jane

Davis of the same place were Married after the due publication of Banns on the Eighteenth day of August One
Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty one by me Francis Hunt. Signed Alpheus Edgar Schoolcraft & Jane Davis.
Witnesses Matilda Schoolcraft & G. G. Davis.
68 Québec: Census, 14-Apr-1891, pp. 13.11, Hse. 63, Dist. 188-G Div. 2 (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Orford,

Sherbrooke Co., Robert Buzzell, male, age 55, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Universalist, farmer,
merchant, Matilda, female, age 57, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Advent., George, male, age 14,
son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Universalist, Virna, female, age 10, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC,
Universalist, Sarley Schoolcraft, female, age 83, widow, mother, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, Meth., John
Humphries, male, age 23, married, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., day labourer on farm, Carrie,
female, age 24, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
69 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Marriage of Matilda Jane SCHOOLCRAFT, a spinster of Twp of Stukely to Robert Andrew BUZZEL on 13 Aug 1855
in Shefford Methodist church.
70 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Melvina A. Schoolcraft and Richard J. Copp on

28-Oct-1871. 1st marriage of Melvina A. Schollcraft age 22 born in Stukely QC residing in Oxford QC. Parents
Anthony Schoolcraft & Sarah Smith.
71 Québec, Stukely: Methodist Church, Marriage: David Ritcha Bachelor Shoemaker of the Township of Magog and

Martha Diana Schoolcraft of the Township of Stukely were married after the due publication of Banns on the
Nineteenth day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty two by Francis Hunt. Signed David Ritcha & Martha
Schoolcraft. Witnesses Alpheus E. Schoolcraft & Jane Schoolcraft.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage of Melissa Schoolcraft to George Knowlton on 7-Dec-
1864. Melissa Schoolcraft residing in Magog C. E., age 23.

73 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1860, pp. 138.29, dw. 707, Ward #2, Lawrence, Essex Co., MA, fam. 989,
David Schoolcraft age 24 sex m operative born in VT, Georgianna age 18 sex f housekeeper born in ME, Georgianna
age 1 mos. sex f born in MA, Milossi age 18 sex f domestic born in Canada East, Herman age 20 sex m carpenter born
in Canada East, fam. 990, William Lord age 55 sex m teamster born in NH, Benjamin age 25 sex m operative born in
NH, Susan age 22 sex f house keeper born in MA, Frederic age 2 mos. sex m born in MA, Elizabeth age 19 sex f house
keeper born in MA
74 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1870, pp. 6.26, dw. 50, Hudson, Hillsborough Co., NH, fam. 56, David

Schoolcraft age 34 sex m carpenter born in Canada, Georgiana age 26 sex f keeping house born in Canada, Albertine
age 10 sex f born in MA, Cora S. age 8 sex f born in Canada, Minnie age 11 mos. sex f born in NH.
Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1870, pp. 22.08, dw. 122, Watertown, Middlesex Co., MA, fam. 179, Andrew
Moras age 33 sex m carpenter born in NH, Elisabeth age 25 sex f born in VT, John F. age 4 sex m born in Canada East,
Benjamin Grenslit age 40 sex m teamster born in VT, Heman F. Schoolcraft age 21 sex m carpenter born in Canada
76 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jun-1870, pp. 213.39, dw. 1230, Ward 12, S. Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, fam. 1670,

Theodore W. Lord age 33 sex m tin man born in ME, Clarinda age 34 sex f born in ME, Herbert age 6 sex m born in
MA, fam. 1671, Herman Schoolcraft age 31 sex m carpenter born in Canada, Ellen age 21 sex f born in NH, Walter age
7 mos. sex m born in MA.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254760 National Archives Film T9-0760 pp. 276C: Albany, Carroll
Co., NH : Hermon SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 41 born in CAN occupation House Carpenter father
born in NY mother born in NY: Ellen R. SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 32 born in NH occupation
Keeping House father born in NH mother born in NH: Walter B. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 10 born
in MA occupation At Home father born in CAN mother born in NH.
78 Québec, Stanbridge: Second Adventist Church Records, Bedford Second Adventist Church, LDS Film 2027149:

Burials: Stanbridge Nov 27th 1895. Officiated this day at the burial of Sarah Schoolcraft, widow of the late Adam
Boomhower, who died Nov 25th 1895 aged ninety one years and was buried in the public burying place of Stanbridge
Ridge P. Que. Witnessed N. Guy Hurlbut. Walter Boomhower. N. C Hurlbut Minister.
79 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Hannah L daughter of Adam Boomhower and of Sally

Schoolcraft his wife and wife of John Gage Sr. of Stanbridge County of Missisquoi Province of Québec was born on
the thirteth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven and was baptized on the
twenty first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety three in presence of the
subscribing witnesses. Witnessed H. C. Heath and N. Bachelder.
80 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 39.02, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 79.23 Lot

5-11: William Scagel age 56 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Farmer, Universalist, Married. Persa age 53 female born in
U.S.A. occ./rel. Universalist, Married. Philina age 14 female born in Canada occ./rel. Universalist, Unmarried. Jacob
age 8 male born in Canada occ./rel. Universalist, Unmarried. James Baumhower age 23 male born in Canada occ./rel.
Laborer, Universalist, Unmarried. Albert Baumhower age 22 male born in Canada occ./rel. Laborer, Universalist,
Unmarried. Isaac Baumhower age 21 male born in Canada occ./rel. Laborer, Universalist, Unmarried.

Chapter 15: Anna Schoolcraft and
Simon Stone
Lamora Magdaleno has been the source of much of what I know about this family. She drew
on prior work by Herb Stone and significantly supplemented that with her own work. Audrey
Growt has provided the research on one branch of this family. I am indebted to both for their

This family is deeply involved with the present day village of St. Ignace de Stanbridge. Three
names have been associated with this location. While the actual boundaries associated with
each name may not be the same over time, the different names are often found associated
with the same geographic location. When it was originally settled it was known as the Stone
Settlement because this family was one of the earliest to settle there. Later it became
identified as North Stanbridge. Since the establishment of the Catholic parish it has been
known as St. Ignace de Stanbridge. However, all three names have also been used at the
same time. Abbé Isidore Desnoyers refers the formation of the Catholic Parish of St. Ignace,
noting also it’s names of Stone Settlement and North Stanbridge, in the “Histoire de la
Paroisse de Saint-Damien de Bedford”1. This document is in French. Because English and
French use different grammatical constructs a strict English transcription is not possible. I
have translated and paraphrased the key points below.

Page 59:
In October 1873 were erected the regular Missions of Notre-Dame de
Lourdes / Saint-Armand-West / with Curé Legault exclusively in charge, and
the Mission of Stone Settlement / North Stanbridge / entrusted to M. Ed.
Blanchard, which for this purpose only, was nominated assistant (vicaire) in
[The Catholic Parish of Saint-Damien was founded on July 10th, 1864]
Page 60:
On September 14th, 1874, M. Elphège Gravel .... becomes the new Curé of
Saint-Damien and will as well minister the Missions of Saint-Armand and
Saint-Ignace / Stone / starting on October 4th.
On October 23rd, 1874, M. Jos. Marcoux is nominated assistant in Saint-
Damien and especially in charge of Stone Settlement. In September 1875, he
is succeeded in these same responsabilities by M. Jos. Beaudry who stays until
On April 1876, the Mission of Stone Settlement is erected canonically under
the new name of Saint-Ignace. On October 6th, 1876 takes place the arrival of
M. Jean-Baptiste Chartier from Coaticook, as first residing Curé.

Abbé Isidore Desnoyers writes in more detail of the Catholic Parish of St. Ignace in the
“Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Ignace de Stanbridge”2. I shall discuss some of the content
of this reference later.

Anna Schoolcraft’s existence is determined from her son’s death record3, which explicitly
states his parents were Simon Stone and Anna Schoolcraft. From the St. Ignace de Stanbridge
cemetery we learn that Anna’s son, Peter Stone was born on April 20th, 17914, so we can
imply that Anna was probably born before 1775 and would thus be Christian Schoolcraft and
Elizabeth Becker’s child. Formal confirmation of this conclusion comes from the land
transaction discussed in detail in Chapter 9. That document clearly identifies that Simon
Stone is Adam Schoolcraft’s brother-in-law. The records of the United Empire Loyalists
show that a Simon Stone was commissioned on November 22nd, 1781 in Capt. Jones’ Co. of
the Loyal Rangers. Simon Stone is listed as a Private, age 17, 5 ft. 5 in. with 1 yr. 5 mos. of
service coming from America. The date of the report is uncertain. However, the Loyal
Rangers was a Provincial Regiment that existed only between 1781 and 1783, which would
imply Simon was born around 1765. There were other regiments that included the terms
“Loyal” and “Rangers” so there is sufficient ambiguity that this date cannot be regarded as

Simon Stone was granted land in Foucault in 17975. The land was located in the eighth range
near the Bay. This is close to the land that his brother-in-law, William Schoolcraft, occupied
in 1820. In Chapter 5, page 65 I showed that Simon Stone was granted lot 28 in range 4 in
Sutton in 1801. As I stated in Chapter 5, I am unconvinced that the Simon Stone who is
granted land in Sutton is the same one as married Anna Schoolcraft. On March 13th, 1805
Simon is granted authorization6 to lease Stanbridge lot 13, range 7. The government tried to
avoid making multiple grants to the same person. This grant abuts Simon’s brother-in-law,
Adam Schoolcraft, and it seem very likely that this is where Simon lived before he removed
to land in St. Ignance de Stanbridge a few years later.

Abbé Isidore Desnoyers states2 that Simon and his son Peter, with a man named Kempt, were
the earliest settlers in St. Ignace de Stanbridge. They arrived around 1810 and Simon settled
on lot 19 in range 4.

4e Rang – Dans cette concession la colonisation se serait ouverte vers l’année

1810. Un vieillard du nom de Kempt, Peter Stone et Simon Stone s’y
établirent les premiers. Simon se fixa sur le lot No 19 précisément sur la terre
où est bâtie l’église actuelle de St-Ignace. L’un de ses descendants, Leonard
Stone, vendit cette terre, 6 Sept. 1873, au Sieur Jos. Smith, catholiq. Simon
Stone fut aussi le premier, dit-on, inhumé ds le lieu qui sert encore
aujourd’hui de cimetière pour la populat. protest. de la localité à quelque 15
arpents sud de l’église cathol. Il laissa plusieurs garçons, entre autres, Adam
et Peter; celui-ci bâtit la maison en pierre occupée auj. par J. Smith. En
mémoire de cette famille Stone et autres Stone, la place fut appelée longtemps
Stone Settlements. Aujourd’hui c’est Stanbridge Nord, petit village à quatre
milles nord de Bedford; on y remarque des marchands et plusieurs corps de
métier; une école protest. tenue en 1880 par Mlle Grace Phelps; dans laquelle
se fait le meeting religieux; un Bureau de poste, ouvert en 1864, pour
l’avantage de 45 familles, établies ds la localité et les environs, parmi
lesquelles familles, il y avait en 1880, vingt- une canadiennes, dont 5
Daudelin, 3 Chartier, -- 3 Russell, 3 Sawyer, 2 Stone. On mentionne encore

comme des pionniers habit. du 4e Rang Hermanus Truax et Christopher
Travers et ds.

I am indebted to M. Jef Asnong for providing the transcription and the following translation
of that early French passage:

4th Range – Colonisation in this concession would have begun towards the
year 1810. An older man named Kempt, Peter Stone and Simon Stone were
the first to establish themselves. Simon settled on Lot No 19, precisely on the
land where the present day church of Saint-Ignace is built. One of his
descendants, Leonard Stone, sold this farm on September 6th, 1873, to Mr.
Jos. Smith, a Catholic. Simon Stone was also the first, so it is said, who was
buried at the site which is still used today as a burying ground for the
Protestant population of this locality, situated 15 arpents to the south of the
Catholic church. He had several boys among which were, Adam and Peter;
this last one build the stone house inhabited today by J. Smith. In
remembrance of this family Stone and other Stone’s, the place was called the
Stone Settlements for a long period of time. Today it is known as Stanbridge
North, a small village situated four miles to the North of Bedford; one
encounters merchants and several craftsmen; a Protestant school kept in 1880
by Miss Grace Phelps; in which are held the religious meetings; a Post Office,
opened in 1864, to benefit the 45 families, living in the village or its
surroundings, among which families, there were in 1880, twenty one
Canadian families among them 5 Daudelin, 3 Chartier, -- 3 Russell, 3 Sawyer,
2 Stone. Also mentioned as pioneers of the 4th Range are Hermanus Truax and
Christopher Travers and others.

In 1820 Simon purchased the westerly half of lot seventeen in the fourth concession from
Francois Des Rivieres in 18207. He appears to have been overcharged by one shilling if you
follow the arithmetic in the agreement as the stated cost was £45 17s., there was £25 19s.
paid previously and a remainder of £19 19s. at the date of the agreement. i.e. Simon actually
handed over a total of £45 18s.! That half lot (100 acres) would measure about 1/2 mile east
to west and about 3/8 of a mile north to south. It is located about ½ mile south the center of
St. Ignace de Stanbridge and contains the intersection of South Church Road and Galipeau
Road. On 12-Feb-1820 Simon Stone sold 45 acres of lot 17-4 to George Stone for 5s. What
he sold was a strip 45 rods and 12 links from north to south that ran along the southern edge
of the land he had just bought from Francois Des Rivieres. i.e. it was 750 feet frontage on
South Church Road, south of the intersection with Galipeau Road. In Deed 3086 that I shall
discuss in more detail later, various siblings quit their claims in lot 17-4 to their brother
William Stone. In Deed 3088, William sells to his brother, George, for £100 “all the surplus
of fourty five acres” in lot 17-4. I find this deed somewhat ambiguous. It refers to George as
the owner by virtue of the sale by his father in 1820. Therefore, why would William be
selling George something he already owned? Two possibilities seem obvious. The phrase
that I have quoted may mean that William is selling the rest of half lot 4-17 so that George
then owns the whole half lot. Alternatively, it may be that the whole of George’s 45 acres
never got to him originally. From the first sale by his father it is apparent that this was more

of a gift than a sale as George got about £20 worth of land for 5 shillings. I favor the first
interpretation but have not fully transcribed and really studied this deed.

Who is Simon Stone?

Stone is a fairly common name. Many members of the Stone family trace their ancestry back
to a family in Essex, England. J. Gardner Bartlett documented the family of Deacon Simon
Stone8 showing an extensive line of persons called Simon Stone, several of whom were
significant citizens likely to be commemorated in naming subsequent generations. At least
two persons called Simon are mentioned in the early Quebec records.

One Simon Stone is associated with Ascot, Quebec through his son Isaac Stone9. Isaac was
born on December 12th, 1781 in Templeton MA, and can be shown to be the son of Simon
Stone who was born on November 1st, 1746 in Groton MA. Although this Simon Stone also
has a son called Simon, that son is born February 1st, 1773 in Templeton MA and is claimed
to have married Rhoda in 1795. He could not be the one in St. Ignace de Stanbridge. His age
is not appropriate to that of the person in the Loyal Rangers.

The birth of another Simon Stone on November 18th, 1762 in New Ipswich is readily
verified in the New Hampshire records10. This is tantalizingly close to the birth of the Simon
we seek. Simon’s parents were Elias Stone and Sarah Sawyer. Bartlett8 has documented
Elias’ family. Elias was in New Ipswich NH 1761-1765, Lunenberg MA 1765-1771,
Deerfield MA 1771-1784, and finally Colrain MA 1784-1801 where he died. A tantalizing,
but unverifiable, piece of information is a member submission to the IGI stating that a Simon
Stone married in Salem NY about 1789 and that he was born in New Ipswich, NH. However,
if Simon had made it to Salem, NY it would have been as a young, single, man and not with
his parents. Following the Revolutionary War, Loyalists were being driven out of Salem and
Cambridge NY. Thus it is hard to see how or why a Loyalist would have gone to such a
region in the mid or late 1780s after his discharge from the Loyal Rangers. Further, Elias was
not a Loyalist so his son is not likely to have been one either. In August of 1789 a Captain
Simon Stone and Lieutenant Israel Stone, cousins from Salem NY, purchase a Phelps and
Gorham tract at Big Spring (later Pittsford) containing 13,296 acres, for $4,786.56. They
make a $30 down payment. They then go back to Salem for the winter. Captain Simon Stone
died in 1832 in Pittsford NY11 at age 68. I believe that this supporter of the Revolution is in
fact Elias’ son.

Because of the foregoing, I am unaware of the pedigree of Anna Schoolcraft’s spouse. Abbé
Isidore Desnoyers writes2: “Simon Stone fut aussi le premier, dit-on, inhumé ds le lieu qui
sert encore aujourd’hui de cimetière pour la populat. protest. de la localité à quelque 15
arpents sud de l’église cathol.” Simon may be the totally illegible marker in lot 2-4 that is
just inside the gate of the Stone cemetery.

Simon Stone and Anna Schoolcraft‘s Children

Most of Anna Schoolcraft’s children are determined from Simon Stone’s Will12 and from
some land transactions in which the inheritors released their claim13. As these documents are
so significant to Stone family research they are transcribed here. Simon’s Will was filed with

the Bedford Land Records office in 1839, after the release documents. The census record
actually implies that Simon died between 1825 and 1831.

Bedford Land Record, No. 3086. A Deed signed to William Stone, Whitby
20th day April 1838 from Elizabeth Lampman, Rhoda Groat, Charles Stone,
Amanda Groat, Filed 22nd June 1839 at 10 to 1 oclock P.M., A. Kemp Dep.
Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth Stone the wife of John
Lampman and I Rhoda Stone the wife of Ebenezer Groat and I Lucy Stone the
wife of Harmonas Truax and I Charles Stone and I Anna Maria Stone the wife
of John Groat all of the Township of Whitby in the County of York in the ~~~
District and in the Province of Upper Canada yeoman doth hereby
acknowledge the receipt of one pound ~~~ by to me in hand paid by William
Stone the consideration of which I the said Elizabeth Stone, Rhoda Stone,
Lucy Stone, Charles Stone, Anne Maria Stone doth hereby and by these
presents Give grant ~~~ and for ever quit claim unto the said William Stone
his heirs and afsigns for ever all rights and title to us or ours heirs how were
claimed or pofsefsed and by these presents doth confirm the same of Lot
number seventeen in the fourth consefsion of the Township of Stanbridge in
the County of Mifsifsquoi and in Montreal District and in the Province of
Lower Canada In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal
in presence of Witnefs Fuller Groat, George Groat.
Whitby 20th April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
thirty eight. Elizabeth X Lampman, Rhoda Groat, Charles Stone, Anna M.
Bedford Land Record, No. 3087. Transfer of Rights of Succefsion by
Thomas Stone to Wm Stone, Filed 22nd June 1839 ½ past 1 oclock P.M., A.
Kemp Dep. Reg.:
Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Stone of the Township of
Camden in the Counties of Lennox and Addington in the midland District and
in the Province of Upper Canada yeoman doth hereby acknowledge the
receipt of one pound Currency to me in hand paid by William Stone the
consideration of which I the said Thomas Stone doth hereby and by these
presents give grant sell quit claim unto the said William Stone his heirs and
afsignes for ever all my right and title to me or my Heirs however claimed or
pofsefsed and by these presents doth donfirm the same of Lot number fourteen
in the fourth concefsion of the Township of Stanbridge in the County of
Mifsifsquoi in the Montreal District and Province of Lower Canada In
testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal. In presence of
Witnefses Christian Douey, Jacob D
Camden January 12th in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
thirty eight. Thomas Stone.
Bedford Land Record, No. 3088. Deed of Sale By William Stone to George
Stone Filed 22nd June 1839 at 2 oclock P.M., A. Kemp Dep. Reg.:

Before the subscribing Notary Public residing in the District of Montreal in
the Province of Lower Canada Personally appeared William Stone of the
Township of Stanbridge yeoman who in my presence voluntarily declared and
acknowledged that for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred pounds
current money of the Province aforesaid unto him in hand well and truly paid
before the execution of these presents by George Stone of the same place,
yeoman, the receipt and payment whereof he the said William Stone did and
hereby doth acknowledge and thereof and every part & parcel thereof acquit
exonerate and discharge him the said George Stone his heirs and afsigns
forever, He the said William Stone hath bargained granted and sold and by
these presents doth bargain grant sell alien ~~~~ convey and confirm from
henceforth for ever without any guarantee other than his own deeds &
promises unto the said George Stone present hereto and accepting all the rest
residue & remainder of the equal westerly half of all that tract and parcel of
land situate lying and being in the aforesaid Township of Stanbridge known
and distinguished by lot number seventeen in the tenth range of Lots in the
said Township the said remainder sonsisting of all the surplus of fortyfive
acres, the contents of the contents of[sic] the said moiety estate the late Simon
Stone and consort their parents have sold & conveyed to him the said George
Stone by Deed dated 12 February A.D. 1820 executed before the said Notary
as reference being thereunto had will more fully appear as the said residence
remainder of the said moiety now is be its contents what it may with all the
buildings and other improvements created & made thereon and generally all
and every the estate and estate rights titles interests property claims and
demands whatsoever of him the said William Stone of into or out of the said
piece and parcel of land and premises and of in and to every part & parcel
thereof and as he now is seized thereof by virtue of the last will and testament
of the aforesaid Simon Stone and by purchase of the rights and claims of
Elizabeth Stone the wife of John Lampman, Rhoda Stone the wife of Ebenezer
Groat, Lucy Stone the wife of Harmonax Truax, Charles Stone, Anna Maria
Stone the wife of John Groat Thomas Stone, Margaret Stone the wife of
Freeman Johnson, Peter Stone, Adam Stone and Charlotte Stone the wife of
Calvin Spears To Have and to Hold the said residue and remainder of the
west half of the said Lot of land and premises and every part & parcel thereof
with its appurtenances unto the said George Stone his heirs and afsigns for
ever by virtue of these presents: subject neverthelefs to the payment of such
sum or sums as is or are now due or owing to the heirs or other legal
representives of Francis Des Riviers late of the City of Montreal ~~~
deceased of the sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings current money
aforesaid which the said late Simon Stone had undertaken and bound himself
to pay the said Francis Des Riviers by a certain deed of the said westerly
moiety by the said Francis Des Riviers to him dated 12th day Feby A.D. 1820
executed before the said Notary and all the interest that may have accrued
also subject to the terms & conditions provisoes limitations restrictions and
reservations in the letters Patent of the said Township of Stanbridge set forth
& constrained and for the due execution of these presents the parties thereto

have made election of domicile each at their respective place of abode where
notwithstanding & promising & obliging & renouncing & Thus done and
pafsed at St. Armand in the office of the said Notary in the afternoon of the
22nd day June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & thirty
nine; and the said parties and in the said Notary witnefses have to these
presents (~~~ duly read) set and subscribed our respective names in faith &
testimony of the Provisions
A Kemp (signed) William Stone his
~~rick The said George not knowing how to write George X Stone
makes his mark a cross mark
L. Lalanne N.P. True copy of the original in my office L. Lalanne N.P.
Bedford Land Record, No. 3159. Last Will and Testament of Simon Stone
filed 29th Oct 1839 at 11 oclock A. M., A. Kemp D. R.:
In the name of God Amen. I Simon Stone of Stanbridge being week in body but
of sound and perfect mind and memory; blessed be Almighty God for the same
so make and publish this for my last will and Teastament in the manner and
form following, to wit, first I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife her third
of my real and personal estate as long as she lives. Second I do also give and
bequeath to my eldest son Peter one pound currency; third I do also give and
bequeath unto my second son Adam one pound currency. Fourth I do also
give and bequeath unto my third son George one pound currency and that
part of that Lot of Land that he now lives on to have as his own by his paying
for the same. Fourth I do also give and bequeath unto my fourth son Thomas
one pound currency; Fifth I do also give and bequeath unto my fifth son
William two thirds of my real and personal estate of what there is remains
after paying the debts and schooling his Brother until he is fifteen and his two
youngest Sisters he is to give two years schooling and support them till they
become of age. Sixth I do also give and bequeath unto my youngest son
Charles the other third of my real and personal estate furthermore Charles is
to pay one half of the above sums so ~~~ to the above names and I hereby
give and bequeath to the said William and Charles all my real and personal
estate of and in all those ~~~ with the appurtenances situate and equally to be
divided between them as above mentioned and lastly I appoint Adam Stone to
be the sole administrator of this my last will and testament and hereby
revoking all former wills by me made. In witnefs whereof I hereunder set my
hand and seal this day of <blank> in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and twenty five signed sealed published and declared by the above
named Simon Stone to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who
have hereunto subscribed our names as witnefses in the presence of the
Signed Simon X Stone, Francis ~~~, Andrew Boyington

The combination of those four documents defines Simon Stone’s family. In particular I draw
your attention to Deeds 3086 and 3088 as they provide information about the husbands of
several daughters.

The eldest child, Peter Stone, married Sarah Fisk in 181214, about the time that Peter settled
in St. Ignace de Stanbridge. They had nine children. They are consistently enumerated in
Stanbridge, probably St. Ignace as they and most of their children are buried in the Stone

The second child, Adam Stone, married Martha Brewer in 181615. They also had nine
children and, like Peter, remained in Stanbridge and are buried in the Stone cemetery. Two of
the children went to Ohio, although most remained near Stanbridge. One, Zanetta Orselia
Stone, married William Asa Gray16 after his first wife, Mary Schoolcraft, died. Mary and
Zanetta were first cousins once removed.

The third child was George Stone who married Hannah Welch in 181717. They also had nine
children. George and his family occupy an enclosed family plot within the Stone cemetery.

Elizabeth Stone married John Lampman in 181718. I have not found any record of them after
the marriage except for the quit claim that shows they had removed to Ontario.

Margaret Stone married Freeborn Johnson in 182919. They were enumerated in St. Armand in
1852 but no children were apparent.

Hannah Stone married Calvin Spears in 182320. They were enumerated in Stanbridge in
183121 with a young family that I have not fully identified. Two of the children are probably
Edward and Nelson Spears who are living beside Calvin in 185022, 23, 24.

Rhoda Stone married Ebenezer Groat by whom she had eight children. In 1838 she and
Ebenezer were in Whitby, Ontario. They died in Minnesota. Audrey Growt has provided the
information on this family.

Lucy Stone married Harmon Truax in 182825. They also went to Whitby, Ontario. I have not
identified any children for this family although a young male child is enumerated in 183126.

Thomas Stone married Hannah Deline in 182627. They are enumerated in Sheffield, Ontario,
in 1852 with six children.

William Stone married Huldah Harding in 182728. William is enumerated in 1831 with a
young child and some others in the same household. It’s not clear if the young child is his. I
have not identified any children of William’s.

Charlotte Stone is named as Calvin Spear’s wife in deed 3088. But wait - Calvin married
Hannah Stone in 1823! The 1850 census confirms the name Charlotte and shows her age
such that she was born in 1810. It’s extremely unlikely she married at age 13 and started a
family. In fact the earlier marriage record states that both were “of major age” and thus born
before 1802. We may deduce that Calvin married two sisters. Hannah is shown to be Simon’s
daughter as her brother and his wife are witnesses at the marriage. Deed 3088 shows that
Charlotte is also Simon’s daughter. The 1850 census shows that Charlotte has a relatively
young family and thus probably married Calvin only a year or two before the land settlement
in 1839.

Charles Stone is enumerated in Chase, Michigan in 188029 with a wife called Jane. I have not
identified any children of this union.

Anna Maria Stone marries John Groat in Ontario in 183630. The relationship between John
Groat and Ebenezer Groat has not been determined. Six children are enumerated in 185231.

1 Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Damien de Bedford by Abbé Isidore Desnoyers. Étude manuscrite Diocèse de Saint-
Hyacinthe, 1886.
2 Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Ignace de Stanbridge by Abbé Isidore Desnoyers. Étude manuscrite Diocèse de Saint-

Hyacinthe, 1887.
Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Folio 16th: George Stone of the Township of Stanbridge, farmer, son
of late Simon Stone and his wife Anna Schoolcraft died on the Twenty Fourth day of November in the year of our Lord
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Five and was buried on this Twenty Seventh day of the same month and year
in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me R. A. Flanders, Minister. Witnesses Francis Welch and Lorenzo D.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 5-3. Sarah R. Fisk wife of Peter Stone
b. April 20, 1792 d. Sept 27, 1878. Marker 5-4. Peter Stone d. March 27, 1866 ae. 75 yrs.
5 Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Jacques de Foucault by Abbé Isidore Desnoyers. Étude manuscrite Diocèse de Saint-

Hyacinthe, 1886. pp. 2 “In 1797, 14th of July, the Seigneur Gabriel Christie made a grant of 4 x 30 arpents to Simon
Stone in the 8th Range near Missisquoi Bay.”
6 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 60, pp. 30196-30217. Mar 13, 1805, pp. 30216. Authorization to lease Crown and

Clergy land. James Schoolcraft, range 9, lot 15; William Schoolcraft range 10, lot 13; Simon Stone range 7, lot 10;
Elijah Spears range 9, lot 19.
7 Notary Leon Lalanne: 12th Feby 1820, Philip Ruiter Atty of F. Des Rivieres to Simon Stone. Notary Leon Lalanne:

12th Feby 1820 Deed of Sale by Simon Stone & Consort to George Stone.
8 Simon Stone Genealogy, Ancestry and Descendants of Deacon Simon Stone of Watertown, Mass. By J. Gardner

Bartlett, Published for The Stone Family Association, 1926.

9 Notary Leon Lalanne: 21st Sept. 1803, Sale by Gilbert Hyatt to Simon Stone: Identifies that the land sold is in Ascot.

Isaac Stone represents Simon Stone of Templeton and is identified as Simon's son.
10 New Hampshire Births: Simon Stone born 18 Nov 1762 New Ipswich Twp, Hillsboro, New Hampshire. Parents Elias

Stone and Sarah.

11 Pioneer Cemetery, Village of Pittsford, Monroe Co., NY: Stone, Simon 1764-1832
12 Québec, Bedford: Land Registry Records, Bedford Land Record, No. 3159. Last Will and Testament of Simon Stone

filed 29th Oct 1839.

13 Québec, Bedford: Land Registry Records, Bedford Land Record, No. 3086, 3087 & 3088.
14 Vermont: Marriage Record, Peter STONE of Stanbridge, Canada & Sally FISK - married 3 Jul 1812 at Highgate, VT

by Peter Sax.
15 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Philipsburg Anglican: On March 11, 1816
Adam Stone of Seigneury of St. Armand of major age and Martha Brewer of Stanbridge of minor age were married in
presence of his sister and brother. James Reid, Minister. Witnesses Margaret Stone, George Stone.
16 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Page 507 records the marriage of Zanetta 0. STONE, age 23, of Stanbridge to William Asa GRAY on 26 Oct 1848 in
Stanbridge BA church.
17 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Frelighsburg Anglican: On March 10, 1817
George Stone and Hannah Welch both of Stanbridge major age were married by banns by James Reid, Minister.
Witnesses Adam Stone, John Welch.
Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and
complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Frelighsburg Anglican: On February 24,
1817 John Lampman Bachelor & farmer and Elizabeth Stone spinster of minor age both of Stanbridge were married by
banns. James Reid, Minister. Witnesses Jacob Bockus, Elizah Schoolcraft.
19 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Philipsburg Anglican: On March 10, 1829
Freeborn Johnson of the Seignorie of St. Armand and Margaret Stone of Stanbridge were married by James Reid
Minister. Witnesses Levi Johnson and William Stone.

20 Québec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, Frelighsburg Anglican: On this twenty seventh day of January one
thousand eight hundred and twenty three Calvin Spear Batchelor and farmer, and Hannah Stone, spinster, both of major
age and of Stanbridge were married after publication of Banns in the presence of the subscribing witnesses. James Reid
Minister. Witnesses Adam Stone, Martha Stone.
21 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1253.34, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of

household Calvin Speers, renter, labourer. 6 Total in household, 3 5 and under, 2 6 but under 14. Males: 1 21 but not 30
Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 6 Methodists.
22 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Aug-1850, pp. 211.25, dw. 405, Berlin, St. Claire Co., MI, fam. 405, Calvin Spear

age 50 sex m farmer born in Canada, Charlotte age 40 sex f born in Canada, Elijah age 10 sex m born in Canada, John
age 8 sex m born in Canada, Nancy age 6 sex f born in Canada, Gideon age 3 sex m born in Canada, Hannah age 2
mos. sex f born in MI.
Federal Population Schedule, 19-Aug-1850, pp. 211.32, dw. 406, Berlin, St. Claire Co., MI, fam. 406, Edward Spear
age 26 sex m farmer born in Canada, Charlotte age 25 sex f born in Canada, Elizabeth age 6 sex f born in Canada,
Calvin age 1 sex m born in Canada.
Federal Population Schedule, 19-Aug-1850, pp. 211.36, dw. 407, Berlin, St. Claire Co., MI, fam. 407, Nelson Spear
age 24 sex m farmer born in Canada, Sarah age 20 sex f born in Canada, Andrew J. age 1 sex m born in MI.
Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and
complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Philipsburg Anglican: On February 25, 1828,
Harmon Truax and Lucy Stone, both of majority age, both of Township of Stanbridge were married by Richard
Whitwell, Minister. Witnesses William Stone and Margaret Stone.
26 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1253.06, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 4 Head of

household Harmonius Truax, owner, farmer. 3 Total in household, 1 5 and under. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr.,
Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 3 Methodists.
27 Vermont: Marriage Record, Highgate, page, #133: Thomas Stone md Hannah DELINE, 12 Apr 1826, both of

28 Vermont: Marriage Record, William STONE of Highgate & Huldah HARDING - married 11 Sep 1827 at Highgate,

29 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254589 National Archives Film T9-0589 pp. 89C: Chase, Lake Co.,

MI : Charles STONE Self male married white age 66 born in Canada occupation Farmer father born in VT mother born
in MA: Jane STONE Wife female married white age 69 born in Canada occupation Keeps House father born in Eng
mother born in VT.
30 Ontario: Marriage Record, Feb 4. 1836 Anna M. Stone and John Groat, both of Whitby. Witnesses Charles Stone and

Nancy Calkins. Performed by Israel Marsh, Baptist Minister, Whitby.

31 Ontario: Census, 1852: pp. 43.46, Dist. 1, Whitby, Durham Co., 1 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 149.01 Lot 5-17: John

Groat age 41 m born in L.C. occ./rel. farmer, Baptist, married. Annah age 35 f born in L.C. occ./rel. Baptist, married.
Ambrose age 15 m born in U.C. occ./rel. labourer, Baptist. Alfred age 13 m born in U.C. occ./rel. labourer, Baptist.
Harriett M. age 9 f born in U.C. occ./rel. Baptist. Charles age 4 m born in U.C. occ./rel. Baptist. Marlotte age 2 f born
in U.C. occ./rel. Baptist. Mary age 1 f born in U.C. occ./rel. Baptist.

Chapter 16: Unresolved Issues in
Missisquoi County
One of the biggest problems encountered when researching this region is the sporadic
occurrence of the early records. This is most pronounced before about 1840 and as a result,
many individuals are not detected till late in life when they appear in a census or death
record. This is particularly problematic with females as most that survive are using their
married names by the time they are detectable and thus the maiden name may remain
undiscovered for many years. Despite this, some individuals still remain who show
connections with the Missisquoi County families but who I have not yet placed in a family.
The foregoing chapters have suggested placement of most who were the grandchildren of
Christian Schoolcraft and Elizabeth Margaret Becker. The evidence for some of those is
flimsy and circumstantial and much work remains to prove some of the conjectures that I
have made. Still more remain that are probably great grandchildren. I have selected those that
I feel it should be possible to place yet, because of the absence of adequate clues, I have not
succeeded in developing any thread to work from. Hopefully someone may read this and
recognize one or more these people and have a copy of the document that helps identify
them. I would alert you that names and ages get mis-stated for many reasons and when only a
single record exists, this can be very misleading.

The Kentucky Connection

I stated in Chapter 2 that I would not be discussing Austien’s descendants who settled
primarily South of the Mason Dixon line. However, in recent years I started to review some
of the information on Schoolcraft’s from the South. That uncovered a Quebec connection that
I was previously unaware of. Starting in 1860 we find a Robert Schoolcraft1 and a William
Henry Schoolcraft2 who are wagon makers from Canada. Clearly they are of interest to the
present research. Robert is born about 1830 in Bedford, QC3 and William is born about 1835.
They are almost certainly brothers. (Robert also recorded his marriage in Johnson Co.,
Illinois4 three weeks earlier. Johnson County is very close to Paducah, Kentucky.) In 1870 a
third, Edward Schoolcraft, is found living with William5 and who is 11 years his junior.
Clearly Edward cannot be a child and I conjecture he is also a brother to the other two. Both
Robert and William have documented families and between 1870 and 1900 both remove to
Montgomery, Alabama6, 7. Robert is claimed to have married two more times after his
marriage to Mary Grief3 and I am grateful to Robert Evans for the following information:

Taken from the Evans Family lore, the story has come down that Robert F.
Schoolcraft and my Great Great Grandfather, Frank Culley Evans, were
compatriots during the Civil War in which one said to the other, “…if I die
first you take care of my wife and family and if you die first I will do the same
for you.” Neither man died during the Civil War, but Robert did eventually
marry Frank’s wife Laura in either November or December, 1873. Where I
don’t know but I can tell you how I know.

I just recently discovered that Frank Evans served the confederacy during the
Civil War as a Captain under General Forrest’s Brigade. Nathan Bedford
Forrest lived in Memphis about one block from Frank’s residence. So, it
appears Frank and Robert were Confederate sympathizers?
Frank Evans and Robert Schoolcraft both had a residence in Paducah,
Kentucky in 1873; Frank had another residence in Memphis, Tennessee.
Frank was a broker in the tobacco business, Robert a wagon
manufacturer. Frank did quite well in tobacco. He died during the yellow
fever epidemic in Memphis in October 1873. He left his wife Laura and her
five children a Life Policy totaling $99,200 cash. That would be worth about
one million today!
The Probate Records in Memphis list Laura Evans as “Mrs. Laura Evans” on
November 5, 1873 and as “Mrs. Laura Schoolcraft” December 1873. So,
Frank died in October, Laura re-married about 1-2 months later. Robert
Schoolcraft to the rescue. Being married made it easier for Laura to collect
the money that the Court was issuing to her piecemeal, i.e., Laura had to
produce receipts for care for the children to get compensated.
June 30, 1875, Laura had all the money and a Probate Court Citation for her
to appear in Court was addressed by the Sheriff that “…she was not to be
found in my County per reliable informant. She now resides in the State of
Allabama.” [sic]
February, 1875 expense receipts for each child include railroad fare from
Louisville to Montgomery. Laura’s children are:
Edward Malcolm Evans
Elizabeth Evans
Anna Laura Evans
Charles Carventry Evans
Henry Clay Evans (my Great Grandfather)

In 1900, George Schoolcraft, born in 1863 in Kentucky8, is enumerated in St. Louis with two
daughters who were both born in Alabama. The coincidence of locations and the fact that one
daughter is called “Roberta” causes me to suspect that George is part of this group, even
though he is not apparent in the 1870 or 1880 census. In 1900 the widow Greada Grief
enumerates in Paducah9 with her son, John Schoolcraft, born in Oct 1882. William and
Robert were both in Paducah and Robert married Mary Grief. It would seem probable that
Greada was at one time a Schoolcraft wife, although analysis of the 1900 census shows that
she is a widow of two marriages, the second to a husband whose surname was “Grief” and
that it is not her maiden name. Lastly in Paducah in 190010 are two grandchildren, Mary and
Cyril Schoolcraft born in 1886 and 1888 in Alabama. Age and locations suggest these two
might be William Schoolcraft’s children but even if not, they are at least probably part of this
same family group.

This is quite a substantial group of individuals and further research should be able to connect
them as group. That will still leave the problem of the original ancestor. One clue we have is
that the eldest, Robert, was born in Bedford, Quebec about 1830. The age implies Robert’s
father was probably born before 1814 and Robert would thus be Christian’s great grandchild.

The location eliminates, Peter and William as Robert’s grandparents. John’s family is known
to be restricted in a way that prevents his being the grandfather. I personally feel that Adam’s
family is less likely to accommodate this group than is Martin’s or James’. We have several
possibilities. For example, Scofield, son of Martin, has a family with age gaps in the 1830s
and his brother also named a child “Robert”. Joel, son of James, was married three times and
his family is extremely sketchy.

A New Hampshire Marriage

The vital records for Concord, New Hampshire record the marriage of Charles Schoolcraft11
who was born about 1845. He declares that he was born in Canada and that his father was
called Robert. Before we jump to the conclusion that this Robert may be the one in Kentucky
that was previously discussed, consider that Charles’s age implies his father was born before
about 1827. I cannot locate anyone called Robert Schoolcraft among the Schoolcraft’s living
in the Eastern Townships who is born before 1827. It is tempting to conjecture about the
Robert Schoolcraft found in Paducah, Kentucky. The 1860 and 1870 census records imply he
was born in 1832 and his marriage record that he was born in 1830. As his bride is so young
he might be understating his age. Very few Schoolcraft’s removed into New Hampshire.
David and Hermon who I conjecture are descendants of Anthony are the only other two that I
have located.

I believe Charles has ties to northern New York12 and think he is enumerated there in 187013.
In later enumerations he indicates his birthplace as NY14, 15, 16. I am more inclined to believe
the birth location in the marriage record than the census. Franklin Co., New York was where
descendants of both Adam and of William were found in the period 1840 through 1870 so
that is the family lines where I would expect to locate Charles. However, neither of them has
a son called Robert. Adam’s stepson, Philip, has a family with suitable age gaps but his
census record for 1850 and 160 is apparent and does not include a Charles. William’s son,
Ralph, is another possibility as his family record is sketchy.

Some Isolated Records With Connections to Quebec or New England

A Michigan Marriage with Ties to Vermont

When George Ainsworth marries in Michigan in 190517 he declares his mother was Maria
Schoolcraft who was born in Vermont. To be George’s mother she would have been born
before 1830 and is thus of interest here. I do not have any connection between the
Schoolcraft and Ainsworth lines. George’s location in 1905 is within moderate proximity of
the Van Buren and Allegan counties in Michigan.
John Schoolcraft
John is enumerated in the home of Oliver Jones in Bridport, Vermont in 185018. He is a
twenty two year old farm laborer. I have no suggestions for John as no other Schoolcraft’s
are found in Addison County at this time.
Edward Schoolcraft
Edward is enumerated in the home of Chester Blinn in Shelburn, Vermont in 186019. He is a
sixteen year old farmer. There might be a clue in the adjacent family of Calvin Spears, a

name that is common in Stanbridge but I cannot locate any connection. I have no suggestions
for Edward as no other Schoolcraft’s are found in nearby.

1 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jun-1860, pp. 46.05, dw. 367, Paducah, McCracken Co., KY, fam. 349, Robt.
Schoolcraft age 28 sex m waggonmaker born in Canada, Mary age 21 sex f born in KY, Robert J. age 5 sex m born in
KY, Mary M. age 2 mos. sex f born in KY, Henry Smith age 22 sex m painter born in PA, Charles Snider age 21 sex m
waggonmaker born in Germany, Henry Robinson age 15 sex m born in KY, Mariah Smith age 16 sex f domestic born
in KY.
Federal Population Schedule, 27-Sep-1860, pp. 329.01, dw. 2334, Mayfield, Graves Co., KY, fam. 2333, W. H.
Schoolcraft age 24 sex m wagon maker born in Canada, Mary M. age 22 sex f born in KY, Martha M. age 1 sex f born
in KY, Perry C. Bragg age 13 sex m born in KY.
Kentucky: Vital Records, “Electronic,” LDS US/CAN #216833: McCracken Co., Marriages: 15 Dec 1853 Robert
Schoolcraft age 23 residence Paducah born Bedford, Canada to Mary D. Gruf age 15 residence Paducah born
McCracken Co.
Illinois: Vital Records, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763 - 1900: Schoolcraft, Robert and Grief, Mary B .
Married Johnson Co. 20-Nov-1853. License Vol./Page 00B/0350.
Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1870, pp. 44.39, dw. 259, Paducah, McCracken Co., KY, fam. 277, Henry
Schoolcraft age 33 sex m works in wagon factory born in Canada, Mary M. age 30 sex f born in KY, Edward age 22
sex m works in wagon shop born in Canada.
6 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254026 NA Film T9-0026 pp. 117D, Undated 3rd Ward,

Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL : Robert Schoolcraft Self male married white age 54 born in Canada: Francis
Schoolcraft Wife female married white age 38 born in KY: Frank Schoolcraft Son male widow white age 26 born in
KY: Mary Schoolcraft dau female single white age 18 born in KY: Eddy Schoolcraft Son male single white age 21
born in KY: Chancy Schoolcraft Son male single white age 13 born in KY: Henry Schoolcraft Son male single white
age 11 born in KY: Charley Phillips Other male married white age 44 born in GA: Mary Phillips Other female married
white age 40 born in GA: Doyle Phillips Other male single white age 12 born in AL: James Phillips Other male single
white age 10 born in AL: Ann Phillips Other female widow white age 67 born in AL.
7 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1900, pp. 311A.47, dw. 13, fam. 15, ED #105, 101 Hunt St., Montgomery City,

Montgomery Co., AL : William Schoolcraft head male married age 65 born in Oct 1834, Eng-Can. occupation
carpenter, marr. 40 yrs. father born in AL mother born in AL: Mary wife female married age 63 born in Dec 1836, KY
occupation marr. 40 yrs., 1 ch. 1 liv. father born in AL mother born in AL: Lillie dau female single age 8 born in Jun
1892, AL father born in Eng-Can. mother born in KY.
8 Federal Population Schedule, Jun-1900, pp. 292B.81, dw. 84, fam. 93, ED #233, 1814 Block 896, Ward #15, St.

Louis, City of St. Louis, MO : Philip C. Frostman household & lodgers : George M. Schoolcraft lodger male married
age 36 born in Nov 1863, KY occupation marr. 19 yrs., 5 ch., 4 liv. father born in ME mother born in KY: Roberta
lodger female single age 16 born in Dec 1883, AL father born in KY mother born in KY: Edna lodger female single
age 9 born in Jan 1891, AL father born in KY mother born in KY.
9 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1900, pp. 69A.26, dw. 369, fam. 376, ED #66, 210 North St., Paducah,

McCraken Co., KY : Greada Grief head female widow age 35 born in Oct 1865, KY occupation 4 ch., 4 liv. father born
in MD mother born in VA: John M. Schoolcraft son male single age 17 born in Oct 1882, KY occupation mate father
born in KY mother born in KY: Frank Grief son male single age 15 born in Apr 1885, KY occupation telegraph
messenger father born in KY mother born in KY: Minnie E. dau female single age 9 born in Apr 1891, KY father born
in KY mother born in KY: Ruby E. dau female single age 6 born in Oct 1894, KY father born in KY mother born in
KY: Sallie Allinsworth aunt female widow age 49 born in Dec 1850, VA father born in VA mother born in VA.
10 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jun-1900, pp. 173A.34, dw. 540, fam. 567, ED #71, 1102 South 3rd. St., Paducah,

McCraken Co., KY : Hush J. Perkins head male married age 59 born in Jul 1840, KY occupation ship carpenter, marr.
12 yrs. father born in KY mother born in KY: Mollie wife female married age 67 born in Aug 1832, KY occupation
marr. 12 yrs., 2 ch., 1 liv. father born in KY mother born in KY: Cyril Schoolcraft grand-child male single age 11 born
in Sep 1888, AL father born in AL mother born in AL: Mary grand-dau female single age 13 born in Jun 1886, AL
father born in AL mother born in AL.
11 New Hampshire: Marriage Record, Marriage 1 May 1874 in Concord NH by D. W. Adkinson, clergyman | Groom:

Chas. R. SCHOOLCRAFT 1st marriage, age 29 years, born Canada, resident West Concord NH, occupation clerk |
Bride: Marilla S. CARLTON 1st marriage, age 25 years, born West Concord NH, resident West Concord NH |
Husband's father: Robert SCHOOLCRAFT, born Canada | Wife's father: Stephen CARLTON.

12 New York: Newspapers, Chateaugay, February 9th, 1994: Messrs. A. M. Bennett and P. Munsil of Chateaugay, and
C. R. Schoolcraft of Concord, N.H., have engaged in the grocery and provision trade at Concord, under the firm name
of A. M. Bennett & Co. The new firm succeeds the firm of Perkins & Berry - an old established concern, and their
place of business is at No. 1 North Main street. The business is being conducted by Mr. Schoolcraft assisted by Charles
Munsil and John Boomhower of this place.
13 Federal Population Schedule, 5-Aug-1870, pp. 37.35, dw. 256, Belmont, Franklin Co., NY, fam. 278, Jason

Walbridge age 40 sex m painter born in VT, Eliza age 45 sex f born in NY, Wesley age 18 sex m born in NY, Walter
age 8 sex m born in NY, Dilbert age 3 sex m born in NY, Charles Schoolcraft age 22 sex m painter laborer born in
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254766 NA Film T9-0766 pp. 124C, Ward 4, Concord, Merrimack
Co., NH : Charles R. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 35 born in NY occupation Grocer father born in
NY mother born in NY: Marilla S. SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 31 born in NH occupation
Keeping House father born in NH mother born in MA: Charles C. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 4 born
in NH occupation At Home father born in NH mother born in NH.
Federal Population Schedule, 5-Jun-1900, pp. 161B.93, dw. 138, fam. 148, ED #153, Ward #5, 17 Green St.,
Concord, Merrimack Co., NH : Wilfred Cote household : Charles R. Schoolcraft lodger male divorced age 55 born in
Jun 1845, Can. Eng. occupation grocery dealer, emmig. 1865 father born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.
Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jun-1900, pp. 132B.77, dw. 287, fam. 354, ED #151, 5 Church St., Concord,
Merrimack Co., NH : Charles R. Schoolcraft head male married born in Apr 1845, NY occupation grocer, marr. 26 yrs.
father born in NY mother born in NY: Merilla wife female married born in Mar 1849, NH occupation marr. 26 yrs. 1
ch. 1 liv. father born in MA mother born in MA: Charles C. son male single born in Jul 1875, NH occupation grocer
father born in NY mother born in NH.
17 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342671, v 3 p 388 rn 2720: 11 Dec

1905, Ludington, Mason, Michigan, Groom George G Ainsworth, age 59, born Vermont, father Lauk Ainsworth,
mother Maria Schoolcraft, Bride Mary Jane Weaver, age 55, born Vermont, father Unknown, mother Unknown.
18 Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jul-1850, pp. 16.08, dw. 101, Bridport, Addison Co., VT, fam. 110, Jones family,

John Schoolcraft age 16 sex m farmer born in Canada, other houshold members.
19 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jul-1860, pp. 542.01, dw. 1061, Shelburn, Chittenden Co., VT, fam. 1063, Chester

Blinn age 72 sex m, Other residents, Edward Schoolcraft age 22 sex m farm laborer born in VT.

Chapter 17: The Virginians
This Chapter focuses predominantly on the descendants of Austien Schoolcraft, the only
known child of James Schoolcraft and his first wife, Magdalena. Austien’s baptismal record
implies he was named for his uncle, Augustine1. It was Austien that went south from
Schoharie into Virginia and it is he and his descendants that are found predominantly
throughout the southern States. Austien was the focus of Ed Schoolcraft's work2, and Ed has
traced his own ancestry back through Austien. There is little to be gained from my being
duplicative of the research that Ed has conducted and published. That work is readily
available through any Family History Center of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints on any one of these films:
FHL US/CAN Film 1320607 Item 2
FHL US/CAN Film 1502580 Item 2
FHL US/CAN Film 1502917 Item 1
As I have stated before, my own focus has been on James Schoolcraft's children by his
second wife. In earlier editions of this book I did not even include any information regarding
Austien Schoolcraft. That which I have accumulated concerning Austien has been
coincidental to my other research and is almost totally due to the efforts of others. When
Dennis Rodgers contacted me in 2013, he questioned some of my hypotheses and caused me
to rethink some of my conclusions. My purpose in including this chapter now is to present
some facts and hypotheses about a few of the individuals who appear to have their roots in
this southern family. For completeness, I have included an Outline Descendent Report for

Stafford County, Virginia

In Chapter 2 I mentioned that Edward J. Schoolcraft2 showed that Augustine came to

Virginia in 1714, probably as an indentured servant. Ed cites Abstracts of Virginia Land
Patents and Grants for the period of 1695 to. 1732:
RICE WILLIAMS & JOHN DOWNER, 740 acs (N.L.), in a fork of Mattapony
Riv., about 12 mi. above the inhabitants of K.&Q. Co.; beg. at Madison's &
Pigg's cor.; by S. side of the main run; 16 Dec 1714. p. 213. Imp. of 15 pers:
Joseph Grigory, Jos. Arch., Walter Williams, Wm. Mattock, Thos. Essex,
Richd. Care, Reynard Mackdaniel, Wm. Ingram, Sarah Howard, Henry
Loyde, James Risque, Jane Clemments, Jno. Moore, Thomas Curtis,
Augustine Schoolcroft.

In his “Conclusions Concerning the Early Schoolcraft Immigrants” to Part I of his work Ed’s
commentary shows that it’s plausible that Augustine served up to seven years after which he
was freed and became indebted to Rawleigh Travers. Ed’s final conclusion in this matter is
that Augustine left no descendants. It is on this last point that I disagree.
First I wish to examine the locations involved. Williams and Downers’s grant on the
Mattaponi River can be determined on a modern map. They may have held other land but
that may also be Augustine’s location. While most of the names given are no longer

apparent, there is only one fork in that river that fits the description. It is at Lat. 37.891654,
Lng. -77.181702; on the south bank of the river and two miles north of Beulah Church
cemetery in the township of Mangohick. The second location of significance is that of
Rawleigh Travers. Rawleigh was a wealthy and influential person with substantial holdings
that included the Crow’s Nest in Stafford County. This is where Accokeek Creek and Aquia
Creek join the Potomac and is part of Overwharton Parish. This is about sixty miles north
from where Augustine was indentured, mostly along the primary route between Richmond
and Fredericksburg. In order to have secured a loan from Rawleigh Travers, Augustine
would have needed to settle nearby in order to discharge his debt. This fits well with Ed’s
initial analysis.
On October 14th, 1753, a James Schoolcraft marries Margaret Mills3 in Overwharton parish
and then on 16th March, 1754 Margaret gives birth4 to a daughter called Mary. This James
Schoolcraft would most likely have been at least eighteen years old, putting his birth date on
or before 1735. Overwharton Parish is where Augustine secured his debt in 1722,
approximately seven years after his indenture. The period between 1722 and 1735 is very
well timed for Augustine to have married and fathered a son. I conjecture that this James
Schoolcraft is the son of Augustine, but I have not located any other plausible descendants of
this line.
There is another possibility that needs to be pointed out. In 1751 a James Schoolcroft is
sentenced to transportation5 to the Americas. While such persons were usually sent to either
Maryland or Virginia no location is specified and his sentence was seven years so he would
not be free to marry in 1753. I do not believe he is a factor in this.
Austien Schoolcraft and the Early Locations in West Virginia

Austien and his children are mentioned in a number of Virginia land grants. In present times,
these locations are in the Northern part of West Virginia, in and around the Monogahela
National Forest near the towns of Elkins and Buckhannon. Examination of these locations
allows one to determine how the families migrated. It is impractical to include a map that
shows all the locations yet also has sufficient detail to examine each. Figure 19 is an
overview map. I shall describe how to find each location and shall include grid references for
those who need to be more precise.

In 1766 Austien and his son Matthias settled on two grants at Crab Apple Bottom6. That is
the early name for the township of Blue Grass that is still within Virginia today. Those grants
were on the South Branch of the Potomac River close to Lat. 38.497769, Lng. -79.547496.
At about the same time his son John settled on a grant on Straight Fork7. This one is a little
ambiguous as it could be anywhere along Straight Fork which rises behind a ridge, four miles
West from Crab Apple Bottom, then flows North East into Laurel Creek in West Virginia
before finally reaching the North Branch of the Potomack River (not the South Branch as
stated in the grant). Thus John may have been as close as only a mile from his father, but
over a very rugged ridge, or possibly as much as four miles north at Laurel Creek.

The next location of significance is near Montrose, West Virginia. This is about seventy five
miles north from the township of Blue Grass. Sometime before 1778, Austien has a grant on
Leading Creek8. The actual date of occupation is not known but it may have been around
1775 as that is when his son Matthias obtains a grant at Slab Camp Bottom, implying that he

also left the grants at Crab Apple Bottom. Dennis Rodgers has done considerable work to
isolate this location. While Austien’s grant is not specifically mentioned, several other grants
on Leading Creek refer to Schoolcraft Run. When those grants are plotted they fit together in
such a way that Schoolcraft Run can only be the northern fork of Campfield Run which itself
joins Leading Creek about one half mile south west of Salt Lick Run. This location is at Lat.
39.057084, Lng. -79.821875.

Matthias’ grant at Slab Camp Bottom9 is ambiguous to say the least. A number of locations
have that name. Dennis’ research suggested to him that the correct interpretation of “Land
Fork”, mentioned in the grant, is “Sand Fork” and that the location would be a tributary of
that stream, probably near Frenchton. There is a place called Slab Camp Bottom near
Frenchton but the stream does not run into Sand Fork. None the less, I favor that location
even though the stream drains into French Creek and ultimately into the Buckhannon River.
It is about a hundred miles west from his first location in Blue Grass township. Slab Camp
Bottom is at Lat. 38.901454 Lng. -80.334864. Dennis Rodgers pointed out that John
Schoolcraft ultimately inherited this land10.

I expect that nearly all readers will be aware of the Indian massacre that wiped out John
Schoolcraft’s family. It occurred at Fink’s Run in the town of Lorentz, Lat. 39.006913, Lng. -
80.27122. This is only about fifteen miles from Matthias’ grant at Slab Camp Bottom.
Dennis located the land grants where John lived. They were on the north side of Fink’s Run
near the Reger cemetery. Austien, James and John11, 12 all lived there around 1780, either by
direct land grant or through inheritance.

The next location to examine is in Weston, West Virginia, about ten miles west from
Lorentz. John Schoolcraft had a grant at Stone Coal Run13. Dennis Rodgers has examined
this grant and determined that John's grant at Stone Coal Run is just East of Weston near the
confluence of Stone Coal Run and Smith Run. Dennis informed me that Smith Run was
previously known as Schoolcraft Run.

The last location of interest is known as Schoolcraft Run, a name that seems to crop up in
several places. The one I refer to drains into Middle Fork River in Randolph County at Lat.
38.7539961, Lng. -80.045351. It is midway between Lorentz and Blue Grass being fifty
miles from each. I have seen no reference to any of the early Schoolcrafts having grants in
this location or living there. Austien’s son, James, does not appear in any of the records
around Buckhannon where Austien, John and Matthias are found during the height of the
Indian fighting. Possibly James was living on or near this run. Alternatively, it’s name may
have something to do with three of Austien’s grandchildren who are in Randolph County at
various times between 1793 and 1806.

Austien Schoolcraft's Children

Four children are commonly attributed to Austien Schoolcraft and his wife Catherine
Countryman. Baptismal records exist for three of these, James14, Matthias15 and Catharina
Lisabetha16. One of the children, Catharina Lisabetha Schoolcraft, is not referred to after her
baptism and it is not known whether she survived childhood or not. A fourth, John, is the
subject of extensive analysis by Ed Schoolcraft17 and others. Austien and John are frequently
found together. In 1766 they and their respective wives jointly sign18 a land conveyance. That

conveyance uses the words “greed betewen John Stretar of the on part and Osten Scholcraft
and his heirs of the other part" (the writer was apparently not well versed in even phonetic
spelling). It is signed by Austien, John and both wives. John, as the eldest son, is the heir
apparent under the law of primogeniture. I think that is the closest we can come to evidential
proof that John is the eldest son. It is reinforced when John is also stated as heir at law to
Austien in 178111.

After a significant exchange with Dennis Rodgers during which he made me aware of
additional information, I concur with him that two more children exist. The first is Simon
Schoolcraft. Dennis wrote:

Regarding Simon, there was a lawsuit in Augusta County, VA, in 1779 by

Ralph Stewart against John Schoolcraft and Matthias Schoolcraft. The suit
was based on a promissory note dated 24 March 1774 and signed by John and
Matthias (by their marks) and witnessed by Simon Schoolcraft (by his mark)
and another person. That means to me that Simon was likely an adult, or
nearly an adult, in 1774. That would put his birth sometime around 1753, and
of course the only known person in this branch of the family who could be his
father is Astien. I believe it was this Simon who was involved in the skirmish
with Indians in the spring of 1779 and taken by the Indians in April, 1781, and
who claimed land in Ontario from the British in 1790. By the way, Simon
made two additional claims for land in the same area, but I could find no
record of his ever obtaining title to any land there.

The other child is Christian, who is recorded in the Virginia State census in 178219, near to
John. Originally I had thought that that record referred to Christian and one other “tithable”
i.e. a male over age 21. As such it led me to think it might be Austien’s nephew visiting from
New York State with his adult son, Adam; his wife and younger children would not be
tithable and thus not counted. Closer examination shows that the record is not “tithables” but
actually a total headcount. That Christian is far more likely to be a young married male with
his wife. The proximity to John implies a relationship and a far more plausible one would be
that he is a brother to John who was born before 1761. I conjecture that Christian is also a
son of Austien.

One more person must be discussed – Michael. His relationship is very much open to
interpretation. Dennis Rodgers, Ed Schoolcraft and others have written about Michael and
shown that, depending on how one interprets the historical records, he might be a son of
Austien, of John or of Matthias. I urge you to read Dennis’ account and explanation that is
contained in the Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 1988, pp. 21 - 32. It may
be obtained through the Church of Latter Day Saints, FHL US/CAN Fiche 6100936.

Firstly, one needs to consider the sources. There are several documents and they are not
always consistent with each other:

1. Chronicles of Border Warfare by Alexander Scott Withers was first published in 1831
although I am using a copy published in 1912.

2. History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Virginia by Wills de
Hass was published in 1851.
3. Letter Written by Margaret Bush, Appendix C, written in 1868.
4. Letter Written by J. W. Calhoun, Appendix C, written in 1905
5. The Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia from 1768 to 1795 by Lucullus Virgil
McWhorter was begun in 1896 and published in 1915.
6. Recollections of a Lifetime by Col. D. S. Dewees was published in 1904. It is also a
useful genealogical resource for the early 1800s.

The publication dates, or explicit statements within the documents themselves, clearly
indicate that all of these are hearsay and thus of varying reliability, depending on how close
their informants were to the events described. With respect to some of the events chronicled,
later documents have only used extracts of the earlier work by Withers and may not have
added any original content to that. Some later documents include information omitted by
Withers but beg the question of where and how that information was acquired.

For myself, the crucial events in determining who Michael is are the massacre of John Sr.’s
family and Michael’s capture a year later. On the massacre Withers states:

The men being all assembled at the fort for the purpose of electing a Captain,
some Indians fell upon the family of John Schoolcraft, and killed the women
and eight children, two little boys only were taken prisoners.

A son called Leonard had been captured six months earlier and it can be shown from later
references that the two boys taken prisoner were John Jr. and Jacob. Some of the later reports
shorten this account to refer to “Mrs. Schoolcraft” but, as originally written, it implies two or
more women. It also permits that some older teenage children may have gone to the fort with
the men and thus escaped capture or death. On Michael’s capture Withers states:

In April, Matthias, Simon and Michael Schoolcraft left Buchannon fort, and
went to the head of Stone coal creek for the purpose of catching pigeons. On
their return, they were fired upon by Indians, and Matthias killed the other
two were taken captive. These were the last of the Schoolcraft family, fifteen
of them were killed or taken prisoners in the space of a few years.

There is no mention of the relationship between the three. The reference to “last of the
Schoolcraft family” does not refer to John Schoolcraft’s family singly because Withers has
previously included Austien and his niece as being two of the fifteen. The first hint of a
relationship is when de Hass writes:

In April of this year, three brothers, Mathias, Simon and Michael Schoolcraft,
left Buchanan's Fort, and went to the head of Stone-coal creek, for the
purpose of hunting.

The similarity of that statement to Withers is strong and begs the question if de Haas has
merely assumed they were brothers after reading Withers’ account or whether he had
information that Withers did not. Writing in 1905, J. W. Calhoun refers to them as “three

more of his [John’s] sons” but by that date she is probably just further extending de Hass’
writing. Finally, in 1915, McWhorter records “In April 1781, the last of the children, three
boys, Matthias, Simon and Michael, visited a pieon roost on Stone Coal Creek …”

I think we can eliminate Michael being a son of Matthias else he would have been an
inheritor of Matthias claim after Matthew died and before John inherited it – see below. I
also think that if Michael had been the sole, non-captive, survivor in John’s family that one
of original informants to Withers’ work would likely have found it worthy of mention.
Ultimately it’s an open issue but I personally suspect he is indeed a third brother, confirming
de Hass’ statement about them being three brothers, and thus is a son of Austien!

Before leaving this discussion, I wish to look at the individual called Matthew, mentioned
above. Here again I must thank Dennis Rodgers for clarifying the facts pertaining to
Matthew. In 1781 Matthew is recorded as heir at law9 to Matthias’ estate. Matthew would
probably be over age 21 or at least a late teenager, i.e. born before about 1762. The law of
primogeniture, applied to real property, stated that the inheritance goes first to the eldest son,
if any. If that son has no issue and no siblings, then to the eldest brother of the original
purchaser. (There are other possibilities but age precludes them.) Note that title passed
“automatically” under this law, requiring no action on the part of any person or Court.
Matthew could thus be a son of Matthias or a son of Austien. I consider the names Matthew
and Matthias to be equivalent and do not think Austien would name two children the same
unless one had deceased in infancy. Therefore I conclude that Matthew is the eldest son of
Matthias. Dennis informed me that in July 1787 this land was surveyed for Robert Pike, the
administrator of Matthias’s estate in 1784, “Assignee of John Schoolcraft who was Heir at
Law to Matthew Schoolcraft Deceased,” by virtue of a Certificate granted “to the said
Matthew Schoolcraft Heir at Law to Mathias Schoolcraft.” From this we may conclude that
Matthew had died sometime between 1781 and 1787, leaving John as the inheritor under the
law of primogeniture. This allows us to conclude that Matthew was the only surviving child,
male or female, of Matthias as the inheritance had passed back up the line to Matthias’ eldest
brother. It is, as previously mentioned, a reason to exclude Michael from being Matthias’

We known that John, Matthias and his son Matthew had an association with the military
activity20 in the region five years before. I think it very reasonable to suppose that they would
have been involved in electing a new Captain. To reach the fort at Buckhannon from their
home at Slab Camp Bottom, Matthias and his son, Matthew, would pass down Fink’s Run
past John’s home. I think it plausible that Matthias’ wife would make this a social call and
stay with John’s wife. If true she would have been killed with the others, rendering Withers’
use of the word “women” accurate. We know Austien’s wife was not present as she is known
to have survived into the 1780’s21. If Michael were John’s son then he would have had to
have accompanied his father to the fort or else be part of the massacre. If he were Austien’s
son then he may or may not have been involved at all. Wither’s and de Hass do not identify
the eight slain children. Only in the later accounts do they become John Schoolcraft’s
children. Details of the children come from a Letter Written by Margaret Bush, Appendix C,
written in 1868. However, it is readily apparent that Margaret has mis-attributed quite a few
relationships in that letter. While I am inclined to accept her list of the the eight children’s
names, I cannot exclude the possibility that, if Matthias wife was one of the women killed,

then some of those children might have been hers. (I feel a little uneasy that only a single
teenager, Matthew, is associated with her.)

Hence my synopsis of the events surrounding the massacre is that John’s wife and possibly
Matthias’ wife were killed. Eight of John’s children were killed and John Jr. and Jacob were
taken captive, Leonard having been captured six months earlier. During the next year or so
Austien and Matthias are killed and Simon and Michael are captured. Austien’s wife
survived into the 1780s.

The foregoing shows that Austien has children John, James, Matthias, Catherine, Simon,
Christian and possibly Michael. In discovering this we have shown that Matthias has a son
called Matthew. By drawing also on the Letter Written by Margaret Bush, Appendix C, we
can see that John had three surviving children called Leonard, John and Jacob and may have
had eight children killed in the massacre called Lucy, Mary, Martha, Austin, Sarah, Polly,
Charity and Nancy.

About John Schoolcraft's Wife

John Schoolcraft was born about 1741, probably in Schoharie. His marriage is significant to
many of his descendants because he is claimed to have married Maotoaka Nyeswanan, the
daughter of an Indian Chief whose younger daughter married John's neighbor, Jacob Brake
Sr. In the Schoolcraft Ancestral News22, 23, 24, Ed Schoolcraft presents a very convincing
argument that John's Indian wife was the cause of the massacre of most of John's family. A
transcription of that argument is provided in Appendix C. Although Ed's analysis makes
great sense, I have a problem with the conclusion due to some information that has been
located more recently by Sandra Stevens.

Coincidence can be a very powerful tool when dealing with circumstantial evidence.
However, some coincidences can also uncover problems in apparently valid interpretations.
We have one such instance here, and one that I am unable to dismiss. The coincidence
concerns John's claimed wife, Maotoaka Nyeswanan. Sandra Stevens found a family whose
surname was "Neiswanger" in the same area as John Schoolcraft. They were a German
family, not Indian. The extremely strong phonetic similarities between "Nyeswanan" and
"Neiswanger" demand that one look into the possibility that John's wife was actually a
member of that German "Neiswanger" family.

The analysis provided by Ed Schoolcraft is the closest thing that I've found anywhere to
proof that John's wife was Indian. Unfortunately, the only, and crucial, piece of evidence is
the journal created by Jacob Brake Jr. that was supposedly in the possession of Mrs. Janet
Cosgrove of Buckhannon, WV in August of 1988. Although Janet listened to, and agreed
with, Ed's conjecture about John's wife she refused to allow him to see the journal which she
claimed contained the evidence that would prove the assertion that John's wife was Indian. In
light of Ed's description of a very cordial meeting, it is hard to imagine what reason Janet
might have had for not wanting to show him the actual evidence when she willingly showed
him the letters by Margaret Bush and Mrs. J. W. Calhoun. As neither letter even hints that
John's wife was Indian, that journal is in fact the only known evidence supporting this claim.
The crucial statement was "John Schoolcraft's wife was Miotoka Nyeswanan, and that Jacob
Brake Jr's. mother and John Schoolcraft's wife were sisters."

Sandra uncovered two other stories very similar to that attributed to Jacob Brake Jr. by Janet
Cosgrove as well as some informative genealogical references. One of the stories is from the
Bracke (Break) family historical accounts25.

On 17 May 1867 Laura Jackson Arnold wrote to George W. Jackson, from

Buckhannon, West Virginia. In this letter she discusses a letter she received
from Abram W. Brake. Abram W. Brake was the son of captive Jacob Brake,
Jr. and grandson of Jacob Brake Sr. In his letter to Laura, Abram W. made
several statements we believe to be incorrect. We believe that this letter has
caused much of the confusion about our Brake family. ... in the letter Abram
states, "He (Jacob Brake) married a Miss Nyeswanan for his first wife, and
after she had six children, she was killed by the Indians on the South Branch
where they had always lived." We believe that Abram has confused Elizabeth
(Cooper) Brake with her sister Magdalena (Cooper) Neiswanger. When trying
to recall his grandmother's maiden surname he inadvertently mulled the
married surname of his grandmother's sister. Thus, Miss Nyeswanan became
known as the wife of Jacob Brake Sr.

The second story comes from a Neiswander Newsletter26. (A common rendering of the
family name seems to be Neiswander.)

One of the disappearing parts of American history are the stories of those
early settlers who were captured as young children and who lived much of
their lives with the Indians. While their families eventually recovered some of
these people, they often could not adjust to the "civilized" life, and had
difficulty communicating with their families. Consequently, their histories
were often lost after a few generations. However, we have found the story of
one captive, who some thought was the son of a Magdalena Neuenschwander
(who was supposed to have married Jacob Brake Sr.).
While later information tells us that Jacob Brake Sr. (Brake is the Anglicized
version of the German name Brecht) really married Magdalena's sister,
Elizabeth Cooper (Kieffer), the story of his son's life with the Indians - and
how the name of Brake's wife was incorrectly thought to be Niswanger - is
interesting. Magdalena Cooper married John Neiswanger.
Jacob Brake Sr. settled in what is now West Virginia and built his home and a
mill. During the French and Indian wars, the Shawnee Indians raided the mill
while the men were absent (this occurred 1763-1765) and attacked Elizabeth
Cooper Brake and her children. Somehow Elizabeth hid three of her youngest
children in the woods and then tried to distract the attackers from finding
them. Did she fight or run? We do not know what happened in those last few
terrifying moments when Elizabeth knew her world was ending.
Elizabeth was killed and scalped but the Indians did not find her three
youngest children, whom she had hidden. Another son, Jacob was not killed
but taken captive. According to the story passed down to his descendants,
there were three Indians in the war party who were brothers. Their younger

brother had recently been killed and so they decided to adopt Joseph Jr.* into
the tribe rather than kill him.
The Indians returned to their village in what is now Northeast Ohio. What
must young Jacob have thought during the march as he walked beside the
Indian who wore Elizabeth's scalp tied to his belt?
Jacob Brake Jr. spent several years as an Indian, and adapted to their life.
However, he found a Bible in the camp and was able to read some of the
words. Apparently, his presence in the Indian camp, as well as that of a few
other captives, was discovered by traders who operated out of Fort Pitt
(Pittsburgh). After a treaty had been negotiated with the Indians, Jacob's
younger brother, John (one of the children hidden during the massacre) went
to the Indian camp and was able to arrange Jacob's release.
Jacob returned to West Virginia, but as with many other captives who lived
their formative years as an Indian, he was never able to adjust to his new life.
It is reported that he was moody and would not talk to anyone about his
experience. However, in 1785 he married Mary Slaughter and they had
several children. Jacob died in 1831 and is buried in the Heavener cemetery
in Buckhannon Co. WV,
This source of the story is a letter from a descendant of one of the Brake
granddaughters who related this history as told by Abraham Brake (son of
Jacob Jr.). Abraham was an old man at the time he narrated this story and
incorrectly identifies his dead grandmother as a Magdalena Neiswanger
rather than the sister Elizabeth Cooper Brake. Frederick County Virginia
records show that in 1759 Magdalena Neiswanger and Elizabeth Brake were
parties to a suit, and so we assume the two sisters were close and that may
have contributed to Abraham, his old age, becoming confused as to families.
For several years the story of Jacob's captivity was part of our Neiswanger
history and only recently has the error been corrected.

Both these accounts attribute the story to Abraham Brake, not to his father Jacob Brake Jr.;
although it is likely that Abraham acquired the information from his father. The second of
these accounts states that Jacob Brake Jr. would not talk to anyone about his experience.
With such a traumatic event in his childhood such a situation seems extremely likely. Today
it would probably be diagnosed as post traumatic stress disorder and depression! This makes
me wonder if the journal that Janet Cosgrove claimed to have was in fact the letter from
Abraham Brake to Laura Jackson Arnold. If so, then all of the normal caveats about
confusion and hearsay apply. (A traumatized Jacob Jr. recounts childhood memories to his
son who, late in his own life, then tries to recall and repeat them.)

Let’s look at these two accounts. Both agree that Jacob Brake Sr. was married to Elizabeth
Cooper and that she had a sister called Magdalena who was married to a Neiswanger. Some
Neiswander genealogies indicate that Maria Magdalena Cooper actually married John
Neiswanger, who was born about 1729 in Pennsylvania, the son of Christian Neiswanger and

*David J. Ellis: I think the author meant “Jacob Jr.”. Other typographical errors that I removed imply this was the work
of either optical character recognition or speech transcription software.

Maria Magdalena Herr. The reference to a Court record shows that this marriage would have
been before 1759. John Neiswanger was killed by Indians in 178327.

In the summer of this year (1783), John Nieswanger and Joseph Heffler, two
very efficient spies, started on a hunting expedition down the Ohio. They were
dressed in Indian fashion, as was often the custom on such occasions, so as
the better to elude detection. They descended the river in a canoe, and on the
evening of the day they left, put into Little Grave creek. A party of Indians had
watched their movements, and during the night attacked them with fury.
Nieswanger was killed, but his companion succeeded in getting off, with the
loss of two fingers. He escaped to Wheeling, and thence went to Pittsburgh, to
have an operation performed upon his maimed hand. Returning, and when
near the present residence of Hamilton Woods, he was attacked and killed by
the Indians. While in pursuit of Heffler, at Grave creek, the canoe floated off,
and thus the savages lost the chance of scalping the unfortunate Nieswanger.
Some months afterwards the canoe was found lodged at the head of Captina
Island, with the remains of the hunter and his gun still in it.

The span of this marriage includes the time when John Schoolcraft's family is massacred
(1779), precluding any possibility that John Schoolcraft might have married John
Neiswanger's widow. Several genealogists of the Brake and Neiswanger families have
already noted the confusion over Jacob Brake Sr.'s wife. One expression of it is by Buzz

Family legend tells us that Jacob Brake, Sr.'s first wife was a Delaware
Indian princess called Miss Naddie Neiswanger or sometimes, Nyeswanan.
The claim that Jacob had been married to anyone prior to marrying Maria
Elizabetha Kiefer (Cooper) cannot be substantiated. The legend might have
had something to do with Jacob's brother-in-law, John Nieswanger.

Research of the Brake and Neiswanger families is beyond the scope of this work but both
genealogies show that Jacob Brake Sr. married Maria Elizabeth Cooper, that John
Neiswanger married her sister Maria Magdalena Cooper and that Abraham Brake's
statements about an Indian grandmother called Nyeswanan were no more than confusion
over the names of these two women. We cannot know if this confusion originated with
Abraham or with his father, Jacob Brake Jr. That really is immaterial.

It is time to apply Occam's razor! For me, none of the claims that I have seen regarding John
Schoolcraft's wife have included any source information that is additional to that recorded by
Ed Schoolcraft. Whether or not Janet Cosgrove had a document from Jacob Brake Jr. or
whether it was from Abraham, it still confuses the names of Jacob Brake Sr.'s wife, Maria
Elizabeth (Cooper) Brake, and her sister, Maria Magdalena (Cooper) Neiswanger. I believe
that Janet's claim has also confused John Schoolcraft and John Neiswanger. With that
conclusion, I am left believing that John Schoolcraft's wife cannot be determined from any of
the forgoing information except to say that she probably was not called Nyeswanan as that is
shown to be the confused name of John Neiswanger's wife.

This story is not completeed just yet. Dennis Rodgers directed me to a 1766 land conveyance
in Virginia that was signed by John and his wife! He writes:

Land and court records add many pieces to the picture of the Virginia (WV)
Schoolcrafts, and one of those is a 1766 conveyance of land in Virginia’s
Northern Neck signed by Astien, his wife Catherine, son John, and John’s
wife, Elizabeth. Of course an Indian wife in the white settlements would likely
have adopted an Anglo name, but whatever the circumstance, we do know the
name thanks to that document.

Thus we have verifiable information showing that John’s wife was called Elizabeth and that
they married on or before 1766. The birth of their children suggests the marriage was a few
years before this date. As John and his father did not acquired their land on Straight Fork and
Crab Apple Bottom until 1766, I suspect the marriage was before that move at some place as
yet undetermined.
George Schoolcraft

In the summer of 2013 Dennis Rodgers stated that he thought Ed Schoolcraft might have
taken a step too far when he traced his 2nd great grandfather to the George Schoolcraft28 that
appears in the tax lists for Pulaski County, Kentucky. Ed correlates that person with George
Schoolcraft, the son of James Schoolcraft and a grandson of Austien Schoolcraft, who was
born before 1791 in Virginia. Ed backs up his analysis with an extensive set of verifiable
facts that are the foundation of his conclusion. While the facts are incontrovertible, and most
of his conclusions are valid, I believe his step in concluding that his 2nd great grandfather was
the one in the Pulaski tax lists is indeed a step too far.

My first consideration in this regard is the George Schoolcraft that is enumerated in

Delaware County, Indiana29, in 1820. Dennis has tracked early newspaper articles that
suggest George was living in or near Trader’s Point on the North West side of modern
Indianapolis. George Schoolcraft dies in Marion County, in 1823 leaving a widow and
family, several of whom are enumerated close to Indianapolis in later years. I find it very
reasonable to assume that the George enumerated in Delaware County in 1820 is the same as
the one that dies in 1823. It is appropriate to look at his family. In 1820 his family appears to
include five male children and one female child, all born between 1810 and 1820. (The male
aged between 16 and 26 may be a hired farm hand.) This is exactly consistent with that
George’s family as determined by Ed from Census and County records. Ed provides a factual
analysis of this family in the Schoolcraft Ancestral News30. Rather than explain the details
myself I excerpt Ed’s description below.

A check of the U.S. Census records of Huntington and Marion Counties, Ind.;
the Probate Court records of Marion Co., Ind.; and the Marriage records of
Huntington and Marion Counties, Ind. reveals the following information
concerning George and Nancy Schoolcraft and their children.
Their children were:
William, born ca. 1810, Kentucky.
John, born 9 Jun 1814, Kentucky.

James, born 12 Sep 1815.
Isaac, born 1 Jan 1817.
George, born 14 Sep 1818.
Sarah, born 5 May 1820, Indiana.
Samuel, born 28 Nov 1821, Indiana.
William md. Matilda Myers, 1 Dec 1836, Marion Co., Ind.
John md. Maria Adams, 24 Apr 1839, Huntington Co., Ind.
James md. Catherine Snow, 16 Jul 1834, Marion Co., Ind.
Isaac md. Barbara Fansaler, 17 Feb 1841, Marion Co., Ind.
George md. Amanda M. Sink, 15 Jun 1847, Marion Co., Ind.
Sarah md. John Snow, 23 Aug 1838. Marion Co., Ind.
Samuel md. Mary Stevens, 4 Mar 1842, Marion Co., Ind.
Nancy Schoolcraft, the widow of George Schoolcraft, married James
Tharp, 23 Apr 1826 in Marion Co., Ind.
Family legend says that George and Nancy Schoolcraft lived, for a time, near
Maysville, Mason Co., Ky. In addition, there is also some evidence which
suggests that George Schoolcraft may have been one of the Schoolcrafts that
lived in the Harrison Co., Va. area during the late 1700's. Note, that on the
preceding page, one Morris Morris and Nancy Schoolcraft were appointed to
administer the estate of George Schoolcraft. In 1782 one Morris Morris is
listed on the Return of people White and Black in Monongalia (now Harrison)
Co., Va. Also appearing on the Return are John and Christian Schoolcraft.
Then, in the year of 1785 one Morris Morris relinquished a claim to 1,000
acres of land in Harrison Co., Va. (See Harrison Co. Land Surveys, Vol 2,
page 197, dated Sep 5, 1785.) Certainly this is not adequate proof that the
Morris Morris of Marion Co., Ind. and the Morris Morris of Harrison Co.,
Va. are one and the same person, nor does it prove that the George
Schoolcraft of Marion Co., Ind. ever lived in Harrison Co., Va.; -- but, it does
suggest the possibility.

At this point it’s useful to summarize the pertinent facts about this George Schoolcraft. He
was born between 1775 and 1794. He was living in Kentucky in 1810 and 1814, although the
County is not stated in Ed’s summary. He is enumerated in Indiana in 1820 and dies in
Indiana in 1823. His absence from the 1810 census probably indicates that he was married
about 1810, but did not establish independent residence till after the census was taken. Now
consider the records for Pulaski and Clay counties, Kentucky. These are easily summarized:
Feb 1812 grant 100 acres at Fishing Creek, Pulaski County,
1812 tax list Fishing Creek, Pulaski County, Kentucky32.
22 Aug 1813 to 10 Nov 1813 Private, Kentucky Mounted Volunteer Militia,
Commanded Isaac Shelby33.
1813 to 1816 tax list Clay County, Kentucky34.
25 Jul 1815 power of attorney Clay County, Kentucky33.

This set of records is self consistent and shows a George Schoolcraft that acquired land at
Fishing Creek around 1812, left for military service a year later and then settled for several

years in Clay County upon his return. He is born before February 1891 and the location and
age suggest he is probably a son of James Schoolcraft Sr., who also has land at Fishing
Creek. Contrast that in February 1812 Ed’s 2nd great grandmother was only fourteen years
old and his 2nd great grandfather was still a single man. Their eldest child, Andrew Jackson
Schoolcraft, was not born till ca. 1817. Unlike Ed, I find this set of tax records to be a much
better fit to the George Schoolcraft who had a young family in 1812 and who died in Indiana
in 1823, than to Ed’s family. However, there is more to consider.

Ed refers to a person called Morris Morris. I believe there is a little more significance to
Morris Morris than Ed attributed. George apparently died intestate and the Court appointed
administrators of the estate. The closest surviving relative, his wife Nancy, seems to have
asked Morris Morris to act as an administrator with her. Morris Morris would have been a
trusted neighbor or friend. A study of the census record shows that one Morris Morris did
indeed migrate from Virginia, via Kentucky to Indiana. However, age precludes the one
enumerated near John and Christian in 1782 from being the same as the one in Indiana in
1850. Through the years, the census suggests that the name Morris Morris has been passed
through to a son and then grandson. To summarize, Morris Morris is recorded as follows:
1782 Monongalia County, Virginia35. Born before 1761.
1800 No record found.
1810 Stoner, Bourbon County, Kentucky36. Born 1765 to 1784. (A second
Morris is enumerated in nearby Nicholas County but the film is missing
from the archive and cannot be examined.)
1820 North Middletown, Bourbon County, Kentucky37. Born 1775 to 1794. (A
second Morris is enumerated in Carlisle, Nicholas County but the film
from the archive is beyond legibility.)
1830 Center, Marion County, Indiana38. Born 1770 to 1780.
1840 Lawrence, Marion County, Indiana39. Born 1780 to 1790.
1850 Center, Marion County, Indiana40. Owner of a substantial mill, born 1778
in Virgina. (A second Morris Morris, that is probably his son, is
enumerated in Center, born 1826 in Kentucky.)

A possible interpretation of these results is that the son of an elder Morris Morris removed
from Virginia to Kentucky with his father; was in Bourbon County in 1810 and 1820 and
later in Marion County. An outstanding task is to check the tax records for Pulaski and Clay
Counties for Morris Morris. None the less, it is worth noting that Stoner Fork in Bourbon
County is only 45 miles from Maysville, Kentucky. This may have something to do with the
reference to Maysville in the family legend that Ed recounts and may indicate a long term
relationship between the Morris and Schoolcraft families. There is a lot of conjecture in the
foregoing but, for myself, this interpretation has a definite air of truth about it. I believe that
it is probably this George who is the son of James Schoolcraft Sr.

If we accept the foregoing then we must re-examine Ed Schoolcraft’s 2nd great grandfather28.
Because I am questioning a few of Ed’s conclusions, there is a need to summarize those that
can be independently proven. Dennis Rodgers believes that much of Ed’s family details were
acquired from Naomi Ruth Schoolcraft and Sophie Eunice Schoolcraft, two daughters of
James Franklin Schoolcraft who was the youngest son of Squire Schoolcraft. Ed claims the
following were the children of George Schoolcraft and Catherine Brown Schoolcraft.

Catherine was the daughter of William Brown and Catherine Sweet. She was born about
1797 in Virginia28, although her parent’s marriage was recorded in Washington, Tennessee in
179541. I have chosen to state birth dates and locations according to the values recorded in
the marriage and the 1850 census records. Ed provided more detailed information but that
may not be independently verifiable.
The children were:
Andrew Jackson, born ca. 1817, Kentucky [1850 census].
Meekha, born ca. 1824, Kentucky [1850 census].
Mary Jane, born ca. 1826, Kentucky [1850 census].
Ann, born ca. 1826, Kentucky [1850 census], born aft. 1827 [marriage].
Squire G., born ca. 1833, Pulaski Co., Kentucky [1860 census, marriage].
Jackson md. Mary Jasper, 8 Apr 1850, Pulaski Co., Kentucky.
Meekha md. David Cowan, 13 Apr 1840, Pulaski Co., Kentucky [mother
Mary Jane md. Squire Tarter, 1 Sep 1849, Pulaski Co., Kentucky.
Ann md. Daniel McDaniel, 26 Apr 1849, Pulaski Co., Kentucky [mother
Squire G. md. Margaret Fleming Tarter, 3 Mar 1854, Pulaski Co., Kentucky.

A granddaughter of Meekha attested she knew that Meekha was the child of George and
Catherine Brown Schoolcraft. The two granddaughters of Squire, mentioned above, attested
that Squire was the child of George Schoolcraft. Ed does not disclose how he knows that
Jackson, Mary Jane and Ann are children of George, but the marriage records do not conflict
with that assumption, except possibly that of Ann.

A well publicized problem with George Schoolcraft is his absence from any census or tax
record. Ed concludes that Nancy is the step mother of Ann and that George would thus have
married Nancy after Catherine had died. Catherine was alive in 1840. Thus George should
have been enumerated in 1820, 1830 and 1840 and should have appeared in tax lists
throughout that period. I find it noteworthy that his second wife, Nancy has left the family
home and is living with her step-daughter, Ann, in 1850. Squire, the only remaining
unmarried child in 1850 is, like his father, absent from the record! What is particularly
troubling about this situation is that all the families into which the children married (Tarter,
Jasper, Cowan and McDaniel) are clearly recorded in Somerset, Pulaski County during the
period in question. How did the Schoolcrafts manage to evade both census and extensive tax
records for a period of 20 to 30 years? Many possibilities have been suggested and I’m not
comfortable with any of them. The one that got me thinking me was suggested by Dennis
Rodgers. George was deliberately hiding from tax men and census enumerators!

Firstly, we do know that George and his family were living in Pulaski County after 1833. The
birth of Jackson implies George was born before 1800 and as Catherine Brown was born
about 1797, it is likely that George was also born in the 1790s and married around 1816.
Dennis has conjectured that George may be a son of one of the renegades, Leonard, Michael,
or possibly Simon. If so, I do not think George was deliberately evading the authorities, he
was probably merely living with the Indians like his father before him. The tax man and
census enumerator would have no incentive to try and include Indians. However, Kentucky

had no permanent Indian settlements after the one at Indian Old Fields was abandoned in the
1750s. The reason being that the Indians regarded Kentucky as joint use hunting grounds.
None the less, there are plenty of reports of Indians, often drunken males, coming into the
white towns. I can’t believe that only drunken males were in Kentucky. There must have
been Indian families and they must have been living somewhere, even if those encampments
were transient. In fact, being temporary is even more reason for a census enumerator to have
ignored them.

To my mind, the issue of the renegades is clouded by far too much uncertainty. Neither
Withers nor de Hass mention renegade activity except that Withers refers to Leonard
Schoolcraft’s raid at Hacker’s Creek. Only McWhorter, writing in 1915, discusses it (pages
148 and 149). His description, while detailed, still begs the question “how reliable is this

… Prisoners who returned from the Indian country reported that three of the
brothers had turned Indian and took part in the forays against the settlers.
A local tradition worthy of credence accounts for two brothers, John and
Jacob, so completely lost sight of. They were carried away when the family
was massacred and were held in captivity until nearly grown. They then
escaped under the following circumstances:

The subsequent account makes interesting reading but is omitted as the detail is not germane
to renegade activity. McWhorter cites Withers as the source of the statement about the three
who turned Indian but Withers only describes Leonard’s renegade activity. What we are
missing are the reports by returned prisoners. They might be more explicit regarding Simon
and Michael. Later McWhorter states:

Nothing is known of John after his return from captivity. Leonard, Simon and
Michael always remained with the Indians. …

The forgoing indicates that John Jr. and Jacob were not renegade and escaped when they
were at least in their late teens. The renegades are Leonard, Simon and Michael. By 1790
Simon has gone to Ontario42, near Detroit. I do not think Simon is a factor as far as being
George Schoolcraft’s father. We know that Leonard was active as a renegade as late as 1787
when he led the infamous attack43 at Hacker’s Creek. It is claimed that Leonard married an
Indian squaw - Letter Written by J. W. Calhoun, Appendix C. Clearly Leonard is one option
for George’s father. While I cannot exclude Michael, I am less confident that he is a factor in
this. I have not seen any claim that he married. If, as I conjectured earlier, Michael is in fact
Austien’s son, then he is noticeable older than Leonard and less likely to have started a
family while living amongst the Indians. It’s a personal opinion, but for me the smoking gun
is Leonard Schoolcraft as the father of George Schoolcraft, who would have been born in the
early 1790s. I conjecture that Leonard lived with the Indians till his death. After that time
George, who had been raised among the Indians, continued to live among them. He probably
moved into Pulaski County, Kentucky, and as his children met and married white partners, so
they returned to white society.

I’m not completely finished with this thread just yet. Consider the Michael Schoolcraft that is
recorded as follows:
April 12, 1804 - Garrard County, Kentucky, tax lists44, age 16 - 20.
1810 - Washington, Virginia census, age 16 - 2645.
1820 - Washington, Virginia census, age 26 - 4546.
1830 - Lee, Virginia census, age 40 - 5047.
1840 - Lee, Virginia census, age 50 - 6048.
September 1, 1850 - Washington, Virginia census, age 5949.

These records are moderately self consistent. Although the 1850 census indicates that he was
born in 1791 in Kentucky, the 1804 tax list indicates that he must have been born before
1789. I believe his age was trimmed in 1850. The year before (1803) John Sr. is listed in the
company of a young male50 aged 16 to 21. It seems this Michael has almost certainly just left
his home when he appears in 1804. He had just turned 16 when he first appears in the
Garrard County tax lists and was probably born circa 1788. There is no evidence that John
Sr. remarried after his family’s massacre so I conjecture that Michael is a grandson. This
forces consideration back to John’s renegade son or sons. After all, this Michael is only a few
years older than George. I conjecture that Michael and George are brothers.

Ultimately, this issue of the renegade Schoolcrafts is not resolvable with the information that
is presently known. The foregoing is no more than a series of unverified guesses and many
other possibilities can be imagined and should not be excluded.

A Louisiana Connection

Between 1840 and 1880 a small group of Schoolcraft's is enumerated, first in New Orleans
and later in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Henry is the earliest enumeration in 184051 but as it’s a
head of household only all we can tell is that there seems to be a small family. There is no
enumeration of any Schoolcraft in Louisiana in 1850. By 1860 Mrs. Matilda Schoolcraft is
enumerated52 with three children and two lodgers. In 1870 there is no sign of Matilda but a
Mary Schoolcraft is enumerated53 with two children, Matilda and Sylvester. Mary is
enumerated again in 188054. Because other information shows that Matilda's son, Luke, is
married and alive in 1870 and 1880, I conjecture that Mary is the widow of Matilda's other
son, James, who is not found after 1860.

This family of Schoolcraft’s in Louisiana is presently unplaced. Luke Schoolcraft, one of the
sons, was a famed minstrel entertainer55 who travelled considerably. There are a number of
newspaper reports in the Library of Congress56 documenting his performances. At the time of
writing, a particularly good poster of Schoolcraft & Coes is available for sale on the Internet
but as it’s image is copyright I may not include it in this document. Much can be learned
from the documentation of his career. The summaries in Wikipedia are particularly helpful.
These show that his father was the Henry Schoolcraft enumerated in 1840 and that he had a
married sister, Alfreda, who is enumerated with her husband in the 1860 enumeration of
Luke's mother. It is stated that Henry Schoolcraft was also an entertainer and that three
members of his family followed in that profession. Unfortunately, none of the information
that I have found has shed any light on where Henry Schoolcraft came from. Luke is the only
one for whom an 1880 census could be used to determine his parents place of birth.
Unfortunately, he apparently did not know or care as he enumerates their birth places as
Louisiana, the same as his own57. The 1860 census for Matilda52 shows different states for
the births of her children. She is from Kentucky, her eldest is from Pennsylvania, the second
from Alabama and Luke from Louisiana. Unless these children were from an earlier
marriage, this implies Henry came from the East; passed through, or originated in,
Pennsylvania; removed to Alabama by 1837 and to Louisiana by 1840. He might be a
descendent of Austien as he is found in the South but Pennsylvania is close enough to New
York State that he may be from one of the New York lines. I am unable to even conjecture in
this matter.

Other Early Schoolcrafts

When it comes to resolving women who appear without a husband one must take account of
the period. It was very uncommon in early times for women to strike out alone as single
persons. Therefore, whenever a woman is found acting alone in a legal capacity it generally
means she is a widow. While it is then tempting to think that a woman acting thus under the
Schoolcraft name is therefore the widow of a Schoolcraft there is another possibility. I have
noticed in the northern States and Canada that some women reverted to their maiden names
quite soon after becoming widows. I do not know if this practice was also followed in the
southern States but I do not exclude it.

Whether male or female and with the exception of a very few special situations, any legal
action required that the person be of major age. This can often be useful when assessing the
age of the person in question. While not foolproof, I generally also consider that women are
at least sixteen years old at marriage and men are eighteen. There are certainly cases when
they are younger but that is not the majority situation and even if sixteen and eighteen are not
correct, the error is only a year or two.
In November 1802 a Margaret Schoolcraft applies for land in Pulaski Co., KY; a grant is
made in 180558, 59. Margaret would be of major age and, presumably, a widow else her
husband would be the applicant. She probably is the widow of a Schoolcraft but, as noted
before, she might have merely reverted to her maiden name. On August 21st, 1819 she
marries James Purvis. In that location she is probably associated with James Schoolcraft Sr.
or his children in some way. None of the known sons of James, nor James himself, seem to
be plausible candidates as her first husband. We need a son of James Sr., who died before
1802 or else a daughter called Margaret. None is apparent. James Purvis is enumerated in
1830 with a wife born between 1760 and 1770.
John the Baptist
John the Baptist Schoolcraft is noted by Ed Schoolcraft. The Harrison County Minute Book
for 1809-1810 pp. 187-188, 17 January 1810 shows “Ordered that John the Baptist
Schoolcraft be bound to George Jackson until he arrives to the age of twenty one years to
learn the occupation of a farmer, he being 15 years old the 18th of March, 1809, and that the
overseer of the poor execute indentures accordingly". As Ed notes, all we can tell from this is
that he was probably an orphan or abandoned child. I have seen claims that he was the son of
James Schoolcraft, the son of Austien, but as there is no obvious reason for the abandonment
(the parents are still alive) and as it would cause a name conflict with another son born

previously and still alive, so I am inclined to discount this suggestion. The family group
record in the IGI (one of these claims) contains too many other errors to inspire confidence!
The only other Schoolcrafts in Harrison County at this time are two brothers, Jacob and John
Jr., the sons of John Sr.
The 1860 mortality schedule includes Mary Schoolcraft, who died in August 1860 and was
stated to be born in Ireland. This suggests she was a Schoolcraft wife or widow. Her age is at
present uncertain as I have not managed to locate the original record. She is shown twice in
the Schoolcraft Ancestral News60, 61 but the ages are different. She was either born in 1812 or
1818. There are no other Schoolcraft's reasonably nearby in either 1850 or 1860 to suggest an
Bonham, Texas
In 1860 a family of Schoolcrafts is enumerated in Fannin County, Texas62. The parents are
identified only as "J. Schoolcroft" who was born about 1814 in Indiana and "M. A.
Schoolcroft" who was born in Ohio about 1828. The birth locations of their seven children
show they were in Iowa in 1847, Arkansas by 1849 and reached Texas between 1851 and
1853. Based on the identified marriages of their children, the stay in Texas was limited and
they had moved to Missouri by the late 1860s. Their own birth locations suggest they
probably originated in Indiana or Ohio. This family is substantial enough that it should be
possible to place it yet there does not appear to be a match to the family members either
before or after 1860. There are a few families that are tantalizingly similar in some aspects
but conflict in others. Each seem to be among the grandchildren of James Sr. and that is
ultimately where I believe the answer lies.

1 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Astien ob Augustien on [2 April 1720], parents Jacob
Shultgraft & Madalena Schultgraft, sponsors Phillip Schueler & Grechen Vrooman.
2 Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country and Detailing Some Facts and Opinions on Two

Particular Branch of This Family - With Regards to the Migration of That Branch From New York, to Virginia and
Kentucky. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Edward J. Schoolcraft, 4809 Douglas MacArthur NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
87110, 1986 (4th Printing 1993, w/revisions)
3 Overwharton Parish Register 1720 – 1760 by Wm. F. Boogher. pp. 166 Scoulcraft, James married Margaret Mills,

October 14, 1753.

Overwharton Parish Register 1720 – 1760 by Wm. F. Boogher. pp. 167 Scoulcraft, Mary. Daughter of James and
Margaret born March 11, 1754.
Bonded Passengers to America by Peter Wilson Coldham, Vol. VIII Northern Circuit: 1665-1775. pp. 19, Lancashire.
Schoolcraft, James. S Lent 1751. [S – Sentenced to be transported to the American Colonies for a period of seven
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 57: On 11 December, 1766,
Mathias Schoolcraft is granted 130 acres of land on the South Branch of the Potomac River below Crabapple Bottom,
Augusta County... his property begins at a "Sugar tree corner, to his father's land".
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 57: On 11 December, 1766,
John Schoolcraft is granted 53 acres of land located on Straight Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac River.
8 Augusta Historical Bulletin Vol. 13 Fall 1977 No. 2. A court of Commissioners ... on 28th Day of March 1780. ...

John Willson & Alexander Maxwell as tenants in Common are intd to 400 acres of land by right of settlement before
1778 as asses of Ostin Schoolcraft Lying in Au C on the branch of Leading Cr adj the land of Peter Springston & OC.

9 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 60: On 25 June, 1781,
Mathew Schoolcraft, "Heir at law to Mathias Schoolcraft", received approval of a claim to 400 acres of land on the
Slab Camp Bottom on a branch of the Monongalia called Landfork, which had been settled in 1775. [FHL US/CAN
840856 Adjustments to Claims to Unpatented Lands - Monongalia, Yohogania and Ohio Counties, West Virginia -
1773 to 1785 pp. 341.]
10 Dennis Rogers. In July 1787 this land was surveyed for Robert Pike (who by the way was the administrator of

Matthias’s estate in 1784) “Assignee of John Schoolcraft who was Heir at Law to Matthew Schoolcraft Deceased,” by
virtue of a Certificate granted “to the said Matthew Schoolcraft Heir at Law to Mathias Schoolcraft.” Thus Matthew
died between 1781 and 1787. John could have been the eldest son of Matthew, but that’s putting three generations of
adults or near adults between 1745 and 1787. But, and this is where I get shaky on primogeniture, if Matthew had no
male children, the next eldest son of Matthias could have been heir. Or, if Matthias had no other male children, John
born 1741 could have been heir as Matthias’s eldest brother.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 60: On 25 June, 1781, John
Schoolcraft, "Heir at law to Austien Schoolcraft", received approval of a claim to 400 acres of land on the main fork of
Fink's Run, which had been settled in 1774. [FHL US/CAN 840856 Adjustments to Claims to Unpatented Lands -
Monongalia, Yohogania and Ohio Counties, West Virginia - 1773 to 1785 pp. 335.]
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 60: On 25 June, 1781,
James Schoolcraft received approval of a claim to 400 acres of land on the the main branch of Fink's Run adjoining
lands claimed by John Schoolcraft, which had been settled in 1774. [FHL US/CAN 840856 Adjustments to Claims to
Unpatented Lands - Monongalia, Yohogania and Ohio Counties, West Virginia - 1773 to 1785 pp. 341-342.]
13 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 60: On 21 May, John

Schoolcraft received approval for his claim to 400 acres of land on Stone Cole Run, a branch of the west fork, which
had been settled in 1775. [FHL US/CAN 840856 Adjustments to Claims to Unpatented Lands - Monongalia,
Yohogania and Ohio Counties, West Virginia - 1773 to 1785 pp. 238-239.]
14 New York: Church Records, Schoharie, The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation. James on August 12

1743, parents Asten Schoelkrafft & Catharina Contriman S:H:V: sponsors James Schoelkrafft & Elisabeth S:H: Vrouw.
15 New York: Church Records, Schoharie, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Matthes on Mar. 31 [1745] born

Mar. 12 [1745], parents Asten Schulkraf & Catharina, sponsors Matthes Bauman and his wife.
16 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 4, pp. 52. Pennsylvania Births [FHL Book 974.816/T1 K2h]:

Catharina Lisabetha Schul Kraft parents Asten Schul Kraft, Spon. Catharina Lisabeth Schraff. Born bpt. 18 Jun 1749 in
Host Ref. Ch., Tulpehocken, Berks Co.
17 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Edward J. Schoolcraft Edward

J. Schoolcraft, pp. 51. Although no baptism records have been found, other evidence exists in Harrison Co., Virginia,
that a son, John, had been born to Austien and Catherine some time prior to the birth of their son, James.
18 Dennis Rodgers. Land and court records add many pieces to the picture of the Virginia (WV) Schoolcrafts, and one

of those is a 1766 conveyance of land in Virginia’s Northern Neck signed by Astien, his wife Catherine, son John, and
John’s wife, Elizabeth. Of course an Indian wife in the white settlements would likely have adopted an Anglo name,
but whatever the circumstance, we do know the name thanks to that document.
19 State Census, Virginia & West Virginia, Monongalia Co. Original County returns from 1782 by John Evans, Clerk,

pp. 2-2.6. Christian Schoolcraft. White 2.

20 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 58: 10-Oct-1774 John

Schoolcraft, James Schoolcraft, Mathias Schoolcraft and Mathew Schoolcraft are all listed. May not have actually
fought in the Battle of Point Pleasant.
21 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit N - Harrison County,

Virginia, Minute Books: Her son is paid for the support of his mother and an Elizabeth Countryman with final payment
on 19-Jun-1787 when Catherine is noted as deceased.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 13 - 19. Ed Schoolcraft's analysis of John Schoolcraft's Indian
23 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 3 - 8. Ed Schoolcraft's analysis of Margaret Bush's letter.
24 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 9 - 12. Ed Schoolcraft's analysis of Mrs. J. W. Calhoun's

25 Buzz Brake []
26 Newsletters authored by Bob Neiswanger and Peg Hetrick, Issue 11, March 1999

History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of West Virginia, written 1851 by Wills DeHass

28 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 125 - 132: The George
Schoolcraft who married Catherine Brown is Ed Schoolcraft's ancestor and he devotes extensive analysis to the facts
presented. His proof concerning each of the five children, except possibly Ann, appears valid. The unproven point in
my mind is whether Ed's George is the one in the Pulaski and Clay County tax lists or not.
29 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 34.03, Delaware Co., IN, George Schoolcraft. Male: 5 <10, 1 16-26, 1 26-45,

female: 1 <10, 1 26-45, agriculture: 2.

30 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 9. Ed Schoolcraft details George's family, the facts that he

uses and includes a commentary suggesting George's origin.

31 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit CC: Court Order

Books, Pulaski Co., KY: Book 2 pp. 604 - Feb 1812 Court. Surveyed for George Schoolcraft ass. of Beazley Hart 100
acres of land by virtue of a Certificate No. 892 and granted January term 1806 situate and being in the County of
Pulaski and the waters of Fishing Creek beginning on two white oaks standing on a military line and corner to Israel
Harts survey thence his line North 130 poles to a black oak and dogwood thence N53E120 poles to a stake thence
L10E113 poles to a black oak Dicky Muses corner thence his line L20E22 poles to a black oak thence L61W140 poles
to the beginning.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit BB: Pulaski County
KY Tax Lists FHL US/CAN 008209. 1812 - Schoolcraft, George - White Males over 21: One. One hundred acres -
Fishing Creek.
33 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit DD. George

Schoolcraft to Thomas McJilton. Power of Attorney. Know all men by these presents that I George Schoolcraft of the
County of Clay and State of Kentucky, a private soldier in the late campaign of Kentucky Mounted Volunteer Militia,
commanded by his excellency Isaac Shelby, belonging to Capt. Thomas McJilton's Company, attached to the 11th
Regiment commanded by Lieutenant Col Williams, .... Signed 15th july 1815.
34 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit DD: Clay County KY

Tax Lists FHL US/CAN 007936. 1813 - George Schoolcraft listed - White males over 21: One. 1814 - George
Schoolcraft listed - White males over 21: One. 1815 - George Schoolcraft listed - White males over 21: One; Isaac
Schoolcraft - White males over 21: One. 1816 - George Schoolcraft listed - White males over 21: One.
35 State Census, Virginia & West Virginia, Monongalia Co. Original County returns from 1782 by John Evans, Clerk,

pp. 3-1.11, Morris Morris. White 2.

36 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 253.02, Stoner, Bourbon Co., KY, Morris Morris. Male: 1 <10, 1 26-45,

female: 1 16-26, 1 26-45.

37 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 120.49, North Middletown, Bourbon Co., KY, Morris Morris. Male: 2 <10, 1

10-16, 1 26-45, female: 2 <10, 1 26-45.

38 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 181.18, Center, Marion Co., IN, Morris Morris. Male: 2 <5, 1 15-20, 1 20-

30, 1 50-60, female: 1 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 20-30, 1 30-40.

39 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 306.27, Lawrence Ward 4, Marion Co., IN, Morris Morris. Male: 1 10-15, 2

20-30, 1 50-60, female: 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 50-60.

40 Federal Population Schedule, 10-Aug-1850, pp. 268A.10, dw. 1021, Center, Marion Co., IN, fam. 1032, Morris

Morris age 72 sex m milling business born in VA, Rachael age 66 sex f born in VA, Olue Shelton age 18 sex f born in
IN, Caroline Morris age 15 sex f born in IN, Henry Kerny age 16 sex m born in Germany.
41 Tennessee, Marriages, 1796-1950, index, FamilySearch (,

William Brown and Catherine Sweet, 15 Oct 1795.

42 Ontario: Land Claims, 9 July 1790 Simon files for 200 acres in Canada on the La Forche river near Detroit.
Chronicles of Border Warfare, Alexander Scott Withers, pp. 377 - 378. Leonard Schoolcraft led an attack on the
West family at Hacker's Creek on 5-Dec-1787.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit AA. Garrard County,
Kentucky. FHL US/CAN 007988. James Schoolcraft - 12 April 1804; 1 white males over 21. John Schoolcraft - 12
April 1804; 1 white males over 21. Michael Schoolcraft - 12 April 1804; 1 white males 16 but under 21.
45 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 728.17, Not Stated, Washington Co., VA, Michl. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 16-26,

female: 1 16-26.
46 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 42.08, Not Stated, Washington Co., VA, Michael Schoolcraft. Male: 2 <10, 1

26-45, female: 1 <10, 1 16-26.

47 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 323.10, Not Stated, Lee Co., VA, Michel Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1

10-15, 1 40-50, female: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1 30-40.

Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 73.28, Not Stated, Lee Co., VA, Michael Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 2 5-10, 1
10-15, 2 20-30, 1 50-60, female: 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50.

49 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Sep-1850, dw. 262, Kentucky, Owsley Co., KY, fam. 262, Michial Schoolcraft age
59 sex m brick mason born in KY, Palsey age 54 sex f born in VA, Overton age 32 sex m brick mason born in VA,
Polley age 27 sex f born in VA, Madison age 17 sex m laborer born in VA, James age 15 sex m laborer born in VA,
Nathan age 11 sex m born in VA, Elizabeth Hobbs age 8 sex f born in VA.
50 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit AA: Garrard County

KY Tax Lists: Exhibit AA. Garrard County, Kentucky. FHL US/CAN 007988. John Schoolcraft - 21 July 1803; 1
white males over 21; 1 white males 16 but under 21. [James Schoolcraft from Dennis, details not known to me].
51 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 359.05, New Orleans Ward 1, Orleans Co., LA, Henry Schoolcraft. Male: 1

5-10, 1 10-15, 1 20-30, female: 1 <5, 2 20-30.

Federal Population Schedule, 3-Jul-1860, pp. 267.40, dw. 1265, Ward #2, New Orleans, Orleans Co., LA, fam. 2365,
Mrs. Matilda Schoolcraft age 47 sex f born in KY, James age 29 sex m painter born in PA, Jane age 23 sex f born in
AL, Luke age 12 sex m born in LA, Wm. B. Chippendale age 28 sex m Treas. Var. ~~~ born in France, Alfreda age 18
sex f born in LA.
53 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1870, pp. 25.39, dw. 235, Ward #7, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Co., LA,

fam. 238, Mary Schoolcraft age 36 sex f sempship born in LA, Matilda J. age 15 sex f born in LA, Sylvester age 12 sex
m born in LA.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254452 NA Film T9-0452 pp. 362A, Baton Rouge, East Baton
Rouge Co., LA : Mary Schoolcroft Self white age 58 born in LA occupation Keep House father born in LA mother
born in TN: M... Schoolcroft Dau white age 24 born in LA occupation School Teacher father born in LA mother born
in LA: Silvester Schoolcroft Son married white age 21 born in LA occupation Labor father born in LA mother born in
55 New York: Newspapers, History of the New York Stage, pp. 121-122: Luke Schoolcraft died in Cincinnati, March

12, 1893.
56 Minnesota: Newspaper, Found frequently in the St. Paul Daily Globe and the Omaha Daily Bee in the 1880s. Refer

Omaha Daily Bee, April 23, 1889, page 2 to identify the name Luke Schoolcraft. []
57 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254543 NA Film T9-0543 pp. 15A, 8-Jun-1880 208 Hampshire St.,

Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA : Luke Schoolcraft Self male married white age 32 born in New Orleans occupation
Singer father born in LA mother born in LA: Eliza I. Schoolcraft Wife female white age 35 born in IN occupation
Keeping House father born in IN mother born in IN: Matilda Schoolcraft Mother white age 66 born in KY father born
in KY mother born in KY: Aaron Clarke FatherL married white age 76 born in MA father born in MA mother born in -
--: M. O. Smith SisterL male white age 33 born in IN occupation Nurse father born in IN mother born in IN: Jane
White Other age 26 born in SC father born in SC mother born in SC.
58 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit CC: Court Order

Books, Pulaski Co., KY: Book 1 pp. 362 Nov 1802 Peggy Schoolcraft applies for land. Book 2 pp. 217 Aug 1805
Peggy Schoolcraft is granted the land.
59 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 123 - 124. Ed analyses

Peggy Schoolcraft's possible origin.

60 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 7. U.S. Mortality List - 1860. 8th Ward, Louisville, Jefferson

Co., KY: Mary Schoolcraft, ae. 42, b. Ireland, d. Aug-1860, Consumption.

61 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 61. U.S. Mortality List - 1860. Schoolcraft, Mary, Female,

Age 48, died in August 1860 in Jefferson Co., KY. Cause of death: Consumption. Born in: Ireland.
62 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Aug-1860, pp. 174.31, dw. 1146, Beat #2, Bonham, Fannin Co., TX, fam. 1167, J.

Schoolcraft age 46 sex m miller born in IN, M. A. Schoolcraft age 32 sex f born in OH, Mary age 13 sex f born in IA,
Dolly age 11 sex f born in AR, John age 9 sex m born in AR, Mariah age 7 sex f born in TX, Clara age 5 sex f born in
TX, Josephine age 3 sex f born in TX, Marques age 1 sex m born in TX.

Appendix A: Sketches of the Life
of Henry R. Schoolcraft
The following transcription of the introduction to Henry Rowe Schoolcraft‘s memoirs was
downloaded from the Library of Congress archives. Some of the inherent OCR errors were
noticed and corrected.

Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on

the American frontiers: with brief notices of passing events, facts, and
opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842
CREATED/PUBLISHED: Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo and co., 1851.
Sketches of the Life of Henry R. Schoolcraft
The early period at which Mr. Schoolcraft entered the field of observation in
the United States as a naturalist; the enterprise he has from the outset
manifested in exploring the geography and geology of the Great West; and his
subsequent researches as an ethnologist, in investigating the Indian language
and history, are well known to the public, and may be appropriately referred
to as the grounds of the present design, in furnishing some brief and
connected sketches of his life, family, studies, and literary labors. He is an
example of what early and continued zeal, talent, and diligence, united with
energy of character and consistent moral habits, may accomplish in the cause
of letters and science, by the force of solitary application, without the
advantage of hereditary wealth, the impulse of patronage, or the prestige of
early academic honors. Ardent in the pursuit of whatever engaged his
attention, quick in the observation of natural phenomena, and assiduous in the
accumulation of facts; with an ever present sense of their practical and useful
bearing--few men, in our modern history, have accomplished so much, in the
lines of research he has chosen, to render science popular and letter
honorable. To him we are indebted for our first accounts of the geological
constitution, and the mineral wealth and resources of the great valley beyond
the Alleghanies, and he is the discoverer of the actual source of the
Mississippi River in Itasca Lake. For many years, beginning with 1817, he
stirred up a zeal for natural history from one end of the land to the other, and,
after his settlement in the West, he was a point of approach for
correspondents, as his personal memoirs denote, not only on these topics, but
for all that relates to the Indian tribes, in consequence of which he has been
emphatically pronounced “The Red Man’s Friend.”
Mr. Schoolcraft is a native of New York, and is the descendant in the third
generation, by the paternal line, of an Englishman. James Calcraft had served
with reputation in the armies of the Duke of Marlborough during the reign of
Queen Anne, and was present in that general’s celebrated triumphs on the
continent, in one of which he lost an eye, from the premature explosion of the

priming of a cannon. Owing to these military services he enjoyed and
cherished a high reputation for bravery and loyalty.
He was a descendant of a family of that name, who came to England with
William the Conqueror--and settled under grants from the crown in
Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire--three separate branches of the family
having received the honor of knighthood for their military services.
In the reign of George the Second, consequently after 1727, he embarked at
Liverpool in a detachment of veteran troops, intended to act against Canada.
He was present in the operations connected with the building of Forts Anne
and Edwards, on the North River, and Fort William Henry on Lake George.
At the conclusion of these campaigns he settled in Albany county, N. Y., which
has continued to be the residence of the family for more than a century. Being
a man of education, he at first devoted himself to the business of a land
surveyor, in which capacity he was employed by Col. Vroman, to survey the
boundaries of his tract of land in the then frontier settlement of Schoharie. At
the latter place he married the only daughter and child of Christian Camerer,
one of the Palatines,--a body of determined Saxons who had emigrated from
the Upper Rhine in 1712, under the assurance or expectation of a patent from
Queen Anne*. By this marriage he had eight children--namely, James,
Christian, John, Margaret, Elizabeth, Lawrence, William, and Helen.
For many years during his old age, he conducted a large school in this
settlement, being the first English school that was taught in that then frontier
part of the country. This appears to be the only tenable reason that has been
assigned for the change of the family name from Calcraft to Schoolcraft.
When far advanced in life, he went to live with his son William, on the New
York grants on Otter Creek, in the rich agricultural region south of Lake
Champlain--which is now included in Vermont. Here he died at the great age
of one hundred and two, having been universally esteemed for his loyalty to
his king, his personal courage and energy, and the uprightness of his
After the death of his father, when the revolutionary troubles commenced,
William, his youngest son, removed into Lower Canada. The other children all
remained in Albany County, except Christian, who, when the jangling land
disputes and conflicts of titles arose in Schoharie, followed Conrad Wiser,
Esq. (a near relative), to the banks of the Susquehanna. He appears eventually
to have pushed his way to Buchanan River, one of the sources of the
Monongahela, in Lewis County, Virginia, where some of his descendants must
still reside. It appears that they became deeply involved in the Indian wars
which the Shawnees kept up on the frontiers of Virginia. In this struggle they
took an active part, and were visited with the severest retribution by the
marauding Indians. It is stated by Withers that, between 1770 and 1779, not

Simms’ Schoharie

less than fifteen of this family, men, women, and children, were killed or taken
prisoners, and carried into captivity*.
Of the other children of the original progenitor, James, the eldest son, died a
bachelor. Lawrence was the ancestor of the persons of this name in Schoharie
County. Elizabeth and Helen married, in that county, in the families of Rose
and Haines, and Margaret, the eldest daughter, married Col. Green Brush, of
the British army, at the house of Gen. Bradstreet, Albany. Her daughter, Miss
Francis Brush, married the celebrated Col. Ethan Allen, after his return from
the Tower of London.
John, the third son, settled in Watervleit, in the valley of the Norman’s Kill--
or, as the Indians called it, Towasentha--Albany County. He served in a
winter’s campaign against Oswego, in 1757,and took part also in the
successful siege and storming of Fort Niagara, under Gen Prideaux* and Sir
William Johnson, in the summer of 1759. He married a Miss Anna Barbara
Boss, by whom he had three children, namely, Anne, Lawrence, and John. He
had the local reputation of great intrepidity, strong muscular power, and
unyielding decision of character. He died at the age of 64. Lawrence, his
eldest son, had entered his seventeenth year when the American Revolution
broke out. He embraced the patriotic sentiments of that era with great ardor,
and was in the first revolutionary procession that marched through and
canvassed the settlement with martial music, and the Committee of Safety at
its head, to determine who was Whig or Tory.
The military element had always commanded great respect in the family and
he did not wait to be older, but enrolled himself among the defenders of his
He was present, in 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was read to
the troops drawn up in hollow square at Ticonderoga. He marched under Gen
Schuyler to the relief of Montgomery, at Quebec, and continued to be an
indomitable actor in various positions, civil and military, in the great drama
of the Revolution during its entire continuance.
In 1777, the darkest and most hopeless period of our revolutionary contest, he
led a reinforcement from Albany to Fort Stanwix, up the Mohawk Valley, then
alive with hostile Indians and Tories, and escaped them all, and he was in this
fort, under Col. Ganzevoort, during its long and close siege by Col. St. Leger
and his infuriated Indian allies. The whole embodied militia of the Mohawk
Valley marched to its relief, under the bold and patriotic Gen. Herkimer. They
were met by the Mohawk, Onondagas and Senecas, and British loyalists, lying
in ambush on the banks of the Oriskany, eight miles from the fort. A dreadful
battle ensued. Gen. Herkimer was soon wounded in the thigh, his leg broken,
and his horse shot under him. With the coolness of a Blucher, he then directed
his saddle to be placed on a small knoll, and, drawing ut his tobacco-box, lit

Chronicles of the Border Warfare in North-western Virginia. By Alex Withers, Clarksbury, Virginia,
1831. 1 vol. 12mo. Page 319.
This officer was shot in the trenches, which devolved the command on Sir William.

his pipe and calmly smoked while his brave and unconquerable men fought
around him.
This was one of the most stoutly contested battles of the Revolution. Campbell
says: “This battle made orphans of half the inhabitants of the Mohawk
Valley”*. It was a desperate struggle between neighbors, who were ranged on
opposite sides as Whig and Tory, and it was a triumph, Herkimer remaining
master of the field. During the hottest of the battle, Col. Willett stepped on the
esplanade of the fort, where the troops were paraded, and requested all who
were willing to fight for liberty and join a party for the relief of Herkimer, to
step forward one pace. Schoolcraft was the first to advance. Two hundred and
fifty men followed him. An immediate sally was made. They carried the camp
of Sir John Johnson; took all his baggage,, military-chest, and papers; drove
him though the Mohawk River; and then turned upon the howling Mohawks
and swept and fired their camp. The results of this battle were brilliant. The
plunder was immense. The lines of the besiegers, which had been thinned by
the forces sent to Oriskany, were carried, and the noise of firing and rumors
of a reinforcement, animated the hearts of the indomitable men of that day.
After the victory, Herkimer was carried by his men, in a litter, thirty or forty
miles to his own house, below the present town of Herkimer, where he died,
from an unskillful amputation, having just concluded reading to his family the
38th Psalm.
But the most dangerous enemy the cause freedom was not to be found in the
field, but among neighbors who were lurking at midnight around the scenes of
home. The districts of Albany and Schoharie was infested by Tories, and
young Schoolcraft was ever on the qui vive to ferret out this most insidious
and cruel of the enemy’s power. On one occasion he detected a Tory, who had
returned from Canada with a lieutenant’s commission in his pocket. He
immediately clapped spurs to his horse, and reported him to Gov George
Clinton, the Chairman of the Committee of Safety at Albany. Within three days
the lieutenant was seized, tried, condemned and hanged. Indeed, a volume of
anecdotes might to be written of Lawrence Schoolcraft‘s revolutionary life;
suffice it to say, that he was a devoted, enthusiastic, enterprizing soldier and
patriot, and came out of the contest with an adjutant’s commission and a high
reputation for bravery.
About the close of the Revolutionary war, he married Miss Margaret Anne
Barbara Rowe, a native of Fishkill, Duchess County, New York, by whom he
had thirteen children.
His disciplinary knowledge and tact in the government of men, united to
amenity of manners, led to his extensive glass Hon. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer,
as director of his extensive glass works at Hamilton, near Albany, which he
conducted with high reputation so many years, during which time he bore
several important civil and military trusts in the county. The importance of
this manufacture to the new settlements at that early day, was deeply felt, and

Annals of Teyon County.

his ability and skill in the management of these extensive works were widely
known and appreciated.
When the war of 1812 appeared inevitable, Gen Ganzevoort, his old
commanding officer at Fort Stanwix, who was now at the head of the U. S.
army, placed him in command of the first regiment of uniformed volunteers,
who were mustered into service for that conflict. His celebrity in the
manufacture of glass, led capitalists in Western New York to offer him large
inducements to remove there, where he first introduced this manufacture
during the settlement of that new and attractive part of the State, in which a
mania for manufactories was then rife. In this new field the sphere of his
activity and skill were greatly enlarged, and he enjoyed the consideration and
respect of his townsmen for many years. He died at Vernon, Oneida County,
in 1840, at the age of eighty-four, having lived long to enjoy the success of
that independence for which he had ardently thirsted and fought. A handsome
monument on the banks of the Skenando bears the inscription “A patriot, a
Christian, and an honest man.” A man who was never governed by
expediency but by right, and in all his expressions of opinion, original and
fearless of consequences. These details of the life and character of Col.
Lawrence Schoolcraft, appeared proper in proceeding to speak of one of his
sons, who has for so considerable a period occupied the public attention as an
actor in other fields, requiring not less energy, decision, enterprise and
perseverance of character.
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft was born in Albany County, on the 28th of March,
1793, during the second presidential term of Washington. His childhood and
youth were spent in the village of Hamilton, a place once renowned for its
prosperous manufactories, but which has long since verified the predictions of
the bard-- “That trade’s proud empire hastes so swift decay, As ocean sweeps
the labored mole away.” Its location is on one of the beautiful and sparkling
affluents of the Towasentha or Norman’s Kill, popularly called the
Hongerkill, which he has in one of his occasional publications called the
Iósco, from an aboriginal term. That pisturesque and lofty arm of the
Catskills, which is called the Helderberg, bounds the landscape on the west
and south, while the Pine Plains occupy the form of a crescent, between the
Mohawk and the Hudson, bearing the cities of Albany and Schenectady
respectively on its opposite edges. Across this crescent-like Plain of Pines, by
a line of sixteen miles, was the ancient Iroquois war and trading path. The
Towasentha lies on the south borders of this plain, and was, on the first
settlement of the country, the seat of an Indiana population. Here, during the
official term of Gen. Hamilton, whose name the village bears, the capitalists
of Albany planted a manufacturing village. The position is one where the
arable forest and farming lands are bounded by the half arabic waste of the
pine plains of the Honicroisa, whose deep gorges are still infested by the wolf
and smaller animals. The whole valley of the Norman’s Kill abounds in lovely
and rural scenes, and quiet retreats and waterfalls, which are suited to
nourish poetic tastes. In these he indulged from his thirteenth year,
periodically writing, and as judgment ripened, destroying volumes of

manuscripts, while at the same time he evinced uncommon diligence at his
books and studies. The poetic talent was, indeed, strongly developed. His
power of versification was early and well formed, and the pieces which were
published anonymously at a maturer period, as “Geehale,” and “The
Iroquois,” &c., have long been embodied without a name in our poetic
literature. But this faculty, of which we have been permitted to see the
manuscript of some elaborate and vigorous trains of thought, did not impede
a decided intellectual progress in sterner studies in the sciences and arts. His
mind was early imbued with a thirst of knowledge, and he made such
proficiency as to attract the notice of persons of education and taste. There
was developed, too, in him, an early bias for the philosophy of language. Mr.
Van Kleeck, a townsman, in a recent letter to Dr. R. W. Griswold, says:--
“I revert with great pleasure to the scenes of my residence, in the part of
Albany County which was also the residence of Henry R. Schoolcraft. I went
to reside at the village of Hamilton, in the town of Guilderland, in 1803. Col.
Lawrence Schoolcraft, the father of Henry, had then the direction of the large
manufactories of glass, for which that place was long noted. The standing of
young Henry, I remember, at his school, for scholarship, was then very noted,
and his reputation in the village most prominent. He was spoken of as a lad of
great promise, and a very learned boy at twelve. Mr. Robert Buchanan, a
Scotchman, and a man of learning, took much pride in his advances, and
finally came to his father and told him that he had taught him all he knew. In
Latin, I think he was taught by Cleanthus Felt. He was at this age very
arduous and assiduous in the pursuit of knowledge. He discovered great
mechanical ingenuity. He drew and painted in water colors, and attracted the
notice of the Hon. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Lt. Governor of the State, who
became so much interested in his advancement, that he took the initial steps to
have him placed with a master. At an early age he manifested a taste for
mineralogy and natural science, which was then (I speak of about 1808)
almost unknown in the country. He was generally to be found at home, at his
studies, when other boys of his age were attending horse-races, cock-fights,
and other vicious amusements for which the village was famous.
“At this time he organized with persevering effort, a literary society, in which
discussions took place by the intelligent inhabitants on subjects of popular
and learned interests. At an early age, I think sixteen, he went to the west, and
the first that was afterwards heard of him was his bringing to New York a
splendid collection of the mineralogy and natural history of the west.”*
In a part of the country where books were scarce, it was not easy to supply
this want. He purchased several editions of English classics at the sale of the
valuable library of Dirck Ten Broeck, Esq., of Albany, and his room in a short
time showed the elements of a library and a cabinet of minerals, and
drawings, which were arranged with the greatest care and neatness. Having
finished his primary studies, with high reputation, he prepared, under an
improved instructor, to enter Union College. It was at the age of fifteen that

Letter of L. L. Van Kleeck, Esq., to Dr. R. W. Griswold, June 4th, 1851.

he set on foot, as Mr. Van Kleeck mentions, an association for mental
improvement. These meetings drew together persons of literary tastes and
acquirements in the vicinity. The late John V. Veeder, Wm. McKown, and L. L.
Van Kleeck, Esqs., Mr. Robert Alsop, the late John Schoolcraft, Esq., G.
Batterman, John Sloan, and other well-known gentlemen of the town, all of
whom were his seniors in age, attended these meetings.
Mineralogy was at that time an almost unknown science in the United States.
At first the heavy drift stratum of Albany County, as seen in the bed of
Norman’s Kill; and its deep cuttings in the slate and other rocks, were his
field of mineralogical inquiries. Afterwards, while living at Lake Dunmore, in
Addison County, Vermont, he revised and systematized the study under the
teaching of Professor Hall, of Middlebury College, to which he added
chemistry, natural philosophy and medicine. Having now the means, he
erected a chemical furnace, and ordered books, apparatus, and tests from the
city of New York. By these means he perfected the arts which were under his
direction in the large way; and he made investigations of the phenomena of
the fusion of various bodies, which he prepared for the press under the name
of Vitriology, an elaborate work of research. Amongst the facts brought to
light, it is apprehended, were revealed the essential principles of an art which
is said to have been discovered and lost in the days of Tiberius Cæsar.
He taught himself the Hebrew and German, with the aid only of grammars
and lexicons; and, with the assistance of instructors, the reading of French.
His assiduity, his love of method, the great value he attached to time, and his
perseverance in whatever study or research he undertook, were indeed
indomitable, and serve to prove how far they will carry the mind, and how
much surer tests they are of ultimate usefulness ad attainment, than the most
dazzling genius these moral props. Self-dependent, self-acting, and self-
taught, it is apprehended that few men, with so little means and few
advantages, have been in so peculiar a sense the architect of their own
He commenced writing for the newspapers and periodicals in 1808, in which
year he also published a poetic tribute to a friend, which excited local notice,
and was attributed to a person of literary celebrity. For, notwithstanding the
gravity of his studies and researches, he had indulged an early poetic taste for
a series of years, by compositions of an imaginative character, and might, it
should seem, have attained distinction in that way. His remarks in the
“Literary and Philosophical Repertory,” on the evolvement of hydrogen gas
from the strata of Western New York, under the name of Burning Springs,
evinced an early aptitude for philosophical discussion. In a notice of some
archæological discoveries made in Hamburgh, Erie County, which were
published at Utica in 1817, he first denoted the necessity of discriminating
between the antique French and European, and the aboriginal period in our
antiquities; for the want of which discrimination, casual observers and
discoverers of articles in our tumuli are perpetually over-estimating the state
of ancient art.

About 1816 he issued proposals, and made arrangements to publish his
elaborated work on vitreology, which, so far as published, was favorably
In 1817 he was attracted to go to the Valley of the Mississippi. A new world
appeared to be opening for American enterprise there. Its extent and
resources seemed to point it out as the future residence of millions; and he
determined to share in the exploration of its geography, geology, mineralogy
and general ethnology, for in this latter respect also it offered, by its curious
mounds and antiquities and existing Indian tribes, a field of peculiar and
undeveloped interest.
He approached this field of observation by descending the Alleghany River
from Western New York to the Ohio. He made Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and
Louisville centres of observation. At the latter place he published in the
papers an account of the discovery of a body of the black oxide of manganese,
on the banks of the Great Sandy River of Kentucky, and watched the return
papers from the old Atlantic States, to see whether notices of this kind would
be copied and approved. Finding this test favorable, he felt encouraged in his
mineralogical researches. Having descended the Ohio to its mouth one
thousand miles, by its involutions below Pittsburgh, and entered the
Mississippi, he urged his way up the strong and turbid channel of the latter, in
barges, by slow stages of five or six miles a day, to St. Louis. This slowness of
travel gave him an opportunity of exploring on foot the whole of the Missouri
shore, so noted, from early Spanish and French days, for its mines. After
visiting the mounds of Illinois, he recrossed the Mississippi into the mineral
district of Missouri. Making Potosi the centre of his survey and the deposit of
his collections, he executed a thorough examination of that district, where he
found some seventy mines scattered over a large surface of the public domain,
which yielded, at the utmost, by a very desultory process, about three millions
of pounds of lead annually. Having explored this region very minutely, he
wished to ascertain its geological connection with the Ozark and other
highland ranges, which spread at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, and he
planned an exploratory expedition into that region. This bold and hazardous
journey he organized and commenced at Potosi early in the month of
November, 1818, and prosecuted it under many disadvantages during that fall
and the succeeding winter. Several expert and practiced woodsmen were to
have been of this party, but when the time for setting out came all but two
failed, under various excuses. One of these was finally obliged to turn back
from Mine au Breton with a continued attack of fever and ague. Ardent in the
plan, and with a strong desire to extend the dominions of science, he
determined to push on with a single companion, and a single pack-horse,
which bore the necessary camp conveniences, and was led alternately by each
from day to day. A pocket compass guided their march by day, and they often
slept in vast caverns in limestone cliffs at night. Gigantic springs of the purest
crystaline water frequently gushed up from the soil or rocks. This track laid
across highlands, which divide the confluent waters of the Missouri from
those of the Mississippi. Indians, wild beasts, starvation, thirst, were the

dangers of the way. This journey, which led into the vast and desolate parts of
Arkansas, was replete with incidents and adventures of the highest interest.
While in Missouri, and after his return from this adventurous journey, he drew
up a description of the mines, geology, and mineralogy of the country.
Conceiving a plan for the better management of the lead mines as a part of
the public domain, he determined to visit Washington, to submit it to the
Packing up his collections of mineralogy and geology, he ordered them to the
nearest point of embarkation on the Mississippi, and, getting on board a
steamer at St. Genevieve, proceeded to New Orleans. Thence he took shipping
for New York, passing through the Straits of Florida, and reached his
destination during the prevalence of the yellow fever in that city. He improved
the time of his quarantine at Staten Island by exploring its mineralogy and
geology, where he experienced a kind and appreciating reception from the
health officer, Dr. De Witt.
His reception also from scientific men at New York was most favorable, and
produced a strong sensation. Being the first person who had brought a
collection of its scientific resources from the Mississippi Valley, its exhibition
and diffusion in private cabinets gave an impulse to these studies in the
Men of science and gentlemen of enlarged minds welcomed him. Mrs.
Mitchell and Hosack, who were then at the summit of their influence, and
many other leading and professional characters extended a hand of cordial
encouragement and appreciation. Gov. De Witt Clinton was one of his earliest
and most constant friends. The Lyceum of Natural History and the New York
Historical Society admitted him to membership.
Late in the autumn of 1819, he published his work on the mines and mineral
resources of Missouri, and with this publication as an exponent of his views,
he proceeded to Washington, where he was favorably received by President
Monroe, and by Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Crawford, members of his cabinet. At
the request of the latter he drew up a memoir on the reorganization of the
western mines, which was well received. Some legislation appeared
necessary. Meantime Mr. Calhoun, who was struck by the earnestness of his
views and scientific enterprise, offered him the situation of geologist and
mineralogist to an exploring expedition, which the war department was about
dispatching from Detroit to the sources of the Mississippi under the orders of
Gen. Cass.
This he immediately accepted, and, after spending a few weeks at the capital,
returned in Feb., 1820, to New York, to await the opening of the interior
navigation. As soon as the lakes opened he proceeded to Detroit, and in the
course of two or three weeks embarked on this celebrated tour of exploration.
The great lake basins were visited and explored, the reported copper mines on
Lake Superior examined, and the upper Mississippi entered at Sandy Lake,
and, after tracing it in its remote mazes to the highest practical point, he
descended its channel by St. Anthony’s Falls to Prairie Du Chien and the Du

Buque lead mines. The original outward track north-westward was then
regained, through the valleys of the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers, and the
extended shores of Lake Michigan and Huron elaborately traced. In this he
was accompanied by the late Professor David B. Douglass, who collected the
materials for a correct map of the great lakes and the sources of the
It was late in the autumn when Mr. Schoolcraft returned to his residence at
New York, when he was solicited to publish his “narrative journal.” This he
completed early in the spring of 1821. This work, which evinces accurate and
original powers of observation, established his reputation as a scientific and
judicious traveler. Copies of it found their way to England, where it was
praised by Sir Humphrey Davy and the veteran geographer, Major Rennel.
His report to the Secretary of War on the copper mines of Lake Superior, was
published in advance by the American Journal of Science, and by order of the
Senate of the United States, and gives the earliest scientific account of the
mineral affluence of the basin of that lake. His geological report to the same
department made subsequently, traces the formations of that part of the
continent, which gives origin to the Mississippi River, and denotes the
latitudes where it is crossed by the primitive and volcanic rocks. The ardor
and enthusiasm which he evinced in the cause of science, and his personal
enterprise in traversing vast regions, awakened a corresponding spirit; and
the publication of his narratives had the effect to popularize the subject of
mineralogy and geology throughout the country.
In 1821, he executed a very extensive journey through the Miami of the Lakes
and the River Wabash, tracing those streams minutely to the entrance of the
latter into the Ohio River. He then proceeded to explore the Oshawanee
Mountains, near Cavein-Rock, with their deposits of the fluate of lime, galena,
and other mineral treasures. From this range he crossed over the grand
prairies of the Illinois to St. Louis, revisited the mineral district of Potosi, and
ascended the Illinois River and its northwest fork, the Des Plaines, to
Chicago, where a large body of Indians were congregated to confer on the
cession of their lands. At these important conferences, he occupied the
position of secretary. He published an account of the incidents of this
exploratory journey, under the title of Travels in the Central Portions of the
Mississippi Valley. He found, in passing up the river Des Plaines, a
remarkably well characterized specimen of a fossil tree, completely converted
to stone, of which he prepared a descriptive memoir, which had the effect
further to direct the public mind to geological phenomena.
We are not prepared to pursue minutely these first steps of his energetic
course in the early investigation of our natural history and geography. In
1822, while the lead-mine problem was under advisement at Washington, he
was appointed by Mr. Monroe to the semi-diplomatic position of Agent for
Indian Affairs on the North-west Frontiers. This opened a new field of inquiry,
and, while it opposed no bar to the pursuits of natural science, it presented a
broad area of historical and ethnological research. On this he entered with
great ardor, and an event of generally controlling influence on human

pursuits occurred to enlarge these studies, in his marriage to Miss Jane
Johnston, a highly cultivated young lady, who was equally well versed in the
English and Algonquin languages, being a descendant, by the mother’s side,
of Wabojeeg, a celebrated war sachem, and ruling cacique of his nation. Her
father, Mr. John Johnston, was a gentleman of the highest connections,
fortune, and standing, from the north of Ireland, who had emigrated to
America during the presidency of Washington. He possessed great enthusiasm
and romance of character, united with poetic tastes, and became deeply
enamored of the beautiful daughter of Wabojeeg, married her, and had eight
children. His eldest daughter, Jane, was sent, at nine years age, to Europe to
be thoroughly educated under the care of his relatives there, and, when she
returned to America, was placed at the head of her father’s household, where
her refined dignified manners and accomplishments attracted the notice and
admiration of numerous visitors to that seat of noble hospitality. Mr.
Schoolcraft was among the first suitors for her hand, and married her in
October, 1823.
Mr. Johnston was a fine belles lettres scholar, and entered readily into the
discussions arising from the principles of the Indian languages, and plans for
their improvement.
Mr. Schoolcraft’s marriage into an aboriginal family gave no small stimulus
to these inquiries, which were pursued under such singularly excellent
advantages, and with untiring ardor in the seclusion of Elmwood and
Michilimackinack, for a period of nearly twenty years, and, until his wife’s
lamented death, which happened during a visit to her sister, at Dundas,
Canada West, in the year 1842, and while he himself was absent on a visit to
England. Mr. Schoolcraft has not, at any period of his life, sought
advancement in political life, but executed with energy and interest various
civic offices, which were freely offered to him. From 1828 to 1832, he was an
efficient member of the Territorial Legislature, where he introduced a system
of township and county names, formed on the basis of the aboriginal
vocabulary, and also procured the incorporation of a historical society, and,
besides managing the finances, as chairman of an appropriate committee, be
introduced and secured the passage of several laws respecting the treatment
of the native tribes.
In 1828, the Navy Department offered him a prominent situation in the
scientific corps of the United States Exploring Expedition to the South Seas.
This was urged in several letters written to him at St. Mary’s, by Mr.
Reynolds, with the approbation of Mr. Southard, then Secretary of the Navy.
However flattering such an offer was to his ambition, his domestic relations
did not permit his acceptance of the place. He appeared to occupy his
advanced position on the frontier solely to further the interests of natural
history, American geography, and growing questions of philosophic moment.
These particulars will enable the render to appreciate the advantages with
which he commenced and pursued the study of the Indian languages, and
American ethnology. He made a complete lexicon of the Algonquin language,
and reduced its grammar to a philosophical system. “It is really surprising”
says Gen. Cass, in a letter, in 1824, in view of these researches, “that so little
valuable information has been given to the world on these subjects.”
Mr. Duponceau, President of the American Philosophical Society, translated
two of Mr. Schoolcraft’s lectures before the Algic Society, on the grammatical
structure of the Indian language, into French, for the National Institute of
France, where the prize for the best essay on Algonquin language was
awarded to him. He writes to Dr. James, in 1834, in reference to these
lectures: “His description of the composition of words in the Chippewa
language, is the most elegant I have yet seen. He is an able and most
perspicuous writer, and treats his subject philosophically.”
Approbation from these high sources had only the effect to lead him to
renewed diligence and deeper exertions to further the interests of natural
science, geography, and ethnology; and, while engaged in the active duties of
an important government office, he maintained an extensive correspondence
with men of science, learning, and enterprise throughout the Union.
The American Philosophical, Geological, and Antiquarian Societies, with
numerous state and local institutions, admitted him to membership. The Royal
Geographical Society of London, the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries at
Copenhagen, and the Ethnological Society of Paris, inscribed his name
among their foreign members. In 1846, the College of Geneva conferred on
him the degree of LL.D.
While the interests of learning and science thus occupied his private hours,
the state of Indian affairs on the western frontiers called for continued
exertions, and journeys, and expeditions through remote regions. The
introduction of a fast accumulating population into the Mississippi Valley,
and the great lake basins, continually subjected the Indian tribes to causes of
uneasiness, and to a species of reflection, of which they had had no examples
in the long centuries of their hunter state.
In 1825, 1826, and 1827, he attended convocations of the tribes at very
remote points, which imposed the necessity of passing through forests,
wildernesses, and wild portages, where none but the healthy, the robust, the
fearless, and the enterprising can go.
In 1831, circumstances inclined the tribes on the Upper Mississippi to
hostilities and extensive combinations. He was directed by the Government to
conduct an expedition through the country lying south and west of Lake
Superior, reaching from its banks, which have from the earliest dates been the
fastnesses of numerous warlike tribes. This he accomplished satisfactory,
visiting the leading chiefs, and counseling them to the policy of peace.
In 1832, the Sauks and Foxes resolves to re-occupy lands which they had
previously relinquished in the Rock River Valley. This brought them into
collision with the citizens and militia of Illinois. The result was a general
conflict, which, from its prominent Indian leader, has been called the Black
Hawk war. From accounts of the previous year, its combinations embraced
nine of the leading tribes. It was uncertain how far they extended. Mr.
Schoolcraft was selected by the Indian and War Department, to conduct a

second expedition into the region embracing the entire Upper Mississippi,
north and west of St. Anthony’s Falls. He pursued this stream to the points to
which it had been explored in 1806, by Lieut, Pike, and in 1820, by Gen.
Cass; and finding the state of the water favorable for ascending, traced the
river up to its ultimate forks, and to its actual source in Itasca Lake. This
point he reached on the 23d July, 1832; but a fraction under 300 years after
the discovery of its lower portions by De Soto. This was Mr. Schoolcraft’s
crowning geographical discovery, of which he published an account, with
maps, in 1833. He is believed to be the only man in America who has seen the
Mississippi from its source in Itasca Lake to its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico.
In 1839, he published his collection of oral legends from the Indian wigwams,
under the general cognomen of Algic Researches. In these volumes is revealed
an amount of the Indian idiosyncrasies, of what may be called their
philosophy and mode of reasoning on life, death, and immortality, and their
singular modes of reasoning and action, which makes this work one of the
most unique and original contributions to American literature. His love of
investigation has always been a characteristic trait.
The writer of this sketch, who is thoroughly acquainted with Mr. Schoolcraft’s
character, habits, and feelings, has long regarded him the complete
embodiment of industry and temperance in all things. He rises early and
retires early, eats moderately of simple food, never uses a drop of stimulant,
and does not even smoke a cigar. In temperament he is among the happiest of
human beings, always looks at the bright side of circumstances--loves to hear
of the prosperity of his neighbors, and hopes for favorable turns of character,
even in the most depraved. The exaltation of his intellectual pursuits, and his
sincere piety, have enabled him to rise above all the petty disquietudes of
everyday life, and he seems utterly incapable of envy or detraction, or the
indulgence of any ignoble or unmanly passions. Indeed, one of his most
intimate friends remarked “that he was the beau-ideal of dignified manliness
and truthfulness of character.” His manners possess all that unostentatious
frankness, and self-possessed urbanity and quietude, that is indicative of
refined feelings. That such a shining mark has not escaped envy, detraction,
and persecution, will surprise no one who is well acquainted with the
materials of which human nature is composed. “Envy is the toll that is always
paid to greatness.”
Mr. Schoolcraft has had enemies, bitter unrelenting enemies, from the wiles of
whom he has lost several fortunes, but they have not succeeded, in spite of all
their efforts, in depriving him of an honored name, that will live as the friend
of the red man and an aboriginal historian, for countless ages.
Some twenty years ago he became a professor of religion, and the ennobling
influences of Bible truth have mellowed, and devoted to the most unselfish and
exalted aims his natural determination and enthusiasm of character. God has
promised to his people “that their righteousness shall shine as the light, and
their just dealing as the noonday.” Protected in such an impregnable tower of
defence from the strife to tongues, Mr. Schoolcraft has been enabled freely to
forgive, and even befriend, those narrow-minded calumniators who have
aimed so many poisoned arrows at his fame, his character, and his success in
life. These are they who hate all excellence that they themselves can never
hope to reach.
Mr. Schoolcraft’s persevering industry is so indomitable, that he has been
known to write from sun to sun almost every day for many consecutive years,
taking no recreating, and yet these sedentary habits of untiring application
being regulated by system, have not impaired the digestive functions of his
usually robust health. One of his family remarks, “that she believed that if his
meals were weighed every day in the year they would average the same
amount every twenty-four hours.” He has, however, been partly lame for the
last two years, from the effects, it is thought, of early exposure in his
explorations in the west, where he used frequently to lie down in the swamps
to sleep, with no pillow save clumps of bog, and no covering but a traveling
Indian blanket, which sometimes when he awoke was cased in snow. This
local impediment, however, being entirely without neuralgic or rheumatic
symptoms, has had no effect whatever upon his mental activity, as every
moment of his time is still consecrated to literary pursuits.
In 1841 he removed his residence from Michilimackinack to the city of New
York, where he was instrumental, with Mr. John R. Bartlett, Mr. H. C.
Murphy, Mr. Folsom and other ethnologists, in forming the American
Ethnological Society--which, under the auspices of the late Mr. Albert
Gallatin, has produced efficient labors. In 1842 he visited England and the
Continent. He attended the twelfth meeting of the British Association for the
Advancement of Science at Manchester. He then visited France, Germany,
Prussia, Belgium, and Holland. On returning to New York he took an active
interest in the deliberations of the New York Historical Society, made an
antiquarian tour to Western Virginia, Ohio, and the Canadas, and published
in numbers the first volume of an Indian miscellany under the title of “Oneota,
or the Indian in his Wigwam.”
In 1845 the Legislature of New York authorized him to take a census, and
collect the statistics of the Iroquois, or Six Nations, which were published,
together with materials illustrating their history and character, in a volume
entitled, Notes on the Iroquios.
This work was highly approved by the Legislature, and copies eagerly sought
by persons taking an interest in the fortunes of this celebrated tribe. Contrary
to expectation, their numbers were found to be considerable, and their
advance in agriculture and civilization of a highly encouraging character;
and the State has since made liberal appropriations for their education.
In 1846 he brought the subject of the American aborigines to the notice of the
members of Congress, expressing the opinion, and enforcing it by facts drawn
from many years’ experience and residence on the frontiers, that it was
misunderstood, that the authentic published materials from which the Indians
were to be judged were fragmentary and scanty, and that the public policy
respecting them, and the mode of applying their funds, and dealing with them,
was in many things false and unjust. These new views produced conviction in

enlightened minds, and, during the following session, in the winter of 1847, an
appropriation was made, authorizing the Secretary of War to collect the
statistics of all the tribes within the Union; together with materials to
illustrate their history, condition, and prospects. Mr. Schoolcraft was selected
by the government to conduct the inquiry, in connection with the Indian
Bureau. And he immediately prepared and issued blank forms, calling on the
officers of the department for the necessary statistical facts. At the same time
a comprehensive system of interrogatories was distributed, intended to bring
out the true state and condition of the Indian tribes from gentlemen of
experience, in all parts of the Union.
These interrogatories are founded on a series of some thirty years personal
observations on Indian society and manners, which were made while living in
their midst on the frontiers, and on the data preserved in his well-filled
portfolios and journals; and the comprehensive character of the queries,
consequently, evince a complete mastery of his subject, such as no one could
have been at all prepared to furnish, who had had less full and favorable
advantages. In these queries he views the Indian race, not only as tribes
having every claim on our sympathy and humanity, but as one of the races of
the human family, scattered by an inscrutable Providence, whose origin and
destiny is one of the most interesting problems of American history,
philosophy, and Christianity.
The first part of this work, in an elaborate quarto volume, was published in
the autumn of 1850, with illustration from the pencil of Capt. Eastman, a
gentleman of the army of the United States, and has been received by
Congress and the diurnal and periodical press with decided approbation. It is
a work which is national in its conception and manner of execution; and, if
carried out according to the plan exhibited, will do ample justice, at once to
the Indian tribes, their history, condition, and destiny, and to the character of
the government as connected with them. We have been reproached by foreign
pens for our treatment of these tribes, and our policy, motives, and justice
impugned. If we are not mistaken, the materials here collected will show how
gratuitous such imputations have been. It is believed that no stock of the
aborigines found by civilized nations on the globe, have received the same
amount of considerate and benevolent and humane treatment as denoted by its
laws, its treaties, and general administration of Indian affairs, from the
establishment of the Constitution, and this too, in the face of the most hostile,
wrongheaded, and capricious conduct on their part, that ever signalized the
history of a barbarous people.
In January, 1847, he married Miss Mary Howard, of Beaufort District, South
Carolina, a lady of majestic stature hugh toned moral sentiment, dignified
polished manners, gifted conversational powers and literary tastes. This
marriage has proved a peculiarly fortunate and happy one, as they both
highly appreciate and respect each other, and she warmly sympathizes in his
literary plans. She also relieves him of all domestic care by her judicious
management of his household affairs. Most of her time, however, is spent with
him in his study, where she revises and copies his writing for the press. She is

the descendant of a family who emigrated to South Carolina from England, in
the reign of George the Second, from whom they received a large grant of
land, situated near the Broad River. Upon this original grant the family have
from generation to generation continued to reside. It is now a flourishing
cotton and rice growing plantation, and is at present owned by her brother,
Gen. John Howard. Her sister married a a grandnephew of Gen. William
Moultrie, who was so distinguished in the revolutionary war, ands her brother
a granddaughter of Judge Thomas Heyward, who was a ripe scholar and one
of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Although one of her
brothers was in the battle of San Jacinto, she is herself the first permanent
emigrant of her family from South Carolina to the North, having accompanied
her husband to Washington, D. C., where he has ever since been engaged in
conducting the national work on the history of the Indians. To this work, of
which the second part is now in the press, every power of his extensive
observation and ripe experience is devoted, and with results which justify the
highest anticipations which have been formed of it. Meantime it is understood
that the present memoirs is the first volume of a revised series of his complete
works, including his travels, reviews, papers on natural history, Indian tales,
and miscellanies.
To this rapid sketch of a man rising to distinction without the aids of
hereditary patrimony, wealth, or early-friends, it requires little to be added to
show the value of self-dependence. Such examples must encourage all whose
ambitions are sustained by assiduity, temperance, self-reliance, and a
consistent perseverance in well weighed ends.

Appendix B: A Sketch of the Life
of Col. Lauren Schoolcraft
by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
The following transcription is reproduced with the permission of Greg Parkes.

This sketch, dated Washington, April 21, 1856, is to be found in the Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
papers now in the Library of Congress, container 63. The papers have been microfilmed, and
are widely available via inter- library loan. The original consists of 49 manuscript pages plus
the printed obituary referred to on the final page. Henry began to suffer a series of strokes in
1849. By 1856, his handwriting had seriously declined from that of his youth. Henry seems
to have penned this over several days, as the hand writing, rarely good, tends to deteriorate
from fatigue and then rebound. It also tends to be worse when he was writing in rapid
excitement. Unfortunately he tended to become excited at the most genealogically interesting
parts. In a letter to John Johnston, his father-in-law, (1828), HRS stated that he is repeating
family lore repeated at innumerable fireside conversations. Some of it has been shown
contain error, as family stories seem always to accrete. I have footnoted those my research
has shown to conflict with historical fact. Many others may well be accurate, but some
caution and further research is advised.

HRS appears to have returned to the Sketch at least twice. While little is crossed out, much
was added by affixing a flysheet containing the new text over the old, with no indication that
he wished to delete the underlying text. This is a draft document. Spelling and punctuation,
and syntax have been preserved as well as possible, including far too many commas and too
few periods. I expect he would have corrected many of the mechanical errors if it were to be

The boldface brackets contain pointers to sheets in the original. The text begins on sheet two,
the first being the title page. I generally did not try to guess at words difficult to make out,
unless the meaning seemed clear from context. In these cases, the word is followed by a
question mark and enclosed in parentheses. If it was not clear, (illegible) has been inserted.
At three places in the text, HRS left an intentional blank space, obviously planning to return
and add a specific number or name, but did not do so. These are indicated by an underscored
blank space.

A footnote preceded by an asterisk is Henry’s. One preceded by a number is my own attempt

to clarify the text. As usual, any errors are all mine. I must add my special thanks to David
Ellis for his assistance in decoding Henry’s handwriting.

Greg Parkes
East Aurora NY
July 2009
A Sketch of the Life of Col. Lauren Schoolcraft
[2][Flysheet] History has its minor, as well as greater heroes and the former
often occupy positions of usefulness & trust without which the latter would
sometimes be shorn of no little trust, place and effectiveness. He who throttles
a traitor & he who prosecutes a confession are alike benefactors of them and
it is certain that without men of the former class, the American Revolution
would have produced a failure.
[Continuation of sheet 2] The writer has often thought it his duty to put on
record some memoranda of the life of a man who was one of the earliest
actors in the stirring times of 1776, one who reputably occupied positions of
interest & peril, military and civic, throughout the entire period of the vital
conflict for American liberty. Laurence Schoolcraft was a man of genial
manners & great amenity of character, a fluent talker, possessing a retentive
memory, and retained, throughout life, the youthful patriotic principle,
strongly at the bottom of all his reminiscences of revolutionary scenes &
sacrifices. The fireside recital of these scenes was often double in intensity of
interest by the perils of night & day, which were thrown around the feeble and
scattered settlements of the frontiers of Albany county by lurking masses of
Indians & still more remorseless & [3] hateful tories, who not only the guides
of these deluded savages to the dwellings of the Whigs, but often with painted
faces, & a disguised dress, committed some of the most cruel shocking
murders themselves. Of the two duties to fight the British & fight the tories the
latter was decidedly the most meritous task.
The era is one, which has already lost much of its interest, in vague
generalities, and in the absorbing themes of our rapidly advancing national
growth & prosperity, and it would be well that all that is bitter of the
revolutionary times should be forgotten and forgiven. [Insertion mark for
flysheet] When the Revolution broke out the words Mississippi & Rocky
Mountains, California & Oregon were seldom or never pronounced in the
state of New York. [Continuation of sheet 3] Nor is it proposed to recall any
of these bitter transactions in these present memoranda; albeit, the border
warfare of the frontiers of Albany and Tryon counties, will long remain an
attraction for the pen of fiction & fancy, basing its creations on history. It is
trusted that the American Republic will long outlive the institutions of Greece
& Rome in duration & far surpass them in wisdom & power; but long as it
may endure, it will, probably, never have [4] so hard an ordeal to pass
through as the seven years intervening between 1776 and 1783, nor is it likely
ever again to produce more self sacrificing, high-minded & noble patriots,
definite and well defined views of human liberty, based on the revealed word
of God.
The details of the revolutionary character, in which he was an actor, would
doubtless have justified a full memorial, if undertaken in his life time, and
even now, after a lapse of sixteen years, could be made to assume a breath &
comprehensiveness, which could not but possess interest. But this expansion

of design, if it were the object, cannot now be given, for the requisite leisure
for it, cannot be adopted, and the only purpose of this paper is to pay a tribute
to one of the minor actors of the revolution, who, if he did occupy a broad
field of [5] power, was always useful, fearless, independent, ardent, cool &
brave, in the field he actively pursued, & always fulfilled, in these situations,
the best expectations of his copatriots. And so far as details here given, either
of his genealogy or of his own acts, they will be, exclusively drawn from his
fireside reminiscences & narratives.
In the Battle of Blenheim in 1704, under the Duke of Marlborough, James
Calcraft1 held the appointment of conductor of artillery. He was the stated
gunner of a company of British matrosses2. These posts he had held during
that distinguished commander’s splendid military career, on the continent, in
the prior campaigns of 1702 and 1703, and he continued to serve in the
British army, in the subsequent campaigns of 1706 &’7, and until 1709 or ‘10,
having been present at the siege of Liege, Masstricht, Ghent, Bruges, & other
conflicts. In these battles & sieges, no scratch came nigh him but the loss [6]
of an eye, which happened from the flash of the priming of a cannon, but from
which he eventually suffered no disfiguration. In this brilliant series of battles
and triumphs, under Marlborough, which all England & all Europe praised,
he thought, with excusable pride, that no little share of the honor redounded
to himself, for the artillery system was then, a leading arm, and the science of
gunnery, yet in its infancy. And he had the gratification to know that he was a
favorite with his commanders. He rejoiced in the glories of the reign of Queen
Ann, who appears to have enjoyed unlimited popularity in England. He was a
man of a robust form & constitution, of unimpaired health & great personal
activity, of which there are traditions of the weights & fatigues he could bear,
after he came to America, and was almost a hundred years old. It was the
tradition of the family, in England, that James ancestors had come over with
William the Conqueror.
The treaty of Utrecht of 1713, put an end to the continental wars, but, as
between Great Britain & France treaties always left a state of perpetual
watchfulness and danger, between the British [7] colonies & New France,
particularly on the wide frontier between New York & the Canadas. A
detachment of veteran troops was sent to America, in the interval, in which he
came agreeably to his own emphatic boasts “in a squadron of three ships of
Queen Ann.” He landed at New York, proceeding to Albany, which was then
the British headquarters. The tradition states that he left the service with two
companions named Yates & Glen. He chose the business of land surveyor, for
which the period afforded abundant employment. In this capacity, he visited
the new settlements along the Susquehanna, and finally located himself on the
waters of Schoharie creek. This settlement dates about 1712, and was the
result of a promise or alleged promise of Queen Anne, to certain Palatines
from Wittemburg in Saxony, who landed at London, on their way to America,
temporarily abiding on Livingston’s manor, on the Hudson in Dutchess
county. Respecting this promise, fierce land disputes soon arose, other
persons claiming the concession, which led to [8] unhappy disputes of title.

Some persons resisted the new claimants vie et armes, some repurchased the
title, & some went into the valley of the Susquehanna & obtained titles from
the executive successor of William Penn and settled in Pennsylvania. Of these,
the most important was Conrad Weiser Esqr., arising from the position he
held under Sir William Johnson as Chief Interpreter of his general
superintendency of Indian affairs in America, & from the great personal
influence that gentleman exercised, so many years, over the Iroquois, & other
James Calcraft married the only daughter and only child of Christian
Camerer3, by whom he had a numerous family. In later years, he opened an
English school in that settlement, being the first of the kind in that frontier
portion of Albany county, and it is from this circumstance that the
orthography of the name derives its change. One of his sons migrated to the
Loyalhanna, in Clark county, Virginia where his posterity suffered severely
from the bloody invasions of the Shawnee Indians between 1770-1779 no less
than fourteen [9] being killed or captured. Another son went to the New York
grants in Otter creek, where the Green Mountain Boys finally expelled him
into Canada. His daughter Margaret was brought up in the family of Gen.
Bradstreet4, Albany where she married Col Green Brush of the British army.
His third son, John, removed into the township of Watervliet below the range
of the Helderberg, settling in the valley of the Tawasentha, or Norman’s Kill.
Being an architect and millwright, he created the extensive mills of Gen. Ten
Breock5 at the great falls of that stream at a spot which has been more
recently known as French Mills or Guilderland center. Noted as a man of
purpose, energy, strength, he was frequently a volunteer in the wars of the
colonial outbreaks, against the Indians, who harried across their frontiers
under the cruel influence of French counsels from the Gov. Gen. of New
France, who so long & so unsuccessfully pursued the policy of planting a
French colony in western New York. His loyalty was ever ready for this
service. He [10] was one of the army who made a winter expedition to
surprize Oswego6 on which occasion he saved his feet from the frost by
pouring his rum ration into his shoes. The children of John, were Lawrence,
John & Anne.
Lawrence was born February 3rd 1757. He was a young man of seventeen
when the American Revolution broke out. He was, exactly, six feet high,
slender, active, robust, enthusiastic. The loyalty of the Calcrafts for the British
crown, by a natural transition became loyalty in the Schoolcrafts in the west
frontier for the American cause. From listening to the conversations of well
informed men; from reading the few political tracts which reached the
interior, and from observation about him, his mind was early prepared for the
cause. In 1776 or 76 (sic), when the Committees of Safety were first appointed
to take the anomalous power of local government, executive and juridical, a
drummer and fifer, took their places, at the head of a street, several miles
long. They were followed by the three Committee men, on horseback, who
preceded forward, followed by an escort of patriots or “liberty boys” as they
were frequently called. At every farm house, at every shop and mill, a halt was

called & the [11] sentiments of the owner, or occupant was canvassed. If he
was a whig, he was left at home, if a tory, he was ordered to fall in, at a
certain rank. In this way the whole settlement was canvassed, & it was
positively known, who was for, & who against (sic), the revolution. Where
there was a doubt, of an individual, all eyes were fixed to watch, and from that
moment, the cause of liberty became the subject of eternal vigilance. These
just three causes of watchfulness, the open enemy, the Indian & tory, and of
these three the actual cause of apprehension & distrust, & hatred, were in the
order & intensity in which they are named. To meet the open foe was
honorable, to kill an Indian, no harm, and to kill a tory a praiseworthy act. If
every man had been paid he could not have watched closer, but everyone
appeared to watch the public interest & property as he expected no reward
but the honor of serving the cause of liberty & putting down tyrants!
[Insertion mark for flysheet] Nothing could be done on the borders of the
counties of Albany or Tryon, with either Indians or tories without petting
down Sir John Johnson7. Firmly seated as he was, in the valley of the Lower
Mohawk & extending his influence south west & north over the whole
colonies, the revolution hung crippled, at this point.
In January 1776, a large volunteer force under Gen Schuyer8, marched
against Sir John Johnson at the baronial Hall at Johnstown, where the
intriguing Knight was capitulated on terms (illegible) agreed with the
(illegible) General, delivered up the army of state militia (illegible) (illegible)
& put on his parole, which he soon broke, & and accompanied by his tory
followers, fled to Canada. All the elements of revolution were now hot, and
boiled over. Captures, murders, massacres, imprisonments, were in vogue,
week after week & day after day. The love of liberty was often the price of
[Continuation of sheet 11] The popular voice elected him lieutenant &
adjutant of the 5th regiment [12] of New York State troops. He was also
deputed to serve civil process against suspected persons, who were brought
before the Committee of Safety. This was not an easy duty. A man had his life
in his hands, & requested no little candor, & no less decision of character.
Where every other house was a tory’s, every intervening piece of wood was an
ambuscade. A common mode of active young loyalists, was to flee to Canada,
& return, by stealth with a military commission in their pockets, & then
commence secretly, to recruit men. He traced out one of these men named
Schell9, who returned from Canada, with a lieutenant’s commission from the
Crown authorities. It was a case, which he deemed to require reference to the
executive at Albany. The distance was 16 miles, through dangerous defiles.
Putting spurs to his horse, he performed the journey by daylight. Gov George
Clinton was at the head of affairs. Having produced the proof & obtained
means & authority, the retreat of Schell was suddenly [13] surrounded and he
was carried a prisoner to Albany where he was brought before the Committee
of Safety. The case was stated the first day, it was adjourned for the defense &
further proceeding the second & the man was hanged9 the third.

The plan of attacking Quebec, at an early day, before troops could be sent
across the Atlantic to reinforce it, was one of the best & boldest conceptions
of the Revolution, and it was entrusted to the man of all others best fitted to
carry it out. Montgomery had already taken Montreal, & was on his way to
attack the rock fortress, when a reinforcement marched to his relief. This
expedition he joined, with alacrity, being his first military campaign since the
short one of the capture of Sir John Johnson at Johnson Hall, which he had
engaged in. And his anticipations & enthusiasm were at its height, (illegible)
he set out on an expedition, which, if successful, was to give the mastery, if it
did not terminate the great struggle. At Ticonderoga, the troops were formed
into hollow square, to hear the declaration of independence read. This had
been sent on by [14] express to overtake the troops. It expressed, he said, the
universal sentiment. Every body believed the recital of grievances and the
remedy. Nobody doubted that liberty was only to be won by a bold heart & a
strong arm. We had, said he, his black eye glistening with (martial?), “we had
long declared independence in our hearts: The troops and the people were,
indeed, far in advance of their leaders, at all times. To fight, said he, was the
universal sentiment, & it had been fixed, in the hearts of the people, as the
(alone?) remedy, from the news of Lexington.” In passing through Lake
George in boats, the beauty of the scenery made a strong impression on him,
& he often, in after life referred to it, & the little (illegible) of the (illegible) &
little excursions as the most surpassing of any he had ever conceived. The
events of the arrival of the army at Isle aux Noix, St John’s & were definitely
impressed on his mind, as so many (illegible) of the march. But the brave
Montgomery had fallen before the reinforcements reached, and with that fall,
began a series of retrograde movements.
The arrival of Burgoyne at [15] Quebec, with a large & well appointed army
to take the field, with the view of cutting the northern from the middle and
southern states, by striking (the?) Hudson at Albany, had every thing in
jeopardy, the next year. The contest was indeed to be won by bold hearts.
Early in the spring he again joined the regular forces, with his younger
brother John, yet scarce old enough to shoulder a musket. And while the latter
moved to the plain of Saratoga to join Schuyler he proceed(ed) to Fort
Stanwix at the head of the Mohawk.
In 1777 the cause looked black. Washington had evacuated New York & been
driven across the Jersies (sic). Burgoyne was marching on Albany with ten
thousand prime troops, Col St Leger, with Brant & his Iroquois, had left
Oswego, to drive Col. Gansevoort from Ft Stanwix, & sweep down the
Mohawk. To lead a small reinforcement to that place was a task of hazard,
which he undertook & successfully accomplished, eluding Indian & tory. He
had not been many days in that fort which was rechristened Schuyler, but
always popularly retained the name of Stanwix, when the British column were
discerned advancing from wood creek, with a bright array of soldiers,
arrayed in (illegible) & heard the notes of military music, while their flanks
were (illegible) with the infuriated Mohawks, [16] The throng, of yelling
Senecas, & the whole military strength of the Cayugas & Onandagas, with a

few Tuscaroras. Veterans might have quited. In strength they were far out
numbered. But the (illegible) soldiery looked on, undismayed, they saw the
guns planted in batteries, they felt that a real struggle was at hand, & they
knew that if conquered in the siege, the tomahawk and the scalping knife
would end the scene. Patriotism outnumbered means and discipline. Courage
& the good cause made up for men and cannon. For twenty one days, the
constant of the sentries on the wall were shot or shell. I have described some
of his reminiscences of this siege in another place.∗
It was a fortunate circumstance in this siege that St Ledger’s (sic) guns were
too light for battering trains. The patriotic inhabitants of the Mohawk valley,
under the brave Gen Herkimer, marched to the relief the post but were
waylaid & defeated at Oriskany. [17] It could be seen, from the ramparts, that
many the Indian forces had, had been drawn from the surrounding woods, to
engage in this ambuscade. Sir John’s camp, also shewed the withdrawal of
some troops, particularly the Royal Greens, a tory corps, who were handled
very roughly, that day, by Herkimer’s men. It was decided to make a sortie, in
this state of things, on Sir John’s camp. This event he graphically described.
When the men were paraded in the fort, the question of volunteering for the
sortie was stated by Col Willet10, who announced himself as their leader.
Eager for the conflict, my father was one of the first to advance. A force of
______ men was soon mustered, who issued in high spirits through the sally
port. They advanced instantly to the camp of Sir John, on the banks of the
Mohawk. It was warm weather. The knight was lying down in his dressing
gown. So quiet was the movement that he escaped, if by minutes, but all his
papers & camp items, arms etc. were taken, he flew, on foot, through the
Mohawk. Numbers of [18] his men were killed in the river, the plunder of the
camps was immense, & twenty one loads were drawn in to the fort by the
quarter master teams. The Indian camps were then attacked, and (illegible)
their thinned ranks sent howling into the forest -for they were in no plight to
make a stand. That day Herkimer was defeated at Oriskany, eight miles
distant, and that horrible night was the last, it is believed, in which prisoners
were roasted at the stake. The Senecas, who were the most numerous, had
suffered the severest in the fight and claimed, as stated by the war chief
Blacksnake11, the largest share of prisoners to torture. Joseph Brant12, exerted
his ultimate bravery& decision, and it was to him, & not his allies that the
enemy owed the triumph, - if that may be called a triumph, where the victor
looses about the same number as the vanquished, & the latter keep the
ground. Herkimer, after being shot through a leg, which brought him to the
ground, was placed by his (illegible) on his saddle, where he sat, & lighted &
smoked his pipe during the hottest of the conflict.
The cry of “shot” & “shell”, still continued by [19] the sentries on walls of
fort Stanwix. To lay down a few moments, at the cry of the latter, was an art
which everyone was expert in. A few days after at night fall, (sic) the battle of
Oriskany, a tory half breed Mohawk, called Hon Yost Schuyler, came, in a

∗ Considerations on the Siege of Fort Stanwix, NY Hist. Soc. [1842]

furtive manner, into the camp of Sir John. “Fly said he to the chief, a
detachment of the army at Saratoga, with cannon, are on their way. They are
already at fort Dayton (now Herkimer) and will be upon you tomorrow, See,
pointing to his doublet which he with the temper of a Falstaff, had riddled,
with bullets, I have myself narrowly escaped!” Next morning early the British
camp was seen to be such commotion. They abandoned the guns in their
breastworks - much of camp equipment, & were in full retreat for Wood creek,
where they ambushed, & accused each other, on the way, from the Indians
being particularly severe on their confidants who had promised them an easy
victory & much plunder.
In that war the first gleam of triumph, in a land atmosphere & was followed in
about a month, by the brilliant victory of Saratoga. [20] and the year closed
with the most important of all, the triumph of Washington at Trenton.
In returning home from the siege of fort Stanwix, he had, a little preceded his
brother John from Saratoga. By a chance it happened, that the latter had left
Schenectady on his way, shortly after a whig detachment had marched, in the
same direction, to break up a rendezvous of tories at Langrange’s13 on the
Norman’s kill. Finding the gang assembled, they fired once & killed one or
more. Soon after his brother, came on, by the same road. No persuasion could
convince the surviving tories, that the soldier had not been dispatched by his
service, & they took him prisoner, marched him around, determined that he
should pay life for life. On coming to a fork in the road he made a
demonstration which (illegible) him the hands with a charged piece, & to use
his expression “the devil dancing in his eyes” and rejoin his brother
Lawrence in safety14.
It seems have been hard for Mohawk tribe who fled with Sir John Johnson
from their lower Mohawk valley, & to Sir John himself, who there had indeed
left by far the richest territorial possessions, [21] of any (illegible) the
(illegible) in America - either to give up that valley, or to be satisfied with
forays, & expeditions, open or secret, against it. In 1780, a new, and as it
proved a final inroad was planed, and (in 1781 final Expedition?) Sir John
commanded seconded by Brant & the Seneca half breed chief Cornplanter15.
The motley force of regulars, tories & Indians entered the Schoharie valley by
night from a branch of the Susquehanna, and had preceded as far as the
middle fort, before they were discovered. But a small regular force was in the
fort, & that commanded by an imbecile, who had no heart to fight, but the
local militia & citizens, who opposed its surrender, notwithstanding these
were the better half a regiment of elite troops before with the enraged
Mohawks & Senecas yet smarting from their losses at Oriskany before them.
Thrice was a flag of truce at intervals fired on by the good rifleman Murphy16,
contrary to the order of the regular officer, but in accordance with the warm
support of the patriotic militia, who distrusted Sir John & his promises at a
capitulation, as much as they did the mercy of howling Mohawks. Among
those who sustained the policy of not receiving of a flag of truce & who
preferred dying with arms in their hands was the subject of these

[22] It was a desperate state of things, and it required a desperate effort. It
was late in fall17, the harvests were gathered in, & the people had not
expected an invasion. They were unprepared, had not much ammunition or
warlike stores. The commander had but few men & no pluck, and had the
garrison capitulated every man woman & child stood the chance of having
been murdered between the fury of the Indians and tories. The result of this
act of defiance was, that the enemy, after besieging the fort nearly all day,
marched off to the lower fort, & finally to fort Hunter in the Mohawk valley.
During the siege, an iron gun, which (illegible) at one of the bastions, was
presented by him & his brother John, _____, at an assailable turn of the road,
where, from local knowledge, they knew the regular column must wheel &
they had the satisfaction afterwards, to know, that their gunnery was effect.
Hordes of Indians, were constantly engaged in burning houses, barns, &
haystacks, & made the air (illegible) with their yells. The destruction of
property was immense, & the whole valley was filled with flames & smoke.
Cattle were killed or driven off, by the enemies, & horses stolen. While this
scene of pillage was going on, a party of forty [23] to protect certain points,
on repress assaults. My father, who was of this number, be thought him of a
fine horse, in a neighboring pasture, & went out to see that he was taken. On
entering the field, he saw the animal coming towards, mounted by an Indian
chief, in full dress, crouching behind a clump of bushes, he waited his
opportunity & firing at the right moment, the rider dropped, & his horse came
up without a burden, whom he quickly mounted & rode back to the fort. This
turned out the last visit of Sir John, & his & his myrmydons of Indians &
tories. [Insertion mark for flysheet] The black cloud of war rolled off,
southwardly, after the defeat of Burgoyne & St Ledger [Continuation of sheet
23] and the settlement began breath from five or six years of intense watching,
alarms & suffering.
His father John, had removed to the banks of the Tawasentha, or Norman’s
kill in the township of Watervliet18, on the manor of Rensselaerwyck. To this
place, Lawrence also removed, and purchased a farm on one of (the?)
afluents of that stream, where he successfully cultivated a farm.
[24] As the revolutionary conflict died away, or passed off from the north to
the south, he entered fully into civil, industrial & social plans of a section of
country which had been desolated by a long triple war with Indians and tories
& Britons who did not appear to know whether to treat prisoners of war with
the full severity of culprits, or as only misguided rebels who resisted the
crown. Agriculture had been more or less neglected. There were no bridges
over many of the considerable streams, no well made roads or turnpikes, no
schoolhouses, or buildings of public, and the civil affairs were in a
disorganized condition. The skeleton system of the militia which had so often
furnished minute men & volunteers, exhibited features which called for
improvement & better organization. A prompt disciplinarian, & drill & field
officer, he soon, after the conflict, succeeded Stephen Van Rensselaer19, in the
command of the militia of Watervliet & Bethlehem and Guilderland, and for
many years shared the duties of the county magistracy. In 1781, he married

Miss Margaret Anna Barbara Rowe, a native of Fishkill, Dutchess county,
N.Y. by whom he [25] had a family of thirteen children.
The idea of assuming that feature of independent nationality, results from the
establishment of domestic manufactures, appears to have sprung up, in the
minds of capitalists, early after the close of the Revolution. So early as 1788,
a Mr DeNeufville20 and other emigrant freemen at Albany, associated for the
purpose erecting a manufactury of glass in the vicinity of that city, stating the
import of that article into the state at $30,000. A site a few miles west of the
city was selected. Difficulties, in its successful establishment, were however
encountered. In January 1793 the legislature granted them a loan of $3000
for five years and the workmen, were, by a subsequent law, exempted from
taxation without interest to establish the works, and in December of that year
they were in full operation. In April of the same year the company were
dissolved, & a new one formed in the name of Jeremiah Van Rensselaer & his
associates. The obstacles to the successful prosecution of the business yet
continuing, in 1796 a new organization or enlargement of the company was
effected, and Major Frederick DeZeng succeeded to the management. At this
time, a plan was devised of uniting the previously [26] previous desultory
efforts, and a village was laid out at the site, which in allusion to the
Secretary of the Treasury, who had recommended domestic manufactures,
was named Hamilton. This village was pleasantly situated on picturesque
eminences bounding on the Hunger Kill, a tributary of the Tawansentha, or
Norman’s Kill, at the distance of eight miles west of the city - having a
sanitary tract of the Pine Plains of Rensselaerwyck on the east, and the
agricultural glade & uplands of the Helderberg, on the west.
At this place three large furnaces of two operative crucibles each, were finally
erected. The adjacent forests of pine on the public ranges of the manor of
Rensselaerwyck, of which the company, had the privilege of cutting, furnished
the finest fuel for this the furnace, for as yet, coal was not used for this
manufacture in America, nor its natural repositories, even known. It is a
geological feature in the formation of these broad and sandy plains, stretching
between Albany and Schenectady, that they develop a sub-formation of wet-
grounds or marshes - or a minute kind of pseudo-prairies, covered with tufts
& grass, which are based on a strata of clean, white sand, which readily
fusible with mineral alkali furnishing a material suitable the manufacture of
window glass.
[27] Public sentiment strongly enlisted in this enterprise, a new impulse given
to the industry of the country & the village rapidly became populous.
Hydraulic works rose along the winding margin of a pure, copious & never-
failing stream, which had its sources in the geological formations of the
county, at the precise point of deepest lime, where the arenaceous deluvions21
rested on the angillaceous bed of that county. Its tall chimmes & furnaces
poured their fumes into the skies, & the air of business & activity of every sort
formed an entirely new feature amid the sober & staid agricultural laborers of
the surrounding country. The trains of loaded wagons that passed through
this village, in the winter months, from the western grand distances, on their

way to the city, could be counted daily by the hundred, & the (general boss
often?) paused, in admiration to see the artizan whirling his glittering
splendor of glass, as he stood working before, the monster red eyed many
eyed furnace of roaring flames. It probably [28] never occurred, to the
ancestors of the yeoman, that in taking their leases from the lord of the
Manor, with a quit rent, they were laying the foundation of what their
descents might construe into a species of slavery - and of up sturdy body of
To this new & rising village, he removed in the spring of 1796 or 7, the
distance being but four miles, down the rural glades & across the Tawasentha
valley which did not carry lime out of the limits of the civil or military
jurisdiction, which he occupied. He took the leading interest in the cause of
primary instruction, and partly by contribution from the artizens & partly at
his own expense erected a convenient & substantial frame building, well
lighted, for a town school which was used in place of a small (illegible)
tenement. His experience during the war, in the discipline & management of
men, pointed him out, as a suitable General Agent to direct the several
manufactures which existed, at this place: and after they became, wholly, the
interest of Lieut. Gov. Van Rensselaer, they were [29] under his management.
They were enlarged by him, & an additional factory erected at a lower point
in the valley. The hydraulic works, driving a set stampers & saw mills were
built, and a state of prosperity given to the works, which they had never before
risen to. The foreign artisans, who were chiefly drawn from Nassau, Hesse &
other states of Germany communicated to him the skill necessary to direct the
manipulations of this article, and knowledge of several languages was found
to be no little advantage in the management & control of a motley population.
Hamilton village became noted, as the site of the Albany works, not only
through the state, but to some extent, in other parts of the union. And it served
as a nucleus for other manufactures which were established by his clients, or
personal agency, in western New York & in Vermont & New Hampshire.
[Unnumbered] Addison county, Vermont, & in Chestire County22 New
[Continuation of sheet 29] The article of window glass, being [30] one of the
first necessity, in new settlements, created a great demand for the
multiplication of works for its manufacture at sites nearer to the scenes of
consumption, & he received frequent applications for the establishment of
works, in various parts of the country. What had been said by DeNeufville in
1788, became daily more & more emphatically true. Large sums were
annually paid out for this article to the invigoraty (sic) of foreign nations and
the consequent enfeebling of our own. Much of the article, was imported, at
the period from England, and although her laws rigidly prohibited the
emigration of her artisans, there were yearly, accessions from the less rigidly
guarded ports of Hamburg, Bremin (sic) & the mouth of the Rhine.

[Insertion mark for four sheets marked I, II, III and IV] death of John [I]
While living near the falls of the Tawasentha, & afterwards at the village of

Hamilton, in Albany county, death had removed his daughter Kate, at 7 years
of age, & had made repeated (visits?) on the year of infamy, with drawing
from the family, uncle, three infant male children & one female Anna Maria,
who died in 1801 on her first birth day. In proportion as these had numbered
but few years in the subluminary scenes, & made but slight advance to
individuals of character, the shock of their loss was of temporary duration.
Nature has formed the heart for hopefulness, and gives it capacities of
bearing the trials of life. But in the year 1806, he was destined to a far worse,
heavier, & more lasting trial in the lamented death of his eldest son John.
John was twenty four. There had been nothing wanting physically or
intellectually, from his youth up, to render him all that is attractive. Of a
perfect form and bright intellect, his manners were gentle & pleasing, yet
calculated by a [II] degree of (illegible) mixed with manly decision to lead
others. He was early an excellent musician on the violin & flute. None
excelled him in feats of horsemanship or the (illegible) sports & trials of skill
of the times. A fine disciplinarian & parade officer, he led 15th armed levies
one of the finest company of uniformed volunteers. He was the leading
merchant of the place; yet his tastes were of a decided literary & scientific
turn. He was an expert manipulator in electricity. He formed a private literary
club, of but two∗ persons beside himself∗, who met to read and discuss, & kept
their archives under lock & key. To say this of the period is to notice a trait in
advance of the times. The (illegible) (illegible) of Mr Kingal & Dr Wolcott,
satirical verse of Peter Pinder23, constituted the recitals of gayer hours of this
trio. He had, himself, decided poetic (illegible) composing with the rapidity of
an improvatrice24 A tendency to diseases of the [III] lungs were early
apparent, which, was probably promoted by the fascinating scene of knights
(sic) fishing & spearing by twilight in the Tawasentha. No attention - no skill -
no medical science could assist this pulmonary habit. Christmas morning of
1806 opened on a bright sunny morning, although the snow laid in a white
carpet in the streets. The approaches of this disease are insidious, often
(illegible) there is a reality, the least hope. About ten o’clock he called to his
mother to bring him a candle. To everyone else, it was light in the room. But
such was his perfect composure on the advances of death, that he did not
forget, to test the phenomenon by experiment. It was scarcely perceptible
when his spirit fled. But there lay the formed hopes & expectations of a family
within the arms of death, with the placidity of features of childhood. And when
his coffin, surmounted by his cap and sword, was taken from the door,
preceded by the gayly (illegible) ranks and (illegible) arms his favorite
volunteers, with muffled drums, [IV] such a long cortege of citizen & troops,
had never before followed a coffin to its burial, in that town.

[Continuation of sheet 30] The probability of war with Great Britain, which
seemed more likely, after the attack in the Chesapeake, as it [31] would cut off
importation; gave an additional impetus to the manufacture. The war of 1812,

∗ this included the poet of the time J.V. Veeder esq

the occurrence (sic) of which, as years rolled by, appeared inevitable,
operated strongly on the minds of capitalists & merchants, in stimulating the
growth of domestic manufactures. Between the years 1808 & 1816, hundreds
of thousands of dollars, were invested in each of the northern & middle states,
in manufactures. Every year added to this tendency; minds indulged in the
anticipation of prosperity, which (illegible) was in the end, imaginary, and
when the (peace?) of the year 1814 came, it fell on many of this class like a
thunderclap, producing a depreciation of property & extensive ruin, from
which not all, perhaps, suffered, but many were stunned financially (illegible).
But this was a reversal more easily perceived by retrospection, than it could
have been foreseen by anticipation. Up to 1808, this branch of manufacture,
had the fullest [32] confidence of the community. The success of the Albany
works, had originated a kind of intoxication of the mind. The legislature was
literally besieged by applicants for incorporations on this subject. In the
meantime changes were in operation, which threatened the prosperity of the
Albany works, which had been the premier in this branch. The native
resources which have been referred to, as causes of prosperity to this works,
were of an exhaustive character. New deposits of the siliceous basis for this
article, were indeed, still produced by search the aranacious plains, but the
stock of wood, was becoming exhausted. Thousands of acres of pinus
resinosa25 had been cut down, converted into fuel, & hauled out the plains;
but the wastes produced by new glass, on the (illegible) of this (illegible) as a
pseudo desert and unless coal should be discovered & conveyed, it became
easy to predict the transfer of the business to other regions, more abundant in
forest. [33] About 1808, yielding to the urgent solicitations of persons of
persons of means & influence in Oneida county, he proceeded to that quarter,
& erected similar works, which were located in the town of Vernon. These
works erected under the auspices of capitalists of Utica, became, from being
(illegible) into operation, successful & remunerative invests of stock, and had
the effect to extend The effect of seeing the article produced, in this frontier,
amid dense forests, where the wild Indian war whoop, once so dreadful, had
scarcely ceased, was to stimulate the manufacturing impulse. Two of his sons
were now of an age to take part, in extending this art. Early in 1810 his son
Henry, accompanied Mr Alexander B Johnson, a capitalist of Utica, to the
county of Ontario, proceeding to the open shore of Lake Ontario to the
Onosodus, or Sodus Bay. But the works were, eventually, located at Geneva
on the banks of Seneca Lake. About 1811-12 he dispatched his son Peter to
(illegible) at Salisbury at the western foot of the Green mountains Vt, where
works were erected on the picturesque shores of Lake Dunmore, [34] in
Addison county. He went, himself, in 1813 to Keene in Chestire (sic) county
N.H. where a manufactury, was established on the bank of the Ashuelot river.
No person had ever occupied so wide a field of usefulness in the art, or who
acquired the reputation for his skill & management of this branch of
[Insertion mark for flysheet] In 1823 his son Peter, died at the age of 33, at
Perryopolis, on the Youghohany, west of the Alleghenies, where his enterprise

had carried him. A man of very active & robust habits, & great decision of
character, he exercised a marked influence in the circles in which he moved.
He had given his energies & skill his life through in the extension of the glass
making art in which his father had attached such prosperity having exercised
this art, successfully in New York, Vermont & Pennsylvania.
[Continuation of sheet 34] To submit to the distinctions of (illegible) was one
of the maxims of advancing age.
A life of constant exertion, from his boyhood, began to require repose,
although he still possessed activity & good health, maintained a firm & erect
walk, and never gave way to despondent views of the picture of life. About
1816, he returned to his homestead & farm at Vernon, where the family had
continued to be permanently located, on his final return from New England
(illegible) his second daughter Catherine, from the scene of her education, at
one of the most celebrated & efficient female schools, and she was united in
marriage to W. H. Shearman of Oneida county. Age did not press heavily on
him, as years advanced. Of a spare constitution, temperate habits, and settled
mind, seeking & continuing employment of a character, which (illegible) or
(illegible) (illegible) he viewed its (illegible) [35] scenes with complacency. A
feeling of profound gratification at the triumph of the revolutionary struggle,
has been observed to be one of the apparent causes of longevity, in its
survivors. (illegible) he certainly regarded, at all times & at the advancing
prosperity & power of the union which had been predicted to so speedy &
disastrous a failure by the loyalists of 1776. Neither fretful nor envious at the
prosperity of others; a professing Christian from early years, & having a firm
confidence & trust in the triumph of virtue & modesty in every affair, however
small, under the superintending moral (illegible) his life passed on the calm
dignity of hope.
[Insertion mark for flysheet] At the eve of the close of the war commenced in
1812, his son Henry R, went to Mississippi valley, the (illegible) of its
minerals & geography, and in 1825, on a return visit to the parents at Vernon,
took to this new scene of enterprize, his youngest son James, & his daughter
Anna Maria. Thinned of the faces & voices, which once surrounded the fire
side, he was now admonished that he was advancing into another generation,
& that the parental cares of life was drawing to a close. The desolation is the
solitude of heart.
[Continuation of sheet 35] In 1829, his daughter Miss Margaret Helen, died,
being in her twenty third year. This daughter was the only child left at the
homestead, with her parents, the other members of the family having, at
various periods gone off, & sought their fortunes in the great west, or other
parts of the country. This bereavement, which so much narrowed the family
circle, was followed, in a few years, by another & severer blow, which left it
completely desolate. In 1832 [36] he was called to a final separation from a
wife who had been the choice of his youth, the partner of his middle life, & the
stay of his old age. Fifty & one years, - dating back to the close of the
Revolution, had she been his prudent domestic guide & efficient counselor, in
the changing scenes of weal & woe of domestic (illegible) A Christian &
member of the church, from early life, of mildness, yet decision of character,
ever hopeful, yet submissive to divine dictates, a woman of domestic
assiduosity & neatness, & as moral pride & character of an elevating
influence, she was ever a friend when counsel was meet, & a support when
support was necessary. A strong taste for shrubs & flowers characterized the
precincts of the dormitory, which she (illegible) when her portrait was drawn
holding a (illegible) rose in one hand. It is the last blast of the tempest that
sweeps away & desolates, the (illegible) which had only bowed before it
before. This sacrifice he was called to make on the 16th February 1832, in her
seventy second year. She was buried [37] beside her daughter on the banks of
the Skenando at Vernon, where a monument is erected to her memory, with
the inscription-”Her children rise up & called her blessed” Prov. His eldest
daughter Catherine Ann, (Mrs Shearman) had died the year previously, and
his grandchildren living in the present, were now the only immediate objects
of his sympathies. For a time, he kept up the domestic hearth fire, with the aid
of hired assistants, but gave up this, & took board at a neighbors house in the
rural neighborhood. In 1837 he writes in his hymn book - “I thank God that I
have yet eye-sight, so that I can see a little in the Holy scriptures, Amen.”
While living in the upper waters of the Tawasentha, in Watervliet, about 1793,
he had accidently struck a sharp axe into one of his feet, nearly severing it, in
[38] two, but by daily the (sic) alcoholic refreshments, in keeping the wound
clean, it was completely restored, nor did any lameness, result from it. But
when the weakness of age, had whereof to complain, (the?) because a
valiturious nature appeared to fall back on the old injury. Whatever the cause
were, the foot assumed a dark appearance & developed a (illegible)
mortification. This appeared to be (illegible) The discoloration ascended the
leg, and after a few days, confinement, the disease became mortal. He died on
the 7th June 1840, [in] his 84th year. He was interned on the Skenando,
beside the remains of his wife & daughters, where a joint monument preserves
their memory.
In an obituary notice of the National Intelligencer (31 July 1840) his demise is
(Washington 21 April 1856)

Text of the obituary:

At Vernon; Oneida County, N.Y., on the 7th June, ult, in the 83d year of his
age, Colonel LAWRENCE SCHOOLCRAFT, a soldier of the Revolution.
The death of a soldier of the Revolution is every day becoming an event more
and more solemn and peculiar interest. The lapse of more than half a century
has left but few to tell the story of the birth of American Independence; and
the living evidences of the character and spirit of the men who achieved it are
fast passing away. The generation is now at hand to which history will bear
witness alone of their exalted patriotism and devotion to liberty. Protected
amid the dangers of battle and the storms of war; suffered to live, for the most

part, beyond the ordinary lot of mankind; to be witnesses of the triumphant
and increasing success of the principles for which they fought and bleed;
favored in the eminent usefulness of their lives; identified with the history of
all the civil, political, and religious rights which we enjoy; made the object of
reverence and respect by a whole nation, the people of which are indebted to
them for the privilege of free American citizenship and the Republican form of
Government; they have, in a most emphatic and peculiar manner, enjoyed the
blessing of heaven. And while the favor of a still further prolonged existence
we cannot ask for them, from the Author of our being, each inroad made by
the great conqueror upon the ranks of this fast diminishing band of patriots is,
and should be, a deep and fruitful source of mingled feeling and emotion.
The least we can do is to testify to our feelings of gratitude to them;
individually and collectively, to bear appropriate witness of our appreciation
of their lives and character, and to give renewed evidence that they are not
passing from off the stage if the world without our notice, and the tribute of
our hearts. To do this in a brief manner, is the object of this obituary.
To make distinctions is(in?) the personal character of the soldier’s of the
Revolution, is no part of the writer’s intention; but to say that in Colonel
Lawrence Schoolcraft, the Revolutionary army found one of its most fearless
champions, and that in him was personified, in an eminent degree, the
principles which inspired to liberty, is but due his memory. At an early age,
enlisting in the regular army as a private soldier, the record of his life finds
him a participator and actor in some of its most thrilling scenes.
Of a temperament ardent and active, of a mind vigorous and energetic, of a
spirit bold and daring, nay, even indomitable in its aspirations for freedom, he
became at once conspicuous among his brethren in arms, and a terror to his
country’s foes. He rendered active service under General Washington’s
movement on Canada, was at the siege of Fort Stanwix under General
Gansevoort, and volunteered in the sortie on the British under St Leger and
Johnson. After having served the period of his enlistment in the regular army,
he returned to his native county (Albany New York) and as an officer of the
militia remained in service during the remainder of the war. In his pursuit of
those most bitter and dangerous of his country’s enemies-the royalists and
tories-he was effective and tireless. “The Schoharie country,” to use the
words of another, “was at that time the scene of many bloody encounters
between the settlers and the tories and Indians, under Butler and Brand; but
for the vigilance of the local militia, the whole of that fertile country would
have been laid to waste, and the inhabitants butchered by the blood thirsty
savage.” Often has the writer of this listened with horror to the recital of
Indian atrocities committed on the inhabitants of that ill-fated district; and it
would seem, as the words fell from the lips of the aged hero, that he was
“fighting his battles o’er again.” On the subject of the Revolution, its causes
and effects, he was ever eloquent.
A single anecdote connected with the subject of this notice, serves to illustrate
the spirit of the times in ‘76.-When the declaration of Independence had been
made formally by Congress, the troops, by general order, were formed into a
hollow square to hear it read. This was at Ticonderoga, where Col.
Schoolcraft was then present. “To assemble,” said he, “for the purpose of
hearing read a formal Declaration of Independence, seemed to the troops to
be singular. We had all declared independence in our hearts long before, nor
did the formality of a declaration add strength to the motives which impelled
us.” The fact is worthy of being noted, as evidence that that glorious
instrument, penned by the immortal Jefferson, was not the creator, but the
offspring of the spirit which burned in the bosoms of the people, and which
impelled them onward in the cause of liberty, “conquering and to conquer.”
No man was more ardent in the cause, none looked forward with greater
hopes of its ultimate triumph and success, none cherished with deeper
devotion, or adhered with more fixedness of purpose, to the principles for
which the soldiers of the revolution contended than did Colonel Schoolcraft.
These principles governed and actuated him, not only in his military career,
but through his whole course of an active, civil and political life. His arm was
sworn to liberty; his heart was wedded to its principles, and from the dawn of
his public life to its close, he was ever the uncompromising foe to tyranny in
all its forms.
Besides his military services, the country, and especially New York, is
indebted to Col. S. for the proficiency he introduced into the art and
manufacture of glass. At an early day hr devoted himself to this important, but
then almost hidden branch of manufacture, and with his son, Henry R
Schoolcraft, esq., of Michigan, established several works In his native state,
and in New Hampshire and Vermont. For twenty five years he held the office
of Justice of the Peace in Oneida county, and during a residence of thirty two
years was honored, respected, and loved as a brave soldier, a useful citizen,
and an upright man. Trusting to the God of battles for the issue of his
country’s fate, he was prepared when his summons came, to trust to the same
source for his individual and final security. “I thank God that I have yet
eyesight, so I can read a little in the Holy Scriptures, Amen,” was the last
sentence he ever recorded. Sentiment well worthy a father of the Revolution!
He has finished his course; and his grave adds another hallowed spot to the
soil of this land of freedom. Few of his compatriots have outlived him; but the
memories of none will be forgotten. Future, unborn generations, not so
fortunate as we in being permitted to receive as a parting legacy, the paternal
blessing of our revolutionary sires, will consecrate the places of their repose-
They have not-cannot be forgotten by their posterity.
“For they have
left a tree to bud
And blossom, where their dust is laid;
“Tis freedom, bought with freeman’s blood,
And worthy of the price they paid.
“A voice calls to
us from the grave;
A voice is sounding on the air;
Keep ye the boon your father’s grave
And be the men your fathers were.”

James was born in 1688 in Caton, Lancastershire. While he could have been at Blenheim, it is doubtful he could have
held an important position at this young age.
Formerly, in the British service, a gunner or a gunner's mate; one of the soldiers in a train of artillery, who assisted the
gunners in loading, firing, and sponging the guns.
Actually Johan Willhelm Kammer, 1679-1749. Anna was not the only child, but may have been the only to survive
4 HRS errs on this point. John Bradstreet did not arrive in Albany until the spring of 1755 when Margaret would have

been in her early twenties. There seems to have been a yet undiscovered relationship with him, however. She married
Crean Brush, (c. 1725-1778)
5 Abraham Ten Broeck (1734-1810) general and Mayor of Albany, operated a knitting mill in Hamilton by 1785.
February, 1783. The expedition reached Oswego, but surprise was lost, so there was no attack. (History of
OswegoCounty, Everts & Co, Philadelphia, 1877)
7 Sir John Johnson, 2nd Baronet (1741 - 1830), was a loyalist leader during the American Revolution.
8 In January, 1776, Johnson gathered several hundred armed supporters at Johnstown. He sent a letter to Governor

William Tryon, stating that he and his loyalist neighbors had conferred about raising a battalion for the British cause.
He also said he could also raise five hundred Indians which when used with his regular troops could retake all of the
forts captured by the rebels. On January 20, 1776, General Schuyler, with a force of Continental troops and the Tryon
County militia numbering around 3,000, disarmed Johnson and about 300 of his loyalist supporters; Johnson was
thereupon paroled.
9 Jacob Schell, apprehended 24 October, 1780, ordered confined 25 October 1780. The Minutes of the Commissioners

for Conspiracies contain no mention of his death.

10 Marinus Willett ( 1740 - 1830) was an American soldier and political leader from New York.
11 Chainbreaker (c.1760 - 1859), aka Governor Blacksnake and Tah-won-ne-ahs, was a Seneca warchief, who, along

with other Iroquois leaders fought on the side of the British during the American Revolutionary War.
12 Thayendanegea or Joseph Brant (c. 1743 - 1807) was a Mohawk leader and British military officer during the

American Revolution. Brant was perhaps the most well-known North American Indian of his generation.
13 HRS perhaps refers to either Joseph or Jellis LaGrange, both tories from the Norman's Kill.
14 I had difficulty with this passage and I am still not sure we have rendered it correctly. Somehow, John was released

from his captivity.

15 Gaiänt'wakê (aka Cornplanter; c. 1750 - 1836) was a Seneca war-chief.
16 Timothy Murphy (1751-1818), a veteran of Saratoga and Valley Forge, sent in garrison to Schoharie in 1778. He

married and settled there. A sniper of Col. Daniel Morgan's Rifle Corps,. He is credited with disrupting Burgoyne's
command structure by shooting two critical staff officers, influencing the outcome at Bemis Heights.
17 October 17, 1788.
18 At this time, Watervliet included all of Albany County excluding Albany itself.
19 Stephen van Rensselaer III ( 1764 - 1839), Lieutenant Governor of New York, statesman, soldier, and land-owner,

the heir to one of the greatest estates in the New York region at the time.
20 In the Village of Hamilton, in 1785, Dutchman Leonard DeNeufville started a glass factory called the Hamilton

Glass Works. It was subsequently owned by Patroon Jeremiah VanRensselaer (brother of Stephen).
21 Arenaceous deluvions...angillaceous bed: sandy glacial deposits on a quartz bed. HRS is showing off!
22 Keene, NH is and was in Cheshire County. HRS mistakenly uses “Chestire” twice.
Peter Pinder, a pseudonym of John Wolcot (1738 - 1819), English satirist. Mr.Kingal has not been unidentified.
HRS seems to be trying for “improvisatrice” a female improviser (OED). So his Italian wasn't so good!
25 Red pine.

Appendix C: Schoolcraft Ancestral
News, Volume 2 Number 1
January 1989, pp. 3 - 19
Letter Written by Margaret Bush
With Editorial by Edward J. Schoolcraft

This is a transcription of a letter written by Margaret Bush on the 24th day of March 1868.
The letter is postmarked April 1, 1868, Lyon Brothers, 33 Courtlandt St., NY., and is
addressed to Mr. J. M. Bennett, Buckhan(n)on, Upshur Co., WV.

To the best of my recollection of the famous Schoolcraft family on this 24th

day of March in the year of our Lord 1868, I, Margaret Bush, sworn and
subscribe this is written in my own hand.
William and Austead Schoolcraft were brothers, William had a son Matthew,
don't know no more on this line. Austead had 2 sons, James 1737 who had son
James II 1775 who married Mary Carpenter and second wife was Catherine
Bush whom he married when he was 50 years old on June 18, 1825,
performed by Rev. John Mitchell. Catherine was borne October 1805 and is
the daughter of Adam and Margaret Bush, my namesake.
Austead second son was John 1745 whose wife was killed by Indians in
September 1779. Their children were John 1761, Jacob 1762, who married
Mary Ann Parsons, Leonard 1763, Lucy 1764, Matthias 1765, Mary 1766,
Martha 1766, Simon 1768, Michael 1769, Austin 1770, Sarah 1772, Polly
1773, Nancy 1774 and Charity 1774. When Indians killed Mrs. Schoolcraft
eight of her small babies was killed to, Lucy, Mary, Martha, Austin, Sarah,
Polly, Nancy and Charity. Matthias, Simon and Michael was captured by
Indians in 1781 on Pigeon Roost of Stonecoal, Matthias was killed and Simon
and Michael remained with the Indians. Jacob escaped. Leonard was 16 when
he was captured in 1779 and made to run the gauntlet and was recognized
many times while making raids on the whiteman. Jacob had these children,
Aaron, James, Mary, Ann, John and Permelia.
/s/ Margaret Bush

Margaret Bush's letter is a very interesting document, but some of her statements leave me
with an uneasy feeling: It is evident that she possessed a considerable amount of information
on the Schoolcraft family. Knowing no more about Margaret than I do raises the question of
exactly how she happened to know as much as she apparently knew about them. She began
her letter by writing, "To the best of my recollection of the famous Schoolcraft family." From
that statement, my understanding is that she was claiming to have personal, first-hand
knowledge of the family, and was not merely repeating what she had read somewhere or had

been told by others. I am convinced that her letter was a sincere effort on her part to record
an accurate and truthful accounting of her "recollection" of the Schoolcrafts, and I am willing
to accept it as such. There is nothing in her letter that gives me reason to believe that she
would have deliberately made any statement that she knew to be incorrect. But, regardless of
her sincerity, I think that there are some erroneous statements in the letter.

For anyone to prepare a detailed and comprehensive analysis of her letter, statement by
statement, would take a considerable amount of time and would cover many pages. Then,
after all is said and done, the effort would have served little useful purpose, because many of
the questions would still remain. It will not be possible to properly evaluate Margaret's letter
until we learn more about her, or until we discover more information about the group of
Schoolcrafts under discussion. However, Margaret made 2 separate statements that I cannot
allow to pass without comment.

First, let's look at her statement in paragraph 2 where she wrote, "Austead had 2 sons, James
1737 who had son James II 1775 who married Mary Carpenter and second wife was
Catherine Bush whom he married when he was 50 years old on June 18, 1825, performed by
Rev. John Mitchell." I agree that she was probably correct when she wrote that "James II
1775" married Mary Carpenter. But, I doubt that "James II 1775" was also married to
Catherine Bush. I cannot say for certain that she is wrong, -- maybe she knew something that
we don't. There is, however, a considerable amount of evidence which leads me to believe
that the James Schoolcraft that married Catherine Bush in 1825 was a man born about 1804.

I believe that he was a son of Jacob Schoolcraft and a woman named Parsons. Please note
that later, in paragraph 3, Margaret wrote that one Jacob Schoolcraft married Mary Ann
Parsons. There are, at the present time, Schoolcraft researchers that claim Jacob married
Rebecca Parsons. Speaking for myself, I don't know whether Jacob's wife was Mary Ann
Parsons or Rebecca Parsons. I do know, however, that I think it is more probable that it was
Jacob's son, James Schoolcraft, that married Catherine Bush as opposed to "James II 1775"
having married her.

The second matter that I feel it is necessary to comment on is with regards to Margaret's
statements about one Matthias Schoolcraft. In paragraph 3 she wrote that among the children
of John Schoolcraft was a son, Matthias, born in 1765. That may be correct, but later, in the
same paragraph, she wrote that, "Matthias, Simon and Michael was captured by Indians in
1781 on Pigeon Roost of Stonecoal, Matthias was killed and Simon and Michael remained
with the Indians." My understanding of that statement is that she is claiming that the Matthias
killed in the above incident was John Schoolcraft's son, Matthias, born in 1765. I will refrain
from going into all of the details here, but there is a considerable amount of evidence
available that causes me to doubt that Margaret was right. I believe that the Matthias killed in
the above incident was John Schoolcraft's brother, and was the son of Austien and Catherine
Countryman Schoolcraft. He was baptized in St. Paul Lutheran Church, Schoharie Co., NY.
on 17 Mar 1745.

I would not want my comments above to be misunderstood. They are in no way intended to
detract from the importance of Margaret Bush's letter. In my opinion, her letter is the most
revealing document found up to this time concerning that branch of the Schoolcraft family in

early Northwest Virginia, and I think that the importance of her letter is self-evident. It is
obvious that Margaret had an intimate and wide-ranging knowledge concerning that family,
and I, for one, would relish the thought of being able to sit and talk with her for a few hours
or days.

Letter Written by J. W. Calhoun

With Editorial by Edward J. Schoolcraft

This is is a transcription of a letter written by Mrs. J. W. Calhoun in April

1905. The letter is postmarked 11 Dec., Fairmont, West Virginia and is
addressed to J. M. Bennett, Recorder, Buckhannon, Upshur Co., West
April 1905
Ancestors of the Schoolcraft family received permission from me to go
through my property to the old Hire graveyard on the hill. I was born in 1823
and as long as I can recollect folks always spoken of the Injuns murdering the
Schoolcraft mother and eight of her little babies, who were buried by John
Hire himself. The father was too upset and ill over loosing his family. Then in
1781 three more of his sons, Matthias, Michael and Simon went pigeon
hunting and were captured by Injuns. Leonard married a squaw and helped
John and Jacob return to their father. I have played amist the stones on the
hill and do believe they had letters on them at one time. I've always been told
these headstones were graves of the murdered Schoolcraft family and other
graves was of Matthias and other Hire children. The ancestors plan to erect a
monument in the Hever Cemetery for the Schoolcraft family so they won't be
/s/ Mrs. J. W. Calhoun

The Hire (Hyre) graveyard, referred to by Mrs. Calhoun is located on property now owned
by Mr. & Mrs. Ozel Smith. It is reached by driving west from Buckhannon, WV on Highway
33/119 to Brushy Fork Road, a distance of approximately 1 mile. Turn left onto Brushy Fork
Road and drive south until you reach the first gravel road on your right. Turn right and drive
to the Smith farm, RR # 3, Box 358.

In August of 1988 I visited the Hire (Hyre) cemetery. As I walked up the grass covered,
gently sloped hill approaching the cemetery I experienced some second thoughts about my
visit and was tempted to turn around and leave. I felt as though I was an unwanted intruder in
a place that was far too sacred for my presence. Surely the horrible circumstances
surrounding the death of some of those buried there for so many decades had earned them the
right to peace and solitude. However, I knew deep in my heart that somewhere, somehow
they knew that I was there, not out of curiosity alone, but to also pay my respects because I
cared. I am sure that they were pleased. As I went forward and walked among the graves I
was reminded of a passage I once read somewhere which said, "Only the forgotten are truly
dead." It was a very emotional, reverent, and rewarding experience for me, -- one that I shall
never forget.

In the cemetery there are whitestone markers for John Hyre, his wife, and his son and
daughter-in-law, which are easily readable. There are also 3 or 4 irregular shaped
brownstones visible which could have been intended as headstones. In addition, there is a
bronze memorial marker, placed there a few years ago by Mr. W. E. "Bill" Smith of
Buckhannon, WV. My observation of the site leads me to conclude that there are probably
from 12 to 15 unmarked graves in the cemetery. There are indentations which, while not
exactly symmetrical, are consistent with what one would expect in a cemetery dating back in
time more than 200 years. Mr. Smith has owned the land for over 40 years, and as his time
and health has permitted, he has made efforts to keep the cemetery cleared of brush and

I do not know of any facts that are contrary to any of Mrs. Calhoun's statements. On the other
hand, there are some points that favor and lend strength to them. First: The land records show
that John Hyer's land was subsequently owned, for a period of time, by the Calhoun family.
Second: Given the close proximity of John Hyer°s land to John Schoolcraft's land, there are
several logical reasons which would explain why Mrs. Schoolcraft and her eight children, as
well as Matthias Schoolcraft, would possibly have been buried there. Third: Given the fact
that Mrs. Calhoun was born in 1823, surely there would have been some of the local
residents still living that would have had first-hand knowledge of the massacre and burial of
the Schoolcrafts. And fourth: The fact that Schoolcraft descendants requested permission
from Mrs. Calhoun for access to the cemetery strongly indicates that they also had good
reason to believe that the Hyre cemetery was the burial site of the massacred Schoolcrafts.

John Schoolcraft, his Family and the Massacre

Editorial by Edward J. Schoolcraft

The information to be presented here goes hand in hand with the letters written by Margaret
Bush and Mrs. J. W. Calhoun.

In the month of August 1988 I was in West Virginia, having gone there to meet with Dennis
Rodgers for the purpose of attending the annual meeting of the Hacker's Creek Pioneer
Descendants in Jane Lew, and to also do some research on the early Schoolcraft family that
had lived in that area. We had somewhat limited success in our research efforts, but one piece
of interesting information did come to light, and may give some insight as to the identity of
John Schoolcraft's wife. In order for you to better understand my comments and conclusions
regarding this information, I think that it is necessary for you to have some background on
two different, but related subjects. This background will hopefully enable you to better
evaluate the information to be presented. If you are one that insists on facts, I must tell you
up front that the information to be presented here concerning John Schoolcraft's wife falls far
short of being factual. I well understand that there will be those that consider my comments
to be little more than conjecture, and that statement would be hard for me to argue against.
However, in my own mind, I am convinced that there is somewhat more here than pure

For the background on the first subject it is necessary that we go back in time to the period of
the mid-1750's to the area near Moorefield, Hampshire Co., Virginia (now Hardy Co., WV.)
Some of you will recall that one John Schoolcraft and Jacob Schoolcraft made claim to

having been born near Moorefield in Hampshire County in the years of 1757 and 1759
respectively. Also living in Hampshire County during that time was a family named Brake.
The head of that family was Jacob Brake Sr. It has been reported that Jacob Brake Sr. was a
native of Germany and had come to this country with his father, Johaan Von Brecht, or John
Brake in English. Jacob Brake Sr. was a married man with 6 children. His wife was a woman
known as Miss Nyeswanan. Conflicting reports leave me uncertain as to the actual date, but
sometime about 1758 a group of Indians, in one of their many raids upon the settlers in the
area, attacked the home of Jacob Brake Sr. During the attack Jacob Brake Sr.'s wife, Miss
Nyeswanan, and one of his children were slain. Three of his children were able to escape
unharmed, and two of his sons, Jacob Jr. and Abram, were taken captive by the Indians. We
are concerned with the one son, Jacob Brake Jr. At the time of his capture Jacob was a young
boy, reportedly about 11 years old. He was carried away and for the next 10 years or so of his
life he was held captive by the Shawnees in various villages in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana,
and Michigan. During his captivity Jacob was supposedly adopted into the tribe by an Indian
woman. Supposedly one of her four sons had been killed in a skirmish with white settlers,
and she adopted Jacob as a replacement for her dead son. After being held captive for more
than 10 years Jacob made contact with a white trader that was visiting an Indian village near
White Woman's Creek, Ohio. Jacob asked the trader to carry word of his whereabouts to his
family, which the trader did. Jacob's brother, John, immediately traveled to the village and
successfully negotiated his release. Jacob returned to the area where he had been living at the
time of his capture, and remained there for some years. However, by about 1780 he had
evidently left the Shenandoah Valley, crossed the mountains and settled near Buckhannon,
Monongalia Co., Virginia (now Upshur Co., WV.) About the year of 1785 Jacob Brake Jr.
married Jesse Slaughter and they became the parents of 5 children: Abraham W., John B.,
Magdalene, Leah Ann, and Elizabeth. Jacob Brake Jr. died about 1831 and is buried in
Heavener Cemetery, Buckhannon, WV.

We will now, for the time being, leave Jacob Brake Jr. and direct our attention to the
Schoolcraft family that settled in the Buckhannon area. Surely by now most of you are
familiar with the terrible tragedies that befell that family during the relatively short period of
time between the years of 1779 to 1781. I don't want to belabor the subject, but bear with me
while I once again briefly outline the reported events:

• Soon after April 1779, Leonard Schoolcraft was taken captive by a

group of Indians while he was outside the fort at Buckhannon.
• In October 1779, John Schoolcraft's wife and eight of his children
were slain by a group of Indians at the family cabin near
Buckhannon. At the same time two of his sons were taken captive
by the Indians.
• In November 1833, one Jacob Schoolcraft appeared in open court
in Lewis Co., Virginia (now WV) at which time he made a
declaration for the purpose of obtaining benefits for services
rendered during the Revolutionary War as an Indian Scout. In his
declaration Jacob stated that during the month of June 1780 a party
of six Indians came into the area of the Hacker's Creek Settlement
and killed his brother, Joshua, two of Joshua's children, and took as
captives two of Joshua's other children. I must say that at this time

I have no facts that would give me cause to dispute Jacob's
statement concerning the above event.
• In the fall of 1780, Austien Schoolcraft was slain by the Indians
near Buckhannon, and Austien's niece was taken captive.
• In April of 1781, Matthias, Simon, and Michael Schoolcraft were
returning from a pigeon hunt on Stonecoal Creek and were
surprised by some Indians. Matthias was killed and Simon and
Michael were taken prisoner.

If you haven't been keeping a tally, let me give you the total: 14 killed and 8 taken captive, of
which only 3, as far as is known, ever lived to see freedom again. That is a terrible toll on
one family, and cause for reflection. Almost from the time of the establishment of the
settlement at Jamestown, anytime the whiteman and Indians came into contact with each
other there would eventually be controversy, which all too often resulted in death on one side
or the other, and occasionally death on both sides. Frequently those controversies would
escalate to a point where all-out warfare would result, -- such as it did at the Battle of Point
Pleasant. But all-out warfare was a rare event. The Indians were not suitably trained or
inclined to fight pitched battles. They were more along the lines of what is referred to today
as guerrilla fighters. Surprise, sneak attack, ambush, hit and run, -- those tactics were their
forte. They were much more adept in attacking a small group of hunters or explorers, -- a
lone individual. Pity to an isolated cabin that they suspected of being only lightly defended,
or undefended. History proves that most whites were slain under circumstances that can be
described as pure chance. They were caught in the wrong place, at the wrong time under
unfavorable circumstances.

At first glance the tragedies that befell the Schoolcraft family might be thought to fit in that
category, but I disagree. The almost complete annihilation of that group of Schoolcrafts
simply does not fit into the mold of random surprise attacks or killings. I am convinced, in
my own mind, that for some reason there was an Indian, or a group of Indians, that had made
a conscious decision dedicated to the elimination of that family from the face of the earth, --
and they were nearly successful in their efforts toward that end.

In order to find a possible reason for the Indian's efforts to eliminate the Schoolcrafts we
need to turn our attention to the three Indian captives, Leonard, Simon, and Michael
Schoolcraft. It has been reliably recorded that after their capture by the Indians the three of
them joined with their captors in raids upon the settlements and whites in the area where they
had lived prior to their capture. The most famous episode concerns only Leonard and his
participation in what has come to be known as the "West Tragedy." I won't go into the story
of the event here because it is fully recorded in explicit detail in Withers' Chronicles of
Border Warfare and in McWhorter's Border Settlers. The event leaves us with the question:
Why would Leonard willfully take part in such a dastardly deed? I think there are two
separate and probable reasons. An old family legend says that prior to his being taken captive
by the Indians, Leonard had formed an attachment to one of the local girls. Sometime after
his capture in 1779 Leonard supposedly returned to the settlement and asked her to come live
with him among the Indians as his wife. In her natural wisdom she refused and her refusal
supposedly infuriated Leonard. Mary Ann Hacker, the daughter of John Hacker, may have
well been that girl. On 15 February 1787 Mary Ann Hacker married Edmund West Jr. The

"West Tragedy" occurred just a few months later on 5 December 1787. Mary Ann's marriage
may have added fuel to the fire already burning within Leonard, and the "West Tragedy" was
his form of retribution for an imagined wrong. I want to add that I am well aware of how
family legends can become confused and distorted over the years, but I am willing to grant
that there possibly is some basis in fact in the above legend, and thereby would partially
explain Leonard's actions. But it does not explain why Simon and Michael, as has been
reported, would participate in other raids at other times and places. There must be more of a
reason than the above.

We are all aware that during the 1700's literally 100's of males were taken captive by the
Indians at various times and places. But, how many can we name that turned renegade? Very
few!! Now, I don't want to imply that I am an expert on the subject, but I have done some
research on the matter. I have found, within my limited research, one persistent and recurrent
statement was used to describe a large percentage of the very small number of so called
"white renegades", -- and that is that they were half-breeds. I have long been convinced that
Leonard, Simon and Michael had mixed loyalties to the whites and Indians. Why the mixed
loyalties? For the simple reason that they, like the renegades referred to above, were half-
breeds. I think that it is probable that their mother was an Indian woman.

At this juncture I want to make some observations which may not be obvious at first glance.
From reading the various accounts and the two letters which relate to the incidents involving
this group of Schoolcrafts it would, I think, be logical for one to assume that John
Schoolcraft was the father of Leonard, Matthias, Simon, Michael, John, Jacob and Austin
Schoolcraft. However, as I have pointed out previously, I don't think that the Matthias
Schoolcraft, that was killed at the time Simon and Michael were taken captive, was John
Schoolcraft's son. I think that it is more likely that John and Matthias were brothers. I can't be
certain, but I think that the other 6 males in question here were John's sons. If I am correct,
then we are left with an oddity about John's 6 sons, which is: Only his son, Austin, reportedly
a young boy, was killed by the Indians, and his other 5 sons were taken captive. Any one of
several reasons could explain why the young boy, Austin, was killed along with his mother
and 7 sisters. But, I question why the Indians would kill the mother and 8 children in October
1779, yet, at the same time take John and Jacob captive. I also question why the Indians
would later, in April 1781, kill John Schoolcraft's brother, Matthias, but, here once again,
take 2 more of his sons captive. I think that the reason was because John Schoolcraft's sons
were half-breeds. I may be reading too much into those events or allowing my imagination to
run wild, but, as I have said before, I think that the Indians had a preconceived plan relating
to the Schoolcrafts, and it appears to me that the fate of John's family was, for the most part,
exactly what the Indians had hoped for.

After reaching the conclusion that John Schoolcraft's wife was an Indian woman I must
admit that I thought that there was little or no possibility of finding any information which
would either prove or disprove that possibility. However, some information has surfaced that
does tend to substantiate my belief that John's wife was an Indian woman.

While in West Virginia in August 1988, I had arranged for a meeting with Mrs. Janet
Cosgrove of Buckhannon, WV. Janet had furnished me with the copies of the letters written
by Margaret Bush and Mrs. J. W. Calhoun, both of which are included herein. However,

because of the poor quality of my copies, I had been unable to make complete transcriptions.
I had asked Janet to allow me access to the originals to enable me to complete my
transcriptions, and she was agreeable to my request. After I had completed the task our
conversation was naturally focused on the Schoolcraft family. Janet, while not professing any
great knowledge of the group, did exhibit an interest. I then proceeded to outline my belief
that John Schoolcraft's wife was probably an Indian woman; and that probability was also,
for some reason, the underlying cause for the Indian's unrelenting efforts to exterminate the
entire family group; and to some extent would explain the actions of Leonard, Simon and
Michael. After I had finished with my long winded spiel a smile came over Janet's face and
she said to me, "I know that you are right. John Schoolcraft's wife was an Indian woman, and
I have the proof of that." Needless to say, my heart was about to jump out of my chest at that
point. I asked Janet what possible form of proof could she have. She then told me the
following about Jacob Brake Jr.: After settling in the Buckhannon area Jacob gained quite a
reputation as a storyteller. He was able to hold an audience spellbound with his stories
concerning people and events in earlier Virginia. As his renown grew he was encouraged and
advised by his friends to make some sort of written record of his vast knowledge. He
eventually did start keeping a journal of sorts, wherein he would from time to time write
comments concerning his knowledge of certain people and events with which he was
familiar. Janet said that apparently his memory was so remarkable that he could not only give
the date of birth of some individual, but could also pinpoint the day of the week that that date
fell on. Janet also told me that Jacob's journal was in her possession and that it contained
statements to the following effect:

1. Jacob Brake Jr's. mother was Miss Nyeswanan, she was an Indian woman, and she
was the daughter of an Indian Chief.

2. John Schoolcraft's wife was Miotoka 1 Nyeswanan, and that Jacob Brake Jr's. mother
and John Schoolcraft's wife were sisters.

3. All of John Schoolcraft's troubles were connected with his Indian wife.

4. Sometime after Jacob Brake Jr's. mother was killed by the Indians in 1758 her grave
was exhumed at which time several artifacts, such as beadwork, pottery, and silver
ornaments were removed and retained by her descendants.

5. Janet also told me the reason that Jacob Brake Jr's. mother was referred to as "Miss
Nyeswanan". Evidently it was an established custom in Indian families that the oldest
daughter in the family would be the first to marry, followed by the next oldest
daughter, etc. Apparently Jacob Brake Jr's mother had broken with that tradition and
married Jacob Brake Sr. before her older sister, Miotoka, had married John
Schoolcraft. The use of "Miss Nyeswanan" was the Indian's way of signifying that

After Janet had finished giving me the above information I asked her for permission to see
the journal, and to permit me to make photocopies of the passages that were pertinent to the
Schoolcrafts. She did not grant me my request, and that is where the matter now stands. I
want to add one point of my own which may be of some significance. According to William
Couper's History of the Shenandoah Valley there was, during the mid-1750's, an Indian

village near the settlement of Moorefield, Hampshire Co., Virginia. That could possibly
explain how Jacob Brake Sr. and John Schoolcraft first became acquainted with their wives.
As best as I can tell from related articles, Chief Killbuck was the leader of the group of
Indians that were living in Hampshire County during that time.

In closing let me say that I realize very well that I may be a victim of my own overactive
imagination in reaching some of the conclusions that I have. But, I don't think so. I have
considerable difficulty in believing that the fate of all those Schoolcrafts was the result of
pure chance, -- that they were simply the victims of circumstances. I would especially
welcome any information which would tend to explain what reasoning the Indians used to
justify their actions against that group of Schoolcrafts which included, I think, and Indian
mother and her half-breed children.

Appendix D: Document Images
Figure 1: Lancaster and Caton, a Composite from Greenwood 1818

Figure 2: Albany Muster 1713, A. Company, Soldier 78

Figure 3: First Reformed Church, Schenectady, Austien
(The prior page provides the year of baptism.)

Figure 4: Schoharie to Albany, Extract from Cóvens and Mortier 1780
A chorographical map of the Northern Department of North-America, drawn from the latest
and most accurate observations, at Amsterdam by Cóvens and Mortier and Cóvens, Junior.
H. Klockhoff, sculp.

CREATED/PUBLISHED [Amsterdam] 1780.

Figure 5: Donation by Lawrence to St. Paul’s Church

Figure 6: Anaquassacook (Schermerhorn) Patent

Figure 7: Queen’s Loyal Rangers, Col. Peters command [part of]

Figure 8: 3rd Company Roster circa 1778

Figure 9: Bennington Battlefield

Figure 10: Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft and Isaac Afselstine

Figure 11: Jacob Rose Family Record

Figure 12: Stanbridge circa 1830-37

Figure 13: Missisquoi County, Joseph Bouchette [H11/300 -1831 #11 of 12]
Towns of Stanbridge and St. Armand annotated to show the locations of the Schoolcrafts in
those towns.

Figure 14: Locations on a Modern Map
Modern map corresponding to Joseph Bouchette’s map in Figure 13 annotated to show the
locations of the Schoolcrafts in those towns.

Figure 15: Canadian Archives National Map Collection [NMC 19134]
Stanbridge in about 1850. (View this image from the right.)

Figure 16: Missisquoi Bay circa 1830

Figure 17: Rouville Militia Annual Return, 1838

Figure 18: South Beech Ridge Cemetery - McClellan 1941

Figure 19: Early West Virginia Settlement

Appendix E: Outline Descendent
James Schoolcroft of Caton, Lancashire
James Schoolcroft Also known as Jacobi Shoulecroft Scowlcrofte Skoulecroft
born Conjecture Bef. 1615
fact Bef. 1631 in England; Master of Arts5
fact Bet. 1631 - 1652 in Lancaster, Lancashire, England; Headmaster of the Royal
Grammar School5
fact 09-Jan-1648/49 in Caton, Lancashire, England; Presbyterian Minister, Caton
died Abt. 30-Aug-1657 in Caton, Lancashire, England20
buried 30-Aug-1657 in Caton, Lancashire, England; St. Paul's Church20

married Proven Margaret [Unidentified]8

born Conjecture Bef. 1617
died Abt. 08-Jul-1664 in Caton, Lancashire, England20
buried 08-Jul-1664 in Caton, Lancashire, England; St. Paul's Church20
1. Proven: Augustine Schoolcroft21
born Abt. 03-Nov-1633 in Caton, Lancashire, England21
fact Bet. 1657 - 1658 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England; Bachelor of Arts6
fact Bet. 1663 - 1680 in Colwich, Staffordshire, England; Vicar6, 14
died Abt. 16-Feb- 1699/00 in England6
buried 16-Feb-1699/00 in England6
married Proven Sarah Greensmith13, 6
a. Proven: Elizabeth Schoolcroft13
born Abt. 04-Jun-1668 in Colwich, Staffordshire, England13
2. Proven: Richard Schoolcroft21
born Abt. 06-Feb-1635/36 in Caton, Lancashire, England21
fact 12-Apr-1654 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England; Admitted to St. John's College7
died Abt. 04-Mar-1656/57 in England20
buried 04-Mar-1656/57 in Caton, Lancashire, England; St. Paul's Church20
3. Proven: William Schoolcroft21
born Abt. 06-Feb-1635/36 in Caton, Lancashire, England21
married Proven Margaret Knight21
4. Proven: Thomas Schoolcroft21
born Abt. 18-Oct-1638 in Caton, Lancashire, England21
died Bef. 16405
5. Probable: Robert Schoolcroft21
born Abt. 20-Feb-1641 in Caton, Lancashire, England21
6. Proven: Henry Schoolcroft8
born Conjecture Bet. 1641 - 1644 in Caton, Lancashire, England8
married Proven Elizabeth Hodgson20
born Abt. 23 -Jan-1639 in Caton, Lancashire, England20

a. Proven: James Schoolcroft20
born Abt. 23-Nov-1665 in Caton, Lancashire, England20
married Conjecture [Unidentified]
i. Proven: James Schoolcroft Also known as Schoolcraft21
born Abt. 27-Jun-1688 in Lancaster, Lancashire, England21
military Bet. 1710 - 1713 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA; Private in British
Army, Court Martial and pardon for desertion.24, 25
died Abt. 1790 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA;
Probably. Near Cambridge by the Vermont line [Previously Albany Co.]27
married Proven Madalena [Unidentified]26
died Bet. 1720 - 1725 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably.
[Previously Albany Co.]29
married Proven 2nd Anna Christina Kammer Also known as Cammerer Kemmer28,

born Abt. Jun-1704 in Niederbieber, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany23

died Bet. Aug-1741 - Aug-1743 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA;
Probably. [Previously Albany Co.]30, 31
married Proven 3rd Elizabeth [Unidentified]31
ii. Proven: Augustine Schoolcroft21
born Abt. 09-Nov-1690 in Lancaster, Lancashire, England21
fact Bet. 1714 - 1721 in Madison's & Pigg's Corner, Beulahville, King William,
Virginia, USA; Indentured servant33, 34
fact 1722 in Stafford, Virginia, USA; Probably Overwharton Parish. Debt to
Rawleigh Travers35, 36, 37
died Aft. 1722 in Virginia, USA; Probably36
married Conjecture [Unidentified]38
b. Proven: Margaret Schoolcroft20
born Abt. 16-Feb-1671 in Caton, Lancashire, England20
7. Proven: James Schoolcroft21, 8
born Abt. 19-Jan-1642 in Caton, Lancashire, England21
married Proven Rebecca Haynes22
a. Proven: guardianship Thomasin Burrowes22
8. Proven: John Schoolcroft21, 8
born Abt. 28-Jun-1644 in Caton, Lancashire, England21
9. Proven: Mary Schoolcroft21
born Abt. 08-Oct-1648 in Caton, Lancashire, England21
died Bef. 16505

1 Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country and Detailing Some Facts and Opinions on Two
Particular Branch of This Family-With Regards to the Migration of That Branch From New York, to Virginia and
Kentucky. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Edward J. Schoolcraft, 4809 Douglas MacArthur NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
87110, 1986 (4th Printing 1993, w/revisions)
Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Royalist Composition
Papers, Vol. 36, pp. 216-217
A History of Britain, Simon Schama, Published by BBC Worldwide Ltd.
Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Royalist Composition
Papers, Plundered Minister's Accounts,Vol. 36, pp. 149-150
Athol Murray History of the Royal Grammar School, Lancaster. Master and Pupils, 1572-1680, pp. 39-41. James
Schoolcroft is first mentioned in 1631, but may have succeeded Foster in 1625. ... About two years before his sons
went to Cambridge, he ceased to be Headmaster.

Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses. Part 1, Vol 4, pp. 30. Schoolecroft, Augustine. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St. John's,
Apr. 12, 1654. S. of James, clerk. Bapt. Nov. 3, 1633, at Lancaster. Matric. 1654; B.A. 1657-8. Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
Mar. 10; priest, Mar 13, 1660-I. C. at Colwich, Staffs', in 1659, to John Greensmith, whose daughter he married in
1666. V. of Colwich, 1663-70. Buried Feb. 16, 1699-1700. Brother to the next. (Wm. Salt Arch. Soc., 1915).
7 Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses. Part 1, Vol 4, pp. 30. Schoolecroft, Richard. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St. John's, Apr.

12, 1654. S. of James, clerk, Lancaster. Bapt there, Feb. 6, 1635-6. Matric. 1654. Brother of Augustine (above).
8 Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Lancashire Wills Proved at

Richmond, Vol. 10, Schoolecroft, Margaret, of Caton, L 1664

9 Registers of Caton (Lancashire) 1585-1718 by Henry Brierley [FHL BRITISH Film #0844812, IGI]. Caton Parish

Register, burials 1585-1718, pp. 112, 4 Mar 1657 Mr rich: Schoolcroft, in ecclia.
10 Registers of the Parish and Priory Church of Lancaster by Henry Brierley [FHL BRITISH Film #0844800, IGI].

Marriage William SCOWCROFT, M, Spouse Margaret KNIGHT or NIGHTINGALE, Date 28 Nov 1773, Place Saint
Mary, Lancaster, Lancashire, England.
Registers of Caton (Lancashire) 1585-1718 by Henry Brierley [FHL BRITISH Film #0844812, IGI]. Marriage
Henry SCHOOLCROFTE, M, Spouse Eliz. HODGSON, Date 14 May 1664, Place Caton, Lancashire, England.
FHL BRITISH Film 6414251: The parish church of St. Paul, Caton with Littledale, Caton Green Road, Brookhouse,
North Lancashire: existed 1246, O.S. map ref. SD542 646. transcribed by Barbara Baxter ... [et al.]
13 FHL BRITISH Film 417187: Parish Church of Colwich (Staffordshire) Parish registers, 1659-1871. Christening

Elizabeth SCHOULCROFT, F, Father Augustine SCHOULCROFT, Mother Sarah, Date 4 Jun 1668, Place Colwich,
Stafford, England
14 Staffordshire and Stoke-onTrent Archive Service, Wolseley Papers Ref. D(W)1781/9/2/40. Date 16 Nov. 32 Chas. II

[1680] Sir Chas. Wolseley: Augustine Schoolcroft, Vicar of Colwich and Geo. Austine, inn holder.
15 Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Marriage Bonds at

Lancaster, Vol. 74.

16 History of Heversham
17 Levens Hall
18 Lancashire Inquisitions, Vol. 17. Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and

19 Royalist Composition Papers, Vol. 36, pp. 196-199. Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to

Lancashire and Cheshire.

20 FHL BRITISH Film 1278857: Chapelry of Caton (Lancashire) Parish registers, 1585-1900.
21 FHL BRITISH Film 1526146: St. Mary's Church (Lancaster, Lancashire) Parish registers, 1599-1900.
22 West Yorkshire Archive Service, Ingilby Records, Ref. WYL230/3166.
23 Henry Z. Jones Jr., The Palatine Families of New York, (Picton Press, Camden, ME), pp. 430 et seq.: Anna

Christina², bpt. June of 1704-sp.: Jehan Wilh. Kämmer, Elsa Christina-d/o Christian Diederich there, Anna Gertraudt-
servant at Johannes Mees's from the Neuburgische country, and Johann Daniel-s/o Weyandt Wirttges at Seg.
(Niederbieber Chbk.). She md. James Schoolkraft (HJ); the will of William Schoolcraft of Schoharie 22 Sept 1760
mentioned property left by his grandfather William Canner (Fernow Wills #1551).
24 Albany Militia Muster Roll, 1713, A. Company, soldier 78
25 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC
26 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Astien ob Augustien on [2 April 1720], parents Jacob

Shultgraft & Madalena Schultgraft, sponsors Phillip Schueler & Grechen Vrooman.
27 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. James Schoolcraft's Death
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of Johannes on 28 April [1731],
parents Jacobus Schoelgraft & Anna Christina Kemmer, sponsors Johannes Ingolt & Joh: Siever & Margrieta Bekker.
29 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. James Schoolcraft's Children
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of Catharina on July 26, 1741,
parents Jaems Schoelkrafft & Anna Christina, sponsors Johannes Finck & Catharina Seibel.
31 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of James on August 12 1743,

parents Asten Schoelkrafft & Catharina Contriman S:H:V: sponsors James Schoelkrafft & Elisabeth S:H: Vrouw
32 Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Royalist Composition

Papers, Vol. 36, pp. 216-217, Ref. to Folio 579. Certificate signed by James Schoulcroft, minister, of Caton, declaring
that compounder took the National Covenant before him 9 January, 1648[-9], witnessed by Hen. Porter and Christopher
Atkinson, X his mark.

Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Edward J. Schoolcraft. Abstracts of Virginia Land
Patents and Grants for the period of 1695 to. 1732: Rice WILLIAMS & John DOWNER, 740 acs (N.L.), in a fork of
Mattapony Riv., about 12 mi. above the inhabitants of K.&Q. Co.; beg. at Madison's & Pigg's cor.; by S. side of the
main run; 16 Dec 1714. pp. 213. Imp. of 15 pers: Joseph Grigory, Jos. Arch., Walter Williams, Wm. Mattock, Thos.
Essex, Richd. Care, Reynard Mackdaniel, Wm. Ingram, Sarah Howard, Henry Loyde, James Risque, Jane Clemments,
Jno. Moore, Thomas Curtis, Augustine Schoolcroft.

James Schoolcraft, Christened June 27th, 1688
Proven: James Schoolcroft aka Schoolcraft31
born Abt. 27-Jun-1688 in Lancaster, Lancashire, England31
military Bet. 1710 - 1713 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA; Private in British Army,
Court Martial and pardon for desertion.28, 32
died Abt. 1790 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA; Probably.
Near Cambridge by the Vermont line [Previously Albany Co.]33

married Proven Madalena [Unidentified] aka Magdalena Bef. 17203

died Bet. 1720 - 1725 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably. [Previously
Albany Co.]34
1. Proven: Austien Schoolcraft aka Austin Astien3
born Abt. 02-Apr-1720 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably. [Previously Albany
fact 21-May-1760 in Augusta, Virginia, USA; Estate appriasal of Daniel Richardson, Will Book1,

fact 11-Dec-1766 in Blue Grass, Highland, Virginia, USA; Originally Crab Apple Bottom,
Augusta County. Land adjoining Mattias on the South Branch of the Potomac River below Crab Apple
Bottom1, 36
died Abt. Oct-1780 in Fink's Run, Lorentz, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort Buckhannon1,

married Proven Catharina Countryman Bef. 174125

died Abt. Jun-1787 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; [Previously VA]1, 38

married Proven 2nd Anna Christina Kammer aka Cammerer Kemmer Abt. 1727 in
Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably. [Previously Albany Co.]20, 34
born Abt. Jun-1704 in Niederbieber, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany18
died Bet. Aug-1741 - Aug-1743 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably.
[Previously Albany Co.]12, 25
2. Proven: James Schoolcraft39
born Conjecture Abt. 1728 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably. [Previously
Albany Co.]39
military Bet. 19-Nov-1745 - 18-Aug-1747 ; Prisoner in Québec40, 34
3. Proven: William Schoolcraft aka Wilhelm41, 42
born Conjecture Abt. 1730 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably. [Previously
Albany Co.]35
died 13-Apr-1761 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA27, 42
buried Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA27
married Proven Maria Elizabeth Schneider 09-May-1749 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA;
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church5
census 1810 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 32.1143
4. Proven: John Schoolcraft aka Johannes20
born Abt. 28-Apr-1731 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]20
census 1790 in Watervliet, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 141.3444
military 1755 ; Private in Capt. William McGinnis Company, NY45
military Bet. 1779 - 1781 ; Sergeant assigned to 3rd Regiment NY Militia.46
died Abt. 17959

married Proven Anna Barbara Boss Bef. 17589
died 16-Dec-1784 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA47
5. Proven: Christian Schoolcraft41, 48
born Conjecture Abt. Apr-1732 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably.
[Previously Albany Co.]48
military 25-Jun-1777 in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Enterred
3rd Company, Queen's Loyal Rangers49, 50
military 16-Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA; Battle of
military 22-Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA; Transferred to
Capt. Samuel McKay49, 53
military 19-Sep-1777 in Stillwater, Saratoga, New York, USA; Bemis Heights; Captured at 1st
Battle of Freeman's Farm53, 52
military Bet. 1779 - 1780 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Private assigned to 16th
Regiment, probably did not serve54
fact Bet. 1766 - 1777 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA; [Previously
Albany Co.]55, 56
fact 18-Apr-1778 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Appeared before Commissioners
for Conspiracies57
fact 15-May-1778 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Appeared before Commissioners
for Conspiracies57
fact 27-Dec-1779 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA; [Cambridge
fact Bet. 1782 - 1784 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, USA; Schoolcraft name associated with
Burlington VT and Caldwell's Manor59
fact 17-Oct-1783 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada56
fact 25-May-1790 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Christie's Manor60
died Aft. 25-May-179060
married Proven Elisabeth Margareth Becker 09-Oct-1753 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA;
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church6
born Abt. 10-Mar-1736 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]8
6. Proven: Lawrence Schoolcraft aka Johann Lorentz61
born Abt. 20-Mar-1732/33 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]23,

census 1790 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 200.1262

census 1800 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 1170.1463
military 1755 in New York, USA; Private in Capt. William McGinnis Company, NY45
military Bet. Jul-1778 - 08-Apr-1781 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Revolutionary
War veteran, Adjutant of Col. Vrooman's Regiment64
fact Bet. 1781 - 1784 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Trustee and elder St. Paul's
fact 17-Apr-1786 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Substantial donation to St. Paul's
died Aft. 23-Sep-180867
married Proven Anna Maria Schneider aka Snyder 23-Oct-1759 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York,
USA; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church7
born Abt. 13-Mar-1736/37 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]19
married Proven 2nd Christina Sternberg Bet. 1778 - 180867
born Abt. 1732 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]68
died Aft. 23-Sep-180867
7. Proven: Margaret Schoolcraft aka Margaretha29, 8
born Abt. 1734 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]29, 8
died Apr-1805 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, USA69
partner Claimed John Montressor Bef. 1760 in New York, U.S.A.70

married Claimed 1st Crean Brush 10-Aug-1765 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA; House of
General Bradstreet29, 70
fact 1779 in Warren, New York, USA; Crean Brush & Co. at west side, mid point of Lake
married Proven 2nd Patrick Wall Aft. 176569
census 1791 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, USA; pp. 129.02.1972
census 1800 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, USA; pp. 642.0773
census 1810 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, USA; pp. 394.02.1474
8. Proven: Maria Magdalena Schoolcraft aka Maria Elizabeth8
born Abt. 29-Sep-1735 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]8
married Proven Balthasar Kern 23-Sep-1764 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church24
9. Proven: Elizabeth Schoolcraft29, 11
born 25-Dec-1738 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]11, 21
died 11-Mar-1822 in Chenango, Broome, New York, USA21
married Proven William Rose aka William Ross 30-Oct-1760 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York,
USA; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church75
born 14-Sep-1738 in Kassel, Hessen, Germany21
census 1790 in Walkill, Ulster, New York, USA; pp. 063.1776
census 1800 in Colchester, Delaware, New York, USA; pp. 1296.2577
census 1810 in Colchester, Delaware, New York, USA; pp. 404.1878
died 25-Apr-1819 in Colchester, Delaware, New York, USA21
10. Proven: Catherine Helen Schoolcraft29, 12
born Abt. 26-Jul-1741 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]12
married Proven William Heens Bet. 16-Oct - 04-Nov-1861 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York,
USA; Reformed Dutch Protestant Church79

married Proven 3rd Elizabeth [Unidentified] Abt. 174325, 81

Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country and Detailing Some Facts and Opinions on Two
Particular Branch of This Family - With Regards to the Migration of That Branch From New York, to Virginia and
Kentucky. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Edward J. Schoolcraft, 4809 Douglas MacArthur NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
87110, 1986 (4th Printing 1993, w/revisions)
2 Library of Congress, Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers,, container 36, reel 19, unbound correspondence, Jan 1826 to Dec 1829, letter from
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft to John Johnston.
3 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Astien ob Augustien on [2 April 1720], parents Jacob

Shultgraft & Madalena Schultgraft, sponsors Phillip Schueler & Grechen Vrooman.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, "Register of the boys and girls, who for the first
time, have been at Holy Communion with me." The first is for Wilhelm Schulkraf on June 24th, 1744 stating first
communion. The second page records Christian Schulkraf on April 10th, 1748 and Lorentz Schulkraf on July 14th,
5 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriages Vol. 1 pp. 206 #2: Marriage on 9 May

[1749] of Wilhelm Schulkraf and Maria Elisabet Schneider Text Dom. 6. 14.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 9 Oct [1753] of Christian Schulkraf &
Elisabet Margareth Becker on account of my absence married by Domine Schuyler.
7 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 23 Oct [1759] of Lorentz Schulkraf &

Maria Schneider.
8 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Baptismal Pages Possessed by St. Paul's

Evangelical Lutheran Church but not from St. Paul's: Baptism of Elisabetha Margaretha [Becker] on Mar 10 [1735/36],
parents Andonius Becker, sponsors John Phillipps Bergmann besides John Peter Knickern's daughter, Elisabeth

Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers: with brief notices of
passing events, facts, and opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Philadelphia, Lippincott,
Grambo and co., 1851. John the third son.
10 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Baptismal Pages Possessed by St. Paul's

Evangelical Lutheran Church but not from St. Paul's Dual baptism: Baptism of Maria Magdalena on Sept 29 [1735],
parents Schimms Schulkrafft, sponsors Pieter Mann, Margaret, his wife. Baptism of Margretha on [Sept 29 1735],
parents [Schimms Schulkrafft], sponsors Maria Elisabeth [Schoolcraft?].
11 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of Elisabeth on Decemb: 28

1738, parents James Schilkragt & Anna Christina Kemmer S:H:V, sponsors Jacob Snyder & Elisabeth Snyder.
12 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of Catharina on July 26, 1741,

parents Jaems Schoelkrafft & Anna Christina, sponsors Johannes Finck & Catharina Seibel.
13 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Peter on [1760] born Jan 9 [1760],

parents Lorentz Schulkraf & Maria, sponsors Peter Schneider and his wife.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Schulkraf, Jacob on [1761] born 18 Dec
1761, parents Lorentz & Maria Schulkraf, sponsors Jacob Schnider & Elizabeth Mann.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Lorentz on [1763] born Nov 15 [1763],
parents Lorentz Schulkraf & Maria, sponsors Peter Schneider Jun. & Maria Elisabeth Schulkraf.
16 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Lysabeth on [1775] born Oct 18 [1775],

parents Lorentz Schulkraft & Maria, sponsors Peter Schneider and his wife.
17 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Maria on [1778] born Sept 9 [1778],

parents Lorentz SchulCraff & Maria, sponsors Johannes Schneyder and his wife.
18 Henry Z. Jones Jr., The Palatine Families of New York, (Picton Press, Camden, ME), pp. 899 et seq.: Peter Snyder

was a freeholder at Schoharrie in 1763 (Albany Co. Freeholders). He md. Elisabetha Catharina Brucker (HJ). The ch.
of Peter² and Elisabetha Catharina were: i) Anna Maria³, bpt. 15 March 1736/37 - Sp.: Johs. Scheyver and A. Maria
Scheyver (Schoharie Luth. or Ref. Chbk.). She md. Lorentz Schoolcraft 23 Oct 1759 (Schoharie Luth. Chbk.).
19 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Anna Maria [SCHNEYDER] on Mar 13

1736/37, parents Pieter Sneyer & Elys. Sneyer, sponsors Johns. Scheyver & A. Maria Scheyver.
20 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of Johannes on 28 April [1731],

parents Jacobus Schoelgraft & Anna Christina Kemmer, sponsors Johannes Ingolt & Joh: Siever & Margrieta Bekker.
21 National Archives W4578, micropublication M804, Record Group 15., New York: Jacob Rose Family Record.,

William Rose was born in Hefse Cafsel Germany Sept 14th, 1738. Elizabeth Schoolcraft was born in Schoharie New
York U.S.A. Dec. 25th, 1738. William Rose married to Elizabeth Schoolcraft in Schoharie N. Y. 1760. Jacob Rose, son
of William Rose was born in Schoharie N. Y. April 21st, 1761.
22 Henry Z. Jones Jr., The Palatine Families of New York, (Picton Press, Camden, ME), pp. 430 et seq.: Anna

Christina², bpt. June of 1704 - sp.: Jehan Wilh. Kämmer, Elsa Christina - d/o Christian Diederich there, Anna Gertraudt
- servant at Johannes Mees's from the Neuburgische country, and Johann Daniel - s/o Weyandt Wirttges at Seg.
(Niederbieber Chbk.). She md. James Schoolkraft (HJ); the will of William Schoolcraft of Schoharie 22 Sept 1760
mentioned property left by his grandfather William Canner (Fernow Wills #1551).
23 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Baptismal Pages Possessed by St. Paul's

Evangelical Lutheran Church but not from St. Paul's: Baptism of Johann Lorantz on [Mar 20 1732/33], parents James
Schulkraft & Anna Christina, sponsors Wilhelm Kammer & Apelonia Kammer.
24 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 23 Sep 1764 of Balthasar Kern & Maria

Elisabeth Schulkraf.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of James on August 12 1743,
parents Asten Schoelkrafft & Catharina Contriman S:H:V: sponsors James Schoelkrafft & Elisabeth S:H: Vrouw
26 Pennsylvania: Vital Records, Pennsylvania Births - SAN Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. 52 Ref. FHL Book 974.816/T1 K2h.:

Catharina Lisabetha Schul Kraft parents Asten Schul Kraft, Spon. Catharina Lisabeth Schraff. Born bpt. 18 Jun 1749 in
Host Ref. Ch., Tulpehocken, Berks Co.
27 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Deaths and Obits Vol. 1 pg 235 #3 Death on 13 Apr

[1761] of Wilhelm Schulkraf.

28 Albany Militia Muster Roll, 1713, A. Company
29 Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers: with brief notices of

passing events, facts, and opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Philadelphia, Lippincott,
Grambo and co., 1851. James' daughters
30 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC
The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. James Schoolcroft's Family.
The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC
33 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. James Schoolcraft's Death.

The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. James Schoolcraft's Children.
35 Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Edward J. Schoolcraft, pp. 57 - Augusta County Will
Book No. 2, pp. 388: Estate appriasal of Daniel Richardson
36 Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Edward J. Schoolcraft, pp. 57 - On 11 December,

1766, Mathias Schoolcraft is granted 130 acres of land on the South Branch of the Potomac River below Crabapple
Bottom, Augusta County... his property begins at a "Sugar tree corner, to his father's land".
37 Chronicles of the Border Warfare in North-western Virginia. By Alex Withers, Clarksbury, Virginia, 1831. Austien

was killed in the "fall" of 1780, and that Austien's niece was taken prisoner at that time by the Indians.
38 Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Edward J. Schoolcraft, Exhibit N - Harrison County,

Virginia, Minute Books: Her son is paid for the support of his mother and an Elizabeth Countryman with final payment
on 19-Jun-1787 when Catherine is noted as deceased.
39 Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers: with brief notices of

passing events, facts, and opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Philadelphia, Lippincott,
Grambo and co., 1851. James the eldest son.
40 Massachusetts: Newspapers, The Boston Gazette, or Weekly Journal, of Tuesday, 18 Aug. 1747: Taken Nov. 19th,

1745, by M. Martin Saristoque. Jacob, John [Jun.], and Frederick Fort, Richard Crawley [Brawley], Jacob Himstrait,
John Clute [Saratago], Richard Vanderbeyden [Vanderbeyden, Carrying-Place], Heither [Hartwright] Quaquinbush,
Garret [Garard] and Mary Vanderverrek [Vanderick], Isaac Powderkirk [Ouderkerk], Kellyan Ryder [Killian
DeLidder], and James Schoolcraft all of New-York [Saratago].
41 Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers: with brief notices of

passing events, facts, and opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Philadelphia, Lippincott,
Grambo and co., 1851. James' immigration.
42 Abstracts of Wills, Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, New York: (Abstracts of Wills, Letters of

Administration and Guardianship, Schoharie Co., NY). Vol. 6, pp. 84. In the name of God, Amen. I, WILLIAM
SCHOOLCRAFT, of Schoharie, Albany Co., being weak. I leave to my wife Maria all my estate and all the portion
that may fall to me from my grandfather, William Cammer. I make my friend, Sybrant Van Schaick, Esq., executor.
Dated September 22, 1760. Witnesses, Jacob Van Schaick, Everitt John Wendall, Peter Lansingh. Probated in Albany,
June 18, 1761
43 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 32.11, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Elizabeth Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-16,

female: 1 10-16, 1 >45.

44 1790: Watervliet, Albany Co., NY, pp. 141.34, John Schoolcraft. Male: 2 >16, 3 <16, female: 3.
45 New York: State Archives, Annual Report of the State Historian: Muster roll of Capt. William McGinnis Company

dated 1755.
46 New York in the Revolution, The roster of the 3rd Regiment Militia: This roster seems to apply to the period from

28 Oct 1779 to 4 Nov 1781.

47 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Death on Dec 16 [1784] of Barbara Schulcrafft wife

of Johannes Schulcraft.
48 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Christian Schoolcraft.
49 Queen's Loyal Rangers, 3rd Company, Capt. Justus Sherwood - Names and Dates of Joining of Men in the

Campaign Through October 1777

50 "King's men: The soldier founders of Ontario" by Mary Beacock Fryer. Dundurn Press (1980)
51 War Office Papers - Headquarters Records. Military and Provincial Memorials. 1776-1781. W. O. 28. Vol. 9. Capt.

Justus Sherwood - Memo Concerning Transfer of Men to Capt. McKay dated 9th March 1788.
Col. John Peter's - Corps Return dated 14th December 1780
Roll of Men Under Capt Samuel McKay - Names of Men in the Campaign dated 20th December 1777.
54 Roster of the 16th Regiment Militia: This roster seems to apply to the period from 13 Apr 1779 to 30 Nov 1780. It

shows four individuals, all privates. Christian and three of his sons. Adam, Christopher [Christian] and Cobus
55 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Johannes Auf Quaschen Kill on [1767]

born Aug 12 1766, parents Christian Schulkraf & Elisabeth Margareth, sponsors Lorentz Schulkraf and his wife Maria.
56 Loyalists in the American Revolution, United Empire Loyalists Part I, Volume XII - Montreal, 1787-1788, pp. 407.

The Report of the Bureau of Archives 1904. A Loyalist claim made by Peter MILLER shows he had land in
"Quasencooke" (Annaquassacook Patent about five miles east of Cambridge NY) and "Camden"
57 New York: Commissioners for Detecting and Defeating Conspiricies, April 18, 1778 Christiaen Schoolcraft and

James Small were brought before this board, and nothing appearing against them. Ordered That they be discharged and
permitted to return to their usual place of abode. May 15, 1778 Christiaen Schoolcraft his Bail. in.... £100_. [DJE: In
Two of several lists of others who are being treated similarly.]

New York: State Archives, New York State Library call number: KT 13324, Garret Y Lansing Papers, Box 1,
File1779 Cambridge District, Albany County, NY Tax List, December 27th, 1779, Schoolcraft, Christian DJE: Also
claimed to be on the list in October 23, 1779.
59 Ethel May Diel, Schoolcraft Newsletter, published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 3 Summer 1986: Source "The

Barley and the Stream", a history of the Molson family. In summer of 1782 a party of 197 Loyalists then in Burlington
agree to go to Caldwell's Manor. Names include Barren, Struthers, Friott, Linton, Cameron, Dunham, Stone, Clapper,
Schoolcraft, Salls, Tryon, Ruyter, Hawley.
60 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 59, pp. 30122-30123. May 25, 1790. Gen. Gabriel Christie's list of present residents

of "Isle aux Noix or Noyan A Seigneurie" includes "Abraham Fryot, Goerge Linton, Capt. Duncan Cameron, James
Struthers, Garret Barien, Abner Stillman, Walter Scott Sr., Walter Scott Jr., Thomas Scott, John Ward, William Leech,
Allen & Dunham, Simon Stone, Solomon Dunham, Adam Clapper, Adam Schoolcraft, Schoolcraft & Sons.
61 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Lawrence Schoolcraft.
62 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Schoharie, Albany Co., NY, pp. 200.12, Lawrence Schoolcraft. Male: 2 >16, 1

<16, female: 3.
63 1800, pp. 1170.14, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <10, 1 >45, female: 1 <10, 1 10-

16, 1 >45.
New York in the Revolution, The roster of the 15th Regiment Militia.
65 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Miscellaneous Vol. 2 pg 56 On 17 Abrill 1786:

Laurence Schulgraft Receipt for £30 (joint with Johannes Lawyer).

66 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Vol. 2 pg 175 On July 1781: Lawrence Schoolcraft

elected trustee. On April 1784: Lawrence Schoolcraft elected elder. On April 6 1784: Lawrence Schoolcraft elected
67 Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, New York: Abstracts of Wills, (Abstracts of Wills, Letters of

Administration and Guardianship, Schoharie Co., NY), Vol. 1, pp. 209: Will of Christina Schoolcraft daughter of
Lambert Sternbergh and the wife of Lawrence Schoolcraft : Dated Sep 23, 1808 : Probated : Mentions daughter
Rebecca wife of Daniel Budd, daughter Maria, grand-daughter Christina eldest daughter of Christian Lawyer :
Executors husband Lorentz Schoolcraft, daughter Maria, daughter Rebecca : Witnesses Peter Wiesmer, Samiel Snyder,
Noah Dudley.
68 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, "Electronic," Event Christening:

Christina STARENBERG : F : Father Lambert STARENBERG : Mother Cathrina FELLER : Date 1732 : Place High
And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
69 Vermont: Death Record, Westminster VT reported death of Peggy Schoolcraft on Apr-1805. Wife of Patrick Wall.
70 The date of Margaret's marriage to Brush and her prior relationship to John Montressor are claimed to come from a

hagiographic biography of Ethan Allen by John Pell, or from a document at the Fort Ticonderoga Museum.
71 New York: State Archives: Thomas Jeffrey's map of 1779, Crean Brush & Co. noted at west side, mid point of Lake

72 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Westminster, Windham Co., VT, pp. 129.02.19, Patrick Wall. Male: 2 >16, 3

<16, female: 5.
73 Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 642.07, Westminster, Windham Co., VT, Patrick Wall. Male: 1 16-26, 1

>45, female: 1 26-45, 1 >45.

74 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 394.02.14, Westminster, Windham Co., VT, Patrick Wall. Male: 1 <10, 1

>45, female: 1 <10, 1 26-45.

75 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 30 Oct [1760] of Wilhelm Roos &

Elisabeth Schulcraf.
Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Wallkill, Ulster Co., NY, pp. 63.17, William Rose. Male: 1 >16, 4 <16, female:
Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 1296.25, Colchester, Delaware Co., NY, William W. Rose. Male: 2 16-26, 1
>45, female: 1 10-16, 1 >45.
78 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 404.18, Colchester, Delaware Co., NY, William Rose. Male: 1 >45, female:

1 >45.
79 Charlotte Taylor Luckhurst, New York, Schenectady: Reformed Dutch Protestant Church, (Film 0532958),

Marriage on 1761 of Willem Hyns en Catherina Schoolcraft both of Skoharry married after third publication of banns.
Library of Congress, Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers, container 36, reel
19, unbound correspondence, Jan 1826 to Dec 1829, letter from Henry Rowe Schoolcraft to John Johnston.

David J. Ellis, James, the son of Asten and Cathrina is named for his grandfather who is the sponsor. The sponsor
could not be James, the half brother of Asten as he would be too young to be married and did not marry till late in life,
if at all. Therefore the Elizabeth who is listed as James' wife must be his third wife. The marriage would have to be
after the baptism of Anna's last child. Catharina Lisabeth Schraff is also the sponsor at the birth of James' grand-
daughter in PA in 1849! I believe this to be another reference to James' third wife.
Augusta Historical Bulletin Vol. 13 Fall 1977 No. 2, A court of Commissioners ... on 28th Day of March 1780. ...
John Willson & Alexander Maxwell as tenants in Common are intd to 400 acres of land by right of settlement before
1778 as asses of Ostin Schoolcraft Lying in Au C on the branch of Leading Cr adj the land of Peter Springston & OC

John Schoolcraft Baptized April 28th, 1731
Proven: John Schoolcraft aka Johannes12
born Abt. 28-Apr-1731 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
census 1790 in Watervliet, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 141.3413
military 1755 ; Private in Capt. William McGinnis Company, NY14
military Bet. 1779 - 1781 ; Sergeant assigned to 3rd Regiment NY Militia.15
died Abt. 179516

married Proven Anna Barbara Boss Bef. 175816

died 16-Dec-1784 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA17
1. Proven: Lawrence Schoolcraft18, 16
born 03-Feb-1758 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]18
census 1790 in Watervliet, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 141.3623
census 1800 in Watervliet, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 109.1224
census 1810 in Oneida, New York, USA; pp. 41.22, Town not stated25
census 1820 in Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA; pp. 257.2026
census 1830 in Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA; pp. 99.0727
census 1840 in Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA; pp. 90.2328
military Bet. 28-Oct-1779 - 04-Nov-1781 ; Private in 3rd Regiment Militia, Revolutionary War22
died 07-May-1840 in Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA19, 20
buried Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA45
married Proven Margaret Anne Barbara Rowe 178116, 8
born Abt. 175821
died 16-Feb-1832 in Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA19
buried Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA46
a. Proven: John Schoolcraft29
born 25-Oct-1782 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]29
died 28-Dec-1806 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; Hamilton Village31
married Proven Deborah McKinney 12-Sep-1804 in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, USA; First
Presbyterian Church30
i. Proven: Margaret C. Schoolcraft9, 216
born Abt. 1805 in New York, USA217
died 17-May-1828 in Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA217, 9
buried Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA217
ii. Proven: John Lawrence Schoolcraft32
born 22-Sep-1806 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA32
census 19-Aug-1850 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA; dw. 298, Ward 534
died 07-Jun-1860 in St Catharines, Niagara, Ontario, Canada33, 210
buried Albany, Albany, New York, USA; Albany Rural cemetery33
married Proven Caroline C. Canfield 06-Aug-1853 in Albany, Albany, New York,
USA; First Presbyterian Church35
born Jul-1834 in New Jersey, USA37
census 02-Aug-1860 in East Greenbush, Rensselaer, New York, USA; dw. 77236
census 18-Jun-1900 in Randolph, Morris, New Jersey, USA; pp. 126A.49, dw.
224, ED 7637
b. Proven: Jacob Schoolcraft38
born 25-Sep-1784 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]38
died Conjecture Abt. 1795 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA218, 219

c. Proven: Lawrence Schoolcraft39, 43, 44
born 02-May-1786 in Normans Kill, Albany, Albany, New York, USA39
died Conjecture Abt. 1795 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA218, 219
d. Proven: Catherine Schoolcraft aka Kate218
born Conjecture Bet. 1787 - 1788 in Normans Kill, Albany, Albany, New York,
USA218, 226, 227
died Conjecture Abt. 1795 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA218
e. Proven: [Unidentified] Schoolcraft218, 219
born Conjecture Bet. 1787 - 1788 in Albany, New York, USA218
died Conjecture Abt. 1795 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA218, 219
f. Proven: Peter Schoolcraft41
born 31-Oct-1790 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; Hamilton Village41, 226, 218
census 1810 in Seneca, Ontario, New York, USA; pp. 840.0142
died 1823 in Perryopolis, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA40
g. Proven: Henry Rowe Schoolcraft47, 50
born 28-Mar-1793 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; Hamilton Village47, 226, 218
census 1810 in Seneca, Ontario, New York, USA; pp. 841.1251
census 1822 in Sault Sainte Marie, Chippewa, Michigan, USA; pp. 25652
census 1825 in Michilimackinac, Mackinac, Michigan, USA; pp. 915. [Historic]53
census 1830 in Chippewa, Michigan, USA; pp. 231.13, Town not stated54
census 1831 in Chippewa, Michigan, USA55
census 1834 in Chippewa, Michigan, USA56
census 1840 in Mackinac, Michigan, USA; pp. 221.03, Town not stated57
census 31-Jul-1850 in Washington City, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia,
USA; dw. 825, Ward 258
census 07-Jul-1860 in Washington City, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia,
USA; dw. 1068, Ward 259
died 10-Dec-1864 in Washington City, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia,
USA48, 49
buried 12-Dec-1864 in Washington City, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia,
USA; Congressional cemetery49
married Proven Jane Johnston aka Obah-bahn-wa-wa-ge-zhe-go-qua 12-Oct-1823 in Sault
Sainte Marie, Algoma, Ontario, Canada60, 62
born 31-Jan-1800 in Sault Sainte Marie, Chippewa, Michigan, USA61, 62
died 22-May-1842 in Dundas, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; Roads named "Dundas" imply
it was near Belleville61
i. Proven: William Henry Schoolcraft63
born Abt. 1824 in Sault Sainte Marie, Algoma, Ontario, Canada63
died 13-Mar-1827 in Sault Sainte Marie, Algoma, Ontario, Canada63
buried Sault Sainte Marie, Chippewa, Michigan, USA; Riverside cemetery62
ii. Proven: Jane Susan Ann Schoolcraft64
born 14-Oct-1827 in Michigan, USA64
iii. Proven: John Johnston Schoolcraft65
born 02-Oct-1829 in Michigan, USA65
census 31-Jul-1860 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA; dw. 3299, House
of Correction, Ward 1267
died 28-Apr-186566
buried Elmira, Chemung, New York, USA; Woodlawn National cemetery66
married Proven 2nd Mary Howard 184768
born Abt. 1816 in South Carolina, USA58
census 05-Jul-1870 in Washington City, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia,
USA; dw. 1215, Ward 270
died 12-Mar-1878 in Washington City, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia, USA;

122 East Capitol St.69
buried 13-Mar-1878 in Washington City, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia,
USA; Congressional cemetery49
iv. Proven: Alice Schoolcraft59
born Abt. 1849 in Washington City, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia,
h. Proven: Abraham S. Schoolcraft71
born 27-Jun-1795 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; Hamilton Village71, 226, 218
census 1830 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 295.02, Ward 474
census 1834 in Michigan, USA75
census 1840 in Wayne, Michigan, USA; pp. 243.17, Town not stated76
census 02-Sep-1850 in Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, USA; dw. 1. Greenfield77
census 18-Jun-1860 in Washington City, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia,
USA; pp. 130.39, dw. 820, Ward 478
census 22-Jul-1870 in Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, USA; pp. 34.36, dw. 282.
fact 09-Oct-1835 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA; Acquires land80
died Bet. 1870 - 1880 in Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, USA; Probably. Greenfield79, 82
buried Woodmere, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA; Woodmere cemetery73
married Proven Thirza Barber 23-Oct-1817 in Geneva, Ontario, New York, USA72
married Proven 2nd Alida Harrington Bet. 1818 - 1823 in Geneva, Ontario, New York,
born Abt. 1802 in New York, USA82
census 15-Jun-1860 in Aurora, Kane, Illinois, USA; pp. 333.34, dw. 83581, 214
census 12-Jul-1860 in Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, USA; pp. 90.35, dw. 710.
Greenfield92, 215
census 1880 in Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, USA; pp. 92C. Greenfield82
buried Woodmere, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA; Woodmere cemetery73
i. Proven: Henry Axtell Schoolcraft72
born 31-Jul-1823 in Geneva, Ontario, New York, USA72
census 22-Aug-1850 in Cottrellville, St Clair, Michigan, USA; dw. 93283
census 15-Aug-1852 in Sacramento, Sacramento, California, USA; pp. 22.84
fact 31-May-1850 in California, USA; Accompanied block of gold bearing
quartz from Calif. for Washington Monument85
died 05-May-1853 in At Sea; Near Acapulco86, 87
married Proven Mary T. Perry 22-Mar-185086
born Nov-1836 in Missouri, USA88, 84
ii. Proven: Caroline Schoolcraft89
born 18-May-1825 in New York, USA89
died 29-Oct-1904 in Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, USA; Greenfield89
buried 31-Oct-1904 in Woodmere, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA; Woodmere
married Proven William Streeter Abt. 184589, 73, 77
born Abt. 1827 in New York, USA77
census 02-Sep-1850 in Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, USA; dw. 1. Greenfield77
iii. Proven: Emmet D. Schoolcraft90
born 15-Aug-1832 in New York, USA90
census 09-Oct-1850 in Sacramento, Sacramento, California, USA; dw. 22691
census 12-Jul-1860 in Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, USA; pp. 90.35, dw. 710.
census 07-Jul-1870 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA; dw. 1232, Ward 893
census 1880 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA; pp. 355B, Dist. 28594
census 1890 in Romulus, Wayne, Michigan, USA95

census 16-Jun-1900 in Romulus, Wayne, Michigan, USA; pp. 81A.02, dw. 235,
ED 19896
died 10-May-1909 in Wayne, Wayne, Michigan, USA90
buried 12-May-1909 in Wayne, Wayne, Michigan, USA90
married Proven Melinda Gagnier Bef. 186093, 97
born Abt. 1838 in Michigan, USA93
died 17-Dec-1871 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA98
married Proven 2nd Emery [Unidentified] Abt. 188596
born Apr-1840 in Germany96
iv. Probable: Sophia Louisa Schoolcraft83, 99
born Abt. 1835 in Michigan, USA83
census 22-Aug-1850 in Cottrellville, St Clair, Michigan, USA; dw. 93283
married Proven Patrick McWilliams 28-Apr-1851 in St Clair, Michigan, USA100
born Abt. 1826 in Ireland81
census 15-Jun-1860 in Aurora, Kane, Illinois, USA; pp. 333, dw. 83581
v. Conjecture: Howard Schoolcraft101
born Abt. 1840 in Michigan, USA101
census 14-Jun-1860 in Merritt, Woodland, Yolo, California, USA; dw. 298101
i. Proven: Anna Catherina Schoolcraft102
born 26-Mar-1798 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; Hamilton Village102, 226, 218
died Jun-1831 in Oneida, New York, USA221
buried Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA221
married Proven Willette H. Sherman Abt. 1816103, 220
i. Proven: Richard Updike Sherman103
born Abt. 1819 in New York, USA222
census 14-Aug-1850 in Utica, Oneida, New York, USA; pp. 128.01, dw. 852222
married Proven Mary Frances [Unidentified] Bef. 1849103, 222
born Abt. 1823 in New York, USA222
j. Proven: Anna Maria Schoolcraft104
born 21-Apr-1800 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; Hamilton Village104, 226, 218
died 21-Apr-1801 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA218
k. Proven: Anna Maria Schoolcraft223, 224
born Abt. 28-Dec-1802 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; Hamilton Village105, 226,

died 22-Mar-1891 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA105

married Proven John Hulbert 27-Nov-1827 in Sault Sainte Marie, Algoma, Ontario,
born Abt. 1794 in Connecticut, USA107
census 30-Jul-1850 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA; pp. 33A.03, dw. 311, Dist. 27107
i. Proven: Eliza Hulbert107
born Abt. 1832 in Michigan, USA107
ii. Proven: John Hulbert107
born Abt. 1834 in Michigan, USA107
iii. Proven: Henry Hulbert107
born Abt. 1836 in Michigan, USA107
iv. Proven: William Hulbert107
born Abt. 1842 in Michigan, USA107
v. Proven: Maria Hulbert107
born Abt. 1845 in Michigan, USA107
l. Proven: Margaret Helen Schoolcraft108
born 18-Jun-1806 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; Hamilton Village108, 226, 218

died 12-Apr-1829 in Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA109
buried Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA225
m. Proven: James Lawrence Schoolcraft110
born 16-Aug-1808 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; Hamilton Village110, 226, 218
census 1830 in Chippewa, Michigan, USA; pp. 233.03, Town not stated112
census 1831 in Michigan, USA113
census 1834 in Chippewa, Michigan, USA114
census 1840 in Mackinac, Michigan, USA; pp. 217.03, Town not stated115
died Abt. Jun-1846 in Sault Sainte Marie, Algoma, Ontario, Canada111
married Proven Anna Maria Johnston aka O-misk-a-bu-go-qua62
born 1814 in Sault Sainte Marie, Chippewa, Michigan, USA62
died 185662
i. Probable: James Schoolcraft116, 117
born 22-Dec-1831 in Michigan, USA116
census 20-Jul-1860 in Port Huron, St Clair, Michigan, USA; dw. 1335, Ward
census 1880 in Port Huron, St Clair, Michigan, USA; pp. 376B, Ward 3119
census 06-Jun-1900 in Port Huron, St Clair, Michigan, USA; pp. 40A.03, dw.
167, ED 96, 809 Bond St.120
died 26-Jul-1913 in Port Huron, St Clair, Michigan, USA; 809 Bond St.116
buried 28-Jul-1913 in Lakeside, St Clair, Michigan, USA116
married Proven Sarah Reddick Bef. 1855121, 118
born Abt. 1842 in Ireland122, 118
ii. Proven: Evelyn Schoolcraft123
born Abt. 1839 in Michigan, USA211
married Claimed William R. Allen 13-Oct-1858 in New York, USA124
born Abt. 1836 in New York, USA211
census 24-Jul-1860 in Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA; dw. 940, Ward 10211
iii. Probable: Minnie Schoolcraft211, 213
born Abt. 1846 in Michigan, USA211
census 24-Jul-1860 in Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA; dw. 940, Ward 10211
iv. Proven: Howard Schoolcraft212
born Conjecture Bef. 1850212
died 19-Aug-1866 in Bacatele Pass, Sonora, Mexico212
2. Proven: John Schoolcraft125
born 20-Oct-1760 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]125
census 1800 in Watervliet, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 117.16126
census 1810 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 194.17127
census 1820 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 179.06128
census 1830 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 402.04129
military Bet. 28-Oct-1779 - 04-Nov-1781 ; Private in 3rd Regiment Militia, Revolutionary War130
military Bet. 11-May - 30-Nov-1780 ; Assigned to Col. John Harper's Regiment of Levies130
military Bet. Apr - Dec-1782 ; Assigned to Col. Marinus Willett's Regiment of Levies130
died Aft. 18324
married Proven Maria Truax 1784 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; First Dutch
Reformed Church131
died Bet. 1790 - 1794145
a. Proven: Anna Schoolcraft132
born Abt. 06-Mar-1785 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; [Previously
Albany Co.]132
married Proven John H. Fisher Bet. 15-Oct - 19-Nov-1803 in Schenectady, Schenectady,
New York, USA; Reformed Dutch Protestant Church. [Previously Albany Co.]137

i. Proven: Maria Reginia Fisher138
born 01-Jan-1808 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA138
b. Proven: Isaac Schoolcraft133
born 29-Dec-1786 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
c. Proven: Lawrence Schoolcraft134, 135
born 29-Sep-1788 in Helderberg, Albany, Albany, New York, USA134
census 1810 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; pp. 947.21, Ward 2146
census 1820 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; pp. 127.47, Ward 2147
census 1830 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; pp. 214.22, Ward 2148
census 1840 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; pp. 360.03, Ward 1149
census 26-Sep-1850 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; dw. 246. Ward 4150
died 28-Jul-1851 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
Co.]141, 142
married Proven Jane Peek 20-May-1809 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA;
Reformed Dutch Protestant Church. [Previously Albany Co.]139, 140
born Abt. 1788 in New York, USA150
census 15-Aug-1860 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; dw. 1089, Ward
i. Proven: John Schoolcraft150
born Abt. 1824 in New York, USA150
census 15-Aug-1860 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; dw. 1089,
Ward 4151
military 31-Aug-1864 ; 91st Regiment of Infantry (Veteran) - Albany Regiment;
Columbia Regiment159
died 31-Mar-1865 in Gravelly Run, Hopewell, Independent Cities, Virginia,
ii. Proven: William B. Schoolcraft150
born Abt. 1827 in New York, USA150
census 15-Aug-1860 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; dw. 1089,
Ward 4151
census 05-Aug-1870 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; pp. 38.05,
dw. 301, Ward 4160
census 1880 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; Ward 1161
died Aft. 1880161
married Proven Magdalene [Unidentified] Bef. 1853151
born Abt. 1833 in New York, USA151
died Bef. 1880161
iii. Proven: Susan Schoolcraft150
born Mar-1829 in New York, USA150, 164, 166
married Proven Samuel L. White Bef. 1860162, 165
born Abt. 1832 in New York, USA162
census 30-Jun-1860 in Niagara Falls, Niagara, New York, USA; dw. 334162
census 04-Aug-1870 in Niagara Falls, Niagara, New York, USA; pp. 59.10, dw.
census 1880 in Niagara Falls, Niagara, New York, USA; pp. 179B163
iv. Proven: Anna Mae Schoolcraft150
born Mar-1829 in New York, USA164
census 30-Jun-1860 in Niagara Falls, Niagara, New York, USA; dw. 334162
census 15-Aug-1860 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; dw. 1089,
Ward 4151
census 04-Aug-1870 in Niagara Falls, Niagara, New York, USA; pp. 59.10, dw.

census 1880 in Niagara Falls, Niagara, New York, USA; pp. 179B163
census 07-Jun-1900 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA;
pp.198A.11, dw. 91, ED 126, Ward 2, Old Ladies Home, 237 Green St.164
v. Proven: James Schoolcraft150
born Mar-1835 in New York, USA171, 150, 172
census 13-Jun-1860 in Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; dw. 251, Ward
census 14-Jul-1870 in Brunswick, Rensselaer, New York, USA; pp. 38.09, dw.
census 1880 in Brunswick, Rensselaer, New York, USA; pp. 287C170
census 06-Jun-1900 in Brunswick, Rensselaer, New York, USA; pp. 35A.34,
dw. 53, ED 32171
died 1921 in Berlin, Rensselaer, New York, USA172
buried Brunswick, Rensselaer, New York, USA; Gilead Lutheran cemetery172
married Proven Jane E. Pierce Abt. 1856173, 171
born Oct-1841 in New York, USA173, 171
died 1918 in Berlin, Rensselaer, New York, USA173
buried Brunswick, Rensselaer, New York, USA; Gilead Lutheran cemetery173
d. Proven: John Wyngaart Schoolcraft136
born 14-Jun-1790 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
census 1820 in Duanesburg, Schenectady, New York, USA; pp. 598.10152
census 1830 in Rotterdam, Schenectady, New York, USA; pp. 245.24153
census 1840 in Rotterdam, Schenectady, New York, USA; pp. 339.30154
census 29-Aug-1850 in Rotterdam, Schenectady, New York, USA; dw. 385155
census 11-Sep-1860 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; dw. 1506, Ward 5156
died Aft. 1860156
married Probable Evaline Carol Springer aka Effie Bef. 1818143, 144
born Abt. 30-Dec-1794 in New York, USA155, 157
census 11-Aug-1870 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; pp. 14.19, dw. 118,
Ward 5158
died 17-May-1871 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA157
i. Proven: Rachel Schoolcraft155, 156
born Abt. 1818 in New York, USA155
census 29-Aug-1850 in Rotterdam, Schenectady, New York, USA; dw. 385155
census 11-Sep-1860 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; dw. 1506,
Ward 5156
married Proven Bennet Worden 05-Jun-1830 in Guilderland, Albany, New York,
USA; Evangelical Lutheran Church174
ii. Conjecture: John J. Schoolcraft175, 176
born Abt. 18-Jan-1822 in New York, USA175
died 01-Apr-1834 in Rotterdam, Schenectady, New York, USA175
buried Rotterdam, Schenectady, New York, USA; Viewland cemetery175
iii. Proven: Oliver Springer Schoolcraft155, 143
born 01-Sep-1824 in New York, USA155, 143
census 09-Aug-1870 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; pp. 7.29,
dw. 64, Ward 5179
census 1880 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; Ward 1180
died 04-Jul-1900 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA143
buried Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Woodlands cemetery143
iv. Conjecture: uncertain relationship Louisa [Unidentified] Bef. 1870179, 181
born Abt. 1845 in New York, USA179

v. Proven: Nellie F. Schoolcraft155, 177
born Abt. 1833 in Schenectady, New York, USA177, 178, 155
died 06-Jan-1898 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA177
buried Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Woodlands cemetery177
married Proven Ezra Smith Ackley177
born 1829 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA177, 178
census 22-Jun-1870 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; pp. 4.39, dw.
census 1880 in White Creek, Washington, New York, USA; pp. 461D183
died 20-Feb-1895 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA177
buried Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Woodlands cemetery177
married Proven 2nd Maria Catherine McKinney Bet. 1790 - 1794184, 189
born Abt. 1775185
died 15-Feb-1826 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA185
e. Proven: Stephen Van Rennselaer Schoolcraft186
born 16-Jan-1794 in Helderberg, Albany, Albany, New York, USA186
census 1820 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 122.08192
married Proven Eliza Chapman 16-Mar-1817 in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, USA191
i. Conjecture: Charles L. Schoolcraft198
born Abt. 1818 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA197
died 05-Feb-1856 in Marseilles, Cher, Centre, France197
married Proven Maria Lawrence Porter 01-Dec-1851 in Brooklyn, Kings, New
York, USA193, 194
born 05-Oct-1829 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA; 69 Green St.195
died 21-Mar-1897 in Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, USA196
f. Proven: John McKinney Schoolcraft187
born 27-May-1796 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA187
died 01-May-1822 in Perryopolis, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA207
g. Proven: Elizabeth Schoolcraft188
born 17-Feb-1799 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA188
died 07-Feb-1819 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA208
h. Proven: Frances Schoolcraft189
born 20-Apr-1801 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
census 03-Jul-1860 in Weston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA; dw. 126201
married Proven Robert F. Slack 04-Feb-1822 in Hamilton, Madison, New York, USA;
Hamilton Village199
born Abt. 1793 in Massachusetts, USA200
census 05-Aug-1850 in Weston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA; dw. 33200
i. Proven: Sarah Slack200
born Abt. 1826 in New York, USA200
ii. Proven: John L. Slack200
born Abt. 1832 in New York, USA200
iii. Proven: Francis M. Slack200
born Abt. 1835 in New York, USA200
iv. Proven: Robert H. Slack200
born Abt. 1837 in New York, USA200
v. Proven: Peter W. Slack200
born Abt. 1839 in New York, USA200
i. Proven: Robert Schoolcraft190
born 30-Mar-1807 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA190
census 02-Aug-1850 in Castelton, Richmond, New York, USA; dw. 609. [Historic]209

3. Proven: Anna Schoolcraft202
born Abt. 05-Dec-1762 in Athens, Greene, New York, USA; Loonenburg, Albany Co.202
4. Proven: Jacob Schoolcraft203
born Abt. 09-Jul-1765 in Helderberg, Albany, Albany, New York, USA; "Hellenberg" cannot be
died Bef. 1768205
5. Proven: Jacob Schoolcraft204
born Abt. 25-Feb-1768 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
died Bef. 1780206

Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country and Detailing Some Facts and Opinions on Two
Particular Branch of This Family - With Regards to the Migration of That Branch From New York, to Virginia and
Kentucky. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Edward J. Schoolcraft, 4809 Douglas MacArthur NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
87110, 1986 (4th Printing 1993, w/revisions)
2 Cóvens and Mortier map of 1780
3 Berthold Fernow, New York: New York in the Revolution, (originally published as Documents Relating to the

Colonial History of the State of NY, Vol. XV, Albany, NY 1887; Reprinted for Clearfiled in 1999 by Genealogical
Publications Co, Baltimore), Muster Rolls for Capt. Robert McGinnis Company, last half of 1755.
4 Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files Volume III: N-Z Abstracted by Virgil D. White 1992
5 Military Service Records Section, National Archives, Washington, D.C. (File No. S42260)
6 Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers,,

container 63, reel 51, unpublished manuscript by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. "A Sketch of the Life of Col Lauren [sic]
7 Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of the Patent and City of Schenectady:

LOURENS, of Noormanskil, and Margaret Row. Ch: Lourens, b. May 2, 1786, d. in Schenectady, July 28, 1851, a.
8 Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers,,

container 63, reel 51, unpublished manuscript by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. "A Sketch of the Life of Col Lauren [sic]
Schoolcraft": In 1781, he married Miss Margaret Anna Barbara Rowe, a native of Fishkill, Dutchess county, N.Y. by
whom he had a family of thirteen children.
9 Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers,,

container 36, unbound correspondence, Jan 1826 to Dec 1829, letter from Willette Sherman to Henry Rowe
Schoolcraft: I have to communicate to you the painful intelligence of the death of your niece Margaret C. Schoolcraft,
she died Saturday morning the 17 instant after a distressing ilness of several months, ... Your sister Helen is in poor
health and I fear will not long survive Margaret. Yours, W. H. Sherman.
10 Library of Congress Archives,
New England Historic, Genealogical Society, January 1872, pp. 86-87. The author was not evident
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of Johannes on 28 April [1731],
parents Jacobus Schoelgraft & Anna Christina Kemmer, sponsors Johannes Ingolt & Joh: Siever & Margrieta Bekker.
13 1790: Watervliet, Albany Co., NY, pp. 141.34, John Schoolcraft. Male: 2 >16, 3 <16, female: 3.
New York: State Archives, Annual Report of the State Historian: Muster roll of Capt. William McGinnis Company
dated 1755.
15 New York in the Revolution, The roster of the 3rd Regiment Militia: This roster seems to apply to the period from

28 Oct 1779 to 4 Nov 1781.

16 Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers: with brief notices of

passing events, facts, and opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Philadelphia, Lippincott,
Grambo and co., 1851. John the third son.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Death on Dec 16 [1784] of Barbara Schulcrafft wife
of Johannes Schulcraft.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Lorentz on Febr: 12 [1758], parents Hannes Schulgraft & Anna Barbara Boss,
sponsors Lorentz Schulgraft & Maria Sneyder.

Military Records: 19th Century, Revolutionary War - Application for Pension Benefits. Schoolcraft, Lawrence -
New York, File No. S42260: ... Willete H. Shearman personally appeared, aged sixty one years... states that he is the
son-in-law of the late Col. Laurence Schoolcraft ... said Schoolcraft died on the seventh day of June 1840. And that his
wife died on the sixteenth day of February 1832 ...
20 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, SAN Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 68,

History of Albany Co. NY State Library. Newspaper References: New York State Genealogical Record. Vol 50: Died:
"At Vernon, Oneida County, N.Y. on the 7th day of May, 1841, in the 83rd year of his age, Col. Lawrence Schoolcraft,
a soldier of the Revolution.
21 Abstracted by Virgil D. White, Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files, (National Historical

Publishing Company, Waynesboro, Tennessee, 1992), SCHOOLCRAFT Lawrence, NY Line, S42260 (see N.A. Acc
#874 #050158 not ½ pay), appl 14 Dec 1830 Oneida Co NY aged 73, sol enl at Johnstown NY & later enl at Watervliet
NY, in 1830 sol had wife aged about 72.
22 Military Records: 19th Century, Military Service Records Section, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Revolutionary War - Application for Pension Benefits. Schoolcraft, Lawrence - New York, File No. S42260: "-that he
the said Lawrence Schoolcraft enlisted in the town of Johnstown in the State of New York in the month of January
1776 in a Company commanded by Capt. Andrew Fink in the 1st New York Regiment commanded by Col. Goese
VanSchaack, for the term of one year--that he continued to serve in said Corps until January 1777 when he was
discharged at Saratoga. That he enlisted again at Watervliet in the Co. of Albany on the 15th day of April 1777, for the
term of three years or during the war, in the Company commanded by Capt. Henry Tieborst in the 3rd New York
Regiment commanded by Col. Peter Ganservort--that he continued to serve in said. Corps. until the 20th day of April
1778--when he was discharged from service (on procuring Godfrey Byers as a substitute, who was received in his
23 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Watervliet, Albany Co., NY, pp. 141.36, Lawrence Schoolcraft. Male: 3 >16, 1

<16, female: 3.
24 Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 109.12, Watervliet, Albany Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft. Male: 3 <10, 2

16-26, 1 26-45, female: 2 <10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45, 1 >45.

25 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 41.22, Unknown town, county census, Oneida Co., NY, L. Schoolcraft.

Male: 1 <10, 1 10-16, 2 16-26, 1 >45, female: 3 <10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45, non-wht.: 2.
26 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 257.20, Vernon, Oneida Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <10, 1

>45, female: 1 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 >45.

27 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 99.07, Vernon, Oneida Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft. Male: 1 70-80,

female: 1 60-70.
28 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 90.23, Vernon, Oneida Co., NY, Joseph Pixley. Male: 1 15-20, 4 20-30, 1

50-60, 1 80-90, female: 1 15-20, 1 50-60.Lawrence Scholcraft, Pensioner for Revolutionary or Military Services, age
29 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Johannes on [1782] born Oct 25 [1782],

parents Lorentz Schoolcraft & Margreth, sponsors Johannes Schoolcraft and Anna Apfel.
30 New York, Troy: First Presbyterian Church, (Typewritten transcription by New York Genealogical Society),

Marriage on Sepr. 12th 1804 of John Schoolcraft Junr. to Deborah Mc Kinney in Troy.
31 New York, Albany: Albany Register, Albany Reg Jan 2 1807: SCHOOLCRAFT, At Hamilton Sunday last, Dec 28,

Capt. John Schoolcraft in his 24th year leaving a widow and two small children.
32 New York, Guilderland Center: Reformed Dutch church of the Helderberg, Baptism of John Laurance on 21-Dec-

1806 born 22-Sep-1806, parents John Schoolcraft & Debora McKinny, sponsors Laurance Schoolcraft & Margritta
Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1949, Biographies, pp. 1783: died while returning to his
home from the convention at Chicago, in St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada, July 7, 1860; interment in the Rural
Cemetery, Albany, N.Y.
34 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Aug-1850, Albany 5th Ward, Albany Co., NY, dw. 298, family 404, City Hotel

with lots of guests age sex born in, J. L. Schoolcraft age 40 sex M merchant born in NY.
edited by Royden Woodward Vosburgh, New York, Albany: First Presbyterian Church, (Typewritten transcription
by New York Genealogical Society), Marriage on [1853] Aug. 6 of John L. Schoolcraft of Albany & Caroline C.
Canfield of Auburn NY Gilbert Davidson & Thurlow Weed.
Federal Population Schedule, 2-Aug-1860, pp. 1122, 1123, dw. 772, East Greenbush, Rensselaer Co., NY, fam. 817,
Caroline Schoolcraft age 26 sex F not listed born in NY, Oliver J. age 6 sex M born in NY, John L. age 3 sex M not
listed born in NY, Mary S. age 2 mos. sex F born in NY, Catherine Smith age 49 sex F nurse born in Ireland, JoAnna
Hogan age 30 sex F cook born in Ireland, Jane McGuigan age 30 sex F chamber maid born in Ireland, Winfred McLane
age 24 sex F waitress born in Ireland, Henry Haverack age 28 sex M gardener born in Germany, Thomas McDonal age
28 sex M groom born in NY.

Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1900, pp. 126A.49, dw. 224, fam. 224, ED #76, Randolph, Morris Co., NJ :
Caroline C. Beattie head female widow age 65 born in Jul 1834, NJ father born in NY mother born in NY: John D.
Schoolcraft son male single age 40 born in Mar 1860, NY father born in NY mother born in NJ: Marrian Beattie dau
female single age 18 born in Oct 1881, VA father born in NY mother born in NJ: William Clayton servant male single
age 20 born in Sep 1879, VA occupation servant father born in VA mother born in VA.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Jacob on [1784] born Sept. 25 [1784],
parents Lorentz Schoolcraft & Margretha, sponsors Jacob Hofstrasser and his wife.
39 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Lourens on May 9 1786 born May 2 [1786], parents

Lourens Coolcraft & Margariet Row, sponsors Lourens Coolcraft & Rachel Row - baptised in Norman's Kill.
40 Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers, container 63, reel 51, unpublished

manuscript by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. "A Sketch of the Life of Col Lauren [sic] Schoolcraft": In 1823 his son Peter,
died at the age of 33, at Perryopolis, on the Youghohany, west the Alleghans, where his enterprise had carried him.
41 New York, Helderberg: Helderberg, Jerusalem & Salem Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by DAR

Cemetery & Town and Misc Records of New York), Baptism of Peter on [Bet. Dec 14, 1790 & Mar. 8, 1791] born
October 31st, [1790], parents Schoolcraft, Lawrence & Rouso. Margaret, sponsors Peter Settle & Catherine Youst.
Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 840.01, Seneca, Ontario Co., NY, Peter Schoolcraft. Male: 1 16-26, female:.
New York, Guilderland: St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Lawrence Schoolcraft on 11 June
1793, parents Lawrence Schoolcraft and Margaretha, sponsors Jacob Conley and Gertrantt.
David J. Ellis, I believe Lawrence was baptized twice. The record of the first baptism was before his parents left
Taeasentha and kept 'out of town' in Schenectady. His parents may have rebaptized him in order to have a record in the
local church. Note that a 1793 date of birth implied by the 2nd baptism conflicts with that of Henry Rowe, his brother.
Lawrence was thus born before Henry.
45 Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers, container 63, reel 51, unpublished

manuscript by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. "A Sketch of the Life of Col Lauren [sic] Schoolcraft": He was interned on the
Skenando, beside the remains of his wife & daughters, where a joint monument preserves their memory.
46 Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers, container 63, reel 51, unpublished

manuscript by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. "A Sketch of the Life of Col Lauren [sic] Schoolcraft": This sacrifice he was
called to make on the 16th February 1832, in her seventy second year. She was buried beside her daughter on the banks
of the Skenando at Vernon.
47 New York, Helderberg: Helderberg, Jerusalem & Salem Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by DAR

Cemetery & Town and Misc Records of New York), Baptism of Hendrick on [Bet. May 16, 1793 & Aug 17, 1793]
born March 28th, [1793], parents Schoolcraft, Lawrence & Rowe, Margariet, sponsors Hendrick Appel & Eva
48 New Hampshire: History of Keene, pp. 644: He died in Washington, Dec. 10, 1864, aged seventy one.
49 Washington DC: Cemetery Records, Congressional Cemetery, Washington: Schoolcraft, Henry R. d. 10 Dec 1864 i.

12 Dec 1864 R68/32-33 Moved From R35/10 on 16 Dec 1864. Mary H. i. 13 Mar 1878 R68/31
50 Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
51 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 841.12, Seneca, Ontario Co., NY, Henr. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 26-45, female:.
52 State Census, Family Tree Maker Indexes: 1822 Henry R. Schoolcraft pp. 256 Sault Ste. Marie Chippewa Co. MI

Petition List.
53 State Census, Family Tree Maker Indexes: 1825 Henry R. Schoolcraft pp. 915 Michilimackinac Co. MI Voter List.
54 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 231.13, Unknown, Chippewa Co., MI, H. R. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 10-

15, 1 20-30, 1 30-40, female: 1 <5, 1 20-30, 1 30-40.

State Census, Family Tree Maker Indexes: 1831 Henry R. Schoolcraft Chippewa Co. MI Petition List.
State Census, Family Tree Maker Indexes: 1834 H. R. Schoolcraft Chippewa Co. MI.
57 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 221.03, Not Stated, Mackinac Co., MI, Henry R. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-15,

1 40-50, female: 1 10-15, 2 20-30, 1 30-40.

58 Federal Population Schedule, 31-Jul-1850, dw. 825, Ward 2, Washington, DC, fam. 911, Henry R. Schoolcraft age

49 sex m author born in NY, Mary N. age 34 sex f born in SC, Jane age 21 sex f born in MI, John J. age 20 sex m born
in MI, Sarah Howard age 19 sex f born in SC.
59 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jul-1860, pp. 160.12, dw. 1068, Ward 2, Washington, DC, fam. 1103, H. L.

Schoolcraft age 67 sex m author born in NY, Mary age 45 sex f authoress born in SC, Alice age 11 sex f born in DC,
Chas. Sully age 15 sex m born in Hungary, Elizabeth Jenifer age 25 sex f servant born in MD, Chas. Jenifer age 1 sex
m born in MD.
60 New York, Albany: Argus, Argus Dec 12 1823: SCHOOLCRAFT - JOHNSON. At Sault de Ste. Marie on the 12th

of October, by Rev Mrs. Laird, Mr. Henry Schoolcraft, Indian Agent, to Miss Jane Johnson, dau. of James Johnson
Esq., both of that place.

Obituary, Toronto Herald: Death Notice: "9 June 1842: At Dundas, on Sunday, May 22nd, at the residence of her
brother-in-law, the Rev. William Murray, Jane, wife of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, late Superintendant of Indian Affairs
for the State of Michigan, and eldest daughter of the late John Johnston, of Sault Ste. Marie, aged 42 years."
62 Morris, Woodrow Wilbert, Genealogy: Northland Families, pp. 23 et seq.
63 New York, Albany: Albany Gazette, Albany Gazette 29th May 1827: SCHOOLCRAFT, In Sault de St. Marie,

William Henry, only child of Henry R. Schoolcraft, aged 3 years.

64 Michigan: Baptismal Record, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 43. Baptismal records, St. Paul's Cathedral, Detroit, MI: Jane

Susan Schoolcraft born 14-Oct-1827 bapt. 4-Jul-1830 parents Henry Rowe Schoolcraft and Jane Johnston Schoolcraft.
65 Michigan: Baptismal Record, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 43. Baptismal records, St. Paul's Cathedral, Detroit, MI: John

Johnston Schoolcraft born 2-Oct-1829 bapt. 4-Jul-1830 parents Henry Rowe Schoolcraft and Jane Johnston
66 New York: Cemetery Records, Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira: Schoolcraft, John J. Co. K, 1 VRC, d. Apr.

28, 1865.
Federal Population Schedule, 31-Jul-1860, pp. 624.36, dw. 3299, Ward #12, Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, fam. 4950,
House of Correction, John J. Schoolcraft 1858 age 30 sex m perjury born in MI.
New Hampshire: History of Keene, pp. 644: In 1847, five years after the death of his first wife, he married Mary
Howard, of Beaufort, S. C., an authoress who assisted him in his later work, when he had lost the use of his hands by
paralysis and was confined to his chair.
Obituary, The Washington Post (1877-1954): Mar 12, 1878. SCHOOLCRAFT At No. 122 East Capitol street, at 11
P.M. on the 10th inst., of pleuro-pneumonia, Mrs. Mary H. R. SCHOOLCRAFT, widow of the late H. R. Schoolcraft.
Notice of funeral hereafter. [Charleston, S. C., Philadelphia and New York papers please copy.].
70 Federal Population Schedule, 5-Jul-1870, pp. 185.26, dw. 1215, Ward #2, Washington, DC, fam. 1324, Mary A.

Schoolcraft age 57 sex f keeps house born in SC, Carleton M. Belt age 37 sex f journalist born in GA, Lloyd age 15 sex
m born in GA, Joseph Baker age 45 sex m lawyer born in NY, Edward Hough age 36 sex m born in NY, Lucy Johnson
age 33 sex f colored dom. Servant born in VA, Ellen age 12 sex f colored born in VA, Wm. age 5 sex m colored born in
VA, Julius Leclay age 11 sex m page senate born in DC, Marcus age 12 sex m born in DC.
71 New York, Guilderland Center: Reformed Dutch church of the Helderberg, Baptism of Abraham on 19-Jul-1795

born 27-Jun-1795, parents Laurance Schoolcraft & Margritta Row.

72 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 2 Fall 1985: First

Presbyterian Ch., Geneva, Ontario Co., NY: Abraham Schoolcraft m. Thirza Barber 23 Oct 1817. Abraham S.
Schoolcraft m. Alida Harrington illeg. date. Henry Axtell, son of Abraham and Alida Schoolcraft b. 31 Jul 1823.
73 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Woodmere cemetery: Section A5, Lot 1165 purchased by W. L. Streeter in 1873.

Records show Abraham and Alida Schoolcraft, Wm. H Streeter, William Streeter, and Caroline Streeter. Wm. H
appears to be a child. None of these have markers.
74 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 295.02, Albany Ward 4, Albany Co., NY, Abraham Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5,

1 5-10, 1 15-20, 1 30-40, female: 1 5-10, 1 15-20, 1 30-40.

75 State Census, Family Tree Maker Indexes: 1834 A. S. Schoolcraft Michigan Territory Petition List.
76 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 243.17, Not Stated, Wayne Co., MI, Abraham S. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-15,

2 15-20, 1 40-50, female: 1 10-15, 1 30-40.Abraham was enumerator for this sheet.
77 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Sep-1850, dw. 1, Greenfield, Wayne Co., MI, fam. 1, William Streeter age 23 sex m

farmer born in NY, Caroline age 25 sex f born in NY, William H. age 2 sex m born in NY, Mary age 3 mos. sex f born
in MI, Other household members, Schoolcraft age 50 sex f born in Unknown.
78 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1860, pp. 130.39, dw. 820, Ward #4, Washington, DC, fam. 849, Nathaniel

Sards age 32 sex m painter born in NY, Annie age 27 sex f born in MD, Mary A. Sards age 9 sex f born in MD, Joseph
age 8 sex m born in MD, Josaphine age 4 sex f born in MD, Delta age 2 sex f born in MD, Eliza Sards age 50 sex f
born in VA, Abraham Schoolcraft age 60 sex m watchman born in MI, Catherine Syers age 42 sex f colored domestic
born in VA.
79 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jul-1870, pp. 34.36, dw. 282, Greenfield, Wayne Co., MI, fam. 263, Abraham

Schoolcraft age 72 sex m farmer born in NY, Alida age 62 sex f born in NY
Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. 3 Spring 1986: 9 Oct
1835 Abraham Schoolcraft purchase from United States land in Detroit. 17 Jan 1837 Edmund Tryon writ against
Abraham Schoolcraft, Henry Schoolcraft et al. 17 Jan 1849 Edmund Tryon quit claim from Abraham Schoolcraft &
wife Alida of Wayne Co.
81 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jun-1860, pp. 333.34, dw. 835, Aurora, Kane Co., IL, fam. 707, Patrick

McWilliams age 34 sex m Carpenter born in Ireland, Louisa age 25 sex f born in MI, Edward age 4 sex m born in IL,
Joseph age 2 mos sex m born in IL, Jane Schoolcraft age 50 sex f born in MI

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254609 NA Film T9-0609 pp. 92C, Greenfield, Wayne Co., MI :
Alida SCHOOLCRAFT Self female widow white age 78 born in NY occupation Keeping House father born in NY
mother born in NY.
83 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Aug-1850, dw. 932, Cottreville, St. Claire Co., MI, fam. 932, Henry Schoolcraft

age 27 sex m laborer born in MI, Sophia age 15 sex f born in MI.
State Census, State Census 1855, 16-Aug-1852, SAN Vol. 1 No. 1 pp. 22. Census, California Film 114: ,
Sacramento, Sacremento Co., CA, family . Schoolcraft, Henry A., Self, male age 29 born in NY, Judge; Mary, Wife,
female age 19 born in MO; .
85 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. 4 Spring 1986:

Newspaper article, Daily Alta California Friday May 31, 1850. Describes the block of quartz and Henry's intended trip
on board the Oregon. Article describes Henry as a judge who helped found Sacramento.
86 California: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 54. Deaths, California: Henry A. Schoolcraft, d. at sea 5 May 1853,

b. NY m. Mary T. Perry 22 Mar 1850. Death notice in Alta CA newspaper pp. 2, col. 2, 21 May 1853. Estate sale
announced in Democraftic State Journal, pp. 2, col. 6, 26 Nov 1855.
87 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. 3 - 5 Spring 1986:

Discussion of Henry Rowe, Abraham, John L. and descendants.

Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, SAN Vol. 1 No. 1 pp. 40.
St. Paul's Episcopal church, Sacramento, CA. Schoolcraft, Mary T. (adult baptism) born November 1836 baptized 27
Feb 1855.
89 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1897-1920 The Archives of Michigan, 1904 rn 164: Caroline Streeter,

29 Oct 1904, Greefield, Wayne Co., Michigan, age 79 yrs., paralytic stroke, born 18 May 1825 New York, female,
white, widowed, housewife, Father Abraham Schoolcraft born U.S., Mother Lyda Harrington born U.S.. Burial 31 Oct
1904 Woodmere. Married age 20, 5 ch. 3 liv. Informant Wm. Streeter.
90 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1897-1920 The Archives of Michigan, 1909 rn 097: Emmet D.

Schoolcraft, 10 May 1909, Wayne, Wayne Co., Michigan, age 76 yrs. 8 mos. 25 days, burned to death when dwelling
burned, born 15 Aug 1832 York State, male, white, married, retired farmer, Father Abraham Schoolcraft born York
State, Mother Lydia Harrington born York State. Burial 12 May 1909 Wayne. Married age 24, 5 ch. 2 liv. Informant
W. D. Morton.
91 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Oct-1850, dw. 226, Sacramento, Sacramento Co., CA, fam. 237, Edwd. J. C. Brown

lawyer born in MS, Fannie born in FL, Lodgers, Emmet Schoolcraft age 22 sex m clerk born in NY.
92 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jul-1860, pp. 90.35, dw. 710, Greenfield, Wayne Co., MI, fam. 697, Emmet

Schoolcraft age 26 sex m farmer born in NY, Malinda age 23 sex f born in MI, Caroline age 9 mos. sex f born in MI,
Leila age 45 sex f born in NY, Oliver Gagnier age 18 sex m laborer born in MI.
93 Federal Population Schedule, 17-Jul-1870, pp. 147.37, dw. 1232, Ward 8, Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, fam. 1214,

Ernest Schoolcraft age 34 sex m grocer born in NY, Melinda age 32 sex f born in MI, Caroline age 10 sex f born in MI,
Isabel age 4 sex f born in MI.
94 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254612 NA Film T9-0612 pp. 355B, District 285, Detroit, Wayne

Co., MI : Emmet SCHOOLCROFT Self male married white age 50 born in MI occupation Retail Grocery father born
in NY mother born in NY: Malinda SCHOOLCROFT Wife female married white age 45 born in MI occupation
Keeping House father born in CAN mother born in DETROIT: Caroline SCHOOLCROFT Dau female single white
age 16 born in MI occupation At Home father born in MI mother born in MI: Isabella SCHOOLCROFT Dau female
single white age 14 born in MI occupation At Home father born in MI mother born in MI.
95 Federal Population Schedule, 1890 SAN Vol. 1 No. 1 pp. 38 Census Special Schedule Surviving Soldiers, Sailors,

Marines, & Widows: FHL US/CAN #338162: Romulus, Wayne Co., MI, Schoolcraft, Emmet.
Federal Population Schedule, 16-Jun-1900, pp. 81A.02, dw. 235, fam. 239, ED #198, Romulus, Wayne Co., MI :
Emmet D. Schoolcraft head male married age 64 born in Aug 1835, NY occupation farmer, marr. 15 yrs. father born in
NY mother born in NY: Emery wife [sic] female married age 60 born in Apr 1840, Ger. occupation emmig. 1850,
marr. 15 yrs., 0 ch. father born in Ger. mother born in Ger.
97 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342482, v 3 p 538 rn 227: 27 Oct

1887, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, Groom Charles Grau, age 23, born Michigan, father John Grau, mother Eliza Orth,
Bride Belle Schoolcraft, age 22, born Michigan, father Emmet Schoolcraft, mother Gagnier.
98 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363451, p 313 rn 5039 date 7-Jun-1872:

Melinda Schoolcraft, 17 Dec 1871, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, age 33 years, General Debility, born Detroit, Female,
White, Married, Occupation unknown, Father Unknown residing Detroit.
99 David J. Ellis, I believe Sophia in the 1850 census may be Henry Axtell's sister, rather than his wife. To be a wife,

the age difference concerns me somewhat. Her subsequent marriage strengthens my believe in the relationship.

Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, Michigan Vitals - SAN
Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 5 - 8, April 1988 IGI: Schoolcraft, Sophia Louisa, m. Patrice McWilliams 28 Apr 1851, St. Clair Co.,
101 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1860, pp. 38.19, dw. 298, Merritt, Yolo Co., CA, fam. 298, Lewis Parsons age

41 sex m meander born in NY, Eliza age 36 sex f born in IN, Henry age 13 sex m born in Unknown, Howard
Schoolcraft age 20 sex m meander born in MI.
102 New York, Guilderland Center: Reformed Dutch church of the Helderberg, Baptism of Anna Catherina on 28-May-

1798 born 26-Mar-1798, parents Laurance Schoolcraft & Margritta Row.

103 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, SAN Vol. 1 No. 1 pp. 7,

Sources unstated: James Schoolcraft Sherman was born Oct 24, 1855 in Utica, NY. He served as Vice President under
President William H. Taft from March 4, 1909 until his death on Oct 30, 1912. He was son of Richard Updike Sherman
and Mary Frances Sherman, the grandson of Willette H. Sherman and Catherine Ann Schoolcraft.
104 New York, Guilderland Center: Reformed Dutch church of the Helderberg, Baptism of Anna Maria on 14-Jun-1800

born 21-April-1800, parents Laurance Schoolcraft & Margritta Row.

105 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363830, p 323 rn 1112: M. S. Hulbert, 22

Mar 1891, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, age 89 years 2 months 22 days, Female, Married, Housewife, Father J.
Schoolcraft, Mother Mary Schoolcraft.
106 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, SAN Vol. 2 No. 1 pp.

71,The Detroit Gazette, Marriage Notices, Dec 4, 1827: "At Saut de Ste Marie, on the evening of the 27th ult. John
Hulbert, Esq. to Miss Maria Schoolcraft."
107 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Jul-1850, pp. 33A.03, dw. 311, 27th Dist., Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, fam. 357, John

Hulbert age 56 sex m none born in CT, Marie age 47 sex f born in NY, Eliza age 18 sex f born in MI, John age 16 sex
m born in MI, Henry age 14 sex m born in MI, William age 8 sex m born in MI, Maria age 5 sex f born in MI, Eliza
Baker age 26 sex f born in Ireland.
108 New York, Guilderland Center: Reformed Dutch church of the Helderberg, Baptism of Margritta Lena on 3-Aug-

1806 born 18-Jun-1806, parents Laurance Schoolcraft & Margritta Row.

109 New York, Albany: Albany Gazette, 21 April 1829: SCHOOLCRAFT, In Vernon Oneida Co. on the 12th inst. N(-?-

)thlen Margaret, aged 23 years, youngest dau. of Col. Lawrence Schoolcraft.

110 New York, New Scotland: Presbyterian Church, Baptism of James Lawrence on April 13th 1809 born August the

16th 1808, parents Lawrence Schoolcraft and his wife, sponsors Ludwig Bareth & Elisabeth.
111 Obituary, Detroit Daily Advertiser Ju. 21/1846 - Rome Citizen Death Recordings. SCHOOLCRAFT Melancoly

Event. -- We regret to learn JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT, Esq., was killed at the Sault St. Marie last Sunday afternoon.
112 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 233.03, Unknown, Chippewa Co., MI, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 20-30,

female: .
113 State Census, Family Tree Maker Indexes: 1831 James L. Schoolcraft Michigan Territory Petition List.
114 State Census, Family Tree Maker Indexes: 1834 James S. Schoolcraft Chippewa Co. MI Petition List.
115 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 217.03, Not Stated, Mackinac Co., MI, James L. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 30-40,

female: 1 <5, 1 10-15, 1 20-30.

116 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1897-1920 The Archives of Michigan, 1913 rn 186: James Schoolcraft,

26 Jul 1913, 809 Bond St., Port Huron, St. Clair Co., Michigan, age 81 yrs. 7 mos. 4 days, arterio sclerosis, born 22
Dec 1831 Mich., male, white, widower, vessel steward, Father James Schoolcraft born New York, Mother Unknown.
Burial 28 Jul 1913 Lakeside. Informant E. F. Schoolcraft.
117 David J. Ellis, Probable. The death record indicates this James was a son of James but is not fully unambiguous.

Janice Asplet Bryant also claims James as a son of James Lawrence. Her source is word of mouth from one of James'
sons to Janice's great grandfather. While this is likely from the census records, neither Janice nor I have seen anything
that would prove conclusively that James in Port Huron is a son of James Lawrence.
Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jul-1860, pp. 181, dw. 1335, Ward 3, Port Huron, St. Clair Co., MI, fam. 1285,
James Schoolcraft age 29 sex m saloon keeper born in MI, Sarah age 18 sex f born in MI, Eugene age 5 sex m born in
MI, Ada J. age 2 sex f born in MI.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254605 NA Film T9-0605 pp. 376B, 3rd Ward, Port Huron, St.
Clair Co., MI : James SCHOOLCROFT Self male married white age 47 born in MI occupation Carpenter father born in
IRE mother born in IRE: Sarah SCHOOLCROFT Wife female married white age 42 born in IRE father born in IRE
mother born in IRE: Ada SCHOOLCROFT Dau female single white age 22 born in MI father born in IRE mother born
in IRE: George SCHOOLCROFT Son male single white age 20 born in MI father born in IRE mother born in IRE:
Byron SCHOOLCROFT Son male single white age 14 born in MI father born in IRE mother born in IRE: Louisa
SCHOOLCROFT Dau female single white age 12 born in MI father born in IRE mother born in IRE: Bertha
SCHOOLCROFT Dau female single white age 6 born in MI father born in IRE mother born in IRE: Mable
SCHOOLCROFT Dau female single white age 2 born in MI father born in IRE mother born in IRE.

Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1900, pp. 40A.03, dw. 167, fam. 168, ED #96, 809 Bond St., Port Huron City,
St. Claire Co., MI : Albert Lunger head male married age 35 born in Apr 1865, NY occupation grocer, marr. 10 yrs.
father born in NY mother born in NY: Ida wife female married age 32 born in Jul 1867, MI occupation marr. 10 yrs., 0
ch. father born in NY mother born in NY: James Schoolcraft boarder male widow age 69 born in Jun 1830, MI
occupation retired father born in MI mother born in MI.
Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342494, v 4 p 197 rn 2085: 05 Jan
1892, Ruby, St Clair, Michigan, Groom George H. Schoolcroft, age 31, born Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan, father
Jos. Schoolcroft, mother Sarah Reddick, Bride Mettie Lossing, age 29, born Fargo, St. Clair, Michigan, father John
122 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2320445, item 1 p 274 rn 2695: Bertha

Schoolcraft, 06 Jan 1874, Port Huron, Saint Clair, Michigan, Female, Father James Schoolcraft born Michigan, Mother
Sarah Schoolcraft born Ireland.
123 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 1 - 2 Winter 1985:

Photographs of Evelyn Schoolcraft and two sons.

124 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. 25 Spring 1986:

Source "Early Settlers of NY" Evelyn Schoolcraft m. William R. Allen 13 Oct 1858.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Johannes on [1760] born Oct 20 [1760],
parents Johannes Schulkraf & Anna Barbara, sponsors Johannes Finck and his wife.
Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 117.16, Watervliet, Albany Co., NY, John Schoolcraft. Male: 3 <10, 2 10-
16, 1 26-45, female: 1 <10, 1 16-26, 1 26-45.
127 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 194.17, Guilderland, Albany Co., NY, John Scholcraft. Male: 3 <10, 1 10-

16, 1 >45, female: 1 <10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45.

128 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 179.06, Guilderland, Albany Co., NY, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <10, 2 10-

16, 1 >45, female: 1 <10, 1 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 >45, agriculture: 1.

129 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 402.04, Guilderland, Albany Co., NY, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-15, 1

60-70, female: 1 20-30.

130 New York in the Revolution, Col. John Harper's Regiment of Levies was from 11 May 1780 to 30 Nov 1780 and

includes a Johannis Schoolcraft. Col. Marinus Willett's Regiment of Levies was from Apr 1782 to Dec 1782. It
includes John who appears to have had three Captains - Capt. James Cannon, Capt. Joseph Harrison and Capt. Stephen
White. He probably came from the 3rd as that is the only John in the Regiments.
131 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, New York Marriages -

SAN Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 40 - 41, 1981 Ed. IGI: Maria (Polly) Truax to Johannes Schoolcraft on 1784 in First Dutch
Reformed Church, Schenectady, Schenectady Co.
132 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Annatje on Mar 6 [1785], parents John Skuulcraft &

Maria Truax, sponsors Edward Wards & Annatje Schuulcraft.

133 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Ifaac on Jan 19 [1787] born 29 Dec [1786], parents

John Schuulcraft & Maria Truax, sponsors Ifaack Truax & Maria Wyngaart.
134 New York, Helderberg: Helderberg, Jerusalem & Salem Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by DAR

Cemetery & Town and Misc Records of New York), Baptism of Lawrence on Sept. 29th 1788 born Sept 29th [1788],
parents Schoolcraft, Thomas & Truax, Maria, sponsors Lawrence Schoolcraft & Margarita Schoolcraft.
135 David J. Ellis, I believe that Lawrence is the son of Johannes SCHOOLCRAFT and Maria TRUAX and that the

father's name was mis-records as Thomas. I base this on the date and location of the birth, on the mother's name and on
Johannes' brother and his wife being the sponsors.
New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Johannes Wyngaart on [bet.] July 4 & July 14 [1790]
born 14 Juny [June 1790], parents Johannes Shulcraft & Maria Truax, sponsors Johannes W. Truax & Magdalena
Charlotte Taylor Luckhurst, New York, Schenectady: Reformed Dutch Protestant Church, (Film 0532958),
Marriage on 1803 of John H. Fisher and Anna Schoolcraft married (no date recorded, location in list implies 15-Oct -
New York, Guilderland Center: Reformed Dutch church of the Helderberg, Baptism of Maria Reginia [Fisher] on
14-Feb-1808 born 1-Jan-1808, parents John H. Fisher & Anna Schoolcraft, sponsors John Schoolcraft & Maria
Charlotte Taylor Luckhurst, New York, Schenectady: Reformed Dutch Protestant Church, (Film 0532958),
Marriage on 20 May 1809 of John (corrected to read Lawrence) Schoolcraft and Jane Peek both of Schenectady.
140 David J. Ellis, I place this marriage here as this is the only Lawrence of an appropriate age who is not married to

someone else. The case is strengthened by the location of the marriage and by Lawrence' father being in Guilderland
(near Schenectady) at this time. In 1810, this Lawrence is enumerated next to John Peek of similar age who is probably
Jane Peek's brother.

Jonathan Pearson, Genealogy: Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of the
Patent and City of Schenectady, (Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1873), "Electronic," LOURENS, of Noormanskil, and
Margaret Row. Ch: Lourens, b. May 2, 1786, d. in Schenectady, July 28, 1851, a. 63ys.
142 David J. Ellis, I conclude from the census trail that Jonathan got the correct death and age but incorrectly attributed

this to be the child of Lawrence Schoolcraft and Margaret Rowe.

New York, Cambridge: Cemetery Listings, "Electronic," Cambridge, Woodlands: Schoolcraft, Oliver, b. 1824, d.
1900, par: John Schoolcraft, Effie Springer, Sec. A 57. [DJE marker reads: Oliver Springer Schoolcraft Sep. 1, 1824 -
July 4, 1900.] Cambridge, Woodlands: Ackley, Nellie F., b. 1821, d. 1896, sp. Ezra Smith Ackley, par: John
Schoolcraft, Eva Caral, Sec. A 51. [DJE marker reads: Nelly Francis Schoolcraft w/o Ezra Smith Ackley Jan 6, 1898
ae. 64 yrs.]
144 David J. Ellis, This spousal relationship is claimed in the Woodlands cemetery listing. I have inspected the markers

and they make no mention of the parents of the persons buried there. Census implications make it probable.
145 David J. Ellis, Implied by the date of John's second marriage, which is in turn implied by the births of his children.

Note that these two marriages are related to the same John by virtue of his attendance with his second wife at the
baptism of a grand daughter through a child of his first marriage.
Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 947.21, Schenectady Ward 2, Schenectady Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft.
Male: 2 <10, 1 16-26, female: 1 16-26.
147 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 127.47, Schenectady Ward 2, Schenectady Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft.

Male: 3 <10, 1 26-45, female: 1 26-45, manufacturing: 1.

148 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 214.22, Schenectady Ward 2, Schenectady Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft.

Male: 3 10-15, 8 15-20, 8 40-50, female: 2 <5, 8 40-50.

149 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 360.03, Schenectady Ward 1, Schenectady Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft.

Male: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1 15-20, 1 50-60, female: 2 5-10, 1 50-60.

150 Federal Population Schedule, 26 Sep 1850, pp. 177B.10, dw. 246, Schenectady Ward 4, Schenectady Co., NY, fam.

272, Lawrence Schoolcraft age 62 sex M mens and womens tailor born in NY, Jane age 62 sex F born in NY, John age
26 sex M shoemaker born in NY, Wm. B age 23 sex M shoemaker born in NY, Susan (twin) age 21 sex F born in NY,
Anna (twin) age 21 sex F born in NY, James age 16 sex M born in NY.
151 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Aug-1860, pp. 221, dw. 1087, 4th Ward Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY, fam.

1369, William Schoolcraft age 36 sex M shoemaker born in NY, Magdaline age 27 sex F seamstress born in NY, John
age 7 sex M born in NY, J. Teller age 5 sex M born in NY, Jane age 72 sex F born in NY, John age 38 sex M
shoemaker born in NY, Anna Mae age 30 sex F shoebinder born in NY.
152 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 598.10, Duanesburg, Schenectady Co., NY, John W. Schoolcraft. Male: 1

<10, 1 26-45, female: 1 <10, 1 16-26, manufacturing: 1.

153 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 245.24, Rotterdam, Schenectady Co., NY, John W. Schoolcraft. Male: 2 5-

10, 1 10-15, 1 40-50, female: 1 <5, 1 10-15, 1 30-40.

154 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 339.30, Rotterdam, Schenectady Co., NY, John W. Schoolcraft. Male: 2 15-

20, 1 50-60, female: 2 10-15, 1 30-40.

155 Federal Population Schedule, 29-Aug-1850, dw. 385, Rotterdam, Schenectady Co., NY, fam. 395, John W.

Schoolcraft age 58 sex m schoolteacher born in NY, Eve age 56 sex f born in NY, Oliver S. age 24 sex m machinist
born in NY, Nelly age 17 sex f born in NY, Rachal Worden age 32 sex f born in NY, Rachal A. Worden age 3 sex f
born in NY.
156 Federal Population Schedule, 11-Sep-1860, dw. 1506, Ward #5, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY, fam. 1901,

John W. Schoolcraft age 69 sex m born in NY, Evaline age 66 sex f born in NY, Rachel age 42 sex f seamstress born in
NY, Oliver S. age 32 sex m boilermaker born in NY, Rachal A. age 13 sex f born in NY, Hannah McEckley age 3 sex f
born in NY.
157 New York, Schenectady: Newspapers, Schenectady Evening Star: Eva Schoolcraft, d. 17 May 1871 (76 yrs 4 mos

17 days).
158 Federal Population Schedule, 11-Aug-1870, pp. 14.19, dw. 118, Ward 5, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY, fam.

129, Eva Schoolcraft age 73 sex f keeping house born in NY, Francis Parmatier age 80 sex m confectioner born in
France, Catherine age 73 sex f born in France, Theodore age 34 sex m laborer born in NY, Mary Ann age 13 sex f born
in NY, Frances age 11 sex f works in shoe factory born in NY, Catherine age 7 sex f born in NY, George age 5 sex m
born in NY, Rennie age 1 sex m born in NY.
Military Records: Civil War listings, Chapter XXV, pp. 292-403 of Schenectady County, New York: Its History to
the Close of the Nineteenth Century, by Austin A. Yates (1902): 91st Regiment of Infantry (Veteran) - Albany
Regiment; Columbia Regiment Schoolcraft, John: Age 41 years. Enlisted at Schenectady to serve one year, and
mustered in as private Co. G, August 31, 1864; killed in action March 31, 1865, at Gravelly Run, VA.

Federal Population Schedule, 5-Aug-1870, pp. 38.05, dw. 301, Ward 4, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY, fam.
337, William Schoolcraft age 45 sex m shoe maker born in NY, Magdalene age 37 sex f born in NY, John age 18 sex m
born in NY, James age 15 sex m born in NY, Hella age 5 sex f born in NY, Edward Barhyd age 20 sex m born in NY,
Maria VanDeBogart age 76 sex f born in NY.
161 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254929 National Archives Film T9-0929 pp. 113A: 1st Ward,

Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY : Teller SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 25 born in NY occupation
Lawyer father born in NY mother born in NY: Elizabeth SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 20 born in
NY occupation Keeping House father born in ENG mother born in ENG: May SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single
white age 3 mos. born in NY father born in NY mother born in NY: William B SCHOOLCRAFT Other male white age
53 born in NY occupation Shoemaker father born in NY mother born in NY: Emma VAN PATTEN Other female
single white age 18 born in NY occupation Servant father born in NY mother born in NY.
162 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Jun-1860, dw. 334, Niagara, Niagara Co., NY, fam. 333, Samuel L. White age 28

sex M machinist born in NY, Sarsan E. age 28 sex F born in NY, Anna M Schoolcraft age 28 sex F born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254900 National Archives Film T9-0900 pp. 179B: Niagara,
Niagara Co., NY : Samuel L. WHITE Self male married white age 48 born in NY occupation Machinest father born in
NY mother born in NY: Susan WHITE Wife female married white age 45 born in NY occupation Keeping House
father born in NY mother born in NY: Anna SCHOOLCRAFT SisterL female single white age 45 born in NY
occupation Asst. Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: George WHITE Son male single white age 18
born in NY occupation Machinest-Apprentice father born in NY mother born in NY: Samuel WHITE Son male single
white age 17 born in NY occupation Machinest-Apprentice father born in NY mother born in NY.
164 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jun-1900, pp.198A.11, dw. 91, fam. 154, ED #126, 2nd Ward, Old Ladies Home,

237 Green St., Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY : Matron & Various inmates : Anne Schoolcraft inmate female
single age 71 born in Mar 1829, NY father born in NY mother born in NY.
165 David J. Ellis, In 1860 Samuel White has a wife "Sarsen" and "Susan's" twin sister "Anna" is living with them. I

believe "Sarsen" is really Susan.

166 David J. Ellis, The 1850 census identifies that Susan is a twin of Anna and the 1900 census gives Anna's birth

167 Federal Population Schedule, 4-Aug-1870, pp. 59.10, dw. 430, Niagara Falls, Niagara Co., NY, fam. 454, Samuel L.

White age 34 sex m locomotive machinist born in NY, Susan age 33 sex f born in NY, George age 8 sex m born in NY,
Sanal Lyr age 6 sex m born in NY, Annie Schoolcraft age 33 sex f born in NY.
168 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jun-1860, pp. 39.18, dw. 251, Ward 19, Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD, fam. 321,

James Schoolcraft age 25 sex m painter born in NY, Jane age 25 sex f born in MD, James Vaughn age 24 sex m painter
born in MD, Mary C. age 20 sex f born in MD.
169 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jul-1870, pp. 38.09, dw. 270, Brunswick, Rensselaer Co., NY, fam. 305, John

Higgins age 44 sex m farmer born in NY, Jane age 36 sex f born in NY, Lucinda age 18 sex f born in NY, James
Schoolcraft age 37 sex m farmer born in NY.
170 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254922 NA Film T9-0922 pp. 287C, Brunswick, Rensselaer Co.,

NY : John HIGGINS Self male married white age 54 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in IRE mother born in
IRE: Jane HIGGINS Wife female married white age 45 born in MD occupation Keeping House father born in MD
mother born in MD: Elizabeth E. HIGGINS Dau female single white age 26 born in NY occupation Home father born
in NY mother born in MD: James SCHOOLCRAFT Other male single white age 43 born in NY occupation Farmer
father born in MD mother born in MD.
171 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1900, pp. 35A.34, dw. 53, fam. 61, ED #32, Brunswick, Rensselaer Co., NY :

James Schoolcraft head male married age 65 born in Mar 1835, NY occupation day laborer, marr. 44 yrs. father born in
NY mother born in NY: Jane E. wife female married age 58 born in Oct 1841, NY occupation marr. 44 yrs., 0 ch.
father born in NY mother born in NY.
New York: Vital Record, Film 0017542 Berlin, Rensselaer Co., NY Gilead Lutheran Cemetery: Death on 1835-
1921 of SCHOOLCRAFT, James CQ.E. 3rd Reg. N.Y.S.V.
173 New York: Vital Record, Film 0017542 Berlin, Rensselaer Co., NY Gilead Lutheran Cemetery: Death on 1835-

1918 of Jane E. Pierce his wife.

174 New York, Guilderland: Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on June 5 [1830] of Rachel Schoolcraft with

Bennet Hardin Both residents of Schoharie.

New York: Cemetery Records, Viewland Cemetery, Rotterdam: | In memory of | John J. Schoolcraft | who died
April 1, 1834 | aged 12 yrs. 2 mos. 14 days.
176 David J. Ellis, This person's marker is shown in "Find a Grave". The image is indistinct and the age is unclear. Only

John Wyngaart makes any sense as the parent.

New York, Cambridge: Cemetery Listings, "Electronic," Cambridge, Woodlands: Ackley, Ezra Smith, b. 1829, d.
1895, par: ? Ackley, Hanna King, Sec. H 51. [DJE inspection: A 51 Ezra Smith Ackley d. Feb 20, 1895 ae. 65 yrs.]
Cambridge, Woodlands: Ackley, Nellie F., b. 1821, d. 1896, sp. Ezra Smith Ackley, par: John Schoolcraft, Eva Caral,
Sec. A 51. [DJE headstone inspection: Nelly Francis Schoolcraft w/o Ezra Smith Ackley Jan 6, 1898 ae. 64 yrs.].
178 New Hampshire: Marriage Record, Marriage 19 September 1895 in Laconia NH by Lewis Malrom, clergyman |

Groom: Charles Herbert FRYE 1st marriage, age 26 years, born Moultonboro NH, resident Cambridge NY, occupation
laborer | Bride: Eva Frances ACKLEY 1st marriage, age 20 years, born Cambridge NY, resident Cambridge NY,
occupation teacher | Husband's father: John FRYE, age 54 years, born Sandwich NH, resident Moultonboro NH,
occupation farmer, husband's mother: Sarah A. TAPPAN, deceased, born Sandwich NH, occupation housewife | Wife's
father: Ezra ACKLEY, born Schenectady NY, deceased, occupation vetinarian, wife's mother: Nettie
SCHOOLCRAFT, age 64, born Lyons NY, resident Cambridge NY, occupation housewife.
179 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Aug-1870, pp. 7.29, dw. 64, Ward 5, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY, fam. 67,

Oliver Schoolcraft age 46 sex m keeps saloon born in NY, Louisa age 25 sex f born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254929 National Archives Film T9-0929 pp. 118D: 1st Ward,
Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY : William GOODSPEAD Self male married white age 42 born in NY occupation
Peddler father born in NY mother born in NY: Rachel GOODSPEAD Wife female married white age 58 born in NY
occupation Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: Oliver SCHOOLCRAFT Other male white age 51
born in NY occupation Laborer father born in NY mother born in NY.
David J. Ellis, The relationship between Oliver and Louisa is in doubt. She seems too young to be his wife.
182 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1870, pp. 4.39, dw. 32, Cambridge, Washington Co., NY, fam. 36, Ezra

Ackley age 40 sex m R. R. Worker born in NY, Nellie age 39 sex f born in NY, Anna M. age 13 sex f born in NY,
Sarah J. age 11 sex f born in NY, Ida age 9 sex f born in NY, Susan J. age 8 sex f born in NY, Lizzie age 4 sex f born in
NY, Fannie age 1 sex f born in NY.
183 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254943 NA Film T9-0943 pp. 461D, White Creek, Washington Co.,

NY : Ezera ACKLEY Self male married white age 50 born in NY occupation Laborer father born in NY mother born
in NY: Nellie F. ACKLEY Wife female white age 48 born in NY occupation Keeping House father born in NY mother
born in NY: Sarah J. ACKLEY Dau white age 21 born in NY occupation Dress Maker father born in NY mother born
in NY: Susie K. ACKLEY Dau white age 18 born in NY occupation Servant father born in NY mother born in NY:
Libbie ACKLEY Dau white age 14 born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Eva F.
ACKLEY Dau white age 5 born in NY father born in NY mother born in NY.
184 David J. Ellis, Implied by births of children. John and Maria McKinney are sponsors at the baptism of his grand

daughter. As his daughter is by the marriage to Maria Truax, it implies this was a second marriage.
185 New York, Albany: Albany Gazette, Albany Gazette 1st March 1826: SCHOOLCRAFT, In the town of

Guilderland, on the 15th ult, Mary Catherine, wife of John Schoolcraft Esq., in her 51st year.
186 New York, Helderberg: Helderberg, Jerusalem & Salem Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by DAR

Cemetery & Town and Misc Records of New York), Baptism of Stephen Van Rennselaer on [Bet. Feb 23, 1794 & May
11, 1794] born January 16th, [1794], parents Schoolcraft, Johannes & McKinney, Mary, sponsors Jacob Relyea &
Gerritje Van Loon.
187 New York, Guilderland Center: Reformed Dutch church of the Helderberg, Baptism of John McKenny on 26-Jun-

1796 born 27-May-1796, parents John Schoolcraft Jun. & Mary McKenny.
188 New York, Guilderland Center: Reformed Dutch church of the Helderberg, Baptism of Elizabeth on 24-Mar-1799

born 17-Feb-1799, parents John Schoolcraft & Maria McKinney.

189 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Frances on 14 June [1801] born 20 Apr [1801], parents

Johannes Schulecraft & Mary Catharine McKinney, sponsors <none stated>.

New York, Guilderland Center: Reformed Dutch church of the Helderberg, Baptism of Robert on 15-Jun-1807 born
30-Mar-1807, parents John Schoolcraft & Mary C McKenny.
New York, Albany: Albany Gazette, Alb Gaz. June 4 1817: SCHOOLCRAFT - CHAPMAN. At Troy on the 16th
March last, by Rev Dr. Butler, Mr. S. V. R. Schoolcraft to Miss Eliza Chapman, both of this city.
192 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 122.08, Albany, Albany Co., NY, Stephen V. R. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <10, 1

10-16, 1 26-45, female: 2 16-26, 1 26-45, commerce: 2.

193 Family Bible, Kept by Maria Lawrence Porter: Charles L. Schoolcraft and Maria L. Porter married December 1st

1851 by The Reverand P. W. Stone Monday P.M. Brooklyn.

Family Bible, Kept by Ann Malcolm: Marriages. Charles L. Schoolcraft and Maria L. Proter married December 1st
1850 by The Reverend R. H. Stone Monday PM Brooklyn. [It is apparent that the "0" in "1850" is a 'correction' of
something else.].
Family Bible, Kept by Ann Malcolm: Births. Maria Lawrence Porter born at 69 Green St. Albany Monday Morng 2
Oclock October 6 1829.

Family Bible, Kept by Maria Lawrence Porter: Marie L. Schoolcraft Layard died at Adrian Mich. March 21st 1897
aged 67 years 6 mths 15 days.
Family Bible, Kept by Maria Lawrence Porter: Charles L. Schoolcraft died at Marseilles France February 5th 1856
aged 38 years.
198 David J. Ellis, [Conjecture by Greg Parkes.] Stephan married Eliza Chapman in 1817. He was in the wholesale

grocery business with William Chapman in Albany in 1820. Given that Chapman died in the mid 1850's, they were
about the same age, possibly a brother-in-law. Stephan & Eliza had a son named William Chapman Schoolcraft, d 1822
in Albany. Charles also had a son William Chapman Schoolcraft. Charles was a witness to the elder William
Chapman's will in about 1850, and both lived at the same hotel in Albany. Charles was in the wholesale grocery
199 New York, Albany: Albany Gazette, Alb Gaz. Feb 8, 1822: SCHOOLCRAFT - SLACK, At Hamilton Village, on

the 4th inst., by Rev. Mr. Holliday, Miss Frances Schoolcraft, dau. of John Schoolcraft Esq. of Guilderland to Robert F.
Slack, of this city.
Federal Population Schedule, 5-Aug-1850, dw. 33, Weston, Middlesex Co., MA, fam. 39, Robert F. Slack age 57
sex m farmer born in MA, Frances age 50 sex f born in NY, Sarah age 24 sex f born in NY, John L. age 18 sex m none
born in NY, Frances M. age 15 sex f born in NY, Robert H. age 13 sex m born in NY, Peter W. age 11 sex m born in
NY, Daniel E. Torrey age 48 sex m farmer born in ME, Ruth age 48 sex f born in ME, George Wiseman age 24 sex m
born in NB, Martin Kelley age 25 sex m born in Ireland, Terry Curtain age 25 sex m born in Ireland, fam. 40, Elizabeth
Slack age 60 sex f born in MA, Adeline Flagg age 46 sex f born in MA.
201 Federal Population Schedule, 3-Jul-1860, pp. 18.34, dw. 126, Weston, Middlesex Co., MA, fam. 140, Francis Slack

age 59 sex f born in NY, Sarah age 31 sex f born in NY, John L. age 27 sex m law student born in NY, Francis M. age
24 sex m born in NY, Robert H. age 22 sex m born in NY, Peter D. age 21 sex m born in NY, Ann Schoolcraft age 55
sex f born in NY, Eliza Slack age 74 sex f born in MA, Adeline Flagg age 59 sex f born in MA.
202 New York, Loonenburg: Zion Lutheran Church, Baptism of Schoelgraff, Anna on 12 Oct 1762, parents Hans &

Anna Barbara Schoelgraff, sponsors Peter Lowenstein.

203 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Jacob baptized in Hellenberg on July 9

[1765] born [1765], parents Johannes Schulkraf, sponsors <not stated>.

204 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Jacob on Feb 25 [1768], parents Johannes

Schoolkraaft & Anna Schoolkraaft, sponsors Jacob Vrooman & Rachel Vrooman.
205 David J. Ellis, Conjecture: Because there is another child with the same name, its highly probably this child died in

206 David J. Ellis, Conjecture: Because Henry Rowe Schoolcraft does not mention this uncle it is highly probable that

he died before maturity.

207 New York, Albany: Argus, Argus Jun 7 1822: SCHOOLCRAFT, At Perryopolis Fayette Co. (PA) on the 1st of May

last, Mr. John M. Schoolcraft Jr., son of John Schoolcraft Esq of Guilderland, Albany Co., in his 26th year (Albany
Gazette same date says John McKenny).
208 New York, Albany: Source not identified, probably Albany Register or Gazette: SCHOOLCRAFT, Elizabeth, dau.

of John, at Schenectady Feb 7th 1819 ae 20.

209 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Aug-1850, Castelton, Richmond Co., NY, dw. 609, family 706, Inmates of Sailors

Living Harbour <looks like asylum or hospital - mixed sexes>, Rob Schoolcraft age 43 sex M born in NY, <other
210 Obituary, The New York Tribune June 9, 1860 pp. 7: Death of John L. Schoolcraft. Albany, Friday, June 8, 1860.

John L. Schoolcraft died at 12 o'clock last night...

Federal Population Schedule, 24-Jul-1860, pp. 845, dw. 940, 10th Ward Buffalo, Erie Co., NY, fam. 945, William
R. Allen age 24 sex M bank teller born in NY, Evaline age 21 sex F born in MI, Minnie Schoolcraft age 14 sex F born
in MI, Eva Grow age 18 sex F domestic born in Bavaria.
New York: Newspapers, Buffalo Courier, Friday October 26, 1866: Killed by the Indians. Mrs. W. K. Allen of this
city, received a letter on Wednesday, announcing that her brother, Howard Schoolcraft son of the late Col. James L.
Schoolcraft, was killed at Bacatete Pass, Mexico, by a band of Yaqui Indians, on the 19th August last.
David J. Ellis, In 1860 Minnie is living with Evelyn Schoolcraft and her husband. Evelyn and Minnie are both from
Michigan and Evelyn's parents are dead. Minnie is probably a sister.
214 David J. Ellis, I think this is Alida Harrington living with her married daughter, Louisa McWilliams.
David J. Ellis, I think this is Alida Harrington living with her married son, Emmet.
216 David J. Ellis, Margaret C. is referred to by Willette Sherman as being Henry's niece. Margaret C can only be the

child of John as he's the only one old enough to be her father and who is a brother to Henry.
New York: Cemetery Records, Vernon (from Greg Parkes): In memory of Margaret C d. 12 May 1828 aged 23.

Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers, container 63, reel 51, unpublished
manuscript by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. "A Sketch of the Life of Col Lauren [sic] Schoolcraft": While living near the
falls of the Tawasentha, & afterwards at the village of Hamilton, in Albany county, death had removed his daughter
Kate, at 7 years of age, & had made repeated inroads on the year of infamy, with drawing from the family, uncle, three
infant male children & one female Anna Maria, who died in 1801 on her first birth day. In proportion as these had
numbered but few years in the subliminary scenery & made but slight advance to individuals of character, the shock of
their loss was of temporary duration.
219 David J. Ellis, I believe this is one of the three infant male children that HRS refers to as having died. His year of

death would be about the same as Kate.

220 Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers, container 63, reel 51, unpublished

manuscript by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. "A Sketch of the Life of Col Lauren [sic] Schoolcraft": About 1816, he
returned to his homestead & farm at Vernon, where the family had continued to be permanently located, on his final
return from New England [illegible] his second daughter Catherine, from the scene of her education, at one of the most
celebrated & efficient female schools, and she was united in marriage to W. H. Shearman of Oneida county.
221 New York: Cemetery Records, Vernon (from Greg Parkes): Catherine wife of Willet Sherman d. June 1831 aged 30.
Federal Population Schedule, 14-Aug-1850, pp. 128.01, dw. 852, Utica City, Oneida Co., NY, fam. 869, Richard U.
Sherman age 31 sex m Elector born in NY, Mary J. age 27 sex f born in NY, Richard U. age 1 sex m born in NY,
Sandra Henry age 19 sex f born in Ireland, Ester Hamlin age 13 sex f born in Ireland, Malanthon B. Wooley age 30 sex
m USN born in Ireland.
223 Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers, container 63, reel 51, unpublished

manuscript by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. "A Sketch of the Life of Col Lauren [sic] Schoolcraft": ... and in 1825, on a
return visit to the parents at Vernon, took to this new scene of enterprize, his youngest son James, & his daughter Anna
224 David J. Ellis, Henry is clearly identifying a second daughter called Anna Maria and also explaining how a young

single female came to be in Michigan so far from her parents.

225 New York: Cemetery Records, Vernon (from Greg Parkes): Margaret Helen, daughter of L & M Schoolcraft, b. 18

June 1806 d. 12 April 1829.

226 David J. Ellis, In "A Sketch of the Life of Col Lauren [sic] Schoolcraft" Henry identifies that Lawrence lived "While

living near the falls of the Tawasentha, & afterwards at the village of Hamilton, in Albany county". Norman's Kill is the
Tawesentha location and Hamilton village is present day Guilderland. The various churches can be used to guid in
distinguishing the actual birth location.
227 David J. Ellis, The existence of a second child called Catherine suggests Kate died before 1798. A birth hiatus

around 1788 is plausible, implying a death in 1795. Such interpretation is consistent with the census records.

Lawrence Schoolcraft Baptized March 20th, 1732/33
Proven: Lawrence Schoolcraft aka Johann Lorentz14
born Abt. 20-Mar-1732/33 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously
Albany Co.]1, 14
census 1790 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 200.1215
census 1800 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 1170.1416
military 1755 in New York, USA; Private in Capt. William McGinnis Company, NY5
military Bet. Jul-1778 - 08-Apr-1781 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA;
Revolutionary War veteran, Adjutant of Col. Vrooman's Regiment17
fact Bet. 1781 - 1784 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, Trustee and elder St.
Paul's church19
fact 17-Apr-1786 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, Substantial donation to St.
Paul's church9
died Aft. 23-Sep-18084

married Proven Anna Maria Schneider aka Snyder 23-Oct-1759 in Schoharie, Schoharie,
New York, USA; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church20
born Abt. 13-Mar-1736/37 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously
Albany Co.]21
1. Proven: Peter Schoolcraft23
born 09-Jan-1760 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]23
census 1790 in Rensselaerville, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 192.2824
census 1800 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 127.2025
military Abt. 1780 ; Private in 15th Regiment Militia, Revolutionary War17
fact Abt. 1795 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Donation towards new church26
married Proven Beata Marinus aka Bertha 15-Jan-1788 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St.
Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church27
born Abt. 07-Jul-1763 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]28
a. Proven: Maria Schoolcraft83
born Abt. 17-Aug-1793 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
married Proven Peter Marinus Bef. 182485
born Bet. 1790 - 180084
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 23.1284
i. Proven: Abraham Marinus85
born 14-Jun-1824 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA85
ii. Proven: Diana Marinus86
born 01-Mar-1827 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA86
iii. Proven: William Marinus87
born 16-Jan-1830 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA87
iv. Proven: Maria Marinus88
born 05-Jan-1833 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA88
b. Proven: William Schoolcraft89
born 14-Apr-1797 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA89
died Bef. Apr-1799 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA90, 91
c. Proven: William Schoolcraft90
born 28-Feb-1799 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA90
census 1820 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 031.0396

census 10-Aug-1850 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 1497
census 01-Jun-1860 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 17.12, dw. 12898
census 25-Jun-1870 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 25.08, dw. 18699
census 1880 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 231A100
died 26-Oct-1881 in Cobleskill, Schoharie, New York, USA92, 93
buried Cobleskill, Schoharie, New York, USA; On family ground92
married Proven Maria Zimmer Bef. 181995
born Claimed 15-Feb-1797 in New York, USA94
died Claimed Abt. Apr-186094
i. Proven: Peter P. Schoolcraft101, 102
born 22-Jan-1819 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA101
census 10-Aug-1850 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 14104
died Bet. Apr - Jun-1860102, 103
married Proven Lena [Unidentified] Bef. 1850104
born Abt. 1815 in New York, USA104
census 01-Jun-1860 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 12898
census 25-Jun-1870 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 25.08,
dw. 18699
census 1880 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 231A100
died Aft. 1880100
ii. Proven: Alexander Schoolcraft105
born 02-Apr-1822 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA105
census 10-Aug-1850 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 15108
census 15-Jun-1870 in Mount Morris, Genesee, Michigan, USA; dw. 240109
died 19-Apr-1872 in Mount Morris, Genesee, Michigan, USA106
buried Mount Morris, Genesee, Michigan, USA; Mount Morris cemetery106
married Proven Martha Shaffer Bef. 1842107, 108
born 07-Apr-1820 in New York, USA110, 108
census 1880 in Mount Morris, Genesee, Michigan, USA111
died 24-May-1897 in Mount Morris, Genesee, Michigan, USA110
buried Mount Morris, Genesee, Michigan, USA; Mount Morris cemetery110
iii. Proven: Ira Schoolcraft95
born 23-Jun-1824 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA95
census 24-Jul-1860 in Seward, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 487113
census 1880 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA114
census 18-Jun-1900 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp.
180A.16, dw. 72, ED 53115
married Probable [Unidentified] Bef. 1857112, 114
married Proven 2nd Salina [Unidentified] Abt. 1875115
born Abt. Jul-1828 in New York, USA115
iv. Proven: Ezra Schoolcraft116
born 03-Apr-1827 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA116
census 10-Aug-1850 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 1497
census 25-Jul-1860 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; dw. 283117
census 20-Jun-1870 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 6.01, dw.
census 1880 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA119
census 25-Jun-1900 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 63B.58, dw.
327, ED 96120
married Proven Margaret [Unidentified] Abt. 1848120
born Oct-1823 in New York, USA120
d. Proven: Peter Schoolcraft121
born 16-Feb-1802 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA121

2. Proven: Jacob Schoolcraft29
born 18-Dec-1761 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]29, 30
census 1790 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 200.13 [Previously Albany Co.]31
census 1800 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 1170.1532
census 1810 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 31.3933
census 1820 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 189.1634
census 1825 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 17.27501
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 23.1635
military Abt. 1780 ; Private in 15th Regiment Militia, Revolutionary War17, 6
died 12-Aug-1834 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA7
buried 26-Aug-1834 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; On Robert Shultes farm18, 7
married Proven Maria Catharina Zimmer 05-Nov-1780 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St.
Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church36
born 30-Aug-176238, 37
died 10-Feb-1837 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA37, 39
buried Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; On Robert Shultes farm37
a. Proven: David Schoolcraft122
born 22-Jan-1781 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]122
census 1810 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 32.13126
census 1820 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 188.04127
census 1825 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 13.06500
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 23.18128
census 1840 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 60.24129
census 06-Aug-1850 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw. 243130
census 14-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw. 260131
fact Bet. 1826 - 1828 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Elected deacon and
trustee of St. Paul's Church77
died 07-Nov-1861 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA125
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA, Rock Road cemetery125
married Proven Rachael Westfall 26-Feb-1805 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York,
USA; Reformed Dutch Protestant Church. [Previously Albany Co.]132, 133
born 15-May-1784 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]134
died Bef. 1810126
i. Proven: Peter Schoolcraft135
born 19-Apr-1806 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA135
census 1840 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 182.02137
census 24-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 116138
census 16-Aug-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 792139
census 19-Jun-1870 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 14.03, dw.
census 1880 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA141
married Claimed Phoebe Cheeseboro Bef. 1830138, 143
born Abt. 21-Feb-1808 in New York, USA142, 138
died 12-Jan-1851 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA142
buried Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; On Webster Dillenbeck Farm142
married Proven 2nd Leah Van Arnem Bet. 1851 - 1860143
born Abt. 1824 in New York, USA139
ii. Proven: Rachel Ann Schoolcraft136
born 28-Dec-1809 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA136
married Proven [Unidentified] Bennett144
married Claimed 2nd Anna [Unidentified] Bet. 1809 – 1811145, 130, 146
born Abt. Jul-1794 in New York, USA130, 147

died 25-Jun-1855 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA147
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA, Rock Road cemetery147
iii. Proven: Paul Schoolcraft aka Haney145
born 26-Oct-1811 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA145
census 1840 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 59.21150
census 10-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
census 21-Jul-1870 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 52.17, dw.
census 1880 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA153, 148
died 01-Sep-1888 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA149
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; East Newark cemetery149
married Proven Catherine Zimmer Bef. 1838149
born 07-May-1814 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, [Previously
Albany Co.]149
died 13-Sep-1885 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA149
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; East Newark cemetery149
iv. Proven: Adam Schoolcraft154, 155
born 01-Jan-1815 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA154
census 06-Aug-1850 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
census 14-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp.
38.12, dw. 262159
census 14-Jul-1870 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 33.26, dw.
census 1880 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA161
census 18-Jun-1900 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 123A.02,
dw. 159, ED 124162
died 14-Jun-1906 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA156
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; Rock Road cemetery156
married Proven Almira A. [Unidentified] Bef. 1843157
born 25-Jul-1821 in New York, USA157, 158
died 16-Feb-1891 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA157
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA, Rock Road cemetery157
v. Proven: David Jacob Schoolcraft163
born 29-Oct-1816 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA163
census 20-Aug-1850 in Woodhull, Steuben, New York, USA; dw. 795166
census 25-Jun-1860 in Woodhull, Steuben, New York, USA; dw. 167167
census 29-Jun-1870 in Owego, Tioga, New York, USA, pp. 92.22, dw. 843168
census 1880 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA169
died 1885 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA164
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA, Rock Road cemetery164
married Proven Esther Abigail [Unidentified] Bef. 1846167, 165
born Apr-1825 in New York, USA170
census 19-Jun-1900 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 124B.82,
dw. 204, ED 124170
census 22-Apr-1910 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 8B.88, dw.
192, ED 151171
died 1911 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA165
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA, Rock Road cemetery165
vi. Proven: Eva Schoolcraft172
born 30-Sep-1818 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA172
died 18-Jan-1876 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA174
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; East Newark cemetery174

married Proven Daniel Zimmer 1835 in Tioga, New York, USA173, 176
born 14-Dec-1812 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously
Albany Co.]177, 180, 94
census 06-Aug-1850 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp.
31.20, dw. 231178
census 12-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp.
34.20, dw. 234179
census 15-Jul-1870 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 37.23, dw.
census 1880 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 136B181
died 12-Dec-1894 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA175, 173
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; East Newark cemetery175
vii. Proven: Ira Schoolcraft182
born 24-Feb-1823 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA182
census 14-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
died 23-Nov-1864 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA183
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; Rock Road cemetery183
viii. Proven: Lydia Caroline Schoolcraft184
born 30-Dec-1826 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA184
died 14-Oct-1888 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA185
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; Hope cemetery185
married Proven Hiram Young Bef. 1848185, 130
born 30-Jul-1820 in New York, USA185, 130
census 06-Aug-1850 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
census 10-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp.
died 26-Jun-1905 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA185
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; Hope cemetery185
ix. Proven: Elijah Schoolcraft187
born 28-Dec-1829 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA187
census 06-Aug-1850 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
census 14-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp.
38.08, dw. 261191
census 11-Jul-1870 in Victory, Cayuga, New York, USA; pp. 6.07, dw. 53192
census 1880 in Victory, Cayuga, New York, USA193
died 29-Sep-1904 in Sterling, Cayuga, New York, USA188, 189
buried Martville, Cayuga, New York, USA; Martville cemetery189
married Proven Clarissa Forsyth 07-Jan-1850 in Middleburgh, Schoharie, New
York, USA; Reformed Dutch Church190
born Abt. 1831 in New York, USA130
died 1901189
buried Martville, Cayuga, New York, USA; Martville cemetery189
x. Proven: John Schoolcraft194, 131
born 08-Sep-1833 in New York, USA131, 195
census 14-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp.
38.01, dw. 260131
census 20-Jul-1870 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 51.08, dw.
census 26-Jun-1900 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 126B.57,
dw. 256, ED 124198
census 19-Apr-1910 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 6B.94, dw.

168, ED 150499
died 30-Oct-1916 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA196
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; Newark Valley cemetery195, 196
married Proven Loretta S. [Unidentified] Abt. 1857199, 197
born Oct-1832 in New York, USA199
census 09-Jun-1900 in Binghamton, Broome, New York, USA; pp. 155A.50,
dw. 263, ED 37, 41 Riverside St., Ward 12199
died Aft. 1900199
married Proven 2nd Abigail [Unidentified] Abt. 1903499
born Abt. 1845 in New York, USA499
b. Proven: Jacob Schoolcraft123
born Abt. 11-Jun-1783 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
died Bef. Feb-1785 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably124
c. Proven: Jacob I. Schoolcraft200, 201
born 11-Feb-1785 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]200
census 1810 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 32.01204
census 1840 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 181.01205
census 25-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 157206
died 04-Jul-1853 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA202
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; Rock Road cemetery202
married Probable Catherine Salsburg Bef. 1805206, 203
born Abt. 1789 in New York, USA206
census 18-Aug-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 841207
died Aft. 1860207
i. Proven: Gretchen Schoolcraft209
born 08-Sep-1805 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA209
ii. Probable: Lucinda Schoolcraft210, 211
born 26-Aug-1809 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA210
iii. Proven: Daniel Schoolcraft212
born 20-Jun-1812 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA212
census 30-Aug-1850 in Clay, Onondaga, New York, USA; pp. 316A.39, dw.
census 04-Aug-1860 in Clay, Onondaga, New York, USA; dw. 1125223
died Claimed 01-Jan-1868 in Clay, Onondaga, New York, USA220
buried Claimed Clay, Onondaga, New York, USA; Pines Planes cemetery220
married Probable Catherine A. Chase Bef. 1840222, 225
born Abt. 1812 in New York, USA222
census 24-Aug-1870 in Salina, Onondaga, New York, USA; pp. 26.28, dw.
census 1880 in Liverpool, Onondaga, New York, USA; pp. 229B13
died 04-Jun-1886 in Liverpool, Onondaga, New York, USA; Second St.221
buried Clay, Onondaga, New York, USA221
iv. Proven: Jacob Sylvester Schoolcraft213
born 04-Feb-1814 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA213
died 16-May-1849 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA226
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; Rock Road cemetery226
v. Proven: Eva Ann Schoolcraft214
born 25-Oct-1815 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA214
census 14-Jul-1870 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 34.01, dw.
census 1880 in Liverpool, Onondaga, New York, USA; pp. 229B12
census 1880 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA, pp. 133C13

married Proven Peter Sperbeck Bef. 1842227, 228, 12
born Abt. 1808 in New York, USA227
census 06-Aug-1850 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp.
32.35, dw. 241227
census 14-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp.
38.25, dw. 264228
vi. Proven: Maria Schoolcraft215
born 06-Nov-1816 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA215
died 30-May-1882 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA230
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; East Newark cemetery230
vii. Proven: Nancy Schoolcraft216
born 10-Jun-1819 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA216
viii. Proven: Harriet Schoolcraft217
born 10-Jul-1821 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA217
married Proven William Phillip208, 207
born Abt. 1821 in New York, USA208
census 25-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 156208
census 18-Aug-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 841207
ix. Proven: Ira Schoolcraft218
born 10-Apr-1823 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA218
census 29-Aug-1850 in Clay, Onondaga, New York, USA; pp. 315B.29, dw.
census 07-Jun-1860 in Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA; dw. 146,
Ward 1235
census 23-Jun-1870 in Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA; dw. 463,
Ward 2236
census 1880 in Waupun, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA237
census 12-Jun-1900 in Geneva, Kane, Illinois, USA; pp. 236A.30, dw. 333, ED
died 16-May-1905 in Geneva, Kane, Illinois, USA231
buried Geneva, Kane, Illinois, USA, Oak Hill cemetery231
married Proven Elizabeth A. [Unidentified] Abt. 1844238, 233
born 06-Oct-1823 in New York, USA232, 234
died 30-Nov-1901 in Geneva, Kane, Illinois, USA232
buried Geneva, Kane, Illinois, USA; Oak Hill cemetery232
x. Proven: Elmina Schoolcraft219
born 02-Sep-1833 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA219
d. Proven: Maria Schoolcraft241
born 07-Aug-1787 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]241,

died 19-Jul-1823242
married Proven Adam Weidman 29-Jan-1809243
born 05-Apr-1787 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, [Previously Albany Co.]245,

census 1820 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 047.09250

census 1830 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 374.18251
census 19-Jul-1860 in Parish (Oswego), Oswego, New York, USA; pp. 41.32, dw.
census 18-Jun-1870 in Palermo, Oswego, New York, USA; pp. 25.17, dw. 227,
died 24-Mar-1877246
i. Proven: Elias Weidman247
born 23-Jul-1809 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA247

ii. Proven: Caty Ann Weidman248
born 26-Nov-1811 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA248
married Proven [Unidentified] Schaeffer254, 144, 255
iii. Proven: Joseph Weidman249
born 09-Dec-1814 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA249
census 29-Aug-1850 in Hastings, Oswego, New York, USA; pp. 39.06, dw.
census 26-Jun-1860 in West Monroe, Oswego, New York, USA; pp. 12.28, dw.
census 07-Jul-1870 in Trenton, Oneida, New York, USA; pp. 70.31, dw. 638259
married Proven Sarah Ann Powell Oct256
born Abt. 1826 in New York, USA257
e. Proven: John Schoolcraft aka John Jr.260
born 14-Oct-1790 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]260
census 1820 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 190.07264
census 1825 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 17.04502
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 22.21265
census 1840 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 178.20266
census 07-Sep-1850 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 1841267
census 21-Jun-1860 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 184268
died 05-Nov-1862 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA261
buried 06-Nov-1862 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St. Paul's Lutheran
cemetery269, 261
married Proven Mary Settle aka Mariah Bef. 1812262
born Abt. 1790 in New York, USA263, 267
died 01-Nov-1864 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA263, 270
buried 03-Nov-1864 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St. Paul's Lutheran
cemetery269, 263
i. Proven: Elisha Schoolcraft262
born 28-Sep-1812 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA262
census 1840 in Greig, Lewis, New York, USA; pp. 25.11278
census 03-Aug-1850 in Greig, Lewis, New York, USA; dw. 1528279
census 18-Sep-1860 in Greig, Lewis, New York, USA; dw. 2883280
census 05-Aug-1870 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA; pp. 22.26, dw. 183281
died 02-Feb-1875 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA276
buried 11-Feb-1875 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA; Turin cemetery276
married Proven Anna Maria Dominick 25-Oct-1832 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New
York, USA; High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation274, 503
born 17-Dec-1812 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA275
census 1880 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA; pp. 297A282
died 22-May-1883 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA503
buried Turin, Lewis, New York, USA; Turin cemetery503
ii. Proven: Isaac Schoolcraft271
born 05-Oct-1816 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA271
census 1840 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 178.05283
census 25-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 233284
census 13-Jul-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 627285
census 09-Jun-1870 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 1.14, dw. 4286
census 1880 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 350A287
died 15-Feb-1881288
buried Gallupville, Schoharie, New York, USA; Gallupville Rural cemetery288
married Proven Catherine Maria Hiltz 23-Sep-1837 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New
York, USA; High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation277

born 30-Aug-1817 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA289, 284
died Aft. 1880287
iii. Proven: Nancy Maria Schoolcraft272
born 23-Aug-1818 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA272
iv. Proven: Hiram Schoolcraft273
born 29-May-1824 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA273
census 07-Sep-1850 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 1841267
census 21-Jun-1860 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 184268
census 23-Jun-1870 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 24.33, dw.
census 1880 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 255A291
died 19-Mar-1891292
buried Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St. Paul's Lutheran cemetery292
married Proven Hester Ann Thrall 03-Aug-1848 in Esperance, Schoharie, New
York, USA293
born 09-Jul-1828292
died 02-May-1851 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA294
buried Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St. Paul's Lutheran cemetery292
married Proven 2nd Electa Maria Becker 12-May-1852 in Schoharie, Schoharie,
New York, USA295
born Abt. 1832 in New York, USA268
died 1918292
buried Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St. Paul's Lutheran cemetery292
f. Conjecture: Ozias Schoolcraft297
born Abt. 08-Oct-1794296
died 11-Jan-1826 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA296
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; Newark Valley cemetery296
g. Proven: Elizabeth Schoolcraft298, 144
born 30-Apr-1798 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA298
married Proven John Zimmer 14-Oct-1814144, 299
born 14-May-1791 in New York, USA303, 94
census 1820 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 193.04300
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, pp. 029.25301
census 1840 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 184.10302
census 22-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 44303
census 25-Jul-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 706304
died 06-Mar-187994
i. Proven: Peter P. Zimmer305
born 28-Jan-1815 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA305
census 22-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 45313
married Proven Julia M. [Unidentified] Bef. 1844313
born Abt. 1815 in New York, USA313
ii. Proven: Maria Catherine Zimmer306, 39
born 10-Nov-1816 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA306
died 30-Jun-1895 in Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, USA299
married Proven Helmut Houghtaling 12-Mar-1835 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New
York, USA; High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation314
born 16-Feb-1813 in Schoharie, New York, USA299
died 17-May-1887 in Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, USA299
iii. Proven: Eva Zimmer307
born 13-Nov-1818 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA307

iv. Proven: Levi Zimmer308
born 30-Nov-1822 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA308
married Proven Caroline [Unidentified] Bef. 1855315
v. Proven: John Jacob Zimmer309
born 02-Sep-1825 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA309
vi. Proven: Adam Paul Zimmer310
born 15-Mar-1828 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA310
census 25-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 235316
census 25-Jul-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 701317
married Proven Margaret [Unidentified] Bef. 1850316
born Abt. 1831 in New York, USA316
vii. Proven: [Unnamed] Zimmer311
born Abt. 26-Feb-1831 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA311
viii. Proven: Hiram Zimmer312
born 22-Jan-1833 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA312
ix. Proven: Isaac Zimmer312
born 22-Jan-1833 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA312
census 25-Jul-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 706304
x. Proven: Catharine Zimmer303
born Abt. 1838 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA303
census 25-Jul-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 706304
married Probable [Unidentified] Schwartz Bef. 1860304
h. Proven: [3] Adam Schoolcraft318
born 10-Oct-1800 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA323
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 22.12324
census 1840 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 57.10325
census 23-Dec-1850 in Benton, Boone, Illinois, USA; dw. 15326
census 01-Aug-1860 in Belvidere, Boone, Illinois, USA; dw. 1181336
died Conjecture Bet. 1860 - 1870321, 322
married Proven [2] Catherine Schoolcraft aka Caty 24-Feb-1824 in Schoharie, Schoharie,
New York, USA; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
born 16-Sep-1806 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]320
died 18-Jan-1837 in Clay, Onondaga, New York, USA320
buried Clay, Onondaga, New York, USA; Pines Planes cemetery327
i. Proven: Eliza Emeline Schoolcraft327
born 31-Jul-1824 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA328
ii. Proven: Elias Schoolcraft aka Elisha Elijah328
born 17-Feb-1826 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA329
iii. Proven: Eva Maria Schoolcraft329
born 05-May-1827 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA332
married Proven Peter H. Lawyer 22-Dec-1853 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA;
Saint Paul's Lutheran Evangelical Church
born Abt. 1824 in New York, USA334
census 1880 in Sycamore, De Kalb, Illinois, USA; pp. 268B330
iv. Proven: Christina Schoolcraft330
born 30-Jun-1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA331
v. Proven: Nancy Aurelia Schoolcraft331
born 19-Sep-1833 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA335
census 04-Aug-1850 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 14.29, dw. 111
married Conjecture 2nd Hannah [Unidentified] Bet. 1837 - 1841
born Abt. 1804 in New York, USA336

census Conjecture 22-Jun-1870 in New Lisbon, Juneau, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 6.34, dw.
census Conjecture 02-Jun-1880 in New Lisbon, Juneau, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 413A325
vi. Conjecture stepson: Chester Hess aka Chester Schoolcraft325
born Abt. 1830 in New York, USA340
census 04-Aug-1860 in Bement, Piatt, Illinois, USA; dw. 961341
census 21-Jun-1870 in Bement, Piatt, Illinois, USA; dw. 125342
census 22-Sep-1870 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA; dw. 116341
married Proven Adeline R. [Unidentified] Bef. 1867
born Abt. 1826 in New Hampshire, USA343
census 1880 in Lancaster, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA; pp. 216A337
vii. Conjecture: Paul Schoolcraft339
born Abt. 1841 in New York, USA339
census 04-Aug-1860 in Bement, Piatt, Illinois, USA; dw. 982325
viii. Proven: Daniel W. Schoolcraft325, 346
born Feb-1842 in New York, USA344
census 02-Aug-1870 in Albion, Butler, Iowa, USA; dw. 211345
census 1880 in Parkersburg, Butler, Iowa, USA; pp. 92B346
census 27-Jun-1900 in Jasper, Jasper, Missouri, USA; pp. 203A.43, dw. 240, ED
65, Grand Ave., Preston Twp.346
married Proven Frances A. [Unidentified] Abt. 1873
born Dec-1846 in Ohio, USA346, 345
ix. Proven: Mary Jane Schoolcraft325
born Abt. 1844 in New York, USA325
i. Proven: Sophia Schoolcraft347
born 25-Apr-1805 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA347
census 01-Jun-1860 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 13.02, dw. 96350
died 1888348
married Proven [Unidentified] Fridendall Bef. 183639, 349
i. Proven: Jacob Fridendall39
married Proven 2nd [1] John W. Wolford 27-Aug-1836 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York,
USA; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church351
born Abt. 1792 in New York, USA352
census 10-Aug-1850 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 8352
census 20-Jun-1860 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 135353
ii. Proven: Seneca Wolford354
born 24-Sep-1836 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA354
census 27-Jul-1860 in Walworth, Wayne, New York, USA; pp. 93.03, dw.
census 27-Sep-1870 in Hubbardston, Ionia, Michigan, USA; pp. 11.02, dw. 92356
census 1880 in Hubbardston, Ionia, Michigan, USA; pp. 9A357
married Proven Nancy Athelia Townsend Bef. 1857355, 357
born Abt. 1838 in New York, USA355
iii. Proven: Cornelia H. Wolford352
born Abt. 1841 in New York, USA352
iv. Proven: Martha Wolford352
born Abt. 1844 in New York, USA352
census 01-Jun-1860 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 13.02,
dw. 96350
j. Proven: Catherine Schoolcraft358, 39, 359
born Conjecture Bef. 1815360

married Proven [1] John W. Wolford Bef. 02-Apr-1831358
born Abt. 1792 in New York, USA352
census 10-Aug-1850 in Richmondville, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 8352
census 20-Jun-1860 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 135353
i. Proven: Caty Eliza Wolford39
ii. Proven: Caroline Wolford144
3. Proven: Lawrence Schoolcraft40
born 15-Nov-1763 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]40
died Dec-1763 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]41
buried Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]41
4. Proven: John Schoolcraft42
born 31-Jan-1765 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]42
census 1790 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 200.11 [Previously Albany Co.]48
census 1800 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 1170.1149
census 1810 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 32.0950
census 1820 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 187.3851
census 1825 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 18.24504
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 22.2052
census 1840 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 182.2453
military Abt. 1780 ; 15th Regiment Militia, Revolutionary War17
fact Abt. 1795 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Donation towards new church26
fact Bet. 1811 - 1833 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Elected elder and trustee of St.
Paul's Church74
died 18-Jun-1849 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA46, 47
married Proven Maria Catharina Schell 16-Mar-1784 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St.
Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church43
born 02-Nov-1763 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, [Previously Albany Co.]44
died 19-Jun-1845 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA45
buried Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; On Robert Shultes farm45
a. Proven: Jacob Schoolcraft aka Jacob Jr.46, 361
born Abt. 1784 in New York, USA362, 363
census 1810 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 32.10364
census 1820 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 190.17365
census 1825 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 18.22505
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 23.17366
census 1840 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 182.2453
census 25-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 160362
census 16-Aug-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 805367
died 03-Dec-1869 in Gallupville, Schoharie, New York, USA363
buried 23-Dec-1869 in Gallupville, Schoharie, New York, USA363
married Proven Eva Settle aka Zell Bef. 1806319, 368
born Abt. Jun-1787368
died 23-Sep-1831 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA368
buried Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; On Robert Shultes farm368
i. Proven: [2] Catherine Schoolcraft aka Caty319
born 16-Sep-1806 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously
Albany Co.]319, 320
died 18-Jan-1837 in Clay, Onondaga, New York, USA320
buried Clay, Onondaga, New York, USA; Pines Planes cemetery320
married Proven [3] Adam Schoolcraft 24-Feb-1824 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New
York, USA; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church321, 322
born 10-Oct-1800 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA318
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 22.12323

census 1840 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 57.10324
census 23-Dec-1850 in Benton, Boone, Illinois, USA; dw. 15325
census 01-Aug-1860 in Belvidere, Boone, Illinois, USA; dw. 1181326
died Conjecture Bet. 1860 - 1870
ii. Proven: John Schoolcraft369
born 18-Jan-1808 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
iii. Proven: Maria Schoolcraft370
born 17-Apr-1809 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously
Albany Co.]370
married Proven Peter C. Sandt 14-Nov-1832 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA;
Beaver Dam Dutch Reformed Church376
born Abt. 1808376
iv. Proven: Gideon Schoolcraft371
born 07-Nov-1812 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA371
census 25-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 154377
census 18-Aug-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 843378
census 14-Jun-1870 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 10.35, dw. 85379
census 1880 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA380
died 12-May-1883381, 382
buried Gallupville, Schoharie, New York, USA; Gallupville Rural cemetery382
married Proven Marietta Zimmer 18-Oct-1832 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York,
USA; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church383
born 18-Mar-1813 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA384
died 02-May-1840 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA385
buried Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA, On Robert Shultes farm385
married Proven 2nd Nancy Adeline Fairlee 02-Oct-1842 in Schoharie, Schoharie,
New York, USA; High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation386
born 24-Oct-1828 in New York, USA377, 382
died 03-Feb-1894382
buried Gallupville, Schoharie, New York, USA; Gallupville Rural cemetery382
v. Proven: Peter P. Schoolcraft372
born 02-Dec-1814 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA372
census 25-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 160362
census 16-Aug-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 805387
census 13-Jun-1870 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 8.40, dw. 69388
census 1880 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 363C389
died 11-May-1897390
buried Gallupville, Schoharie, New York, USA; Gallupville Rural cemetery390
married Proven Christina Becker 19-Mar-1835 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York,
USA; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church391, 392
born 23-Jun-1815 in New York, USA390, 362
died 07-Aug-1898390
buried Gallupville, Schoharie, New York, USA; Gallupville Rural cemetery390
vi. Proven: Anna Christina Schoolcraft373
born 02-Mar-1817 in Guilderland, Albany, New York, USA373
died 08-Apr-1846393
buried Gallupville, Schoharie, New York, USA; Gallupville Rural cemetery393
married Proven William P. Zimmer 17-Nov-1834 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New
York, USA; High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation396
born Abt. 1805 in New York, USA395
census 1840 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 179.21394
census 22-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 47395

died 10-Nov-1853393, 94
buried Gallupville, Schoharie, New York, USA; Gallupville Rural cemetery393
vii. Proven: Jacob Frederick Schoolcraft374
born 13-Nov-1823 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA374
census 18-Aug-1860 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 845397
census 13-Jul-1870 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 7.12, dw. 49398
census 1880 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA399
died 1892240
buried Gallupville, Schoharie, New York, USA; Gallupville Rural cemetery240
married Proven Maria Schell 29-Dec-1847 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA;
Beaver Dam Dutch Reformed Church400
born Abt. 1829 in New York, USA397, 400, 240
died 1900240
buried Gallupville, Schoharie, New York, USA; Gallupville Rural cemetery240
viii. Proven: Eva Eliza Schoolcraft375
born 20-Mar-1828 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA375
married Proven 2nd Catherine Steiner 29-Sep-1832 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA;
Beaver Dam Dutch Reformed Church401
born Abt. 1797 in New York, USA362
census 13-Jun-1870 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 8.40, dw. 69388
b. Proven: Elizabeth Schoolcraft402
born 30-Apr-1790 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]402
census 04-Aug-1850 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 14.24, dw. 110403
died 11-Apr-1851 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA404
buried Berne, Albany, New York, USA; Beaver Dam cemetery404
married Proven John J. Shultes Bef. 181146, 405
born Abt. 1787 in New York, USA406
census 04-Aug-1850 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 14.29, dw. 111406
died 12-Apr-1858 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA404
buried Berne, Albany, New York, USA; Beaver Dam cemetery404
i. Proven: Gideon Shultes405
born 26-Dec-1811 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA405
census 04-Aug-1850 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 14.29, dw. 111406
census 20-Jul-1860 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 32.06, dw. 226408
census 11-Jul-1870 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 1.26, dw. 7409
ii. Proven: Jacob Shultes407
born 03-Jun-1817 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA407
census 04-Aug-1850 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 14.24, dw. 110403
census 20-Jul-1860 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 32.06, dw. 226408
census 11-Jul-1870 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 1.26, dw. 7409
died 03-Sep-1891 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA407
married Probable [Unidentified] Bef. 1841403
married Proven 2nd Angelica [Unidentified] Bet. 1850 - 1852408
born Abt. 1830 in New York, USA408
c. Proven: Maria Schoolcraft410
born 09-Jul-1794 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]410
died Bef. 184947
married Proven John Saddlemire Bef. 1811411, 412
born 02-Oct-1790 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, [Previously Albany Co.]413
census 10-Aug-1850 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 44.13, dw. 358414
i. Proven: Mahala Saddlemire411
born Abt. 23-Jun-1811 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA411

5. Proven: Lawrence Schoolcraft54
born 28-Mar-1767 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]54
census 1800 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 1170.1258
census 1810 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 32.0859
census 1820 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 187.3760
census 1825 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 18.25506
census 1830 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 394.0561
census 03-Aug-1850 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; dw. 9562
military Bet. Jul-1778 - 08-Apr-1781 ; Private in 15th Regiment Militia, Revolutionary War17
fact Abt. 1795 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, Donation towards new church26
fact Bet. 1815 - 1819 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, Elected elder of St. Paul's
died Aft. 185062
married Proven Arianne Reinhard 15-Aug-1790 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church55
born Abt. 27-Sep-1768 in Katsbaan, Saugerties, Ulster, New York, USA56
died Bef. 185062, 57
a. Proven: Catherine Schoolcraft415
born 12-Feb-1792 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]415
b. Proven: Lawrence Schoolcraft416
born 13-Feb-1794 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]416
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 24.03424
census 1840 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 59.25425
census 12-Aug-1850 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw. 349426
census 30-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw. 424427
census 21-Jul-1870 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA, pp. 52.27, dw. 469428
military 1812 ; Soldier429
died 06-Jan-1873 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA429
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; Newark Valley cemetery429
married Proven Hannah Gleichmann 23-Feb-1817 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA;
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church423
born Abt. 1794 in New York, USA427
died Abt. 1888 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA430, 431
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; East Newark cemetery430
i. Proven: Caty Maria Schoolcraft432
born 20-Sep-1817 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA432
census 30-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
ii. Proven: Jacob Henry Schoolcraft433
born 15-Jun-1819 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA433
census 31-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
census 21-Jul-1870 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 52.27, dw.
census 1880 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA431
died 08-Jun-1895 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA437
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; East Newark cemetery437
married Proven Sarah Wright Bef. 1857436, 438
born Abt. 01-Feb-1835 in New York, USA439, 436
died 09-Apr-1868 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA439
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA, East Newark cemetery439
iii. Proven: Peter Schoolcraft434
born 02-Apr-1822 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA434
census 31-Aug-1850 in Owego, Tioga, New York, USA; dw. 858440

census 30-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
died 05-Apr-1888 in Owego, Tioga, New York, USA, Lisle Rd.442
buried 07-Apr-1889 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; East Newark
married Probable Angeline Bakeman Bef. 1848440, 444, 445
born 09-Oct-1824 in New York, USA443
census 15-Jul-1860 in Owego, Tioga, New York, USA; dw. 303446
census 29-Jun-1870 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
census 1880 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 230B448
died 13-Jan-1888 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA443
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; East Newark cemetery443
iv. Proven: Harriet Schoolcraft435
born 02-Apr-1824 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA435
died 19-Jul-1871 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA449
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; Hope cemetery449
married Proven [Unidentified] Stevens Bef. 1871449
v. Proven: Minor Schoolcraft426, 450
born Abt. May-1826 in New York, USA455, 426
census 31-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
census 21-Jul-1870 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 52.24, dw.
census 1880 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA454
census 19-Jun-1900 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 124B.95,
dw. 208, ED 124455
census 18-Apr-1910 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 3B.79, dw.
71, ED 151456
died 23-Sep-1912 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA457
married Proven Nancy [Unidentified] Abt. 1857452
born Apr-1835 in New York, USA452, 455
vi. Proven: Frederick Schoolcraft451
born Abt. 19-Jul-1829 in New York, USA451
died 23-Nov-1832 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA451
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; East Newark cemetery451
vii. Proven: Seneca Schoolcraft426, 458
born Sep-1833 in New York, USA462
census 29-Jun-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
census 18-Jul-1870 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 43.25, dw.
census 1880 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 127A461
census 01-Jun-1900 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 127B.52,
dw. 13, ED 125, Newark Valley village462
census 19-Apr-1910 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA, pp. 6B.94, dw.
168, ED 150499
military 22-Aug-1862 ; Enlisted as a the age of 30.463
military 22-Aug-1862 ; Enlisted in Company G, 137th Infantry Regiment New
military Abt. 01-Mar-1863 ; Promoted to Full Sergeant (Estimated date).463
military 09-Jun-1865 ; Mustered out Company G, 137th Infantry Regiment New
York in Bladensburg, MD.463
died Aft. 1910499

married Proven Phebe C. Golden Bef. 1856464, 459
born 15-Jan-1839 in New York, USA464, 459
died 09-Mar-1875 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA464
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA, Hope cemetery464
viii. Proven: Perry Schoolcraft426
born Abt. 1835 in New York, USA426
census 30-Jul-1860 in Newark, Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; dw.
census 04-Jul-1870 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; pp. 10.01, dw.
census 21-Apr-1910 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA, pp. 7B.68, dw.
167, ED 151466
military 26-Sep-1862 ; Enlisted as a Private at the age of 37467
military 29-Sep-1862 ; Enlisted in Company H, 142nd Infantry Regiment New
military 16-Feb-1863 ; Deserted Company H, 142nd Infantry Regiment New
York in Alexandria, VA.467
died 02-Jan-1925 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA468
buried Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, USA; Hope cemetery468
married Proven Clarissa [Unidentified] Bef. 1867465
born Abt. 1848 in New York, USA465
died Bef. 1910466
ix. Proven: Georgina Schoolcraft426
born Abt. 1846 in New York, USA426
x. Proven: Estella Julia Schoolcraft426, 427
born Abt. 1848 in New York, USA426, 427
c. Proven: Margaret Schoolcraft417
born 13-May-1796 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA417
died Aft. 1860470
married Proven John Joseph Sandt 09-Oct-1815 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA;
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church469
born Abt. 1796 in New York, USA62
census 03-Aug-1850 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; dw. 9562
census 19-Jul-1860 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; dw. 205470
died Aft. 1860470
i. Proven: William Sandt62
born Abt. 1825 in New York, USA62
census 24-Jul-1860 in Knox, Albany, New York, USA; dw. 267471
married Proven Sarah A. [Unidentified] Bef. 1859471
born Abt. 1834 in New York, USA471
ii. Proven: Elizabeth Sandt62
born Abt. 1828 in New York, USA62
iii. Proven: Caty Sandt62
born Abt. 1830 in New York, USA62
iv. Proven: Adam Sandt62
born Abt. 1833 in New York, USA62
v. Proven: Sarah Sandt62
born Abt. 1839 in New York, USA62
d. Proven: George Frederick Schoolcraft418
born 23-Jul-1798 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA418
e. Proven: William Schoolcraft419
born 29-Jul-1799 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA419

census 1840 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 170.09472
census 19-Jul-1850 in Duanesburg, Schenectady, New York, USA; dw. 70473
census 20-Sep-1860 in Duanesburg, Schenectady, New York, USA; dw. 1326474
married Probable Catherine Mattice Bef. 1837475, 476
born Abt. 1800477
died 18-Dec-1840 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA477
i. Proven: Ezra Schoolcraft475
born 23-Sep-1837 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA475
census 22-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 48478
census 30-Jun-1860 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA; dw. 391479
census 23-Jun-1870 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 24.37, dw.
census 1880 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA481
census 06-Jun-1900 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 279B.95, dw.
74, ED 64482
died 1900483
buried Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Old Stone Fort cemetery483
married Proven Eliza Germond 17-Jul-1858 in Middleburgh, Schoharie, New York,
USA; Reformed Dutch Church484
born Oct-1838 in New York, USA482
died 1920483
buried Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Old Stone Fort cemetery483
married Proven 2nd Melinda [Unidentified] Aft. 1840473
born Abt. 1801 in New York, USA473
f. Probable: Elizabeth Schoolcraft420, 421
born Conjecture Bef. 1803420
married Proven Dennis Delus Bef. 1819420
i. Proven: John Joseph Delus420
born 02-Jul-1819 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA420
g. Proven: Christina Schoolcraft422
born 10-Oct-1806 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA422
6. Proven: William Schoolcraft63
born 01-Jan-1769 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]63
census 1800 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 1170.1368
census 1810 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 32.0269
census 1820 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 188.0270
census 1825 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 18.20507
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 23.1471
census 25-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 27472
military Bet. Jul-1778 - 08-Apr-1781 ; Private in 15th Regiment Militia, Revolutionary War17
fact Abt. 1795 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, Donation towards new church26
fact Bet. 1810 - 1812 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, Elected elder of St. Paul's
died 10-Dec-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA64, 65
buried 24-Dec-1850 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA65
married Proven Christine Reinhard 25-Nov-1790 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church66
born Abt. 24-Oct-1770 in Katsbaan, Saugerties, Ulster, New York, USA67
died Bef. 185072
a. Conjecture: William Schoolcraft485, 486
born Abt. 1790486
census 1825 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 18.04508

census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 23.10485
census 1840 in Fulton, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 80.03487
b. Proven: Catherine Schoolcraft488
born 24-May-1791 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]488
died 01-Feb-1817 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA489
buried Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA489
married Proven Jacob Stoner 26-Jul-1812 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St.
Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church490
born Bet. 1780 - 1790492
census 1820 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, pp. 188.08491
census 1830 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 023.15492
i. Probable: Peter Stoner72
born Abt. 1817 in New York, USA72
census 25-Jul-1850 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 27472
census 11-Jul-1860 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 50873
married Proven Rachel [Unidentified] Bef. 184872
born Abt. 1825 in New York, USA72
c. Proven: Elizabeth Schoolcraft493
born 14-Jun-1801 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA493
died 07-Dec-1848 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA494
buried 19-Dec-1848 in Wright, Schoharie, New York, USA494
married Proven John D. Carter 09-Apr-1822 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St.
Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church495
born Abt. 1800 in New York, USA497
census 1840 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 182.25496
census 05-Sep-1850 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; dw. 1735497
census 14-Jun-1870 in Middleburgh, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 8.08, dw. 52498
i. Proven: Paul Carter498
born Abt. 1824 in New York, USA498
census 14-Jun-1870 in Middleburgh, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 8.08, dw.
married Proven Lucinda [Unidentified] Bef. 1854498
born Abt. 1827 in New York, USA498
7. Proven: Elizabeth Schoolcraft78
born 10-Jun-1771 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]78
died Conjecture Bef. 177579
8. Proven: David Schoolcraft80
born 25-Oct-1773 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]80
9. Proven: Lysebeth Schoolcraft81
born 18-Oct-1775 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]81
10. Proven: Maria Schoolcraft82
born 09-Sep-1778 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]82

married Proven 2nd Christina Sternberg Bet. 1778 - 18084

born Abt. 1732 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA, [Previously Albany Co.]22
died Aft. 23-Sep-18084

1 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Baptismal Pages Possessed by St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church but not from St. Paul's: Baptism of Johann Lorantz on [Mar 20 1732/33], parents James
Schulkraft & Anna Christina, sponsors Wilhelm Kammer & Apelonia Kammer.

Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers: with brief notices of
passing events, facts, and opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Philadelphia, Lippincott,
Grambo and co., 1851.
3 The Palatine Families of New York, Volume 1, Henry Z. Jones Jr., Picton Press, Camden, ME
4 Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, New York: Abstracts of Wills, (Abstracts of Wills, Letters of

Administration and Guardianship, Schoharie Co., NY), Vol. 1, pp. 209: Will of Christina Schoolcraft daughter of
Lambert Sternbergh and the wife of Lawrence Schoolcraft : Dated Sep 23, 1808 : Probated : Mentions daughter
Rebecca wife of Daniel Budd, daughter Maria, grand-daughter Christina eldest daughter of Christian Lawyer :
Executors husband Lorentz Schoolcraft, daughter Maria, daughter Rebecca : Witnesses Peter Wiesmer, Samiel Snyder,
Noah Dudley.
5 New York: State Archives, Annual Report of the State Historian: Muster roll of Capt. William McGinnis Company

dated 1755.
6 Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country and Detailing Some Facts and Opinions on Two

Particular Branch of This Family - With Regards to the Migration of That Branch From New York, to Virginia and
Kentucky. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Edward J. Schoolcraft, 4809 Douglas MacArthur NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
87110, 1986 (4th Printing 1993, w/revisions)
New York, Schoharie: Republican Newspaper, Death on 12 [Aug 1834] of Jacob Schoolcraft In this town on the
12th. Gen. Jacob Schoolcraft in his 74th year. S.R. Aug 26 1834.
Berthold Fernow, New York: New York in the Revolution, (originally published as Documents Relating to the
Colonial History of the State of NY, Vol. XV, Albany, NY 1887; Reprinted for Clearfiled in 1999 by Genealogical
Publications Co, Baltimore)
9 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Miscellaneous Vol. 2 pg 56 On 17 Abrill 1786:

Laurence Schulgraft Receipt for £30 (joint with Johannes Lawyer).

10 Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, Abstracts of Wills, Letters of Administration and Guardianship,

Schoharie Co., NY, Vol. 3, pg. 335 and Vol. 4, pg. 363.
11 Nebraska: Newspaper, Omaha Daily Bee, September 24th, 1890: A barn belonging to George McClintock, four

miles west of Cedar Rapids, was burned. The place was rented by E. A. Schoolcraft, who lost one horse, some
machinery and other goods. One horse was saved by Mrs. Schoolcraft by great personal risk, but she burned her hands.
12 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254937 National Archives Film T9-0937 pp. 133C: Newark Valley,

Tioga Co., NY : James M. CLIFFORD Self male married white age 35 born in KY occupation Farmer father born in
PA mother born in PA: Celia A. CLIFFORD Wife female married white age 33 born in NY occupation House Keeper
father born in NY mother born in NY: Fred W. CLIFFORD Son male single white age 13 born in NY occupation At
Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Eva A. CLIFFORD Dau female single white age 11 born in NY
occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Eva SCHOOLCRAFT MotherL female white age 60 born
in NY occupation Lives Here father born in NY mother born in NY.
13 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254906 National Archives Film T9-0906 pp. 229B: Liverpool,

Onondaga Co., NY : Cath. A. SCHOOLCRAFT Self female white age 61 born in NY occupation Keeping House father
born in RI mother born in NY: William M. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 29 born in NY occupation
Laborer father born in NY mother born in RI: James M. CLIFFORD Self male married white age 35 born in KY
occupation Farmer father born in PA mother born in PA: Celia A. CLIFFORD Wife female married white age 33 born
in NY occupation House Keeper father born in NY mother born in NY: Fred W. CLIFFORD Son male single white age
13 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Eva A. CLIFFORD Dau female single
white age 11 born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Eva SCHOOLCRAFT MotherL
female white age 60 born in NY occupation Lives Here father born in NY mother born in NY.
The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Lawrence Schoolcraft.
15 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Schoharie, Albany Co., NY, pp. 200.12, Lawrence Schoolcraft. Male: 2 >16, 1

<16, female: 3.
16 Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 1170.14, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft. Male: 1

<10, 1 >45, female: 1 <10, 1 10-16, 1 >45.

New York in the Revolution, The roster of the 15th Regiment Militia.
18 Allen Burton, Historian for the Town of Wright, New York, Wright: Cemetery Listings, (Film 0532958), Cemetery

on Robert Shultes Farm (Shultes Road near Catherine Hotalings), (Stones all down, decidedly desecrated, stones
broken.): Death on born December 18, 1761 died August 12, 1834, age 72/7/24 J S 1834 of Schoolcraft, Jacob "GEN"
Note: pp. 29 Warner's History of Four Wars: Served under Brown, Richtmyer, Miller.
19 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Vol. 2 pg 175 On July 1781: Lawrence Schoolcraft

elected trustee. On April 1784: Lawrence Schoolcraft elected elder. On April 6 1784: Lawrence Schoolcraft elected

New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 23 Oct [1759] of Lorentz Schulkraf &
Maria Schneider.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Anna Maria [SCHNEYDER] on Mar 13
1736/37, parents Pieter Sneyer & Elys. Sneyer, sponsors Johns. Scheyver & A. Maria Scheyver.
22 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, "Electronic," Event Christening:

Christina STARENBERG : F : Father Lambert STARENBERG : Mother Cathrina FELLER : Date 1732 : Place High
And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
23 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Peter on [1760] born Jan 9 [1760],

parents Lorentz Schulkraf & Maria, sponsors Peter Schneider and his wife.
24 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Rensselaerville, Albany Co., NY, pp. 192.28, Peter Schoolcraft. Male: 1 >16,

female: 2.
25 Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 127.20, Bern, Albany Co., NY, Peter Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <10, 1 26-45,

female: 1 <10, 1 26-45.

New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Miscellaneous Vol. 2 pp. 45 About 1795: William
Schoolcraft £1 16 6 towards new church. Lawrence Schoolcraft £3 12 0 towards new church. John Schoolcraft £5 9 0
towards new church. Peter Schoolcraft £5 10 0 towards new church.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 15 Jan [1788] of Pitter Schulcraft &
Beada Merinuss.
New York, Schoharie: IGI: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, (International Genealogical Index - United
States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Beata MARINUS : F : Father Jeremias MARINUS : Mother Christiana : Date
7 Jul 1763 : Place Saint Pauls Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
29 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Schulkraf, Jacob on [1761] born 18 Dec

1761, parents Lorentz & Maria Schulkraf, sponsors Jacob Schnider & Elizabeth Mann.
30 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Genealogy: First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, CREATED/PUBLISHED:

Edward J. Schoolcraft. 4809 Douglas MacArthur, NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110: 1986 (4th Printing 1993,
w/revisions), On 5 October, 1832, Jacob Schoolcraft (W19323), in the Court of Common Pleas in Schoharie (now
Albany) Co., New York, made a declaration in support of his application for a pension as provided by an Act of
Congress for service performed during the Revolution. He states that he was 70 years old at that time and was born on
18 December, 1761.
31 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Schoharie, Albany Co., NY, pp. 200.13, Jacob Schoolcaft. Male: 1 >16, 2 <16,

female: 2.
32 Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 1170.15, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-16, 1

16-26, 1 26-45, female: 1 <10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45.

33 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 31.39, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-16, 1

16-26, 1 >45, female: 1 <10, 1 10-16, 1 >45.

34 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 189.16, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob Schoolcraft. Male: 1 16-26, 1

>45, female: 2 10-16, 1 >45, agriculture: 2.

35 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 23.16, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 70-

80, female: 1 15-20, 1 20-30, 1 70-80.

36 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 5 Nov 1780 of Jacob Schulcrafft &

Maria Catharina Zimmer.

37 Allen Burton, Historian for the Town of Wright, New York, Wright: Cemetery Listings, (Film 0532958), Cemetery

on Robert Shultes Farm (Shultes Road near Catherine Hotalings), (Stones all down, decidedly desecrated, stones
broken.): Death on Feb 10 1837 age 77 years of Schoolcraft, Catharine wife of Jacob Schoolcraft.
Adam Weidman, New York: Adam Weidman Jr. Family Bible, My Father in Law Jacob Schoolcraft was born. My
Mother in Law Mary Caty Zimmer was born August 30th 1762.
Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, New York: Abstracts of Wills, (Abstracts of Wills, Letters of
Administration and Guardianship, Schoharie Co., NY), Vol. 3 pp. 215: Will of Mary Catherine Schoolcraft of
Schoharie : Dated Feb 18, 1835 : Probated Aug 7, 1837 : Mentions Betsey Zimmer, daughter Sophie Schoolcraft,
grand-daughter Mary Catherine Zimmer, grand-daughter Caty Eliza Wolford, grand-son Jacob Fridendall : Executors
John C. Zimmer, Peter Zimmer : Witnesses William Schoolcraft of Schoharie, Ezra Gallup Jr. of Schoharie.
40 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Lorentz on [1763] born Nov 15 [1763],

parents Lorentz Schulkraf & Maria, sponsors Peter Schneider Jun. & Maria Elisabeth Schulkraf.
41 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Deaths and Obits Vol. 1 pg 236 #6: Death on _ Dec

[1763] of Lorentz Schulkraf a little boy.

New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Johannes on [1765] born Jan 31 [1765],
parents Lorentz Schulkraf & Maria, sponsors Johannes Bauch and his wife.

New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 16 Mar [1784] of Johannes Schoolcraft
& Maria Catharina Schell.
New York, Schoharie: IGI: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, (International Genealogical Index - United
States), "Electronic," Event Birth: Maria Catharina SCHELL : Father Jacob Friederich SCHELL : Mother Anna Maria :
Date 2 Nov 1763 : Place Saint Pauls Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
Allen Burton, Historian for the Town of Wright, New York, Wright: Cemetery Listings, (Film 0532958), Cemetery
on Robert Shultes Farm (Shultes Road near Catherine Hotalings), (Stones all down, decidedly desecrated, stones
broken.): Death on September 11 1845 age 82/10/0 C S of Schoolcraft, Mary Catharine wife of John Schoolcraft.
46 Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, New York: Abstracts of Wills, (Abstracts of Wills, Letters of

Administration and Guardianship, Schoharie Co., NY), Vol. 4, pp. 363: Will of John Schoolcraft of Schoharie : Dated
Oct 10, 1831 : Probated Sep 6, 1849 : Mentions son Jacob Jr., wife Mary Catherine, daughter Elizabeth wife of John
Schultes : Executors daughter Elizabeth, son Jacob Jr. : Witnesses Isaac Barber, Jacob I. Schoolcraft, Cicero Barber.
47 Abstracted by Virgil D. White, Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files, (National Historical

Publishing Company, Waynesboro, Tennessee, 1992), SCHOOLCRAFT John, NY Line, S15221, sol was b at
Schoharie NY he lived there at enl & he appl there 3 Oct 1832 aged 67, one Jacob Schoolcraft was a witness for sol in
Oct 1832 but did not state a relationship, sol m. Maria Catharine Shell on 16 Mar 1784 & was referred to Johannes
Schoolcraft in the marriage records of the Lutheran Church in Schoharie Co NY, one Jacob Schoolcraft, Jr. made aff'dt
3 Nov 1853 in Schoharie Co NY aged 69 & stated he was the son of the Rev sol John Schoolcraft & stated his father d
18 Jun 1849 at Wright (formerly part of Schoharie) NY & his mother (not named) d 11 Sep 1845, surviving children
were Jacob Schoolcraft, Jr. & Elizabeth wife of John Shultes his only heirs, sol was aged 84 when he died & always
lived in Schoharie Co NY.
48 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Schoharie, Albany Co., NY, pp. 200.11, Honest Schoolcraft. Male: 1 >16, 1

<16, female: 3.
49 Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 1170.11, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-16, 1

26-45, female: 1 <10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45.

50 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 32.09, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 >45,

female: 1 16-26, 1 >45, non-wht.: 1.

51 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 187.38, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <10, 1 16-

26, 1 26-45, 1 >45, female: 1 <10, 1 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 >45, agriculture: 2.

52 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 22.20, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, John J. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 5-

10, 2 15-20, 1 40-50, female: 2 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 40-50.

53 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 182.24, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 15-

20, 1 20-30, 1 50-60, 1 70-80, female: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 20-30, 1 40-50, 1 70-80.John Schoolcraft,
Pensioner for Revolutionary or Military Services, age 75.
54 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Lorentz on [1767] born Mar 28 [1767],

parents Lorentz Schulkraf & Maria, sponsors Jurgen Hule and his wife.
55 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 15 Aug. [1790] of Laurens Shulcraft

and Ariangen Reinhard.

56 New York, Katsbaan: IGI: Dutch Reformed Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),

"Electronic," Event Christening: Arriantje REYNHART : F : Father Jorg Frederick REYNHART : Mother Cathrina
FROLICH : Date 27 Sep 1768 : Place Dutch Reformed Church, Katsbaan, Ulster, New York.
57 David J. Ellis, By 1850 Lawrence is living with his daughter Margaret and Arriane is not with them.
58 Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 1170.12, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft Jr. Male: 1

<10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45, female: 1 26-45.

Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 32.08, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft. Male: 2 <10, 1
10-16, 1 26-45, female: 2 <10, 1 26-45.
Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 187.37, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft. Male: 2 <10,
1 26-45, 1 >45, female: 1 <10, 2 10-16, 1 26-45, 1 >45, agriculture: 1.
61 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 394.05, Knox, Albany Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft . Male: 1 60-70,

female: 1 60-70.
62 Federal Population Schedule, 3-Aug-1850, dw. 95, Knox, Albany Co., NY, fam. 95, John Jost Sand age 54 sex M

farmer born in NY, Margret wife age 54 sex F born in NY, William age 25 sex M farmer born in NY, Elizabeth age 22
sex F born in NY, Caty age 20 sex F born in NY, Adam age 17 sex M born in NY, Sarah age 11 sex F born in NY, Eve
Sand age 75 sex F born in NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft age 83 sex M born in NY.
63 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Wilhelm on [1769] born Jan 1 [1769],

parents Lorentz Schulkraf & Maria, sponsors Wilhelm Rinc and Maria Werth.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Death on 14 Dec 1850 of William Schoolcraft age

New York, Schoharie: Republican Newspaper, Death on 10 [Dec 1850] of William Schoolcraft In the town of
Wright, on the mornng of the 10th. Aged 81 years, 11 months, 14 days. S.R. Dec 24 1850.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 25 Nov [1790] of Wilhelm Schulcraft &
Christingen Reinhard.
67 New York, Katsbaan: IGI: Dutch Reformed Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),

"Electronic," Event Christening: Christina REINHARD : F : Father Georg Friderich REINHARD : Mother Catharina
FROLICH : Date 24 Oct 1770 : Place Dutch Reformed Church, Katsbaan, Ulster, New York.
68 Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 1170.13, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, William Schoolcraft. Male: 1 26-

45, female: 1 <10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45.

69 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 32.02, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, William Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-16, 2

16-26, 1 26-45, female: 1 <10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45.

70 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 188.02, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, William Schoolcraft. Male: 3 <10, 1

10-16, 1 26-45, female: 1 <10, 1 16-26, agriculture: 1.

Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 23.14, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, William Schoolcraft Jr. Male: 1 <5, 2
5-10, 1 10-15, 1 20-30, 1 40-50, 1 60-70, female: 1 <5, 1 15-20, 1 50-60.
Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1850, pp. 21A.09, dw. 274, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 275, Peter Stoner
age 32 sex M farmer born in NY, William Schoolcraft age 81 sex M farmer born in NY, Rachel Stoner age 25 sex F
born in NY, James age 2 sex M born in NY, Margaret age 4/12 sex F born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 11-Jul-1860, pp. 73.34, dw. 508, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 521, Peter
Stoner age 42 sex m farmer born in NY, Rachal age 37 sex f born in NY, James age 12 sex m born in NY, Maggie age
10 sex f born in NY, Albert age 8 sex m born in NY, Leandei age 1 sex m born in NY.
74 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Vol. 2 pg 178-182: On Oct 9, 1811: John Schoolcraft

elected trustee. On Oct 16, 1814: John Schoolcraft elected trustee. On Oct 24, 1818: John Schoolcraft elected trustee.
On year 1826: John Schoolcraft elected elder. On May 24, 1827: John Schoolcraft elected elder. On May 24, 1828:
John Schoolcraft elected elder. On May 28, 1829: John Schoolcraft elected elder. On May 12, 1831: John Schoolcraft
elected elder. On May 16, 1833: John Schoolcraft elected elder.
75 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Vol. 2 pg 178-179, On Oct 22, 1815: Laurance

Sculcraft elected elder. On January 18, 1819: Laurance Sculcraft elected elder.
76 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Vol. 2 pg 178: On Oct 7, 1810: William Schoolcraft

elected elder. On Oct 9, 1811: William Schoolcraft elected elder. On Oct 9, 1812: William Schoolcraft elected elder.
77 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Vol. 2 pg 180: On year 1826: David J. Schoolcraft

elected deacon. On May 24, 1827: David J. Schoolcraft elected deacon. On Aug. 30, 1828: David Schoolcraft elected
78 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Elisabeth on [1771] born Jun 10 [1771],

parents Lorentz Schulgraff & Maria, sponsors Johannes Ingold and his wife Elisabeth.
79 David J. Ellis, Conjecture: The birth of another child with the same name (Lysabeth) in 1775 suggests that Elisabeth

probably died before that birth.

80 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of David on [1773] born Oct 25 [1773],

parents Lorentz Schulkraf, sponsors David Zeh and Engel Schwart.

81 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Lysabeth on [1775] born Oct 18 [1775],

parents Lorentz Schulkraft & Maria, sponsors Peter Schneider and his wife.
82 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Maria on [1778] born Sept 9 [1778],

parents Lorentz SchulCraff & Maria, sponsors Johannes Schneyder and his wife.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Maria on 17 August [1793], parents Pieter Schulkraft & Padje, sponsors Lorentz
Schulkraft & Maria.
Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 23.12, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Peter Morenofs. Male: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1
30-40, female: 1 5-10, 1 15-20, 1 30-40, 1 60-70.
85 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Abraham [Marinus] on July 22, [1824] born

June 14th 1824, parents Peter Marinus & Mary Schoolcraft.

86 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Diana [Marinus] on 29 April 1827 born March

1, 1827, parents Peter Marinus & Mary Schoolcraft.

New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of William [Marinus] on Feb 16 [1830] born Jan
16 1830, parents Peter Marinus & Mary Schoolcraft.
88 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Maria [Morenus] on [1833] march 24 born

Jan. 5 1833, parents Peter Morenus & Maria Schoolcraft.

New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Wilhelm on Apr 24 1797 born Apr. 14 1797,
parents Peter Schoolcraft & Berthe Marinuss, sponsors Wilhelm Schoolcraft & Christina [DJE: 1797 written very small
as sideways note].
90 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Wilhelm on Apr 22 1799 born [April crossed

out Feb] 28 [1799], parents Peter Schulgraff & Bada, sponsors William Schulgraff & Christina.
David J. Ellis, Death of first child implied by birth of second.
92 New York, Cobleskill: Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States), Death

on Oct 26, 1881 of Wm. Schoolcraft (55) Age 83.7.28 on family ground of heart disease.
93 David J. Ellis, This death record is for someone aged 83.7.28. While the year might be off because relatives did not

know the true age, they would have known his birth day. 7 mos. and 28 days back from October 26th. is clearly a fit to
Wilhelm born 28-Feb-1799.
94 Harold Miller et al., Genealogy: Berne Historical Project, Zimmer family tree by Harold Miller.
95 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Schoolcraft, Ira on 31 Jul [1824] born June

23rd 1824, parents William Schoolcraft & Mary Zimmer.

96 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 31.03, Berne, Albany Co., NY, William Schoolcraft . Male: 1 <10, 1 16-26,

female: 1 16-26.
Federal Population Schedule, 10-Aug-1850, pp. 281, dw. 14, Richmondville, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 15, Ezra
Schoolcraft age 22 sex M born in NY, Margaret age 24 sex F born in NY, Wesley age 5/12 sex M born in NY, William
Jr age 50 sex M born in NY, Maria age 52 sex F born in NY.
98 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1860, pp. 17.12, dw. 128, Richmondville, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 135,

William Schoolcraft age 61 sex M farmer born in NY, Maria age 65 sex F born in NY, William M. age 17 sex M born
in NY, Munzo age 16 sex M born in NY, Elizabeth age 6 sex M born in NY, Ervin age 3 sex M born in NY, Lana age
45 sex F born in NY.
99 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jun-1870, pp. 25.08, dw. 186, Richmondville, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 206, Wm.

M. Schoolcraft age 28 sex m farmer born in NY, Clarisa age 32 sex f born in NY, Wesley age 5 sex m born in NY,
Mary age 3 sex f born in NY, Irvin age 14 sex m born in NY, Elisabeth age 17 sex f born in NY, Lany age 54 sex f
born in NY, fam. 207, William Schoolcraft age 74 sex m farmer born in NY, Maria age 75 sex f born in NY.
100 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254931 National Archives Film T9-0931 pp. 231A: Richmondville,

Schoharie Co., NY : William M. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 38 born in NY occupation Farmer
father born in NY mother born in NY: Clarissa SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 40 born in NY
occupation Keeping House father born in RI mother born in RI: Wesley P. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white
age 15 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Laura SCHOOLCRAFT Mother female
white age 63 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: William SCHOOLCRAFT
GFather male white age 80 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY.
101 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Peter on 13 Feb 1820 born 22 Jan 1819,

parents William Schoolcraft & Maria, sponsors parents.

102 David J. Ellis, Two persons are named Peter P. Schoolcraft and are born at similar times. The 1850 census record

helps establish this Peter's children and his wife, enumerated as "Luna". The will also indicates he died before 1862.
The 1860 census record shows his wife, enumerated as "Lana" and children living with William and Maria who are
therefore presumed to be Peter's parents. Because he is not in the 1860 census but signed his will in March 1860 we
know that he died in the spring of 1860.
103 Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, New York: Abstracts of Wills, (Abstracts of Wills, Letters of

Administration and Guardianship, Schoharie Co., NY), Vol. 5 pp. 10: Will of Peter P. Schoolcraft of Richmondville
NY : Dated Mar 25, 1860 : Probated Oct 12, 1862 : Mentions son William Miner, son Lorenzo, son Irving P., daughter
Catherine Elizabeth, daughter Nancy Maria, wife Lena : Executors Dr. Chase of Richmondville : Witnesses Lyman
Baker, Peter Miller.
Federal Population Schedule, 10-Aug-1850, pp. 281, dw. 14, Richmondville, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 14, Peter P
Schoolcraft age 29 sex M Farmer born in NY, Luna age 33 sex F born in NY, May M age 11 sex F Student born in NY,
William M age 7 sex M Student born in NY, Lorenzo age 5 sex M Student born in NY.
New York, Berne: St. Paul's Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States), Baptism of Alexander on
April 22th 1822 born April 2th 1822, parents Wm. Schoolcraft & Maria, sponsors parents.
106 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Mt. Morris Cemetery in Mt. Morris, Michigan: Alexander Schoolcraft April 1, 1822-

April 19, 1872.

107 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342743, v 2 p 21 rn 2312: 10 Aug

1921, Flushing, Genesee, Michigan, Groom W. S. Schoolcraft, age 78, born New York, father Alexander Schoolcraft,
mother Martha Shaffer, Bride Beersheba Hicks Linton, age 71, born Canada, father John Hicks, mother Marion

Federal Population Schedule, 10-Aug-1850, pp. 282, dw. 15, Richmondville, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 16,
Alexander Schoolcraft age 28 sex M Farmer born in NY, Martha age 27 sex F born in NY, William S. age 7 sex M
born in NY, Ann E age 5 sex F born in NY, Anna M age 3 sex F born in NY, Infant age 4/12 sex M born in NY.
109 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jun-1870, pp. 32.32, dw. 240, Mount Morris, Genesee Co., MI, fam. 234, Martin

Schoolcraft age 27 sex m carpenter born in NY, Martha age 49 sex f born in NY, Alexander Hillsinger age 27 sex m
carpenter born in NY, Aurelia age 19 sex f born in NY, Frank age 3 sex m born in NY, Claud age 1 sex m born in NY,
Sanford Schoolcraft age 21 sex m stone mason born in NY, Libbie age 16 sex f born in NY.
110 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Mt. Morris Cemetery in Mt. Morris, Michigan: Martha Schoolcraft April 7, 1820-

May 24, 1897.

111 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254579 National Archives Film T9-0579 pp. 300A: Mount Morris,

Genesee Co., MI : Martin HILSINGER Self male married white age 37 born in NY occupation Carpenter father born in
NY mother born in NY: Arelia HILSINGER Wife female married white age 28 born in NY occupation Dressmaking
father born in NY mother born in NY: Frank HILSINGER Son male single white age 12 born in NY occupation At
School father born in NY mother born in NY: Claud HILSINGER Son male single white age 10 born in NY occupation
At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Wayne HILSINGER Son male single white age 8 born in MI
occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Loyd HILSINGER Son male single white age 2 born in
MI father born in NY mother born in NY: Marthy SCHOOLCRAFT Mother
112 David J. Ellis, Ira has two young children living with him in 1860 but does not marry Salina till 1875.
Federal Population Schedule, 24-Jul-1860, pp. 512, dw. 487, Seward, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 488, Ira Schoolcraft
age 40 sex M master mason born in NY, Catherine age 3 sex F born in NY, Elizabeth age 2 sex F born in NY.
114 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254931 National Archives Film T9-0931 pp. 238C: Richmondville,

Schoharie Co., NY : Ira SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 54 born in NY occupation Stone Mason father
born in NY mother born in NY: Salina SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 51 born in NY occupation
Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY.
115 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1900, pp. 180A.16, dw. 72, fam. 79, ED #53, Richmondville, Schoharie Co.,

NY : Ira Schoolcraft head male married age 76 born in Jun 1824, NY occupation mason, marr. 25 yrs. father born in
NY mother born in NY: Salina wife female married age 73 [corr. To 72] born in Jul 1821, NY occupation marr. 25 yrs.,
0 ch. father born in NY mother born in NY.
116 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Schoolcraft, Ezra on 29 Apr 1827 born April

3rd 1827, parents William Schoolcraft and Mary Zimmer.

117 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1860, pp. 39.10, dw. 283, Knox, Albany Co., NY, fam. 283, Ezra Schoolcraft

age 33 sex M farmer born in NY, Margaret age 35 sex F born in NY, Wesley age 10 sex M born in NY, Amelia age 8
sex F born in NY, William C. age 5 sex M born in NY, Hellen age 1 sex F born in NY, Margaret Bunt age 17 sex F
born in NY.
118 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jun-1870, pp. 6.01, dw. 31, Guilderland, Albany Co., NY, fam. 33, Ezra

Schoolcraft age 43 sex m farmer born in NY, Margaret age 45 sex f born in NY, Wesley age 20 sex m farm laborer
born in NY, Amelia age 19 sex f born in NY, William C. age 15 sex m born in NY, Helen age 11 sex f born in NY,
Edith age 10 sex f born in NY, Alice age 4 sex f born in NY.
119 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254807 National Archives Film T9-0807 pp. 94D: Guilderland,

Albany Co., NY : Ezra SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 51 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in
NY mother born in NY: Margaret SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 53 born in NY occupation
Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: William C. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 25 born
in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Hellen SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white
age 20 born in NY father born in NY mother born in NY: Edith SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 18 born
in NY father born in NY mother born in NY: Alice SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 14 born in NY
occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Frederick WARD Other male white age 19 born in NY
occupation Farm Labor father born in NY mother born in NY.
120 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jun-1900, pp. 63B.58, dw. 327, fam. 377, ED #96, Guilderland, Albany Co., NY :

Ezra Schoolcraft head male married age 74 born in Oct 1826, NY occupation farm laborer, marr. 52 yrs. father born in
NY mother born in NY: Margaret wife female married age 76 born in Oct 1823, NY occupation marr. 52 yrs., 9 ch., 6
liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Helen dau female single age 41 born in Mar 1859, NY father born in NY
mother born in NY.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Peter on [1802] born 16 Febr. [1802], parents Peter Schulgraf & Batha Marinus,
sponsors Peter P. Schneider & Christina Lawyer.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of David on [1781] born Jan 22 [1781],
parents Jacob SchulCraff and Maria Catharina, sponsors Lorentz SchulCraff and his wife.

New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Jacob on June 11, 1783, parents Jacob Schuscraf & Micattrin Zimmer, sponsors
Jacob Zimmer & Catrina Bater.
124 David J. Ellis, This child is presumed to have died before the birth of his brother with the same name.
125 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, Newark Valley Cemetery, Tioga Co., NY - Located on Rock Road.

(ZIMMER cemetery records.): Death on 7 Nov 1861 age 82 years of SCHOOLCRAFT, David - husband of Nancy.
Tombstone reads "DAVID SCHOOLCRAFT died NOV 7 1861 ae 82 years Gone but not forgotten."
126 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 32.13, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, David Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <10, 1 26-

45, female: 1 <10.

127 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 188.04, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, David Schoolcraft. Male: 2 <10, 1

>45, female: 1 16-26, agriculture: 1.

128 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 23.18, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, David Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 5-

10, 1 10-15, 2 15-20, 1 50-60, female: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 30-40.

Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 60.24, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, David Schooleraft. Male: 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1
15-20, 1 20-30, 1 50-60, female: 1 <5, 1 10-15, 1 40-50.
Federal Population Schedule, 6-Aug-1850, dw. 243, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 249, David Schoolcraft age 69
sex M farmer born in NY, Nancy age 60 sex F born in NY, Elijah age 20 sex M farmer born in NY, John age 18 sex M
farmer born in NY, Ira age 26 sex M None born in NY, Amelia age 11 sex F born in NY, Hiram Young age 26 sex M
shoemaker born in NY, Lydia age 22 sex F born in NY, Charles age 2 sex M born in NY, Melissa age 2/12 sex F born
in NY, Clarissa Schoolcraft age 18 sex F born in NY.
131 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jul-1860, pp. 38.01, dw. 260, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 261, John Schoolcraft

age 26 sex M farmer born in NY, Loretta age 27 sex F born in NY, Francelia age 2 sex F born in NY, Ernest S. age 6
mos. sex M born in NY, David age 79 sex M born in NY, Ira age 27 sex M cripple born in NY, Rachael Settle age 37
sex F farming born in NY.
132 Charlotte Taylor Luckhurst, New York, Schenectady: Reformed Dutch Protestant Church, (Film 0532958),

Marriage on 26 Feb 1805 of David Schoolcraft and Rachel Westfall.

133 David J. Ellis, It is proven that Rachel marries David, the son of Jacob Schoolcraft and Maria Cathine Zimmer

because the grandparents are sponsors at Rachel Ann Schoolcraft's baptism and Rachel Ann, after her marriage, is
included in her grandfather's will.
134 New York, Schoharie: IGI: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, (International Genealogical Index - United

States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Rachel Westphal : F : Father Peterus Westphal : Mother Sophia : Date born 15
May 1784 : Place Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
135 New York, Guilderland Center: Reformed Dutch church of the Helderberg, Baptism of Peterus on 17-May-1806

born 19-Apr-1806, parents David Schoolcraft & Rachel Westval, sponsors Peter Westvall & Suffia Auken.
136 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Rachel Ann on [1809] born 28th December [1809], parents David Schoolcraft &
Rachel h.w., sponsors Jacob Schoolcraft & Maria Catharina h.w.
137 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 182.02, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Peter Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 5-

10, 1 30-40, female: 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 30-40.

138 Federal Population Schedule, 24-Jul-1850, pp. 10A.34, dw. 116, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 117, Peter

Schoolcraft age 44 sex M farmer born in NY, Phoebe age 40 sex F born in NY, Asa age 17 sex M farmer born in NY,
Ann age 15 sex F born in NY, Maturin age 13 sex M born in NY, Mary Cheesbro age 67 sex F born in Canada.
139 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Aug-1860, pp. 35.11, dw. 792, Wright Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 807, Peter

Schoolcraft age 54 sex M farmer born in NY, Leah age 36 sex F born in NY, Phoebe age 13 sex F born in NY, Esther
age 8 sex F born in NY, Matthew age 23 sex M born in NY, Omer age 7 sex M born in NY, Jasen age 5 sex M born in
NY, Horatio age 3 sex M born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 19-Jun-1870, pp. 14.03, dw. 114, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 125, Peter
Schoolcraft age 64 sex m day laborer born in NY, Leah age 46 sex f born in NY, Maturun age 33 sex m born in NY,
Horatio age 12 sex m born in NY, Anna M. age 8 sex f born in NY, Minnie M. age 4 sex f born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254931 National Archives Film T9-0931 pp. 358A: Wright,
Schoharie Co., NY : Peter SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 74 born in NY occupation Farmer father born
in NY mother born in NY: Leah SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 56 born in NY occupation Keeping
House father born in NY mother born in NY: Bell SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 18 born in NY
occupation Housekeeper father born in NY mother born in NY: Minnie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age
14 born in NY occupation House Keeper father born in NY mother born in NY: Cora SCHOOLCRAFT GDau female
single white age 9 born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Ester L. WEIDMAN SDau
female married white age 28 born in NY occupation House Keeper father born in NY mother born in NY.

Allen Burton, Historian for the Town of Wright, New York, Wright: Cemetery Listings, (Film 0532958), Cemetery
on Farm originally owned by Webster Dillenbeck - now owned by Warren Lott - off Route 146 on Webster Road.
(Poor condition - stones down, woodchuck holes and overgrown): Death on January 12, 1851 age 42/10/22 of
Schoolcraft, Phebe wife of Peter Schoolcraft.
143 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Will Those Called Peter Schoolcraft Step

144 Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, New York: Abstracts of Wills, (Abstracts of Wills, Letters of

Administration and Guardianship, Schoharie Co., NY), Will of Jacob Schoolcraft of Schoharie : Dated Aug 11, 1834 :
Probated Jun 3, 1839 : Mentions wife Mary Catherine, daughter Sophia Schoolcraft, daughter Betsey Zimmer, son
Jacob I., son John Jr., grand-daughter Rachel Bennett, grand-daughter Caty Ann Shaver, grand-daughter Caroline
Woolford : Executors son John Jr., son-in-law John Zimmer Jr. : Witnesses Ezra Gallup Jr. of Schoharie, George
Zimmer of Schoharie, Darius Coye of Schoharie : Vol. 3, pp. 335.
145 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Paulus on [1811] born 26th October [1811], parents David Schoolcraft & Anna h.w.,
sponsors Johannes Zimmer & Catharina Schoolcraft.
Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 6 Summer 1986: It is
asserted by Marilyn Begy that David married 1. Anna Schaffer 14 Sep 1807 and 2. Anna Zimmer 9 Oct 1824. David
Ellis has been unable to discover ANY verifiable evidence of either marriage and as there are errors in the list of
children the assertion is suspect.
147 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, Newark Valley Cemetery, Tioga Co., NY - Located on Rock Road.

(ZIMMER cemetery records.): Death on 25 Jun 1855 age 60 yrs. 11 mos. of SCHOOLCRAFT, Nancy - wife of David.
148 David J. Ellis, Because the other family members are found in Newark and there is independent verification that

Paul died there and had a wife Catherine I think "Haney" was his nickname.
149 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, East Newark cemetery (McCullough cemetery): SCHOOLCRAFT, Paul

Born 18 Oct 1812 Died 1 Sep 1888 "Gone, but not forgotten". Catherine (Zimmer) Born 7 May 1814 Died 13 Sep 1885
"Gone, but not forgotten."
150 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 59.21, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, Paul Schooleraft. Male: 1 20-30, female: 1

<5, 1 20-30.
151 Federal Population Schedule, 10-Jul-1860, pp. 28.32, dw. 198, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 199, Paul Schoolcraft

age 49 sex M farmer born in NY, Catherine age 44 sex F born in NY, Ozias age 15 sex M born in NY, Frances A. age
12 sex F born in NY, Margaret age 7 sex F born in NY, Nancy M. age 18 sex F born in NY.
152 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jul-1870, pp. 52.17, dw. 466, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 467, Paul

Schoolcraft age 58 sex m farmer born in NY, Catherine age 55 sex f keeping house born in NY, Frances age 19 sex f at
home born in NY.
153 1880: FHL Film 1254937 National Archives Film T9-0937 pp. 134A: Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY : Haney

SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 68 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in NY mother born in
NY: Catharine SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 66 born in NY occupation Housekeeper father born in
NY mother born in NY: Lawson SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 10 born in NY occupation At School
father born in NY mother born in NY
154 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of <name not given> on 1815 born 1 January [1815], parents David Schoolcraft &
Anna h.w., sponsors Adam Shafer & Elisabeth h.w.
155 David J. Ellis, This is shown to be Adam from the 1860 census where he is sharing a dwelling with his brother,

New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, Newark Valley Cemetery, Tioga Co., NY - Located on Rock Road.
(ZIMMER cemetery records.): Death on 14 Jun 1906 born 1 Jan 1818 of SCHOOLCRAFT, Adam - husband of
157 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, Newark Valley Cemetery, Tioga Co., NY - Located on Rock Road.

(ZIMMER cemetery records.): Death on 16 Feb 1891 born 25 Jul 1821 of SCHOOLCRAFT, Almira A. - wife of
158 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Aug-1850, dw. 252, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 258, Adam Schoolcraft age 34

sex M farmer born in NY, Almira age 27 sex F born in NY, Almira age 5 sex F born in NY, Manilla age 5/12 sex F
born in NY.
159 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jul-1860, pp. 38.12, dw. 262, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 263, Adam Schoolcraft

age 45 sex M farmer born in NY, Almira age 38 sex F born in NY, Almira age 15 sex F born in NY, Manilla age 11 sex
F born in NY, Sherman age 7 sex M born in NY, Romain age 5 sex M born in NY.

Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jul-1870, pp. 33.26, dw. 306, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 305, Adam
Schoolcraft age 55 sex m farmer born in NY, Almira age 49 sex f keeping house born in NY, Sherman age 17 sex m
born in NY, Elnora age 9 sex f born in NY, Emmit age 6 sex m born in NY.
161 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254937 National Archives Film T9-0937 pp. 133C: Newark Valley,

Tioga Co., NY : Anson SCHOOLCRAFT Self male white age 64 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in NY
mother born in NY: Sherman SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 28 born in NY occupation At Home father
born in NY mother born in NY: Emmet SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 16 born in NY occupation At
Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Peter SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 5 born in NY father
born in NY mother born in NY: Lottie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 18 born in NY occupation
Works Here father born in NY mother born in NY.
162 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1900, pp. 123A.02, dw. 159, fam. 163, ED #124, Newark Valley, Tioga Co.,

NY : Emmett Schoolcraft head male married age 36 born in May 1864, NY occupation farmer, marr. 9 yrs. father born
in NY mother born in NY: Detittie wife female married age 29 born in Dec 1870, NY occupation marr. 9 yrs., 1 ch., 1
liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Ethel dau female single age 7 born in Dec 1892, NY father born in NY
mother born in NY: Adam father male widow age 84 born in Jan 1816, NY father born in NY mother born in NY:
Gilbert brother male married age 19 born in May 1881, NY occupation farm laborer, marr. 1 yrs. father born in NY
mother born in NY: Ruby sister-in-law female married age 18 born in Oct 1881, NY occupation marr. 1 yrs., 0 ch.
father born in NY mother born in NY.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of David Jacob on born 29 October [1816], parents David Schoolcraft and Anna h.w.
164 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, Newark Valley Cemetery, Tioga Co., NY - Located on Rock Road.

(ZIMMER cemetery records.): Death on 1885 born 1816 of SCHOOLCRAFT, David J. - husband of Esther A.
165 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, Newark Valley Cemetery, Tioga Co., NY - Located on Rock Road.

(ZIMMER cemetery records.): Death on 1911 born 1825 of SCHOOLCRAFT, Esther A. - wife of David J.
166 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Aug-1850, dw. 795, Woodhull, Steuben Co., NY, fam. 823, Daniel Hallock age 44

sex M laborer born in NY, Julia age 40 sex F born in NY, Gabriel age 20 sex M laborer born in NY, Julia age 18 sex F
born in NY, Abram age 16 sex M laborer born in NY, James age 14 sex M born in NY, Clarissa age 12 sex F born in
NY, Mary age 10 sex F born in NY, David Schoolcraft age 21 sex M laborer born in NY [DJE: I believe the age was
167 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jun-1860, pp. 561, dw. 167, Woodhull, Steuben Co., NY, fam. 167, David

Schoolcraft age 44 sex M farmer born in NY, Abigail age 33 sex F born in NY, Adaline age 14 sex F born in NY,
Nancy R. age 7 sex F born in NY, John age 5 sex M born in NY, Darince Andrews age 46 sex M born in NY.
168 Federal Population Schedule, 29-Jun-1870, pp. 92.22, dw. 843, Owego, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 822, David Schoolcraft

age 54 sex M farmer born in NY, Abigail age 45 sex F born in NY, Nancy age 18 sex F born in NY, John age 13 sex M
born in NY, Romaine age 7 sex M born in NY.
169 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254937 National Archives Film T9-0937 pp. 121A: Newark Valley,

Tioga Co., NY : David SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 62 born in NY occupation Labourer father born
in NY mother born in NY: Abbigal SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 55 born in NY occupation
Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: Ramane SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 17 born in
NY father born in NY mother born in NY: Albert STANARD Other male white age 75 born in MA father born in MA
mother born in MA.
170 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Jun-1900, pp. 124B.82, dw. 204, fam. 208, ED #124, Newark Valley, Tioga Co.,

NY : Walter R. Schoolcraft head male single age 37 born in Dec 1863, NY occupation day laborer father born in NY
mother born in NY: Esther A. mother female widow age 75 born in Apr 1825, NY occupation 4 ch., 3 liv. father born
in NY mother born in NY.
171 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Apr-1910, pp. 8B.88, dw. 192, fam. 204, ED #151, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY:

Walter R. Schoolcraft head male age 47 born in NY single occupation laborer odd jobs father born in NY mother born
in NY: Abigail mother female age 85 born in NY, 4 ch. 3 liv. widow father born in NY mother born in NY.
172 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Eva on [1818] born 30 Sept. [1818], parents David Schoolcraft & Anna h.w.,
sponsors Jacob Zimmer & Eva h.w.

"Obituary," OBITUARY, source unstated: Daniel Zimmer, one of the oldest residents of East Newark was found
dead in bed at home. He had been feeble several months; but around the house. Tues. night he went up to his room as
usual. He did not get up as early as usual, his daughter, Miss Josephine, who kept house for him, went up and found he
had died during the night. He was born in Knox , Albany Co., NY in 1814 and came with his father to this town in
1832, when they moved onto a tract of land where the farm of Alexander Saddlemire is now located. All that section at
that time wa s pathless forest, and to get to the point where his village is located , the settlers followed a trail down
around by way of the McCullough neighborhood. In 1835 Daniel married Mrs. Eva Schoolcraft who died in 1876. Two
children born to them: Sylvenus Zimmer of Maine and Miss Josephine at home. The funeral held from his home Rev. J.
B. Cook officiating.
174 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, East Newark cemetery (McCullough cemetery) ZIMMER, Eve wife of

Daniel Zimmer Died 18Jan1876 AE 58yrs "A light from our household is gone, a voice we loved is stilled, a place is
vacant in our hearts, that can never be filled."
175 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, East Newark cemetery (McCullough cemetery) ZIMMER, Daniel Died 12

Dec 1894 AE 81yrs.

176 David J. Ellis, Two persons in Tioga County are called Eva Schoolcraft. The other is the daughter of Jacob I.

Schoolcraft. Enumerated census ages for this one suggest birth in 1823, 1820 and 1822. David Zimmer's marriage was
in Tioga Co. and this is the only one of two who was in the county between 1830 and 1840.
177 New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -

United States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Daniel Zimmer : M : Father George Zimmer : Mother Margaretha :
Date 1812 born 14 Dec 1812 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
178 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Aug-1850, pp. 31.20, dw. 231, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 237, Daniel Zimmer

age 30 sex m farmer born in NY, Eve age 27 sex f born in NY, Sylvanus age 12 sex m born in NY, Josephine age 1
mos. sex f born in NY.
179 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jul-1860, pp. 34.20, dw. 234, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 235, Daniel Zimmer

age 47 sex M Farmer born in NY, Eve age 40 sex F born in NY, Sylvenus age 25 sex M Farming born in NY,
Josiphene age 10 sex F born in NY.
180 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jul-1870, pp. 37.23, dw. 339, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 339, Daniel

Zimmer age 57 sex m farm laborer born in NY, Eve age 48 sex f born in NY, Josephene age 20 sex f born in NY.
181 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254937 NA Film T9-0937 pp. 136B, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY

: Daniel Zimmer Self male widow white age 66 born in NY occupation Labourer father born in NY mother born in NY:
Josephene Zimmer Dau female widow white age 28 born in NY occupation Labourer father born in NY mother born in
182 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Ira on 16 Sept 1823 born 24 Feb 1823,

parents David Schoolcraft & Nancy, sponsors parents.

183 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, Newark Valley Cemetery, Tioga Co., NY - Located on Rock Road.

(ZIMMER cemetery records.): Death on 23 Nov 1864 age 40 years of SCHOOLCRAFT, Ira.
184 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Lydia Caroline on 4 Feb 1827 born 30

Dec 1826, parents David Schoolcraft & Anna, sponsors parents.

185 New York: Cemetery Records, Hope Cemetery, Newark, Tioga Co., NY: Hiram Young 30 Jul 1820 - 26 Jun 1905 |

Lydia Schoolcraft Young 1 Jan 1827 - 14 Oct 1888.

186 Federal Population Schedule, 10-Jul-1860, pp. 29.36, dw. 206, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 207, Hiram Young age

38 sex M Farmer born in NY, Lydia age 33 sex F born in NY, Milefsa age 11 sex F born in NY, Ellen A. age 5 sex F
born in NY.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Elijah on 30 May 1830 born 28 Dec
1829, parents David Schoolcraft & Anna, sponsors parents.
188 Obituary, The Auburn Bulletin, Saturday, October 1, 1904: Coroner O'Neill of Auburn was called to Sterling Friday

afternoon to investigate the suicide of Elijah Schoolcraft, 76 years of age, at his home three miles southeast of
Martville, Thursday... He was the father of our esteemed townsman, William Schoolcraft, who thinks the old gentleman
took the acid by mistake as it was in a medicine bottle which had lately contained medicine he was taking.
New York: Cemetery Records, Martville Cemetery, Martville, Cayuga Co., NY: SCHOOLCRAFT, ELIJAH 1829 -
1904. CLARISSA FORSYTH wife of Elijah 1831 - 1901. ALFRATO dau d. Jan. 17, 1872 b. 1857.
190 New York, Middleburg: IGI: Reformed Dutch Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),

"Electronic," Event Marriage: Elijah Schoolcraft, age 20 : M: Spouse Clarisa Forsyth, age 18 : Date 07 Jan 1850 : Place
Reformed Dutch Church, Middleburg, Schoharie, New York.
191 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jul-1860, pp. 38.08, dw. 261, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 262, Elijah Schoolcraft

age 29 sex M farmer born in NY, Clarissa age 29 sex M born in NY, Emma age 6 sex F born in NY, Alfaretta age 2 sex
F born in NY.

Federal Population Schedule, 11-Jul-1870, pp. 6.07, dw. 53, Victory, Cayuga Co., NY, fam. 50, Eliga Schoolcraft
age 40 sex m farmer born in NY, Clarriksico age 39 sex f born in NY, Emily age 16 sex f born in NY, Alphraette age
12 sex f born in NY, Lucious age 7 sex m born in NY, William age 4 sex m born in NY, Alfred age 1 sex m born in
193 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254814 National Archives Film T9-0814 pp. 413B: Victory, Cayuga

Co., NY : Elijah SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 51 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in NY
mother born in NY: Clarrissa SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 48 born in NY occupation Keeping
House father born in CT mother born in CT: William SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 14 born in NY
father born in NY mother born in NY: Alfred SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 11 born in NY father born
in NY mother born in NY.
194 David J. Ellis, John is enumerated in 1860 as head of household containing his father, David, and his brother Ira.
195 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, Newark Valley Cemetery, Tioga Co., NY - Located on Rock Road.

(ZIMMER cemetery records.) Death on <unstated> Born 8 Sep 1833 of SCHOOLCRAFT, John.
Obituary, The Binghampton Press, Thursday Evening, November 2, 1916 - page 2: John Schoolcraft of Newark
Valley Dies. Newark Valley, Nov. 2,-John Schoolcraft died at his home on Rock street Monday after an illness of many
months, aged 62 years. He is survived by his widow, a son, Ulysses Schoolcraft of Maine: Lillian Loomls of King Hill.,
and Mrs. Francelia Foster of Marathon. The funeral will be held Thursday at the home and burial will be in East
Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jul-1870, pp. 51.08, dw. 457, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 461, John
Schoolcraft age 37 sex m farmer born in NY, Loretta S. age 37 sex f keeping house born in NY, Francelia age 12 sex f
at home born in NY, Ernest age 10 sex m at home born in NY, Lillia age 7 sex f at home born in NY, Ulyssus age 2 sex
m at home born in NY.
198 Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jun-1900, pp. 126B.57, dw. 256, fam. 260, ED #124, Newark Valley, Tioga Co.,

NY : John Schoolcraft head male widow age 65 born in Oct 1834, NY occupation laborer father born in NY mother
born in NY.
199 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Jun-1900, pp. 155A.50, dw. 263, fam. 297, ED #37, 41 Riverside St., Ward #12,

Binghampton, Broome Co., NY : Ulysis G. Schoolcraft head male married age 32 born in May 1868, NY occupation
carriage painter, marr. 3 yrs. father born in NY mother born in NY: Bertha A. wife female married age 27 born in Aug
1872, PA occupation marr. 3 yrs., 0 ch. father born in PA mother born in PA: Lauretta mother female married age 67
born in Oct 1832, NY occupation marr. 43 yrs., 4 ch., 3 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY.
200 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Jacob on [1785] born Feb 11 [1785],

parents Jacob SchulCrafft & Maria Catharina, sponsors Jacob Zimmer and his wife.
201 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Finding the Jacob.
202 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, Newark Valley Cemetery, Tioga Co., NY - Located on Rock Road.

(ZIMMER cemetery records.): Death on 4 Jul 1853 age 69 years of SCHOOLCRAFT, Jacob I.
203 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Communion, confirmation, members received Vosburgh

pp. 113: On July 26th 1828: Catharine Salsburg wife of Jacob Schoolcraft "wife of Jacob J. Steiner" crossed out.
204 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 32.01, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob J. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 16-26,

female: 1 <10, 1 16-26.

205 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 181.01, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob S. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 15-20,

1 50-60, female: 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 2 20-30, 1 50-60.

206 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1850, pp. 12B.29, dw. 157, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 158, Jacob I.

Schoolcraft age 64 sex M Shoemaker born in NY, Catherine age 61 sex F born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 18-Aug-1860, pp. 41.28, dw. 841, Wright Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 858,
William Philip age 40 sex M laborer born in NY, Harriet age 57 sex F born in NY, Anna age 19 sex F born in NY,
Milton age 16 sex M born in NY, Manford age 11 sex M born in NY, Catherine Schoolcraft age 75 sex F born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1850, pp. 12B.23, dw. 156, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 157, William
Philips age 29 sex M laborer born in NY, Hariet Schoolcraft age 31 sex F born in NY, Evert Ochinpoch age 10 sex M
born in NY, Milton J. Philips age 5 sex M born in NY, John I. age 4 sex M born in NY, Manford age 1 sex M born in
209 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Gretchen on [1805] born 8th September [1805], parents Jacob Schoolcraft &
Catharina h.w., sponsors Nickless Richtmeier & Elisabeth Richtmeier.
210 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Lucinde on 30 Oct [1809] born 26 Aug

[1809], parents Jacob Schoolcraft Jr. & Cathrine his wife.

David J. Ellis, I believe the single reference to "Jr." in the birth of Lucinde is an anomalous recording by the
minister to distinguish Jacob from his father and is not a reference to "Jacob Jr." who is the son of Johannes.

New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Daniel on [1812] born June 20 [1812], parents Jacob J. Schoolcraft & Catharina
h.w., sponsors F. & M.
213 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Jacob Sylvester on 2 Jul 1814 born 4 Feb

1814, parents Jacob J. Schoolcraft & Cathrine.

New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Eva Ann on 24 Feb 1816 born 25 Oct
1815, parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Catherine, sponsors Jacob Schoolcraft & Eva.
215 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Maria on 30 Sept 1823 born 6 November

1816, parents Jacob Schoolcraft & wife Catherine.

216 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Nancy on 30 Sept 1823 born 10 June

1819, parents Jacob Schoolcraft & wife Catherine.

217 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Harriet on 30 Sept 1823 born 10 July

1821, parents Jacob Schoolcraft & wife Catherine.

New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Ira on 30 Sept 1823 born 10 April 1823,
parents Jacob Schoolcraft & wife Catherine.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Elmina on 6 Oct 1833 born 2 Sept 1833,
parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Catharine, sponsors parents.
220 New York, Clay: Cemetery Listings, Unconfirmed list obtained from Grove Schoolcraft. (Pines Planes cemetery

records.), Pines Planes cemetery: Death on 1 Jan 1868 of SCHOOLCRAFT, Daniel - husband of Catherine A.
221 Obituary, Baldwinsville Gazette and Farmers Journal, June 10, 1886 pp. 180: Liverpool. After months of suffering,

Mrs. Catherine Schoolcraft died at her home in Second Street, Friday morning June 4th. The deceased had been a
residnet of this place for the last twenty years, and was respected by the entire community. The funeral services were
held in the M. E. Church Sunday morning. Interment was made at Clay.
222 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Aug-1850, pp. 316A.39, dw. 744, Clay Twp., Onondaga Co., NY, fam. 748, Daniel

Schoolcraft age 38 sex m no occupation born in NY, Catharine age 38 sex f born in NY, Charles age 9 sex m born in
NY, Catharine A. age 6 sex f born in NY, Madona age 5 sex f born in NY, Mary E. age 2 sex f born in NY, Julia
Conoly age 12 sex f born in NY, Nathan Chase age 67 sex m born in RI, Catharine Chase age 64 sex f born in NY.
223 Federal Population Schedule, 4-Aug-1860, pp. 254, dw. 1125, Clay, Onondaga Co., NY, fam. 1147, D. Schoolcraft

age 50 sex M farmer born in NY, Catherine age 42 sex F born in NY, Charles age 19 sex M born in NY, Catherine age
16 sex F born in NY, Madonna age 14 sex F born in NY, Mary age 12 sex F born in NY, William age 9 sex M born in
NY, Julia age 6 sex F born in NY, Nathan Chase age 79 sex M born in NY.
224 Federal Population Schedule, 24-Aug-1870, pp. 26.28, dw. 220, Salina, Onondaga Co., NY, fam. 220, Catherine

Schoolcraft age 49 sex f keeping house born in NY, Wm. M. age 19 sex m invalid born in NY, Julia age 16 sex f born
in NY, Nathan Chase age 88 sex m living with daughter born in NY.
225 David J. Ellis, Catherine's parents are living with them in 1850, 1860 and 1870.
226 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, Newark Valley Cemetery, Tioga Co., NY - Located on Rock Road.

(ZIMMER cemetery records.) Death on 16 May 1849 age 34 yrs. 3 mos. 12 days of SCHOOLCRAFT, Jacob S.
227 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Aug-1850, pp. 32.35, dw. 241, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 247, Peter Spaerbeck

age 42 sex m Farmer born in NY, Eve age 33 sex f born in NY, Sarah age 8 sex f born in NY, Celia age 4 sex f born in
NY, Catherine age 52 sex f born in NY.
228 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jul-1860, pp. 38.25, dw. 264, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 265, Peter Sperbeck

age 55 sex m Farmer born in NY, Eva Ann age 43 sex f Wife born in NY, Sarah Little age 19 sex f born in NY, Celia
Sperbeck age 14 sex f born in NY, Alma Little age 10 mos. sex f born in NY, Katharine Sperbeck age 62 sex f born in
NY, Henry age 48 sex m Invalid born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jul-1870, pp. 34.01, dw. 310, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 309, John M.
Clifford age 26 sex m Farmer born in OH, Celia age 22 sex f House Keeping born in NY, Fred age 4 sex m born in NY,
Eva age 2 sex f born in NY, Evan Sperbeck age 53 sex f House keeping born in NY.
230 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, East Newark cemetery (McCullough cemetery): SCHOOLCRAFT, Maria

Died 30May1882 AE 64yrs ** Researchers note ** Maria Schoolcraft is buried in the Delana B. Cabell plot. CABELL,
Delana B. Born of E&G Cabell Died 13Dec1857 AE 8 yrs (inscription unreadable).
231 Illinois: Cemetery Records, Oak Hill Cemetery, Geneva: Schoolcraft, Ira b. Apr. 18, 1824 d. May 16, 1905.
232 Illinois: Cemetery Records, Oak Hill Cemetery, Geneva: Schoolcraft, Elizabeth A b. Oct. 6, 1823 d. Nov. 30, 1901.
David J. Ellis, I believe the 1900 enumeration is off by exactly 20 yrs.
234 Federal Population Schedule, 29-Aug-1850, pp. 315B.29, dw. 734, Clay Twp., Onondaga Co., NY, fam. 737, Ira

Schoolcraft age 27 sex m shoemaker born in NY, Betsey A. age 26 sex f born in NY, Miles age 6 sex m born in NY,
Ann Elizabeth age 4 sex f born in NY.

Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jun-1860, pp. 517, dw. 146, 1st Ward, Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Co., WI, fam. 143,
Ira Schoolcraft age 34 sex M Shoemaker born in NY, Elizabeth age 34 sex F born in NY, Miles age 15 sex M born in
NY, Anna age 13 sex F born in NY, Homer age 8 sex M born in NY.
236 Federal Population Schedule, 23-Jun-1870, pp. 45.38, dw. 463, Fond du Lac Ward 2, Fond du Lac Co., WI, fam.

425, Ira Schoolcraft age 46 sex M Boot and Shoe store born in NY, Elizabeth age 46 sex F born in NY, A. Waterbury
age 17 sex F Domestic servant born in Germany.
237 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255426 National Archives Film T9-1426 pp. 496C: 5-Jun-1880

Waupun, Fond Du Lac Co., WI dw. 41, family 43. : Ira SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 56 born in NY
occupation Farmer father born in NY mother born in NY: Elizabeth SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age
57 born in NY occupation Keeping House father born in VT mother born in NY.
238 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jun-1900, pp. 236A.30, dw. 333, fam. 357, ED #108, Geneva, Kane Co., IL : Ira

Schoolcraft head male married age 76 born in Apr 1824, NY occupation marr. 36 yrs. father born in NY mother born in
NY: Elizabeth wife female married age 76 born in Oct 1823, NY occupation marr. 36 yrs., 4 ch., 3 liv. father born in
NY mother born in NY: Henry B. Fargoe son-in-law male widow age 53 born in 1847, WI occupation real estate, marr.
35 yrs. father born in IL mother born in IL.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255430 NA Film T9-1430 pp. 413A, 2-Jun-1880 New Lisbon,
Juneau Co., WI dwelling 54, family 54. : Nicholas M. HESS Self male married white age 47 born in NY occupation
Insurance Agent father born in HOLLAND mother born in CT: Janave HESS Wife female married white age 38 born
in ENG occupation Keep'G House father born in SPAIN mother born in ENG: Florence HESS Dau female single white
age 19 born in WI occupation School Teacher father born in NY mother born in ENG: Mary HESS Dau female single
white age 12 born in WI occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in ENG: Hannah SCHOOLCRAFT
Mother female widow white age 77 born in NY occupation Keep'G House father born in NH mother born in NY.
240 New York, Schoharie: Cemetery Listings, Book One: Gallupville pp. 93: Schoolcraft, Jacob E. b. 1823 d. 1892,

Marie Schell b. 1829 d. 1900.

241 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Maria on Augst. 26 [1787] born 7 August, parents Jacob Schulcraft & Mar. Cathar.
Zimmer, sponsors Johannes Schneyder & Maria Werth.
242 Adam Weidman, New York: Adam Weidman Jr. Family Bible, My wife Marie Schoolcraft Died July 19,th 1823

Aged 35 years 11 months. My Son Lewis Fowler Weidman Died November 21,th 1826 Aged five months and fourteen
days. My Father Adam Weidman Died July 19, 1829 Aged 75 years three months and nine days. My mother Elesabeth
Schaffer Died Decm 1830 aged 73 years one month and six days. My second wife Martha Fowler Died January 3, 1837
Aged 42 years and 5 months and 7 days sick ness(?) 5 weeks and 2 hours Died of the Droppsey.
243 Adam Weidman, New York: Adam Weidman Jr. Family Bible, I Adam Weidman junr and Mary Schoolcraft was

Married January 29th 1809.

244 Adam Weidman, New York: Adam Weidman Jr. Family Bible, I Adam Weidman junr was born April 5, 1787. My

wife Marie Schoolcraft was born August 7th 1787.

245 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Event Christening: Adam Weidman : M : Father Adam Weidman : Mother Eliesabeht : Date 27
Jun 1789 Born 05 Apr 1789 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
246 Adam Weidman, New York: Adam Weidman Jr. Family Bible, Adam Weidman Jun Died March 24th 1877

[different handwriting].
247 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Vosburgh pp. 146: Baptism of Elias [Whitman] on Oct 1st

1809 born 23rd July [1809], parents Adam Whitman Junr. & Maria Schoolcraft, sponsors Adam Whitman & Elisabeth
New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Caty [Weidman] on 15 Febr. 1812 born
Novembr. 26 1811, parents Adam Weidman & Mary Schoolcraft, sponsors Jacob Schoolcraft & Mary Caty Zimmer.
New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Vosburgh pp. 155: Baptism of Joseph [Weidman] on
[1815 January] 29 born Decemb. 9. 1814, parents Adam Weidman Junr. & Maria Schoolcraft.
250 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 47.09, Berne, Albany Co., NY, Adam Weidman Jun. Male: 1 <10, 1 10-16,

1 26-45, female: 1 <10, 1 26-45, agriculture: 1.

251 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 374.18, Berne, Albany Co., NY, Adam Weidman Jur. Male: 1 <5, 1 40-50,

female: 1 <5, 1 10-15, 1 30-40.

Federal Population Schedule, 19-Jul-1860, pp. 41.32, dw. 1024, Parish, Oswego Co., NY, fam. 1056, Adam
Weidman age 70 sex m farmer born in NY, Susannah age 65 sex f born in NY.
253 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1870, pp. 25.17, dw. 227, Hastings, Palermo, Oswego Co., NY, fam. 228,

Adam Weidman age 81 sex m Farmer born in NY, Susana age 74 sex f born in NY, Adam age 32 sex m Invalid born in

Adam Weidman, New York: Adam Weidman Jr. Family Bible, My grand Son George A. Schaeffer Died May 1,st
1862 in ??
David J. Ellis, The marriage to Schaeffer is implied by combining the references to grand son George Schaeffer
from Adam Weidman's bible and grand-daughter Caty Ann Schaeffer from Jacob Schoolcraft's will.
256 Adam Weidman, New York: Adam Weidman Jr. Family Bible, Joseph Weidman was married To Sarah A Powel

257 Federal Population Schedule, 29-Aug-1850, pp. 39.06, dw. 277, Hastings, Oswego Co., NY, fam. 290, Joseph

Widman age 35 sex m cooper born in NY, Sarah E. age 24 sex f born in NY, William F. age 5 sex m born in NY.
258 Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jun-1860, pp. 12.28, dw. 102, West Monroe, Oswego Co., NY, fam. 102, Joseph

Wideman age 45 sex m farmer born in NY, Saraan age 34 sex f born in NY, William Thomas age 15 sex m cooper born
in NY.
259 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jul-1870, pp. 70.31, dw. 638, Trenton, Oneida Co., NY, fam. 658, Thomas Powell

age 76 sex m Ret. Tailor born in Wales, Joseph Weidman age 55 sex m born in NY, Sarah A. age 40 sex f born in NY.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Jan on 9 Nov [1790] born 14 Oct, parents Jacob Schulkraft & Maria Catherina,
sponsors Johannes Schulkraft & Maria Catharina.
New York, Schoharie: Republican Newspaper, Death on 5 [Nov 1862] of John Schoolcraft In this village on the
morning of the 5th, in the 74th year. Keft a hotel in this village for 20 years., He died at his residence in New Street, on
Wednesday morning. S.R. Nov. 6 1862.
262 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Schoolcraft, Elisha on [Bet 1812 Sepr. 27 &

October] born Sept. 28 1812, parents John Schoolcraft & Mariah Settle, sponsors Johanas Schoocraft & Maria
Catharine Shal.
263 New York, Schoharie: Republican Newspaper, Death on Nov 1 [1864] of Mary Schoolcraft In this village on

Tuesday Nov 1 at the residence of her son Hiram Schoolcraft. Relict of the late John Schoolcraft Jr, in the 74th year.
S.R. Nov 3 1864.
264 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 190.07, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, John Jun. Schoolcraft. Male: 2 <10,

1 26-45, female: 3 <10, 1 10-16, 1 16-26, manufacturing: 1.

265 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 22.21, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, John J. Jr. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 5-10,

1 15-20, 1 30-40, female: 1 10-15, 1 20-30, 1 30-40.

266 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 178.20, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 15-20, 1

30-40, 1 40-50, female: 1 15-20, 1 20-30, 1 40-50.

267 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Sep-1850, dw. 1841, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 1842, John Schoolcraft

age 58 sex M hotel keeper born in NY, Mary Schoolcraft age 57 sex F born in NY, Hiram Schoolcraft age 26 sex M
hotel keeper born in NY, <other guests>.
268 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1860, pp. 28.27, dw. 184, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 189, John

Schoolcraft age 71 sex M not given born in NY, Mary age 68 sex F born in NY, Hiram age 36 sex M born in NY,
Electa M. age 28 sex F born in NY, Nancy Maria age 39 sex F born in NY, Mary A. age 4 mos. sex F born in NY, John
Cassedy age 22 sex M born in Ireland.
269 New York, Schoharie: Cemetery Listings, Book Two: St. Paul's Lutheran pp. 42: Schoolcraft, John d. Nov 5, 1862

age 74y; wife Mary Settle d. Nov 1 1864 age 74 y.

270 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), List of members: Schoolcraft, Mary Settle wid. of John Schoolcraft Died Nov. 8, 1864.
271 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Isaac on 1816 born 5th October [1816], parents John Schoolcraft Jun. & Maria h.w.,
sponsors F. M.
272 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Nancy Maria on [1818] born 23rd August [1818], parents John Schoolcraft, Jun. &
Mary h.w., sponsors Henrich Zeddel & Anna h.w.
273 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Hiram on Jul 30 [1824] born May 29th 1824, parents John Schoolcraft Jr. & Mary
274 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Marriage on Oct 25th 1832 of Elijah Schoolcraft to Anna Maria Dominick Both residents of
Schoharie, witnessed George Hilts and Maria E. Dominick his wife.
275 New York, Schoharie: IGI: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, (International Genealogical Index - United

States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Anna Maria Dominick : F : Father John Dominick : Mother Maria : Date 24
Jan 1813 born 17 Dec 1812 : Place Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.

New York, Schoharie: Republican Newspaper, Death on Feb 2 [1875] of Elisha Schoolcraft At Turin Lewis Co. Feb
2 in his 63rd year. S. R. Feb 11 1875.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Marriage on Sep. 23 1837 of Isaac Schoocraft to Catherine Maria Hilts Both residents of
Schoharie, testes Elisha Schoollcraft and wife.
Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 25.11, Greig, Lewis Co., NY, Elisha Schoolcraft. Male: 1 20-30, female: 1
<5, 1 20-30.
279 Federal Population Schedule, 3-Aug-1850, pp. 204.28, dw. 1528, Greig, Lewis Co., NY, fam. 1560, Elisha

Schoolcraft age 37 sex M farmer born in NY, Anna age 37 sex F born in NY, Nancy age 11 sex F born in NY,
Sylvester age 2 sex M born in NY, Levi Smith age 17 sex M laborer born in NY.
280 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Sep-1860, pp. 371, dw. 2883, Greig, Lewis Co., NY, fam. 2867, Elisha Schoolcraft

age 47 sex M farmer born in NY, Anna M. age 46 sex F born in NY, Nancy O. age 21 sex F born in NY, Sylvester age
12 sex M born in NY, John Dominick age 69 sex M farmer born in NY, Mary age 69 sex F born in NY, George F.
Delmark age 20 sex M laborer born in NY.
281 Federal Population Schedule, 5-Aug-1870, pp. 22.26, dw. 183, Turin, Lewis Co., NY, fam. 183, Elisha Schoolcraft

age 57 sex m farmer born in NY, Anamariah age 57 sex f born in NY, Sylvester age 21 sex m born in NY, Aurelia
Perrie age 44 sex f born in NY, John J. Dominick age 79 sex m born in NY, Mary age 78 sex f born in NY.
282 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254858 National Archives Film T9-0858 pp. 297A: Turin, Lewis

Co., NY : Sylvester SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 31 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in
NY mother born in NY: Elma SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 31 born in NY occupation Keeping
House father born in NY mother born in NY: Leroy SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 7 born in NY father
born in NY mother born in NY: Anna SCHOOLCRAFT Mother female white age 67 born in NY father born in NY
mother born in NY: Mary SCHOOLCRAFT GMother female white age 88 born in NY father born in NY mother born
in NY: Lillian COOK Other female single white age 17 born in NY occupation House Keeper father born in NY
mother born in NY.
283 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 178.05, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Isaac Schoolcraft. Male: 1 20-30,

female: 1 20-30.
284 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1850, pp. 18A.31, dw. 233, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 234, David A.

Warner age 38 sex M laborer born in NY, Christina age 37 sex F born in NY, John J. age 11 sex M born in NY, Ira age
8 sex M born in NY, Elmina age 6 sex F born in NY, Miles age 2 sex M born in NY, Abram age 77 sex M laborer born
in NY, Isaac Schoolcraft age 34 sex M merchant born in NY, Catharina M. age 33 sex F born in NY, Leonard J. age 8
sex M born in NY.
285 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jul-1860, pp. 13.34, dw. 627, Wright Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 640, Isaac

Schoolcraft age 45 sex M merchant born in NY, Catherine M. age 42 sex F born in NY, Catherine Hilts age 22 sex F
born in NY.
286 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Jun-1870, pp. 1.14, dw. 4, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 5, Isaac Schoolcraft age

52 sex m farmer born in NY, C. Mariah age 51 sex f born in NY.

287 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254931 NA Film T9-0931 pp. 350A, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY

: Isaac P. SCHOOLERAFT Self male married white age 61 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in NY mother
born in NY: Catharine SCHOOLERAFT Wife female married white age 60 born in NY occupation Keeping House
father born in NY mother born in NY.
288 New York, Schoharie: Cemetery Listings, Book One: Gallupville pp. 92: Schoolcraft, Isaac d. Feb 15, 1881 age

64/4/10, Catherine M. Hilts (wife) b---- d----.

New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -
United States), "Electronic," Caty Maria Hilts b. 30 Aug1817, bapt. 1817 in High and Low Dutch Reformed
Congregation, parents Theobald Hilts and Margaretha.
Federal Population Schedule, 23-Jun-1870, pp. 24.33, dw. 205, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 221, Herman
Schoolcraft age 46 sex m farmer born in NY, Electa age 38 sex f born in NY, Mary age 10 sex f born in NY, Wm.
Stalker age 19 sex m born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254931 National Archives Film T9-0931 pp. 255A: Schoharie,
Schoharie Co., NY : Hiram SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 50 born in NY occupation Farmer father
born in NY mother born in NY: Electa M. SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 46 born in NY occupation
Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: Mary SCHOOLCRAFT Dau white age 20 born in NY
occupation Attending School father born in NY mother born in NY: Ann HILTSEY Other female single white age 16
born in NY occupation Domestic Servant father born in NY mother born in NY: William TINNAN Other male single
white age 23 born in NY occupation Farm Laborer father born in IRE mother born in IRE.

New York, Schoharie: Cemetery Listings, Book Two: St. Paul's Lutheran pp. 42: Schoolcraft, Hiram b. May 29,
1824 d. Mar 19, 1891; wife Electa Becker no dates; wife Esther Ann d. May 2 1851 22y 9m 27d; child John W d. 1850
age 4m 29d.
293 New York, Schoharie: Patriot Newspaper, Marriage on Aug 3 1848 of Hiram Schoolcraft of Schoharie NY & Miss

Esther Thrall of Esperance NY, daughter of William Thrall, married at Esperance.

New York, Schoharie: Patriot Newspaper, Death on May 2 1851 of Mrs. Esther Ann Schoolcraft Age 23. At
Schoharie NY. Daughter of William Thrall.
295 New York, Schoharie: Patriot Newspaper, Marriage on May 12 1852 of Hiram Schoolcraft of Schoharie NY & Miss

Electa Maria Becker of Wright NY.

296 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, East Newark cemetery (McCullough cemetery): Death on 11 Jan 1826 age

31 Yrs. 3 Mos. 3 days of SCHOOLCRAFT, Ozias.

297 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Ozias and Adam Schoolcraft in Tioga

New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Elisabeth on 17th June 1798 born Apr. 30
[1798], parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Maria Catharina Zimmer, sponsors Adam Shafer and wife Elisabeth.
Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, SAN Vol. 2 No. 3 pp. 4 - 7:
Vera Freeman's application to the DAR. The submitted evidence includes records from a Family Bible. Many of the
early dates cited conflict with more reliable church records so caution is advised.
Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 193.04, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, John Zimmer Jr. Male: 1 <10, 1 26-
45, female: 2 <10, 1 16-26.
301 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 29.25, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, John Zimmer Jr. Male: 2 <5, 1 5-10, 1

15-20, 1 30-40, female: 2 10-15, 1 30-40.

302 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 184.10, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, John Zimmer Jr. Male: 1 5-10, 2 10-

15, 2 15-20, 1 40-50, female: 1 <5, 1 20-30, 1 40-50.

303 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jul-1850, pp. 5A.03, dw. 44, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 45, John Zimmer Jr.

age 58 sex m farmer born in NY, Elisabeth age 53 sex f born in NY, John J. age 23 sex m farmer born in NY, Isaac age
17 sex m farmer born in NY, Catharine age 12 sex f born in NY.
304 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1860, pp. 23.35, dw. 706, Wright Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 719, John

Zimmer Jr. age 67 sex m farmer born in NY, Elizabeth age 63 sex f born in NY, John age 30 sex m born in NY, Isaac
age 26 sex m born in NY, Wm. Moore age 17 sex m born in Germany, Catharine Swart age 22 sex f born in NY.
305 New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -

United States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Peter Zimmer : M : Father Johannes Zimmer : Mother Elisabeth : Date
1815 born 28 Jan 1815 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
306 New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -

United States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Maria Catharina Zimmer : F : Father Johannes Zimmer : Mother
Elizabeth : Date 1816 born 10 Nov 1816 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie,
New York.
307 New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -

United States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Eva Zimmer : F : Father Johannes Zimmer : Mother Elizabeth : Date
1818 born 13 Nov 1818 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
308 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Levi on Jany. 12th [1823] born Novr. 30 1822, parents John Zimmer, Jr. & Elisabeth
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of John Jacob on Octr. 9th [1825] born Sepr. 2 1825, parents John Zimmer Jr. &
Elisabeth Schoolcraft.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Adam Paul on May 11th [1828] born March 15th 1828, parents John Zimmer Jr. &
Elisabeth Schoolcraft.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of [blank] on Feby 26th [1831] born [blank], parents John Zimmer Jr. & Elisabeth
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Hiram & Isaac (twins) on March 17 [1833] born Jany. 22 1833, parents John
Zimmer Jr. & Elisabeth Schoolcraft.
Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jul-1850, pp. 5A.08, dw. 45, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 46, Peter P. Zimmer
age 35 sex m carpenter born in NY, Julia M. age 35 sex f born in NY, Melissa age 6 sex f born in NY, Lawrence age 4
sex m born in NY, Alonzo age 2 sex m born in NY.

New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -
United States), "Electronic," Event Marriage: Mary Cathrine Zimmer : F : Spouse Helmur Houghtaling : Date 12 Mar
1835 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
315 New York, Berne: IGI: St. Paul's Lutheran Evangelical Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),

"Electronic," Event Christening: Mary Isabella Zimmer : F : Father Levi Zimmer : Mother Caroline : Date 20 Mar 1855
: Place Saint Paul's Lutheran Evangelical, Berne, Albany, New York.
316 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1850, pp. 18B.05, dw. 235, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 236, Adam P.

Zimmer age 22 sex m shoemaker born in NY, Margaret age 19 sex f born in NY, Georgina age 7 mos. sex f born in
NY, Seneca Hane age 22 sex m shoemaker born in NY.
317 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1860, pp. 23.10, dw. 701, Wright Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 714, A. P.

Zimmer age 31 sex m shoemaker born in NY, Margaret age 28 sex f born in NY, Georgianne age 11 sex f born in NY,
Henryette age 8 sex f born in NY, Charles age 6 sex m born in NY, Wm. H. age 2 sex m born in NY.
318 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Adam on 9 Nov [1800] born 10 Oct

[1800], parents Jacob Schulcraft & Maria Catharina, sponsors Adam Zimmer & Maria.
319 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Catherine on 12 [Oct 1806] born 16 Sept.

[1806], parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Eva, sponsors Hans Schoolcraft & Maria Catherine.
New York, Clay: Cemetery Listings, Unconfirmed list obtained from Grove Schoolcraft. (Pines Planes cemetery
records.), Death on 18 Jan 1837 age 30 yrs. 4 mos. 2 days. of SCHOOLCRAFT, Catherine - wife of Adam.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 24 Feb 1824 of Adam Schoolcraft &
Caty Schoolcraft both resident in Shoharie.
322 David J. Ellis, Catherine is named as SCHOOLCRAFT in the marriage. Her date of birth, determined from her age

in the cemetery listing, precisely matches the date of birth of Jacob SCHOOLCRAFT and Eva SETTLE's daughter. She
consistently uses the name Caty.
323 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 22.12, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Adam Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-15, 1

20-30, female: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 20-30.

324 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 57.10, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, Adam Schooleraft. Male: 1 <5, 2 5-10, 2 10-

15, 1 30-40, female: 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 30-40.

325 Federal Population Schedule, 23-Dec-1850, dw. 15, Benton, Boone Co., IL, fam. 15, Adam Schoolcraft age 51 sex

m farmer born in NY, Chester age 20 sex m born in NY, Daniel age 9 sex m born in NY, Hannah age 46 sex f born in
NY, Mary J. age 6 sex f born in NY.
326 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Aug-1860, Belvidere, Boone Co., IL, dw. 1181, fam. 1111, A. Schoolcraft age 60

sex m farmer born in NY, Hannah age 57 sex f born in NY, Daniel age 19 sex m born in NY, M. Jane age 17 sex f born
in NY.
327 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Elisa Emeline on 9 Sep 1824 born 31 Jul

1824, parents Adam & Caty Schoolcraft, sponsors Parents.

328 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Elias on 21st April [1826] born 17th Febr

1826, parents Adam Schoolcraft & Caty, sponsors parents.

329 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Eva Maria on 17 Jun 1827 born 5 May

1827, parents Adam Schoolcraft & Caty, sponsors parents.

330 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Christina on 24 Aug 1830 born 30 Jun

1830, parents Adam Schoolcraft & Caty, sponsors parents.

331 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Nancy Aurelia on 13 Apr 1834 born 19

Sep 1833, parents Adam Schoolcraft & Catharine, sponsors parents.

New York, Berne: IGI: St. Paul's Lutheran Evangelical Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),
"Electronic," Batch #: M506241: Marriage of Peter Lawyer & Eve Mariah Schoolcraft on 22 Dec 1853 at Saint Paul's
Lutheran Evangelical church, Berne, Albany Co., NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1850, pp. 15A.31, dw. 187, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 188, David S.
Lawyer age 50 sex m farmer born in NY, Maria age 40 sex f born in NY, Peter H. age 26 sex m farmer born in NY,
Jacob A. age 20 sex m farmer born in NY, Margaret age 18 sex f born in NY, Christina age 16 sex f born in NY, Ezra
age 14 sex m born in NY, Minor W. age 12 sex m born in NY, John S. age 4 sex m born in NY, Elisabeth Borst age 26
sex f born in NY.
334 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254202 NA Film T9-0202 pp. 268B, Sycamore, De Kalb Co., IL :

Peter H. LAWYER Self male married white age 56 born in NY occupation Retired Farmer father born in NY mother
born in NY: Eva Maria S. LAWYER Wife female married white age 53 born in NY occupation Keeping House father
born in NY mother born in NY: Jay LAWYER Son male single white age 14 born in IL occupation At Home father
born in NY mother born in NY.

Federal Population Schedule, 4-Aug-1850, pp. 14.29, dw. 111, Knox, Albany Co., NY, fam. 111, John J. Shultes
age 63 sex m laborer born in NY, Jacob age 91 sex m born in NY, Nancy Schoolcraft age 16 sex f born in NY, Gideon
Shultes age 38 sex m born in NY.
336 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1870, pp. 6.34, dw. 44, New Lisbon, Juneau Co., WI, fam. 48, Nicholas Hess

age 38 sex m grocer born in NY, Jennevieve age 30 sex f born in Eng, Florence age 8 sex f born in WI, Marion age 2
sex f born in WI, Hannah Schoolcraft age 67 sex f house keeper born in NY, Cesey Komerlson age 14 sex f indentured
servant born in Norway.
337 David J. Ellis, Conjecture. Same location as Chester [step-brother] in 1860.
338 David J. Ellis, Adam's census record implies he has remarried in Newark before 1840, later gone to Illinois with a

wife called Hannah and has acquired a step child, Chester. After 1860 it looks like Hannah is living with a son (the only
one with a mother born in NY) and therefore was previously married to a Hess. Nicholas Hess is in Newark in 1850 but
apparently with three siblings and no parents. This family may be incorrect and needs further analysis.
339 Federal Population Schedule, 4-Aug-1860, pp. 153.03, dw. 982, Bement, Piatt Co., IL, fam. 982, Saul Shanks age 59

sex m farmer born in MA, Sylva age 57 sex f born in NY, Wm. age 28 sex m farmer born in NY, Saml. J. age 20 sex m
farm laborer born in NY, Cath. age 23 sex f born in NY, Paul Schoolcraft age 19 sex m farm laborer born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 4-Aug-1860, pp. 150.01, dw. 961, Bement, Piatt Co., IL, fam. 961, C. Schoolcraft age
30 sex m teamster born in NY, J. Schoolcraft age 30 sex f born in MA, fam. 982, Saul Shanks age 59 sex m farmer
born in MA, Sylva age 57 sex f born in NY, Wm. age 28 sex m farmer born in NY, Pitt age 12 sex m born in IL.
Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1870, pp. 16.34, dw. 125, Bement, Piatt Co., IL, fam. 125, Chester Schoolcraft
age 40 sex m speculator born in NY, Adline age 44 sex f born in NH, Elmes age 3 sex f born in IL.
342 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Sep-1870, pp. 27.10, dw. 116, Lincoln, Lancaster Co., NE, fam. 116, Hotel, C.

Schoolcraft age 40 sex m real estate dealer born in NY.

343 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254751 NA Film T9-0751 pp. 216A, Lancaster, Lincoln Co., NE :

A. R. SCHOOLCRAFT Self female widow white age 54 born in NH father born in NH mother born in NH: Ella
SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 13 born in IL father born in NH mother born in NH.
344 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Aug-1870, pp. 25.31, dw. 211, Albion, Butler Co., IA, fam. 218, Daniel W.

Schoolcroft age 28 sex M produce dealer born in NY, J. H. Makinson age 32 sex M lumber dealer born in NY.
345 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254329 NA Film T9-0329 pp. 92B, Undated Parkersburg, Butler

Co., IA : D. W. Schoolcraft Self male married white age 38 born in NY: Frances A. Schoolcraft Wife female married
white age 33 born in OH: Franklin H. Schoolcraft Son male single white age 2 born in IA.
346 Federal Population Schedule, 27-Jun-1900, pp. 203A.43, dw. 240, fam. 240, ED #65, Grand Ave., Preston Twp.,

Jasper City, Jasper Co., MO : D. Schoolcraft head male married age 58 born in Feb 1842, NY occupation lumber
dealer, marr. 27 yrs. father born in NY: Fannie A. wife female married age 53 born in Dec 1846, IA occupation marr.
27 yrs., 2 ch., 2 liv. father born in PA mother born in PA: D. Willis son male single age 17 born in Aug 1882, IA.
347 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Sophia on [1805] born 25th April, [1805], parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Maria
Catharina h.w., sponsors George Hilts & Sohia h.w.
348 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), 1795-1866 Communion, confirmation, members received: On Undated list of members:
Schoolcraft, Sophia lost 1888.
349 David J. Ellis, Based on location and other coincidences and constraints that are discussed in the commentary.
350 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1860, pp. 13.02, dw. 96, Richmondville, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 101, Marcus

Warner age 69 sex m farmer born in NY, Catharine age 61 sex f born in NY, James A. age 29 sex m born in NY,
Sophia Woolford age 54 sex f servant born in NY, Martha age 16 sex f servant born in NY, Peter McGraw age 16 sex
m farm laborer born in NY, Wm. A. Warner age 17 sex m farm laborer born in NY.
351 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 27 Aug 1836 of John W. Wolford &

Sophia Schoolcraft witnesses Maria Catharine Stubrach & Caty Eliza. Wolford.
352 Federal Population Schedule, 10-Aug-1850, Richmondville, Schoharie Co., NY, dw. 8, family 8, John W. Wolford

age 48 sex m stone mason born in NY, Sophia age 46 sex f born in NY, Seneca age 13 sex m born in NY, Cornelia H.
age 9 sex f born in NY, Martha age 6 sex f born in NY.
353 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jun-1860, pp. 21.05, dw. 135, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 141, Jacob H.

Loucks age 45 sex m carpenter born in NY, Eliza age 40 sex f born in NY, Christina age 18 sex f tailorese born in NY,
Eloda age 16 sex f born in NY, Isabella age 14 sex f born in NY, John S. age 12 sex m born in NY, Mary age 10 sex f
born in NY, John W. Wolford age 68 sex m mason born in NY.
354 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Seneca on July 8th [1837] born Sept. 24th 1836, parents John W. Wolford & Sophia

Federal Population Schedule, 27-Jul-1860, pp. 93.03, dw. 741, Walworth, Wayne Co., MI, fam. 749, Seneca
Woolford age 24 sex m stone mason born in NY, Athelia age 22 sex f born in NY, Rufus J. age 3 sex m born in NY,
Cora age 7 mos. sex f born in NY.
356 Federal Population Schedule, 27-Sep-1870, pp. 11.02, dw. 92, Hubbardston, Ionia Co., MI, fam. 97, Seneca

Woolford age 34 sex m school teacher born in NY, Nancy A. age 32 sex f born in NY, Rufus J. age 13 sex m born in
NY, Cora B. age 9 sex f born in NY, Minnie E. age 3 sex f born in NY.
357 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254583 NA Film T9-0583 pp. 9A, Hubbardston, Ionia Co., MI :

Seneca WOOLFORD Self male married white age 44 born in NY occupation Lawyer father born in NY mother born in
NY: Nancy WOOLFORD Wife female married white age 41 born in NY occupation Keeping House father born in NY
mother born in NY: Lydia TOWNSEND MotherL female widow white age 79 born in NY father born in RI mother
born in RI.
358 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Communion, confirmation, members received Vosburgh

pp. 115, On Ap. 2 1831: Catharine Schoolcraft wife of John E. Wolford Confession with sub-note "dead."
David J. Ellis, The mention of Caty Eliza Wolford in her grandmother's will implies that Catherine must have been
Jacob's daughter.
David J. Ellis, Age of her siblings and age of her husband.
David J. Ellis, Based on location and other coincidences and constraints that are discussed in the commentary.
362 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1850, pp. 13A.01, dw. 160, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 161, Jacob Jr.

Schoolcraft age 65 sex M Farmer born in NY, Catharine age 50 sex F born in NY, Peter P. age 35 sex M born in NY,
Christina B. age 35 sex F born in NY, Jacob F. age 26 sex M born in NY, Maria age 20 sex F born in NY, Eve M.
age 24 sex F born in NY, George B. age 13 sex M born in NY, Amanda M. age 11 sex F born in NY, Eve M. age 8
sex F born in NY, Sherman M. age 6 sex F born in NY, Ann E. age 3 sex F born in NY, Marg age 1 sex F born in
363 New York, Schoharie: Republican Newspaper, Death on Dec 3 [1869] of Jacob Schoolcraft Dec 3 at his residence at

Gallupville. In his 86th year. S.R. Dec 23 1869.

364 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 32.10, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob Jr. Schoolcraft. Male: 2 <10, 1

26-45, female: 1 16-26.

365 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 190.17, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob Jun. Schoolcraft. Male: 2 <10,

1 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 26-45, female: 1 <10, 1 26-45, manufacturing: 1.

366 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 23.17, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob Jr. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 5-10, 1

15-20, 1 20-30, 1 40-50, 1 60-70, female: 1 <5, 1 10-15, 1 20-30, 1 30-40, 1 60-70.
367 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Aug-1860, pp. 36.40, dw. 805, Wright Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 820, Peter P.

Schoolcraft age 45 sex M farmer born in NY, Christina age 44 sex F born in NY, Maggie age 18 sex F born in NY,
Sherman M. age 16 sex M born in NY, Ann E. age 14 sex F born in NY, Ida May age 5 sex F born in NY, Jacob
Schoolcraft age 75 sex M born in NY, Catherine age 64 sex F born in NY.
368 Allen Burton, Historian for the Town of Wright, New York, Wright: Cemetery Listings, (Film 0532958), Cemetery

on Robert Shultes Farm (Shultes Road near Catherine Hotalings), (Stones all down, decidedly desecrated, stones
broken.): Death on September 23, 1831 age 44/3/? of Schoolcraft, Eve Settle wife of Jacob Schoolcraft.
369 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of John on 18 Feb [1808] born 18 Jan

[1808], parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Eva, sponsors John Zettel & Maria.
370 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Maria on 22 [May1809] born 17 Apr

[1809], parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Eva.

371 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Gideon on 19 Dec 1812 born 7 Nov

1812, parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Eva.

New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Peter on 7 Jan 1815 born 2 Dec 1814,
parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Eva.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Nancy Christina on 13 Apr 1817 born 2
Mar 1817, parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Eva m.n. Zell, sponsors Ann Schoolcraft m.n. Gleichmann.
374 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Jacob Frederick on 27 Nov 1823 born 13

Nov 1823, parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Eva, sponsors Frederick Schell & Maria.
375 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Eva Elisa. on 2 Apr 1828 born 20 Mar

1828, parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Eva, sponsors parents.

New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Marriage on Nov 14th 1832 of Peter C. Sant, farmer, aged
24 yrs. of Knox Maria Schoolcraft, aged 23 yrs. of Schoharie Stephen Merselus Jr., Maria Bessler both of Knox.
377 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1850, pp. 12B.09, dw. 154, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 155, Gideon

Schoolcraft age 36 sex M farmer born in NY, Nancy A. age 26 sex F born in NY, Isaac age 13 sex M born in NY,
Maria age 12 sex F born in NY, John H. age 7 sex M born in NY.

Federal Population Schedule, 18-Aug-1860, pp. 41.40, dw. 843, Wright Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 860, Gideon
Schoolcraft age not specified sex M farmer born in NY, Nancy age 35 sex F born in NY, John age 17 sex M born in
NY, Manford age 9 sex M born in NY, Alice age 3 sex F born in NY.
379 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1870, pp. 10.35, dw. 85, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 93, Gideon

Schoolcraft age 57 sex m farmer born in NY, Nancy A. age 44 sex f born in NY, Manford age 19 sex m ~~~ Jan born
in NY, Allice age 12 sex f born in NY, Adnon C. age 7 sex m born in NY.
380 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254931 National Archives Film T9-0931 pp. 361D: Wright,

Schoharie Co., NY : Gideon SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 67 born in NY occupation Farmer father
born in NY mother born in NY: Adaline SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 54 born in NY occupation
Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: Alice SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 22 born in
NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Clark SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 17
born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY.
381 New York: Cemetery Records, Vol. 1: Burial group as listed in Schoharie Co. records: Schoolcraft, Gideon b. Nov

7, 1812 d. May 12, 1888. Nancy A. Fairlee, wife b. Oct 24, 1828 d. Feb 3, 1894. John C. b. May 1, 1878 d. Apr 5,
1879. Clark b. July 31, 1862. Manford D. b. Mar 27, 1851 d. Feb 24, 1915. Etta A. Posson, wife b. May 31, 1858.
New York, Schoharie: Cemetery Listings, Book One: Gallupville pp. 44: Schoolcraft, Gideon b. Nov. 1, 1812 d.
May 12, 1883, Nancy A. Farlee (wife) b. Oct. 24, 1828 d. Feb 3, 1894.
383 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 18 Oct 1832 of Gideon Schoolcraft &

Mariatta Zimmer place of residence Shoharie. witnesses William Zimmer & Jacob Schoolcraft.
384 New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -

United States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Marietta Zimmer : F : Father William W. Zimmer : Mother Catharina :
Date 1813 born 18 Mar 1813 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
385 Allen Burton, Historian for the Town of Wright, New York, Wright: Cemetery Listings, (Film 0532958), Cemetery

on Robert Shultes Farm (Shultes Road near Catherine Hotalings), (Stones all down, decidedly desecrated, stones
broken.): Death on May 2, 1840 in her 28th year M S of Schoolcraft, Mary Etta wife of Gideon Schoolcraft "Far from
this world of toil and strife She's present with the Lord The labors of her mortal life End in a large reward."
386 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Marriage on Oct. 2d. [1842] of Gideon Schoolcraft to Adeline Fairly Gideon of Schoharie,
Adeline of Knox.
387 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Aug-1860, pp. 36.40, dw. 805, Wright Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 820, Peter P.

Schoolcraft age 45 sex M farmer born in NY, Christina age 44 sex F born in NY, Maggie age 18 sex F born in NY,
Sherman M. age 16 sex M born in NY, Ann E. age 14 sex F born in NY, Ida May age 5 sex F born in NY, Jacob
Schoolcraft age 75 sex M born in NY, Catherine age 64 sex F born in NY.
388 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jun-1870, pp. 8.40, dw. 69, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 67, Peter P.

Schoolcraft age 55 sex m farmer born in NY, Christine age 54 sex f born in NY, Catherine age 73 sex f born in NY,
Therman age 26 sex m farmer born in NY, Elvira age 27 sex f born in NY, Anna age 22 sex f born in NY, Ida M. age
12 sex f born in NY.
389 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254931 National Archives Film T9-0931 pp. 363C: Wright,

Schoharie Co., NY : Peter P. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 65 born in NY occupation Farmer father
born in NY mother born in NY: Christina SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 64 born in NY occupation
Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY.
390 New York, Schoharie: Cemetery Listings, Book One: Gallupville pp. 93: Schoolcraft, Peter P. b. Dec 2, 1814 d.

May 11, 1897; Christina Becker (wife) b. June 23, 1815 d. Aug 7, 1898; children George B. d. Jan 4, 1855 age
18/11/10; Anna E. d. Aug 3, 1879 age 32/11/3.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 19 Mar 1835 of Peter Schoolcraft &
Christina Becker witnesses Ira Wheeler & wife.
David J. Ellis, The Peter in this marriage is determined by the supplemental evidence of a joint baptism with his
brothers children. George Becker Schoolcraft is baptized with the twins of Gideon and Marietta on 7th September
1836. Without this consideration the Peter who is the son of Peter and Bertha Marinass is a possible alternative.
New York, Schoharie: Cemetery Listings, Book One: Gallupville pp. 101: Zimmer Wm. P. d. Nov 10, 1893 age 49
yr 8 mo; Nancy C. Schoolcraft (wife) d. Apr 8, 1846 age 29 yr; Eve Esther (child) d. Jan 29, 1864 age 23/3/21.
394 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 179.21, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Wm. P. Zimmer. Male: 1 <5, 1 5-10,

1 15-20, 1 30-40, 1 50-60, female: 1 <5, 1 20-30.

395 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jul-1850, pp. 5A.20, dw. 47, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 48, William P.

Zimmer age 45 sex m farmer born in NY, John W. age 15 sex m farmer born in NY, Martin age 13 sex m born in NY,
Mary C. age 11 sex f born in NY, Eve E. age 9 sex f born in NY, Jacob S. age 7 sex m born in NY, William Newton
age 7 sex m born in NY, Eliza Schemerhorn age 34 sex f born in NY, Alexander age 8 sex m born in NY.

New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Marriage on Nov. 17 [1834] of William P. Zimmer to Nancy Christina Schoolcraft Both
residents of Schoharie, witnessed Paul Weidman and wife.
397 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Aug-1860, pp. 42.05, dw. 845, Wright Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 862, Jacob

Schoolcraft age 36 sex M farmer born in NY, Maria age 30 sex F born in NY, Mary age 11 sex F born in NY, Ellen M.
age 8 ? sex F born in NY, Albert age 7 sex M born in NY, Catharine M. age 5 sex F born in NY.
398 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jul-1870, pp. 7.12, dw. 49, Knox, Albany Co., NY, fam. 55, Jacob Schoolcraft age

46 sex m farmer born in NY, Mariah age 39 sex f born in NY, Ella age 19 sex f born in NY, Albert age 17 sex m
farmer born in NY, Kate M. age 15 sex f born in NY, Charles J. age 13 sex m born in NY, Stephen A. age 10 sex m
born in NY, May Belle age 7 sex f born in NY, Edna age 6 sex f born in NY.
399 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254931 National Archives Film T9-0931 pp. 363C: Wright,

Schoharie Co., NY : Jacob SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 56 born in NY occupation Farmer father
born in NY mother born in NY: Maria SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 49 born in NY occupation
Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: Charles SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 23 born in
NY occupation Farm Laborer father born in NY mother born in NY: Stephen SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white
age 19 born in NY occupation Farm Laborer father born in NY mother born in NY: Mabelle SCHOOLCRAFT Dau
female single white age 17 born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Edna
SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 15 born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in
NY: Carrie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 7 born in NY occupation At School father born in NY
mother born in NY.
400 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Marriage on Dec 29 [1847] of Jacob F. Schoolcraft aged

24 to Maria Schell both of Wright aged 18.

401 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Marriage on Sept. 29 [1832] of Jacob Schoolcraft, farmer,

aged 48 yrs Schoharie Catharine Stiner, widow, aged 35 yrs Bern David Beeker, Philip Salsburg, both Schoharie.
402 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Eliesabeth on 24 May [1790] born 30 Apr, parents Johannes Schulkraft & Maria
Catharina, sponsors Friederich Schel & Eliesabeth Schulkraft.
403 Federal Population Schedule, 4-Aug-1850, pp. 14.24, dw. 110, Knox, Albany Co., NY, fam. 110, Jacob Shultes age

38 sex m farmer born in NY, Catharine age 9 sex f born in NY, Theodore age 5 sex m born in NY, Christian age 1 sex
m born in NY, Elizabeth age 61 sex f born in NY.
404 Henry Cady, New York, Berne: Cemetery Headstone, Johanes Scholtus, died Apr. 12, 1858, 70. Elsabeth

Schoolcraft, his wife, died Apr. 11, 1851, 61.

405 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Gedion [Shultes] on Jan 5th 1812 born

December 26 1811, parents Johannes J. Shultes & Elesebeth Schoolcraft, sponsors Jacob Shultes & Mariah Fisher.
406 Federal Population Schedule, 4-Aug-1850, Knox, Albany Co., NY, dw. 111, family 111, John J. Shuttes age 63 sex

M laborer born in NY, Jacob [Shuttes] age 91 sex M born in NY, Nancy Schoolcraft age 16 sex F born in NY, Gideon
Shuttes age 38 sex M born in NY.
407 New York, Berne: Beaver Dam Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Jacob [Schultz] on 21st [June 1817] born June

3d 1817, parents Johannes J. Schultz & Elisabeth Schoolcraft, sponsors Died Sep. 3d. 1891 Ae 74 yrs 8 ms.
408 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jul-1860, pp. 32.06, dw. 226, Knox, Albany Co., NY, fam. 226, Jacob Shultes age

42 sex m farmer born in NY, Angelica age 30 sex f born in NY, Catharine Becker age 18 sex f born in NY, Christina
Shultes age 10 sex f born in NY, Vioria age 8 sex f born in NY, Stella age 6 sex f born in NY, Belva age 5 sex f born in
NY, Stanton age 4 sex m born in NY, Romane age 2 sex m born in NY, Granville age 9 mos. sex m born in NY,
Gideon age 49 sex m farmer born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 11-Jul-1870, pp. 1.26, dw. 7, Knox, Albany Co., NY, fam. 8, Jacob Shultus age 53 sex
m farmer born in NY, Angelica age 43 sex f born in NY, Staunton age 15 sex m farmer born in NY, Romane age 12
sex m born in NY, Granville age 9 sex m born in NY, Epha age 5 sex m born in NY, Flavor age 2 sex f born in NY,
Margaret Salisbury age 27 sex f house keeping born in NY, Gideon Shultus age 59 sex m born in NY.
410 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Maria on 27 [July 1794] born 9 Jul., parents Johannes Schulkraft & Maria
Catharina, sponsors Lorentz Schulkraft & Maria.
411 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Mahaly on 27 June [1811] parents Johannes Seidelmeier & Maria Schoolcraft,
sponsors Jacob Schoolcraft Jun. & Eva, h.w.

David J. Ellis, With Jacob and Eva Schoolcraft as sponsors at the baptism of Mahaly, a family relationship to Maria
Schoolcraft is very probable. Thus Maria Schoolcraft, Jacob's sister, married John Saddlemire. The birth of John
Saddlemire 1790 to parents John and Maria Saddlemire is claimed to be to a mother called Maria Haverly. I think it
likely that the John Saddlemire born in 1790 is the spouse of Maria Schoolcraft. Children are born to John Saddlemire
and Elizabeth starting in 1813 so this marriage may not have lasted.
New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -
United States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Johannes Seidelmeier : M : Father Johannes Seidelmeier : Mother
Maria : Date 16 Oct 1790 Born 2 Oct 1790 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie,
Schoharie, New York.
414 Federal Population Schedule, 10-Aug-1850, pp. 44.13, dw. 358, Knox, Albany Co., NY, fam. 358, John Sadlemire

age 59 sex m farmer born in NY, Elizabeth - wife age 59 sex f born in NY, Betsey age 32 sex f born in NY, Amanda
age 18 sex f born in NY, Elmina - twin age 16 sex f born in NY, Amos - twin age 16 sex m born in NY, Elim age 12
sex m born in NY.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Catherina on 19 Febr. [1792] born 12 Febr., parents Lorentz Schulkraft & Ariantje,
sponsors Georg Friederich Reinhard & Catherina.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Lorentz on 8 June [1794] born 13 Febr., parents Lorentz Schulkraft & Arianne,
sponsors Lorentz Schulkraft & Maria.
417 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Margaretha on 5 Jun [1796] born 13 May

[1796], parents Laurens Shoolkraft & Ariana Shoolkraft, sponsors Adam Dietz Jr. & Margaretha Dietz.
418 New York, Albany: First Lutheran Church, (Typewritten transcription by New York Genealogical Society),

Baptism of Georg Friederich on 27 Julius [1798] born 23 Julius [1798], parents Laurenz Schoolcraft & Ariangen,
sponsors Martinus Schoeffer und Catharina.
419 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Wilhelm on 3 Oct [1799] born 29 Jul

[1799], parents Laurens Shulcraft & Ariangen, sponsors Wilhelm Shulcraft & Christina.
420 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Han Yost on 3 Oct 1819 born 2 Jul 1819,

parents Delus Dennis & Elisabeth m.n. Schoolcraft, sponsors Han Yost Sandt & Margaret.
421 David J. Ellis, Elizabeth is the mother of Han Yost Delus (John Joseph Delus) born in Schoharie on 2-Jul-1819.

Sponsors at the baptism are Han Yost Sandt and Margaret. Margaret is also a Schoolcraft born 13-May-1796 and the
daughter of Lawrence and Arianne Reinhard. Elizabeth is probably her sister.
422 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Christina on 7 Dec [1806] born 10 Oct

[1806], parents Lorenz Schoolcraft & Adriana, sponsors Martinus Schaefer & Cathrina.
423 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 23 Feb 1817 of Lawrence Schoolcraft &

Hannah Gleichmann eldest son of Lawrence Schoolcraft and <unspecified>; daughter of Frederick Gleichmann &
Maria m.n. ?Sandt at the dw. of the Rev. John Molther. Witnesses John Yost & Margareth Schoolcraft.
424 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 24.03, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Lawrence Schoolcraft. Male: 2 <5, 2

5-10, 1 30-40, female: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 20-30.

425 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 59.25, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, Lawrence Schooleraft. Male: 2 5-10, 1 10-

15, 1 15-20, 1 20-30, 1 40-50, female: 1 15-20, 1 20-30, 1 30-40.

426 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Aug-1850, dw. 349, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 356, Laurence Schoolcraft age

52 sex M carpenter born in NY, Nancy age 55 sex F born in NY, Maria age 33 sex F born in NY, Henry age 32 sex M
farmer born in NY, Peter age 27 sex M farmer born in NY, Miner age 23 sex M farmer born in NY, Samia age 18 sex
M farmer born in NY, Persy age 15 sex M born in NY, Georgiana age 4 sex F born in NY, Julia age 1 sex F born in
427 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Jul-1860, pp. 58.36, dw. 424, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 425, Lawrence

Schoolcraft age 66 sex M farmer/carpenter born in NY, Nancy age 66 sex F born in NY, Maria age 43 sex F farm labor
born in NY, Perry age 25 sex M born in NY, Georgina age 14 sex F born in NY, Estella age 12 sex F born in NY.
428 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jul-1870, pp. 52.27, dw. 469, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 474, Henry

Schoolcraft age 47 sex m farmer born in NY, William age 12 sex m at home born in NY, Henryetta age 10 sex f at
home born in NY, Alta age 6 sex f at home born in NY, Lewis age 3 sex m at home born in NY, Milly age 2 sex f at
home born in NY, Lawrence age 76 sex m at home born in NY, Nancy age 75 sex f house keeping born in NY.
New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, East Newark cemetery (McCullough cemetery): Death on 6 Jan 1873 age
79 yrs. of SCHOOLCRAFT, Lawrence - husband of Anna, soldier of 1812.
430 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, East Newark cemetery (McCullough cemetery): Death on age 74 yrs of

SCHOOLCRAFT, Anna - wife of Lawrence Schoolcraft [DJE; Probably mistranscription of "age 94 yrs"].

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254937 National Archives Film T9-0937 pp. 126D: Newark Valley,
Tioga Co., NY : Henry SCHOOLCRAFT Self male white age 56 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in NY
mother born in NY: Wm. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 22 born in NY occupation At Home father born
in NY mother born in NY: Henrietta SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 20 born in NY occupation Keeps
House father born in NY mother born in NY: Alfa SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 16 born in NY
occupation Works Out father born in NY mother born in NY: Louis SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 13
born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Milla SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single
white age 12 born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Nancy SCHOOLCRAFT Mother
female white age 86 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Maria SCHOOLCRAFT
Aunt female white age 62 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY.
432 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Caty Maria on 27 Oct 1817 born 20 Sept

1817, parents Lorenz Schoolcraft & Hannah m.n. Gleichmann.

433 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Jacob Henry on 3 Oct 1819 born 15 Jun

1819, parents Lawrence Schoolcraft & Hannah m.n. Cliegton, sponsors Delus Dennis & Elisabeth.
434 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Peter on 27 Oct 1822 born 2 Apr 1822,

parents Lawrence Schoolcraft Junr. & Hannah, sponsors parents.

New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Harriet on 18 Sep 1824 born 2 Apr 1824,
parents Lawrence Schoolcraft & Anna, sponsors parents.
Federal Population Schedule, 31-Jul-1860, pp. 59.02, dw. 425, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 426, Henry
Schoolcraft age 41 sex M farmer born in NY, Sarah age 26 sex F born in NY, William age 2 sex M born in NY,
Henrietta age 4 mos. sex F born in NY.
437 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, East Newark cemetery (McCullough cemetery): Death on 8 Jun 1895 age

77 yrs of SCHOOLCRAFT, Jacob H. - husband of Sarah.

438 Obituary, The Binghamton Press, Monday, November 10, 1952 - page 8. Mrs. Alta S. Pitcher Dies in Owego.

Binghamton Press Bureau. Owego - Mrs. Alta S. Pitcher, 99, widow of Wesley Pitcher, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Velma Fish, at 29 Fox Street, Sunday morning after an extended illness. A former resident of Newark
Valley, Mrs. Pitcher was born there Oct. 23, 1864, the daughter of Henry and Sarah Wright Schoolcraft.
439 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, East Newark cemetery (McCullough cemetery): Death on 9 Apr 1868 age

33 yrs 2 mos. 8 days of SCHOOLCRAFT, Sarah - wife of J. H. Schoolcraft.

440 Federal Population Schedule, 31-Aug-1850, dw. 858, Owego, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 891, Peter Schoolcraft age 28

sex M none born in NY, Angelina age 25 sex F born in NY.

441 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Jul-1860, pp. 58.14, dw. 421, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 422, John Dorothy age

39 sex M farmer born in PA, Ann age 44 sex F born in NY, Maria age 17 sex F born in NY, Malissa age 16 sex F born
in NY, Samantha age 14 sex F born in NY, Isyphena age 13 sex F born in NY, Almira age 9 sex F born in NY, Peter
Schoolcraft age 36 sex M born in NY.
442 New York, Owego: First Baptist Church, "Electronic," Funeral: Peter Schoolcraft 1889 Apr 7 age 67 Lisle Road,

Tioga Co., NY.

443 New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, East Newark cemetery (McCullough cemetery): SCHOOLCRAFT, Peter

Born 2 Apr 1822 Died 6 Apr 1888. Angeline his wife Born 9 Oct 1824 Died 13 Jan 1888.
444 David J. Ellis, Angeline's maiden name is probably BAKEMAN and her son Philip is visiting grandparents in the

1850 census. By 1860 Peter and Angeline appear to have separated.

445 Federal Population Schedule, 31-Aug-1850, dw. 857, Owego, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 890, Philip Bakeman age 53 sex

M farmer born in NY, Nancy age 45 sex F born in NY, Philip Schoolcraft age 2 sex M born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jul-1860, pp. 298, dw. 303, Owego, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 279, Philip Bakeman age
66 sex M farmer born in NY, Nancy age 56 sex F born in NY, Philip H. age 13 sex M born in NY, Angeline
Schoolcraft age 36 sex F matron born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 29-Jun-1870, pp. 93.33, dw. 834, Owego, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 832, P. H. Schoolcraft
age 22 sex M farmer born in NY, Angeline age 46 sex F born in NY, Philip Bakeman age 74 sex M born in NY.
448 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254937 National Archives Film T9-0937 pp. 230B: Owego, Tioga

Co., NY : Anjeline SCHOOLCRAFT Self female married white age 54 born in NY occupation Keeping House father
born in NY mother born in NY: Phillip SCHOOLCRAFT Son male married white age 32 born in NY occupation
Farmer father born in NY mother born in NY: Mary SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 27 born in NY
occupation Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: Alpha SCHOOLCRAFT Other female single white
age 13 born in NY occupation Servant father born in NY mother born in NY.
449 New York: Cemetery Records, Hope Cemetery, Newark, Tioga Co., NY: Harriet Schoolcraft Stevens 2 Apr 1825 -

19 Jul 1871.
David J. Ellis, I believe that Miner and Miron in the 1850 and 1860 census are one and the same.

New York, Newark: Cemetery Listings, East Newark cemetery (McCullough cemetery): Death on 23 Nov 1832 age
3 yrs. 4 mos. 4 days. of SCHOOLCRAFT, Frederick - son of Lawrence and Nancy.
Federal Population Schedule, 31-Jul-1860, pp. 59.06, dw. 426, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 427, Miron
Schoolcraft age 35 sex M farmer born in NY, Nancy age 25 sex F born in NY, Lucius age 3 sex M born in NY.
453 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jul-1870, pp. 52.24, dw. 468, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 473, Minor

Schoolcraft age 40 sex m farmer born in NY, Nancy age 36 sex f keeping house born in NY, Lucius age 13 sex m at
home born in NY.
454 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254937 National Archives Film T9-0937 pp. 126D: Newark Valley,

Tioga Co., NY : Minor SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 49 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in
NY mother born in NY: Nancy SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 39 born in NY occupation House
Keeper father born in NY mother born in NY: Perry SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 39 born in NY
occupation Farmer father born in NY mother born in NY.
455 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Jun-1900, pp. 124B.95, dw. 208, fam. 212, ED #124, Newark Valley, Tioga Co.,

NY : Minor Schoolcraft head male married age 70 born in May 1830, NY occupation day laborer, marr. 40 yrs. father
born in NY mother born in NY: Nancy wife female married age 65 born in Apr 1835, NY occupation marr. 40 yrs., 1
ch., 0 liv father born in NY mother born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 18-Apr-1910, pp. 3B.79, dw. 71, fam. 80, ED #151, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY:
Minor Schoolcraft head male age 84 born in NY married, marr. 1, 50 yrs. occupation laborer odd job father born in NY
mother born in NY: Nancy wife female age 75 born in NY married, marr. 1, 50 yrs., 1 ch. 0 liv. occupation laborer
spreader works father born in NY mother born in NY.
457 Obituary, The Binghampton Press, Binghamton, N. Y., September 25, 1912 - page 12. Miner Schoolcraft, 84, dies at

home of son. Newark Valley, Sept. 25 - Miner Schoolcraft died at the home of his son, Arthur Schoolcraft at Foster,
Monday, aged 84 years. Mr. Schoolcraft resided at this place for many years. The remains will be brought to this place
for burial.
458 David J. Ellis, The name in the 1850 census is mangled. I believe it is Seneca as the age correlates in later records.
459 Federal Population Schedule, 29-Jun-1860, pp. 11.14, dw. 76, Newark, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 77, Seneca Schoolcraft

age 28 sex M farm labor born in NY, Phebe C. age 24 sex F born in NY, William H. age 4 sex M born in NY.
460 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jul-1870, pp. 43.25, dw. 383, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 384, Seneca

Schoolcraft age 37 sex m laborer born in NY, Phebe age 34 sex f keeping house born in NY, William age 14 sex m at
home born in NY.
461 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254937 National Archives Film T9-0937 pp. 127A: Newark Valley,

Tioga Co., NY : Lewis W. BALLARD Self male married white age 40 born in NY occupation Lumberman father born
in NY mother born in NY: Emily BALLARD Wife female married white age 33 born in NY occupation Keeps House
father born in NY mother born in NY: Cory BALLARD Dau female single white age 13 born in NY occupation At
Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Charles L. BALLARD Son male single white age 11 born in NY
occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Frank RICE ASon male single white age 12 born in NY
occupation Lives Here father born in NY mother born in NY: George HARTZ Other male white age 47 born in NY
occupation Labourer father born in NY mother born in NY: Seneca SCHOOLCRAFT Other male white age 45 born in
NY occupation Labourer father born in NY mother born in NY.
462 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1900, pp. 127B.52, dw. 13, fam. 13, ED #125, Newark Valley village, Newark

Valley, Tioga Co., NY : Charles Chambers head male married age 56 born in Jul 1843, NY occupation carriage maker,
marr. 27 yrs. father born in NY mother born in NY: Alice wife female married age 45 born in Mar 1855, NY
occupation marr. 27 yrs., 0 ch. father born in NY mother born in NY: Seneca Schoolcraft boarder male widow age 66
born in Sep 1833, NY occupation carpenter father born in NY mother born in NY.
Military Records: Civil War listings, Enlisted as a Private on 22 August 1862 at the age of 30. Enlisted in Company
G, 137th Infantry Regiment New York on 22 August 1862. Promoted to Full Sergeant on 01 March 1863 (Estimated
date). Mustered out Company G, 137th Infantry Regiment New York on 09 June 1865 in Bladensburg, MD.
464 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 6 Fall 1985: Hope

Cemetery, Newark, Tioga Co., NY: Phebe (Golden) wife of Seneca Schoolcraft 15 Jan 1839 - 9 Mar 1875.
Federal Population Schedule, 4-Jul-1870, pp. 10.01, dw. 81, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY, fam. 82, Perry
Schoolcraft age 34 sex m farm laborer born in NY, Clarisa age 22 sex f keeping house born in NY, Alfaretta age 3 sex f
at home born in NY, Euphena age 1 mos. sex f at home born in NY, Apr 1870.
Federal Population Schedule, 21-Apr-1910, pp. 7B.68, dw. 167, fam. 179, ED #151, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY:
Lewis Schoolcraft head male age 42 born in NY married, marr. 1, 19 yrs. occupation farmer own farm father born in
NY mother born in NY: Alfreda wife female age 36 born in NY married, marr. 1, 19 yrs., 2 ch., 2 liv. father born in NY
mother born in NY: Archie son male age 18 born in NY single occupation farm laborer father born in NY mother born
in NY: Henry son male age 16 born in NY single father born in NY mother born in NY: Perry father in law male age
74 born in NY widow father born in NY mother born in NY.

Military Records: Civil War listings, Enlisted as a Private on 26 September 1862 at the age of 37. Enlisted in
Company H, 142nd Infantry Regiment New York on 29 September 1862. Deserted Company H, 142nd Infantry
Regiment New York on 16 February 1863 in Alexandria, VA.
468 New York: Cemetery Records, Hope Cemetery, Newark, Tioga Co., NY: Perry Schoolcraft 1836 - 2 Jan 1925.
469 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 9 Oct 1815 of John Joseph Sand &

Margaret Schoolcraft.
470 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Jul-1860, pp. 29.16, dw. 205, Knox, Albany Co., NY, fam. 205, John Jost Sand age

63 sex m farmer born in NY, Margaret age 63 sex f born in NY, Sarah age 21 sex f born in NY, Adam age 28 sex m
born in NY, Elizabeth age 33 sex f born in NY.
471 Federal Population Schedule, 24-Jul-1860, pp. 37.15, dw. 267, Knox, Albany Co., NY, fam. 267, William Sand age

35 sex m farmer born in NY, Sarah A. age 26 sex f born in NY, Morgan age 1 sex m born in NY.
472 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 170.09, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Wm. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 40-

50, female: 1 30-40.

Federal Population Schedule, 19-Jul-1850, pp. 5A.41, dw. 70, Duanesburgh, Schenectady Co., NY, fam. 71,
William Schoolcraft age 50 sex M cooper born in NY, Malinda age 49 sex F born in NY, William Frost age 63 sex M
cooper born in NY, John age 15 sex M born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 20-Sep-1860, dw. 1326, Duanesburg, Schenectady Co., NY, fam. 1371, William
Schoolcraft age 60 sex M shoemaker born in NY, Lovenda age 59 sex F wife born in NY, Sarah A. Schemehorn age 37
sex F house-keeper born in NY, Otis age 7 sex M born in PA, Paul E. age 3 sex M born in NY.
475 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Ezra on Nov 4 [1837] born Sept 23rd 1837, parents Wm. Schoolcraft & Catherine
476 David J. Ellis, CAUTION: Others place Catherine as the second wife of William, born 1-Jan-1769. Clearly she was

married to a William. I have yet to see evidence that she was married to that particular William. William, born in 1799
and the son of Lorentz and Arianne Rienhard would seem a more likely candidate, particularly given Catherine's age.
The child Ezra is living without parents in the house of David MATTICE in 1850 following Catherine's death in 1840.
David is too young to be the grandfather so he is probably a brother.
477 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Death on 18 Dec 1840 of Catharine wife of William

Schoolcraft died age 40 yrs.

478 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jul-1850, pp. 5A.29, dw. 48, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 49, David Mattice

age 59 sex M farmer born in NY, Sarah age 80 sex F born in NY, Elisabeth age 61 sex F born in NY, James age 25
sex M farmer born in NY, Ezra Schoolcraft age 12 sex M born in NY, David Nethaway age 18 sex M laborer born in
NY, Elisabeth age 14 sex F born in NY.
479 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Jun-1860, pp. 47.16, dw. 391, Berne, Albany Co., NY, fam. 391, Ezra Schoolcraft

age 22 sex M farmer born in NY, Eliza age 21 sex F born in NY, Aurent age 6 mos. sex M born in NY.
480 Federal Population Schedule, 23-Jun-1870, pp. 24.37, dw. 206, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 222, Ezra

Schoolcraft age 32 sex m farmer born in NY, Eliza age 31 sex f born in NY, Orin age 10 sex m born in NY, Harriett
age 7 sex f born in NY, Joseph Bussy age 21 sex m works farm born in France.
481 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254931 National Archives Film T9-0931 pp. 268D: Schoharie,

Schoharie Co., NY : Ezra SCHOOLCROFT Self male married white age 43 born in NY occupation Farmer father born
in NY mother born in NY: Eliza SCHOOLCROFT Wife female married white age 41 born in NY occupation Keeping
House father born in NY mother born in NY: Hattie SCHOOLCROFT Dau female single white age 17 born in NY
occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Claudius SCHOOLCROFT Son male single white age 7
born in NY father born in NY mother born in NY: Frank CAMMERON Other male single white age 21 born in NY
occupation Farm Laborer father born in NY mother born in NY.
482 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1900, pp. 279B.95, dw. 74, fam. 77, ED #64, Wright, Schoharie Co., NY : Ezra

Schoolcraft head male married age 62 born in Sep 1839, NY occupation farmer, marr. 43 yrs. father born in NY mother
born in NY: Eliza wife female married age 61 born in Oct 1838, NY occupation marr. 43 yrs., 5 ch., 3 liv. father born
in NY mother born in NY: Claude son male single age 27 born in Dec 1872, NY occupation farm laborer father born in
NY mother born in NY.
483 New York, Schoharie: Cemetery Listings, Book Two: Old Stone Fort pp. 28: Schoolcraft, Ezra b. 1839 d. 1900;

Eliza Germond, wife b. 1838 d. 1920; children Ary b. 1875 d. 1875; Mae b. 1880 d. 1918; Orin J. b. 1859 d. 1880;
Harriet b. 1863 d. 1959; Claudius b. 1872 d. 1922.
484 New York, Middleburg: IGI: Reformed Dutch Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),

"Electronic," Event Marriage: Ezra Schoolcraft : M: Spouse Eliza Germond : Date 17 Jul 1858 : Place Reformed Dutch
Church, Middleburg, Schoharie, New York.
Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 23.10, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, William Jr. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 2
5-10, 1 10-15, 1 30-40, female: 2 30-40.

David J. Ellis, Conjecture: Use of the name William Jr. seems indicative. The census records place him in the
appriopriate time and place and other suitable options seem blocked. He is born about 1790 based on the imprecise data
in the 1830 and 1840 census that place him 'on the break point'.
487 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 80.03, Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY, William Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 10-

15, 1 15-20, 1 20-30, 1 50-60, female: 1 15-20, 1 50-60.

New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Catherina on 5 Jun [1791] born 24 Mai, parents Wilhelm Schulkraft & Christina,
sponsors Jurg. Fried: Reinhardt & Catherina.
489 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Death on 1 Feb 1817 of Catharine Stoner m.n.

Schoolcraft age 25yrs 8 mos 6 da.

490 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 26 Jul [1812] of Jacob Stoner &

Cathrine Schoolcraft.
491 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 188.08, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob Stoner. Male: 2 <10, 1 26-45,

female: 1 <10, 1 16-26.

492 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 23.15, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Jacob Stoner. Male: 2 5-10, 1 40-50,

female: 2 <5, 1 5-10, 1 30-40.

New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Elisabeth on 19 Jul [1801] born 14 Jun
[1801], parents Wilhelm Schulcraft & Christina, sponsors Adam Schaefer & Elisabeth.
New York, Schoharie: Republican Newspaper, Death on 7 [Dec 1848] of Elizabeth Schoolcraft In the town of
Wright, on the mornng of the 7th, wife of John D. Carter, aged 47 years, 5 months, 2 days. S.R. Dec 19 1848.
495 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 9 Apr 1822 of John D. Carter &

Elisabeth Schoolcraft place of residence Shoharie.

496 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 182.25, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, John D. Carter. Male: 1 <5, 2 10-15,

2 15-20, 1 30-40, 1 70-80, female: 2 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 30-40.

497 Federal Population Schedule, 5-Sep-1850, dw. 1735, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 1736, John Carter age 50

sex m laborer born in NY, Ann age 45 sex f born in NY.

498 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1870, pp. 8.08, dw. 52, Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY, fam. 53, Paul Carter

age 46 sex m farmer born in NY, Lucinda age 43 sex f born in NY, Spicer age 16 sex m born in NY, Miles age 15 sex
m born in NY, Ella M. age 13 sex f born in NY, Aura age 10 sex f born in NY, Charles age 6 sex m born in NY, Flora
age 3 sex f born in NY, Cener age 10 mos. sex m born in NY, Aura Dickinson age 66 sex f domestic servant born in
NY, John D. Carter age 68 sex m retired famrer born in NY.
499 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Apr-1910, pp. 6B.94, dw. 168, fam. 173, ED #150, Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY:

John Schoolcraft head male age 70 born in NY married, marr. 7 yrs., 2nd marr. occupation own income father born in
NY mother born in NY: Abby wife female age 65 born in NY married, marr. 7 yrs., 3rd marr., 6 ch. 0 liv. father born in
NY mother born in NY: Seneca Schoolcraft boarder male age 76 born in NY widow occupation own income father
born in NY mother born in NY.
500 State Census, New York. 1825 [Central NY Gen. Soc.]: pp. 18.22, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY Jacob Schoolcraft,

2 males 3 females 1 elig. to vote, 2 unmarr. fem. und. 16, 1 births in prev. year
501 State Census, New York. 1825 [Central NY Gen. Soc.]: pp. 13.06, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY David Schoolcraft,

5 males 3 females 1 elig. to vote, 1marr. females und. 45 2 unmarr. fem. und. 16
502 State Census, New York. 1825 [Central NY Gen. Soc.]: pp. 17.04, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY John Schoolcraft

Jr., 5 males 3 females 1 elig. military 2 elig. to vote, 1marr. females und. 45 1 unmarr. fem. 16 to 45 1 unmarr. fem.
und. 16
New York: Cemetery Records, Turin Cemetery, Monument plot M25. SCHOOLCRAFT: Side 1: Elisha Schoolcraft
died Feb 2, 1875 aged 62 yrs. His wife Anna M. Schoolcraft died May 22, 1883 aged 70 yrs. Side 2: Sylvester
Schoolcraft dies July 10, 1895 aged 46 yrs. 10 mos. Elma K. wife of S. Schoolcraft died Sept 22, 1892 aged 44 yrs.
Dewitte son of S. & E. Schoolcraft died July 24, 1888 aged 8 yrs.
504 State Census, New York. 1825 [Central NY Gen. Soc.]: pp. 18.24, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY John Schoolcraft,

6 males 6 females 1 elig. military 3 elig. to vote, 2marr. females und. 45 1 unmarr. fem. 16 to 45 2 unmarr. fem. und.
505 State Census, New York. 1825 [Central NY Gen. Soc.]: pp. 17.27, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY Jacob Schoolcraft,

4 males 7 females 1 elig. to vote, 1 unmarr. fem. 16 to 45 5 unmarr. fem. und. 16, 1 acres occupied
State Census, New York. 1825 [Central NY Gen. Soc.]: pp. 17.04, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY John Schoolcraft
Jr., 5 males 3 females 1 elig. military 2 elig. to vote, 1marr. females und. 45 1 unmarr. fem. 16 to 45 1 unmarr. fem.
und. 16
State Census, New York. 1825 [Central NY Gen. Soc.]: pp. 18.20, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY William
Schoolcraft, 5 males 3 females 1 elig. military 2 elig. to vote, 1marr. females und. 45 1 unmarr. fem. und. 16

State Census, New York. 1825 [Central NY Gen. Soc.]: pp. 18.04, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY William

Schoolcraft Jr., 4 males 1 females 1 elig. military 1 elig. to vote, 1 marr. females und. 45

Christian Schoolcraft Born About 1732
Proven: Christian Schoolcraft
born Conjecture Abt. Apr-1732 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably.
[Previously Albany Co.]40
military 25-Jun-1777 in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada;
Enterred 3rd Company, Queen's Loyal Rangers44, 14
military 16-Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA;
Battle of Bennington17
military 22- Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA;
Transferred to Capt. Samuel McKay44, 19
military 19-Sep-1777 in Stillwater, Saratoga, New York, USA; Bemis Heights;
Captured at 1st Battle of Freeman's Farm19, 18
military Bet. 1779 - 1780 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Private
assigned to 16th Regiment, probably did not serve20
fact Bet. 1766 - 1777 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA;
[Previously Albany Co.]7, 46
fact 18-Apr-1778 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Appeared before
Commissioners for Conspiracies81
fact 15-May-1778 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Appeared before
Commissioners for Conspiracies81
fact 27-Dec-1779 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA;
[Cambridge District]9
fact Bet. 1782 - 1784 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, USA; Schoolcraft name
associated with Burlington VT and Caldwell's Manor23
fact 17-Oct-1783 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada46
fact 25-May-1790 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Christie's Manor1
died Aft. 25-May-17901

married Proven Elisabeth Margareth Becker 09-Oct-1753 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New

York, USA; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church2
born Abt. 10-Mar-1736 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
1. Proven: Margaret Schoolcraft79
born 25-Aug-1754 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]79
2. Proven: Adam Schoolcraft4
born 09-Apr-1756 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]4
military 25-Jun-1777 in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Enterred
3rd Company, Queen's Loyal Rangers44, 14
military 16-Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA; Battle of
military 22-Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA; Transferred to
Capt. Samuel McKay44, 19
military 19-Sep-1777 in Stillwater, Saratoga, New York, USA; Bemis Heights; Captured at 1st
Battle of Freeman's Farm18, 19, 14
military Bet. 1779 - 1780 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Private assigned to 16th
Regiment, probably did not serve20
military 24-Aug-1780 in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Captain

Leake's Corps.21
fact 22-Apr-1776 in New York, USA; Probably Cambridge. Oath to support the Revolutionary
fact 1790 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA; Near Cambridge by the
Vermont line94
fact 25-May-1790 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's Manor]1
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates27
fact 25-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's Manor],
Going to Stanbridge82
fact Bet. 1801 - 1805 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery, Lot 7-1283
died 08-Jul-1805 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada39
married Proven Catherine Phelps Abt. 179839
born Bef. 178062
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.3262
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1257.04, Range 563
died Aft. Mar-183984
3. Proven: Christian Schoolcraft aka Christopher5
born Abt. 25-Sep-1759 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]5
military Bet. 1779 - 1780 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Private assigned to 16th
military Abt. 10-Oct-1780 in Fort Ann, Washington, New York, USA; Rebel, captured at Ft. Ann,
prisoner in Montreal47
military Dec-1780 in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Billeted
Queen's Loyal Rangers18
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates27
fact 25-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's Manor],
Going to Stanbridge82
fact 20-Jul-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut- Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's Manor],
Associate for the town of Milton85
fact 23-Jul-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Caldwell's Manor],
Associate for the town of Stanbridge26
fact 23-Mar-1796 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Caldwell's Manor],
Associate for the town of Ely86
4. Proven: James Schoolcraft80
born Abt. 19-Feb-1762 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]80
census 1790 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; pp. 315.4311
census 1820 in Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 183.0577
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.1364
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1251.41, Range 365
military 26-Jun-1777 in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Enterred
3rd Company, Queen's Loyal Rangers45, 14
military 16-Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA; Battle of
military 22-Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA; Transferred to
Capt. Samuel McKay45, 19
military 19-Sep-1777 in Stillwater, Saratoga, New York, USA; Bemis Heights; Captured at 1st
Battle of Freeman's Farm18, 19
military Bet. 1779 - 1780 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Private assigned to 16th
Regiment, probably did not serve20
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates27
fact 25-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's Manor],
Going to Hatley82
fact 1800 in South River, Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada48
fact 10-Sep-1804 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for range 9, lot 15
west half.95

fact 13-Mar-1805 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Authorization to lease lot
15, range 929
fact 20-Jul-1807 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for better lease
fact 17-Jul-1813 in New Haven, Addison, Vermont, USA; Warning out58
fact 20-Dec-1814 in Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Warning out78
fact 06-May-1816 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Warning out59
died Aft. 183162
married Proven Clarissa Horton 26-Mar-1789 in Sandgate, Bennington, Vermont, USA;
Congregational Church10
5. Proven: Martin Schoolcraft6
born Abt. 06-Feb-1764 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]6
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.2566
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1251.39, Range 467
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates27
fact 09-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's Manor],
Destination not stated82
died Aft. 183167
married Conjecture [Unidentified] Bef. 178941
died Bet. 1795 - 180041
married Proven 2nd Hannah Scofield Aft. 179641, 60
6. Proven: John Schoolcraft7
born 12-Aug-1766 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA; Near Cambridge
by the Vermont line7
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 813.1068
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1257.21, Range 869
census 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2569.28, Conc. 7-
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates27
fact 25-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's Manor],
Destination not stated82
fact 18-Sep-1795 in Durham, Drummond, Quebec, Canada; Thomas Scott's petition for Durham97
fact 1802 in Durham, Drummond, Quebec, Canada; Granted lot 17, range 887
fact 10-Jun-1814 in Durham, Drummond, Quebec, Canada; Sells land in Durham31
fact 17-Jun-1820 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada49
died Aft. 1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably70
married Probable Barbary Dunham Bef. 179356, 42
born Conjecture Bef. 1780
died Bet. 1831 - 184269, 70
7. Proven: William Schoolcraft39
born Abt. 1767 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA; Probably. Near
Cambridge by the Vermont line50
census 1825 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 815.2171
census 04-Dec-1830 in Foucault, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; No. 5672
census 1831 in Foucault, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1612.19473
census 12-Mar-1842 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2479.10 St-
Georges, Rouville Co.90
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates27
fact 09-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's Manor],
Destination not stated82
fact 13-Mar-1805 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Authorization to lease lot
13, range 1029
fact 17-Oct-1835 in Foucault, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Petition for relief from
Seigneurial fees98

died 28-Jan-1844 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada50, 51
buried Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka Hawley cemetery51
married Proven Catherine Miller Abt. 1797 in Quebec, Canada50
born Abt. 177950
died 05-Dec-1843 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada50, 51
buried Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka Hawley cemetery51
8. Probable: Peter Schoolcraft43
born Abt. 1768 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA; Probably. Near
Cambridge by the Vermont line33
census 1825 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 829.3874
census 1831 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1229.45,
Range 10, Eccles Hill75
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates27
fact 09-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's Manor],
Destination not stated82
fact 05-Oct-1796 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's Manor],
Associate for Whitton99
fact 27-Apr-1807 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for range 5, lot 9100
fact 20-Jul-1807 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for better lease terms96
fact 17-Jun-1820 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada49
died 11-Apr-1842 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA33
buried 12-Apr-1842 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada33
married Proven Mary Stolicker aka Maria Stalker Bef. 180034
born 08-Apr-1780 in Hillsdale, Columbia, New York, USA57, 55
died 02-Oct-1833 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada57
buried 04-Oct-1833 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada57
9. Proven: Anna Schoolcraft39, 61
born Conjecture Bef. 1775 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA;
Probably. Near Cambridge by the Vermont line92, 91
died 24-Jan-1834 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably52
married Proven Simon Stone Bef. 179039, 61
born Abt. 1765 in Vermont, USA53, 93, 91
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.0776
military Abt. 1782 in Quebec, Canada; Capt. Jones' 7th Company, Loyal Rangers53
fact 22-Nov-1786 in Barford, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada; Levi Allen's petition. May be a
different Simon Stone101
fact 25-May-1790 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Christie's Manor1
fact 31-Mar-1798 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Philip Ruiter's petition102
fact 31-Aug-1802 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Granted lot 28, range 4103
fact 10-Sep-1804 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petioned for lot 13, range
fact 13-Mar-1805 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Authorization to lease lot
10, range 729
fact 20-Jul-1807 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for better lease
died 20-Sep-1825 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably52
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery54
10. Probable: Maria Schoolcraft43
born Abt. 1780 in New York, USA; Probably, or VT36
census 1861 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.37, Dist. 136
fact 03-Aug-1805 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada88
died 1861 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada36

Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 59, pp. 30122-30123. May 25, 1790. Gen. Gabriel Christie's list of present residents
of "Isle aux Noix or Noyan A Seigneurie" includes "Abraham Fryot, Goerge Linton, Capt. Duncan Cameron, James
Struthers, Garret Barien, Abner Stillman, Walter Scott Sr., Walter Scott Jr., Thomas Scott, John Ward, William Leech,
Allen & Dunham, Simon Stone, Solomon Dunham, Adam Clapper, Adam Schoolcraft, Schoolcraft & Sons.
2 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 9 Oct [1753] of Christian Schulkraf &

Elisabet Margareth Becker on account of my absence married by Domine Schuyler.

3 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Baptismal Pages Possessed by St. Paul's

Evangelical Lutheran Church but not from St. Paul's: Baptism of Elisabetha Margaretha [Becker] on Mar 10 [1735/36],
parents Andonius Becker, sponsors John Phillipps Bergmann besides John Peter Knickern's daughter, Elisabeth
4 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Adam on May [1756] born Apr 9 [1756],

parents Christian Schulkraf & Elisabet Margareth, sponsors Adam Becker and Elisabeth Schulkraf.
5 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Christiaan on Sep 25 [1759], parents Christiaan

Schoolcraft & Elizabeth Margarita Beckker, sponsors Pieter Levengteyn & Apolona Levengteyn.
6 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Martinus on Feb 6 [1764], parents Christiaan

Schoolcraft & Elizabeth Margarit Bekker, sponsors Henderick Hauqe & Eva Bekker.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Johannes Auf Quaschen Kill on [1767]
born Aug 12 1766, parents Christian Schulkraf & Elisabeth Margareth, sponsors Lorentz Schulkraf and his wife Maria.
Loyalists in the American Revolution, United Empire Loyalists Part I, Volume XII - Montreal, 1787-1788, pp. 407.
The Report of the Bureau of Archives 1904. A Loyalist claim made by Peter Miller shows he had land in
"Quasencooke" (Annaquassacook Patent about five miles east of Cambridge NY) and "Camden" (Camden Valley
about three miles farther east). This claim is witnessed by "Christian Schoolgrave" who states he knew the claimant in
Charlotte county (now Washington County that includes Cambridge NY). This claim is sworn in Montreal on 17th
October 1783 showing Christian was alive and in Montreal at that time. It also shows he was in Camden Valley with
Peter Miller in the early 1770's and therefore the reference to "Quaschen Kill" in John Schoolcraft's birth is also
referring to Annaquassacook.
9 New York: State Archives, New York State Library call number: KT 13324, Garret Y Lansing Papers, Box 1, File 2:

1779 Cambridge District, Albany County, NY Tax List, December 27th, 1779, Schoolcraft, Christian DJE: Also
claimed to be on the list in October 23, 1779.
10 Vermont, Sandgate: Congregational Church, (Edited by Royden Woodward Vosburgh), pp. 24, March 26 1789

James Schoolcraft & Clary Horton.

11 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Cambridge, Albany Co., NY, pp. 315.43, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 >16,

female: 2.
12 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Cambridge, Albany Co., NY, pp. 315.49, John Schucraft. Male: 1 >16, 2 <16,

female: 2.
13 The Hoosick Township Historical Society of Hoosick Falls, New York.
14 "King's men: The soldier founders of Ontario" by Mary Beacock Fryer. Dundurn Press (1980)
15 Col. John Peter's - Corps Return after Bennington, undated presumed late 1777
16 Capt. Justus 3rd Co. Return - dated 1778
17 War Office Papers - Headquarters Records. Military and Provincial Memorials. 1776-1781. W. O. 28. Vol. 9. Capt.

Justus Sherwood - Memo Concerning Transfer of Men to Capt. McKay dated 9th March 1788.
18 Col. John Peter's - Corps Return dated 14th December 1780
19 Roll of Men Under Capt Samuel McKay - Names of Men in the Campaign dated 20th December 1777.
Roster of the 16th Regiment Militia: This roster seems to apply to the period from 13 Apr 1779 to 30 Nov 1780. It
shows four individuals, all privates. Christian and three of his sons. Adam, Christopher [Christian] and Cobus
Haldimand Papers, PAC, B167-35, Ottawa, Ontario, 3 Sep 1777, St. Johns, Canada. Subsistance account of Captain
Leake's Corps. From September 3, 1777 to 24 October 1777 being 52 days: Stephen Young, Peter Young, Christian
Snyder serving with Maj. Rogers at St. Johns, Adam Schoolcraft rejoined from the Colonies 24 August 1780.
Rebel Prisoners at Québec by Chris McHenry, Wholesale House, Barber and Taylor, 380 Edison Way, Reno NV
89564: Transcribed records from Haldimand papers MSS 21,843 Ottawa: Among list of about 60 prisoners in Montreal
about 1780 marked "Taken Ft. Ann All in Arms". Age stated as 19 yrs.
Ethel May Diel, Schoolcraft Newsletter, published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 3 Summer 1986: Source "The
Barley and the Stream", a history of the Molson family. In summer of 1782 a party of 197 Loyalists then in Burlington
agree to go to Caldwell's Manor. Names include Barren, Struthers, Friott, Linton, Cameron, Dunham, Stone, Clapper,
Schoolcraft, Salls, Tryon, Ruyter, Hawley.

Ethel May Diel, Schoolcraft Newsletter, published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 4 Summer 1986: Image of a page
form Philip Ruyter's day book shows "John Schoolcraft spent 13 days aiding in the survey of Dunham. This may
actually have been 'Christ John Schoolcraft', his father, as that confusion appears elsewhere.
25 Francoise Noel, Professor of History, Director of the Institute for Community Studies and Oral History Nipissing

University, North Bay, ON: Private communication April 4th, 2006.

Alex Taylor's Petition for Stanbridge
27 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1630512: Petition for Town of Granby, 28-Mar-1795
28 Abbé Isidore Desnoyers, 1886, Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Jacques de Foucault, pp. 2: In 1797, Seigneur

Gabriel Christie made several grants.

29 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 60, pp. 30196-30217. Mar 13, 1805, pp. 30216. Authorization to lease Crown and

Clergy land. James Schoolcraft, range 9, lot 15; William Schoolcraft range 10, lot 13; Simon Stone range 7, lot 13;
Elijah Spears range 9, lot 19.
30 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 21st Sept. 1803, Sale by Gilbert Hyatt to Simon Stone.
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne, 10th June 1814: Sale by John Schoolcraft to Anthony Stockham.
32 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Folio 16th: George Stone of the Township of Stanbridge, farmer, son

of late Simon Stone and his wife Anna Schoolcraft died on the Twenty Fourth day of November in the year of our Lord
Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Five and was buried on this Twenty Seventh day of the same month and year
in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me R. A. Flanders, Minister. Witnesses Francis Welch and Lorenzo D.
33 Québec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, Peter Schoolcraft, of Franklin the State of Vermont died on the

eleventh day of April Two thousand eight hundred and fourty two, in the seventy fourth year of his age, and was buried
on the twelfth day of the same, in this parish in presence of the subscribing witnesses by me. Signed James Reid Pastor,
Witnessed Joseph Vincent and James Schoolcraft.
34 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne, 10th January 1833 Peter Schoolcraft to Patrick Small:

...personally appeared Peter Schoolcraft of the Seignory of St. Armand aforesaid and Mary Stolicker his wife...
35 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Petition of John Stalker to Robert Prescott, Leut. Gov. 28th Nov 1796: &hellip;

who has a wife and eight children&hellip;

36 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 2.37, St. Armand West, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family frame house, P.

Cammel age 29 M/S born in C. E. occ./rel. farmer, C of E, M. Schoolcraft age 81 F/S born in C. E. occ./rel. spinster, C
of E., died age 81 in last year, non family member, P. Parker age 19 M/S born in C. E. occ./rel. laborer, C of E.
37 Canadian Archives National Map Collection, Ottawa: H11/300 - 1831 #11 of 12. Map of the District of Montreal

Lower Canada, Joseph Bouchette 1831.

38 Canadian Archives National Map Collection [NMC 19134]. Missisquoi region map circa 1850.
39 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac

40 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Christian Schoolcraft.
41 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Hannah Scofield
42 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Solomon Dunham
43 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Christian Schoolcraft's children.
44 Queen's Loyal Rangers, 3rd Company, Capt. Justus Sherwood - Names and Dates of Joining of Men in the

Campaign Through October 1777

45 Queen's Loyal Rangers, 3rd Company, Capt. Justus Sherwood's Return after Bennington - dated 23rd August, 1777
46 Loyalists in the American Revolution, United Empire Loyalists Part I, Volume XII - Montreal, 1787-1788, pp. 407.

The Report of the Bureau of Archives 1904. A Loyalist claim made by Peter MILLER shows he had land in
"Quasencooke" (Annaquassacook Patent about five miles east of Cambridge NY) and "Camden"
47 Québec: Military Records, Books, official records, etc., Rebel Prisoners at Québec by Chris McHenry, Wholesale

House, Barber and Taylor, 380 Edison Way, Reno NV 89564: Transcribed records from Haldimand papers MSS
21,843 Ottawa: Among list of about 60 prisoners in Montreal about 1780 marked "Taken Ft. Ann All in Arms". Age
stated as 19 yrs.
Philip Ruiter Ledgers, Book 1799. Accounts March 5th 1800 through June 23rd 1800 in name of James Schoolcraft
include that he was "of South river".
49 Appendix to the XXXth volume of the Journals of the House of Assembly of the province of Lower-Canada, pp. W-

50 Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, McLellan 1941: In memory of || Wm. Schoolcraft || who died Jan

28 || 1844 || In the 78th year of his age || And the heavens shall declare his || Righteousness for god is Judge himself. In
memory of || Catherine Miller || wife of || Wm. Schoolcraft || who died Dec 5th, 1843 || in the 64 year of her Age || For
thou art my hope O, Lord God, || Thou art my trust from my youth.
51 Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, photographs of markers.

Personal Assertions and Interviews, Correspondence between Jerusha Stone and Gardner Bartlett: Simon Stone,
father of George Stone deceased Sept 20, 1825. Anna Schoolcraft wife of Simon Stone died Jan 24, 1834.
Québec: Military Records, Books, official records, etc., Capt. Jones' Co. was commision 22 Nov 1781. Simon Stone
listed as a Private, age 17, 5 ft. 5 in. with 1 yr. 5 mos. of service coming from America. Date of report uncertain. The
Loyal Rangers was a Provincial Regiment that existed only between 1781 and 1783.
Abbé Isidore Desnoyers, April 1st, 1887, Histoire de la Paroisse de St. Ignace, pp. 102: 4th Range. "Simon Stone
was also the first, so it is said, who was buried at the site which is still used today as a burying ground for the Protestant
population of this locality, situated 15 arpents to the south of the Catholic church." Simon may be the totally illegible
marker in lot 2-4 that is just inside the gate.
55 New York, Hillsdale: Reformed Dutch Church, Reformed Dutch Church, Hillsdale, Columbia Co., New York:

Christening of Maria Stalker on Jun 25, 1780, born Apr 8, 1780, father Johannes Stalker, mother Rosena Egelston.
56 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Marriages: On the twenty ninth day of December in the year of our

Lord Two thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Two Henry Notemire Farmer of the Township of Stanbridge Widower
and Lydia Schoolcraft Spinster both of the same Township both parties being of age and with the consent of the parents
of the aforesaid Lydia Schoolcraft after due publication of banns were united in holy matrimony in the presence of John
Schoolcraft and Barbary Schoolcraft the Father and Mother of Lydia Schoolcraft aforesaid. Henry Notemire, Lydia
Notemire, John Schoolcraft, Barbary Schoolcraft. NTwo of these persons being able to sign their names they were
written by me.
Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Folio fourteenth, Burials: Polly wife of Peter Schoolcraft of the
Seignory of St. Armand Farmer departed this life October the Second aged fifty three years and seven months and was
buried the fourth day of October in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and thirty three in the presence of
the subscribing witnesses by me Matthew Lang Minister. Witnessed Joseph Vincent, Henry Toof.
58 Alden M. Rollins, Vermont: Warnings out, (Vol. 1 Northern Vermont, Vol. 2 Southern Vermont), New Haven [p.

291] 17 July 1813: Schoolcraft[?], James, his wife and children, Patterson, Keziah (widow) with her children; warrant
left at the "residence of the within named James Schoolcraft and Kaziah Patterson."
59 Alden M. Rollins, Vermont: Warnings out, (Vol. 1 Northern Vermont, Vol. 2 Southern Vermont), St. Albans [p.

209] 6 May 1816: Schoolcraft, James and family.

60 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Simon the son of Martin Schoolcraft of Stanbridge, husbandman,

and of Hannah his wife whose maiden name was Scholefield was born on the eighteenth day of March in the year of
our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and was baptised on the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord Two
thousand eight hundred and fourty four in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me W. M. Harvard Minister.
Joel Spears, Moses Russell.
61 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Folio 16th: George Stone of the Township of Stanbridge, farmer, son

of late Simon Stone and his wife Anna Schoolcraft died on the Twenty Fourth day of November in the year of our Lord
Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Five and was buried on this Twenty Seventh day of the same month and year
in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me R. A. Flanders, Minister. Witnesses Francis Welch and Lorenzo D.
62 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.32, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household William Schoolcraft, 6

total in household, 1 under 6. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 18 but not 25 Marr.: 1 25 but not 40 Sing. Females: 1 14
but not 45 Marr.: 1 45 and up Sing. DJE: Elderly female with William.
63 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.04 Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 5 Head of

household Catherine Schoolcraft, renter, widow. 2 Total in household, 1 6 but under 14. Males: Females: 1 45 and up
Sing., 2 Anglican.
Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.13, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household James Schoolcraft, 5
total in household, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 2 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 60 and up Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 45 and up
Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.41, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 3 Head of
household James Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. 5 Total in household. Males: 2 21 but not 30 Sing., 1 60 and up Marr.,
Females: 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Marr., 5 Methodist.
Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.25, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Martin Schoolcraft, 2
total in household, 1 14 but under 18. Males: 1 60 and up Sing. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Sing.
67 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.39, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 4 Head of

household Scofield Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. 8 Total in household, 3 under 5, 2 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not
60 Marr., 1 60 and up Sing.Females: 4 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 8 Anglican. DJE: Elderly male with Scofield.
68 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 813.10, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household John Schoolcraft, 3

total in household. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 40 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 45 and up Marr.

Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.21, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 8 Head of
household John Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 2 Total in household. Males: 1 60 and up Marr., Females: 1 45 and up
Marr., 2 Methodist.
70 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, 2 March 1842: pp. 2569.28,

Conc. 7 - 12 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household John Schoolcraft, farmer. Total present in household 4.
Native of U.S.A. 2. Years in province for non native 50. Males: 2 30 but not 60 Sing., 2 60 and up Marr. Females: 2 14
but not 45 Sing. 2 British Wesleyan Methodist.
71 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 815.21, St. George, Bedford Co. Head of household William Schoolcraft, 8 total in

household, 4 under 6, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Sing.: 1 40 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but
not 45 Sing.: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
72 Québec: Census, Seignories of Foucault, Noyan and Sabrevios Census, December 4th, 1830: Entry No. 56,

Foucault, Head of Household Wm. Schoolcraft, No. of Male 5, No. of Female 3, Total 8.
73 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1612.194, Segnorie de Foucault, Rouville Co. Concession Head of household William

Schoolcraft, owner, Cultivateur. 7 Total in household. Males: 2 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 18 but not 21 Sing., 1 30 but not
60 Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Marr., 7 Methodist.
Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 829.38, St. Armand, Bedford Co. Head of household Peter Schoolcraft, 9 total in
household, 2 under 6, 2 6 but under 14, 1 14 but under 18. Males: 2 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 25 but not 40 Sing.: 1 40 but
not 60 Marr. Females: 2 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Sing.: 1 45 and up Marr.
Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1229.45, Segnorie St. Armand settled 1784, Missisquoi Co. Concession 10 Head of
household Peter Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. 5 Total in household, 3 6 but under 14. Males: 1 60 and up Marr.,
Females: 1 Under 14, 1 45 and up Marr., 5 Anglican.
76 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.07, Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Simon Stone, 8 total in household, 3

6 but under 14, 1 14 but under 18. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 60 and up Marr. Females: 2 < 14: 1 14 but not 45
Sing.: 1 45 and up Marr.
77 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 183.05, Georgia, Franklin Co., VT, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-16, 1

>45, female: 1 <10, 1 16-26, 1 >45, agriculture: 1.

78 Vermont, Georgia: Town Records, PP. 170. State of Vermont, Franklin County, To either Constable of Georgia in

said County Greeting you are hereby requested to summons James Schoolcraft now residing in Georgia to depart said
town. Herewith fail not but of this precept and your doings herunder this make according to law Griven under our
hands at Georgia this 20th day of December 1814. Stephen Dunton, Seymour Eggleston Selectmen of Georgia. DJE:
Notice was left on table in his dwelling house on 24th Dec., 1814.
79 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Margareth on Sep. 1 [1754] born Aug 25

[1754], parents Christian Schulkraf & Elisabet Margareth, sponsors Anton Becker and his wife.
80 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Jacobus on Feb 19 [1762], parents Christiaan

Schoolcraft & Elisabeth Margarit Becker, sponsors Jacob Vinknam & Maria Elizabeth Vinknam.
81 New York: Commissioners for Detecting and Defeating Conspiricies, April 18, 1778 Christiaen Schoolcraft and

James Small were brought before this board, and nothing appearing against them. Ordered That they be discharged and
permitted to return to their usual place of abode.
82 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1631062: Oath of Allegiance at Missisquoi Bay in 1795.
83 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Stanbridge Land Grant.
84 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary L. Dugas: No. 799, 9th March 1839: Transfer of the arrears of a certain

life rent by Catherine Phelps to Tilly Blakely.

85 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1630499: Abner Bingham's petition for Milton.
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1630578: Amos Lay's petition for Ely.
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Land Grant Book at Missisquoi Museum: Durham 1802
88 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Search warrant taken out by Baltus Boomhower on behalf of Maria Schoolcraft

against Adam Clapper Sr. Signed by Philip Ruiter.

89 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 9 Fall 1985:

Transcript of an oath of allegiance to the Continental Congress. Source: Williams Papers, Vol. 1, page 63. Names
include Garret Miller.
90 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-731, FHL US/CAN Film #1375937, 12 March 1842: pp. 2479.10,

St-Georges [de Clarenceville], Rouville Co. Head of household William Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. Total present in
household 5. Native of Canada 3 Eng. Native of U.S.A. 2. Years in province for non native 48. Males: 2 21 but not 30
Sing., 1 60 and up Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Marr. 5 British Weslyan Methodist.
91 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254589 National Archives Film T9-0589 pp. 89C: Chase, Lake Co.,

MI : Charles STTwo Self male married white age 66 born in Canada occupation Farmer father born in VT mother born
in MA: Jane STTwo Wife female married white age 69 born in Canada occupation Keeps House father born in Eng
mother born in VT.

David J. Ellis, Anna's first child is born in 1791 making her born in early 1770. The location of birth is given in the
1880 census entry for Charles.
David J. Ellis, Listed as age 17 in Capt. Jones' Company in the Loyal Rangers Regt. That Co. was commisioned 22-
Nov-1781. That list is not dated but the Loyal Rangers existed only between 1781 and 1783. Over 60 in 1825 means
born bef. 1765. Age 17 after 1782 means born after 1765. The location of birth is given in the 1880 census entry for
94 New York: State Archives, Garret Y Lansing Papers. Adam SCHOOLCRAFT possesed jointly with Ichabod &

Christian COOK[sic], 400 acres, Lot 24, Schermerhorn Patent in 1790, Anaquassacook.
95 Lib. Arch. Can. RG4 A1 (S-Series) Vol. 84, pp. 26219-26222. Sep 10, 1804 petition to lease Crown and Clergy

land, pp. 26220. James Schoolcraft, range 9, lot 15 west half.

96 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L, Vol. 65, pp. 32486-32489. Jul 20, 1807 petition seeking more favourable lease terms sign

by Peter Schoolcraft, James Schoolcraft and Simon Stone uses the words “back rents”.
97 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L, Vol. 176, pp. 85343-85393. Thomas Scott's petition for Durham. John is included on pp.

85366 for lots 5-10, 8-17, 9-2, 9-3, 9-5 & 9-6.
98 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 194, pp. 92531-92532. Oct 17, 11835, pp. 92531 (b). Petitioner of many from Noyan

and Foucault who are seeking relief from Seigneurial fees

Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 83, pp. 41423-41444. Oct 5, 1796, pp. 41434. List of petitioners on John Ferguson's
petition for the town of Whitton
Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L, Vol. 146, pp. 71460-71463. William Sturge Moore's list of petitioners for land, 27 Apr,
1807. pp. 71462: Peter Schoolcraft Sutton Church reserve in range 5 lot 9
101 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 30, pp. 15896-15952. Nov 22, 1786, pp. 15896. No. 100 on a list of 280 associates.
102 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 171, pp. 83398-83407. March 31, 1798, pp. 83402. List of associates includes Simon

103 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 30, pp. 15854-15866. Aug 31, 1802, Letters Patent for Sutton. Simon Stone pp.

15858, 15862, lot 28 range 4. Martin Kimmel pp. 15858, 15860, lot 20 range 2
104 Lib. Arch. Can. RG4 A1 (S-Series) Vol. 84, pp. 26219-26222. Sep 10, 1804 petition to lease Crown and Clergy

land, pp. 26220. Simon Stone, range 7, lot 13

William Schoolcraft Born About 1730
Proven: William Schoolcraft aka Wilhelm47, 9
born Abt. 1730 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably. [Previously
Albany Co.]8
died 13-Apr-1761 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA7, 9
buried Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA7

married Proven Maria Elizabeth Schneider 09-May-1749 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New

York, USA; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church6
census 1810 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 32.1110
1. Conjecture: Samuel Schoolcraft11
born Abt. 1758 in New York, USA3
census 1790 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA; pp. 022.0813
census 1800 in Berne, Albany, New York, USA; pp. 141.1814
census 1810 in Middleburgh, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 41.0615
census 1820 in Middleburgh, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 215.0216
military Bet. 01-Mar-1776 - 09-Jun-1783 ; CT and RI Lines3
died 04-Mar-1828 in Exeter, Otsego, New York, USA; Probably12
married Proven Mary Baley 22-Sep-1784 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA12
born Abt. Mar-176212
census 1830 in Exeter, Otsego, New York, USA; pp. 35.2617
census 01-Jun-1850 in Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA; pp. 473.12, Death Index18
died Jun-1850 in Huron, Ohio, USA18
a. Proven: Samuel Schoolcraft12
born 26-Jul-179412
died 13-Nov-1815 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA12
b. Proven: Eunice Schoolcraft12
born 11-Jun-179712
c. Proven: Diantha Schoolcraft12
born 05-Jun-179912
married Proven Moses D. Fowler 25-Jul-1837 in Huron, Ohio, USA19
d. Proven: Martha Schoolcraft12
born 22-Jun-1809 in Middleburgh, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably12
e. Proven: Cynthia Schoolcraft12
born 03-Mar-1819 in Middleburgh, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably12
2. Conjecture: Lawrence Schoolcraft20
born Conjecture Bef. 1761 in New York, USA
married Proven Maria Schneider 19-Jan-1790 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously
Albany Co.]/High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation1
born 09-Jun-1760 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]21, 22
a. Proven: Margaret Schoolcraft23
born 11-Apr-1790 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]23
b. Proven: Christian Schoolcraft24
born 18-Jul-1792 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA24
census 1820 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; pp. 188.0126
census 1830 in Newfield, Tompkins, New York, USA; pp. 490.1527
census 1840 in Newfield, Tompkins, New York, USA; pp. 145.2828
census 05-Oct-1850 in Newfield, Tompkins, New York, USA; dw. 27529

census 27-Sep-1860 in Newfield, Tompkins, New York, USA; dw. 266830
military Abt. 1812 ; Cpl., Capt. Philip Bartholomew, 11th Reg., Detached Militia, NY,
military Abt. 1812 ; Pvt., Capt. John Dominick Jr., Detached Militia, NY, USA31
married Proven Sarah Krankright 24-Apr-1814 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St.
Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church25
born Abt. 1798 in New York, USA29
i. Proven: Betsy Margaret Schoolcraft32
born 02-Aug-1819 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA32
ii. Proven: Frederick Rensselaer Schoolcraft33
born 17-Nov-1821 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA33
census 12-Oct-1860 in Newfield, Tompkins, New York, USA; dw. 301539
census 27-Jun-1870 in Newfield, Tompkins, New York, USA; pp. 33.22, dw.
census 1880 in Newfield, Tompkins, New York, USA41
census 13-Jun-1900 in Newfield, Tompkins, New York, USA; pp. 154A.21, dw.
191, ED 16242
died Aft. 190042
married Proven Catherine [Unidentified] Bef. 185841
born Abt. 1830 in New York, USA39
died Bet. 1880 - 190041, 42
iii. Proven: Catherine Ann Schoolcraft aka Caty34
born 22-Oct-1824 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA34
census 15-Aug-1850 in Ithaca, Tompkins, New York, USA; dw. 49437, 38
iv. Conjecture: Emily Schoolcraft36, 35
born Abt. 1827 in New York, USA35
census 05-Aug-1850 in Ithaca, Tompkins, New York, USA; dw. 25735
v. Proven: Nancy M. Schoolcraft29
born Abt. 1833 in New York, USA29
census 28-Jun-1870 in Newfield, Tompkins, New York, USA; pp. 31.11, dw.
census 1880 in Newfield, Tompkins, New York, USA; pp. 315C41
died Aft. 188041
vi. Proven: Abraham Schoolcraft29
born Abt. 1835 in New York, USA29
census 03-Jul-1860 in Decatur, Macon, Illinois, USA; dw. 8344
census 13-Jul-1870 in Decatur, Macon, Illinois, USA; dw. 57245
census 1880 in Rosedale, Wyandotte, Kansas, USA; pp. 311D46

The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, at Schoharie, NY. Marriage on 19 Jan. [1790] of Lorentz
Schulkraft with Maria Schneider.
2 St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, at Schoharie, NY. Event Marriage: Elisabeth SCHNEIDER : F : Spouse

Christian LOWYER : Date 30 AUG 1791 : Place Saint Pauls Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schoharie, Schoharie, New
3 Abstracted by Virgil D. White, Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files, SCHOOLCRAFT,

Abstracted by Virgil D. White, Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files, SCHOOLCRAFT
John, VA Line, S7468, sol was b 13 Feb 1757 in Hampshire Co VA & he lived in Ohio Co VA at enl & in 1781 he
moved to Monongahalia Co VA & also enl there & after the Rev he lived in Lewis Co VA where he app 2 Jul 1833, on
27 Apr 1860 sol's wid Nancy Schoolcraft made aff'dt in lewis Co VA aged 76, sol had m Nancy Brown 18 Jul 1804 in
Harrison Co VA & sol d 6 Mar 1850 in Lewis Co VA.

Abstracted by Virgil D. White, Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files, SCHOOLCRAFT
Jacob, VA Line, R9268, sol was b in 1759 in Hardy Co VA & he lived in Augusta Co VA at enl & after the Rev he
lived in Monongahalia Co VA then moved to Harrison Co VT[sic] then moved to Lewis Co VA where he appl 25 Nov
6 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriages Vol. 1 pp. 206 #2: Marriage on 9 May

[1749] of Wilhelm Schulkraf and Maria Elisabet Schneider Text Dom. 6. 14.
7 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Deaths and Obits Vol. 1 pg 235 #3 Death on 13 Apr

[1761] of Wilhelm Schulkraf.

8 Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Edward J. Schoolcraft, pp. 57 - Augusta County Will

Book No. 2, pp. 388: Estate appriasal of Daniel Richardson

9 Abstracts of Wills, Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber, 1938, New York: (Abstracts of Wills, Letters of

Administration and Guardianship, Schoharie Co., NY). Vol. 6, pp. 84. In the name of God, Amen. I, WILLIAM
SCHOOLCRAFT, of Schoharie, Albany Co., being weak. I leave to my wife Maria all my estate and all the portion
that may fall to me from my grandfather, William Cammer. I make my friend, Sybrant Van Schaick, Esq., executor.
Dated September 22, 1760. Witnesses, Jacob Van Schaick, Everitt John Wendall, Peter Lansingh. Probated in Albany,
June 18, 1761
Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 32.11, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Elizabeth Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-16,
female: 1 10-16, 1 >45.
The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Samuel Schoolcraft, Soldier on the
Connecticut Line.
12 SAN Vol. 1 No. 1 pp. 20: Family Bible pages with pension application SCHOOLCRAFT Samuel, CT Line, W5999,

BLW #1108-100.
13 Federal Population Schedule, Federal Population Schedule 1790: Unknown Town, New London Co., CT, pp. 23.08,

Schoolcraft, Samuel. Male: 1 >16, female: 1.

14 Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 141.18, Bern, Albany Co., NY, Samuel Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <10, 1 26-45,

female: 2 <10, 1 26-45.

15 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 32.06, Middleburg, Schoharie Co., NY, Samuel Schoolcraft. Male: 1 16-26,

1 >45, female: 1 <10, 2 10-16, 1 >45.

16 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 215.02, Middleburg, Schoharie Co., NY, Samuel Schoolcraft. Male: 1 >45,

female: 1 <10, 3 16-26, 1 >45, agriculture: 1.

17 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 35.26, Exeter, Otsego Co., NY, Mary Schoolcraft. Male: female: 1 10-15, 1

20-30, 1 60-70.
18 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1850, pp. 473.12, dw. Death Index, Norwalk, Huron Co., OH, Mary Schoolcraft

age 87 sex f widow, died of old age in Jun born in CT.

19 Ohio: Marriage Records, Event Marriage: Moses D. Fowler : M: Spouse Diantha Schoolcraft : Date 25 Jul 1837 :

Place Huron, Ohio.

20 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Lawrence Schoolcraft, Married to Maria

Schneider in 1790.
21 Henry Z. Jones Jr., The Palatine Families of New York, (Picton Press, Camden, ME), pg. 899 et. seq.
22 New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -

United States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Maria SCHNEYDER : F : Father Yoor Heinerich SCHNEYDER :
Mother Elisabeth ZIMMER : Date 14 JUN 1760 Birth: 09 JUN 1760 : Place High and Low Dutch Reformed
Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), 1728-1816 Doop book Baptism of Margaretha on 20 Apr [1790] born 11 Apr, parents Lorentz
Schulkraft & Maria, sponsors Adam Zimmer & Margaretha.
New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptisms Vol. 2 pp. 27 #22 Baptism of Christian on
3 Aug [1792] born 18 Jul [1792], parents Laurens Schulkraft & Maria, sponsors Christian Lawyer & his wife Elisabeth.
25 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriages Vol. 2 pp. 130 Marriage on 24 Apr [1814]

of Christian Schoolcraft & Sara Krankright.

26 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 188.01, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, Christian Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <10, 1

26-45, female: 2 <10, 1 16-26, agriculture: 1.

Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 490.15, Newfield, Tompkins Co., NY, Christian Schoolcraft. Male: 1 5-10,
1 20-30, female: 2 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50.
28 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 145.28, Newfield, Tompkins Co., NY, Christian Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1

15-20, 1 40-50, female: 2 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50.

Federal Population Schedule, 5-Oct-1850, dw. 275, Newfield, Tomkins Co., NY, fam. 277, Christian Schoolcraft
age 54 sex M farm born in NY, Sarah age 52 sex F born in NY, Frederick age 28 sex M laborer born in NY, Nancy M.
age 17 sex F born in NY, Abram age 15 sex M laborer born in NY.
30 Federal Population Schedule, 27-Sep-1860, pp. 326, dw. 2668, Newfield, Tomkins Co., NY, fam. 160, Christian

Schoolcraft age 66 sex M farm labor born in NY, Sarah age 62 sex F born in NY, Nancy age 26 sex F born in NY,
Stephen Conkright age 86 sex M born in NY.
31 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 1 pp. 4 Summer 1985:

Christian Schoolcraft Pvt., Cpl., 11th Reg. (Ricks) Capt. Philip Bartholomew's Co. Detached Militia NY.
32 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Betsy Margaret on 30 July 1823 born 2

Aug 1819, parents Christian Schoolcraft & Sarah, sponsors parents.

33 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Frederick Reanselaer on 30 July 1823

born 17 Nov 1821, parents Christian Schoolcraft & Sarah, sponsors parents.
34 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Caty Ann on 5 Feby 1825 born 22

October 1824, parents Christian Schoolcraft & Sarah, sponsors parents.

35 Federal Population Schedule, 5-Aug-1850, dw. 257, Ithaca, Tomkins Co., NY, fam. 274, Minerva F. Woodruff age

23 sex F born in NY, Mary C. age 8 sex F born in NY, Louisa M. age 2 sex F born in NY, George M. Chain age 24 sex
M born in NY, Emily Schoolcraft age 23 sex F born in NY.
36 David J. Ellis, Conjecture: I suspect this is a daughter of Christian and Sarah KRANKRIGHT based on the location

and age.
37 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Aug-1850, dw. 494, Ithaca, Tomkins Co., NY, fam. 519, George D. Burg age 39

sex M sawyer born in NY, Harriet age 41 sex F born in NY, Edward S. age 5 sex M born in NY, Sarah L. age 3 sex F
born in NY, Harriet age 3/12 sex F born in NY, Catherine Schoolcraft age 25 sex F born in NY, Amelia Williams age
29 sex F born in NY, Mary Dova age 18 sex F born in NY, Hannah Conley age 6 sex F born in NY.
38 David J. Ellis, Conjecture: I suspect Catherine mentioned in 1850 census is Caty Ann, daughter of Christian and

Sarah KRANKRIGHT based on the location and age.

39 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Oct-1860, dw. 3015, Newfield, Tomkins Co., NY, fam. 497, Frederick Schoolcraft

age 38 sex M farmer born in NY, Catherine age 30 sex F born in NY, Sarah A. age 2 sex F born in NY.
40 Federal Population Schedule, 27-Jun-1870, pp. 33.22, dw. 278, Newfield, Tompkins Co., NY, fam. 293, Fred

Schoolcraft age 48 sex m farmer born in NY, Catharine age 40 sex f born in NY, Sarah A. age 12 sex f born in NY.
41 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254938 National Archives Film T9-0938 pp. 315C: Newfield,

Tompkins Co., NY : Fredrick SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 59 born in NY occupation Farmer father
born in NY mother born in NY: Catherine SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 49 born in NY occupation
Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: Edward GALLEN Other male single white age 13 born in NY
occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Nancy SCHOOLCRAFT Sister female single white age
47 born in NY occupation No Occupation father born in NY mother born in NY: Sarah SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female
single white age 22 born in NY occupation Servant father born in NY mother born in NY.
42 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jun-1900, pp. 154A.21, dw. 191, fam. 202, ED #162, Newfield, Tompkins Co., NY

: Fred Schoolcraft head male widow age 78 born in Nov 1821, NY occupation farmer father born in NY mother born in
43 Federal Population Schedule, 28-Jun-1870, pp. 31.11, dw. 259, Newfield, Tompkins Co., NY, fam. 274, William

Kellogg age 42 sex m farmer born in NY, Mary J. age 40 sex f born in NY, Adell age 13 sex f born in NY, Fred age 9
sex m born in NY, Nancy Schoolcraft age 40 sex f domestic servant born in NY, Dewitt Crawford age 26 sex m works
on farm born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 3-Jul-1860, dw. 83, Decatur, Macon Co., IL, fam. 94, Samuel Powers family, Abram
Schoolcraft age 23 sex m farm laborer born in NY, Other residents.
45 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jul-1870, pp. 75.27, dw. 572, Decatur, Macon Co., IL, fam. 557, Edward Young

age 53 sex m day laborer born in England, Susan age 45 sex f born in England, Abram Schoolcraft age 35 sex m day
laborer born in NY, Other boarders.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254400 National Archives Film T9-0400 pp. 311D: Undated
Rosedale, Wyandotte Co., KS : William Bowen Self male married white age 41 born in WALES: Sarah Bowen Wife
female married white age 38 born in WALES: Sarah A. Bowen Dau female single white age 20 born in WALES: Mary
Bowen Dau female single white age 14 born in WALES: John W. W. Bowen Son male single white age 10 born in IN:
Ann Bowen Dau female single white age 8 born in IL: Caroline Bowen Dau female single white age 6 born in IL:
Daniel Edwards Other male single white age 24 born in WALES: W. P. Richards Other male single white age 32 born
in WALES: Edward Kelly GSon male single white age 1 mos. born in KS: C. F. Reafings Other male single white age
30 born in Germany Stuttgardt: John W. Scales Other male widow white age 61 born in KY: George W. Frush Other
male widow white age 64 born in OH: William Parsons Other male single white age 33 born in ENG: Abram
Schoolcraft Other male single white age 46 born in NY: Thomas Quinlan Other male single white age 34 born in IRE:
Jacob McQuinlan Other male single white age 25 born in NJ: Elijah A. Watts Other male single white age 22 born in
IL: Hewe McLinney Other male single white age 24 born in DE.
47 Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers: with brief notices of

passing events, facts, and opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Philadelphia, Lippincott,
Grambo and co., 1851. At the latter place he married the only daughter and child of Christian Camerer, one of the
Palatines,--a body of determined Saxons who had emigrated from the Upper Rhine in 1712, under the assurance or
expectation of a patent from Queen Anne. By this marriage he had eight children--namely, James, Christian, John,
Margaret, Elizabeth, Lawrence, William, and Helen...

The Daughters
Proven: Margaret Schoolcraft aka Margaretha4, 5
born Abt. 1734 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]4, 5
died Apr-1805 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, USA6

partner Claimed John Montressor Bef. 1760 in New York, USA7

1. Proven: Frances Montressor aka Fanny4, 21, 1
born 04-Apr-176022
died 13-Oct-1834 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, USA22, 1
buried Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, USA; Elmwood Ave. cemetery1
married Claimed John Buchanan Bef. 177723
died Abt. 187723
married Proven 2nd Ethan Allen 09-Feb-1784 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, USA22, 23, 1
born 21-Jan-1738 in Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA2
military 10-May-1775 in Ticonderoga, Essex, New York, USA; Seized Fort Ticonderoga from the
military 25-Sep-1775 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada; Captured by the British in an attempt to
capture Montreal.2
military 06-May-1778 in London, England; Returned in a prisoner exchange.2
died 12-Feb-1789 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, USA2
a. Proven: Frances Margaret Allen22, 23
born 13-Nov-1784 in Sunderland, Bennington, Vermont, USA22, 23
died 10-Dec-1819 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada22, 23
b. Proven: Hannibal Allen22
born 1786 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, USA22
died 181322
c. Proven: Ethan Allen22
born 178722
died 185522
married Proven 3rd Jabez Penniman 179322

married Claimed 1st Crean Brush 10-Aug-1765 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA;
House of General Bradstreet4, 7, 1
fact 1779 in Warren, New York, USA; Crean Brush & Co. at west side, mid point of
Lake George8

married Proven 2nd Patrick Wall Aft. 17656

census 1791 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, USA; pp. 129.02.199
census 1800 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, USA; pp. 642.0710
census 1810 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, USA; pp. 394.02.1411

Proven: Maria Magdalena Schoolcraft aka Maria Elizabeth5

born Abt. 29-Sep-1735 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany

married Proven Balthasar Kern 23-Sep-1764 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; St.
Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church12

Proven: Elizabeth Schoolcraft4, 13

born 25-Dec-1738 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
Co.]13, 14
died 11-Mar-1822 in Chenango, Broome, New York, USA14

married Proven William Rose aka William Ross 30-Oct-1760 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New
York, USA; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church15
born 14-Sep-1738 in Kassel, Hessen, Germany14
census 1790 in Walkill, Ulster, New York, USA; pp. 063.1716
census 1800 in Colchester, Delaware, New York, USA; pp. 1296.2517
census 1810 in Colchester, Delaware, New York, USA; pp. 404.1818
died 25-Apr-1819 in Colchester, Delaware, New York, USA14
1. Proven: Jacob Rose33
born 21-Apr-1761 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]33
census 1790 in Chemung, Chemung, New York, USA; pp. 081.30 [Montgomery Co.]43
census 1820 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA; pp. 008.3044
married Proven Lisa Bowker 05-Aug-1784 in Marbletown, Ulster, New York, USA3
born 15-Jun-1765 in Willington, Tolland, Connecticut, USA3
a. Proven: William Rose3
born Conjecture Bef. 1789
married Proven Sally Curtis 12-Jan-1806 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3
b. Proven: Cynthia Rose3
born Conjecture Bef. 1790
married Proven Ebenezer A. Hoare 17-Oct-1802 in Lansing, Tompkins, New York, USA3
c. Proven: Jerusha Rose3
born Conjecture Bef. 1791
married Proven Stephen Carpenter Nov-1810 in Genoa, Cayuga, New York, USA3
d. Proven: Isaac Rose3
born Conjecture Bef. 1792
married Proven Anna Young 10-Aug-1813 in Genoa, Cayuga, New York, USA3
e. Proven: Samuel H. Rose3
born 05-Mar-1792 in Chenango, Broome, New York, USA3
married Proven Delany Collins Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3
f. Proven: Silas Rose3
born 02-Sep-1794 in Chenango, Broome, New York, USA3
married Proven Nancy Young 18-Jun-1818 in Delaware, New York, USA3
g. Proven: John Rose3
born 24-Oct-1796 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3
h. Proven: Matthew H. Rose3
born 22-Jul-1798 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3
died 17-Jul-1822 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3

i. Proven: Sarah Rose3
born 30-Mar-1800 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3
died 28-Jul-1825 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3
married Proven John Miller 17-Oct-1822 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3
i. Proven: Lovina Miller3
born Sep-1823 in Sempronius, Cayuga, New York, USA3
died 03-Nov-1824 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3
ii. Proven: Sarah Lovina Miller3
born 05-May-1825 in Sempronius, Cayuga, New York, USA3
died 11-Jul-1825 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3
j. Proven: Jacob S. Rose3
born 17-Feb-1802 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3
married Proven Deborah Ann Head 08-Jan-1824 in Lansing, Tompkins, New York, USA3
k. Proven: Orsamus B. Rose3
born 15-Sep-1806 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA3
married Proven Phebe Bilas 03-Dec-1825 in Lansing, Tompkins, New York, USA3
2. Proven: William Rose34
born 25-Apr-1762 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]34
census 1810 in Colchester, Delaware, New York, USA; pp. 404.1745
3. Proven: Peter Rose35
born 01-Dec-1763 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]35
4. Proven: Anna Rose36
born 25-Dec-1765 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]36
5. Proven: Elizabeth Rose37
born 24-Apr-1768 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]37
6. Proven: Margareth Rose38
born 13-Mar-1770 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]38
7. Proven: John Rose39
born 20-Sep-1772 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]39
8. Proven: Catharina Rose40
born Abt. 14-Jul-1776 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]40
9. Claimed: Charles Rose41
born Claimed Abt. 1778 in New York, USA41
10. Proven: Lorenie Rose42
born Abt. 05-Nov-1781 in Wawarsing, Ulster, New York, USA42

Proven: Catherine Helen Schoolcraft4, 19

born Abt. 26-Jul-1741 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany

married Proven William Heens Bet. 16-Oct - 04-Nov-1861 in Schenectady, Schenectady,

New York, USA; Reformed Dutch Protestant Church20
1. Proven: Catharina Heens24
born 21-Oct-1762 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]24
2. Proven: Maria Heens25
born 03-Dec-1764 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]25
3. Proven: Henrich Heens26
born Abt. 15-Dec-1766 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]26

4. Proven: William Heens27
born Abt. 03-Jun-1770 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]27
5. Proven: Elizabeth Heens28
born Abt. 23-May-1774 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]28
6. Proven: Christina Heens29
born Abt. 09-Feb-1777 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]29
7. Proven: Lena Heens30
born 07-Sep-1779 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]30
8. Proven: Eva Heens31
born Abt. 30-Aug-1789 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]31
9. Proven: Peter Heens32
born 03-Feb-1792 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]32

1 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Burlington, Elmwood Ave. cemetery: Frances Montezuma wife of Dr. Jabez
Penniman who died Oct 13, 1834 aged 74 years. Formerly wife of Gen. Ethan Allen.
2 Web sites for Fort Ethan Allen and the Ethan Allen Homestead Museum, hagiographic biography of Ethan ALLEN

by John Pell.
3 National Archives W4578, micropublication M804, Record Group 15., New York: Jacob Rose Family Record.
4 Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers, (Philadelphia,

Lippincott, Grambo and co., 1851.)

5 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Baptismal Pages Possessed by St. Paul's

Evangelical Lutheran Church but not from St. Paul's: Baptism of Elisabetha Margaretha [Becker] on Mar 10 [1735/36],
parents Andonius Becker, sponsors John Phillipps Bergmann besides John Peter Knickern's daughter, Elisabeth
6 Vermont: Death Record, Westminster VT reported death of Peggy Schoolcraft on Apr-1805. Wife of Patrick Wall.
7 The date of Margaret's marriage to Brush and her prior relationship to John Montressor are claimed to come from a

hagiographic biography of Ethan Allen by John Pell, or from a document at the Fort Ticonderoga Museum.
8 New York: State Archives: Thomas Jeffrey's map of 1779, Crean Brush & Co. noted at west side, mid point of Lake

9 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Westminster, Windham Co., VT, pp. 129.02.19, Patrick Wall. Male: 2 >16, 3

<16, female: 5.
10 Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 642.07, Westminster, Windham Co., VT, Patrick Wall. Male: 1 16-26, 1

>45, female: 1 26-45, 1 >45.

11 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 394.02.14, Westminster, Windham Co., VT, Patrick Wall. Male: 1 <10, 1

>45, female: 1 <10, 1 26-45.

12 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 23 Sep 1764 of Balthasar Kern & Maria

Elisabeth Schulkraf.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of Elisabeth on Decemb: 28
1738, parents James Schilkragt & Anna Christina Kemmer S:H:V, sponsors Jacob Snyder & Elisabeth Snyder.
National Archives W4578, micropublication M804, Record Group 15., New York: Jacob Rose Family Record.,
William Rose was born in Hefse Cafsel Germany Sept 14th, 1738. Elizabeth Schoolcraft was born in Schoharie New
York U.S.A. Dec. 25th, 1738. William Rose married to Elizabeth Schoolcraft in Schoharie N. Y. 1760. Jacob Rose, son
of William Rose was born in Schoharie N. Y. April 21st, 1761.
15 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marriage on 30 Oct [1760] of Wilhelm Roos &

Elisabeth Schulcraf.
Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Wallkill, Ulster Co., NY, pp. 63.17, William Rose. Male: 1 >16, 4 <16, female:
17 Federal Population Schedule, 1800, pp. 1296.25, Colchester, Delaware Co., NY, William W. Rose. Male: 2 16-26, 1

>45, female: 1 10-16, 1 >45.

18 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 404.18, Colchester, Delaware Co., NY, William Rose. Male: 1 >45, female:

1 >45.
19 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Baptism of Catharina on July 26, 1741,

parents Jaems Schoelkrafft & Anna Christina, sponsors Johannes Finck & Catharina Seibel.
20 Charlotte Taylor Luckhurst, New York, Schenectady: Reformed Dutch Protestant Church, (Film 0532958),

Marriage on 1761 of Willem Hyns en Catherina Schoolcraft both of Skoharry married after third publication of banns.

David J. Ellis, Her date of birth is prior to her mother's marriage to Col. Brush so she must be Montressor's child.
The name on her grave marker confirms that.
Genealogy: Ethan Allen, Ethan Allen Homestead Museum attributed to Reason the Only Oracle of Man by Ethan
23 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Newsletter Vol. 2 No. 3 pp. 8 - 15:

Burlington Free Press. Letter from Amy Searles claims name was John Buchanan. Fanny was widowed at age 17.
24 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Catharina [Heens] on [1762] born Oct.

21 [1762], parents Wilhelm Heens & Catharina, sponsors Ernst Frez & Catharina Kranaler.
25 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Maria [Heins] on Mar 1 [1765] born Dec

3 [1764], parents Wilhelm Heins & Catharina, sponsors Lorentz Schulkraf and his wife.
26 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Henrich [Heens] on Decemb: 15 1766, parents Willem Heens & Catharina S:H:V,
sponsors Coenrad Engel & Maria Engel.
New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -
United States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Willem HEENS : M : Father Willem HEENS : Mother Catharina :
Date 3 Jun 1770 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -
United States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Elisabeth HEENS : F : Father Willem HEENS : Mother Catharina :
Date 23 May 1774 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
29 New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -

United States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Christina HEENS : F : Father Willems HEENS : Mother Catharina :
Date 9 Feb 1777 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
30 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Lena on [1779] born Sept 7 [1779],

parents Wilhelm Heens & Catharina, sponsors Lorentz SchulCraff Junior and Catharina Spornhauer.
31 New York, Schoharie: IGI: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (International Genealogical Index -

United States), "Electronic," Event Christening: Eva HAINS : F : Father Wilhelm HAINS : Mother Catharina : Date 30
Aug 1789 : Place High And Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie, Schoharie, New York.
32 New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York

Genealogical Society), Baptism of Pieter Hains om 12 Mertz [1792] geb. 3 Febr., parents Wilhelm Hains & Catharina,
sponsors Pieter Lauvier & Margaretha.
33 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Jacob [Roos] on [1761] born Apr. 21

[1761], parents Wilhelm Roos & Elisabeth, sponsors Johann Jacob Werth and his wife.
34 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Wilhelm [Roos] on [1762] born 25 April

[1762], parents Wilhelm Roos & Elisabeth, sponsors Wilhelm Entes and his wife.
35 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Peter [Roos] on [1763] born Dec. 1

[1763], parents Wilhelm Roos, sponsors Peter Zimmer & Maria Entes.
36 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Annatje [Roos] on [1765] born Dec 25

[1765], parents Wilhelm Roos, sponsors Lorentz Schulkraf and his wife.
37 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Elisabeth [Roos] on [1768] born Apr. 24

[1768], parents Wilhelm Roos, sponsors Jacob Schneider & Elisabeth Mann.
38 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Margareth [Rose] on [1770] born Mar.

13 [1770], parents Wilhelm Rose & Elisabeth, sponsors Peter Dietz & Margretha Ball.
39 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Johannes [Roos] on [1772] born Sept. 20

[ 1772], parents Wilhelm Roos & Elisabeth, sponsors Johannes Hess and his wife.
New York, Schoharie: The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, (Typewritten transcription by New York
Genealogical Society), Baptism of Catharina [Roos] on July 14: 1776, parents Wilhelm Rooos & Catharina, sponsors
Willem Man & Catharina S:H:V.
41 Claimed (Unverified). Census records for 1850 and 1860 show him in the region but no proof of lineage is known.
42 Jean D. Worden, New York, Warwarsing: Reformed Dutch Church, Baptisms pp. 44: Baptism of Lorenie on 1781 5

Nov., parents Willem BOS & Elisabeth Shulkraft.

43 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Chemung, Montgomery Co., NY, pp. 81.30, Jacob Rose. Male: 1 >16, 2 <16,

female: 3.
Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 8.30, Groton, Tomkins Co., NY, Jacob Rose. Male: 2 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 >45,
female: 1 16-26, 1 >45.
45 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 404.17, Colchester, Delaware Co., NY, William W. Rose. Male: 1 <10, 1

10-16, 1 26-45, female: 1 <10, 1 16-26, 1 26-45.

Unplaced Individuals in New York
Peter Shoecraft

married Claimed Sarah Rosa 10-Jun-1754 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA; Old Dutch
1. Claimed: John Shoecraft
born Claimed 13-Dec-1755 in Ulster, New York, USA
census 1790 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; pp. 315.4925
married Claimed Elizabeth McKee Bef. 1786 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA;
[Previously Albany Co.]
a. Proven: William Shoecraft21
born 25-Dec-1786 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
b. Proven: Sarah Shoecraft22
born 28-Oct-1788 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
c. Proven: James Shoecraft23
born 13-Dec-1790 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
d. Proven: John Shoecraft24
born 15-Nov-1792 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; [Previously Albany
e. Claimed: Mary Ann Shoecraft
born Claimed 19-Jul-1795
f. Claimed: George Shoecraft
born Claimed 25-Aug-1797
g. Claimed: Peter Shoecraft
born Claimed 01-Jun-1799
2. Claimed: Jacob Shoecraft
born Claimed 10-May-1759 in Ulster, New York, USA
married Proven Catalina Sammons 21-Apr-1781 in Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA; Reformed
Dutch Church20
a. Proven: Mary Shoecraft19
born 29-Jun-1783 in Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA19
b. Proven: Rachel Shoecraft15
born Abt. 1788 in Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA15
married Proven Francis H. Pruyne1
born Claimed 11-Mar-1785
i. Proven: Abraham Pruyne1
born 22-Dec-1807 in Charleston, Montgomery, New York, USA1
ii. Proven: Sarah Maria Pruyne2
born 19-May-1810 in Charleston, Montgomery, New York, USA2
iii. Proven: Daniel Pruyne3
born 03-Dec-1812 in Charleston, Montgomery, New York, USA3
c. Proven: Sarah Shoecraft16
born 07-Feb-1791 in Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA16

d. Proven: Lina Shoecraft17
born 03-Jul-1793 in Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA17
e. Proven: Mathew Sammon Shoecraft18
born 30-May-1795 in Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA18

William D. Schoolcraft
born Abt. 1822 in New York, USA5
census 18-Jul-1850 in Mohawk, Montgomery, New York, USA; pp. 368B, dw. 1965
census 09-Jul-1860 in Mohawk, Montgomery, New York, USA; dw. 65816
census 21-Jun-1870 in Mohawk, Montgomery, New York, USA; pp. 19.11, dw. 1427
census 1880 in Stone Arabia, Palatine Bridge, Montgomery, New York, USA; pp.
346A. Palatine8

married Proven Cecilia VanDenburgh 07-Oct-184326

born Abt. 1821 in New York, USA5
1. Proven: Cynthia A. Schoolcraft5
born Abt. 1845 in New York, USA5
2. Proven: William A. Schoolcraft5
born Sep-1847 in New York, USA27
census 18-Jun-1900 in Mohawk, Montgomery, New York, USA; pp. 156A.38, dw. 275, ED 9827
3. Proven: John W. Schoolcraft aka James5, 6
born Feb-1850 in New York, USA5, 29
census 1880 in Mohawk, Montgomery, New York, USA; pp. 314A28
census 13-Jun-1900 in Mohawk, Montgomery, New York, USA; pp. 169A.07, dw. 220, ED 99,
East Main St., Fonda village29
married Proven Anna [Unidentified] Abt. 187229
born Sep-1855 in New York, USA29
a. Proven: William Pearl Schoolcraft28, 29
born May-1874 in New York, USA29
census 02-Jun-1900 in Gloversville, Fulton, New York, USA; pp. 59A.34, dw. 48, ED 6,
237 South Main St.30
census 13-Jun-1900 in Mohawk, Montgomery, New York, USA; pp. 169A.07, dw. 220,
ED 99, East Main St., Fonda Village29
4. Proven: Isaac M. Schoolcraft6
born Abt. 1852 in New York, USA6
census 1880 in Palatine Bridge, Montgomery, New York, USA31
married Proven Catherine [Unidentified]31
born Abt. 1858 in Ireland31
a. Proven: Kitty F. Schoolcraft31
born Abt. Jan-1880 in New York, USA31
5. Proven: Eva F. Schoolcraft6
born Abt. 1855 in New York, USA6
6. Proven: Rachel C. Schoolcraft6
born Sep-1858 in New York, USA27
census 18-Jun-1900 in Mohawk, Montgomery, New York, USA; pp. 156A.38, dw. 275, ED 9827
7. Proven: Alexander L. Schoolcraft7
born May-1862 in New York, USA27
census 18-Jun-1900 in Mohawk, Montgomery, New York, USA; pp. 156A.38, dw. 275, ED 9827

married Proven Emma A. [Unidentified] Abt. 189427
born Mar-1869 in New York, USA27
a. Proven: Agnes Schoolcraft27
born Mar-1896 in New York, USA27
8. Proven: Edward F. Schoolcraft7
born Abt. 1865 in New York, USA7

1 New York, Charleston: First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),
Baptisms pp. 10. Baptism of Abraham on Feb 5th [1808] born Dec 22nd 1807, parents Francis H. Pruyne & Rachel
2 New York, Charleston: First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),

Baptisms pp. 17. Baptism of Sarah Maria on [June] 27th [1810] born May 19th 1810, parents Francis H. Pruyne &
Rachel Shoecraft.
3 New York, Charleston: First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, (International Genealogical Index - United States),

Baptisms pg 23. Baptism of Daniel on 23rd [Dec 1812] born Dec 3rd 1812, parents Francis H. Pruyne & Rachel
4 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Palatine, Montgomery Co., NY, pp. 114.1.37, Richard Skulgraft. Male: 1 >16,

female: 1.
5 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jul-1850, pp. 368B.22, dw. 196, Mohawk, Montgomery Co., NY, fam. 216,

William D. Schwolcraft age 28 sex m labourer born in NY, Cecilia age 29 sex f born in NY, Cyntha age 5 sex f born in
NY, William A. age 3 sex m born in NY, James W. age 5 mos. sex m born in NY.
6 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Jul-1860, pp. 96, dw. 6581, Mohawk, Montgomery Co., NY, fam. 742, William

Schoolcraft age 38 sex M farmer born in NY, Cecelia age 39 sex F born in NY, Cynthia A. age 15 sex F born in NY,
William O. age 13 sex M born in NY, John W. age 10 sex M born in NY, Isaac M. age 8 sex M born in NY, Eva F. age
5 sex F born in NY, Rachael C. age 1 sex F born in NY, Angelica Dulihot age 21 sex F maid born in NY, Hiram Cole
age 18 sex M laborer born in NY.
7 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1870, pp. 19.11, dw. 142, Mohawk, Montgomery Co., NY, fam. 165, William

D. Schoolcraft age 48 sex m farmer born in NY, Cecilie age 48 sex f born in NY, William D. age 22 sex m farm laborer
born in NY, Isaac M. age 17 sex m farming born in NY, Rachel C. age 11 sex f born in NY, Alexander L. age 8 sex m
born in NY, Edward F. age 5 sex m born in NY.
8 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254865 National Archives Film T9-0865 pp. 346A: Palatine,

Montgomery Co., NY : William SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 58 born in NY occupation Farmer
father born in NY mother born in NY: Celia SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 58 born in NY
occupation Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: Rachel SCHOOLCRAFT Sister female single white
age 21 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Alexander SCHOOLCRAFT Son male
single white age 18 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Edward SCHOOLCRAFT
Son male single white age 18 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Fox LEAMON
Other male single white age 21 born in NY occupation Servant father born in NY mother born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 18-Aug-1860, Wright Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, dwelling 839, family 856, Luke
Schoolcraft age 70 sex M cooper born in NY, Catherine [Schoolcraft] age 73 sex F born in NY, Harriet E. Haferly age
16 sex F born in NY, Lydia S. Schermerhorn age 38 sex F born in NY
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Schoharie, NY. Vol. 2 pg. 108 # 25, Baptism of Ann Eliza on 19 Jun 1814
born 12 May 1814, parents Jacob Schoolcraft & Caty.
11 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, SAN Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 68,

History of Albany Co. NY State Library. Newspaper References: Died. "Dec 1869, Sophia Schoolcraft, age 66."
12 Federal Population Schedule, 3-Jul-1860, pp. 18.34, dw. 126, Weston, Middlesex Co., MA, fam. 140, Francis Slack

age 59 sex f born in NY, Sarah age 31 sex f born in NY, John L. age 27 sex m law student born in NY, Francis M. age
24 sex m born in NY, Robert H. age 22 sex m born in NY, Peter D. age 21 sex m born in NY, Ann Schoolcraft age 55
sex f born in NY, Eliza Slack age 74 sex f born in MA, Adeline Flagg age 59 sex f born in MA.
13 Charlotte Taylor Luckhurst, New York, Schenectady: Reformed Dutch Protestant Church, (Film 0532958), Film

0532958 Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Schenectady Marriages: 1847 December 24 of Giles Van Voast and
Mary Ann Schoolcraft Giles of Schenectady, Mary of Rotterdam.

Federal Population Schedule, 8-Oct-1850, dw. 61, Glenville, Schenectady Co., NY, fam. 61, Giles Van Vorst age 49
sex m mason born in NY, Mary age 44 sex f born in NY, James age 20 sex m laborer born in NY, Abner age 15 sex m
none born in NY, George age 11 sex m born in NY, Joseph age 9 sex m born in NY, Wm. age 7 sex m born in NY,
Charles age 4 sex m born in NY, Jane A. age 5 sex f born in NY, Elizabeth age 7 mos. sex f born in NY, Maria age 70
sex f born in NY.
New York, Shawangunk: IGI: Reformed Dutch Church, Baptism of Rachel, parents SHOECRAFT and Catelyntie
SAMMONS in 1788.
16 New York, Shawangunk: IGI: Reformed Dutch Church, Birth of Sarah, parents Jacob SHOECRAFT and Catelyntie

SAMMON on 7 Feb 1791.

17 New York, Shawangunk: IGI: Reformed Dutch Church, Birth of Lina, parents Jacob SHOECRAFT and Catelyntie

SAMMON on 3 Jul 1793.

18 New York, Shawangunk: IGI: Reformed Dutch Church, Birth of Mathew Sammon, parents Jacob SHOECRAFT

and Catelyntie SAMMON on 30 May 1795.

New York, Shawangunk: IGI: Reformed Dutch Church, Birth of Marretye, parents Jacob SHOECRAFT and
Catelyntie SAMMONS on 29 Jun 1783.
New York, Shawangunk: IGI: Reformed Dutch Church, Marriage of Jacob SHOECRAFT and Catalina SAMMON
on April 21st, 1781.
21 New York, Cambridge: The Protestant Presbyterian Congregation, (International Genealogical Index - North

America), Event Christening: William SCHOECRAFT : M : Father John SCHOECRAFT : Date 21 Jun 1792 Born 25
Dec 1786 : Place The Protestant Presbyterian Congregation, Cambridge, Washington, New York.
22 New York, Cambridge: The Protestant Presbyterian Congregation, (International Genealogical Index - North

America), Event Christening: Sarah SCHOECRAFT : M : Father John SCHOECRAFT : Date 21 Jun 1792 Born 28 Oct
1788 : Place The Protestant Presbyterian Congregation, Cambridge, Washington, New York.
23 New York, Cambridge: The Protestant Presbyterian Congregation, (International Genealogical Index - North

America), Event Christening: James SCHOECRAFT : M : Father John SCHOECRAFT : Date 21 Jun 1792 Born 13
Dec 1790 : Place The Protestant Presbyterian Congregation, Cambridge, Washington, New York.
24 New York, Cambridge: The Protestant Presbyterian Congregation, (International Genealogical Index - North

America), Event Christening: John SCHOECRAFT : M : Father John SCHOECRAFT : Date 13 Jan 1793 Born 15 Nov
1792 : Place The Protestant Presbyterian Congregation, Cambridge, Washington, New York.
25 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Cambridge, Albany Co., NY, pp. 315.49, John Schucraft. Male: 1 >16, 2 <16,

female: 2.
26 New York, Schenectady: Newspapers, Schenectady Reflector: William D. Schoolcraft, of Schenectady, married

Celia Van Denburgh, of Rotterdam, 7 October 1843.

27 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1900, pp. 156A.38, dw. 275, fam. 287, ED #98, Mohawk, Montgomery Co.,

NY : Alexander Schoolcraft head male married age 38 born in May 1862, NY occupation farmer, marr. 6 yrs. father
born in Ger. mother born in Ger.: Emma A. wife female married age 31 born in Mar 1869, NY occupation marr. 6 yrs.,
3 ch., 1 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Agnes dau female single age 4 born in Mar 1896, NY father born in
NY mother born in NY: William O. brother male single age 52 born in Sep 1847, NY occupation farm laborer father
born in NY mother born in NY: Rachel C. sister female single age 41 born in Sep 1858, NY father born in NY mother
born in NY.
28 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254865 National Archives Film T9-0865 pp. 314A: Mohawk,

Montgomery Co., NY : John SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 30 born in NY occupation Farm Laborer
father born in NY mother born in NY: Anna SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 23 born in NY
occupation Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: William P. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white
age 6 born in NY father born in NY mother born in NY.
29 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jun-1900, pp. 169A.07, dw. 220, fam. 254, ED #99, East Main St., Fonda village,

Mohawk, Montgomery Co., NY : John W. Schoolcraft head male married age 50 born in Feb 1850, NY occupation
broom sizer, marr. 28 yrs. father born in NY mother born in NY: Anna wife female married age 44 born in Sep 1855,
NY occupation marr. 28 yrs., 1 ch., 1 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Pearl son male single age 26 born in
May 1874, NY father born in NY mother born in NY.
30 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1900, pp. 59A.34, dw. 48, fam. 53, ED #6, 237 South Main St., Gloversville,

Fulton Co., NY : Chas. Snyder, family & boarders : Pearl Schoolcraft boarder male single age 26 born in May 1874,
NY occupation leather dresser father born in NY mother born in NY.
31 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254865 National Archives Film T9-0865 pp. 355C: Palatine Bridge,

Montgomery Co., NY : Issac SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 27 born in NY occupation Laborer father
born in NY mother born in NY: Catharine SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 22 born in IR occupation
Keeping House father born in IR mother born in IR: Kitty F. SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 7 mos.
born in NY father born in NY mother born in IR.

Adam Schoolcraft Born April 9th, 1756
Catherine Phelps
born Bef. 178034
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.3234
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1257.04, Range
died Aft. Mar-18396

married Proven [Unidentified] Bef. 17942

1. Proven: Mary Schoolcraft aka Mary [Unidentified]51
born Abt. 24-Oct-1794 in Quebec, Canada52, 53, 51
census 27-Sep-1850 in Morristown, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 51.06, dw. 38252
census 19-Jul-1860 in Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, USA; pp. 103.40, dw. 78753
died 09-Mar-1871 in Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, USA51, 54
buried Deerfield, Lapeer, Michigan, USA; West Deerfield cemetery54
married Probable George Deline Bef. 181954, 51
born 26-Sep-1790 in Brunswick, Rensselaer, New York, USA55
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 809.1256
census 1830 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 101.1957
fact 17-Jun-1820 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada58
died Claimed 1837 in New York, USA
a. Claimed: Catherine Deline
born Claimed Bet. 1816 - 1820 in Quebec, Canada
died Claimed 19-Jul-1860
b. Claimed: Hannah Deline
born Claimed Abt. 1819 in Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA
died Claimed 23-Feb-1877 in Bakersfield, Franklin, Vermont, USA
married Claimed Wilbur Eldred Bef. 1840
born Claimed Abt. 1821 in Sheldon, Franklin, Vermont, USA
c. Proven: James Deline52
born Claimed 04-Apr-1820 in Vermont, USA
census 19-Jun-1860 in Bakersfield, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 24.01, dw. 170, fam.
died Claimed 28-Feb-1900 in Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, USA
married Proven Mary [Unidentified] Bef. 1848237
born Abt. 1824 in Vermont, USA237
i. Proven: Melissa Deline237
born Abt. 1848 in Vermont, USA237
ii. Proven: Arminda Deline237
born Abt. 1853 in Vermont, USA237
iii. Proven: [Unnamed] Deline238
born 14-Jan-1858 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA238
married Claimed 2nd Philura Johnston 23-Dec-1877 in Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, USA
born Claimed 1819 in Caledonia, Livingston, New York, USA
d. Claimed: Huldah H. Deline
born Claimed 09-Mar-1822 in New York, USA
died Claimed 28-Sep-1887 in Lapeer, Michigan, USA

married Claimed William S. Wilson 22-May-1841 in New York, USA
born Claimed 17-Sep-1820 in Lincolnshire, England
died Claimed 18-Oct-1877 in Lapeer, Michigan, USA
e. Claimed: Peter Deline
born Claimed Bet. 1822 - 1823
f. Proven: Jonas Deline52
born 07-Jul-1826 in Quebec, Canada225
census 19-Jul-1860 in Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, USA; pp. 103.40, dw. 78753
died 24-Jul-1904 in Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, USA225
buried 26-Jul-1904 in Deerfield, Lapeer, Michigan, USA; Deerfield cemetery225
married Claimed Elizabeth Ann Swadling 13-Jul-1856 in Lapeer, Michigan, USA; Probably
born Claimed 23-Aug-1832 in Ontario, Canada
died Claimed 15-Mar-1872 in Lapeer, Michigan, USA; Probably
i. Proven: William George Deline53
born Abt. 1857 in Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, USA53
married Proven Lucy [Unidentified] Bef. 188659
married Proven 2nd Elizabeth Pole 27-Jun-1898 in Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan,
born Abt. 1864 in Germany60
ii. Proven: Elizabeth J. Deline53
born Abt. 1859 in Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, USA53
married Proven Alonzo Layman Bef. 08-Jul-188961
born Canada61
married Claimed 2nd Sarah Ann Littlefield 04-Jul-1875 in Watertown, Tuscola, Michigan,
born Claimed 02-Apr-1819 in Fort Ann, Washington, New York, USA
died Claimed 17-May-1897 in Lapeer, Michigan, USA; Probably
iii. Proven: Daniel W. Deline62
born Abt. 11-Jan-1864 in Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, USA62
died 05-Oct-1880 in Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, USA62
g. Proven: Amanda Deline52
born Claimed 30-Sep-1829 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA52
died Claimed 20-Apr-1880 in Dayton, Tuscola, Michigan, USA
married Claimed Jacob Dingman Bef. 1851 in New York, USA
born Claimed 11-Jan-1827 in New York, USA
died Claimed 17-Jan-1891 in Michigan, USA
h. Proven: Almira Deline52
born Claimed Abt. Aug-1835 in Vermont, USA52
died Claimed 08-Apr-1901 in Wells, Tuscola, Michigan, USA
married Claimed Robert S. Wilson Aft. 1850
born Claimed 05-May-1837 in Canada
died Claimed 04-Apr-1919 in Indianfields, Tuscola, Michigan, USA
2. Conjecture: Philip Schoolcraft aka Philip [Unidentified]46, 2
born Abt. 1798 in Quebec, Canada65, 3
census 1831 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1219.14, Range 163
census 1840 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; pp. 176.2064
census 04-Oct-1850 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; dw. 37065
census 23-Jun-1860 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; dw. 27766
fact Bet. 1840 - 1860 in Franklin, New York, USA; Anti slavery activity67
died 10-Jan-1861 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA31
buried Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; Webster Street cemetery68

married Proven Eveline Decker 17-Mar-1828 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; St-
Armand-West Anglican Church27
born Abt. Mar-1805 in Quebec, Canada65, 69
died 08-Aug-1866 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA69
buried Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; Webster Street cemetery69
a. Proven: Mary Ann Schoolcraft70
born Abt. 28-Mar-1830 in Philipsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada70
census 16-Jul-1870 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; dw. 68571
b. Proven: Amanda Schoolcraft72
born 10-May-1832 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada72
died 11-Aug-1834 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada73
buried 12-Aug-1834 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada73
c. Proven: Ephraim Schoolcraft65
born Abt. 1839 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; Probably65
census 12-Jul-1870 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; dw. 60374
military Civil War75
died 01-Sep-1885 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; Probably76
buried Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; Webster Street cemetery76
d. Proven: Henry Schoolcraft65
born Abt. 1842 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; Probably65
census 16-Jul-1870 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; dw. 68571
fact 18-Jul-1861 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; Cabinet maker221
died 29-Aug-1889 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA220
married Proven Jennie McLeod 15-May-1884 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA77
born Jul-1863 in Quebec, Canada78
census 04-Jun-1900 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; pp. 133B.65, dw. 17, ED 84,
42 Catherine St.78
i. Proven: Ethel M. Schoolcraft78
born Mar-1885 in New York, USA78
married Proven George McCarthy 13-Sep-1907 in Malone, Franklin, New York,
USA; St. Joseph's Church224
ii. Proven: Florence D. Schoolcraft78
born Feb-1889 in New York, USA78

Proven: Adam Schoolcraft

born 09-Apr-1756 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]1
military 25-Jun-1777 in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada;
Enterred 3rd Company, Queen's Loyal Rangers36, 48
military 16-Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA;
Battle of Bennington37
military 22-Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA;
Transferred to Capt. Samuel McKay36, 49
military 19-Sep-1777 in Stillwater, Saratoga, New York, USA; Bemis Heights;
Captured at 1st Battle of Freeman's Farm38, 49, 48
military Bet. 1779 - 1780 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Private
assigned to 16th Regiment, probably did not serve39
military 24-Aug-1780 in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada;
Captain Leake's Corps.40
fact 22-Apr-1776 in New York, USA; Probably Cambridge. Oath to support the

Revolutionary forces.41
fact 1790 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA; Near Cambridge
by the Vermont line42
fact 25-May-1790 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's Manor]43
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates44
fact 25-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's
Manor], Going to Stanbridge45
fact Bet. 1801 - 1805 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery,
Lot 7-1247
died 08-Jul-1805 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada2

married Proven Catherine Phelps Abt. 17982

born Bef. 178034
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.3234
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1257.04, Range
died Aft. Mar-18396
1. Proven: Jonathan Phelps Schoolcraft3
born Abt. 1799 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably3, 50
died Aft. 1825239
2. Proven: Rosannah Schoolcraft aka Susannah Schoolcraft4
born Abt. 1801 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably4, 50
died Bef. 12-Feb-185281
married Proven John Decker Bef. 08-Feb-1820 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
born Abt. 1790 in New York, USA81
census 1825 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 834.1679
census 1830 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 101.1780
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 101.31, Dist. 281
fact 17-Jun-1820 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada112
a. Proven: Enoch Gerrish Decker139
born 08-Feb-1820 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably139
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 4.40, Dist. 182
married Proven Polly Lambert Bef. 1848140
born Abt. 1823 in Quebec, Canada82
i. Proven: William Decker82
born Abt. 1848 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Probably82
ii. Proven: Harriet Decker82
born Abt. 1849 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Probably82
iii. Proven: Ellen Euretta Decker140
born 23-May-1851 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Probably140, 82
iv. Proven: Minerva Arville Decker141
born 15-Dec-1853 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada141
v. Proven: Albert Washington Decker142
born 16-May-1856 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada142
vi. Proven: Louis Napoleon Decker143
born 02-Jan-1859 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada143
b. Proven: Stephen Decker144
born 19-Oct-1821 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably144

census 1880 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA; pp. 111B83
died 28-Feb-1901 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA; Charlestown Almhouse145
buried Suffolk, New York, USA145
married Proven Cynthia E. Hunnewell 19-Oct-1845 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts,
born Abt. 1822 in Maine, USA146, 83
c. Proven: Emily Decker148
born 01-Jul-1825 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably148
d. Proven: Charlotte Decker147
born Abt. 1827 in Vermont, USA147, 84
married Proven Edmund C. Whiting 12-Nov-1845 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts,
born Abt. 1819 in Vermont, USA147, 84
census 1880 in Pawlet, Rutland, Vermont, USA; pp. 202C84
i. Proven: Mary G. Whiting84
born Abt. 1850 in New York, USA84
ii. Proven: Louisa B. Whiting84
born Abt. 1858 in New York, USA84
iii. Proven: Ernest Whiting84
born Abt. 1867 in Vermont, USA84
iv. Proven: Edmund J. Whiting84
born Abt. 1869 in Vermont, USA84
3. Probable: Christopher A. Schoolcraft111
born Abt. 1802 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably14, 15
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.3234
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1257.08, Range 785
census 02-Mar-1842 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2548.3086
census 02-Feb-1852 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 152.13, Dist. 314
census 14-Jan-1861 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.33, Dist. 315
census 1881 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 82, Div. 421
fact Abt. 1864 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Wallings Map, Lot 10-26113
died 22-Feb-1888 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; East Dunham22
buried 24-Feb-1888 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; East Dunham22
married Proven Catherine Clarissa Mahannah Abt. 1825149
born 28-Jan-1807 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada150
died 09-Mar-1845 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada151
buried 10-Mar-1845 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada151
a. Proven: Christopher Columbus Schoolcraft152
born 20-Aug-1825 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably152
census 28-Sep-1850 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; pp. 23A.24, dw. 30287
census 01-Jun-1855 in Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 14.0888
census 20-Jun-1860 in High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota, USA; pp. 50.36, dw. 40589
census Bet. 06 - 12-Jul-1870 in Estherville, Emmet, Iowa, USA; pp. 03.2890
census 1880 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; pp. 455C91
military 26-Sep-1862 ; Enlisted as a Private on at the age of 37.153
military 29-Sep-1862 ; Enlisted in Company H, 142nd Infantry Regiment New York153
military 16-Feb-1863 ; Deserted Company H, 142nd Infantry Regiment New York on in
Alexandria, VA.153
died 04-Nov-1896 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA154, 155
buried 06-Nov-1886 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; Mountain View cemetery154
married Proven Harriett Eliza Bemis Bef. 185087, 92
born Claimed 23-Jan-1830 in New York, USA93
census 01-Jun-1900 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; pp. 26A.05, dw. 28, ED 157,

Atwood St.93
died Claimed 18-Nov-1911 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA
buried Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; Mountain View cemetery108
i. Proven: Henry Albert Schoolcraft87
born Jan-1850 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA87, 95
census 1880 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; pp. 446B94
census 01-Jun-1900 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; pp. 26A.28, dw. 34,
ED 157, Atwood St.95
census 08-Jan-1920 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; pp. 8A.37, dw. 179,
ED 25, 436 Atwood St.240
died Claimed 07-Dec-1927 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA103, 107
buried Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; Mountain View cemetery107
married Claimed Mary Lamb Bef. Dec-1876103, 94
born Abt. 1851 in Ohio, USA94, 109
died Bet. 1894 - 190095
ii. Proven: Sylvanus C. Schoolcraft89
born May-1852 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; Probably89, 98
census 1880 in Beaver Dam, Dodge, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 48C.43, ED 4, dw.
78, Vermont St., 3rd Ward, Dist. 496
census 11-Jun-1900 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; pp. 34B.92, dw.
223, ED 157, Coffman St.98
died 1914 in Colorado, USA103, 110
buried Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; Mountain View cemetery110
married Claimed Etta Robins Bef. 187396
born Aug-1857 in Wisconsin, USA97
census 15-Jun-1900 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; pp. 39A.12, dw.
321, ED 157, Baker St.97
married Claimed 2nd Mollie Monahon 24-May-1894 in Dodge, Wisconsin, USA103,
104, 241

born Abt. 1863 in Beaver Dam, Dodge, Wisconsin, USA110, 241

died 16-Jan-1899 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA110, 241
buried 18-Jan-1899 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; Mountain View
married Proven 3rd Mabel [Unidentified] Abt. 1899 in Colorado, USA98
born Jun-1873 in Rhode Island, USA98
iii. Proven: Ruth Eliza Schoolcraft89
born 30-Dec-1854 in Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, USA; Probably89, 92
died 21-Dec-1950 in Los Angeles, California, USA92
married Probable Frank Lamb Bef. 187199, 100
born Abt. 1850 in Ohio, USA99
census 1880 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; pp. 446A99
iv. Proven: Henrietta Amelia Schoolcraft89
born Abt. 1857 in High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota, USA; Probably89
married Claimed Edward L. Hoselton103, 105
born Claimed 25-Dec-1849 in Ohio, USA105
died Claimed 23-Oct-1928 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA105
v. Proven: Sarah Eliza Schoolcraft89
born Abt. Dec-1859 in High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota, USA; Probably89
married Claimed [Unidentified] Bonser103
vi. Proven: Flora Schoolcraft90
born Abt. 28-Feb-1864 in Minnesota, USA90, 106

census 1880 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA101
died 23-Jan-1953 in Alameda, California, USA106
married Proven [Unidentified] Belcher106
vii. Proven: William D. Schoolcraft114
born Abt. Jul-1864114
died 09-Jan-1867 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA241
buried Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; Webster Street cemetery114
viii. Proven: William David Schoolcraft114
born 24-Feb-1867 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA90
census Claimed 01-Jun-1900 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; pp.
26A.05, dw. 28, ED 157, Atwood St.103, 90
census 08-Jan-1920 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; pp. 8A.37, dw. 179,
ED 25, 436 Atwood St.93
died Claimed 01-Dec-1934 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA103
buried Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; Mountain View cemetery115
married Claimed Francis E. Sweeney 11-May-1890103, 93, 102
born Mar-1870 in New York, USA93
died 1918 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA116
buried Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; Mountain View cemetery116
ix. Proven: Libbie Schoolcraft91
born Abt. 1872 in Iowa, USA91
b. Proven: William M. Schoolcraft87
born Abt. 1828 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably87
census 28-Sep-1850 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; dw. 30287
census 01-Jun-1855 in Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 14.07117
census 18-Jun-1860 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; pp. 021.20, dw. 139118
married Probable Lydia W. Gleason 1848 in Benson, Rutland, Vermont, USA87, 222
born Abt. 1825 in Vermont, USA87
i. Proven: Hiram N. Schoolcraft87
born Abt. Feb-1850 in New York, USA87
census 22-Jun-1870 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; pp. 29.35, dw. 209120
census 1880 in Orleans, Winneshiek, Iowa, USA; pp. 211C121
fact 27-Feb-1879 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; Named in Rhoda
Gleason's will.223
ii. Proven: Emily Schoolcraft118
born Abt. 1853 in New York, USA118
census 22-Jun-1870 in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA; pp. 31.05, dw. 219119
c. Proven: Eliza Julina Schoolcraft156
born 29-Feb-1832 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada156
d. Conjecture: Harriet Schoolcraft219
born Abt. 1833 in Quebec, Canada122
census 1861 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 17.08, Dist. 1122
married Proven Richard Yates 08-Oct-1861 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
e. Proven: Silas Theodore Schoolcraft156
born 16-Aug-1834 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada156
census 01-Jun-1860 in Berkshire, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 42.02, dw. 30123
census 1861 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 10.18, Dist. 1124
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 18.08, Dist. 3125
census 1880 in Dorr, Allegan, Michigan, USA126
census 05-Jun-1900 in Kearney, Antrim, Michigan, USA; pp. 88B.51, dw. 368, ED 5,

Bellaire Village127
died Claimed 02-May-1911 in Bellaire, Antrim, Michigan, USA103
married Proven Jane Truax 03-Mar-1854 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
St-Armand-East Baptist Church157
born Abt. 1837 in Quebec, Canada123
died 17-Apr-1891 in Kearney, Antrim, Michigan, USA158
buried Bellaire, Antrim, Michigan, USA; Lakeview cemetery129
i. Proven: Ernest Schoolcraft159
died 02-Mar-1870 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada159
buried 04-Mar-1870 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada159
ii. Proven: William Arthur Schoolcraft123, 124
born 30-Mar-1855 in Quebec, Canada131
census 1880 in Furnas, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA; Census location no longer
census 29-Jun-1900 in Kearney, Antrim, Michigan, USA; pp. 84A.47, dw. 270,
ED 5, Bellaire Village131
married Proven Jennie Palmer Huddleston 15-Nov-1887 in Plainwell, Allegan,
Michigan, USA160
born Abt. 1857 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA160
married Proven 2nd Bertha M. Shelman Abt. 1892161, 131
born 10-Apr-1874 in Michigan, USA131
iii. Proven: Owen H. Schoolcraft124
born Apr-1857 in Quebec, Canada132
census 18-Jun-1900 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, USA; pp.
211A.36, dw. 407, ED 42, 718 Washington St.132
fact 01-May-1877 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada162
died Claimed 16-Aug-1944 in Grand Traverse, Michigan, USA
married Proven Emily B. Owen 20-Oct-1885 in Mancelona, Antrim, Michigan,
born Abt. 1869 in Ohio, USA163, 132
died Claimed 24-May-1944 in Grand Traverse, Michigan, USA
iv. Proven: Clarissa Jane Schoolcraft123
born 02-Feb-1860 in Berkshire, Franklin, Vermont, USA164
census 1880 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA; pp. 402C133
fact 01-May-1877 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada162
married Proven William A. Thomas 09-Nov-1889 in Bellaire, Antrim, Michigan,
born Abt. 1864165
v. Proven: Chancy E. Schoolcraft125
born Jan-1862 in Quebec, Canada134
census 02-Jun-1900 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, USA; pp.
193B.78, dw. 58, ED 42, 525 S. Union St.134
married Proven Phoebe Anna Ablett 21-Oct-1885 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan,
USA138, 137, 134
born Oct-1860 in Homer, Medina, Ohio, USA134, 137
vi. Proven: Emily Schoolcraft125
born Abt. 1865 in Quebec, Canada125
census 1880 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 115A135
married Proven George F. Staley 09-Apr-1892 in Mancelona, Antrim, Michigan,
born Abt. 1869 in Canada166

vii. Proven: Anson T. Schoolcraft126
born May-1873 in Quebec, Canada136
census 18-Jun-1900 in Forest Home, Antrim, Michigan, USA; pp. 116B.86, dw.
130, ED 7, Bellaire Village136
married Proven [1] Florence Thomas 07-Oct-1893 in Bellaire, Antrim, Michigan,
born Jun-1877 in Michigan, USA136
married Proven 2nd [1] Florence Thomas 07-Jul-1903 in Petoskey, Emmet,
Michigan, USA168
born Jun-1877 in Michigan, USA136
married Proven 3rd Clara A. Kibby 16-Nov-1912 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse,
Michigan, USA169
born Abt. 1866 in Michigan, USA169
viii. Proven: Della Schoolcraft170
born 09-Sep-1875171
died 02-Aug-1879 in Stanbury, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
buried 03-Aug-1879 in Stanbury, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Stanbury cemetery170, 171
ix. Proven: Eve Schoolcraft126
born Abt. 1877 in Canada126
x. Proven: Edna Schoolcraft172
born Abt. 1881 in Michigan, USA172
married Proven Charles Henry Oswalt 17-Mar-1897 in Traverse City, Grand
Traverse, Michigan, USA172
born Abt. 1876 in Michigan, USA172
f. Proven: Lorenzo Schoolcraft14
born Abt. 14-Feb-1837 in Quebec, Canada177
census 1861 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.33, Dist. 315
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 16.16, Dist. 3174
census 1881 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; dw. 123, Div. 1175
census 15-Apr-1891 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 15.12, dw.
72, Dist. 168-M Div. 1176
census 1901 in Henryville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 02.49, dw. 18177
census 1911 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.35, dw. 39, Dist.
died 16-Mar-1923 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada227
buried 19-Mar-1923 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Protestant
married Proven Barbara Kimmel aka Barbara Kimble Barbara Wilson Barbara Barnes Bef.
born 23-Jul-1840 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada195
died 08-Nov-1895 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada196
buried 08-Nov-1895 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada196
i. Proven: John F. Schoolcraft174
born Abt. 24-Feb-1864 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada174, 178, 26
census 1901 in Henryville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 03.01, dw.
died Claimed 10-Oct-1937 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec,
married Proven Ida May Perry 09-Nov-1897 in Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA26
born 16-Aug-1883 in USA178

ii. Proven: Ellen M. Schoolcraft174
born Abt. 1867 in Quebec, Canada174
died Claimed Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA
iii. Proven: Edward Schoolcraft aka Edson28
born Abt. 15-Apr-1869 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada174,
177, 28

census 1911 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.35, dw.

39, Dist. 13226
died Claimed 27-Mar-1947 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada197
buried Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Protestant cemetery197
married Proven Rosella Riley aka Rosa 15-Sep-1902 in Swanton, Franklin,
Vermont, USA28
born 1884 in Quebec, Canada197, 226
died 1950 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada197
buried Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Protestant cemetery197
iv. Proven: Clara May Schoolcraft23
born 19-May-1872 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada23
married Proven Joseph Charles Pelletier aka Pelky 27-Jul-1896 in Clarenceville, Le
Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; St. Jacques Catholic Church24
born Claimed 03-May-1875 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec,
died Claimed 18-Sep-1966 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA198
buried Claimed 21-Sep-1966 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec,
v. Proven: Espy Philip Schoolcraft aka Epson176
born 15-May-1874 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada25, 179
census 1901 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 07.30, dw. 85.
census 1911 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.10, dw. 14,
Dist. 17. [St-Thomas]180
died 12-Jun-1944 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada
married Proven Melinda Pelletier aka Pelky 05-Aug-1896 in Alburg, Grand Isle,
Vermont, USA25
born 04-Jul-1879 in Quebec, Canada179
vi. Proven: Alpha Mary Schoolcraft aka Elsie Elpha23
born 13-Jun-1876 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada23
married Claimed [Unidentified] Webster
vii. Proven: Marshall Schoolcraft aka Marsie176
born Oct-1878 in Quebec, Canada175, 181
census 14-Jun-1900 in Montgomery, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 6B.96, dw.
137, ED 102181
census 1901 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 03.19, dw. 31182
died Claimed 09-Dec-1949
married Claimed Jessie May Smith
born Claimed 06-Jan-1884
died Claimed 17-Jan-1951
viii. Proven: Lorenzo Schoolcraft175
born 1881175
died Conjecture Bef. 1891176
ix. Proven: Florence Ethel Schoolcraft aka Esther Etta23
born 04-Mar-1881 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada23

married Proven George McCullough 01-Apr-1899 in Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont,
g. Proven: Charles Albert Schoolcraft14, 183
born 26-Aug-1839 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada193, 189
census 1861 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.33, Dist. 315
census 1871 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.05, Dist. 3173
census 1881 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 82, Div. 421
census 16-Apr-1891 in Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 15.21, dw.
73, Dist. 168-B184
census 12-Jun-1900 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA; pp. 147A.31, dw. 197, ED 758,
1407 King Place, Lake View Twp.185
census 22-Apr-1910 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA; fam. 255, 3828 Sheffield Ave., ED
1062, Ward 25, Chicago City187
died 04-Feb-1922 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, USA194
buried Brigham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Brigham United Church
married Proven Lucy Ann Burridge 27-Nov-1864 in Lebanon, Grafton, New Hampshire,
born 18-Jul-1835 in West Braintree, Braintree, Orange, Vermont, USA193, 189
died 12-Mar-1900 in Brigham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada193
buried Brigham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Brigham United Church
i. Proven: George Orrison Schoolcraft192
born 17-Feb-1866 in Vermont, USA192
census 12-Jun-1900 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA; pp. 147A.31, dw. 197, ED
758, 1407 King Place, Lake View Twp.185
census 22-Apr-1910 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA; fam. 255, 3828 Sheffield
Ave., ED 1062, Ward 25, Chicago City187
died 18-Feb-1940 in Los Angeles, California, USA192
married Proven Hilda S. Peterson 02-Jul-1900 in St Joseph, Berrien, Michigan,
born Oct-1866 in Sweden185
married Proven 2nd Atlanta Charlotte Mahannah 10-Oct-1846 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada191
born 31-Jan-1822 in USA199, 14
died Bet. 1852 - 186114, 9
h. Proven: Alvira Schoolcraft14
born Abt. 1847 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably14
census 1861 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.45, Dist. 3186
fact 12-May-1883 in St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USA; Law suit242
i. Proven: Armenia Jane Schoolcraft aka Minnie14, 188
born Abt. 09-Feb-1850 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably14, 200,

census 1861 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.33, Dist. 315
died 27-Aug-1923 in York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada201
married Probable [Unidentified] Stoddard Bef. 1870202
i. Probable: Loella Stoddard202
born Abt. 1870 in Iowa, USA202
ii. Probable: Chancy Stoddard202
born Abt. 1871 in Iowa, USA202
married Probable 2nd C. W. Douglas Bef. 1880202
born Abt. 1837 in New York, USA202
census 1880 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA; pp. 455C202

married Proven 3rd George Wallace Bef. 1884203
born Abt. 1851 in USA203
census 30-Apr-1891 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 46.15, dw.
223, Dist. 168-E Div. 1203
iii. Probable: Edith Wallace203
born Abt. 1884 in USA203
j. Proven: Emily Louise Schoolcraft aka Emma204
born 17-Nov-1851 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably204, 14
census 1861 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.33, Dist. 315
died 1932 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada205
buried Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Protestant cemetery205
married Proven James Wilson Aug-1869 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA206
born 10-May-1841 in England208, 209
census 1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 47207
census 1901 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 02.49, dw. 25208
died 1911 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada205
buried Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Protestant cemetery205
i. Proven: Harriet Wilson207
born Abt. 1870 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably207
ii. Proven: Anna Wilson210
born Abt. 1873 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably207
married Proven David George Ducolon 27-Jul-1892 in Farnham, Brome-
Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church210
born Bef. 1871210
iii. Proven: Leon Alfred Wilson211
born 24-Sep-1873 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada211
iv. Proven: John Wilson212
born 23-Mar-1876 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada212
v. Proven: Elizabeth Wilson207
born 28-Aug-1878 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably207,

vi. Proven: Thomas Wilson207

born 22-Feb-1881 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada213, 208
vii. Proven: Carrie Wilson208
born 26-Nov-1883 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably208
viii. Proven: Sarah Wilson208
born 20-Jul-1886 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably208
ix. Proven: Glenna Wilson208
born 09-Sep-1889 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably208
x. Proven: Georgina Wilson208
born 22-Dec-1894 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably208
married Proven 3rd Roana Downer 09-Feb-1861 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Methodist Church9, 228
born Abt. 15-Jan-1830 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada18, 235, 236
census 14-Jan-1861 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.33, Dist. 315, 15, 17
census 06-Jun-1870 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA; dw. 11917
census Claimed 1900 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 227A
died 22-Mar-1909 in Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, USA; Otsego Village235, 236
k. Proven: Ida M. Schoolcraft17
born Abt. 1865 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada20
census 1880 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 383D19

married Proven Marcellus M. Green 25-Dec-1880 in Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, USA20
born Abt. 1854 in Monroe, New York, USA20
i. Proven: Almeda M. Greene229
born 18-Nov-1881 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA229
ii. Proven: Leta Greene230
born Abt. 1888 in Allegan, Michigan, USA230
married Proven Ervie Hofacker 06-Oct-1916 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan,
born Abt. 1890 in South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USA230
iii. Proven: Leo L. Greene231
born 08-Sep-1889 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA231
married Proven Ethel Hord 02-Oct-1920 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA234
born Abt. 1889 in Maysville, Mason, Kentucky, USA234
iv. Proven: Edna Greene232
born 27-Jun-1891 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA232
v. Proven: Mildred Marion Greene233
born Abt. 1901 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA233
married Proven Stephen Garret Slater 05-Dec-1921 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo,
Michigan, USA233
born Abt. 1900 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA233
4. Proven: Huldah Schoolcraft7
born Conjecture Bet. 1803 - 1804111
died Aft. 18417
married Proven Benjamin Cottom Noyes 23-Sep-1824 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA214
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.37215
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1257.03216
5. Proven: William Schoolcraft6
born Abt. 1805 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada5, 50
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.3234
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1257.05, Range 7217
married Proven Mary McIntosh 28-Oct-1824 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA218
born Bet. 1787 - 181134, 218

New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Adam on May [1756] born Apr 9 [1756],
parents Christian Schulkraf & Elisabet Margareth, sponsors Adam Becker and Elisabeth Schulkraf.
2 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac

3 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Feby 1820, Sale by Jonathan P. Schoolcraft to Catherine

4 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 19th June 1823, Transfer of rights of sucession by Susanah

Schoolcraft the wife of John Decker to William Schoolcraft.

Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Joseph-Édouard Faribault: No. 275 12th December 1827, Donation by
Catherine Schoolcraft to William Schoolcraft.
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary L. Dugas: No. 799, 9th March 1839: Transfer of the arrears of a certain
life rent by Catherine Phelps to Tilly Blakely.
7 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Deed of Sale: 4th December 1841, by Benjamin C. Noyes & Consort to Ozen

Green Skeels.
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Feby 1820, Philip Ruiter atty of F. Derivieres to Simon

Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, On this the ninth day of February Two thousand eight hundred and
sixty [Two] Christopher Schoolcraft, Widower, and Roana Hutchins Widow, both of Dunham; after the publication of
banns; were joined together in the Holy estate of Matrimony in the presence of the following witnesses, by me Joshua
Gear Minister. Christopher Schoolcraft. Roana Hutchin Witnesses Lorenzo Schoolcraft, Barbara Schoolcraft.
10 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Frelighsburg Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Hutchins,

William, B. Feb. 27, 1855, Bapt. Feb. 13, 1865, s/o Benjamin & Rosa Hutchins.
11 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342504, v 2 p 374 rn 3563: 30 Jun

1896, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Groom William Hutchinson, age 41, born Vermont, father Benjamin Hutchinson, mother
Leona Downey, Bride Elizabeth Vande Fifer, age 40, born Holland Europe, father John Crane, mother Elizabeth
12 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342512, item 2 p 432 rn 4811: 24 Jun

1899, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Groom William B. Hutchins, age 38, born Vermont, father Benjamin
Hutchins, mother Rouena Downer, Bride Mabel Mayo, age 24, born South Haven, father Hamilton Mayo, mother
Harriet Moulton.
13 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342710, v 3 p 99 rn 15326: 12 Jul

1915, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Groom William Hutchins, age 60, born Canada, father Benj. Hutchins,
mother Rowena Downey, Bride Minnie Stratton Myers, age 46, born Michigan, father Wm. Stratton, mother Libbie
Québec: Census, 2-Feb-1852: pp. 152.13, Dist. 3, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 162.42
Lot 10-26: Christopher Schoolcraft age 51 male born in Canada occ./rel. Carpenter, Joiner, W. Methodist, married.
Atlanta age 29 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. W. Methodist, married. Lorenzo age 15 male born in Canada occ./rel. W.
Methodist. Albert age 13 male born in Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist. Alvira age 5 female born in Canada occ./rel. W.
Methodist. Armineia age 3 female born in Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist. Infant age 1 female born in Canada occ./rel.
W. Methodist.
15 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 9.33, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family log house, Lorenso Schoolcraft

age 25 M/M born in L.C. occ./rel. farmer, Adventist, Barbary Schoolcraft age 21 F/M born in L.C. occ./rel. Adventist,
Christofer Schoolcraft age 55 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. farmer, Adventist, widower, Albert Schoolcraft age 22 M/S
born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer, Adventist, Amida Schoolcraft age 13 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. spinster, Adventist, Emily
Schoolcraft age 10 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. Adventist, ~~~ay Hutchen age 31 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. Adventist,
16 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 8.43, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family log house, Levi Hutchen age 56

M/M born in U.S.A. occ./rel. W. Meth., Louisa Hutchen age 55 F/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Meth., Nelson
Hutchen age 16 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Meth., William Hutchen age 6 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W.
17 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1870, pp. 15.24, dw. 119, Trowbridge, Allegan Co., MI, fam. 122, Isiah

Stockwell age 70 sex m farmer born in VT, Laura age 71 sex f keeping house born in VT, Roena Schoolcraft age 39
sex f domestic servant born in VT, Ada H. age 5 sex f born in Canada E.
18 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342453, v 1 p 11 rn 1245: 10 Apr

1872, Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Jarvis Spurry, age 59, born Yorkslate [York State], white, Bride Roana
Lawner, age 40, born Stonebridge [Stanbridge], white. Groom: Farmer.
19 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254569 NA Film T9-0569 pp. 383D [Badly mangled transcription

of Jarvis Sperry and Roana Downer with Ida Schoolcraft.], Trowbridge, Allegan Co., MI : Downe SPERY Self male
married white age 75 born in NY occupation Blacksmith father born in CT mother born in CT: Roasia SPERY Wife
female married white age 50 born in VT occupation Keeping House father born in VT mother born in VT : Wm.
WITHIERS Self male married white age 25 born in CAN occupation Farm Laborer father born in CAN mother born in
VT: Ella WITHIERS Other female married white age 20 born in NY occupation House Keeper father born in NY
mother born in NY: Hiram WITHIERS Son male single white age 4 born in MI father born in CAN mother born in
NY: Ida SCHOOCRAFT Dau female single white age 15 born in CAN occupation At Home father born in CAN
mother born in VT.
Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342466, v 1 p 25 rn 1296: 25 Dec
1880, Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Marallus M. Green, age 26, born Monroe Co., New York, Bride Ida M.
Schoolcraft, age 15, born Stanbridge, Canada.
Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district H || Division 4 ||
pp. 16 || hse. 82 || Census Place: Dunham, Missisquoi Co., QC || Charles Schoolcraft Married German Male age 39 born
in QC, Carpenter, Congregationalist || Lucy Schoolcraft Married English Female age 40 born in USA,
Congregationalist || George Schoolcraft English Male age 15 born in USA, Congregationalist || Diana Gorham Irish
Female age 35 born in QC, Methodist || Alice Drewe English Female age 20 born in England, Music Teacher, Church
of England || Christopher Schoolcraft Widowed German Male age 80 born in USA, Adventist.

Québec, Cowansville: Methodist Church Records, Burials: Christopher Schoolcraft carpenter of East Dunham
county of Missisquoi province of Québec died the twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord Two thousand
eight hundred and eighty eight and was buried by me on the twenty fourth day of the same month and year in the
presence of the subscribing witnesses of whome the first is the youngest son of the said Christopher Schoolcraft. Isaac
Whealty Minister, Witnesses Charles A. Schoolcraft and L. A. Schoolcraft.
Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clara May, Alpha Mary and Florence Ethel, daughters of
Lorenzo Schoolcraft and Barbara Wilson his wife were baptised by me on the eleventh of March Two thousand eight
hundred and ninety four in the presence of the subscribing witnesses. Clara May was born on the nineteenth day of
May eighteen hundred and seventy two, Alpha Mary was born on the thirteenth day of June eigthteen hundred and
seventy six and Florence Ethel on the fourth of March eighteen eighty Two. W. Rilance Methodist Minister. G. N.
Clark, H. F. Green.
24 Québec: Catholic Marriages in the Blue Druins, St. Jacq. Clarenceville recorded marriage of Jos. PELLETIER to

Clara SCHOOLCRAFT on 27 Juil. 1896. Jos. PELLETIER's parents Charles PELLETIER & Adeline THIBAULT.
Clara SCHOOLCRAFT's parents Lorenzo SCHOOLCRAFT & Barba KIMMEL.
25 Vermont: Marriage Record, Alburg VT reported marriage between Espy Schoolcraft (Male) and Malinda Pelky on

5-Aug-1896. 1st marriage of Espy Schoolcraft (Male) age 22 born in Bedford QC residing in Clarenceville QC.
Occupation Farmer, parents Lorenzo Schoolcraft = Kimbal Barnes.
26 Vermont: Marriage Record, Richford VT reported marriage between John F. Schoolcraft and Ida May Perry on 9-

Nov-1897. 2nd marriage of John F. Schoolcraft age 30 born in Dunham QC residing in Richford VT. Occupation
Laborer, parents Lorenzo=Margaret.
27 Vermont: Marriage Record, Alburg VT reported marriage between Etta Schoolcraft and George McCullough on 1-

Apr-1899. 1st marriage of Etta Schoolcraft age 18 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Clarenceville QC. Parents
Lorenzo Schoolcraft=Barbara Allen.
28 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage between Edward Schoolcraft and Rosa Rosely on 15-

Sep-1902. 1st marriage of Edward Schoolcraft age 28 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Clarenceville QC.
Occupation farmer, parents Lorenzo Schoolcraft = Barbara Barnes.
29 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, On this seventeenth of March Two thousand eight hundred and

twenty eight Philip Bachelor and cabinet maker and Eveline Decker spinster both of the age of majority and of the
Seignory were married after Banns being first published in presence of her brother and sister here subscribing. Richard
Whitwell minister. Philip Schoolcraft, Eveline X Decker, Barnabas X Decker, Catharine X. Decker.
30 New York, Malone: Cemetery Listings, "Electronic," Webster Street cemetery: Philip SCHOOLCRAFT Died 23

January 1860 Age 62 yrs.

31 New York, Malone: Cemetery Listings, "Electronic," Webster St. Cemetery: Eveline wife of Philip

SCHOOLCRAFT died Aug. 8, 1866 AE 61 Yrs. 5 Ms.

32 New York, Malone: Cemetery Listings, "Electronic," Webster Street cemetery: Schoolcraft, Ephraim died Sept. 1,

1885; Ae. 46 yrs.

33 New York: Newspapers, Frontier Palladium, Malone, Thursday January 17th, 1861: Died: In this village, Thursday

evening, the 10th inst., of consumption, Mr. Philip Schoolcraft, aged 62 years.
34 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.32, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household William Schoolcraft, 6

total in household, 1 under 6. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 18 but not 25 Marr.: 1 25 but not 40 Sing. Females: 1 14
but not 45 Marr.: 1 45 and up Sing. DJE: Elderly female with William is probably Catherine Phelps. Older single male
may be Philip, younger maybe Jonathan or Christopher.
35 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.04 Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 5 Head of

household Catherine Schoolcraft, renter, widow. 2 Total in household, 1 6 but under 14. Males: Females: 1 45 and up
Sing., 2 Anglican.
36 Queen's Loyal Rangers, 3rd Company, Capt. Justus Sherwood - Names and Dates of Joining of Men in the

Campaign Through October 1777

37 War Office Papers - Headquarters Records. Military and Provincial Memorials. 1776-1781. W. O. 28. Vol. 9. Capt.

Justus Sherwood - Memo Concerning Transfer of Men to Capt. McKay dated 9th March 1788.
Col. John Peter's - Corps Return dated 14th December 1780
39 Roster of the 16th Regiment Militia: This roster seems to apply to the period from 13 Apr 1779 to 30 Nov 1780. It

shows four individuals, all privates. Christian and three of his sons. Adam, Christopher [Christian] and Cobus
40 Haldimand Papers, PAC, B167-35, Ottawa, Ontario, 3 Sep 1777, St. Johns, Canada. Subsistance account of Captain

Leake's Corps. From September 3, 1777 to 24 October 1777 being 52 days: Stephen Young, Peter Young, Christian
Snyder serving with Maj. Rogers at St. Johns, Adam Schoolcraft rejoined from the Colonies 24 August 1780.

Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 9 Fall 1985:
Transcript of an oath of allegiance to the Continental Congress. Source: Williams Papers, Vol. 1, page 63. Names
include Garret Miller.
42 New York: State Archives, Garret Y Lansing Papers. Adam SCHOOLCRAFT possesed jointly with Ichabod &

Christian COOK[sic], 400 acres, Lot 24, Schermerhorn Patent in 1790, Anaquassacook.
Missisquoi Historical Society Reports, Vol 5. pp. 43 et seq. Seignory of Noyan, refers to: On the 25th of May, 1790,
General Christie ... made a return of the inhabitants living in his part of the seigniory, on that date, consisting of
Abraham Fryot, George Linton, Captain Duncan Cameron, James Struthers, Garret Barron, Abner Stillman, Walter
Scott, Sr., Walter Scott, Jr., Thomas Scott, John Ward, William Leech, Dudley, Allen and Dunham, Simon Stone,
Solomon Dunham, Adam Clapper, Adam Schoolcraft, Schoolcraft and sons. (Archives Ottawa).
44 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1630512: Petition for Town of Granby, 28-Mar-1795
45 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1631062: Oath of Allegiance at Missisquoi Bay in 1795.
46 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Christian Schoolcraft's children.
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Stanbridge Land Grant.
48 "King's men: The soldier founders of Ontario" by Mary Beacock Fryer. Dundurn Press (1980)
Roll of Men Under Capt Samuel McKay - Names of Men in the Campaign dated 20th December 1777.
David J. Ellis, In the Leon Lalanne document of 1807, Catherine Phelps stated that each child would inherit at age
Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363450, p 334 rn 514: Mary Deline, 05 Dec
1871, Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, age 90 years 1 month 11 days, Female, Widowed, Father Adam Schoolcroft
residing Cause of death inflamation of the lungs. Born Canada, Mother Catharine Schoolcroft.
52 Federal Population Schedule, 27-Sep-1850, pp. 51.06, dw. 382, Morristown, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 382, Mary

Deline age 55 sex F born in Canada, James age 29 sex M laborer born in Canada, Jonas age 25 sex M laborer born in
Canada, Amanda age 20 sex F born in Canada, Almira age 18 sex F born in Canada.
53 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Jul-1860, pp. 103.40, dw. 787, Marathon, Lapeer Co., MI, fam. 764, Julius Deline

age 35 sex m farmer born in Canada East, Betsy A. age 27 sex f born in Canada West, William G. age 3 sex m born in
MI, Elizabeth J. age 1 sex f born in MI, Mary age 67 sex f born in Canada West.
54 Michigan: Cemetery Records, West Deerfield cemetery, Lapeer Co.: Mary wife of George Deline died March 9,

1871 aged 93 years.

55 New York, Center Brunswick: Gilead Evangelical Lutheran Church, Child: George born 26 Septbr. 1790, bapt. 11th

Novbr. 1790. Parents: Reyer De Linn & wife Hannah. Witnesses: Johannes Baumhauer & wife Magdalena.
56 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 809.12, Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household George Deline, 7 total in household,

3 under 6, 2 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 3 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
57 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 101.19, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, George Deline. Male: 1 <5, 2 5-10, 1

40-50, female: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 30-40.

58 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Appendix to the XXXth volume of the Journals of the House of Assembly of

the province of Lower-Canada, pp. W46. Appeared on list of voters.

59 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2320844, item 1 p 424 rn 3934: Florence May

Deline, 06 Feb 1886, Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, Female, Father George W. Deline born Mich., Mother Lucy Deline
born Mich.
60 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342509, v 3 p 22 rn 1890: 27 Jun

1898, Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, Groom Geo. W. Deline, age 41, born Michigan, father Jonas Deline, mother Betsey
Swadling, Bride Elizabeth Pole Stander, age 34, born Germany, father Chas. Pole, mother Not Given.
Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2321100, item 2 p 37 rn : Charles Henry
Layman, 08 Jul 1889, Deerfield Township, Lapeer, Michigan, Male, Father Alonzo Layman born Canada, Mother
Elizabeth Deline born Lapeer Co., Mich.
Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363668, p 118 rn 75: Daniel W. Deline, 05
Oct 1880, Marathon, Lapeer, Michigan, age 16 years 8 months 24 days, Male, Single, Farm Hand, Father Jona Deline,
Mother Sarah A. Deline.
Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1219.14, Segnorie St. Armand settled 1784, Missisquoi Co. Concession 1 Head of
household Philip Schoolcraft, renter, cabt. maker. 7 Total in household, 1 under 5, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 14 but not
18 Sing., 1 21 but not 30 Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 45 and up Sing., 1
Anglican, 6 Methodists.
64 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 176.20, Malone, Franklin Co., NY, Philip Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 40-50,

female: 1 10-15, 1 30-40.Total in family = 4; employment = manufactures and trades.

Federal Population Schedule, 4-Oct-1850, Malone, Franklin Co., NY, dw. 370, family 378, Philip Schoolcraft age
51 sex m cabinet maker born in Canada East, Eveline Schoolcraft age 42 sex f born in Canada East, Mary A.
Schoolcraft age 20 sex f born in Canada East, Ephraim Schoolcraft age 11 sex m born in NY, Henry Schoolcraft age 8
sex m born in NY.
66 Federal Population Schedule, 23-Jun-1860, Malone, Franklin Co., NY, dw. 277, family 274, Philip Schoolcraft age

61 sex m cabinet maker born in Canada, Eveline Schoolcraft age 55 sex f born in Canada, Mary Ann Schoolcraft age
30 sex f seamstress born in Canada, Ephraim Schoolcraft age 21 sex m teamster born in NY, Henry Schoolcraft age 18
sex m cabinet maker born in NY.
67 New York: Newspapers, History of The Underground Railroad in Franklin County, New York From: Historical

Sketches of Franklin County and its Several Towns by Frederick J. Seaver. Published by J. B. Lyon Co., Albany NY
68 New York, Malone: Cemetery Listings, Webster Street cemetery: Philip SCHOOLCRAFT Died 23 January 1860

Age 62 yrs.
New York, Malone: Cemetery Listings, Webster St. Cemetery: Eveline wife of Philip SCHOOLCRAFT died Aug.
8, 1866 AE 61 Yrs. 5 Ms.
Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, Philipsburg Methodist Circuit Church Records 1814-1943 (file card
transcriptions): Mary Anne Schoolcraft parents Philip Schoolcraft and Evelina. Baptized Mar 28, 1830. Minister James
Knowlan. Witness Charles Miller and Agnes Miller.
Federal Population Schedule, 16-Jul-1870, pp. 96.23, dw. 685, Malone, Franklin Co., NY, fam. 691, Henry
Schoolcraft age 30 sex m carpenter born in NY, Mary Ann age 40 sex f keeps house born in NY.
72 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, St. Armand Methodist 1831-1836, BCHS Index Reel 124.11:

Baptisms: Folio Eighteenth Amanda daughter of Philip Schoolcraft Cabinet Maker of the Seignory of Saint Armand
and of Effaline his wife was born on the tenth day of May in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and
thirty two and was baptised on the eighteenth day of May in the year aforesaid by me Thomas Turner, Minister.
Witnessed Philip Schoolcraft, Effaline Schoolcraft. N.B. The mother not being able to write her own name it is written
by me T. T.
73 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Burials: Amanda daughter of Philip Schoolcraft Cabinet Maker St.

Armand and Eveline his wife departed this life August the eleventh aged two years three months and Two day and was
buried the twelfth day of August in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and thirty four in the presence of
the subscribing witnesses by me Matthew Lang Minister. Witnesses Philip Schoolcraft, William Death.
74 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jul-1870, pp. 85.01, dw. 603, Malone, Franklin Co., NY, fam. 606, Arthur Bainard

family, Ephraim Schoolcraft age 33 sex m farm laborer born in VT.

75 Military Records: Civil War listings, Ephraim enlisted 27 Aug 1862 106th NY Inf. d. 1 Sep 1885.
76 New York, Malone: Cemetery Listings, Webster Street cemetery: Schoolcraft, Ephraim died Sept. 1, 1885; Ae. 46

77 New York: Newspapers, Franklin Gazette, Friday May 28th, 1884: Marriage: In this village, on Thursday evening,

May 15, 1884, Mr. Henry Schoolcraft to Miss Jennie McLeod, Both of Malone.
78 Federal Population Schedule, 4-Jun-1900, pp. 133B.65, dw. 17, fam. 18, ED #84, 42 Catherine St., Malone, Franklin

Co., NY : Jennie Schoolcraft head female widow age 36 born in Jul 1863, Can. Eng. occupation keeps boarders,
emmig. 1880, 2 ch., 2 liv. father born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.: Ethel M. dau female single age 15 born in
Mar 1885, NY father born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.: Florance D. dau female single age 11 born in Feb
1889, NY father born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.
79 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 834.16, St. Armand, Bedford Co. Head of household John Decker, 5 total in household, 2

under 6, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 101.17, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, John Decker. Male: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1 10-
15, 1 40-50, female: 2 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 40-50.
Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 101.31, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story log, 1 fam., Agric. 175.45
Lot 8-02: Baptiste Bursha age 27 male born in Canada F occ./rel. laborer, Catholic, married. Mary age 21 female born
in Canada F occ./rel. Catholic, married. Moses age 1 male born in Canada F occ./rel. Catholic. Sophia Kelly age 55
female born in N. York occ./rel. Methodist, widow. Katherine age 11 female born in N. York occ./rel. Episcopal. John
Decker age 62 male born in N. York occ./rel. Espiscopal, widower.
82 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 4.40, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., Enoch Decker age 43 m/m

born in U.S.A. occ./rel. painter, no religion, Polly age 39 f/m born in L. Canada occ./rel. matron, no religion, William
age 16 m/s born in U.S.A. occ./rel. painter, no religion, Harriet age 15 f/s born in U.S.A. occ./rel. spinster, no religion,
Ellen age 10 f/s born in U.S.A. occ./rel. spinster, no religion, Minerva age 8 f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, no
religion, Washington age 5 m/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. painter, no religion, Louis N. age 3 m/s born in L. Canada
occ./rel. painter, no religion.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254554 NA Film T9-0554 pp. 111B, Boston, Suffolk Co., MA :
Stephen DECKER Self male married white age 58 born in VT occupation Machinist father born in NY mother born in
CAN: Cynthia DECKER Wife female white age 58 born in ME father born in ME mother born in ME.
84 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255347 NA Film T9-1347 pp. 202C, Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT :

Edmund C. WHITING Self male married white age 61 born in VT occupation Farmer father born in VT mother born in
VT: Charlotte WHITING Wife female married white age 53 born in VT occupation Keeping House father born in VT
mother born in VT: Mary G. WHITING Dau female single white age 30 born in NY father born in VT mother born in
VT: Louisa B. WHITING Dau female single white age 22 born in NY father born in VT mother born in VT: Ernest
WHITING Son male single white age 13 born in VT occupation Help In Quarry father born in VT mother born in VT.
85 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.08 Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of

household Christ. Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. 6 Total in household, 3 under 5, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 21 but not 30
Marr., Females: 2 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 6 Anglican.
86 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-731, FHL US/CAN Film #1375937, 2 March 1842: pp. 2548.30,

Farnham, Shefford Co. Head of household Christopher Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. Total present in household 10. In
household but absent 1. Native of Canada 10 Fr. Children: 2 male under 6, 2 male 6 but under 14, 1 female 6 but under
14. Males: 2 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 3 45 and
up Sing.
87 Federal Population Schedule, 28-Sep-1850, pp. 23A.24, dw. 302, Malone, Franklin Co., NY, fam. 310, Christopher

C. Schoolcraft age 23 sex m carpenter born in VT, Harriet E. Schoolcraft age 19 sex f born in NY, Henry A.
Schoolcraft age 8/12 sex m born in NY, William M. Schoolcraft age 22 sex m shoe maker born in VT, Lydia M.
Schoolcraft age 25 sex f born in VT, Hiram U. Schoolcraft age 8/12 sex m born in NY.
88 State Census, 1-Jun-1855, pp. 14.08, Madison, Dane Co., WI, family . Schoolcraft, C. C.: Total 3 white males and 3

white females, male; .

89 Federal Population Schedule, 20 June 1860, pp. 50.36, dw. 413, High Forest, Olmsted Co., MN, fam. 408,

Columbus Schoolcraft age 34 sex M carpenter born in VT, Harriett age 29 sex F born in NY, Henry age 10 sex M born
in NY, Sylvanus age 8 sex M born in NY, Eliza age 5 sex F born in WI, Henrietta age 3 sex F born in MN, Sarah age 7
mos. sex F born in MN, Deilos Bemos age 23 sex M carpenter born in NY.
90 Federal Population Schedule, 6-12 July, 1870, Estherville, Emmet Co., IA, pp. 3.28, dw. 19, family 20, Schoolcraft,

C. C. age 44 sex M Carpenter born in VT, Schoolcraft, H. E. age 40 sex F Keeping House born in NY, Schoolcraft, H.
A. age 20 sex M Carpenter born in NY, Schoolcraft, S. C. age 19 sex M born in NY, Schoolcraft, Ruth E. age 16 sex F
born in WI, Schoolcraft, Henrieta age 14 sex F born in MN, Schoolcraft, Sarah age 11 sex F born in MN, Schoolcraft,
Flora age 6 sex F born in MN, Schoolcraft, Willie age 3 sex M born in NY.
91 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254088 National Archives Film T9-0088 pp. 455C: Longmont,

Boulder Co., CO : H. A. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 54 born in VT occupation Carpenter father
born in VT mother born in VT: Eliza SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 50 born in NY occupation
Keeping House father born in MA mother born in VT: Willie SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 13 born in
NY occupation At School father born in VT mother born in NY: Libbie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age
8 born in IA occupation At School father born in VT mother born in NY
92 California: Vital Records, California Death Index: Lamb, Ruth Eliza, Female, born 12/30/1854 in Wisconsin, died

12/21/1950 in Los Angeles Co. Mother's maiden name Bemis. Father's name Schoolcraft.
93 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1900, pp. 26A.05, dw. 28, fam. 29, ED #157, Atwood St., Longmont, Boulder

Co., CO : Wm. Schoolcraft head male married age 33 born in Feb 1867, NY occupation clothing salesman, marr. 10
yrs. father born in NY mother born in NY: Francis wife female married age 30 born in Mar 1870, NY occupation marr.
10 yrs., 4 ch., 4 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Preditta dau female single age 9 born in Apr 1891, CO father
born in NY mother born in NY: Mamie dau female single age 7 born in Jun 1892, CO father born in NY mother born in
NY: Bessie dau female single age 4 born in Aug 1895, CO father born in NY mother born in NY: Francis dau female
single age 3 born in Sep 1896, CO father born in NY mother born in NY: Harriet mother female widow age 70 born in
Jan 1830, NY occupation 8 ch., 6 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY.
94 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254088 National Archives Film T9-0088 pp. 446B: Longmont,

Boulder Co., CO : H. A. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 30 born in NY occupation Carpenter father
born in CAN mother born in NY: Mary SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 29 born in OH occupation
Keeping House father born in CT mother born in NY: Gertie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 3 born in
IA occupation 0 father born in NY mother born in OH.

Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1900, pp. 26A.28, dw. 34, fam. 35, ED #157, Atwood St., Longmont, Boulder
Co., CO : Bert Schoolcraft head male widow age 52 born in Jan 1848, NY occupation carpenter father born in NY
mother born in NY: Albert son male single age 6 born in Jan 1894, CO father born in NY mother born in MI: Gertie
Young dau female married age 25 born in Dec 1876, IA occupation marr. 5 yrs., 2 ch., 2 liv. father born in NY mother
born in MI: William son-in-law male married age 31 born in Sep 1868, IA occupation blacksmith, marr. 5 yrs. father
born in IA mother born in IA: Maud g-dau female single age 4 born in Jan 1896, CO father born in IA mother born in
IA: Henry g-son male single age 9 mos. born in Sep 1899, CO father born in IA mother born in IA.
96 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: GSU film 1255422 Vol 7, E.D. 4, Sht 7, Line 43, pp. 48-C: 5-Jun-1880 Vernon

St., 3rd Ward, Beaver Dam, Dodge Co., WI dwelling78, family 89. : Sylvanus SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married
white age 28 born in NY occupation Painter father born in NScotia mother born in NScotia: Etta SCHOOLCRAFT
Wife female married white age 23 born in WI occupation Keeping House father born in ME mother born in ME: Edna
M. SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 7 born in WI occupation In School father born in NY mother born in
WI: Lavern SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 9 mos. born in WI father born in NY mother born in WI.
Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jun-1900, pp. 39A.12, dw. 321, fam. 339, ED #157, Baker St., Longmont, Boulder
Co., CO : Etta Schoolcraft head female divorced age 42 born in Aug 1857, WI occupation dressmaker, 3 ch., 3 liv.
father born in ME mother born in ME: Leverne son male single age 20 born in Aug 1879, WI father born in NY mother
born in WI: Percy son male single age 14 born in Aug 1885, CO father born in NY mother born in WI.
98 Federal Population Schedule, 11-Jun-1900, pp. 34B.92, dw. 223, fam. 234, ED #157, Coffman St., Longmont,

Boulder Co., CO : Sylvanus Schoolcraft head male married age 48 born in May 1852, NY occupation carpenter, marr.
1 yr. father born in VT mother born in NY: Mabel wife female married age 26 born in Jun 1873, RI occupation marr. 1
yr., 1 ch., 1 liv. father born in MA mother born in RI: baby son male single age 0 mos. born in May 1900, CO father
born in NY mother born in RI: Leona Lee step-dau female single age 8 born in Dec 1891, CO father born in VA mother
born in RI: Florence step-dau female single age 6 born in Jun 1893, CO father born in VA mother born in RI.
99 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254088 National Archives Film T9-0088 pp. 446A: Longmont,

Boulder Co., CO : Frank LAMB Self male married white age 30 born in OH occupation Carpenter father born in CT
mother born in NY: Eliza LAMB Wife female married white age 25 born in WI occupation Keeping House father born
in CAN mother born in NY: Minnie LAMB Dau female single white age 9 born in IA occupation At School father born
in OH mother born in WI: Carrie LAMB Dau female single white age 7 born in IA occupation At School father born in
OH mother born in WI: Allie LAMB Dau female single white age 3 born in IA father born in OH mother born in WI.
100 David J. Ellis, Eliza Lamb is the only match to Ruth Eliza in the 1880 census in Longmont. Frank Lamb is living

with his parents in Estherville, IA near to Christopher Schoolcraft in 1870.

101 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254088 National Archives Film T9-0088 pp. 444A: Longmont,

Boulder Co., CO : George McFADDEN Self male married white age 25 born in IL occupation Printer father born in
OH mother born in NY: Clara McFADDEN Wife female married white age 22 born in IL occupation Keeping House
father born in NY mother born in NY: Flora SCHOOLCRAFT Other female single white age 16 born in IA occupation
Servant father born in IA mother born in IA.
102 California: Vital Records, California Death Index: Carl, Mamie Pearl, Female, SSN 521124824, born 06/02/1892 in

Colorado, died 09/28/1958 in Santa Clara Co. Mother's maiden name Sweeney. Father's name Schoolcraft.
103 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 11 - 13 Winter 1985:.
104 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, Wisconsin Marriages -

SAN Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 20, Source unstated: to S. C. Schoolcraft on 24-May-1894 in Dodge Co.
105 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, SAN Newsletters Vol. 1,

No. 1 Jan 1988. Ancestor Chart of Maude Dunham.

California: Vital Records, California Death Index: Belcher, Flora, Female, born 02/28/1861 in Minnesota, died
01/23/1953 in Alameda Co. Father's name Schoolcraft.
107 Colorado: Cemetery Records, Mountain View Cemetery, Longmont: Schoolcraft FootstTwo: H. A. Schoolcraft

1849 - 1925. |.
108 Colorado: Cemetery Records, Mountain View Cemetery, Longmont: Schoolcraft FootstTwo: Harriet E. Schoolcraft

1830 - 1911. |.
Federal Population Schedule, 6-12 July, 1870, Estherville, Emmet Co., IA, pp. 7.32, dw. 52, family 55, Lamb, Jacob
age 47 sex M Cooper born in CT, Elizabeth age 47 sex F keeping house born in NY, Frank age 20 sex M laborer born
in OH, Mary age 19 sex F domestic servant born in OH, Alice age 15 sex F born in OH, Charles age 13 sex M.
Colorado: Cemetery Records, Mountain View Cemetery, Longmont: Schoolcraft || Mollie 1863 - 1899 S. C. 1852 -
1914. |.
111 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Adam Schoolcraft's children.
Appendix to the XXXth volume of the Journals of the House of Assembly of the province of Lower-Canada, pp. W-

Part of the Wallings map, published in 1864. It depicts the five counties located between the Richelieu River and
Lac Memphrémagog in the Eastern Townships of Québec.
New York, Malone: Cemetery Listings, "Electronic," Webster Street cemetery: Schoolcraft, Willie D. son of C. C.
& H. E. Schoolcraft died Jan. 9, 1867; Ae. 2 yrs & 6 mos.
115 Colorado: Cemetery Records, Mountain View Cemetery, Longmont: Schoolcraft FootstTwo: William D. 1867 -

1934. |
116 Colorado: Cemetery Records, Mountain View Cemetery, Longmont: Schoolcraft FootstTwo: Frances E. 1870 -

1918. |.
117 State Census, 1-Jun-1855, pp. 14.07, Madison, Dane Co., WI, family . Schoolcraft, Wm.: Total 2 white males and 2

white females, male;.

118 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1860, pp. 021.20, dw. 139, Malone, Franklin Co., NY, fam. 138, William

Schoolcraft age 32 sex m joiner born in VT, Lydia Schoolcraft age 35 sex f born in VT, Hiram N. Schoolcraft age 10
sex m born in NY, Emily Schoolcraft age 7 sex f born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1870, pp. 31.05, dw. 219, Malone, Franklin Co., NY, fam. 221, Thomas
Gleason age 35 sex m farmer born in NY, Rhoda age 72 sex f keeps house born in VT, Emily Schoolcraft age 17 sex f
domestic born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1870, pp. 29.35, dw. 209, Malone, Franklin Co., NY, fam. 210, Caleb Gleason
age 52 sex m farmer born in VT, Minerva age 41 sex f keeps house born in NY, Frederick age 18 sex m born in NY,
Ernest age 15 sex m born in NY, Anna Oldfield age 18 sex f domestic born in PA, Hiram Schoolcraft age 20 sex m
farm laborer born in NY.
121 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254370 National Archives Film T9-0370 pp. 211C: Undated

Orleans, Winneshiek Co., IA : Marcellus Clough Self male married white age 53 born in VT: Amey N. Clough Wife
female married white age 57 born in NY: Alvin Clough Son male single white age 19 born in IA: Charity Clough Dau
female single white age 13 born in MN: Jenny Rice SDauL female single white age 13 born in IA: Benjamin Rice SSon
male single white age 13 born in IA: Hiram Schoolcraft Other male single white age 31 born in NY.
122 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 17.08, West Farnham, Missisquoi Co., Bowlles family, Harriet shown as family

member age born in , Harrit Schoolcraft age 28 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. spinster, W. Methodist.
123 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1860, pp. 42.02, dw. 30, Berkshire, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 30, Silas Schoolcraft

age 25 sex m farm laborer born in Canada E, Jane age 22 sex f born in Canada E, Arthur age 5 sex m born in Canada E,
Owen age 3 sex m born in Canada E, Clarrifsa age 4 mos sex f born in VT.
124 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 10.18, West Farnham, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family frame house, Silas

Schoolcraft age 28 M/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. farmer, C. of England, Janey Schoolcraft age 24 F/M born in L.
Canada occ./rel. C. of E., William Schoolcraft age 6 M/S born in VT occ./rel. C. of E., Owan H. Schoolcraft age 4 M/S
born in VT occ./rel. C. of E., Classi C. Schoolcraft age 2 F/S born in VT.
125 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 3, pp. 18.08, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 62, fam. 65: Silas Schoolcraft age 36

M/M born in QC origin German occupation farmer religion W. Methodist. Jane age 33 M/F born in QC origin German
religion W. Methodist. Clara age 11 S/F born in U.S.A. origin German religion W. Methodist. Emily age 6 S/F born in
QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Arthur age 16 S/M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Owen
age 13 S/M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Chancy age 9 S/M born in QC origin German religion
W. Methodist.
126 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254569 National Archives Film T9-0569 pp. 68D: Dorr, Allegan

Co., MI : Silas SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 44 born in CAN occupation Works On Farm father born
in CAN. mother born in CAN.: Jane SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 43 born in CAN occupation
Keeping House father born in CAN. mother born in CAN.: Anson SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 8 born
in CAN father born in CAN. mother born in CAN.: Eve SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 3 born in CAN
father born in CAN. mother born in CAN.
Federal Population Schedule, 5-Jun-1900, pp. 88B.51, dw. 368, fam. 378, ED #5, Bellaire Village, Kearney Twp.,
Antrim Co., MI : Silas Schoolcraft head male widow age 63 born in Aug 16, 1836, Canada E., marr. 40 yrs. occupation
farm labor, emmig. 1880 father born in Unknown mother born in Canada E.
Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),
Marriage of Harriet SCHOOLCRAFT, a spinster of West Farnham to Richard YATES on 8 Oct 1861 in Farnham
Methodist church.
Michigan: Cemetery Records, Lakeview Cemetery, Bellaire: Schoolcraft, Jane d. May 15, 1891.
130 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254749 National Archives Film T9-0749 Page 675A: Furnas,

Lincoln Co., NE : Arthur SCHOOLCRAFT Self male single white age 25 born in CAN occupation Farmer father born
in ENG mother born in ENG.

Federal Population Schedule, 29-Jun-1900, pp. 84A.47, dw. 270, fam. 279, ED #5, Bellaire Village, Kearney Twp.,
Antrim Co., MI : Arthur Schoolcraft head male married age 45 born in Mar 30, 1855, Can E. occupation farm laborer,
emmig. 1878, marr. 7 yrs. father born in Can E. mother born in Can E.: Bertha wife female married age 26 born in Apr
10, 1874, MI occupation marr. 7 yrs., 4 ch., 4 liv. father born in MI mother born in NY: Ruth dau female single age 8
born in Mar 7, 1892, MI father born in Can E. mother born in MI: Zeno son male single age 5 born in July 28, 1894,
MI father born in Can E. mother born in MI: Earnest T son male single age 1 born in Mar 16, 1899, MI father born in
Can E. mother born in MI: Mattie dau female single age 1 born in Mar 16, 1899, MI father born in Can E. mother born
in MI: Mumford Shelman father in law male widow age 60 born in Feb 16, 1840, MI occupation carpenter father born
in unk. mother born in unk.
132 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1900, pp. 211A.36, dw. 407, fam. 431, ED #42, 718 Washington St., Traverse

City, Grand Traverse Co., MI : Owen Schoolcraft head male married age 43 born in Apr 1857, Can. occupation grocer,
emmig. 1879, marr. 14 yrs. father born in Can. mother born in Can.: Emily B. wife female married age 31 born in
1869, MI occupation marr. 14 yrs., 1 ch., 1 liv. father born in MA mother born in MA: Meda dau female single age 11
born in Dec 1888, MI father born in Can. mother born in MI: Claud Owen bro-in-law male single age 24 born in 1876,
MI occupation salesman father born in MA mother born in MA.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254588 NA Film T9-0588 pp. 402C, Grand Rapids, Kent Co., MI :
Continued from CHARLES FISHER age born in : Emma BARKER Other female married white age 23 born in CAN
occupation Keeps House father born in ENG mother born in CAN: Allice BARKER Other female single white age 1
born in MI occupation father born in NY mother born in CAN: Sussana ELRICK Other female widow white age 64
born in OH occupation father born in PA mother born in VT: Clara SCHOOLCRAFT Other female single white age
20 born in CAN occupation Servant father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Mary PANNEL Other female single
white age 19 born in NY occupation Servant father born in NY mother born in NY: Mary MURRY Other female single
white age 23 born in MI occupation Servant father born in SCOT mother born in SCOT: Samuel SANFORD Other
male single white age 35 born in MI occupation Cab. Maker father born in MI mother born in MI: Oliver PERHAM
Other male single white age 37 born in MI occupation Laborer father born in MI mother born in MI.
134 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1900, pp. 193B.78, dw. 58, fam. 63, ED #42, 525 S. Union St., Traverse City,

Grand Traverse Co., MI : Chancey Schoolcraft head male married age 38 born in Jan 1862, Can. occupation grocer,
marr. 15 yrs. father born in Can. mother born in Can.: Anna wife female married age 39 born in Oct 1860, OH
occupation marr. 15 yrs., 1 ch., 1 liv. father born in Eng. mother born in NY.
135 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 NA Film T9-1344 pp. 115A: Franklin, Franklin Co., VT

dw. 163, family 176. : Heman ELERICK Self male married white age 25 born in VT occupation Farmer father born in
Can mother born in VT: Dora ELERICK Wife female married white age 22 born in VT occupation Keeps House
father born in Can mother born in VT: Vernal ELERICK Son male single white age 3 born in VT father born in VT
mother born in VT: Mary ELERICK Dau female single white age 1 born in VT father born in VT mother born in VT:
Sarah ELERICK Mother female widow white age 71 born in VT occupation At Home father born in VT mother born
in VT: Martin POWERS Boarder male single white age 42 born in VT occupation Carpenter father born in VT mother
born in VT: Earle FOX Servant male single white age 22 born in VT occupation Laborer father born in VT mother
born in VT: Emma SCHOOLCRAFT Servant female single white age 15 born in Canada occupation Servant father
born in Can mother born in Can.
136 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1900, pp. 116B.86, dw. 130, fam. 143, ED #7, Bellaire Village, Forest Home,

Antrim Co., MI : Anson Schoolcraft head male married age 27 born in May 1873, Can occupation saloon keeper, marr.
7 yrs. father born in Can. mother born in Can.: Florence wife female married age 22 born in Jun 1877, MI occupation
marr. 7 yrs, 1 ch., 0 liv. father born in Can. mother born in MI.
Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342478, v 2 p 116 rn 3838: 21 Oct
1885, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, Groom Chauncey E. Schoolcraft, age 23, born Musiskyr Co, Ont, Bride Pheobe
A. Ablett, age 25, born Homer Co, Ohio.
Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342476, v 2 p 177 rn 3838: 21 Oct
1885, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, Groom Chauncey E. Schoolcraft, age 23, born Hopkins, Michigan, Bride Phoebe
A. Ablett, age 25, born Bellian.
Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records: Reel 124.6: Decker, Enoch B. Feb. 8, 1820 Bapt. Nov. 2, 1843 s/o
John & Rosannah Decker. Wit: Lewis & Susan Groom.
140 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records: Reel 124.12: Decker, Ellen Euretta B. May 23, 1851 Bapt. Jan. 9,

1853 d/o Enoch Gerrish Decker & Polly Lambert. Wit: Emily Boomhower.
141 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records: Reel 124.6: Decker, Minerva Arville B. Dec. 15, 1853 Bapt. Oct. 4,

1854 d/o Enoch & Polly Decker. Wit: Ann Cochrane.

Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records: Reel 124.9: Decker, Albert Washington B. May 16, 1856 Bapt.
Mar. 11, 1861 s/o Enoch Gerish & Polly Lambert Decker Wit: E. M. Chilton.

Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records: Reel 124.9: Decker, Louis Napoleon B. Jan. 2, 1859 Bapt. Mar.
11, 1861 s/o Enoch Gerish & Polly Lambert Decker Wit: E. M. Chilton.
Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records: Reel 124.6: Decker, Stephen B. Oct. 19, 1821 Bapt. Feb. 2, 1843 s/o
John & Rosannah Decker. Wit: E. E. Edmonds.
145 Massachusetts: Death Records, Charlestown Almhouse, Boston, MA, burial Long Island reported death of Stephen

Decker on 28-Feb-1901 of senility, grippe at age 79 yrs. mos. days, occupation machinist, born in Highgate, VT.
Parents John Decker and Rosannah Schoolcraft, father born in Kinderhook, NY, mother born in . single male.
146 Family History Library, Massachusetts: Marriage Records, Lowell MA reported marriage of Stephen Decker to

Cynthia E. Hunnewell on 19-Oct-1845. 1st marriage of Stephen Decker residing in Lowell MA, occupation Operative,
age 24, born , parents John Decker & Rosannah. 1st marriage of Cynthia E. Hunnewell residing in Lowell MA,
occupation Operative, age 23, born , parents Ebenr. Hunnewell & Abigail.
147 Family History Library, Massachusetts: Marriage Records, Lowell MA reported marriage of Charlotte Decker to

Edmund C. Whiting on 12-Nov-1845. 1st marriage of Charlotte Decker residing in Lowell MA, occupation Operative,
age 18, born , parents John Decker & Rosanna. 1st marriage of Edmund C. Whiting from Hebron NY residing in
Lowell MA, occupation Housewright, age 25, born , parents Edmund & Mary.
Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records: Film 124.12: Decker, Emily B. July 1, 1825 Bapt. July 16, 1843
d/o John & Rosannah Decker of Stanbridge, QC. Wit: Lynds Smith.
149 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, Philipsburg Anglican: Folio seventh records On this thirtieth day of

August Eighteen hundred & thirty five Eliza Julina daughter of Christopher Schoolcraft of the Township of Dunham, a
preacher and farmer & Catherine Clarissa Mahannah his wife born the twenty ninth day of February Eighteen hundred
& thirty two. Also Silas Theodore of the same born the sixteenth day of August last the sponsors being John &
Elizabeth Rouse & ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~. Signed John Rouse, Elizabeth X Rouse, <illegible X>, Catherine C. Mahannah,
mother. Minister ~~~ Hitchcock, Wesleyan Minister. [DJE: Very illegible record].
150 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, Folio seventeenth: On this twenty ninth day of August Two thd.

Eight hund. And thirteen Catherine Clarifse Daughter of Silas Mahannah, lately of this Seignory and Jane Rous his
wife, born on the twenty eighth of January Two thd. Eight hund. and [se]ven. Sylvanus Christopher son of the same
born on the sixteenth of September Two thd. eight hund. and eight. Hannah Julina daughter of same born on the third of
July Two thd. eight hund. and ten. And John Albert son of the same born on the twenty fifth of March Two thd. eight
hund. and twelve were baptized. The sponsors are Frederic and Hannah Rous, Wilm and Mary Holtsapple and mary
Rous. C. Stewart minister. Father absent, Jane (X) Mahannah, Frederic (X) Rous, Mary (X) Rous.
151 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, 1845-1849 Folio Six: Catherine Clarissa wife of Christopher

Schuylcraft, Carpenter of the Township of Farnham Died on the ninth day of March in the year of Our Lord Two
Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty five aged Thirty Eight years and was Buried on the tenth day of the same month in
presence of the subscribing witnesses by me E Botterell, Clerk. Witness James Burnet and Luther Spear.
152 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Dunham Flats: Baptism of Christopher Columbus Schoolcraft Born

Aug 20th 1825. Baptized Oct 13th 1842: Christopher Columbus the son of Christopher Schoolcraft Mechanic of the
Township of Farnham in the County of Shefford and of Catherine Clarissa his wife was born on the twentieth day of
August in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and twenty five and was baptised on the thirteenth day of
October in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and fourty two in the presence of the subscribing
witnesses. Signed Gilbart Hyott, Samuel Harriman. Minister B. Hitchcock Wesleyan Minister.
153 Military Records: Civil War listings, Enlisted as a Private on 26 September 1862 at the age of 37. Enlisted in

Company H, 142nd Infantry Regiment New York on 29 September 1862. Deserted Company H, 142nd Infantry
Regiment New York on 16 February 1863 in Alexandria, VA.
Obituary, Longmont Ledger, 6 Nov 1896: States dates of birth, death and burial. Mentions wife and eight children.
New York: Newspapers, Malone Paladium, Thursday January 14th, 1897: Died: Schoolcraft At his residence in
Longmont, Col. of heart trouble on Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1896 Christopher C. Schoolcraft, Christopher C. Schoolcraft
aged 71 years, 2 months and 21 days.
156 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, Philipsburg Anglican: Folio seventh records On this thirtieth day of

August Eighteen hundred & thirty five Eliza Julina daughter of Christopher Schoolcraft of the Township of Dunham, a
preacher and farmer & Catherine Clarissa Mahannah his wife born the twenty ninth day of February Eighteen hundred
& thirty two. Also Silas Theodore of the same born the sixteenth day of August last the sponsors being John &
Elizabeth Rouse & ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~. Signed John Rouse, Elizabeth X Rouse, <illegible X>, Catherine C. Mahannah,
mother. Minister ~~~ Hitchcock, Wesleyan Minister. [DJE: Very illegible record].
157 Québec, Frelighsburg: Baptist Church Records, Register of the marriage between Silas Schoolcraft of Stanbridge,

farmer, aged nineteen years and Miss Jane Truax of Stanbridge aged sixteen years by consent of Parents this third day
of March Two thousand eight hundred and fifty four. Witness David Hasting, Emily hasting, John Truax.
Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363828, p 47 rn 48: Mrs. Silas Schoolcraft,
17 Apr 1891, Kearney, Antrim, Michigan, age 56 years, Female.

Québec, Farnham: West Farnham Methodist Church, Farnham Methodist Circuit, LDS Film 1430763: Burials:
Ernest, son of Silas Schoolcraft and Jane Truax his wife of the Township of Stanbridge died on the second day of
march and was buried on the fourth day of March in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and seventy.
Signed by Silas Schoolcraft and Jane Schoolcraft.
160 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342480, v 1 p 37 rn 41: 15 Nov 1887,

Plainwell, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Arthur Schoolcraft, age 33, born Lower Canada, father Silus Schoolcraft, mother
Jane Truax, Bride Jennea Palmer Huddleston, age 30, born Sheboygan County, Wisconsin.
161 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2322868, item 1 p 117 rn 159: Ernest M

Schoolcraft, 16 Mar 1899, Bellaire, Antrim, Michigan, Male, Father Arthur W Schoolcraft born Canada, Mother Bertha
M Shellman born Mich.
162 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Witness at marriage of Frank Porter and May Susan Spoor in

Pearceton on 1-May-1877.
163 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342492, v 1 p 49 rn 67: 20 Oct 1885,

Mancelona, Antrim, Michigan, Groom Owen Schoalcraft, age 27, born Canada, Bride Emily B. Owen, age 17, born
Vermont: Birth Record, Berkshire VT reported birth of C. Jane Schoolcraft on 2-Feb-1860, sex F. Father
Schoolcraft & mother unspecified living in Berkshire VT. Father born in Canada E., mother born in Canada E.
165 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342484, v 1 p 65 rn 150: 09 Nov 1889,

Bellaire, Antrim, Michigan, Groom William A. Thomas, age 25, Bride Clara L. Schoolcraft, age 28.
166 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342492, v 1 p 73 rn 356: 09 Apr 1892,

Mancelona, Antrim, Michigan, Groom George F Staley, age 23, born Canada, father Geo Staley, Bride Emily
Schoolcraft, age 25, born Canada.
167 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342495, v 1 p 93 rn 71: 07 Oct 1893,

Bellaire, Antrim, Michigan, Groom Anson T. Schoolcraft, age 20, born Canada, father Silar Schoolcraft, mother Jane
Truax, Bride Florence Thomas, age 17, born Michigan, father Geo. W. Thomas.
168 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342663, v 1 p 676 rn 75: 07 Jul 1903,

Petoskey, Emmet, Michigan, Groom Austin Schoolcraft, age 30, born Canada, father Silas, mother June Trusax, Bride
Florence Schoolcraft Thomas, age 27, born Michigan, father Geo Thomas, mother Unknown.
169 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342696, v 2 p 187 rn 214: 16 Nov

1912, Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, Groom Anson T Schoolcraft, age 39, born Canada, father Silas
Schoolcraft, mother Jane Truax, Bride Clara A. Kibby, age 46, born Michigan, father Oscar Kibby, mother Mary
170 Québec, Farnham: West Farnham Methodist Church, Della Schoolcraft, infant daughter of Silas T. Schoolcraft of

Stanbridge, county of Missisquoi, and Province of Québec and Jane Turner his wife, died on the Second, and was
buried on the third, of August in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and seventy nine by Rev. S. Jackson
171 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stanbury cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, Della 9 Sep. 1875 - 2 Aug. 1879 dau. Silas &

Jane Schoolcraft.
172 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342505, v p 75 rn 13: 17 Mar 1897,

Traverse City, Houghton, Michigan, Groom Charles Henry Oswalt, age 21, born Michigan, father William Oswalt,
mother Ella Mosher, Bride Edna Schoolcraft, age 16, born Michigan, father Silas Schoolcraft, mother Jane Truax.
173 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 3, pp. 2.05, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., dw. 5, fam. 5: Ales Clement age 67 M/M born in

QC occupation stone mason religion W. Methodist. Catherine age 58 M/F born in QC religion W. Methodist. Catherine
age 31 S/F born in QC occupation tailours religion W. Methodist. Hannah L. age 29 S/F born in QC occupation tailours
religion W. Methodist. Ales age 22 S/M born in QC occupation stone mason religion W. Methodist. Maria age 17 S/F
born in QC religion W. Methodist. Robert Beaten age 35 M/M born in Scotland occupation carriage maker religion R.
Presb.. Marietta age 21 M/F born in QC religion W. Methodist. Family 6, Charles A. Schoolcraft age 31 M/M born in
QC occupation carpenter religion W. Methodist. Lucy A. age 33 M/F born in U.S.A. religion W. Methodist. George A.
age 5 S/M born in U.S.A. religion W. Methodist.
Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 3, pp. 16.16, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 57, fam. 59: Lorenzo Schoolcraft age 37
M/M born in QC origin German occupation farmer religion Adventist. Barbara age 29 M/F born in QC origin German
religion C. England. Ellen age 4 S/F born in QC origin German religion C. England. Clara age 16 mos. (May) S/F born
in QC origin German religion C. England. Edson age 2 S/M born in QC origin German religion C. England. John
Schoolcraft age 8 S/M born in QC origin German religion C. England.

Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district B || Division 1 ||
pp. 26 || hse. 123 || Census Place: Ste-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., QC || Lorenzo Schoolcraft Married
German Male age 45 born in QC, Laborer || Barbara Schoolcraft Married German Female age 38 born in QC || John F.
Schoolcraft German Male age 18 born in QC, Laborer || Ellen M. Schoolcraft German Female age 13 born in QC ||
Eddie P. Schoolcraft German Male age 11 born in QC || Clara Schoolcraft German Female age 9 born in QC || Espy
Schoolcraft German Male age 7 born in QC || Elfa Schoolcraft German Female age 5 born in QC || Maray Schoolcraft
German Male age 3 born in QC || Lorenzo Schoolcraft German Female age born in QC.
176 Québec: Census, 15-Apr-1891, pp. 15.12, Hse. 72, Dist. 168-M Div. 1, St. George de Clarenceville, Mississquoi

Co., Lorenzo Schoolcraft, male, age 60, married, head, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, Meth., farm labourer,
Barbara, female, age 48, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, C. Eng., John, male, age 27, son, born in
QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farm labourer, Ellen, female, age 24, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC,
Meth., servant, Edward, male, age 22, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farm labourer, Clara, female, age
18, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., servant, Espey, male, age 16, son, born in QC, father QC, mother
QC, Meth., farm labourer, Elpha, female, age 14, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., servant, Marshall,
male, age 12, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Ettie, female, age 10, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother
QC, Meth.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Saint-Georges-de-Henryville , St. Jean & Iberville Co., pp. 2.49,
Hse. 18, Schoolcraf Lorenzo, age 74, Head, widow, male, born in Québec on Feb 14 1827, Schoolcraf Edward, age 29,
Son, single, male, born in Québec on Apr 15 1871.
178 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Saint-Georges-de-Henryville , St. Jean & Iberville Co., pp. 3.01,

Hse. 19, Schoolcraf John, age 34, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Feb 24 1867, Schoolcraf Ida, age 17, Wife,
married, female, born in U.S.A. on Aug 16 1883, Immigration 1899, Schoolcraf Luva, age 0, Daughter, single, female,
born in Québec on Sep 2 1900.
179 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Saint-Thomas, Missisquoi Co., pp. 7.30, Hse. 85, Schoolcraft Espy,

age 26, Head, married, male, born in Québec on May 15 1874, Schoolcraft Melinda, age 21, Wife, married, female,
born in Québec on Jul 4 1879, Schoolcraft Chester, age 3, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Aug 12 1897,
Schoolcraft Ruby, age 1, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Aug 15 1899.
180 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 2.10, Hse. 14, Dist. 17, St. Thomas, Missisquoi Co., Espy

Schoolcraft, age 37, Head, married, male, born in QC on Oct 1873, Melinda, age 31, Wife, married, female, born in QC
on Jul 1879, Chester P., age 13, Son, single, male, born in QC on Aug 1897, Ruby B., age 11, Daughter, single, female,
born in QC on Aug 1899, Ethel M., age 8, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Aug 1902, John C., age 6, Son,
single, male, born in QC on Oct 1904, Lillian, age 3, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Jun 1907, Mary M., age
1, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Jun 1909.
181 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1900, pp. 6B.96, dw. 137, fam. 145, ED # 102, Montgomery, Franklin Co., VT

: Charles Macia & family : Marshall Schoolcraft boarder male single age 21 born in Oct 1878, Can. Eng. occupation
laborer lumber mill, emmig. 1898 father born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.
182 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Sutton, Brome Co., pp. 3.19, Hse. 31, Billings Henry, age 34, Head,

married, male, born in Québec on Oct 13 1866, Billings Florence, age 27, Wife, married, female, born in Québec on
May 22 1873, Billings Henry, age 73, Father, widow, male, born in Québec on Feb 2 1837, Billings Herbert, age 7,
Son, single, male, born in Québec on Jul 11 1893, Billings Hester, age 3, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on
Jun 2 1898, Schoolcraft Marshal, age 30, Servant, single, male, born in Québec on 1870.
183 Québec, Cowansville: Methodist Church Records, Burials: Christopher Schoolcraft carpenter of East Dunham

county of Missisquoi province of Québec died the twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord Two thousand
eight hundred and eighty eight and was buried by me on the twenty fourth day of the same month and year in the
presence of the subscribing witnesses of whome the first is the youngest son of the said Christopher Schoolcraft. Isaac
Whealty Minister, Witnesses Charles A. Schoolcraft and L. A. Schoolcraft.
Québec: Census, 16-Apr-1891, pp. 15.21, Hse. 73, Dist. 168-B, Cowansville, Missisquoi Co., Charles A.
Schoolcraft, male, age 51, married, head, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Cong., cabinet maker, Lucy, female, age
56, married, wife, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, Cong., George O. D., male, age 25, son, born in USA, father
QC, mother USA, Cong., clerk ~ocus.
185 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jun-1900, pp. 147A.31, dw. 197, fam. 360, ED #758, 1407 King Place, Lake View

Twp., Chicago, Cook Co., IL : George Schoolcraft head male married age 34 born in Feb 1866, VT occupation
carpenter, emmig. 1880, marr. 1 yr. father born in Can. Eng. mother born in VT: Hilda S. wife female married age 34
born in Mar 1866, Sweden occupation emmig. 1870, marr. 1 yr., 0 ch. father born in Sweden mother born in Sweden:
Charles father male widow age 61 born in Sep 1838, Can. Eng. occupation emmig. 1900 father born in Can. Eng.
mother born in Can. Eng.: Christine Peterson mother-in-law female widow age 59 born in Oct 1840, Sweden
occupation emmig. 1870 father born in Sweden mother born in Sweden.

Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 12.45, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Anson Sargent age 50 M/M born in L.C.
occ./rel. farmer, Adventist, Elizabeth N. age 36 F/M born in L.C. occ./rel. Adventist, Lucy age 16 F/M born in L.C.
occ./rel. Adventist, Alvira Schoolcraft age 14 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. spinster, Adventist.
187 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Apr-1910, pp. 011B.86,, fam. 255, ED #1062, Ward 25, 3828 Sheffield Ave.,

Chicago City, Cook Co., IL: George O. Schoolcraft roomer male age 44 born in VT single occupation manuf. toilet
articles father born in Canada Eng. mother born in VT: Charles A. Schoolcraft roomer male age 70 born in Canada
Eng., emmig. 1861 widow occupation manuf. toilet articles father born in Canada Eng. mother born in Canada Eng.
188 Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, On the fourth day of December Eighteen hundred and Seventy Minnie

Jane daughter of Christopher Schoolcraft of Stanbridge yeoman and Charlotte Mahannah his wife aged twenty years
was baptized by me. Geo. Stack, off minister.
189 New Hampshire: Marriage Record, Marriage 27 Nov 1864 in Lebanon NH by John H. Edwards, clergyman |

Groom: Charles A. SCHOOLCRAFT 1st marriage, age 24 years, born Dunham CT, resident Windsor VT, occupation
mechanic | Bride: Lucy Ann BURRIDGE 1st marriage, age 26 years, born W. Braintree VT, resident Braintree VT,
occupation dressmaker | Husband's father: C. SCHOOLCRAFT, occupation mechanic, husband's mother: C. N.
SCHOOLCRAFT | Wife's father: Jacob BURRIDGE, born W. Braintree VT, occupation farmer, wife's mother: Sarah
Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342514, v 1 p 246 rn 436: 02 Jul 1900,
St Joseph, Berrien, Michigan, Groom Geo O Schoolcraft, age 34, born Vermont, father Charles, mother Lucy Bridge,
Bride Hilda S Peterson, age 34, born Linkoping, father Carl, mother Christian Person.
191 Québec, Farnham: West Farnham Methodist Church, Farnham Methodist Church, LDS Film 1430763: Marriages:

On this day the tenth day of October in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and fourty six the following
persons were joined together in Holy Matrimony viz. Christopher Schoolcraft and Atlanta Mahannah both of Farham
by me ? Gear Minister. Atlanta made her mark, Christopher signed. Witnesses Edmund Carter, Mef S. Schoolcraft,
Lucina Mahannah.
192 California: Vital Records, California Death Index: Schoolcraft, George Orrison, Male, born 02/17/1866 in Vermont,

died 02/18/1940 in Los Angeles Co. Mother's maiden name Bunridge. Father's name Schoolcraft.
193 Québec: Cemetery Headstone, Brigham cemetery: Charles A. Schoolcraft born Aug. 26 1839, died Feb. 24 1922.

Lucy A. Burridge wife of C. A. Schoolcraft born July 18 1835, died Mar 12 1900.
194 California: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 59. Deaths, Los Angeles Co., California, Cert. No. 6838: Charles

Albert Schoolcraft, ae. 82y 5m 8d, d. 4 Feb 1922 at Long Beach, b. 26 Aug 1839 at Canada, par. Christopher
Schoolcraft, cabinet maker, res. USA 22 yrs., res. CA 7 yrs., informant George O. Schoolcraft.
195 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Index Film 124.6: Kimmel, Barbary B-July 23, 1840 Bapt. Feb 18,

1843 d/o Philip and Maria Kimmel of Farnham QC. Wit: Catherine Powers.
196 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Barbara Schoolcraft wife of Lorenzo Schoolcraft of the Parish of

St. George de Clarenceville died and was buried on the eighth day of November Two thousand eight hundred and
ninety five by me. J. Ferguson. Espy Schoolcraft, Ettie Schoolcraft.
197 Québec: Cemetery Records, Bedford Protestant cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, Edward 1868 - 1947, his wife Rosella

Riley 1884 - 1950.

198 Obituary, Mr. Joseph Charles Pelkey, 91, died St. Albans hospital Sept. 18.
199 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Dunham Flats: Baptism of Atlanta Charlotte Mahannah Born Jan 31st

1822. Baptized Oct 13th 1842: Atlanta Charlotte the daughter of Silas Mahannah Carpenter and Joiner of the Township
of Farnham in the County of Shefford and of Jane his wife was born on the thirty first day of January in the year of our
Lord Two thousand eight hundred and twenty two and was baptised on the same day as Catherine Rebecca Clements in
the presence of the subscribing witnesses.
Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, On the fourth day of December Eighteen hundred and Seventy Minnie
Jane daughter of Christopher Schoolcraft of Stanbridge yeoman and Charlotte Mahannah his wife aged twenty years
was baptized by me. Geo. Stack, off minister.
201 Ontario: Death Record, Name: Minnie Jane Wallace; Death date: 27 Aug 1923; Age at death: 70 years; Death place:

York Twp., York Co., Ontario; Birth date: 09 Feb 1853; Birth place: Mass., U.S.A.; Gender: Female; Marital status:
Widowed; Race (Term on Certificate): ; Race: ; Ethnicity: ; Spouse name: ; Father name: Cristopher Schoolcraft;
Mother name: ; GSU film number: 1976595; Digital GS number: 4170922; Image number: 988; Reference number: yr
1923 cn 39652; Collection: Ontario Deaths 1869-1947.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254088 NA Film T9-0088 pp. 455C, Longmont, Boulder Co., CO :
C. W. DOUGLASS Self male married white age 43 born in NY occupation Laborer father born in VT mother born in
VT: Ormena DOUGLASS Wife female married white age 42 born in NY occupation Keeping House father born in VT
mother born in NY: Loella STODDARD SDau female single white age 10 born in IA occupation At School father born
in NY mother born in VT: Chancy STODDARD SSon male single white age 9 born in IA occupation At School father
born in NY mother born in VT.

Québec: Census, 30-Apr-1891, pp. 46.15, Hse. 223, Dist. 168-E Div. 1, Farnham, Missisquoi Co., George Wallace,
male, age 40, married, head, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, Cong., carpenter, Minnie Schoolcraft, female, age
40, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Episcopal, modiste, Gertrude Wallace, female, age 14, dau, born
in USA, father USA, mother USA, Episcopal, Bertha, female, age 12, dau, born in USA, father USA, mother USA,
Edith, female, age 7, dau, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, Albert Hakey, male, age 19, born in USA, father QC,
mother USA, Episcopal, mouleur, Arthur Foster, male, age 20, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Episcopal.
204 Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, On the second day of August Eighteen hundred and Sixty Eight Emmy

Louisa youngest daughter of Christopher Schoolcraft of Farnham yeoman and of Atlanta Mahannah his wife. Born on
the seventeenth day of November, Eighteen hundred and fifty two was baptized by me. Geo. Slack (off minister)
witness Julia L. Corey.
205 Québec: Cemetery Records, Bedford Protestant cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, Emma 1850 - 1932, wife of Jas.

Wilson 1841 - 1911.

206 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of Emma Schoolcraft to James Wilson on Aug-1869.

First marriage of Emma Schoolcraft residing in Farnum QC, age 18, born Stanbridge QC, parents Christopher
Schoolcraft & Atlanta. 2nd Marriage of James Wilson, harness maker, residing Bedford QC, age 26, born England,
parents George Wilson & Ann.
Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 | NA Film Number C-13204 | District 65 | Sub-district L | Division 2 |
pp. 47 | hse. 231 | Census Place: Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC | James WILSON M English Male age 39 born in
English <England>, Harness Maker, C. E. | Emma WILSON M German Female age 29 born in QC, C. E. | Caroline
WILSON English Female age 19 born in QC, C. E. | James WILSON English Male age 17 born in QC, C. E. | Harriet
WILSON English Female age 11 born in QC, C. E. | Anna WILSON English Female age 8 born in QC, C. E. | John
WILSON English Male age 4 born in QC, C. E. | Elizabeth WILSON English Female age 2 born in QC, C. E. | Thomas
WILSON English Male age <1 Born: Feb; 2/12 born in QC, C. E.
208 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Bedford, Missisquoi Co., pp. 2.49, Hse. 25, James Wilson, age 58,

Head, married, male, born in England on May 10 1842 Immigration 1856, Emma Wilson, age 48, Wife, married,
female, born in Québec on Nov 17 1852, Lizzie Wilson, age 22, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Aug 28
1878, Thomas Wilson, age 20, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Feb 22 1881, Carrie Wilson, age 17, Daughter,
single, female, born in Québec on Nov 26 1883, Sarah Wilson, age 14, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Jul
20 1886, Glenna Wilson, age 11, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Sep 9 1889, Georgina Wilson, age 6,
Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Dec 22 1894.
209 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Stanbridge Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Wilson, James William,

B. May 10, 1841, Bapt. Nov. 8, 1846, Born in England. s/o George & Ann Wilson. Bapt. at Bedford Church.
210 Québec, Farnham: West Farnham Methodist Church, David George Ducolon, son of Thomas Brock Ducolon,

deceased, and of his wife Mary Robinson, Bachelor, Feryman of the town of Farnham, Province of Québec, being of
legal age, and Annie Wilson, daughter of James Wilson, and of his wife, Emma Schoolcraft, Spinster, of legal age, of
the town of Farnham, Province of Québec, were united by me in the Bonds of Holy Matrimony by the authority of
License, on the twenty seventh day of July, in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and ninety two, in the
presence of subscribing witnesses. Witnessed by groom, bride, brides parents, groom's mother Bertha Young and
George Rosby.
211 Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Wilson, Leon Alfred, B. Sept. 24, 1873,

Bapt. Jan. 6, 1874, 2nd s/o James & Emma Schoolcraft Wilson.
212 Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, John son of James Wilson harnefs maker Bedford and Emma Louisa

Schoolcraft his wife was born on the twenty third day of March Eighteen hundred and seventy six and was baptized in
the Church of St. James the Apostle, Bedford on the fourth day of June (Whitsun Day) eighteen hundred and seventy
six by me.
213 Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, Reel M347/2: Thomas Wilson b. Feb.22, 1881 & bapt. Aug.28, 1881

Wit: George Wilson.

214 Vermont: Marriage Record, Highgate VT reported marriage of Miss Huldah Schoolcraft to Mr. Benjamin C. Noyes

on 23-Sep-1824. Miss Huldah Schoolcraft residing in Stanbridge Lower Canada. Mr. Benjamin C. Noyes residing in
215 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.37, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Benjamin C. Noise, 3

total in household, 1 under 6. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
1831: pp. 1257.03, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 5 Head of household Benj. Noice,
owner, farmer. 6 Total in household, 3 5 and under, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not 60 Marr., Females: 3 Under
14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 6 Anglican
1831: pp. 1257.05 Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of household William
Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. 5 Total in household, 2 under 5, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr., Females: 1
Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 5 Anglican

Vermont: Marriage Record, Highgate VT reported marriage of William Schoolcraft to Mary McIntosh on 28-Oct-
1824. William Schoolcraft residing in Stanbridge Lower Canada.
David J. Ellis, In 1861 Harriet is in the same town as Silas Theodore Schoolcraft which is the town in which
Christopher Schoolcraft and Catherine Mahannah resided in 1842. Harriet declares the same religion as Christopher
Schoolcraft and Catherine Mahannah. She is most likely Christopher's daughter. Christopher's family is fragmented in
1861 following the death of his second wife.
220 New York: Newspapers, Malone Palladium, Thursday August 29th, 1889: Died: In this village, on Saturday, Aug.

24, 1889, of cancer in the stomach, Henry Schoolcraft aged 46 years.

221 New York: Newspapers, Frontier Palladium, Malone, Thursday July 18th, 1861: Ran an advertisement stating he

was continuing the cabinet making business formerly belonging to Philip Schoolcraft.
222 David J. Ellis, Lydia's children are both enumerated with members of the Gleason family in 1870. The Gleasons

might be siblings of Lydia. Her son Hiram is named as next of kin in Rhoda Gleason's will [Malone Palladium Feb 27,
New York: Newspapers, Malone Palladium, Thursday February 27th, 1879: Hiram is named as next of kin in Rhoda
Gleason's will.
New York: Newspapers, Malone Palladium, Thursday September 19th, 1907: Marriage announcement Miss Ethel
Schoolcraft of Malone to George McCarthy of Northampton, MA "last Friday morning" at St. Joseph's church. Future
home in Northampton, MA.
Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1897-1920 The Archives of Michigan, 1904 rn 311: Jonas Deline, 24 Jul
1904, Marathon, Lapeer Co., Michigan, age 78 yrs. 0 mos. 13 days, cerebral haemorage, born 7 Jul 1826 Canada, male,
white, widower, farmer, Father George Deline born Canada, Mother Mary Schoolcraft born Canada. Burial 26 Jul 1904
Deerfield cemetery. Informant C. W. Deline.
226 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 3.35, Hse. 39, Dist. 13, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi

Co., Edward Schoolcraft, age 39, Head , married, male, born in QC on Apr 1872, Rosa, age 26, Wife , married, female,
born in QC on Dec 1885, Herman, age 5, Son , single, male, born in QC on Nov 1906, Marjorie, age 3, Daughter ,
single, female, born in QC on Dec 1908, Lorenzo, age 86, Father , widow, male, born in QC on Feb 1825.
227 Québec, StThomas: Methodist Church, The church is not stated, Parish of St. Thomas, Methodist Minister: Lorenzo

Schoolcraft, retired farmer, of the Parish of St. Thomas, Noyan, County of Missisquoi, Province of Québec, age ninety
nine years, died on the sixteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty three and
was buried on the nineteenth day of March in the aforesaid
228 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Christopher Schoolcraft.
229 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2320574, item 1 p 57 rn 767: Almeda M Green,

18 Nov 1881, Pine Grove, Allegan, Michigan, Female, Father Marcellas Green born New York, Mother Ida Green born
230 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342716, v 3 p 269 rn 3561: 06 Oct

1916, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, Groom Ervie Hofacker, age 26, born So. Bend, Ind., father Chas. Hofaker,
mother Ella Augustine, Bride Leta Green, age 28, born Allegan Co., Mich, father Marchels Green, mother Ida
231 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2321099, item 3 p 207 rn 192: Leo L. Greene,

08 Sep 1889, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Male, Father Marcellus Greene born New York, Mother Ida Greene
born Canada.
232 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2322377, item 2 p 224 rn 1538: Edna Green, 27

Jun 1891, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Female, Father Marcellus Green born New York, Mother Ida Green born
Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342744, v 4 p 10 rn 21000: 05 Dec
1921, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Groom Stephen Garret Slater, age 21, born Kalamazoo, Michigan, father
Garrett Slater, mother Emma Hassing, Bride Mildred Marion Greene, age 20, born Kalamazoo, Michigan, father
Marcellus M. Greene, mother Ida Schoolcraft.
234 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342738, v 3 p 225 rn 11789: 02 Oct

1920, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, Groom Leo Green, age 31, born Kalamazoo, Michigan, father Mazelor Green,
mother Ida Schoolcraft, Bride Ethel Hord, age 31, born Maysville, Ky, father Robert Hord, mother Anna Harrison.
235 Michigan: Death Record, Allegan Co. Death Records, Book 3, page 196, Jarvis Sperry, died March 22, 1909,

female, white, widow Age: 79y 2m 7d Place of Death: Otsego Village Cause: chronic bronchitis Born: Vermont
Father: unknown Mother: Laura Caswell Residence: Otsego Recorded July 7, 1909.
236 David J. Ellis, This is supected of being Roana as Jarvis is already dead, he certainly wasn't female, and the age fits.
Federal Population Schedule, 19-Jun-1860, pp. 24.01, dw. 170, Bakersfield, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 179. James
Deline age 38 sex m farm laborer born in VT, Mary age 36 sex f born in VT, Melissa age 12 sex f born in VT, Arminda
age 7 sex f born in VT

State Record, Middlesex. Births. Deline, M, Father Jas. Deline, Mother Mary, Date 14 Jan 1858, Place Saint Albans
Twp, Franklin, Vermont
David J. Ellis, William's 1825 census record interprets as William, Mary McIntosh, female child, Catherine Phelps,
Philip and Jonathan.
240 Federal Population Schedule, 8-Jan-1920 pp. 8A.37, dw. 179, ED 25, 436 Atwood St., Longmont, Boulder Co., CO,

fam. 222: W. D. Schoolcraft head male age 52 born in NY married occupation proprietor native store father born in VT
mother born in NY: Perdite Marquand daughter female age 28 born in CO married occupation partner native store
father born in NY mother born in NY: Donna grand-daughter female age 6 born in CO single father born in IA mother
born in CO: Francis Slay daughter female age 23 born in CO married occupation housekeeper father born in NY
mother born in NY: Eilene E. grand-daughter female age 7 mos. born in CO single father born in CO mother born in
CO: Albert Schoolcraft brother male age 70 born in NY widow occupation partner native store father born in VT
mother born in NY
241 Longmont Ledger Jan. 27, 1899. Obituary Mrs. Mollie Schoolcraft passed to the better world January 16, 1899, at

Longmont, Colorado. She was born at Beaver Dam, Wis., in 1869, was married to Mr. S. C. Schoolcraft May 21, 1894,
and was a kind and loving wife. Mrs. Schoolcraft was a sufferer from consumption. She was an earnest Christian, and
died with her faith in God. We will miss her shining face from our congregation, and extend our heartiest sympathy to
her bereaved husband, and many friends. Funeral services were conducted by the writer in the Free Methodist Church,
January 18, 1899.
St. Paul Daily Globe, May 12th, 1883. John L. Wiskens & Alvira Schoolcraft respondents vs. The Northwestern
Endowment and Legacy Association of Minnesota, appellant.

William Schoolcraft Born About 1767
Proven: William Schoolcraft
born Abt. 1767 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA; Probably.
Near Cambridge by the Vermont line51
census 1825 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 815.2111
census 04-Dec-1830 in Foucault, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; No. 5612
census 1831 in Foucault, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1612.19413
census 12-Mar-1842 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2479.10
St-Georges, Rouville Co.56
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates52
fact 09-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's
Manor], Destination not stated53
fact 13-Mar-1805 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Authorization to
lease lot 13, range 108
fact 17-Oct-1835 in Foucault, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Petition for relief
from Seigneurial fees479
died 28-Jan-1844 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada51, 54
buried Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka Hawley cemetery54

married Proven Catherine Miller Abt. 1797 in Quebec, Canada51

born Abt. 177951
died 05-Dec-1843 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada51, 54
buried Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka Hawley cemetery54
1. Proven: Thomas Schoolcraft16, 15, 48
born Abt. 1797 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Probably. [Christie's
census 1825 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 822.19116
census 04-Dec-1830 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; No. 194117
census 14-Oct-1850 in Parishville, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 132.29, dw. 15357
census 28-Aug-1860 in Parishville, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 176.27, dw. 125558
census 27-Jun-1870 in Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 1.20, dw. 459
married Proven Eunice Jewett Abt. 182116, 49
born 05-Mar-1802 in Berkshire, Franklin, Vermont, USA273
a. Proven: Hannah Flavilla Schoolcraft176
born 26-May-1824 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, USA274
died 12-Dec-1911 in Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA275, 274
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery275
married Proven John Wesley Peabody 13-Jan-1849 in Chicopee, Hampden, Massachusetts,
born 25-Oct-1825 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, USA276, 277
census 10-Jul-1860 in Dickinson, Franklin, New York, USA; pp. 35.03, dw. 27660
census 14-Jun-1870 in Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 1.24, dw. 561
census 07-Jun-1900 in East Alma, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 21A.40, dw. 53,
ED 4262
died 03-Sep-1901 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA277
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery277
i. Proven: Lorenzo Fillimore Peabody60
born 11-Oct-1850 in Franklin, New York, USA276

census 07-Jun-1900 in East Alma, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 21B.60,
dw. 58, ED 4263
married Claimed Jennie Stedman Jackson, Wisconsin, USA276
married Proven 2nd [2] Albertine Hart 26-Jul-1890 in Merrillan, Jackson,
Wisconsin, USA278
born 23-Sep-1847 in Germany280, 279
died 02-Oct-1908 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA280, 279
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery280
ii. Proven: Lucinda M. Peabody60
born 27-May-1852 in East Dickinson, Dickinson, Franklin, New York, USA276
died 23-Aug-1888 in Longwood, Clark, Wisconsin, USA281
married Claimed [1] Alonzo Calvin Irish
born 01-May-1854 in Vermont, USA282
census 1880 in Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 2695D64
census 19-Jun-1900 in Tony, Rusk, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 343A.29, dw. 121, ED
59. [Dewey, Chippewa Co.]65
census 21-Apr-1910 in Hixton, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 2A.08, dw. 24,
ED 81, SD #6463
died 04-Sep-1927 in Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA282
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery282
married Proven 2nd Eugene Stedman 02-Jul-1872 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA283
born Claimed 11-Jun-1848 in New York, USA; Maybe Canada
died Claimed 1873 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
iii. Proven: Gary S. Peabody61
born 15-Oct-1861 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA276
iv. Proven: Nellie V. Peabody61
born 15-Feb-1863 in East Dickinson, Dickinson, Franklin, New York, USA276
died 13-Oct-1894276
married Claimed John Elliot Gearing276
born 03-Oct-1855 in Madison, Madison, New York, USA276
died 12-Dec-1926 in Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo, California, USA276
v. Proven: Carrie Peabody61
born 09-May-1866 in East Dickinson, Dickinson, Franklin, New York, USA276
died 01-May-1886276
married Claimed Eugene Lamon276
vi. Proven: Hila Peabody61
born Abt. Jan-1870 in Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA61
b. Conjecture: George N. Schoolcraft
born Abt. 1829 in Quebec, Canada66
census 29-Jul-1850 in Potsdam, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 16.10, dw. 21666
census 14-Jun-1860 in Boonville, Oneida, New York, USA; pp. 8.28, dw. 5567
military 01-Sep-1862 ; Enlisted Private284
military 10-Oct-1862 ; Company D, 146th Infantry, NY284
military 05-Jan-1865 ; POW, Died of disease, Salisbury, NC284
died 05-Jan-1865 in Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina, USA284
married Claimed Julia A. Lindsay 12-Nov-1851 in Pierrepont, St Lawrence, New York,
born Abt. 1834 in New York, USA67
census 28-Jun-1870 in Chicopee, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA; pp. 132.27, dw. 73368
i. Proven: Willard Schoolcraft67
born Jan-1859 in New York, USA67

census 08-Jun-1900 in Colton, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 123B.83, dw.
39, ED 83, Seward69
c. Proven: Orris M. Schoolcraft57
born 1833 in Quebec, Canada57, 272
census 30-Jun-1860 in Fowler, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 32.04, dw. 23870
census 22-Aug-1870 in Edwards, St Lawrence, New York, USA; dw. 19971
military 03-Sep-1862 ; Enlisted as a Private at the age of 29.263
military 12-Sep-1862 ; Enlisted in Company C, 6th Battn Heavy Artillery Regiment New
military 31-Dec-1862 ; Transfered in Company L, 5th Heavy Artillery Regiment New
military 31-Dec-1862 ; Transferred Company C, 6th Battn Heavy Artillery Regiment
New York263
military 05-Nov-1864 ; Sick Leave request "to visit my home in Lowville, NY" (Lewis
Co.) for reason of general disablity incident to continued exposure to malarious influences.263
military 26-Jun-1865 ; Mustered out Company L, 5th Heavy Artillery Regiment New
York in Harper's Ferry, WV.263
died 1871 in Fullerville, Fowler, St Lawrence, New York, USA272
buried Fullerville, Fowler, St Lawrence, New York, USA; Fullerville cemetery272
married Proven Emily Paul Bef. 1856265
born Abt. 03-Apr-1836 in Vermont, USA286
died 18-Oct-1902 in Fullerville, Fowler, St Lawrence, New York, USA286, 287
buried Fullerville, Fowler, St Lawrence, New York, USA287
i. Proven: Eva A. Schoolcraft265, 268, 271
born 22-Aug-1856 in Fowler, St Lawrence, New York, USA265
census 29-Jul-1870 in Fowler, St Lawrence, New York, USA; dw. 18772
died 20-Dec-1918 in Fulton, Oswego, New York, USA265, 267
buried 24-Dec-1918 in Fulton, Oswego, New York, USA; Mt. Adnah
cemetery265, 267
married Proven David Arthur Heath Bef. 1880265, 269
born May-1855 in Edwards, St Lawrence, New York, USA264, 74
census 1880 in Pitcairn, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 254B73
census 02-Jun-1900 in Fowler, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 201B.51, dw.
12, ED 8974
census 1910 in De Kalb, St Lawrence, New York, USA; dw. 16775
census 13-Jan-1920 in Fowler, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 4B.79, dw.
90, ED 122464
died 05-Dec-1920 in Scriba, Oswego, New York, USA264
buried 08-Dec-1920 in Fulton, Oswego, New York, USA; Mt. Adnah
ii. Proven: Florence Schoolcraft70
born Abt. 1858 in New York, USA70
census 22-Jul-1870 in Pitcairn, St Lawrence, New York, USA; dw. 2476
married Proven Prosper Beerman Bef. 1885172
iii. Proven: Jesse Schoolcraft71, 270
born Sep-1859 in New York, USA78
census 1880 in Pitcairn, St Lawrence, New York, USA77
census 26-Jun-1900 in Tuscarora, Cheboygan, Michigan, USA; pp. 266A.29,
dw. 192, ED 7278
died 1943 in Cheboygan, Michigan, USA288
buried Wolverine, Cheboygan, Michigan, USA; Silver Lake cemetery288
married Proven Sarah Jane Hungerford Bef. 1880173
born Claimed 02-May-1860 in New York, USA

died Claimed 23-Apr-1936 in Cheboygan, Michigan, USA
buried Wolverine, Cheboygan, Michigan, USA; Silver Lake cemetery288
iv. Proven: Harvey Schoolcraft aka Henry71
born Jul-1866 in Edwards, St Lawrence, New York, USA80
census 1880 in Pitcairn, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 254B79
census 21-Jun-1900 in Edwards, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 176A.14,
dw. 131, ED 8780
married Proven Estella M. Babcock 31-Jul-1887 in Gouverneur, St Lawrence, New
York, USA289
born Sep-1864 in Canada80
v. Proven: Myron Franklin Schoolcraft71
born 05-Sep-1868 in Edwards, St Lawrence, New York, USA71, 290
census 1880 in Pitcairn, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 254B79
census 05-Jun-1900 in Finer, Fine, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 185A.01,
dw. 22, ED 8881
died 31-Jan-1937290
buried 02-Feb-1937 in Wolverine, Cheboygan, Michigan, USA; Silver Lake
married Claimed Esther Ann Babcock 06-Nov-1887 in Gouverneur, St Lawrence,
New York, USA
born Apr-1868 in Canada81
died Claimed 1959 in Cheboygan, Cheboygan, Michigan, USA
buried Wolverine, Cheboygan, Michigan, USA; Silver Lake cemetery291
d. Proven: Eleanor M. Schoolcraft57
born Abt. 1834 in Quebec, Canada57
married Proven James F. Lindsay58
born Abt. 1830 in New York, USA58
census 28-Aug-1860 in Parishville, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 176.27, dw.
census 18-Jun-1870 in Colton, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 1.31, dw. 882
census 1880 in Colton, St Lawrence, New York, USA; pp. 3A83
i. Proven: Elizabeth Lindsay58
born Abt. 1852 in New York, USA58
ii. Proven: Lucy S. Lindsay58
born Abt. 1854 in New York, USA58
iii. Proven: Emma Lindsay58
born Abt. 1859 in New York, USA58
iv. Proven: Benjamin Lindsay82
born Abt. 1862 in New York, USA82
v. Proven: Sarah Lindsay82
born Abt. 1864 in Colton, St Lawrence, New York, USA; Probably82
vi. Proven: Fred Lindsay83
born Abt. 1874 in Colton, St Lawrence, New York, USA; Probably83
e. Proven: William J. Schoolcraft57
born Claimed 13-Mar-1836 in Parishville, St Lawrence, New York, USA;
census 04-Aug-1860 in Harrietstown, Franklin, New York, USA; dw. 118584
census 14-Jun-1870 in Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; dw. 385
census 1880 in Lincoln, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 97C86
military 23-Jul-1862 ; Enlisted as private292
military 29-Aug-1862 ; Company C, 118th Infantry Regiment New York292
military 13-Jun-1865 ; Mustered out Company C, 118th Infantry Regiment New York in

Richmond, VA292
died Claimed 03-Nov-1885 in Whitehall, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, USA293
buried Claimed Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA293
married Proven Susan Elizabeth Reynolds 01-Jan-1861 in Harrietstown, Franklin, New
York, USA294
born 13-May-1844 in Essex, New York, USA294
died Jul-1916 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA294
buried Claimed Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
i. Proven: Viola Schoolcraft295
born 23-Nov-1861 in Harrietstown, Franklin, New York, USA295
died 11-Sep-1910 in Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA295
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery296
married Proven John Jarrett 19-Mar-1879 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson,
Wisconsin, USA295
born 26-Aug-1828 in Iowa, Wisconsin, USA297, 296
died 01-Oct-1911 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA297, 296
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery296
ii. Proven: Orpha Marie Schoolcraft85
born Claimed 12-Mar-1863 in Saranac Lake, Franklin, New York, USA
died Claimed Bef. 1916
married Claimed Crocker J. Small Bef. 1880
born Abt. 1841 in New Hampshire, USA87
census 1880 in Pigeon, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 103C87
iii. Proven: Eunice Matilda Schoolcraft85, 298, 253
born 23-Oct-1866 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA299, 300
died 12-May-1928 in Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA299, 300
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery300
married Proven Henry O'Dell 20-Mar-1886 in Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin,
USA299, 298, 253
born Jackson, Wisconsin, USA298
died 1889 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA299
married Proven 2nd [1] Alonzo Calvin Irish 31-Oct-1889 in Clark, Wisconsin,
born 01-May-1854 in Vermont, USA93, 301
census 1880 in Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 2695D88
census 19-Jun-1900 in Tony, Rusk, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 343A.29, dw. 121, ED
59. [Dewey, Chippewa Co.]65
census 21-Apr-1910 in Hixton, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 2A.08, dw. 24,
ED 81, SD #6463
died 04-Sep-1927 in Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA301
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery301
iv. Claimed: Oscar T. Schoolcraft
born Claimed 11-May-1869 in Whitehall, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, USA
died Claimed 19-Aug-1869 in Whitehall, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, USA
buried Claimed Whitehall, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, USA
v. Proven: Edwin William Schoolcraft86
born Claimed 28-May-1872 in Whitehall, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, USA
died Claimed 10-Feb-1932 in Edmonds, Snohomish, Washington, USA
buried Edmonds, Snohomish, Washington, USA; Edmonds Memorial
married Claimed Anna Belle Chapman Abt. 1895
born Claimed 16-Jan-1877 in Thorp, Clark, Wisconsin, USA
died Claimed Aug-1939 in Seattle, King, Washington, USA

buried Edmonds, Snohomish, Washington, USA; Edmonds Memorial
vi. Proven: Phoebe F. Schoolcraft86
born Claimed 29-Apr-1875 in Whitehall, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, USA
died 18-Oct-1918 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA302
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery302
married Proven Charles R. Hopkins 29-Nov-1892 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA303
born Claimed De Witt, Clinton, Iowa, USA
married Claimed 2nd Fred C. Mickley 23-Jun-1897 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
born Claimed Germany
vii. Proven: Nellie B. Schoolcraft86
born Claimed 21-Jan-1880 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
died Claimed 23-Apr-1901 in Albion, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; 106 W.
married Proven Jabez Wilsey aka Jabey 23-Jun-1897 in Brockway, Jackson,
Wisconsin, USA304
born Claimed 28-Oct-1866 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
died Claimed 02-May-1902 in Albion, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
viii. Claimed: Robert Harold Schoolcraft
born Claimed Sep-1881 in Whitehall, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, USA
died Claimed 03-Oct-1881 in Whitehall, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, USA
ix. Claimed: Harry Allen Schoolcraft
born Claimed 02-Mar-1886 in Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
died Claimed Bef. 1916
buried Claimed Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
married Proven [Unidentified] 05-Dec-1906 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA480
f. Proven: Catherine Mary Schoolcraft57
born Abt. 1840 in Quebec, Canada57
census 18-Jun-1860 in Gouverneur, St Lawrence, New York, USA; dw. 5789
married Proven Andrew Irish 01-Jul-1872 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA305
born Abt. Jul-1850 in Charlotte, Chittenden, Vermont, USA92
g. Proven: John H. Schoolcraft57
born Abt. 1843 in New York, USA57
census 1880 in Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 265D90
died Bef. 02-Oct-1908279
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA307
married Proven [2] Albertine Hart 25-May-1876 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA279, 306
born 23-Sep-1847 in Germany280, 279
died 02-Oct-1908 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA280, 279
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery280
i. Proven: William S. Schoolcraft aka Willy90
born 28-Apr-1875 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA308
died 10-Apr-1945 in Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA308
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery308
ii. Proven: Minna Schoolcraft90
born Abt. 1878 in Wisconsin, USA90
married Claimed Edward N. Chase
iii. Proven: Harry Schoolcraft309
born 08-Jul-1880 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA309
died 02-Mar-1962 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA309
buried Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA; Oakwood cemetery309

married Claimed Christina Hunter Bef. 1904
married Claimed 2nd Nellie Thompson 05-Dec-1906 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
born Claimed 28-Apr-1888 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
died Claimed 24-Oct-1971 in Black River Falls, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
buried Claimed Merrillan, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
iv. Claimed: Mabel Schoolcraft
born Claimed 24-Apr-1887 in Jackson, Wisconsin, USA
died Claimed Aft. 1908
married Claimed Leroy Heath
h. Proven: Alzina C. Schoolcraft57, 311
born Abt. 14-Jun-1846 in Parishville, St Lawrence, New York, USA95, 310
census 21-Apr-1910 in Thorp, Clark, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 42.01, dw. 13191
died 25-Feb-1920 in Thorp, Clark, Wisconsin, USA310
buried 28-Feb-1920 in Withee, Clark, Wisconsin, USA; East Thorp Village cemetery312,

married Proven John Smith 24-Dec-1865 in Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA311

born Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA311
married Claimed 2nd Harley Irish 28-Feb-1870 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin,
born 03-Mar-1828 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA95, 313
census 28-Sep-1850 in Charlotte, Chittenden, Vermont, USA; pp. 22.38, dw. 18792
census 26-Jul-1860 in Huntington, Chittenden, Vermont, USA; dw. 158493
census 1880 in Hixon, Clark, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 388C94
census Jun-1900 in Thorp, Clark, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 210B.89, dw. 10095
died 22-Jan-1901 in Thorp, Clark, Wisconsin, USA314, 313
buried 24-Jan-1901 in Withee, Clark, Wisconsin, USA; East Thorp Village cemetery315,

i. Proven: Effey Irish94

born Abt. 1872 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA94, 313
married Proven [Unidentified] Case313
ii. Proven: George Irish94
born Abt. Sep-1873 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA95
iii. Proven: Leon Irish94
born Abt. Jul-1876 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA95
census 21-Apr-1910 in Thorp, Clark, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 42.01, dw. 13191
married Proven Louise [Unidentified] Abt. 190191
born Abt. 1886 in Michigan, USA91
iv. Proven: Guy L. Irish94
born Abt. 1880 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA94
died Bef. 190095
v. Proven: Julia Irish95
born Abt. Jan-1883 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA95
married Proven [Unidentified] Simington313
vi. Proven: Henry Irish95
born Abt. Jan-1888 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA95
vii. Proven: Jennie Irish95
born Abt. Sep-1891 in Wrightsville, Alma, Jackson, Wisconsin, USA95
2. Proven: John Schoolcraft10
born Conjecture Bet. 1798 - 1799 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada48
died Aft. 182210

3. Probable: Sarah Schoolcraft17, 48
born Abt. 1800 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada18
died 06-Apr-1889 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada17
buried 08-Apr-1889 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada17
married Proven John Terry Bef. 182717
born Abt. 1802 in Quebec, Canada18
census 25-Mar-1852 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 25.11, Dist. 1018
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 13.13, Dist. 1118
census 1881 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; dw. 70, Div. 1119
a. Proven: Mary Terry316
born 09-Apr-1827 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada316
died Claimed 25-Nov-1910
married Proven Daniel Young 31-Oct-1849 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec,
Canada; Caldwell's Manor & Christie's Manor Anglican Church317
born Claimed 06-May-1824 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.04, Dist. 1120
census 1901 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.49, dw. 109121
died Claimed 02-Oct-1903
i. Proven: Philip Ransford Young318
born 28-Aug-1850 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada318
ii. Proven: Sarah Eliza Young319
born 15-Aug-1858 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada319
b. Proven: Martha Jane Terry320
born 25-Dec-1828 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada320
married Proven Daniel Derick 05-Oct-1847 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec,
Canada; Caldwell's Manor & Christie's Manor Anglican Church321
born Abt. 1825481
i. Proven: Helen Maria Derick322
born 22-Jan-1849 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada322
ii. Proven: Halmer Henry Derick323
born 30-Nov-1851 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada323
iii. Proven: Anne Eliza Derick324
born 12-Dec-1853 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada324
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 13.13,
Dist. 1118
iv. Proven: Ada Mina Derick aka Mary325
born 14-Jul-1859 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada325
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 13.13,
Dist. 1118
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.16,
Dist. 1122
c. Proven: Huldah Maria Terry326
born 17-Jan-1831 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada326
died 18-Apr-1878 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada327
buried 21-Apr-1878 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Dairy Valley
Baptist cemetery328
married Proven Harvey Huxley Beerwort 27-Nov-1849 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu,
Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church329
born Claimed 04-Feb-1826 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada
census 25-Mar-1852 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 7.33,
Dist. 10123
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 17.08, Dist. 1124

died 17-Nov-1874 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada330
buried 19-Nov-1874 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Dairy Valley
Baptist cemetery331
i. Proven: Harriet Maria Beerwort332
born 27-Jan-1851 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada332
ii. Proven: Martha Ann Beerwort333
born 18-Jun-1853 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada333
iii. Proven: Ada Mina Beerwort334
born 17-May-1855 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada334
iv. Proven: Frank Henry Beerwort335
born 12-May-1858 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada335
v. Proven: Edmund Beerwort336
born 11-Feb-1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada336
vi. Proven: Elizabeth Mary Beerwort337
born 28-Oct-1863 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada337
vii. Proven: Helen Melinda Beerwort338
born 02-Jul-1866 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada338
died 24-Jun-1869 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada340
buried 25-Jun-1869 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada340
viii. Proven: Carrie Ella Beerwort339
born 29-Jul-1870 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada339
d. Proven: Harriet Eliza Terry341
born 11-Jan-1833 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada341
died Claimed 11-Feb-1925
married Proven Frederick Beerwort 23-Mar-1853 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu,
Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church342
born 26-Dec-1831 in Quebec, Canada125
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.16, Dist. 1122
census 1901 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 04.33, dw. 46125
died Claimed 28-Jul-1903
buried Claimed Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Union cemetery
i. Proven: [8] Herbert Allen Beerwort aka John Herbert343
born 11-Oct-1853 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada343
died Claimed 19-Oct-1929 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Crystal Lake cemetery344
married Proven [7] Ida Adaline Schoolcraft 31-May-1881 in Derby, Orleans,
Vermont, USA; Derby Center177, 345
born 1856 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada177, 345
died Claimed 14-Nov-1927 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Crystal Lake cemetery345
ii. Proven: Edna Eliza Beerwort346
born 15-Jul-1860 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada346
iii. Proven: Marshall Graham Beerwort347
born 22-Jan-1865 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada347
e. Conjecture: John W. Terry
born 01-Jun-1838 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada348
census 25-Mar-1852 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 7.33,
Dist. 10123
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 17.08, Dist. 1124
died 30-Oct-1883 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, USA348
buried Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Fairfax Plains cemetery348

f. Proven: Adam Terry18
born Abt. 1840 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Probably18
g. Proven: [4] Sarah Melissa Terry349
born 25-Jul-1845 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada349
died 28-Sep-1872350
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Ruiter's Corner cemetery350
married Proven [3] Henry W. Schoolcraft 08-Sep-1868 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA;
Derby Line34, 351
born Abt. 1843 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada126, 34
census 1871 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 78.05, Subdist. A Div.
census 1881 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 320, Div. 1128
census 26-Jun-1900 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; pp. 120B.84, dw. 564, ED 165,
Derby Center village96
census 22-Apr-1910 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; Main St.97
died 18-Oct-1918 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA353
buried Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; Derby Center cemetery352
i. Proven: [5] Ella Blanche Schoolcraft354
born 09-Jul-1869 in Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada354
married Proven [6] James Alexander Tipping Bef. 1890354, 355
4. Proven: Isaac Schoolcraft15
born Abt. 1801 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada132
census 1825 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 822.20129
census 04-Dec-1830 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; No. 374130
census 1831 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1602.262, Conc. 7&8131
census 12-Mar-1842 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2479.02; [St-
Georges, Rouville Co.]478
census 25-Mar-1852 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 55.30, Dist. 10132
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.13, Dist. 227
census 1871 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 46.06133
military Bet. 06-Dec-1837 - 05-Jul-1838 ; Rouville Militia50, 43
fact Abt. 1864 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Wallings Map, Lot 7-15356
died 21-May-1880 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada24
buried 23-May-1880 in Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka Hawley
married Proven Diadama Miller aka Diana Dana Abt. 1825358, 129
born Abt. 1806 in Vermont, USA132
died 29-Jan-1881 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada358
buried Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka Hawley cemetery358
a. Conjecture: Mary Ann Schoolcraft360
born Abt. 1825 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada361
died 19-Aug-1869 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada376
buried 21-Aug-1869 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada376
married Proven Ebenezer O. Irish376, 361
born 05-Jan-1832361
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.50 & 6.01,
Dist. 1134
died 04-Aug-1891 in Elgin, Kane, Illinois, USA361
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Ruiter's Corner cemetery361
i. Proven: Armenia Diadama Irish134, 361
born 27-Nov-1851 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada361
died 01-Jan-1879 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably361
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Ruiter's Corner cemetery361

married Proven Lowell Shaw 24-Nov-1870361
died Lebanon, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA361
ii. Proven: Eleanor Eliza Irish362, 361
born 03-Jan-1854 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada362, 361
died 19-Oct-1917 in Elgin, Kane, Illinois, USA361
married Proven Ira Aldrich 07-Sep-1871 in Irasburg, Orleans, Vermont, USA362, 361
iii. Proven: Melissa Hannah Irish134, 361
born 12-Oct-1856 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada361
married Proven John V. Leland 14-Sep-1875361
born 02-Feb-1854361
died 15-Oct-1923 in Wollaston, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA361
buried Clinton, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA361
iv. Proven: Helen Miranda Irish134, 361
born 12-Sep-1858 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada361
died 19-Oct-1920 in Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, USA361
married Proven Fred Locke361
v. Proven: Anna Ophilia Irish361
born 28-Sep-1861361
married Proven Charles Gilbert Marcy361
married Proven 2nd Alfred Grout Weatherby361
b. Proven: William Miller Schoolcraft363, 47
born 25-Feb-1827 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada363, 364
census 25-Mar-1852 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 35.13,
Dist. 10135
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 4.26, Dist. 2136
census 1871 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 47.20137
census 1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 73, Div. 2138
census 17-Apr-1891 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
23.21, dw. 113, Dist. 168-R Div. 2139
died 21-Sep-1897 in Pearceton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada361, 364
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery364
married Proven Hannah Eliza Irish 28-Mar-1849 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA363, 47
born 03-Apr-1828 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA363, 364
died 22-Dec-1906 in Pearceton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada365, 364
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery365,

i. Proven: Edna Deidama Schoolcraft366, 255

born 18-Jul-1850 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada366
died 28-Sep-1898 in Springfield, Windsor, Vermont, USA178
buried 29-Sep-1898 in Springfield, Windsor, Vermont, USA369
ii. Proven: Myron Rufus Schoolcraft370
born 27-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada366
died 17-Apr-1878 in Riceburg, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
buried 19-Apr-1878 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Stone cemetery370, 374
iii. Proven: Mary Ann Schoolcraft371
born 18-Dec-1853 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada366
died 21-Dec-1877 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada371
buried 23-Dec-1877 in Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge
aka Hawley cemetery371, 375

iv. Proven: Jane Monroe Schoolcraft372
born 26-Sep-1855 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada366
died 01-Nov-1884 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Her
father's residence373
buried 03-Nov-1884 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada373
married Proven Calvin L. Best 20-Feb-1883 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church372
born 17-Dec-1853 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada377
v. Proven: Melissa Amanda Schoolcraft366, 256
born 16-Sep-1857 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada366
died 08-Jan-1925 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada361, 378
buried Stanbridge Ridge, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Stanbridge Ridge cemetery378
married Proven Niles Corey 14-Sep-1897 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA179
born 1860379
died 1934379
buried Stanbridge Ridge, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Stanbridge Ridge cemetery379
vi. Proven: [Unnamed] Schoolcraft366
born 20-Aug-1859 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada366
died 12-Nov-1859 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada368
buried Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka Hawley
cemetery368, 46
vii. Proven: Martha Malvina Schoolcraft380, 257
born 04-Feb-1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada380, 366
died Aft. 1906365
married Proven George Waldron361
married Proven 2nd George J. Gill 17-Mar-1888 in Springfield, Windsor, Vermont,
USA180, 367
viii. Proven: Permilia Serina Schoolcraft366, 381
born 09-Mar-1863 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada366
died 21-Jan-1878 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada381
buried 24-Jan-1878 in Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge
aka Hawley cemetery381
ix. Proven: Hannah Louisa Schoolcraft366, 382
born 20-Feb-1865 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada366
died 05-Feb-1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada382
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone
x. Proven: Lewis Elwin Schoolcraft366, 383, 254
born 09-Oct-1867 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada366, 383
census 1901 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
pp. 05.32, dw. 57, Div. M-1140
census 1911 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 6.08, dw. 54141
died 1947 in Lennoxville, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada384
buried Lennoxville, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada; Malvern cemetery384
married Proven Bertha A. Hurlbut 20-Sep-1893 in Pearceton, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada385, 258
born 14-Aug-1871 in Quebec, Canada140
died 1964 in Lennoxville, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada386
buried Lennoxville, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada; Malvern cemetery386

xi. Proven: Lettie Eliza Schoolcraft366
born 07-Dec-1869 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada366, 259
died Aft. 1906365
married Proven Charles W. Streeter 25-May-1898 in Weathersfield, Windsor,
Vermont, USA181
c. Proven: Herrick Schoolcraft182, 260
born 19-Feb-1828 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada145
census 1871 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 45.03142
census 1881 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; dw. 47, Div. 2143
census 21-Apr-1891 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 14.25, dw.
63, Dist. 168-M Div. 2144
census 1901 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 04.16, dw. 41145
census 1911 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 6.14, dw. 58, Dist.
died 1914 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada387
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Dairy Valley Baptist
married Proven Lucy A. Brown 21-Jan-1865 in Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA182
born 1840 in Quebec, Canada387
died 1886 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada387
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Dairy Valley Baptist
i. Proven: Jane Brown Schoolcraft aka Jennie142, 389
born 24-Jul-1867 in Quebec, Canada389
died 1936 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada388
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Dairy Valley Baptist
married Proven William J. Curtis Bef. 1898389
born 1859388
died 1919 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada388
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Dairy Valley Baptist
married Proven 2nd Jane V. Curtis aka Jennie 21-Jun-1888 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont,
born Abt. 03-May-1849145
died 1946 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada387
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Dairy Valley Baptist
ii. Proven: Hazel E. Schoolcraft145
born 15-Jan-1892 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada;
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Dairy Valley Baptist
married Proven John Brown390
born 1884390
died 1960390
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Dairy Valley Baptist
d. Proven: John Schoolcraft391
born Conjecture Abt. 1831 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada130, 131,

buried Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka Hawley cemetery391

e. Proven: Eleanor Schoolcraft132
born Abt. 1833 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada132
died Claimed 05-Mar-1869
married Proven John Robert Miller 10-Jun-1864 in Winona, Winona, Minnesota, USA459, 460
born 02-Jun-1835 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada393
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.40, Dist. 2461
census 21-Jul-1870 in Jackson, Polk, Missouri, USA; pp. 29.25, dw. 212462
died Claimed 05-Jun-1873 in Walnut Grove, Greene, Missouri, USA
buried Claimed Walnut Grove, Greene, Missouri, USA
f. Proven: Eliza Ann Schoolcraft aka Liza184, 135
born Abt. 1840 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada132
married Proven George Wing 26-Dec-1877 in Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA184
g. Proven: David James Schoolcraft27, 185
born Abt. 07-Mar-1845 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada149, 132, 27
census 1881 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; dw. 40, Div. 2147
census 21-Apr-1891 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 14.02, dw.
59, Dist. 168-M Div. 2148
census 1901 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 05.20, dw. 54149
census 1911 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.34, dw. 17, Dist.
died 1911 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada394
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Dairy Valley Baptist
married Proven Dora F. Eden 24-Feb-1886 in Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA185
born 30-May-1864 in Quebec, Canada149
died Aft. 1911394
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Dairy Valley Baptist
i. Proven: Lena Pearl Schoolcraft395
born 10-Jul-1887 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada395
ii. Proven: Charles Merton Schoolcraft395
born 12-Mar-1889 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada395
married Proven Mary A. Murphy Bef. 1905186
born Abt. 1873 in Ireland186
iii. Proven: George Schoolcraft396, 149
born 05-Aug-1893 in Quebec, Canada396, 149
died 1971 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada396
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Union cemetery396
married Proven Lillian C. Cheeseman Bef. 1916396
born 1896396
iv. Proven: Leon Schoolcraft149
born 22-Feb-1901 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada149
v. Proven: Ruth D. Schoolcraft150
born Oct-1902 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada150
died 1984 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada476
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery476
married Proven John Elwin Wanzer Bef. 1959476
born 1889476
died 1959 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada476
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery476
Relationship unknown: Louisa Schoolcraft133, 151

born Abt. 1847 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada133
census 1871 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 46.06133
h. Proven: Miranda O. Schoolcraft132, 27, 187
born Abt. 1849 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada132
census 1881 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; dw. 40, Div. 2147
married Proven David A. Tetrault 08-Mar-1886 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA187
i. Proven Adopted: Edith Nellie Sawyer397
born 30-Jan-1888 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada397
i. Proven: Ruggles Schoolcraft27
born Abt. 1858 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada27
census 1881 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; dw. 40, Div. 2147
died 11-Aug-1885 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada398
buried 13-Aug-1885 in Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka
Hawley cemetery359
5. Proven: Mary Schoolcraft9
born 28-Feb-1806 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Caldwell's Manor]9
6. Proven: Eleanor Schoolcraft15
born Abt. 02-Sep-1810 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Probably.
[Caldwell's Manor]399
died 05-Sep-1842 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada399
buried Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka Hawley cemetery399
married Proven Henry Irish 31-Dec-1834 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Methodist Church400
born Abt. 1813400
military Bet. 06-Dec-1837 - 01-Apr-1838 ; Rouville Militia50
a. Proven: Catharine Irish401
born 03-Oct-1836 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada401
b. Proven: John Colborne Irish402
born Abt. 09-Jun-1837 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada402
died 24-Apr-1839 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada402
buried Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka Hawley cemetery402
c. Proven: Emily Caroline Irish403
born 12-Dec-1839 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada403
7. Probable: Ralph Schoolcraft48
born Abt. 1811 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Probably. [Caldwell's
census 01-Oct-1860 in Saranac, Clinton, New York, USA; pp. 155.31, dw. 102520
military Bet. 06-Dec-1837 - 05-Jul-1838 ; Rouville Militia50, 43
died Conjecture Bet. 1860 - 1
married Proven Julia Ann Otis20, 32
born Abt. 1827 in Vermont, USA32
census 20-Jul-1870 in Beekmantown, Clinton, New York, USA; pp. 66.37, dw. 51330
census 09-Aug-1870 in Saranac, Clinton, New York, USA; pp. 29.37, dw. 21731
a. Proven: Hannah Schoolcraft20
born Abt. 1857 in New York, USA20
b. Proven: John Schoolcraft20
born Abt. Aug-1860 in New York, USA20
8. Proven: George Schoolcraft15
born 25-Dec-1812 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Probably. [Caldwell's
census 12-Mar-1842 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2479.11; [St-
Georges, Rouville Co.]477

census 25-Mar-1852 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 25.26, Dist. 10126
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.31, Dist. 1152
military Bet. 06-Dec-1837 - 05-Jul-1838 ; Rouville Militia50, 43
fact Abt. 1864 in Foucault, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Wallings Map, Lot 6-14356
died 13-Jan-1869 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada404
buried 15-Jan-1869 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Ruiter's Corner cemetery404,

married Proven Abigail Beals Irish 26-Feb-1837 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA188, 361
born 14-Oct-1813 in Quebec, Canada405, 189
census 1871 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 69.16, Subdist. A Div. 2.153
census 1881 in Beebe, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 5, Dist. 56-C/Beebe Plain154
died 01-Jun-1894 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA189
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Ruiter's Corner cemetery405
a. Proven: Cynthia Schoolcraft126
born 1837 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada126, 454
died 05-Dec-1924 in Lebanon, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA406
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Union cemetery454
married Proven William J. McNeil Bef. 1903406
born 1836 in Ireland190, 455
census 1881 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12, dw. 58155
died 1903 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada455
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Union cemetery455
i. Proven: Elwin J. McNeil155
born 1862 in Quebec, Canada155, 456
died 1897 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada456
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Union cemetery456
ii. Proven: Isabelle McNeil155
born 1864 in Quebec, Canada155, 457
died 1890 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada457
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Union cemetery457
iii. Proven: Georgiana McNeil155
born Abt. 1867 in Quebec, Canada155
iv. Proven: Charles A. McNeil190
born Abt. 1870 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada190
married Proven Sarah E. Wright 29-Jun-1897 in Lebanon, Grafton, New
Hampshire, USA190
born Abt. 1871 in Lebanon, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA190
v. Proven: Mary McNeil458
born 1872 in Quebec, Canada458
died 1879 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada458
buried Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Union cemetery458
b. Proven: [3] Henry W. Schoolcraft34
born Abt. 1843 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada126, 34
census 1871 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 78.05, Subdist. A Div.
census 1881 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 320, Div. 1128
census 26-Jun-1900 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; pp. 120B.84, dw. 564, ED 165,
Derby Center village96
census 22-Apr-1910 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; Main St.97
died 18-Oct-1918 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA353
buried Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; Derby Center cemetery352
married Proven [4] Sarah Melissa Terry 08-Sep-1868 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA;
Derby Line34, 351

born 25-Jul-1845 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada349
died 28-Sep-1872350
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Ruiter's Corner cemetery350
i. Proven: [5] Ella Blanche Schoolcraft354
born 09-Jul-1869 in Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada354
married Proven [6] James Alexander Tipping Bef. 1890354, 355
married Proven 2nd Lucinda D. Peters 16-Apr-1878 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; By
E. W. Noble, JP. Groom's second marriage35
born Abt. 28-Jan-1857 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada407, 194
census 17-Jan-1920 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; dw. 3798
died 18-Mar-1945 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA407
buried Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; Derby Center cemetery408
ii. Proven: Allen William Schoolcraft191
born 21-Jul-1878 in Jay, Orleans, Vermont, USA191
died 13-Nov-1952 in White Plains, Westchester, New York, USA409
buried Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; Derby Center cemetery408
iii. Proven: Helen M. Schoolcraft192
born Dec-1882 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada192, 96
married Proven Ernest L. Nickerson 27-Jul-1906 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont,
iv. Proven: Dora A. Schoolcraft193
born 10-Sep-1885 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA193
died 1921 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA408
buried Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; Derby Center cemetery408
v. Proven: Ethel May Schoolcraft194
born 08-May-1892 in Berkshire, Franklin, Vermont, USA194
census 17-Jan-1920 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; dw. 3798
married Proven Edward Corliss98
born Abt. 1895 in Vermont, USA98
c. Proven: Heman L. Schoolcraft36
born 12-Feb-1844 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada126, 33
died 11-Feb-1905 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA195
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Ruiter's Corner cemetery33
married Proven Mary A. Barry 06-Sep-1887 in Holland, Orleans, Vermont, USA36
born Abt. 1853 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA196, 202
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 159, Dist. 4156
d. Proven: Jared Schoolcraft aka Jedediah48, 126
born 31-Jan-1846 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada126, 410
census 1871 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 75.13, Subdist. A Div.
census 1881 in Beebe, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 58, Dist. 56-C/Beebe
died 21-Apr-1889 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Stanstead Junction411
married Proven Loelah P. Moulton 22-Dec-1869 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec,
Canada; Home of Edwin Moulton412
born 29-Mar-1851 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada197, 410
census 09-Apr-1891 in Beebe, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 6.06, dw. 38, Dist.
190-C/Beebe Plain159
died 31-Jul-1919410
i. Proven: Edwin Moulton Schoolcraft157
born 29-Dec-1870 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada157, 410
census 02-May-1891 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 21.10,

dw. 114, Dist. 190-I Div. 3160
died 08-Apr-1896 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada413
ii. Proven: Florence Mary Schoolcraft198, 410
born 25-Sep-1872 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada198, 410
married Proven Thomas Chasney Camp 29-Jun-1898 in Newport, Orleans,
Vermont, USA198
born 01-Nov-1874410
died Apr-1926410
iii. Proven: Harriet House Schoolcraft158, 410
born 08-Jun-1877 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably410
married Proven Clarence Dexter Hazelton 17-Nov-1898 in Stanstead,
Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Stanstead Junction414, 415
iv. Proven: Mildred Eva Schoolcraft416, 410
born 18-Jan-1884 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada410
died 29-Apr-1884 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Stanstead
e. Proven: Emily Schoolcraft199
born Abt. 1848 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada199
married Proven John Watson 01-Sep-1900 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA199
died 12-Jan-1902 in Lineboro, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada417
Uncertain relationship: Wallace Watson417
f. Proven: George Wellington Schoolcraft200, 418
born 14-Apr-1851 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada200, 163
census 1881 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 357, Div. 1161
census 02-May-1891 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 21.06, dw. 113,
Dist. 190-I Div. 3162
census 1901 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 08.24, dw. 92163
census 1911 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 8.44, dw. 55, Dist. 14164
died 26-May-1927 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; Derby Line419
married Proven Hannah Elizabeth Young 28-Jan-1879 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA;
Derby Line200
born 22-Jul-1858 in Quebec, Canada163, 418
died 01-Feb-1946 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; Derby Line418
i. Proven: Clarence W. Schoolcraft418
born 30-Jan-1882 in Quebec, Canada163, 420
died 02-Oct-1956 in West Lebanon, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA420
married Proven Aubine Morrill 10-Oct-1912 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog,
Quebec, Canada; The bride's home421
ii. Proven: Jennie Lovina Schoolcraft422
born 01-Feb-1891 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada163, 423
married Proven Robert Rush Harris 02-Oct-1912 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog,
Quebec, Canada422
g. Proven: Melvin J. Schoolcraft201
born 12-Jun-1852 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada201, 163
census 1881 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 338, Div. 1165
census 28-Apr-1891 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 52.25, dw. 271,
Dist. 190-I Div. 2166
census 1901 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 07.03, dw. 70167
census 1911 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 4.50, dw. 48, Dist. 35168
died 11-May-1913 in Benson's Mills, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; "Benson's
Mills" is known to exist but cannot locate it.424
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Ruiter's Corner cemetery425

married Proven Elizabeth Buzzel aka Lizzie 19-Dec-1885 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont,
born 12-Feb-1843 in Vermont, USA167, 99
census 08-Jan-1920 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA; dw. 5199
died 08-Jan-1933 in Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada99, 482
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Ruiter's Corner cemetery482
i. Proven: Clinton Schoolcraft166
born Abt. 25-Mar-1888166
died 28-Feb-1892 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably483
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Ruiter's Corner cemetery483
ii. Proven: Maud Schoolcraft167
born 26-Oct-1889 in Quebec, Canada167
died 1939 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably426
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Crystal Lake cemetery426
married Proven Frank Brown Bef. 1939427
born 1883427
died 1949 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably427
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Crystal Lake cemetery427
h. Proven: [7] Ida Adaline Schoolcraft177
born 1856 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada177, 345
died Claimed 14-Nov-1927 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Crystal Lake cemetery345
married Proven [8] Herbert Allen Beerwort aka John Herbert 31-May-1881 in Derby,
Orleans, Vermont, USA; Derby Center177, 345
born 11-Oct-1853 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada343
died Claimed 19-Oct-1929 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Crystal Lake cemetery344
i. Proven: Edna Annette Beerwort428
born 10-Feb-1885 in Barnet, Caledonia, Vermont, USA428
died 1962 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably429
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Crystal Lake cemetery429
ii. Proven: Ray Gordon Beerwort430
born 22-May-1886 in Barnet, Caledonia, Vermont, USA430
iii. Proven: Earle Stanley Beerwort431
born 11-May-1893 in Barnet, Caledonia, Vermont, USA431
died 1945 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably432
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Crystal Lake cemetery432
i. Proven: Mary D. Schoolcraft203
born Abt. 24-Jun-1858 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada203, 169
died Aft. 1925433
married Proven William S. Comstock 01-Jan-1881 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA203
born Abt. 23-Jan-1855 in Stanstead Plain, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Mack's
Mills, 3 miles from Stanstead Plain169, 433
census 1901 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.27, dw. 17, Div. K-
died 14-Nov-1925 in Kincaid, Saskatchewan, Canada433
i. Proven: Leslie Comstock169, 433
born 14-Nov-1882 in Quebec, Canada169
ii. Proven: Alice Comstock169, 433
born 08-May-1890 in Quebec, Canada169
married Proven G. W. Pomeroy Bef. 1925433

j. Proven: Effie Schoolcraft204
born Abt. 1862 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada204
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Crystal Lake cemetery434
married Proven William Henry Gay 13-Aug-1895 in Newport, Orleans, Vermont, USA204
born 1862435
died 1946 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably435
buried Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Crystal Lake cemetery435
9. Proven: William M. Schoolcraft15
born Abt. 1816 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Probably. [Caldwell's
census 16-Nov-1850 in Champlain, Clinton, New York, USA; dw. 333739
census 1861 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.11, Dist. 240
census 06-Jul-1870 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 31541
military Bet. 01-Jan - 05-Jul-1838 ; Rouville Militia50, 43
died 10-Mar-1880 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA42
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; North End aka Donaldson cemetery42
married Proven Mary Hogle 09-Jun-1844 in Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA38
born Abt. 1822 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada39
census 1880 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 297B100
died 07-Apr-1897 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA205
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; North End aka Donaldson cemetery42
a. Proven: Sarah Ann Schoolcraft206, 39
born 11-Oct-1844 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 39
married Proven Charles Hiram Guard 04-Jul-1868 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA206,

born Abt. 1847 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA206

census 06-Jul-1870 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 42.09, dw. 313465
i. Proven: Eureta A. Guard465
born Abt. Jan-1870 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA465, 468
married Proven Nelson Pocket 25-Jan-1887 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA468
born Abt. 1866 in Canada468
ii. Proven: Sarah Guard469
born 08-Dec-1870 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA469
iii. Proven: Florence Etta Guard470
born Abt. 1874 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA470
married Proven Charles J. Beausoliel 22-May-1899 in St Albans, Franklin,
Vermont, USA470
born Abt. 1882 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA470
iv. Proven: Margaret Guard471
born 24-Apr-1876 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA471
married Proven G. E. Middleton 24-Apr-1893 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont,
born Abt. 1872 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA472
v. Proven: Mary Jane Guard473
born 24-May-1878 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA473
died 27-May-1879 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA466
vi. Proven: Maude Elizabeth Guard474
born 24-Jan-1880 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA474
vii. Proven: Abigail Estella Guard475
born 24-Jun-1881 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA475
married Proven 2nd Charles Adolphus Gossweiler Bet. 1878 - 1887174, 175
born Abt. 1861 in Switzerland174

viii. Proven: Louis Adolf Gossweiler174
born 23-Sep-1887 in Ballston, Saratoga, New York, USA174
ix. Proven: Eliza Matilda Gossweiler175
born 27-Sep-1890 in Ballston, Saratoga, New York, USA175
b. Proven: William Adam Schoolcraft207, 39
born 03-Mar-1846 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 39
census 03-Aug-1870 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 158101
died 06-Aug-1873 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA208
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; North End aka Donaldson cemetery208
married Proven Narina J. Beagle 29-Jul-1871 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA207
born Abt. 24-Feb-1852 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA209
died 05-Feb-1876 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA209
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; North End aka Donaldson cemetery210
i. Claimed: Leonard E. Schoolcraft
born Nov-1872 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA102
census 22-Jun-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 297A.08, dw.
383, ED 120102
died 1919211
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery211
married Proven Ella Bockus Bef. 1898211
born Feb-1875 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA102, 212
died 1950211
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery211
c. Proven: Eleanor Catherine Schoolcraft213, 39
born 03-Aug-1847 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 39
died Claimed 16-Sep-1920
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; North End aka Donaldson cemetery214
married Proven Hugh Donaldson 19-Sep-1868 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA213
born Jan-1841 in Vermont, USA214, 444
census 1880 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 298D443
census 22-Jun-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 297A.47, dw. 392, ED
died 1919 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA214
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; North End aka Donaldson cemetery214
i. Proven: Joseph Donaldson443
born Abt. 1869 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA443
ii. Proven: Claude E. Donaldson444
born Abt. Sep-1875 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA444
iii. Proven: Chauncey H. Donaldson444
born Abt. Oct-1890 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA444
d. Proven: Caroline C. Schoolcraft215, 39
born 05-Nov-1848 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 39
died 13-Apr-1890 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA216
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; North End aka Donaldson cemetery216
married Proven Theodore Hilliker aka Pete 21-Feb-1868 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont,
born Abt. May-1849 in Vermont, USA441, 442
census 1880 in Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA; pp. 334C441
census 22-Jun-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 297A.20, dw. 386442
census 09-Feb-1920 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 1A.33, dw. 10, ED 89,
West Swanton Rd.484
died Claimed 1935 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA436

buried Claimed Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; North End aka Donaldson
i. Proven: Elizabeth Hilliker441
born Abt. 1867 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA441
ii. Proven: William Hilliker441
born Abt. 1870 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA441
iii. Proven: Byron Hilliker441
born Abt. 1873 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA441
iv. Proven: Edgar Hilliker441
born Abt. Aug-1875 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA441
census 22-Jun-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 297A.31, dw.
v. Proven: Henry Hilliker484
born Abt. 1883 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA484
census 09-Feb-1920 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 1A.33, dw. 10,
ED 89, West Swanton Rd.484
married Proven Christy [Unidentified] Bef. 1908484
born Abt. 1883 in New York, USA484
vi. Proven: Hugh Hilliker442
born Abt. Dec-1886 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA442
vii. Proven: Ruby Hilliker442
born Abt. May-1889 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA442
e. Proven: Walter Jones Schoolcraft219, 39
born 02-Apr-1850 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 39
census 11-Jun-1900 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA; pp. 54B.76, dw. 87,
ED 736, Wood St.103
census 09-Feb-1920 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 1A.29, dw. 9, ED 89,
West Swanton Rd.
died Claimed 15-Oct-1943
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery217
married Proven Zoe D. Dubuque 21-Sep-1881 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA219
born May-1860 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA103, 217
died 1918 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA217
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery217
f. Proven: George Henry Schoolcraft220, 40
born 16-May-1851 in Champlain, Clinton, New York, USA238, 40
census 1880 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 299A104
census 08-Jun-1900 in Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA; pp. 253B.79, dw. 107, ED
died 02-Jun-1905 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA218
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery221
married Proven Luretta Hilliker 09-Nov-1872 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA220
born Abt. 1853 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA220
died 31-May-1878 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA222
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; North End aka Donaldson cemetery222
i. Proven: Merritt Raymond Schoolcraft aka Merton223
born 20-Sep-1877 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA223
census 01-Jun-1900 in Holyoke, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA; pp. 61A.10,
dw. 2, ED 527, 8 Dwight St.106
married Proven Florence Collier 02-Nov-1903 in Hardwick, Caledonia, Vermont,
born Abt. 1878 in Hardwick, Caledonia, Vermont, USA225

ii. Proven: Mary Schoolcraft104
born Abt. 1878 in Vermont, USA104
married Proven 2nd Alma L. Donaldson 14-Aug-1879 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont,
born Abt. 04-Jul-1847 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA227, 221
died 06-Jan-1892 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA227, 221
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery221
iii. Proven: Wyman Gaylord Schoolcraft228
born 08-Oct-1881 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA228
census 18-Jun-1900 in Walden, Caledonia, Vermont, USA; pp. 248A.40, dw.
155, ED 59107
married Proven Christobel A. Houston 12-Aug-1903 in Walden, Caledonia,
Vermont, USA229
iv. Proven: Clarence S. Schoolcraft105
born 02-Oct-1883 in Vermont, USA105, 437
fact 12-Jul-1907 in Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York, USA; Visiting487
died May-1976437
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery221
married Proven Lucy Adams Bet. 1900 - 1907221
born 1884 in New York, USA230, 221
died 1929221
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery221
married Proven 2nd Rose A. [Unidentified] Aft. 1929221
born 1888221
died 1947221
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery221
v. Proven: [Unnamed] Schoolcraft231
born 27-May-1886 in Hardwick, Caledonia, Vermont, USA231
died 27-May-1886 in Hardwick, Caledonia, Vermont, USA231
married Proven 3rd Margaret Cameron aka Maggie 06-Jun-1892 in Swanton, Franklin,
Vermont, USA232
born Abt. 1856 in Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA232
married Proven 4th Imogene [Unidentified] Abt. 1896105
born Feb-1855 in Vermont, USA105
g. Proven: Anna M. Schoolcraft233, 40
born 23-Dec-1852 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 40
died Claimed 20-Jan-1938 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
married Proven Aaron Keenan 17-Aug-1871 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA233
born Abt. Feb-1853 in Vermont, USA447
census 1880 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 298D445
census 1880 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 298D446
census 22-Jun-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 297A.03, dw. 381, ED
i. Proven: Beatrus Keenan446
born Abt. 1875 in Vermont, USA446
ii. Proven: Rolland Keenan446
born Abt. 1878 in Vermont, USA446
h. Proven: Jacob Sylvester Schoolcraft234, 40, 252
born 29-Sep-1853 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 40
census 16-Jun-1870 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 125108
census 1880 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 284C109

died 12-Feb-1899 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA235
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Church St. cemetery236
married Proven Elizabeth T. Botham aka Elizabeth Boutlain 08-Dec-1875 in Swanton,
Franklin, Vermont, USA234, 252
born Nov-1851 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA237, 236
census 20-Jun-1900 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 148B.80, dw. 341110
died 05-Mar-1906 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA237
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Church St. cemetery236
i. Proven: Gertrude Schoolcraft aka Gertie236
born Jun-1877236
died Aug-1877236
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Church St. cemetery236
ii. Proven: Myrna B. Schoolcraft109, 111, 252
born Dec-1879 in Vermont, USA109, 111
census 08-Jun-1900 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 111A.01, dw. 76,
ED 110111
census 09-Feb-1920 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 1B.71, dw. 20,
ED 89, West Swanton Rd.488
married Proven [Unidentified] Bef. 1906488
born Bef. 1888 in Quebec, Canada488
iii. Proven: William J. Schoolcraft239, 252
born Jul-1881 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA239, 112
census 13-Jun-1900 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 144B.79, dw.
married Proven Grace L. Murphy 07-Feb-1907 in Brookline, Norfolk,
Massachusetts, USA239
born Abt. 1886 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA239
iv. Proven: Clark Allen Schoolcraft aka Clarkie240, 252
born 16-Nov-1888 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA240
died May-1897236
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Church St. cemetery236
i. Proven: Herbert Clinton Schoolcraft241, 40
born 27-Jul-1856 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 40
census 15-Jun-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 287A.40, dw. 193, ED
died Claimed Jan-1936 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
married Proven Elizabeth Buchanan 09-Nov-1882 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA241
census Conjecture 28-Apr-1891 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada; pp. 15.21, dw. 83, Dist. 168-K Div. 1170
j. Proven: Horatio John Schoolcraft242, 40
born 21-May-1857 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 40
census Jun-1900 in St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USA; pp. 124A.14, dw. 217, ED 146,
130 Granite St.114
census 09-Feb-1920 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 1A.24, dw. 7, ED 89,
West Swanton Rd.489
died 1928 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA243
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery243
married Proven Marietta Hilliker 06-Jul-1883 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA244
born Claimed 14-Aug-1864 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
died 01-Mar-1884 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA245
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; North End aka Donaldson cemetery246
married Proven 2nd Mary Bonell 19-Mar-1889 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA242

married Proven 3rd Mary Donaldson Abt. 1890114, 243
born 1850 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA243
died 1943 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA243
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery243
k. Proven: Emina Annette Schoolcraft aka Mina40
born 25-Apr-1858 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 40
died 1931247
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery247
married Proven George Wilfred Potter Abt. 1891247, 448
born Abt. Mar-1858 in Vermont, USA247, 448
census 23-Jun-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 297A.47, dw. 407, ED
died 1923247
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery247
i. Proven: George W. Potter448
born Abt. May-1883 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA448
ii. Proven: Paul H. Potter448
born Abt. Apr-1885 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA448
iii. Proven: Ira E. Potter448
born Abt. Jan-1887 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA448
iv. Proven: Noel E. Potter448
born Abt. Mar-1889 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA448
died 1952 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA490
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery490
v. Proven: Harold C. Potter247
born 1891 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA247
died 08-Feb-1893 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA247
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery247
vi. Proven: Harold H. Potter448
born Abt. Mar-1893 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA448, 247, 449
vii. Proven: Bryan G Potter448
born Abt. Jan-1898 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA448
viii. Proven: Allen P. Potter448
born Feb-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA448
l. Proven: Harriet Augusta Schoolcraft41
born 13-Mar-1863 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 41
census 1880 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 297A115
died Claimed 22-Mar-1941 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
married Claimed Washington Keenan Abt. 1882451, 450
born Abt. Jul-1856 in Wisconsin, USA450
census 22-Jun-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 297A.31, dw. 389450
census 09-Feb-1920 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 1A.29, dw. 9, ED 89,
West Swanton Rd.486
i. Proven: Ralph Keenan450
born Abt. Nov-1882 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA450
m. Proven: Lucy Jane Schoolcraft248, 41
born 01-Jun-1865 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 248
died 21-Dec-1911 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA238
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery249
married Proven Charles William Dixon 10-Sep-1883 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA248
born Claimed 16-Dec-1856 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA452
census 22-Jun-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 296B.82, dw. 376, ED

died 1929249
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery249
i. Proven: Grover W. Dixon452
born Abt. Oct-1884 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA452
ii. Proven: Pearl S. Dixon452
born Abt. Nov-1885 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA452
iii. Proven: Charles M. Dixon452
born Abt. May-1888 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA452
iv. Proven: Edward Dixon452
born Abt. Mar-1890 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA452
v. Proven: Warden Dixon452
born Abt. Nov-1893 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA452
n. Proven: Louisa C. Schoolcraft250, 41
born 06-Mar-1867 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada238, 250
died 1930251
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery251
married Proven Edward L. Woodbury 21-Dec-1889 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA250
born Abt. Apr-1867 in Vermont, USA251, 453
census 25-Jun-1900 in Keene, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA; pp. 140B.64, dw. 315,
ED 35, 16 Forest St.453
died 1928251
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery251
i. Proven: Earl M. Woodbury453
born Abt. Oct-1897 in Vermont, USA453
10. Proven: Anna Minerva Schoolcraft15
born Abt. 1820 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Probably. [Caldwell's
died 12-Nov-1860 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada438
buried 14-Nov-1860 in Aird, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Southridge aka Hawley
married Proven Cornelius Everett Smith Adle 02-Mar-1848 in Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA21,

born Abt. 1810 in Quebec, Canada22

census 26-Jan-1852 in Philipsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 15.36, Dist. 122
census 1861 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 10.50 & 12.01, Dist. 1. St-
a. Proven: Emeline Frances Adle440
born Abt. 13-Mar-1849 in Philipsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably440
died Abt. 23-Sep-1850 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Probably440
buried 25-Sep-1850 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Probably440
b. Proven: George W. Adle22
born Abt. 1850 in Philipsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably22
c. Proven: Ellen R. Adle171
born Abt. 1853 in Quebec, Canada171
d. Proven: Cornelius E. Adle171
born Abt. 1856 in Quebec, Canada171

1 Québec: Notary Leon Lalanne: Unnumbered document, 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac
Afselstine... appeared and were James Schoolcraft, John Schoolcraft and William Schoolcraft brothers to the, Simon
Stone brother in law [MN6: all of the Said Township of Stanbridge]...

Loyalists in the American Revolution, United Empire Loyalists Part I, Volume XII - Montreal, 1787-1788, pp. 407.
The Report of the Bureau of Archives 1904. A Loyalist claim made by Peter MILLER shows he had land in
"Quasencooke" (Annaquassacook Patent about five miles east of Cambridge NY) and "Camden"
3 Abbé Isidore Desnoyers, 1886, Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Jacques de Foucault, pp. 2: In 1797, Seigneur

Gabriel Christie made several grants. 8e Rg pros la Baie: 14 Juill à Simon Stone 4x30 arp 42#. ... à Ralph Miller 4x26 ~
àu mémes 4x25 arp ...
4 Québec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.04: Hotchkins, Mary, D. June 15, 1832,

Bu. June 17, 1852, ae. 84 yrs. Widow of the Ralph Miller. Wit: Robert Aitken.
5 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst), pp.

352: Miller, Ralph, M. 30 Dec 1816, , in Dunham residing Dunham, Anglican spouse Sarah Van Antwerp.
6 Québec: Census, 2-Feb-1852: pp. 136.03, Dist. 3, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., 1 story block, 1 fam., Agric. 160.39 Lot

9-9 & 10-9: Ralph Miller age 65 male born in Canada occ./rel. Anglican, farmer, married. Sarah age 58 female born in
U.S.A. occ./rel. Anglican, married. Alexd. age 32 male born in Canada occ./rel. Anglican, farmer. Susannah age 28
female born in Canada occ./rel. Anglican. Eliza age 21 female born in Canada occ./rel. Anglican. Susan VanAntwerp
age 85 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Anglican, widow.
Québec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, Frelighsburg Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.04: Miller, Eleanor, D.
Oct. 10, 1824, Bu. Oct. 12, 1824, ae. 40 yrs. w/o Robert Getty of Dunham, QC. Wit: Moses Knap.
8 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 60, pp. 30196-30217. Mar 13, 1805, pp. 30216. Authorization to lease Crown and

Clergy land. James Schoolcraft, range 9, lot 15; William Schoolcraft range 10, lot 13; Simon Stone range 7, lot 13;
Elijah Spears range 9, lot 19.
9 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, Eastern Townships Research Centre, Dunham United Church fonds,

UC033/008/001a [Stewards Book for the Dunham Methodist Circuit] and file cards at Missisquoi Museum: Caldwells
Manor: Mary daughter of Wm & Catherine Schoolcraft Born Feby. 29th 1806 Bapt Feby. 3, 1808 by G. Pearce.
10 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 30th August 1822, Robt. Christie for Hon. J. Caldwell to

William Schoolcraft.
11 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 815.21, St. George, Bedford Co. Head of household William Schoolcraft, 8 total in

household, 4 under 6, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Sing.: 1 40 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but
not 45 Sing.: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
12 Québec: Census, Seignories of Foucault, Noyan and Sabrevios Census, December 4th, 1830: Entry No. 56,

Foucault, Head of Household Wm. Schoolcraft, No. of Male 5, No. of Female 3, Total 8.
13 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1612.194, Segnorie de Foucault, Rouville Co. Concession Head of household William

Schoolcraft, owner, Cultivateur. 7 Total in household. Males: 2 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 18 but not 21 Sing., 1 30 but not
60 Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Marr., 7 Methodist.
14 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 31st August 1822, Cornelius Irish's Seigneurial Agreement.
15 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Édouard-René Demers: No. 1377, Le 11 Janvier 1845, Cefsion par

Isaac, George et Minerva Schoolcraft à Henry Irish et William Schoolcraft: William and Catherine's estate is divided
into eight shares. Isaac, George, Minerva, William and Eleanor are identified as children.
16 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Faribualt: No. 454, 2nd March 1829 Protest at the request of Jubel

Wheeler vs Isaac and Thomas Schoolcraft: The said Isaac Schoolcraft said "the land is not mine and I have nothing to
do with it because I gave it up to my brother Thomas Schoolcraft".
17 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Sarah Schoolcraft, widow of the late John Terry of the Parish of

St. George de Clarenceville aged eighty seven years died on the sixth day of April Two thousand eight hundred and
eighty nine, and was buried on the eighth day of the same month and year in the presence of subscribing witnesses by
me John W. Clipsham Minister. Fred Beerwort, Daniel Derrick.
Québec: Census, 25-Mar-1852: pp. 25.11, Dist. 10, St. George de Clarenceville, Rouville Co., 1 story block, 1 fam.,
John Terry age 50 male born in Canada occ./rel. laborer, Methodist, married. Sarah age 52 female born in Canada
occ./rel. Methodist, married. Adam age 12 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Sarah age 7 female born in Canada
occ./rel. Methodist. Eliza age 19 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist.
19 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Édouard-René Demers repertoire.
Federal Population Schedule, 1-Oct-1860, pp. 155.31, dw. 1025, Saranac, Clinton Co., NY, fam. 976, Ralphas
Schoocraft age 50 sex m day laborer born in Canada, Julia age 36 sex f born in VT, Hannah age 3 sex f born in NY,
John age 2 mos. sex m born in NY, Hannah Otus age 74 sex f house work born in NY.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Alburg Town records, FHL 0027773 Marriage Book, pp. 101: State of Vermont, Grand
Isle County: 2 Mar 1848 Cornelius E. S. Adle of Canada East and Anna Minerva Schoolcraft of same place by John W.
Sowles, J.P.

Québec: Census, 26-Jan-1852: pp. 15.36, Dist.1, Phillipsburg, Missisquoi Co., 1 story frame, 1 fam., Cornelius E. S.
Adle age 42 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. blacksmith, Weslyan, married. Anna M. age 32 female born in Canada
occ./rel. Weslyan, married. Rose Rave age 10 female born in Canada occ./rel. Catholic. George W. Adle age 2 male
born in Canada occ./rel. Weslyan.
23 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: Unumbered 26th February 1833 Thomas Schoolcraft to Isaac

24 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Isaac Schoolcraft of the Parish of St. George de Clarenceville in

the Province of Québec, Canada, died on the twenty first day of May in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight
hundred and eighty and was buried on the twenty third day of the same month and of the same year. By me John Hunt
Minister. Witness Asahel Hawley.
25 Vermont: Birth Record, Alburg Town Book Two, pp. 15: Diadamia Niles January 27th 1797, Elizabeth Niles

February 10th 1799 - Ichabod Niles.

26 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1860, dw. 26, Alburgh Springs, Grand Isle Co., VT, fam. 27, Diadama Niles age

63 sex f born in VT.

27 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 9.13, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story, 1 family block

house, Isaac Schoolcraft age 61 M/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. farmer, no denom., Dorne Schoolcraft age 55 F/M
born in U.S.A. occ./rel. matron, no denom., Herick Schoolcraft age 34 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, no
denom., Helena Schoolcraft age 27 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, no denom., Eliza Schoolcraft age 21 F/S
born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, no denom., David Schoolcraft age 17 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, no
denom., Maranda Schoolcraft age 12 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. no denom., Ruggles Schoolcraft age 3 M/S born in
L. Canada occ./rel. no denom.
28 Vermont, Alburg: Town Records, Book 10, pp. 176: Miller, John, M: 10-Feb-1839, Dadamia Sunderland. Alanson

Niles Minister.
29 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.9: Schoolcraft, Minerva A. died 12-Nov-

1860 and was buried 14-Nov-1860 wife of Cornelius Adle. Wit. M. C. Flanders.
30 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jul-1870, pp. 66.37, dw. 513, Beekmantown, Clinton Co., NY, fam. 503, County

Paupers, Julia Schoolcraft age 39 sex f Idiotic born in Ireland, Joseph Schoolcraft age 5 sex m born in NY.
31 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Aug-1870, pp. 29.37, dw. 217, Saranac, Clinton Co., NY, fam. 217, George Terry

age 27 sex m farmer born in VT, Clarina age 47 sex f keeps house born in VT, Oliver age 57 sex m born in VT, Ellin
age 24 sex f born in NY, James Kimball age 2 sex m born in NY, Julia Schoolcraft age 43 sex f pauper born in VT,
Hannah age 13 sex f domestic born in NY.
32 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Sep-1850, pp. 248.19, dw. 9, Harriets Town, Franklin Co., NY, fam. 9, Stephen Otis

age 63 sex m farmer born in NH, Hannah age 64 sex f born in NH, Julia Ann age 23 sex f born in VT.
33 Ruiter's Corner, Stanstead Co. / Northern Vermont Cemetery Index from Stanstead Historical Society, Colby-Curtis

Museum, Stanstead, Québec: Schoolcraft, Heman L; Ruiter's, born Feb 12, 1844; died Feb 11, 1905. Husband or Wife
Section: Sarah M Terry- died Sep 28, 1872. Notes Section: Age of wife 27/02/03.
34 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage of Henry Schoolcraft to Sarah Terry on 8-Sep-1868. First

marriage of Henry Schoolcraft residing in Stanstead PQ, occupation Farmer, age 26, born Clarenceville PQ, parents
George Schoolcraft & Abigail Kist. First marriage of Sarah Terry residing in Clarenceville PQ, age 23, born
Clarenceville PQ, parents John Terry & Sarah Schoolcraft.
35 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Henry W. Schoolcraft and Lucinda Beters on 16-

Apr-1878. 2nd marriage of Henry W. Schoolcraft age 35 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Stanstead QC.
Occupation Farmer, parents Geo. Schoolcraft & Abigail Irish.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Holland VT reported marriage between Heman L. Schoolcraft and Mary Barry on 6-
Sep-1887. 1st marriage of Heman L. Schoolcraft age 43 born in Caswell Manor PQ residing in Stanstead PQ.
Occupation Carpenter, parents George Schoolcraft & A. Irish.
Québec: Newspapers, "Electronic," Stanstead Journal: Married: At the residence of the bride's father on
Dec.22,1869, by Rev. E.B. Ryckham, Jared Schoolcraft to Loellah P., eldest daughter of Mr. Edwin Moulton, both of
Vermont: Marriage Record, FHL US/CAN 0027773 and 0027769 Alburg Town records: State of Vermont, Grand
Isle County: Be it remembered that at Alburgh in said county on this 6th day of Sept AD 1844 William Schoolcraft and
Mary Hoyle both of Caldwell's Manor Province of Canada were duly joined in marriage by me B Gordon Justice
39 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Nov-1850, dw. 3337, Champlain, Clinton Co., NY, fam. 3579, Wm. Schoolcraft

age 31 sex M farmer born in Canada, Mary age 28 sex F born in Canada, Sarah age 6 sex F born in Canada, Wm. age 4
sex M born in Canada, Catherine age 3 sex F born in Canada, Caroline age 2 sex F born in Canada, Walter age 1/12 sex
M born in Canada, Adaline Hogle age 16 sex F born in Canada.

Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 3.11, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family log house,
Wm. Schoolcraft age 46 M/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, W. Methodist, Mary Schoolcraft age 39 F/M born in
L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Sarah Schoolcraft age 17 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, W. Methodist,
William Schoolcraft age 15 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, W. Methodist, Eleanor Schoolcraft age 14 F/S
born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Caroline Schoolcraft age 13 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist,
Walter Schoolcraft age 11 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, George Schoolcraft age 10 M/S born in
U.S.A. occ./rel. W. Methodist, Ann Schoolcraft age 9 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Jacob Schoolcraft
age 7 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Herbert Schoolcraft age 5 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W.
Methodist, Horatio Schoolcraft age 3 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Emina Schoolcraft age 1 F/S born
in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist.
41 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jul-1870, pp. 42.16, dw. 315, Highgate, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 320, William

Schoolcraft age 59 sex M farm laborer born in Canada, Mary age 48 sex F born in Canada, Ann age 16 sex F born in
Canada, Herbert age 14 sex M born in Canada, Horatio age 12 sex M born in Canada, Emma age 10 sex F born in
Canada, Augusta age 7 sex F born in Canada, Lucy age 6 sex F born in Canada, Louise age 4 sex F born in Canada.
42 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Donaldson cemetery: Will~~~ ~~~t | died | March 10, 1880 | ae. 64 yrs. | Buried next

to Mary, top of stone broken.

Québec: Military Records, Books, official records, etc., Rouville Militia Muster Roll 4th and 5th July 1838.
44 Québec: Military Records, Books, official records, etc., Rouville Militia Muster Roll January 1st to March 28th,

45 Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, Aird: SCHOOLCRAFT, William A.
46 Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, McLellan 1941: Infant || Dau. of || William M. & || Hannah E. ||

Schoolcraft || Died || Nov. 12, 1859 || AE. 2 mo. 22 d's.

47 Photograph of William Miller Schoolcraft and his wife Hannah Eliza Irish
48 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. William's children.
49 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Where the children went.
50 Québec: Military Records, Books, official records, etc., Rouville Militia Muster Roll 6th December 1837 to 1st

April 1838.
51 Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, McLellan 1941: In memory of || Wm. Schoolcraft || who died Jan

28 || 1844 || In the 78th year of his age || And the heavens shall declare his || Righteousness for god is Judge himself. In
memory of || Catherine Miller || wife of || Wm. Schoolcraft || who died Dec 5th, 1843 || in the 64 year of her Age || For
thou art my hope O, Lord God, || Thou art my trust from my youth.
52 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1630512: Petition for Town of Granby, 28-Mar-1795
53 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1631062: Oath of Allegiance at Missisquoi Bay in 1795.
54 Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, photographs of markers.
55 Québec: Military Records, Books, official records, etc., Annual Return of the 3rd Battallion of the Rouville Militia,

January 1st, 1838.

56 Lib. Arch. Can. MG 31 C1 Film C-731, FHL US/CAN Film #1375937, 12 March 1842: pp. 2479.10, St-Georges [de

Clarenceville], Rouville Co. Head of household William Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. Total present in household 5.
Native of Canada 3 Eng. Native of U.S.A. 2. Years in province for non native 48. Males: 2 21 but not 30 Sing., 1 60
and up Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Marr. 5 British Weslyan Methodist.
57 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Oct-1850, pp. 132.29, dw. 153, Parishville, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 156,

Thomas Schoolcraft age 53 sex m farmer born in Canada, Eunice age 47 sex f born in VT, Orris M. age 18 sex m born
in Canada, Eleanor M. age 16 sex f born in Canada, William J. age 14 sex m born in VT, Catharine M. age 10 sex f
born in Canada, John H. age 7 sex m born in NY, Alsina C. age 3 sex f born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 28-Aug-1860, pp. 176.27, dw. 1255, Parishville, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 1295,
Thomas Schoolcraft age 65 sex M farmer born in Canada, Eunice age 58 sex F born in VT, John H. age 17 sex M farm
laborer born in NY, Alzina age 14 sex F born in NY, fam. 1296, James F. Linsly age 30 sex M farmer born in NY,
Elenor age 27 sex F born in Canada, Elizabeth age 8 sex F born in NY, Lucia age 6 sex F born in NY, Emma A. age 1
sex F born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 27-Jun-1870, pp. 1.20, dw. 4, Alma, Jackson Co., WI, fam. 5, Thomas Schoolcraft age
69 sex M farmer born in Canada, Eunice age 68 sex F wife born in VT, Mary age 30 sex F born in Canada, John H. age
27 sex M born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 10-Jul-1860, pp. 35.03, dw. 276, Dickinson, Franklin Co., NY, fam. 268, John
Peabody age 33 sex M farmer born in VT, Hannah F. age 32 sex F born in Canada East, Lorenzo F. age 9 sex M born
in NY, Lucinda M. age 5 sex F born in NY.

Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1870, pp. 1.24, dw. 5, Alma, Jackson Co., WI, fam. 6, John W. Peabody age
42 sex m farmer born in VT, Hannah age 42 sex f born in Canada, Lorenzo age 19 sex m born in NY, Lucinda M. age
18 sex f born in NY, Gara S. age 10 sex m born in NY, Nellie V. age 7 sex f born in NY, Carrie age 5 sex f born in NY,
Hila age 5 mos. sex f born in WI.
62 Federal Population Schedule, 7, 8 & 9-Jun-1900, pp. 21A.40, dw. 53, fam. 53, ED #42, East Alma, Jackson Co., WI

: John W. Peabody head male married age 74 born in Oct 1825, VT occupation farmer, marr. 50 yrs. father born in NH
mother born in NH: Hannah wife female married age 71 born in May 1829, Canada Eng. occupation marr. 50 yrs., 6
ch., 2 liv. father born in Canada Eng. mother born in VT: Gary son male widow age 40 born in Oct 1859, NY
occupation farmer father born in VT mother born in Canada Ella dau-in-law female single age 14 born in Nov 1885,
WI occupation at school father born in NY mother born in NE.
63 Federal Population Schedule, 7, 8 & 9-Jun-1900, pp. 21B.60, dw. 58, fam. 58, ED #42, East Alma, Jackson Co., WI

: Lorenzo Peabody head male married age 50 born in Oct 1849, NY occupation farmer, marr. 10 yrs. father born in VT
mother born in Can. Eng.: Albertinia wife female married age 52 born in Sep 1847, Ger. occupation marr. 10 yrs., 5
ch., 5 liv. father born in Ger. mother born in Ger.: William Schoolcraft step-son male single age 25 born in Apr 1875,
WI occupation day laborer father born in Ger. mother born in Ger.: Harry step-son male single age 19 born in Jul 1880,
WI occupation day laborer father born in Ger. mother born in Ger.: Mable step-dau female single age 13 born in Apr
1887, WI father born in Ger. mother born in Ger.
64 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255429 NA Film T9-1429 pp. 2695D, 1880 Alma, Jackson Co., WI

: J. F. CROMBIE Self married white age 35 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in NH mother born in CT: M.
IRISH Other married white age 21 born in VT occupation Laborer father born in VT mother born in VT: A. GEARING
Other married white age 19 born in NY occupation Laborer father born in ENG mother born in NY: Alonzo IRISH
Other married white age 25 born in VT occupation Laborer father born in VT mother born in VT.
65 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Jun-1900, pp. 343A.29, dw. 121, fam. 125, ED #59, Dewey, Chippewa Co., WI :

Alonzo Irish head male married age 45 born in May 1855, VT occupation mill teamster, marr. 11 yrs. father born in VT
mother born in ME: Eunice wife female married age 31 born in Oct 1868, WI occupation marr. 11yrs., 2 ch., 1 liv.
father born in NY mother born in WI: Willis J. ODell son-in-law male married age 25 born in Nov 1874, WI
occupation lath feeder, marr. 1 mos. father born in NY mother born in NY: Mirtie dau female married age 19 born in
Mar 1881, WI occupation marr. 1 mos. father born in VT mother born in WI.
66 Federal Population Schedule, 29-Jul-1850, pp. 16.10, dw. 216, Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 238, Charles

Parmenter age 47 sex M farmer born in VT, Roxana age 40 sex F born in VT, Harriet age 18 sex F born in NY, Dorcas
age 16 sex F born in NY, Charles age 7 sex M born in NY, George Schoolcraft age 21 sex M laborer born in Canada,
John Linsey age 23 sex M laborer born in IN, Frederick Lewis age 18 sex M laborer born in NY.
67 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1860, pp. 8.28, dw. 55, BoTwoville, Twoida Co., NY, fam. 57, Eliza Merry

age 37 sex M farmer born in NY, Susan age 28 sex F born in NY, fam. 58, George Schoolcraft age 36 sex M born in
NY, Julia age 26 sex F born in NY, Willard age 2 sex M born in NY.
68 Federal Population Schedule, 28-Jun-1870, pp. 132.27, dw. 733, Chicopee, Hampden Co., MA, fam. 1028, Large

Boarding House, Julia Schoolcraft age 34 sex f in cotton mill born in NY, Many Intervening Entries, fam. pp. 133.08,
Willie Schoolcraft age 14 sex m in cotton mill born in NY.
69 Federal Population Schedule, 8-Jun-1900, pp. 123B.83, dw. 39, fam. 39, ED #83, Seward, Colton, St. Lawrence Co.,

NY : William Schoolcraft head male widow age 41 born in Jan 1859, NY occupation farmer father born in NY mother
born in NY: Lyda Dau female single age 16 born in Mar 1884, NY father born in NY mother born in NY: Jessie dau
female single age 14 born in Feb 1886, NY father born in NY mother born in NY: Hazel dau female single age 9 born
in Apr 1891, NY father born in NY mother born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 30-Jun-1860, pp. 32.04, dw. 238, Fowler, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 240, Oris
Schoolcraft age 26 farmer born in Upper Canada, Emily age 23 born in VT, Eva age 3 born in NY, Florence age 2 born
in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 22-Aug-1870, pp. 24.35, dw. 199, Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 204, Orris
Schoolcraft age 40 sex M laborer born in Canada, both parents foreign birth, Emily age 35 sex F keeping house born in
VT, Eva A. age 14 sex F born in NY, Jessie age 9 sex M attending school born in NY, Harvy age 3 sex M born in NY,
Franklin age 1 sex M born in NY.
72 Federal Population Schedule, 29-Jul-1870, pp. 26.02, dw. 187, Fowler, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 196, W.

Thompson age 37 sex m farmer born in NY, Jane age 33 sex f keeps house born in VT, Healey age 8 sex f born in NY,
Sarah age 6 sex f born in NY, Nellie age 1 sex f born in NY, Eva Schoolcraft age 14 sex f domestic born in NY.
73 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254925 NA Film T9-0925 pp. 254B: Pitcairn, St. Lawrence Co., NY

: Elizbath BEEBE Self female widow white age 75 born in CT occupation Keeping House father born in CT mother
born in CT: Auther HETH Other male married white age 25 born in NY occupation Laborer father born in NY mother
born in NY: Eva HETH Other female married white age 24 born in NY occupation Keeping House father born in NY
mother born in NY: Jerome HETH Other male single white age 9M born in NY father born in NY mother born in NY.

Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1900, pp. 201B.51, dw. 12, fam. 12, ED #89, Fowler, St. Lawrence Co., NY :
Arthur Heath head male married age 45 born in May 1855, NY occupation talc sacker, marr. 22 yrs. father born in VT
mother born in NY: Eva wife female married age 43 born in Aug 1856, NY occupation marr. 22 yrs., 8 ch., 8 liv. father
born in NY mother born in VT: Sarah dau female single age 16 born in Sep 1883, NY father born in NY mother born in
NY: Pansy dau female single age 14 born in Mar 1886, NY father born in NY mother born in NY: Useba dau female
single age 9 born in Sep 1890, NY father born in NY mother born in NY: David son male single age 7 born in Jul 1893,
NY father born in NY mother born in NY: Henry son male single age 3 born in Oct 1896, NY father born in NY
mother born in NY: Steven Porter boarder male widow age 57 born in Oct 1852, NY occupation no occupation, wd
(32y noted but crossed out) father born in VT mother born in VT.
75 Federal Population Schedule, 26-Apr-1910 De Kalb, St. Lawrence Co., NY dw. 167, family 173. : Jessie Heath head

male age 25 born in NY single occupation laborer, odd jobs father born in NY mother born in NY: Arthur father male
age 56 born in NY married occupation farm labor m. 33 Yr father born in NY mother born in NY: Eva mother female
age 56 born in NY married occupation m. 33 Yr, 8 ch, 7 living father born in NY mother born in NY: Daniel brother
male age 17 born in NY single occupation laborer, odd jobs father born in NY mother born in NY: Henry brother male
age 13 born in NY single father born in NY mother born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jul-1870, pp. 3.25, dw. 24, Pitcairn, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 23, Enoch
Manchester age 69 sex m farmer born in VT, Maribah age 69 sex f keeps house born in VT, Florence Schoolcraft age
12 sex f born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254925 National Archives Film T9-0925 pp. 255C: Pitcairn, St.
Lawrence Co., NY : R. HUNKERFORD Self male married white age 40 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in
NY mother born in NY: Polly HUNKERFORD Wife female married white age 40 born in NY occupation Keeping
House father born in NY mother born in NY: Sarah SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female married white age 20 born in NY
occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Jessie SCHOOLCRAFT SonL male married white age 20
born in NY occupation Laborer father born in NY mother born in NY: Charles HUNKERFORD Son male single white
age 18 born in NY occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY.
78 Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jun-1900, pp. 266A.29, dw. 192, fam. 195, ED #72, Tuscarora Twp, Cheboygan

Co., MI : Jesse Schoolcraft head male married age 40 born in Sep 1859, NY occupation farm laborer, marr. 21 yrs.
father born in NY mother born in NY: Sarah wife female married age 40 born in May 1860, NY occupation marr. 21
yrs., 4 ch., 4 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Charles son male single age 14 born in Dec 1885, MI
occupation farm laborer father born in NY mother born in NY: Emma dau female single age 11 born in Aug 1888, MI
father born in NY mother born in NY: Myron son male single age 5 born in Aug 1895, MI father born in NY mother
born in NY.
79 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254925 National Archives Film T9-0925 pp. 254B: Pitcairn, St.

Lawrence Co., NY : George WAKEFORD Self male married white age 59 born in ENG occupation Farmer father born
in ENG mother born in ENG: Emela WAKEFORD Wife female married white age 48 born in VT occupation Keeping
House father born in VT mother born in VT: Anna WAKEFORD Dau female single white age 13 born in NY
occupation At Home father born in ENG mother born in VT: Albert WAKEFORD Son male single white age 2 born in
NY father born in ENG mother born in VT: Harvy SCOOLCRAFT SSon male single white age 13 born in NY
occupation At Home father born in CAN mother born in VT: Myron SCOOLCRAFT SSon male single white age 11
born in NY occupation At Home father born in CAN mother born in VT.
80 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1900, pp. 176A.14, dw. 131, fam. 134, ED #87, Edwards, St. Lawrence Co.,

NY : Harvey Schoolcraft head male married age 33 born in Jul 1866, NY occupation photographer, marr. 12 yrs. father
born in NY mother born in NY: Estella wife female married age 35 born in Sep 1864, Can. Eng. occupation marr. 12
yrs., 1 ch., 1 liv., emmig. 1879 father born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.: Katie dau female single age 11 born
in Jun 1888, NY father born in NY mother born in Can. Eng.
81 Federal Population Schedule, 5-Jun-1900, pp. 185A.01, dw. 22, fam. 22, ED #88, Finer, St. Lawrence Co., NY :

Myron Schoolcraft head male married age 31 born in Sep 1868, NY occupation woodsman, marr. 13 yrs. father born in
NY mother born in VT: Esther wife female married age 32 born in Apr 1868, Can. occupation marr. 13 yrs., 2 ch., 2
liv., emmig. 1884 father born in Can. mother born in Can.: Jessie son male single age 11 born in Aug 1888, NY father
born in NY mother born in Can.: Orris son male single age 4 born in Apr 1896, NY father born in NY mother born in
82 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1870, pp. 1.31, dw. 8, Colton, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 8, James F. Lindsay

age 40 sex M laborer born in NY, Eleanor M. Lindsay age 36 sex F keeps house born in Canada, Lucy S. Lindsay age
16 sex F at home born in NY, Emma Lindsay age 12 sex F at home born in NY, Benjamin Lindsay age 8 sex M born in
NY, Sarah J. Lindsay age 6 sex F born in NY.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254925 NA Film T9-0925 pp. 3A: Colton, St. Lawrence Co., NY :
James SYNDSA Self male married white age 50 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in NY mother born in NY:
Elen SYNDSA Wife female married white age 49 born in CAN occupation Keeps House father born in NY mother
born in NY: Lucy SYNDSA Dau female single white age 22 born in NY father born in NY mother born in CAN: Ema
SYNDSA Dau female single white age 20 born in NY father born in NY mother born in CAN: Benjamin SYNDSA
Son male single white age 17 born in NY father born in NY mother born in CAN: Saddie SYNDSA Dau female single
white age 14 born in NY father born in NY mother born in CAN: Fred SYNDSA Son male single white age 6 born in
NY father born in NY mother born in CAN.
84 Federal Population Schedule, 4-Aug-1860, Harrietstown, Franklin Co., NY, dw. 1185, family 1185, William

Schoolcraft age 24 sex m farmer born in NY, Daniel Chamberlain age 48 sex m born in VT, Betsey Chamberlain age
74 sex f born in NY.
85 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1870, pp. 1.13, dw. 3, Alma, Jackson Co., WI, fam. 3, Wm. Schoolcraft age 34

sex M farmer born in NY, Silva age 26 sex F born in NY, Viola age 9 sex F born in NY, Orpha age 7 sex F born in NY,
Eunice age 4 sex F born in WI, fam. 4, Elijah Reynolds age 58 sex M farm laborer born in VT, Sarah age 59 sex F born
in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255448 National Archives Film T9-1448 pp. 97C: 8-Jun-1880
Lincoln, Trempealeau Co., WI dw. 91, family 98. : Wm. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 43 born in NY
occupation Farmer father born in CANADA mother born in NY: Susan SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white
age 36 born in NY occupation Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: Eunice SCHOOLCRAFT Dau
female single white age 13 born in WI occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in NY: Edwin
SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 8 born in WI occupation In School father born in NY mother born in NY:
Phebe SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 5 born in WI occupation father born in NY mother born in NY:
Nellie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 5 Mos. born in WI occupation father born in NY mother born in
87 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255448 NA Film T9-1448 pp. 103C, 1880 Pigeon, Trempealeau

Co., WI : Crocker J. SMALL Self male married white age 39 born in NH occupation Farmer father born in VT mother
born in MA: Orpha SMALL Wife female married white age 17 born in NY occupation Keeping House father born in --
- mother born in ---.
88 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255429 NA Film T9-1429 pp. 2695D, 1880 Alma, Jackson Co., WI

: J. F. CROMBIE Self married white age 35 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in NH mother born in CT: M.
IRISH Other married white age 21 born in VT occupation Laborer father born in VT mother born in VT: A. GEARING
Other married white age 19 born in NY occupation Laborer father born in ENG mother born in NY: Alonzo IRISH
Other married white age 25 born in VT occupation Laborer father born in VT mother born in VT.
89 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1860, Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co., NY, dw. 57, family 72, Paul Davis age

52 sex M Ashry Man born in NY, Emoline Davis age 15 sex F born in NY, Evolin Davis age 15 sex F, Catharine S.
Schoolcraft age 20 sex F servant born in NY, Amelia Davis age 11 sex F born in NY.
90 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255429 National Archives Film T9-1429 pp. 265D: 8-Jun-1880

Alma, Jackson Co., WI dw. 78, family 83. : John SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 38 born in VT
occupation Farmer father born in not stated mother born in not stated: Albertina SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married
white age 33 born in GER occupation Keeping House father born in GER mother born in GER: Henry S.
SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 8 born in WI occupation father born in VT mother born in GER: Willie S.
SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 5 born in WI occupation father born in VT mother born in GER: Minna
SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 2 born in WI occupation father born in VT mother born in GER.
Federal Population Schedule, 21-Apr-1910, pp. 42.01, dw. 131, fam. 134, ED #39, Thorpe, Clark Co., WI : Elzina
Irish head female age 62 born in WI widow occupation 9 ch., 6 liv., washerwoman father born in U.S. mother born in
U.S.: Henry son male age 22 born in WI single occupation laborer saw mill father born in U.S. mother born in WI:
Emil son male age 33 born in WI married, age at first marriage 9 occupation laborer saw mill father born in U.S.
mother born in WI: Luise dau-in-law female age 24 born in MI married, age at first marriage 9 occupation 1 ch. 1 liv.
father born in WI mother born in MI: Grace gr-dau female age 8 born in WI single father born in WI mother born in
92 Federal Population Schedule, 228-Sep-1850, pp. 22.38, dw. 187, Charlotte, Chittenden Co., VT, fam. 187, Harley

Irish age 22 sex M laborer born in VT, Armina age 21 sex F born in VT, Fayette Thurston age 11 sex M born in VT,
Andrew Irish age 2 mos. sex M born in VT.
93 Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jul-1860, pp. 427, dw. 1584, Huntington, Chittenden Co., VT, fam. 1590, Harly

Irish age 32 sex m farmer laborer born in VT, Armina age 30 sex f born in VT, Andrew age 10 sex m born in VT,
Rosina age 8 sex f born in VT, Rosilla age 8 sex f born in VT, Alonzo age 6 sex m born in VT, Ellise age 4 sex f born
in VT, Murry age 1 sex m born in VT, Job age 76 sex m born in VT, Sarah age 70 sex f born in VT.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255419 NA Film T9-1419 pp. 388C, Hixon, Clark Co., WI : Harley
PRISH Self male married white age 51 born in VT occupation Farmer father born in VT mother born in VT: Alzina
PRISH Wife female white age 35 born in NY occupation Keeping House father born in VT mother born in VT: Harly
PRISH Son married white age 18 born in VT occupation At Home father born in VT mother born in NY: Cara PRISH
Dau white age 13 born in WI occupation At Home father born in VT mother born in NY: Effey PRISH Dau white age
8 born in WI father born in VT mother born in NY: George PRISH Son married white age 5 born in WI father born in
VT mother born in NY: Leon PRISH Son married white age 4 born in WI father born in VT mother born in NY: Guy
L. PRISH Son married white age 5M born in WI father born in VT mother born in NY.
95 Federal Population Schedule, Jun-1900, pp. 210B.89, dw. 100, fam. 101, ED #30, Thorpe, Clark Co., WI : Harvey

Irish head male married age 72 born in Mar, 1828, VT occupation old soldier, marr. 30 yrs. father born in VT mother
born in VT: Elzinah wife female married age 54 born in Jun 1846, NY occupation marr. 30 yrs, 7 ch., 6 liv. father born
in NY mother born in NY: George son male single age 27 born in Sep 1873, WI occupation day laborer father born in
VT mother born in NY: Leon son male single age 23 born in Jul 1876, WI occupation day laborer father born in VT
mother born in NY: Julia dau female single age 17 born in Jan 1883, WI occupation school father born in VT mother
born in NY: Henry son male single age 12 born in Jan 1888, WI occupation school father born in VT mother born in
NY: Jennie dau female single age 8 born in Sep 1891, WI father born in VT mother born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jun-1900, pp. 120B.84, ED #165, Derby Center village, Derby, Orleans Co., VT :
Henry Schoolcraft head male married age 56 born in Apr 1844, Can. Eng. occupation farmer, marr. 22 yrs., emmig.
1882 father born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.: Lucinda wife female married age 44 born in Jan 1855, VT
occupation marr. 22 yrs., 4 ch., 4 liv.: Allen W. son male single age 20 born in Jul 1879, VT occupation farm laborer
father born in Can. Eng. mother born in VT: Helen dau female single age 17 born in Dec 1882, VT father born in Can.
Eng. mother born in VT: Dora dau female single age 13 born in Sep 1886, VT father born in Can. Eng. mother born in
VT: Ethel M. dau female single age 8 born in May 1892, VT father born in Can. Eng. mother born in VT.
97 Federal Population Schedule, Main Street 22-Apr-1910 Derby, Orleans Co., VT dw. 48, family 47. : Henry

Schoolcraft head male age 68 born in Canada married occupation foreman, road work father born in Unknown mother
born in Unknown: Lucinda wife female age 58 born in Canada married father born in Canada mother born in Canada:
Dora A daughter female age 22 born in VT single father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Ethel May daughter
female age 18 born in VT single father born in Canada mother born in Canada.
98 Federal Population Schedule, 17-Jan-1920 Derby Center, Orleans Co., VT dw. 37, family 41. : Lucinda Schoolcraft

wife female age 63 born in Canada widow father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Dora A. daughter female age
30 born in VT single father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Edward Corliss son in law male age 25 born in VT
married occupation Mason father born in VT mother born in Canada: Mary E. daughter female age 26 born in VT
married father born in Canada mother born in Canada.
99 Federal Population Schedule, 8-Jan-1920 Derby, Orleans Co., VT dw. 51, family 51. : Charles Jr. Morrill head male

married age 53 born in VT occupation farmer father born in VT mother born in MA: Lucy A. wife female married age
45 born in Québec father born in Québec mother born in VT: Lizzie Schoolcraft mother-in-law female widow age 76
born in VT father born in Ireland mother born in Ireland: Ernest Johnson hired man male single age 31 born in Québec
occupation laborer father born in VT mother born in Canada.
100 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 pp. 297B: Swanton,

Franklin Co., VT : Mary SCHOOLCRAFT Self female white age 58 born in CAN occupation Keeps House father born
in CAN mother born in CAN: Walter SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 30 born in CAN occupation Farmer
father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Horatio SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 21 born in CAN
occupation Farmer father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Louisa SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 14
born in CAN father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
Federal Population Schedule, 3-Aug-1870, pp. 21.01, dw. 158, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 161, Charles
Jewitt age 29 sex M farmer born in VT, Louise age 24 sex F born in VT, Hasley age 2 born in VT, George age 9 mos.
sex M born in VT, Wm. Schoolcraft age 23 sex M farm laborer born in Canada, Elizabeth Beagle age 21 sex F servant
born in VT.
102 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1900, pp. 297A.08, dw. 383, fam. 398, ED #120, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :

Leonard Schoolcraft head male married age 27 born in Nov 1872, VT occupation farmer, marr. 4 yrs. father born in
Can. Eng. mother born in VT: Ella wife female married age 25 born in Feb 1875, VT occupation marr. 4 yrs., 1 ch., 1
liv. father born in Can. Eng. mother born in VT: Lyman son male single age 1 born in Oct 1898, VT father born in VT
mother born in VT: Heman Beagle grandfather male widow age 86 born in Dec 1813, VT father born in VT mother
born in VT.
103 Federal Population Schedule, 11-Jun-1900, pp. 54B.76, dw. 87, fam. 94, ED #736, Wood St., Concord, Middlesex

Co., MA : Marvin E. Emerick & family : Walter Schoolcraft boarder male married age 48 born in Apr 1852, Canada
occupation marr. 20 yrs., emmig. 1872 father born in Can. mother born in Can.: Zoa Schoolcraft servant female
married age 40 born in Mar 1860, VT occupation servant, marr. 20 yrs., 0 ch. father born in VT mother born in VT.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 pp. 299A: Swanton,
Franklin Co., VT : George SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 29 born in NY occupation Farmer father
born in CAN mother born in CAN: Alma SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 30 born in VT occupation
Keeps House father born in VT mother born in VT: Merton SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 5 born in VT
father born in NY mother born in VT: Mary SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 2 born in VT father born in
NY mother born in VT.
105 Federal Population Schedule, 8-Jun-1900, pp. 253B.79, dw. 107, fam. 108, ED #122, Alburg, Grand Isle Co., VT :

Geo. Schoolcraft head male married age 49 born in May 1851, NY occupation farmer, marr. 4 yrs. father born in Can.
Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.: Emogene wife female married age 45 born in Feb 1855, VT occupation mar.. 4 yrs., 5
ch., 2 liv. father born in VT mother born in VT: Clarence son male single age 17 born in Oct 1882, VT occupation
farmer father born in VT mother born in VT: Nila Reynolds step-dau female single age 19 born in Sep 1880, VT
occupation housekeeper father born in VT mother born in VT: Orman step-son male single age 14 born in Feb 1885,
VT father born in VT mother born in VT.
Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1900, pp. 61A.10, dw. 2, fam. 2, ED #527, 8 Dwight St., Holyoke, Hampden
Co., MA : Edward Bruce & family : Murton Schoolcraft border male single age 26 born in Oct 1873, VT occupation
carpenter father born in VT mother born in VT.
Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1900, pp. 248A.40, dw. 155, fam. 162, ED #59, Walden, Caledonia Co., VT :
Edward Goodenough & family : Gaylord Schoolcraft servant male single age 20 born in Jul 1879, VT father born in
VT mother born in VT.
108 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Jun-1870, pp. 18.08, dw. 125, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 128, Samuel

Dexter age 58 sex M farm laborer born in VT, Elizabeth age 56 sex F born in VT, Jacob Schoolcraft age 16 sex M farm
laborer born in Canada.
109 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 pp. 284C: St. Albans,

Franklin Co., VT : J. S. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 26 born in CAN occupation Farmer father born
in CAN mother born in CAN: Elizabeth SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 30 born in CAN occupation
Keeps House father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Miner SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 6 mos.
born in VT father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Sarah Ann SCHOOLCRAFT Mother female white age 54 born in
CAN occupation Keeps House father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
110 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jun-1900, pp. 148B.80, dw. 341, fam. 351, ED #112, Highgate, Franklin Co., VT :

Elizabeth Schoolcraft head female widow age 49 born in Nov 1850, Can. Eng. occupation dress maker, emmig. 1859, 4
ch. 2 liv. father born in Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.
111 Federal Population Schedule, 8-Jun-1900, pp. 111A.01, dw. 76, fam. 79, ED #110, Franklin, Franklin Co., VT :

Homer L. Titemore & family : Myrna B. Schoolcraft servant female single age 20 born in Dec 1879, VT occupation
milliner's apprentice father born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.
112 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jun-1900, pp. 144B.79, dw. 250, fam. 255, ED #112, Highgate, Franklin Co., VT :

Charles Carman & family : William Schoolcraft servant male single age 18 born in Jul 1881, VT occupation farm
laborer father born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.
113 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jun-1900, pp. 287A.40, dw. 193, fam. 201, ED #120, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :

Nelson Paquette household : Herbert Schoolcraft laborer male married age 43 born in Jun 1856, Can. Eng. occupation
farm labourer, marr. 3 yrs., emmig. 1860 father born in Can Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.
114 Federal Population Schedule, Jun-1900, pp. 124A.14, dw. 217, fam. 249, ED #146, 130 Granite St., St. Paul,

Ramsey Co., MN : Horatio Schoolcraft head male married age 45 born in Jun 1854, Can. Eng. occupation helper boiler
RR, marr. 10 yrs., immig. 1899 father born in Eng. mother born in Eng.: Mary wife female married age 45 born in Oct
1854, Can. Eng. occupation marr. 10 yrs., 1 ch., 1 liv., emmig. 1866 father born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.:
Carrie Stilphen boarder female single age 25 born in Nov 1874, MN occupation dressmaker father born in VT mother
born in VT.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 pp. 297A: Swanton,
Franklin Co., VT : Rufus BARNEY Self male married white age 42 born in CT occupation Farmer father born in VT
mother born in CT: Sarah BARNEY Wife female married white age 34 born in NY occupation Keeps House father
born in VT mother born in NH: Auguste SCHOOLCRAFT Other male single white age 17 born in CAN occupation
Servant father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Lester RICHEY Other male single white age 23 born in CAN
occupation Farmer father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 822.19, St. George, Bedford Co. Head of household Thomas Schoolcraft, 4 total in
household, 1 under 6, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
117 Québec: Census, Seignories of Foucault, Noyan and Sabrevios Census, December 4th, 1830: Entry No. 194, Noyan,

Head of Household Thos. Schoolcraft, No. of Male 3, No. of Female 3, Total 6.

Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 13.13, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., John Terry age 59 m/m born
in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, W. Meth., Sarah age 60 f/m born in L. Canada occ./rel. matron, W. Meth., Sarah age 16
f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, W. Meth., Adam age 19 m/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, W. Meth.,
Mary Derick age 18 f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, W. Meth., Ann age 19 f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel.
spinster, Episcopalian.
Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district B || Division 1 ||
pp. 15 || hse. 70 || Census Place: Ste-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., QC || John Terry Married German Male
age 78 born in QC, Farmer || Sarah Terry Married German Female age 79 born in QC.
120 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 9.04, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., Daniel Young age 37 m/m

born in L. Canada occ./rel. farmer, C. of Eng., Mary age 34 f/m born in L. Canada occ./rel. matron, W. Meth., Ransford
age 10 m/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. labourer, W. Meth., Sarah age 3 f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, W.
121 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Saint-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., pp. 9.49, Hse. 109,

Daniel Young, age 75, Head, married, male, born in Québec on May 6 1825, Mary Young, age 74, Wife, married,
female, born in Québec on Apr 9 1828.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 12.16, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family frame
house, Frederick Beerwort Jr. age 30 m/m born in L. Canada occ./rel. farmer, W. Meth., Eliza age 29 f/m born in L.
Canada occ./rel. housekeeper, W. Meth., Herbert age 8 m/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. labourer, W. Meth., Mary
Derick age 17 f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, W. Meth.
123 Québec: Census, 25-Mar-1852: pp. 7.33, Dist. 10, St. George de Clarenceville, Rouville Co., Living with Henry

Beerwort, Agric. 75.13 Lot 6-15, 6-17: Harvey H. Beerwort age 26 male born in Canada occ./rel. farmer, Methodist,
married. Huldah age 22 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, married. Harriet age 1 female born in Canada. John
Terry age 14 male born in Canada occ./rel. laborer, Methodist.
124 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 17.08, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., Harvey H. Beerwort age 35

m/m born in L. Canada occ./rel. farmer & merchant, W. Meth., Huldah age 30 f/m born in L. Canada occ./rel. matron,
W. Meth., Harriet M. age 10 f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, W. Meth., Martha age 8 f/s born in L. Canada
occ./rel. spinster, W. Meth., Ada age 6 f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, W. Meth., Frank age 3 m/s born in L.
Canada occ./rel. labourer, W. Meth., John W. Tary age 23 m/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. clerk, W. Meth., Briget
Staven age 22 f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. servant, R. Cath.
125 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Saint-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., pp. 4.33, Hse. 46,

Frank Beerwort, age 69, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Dec 26 1831, Eliza Beerwort, age 68, Wife, married,
female, born in Québec on Jan 11 1833, Edna Beerwort, age 39, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Jul 15
1861, Marshall Beerwort, age 36, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Jan 26 1863.
126 Québec: Census, 25-Mar-1852: pp. 25.26, Dist. 10, St. George de Clarenceville, Rouville Co., 1 story log, 1 fam.,

Agric. 75.06 Lot 6-13, 6-14: George Schoolcraft age 39 male born in Canada occ./rel. farmer, Adventist. Abigail age
35 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Adventist. Cynthia age 15 female born in Canada occ./rel. Adventist. Henry age 10
male born in Canada. Herman age 8 male born in Canada. Jedediah age 6 male born in Canada. Emily age 4 female
born in Canada. Wellington age illeg. male born in Canada. Jedediah Burwort age 66 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel.
laborer, Presbyterian.
127 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 141 pp. 78.05, Stanstead Subdist. A, Div. 1, Stanstead Co., dw. 324, family 324: Henry

Schoolcraft age 24 M/M born in QC origin English occupation farmer religion W. Meth.. Sarah age 24 F/M born in QC
origin English religion W. Meth.. Ella age 2 F/S born in QC origin English religion W. Meth..
128 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375835 || NA Film Number C-13199 || District 56 || Sub-district A || Division 1 ||

pp. 59 || hse. 320 || Census Place: Stanstead, Stanstead Co., QC || Henry Shoolcraft Married English Male age 38 born
in QC, Farmer, Weslyan Methodist || Lucinda Schoolcraft Married English Female age 27 born in QC, Weslyan
Methodist || Allen Schoolcraft English Male age 2 born in USA, Weslyan Methodist.
Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 822.20, St. George, Bedford Co. Head of household Isaac Schoolcraft, 3 total in
household, 1 under 6. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
130 Québec: Census, Seignories of Foucault, Noyan and Sabrevios Census, December 4th, 1830: Entry No. 374, Noyan,

Head of Household Isaac Schoolcraft, No. of Male 3, No. of Female 2, Total 5.

131 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1602.262, Segnorie de Noyan, Rouville Co. Concession 8&9 Head of household Eisig

Schoolcraft, owner, Cultivateur. 6 Total in household, 3 5 and under. Males: 1 30 but not 60 Marr., Females: 1 Under
14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 6 Methodist.
132 Québec: Census, 25-Mar-1852: pp. 55.30, Dist. 10, St. George de Clarenceville, Rouville Co., 1.5 story frame, 1

fam., Agric. 69.07 Lot 7-15: Isaac Schoolcraft age 51 male born in Canada occ./rel. farmer, Methodist. Diadamy age 46
female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Methodist. Herick age 23 male born in Canada occ./rel. laborer. Eleanor age 19 female
born in Canada. Eliza age 12 female born in Canada. David age 8 male born in Canada. Miranda age 3 female born in

Québec: Census, 1871: pp. 46.06, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., dw. 169, fam. 175: Isaac Schoolcraft
age 70 M/M born in QC origin English occupation farmer religion W. Methodist. Damia age 65 M/F born in QC origin
English religion W. Methodist. David age 27 S/M born in QC origin English religion W. Methodist. Miranda age 20
S/F born in QC origin English religion W. Methodist. Louisa age 24 S/F born in QC origin English religion W.
Methodist. Ruggles age 12 S/M born in QC origin English religion W. Methodist.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 12.50 & 6.01, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., Ebenezer Irish age 39
M/M born in U.S.A. occ./rel. farmer, Adventist, Mary Ann Irish age 36 F/M born in L.C. occ./rel. spinster, Adventist,
Armenia age 10 F/S born in L.C., Eleanor age 8 F/S born in L.C., Melissa age 5 F/S born in L.C., Helen age 3 F/S born
in L.C.
135 Québec: Census, 25-Mar-1852: pp. 35.13, Dist. 10, St. George de Clarenceville, Rouville Co., 1 story log, 1 fam.,

Agric. 71.07 Lot 9-5: William Schoolcraft age 25 male born in Canada occ./rel. farmer, Methodist. Eliza age 25 female
born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Methodist. Ednah age 2 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Hannah Johnson age 72
female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Methodist.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 4.26, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., W. M. Schoolcraft age 34
M/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. farmer, Adventist, Eliza Schoolcraft age 33 F/M born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Adventist,
Edna Schoolcraft age 11 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. Adventist, Miron Schoolcraft age 9 M/S born in L. Canada
occ./rel. Adventist, Mary Schoolcraft age 8 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. Adventist, Jane Schoolcraft age 6 F/S born
in L. Canada occ./rel. Adventist, Melissa Schoolcraft age 4 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. Adventist, Jedediah Irish
age 75 M/S born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Adventist.
137 Québec: Census, 1871: pp. 47.20, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., dw. 179, fam. 182: Wm. Schoolcraft

age 44 M/M born in QC origin English religion 2nd Adventist. Eliza age 43 M/F born in QC origin English religion
2nd Adventist. Edna S. age 20 S/F born in QC origin English religion 2nd Adventist. Myron F. age 19 S/M born in QC
origin English religion 2nd Adventist. Mary A. age 17 S/F born in QC origin English religion 2nd Adventist. Jane M.
age 15 S/F born in QC origin English religion 2nd Adventist. Melissa A. age 13 S/F born in QC origin English religion
2nd Adventist. Martha N. age 10 S/F born in QC origin English religion 2nd Adventist. Permelia S. age 8 S/F born in
QC origin English religion 2nd Adventist. Hannah L. age 6 S/F born in QC origin English religion 2nd Adventist.
Lewis A. age 3 S/M born in QC origin English religion 2nd Adventist. Letty A. age 1 S/F born in QC origin English
religion 2nd Adventist.
138 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district L || Division 2 ||

pp. 15 || hse. 73 || Census Place: Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC || William Schoolcraft Married English Male age 54
born in QC, Farmer, Methodist || Hannah E. Schoolcraft Married English Female age 53 born in USA, Methodist ||
Edna Schoolcraft English Female age 30 born in QC, Methodist || Jane Schoolcraft English Female age 25 born in QC,
Methodist || Milesa Schoolcraft English Female age 23 born in QC, Methodist || Martha Schoolcraft English Female
age 20 born in QC, Methodist || Lewis J. Schoolcraft English Male age 13 born in QC, Methodist || Letty E. Schoolcraft
English Female age 11 born in QC, Methodist.
139 Québec: Census, 17-Apr-1891, pp. 23.21, Hse. 113, Dist. 168-R Div. 2, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co.,

William Schoolcraft, male, age 64, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent., farmer, Hannah,
female, age 63, married, wife, born in USA, father QC, mother USA, Sec. Advent., Edna, female, age 40, dau, born in
QC, father QC, mother USA, Sec. Advent., Melissa, female, age 33, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother USA, Sec.
Advent., dress maker, Lewis, male, age 23, son, born in QC, father QC, mother USA, Sec. Advent., farmer, Lettie,
female, age 21, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother USA, Sec. Advent.
140 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: St. Ignace de Stanbridge M-1, Missisquoi Co., pp. 5.32, Hse. 57,

Schoolcraft Louis G., age 33, Head, married, male, born in Québec on 9 Oct, Bertha A., age 29, Wife, married, female,
born in Québec on 24 Aug 1871, Preston M., age 7, Son, single, male, born in Québec on 16 Dec 1893, Doris W., age
2, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on 21 Feb 1899.
141 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: Dist. 19, Sutton, Brome Co., pp. 6.08, Hse. 54, Schoolcraft Lewis,

age 43, Head, married, male, born in Canada on Oct 1867, Schoolcraft Bertha, age 39, Wife, married, female, born in
Canada on Aug 1871, Schoolcraft Preston, age 17, Son, single, male, born in Canada on Dec 1893, Schoolcraft Doris,
age 12, Daughter, single, female, born in Canada on Feb 1899, Schoolcraft Alice, age 5, Daughter, single, female, born
in Canada on Jul 1905.
142 Québec: Census, 1871: pp. 45.03, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., dw. 165, fam. 171: Herrick

Schoolcraft age 42 M/M born in QC origin English occupation farmer religion W. Methodist. Lucy age 29 M/F born in
QC origin English religion W. Methodist. Jane age 3 S/F born in QC origin English religion W. Methodist.

Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district B || Division 2 ||
pp. 11 || hse. 47 || Census Place: Ste-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., QC || Herrick Schoolcraft Married
Dutch Male age 51 born in QC, Farmer, Weslyan Methodist || Lucy Schoolcraft Married Irish Female age 40 born in
QC, Baptist || Jane Schoolcraft Dutch Female age 13 born in QC, Baptist || Sarah Brown Widowed Irish Female age 58
born in QC, Baptist || David Brown Irish Male age 19 born in QC, Farm Laborer, Baptist || David Schoolcraft Dutch
Male age 32 born in QC, Farmer, Weslyan Methodist.
144 Québec: Census, 21-Apr-1891, pp. 14.25, Hse. 63, Dist. 168-M Div. 2, St. George de Clarenceville, Mississquoi

Co., Herrick Schoolcraft, male, age 60, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farmer, Jennie,
female, age 40, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother USA, Meth., Daniel Miller, male, age 3, lodger, born in
USA, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
145 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Saint-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., pp. 4.16, Hse. 41,

Schoolcraft Herich, age 72, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Feb 19 1828, Schoolcraft Jennie V, age 52, Wife,
married, female, born in Québec on May 3 1842, Schoolcraft Hazel E, age 8, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec
on Jan 15 1892.
146 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 6.14, Hse. 58, Dist. 12, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi

Co., Herrick Schoolcraft, age 82, Head, married, male, born in QC on Feb 1829, Jane, age 62, Wife, married, female,
born in QC on May 1849.
147 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district B || Division 2 ||

pp. 9 || hse. 40 || Census Place: Ste-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., QC || David Schoolcraft Dutch Male age
32 born in QC, Farmer, Weslyan Methodist || Miranda Schoolcraft Dutch Female age 25 born in QC, Weslyan
Methodist || Rugless Schoolcraft Dutch Male age 22 born in QC, Farmer, Weslyan Methodist.
148 Québec: Census, 21-Apr-1891, pp. 14.02, Hse. 59, Dist. 168-M Div. 2, St. George de Clarenceville, Mississquoi

Co., David Schoolcraft, male, age 39, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother USA, Meth., farmer, Dora, female,
age 26, married, wife, born in QC, father England, mother USA, Meth., Pearl L., female, age 3, dau, born in QC, father
QC, mother QC, Meth., Merton, male, age 2, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
149 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Saint-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., pp. 5.20, Hse. 54,

Schoolcraft David, age 49, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Mar 7 1851, Schoolcraft Dora, age 36, Wife,
married, female, born in Québec on May 30 1864, Schoolcraft Lena M, age 13, Daughter, single, female, born in
Québec on Jul 10 1887, Schoolcraft Charles M, age 12, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Mar 12 1888, Schoolcraft
George, age 9, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Aug 5 1893, Schoolcraft Leon, age 2 mos., Son, single, male, born
in Québec on Feb 22 1901.
150 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 2.34, Hse. 17, Dist. 12, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi

Co., David Shoolcraft, age 62, Head, married, male, born in QC on Feb 1843, Dora, age 46, Wife, married, female,
born in QC on May 1864, Moton, age 22, Son, single, male, born in QC on Mar 1888, George, age 17, Son, single,
male, born in QC on Aug 1893, Glendon, age 10, Son, single, male, born in QC on Feb 1901, Ruth, age 9, Daughter,
single, female, born in QC on Oct 1902, Herrick Schoolcraft, age 82, Head, married, male, born in QC on Feb 1829,
Jane, age 62, Wife, married, female, born in QC on May 1849.
151 David J. Ellis, Louisa is absent from the 1852 and 1861 census, making it unclear what relationship she really has to

Isaac and Diadama.

152 1861, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co. Dist. 1, pp. 12.31: 1.5 story, 1 family frame house: George

Schoolcraft age 48 M/M born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. farmer, Adventist. Abigail Schoolcraft age 47 F/M born in U.S.A.
Occ./Rel. matron, Adventist. Cynthia Schoolcraft age 23 F/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. spinster, Adventist. Henry
Schoolcraft age 18 M/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. laborer, Adventist. Heman Schoolcraft age 16 M/S born in L.
Canada Occ./Rel. laborer, Adventist. Jedediah Schoolcraft age 14 M/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. laborer, Adventist.
Emma Schoolcraft age 12 F/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. spinster, Adventist. G. W. Schoolcraft age 10 M/S born in
L. Canada Occ./Rel. laborer, Adventist. Melvin J. Schoolcraft age 8 M/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. laborer,
Adventist. Ida Schoolcraft age 4 F/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. spinster, Adventist. Mary D. Schoolcraft age 2 F/S
born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. spinster, Adventist. Emma Jane Irish age 14 F/S born in U.S.A. Occ./Rel. spinster, W.
Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 141 pp. 69.16, Stanstead Subdist. A, Div. 2, Stanstead Co., dw. 273, family 293:
Abigail Schoolcraft age 57 F/W born in U.S.A. origin English religion 2nd Adventist. Wellington age 21 M/S born in
QC origin English occupation farmer religion 2nd Adventist. Melvin age 19 M/S born in QC origin English religion
2nd Adventist. Ida age 14 F/S born in QC origin English religion 2nd Adventist. Mary age 12 F/S born in QC origin
English religion 2nd Adventist. Effie age 8 F/S born in QC origin English religion 2nd Adventist. Jeddy Irish age 85
M/W born in U.S.A. origin English religion 2nd Adventist.

Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375835 || NA Film Number C-13199 || District 56 || Sub-district C || pp. 1 || hse.
5 || Census Place: Beebe Plain, Stanstead Co., QC || A'Agail Schoolcraft Widowed Irish Female age 67 born in USA,
Weaver, Adventist || Emma Schoolcraft Irish Female age 32 born in QC, House Servant, Adventist || Melvin
Schoolcraft Irish Male age 29 born in QC, Farm Labourer, Adventist || Ida Schoolcraft Irish Female age 24 born in QC,
Adventist || Effie Schoolcraft Irish Female age 18 born in QC, Adventist.
Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 | NA Film Number C-13204 | District 65 | Sub-district B | Division 1 |
pp. 12 | Hse. 58 | Census Place: Ste-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., QC | William J. McNeil Married
Scottish Male age 44 born in Ireland, Farmer | Cynthia E. McNeil Married Scottish Female age 48 born in QC, | Nancy
McNeil Married Scottish Female age 81 born in Ireland, | Eloin J. McNeil Scottish Male age 18 born in QC, | Isabelle
McNeil Scottish Female age 16 born in QC, | Georgiana McNeil Scottish Female age 14 born in QC, | Charles McNeil
Scottish Male age 11 born in QC, | Martha McNeil Scottish Female age 59 born in QC.
156 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 4, pp. 44.01, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 159, fam. 169: Edward Schoolcraft age

30 M/M born in QC origin German occupation machinist religion W. Methodist. Hannah age 45 M/F born in QC origin
Irish religion W. Methodist. Hattie age 17 S/F born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Charles age 13 S/M
born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Henry age 12 S/M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist.
Ida age 9 S/F born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Emma age 8 S/F born in QC origin German religion
W. Methodist. Mary age 21 S/F born in QC origin German occupation servant religion W. Methodist. Corey B. age 2
S/M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist.
Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 141 pp. 75.13, Stanstead Subdist. A, Div. 1, Stanstead Co., dw. 309, family 309: Jared
Schoolcraft age 25 M/M born in U.S.A. origin English occupation stone mason religion W. Meth.. Loella age 20 F/M
born in QC origin English religion W. Meth.. Edwin M. age 4 mos. Dec. M/S born in QC origin English religion W.
158 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375835 || NA Film Number C-13199 || District 56 || Sub-district C || pp. 9 || hse.

58 || Census Place: Beebe Plain, Stanstead Co., QC || Jared Schoolcraft Married English Male age 35 born in QC,
Farmer, Adventist || Loella Schoolcraft Married English Female age 30 born in QC, Methodist || Edoin M. Schoolcraft
English Male age 10 born in QC, Methodist || Florence M. Schoolcraft English Female age 8 born in QC, Methodist ||
Hattie H. Schoolcraft English Female age 3 born in QC, Methodist.
159 Québec: Census, 9-Apr-1891, pp. 6.06, Hse. 38, Dist. 190-C, Beebe Plain, Stanstead Co., L. P. Schoolcraft, female,

age 40, widow, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., F. M., female, age 18, dau, born in QC, father QC,
mother QC, Meth., H. H., female, age 13, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., C. H. Barker, male, age 30,
lodger, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, Baptist, house painter.
160 Québec: Census, 2-May-1891, pp. 21.10, Hse. 114, Dist. 190-I Div. 3, Stanstead, Stanstead Co., Edwin Moulton,

male, age 63, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother USA, Meth., farmer, Mary P., female, age 61, married,
wife, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., Edwin M. Schoolcraft, male, age 20, g. son, born in QC, father QC,
mother QC, Meth.
161 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375835 || NA Film Number C-13199 || District 56 || Sub-district A || Division 1 ||

pp. 62 || hse. 357+ || Census Place: Stanstead, Stanstead Co., QC || Wellington Schoolcroft Married English Male age
31 born in QC, Farmer, Weslyan Methodist || Hannah Schoolcroft Married English Female age 24 born in QC, Weslyan
162 Québec: Census, 2-May-1891, pp. 21.06, Hse. 113, Dist. 190-I Div. 3, Stanstead, Stanstead Co., George W.

Schoolcraft, male, age 40, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother USA, Meth., farmer, Hannah, female, age 33,
married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother England, Meth., Clarence, male, age 9, son, born in QC, father QC,
mother QC, Meth., Lovina, female, age 3 mos., dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Stanstead, Stanstead Co., pp. 8.24, Hse. 92, Schoolcraft Wellington,
age 49, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Apr 14 1851, Schoolcraft Hannah, age 42, Wife, married, female, born
in Québec on Jul 22 1858, Schoolcraft Clarence, age 19, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Jan 30 1882, Schoolcraft
Jennie, age 10, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Feb 1 1881.
164 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: Dist. 14, Stanstead, Stanstead Co., pp. 8.44, Hse. 55, Schoolcraft

Wellington, age 58, Head, married, male, born in QC on Apr 1853, Schoolcraft Hannah, age 52, Wife, married, female,
born in QC on Jul 1858, Schoolcraft Clarence, age 29, Son, single, male, born in QC on Mar 1882, Schoolcraft Jennie,
age 20, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Feb 1891.
165 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375835 || NA Film Number C-13199 || District 56 || Sub-district A || Division 1 ||

pp. 62 || hse. 338+ || Census Place: Stanstead, Stanstead Co., QC || Amos Curtis Married English Male age 37 born in
QC, Farmer, Weslyan Methodist || Mary Curtis Married English Female age 33 born in QC, Church of England ||
William Curtis English Male age 7 born in QC, Church of England || Harriett Curtis English Female age 8 born in QC,
Church of England || Homer Curtis English Male age 4 born in QC, Church of England || Melvin Schoolcroft English
Male age 27 born in QC, Adventist.

Québec: Census, 28-Apr-1891, pp. 52.25, Hse. 271, Dist. 190-I Div. 2, Stanstead, Stanstead Co., Melvin
Schoolcraft, male, age 38, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent., farmer, Lizzie, female, age
44, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent., spinstress, Clinton, male, age 3, son, born in QC,
father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent., Maude, female, age 1, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent.,
Lucy, female, age 16, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent., Laury, female, age 14, dau, born in QC,
father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent., Lucius, male, age 8, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent.
167 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Stanstead, Stanstead Co., pp. 7.03, Hse. 70, Schoolcraft Melvin, age

48, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Jun 12 1852, Schoolcraft Elizabeth, age 58, Wife, married, female, born in
U.S.A. on Feb 12 1843, Schoolcraft Maud, age 11, Daughter, single, male, born in Québec on Oct 26 1889.
168 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: Dist. 35, Stanstead, Stanstead Co., pp. 4.50, Hse. 48, Schoolcraft M.

J., age 58, Head, married, male, born in QC on Jun 1853, Schoolcraft Mrs E., age 68, Wife, married, female, born in
USA on Feb 1843, McShane Luther R., age 28, Boarder, married, male, born in QC on Aug 1872, McShane E., age 23,
Boarder, married, female, born in QC on Dec 1887.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: pp. 2.27, Hse. 17, Stanstead K-4, Stanstead Co., Comstock William
S., age 46, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Jan 23 1855, Mary D., age 42, Wife, married, female, born in
Québec on Jun 24 18~~, Leslie S., age 18, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Nov 14 1882, Alice, age 10, Daughter,
single, female, born in Québec on May 8 1890.
170 Québec: Census, 28-Apr-1891, pp. 15.21, Hse. 83, Dist. 168-K Div. 1, St. Armand East, Missisquoi Co., William

Sager, male, age 38, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farmer, Nettie, female, age 25, married,
wife, born in USA, father USA, mother QC, Meth., J. N., male, age 74, married, father, born in QC, father Germany,
mother USA, Meth., Alice, female, age 65, married, mother, born in QC, father Ireland, mother Ireland, Meth., M. E.
Schoolcraft, female, age 37, married, domestic, born in QC, father Scotland, mother Scotland, C. Eng., labourer.
171 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 10.50 & 12.01, St. Thomas, Missisquoi Co., Cornelius Adle age 51 M/W born in

L. Canada occ./rel. blacksmith, ~~~ Baptist, Ellen R. Adel age 8 F/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. ~~~, Cornelius E.
Adel age 5 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. ~~~.
172 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342722, v 3 p 472 rn 80: 26 Mar 1917,

Marquette, Marquette, Michigan, Groom Fred Brandt, age 44, born Saginaw, father Herman Brandt, mother Louise
Wise, Bride Sarah Petrie, age 32, born New York, father Prosper Beerman, mother Florence Schoolcraft.
173 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2321099, item 2 p 15 rn 219: Emily Maria

Schoolcraft, 22 Aug 1889, Ellis, Cheboygan, Michigan, Female, Father Jesse Schoolcraft born New York, Mother
Sarah Hungerford born New York.
174 New York, Balston: Town Records, Saratoga Co., Births pp. 13 Louis Adolf Gossweiler on born Sep 23 1887,

parents Adolphus Gossweiler b. Switzerland age 26 & Sarah A. Schoolcraft b. Canada age 35, 4 previous births, 2
175 New York, Balston: Town Records, Saratoga Co., Births pp. 20 Eliza Matilda Gossweiler born on Sep 27 1890,

parents Charles Gossweiler b. Switzerland & Sarah Ann Schoolcraft b. Clarenceville Canada age 45, 9 previous births,
9 living.
176 Massachusetts: Marriage Records, pp. 294 #215, Chicopee, 1849: June 13, John W. Peabody, age 23, laborer, of

Chicopee, born Dickinson NY parents John and Hannah Peabody. Hannah F. Schoolcraft age 23 of Chicopee born
Potsdam NY parents Thomas and Eunice Schoolcraft.
177 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Ida Adeline Schoolcraft and Herbert A. Burmouth

on 31-May-1881. 1st marriage of Ida Adeline Schoolcraft age 24 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Beebe Plain QC.
Parents George Schoolcraft & Abigail Irish.
Vermont: Death Record, Death of Edna Schoolcraft on 28-Sep-1898 in Springfield VT, age 48 yrs. Carcinoma of
left leg. F single. Born in Canada. Occupation Housekeeper.
179 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage between Melissa Schoolcraft and Corey Niles on 14-

Sep-1897. 1st marriage of Melissa Schoolcraft age 39 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Stanbridge QC. Parents
William Schoolcraft & Eliza Irish.
180 Vermont: Marriage Record, Springfield VT reported marriage between Martha M. Schoolcraft and George J. Gill on

17-Mar-1888. 1st marriage of Martha M. Schoolcraft age 27 born in St. George QC residing in N. Stanbridge QC.
Parents Wm. M. Schoolcraft & H. Eliza Irish.
181 Vermont: Marriage Record, Wethersfield VT reported marriage between Lettie E. Schoolcraft and Chas. W. Streeter

on 25-May-1898. 1st marriage of Lettie E. Schoolcraft age 28 born in St. George QC residing in Springfield VT.
Parents Wm. Schoolcraft & Eliza.
182 Vermont: Marriage Record, Alburg Town records, FHL 0027773 Vitals Book 1, Marriages pp. 4: 21 Jan 1865

Herrick Schoolcraft of Canada, farmer, born Canada ae. 36 parents Isaac and Dama Schoolcraft 1st marriage and Lucy
Brown of Canada, born Canada ae. 25 parents John and Lucy Brown, 1st marriage.

Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage between Herrick Schoolcraft and Jane Curtis on 21-Jun-
1888. 2nd marriage of Herrick Schoolcraft age 55 born in Canada residing in Clarenceville QC. Parents Isaac
Schoolcraft & Diadama Miller.
184 Vermont: Marriage Record, Alburg VT reported marriage between Liza Ann Schoolcraft and George Wing on 26-

Dec-1877. 1st marriage of Liza Ann Schoolcraft age 30 born in Canada residing in Canda. Parents Isaac Schoolcraft &
185 Vermont: Marriage Record, Alburg VT reported marriage between David Schoolcraft and Dova Edon on 24-Feb-

1886. 1st marriage of David Schoolcraft age 36 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Clarenceville QC. Parents Isaac
Schoolcraft & Dana Miller.
186 Vermont: Birth Record, Francis Evelyn Schoolcraft born 15-Apr-1905 in Hardwick VT, sex F. Parents Mary A.

Murphy ae. 32 & Merton J. Schoolcraft ae. 31 residing in Hardwick VT. Father's occupation Carpenter. Father's place
of birth Swanton VT. Mother's place of birth Ireland.
187 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage between Mirando O. Schoolcraft and David A. Tatro on

8-Mar-1886. 1st marriage of Mirando O. Schoolcraft age 31 born in Canada residing in Swanton VT. Parents Wm.
Schoolcraft & Mary Miller.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Emily Schoolcraft and John Watson on 1-Sep-
1900. 1st marriage of Emily Schoolcraft age 52 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Boston MA. Parents George
Schoolcraft & Abigail Irish.
Vermont: Death Record, Death of Abigail Schoolcraft on 1-Jun-1894 in Derby VT, age 81 yrs., 8 mos. of Paralysis.
F. Born in Canada.
190 New Hampshire: Marriage Record, Marriage 29 June 1897 in Lebanon NH by Edgar F. Farrill, clergyman | Groom:

Chas. A. McNEILL 1st marriage, age 27 years, born Stanstead P2, resident Lebanon NH, occupation druggist | Bride:
Sarah E. WRIGHT 1st marriage, age 26 years, born Lebanon NH, resident Lebanon NH, occupation clerk | Husband's
father: W. J. McNEILL, age 61 years, born Ireland, resident Alburg VT, occupation farmer, husband's mother: Cynthia
C. SCHOOLCRAFT, age 61 years, born Clarencvill P2, resident Alburg VT, occupation housewife | Wife's father:
Orrin S. WRIGHT, born Hanover NH, age 59 years, resident Iowa, wife's mother: Mary J. MERRITT, born Cornish
NH, deceased.
191 Vermont: Birth Record, Allan Wm. Schoolcraft born 21-Jul-1878 in Jay VT, sex M. Parents Lucinda S. Peters &

Henry W. Schoolcraft residing in Jay VT. Father's occupation Farmer.

192 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Helen M. Schoolcraft and Ernest L. Nickerson on

27-Jul-1906. 1st marriage of Helen M. Schoolcraft age 23 born in Stanstead QC residing in Derby VT. Parents Henry
W. Schoolcraft (b. Clarenceville QC) & Lucinda D. Peters (b. Hatley QC).
193 Vermont: Birth Record, Dora Schoolcraft born 10-Sep-1885 in Derby VT, sex F. Parents Lucinda Peters & Henry N.

Schoolcraft. Father's occupation Farmer. Father's place of birth Stanstead QC. Mother's place of birth Potton QC.
194 Vermont: Birth Record, Ethel May Schoolcraft born 8-May-1892 in Berkshire VT, sex F. Parents Lucinda Peters &

Henry N. Schoolcraft residing in Derby VT. Father's occupation Farmer. Father's place of birth Canada. Mother's place
of birth Potton QC.
195 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Heman L. Schoolcraft on 11-Feb-1905 in Derby VT, age 61 yrs, divorced. Mitral

Incompetence. M. Born in Canada, parents George Schoolcraft born in Canada, Abigail Irish born in VT.
196 Vermont: Birth Record, Eden VT reported birth of Cora Bell Schoolcraft on 9-Feb-1869, sex F. Parents Philip

Schoolcraft & Mary Barry, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in Stanbridge QC, mother born in St. Albans VT.
197 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Luella P. Schoolcraft (Moulton) and Charles

Henry Barker on 9-Oct-1892. 2nd marriage of Luella P. Schoolcraft (Moulton) age 41 born in Stanstead QC residing in
Stanstead QC. Parents Edwin & Mary (Farmington).
Vermont: Marriage Record, Newport VT reported marriage between Florence Mary Schoolcraft and Tom Chasney
Camp on 29-Jun-1898. 1st marriage of Florence Mary Schoolcraft age 24 born in Stanstead QC residing in Newport
VT. Parents Jared Schoolcraft & Luela Moulton.
199 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Emily Schoolcraft and John Watson on 1-Sep-

1900. 1st marriage of Emily Schoolcraft age 52 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Boston MA. Parents George
Schoolcraft & Abigail Irish.
200 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Wellington Schoolcraft and Hannah E. Young on

28-Jan-1879. 1st marriage of Wellington Schoolcraft age 28 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Beebe Plain QC.
Occupation Farmer, parents George Schoolcraft & Abigail Irish.
201 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Melvin J. Schoolcraft and Lizzie McShank

(Buzzell) on 19-Dec-1885. 1st marriage of Melvin J. Schoolcraft age 33 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Stanstead
QC. Occupation Farmer, parents George & Abigail Irish.

Vermont: Marriage Record, Hyde Park VT reported marriage between Mary A. Schoolcraft (Barrie) and John Vorce
on 28-Jan-1874. 2nd marriage of Mary A. Schoolcraft (Barrie) age 21 residing in Cambridge VT. Parents Henice
203 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Mary D. Schoolcraft and William S. Comstock on

1-Jan-1881. 1st marriage of Mary D. Schoolcraft age 22 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Stanstead QC. Parents
George Schoolcraft & Abigail Irish.
204 Vermont: Marriage Record, Newport VT reported marriage between Effie Schoolcraft and William Henry Gay on

13-Aug-1895. 1st marriage of Effie Schoolcraft age 33 born in Canada residing in Stanstead QC. Parents Geo.
Schoolcraft & Abigail Irish.
205 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Mary Schoolcraft (Hogle) on 7-Apr-1897 in Swanton VT, age 74 yrs. Heart

disease. F. Born in Canada.

206 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of Sarah A. Schoolcraft to Charles Hiram Sard on 4-Jul-

1868. Sarah A. Schoolcraft residing in Swanton VT, age 23, born Canada, parents Wm. Schoolcraft & Mary. Charles
Hiram Sard residing in Highgate VT, occupation farmer, age 21, born St. Albans VT, parents Franklin & Margrete
Sard. Officiated by Alfred Forbes JP.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage between William A. Schoolcraft and Narina Beagle on
29-Jul-1871. 1st marriage of William A. Schoolcraft age 25 born in Canada residing in Swanton VT. Occupation
laborer, parents Wm. Schoolcraft & Mary Hogle.
North End/Donaldson Cemetery, Swanton: William A Schoolcraft d. 6-Aug-1873 ae. 27 yrs. Wm. A. Schoolcraft |
died | Aug 6, 1873 | ae. 27 yrs. | Buried next to Narinal |
209 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Narina (Beagle) Schoolcraft on 5-Feb-1876 in Swanton VT, age 23 yrs., 11 mos.,

12 days of Consumption. F. Born in Swanton VT, parents Heman Beagle & Polly Donaldson.
210 Vermont: Cemetery Records, North End/Donaldson Cemetery, Swanton: Narinal Schoolcraft d. 5-Feb-1876 ae. 24

yrs. Narinal | wife of | Wm. A. Schoolcraft | died | Feb 5, 1876 | ae. 24 yrs. | buried next to William. |.
211 Riverside Cemetery, Swanton: Schoolcraft || Leonard E. 1871 - 1919 | his wife Ella Bockus 1875 - 1950 | son Lyman

W. 1898 - 1908 |
212 Vermont: Birth Record, Lyman Willard Schoolcraft born 5-Oct-1898 in Swanton VT, sex M. Parents Leonard

Schoolcraft & Ella residing in Swanton VT. Father's occupation Farmer. Father's place of birth Swanton VT. Mother's
place of birth Swanton VT.
213 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of Eleanor C. Schoolcraft to Hugh Donaldson on 19-

Sep-1868. First marriage of Eleanor C. Schoolcraft age 21, born Clarenceville, Canada East., parents Wm. Schoolcraft
& Mary.
214 Vermont: Cemetery Records, North End/Donaldson Cemetery, Swanton: Hugh Donaldson | 1841 - 1919 || Eleanor

C. Schoolcraft | 1847 - 1920.

215 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of Caroline Schoolcraft to Theodore Hilliker on 21-Feb-

1868. First marriage of Caroline Schoolcraft age 19, born Canada East, parents William Schoolcraft & Mary.
216 Donaldson cemetery: Caroline C. Schoolcraft | wife of | Theodore Hilliker | died | Apr. 13, 1890 | ae. 42 yrs. |
217 Riverside Cemetery, Swanton: Walter J. Schoolcraft 1848 - | his wife Zoa D. Dubuque 1860 - 1918 |
218 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Geo. H. Schoolcraft on 2-Jun-1905, age 54. Struck by lightning. Born in NY,

Parents Wm. Schoolcraft & Mary Holcomb, father born in Canada, mother born in Canada. Occupation Farmer.
219 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage between Walter Schoolcraft and Zoah Dubuque on 21-

Sep-1881. 1st marriage of Walter Schoolcraft age 31 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Swanton VT. Occupation
Farmer, parents Wm. Schoolcraft & Mary.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of George Schoolcraft to Luretta Hilliker on 9-Nov-
1872. 1st marriage of George Schoolcraft residing in Swanton VT, occupation Farming, age 21, born NY, parents Wm.
Schoolcraft & Mary Hogle. 1st marriage of Luretta Hilliker residing in Swanton VT, occupation, age 19, born Swanton
VT, parents James & Ann Donaldson.
221 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Riverside Cemetery, Swanton: Schoolcraft Lot: || Front: G H Schoolcraft died Jun 2,

1905 ae. 54 yrs. 17 days || Side 1: Lucy Adams | wife of | C. S. Schoolcraft | 1884 - 1929 | his wife | Rose A. 1888 -
1947 | Clarence S. | Schoolcraft | 1883 - 1976 || Side 2: Orman C. son of Clarence S. & Lucy A. Schoolcraft died Dec
16, 1911 age 4 mos. || Side 3: Alma L Donaldson wife of G H Schoolcraft died Jan. 6, 1892 ae. 44 yrs 6 mos. |.
222 Vermont: Cemetery Records, North End/Donaldson Cemetery, Swanton: Uretta | wife of | George H. Schoolcraft |

died | May 31, 1878 | ae. 25 yrs. |.

223 Vermont: Birth Record, Merritt Raymond Schoolcraft born 20-Sep-1877 in Swanton VT, sex M. Parents Uretta

Hilliker & George Schoolcraft residing in Swanton VT. Father's occupation Farmer. Father's place of birth Champlain.
Mother's place of birth Swanton VT.

Vermont: Marriage Record, Hardwick VT reported marriage between Raymond M. Schoolcraft and Florence Collier
on 2-Nov-1903. 1st marriage of Raymond M. Schoolcraft born in Swanton VT residing in Hardwick VT. Occupation
Laborer, parents Geo. H. Schoolcraft & Euretta.
225 Vermont: Birth Record, Hardwick VT reported birth of Ruth Schoolcraft on 31-Jul-1904, sex F. Parents Raymond

Schoolcraft ae. 27 & Florence Collier ae. 26 1st ch. living in Hardwick VT, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in
Swanton VT, mother born in Hardwick VT.
226 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of George H. Schoolcraft to Alma L. Donaldson on 14-

Aug-1879. 2nd marriage of George H. Schoolcraft residing in Swanton VT, occupation Laborer, age 28, born
Champlain, parents Wm. Schoolcraft & Mary Hogle. 1st marriage of Alma L. Donaldson residing in Swanton VT,
occupation, age 32, born Swanton VT, parents William R. Donaldson & Catherine (Wing).
227 Vermont: Death Record, Hardwick reported death of Alma Schoolcraft on July 1892, age 44 yrs., 6 mos., 2 days of

Pneumonia. F. Born in Swanton VT, father Riley Donaldson & Catherine. [Transcriber's note added to record says Jan
Vermont: Birth Record, Wyman Gaylord Schoolcraft born 8-Oct-1881 in Swanton VT, sex M. Parents Alma
Donaldson & George Schoolcraft residing in Swanton VT. Father's occupation Laborer. Father's place of birth Canada.
Mother's place of birth Swanton VT.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Walden VT reported marriage between Gaylord W. Schoolcraft and Christobel A.
Houston on 12-Aug-1903. 1st marriage of Gaylord W. Schoolcraft age 21 born in Swanton VT residing in Walden VT.
Occupation carpenter, parents Geo. H. & Alma Donaldson.
230 Vermont: Birth Record, Swanton VT reported birth of George Wesley Schoolcraft on 8-Nov-1907, sex M. Parents

Lucy Adams ae. 24 & Clarence S. Schoolcraft ae. 24 living in Swanton VT, father's occupation Laborer. Father born in
Highgate VT, mother born in NY.
231 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Unnamed Schoolcraft on 27-May-1886 in Hardwick VT. Stillborn. F. Father

George Schoolcraft, mother Alma Donaldson.

232 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of George H. Schoolcraft to Maggie Cameron on 6-Jun-

1892. 3rd marriage of George H. Schoolcraft residing in Swanton VT, occupation Farmer, age 41, born NY, parents W.
Schoolcraft & Mary. 3rd marriage of Maggie Cameron residing in Alburg VT, occupation, age 36, born Alburg, parents
233 Vermont: Marriage Record, Highgate VT reported marriage between Anna Schoolcraft and Aaron Keenan on 17-

Aug-1871. 1st marriage of Anna Schoolcraft age 18 born in Canada residing in Highgate VT. Parents William
Schoolcraft & Mary Hogle.
234 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage between Jacob Schoolcraft and Elizabeth Botham on 8-

Dec-1875. 1st marriage of Jacob Schoolcraft age 21 born in Canada residing in Swanton VT. Occupation Farming,
parents Wm. Schoolcraft & Mary Hogle.
235 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Jacob Schoolcraft on 12-Feb-1899 in Highgate VT, age 44 yrs., 5 mos. of Kicked

by horse. M. Born in Clarenceville QC, parents Wm. Schoolcraft & Mary Hogle, mother. Occupation Farmer.
236 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Church St. Cemetery, Swanton: Jacob Schoolcraft | his wife | Elizabeth T. Botham |

their children | Gertie & Clarkie || Jake | Sep. 1854 | Feb. 1899 || Elizabeth | Nov. 1851 | Mar. 1906 || Gertie | June 1877 |
Aug. 1877 || Clarkie | Nov. 1888 | May 1897 |.
237 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Elizabeth Schoolcraft on 5-Mar-1906 in Highgate VT, age 51 yrs. Cerebral

hemorrhage. F. Born in Swanton VT.

238 David J. Ellis, The explicit dates for the children of William Schoolcraft and Mary Hogle are attributed to a

handwritten list written by Eleanor Catherine Schoolcraft, Two of the 14 children. Eleanor was grandmother of Grace
Donaldson Bombardier who kept this list but who died in 1988. The list was transcribed by Tom Ledoux who provided
the dates to myself.
239 Massachusetts: Marriage Records, Brookline MA, marriage recorded March 7, 1907: William J. Schoolcraft of

Boston MA to Grace L. Murphy of Somerville MA on February 7, 1907. Groom age 25, first marriage, farmer, born
Swanton VT, parents Jacob S. Schoolcraft and Elizabeth T. Botham. Bride age 21, first marriage, hair dresser, born
Boston MA, parents John T. Murphy and Mary F. Callaghan.
Vermont: Birth Record, Clark Allen Schoolcraft born 16-Nov-1888 in Highgate VT, sex M. Parents Elizabeth
Butlain & J. S. Schoolcraft. Father's occupation Farmer. Father's place of birth Canada. Mother's place of birth Canada.
241 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage between Herbert Schoolcraft and Elizabeth Buchanan

on 9-Nov-1882. 1st marriage of Herbert Schoolcraft age 20 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Swanton VT.
Occupation Farmer, parents Wm. Schoolcraft & Mary Hogel.
242 Vermont: Marriage Record, St. Albans VT reported marriage between Horatio J. Schoolcraft and Mary Bonell on

19-Mar-1889. 2nd marriage of Horatio J. Schoolcraft age 30 born in Clarenceville QC residing in St. Albans VT.
Parents William Schoolcraft & Mary Hogle.

Vermont: Cemetery Records, Riverside Cemetery, Swanton: Schoolcraft || Horatio J. 1858 - 1928 | his wife Mary
Donaldson 1850 - 1943 | Emily Donaldson Fitzpatrick 1846 - 1929 |.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage between H. J. Schoolcraft and Marietta Hilliker on 6-
Jul-1883. 1st marriage of H. J. Schoolcraft age 25 born in Canada residing in Swanton VT. Occupation Farmer, parents
Wm. Schoolcraft & Mary Hogle.
Vermont: Death Record, Death of Maryette Schoolcraft (Hilliker) on 1-Mar-1884 in Swanton VT, age 19 yrs., 6
mos. of Consumption. F. Born in Swanton VT, parents Polly Hilliker, mother.
246 Vermont: Cemetery Records, North End/Donaldson Cemetery, Swanton: Maryette | wife of | H. J. Schoolcraft | died

| Mar 1, 1884 | ae. 19 yrs. & 6 mos. |.

247 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Riverside Cemetery, Swanton: Potter || George W. Potter | 1858 - 1923 || his wife |

Mina A. Schoolcraft | 1862 1931 | Harrie C. | 1891 - 8-Feb-1893 |.

248 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage between Lucy J Schoolcraft and William Dixon on 10-

Sep-1883. 1st marriage of Lucy J Schoolcraft age 18 born in Clarenceville QC residing in Swanton VT. Parents
William Schoolcraft & Mary Hogle.
249 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Riverside Cemetery, Swanton: C. W. Dixon | 1854 - 1929 || his wife | Lucy J.

Schoolcraft | 1866 - 1911 |.

Vermont: Marriage Record, St. Albans VT reported marriage between Louisa Schoolcraft and Edd E. Woodbury on
21-Dec-1889. 1st marriage of Louisa Schoolcraft age 22 born in Clarenceville QC residing in St. Albans VT. Parents
William Schoolcraft & Mary Hogal.
251 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Riverside Cemetery, Swanton: Woodbury || Edward L. Woodbury | 1868 - 1928 || his

wife | Louisa G. Schoolcraft | 1868 - 1930 |.

252 Photograph of Jacob Sylvester Schoolcraft, his wife Elizabeth Botham and children.
253 Photograph of Eunice Schoolcraft and Henry O'Dell
254 Photograph of Lewis Elwyn Schoolcraft
255 Photograph of Edna Deidamia Schoolcraft
256 Photograph of Melissa Amanda Schoolcraft
257 Photograph of Martha Malvina Schoolcraft
258 Photograph of Bertha A. Hurlbut Schoolcraft
259 Photograph of Lettie Eliza Schoolcraft
260 Photograph of Herrick Schoolcraft
261 Washington: Cemetery Records, Edmonds Memorial Cemetery, Edmonds: Schoolcraft, Edwin W.R. b. 1872 d.

262 Washington: Cemetery Records, Edmonds Memorial Cemetery, Edmonds: Schoolcraft, Anna B b. 1877 d. 1939.
263 Military Records: Civil War listings, Enlisted as a Private on 03 September 1862 at the age of 29. Enlisted in

Company C, 6th Battn Heavy Artillery Regiment New York on 12 September 1862. Transferred Company C, 6th Battn
Heavy Artillery Regiment New York on 31 December 1862. Transfered in Company L, 5th Heavy Artillery Regiment
New York on 31 December 1862. Mustered out Company L, 5th Heavy Artillery Regiment New York on 26 June 1865
in Harper's Ferry, WV.
264 New York: Vital Record, Scriba, Oswego Co.: David Arthur Heath died 12-05-1920 Scriba NY. Register 20. Age

66, born Edwards NY, parents David Heath and Meliscia Beebe. Widowed. Retired laborer. Died of cancer-prostate
gland 2yrs. Buried Fulton NY.
265 New York: Vital Record, Fulton, Oswego Co.: 413 Fremont St., Eva A. Heath died 12-20-1918 Fulton, NY. Age 60-

3-29, born Aug 22, 1858 Fowler NY, parents Oris Schoolcraft and Emily Paul both born Fowler NY. Married.
Housekeeper. Died of cancer-uterus 1yrs. 6 mos. Buried 12-24-1918 Mt. Adnah Cemetery, Fulton NY. Informant
Jerome Heath.
266 Fulton Patriot Newspaper, Dec 5th, 1920: David Arthur Heath. A well known resident of the town of Scriba. Died at

the home of his brother, John Heath yesterday at the age of 66 years., after a short illness. Surviving are four sons,
Frank and Jerome Heath of Fulton NY. David Heath of Texas and Jesse Heath of Keene NH and three daughters.
Euxiba Pero of Oxbow, St. Lawrence Co. Mrs Johnnie Showers of North Dakota and Mrs. Mae Schwartsfinger,
Syracuse. Four brothers. John Heath, Oswego Co., Alfred Heath, Rutland Vermont, Howard Heath St. Lawrence Co.,
Charles Heath Fulvill NY. Two sisters Amelia Weir, Admas NY and Mrs. Elizabeth Boman Oswego. Funeral will be
held from his late residence in Scriba NY at two o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. Interment at Mt. Adnah Cemetery,
Fulton NY.

Fulton Patriot Newspaper, Dec 1918: Heath - Died at her home 413 Fremont St., Fulton, Oswego County, New
York, December 21st. Mrs Eva Heath aged 60 years. She is survived by her husband David A. Heath, Four Sons; David
O. of Syracuse and Franklin H. of Camp Dix and three Daughters Mrs. John N. Showers of this city, Mrs Pansy M.
Swartsfigger of Syracuse and Mrs. E.M. Parrow of Gonverneur. Funeral Services were held Tuesday Morning at the
Case Memorial Chapel. Internment in Mtr. Adnah Cem. Fulton, New York, Oswego County. [Mt. Adnah Cem
Records, Fulton, New York. Buried Section 10, Grave #24 Row # 7.]
268 Photograph of Eva Schoolcraft
269 Photograph of David Heath
270 Photograph of Jesse Schoolcraft
271 Photograph of David Heath and Eva Schoolcraft's family
272 New York: Cemetery Records, Fullerville Cemetery, Fullerville: Gravestone inscription reads, Orris

Schoolcraft.Co.L 5 Reg NY Vol. G.A.R. 1833-1871.

273 State of Vermont, Vermont: Birth records: Eunice Jewett : F : Father Jeremiah Jewett : Mother Hannah : Date 05

Mar 1802 : Place Berkshire Twp, Franklin, Vermont.

274 Obituary, Merrillan (source unstated) - Mrs. J. W. (Hannah) Peabody died Dec 12, 1911 age 82. Born May 26, 1829

at Fairfax, Canada and had lived in U.S. 45 years. For the last 15 years had been totally blind. Daughter of Mr. & Mrs.
Thomas Schoolcraft...Married John Wesley Peabody in 1849 in New York. Husband & 3 daughters preceded her in
death. Husband 10 years ago... Had lived south of town (Merrillan) survived by two sons, Gary & Lorenzo.
Wisconsin: Death Records, "Electronic," Hannah F. Peabody-born May 26, 1824 died Dec. 12, 1911 age 82.
Widowed-daughter of Thomas Schoolcraft. Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Merrillan. Informant Gary Peabody.
276 Genealogy: Peabody, Selim Hobart; Peabody Genealogy, by Charles H. Pope. (Publ., Boston, MA, 1909).
277 Wisconsin: Death Records, "Electronic," County Jackson, Volume 01, Page 0360, Reel 036, Image 1597, Index

Volume -, Sequence # 294555: John Wesley Peabody died Sept. 3, 1901 age 75 born Oct. 25, 1825 Married Hannah
Schoolcraft bur. Oakwood Cemetery, Merrillan.
278 Wisconsin: Marriage Records, PEABODY, LORENZO F. || SCHOOLCRAFT, ALBERTINE || 26 Jul 1890 Jackson

279 Obituary, Wisconsin [Source not stated]: Mrs. Albertine Schoolcraft died Oct 2, 1908 at home in Wrightsville of

cancer. Albertine Hart was born in Germany in 1847, married Henry Shankey in Germany. After his death she married
Wm (John) Schoolcraft, who also preceded her in death. Survived by a son Henry Shanky, Wm. & Harry schoolcraft,
daughter Mabel Schoolcraft, and Mrs. E. N. Chase.
280 Wisconsin: Death Records, "Electronic," Albertina Hart Schoolcraft-born Sept.23,1847 died Oct.2,1908 age 61.

Daughter of Fred & Annie Hart bur. Oakwood Cemetery, Merrillan.

281 Obituary, Wisconsin Leader [Merrillan, Jackson Co., WI], Friday October 5, 1888, pp. 1: DIED: IRISH--At

Longwood*, August 23rd, 1888, after an illness of four weeks, Mrs. Alonzo IRISH, daughter of J. W. PEABODY,
aged 37 years.
282 Wisconsin: Death Records, "Electronic," Alonzo Calvin Irish-Born May 1, 1854 died Sept. 4,1927 age 73, son of

Arliegh Irish-Informant Eunice Irish. Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Merrillan.

283 Wisconsin: Marriage Records, Eugene Stedman 1972/07/02 Jackeon Co WI Lucinda N. Peabody.
284 Military Records: Civil War listings, George Schoolcraft. Enlisted as a Private on 01 September 1862 at the age of

31. Enlisted in Company D, 146th Infantry Regiment New York on 10 October 1862. Died of disease while a POW
Company D, 146th Infantry Regiment New York on 05 January 1865 in Salisbury, NC.
285 New York, Pierpont: Free Will Baptist church, Listed in New York marriages before 1880 at -

Pierpont: Marriage on Nov 12, 1851 of Mr. George N. Schoolcraft & Miss Julian A. Linsay.
New York: Vital Record, Fowler, NY: Emily Wakeford d. Oct. 18, 1902 in Fowler. Widow aged 66 yrs. 6 mos. 15
days. Born VT. Father Elijah Paul born VT, mother Lucretia McDonald born VT. Burial Fullerville.
287 Obituary, Fullerville NY : 1902 Emily Wakeford, An aged and respected lady of Hailsboro died very suddenly

Saturday eveing of heart disease, Mrs Wakeford is survived by two son's and a daughter. Services will be held at her
home. By the Rev Hancock of this Village, Internment will be in the Fullerville Cem.
288 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Silver Lake Cemetery, Wolverine: Schoolcraft || Sarah 1860 - 1936 Mother | Jesse

1860 - 1943 Father |.

289 New York, St. Lawrence Co.: Gouverneur Herald, Married. Schoolcraft-Babcock. In Gouverneur, July 31, 1887, by

Rev. M.W. Chase, Henry Schoolcraft, of Edwards, and Miss Estella M. Babcock, of Gouverneur.
Michigan: Cemetery Records, Silver Lake Cemetery, Wolverine: Schoolcraft, Myron Franklin b. Sep. 5, 1868 d.
Jan. 31, 1937 ae. 68y 4m 26d.
291 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Silver Lake Cemetery, Wolverine: Schoolcraft, Esther Ann Babcock b. Apr., 1868 d.


Military Records: Civil War listings, William Schoolcraft Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 23 July 1862 at
the age of 26. Enlisted in Company C, 118th Infantry Regiment New York on 29 August 1862. Mustered out Company
C, 118th Infantry Regiment New York on 13 June 1865 in Richmond, VA.
293 Wisconsin: Cemetery Records, Jackson Co. WI Cemeteries, Vol. 3 - Townships of Adams, Alma & Komensky, pp.

21, Oakwood Cemetery, Village of Merrillan, Twp of Alma, Jackson Co, WI.
Obituary, Wisconsin [source unstated]: Mrs. James Hopkins died in July 1916 age 72. Born Susan E. Reynolds May
13, 1844 at Essex Co., NY, married Wm. Schoolcraft Jan 1, 1861 and came to Wis. in 1865 making their home in
Trempealeau Co. While at Whitehall, Schoolcraft died in 1885. To this union 9 children were born, all preceding her in
death except 3. Departed were Viola Jarrett, Orpha Small, Oscar A., Robert E., Nellie Wilsey, and Harry A. The living
were: Eunice Irish of Taylor; Edwin Schoolcraft of Washington; and Phoebe Hopkins of Merrillan. In 1896, she
married James Hopkins of Black River Falls. She resided in Wisconsin except 18 months in Calif. and Washington.
Also survived by present husband and 1 step-son, Frank Hopkins.
295 Obituary [source unstated], Mrs. John Jarrett died Sept. 11, 1910 at Wrightsville. Viola Schoolcraft was born in

Harriet, Franklin Co. N. Y. Nov. 23, 1861-came to Wisconsin with parents in 1865, Married John Jarret in 1879.
Survived by husband, 5 sons, aged mother, 2 sisters, Eunice Irish & Phoebe Hopkins brother Edwin in Washington.
Two son died in infancy. Daughter of William J. Schoolcraft Civil War Vet.
Wisconsin: Death Records, John Jarrett-born Aug.28,1828 died Oct.1,1911 age 83. widowed.Informant Mrs. A. S.
Johnson. Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Merrillan. Viola Jarrett-died Sept.10, 1910- age 43, Daughter of Wm Schoolcraft.
Informant L. C. Jarrett. Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Merrillan.
297 Obituary, Wisconsin [source unstated]: .....John Jarrett died Oct. 1, 1911 age 83-born in Iowa county Aug. 26, 1828-

married Emily Baker June 10, 1856, seven children born-3 survived in 1911..D. R. of Fort Worth,Tex.; Mrs. Oscar
St??dberg, Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Chad Johnson of Oshkosh; Mrs. Jarrett died March 10, 1873 at Blair. he married Miss
Viola Schoolcraft of Wrightsville on March 19, 1879. Five sons born of which 5 survived in 1911.. Ai Of Hixton;
Jessie of Cando, N. D.; LeRoy, Eastace & Kingsley of Merrillan, Mrs. Jarrett died Sept. 10, 1910.
298 Wisconsin: Marriage Records, Index: ODELL, HENRY || SCHOOLCRAFT, EMMA || 20 Mar 1886 Jackson WI.

Full Entry, #29: Henry O'Dell, par: W. H. & Hattie O'Dell, laborer of Clear Lake WI, born Jackson Co. WI to Eunice
Schoolcraft, par: W. M. & Susan Schoolcraft, born Jackson Co. WI were married 20 Mar 1886 at Village of Merrillan
by A. Tuttle, wit: A. L. Tuttle & Henry Martine, recorded 23 Mar 1886.
299 Obituary, Eunice Schoolcraft Irish died May 12, 1928 at age 61. Born in Wrightsville Oct. 23, 1867. She was first

married to Henry Odell who passed away 3 years later. In Oct. 1888 she married Alonzo Irish, who preceded her in
death in Sept.1927. Survived by 8 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren & 1 step-daughter, Mrs. Will Odell.
300 Wisconsin: Death Records, Eunice Irish-born Oct. 22, 1866 died May 13,1928 age 61. Daughter of William

Schoolcraft-Informant Myrtle Odell. Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Merrillan.

301 Wisconsin: Death Records, Alonzo Calvin Irish-Born May 1, 1854 died Sept. 4,1927 age 73, son of Arliegh Irish-

Informant Eunice Irish. Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Merrillan.

302 Wisconsin: Death Records, Phoebe Schoolcraft-died Oct. 18, 1918, age 42-daughter of Wm. & Susan Reynolds

Schoolcraft-Informant Gary Peabody. Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Merrillan.

303 Wisconsin: Marriage Records, HOPKINS, CHARLES R. || SCHOOLCRAFT, PHEBE || 29 Nov 1892 Jackson WI.
304 Wisconsin: Marriage Records, WILLSEY, JABY || SCHOOLCRAFT, NELLIE || 23 Jun 1897 Jackson WI.
305 Wisconsin: Marriage Records, Jackson Co., WI Marriages 1865-1885: Vol.1, pp. 19: Mary C. Schoolcraft

1972/07/01 Jackson Co WI Andrew C. Irish.

306 Wisconsin: Marriage Records, SCHOOLCRAFT, JOHN H. to SCHENKIE, ALBERTINA 25 May 1876 Jackson

Wisconsin: Cemetery Records, Jackson Co. WI Cemeteries, Vol. 3 - Townships of Adams, Alma & Komensky, pp.
21, Oakwood Cemetery, Village of Merrillan, Twp of Alma, Jackson Co, WI.
308 Wisconsin: Death Records, William Schoolcraft-born April 28, 1875 died April 10, 1945. age 69 years. Son of John

& Albertina Hart Schoolcraft-Informant Harry Schoolcraft. Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Merrillan.
309 Wisconsin: Death Records, Harry Schoolcraft-born July 8, 1880 died March 2, 1962 age 81 son of John & Albertina

Hart Schoolcraft-informant Nellie Scholcraft. Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Merrillan.

Obituary, Thorp Courier (Thorp, Clark County, Wisconsin) 4 March 1920: Elzina Schoolcraft SMITH was born at
Parrisville, St. Lawrence Co., New York, June 14, 1850... Her last illness, extending over a period of several weeks,
was a losing fight with death due very largely to advancing years and her spirit departed Wednesday, Feb 25, 1920 ...
Wisconsin: Marriage Records, Husband John SMITH || Father of husband Joseph Smith || Mother of husband Emily
Smith || Occup of husband Seaman || Residence of husband Albion || Birthplace of husband Colchester, CT || Full name
of wife Elzina Schoolcraft || Father of wife Thomas || Mother of wife Eunice || When marr. consummated Dec 24, 1865
|| Where Alma, Jackson Co || Color White || By what ceremony consummate By joining of hands || Name of person
pronouncing marriage Elisha Stockwell || Residence of person last named Alma || Name of person signing certificate
Elisha Stockwell || Date of certificate Dec 24, 1865 || Filed Dec 30, 1865.

Wisconsin: Cemetery Records, Irish Elzina C. East Thorp Village Cemetery, Withee.
313 Obituary, Thorp Courier (Thorp, Clark County, Wisconsin) Jan 24, 1901. Harley Irish, who has been ill for several
years and confined to the house since last May, died at his home in this village, on Tuesday, Jan. 22, 1901. Mr. Irish
was born at Wallingford, Rutland Co, Vermont, on March 3, 1820. He served in the civil war, enlisting in 1861 as a
private in Co. B 5th Vt. Vol. Inf. and re-enlisted when his term expired and served until mustered out on July 21, 1865.
He never affiliated with the local G.A.R. Post. He leaves a wife and twelve children, the following by his first wife:
Andrew Irish of Longwood, Mrs. Rosina Tallman of Chetek, Alonzo Irish of Tony, Mrs. Ella Chapman or Thorp,
Murray Irish of Medford and Harley Irish of Springfield, Minn., and the following by his second wife: Mrs. Effie Case,
George Irish, Leon Irish, Mrs. Julia Simington of Tony, Henry Irish and Jacob Irish. The funeral occurs today at 2 p.m.
from the M. E. Church.
314 Wisconsin: Death Records, Irish, Herley January 12, 1901 Vol. 3 pp. 95 .
315 Wisconsin: Cemetery Records, Irish Harley East Thorp Village Cemetery, Withee.
316 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Caldwell's Manor & Christie's Manor
Anglican: TARY 1828: bpt 9 Mar Mary d/o John TARY of Foucault, famer, & Sarah, b. 9 Apr last.
Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),
TARY, Mary spinster of St. Thomas 31 Oct 1849 in Caldwell's Manor Anglican to Daniel YOUNG.
318 Québec, Clarenceville: Anglican Church Records, Clarenceville Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.03: Young, Philip

Ransford, B. Aug. 28, 1850, Bapt. Aug. 24, 1853, s/o Daniel & Mary Young. Wit: George & Margaret Young.
319 Québec, Noyan: Anglican Church Records, Noyan Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.03: Young, Sarah Eliza, B. Aug. 15,

1858, Bapt. July 10, 1860, d/o Daniel & Mary Young. Wit: Margaret Young.
320 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Caldwell's Manor & Christie's Manor
Anglican: TARY 1830: bpt 11 Jul Martha Jane d/o John TARY of Foucault, famer, & Sarah, b. 25 Dec 1828.
321 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

TARY, Martha Jane, minor spinster of Foucault 5 Oct 1847 in Caldwell's Manor Anglican to Daniel DERRICK.
322 Québec, Clarenceville: Anglican Church Records, Clarenceville Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.03: Derick, Helen

Maria, B. Jan. 22, 1849, Bapt. Sept. 2, 1854, d/o Daniel & Martha Derick. Wit: Jane Taylor.
323 Québec, Clarenceville: Anglican Church Records, Clarenceville Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.03: Derick, Halmer

Henry, B. Nov. 30. 1851, Bapt. Sept. 2, 1854, s/o Daniel & Martha Jane Derick. Wit: Jane Taylor.
324 Québec, Clarenceville: Anglican Church Records, Clarenceville Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.03: Derick, Anne

Eliza, B. Dec. 12, 1853, Bapt. Sept. 2, 1854, d/o Daniel & Martha Derick. Wit: Jane Taylor.
325 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Derick, Ada

Mina, B. July 14, 1859, Bapt. Feb. 24, 1878, d/o Daniel & Martha Terry Derick. Wit: Lydia St. John.
326 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Caldwell's Manor & Christie's Manor
Anglican: TARY 1831: bpt 28 Aug Huldah d/o John TARY of Foucault, famer, & Sarah, b. 17 Jan last.
327 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Terry, Huldah

Maria, D. Apr. 18, 1878, Bu. Apr. 21, 1878, Relict of Harvey of Clarenceville, QC. Wit: Daniel Young & Frederic
328 Québec: Cemetery Records, Dairy Valley Baptist Cemetery, Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., QC, Clarenceville,

Cemetery Listing: Terry, Huldah M., B. , D. 18 Apr 1878, ae. 47 yrs. wife of Harry Beerwort.
329 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Clarenceville Methodist: mar 27 Nov 1849
Harvey Huxley BEERWORT farmer parish of St Geo, bach & Huldah Maria TARY spins of same. Wit: Hiram SULLS
and Mary C. BEERWORT.
Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort,
Harvey H., D. Nov. 17, 1874, Bu. Nov. 19, 1874, Of Clarenceville, QC. Wit: L. Bush & E.H. Hines.
331 Québec: Cemetery Records, Dairy Valley Baptist Cemetery, Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., QC, Clarenceville,

Cemetery Listing: Beerwort, (Harvey) Harry H., B. , D. 7 Nov 1874, ae. 48 yrs. 9 mos.
332 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort,

Harriet Maria, B. Jan. 27, 1851, Bapt. Dec. 6, 1851, d/o Harvey Huxley & Huldah Maria Taylor Beerwort. Wit: Hiram
333 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort,

Martha Ann, B. June 18, 1853, Bapt. Jan. 25, 1854, d/o Harvey Huxley & Huldah Maria Taylor Beerwort. Wit: Hiram
Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort, Ady
Mina, B. May 17, 1855, Bapt. Dec. 25, 1855, d/o Harvey Huxley & Huldah Maria Taylor Beerwort.

Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort, Frank
Henry, B. May 12, 1858, Bapt. June 26, 1858, s/o Harvey Huxley & Huldah Maria Beerwort.
Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort,
Edmund, B. Feb. 11, 1861, Bapt. June 23, 1861, s/o Harvey Huxley & Huldah Maria Terry Beerwort.
337 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort,

Elizabeth Mary, B. Oct. 28, 1863, Bapt. Oct. 16, 1866, d/o Harvey Huxley & Huldah Maria Taylor Beerwort.
338 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort, Ellen

Malinda, B. July 2, 1866, Bapt. Oct. 16, 1866, d/o Harvey Huxley & Huldah Maria Taylor Beerwort.
339 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort, Carrie

Ella, B. July 29, 1870, Bapt. Feb. 1871, d/o Harvey H. & Huldah M. Beerwort.
340 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort, Helen

Malinda, B. July 2, 1866, D. June 24, 1869, Bu. June 25, 1869 d/o Harvey & Huldah Beerwort.
341 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), St. Armand Methodist: TARY 1833: bpt 18
Nov Harriet Eliza d/o John TARY, farmer of Caldwell's Manor, & Sarah his wf, b. 11 Jan 1833.
Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and
complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Clarenceville Methodist: mar 23 Mar 1853
Frederick BEERWORT farmer parish of St Geo de C'ville & Harriet Eliza TARY. Wit: Titus YOUNG and Adeline
343 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort, John

Herbert, B. Oct. 11, 1853, Bapt. Oct. 19, 1861, s/o Frederick & Harriet Eliza Terry Beerwort.
344 Québec: Cemetery Records, Crystal Lake Cemetery, Stanstead: Beerworth, Herbert A., b. 1854, d. 1929, s/w Ida

345 Québec: Cemetery Records, Crystal Lake Cemetery, Stanstead: Schoolcraft, Ida A., b. 1856, d. 1927, s/w & wife of

Herbert Beerworth.
346 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort, Edna

Eliza, B. July 15, 1860, Bapt. Oct. 19, 1861, d/o Frederick & Harriet Eliza Terry Beerwort.
347 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Beerwort,

Marshall Graham, B. Jan. 22, 1865, Bapt. Aug. 14, 1866, s/o Frederick & Harriet Eliza Terry Beerwort.
348 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Fairfax Plains Cemetery: Ref. No.: 9213, John W. Terry b. 1 Jun 1838 d. 30 Oct 1883.

Born in Clarenceville QC Canada; Died in Fairfax VT.

349 Québec, Clarenceville: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.3: Tary, Sarah Melissa, B. July 25, 1845,

Bapt. Oct. 1, 1854, d/o John & Sarah Tary. Wit: Isaac & Mary Flagg.
350 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stanstead Co. / Northern Vermont Cemetery Index from Stanstead Historical Society,

Colby-Curtis Museum, Stanstead, Québec: Schoolcraft, Heman L; Ruiter's, born Feb 12, 1844; died Feb 11, 1905;
(Husband or Wife Section: Sarah M Terry- died Sep 28, 1872) Notes Section: Age of wife 27/02/03.
351 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Married: At Derby Line on Sept.8,1868, by L. Richmond, Esq., Harry

Schoolcraft of Stanstead to Sarah Terry of Clarneceville, Que.

352 Vermont, Derby: Cemetery Records, Derby, Orleans Co, Vermont Cemetery Index, pg 69........... by Richard A

Colburn: Derby Center Cemetery : Section 5, Row 9 Henry W Schoolcraft, born 1842, died 1918. Lucinda D Peters, b
1852, d 1945. Dora A, b 1887, d 1921. Allie, b 1876, d 1952.
353 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Died: Henry W. Schoolcraft died suddenly at his home in Derby on

Oct.18,1918 aged 78 years.

Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Ella Blanche wife of J. A. Tipping and daughter of H. W.
Schoolcraft and Sarah Terry was born in the County of Stanstead on the ninth day of July Two thousand eight hundred
and sixty nine and was baptised on the Eleventh day of January Two thousand eight hundred and ninety seven by me.
Witnesses J. A. Tipping & A. A. Ferguson.
355 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Bernice Lenna, daughter of James A. Tipping of Clarenceville

Missisquoi county and of Ella B. Schoolcraft, his wife was born on the fourteenth day of September in the year of our
Lord Two thousand eight hundred and ninety seven and was baptised by me on the fifth day of January in the year of
our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and ninety eight. Witnesses James A. Tipping and Ella B. Schoolcraft.
356 Part of the Wallings map, published in 1864. It depicts the five counties located between the Richelieu River and

Lac Memphrémagog in the Eastern Townships of Québec.

357 Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, McLellan 1941: Father || Isaac Schoolcraft || Died || May 21,

1880, || AE. 80 Years. || - || He has gTwo to the Lord who redeemed him || From night to the splendor of day.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, McLellan 1941: Mother || Diadama Miller || wife of || Isaac
Schoolcraft || Died || Jan. 29, 1881, || AE. 75 Years. || - || Dearest Mother thou hast left us, || And gTwo to Heaven
above, || We hope to meet thee, Mother, || In that land of light and love.

Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, McLellan 1941: Rugless Schoolcraft, || Died || Aug. 11, 1885, ||
Aged || 26 Years. || GTwo home. [Note Rugles parents are NOT indicated on the marker as is claimed in some
360 David J. Ellis, Mary's age and location is appropriate and she names a child Diadama
361 Willis Luther Irish, Genealogy: Descendants of John Irish, (1964). Extracts by David J. Ellis, full version availbale

online. Appropriate citations provided within.

362 Vermont: Marriage Record, Irasburg VT reported marriage of Eleanor Irish to Ira Aldrich on 7-Sep-1871. 1st

marriage of Eleanor Irish, age 18, born Clarenceville, PQ, parents Ebenezer Irish & Mary Schoolcraft.
363 Québec: William Miller Schoolcraft Family Bible, Parents Names: Husband: William, Miller; Schoolcraft; son of

Isaac Schoolcraft. Born: February 25th, 1827, Clarenceville C. E. Wife: Hannah Eliza, Irish; Daughter of Jedediah
Irish. Born: April 3rd, 1828. St. Albans. U.S. Married: March 28th, 1849. Highgate, U.S. by Z. H. Drury Justice of the
364 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 4-19a. Hannah E. Irish b. April 3,

1828. Marker 4-18b. W. M. Schoolcraft b. Feb. 25, 1827, d. Sept 21, 1897.
365 Québec: Newspapers, Sherbrook Daily Record: Entry 7929: Deaths: 26 Dec. 1906: Schoolcraft: (Pearceton): Mrs.

Schoolcraft, widow of William Schoolcraft, who has been totally blind for many yrs., d. Dec. 22 ae. Nearly 80. She
leaves 3 daus. & 1 son, Mr. L. E. Schoolcraft with whom she resided. Internment at N. Stanbridge Cem.
366 Québec: William Miller Schoolcraft Family Bible, Childrens Names: Children of William M, Schoolcraft and

Hannah, E, Irish his wife. Edna, Diedamia; Born, July 18th. 1850. Clarenceville. C.E. Miron, Rufus; Born Feb', 27th.
1852. Stanbridge. C.E. Mary, Ann; Born, Dec', 18, 1853. Stanbridge. C.E. Jane, Monroe; Born Sep', 26th. 1855.
Clarenceville C.E. Melissa, Amanda; Born Sep', 16th. 1857. do do. Daughter, namelefs. Born Aug', 20. 1859. do do.
Martha, Malvina; Born, Feb', 4th. 1861. do do. Pamelia, Serina; Born March 9th. 1863. do do. Hannah, Louesa; Born,
Feb', 20. 1865. do do. Lewis, Elwin; Born, Oct', 9th. 1867. do D.C. Lettie, Eliza; Born, Dec', 7th. 1869. do do.
367 Québec: William Miller Schoolcraft Family Bible, Marriages: Children of William M. and Hannah E. Schoolcraft.

Jane M, married Feb. 20, 1883 Bedford Que. Martha M, married to George J. Gill March 17, 1888. Springfield,
368 Québec: William Miller Schoolcraft Family Bible, Deaths: Children of William, M, Schoolcraft; and Hannah E,

Irish his wife. Daughter; namelefs; died, Nov', 12th 1859. Clarenceville. Interred, Beech Ridge Cemetery, by Clark
Curriers. Adventist. Mary Ann; died, Dec. 21st 1877. Clarenceville. Permelia S.; died, Jan. 22nd 1878. Clarenceville.
Miron R.; died, April 19th, 1878. Riceburgh. Louesa H.; died, February 5th 1881. Bedford. Jane M.; died, November
1st 1884. Bedford.
369 Letters and Cards, Postcard. To: Mr. Lewis E. Schoolcraft, Pearceton, Québec, Sept 28, 1898. Dear Brother &

Sister: Edna passed away this morning at 8:15. She did not seem worse until about 6 o'clock. It seems necessary to have
funeral and burial here. Would have telegraphed but we know you cannot come. Signed M. M. Gill. Funeral Sept 29th
at 2 o'clock.
370 Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, Riceburg April 19th 1878. Attended

the Funeral and Burial of Miron R. Son of Wm. M. and Hannah E. Schoolcraft who died at the residence of Lewis J.
Irish in Riceburg April 17th 1878 aged twenty six years Two month and twenty Two days and was buried in the public
burying ground in North Stanbridge. Witnessed: Hannah E. Schoolcraft and Edna D. Schoolcraft.
371 Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, Clarenceville Dec 23rd 1877.

Attended the Funeral and Burial Mary Ann Daughter of Wm. M. and Hannah Eliza Schoolcraft who died at her fathers
residence in Clarenceville Decm. 21st aged twenty four years and two days and was buried in the public burying
ground on Beech Ridge in the parish of St. george de. Clarenceville. Witnessed: Miron R. Schoolcraft and Hannah
Eliza Schoolcraft.
Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Calvin L. Best, Superintendant for English & Best Sec. Dealers, of
the State of New York, son of Thomas Best and of Elizabeth Stone, his wife, both deceased, a bachelor, and Jane M.
Schoolcraft of the township of Stanbridge, daughter of William M. Schoolcraft and of Hannah E. Irish his wife, a
spinster, both being of full age, were united in the bonds of Holy Matrimony, by authority of License and without any
opposition to the said marriage, on the twentieth day of February Two thousand eight hundred and eighty three in the
presence fo the subscribing witnesses George Rogers Off. Min. C. L. Best, Jane M. Schoolcraft, E. A. Russell, Melissa
A. Schoolcraft.
373 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Jane M. Schoolcraft wife of Calvin L. Best died at the residence of

her father William M. Schoolcraft township of Stanbridge county of Missisquoi and province of Québec on the first
day of November Two thousand eight hundred and eighty four aged twenty nine years and was buried on the third day
of the month and year above written in the presence of the subscribing witnesses. Witnessed by D. Connor.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 4-17. Miron R. son of William &
Hannah Schoolcraft d. April 17, 1878 26 years 1 mos. 21 days.

Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, McLellan 1941: Mary Ann, || Dau. of || William M. & Hannah E.
|| Schoolcraft, || Died || Dec 21, 1877, || AE. 24 yrs 3 ds. || - || GTwo to rest.
Québec, Stanstead: Adventist Church Records, Mary Ann Schoolcraft wife of Ebenezer Irish of the township of
Stanstead, District of St. Francis, P2 died August nineteenth and was buried the twenty first Two thousand eight
hundred and sixty nine.
Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Dunham Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Best, Calvin, B. Dec. 17,
1853, Bapt. Feb. 26, 1854, s/o Thomas & Elizabeth Lois Stone Best of Stanbridge, QC.
378 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stanbridge Ridge cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, Mellissa 1857 - 1925 wife of Niles

379 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stanbridge Ridge cemetery: Niles Corey 1860-1934.
380 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Martha Melvina Schoolcraft daughter of William M. Schoolcraft

farmer of the township of Stanbridge and of Hannah E. Irish his wife was born on the fourth day of February Two
thousand eight hundred and sixty Two and was baptized on the fourth day of February Two thousand eight hundred and
eighty three in the presence of the subscribing witnesses. George Rogers Off. Min. ~. ~. Roy, A. C. Hoill.
381 Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, Clarenceville Jan 24th 1878. Attended

the Funeral and Burial of Parmelia S. Daughter of Wm. M. and Hannah Eliza Schoolcraft who died at her fathers
residence in Clarenceville Jan. 21st aged fourteen years ten months and thirteen days and was buried in the public
burying ground on Beech Ridge in the parish of St. george de. Clarenceville. Witnessed: David Fairfield and Eliza A.
382 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 4-18. Louesa H. daughter of Wm. M.

& Hannah Schoolcraft d. Feb. 5, 1881 ae 15 yrs. 11 mos. 15 days.

383 Marlene Simmons, Québec, Sutton: Births, Marriages and Burials, Sutton Township, 1850-1859, Baptism of Lewis

Schoolcraft on 1893 in Pearceton, son of William and Eliza Schoolcraft.

384 Québec: Cemetery Records, Malvern Cemetery, Lennoxville: Schoolcraft, Lewis E., b. 1867, d. 1947, s/w Bertha A.

his wife, & Preston M. his son.

385 Québec, Stanbridge: Second Adventist Church Records, Missisquoi Second Adventist Church, LDS Film 2027149:

Marriages: United in bands of marriage this twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight
hundred and ninety three Lewis E. Schoolcraft yeoman and Bertha A. Hurlbut spinster and teacher in Pierceton County
of Missisquoi District of Bedford.
386 Québec: Cemetery Records, Malvern Cemetery, Lennoxville: Schoolcraft, Bertha A., b. 1871, d. 1964, s/w Lewis E.

her husband, & Preston M. her son.

387 Québec: Cemetery Records, Dairy Valley Baptist cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, Herrick 1829 - 1914; wife (1) Lucy

A. Brown 1840 - 1886; (2) Jennie V. Curtis 1849 - 1946.

388 Québec: Cemetery Records, Dairy Valley Baptist cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, J. B. 1867 - 1936; wife of W. J.

Curtis 1859 - 1919; son David J. 1893 - 1909.

389 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Jennie Brown Schoolcraft wife of William J. Curtis of

Clarenceville Missisquoi County born on the twenty fourth day of July in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight
hundred and sixty seven was baptized by me in the Missisquoi Bay on the seventeenth day of October in the year of our
Lord Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Eight. Witnesses Herrick Schoolcraft & Jennie B. Schoolcraft.
390 Québec: Cemetery Records, Dairy Valley Baptist cemetery: Curtis, Jennie 1849 - 1946 stone beside Schoolcraft,

Hazel wife of John Brown & Brown, John 1884 - 1960.

391 Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, John (stone broken) son of Isaac and Diadona.
392 David J. Ellis, Date of birth can be inferred from alignment of individuals in Isaac's early census records.
Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Clarenceville Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.09: Miller, John
Robert, B. June 2, 1835, Bapt. Jan. 6, 1854, s/o Herrick & Caroline Chilton Miller. Wit: John Miller.
394 Québec: Cemetery Records, Dairy Valley Baptist cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, David 1850 - 1911; his wife Dora F.

Eden 1864 - 19..

395 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Lena Pearl, born on the tenth day of July, Two thousand eight

hundred and eighty seven, and Charles Merton, born on the twelth day of March, Two thousand eight hundred and
eighty nine, both children of David James Schoolcraft of the Parish of Saint George of Clarenceville, farmer and of
Dora Eden his wife were baptized on the twenty ninth day of April Two thousand eight hundred and eighty nine, in the
presence of subscribing witnesses by me John W. Clipsham Minister. David J. Schoolcraft per. J. W. C., Dora
396 Québec: Cemetery Records, Clarenceville Union cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, George 1893 - 1971 son of David

James S. and Dora Eden his wife Lillian C. Cheeseman 1896 - daughter of Aaron C. and Ada A Sall: daughter Aubrey
Schoolcraft 1916 - 1937: son Harold 1918 - 1947.

Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Edith Nellie daughter of Robert Sawyer farmer, and Nancy
Boomhower his wife of St. Ignace de Stanbridge, and adopted daughter of David Tetrault farmer and Miranda
Schoolcraft his wife of Stanbridge East in the County of Missisquoi was born on the thirtieth day of January in the year
of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and eighty eight and was baptized by me on the twenty eighth day of May in
the year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and ninety six in the presence of subscribing witnesses. D. T. Tates &
Sarah E. Robinson.
398 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Rugless Schoolcraft Aged twenty seven years of the Parish of

Clarenceville in the Province of Québec departed this life on the eleventh day of August In the year of our Lord Two
thousand eight hundred and eighty five and was buried on the thirteenth day of the same month in the same year in the
presence of subscribing witnesses by me H. Cairns M. Minister. A. Hawley E~~~~ Irish.
399 Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, Aird: IRISH, Eleanor, 5-Sep-1842 ae. 32 yrs. 3 days, wife of

Henry Irish.
400 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Folio sixteenth records the marriage of On the thirty first day of

December in the year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and thirty four Henry Irish Farmer of Caldwell's Manor
Bachelor aged twenty Two years and Eleanor Schoolcraft of the same place spinster aged twenty five years after due
publication of Banns were united in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony with the consent of their parents in the presence of
the subscribing witnefses by me Matthew Lang Minister. Witnesses D. L. Lewis, James <illeg>, Henry Irish, Eleanor X
Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, St. Armand Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Irish, Catharine, B.
Oct. 3, 1836, Bapt. Apr. 8, 1838, d/o Henry & Eleanor Irish of Caldwells Manor, QC.
402 Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, Aird: IRISH, John Colburne 24-Apr-1839 ae. 1 yr. 10 mos. 15

days, son of Henry and Eleanor Irish.

403 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Emily Caroline daughter of Henry Irish of the Seignory of

Foucault Yeoman and of Eleanor his wife was born on the twelfth day of December Two thousand eight hundred and
thirty nine and baptized this tenth day of May Two thousand eight hundred and forty in the presence of the subscribing
witnefses by me William Squire Minister. Henry Irish, Henry Beerwort.
404 Québec, Stanstead: Adventist Church Records, George Schoolcraft of the township of Stanstead, District of St.

Francis, P2 died January thirteenth Two thousand eight hundred and sixty nine and was buried the fifteenth.
405 Québec, Stanstead Co.: Cemetery Records, Stanstead Co. / Northern Vermont Cemetery Index from Stanstead

Historical Society, Colby-Curtis Museum, Stanstead, Québec: Schoolcraft, George; Ruiter's, born Dec 25, 1812; died
Jan 13 1869; (Abigail Irish; born Oct 14, 1813; died Jun 1, 1894).
406 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Died: (AON) Mrs. Cynthia McNeil, widow of the late William J. McNeil

and sister of G.W.Schoolcraft of Derby Line, died in Lebanon, N.H. Dec.5,1924.

407 Vermont: Death Record, Death Notices from the annual town reports of Derby Vermont ( 1925 - 1967 ):

Schoolcraft, Lucinda 88-1-18 3/18/1945 Derby, VT.

408 Vermont, Derby: Cemetery Records, Derby, Orleans Co, Vermont Cemetery Index, pg 69........... by Richard A

Colburn: Derby Center Cemetery : Section 5, Row 9 Henry W Schoolcraft, born 1842, died 1918. Lucinda D Peters, b
1852, d 1945. Dora A, b 1887, d 1921. Allie, b 1876, d 1952.
409 Vermont: Death Record, Death Notices from the annual town reports of Derby Vermont ( 1925 - 1967 ):

Schoolcraft, Allen 76-3-22 11/13/1952 White Plains, NY.

410 Julia E. or Loelah P. Moulton, Family Bible: Private communication has referred to this document as the source of

several precise dates, locations and persons. Copies were not available to me.
411 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Died: At Stanstead Junction on Apr.21,1889, Jared Schoolcraft, aged 42

Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Married: At the residence of the bride's father on Dec.22,1869, by Rev.
E.B. Ryckham, Jared Schoolcraft to Loellah P., eldest daughter of Mr. Edwin Moulton, both of Stanstead.
Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Died: In Stanstead on Apr.8,1896, of pneumonia and enlargement of the
heart, Edwin M. Schoolcraft, aged 25 years. 3 months.
414 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Married: (Stanstead Jct) Nov.17,1898 at the home of Mr. John O'Leary,

Mr. Clarence D. Haselton, brother of Mrs. O'Leary, & Miss Hattie H. Schoolcraft of Stanstead Jct., Rve. Mr Finch
415 Québec: Newspapers, Sherbrooke Examiner, 25-Nov-1898: HASELTON-SCHOOLCRAFT - At the residence of

Mrs. O'Leary, sister of the groom, on Thursday, Nov. 17th at 8 p.m. by the Rev. C. W. Finch, of Beebe Plain, Mr.
Clarence D. Haselton, of Graniteville, to Miss Hattie H. Schoolcraft, of Beebe Plain.
416 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Died: At Stanstead Junction on Apr.29,1884, of congestion of the brain,

Mildred, infant daughter of Jared & Loelah Schoolcraft.

Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Died: (Graniteville) Mr. John Watson died at his home in Lineboro
Jan.12,1902. He is survived by 1 son, Wallace Watson of Lyndonville, Vt and his wife of 1 1/2 years the former Emma
418 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Mrs. George Wellington Schoolcraft d. at her apt. in Derby Line,

Feb.1,1946. She was the former Hannah Elizabeth Young dau. of Horace & Maria [Jenkerson] Young. Her paternal
grandfather was Andrew Young. She was b. Mar.4,1858. Surv. by 1 son Clarence W. of West Lebanon, N.H.,1dau.
Jennie [Mrs. Rush Harris], Derby Line.
419 Vermont: Death Record, Death Notices from the annual town reports of Derby Vermont ( 1925 - 1967 ):

Schoolcraft, G. Wellington 76-1-12 5/26/1927 Derby Line, VT.

420 Vermont: Death Record, Death Notices from the annual town reports of Derby Vermont ( 1925 - 1967 ):

Schoolcraft, Clarence W. 74 10/2/1956 W Lebanon, NH.

421 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Married: At the home of the bride's parents, Stanstead on Oct.10,1912, Mr

Clarence W. Schoolcraft, only son of Mr. & Mrs. G.W.Schoolcraft of No.Stanstead to Aubine, second daughter of Mr.
& Mrs. H. Morrill. The ceremony was performed by Rev.T.A.Halpenny.
422 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Married: On Oct.2,1912 by Rev. T.A.Halpenny, Mr. Robert Rush Harris,

son of Mrs. Robert Harris of Beebe to Miss Jennie Luvena Schoolcraft, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. G. Wellington
Schoolcraft of Stanstead.
423 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Born: In Stanstead on Feb.1,1891, a daughter to Mr. & Mrs. G. W.

424 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Died: (Griffin) Mr. Melvin Schoolcraft died at his home near Benson's

Mills on May 11,1913.

425 Québec: Cemetery Records, Ruiter's Corner Cem., Stanstead: Melvin Schoolcraft 1818-1852, wife: Elizabeth

Buzzell d. 1843. [DJE: Expect Melvin should be 1852 - 1913 and Lizzie d. 1943].
426 Québec: Cemetery Records, Crystal Lake Cemetery, Stanstead: Schoolcraft, Maud, b. 1889, d. 1939, s/w Frank

427 Québec: Cemetery Records, Crystal Lake Cemetery, Stanstead: Brown, Frank J., b. 1883, d. 1949, s/w Maud

428 Vermont: Birth Record, Caledonia (VT) Index, Births ( Name: Beerworth, Edna

A. Born: February 10 1885 in Barnet, VT , Caledonia Co, VT Source: Bk.1 p.43 Notes: parents: Beerworth, Herbert &
Ida (Schoolcraft).
429 Québec: Cemetery Records, Crystal Lake Cemetery, Stanstead: Beerworth, Edna A., b. 1885, d. 1962.
430 Vermont: Birth Record, Caledonia (VT) Index, Births ( Name: Beerworth, Ray F.

Born: May 22 1886 in Barnet, VT , Caledonia Co, VT Source: Bk.1 p.45 Notes: parents: Beerworth, Herbert & Ida
431 Vermont: Birth Record, Caledonia (VT) Index, Births ( Name: Beerworth, Earle

Stanley Born: May 11 1893 in Barnet, VT , Caledonia Co, VT Source: Bk.1 p.52 Notes: parents: Beerworth, Herbert &
Ida (Schoolcraft).
432 Québec: Cemetery Records, Crystal Lake Cemetery, Stanstead: Beerworth, Earle S., b. 1893, d. 1945.
433 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Died: William S. Comstock died Nov.14,1925 at the home of his daughter

Mrs. G.W.Pomeroy at Kincaid, Sask.. He was born 71 years ago at Mack's Mills, a son of the late Charles E.Comstock.
Survived by his wife, the former Miss Mary Schoolcraft, 1 son Leslie and daughter Alice.
434 Québec: Cemetery Records, Crystal Lake Cemetery, Stanstead: Schoolcraft, Effie A., no dates, s/w & wife of Henry

Québec: Cemetery Records, Crystal Lake Cemetery, Stanstead: Gay, Henry, b. 1862, d. 1946, s/w Effie Schoolcraft.
David J. Ellis, A Swanton, North End cemetery, marker is claimed. Inspection has failed to locate that marker, nor is
he buried with his wife in Donaldson cemetery.
Social Security Death Index, Clarence Schoolcraft Birth: 2 Oct 1883 Death: May 1976 Issued: Railroad Board.
438 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.9: Schoolcraft, Minerva A. died 12-Nov-

1860 and was buried 14-Nov-1860 wife of Cornelius Adle. Wit. M. C. Flanders.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Southridge cemetery, Aird: SCHOOLCRAFT, Anna M. d. 12 Nov. 1860 ae. 41 wife of
Cornelius Adle.
440 Québec, Philipsburg: Congregational Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.8: Adle, Emeline Frances, D., Bu.

Sept. 25, 1850, ae. 1Y. 6M. 10D. d/o Cornelius Everett Smith & Anna Minerva Adle.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 NA Film T9-1344 pp. 334C, Alburgh, Grand Isle Co., VT :
Theodore Hillaker Self male married white age 31 born in VT occupation Ferryman father born in VT mother born in
VT : Caroline Hillaker Wife female married white age 29 born in CAN occupation Keeping House father born in CAN
mother born in CAN : Elizabeth Hillaker Dau female single white age 13 born in VT occupation At Home father born
in VT mother born in CAN : Willie Hillaker Son male single white age 10 born in VT occupation At Home father born
in VT mother born in CAN : Byron Hillaker Son male single white age 7 born in VT father born in VT mother born in
CAN : Edgar Hillaker Son male single white age 5 born in VT father born in VT mother born in CAN .
442 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1900, pp. 297A.20, dw. 386, fam. 401, ED #120, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :

Theodore Hilliker head male widow age 44 born in May 1856, VT occupation farm laborer father born in VT mother
born in VT: Hugh son male single age 13 born in Dec 1886, VT father born in VT mother born in VT: Ruby dau
female single age 11 born in May 1889, VT father born in VT mother born in VT.
443 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 NA Film T9-1344 pp. 298D, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :

Hugh Donaldson Self male married white age 39 born in VT occupation Farmer father born in VT mother born in
CAN: Ellen Donaldson Wife female married white age 32 born in CAN occupation Keeps House father born in CAN
mother born in CAN: Joheph Donaldson Son male single white age 11 born in VT occupation At School father born in
VT mother born in CAN: Claude Donaldson Son male single white age 4 born in VT father born in VT mother born in
444 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1900, pp. 297A.47, dw. 392, fam. 408, ED #120, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :

Hugh Donaldson head male married age 59 born in Jan 1841, VT occupation farmer, marr. 32 yrs. father born in VT
mother born in VT: Eleanor wife female married age 54 born in Aug 1845, Can. E. occupation marr. 32 yrs., 3 ch., 3
liv., emmig. 1865 father born in Can E. mother born in Can E.: Claude E. son male single age 24 born in Sep 1875, VT
father born in VT mother born in Can E.: Chauncey H. son male single age 9 born in Oct 1890, VT father born in VT
mother born in Can E.: Catherine Kalk boarder female widow age 58 born in 1842, Germany father born in Germany
mother born in Germany.
445 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 NA Film T9-1344 pp. 298D, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :

Martin Canaan Self male married white age 50 born in VT occupation Farmer father born in IRE mother born in IRE:
Catherine Canaan Wife female married white age 51 born in VT occupation Keeps House father born in VT mother
born in VT: Arron Canaan Son male single white age 26 born in VT occupation Farmer father born in VT mother born
in VT: Washington Canaan Son male single white age 24 born in VT occupation Farmer father born in VT mother born
in VT.
446 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 NA Film T9-1344 pp. 298D, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :

Ira Canaan Self male married white age 26 born in VT occupation Farmer father born in VT mother born in VT: Anna
Canaan Wife female married white age 26 born in CAN occupation Keeps House father born in CAN mother born in
CAN: Beatrus Canaan Son male single white age 5 born in VT father born in VT mother born in CAN: Rollon Canaan
Son male single white age 2 born in VT father born in VT mother born in CAN.
447 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1900, pp. 297A.03, dw. 381, fam. 396, ED #120, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :

Aaron Keenan head male married age 47 born in Feb 1853, VT occupation farmer, marr. 27 yrs. father born in VT
mother born in VT: Annie wife female married age 47 born in Dec 1852, Can. E. occupation marr. 27 yrs., 2 ch., 2 liv.,
emmig. 1870 father born in Can. E. mother born in Can. E.
448 Federal Population Schedule, 23-Jun-1900, pp. 297A.47, dw. 407, fam. 423, ED #120, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :

George W. Potter head male married age 41 born in Mar 1859, VT occupation day laborer, marr. 19 yrs. father born in
VT mother born in VT: Mina wife female married age 38 born in Apr 1862, Can. E. occupation marr. 19 yrs., 8 ch. 7
liv. father born in Can. E. mother born in Can. E.: George W. Jr. son male single age 17 born in May 1883, VT father
born in VT mother born in Can. E.: Paul H. son male single age 15 born in Apr 1885, VT father born in VT mother
born in Can. E.: Ira E. son male single age 13 born in Jan 1887, VT father born in VT mother born in Can. E.: Noel E.
son male single age 11 born in Mar 1889, VT father born in VT mother born in Can. E.: Harold H. son male single age
8 born in Mar 1892, VT father born in VT mother born in Can. E.: Bryan G. son male single age 2 born in Jan 1898,
VT father born in VT mother born in Can. E.: Allen P. son male single age 3 mos. born in Feb 1900, VT father born in
VT mother born in Can. E.
David J. Ellis, Harold would be born a year later than implied by the census so as not to conflict with his deceased
450 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1900, pp. 297A.31, dw. 389, fam. 404, ED #120, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :

Washington Keenan head male married age 43 born in Jul 1856, WI occupation farmer, marr. 18 yrs. father born in VT
mother born in VT: Gusta wife female married age 38 born in Mar 1862, Can E. occupation marr. 18 yrs., 1 ch. 1 liv.,
emmig. 1870 father born in Can E. mother born in Can E.: Ralph son male single age 17 born in Nov 1882, VT
occupation farm laborer father born in WI mother born in Can E.: Edgar Hilliker nephew male single age 24 born in
Aug 1875, VT occupation bridge workman father born in VT mother born in Can E.

David J. Ellis, It is only claimed that Harriet married Washington Keenan. The census only provides a date and does
not confirm the marriage.
Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1900, pp. 296B.82, dw. 376, fam. 391, ED #120, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :
Charles Dixson head male married age 45 born in Dec 1854, ME occupation farm laborer, marr. 15 yrs. father born in
ME mother born in ME: Lucy wife female married age 35 born in Jun 1864, VT occupation marr. 15 yrs., 5 ch., 5 liv.
father born in Can. E. mother born in Can. E.: Grover W. son male single age 15 born in Oct 1884, VT father born in
ME mother born in VT: Pearl S. dau female single age 14 born in Nov 1885, VT father born in ME mother born in VT:
Charlie M. son male single age 12 born in May 1888, VT father born in ME mother born in VT: Eddie son male single
age 10 born in Mar 1890, VT father born in ME mother born in VT: Warden son male single age 6 born in Nov 1893,
VT father born in ME mother born in VT.
453 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jun-1900, pp. 140B.64, dw. 315, fam. 382, ED #35, 16 Forest St., Keene, Cheshire

Co., NH : Edward L. Woodbury head male married age 33 born in Apr 1867, VT occupation machinist, marr. 10 yrs.
father born in VT mother born in VT: Louise C. wife female married age 33 born in Mar 1867, VT occupation marr. 10
yrs., 1 ch., 1 liv. father born in Can Fr. mother born in Can Fr.: Earl M. son male single age 2 born in Oct 1897, VT
father born in VT mother born in VT.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Union Cemetery, Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co. (Le Haut-Richelieu Regional Co.), QC,
Clarenceville, Cemetery Listing: Schoolcraft, C C, B. 1837, D.
455 Québec: Cemetery Records, Union Cemetery, Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co. (Le Haut-Richelieu Regional Co.), QC,

Clarenceville, Cemetery Listing: McNeil, W J, B. 1836, D. 1903.

456 Québec: Cemetery Records, Union Cemetery, Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co. (Le Haut-Richelieu Regional Co.), QC,

Clarenceville, Cemetery Listing: McNeil, Elwin, B. 1862, D. 1897, son of W J McNeil & C C Schoolcraft DJE: This
comment may not be on the marker.
457 Québec: Cemetery Records, Union Cemetery, Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co. (Le Haut-Richelieu Regional Co.), QC,

Clarenceville, Cemetery Listing: McNeil, Belle, B. 1864, D. 1890, daughter of W J McNeil & C C Schoolcraft DJE:
This comment may not be on the marker.
458 Québec: Cemetery Records, Union Cemetery, Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co. (Le Haut-Richelieu Regional Co.), QC,

Clarenceville, Cemetery Listing: McNeil, Mary, B. 1872, D. 1879, daughter of W J McNeill & CC Schoolcraft DJE:
This comment may not be on the marker.
459 Minnesota: Vital records, Marriage Cert., Winona Co., MN: ... on the tenth day of June A. D. 1864 at my office in

Winona in the County of Winona ... joined in marriage John R. Miller of Winona County and Ellenor Schoolcraft of
Winona County ...
460 David J. Ellis, Eleanor is living with her parents until 1861. John's first wife dies in March 1864. John and Eleanor's

marriage is only 3 months later. They may have left as an unmarried couple, planning to marry when they reached
461 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 3.40, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., John R. Miller age 27 m/m

born in L. Canada occ./rel. farmer, W. Methodist, Melinda age 24 f/m born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Ada
A. age 4 f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Abi age 2 f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist, Mary
Wheeler age 12 f/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. not family member, W. Methodist, John Lake age 5 m/s born in L.
Canada occ./rel. family member, W. Methodist, James age 2 m/s born in L. Canada occ./rel. family member, W.
462 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jul-1870, pp. 29.25, dw. 212, Jackson, Polk Co., MO, fam. 209, John R. Miller age

36 sex m farmer born in Canada E., Jennie age 22 sex f keeping house born in VA, Abi J. age 10 sex f born in Canada
E., John W. age 8 sex m born in Canada E.
Federal Population Schedule, 21-Apr-1910, pp. 2A.08, dw. 24, fam. 24, ED #81, SD #6, Hixton, Jackson Co., WI:
Alonzo C. Irish head male age 54 born in VT married, marr. 19 y., 2nd occupation farm labor father born in VT mother
born in VT: Eunice M. wife female age 42 born in WI married, marr. 19 y., 2nd, 0 ch. occupation cook father born in
NY mother born in NY: Lester J. adopted son male age 11 born in WI single father born in UNK mother born in WI:
Norma E. Rhead servant female age 18 born in WI single occupation housekeeper father born in WI mother born in
WI: Alex Moen boarder male age 40 born in Norwegian, emmig. 1882 single occupation farm manager father born in
Norwegian mother born in Norwegian: Joseph Johnson servant male age 22 born in WI single occupation farm laborer
father born in Norwegian mother born in Norwegian: Eddie Thompson servant male age 24 born in WI single
occupation farm laborer father born in Norwegian mother born in Norwegian.

Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jan-1920 pp. 4B.79, dw. 90, ED #122, Fowler, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 90:
Arthur Heath head male age 64 born in NY widow occupation farmer general farm father born in VT mother born in
NY: Melissia mother female age 85 born in NY widow father born in VT mother born in VT: fam. 91: Alfred Dunham
head male age 38 born in NY married occupation laborer lumber wood father born in NY mother born in NY: Edith M.
wife female age 31 born in NY married father born in England mother born in France: Harlo B. son male age 13 mos.
born in NY single father born in NY mother born in NY: Leon son male age 1 mos. born in NY single father born in
NY mother born in NY.
465 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jul-1870, pp. 42.09, dw. 313, Highgate, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 318, Charles Guard

age 22 sex m farm laborer born in VT, Sarah age 26 sex f born in Canada, Eureta age 7 mos. sex f born in VT.
466 Vermont: Death Record, Highgate, VT reported death of Mary Jane Gerard, female, on 27-May-1879 of croup at

age 1 yrs., born in Highgate, VT. Parents Charles Gerard and Sarah Schoolcraft.
467 David J. Ellis, Sarah's marriage appears to be "Sard" but the original is probably a mis-transcribed "Gard". The 1870

census is "Guard" and Sarah is extremely close to her parents. Mary Jane's death record is "Gerard" which might also
be a mis-transcription of "Guard".
468 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of Rhetta A. Guard to Nelson Pocket on 25-Jan-1887.

1st marriage of Rhetta A. Guard residing in Swanton VT, age 18, born Swanton VT, parents Charles Guard & Sarah
Schoolcraft. 1st marriage of Nelson Pocket residing in Swanton VT, occupation laborer, age 21, born Canada, parents
Nelson Pocket & Mary Smith. Officiated by Rev. J. H. Babbitt.
Vermont: Birth Record, Swanton VT reported birth of Sarah Gard on 8-Dec-1870, sex F. Parents Charles Gard &
Sarah Scoolcraft living in Swanton VT, father's occupation Laborer. Father born in Highgate VT, mother born in
470 Vermont: Marriage Record, St. Albans VT reported marriage of Florence Etta Guard to Chas. J. Beausoliel on 22-

May-1899. 1st marriage of Florence Etta Guard residing in St. Albans VT, age 25, born St. Albans VT, parents Chas.
H. & Sarah (Schoolcraft). 1st marriage of Chas. J. Beausoliel residing in St. Albans VT, occupation machinist, age 17,
born St. Albans VT, parents Louis & Emeline (Denoyer). Officiated by Rev C. E. Prevost Catholic Priest.
471 Vermont: Birth Record, Swanton VT reported birth of Margrett Gard on 24-Apr-1876, sex F. Parents Chas. Gard &

Sarah Schoolcraft living in Swanton VT, father's occupation Laborer. Father born in Swanton VT, mother born in
472 Vermont: Marriage Record, St. Albans VT reported marriage of Margaret Guard to G. E. Middleton on 24-Apr-

1893. 1st marriage of Margaret Guard residing in St. Albans VT, age 18, born Swanton VT, parents C. H. &
Schoolcraft. 1st marriage of G. E. Middleton residing in St. Albans VT, occupation brass work, age 21, born Dunham
PQ, parents Edward & Sarah (Bellamy). Officiated by D. E. Croft Clergyman.
473 Vermont: Birth Record, Highgate VT reported birth of Mary Jane Guard on 24-May-1878, sex F. Parents Chase

Guard & Sarah Schoolcraft living in Highgate VT, father's occupation Laborer. Father born in St. Albans VT, mother
born in Claranceville P.Q.
474 Vermont: Birth Record, Swanton VT reported birth of Maud Elizabeth Guard on 24-Jan-1880, sex F. Parents Chas.

Guard & Sarah Schoolcraft living in Swanton VT, father's occupation Laborer. Father born in Swanton VT, mother
born in Centerville NY.
475 Vermont: Birth Record, Swanton VT reported birth of Abbie Estella Guard on 24-Jun-1881, sex F. Parents Charles

Guard & Sarah Schoolcraft living in Swanton VT, father's occupation Laborer. Father born in Swanton VT, mother
born in Canada.
476 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 32, Lot 1: John Elwin Wanzer 1889 1959 his wife Ruth D.

Schoolcraft 1902 - 1984.

Lib. Arch. Can. MG 31 C1 Film C-731, FHL US/CAN Film #1375937, 12 March 1842: pp. 2479.11, St-Georges [de
Clarenceville], Rouville Co. Head of household George Schoolcraft, owner. Total present in household 3. Native of
Canada 3 Eng. Children: 1 female under 6. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr. 3 British
Weslyan Methodist.
478 Lib. Arch. Can. MG 31 C1 Film C-731, FHL US/CAN Film #1375937, 12 March 1842: pp. 2479.02, St-Georges [de

Clarenceville], Rouville Co. Head of household Isaac Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. Total present in household 9. Native
of Canada 8 Eng. Native of U.S.A. 1. Years in province for non native 20. Children: 1 female under 6, 2 male 6 but
under 14, 1 female 6 but under 14, 5 aged 5 thru 16. Males: 1 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 14
but not 45 Marr. 9 Other religion.
Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 194, pp. 92531-92532. Oct 17, 11835, pp. 92531 (b). Petitioner of many from Noyan
and Foucault who are seeking relief from Seigneurial fees
480 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, Jan 1989, pp. 20. Wisconsin Marriages: Harry Schoolcraft on 5-

Dec-1906 in Jackson Co.

Québec: Legal Records, Notary Pierre Gamelin, FHL US/CAN 1343378. Philip Derick, Arbitration: May 8, 1840 at
Gamelin's office in Napierville. Bond of Arbitration between Sarah Lea, widow of the late Philip Derick And Abraham
Derick and others herein named. ... Mrs. Sarah Lea, of the Seigniory of Foucault or Caldwell Manor, second wife and
the widow of Philip Derick of the one part and Abraham Derick of the said Seigniory of Foucault or Caldwell Manor,
one of the sons ifsue of the marriage of the said late Philip Derick, who died on the thirteenth day of June last past, ...
and of the late Barbary Young, who died on the Twenty Second day of September one thousand eight hundred and
thirty six, the said Abraham Derick, acting as well for himself as in his capacity of Tutor duly appointed to William
Derick, aged eighteen years and to Daniel Derick aged fifteen years two of his brothers, minor children ifsue of the
marriage of their late father and mother above named, Also appeared Henry Young of the said Seigniory of Foucault,
farmer, Uncle and sub Tutor to the said minor children And also appeared Isaac Flagg of the same Seigniory, farmer,
acting as Curator to Mary Ann Derick, his wife yet a minor & ifsue of the marriage aforesaid. ... Jacob Derick of the
Seigniory of Lacole, farmer, George Derick and Henry Derick of the said Seigniory of Foucault, farmers, three other
sons now of age of Majority, James Williams Junr. & Lany Derick his wife, David Derby & Sally Maria Derick his
wife and Seth Philips, Blacksmith and Catherine Derick his wife all of the said Seigniory of Foucault the above named
appearers are sons, daughters and sons in law to the said late Philip Derick and the said late Barbary Young and they
the said Lany Derick, Sally Maria Derick, Mary Ann Derick and Catherine Derick
Québec: Cemetery Records, Ruiter's Corners Cemetery, Stanstead [Listing]. Buzzell, Elizabeth d. 1843, Wife of
Melvin Schoolcraft, DJE: Other records suggest this record should be 1943.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Ruiter's Corners Cemetery, Stanstead [Listing]. Schoolcraft, Clinton J., b. 25 Mar 1882,
d. 28 Feb 1892, shares with Melvin & Elizabeth
484 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Feb-1920 pp. 1A.33, dw. 10, ED 89, West Swanton Rd., Swanton, Franklin Co.,

VT, fam. 12: Theodore Hilliker head 1 male age 72 born in VT widow occupation farmer small farm father born in VT
mother born in VT: Henery head 2 male age 37 born in VT married occupation brakeman RR father born in VT mother
born in Canada: Christy wife female age 37 born in NY married father born in VT mother born in Canada: Marvile son
male age 12 born in VT single father born in VT mother born in NY
485 Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1900, pp. 297A.31, dw. 389, fam. 404, ED 120, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT :

Washington Keenan head male married age 43 born in Jul 1856, WI occupation farmer, marr. 18 yrs. father born in VT
mother born in VT: Gusta wife female married age 38 born in Mar 1862, Can E. occupation marr. 18 yrs., 1 ch. 1 liv.,
emmig. 1870 father born in Can E. mother born in Can E.: Ralph son male single age 17 born in Nov 1882, VT
occupation farm laborer father born in WI mother born in Can E.: Edgar Hilliker nephew male single age 24 born in
Aug 1875, VT occupation bridge workman father born in VT mother born in Can E.
486 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Feb-1920 pp. 1A.29, dw. 9, ED 89, West Swanton Rd., Swanton, Franklin Co., VT,

fam. 11: Washinton Keenan head male age 60 born in VT married occupation farmer, small farm father born in VT
mother born in VT: Gusta wife female age 57 born in WI married father born in VT mother born in VT: Walter
brother-in-law male age 70 born in Canada widow occupation farmer, general, emmig. 1881, naturalized 1884 father
born in Canada mother born in Canada: Aline Labri~~~ boarder male age 23 born in Canada single occupation laborer
RR, emmig. 1880, naturalized 1884 father born in Canada mother born in Canada
487 Plattsburgh Sentinel, Clinton Co., 12 Jul 1907. "Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schoolcraft of Swanton are the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Miller."

488 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Feb-1920 pp. 1B.71, dw. 20, ED 89, West Swanton Rd., Swanton, Franklin Co., VT,

fam. 24: M. Schoolcraft head female age 44 born in VT widow occupation farmer father born in Canada mother born in
VT: Helen daughter female age 14 born in VT single father born in Canada mother born in VT: illegible not
Schoolcraft Male age 63 born in VT single occupation laborer father born in VT mother born in VT
Federal Population Schedule, 9-Feb-1920 pp. 1A.24, dw. 7, ED 89, West Swanton Rd., Swanton, Franklin Co., VT,
fam. 9: Horatio Schoolcraft head male age 61 born in Canada married occupation laborer in town, emmig. 1875,
naturalized 1880 father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Mary wife female age 64 born in Canada married
occupation emmig. 1875, naturalized 1888 father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Emily Fitz~~~~ sister-in-law
female age 73 born in Canada widow occupation emmig. 1875, naturalized 1880 father born in Canada mother born in
Vermont: Cemetery Records, Riverside Cemetery, Swanton, Franklin Co. [Headstone]. Noel E. Potter 1893 - 1952
[buried near George and Mina Potter]

James Schoolcraft Baptized February 19th, 1762
Proven: James Schoolcraft
born Abt. 19-Feb-1762 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; [Previously
Albany Co.]55
census 1790 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; pp. 315.437
census 1820 in Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 183.0515
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.1316
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1251.41, Range
military 26-Jun-1777 in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada;
Enterred 3rd Company, Queen's Loyal Rangers56, 57
military 16-Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA;
Battle of Bennington58
military 22-Aug-1777 in Walloomsac, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA;
Transferred to Capt. Samuel McKay56, 60
military 19-Sep-1777 in Stillwater, Saratoga, New York, USA; Bemis Heights;
Captured at 1st Battle of Freeman's Farm59, 60
military Bet. 1779 - 1780 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Private
assigned to 16th Regiment, probably did not serve61
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates62
fact 25-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's
Manor], Going to Hatley68
fact 1800 in South River, Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada63
fact 10-Sep-1804 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for range
9, lot 15 west half.9
fact 13-Mar-1805 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Authorization to
lease lot 15, range 98
fact 20-Jul-1807 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for better
lease terms10
fact 17-Jul-1813 in New Haven, Addison, Vermont, USA; Warning out12
fact 20-Dec-1814 in Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Warning out13
fact 06-May-1816 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Warning out14
died Aft. 183117

married Proven Clarissa Horton 26-Mar-1789 in Sandgate, Bennington, Vermont, USA;

Congregational Church6
1. Probable: Annis Schoolcraft aka Agnes67
born Abt. 1789 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Probably67
fact 04-Jan-1817 in Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Warning out42
married Conjecture Samuel Sisco Abt. 180467
born 05-Jun-1777 in Sunapee, Sullivan, New Hampshire, USA; [Saville aka Wendell]69
fact 30-Mar-1807 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Warning out44
died Abt. 181642
a. Proven: Benjamin Sisco44
born Abt. 1804 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Probably44

b. Proven: Esther Sisco44
born Abt. 1805 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Probably44
c. Proven: Samantha Sisco44, 45
born 05-Dec-1805 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA45
died 27-Dec-1886 in Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA70
buried Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Troy St. cemetery70
married Proven Richard Judd Bef. 182570, 72
born Bet. 1801 - 180772
census 1825 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 848.0672
d. Proven: Diantha Sisco46
born 21-Feb-1808 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA46
died 07-Jul-1850 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA71
buried South Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; South Franklin cemetery73
e. Conjecture: Louisa Sisco aka Schoolcraft67
born 30-Nov-1815 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Probably49, 52
census 12-Jun-1900 in Wayland, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 259A.39, dw. 163, ED 31,
Wayland Village74
died 22-Oct-1901 in Dorr, Allegan, Michigan, USA52
buried Hopkins, Allegan, Michigan, USA; Maplewood cemetery75
married Proven John Truax Abt. 184748, 76
born 04-Nov-1808 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada77
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 13.47, Dist.
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.35, Dist. 150
census 03-Aug-1870 in Hopkins, Allegan, Michigan, USA; dw. 1251
census 09-Jun-1880 in Hopkins, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 207C, Dist. 1178
military 10-May-1865 ; Civil War, Discharged, Co. B, 17th Michigan79
died 18-Jul-1888 in Hopkins, Allegan, Michigan, USA80
buried Hopkins, Allegan, Michigan, USA; Maplewood cemetery75
i. Proven: Howard Truax49
born Abt. 1848 in Quebec, Canada49
died Bef. 190074
ii. Proven: Arthur Henry Truax48
born Abt. Mar-1850 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada48
died 03-Oct-1852 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada48
buried 05-Oct-1852 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada48
2. Proven: James Schoolcraft2
born Abt. 08-Aug-1790 in Cambridge, Washington, New York, USA; Probably
census 1825 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.1419
census 1830 in Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 20.0281
census 1840 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 224.1882
census 08-Aug-1850 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; dw. 6783
military Sep-1814 ; Capt. Elizah Dee's Co., War of 1812-1814, Plattsburgh, NY, USA84
died 03-Jun-1858 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA2
buried North Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; Holbrook cemetery85
married Proven Abigail Holbrook Abt. 182318, 64
born Abt. 12-Apr-1796 in Townshend, Windham, Vermont, USA18
died 01-Nov-1858 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA18
buried North Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; Holbrook cemetery85
a. Proven: Alfred N. Schoolcraft89
born Abt. 28-Jan-1824 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada89, 86, 90
census 08-Aug-1850 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; pp. 14.20, dw. 10390
census 20-Aug-1860 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; dw. 275791

census 10-Aug-1870 in Sheldon, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 6292
died 30-Apr-1886 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA89
married Proven Samantha C. Hyde Bef. 185087, 90
born Abt. 1831 in Vermont, USA90
i. Proven: Carroll Frederick Schoolcraft87
born Abt. 1861 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA92
married Proven Marie Pfyffer 28-Jun-1900 in Newport, Orleans, Vermont, USA87
married Proven 2nd Laura A. Hair 18-Jan-1876 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA88
born Abt. 04-Dec-1854 in Montgomery, Franklin, Vermont, USA93
died 18-May-1876 in Jay, Orleans, Vermont, USA93
married Proven 3rd Miranda Shufelt aka Amanda 19-Mar-1883 in Richford, Franklin,
Vermont, USA86
born Abt. 1834 in Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA94
died 25-Dec-1897 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA95
b. Proven: Azro E. Schoolcraft96
born Abt. 15-Jul-1830 in Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USA96
census 20-Aug-1860 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; dw. 275599
military 13-Aug-1861 ; Enlisted as a Private, residence Hyde Park, Vermont.20
military 16-Sep-1861 ; Enlisted in Company D, 5th Infantry Regiment Vermont20
military 15-Dec-1863 ; Reenlisted in Company D, 5th Infantry Regiment Vermont20
military 12-May-1864 ; Killed Company D, 5th Infantry Regiment Vermont in
Spotsylvania Court House, VA.20
died 12-May-1864 in Spotsylvania, Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA; Spotsylvania Court
House96, 20
buried North Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; Holbrook cemetery97
married Proven Mary A. Hyde Bef. 185399, 98
born Abt. 1837 in Vermont, USA99
census 06-Jun-1870 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; dw. 132100
i. Proven: Madora M. Schoolcraft aka Dora101
born Abt. 1853 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA99, 101
married Proven Noble E. Webster 15-Jan-1878 in Morristown, Lamoille, Vermont,
ii. Proven: Ella A. Schoolcraft102
born Abt. 10-Jun-1854 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA102
died 01-Aug-1864 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA102
buried North Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; Holbrook cemetery103
iii. Proven: Azro Schoolcraft99
born Dec-1855 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA104
census 01-Jun-1900 in Dorchester, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA; pp.
113B.80, dw. 165, ED 54104
married Proven Lydia Keys Abt. 1880105, 104
born Aug-1857 in Illinois, USA104
iv. Proven: Effie Schoolcraft99, 107
born Mar-1857 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA99, 107
census 03-Jun-1880 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA; pp. 6D, 18
Dutton St.106
v. Claimed: Bertha Schoolcraft108, 109
born 15-Jun-1870 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA108
3. Proven: Elijah Schoolcraft3
born Abt. 12-Feb-1793 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Probably. [Christie's
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 813.26110

census 1840 in Willsboro, Essex, New York, USA; pp. 138.11111
census 15-Jul-1850 in Moriah, Essex, New York, USA; dw. 12923
census 02-Jun-1860 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA; dw. 53112
census 16-Sep-1870 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; dw. 448113
died 10-Feb-1873 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA3
married Proven Sarah Dimond Jan-1825 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA21
born Abt. 1803 in New York, USA114
died 05-Sep-1878 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA114
a. Proven: George W. Schoolcraft22, 23
born 16-May-1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada126
census 1850 in Moriah, Essex, New York, USA; dw. 60120
census 07-Jun-1860 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA; dw. 164121
census 16-Sep-1870 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; dw. 448113
census 04-Jun-1880 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; dw. 63122
census 26-Jun-1900 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; pp. 275B.82, dw. 402,
ED 115123
census 05-May-1910 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; sh. 11.085, dw. 299,
ED 169124
died Claimed 19-Mar-1912 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA
married Proven Julia Loomis 1855 in Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan, USA119, 121, 125
born Claimed 02-Feb-1832 in Vermont, USA120, 121, 127
died Claimed 03-Mar-1863127
i. Proven: Lucina Schoolcraft119, 121
born Abt. 1855 in Michigan, USA121
died California, USA119
married Proven Luther Pearse 04-Jan-1873 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan,
born Abt. 1853 in Michigan, USA130
married Proven 2nd Mortimer G. Hulett aka Martin 06-Sep-1883 in Casco, Allegan,
Michigan, USA129
born Abt. 1842 in New York, USA129
ii. Proven: Amanda J. Schoolcraft119, 121
born Abt. 1857 in Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan, USA121, 128
married Proven George Heald 17-Nov-1875 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan,
born Abt. 1848 in Dublin, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA128
iii. Proven: Viola E. Schoolcraft119, 121
born Abt. 1859 in Michigan, USA121
married Proven Marble Thayer 28-Oct-1877 in Gobles, Van Buren, Michigan,
born Abt. 1857 in Van Buren, Michigan, USA131
iv. Proven: Lillie Schoolcraft119, 113
born Abt. 1862 in Michigan, USA113
married Proven John F. Bowles 09-Dec-1877 in Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan,
born Abt. 1852 in Massachusetts, USA132
married Proven 2nd Harriet Loomis 01-Oct-1864 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA;
born 18-Aug-1844 in Essex, New York, USA292, 127, 123
died 15-Nov-1913 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA292
buried 18-Nov-1913 in Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan, USA292

v. Proven: George Albert Schoolcraft113, 137
born Jan-1867 in Michigan, USA113, 133
census 26-Jun-1900 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; pp. 275B.76,
dw. 401, ED 115133
census 05-May-1910 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; sh. 11.088,
dw. 300, ED 169134
census 16-Jan-1920 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; sh. 1.92, dw.
31, ED 202135
census 14-Apr-1930 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; sh. 3A.15, dw.
6, ED 80-26, Kendall Village136
married Proven Jennie I. McElroy 01-May-1888 in Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan,
born Feb-1872 in Michigan, USA133
died Bef. 1920135
vi. Proven: Elmer E. Schoolcraft113, 137
born Mar-1867 in Michigan, USA139
census 11-Jun-1900 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; pp. 60B.82,
dw. 224, ED 123, 1326 Portage St.139
census 05-May-1910 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; sh. 11.085,
dw. 299, ED 169124
married Proven Eliza Mary Dewitt 27-Nov-1886 in Pine Grove, Van Buren,
Michigan, USA140
born Abt. 1875 in New York, USA140
vii. Proven: Frederick F. Schoolcraft113, 137
born Apr-1870 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA141
census 1900 in Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 149B.76, dw. 237, ED 23,
Otsego Village141
married Proven Almira C. Ward 02-Jul-1892 in Allegan, Michigan, USA142
born Oct-1873 in Akron, Summit, Ohio, USA142, 141
viii. Proven: Freeman Schoolcraft143, 137
born Abt. Mar-1871 in Michigan, USA143
died 15-Sep-1873 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA143
ix. Proven: Charles Schoolcraft144, 137
born Abt. May-1873 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA144
died 27-Sep-1874 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA144
x. Proven: Mabel Schoolcraft122, 137
born Abt. Oct-1875 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA123
married Proven Phillip H. Sunlin 01-Jun-1901 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo,
Michigan, USA; Recorded Ingham Co.145
born Abt. 1864 in Ohio, USA145
xi. Proven: Clyde Schoolcraft137
born Claimed Abt. 1886
xii. Proven: Claude Schoolcraft137
born Claimed Abt. 1887
xiii. Proven: Millie Schoolcraft146, 137
born Abt. 15-Jan-1889 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA146
died 09-Feb-1892 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA146
b. Proven: James H. Schoolcraft22, 23
born Claimed 01-Jun-1828 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada151
census 17-Aug-1850 in Willsboro, Essex, New York, USA; dw. 1515148
census 02-Jun-1860 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA; dw. 53112
census 16-Sep-1870 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; dw. 402149

census 18-Jun-1880 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA; dw. 277150
census 15-Jun-1900 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 142A.46, dw. 164151
died 16-Jan-1923 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, USA; 224 Fourth St.152
buried Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, USA; Oakwood cemetery152
married Proven Harriet Vanornam 26-Nov-1848 in Willsboro, Essex, New York, USA147
born Abt. 1830 in New York, USA148
married Proven 2nd Harriet Webster Jul-1853153
born 28-Sep-1832 in Ohio, USA153
died 10-Jan-1901 in Allegan, Michigan, USA153, 154
i. Proven: Oscar J. Schoolcraft112
born Abt. 1858 in Michigan, USA112
died 22-Dec-1894 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA159
ii. Proven: George H. Schoolcraft149
born Claimed 24-Feb-1862 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA149
census 14-Jun-1900 in South Haven, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; pp. 296A.17,
dw. 198, ED 152160
census 02-May-1910 in South Haven, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; sh. 7.17, dw.
163, ED 174161
census Jan-1920 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; sh. 6.40, dw. 89,
ED 152, Ward 2162
census 02-Apr-1930 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; sh. 2A.09, dw.
23, ED 39-24, Ward 3, 451 W. Howell St. SW163
died Claimed 27-May-1930 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA164
buried Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; Riverside cemetery164
married Proven Rose E. Davis 03-Mar-1895 in South Haven, Van Buren, Michigan,
USA; Part of South Haven is in Allegan Co.165
born Oct-1870 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA160, 166
died 1950166
buried Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; Riverside cemetery166
iii. Proven: William Schoolcraft155
born Abt. May-1864 in Michigan, USA167
died 15-Apr-1876 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA167
iv. Proven: Sarah Melissa Schoolcraft149, 156
born Abt. 1866 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA149, 168
married Proven Matthew Mayer 20-Dec-1884 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan,
born 1844 in Germany168, 169
died 1910169
buried Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA; Mallery cemetery169
v. Proven: Mandon B. Schoolcraft157
born 04-Oct-1868 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA157
census 15-Jun-1900 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 142A.46, dw.
died 29-Mar-1905 in Geneva, Van Buren, Michigan, USA290
buried 30-Mar-1905 in Geneva, Van Buren, Michigan, USA290
married Proven [Unidentified] Abt. 1894151
married Proven 2nd Sarah J. Thomas 13-Feb-1904 in South Haven, Van Buren,
Michigan, USA170
born Abt. 1883 in Auburn, De Kalb, Indiana, USA170
vi. Proven: Caroline Schoolcraft149
born Abt. May-1870 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA149

vii. Proven: Elizabeth Schoolcraft158
born Abt. 1871 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA158
married Proven George Pierce 26-Oct-1891 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, USA158
born Abt. 1864 in New York, USA158
married Proven 2nd Charles Gillett 26-Mar-1895 in Trowbridge, Allegan,
Michigan, USA171
born Abt. 1877 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA171
married Proven 3rd Edward C. Simington 11-Sep-1915 in Allegan, Allegan,
Michigan, USA172
born Abt. 1879 in Montpelier, Blackford, Indiana, USA172
viii. Proven: Freeman Schoolcraft150
born Dec-1877 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA151
census 15-Jun-1900 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 142A.46, dw.
164151, 173
married Proven Elizabeth Stickman 18-Nov-1899 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan,
born Dec-1882 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, USA151, 173
c. Proven: Hannah Maria Schoolcraft22, 23
born Abt. 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably23
d. Proven: Freeman Lorenzo Schoolcraft22, 23
born Abt. 25-Dec-1833 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably291,
174, 23

census 1850 in Moriah, Essex, New York, USA; dw. 60120

census 1880 in Champlain, Clinton, New York, USA; pp. 199A24
census 06-Jun-1900 in Antwerp, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; pp. 29B.59, dw. 366, ED
died 25-Jul-1907 in Waverly, Van Buren, Michigan, USA291, 174
buried 27-Jul-1907 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA291
married Proven Louise Aunchman Bef. 186725, 24
born 1847 in New York, USA24, 25
died 16-Aug-1884 in Fort Edward, Washington, New York, USA176
buried Champlain, Clinton, New York, USA; St. Mary's Prospect Hill cemetery25
i. Conjecture adopted: Albert L. Schoolcraft116, 117
born Abt. 04-Jun-1859 in Westport, Essex, New York, USA177, 178
census 25-Jul-1870 in Champlain, Clinton, New York, USA; dw. 99127
died 02-Feb-1939 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA177
buried Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA; Oak Grove cemetery177
married Proven Caroline Gertrude O'Dell178, 179
born 01-Oct-1857 in Rouses Point, Clinton, New York, USA180, 178
died 28-Jul-1933 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA180
buried Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA; Oak Grove cemetery180
ii. Proven: Martha Schoolcraft24
born Abt. 1867 in New York, USA24
married Claimed William Quinn 03-May-1885 in Manhattan, Kings, New York,
iii. Proven: Oscar H. Schoolcraft24
born Dec-1867 in Clinton, New York, USA182, 181
census 26-Jun-1900 in Almena, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; pp. 9B.093, dw.
211, ED 129182
married Proven Mary L. Boucher aka Bushey Abt. 1888182, 183
born Jun-1873 in Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada182

married Proven 2nd Rose C. Worts 02-Sep-1922 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo,
Michigan, USA181
born Abt. 1892 in Batavia, Branch, Michigan, USA181
iv. Proven: Howard Schoolcraft24
born Abt. 1870 in New York, USA24
v. Proven: Norman Schoolcraft24
born Abt. 1873 in New York, USA24
married Proven 2nd Agnes Philomen McKetchin 10-Apr-1889 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada;
West End Methodist Church26
born May-1856 in Canada175
e. Proven: William Albert Schoolcraft22, 23
born 20-Mar-1834 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably189
census 23-Jul-1850 in Moriah, Essex, New York, USA; dw. 226184
census Claimed 01-Sep-1860 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; pp. 604.09,
dw. 1398
census 16-Sep-1870 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; dw. 447185
census 04-Jun-1880 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; dw. 66186
census 26-Jun-1900 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; pp. 275B.61, dw. 396,
ED 115187
census 05-May-1910 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; sh. 11.100, dw. 303,
ED 169188
died Claimed 12-May-1929 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA
married Proven Phebe Ann Mallory 16-Jun-1860 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA190
born Nov-1836 in Wayne, New York, USA191, 187
died Aft. 1910188
i. Proven: Frank W. Schoolcraft191, 192
born Claimed 09-Oct-1860 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA192
census 1880 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; dw. 66198
census 27-Jun-1900 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; pp. 276A.45,
dw. 420, ED 115199
census 05-May-1910 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; sh. 11.096,
dw. 302, ED 169200
died Claimed 05-May-1944 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA192
married Proven Effie I. Sprague 22-Oct-1878 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan,
born Feb-1864 in New York, USA199
ii. Proven: Charles Schoolcraft191
born Abt. 01-Aug-1862 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA197
died 07-Nov-1863 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA197
buried Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA; Mallery cemetery197
iii. Proven: Laura L. Schoolcraft191
born Abt. 1866 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA185
married Proven Fletcher Willsea 31-Aug-1887 in Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan,
born Abt. 1859 in New York, USA202
iv. Proven: Delphene D. Schoolcraft193
born 17-Mar-1868 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA193
married Proven John S. Rausler 22-Dec-1886 in Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan,
born Abt. 1862 in New York, USA203
v. Proven: John Schoolcraft194
born 01-Nov-1872 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA194

died 26-Feb-1873 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA204
buried Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA; Mallery cemetery204
vi. Proven: Lydia Nellie B. Schoolcraft195, 191
born 03-Jan-1874 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA195
married Proven Wesley D. Richardson 26-Sep-1891 in Kendall, Van Buren,
Michigan, USA205
born Abt. 1868 in Michigan, USA205
vii. Proven: Elva Merosia Schoolcraft196
born 15-Jan-1876 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA196
census 05-May-1910 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; sh. 11.100,
dw. 303, ED 169188
married Proven Christopher J. Austin 16-Nov-1895 in Gobles, Van Buren,
Michigan, USA206
born Abt. 1873 in New York, USA206
f. Proven: Juliet Schoolcraft22, 23
born Abt. 1836 in Quebec, Canada23
married Proven Edwin Stockwell Bef. 1858207
born Abt. 1835 in Quebec, Canada293
census 1880 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; pp. 564C293
i. Proven: Nelson G. Stockwell207
born Abt. 1858 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, USA207, 293
married Proven Elizabeth A. Fortine 29-Sep-1894 in Wilcox, Newaygo, Michigan,
born Abt. 1875 in Big Rapids, Mecosta, Michigan, USA207
ii. Proven: Amelia Stockwell293
born Aft. 1858 in Michigan, USA293
g. Proven: Sarah J. Schoolcraft22, 23
born Abt. Dec-1838 in New York, USA23, 208
married Proven Christopher S. Bullock Abt. 1855208, 209
born Abt. Apr-1836 in New York, USA208
census 21-Jun-1900 in Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 134A.37, dw. 127, ED 21208
i. Proven: Flora Bullock209
born Abt. Jul-1860 in Michigan, USA208
census 21-Jun-1900 in Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 134A.37, dw. 127,
ED 21208
married Proven [Unidentified] Hayden Bef. 1900209, 208
married Proven 2nd Herman F. M. Dahn 28-Nov-1906 in Otsego, Allegan,
Michigan, USA209
born Abt. 1865 in New York, USA209
ii. Claimed: Emma Bullock
born Claimed Abt. 1862 in Michigan, USA
iii. Proven: Lizzie Bullock210
born Abt. 1864 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, USA210
married Proven William Furlong 26-Jan-1891 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan,
born Abt. 1851 in New London, New London, Connecticut, USA210
iv. Proven: Elsie Bullock211
born Abt. 1866 in Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, USA211
married Proven William H. McKee 01-Mar-1891 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan,
born Abt. 1866 in Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USA211

v. Proven: Fred Bullock212
born Abt. 1868 in Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, USA212
married Proven Della E. Wilson 01-Feb-1893 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan,
born Abt. 1868 in Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, USA212
h. Proven: Guy Schoolcraft22, 23
born Abt. 1839 in New York, USA23
i. Proven: Louisa Melissa Schoolcraft22, 115, 23
born 18-Mar-1847 in Moriah, Essex, New York, USA23
census 08-Sep-1870 in Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, USA; dw. 75213
4. Proven: Joel Schoolcraft4, 5
born Abt. 1803 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably28
census 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2568.03, Conc. 7 -
census 1861 in Stukely, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 365.32, Dist. 128
census 1871 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.10, Dist. 127215
census 29-Apr-1891 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 23.14, dw. 122, Dist.
187-I Div. 1216
fact Abt. 1864 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Wallings Map, Lot 2-22217
died Aft. 1891216
married Proven [Unidentified] Bef. 182565
a. Proven: Hannah Schoolcraft218
born Abt. 28-Aug-1825218
died 18-Mar-1849 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada32
buried Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; South Stukely cemetery32
married Proven Lee Libby 13-Jun-1843 in Knowlton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada218,

born 28-Feb-182131
died 25-Apr-1879 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada31
buried Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; South Stukely cemetery31
married Proven 2nd Mary Clement 27-Feb-1837 in Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USA33
b. Proven: Clarissa Horton Schoolcraft28, 4, 29
born 25-Dec-1844 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada219, 4, 29
died 13-Jan-1906 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada29
buried Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Silver Valley cemetery29
married Proven Sewell Stone Parker 23-Jun-1863 in Shefford, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec,
born 18-Mar-1817 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, USA220, 221
census 29-Apr-1891 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 23.14, dw.
122, Dist. 187-I Div. 1216
died 07-Jan-1901 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada29
buried Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Silver Valley cemetery29
i. Proven: Mary Persis Parker222
born 29-Sep-1864 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada222
ii. Proven: Nathaniel Stone Parker222
born 17-May-1866 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada222
iii. Proven: Edith Lucy Parker222
born 20-Aug-1868 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada222
iv. Proven: Hester Parker216
born Abt. 1871 in La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada216
v. Proven: Lois Parker216
born Abt. 1874 in La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada216

vi. Proven: Hellen Parker216
born Abt. 1876 in La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada216
vii. Proven: Cynthia A. Parker29
born 16-Mar-1878 in La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada29
died 31-Dec-1884 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada29
buried Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Silver Valley cemetery29
viii. Proven: Harriet Parker222, 216
born Abt. 1881 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada222
married Proven Harlow E. Miller 27-Jul-1900 in Manchester, Hillsborough, New
Hampshire, USA222
born Abt. 1874 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada222
c. Proven: Jane Schoolcraft28, 223
born 1852 in Quebec, Canada224, 28
died 1940 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada224
buried Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Silver Valley cemetery224
married Proven Rufus Edmond Tibbitts 02-Sep-1878 in Fitch Bay, Memphrémagog, Quebec,
born 1851 in Quebec, Canada224, 226
census 29-Apr-1891 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 23.04, dw.
121, Dist. 187-I Div. 1226
died 1920 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada224
buried Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Silver Valley cemetery224
i. Proven: Ida Tibbitts226
born Abt. 1878 in Quebec, Canada226
ii. Proven: Edmond Tibbitts226
born Abt. 1881 in Quebec, Canada226
iii. Proven: Walter Tibbitts226
born Abt. 1884 in Quebec, Canada226
iv. Proven: Henry Tibbitts226
born Abt. 1885 in Quebec, Canada226
v. Proven: Minnie Tibbitts226
born Abt. 1888 in Quebec, Canada226
vi. Proven: Myrtle Tibbitts226
born Abt. 1890 in Quebec, Canada226
married Proven 3rd Sarah Ann Notemire 19-Nov-1855 in Shefford, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec,
born Abt. 1830 in Quebec, Canada28
d. Proven: Lorenzo Edgar Schoolcraft227, 28
born Abt. 1857 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably227, 28
died 26-Jul-1861 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada227
buried 27-Jul-1861 in Frost Village, Waterloo, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada227
e. Proven: Joel Henry Schoolcraft228, 28
born Sep-1858 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada228, 28
died 12-Jul-1861 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada228
buried 13-Jul-1861 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada228
f. Proven: James William Schoolcraft229, 232
born 17-Jan-1861 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada229, 232
census 14-Apr-1891 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.20, dw. 52,
Dist. 143-C Div. 3230
census 1901 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 02.14, dw. 18231
married Proven Ella Tibbitts 29-Nov-1886 in Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA232
born 26-Apr-1860 in Quebec, Canada232

i. Proven: Emma Schoolcraft230
born Abt. 1879 in Quebec, Canada230
married Proven [Unidentified] Brocking 1895 - 1901231, 230
g. Proven: Edgar Dow Schoolcraft229
born 17-Feb-1863 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada229
census 29-Apr-1891 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 23.04, dw.
121, Dist. 187-I Div. 1226
census 1901 in Magog, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 06.05, dw. 57233
married Proven [Unidentified] Bef. 1894233
i. Proven: Plinny Schoolcraft233
born 14-Dec-1894 in Quebec, Canada233
ii. Proven: William J. Schoolcraft233
born 31-May-1896 in Quebec, Canada233
h. Proven: Alice Ruth Schoolcraft229
born 18-Apr-1865 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada229
died 1929 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada234
buried Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Silver Valley cemetery234
married Proven Spencer R. Brown234
born 1849234
died 1929 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada234
buried Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Silver Valley cemetery234
i. Proven: Ella D. Brown234
born 1890234
died 1926 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada234
buried Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Silver Valley cemetery234
i. Proven: Harriet Ira Schoolcraft235
born 04-Jan-1872 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably235
census 08-Apr-1891 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 5.12, dw. 25,
Dist. 187-I Div. 1236
married Proven Peter Marcy 20-Nov-1893 in Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA237
j. Proven: Sarah Emma Schoolcraft238
born 23-Sep-1876 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada238
census 27-Apr-1891 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 23.04, dw.
121, Dist. 187-I, Div. 1226
died 23-Mar-1895 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada223, 239
5. Probable: Moses Schoolcraft66
born Abt. 1805 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably241
census 1825 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 857.2438
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1251.07, Range 137
census 05-Mar-1842 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2774.02240
census 30-Oct-1850 in Norfolk, St Lawrence, New York, USA; dw. 8241
census 20-Jul-1860 in Norfolk, St Lawrence, New York, USA; dw. 310242
census 28-Jun-1870 in Norfolk, St Lawrence, New York, USA; dw. 449243
died Bet. 1870 - 1880243, 244
married Proven Hannah Rosetta Ring 22-Feb-1824 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA245
born Abt. 180739
died 15-Feb-184539
buried Farnham Centre, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Farnham Centre cemetery39
a. Proven: David Nelson Schoolcraft246
born 19-Aug-1825 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably246
census 07-Jul-1860 in Dickinson, Franklin, New York, USA; dw. 249248
died 27-Sep-1864 in Washington City, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia,

buried Arlington, Arlington, Virginia, USA; Arlington National cemetery247
married Claimed Lucy Lucinda Smith 18-Mar-1854 in Hopkinton, Parishville, St Lawrence,
New York, USA249, 255
born Claimed Abt. 1835 in Hopkinton, Parishville, St Lawrence, New York, USA248
census 20-Jun-1870 in Hopkinton, Parishville, St Lawrence, New York, USA; dw. 156250
died Claimed 05-Mar-1910 in Lawrence, Nassau, New York, USA
i. Proven: Hannah G. Schoolcraft248
born Claimed 15-Jun-1858 in Hopkinton, Parishville, St Lawrence, New York,
USA251, 255, 248
ii. Proven: Sarah M. Schoolcraft248
born Claimed 11-Nov-1859 in Hopkinton, Parishville, St Lawrence, New
York, USA251, 255, 248
iii. Proven: Albert James Schoolcraft250
born Claimed 15-Jul-1861 in Hopkinton, Parishville, St Lawrence, New York,
USA251, 255, 250
census 1880 in Lawrence, St Lawrence, New York, USA252
census 01-Jun-1900 in Pleasant Hill, Webster, Nebraska, USA; pp. 184A.20,
dw. 97, ED 172253
died Claimed 05-Dec-1924 in Blue Hill, Webster, Nebraska, USA
married Claimed Minnie Bell Shrader 01-Mar-1887 in Seward, Seward, Nebraska,
USA254, 255
born Claimed 21-Oct-1870 in Upton, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA254, 255
iv. Proven: David Nelson Schoolcraft250
born 25-Jan-1864 in Hopkinton, Parishville, St Lawrence, New York, USA251,
255, 250

died 01-Aug-1878 in St Lawrence, New York, USA; St. Lawrence County

b. Proven: Benjamin Philip Schoolcraft41
born Abt. 1831 in Quebec, Canada257
census 12-Jul-1860 in Brooklyn, Green, Wisconsin, USA; dw. 783257
military 17-Aug-1861 ; Enrolled as Private Co. B, 28 Regt., Illinois Volunteers258
military 23-Aug-1861 ; Mustered as Private Co. B, 28 Regt., Illinois Volunteers258
died 01-Oct-1863 in Natchez, Adams, Mississippi, USA258
buried Natchez, Adams, Mississippi, USA; Natchez National cemetery258
married Proven Susannah Welch 05-Feb-1852 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec,
born Abt. 1835 in Quebec, Canada257
died 15-Aug-1863 in Hurricane, Carroll, Missouri, USA; House of William H.
buried Hurricane, Carroll, Missouri, USA266
i. Proven: Nelson David Schoolcraft259
born 25-Dec-1852 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada259
census 14-Jun-1870 in Pittsfield, Pike, Illinois, USA; pp. 15.06, dw. 105294
census 1880 in Pleasant Vale, Pike, Illinois, USA; pp. 684C261
census 02-Jun-1900 in Pleasant Vale, Pike, Illinois, USA; pp. 303A.40, dw. 34,
ED 128262
died 20-Apr-1925 in New Canton, Pike, Illinois, USA263
buried 22-Apr-1925 in New Canton, Pike, Illinois, USA; Stony Point
married Proven Martha McClain 21-Jul-1877 in Pike, Illinois, USA264, 265
born 14-Oct-1861 in Kinderhook, Pike, Illinois, USA264

died 20-Aug-1921 in New Canton, Pike, Illinois, USA264
buried New Canton, Pike, Illinois, USA; Stony Point cemetery264
ii. Proven: Rebecca E. Schoolcraft260
born 09-Apr-1855 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada260
married Proven Andrew M. Edwards 16-Jun-1870 in Pike, Illinois, USA267
born Abt. 1848 in Illinois, USA268
census 29-Jul-1870 in Derry, Pike, Illinois, USA; pp. 19.06, dw. 144295
census 1880 in Derry, Pike, Illinois, USA; pp. 408D268
c. Proven: Theressa Schoolcraft241
born Abt. 1835 in Quebec, Canada241
married Proven 2nd Mary Tryon 22-Dec-1845 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada40
born Abt. 15-Apr-1812 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada269, 270, 271
census 1880 in Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 367A244
died 19-Mar-1888 in Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA272
buried Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA; Lindsley cemetery273
d. Proven: John M. Schoolcraft242
born Abt. Dec-1850 in Norfolk, St Lawrence, New York, USA; Probably275
census 1880 in Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 367A276
census 21-Jun-1900 in Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 207A.16, dw. 284, ED
married Proven Mary E. Pritchard Abt. 1872277, 275
born Abt. Jul-1852 in New York, USA275
i. Proven: John L. Schoolcraft278
born 03-Nov-1876 in Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA278
census 01-Jun-1900 in Oshtemo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; pp. 86A.27, dw.
9, ED 125279
married Proven Cora Folton 07-Oct-1898 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan,
born Oct-1882 in Van Buren, Michigan, USA280, 279
married Proven 2nd Mable Fitch 22-Nov-1902 in Lincoln, Osceola, Michigan,
USA; Stated "Milton Junction, Mecosta Co." may be Lincoln, Osceola Co.281
born Abt. 1880 in Michigan, USA281
ii. Proven: Jason Henry Schoolcraft282, 283
born 25-Nov-1879 in Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA282
married Proven Ella B. Beeler 24-Sep-1919 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan,
born Abt. 1882 in Ohio, USA283
iii. Proven: William A. Schoolcraft284, 279
born 26-Feb-1883 in Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA284
census 01-Jun-1900 in Oshtemo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; pp. 86A.27, dw.
9, ED 125279
married Proven Lillie Cramer 15-Oct-1904 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan,
born Abt. 1887 in Garrett, De Kalb, Indiana, USA277
married Proven 2nd Anna Gambe~~ 09-Oct-1922 in Three Rivers, St Joseph,
Michigan, USA285
born Abt. 1883 in South Milford, Lagrange, Indiana, USA285
married Proven 3rd Frances Gibson 12-Jul-1923 in Centreville, St Joseph,
Michigan, USA286
born Abt. 1880 in Indiana, USA286
iv. Proven: [Unnamed] Schoolcraft287
born 13-May-1886 in Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA287

died 13-May-1886 in Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA288
buried Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA; Lindsley cemetery273, 289
e. Proven: Charles Schoolcraft242
born Abt. Nov-1856 in Norfolk, St Lawrence, New York, USA; Probably242, 273
census 1880 in Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA; pp. 367A244
died 04-Jan-1894 in Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA273, 274
buried Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, USA; Lindsley cemetery273

1 Biographies of Van Buren Co., Michigan Residents in 1912. From A History of Van Buren County Michigan By
Captain O. W. Rowland Volume II. Published by The Lewis Publishing Company Chicago and New York 1912
2 Vermont: Death Record, Hyde Park VT reported death of James Schoolcraft on 3-Jun-1858 of Numb Palsy at age 62

yrs. 9 mos. 26 days, occupation Farmer. Parents James Schoolcraft & Clarissa. Wife Abigail. Buried in Holbrook
3 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363453, p 146 rn 1419 date 26-May-1874:

Elijah Schoolcraft, 10 Feb 1873, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, age 79 years 11 months 29 days, Lung Chills, born
Canada, Male, White, Married, Farmer, Father Jas Schoolcraft residing Pine Grove, Mother Clarissa Schoolcraft
residing Pine Grove.
4 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst), pp.

461 Clarissa Horton SCHOOLCRAFT, a spinster of Twp of South Stukely to Sewell Stone PARKER on 23 Jun 1863
in Shefford Methodist church.
5 David J. Ellis, Joel names his daughter by Mary Clement for his mother, who, I conjecture, probably died before

1842 due to her abscence from that year's census.

6 Vermont, Sandgate: Congregational Church, (Edited by Royden Woodward Vosburgh), pp. 24, March 26 1789

James Schoolcraft & Clary Horton.

7 Federal Population Schedule, 1790: Cambridge, Albany Co., NY, pp. 315.43, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 >16,

female: 2.
8 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 60, pp. 30196-30217. Mar 13, 1805, pp. 30216. Authorization to lease Crown and

Clergy land. James Schoolcraft, range 9, lot 15; William Schoolcraft range 10, lot 13; Simon Stone range 7, lot 10;
Elijah Spears range 9, lot 19.
9 Lib. Arch. Can. RG4 A1 (S-Series) Vol. 84, pp. 26219-26222. Sep 10, 1804 petition to lease Crown and Clergy

land, pp. 26220. James Schoolcraft, range 9, lot 15 west half.

10 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L, Vol. 65, pp. 32486-32489. Jul 20, 1807 petition seeking more favourable lease terms sign

by Peter Schoolcraft, James Schoolcraft and Simon Stone uses the words "back rents".
11 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac

12 Alden M. Rollins, Vermont: Warnings out, (Vol. 1 Northern Vermont, Vol. 2 Southern Vermont), New Haven [p.

291] 17 July 1813: Schoolcraft[?], James, his wife and children, Patterson, Keziah (widow) with her children; warrant
left at the "residence of the within named James Schoolcraft and Kaziah Patterson."
13 Vermont, Georgia: Town Records, PP. 170. State of Vermont, Franklin County, To either Constable of Georgia in

said County Greeting you are hereby requested to summons James Schoolcraft now residing in Georgia to depart said
town. Herewith fail not but of this precept and your doings herunder this make according to law Griven under our
hands at Georgia this 20th day of December 1814. Stephen Dunton, Seymour Eggleston Selectmen of Georgia. DJE:
Notice was left on table in his dwelling house on 24th Dec., 1814.
Alden M. Rollins, Vermont: Warnings out, (Vol. 1 Northern Vermont, Vol. 2 Southern Vermont), St. Albans [p.
209] 6 May 1816: Schoolcraft, James and family.
Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 183.05, Georgia, Franklin Co., VT, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-16, 1
>45, female: 1 <10, 1 16-26, 1 >45, agriculture: 1.
16 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.13, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household James Schoolcraft, 5

total in household, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 2 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 60 and up Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 45 and up
Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.41, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 3 Head of
household James Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. 5 Total in household. Males: 2 21 but not 30 Sing., 1 60 and up Marr.,
Females: 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Marr., 5 Methodist.
18 Vermont: Death Record, Hyde Park VT reported death of Abigail Schoolcraft on 1-Nov-1858 of Lung fever at age

61 yrs. 6 mos. 20 days, born in Townsend VT. Husband James Schoolcraft. Buried in Holbrook cemetery.

Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.14, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household James Schoolcraft Jr.,
4 total in household, 2 under 6. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
Civil War listings, Azro Schoolcraft. Enlisted as a Private on 13 August 1861. Enlisted in Company D, 5th Infantry
Regiment Vermont on 16 September 1861. Reenlisted in Company D, 5th Infantry Regiment Vermont on 15 December
1863. Killed Company D, 5th Infantry Regiment Vermont on 12 May 1864 in Spotsylvania Court House, VA.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Elijah Schoolcraft to Sarah Dimon on Jan-1825.
22 Captain O. W. Rowland Volume II, Michigan: History of Van Buren County, (The Lewis Publishing Company

Chicago and New York 1912), George W. Schoolcraft.- Elijah Schoolcraft lived to nearly ninety years old, and his wife
attained venerable years. They reared nine children, as follows: George W., the special subject of this sketch; James;
Freeman; Maria; William; Juliet; Sarah; Melissa; and Guy.
23 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jul-1850, dw. 129, Moriah, Essex Co., NY, fam. 133, Elijah Schoolcraft age 52 sex

m farmer born in Canada, Sarah age 45 sex f born in NY, George age 23 sex m born in Canada, James age 21 sex m
born in Canada, Hannah age 19 sex f born in Canada, Freeman age 17 sex m born in Canada, William age 15 sex m
born in Canada, Juliet age 14 sex f born in Canada, Sarah age 12 sex f born in NY, Guy age 11 sex m born in NY,
Melissa age 3 sex f born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254819 National Archives Film T9-0819 pp. 199A: Champlain,
Clinton Co., NY : Freeman SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 35 born in NY occupation Tailor father born
in NY mother born in NY: Louise SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 28 born in NY occupation Keeps
House father born in NY mother born in NY: Martha SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 13 born in NY
occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Oscar SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 12
born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Howard SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single
white age 10 born in NY occupation At School father born in NY mother born in NY: Norman SCHOOLCRAFT Son
male single white age 7 born in NY father born in NY mother born in NY.
25 New York: Cemetery Records, St. Mary's Prospect Hill Cemetery, Champlain NY: Louise Aunchman born 1847

died 18-Aug-1888 wife of Freeman Schoolcraft. In Section C2 (rear left quadrant from Prospect Street).
26 Québec: Archives Judiciares de Montreal, M155/201: SCHOOLCRAFT Freeman Lorenzo & 1889 West End 6v

McKetchin Agnes Philomen. Film # M336.38 West End Methodist church - [Montreal]: Freeman Lorenzo Schoolcraft
- boatman - of Montreal, & Agnes Philomene McKetchin, widow of Louis Cadette (??) of New York City were marr
Apr 10, 1889 by license. Minister: S Bond. Wits: Mrs S Bond & Lydia Boxill or Boyill.
27 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jul-1870, pp. 127.05, dw. 991, Champlain, Clinton Co., NY, fam. 1027, Peter

Aunchman age 55 sex m farmer born in Canada, Mary age 56 sex f keeps house born in Canada, Henry age 25 sex m
works on farm born in NY, Adaline age 18 sex f born in NY, Elisabeth age 14 sex f born in NY, Octavia age 16 sex f
born in NY, Peter age 10 sex m at home born in NY, Albert Schoolcraft age 11 sex m at home born in NY.
28 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 365.32, Stukely, Shefford Co., Jonel Scoulcraf age 58 M/M born in BC occ./rel.

farmer, protestant, Anna Nutmeyer age 31 F/M born in BC occ./rel. protestant, Lorenzo Scoulcraf age 4 M/S born in
BC occ./rel. protestant, Henry Scoulcraf age 3 M/S born in BC occ./rel. protestant, William Scoulcraf age M/S born in
BC occ./rel. protestant, Jane Scoulcraf age 9 F/S born in BC occ./rel. protestant, Clarifsa Scoulcraf age 15 F/S born in
BC occ./rel. protestant. The Agricultural record lists Josselle Scoulcraf in lot 20 range 2 with 50 acres, 7 of which are
29 Québec: Cemetery Headstones, Silver Valley Cemetery, Eastman, QC: Headstone reads: Sewell Stone Parker | Mar

18, 1817 - Jan 7 1901 | His wife | Clara Horton Schoolcraft | Dec 25, 1844 - Jan 13 1905 | Their daughter | Cynthia A. |
Mar 16 1878 - Dec 31, 1884.
30 Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst), Marriage of Hannah

Schoolcraft, of Bolton to Lee SELBY on 13 Jun 1843 in Knowlton Anglican church. Parents Joel Schoolcraft residing
in Stanbridge.
31 Québec: Cemetery Records, South Stukely cemetery: Range 6, lot 6, No. 4. Lee Libby Husband of Hannah

Schoolcraft Born Feb 28, 1821 Died April 25, 1879. "At Rest".
32 Québec: Cemetery Records, South Stukely cemetery: Range 6, lot 6, No. 5. Hannah Schoolcraft Wife of Lee Libby

Died March 18, 1849 Aged 23 ys. 6 mo. 18 ds. "A woman of the cross."
Georgia VT Town Records, Book 2, pp. 242: Be it remembered that at Georgia in the County and State afsd. that on
the 29th day of February AD 1837 Joel Schoolcraft & Mary Clement both of Georgia in the State and County afsd were
duly married by me John W. Wittens Justice of the Peace.
Québec, Shefford: Methodist Circuit Records, On this nineteenth day of November in the year of our Lord Two
thousand eight hundred and fifty five Joel Schoolcraft, farmer of the township of Stukely a widower, and Sarah Ann
Notemire of the same township spinster, were united in the bands of matrimony after due publication of the banns in
the presence of subscribing witnesses by me Geffard Dorey Minister. Joel Schoolcraft, Sarah Ann [X] Notemire,
Nathan Parker, Peter Schoolcraft.

Protestant Births in the District of St. Francis, Vol. 2, 1815 - 1879, Baptism of Sarah Emma Schoolcraft on 3-Feb-
1878 in Magog, born on 23-Sep-1876, daughter of Joel and Sarah A. Schoolcraft of South Stukely.
Protestant Marriages in the District of St. Francis, Vol. 2, 1815 - 1879, Marriage of Jane Schoolcraft, of Magog to
Tibbets, Rufus Edmond on 02-09-1878 in Fitch Bay.
37 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.07, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 1 Head of

household Moses Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 4 Total in household, 1 under 5, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 21 but not 30
Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 4 Methodist.
38 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 857.24, Farnham, Bedford Co. Head of household Moses Schollcraft, 3 total in

household, 1 under 6. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
39 Farnham Centre cemetery headstone: In Memory of Hannah L. Ring wife of Moses Schoolcraft who died Feb.15th,

1845 in the 38th year of her age. "Calm on the bosom of thy God / Dear Spirit rest thee now / Even whilewith us thy
footsteps trod / His seal was on thy brow."
40 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Folio twenty two. On this twenty second day of December in the

year of our Lord Two thousand eight hundred and thirty five Moses Schoolcraft of the Township of Dunham in the
county of Mifsisco and Province of Canada widower and Mary Tryon of the Township of Stanbridge in the said county
& province spinster were after due publication of banns united in the holy bonds of matrimony in the presence of the
subscribing witnefses by me John B. Kelly Clerk. Witnesses Moses Schoolcraft, Mary Tryon, Edward Blakely, Joel
Québec, Granby: Anglican Church Records, Married on the fifth day of February Two thousand eight hundred and
fifty two by me George Slack Minister of the Church of England after due publication of banns Benjamin P.
Schoolcraft youngest son of Moses Schoolcraft of Stockholm, N. York U.S. and of Hannah Rosetta his late wife
maiden name Ring and Susannah Welch eldest daughter of Joshua D. Welch and Rebecca his wife maiden name
Chandler. In presence of Emily Warren, D. L. Chandler.
42 Vermont, Georgia: Town Records, Book 2, pp. 5. State of Vermont, Franklin County, To either Constable of

Georgia in said County Greeting By the authority of the State of Vermont you are hereby requested to summon Annis
Schoolcraft and her family now residing in Georgia to depart said town. Hereof fail not but of this precept and your
doings herunder ~~~ make according to law Georgia January 2th 1817. Stephen Dunton, SSolomon Blifs, Young Clair.
Selectmen of Georgia. DJE: Notice was left at her usual place of abode on 20th Jan., 1817.
43 Wills and Probate, FHL US/CAN 513862: Elijah Haughton's will written 14-Mar-1816 names: son Elijah Haughton

Jr., daughter Annis the wife of Abijah Hubbel, daughter Clarrifsa the wife of James Schoolcraft, son Jehial Haughton,
daughter Orra wife of Christopher Switzer, daughter Keziah the widow of Levi Patterson, daughter Molly wife of
Caleb Loomis, grandson David Griswold, grand daughter Sally the wife of Anson Hollister. Probated 10-Apr-1821.
44 Vermont, Franklin: Town Records, Franklin Town Proceedings, Vol. 1, 1802-1832, pp. 35: State of Vermont,

Franklin County. To Clark Rogers Constable for the Town of Huntsburgh Greeting. By the authority of the State if
Vermont you are hereby directed to warn out of this Town the following Persons to wit - William Sisco Abigale
Benjamin Chandlor Mariah Abigail the 2nd & Parrit Sisco Melinda Powers Amanda Powers Samuel Sisco Annis
Benjamin Esther Semantha Sisco. Hereof fail not and make due return to us within twelve days Dated at Huntsburgh
this 30th day of March in year of our Lord 1807. Signed Samuel Hubbard, Hezekiah Wead, Asa Gallup - Selectmen.
45 Vermont: Birth Record, Franklin VT reported birth of Samantha Sisco on 5-dec-1805.
46 Vermont: Birth Record, Franklin VT reported birth of Dianthey Sisco on 21-Feb-1808. Parents Samuel Sisco.
47 Revolutionary War Pension Claim, Vermont No. 352. William Sisco of Troy.
48 Dunham: Methodist Church Records: Arthur Henry Truax died Oct. 3, 1852, bur. Oct 5, 1852 ae. 2 yrs. 7 mos. s/o

John & Louisa Schoolcraft Truax.

Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 13.47, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 81.22
Lot 2-23: John Truax age 44 male born in Canada occ./rel. Farmer, Episcopalian, Married. Loisa age 36 female born in
U.S.A. occ./rel. Episcopalian, married. William age 21 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Emmaly age 19
female born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. John age 17 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Jane age 15
female born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. George age 12 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Abraham age
8 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Howard age 4 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Arthur age 2
male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian.
50 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 3.35, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., John Truax age 52 M/M born in L. C. occ./rel.

farmer, Loisa age 45 F/M born in U.S.A. occ./rel. baptist, George age 19 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer, Abraham
age 16 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer, Howard age 12 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer.
51 Federal Population Schedule, 3-Aug-1870, pp. 2.22, dw. 13, Hopkins, Allegan Co., MI, fam. 13, John Truax age 64

sex m farmer born in Canada E., Louisa age 52 sex f keeps house born in VT, family 14, Allison Varney age 24 sex m
farmer born in OH, Amelia age 20 sex f keeps house born in MI, Emma A. age 10 mos. born in July sex f born in MI.

Michigan: Death Record, Allegan Co. Deaths 1901-1914 LDS US/CAN 1017873, pp. 8 rn 351: Louisa Truax, 22-
Oct-1901, Dorr, Allegan, MI, age 85 yrs. 10 mos. 22 days, Old age, born Vermont, Female, White, Widow, Housewife,
Father ~~~ Luke residing Vermont, Mother ~~~ Sebright Recorded Nov. 4 [1901].
53 Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Stanbridge Ang.: Truax, Abraham Alexander, B. Aug. 6, 1844, Bapt. Oct.

28, 1844, s/o John & Catherine Truax. Wit: Robert & Jane Hunter.
Anglican Church Records, Stanbridge Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Truax, Catherine, D. Sept. 3, 1846, Bu. Sept.
5, 1846, Wit: John Truax & Robert Hunt.
55 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Jacobus on Feb 19 [1762], parents Christiaan

Schoolcraft & Elisabeth Margarit Becker, sponsors Jacob Vinknam & Maria Elizabeth Vinknam.
56 Queen's Loyal Rangers, 3rd Company, Capt. Justus Sherwood's Return after Bennington - dated 23rd August, 1777
57 "King's men: The soldier founders of Ontario" by Mary Beacock Fryer. Dundurn Press (1980)
58 War Office Papers - Headquarters Records. Military and Provincial Memorials. 1776-1781. W. O. 28. Vol. 9. Capt.

Justus Sherwood - Memo Concerning Transfer of Men to Capt. McKay dated 9th March 1788.
Col. John Peter's - Corps Return dated 14th December 1780
60 Roll of Men Under Capt Samuel McKay - Names of Men in the Campaign dated 20th December 1777.
Roster of the 16th Regiment Militia: This roster seems to apply to the period from 13 Apr 1779 to 30 Nov 1780. It
shows four individuals, all privates. Christian and three of his sons. Adam, Christopher [Christian] and Cobus
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1630512: Petition for Town of Granby, 28-Mar-1795
63 Philip Ruiter Ledgers, Book 1799. Accounts March 5th 1800 through June 23rd 1800 in name of James Schoolcraft

include that he was "of South river".

64 David J. Ellis, Date consistent with the birth of their first child.
65 David J. Ellis, This marriage is implied by the existence of his daughter, Hannah.
66 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Moses Schoolcraft.
67 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Two daughters.
68 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1631062: Oath of Allegiance at Missisquoi Bay in 1795.
69 New Hampshire: Birth Record, Saville, Sunapee NH reported birth of Samuel Sisco on 5-Jun-1777. Parents William

Sisco & Abigail Rand.

70 Marlene Simmons, Vermont, Richford: Cemetery Records, (An Index to Grave Stone Inscriptions, Richford VT

Area Cemeteries), Sisco, Samantha <blank> Dec 27 1886 age 80 Judd, Richard: "Gone but not forgotten". Row 37
Stone No. 8 Troy St. Cemetery, Richford.
71 Vermont: Death Record, Franklin VT reported death of Diantha Sisco (F) on 7-Jul-1850, age 43 yrs.
72 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 848.06, Sutton, Bedford Co. Head of household Richard Judd, 3 total in household, 1

under 6. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.

73 Vermont, Franklin: Cemetery Records, South Franklin Cemetery, Row 10, Stone #1: William Sisco Died Jan 12

1832 in the 83 year of his age. Stone #2: Abigail wife of Wm Sisco Died Jan 12 1838 in the 85th year of her age. Stone
#3: [Broken, illegible stone] - DJE: Rebecca Sisco died 1 June 1876. Stone #4: Diatha Sisco died July 7 1850 AE 43
years. Stone #5: Harriet M Willey died Dec 26 1844 AE 22 yrs 2 mo & 18 days. Stone #6: Sarah Ann [broken stone,
illegible] - DJE: 1853 AE 13 yrs. Stone #7: Rebecca A daughter of Nathan & Abigail Wiley died Aug [illegible] 1858 -
DJE: Aug 13th, 1858 AE 25 y 8 m 15 d. Stone #8: Abigail Cisco wife of Nathan Willey died Nov 18 1858 AE 63 yr 5
mo & 2 days. Stone #9: Nathan Willey died Dec 17 1861 AE 86 yrs & 8 mos.
74 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jun-1900, pp. 259A.39, dw. 163, fam. 164, ED #31, Wayland Village, Allegan Co.,

MI : George C. Truax head male married age 58 born in Feb 1842, Can Eng occupation marr. 31 yrs. father born in Can
Eng mother born in Can Eng: Delphina A. wife female married age 56 born in Nov 1843, NY occupation marr. 31 yrs.
3 ch. 3 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Bert E. son male single age 26 born in Sep 1873, MI father born in
Can Eng mother born in NY: Susan dau female single age 22 born in Apr 1878, MI father born in Can Eng mother born
in NY: Bessie dau female single age 20 born in Feb 1880, MI father born in Can Eng mother born in NY: Louisa step
mother female widow age 76 born in Dec 1823, VT occupation 2 ch. 0 liv. father born in VT mother born in VT.
75 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Maplewood cemetery, Hopkins Twp., Allegan Co. from microfilm at the Herrick

Library in Holland, MI: Truax, John b. Nov. 4, 1808 d. July 18, 1888 Truax, Louisa b. Nov. 12, 1818 d. Oct. 22, 1901
76 David J. Ellis, John's first wife dies late in 1846. Howard is born about 1847 or 1848.
Québec, Dunham: Anglican Church Records, Dunham Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.02: Truax, John, B. Nov. 4,
1808, Bapt. Jan. 1, 1809, s/o Abraham & Jane Scott Truax of Farnham.
78 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254569 NA Film T9-0569 pp. 207C, 9-Jun-1880 Disrict 11,

Hopkins, Allegan Co., MI : John TRUAX [Indexed KNOX] Self male married white age 73 born in CAN occupation
Farmer father born in NY mother born in NY: Louisa L. TRUAX Wife female married white age 61 born in VT
occupation Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY.

Military Records: 19th Century, Inscriptions of Civil War soldiers, Roll #46 at Herrick Library in Holland, MI:
Truax, John- Nov. 4, 1808- July 18, 1888 Co. B 17th Michigan.
Michigan: Death Record, Allegan Co. Deaths 1882-1901 LDS US/CAN 1017873, pp. 91 rn 890: John Truax Sr., 18-
Jul-1888, Hopkins, Allegan, MI, age 79 yrs. 8 mos. 4 days, Catarrh & consumption, born Canada, Male, White,
Married, Farmer, Father Abram Truax residing Died in Canada, Mother Jane Truax residing Died in Canada.
Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 20.02: Georgia, Franklin Co., VT, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1
30-40, female: 1 10-15, 1 30-40.
82 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 224.18, Fairfax, Franklin Co., VT, J. Schaolcraft. Male: 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1

40-50, female: 1 40-50.

83 Federal Population Schedule, 8-Aug-1850, dw. 67, Hyde Park, Lamoille Co., VT, fam. 73, James Schoolcraft age 60

sex m farmer born in VT, Abigail age 33 sex f born in VT, Azro age 20 sex m farmer born in VT.
84 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 2 No. 3 pp. 5 Winter 1986:

"Roster of Soldiers in the War of 1812-1814, State of Vermont. James Schoolcraft volunteered to go to Plattsburgh,
Sept 1814 and served 7 days in Capt. Elizah Dee's Co. Ref Book 51, AGO pp. 217.
85 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Holbrook Cemetery, North Hyde Park: | Abigal | wife of | James Schoolcraft | died

Nov, 1 | 1858 | Æ 61yrs. 6 mo. | 20 days. || James Schoolcraft | died | Jan 3 | 1858 | Æ 62 yrs. 9 mo. | & 26 days. |.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Richford VT reported marriage between Alfred N. Schoolcraft and Amanda Shufelt
(Babcock) on 19-Mar-1883. 2nd marriage of Alfred N. Schoolcraft age 59 born in Stanbridge QC residing in Farnham
QC. Occupation Carpenter and joiner, parents James Schoolcraft = Abigail.
87 Vermont: Marriage Record, Newport VT reported marriage between Carroll Frederick Schoolcraft and Marie

Pfyffer on 28-Jun-1900. 1st marriage of Carroll Frederick Schoolcraft age 39 born in Hyde Park VT residing in QC.
Parents Alfred N. Schoolcraft & Samantha Hyde.
88 Vermont: Marriage Record, St. Albans VT reported marriage between Alfred N. Schoolcraft and Laura A. Hair on

18-Jun-1876. 2nd marriage of Alfred N. Schoolcraft age 48 born in Canada residing in St. Albans VT. Occupation
Carpenter, parents Joseph Schoolcraft & A. Holbrook.
89 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Alfred N. Schoolcraft on 30-Apr-1886, age 62 yrs., 3 mos., 2 days. M. Parents

Abigail=James Schoolcraft. Occupation Farmer.

90 Federal Population Schedule, 8-Aug-1850, pp. 14.20, dw. 105, Hyde Park, Lamoille Co., VT, fam. 111, Alfred

Schoolcraft age 26 sex m wheelwright born in Canada East, Samantha C. age 19 sex f born in VT.
91 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Aug-1860, dw. 2757, Hyde Park, Lamoille Co., VT, fam. 2675, A. N. Schoolcraft

age 36 sex m farmer born in Canada, Samantha age 29 sex f born in VT, Ella Barnes age 7 sex f born in VT.
92 Federal Population Schedule, 10-Aug-1870, pp. 8.29, dw. 62, Sheldon, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 64, Alfred

Schoolcraft age 44 sex M carpenter born in Canada, Samantha age 40 sex F born in VT, Carrie age 9 sex F born in VT.
93 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Laura Schoolcraft (Hair) on 18-May-1878 in Jay VT, age 23 yrs., 5 mos., 14 days

of consumption. F. Born in Montgomery VT, parents David Hair=Lydia Everts, mother.

94 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Miranda (Shufelt) Schoolcraft and Orin,

Schoolcraft on 4-Nov-1886. 2nd marriage of Miranda (Shufelt) Schoolcraft age 52 born in Richford VT residing in
Derby VT. Parents Nelson Shufelt=Elizabeth Cambell. 2nd marriage of Orin, Schoolcraft age 55 born in Franklin VT
residing in Derby VT. Occupation Farmer, parents Christopher = Polly Snider.
95 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Minerva (Fifield) Schoolcraft on 25-Dec-1897 in Derby VT, age 65 yrs.

Chirrhosis of liver. F.
96 Vermont: Death Record, Highgate record reported death of Azro Schoolcraft on 12-May-1864 of Killed in battle at

age 33 yrs. 9 mos. 27 days, occupation Farmer, born in Georgia VT. Parents Jas. Schoolcraft & Abigail.
Vermont: Cemetery Records, Holbrook Cemetery, North Hyde Park: | Azro Schoolcraft | Co D 5th Reg VT Vol |
Killed in Action | May 12 1864 |.
98 Vermont: Marriage Record, Hyde Park VT reported marriage between Mary A. Schoolcraft (Hyde) and Phila J.

Crowell on 16-Dec-1873. 2nd marriage of Mary A. Schoolcraft (Hyde) age 37 residing in Hyde Park VT. Parents
Hiram Hyde & M.
99 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Aug-1860, dw. 2755, Hyde Park, Lamoille Co., VT, fam. 2673, Azro Schoolcraft

age 32 sex m farmer born in VT, Mary age 22 sex f born in VT, Madora age 7 sex f born in VT, Ella age 6 sex f born in
VT, Azro age 5 sex m born in VT, Effie age 3 sex m born in VT.
100 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1870, pp. 17.26, dw. 132, Hyde Park, Lamoille Co., VT, fam. 136, May A.

Schoolcraft age 33 sex f keeps house born in VT, Medora N. age 17 sex f domestic born in VT, Azro H. age 14 sex m
farm laborer born in VT, Effie S. age 13 sex f at school born in VT.
101 Vermont: Marriage Record, Morristown VT reported marriage between Dora M. Schoolcraft and Noble E. Webster

on 15-Jan-1878. 1st marriage of Dora M. Schoolcraft age 24 born in Hyde Park VT residing in Hyde Park VT. Parents
A. E. Schoolcraft = Mary A.

Vermont: Death Record, Hyde Park VT reported death of Ella A. Schoolcraft on 1-Aug-1864 of Diptheria at age 10
yrs. 1 mos. 22 days, born in Hyde Park VT. Parents A. E. Schoolcraft & M. A.. DOB Jun-1854, Holbrook.
Vermont: Cemetery Records, Holbrook Cemetery, North Hyde Park: | Ella A. | dau of | A. & M. A. | Schoolcraft. |
died | Aug. 1, 1864. | AE. 10 ys. 2 ms. |.
104 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1900, pp. 113B.80, dw. 165, fam. 167, ED #54, Dorchester, Grafton Co., NH :

Azro Schoolcraft head male married age 44 born in Dec 1855, VT occupation farmer, marr. 20 yrs. father born in VT
mother born in VT: Lydia M. wife female married age 42 born in Aug 1857, IL occupation marr. 20 yrs., 4 ch., 2 liv
father born in NY mother born in IL: Otis E. son male single age 15 born in Jul 1884, VT father born in VT mother
born in IL: Allen H. son male single age 4 born in Mar 1896, MA father born in VT mother born in IL.
105 Vermont: Birth Record, Curtis E. Schoolcraft born 16-Jul-1884 in Hyde Park VT, sex M. Parents Azro Schoolcraft

& Lydia Keys residing in Lowell MA. Father's occupation Loom repairer. Father's place of birth Hyde Park VT.
Mother's place of birth NY.
106 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254544 NA Film T9-0544 pp. 6D, 3-Jun-1880 18 Dutton St.,

Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA dwelling 18, family 18. : Continued from JACOB O. HILL : Edith HOLMES Other
female single white age 19 born in NB occupation Works In Cotton Mill father born in NB mother born in NB: Alida
MARSHALL Other female single white age 24 born in NB occupation Works In Cotton Mill father born in NB mother
born in NB: Effie SCHOOLCRAFT Other female single white age 24 born in VT occupation Works In Cotton Mill
father born in VT mother born in VT: Sarah BLAKE Other female single white age 19 born in VT occupation Works
In Cotton Mill father born in VT mother born in NY: Mary HYDE Other female single white age 25 born in VT
occupation Works In Cotton Mill father born in VT mother born in NY.
107 Vermont: Birth Record, Hyde Park VT reported birth of Unnamed Schoolcraft on Mar-1857, sex F. Parents Azro

Schoolcraft & Mary, father's occupation Farmer.

108 Vermont: Birth Record, Hyde Park VT reported birth of Bertha Schoolcraft on 15-Jun-1870, sex F. No father listed,

mother "Schoolcraft", "Illegitimate".

109 David J. Ellis, The IGI claims parents are Azro and Mary but Azro is dead. Might be widowed Mary's child but

might also be Madora or Effie's child.

110 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 813.26, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Elijah Schoolcraft, 2

total in household. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
111 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 138.11, Willsborough, Essex Co., NY, Elijah Schoolcraft. Male: 2 5-10, 2

10-15, 1 30-40, female: 2 <5, 1 10-15, 1 20-30.Total in family = 9; employment = 5 in agriculture; 2 in navigation of
lakes, canals and rivers.
112 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1860, pp. 8, dw. 53, Trowbridge, Allegan Co., MI, fam. 51, Elijah Schoolcraft

age 65 sex m farmer born in Canada E., Sarah age 59 sex f born in NY, Malissa Schoolcraft age 14 sex f born in NY,
Jamie Schoolcraft age 31 sex m farmer born in Canada E., Harriet age 26 sex f born in OH, Oscar J. age 2 sex m born
in MI.
113 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Sep-1870, pp. 43.04, dw. 448, Pine Grove, Van Buren Co., MI, fam. 433, Geo. W.

Schoolcraft age 35 sex m farmer born in NY, Harriett age 28 sex f keeping house born in NY, Lucine age 13 sex f born
in MI, Amanda age 11 sex f born in MI, Viola age 9 sex f born in MI, Lillie age 8 sex f born in MI, Elmer age 4 sex m
born in MI, Burt age 2 sex m born in MI, Fred age 1 sex m born in MI, Elijah age 65 sex m born in VT, Sarah age 60
sex f born in NY.
114 Michigan: Death Record, Allegan Co. Deaths 1867-1883 LDS US/CAN 1017873, pp. 169 rn 236: Sarah

Schoolcraft, 5-Sep-1878, Trowbridge, Allegan, MI, age 75 yrs., Asthma, born New York, Female, White, Widow,
House keeper, Father George Dymond residing Michigan, Mother Hannah Dymond.
New York, Essex Co.: Births Records, Essex County births: On 03-18-1847 Schoolcraft, Louisa M. parents Elijah &
Sarah of Moriah.
116 Claimed: "Albert is Elijah Schoolcraft's adopted son - my aunt, age 80, is very clear on the matter involving Albert.

She matter of factly states that grampa (Albert) was an orphan and was adopted by a Canadian man and his indian
squaw wife and that they never met anyone from his family. She stated it was common knowledge that he was
David J. Ellis, It is claimed that Albert is Elijah's adopted son. I am very concerned that Albert is not enumerated
with Elijah at any time and that Elijah and his family have left NY and are living in Michigan by the time Albert is
born. He is enumerated with Freeman's father in law in 1870. He names Two of his children Freeman, not common
elswhere. I believe the claimed lineage to Elijah is incorrect and conjecture that he is the adopted son of Freeman and
Louise. If it can be obtained, his Massachusetts death record should help.
118 Michigan, Allegan: IGI: Vital Records, International Genealogical Index - United States, Event Marriage: George

W. SCHOOLCRAFT : M : Spouse Harriet C. DORNIS : Date 1 Oct 1864 : Place Allegan, Michigan.

Captain O. W. Rowland Volume II, Michigan: History of Van Buren County, (The Lewis Publishing Company
Chicago and New York 1912), George W. Schoolcraft.- Mrs. Loomis [DJE: author confused wife of George
Schoolcraft] died, leaving four daughters: Lucina, the first born, married Martin Hulett, and she died in California,
leaving Two son, named Alvah P. Amanda married George Heald, and she died leaving Two son, Fred. Ora married
Marb Thayer and has Two son, Jay. Lillie married John Bowles. In October 1864, Mr. Schoolcraft married Harriet
Loomis, a sister of his first wife and who was born in Essex county, New York.
120 Federal Population Schedule, 1850, dw. 60, Moriah, Essex Co., NY, fam. 63, Wenham Loomis age 50 sex M laborer

born in VT, Joanna age 49 sex F born in VT, Julia age 19 sex F born in VT, Thomas age 16 sex M born in NY, Jane
age 13 sex F born in NY, Richard age 11 sex M born in NY, Charles age 9 sex M born in NY, Harriett age 6 sex F born
in NY, George Schoolcraft age 22 sex M born in VT, Aaron Palmer age 22 sex M born in NY, Freeman Schoolcraft
age 19 sex M born in VT.
121 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jun-1860, pp. 21, dw. 164, Trowbridge, Allegan Co., MI, fam. 152, George

Schoolcraft age 31 sex m farmer born in NY, Julia age 28 sex f born in NY, Lousine age 5 sex f born in MI, Manda age
3 sex f born in MI, Viola age 1 sex f born in MI.
122 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254608 National Archives Film T9-0608 pp. 550C: 4-Jun-1880 Pine

Grove, Van Buren Co., MI dw. 63, family 63. : G. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 52 born in CAN
occupation Farmer father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Harriet SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age
34 born in NY father born in NY mother born in NY: Elmer SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 15 born in
MI occupation Farmer father born in CAN mother born in NY: Albert SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 13
born in MI occupation Farmer father born in CAN mother born in NY: Freddy SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white
age 11 born in MI occupation Farmer father born in CAN mother born in NY: Mabel SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female
single white age 5 born in MI father born in CAN mother born in NY: J. LOOMIS MotherL female white age 79 born
in NY occupation Housekeeping father born in NY mother born in NY: R. LOOMIS Nephew male single white age 28
born in NY occupation Farmer father born in NY mother born in NY.
123 Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jun-1900, pp. 275B.82, dw. 402, fam. 405, ED #115, Pine Grove Twp., Van Buren

Co., MI : George Schoolcraft head male married age 74 born in May 1826, Can. occupation emmig. 1860, marr. 36 yrs.
father born in Can. mother born in Can.: Harrott wife female married age 54 born in Aug 1845, NY occupation marr.
36 yrs., 9 ch., 4 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Ethel g-dau female single age 12 born in Oct 1887, MI
father born in MI mother born in NY: Mable dau female single age 24 born in Oct 1875, MI father born in Can. mother
born in MI.
124 Federal Population Schedule, 5-May-1910, sh. 11.085, dw. 299, fam. 302, ED #169, Pine Grove, Van Buren Co., MI

: G. W. Schoolcraft head male age 83 born in Canada, age at first marriage marr. 46 yrs father born in MA mother born
in NY: Harriet wife female age 65 born in NY, age at first marriage marr. 46 yrs., 9 ch., 4 liv. father born in MA
mother born in NY: Elmer son male age 44 born in MI divorced occupation farm laborer father born in Canada mother
born in NY.
125 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, Michigan Vitals - SAN

Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 5 - 8, April 1988 IGI: Schoolcraft, George, m. Julia Loomis in 1855, Kendall, Van Buren Co.,
126 Captain O. W. Rowland Volume II, Michigan: History of Van Buren County, The Lewis Publishing Company

Chicago and New York 1912, George W. Schoolcraft.- A son of Elijah Schoolcraft, he was born May 16, 1825, in
Stanbridge, province of Québec, Canada, of honored New England ancestry.
127 Elias Loomis, Genealogy: Descendants of Joseph Loomis in America, (self published 1909).
128 Michigan: Marriage Record, FHL US/CAN Film 984141: HEALD, George I. Age: 27 years Marriage: Wife:

Amanda J. SCHOOLCRAFT Age: 18 years Marriage Date: 17 Nov 1875 Recorded in: Kalamazoo, Michigan Husb's
Birthplace: Dublin, NH Wife's Birthplace: Kendall, MI.
129 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342471, v 1 p 18 rn 557: 06 Sep 1883,

Casco, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Mortimer G. Hulett, age 41, born New York, Bride Cena Schoolcraft, age 28, born
130 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342456, v 1 p 207 rn 1320: 04 Jan

1873, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, Groom Luther Pearse, age 20, born Michigan, Bride Lucinda Schoolcraft, age
18, born Michigan.
131 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342462, v 3 p 275 rn 2514: 28 Oct

1877, Gobleville, Van Buren, Michigan, Groom Marble Thayer, age 20, born Van Buren County, Michigan, Bride
Viola E. Schoolcraft, age 18, born Van Buren County, Michigan.
132 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342462, v 3 p 279 rn 2621: 09 Dec

1877, Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan, Groom John F. Bowles, age 25, born Massachusetts, Bride Lillie Schoolcraft,
age 17, born Allegan County, Michigan.

Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jun-1900, pp. 275B.76, dw. 401, fam. 404, ED #115, Pine Grove Twp., Van Buren
Co., MI : George Schoolcraft head male married age 33 born in Jan 1867, MI occupation farmer, marr. 13 yrs. father
born in NY mother born in NY: Jennie J. wife female married age 28 born in Feb 1872, MI occupation marr. 13 yrs., 5
ch., 4 liv. father born in Ireland mother born in MI: Berthie dau female single age 12 born in Jul 1887, MI father born
in MI mother born in MI: Bessie dau female single age 9 born in Sep 1890, MI father born in MI mother born in MI:
Glen son male single age 7 born in May 1893, MI father born in MI mother born in MI: Blanche dau female single age
1 born in Aug 1898, MI father born in MI mother born in MI.
134 Federal Population Schedule, 5-May-1910, sh. 11.088, dw. 300, fam. 303, ED #169, Pine Grove, Van Buren Co., MI

: Albert Schoolcraft head male age 42 born in MI, age at first marriage marr. 21 yrs. occupation farmer father born in
Canada mother born in NY: Jennie wife female age 38 born in MI, age at first marriage marr. 21 yrs., 6 ch. 5 liv. father
born in Unknown mother born in Unknown: Bettie dau female age 19 born in MI father born in MI mother born in MI:
Glen son male age 17 born in MI father born in MI mother born in MI: Blanche dau female age 11 born in MI father
born in MI mother born in MI: Bernice dau female age 8 born in MI father born in MI mother born in MI.
Federal Population Schedule, sh. 1.92 16/17-Jan-1920 ED#202, Pine Grove, Van Buren Co., MI dwelling 31, family
31. : George Schoolcraft head male age 53 born in MI married father born in NY mother born in NY: Bernice dau
female age 19 born in MI single father born in MI mother born in MI.
Federal Population Schedule, sh. 3A.15 14-Apr-1930 ED#80-26, Kendall Village, Pine Grove, Van Buren Co., MI
dwelling 6, family 6. : George A. Schoolcraft head male age 63 born in MI widow occupation proprietor, grocery father
born in NY mother born in NY: Bertha S. Shirley dau female age 41 born in MI widow occupation saleswoman,
grocery father born in MI mother born in MI.
137 Captain O. W. Rowland Volume II, Michigan: History of Van Buren County, The Lewis Publishing Company

Chicago and New York 1912, George W. Schoolcraft.- Nine children have been born of the union of Mr. and Mrs.
Schoolcraft, four of whom are living, Elmer, Albert, Fred and Mabel. Elmer married Eliza Hunt, who died in early life,
leaving one child, Ethel. Albert married Jennie McElroy, and they have five children, Bertha, Bessie, Glen, Blanche
and Bernice. Fred married Almira Ward and they have one child, Colia. Mabel wife of Phil Sunlin, has four children,
Ruth, Grace, Clyde and Fred. Two of Mr. Schoolcraft's grandchildren are married, Ethel, who married Warren Minor,
having three children, Ralph, Mary and Ora, while Bertha wife of Leon Shirley has one child, Doris Shirley. The five
deceased children of Mr. and Mrs. Schoolcraft were: Freeman, the fourth child born, who died at the age of two years
and eight months; Charlie, the fifth child, died aged sixteen months; Clyde, the seventh, died aged seventeen months;
Claude, the eighth, died aged three months; and Millie, the ninth, died, aged three years.
138 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342484, v 3 p 369 rn 167: 01 May

1888, Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan, Groom Geo. A. Schoolcraft, age 21, father G. W. Schoolcraft, mother H.
Simmons, Bride Jennie I. Mcilroy, age 16, father Owen Mcilroy.
139 Federal Population Schedule, 11-Jun-1900, pp. 60B.82, dw. 224, fam. 239, ED #123, 1326 Portage St., Kalamazoo

City, Kalamazoo Co., MI: Charles Laeginger head male married age 35 born in Jun 1864, MI occupation painter, marr.
8 yrs. father born in NY mother born in MI: Vinnie wife female married age 28 born in Oct 1871, MI occupation marr.
8 yrs., 0 ch. father born in NY mother born in NY: Leiddie Struble mother female widow age 68 born in Jan 1832, NY
occupation 1 ch., 1 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Martin Hall boarder male single age 28 born in Mar
1872, IN occupation teamster father born in IN mother born in IN: Abner Preston boarder male single age 40 born in
Jan 1860, Can. F occupation paper maker father born in Scot. mother born in Scot.: Elmer E. Schoolcraft boarder male
single age 32 born in Mar 1867, MI occupation paper maker father born in NY mother born in NY: Freda Barney
boarder female single age 25 born in Jun 1879, MI occupation paper maker father born in OH mother born in OH:
Nella Hamelton boarder female single age 34 born in Feb 1866, PA occupation paper maker father born in PA mother
born in PA.
Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342479, v 3 p 317 rn 5238: 27 Nov
1886, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, Groom Elmer Schoolcraft, age 21, born Michigan, Bride Eliza M. Dewitt, age
21, born New York.
141 Federal Population Schedule, 8-Jun-1900, pp. 149B.76, dw. 237, fam. 246, ED #23, Otsego Village, Allegan Co.,

MI : Fred F. Schoolcraft head male married age 30 born in Apr 1870, MI occupation foreman chair factory, marr. 8 yrs.
father born in NY mother born in NY: 1873, OH occupation marr. 8 yrs., 2 ch., 1 liv. father born in OH mother born in
OH: Coila dau female single age 7 born in Apr 1893, MI father born in MI mother born in OH.
142 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342492, v p 29 rn 1596: 02 Jul 1892,

Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Frederick F. Schoolcraft, age 23, born Pine Grove, Michigan, father George
Schoolcraft, mother Hattie Loomis, Bride Almira C. Ward, age 18, born Akron, Ohio, father Byron Ward, mother
Maggie Bowersox.

Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363453, p 146 rn 1418 date 26-May-1874:
Fred Schoolcraft, 15 Sep 1873, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, age 2 years 6 months, Fever, born Michigan, Male,
White, Single, Father Geo Schoolcraft residing Pine Grove, Mother Harriet Schoolcraft residing Pine Grove. DJE: Note
that the death record appears to have got the name wrong - Fred instead of Freeman. Other primary sources, including
those for Fred F. Schoolcraft, show it is this death record that is incorrect.
Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363453, p 159 rn 88 date 26-May-1875:
Charles Schoolcraft, 27 Sep 1874, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, age 1 year 4 months, Spinal Meningitis, born
Michigan, Male, White, Single, Father George Schoolcraft residing Pine Grove, Mother Harritt Schoolcraft residing
Pine Grove.
145 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342518, v 2 p 10 rn 934: 01 Jun 1901,

Kalamazoo, Ingham, Michigan, Groom Phullip Sunlin, age 37, born Ohio, father D. Sunlin, mother Elizabeth Hines,
Bride Mable Schoolcroft, age 25, born Mich, father Geo. Schoolcroft.
146 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2342774, p 260 rn 1573: Millie Schoolcraft,

09 Feb 1892, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, age 3 years 25 days, Female, Single, Father G. W. Schoolcraft,
Mother Harriet Schoolcraft.
New York, Essex Co.: Marriage Records, Essex County marriages: On 11-26-1848 Schoolcraft, James and
Vanornam, Harriet of Willsboro.
148 Federal Population Schedule, 17-Aug-1850, dw. 1515, Willsboro, Essex Co., NY, fam. 1570, James Schoolcraft age

23 sex m born in Canada, Harriet age 20 sex f born in NY, fam. 1571, Polly Vanornum age 48 sex f born in NY, Sarah
age 12 sex f born in NY, Lydia age 8 sex f born in NY, Harry age 6 sex m born in NY.
149 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Sep-1870, pp. 37.01, dw. 402, Pine Grove, Van Buren Co., MI, fam. 386, Jas. H.

Schoolcraft age 41 sex m farmer born in Canada, Harriett age 39 sex f keeping house born in OH, Oscar age 12 sex m
born in MI, George age 8 sex m born in MI, William age 6 sex m born in MI, Melissa age 4 sex f born in MI, Mandall
age 1 sex m born in MI, Caroline age 4 mos. sex f born in MI.
150 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254569 National Archives Film T9-0569 pp. 391C: 18-Jun-1880

Trowbridge, Allegan Co., MI dw. 277, family 283. : James SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 52 born in
CAN occupation Farmer father born in GA mother born in GA: Harriet SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white
age 48 born in OH occupation Keeping House father born in VT mother born in VT: Osker SCHOOLCRAFT Son male
single white age 22 born in MI occupation Farm Laborer father born in OH mother born in OH: George
SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 18 born in MI occupation Farm Laborer father born in CAN mother born
in OH: Melissa SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 19 born in MI father born in CAN mother born in OH:
Mandon SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 11 born in MI father born in CAN mother born in OH: Caroline
SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 10 born in MI father born in CAN mother born in OH: Freeman
SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 2 born in MI father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
151 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jun-1900, pp. 142A.46, dw. 164, fam. 170, ED #1, Allegan Twp., Allegan Co., MI

: James Schoolcraft head male married age 71 born in Jun 1828, Can occupation Farmer, marr. 47 yrs., emmig. 1837
father born in CT mother born in CT: Harriett wife female married age 67 born in Sep 1832, OH occupation marr. 47
yrs., 10 ch., 4 liv. father born in VT mother born in VT: Mandon son male married age 30 born in Oct 1869, MI
occupation day laborer, marr. 6 yrs. father born in Can mother born in OH: Freeman son male married age 22 born in
Dec 1877, MI occupation day laborer, marr. 0 yrs. father born in Can mother born in OH: Lizzie dau-in-law female
married age 17 born in Dec 1882, MI occupation marr. 0 yrs., 0 ch. father born in Holland mother born in Holland: Guy
Meyers grandson male single age 10 born in Jul 1889, MI father born in Germany mother born in MI.
152 Obituary, The Allegan News, January 19, 1923: James H. Schoolcraft, 92 years old, passed away 5 o'clock Tuesday

morning at his home at 224 Fourth street. Schoolcraft has been a resident of Allegan the greater part of his life. Funeral
services will be held from the Cook and Benson chapel Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Raab will
officiate. Burial will be in Oakwood.
Obituary, OBITUARY. Allegan, Mich. (no name of paper given): SCHOOLCRAFT.- Harriet L. Webster was born
in the state of Ohio, Sept. 28, 1832; was married to James H. Schoolcraft in July, 1853. She departed this life Jan. 10,
1901, aged 68 yr. 3 mo. 13 da.
Michigan: Death Record, Allegan Co. Deaths 1882-1902 LDS US/CAN 1017873, pp. 325 rn 7: Harretta
Schoolcraft, 10-Jun-1901, Allegan Village, Allegan, MI, age 68 yrs., Continus fever, born Ohio, Female, White,
Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363664, p 14 rn 258 date 14-Jun-1877:
William Schoolcraft, 15 Apr 1876, Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, age 11 years 11 months, Scarlet Fever, born Mich,
Male, White, Single, Farmer Son, Father James Schoolcraft residing Mich, Mother Harrite .
David J. Ellis, On the 1900 Allegan census there is a Ray Myer, b. July 1889, enumerated with James Schoolcraft,
and listed as grandson. This ties Sarah M. Schoolcraft to Melissa Schoolcraft.

Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2297922, item 2 p 107 rn 738: Mandon B.
Schoolcraft, 09 Oct 1868, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, Male, Father James Schoolcraft born Canada, Mother
Harriett Schoolcraft born Ohio.
158 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342490, v 1 p 37 rn 1342: 26 Oct

1891, Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, Groom George Pierce, age 27, born New York, father Wm. Pierce, mother Jane
Reed, Bride Lizzie Schoolcraft, age 20, born Pine Grove, Michigan, father James Schoolcraft, mother Unknown.
159 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363832, p 31 rn 1903: Oscar Schoolcraft, 22

Dec 1894, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Male, Single, Farmer. Died at asylum, unknown parents.
160 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1900, pp. 296A.17, dw. 198, fam. 200, ED #152, South Haven Twp., Van

Buren Co., MI : George H. Schoolcraft head male married age 39 born in Feb 1861, MI occupation farmer, marr. 5 yrs.
father born in MI mother born in MI: Rose E. wife female married age 29 born in Oct 1870, MI occupation marr. 5 yrs.,
2 ch., 2 liv. father born in Eng. mother born in Eng.: S. Francis dau female single age 3 born in Oct 1896, MI father
born in MI mother born in MI: Glenn B. son male single age 1 born in Apr 1899, MI father born in MI mother born in
MI: Charles Shepard servant male single age 18 born in Jun 1881, MI occupation farm laborer father born in MI
mother born in MI.
Federal Population Schedule, 2-May-1910, sh. 7.17, dw. 163, fam. 163, ED #174, South Haven, Van Buren Co., MI
: George Schoolcraft head male age 48 born in MI, age at first marriage marr. 17 yrs. occupation general farm father
born in Canada mother born in OH: Rose wife female age 37 born in MI, age at first marriage marr. 17 yrs., 5 ch. 5 liv.
father born in England mother born in England: Francis dau female age 12 born in MI father born in MI mother born in
MI: Glenn son male age 11 born in MI father born in MI mother born in MI: May dau female age 9 born in MI father
born in MI mother born in MI: Alice dau female age 6 born in MI father born in MI mother born in MI: Grace dau
female age 3 born in MI father born in MI mother born in MI.
162 Federal Population Schedule, sh. 6.40 Jan-1920 ED#152, Ward 2, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo Co., MI dwelling 89, 225

Coolan?, family 107: George A. Schoolcraft head male age 58 born in MI married occupation laborer, wholesale father
born in NY mother born in NY: Rose D. wife female age 49 born in MI married father born in England mother born in
England: Glen B. son male age 20 born in MI married occupation machinist father born in MI mother born in MI: Mae
B. dau female age 19 born in MI occupation worker pub. Co. father born in MI mother born in MI: Alice R. dau female
age 16 born in MI occupation worker, binding father born in MI mother born in MI: Grace D. dau female age 13 born
in MI father born in MI mother born in MI: George G. son male age 8 born in MI father born in MI mother born in MI:
Elice dau-in-law female age 20 born in MI married father born in MI mother born in Germany: Doris G. g-dau female
age 3 mos. born in MI father born in MI mother born in MI.
163 Federal Population Schedule, sh. 2A.09, 451 W. Howell St. SW 2-Apr-1930 ED#39-24, Ward 3, Kalamazoo,

Kalamazoo Co., MI dwelling 23, family 32. : Schoolcraft Geo. H. head male age 68 born in MI married, age at first
marriage 35 occupation laborer, laboratorie father born in MI mother born in MI: Rose D. wife female age 59 born in
MI married, age at first marriage 25 father born in England mother born in England: Roy son male age 17 born in MI
father born in MI mother born in MI: Geo. R. Davis father-in--law male age 84 born in England married, age at first
marriage 21 father born in England mother born in England: Lucy mother-in-law female age 78 born in MI married,
age at first marriage 18 father born in NY mother born in NY: Arthur Roach lodger male age unknown born in US
married father born in US mother born in US: Ann lodger female age unknown born in US married father born in US
mother born in US.
164 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Riverside Cemetery, Kalamazoo: Schoolcraft, George d. 1930.
165 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342500, v 1 p 19 rn 2509: 03 Mar

1895, South Haven, Allegan, Michigan, Groom George H. Schoolcraft, age 33, born Trowbridge, Michigan, father
James H. Schoolcraft, mother Harriet Webster, Bride Rose E Davis, age 24, born Kalamazoo County, Michigan, father
George B. Davis.
166 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Riverside Cemetery, Kalamazoo: Schoolcraft, Rose d. 1950.
Michigan: Death Record, Allegan Co. Deaths 1867-1883 LDS US/CAN 1017873, pp. 142 rn 258: William
Schoolcraft, 15-Apr-1876, Trowbridge, Allegan, MI, age 11 yrs. 11 mos., Scarlet fever, born Michigan, Male, Single,
Father James Schoolcraft residing Trowbridge, Mother Harriet.
Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342474, v 1 p 23 rn 1022: 20 Dec
1884, Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Mathius Meyers, age 35, born Germany, Bride Sarah M. Schoolcraft,
age 18, born Michigan.
Michigan: Cemetery Records, Mallery Cemetery, Trowbridge Twp, Allegan Co, MI: MAYER, Matthew, 1844-
1910. Sarah Schoolcraft, wife of M.
170 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342669, v 4 p 333 rn 4751: 13 Feb

1904, South Haven, Van Buren, Michigan, Groom Mandon B Schoolcraft, age 35, born Pine Grove, Mich, father Jas
Schoolcraft, mother Harriet Webster, Bride Sarah J Thomas, age 21, born Auburn, Ind, father Henry A Thomas, mother
Mary Failer.

Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342500, v 1 p 21 rn 2542: 26 Mar
1895, Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Charles Gillett, age 28, born Trowbridge, Michigan, father James
Gillett, mother Julia A. Milligan, Bride Lizzie Schoolcraft, age 25, born Trowbridge, Michigan, father James
Schoolcraft, mother Harriet Webster.
172 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342709, v 1 p 29 rn 211: 11 Sep 1915,

Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Ed. C. Simington, age 36, born Montpelier, Ind., father George Simington, mother
Don't Know, Bride Mrs. Lizzie [Schoolcraft] Gillett, age 45, born Trowbridge Twp., father James Schoolcraft, mother
Harriet Webster.
173 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342511, item 1 v p 20 rn 4091: 18 Nov

1899, Allegan Twp, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Freeman Schoolcraft, age 22, born Trowbridge, father James
Schoolcraft, mother Harriet Webster, Bride Lizzie Stickman, age 17, born Allegan, father Jerry Stickman, mother
Bernice Knapp.
174 Obituary, Van Buren County, MI newspaper: Schoolcraft.-Freeman, was born in Essex, Canada, Sept. 15, 1832;

died at his home in Waverly, Mich., July 25th, in his 75th year. He had moist gangrene and was a patient sufferer for a
little more than seven weeks. While he would have been glad to be healed, he was willing and ready to go at his
Master's call. He was a good man and was ever ready to help the needy. He let his light shine and tried all that he could
by work and deed to call others to repentance. He leaves a wife, three sons, several grandchildren, and numerous
friends to mourn their loss.
Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1900, pp. 29B.59, dw. 366, fam. 383, ED #130, Antwerp Twp., Van Buren Co.,
MI : Freeman Schoolcraft head male married age 69 born in Oct 1830, VT occupation farmer, marr. 35 yrs. father born
in Unk. mother born in Unk.: Agnes wife female married age 44 born in May 1856, Can. Eng. occupation mar.. 14 yrs.,
5 ch., 0 liv. father born in Scot. mother born in Scot.
176 New York: Newspapers, Ticonderoga Sentinel, Friday, August 22, 1884: Personal and General: Saturday afternoon

about 5 o'clock as the canal boat Martha L. Schoolcraft of Champlain, N.Y., reached Fort Edward, the captain's wife,
Mrs. Freeman Schoolcraft, attempted to light a fire with kerosene. The can exploded, and in an instant Mrs. Schoolcraft
and the whole interior of the cabin were in flames. The unfortunate woman's cries brought her husband, who soon
succeeded with the aid of wet carpets in smothering the flames but was severely burned himself. Dr. Vandenburg was
summoned, and did all in his power to alleviate the woman's sufferings, which were intense, as there was not a square
inch of her person but was burned. At 7 o'clock she died and with the consent of Coroner Vandenburg her remains were
placed in a casket and sent with the afflicted husband to Champlain. The deceased was about forty years of age, and left
three small children. - Troy Times.
177 Massachusetts: Cemetery Records, Oak Grove Cemetery, Springfield: Schoolcraft, Albert L b. Jun. 4, 1861 d. Feb.

2, 1939.
178 Massachusetts: Birth records, pp. 232 #87, Easthampton, 1903: Jun 28, Schoolcraft, female, born in Holyoke,

parents Albert Schoolcraft (operative born Westport NY) and Carry Odell (born Rouses Point NY) .
179 Military Records: 20th Century, U.S. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1918 Name: Walter Robert Schoolcraft

Birth Date: 6 Jan 1900 Residence: S/Hamp Mass Race: White Nearest relative Mother Carrie Gertrude Schoolcraft.
180 Massachusetts: Cemetery Records, Oak Grove Cemetery, Springfield: Schoolcraft, Carrie Gertrude O'Dell b. Oct. 1,

1857 d. Jul. 23, 1933.

181 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342749, v 4 p 10 rn 21569: 02 Sep

1922, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Groom Oscar H. Schoolcraft, age 52, born Clinton Co., N. Y., father
Freeman L. Schoolcraft, mother Louise Aunchan, Bride Rose C. Worts Osborn, age 30, born Batavia, Michigan, father
William H. Worts, mother Evva Wiser.
Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jun-1900, pp. 9B.093, dw. 211, fam. 215, ED #129, Almena Twp., Van Buren Co.,
MI : Oscar H. Schoolcraft head male married age 32 born in Dec 1867, NY occupation farmer, marr. 12 yrs. father
born in NY mother born in NY: Mary L. wife female married age 26 born in Jun 1873, Can. F occupation marr. 12
yrs., 8 ch., 6 liv. father born in Can. F. mother born in Can. F.: Martha L. dau female single age 10 born in Oct 1889,
NY father born in NY mother born in Can. F.: Nellie M. dau female single age 7 born in Feb 1893, RI father born in
NY mother born in Can. F.: Oscar H. son male single age 5 born in Aug 1894, NJ father born in NY mother born in
Can. F.: Frank J. son male single age 4 born in Apr 1896, NY father born in NY mother born in Can. F.: Florence E.
dau female single age 2 born in Jan 1898, NY father born in NY mother born in Can. F.: Norman R. son male single
age 8 mos. born in Sep 1899, MI father born in NY mother born in Can. F.
Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342721, v 3 p 52 rn 455: 23 Jun 1917,
Jackson, Jackson, Michigan, Groom Frank Joseph Schoolcraft, age 21, born New York City, father Oscar H., mother
Mary Bausche, Bride Esther Pearl Crain, age 23, born Mishawaka, Ind., father Geo. A. Crain, mother Elizabeth
Federal Population Schedule, 23-Jul-1850, dw. 226, Moriah, Essex Co., NY, fam. 234, Jedediah McKenzie age 26
sex M farmer born in NY, Mary age 23 sex F born in NY, William Schoolcraft age 16 sex M born in NY.

Federal Population Schedule, 16-Sep-1870, pp. 42.39, dw. 447, Pine Grove, Van Buren Co., MI, fam. 432, Wm. H.
Schoolcraft age 36 sex m farmer born in NY, Phebe age 33 sex f keeping house born in NY, Daniel Schoolcraft age 9
sex m born in MI, Laura L. age 4 sex f born in MI, Delphine D. age 2 sex f born in MI.
186 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254608 National Archives Film T9-0608 pp. 550C: 4-Jun-1880 Pine

Grove, Van Buren Co., MI dw. 66, family 66. : Wm. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 44 born in NY
occupation Farmer father born in NY mother born in NY: Pheobe A. SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age
44 born in NY occupation Housekeeping father born in NY mother born in NY: Frank SCHOOLCRAFT Son male
married white age 19 born in MI occupation Farmer father born in NY mother born in NY: Effie SCHOOLCRAFT
DauL female married white age 16 born in NY occupation Housekeeping father born in NY mother born in NY: Laura
SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 14 born in MI occupation Housekeeping father born in NY mother born
in NY: Dellie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 12 born in MI father born in NY mother born in NY:
Nellie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 6 born in MI father born in NY mother born in NY: Elva
SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 4 born in MI father born in NY mother born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jun-1900, pp. 275B.61, dw. 396, fam. 398, ED #115, Pine Grove Twp., Van Buren
Co., MI : William Schoolcraft head male married age 66 born in Mar 1834, NY occupation farmer, marr. 40 yrs. father
born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.: Phebe wife female married age 63 born in Nov 1836, NY occupation
marr. 40 yrs., 7 ch., 5 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Wilfred Rainsler boarder male single age 29 born in
Feb 1881, IA occupation farm laborer father born in NY mother born in NY.
Federal Population Schedule, 5-May-1910, sh. 11.100, dw. 303, fam. 306, ED #169, Pine Grove, Van Buren Co., MI
: William A. Schoolcraft head male age 76 born in VT, age at first marriage marr. 49 yrs. occupation farmer father
born in Canada mother born in VT: Phoebe wife female age 74 born in NY, age at first marriage marr. 49 yrs., 7 ch., 5
liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Elva Austin dau female age 34 born in MI, age at first marriage marr. 14
yrs., 0 ch., 0 liv. father born in Canada mother born in NY.
189 Captain O. W. Rowland Volume II, Michigan: History of Van Buren County, The Lewis Publishing Company

Chicago and New York 1912, William Schoolcraft -... A son of Elijah Schoolcraft, he was born March 20, 1834, in the
province of Québec, Canada.
190 Michigan, Allegan: IGI: Vital Records, International Genealogical Index - United States, Event Marriage: William

A. SCHOOLCRAFT : M : Spouse Phebe Ann MALLERY : Date 16 Jun 1860 : Place Allegan, Michigan.
191 Captain O. W. Rowland Volume II, Michigan: History of Van Buren County, The Lewis Publishing Company

Chicago and New York 1912, William Schoolcraft -... Mr. Schoolcraft married, in 1857, Phebe Ann Mallery, who was
born in Wayne county, New York, where her parents, John and Waitsel (Palmer) Mallery, were pioneers settlers. Seven
children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Schoolcraft, namely: Frankie, Laura, Della, Nellie and Elba, also Charlie, the
second child, who died aged fifteen months, and John, who died at the age of three months and twenty-five days.
192 Michigan: Death Record: Frank W. Schoolcraft 1944 Vol. 10, 370 Where: Kalamazoo. Date of Death: May 5, 1944

Date of Birth: Oct. 9, 1860 Age: 83yrs,6mth,26days. White Male Widowed Wife: Effie M. Schoolcraft Occupation:
farmer,retired. Birthplace: Allegan Co. Michigan Cause of Death: Myocardial degeneration,2yr. Parents: William
Schoolcraft born- Province of Québec, Canada. Phoebe Mallory born- New York. Informant: Pearl Schoolcraft 518
Minor Ave Kalamazoo. Burial: Mountain Home Cemetery Usual Residence: Pine Grove Twp. Allegan Co. Michigan.
193 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2297920, item 2 p 250 rn : Delphene D.

Schoolcraft, 17 Mar 1868, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, Female, Father Wm. Schoolcraft born Canada, Mother
Phebe Schoolcraft born New York.
194 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2297932, item 2 p 39 rn 3044: John

Schoolcraft, 01 Nov 1872, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, Male, Father William Schoolcraft born New York,
Mother Phily Schoolcraft born New York.
Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2320445, item 2 p 13 rn 189: Lydia N. B.
Schoalcraft, 03 Jan 1874, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, Female, Father William Schoalcraft born Canada, Mother
Phebe Schoalcraft born New York.
196 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2320450, item 2 p 248 rn 769: Elva Merosia

Schoolcraft, 15 Jan 1876, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, Female, Father William Schoolcraft born Canada, Mother
Phoeba Ann Schoolcraft born New York.
197 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Mallery Cemetery Records, Allegan Co.: SCHOOLCRAFT, Charlie A, son of WA &

PS, d. Nov 7, 1863, ae 1y 3m 7d. Johnnie E, b.Nov 1, 1872, d. Feb 25, 1873.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254608 National Archives Film T9-0608 pp. 550C: 4-Jun-1880 Pine
Grove, Van Buren Co., MI dw. 66, family 66. : Wm. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 44 born in NY
occupation Farmer father born in NY mother born in NY: Pheobe A. SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age
44 born in NY occupation Housekeeping father born in NY mother born in NY: Frank SCHOOLCRAFT Son male
married white age 19 born in MI occupation Farmer father born in NY mother born in NY: Effie SCHOOLCRAFT
DauL female married white age 16 born in NY occupation Housekeeping father born in NY mother born in NY: Laura
SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 14 born in MI occupation Housekeeping father born in NY mother born
in NY: Dellie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 12 born in MI father born in NY mother born in NY:
Nellie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 6 born in MI father born in NY mother born in NY: Elva
SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 4 born in MI father born in NY mother born in NY.
199 Federal Population Schedule, 27-Jun-1900, pp. 276A.45, dw. 420, fam. 423, ED #115, Pine Grove Twp., Van Buren

Co., MI : Frank Schoolcraft head male married age 39 born in Oct 1860, MI occupation farmer, marr. 21 yrs. father
born in NY mother born in NY: Effie M. wife female married age 36 born in Feb 1864, NY occupation marr. 21 yrs., 2
ch., 2 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Earl A. son male single age 20 born in Apr 1880, MI occupation
teacher father born in MI mother born in NY: Pearl dau female single age 15 born in Mar 1885, MI father born in MI
mother born in NY: William G. Spague nephew male single age 28 born in Mar 1872, MI occupation cabinet maker
father born in NY mother born in PA.
200 Federal Population Schedule, 5-May-1910, sh. 11.096, dw. 302, fam. 305, ED #169, Pine Grove, Van Buren Co., MI

: Frank Schoolcraft head male age 49 born in MI, age at first marriage marr. 32 yrs. occupation on farm father born in
NY mother born in NY: Effie wife female age 45 born in NY, age at first marriage marr. 32 yrs., 2 ch. 2 liv. father
born in NY mother born in NY: Earl son male age 30 born in MI occupation schoolteacher father born in MI mother
born in NY: Pearl dau female age 25 born in MI occupation schoolteacher father born in MI mother born in NY.
201 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342463, v 2 p 228 rn 2743: 22 Oct

1878, Pine Grove, Van Buren, Michigan, Groom Frank Schoolcraft, age 18, born Michigan, Bride Effie E. Sprague,
age 14, born New York.
202 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342482, v 3 p 380 rn 5403: 31 Aug

1887, Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan, Groom Fletcher Willsea, age 28, born New York, Bride Laura Schoolcraft, age
27, born Michigan.
203 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342479, v 3 p 317 rn 5237: 22 Dec

1886, Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan, Groom John S. Rausler, age 24, born New York, Bride Dell D. Schoolcraft, age
18, born Michigan.
204 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Mallery Cemetery Records, Allegan Co.: SCHOOLCRAFT, Charlie A, son of WA &

PS, d. Nov 7, 1863, ae 1y 3m 7d. Johnnie E, b.Nov 1, 1872, d. Feb 25, 1873.
205 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342492, v 4 p 300 rn 1079: 26 Sep

1891, Kendall, Van Buren, Michigan, Groom Wesley D. Richason, age 23, born Michigan, father Arch Richason,
mother Adelia Loveland, Bride Nellie Schoolcraft, age 17, born Michigan, father Wm. Schoolcraft.
206 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342502, v 4 p 345 rn 2186: 16 Nov

1895, Gobleville, Van Buren, Michigan, Groom Christopheer J. Austin, age 22, born New York, father F.J. Austin,
mother Mary E. Veley, Bride Elva M. Schoolcraft, age 19, born Pine Grove, Michigan, father Wm F. Schoolcraft,
mother Martha Mallory.
207 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342499, v 3 p 424 rn 1173: 29 Sep

1894, Wilcox Twp, Newaygo, Michigan, Groom Nelson G Stockwell, age 30, born Allegan, father Edwin Stockwell,
mother Julietta Schoolcraft, Bride Elizabeth A Fortine, age 19, born Big Rapids, father Henry Fortine.
Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1900, pp. 134A.37, dw. 127, fam. 131, ED #21, Otsego Twp, Allegan Co., MI
: Christopher Bullock head male married age 64 born in Apr 1836, NY occupation carpenter, marr. 45 yrs. father born
in Unk. mother born in Unk.: Sarah wife female married age 62 born in Dec 1838, NY occupation marr. 45 yrs, 6 ch. 6
liv. father born in Canada Eng. mother born in Canada Eng.: Flora dau female widow age 39 born in Jul 1860, MI
occupation 0 ch. 0 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY.
209 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342673, v 1 p 35 rn 7352: 28 Nov

1906, Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Herman F. M. Dahn, age 41, born New York, father Andrew Dahn, mother
Mary Drinken, Bride Flora Bullock Hayden, age 46, born Michigan, father C. S. Bullock, mother Sarah J. Schoolcraft.
210 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342490, v 1 p 14 rn 1092: 26 Jan

1891, Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, Groom William Furlong, age 40, born New London, Connecticut, father James
Furlong, mother Isabell Applebee, Bride Lizzie Bullock, age 27, born Allegan, Michigan, father Christopher S.
Bullock, mother Sarah J. Schoolcraft.

Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342490, v 1 p 15 rn 1119: 01 Mar
1891, Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, Groom William H. Mckee, age 25, born Trowbridge, Michigan, father John Mckee,
mother Margaret Moot, Bride Elsie Bullock, age 25, born Otsego, Michigan, father C. Bullock, mother Sarah
212 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342495, v 1 p 18 rn 1814: 01 Feb

1893, Otsego, Allegan, Michigan, Groom Fred Bullock, age 25, born Otsego, Michigan, father C. S. Bullock, mother
Sarah J. Schoolcraft, Bride Della E. Wilson, age 25, born Otsego, Michigan, father William Wilson, mother Hannah
213 Federal Population Schedule, 8-Sep-1870, pp. 10.03, dw. 75, Pine Grove, Van Buren Co., MI, fam. 74, Edwin

Stockwell age 36 sex m farmer born in L. Canada, Julia E. age 34 sex f keeping house born in L. Canada, Martha age
13 sex f born in MI, Nelson age 12 sex m born in MI, Ermina age 10 sex f born in MI, Edwin age 8 sex m born in MI,
Eva age 2 mos. sex f born in MI, Melissa Schoolcraft age 22 sex f born in NY, John Sprague age 22 sex m born in NY.
214 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, 2 March 1842: pp. 2568.03,

Conc. 7 - 12 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Joel Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. Total present in household
4. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr.
Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 127 pp. 12.10, Stafford, South Stukely, Shefford Co., dw. 47, fam. 47: Joel Scoulcraf
age 68 M born in U.S.A. origin German occupation Farmer religion W. Methodist. Anna age 40 F born in U.S.A. origin
German religion W. Methodist. James age 10 M born in U.S.A. origin German religion W. Methodist. Edgar age 8 M
born in U.S.A. origin German religion W. Methodist. Ellis age 6 F born in U.S.A. origin German religion W.
216 Québec: Census, 29-Apr-1891, pp. 23.14, Hse. 122, Dist. 187-I Div. 1, South Stukely, Shefford Co., Sewell Parker,

male, age 74, married, head, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, Meth., farmer, Claresy, female, age 46, married,
wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Persis, female, age 26, dau, born in QC, father USA, mother QC,
Meth., servant, Nathaniel, male, age 24, son, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., farmer son, Edith, female,
age 22, dau, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., Hester, female, age 20, dau, born in QC, father USA, mother
QC, Meth., Lois, female, age 17, dau, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., Hellen, female, age 15, dau, born in
QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., Hattie, female, age 10, dau, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., John
Conway, male, age 24, lodger, born in NB, father NS, mother NS, R.C., farm labourer, Edward Martin, male, age 20,
domestic, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, R.C., farm labourer, Joel Schoolcraft, male, age 86, lodger, born in
QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
217 Part of the Wallings map, published in 1864. It depicts the five counties located between the Richelieu River and

Lac Memphrémagog in the Eastern Townships of Québec.

218 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Marriage of Hannah SCHOOLCRAFT, of Bolton to Lee SELBY on 13 Jun 1843 in Knowlton Anglican church.
Parents Joel SCHOOLCRAFT residing in Stanbridge.
219 Québec, South Stukely: Anglican Church Records, Folio Third, Parker Baptized: Clarissa Horton Schoolcraft the

wife of Sewal Stone Parker, Farmer South Stukely was born on the twenty fifth day of December One thousand Eight
hundred & forty six and was baptized on the Twenty fourth day of February One Thousand Eight hundred and Seventy
by me - Charles P. Abbott. Robert Dunlop & Elizabeth Dunlop Witnesses.
220 Québec, South Stukely: Anglican Church Records, Folio Second, Parker Baptized: Sewel Stone Parker, Farmer

South Stukely was born on the Eighteenth day of March One thousand Eight Hundred and seventeen and was baptized
on the Twenty fourth day of February One Thousand Eight hundred and Seventy by me - Charles P. Abbott. Hugh
Handyside & Sarah Louisa Handyside Witnesses.
New Hampshire: Marriage Record, Marriage 27 July 1900 in Manchester NH by S. McLaughlin, clergyman |
Groom: Harlow E. MILLER 1st marriage, age 26 years, born Sutton P2, resident Manchester NH, occupation roll
courier | Bride: Fannie PARKER 1st marriage, age 19 years, born Eastman Canada, resident Manchester NH |
Husband's father: John MILLER, age 52 years, born Sutton P2, resident Canada, occupation farmer, husband's mother:
Mary DEMICK, age 45, born Canada, resident Manchester NH | Wife's father: Sewell PARKER, age 83 years, born
Lynn Mass, resident Eastman Canada, occupation farmer, wife's mother: Clara SCHOOLCRAFT, age 56, born
Stanbridge Canada, resident Eastman Canada.
222 Québec, South Stukely: Anglican Church Records, Folio Third, Parker Baptized: Mary Persis born on the Twenty

ninth day of September, one thousand Eight hundred and sixty four - Nathaniel Stone, born on the seventeenth day of
May one thousand eight hundred and sixty six - Edith Lucy born on the Twentieth day of August, one thousand eight
hundred and sixty eight. Children of Sewel Stone Parker South Stukely and Clarissa Horton Schoolcraft his wife -
Baptized on the Twenty fourth day of February one thousand Eight hundred and seventy. By me Charles P. Abbott.
Hugh Handyside & Robert Dunlop Witnesses.

Obituary, Waterloo Advertiser, April 12. 1895: Deaths, "Emma Schoolcraft at Eastman, on March 23, 1895 of heart
failure. Lived with her half sister and husband, Mr and Mrs Rufus Tibbits. An investigation was made into her death
due to the suddenness. Age 18."
224 Québec: Cemetery Records, Silver Valley Cemetery, Eastman.QC: Rufus E Tibbits 1851-1920 - wife, Jane

Schoolcraft 1852- 1940.

Québec, St. Francis: Protestant Marriages in the District of St. Francis, Vol. 2, 1815 - 1879, Marriage of Jane
SCHOOLCRAFT, of Magog to TIBBETS, Rufus Edmond on 02-09-1878 in Fitch Bay.
226 Québec: Census, 29-Apr-1891, pp. 23.04, Hse. 121, Dist. 187-I Div. 1, South Stukely, Shefford Co., Rufus Tibbitts,

male, age 39, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Jane, female, age 36, married, wife, born
in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Ida, female, age 13, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent.,
Edmond, male, age 10, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Walter, male, age 7, son, born in QC,
father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Henry, male, age 6, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Minnie,
female, age 3, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Myrtle, female, age 1, dau, born in QC, father QC,
mother QC, 1st Advent., Edgar Schoolcraft, male, age 27, domestic, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent.,
farm labourer, Emma, female, age 14, lodger, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent.
Québec, Shefford: Anglican Church Records, Frost Village Anglican Church: Lorenzo Edgar son of Joel
Schoolcraft, and Ann Jane Notemire his wife of South Stukely died on the twenty sixth day of July one thousand eight
hundred and sixty one in the fourth year of his age, and was buried on the day following.
Québec, Shefford: Methodist Circuit Records, Death: On the twelfth day of July in the year of our lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty one age two years ten months died, Joel Henry son of Joel and Ann Jane Schoolcraft of South
Stuckley in the county of Shefford and was buried on the thirteenth day of the same month and year by me. John
Tomkins Wesleyan Minister Witnesses Joel Schoolcraft and Cynthia H Sargeant.
229 Québec, Shefford: Methodist Circuit Records, James William was born on the seventeenth day of January one

thousand eight hundred and sixty one. Edgar Dow was born on the seventeenth day of February one thousand eight
hundred and sixty three and Alice Ruth was born on the eighteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and sixty
five. Children of Joel Schoolcraft of South Stukely farmer and of Sarah Anne his wife, and were baptized on the
nineteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by
me J. Armstrong Minister.
230 Québec: Census, 14-Apr-1891, pp. 9.20, Hse. 52, Dist. 143-C Div. 1, Brome, Brome Co., James Schoolcraft, male,

age 32, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, C. Eng., stationary engineer, Ella, female, age 30, married,
wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, C. Eng., Emma, female, age 13, daughter, born in QC, father QC, mother QC,
C. Eng., Peter Marchand, male, age 23, lodger, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, R.C., sawyer.
231 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Brome, Brome Co., pp. 2.14, Hse. 18, Schoolcraft James, age 40,

Head, married, male, born in Québec on Jan 17 1861, Schoolcraft Ellen, age 41, Wife, married, female, born in Québec
on Apr 26 1860, Brocking Burl B., age 4, Grandson, single, male, born in Québec on Jan 4 1897.
232 Vermont: Marriage Record, Richford VT reported marriage between Jas. W. Schoolcraft and Ella Tibbitts on 29-

Nov-1886. 1st marriage of Jas. W. Schoolcraft age 25 born in Stukely QC residing in Stukely QC. Occupation Laborer,
parents Joel Schoolcraft & Sarah.
233 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Magog, Stanstead Co., pp. 6.05, Hse. 57, Schoolcraft Edgar, age 38,

Lodger (Spence Brown is head), widow, male, born in Québec on Feb 2 1863, Schoolcraft Plinny, age 7, Son, single,
male, born in Québec on Dec 14 1894, Schoolcraft William J, age 4, Son, single, male, born in Québec on May 31
1896, Beard Borland W, age 28, Hired man, married, male, born in Scotland on Nov 24 1872, Immigration 1896.
234 Québec: Cemetery Records, Silver Valley Cemetery, Eastman.QC: Spencer R Brown 1849- 1929. Alice R.

Schoolcraft 1865-1929. Daughter Ella D. (Brown) Yetta 1890-1926.

Québec, St. Francis: Protestant Births in the District of St. Francis, Vol. 2, 1815 - 1879, Baptism of Hattie Ira
Schoolcraft on 3-Feb-1878 in Magog, born on 4-Jan-1872, daughter of Joel and Sarah A. Schoolcraft of South Stukely.
Québec: Census, 8-Apr-1891, pp. 5.12, Hse. 25, Dist. 187-I Div. 1, South Stukely, Shefford Co., Spencer Brown,
male, age 42, married, head, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, Meth., labourer, Alice, female, age 25, married,
wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Ella, female, age 8 mos., dau, born in QC, father USA, mother QC,
Meth., Hattie Schoolcraft, female, age 19, domestic, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., servant.
237 Vermont: Marriage Record, Richford VT reported marriage between Hattie Schoolcraft and Peter Marcy on 20-Nov-

1893. 1st marriage of Hattie Schoolcraft age 22 born in Bolton QC residing in Bolton QC. Parents Joel Schoolcraft & .
Québec, St. Francis: Protestant Births in the District of St. Francis, Vol. 2, 1815 - 1879, Baptism of Sarah Emma
Schoolcraft on 3-Feb-1878 in Magog, born on 23-Sep-1876, daughter of Joel and Sarah A. Schoolcraft of South
Obituary, Waterloo Advertiser, June 14 1895 (Under Eastman News): "Emma Schoolcraft, her inquest showed she
died of natural causes."

Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938 [Misfiled under Durham,
Drummond Co. Oath on pp. 2775 sh. 8 states "Sworn before me one of her Majestys Justices of the Peace for the
district of Missiskoiu at Dunham this 5th day of March 1842. Wm. Naker J.P."], 5 March 1842: pp. 2774.02, Dunham,
Missisquoi Co. Head of household Moses Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. Total present in household 6. Native of Canada 6
Eng. Children: 1 male 6 but under 14, 2 female 6 but under 14, 3 aged 5 thru 16. Males: 1 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 30 but
not 60 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr. 6 British Weslyan Methodist.
241 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Oct-1850, dw. 8, Norfolk, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 8, Moses Schoolcraft age 44

sex M farmer born in Canada, Mary age 38 sex F born in Canada, Theresa age 15 sex F born in Canada.
242 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jul-1860, Norfolk, St. Lawrence Co., NY, dw. 310, family 310, Moses Schoolcraft

age 56 sex m farmer born in Canada, Mary Schoolcraft age 46 sex f born in Canada, John Schoolcraft age 8 sex m born
in NY, Charles Schoolcraft age 4 sex m born in NY.
243 Federal Population Schedule, 28-Jun-1870, pp. 57.44, dw. 449, Norfolk, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 446, Moses

Schoolcraft age 65 sex M farmer born in Canada, Mary age 56 sex F born in Canada, John age 19 sex M farm laborer
born in NY, Charles age 13 sex M farm laborer born in NY.
244 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254569 National Archives Film T9-0569 pp. 367A: Cheshire,

Allegan Co., MI : Charles SCHOOLCRAFT Self male single white age 23 born in NY occupation Farmer father born
in CAN mother born in CAN: Mary SCHOOLCRAFT Mother female white age 67 born in CAN occupation Keeping
House father born in MA mother born in CAN.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Highgate VT reported marriage of Moses Schoolcraft to Hannah Rings on 22-Feb-1824.
Moses Schoolcraft residing in Stanbridge Lower Canada.
246 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, Philipsburg Methodist Circuit Church Records 1814-1943 (file card

transcriptions): David Nelson Schoolcraft parents Moses Schoolcraft and Hannah of Farnham. Born Aug 19, 1825,
Baptized Mar 10, 1827. Minister Mathew Lang.
247 Military Records: Civil War listings, Schoolcraft, David | born Canada East in 1830 | parents not given | 7th Art. Co.

A | Pvt. | Enlisted Feb., 1864 | Farmer | died September 27, 1864 at Lincoln Hospital in Washington DC. | Buried at
Arlington National Cemetery in Grave 8731. (1860; 1865; cem.).
248 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jul-1860, Dickinson, Franklin Co., NY, dw. 249, family 241, David Schoolcraft age

30 sex m farmer born in East Canada, Lorinda Schoolcraft age 25 sex f born in NY, Hannah S. Schoolcraft age 2 sex f
born in NY, Sarah Schoolcraft age 8/12 sex f born in NY.
249 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, New York Marriages -

SAN Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 39, Source unstated: Lucy Lurinda Smith to David Nelson Schoolcraft on 18 Mar 1854 in
Hopkinton, St. Lawrence Co. Parents Moses Schoolcraft & Harriet Rosetta King - Elisaph Smith & Sarah Blanchard.
250 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jun-1870, pp. 20.05, dw. 156, Hopkinton, St. Lawrence Co., NY, fam. 157,

Lacinda Schoolcraft age 34 sex f keeps house born in NY, Hannah age 11 sex f born in NY, Sarah age 10 sex f born in
NY, Albert age 8 sex m born in NY, David age 6 sex m born in NY.
251 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, New York Births - SAN

Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 4 & 40: Discussion of David Nelson Schoolcraft and his children
252 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254927 National Archives Film T9-0927 pp. 379A: Lawrence, St.

Lawrence Co., NY : Augustus E. McEWEN Self male married white age 46 born in NY occupation Farmer father born
in VT mother born in VT: Martha McEWEN Wife female married white age 38 born in NY occupation Keeping House
father born in NY mother born in VT: Guy McEWEN Son male single white age 13 born in NY occupation Works On
Farm father born in NY mother born in NY: Wright McEWEN Son male single white age 5 born in NY father born in
NY mother born in NY: Ellba FARNSWORTH Other male single white age 28 born in NY occupation Works On
Farm father born in VT mother born in VT: Albert SCHOOLCRAFT Other male single white age 19 born in NY
occupation Works On Farm father born in NY mother born in NY: Alzina STEENBARGE Other female single white
age 32 born in CAN father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1900, pp. 184A.20, dw. 97, fam. 98, ED #172, Pleasant Hill, Webster Co., NE :
Albert J. Schoolcraft head male married age 38 born in Jul 1861, NY occupation day laborer, marr. 13 yrs. father born
in NY mother born in NY: B. Minnie wife female married age 29 born in Oct 1870, PA occupation marr. 13 yrs., 4 ch.,
4 liv. father born in PA mother born in PA: Pearl M. dau female single age 11 born in Nov 1888, NE father born in NY
mother born in PA: Bertha E. dau female single age 7 born in Mar 1893, NE father born in NY mother born in PA:
Cora O. dau female single age 4 born in Dec 1895, NE father born in NY mother born in PA: Carrie L. dau female
single age 3 born in Apr 1897, NE father born in NY mother born in PA.
254 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, Nebraska Marriages - SAN

Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 74, Source unstated: Minnie Bell Shrader to Albert James Schoolcraft on 1 Mar 1887 in Seward,
Seward Co. Groom: Born 15 Jul 1861, Hopkinton, St. Lawrence Co., NY. Bride: Born 21 Oct 1870, Upton, Franklin
Co., PA. David Nelson Schoolcraft & Lucy Lorinda Smith - Charles Shrader & Rebecca Plum.

David J. Ellis, This particular claim either does not indicate the original source used or contains supplemental
information not usually included in the record. This castes doubt on the validity and reliability of the information.
Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, New York Births - SAN
Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 9 & 10: Discussion of Lucy Lucinda Smith and her children
257 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jul-1860, Brooklyn, Green Co., WI, dw. 783, fam. 763, Benj. Schoolcraft age 29

sex m farmer born in Canada, Susan age 25 sex f born in Canada, Nelson age 7 sex m born in Canada, Rebecca age 5
sex f born in Canada, Henry Wisborn age 23 sex m born in Germany, Christopher age 20 sex m born in Germany.
258 Military Records: Civil War Records, Pension Application 80449, Benjamin Schoolcraft. pp. 2, Claim for Minors

Pension. Nelson Schoolcraft & Rebecca Schoolcraft minor children of Benjamin P. Schoolcraft. Service. Paymaster
reports Benj. P. Schoolcraft Aug 17, 1861, mustered Aug 23 1861, pri. in Co. B, 28 Ill. Vols. Death. Adj. Gen. reports
died Oct 1 1863 ... later testifies contracted chronic diarrhea in service from which he died Sept. 30th, 1863. Marriage.
Benj. P. Schoolcraft & Susanah Welch married Feb. 5, 1852. Nelson Schoolcraft born Dec 25, 1852. Rebecca
Schoolcraft born Apr 9, 1855. Their mother died Aug. 15, 1863.
Québec, Farnham: Anglican Church Records, Farnham Anglican, Québec: Nelson David son of Benjamin Philip
Schoolcraft & Susan Welch his wife was born December the twenty fifth Eighteen hundred and fifty two and was
baptised February the fifth Eighteeen hundred and fifty five. Witness J (X) Welch and S. Schoolcraft.
Military Records: Civil War Records, Pension Application 80449, Benjamin Schoolcraft. pp. 29 & 30. Sworn
statement by Rebecca's grandparents. On this 10th day of February 1866 personally came before me Joshua Welch
aged 57 years and Rebecca Welch aged 51 years, residents of Austin in the county of Mower and state of Minnesota ...
they well knew Benjamin P. Schoolcraft and his wife Susan Schoolcraft, and know that they had children born during
wedlock as follows. Nelson D. Schoolcraft and Rebecca Schoolcraft thus they are the only legitimate children of the
said Benjamin P. Schoolcraft. ... That, Rebecca Schoolcraft was born on the 9th day of April AD 1855, in the village of
West Farnham, Canada East.
261 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254243 NA Film T9-0243 pp. 684C, Pleasant Vale, Pike Co., IL :

David A. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 27 born in CAN occupation Farm Labor father born in CAN
mother born in CAN: Martha SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 18 born in IL occupation Keeping
House father born in IL mother born in IL: Lillie E. SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 9 mos. born in IL
father born in CAN mother born in IL.
262 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1900, pp. 303A.40, dw. 34, fam. 36, ED #128, Pleasantvale, Pike Co., IL :

Nelson Schoolcraft head male married age 45 born in Nov 1854, Can. Fr. occupation farmer, emmig. 1859, marr. 24
yrs. father born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.: Martha wife female married age 38 born in Oct 1861, IL
occupation marr. 24 yrs., 12 ch., 8 liv. father born in IL mother born in IL: Lena A. dau female single age 14 born in
Jun 1885, IL father born in Can. Fr. mother born in IL: Bertha dau female single age 12 born in Aug 1887, IL father
born in Can. Fr. mother born in IL: Minnie dau female single age 10 born in Sep 1889, IL father born in Can. Fr.
mother born in IL: Mary G. dau female single age 5 born in May 1895, IL father born in Can. Fr. mother born in IL:
Lela dau female single age 2 born in Aug 1897, IL father born in Can. Fr. mother born in IL: Sarah dau female single
age 1 mos. born in May 1900, IL father born in Can. Fr. mother born in IL.
263 Obituary, Funeral Notice: Died at the home of Frank McNary, near New Canton, Illinois, at 2:30 am. Monday, April

20, 1925, David Nelson Schoolcraft aged 71 years, 3 months, 25 days. Funeral services will be held from the Methodist
church at 2:00 pm. Wednesday, Rev. C. T. Pilch in charge. Burial at Stony Point.
264 Obituary, Mrs. Martha McClain, daughter of W. A. McClain, was born at Kinderhook October 14, 1861; died at

1:20 am. Saturday, August 20, 1921, aged 59 years, 10 months and 6 days... On July 21, 1877, she was married to
David Nelson Schoolcraft, and has resided in or near New Canton all her married life... Burial was made in Stony Point
Illinois: Vital Records, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763 - 1900: Schoolcraft, Nelson D and McLane, Martha .
Maried Pike Co. 21-Jul-1877. License 1010 Vol./Page A /293.
Military Records: Civil War Records, Pension Application 80449, Benjamin Schoolcraft. pp. 18, Sworn statement
by Joseph Frock and T. J. Brown from Carroll Co., Missouri. Susan Schoolcraft died at the house of William H.
Underwood at Hurricane Twp. on 15 August 1863. Joseph Frock assisted in digging her grave. T. J. Brown, attending
physician, stated she died of inflammation of stomach and gastric fever.
267 Illinois: Vital Records, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763 - 1900: Edwards, Andrew and Schoolcraft, Rebecca

. Maried Pike Co. 16-Jun-1870. License 151 Vol./Page A /185.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254242 NA Film T9-0242 pp. 408D, Derry, Pike Co., IL : A. M.
EDWARDS Self male married white age 32 born in IL occupation Laborer father born in --- mother born in ---:
Rebecca E. EDWARDS Wife female married white age 27 born in CANADA occupation Keeping House father born
in CANADA mother born in CANADA: Cora A. EDWARDS Dau female single white age 8 born in IL father born in
IL mother born in CANADA: Harry C. EDWARDS Son male single white age 4 born in IL father born in IL mother
born in CANADA: Charles L. EDWARDS Son male single white age 2 born in IL father born in IL mother born in
CANADA: Amos JONES Other male single white age 20 born in IL occupation Works Out father born in IL mother
born in IL.
269 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Lindsley Cemetery records, (Cheshire Twp. Allegan County) From Marguerite

Augustyn, cemetery sexton. Mary Schoolcraft: Died March 19, 1887 Age: 65 yr. 11 m. 4 days. Charles Schoolcraft:
Died January 4, 1894, cause: consumption, age 37 years 2 months. John Schoolcraft: child, died May 18, 1886.
270 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Eastern Townships Research Centre, Dunham United Church fonds,

UC033/008/001a [Stewards Book for the Dunham Methodist Circuit] and file cards at Missisquoi Museum: Caldwells
Manor: Mary Daughter of David Tryon Junr. & Jenny Tryon born 1812 bapd. Feb 6th 1814.
271 David J. Ellis, Mary's age in the cemetery information is off by about ten years. I believe the birth day is correct and

that she was probably born in 1812 as stated on her baptism.

Michigan: Death Record, Allegan Co. Deaths 1882-1901 LDS US/CAN 1017873, pp. 86 rn 786: Mary Schoolcraft,
19-Mar-1899, Cheshire, Allegan, MI, age 75 yrs. 2 mos., Consumption of lungs, born Canada, Female, White, Widow,
Housekeeping, Father David Tryon residing Dead, Mother Mary Tryon residing Dead.
273 Michigan: Cemetery Records, Lindsley Cemetery records, (Cheshire Twp. Allegan County) From Marguerite

Augustyn, cemetery sexton. Mary Schoolcraft: Died March 19, 1887 Age: 65 yr. 11 m. 4 days. Charles Schoolcraft:
Died January 4, 1894, cause: consumption, age 37 years 2 months. John Schoolcraft: child, died May 18, 1886.
274 Court Records, Allegan county probate record for Charles Schoolcraft. John M. Schoolcraft, his brother, states that

Charles died Jan. 4, 1894, leaving no will, that he was an inhabitant of Cheshire, his estate was worth about $250.
Heirs-at-law are: John M. Schoolcraft, brother, of Cheshire, MI. "Said deceased left no children and no mother or father
275 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1900, pp. 207A.16, dw. 284, fam. 289, ED #5, Cheshire, Allegan Co., MI :

John M. Schoolcraft head male married age 49 born in Dec 1850, NY occupation farmer, marr. 28 yrs. father born in
Canada mother born in Canada: Mary E. wife female married age 47 born in July 1852, NY occupation marr. 28 yrs., 4
ch., 3 liv. father born in NY mother born in NY: Willie son male single age 17 born in Feb 1883, MI occupation farm
laborer father born in NY mother born in NY.
276 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254569 National Archives Film T9-0569 pp. 367A: Cheshire,

Allegan Co., MI : John SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 28 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in
CAN mother born in CAN: Mary E. SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 26 born in NY occupation
Keeping House father born in NY mother born in NY: John L. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 3 born in
MI occupation father born in NY mother born in NY: Jason H. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 6 Mos.
born in MI occupation father born in NY mother born in NY.
277 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342667, v 2 p 501 rn 7542: 15 Oct

1904, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Groom William E. Schoolcraft, age 22, born Allegan Co., Mich., father John
M. Schoolcraft, mother Mary Pritchard, Bride Lillie Cramer, age 17, born Garrett, Ind., father Andrew Cramer, mother
Lorine Markwas.
278 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2320448, item 1 p 9 rn 98: John L. Schoolcraft,

03 Nov 1876, Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, White, Male, Father John Schoolcraft born New York, Mother Mary
Schoolcraft born New York.
Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1900, pp. 86A.27, dw. 9, fam. 9, ED #125, Oshtemo Twp., Kalamazoo Co., MI :
John L. Schoolcraft head male married age 23 born in Nov 1876, MI occupation farm laborer, marr. 2 yrs. father born
in Can. F. mother born in Can. F.: Cora wife female married age 17 born in Oct 1882, MI occupation marr. 2 yrs., 1
ch., 1 liv. father born in Unk. mother born in OH: George son male single age 5 mos. born in Dec 1899, MI father born
in MI mother born in MI: William Schoolcraft brother male single age 17 born in Nov 1882, MI occupation farm
laborer father born in Can. F. mother born in Can. F.
280 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342509, v 2 p 403 rn 4467: 07 Oct

1898, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Groom John L. Schoolcraft, age 21, born Allegan, father John M.
Schoolcraft, mother Mate Pritchard, Bride Cora Folton, age 16, born Van Buren, father Bowman Folton, mother Ida E.
281 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342522, v 3 p 284 rn 2831: 22 Nov

1902, Milton Junction, Mecosta, Michigan, Groom John L. Schoolcraft, age 26, born Michigan, father John M.
Schoolcraft, mother Mate Portchard, Bride Mable Fitch, age 22, born Michigan, father Wm. Fitch, mother Not Known.

Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2320568, item 2 p 13 rn 95: Jason H.
Schoolcraft, 25 Nov 1879, Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, W, Male, Father John Schoolcraft born New York, Mother
Mary Schoolcraft born New York.
283 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342731, v 4 p 50 rn 18799: 24 Sep

1919, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Groom Jasson Henry Schoolcraft, age 38, born Michigan, father John M.
Schoolcraft, mother Mary Pritchard, Bride Ella B. Aukerman Beeler, age 37, born Ohio, father John Beeler, mother
Mary Michael.
284 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2320695, item 2 p 12 rn 865: William A.

Schoolcraft, 26 Feb 1883, Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, Male, Father John Schoolcraft born New York, Mother Mary
E. Schoolcraft born New York.
285 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342751, v 7 p 18 rn 8687: 09 Oct

1922, Three Rivers, St Joseph, Michigan, Groom William Schoolcroft, age 38, born Allegan Co., Michigan, father J.M.
Schoolcroft, mother Mary Pritchard, Bride Anna Wert, age 39, born South Milford, Indiana, father Sam Gambe...,
mother Emma Blair.
286 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342758, v 9 p 11 rn 8921: 12 Jul

1923, Centreville, St Joseph, Michigan, Groom William A. Schoolcraft, age 39, born Kalamazoo, Michigan, father
John M. Schoolcraft, mother Mary Pritchard, Bride Frances Gibson Mensing, age 43, born Indiana, father Daniel
Gibson, mother Christina Manwhieler.
Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2320842, item 2 p 6 rn 78: Schoolcraft, 13 May
1886, Cheshire, Allegan, Michigan, Male, Father John Schoolcraft born New York, Mother Mary E. Schoolcraft born
New York, Stillborn, Father's occ. farmer, Date of record 14 May 1886.
288 Michigan: Death Record, Allegan Co. Deaths 1882-1901 LDS US/CAN 1017873, pp. 54 rn 71: Schoolcraft, 13-

May-1886, Cheshire, Allegan, MI, Still Born, born Michigan, Male, White, Father John Schoolcraft residing Cheshire,
Mother Mary E.
289 David J. Ellis, I suspect an error in the cemetery record. The child was stillborn and would not have been named

"John". The date is off by 5 days.

290 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1897-1920 The Archives of Michigan, 1905 rn 569: Mr. Mandon B.

Schoolcraft, 29 Mar 1905, Geneva, Van Buren Co., Michigan, age 36 yrs. 5 mos. 18 days, oedema of lungs, born 9 Oct
1868 Michigan, male, white, married, farmer, Father James H. Schoolcraft born Canada, Mother Harriet Webster born
Ohio. Burial 30 Mar 1905 Geneva. Married age 36, 0 ch. 0 liv. Informant Geo Schoolcraft of South Haven.
291 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1897-1920 The Archives of Michigan, 1907 rn 697: Lorenzoe

Schoolcraft, 25 Jul 1907, Waverly, Van Buren Co., Michigan, age 74 yrs. 5 mos. 0 days, heart disease, born 25 Dec
1833 Canada East, male, white, married, farmer, Father Elijah Schoolcraft born New Hampshire, Mother Sarah
Dimond born Albany NY. Burial 27 Jul 1907 Pine Grove. 2 ch. Informant Agnes Schoolcraft.
292 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1897-1920 The Archives of Michigan, 1913 rn 021: Harriet Schoolcraft,

15 Nov 1913, Pine Grove, Van Buren Co., Michigan, age 69 yrs. 2 mos. 27 days, chronic diarrhea, born 18 Aug 1844
New York, female, white, widowed, housewife, Father Wareham Loomis, Mother Johanna Dean. Burial 18 Nov 1913
Kendall. Informant Mabel Swinlin.
293 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254608 NA Film T9-0608 pp. 564C, 1880 Pine Grove, Van Buren

Co., MI : Edwin STOCKWELL Self male married white age 45 born in CAN occupation Laborer father born in CAN
mother born in VT: Juliet STOCKWELL Wife female married white age 44 born in CAN occupation Housekeeper
father born in CAN mother born in VT: Nelson STOCKWELL Son male single white age 22 born in MI occupation
Chair Maker father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Amelia STOCKWELL Dau female white age ... born in MI
occupation At School father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1870, pp. 15.06, dw. 105, Pittsfield, Pike Co., IL, fam. 105. John A. Coulter
age 27 sex m farmer born in OH, Mary age 23 sex f keeps house born in IL, Neslon Schoolcraft age 15 sex m farm
hand born in WI
295 Federal Population Schedule, 29-Jul-1870, pp. 19.06, dw. 144, Derry, Pike Co., IL, fam. 146. Jacob Marks age 47

sex m farm hand born in PA, Nancy age 42 sex f keeps house born in IN, Emma age 16 sex f domestic born in IL, Ellen
age 10 sex f born in IN, Minnie age 9 sex f born in IN, Jesse age 7 sex m born in IN, Charles age 5 sex m born in IN,
Ina age 1 sex f born in IN, fam. 146 [sic], Andrew Edwards age 22 sex m farmer born in IL, Rebecca age 16 sex f keeps
house born in Canada

Peter Schoolcraft Born About 1768
Probable: Peter Schoolcraft
born Abt. 1768 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA; Probably.
Near Cambridge by the Vermont line1
census 1825 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 829.3842
census 1831 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
1229.45, Range 10, Eccles Hill43
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates45
fact 09-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's
Manor], Destination not stated46
fact 05-Oct-1796 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's
Manor], Associate for Whitton208
fact 27-Apr-1807 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for range 5,
lot 9209
fact 20-Jul-1807 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for better
lease terms8
fact 17-Jun-1820 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada44
died 11-Apr-1842 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA1
buried 12-Apr-1842 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,

married Proven Mary Stolicker aka Maria Stalker Bef. 18002

born 08-Apr-1780 in Hillsdale, Columbia, New York, USA4
died 02-Oct-1833 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada3
buried 04-Oct-1833 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada3
1. Proven: Samuel Coat Schoolcraft14, 39
born Abt. 1800 in Quebec, Canada18
census 1831 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1225.39, Range 747
census 1840 in Fletcher, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 308.0848
census 20-Aug-1850 in Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 318
census 08-Aug-1860 in Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA; dw. 2573. [Howard]49
census 30-Jul-1870 in Prescott, Faribault, Minnesota, USA; pp. 13.56, dw. 88207
married Proven Hannah Bradley Bef. 183218, 19
born Abt. 1812 in Vermont, USA18
census 1880 in Brookings, South Dakota, USA; pp. 134D, Township 109. [Dakota Territory]54
a. Proven: Martha Jane Schoolcraft18, 52, 20
born Abt. 1832 in Vermont, USA18
census 03-Sep-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 155
married Proven Silas Jacob Winch 22-Nov-1862 in Saratoga, Winona, Minnesota, USA20
born Abt. 1834 in USA167
census 12-Jul-1870 in Prescott, Faribault, Minnesota, USA; pp. 12.18, dw. 83167
census 1880 in Gentryville, Gentry, Gentry, Missouri, USA; pp. 549D168
military Bet. 1861 - 1865 ; Indeterminate service20
i. Proven: Hattie E. Winch20
born 04-Jul-1864 in Minnesota, USA20, 168
ii. Proven: Bertha E. Winch20
born 09-Jul-1866 in Minnesota, USA20, 168

iii. Proven: Alden. S. Winch20
born 08-Feb-1868 in Minnesota, USA20, 167
iv. Proven: Cora May Winch20
born 08-Feb-1868 in Minnesota, USA20, 167
v. Proven: Rhoda Anna P. Winch20, 168
born 19-Jan-1876 in Missouri, USA20, 168
b. Proven: Whitney Schoolcraft18, 169
born Sep-1835 in Vermont, USA18, 51
census 17-Jun-1870 in St Charles, Winona, Minnesota, USA; dw. 6656
census 07-Jun-1880 in Saratoga, Winona, Minnesota, USA; pp. 203C.43, ED 28753
census 1885 in Saratoga, Winona, Minnesota, USA; pp. 445, fam. 49171
census Claimed 1890 in Saratoga, Winona, Minnesota, USA57
census 1895 in Elmira, Olmsted, Minnesota, USA; pp. 10.17, fam. 99172
census 02-Jun-1900 in Chatfield, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA; pp. 19A.42, dw. 38, ED
103, Main St.51
died 07-Nov-1916 in Chatfield, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA174
buried Chatfield, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA; Chatfield cemetery175
married Proven Alvira Mary Cotton 09-Dec-1871 in Winona, Minnesota, USA169, 170
born Aug-1846 in New York, USA51
died 09-Sep-1907 in Chatfield, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA173
i. Proven: Albert Schoolcraft53
born Dec-1875 in Minnesota, USA53, 59
census 12-Jun-1900 in Saratoga, Winona, Minnesota, USA; pp. 138B.01, dw.
67, ED 18958
census 14-Jun-1900 in Lloyd, Dickinson, Iowa, USA; pp. 67A.23, dw. 206, ED
married Proven Grace M. [Unidentified] Abt. 189859
born Aug-1878 in Minnesota, USA59
married Proven 2nd Lena Olsen 21-Nov-1906 in Winona, Winona, Minnesota,
born Abt. 1882 in Minnesota, USA177
ii. Proven: Samuel J. Schoolcraft53
born 14-Oct-1877 in Minnesota, USA51, 178
died 27-Feb-1901 in Chatfield, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA178
buried Chatfield, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA; Chatfield cemetery179
iii. Proven: Harriet L. Schoolcraft53
born 09-Feb-1879 in Saratoga, Winona, Minnesota, USA51, 180
died 03-Aug-1926 in Winona, Winona, Minnesota, USA181
married Proven Theodore Gerths Bef. 1910 in Minnesota, USA182
born Abt. 1879 in Minnesota, USA182
married Proven 2nd Charles J. Lovell 19-Sep-1912 in Winona, Winona, Minnesota,
born Abt. 1871 in England184
c. Proven: Ellen Schoolcraft18
born 28-May-1838 in Fletcher, Franklin, Vermont, USA18, 185
census 17-Sep-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 42060
died 09-Jan-1889 in Blue Earth, Faribault, Minnesota, USA185, 186
buried 10-Jan-1889 in Blue Earth, Faribault, Minnesota, USA185
married Proven Joseph C. Woodruff 05-Jul-1858 in Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA;
Probably. [Howard]185, 188
born Abt. 1815 in Vermont, USA187
census 06-Sep-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 14.09, dw. 92187

census 09-Aug-1860 in Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA; pp. 393.21, dw. 2891.
census 30-Jul-1870 in Prescott, Faribault, Minnesota, USA; pp. 12.12, dw. 82189
census 1875 in Prescott, Faribault, Minnesota, USA; pp. --.23, Fam. 47190
census 1880 in Blue Earth, Faribault, Minnesota, USA; pp. 97C191
census 1885 in Blue Earth, Faribault, Minnesota, USA; pp. 4, Fam. 26192
d. Proven: Andrew Jackson Schoolcraft18, 50
born Abt. 1839 in Vermont, USA18
census 1880 in Waseca, Waseca, Minnesota, USA; pp. 46B61
census 1885 in Preston, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA; pp. 11, Fam. 79193
census 28-Apr-1910 in Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA; pp. 9B.88, dw. 741, ED 54,
Ward 7, Douglas Co. Hospital194
married Proven [1] Cordelia E. Winslow 19-May-1866 in Fillmore, Minnesota, USA22, 199
born Abt. 17-Mar-1847 in Canada195, 196
census 30-Jul-1870 in Prescott, Faribault, Minnesota, USA; dw. 83195
census 1875 in Fountain, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA; pp. --.28, Fam. 121197
census 1880 in Beaver, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA; pp. 471A198
died 18-Aug-1922 in Mound, Slope, North Dakota, USA196
buried 20-Aug-1922 in Mound, Slope, North Dakota, USA196
i. Proven: Alfretta Christina Schoolcraft195, 197, 199
born Abt. 1868 in New York, USA195
ii. Proven: Arnetta Evangline Schoolcraft195, 198, 199
born Abt. 1869 in Minnesota, USA195
married Proven Charles H. Drury 26-Sep-1886 in Preston, Fillmore, Minnesota,
born Minnesota, USA201
married Proven 2nd Elizabeth Skakel 18-Jul-1874 in Stephenson, Illinois, USA62, 65
born Abt. 1841 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada66
census 1880 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA; pp. 323D63
iii. Probably Stepchild: Hattie Tucker aka Schoolcraft64, 63
born Abt. 1870 in New Hampshire, USA63
iv. Proven: Grace Schoolcraft67, 68
born Jun-1874 in Wisconsin, USA67
census 06-Jun-1900 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA; pp. 319A.23, dw. 95, ED
768, 1489 Newport Ave., Lake View Twp.67
v. Proven: Margaret Schoolcraft63
born Abt. 1876 in Wisconsin, USA63
married Proven 3rd [1] Cordelia E. Winslow 06-Apr-1884 in Fillmore, Minnesota, USA26, 199
born Abt. 17-Mar-1847 in Canada195, 196
census 30-Jul-1870 in Prescott, Faribault, Minnesota, USA; dw. 83195
census 1875 in Fountain, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA; pp. --.28, Fam. 121197
census 1880 in Beaver, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA; pp. 471A198
died 18-Aug-1922 in Mound, Slope, North Dakota, USA196
buried 20-Aug-1922 in Mound, Slope, North Dakota, USA196
e. Proven: Maria O. Schoolcraft18
born 29-Feb-1844 in Franklin, Vermont, USA18, 202
died 29-Jan-1912 in Naper, Boyd, Nebraska, USA203, 19
buried 02-Feb-1912 in Osceola, Polk, Nebraska, USA; Osceola cemetery203
married Proven Theodore S. Cowan Bet. 05 - 15-Oct-1869 in Winnebago, Illinois, USA202,

born 10-Feb-1839 in Wood, Ohio, USA204

census 21-Jul-1870 in Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA; pp. 26.38, dw. 194206

died 12-Dec-1909 in Shelby, Polk, Nebraska, USA204
buried Osceola, Polk, Nebraska, USA; Osceola cemetery205
i. Proven: Ethel A. Cowan202
died Aft. 29-Jan-1912202
married Proven [Unidentified] Rinear Bef. 29-Jan-1912202
ii. Proven: Orretta M. Cowan202
died Aft. 29-Jan-1912202
married Proven [Unidentified] Wilson Bef. 29-Jan-1912202
iii. Proven: Elmer S. Cowan202
died Aft. 29-Jan-1912202
iv. Proven: Oren D. Cowan204
died Bef. 12-Dec-1909204
f. Proven: Ophelia Schoolcraft18
born Abt. 1846 in Vermont, USA18
married Proven Thomas B. Braithwait 17-Jul-1864 in Winona, Minnesota, USA21
born Abt. 1842 in New York, USA69
census 12-Jul-1870 in Prescott, Faribault, Minnesota, USA; pp. 13.56, dw. 88207
census 1880 in Brookings, South Dakota, USA; Township 109 Territory]69
i. Proven: George W. Braithwait69
born Abt. 1866 in Minnesota, USA69
ii. Proven: Frank Braithwait69
born Abt. 1868 in Minnesota, USA69
iii. Proven: Fred Braithwait69
born Abt. 1871 in Minnesota, USA69
iv. Proven: Caroline Braithwait69
born Abt. 1873 in Minnesota, USA69
v. Proven: Henry Braithwait69
born Abt. 1878 in Minnesota, USA69
vi. Proven: Nellie Braithwait69
born Abt. 1879 in Minnesota, USA69
2. Proven: Hannah Schoolcraft11
born Abt. 09-Nov-1802 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably11
died 12-May-1894 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA11
married Proven Joseph Vincent 14-Mar-1824 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA70
born Abt. Oct-1796 in New York, USA75
census 1831 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1229.44,
Range 10, Eccles Hill71
census 14-Oct-1850 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 26716
census 1861 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 11.12,
Dist. 172
census 1880 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 114D73
died 19-Dec-1880 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA75
buried Claimed Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Franklin Center cemetery74
a. Proven: Ethan Vincent73
born Claimed 06-May-1826 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada74, 76
census 14-Oct-1850 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 26676
census 1861 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
11.22, Dist. 177
census 14-Jul-1870 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 3317
census 1880 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 114D73

died Claimed 31-Aug-190274
buried Claimed Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Franklin Center cemetery74
married Claimed Mary S. Giddings74
born Claimed Abt. Jun-1822 in USA74, 76
died Claimed 11-Apr-189074
buried Claimed Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Franklin Center cemetery74
i. Proven: Abigail Vincent77
born Abt. 1852 in Vermont, USA77
b. Proven: Leonard G. Vincent16
born Abt. 1828 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada16
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.16, Dist. 279
census 1861 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
11.25, Dist. 178
married Probable Daisy Skakel 14-Nov-1855 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-
Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Baptist Church78, 79, 80
born Abt. 1834 in Quebec, Canada80
i. Proven: Eliza Vincent78
born Abt. 1858 in Quebec, Canada78
c. Proven: Allen Turner Vincent16, 74
born Claimed 19-Apr-1832 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada74, 16
census 1861 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
166.12, Dist. 172
died Claimed 23-Feb-191174
buried Claimed Brownington, Orleans, Vermont, USA74
married Claimed Thankful Reynolds74
born Claimed 25-Dec-1834 in USA74, 72
died Claimed 24-Mar-192074
buried Claimed Brownington, Orleans, Vermont, USA74
d. Proven: Charlotte Vincent16
born Abt. 1835 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada16
e. Proven: [Unnamed] Vincent81
born Apr-1842 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada81
died 17-May-1842 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vincent aka Eccles Hill
f. Proven: Lucy Ella Vincent82, 83
born Abt. 10-Nov-1847 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
died 19-Jun-1848 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada82
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vincent aka Eccles Hill
3. Proven: John Schoolcraft12
born 20-Feb-1805 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably12, 7
census 10-Oct-1850 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 15784
census 1861 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 11.12,
Dist. 172
died 20-Aug-1876 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA7
4. Proven: Christopher Schoolcraft aka Kit41
born Abt. 1807 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably87, 90
census 1831 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1229.21,
Range 1085
census 1840 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 221.3186

census 10-Oct-1850 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 16087
census 24-Jul-1860 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 17988
census 14-Jul-1870 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 3317
census 1880 in Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA; pp. 36C89
died Aft. 188089
married Proven Mary Snyder aka Polly 13-May-1830 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA97
born Abt. 180798
died 25-Jan-1849 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Probably98
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vincent aka Eccles Hill cemetery98
a. Proven: Leonard Peter Schoolcraft aka Leonard Peter Stone87
born 20-Jul-1831 in Vermont, USA87, 95
census 16-Feb-1852 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; pp. 1.27, Dist. 199
census 1861 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 186.44, Dist. 392
census 1871 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 48.04, Dist. 2100
census 1881 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 238, Div. 2101
census 28-Apr-1891 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 29.24, dw. 155,
Dist. 143-E Div. 229
census 1901 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 04.44, dw. 42102
fact 26-Mar-1855 in Quebec, Canada; Mr. Leonard Peter Schoolcraft alias Stone145, 146
died 06-Apr-1904 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably95
buried Mansonville, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Protestant cemetery95
married Proven Maria L. Durrell 02-Feb-1859 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada;
Baptist Church103
born 13-Nov-1842 in USA100, 95
died 02-Apr-1923 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably95
buried Mansonville, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Protestant cemetery95
i. Proven: Prescott Schoolcraft104
born 22-Feb-1863 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada104
census 28-Apr-1891 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 29.24,
dw. 155, Dist. 143-E Div. 229
census 1901 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 04.44, dw. 42102
married Proven Etta Whitney 22-Mar-1890 in Troy, Orleans, Vermont, USA106
born 28-Sep-1874 in USA102
ii. Proven: Florence Alberta Schoolcraft105
born 11-Jun-1864 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada105
married Proven Adelbert L. Davis 11-Nov-1881 in Troy, Orleans, Vermont, USA107
iii. Proven: Edith D. Schoolcraft108
born 24-Dec-1870 in Mansonville, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada108, 102, 100
census 1881 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 180, Div. 1109
census 16-Jun-1900 in Troy, Orleans, Vermont, USA; pp. 235B.63, dw. 333, ED
176, North Troy village110
census 1901 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 04.44, dw. 42102
married Proven Walter O. McGovern 27-Jul-1902 in Troy, Orleans, Vermont,
iv. Proven: Agnes A. Schoolcraft111
born Abt. 1872 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada101
married Proven Henry J. Page 31-Dec-1888 in Troy, Orleans, Vermont, USA111
v. Proven: Minnie G. Schoolcraft29
born Abt. 1876 in Quebec, Canada101
vi. Proven: Arvilla E. Schoolcraft29
born Abt. 06-Sep-1880 in Quebec, Canada101, 112

census 1901 in Stukely-Nord, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 11.50, dw.
vii. Proven: Orvil O. Schoolcraft29
born 28-Sep-1884 in Quebec, Canada102
census 1901 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 04.44, dw. 42102
died 1975 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada210
buried Mansonville, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Protestant cemetery210
married Proven Julia Durrell Bef. 1929210, 211
born 1895211
died 1979 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada211
buried Mansonville, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Protestant cemetery211
viii. Proven: George S. Schoolcraft102
born 20-Jun-1887 in Quebec, Canada102
census 1901 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 04.44, dw. 42102
b. Proven: Orin Schoolcraft87
born Abt. 1832 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA87, 96
census 1861 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 204.41, Dist. 1113
census 1871 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 57.01, Dist. 2114
census 1880 in Brownington, Orleans, Vermont, USA; pp. 313A115
died 10-May-1896 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA116
married Proven Cordelia Dyre aka Obedience Bef. 1858120, 118
born Abt. 1827 in Quebec, Canada114
i. Proven: George C. Schoolcraft119
born Abt. 22-Aug-1858 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada123, 119
census 1881 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 47, Div. 2121
census 30-Apr-1891 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 37.23,
dw. 194, Dist. 143-E Div. 2122
census 1901 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.42, dw. 117123
married Proven Eva Blanchard 04-Jun-1879 in Jay, Orleans, Vermont, USA119
born Abt. 29-Mar-1860 in Quebec, Canada123, 124
died 1932 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada124
buried Mansonville, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Protestant cemetery124
ii. Proven: Edson E. Schoolcraft118
born Abt. 1861 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably118
died Abt. 23-Aug-1863 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada118
buried 25-Aug-1863 in Bolton-Est, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada118
iii. Proven: Linus A. Schoolcraft120
born 02-Apr-1861 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada126, 117
census 1881 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 74, Div. 2125
census 1901 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 04.40, dw. 41126
census 1920 in Charleston, Orleans, Vermont, USA127
married Proven Jane Townsend aka Jennie 03-Sep-1883 in Newport, Orleans,
Vermont, USA117
married Proven 2nd Lenora Dechaine 18-Aug-1897 in Jay, Orleans, Vermont,
born 10-Jul-1871 in Rhode Island, USA126, 127
married Proven 2nd Miranda Shufelt aka Amanda 04-Nov-1886 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont,
born Abt. 1834 in Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA96
died 25-Dec-1897 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA128
c. Proven: Elmore Schoolcraft aka Elwin Emery87, 92, 93
born 16-May-1835 in Vermont, USA87, 94

census 1861 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 186.44, Dist. 392
census 1871 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 47.15, Dist. 2129
census 1881 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 237, Div. 2130
census 28-Apr-1891 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 29.09, dw. 151,
Dist. 143-E Div. 2131
census 1901 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.13, dw. 11194
census 1911 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.06, dw. 24, Dist. 13132
died 16-Sep-1915 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably133
buried Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone Church cemetery133
married Proven Betsy J. Durrell 16-May-1864 in Bolton-Est, Memphrémagog, Quebec,
Canada; Baptist Church135
born 1836 in USA134, 129
died 07-Mar-1880 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably134
buried Mansonville, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Protestant cemetery134
married Proven 2nd Mary Wilson Bet. 1881 – 1891136, 130, 131
born Abt. 12-Mar-1842 in Quebec, Canada94
died 22-Apr-1922 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably136
buried Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone Church cemetery136
d. Proven: Mary A. Schoolcraft87
born Abt. 1836 in Vermont, USA87
married Proven James Donelly 18-Apr-1863 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA137
e. Proven: Sarah J. Schoolcraft87
born Abt. 1839 in Vermont, USA87
census 14-Oct-1850 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 26716
died 05-Aug-1867 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA138
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vincent aka Eccles Hill
f. Proven: Almyra Schoolcraft87
born Abt. 1841 in Vermont, USA87
g. Proven: Elvira Schoolcraft87
born Abt. 1846 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA87, 91
census 24-Jul-1860 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 17988
married Proven Duncan N. Yeates Abt. 03-Nov-1867 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts,
born Abt. 1837 in Cabot, Washington, Vermont, USA91
5. Proven: Seena Schoolcraft aka Cena13
born 08-Jun-1809 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably13
census 1861 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 11.1272
census 1881 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2, dw. 4140
census 1901 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 02.47, dw. 26, Div. F-2141
married Proven George Cameron 22-Apr-1850 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Baptist Church142
born Abt. 1791142
died Bef. 1881140
a. Proven: Janet Cameron15
born 25-Jan-1851 in Quebec, Canada144
married Proven John Getty 31-Dec-1868 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada15
born Bef. 184715
i. Proven: Elizabeth Getty143
born Abt. 1872 in Quebec, Canada143
married Proven 2nd Samuel G. Johnson Bef. 1881143, 144
born 08-Mar-1842 in Quebec, Canada144

census 1881 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2, dw. 4143
census 1901 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 02.47, dw. 26, Div. F-
ii. Proven: Elwin H. Johnson144
born 13-Aug-1883 in Quebec, Canada144
iii. Proven: Bernice E. Johnson144
born 19-Oct-1893 in Quebec, Canada144
b. Proven: Dennis Cameron72
born Abt. 1852 in Quebec, Canada72
6. Conjecture: Matilda Schoolcraft38
born Conjecture Bet. 1811 - 1815 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably35
married Proven James Prouty 04-Sep-1831 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA30
7. Proven: James Schoolcraft41, 212
born 09-Nov-1816 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada147, 90
census 14-Oct-1850 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 279147
census 09-Aug-1860 in Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA; dw. 393. [Howard]148
census 21-Jul-1870 in Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA; dw. 207149
census 1880 in Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA; pp. 36C89
died 30-Sep-1889 in Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA212
married Proven Sarah A. Rogers 01-Feb-1865 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA149, 212
born 28-Jun-1830 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA149, 212
died Aft. 188089
a. Proven: Edwin James Schoolcraft149, 212
born 11-Jul-1867 in Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA149, 212
census 12-Jun-1900 in Watertown, Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 310B.54, dw. 456,
ED 154, 217 College Ave.151
died 03-Jan-1934 in Watertown, Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA; 217 College Ave.150
buried Watertown, Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA; Oak Hill cemetery150
married Claimed [Unidentified] 25-Dec-1895 in Adams, Wisconsin, USA152
married Proven 2nd Anna Wood 07-May-1896 in Clark, Wisconsin, USA153, 213
born Jun-1878 in Wisconsin, USA151
died Bef. 1906 in Watertown, Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA
i. Proven: Harry E. Schoolcraft151, 214
born 27-Feb-1897 in Wisconsin, USA151, 155
died Sep-1968155
ii. Proven: Hazel Schoolcraft214
born Bet. 1901 - 1906 in Wisconsin, USA214
died Aft. 1934214
married Proven 3rd Lottie L. Raph 01-Mar-1906 in Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA154, 150, 213
born 05-May-1868150
died 03-Sep-1955150
buried Watertown, Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA; Oak Hill cemetery150
iii. Proven: Edwin J. Schoolcraft150
born 12-Jan-1909150
died 12-Mar-1909 in Watertown, Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA150
buried Watertown, Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA; Oak Hill cemetery150
8. Conjecture: Thomas W. Schoolcraft37
born Abt. 1821 in Vermont, USA; Probably36
census 1861 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1.32, Dist. 233
census 1881 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 239, Div. 236
died 14-Jan-1892 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada34
buried 16-Jan-1892 in Mansonville, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada34

married Proven Dolly L. Atwood 04-Sep-1853 in Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USA32
9. Conjecture: Nancy R. Schoolcraft38
born Abt. 1823 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably31
died 02-Mar-1853 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA31
buried 04-Mar-1853 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vincent aka Eccles Hill
10. Proven: Isaac H. Schoolcraft29, 40
born Abt. 1825 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably27
census 1861 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 11.19,
Dist. 127
census 1871 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 82.07, Dist. 1156
census 1881 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 7, Div. 2157
census 07-Apr-1891 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 4.02, dw. 20, Dist. 143-C
Div. 128
census 28-Apr-1891 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 29.24, dw. 155, Dist. 143-E
Div. 229
died Bef. 1901159
married Proven Elizabeth Smith 1856 in Cornwall, Stormont, Ontario, Canada158
born Abt. Jan-1828 in Ontario, Canada160, 27
died 27-Oct-1864 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada160
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vincent aka Eccles Hill cemetery160
married Proven 2nd Bridget Bream 1868 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada; St. James Methodist
born Abt. 1840 in Ireland156
census 1901 in Knowlton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 06.49, dw. 66159
died Bet. 07 - 28-Apr-1891 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada28, 29
a. Proven: Minerva Schoolcraft156
born Abt. 1869 in Quebec, Canada156
married Proven Unidentified Bef. 189128
b. Proven: Susan Schoolcraft156
born Abt. 1870 in Quebec, Canada156
c. Proven: Jennie Schoolcraft157
born Abt. 1873 in Quebec, Canada157
d. Proven: John Schoolcraft157
born Abt. 1874 in Quebec, Canada157
census 14-Jun-1900 in Rock, Rock, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 228A.30, dw. 124, ED 192162,

e. Proven: George Schoolcraft157

born Abt. 1876 in Quebec, Canada157
f. Proven: James Schoolcraft157
born Apr-1877 in Quebec, Canada164
census 02-Jun-1900 in Fulton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 209B.95, dw. 21, ED 171164,

census 14-Jun-1900 in Rock, Rock, Wisconsin, USA; pp. 228A.38, dw. 125, ED 192165
g. Proven: Grace Schoolcraft28
born Abt. 1881 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably28
died 12-Sep-1952 in Thetford Mines, Les Appalaches, Quebec, Canada166
buried 14-Sep-1952 in Thetford Mines, Les Appalaches, Quebec, Canada; St. John the
Divine Church166
married Proven Bert W. Talmadge Bef. 1935166
i. Proven: John Talmadge166

h. Proven: Olive Schoolcraft28
born Abt. 1889 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably28

Québec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, Peter Schoolcraft, of Franklin the State of Vermont died on the
eleventh day of April one thousand eight hundred and fourty two, in the seventy fourth year of his age, and was buried
on the twelfth day of the same, in this parish in presence of the subscribing witnesses by me. Signed James Reid Pastor,
Witnessed Joseph Vincent and James Schoolcraft.
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: Deed of Sale 10th January 1833 Peter Schoolcraft to
Patrick Small "...personally appeared Peter Schoolcraft of the Seignory of St. Armand aforesaid and Mary Stolicker his
Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Folio fourteenth, Burials: Polly wife of Peter Schoolcraft of the
Seignory of St. Armand Farmer departed this life October the Second aged fifty three years and seven months and was
buried the fourth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three in the presence of
the subscribing witnesses by me Matthew Lang Minister. Witnessed Joseph Vincent, Henry Toof.
4 New York, Hillsdale: Reformed Dutch Church, Reformed Dutch Church, Hillsdale, Columbia Co., New York:

Christening of Maria Stalker on Jun 25, 1780, born Apr 8, 1780, father Johannes Stalker, mother Rosena Egelston.
5 Québec: Notarial and Land Records: November 1796 Petition of John Stalker for land in Stanbridge.
6 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: January 1804 Roads in St. Armand
7 Vermont: Death Record, Death of John Schoolcraft on 20-Aug-1876 in Franklin VT, age 71 yrs., 6 mos. of

Consumption. M. Born in Sutton QC, parents Peter Schoolcraft & Mary St. Occupation Farmer.
8 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L, Vol. 65, pp. 32486-32489. Jul 20, 1807 petition seeking more favourable lease terms sign

by Peter Schoolcraft, James Schoolcraft and Simon Stone uses the words "back rents".
9 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: 28th December 1820 Deed of Sale by Ammie Squires to

Peter Schoolcraft. "Peter Schoolcraft, of Sutton aforesaid, yeoman,"

10 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: No. 466, 27th January 1825, Deed of Sale by William

Chadborn to Peter Schoolcraft. Peter purchases 100 acres in lots 34 and 35 and the range is unspecified. From the
description it is located right on the U.S.A. border at 45 degrees latitude.
11 Vermont: Death Record, Franklin VT reported death of Hannah (Schoolcraft) Vincent on 12-May-1894 of old age at

age 91 yrs. 6 mos. 3 days, born in Canada. Parents Peter Schoolcraft and Stolicer. widow.
12 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, John son of Peter Schoolcraft yeoman of the seignory of St.

Armand and of Polly his wife was born on the twentieth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and five and was baptised on the ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand and thirty two by
me Ingham Sutcliffe Minister, Witnesses Langdon Simpson, Isaac Smith.
13 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Seena daughter of Peter Schoolcraft yeoman of the Seignory of

Saint Armand and Polly his wife was born on the eighth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and nine and was baptized on the ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
two. Witnessed by Langdon Simpson and Isaac Smith.
14 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: No. 2017 16th November 1833 Peter Schoolcraft to

Samuel Schoolcraft.
15 Québec, Farnham: Anglican Church Records, Farnham Anglican Church, LDS Film 1430756: Marriages: John

Getty of the Township of West Farnham County of Missisquoi District of Bedford Bachelor of major age son of
George Getty of the Township of Dunham in the aforesaid County and District and of his wife Polly Truax and Janet
Cameron Spinster of minor age daughter of George Cameron of the Township of West Farnham aforesaid and of his
wife Sena Schoolcraft were married after publication of Banns the thirty first day of December eighteen hundred and
sixty eight by me.
16 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Oct-1850, pp. 358, dw. 267, Franklin, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 271, Joseph Vincent

age 57 sex M farmer born in NY, Hannah age 47 sex F born in Canada, Leandia age 22 sex M farmer born in Canada,
Allen age 19 sex M farmer born in Canada, Charlotte age 15 sex F born in Canada, Sarah Schoolcraft age 12 sex F born
in VT, Benjamin Stoliker age 15 sex M born in Canada.
17 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jul-1870, pp. 5.18, dw. 33, Franklin, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 34, Ethan Vincent age

49 sex M farmer born in Canada, Abigail age 18 sex F born in VT, Hawley Litteman age 12 sex M at home born in VT,
Cynthia Beckham age 45 sex F born in Canada, Kit Schoolcraft age 60 sex M farm labororer born in VT, Mary Vincent
age 49 sex F keeps house born in VT.
Federal Population Schedule, 20-Aug-1850, dw. 3, Georgia, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 3, Samuel Schoolcraft age 50
sex m stone mason born in Canada, Hannah age 38 sex f born in VT, Jone age 18 sex m born in VT, Whitman age 16
sex m born in VT, Ellen age 13 sex f born in VT, Jackson age 11 sex m born in VT, Maria age 8 sex f born in VT,
Ophelia age 4 sex f born in VT, Other lodgers.

Nebraska: Vital Records, Napier, Boyd Co. #959: Maria O. Cowan wht., fem., wid. b. Feb 29, 1845 VT ae. 67 yrs.
10 mos. 30 days, housewife d. Jan 29, 1912 of Choleti~hirsis contributory peritonitis.. Parents Samuel Schoolcraft b.
VT & Hannah Bradley b. VT. Informant J. B. Bailey (undertaker) of Napier filed Jan 30, 1912. Bur. Oceola, Nebr. Feb
20 Military Records: Civil War listings, Pension application, Cert. No. 907553, 15 Jan 1898: Silas J. Wench, married to

Martha Jane Schoolcraft on 22 Nov 1862, Saratoga, MN, certificate on record. Prev. marriage to Mary F. Slade in
Prairie Hill, IA. Children Clara Bell, Hattie E., Bertha E., Cora May, Alden S. and Rhoda A. P. Wench. 4 Mar 1859, 4
Jul 64, 9 Jul 66 twins, 8 Feb 68 and Rhoda 19 Jan 1876. Signed 3 Jul 1898.
21 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1377817 Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950: Thomas B. Braithwait to

Ophelia Schoolcraft on 17 Jul 1864 Winona, Minnesota.

22 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1316804 Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950: A. J. Schoolcraft to Adelia

Winslow on 19 May 1866 Filmore, Minnesota.

23 State Census, State Census 1875, Fountain, Fillmore Co., MN, family 121. Cordelia E. Winslow, female age 28 born

in Canada, father born VT, mother born Canada, Alfrereta C., female age 7 born in MN.
24 Illinois: Vital Records, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763 - 1900: Schoolcraft, Andrew J and Tucker, Bessie

(Mrs). Married Stephenson Co. 18-Jul-1874. License 9.

David J. Ellis, The 1880 census shows Betsy's maiden name as her brother is living with her.
26 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1316805 Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950: A. J. Schoolcraft to C. E.

Winslow on 6 Apr 1884 Filmore, Minnesota.

27 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 11.19, St. Armand East, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story, 1 family frame house, Isaac

H. Schoolcraft age 36 M/M born in L.C. occ./rel. farmer, W. Methodist, Elisabeth Schoolcraft age 30 F/M born in U.C.
occ./rel. W. Methodist, Mary Smith age 13 F/S born in U.C. occ./rel. spinster, W. Methodist.
28 Québec: Census, 7-Apr-1891, pp. 4.02, Hse. 20, Dist. 143-C Div. 1, Brome, Brome Co., Isaac Schoolcraft, male, age

64, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., labourer, Bridget, female, age 56, married, wife, born in
Ireland, father Ireland, mother Ireland, Meth., Minerva, female, age 22, divorced, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother
Ireland, C. Eng., Susan, female, age 21, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C. Eng., John, male, age 18, son,
born in QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C. Eng., George, male, age 16, son, born in QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C.
Eng., James, male, age 14, son, born in QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C. Eng., Grace, female, age 10, dau, born in
QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C. Eng., Olive, female, age 2, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother Ireland, C. Eng.
29 Québec: Census, 28-Apr-1891, pp. 29.24, Hse. 155, Dist. 143-E Div. 2, Potton, Brome Co., Leonard Schoolcraft,

male, age 58, married, head, born in USA, father QC, mother QC, farmer, Maria, female, age 49, married, wife, born in
USA, father USA, mother USA, Minnie, female, age 16, daughter, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, farmer,
Arvilla, female, age 10, daughter, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, Orville O., male, age 6, son, born in QC,
father USA, mother USA, Prescott, male, age 25, son, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, Etta, female, age 16,
wife, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, Isaac, male, age 64, widow, g fath, born in USA, father USA, mother
30 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Matilda Schoolcraft to James Prouty on 4-Sep-1831.
31 Québec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, Nancy R. Schoolcraft, single woman of Franklin Vermont died on

the second day of March one Thousand eight hundred and fifty three aged thirty years and was buried on the fourth day
of the same at Cooks Corner in the presence of her friends by me James Reid Minister. Witness N. Vincent, J. W. Toof.
32 Vermont, Georgia: Town Records, Georgia VT Marriage Records, Book 1, pp. 21: Be it remembered that at Georgia

County and State aforesaid on this 4th day of Sept AD 1853 Thomas W. Schoolcraft of Franklin & Dolly L. Atwood of
Georgia were duly joined in marriage by me E. M. Kellogg, Minister of the Gospel.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 1.32, St. Armand West, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 2 family frame house, Lydia
Brill age 75 F/S born in U. States occ./rel. farmer, W. Methodist, John Brill age 23 M/M born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer,
W. Methodist, Hellen Brill age 23 F/M born in U. States occ./rel. F. Baptist, T. W. Schoolcraft age 28 M/S born in L.C.
occ./rel. laborer, E. methodist.
34 Québec, Mansonville: Methodist Church Records, Thomas Schoolcraft of the Township of Potton in the County of

Brome, died on the fourteenth day of january in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety two and
was buried by me on the sixteenth day of the month in the said year in the presence of the subscribing witnesses:
Elmore [X] Schoolcraft. P. H. Allin [Minister].
35 David J. Ellis, Age estimated from marriage date and 1825 census. Peter Schoolcraft is living in Sutton at least

between 1805 and 20-Dec-1820. The former date from John's death record and the latter from Leon Lalanne's land
36 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 || NA Film Number C-13201 || District 60 || Sub-district C || Division 2 ||

pp. 46 || hse. 239 || Census Place: Potton, Brome Co., QC || Thomas Schoolcraft Widowed Dutch Male age 60 born in
USA, Farmer, Methodist Canada.
37 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Thomas.

The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Nancy and Matilda.
39 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Peter Schoolcraft's children.
The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Isaac.
41 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Christopher and James.
42 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 829.38, St. Armand, Bedford Co. Head of household Peter Schoolcraft, 9 total in

household, 2 under 6, 2 6 but under 14, 1 14 but under 18. Males: 2 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 25 but not 40 Sing.: 1 40 but
not 60 Marr. Females: 2 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Sing.: 1 45 and up Marr.
43 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1229.45, Segnorie St. Armand settled 1784, Missisquoi Co. Concession 10 Head of

household Peter Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. 5 Total in household, 3 6 but under 14. Males: 1 60 and up Marr.,
Females: 1 Under 14, 1 45 and up Marr., 5 Anglican.
44 Appendix to the XXXth volume of the Journals of the House of Assembly of the province of Lower-Canada, pp. W-

45 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1630512: Petition for Town of Granby, 28-Mar-1795
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1631062: Oath of Allegiance at Missisquoi Bay in 1795.
47 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1225.39, Segnorie St. Armand settled 1784, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of

household Saml. Schoolcraft, renter, cabt. maker. 2 Total in household. Males: 1 30 but not 60 Marr., Females: 1 14 but
not 45 Marr., 2 Anglican.
48 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 308.08, Fletcher, Franklin Co., VT, Saml. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 5-10, 1 40-

50, female: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1 30-40.

49 Federal Population Schedule, 8-Aug-1860, pp. 383, dw. 2823, Howard, Winnebago Co., IL, fam. 2835, Samuel

Schoolcraft age 58 sex M laborer born in Canada, Hannah age 42 sex F born in VT, Whitman age 23 sex M born in
VT, Jackson age 20 sex M born in VT, Ophelia age 14 sex F born in VT.
50 David J. Ellis, His location in 1880 suggests this is the child of the Samuel Schoolcraft who was born abt. 1832 and

is recorded in his parents census as Jackson. I believe he is Andrew Jackson Schoolcraft with his age misreported by
ten years in the 1880 census.
51 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1900, pp. 19A.42, dw. 38, fam. 43, ED #103, Main St., Chatfield City, Olmsted

Co., MN : Witney Schoolcraft head male married age 64 born in Sep 1835, VT occupation farmer, marr. 29 yrs. father
born in VT mother born in VT: Elvira wife female married age 53 born in Aug 1846, NY occupation marr. 29 yrs., 3
ch., 3 liv. father born in VT mother born in VT: Samuel J. son male single age 22 born in Oct 1877, MN occupation
farm laborer father born in VT mother born in NY: Harriet L. dau female single age 21 born in Feb 1879, MN
occupation servant father born in VT mother born in NY.
52 David J. Ellis, This person is enumerated in 1850 as Jone, a male. I believe the enumeration was erroeous and that it

should be female called Jane who is also enumerated in St. Albans. Her sister Ellen is also enumerated in St. Albans.
She is the Martha Jane who married Silas Jacob Winch and is enumerated in Prescott, MN in 1870 under the name
Mary J. Winch and only a few houses away from her father. Her sister-in-law is also in the household.
53 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: GSU film 1254637. Vol. 17, E.D. 287, Sht 7, Line 43, Pg 203-C, D/F not listed,

7-Jun-1880 Saratoga, Winona Co., MN : Whitney Schoolcraft Self male married white age 44 born in VT occupation
head md miller father born in East CAN mother born in RI: Elvira Schoolcraft Wife female married white age 34 born
in NY occupation Keeps House father born in VT mother born in VT: Albert Schoolcraft Son male single white age 6
born in MN father born in VT mother born in NY: Samuel Schoolcraft Son male single white age 2 born in MN father
born in VT mother born in NY: Hariett Schoolcraft Dau female single white age 1 born in MN father born in VT
mother born in NY.
54 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254111 NA Film T9-0111 pp. 134D, Undated Township 109,

Brookings Co., Dakota Territory : Hannah Schoolcraft Self female widow white age 65 born in VT.
Federal Population Schedule, 3-Sep-1850, dw. 1, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 1, Ralph Lasell age 47 sex m
brick maker born in VT, Augusta M. age 32 sex f born in VT, Augustus age 8 sex m born in VT, George age 3 sex m
born in VT, Charles age 9 mos. sex m born in VT, Joseph age 23 sex m born in Canada, Jane Schoolcraft age 19 sex f
born in VT, John H. Burton age 69 sex m farmer born in VT, Mary age 63 sex f born in VT, Carlos C. age 33 sex m
merchant born in VT, Lamira age 19 sex f born in VT, Eliza Cady age 18 sex f born in VT.
Federal Population Schedule, 17-Jun-1870, pp. 9.20, dw. 66, St. Charles, Saratoga, Winona Co., MN, fam. 66,
David McCardy age 28 sex m farmer born in NY, Margaret age 23 sex f born in NY, Herbert E. age 3 sex m born in
NY, George A. age 3 sex m born in NY, Whitney Schoolcraft age 37 sex m farm laborer born in IL.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: GSU film 1254637. Vol. 17, E.D. 287, Sht 7, Line 43, Pg 203-C, D/F not listed,
7-Jun-1880 Saratoga, Winona Co., MN : Whitney Schoolcraft Self male married white age 44 born in VT occupation
head md miller father born in East CAN mother born in RI: Elvira Schoolcraft Wife female married white age 34 born
in NY occupation Keeps House father born in VT mother born in VT: Albert Schoolcraft Son male single white age 6
born in MN father born in VT mother born in NY: Samuel Schoolcraft Son male single white age 2 born in MN father
born in VT mother born in NY: Hariett Schoolcraft Dau female single white age 1 born in MN father born in VT
mother born in NY.
58 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jun-1900, pp. 138B.01, dw. 67, fam. 67, ED #189, Saratoga, Winona Co., MN :

Julius A. Dorn & family : Albert Schoolcraft boarder male single born in not stated occupation engineer.
59 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1900, pp. 67A.23, dw. 206, fam. 207, ED #98, Lloyd Twp., Dickinson Co., IA

: Birt Schoolcraft head male married age 24 born in Dec 1875, IA occupation farmer, marr. 1 yrs. father born in IA
mother born in IA: Grace M. wife female married age 21 born in Aug 1878, MN occupation marr. 1 yrs., 1 ch., 1 liv.
father born in MI mother born in IL: Vernie L. son male single age 1 born in Jan 1899, IA father born in IA mother
born in MN.
60 Federal Population Schedule, 17-Sep-1850, dw. 420, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 425, Amos Brackett age 40

sex m laborer born in VT, Martha C. age 34 sex f born in VT, John E. age 2 sex m born in VT, Ellen Schoolcraft age 13
sex f born in VT.
61 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254636 NA Film T9-0636 pp. 46B, Undated Waseca, Waseca Co.,

MN : Thomas Coleman Self male married white age 31 born in PA: Ann Coleman Wife female married white age 31
born in IRE: Margaret Coleman Dau female single white age 7 born in MN: John Coleman Son male single white age 3
born in MN: Wm. Coleman Son male single white age 1 born in MN: Matthew Coleman Father male married white age
65 born in IRE: Margaret Coleman Mother female married white age 60 born in IRE: Catherine Olvian Other female
single white age 19 born in WI: Pat Howell Other male single white age 26 born in IL: Vernon Look Other male single
white age 20 born in MN: E. C. Connell Other male single white age 24 born in OH: P. McGallegan Other male single
white age 29 born in Canada: Joe Williams Other male married white age 28 born in PA: A. J. Schoolcraft Other male
single white age 32 born in VT: Burt Read Other male single white age 20 born in WI: Jno Mullen Other male single
white age 22 born in WI.
62 Illinois: Vital Records, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763 - 1900: Schoolcraft, Andrew J and Tucker, Bessie

(Mrs) . Married Stephenson Co. 18-Jul-1874. License 9 Vol./Page /.

63 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254194 NA Film T9-0194 pp. 323D, Chicago, Cook Co., IL :

Betsey SCHOOLCRAFT Self female widow white age 36 born in CANADA E. occupation Keeping House father born
in CAN mother born in CAN: Hattie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 10 born in NH occupation In
School father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Maggie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 4 born in WI
father born in CAN mother born in CAN: William SKAHEL Brother male single white age 34 born in CAN occupation
Com Merchant father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
64 David J. Ellis, Hattie was probably a child from the first marriage as the birth was in NH.
65 David J. Ellis, The 1880 census shows Betsy's maiden name as her brother is living with her.
66 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 63.05, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 83.02

Lot 4-21: George Skakel age 43 male born in Canada occ./rel. Farmer, no rel., married. Jane age 38 female born in
Canada occ./rel. no rel., married. Lucy age 18 female born in Canada occ./rel. no rel.. Harriet age 13 female born in
Canada occ./rel. no rel.. Margaret age 12 female born in Canada occ./rel. no rel.. Elizabeth age 11 female born in
Canada occ./rel. no rel.. William age 8 male born in Canada occ./rel. no rel.. Curtis age 2 male born in Canada occ./rel.
no rel..
Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1900, pp. 319A.23, dw. 95, fam. 200, ED #768, 1489 Newport Ave., Lake View
Twp., Chicago, Cook Co., IL : Maggie Skakel head female single age 59 born in Oct 1840, Can. Fr. occupation nurse,
emmig. 1887 father born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.: Harriet Stone sister female widow age 62 born in Jan
1838, Can. Fr. occupation emmig. 1887, 0 ch. father born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.: Grace Schoolcraft niece
female single age 25 born in Jun 1874, WI father born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.
68 David J. Ellis, I'm mildly concerned that Grace is not enumerated with her mother in 1880 but as her parents are

separately enumerated anyway, its not totally surprising. Grace's birth location and age, plus her being a niece to
Harriet is proof that she is a child of Andrew Jackson Schoolcraft.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254111 NA Film T9-0111 pp. 134D, Undated Township 109,
Brookings Co., Dakota Territory : Thos. V. BRAITHWAIT Self male married white age 38 born in NY occupation
Farmer father born in ENG mother born in ENG: Ophelia BRAITHWAIT Wife female married white age 32 born in
VT occupation Keeping House father born in VT mother born in VT: George W. BRAITHWAIT Son male single
white age 14 born in MN occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in VT: Frank BRAITHWAIT Son male
single white age 12 born in MN occupation At Home father born in NY mother born in VT: Fred BRAITHWAIT Son
male single white age 9 born in MN father born in NY mother born in VT: Carrie BRAITHWAIT Dau female single
white age 7 born in MN father born in NY mother born in VT: Henry BRAITHWAIT Son male single white age 2 born
in MN father born in NY mother born in VT: Nellie BRAITHWAIT Dau female single white age 1 born in MN father
born in NY mother born in VT.
70 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Hannah Schoolcraft to Joseph Vincent on 14-Mar-

71 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1229.44, Segnorie St. Armand settled 1784, Missisquoi Co. Concession 10 Head of

household Jos. Vincent, renter, laborer. 4 Total in household, 1 5 and under, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not 60
Marr., Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 4 Methodists.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 11.12, St. Armand East, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story, 2 family frame house, Joseph
Vincent age 64 M/M born in U.S. occ./rel. farmer, W. Methodist, Hannah Vincent age 59 F/M born in L.C. occ./rel. W.
Methodist, Allen Vincent age 28 M/M born in L.C. occ./rel. farmer, W. Methodist, Thankful Vincent age 26 F/M born
in U.S. occ./rel. W. Methodist, John Schoolcraft age 56 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer, W. Methodist, Senna
Cameron age 52 F/M born in L.C. occ./rel. spinster, W. Methodist, Dennis Cameron age 10 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel.
W. Methodist.
73 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 NA Film T9-1344 pp. 114D: Franklin, Franklin Co., VT :

Ethan VINCENT Self male married white age 54 born in CAN occupation Farmer father born in NY mother born in
CAN: Mary VINCENT Wife female married white age 57 born in VT occupation Keeps house father born in NH
mother born in CAN: Joseph VINCENT Father male married white age 83 born in NY occupation At home father born
in NY mother born in NY: Anna VINCENT Mother female married white age 77 born in CAN occupation At home
father born in NY mother born in NY: Abbie VINCENT Dau female single white age 27 born in VT father born in VT
mother born in VT: Cynthia PECKHAM Other female single white age 53 born in VT father born in VT mother born
in VT.
74 Genealogy, origin unknown: Vincent Family Record, Document included in Ethel May Diel's papers: Identifies

dates and locations for many of the Vincent family members. Original source are unstated.
75 Vermont: State Vital Records, Deaths. Franklin VT reported death of Joseph Vincent on 19-Dec-1880 of old age at

age 84 yrs. 2 mos. days, occupation farmer, born in New York. Parents Leonard Vincent & Patty. [Month of death is
very unclear]
76 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Oct-1850, pp. 358, dw. 266, Franklin, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 270, Ethan Vincent

age 25 sex M farmer born in Canada, Mary age 26 sex F born in VT.
77 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 11.22, St. Armand East, Missisquoi Co., Ethan Vincent age 36 M/M born in L.C.

occ./rel. farmer, W. Methodist, Mary Vincent age 39 F/M born in U.S.A. occ./rel. W. Methodist, Abbe Vincent age 10
F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. W. Methodist.
78 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 11.25, St. Armand East, Missisquoi Co., Leonard Vincent age 37 M/M born in

L.C. occ./rel. laborer, W. Methodist, Disy Vincent age 26 F/M born in L.C. occ./rel. W. Methodist, Eliza Vincent age 4
F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. W. Methodist.
79 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 3.16, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., George Skakel age 54 M/M born in L. C.

occ./rel. farmer, no denom., Sally age 49 F/M born in L. C. occ./rel. no denom., Margaret age 21 F/S born in L. C.
occ./rel. spinster, no denom., Betsey age 19 F/S born in L. C. occ./rel. spinster, no denom., William age 17 M/S born in
L. C. occ./rel. laborer, no denom., James C. age 11 M/S born in L. C. occ./rel. laborer, no denom., L. G. Vincent age
born in L. C. visiting from St. Armand occ./rel. farmer, no denom., Dicy Vincent age born in L. C. visiting from St.
Armand occ./rel. no denom., L. M. Vincent age born in L. C. visiting from St. Armand occ./rel. no denom..
80 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 63.05, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 83.02

Lot 4-21: George Skakel age 43 male born in Canada occ./rel. Farmer, no rel., married. Jane age 38 female born in
Canada occ./rel. no rel., married. Dicy age 18 female born in Canada occ./rel. no rel.. Harriet age 13 female born in
Canada occ./rel. no rel.. Margaret age 12 female born in Canada occ./rel. no rel.. Elizabeth age 11 female born in
Canada occ./rel. no rel.. William age 8 male born in Canada occ./rel. no rel.. Curtis age 2 male born in Canada occ./rel.
no rel.
81 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vincent (Eccles Hill) cemetery: In memory of an infant daughter of Joseph and Hannah

Vincent, who died May 17th, 1842 aged 1 month.

Québec: Cemetery Records, Vincent (Eccles Hill) cemetery: Lucy Ella, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Vincent,
died June 19, 1848, aged 7 mos. 9 days.

David J. Ellis, This marker was catalogued by Phyllis (Vincent) Owen in 1966 and list just before the infant
daughter of Joseph Vincent. In 2006 I was unable to locate it, but noted that the space immediately prior to the infant
daughter was now empty.
84 Federal Population Schedule, 10-Oct-1850, dw. 157, Franklin, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 160, Alvah Rachard age 42

sex m farmer born in Canada, Jane age 32 sex f born in VT, Emma Gideons age 11 sex f born in VT, Albert Rachard
age 4 sex m born in VT, John Schoolcraft age 42 sex m laborer born in Canada.
85 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1229.21, Segnorie St. Armand settled 1784, Missisquoi Co. Concession 10 Head of

household Christopher Schoolcraft, renter, laborer. 3 Total in household, 1 under 5. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr.,
Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 3 Anglican.
86 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 221.31, Fairfax, Franklin Co., VT, C. Schoolcraft. Male: 2 <5, 1 10-15, 1

30-40, female: 2 <5, 1 30-40.

87 Federal Population Schedule, 10-Oct-1850, dw. 160, Franklin, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 163, Christopher Schoolcraft

age 43 sex m laborer born in Canada, Mary age 46 sex f born in NY, Leonard age 20 sex m laborer born in VT, Orrin
age 18 sex m laborer born in VT, Emery age 16 sex m laborer born in VT, Mary A. age 14 sex f born in VT, Sarah age
12 sex f born in VT, Almyra age 9 sex f born in VT, Elvira age 4 sex f born in VT.
Federal Population Schedule, 24-Jul-1860, dw. 179, Highgate, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 154, Edward S. Loukes age
35 sex m farmer born in VT, Margaret age 76 sex f old lady born in NY, Margaret age 27 sex f domestic born in VT,
Emma age 7 sex f born in VT, Elvira Schoolcraft age 19 sex f domestic born in VT, Christopher age 53 sex m farm
laborer born in VT.
89 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254261 National Archives Film T9-0261 pp. 36C: Durand,

Winnebago Co., IL : James SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 63 born in CAN occupation Farmer father
born in CAN mother born in CAN: Sarah A. SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 50 born in VT
occupation Keeping House father born in VT mother born in VT: J. Edwin SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white
age 13 born in IL occupation At School father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Christopher SCHOOLCRAFT
Brother male white age 72 born in CAN father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
90 David J. Ellis, Peter Schoolcraft is living in Sutton at least between 1805 and 20-Dec-1820. The former date from

John's death record and the latter from Leon Lalanne's land sales.
91 Massachusetts: Marriage Records, pp. ~~~, #1801, Boston, ~~~~: November 3, Duncan N. Yeates, age 30,

machinist of Boston, born Cabot VT parents Cotton and Isabelle 1st marriage & Elvira Schoolcraft of Lowell age 21,
born Franklin VT parents Christopher and Elizabeth 1st marriage.
92 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 186.44, Potton, Brome Co., 1 story log house, Leonard Schoolcraft age 27 M/M

born in L. Canada occ./rel. famer, no church, Maria Schoolcraft age 20 F born in N. Hampshire occ./rel. no church,
Almer Schoolcraft age 24 M born in Vermont occ./rel. laborer.
93 David J. Ellis, In 1871 census Elmour, Leonard and Orrin are all living in close proximity. Elmore is almost

certainly the same person as Emery. The 1850 census does not allow for both. The 1861 census confirms Elmour is the
commoner name.
94 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Potton, Brome Co., pp. 12.13, Hse. 111, Schoolcraft Elmore, age 65,

Head, married, male, born in U.S.A. on May 16 1835, Immigration 1865, Schoolcraft Mary M, age 59, Wife, married,
female, born in Québec on Mar 12 1842.
95 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mansonville cemetery: Leonard Schoolcraft July 20, 1831 - Apr 6, 1904. wife Maria

Durrell Schoolcraft Nov 13, 1842 - Apr 2, 1923.

96 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Miranda (Shufelt) Schoolcraft and Orin,

Schoolcraft on 4-Nov-1886. 2nd marriage of Miranda (Shufelt) Schoolcraft age 52 born in Richford VT residing in
Derby VT. Parents Nelson Shufelt=Elizabeth Cambell. 2nd marriage of Orin, Schoolcraft age 55 born in Franklin VT
residing in Derby VT. Occupation Farmer, parents Christopher = Polly Snider.
97 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Christopher Schoolcraft to Mary Snider on 13-May-

1830. Christopher Schoolcraft residing in Franklin VT.

98 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vincent (Eccles Hill) cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, Polly d. 25 Jan. 1849 ae. 42 wife of

Christopher Schoolcraft.
Québec: Census, 16-Feb-1852: pp. 1.27, Dist. 1, St. Armand East, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 2 fam. Stone
school and Episcopal church noted in same location., Agric. 35.23 Lot 11-5, 11-6: Nelson Vincent age 32 male born in
Canada occ./rel. farmer, Episcopalian, married. Maryann age 22 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Episcopalian, married.
Elizabeth Buterfield age 25 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Methodist, married. Florence age 4 female born in U.S.A.
occ./rel. Methodist. Helen age 1 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Methodist. Noble Vincent age 7 male born in Canada
occ./rel. Episcopalian. Martha Vincent age 77 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Episcopalian, widow. Sally age 53 female
born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Episcopalian. George age 35 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Leonard Schoolcraft
age 22 male born in Canada occ./rel. Protestant.

Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 2, pp. 48.04, Potton, Brome Co., dw. 172, fam. 180: Leonard Schoolcraft age 39 M/M
born in U.S.A. origin German occupation farmer religion W. Methodist. Mariah age 29 M/F born in U.S.A. origin
German religion W. Methodist. Florence age 7 S/F born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Prescott age 6
S/M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Edith age 1 S/F born in QC origin German religion W.
Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 || NA Film Number C-13201 || District 60 || Sub-district C || Division 2 ||
pp. 45 || hse. 238 || Census Place: Potton, Brome Co., QC || Leonard Schoolcraft Married Dutch Male age 49 born in
QC, Farmer || Mariah Schoolcraft Married Dutch Female age 38 born in USA || Florence A Schoolcraft Dutch Female
age 17 born in QC || Prescott A Schoolcraft Dutch Male age 15 born in QC || Edith D Schoolcraft Dutch Female age 11
born in QC || Agnes A Schoolcraft Dutch Female age 9 born in QC || Mi... G Schoolcraft Dutch Female age 6 born in
QC || Aro...Lla E Schoolcraft Dutch Female age 6 mos. born: Sep born in QC.
102 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Potton, Brome Co., pp. 4.44, Hse. 42, Schoolcraft Prescott A, age 34,

Head, married, male, born in Québec on Apr 11 1867, Schoolcraft Etta M, age 26, Wife, married, female, born in
U.S.A. on Sep 28 1874, Immigration 1888, Schoolcraft Leonard L, age 68, Father, married, male, born in Québec on
Jul 20 1832, Schoolcraft Maria L, age 58, Mother, married, female, born in U.S.A. on Nov 13 1842, Immigration 1850,
Schoolcraft Edith D, age 31, Sister, single, female, born in Québec on Dec 24 1879, Schoolcraft Orvil O, age 16,
Brother, single, male, born in Québec on Sep 28 1884, Schoolcraft George S, age 13, Brother, single, male, born in
Québec on Jun 20 1887.
Québec, Bolton: Baptist Church Records, Register of the marriage between Leonard Schoolcraft farmer of Potton
aged twenty seven years and Maria Darrell of Potton aged seventeen by consent of her guardian this second day of
February one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine. Witness Allen Vincent and Thankful Vincent and John H. Witham
guardian of the Bride. Québec, Frelighsburg: Baptist Church Records, Marriage also recorded here with identical
wording to the Bolton record.
104 Québec, Bolton: Methodist Church Records, Baptism Prescott son of Leonard Schoolcraft and Maria Darril his wife

of Potton in the County of Brome & District of Bedford Born on the Twenty second day of February in the year of our
Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty three was baptized on the twenty Sixth day of August One thousand
Eight Hundred and Sixty Six. Witness Daniel Gaylor & Leonard Schoolcraft.
105 Québec, Bolton: Methodist Church Records, Baptism Florence Alberta daughter of Leonard Schoolcraft and Maria

Darril his wife of Potton in the County of Brome & District of Bedford Born on the Eleventh June in the year of our
Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty four was baptized on the twenty Sixth day of August One thousand Eight
Hundred and Sixty Six. Witness Daniel Gaylor & Leonard Schoolcraft.
106 Vermont: Marriage Record, Troy VT reported marriage between Prescott Schoolcraft and Etta Whitney on 22-Mar-

1890. 1st marriage of Prescott Schoolcraft age 23 born in Potton QC residing in Potton QC. Occupation Farmer,
parents Leonard Schoolcraft & Mariah Darriel.
107 Vermont: Marriage Record, Troy VT reported marriage between Florence A. Schoolcraft and Adelbert L. Davis on

11-Nov-1881. 1st marriage of Florence A. Schoolcraft age 18 born in Potton QC residing in Potton QC. Parents
Leonard Schoolcraft & Maria Darrell.
108 Vermont: Marriage Record, Troy VT reported marriage between Edith Schoolcraft and Walter O. McGovern on 27-

Jul-1902. 1st marriage of Edith Schoolcraft age 34 born in Mansonville QC residing in Troy VT. Parents Leonard
Schoolcraft & Mariah.
109 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 || NA Film Number C-13201 || District 60 || Sub-district C || Division 1 ||

pp. 35 || hse. 180 || Census Place: Potton, Brome Co., QC || Alfred Bailey Married English Male age 43 born in QC,
Farmer || Alfrida Bailey Married English Female age 27 born in QC, Methodist || Orrin Bailey English Male age 15
born in QC, Methodist || Alden B. Bailey English Male age 8 born in QC, Methodist || Della M Bailey English Female
age 7 born in QC, Methodist || Nettie Bailey English Female age 2 born in QC, Methodist || Edith Schoolcroft English
Female age 11 born in QC, Methodist.
Federal Population Schedule, 16-Jun-1900, pp. 235B.63, dw. 333, fam. 350, ED #176, North Troy village, Troy,
Orleans Co., VT : Charles L. Hutchins & family : Edith D. Schoolcraft boarder female single age 25 born in Dec 1874,
Can. Fr. occupation servant father born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Troy VT reported marriage between Agnes Schoolcraft and Henry J. Page on 31-Dec-
1888. 1st marriage of Agnes Schoolcraft age 18 born in Potton QC residing in Potton QC. Parents Leonard Schoolcraft
= Maria Darrell.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Stukely North, Shefford Co., pp. 11.50, Hse. 115, Paige Henry, age
34, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Jul 15 1866, Paige Agness, age 28, Wife, married, female, born in Québec
on Dec 30 1872, Paige Harry, age 9, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Feb 24 1892, Petit Wilfrid, age 26, Lodger,
single, male, born in Québec on Apr 1 1875, Schoolcraft Avilla, age 19, Lodger, single, female, born in Québec on Nov
6 1881.

Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 204.41, Sutton, Brome Co., 1 story, 1 family frame house, Orwin Schoolcraft age
38 M born in L. Canada occ./rel. farmer, Episcopal, census indicates living with large family of Joseph Jacobs in single
family dwelling!, Obediance Schoolcraft age 37 F born in L. Canada occ./rel. Episcopal, George Schoolcraft age 3 M
born in L. Canada occ./rel. Episcopal, Lynne Schoolcraft age 1 M born in L. Canada occ./rel. Episcopal.
114 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 2, pp. 57.01, Potton, Brome Co., dw. 207, fam. 218: Orrin Schoolcraft age 38 M/M

born in QC origin German occupation farmer religion N. C. Methodist. Delia age 44 M/F born in QC origin German
religion N. C. Methodist. George age 14 S/M born in QC origin German religion N. C. Methodist. Linus age 11 S/M
born in QC origin German religion N. C. Methodist.
115 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255346 National Archives Film T9-1346 pp. 313A: Brownington,

Orleans Co., VT : Herbert H. TRACY Self male single white age 22 born in VT occupation Farmer father born in VT
mother born in VT: Sarah I. TRACY Mother female white age 52 born in VT occupation Keeping House father born in
CAN mother born in CAN: Orin SCHOOLCRAFT Other male single white age 45 born in CAN occupation Farm
Laborer father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Rhoda MACK Other female single white age 34 born in CAN
occupation Servant father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
116 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Orrin Schoolcraft on 10-May-1896 in Derby VT. Heart failure. M. Born in

Vermont: Marriage Record, Newport VT reported marriage between L. A. Schoolcraft and Jennie Townsend on 3-
Sep-1883. 1st marriage of L. A. Schoolcraft age 24 born in St. Amand QC residing in Potton QC. Occupation Farmer,
parents Orin Schoolcraft & Delia Dyre.
118 Québec, Bolton: Methodist Church Records, Burial: On this twenty fifth day of August in the year of our Lord one

thousand eight hundred and sixty three Edson E. son of Orin Schoolcraft of Potton in the County of Brome Farmer and
Cordelia his wife Aged two years. Witnesses O. Schoolcraft, H. F. Nutt.
119 Vermont: Marriage Record, Jay VT reported marriage between George L. Schoolcraft and Eva Blanchard on 4-Jun-

1879. 1st marriage of George L. Schoolcraft age 21 born in Potton QC residing in Potton QC. Occupation Farmer,
parents Orin Schoolcraft & Delia.
120 Vermont: Marriage Record, Jay VT reported marriage between Linus A. Schoolcraft and Nora (Dechaine)

Montgomery on 18-Aug-1897. 2nd marriage of Linus A. Schoolcraft age 37 born in Canada residing in Canada.
Occupation Farmer, parents Orin Schoolcraft & Delia Dyer.
121 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 || NA Film Number C-13201 || District 60 || Sub-district C || Division 2 ||

pp. 9 || hse. 47 || Census Place: Potton, Brome Co., QC || George C Schoolcraft Married German Male age 23 born in
QC, Farmer || Eva Schoolcraft Married English Female age 18 born in QC, Adventist || Henry Schoolcraft English Male
age 7 mos. born: Sep born in QC, Adventist.
122 Québec: Census, 30-Apr-1891, pp. 37.23, Hse. 194, Dist. 143-E Div. 2, Potton, Brome Co., George Schoolcraft,

male, age 33, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother Ireland, farmer, Eva, female, age 26, married, wife, born in
QC, father QC, mother QC, Henry, male, age 10, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Claud, male, age 5, son, born
in QC, father QC, mother QC, farmer.
123 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Potton, Brome Co., pp. 12.42, Hse. 117, Schoolcraft George T, age

42, Head, married, male, born in U.S.A. on Aug 22 1868, Immigration 1871, Schoolcraft Eva, age 36, Wife, married,
female, born in Québec on Mar 29 1865, Schoolcraft Henry A, age 20, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Aug 21
1880, Schoolcraft Claud B, age 15, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Aug 10 1885, Schoolcraft Earl C, age 8, Son,
single, male, born in Québec on Aug 24 1892.
124 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mansonville cemetery: Eva Blanchard Schoolcraft w. of George 1860 - 1932.
125 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 || NA Film Number C-13201 || District 60 || Sub-district C || Division 2 ||

pp. 15 || hse. 74 || Census Place: Potton, Brome Co., QC || William Nils... Irish Male age 50 born in Ireland, Farmer,
Church of England || Sarah I Foster Widowed Irish Female age 49 born in Ireland, Church of England || Sarah A Foster
Irish Female age 16 born in QC, Church of England || Linus A Schoolcraft Irish Male age 22 born in QC, Laborer.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Potton, Brome Co., pp. 4.40, Hse. 41, Schoolcraft Linas A., age 40,
Head, married, male, born in Québec on Apr 2 1861, Schoolcraft Norah, age 29, Wife, married, female, born in U.S.A.
on Jul 10 1871, Immigration 1896, Schoolcraft Adeila M, age 2, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Oct 8
1898, Schoolcraft Robert H., age 1, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Feb 1 1900.
127 Federal Population Schedule, 1920 Charleston, Orleans Co., VT dw. 153, family 161. : Linus A. Schoolcraft head

male married age 60 born in Canada occupation dairy farmer father born in VT mother born in Ireland: Lenora wife
female married age 47 born in RI father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Robert H. son male single age 19 born
in Canada occupation laborer father born in Canada mother born in RI: Guy A. son male single age 12 born in Canada
father born in Canada mother born in RI.
Vermont: Death Record, Death of Minerva (Fifield) Schoolcraft on 25-Dec-1897 in Derby VT, age 65 yrs.
Chirrhosis of liver. F.

Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 2, pp. 47.15, Potton, Brome Co., dw. 170, fam. 178: Elmore Schoolcraft age 35 M/M
born in U.S.A. origin German occupation farmer religion Adventist. Betsey age 35 M/F born in U.S.A. origin German
religion Adventist.
130 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 || NA Film Number C-13201 || District 60 || Sub-district C || Division 2 ||

pp. 45 || hse. 237 || Census Place: Potton, Brome Co., QC || Elmore Schoolcraft Widowed Dutch Male age 46 born in
QC, Farmer.
131 Québec: Census, 28-Apr-1891, pp. 29.09, Hse. 151, Dist. 143-E Div. 2, Potton, Brome Co., Elmore Schoolcraft,

male, age 53, married, head, born in USA, father QC, mother QC, farmer, Mary, female, age 40, married, wife, born in
QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
132 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: Dist. 13, Potton, Brome Co., pp. 3.06, Hse. 24, Schoolcraft Elmore,

age 75, Head, married, male, born in QC on May 1836, Schoolcraft Mary, age 66, Wife, married, female, born in QC
on Mar 1845.
133 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Church Cemetery, Brome Co.: Schoolcraft, Elmer, d. 16 Sep 1915, age: 78y's.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Mansonville cemetery: Betsey J. Durrell Schoolcraft w. of Elmour Schoolcraft 1836 -
Mar 7, 1880.
Québec, Bolton: Baptist Church Records, Marriage: In the township of Potton, County of Brome district of Bedford
and Province of Canada East By dispensation Elmore Schoolcraft of Potton Bachelor and Farmer Aged twenty eight
and Betsy J. Durrell of Bolton spinster Aged twenty eight were this sixteenth day of May one thousand Eight hundred
and sixty four joined together in the holy Estate of matrimony in Presence of Daniel and Christiana Taylor.
136 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Church Cemetery, Brome Co.: Schoolcraft, Mary Wilson, d. 22 Apr. 1922, w/o

Elmer Schoolcraft.
137 Vermont: Marriage Record, Highgate VT reported marriage of Mary A. Schoolcraft to Jas. Donelly on 18-Apr-1863.

Mary A. Schoolcraft residing in Highgate VT.

138 Massachusetts: Death Records, pp. ~~~ #~~~, Lowell, 1867: Aug 5, Sarah Schoolcraft, age 30, of paralysis born in

VT, parents Christopher (VT) and Mary (Canada).

139 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vincent (Eccles Hill) cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, Sarah J. d. 5 Aug. 1867 ae. 27.
140 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 | NA Film Number C-13204 | District 65 | Sub-district J | Division 2 | pp.

2 | Hse. 4 | Census Place: Farnham, Missisquoi Co., QC | Samuel Johnson M German Male age 35 born in Q, Farmer,
Adventist | Janet M Scottish Female age 30 born in Q, Adventist | Albert German Male age 14 born in Q, Adventist |
George German Male age 11 born in Q, Adventist | Clara German Female age 11 born in Q, Adventist | Getty Elizabeth
German Female age 9 born in Q | Florence German Female age 9 born in Q, Adventist | Leana Schoolcraft W German
Female age 71 born in Q, Methodist.
141 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Farnham West F-2, Missisquoi Co., pp. 2.47, Hse. 26, Samuel

Johnson, age 58, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Mar 8 1842, Janet Johnson, age 49, Wife, married, female,
born in Québec on Jan 25 1851, Elwin H. Johnson, age 17, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Aug 13 1883, Bernice
E. Johnson, age 7, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Oct 19 1893, Sena Cameron, age 91, Mother, widow,
female, born in Québec on Jun 8 1809.
142 Québec, Stanbridge: Baptist Church Records, Register of the marriage of George Cameron Senr., farmer of Farnham

aged fifty nine and Mifs Cena Schoolcraft of Stanbridge aged fourty one this twenty second day of April one thousand
eight hundred and fifty. Witness Herbert Tetreau and Mary Jersey.
143 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 | NA Film Number C-13204 | District 65 | Sub-district J | Division 2 | pp.

2 | Hse. 4 | Census Place: Farnham, Missisquoi Co., QC | Samuel Johnson M German Male age 35 born in Q, Farmer,
Adventist | Janet M Scottish Female age 30 born in Q, Adventist | Albert German Male age 14 born in Q, Adventist |
George German Male age 11 born in Q, Adventist | Clara German Female age 11 born in Q, Adventist | Getty Elizabeth
German Female age 9 born in Q | Florence German Female age 9 born in Q, Adventist | Leana Schoolcraft W German
Female age 71 born in Q, Methodist.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Farnham West F-2, Missisquoi Co., pp. 2.47, Hse. 26, Samuel
Johnson, age 58, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Mar 8 1842, Janet Johnson, age 49, Wife, married, female,
born in Québec on Jan 25 1851, Elwin H. Johnson, age 17, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Aug 13 1883, Bernice
E. Johnson, age 7, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Oct 19 1893, Sena Cameron, age 91, Mother, widow,
female, born in Québec on Jun 8 1809.
145 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Edmund Clement, #3218, Mar 26th Obligation from Mr. Leonard Schoolcraft

to Mr. James Slade Allen junior; #3204, #3205, Apr 12 1855 Exchange sutre Mefsrs James Slade Allen junior and
Leonard Peter Schoolcraft alias Stone & Deed of Sale from Mr. Leonard Peter Schoolcraft alias Stone to Robert
McCackill Esq.
David J. Ellis, I have not been able to determine why Leonard is using an alias "Stone". Nor have I yet obtained a
copy of the actual deeds.

Federal Population Schedule, 14-Oct-1850, pp. 359, dw. 279, Franklin, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 282, Jacob Foster
age 45 sex m farmer born in VT, Maria age 47 sex f born in VT, Elisha age 21 sex m student born in VT, Mercuria age
19 sex f born in VT, Marg age 17 sex f born in VT, Daniel age 12 sex m born in VT, Rodney age 10 sex m born in VT,
Edna age 7 sex f born in VT, James Schoolcraft age 33 sex m laborer born in Canada, Abel Coburn age 24 sex m born
in VT.
Federal Population Schedule, 9-Aug-1860, Howard, Winnebago Co., IL, pp. 393, Film No. 803191, dw. 2892, fam.
2905, James Schoolcraft age 44 sex m farmer born in Canada, Daniel Holborn age 40 sex f laborer born in NY, Kate
age 31 sex f born in NY, Ellen age 13 sex f born in NY, Adelade age 9 sex f born in NY, Carrie age 6 sex f born in NY,
Chas. age 3 sex m born in IL, Julius age 6 mos. sex m born in IL.
149 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jul-1870, pp. 28.26, dw. 207, Durand, Winnebago Co., IL, fam. 214, James

Schoolcraft age 53 sex M farming born in Canada, Sarah A. age 40 sex F born in VT, James E. age 3 sex M born in IL.
150 Wisconsin: Cemetery Records, Oak Hill Cemetery, Jefferson Co., WI: Schoolcraft, Edwin J., b. Jan 12, 1909, d. Mar

12, 1909, Sec 13. Schoolcraft, Edwin J., b. Jul 11, 1868, d. Jan 3, 1934, Sec 13. Schoolcraft, Lottie L., b. May 5, 1868,
d. Sep 3, 1955, Sec 13.
151 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jun-1900, pp. 310B.54, dw. 456, fam. 467, ED #154, 217 College Ave.,

Watertown, Jefferson Co., WI : Ed. Schoolcraft Jr. head male married age 31 born in Jul 1868, IL occupation printer &
publisher, marr. 4 yrs. father born in Can. Eng. mother born in VT: Anna wife female married age 21 born in Jun 1878,
WI occupation marr. 4 yrs., 1 ch., 1 liv. father born in NY mother born in PA: Harry son male single age 3 born in Feb
1897, WI father born in IL mother born in WI.
152 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, Wisconsin Marriages -

SAN Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 20, Source unstated: to E. J. Schoolcraft on 25-Dec-1895 in Adams Co.
153 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, Wisconsin Marriages -

SAN Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 20, Source unstated: to Edwin Schoolcraft on 7-May-1896 in Clark Co.
154 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, Wisconsin Marriages -

SAN Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 20, Source unstated: to Edwin J. Schoolcraft on 1-Mar-1906 in Jefferson Co.
155 Social Security Death Index, Harry Schoolcraft Birth: 27 Feb 1897 Death: Sep 1968 Issued: Illinois.
156 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 1, pp. 82.07, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., dw. 316, fam. 317: Isic Schoolcraft age 44 M/M

born in QC origin Dutch occupation farmer religion W. Methodist. Bridgit age 29 M/F born in Ireland origin Irish
religion C. of England. Minerva age 2 S/F born in QC origin Dutch religion C. of England. Susan age 1 S/F born in QC
origin Dutch religion C. of England.
157 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 || NA Film Number C-13201 || District 60 || Sub-district A || Division 2 ||

pp. 1 || hse. 7 || Census Place: Brome, Brome Co., QC || Isaac Schoolcraft Married Dutch Male age 55 born in QC,
Laborer, Weslyan Methodist || Bridget Schoolcraft Married Irish Female age 48 born in Ireland, Weslyan Methodist ||
Minerva Schoolcraft Dutch Female age 12 born in QC, Weslyan Methodist || Susan Schoolcraft Dutch Female age 11
born in QC, Weslyan Methodist || Jennie Schoolcraft Dutch Female age 9 born in QC, Weslyan Methodist || John
Schoolcraft Dutch Male age 8 born in QC, Weslyan Methodist || George Schoolcraft Dutch Male age 6 born in QC,
Weslyan Methodist || James Schoolcraft Dutch Male age 5 born in QC, Weslyan Methodist || George Miott French
Male age 19 born in USA, Carpenter, Weslyan Methodist.
158 Ontario: Marriage Record, Marriage Records of the Eastern District of Ontario: 1856, Isaac H. Schoolcraft &

Elizabeth Smith, by lic.; Rev. Henry Patton, Rector of Cornwall [Ontario].

159 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Knowleton, Brome Co., pp. 6.49, Hse. 66, Schoolcraft Bridjet, age

60, Head, widow, female, born in Ireland on 1840, Immigration 1857.

160 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vincent (Eccles Hill) cemetery: Elizabeth Smith, wife of Isaac Schoolcraft, died Oct.

27, 1864, aged 36 years and 10 mos.

Québec: Archives Judiciares de Montreal, Film M155/200, Index of Non-Catholic Marriages: SCHOOLCRAFT
Isaac & 1868 St. James Met. 7 Bream Bridget.
Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1900, pp. 228A.30, dw. 124, fam. 128, ED #192, Rock town, Rock Co., WI :
William L. Finley & family : John Schoolcraft boarder male single age 26 born in 1874, Can. Eng. occupation farm
laborer, emmig. 1888 father born in Norway mother born in Ire.
David J. Ellis, In 1900, Rock Co., WI, John is enumerated and James is enumertaed twice. Both are from Canada,
both have an Irish mother. Although the ages are slightly off, I attribute this to their being boarders, not family
Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1900, pp. 209B.95, dw. 21, fam. 21, ED #171, Fulton, Rock Co., WI : Mike
Robyor & family : James Schoolcraft servant male single age 23 born in Apr 1877, Can. occupation farm laborer,
emmig. 1895 father born in Can. mother born in Ire.
Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1900, pp. 228A.38, dw. 125, fam. 129, ED #192, Rock town, Rock Co., WI :
James M. Finley & family : James Schoolcraft boarder male single age 21 born in 1879, Can. Eng. occupation farm
laborer, emmig. 1895 father born in Norway mother born in Ire.

Robert Boutin et. al., Québec, Megantic Co.: Anglo Protestants of Megantic County 1826-1991, Grace Schoolcraft
d. 12/9/1952 in Thetford Mines bu. 14/9/1952 St. John the Divine ae. 70 yrs. wid. Bert W. Talmadge wit. John
Talmadge (son).
167 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Jul-1870, pp. 12.18, dw. 83, Prescott, Faribault Co., MN, fam. 92, S. Jacob Winch

age 36 sex m carpenter born in VT, Mary J. age 35 sex f keeps house born in VT, Hattie age 7 sex f born in MN, H. E.
age 3 sex f born in MN, A. S. age 2 sex m twin born in MN, C. M. age 2 sex f twin born in MN, fam. 93, C. Schoolcraft
age 23 sex f teacher born in Canada, A. C. age 2 sex f born in NY, A. E. age 1 sex m born in MN.
168 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254687 NA Film T9-0687 pp. 549D, 1880 Gentryville, Gentry Co.,

MO : Silas J. WINCH Self male married white age 46 born in VT occupation Carpenter father born in CT mother born
in VT: Marth J. Wife male white age 40 born in CAN occupation KeepingHouse father born in CAN mother born in
VT: Hattie E. Dau white age 15 born in MN father born in VT mother born in CAN: Bertha Dau white age 13 born in
MN occupation At School father born in VT mother born in CAN: Cora M. Dau white age 11 born in MN occupation
At School father born in VT mother born in CAN: Alden S. Son married white age 11 born in MN occupation At
School father born in VT mother born in CAN: Anna R. Dau white age 4 born in MO father born in VT mother born in
Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1377818 Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950: Whitney Schoolcraft to Alvira
Cotton on 9 Dec 1871 Winona, Minnesota.
170 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 2218723 Minnesota Deaths 1835-1990: Mrs. Chas. Lovell, female on 3

Aug 1926 at Winona, Winona, Minnesota ae. 43 b. 1883, married Chas. Lovell, father Whitney Schoolcraft, mother
Mary Cotton.
171 State Census, State Census: 1885 pp. 445, Saratoga, Winona Co., MN, fam. 49,, Whitney Schoolcraft age 48 sex m

born in VT, Alvira Schoolcraft age 39 sex f born in NY, Albert Schoolcraft age 10 sex m born in MN, Samuel
Schoolcraft age 7 sex m born in MN, Hattie Schoolcraft age 6 sex f born in MN.
172 State Census, State Census: 1895 pp. 10.17, Elmira, Olmsted Co., MN, fam. 99., Whitney Schoolcraft age 58 sex m

born in VT, Alvira Schoolcraft age 48 sex f born in NY, Albert Schoolcraft age 20 sex m born in MN, Samuel
Schoolcraft age 17 sex m born in MN, Hattie Schoolcraft age 15 sex f born in MN.
173 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 2117564 Minnesota Deaths 1835-1990: Alvira Schoolcraft, female on 9

Sep 1907 at Chatfield, Fillmore, Minnesota ae. 62 b. 1845 in NY, married, father Joh Cotton b. VT, mother Waistdall
Austin b. VT.
174 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 2137998 Minnesota Deaths 1835-1990: Whitney Schoolcraft, male on 07

Nov 1916 at Chatfield, Fillmore, Minnesota ae. 83 b. 1833 in US retired farmer widowed.
175 Minnesota: Cemetery Records, Chatfield cemetery, Chatfield, Fillmore Co., MN: Whitney Schoolcraft b. unknown,

d. unknown, Civil War Co. I, 74th IL Inf.

176 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1377824 Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950: Albert W. Schoolcraft to Lena

Olsen on 21 Nov 1906 Winona, Winona, Minnesota.

177 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1377832 Minnesota Births 1840-1980: Schoolcraft, male on 26 Sep 1920

at Winona Co., Minnesota, father Albt. Schoolcraft born MN ae. 47, mother Lena Olsen born MN ae. 38 second child
of mother.
178 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 2117526 Minnesota Deaths 1835-1990: Samuel Schoolcraft, male on 27

Feb 1901 at Chatfield, Fillmore, Minnesota ae. 23 b. 14 Oct 1877 in MN, single, laborer, father Whit Schoolcraft b.
US., mother b. US.
179 Minnesota: Cemetery Records, Chatfield cemetery, Chatfield, Fillmore Co., MN: Samuel J. Schoolcraft d. Feb 27,

1901 ae. 23 yrs.

Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1377830 v A p 250: Birth 9 Feb 1879 Harriet Schoolcraft at Saratoga,
Winona Co. parents Whit Schoolcraft and Elvira. Elvira born NY.
181 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 2218723 Minnesota Deaths 1835-1990: Mrs. Chas. Lovell, female on 3

Aug 1926 at Winona, Winona, Minnesota ae. 43 b. 1883, married Chas. Lovell, father Whitney Schoolcraft, mother
Mary Cotton.
182 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1377832 Minnesota Births 1840-1980: Glydes May Schoolcraft, female on

06 Nov 1910 at Fremont, Winona, Minnesota, father Theo Gerths born MN ae. 31, mother Hattie Schoolcraft born MN
ae. 31.
183 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1377826 Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950: Charles J. Lovell to Hattie

Schoolcraft on 19 Sep 1912 Winona, Winona, Minnesota.

184 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1377832 Minnesota Births 1840-1980: Irene Louise Lovell, female on 12

Sep 1919 at Winona, Minnesota, father Charles J. Lovell born England ae. 48, mother Hattie Schoolcraft born MN ae.
39 fifth child of mother.

Minnesota: Newspaper, Blue Earth City Post, Thursday Jan 10, 1889, pp. 8: Mrs. J. C. Woodruff. Ellen Schoolcraft,
wife of Mr. J. C. Woodruff, died at her home in Blue Earth City, Minn., of pneumonia, at 4:20 o'clock this Wednesday
morning, January 9, 1889, aged 50 years, 7 months and 12 days. Mrs. Woodruff was born at Fletcher, Vt., May 28,
1838, and was married July 5, 1858. ... The funeral will take place at 2p.m., Thursday from the M. E. church, ...
186 Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1710732 Minnesota Deaths 1835-1990: Ellen Woodruff, female on 3 Jan

1889 at Village Blue Earth City, Faribault, Minnesota ae. 51 b. 1838 married, father S Schoolcraft b. Canada, mother
Hannah Schoolcraft b. VT.
187 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Sep-1850, pp. 14.09, dw. 92, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 93, Joseph

Woodruff age 35 sex m carpenter & joiner born in VT, Harriet age 29 sex f born in VT, Adelin S. age 6 sex f born in
VT, Wallace age 3 sex m born in VT, William age 1 sex m born in VT.
188 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Aug-1860, pp. 393.21, dw. 2891, Howard, Winnebago Co., IL, fam. 2904, Joseph

Woodroof age 40 sex M farm laborer born in VT, Ellin age 23 sex F born in VT, Adilia age 16 sex F born in VT,
Adelford age 14 sex F born in VT, William age 11 sex M born in VT, Maria age 9 sex F born in VT, Leslie age 7 sex
M born in VT, Hallie age 5 sex F born in IL.
189 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Jul-1870, pp. 12.12, dw. 82, Prescott, Faribault Co., MN, fam. 91, J. C. Woodruff

age 53 sex m joiner born in VT, Ellen age 31 sex f keeps house born in VT, Mary age 19 sex f at home born in VT,
Leslie age 17 sex m born in VT, Wm. A age 24 sex m joiner born in VT, ~ Jane age 19 sex f keeps house born in ME.
190 State Census, State Census 1875, pp. --.23, Prescott, Faribault Co., MN, Fam. 47. Joseph C Woodruff, male age 56

born in VT, father born VT, mother born VT, Ellen, female age 36 born in VT, father born Canada, mother born NY,
Miria, female age 23 born in VT, father born VT, mother born VT.
191 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254619 NA Film T9-0619 pp. 97C, Blue Earth, Faribault Co., MN :

Joseph C. Woodruff Self male white age 62 born in VT father born in IRE mother born in IRE: Ellen Wife male age 42
born in VT occupation Keeping House father born in CT mother born in VT: Maria Other white age 29 born in VT
occupation At Home father born in VT mother born in VT.
192 State Census, State Census: 1885 pp. 4, Blue Earth, Faribault Co., MN, fam. 26,, J C Woodruff age 66 sex m born in

U~, Ellen Woodruff age 44 sex f born in U~, Maria Woodruff age 34 sex f born in U~.
193 State Census, State Census: 1885 pp. 11, Preston, Fillmore Co., MN, fam. 79,, A J Schoolcraft age 42 sex m born in

VT, Cordetin Schoolcraft age 38 sex f born in Canada, Alfret Schoolcraft age 17 sex f born in MN, Nellie Schoolcraft
age 15 sex f born in MN.
194 Federal Population Schedule, 28-Apr-1910, pp. 9B.88, dw. 741, fam. 141, ED #54, Ward 7, Omaha, Douglas Co.,

NE : Douglas Co. Hospital age born in : Andrew Schoolcraft inmate male age 69 born in ND widow occupation
carpenter father born in USA mother born in USA.
195 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Jul-1870, pp. 12.18, dw. 83, Prescott, Faribault Co., MN, fam. 92, S. Jacob Winch

age 36 sex m carpenter born in VT, Mary J. age 35 sex f keeps house born in VT, Hattie age 7 sex f born in MN, H. E.
age 3 sex f born in MN, A. S. age 2 sex m twin born in MN, C. M. age 2 sex f twin born in MN, fam. 93, C. Schoolcraft
age 23 sex f teacher born in Canada, A. C. age 2 sex f born in NY, A. E. age 1 sex m born in MN.
196 Obituary, The Marmarth Mail, Slope Co., ND, Vol XV, No. 34 August 25, 1922: Mrs. C. E. Schoolcraft ... her dress

caught fire in her home last Thursday. ... She died at three o'clock the next morning. ... "Grandma" was born on March
17 1847 ... funeral which took place Sunday afternoon ... laid to rest in the Mound Cemetery. ....
197 State Census, State Census 1875, pp. --.28, Fountain, Fillmore Co., MN, Fam. 121. G. B. Hungeford, male age 36

born in NJ, father born VT, mother born VT, Miranda, female age 34 born in NJ, father born VT, mother born VT,
Viola, female age 17 born in MN, father born NJ, mother born NJ, Judson, male age 14 born in MN, father born NJ,
mother born NJ, William, male age 9 born in MN, father born NJ, mother born NJ, Anna, male age 5 born in MN,
father born NJ, mother born NJ, Cordelia E. Winslow, female age 28 born in Canada, father born VT, mother born
Canada, Alfrereta C., female age 7 born in MN, father born Canada, mother born Canada.
198 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254619 NA Film T9-0619 pp. 471A, Beaver, Fillmore Co., MN :

Gidson Hungerford Self male married white age 43 born in NY occupation Farmer father born in CT mother born in
PA: Mary Wife male white age 40 born in NY occupation Keeping House father born in VT mother born in ---: Judson
Son married white age 19 born in MN occupation Farm Laborer father born in NY mother born in VT: William Son
married white age 15 born in MN occupation Farm Laborer father born in NY mother born in VT: Fanny Dau white
age 9 born in MN father born in NY mother born in VT: Cordelia Eddick Self white age 33 born in CAN occupation
House Keeper father born in VT mother born in CAN: Alphatta Dau white age 12 born in MN occupation Servant
father born in VT mother born in CAN: Natta Dau white age 10 born in MN occupation Attending School father born
in VT mother born in CAN.
199 David J. Ellis, Marriage and census records show Andrew Schoolcraft m. Cordelia Winslow in 1866 and had two

daughters; they separated by 1870; Andrew married Elizabeth Skagel in 1874 and Cordelia married an unidentified
Eddick; then in 1884 Andrew and Cordelia remarried. LaVerda Butler's research provided the full names of the
daughters by Cordelia.

Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1316805 Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950: Charles H. Drury to Nettie
Schoolcraft on 26 Sep 1886 Preston, Filmore, Minnesota.
Minnesota: Vital records, FHL US/CAN 1316802 Minnesota Births 1840-1980: Charles Winslow Drury, male on 18
Dec 1899 at Fountain, Fillmore, Minnesota, father Charles H. Drury born MN, mother Nettie Schoolcraft born MN.
202 Nebraska: Newspaper, Stromsburg Highlight, Feb 8, 1912 pp. 5: Maria O Schoolcraft was born in Franklin Co., Vt.,

Feb 29, 1844, and was married to Theo. S. Cowan, of Winnebago Co., Ill, on Oct 15, 1869. They were the parents of
four children, three of whom are still living, they are Ethel A. Rinear, of David City, Orretta M. Wilson, of Naper, and
Elmer S. Cowan of Albion Nebr.
203 Nebraska: Newspaper, Stromsburg Highlight, Feb 8, 1912 pp. 5: At the time of her death she was at Naper ... and on

Jan 29, at 2 a.m. ... funeral held ... Feb 2 ... laid to rest beside her husband in the Osceola cemetery.
204 Nebraska: Newspaper, Stromsburg Highlight, Dec 16, 1909 pp. 6: Theodore S. Cowan, who resided near Durant,

died last Sunday after a long illness, aged 70 years. || The deceased was born in Wood county, Ohio, Oct. 10th, 1839.
...He was married to Maria O Schoolcraft, Oct. 5, 1869, and to this union was born four children. Ethel A. ... Elmer S.
... Mrs. Oretta M. Wilson ... Oren D. who died in infancy.
205 Nebraska: Newspaper, Stromsburg Highlight, Dec 16, 1909 pp. 6: The funeral was held Tuesday with ... The

remains were taken to Osceola and laid to rest in the family lot in Osceola cemetery.
Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jul-1870, pp. 26.38, dw. 194, Durand, Winnebago Co., IL, fam. 201, William D.
Cowan age 60 sex m farming born in NY, Susan age 57 sex f house keeping born in NY, Theodore age 31 sex m
farming born in OH, Mariah age 27 sex f house keeping born in VT, John Carlisle age 50 sex m farming born in NY,
Augusta Cowan age 19 sex f at home born in IL.
207 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Jul-1870, pp. 13.56, dw. 88, Prescott, Faribault Co., MN, fam. 98, T. Braithwaite

age 26 sex m farmer born in NY, Orpha age 23 sex f keeps house born in VT, George age 4 sex m born in MN, Frank
age 2 sex m born in MN, S. Schoolcraft age 68 sex m farmer born in Canada, Hannah age 58 sex f keeps house born in
Canada, Thos. McCrady age 23 sex m hire hand born in NY, P. K. Braithwaith age 17 sex m laborer born in NY, J. A.
Snyder age 16 sex m laborer born in NY.
208 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 83, pp. 41423-41444. Oct 5, 1796, pp. 41434. List of petitioners on John Ferguson's

petition for the town of Whitton

209 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L, Vol. 146, pp. 71460-71463. William Sturge Moore's list of petitioners for land, 27 Apr,

1807. pp. 71462: Peter Schoolcraft Sutton Church reserve in range 5 lot 9
210 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mansonville Cemetery [Listing]. Schoolcraft, Orville, B. 1884, D. 1975, h/o Julia

211 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mansonville Cemetery [Listing]. Schoolcraft, Julia Durrell, B. 1895, D. 1979, w/o

Orville Schoolcraft
212 Portrait and Biographical Record of Winnebago and Boone Counties, Illinois. Chicago, IL, Biographical Publishing

Company, 1892. pp. 1325. Edwin J. Schoolcraft ... having been born July 11, 1867. He is son of James Schoolcraft,
who was born in St. Armand, Canada, November 9, 1816. ... February 1, 1865, on removing to Franklin, Vt., was
married to Sarah A. Rogers, who was born in that place June 28, 1830. Soon after his marriage, the elder Mr.
Schoolcraft came to Illinois and located in Durand Township. Here he resided until 1882, when he removed to the
village, where his demise occurred September 30, 1889.
213 Watertown Daily Times. Jan 3, 1934: E. Schoolcraft, Times Founder, Dies in Sleep. Mr. Schoolcraft was married

twice. His first wife was Miss Anna Wood of Plainfield, Wis. She died here, leaving the two children Harry and Hazel.
In 1905 Mr. Schoolcraft married Miss Lottie Raph of Spokane, Wash. ...
214 Watertown Daily Times. Jan 3, 1934: E. Schoolcraft, Times Founder, Dies in Sleep. He is survived by his wife, Mrs.

Lottie Schoolcraft, one son, Harry E. Schoolcraft of Oklahoma City, Oka., and one daughter, Miss Hazel Schoolcraft of
this city. There are two grandchildren, Norman and Donald Schoolcraft of Racine.

John Schoolcraft Born August 12th, 1766
Proven: John Schoolcraft
born 12-Aug-1766 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York, USA; Near
Cambridge by the Vermont line24
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 813.1025
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1257.21, Range 84
census 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2569.28,
Conc. 7 - 1226
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates27
fact 25-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's
Manor], Destination not stated28
fact 18-Sep-1795 in Durham, Drummond, Quebec, Canada; Thomas Scott's petition for
fact 1802 in Durham, Drummond, Quebec, Canada; Granted lot 17, range 81
fact 10-Jun-1814 in Durham, Drummond, Quebec, Canada; Sells land in Durham2
fact 17-Jun-1820 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada29
died Aft. 1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably26

married Probable Barbary Dunham Bef. 17935, 21

born Conjecture Bef. 1780
died Bet. 1831 - 18424, 26
1. Conjecture: Christopher Schoolcraft40, 21
born Abt. 17936
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 812.1913
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1257.31, Range 1030
census 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2570.16, Conc. 7 -
died 03-Jun-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada6
buried 05-Jun-1842 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery6, 7
married Proven Hannah Gibson Bef. 18227, 22
born Abt. 18037
died 20-Oct-1841 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada7
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery7
a. Conjecture: Melinda Schoolcraft20, 34
born Abt. 1822 in Quebec, Canada9
fact 17-Jul-1849 in Isle La Motte, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA; Sold part of Lot 10, Range
7, Stanbridge to Cyrene Schoolcraft.18
died Bet. 1870 - 188033
married Proven James Watson Bef. 183820, 9
born Abt. 1816 in England9
census 09-Sep-1850 in Isle La Motte, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA; dw. 6249
census 20-Jun-1870 in Isle La Motte, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA; dw. 332
census 04-Jun-1880 in Isle La Motte, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA; dw. 7333
i. Proven: Julia Watson9
born Abt. 1838 in Quebec, Canada9
ii. Proven: William Watson9
born Abt. 1840 in Quebec, Canada9

iii. Proven: Mary Jane Watson9
born Abt. 1848 in Quebec, Canada9
married Probable Stephen Conley Bef. 186932
born Abt. 1834 in England32
census 20-Jun-1870 in Isle La Motte, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA; dw. 332
census 04-Jun-1880 in Isle La Motte, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA; pp. 352D, dw.
iv. Proven: Aloisa Watson32
born Abt. 1855 in Vermont, USA32
b. Proven: Mary Ann Schoolcraft8
born Aug-1827 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada8
census 29-Aug-1850 in Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA; dw. 38136
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 22.01, Dist. 437
died 30-Mar-1875 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada8
buried 01-Apr-1875 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Ploss Burying
Ground8, 23
partner Proven Levi Traver Abt. May-1856 in Quebec, Canada19
i. Proven: William Freeman Traver19
born Abt. Feb-1857 in Quebec, Canada19
died 25-Sep-1859 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada19
buried 27-Sep-1859 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada19
2. Conjecture: Solomon Schoolcraft40, 21
born Abt. 179938
died 26-May-1818 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada38
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery38
3. Conjecture: Simon Schoolcraft41
born Bet. 1802 - 1810 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably15
census 1831 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1257.07, Range 715
died Conjecture Bet. 1831 - 184239
4. Conjecture: Mary Schoolcraft40, 21
born Bef. 180542
died 01-Jan-1847 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably16
buried 04-Jan-1847 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada16
married Proven William Asa Gray Bef. 182021, 42
born Abt. 1801 in New York, USA45
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1259.3943
census 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2570.17, Conc. 7 -
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 113.39, Dist. 245
died Bef. 187246
a. Proven: Julia Lucina Gray10
born 17-Feb-1820 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada10
died 12-Apr-1872 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada46
buried 14-Apr-1872 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada46
married Proven John H. Corey Bef. 187246
b. Proven: Edward Dunham Gray14
born 08-Oct-1822 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada14
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 147.39, Dist.
married Proven [Unidentified] Bef. 185247
c. Proven: William Arnold Gray48
born 20-Jun-1824 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada48

d. Proven: Albert Joseph Gray49
born 12-Jun-1826 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada49
died 01-Nov-1845 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada50
buried 03-Nov-1845 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada50
e. Proven: Cynthia Marriett Gray51
born 30-May-1830 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada51
5. Proven: Lydia Schoolcraft5
born Bef. 1810 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably52, 5
died Bet. 1831 - 184253
married Proven Henry Notemire 29-Dec-1831 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Methodist Church5
born Bef. 179554
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 813.1155
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1259.35, Range 856
a. Conjecture: Sarah Ann Notemire57
born Abt. 1830 in Quebec, Canada58
married Proven Joel Schoolcraft 19-Nov-1855 in Shefford, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec,
born Abt. 1803 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably58
census 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2568.03,
Conc. 7 - 1275
census 1861 in Stukely, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 365.32, Dist. 158
census 1871 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.10, Dist. 12776
census 29-Apr-1891 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 23.14, dw.
122, Dist. 187-I Div. 177
fact Abt. 1864 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Wallings Map, Lot 2-2278
died Aft. 189177
i. Proven: Lorenzo Edgar Schoolcraft61, 58
born Abt. 1857 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably61, 58
died 26-Jul-1861 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada61
buried 27-Jul-1861 in Frost Village, Waterloo, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec,
ii. Proven: Joel Henry Schoolcraft62, 58
born Sep-1858 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada62, 58
died 12-Jul-1861 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada62
buried 13-Jul-1861 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada62
iii. Proven: James William Schoolcraft63, 66
born 17-Jan-1861 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada63, 66
census 14-Apr-1891 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.20,
dw. 52, Dist. 143-C Div. 364
census 1901 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 02.14, dw. 1865
married Proven Ella Tibbitts 29-Nov-1886 in Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA66
born 26-Apr-1860 in Quebec, Canada66
iv. Proven: Edgar Dow Schoolcraft63
born 17-Feb-1863 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada63
census 29-Apr-1891 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp.
23.04, dw. 121, Dist. 187-I Div. 160
census 1901 in Magog, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 06.05, dw. 5767
married Proven [Unidentified] Bef. 189467
v. Proven: Alice Ruth Schoolcraft63
born 18-Apr-1865 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada63
died 1929 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada68
buried Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Silver Valley cemetery68

married Proven Spencer R. Brown68
born 184968
died 1929 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada68
buried Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Silver Valley cemetery68
vi. Proven: Harriet Ira Schoolcraft69
born 04-Jan-1872 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably69
census 08-Apr-1891 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp.
5.12, dw. 25, Dist. 187-I Div. 170
married Proven Peter Marcy 20-Nov-1893 in Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA71
vii. Proven: Sarah Emma Schoolcraft72
born 23-Sep-1876 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada72
census 27-Apr-1891 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp.
23.04, dw. 121, Dist. 187-I, Div. 160
died 23-Mar-1895 in Eastman, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada73, 74

Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Land grant list 30th August 1802.
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: Unumbered, 10th June 1814, Sale by John Schoolcraft to
Anthony Stockham.
3 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac

4 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.21, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 8 Head of

household John Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 2 Total in household. Males: 1 60 and up Marr., Females: 1 45 and up
Marr., 2 Methodist.
5 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Marriages: On the twenty ninth day of December in the year of our

Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty one Henry Notemire Farmer of the Township of Stanbridge Widower
and Lydia Schoolcraft Spinster both of the same Township both parties being of age and with the consent of the parents
of the aforesaid Lydia Schoolcraft after due publication of banns were united in holy matrimony in the presence of John
Schoolcraft and Barbary Schoolcraft the Father and Mother of Lydia Schoolcraft aforesaid. Henry Notemire, Lydia
Notemire, John Schoolcraft, Barbary Schoolcraft. None of these persons being able to sign their names they were
written by me.
6 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Christopher Schoolcraft of Bedford, Farmer aged Forty Nine years

died on Friday the Third of June and was buried on Sunday the 5th of June One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty
Two. By me, James Jones. Witness Shelden Berman, John Bockus.
7 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic Cemetery, Stanbridge [Headstone]. Row 2, Lot 1: Christopher Schoolcraft died

June 3, 1842 ae. 48 ys. Row 2, Lot 2: Hannah wife of Christopher Schoolcraft died Oct. 20, 1841 ae. 38 yrs.
8 Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, Bedford, Burial: Mary Ann Schoolcraft daughter of Christopher

Schoolcraft, farmer, Bedford, and Hannah Gibson his wife, was born at Bedford on the -- day of August eighteen
hundred and twenty seven, died on the thirtieth day of March Eighteen hundred and seventy five, and was buried on the
first day of April by me. Witness Lyman Barnes and,illegible.
9 Federal Population Schedule, 9-Sep-1850, dw. 624, Isle La Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT, fam. 625, James Watson age

34 sex m laborer born in England, Malinda age 28 sex f born in Canada, Julia age 12 sex f born in Canada, William age
10 sex m born in Canada, Mary J. age 2 sex f born in Canada.
10 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Julia Lucina Gray born Feb 17, 1820,

bapt. Jul 16, 1842 d/o William and Mary Gray of Bedford.
Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Solomon Dunham of Bedford, farmer aged 86 years. He died on
Tuesday the thirty first of May and was buried on Thursday the second of June one thousand eight hundred and fourty
Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.6: Dunham, Eve, D. Dec. 11, 1848, Bu. Dec.
13, 1848, ae. 84Yrs. Wit: N.S. Brown.
13 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 812.19, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Christopher

Schoolcraft, 4 total in household, 2 under 6. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Edward Dunham Gray born Oct. 8, 1822,
bapt. Jul 16, 1842 s/o William and Mary Gray of Bedford.

Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.07, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of
household Simon Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 3 Total in household, 1 5 and under. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr.,
Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 3 Anglican.
16 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Stanbridge Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Gray, Mary, D. Jan. 1,

1847, Bu. Jan. 4, 1847, Wit: E. Jones.

Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst), Page 507 records the
marriage of Zanetta 0. STONE, age 23, of Stanbridge to William Asa GRAY on 26 Oct 1848 in Stanbridge BA church.
18 Québec, Bedford: Land Registry Records, Bedford Registry of Deeds, Register B, Vol 4, pp. 371, #1705: 17 July

1849. Malinda w/o James Watson of Isle La Mott in Grand Isle VT for $130 to Cyrene Schoolcraft of Stanbridge part
of Lot 10, Range 7. Same as conveyed to Malinda in Will of Solomon Dunham.
19 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.5: Traver, William Freeman D. Sept. 25,

1859 Bu. Sept. 27, 1859 ae. 2Y. 7M. Illegitimate child of Levi & Mary Ann Schoolcraft Traver of Dunham Phil. Ang.
20 Solomon Dunham's Will
The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Who is Solomon Dunham?
22 David J. Ellis, Marriage before the birth of Melinda.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Ploss Burying Ground: No. 12, Mary A. Schoolcraft Died March 30, 1875 Aged 48
24 New York, Schoharie: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptism of Johannes Auf Quaschen Kill on [1767]

born Aug 12 1766, parents Christian Schulkraf & Elisabeth Margareth, sponsors Lorentz Schulkraf and his wife Maria.
25 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 813.10, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household John Schoolcraft, 3

total in household. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 40 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 45 and up Marr.
26 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, 2 March 1842: pp. 2569.28,

Conc. 7 - 12 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household John Schoolcraft, farmer. Total present in household 4.
Native of U.S.A. 2. Years in province for non native 50. Males: 2 30 but not 60 Sing., 2 60 and up Marr. Females: 2 14
but not 45 Sing. 2 British Wesleyan Methodist.
27 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1630512: Petition for Town of Granby, 28-Mar-1795
28 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1631062: Oath of Allegiance at Missisquoi Bay in 1795.
29 Appendix to the XXXth volume of the Journals of the House of Assembly of the province of Lower-Canada, pp. W-

30 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.31, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 10 Head of

household Christ. Schoolcraft, renter, joiner. 6 Total in household, 2 under 5, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 21 but not 30
Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 6 Anglican.
31 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, 2 March 1842: pp. 2570.16,

Conc. 7 - 12 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Christopher Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. Total present in
household 6. Years in province for non native 13. Children: 3 male 6 but under 14, 4 aged 5 thru 16. Males: 2 14 but
not 18 Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Sing. 1 Anglican.
32 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jun-1870, dw. 3, Isle La Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT, fam. 3, James Watson age 55

sex m carpenter born in England, Malinda age 48 sex f born in Canada, William age 30 sex m farm laborer born in
Canada, Aloisa age 15 sex f born in VT, Stephen Conley age 36 sex m sailor born in England, Jane age 23 sex f born in
VT, Lesley age 1 sex m born in VT.
33 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: 4-Jun-1880 Isle La Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT dw. 73, family 81. : James

Watson Head male widow white age 65 born in England occupation Carpenter father born in England mother born in
David J. Ellis, Conjecture: Melinda is either Solomon's grand daughter by John or great grand daughter by
Christopher. Her age favors Christopher.
35 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: 4-Jun-1880 Isle La Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT dw. 75, family 83. : Steven

Conolly Head male married white age 47 born in England occupation Sea Sailor father born in Ireland mother born in
England: Alvira Wife female married white age 25 born in VT father born in England mother born in Canada: Leslie
Son male single white age 11 born in VT occupation Student father born in England mother born in VT: Percy Son
male single white age 9 born in VT father born in England mother born in VT: Jane Daughter female single white age 3
mos. born in VT father born in England mother born in VT.
36 Federal Population Schedule, 29-Aug-1850, dw. 381, Alburg, Grand Isle, VT, fam. 381, Edwin Lanam family, Mary

A. Schoolcraft age 22 sex f born in Canada, Other lodgers.

37 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 4, pp. 22.01, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 83, fam. 86: John Martindale age 32

W/M born in QC origin English occupation farmer religion Universalist. Jaimi age 5 S/F born in QC origin English
religion Baptist. Mary Schoolcraft age 42 S/F born in QC origin German religion C. of England.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 2, Lot 6 [replacement marker]: Solomon Schoolcraft died May
26th, 1818 aged 19 years & 2 days. Verse follows.

David J. Ellis, Conjecture: Simon is included in the 1831 census but omitted in 1842. He is not included in Solomon
Dunham's Will.
David J. Ellis, Conjecture: Christopher, Mary, Melinda and Mary Ann are referred to in Solomon DUNHAM's Will.
Christopher and Hannah GIBSON are buried with Solomon SCHOOLCRAFT. Solomon DUNHAM is probably
Christopher and Mary's maternal grandfather. Mary names her son Edward Dunham Gray. Christopher is near John in
1831 and Barbary is the only wife whose maiden name is not known.
41 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Simon Schoolcraft
42 David J. Ellis, Implied by the birth of her first child.
43 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1259.39, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 8 Head of

household William Gray, owner, farmer. 8 Total in household, 1 5 and under, 4 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not 60
Marr., 1 30 but not 60 Sing., Females: 2 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 8 Anglican.
44 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, 2 March 1842: pp. 2570.17,

Conc. 7 - 12 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household William Grey, owner, farmer. Total present in household 5.
Native of U.S.A. 2. Children: 1 female 6 but under 14, 1 aged 5 thru 16. Males: 2 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 18 but not 21
Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 14 but not 45 Sing. 1 Anglican, 2 Catholic, 1
Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 113.39, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 179.28
Lot 7-10: Wm. Gray age 51 male born in NY occ./rel. farmer, Episcopal, married. Zannetta age 26 female born in
Canada occ./rel. Baptist, married. Arthur B. age 2 male born in Canada occ./rel. Baptist.
46 Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, On the fourteenth day of April, Eighteen hundred and seventy two the

body of Julia Gray, daughter of the late William Gray of Bedford yeoman and of Mary Schoolcraft his wife and wife of
John H. Corey of Bedford carpenter, having departed this life on the twelfth inst. aged fifty two years was buried by
47 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 147.39, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Edward D. Gray age 31 male born

in Canada occ./rel. shoemaker, Episcopal, widower.

48 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.06: William Arnold Gray born June 20,

1824, bapt. Jul 16, 1842 s/o William and Mary Gray of Bedford.
49 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Albert Joseph born June 12, 1826, bapt.

Jul 16, 1842 s/o William and Mary Gray of Bedford.

50 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Albert Joseph Gray died Nov 1, 1845,

bur. Nov 3, 1845 ae. 18 yrs 5 mos. s/o William and Mary Gray.
51 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Cynthia Marriett Gray born May 30,

1830, bapt. Jul 16, 1842 d/o William and Mary Gray of Bedford.
52 David J. Ellis, Lydia is described as "being of age" when she marries in 1831.
53 David J. Ellis, Conjecture: Lydia marries in 1831 but omitted in the 1842 census. She is not included in Solomon

Dunham's Will.
54 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, Folio second: On this fourth day of February One Thousand eight

hundred and sixteen, Henry Notemire, Batchelor Farmer and Elizabeth Schoolcraft, Spinster, both of major age and of
Stanbridge were married after publication of Banns in presence of the subscribing witnesses by James Reid Minr.
Henry Notemire his mark, Elizabeth Schoolcraft her mark, John Bockus, George Mitchell.
55 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 813.11, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Henry Notemire, 5

total in household, 2 under 6, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Sing. Females: 2 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Sing.
56 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1259.35, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 8 Head of

household Henry Notemire, renter, farmer. 9 Total in household, 3 5 and under, 3 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not
60 Marr., Females: 2 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 9 Methodist.
57 David J. Ellis, Conjecture: Incidence of the name Notemire in this region is limited. Sarah Ann might be the

daughter of Henry Notemire and Lydia Schoolcraft. I have not discarded this possibility but it requires more research.
Henry seems the only plausible one around. Her age in the 1861 census may well be overstated by a year.
58 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 365.32, Stukely, Shefford Co., Jonel Scoulcraf age 58 M/M born in BC occ./rel.

farmer, protestant, Anna Nutmeyer age 31 F/M born in BC occ./rel. protestant, Lorenzo Scoulcraf age 4 M/S born in
BC occ./rel. protestant, Henry Scoulcraf age 3 M/S born in BC occ./rel. protestant, William Scoulcraf age M/S born in
BC occ./rel. protestant, Jane Scoulcraf age 9 F/S born in BC occ./rel. protestant, Clarifsa Scoulcraf age 15 F/S born in
BC occ./rel. protestant. The Agricultural record lists Josselle Scoulcraf in lot 20 range 2 with 50 acres, 7 of which are

Québec, Shefford: Methodist Circuit Records, On this nineteenth day of November in the year of our Lord Two
thousand eight hundred and fifty five Joel Schoolcraft, farmer of the township of Stukely a widower, and Sarah Ann
Notemire of the same township spinster, were united in the bands of matrimony after due publication of the banns in
the presence of subscribing witnesses by me Geffard Dorey Minister. Joel Schoolcraft, Sarah Ann [X] Notemire,
Nathan Parker, Peter Schoolcraft.
Québec: Census, 29-Apr-1891, pp. 23.04, Hse. 121, Dist. 187-I Div. 1, South Stukely, Shefford Co., Rufus Tibbitts,
male, age 39, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Jane, female, age 36, married, wife, born
in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Ida, female, age 13, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent.,
Edmond, male, age 10, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Walter, male, age 7, son, born in QC,
father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Henry, male, age 6, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Minnie,
female, age 3, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent., Myrtle, female, age 1, dau, born in QC, father QC,
mother QC, 1st Advent., Edgar Schoolcraft, male, age 27, domestic, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent.,
farm labourer, Emma, female, age 14, lodger, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, 1st Advent.
Québec, Shefford: Anglican Church Records, Frost Village Anglican Church: Lorenzo Edgar son of Joel
Schoolcraft, and Ann Jane Notemire his wife of South Stukely died on the twenty sixth day of July one thousand eight
hundred and sixty one in the fourth year of his age, and was buried on the day following.
Québec, Shefford: Methodist Circuit Records, Death: On the twelfth day of July in the year of our lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty one age two years ten months died, Joel Henry son of Joel and Ann Jane Schoolcraft of South
Stuckley in the county of Shefford and was buried on the thirteenth day of the same month and year by me. John
Tomkins Wesleyan Minister Witnesses Joel Schoolcraft and Cynthia H Sargeant.
63 Québec, Shefford: Methodist Circuit Records, James William was born on the seventeenth day of January one

thousand eight hundred and sixty one. Edgar Dow was born on the seventeenth day of February one thousand eight
hundred and sixty three and Alice Ruth was born on the eighteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and sixty
five. Children of Joel Schoolcraft of South Stukely farmer and of Sarah Anne his wife, and were baptized on the
nineteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by
me J. Armstrong Minister.
64 Québec: Census, 14-Apr-1891, pp. 9.20, Hse. 52, Dist. 143-C Div. 1, Brome, Brome Co., James Schoolcraft, male,

age 32, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, C. Eng., stationary engineer, Ella, female, age 30, married,
wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, C. Eng., Emma, female, age 13, daughter, born in QC, father QC, mother QC,
C. Eng., Peter Marchand, male, age 23, lodger, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, R.C., sawyer.
65 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Brome, Brome Co., pp. 2.14, Hse. 18, Schoolcraft James, age 40,

Head, married, male, born in Québec on Jan 17 1861, Schoolcraft Ellen, age 41, Wife, married, female, born in Québec
on Apr 26 1860, Brocking Burl B., age 4, Grandson, single, male, born in Québec on Jan 4 1897.
66 Vermont: Marriage Record, Richford VT reported marriage between Jas. W. Schoolcraft and Ella Tibbitts on 29-

Nov-1886. 1st marriage of Jas. W. Schoolcraft age 25 born in Stukely QC residing in Stukely QC. Occupation Laborer,
parents Joel Schoolcraft & Sarah.
67 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Magog, Stanstead Co., pp. 6.05, Hse. 57, Schoolcraft Edgar, age 38,

Lodger (Spence Brown is head), widow, male, born in Québec on Feb 2 1863, Schoolcraft Plinny, age 7, Son, single,
male, born in Québec on Dec 14 1894, Schoolcraft William J, age 4, Son, single, male, born in Québec on May 31
1896, Beard Borland W, age 28, Hired man, married, male, born in Scotland on Nov 24 1872, Immigration 1896.
68 Québec: Cemetery Records, Silver Valley Cemetery, Eastman.QC: Spencer R Brown 1849- 1929. Alice R.

Schoolcraft 1865-1929. Daughter Ella D. (Brown) Yetta 1890-1926.

69 Québec, St. Francis: Protestant Births in the District of St. Francis, Vol. 2, 1815 - 1879, Baptism of Hattie Ira

Schoolcraft on 3-Feb-1878 in Magog, born on 4-Jan-1872, daughter of Joel and Sarah A. Schoolcraft of South Stukely.
Québec: Census, 8-Apr-1891, pp. 5.12, Hse. 25, Dist. 187-I Div. 1, South Stukely, Shefford Co., Spencer Brown,
male, age 42, married, head, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, Meth., labourer, Alice, female, age 25, married,
wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Ella, female, age 8 mos., dau, born in QC, father USA, mother QC,
Meth., Hattie Schoolcraft, female, age 19, domestic, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., servant.
71 Vermont: Marriage Record, Richford VT reported marriage between Hattie Schoolcraft and Peter Marcy on 20-Nov-

1893. 1st marriage of Hattie Schoolcraft age 22 born in Bolton QC residing in Bolton QC. Parents Joel Schoolcraft & .
72 Québec, St. Francis: Protestant Births in the District of St. Francis, Vol. 2, 1815 - 1879, Baptism of Sarah Emma

Schoolcraft on 3-Feb-1878 in Magog, born on 23-Sep-1876, daughter of Joel and Sarah A. Schoolcraft of South
73 Obituary, Waterloo Advertiser, April 12. 1895: Deaths, "Emma Schoolcraft at Eastman, on March 23, 1895 of heart

failure. Lived with her half sister and husband, Mr and Mrs Rufus Tibbits. An investigation was made into her death
due to the suddenness. Age 18."
Obituary, Waterloo Advertiser, June 14 1895 (Under Eastman News): "Emma Schoolcraft, her inquest showed she
died of natural causes."

Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, 2 March 1842: pp. 2568.03,
Conc. 7 - 12 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Joel Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. Total present in household
4. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr.
76 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 127 pp. 12.10, Stafford, South Stukely, Shefford Co., dw. 47, fam. 47: Joel Scoulcraf

age 68 M born in U.S.A. origin German occupation Farmer religion W. Methodist. Anna age 40 F born in U.S.A. origin
German religion W. Methodist. James age 10 M born in U.S.A. origin German religion W. Methodist. Edgar age 8 M
born in U.S.A. origin German religion W. Methodist. Ellis age 6 F born in U.S.A. origin German religion W.
77 Québec: Census, 29-Apr-1891, pp. 23.14, Hse. 122, Dist. 187-I Div. 1, South Stukely, Shefford Co., Sewell Parker,

male, age 74, married, head, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, Meth., farmer, Claresy, female, age 46, married,
wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Persis, female, age 26, dau, born in QC, father USA, mother QC,
Meth., servant, Nathaniel, male, age 24, son, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., farmer son, Edith, female,
age 22, dau, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., Hester, female, age 20, dau, born in QC, father USA, mother
QC, Meth., Lois, female, age 17, dau, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., Hellen, female, age 15, dau, born in
QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., Hattie, female, age 10, dau, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., John
Conway, male, age 24, lodger, born in NB, father NS, mother NS, R.C., farm labourer, Edward Martin, male, age 20,
domestic, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, R.C., farm labourer, Joel Schoolcraft, male, age 86, lodger, born in
QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
Part of the Wallings map, published in 1864. It depicts the five counties located between the Richelieu River and
Lac Memphrémagog in the Eastern Townships of Québec.

Martin Schoolcraft Baptized February 6th, 1764
Proven: Martin Schoolcraft
born Abt. 06-Feb-1764 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA; [Previously
Albany Co.]1
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.253
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1251.39, Range 45
fact Feb-1795 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada; On list of Associates111
fact 09-May-1795 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Christie's
Manor], Destination not stated112
died Aft. 183189

married Conjecture [Unidentified] Bef. 1789113

died Bet. 1795 - 1800
1. Proven: Hannah Schoolcraft92, 7
born Abt. 178910
died 27-Jan-1839 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada10
buried Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vieux
Cimetière de Pike River10
married Proven Moses Spears 02-Mar-1807 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA9
born 26-Aug-1787 in Rupert, Bennington, Vermont, USA114
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 813.04115
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1257.40116
fact 17-Jun-1820 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada118
died Abt. 1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada12
a. Proven: David Spears119
born 20-Jul-1807 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
died 05-May-1835 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada839
buried Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Vieux Cimetière de Pike River839
b. Proven: Lydia Spears13
born 03-Jun-1809 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
died Aft. 16-Feb-184413
married Proven Samuel Henry Roberts 24-Aug-1830 in Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada; Holy Trinity Anglican Church122
i. Proven: Samuel Roberts122
ii. Proven: Turner Roberts122
iii. Proven: Duke Roberts122
c. Proven: Joel Spears13
born 05-Dec-1810 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada12
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 69.04, Dist.
died 30-Jul-187812
married Claimed Minerva Lucretia Spears Bef. 1844122, 123, 134
born 14-Mar-1824 in USA122
died 28-Jan-1906122
i. Claimed: Turner Spears122, 123
born 05-Apr-1844 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,

Quebec, Canada122
died 10-May-1844 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
ii. Claimed: Carleton Edson Spears122, 123
born 27-Jul-1845 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
iii. Claimed: Jude Spears122, 123
born 06-Aug-1847 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
died 01-Apr-1877122
iv. Claimed: Eleanor Spears122, 123
born 12-Mar-1850 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
died 12-Jul-1852 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
v. Claimed: Emma C. R. Spears122, 123
born 25-Aug-1853 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
married Proven Robert Brooks122
vi. Claimed: Sheldon C. Spears122, 123
born 07-Jul-1856122
married Proven Mary Richards 04-Oct-1879 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA122
vii. Claimed: Rowland H. Spears aka Olic122, 123
born 07-Aug-1858 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
married Proven Esther Cora Button122
viii. Claimed: Eliza A. Spears aka Lesey122, 123
born 23-Jan-1860 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
married Proven E. M. J. Campbell 25-Oct-1885 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont,
ix. Claimed: Elmer M. Spears122, 123
born 15-Apr-1862 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
died Sep-1906122
x. Claimed: William H. Spears aka Willie122, 123
born 31-May-1868 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
d. Proven: Elijah Spears11
born 19-Feb-1812 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada12
died 22-Aug-1899 in Crab Orchard, Lincoln, Kentucky, USA122
buried Crab Orchard, Lincoln, Kentucky, USA; Holdam Graveyard122
married Proven Alzina Corey 24-Jan-1833 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Methodist Church11
born 23-Oct-1812 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada122
died 18-Jul-1883 in Ferndale, Humboldt, California, USA122
i. Proven: Emily Blakely Spears122
born 10-Dec-1833 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
died 20-Sep-1874 in California, USA; Probably122
married Proven Asa Bonaparte Atwood Maine, USA; Probably122

ii. Proven: David Alexander Spears122
born 04-Jul-1836 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
died 29-Jul-1894 in Ferndale, Humboldt, California, USA122
buried Ferndale, Humboldt, California, USA; Ferndale cemetery122
married Proven Julia Burse122
buried Ferndale, Humboldt, California, USA; Ferndale cemetery122
iii. Proven: Hannah Maria Spears122
born 01-Apr-1840 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada124, 122
died 05-Aug-1875 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
married Proven George Jeremiah Boomhower 02-Feb-1859 in St-Armand, Brome-
Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church125
born 1837 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada126
census 1861 in East Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 156.08,
Dist. 2127
census 1871 in Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; pp. 3.02/Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge West128
census 1880 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, USA129
iv. Proven: Carelton Elijah Spears122
born 14-Nov-1844 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
died Gaston, Washington, Oregon, USA122
buried Gaston, Washington, Oregon, USA122
married Proven Flora Atwood122
buried Gaston, Washington, Oregon, USA122
v. Proven: Sarah Alzina Spears122
born 29-Oct-1848 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada122
died 21-Oct-1919 in Escondido, San Diego, California, USA122
buried Ferndale, Humboldt, California, USA; Ferndale cemetery122
married Proven Frederick Richardson 08-Mar-1865 in Stanbridge, Brome-
Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada122
born 19-Oct-1843 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada122
died 30-Jun-1918 in Ferndale, Humboldt, California, USA122
buried Ferndale, Humboldt, California, USA; Ferndale cemetery122
married Proven 2nd Eliza A. Stebbins 20-Feb-1868 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA122
born Abt. 1809122
married Proven 3rd Charlotte Taylor 27-Oct-1876 in Lincoln, Kentucky, USA122
e. Proven: Benjamin Spears130
born 18-Oct-1814 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
died Bef. 16-Feb-184413, 121
f. Proven: Moses Spears131
born 25-Mar-1816 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada12, 131
died Bef. 16-Feb-184413
married Proven Filura H. McDougall 26-Jun-1839 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church122
died 17-Jan-1879 in Enosburg, Franklin, Vermont, USA122
i. Proven: Charlotte Amanda Spears122
born 07-Dec-1840 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada122

g. Proven: Hannah Spears13
born 15-Jul-1817 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
died Aft. 16-Feb-184413
married Proven James L. Kent 03-Feb-1842 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Methodist Church122
i. Proven: Arthur Kent122
ii. Proven: Arlington Kent122
iii. Proven: Elizabeth Kent122
born Abt. 1848 in Granby, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada122
h. Proven: Martin Spears13
born Abt. 1820 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
died 30-Nov-1847 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Pike River Falls132
buried 04-Dec-1847 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada132
i. Proven: Ibri C. Spears13
born 08-Feb-1821 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Pike River Falls12
died 12-Oct-184912, 133
buried Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Vieux Cimetière de Pike River133
j. Proven: Noah Spears13
born 18-Nov-1823 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
died 11-Oct-1907 in Sheldon, Franklin, Vermont, USA12
married Proven Lydia Clement 07-Nov-1849 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Methodist Church122
born 09-May-1830 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada122
died 25-Feb-1868122
i. Proven: Viola Julina Spears122
born 11-Jan-1852 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada122
ii. Proven: Hannah Catherine Spears122
born 14-Nov-1854 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada122
iii. Proven: Rufus Arlington Spears122
born 03-Oct-1857 in West Brome, Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
iv. Proven: Cornette Maud Spears aka Clementine122
born 05-Jun-1860 in Quebec, Canada122
married Proven 2nd Maria Erwin 25-Aug-1868122
born Jul-1827 in Fairfield, Franklin, Vermont, USA122
died 26-Nov-1894 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA122
buried Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Rice Hill cemetery122
v. Proven: Albert E. Spears122
born Abt. 06-Jan-1871 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA122
died 11-Aug-1871 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA122
married Proven 3rd Margaret Loukes 03-Oct-1895 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA122
born 18-Dec-1825 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA122
died 08-Feb-1902 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA122

married Proven 4th Hannah E. Stearns 15-May-1903 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont,
died 29-Aug-1905 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA122
k. Proven: Rhoda Spears840
born Abt. 1826 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
died 09-May-1839 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada840
buried Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Vieux Cimetière de Pike River840
l. Proven: Philip Spears841
born Abt. 1828 in Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
died 15-Dec-1828 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada841
buried Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Vieux Cimetière de Pike River841
2. Probable: William C. Schoolcraft94
born Abt. 1791 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably23, 22
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1255.09, Range 721
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 133.25, Dist. 223
fact 1836 in Wentworth, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA; Legal involvement135
died 28-May-1855 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada22
buried 30-May-1855 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vaughan cemetery22, 40
married Proven Rosella Lalande 18-Oct-1814 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada; Christ Church Anglican
born Abt. 1793 in Quebec, Canada23
a. Probable: Rosella Schoolcraft136
born 20-Dec-1815 in Quebec, Canada41
census 1881 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 43, dw. 231148
died 16-May-1888 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada41
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vaughan cemetery41
married Proven Peter Hauver 20-Feb-1836 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada140, 41, 43
born 13-May-1809142
died 29-Sep-1847 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada42
buried 01-Oct-1847 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vaughan cemetery141
i. Proven: Amanda Hauver43
born 28-Jan-1837 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada43, 88
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
133.29, Dist. 2144
died 05-Oct-1901 in Henderson, Sibley, Minnesota, USA90
married [Unidentified] Ayer 06-Apr-1854 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada90, 88
ii. Claimed: George Hauver142
born Abt. 1840142
iii. Proven: Anna Hauver143
born 27-Nov-1841 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada143
died 17-Apr-1925145
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pigeon Hill
cemetery145, 91
married Proven William Samuel Newton Bef. 1862142, 145
born 18-Oct-1835 in England146
census 1881 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 43,
dw. 231148

census 1901 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1.30, dw. 8146
died 20-Oct-1902147
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pigeon Hill cemetery147
married Proven 2nd Silas Steven Bet. 1848 - 185243
born Abt. 1803 in USA43
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 129.42, Dist.
b. Probable: Sophronia Schoolcraft137
born Abt. 1816 in Quebec, Canada144
died 14-Jul-1880 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada149
buried 16-Jul-1880 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada149
married Proven John Edwin Bockus46
born 28-Mar-1815 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada150
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 133.29, Dist.
died Claimed 1893
i. Proven: Turner Bockus151
born 06-Jul-1839 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada151
buried Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Hunters Mills
married Proven Ella L. Johnson Bef. 1895153
born Abt. 1852153
died 10-Dec-1895153
buried Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Hunters Mills
ii. Proven: Merrit Bockus144
born Abt. 1842 in Quebec, Canada144
iii. Proven: Wesley Bockus144
born Abt. 1845 in Quebec, Canada144
iv. Proven: Irvin Bockus144
born Abt. 1848 in Quebec, Canada144
v. Proven: John E. Bockus46
born Abt. 1851 in Quebec, Canada144
died 26-Feb-1872 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; aka North Stanbridge46
buried 28-Feb-1872 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada46
c. Conjecture: Cyrene Schoolcraft138
born Abt. 1822 in Quebec, Canada158
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 123.08, Dist.
fact 17-Jul-1849 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Bedford Register B,
Vol 4, pp. 371, #1705: Purchased from Melinda Schoolcraft.154
fact Bet. 1840 - 1850 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Bedford Register
B, Vol. 4, pp. 147, Deed 1606: Sold to Nelson Adams.155
fact Bet. 1840 - 1850 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Bedford Register
B, Vol. 3, pp. 111, Deed 1133: Purchased from Eve Clapper156
fact Bet. 1840 - 1850 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Bedford Register
B, Vol. 4, pp. 276, Deed 1662: Sold to Nelson Adams.157
died Bet. 1852 - 1861158, 159
married Proven Catherine [Unidentified] Bef. 1845158
born Abt. 1824 in Ireland158
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 28.34, Dist. 3159
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 63.08, Dist. 2160

census 08-Apr-1891 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 6.17, dw. 31,
Dist. 168-A161
died Aft. 1891161
i. Proven: William Schoolcraft158
born Abt. 1845 in Quebec, Canada158
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 63.08, Dist.
ii. Proven: Edward Schoolcraft aka Edison158, 159, 160
born Abt. 1847 in Quebec, Canada158
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 63.08, Dist.
iii. Proven: James Sydney Schoolcraft158, 159, 160
born 09-May-1850 in Quebec, Canada162
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 63.08, Dist.
census 08-Apr-1891 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 6.21,
dw. 32, Dist. 168-A163
census 1901 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 04.34, dw.
died Bef. 1935117
married Proven Philadelphia Etherington 07-Jul-1882 in Farnham, Brome-
Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church164
born 19-Jun-1858 in England162, 165
died Aft. 1935117
iv. Proven: Henry Schoolcraft aka Harry158
born Abt. 1851 in Quebec, Canada158
d. Proven: Anne Schoolcraft39
born 10-Jul-1823 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada39
died 1911 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada166
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pigeon Hill cemetery166
married Proven Benjamin Hauver166, 45, 142
born 18-Feb-1820 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada167
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 129.46, Dist.
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 8.07, Dist. 3169
census Claimed 1871 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada170
died 08-Mar-1898 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada166
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pigeon Hill cemetery166
i. Proven: William Hamilton Hauver45
born 17-Sep-1840 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada45
ii. Proven: Melissa Hauver168
born Claimed 12-Aug-1845 in Quebec, Canada
married Proven Elvin Mead Martin 10-Aug-1878 in Frelighsburg, Brome-
Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church171
iii. Proven: Alvin Hauver172
born 13-Nov-1847 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada172
census 1881 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 93173
died 1939174
buried Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; All Saints Anglican
married Proven Selinda Cook Bef. 1881173, 175
born 1854 in Quebec, Canada173, 175
died 1925175

buried Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; All Saints Anglican
iv. Proven: John William Hauver168
born Abt. 1850 in Quebec, Canada168
v. Proven: Alla Hauver169
born Abt. 1858 in Quebec, Canada169
vi. Proven: Victoria Hauver169
born Abt. 1860 in Quebec, Canada169
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pigeon Hill cemetery176
married Proven Bernard C. Tittemore176
born 1864177
died 1935177
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pigeon Hill cemetery177
e. Probable: Clarinda Schoolcraft139
born Abt. Feb-1827 in Quebec, Canada178, 179
died 19-Sep-1889 in Barnston, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada44
buried 20-Sep-1889 in Barnston, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada44
married Proven Philip Hauver Bef. 1850178
born Abt. 1807 in USA179
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 129.37, Dist.
i. Claimed: Amesty Hauver142
ii. Claimed: Christopher Hauver142
iii. Proven: Anna Amelia Hauver180
born 03-Jun-1850 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada180
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 8.01, Dist.
iv. Proven: Benjamin Amasa Hauver182
born 06-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada182
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 8.01, Dist.
v. Proven: Philip Alexander Hauver183
born 29-Aug-1855 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada183
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 8.01, Dist.
vi. Proven: Henry Washington Hauver184
born 07-Feb-1857 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada184
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 8.01, Dist.
vii. Probable: Joseph H. Hauver185, 181
born Abt. 1859 in Quebec, Canada181
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 8.01, Dist.
f. Conjecture: Elizabeth Schoolcraft138
born Abt. 1828 in Quebec, Canada187
married Proven James H. Goddard 20-Feb-1845 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Anglican Church186
born Abt. 1825 in Quebec, Canada187
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 123.15, Dist.
died Bet. 1852 - 1859187, 188

married Proven 2nd Ozen Vaughan 21-Mar-1859 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; St-Armand-East Baptist Church188
born Abt. 04-Jun-1807 in Stanbridge Ridge, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada189, 190
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 810.12190
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1251.24, Conc. 2120
died 09-May-1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada189
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vaughan cemetery189
g. Proven: Amelia Schoolcraft aka Permila23
born Abt. 1834 in Quebec, Canada23
died 09-Jan-1895 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada47
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pigeon Hill cemetery47
married Proven Hamilton William Douglas 19-Dec-1850 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada; Baptist Church191
born Abt. 1830 in Scotland23
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 133.25, Dist.
died 20-Mar-1885 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada47
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pigeon Hill cemetery47
i. Proven: Alexander Douglas192
born 14-Nov-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada192
ii. Proven: Agnes Douglas193
born 04-Aug-1854 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada193
iii. Proven: Rosella Amelia Douglas194
born 14-Sep-1856 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada194
iv. Proven: Orlando Douglas195
born Abt. Aug-1865 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada195
died 03-Apr-1868 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada195
buried 05-Apr-1868 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada195
3. Probable: Orra Schoolcraft94
born Abt. 1792 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably30, 18, 99
census 01-Aug-1870 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 99196
died 17-Dec-1876 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA99
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Church St. cemetery82
married Proven Jacob Boomhower 01-Feb-1813 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
St-Armand-West Anglican Church18
born Abt. 1794 in Brunswick, Rensselaer, New York, USA100, 200
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 809.02197
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1253.28 Range 6198
census 1840 in Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 232.19199
census 18-Sep-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 461100
census 13-Jul-1860 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 151101
census 23-Jun-1870 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; dw. 146201
census 1881 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 5149
military Bet. 1812 - 1815 ; Canadian Militiaman202
fact 17-Jun-1820 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada203
fact 08-May-1828 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada204
died 23-May-1888 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably50
buried 25-May-1888 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Meller cemetery, Meig's
Corner50, 105
a. Proven: Abraham Boomhower205
born 21-Jul-1813 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada205
census 18-Sep-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 367206

census 24-Jul-1860 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 4207
census 01-Aug-1870 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 99208
died 22-Aug-1872 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA209
buried St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Brooks cemetery209
married Proven Elizabeth Jane Collins 01-Jan-1844 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA210
born 22-Jan-1817 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA211
died 03-Feb-1887 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA212
buried St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Brooks cemetery212
i. Proven: Nancy Matilda Boomhower213
born 25-Oct-1845 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA213
died Bef. 12-Mar-1848 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA215
ii. Proven: Sarah Lovina Boomhower214
born 25-Oct-1845 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA214
died 25-Feb-1887 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA221
married Proven John C. P. Conner 11-Jun-1874 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont,
born 15-Apr-1828 in Wheelock, Caledonia, Vermont, USA223
iii. Proven: Nancy Matilda Boomhower215
born 12-Mar-1848 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA215
died Claimed 24-Mar-1943225
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery224
married Proven Sabins W. Donaldson 01-Dec-1869 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont,
born 1845224
died 1932224
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery224
iv. Proven: Frances Isabelle Boomhower216
born 11-Jun-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA216
died 29-Nov-1914 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA228
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery229
married Proven Almon C. Dunbar 26-Sep-1885 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont,
born 11-Feb-1841 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA230, 229
died 24-Oct-1904 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA230
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery229
v. Proven: Hiram Clark Boomhower217, 220
born 22-Apr-1854 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA217, 220
census 1881 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; dw. 72, Div.
census 24-Apr-1891 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp.
17.13, dw. 80, Dist. 168-M Div. 2232
census 1901 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 01.41,
dw. 11219
census 1911 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 7.03, dw.
69, Dist. 12233
died 31-Mar-1927 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada217
buried Montréal, Quebec, Canada217
married Proven Margaret Catherine Moyles 19-Mar-1878 in St Albans, Franklin,
Vermont, USA220
born 26-May-1854 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada219
died 17-Sep-1934 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada217
buried Montréal, Quebec, Canada217

vi. Proven: Archibald Julius Boomhower218
born Claimed 21-Dec-1859 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA
census 1880 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA; pp. 504D843
census 06-Jun-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 311A.19, dw.
157, ED 121, First St., Swanton village844
census 14-Jan-1920 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 5237
died Claimed 03-Jul-1934
married Proven [1] Elizabeth N. Smith 06-Dec-1882 in St Albans, Franklin,
Vermont, USA234
born 1865 in New York, USA236, 237
died 1958236
buried Fletcher, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Binghamville cemetery236
married Proven 2nd Sarah Babbitt 03-May-1892 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-
Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church218
born Abt. 1849218
died 01-Oct-1895 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA239
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Church St. cemetery238
married Proven 3rd [1] Elizabeth N. Smith 05-Nov-1901 in Swanton, Franklin,
Vermont, USA235
born 1865 in New York, USA236, 237
died 1958236
buried Fletcher, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Binghamville cemetery236
b. Proven: Matilda L. Boomhower240, 242
born 22-May-1815 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada241
census 18-Sep-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 367206
census 24-Jul-1860 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 4207
census 01-Aug-1870 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 99196
fact Unmarried243
died 27-Nov-1902 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA240
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Church St. cemetery241
c. Proven: Lovina A. Boomhower249, 100
born Abt. 10-Dec-1819 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada249
census 18-Sep-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 69.03, dw. 461100
died 19-Apr-1886 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA249
married Proven Enos P. Sisco 20-Jan-1848 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, USA250
born Abt. 1825 in Franklin, Vermont, USA; Probably248
census 10-Sep-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 27.27, dw. 172248
i. Proven: Charles Lester Sisco100, 254
born 12-Dec-1849 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Probably252, 100, 253
census 1880 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 300A257
census 06-Jun-1900 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 309B.75, dw.
127, ED 121, River Ln., Swanton village258
died 30-Sep-1904 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA252
buried 03-Oct-1904 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside
cemetery256, 252
married Proven Matilda Medor 31-Dec-1870 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA;
St. Mary's Catholic Church254, 255, 293
born 31-Mar-1852 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA260, 261, 262
census 17-Jun-1870 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 49.15, dw. 358259
died 08-Jun-1929 in Brattleboro, Windham, Vermont, USA; Brattleborough
Nursing Home260
buried 10-Jun-1929 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Riverside cemetery256

ii. Proven: George Enos Sisco251, 294
born 08-Jul-1854 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA263, 245, 246
census 1880 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 305C247
census 07-Jun-1900 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 184A.45, dw.
107, ED 115, 50 Main St.264
fact Bet. 1882 - 1884 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Removed to266
died 1929 in Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA265
buried Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA; St. Amadeus cemetery265
married Proven Charlotte Rose Donovan 22-Sep-1874 in Swanton, Franklin,
Vermont, USA; St. Mary's Catholic Church251
born Abt. 01-Jan-1861 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA267
died 03-May-1895 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA267
married Proven 2nd Della M. Mitchell Abt. 1900265, 264
born Nov-1871 in Vermont, USA264
died 1950265
buried Alburg, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA; St. Amadeus cemetery265
married Proven 2nd Stephen Popple Bet. 1852 - 1860245
born Abt. 1809 in Vermont, USA244, 245
census 29-Aug-1850 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 14.15, dw. 82244
census 13-Jul-1860 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 20.20, dw. 152245
census 21-Jun-1870 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 479246
census 1880 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 305C247
died 08-May-1884 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Probably268
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Church St. cemetery268
d. Proven: Mary Boomhower100
born 21-Oct-1821 in Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada270, 100, 271
census 1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 64272
census 1901 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 02.29, dw. 22270
died 13-Jun-1903 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada273
married Proven George Halcrow 25-Sep-1852 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA269
born 11-Mar-1825 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada274
died Abt. 13-May-1878 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada274
buried 15-May-1878 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada274
e. Proven: Clark B. Boomhower24
born 28-Jul-1823 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada275
census 1861 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 4.40, Dist. 3276
census 1871 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 35.11, Dist. 3277
census 1881 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 5149
census 23-Jun-1900 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; pp. 15A.41, dw. 372, ED
131, Eden St.845
fact Abt. 1864 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Wallings Map, Lot 10-
died 16-Jun-1901 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA24
married Proven Sarah Amelia Orcutt 12-Mar-1850 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada279, 276
born 07-Jul-1832 in Quebec, Canada275
died 16-Oct-1871 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada275
buried Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Meller cemetery, Meig's Corner280
i. Proven: Homer Franklin Boomhower aka Harris281
born 11-Jan-1851 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada283
census 1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 141285
died 18-Mar-1894 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada284
buried 20-Mar-1894284

married Proven Mary Jane Kettle 02-Dec-1871 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada282
married Proven 2nd [4] Esther A. Murgatroy 19-Feb-1881 in Franklin, Franklin,
Vermont, USA281
born 03-Sep-1854 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada286, 281
census 28-Apr-1891 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
29.01, dw. 183, Dist. 168-P287
died 15-Jul-1918286
buried Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Hillside cemetery286
ii. Proven: Herbert Lyman Boomhower276
born 25-Oct-1852 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada283
died Claimed Abt. 1925 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, USA283, 288
married Claimed Mary Elizabeth Westlake 15-Sep-1883 in Minneapolis, Hennepin,
Minnesota, USA283, 288
born 30-Jul-1852 in Dublin, Ireland283
died 06-Dec-1886 in Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA283
buried Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA; Laymans cemetery, later
moved to Wayzata Congregational Church283
iii. Proven: Edward C. Boomhower276
born 29-Oct-1856 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada283
died Mar-1929 in Hot Springs, Garland, Arkansas, USA283
iv. Proven: Elwyn C. Boomhower276
born 28-Jan-1859 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada283
v. Proven: Harriet Boomhower277
born 29-Nov-1865 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada283
vi. Proven: Herbert W. Boomhower289
born 04-Oct-1871 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada283
died 05-Jun-1874 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA289
buried St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Brooks cemetery289
married Proven 2nd Elizabeth C. Conner 08-Oct-1872 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont,
born 05-Dec-1831 in Wheelock, Caledonia, Vermont, USA291
died 03-May-1891 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably292
buried 05-May-1891292
f. Proven: Lester L. Boomhower206, 201
born 10-Jun-1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada206
census 18-Sep-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 367206
census 19-Sep-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 496295
census 20-Aug-1860 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; dw. 2756296
census 23-Jun-1870 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; dw. 146201
census 1880 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; pp. 401A297
census 23-Jun-1900 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; pp. 15A.41, dw. 372, ED
131, Eden St.845
fact Bet. 1883 - 1884 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; Eden, Boomhower Lester, (P.O.
Eden Mills) r 5 [E. Hill Rd.], dairy 9 cows, farmer 200 acres, woodland 58 acres.298
died Claimed 20-Mar-1920 in Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
buried Claimed Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA
married Claimed Nancy Melinda Collins 01-Jan-1851 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont,
USA300, 304
born 16-Feb-1829 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA301
died 05-Jan-1901 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA299

i. Proven: Nancy Adelaide Boomhower296
born Abt. 1853 in Vermont, USA296
died Claimed 1866
ii. Proven: Rolland Lester Boomhower296
born 16-Nov-1854 in Vermont, USA296, 306
census 15-Apr-1891 in Oxford, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada; pp.
20.25, dw. 113, Dist. 30-15305
census 1901 in Oxford, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada; pp. 01.27, dw.
died Claimed 1938
married Claimed Minnie A. Trerice Bef. 1888
born 20-Jan-1860 in Nova Scotia, Canada306
iii. Proven: Loretta Matilda Boomhower302
born 09-Feb-1857 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA302
died Claimed 1890 in Connecticut, USA
married Claimed James Woods
iv. Proven: Clara Orrinda Boomhower296
born Claimed 07-Sep-1858 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA
died Claimed 12-Mar-1934 in Danielson, Windham, Connecticut, USA
married Claimed John Williams
died Claimed Abt. 1906
v. Proven: Arthur Lincoln Boomhower201
born Claimed 02-Feb-1861 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA
census 01-Jun-1900 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; pp. 7B.79, dw. 157, ED
fact Bet. 1883 - 1884 in Wolcott, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; Boomhour Arthur,
(P.O. Wolcott) r 30 [Marsh Rd.], farm laborer.308
died Claimed 25-Mar-1949 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA
married Proven Nellie Angelia Haskell aka Myrtie Millie Abt. 1889307, 846
born Claimed 14-Aug-1866 in Liberty, Waldo, Maine, USA
died Claimed 25-May-1935 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA
vi. Proven: William Parsons Boomhower303
born Claimed 12-Feb-1865 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA
died Claimed 21-Jun-1929 in Belchertown, Hampshire, Massachusetts, USA
married Proven Ella Nora Thomas aka Ella A. Thompson 30-Jan-1895 in
Morristown, Lamoille, Vermont, USA303
born Claimed 12-Nov-1870 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA
died Claimed 09-Oct-1928 in Belchertown, Hampshire, Massachusetts, USA
vii. Proven: Miriam Adelaide Boomhower297
born 29-Dec-1869 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA309, 297
census 24-Jun-1900 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA; pp. 28B.64, ED
121, 36 Bellevue Ave., dw. 509847
viii. Proven: Jessie Vivian Boomhower304
born 08-May-1874 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA304
g. Proven: Clara Boomhower310
born Abt. 1826 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada310, 311
census 16-Jul-1860 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 2113311
married Proven William W. Fitts 09-Dec-1868 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, USA310
born Abt. 04-Dec-1824 in Middlebury, Addison, Vermont, USA312, 310
died 27-Oct-1905 in New Haven, Addison, Vermont, USA312
h. Proven: Elizabeth Boomhower100
born Abt. 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada100

census 16-Jul-1860 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 2130313
census 1880 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 245A314
died Claimed Aft. 1915
married Proven Benjamin F. Popple 28-Nov-1860 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA315
born Abt. 1837 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA316
died 14-Nov-1862 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA316
i. Proven: Frank B. Popple318
born 09-Jan-1862 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA318
died 05-May-1863 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA319
buried Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Church St. cemetery319
married Proven 2nd Simon F. Fitts Nov-1871 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, USA317
born Claimed Abt. 1830
died Bef. 1880314
i. Probable: Delia Boomhower295
born Abt. 1833 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada295
census 19-Sep-1850 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 496295
4. Probable: Elizabeth Schoolcraft94
born Bef. 1795 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably19
died Bef. 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably51
married Proven Henry Notemire 04-Feb-1816 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; St-
Armand-West Anglican Church19
born Bef. 179519
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 813.1151
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1259.35, Range 8320
5. Probable: Peter Schoolcraft96
born Abt. 1795 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably31
census 1825 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.27321
census 26-Feb-1842 in West Bolton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2615.06;
[Missisquoi Co.]322
census 1871 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 14.09, Dist. 12731
died 28-Apr-1872 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada83
buried 30-Apr-1872 in Shefford, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada83
married Proven Jane [Unidentified] Bef. 183653, 84, 322
born Abt. 178753
census 1861 in Stukely, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 365.44, Dist. 1323
died 15-Jun-1870 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada53
buried 16-Jun-1870 in Shefford, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada53
a. Proven: Chester Schoolcraft31
born Abt. 1843 in Quebec, Canada31
b. Proven: Gilbert Schoolcraft31
born Abt. 1844 in Quebec, Canada31

married Proven 2nd Hannah Scofield Aft. 17966, 113

6. Proven: Simon Schoolcraft6
born 18-Mar-1800 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably6
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.0817
census 1831 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1253.23, Range 715
census Abt. 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2576.11, prob.
Conc. 1 - 614
census 25-Mar-1852 in Saint-Alexandre, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 85.12, Dist. 88
died 25-Nov-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada7

married Proven Elizabeth Cumming aka Kinman Bef. 183185, 324
born Abt. 1810 in Quebec, Canada8
a. Proven: Simon Schoolcraft85
born Abt. 04-Apr-1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada54, 85
census 06-Aug-1870 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; dw. 33325
census 1880 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; pp. 371B326
census 12-Jun-1900 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; pp. 2B.86, dw. 43, ED
fact Bet. Sep-1855 - Mar-1856 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada; Held in Montreal Jail
pending trial at which a not guilty verdict was delivered.842
fact Bet. 1883 - 1884 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; Schoolcraft Simon, (P.O.
Belvidere Corners) r 4 [rt. 109], farmer 25 acres.328
died 23-Aug-1907 in Milton, Chittenden, Vermont, USA54
married Proven Mary Harriet Sheehan Bef. 1858329, 331
born Mar-1833 in Ireland330
census 15-Jun-1900 in Cambridge, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; pp. 24A.01, dw. 289, ED
128, Jeffersonville330
died 25-Jul-1908 in Underhill, Chittenden, Vermont, USA331
i. Proven: Nelly M. Schoolcraft332
born 26-Aug-1858 in Enosburg, Franklin, Vermont, USA332
married Proven Allen Estes 13-Dec-1877 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA342, 343
born Abt. 1857 in Vermont, USA343
census 1880 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; pp. 399A343
ii. Proven: Charles Schoolcraft333
born Abt. 13-Aug-1859 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA333
died 23-Feb-1864 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA333
iii. Proven: Mary Schoolcraft334
born Abt. 26-Dec-1860 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA334
died 15-Sep-1864 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA334
iv. Proven: Moreus Cornelius Schoolcraft335
born 20-Nov-1863 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA335
v. Proven: George Schoolcraft336
born 07-Sep-1865 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA336
died 13-Sep-1867 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA337
vi. Proven: George Willis Schoolcraft aka Willie338
born 25-Aug-1868 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA338
died 02-Sep-1869 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA339
vii. Proven: Homer L. Schoolcraft340
born 15-Apr-1870 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA340
viii. Proven: Flora Schoolcraft341
born 25-Mar-1877 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA341
married Proven Frank C. Hickey 17-Nov-1897 in Bristol, Addison, Vermont,
married Proven 2nd Sarah McFinstry 15-Jul-1899 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA85,

born Feb-1830 in Hyde Park, Lamoille, Vermont, USA107, 106

died 26-Dec-1902 in Belvidere, Lamoille, Vermont, USA106
b. Proven: Robert Munson Schoolcraft55
born 30-Apr-1834 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably345
census 1861 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.32, Dist. 2548, 549
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 24.17, Dist. 4347
census 1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 4, Div. 1348

census 18-Apr-1891 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.04, dw.
82, Dist. 168-P349
census 1901 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 6.27, Div. P-2345
fact Bet. Sep-1855 - Mar-1856 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada; Held in Montreal Jail
pending trial at which a not guilty verdict was delivered.842
died 18-Feb-1905 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada346
married Proven Mary Ann Hoskin 15-Mar-1852 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Anglican Church55
born Aft. 183155
i. Proven: William Henry Schoolcraft350
born 21-Mar-1853 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada350
died 20-Sep-1853 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada351
buried 22-Sep-1853 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada351
married Proven 2nd Harriet Eleanora Sanderson Bet. 1853 - 1860352
born Abt. 1836 in Quebec, Canada347
died 25-May-1896 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada354
buried 27-May-1896354
ii. Proven: Samuel Thomas Schoolcraft352
born 01-Nov-1860 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada352
died 25-Sep-1861 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada353
buried 26-Sep-1861 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada353
iii. Proven: Ida Schoolcraft355
born 15-Sep-1862 in Riceburg, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
died 16-Aug-1863 in Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada356
buried 17-Aug-1863 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada356
iv. Proven: Elwin Larkin Schoolcraft357
born 15-Oct-1864 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada357
died Bef. 1871 in Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada347
v. Proven: Windsor Schoolcraft347
born Abt. 1867 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada347
vi. Proven: Walter John Schoolcraft358
born 20-Aug-1869 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada358
census 1901 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 6.27, Div.
census 1911 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1.47, dw.
13, Dist. 20360
census 13-Jan-1920 in Enosburg, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 43361
died Claimed 1945362
buried Claimed Riceburg, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Riceburg cemetery362
married Proven Persis A. Russell 02-Oct-1895 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont,
born 23-Oct-1876 in Quebec, Canada359, 362
died Claimed 1958362
buried Claimed Riceburg, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Riceburg cemetery362
vii. Proven: Elmer Schoolcraft364
born Abt. 28-Apr-1877 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada364
died 10-Dec-1877 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada364
buried 12-Dec-1877 in Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada364

c. Proven: Emily Schoolcraft56
born Claimed 17-Feb-1838 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada366
died Claimed 12-Feb-1912 in Union City, Tolland, Connecticut, USA366
married Proven David Frazier 24-May-1859 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada365, 366
married Claimed 2nd Willis Gardner Aft. 1878366
d. Proven: Edward Schoolcraft56
born Abt. 1839 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada56
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 11.17, Dist. 2367
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 44.01, Dist. 458
census 1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 191, Div. 3368
fact Abt. 1864 in Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Wallings Map,
Lot 5-11369
married Proven Hannah Deline 06-Jul-1859 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Potton and St. Armand East Baptist Church, probably at Stanbridge57, 108
born Abt. 1836 in Canada57
died 20-Apr-1878 in Riceburg, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada370,

buried 23-Apr-1878 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery370,


i. Proven: Harriet Schoolcraft367

born Abt. 1855 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada367
ii. Proven: Henry W. Schoolcraft372
born May-1857 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada372, 373
census 12-Jun-1900 in Windsor, Windsor, Vermont, USA; pp. 313A.23, ED
294, State Prison373
census 1911 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; pp. 9.30, dw. 95, Dist. 8374
married Proven Delia Litne 24-Sep-1888 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA372
iii. Proven: Charles E. Schoolcraft375
born Abt. 07-Feb-1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada367, 378
census 1880 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA; pp. 151B379
died 10-Sep-1890 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA375, 376, 377
buried 12-Sep-1890 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic
cemetery376, 378
married Proven Eva E. Bockus 14-Aug-1880 in Westford, Middlesex,
Massachusetts, USA380
born Abt. 1860 in Quebec, Canada380
iv. Proven: Ida Schoolcraft58
born Abt. 1862 in Quebec, Canada58
v. Proven: Emma Schoolcraft58
born Abt. 1863 in Quebec, Canada58
census 1880 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 115A812
vi. Proven: Amanda Schoolcraft381
born 24-Jan-1863 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada381
died 25-Apr-1863 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada381
buried 26-Apr-1863 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic
cemetery381, 382
vii. Proven: William Henry Schoolcraft383
born Abt. 1870 in Quebec, Canada383
married Proven Daisy Wilson 11-Mar-1905 in Montgomery, Franklin, Vermont,

married Proven 2nd Elizabeth Hakie Billings 26-Aug-1878 in Montgomery, Franklin,
Vermont, USA56
born Abt. 1840 in Quebec, Canada368
e. Proven: Polly Schoolcraft56
born Jan-1840 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada384
census 14-Jun-1860 in Bakersfield, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 84384
census 24-Jun-1870 in Bakersfield, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 175385
census 1880 in Bakersfield, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 10D386
census 06-Jun-1900 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, USA; pp. 142B.62, dw. 191,
ED 69, 44 Willard St.387
married Proven N. W. Dunham 17-Feb-1904 in Troy, Orleans, Vermont, USA61
f. Proven: Jewich Schoolcraft56
born Abt. 1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada56
g. Proven: Philip William Schoolcraft56
born Abt. 1844 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada56
census 26-Jun-1860 in Enosburg, Franklin, Vermont, USA; dw. 308388
census 21-Jun-1870 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA; dw. 67389
military 09-Sep-1862 ; Enlisted as a Private at the age of 18, residence Bakersfield,
military 10-Oct-1862 ; Enlisted in Company H, 13th Infantry Regiment Vermont390
military 21-Jul-1863 ; Mustered out Company H, 13th Infantry Regiment Vermont in
Brattleboro, VT.390
military 05-Jan-1864 ; Enlisted in Company A, 17th Infantry Regiment Vermont390
military 26-Aug-1864 ; Promoted to Full Corporal (As of Co. A 17th VT Inf).390
military 14-Jun-1865 ; Mustered out Company A, 17th Infantry Regiment Vermont390
died 15-Mar-1871 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA60
married Proven Mary A. Barry Bef. 186959
born Abt. 1853 in St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USA391, 59
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 159, Dist. 458
i. Proven: Cora Belle Schoolcraft59
born 09-Feb-1869 in Eden, Lamoille, Vermont, USA59
married Proven Joseph W. Miller 10-Jul-1899 in Penacook, Concord, Merrimack,
New Hampshire, USA392
born Abt. 1874 in Nova Scotia, Canada392
h. Proven: Ibei Schoolcraft56
born Abt. 1847 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada56
military 05-Aug-1862 ; Enlisted as a Private, residence Fairfield, Vermont.393
military 01-Sep-1862 ; Enlisted in Company I, 10th Infantry Regiment Vermont393
died 22-Feb-1864393
7. Proven: Scofield Schoolcraft98
born Abt. 1802 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada32, 102, 103
census 1825 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.2686
census 1831 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1251.39, Range
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 5.32, Conc. 6 N. Qtr. 832
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 35.19, dw. 109103
died Aug-1877 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada102
married Proven Catharine [Unidentified] Bef. 182432
born Abt. 1799 in New York, USA32
died 04-Feb-1879 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada87
a. Probable: Hannah Schoolcraft81, 109, 394
born Abt. 1824 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada394
died 06-Dec-1869 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada394

married Proven Edward Clark Bef. 1843395
born 01-Feb-1820 in Ernestown, Lennox, Ontario, Canada396, 109
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 5.21109
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 45.03110
census 08-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 6.04, dw. 25, Dist. 45-
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 17.28, Dist. 1396
died 18-Jan-1907 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada397
i. Proven: Robert Nelson Clark399
born Claimed 30-Jul-1843 in Camden, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Stone Mills,
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 7.17401
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 23.19402
census 06-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 2.07, dw. 8,
Dist. 45-H400
married Proven Nancy Jane Pringle 07-Feb-1873 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born Claimed 02-Feb-1853 in Brighton, Northumberland, Ontario, Canada399
died Claimed 15-Nov-1908
ii. Proven: [3] Martha Jane Clark403
born 12-Sep-1843 in Camden, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Stone Mills,
Napanee]404, 408
married Proven [2] David Edward Boomhower 10-Oct-1860 in Kennebec,
Frontenac, Ontario, Canada403
born 28-Feb-1838 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]404, 408, 403
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 8.39404
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 21.09405
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 26.04406
census 27-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 34.09, dw.
153, Dist. 45-H407
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 4.48, Dist. 2408
died 08-Jan-1917 in Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada848
iii. Proven: Daniel Clark409
born 10-May-1846 in Camden, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Stone Mills,
Napanee]109, 413
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 39.14410
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 23. 13411
census 06-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 1.18, dw. 5,
Dist. 45-H412
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 8.47, Dist. 1413
married Proven Elizabeth Barker 22-Jun-1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 12-May-1846 in England409, 413
iv. Proven: Edward Clark109
born Abt. 1848 in Camden, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Stone Mills, Napanee]109
died 13-Jul-1872 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada414
married Proven Caroline Parks Bef. 1872415
born Claimed 25-May-1853 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada;
v. Proven: Catherine Matilda Clark417
born Abt. 1850 in Camden, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Stone Mills, Napanee]109
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 39.14418

married Claimed [Unidentified] Kirkpatrick Bef. 1878417
died Bef. 1878417
married Proven 2nd James Parks 17-Jan-1878 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario,
Canada; [Historic]417
born Abt. 1847 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]417
vi. Proven: Philip Clark109
born Abt. 1852 in Ernestown, Lennox, Ontario, Canada109
died Claimed 04-May-1876
vii. Proven: Emily Clark109
born Abt. 1854 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada109
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 39.14410
viii. Proven: Jenette Clark109
born Abt. 1856 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada109
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 39.14410
died 25-Apr-1876 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada419
ix. Proven: Samson Clark109
born 28-Mar-1860 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada109
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 39.14410
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 26.04420
census 08-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 6.06, dw. 26,
Dist. 45-H421
married Proven Emma Ellen Parks Bef. 1887422
born Claimed 24-Feb-1871 in Ontario, Canada423
b. Conjecture: Charity Louisa Schoolcraft424, 425, 427
born Abt. 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada426
died 10-Sep-1878 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada430
married Proven William Kniff Bef. 1842849, 435
i. Conjecture: Lucina Kniff aka Lucina Peterson428, 431, 849
born Abt. 1842 in Ontario, Canada428
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 30.20428
married Proven [Unidentified] Palmateer428
died Bef. 1881428
ii. Proven: Philip Kniff aka Philip Peterson426, 849
born Abt. 1845 in Fredericksburgh, Greater Napanee, Lennox, Ontario,
iii. Proven: Catherine Kniff aka Catherine Peterson426, 849, 850
born 12-Aug-1845 in New York, USA426, 429
died 07-Jun-1924 in Kaladar, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; Kaladar, Anglesea &
iv. Proven: Polly Ann Kniff aka Polly Ann Peterson427, 849
born Abt. 1847 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]426
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 30.20428
v. Proven: Mary Jane Kniff aka Mary Jane Peterson427, 849
born Abt. 1850 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]426
married Proven David Wood 19-Sep-1873 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
Canada435, 433, 434
born Abt. 1852 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]435
married Proven 2nd Nicholas Peterson Bef. 1860425, 427
born 13-Apr-1824 in Adolphustown, Greater Napanee, Lennox, Ontario, Canada426, 429
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 9.25426
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 14.02427
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 30.20428

census 1901 in Anglesea and Effingham, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; pp. 04.39, dw. 35,
vi. Proven: Sarah Ann Peterson427
born Abt. 1854 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada426
vii. Proven: George Peterson426
born Abt. 1856 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada426
viii. Proven: Charlotte Peterson426
born Abt. 1858 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada426
ix. Proven: Manson Peterson426
born Abt. 10-Oct-1859 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada426, 429
x. Proven: Huldah Peterson436
born 27-Dec-1860 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada426, 437, 438
married Proven Joseph Miles Wood 02-Oct-1883 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 20-May-1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably440, 437
census 05-May-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 48.07, dw.
217, Dist. 45-H439
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 2.07, Dist. 1437
xi. Proven: Manley Peterson427
born 22-Dec-1864 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably427, 442
census 10-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 11.14, dw.
48, Dist. 45-H441
census 1901 in Arden, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 6.26, Queen St442
married Proven Hannah M. Parks 1886 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada443,

born 24-Dec-1857 in Fredericksburgh, Greater Napanee, Lennox, Ontario,

Canada445, 442
xii. Proven: Mahala Peterson427
born Abt. 1865 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably427
married Proven William Robert Knight 26-Mar-1884 in Kennebec, Frontenac,
Ontario, Canada446
born Abt. 1863 in Ontario, Canada446
census 13-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 12.01, dw.
51, Dist. 45-H447
c. Conjecture: Daniel Schoolcraft448
born Abt. 1826 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada449
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 5.38, Conc. 6 S. Qtr. 8449
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 36.01450
census 1881 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; pp. 26, dw. 125. [Historic]451
census 08-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 05.19, dw. 23, Dist.
died 22-Oct-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada453
married Proven Jane Ann Peterson Bef. 1855454
born 28-Feb-1828 in Adolphustown, Greater Napanee, Lennox, Ontario, Canada455, 449
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 10.16, Dist. 1, Conc. 6, lot
census 1911 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 7.35, dw. 68, Dist. 15432
died 29-Nov-1919 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]456
i. Proven: William David Schoolcraft450
born Abt. Dec-1855 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada458, 449, 462
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; dw. 109, Dist. 118-M459
census 08-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 05.03, dw.

21, Dist. 45-H460
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 9.25, Conc. 5, lot 6
& 7, Dist. 1461
census 1911 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; pp. 2.21, dw. 15, Dist. 12.
married Proven Emily Jane Tryon 24-May-1883 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 28-Jul-1859 in Newburgh, Lennox, Ontario, Canada462, 461
died 18-Jul-1922 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada463
ii. Proven: Rebecca Schoolcraft454
born 16-May-1856 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada454, 464
died 03-May-1916 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada466
married Proven Enos Wood 06-Nov-1877 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 27-May-1854 in Ernestown, Lennox, Ontario, Canada465, 464, 454
census 1881 in Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 26.01459
census 08-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 05.19, dw.
23, Dist. 45-H452
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 8.18, Dist. 1464
census 1911 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 7.35, dw. 68, Dist.
iii. Proven: Mahala Schoolcraft449
born Abt. 1860 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada449
iv. Proven: Daniel Schoolcraft457
born 05-Feb-1868 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada455
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 10.16, Conc. 6, lot 7,
Dist. 1455
census 1911 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 2.22, dw. 15, Dist.
married Proven Mary Diane Reid 15-Apr-1903 in Tamworth, Lennox, Ontario,
born Abt. 03-Jan-1850 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]457, 468
died 11-Sep-1909 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada468
married Claimed 2nd Eliza Hayes 02-Mar-1910 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 15-Jun-1878 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]469
died 26-Jan-1911 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada469
d. Probable: Edward Schoolcraft470
born Abt. 1827 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably471
census 1852 in Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; pp. 140.43, Dist. 2. Previously
York Co.471
census Claimed 1861 in Arkwright, Bruce, Ontario, Canada; Arran
census 1871 in Arkwright, Bruce, Ontario, Canada; dw. 84/Arran472
census 01-Jun-1880 in Toledo, Tama, Iowa, USA; pp. 604D.14, ED 290, dw. 37473
died 24-Jan-1881 in Humboldt, Iowa, USA474
buried 28-Jan-1881 in Toledo, Tama, Iowa, USA; Woodlawn cemetery474
married Proven Elizabeth Edmondson Bef. 1851471, 475
born Abt. 1829 in Ontario, Canada471
died 15-Mar-1878 in Toledo, Tama, Iowa, USA476
buried Claimed Toledo, Tama, Iowa, USA; Woodlawn cemetery
i. Proven: Mary Ann Schoolcraft472
born Abt. 1851 in Ontario, Canada471
died Aft. 24-Jan-1881477

married Proven [Unidentified] Rose Bef. 24-Jan-1881477
ii. Proven: Alice Jane Schoolcraft478
born 24-Feb-1853 in York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada478
died Bef. 24-Jan-1881477
iii. Proven: John W. Schoolcraft472
born 17-Feb-1855 in Ontario, Canada472, 479
died 17-Jan-1941 in Ralls, Crosby, Texas, USA479
buried Ralls, Crosby, Texas, USA; Ralls cemetery479
married Probable Elizabeth Gertrude [Unidentified] Aft. 1883488
born 31-Dec-1867489
died 22-Jan-1934 in Ralls, Crosby, Texas, USA489
buried Ralls, Crosby, Texas, USA; Ralls cemetery489
iv. Proven: Agnes Schoolcraft aka Lottie480
born 02-Feb-1856 in Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Previously York
died Bef. 24-Jan-1881477
v. Proven: James Schoolcraft472
born Abt. 1857 in Ontario, Canada472
died Aft. 24-Jan-1881477
vi. Proven: Thomas Schoolcraft481
born 22-Mar-1859 in Arkwright, Bruce, Ontario, Canada; Arran481
census 1880 in Midway, Umatilla, Oregon, USA; pp. 72B482
died 24-Dec-1918 in Washington, Oregon, USA483
married Claimed Cora Manila Hubbert Bef. 1909490
vii. Proven: Hannah Schoolcraft472
born Abt. 1861 in Ontario, Canada472
died Aft. 24-Jan-1881477
viii. Proven: Edgar Lyle Schoolcraft472
born 24-Aug-1862 in Arkwright, Bruce, Ontario, Canada; Arran472, 484
census 02-Jun-1900 in Boone, Wright, Iowa, USA; pp. 155B.53, dw. 11, ED
died 08-Feb-1933 in Renwick, Humboldt, Iowa, USA484
buried Renwick, Humboldt, Iowa, USA; Elmwood cemetery484
married Proven Clara Pears 25-Jul-1891 in Tama, Iowa, USA475
born Feb-1863 in Iowa, USA485
ix. Proven: Juliett Schoolcraft472
born Abt. 1865 in Ontario, Canada472
died Bef. 24-Jan-1881477
x. Proven: Edward A. Schoolcraft472
born Claimed 27-Feb-1866 in Arkwright, Bruce, Ontario, Canada; Arran486
census 02-Jun-1900 in Boone, Wright, Iowa, USA; pp. 156B.79, dw. 33, ED
died Aft. 24-Jan-1881477
married Claimed Mary Jane Hill 25-Dec-1885 in Renwick, Humboldt, Iowa,
born Mar-1866 in Canada487
xi. Proven: Josiah Schoolcraft472
born Abt. 1869 in Ontario, Canada472
died Aft. 24-Jan-1881477
xii. Proven: Bessie Mae Schoolcraft473
born Abt. 1873 in Ontario, Canada; Probably473
died Aft. 24-Jan-1881477

e. Proven: Mary Ann Schoolcraft62
born Abt. 1830 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada62, 492
died Bet. 1871 - 1876 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably497
married Proven Philip Peterson 26-Sep-1860 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada62
born 01-Jan-1841 in Portland, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada496, 492, 62
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 7.02492
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 17.04493
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 44. 07494
census 30-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 40.14, dw. 184, Dist.
census 1901 in Anglesea and Effingham, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; pp. 05.23, dw. 41,
i. Proven: George Henry Peterson493
born Abt. 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably493
ii. Proven: Scovil Schoolcraft Peterson493
born 18-Feb-1864 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada493, 499, 500
census 30-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 40.24, dw.
185, Dist. 45-H498
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 1.10, Dist. 2499
died Claimed 14-Feb-1921
married Proven Alvina Wood 26-Dec-1888 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 08-Apr-1869 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada499, 500
iii. Proven: Charlotte Almira Peterson493
born Abt. 1865 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably493
iv. Proven: Elijah Peterson493
born Abt. 1867 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably493
v. Proven: Eliza Peterson493
born Abt. 1867 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably493
vi. Proven: Charity Emily Peterson493
born 02-Feb-1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada493, 502, 501
married Proven John Edmund Hayes 24-Jun-1891 in Arden, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 02-Apr-1870 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada501, 502
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 6.34, Dist. 1502
f. Conjecture: Jane Schoolcraft503
born Abt. 1833 in Ontario, Canada504
census 1852 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; pp. 67.33, Dist. 2504
g. Conjecture: Elizabeth J. Schoolcraft505, 506
born 11-Oct-1839 in Ontario, Canada508
married Conjecture Gilbert Woodcock505, 506
born Abt. 1828 in Ontario, Canada508
census 08-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 04.17, dw. 19, Dist.
census 1901 in Faraday, Hastings, Ontario, Canada; pp. 14.42, dw. 107508
i. Probable: Sarah Ann Woodcock837, 838
born 16-Jan-1861 in Ontario, Canada834
died 11-Jun-1930 in Faraday, Hastings, Ontario, Canada837
married Proven Martin Boomhower Bef. 1885836
born 23-Feb-1863 in Ontario, Canada834
census 1901 in Faraday, Hastings, Ontario, Canada; pp. 14.48, dw. 109834
census 1911 in Faraday, Hastings, Ontario, Canada; pp. 7.20, dw. 60, Dist. 2835

ii. Proven: George L. Woodcock507
born 27-Jul-1866 in Ontario, Canada508
iii. Proven: William H. Woodcock507
born Abt. 1872 in Ontario, Canada507
iv. Proven: Scovil Woodcock506
born 01-Jun-1874 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada509, 506
census 1901 in Faraday, Hastings, Ontario, Canada; pp. 14.45, dw. 108509
married Proven Margaret Ethel Boomhower 10-Mar-1897 in Bancroft, Hastings,
Ontario, Canada506
born 08-Aug-1880 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada510
v. Proven: John A. Woodcock507
born Abt. 1879 in Ontario, Canada507
vi. Proven: Catherine Woodcock507
born Abt. 1882 in Ontario, Canada507
h. Proven: Charlotte Schoolcraft32
born Abt. 1841 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]32
census 1852 in Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; pp. 146.23, Dist. 2. Previously
York Co.511
i. Conjecture: John Schoolcraft811
born Bef. 1843
died 28-May-1870 in Beeton, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada; [Tecumseth]852
married Conjecture Mary [Unidentified] Bef. 1863 in Ontario, Canada851
born Abt. 1835 in Ontario, Canada852
census 1881 in Beeton, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada; dw. 303/[Tecumseth]852
i. Probable: Margaret Ann Schoolcraft852
born Abt. 1863 in Ontario, Canada852
married Albert Cummings Bef. 1882853
ii. Probable: John Schoolcraft852
born 10-Jan-1864 in Ontario, Canada855, 852
census 10-Apr-1891 in Beeton, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada; pp. 19.05, dw. 80,
Dist. 118-B854
census 1901 in Beeton, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada; pp. 12.50, dw. 146855
iii. Probable: Jessie Schoolcraft852
born Abt. 1867 in Ontario, Canada852
married William Camplin Bef. 1896856
iv. Probable: Charlotte Schoolcraft852
born Abt. 1869 in Ontario, Canada852
married Fred Camplin Bef. 1897857
8. Probable: Lorenzo Dow Schoolcraft95
born 05-Aug-1803 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably33, 513
census Abt. 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2576.15, prob.
Conc. 1 - 6512
census 1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 63.13, Dist. 1513
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 13.22, Dist. 3514
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 25.04, Dist. 3515
died 14-May-1878 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada26
buried 16-May-1878 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery26, 33
married Proven Hannah Boomhower Bef. 184026
born Abt. 09-Nov-1818 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada26, 513
died 25-Oct-1880 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada26
buried 27-Oct-1880 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery26

a. Proven: Mahala Clarissa Schoolcraft513, 516
born 1840 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada513, 523
died 1920 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada523
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery523
married Proven Charles J. Phelps 08-Feb-1864 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada524, 523
born 1841 in Quebec, Canada525, 523
died 1919 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada523
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery523
b. Proven: Sarah Sabrina Schoolcraft aka Marion513
born 21-Mar-1843 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada513, 527
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 13.10, Dist. 3528
died 25-Aug-1923 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada527
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery527
married Proven William Oscar Wright 18-Feb-1884 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Methodist Church526
born Abt. 1839527
died 16-Apr-1910 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada527
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery527
c. Proven: Ethan Allen Schoolcraft517
born 15-Feb-1846 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; aka
North Stanbridge530, 513
died 13-Nov-1887 in Longue-Pointe, Montréal, Quebec, Canada; Hospice St. Frau d.
buried 19-Nov-1887 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada530
married Proven Ellen Woodward Bef. 1876529
born Abt. 1842529
died 15-Sep-1876 in Massawippi, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada529
i. Proven: Mabel Dean Schoolcraft531
died 17-Jul-1876531
buried 18-Jul-1876 in Hatley, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada531
married Proven 2nd Nancy Truax 14-Sep-1878 in Berkshire, Franklin, Vermont, USA517
d. Proven: James Monroe Schoolcraft513
born 25-Sep-1848 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada537, 538
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 13.10, Dist. 3528
census 04-Jun-1880 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA; pp. 159C, 41 Boott
census 11-Jun-1880 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA; pp. 50D, Lawrence
Manuf. Co.533, 535
census 1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 108, Div. 3534
census 07-Apr-1891 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
5.03, dw. 21, Dist. 168-R Div. 2536
census 1901 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 07.07,
dw. 68, Div. M-3537
died 17-Dec-1912 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada538
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery538
married Proven Louisa Bigford Bef. 187327
born Abt. 29-Aug-185527
died 10-Sep-1873 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; aka
North Stanbridge26, 27
buried 12-Sep-1873 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery26, 27

i. Proven: Grace Schoolcraft539
born 07-Apr-1873 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA539
died 12-May-1873 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA540
married Proven 2nd Mary Jane Vaughan Bet. 1873 - 1879520
born 22-Feb-1852 in Quebec, Canada538, 537
died 11-Apr-1913 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada538
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery538
ii. Proven: Elwin Milo Schoolcraft520
born 07-Jun-1879 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada520
iii. Proven: Addie Pearl Schoolcraft520
born 20-Sep-1884 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada520
iv. Proven: Onam L. D. Schoolcraft521
born 05-May-1890 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada521
married Claimed Ina Jones Aft. 1906
e. Proven: Myron Hawley Schoolcraft513, 551
born 01-Jul-1851 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada545, 542
census 1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 108, Div. 3534
census 16-Apr-1891 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
21.25, dw. 105, Dist. 168-R Div. 2541
census 1901 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 03.08,
dw. 22, Div. M-2542
census 1911 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 4.25,
dw. 43, Dist. 14543
fact 1907 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Councillor544
died 06-Aug-1941 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada545
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery545
married Proven Ida Vaughan 24-Mar-1886 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Parsonage522, 551
born 26-Apr-1860 in Quebec, Canada545, 542
died 20-Jul-1926 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada545
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery545
i. Proven: Mabel Armida Schoolcraft546
born 03-Mar-1887 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; aka North Stanbridge545
died 18-Mar-1960 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada545
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery545
married Proven Clelan Alden Soule 08-Jan-1913 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada545
born 20-Aug-1880545
died 04-Feb-1967 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada545
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery545
ii. Proven Adopted: Maude Estella Primmerman550, 551
born 01-Dec-1900 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada550
census 1901 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
pp. 03.08, dw. 22, Div. M-2542
census 1911 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
pp. 4.25, dw. 43, Dist. 14543
died 10-May-1993547
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery547
f. Proven: Milo Schoolcraft93
born 08-Nov-1853 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada26
died 17-Oct-1877 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada93
buried 19-Oct-1877 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery26, 93

g. Proven: Flora Josephine Schoolcraft aka Louisa518
born Abt. Aug-1859 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada518
died 02-May-1862 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada518
buried 04-May-1862 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery518,

9. Conjecture: Daniel Schoolcraft97

born Abt. 1804 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably34
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 163.50, Dist. 234
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 30.10, Dist. 1, Dunham552
married Proven Mary Maria Dimond 06-Jun-1857 in Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
born Abt. 1814 in Quebec, Canada552
census 27-Apr-1891 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 45.13, dw. 225, Dist.
143-C Div. 2553
a. Proven: Alice Schoolcraft552
born Abt. 19-Jan-1859 in Quebec, Canada553, 554
census 1881 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 49, Div. 1555
census 11-Apr-1891 in St-Michel-de-Rougemont, Rouville, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9.16,
dw. 41, Dist. 183-M556
census 1901 in St-Michel-de-Rougemont, Rouville, Quebec, Canada; pp. 06.39, dw. 64554
married Uncertain relationship [Unidentified]
i. Proven: Ophelia Schoolcraft555
born Abt. 1880 in Quebec, Canada555
10. Conjecture: Anthony Schoolcraft97
born Bet. 1805 - 1808 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably35
census 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2569.30, Conc. 7 -
died Bef. 187166
married Proven Sarah Smith Bef. 182764
born Abt. 1809 in USA66
census 1871 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 7.19, Dist. 12766
census 1881 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 203, Dist. 59557
census 14-Apr-1891 in Orford, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 13.11, dw. 63, Dist. 188-G
Div. 268
a. Proven: Alpheus Edgar Schoolcraft aka Stephen Alfred562
born Abt. 1827 in Quebec, Canada559
census 1861 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 108.34, Dist. 8559
census 1871 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 7.19, Dist. 12766
census 1881 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 203, Dist. 59560
census 15-Apr-1891 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 11.08, dw.
57, Dist. 187-I Div. 1561
married Proven Jane Davis 18-Aug-1851 in Stukely, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada67
born Abt. 1830 in Quebec, Canada559
died 19-Aug-1865 in Fulford, Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada563
buried 21-Aug-1865 in Waterloo, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada563
i. Proven: Elijah N. Schoolcraft566
born Abt. Mar-1853 in Stukely-Sud, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada559, 568
census 06-Apr-1891 in Hampden, Le Haut-Saint-François, Quebec, Canada; pp.
3.25, dw. 16, Dist. 149-I/[Compton Co.]567
census 1911 in Hampden, Le Haut-Saint-François, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.43,
dw. 19, Dist. 19/[Compton Co.]568
married Proven Nancy Hitchcock 17-Jun-1885 in Troy, Orleans, Vermont, USA566
born Abt. Apr-1853 in USA568

ii. Proven: Albert A. Schoolcraft559, 569, 570
born Abt. 1857 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada559, 569
census 1881 in Potton, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; dw. 183, Div. 1571
census 06-Apr-1891 in Hampden, Le Haut-Saint-François, Quebec, Canada; pp.
3.06, dw. 12, Dist. 149-I/[Compton Co.]572, 573
died Bef. 1901574
married Proven Effie E. Coons 23-Sep-1880 in Troy, Orleans, Vermont, USA569
born Abt. 1861 in Addison, Addison, Vermont, USA571, 569
married Proven 2nd Christie [Unidentified] Bet. 1886 - 1891572
born 17-Mar-1874 in Quebec, Canada574
census 1901 in Scotstown, Le Haut-Saint-François, Quebec, Canada; pp.
iii. Proven: Arthur Riley Schoolcraft575, 559
born Bet. 1861 - 1865 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada575
died 22-Feb-1865 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada575
buried 24-Feb-1865 in Waterloo, La Haute-Yamaska, Quebec, Canada575
married Proven 2nd Sarah Sophia Bice 27-May-1867 in Shefford, La Haute-Yamaska,
Quebec, Canada564
born 06-Mar-1835 in Quebec, Canada565, 66
census 1901 in West Bolton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 02.26, dw. 14565
b. Probable: Martha Diana Schoolcraft808, 71
born Abt. 1830 in Quebec, Canada809
died Claimed 25-Mar-1901 in Magog, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada
buried Claimed 27-Mar-1901
married Proven David Ritcha 19-Apr-1852 in Stukely, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada71
married Claimed 2nd Abner Rider Aft. 1852
born Abt. 1815 in Quebec, Canada809
census 1881 in Magog, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 14, dw. 74809
census 17-Apr-1891 in Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 39.24, dw. 220,
Dist. 190-I Div. 1810
i. Claimed: Caroline Rider
born Claimed 1860 in Quebec, Canada
ii. Proven: Abner Rider809
born Abt. 1870 in Quebec, Canada809
iii. Proven: Henrietta Rider809
born Abt. 1875 in Quebec, Canada809
c. Proven: Matilda Jane Schoolcraft576, 577, 68
born Abt. Aug-1833 in Quebec, Canada579, 577
died 20-Jan-1904 in Magog, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada579
married Proven Robert Andrew Buzzel 13-Aug-1855 in Shefford, La Haute-Yamaska,
Quebec, Canada69
born Abt. 1836 in Quebec, Canada577
census 1871 in Orford, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 43.19577
census 1881 in Orford, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 11 dw. 47578
census 14-Apr-1891 in Orford, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 13.11, dw. 63,
Dist. 188-G Div. 268
i. Proven: Abram Buzzel577
born Abt. 1857 in Quebec, Canada577
ii. Proven: Jennie Buzzel577
born Abt. 1864 in Quebec, Canada577
iii. Proven: Carrie Buzzel577
born Abt. 1866 in Quebec, Canada577

married Proven John Humphries Bef. 189168
born Abt. 1878 in Quebec, Canada68
census 14-Apr-1891 in Orford, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 13.11,
dw. 63, Dist. 188-G Div. 268
iv. Proven: George Buzzel578
born Abt. 1877 in Orford, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; Probably578
v. Proven: Virna Buzzel68
born Abt. 1881 in Quebec, Canada68
d. Conjecture: David Schoolcraft580, 73
born Jul-1835 in Quebec, Canada73, 582
census 21-Jun-1860 in Lawrence, Essex, Massachusetts, USA; dw. 707, Ward 273
census 14-Jun-1870 in Hudson, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, USA; dw. 5074
census 1880 in Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA; pp. 29B581
census 05-Jun-1900 in Colorado Springs, El Paso, Colorado, USA; pp. 280A.30, dw. 181,
ED 30, 1117 Las Vegas St.582
married Proven Georgia [Unidentified] Abt. 1860582
born Jun-1842 in Maine, USA582
i. Proven: Georgiana Albertine Schoolcraft aka Maggie73, 74
born Abt. May-1860 in Lawrence, Essex, Massachusetts, USA73
ii. Proven: Cora S. Schoolcraft74
born Abt. 1862 in Quebec, Canada74
census 1880 in Little Horse Creek, Bent, Colorado, USA; pp. 427A, Precinct
7583, 584
iii. Claimed: Minnie Etta Schoolcraft585
born 15-Jul-1869 in Hampstead, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA585
e. Conjecture: Elizabeth Schoolcraft587
born Abt. 1837 in Quebec, Canada586
census 1861 in Magog, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 143.14, Dist. 1586
f. Conjecture: Herman O. Schoolcraft580, 73
born Jun-1839 in Quebec, Canada588
census 21-Jun-1860 in Lawrence, Essex, Massachusetts, USA; dw. 707, Ward 273
census 06-Jun-1870 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA; dw. 12275
census 25-Jun-1870 in South Boston, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA; dw. 1230,
Ward 1276
census 1880 in Albany, Carroll, New Hampshire, USA; pp. 276C77
census 18-Jun-1900 in Tamworth, Carroll, New Hampshire, USA; pp. 137A.49, dw. 233,
ED 23588
census 23-Jun-1900 in Sanford, York, Maine, USA; pp. 245B.69, dw. 657, ED 252589
married Proven Ellen Ross Abt. 1868588, 590
born Aug-1847 in Albany, Carroll, New Hampshire, USA588, 590
i. Proven: Walter Bertram Schoolcraft591, 77
born 17-May-1870 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA591
married Proven Edith W. Moulton 10-Nov-1894 in Tamworth, Carroll, New
Hampshire, USA590
born Abt. 1878 in Albany, Carroll, New Hampshire, USA590
g. Conjecture: Melissa Schoolcraft580, 73
born Abt. 1842 in Quebec, Canada73
census 21-Jun-1860 in Lawrence, Essex, Massachusetts, USA; dw. 707, Ward 273
married Proven George Knowlton 07-Dec-1864 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA72
h. Proven: Caroline Schoolcraft64
born Abt. 1848 in Stukely, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada64
census 1871 in Magog, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 53.13592

married Proven Aaron Wittier 13-Jan-1872 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA64
i. Proven: Melvina Abalina Schoolcraft70
born Abt. 04-Nov-1849 in Stukely, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada70, 594
census 1871 in Orford, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 43.19577
married Proven Richard J. Copp 28-Oct-1871 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA70
born 04-Mar-1845 in Quebec, Canada595, 594
census 1881 in Magog, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 9 dw. 42593
census 1901 in Magog, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada; pp. 02.19, dw. 16594
i. Uncertain relationship: Oral A. Copp596, 593
born 08-Feb-1870 in USA593, 594
ii. Proven: Ellen E. Copp593
born Abt. 1873 in Quebec, Canada593
iii. Proven: Walter F. Copp593
born Abt. 1875 in Quebec, Canada593
iv. Proven: Annie E. Copp593
born Abt. 1876 in Quebec, Canada593
v. Proven: Edith M. Copp593
born Abt. 1878 in Quebec, Canada593
vi. Proven: Hattie B. Copp593
born Abt. 1880 in Quebec, Canada593
vii. Proven: Moses W. Copp594
born 25-Mar-1882 in Quebec, Canada594
11. Conjecture: Deborah Schoolcraft97
born Abt. 1809 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably36
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 33.15597
married Proven Walter Boomhower 28-Apr-1825 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA28
born Abt. 1807 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada36, 601
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 809.17598
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1255.06, Range 7599
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 8.4436
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 21.09600
died 04-Dec-1877 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada601
a. Conjecture: Julia Boomhower602
born Abt. 1829 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada637
married Proven Christopher Kellar Bef. 1851638
born Abt. 1829 in Frontenac, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada637
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 6.33637
i. Proven: Mary Jane Kellar637
born Abt. 1851 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]637
ii. Proven: George C. Kellar638
born 27-Feb-1854 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada641, 638
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 6.12639
census 25-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 33.12, dw.
150, Dist. 45-H640
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 1.41, Dist. 2641
married Proven Joanna Barker 25-Dec-1877 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 12-Mar-1852 in Richmond, Greater Napanee, Lennox, Ontario, Canada641,

iii. Proven: Hester Ann Kellar637

born Abt. 1857 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada637

iv. Proven: Margaret H. Kellar637
born Abt. 1859 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada637
v. Proven: Huldah Kellar642
born Abt. 1861 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]642
married Proven Robert Armstrong 25-Dec-1883 in Tamworth, Lennox, Ontario,
born Abt. 1860 in Richmond, Greater Napanee, Lennox, Ontario, Canada642
vi. Proven: Lovina Kellar643
born Abt. 1862 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; Probably. [Historic]643
married Proven Lawrence Roloffs 20-Dec-1879 in Flinton, Lennox, Ontario,
born Abt. 1854 in Denmark643
vii. Proven: Christopher Kellar644
born Abt. 1865 in Ontario, Canada644
married Proven Magaret Jayne 23-May-1888 in Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario,
born Abt. 1865 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; Probably. [Historic]644
b. Proven: Mary Ann Boomhower603
born 15-May-1832 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada603
died 19-Jun-1832 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada603
buried 20-Jun-1832 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada603
c. Proven: Margaret Boomhower604
born Apr-1833 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably630, 634
died 02-Aug-1910 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada604
married Proven James Peterson Bef. 1853636
born 08-Dec-1832 in Camden, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Stone Mills, Napanee]630, 634
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 8.34630
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 24.01631
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 34.10632
census 14-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 15.17, dw. 65, Dist.
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 18.38, Dist. 1634
died 18-Mar-1904 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada635
i. Proven: Jane Ann Peterson631
born 17-Feb-1853 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada645, 630
married Proven David Wilmer Woodcock 25-Jul-1871 in Sheffield, Lennox,
Ontario, Canada; [Historic]648
born 07-Sep-1849 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]648, 645
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 2.03649
census 13-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 14.07, dw.
59, Dist. 45-H650
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 18.33, Dist. 1645
ii. Proven: James Nelson Peterson631
born 10-Apr-1855 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada646, 630
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 16.21, Dist. 1646
married Proven Annice M. [Unidentified] Bef. 1897646
born 16-Apr-1857 in Ontario, Canada646
iii. Proven: Charlotte Rebecca Peterson631
born 10-Feb-1859 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada647, 630
married Proven David Wilson Thompson 13-May-1879 in Kennebec, Frontenac,
Ontario, Canada651
born 14-Jun-1857 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]651, 647

census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 36.17652
census 13-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 14.21, dw.
61, Dist. 45-H653
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 18.41, Dist. 1647
iv. Proven: Rosetta Peterson631
born Abt. 1863 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada631, 654
died Bef. 1891655
married Proven George Woodcock 29-Dec-1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 01-Aug-1852 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]656, 654
census 14-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 16.03, dw.
68, Dist. 45-H655
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 18.50, Dist. 1656
died 06-Oct-1902 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada657
v. Proven: William Andrew Peterson631
born 25-Sep-1868 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably647, 631
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 18.41, Dist. 1647
married Proven Mary Marilla Wood 25-Nov-1896 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 30-Apr-1879 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada658, 647
vi. Proven: Wilson Peterson636
born 19-Dec-1876 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada636, 634
married Proven Ethel F. Files 19-Apr-1903 in Arden, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada636
born Abt. 1886 in Camden, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Stone Mills, Napanee]636
d. Conjecture: Nelson Boomhower602
born Abt. 1835 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably623
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 8.49623
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 25.07624
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 33.07625
died 02-Feb-1889 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada626
married Proven Eleanor Peterson Bef. 1857627, 623
born Abt. 1840 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]623
i. Proven: James Albert Boomhower624
born 12-Mar-1857 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada659, 662
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; dw. 7660
census 14-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 16.14, dw.
70, Dist. 45-H661
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 8.04, Dist. 2662
married Proven Hannah Mahala Woodcock 01-Dec-1873 in Kennebec, Frontenac,
Ontario, Canada659
born 21-Jan-1859 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada659, 662
died 07-Jan-1927 in Frontenac, Ontario, Canada813
ii. Proven: George Paul Boomhower627, 624
born 01-Jan-1858 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada627, 665
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; dw. 138663
census 21-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 25.14, dw.
113, Dist. 45-H664
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 6.33, Dist. 2665
census 1911 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 2.30, dw. 24, Dist.
married Proven Eliza Jane Scott 06-May-1878 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,

born 25-Nov-1858 in Kaladar, Lennox, Ontario, Canada627, 665
died 07-Apr-1922 in Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada815
iii. Proven: William Nelson Boomhower624
born 15-Feb-1862 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada666, 668
census 20-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 24.15, dw.
108, Dist. 45-H667
census 1901 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; pp. 08.01, dw. 65668
died 17-Sep-1926 in Deseronto, Hastings, Ontario, Canada816, 817
married Proven Eliza Jane Harten 25-Dec-1886 in Kaladar, Lennox, Ontario,
born 07-May-1866 in Camden, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Stone Mills,
Napanee]666, 668
died 11-Jan-1907 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]818
married Proven 2nd Minerva Ellen Scott 05-Apr-1907 in Mountain Grove,
Frontenac, Ontario, Canada669
born Abt. 1869 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada669
iv. Proven: Rosanna Boomhower624
born 19-Jun-1863 in Ontario, Canada670
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; dw. 140597
census 20-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 24.04, dw.
106, Dist. 45-H629
married Proven George Wellington Haines Bef. 1887671, 670
born 06-Mar-1860 in Ontario, Canada670
census 16-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 19.24, dw.
85, Dist. 45-H672
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 15.31, Dist. 1670
married Proven 2nd Lucinda Jane [Unidentified] Bef. 1871624
born Abt. 1842 in Ontario, Canada624
died Bef. 1873 in Ontario, Canada628
v. Uncertain relationship: Sally Ann Boomhower625, 673
born Abt. 1871 in Ontario, Canada625
married Proven 3rd Mary Jane Woodcock 01-Jul-1873 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born Abt. 1852 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]628
census 20-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 24.04, dw. 106, Dist.
census 1911 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 4.27, dw. 36, Dist. 15819
vi. Proven: Margaret Boomhower625
born Abt. 1874 in Ontario, Canada625
vii. Proven: Lovina Boomhower674
born 18-Jan-1877 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada675, 674
married Proven Charles Milton Green 26-Dec-1893 in Enterprise, Lennox, Ontario,
born 16-May-1862 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]675, 674
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 4.23, Dist. 1675
viii. Proven: Delia Boomhower625, 820
born Abt. 1879 in Ontario, Canada625
ix. Proven: Jane Boomhower676
born Abt. Jun-1880 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada676, 625, 819
married Proven Edward Thompson 28-Jul-1900 in Olden, Frontenac, Ontario,
born Abt. Dec-1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada676, 819

census 1911 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 4.27, dw. 36, Dist.
x. Proven: Laura Boomhower629
born Abt. 1882 in Ontario, Canada629
xi. Proven: George Boomhower629
born Abt. 1883 in Ontario, Canada629
e. Proven: [2] David Edward Boomhower403
born 28-Feb-1838 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]404, 408, 403
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 8.39404
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 21.09405
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 26.04406
census 27-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 34.09, dw. 153, Dist.
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 4.48, Dist. 2408
died 08-Jan-1917 in Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada821
married Proven [3] Martha Jane Clark 10-Oct-1860 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 12-Sep-1843 in Camden, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Stone Mills, Napanee]404, 408
i. Proven: Hannah Matilda Boomhower405
born 17-Apr-1863 in Ontario, Canada678, 405
married Proven Richard Larabee Bef. 1883677
born 16-Mar-1856 in Ontario, Canada678
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 9.07, Dist. 2678
ii. Proven: Mary Ann Boomhower408
born 11-Sep-1867 in Ontario, Canada408
married Proven Albert Gaylord 17-Oct-1885 in Arden, Frontenac, Ontario,
born Abt. 28-Feb-1866 in Ontario, Canada408
census 27-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 34.03, dw.
152, Dist. 45-H680
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 4.48, Dist. 2408
iii. Proven: Minerva Boomhower405
born Abt. 1870 in Ontario, Canada405
iv. Proven: Margaret Ida Boomhower681
born 04-Jul-1872 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada681
died 21-May-1889 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada682
f. Proven: Sarah Jane Boomhower605
born Abt. Aug-1840 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]618, 622
died 02-Mar-1919 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada605
married Proven John Osburn Woodcock 28-Feb-1858 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born Abt. 1836 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]618, 622
census 1861 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 8.41618
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 3.14619
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 35.24620
census 15-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 17.15, dw. 76, Dist.
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 18.08, Dist. 1622
i. Proven: Manson Woodcock618
born 05-Jun-1858 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada695, 618
census 17-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 20.10, dw.

87, Dist. 45-H694
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 15.39, Dist. 1695
married Proven Hester Ann Parks aka Hettie 16-Jul-1883 in Kennebec, Frontenac,
Ontario, Canada696
born 15-Jul-1866 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada696, 695
ii. Proven: Mary Ann Woodcock620
born 16-Mar-1865 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably693, 620
married Proven James H. Parks Bef. 1882691
born 12-Jul-1853 in Fredericksburgh, Greater Napanee, Lennox, Ontario,
Canada685, 693
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 45.03692
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 17.22, Dist. 1693
iii. Proven: Catherine Matilda Woodcock aka Charlotte619
born Abt. 1866 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably619
iv. Proven: William Woodcock619
born Abt. 1869 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada689, 619
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 16.43, Dist. 1690
married Proven Minerva Parks 12-Jul-1893 in Arden, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada689
born 02-Apr-1877 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada689, 690
v. Proven: Deborah Matilda Woodcock619
born Abt. Mar-1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably619
vi. Proven: Christy Ann Woodcock687
born 30-May-1873 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada687
married Proven John Edward Miller 28-Dec-1896 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born Abt. 1851 in Palmerston, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada688
vii. Proven: Edward Wilson Woodcock822
born 02-Jan-1876 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada822
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 18.08, Dist. 1622
married Proven Minnie M. Herrington 16-Nov-1898 in Arden, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 22-Aug-1878 in Camden, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Stone Mills,
Napanee]686, 622
viii. Proven: Minnie A. Woodcock683
born 03-Apr-1879 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada683, 684
married Proven John Thomas Parks 04-Sep-1893 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 01-Apr-1864 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada684, 683, 685
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 16.48, Dist. 1684
ix. Proven: Emma Loretta Woodcock620
born 18-Jul-1880 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada622, 697
married Proven Reuben B. Wood 06-Mar-1902 in Arden, Frontenac, Ontario,
born Abt. 1880 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada697
x. Proven: Ida M. Woodcock698
born Abt. 1883 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada698, 621
married Proven James A. Miller 15-Sep-1899 in Arden, Frontenac, Ontario,
born Abt. 1880 in Palmerston, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada698
g. Proven: James Boomhower606
born Abt. 1842 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]606

census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 29.11612
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 36.20613
census 16-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 18.03, dw. 78, Dist.
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 18.14, Dist. 1615
died 31-May-1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada616
married Proven Amanda Peterson 26-May-1862 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada606
born 24-Feb-1843 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]615, 606
i. Proven: Rosella Boomhower612
born Abt. 1864 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably612
married Proven Thomas Gee Bef. 1897699
ii. Proven: Eleanor Boomhower612
born Abt. 1866 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada700
married Proven Elijah Thompson 24-Dec-1888 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
born Abt. 1866 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada701, 700
census 14-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 15.02, dw.
62, Dist. 45-H702
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 19.34, Dist. 1703
iii. Proven: Elias Boomhower704
born Abt. Feb-1869 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada704
died 14-Dec-1869 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada704
iv. Proven: Silas Boomhower705
born 09-Jul-1872 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada705
census 1911 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 1.29, dw. 5, Dist.
married Margaret [Unidentified] Bef. 1899823
born Feb-1874 in Ontario, Canada823
v. Proven: James Wilson Boomhower613, 614
born 03-Apr-1877 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada613, 615, 707
census 1911 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 2.17, dw. 13, Dist.
married Proven Huldah Wood 05-Jul-1905 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
Canada; Probably707
born Abt. 1887 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada707
vi. Proven: Archibald Thompson Boomhower614, 615
born 09-Aug-1883 in Ontario, Canada615
h. Proven: Mary Ann Boomhower aka Mary Jane607
born 22-Mar-1846 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]36, 607, 611
died 21-Jul-1929 in Frontenac, Ontario, Canada824
married Proven Gilbert Stouton Thompson 22-Nov-1869 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario,
Canada607, 824
born 22-Nov-1846 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]611, 607
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 27.01608
census 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 16.10609
census 1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 33.15597
census 13-Apr-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 14.11, dw. 60, Dist.
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 19.13, Dist. 1611
census 1911 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 2.04, dw. 11, Dist. 17826
died 08-Dec-1931 in Arden, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada825

i. Proven: George Wilson Thompson708
born Abt. 1871 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada708, 597
married Proven Electa Jane Woodcock 29-Nov-1891 in Kennebec, Frontenac,
Ontario, Canada708
born Abt. 1872 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada708
ii. Proven: Manson Thompson709
born 23-Feb-1873 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada709
died 29-Nov-1917 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada827
iii. Proven: Cecilia Ruth Thompson828
born 10-Jul-1875 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada828
married Proven John Wesley Scott 11-Apr-1894 in Arden, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 24-Jul-1872 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada713
census 1901 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; pp. 14.31, Dist. 1711
iv. Proven: Cinderella Thompson712
born 08-Mar-1879 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada712
v. Proven: Edith Edna Thompson714
born Abt. 1880 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada714, 597
married Proven Joseph Thompson 08-Apr-1903 in Greater Napanee, Lennox,
Ontario, Canada714
born Abt. 1879 in Ireland714
vi. Proven: Marshall Thompson611
born 12-Jul-1881 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably611
vii. Proven: Jennie F. Thompson715
born Abt. 22-Feb-1884 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada715, 611
married Proven Milo Norman Wood 01-Jun-1903 in Arden, Frontenac, Ontario,
born 09-Nov-1875 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada715, 716
viii. Proven: Herbert Thompson611
born 28-Apr-1886 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada; Probably611
ix. Proven: Roscoe Thompson717
born 15-Oct-1889 in Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada717
Adopted: Marquis Boomhower826
born Apr-1902 in Ontario, Canada826
i. Proven: Peter Boomhower36
born Abt. 1847 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]36
12. Conjecture: Sarah Schoolcraft97, 78
born Abt. 1811 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably37
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 31.08, Dist. 4722
census 1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 34, Div. 1723
died 25-Nov-1895 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada78
buried 27-Nov-1895 in Stanbridge Ridge, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada78
married Proven Adam Boomhower Bef. 183779
born Abt. 1792 in Brunswick, Rensselaer, New York, USA; Probably37
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 809.03718
census Abt. 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2576.10, prob.
Conc. 1 -6719
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 49.40, Dist. 137
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1.38, Dist. 2720
died 14-Jan-1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada721
a. Proven: Hannah L. Boomhower79
born 30-Aug-1837 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada79

census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 15.29, Dist.
died 24-May-1913 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada721
buried Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Harris aka Hillside cemetery725
married Proven John Gage 12-Nov-1860 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada726
born Claimed 01-May-1823 in Quebec, Canada
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1.38, Dist. 2720
census 24-Apr-1891 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 22.11, dw.
144, Dist. 168-P727
died 1896 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada725
buried Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Harris aka Hillside cemetery725
i. Proven: Emma Helen Gage728
married Proven Hobart Orsin Harris 25-Feb-1885 in Frelighsburg, Brome-
Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church730
ii. Proven: General Gage731
born 04-Feb-1856 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada731
census 1901 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 4.44,
Div. J-1732
married Proven Harriet [Unidentified] Bef. 1881732
born 27-Apr-1853 in Quebec, Canada732
iii. Proven: Jennie Edna Gage733
born 20-Feb-1860 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada733
married Proven Francis Munroney 28-Jul-1886 in Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church734
iv. Proven: John Gage729
born 06-Aug-1863 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada737
census 24-Apr-1891 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
22.06, dw. 143, Dist. 168-P736
census 1901 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.14, Div.
married Proven Mary Catherine Gage 16-Mar-1885 in Frelighsburg, Brome-
Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church,735
born 28-Feb-1861 in Quebec, Canada737
b. Proven: Nelson Boomhower743
born 09-Dec-1840 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada743
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 20.19, Dist. 4740
census 1881 in St-Armand East, Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw.
38, Dist. 65-E741
census 24-Apr-1891 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 22.21, dw.
146, Dist. 168-P742
died 10-Mar-1894 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada744
buried 11-Mar-1894 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably744
married Proven Ada M. Johnson 25-Feb-1869 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA745
born Abt. 1848 in Quebec, Canada740
died Bef. 14-Feb-1888746
i. Uncertain relationship: Agnes [Unidentified] aka Boomhower742, 747
born Abt. 1875 in Quebec, Canada742
ii. Proven: Bertrum Ernest Boomhower741, 721
born 08-Oct-1876 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Probably741, 721
census 1901 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 8.40, Div.

married Proven Grace Ethel [Unidentified] Bef. 1950721
born 30-Apr-1895 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada721, 748
died 08-Jun-1950 in Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada721
iii. Proven: Debora Elizabeth Boomhower741, 721
born Abt. Feb-1881 in Quebec, Canada741
married Proven [Unidentified] Harner721
married Proven 2nd Adèlin Bourdon 14-Feb-1888 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; St-Damien Catholic Church746
c. Proven: Horatio Boomhower37
born 1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada37, 752
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 43.16, Dist. 4750
census 07-Apr-1891 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.11, dw. 12,
Dist. 168-P751
died 10-Aug-1897 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada753
buried 12-Aug-1897 in Pearceton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pearceton
cemetery753, 752
married Proven Almira Casey 10-Oct-1863 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
born 14-Feb-1824 in Quebec, Canada755, 750
died 04-Jul-1895 in Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada756
buried 06-Jul-1895 in Pearceton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pearceton
cemetery756, 752
i. Proven: Clara Emma Boomhower758
born 1865 in Bakersfield, Franklin, Vermont, USA758
died 1952 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada759
buried Pearceton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pearceton cemetery759
married Proven Jacob Frazier 03-Oct-1887 in Berkshire, Franklin, Vermont, USA758
born 1857759
died 1938 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada759
buried Pearceton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pearceton cemetery759
ii. Conjecture: [Unidentified] Boomhower751, 760
born Bef. 1866751
iii. Proven: Horatio H. Boomhower752
born 1891752
died 1912 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada752
buried Pearceton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pearceton cemetery752
married Proven 2nd Laura Ellen Dappet 14-Jun-1896 in Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church757
d. Proven: Riley Boomhower37
born Abt. 1843 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada37
military Private, 14th Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry, Company H761
military Killed in the War of Rebellion762
fact Unmarried762
died 07-Jan-1863 in Wisconsin, USA762, 721
e. Proven: Walter Boomhower37
born 17-Mar-1846 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada766
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 20.04, Dist. 4763
census 1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1, dw. 1764
census 28-Apr-1891 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 32.05, dw.
200, Dist. 168-P765
census 1901 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.22, Div. P-1766
census 1911 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.22, dw. 14, Dist.

died Claimed 06-Dec-1918 in Keene, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA721, 767
married Proven Elizabeth Sanderson Bef. 1860768
born 02-Nov-1844 in Quebec, Canada768, 763, 766
died Claimed 1917
i. Proven: John Boomhower763
born Abt. 1860 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada763
census 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 31.08, Dist.
ii. Proven: Riley Boomhower769
born 21-Dec-1864 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada770, 769
census 1901 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 4.47, Div.
census 1911 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 5.45, dw.
51, Dist. 21830
died 1942 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada771
buried Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Harris aka Hillside
married Proven Eliza Ann Unwin 01-Jan-1885 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont,
born 19-Nov-1868 in Quebec, Canada770
died Claimed 21-Oct-1951 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada
buried Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Harris aka Hillside
iii. Proven: Harriet Ella Boomhower772
born Abt. 1865 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada772, 763
married Proven Dennis Tanner 31-Jul-1883 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA772
married Proven 2nd John E. Hodge 14-Jul-1888 in South Franklin, Franklin,
Vermont, USA; Methodist Episcopal Church773, 774
born Abt. 1869 in West Brome, Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada774
iv. Proven: Ida May Boomhower775
born Abt. 1867 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada775, 763
died Claimed 1951
married Proven Charles H. Safford 15-Oct-1887 in South Franklin, Franklin,
Vermont, USA; Methodist Episcopal Church775, 776
born Abt. 1859776
v. Proven: Theresa Boomhower777
born 15-Jul-1869 in Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada777
married Proven Nelson P. Vorce 12-Jun-1886 in South Franklin, Franklin, Vermont,
USA; Methodist Episcopal Church778
born Claimed Abt. 1847
died Bef. 1891765
vi. Proven: Burton Boomhower779
born 28-Feb-1872 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada781, 779
census 1901 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.50, Div.
census 1911 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 5.27, dw.
47, Dist. 21831
died 1915782
buried Stanbridge Ridge, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Stanbridge Ridge cemetery782

married Proven Rosalie Benoit aka Minnie 03-Dec-1895 in Franklin, Franklin,
Vermont, USA779, 780
born 08-Jan-1872 in Quebec, Canada781
vii. Proven: Irving Boomhower766
born 16-Dec-1874 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada766
census 1901 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.22, Div.
census 1911 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.22, dw.
14, Dist. 21829
married Claimed Lottie Washburn
born 22-Aug-1877 in USA766
viii. Proven: Thomas Boomhower783
born 01-Oct-1876 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada766, 764
census 1911 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 7.27,
dw. 73, Dist. 10786
died 1956 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada787
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pigeon Hill cemetery787
married Proven Nellie Jones 10-Dec-1896 in West Berkshire, Franklin, Vermont,
USA; Methodist Church783, 784
born Abt. 1877784
married Proven 2nd Ellen Shufelt 05-Sep-1905 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont,
born 18-Nov-1881 in Quebec, Canada788, 787
died 1959 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada787
buried St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Pigeon Hill cemetery787
ix. Proven: Eva Lottie Boomhower764
born 22-Aug-1877 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada766, 764
died Claimed New York, New York, New York, USA
married Claimed Harry Sears
born Claimed Abt. 1875
x. Proven: George Boomhower789
born 20-Oct-1880 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada789, 766
census 1901 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.22, Div.
census 1911 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2.29, dw.
16, Dist. 21832
died Claimed 29-Aug-1970 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada
buried Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; St. James cemetery790
married Proven Ida May Washburn 28-Feb-1900 in Berkshire, Franklin, Vermont,
USA789, 790
born 04-Nov-1883 in USA766
died 1958 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada790
buried Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; St. James cemetery790
xi. Proven: Della Boomhower aka Nellie791
born 28-Aug-1885 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada766, 791
married Proven Edward D. Boomhower aka Edwin 23-Dec-1903 in West Berkshire,
Franklin, Vermont, USA; Methodist Church791, 792
born 22-Oct-1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada739, 791
xii. Proven: Harry Boomhower765
born Abt. 1887 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada765
xiii. Proven: Enville Boomhower765
born Abt. 1888 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada765

f. Proven: Albro Boomhower794
born Abt. 1847 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada37
military Abt. 1861 ; Civil War793
died 24-Jul-1878 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada795
buried 25-Jul-1878 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada795
married Proven [4] Esther A. Murgatroy 01-Jan-1872 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont,
born 03-Sep-1854 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada286, 281
census 28-Apr-1891 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 29.01, dw.
183, Dist. 168-P287
died 15-Jul-1918286
buried Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Hillside cemetery286
i. Proven: Clarence Boomhower796
born 08-Jul-1866 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada796
died 21-Sep-1877 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada796
buried 23-Sep-1877 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
ii. Proven: Nellie Boomhower285, 797
born Claimed 10-Sep-1878 in Vermont, USA
died 1932798
buried Richford, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Hillside cemetery798
married Proven Leon Ernest Demar Bef. 1932798
g. Proven: [Unidentified] Boomhower37
born Abt. 1849 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada37
died 1851 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada37
h. Proven: Lovina Boomhower799
born 25-Oct-1849 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada799
died 22-Jan-1921 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada801
married Proven Thomas Jones Bef. 1873800
i. Proven: Evalina Maud Jones800
born 07-Sep-1873 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada800
married Proven [Unidentified] Glasgow Bef. 1921801
ii. Proven: Mabel Jones721
born Claimed Aft. 1881
married Proven [Unidentified] Gough721
i. Proven: Andrew Boomhower802
born Claimed 13-Feb-1854 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
died 07-Apr-1898 in Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada804
buried 09-Apr-1898804
married Proven Aurilla Laroche 19-Feb-1879 in Franklin, Franklin, Vermont, USA; Franklin
Hotel802, 803
born Claimed 1859
i. Proven: Cornelia Boomhower805
born Abt. Jan-1880 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada805, 833
married Proven Levi Ashton 30-May-1896 in South Franklin, Franklin, Vermont,
USA; Methodist Episcopal Church805, 806
born Abt. May-1875 in Quebec, Canada806, 833
census 06-Jun-1900 in Enosburg, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 49A.34, dw. 74,
ED 105833
married Proven 2nd [Unidentified] Monette Aft. 1900721, 833

ii. Claimed: Albro Boomhower807
born 02-Oct-1885 in Quebec, Canada738
census 1901 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 4.23, Div. C-
census 1901 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 4.20, Div.
iii. Proven: Jennie Boomhower833
born Abt. Jan-1888 in Quebec, Canada833
census 06-Jun-1900 in Enosburg, Franklin, Vermont, USA; pp. 49A.34, dw. 74,
ED 105833

1 New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Martinus on Feb 6 [1764], parents Christiaan
Schoolcraft & Elizabeth Margarit Bekker, sponsors Henderick Hauqe & Eva Bekker.
2 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac

3 Québec: Census, 1825: Page 808.25, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Martin Schoolcraft, 2

total in household, 1 14 but under 18. Males: 1 60 and up Sing. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Sing.
4 Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Damien de Bedford, by Abbé Isidore Desnoyers, 1887, pp. 101, 102. Simon se fixa

sur le lot No 19 précisément sur la terre où est bâtie l'église actuelle de St-Ignace.
5 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.39, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 4 Head of

household Scofield Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. 8 Total in household, 3 under 5, 2 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not
60 Marr., 1 60 and up Sing.Females: 4 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 8 Anglican.
6 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Simon the son of Martin Schoolcraft of Stanbridge, husbandman,

and of Hannah his wife whose maiden name was Scholefield was born on the eighteenth day of March in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and was baptised on the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and fourty four in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me W. M. Harvard Minister.
Joel Spears, Moses Russell.
7 Montréal Tutorship Records: No. 501 this 14th Augt. 1854 Minors Simon Schoolcraft Tutorship ... Elizabeth

Kinman, widow and relict of the late Simon Schoolcraft in his life time of the Stanbridge yeoman, who departed this
life the Twenty fifth day of November Eighteen hundred and fifty two ... a tutor or tutrix and sub tutor be appointed to
Emily, Edward, Polly, Jewich, Phillip and Ibei Schoolcraft of the respective ages of nineteen, sixteen, fourteen, twelve,
ten and seven, minor children issue of her marriage with the said Simon Schoolcraft
8 Québec: Census, 25-Mar-1852: pp. 85.12, Dist. 8, St. Alexandre, Rouville Co., Agric. 109.03 Lot not stated: Samuel

Schoolcraft age 52 male born in Allemagne occ./rel. cultivateur, Methodist. Elizabeth Commons age 42 female born in
Allemagne occ./rel. Methodist.
9 Vermont: Marriage Record, Highgate VT reported marriage of Hannah Schoolcraft to Moses Spears on 2-Mar-1807.

Hannah Schoolcraft residing in Stanbridge Lower Canada.

10 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vieux Cimetière de Pike River, Pike River, R.VI-N.82: Sacred to the memory of

Hannah || Wife of Moses Spears || Who died June 27, 1839 - Aged 50 years.
11 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Marriage of Elijah SPEAR, age 21 a yeoman
of Stanbridge to Alzina COREY, spins ae 20 of Stanbridge with consent of her parents on 24-Jan-1833 in St. Armand
Methodist church. Witnessed by Moses SPEAR his father, Caleb COREY her father.
12 Verne Raymond Spear, Genealogy: The Descendants of George Spear 1642-1988, (The Trade Press, W. Springfield,

MA 1988).
13 Québec: Notarial Records, Pierre Gamelin, February 16th, 1844, Hannah Schoolcraft Inventory: Mentions Moses

Spear Sr., his first wife Hannah Schoolcraft, present wife Priscilla Tryon. Mentions minor son Noah Spear aged 20 yrs.,
2 mos. Mentions other sons Joel, Elijah, Ibri, and Martin being of major age. Mentions daughter Lydia Spear wife of
Samuel Roberts of Granby. Mentions daughter Hannah Spear wife of James Kent of Granby. Mentions Mrs. Filura
Hallan McDougal of Noyan, widow of his son the late Moses Spear Jr. Mentions Amanda Spear, age 3 yrs. 2 mos.,
daughter of Moses Jr. and Filura. Moses Spear Sr. living on formerly Stanbridge lot 13, conc. 10, now lot 1 East conc.
14 Québec: Census, 2-Mar-1842: pp. 2576.11, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Simon Schoolcraft,

renter, farmer. 9 total in household, 9 native of Canada. Children: 1 male under 5, 1 female under 5, 2 male 6 but under
14, 2 female 6 but under 14, 3 aged 5 thru 16, Males: 2 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr., Females: 1 14 but
not 45 Marr.

Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1253.23, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of
household Simon Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 4 Total in household, 2 under 5. Males: 1 30 but not 60 Marr., Females: 1
14 but not 45 Marr., 4 Methodist.
16 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.07, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of

household Simon Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 3 Total in household, 1 5 and under. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr.,
Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 3 Anglican.
17 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.08, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Simon Schoolcraft, 3

total in household, 1 under 6. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
18 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, Folio fourth: On the first day of February one thd. Eight hund. And

thirteen Jacob Boomhower, Bachelor, farmer and minor and Aura Schoolcraft spinster of major age, Both of Stanbridge
were Married by Banns in the presence of his brother and the subscribing witnesses. C. Stuart Minr. Jacob Boomhower,
Aura Schoolcraft her mark, Jeremiah Boomhower his mark, George Mitchell.
19 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, Folio second: On this fourth day of February One Thousand eight

hundred and sixteen, Henry Notemire, Batchelor Farmer and Elizabeth Schoolcraft, Spinster, both of major age and of
Stanbridge were married after publication of Banns in presence of the subscribing witnesses by James Reid Minr.
Henry Notemire his mark, Elizabeth Schoolcraft her mark, John Bockus, George Mitchell.
Québec, Montreal: Anglican Church Records, Registers of Christ Church Cathedral in Montreal, register for the year
1814 on the front of folio 22, Québec National Archives microfilm #128.1: On the Eighteenth day of October One
thousand, eight hundred and fourteen William Schoolcraft Shoe Maker, Single man, and Rofsella Laundrah, single
woman, Both of this parish, were married by Banns in the presence of William Kane and John Baptist Bouderi. By me
(signed) Jt. Mountain Minister. (signed with an x) Will'm Schoolcraft's mark x. (signed with an x) Rofsella Laundrah
mark x. (signed) Will'm Kane. (signed with an x) Jn. Baptist Bouderi's mark x.
21 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1255.09, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of

household William Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. 10 Total in household, 2 5 and under, 3 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but
not 60 Marr., Females: 5 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 2 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Sing., 9 Anglican, 1
22 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, William Schoolcraft aged 64 years died on the 28th and was buried

on the 30th of May Eighteen Hundred Fifty Five. by me, James Jones, Minister. witness Robert Reid.
23 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 133.25, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story log, 2 fam. Female age 80

yrs. Died in 1851, William C. Schoolcraft age 61 male born in Canada occ./rel. Shoemaker, Methodist, Married.
Rosella age 59 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, Married. William Douglass age 22 male born in Scotland
occ./rel. Labourer, Presbyterian, married. Amilia age 18 female born in Canada occ./rel. Presbyterian, married.
24 Hyde Park VT reported death of Clark Boomhower on 16-Jun-1901 of Chronic bronchitis at age 79 yrs. 1 mos. 12

days, occupation Farmer, born in Stanbridge PQ. Parents Jacob Boomhower & Orrah. Widowed.
25 David J. Ellis: I have not been able to obtain a copy of this letter.
26 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 6, Lot 11: Hannah Boomhower wife of Lorenzo D. Schoolcraft

died Oct 23, 1880 ae. 61 yrs. 11 mo's. & 16 days. Lot 12: Lorenzo D. Schoolcraft died May 14, 1878 aged 74 yrs.
Blessed are the dead that live in the Lord. Lot 13: Milo Schoolcraft died Oct. 17, 1877 aged 23 yrs. 11 mos. & 11 ds.
Lot 14: Louisa Bigford wife of James Schoolcraft died Sept. 10, 1873 ae. 19 yrs. & 17 ds.
27 Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, North Stanbridge Sept 12th 1873.

Attended the Funeral and Burial of Louisa Bigford wife of James M. Schoolcraft who died at the residence of her father
in law Lorin Schoolcraft in North Stanbridge aged eighteen years and twelve days and buried in the Public Burying
ground at Mystic. Witnessed Edward Schoolcraft and Alonzo Boomhower.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Highgate VT reported marriage of Miss Deborah Schoolcraft to Mr. Wallerhum
Boomhower on 28-Apr-1825. Miss Deborah Schoolcraft residing in Stanbridge L. C., Mr. Wallerhum Boomhower
residing in Stanbridge L. C. [Maiden name mis-recorded on the bride's record.].
Notary Leon Lalanne: 10th June 1815 Sale by Philip Ruiter Atty of ~~~ ~~~ to Magdelena Boomhower.
30 David J. Ellis: From her marriage record, Orra is born before 1-Feb-1792. From her death record she is born about

1792. Census records generally show her a little younger.

Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 127 pp. 14.09, Stafford, South Stukely, Shefford Co., dw. 53, fam. 53: Abraham Boice
age 55 M born in QC origin German religion Methodist. Susann age 55 F born in U.S.A. origin English religion
Methodist. John age 15 M born in QC origin German religion Methodist. Peter Scoulcraf age 76 M born in QC origin
German religion Methodist. Gilbert age 27 M born in QC origin German religion Methodist. Chester age 28 M born in
QC origin German religion Methodist.
32 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 5.32, Conc. 6 N. Qtr. 8,

Log, 50 acres, Schovel Schoolcraft, age 59, married, male, born in Bedford, L.C., Farmer, E. Meth., Catherine, age 62,
married, female, born in York State, U.S., E. Meth, Charlotte, age 20, single, female, born in Sheffield, E. Meth.

Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Buried by me in presence of the subscribing witnesses Lorenzo Dow
Schoolcraft of North Stanbridge Co. of Missisquoi Que. Was born on the Fifth day of August One thousand Eight
hundred and Three. Buried on the Sixteenth day of May One thousand Eight hundred and Seventy Eight Aged Seventy
five years. Witnesses Hannah Schoolcraft and Leonard Stone. John ?cufell Meth. Minister.
34 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 163.46, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 2 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 181.42

Lot 10-10: Ebenezer Taylor age 75 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Farmer, Methodist, Married. Lucinda age 67 female
born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Methodist, Married. Eliza Ayer age 17 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Joseph Davis
age 16 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Daniel Schoolcraft age 48 male born in Canada occ./rel. Laborer,
35 David J. Ellis: The implication of this family is that Anthony married Sarah about 1826 or 1827 when she was about

17 years old. It is unlikely that Anthony would be more than five years older with such a young bride. Therefore I
would Conjecture that Anthony was one of Hannah Scofield's children and was born about 1805 to 1808.
36 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 8.44, Conc. 4 Lot 8, Log,

100 acres, Walter Bumhower, age 54, married, male, born in Lower Canada, E. Meth., Debby, age 52, married, female,
born in Lower Canada, E. Meth., James, age 18, single, male, born in Sheffield, E. Meth., Mary A., age 16, single,
female, born in Sheffield, E. Meth., Peter, age 14, single, male, born in Sheffield, E. Meth.
Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 49.40, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story frame, 2 fam., Female 2 yrs
old died in 1851, Adam Baumhower age 60 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Labourer, None, Married. Sarah age 41
female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, Married. James age 23 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Albert age
22 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Hannah age 14 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Nelson age 12
male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Horatio age 11 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Ryli age 9 male born
in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Walter age 7 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Albro age 5 male born in Canada
occ./rel. Methodist. Lavinna age 2 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist.
38 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 69.04, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story block, 1 fam., Agric. 83.43

Lot 5-19: Joel Spears age 38 male born in Canada B. occ./rel. Adventist, farmer, married. Minerva age 28 female born
in U.S.A. occ./rel. Adventist, married. Edson age 7 male born in Canada B. occ./rel. Adventist. Jude age 4 male born in
Canada B. occ./rel. Adventist. Eleanor age 2 female born in Canada B. occ./rel. Adventist. Elizabeth age 20 female
born in Canada B. occ./rel. Adventist. James Printice age 19 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Adventist, laborer.
39 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, On this fourth day of January one thousand eight hundred and

twenty four Anne Daughter of William Schoolcraft of Stanbridge, Farmer, and Rozella Lalande, his wife, born on the
tenth day of July, One thousand eight hundred and twenty three, was baptized, The Sponsors are Charles and Elizabeth
Neer and Mary Schoolcraft here subscribing by (signed) James Reid, Min'r. (all signed with x) William Schoolcraft,
Rozella Schoolcraft, Charles Neer, Elizabeth Neer, Mary Schoolcraft.
40 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vaughan cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, William G. d. May 28, 1855 ae. 64.
41 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vaughan cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, R. d. May 16, 1888 ae. 72y, 4m, 26d w/o Peter

42 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Peter Hauver, aged thirty eight, died on the Twenty ninth of

September, and was buried on the First of October, Eighteen hundred and Forty Seven. By me (signed) James Jones
Minister Witness (signed) Robert Hauver.
43 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 129.42, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Living with Philip Hawver, Silas

Steven age 50 male born in United States occ./rel. laborer, no church, married. Rosella age 39 female born in Canada
occ./rel. no church, married. Amanda Hawver age 15 female born in Canada occ./rel. no church. Anna age 11 female
born in Canada occ./rel. no church.
Québec, Barnston: Methodist Church, Clarinda Schoocraft wife of the late Philip Hauver of Coaticook in the County
of Stanstead and Province of Québec, died on the nineteenth day of September A.D. one thousand eight hundred and
eighty nine and was buried by me on the twentieth day of the same month and year aforesaid in presence of the
subscribing witnesses aged fifty seven years and seven months. (signed) Wm Smith. Witnesses (signed) Lemuel R.
Lathe, O.M. Moulton.
45 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.6: Hauver, William Hamilton, B. Sept. 17,

1840, Bapt. June 26, 1853, s/o Benjamin & Ann Hauver. Wit: Clarinda Hauver & Hamilton Douglas.
46 Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, Bedford, Burial: On the twenty eighth day of February, Eighteen

hundred and seventy two the body of John, son of John Edwin Bockus of North Stanbridge yeoman and of Sophrania
Schoolcraft his wife having died on the twenty sixth and was interred by me.
47 Québec: Cemetery Records, Pigeon Hill cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, Emilia d. 9 Jan. 1895 ae. 58; wife of Hamilton

Douglas d. 20 Mar. 1885.

Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, Baptism. Clark Boomhower of the
Township of Dunham District of Montreal and County of Missisquoi, was baptised on the second Day of December on
thousand Eight Hundred and fifty five By P. West Minister. Witnesses Charles Evrett and Martha D. Evrett.

Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district H || Division 2 ||
pp. 11 || hse. 51 || Census Place: Dunham, Missisquoi Co., QC || Clark BOOMHOUR Married German Male age 58
born in QC, Carpenter || Betsey G. BOOMHOUR Married English Female age 48 born in USA, Weslyan Methodist ||
Jacob BOOMHOUR Widowed German Male age 87 born in USA, Painter, E. Methodist.
50 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Jacob Boomhower farmer of the township of Stanbridge in the

County of Missisquoi and Province of Québec died on the twenty third and was buried on the twenty fifth day of May
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight. Witnessed Robert Beerwort and J. B. Sargent.
51 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 813.11, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Henry Notemire, 5

total in household, 2 under 6, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Sing. Females: 2 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Sing.
52 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Marriages: On the twenty ninth day of December in the year of our

Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty one Henry Notemire Farmer of the Township of Stanbridge Widower
and Lydia Schoolcraft Spinster both of the same Township both parties being of age and with the consent of the parents
of the aforesaid Lydia Schoolcraft after due publication of banns were united in holy matrimony in the presence of John
Schoolcraft and Barbary Schoolcraft the Father and Mother of Lydia Schoolcraft aforesaid. Henry Notemire, Lydia
Notemire, John Schoolcraft, Barbary Schoolcraft. None of these persons being able to sign their names they were
written by me.
Québec, Shefford: Methodist Circuit Records, Died on the fifteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and
seventy, Jane wife of Peter Schoolcraft of South Stukely in the eighty third year of her age, and was buried on the
sixteenth day of the same month and year in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me LeArmstrong, Minister
Witnesses A. Sargeant and Cynthia H Sargeant.
54 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Simon Schoolcraft on 23-Aug-1907 in Milton VT, age 76 yrs., 4 mos., 17 days of.

M. Born in Canada.
55 Québec, Farnham: Anglican Church Records, Farnham Anglican Church, LDS Film 1430755/56: Marriages:

Monson Schoolcraft son of Simon Schoolcraft and Elizabeth his wife was married after publication of banns to Mary
Ann daughter of George and Mary Hoskin on Monday the fifteenth day of March eighteen hundred and fifty two, the
woman of minor age.
56 Vermont: Marriage Record, Montgomery VT reported marriage between Edward Schoolcraft and Elizabeth Hakie

Billings on 26-Aug-1878. 2nd marriage of Edward Schoolcraft age 38 born in Stanbridge QC residing in Franklin VT.
Parents Simon Schoolcraft & Betsy Cummings.
57 Québec, Potton: Baptist Church Records, Register of the marriage between Edward Schoolcraft farmer of

Stanbridge aged twenty years and Miss Hannah Deline of Stanbridge aged twenty three years this sixth day of July one
thousand eight hundred and fifty nine. Witness John Frazer and Harriett Schoolcraft.
58 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 4, pp. 44.01, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 159, fam. 169: Edward Schoolcraft age

30 M/M born in QC origin German occupation machinist religion W. Methodist. Hannah age 45 M/F born in QC origin
Irish religion W. Methodist. Hattie age 17 S/F born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Charles age 13 S/M
born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Henry age 12 S/M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist.
Ida age 9 S/F born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Emma age 8 S/F born in QC origin German religion
W. Methodist. Mary age 21 S/F born in QC origin German occupation servant religion W. Methodist. Corey B. age 2
S/M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist.
59 Vermont: Birth Record, Eden VT reported birth of Cora Bell Schoolcraft on 9-Feb-1869, sex F. Parents Philip

Schoolcraft & Mary Barry, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in Stanbridge QC, mother born in St. Albans VT.
60 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Phillip W. Schoolcraft on 15-Mar-1871 in Eden VT, age 26 yrs. Typhoid fever.

M. Born in Bedford QC. Occupation Farmer.

Vermont: Marriage Record, Troy VT reported marriage between Polly Schoolcraft and N. W. Dunham on 17-Feb-
1904. 1st marriage of Polly Schoolcraft age 55 born in Bakersfield VT residing in Burlington VT. Parents Lumon
Schoolcraft & Elizabeth.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Marr. Reg., #3: Sept. 26, 1860 Peterson,
Philip age 20 residing Kennebec born Portland, parents Peterson, Jacob & Peterson, Phoebe to Schoolcraft, Mary Ann
age 30 residing Kennebec born Canada East, parents Schoolcraft, Schoval & Schoolcraft, Catherine.
Québec, Cowansville: Congregational Church Records, Cowansville: Daniel Schoolcraft farmer in the township of
Stanbridge, bachelor, and Maria Maria Diamond in the township of Dunham, spinster, were married on this sixth day of
June one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven after the publication of banns by me. Witnessed Daniel "X"
Schoolcraft, Mary M. Dimond, David Phillips, Mary Phillips.
64 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Caroline Schoolcraft and Aaron Wittier on 13-

Jan-1872. 1st marriage of Caroline Schoolcraft age 24 born in Stukely QC residing in Magog QC. Parents Anthony
Schoolcraft & Sarah Smith.

Québec: Census, 2-Mar-1842: pp. 2569.30, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Anthony Schoolcraft,
renter, laborer. 7 total in household, 1 native of U.S.A., 15 years in province for non native. Children: 1 male under 5, 2
female under 5, 2 male 6 but under 14, 1 female 6 but under 14, 3 aged 5 thru 16, Males: 1 30 but not 60 Marr.,
Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 deaf female, 2 British Wesleyan Methodist.
66 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 127 pp. 7.19, Stafford, South Stukely, Shefford Co., dw. 29, fam. 29: Elpeus Scoulcraf

age 43 M born in U.S.A. origin German occupation Journalier religion W. Methodist. Sala age 36 F born in U.S.A.
origin German religion W. Methodist. Eladjer Scoulcraf age 18 M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist.
Albert age 14 M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Sala age 62 F born in U.S.A. origin German
religion W. Methodist.
67 Québec, Stukely: Methodist Church, Marriage: Alpheus Edgar Schoolcraft Bachelor Farmer of Brome and Jane

Davis of the same place were Married after the due publication of Banns on the Eighteenth day of August One
Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty one by me Francis Hunt. Signed Alpheus Edgar Schoolcraft & Jane Davis.
Witnesses Matilda Schoolcraft & G. G. Davis.
Québec: Census, 14-Apr-1891, pp. 13.11, Hse. 63, Dist. 188-G Div. 2 (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Orford,
Sherbrooke Co., Robert Buzzell, male, age 55, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Universalist, farmer,
merchant, Matilda, female, age 57, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Advent., George, male, age 14,
son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Universalist, Virna, female, age 10, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC,
Universalist, Sarley Schoolcraft, female, age 83, widow, mother, born in USA, father USA, mother USA, Meth., John
Humphries, male, age 23, married, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., day labourer on farm, Carrie,
female, age 24, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
69 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Marriage of Matilda Jane SCHOOLCRAFT, a spinster of Twp of Stukely to Robert Andrew BUZZEL on 13 Aug 1855
in Shefford Methodist church.
70 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Melvina A. Schoolcraft and Richard J. Copp on

28-Oct-1871. 1st marriage of Melvina A. Schollcraft age 22 born in Stukely QC residing in Oxford QC. Parents
Anthony Schoolcraft & Sarah Smith.
71 Québec, Stukely: Methodist Church, Marriage: David Ritcha Bachelor Shoemaker of the Township of Magog and

Martha Diana Schoolcraft of the Township of Stukely were married after the due publication of Banns on the
Nineteenth day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty two by Francis Hunt. Signed David Ritcha & Martha
Schoolcraft. Witnesses Alpheus E. Schoolcraft & Jane Schoolcraft.
72 Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage of Melissa Schoolcraft to George Knowlton on 7-Dec-

1864. Melissa Schoolcraft residing in Magog C. E., age 23.

73 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1860, pp. 138.29, dw. 707, Ward #2, Lawrence, Essex Co., MA, fam. 989,

David Schoolcraft age 24 sex m operative born in VT, Georgianna age 18 sex f housekeeper born in ME, Georgianna
age 1 mos. sex f born in MA, Milossi age 18 sex f domestic born in Canada East, Herman age 20 sex m carpenter born
in Canada East, fam. 990, William Lord age 55 sex m teamster born in NH, Benjamin age 25 sex m operative born in
NH, Susan age 22 sex f house keeper born in MA, Frederic age 2 mos. sex m born in MA, Elizabeth age 19 sex f house
keeper born in MA
74 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1870, pp. 6.26, dw. 50, Hudson, Hillsborough Co., NH, fam. 56, David

Schoolcraft age 34 sex m carpenter born in Canada, Georgiana age 26 sex f keeping house born in Canada, Albertine
age 10 sex f born in MA, Cora S. age 8 sex f born in Canada, Minnie age 11 mos. sex f born in NH.
75 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1870, pp. 22.08, dw. 122, Watertown, Middlesex Co., MA, fam. 179, Andrew

Moras age 33 sex m carpenter born in NH, Elisabeth age 25 sex f born in VT, John F. age 4 sex m born in Canada East,
Benjamin Grenslit age 40 sex m teamster born in VT, Heman F. Schoolcraft age 21 sex m carpenter born in Canada
76 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Jun-1870, pp. 213.39, dw. 1230, Ward 12, S. Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, fam. 1670,

Theodore W. Lord age 33 sex m tin man born in ME, Clarinda age 34 sex f born in ME, Herbert age 6 sex m born in
MA, fam. 1671, Herman Schoolcraft age 31 sex m carpenter born in Canada, Ellen age 21 sex f born in NH, Walter age
7 mos. sex m born in MA.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254760 National Archives Film T9-0760 pp. 276C: Albany, Carroll
Co., NH : Hermon SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 41 born in CAN occupation House Carpenter father
born in NY mother born in NY: Ellen R. SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 32 born in NH occupation
Keeping House father born in NH mother born in NH: Walter B. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 10 born
in MA occupation At Home father born in CAN mother born in NH.
78 Québec, Stanbridge: Second Adventist Church Records, Bedford Second Adventist Church, LDS Film 2027149:

Burials: Stanbridge Nov 27th 1895. Officiated this day at the burial of Sarah Schoolcraft, widow of the late Adam
Boomhower, who died Nov 25th 1895 aged ninety one years and was buried in the public burying place of Stanbridge
Ridge P. Que. Witnessed N. Guy Hurlbut. Walter Boomhower. N. C Hurlbut Minister.

Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Hannah L daughter of Adam Boomhower and of Sally
Schoolcraft his wife and wife of John Gage Sr. of Stanbridge County of Missisquoi Province of Québec was born on
the thirteth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven and was baptized on the
twenty first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety three in presence of the
subscribing witnesses. Witnessed H. C. Heath and N. Bachelder.
Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 39.02, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 79.23
Lot 5-11: William Scagel age 56 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Farmer, Universalist, Married. Persa age 53 female born
in U.S.A. occ./rel. Universalist, Married. Philina age 14 female born in Canada occ./rel. Universalist, Unmarried. Jacob
age 8 male born in Canada occ./rel. Universalist, Unmarried. James Baumhower age 23 male born in Canada occ./rel.
Laborer, Universalist, Unmarried. Albert Baumhower age 22 male born in Canada occ./rel. Laborer, Universalist,
Unmarried. Isaac Baumhower age 21 male born in Canada occ./rel. Laborer, Universalist, Unmarried.
81 David J. Ellis: Hannah is living next door to Scofield and Daniel in 1861 and her age is such that she can only be

Scofield's child.
Vermont: Cemetery Records, Church St. Cemetery, Swanton: Orrah | Wife of | Jacob Boomhower | Died | Dec. 17,
1876. | ae. 84 yrs. | DJE: Marker shows age below grade level.
Québec, Shefford: Methodist Circuit Records, Died on the 28th day of April 1872 Peter Schoolcraft of the township
of South Stukely County of Shefford Québec and was buried by me on the 30 day of April 1872 in the presence of
subscribing witnesses L Hooker Minister witnesses ~~ Sargeant, Myron R. Sargeant.
David J. Ellis: Jane maybe a STUART or TURNER based on 1861 census. Marriage date before first child.
85 Vermont: Marriage Record, Belvidere VT reported marriage between Simon Schoolcraft and Sally Smith on 15-Jul-

1899. 2nd marriage of Simon Schoolcraft age 74 born in Stanbridge QC residing in Belvidere VT. Occupation farmer,
parents Simon Schoolcraft & Elizabeth Cumming.
86 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.26, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Scofield Schoolcraft, 4

total in household, 2 under 6. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Marr. Females: 2 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
87 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #58: Schoolcraft,

Catherine, female died Feb. 4, 1879, age 75y, occ. farmer's wife, informant Robeson, B., Rev., of Arden, registered on
Feb. 7, 1879.
88 Family Bible: Possessed by Shirley Yetter, believed to have been Peter Hauver's. Mrs. Rosella Hauver's Family

Record. Peter Hauver was born in May 13 A.D. 1810 and Rosella Schoolcraft was born 20th December, A.D. 1815.
P.Hauver & R. Schoolcraft were married February 20th,1836. Childrens names: Amanda Hauver was born in
Stanbridge, QE Jan. 28,1837 and Anna Hauver was born in Stanbridge,Qe Nov.27,1842 and Marriages of Amanda
Hauver was married Apr.6,1854 and Amanda Ayer died Oct.5,1901. Deaths: Peter Hauver died in Stanbridge
Sept.28,1847 aged 37 years and 4 months. Rosellla Hauver died in Stanbridge May 16,1888 aged 72 yrears and 4
months and 26 days. It also says that Clarinda Hauver died Sept.19,1889.
89 David J. Ellis: I interpret the 1831 census that Martin is the sinlge unmarried male living with Scofield.
90 Minnesota: Civil Vital Records: Deaths 1835-1990 [FHL US/CAN Film #2117529]. Amanda Ayer, female on 5 Oct

1901 at Henderson, Sibley, Minnesota ae. 64 b. 1837, father Peter Hever, mother Roula Schoolcraft.
91 Québec: Cemetery Records, Ploss Burying Ground, Bedford [Listing]. Hauver, Ann, B., D., Wife of William

Newton. [Ann may actually be buried here but also recorded on William's headstone at Pigeon Hill.]
92 David J. Ellis: Proven: Hannah and Simon are shown to be brother and sister by Simon's tutorship document that

identifies the SPEARs as cousins. Simon is Martin's son by citation in his baptismal record.
93 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Buried by me in the presence of the subscribing witnesses Milo

Schoolcraft son of Lorenzo Schoolcraft and of Hannah Bomhower his wife, Township of Stanbridge Co. of Missisquoi
Québec. Eighth day of November One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Three. Buried on the Nineteenth day of
October One thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Seven. Witnesses A. M. Stone.
94 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Three early Anglican marriages.
The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Lorenzo Schoolcraft.
96 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. The Stukely connection.
97 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. When you eliminate the impossible,

whatever remains, however unlikely, must be the truth.

98 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Three children that can be proven.
99 Vermont: Death Record, Swanton VT reported death of Orra Boomhower on 17-Dec-1876 of Old age at age 84 yrs.

mos. days, born in Canada.

100 Federal Population Schedule, 18-Sep-1850, dw. 461, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 473, Jacob Boomhower

age 56 sex m farmer born in NY, Orra age 56 sex f born in NY, Mary age 28 sex f born in Canada, Elizabeth age 19 sex
f born in Canada, fam. 474, Lovina Sisco age 31 sex f born in VT, Charles L. age 1 sex m born in VT, Roby age 43 sex
f born in VT.

Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jul-1860, dw. 151, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 143, Jacob Boomhower age
65 sex m day laborer born in NY, Orra age 65 sex f born in NY.
Schedule C, pp. 693, Frontenac Co., Div. Kennebec, No. 4: Scovil Schoolcraft, August 77, male 72 years, yeoman,
born Stanbridge PQ, cause heart disease, Methodist, recorded Sept 10th, 1878.
103 Ontario: Census, FHL US/CAN 0349184, 1871: Kennebec, Dist. 64 Addington, pp. 35.19, House 109, Family 113,

Scovil Schoolcraft, age 77, married, male, born in QC, German, Farmer, E. Meth, Catherine, age 71, married, female,
born in QC, German, E. Meth.
104 David J. Ellis: Scofield's birth is 1802 from 1861 census, 1794 from 1871 census and 1805 from his death record.

1802 seems a plausible age. It is also consistent with the age bracket in the 1825 census.
105 David J. Ellis: Rev Harold Boomhower states Jacob is buried in Meig's Corner. In Missisquoi Historical Society

reference V-47-A4-1 to 4. [Family Happenings in Missisquoi Co. by Ruby Laduke Moore.] Ruby Moore states "Sally
died Oct 16, 1871. I found her gravestone a few years ago in the Meller Cemetery, north of Meigs Corner, but it has
since been carried away by vandals." Sally was Jacob's daughter in law and Jacob was living with his son at the time of
his death. I believe Jacob is buried as stated by Rev. Harold even though the marker no longer exists.
106 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Sally Schoolcraft on 26-Dec-1902 in Belvidere VT, age 72 yrs. Strangulated

hernia. F. Born in Hyde Park VT, parents Amos McFinstry=Amy.

Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jun-1900, pp. 2B.86, dw. 43, fam. 44, ED #127, Belvidere, Lamoille Co., VT :
Simon Schoolcraft head male married age 75 born in Apr 1825, VT occupation farmer, marr. 50 yrs. father born in VT
mother born in VT: Salley wife female married age 70 born in Feb 1830, VT occupation marr. 50 yrs., 2 ch., 2 liv.
father born in VT mother born in VT.
108 Québec, Frelighsburg: Baptist Church Records, Register of the marriage between Edward Schoolcraft farmer of

Stanbridge aged twenty years and Miss Hannah Deline of Stanbridge aged twenty three years this sixth day of July one
thousand eight hundred and fifty nine. Witness John Frazer and Harriett Schoolcraft.
109 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 5.21, Conc. 7 Lot 8, Log,

100 acres, Edward Clark, age 41, married, male, born in Ernestown, E. Meth, Hannah, age 37, married, female, born in
L.C., E. Meth, Robert, age 18, single, male, born in Camden, E. Meth, Martha, age 17, single, female, born in Camden,
E. Meth, Daniel, age 15, single, male, born in Camden, E. Meth, Edward, age 13, single, male, born in Camden, E.
Meth, Matilda, age 11, single, female, born in Camden, E. Meth, Philip, age 9, single, male, born in Ernestown, E.
Meth, Emily, age 7, single, female, born in Kennebec, E. Meth, Jennety, age 5, single, female, born in Kennebec, E.
Meth, Samson, age 1, single, male, born in Kennebec, E. Meth.
110 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 45 | hse.

183 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Edward Clark M German Male age 63 born in ON, Farmer, E.
Methodist | Mary Clark M Irish Female age 45 born in ON, E. Methodist | James Parks Male age 25 born in ON,
Farmer, E. Methodist | George Parks German Male age 22 born in ON, Farmer, E. Methodist | Honah Parks Female age
21 born in ON, E. Methodist | Thomas Parks Male age 19 born in ON, E. Methodist | Hesteran Parks Female age 15
born in ON, E. Methodist | Emily E Parks Female age 13 born in ON, E. Methodist.
111 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1630512: Petition for Town of Granby, 28-Mar-1795
112 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Lower Canada Land #1631062: Oath of Allegiance at Missisquoi Bay in 1795.
113 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Hannah Scofield
114 State of Vermont, Vermont: IGI: Birth records, (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), "Electronic,"

Event Birth: Moses SPEAR : M : Father Elijah SPEAR : Date 26 Aug 1787 : Place Rupert Twp, Bennington Co.,
115 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 813.04, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Moses Spear, 12 total

in household, 3 under 6, 4 6 but under 14, 2 14 but under 18. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 40 but not 60 Marr.
Females: 1 14 but not 45 Sing.: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
116 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1257.40, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 10 Head of

household Moses Speer, owner, farmer. 12 Total in household, 4 6 but under 14. Males: 2 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 18 but
not 21 Sing., 2 21 but not 30 Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 14 but not 45
Sing., 12 Methodists.
Québec: Civil Records, List of Electors, 1935. Rural Polling Div. 38, Poll 4, Bedford town. Entry #464 Schoolcraft,
Phiiadelphia (W), widow, Bedford.
118 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Appendix to the XXXth volume of the Journals of the House of Assembly of

the province of Lower-Canada, pp. W46. Appeared on list of voters.

119 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Eastern Townships Research Centre, Dunham United Church fonds,

UC033/008/001a [Stewards Book for the Dunham Methodist Circuit] and file cards at Missisquoi Museum: David, son
of Moses and Hannah Spears Born July 20th, 1807 Bapt Nov 11. 1807 by G. Pearce.

Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.24, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Concession 2 Head of household Ozen Vaughan,
owner, farmer. 5 Total in household, 1 5 and under, 2 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not 60 Marr., 2 60 and up
Sing.Females: 2 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 5 Baptists
121 David J. Ellis: Is not mentioned in Hannah Schoolcraft's Inventory.
122 Verne Raymond Spear, Genealogy: The Descendants of George Spear 1642-1988, (The Trade Press, W.

Springfield, MA 1988). Note: The Verne Raymond Spear Genealogy identifies both a Henry s/o Elihu and a Henry s/o
Moses. Because Henry is not mentioned in Hannah Schoolcraft's inventory, yet is alive at the time, I doubt that the son
of Moses Spear Sr. is correct. The location of burials in Pike River places the Henry that is identified as s/o Moses
adjacent to Elihu and remote from Moses' family. Only Henry, s/o Elihu is correct.
123 David J. Ellis: I am concerned about this claimed marriage and family. In 1852 Joel is enumerated next to Elihu

Spears in lot 19, range 5. Elihu's son Jeremiah is adjacent. This is St. Ignace de Stanbridge/Mystic and not Pike River.
The children would not be born in Pike River as is claimed. I believe the wrong Joel has been associated with this
Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, Hannah M. Boomhower was born in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourty and was baptised by me at Stanbridge, December the sixth
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four in the presence of the undersigned witnesses. Joel
Spear, Alzina Spear.
125 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Marriage George Boomhover of the Township of Farnham

Yeoman and Hanah Spear of the Siegnory of Noyan were married after the due publication of Banns on the second day
of February One thousand eight hundred and fifty nine by me F. Hunt Minister. George Boomhower, Hannah Spears,
Philip Whitney, Emily Boomhower.
126 Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, George J. Boomhower was born in the

year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven and was baptised by me at Stanbridge, December the
sixth in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.
Joel Spear, Alzina Spear.
127 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 156.08, East Farnham, Brome Co., 1 story, 1 family frame house, George

Boomhower age 23 M/M born in L. C. occ./rel. laborer, Methodist, married during 1859, Hannah Boomhower age 22
F/M born in L. C., Dalrymple Boomhower age 1 M/S born in L. C.
128 Québec: Census, 1871: pp. 3.02, Notre Dame de Stanbridge West, Missisquoi Co., dw. 8, family 8: George

Boomhower age 33 M/M born in QC origin German occupation farmer religion E. Meth. Henah [Boomhower] age 31
M/F born in QC origin German religion E. Meth. George D. [Boomhower] age 11 S/M born in QC origin German
religion E. Meth. Enos [Boomhower] age 9 S/M born in QC origin German religion E. Meth. David L. [Boomhower]
age 6 S/M born in QC origin German religion E. Meth. Lady [Boomhower] age 4 S/F born in QC origin German
religion E. Meth. Lamira [Boomhower] age 2 S/F born in QC origin German religion E. Meth.
129 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 pp. 62D: Fairfax, Franklin

Co., VT : George BOOMHOWER Self male widow white age 43 born in QC occupation Stone Mason father born in
NY mother born in NY: Mary BOOMHOWER Mother female widow white age 82 born in NY occupation Keeping
House father born in NY mother born in NY: George D. BOOMHOWER Son male single white age 20 born in QC
occupation Works On Farm father born in QC mother born in QC: Enos J. BOOMHOWER Son male single white age
18 born in QC occupation Works On Farm father born in QC mother born in QC: David Elijah BOOMHOWE Son
male single white age 16 born in QC occupation Works On Farm father born in QC mother born in QC: Lydia Luella
BOOMHOWER Dau female single white age 13 born in QC occupation At School father born in QC mother born in
QC: Lomira A. BOOMHOWER Dau female single white age 10 born in QC occupation At School father born in QC
mother born in QC: Alvarette BOOMHOWER Dau female single white age 7 born in QC occupation At School father
born in QC mother born in QC: Sally STARKWEATHER Other female widow white age 77 born in VT occupation
Keeping House father born in RI mother born in QC.
Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and
complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), St. Armand Methodist Records, 1831-1836:
Baptism of Benjamin SPEAR on 10-Feb-1833 in St. Armand, born on 18-Oct-1814, son of Moses SPEAR, yeoman of
Stanbridge & Hannah his wife. Witnessed by Elnathan PHELPS. Also bpt. Moses s/o above, b. 25 Mar 1816.
131 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), St. Armand Methodist Records, 1831-1836:
Baptism of Benjamin SPEAR on 10-Feb-1833 in St. Armand, born on 18-Oct-1814, son of Moses SPEAR, yeoman of
Stanbridge & Hannah his wife. Witnessed by Elnathan PHELPS. Also bpt. Moses s/o above, b. 25 Mar 1816.
132 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Spear, Martin, D. Nov. 30, 1847, Bu.

Dec. 4, 1847, s/o Moses & Hannah Spear of Pike River, QC. Wit: Joel Phelps.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Vieux Cimetière de Pike River: Range 6, Lot 37: Ibry C. Spear Died Oct. 12th, 1849 In
the 28th year of his age

The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Martin's Children - Sarah
135 New Hampshire: Town Records, Wentworth, Grafton Co., Vol. 2, pp. 369-371: The Selectmen of Wentworth for the
year ending March 7th, 1836 discharge themselves by the following Sums of money which they have paid out for the
benefit of said town Viz.... Paid Timothy Skeels for Services to Stanbridge L.C. to obtain an affidavit from Wm. C.
Schoolcraft 6.85.
David J. Ellis: Probable: Rosella is determined to be Peter Hauver's wife from her cemetery record that links "R.
Schoolcraft" to Peter, from the 1852 census that links "Rosella" to two children with the name Hauver and from Anna
Hauver's baptism. Peter died in 1847 and Rosella remarried to Silas Steven. William and Rosella are the only two
Schoolcraft's buried in Vaughan cemetery. Rosella's date of birth is only a few months after Williams marriage,
strongly suggesting she is his first child.
137 David J. Ellis: Probable: In 1852 Sophrania is enumerated adjacent to William Schoolcraft and his daughter Amelia.

Amanda Hauver, her niece by Rosella Schoolcraft is in the household. Sophrania is William Schoolcraft's second child.
138 David J. Ellis: Conjecture: Elizabeth and Cyrene are living side by side in 1852 and both are Episcopalean

suggesting they are siblings. Cyrene is a Catholic name and he has a Catholic family, although Anglican himself. They
might be William and Rosella [Lalande] Schoolcraft's children as William declared Anglican in 1831.
David J. Ellis: Probable: Attaching Clarinda as a child of William is weakly probable. William's family appears to
have significant ties to the HAUVERs and I think the three sons married three SCHOOLCRAFT sisters. Clarinda is a
witness, with brother in law, Hamilton Douglas, at the baptism of Anne's first child.
David J. Ellis: Rosella is determined to be Peter Hauver's wife from her cemetery record that links "R. Schoolcraft"
to Peter, from the 1852 census that links "Rosella" to two children with the name Hauver and from Anna Hauver's
baptism. Peter died in 1847 and Rosella remarried to Silas Steven.
141 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vaughan Cemetery, lot 2-9: Words on the marker by DJE: Peter Hauver Oct 26 1848 in

the 40th year of his age.

142 Lilah Primmerman, Genealogy: Primmerman Notes.
143 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.5: Hauver, Anne B. Nov. 27, 1841 Bapt.

Aug. 20, 1847 d/o Peter & Rosella Hauver. Wit: Robert & Catherine Hauver.
144 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 133.29, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story log, 1 fam., Agric. 177.46

Lot 6-21, John E. Bockus age 37 male born in Canada B. occ./rel. Episcopal. Saphrona age 36 female born in Canada
B. occ./rel. Episcopal. Turner age 13 male born in Canada B. occ./rel. Episcopal. Merrit age 10 male born in Canada B.
occ./rel. Episcopal. Westley age 7 male born in Canada B. occ./rel. Episcopal. Irvin age 4 male born in Canada B.
occ./rel. Episcopal. John E. age 1 male born in Canada B. occ./rel. Episcopal. Armanda Hawver age 15 female born in
Canada B. occ./rel. Episcopal.
145 Québec: Cemetery Records, Pigeon Hill Cemetery, St. Armand, Missisquoi Co., QC, St. Armand, Cemetery Listing:

Hauver, Annie, B. Nov. 27, 1841, D. Apr. 17, 1925, w/o William S. Newton & d/o Peter & Rosella Hauver.
146 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Bedford, Missisquoi Co., pp. 1.30, Hse. 8, William Newton, age 65,

Head, married, male, born in England on Oct 18, 1835, Immigration 1853, Annie, age 58, Wife, married, female, born
in QC on Nov 27, 1842, Annie, age 37, Daughter, married, female, born in VT on June 27, 1862, Immigration 1863,
Ellen McMillen, age 35, Daughter, married, female, born in QC on Mar 8, 1865, Ethel, age 5, G. Daughter, single,
female, born in QC on Dec 26, 1895, Hannah Kimerman, age 77, Lodger, widow, female, born in QC on Jan 21, 1823,
Alvah Buckus, age 45, Son in law, married, male, born in QC on Mar 20, 1856, Herman Maloner, age 44, Domestic,
single, male, born in Hungary on Dec 5, 1856, Immigration 1900.
147 Québec: Cemetery Records, Pigeon Hill Cemetery, St. Armand, Missisquoi Co., QC, St. Armand, Cemetery Listing:

Newton, William S., B. Oct. 18, 1835, D. Oct. 20, 1902, h/o Annie Hauver.
Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 | NA Film Number C-13204 | District 65 | Sub-district C | pp. 43 | Hse.
231 | Census Place: Ste-Armand West, Missisquoi Co., QC | William Newton Married English Male age 46 born in
English <England>, Farmer, Church of England | Annie Newton Married German Female age 38 born in Q, Church of
England | Rosalie J. Newton English Female age 21 born in USA, Church of England | Annie E. Newton English
Female age 19 born in USA, Church of England | Mary E. Newton English Female age 15 born in Q, Church of
England | Rosalie Stevens Widowed German Female age 65 born in Q, Church of England.
Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, Film LDS 2027149: Burials: Sophrania Schoolcraft, wife of Edmund
Bockus, of the Township of Stanbridge, laborer, was buried by me on the sixteenth day of July in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and eighty having died on the fourteenth day of the same month. Witness Charles Watson
and Wellington Bockus.
150 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, Philipsburg Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.04: Bockus, John Edwin,

B. Mar. 28, 1815, Bapt. June 4, 1815, s/o Jacob & Hannah Lampman Bockus of Stanbridge. Wit: John Bockus.
Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Stanbridge Ang., BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Bockus, Turner, B. July
6, 1839, Bapt. Dec. 11, 1854, s/o John E. & Sophrona Bockus. Wit: Robert & Nancy Reid.

Québec: Cemetery Records, Lagrange/Hunters Mills Cemetery: Bockus, Turner July 6, 1839 - N/A h/o Ella Johnson
& s/o John Elwin & Sophrania Schoolcraft Bockus.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Lagrange/Hunters Mills Cemetery: Ella L. Johnson wife of Turner Bockus d. Dec 10,
1895 ae. 43 y.
154 Québec, Bedford: Land Registry Records, Bedford Registry of Deeds, Register B, Vol. 3, pp. 111, Deed 1133:

Cyrene Schoolcraft purchased from Eve Clapper.

155 Québec, Bedford: Land Registry Records, Bedford Registry of Deeds, Register B, Vol. 4, pp. 147, Deed 1606:

Cyrene Schoolcraft sold to Nelson Adams.

156 Québec, Bedford: Land Registry Records, Bedford Registry of Deeds, Register B, Vol. 4, pp. 276, Deed 1662:

Cyrene Schoolcraft sold to Nelson Adams.

157 Québec, Bedford: Land Registry Records, Bedford Registry of Deeds, Register B, Vol 4, pp. 371, #1705: 17 July

1849. Malinda w/o James Watson of Isle La Mott in Grand Isle VT for $130 to Cyrene Schoolcraft of Stanbridge part
of Lot 10, Range 7. Same as conveyed to Malinda in Will of Solomon Dunham.
Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 123.08, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Agric.
177.11 Lot 7-10: Cyrene Schoolcraft age 30 male born in Canada occ./rel. Farmer, Episcopalian, Married. Katharine
age 28 female born in Ireland occ./rel. Catholic, Married. Wm. age 7 male born in Canada occ./rel. Catholic. Edisand
age 5 male born in Canada occ./rel. Catholic. Sidney age 2 male born in Canada occ./rel. Catholic. Henry age 1 male
born in Canada occ./rel. Catholic.
Québec: Census, 1861, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Dist. 3, pp. 335.22: 1.5 story, 1 family frame house: Mike
McNamara age 28 M/M born in Ireland Occ./Rel. farmer, R. C. Catherine McNamara age 35 F/M born in Ireland
Occ./Rel. R.C. William Schoolcraft age 16 M/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. laborer, R. C. Edward Schoolcraft age 13
M/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. laborer, R. C. James Schoolcraft age 11 M/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. laborer, R.
C. Henry Schoolcraft age 10 M/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. laborer, R. C. Ellen McNamara age 6 F/S born in L.
Canada Occ./Rel. laborer, R. C. Mikel McNamara age 2 M/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. laborer, R. C. Briget
McNamara age 1 F/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. laborer, R. C.
160 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 2, pp. 63.08, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 198, fam. 217: Catherine McNamara age

49 W/F born in Ireland origin Irlandaise religion Catholique. Ellen age 16 S/F born in QC origin Irlandaise religion
Catholique. Michael age 12 S/M born in QC origin Irlandaise religion Catholique. Bridget age 11 S/F born in QC
origin Irlandaise religion Catholique. Ida age 8 S/F born in QC origin Irlandaise religion Catholique. Mary age 5 S/F
born in QC origin Irlandaise religion Catholique. William Schoolcraft age 24 S/M born in QC origin Irlandaise
occupation cultivateur religion Catholique. Edward age 23 S/M born in QC origin Irlandaise occupation cultivateur
religion Catholique. James age 21 S/M born in QC origin Irlandaise occupation cultivateur religion Catholique. Henry
age 19 S/M born in QC origin Irlandaise occupation cultivateur religion Catholique.
161 Québec: Census, 8-Apr-1891, pp. 6.17, Hse. 31, Dist. 168-A, Bedford, Missisquoi Co., Catherine McNamara,

female, age 70, widow, head, born in Ireland, father Ireland, mother Ireland, R.C., Ellen, female, age 31, dau, born in
QC, father Ireland, mother Ireland, R.C., dress maker, Bridget, female, age 28, dau, born in QC, father Ireland, mother
Ireland, R.C., Mary, female, age 22, dau, born in QC, father Ireland, mother Ireland, R.C.
162 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Bedford, Missisquoi Co., pp. 4.34, Hse. 41, Schoolcraft James, age

51, Head, married, male, born in Québec on May 9 1850, Schoolcraft Delpha, age 42, Wife, married, female, born in
England on Jun 19 1858, Immigration 1875, Schoolcraft Eddie, age 11, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Jun 24
1890, Schoolcraft Arthur, age 9, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Oct 16 1892, Schoolcraft Infant, Daughter,
single, female, born in Québec on Aug 14 1900.
163 Québec: Census, 8-Apr-1891, pp. 6.21, Hse. 32, Dist. 168-A, Bedford, Missisquoi Co., James Schoolcraft, male, age

41, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, R.C., farm labourer, Delphia, female, age 33, married, wife, born
in England, father England, mother England, C. Eng., Edward, male, age 9 mos., son, born in QC, father QC, mother
England, R.C.
Québec, Farnham: West Farnham Methodist Church, On this seventh day of July one Thousand Eight Hundred and
Eighty Two James Schoolcraft Laborer of the Township of Bedford and Bachelor and Philadelphia Etherington of St.
Johns PQ Spinster were united in the Bonds of Holy Matrimony, by virtue of ~~~ Witness A. J. Stenning & S.

Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 | NA Film Number C-13204 | District 65 | Sub-district L | Division 2 |
pp. 51 | Hse. 250 | Census Place: Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC | James Etherington Married English Male age 44
born in England, Baker , Church of England | Philiadolphin Etherington Married English Female age 42 born in
England, Church of England | Phedal Etherington English Female age 23 born in England, Church of England | Hellen
Etherington English Female age 21 born in England, Church of England | Jemima Etherington English Female age 18
born in England, Church of England | William James Etherington English Male age 16 born in England, Church of
England | Elizabeth Etherington English Female age 14 born in England, Church of England | Lucy Etherington
English Female age 12 born in England, Church of England | Aaron Etherington English Male age 11 born in England,
Church of England | Charles F. Etherington English Male age 6 born in England, Church of England | George
Etherington English Male age 6 born in QC, Church of England.
166 Québec: Cemetery Records, Pigeon Hill cemetery: SCHOOLCRAFT, Anna 1829-1911 wife of Benjamin Hauver d.

8 Mar 1898 ae. 78 yrs.

167 Québec, Philipsburg: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.4: Hauver, Benjamin, B. Feb. 18, 1820,

Bapt. June 11, 1820, s/o Benjamin & Elizabeth Harter Hauver. Wit: Peter Rosenberger.
168 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 129.46, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Agric.

177.36 Lot 6-18: Benj. Hawver age 32 male born in Canada occ./rel. farmer, no church, married. Anna age 26 female
born in Canada occ./rel. no church, married. Alva age 5 male born in Canada occ./rel. no church. Melifsa age 8 female
born in Canada occ./rel. no church. John W. age 2 male born in Canada occ./rel. no church.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 8.07, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Benjm. Hauver age 38 M/M born in L. C.
occ./rel. farmer, C. of E., Anna age 36 F/M born in L. C. occ./rel. C. of E., Melissa age 14 F/S born in L. C. occ./rel.
spinster, C. of E., Alvin age 11 M/S born in L. C. occ./rel. laborer, C. of E., Wm. age 9 M/S born in L. C. occ./rel.
laborer, C. of E., Alla age 3 F/S born in L. C. occ./rel. C. of E., Victoria age 1 F/S born in L. C. occ./rel. C. of E.
170 Québec: Census, 1871: Unconfirmed, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Benjamin Hauver age 52 born in occupation .

Anna age 45 born in . Melissa age 25 born in . Alvin age 23 born in . William age 20 born in . Alice age 13 born
in . Victoria age 11 born in . Leafy age 8 born in .
171 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

pp. 244, ACGS Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford: Hauver, Melissa, M. 10 Aug 1878, , in Frelighsburg
residing Twp of Stanbridge, spinster, Methodist spouse Elvin Mead Martin.
172 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.5: Hauver, Alvan B. Nov. 13, 1847 Bapt.

Aug. 14, 1850 s/o Benjamin & Ann Hauver. Wit: Philip & Clarinda Hauver.
173 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 | NA Film Number C-13201 | District 60 | Sub-district B | Division 2 |

Page Number 17 | Household Number 93 | Census Place: Sutton, Brome Co., QC | Alvin HAUVER M Dutch Male age
33 born in Q, Labourer, Church of England | Selinda HAUVER M English Female age 28 born in Q, Church of
174 Québec: Cemetery Records, All Saints Anglican Church Cemetery, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., QC, Dunham,

Cemetery Listing: Hauver, Alvin, B. 1850, D. 1939, h/o Sylinda Cook.

175 Québec: Cemetery Records, All Saints Anglican Church Cemetery, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., QC, Dunham,

Cemetery Listing: Cook, Sylinda, B. 1854, D. 1925, w/o Alvin Hauver.

176 Québec: Cemetery Records, Pigeon Hill Cemetery, St. Armand, Missisquoi Co., QC, St. Armand, Cemetery Listing:

Hauver, Victoria, B. , D. , w/o Bernard C. Tittemore B. Birch: No dates.

177 Québec: Cemetery Records, Pigeon Hill Cemetery, St. Armand, Missisquoi Co., QC, St. Armand, Cemetery Listing:

Tittemore, Bernard G., B. 1864, D. 1935, h/o Victoria Hauver.

178 Québec, Barnston: Methodist Church, Clarinda Schoocraft wife of the late Philip Hauver of Coaticook in the County

of Stanstead and Province of Québec, died on the nineteenth day of September A.D. one thousand eight hundred and
eighty nine and was buried by me on the twentieth day of the same month and year aforesaid in presence of the
subscribing witnesses aged fifty seven years and seven months. (signed) Wm Smith. Witnesses (signed) Lemuel R.
Lathe, O.M. Moulton.
179 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 129.37, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 2 story frame, 2 fam. Male age 73

yrs. Died in 1851, Agric. 177.35 Lot 6-18: Philip Hawver age 46 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Farmer, Presbyterian,
Married. Clarinda age 26 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, Married. Ann A age 2 female born in Canada
occ./rel. Methodist. Elizabeth age 73 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Presbyterian, Widow. Adaline Tumble age 22
female born in F Canada occ./rel. Catholic.
Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.5: Hauver, Anna Amelia B. June 3, 1850
Bapt. Aug. 14, 1850 d/o Philip & Clarinda Hauver. Wit: Benjamin & Anna Hauver.
181 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 8.01, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Elizabeth Hauver age 83 F/S born in NY

occ./rel. C. of E., Ann A. age 11 F/S born in L. C. occ./rel. C. of E., Benjm. A. age 9 M/S born in L. C. occ./rel. C. of
E., Philip A. age 6 M/S born in L. C. occ./rel. C. of E., Henry W. age 4 M/S born in L. C. occ./rel. C. of E., Joseph H.
age 2 M/S born in L. C. occ./rel. C. of E.

Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.5: Hauver, Benjamin Amasa B. Feb. 6, 1852
Bapt. June 26, 1853 s/o Philip & Clarinda Hauver. Wit: Amelia Douglas.
Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.6: Hauver, Philip Alexander, B. Aug. 29,
1855, Bapt. Sept. 14, 1856, s/o Philip & Clarinda Hauver. Wit: Amelia Douglas.
184 Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.5: Hauver, Henry Washington B. Feb. 7, 1857

Bapt. July 8, 1857 s/o Philip & Clarinda Hauver. Wit: Charles Watson.
185 David J. Ellis: Probable: In 1861, the youngest four of Philips children are staying or living with their grandmother.

I think Joseph must be the fifth.

186 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, James H. Goddard and Elizabeth Schoolcraft, were married by

publication of banns, on Thursday the Twentieth of February, Eighteen hundred and Fourty Five.
187 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 123.15, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story frame, 1 fam., James

Godard age 27 male born in Canada occ./rel. blacksmith, Episcopal, married. Elizabeth age 24 female born in Canada
occ./rel. Episcopal, married. Sophia Crosby age 15 female born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopal.
Québec, Frelighsburg: Baptist Church Records, Hereby certify that Ozen Vaughan Widower and farmer and
Elizabeth Schoolcraft Widow, both of Stanbridge, County of Missisquoi and District of Bedford in the Province of
canada East were joined in matrimony on the twenty first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and fifty nine in the presence of: Witness Aaron Stolkar, Margaret Stolker.
189 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vaughan Cemetery, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC Stanbridge, Cemetery Listing:

Vaughn, Ozen B. D. May 9, 1861 ae. 53 yrs. 11 mos. 5 days MB: Onam handwritten correction. DJE 7/2002: Broken
190 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 810.12, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Ozen Vaughan, 4 total

in household, 2 under 6. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Marr. Females: 2 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
191 Québec, Stanbridge: Baptist Church Records, Register of the marriage between Hamilton W. Douglas of Stanbridge

aged twenty years farmer and Mifs Permilia Schoolcraft of Stanbridge aged sixteen years by consent of Parents this
nineteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty. Witness William Bockus and Eliza Bockus.
192 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.6: Douglas, Alexander, B. Nov. 14, 1842,

Bapt. June 26, 1853, s/o Hamilton & Amelia Douglas. Wit: Benjamin & Anna Hauver.
193 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.6: Douglas, Agnes, B. Aug. 4, 1854, Bapt.

Sept. 14, 1856, d/o Hamilton & Amelia Douglas. Wit: Philip & Clarinda Hauver.
194 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.6: Douglas, Rosella Amelia, B. Aug. 17,

1856, Bapt. Sept. 14, 1856, d/o Hamilton & Amelia Douglas. Wit: Philip & Clarinda Hauver.
195 Québec, Dunham: Second Adventist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.1: Douglas, Orlando, D. Apr. 3, 1868,

Bu. Apr. 5, 1868, ae. 2y. 6m. s/o Hamilton & Amelia Douglas. Buried in Stanbridge, QC.
196 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Aug-1870, pp. 375A, dw. 99, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 102, Abram.

Boomhour age 56 sex m farmer born in Canada, Elizth. age 53 sex f keeps house born in VT, Sarah L. age 24 sex f
born in VT, Nancy M. age 22 sex f born in VT, Francis age 19 sex f born in VT, Hiram C. age 16 sex m born in VT,
Archie J. age 10 sex m born in VT, Orra age 77 sex f born in VT, Matilda age 55 sex f born in Canada.
197 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 809.02, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Jacob Bomhour Jr., 8

total in household, 4 under 6, 2 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 3 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
198 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1253.28, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 6 Head of

household Jacob Bomhour, owner, farmer. 10 Total in household, 2 5 and under, 5 6 but under 14. Males: 1 14 but not
18 Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 4 14 but not 45 Marr., 10 Anglican.
199 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 232.19, Georgia, Franklin Co., VT, Jacob Boomhour. Male: 1 10-15, 2 15-

20, 1 40-50, female: 1 5-10, 1 15-20, 2 20-30, 1 40-50.

David J. Ellis: Jacob's age is consistent in the census. His marriage record indicates he is born after 1-Feb-1792.
201 Federal Population Schedule, 23-Jun-1870, pp. 89B, dw. 146, Eden, Lamoille Co., VT, fam. 145, Lester Boomhour

age 45 sex m farmer born in Canada, Nansy M. age 41 sex f keeps house born in VT, Rolon L. age 15 sex m farm
laborer born in VT, Lora M. age 13 sex f born in VT, Clara O. age 11 sex f born in VT, Lincoln O. age 9 sex m born in
VT, Willie F. age 5 sex m born in VT, age 5 mos. Born Dec. sex f born in VT, Jacob age 77 sex m farm laborer born in
202 Québec: Military Records, Books, official records, etc., National Library of Canada: Parliamentary Sessional Papers,

1876, No. 7 page 10, BOOMHOWER Jacob, age 84, year of record 1875, militiaman (1812-1815) Statement showing
Militiamen of 1812-1815 who have applied to participate in the gratuity voted by Parliament in 1875.
203 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Appendix to the XXXth volume of the Journals of the House of Assembly of

the province of Lower-Canada, pp. W476. Appeared on list of voters.

Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Notary Leon Lalanne: 8th May 1828, Transfer to Royal Institution For the
Encouragement of Learning: Know all men By these Presents that. We Jacob Bockus, John Proctor, Jun., Benjamin
Bockus, David Boomhower, Jacob Bomhower 2nd, Benjamin ~~win, E. R. Vaughan, Peter Bockus, Solomon
Walbridge, Charles J. Phelps, Jeremiah Boomhower, Jacob Boomhower Jun, Wm. Deline, Betsey Phillip all of
Stanbridge in the County of Bedford in the said Province, Proprietors of the School House situated and erected on Lot
No. 16th in the 6th Concefsion...
205 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Eastern Townships Research Centre, Dunham United Church fonds,

UC033/008/001a [Stewards Book for the Dunham Methodist Circuit] and file cards at Missisquoi Museum: Abraham
Son of Jacob and Orri Baumhower born July 1813 bapd. Sept 30 1813 Stanbridge by Br. J. T. Addams.
206 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Sep-1850, dw. 367, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 371, Abraham Boomhour

age 27 sex m capr & joiner born in Canada, Elisabeth J. age 33 sex f born in NH, Sarah L. age 4 sex f born in VT,
Nancy M. age 2 sex f born in VT, Frances E. age 3 mos. sex f born in VT, Matilda L. age 35 sex f born in Canada,
Lester L. age 25 sex m born in VT.
Federal Population Schedule, 20-Jul-1860, dw. 4, Highgate, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 4, Abraham Boomhour age 47
sex m farmer born in Canada E, Elisabeth age 43 sex f born in VT, Matilda age 45 sex f family domestic born in NH,
Sarah L. age 14 sex f born in VT, Nancy M. age 12 sex f born in VT, Frances P. age 10 sex f born in VT, Hiram C. age
6 sex m born in VT, Archibald J. age 7 mos. sex m born in VT.
208 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Aug-1870, pp. 375A, dw. 99, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 102, Abram.

Boomhour age 56 sex m farmer born in Canada, Elizth. age 53 sex f keeps house born in VT, Sarah L. age 24 sex f
born in VT, Nancy M. age 22 sex f born in VT, Francis age 19 sex f born in VT, Hiram C. age 16 sex m born in VT,
Archie J. age 10 sex m born in VT, Orra age 77 sex f born in VT, Matilda age 55 sex f born in Canada.
209 Vermont: Cemetery Records, St. Albans, Brooks cemetery: Abram Boomhour / died / August 22 1872 AE 59 yrs. 1

mos. 1 day.
210 Vermont: Marriage Record, St. Albans VT reported marriage of Abraham Boomhour to Elizabeth Jane Collins on 1-

Jan-1844. Abraham Boomhour residing in Co. of Franklin VT.

211 Vermont: Birth Record, Event Birth: Elizabeth Johnson COLLINS : F : Father Seth C. COLLINS : Mother Meriam :

Date 22 Jan 1817 : Place St. Albans Twp, Franklin, Vermont.

212 Vermont: Cemetery Records, St. Albans, Brooks cemetery: Elizabeth J. / wife of / Abraham Boomhour / Died

February 3 1887 / AE 70 yrs.

213 Vermont: Birth Record, St. Albans VT reported birth of Nancy Matilda Boomhour on 25-Oct-1845, sex F. Parents

Abraham Boomhour & Elizabeth J Boomhour.

214 Vermont: Birth Record, St. Albans VT reported birth of Sarah Lovina Boomhour on 25-Oct-1845, sex F. Parents

Abraham Boomhour & Elizabeth J. Boomhour.

215 Vermont: Birth Record, St. Albans VT reported birth of Nancy Matilda Boomhour on 12-Mar-1848, sex F. Parents

Abraham Boomhour & Elizabeth J Boomhour.

216 Vermont: Birth Record, St. Albans VT reported birth of Francis Isabella Boomhour on 11-Jun-1850, sex F. Parents

Abraham Boomhour & Elizabeth J. Boomour.

217 Rev. Harold Boomhower, "Genealogy: Rev. Harold Boomhower," Rev. Harold Boomhower was son of Hiram Clark

Boomhower and Margaret Moyles.

218 Québec, Clarenceville: Methodist Church Records, Archie J. Boomhower aged thirty three, son of Abraham

Boomhower and Elizabeth Collins his wife, of the town of Swanton VT and Sarah Babbitt aged fourty three daughter
of J. C. Babbitt and Cordelia Brooks, his wife of Swanton VT were united in marriage by authority of Licence on the
third day of May A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety two in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me
W. Rilance. Archie J. Boomhower, Sarah R. Babbitt.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., pp. 1.41, Hse. 11,
Boomhour Hiram, age 46, Head, married, male, born in U.S.A. on Apr 22 1854, Immigrated 1881, Boomhour Maggie
E., age 46, Wife, married, female, born in Québec on May 26 1854, Boomhour Jessie M, age 18, Daughter, single,
female, born in Québec on Apr 5 1882, Boomhour Rufuss A, age 15, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Nov 7 1885,
Boomhour Sarah J, age 10, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Oct 20 1890, Boomhour Clara B, age 6,
Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Mar 5 1894, Boomhour Francis M, age 4, daughter, single, female, born in
Québec on Apr 28 1896, Boomhour Harold W, age 2, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Oct 31 1898, McFee
William T, age 31, Boarder, single, male, born in Québec on May 11 1869.
Vermont: Marriage Record, St. Albans VT reported marriage of H. C. Boomhower to Maggie Mills on 19-Mar-
1878. First marriage of H. C. Boomhower residing in St. Albans VT, age 24, born St. Albans VT, parents Abram
Boomhower & Elizabeth Collins.
Vermont: Death Record, St. Albans VT reported death of Sarah (Boomhour) Conner on 25-Feb-1887 of apoplexy at
age 41 yrs. 4 mos. 1 days, born in St. Albans VT. Parents Abraham Boomhour and Elizabeth Collins. married.

Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of Sarah L. Boomhour to John P. Conner on 11-Jun-
1874. First marriage of Sarah L. Boomhour residing in St. Albans VT, age 28, born St. Albans VT, parents Abram
Boomhour & Betsy Collins. Second marriage of John P. Conner residing in Swanton VT, occupation mechanic, age 46,
born Wheelock VT, parents Benjamin Conner & Thankful Weeks.
223 Vermont: Birth Record, Event Birth: John C. P. Connor : M : Father Benjamin Connor : Date 15 Apr 1828 : Place

Wheelock Twp, Caledonia, Vermont.

224 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Riverside Cemetery, Swanton: Donaldson || Sabins W. Donaldson | 1845 - 1932 || his

wife | Nancy M. Boomhour | 1848 - 1943 || May Donaldson | 1888 - 1986 |.

225 David J. Ellis: This precise date of death is claimed by another researcher.
226 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of Nancy M. Boomhour to Sabins W. Donaldson on 1-

Dec-1869. First marriage of Nancy M. Boomhour residing in Swanton VT, age 22, born Fletcher VT, parents Abram
Boomhour & Betsey (Collins).
227 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of Frances Boomhour to Almon C. Dunbar on 26_sep-

1885. First marriage of Frances Boomhour residing in Swanton VT, age 33, born St. Albans VT, parents Abram
Boomhour & C. Collins. Second marriage of Almon C. Dunbar residing in Swanton VT, occupation miller, age 43,
born Swanton VT, parents A. C. Dunbar & Fannie Crawford.
Vermont, Swanton: Town Record, Book 1914, Pg 62: Died November 29, 1914 in Swanton of Pernieous Annemia.
229 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Riverside Cemetery, Swanton: Dunbar || Almon C. Dunbar | Feb 11, 1841 - Oct 24,

1904 | his wife | Frances Boomhour | Jun 11, 1850 - Nov. 29, 1914 |.
230 Vermont: Death Record, Swanton VT reported death of Almon C. Dunbar on 24-Oct-1904 of found dead where he

had been working at age 62 yrs. 8 mos. 13 days, born in Swanton VT. Parents Almon C. Dunbar and Fanny Crawford,
father born in VT, mother born in VT. married.
231 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district B || Division 2 ||

pp. 16 || hse. 72 || Census Place: Ste-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co., QC || Daniel Moyles Married English
Male age 53 born in QC, Farmer, Church of England || Mary Moyles Married Irish Female age 53 born in QC, Catholic
|| Mary Moyles English Female age 29 born in QC, Catholic || Ellen Moyles English Female age 24 born in QC,
Weslyan Methodist || Julia Moyles English Female age 22 born in QC, Church of England || Jennie Moyles English
Female age 18 born in QC, Church of England || Cora Moyles English Female age 13 born in QC, Church of England ||
Mattie Moyles English Female age 10 born in QC, Church of England || Eber Moyles English Male age 1 born in QC,
Church of England || Hiram Boomhower Married Dutch Male age 27 born in USA, Farmer, Weslyan Methodist ||
Maggie Boomhower Married English Female age 27 born in QC, Weslyan Methodist.
232 Québec: Census, 24-Apr-1891, pp. 17.13, Hse. 80, Dist. 168-M Div. 2, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi Co.,

Hiram Boomhour, male, age 36, married, head, born in USA, father QC, mother USA, Meth., farmer, Maggie, female,
age 37, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Jessie, female, age 9, dau, born in QC, father USA,
mother QC, Meth., Miles, male, age 5, son, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth., Sarah, female, age 6 mos., dau,
born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Meth.
233 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 7.03, Hse. 69, Dist. 12, St. George de Clarenceville, Missisquoi

Co., Hyram Boomhour, age 57, Head, married, male, born in U.S.A. on Apr 1854, Maggie, age 57, Wife, married,
female, born in QC on Jan 1854, Jessie, age 29, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Apr 1882, Miles, age 26, Son,
single, male, born in QC on Nov 1885, Sary, age 21, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Oct 1890, Clarrie, age 17,
Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Mar 1894, Francis, age 15, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Aug 1896,
Hearaldo, age 13, Son, single, male, born in QC on Oct 1898.
234 Vermont: Marriage Record, St. Albans VT reported marriage of Arthur J. Boomhour to Lizzie N. Smith on 6-Dec-

1882. First marriage of Arthur J. Boomhour residing in St. Albans VT, occupation Farmer, age 23, born Highgate VT,
parents Abraham Boomhour & Elizabeth (Collins).
235 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of A. J. Boomhower to Lizzie Smith on 5-Nov-1901.

Second marriage of A. J. Boomhower residing in Swanton VT, occupation Laborer, age 41, parents Abram & Elizabeth
236 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Binghamville Cemetery, Fletcher: McClure || 1879 Jay 1959 || His wife | 1887 Nellie

M. 1988 || 1865 E. Boomhour 1958. |.

237 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jan-1920 Highgate, Franklin Co., VT dw. 5, family 5. : Maryette Smith head

female widow age 75 born in VT father born in VT mother born in NY: Archie Boomhower son-in-law male married
age 60 born in VT occupation none, Lime Co. father born in Canada mother born in VT: Lizzie daughter female
married age 55 born in NY father born in VT mother born in VT.
238 Church St. Cemetery, Swanton: Babbit lot: Front: || Cordelia Brooks | wife of | J. C. Babbitt | born | Nov 17, 1819 |

died | Dec 17, 1889 || Side 1: Sarah Babbitt | Wife of | A. Boomhower | Died | Oct 1, 1895 | Aged 43 yrs. || Side 2: Capt
J. C. Babbitt | born | June 24, 1818 | died | Nov 29, 1886 || Side 3: Sarah B. | died Jan 29, 1848 | ae. 4 yrs & 7 mos |
Frank M. | died | Aug 7, 1853 | ae. 1 yrs. 1 Mos.

Vermont: Death Record, Swanton VT reported death of Sarah Boomhower (Babbitt) on 1-Oct-1895 of Heart disease
at age 43 yrs. mos. days, born in St. Albans VT. Parents Joshua & Cordella (Brooks). Married.
Vermont: Death Record, Swanton VT reported death of Matilda L. Boomhower on 27-Nov-1902 of Congestion of
the lungs at age 88 yrs. 6 mos. days, born in Canada. Parents Jacob & Ora. Single.
241 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Church St. Cemetery, Swanton: At rest | Matilda L. Boomhour | Born | May 22, 1875 |

Died | Nov 27, 1902.

242 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Holographic Will: No. 340, 23rd February 1841, Probate of the last Will and

Testament of Jacob Boomhower: Ninthly I do have at the disposal of my said wife property sufficient to Enable her to
pay unto my two Grand Daughters. Matilda Daughter of my son Jacob and Sabrina the Daughter of my son Jeremiah.
the sum of fifty dollars Each.
243 David J. Ellis: No record of any marriage or children found and consistently living with her brother's family till his

death. Buried with her mother.

244 Federal Population Schedule, 29-Aug-1850, pp. 12.15, dw. 82, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 86, Stephen

Popple age 41 sex m basket maker born in VT, Olive age 49 sex f born in VT, Oliver Potter age 68 sex m farmer born
in VT, Augusta age 34 sex f born in VT, Norvell age 27 sex m peddler born in VT, Manda age 20 sex f born in VT,
Allen age 22 sex m laborer born in VT, Matilda age 18 sex f born in VT, Frances Carino age 18 sex m laborer born in
245 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jul-1860, dw. 152, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 144, Stephen Popple age 51

sex m day laborer born in VT, Lovina age 41 sex f born in VT, Charles Sisco age 10 sex m born in VT, George age 6
sex m born in VT.
246 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1870, pp. 64.21, dw. 479, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 504, Stephen

Popple age 63 sex M basket maker born in VT, Lovisa age 51 sex F keeping house born in VT, Charles Sisco age 19
sex M works in marble mill born in VT, George age 16 sex M painter's apprentice born in VT.
247 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 pp. 305C: Swanton,

Franklin Co., VT : Geo. E. SISCO Self male married white age 25 born in VT occupation Wks On R. R. father born in
VT mother born in VT: Lottie SISCO Wife female married white age 21 born in VT occupation Keeps House father
born in IRE mother born in IRE: Fred SISCO Son male single white age 3 born in VT father born in VT mother born in
VT: Floyd SISCO Son male single white age 1 born in VT father born in VT mother born in VT: Stephen POPPLE
FatherL male married white age 72 born in VT occupation Basket Maker father born in VT mother born in VT: Lavina
POPPLE MotherL female married white age 62 born in VT father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
248 Federal Population Schedule, 10-Sep-1850, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, dw. 172, family 174, Wm. Fuller age 53

sex m saddler born in VT, Eleza Fuller age 49 sex f born in VT, William Fuller age 22 sex m merchant born in VT,
Nulvince Fuller age 19 sex f born in VT, Erasmus A. Fuller age 15 sex m saddler born in VT, Helen Fuller age 13 sex f
born in VT, Mary Tralure age 18 sex f born in Canada, Enos Sisco age 25 sex m laborer born in VT, Wm. Bouthey age
15 sex m laborer born in VT, John Dow age 55 sex m occ. unclear born in Canada.
249 Vermont: Death Record, Popple, Lovina (Boomhower), age 66 yrs., 4 mos., 6 days, born St. Albans, father Jacob

Boomhower, died in St. Albans 19-Apr-1886 of asthma.

250 Vermont: Marriage Record, Burlington VT reported marriage of Enos P Sisco to Lavina A. Boonhower on 20-Jan-

1848. Enos P Sisco residing in St. Albans VT. Lavina A. Boonhower residing in St. Albans VT.
251 Vermont: Marriage Record, Marriage reported by Swanton VT on 22-Sep-1874 between George E. Sisco, resident

of Swanton VT, age 21 and Charlotte R. Donovan. First marriage of George E. Sisco who is a Tile Maker born in St.
Albans VT, parents are Enos C. Sisco = Lavina Boonhower.
252 Vermont: Civil Vital Records, Swanton Death Certificate. Death of Charles Lester Sisco on 30-Sep-1904 in

Swanton VT, age 54 yrs., 9 mos., 1 days. Male, married, DOB 12-Dec-1849. Born in Frelighsburg QC, father Lester
Sisco born in Canada, mother Malvina Boomhower born in Canada. Burial Riverside Oct 3, 1904. Occupation Laborer.
Information provided by Mrs. Martin Garland.
David J. Ellis: The birthday book does not list Charles Sisco. In the family notes that identify Medor Cahah´ as
Matilda's father Charles Sisco's birthday is stated as December 12th. He is enumerated as one year old on 18-Sep-1850.
I believe he was born on December 12th, 1849, as is recorded on his death record.
Vermont, Swanton: Marriage Record, Marriage reported on 31-Dec-1870 between Charles L. Sisco, resident of
Swanton VT, age 20 and Matilda Mador, resident of Swanton VT, age 18. First marriage of Charles L. Sisco who is a
Tile Maker born in Ferrisburgh VT, parents are Enos P. Sisco = Lavina (Boonhower).Matilda Mador who was born in
Swanton VT, parents are Peter Mador = Julia Sampea.
255 Vermont, Swanton: St. Mary's Church, Name: Lester Cisco, Parents: Enoch Cisco and Lairna Boomhower,

Residence: Swanton, Bride Name: Matti Medor, Bride Parents: Patri Medor and Julia Sanspite, Marriage Date:
12/31/1870, Town: Swanton, pp. # not given.
Vermont: Cemetery Records, Riverside Cemetery, Swanton: Charles Sisco | 1852 - 1904 | his wife | Matilda Medor |
1853 - 1929 |.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 pp. 300A: Swanton,
Franklin Co., VT : Charles SISCO Self male married white age 36 born in VT occupation Laborer father born in VT
mother born in VT: Matilda SISCO Wife female married white age 28 born in NY occupation Keeps House father born
in CAN mother born in CAN: Amanda SISCO Dau female single white age 9 born in VT father born in VT mother
born in NY: Eddie SISCO Son male single white age 6 born in VT father born in VT mother born in NY: Lavina
SISCO Dau female single white age 3 born in VT father born in VT mother born in NY.
258 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1900, pp. 309B.75, dw. 127, fam. 138, ED #121, River Ln., Swanton village,

Franklin Co., VT : Charles Sisco head male married age 49 born in Sep 1850, VT occupation day laborer, marr. 30 yrs.
father born in VT mother born in VT: Matilda wife female married age 48 born in Mar 1852, VT occupation marr. 30
yrs., 10 ch., 10 liv. father born in Can. mother born in Can.: Eddie son male single age 24 born in Nov 1875, VT
occupation day laborer father born in VT mother born in VT: Frank E. son male single age 22 born in Sep 1877, VT
occupation day laborer father born in VT mother born in VT: Allie son male single age 19 born in Jan 1880, VT
occupation day laborer father born in VT mother born in VT: Charley son male single age 13 born in May 1887, VT
father born in VT mother born in VT: Minnie dau female single age 11 born in Jul 1888, VT father born in VT mother
born in VT: Jesse son male single age 9 born in Apr 1890, VT father born in VT mother born in VT: Harry son male
single age 7 born in May 1893, VT father born in VT mother born in VT: Bessie dau female single age 4 born in May
1896, VT father born in VT mother born in VT.
259 Federal Population Schedule, 17-Jun-1870, pp. 49.15, dw. 358, Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 372, Edward

Medor age 25 sex M Marble cutter born in VT, Salina [Medor] age 22 sex F Keeping house born in VT, Matilda
[Medor] age 18 sex F born in VT, Julia [Medor] age 55 sex F born in Canada, Peter [Medor] age 59 sex M Day laborer
born in Canada.
260 Vermont: Death Record, Town of Brattleboro reported death of Matilda Sisco in Brattleboro Retreat on 8-Jun-1929

of cerebral hemorrhage caused by senile psychosis arterio sclerosis. Born 2-Mar-1850 in Swanton VT.
261 Jesse Strong and Bessie Sisco, Birthday Book, (Hand written diary), Matilda Medor born 31 March <illeg.>.

Separate note states Matilda Medor age 67 March 30 1918, age 70 1921.
262 David J. Ellis: Matilda is enumerated as five years old in 1860. She states her age as eighteen when she marries in

December 1870. Because the other ages in the 1860 census are mistated, I give more credence to the marriage record.
However, Bessie Sisco was the youngest child of these parents suggesting her birthday book should be reliable for their
births. The book states that Matilda was born on March 31st, [year illegible]. However, in the notes that identify Medor
Cahah´ as her father it states that Matilda Medor age 67 on March 30th, 1918 and age 70 in 1921. I believe she was
born on the 30th or 31st of March in 1851.
263 David J. Ellis: I no longer have a record of where I got the birth date of July 8th. Possibly from a death record. I

have traced its appearance to entering my data in late 1999. I have no email record and no record from the Vermont
vitals. Its unlikely to have come from Dorcas Strong's papers, as it is not in the birthday book nor on his photograph.
264 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jun-1900, pp. 184A.45, dw. 107, fam. 112, ED #115, 50 Main St., St. Albans,

Franklin Co., VT : George E. Sisco head male married age 42 born in Mar 1858, VT occupation brakeman R.R., marr.
0 yrs. father born in Ger. mother born in Ger.: Della M. wife female married age 28 born in Nov 1871, VT occupation
marr. 0 yrs. father born in VT mother born in VT.
265 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Alburg, St. Amadeus Cemetery: GEORGE E. SISCO | 1854 - 1929 | his wife | DELLA

MITCHELL | 1870 - 1950.

266 David J. Ellis: Based on the birth locations of his children.
267 Vermont: Death Record, St. Albans VT reported death of Charlotte Rose Donovan Sisco on 3-May-1895 of Cancer

at age 34 yrs. 4 mos. 2 days, born in Swanton VT. Parents John Donovan & Charlotte R. McRannon. Married.
Vermont: Cemetery Records, Church St. Cemetery, Swanton: Popple, Stephen, B. , D. 8-May-1884, ae. 76 yrs.
DJE: Name is spelt "Poople" in record. Omitted in "Find a Grave" listing and marker no longer visible since cemetery
Vermont: Marriage Record, St. Albans VT reported marriage of Miss Mary Boomhour to Mr. George Holcrow on
25-Sep-1852. Miss Mary Boomhour residing in St. Albans VT.
270 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Bedford, Missisquoi Co., pp. 2.29, Hse. 22, Ona~~ Bedard, age 46,

Head, married, male, born in Québec on 21 Jun 1854, Elizabeth Bedard, age 46, Wife, married, female, born in Québec
on 13 Jul 1854, Permilla Bedard, age 81, Boarder, widow, female, born in Québec on 12 Feb 1820, Mary Halcrow, age
79, Boarder, widow, female, born in U.S.A. on 21 Oct 1821, Immigration 1840.
Rev. Harold Boomhower, "Genealogy: Rev. Harold Boomhower," A conflicting date of 30 Oct 1821 was stated by
Rev. Harold BOOMHOWER. He was a great-nephew to this individual and may have had access to family documents.

Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district L || Division 2 ||
pp. 64 || hse. 328 || Census Place: Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC || Mary HALCRO Widowed German Female age 59
born in QC, Methodist || Elizabeth HALCRO German Female age 26 born in QC, Seamstress, Methodist || William
HALCRO German Male age 24 born in QC, Methodist || Alonza HALCRO German Male age 19 born in QC,
Methodist || Franklin HALCRO German Male age 17 born in QC, Methodist.
Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, V-47-2-1 to 6: [Rev. Eddy United Church Books]: Fol. 192 Boomhower,
Mary, d. Jun 13, 1903 at Bedford w/o George Halcrow Wit. Mrs. H. A. Best, Mrs. O. S. Bedard Min. G. W. Snell.
274 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Buried by me in presence of the subscribing witnesses George

Halcrow of Bedford Co. of Missisquoi Que. Was born in Montreal on the Eleventh day of March One thousand Eight
hundred and Twenty Five. Buried on the Fifteenth day of May One thousand Eight hundred and Seventy Eight.
Witnesses Mary Halcrow and Libbie Halcrow.
275 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, V-47-A3-1 & 2. [Madelyn Garris - grand daughter of Lyman Boomhower.

Some data claimed to be from Clark Boomhower 1823 - 1901]: Clark Boomhower, resident of Stanbridge, Farnham,
Dunham. Born July 28, 1823 in Stanbridge, married to Sally Orcutt on March 12, 1850 in Farnham, married to Betsy
Connors Agust 10, 1872. Sally born July 7, 1832 and died August 16, 1871 of smallpox shortly after childbirth.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 4.40, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Clark Bomhour age 38 M/M born in L. Canada
occ./rel. farmer, Millerite (Adventist), Sally Bomhour age 29 F/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. Millerite, Homer
Bomhour age 11 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. Millerite, Lyman Bomhour age 9 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel.
Millerite, Eddy Bomhour age 5 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. Millerite, Allewing Bomhour age 2 M/S born in L.
Canada occ./rel. Millerite.
277 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 3, pp. 35.11, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., dw. 127, family 131: Clark B. Boomhower age

47 M/M born in QC origin German? occupation carpenter religion 2nd Adventist. Sarah [Boomhower] age 38 M/F
born in QC origin German? religion 2nd Adventist. Homer [Boomhower] age 20 S/M born in QC origin German?
religion 2nd Adventist. Herbert [Boomhower] age 18 S/M born in QC origin German? religion 2nd Adventist. Edward
[Boomhower] age 14 S/M born in QC origin German? religion 2nd Adventist. Elwyn [Boomhower] age 12 S/M born in
QC origin German? religion 2nd Adventist. Harriett [Boomhower] age 5 S/F born in QC origin German? religion 2nd
278 Part of the Wallings map, published in 1864. It depicts the five counties located between the Richelieu River and

Lac Memphrémagog in the Eastern Townships of Québec.

279 Québec, Stanbridge: Baptist Church Records, Register of the marriage of Clark Boomhower, joiner of Farnham aged

twenty seven years and Mifs Sarah Amelia Orcutt aged eighteen years of Farnham by Banns this twelfth day of March
one thousand eight hundred and fifty. Witness Simon Orcutt and Jane Orcutt.
280 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, V-47-A4-1 to 4. [Family Happenings in Missisquoi Co. by Ruby Laduke

Moore.]: Sally died Oct 16, 1871. I found her gravestone a few years ago in the Meller Cemetery, north of Meigs
Corner, but it has since been carried away by vandals.
281 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Ester Boomhower (Magatoy) to Homer Boomhower

on 19-Feb-1881. Second marriage of Ester Boomhower (Magatoy) residing in Stanbridge PQ, age 25, born Stanbridge
PQ, parents William Mugatoy & Catherine. First marriage of Homer Boomhower residing in Dunham PQ, occupation
Farmer, age 30, born Dunham PQ, parents Clark Boomhower & Sally.
282 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Marriage of Homer F. BOOMHOWER, a bachelor of Twp of Dunham to Mary Jane KETTLE on 2 Dec 1871 in Sutton
Adventist church.
283 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, V-47-A3-1 & 2. [Madelyn Garris - grand daughter of Lyman Boomhower.

Some data claimed to be from Clark Boomhower 1823 - 1901]: Homer F. b. Jan 11, 1851 Farnham. Herbert Lyman b.
Oct 25, 1852 Farnham, m. 1882/1883 Minneapolis to Mary Elizabeth Westlake, d. Tacoma WA. Edward C. b. Oct 29,
1856 Farnham d. March 1929 Hot Springs AR. Elwyn C. b. Jan 28, 1859 Dunham. Hattie b. Nov 29, 1865 Dunham.
Herbert W. b. Oct 4, 1871 Dunham d. Jun 5, 1879 Dunham.
284 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Homer Franklin Boomhour of the township of Stanbridge County

of Missisquoi Province of Québec died on the eighteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and ninety four aged forty four years and was buried on the twentieth day of the same month in the same year
in presence of the subscribing witnesses by me. Witnessed Arthur E. Runnells, A. J. A. Tree.
285 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district L || Division 1 ||

pp. 26 || hse. 141 || Census Place: Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC || Homer BUMHOUR Married German Male age 30
born in QC || Hester BUMHOUR Married German Female age 26 born in QC || Nellie BUMHOUR German Female
age 1 born in QC.
Marlene Simmons, Vermont, Richford: Cemetery Records, (An Index to Grave Stone Inscriptions, Richford VT
Area Cemeteries), Boomhower, Esther b. Sep 3 1854 d. Jul 15 1918 ae. 63 Sp: Phillips, Wyram Row 22C Stone 8
Hillside cemetery Richford VT.

Québec: Census, 28-Apr-1891, pp. 29.01, Hse. 183, Dist. 168-P, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Esther Boomhour,
female, age 36, widow, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Herby, male, age 8, son, born in QC, father
QC, mother QC, Meth., Hellen, female, age 6, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Cornelia, female, age 4,
dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Mary, female, age 2, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.,
Nelly, female, age 12, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
David J. Ellis: The date is an unverified claim.
289 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Brooks cemetery, St. Albans: Herbie son of C & S.A. Boomhour died June 5, 1874

AE 2 Yrs. 8 Mos.
290 Vermont: Marriage Record, St. Albans VT reported marriage of Clark Boomhower to Betsey Connor on 8-Oct-

1872. Second marriage of Clark Boomhower residing in Dunham PQ, occupation Carpenter, age 49, born Stanbridge
PQ, parents Jacob Boomhower & Orey Schoolcraft. First marriage of Betsey Connor residing in St. Albans VT, age 40,
born Wheelock VT, parents Benjamin Conor & Thankful (Weeks).
291 State of Vermont, Vermont: IGI: Birth records, (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), "Electronic,"

Event Birth: Betsey C. Connor : F : Father Benjamin Connor : Date 05 Dec 1831 : Place Wheelock Twp, Caledonia,
Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Betsey G. Conner wife of Clark Boomhower of Stanbridge died
on the third day of May aged fifty nine years and was buried on this the fifth day of may eighteen hundred and ninety
one in presence of the subscribing witnesses by me. Witnessed John P. Conner and Beryaburi? Guidden.
Photograph of Matilda Medor
294 Photograph of George Sisco
295 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Sep-1850, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, dw. 496, family 517, Azel Church family

age sex born in, Leicester Boomhour age 24 sex m chair maker born in Canada, Delia Boomhour age 17 sex f born in
296 Federal Population Schedule, 20-Aug-1860, dw. 2756, Hyde Park, Lamoille Co., VT, fam. 2674, L. Boomhower age

34 sex m farmer born in Canada, Nancy age 31 sex f born in VT, Nancy A. age 7 sex f born in VT, Roland age 5 sex m
born in VT, L. Matilda age 3 sex f born in VT, Clara age 1 sex f born in VT.
297 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 pp. 401A: Eden, Lamoille

Co., VT : Lester BOONHOWER Self male married white age 55 born in CANADA occupation Farmer father born in
NY mother born in CANADA: Nancy M. BOONHOWER Wife female married white age 51 born in VT occupation
Keeps House father born in NH mother born in NH: Willie BOONHOWER Son male single white age 15 born in VT
father born in CANADA mother born in VT: Mary M. BOONHOWER Dau female single white age 10 born in VT
father born in CANADA mother born in VT: Jessie W. BOONHOWER Dau female single white age 6 born in VT
father born in CANADA mother born in VT.
298 Childs Co. Gazetteer and Directory, Gazetteer and Business Directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, VT., for

1883-84. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, VT., for 1883-84. Compiled and
Published by Hamilton Child, Syracuse, N.Y. pp. 307: Eden, Boomhower Lester, (P.O. Eden Mills) r 5 [E. Hill Rd.],
dairy 9 cows, farmer 200 acres, woodland 58 acres. pp. 312: Eden, Whitney Alvin J. r 5 [E. Hill Rd.], leases 37 acres
from L. Boomhower.
299 Vermont: Death Record, Hyde Park VT reported death of Nancy M. Boomhower on 5-Jan-1901 of Mental illneses

at age 71 yrs. 10 mos. 26 days, born in St. Albans VT. Parents Seth Collins & Mariam. Married.
300 Claimed (Unverified), Nancy's death record with various census and children's birth records can be used to prove the

marriage. The date is claimed by others.

301 Vermont: Birth Record, Event Birth: Nancy Malinda COLLINS : F : Father Seth COLLINS : Mother Meriam : Date

16 Feb 1829 : Place St. Albans Twp, Franklin, Vermont.

Vermont: Birth Record, Hyde Park VT reported birth of Lora Boomhawer on 9-Feb-1857, sex F. Parents Lester
Boomhawer & Nancy living in Hyde Park VT, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in Stanbridge C.E., mother born
in St. Albans VT.
303 Vermont: Marriage Record, Morristown VT reported marriage of Willie P. Boomhower to Ella A. Thompson on 30-

Jan-1895. First marriage of Willie P. Boomhower residing in Morristown VT, occupation Farmer, age 30, born Hyde
Park VT, parents Lester & Nancy M. C.
304 Vermont: Birth Record, Eden VT reported birth of Jessie Boomhower on 8-May-1874, sex F. Parents Lester

Boomhower & Nancy Collins living in Eden VT, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in Stanbridge PQ, mother
born in St. Albans VT.
305 Québec: Census, 15-Apr-1891, pp. 20.25, Hse. 113, Dist. 30-15, Oxford, Cumberland Co., Rollin Boomhower,

male, age 36, married, head, born in US, father US, mother US, Meth., farmer, Mirian, female, age 31, married, wife,
born in NS, father NS, mother NS, Meth., Aylmer, male, age 3, son, born in NS, father NS, mother NS, Meth., Blanche,
female, age 1, dau, born in NS, father NS, mother NS, Meth.

Nova Scotia, Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Oxford, Cumberland Co., pp. 1.27, Hse. 9, Boomhower Rollen,
age 46, Head, married, male, born in U.S.A. on Nov 16 1854, Immigrated 1887, Boohower Minnie, age 41, Wife,
married, female, born in N.S. on Jan 20 1860, Boomhower Elmer, age 12, Son, single, male, born in N.S. on Apr 24
1888, Boomhower Blanch, age 11, Daughter, single, female, born in U.S.A. on Jan 26 1890, Boomhower Frank, age 8,
Son, single, male, born in N.S. on Apr 23 1892.
Vermont: Birth Record, Eden VT reported birth of Unnamed Boomhower on 10-Sep-1903, sex F. Parents A. L.
Boomhower age 43 & Nellie A. Haskell age 37, 6th child of this mother living in Eden VT, father's occupation Farmer.
Father born in Hyde Park VT, mother born in Liberty ME.
308 Childs Co. Gazetteer and Directory, Gazetteer and Business Directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, VT., for

1883-84. pp. 385: Wolcott, Boomhour Arthur, (P.O. Wolcott) r 30 [Marsh Rd.], farm laborer.
309 Vermont: Birth Record, Eden VT reported birth of Unnamed Boomhower on 29-Dec-1869, sex F. Parents Lester

Boomhower & Nancy Collins living in Eden VT, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in Canada, mother born in St.
Albans VT.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Burlington VT reported marriage of Clara Boomhour to William W. Fitts on 9-Dec-
1868. First marriage of Clara Boomhour residing in St. Albans VT, age 41, born Canada QC, parents Jacob Boomhour
& Orra.
Federal Population Schedule, 16-Jul-1860, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, dw. 2113, family 556, Family of Geo. J.
Stannard, Clara Bomehower age 35 sex f domestic born in Canada.
Vermont: Death Record, New Haven VT reported death of William W. Fitts on 27-Oct-1905 of old age and general
breaking down assisted by slight shock at age 80 yrs. 10 mos. 23 days, born in Middlebury VT. Parents Clark Fitts and
Sophia Washburn. married.
313 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Jul-1860, St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, dw. 2130, family 573, Family of Archilang

Godard, Elisabeth Bomhour age 20 sex f domestic born in Canada.

314 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 NA Film T9-1344 pp. 245A: St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT :

John D. F. BARKER Self male married white age 57 born in VT occupation Blacksmith father born in VT mother
born in VT: Susan L. BARKER Wife female married white age 48 born in VT occupation Keeps House father born in
VT mother born in VT: Mary Ellen BARKER Dau female single white age 23 born in VT occupation Teaching School
father born in VT mother born in VT: Guy F. BARKER Son male single white age 10 born in VT occupation At
School father born in VT mother born in VT: Elizabeth FITTS Other female widow white age 48 born in CAN
occupation Servant father born in NY mother born in CAN.
315 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of Elizabeth Boomhower to B. F. Popple on 28-Nov-

1860. Elizabeth Boomhower residing in Swanton VT. B. F. Popple residing in Swanton VT.
316 Vermont: Death Record, Death of Benjamin Popple on 14-Nov-1862 in Swanton VT, age 25 yrs. of Consumption.

Born in Highgate VT. Occupation Shoemaker.

317 Vermont: Marriage Record, Burlington VT reported marriage between Elizabeth Popple (Boomhower) and Simon F.

Fitta on Nov-1871. 2nd marriage of Elizabeth Popple (Boomhower) age 40 residing in St. Albans VT.
318 Vermont: Birth Record, Frank B. Popple born 9-Jan-1862 in Swanton VT, sex M. Parents Elizabeth and Benjamin

Popple. Father's occupation Shoemaker. Father's place of birth Highgate VT. Mother's place of birth Canada.
319 Vermont: Cemetery Records, Church St. Cemetery, Swanton: Frankie B. | son of | B. F. and Elizabeth | Popple | died

| May 5, 1863 | ae. 16 ms. |.

320 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1259.35, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 8 Head of

household Henry Notemire, renter, farmer. 9 Total in household, 3 5 and under, 3 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not
60 Marr., Females: 2 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 9 Methodist.
Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.27, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Peter Schoolcraft, 3
total in household, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
322 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, 26 February 1842: pp.

2615.06, West Bolton, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Peter Schoolcraft, renter, farmer. Total present in household
3. Native of Canada 2 Eng. Native of U.S.A. 1. Years in province for non native 30. Children: 1 male 6 but under 14, 1
aged 5 thru 16. Males: 1 30 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 45 and up Marr. 2 British Weslyan Methodist.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 365.44, Stukely, Shefford Co., Thomas Stuart age 60 M/M born in Irelande
occ./rel. farmer, Elisabeth Turner age 56 F/M born in BC, Thomas Stuart age 16 M/S born in BC occ./rel. farmer, Mary
Stuart age 14 F/S born in BC, Julie Stuart age 11 F/S born in BC, Jane Scoulcraf age 75 F born in EU.
David J. Ellis: Marriage before birth of Simon Jr. whose age is determined from census and death record, not
marriage record.
325 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Aug-1870, pp. 5.09, dw. 33, Belvidere, Lamoille Co., VT, fam. 36, Sam Schoolcraft

age 35 sex m farm laborer born in Canada, Mary age 37 sex f keeps house born in Ireland, Nellie age 11 sex f born in
VT, Homer age 2 mos. Born Apr. sex m born in VT, George age 1 sex m died Sept 1869 of diarrhea born in VT.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 pp. 371B: Belvidere,
Lamoille Co., VT : Simon SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 46 born in CANADA occupation Farmer
father born in CANADA mother born in CANADA: Mary SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 48 born in
IRELAND occupation Keeps House father born in IRELAND mother born in IRELAND: Homer L. SCHOOLCRAFT
Son male single white age 10 born in VT father born in CANADA mother born in IRELAND: Flora SCHOOLCRAFT
Dau female single white age 3 born in VT father born in CANADA mother born in IRELAND.
327 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jun-1900, pp. 2B.86, dw. 43, fam. 44, ED #127, Belvidere, Lamoille Co., VT :

Simon Schoolcraft head male married age 75 born in Apr 1825, VT occupation farmer, marr. 50 yrs. father born in VT
mother born in VT: Salley wife female married age 70 born in Feb 1830, VT occupation marr. 50 yrs., 2 ch., 2 liv.
father born in VT mother born in VT.
328 Childs Co. Gazetteer and Directory, Gazetteer and Business Directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, VT., for

1883-84. pp. 291: Belvidere, Schoolcraft Simon, (P.O. Belvidere Corners) r 4 [rt. 109], farmer 25 acres.
329 David J. Ellis: Mary Sheehan is determined to be Simon's spouse from the birth records of her children that cite her

name and birth location; and from her own death record that provides her maiden name. Births of both George's refer to
Mary but their deaths to Harriet. 1870 Census confirms George is Simon & Mary's child.
Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jun-1900, pp. 24A.01, dw. 289, fam. 290, ED #128, Jeffersonville, Cambridge,
Lamoille Co., VT : Almond Hawley & family : Mary Schoolcraft servant female widow age 69 born in Mar 1833, Ire.
occupation servant, emmig. 1850 father born in Ire. mother born in Ire.
Vermont: Death Record, Death of Mary Sheehan Schoolcraft on 25-Jul-1908 in Underhill VT, age 76 yrs., 4 mos.
Born in Ireland, parents Patrick Sheehan=Bridget Donovan born in Ireland, mother born in Ireland.
332 Vermont: Birth Record, Enosburgh VT reported birth of Nelly M. Schoolcraft on 26-Aug-1858, sex F. Parents

Simon Schoolcraft & Mary living in Enosburgh VT, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in Lower Canada, mother
born in Ireland.
333 Vermont: Death Record, Belvidere VT reported death of Charles Schoolcraft on 23-Feb-1864 of Congestion of the

lungs at age 4 yrs. 6 mos. 10 days, born in Belvidere VT. Parents Simon Schoolcraft & Harriet.
334 Vermont: Death Record, Belvidere VT reported death of Mary Schoolcraft on 15-Sep-1864 of Lung fever at age 3

yrs. 8 mos. 20 days, born in Belvidere VT. Parents Simon Schoolcraft & Harriet.
335 Vermont: Birth Record, Belvidere VT reported birth of Moreus Cornelius Schoolcraft on 20-Nov-1863, sex M.

Parents Simon Schoolcraft & Mary living in Belvidere VT, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in Canada, mother
born in Ireland.
336 Vermont: Birth Record, Belvidere VT reported birth of George Schoolcraft on 7-Sep-1865, sex M. Parents Simon

Schoolcraft & Mary living in Belvidere VT, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in Canada E., mother born in
337 Vermont: Death Record, Belvidere VT reported death of George Schoolcraft on 13-Sep-1867 of Dysentry and

wonns at age 4 yrs. 3 mos. 21 days. Parents Simon Schoolcraft & Harriet.
338 Vermont: Birth Record, Belvidere VT reported birth of George Willis Schoolcraft on 25-Aug-1868, sex M. Parents

Simon Schoolcraft & Mary living in Belvidere VT, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in Canada E., mother born
in Ireland.
339 Vermont: Death Record, Belvidere VT reported death of George Schoolcraft on 2-Sep-1869 of Bilious fever at age 1

yrs. 1 mos. 2 days. Parents Simon Schoolcraft & Harriet.

340 Vermont: Birth Record, Belvidere VT reported birth of Homer Schoolcraft on 15-Apr-1870, sex M. Parents Simon

Schoolcraft & Mary living in Belvidere VT, father's occupation Farmer. Father born in Canada, mother born in Ireland.
341 Vermont: Birth Record, Flora Schoolcraft born 25-Mar-1877 in Belvidere VT, sex F. Parents Mary=Simon

Schoolcraft residing in Belvidere VT. Father's occupation Farmer. Father's place of birth Canada. Mother's place of
birth Ireland.
342 Vermont: Marriage Record, Eden VT reported marriage between Nellie Schoolcraft and Hralmer Estus on 13-Dec-

1877. 1st marriage of Nellie Schoolcraft age 19 born in Enosburg VT residing in Belvidere VT. Parents Simon
Schoolcraft & Mary.
343 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 NA Film T9-1344 pp. 399A, Eden, Lamoille Co., VT :

Allen ESTES Self male married white age 23 born in VT occupation Farmer father born in --- mother born in ---:
Nellie M. ESTES Wife female married white age 22 born in VT occupation Keeps House father born in CANADA
mother born in IRELAND: George C. ESTES Son male single white age 1 born in VT father born in VT mother born
in VT: Amos M. ESTES Son male single white age 3M born in VT father born in VT mother born in VT.
344 Vermont: Marriage Record, Bristol VT reported marriage between Flora Schoolcraft and Frank C. Hickey on 17-

Nov-1897. 1st marriage of Flora Schoolcraft age 20 born in Cambridge VT residing in Bristol VT. Parents Mary.

Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Stanbridge P-2, Missisquoi Co., pp. 6.27, Hse. 63, Schoolcraft
Wallace, age 32, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Aug 20, 1869, Schoolcraft Persis, age 25, Wife, married,
female, born in Québec on Oct 23, 1876, Schoolcraft Archie, age 5, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Jul 7, 1894,
Schoolcraft Violet, age 1, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Jul 29, 1899, Schoolcraft Munson, age 67,
Father, widow, male, born in Québec on Apr 20, 1834.
Québec: Newspapers, Sherbrook Daily Record: Entry 4285: Deaths: 22 Feb. 1905: Schoolcraft: (Stanbridge E.) Mr.
Munson Schoolcraft, an old res. of this place, d. Feb 18 at a ripe age.
347 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 4, pp. 24.17, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 93, fam. 99: M. Schoolcraft age 40 M/M

born in QC origin German occupation laborer religion Universalist. Harriet age 36 M/F born in QC origin German
religion Universalist. Winsor age 3 S/M born in QC origin German religion Universalist. John age 2 S/M born in QC
origin German religion Universalist.
348 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district L || Division 1 ||

pp. 1 || hse. 4 || Census Place: Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC || Munson Schoolcraft Married German Male age 49 born
in QC, Laborer || Harriet Schoolcraft Married French Female age 39 born in QC, Church of England || Windsor
Schoolcraft French Male age 14 born in QC, Church of England || Walter Schoolcraft French Male age 11 born in QC,
Church of England.
Québec: Census, 18-Apr-1891, pp. 12.04, Hse. 82, Dist. 168-P, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Munson Scoolcraft,
male, age 59, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, farm labourer, Harriet, female, age 49, wife, born in QC, father
QC, mother QC, Windsor, male, age 25, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Walter, male, age 22, son, born in
QC, father QC, mother QC, farm labourer.
350 Québec, Farnham: Anglican Church Records, Farnham Anglican, Québec: William Henry son of Monson

Schoolcraft and Mary Ann Hoskin his wife was born on the twenty first day of March and baptised on the second day
of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty three.
351 Québec, Farnham: Anglican Church Records, Farnham Anglican, Québec: William Henry son of Monson

Schoolcraft and Mary Ann Hoskin his wife died on the twentieth and was buried on the twenty second of September
eighteen hundred and fifty three aged six months.
352 Québec, Farnham: Anglican Church Records, Samuel Thomas son of Robert Munson Schoolcraft and of Harriet

Eleanora Sanderson his wife born the first day of November one thousand eight hundred and sixty was baptized the
thirteenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty one by me Thos. W. Mussen. Harriet Eleanora
Schoolcraft, Maria P. Mosha proxy for Robert M. Schoolcraft, Marrietta Yates and Martha E. Mosha.
353 Québec, Farnham: Anglican Church Records, Samuel Thomas son of Robert Munson Schoolcraft and of Harriet

Eleanora Sanderson his wife died the twenty fifth day of September one thousand eight hundred and sixty one aged ten
months and twenty five days and was buried the following day by me Thos. W. Mussen. Robert Munsen Schoolcraft,
Robert Sanderson.
354 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Harriet Schoolcraft wife of Munson Schoolcraft died at her home

in the township of Stanbridge County of Missisquoi Province of Québec on the twenty fifth day of May aged 54 in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety six and was buried on the twenty seventh day of the same
month in the same year in presence of the subscribing witnesses by me. Witnessed J. N. Briggs and S. K. Palmer.
355 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Ida, daughter of Monson Schoolcraft of Stanbridge and Harriet his

wife, - born the fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty two, - was
baptized on this fifteenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty three.
356 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Buried Schoolcraft Ida, daughter of Monson and Harriet Schoolcraft

of Stanbridge died on the Sixteenth and was buried on the Seventeenth day of August in the year of our Lord One
Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Three, by me, I. Constantine, Minister of St James church, Stanbridge East William
Mather witness.
357 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Elwin Larkin, son of Robert Monson Schoolcraft and Harriet his

wife, born the fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four, was baptized
on this fifth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty six.
358 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Walter, son of Robert Monson Schoolcraft and Harriet his wife,

born the twentieth day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine, was baptized on this twenty third day of
August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy.
359 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Stanbridge P-2, Missisquoi Co., pp. 6.27, Hse. 63, Schoolcraft

Wallace, age 32, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Aug 20, 1869, Schoolcraft Persis, age 25, Wife, married,
female, born in Québec on Oct 23, 1876, Schoolcraft Archie, age 5, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Jul 7, 1894,
Schoolcraft Violet, age 1, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Jul 29, 1899, Schoolcraft Munson, age 67,
Father, widow, male, born in Québec on Apr 20, 1834.

Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 1.47, Hse. 13, Dist. 20, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Walter
Schoolcraft, age 41, Head, married, male, born in QC on Aug 1869, Percis A., age 33, Wife, married, female, born in
QC on Oct 1877, Archbald E., age 14, Son, single, male, born in QC on Jul 1896, Violet B., age 11, Daughter, single,
female, born in QC on Jul 1899, Earl N., age 10, Son, single, male, born in QC on May 1901, Nelson W., age 7, Son,
single, male, born in QC on Sep 1903, Windsor W., age 4, Son, single, male, born in QC on Jun 1906.
Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jan-1920 Enosburg, Franklin Co., VT dw. 43, family 45. : Walter Schoolcraft head
male married age 50 born in Canada occupation farm laborer father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Persis wife
female married age 42 born in Canada father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Archable son male single age 23
born in Canada occupation farm laborer father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Beryl daughter female single
age 20 born in Canada father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Earl son male single age 18 born in Canada father
born in Canada mother born in Canada: Nelson son male single age 16 born in Canada father born in Canada mother
born in Canada: Mendon son male single age 13 born in Canada father born in Canada mother born in Canada.
362 Québec: Cemetery Records, Riceburg: Walter Schoolcraft 1869 - 1945, wife Persis A. Russell 1876 - 1958.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage between Walter Schoolcraft and Persis A. Russell on 2-
Oct-1895. 1st marriage of Walter Schoolcraft age 26 born in Stanbridge QC residing in Stanbridge QC. Occupation
farmner, parents Munson Schoolcraft & Harriet Sanderson.
Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Frelighsburg Methodist Circuit, LDS Film 1430763: Burials:
Elmour son of Munson Schoolcraft laborer and Hariet Sanderson his wife of the Township of Stanbridge County of
Missisquoi province of Québec and Dominion of Canada died on the twelveth day of December A.D. one thousand
eight hundred and seventy seven aged seven months and 13 days. Witnesses Felix Johnson and Cyrus Boomhour.
365 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Marriage of Emiline SCHOOLCRAFT, a spinster of Ange Guardien to David FRAZIER on 24 May 1859 in Farnham
Methodist church.
366 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, SAN Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 59,

Unknown source: This couple were divorced by 1878. Later marriage records show David Frazier's parents as being
Noel and Cillas Frechette, and the parents of Emiline as being Simon Schoolcraft and Elizabeth Cummins (Commins).
367 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 11.17, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family frame house, one female

died age 84 of old age, Edward Schoolcraft age 22 M/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, no denom., Hannah
Schoolcraft age 39 F/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. Ch. Of Eng., Harriet Schoolcraft age 7 F/S born in L. Canada
occ./rel. spinster, C. of E., Henry Schoolcraft age 4 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, C. of E., Charly
Schoolcraft age 1 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, C. of E.
368 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district L || Division 3 ||

pp. 38 || hse. 191 || Census Place: Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC || Edward Schodoroft Married Dutch Male age 41
born in QC, Machinist, Second Day Adventist || Elizabeth Schodoroft Married Dutch Female age 41 born in QC, C.
Methodist || Anna M. Hakey Dutch Female age 11 born in NS, C. Methodist || Charles Hakey Dutch Male age 9 born in
NS, C. Methodist.
369 Part of the Wallings map, published in 1864. It depicts the five counties located between the Richelieu River and

Lac Memphrémagog in the Eastern Townships of Québec.

370 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 3, Lot 25: Hannah Deline wife of Edward Schoolcraft died April

20, 1878 ae. 52 yrs.

371 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Bedford Methodist, FHL US/CAN #1430761, Québec Archives

124.8: Buried by me in presence of the subscribing witnesses, Hannah Schoolcraft, wife of Edward Schoolcraft of
Riceburg, Township of Stanbridge, Co. of Missisquoi, Que was born on the [blank] day of [blamk] One thousand Eight
hundred and [blank] Buried on the twenty third day of April One Thousand Eight hundred and Seventy Eight. John
Creufell Meth. Minister. Wit. [blank].
372 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage between Henry Schoolcraft and Delia Litne on 24-Sep-

1888. 1st marriage of Henry Schoolcraft age 31 born in Stanbridge QC residing in Stanbridge QC. Occupation Livery
stable keeper, parents Edward Schoolcraft & Hannah.
373 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jun-1900, pp. 313A.23, ED #294, State Prison, Windsor, Windsor Co., VT : Henry

W. Schoolcraft prisoner male divorced age 43 born in May 1857, Can. occupation emmig. 1897 father born in Can.
mother born in Can.
374 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 9.30, Hse. 95, Dist. 8, St. Armand East, Missisquoi Co., Robert

Clair, age 57, Head, married, male, born in QC on Oct 1853, Ida, age 47, Wife, married, female, born in QC on Feb
1864, Jenne M. Garner, age 23, Domestic, single, female, born in England on Feb 1888, Henry W. Schoolcraft, age 54,
Domestic, widow, male, born in QC on May 1857, Mary Delisse, age 68, Lodger, widow, female, born in QC on Jul
Massachusetts: Death Records, pp. 74, #1419, City of Lowell, 1880: Sep 10, Charles E. Schoolcraft, male, married,
age 29 y. 7 m. 3 d. Tuberculosis died in Lowell, buried in Mystic PQ, carpenter, parents Edward and Hannah born QC.

Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, Bedford Episcopal Church, LDS Film 2027149: Burials: Charles
Schoolcraft of Lowell in the State of massachusetts died on the tenth day of September in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and ninety and was buried on the twelth day of September in the same year by me. Witness
Charles Bockus, Geo. A. Proctor.
377 David J. Ellis: There is a conflict in the year of death between Massachusetts and Québec. As the Massachusett's

form is a printed document that may have been re-used, I believe the handwritten church record, which is consistent
with the cemetery listing and with his date of birth, is the more reliable.
378 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 3, Lot 24: Charles E. Schoolcraft died Sept. 10, 1890 ae. 29 yrs.

7 mos. & 3 dys.

379 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254538 NA Film T9-0538 pp. 151B, Chelmsford, Middlesex Co.,

MA : Charles ADAMS Self male widow white age 80 born in MA occupation Farmer father born in MA mother born
in MA: Charles E. SCHOOLCROFT Other male single white age 20 born in CAN occupation Farm Laborer father
born in CAN mother born in CAN: Eva E. BOCKUS Other female single white age 24 born in CAN occupation House
Keeper father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
380 Massachusetts: Marriage Records, pp. ~~~, #15, Westford, 1880: August 14, Charles E. Schoolcraft, age 20, farmer,

born Canada parents Edward and Hannah 1st marriage & Eva E. Bockus age 20, born Canada parents Eli and Jane
Bockus 1st marriage.
381 Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, Amanda Schoolcraft, daughter of

Edward and Hannah Schoolcraft, of Stanbridge, died April the twenty fifth aged three months and one day, and was
buried by me at Stanbridge aforesaid, April the twenty sixth in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, and
sixty three, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.
382 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 2, Lot 14: Amanda daughter of Edward & Hannah Schoolcraft

died 25 Apr. 1863 ae. 3 mos.

383 Vermont: Marriage Record, Montgomery VT reported marriage between William Henry Schoolcraft and Daisy

Wilson on 11-Mar-1905. 1st marriage of William Henry Schoolcraft age 35 born in Canada residing in Montgomery
VT. Occupation Farmer, parents Edward Schoolcraft (b. Canada)=Hannah Lyon (b. Canada).
384 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1860, dw. 84, Bakersfield, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 85, Giddings family, Polly

Schoolcraft age 18 sex f born in VT, Other lodgers.

385 Federal Population Schedule, 24-Jun-1870, pp. 24.11, dw. 175, Bakersfield, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 179, Junius

Bamas family, Polly Schoolcraft age 28 sex f housekeeper born in Canada.

386 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 NA Film T9-1344 pp. 10D, Bakersfield, Franklin Co., VT :

Annins BARNES Self male married white age 44 born in VT occupation Farmer father born in VT mother born in VT:
Charlott BARNES Wife female married white age 39 born in VT occupation Keeps House father born in MA mother
born in MA: Cornelius BARNES Son male single white age 20 born in VT occupation Wks On Farm father born in VT
mother born in VT: Ilma BARNES Dau female single white age 18 born in VT occupation At School father born in VT
mother born in VT: Money BARNES Son male single white age 13 born in VT occupation At School father born in VT
mother born in VT: Polley SCHOOLCRAFT Other female single white age 38 born in CAN occupation Wks In Dairy
father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Charles MEIHAN Other male single white age 26 born in NB occupation
Wks On Farm father born in NB mother born in NB.
387 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1900, pp. 142B.62, dw. 191, fam. 244, ED #69, 44 Willard St., Burlington,

Chittenden Co., VT : Peter B. Stearns & family : Polly Schoolcraft servant female single age 60 born in Jan 1840, VT
occupation servant father born in VT mother born in VT.
388 Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jun-1860, dw. 308, Enosburg, Franklin Co., VT, fam. 283, Henry H. Cutting age

42 sex m farmer born in Canada E, Philusa age 41 sex f born in Canada E, Philip Schoolcraft age 14 sex m born in
Canada E, Walter Cutting age 10 sex m born in Canada E, Amanda Hubbell age 19 sex f born in Canada E.
389 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1870, pp. 9.13, dw. 67, Eden, Lamoille Co., VT, fam. 69, Philip Schoolcraft

age 23 sex m farm laborer born in VT, Mary age 20 sex f keeps house born in VT, Cora B. age 1 sex f born in VT.
390 Military Records: Civil War listings, Enlisted as a Private on 09 September 1862 at the age of 18. Enlisted in

Company H, 13th Infantry Regiment Vermont on 10 October 1862. Mustered out Company H, 13th Infantry Regiment
Vermont on 21 July 1863 in Brattleboro, VT. Enlisted in Company A, 17th Infantry Regiment Vermont on 05 January
1864. Promoted to Full Corporal on 26 August 1864 (As of Co. A 17th VT Inf).
391 Vermont: Marriage Record, Hyde Park VT reported marriage between Mary A. Schoolcraft (Barrie) and John Vorce

on 28-Jan-1874. 2nd marriage of Mary A. Schoolcraft (Barrie) age 21 residing in Cambridge VT. Parents Henice

New Hampshire: Marriage Record, Marriage 10 July 1899 in Penacook NH by Edwin N. Janett, clergyman | Groom:
Joseph W. MILLER 1st marriage, age 25 years, born Nova Scotia, resident Concord NH, occupation railroad fireman |
Bride: Cora SCHOOLCRAFT 1st marriage, age 25 years, born Hyde Park VT, resident Hyde Park VT, occupation
home | Husband's father: Wm. MILLER, born Nova Scotia, deceased, husband's mother: Rose MANTHORNE, born
Nova Scotia, resident Concord NH | Wife's father: William SCHOOLCRAFT, born Hyde Park VT, deceased, wife's
mother: Mary BARRY, born Hyde Park VT, resident Orange MA.
393 Military Records: Civil War listings, Enlisted as a Private on 05 August 1862. Enlisted in Company I, 10th Infantry

Regiment Vermont on 01 September 1862. Died of disease Company I, 10th Infantry Regiment Vermont on 22
February 1864.
394 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #2: Clark, Hannah

Schoolcraft, female died Dec. 6, 1869, age 44y born Stanbridge, cause liver complaint, informant Clark, Edward, of
Kennebec, registered on Dec. 8, 1869.
395 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Marr. Reg., #4: Oct. 10, 1860 Boomhower,

David age 22 residing Kennebec born Camden, parents Boomhower, Walter & Boomhower, Deborah to Clark, Martha
Jane age 17 residing Kennebec born Camden, parents Clark, Edward & Schoolcraft, Hannah.
Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 17.28, Conc. 4, pt.
15, 50 acres, George Parks, age 45, head, single, male, born in ON on Aug. 8, 1855, Farmer, Edward Clark, age 82,
lodger, married, male, born in ON on Feb. 1, 1819, Retired, Mary, age 65, mother, married, female, born in Ireland r
(Immig. 1864) on Dec. 25, 1835.
397 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #366: Clark, Edward,

male died Jan. 18, 1907, age 87y born Camden, Conc.-Lot 4-27, occ. widower ret. farmer, cause apoplexy, informant
Woodcock, John, registered on Jan. 18, 1907.
398 Ontario: Census, 8-Apr-1891, pp. 6.04, Hse. 25, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec, Addington

Co., Edward Clark, male, age 71, married, head, born in ON, father U.S., mother ON, Meth., ass't cook, Mary, female,
age 58, married, wife, born in Ireland, father Ireland, mother Ireland, Meth., cook.
399 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #35: Kennebec on

Feb. 7, 1873 Clark, Robert Nelson age 29 single residing Kennebec born Ernestown, parents Clark, Edward & Clark,
Hannah to Pringle, Nancy J. age 18 single residing Kennebec born Brighton, parents Pringle, John & Pringle,
400 Ontario: Census, 6-Apr-1891, pp. 2.07, Hse. 8, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec, Addington

Co., Nelson Clark, male, age 48, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer, Nancy, female, age
36, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., William, male, age 15, son, born in ON, father ON,
mother ON, Meth., Edward, male, age 13, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Susan, female, age 10, dau,
born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Abbot N., male, age 6, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.,
John D., male, age 5, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Christianna, female, age 1, dau, born in ON,
father ON, mother ON, Meth.
401 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1871: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 7.17, House 21, Family

M, John Bucher, age 21, married, male, born in ON, German, Labourer, E. Meth., Jane, age 20, married, female, born
in ON, German, E. Meth., Nelson Clark, age 24, single, male, born in ON, German, Farm Labour, W. Meth., William
Vancoughnet, age 21, single, male, born in ON, German, Shanty Man, E. Meth.
402 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 23 | hse.

99 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Nelson Clark M German Male age 36 born in ON, Farmer, Weslyan
Methodist | Nancy Jane Clark M English Female age 26 born in ON, Weslyan Methodist | William Clark German Male
age 5 born in ON, Weslyan Methodist | Edward C Clark German Male age 3 born in ON, Weslyan Methodist | Susan G
Clark German Female age 1 born in ON, Weslyan Methodist.
403 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Marr. Reg., #4: Oct. 10, 1860 Boomhower,

David age 22 residing Kennebec born Camden, parents Boomhower, Walter & Boomhower, Deborah to Clark, Martha
Jane age 17 residing Kennebec born Camden, parents Clark, Edward & Schoolcraft, Hannah.
404 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 8.39, Conc. 4 W. Pt. 8,

100 acres, David Bumhower, age 23, married, male, born in Sheffield, E. Meth., Martha, age 18, married, female, born
in Camden, E. Meth.
405 Ontario: Census, FHL US/CAN 0349184, 1871: Kennebec, Dist. 64, Frontenac Co., pp. 21.09, House 62, Family 66,

Walter Boomhower, age 62, married, male, born in QC, German, Farmer, E. Meth, Deborah, age 60, married, female,
born in QC, German, E. Meth, Edward Boomhower, age 30, married, male, born in ON, German, Farmer, E. Meth,
Martha Jane, age 24, married, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Hannah Matilda, age 8, single, female, born in
ON, German, E. Meth, Minerva, age 2, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Margaret Hilda Keller, age 13,
single, female, born in ON, German, B. Presbyt., Daniel McCelan, age 25, male, born in Scotland, Scotch, B. Presbyt.

Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 || NA Film Number C-13237 || District 118 || Sub-district M || pp. 26 ||
hse. 110 || Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON || Edward Boomhower Married German Male age 44 born in
ON, Farmer, E. Methodist || Jane Boomhower Married German Female age 39 born in ON, E. Methodist || Matilda
Boomhower German Female age 17 born in ON, E. Methodist || Mary Ann Boomhower German Female age 13 born in
ON, E. Methodist || Margaret Boomhower German Female age 8 born in ON, E. Methodist || Alford Boomhower
German Male age 4 born in ON, E. Methodist || Sampson Clark German Male age 21 born in ON, Farm Labourer, E.
407 Ontario: Census, 27-Apr-1891, pp. 34.09, Hse. 153, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Edward Boomhower, male, age 50, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farmer,
Martha, female, age 49, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
408 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 2, Frontenac Co., pp. 4.48, Conc. 6, pt.

27, 90 acres, Albert Gaylord, age 37, head, married, male, born in ON on Feb 29, 1866, Meth., Farmer, Mary Ann, age
33, wife, married, female, born in ON on Sep 11, 1867, Meth., Arthur, age 14, son, single, male, born in ON on Oct 12,
1886, Meth., Luther, age 12, son, single, male, born in ON on Jun 5, 1888, Meth., Edith, age 8, daughter, single,
female, born in ON on Aug 30, 1892, Meth., Bernice, age 7, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Feb 8, 1894,
Meth., Elgin, age 4, son, single, male, born in ON on Jun 4, 1896, Meth., Edward Boomhower, age 59, fath. in law,
married, male, born in ON on Feb 28, 1842, Meth., Jane, age 58, moth. in law, married, female, born in ON on Sep 12,
1842, Meth.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #11: Kennebec on
June 22, 1871 Clarke, Daniel age 26 single residing Kennebec born Camden, parents Clarke, Edward & Clarke,
Hannah to Barker, Elizabeth age 23 single residing Kennebec born England, parents Barker, John & Barker, Mary Ann.
410 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1871: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 39.14, House 121, Family

125, Daniel Clark, age 28, single, male, born in ON, German, W. Meth., Farmer, Matilda, age 21, single, female, born
in ON, German, W. Meth., Emily, age 19, single, female, born in ON, German, W. Meth., Jennette, age 16, single,
female, born in ON, German, W. Meth., Sampson, age 11, single, male, born in ON, German, W. Meth.
411 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 23 | hse.

98 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Daniel Clark M German Male age 34 born in ON, Farmer, Weslyan
Methodist | Elizabeth Clark M English Female age 33 born in ON, Weslyan Methodist | Annie Clark German Female
age 9 born in ON, Weslyan Methodist | Herbert Clark German Male age 7 born in ON, Weslyan Methodist | Daniel R
Clark German Male age 4 born in ON, Weslyan Methodist | Lewis W Clark German Male age 1 born in ON, Weslyan
412 Ontario: Census, 6-Apr-1891, pp. 1.18, Hse. 5, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec, Addington

Co., Daniel Clark, male, age 44, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother QC, Meth., farmer, Elizabeth N.,
female, age 45, married, wife, born in England, father England, mother England, Meth., Rossie, female, age 19, dau,
born in ON, father ON, mother England, Meth., Herbert P.S., male, age 17, son, born in ON, father ON, mother
England, Meth., Daniel Ranson, male, age 14, son, born in ON, father ON, mother England, Meth., Lewis Wilmot,
male, age 10, son, born in ON, father ON, mother England, Meth., Nellie Pearl, female, age 8, dau, born in ON, father
ON, mother England, Meth.
413 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 8.47, Conc. 6, lot

10, 450 acres, Donald Clark, age 54, head, married, male, born in ON on May 10, 1846, Farmer, Elizabeth W., age 54,
wife, married, female, born in ON on May 12, 1846, Herbert S., age 27, son, single, male, born in ON on Dec. 25,
1873, Farm Labour, Ranson D., age 24, son, single, male, born in ON on Feb. 1, 1877, Farm Labour, Lewis, age 20,
son, single, male, born in ON on Apr. 21, 1880, Farmer, Nellie P., age 18, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Mar.
7, 1883, Teacher.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #14: Clark, Edward,
male died July 13, 1872, age 26y born Kennebec, occ. yeoman, cause consumption, ill for 2y, informant Sexsmith,
W.V., Rev., of Kennebec, registered on July 21, 1872.
415 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #32: Edward Clark,

male, parents Clark, Edward deceased & Parks, Caroline, born Aug. 23, 1872, registered Oct. 15, 1872, informant
Parks, John J., informant from Kennebec.
416 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #81: Kennebec on

Nov. 20, 1878 See, Charles Allen age 24 single residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents See, Martin & See, Elizabeth
to Clark, Caroline age 24 widow residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Parks, John & Parks, Laura.
417 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #73: Sheffield on

Jan. 17, 1878 Parks, James age 31 single residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Parks, John & Parks, Catherine to
Kirkpatrick, Cath. Matilda age 29 widow residing Sheffield born Camden, parents Clark, Edward & Clark, Hannah.

Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1871: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 39.14, House 121, Family
125, Daniel Clark, age 28, single, male, born in ON, German, W. Meth., Farmer, Matilda, age 21, single, female, born
in ON, German, W. Meth., Emily, age 19, single, female, born in ON, German, W. Meth., Jennette, age 16, single,
female, born in ON, German, W. Meth., Sampson, age 11, single, male, born in ON, German, W. Meth.
419 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #34: Clark, Jenetta,

female died Apr. 25, 1876, age 22y, occ. spinster, cause consumption, informant Clark, Daniel, of Kennebec, registered
on May 3, 1876.
420 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 26 | hse.

110 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Edward Boomhower Married German Male age 44 born in ON,
Farmer, E. Methodist | Jane Boomhower Married German Female age 39 born in ON, E. Methodist | Matilda
Boomhower German Female age 17 born in ON, E. Methodist | Mary Ann Boomhower German Female age 13 born in
ON, E. Methodist | Margaret Boomhower German Female age 8 born in ON, E. Methodist | Alford Boomhower
German Male age 4 born in ON, E. Methodist | Sampson Clark German Male age 21 born in ON, Farm Labourer, E.
421 Ontario: Census, 8-Apr-1891, pp. 6.06, Hse. 26, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec, Addington

Co., Samson Clark, male, age 31, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farm labourer, Emma H.,
female, age 22, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother Ireland, Meth., Matthew, male, age 4, son, born in ON,
father ON, mother ON, Meth., Manier, male, age 11 mos., son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #509: Mary Nellie
May Clark, female, parents Clark, Sampson & Parks, Emma Ellen, born May 7, 1893, registered Aug. 1, 1893, father's
occ. farmer, informant Clark, Sampson, informant from Kennebec.
423 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1871: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 15.03, House 44, Family

47, Nathaniel Parks, age 55, married, male, born in ON, German, Farmer, E. Meth., Mary, age 35, married, female,
born in Ireland, Irish, E. Meth., William, age 21, single, male, born in ON, German, Farmer, E. Meth., James, age 16,
single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth., George, age 14, single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth., Hannah, age
13, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth., Thomas, age 10, single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth., Hetty
Ann, age 6, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth., Emma Ellen, age 4, single, female, born in ON, German, E.
424 David J. Ellis: Given the age and location of this individual, Scofield is the only option as a parent.
425 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #138: Kennebec on

Oct. 2, 1883 Wood, Joseph Miles age 22 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Wood, John & See, Jane to
Peterson, Hulda age 21 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Peterson, Nicholas & Schoolcraft, Louise.
426 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 9.25, Conc. 4 W. Pt. 14,

100 acres, Nicholas Peterson, age 36, married, male, born in Adolphustown, E. Meth, Louisa, age 40, married, female,
born in Stanbridge L.C., E. Meth, Catherine, age 18, single, female, born in Anshalk River, E. Meth, Philip, age 16,
single, male, born in Matilda, E. Meth, Polly, age 14, single, female, born in Sheffield, E. Meth, Mary, age 11, single,
female, born in Sheffield, E. Meth, Sarah, age 7, single, female, born in Kennebec, E. Meth, George, age 5, single,
male, born in Kennebec, E. Meth, Charlotte, age 3, single, female, born in Kennebec, E. Meth, Manson, age 2, single,
male, born in Kennebec, E. Meth, Huldy, age 1, single, female, born in Kennebec, E. Meth.
427 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1871: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 14.02, House 42, Family

45, Nicholas Peterson, age 46, married, male, born in ON, German, Farmer, E. Meth, Charity Louisa, age 46, married,
female, born in QC, German, E. Meth, Polly Ann, age 24, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Mary Jane,
age 22, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Sarah Ann, age 19, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth,
George, age 17, single, male, born in ON, German, Farmer, E. Meth, Charlotte, age 14, single, female, born in ON,
German, E. Meth, Manson, age 12, single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Huldy, age 10, single, female, born in
ON, German, E. Meth, Mahala, age 6, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Manly, age 8, single, male, born
in ON, German, E. Meth.
428 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 30 | hse.

128 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Milos Peterson W German Male age 57 born in ON, Farmer, E.
Methodist | Sarah Ann Peterson German Female age 26 born in ON, E. Methodist | George Peterson German Male age
24 born in ON, Farmer, E. Methodist | Sharloote Peterson German Female age 22 born in ON, E. Methodist | Manson
Peterson German Male age 20 born in ON, E. Methodist | Huldah Peterson German Female age 18 born in ON, E.
Methodist | Manly Peterson German Male age 16 born in ON, Farmer, E. Methodist | Mahaly Peterson German Female
age 14 born in ON, E. Methodist | Catharine Peterson W German Female age 38 born in ON, E. Methodist | Lucinan
Palmateere M German Female age 39 born in ON, Weslyan Methodist | Polly Ann Niff German Female age 34 born in
ON, E. Methodist.

Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Kaladar, Anglesea & Effingham, Addington Co., pp. 4.39, Hse. 35,
Nicholas Peterson, age 76, head, widow, male, born in Ontario on Apr 13 1824, Manson Peterson, age 35, son, single,
male, born in Ontario on Oct 10 1865, Catharine Neff, age 55, daughter, widow, female, born in York State on Aug 12
1845 immigration 1850, Charity Peterson, age 13, granddaughter, single, female, born in Ontario on Feb 10 1887.
430 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #049: Kennebec on

Sept. 10, 1878 Peterson, Louisa age 60 farmer's wife, parents and birthplace not in index. Recorded Sept. 24, 1878,
informant Rev. B. Robeson of Arden.
431 David J. Ellis: The 1881 census suggests three adult daughters, Lucina, Catherine and Polly. The last two are proven

by ealrier enumerations. A widowed Lucina is conjectured.

432 Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911, pp. 7.35, dw. 68, Dist. 15, Kennebec, Frontenac Co., Enos Wood,

age 55, Head, married, male, born in ON on May 1856, Rebecca, age 53, Wife, married, female, born in ON on May
1858, Jane Ann Scoolcraft, age 84, Mother-in-law, widow, female, born in ON on Feb 1827
433 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #356: Harbey Lionel

Wood, male, parents Wood, David & Peterson, Mary A. Jane, born May 30, 1889, registered Dec. 31, 1889, father's
occ. farmer, informant from Kennebec.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #497: Elm Tree on
Jul. 5, 1905 Boomhower, Nelson age 28 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Boomhower, James &
Peterson, Amanda to Wood, Huldah age 18 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Wood, David & Kniff,
Mary J.
435 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #39: Kennebec on

Sept. 19, 1873 Wood, David Jr. age 21 single residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Wood, David & Wood,
Maglen to Niff, Mary Jane age 21 single residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Niff, William & Niff, Charity.
436 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #138: Kennebec on

Oct. 2, 1883 Wood, Joseph Miles age 22 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Wood, John & See, Jane to
Peterson, Hulda age 21 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Peterson, Nicholas & Schoolcraft, Louise.
437 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 2.07, Conc. 9, lot

19, 46 acres, Miles Hood, age 39, head, married, male, born in ON on May 20, 1861, Meth., farmer, Huldah, age 37,
wife, married, female, born in ON on Dec 27, 1863, Meth., Briton A., age 16, son, single, male, born in ON on May 18,
1884, Meth., Dovie A., age 15, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Dec 25, 1885, Meth., James Logan, age 13,
son, single, male, born in ON on Feb 25, 1888, Meth., Manley, age 11, son, single, male, born in ON on Feb 20, 1890,
Meth., Stanley, age 7, son, single, male, born in ON on May 18, 1894, Meth., Lena M., age 6, daughter, single, female,
born in ON on Aug 16, 1895, Meth., Hazel B., age 3, daughter, single, female, born in ON on May 11, 1898, Meth.,
Hubert R., son, single, male, born in ON on July 13, 1900, Meth.
438 David J. Ellis: I believe that the 1861 census is a better source for the year of birth. By 1901 she had trimmed off a

few years.
439 Ontario: Census, 5-May-1891, pp. 48.07, Hse. 217, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Miles Wood, male, age 28, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer, Huldah,
female, age 24, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, Meth., Britton A., male, age 6, son, born in ON, father ON,
mother ON, Meth., Darbie, female, age 4, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., James L., male, age 2, son,
born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., John M., male, age 1, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
440 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #138: Kennebec on

Oct. 2, 1883 Wood, Joseph Miles age 22 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Wood, John & See, Jane to
Peterson, Hulda age 21 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Peterson, Nicholas & Schoolcraft, Louise.
Ontario: Census, 10-Apr-1891, pp. 11.14, Hse. 48, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,
Addington Co., Manley Peterson, male, age 25, married, head, born in ON, Meth., farmer, Hannah, female, age 29,
married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 6.26, Queen St.,
Arden Village, Manley Peterson, age 36, head, married, male, born in ON on Dec 22, 1864, Meth., Labourer, Hannah,
age 40, wife, married, female, born in ON on Dec 24, 1860, Meth., John Card, age 20, lodger, single, male, born in ON
on Apr. 10, 1880, Meth., Labourer.
443 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #177: Kennebec

Peterson, Manley age 21 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Peterson, Nicholas & Peterson, Louise to
Parks, Hannah M. age 21 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Parks, Nathaniel & Parks, Mary.
444 David J. Ellis: Date not given but after Dec 1885 and before Jul 1886.

Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 10.12, Conc. 8, Lot 15,
200 acres, Nathaniel Parks, age 40, married, male, born in 4th Town, Farmer, E. Meth., Mary M., age 26, married,
female, born in Ireland, E. Meth., William W., age 9, single, male, born in Fredericksburgh, E. Meth., James H., age 7,
single, male, born in Fredericksburgh, E. Meth., George N., age 6, single, male, born in Fredericksburgh, E. Meth.,
Hannah M., age 4, single, female, born in Fredericksburgh, E. Meth., John T., age 2, single, male, born in Kennebec, E.
446 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #146: Kennebec on

Mar. 26, 1884 Knight, William Robert age 21 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Knight, William &
Foster, Maria to Peterson, Mahala age 18 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Peterson, Nicholas &
Schoolcraft, Louise.
447 Ontario: Census, 13-Apr-1891, pp. 12.01, Hse. 51, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Robert Knight, male, age 29, married, head, born in ON, father Ireland, mother ON, Meth., farmer,
Mahala, female, age 25, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., William, male, age 5, son, born in
ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Betsy A., female, age 4, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Dora D.,
female, age 2, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Lasher, male, age 3 mos., son, , born in ON, father ON,
mother ON, Meth.
David J. Ellis: Daniel is living very close to Scofield in 1861 and 1871. Their ages imply a father son relationship.
449 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 5.38, Conc. 6 S. Qtr. 8,

Log, 50 acres, Daniel Schoolcraft, age 35, married, male, born in Stanbridge, farmer, E. Meth., Jane, age 32, married,
female, born in Fredericksburg, E. Meth, William, age 8, single, male, born in Sheffield, E. Meth, Rebecca, age 3,
single, female, born in Kennebec, E. Meth, Mahaley, age 1, single, female, born in Kennebec, E. Meth.
450 Ontario: Census, FHL US/CAN 0349184, 1871: Kennebec, Dist. 64 Addington, pp. 36.01, House 110, Family 114,

Daniel Schoolcraft, age 46, married, male, born in QC, German, Farmer, E. Meth, Jane, age 43, married, female, born
in ON, German, E. Meth, William David, age 16, single, male, born in ON, German, Farmer, E. Meth, Rebeca, age 13,
single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Daniel, age 2, single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth.
451 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375872 || NA Film Number C-13236 || District 118 || Sub-district D || pp. 26 ||

hse. 125 || Census Place: Sheffield, Frontenac Co., ON || Daniel Schoolcraft Married English Male age 56 born in ON,
Laborer, E. Methodist || Jane Schoolcraft Married English Female age 52 born in ON, E. Methodist || Daniel
Schoolcraft English Male age 12 born in ON, Scholar, E. Methodist.
452 Ontario: Census, 8-Apr-1891, pp. 05.19, Hse. 23, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec, Addington

Co., Enos Wood, male, age 35, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother QC, Meth., farmer, Rebecca, female, age
31, married, wife, born in ON, father QC, mother ON, Meth., Daniel Schoolcraft Sr., male, age 68, married, born in
QC, Meth., Daniel Jr., male, age 22, born in ON, father QC, mother ON, Meth., lumberman, Jane Ann, female, age 64,
married, born in ON, Meth.
453 Ontario: Death Record, Name: Daniel Schoolcraft; Death date: 22 Oct 1891; Age at death: 70 years; Death place:

Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario; Birth date: 1821; Birth place: , Québec,; Gender: Male; Marital status: ; Race (Term on
Certificate): ; Race: ; Ethnicity: ; Spouse name: ; Father name: ; Mother name: ; GSU film number: 1853536; Digital
GS number: 4173801; Image number: 1102; Reference number: Item 3 cn 4613; Collection: Ontario Deaths 1869-
454 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #70: Kennebec on

Nov. 6, 1877 Wood, Enos age 22 single residing Kennebec born Lansdowne, parents Wood, George C. & Carpenter,
Minerva to Schoolcraft, Rebecca age 19 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Schoolcraft, Daniel &
Peterson, Jane.
Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 10.16, Conc. 6, lot
7, 200 acres, Dan Schoolcraft, age 33, head, single, male, born in ON on Feb 5, 1868, Meth., Shantyman, Jane A., age
73, mother, widow, female, born in ON on Feb 28, 1828, Meth.
Ontario: Death Record, Name: Jane Ann Schoolcraft; Death date: 29 Nov 1919; Age at death: 92 years 9 months 1
day; Death place: Sheffield, Lennox And Addington, Ontario; Birth date: 1827; Birth place: Adolpherwtown, Lennex
... Co, Ontario; Gender: Female; Marital status: Widowed; Race (Term on Certificate): ; Race: ; Ethnicity: ; Spouse
name: ; Father name: Nicholas Peterson; Mother name: Hannah Cronk; GSU film number: 1862965; Digital GS
number: 4171532; Image number: 172; Reference number: yr 1919 cn 19759; Collection: Ontario Deaths 1869-1947.
457 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #451: Tamworth on

Apr. 15, 1903 Schoolcraft, Daniel age 35 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Schoolcraft, Daniel &
Peterson, Jane Ann to Reid, Mary D. age 46 single residing Tamworth born Sheffield, parents Reid, John & York,

Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: Dist. 12, Sheffield, Lennox & Addington Co., pp. 2.21, Hse. 15,
Schoolcraft William, age 58, Head, married, male, born in ON on Dec 1855, Schoolcraft Emma, age 51, Wife, married,
female, born in ON on Jul 1860, Schoolcraft James, age 22, Son, single, male, born in ON on Sep 1879, Schoolcraft
Mary, age 14, Daughter, single, female, born in ON on Apr 1897.
459 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 || NA Film Number C-13237 || District 118 || Sub-district M || pp. 26 ||

hse. 109 || Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON || Enes Wood M German Male age 24 born in ON, Farmer, E.
Methodist || Rebecca Wood M German Female age 23 born in ON, E. Methodist || Wm Schoolseraft German Male age
28 born in ON, Farmer, E. Methodist.
460 Ontario: Census, 8-Apr-1891, pp. 05.03, Hse. 21, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec, Addington

Co., William Schoolcraft, male, age 39, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer, Emma Jane,
female, age 32, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Ethel, female, age 7, dau, born in ON, father
ON, mother ON, Meth., James E., male, age 4, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Amelia, female, age 2,
dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 9.25, Conc. 5, lot
6, 7, 400 acres, William Schoolcraft, age 51, head, married, male, born in ON on 1849, Meth., Farmer, Emma J., age
41, wife, married, female, born in ON on Jul 28, 1859, Meth., Ethel L., age 16, daughter, single, female, born in ON on
Sep 29, 1884, Meth., James E., age 14, son, single, male, born in ON on Sep 16, 1886, Meth., Grace A., age 12,
daughter, single, female, born in ON on Apr 17, 1889, Meth., Hannah R., age 10, daughter, single, female, born in ON
on Jun 15, 1890, Meth., Emily P., age 7, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Nov 24, 1893, Meth., Mary L., age 4,
daughter, single, female, born in ON on Apr 1, 1896, Meth.
462 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #127: Kennebec on

May 24, 1883 Schoolcraft, William age 30 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Schoolcraft, Daniel &
Peterson, Jane to Tryon, Emily Jane age 23 single residing Kennebec born Newburgh, parents Tryon, Nelson &
Vanwinkle, Mary Ann.
463 Ontario: Death Record, Name: Eunice Jane Schoolcraft; Death date: 18 Jul 1922; Age at death: 62 years 5 days;

Death place: Sheffield, Lennox And Addington, Ontario; Birth date: 15 Jul 1860; Birth place: Twp. Ernestown, Ont.;
Gender: Female; Marital status: Married; Race (Term on Certificate): English; Race: White; Ethnicity: English; Spouse
name: William Schoolcraft; Father name: Nelson Tryon; Mother name: Mary Ann Vanwinkle; GSU film number:
1907006; Digital GS number: 4171506; Image number: 1351; Reference number: yr 1922 cn 20198; Collection:
Ontario Deaths 1869-1947.
464 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 8.18, Con. 7, Lot

6, 200 acres, Enos Wood, age 46, head, married, male, born in ON on May 27, 1854, Meth., farmer, Rebecca, age 44,
wife, married, female, born in ON on May 16, 1856, Meth.
465 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 8.14, Frame, George

Wood, age 52, married, male, born in Camden, Labourer, W. Meth., Minerva, age 32, married, female, born in
Stanbridge, L.C., W. Meth, George E., age 9, single, male, born in Camden, W. Meth, Enos, age 7, single, male, born
in Ernestown, W. Meth, Ann, age 5, single, female, born in Ernestown, W. Meth, Mary Ann, age 3, single, female, born
in Kennebec, W. Meth, Albert, age 1, single, female, born in Ernestown, W. Meth.
466 Ontario: Death Record, Name: Rebecca Wood; Death date: 03 May 1916; Age at death: 56 years; Death place:

Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario; Birth date: 1860; Birth place: Kennebec; Gender: Female; Marital status: Married; Race
(Term on Certificate): ; Race: ; Ethnicity: ; Spouse name: ; Father name: Daniel Schoolcraft; Mother name: Jane
Peterson; GSU film number: 1862180; Digital GS number: 4170247; Image number: 1558; Reference number: yr 1916
cn 13670; Collection: Ontario Deaths 1869-1947.
Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: Dist. 17, Kennebec, Frontenac Co., pp. 2.22, Hse. 15, Schoolcraft
Daniel, age 43, Head, widow, male, born in ON on Feb 1868, Gendron Jamima, age 17, Daughter, single, female, born
in ON on May 1894, Gendron Willie, age 10, Adopted, single, male, born in ON on Apr 1901, Gendron Mary, age 8,
Adopted, single, female, born in ON on Mar 1903.
468 Ontario: Death Record, ODR# 012672: Schoolcraft, Mary Diane, female white died 11 Sep 1909, born 3 Jan 1850,

age 59 years, born Twp of Sheffield Lot 4 in 4th Conc, died Twp of Kennebec, farmers wife, father: John Reid, born
Twp of Sheffield; mother: Esther York, born Twp of Sheffield, per Dr Geddes, certified by Daniel Schoolcraft, Gull
Creek on 12 Sep 1909. Attended by MD May 4, 1908 - 11 Sept 1909, last seen on Aug 26, 1909 of Bright's Disease
x2yr and heart failure. Per Dr Geddes, Arden.
Ontario: Death Record, Name: Eliza Schoolcraft; Death date: 26 Jan 1911; Age at death: 33 years; Death place:
Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario; Birth date: 15 Jun 1878; Birth place: ; Gender: Female; Marital status: Married; Race
(Term on Certificate): White; Race: White; Ethnicity: Canadian; Spouse name: ; Father name: George N. Hayes;
Mother name: Mary M. Shepherd; GSU film number: 1854733; Digital GS number: 4175920; Image number: 199;
Reference number: yr 1911 cn 12493; Collection: Ontario Deaths 1869-1947.

David J. Ellis: Probably a child of Scofield. In 1852 Edward's sister, Charlotte, is living close by. She is a proven
child of Scofield by the 1861 census.
Ontario: Census, 1852: pp. 140.43, Dist. 2, Etobicoke, York Co., 1 story log, 1 fam., Edward Schoolcraft age 25 m
born in Canada occ./rel. carpenter, primitive Meth., married. Elizabeth age 23 f born in Canada occ./rel. primitive
Meth.married. Mary A. age 1 f born in Canada occ./rel. primitive Meth. Mary Parkinson age 6 f born in Canada
occ./rel. primitive Meth.
472 Ontario: Census, pp. 25, FHL US/CAN 0349155, 1871: Arran (E) Subdiv. 2, Dist. 28 North Bruce, House 84, fam.

84, Edward Schoolcraft age 45 Male born in ON occupation Wesleyan Methodist. Elizabeth age 41 Female born in
ON occupation do. Mary Ann age 19 Female born in ON occupation do. Eliza Jane age 18 Female born in ON
occupation do. John age 16 Male born in ON occupation do. James age 14 Male born in ON occupation do. Agnes age
13 Female born in ON occupation do. Thomas age 12 Male born in ON occupation do. Hannah age 10 Female born
in ON occupation do. Edgar age 8 Male born in ON occupation do. Juliette age 6 Female born in ON occupation do.
Edward age 5 Male born in ON occupation do. Josiaih age 3 Male born in ON occupation do.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: GSU film 378088. Vol 26, E.D. 290, Sht. 4, Line 14, Pg 604-D, 1-Jun-1880
Toledo, Tama Co., IA dwelling 37, family 40. : Edward Schoolcraft Self male single white age 52 born in Canada
occupation farmer father born in Canada mother born in NY: James A. Schoolcraft Son male single white age 22 born
in Canada occupation farmer father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Lottie H. Schoolcraft Dau female single
white age 19 born in Canada occupation Keeps House father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Julie E.
Schoolcraft Dau female single white age 16 born in Canada father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Edward
Schoolcraft Son male single white age 13 born in Canada father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Josiah
Schoolcraft Son male single white age 11 born in Canada father born in Canada mother born in Canada: Bessie M.
Schoolcraft Dau female single white age 7 born in IA father born in Canada mother born in Canada.
474 Obituary, Toledo Chronicle February 3, 1881: Edward SCHOOLCRAFT, aged 55 years, a resident of Otter Creek

Township, died Jan 24th, 1881 in Humbolt County, Iowa. His remains were brought to his home and interred in the
Toledo Cemetery, Jan 28.
475 Iowa Vital Records, "Electronic," Marriage Record, Tama County. The groom is Edgar SCHOOLCRAFT, the bride

is Clara Pears. Date of Marriage is July 25, 1891. Parents of Edgar SCHOOLCRAFT are Edward SCHOOLCRAFT
and Elizabeth Edmondson.
476 Obituary, Toledo Chronicle 1878: Elizabeth SCHOOLCRAFT, wife of Edward SCHOOLCRAFT, died near

Toledo, Iowa, March 15th, 1878. In the 49th year of her age.
477 Iowa Vital Records, "Electronic," Record of Heirs in Tama County, listed on page 57, part 2: Name of Deceased:

Edward Schoolcraft, Date of Death: July 26, 1881, Name of Widow and Heir: No widow, Mary A ROSE, 29, living in
Crystal Township, Tama Co., John W. SCHOOLCRAFT, 26, living in Toledo Township, Tama Co., James A.
SCHOOLCRAFT, 24, living in Toledo Township, Tama Co., Thomas SCHOOLCRAFT, Oregon, Lottie
SCHOOLCRAFT, 21, living in Toledo Township, Tama Co., Edgar SCHOOLCRAFT, 19, living in Toledo Township,
Tama Co., Julia SCHOOLCRAFT, 17, living in Toledo Township, Tama Co., Edward SCHOOLCRAFT, 16, living in
Toledo Township, Tama Co., Josiah SCHOOLCRAFT, 13, living in Toledo Township, Tama Co., Bessie Mae
SCHOOLCRAFT, 9, living in Toledo Towship, Tama Co.
478 Ida Reed, Canada: Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register, "Electronic," Vol. 2, pp. 413, York Twp., York Co.:

Alice Jane Schoolcraft, father Edward mother Elizabeth residing in York, was born in York on 1853-02-24 and
baptized in York on 1853-05-17 by Phelp, Rev. S.C.
479 Texas: Cemetery Records, Ralls Cemetery, Ralls: Schoolcraft, John W. b. Feb. 17, 1855 d. Jan. 17, 1941.
480 Ida Reed, Canada: Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register, "Electronic," Vol. 3, pp. 28, Arran Twp., Bruce Co.:

Agnes Schoolcraft, father Edward mother E. residing in Arran, was born in Etobicoke on 1856-02-02 and baptized in
Arran on 1859-02-01 by Dyre, Rev. W.R.
481 Ida Reed, Canada: Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register, "Electronic," Vol. 3, pp. 28, Arran Twp., Bruce Co.:

Thomas Schoolcraft, father Edward mother E. residing in Arran, was born in Arran on 1859-03-22 and baptized in
Arran on 1859-05-15 by Dyre, Rev. W.R.
482 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255084 National Archives Film T9-1084 pp. 72B: Undated

Midway, Umatilla Co., OR : Benjamin Parker Self male single white age 50 born in OH: Peter Gleason Other male
single white age 52 born in Prussia: Jacob S. Young Other male white age 24 born in MO: Thomas Schoolcraft Other
male single white age 23 born in Canada.
Oregon: Vital Records, "Electronic," Name: Schoolcraft, Thomas || County: Washington || Death Date: 24 Dec 1918
|| Certificate: 212.
484 Obituary, Unknown publication: Edgar L. SCHOOLCRAFT, son of Edmond and Elizabeth SCHOOLCRAFT, was

born August 24, 1862 at Arkwright, Arran township, Bruce county, Canada, and departed this life Wednesday evening,
February 8, 1933 at the age of 70 years, 5 months and 14 days. Interment was made at the Elmwood cemetery northeast
of Renwick.

Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1900, pp. 155B.53, dw. 11, fam. 12, ED #159, Boone Twp., Wright Co., IA :
Elijer Schoolcraft head male married age 38 born in Aug 1861, Can (Fr.) occupation farmer, marr. 8yrs. father born in
Can (Fr) mother born in Can (Eng): Clara wife female married age 37 born in Feb 1863, IA occupation marr. 8 yrs., 4
ch., 3 liv. father born in England mother born in England: Stella dau female single age 5 born in Aug 1894, IA father
born in Can (Fr) mother born in IA: Vern son male single age 4 born in Nov 1895, IA father born in Can (Fr) mother
born in USA: Shardin son male single age 2 mos. born in Mar 1900, IA father born in Can (Fr) mother born in USA:
Harry Stoddard laborer male single age 19 born in Jul 1880, IA occupation farm laborer father born in Can (Fr) mother
born in USA: Helen Eckoff servant female single age 20 born in Jan 1880, IL occupation servant father born in
Germany mother born in Germany.
486 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, Ontario Births - SAN Vol.

2 No. 2 pp. 5, 1988 IGI: Edward A. Schoolcraft, male, b. 27 Feb 1866, Arkwright, Bruce, Ontario, Canada. Parents:
John Schoolcraft & Elizabeth Edminston.
487 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1900, pp. 156B.79, dw. 33, fam. 34, ED #159, Boone Twp., Wright Co., IA : E.

A. Schoolcraft head male married age 35 born in Feb 1865, Can (Eng) occupation farmer marr. 14yrs. father born in
Can (Eng) mother born in Can (Eng): Mary J. wife female married age 34 born in Mar 1866, Can (Eng) occupation
marr. 14yrs., 6 ch., 5 liv. father born in Can (Eng) mother born in Can (Eng): Edna dau female single age 14 born in
Mar 1886, IA father born in Can (Eng) mother born in Can (Eng): Mable dau female single age 10 born in Feb 1890,
IA father born in Can (Eng) mother born in Can (Eng): Duard son male single age 8 born in Feb 1892, IA father born in
Can (Eng) mother born in Can (Eng): Arthur son male single age 4 born in Sep 1895, IA father born in Can (Eng)
mother born in Can (Eng): Zelna dau female single age 3 born in May 1897, IA father born in Can (Eng) mother born
in Can (Eng): Herman Van Jesup laborer male single age 18 born in May 1882, Holland occupation laborer father born
in Holland mother born in Holland.
488 David J. Ellis: Buried in same location as John.
489 Texas: Cemetery Records, Ralls Cemetery, Ralls: Schoolcraft, Elizabeth Gertrude b. Dec. 31, 1867 d. Jan. 22, 1934.
490 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, Oregon Vitals - SAN Vol.

2 No. 2 pp. 5 - 8, April 1988 IGI: Schoolcraft, Edwin Hubbert, male, b. 23 Oct 1909, Forest Grove, Washington Co.,
Oregon. Parents: Thomas Schoolcraft and Cora Manila Hubbert.
491 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, Iowa Vitals - SAN Vol. 2

No. 2 pp. 5 - 8, April 1988 IGI: Schoolcraft, Edward Albert, m. Mary Jane Hill 25 Dec 1885, Renwick, Humboldt Co.,
492 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 7.02, Conc. 7 S. Pt. 10,

Log, 100 acres, Philip Peterson, age 20, married, male, born in Fredericksburgh, E. Meth, Farmer, Polly Ann, age 29,
married, female, born in Stanbridge, E. Meth, Margaret Woodcock, age 27, single, female, born in Ernestown, E. Meth.
493 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1871: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 17.04, House 51, Family

54, Philip Peterson, age 30, married, female, born in ON, German, Farmer, E. Meth, Polly Ann, age 40, married,
female, born in QC, German, E. Meth, George Henry, age 10, single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Scovil
Schoolcraft, age 8, single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Charlotte Almira, age 6, single, female, born in ON,
German, E. Meth, Elijah, age 4, single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Eliza, age 4, single, female, born in ON,
German, E. Meth, Charity Emily, age 2 mos., single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth.
494 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 44 | hse.

180 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Philip Peterson M German Male age 39 born in ON, Farmer, E.
Methodist | Mary E Peterson M German Female age 38 born in ON, E. Methodist | Martha Peterson German Female
age 18 born in ON, E. Methodist | Peter Peterson German Male age 15 born in ON, E. Methodist | John Peterson
German Male age 11 born in ON, E. Methodist | Susan Peterson German Female age 8 born in ON, E. Methodist |
Scoval Peterson German Male age 18 born in ON, E. Methodist | Sharlotte Peterson German Female age 16 born in
ON, E. Methodist | Eligah Peterson German Male age 13 born in ON, E. Methodist | Elisa Peterson German Female age
14 born in ON, E. Methodist | Charity Peterson German Female age 10 born in ON, E. Methodist | Lily May Peterson
German Female age 4 born in ON, E. Methodist | Gertrude Peterson German Female age 2 born in ON, E. Methodist.
495 Ontario: Census, 30-Apr-1891, pp. 40.14, Hse. 184, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Philip Peterson, male, age 50, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer, Mary
E., female, age 49, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Peter Kirkpatrick, male, age 25, son, born
in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., labourer, Elijah Peterson, male, age 23, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON,
Meth., Charity Peterson, female, age 20, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., servant, John Kirkpatrick,
male, age 21, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., labourer, Susan Kirkpatrick, female, age 19, dau, born in
ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., servant, Lilly M. Peterson, female, age 13, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON,
Meth., Olivia Gertrude Peterson, female, age 12, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., George C. Peterson,
male, age 6, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.

Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Kaladar, Anglesea & Effingham, Addington Co., pp. 5.23, Hse. 41,
Phillip Peterson, age 60, head, married, male, born in Ontario on Jan 1 1841, Mary E. Peterson, age 58, wife, married,
female, born in Ontario on Sep 30 1842, Lilly May Peterson, age 23, daughter, single, female, born in Ontario on Mar
20 1877, Olive J. Peterson, age 22, daughter, single, female, born in Ontario on Mar 10 1879, George T. Peterson, age
16, son, single, male, born in Ontario on Jul 24 1884.
David J. Ellis: Birth of last child and Philip's second marriage.
498 Ontario: Census, 30-Apr-1891, pp. 40.24, Hse. 185, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Scovil Peterson, male, age 27, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer,
Alvina, female, age 22, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
499 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 2, Frontenac Co., pp. 1.10, Conc. 7, pt.

27, 230 acres, Scovel Peterson, age 37, head, married, male, born in ON on Feb 18, 1864, Meth., farmer, Alvina, age
32, wife, married, female, born in ON on Apr. 8, 1869, Meth., Eva, age 9, daughter, single, female, born in ON on May
21, 1891, Meth., Elmer, age 7, son, single, male, born in ON on Oct. 12, 1893, Meth., Jennie, age 3, daughter, single,
female, born in ON on Oct. 3, 1897, Meth., Mack, age 1, son, single, male, born in ON on Mar. 2, 1900, Meth.
500 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #199: Kennebec on

Dec. 26, 1888 Peterson, Scovel age 25 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Peterson, Philip & Peterson,
Mary Ann to Wood, Alvina age 19 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Wood, John & Wood, Jane.
501 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #233: Arden on June

24, 1891 Hayes, John E. age 21 single residing Arden born Kennebec, parents Hayes, William R. & Hayes, Mary Jane
to Peterson, Charity E. age 20 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Peterson, Philip & Peterson, Rosetta.
502 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 6.34, Bridge St.,

Arden Village, John E. Hayes, age 30, head, married, male, born in ON r on Apr 2, 1870, Meth., merchant, Charity E.,
age 30, wife, married, female, born in ON r on Feb 2, 1871, Meth., Durland E., age 4, son, single, male, born in ON r
on Sep 20, 1896, Meth., Elizabeth Hayes, age 28, domestic, single, female, born in ON r on 1872, Meth., domestic,
Mary Evans Hayes, age 3, domestic, single, female, born in ON r on Dec 21, 1897, Meth., Frank Wheeler, age 32,
servant, married, male, born in ON r on Jan 13, 1869, Meth., labourer, John Fraser, age 19, servant, single, male, born
in ON r on July 19, 1881, Meth., shantyman, Jane Butcher, age 50, servant, widow, female, born in ON r on Jan 5,
1851, Meth., servant, Minerva Hayes, age 28, head, widow, female, born in ON r on Mar 17, 1873, Meth., Cora, age 8,
daughter, single, female, born in ON r on Feb 28, 1893, Meth., Harold, age 3, son, single, male, born in ON r on Dec
11, 1897, Meth.,.
503 David J. Ellis: Conjecture. Scofield seems the only possible parent in the region.
504 Ontario: Census, 1852: pp. 67.33, Dist. 2, Sheffield, Addington Co., 1 story log, 1 fam., Agric. 79.09 Lot 6-14:

James Palmatere age 33 m born in U.S.A. occ./rel. E. Methodist, labourer, married. Martha age 28 f born in C.W.
occ./rel. E. Methodist, married. Daniel Scott age 12 m born in C.W. occ./rel. E. Methodist. Lucinda age 10 f born in
C.W. occ./rel. E. Methodist. Marthy age 9 f born in C.W. occ./rel. E. Methodist. Hannah age 6 f born in C.W. occ./rel.
E. Methodist. Jacob Smith Scott age 4 m born in C.W. occ./rel. E. Methodist. Margarette age 2 f born in C.W. occ./rel.
E. Methodist. Jane Schoolcraft age 19 f born in C.W. occ./rel. E. Methodist.
505 David J. Ellis: With a son called Scovil, it seems plausible that Elizabeth is a Schoolcraft and is Scovil's daughter.

The age and location is a good match.

506 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #325: Bancroft on

Mar. 10, 1897 Woodcock, Scovil age 22 single residing Faraday born Kennebec, parents Woodcock, Gilbert &
Woodcock, Elizabeth to Boomhower, Margaret E. age 17 single residing Faraday born Kennebec, parents Boomhower,
David & Boomhower, Rosetta.
Ontario: Census, 8-Apr-1891, pp. 04.17, Hse. 19, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec, Addington
Co., Gilbert Woodcock, male, age 60, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer, Elizabeth J.,
female, age 51, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., George L., male, age 24, son, born in ON,
father ON, mother ON, Meth., William H., male, age 19, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Scovial,
male, age 16, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., John A., male, age 12, son, born in ON, father ON,
mother ON, Meth., Catherine, female, age 9, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Harriet Fuller, female,
age 76, widow, born in ON, father U.S., mother ON, Meth.
508 Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Faraday, Hastings North Co., pp. 14.42, Hse. 107, Gilbert

Woodcock, age 73, Head, married, male, born in ON on not known, Elizabeth J. Woodcock, age 61, Wife, married,
female, born in ON on Oct 11 1839, George L. Woodcock, age 34, Son, single, male, born in ON on Jul 27 1866.
509 Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Faraday, Hastings North Co., pp. 14.45, Hse. 108, Scovil Woodcock,

age 26, Head, married, male, born in ON on Jun 1 1874, Margaret E. Woodcock, age 20, Wife, married, female, born in
ON on Aug 8 1880, Melvine V. Woodcock, age 1, Son, single, male, born in ON on Aug 9 1899.

Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #191: Margaret Ethel
Boomhower, female, parents Boomhower, David & Keller, Rosanna, born Aug. 8, 1880, registered Apr. 16, 1881,
father's occ. farmer, informant from Kennebec.
511 Ontario: Census, 1852: pp. 146.23, Dist. 2, Etobicoke, York Co., 1.5 story log, 1 fam., Agric. 162.28 Lot 1-30:

Thomas Boulton age 51 m born in England occ./rel. farmer, bretheren, married. Elizth. age 41 f born in England
occ./rel. married, bretheren. Thomas age 15 m born in Canada occ./rel. bretheren. James age 13 m born in Canada
occ./rel. bretheren. Isaac age 11 m born in Canada occ./rel. bretheren. Ruth age 8 f born in Canada occ./rel. bretheren.
Debera age 2 f born in Canada occ./rel. bretheren. Joseph Vasey age 26 m born in England occ./rel. labourer. Charlotte
Schoolcraft age 15 f born in Canada occ./rel. servant, bretheren, single.
512 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, abt. 2 March 1842: pp.

2576.15, prob. Conc. 1 - 6 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Lorenzo Schoolcraft, owner, farmer. Total
present in household 3. Native of Canada 3 Eng. Children: 1 female under 6. Males: 1 30 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1
14 but not 45 Marr.
Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 63.13, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story log, 1 fam., Lorenzo
Schoolcraft age 48 white male born in Canada occ./rel. farmer, Methodist, married. Hannah age 34 white female born
in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, married. Mahala age 12 white female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Sabrina age 9
white female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Ethan age 6 white male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. James age
4 white male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Miran age 1 white male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 13.22, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family frame house, Loren
Schoolcraft age 58 M/M born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. farmer, W. Methodist. Hannah Schoolcraft age 43 F/M born in L.
Canada Occ./Rel. W. Methodist. Ethan A. Schoolcraft age 15 M/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. W. Methodist. Miron
H. Schoolcraft age 10 M/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. W. Methodist. Milo H. Schoolcraft age 8 M/S born in L.
Canada Occ./Rel. W. Methodist. Flora J. Schoolcraft age 2 F/S born in L. Canada Occ./Rel. W. Methodist.
515 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 3, pp. 25.04, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 82, fam. 85: Sarah Skakel age 57 W/F

born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Fam. 86, Lorenzo Schoolcraft age 67 M/M born in QC origin
German occupation farmer religion W. Methodist. Hannah age 53 M/F born in QC origin German religion W.
Methodist. Ethen age 25 S/M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist. Myron age 19 S/M born in QC origin
German religion W. Methodist. Milo age 17 S/M born in QC origin German religion W. Methodist.
516 David J. Ellis: Note that Mahala Clarissa's sister is witness at the marriage showing that "Clarissa M" is equivalent

to "Mahala" found elsewhere.

517 Vermont: Marriage Record, Berkshire VT reported marriage between Ethan Allen Schoolcraft and Nancy Truax on

14-Sep-1878. 1st marriage of Ethan Allen Schoolcraft age 27 born in N. Stanbridge QC residing in Frelighsburg QC.
Occupation Farmer, parents Lorenzo Schoolcraft & Hannah Boomhour.
518 Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, Flora Josephine, daughter of Lorenzo

and Hannah Schoolcraft, of Stanbridge, in the District of Bedford, died May the second aged two years and nine
months and was buried by me at Stanbridge aforesaid, May the fourth, in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight
hundred and sixty two in the presence of the witnesses signed.
519 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 6, Lot 20: Left: Flora J. dau. of Lorenzo & Hannah Schoolcraft

died May 2 1862 ae. 2 yrs. 9 ms. & 15 days.

520 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Baptized by me in the presence of the subscribing witnesses the

following persons being children of James Monroe Schoolcraft and Mary Jane Vaughan his wife of the Township of
Stanbridge Missisquoi Co. Province of Québec. Elwin Milo Schoolcraft born on the seventh day of June one thousand
eight hundred and seventy nine /1879/ Addii Pearl Schoolcraft born on the twentieth day of September one thousand
eight hundred and eighty four the above children were baptized on the twenty second day of April one thousand eight
hundred and ninety one. C. J. Curtis. Meth Minister. J. M. Schoolcraft, Mary Jane Schoolcraft.
521 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Baptized by me in the presence of the subscribing witnesses. Onam L.

D. Schoolcraft, son of James Monroe Schoolcraft and Mary Jane Vaughan his wife of the Township of Stanbridge
Missisquoi Co. Province of Québec. Was born on the fifth day of May one thousand eight hundred and ninety and was
baptized on the twenty second day of April one thousand eight hundred and ninety one. C. J. Curtis. Meth Minister.
Québec, Farnham: West Farnham Methodist Church, This is to certify that Myron Schoolcraft of the Township of
Stanbridge County of Missisquoi Province of Québec farmer And Iad Vaughan of the Township of Stanbridge County
and Province aforesaid being of age and no family relationship between them were married by me on the Authority of
Publication March twenty fourth one thousand eight hundred and eighty six at the Methodist Parsonage Farnham.
Witness George E. Primerman, Estella Primerman.
523 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 22, Lots 28 & 29: Charles J. Phelps [lot 29] 1841 - 1919 his wife

Mahala Schoolcraft [lot 28] 1840 - 1920.

Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, I hereby certify that on the eighth day
of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four, Charles J. Phelps Junior, Bachelor and
Farmer, aged twenty three, and Clarissa M. Schoolcraft, Spinster, aged twenty three, both of Stanbridge, were joined in
marriage by me at Stanbridge in the presence of the undersigned witnesses. Charles Phelps jr., Clarissa M. Schoolcraft,
John Cass, Sabrina Schoolcraft.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 13.35, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., C. J. Phelps age 63 M/M born in VT occ./rel.
farmer, C. of E., Esther age 59 F/M born in MA occ./rel. C. of E., Salley Baker age 64 F/S born in MA occ./rel. Baptist,
Joseph A. Phelps age 28 M/M born in L.C. occ./rel. Engineer, C. of E., Emily age 23 F/M born in L.C. occ./rel. C. of
E., Charles J. Jr. age 20 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. farmer, C. of E.
526 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, William Oscar Wright, farmer, son of William Wright of the town of

Canton, St. Lawrence County, NH [DJE: must refer to NY], of Lowell, Mass. U.S.A., a widower and Sarah Sabina
(Marion) Schoolcraft of the same place, daughter of Lorenzo D. Schoolcraft and of Hannah Boomhower his wife (both
deceased) a spinster, both being of full age were joined together in the bonds of Holy Matrimony, by authority of
License and without any opposition to the said marriage, on the eighteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred
and eighty four in the presence fo the subscribing witnesses George Rogers Off. Min. William O. Wright, Sarah
Sabrina Schoolcraft, James M. Schoolcraft, Mary Jane Schoolcraft.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 3, Lots 9 & 10: WRIGHT: In memory of Wm. O. Wright [lot
10] died Apr 16, 1910 age 71 years Sarah S. Schoolcraft [lot 9] his wife born March 21, 1843 died Aug. 25, 1923.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 3, pp. 13.10, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family frame house, C. A. Barnes
age 42 M/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. hotel keeper, no denom., Laura E. Barnes age 33 F/M born in L. Canada
occ./rel. no denom., Lathery C. Barnes age 12 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. no denom., George E. Barnes age 9 M/S
born in L. Canada occ./rel. no denom., Sabrina Schoolcraft age 17 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. no denom., Daniel
McGill age 31 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. R. C., James M. Schoolcraft age 12 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. C.
of E.
529 Québec: Newspapers, Stanstead Journal: Died: At Massawippi on Sept.15,1876, Ellen, daughter of Chester

Woodward and wife of Ethan Schoolcraft, aged 34 years.

530 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Buried by me in the presence of the subscribing witnesses, Ethan

Schoolcraft of Mystic Co. of Missisquoi Québec son of Lorenzo D. Schoolcraft of Stanbridge Co. of Missisquoi
Québec. Was born on the fifteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and fourty six. Died at Hospice St. Frau
d. Dieu Longe Point, Québec on the thirteenth day of November and was buried at Mystic on the nineteenth day of
November one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven. H. E. Walbridge, Helen Walbridge. John Crenfell Meth.
531 Québec, St. Francis: Protestant Deaths in the District of St. Francis, Vol. 2, 1815 - 1879, Burial of Schoolcraft,

Mabel Dean (F) on 18-07-1876 in Hatley. Died 17-07-1876, parents Ethian Schoolcraft M: Ellen Schoolcraft.
532 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254544 NA Film T9-0544 pp. 159C, 4-Jun-1880 41 Boott Corp.,

Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA dwelling 128, family 164. : James SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 31 born
in PQ occupation Brick Mason father born in PQ mother born in PQ: Mary J. SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married
white age 29 born in PQ occupation Works Cotton Mill father born in PQ mother born in PQ.
533 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254544 NA Film T9-0544 pp. 50D, 11-Jun-1880 Lawrence

Manufacturing Company Boarding Houses, Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA dwelling 94, family 247. : Richard TEMPLE
Self male married white age 45 born in NH occupation Keeping House father born in NH mother born in NH: Ladie S.
TEMPLE Wife female married white age 45 born in VT occupation Keeping House father born in VT mother born in
VT: Alice TEMPLE Dau female single white age 19 born in VT occupation At Home father born in NH mother born in
VT: Ida M. TEMPLE Dau female single white age 15 born in VT occupation At School father born in NH mother born
in VT: Belle RICH Other female married white age 35 born in ME occupation Servant father born in ME mother born
in ME: Cyrus RICH Other male married white age 40 born in ME occupation Works In Cotton Mill father born in ME
mother born in ME: Ella GARVIN Other female single white age 80 born in VT occupation Works In Cotton Mill
father born in VT mother born in VT(Various mill workers): George D. F...LL...N Other male married white age 45
born in PQ CAN occupation Works In Cotton Mill father born in PQ CAN mother born in PQ CAN: James
SCHOOLCRAFT Other male married white age 35 born in NH occupation Brick Mason father born in NH mother
born in NH: Alice SCHOOLCRAFT Other female married white age 25 born in NH occupation Works In Cotton Mill
father born in NH mother born in NH: W. H. RONDEAN Other male single white age 25 born in PQ CAN occupation
Works In Cotton Mill father born in PQ CAN mother born in PQ CAN: Abram J. WALLACE Other male married
white age 50 born in NY occupation Works In Cotton Mill father born in NY mother born in NY: (Continued) age
born in.

Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district L || Division 3 ||
pp. 21 || hse. 108 || Census Place: Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC || James M. Schoolcraft Married Dutch Male age 32
born in QC, Farmer, Methodist || Myrom H. Schoolcraft Dutch Male age 23 born in QC, Farmer, Methodist || Mary J.
Schoolcraft Married English Female age 30 born in QC, Methodist.
535 David J. Ellis: Conjecture: Double enumeration of James Monroe Schoolcraft with erroneous data. James and Mary

Jane were in Boott Mill on Jun 4th. Only a few days later they have moved into this very large company housing in the
Lawrence Mill. The manager probably provided this information and James was just one of his new residents.
536 Québec: Census, 7-Apr-1891, pp. 5.03, Hse. 21, Dist. 168-R Div. 2, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., James

Schoolcraft, male, age 42, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farmer, Mary Jane, female, age 40,
married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Addie P., female, age 6, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother
QC, Meth., L. D., male, age 11 mos., son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Elwin M., male, age 11, son, born
in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Almeda Vaughan, female, age 62, widow, lodger, born in QC, father QC, mother
QC, Meth.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: St. Ignace de Stanbridge M-3, Missisquoi Co., pp. 7.07, Hse. 68,
Schoolcraft James, age 52, Head, married, male, born in Québec on 25 Sep 1848, Marie Jane, age 49, Wife, married,
female, born in Québec on 22 Feb 1852, Pearl Ida, age 16, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on 20 Sep 1884, L.
D., age 10, Son, single, male, born in Québec on 5 May 1890, Vaughan Almida, age 72, Belle mere, widow, female,
born in Québec on 9 Sep 1828.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 22, Lots 13 & 14: SCHOOLCRAFT: James M. Schoolcraft [lot
13] died Dec. 17, 1912 age 64 yrs. his wife Mary J. Vaughan [lot 14] died Apr. 11, 1913 age 63 yrs. [DJE: Marker
against and facing the fence.].
539 Massachusetts: Birth records, pp. ~~~ #~~, Lowell, 1873: April 7, Grace Schoolcraft, female, born in Lowell,

parents James Schoolcraft born Canada and Louise born Canada .

540 Massachusetts: Death Records, pp. ~~~ #~~, Lowell, 1873: May 12, Grace Schoolcraft, female, age 1 m. 5 d.

infantile, died in Lowell born Mass, parents James Schoolcraft born Canada and Louise born Canada .
541 Québec: Census, 16-Apr-1891, pp. 21.25, Hse. 105, Dist. 168-R Div. 2, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co.,

Myron Schoolcraft, male, age 39, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farmer, Ida, female, age
30, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Mabel A., female, age 4, dau, born in QC, father QC,
mother QC, Meth.
542 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: St. Ignace de Stanbridge M-2, Missisquoi Co., pp. 3.08, Hse. 22,

Schoolcraft Myron H., age 49, Head, married, male, born in Québec on 1 Jul 1851, Ida, age 40, Wife, married, female,
born in Québec on 26 Apr 1860, Mable A., age 14, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on 3 Mar 1889,
Primerman Maud, age 4 mos., Neice, single, female, born in Québec on 1 Dec 1900.
543 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 4.25, Hse. 43, Dist. 14, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi

Co., Myron Scoolcraft, age 54, Head, married, male, born in QC on Jul 1857, Ida, age 51, Wife, married, female, born
in QC on Apr 1860, Mabell, age 24, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Mar 1887, Estelle Primmerman, age 10,
Niece, single, female, born in QC on Dec 1900.
544 Québec: Newspapers, Granby Leader-Mail: Friday, Jan. 8, 1907. There were three retiring councillors in this parish

(St. Ignace) - Messrs. L. ROSENBERGER, P. FOURNIER, and S. RACINE. Mr. Myron SCHOOLCRAFT was
elected to replace ROSENBERGER, who refused to serve longer. Edmond BRAIS was elected to replace RACINE
both by acclamation, after which Jas. DEMERS and Dennis DAUDELIN were put in nomination for the third
councillor and a spirited contest is going on at present writing.
545 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 31, Lots 10 to 14: Front: SCHOOLCRAFT: Myron H.

Schoolcraft [lot 12] July 1, 1851 - Aug. 6, 1941 his wife Ida Vaughan [lot 13] Apr. 26, 1860 - July 20, 1926. Rear:
SOULE: Clelen A. Soule [lot 10] Aug. 20, 1880 - Feb. 4, 1967 his wife Mabel A. Schoolcraft [lot 11] Mar. 3, 1887 -
Mar. 18, 1960 their son Gerald C. [lot 14] Aug. 12, 1916 - Feb 8, 1918.
Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Mabel Armida daughter of Miran H. Schoolcraft of the township of
North Stanbridge Co. of Missisquoi Province of Québec and Ida Vaughan his wife was born on the third day of March
one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven, and was baptized on the twenty eighth day of August one thousand eight
hundred and eighty nine. C. J. Curtis Meth Minister. Myron Schoolcraft, Ida Schoolcraft.
547 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 31, Lot 15: PRIMERMAN: Estella Primerman Dec. 1, 1900 -

May 10, 1993.

Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 2.32, Farnham, Missisquoi Co., 2 story, 1 family frame house, large number of
single male residents suggests boarding house, Joseph Beriau age 41 M/M born in occ./rel. trader, married during
1860, religion "B. C.", Hermine Foisy age 23 F/M born in occ./rel. married during 1860, religion "B. C.", 7 children &
7 single male residents, Munson Schoolcraft age 31 M/S born in Eng church occ./rel. Eng. Church, 2 single male

David J. Ellis, The compiler of this ancestral file, This record is unclear and ambiguous. The name is either Munson
or Moses and the age is either 31 or 21. Munson is known to be in Farnham in 1856 and no child called Moses of this
age is known.
550 Missisquoi Loyalist Legacies, (Missisquoi Historical Society. Inc. 1976. Volume 14), Reminisce Along with Me by

M. Estella Primerman: At the death of my mother, Estella (Vaughan) Primerman, in child birth, December 1, 1900, and
prior to the decease of my father George Primerman, a few weeks later, I was transplanted, as it were, at the age of six
weeks, from my paternal home at Rosenberg (St. Armand West), to that of my mother's sister, nee Ida Vaughan, and
her husband, Myron Schoolcraft. They had but one child, a daughter, Mabel, thirteen years my senior.
551 Photograph of Myron Schoolcraft, wife Ida Vaughn and adopted daughter Estella Primerman.
552 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 30.10, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., 1 family log house, Daniel Schoolcraft age 60

M/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, W. Methodist, Maria Schoolcraft age 48 F/M born in L. Canada occ./rel. W.
Methodist, Allis Schoolcraft age 3 F/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. W. Methodist.
553 Québec: Census, 27-Apr-1891, pp. 45.13, Hse. 225, Dist. 143-C Div. 2, Brome, Brome Co., Steven Rundle, male,

age 20, married, E, born in England, father England, mother England, C. Eng., farm laborer, Rosella, female, age 21,
married, E, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, C. Eng., domestic, Marie Schoolcraft, female, age 73, widow, E, born
in QC, father QC, mother QC, none, domestic, Charles Levitt, male, age 16, E, born in England, father England, mother
C. E., C. Eng., farm laborer.
554 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Saint-Michel, Rouville Co., pp. 6.39, Hse. 64, Evans Richard, age

80, Head, widow, male, born in Québec on Feb 22 1811, Martin Augustus D., age 32, Domestic, single, male, born in
Québec on Jan 18 1869, Schoolcraft Alice, age 44, Domestic, single, female, born in Québec on Jan 19 1857.
555 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 || NA Film Number C-13201 || District 60 || Sub-district A || Division 1 ||

pp. 11 || hse. 49 || Census Place: Brome, Brome Co., QC || Isaiah G Sweet Married Irish Male age 73 born in QC,
Farmer, Weslyan Methodist || Nancy Sweet Married German Female age 69 born in QC, Weslyan Methodist || Amos
Russell Sweet Married Irish Male age 43 born in QC, Weslyan Methodist || C Diana Sweet Married German Female
age 35 born in QC, Weslyan Methodist || Liona Wilson Sweet Irish Male age 6 mos. born: Sep born in QC, Weslyan
Methodist || Edna Church German Female age 17 born in QC, Weslyan Methodist || Allice Scoolcraft Female age 22
born in QC, Weslyan Methodist || Ophelia Scoolcraft Female age 2 born in QC, Weslyan Methodist.
556 Québec: Census, 11-Apr-1891, pp. 9.16, Hse. 41, Dist. 183-M, St. Michel de Rougemont, Rouville Co., Richard

Evans, male, age 69, married, head, born in Canada, father Germany, mother Germany, C. Eng., Lucretia, female, age
64, married, wife, born in Canada, father England, mother England, C. Eng., Daillain Martin, male, age 22, lodger,
born in Canada, father England, mother England, C. Eng., farmer, Alice Schoolcraft, female, age 33, lodger, born in
Canada, father Germany, mother Germany, C. Eng.
557 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 | NA Film Number C-13201 | District 59 | Sub-district I | pp. 42 | hse.

203 | Census Place: South Stukely, Shefford Co., QC | Alphus SCOOLCROFT Married German Male age 53 born in
Q, Farmer, Adventist | Sandina SCOOLCROFT Widowed German Female age 72 born in Q, Adventist | Salla
SCOOLCROFT Married German Female age 46 born in Q, Adventist | Elijer SCOOLCROFT German Male age 28
born in Q, Laborer, Adventist | Albert SCOOLCROFT German Male age 24 born in Q, Laborer, Adventist.
558 Vermont: Cemetery Records, St. Albans Point Cemetery, St. Albans, Franklin Co. [Headstone]. CONNER. John P.

Conner 1823 - 1909 his wife Sarah Boomhour 1845 - 1887 | Thankful Weeks wife of Benjamin Conner 1793 - 1876.
559 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 8, pp. 108.34, Brome, Brome Co., 1 story, 1 family log house, Alfred Schoolcraft age

34 M/M born in Canada occ./rel. farmer, S. Advent, Jane Schoolcraft age 31 F/M born in occ./rel. S. Advent, Elijah
Schoolcraft age 8 M/S born in occ./rel. S. Advent, Albert A. Schoolcraft age 4 M/S born in occ./rel. S. Advent.
560 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 | NA Film Number C-13201 | District 59 | Sub-district I | pp. 42 | hse.

203 | Census Place: South Stukely, Shefford Co., QC | Alphus SCOOLCROFT Married German Male age 53 born in
Q, Farmer, Adventist | Sandina SCOOLCROFT Widowed German Female age 72 born in Q, Adventist | Salla
SCOOLCROFT Married German Female age 46 born in Q, Adventist | Elijer SCOOLCROFT German Male age 28
born in Q, Laborer, Adventist | Albert SCOOLCROFT German Male age 24 born in Q, Laborer, Adventist.
561 Québec: Census, 15-Apr-1891, pp. 11.08, Hse. 57, Dist. 187-I Div. 1, South Stukely, Shefford Co., Alph

Schoolcraft, male, age 62, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother USA, 1st Advent., farmer, Sarah, female, age
55, married, wife, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, 1st Advent., farmer.
562 David J. Ellis: Alpeus is Anthony's child. He is in Stukely at the appropriate time and in 1871 his widowed mother,

Sarah Smith is living with him. His sister, Matilda is witness at his marriage to Jane.
Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, Waterloo Second Adventist Church.
This may certify that Jane Schoolcaft died on the nineteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixty five, in Fulford, in the County of Brome, District of Bedford, and was interred by me on the twenty
first day of the same month, in the presence of the undersigned. Witnesses: Alpheus E. Schoolcraft and Hermon

Québec, Shefford: Methodist Circuit Records, Alpheus E. Schoolcraft ~~~ farmer of Brome of age with consent of
parents and Sally Sophia Bice of age: with consent of parents were married by me after due publication of Banns on the
twenty seventh of May One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Seven signed by Alpheus E Schoolcraft Sally Sophia
[X] Bice Witnesses George Bice and Freelove A. Norton.
565 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Bolton West, Brome Co., pp. 2.26, Hse. 14, Norton George, age 66,

Head, married, male, born in Québec on Oct 14 1834, Norton Frelove, age 58, Wife, married, female, born in Québec
on Oct 17 1842, Norton Arthur, age 31, Son, married, male, born in Québec on Dec 1 1869, Norton Melvina, age 26,
dau in law, married, female, born in Québec on Jan 8 1875, Norton Mabel, age 5, Grd Child, single, female, born in
Québec on Mar 9 1896, Schoolcraft Sally, age 66, Lodger, married, female, born in Québec on Mar 6 1835.
566 Vermont: Marriage Record, Troy VT reported marriage between Elija N. Schoolcraft and Nancy Hitchcock on 17-

Jun-1885. 1st marriage of Elija N. Schoolcraft age 33 born in So. Stukely residing in So. Stuckley. Occupation Laborer,
parents Alphius E. Schoolcraft & Jane Davis.
567 Québec: Census, 6-Apr-1891, pp. 3.25, Hse. 16, Dist. 149-I, Hampden, Compton Co., Elijah Schoolcraft, male, age

35, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farmer, Nancy, female, age 32, married, wife, born in
USA, father USA, mother USA, Meth.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: Dist. 19, Hampden, Compton Co., pp. 2.43, Hse. 19, Schoolcraft
Elijah, age 56, Head, married, male, born in QC on Mar 1855, Schoolcraft Nancy, age 58, Wife, married, female, born
in USA on Apr 1853.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Troy VT reported marriage between Albert A. Scoolcraft and Effie Coons on 23-Sep-
1880. 1st marriage of Albert A. Scoolcraft age 24 born in Brome QC residing in Potton QC. Occupation Farmer,
parents Stephen Schoolcraft = Jane Davis.
570 David J. Ellis: Stephen Schoolcraft referred to in Albert's marriage record is in reality Alpheus Edgar Schoolcraft.

Jane Davis married Alpheus on 18-Aug-1851. Jane dies on 19th Aug 1865 and Alpheus is clearly still married to her as
he is witness at her funeral. Alpheus goes on to marry Sally Bice on 27-May-1867. The 1861 and 1871 census both
show Albert living with his father at ages 4 and 14 respectively.
571 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 || NA Film Number C-13201 || District 60 || Sub-district C || Division 1 ||

pp. 35 || hse. 183 || Census Place: Potton, Brome Co., QC || Albert Schoolcraft Married English Male age 24 born in
QC, Farmer, Methodist || Effie Schoolcraft Married English Female age 21 born in USA, Methodist.
572 Québec: Census, 6-Apr-1891, pp. 3.06, Hse. 12, Dist. 149-I, Hampden, Compton Co., Albert Schoolcraft, male, age

24, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farmer, Christie, female, age 19, married, wife, born in
QC, father USA, mother Scotland, Meth.
573 David J. Ellis: Albert has trimmed ten years off his age in this enumeration but living so close to his brother there is

little doubt. From his marriage record we know he is not known for accuracy in reporting data. As the daughter is
missing from 1901, I suspect he may have skipped out on his first wife and is obscuring who he is.
574 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: pp. 03.35, Hse. , Scottstown, Compton Co., Christy Schoolcraft, age

27, Head, widow, female, born in Québec on Mar 17, 1874, Ernest H. Schoolcraft, age 7, Son, single, male, born in
Québec on Apr 20, 1894, Roy A. Schoolcraft, age 1, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Apr 5, 1899.
575 Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Evangelical Second Advent Circuit Records, Waterloo Second Adventist Church.

This may certify that Arthur Riley Schoolcaft, infant son of Alpheus Edgar and Jane Schoolcraft, died in Brome, in the
County of Brome, District of Bedford, on the twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixty five and was interred by me on the twenty fourth day of the same month, in the presence of the
parents, who here sign their names as witnesses. Alpheus E. Schoolcraft and Jane Schoolcraft.
576 David J. Ellis: Matilda married Robert Buzzel. In 1871 her sister, Melvina Abalina, is living with them. In 1891 her

widowed mother is living with them and the relationship is stated as "mother".
Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 140 pp. 43.19, Orford, Sherbrooke Co., dw. 43, family 44: Robert Buzzel age 35 M/M
born in QC origin English occupation Carpenter religion illeg. Matilda age 37 F/M born in QC origin English religion
Adv. Baptist. Abram age 14 M/S born in QC origin English religion none. Jenne age 7 F/S born in QC origin English
religion none. Carry age 5 F/S born in QC origin English religion none. Abalina Schoolcraft age 21 F/S born in QC
origin English religion none. Orlet age 1 F/S born in QC origin English religion none.
Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375835 | NA Film Number C-13199 | District 55 | Sub-district E | Division 2 |
pp. 11 | hse. 47 | Census Place: Oxford [sic], Sherbrooke Co., QC | Robert BUZZELL M English Male age 45 born in
Québec, Mechanic, Adventist | Matilda BUZZELL M English Female age 46 born in Québec, Adventist | Jennie
BUZZELL English Female age 17 born in Québec, Adventist | Carrie BUZZELL English Female age 15 born in
Québec, Adventist | George BUZZELL English Male age 4 born in Québec, Adventist.
579 Québec: Newspapers, Sherbrook Daily Record: Entry 2583: Deaths: 23 Jan. 1904: Buzzel: In Magog Twp. Jan. 20,

at the home of her dau. Mrs. John Humphrey, Matilda Schoolcraft, wife of Robert A. Buzzell, ae. 70 yrs. 5 mos.

David J. Ellis: Conjecture: The 1860 census suggests Herman, David and Melissa are siblings. The fact that they
cannot be found in 1852 suggests they might be from one of the missing census towns - Stukely. Anthony Schoolcraft's
1842 enumeration has six children: 2xM and 1xF 1828-1836 and 1xM and 2xF 1837-1842. Alpheus, Matilda and
Elizabeth correlate to three of these. David, Herman and Melissa correlate to the other three.
581 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254087 NA Film T9-0087 pp. 29B, Denver, Arapahoe Co., CO :

David SCOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 43 born in CAN occupation Carpenter father born in ENG mother
born in ENG: Georgia SCOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 37 born in ME occupation Keeps House father
born in MA mother born in MA: Maggie SCOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 19 born in MA occupation At
Home father born in CAN mother born in ME: Cora SCOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 18 born in MA
occupation At Home father born in CAN mother born in ME: Minnie SCOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 11
born in NH occupation At Home father born in CAN mother born in ME.
582 Federal Population Schedule, 5-Jun-1900, pp. 280A.30, dw. 181, fam. 219, ED #30, 1117 Las Vegas St., Colorado

Springs, El Paso Co., CO : D~~~ Schoolcraft head male married age 64 born in Jul 1835, Can. East occupation
farming, marr. 40 yrs. father born in VT mother born in VT: Georgia wife female married age 57 born in Jun 1842, ME
occupation marr. 40 yrs., 3 ch. 2 liv. father born in ME mother born in ME.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254088 NA Film T9-0088 pp. 427A, Precinct 7, Little Horse Creek,
Bent Co., CO : Thomas F. WARD Self male married white age 27 born in MA occupation Wool Grower father born in
IRE mother born in IRE: Mary WARD Wife female married white age 27 born in OH occupation Keeping House
father born in CT mother born in OH: Carolina WARD Dau female single white age 9 Mos. born in OH occupation
father born in MA mother born in OH: James WARD Other male single white age 22 born in MA occupation Wool
Grower father born in IRE mother born in IRE: Alice WARD Mother female widow white age 50 born in IRE
occupation Keeping House father born in IRE mother born in IRE: Sallie CARPENTER SisterL female single white
age 21 born in OH occupation At Home father born in CT mother born in OH: Harry SHIELDS Other male single
white age 13 born in IL occupation Sheep Herder father born in IL mother born in IL: Fred CLEMMENTS Other male
married white age 35 born in ME occupation Day Laborer father born in ME mother born in ME: Thomas WILSON
Other male single white age 40 born in ENG occupation Sheep Herder father born in ENG mother born in SCOT:
Phillip CAMPBELL Other male single white age 23 born in MO occupation Sheep Herder father born in MO mother
born in MO: James HENDERSON Other male married white age 35 born in CAN occupation Sheep Herder father born
in CAN mother born in CAN: Hosia MEDINA Other male single white age 20 born in CO occupation Sheep Herder
father born in NM mother born in NM: Corrall SCHOOLCRAFT Other male single white age 20 born in MA
occupation Sheep Herder father born in MA mother born in MA.
584 David J. Ellis: I believe that Corral Schoolcraft is Cora Schoolcraft, David and Georgia's daughter from Denver. Her

father was living in Lawrence MA at the time of her birth, even though the 1870 census may be correct in saying she
was born in QC.
585 Ed Schoolcraft, SAN (Schoolcraft Ancestral News), Newsletter published 1988 & 1989, New Hampshire Vitals -

SAN Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 5 - 8, April 1988 IGI: Schoolcraft, Minnie Etta, female, b. 15 Jul 1869, Hampstead, Rockingham
Co., New Hampshire. Parents: David M. and Georgianna S. Schoolcraft.
586 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 1, pp. 143.14, Magog, Stanstead Co., James McGiveren age 25 M born in occ./rel.

laborer Roman church, Elizabeth Schoolcraft age 24 F born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer W. Methodist, Joseph Field age 23
M born in L.C. occ./rel. school teacher Congregationalist.
587 David J. Ellis: Conjecture: Elizabeth's proximity to Anthony's children in 1861 suggests she is his child. Orford and

Magog are adjacent. The descendants of George and Abigail, the other Schoolcrafts who eventually come to this
region, are still in Clarenceville through 1861 and unlikely to be parents.
Federal Population Schedule, 18-Jun-1900, pp. 137A.49, dw. 233, fam. 240, ED #23, Tamworth, Carroll Co., NH :
Herman O. Schoolcraft head male married age 60 born in Jun 1839, Can. Eng. occupation carpenter, marr. 32 yrs.
father born in NY mother born in NY: Ellen R. wife female married age 52 born in Aug 1847, NH occupation marr. 32
yrs., 2 ch., 1 liv. father born in ME mother born in NH: George N. Tewkesbury boarder male single age 42 born in Apr
1858, NH occupation day laborer father born in NH mother born in NH.
589 Federal Population Schedule, 23-Jun-1900, pp. 245B.69, dw. 657, fam. 658, ED #252, Sanford, York Co., ME :

Charles Taylor head male married: [family and boarders] : Herman Schoolcraft boarder male married age 61 born in
Jun 1838, Canada Eng. occupation carpenter, marr. 33 yrs. father born in Can. mother born in Can.

New Hampshire: Marriage Record, Marriage 10 Nov 1894 in Tamworth NH by Gilman Rice, clergyman | Groom:
Walter A. SCHOOLCRAFT 1st marriage, age 24 years, born Boston MA, resident Tamworth NH, occupation
carpenter | Bride: Edith M. MOULTON 1st marriage, age 16 years, born Albany NH, resident Tamworth NH,
occupation housekeeping | Husband's father: Herman O. SCHOOLCRAFT, born Canada, resident Tamworth NH,
occupation carpenter, husband's mother: Nellie ROSS, age 49 years, born Albany NH, resident Tamworth NH,
occupation housekeeping | Wife's father: Alonzo A. MOULTON, age 59 years, born Albany NH, resident Tamworth
NH, occupation farmer, wife's mother: Belinda KINNUSON, age 49 years, born Albany NH, resident Tamworth NH,
occupation housekeeping.
591 Massachusetts: Birth records, pp. ~~~ #~~, Boston, 1870: May 17, Walter Bertram Schoolcraft, male, born in

Boston, parents Herman Schoolcraft born Canada and Ellen born illegible .
592 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 141 pp. 53.13, Magog, Stanstead Co., dw. 189, family 208: H. L. Knowleton age 39

M/M born in QC origin English occupation farmer & mechanic religion Adventist. Mrs. Caroline age 35 F/M born in
U.S.A. origin English religion Adventist. Ellen E. age 17 F/S born in QC origin English religion Adventist. Hatie M.
age 6 F/S born in QC origin English religion Adventist. Caroline Schoolcraft age 18 F/S born in QC origin English
religion Adventist.
Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375835 | NA Film Number C-13199 | District 56 | Sub-district D | Division 2 |
pp. 9 | hse. 42 | Census Place: Magog, Stanstead Co., QC | Richard J. COPP M English Male age 34 born in Québec,
Labourer, Weslyan Methodist | Melvina COPP M English Female age 30 born in Québec, Weslyan Methodist | Oral A.
COPP English Male age 11 born in USA, Weslyan Methodist | Ellen E. COPP English Female age 8 born in Québec,
Weslyan Methodist | Walter F. COPP English Male age 6 born in Québec, Weslyan Methodist | Annie E. COPP
English Female age 5 born in Québec, Weslyan Methodist | Edith M. COPP English Female age 3 born in Québec,
Weslyan Methodist | Hattie B. COPP English Female age 1 born in Québec, Weslyan Methodist.
594 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Magog, Stanstead Co., pp. 2.19, Hse. 16, Copp Richard, age 56,

Head, married, male, born in Québec on Mar 4 1845, Copp Melvina, age 47, Wife, married, female, born in Québec on
Nov 4 1853, Copp Oral A., age 31, Son, single, male, born in U.S.A. on Feb 8 1870, Copp Moses W., age 19, Son,
single, male, born in Québec on Mar 25 1882.
595 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 141 pp. 53.05, Magog, Stanstead Co., dw. 183, family 207: M. W. Copp age 61 M/M

born in QC origin English occupation Mill Owner religion W. Methodist. Eondine age 52 F/M born in QC origin
English religion W. Methodist. Joshua W. age 27 M/S born in QC origin English occupation Laborer religion W.
Methodist. Richard J. age 25 M/S born in QC origin English religion W. Methodist. Charles F. age 18 M/S born in QC
origin English occupation Clerk religion W. Methodist. Willie W. age 15 M/S born in QC origin English religion W.
Methodist. Ella age 10 F/S born in QC origin English religion W. Methodist.
596 David J. Ellis: Oral Copp's relationship to Melvina is uncertain. The 1881 census implies he is born about 1870-

1871, before the marriage. His birth in the USA suggests he may not be Melvina's child.
597 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 33 | hse.

140 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Gilbert Thompson Married German Male age 34 born in ON,
Farmer, E. Methodist | Mary Ann Thompson Married German Female age 39 born in ON, E. Methodist | George W
Thompson German Male age 10 born in ON, E. Methodist | Manson Thompson German Male age 8 born in ON, E.
Methodist | Elizabeth Thompson German Female age 5 born in ON, E. Methodist | Edith E Thompson German Female
age 2 born in ON, E. Methodist | Rosanah Boomhower German Female age 17 born in ON, E. Methodist | Deborah
Boomhower Widowed German Female age 70 born in ON, E. Methodist.
598 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 809.17, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Walter Bomhour, 2

total in household. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1255.06, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of
household Walter Bomhour, renter, farmer. 5 Total in household, 3 5 and under. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr., Females:
1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 5 Anglican.
Ontario: Census, FHL US/CAN 0349184, 1871: Kennebec, Dist. 64, Frontenac Co., pp. 21.09, House 62, Family 66,
Walter Boomhower, age 62, married, male, born in QC, German, Farmer, E. Meth, Deborah, age 60, married, female,
born in QC, German, E. Meth, Edward Boomhower, age 30, married, male, born in ON, German, Farmer, E. Meth,
Martha Jane, age 24, married, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Hannah Matilda, age 8, single, female, born in
ON, German, E. Meth, Minerva, age 2, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Margaret Hilda Keller, age 13,
single, female, born in ON, German, B. Presbyt., Daniel McCelan, age 25, male, born in Scotland, Scotch, B. Presbyt.
Ontario: Death Record, Schedule C, pp. 693, Frontenac Co., Div. Kennebec, No. 2: Walter Boomhour, Decr 4th
1877, 85 years, yeoman, born Stanbridge PQ, cause Numb Palsy, informant Gilbert Thompson of Kennebec on Dec 10
David J. Ellis: Conjecture: In 1861 Walter's family is clustered around Conc. 4, Lot 8. David's is clustered around
Conc. 9, Lot 13. This is the only reason I know to show this relationship. Julia is in Conc. 5 Lot 7. Margaret Conc. 4 S.
Pt. 9. Nelson Conc. 4 Lot 9. Sarah Conc. 4 N. Pt. 9. David Conc. 4 W. Pt. 8.

Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Mary Ann daughter of Walter Boomhower and of Deborah his wife
born May the 15th 1833 [DJE: 1832] died June the 19th 1832 and was buried June the 2th [DJE: 20th] 1832 by me.
Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths, 1869-1947, FHL US/CAN 1854625: Margaret Peterson died 02 Aug 1910
Kennebic, Frontenac, Ontario age 80 years, white, Canadian female, widowed, born 1830, father Walter Boomhour,
mother Deborah Schoolcraft.
Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths, 1869-1947, FHL US/CAN 1862963: Sarah Jane Woodcock died 02 Mar
1919 Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario age 87 years, female, widowed, born 1832 Twp. Of Sheffield, father Walter
Bonnham, mother Debby Schoolcraft.
606 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Marr. Reg., #12: Kennebec on May 26,

1862 Boomhower, James age 20 residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Boomhower, Walter & Schoolcraft,
Deborah to Peterson, Amanda age 19 residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Peterson, Nicholas & Peterson,
607 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #4: Kennebec on

Nov. 22, 1869 Thompson, Gilbert age 23 single residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Thompson, Isaiah &
Thompson, Mary to Boomhower, Mary age 23 single residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Boomhower, Walter &
Boomhower, Deborah.
Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1871: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 16.10, House 48, Conc. 4,
lot 11 125 acres, Family 51, Gilbert Thompson, age 25, married, male, born in ON, Scotch, Farmer, E. Meth, Mary, age
25, married, female, born in ON, Scotch, E. Meth, infant, age 1 mos. born Mar., single, male, born in ON, Scotch, E.
609 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1871: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 27.01, House 79, Conc. 4,

lot 11 125 acres, Family 83, Gilbert Thompson, age 24, married, male, born in ON, Scotch, Farmer, E. Meth, Mary, age
23, married, female, born in ON, Scotch, E. Meth.
610 Ontario: Census, 13-Apr-1891, pp. 14.11, Hse. 60, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Gilbert Thompson, male, age 44, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., carpenter,
Mary Ann, female, age 44, married, wife, born in ON, father QC, mother QC, Meth., George, male, age 20, son, born
in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer, Manson, male, age 18, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.,
Ruth, female, age 16, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Edith E., female, age 13, dau, born in ON, father
ON, mother ON, Meth., Marshall, male, age 10, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Jennie, female, age 8,
dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Herbert, male, age 4, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.,
Roscoe, male, age 1, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
611 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 19.13, Conc. 4, lot

8, 200 acres, Gilbert Thompson, age 50, head, married, male, born in ON r on Nov. 22, 1850, Meth., carpenter, Mary
Anne, age 50, wife, married, female, born in ON r on Mar 22, 1851, Meth., Manson, age 28, son, single, male, born in
ON r on Feb 23, 1873, Meth., farmer, Marshall, age 19, son, single, male, born in ON r on July 12, 1881, Meth., Jennie
F., age 17, daughter, single, female, born in ON r on Feb 22, 1884, Meth., Herbert, age 15, son, single, male, born in
ON r on Apr 28, 1886, Meth., Roscoe, age 11, son, single, male, born in ON r on Sept. 15, 1889, Meth.
612 Ontario: Census, FHL US/CAN 0349184, 1871: Kennebec, Dist. 64, Frontenac Co., pp. 29.11, House 90, Family 94,

James Boomhower, age 32, married, male, born in ON, German, Farmer, E. Meth, Amanda, age 29, married, female,
born in ON, German, E. Meth, Rosella, age 8, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Ellenor, age 6, single,
female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Margaret Agnes, age 20, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, William,
age 8/12, born Aug., single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth.
613 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 || NA Film Number C-13237 || District 118 || Sub-district M || pp. 36 ||

hse. 153 || Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON || James Boomhower Married German Male age 40 born in ON,
Farmer, E. Methodist || Amanda Boomhower Married German Female age 35 born in ON, E. Methodist || Roseta
Boomhower German Female age 18 born in ON, E. Methodist || Elonder Boomhower German Female age 16 born in
ON, E. Methodist || Silas Boomhower German Male age 9 born in ON, E. Methodist || James W Boomhower German
Male age 4 born in ON, E. Methodist.
614 Ontario: Census, 16-Apr-1891, pp. 18.03, Hse. 78, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., James Boomhower, male, age 50, married, head, born in ON, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farmer,
Amanda, female, age 49, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Silas, male, age 18, son, born in
ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Wilson, male, age 14, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Archibald
Thompson, male, age 7, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
615 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 18.14, Conc. 4 lot

11, 100 acres, James Boomhower, age 58, head, married, male, born in ON r on 1842, Meth., Farmer, Amandah, age
59, wife, married, female, born in ON r on Feb 24, 1842, Meth., J. Wilson, age 24, son, single, male, born in ON r on
Apr 3, 1877, Meth., Farmer, Archibald, age 17, son, single, male, born in ON r on Aug 9, 1883, Meth., Farmer.

Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #295: Boomhower,
James, male died May. 31, 1901, age 59y born Sheffield, Conc.-Lot 3-11, occ. married farmer, cause heart disease,
informant Boomhower, Wilson, of Kennebec, registered on July -, 1901.
617 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Marr. Reg., #1: Kennebec on Feb. 28,

1858 Woodcock, Osborn age 22 residing Kennebec to Boomhower, Sarah Jane age 18 residing Kennebec.
Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 8.41, Conc. 4 N. Pt. 9,
Log, 50 acres, Osborn Woodcock, age 20, married, male, born in Sheffield, Farmer, E. Meth., Sarah J., age 20, married,
female, born in Sheffield, E. Meth., Manson, age 1, single, male, born in Kennebec, E. Meth.
619 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1871: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 3.14, House 9, Family 11,

John Osborn Woodcock, age 35, married, male, born in ON, German, Farmer, E. Meth., Sarah Jane, age 30, married,
female, born in ON, German, E. Meth., Manson, age 11, single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth., Catherine
Matilda, age 5, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth., William, age 2, single, male, born in ON, German, E.
Meth., Deborah Matilda, age 1 mos. born Mar., single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth., Jacob Moor, age 24,
single, male, born in ON, German, Sawyer, E. Meth.
620 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 35 | hse.

150 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Osborn Woodcock M German Male age 60 born in ON, Farmer, E.
Methodist | Sary Jane Woodcock M German Female age 40 born in ON, E. Methodist | Monson Woodcock German
Male age 21 born in ON, Farmer, E. Methodist | Mary Ann Woodcock German Female age 17 born in ON, E.
Methodist | Sharlot A. Woodcock German Female age 15 born in ON, E. Methodist | William Woodcock German Male
age 13 born in ON, E. Methodist | Deby M Woodcock German Female age 11 born in ON, E. Methodist | Christyan
Woodcock German Male age 8 born in ON, E. Methodist | Edward W Woodcock German Male age 5 born in ON, E.
Methodist | Minie A Woodcock German Female age 3 born in ON, E. Methodist | Emy Loreta Woodcock German
Female age 8 mos. Born: JUL born in ON, E. Methodist | David Peterson German Male age 21 born in ON, Farmer, E.
621 Ontario: Census, 15-Apr-1891, pp. 17.15, Hse. 76, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Osborn Woodcock, male, age 52, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer,
Sarah J., female, age 48, married, wife, born in ON, father QC, mother QC, Meth., William, male, age 22, son, born in
ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., servant, Deborah, female, age 19, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.,
servant, Christian, female, age 16, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Edward, male, age 14, son, born in
ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Minnie, female, age 12, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Emma,
female, age 10, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Ida, female, age 8, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother
ON, Meth.
622 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 18.08, Conc. 4, lot

12, 50 acres, Osborne Woodcock, age 66, head, married, male, born in ON on 1834, Meth., farmer, Sarah J., age 60,
wife, married, female, born in ON on Aug. --, 1840, Meth., Emma, age 20, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Jul
18, 1880, Meth., domestic, Ed. W. Woodcock, age 25, head, married, male, born in ON on Jan 2, 1876, Meth., farm
hand, Minnie M., age 22, wife, married, female, born in ON on Aug. 22, 1878, Meth., Edna M., daughter, single,
female, born in ON on Aug. 12, 1900, Meth.
623 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 8.49, Conc. 4 Lot 9, Log,

50 acres, Nelson Bumhower, age 26, married, male, born in Lower Canada, E. Meth., Eleanor, age 21, married, female,
born in Sheffield, E. Meth., James Bumhower, age 4, single, male, born in Kennebec, E. Meth., Paul, age 2, single,
male, born in Kennebec, E. Meth.
624 Ontario: Census, FHL US/CAN 0349184, 1871: Kennebec, Dist. 64, Frontenac Co., pp. 25.07, House 74, Family 78,

Nelson Boomhower, age 34, married, male, born in QC, German, Farmer, E. Meth, Lucinda Jane, age 30, married,
female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, James Albert, age 13, single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth, George Paul,
age 11, single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth, William Nelson, age 9, single, male, born in ON, German, E.
Meth, Rosannah, age 7, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth.
625 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 33 | hse.

139 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Nelson Boomhower Married German Male age 40 born in ON,
Farmer, E. Methodist | Mary Jane Boomhower Married German Female age 29 born in ON, E. Methodist | William
Boomhower German Male age 19 born in ON, E. Methodist | Saly Ann Boomhower German Female age 10 born in
ON, E. Methodist | Margaret Boomhower German Female age 7 born in ON, E. Methodist | Vina Boomhower German
Female age 5 born in ON, E. Methodist | Dilla Boomhower German Female age 2 born in ON, E. Methodist | Jane
Boomhower German Female age 1 born in ON, E. Methodist.
626 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #112: Boomhower,

Nelson, male died Feb. 2, 1889, age 57y born Sheffield, occ. farmer, cause inflammation, ill for 2w, informant
McMullen, Jas. S., Rev., of Kennebec, registered on Feb. 9, 1889.

Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #77: Kennebec on
May 6, 1878 Boomhower, George Paul age 19 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Boomhower, Nelson
& Peterson, Eleanor to Scott, Eliza J. age 18 single residing Kaladar born Kaladar, parents Scott, John & Parks, Mercy
628 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #36: Kennebec on

July 1, 1873 Boomhower, Nelson age 34 widow residing Kennebec born Québec, parents Boomhower, Walter &
Boomhower, Deborah to Woodcock, Mary Jane age 28 single residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Woodcock,
David & Woodcock, Sarah.
629 Ontario: Census, 20-Apr-1891, pp. 24.04, Hse. 106, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Mary J. Boomhower, female, age 49, widow, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer,
Rosie, female, age 23, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Servant, Maggie, female, age 16, dau, born in
ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Vine, female, age 13, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Janie,
female, age 11, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Lowrie, female, age 9, dau, born in ON, father ON,
mother ON, Meth., Georgie, male, age 8, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
630 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 8.34, Conc. 4 S. Pt. 9,

Log, 100 acres, James Peterson, age 29, married, male, born in Camden, E. Meth., farmer, Margaret, age 25, married,
female, born in L.C., E. Meth., Jane Ann, age 7, single, female, born in Kennebec, E. Meth., James N., age 5, single,
male, born in Kennebec, E. Meth., Rebecca, age 3, single, female, born in Kennebec, E. Meth.
Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1871: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 24.01, House 70, Family
74, James Peterson, age 45, married, male, born in ON, German, Farmer, E. Meth, Margaret, age 39, married, female,
born in ON, German, E. Meth, Jane Ann, age 17, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, James Nelson, age 14,
single, male, born in ON, German, E. Meth, Charlotte Rebecca, age 12, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth,
Rosetta, age 8, single, female, born in ON, German, E. Meth, William Andrew, age 1, single, male, born in ON,
German, E. Meth.
632 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 34 | hse.

143 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | James Peterson M German Male age 55 born in ON, Farmer, E.
Methodist | Margaret Peterson M German Female age 44 born in QC, E. Methodist | Roseta Peterson German Female
age 18 born in ON, E. Methodist | William A Peterson German Male age 11 born in ON, E. Methodist | Wilson
Peterson German Male age 5 born in ON, E. Methodist | Jacob Hicks W German Male age 48 born in ON, Farmer,
Weslyan Methodist.
633 Ontario: Census, 14-Apr-1891, pp. 15.17, Hse. 65, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., James Peterson, male, age 66, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farm labourer,
Margaret, female, age 56, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., William, male, age 21, son, born in
ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Wilson, male, age 15, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
634 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 18.38, Con. 3, Lot

9, 90 acres, James Peterson, age 73, head, married, male, born in ON on Dec. 8, 1827, Meth., farmer, Margaret, age 68,
wife, married, female, born in ON on Apr. -, 1832, Meth., Wilson, age 24, son, single, male, born in ON on Dec 19,
1876, Meth., shantyman.
635 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #333: Peterson,

James, male died Mar. 18, 1904, age 80y born Fredericksburgh, Conc.-Lot 3-9, occ. married ret. farmer, cause paralytic
stroke, ill for 4d, informant Peterson, William A., of Kennebec, registered on Mar. 28, 1904.
636 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #452: Arden on Apr.

19, 1903 Peterson, Wilson age 26 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Peterson, James & Boomhower,
Margaret to Files, Ethel F. age 17 single residing Kennebec born Camden, parents Files, William & Vandewaters, Jane.
Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 6.33, Conc. 5 Lot 7, Log,
200 acres, Christopher Keller, age 32, married, male, born in Frontenac, Farmer, P. Meth., Julie, age 32, married,
female, born in Stanbridge, P. Meth., Mary Jane, age 10, single, female, born in Sheffield, P. Meth., George, age 7,
single, male, born in Kennebec, P. Meth., Hester Ann, age 4, single, female, born in Kennebec, P. Meth., Margaret H.,
age 2, single, female, born in Kennebec, P. Meth., Isaac Hicks, male, born in Unknown, E. Meth., Walter Bumhower,
single, male, born in Unknown, E. Meth.
638 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #72: Kennebec on

Dec. 25, 1877 Kellar, George age 24 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Kellar, Christopher &
Boomhower, Julia to Barker, Joanna age 24 single residing Kennebec born Richmond, parents Barker, John & Hawley,
Mary Ann.
639 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 6 | hse.

24 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | George Keller Married German Male age 27 born in ON, Farmer, E.
Methodist | Joanha Keller Married English Female age 25 born in ON, E. Methodist | Nathaniel Keller German Male
age 2 born in ON, E. Methodist | Maud Keller German Female age 1 born in ON, E. Methodist.

Ontario: Census, 25-Apr-1891, pp. 33.12, Hse. 150, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,
Addington Co., George C. Kellar, male, age 37, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother QC, Meth., farmer,
Hannah, female, age 39, married, wife, born in ON, father England, mother England, Meth., Nathaniel, male, age 12,
son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Maud, female, age 11, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.,
Minnie, female, age 9, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Dove, female, age 5, dau, born in ON, father
ON, mother ON, Meth., Perly, male, age 2, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
641 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 2, Frontenac Co., pp. 1.41, Conc. 6, pt.

29, 100 acres, George C. Kellar, age 47, head, married, male, born in ON on Feb. 27, 1854, Meth., Farmer, Annie, age
49, wife, married, female, born in ON on Mar. 12, 1852, Meth., Nathaniel, age 22, son, single, male, born in ON on
Sept. 9, 1878, Meth., Farm Labour, Dovie M., age 15, daughter, single, female, born in ON on May 7, 1885, Meth.,
Adam, age 11, son, single, male, born in ON on June 5, 1889, Meth., Olive W., age 2, granddau., single, female, born
in ON on Mar. 6, 1899, Meth.
642 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #144: Tamworth on

Dec. 25, 1883 Armstrong, Robert age 23 single residing Richmond born Richmond, parents Armstrong, Henry &
Armstrong, Gelesia to Kellar, Huldah age 22 single residing Kaladar born Sheffield, parents Kellar, Christopher &
Kellar, Julia.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #92: Flinton on Dec.
20, 1879 Roloffs, Lawrence age 25 single residing Kaladar born Denmark, parents Roloffs, Frederick & Roloffs, Inca
to Kellar, Lavina age 17 single residing Kaladar born Ontario, parents Kellar, Christopher & Kellar, Julia.
644 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #190: Kingston on

May 23, 1888 Kellar, Christy age 23 single residing Kaladar born Canada, parents Kellar, Christopher & Boomhower,
Julia to Jayne, Maggie age 23 single residing Richmond born Canada, parents Jayne, James A. & Thompson, Clarissa.
645 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 18.33, Conc. 3, pt.

10, 75 acres, David W. Woodcock, age 51, head, married, male, born in ON on Sept. 7, 1849, Meth., Farmer, Jane Ann,
age 48, wife, married, female, born in ON on Feb. 17, 1853, Meth., George N., age 26, son, single, male, born in ON on
Jan. 22, 1875, Meth., Farmer.
646 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 16.21, Conc. 1, lot

10, 175 acres, Nelson Peterson, age 46, head, married, male, born in ON on Apr. 10, 1855, Meth., Farmer, Annice M.,
age 44, wife, married, female, born in ON on Apr. 16, 1857, William R., age 3, son, widow, male, born in ON on Aug.
17, 1897.
647 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 18.41, Conc. 3, lot

9, 56 acres, William Peterson, age 32, head, married, male, born in ON on Sep 25, 1868, Meth., farmer, Mary, age 21,
wife, married, female, born in ON on Apr 30, 1879, Meth., David W. Thompson, age 43, head, married, male, born in
ON on Jun 14, 1857, Meth., farmer, Rebecca, age 42, wife, married, female, born in ON on Feb 10, 1859, Meth.,
Carmen D., age 16, son, single, male, born in ON on Mar 7, 1885, Meth., farmer, Fred T., age 14, son, single, male,
born in ON on Jul 1, 1886, Meth., Myrtle I., age 11, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Nov 11, 1889, Meth.,
Gertrude W., age 6, daughter, single, female, born in ON on May 22, 1894, Meth., Thomas W., age 4, son, single,
male, born in ON on Aug 1, 1896, Meth.
648 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #16: Sheffield on

July 25, 1871 Woodcock, David age 22 single residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Woodcock, Nelson &
Woodcock, Jane to Peterson, Jane Ann age 19 single residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Peterson, James &
Peterson, Margaret.
649 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 2 | hse. 6

| Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | David Woodcock Married German Male age 30 born in ON, Farmer, E.
Methodist | Jane Woodcock Married German Female age 24 born in ON, E. Methodist | Jane Woodcock German
Female age 8 born in ON, E. Methodist | George Woodcock German Male age 7 born in ON, E. Methodist.
Ontario: Census, 13-Apr-1891, pp. 14.07, Hse. 59, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,
Addington Co., David W. Woodcock, male, age 41, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer,
Jane Ann, female, age 38, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Electric, female, age 18, dau, born
in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., servant, George, male, age 16, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.,
651 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #87: Kennebec on

May 13, 1879 Thompson, David Wilson age 21 single residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Thompson, Isaiah &
Thompson, Mary to Peterson, Charlotte R. age 21 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Peterson, James &
Peterson, Margaret.

Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 36 | hse.
152 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | David Thompson M German Male age 23 born in ON, Farmer, E.
Methodist | Shalotte R Thompson M German Female age 22 born in ON, E. Methodist | Franklin Thompson German
Male age 1 born in ON, E. Methodist.
653 Ontario: Census, 13-Apr-1891, pp. 14.21, Hse. 61, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., David Thompson, male, age 34, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer,
Charlotte, female, age 33, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Frank, male, age 11, son, born in
ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Carman, male, age 6, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Frederick,
male, age 4, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Myrtle, female, age 1, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother
ON, Meth.
654 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #117: Kennebec on

Dec. 29, 1881 Woodcock, George age 25 single residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Woodcock, George &
Woodcock, M.A.J. to Peterson, Rosette age 19 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Peterson, James &
Peterson, Margaret.
655 Ontario: Census, 14-Apr-1891, pp. 16.03, Hse. 68, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., George J. Woodcock, male, age 39, widow, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer,
Thomas, male, age 8, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
656 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 18.50, Conc. 3, lot

8, 310 acres, George Woodcock, age 48, head, married, male, born in ON on Aug. 1, 1852, Meth., Farmer, Mildred,
age 34, wife, married, female, born in ON on Aug. 26, 1866, Meth., Thomas, age 18, son, single, male, born in ON on
Feb. 4, 1883, Meth., Farmer, George Amos, age 1, son, single, male, born in ON on Sept. 10, 1899, Meth.
657 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #312: Woodcock,

George, male died Oct. 6, 1902, age 50y born Sheffield, Conc.-Lot 2-9, occ. married farmer, cause septic poisoning,
informant Helms, John R., of Kennebec, registered on Oct. 8, 1902.
658 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #321: Kennebec on

Nov. 25, 1896 Peterson, Wm. Andrew age 24 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Peterson, James &
Peterson, Margaret to Wood, Mary Marilla age 17 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Wood, George &
Wood, Catherine.
659 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #42: Kennebec on

Dec. 1, 1873 Boomhower, James A. age 18 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Boomhower, Nelson &
Boomhower, Ellen to Woodcock, Hannah M. age 16 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Woodcock,
Nelson & Woodcock, Jane.
660 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 2 | hse. 7

| Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Albert Boomhower Married German Male age 25 born in ON, Farmer,
E. Methodist | Hanah Boomhower Married English Female age 24 born in ON, E. Methodist | Wilson Boomhower
German Male age 6 born in ON, E. Methodist | Joseph W. Boomhower German Male age 5 born in ON, E. Methodist.
661 Ontario: Census, 14-Apr-1891, pp. 16.14, Hse. 70, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Albert Boomhower, male, age 35, married, head, born in ON, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farmer,
Hannah, female, age 34, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother England, Meth., Elias, male, age 16, son, born
in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Joseph, male, age 14, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Rachel,
female, age 6, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Charles, male, age 3, son, born in ON, father ON,
mother ON, Meth.
662 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 2, Frontenac Co., pp. 8.04, Conc. 6, lot

20, 300 acres, Albert Boomhower, age 44, head, married, male, born in ON on Mar 12, 1857, Meth., farm labourer,
Hannah, age 42, wife, married, female, born in ON on Jan 21, 1859, Meth., Elias, age 26, son, single, male, born in ON
on Nov 12, 1874, Meth., Rachel, age 16, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Mar 28, 1885, Meth., Charlie, age 13,
son, single, male, born in ON on Sep 8, 1887, Meth., Amon, age 8, son, single, male, born in ON on Mar 19, 1893,
663 Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 33 | hse.

138 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Paul Boomhower Married German Male age 21 born in ON,
Farmer, E. Methodist | Jane Boomhower Married German Female age 20 born in ON, E. Methodist | Jinette
Boomhower German Female age 3 born in ON, E. Methodist | Stanford Boomhower German Male age 3 mos. born:
Feb born in ON, E. Methodist.

Ontario: Census, 20-Apr-1891, pp. 24.15, Hse. 108, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,
Addington Co., William Boomhower, male, age 28, married, head, born in ON, father QC, mother ON, Meth., farmer,
Eliza, female, age 23, married, wife, born in ON, Meth., George Paul, male, age 13, son, born in ON, father ON,
mother ON, Meth., Jeanette, female, age 11, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Sanford, male, age 9, son,
born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Rosanna, female, age 7, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.,
Roxy, female, age 5, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Frederick, male, age 3, son, born in ON, father
ON, mother ON, Meth., Herbert A., male, age 1, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
665 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 2, Frontenac Co., pp. 6.33, Conc. 2, pt.

22, 300 acres, Paul Boomhower, age 43, head, married, male, born in ON on Jan 1, 1858, Meth., Farmer, Eliza, age 42,
wife, married, female, born in ON on Nov 25, 1858, Meth., George, age 23, son, single, male, born in ON on Oct 25,
1877, Meth., Farmer, Jennie, age 21, daughter, single, female, born in ON on June 25, 1879, Meth., Sanford, age 20,
son, single, male, born in ON on Feb 15, 1880, Meth., Farmer, Rosa, age 18, daughter, single, female, born in ON on
Oct 3, 1882, Meth., Roxy, age 17, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Mar 15, 1884, Meth., Fred, age 15, son,
single, male, born in ON on Mar 7, 1886, Meth., Pinky, age 13, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Feb 7, 1888,
Meth., Herbert, age 11, son, single, male, born in ON on Apr 20, 1890, Meth., Laura, age 3, daughter, single, female,
born in ON on Apr 30, 1898, Meth., Rossie May, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Oct 1, 1900, Meth.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #181: Kaladar on
Dec. 25, 1886 Boomhower, William N. age 23 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Boomhower, Nelson
& Boomhower, Ellen to Harten, Eliza age 18 single residing Kaladar born Camden, parents Harton, Jehiel & Harton,
667 Ontario: Census, 20-Apr-1891, pp. 24.15, Hse. 108, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., William Boomhower, male, age 28, married, head, born in ON, father QC, mother ON, Meth., farmer,
Eliza, female, age 23, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Archie, male, age 2, son, born in ON,
father ON, mother ON, Meth., Percy S., male, age 10 ms., son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
668 Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Sheffield, Addington Co., pp. 8.01, Hse. 65, Boomhour W.M., age

39, Head, married, male, born in Ontario on Feb 15 1862, Boomhour Eliza, age 34, Wife, married, female, born in
Ontario on May 7 1866, Boomhour Archibald, age 11, Son, single, male, born in Ontario on Apr 30 1889, Boomhour
Wellington, age 4, Son, single, male, born in Ontario on Jul 25 1896, Boomhour Oscar, age 2, Son, single, male, born
in Ontario on Jul 16 1898.
669 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #530: Mountain

Grove on Apr. 5, 1907 Boomhower, Wm. Nelson age 44 widow residing Dead Creek born Kennebec, parents
Boomhower, Nelson & Peterson, Ellen to Harten, Minerva Ellen age 37 widow residing Dead Creek born Kennebec,
parents Scott, John & Parks, Annie.
670 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 15.31, Conc. 4, pt.

14, 225 acres, George Haines, age 41, head, married, male, born in ON on Mar. 6, 1860, Meth. Farmer, Rosa, age 37,
wife, married, female, born in ON on Jun 19, 1863, Meth., Nellie, age 13, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Sept.
25, 1887, Meth., Blanch, age 11, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Mar. 10, 1890, Meth., Cora, age 8, daughter,
single, female, born in ON on May 3, 1892, Meth., Shirley, age 6, son, single, male, born in ON on Mar. 18, 1895,
Meth., Ethel, age 4, daughter, single, female, born in ON on May 9, 1896, Meth., Harry A., age 1, son, single, male,
born in ON on June 19, 1899, Meth.
671 Ontario: Birth record, Canada Births and Baptisms, 1661-1959, FHL US/CAN 2131251: Hazel Edna Haynes,

female, born 18 Mar 1902 Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada, father George Wellington Haynes, mother Rosanna
16-Apr-1891, pp. 19.24, Hse. 85, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec, Addington Co., George
Haines, male, age 29, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer, Rosanna, female, age 24,
married, wife, born in ON, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Armarilla, female, age 3, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother
ON, Meth., Janet B., female, age 1, dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
673 David J. Ellis: Nelson's first marriage to Eleanor Peterson is proven by George Paul Boomhower's marriage. In 1871

Nelson is enumerated with his 2nd wife, Lucinda, and 4 children whose ages suggest they are Eleanor's. Nelson's 3rd
marriage to Mary Jane Woodcock is documented in 1873. The 1881 enumeration adds Sally Ann Boomhower whose
age is such that she might be Mary Ann's child by a prior marriage. 1881 also adds 4 children born after Nelson's
marriage to Mary Ann.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #282: Enterprise on
Dec. 26, 1893 Green, Charles Milton age 30 single residing Arden born Sheffield, parents Green, William & Green,
Jane Ann to Boomhower, Lavina age 18 single residing Arden born Kennebec, parents Boomhower, Nelson &
Boomhower, Mary Jane.

Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 4.23, Conc. 6,7,
pt. 15, 70 acres, Charles Green, age 37, head, married, male, born in ON on May 16, 1863, Meth. Farmer, Levina, age
24, wife, married, female, born in ON on Jan 18, 1877, Meth., Letta G., age 5, daughter, single, female, born in ON on
Oct 11, 1895, Meth., Laura E., age 3, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Sep 12, 1897, Meth., Lulu E., daughter,
single, female, born in ON on Dec. 25, 1900, Meth., Tom Hudson, age 12, servant, single, male, born in ON on Sept. 3,
1898, Meth.
676 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #387: Olden on Jul.

28, 1900 Thompson, Edward age 21 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Thompson, James & Haines,
Clarinda to Boomhower, Jennie age 18 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Boomhower, Nelson &
Woodcock, Mary J.
677 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #268: Edward

Samson Laraby, male, parents Laraby, Richard & Boomhower, Matilda, born Sept, 17, 1883, registered Oct. 10, 1883,
father's occ. farmer, informant from Kennebec.
Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 2, Frontenac Co., pp. 9.07, Conc. 7, pt.
25, 300 acres, Richard Larabee, age 45, head, married, male, born in ON on Mar. 16, 1856, Meth., farmer, Matilda, age
38, wife, married, female, born in ON on Apr 17, 1863, Meth., Ettie, age 16, daughter, single, female, born in ON on
Aug 30, 1884, Meth., Elijah, age 15, son, single, male, born in ON on Mar 7, 1886, Meth., James, age 13, son, single,
male, born in ON on Nov 29, 1887, Meth., Margaret, age 10, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Apr. 6, 1891,
679 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #171: Arden on Oct.

17, 1885 Gaylord, Albert age 22 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Gaylord, Levi & Gaylord, Elsie to
Boomhower, Mary Ann age 18 single residing Kennebec born Ontario, parents Boomhower, Edward & Boomhower,
680 Ontario: Census, 27-Apr-1891, pp. 34.03, Hse. 152, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Albert Gaylord, male, age 26, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer, Mary
Ann, female, age 23, married, wife, born in ON, father QC, mother ON, Meth., Arthur, male, age 4, son, born in ON,
father ON, mother ON, Meth., Luther, male, age 2, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Edith, female, age
1 mos., dau, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., John McRary, male, age 65, widow, born in Ireland, father
Ireland, mother Ireland, C. C.
681 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #29: Margaret Ida

Boomhower, female, parents Boomhower, Edward & Clark, Martha Jane, born July 4, 1872, registered Aug. 2, 1872,
father's occ. yeoman, informant Boomhower, Edward, informant from Kennebec.
682 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #115: Boomhower,

Margaret Ida, female died May 21, 1889, age 17y born Kennebec, occ. farmer's daughter, cause consumption,
informant McMullen, Jas. S., Rev., of Kennebec, registered on May 23, 1889.
683 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #274: Kennebec on

Sept. 4, 1893 Parks, John Thomas age 24 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Parks, Nathaniel & Parks,
Mary to Woodcock, Minnie age 16 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Woodcock, Osborne &
Woodcock, Sarah.
684 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 16.48, Conc. 3, lot

15, 50 acres, Thomas Parks, age 37, head, married, male, born in ON on Apr. 1, 1864, Meth., Farmer, Minnie, age 21,
wife, married, female, born in ON on Apr. 3, 1880, Meth., Ethel, age 5, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Oct.
14, 1895, Meth., Gertrude, age 4, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Feb. 12, 1897, Meth., Frederick, age 2, son,
single, male, born in ON on June 8, 1898, Meth., Clara, age 1, daughter, single, female, born in ON on Aug. 19, 1899,
685 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1861: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 10.12, Conc. 8, Lot 15,

200 acres, Nathaniel Parks, age 40, married, male, born in 4th Town, Farmer, E. Meth., Mary M., age 26, married,
female, born in Ireland, E. Meth., William W., age 9, single, male, born in Fredericksburgh, E. Meth., James H., age 7,
single, male, born in Fredericksburgh, E. Meth., George N., age 6, single, male, born in Fredericksburgh, E. Meth.,
Hannah M., age 4, single, female, born in Fredericksburgh, E. Meth., John T., age 2, single, male, born in Kennebec, E.
686 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #353: Arden on

Nov. 16, 1898 Woodcock, Edward W. age 23 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Woodcock, Osborne &
Boomhower, Sarah to Herrington, Minnie age 21 single residing Kennebec born Camden, parents Herrington, Robert &
Jance, Mary.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #68: Christy Ann
Woodcock, female, parents Woodcock, John O. & Boomhower, Sarah Jane, born May 30, 1873, registered July 3,
1873, father's occ. farmer, informant Woodcock, John D., informant from Kennebec.

Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #323: Kennebec on
Dec. 28, 1896 Miller, John Edward age 45 widow residing Palmerston born Palmerston, parents Miller, James &
Miller, Elizabeth to Woodcock, Christy Ann age 23 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Woodcock,
Osburn & Osborne, Sarah J.
689 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #269: Arden on July

12, 1893 Woodcock, William age 23 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Woodcock, J. Osborne &
Woodcock, Sarah to Parks, Minerva age 18 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Parks, William & Parks,
690 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 16.43, Conc. 4, pt.

15, 25 acres, William Woodcock, age 27, head, married, male, born in ON on 1873, Meth., RR navy, Minerva, age 24,
wife, married, female, born in ON on Apr. 2, 1877, Meth., L. Mabel, age 5, daughter, single, female, born in ON on
Apr. 2, 1896, Meth., William, age 3, son, single, male, born in ON on Mar. 27, 1897, Meth., Ray, age 1, son, single,
male, born in ON on Feb. 27, 1900, Meth.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #410: Arden on Oct.
1, 1901 Thompson, James age 40 widow residing Kennebec born Sheffield, parents Thompson, Isaiah & Wood, Mary
to Parks, Violet age 18 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Parks, James & Woodcock, Mary A.
Ontario: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375873 | NA Film Number C-13237 | District 118 | Sub-district M | pp. 45 | hse.
183 | Census Place: Kennebec, Frontenac Co., ON | Edward Clark M German Male age 63 born in ON, Farmer, E.
Methodist | Mary Clark M Irish Female age 45 born in ON, E. Methodist | James Parks Male age 25 born in ON,
Farmer, E. Methodist | George Parks German Male age 22 born in ON, Farmer, E. Methodist | Honah Parks Female age
21 born in ON, E. Methodist | Thomas Parks Male age 19 born in ON, E. Methodist | Hesteran Parks Female age 15
born in ON, E. Methodist | Emily E Parks Female age 13 born in ON, E. Methodist.
693 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 17.22, Conc. 4, lot

15, 90 acres, James H. Parks, age 47, head, married, male, born in Ontario r on July 12, 1853, Farmer, Mary Ann, age
36, wife, married, female, born in Ontario r on Mar. 16, 1865, Lena, age 18, daughter, single, female, born in Ontario r
on May 27, 1882, Domestic, Charles, age 15, son, single, male, born in Ontario r on Apr. 25, 1886, Thomas, age 12,
son, single, male, born in Ontario r on Sept. 18, 1888, Claude, age 7, son, single, male, born in Ontario r on Sept. 1,
694 Ontario: Census, 17-Apr-1891, pp. 20.10, Hse. 87, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Manson Woodcock, male, age 30, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer,
Hettie A., female, age 23, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother Ireland, Meth., Samson, male, age 5, son, born
in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., William, male, age 3, son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Delbert,
male, age 7 mos., son, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
695 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 15.39, Conc. 4, pt.

12, 130 acres, Manson Woodcock, age 43, head, married, male, born in ON on June 5, 1857, Meth., Farmer, Hetta A.,
age 34, wife, married, female, born in ON on July 15, 1866, Meth., Nathaniel, age 16, son, single, male, born in ON on
Oct. 22, 1884, Meth., Farmer, William Archibald, age 13, son, single, male, born in ON on Feb. 7, 1888, Meth.,
Delbert, age 10, son, single, male, born in ON on Aug. 22, 1890, Meth., Irvin, age 8, son, single, male, born in ON on
Oct. 27, 1892, Meth., Fred M., age 4, son, single, male, born in ON on Dec. 11, 1896, Meth., Arthur, age 1, son, single,
male, born in ON on Sept. 28, 1899, Meth.
696 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #129: Kennebec on

July 16, 1883 Woodcock, Manson age 23 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Woodcock, John O. &
Woodcock, Sarah J. to Parks, Hettie Ann age 16 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Parks, Nathaniel &
Parks, Mary.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #419: Arden on
Mar. 6, 1902 Wood, Reuben B. age 22 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Wood, David & Kniff, Mary
J. to Woodcock, Emma age 20 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Woodcock, Osborne & Boomhower,
698 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #368: Arden on

Sept. 15, 1899 Miller, James A. age 19 single residing Palmerston born Palmerston, parents Miller, James & Miller,
Fanny to Woodcock, Ida M. age 16 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Woodcock, Osborne &
Woodcock, Mary Ann.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #659: -- (stillborn)
Gee, female, parents Gee, Thomas & Boomhower, Rosella, born Jan. 9, 1897, registered Jan. 27, 1897, father's occ.
butcher, informant Gee, Thos.

Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #198: Kennebec on
Dec. 24, 1888 Thompson, Elijah age 23 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Thompson, Isaiah &
Thompson, Mary to Boomhower, Ellen age 24 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Boomhower, James &
Peterson, Ellen.
701 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1871: Kennebec Twp., Frontenac Co., pp. 29.17, House 91, Family

95, Isaiah Thompson, age 53, married, male, born in ON, Scotch, Farmer, E. Meth., Mary, age 47, married, female,
born in ON, German, E. Meth., James, age 18, single, male, born in ON, Scotch, Farmer, E. Meth., David, age 14,
single, male, born in ON, Scotch, E. Meth., Isaiah, age 10, single, male, born in ON, Scotch, E. Meth., Eleanor, age 12,
single, female, born in ON, Scotch, E. Meth., Charlotte, age 8, single, female, born in ON, Scotch, E. Meth., Willet
Wilson, age 7, single, male, born in ON, Scotch, E. Meth., Elijah, age 5, single, male, born in ON, Scotch, E. Meth.
702 Ontario: Census, 14-Apr-1891, pp. 15.02, Hse. 62, Dist. 45-H (mislabeled Sub Dist. on image), Kennebec,

Addington Co., Elijah Thompson, male, age 25, married, head, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., farmer,
Helen, female, age 26, married, wife, born in ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth., Oscar, male, age 3 mos., son, born in
ON, father ON, mother ON, Meth.
703 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 19.34, Conc. 4, pt.

9, 25 acres, Elijah Thompson, age 35, head, married, male, born in ON on Jun 23, 1865, Meth., farmer, Ellen, age 36,
wife, married, female, born in ON on Mar 13, 1865, Meth., Oscar, age 10, son, single, male, born in ON on Dec 22,
1890, Meth., Armenila, age 7, daughter, single, female, born in ON on July 13, 1893, Meth.
Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #3: Boomhower,
Elias, male died Dec. 14, 1869, age 10m born Kennebec, cause unknown, informant Boomhower, James, of Kennebec,
registered on Dec. 21, 1869.
705 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #57: Silas

Boomhower, male, parents Boomhower, James & Peterson, Amanda, born July 9, 1872, registered Feb. 28, 1873,
father's occ. farmer, informant Boomhower, James, informant from Kennebec.
706 Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: Dist. 17, Kennebec, Frontenac Co., pp. 2.17, Hse. 13, Boomhower

James Wilson, age 34, Head, married, male, born in ON on Apr 1877, Boomhower Hulda, age 23, Wife, married,
female, born in ON on Oct 1888, Boomhower Florance, age 2, Daughter, single, female, born in ON on Jun 1908.
707 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #497: Elm Tree on

Jul. 5, 1905 Boomhower, Nelson age 28 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Boomhower, James &
Peterson, Amanda to Wood, Huldah age 18 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Wood, David & Kniff,
Mary J.
708 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #239: Kennebec on

Nov. 29, 1891 Thompson, Geo. Wilson age 21 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Thompson, Gilbert &
Thompson, Mary Ann to Woodcock, Electa Jane age 19 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Woodcock,
David W. & Woodcock, Jane Ann.
709 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #66: Manson

Thompson, male, parents Thompson, Gilbert & Boomhower, Mary Jane, born Feb. 23, 1873, registered July 22, 1873,
father's occ. farmer, informant Thompson, Gilbert, informant from Kennebec.
710 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #286: Arden on Apr.

11, 1894 Scott, John age 22 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec., parents Scott, David & Scott, Mary Jane to
Thompson, Cecilia age 20 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Thompson, Gilbert & Thompson, Mary.
711 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 14.29, Conc. 7,

SE pt. 17, 25 acres, Herbert Scott, age 24, head, married, male, born in ON on 1876, Meth., Riverdriver, Mary, age 25,
wife, married, female, born in ON on Nov.13, 1875, Meth., Fam. 129: John Scott, age 27, head, married, male, born in
ON on June 10, 1873, Meth., Farmer, Celia, age 23, wife, married, female, born in ON on July 10, 1877, Meth., Everett
R., age 5, son, single, male, born in ON on Oct. 28, 1895, Meth., Ray G., age 3, son, single, male, born in ON on Aug.
15, 1897, Meth.
712 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #141: Cinderella

Thompson, female, parents Thompson, Gilbert & Boomhower, Mary Jane, born Mar. 8, 1879, registered Mar. 29,
1879, father's occ. farmer, informant from Kennebec.
713 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #30: John Wesley

Scott, male, parents Scott, David & Haines, Mary Jane, born July 24, 1872, registered Sept. 21, 1872, father's occ.
yeoman, informant Scott, Daniel, informant from Kennebec.
714 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #450: Napanee on

Apr. 8, 1903 Thompson, Joseph age 24 single residing Deseronto born Ireland, parents Thompson, James & Brown,
Agnes to Thompson, Edith Edna age 23 single residing Deseronto born Kennebec, parents Thompson, Gilbert &
Boomhower, Mary.

Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers, #456: Arden on Jun.
1, 1903 Wood, Milo Norman age 27 single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Wood, Martin & Boomhower,
Catherine to Thompson, Jennie single residing Kennebec born Kennebec, parents Thompson, Gilbert & Boomhower,
716 Ontario: Census, Linda Corupe Vol. 1 Indexes, 1901: Kennebec Twp., Dist. 1, Frontenac Co., pp. 2.20, Conc. 10, lot

19, 79 acres, Martin Wood, age 58, head, married, male, born in ON on Mar 15, 1843, Meth., farmer, Catherine, age
55, wife, married, female, born in ON on Jan 2, 1846, Meth., Milo, age 25, son, single, male, born in ON on Nov 9,
1875, Meth., farm labourer, Archibald, age 15, son, single, male, born in ON on May 13, 1885, Meth., N. Vandusen,
age 20, son, single, male, born in ON on Jul 20, 1880, Meth., farm labourer, Augusta McCammon, age 30, daughter,
married, female, born in ON on Oct 14, 1870, Meth.
717 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #326: Roscoe

Thompson, male, parents Thompson, Gilbert & Boomhower, Mary A., born Oct. 15, 1889, registered Dec. 25, 1889,
father's occ. farmer, informant from Kennebec.
Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 809.03, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Adam Bomhour, 3
total in household, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, abt. 2 March 1842: pp.
2576.10, prob. Conc. 1 - 6 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Adam Boomhour, renter, farmer. Total
present in household 7. Native of Canada 7 Eng. Children: 2 male under 6, 1 female under 6, 2 male 6 but under 14, 2
aged 5 thru 16. Males: 1 30 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr. 1 Episcopal Methodist.
720 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 1.38, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story, 1 family frame house, Adam

Boomhower age 70 M/M born in U.S.A. occ./rel. laborer, no denom., Sally Boomhower age 51 F/M born in L. Canada
occ./rel. no denom., Nelson Boomhower age 21 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, no denom., Horatio
Boomhower age 19 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, no denom., Rilah Boomhower age 17 M/S born in L.
Canada occ./rel. laborer, no denom., Walter Boomhower age 15 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, no denom.,
Albro Boomhower age 13 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, no denom., Lavinia Boomhower age 11 F/S born in
L. Canada occ./rel. spinster, no denom., Andrew Boomhower age 7 M/S born in L. Canada occ./rel. laborer, no denom.,
John Gage age born in L. Canada, visiting from Stanbridge occ./rel. farmer, no denom., Hannah Gage age 24 F/M
born in L. Canada, General Gage age 5 F/S born in L. Canada.
721 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, V-47-3-3 to 12: [Mabel Gough, Adam Boomhower's grand daughter notes]:

Adam Boomhower d. Jan 14, 1871 at Stanbridge East ae. 77. Saley (Sally) Boomhower d. Nov 25, 1895 at Stanbridge
East ae. 89. Also details of Adam's children.
722 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 4, pp. 31.08, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 113, fam. 122: Sally Boomhower age 61

W/F born in QC origin German religion C. of England. Albert age 24 S/M born in QC origin German occupation
farmer religion C. of England. Lovina age 21 S/F born in QC origin German occupation seamstress religion C. of
England. Andrew age 18 S/M born in QC origin German occupation farmlaborer religion C. of England. John R. age
12 S/M born in QC origin German religion C. of England.
723 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district L || Division 1 ||

pp. 6 || hse. 34 || Census Place: Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC || Andrew Burnhour Married German Male age 27 born
in QC, Laborer || Arelia Burnhour Married French Female age 22 born in QC, Catholic || Cornelia Burnhour French
Female age 1 born in QC, Catholic || Sally Burnhour Married German Female age 70 born in QC, Catholic.
724 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 15.29, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 81.04

Lot 4-10: William Scagel Jun. age 28 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Farmer, Methodist, Married. Mary A. age 27 female
born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, Married. Caroline C. age 6 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Anson M.
age 3 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Ailin J. age 1 male born in Canada occ./rel. methodist. Hannah
Baumhour age 15 female born in Canada occ./rel. None.
725 Québec: Cemetery Records, Harris/Hillside cemetery (Stanbridge East) BOOMHOWER, Hannah b. 1873 d. 1913

wife of John Gage b. 1828 d. 1896.

726 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Hannah BOOMHOWER, a spinster of Twp of Stanbridge to John GAGE on 12 Nov 1860 in Dunham Methodist
727 Québec: Census, 24-Apr-1891, pp. 22.11, Hse. 144, Dist. 168-P, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., John Gage, male, age

67, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, farmer, Hannah, female, age 54, married, wife, born in QC,
father QC, mother QC, farmer, Nathaniel, male, age 60, married, brother, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Emily,
female, age 58, married, sister, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
728 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Emma Helen daughter of John Gage farmer of the township of

Stanbridge, County of Missisquoi and Hannah Boomhour his wife, adult and wife of Hobart Harris was baptized by me
at E. J. Briggs on the eleventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty six
Stanbridge, County of Missisquoi Province of Québec. Witnesses E. J. Briggs, Hannah G. Briggs.

Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, John, son of John Gage farmer of the township of Stanbridge,
County of Missisquoi Province of Québec and Hannah Boomhour his wife an adult was baptized in the Methodist
church on the seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty six by me.
Witnesses Samuel Jackson, L. B. Jackson.
730 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Hobart Orsin Harris, son of the late Orson T. Harris of

Stanbridge and of Mary Jane Rhicard, his wife and Emma Helen Gage, daughter of John Gage, farmer, of Stanbridge,
and of Hannah Boomhower his wife were, by authority of License united in marriage on the twenty fifth day of
February one thousand eight hundred and eighty five in presence of subscribing witnesses. Witnesses the parties, Frank
S. Wilcox and Phebe M Harris.
731 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, General son of John Gage Sr. farmer of Stanbridge County of

Missisquoi, Province of Québec and of his wife Hannah L. Boomhour was born on the fourth of February in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six and was baptized on the twenty first day of May in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety three in presence of the subscribing witnesses. Witnesses H. C. Hall, N.
732 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: St. Armand West J-1, Missisquoi Co., pp. 4.44, Hse. 46, Gage,

General, age 45, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Feb 4, 1856, Gage, Harriet, age 47, Wife, married, female,
born in Québec on Apr 27, 1853, Gage, Archie, age 19, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Sep 4, 1881, Gage, Ellen,
age 11, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Jul 30, 1889.
Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Jennie Edner daughter of John Gage and Hannah Bumhower his
wife was born in the Township of Stanbridge, County of Missisquoi Province of Québec on the twentieth day of
February one thousand eight hundred and sixty and was baptized on the third day of November one thousand eight
hundred and seventy eight in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me H. Cains. Jennie Jackson, L. B. Jackson.
734 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Francis Munroney laborer Highgate Centre Franklin County

Vermont U.S. and Jennie Edna Gage daughter of John Gage farmer of the township of Stanbridge County of
Missisquoi Province of Québec and Hannah Boomhour (his wife) of the same place, spinster were united in marriage
by authority of license on the Twenty Eight day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty
six. at the Methodist Parsonage Frelighsburg County of Missisquoi Province of Québec in presence of subscribing
witnesses by me. Witnesses, groom (X), bride, N. W. Cleveland, W. D. Sharpe.
735 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, John Gage, son of John Gage farmer of Stanbridge and of

Hannah Boomhour, his wife and Mary Catherine Gage, daughter of Daniel Gage, farmer, of Shefford, and of Fidelia
Cooley his wife were, by authority of License united in marriage on the sixteenth day of March one thousand eight
hundred and eighty five in presence of subscribing witnesses. Witnesses the parties, Hobert Harris and Emma Harris.
736 Québec: Census, 24-Apr-1891, pp. 22.06, Hse. 143, Dist. 168-P, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., John Jr. Gage, male,

age 27, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., house builder, Mary C., female, age 30, married,
wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Earnest K., male, age 4, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC,
Meth., Milla N., female, age 2, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Infant, male, age 1 mos, son, born in
QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
737 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Stanbridge P-2, Missisquoi Co., pp. 3.14, Hse. 33, Gage John, age

37, Head, single, male, born in Québec on Aug 6, 1863, Gage Mary C., age 40, Wife, married, female, born in Québec
on Feb 28, 1861, Gage Ernest, age 14, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Mar 14, 1887, Gage Millie, age 11,
Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Jul 6, 1889, Gage Arthur, age 10, Son, single, male, born in Québec on
Apr 4, 1891, Gage Nettie, age 8, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Jun 17, 1896, Gage Myrtle, age 2,
Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Jul 15, 1898.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Stanbridge P-1, Missisquoi Co., pp. 4.20, Hse. 35, Boomhower
Nelson, age 43, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Jun 27, 1857, Boomhower Helen A, age 43, Wife, married,
female, born in Québec on Jan 05, 1858, Boomhower Albro, age 15, Cousin, single, male, born in Québec on Oct 02,
739 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Dunham C-2, Missisquoi Co., pp. 4.23, Hse. 44, Boomhon, Edwin,

age 39, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Feb 29, 1861, Boomhon, Martha, age 39, Wife, married, female, born
in VT, immigration 1862 on Apr 18, 1861, Boomhon, Edvin D, age 19, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Oct 22,
1881, Boomhon, Gladwis, age 15, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Nov 16, 1885, Boomhon, Frank, age
12, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Nov 18, 1888, Boomhon, Albert, age 8, Son, single, male, born in Québec on
Apr 13, 1892, Boomhon, Pearl, age 6, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Dec 1, 1894, Boomhon, Archie, age
4, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Aug 5, 1896, Boomhon, Albro, age 16, Cousin, single, male, born in Québec
on Sep 10, 1884.
Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 4, pp. 20.19, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 79, family 81: Nelson Boomhour age 31
M/M born in QC origin German occupation farm laborer religion C. England. Ada M. [Boomhower] age 23 M/F born
in QC origin German religion C. England.

Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 || NA Film Number C-13204 || District 65 || Sub-district E || pp. 9 || hse.
38 || Census Place: Ste-Armand East, Missisquoi Co., QC || Nelson Boomhower Married German Male age 43 born in
QC, Farm Laborer, Bible Christian || Ada Boomhower Married English Female age 33 born in QC, Bible Christian ||
Bertrand Boomhower German Male age 3 born in QC, Bible Christian || Debra E. Boomhower German Female age 2
mos. born: Feb born in QC, Bible Christian.
Québec: Census, 24-Apr-1891, pp. 22.21, Hse. 146, Dist. 168-P, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Nelson Boomhour,
male, age 51, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, farm labourer, Adaline, female, age 40, married, wife,
born in QC, father QC, mother QC, R.C., Agness, female, age 16, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, R.C.,
Bertram, male, age 12, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, R.C., Elizabeth, female, age 10, dau, born in QC, father
QC, mother QC, R.C.
743 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Nelson son of Adam Boomhower of Stanbridge East County of

Missisquoi Province of Québec and of his wife Sally Schoolcraft was born on the ninth day of December in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty and was baptized on the twenty second day of October in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety three in presence of the subscribing witnesses. Witnessed Mary C. Gage
and N. Bachelder.
Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Nelson Boomhower laborer of Stanbridge County of Missisquoi
Province of Québec died on the tenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety four
aged fifty four years and was buried on the eleventh day of the same month in the same year in presence of the
subscribing witnesses by me. Witnessed Arthur E. Runnells, Mrs Robert Kidd.
745 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Nelson Boomhawer to Ada M. Johnson on 25-Feb-

1869. Nelson Boomhawer residing in Stanbridge C. E., occupation Farmer, age 28, born Stanbridge C. E., parents
Adam Bomhawer & Sally.
746 Québec, Bedford: St. Damien Catholic church, Nelson BOOMHOWER Vf. Eddy Johnson married St. Damien,

Bedford on 14-Feb-1888 to Adelin BOURDON parents Charles & Adele Lagace.

747 David J. Ellis: Agnes is omitted in the 1881 and by Mabel Gough's notes. I think she is Nelson's step daughter even

though his marriage to Ada does not indicate that she had a prior marriage.
748 David J. Ellis: Conjecture: This appears to be a record of the wife's birth as it is on the adjacent folio to her death

and with the same witness.

749 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Stanbridge P-2, Missisquoi Co., pp. 8.40, Hse. 88, Corey Alas., age

45, Head, single, female, born in Québec on Oct 9, 1855, Corey Susan, age 36, Sister, widow, female, born in Québec
on May 23, 1865, Boomhour Bert, age 24, Lodger, single, male, born in Québec on Oct 8, 1877.
750 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 4, pp. 43.16, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 158, family 168: Homer Boomhour age

29 M/M born in QC origin German occupation farmer. Elvira [Boomhower] age 47 M/F born in QC origin German
religion W. Meth. Alise Palmer age 22 S/F born in QC origin German religion W. Meth. Edwin [Palmer] age 19 S/M
born in QC origin German occupation clerk religion W. Meth. Clara [Palmer] age 6 S/F born in QC origin German
religion W. Meth.
751 Québec: Census, 7-Apr-1891, pp. 2.11, Hse. 12, Dist. 168-P, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., H. Boomhour, male, age

49, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farmer, Almira, female, age 67, married, wife, born in
QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Minnie, female, age 7, g. dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
752 Québec: Cemetery Records, Pearceton cemetery: BOOMHOWER, H. 1842 - 1897 his wife Alma Casey 1875 -

1895: son Horatio H. 1891 - 1912.

753 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Horatio Boomhower farmer of the town of Stanbridge County of

Missisquoi Province of Québec died on the 10th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
ninety seven aged 64 and was buried on the twelth 12th day of the same month in the same year in presence of the
subscribing witnesses by me. Witnessed J. A. Welch and G. W. Perkins.
754 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Marriage of Horatio BOOMHOWER, age 22 a bachelor of Stanbridge to Almira PALMER on 10 Oct 1863 in
Stanbridge Adventist church.
755 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Almira daughter of Benjamin Casey and Phebe Vaughan his wife

and wife of Horatio Boomhour, farmer of Stanbridge East, County of Missisquoi, Province of Québec, was born on the
fourteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and was baptized on the
second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety three in presence of the subscribing
witnesses. Witnessed Lydia Tucker and Horatio Boomhower.
756 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Almira Casey wife of Horatio Boomhower farmer of Stanbridge

East County of Missisquoi Province of Québec died on the fourth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and ninety five aged seventy years and was buried on the sixth day of the same month in the same year in
presence of the subscribing witnesses by me. Witnessed Geo. J. Crabb, N. Bachelder.

Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Horatio Boomhour widower yeoman of the township of
Stanbridge County of Missisquoi Province of Québec and Laura Ellen Dappet widow of the late David P. Stinehour of
the same place were united in marriage after due publication of banns on the fourteenth day of June in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety six in the presence of subscribing witnesses. Witnesses: S. P. Hope.
758 Vermont: Marriage Record, Berkshire VT reported marriage of Clara Emma Boomhower to Jacob Frazier on 3-Oct-

1887. First marriage of Clara Emma Boomhower residing in E. Stanbridge, age 23, born Bakersfield, parents Horatio
Boomhower & Almira Cassey.
759 Québec: Cemetery Records, Pearceton cemetery: BOOMHOWER, Clara E. 1865 - 1952 wife of Jacob Frazier 1857

- 1938.
760 David J. Ellis: The inclusion of the grand-daughter in Horatio's 1891 census implies another male child who would

need to be born before 1866, unless Clara had this child out of wedlock.
761 Military Records: Civil War listings, 14th Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry, Company H. Private. Pension application

filed in Canada by his mother, Sally Boomhower.

Genealogy: Descendants of Walter Boomhower and Eliza Graves. Missisquoi Historical Society.
763 Québec: Census, 1871: Dist. 4, pp. 20.04, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., dw. 77, family 79: Walter Boomhour age 25

M/M born in QC origin German occupation farm laborer religion C. England. Eliza age 30 M/F born in QC origin
English religion C. England. John age 11 S/M born in QC origin German religion C. England. Rhimd age 8 S/M born
in QC origin German religion C. England. Hatter H. age 6 S/F born in QC origin German religion C. England. Ida M.
age 4 S/F born in QC origin German religion C. England. Thomas age 2 S/M born in QC origin German religion C.
764 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 | NA Film Number C-13204 | District 65 | Sub-district L | Division 1 |

pp. 1 | Hse. 1 | Census Place: Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC | Walter Boomham Married German Male age 35 born in
Q, Farmer, E. Methodist | Eliza Boomham Married German Female age 40 born in USA, Farmer, E. Methodist | Riley
Boomham German Male age 17 born in Q, E. Methodist | Hatty Boomham German Female age 16 born in Q, E.
Methodist | Ida Boomham German Female age 14 born in Q, E. Methodist | Thresa Boomham German Female age 11
born in Q, E. Methodist | Burton Boomham German Male age 8 born in Q, E. Methodist | Erving Boomham German
Male age 6 born in Q, E. Methodist | Thomas Boomham German Male age 5 born in Q, E. Methodist | Eva Boomham
German Female age 3 born in Q, E. Methodist | Infant Boomham German Male age <1 Born: Oct; 6/12 born in Q, E.
Methodist .
765 Québec: Census, 28-Apr-1891, pp. 32.05, Hse. 200, Dist. 168-P, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Walter Boomhour,

male, age 46, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, farmer, Eliza, female, age 48, married, wife, born in
QC, father QC, mother QC, Burton, male, age 18, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Ervin, male, age 17, son,
born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Thomas, male, age 15, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Eva, female, age
11, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, George, male, age 10, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Della,
female, age 5, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Elnora, female, age 7, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC,
Harry, male, age 4, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Enville, male, age 3, son, born in QC, father QC, mother
QC, Theresa Vorce, female, age 21, widow, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC.
766 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Stanbridge P-1, Missisquoi Co., pp. 3.22, Hse. 25, Boomhour

Walter, age 55, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Mar 17, 1846, Boomhour Liza, age 57, Wife, married, female,
born in Québec on Nov 02, 1844, Boomhour Irving, age 26, Son, married, male, born in Québec on Dec 16, 1874,
Boomhour Lottie, age 23, Daughter, married, female, born in Québec on Aug 22, 1877, Boomhour George, age 20,
Son, married, male, born in Québec on Oct 20, 1880, Boomhour Ida M., age 17, Daughter, married, female, born in
Québec on Nov 04, 1883, Boomhour Nellie, age 15, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Aug 28, 1885,
Boomhour Thomas, age 23, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Oct 01, 1887.
Claimed (Unverified), Location of death is not verified.
768 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of Thomas Boomhower to Ella Shufelt on 5-Sep-1905.

First marriage of Thomas Boomhower residing in St Armand QC, occupation Blacksmith, age 27, born Canada, parents
Walter Boomhower b. Canada & Eliza Sanderson b. Michigan.
769 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Riley Boomhower to Eliza Ann Unwin on 1-Jan-

1885. First marriage of Riley Boomhower residing in Stanbridge PQ, occupation Farmer, age 21, born Stanbridge PQ,
parents Walter Boomhower & Eliza Sanderson.
770 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Stanbridge P-1, Missisquoi Co., pp. 4.47, Hse. 42, Boomhour Riley,

age 36, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Dec 21, 1864, Boomhour Eliza, age 32, Wife, married, female, born in
Québec on Nov 19, 1868, Boomhour Leonard, age 14, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Sep 08, 1886, Boomhour
Elwin, age 12, Son, single, male, born in Québec on Dec 21, 1888, Boomhour Melvin, age 8, Son, single, male, born in
Québec on Sep 09, 1892, Boomhour Grace, age 5, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Aug 12, 1895,
Boomhour Iva, age 8 mos., Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Aug 11, 1900.

Québec: Cemetery Records, Harris/Hillside cemetery (Stanbridge East) BOOMHOWER, Riley b 1864 d. 1942 his
wife Eliza Unwin b. 1868 d 1951.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Hattie Boomhower to Dennis Tanner on 31-Jul-1883.
First marriage of Hattie Boomhower residing in Stanbridge PQ, age 21, born Stanbridge PQ, parents Walter
Boomhower & Eliza.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Hattie E. Boomhower to John E. Hodge on 14-Jul-
1888. First marriage of Hattie E. Boomhower residing in Stanbridge PQ, age 23, born West Farnham PQ, parents
Walter Boomhower & Eliza.
774 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, Marriage record from the Methodist Episcopal Church, South Franklin on

file cards in the Museum. S. Franklin Meth.: Hodge, John, M. July 14, 1888, , ae. 21 yrs. B-West Brome, Qc. now of
Stanbridge to Hattie E. Boomhower.
775 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Ida M. Boomhower to Charles H. Safford on 15-Oct-

1887. Ida M. Boomhower residing in Stanbridge Ca, age 20, born Stanbridge Ca, parents Walter Boomhower & Eliza.
Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, Marriage records Methodist Church, W. Berkshire, VT: Ida M. Boomhower
to Charles H. Safford no date given. Ida age 28. Charles age 20 of Franklin. [DJE: I believe the ages are 'crossed in this
Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, St. James, Stanbridge East. Theresa, daughter of Walter and Eliza
Boomhower, born the fifteenth day of July one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine, was baptized on this twenty
third day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy.
778 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Thresa Boomhower to Nelson P. Vorce on 12-Jun-

1886. First marriage of Thresa Boomhower residing in Stanbridge PQ, age 18, born Stanbridge PQ, parents Walter
Boomhower & Eliza.
779 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Burton Boomhower to Minnie Benway on 3-Dec-

1895. First marriage of Burton Boomhower residing in Stanbridge PQ, age 22, born Stanbridge PQ, parents Walter
Boomhower & Elizabeth Sanderson.
780 Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, Bedford Episcopal Church: Baptisms: The ninth day of July one

thousand eight hundred and ninety six, we the undersigned, baptized Eliza May daughter of Burton Boomhower of this
parish, farmer, and of Rosalie Benoit his wife, born the twenty ninth day of May in the present year.
781 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Stanbridge P-1, Missisquoi Co., pp. 2.50, Hse. 20, Bomhower

Burton, age 28, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Feb 28, 1872, Bomhower Minnie, age 28, Wife, married,
female, born in Québec on Jan 08, 1872, Bomhower Lizzie M, age 4, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on May
29, 1896, Bomhower Thresa, age 2, single, female, born in Québec on Jun 03, 1898.
782 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stanbridge Ridge cemetery: Boomhower, Burt, d. 1915 ae. 42 yrs.
783 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Thomas Boomhower to Nellie Jones on 10-Dec-1896.

First marriage of Thomas Boomhower residing in Stanbridge PQ, occupation Farmer, age 21, born Stanbridge PQ,
parents Walter Boomhower & Eliza.
784 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, Marriage records Methodist Church, W. Berkshire, VT: Thomas

Boomhower to Nellie Jones on Dec 10, 1896. Thomas age 22 a farmer and blacksmith of Stanbridge. Nellie age 19 of
785 Vermont: Marriage Record, Swanton VT reported marriage of Thomas Boomhower to Ella Shufelt on 5-Sep-1905.

First marriage of Thomas Boomhower residing in St Armand PQ, occupation Blacksmith, age 27, born Canada, parents
Walter Boomhower b. Canada & Eliza Sanderson b. Michigan.
786 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 7.27, Hse. 73, Dist. 10, St. Armand West, Missisquoi Co.,

Charles R. Bradley, age 81, Head, widow, male, born in England emmig. 1864 on Apr 1830, Hattie M., age 40 ,
Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Oct 1870, Sarah A. Shufelt, age 54 , Sister-in-law, widow, female, born in QC
on Apr 1857, Thomas S. Boomhower, age 33 , Nephew, married, male, born in QC on Oct 1877, Ellen M., age 30 ,
Niece, married, female, born in QC on Nov 1880.
787 Québec: Cemetery Records, Pigeon Hill cemetery: BOOMHOWER, Thomas 1880 - 1956 his wife Ellen Shufelt

1881 - 1959.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: pp. 1.11, Hse. 3, St. Armand West J-1, Missisquoi Co., Phillip
Shufelt, age 51, Head, married, male, born in Québec on Mar 24, 1850, Sarah, age 43, Wife, married, female, born in
Québec on Apr 17, 1857, Ella, age 20, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Nov 18, 1880, Stella, age 17,
Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on Aug 9, 1883.
789 Vermont: Marriage Record, Berkshire VT reported marriage of George Boomhour to Mary Washburn on 28-Feb-

1900. First marriage of George Boomhour residing in Stanbridge East PQ, occupation Laborer, age 22, born Stanbridge
East PQ, parents Walter Boomhour & Eliza Sanderson.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Stanbridge East St. James cemetery: BOOMHOWER, George E. b. 1880 d. 1970 his
wife Ida May Washburn b. 1884 d. 1958.

Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Della Boomhower to Edward Boomhower on 23-Dec-
1903. First marriage of Della Boomhower residing in Stanbridge PQ, age 18, born Stanbridge PQ, parents Walter
Boomhower & Eliza Sanderson. First marriage of Edward Boomhower residing in Stanbridge PQ, occupation Farmer,
age 22, born Stanbridge PQ, parents Edwin Boomhower & Martha Unwin.
792 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, Marriage records Methodist Church, W. Berkshire, VT: Edward Boomhower

to Della Boomhower on Dec 23, 1903. Edward age 22 a farmer. Della age 18.
793 Military Records: Civil War listings, Boonheur, Albro, Berkshire, 1 Cav, Co. C.
794 Vermont: Marriage Record, Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Albro Boomhower to

Esta Murgatroy on 1-Jan-1872. First marriage of Albro Boomhower residing in Stanbridge QC, occupation Farmer, age
24, born Canada, parents Adam Boomhower & Sally.
795 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Albro Boomhower of the Township of Stanbridge County of

Missisquoi Province of Québec departed this life on the twenty fourth day of July one thousand eight hundred and
seventy eight and was buried on the twenty fifth day of the same month and year in the presence of the subscribing
witnesses by me H Cains Minister. E. J. Briggs, W. R. Morrison.
796 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Farnham Methodist Circuit, LDS Film 1430763: Burials:

Clarance son of Albro Boomhower laborer and Esther A. Murgatroy his wife, was born on the eighth day of July
eighteen hundred and sixty six in the Township of Stanbridge and Province of Québec and died on the twenty first and
was buried the twenty third day of September A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven by me.
David J. Ellis: Nellie is enumerated with Esther and her second husband.
798 Marlene Simmons, Vermont, Richford: Cemetery Records, (An Index to Grave Stone Inscriptions, Richford VT

Area Cemeteries), Boomhower, Nellie b. 1878 d. 1932 Ae 54 Sp: Demar, Leon Ernest Row 22C Stone 8 Hillside,
Richford VT.
799 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Lovina daughter of Adam Boomhower and Sarah Schoolcraft his

wife was born in the Township of Stanbridge County of Missisquoi Province of Québec on the twenty fifth day of
October one thousand eight hundred and fourty nine and was baptised on the eleventh day of June one thousand eight
hundred and seventy eight in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me H. Cairns. Jennie Jackson, Allen B.
800 Québec, Stanbridge: Second Adventist Church Records, Bedford Second Adventist Church, LDS Film 2027149:

Baptisms: 1892: Evalina Maud daughter and issue of Thomas Jones and Lavina Boomhower his wife was born in
Stanbridge County of Missisquoi District of Bedford on the Seventh day September in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventy three.
801 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, V-47-2-1 to 6: [Rev. Eddy United Church Books]: Fol. 284 Boomhower,

Lavina, d. Jan 22, 1921 w/o Thomas Jones Wit. Mrs. Eva Jones Glasgow & John Q. Jones Min. J. B. Hicks.
802 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Andrew Boomhower to Aurilla LaRush on 19-Feb-

1879. First marriage of Andrew Boomhower residing in St. Armand PQ, occupation Laborer, age 25, born St. Armand
PQ, parents Adam Boomhower & Sally.
803 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, Marriage records Methodist Church, W. Berkshire, VT: Andrew

Boomhower to Aurilla Larush on Feb 19, 1879 at the Franklin Hotel. Andrew of St. Armand, Aurilla of Stanbridge.
804 Québec, Frelighsburg: Methodist Church Records, Andrew Boomhower of the village of Stabridge East County of

Missisuoi Province of Québec laborer died on the seventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and ninety eight and was buried on the ninth day of the same month and year in presence fo the subscribing
witnesses. Witnessed General Gage.
805 Vermont: Marriage Record, Franklin VT reported marriage of Cornelia Boomhower to Levi Ashton on 30-May-

1896. First marriage of Cornelia Boomhower residing in Stanbridge PQ, age 19, born Stanbridge PQ, parents Andrew
Boomhower & Aurilla.
806 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, Marriage records Methodist Church, W. Berkshire, VT: Cornelia

Boomhower to Levi Ashton on May 30, 1896. Cornelia age 19 born Stanbridge. Levi age 21 a farmer of Stanbridge.
807 Claimed (Unverified), DJE: He is enumerated twice in 1901 as cousin to two other Boomhowers in this line but this

is insufficient to prove he is Andrew's son.

David J. Ellis: Alpheus and his wife are witnesses at Martha's marriage. Alpheus is clearly too young to be the
parent but is probably Martha's brother.
809 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375835 | NA Film Number C-13199 | District 56 | Sub-district D | Division 1 |

pp. 14 | Hse. 74 | Census Place: Magog, Stanstead Co., QC | Abner RIDER M English Male age 66 born in Q, Farmer,
Free Will Baptist | Martha RIDER M English Female age 51 born in Q | Abner RIDER English Male age 11 born in Q,
Free Will Baptist | Henrietta RIDER English Female age 6 born in Q, Free Will Baptist.

Québec: Census, 17-Apr-1891, pp. 39.24, Hse. 220, Dist. 190-I Div. 1, Stanstead, Stanstead Co., Abner Rider, male,
age 76, married, head, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, Protestant, Farm laborer, Martha, female, age 67,
married, wife, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, Protestant, Etta, female, age 16, dau, born in QC, father QC,
mother QC.
811 David J. Ellis: Conjecture: A family shows up in Simcoe county, ON that is probably a Mary on her second

marriage to a Charles Baxter and with four Schoolcraft children from her first marriage. The name Charlotte echoes
Scofield's family. I believe there's a recording error in the birth record of Edward Jr.'s father that may hint that Edward
Sr. had a brother John.
812 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255344 NA Film T9-1344 pp. 115A, Franklin, Franklin Co., VT

dwelling 163, family 176. : Heman ELERICK Self male married white age 25 born in VT occupation Farmer father
born in Can mother born in VT: Dora ELERICK Wife female married white age 22 born in VT occupation Keeps
House father born in Can mother born in VT: Vernal ELERICK Son male single white age 3 born in VT father born in
VT mother born in VT: Mary ELERICK Dau female single white age 1 born in VT father born in VT mother born in
VT: Sarah ELERICK Mother female widow white age 71 born in VT occupation At Home father born in VT mother
born in VT: Martin POWERS Boarder male single white age 42 born in VT occupation Carpenter father born in VT
mother born in VT: Earle FOX Servant male single white age 22 born in VT occupation Laborer father born in VT
mother born in VT: Emma SCHOOLCRAFT Servant female single white age 15 born in Canada occupation Servant
father born in Can mother born in Can.
Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths, 1869-1947, FHL US/CAN 2130916: Hannah Boomhower died 07 Jan 1927
Frontenac, Ontario, Canada age 68 years 11 months, white, English female, widowed, born 22 Jan 1859 Kennebec,
father Nelson Woodcock.
814 Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 2.30, Hse. 24, Dist. 16, Kennebec, Frontenac Co., Paul

Boomhower, age 50, Head, widow, male, born in ON on Oct 1860, Bess May, age 14, Daughter, single, female, born in
ON on Oct 1896, Laura, age 11, Daughter, single, female, born in ON on Apr 1900, Austin, age 8, Son, single, male,
born in ON on Aug 1902, Hazel, age 7, Daughter, single, female, born in ON on Aug 1903.
815 Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths, 1869-1947, FHL US/CAN 1907004: Eliza Boomhower died 07 Apr 1922

Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario age 62 years, female, widowed, born 24 Nov 1860 Canada, father John Scott, mother
Annie Parks.
816 Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths, 1869-1947, FHL US/CAN 2079876: William Boomhower died 17 Sep 1926

Deserouts, Hastings, Ontario age 67 years, male, born 1859, father Nelson Boomhower, mother Eliza Thompson.
817 David J. Ellis, I believe the death record has confused the mother's name.
818 Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths, 1869-1947, FHL US/CAN 1854462: Eliza Boomhower died 11 Jan 1907

Sheffield Tp., Lennox & Addington, Ontario age 38 years, female, married to Wm Boomhower, born 1869 Ontario.
819 Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 4.27, Hse. 36, Dist. 15, Kennebec, Frontenac Co., Edward

Thompson, age 29, Head, married, male, born in ON on Dec 1881, Jennie, age 26, Wife, married, female, born in ON
on Jun 1884, Leo Edward, age 10, Son, single, male, born in ON on May 1902, Rhea Faye, age 8, Daughter, single,
female, born in ON on Apr 1903, Mary Jane Boomhower, age 67, Mother, widow, female, born in ON on Jul 1843.
820 Ontario: Birth record, Canada Births and Baptisms, 1661-1959, FHL US/CAN 1928124: Earnest Boomhour, male,

born 10 Nov 1897 Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario, father Illegitimate, mother Delia Boomhour.
821 Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths, 1869-1947, FHL US/CAN 1862472: Edward Boomhour died 08 Jan 1917

Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario age 75 years, male, born 1842.

822 Ontario: Birth record, Canada Births and Baptisms, 1661-1959, FHL US/CAN 1845206: Edward Willson

Woodcock, male, born 02 Jan 1876 Kennebec Township, Frontenac, Ontario, father John Osborn Woodcock, mother
Sara Jane Boomhower.
Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 1.29, Hse. 5, Dist. 17, Kennebec, Frontenac Co., Silas
Boomhower, age 37, Head, married, male, born in ON on Jul 1873, Maggie, age 37, Wife, married, female, born in ON
on Feb 1874, Eva, age 12, Daughter, single, female, born in ON on Dec 1899, Sharle, age 10, Son, single, male, born in
ON on Aug 1900, Arthur, age 7, Son, single, male, born in ON on Aug 1903, Sandy, age 5, Son, single, male, born in
ON on Mar 1906, Melvan, age 3, Son, single, male, born in ON on Jul 1907.
Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths, 1869-1947, FHL US/CAN 2210918: Mary Ann Thompson died 21 Jul 1929
Frontenac, Ontario, Canada age 85 years 2 months 1 day, white, English female, married, born 20 May 1844 Kennebec,
father Walter Boomhower, mother Debby Boomhower.
Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths, 1869-1947, FHL US/CAN 2296529: Gilbert Thompson died 08 Dec 1931
Frontenac, Arden, Kennebec, Ontario age 82 years, male, born 1849, father Joseph Thompson, mother Mary

Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 2.04, Hse. 11, Dist. 17, Kennebec, Frontenac Co., Gilbert
Stouton Thompson, age 64, Head, married, male, born in ON on May 1847, Mary, age 64, Wife, married, female, born
in ON on Apr 1847, Manson, age 36, Son, single, male, born in ON on Jan 1875, Herbert, age 24, Son, single, male,
born in ON on Mar 1887, Ross, age 21, Son, single, male, born in ON on Feb 1890, Marquis Boomhower, age 9,
Adopted, single, male, born in ON on Apr 1902.
Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths, 1869-1947, FHL US/CAN 1862472: Manson Thompson died 29 Nov 1917
Kennebec, Frontenac, Ontario age 43 years, male, single, born 1874 Kennebec, father Gilbert Thompson, mother Mary
A. Boomhower.
828 Ontario: Birth record, Canada Births and Baptisms, 1661-1959, FHL US/CAN 1845206: Cecilia Ruth Thompson,

female, born 10 Jul 1875 Kennebec Township, Frontenac, Ontario, father Gilbert Thompson, mother Mary Ann
829 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 2.22, Hse. 14, Dist. 21, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Boomhover

Walter, age 64, Head, widow, male, born in QC on Mar 1848, Irving, age 36, Son, married, male, born in QC on Jan
1875, Lottie, age 31, Daughter-in-law, married, female, born in QC on Feb 1880, Delia, age 24, Daughter, single,
female, born in QC on Oct 1887, Eva, age 31, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Aug 1879.
Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 5.45, Hse. 51, Dist. 21, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Boomhover
Riley, age 47, Head, married, male, born in QC on Dec 1863, Elisa, age 42, Wife, married, female, born in QC on Nov
1868, Leonard, age 24, Son, single, male, born in QC on Sep 1887, Elsin, age 22, Son, single, male, born in QC on Dec
1889, Melvino, age 18, Son, single, male, born in QC on Sep 1893, Grace, age 15, Daughter, single, female, born in
QC on Aug 1896, Sary, age 21, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Oct 1890, Clarrie, age 17, Daughter, single,
female, born in QC on Mar 1894, Iva, age 10, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Aug 1901, Beloni, age 8, Son,
single, male, born in QC on Feb 1903, Melvina, age 6, Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Feb 1904, Lillia, age 4,
Daughter, single, female, born in QC on Apr 1907, Nelson, age 1, Son, single, male, born in QC on Aug 1909.
831 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 5.27, Hse. 47, Dist. 21, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Boomhover

Bert, age 40, Head, married, male, born in QC on Feb 1871, Minnie, age 40, Wife, married, female, born in QC on Jan
1871, May, age 15, Daughter, female, born in QC on May 1896, Threna, age 13, Daughter, female, born in QC on Jun
1898, John, age 9, Son, male, born in QC on Jul 1902, Corrine, age 8, Daughter, female, born in QC on Nov 1903,
Herrick Schoolcraft, age 82, Head, married, male, born in QC on Feb 1829, Jane, age 62, Wife, married, female, born
in QC on May 1849.
832 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 2.29, Hse. 16, Dist. 21, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Boomhover

George, age 30, Head, married, male, born in QC on Oct 1880, May, age 26, married, female, born in QC on Nov 1884,
Walter, age 10, Son, single, male, born in QC on Mar 1901, Cedar, age 8, Son, single, male, born in QC on Mar 1903,
Windson, age 6, Son, single, male, born in QC on Mar 1905, Jerome, age 4, Son, single, male, born in QC on Mar
1907, Malcolm, age 2, Son, single, male, born in QC on Mar 1909.
833 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1900, pp. 49A.34, dw. 74, fam. 75, ED #105, Enosburgh, Franklin Co., VT :

Levi Ashton head male married age 25 born in May 1875, Can. Fr. occupation marr. 3 yrs., farmer, emmig. 1897 father
born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.: Cornelia wife female married age 20 born in Jan 1880, Can. Fr. occupation
marr. 3 yrs., 1 ch., 1 liv., emmig 1897 father born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.: Floyd son male single age 1 born
in Jan 1899, VT father born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.: Jennie Boomhower sister-in-law female single age 12
born in Jan 1888, Can. Fr. father born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.
834 Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: Faraday, Hastings North Co., pp. 14.48, Hse. 109, Martin Baumhour,

age 38, Head, married, male, born in Ontario on Feb 23 1863, Sarah A. Baumhour, age 40, Wife, married, female, born
in Ontario on Jan 16 1861, Laura B. Baumhour, age 15, Daughter, single, female, born in Ontario on Jun 15 1885,
Manly B. Baumhour, age 14, Son, single, male, born in Ontario on Mar 9 1887, Jessie M. Baumhour, age 8, Daughter,
single, female, born in Ontario on Jul 20 1892, Darius H. Baumhour, age 6, Son, single, male, born in Ontario on Apr 3
1894, Alma A. Baumhour, age 9 mos., Daughter, single, female, born in Ontario on Jul 14 1900
Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 7.20, Hse. 60, Dist. 2, Faraday, Hastings West Co., Martin
Boomhower, age 49, Head, married, male, born in ON on Feb 1862, Sarah, age 50, Wife, married, female, born in ON
on Jan 1861, Manley, age 24, Son, single, male, born in ON on Mar 1887, Jessie, age 19, Daughter, single, female,
born in ON on Jul 1891, Darius, age 17, Son, single, male, born in ON on Apr 1894, Alma, age 10, Daughter, single,
female, born in ON on Jul 1900, Stell M., age 8, Daughter, single, female, born in ON on Apr 1903.
836 Linda Corupe, Ontario: Forty Years of Kennebec Twp. Vol 2., Kennebec Vital Stats. Registers #289: Aloa Blanch

Boomhower, female, parents Boomhower, Martin & Woodcock, Sarah Ann, born June 15, 1885, registered June 24,
1885, father's occ. farmer, informant Boomhower, Martin, informant from Kennebec.
837 Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths, 1869-1947, FHL US/CAN 2313253: Sarah Ann Baumhour died 11 Jun

1930 Faraday Twp, Hastings, Ontario, Canada age 69 years 5 months 2 days, female, married, born 09 Jan 1861
Ontario, father Gilbert Woodcox, mother Elizabeth Carey.

David J. Ellis, The Ontario death record has mistated Sarah Ann's mother. I believe she is probably the daughter of
Elizabeth Schoolcraft.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Vieux Cimetière de Pike River: Range 6, Lot 47: Sacred to the memory of the Revn.
David || Spears || who died May 5, 1835 - Aged 27 years.
840 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vieux Cimetière de Pike River: Range 6, Lot 46: Sacred to the memory of Rhoda

Spears, || Daughter of Moses & Hannah Spears, || Who died May 9, 1839- Age 13 years.
841 Québec: Cemetery Records, Vieux Cimetière de Pike River: Range 6, Lot 44: Sacred to the memory of Philip, || Son

of Moses and Hannah Spears || Died Dec. 15, 1828 - Aged 11 months. || (Followed by nearly erased verse. Broken,
fallen stone).
842 Québec: Newspapers, The Advertiser and Eastern Townships Sentinel, March 28, 1856, No. 12, pp. 2, col. 6: Letter

to the editor signed by L. F. Stone, M. Schoolcraft, S. Schoolcraft & N. Greenier at West Farnham dated 22 March.
States residents of West Farnham returned from 6 months imprisonment in Montreal. Denied bail and had to be held
until the next Court session when they were found not guilty. No mention of what the charge was.
Federal Population Schedule, IGI [FHL US/CAN Film #1254544 NA Film T9-0544]. 1880, pp. 504D: Lowell,
Middlesex Co., MA : Eli BOCKUS Self male married white age 50 born in CAN occupation Works In Lumber Yard
father born in NY mother born in NY: Jane BOCKUS Wife female married white age 50 born in CAN occupation
Keeping House father born in MA mother born in NY: Irving BOCKUS Son male single white age 23 born in CAN
occupation Teamster father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Alice BOCKUS Dau female single white age 20 born in
CAN occupation Works In Cotton Mill father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Bertie BOCKUS Dau female single
white age 16 born in CAN occupation Works In Hosiery Mill father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Peter
BOCKUS Cousin male single white age 20 born in CAN occupation Horseshoer father born in CAN mother born in
CAN: Archie Boomhower Other male single white age 21 born in CAN occupation Works In Hosiery Mill father born
in CAN mother born in CAN: James CRULLER Other male single white age 22 born in CAN occupation Carpenter
father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Charles J. PHELPS Other male married white age 35 born in CAN
occupation Carpenter father born in CAN mother born in CAN
844 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1900, pp. 311A.19, dw. 157, fam. 171, ED 121, First St., Swanton village,

Franklin Co., VT : Arthur Boomhower head male widow age 40 born in Dec 1859, VT occupation day laborer father
born in Can. Eng. mother born in VT: Henry son male single age 16 born in Oct 1883, VT occupation at school father
born in VT mother born in NY
845 Federal Population Schedule, 23-Jun-1900, pp. 15A.41, dw. 372, fam. 373, ED 131, Eden St., Hyde Park, Lamoille

Co., VT : Lester Boomhouer head male married age 74 born in Jun 1825, Can. Eng. occupation marr. 49 yrs., emmig.
1837, farmer father born in NY mother born in VT: Nancy M. wife female married age 71 born in Feb 1829, VT
occupation marr. 49 yrs., 8 ch., 6 liv. father born in NH mother born in NH: Clark brother male widow age 78 born in
Jul 1821, Can. Eng. occupation emmig. 1837, farm laborer father born in NY mother born in VT
846 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1900, pp. 7B.79, dw. 157, fam. 157, ED 129, Eden, Lamoille Co., VT : Arthur

Boomhower head male married age 39 born in Feb 1861, VT occupation marr. 11 yrs., farmer father born in VT mother
born in VT: Nellie wife female married age 33 born in Aug 1866, ME occupation marr. 11 yrs., 4 ch., 1 liv. father born
in ME mother born in ME: Leara dau female single age 5 born in Apr 1895, ME father born in VT mother born in ME:
Lester son male single age 2 born in Aug 1897, VT father born in VT mother born in ME: Mirian dau female single age
1 born in Apr 1899, VT father born in VT mother born in ME: Warren Porter servant male single age 22 born in Nov
1877, VT occupation farm laborer father born in VT mother born in VT: Edith Hatch servant female single age 18 born
in Oct 1882, VT occupation housework father born in VT mother born in VT
847 Federal Population Schedule, 24-Jun-1900, pp. 28B.64, dw. 509, fam. 662, ED 121, 36 Bellevue Ave., Bristol,

Hartford Co., CT : William E. Sessions & family head male: Mirian Boomhower nurse servant female single age 30
born in Dec 1869, VT occupation nurse father born in Can. E. mother born in VT
848 Ontario: Civil Vital Records, Deaths 1869-1947 [FHL US/CAN Film #1862472]. Edward Boomhour died 08 Jan

1917 Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario age 75 years, male, born 1842

849 David J. Ellis, Proven. This marriage is inferred from records of the mariiage of their daughter, Mary Jane, in 1873

and the death of their daughter Catherine in 1924. That in turn implies that the first five children must all have been
William's children.
850 Ontario: Civil Vital Records, Deaths 1869-1947 [FHL US/CAN Film #2022139]. Cathrine Kniff died 07 Jun 1924

Kaladar Auglesea & Effingham, Lennox & Addington, Ontario age 90 years, female, widowed, born 1834 Kennebec,
father Wm. Kniff, mother Louise Schoolcraft

Ontario: Census, 1881: IGI [FHL US/CAN Film #1375886, NA Film Number C-13250]. 1881, District 138 | Sub-
district A | Division 2 | pp. 63 | hse. 303 | Census Place: Tecumseth, Simcoe South Co., ON | Charless Baxter Married
English Male age 44 born in ON, Gentleman, Church of England | Mary Baxter Married English Female age 46 born in
ON, Church of England | Marilla Baxter English Female age 20 born in ON, Church of England | Charless Baxter
English Male age 13 born in ON, Church of England | Nettie Baxter English Female age 5 born in ON, Church of
England | Walter Baxter English Male age 1 born in ON, Church of England | Margert Schoolcraft English Female age
18 born in ON, Church of England | John Schoolcraft English Male age 15 born in ON, Church of England | Jessey
Schoolcraft English Female age 14 born in ON, Church of England | Charlott Schoolcraft English Female age 12 born
in ON, Church of England | Jacob Oums English Male age 36 born in ON, Labourer, Church of England
852 Ontario: Civil Vital Records, Deaths 1869-1947 [FHL US/CAN Film #1846465]. John Schoolcraft died 28 May

1870 Tecumseth, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada, male

853 Ontario: Civil Vital Records, Births and Baptisms 1661-1959 [FHL US/CAN Film #1871036]. Charlotte Alberta

Cummings, female, born 31 May 1882 Tecumseth, Simcoe, Ontario, father Albert Cummings, mother Margaret Ann
854 Ontario: Census, 10-Apr-1891, pp. 19.05, dw. 80, Dist. 118-B, Beeton, Simcoe South Co., Fred G. Camplin family,

John Schoolcraft, male, age 26, lodger, born in ON, father QC, mother ON, Meth., painter
Ontario: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901, Beeton, Simcoe Co., pp. 12.50, dw. 146, Schoolcraft John, age 36,
Head, single, male, born in Ontario on Jan 10 1864
Ontario: Civil Vital Records, Births and Baptisms 1661-1959 [FHL US/CAN Film #1846557]. Carl Wilmott
Camplin, male, born 12 Sep 1896 Beeton, Simcoe, Ontario, father William Camplin, mother Jessie Schoolcraft
857 Ontario: Civil Vital Records, Births and Baptisms 1661-1959 [FHL US/CAN Film #1906133]. Harold Henderson

Camplin, male, born 29 Jan 1897 Beeton, Simcoe, Ontario, father F.G. Camplin, mother Lottie Schoolcraft

Anna Schoolcraft Born Before 1775
Proven: Anna Schoolcraft
born Conjecture Bef. 1775 in Anaquassacook, Jackson, Washington, New York,
USA; Probably. Near Cambridge by the Vermont line38, 29
died 24-Jan-1834 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;

married Proven Simon Stone Bef. 17903, 44

born Abt. 1765 in Vermont, USA40, 29, 43
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.0741
military Abt. 1782 in Quebec, Canada; Capt. Jones' 7th Company, Loyal Rangers43
fact 22-Nov-1786 in Barford, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada; Levi Allen's petition. May
be a different Simon Stone36
fact 25-May-1790 in Noyan, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; Christie's Manor42
fact 31-Mar-1798 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Philip Ruiter's
fact 31-Aug-1802 in Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Granted lot 28, range
fact 10-Sep-1804 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petioned for lot
13, range 7206
fact 13-Mar-1805 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Authorization to
lease lot 10, range 76
fact 20-Jul-1807 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for better
lease terms245
died 20-Sep-1825 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery45
1. Proven: Peter Stone12
born Abt. 1790 in Quebec, Canada4, 50
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.2447
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1251.4448
census Abt. 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2573.19, prob.
Conc. 1 - 649
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 71.02, Dist. 150
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 18.28, Dist. 251
fact 16-Oct-1835 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for recognition of
Baptist ministers246
died 27-Mar-1866 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada4, 53
buried 29-Mar-1866 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone
cemetery4, 53
married Proven Sarah R. Fisk 03-Jul-1812 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA14
born 20-Apr-17924, 52
died 27-Sep-1878 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada4
buried 01-Oct-1878 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone
cemetery4, 52
a. Conjecture: Nancy M. Stone54
born Abt. 1813 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Probably55, 56

died 26-Mar-1859 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery55
married Proven Norman Corey Bef. 185255, 56
born Abt. 1806 in Quebec, Canada56
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 71.07, Dist.
b. Conjecture: Moletta Stone57
born Abt. 1815 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Probably58, 59
died 02-Jul-1853 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada58
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery58
married Proven Nelson Cook 14-Mar-1838 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Methodist Church60
born 22-Jul-1811 in Quebec, Canada; Probably61
i. Proven: Sarah Rollins Cook208
born 16-Feb-1839 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada208
ii. Proven: Lucy Cook209
born 16-Nov-1840 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada209
iii. Proven: Maletta Cook210
born 15-Aug-1842 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada210
iv. Proven: Whipple Cook211
born 30-Aug-1844 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada211
v. Proven: Mary Jane Cook212
born 27-Apr-1848 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada212
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 18.28, Dist.
vi. Proven: Nelson Cook213
born 18-Apr-1852 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada213
c. Claimed: George Rollins Stone
born Claimed 08-Jan-1816 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably
census Abt. 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
2573.20, prob. Conc. 1 - 662
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 71.30, Dist.
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 18.32, Dist. 264
fact Abt. 1864 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Wallings
Map, Lot 4-18247
died 05-Jul-1868 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada65
buried 07-Jul-1868 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada65
married Proven Jane Botham 01-Nov-1838 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Methodist Church66
born Claimed Jun-1813 in England63
i. Proven: Leonard Stone217
born 12-Nov-1839 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada217
census 10-Apr-1891 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; pp. 11.21, dw. 53, Dist. 168-R Div. 2214
census 1901 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
pp. 03.25, dw. 26, Div. M-2215
census 1911 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
pp. 4.08, dw. 39, Dist. 14216
fact Bet. Sep-1855 - Mar-1856 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada; Held in Montreal
Jail pending trial at which a not guilty verdict was delivered.244

died 15-Jun-1911 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada243
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery243
married Proven Ellen M. Moulton Bef. 1863215, 243
born 14-Nov-1843 in USA215
died 04-Feb-1911 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada243
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery243
ii. Proven: James Stone218
born 23-May-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada218
iii. Proven: Seth Stone219
born 27-Jul-1843 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada219
iv. Proven: Sarah Jane Stone220
born Abt. 1845 in Quebec, Canada63
v. Proven: Luke Stone221
born 14-Jan-1845 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada221
vi. Proven: Fanny Stone63
born Abt. 1850 in Quebec, Canada63
vii. Proven: Thomas B. Stone220
born Abt. 1851 in Quebec, Canada63
viii. Proven: Mary Louisa Stone220
born Abt. 1855 in Quebec, Canada64
d. Conjecture: Elizabeth Lois Stone68
born Abt. 1817 in Quebec, Canada67, 69
died 20-Oct-1879 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada70
buried 22-Oct-1879 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Stone cemetery69, 70
married Proven Thomas Best 30-Aug-1848 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Methodist Church71
born Abt. 10-Feb-180569
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 71.14, Dist.
died 28-Dec-1880 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada69
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery69
i. Probably Adopted: Lucy Temperance Gage72, 73
born 16-Dec-1848 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada72
ii. Proven: Theodore Towner Best222
born 27-Jan-1849 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada222
iii. Proven: John Wesley Best223
born 18-May-1850 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada223
iv. Proven: Julia Ann Best224
born 10-Mar-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada224
v. Proven: Calvin L. Best225
born 17-Dec-1853 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada225
married Proven Jane Monroe Schoolcraft 20-Feb-1883 in Bedford, Brome-
Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church227
born 26-Sep-1855 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada228
died 01-Nov-1884 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Her
father's residence230
buried 03-Nov-1884 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada230
vi. Proven: Mary Philena Best226
born 29-Jul-1855 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada226
married Proven George Miller Bet. 1873 - 1879229

vii. Proven: Herman Best229
born Bet. 1855 - 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada229
viii. Proven: Susan Lillian Best229
born Bet. 1855 - 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada229
ix. Proven: Alberta E. Best229
born Bet. 1855 - 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada229
x. Proven: Sarah N. E. Best229
born Bet. 1855 - 1871 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada229
e. Proven: Susannah Stone74
born 25-May-1819 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada74
died 189375
buried Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Cowansville Protestant
married Proven Jacob William Shufelt 29-Dec-1840 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church77
born Abt. 1816 in USA76
census 02-Feb-1852 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 108.15, Dist.
census 1881 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 21, Div. 378
died 190875
buried Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Cowansville Protestant
i. Proven: Susannah Emeretta Shufelt231
died 02-Nov-1862 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably231
buried 03-Nov-1862 in Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada231
ii. Proven: Sarah M. Shufelt232
born 20-Oct-1841 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada232
iii. Proven: Peter Elwin Shufelt233
born 06-Mar-1843 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada233
iv. Proven: David Adam Shufelt234
born 27-Jan-1846 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada234
v. Proven: William Ashley Shufelt235
born 18-Aug-1850 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada235
vi. Proven: Emma Lavina Shufelt236
born 19-Feb-1855 in Dunham, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada236
f. Proven: Simon Luke Stone79
born Abt. 1823 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably79
died 18-Jun-1844 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
buried 20-Jun-1844 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Stone cemetery79, 83
g. Conjecture: Leonard P. Stone80
born Abt. 1824 in Quebec, Canada81
census 1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 71.09, Dist. 181
married Proven Emily [Unidentified] Bef. 184881
born Abt. 1832 in USA81
i. Proven: Albert Stone81
born Abt. 1848 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada81
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 18.28, Dist.
ii. Proven: H. Allen Stone81
born Abt. 1849 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada81

iii. Proven: [Unnamed] Stone81
born Abt. 1851 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada81
h. Proven: Martha Orcela Stone82
born Abt. 183182
died 14-Jan-1848 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada82
buried 16-Jan-1848 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Stone cemetery82, 83
i. Proven: Mary Philena Stone84
born 25-Jan-1832 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably84
married Proven Thomas Moses Roberts 26-Sep-1859 in Farnham, Brome-Missisquoi,
Quebec, Canada; Methodist Church85
2. Proven: Adam Stone12
born Abt. Dec-1792 in Quebec, Canada86, 90
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.2187
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1253.0788
census Abt. 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2573.18, prob.
Conc. 1 - 689
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 63.42, Dist. 190
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 18.19, Dist. 291
died 09-Sep-1862 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada92
buried 11-Sep-1862 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone
cemetery86, 92
married Proven Martha Brewer 11-Mar-1816 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
born Abt. 10-Dec-1795 in USA86, 90
died 04-Feb-1868 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada86
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery86
a. Proven: Jane Minerva Stone101
born 29-Nov-1819 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada101
died Claimed 16-Jan-1899 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada
buried Claimed Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Iron Hill cemetery
married Proven Jacob Clark 08-Jan-1838 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
married Claimed 2nd William Moffatt Bef. 1881
born Abt. 1824 in USA103
census 1881 in Brome, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 229, Div. 1103
died Claimed 29-Aug-1902
b. Proven: Hiram Booth Stone93, 94, 95
born 23-Jan-1823 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada95
census 12-Aug-1850 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA; pp. 16.01, dw. 10494
census 13-Jul-1860 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA; pp. 17.12, dw. 110996
census 1880 in Maxville, Buffalo, Wisconsin, USA97
died 10-Nov-189598
married Proven Emily Pangborn 15-Apr-1845 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
born 27-Jun-1827 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada100
died 11-Jun-1871 in Maxville, Buffalo, Wisconsin, USA100
i. Proven: William Henry Stone100
born 22-Feb-1846 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada100
died 25-Jan-1920 in Maxville, Buffalo, Wisconsin, USA100
ii. Proven: Irvin Edwin Stone100
born 19-Jan-1848 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada100
died 19-Dec-1918 in Salem, Columbiana, Ohio, USA100

iii. Proven: Edson Hiram Stone100
born 16-Mar-1850 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA100
died 15-Apr-1852 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA100
iv. Proven: Edith Isabel Stone100
born 23-May-1852 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA100
v. Proven: Elmer B. Stone100
born 03-Sep-1855 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA100
died 15-Nov-1860 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA100
vi. Proven: Mary Louise Stone100
born 09-Jan-1861 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA100
died 03-Dec-1930 in Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA100
married Proven [Unidentified] Johnson Bef. 1930100
vii. Proven: George Lincoln Stone100
born 22-Jun-1864 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA100
died 05-Jun-1922 in Forest River, Walsh, North Dakota, USA100
viii. Proven: Mattie Ann Stone100
born 15-Sep-1867 in Maxville, Buffalo, Wisconsin, USA100
died 30-Dec-1912 in Westport, Grays Harbor, Washington, USA100
married Proven [Unidentified] Garner Bef. 1912100
married Proven 2nd Marion Newell 10-Sep-1877 in Maxville, Buffalo, Wisconsin, USA;
born Abt. 1833 in Scotland97
ix. Proven: Zanetta Stone100
born 10-Jun-1873 in Maxville, Buffalo, Wisconsin, USA100
c. Conjecture: Martha Marie Stone107
born Bet. Jan - Mar-1824 in Quebec, Canada104, 105, 106
married Proven Leonard Blakeley 05-Apr-1847 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
born Abt. 1823 in Quebec, Canada104
census 12-Aug-1850 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA; pp. 16.07, dw. 105104
census 12-Jul-1860 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA; pp. 14.17, dw. 1086108
census 1880 in Bridgeport, Saginaw, Michigan, USA; pp. 89A109
i. Proven: Oscar L. Blakeley108
born Abt. 1848 in Quebec, Canada108
ii. Proven: Kirby Blakeley108
born Abt. 1851 in Ohio, USA108
iii. Proven: Ellen Blakeley108
born Abt. 1853 in Ohio, USA108
iv. Proven: Dora Blakeley108
born Abt. 1859 in Ohio, USA108
d. Claimed: Zanetta Orselia Stone
born Bet. Mar - Nov-1825 in Quebec, Canada112, 16, 116
married Proven William Asa Gray 26-Oct-1848 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
born Abt. 1801 in New York, USA112
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1259.39110
census 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2570.17,
Conc. 7 - 12111
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 113.39, Dist.
died Bef. 1872113

i. Proven: Arthur Bertrand Gray114
born 22-Mar-1850 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada114
ii. Proven: Milton Monroe Gray115
born 29-Oct-1853 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada115
e. Proven: Miles George Stone90
born Abt. 08-Sep-1827 in Quebec, Canada117, 90
census 12-Aug-1850 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, USA; pp. 16.01, dw. 10494
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 18.26, Dist. 2119
fact Abt. 1864 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Wallings
Map, Lot 4-19248
died 24-Jan-1879 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada117
buried 26-Jan-1879 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Stone cemetery118, 117
married Claimed Harriet Skakel
born Jan-1838 in Quebec, Canada120
census 06-Jun-1900 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA; pp. 319A.23, dw. 95, ED 768, 1489
Newport Ave., Lake View Twp.120
f. Proven: Edwin B. Stone90
born Abt. 1831 in Quebec, Canada90
census 1880 in Franklin, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA; pp. 273D121
census 06-Apr-1891 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
1.08, dw. 2, Dist. 168-R Div. 2122
married Proven Zernel [Unidentified] Bef. 1880121
born Abt. 1835 in Quebec, Canada121
died Bef. 1891122
g. Proven: Charles Curtis Stone126
born 1834 in Quebec, Canada90, 128
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 18.23, Dist. 2123
census 1881 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; dw. 223, Div. 3124
census 07-Apr-1891 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
4.20, dw. 19, Dist. 168-R Div. 2125
died 1898 in Quebec, Canada128
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery128
married Proven Caroline Vaughan 27-May-1856 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Anglican Church129
born 12-Jan-1836 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada241
census 1901 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 07.12,
dw. 69, Div. M-3130
census 1911 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 3.33,
dw. 32, Dist. 14131
died 1920 in Quebec, Canada128
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery128
i. Probable: Curtis E. Stone132, 133
born Abt. 1855 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably132
died 03-Mar-1864 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone
ii. Proven: Zanetta Stone123
born 14-May-1857 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably242, 251

died 1929 in Quebec, Canada242
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery242
married Proven Samuel B. Palmer Bef. 1878242
born Abt. 22-May-1851 in Quebec, Canada242, 251
census 1881 in Saint-Sébastien, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; pp. 45, dw.
census 06-Apr-1891 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; pp. 03.13, dw. 12, Dist. 168-R Div. 2250
census 1901 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
pp. 08.07, dw. 80251
died 1921 in Quebec, Canada242
buried Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Mystic cemetery242
iii. Proven: Elmer Stone134
born Abt. Mar-1860 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably134
died 18-Nov-1860 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably134
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone
iv. Proven: Adam Clarke Stone135
born 30-Sep-1865 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably135
census 1911 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
pp. 3.33, dw. 32, Dist. 14131
married Proven Eva E. Bockus 19-Oct-1895 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont, USA138
born Abt. 1860 in Quebec, Canada139
v. Proven: Effie Armida Stone136
born 26-Jun-1869 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably136
vi. Proven: Beatrice Maud Stone137
born 14-Sep-1871 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably137
vii. Proven: Frank L. Stone125
born Abt. 1876 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably125
h. Proven: Ellen Amanda Stone127
born 13-Jun-1838 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada127
i. Proven: Laura Ann Stone126, 127
born 24-Feb-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada127
died 11-Sep-1907 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada252
buried 14-Sep-1907 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada252
married George Hanson Kemp141
born Abt. 1839 in Quebec, Canada122
census 06-Apr-1891 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
1.08, dw. 2, Dist. 168-R Div. 1122
died 15-Feb-1915 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery140
i. Proven: Bertha E. Kemp122
born Abt. 1866 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably122

ii. Proven: Georgianna Kemp142
born 25-Aug-1868 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably142
iii. Proven: Mary Mellisa Kemp143
born 10-May-1871 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably143
iv. Proven: Vesta E. Kemp122
born Abt. 1874 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably122
v. Proven: Frederick A. Kemp122
born Abt. 1877 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Probably122
3. Proven: George Stone12, 7
born 22-Jan-1795 in Quebec, Canada32, 35
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.06144
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1253.38145
census Abt. 02-Mar-1842 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 2573.22, prob.
Conc. 1-6146
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 69.21, Dist. 135
fact 16-Oct-1835 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Petition for recognition of
Baptist ministers246
died 24-Nov-1855 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada3
buried 27-Nov-1855 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone
cemetery3, 32
married Proven Hannah Welch 10-Mar-1817 in Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada17
born 21-Dec-1792 in Parsonsfield, York, Maine, USA32, 148, 149
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.01, Dist. 2147
died 12-Mar-1877 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada148
buried 14-Mar-1877 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone
cemetery32, 148
a. Proven: Simon Stone32
born 01-Jan-1819 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
died 24-Feb-1819 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery32
b. Proven: John Samuel Stone32, 150
born 13-Dec-1819 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
died 21-Apr-1827 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery32
c. Proven: Emily Stone151
born 22-Jan-1821 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Probably150, 152
died 14-Mar-1859 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably150, 152
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery152
married Proven William Clark 25-Mar-1840 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; Methodist Church151
i. Proven: Cynthia Clark153
born Abt. 03-May-1844 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
died 17-Apr-1857 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;

buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone
d. Proven: Hannah Stone154
born 30-Nov-1822 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Probably32, 35
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 65.27, Dist.
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.01, Dist. 2147
died 08-Jan-191232
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery32
e. Proven: George Francis Stone150
born 08-Jan-1825 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Probably150, 157, 158
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 69.28, Dist.
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 19.46, Dist. 2160
died 17-Apr-1864 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably159
buried 19-Apr-1864 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Stone cemetery158, 159
married Proven Zerua Currie 30-May-1850 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
Canada; St. Armand East Methodist Circuit Church probably at Stanbridge161
born Abt. 1823 in Quebec, Canada157, 158
died 11-Sep-1866 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably162, 158
buried 13-Sep-1866 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Stone cemetery162, 158
f. Proven: Julia Ann Stone34
born 16-Nov-1826 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
died 23-Jul-1846 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
buried 25-Jul-1846 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Stone cemetery32, 34
g. Proven: Adam Melvin Stone163
born 03-Aug-1829 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.01, Dist. 2147
census 16-Apr-1891 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp.
21.21, dw. 104, Dist. 168-R Div. 2165
census 1901 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 03.15,
dw. 24, Div. M-2166
census 1911 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 4.14,
dw. 41, Dist. 14167
died 04-Oct-1913164
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery164
married Proven Minerva E. Wanzer Bef. 1879164, 165
born 06-Jun-1838 in Quebec, Canada164, 166
died 08-Feb-1918164
buried St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Stone cemetery164
i. Proven: Effa Stone165
born Abt. 1879 in Quebec, Canada165
ii. Proven: Frank Stone165
born Abt. 1880 in Quebec, Canada165

h. Proven: Melvina Stone154
born 15-Feb-1832 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Probably35, 150
died 09-Jul-1903150
married Proven H. P. Newell Bef. 1903150
i. Proven: Jerusha Jane Stone154, 155
born 29-Jul-1835 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
census 1861 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 12.01, Dist. 2147
died 06-Jun-1924 in Richmond, Le Val-Saint-François, Quebec, Canada; Wales Home32,

buried 08-Jun-1924 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;

Stone cemetery32, 33
4. Proven: Elizabeth Stone13
born Bet. 1796 - 1802 in Quebec, Canada18
married Proven John Lampman 27-Feb-1817 in Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada18
census 1825 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 808.22168
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1251.35169
fact 17-Jun-1820 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada170
5. Proven: Margaret Stone15
born Abt. 1797 in Clarenceville, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada; [Caldwell's Manor]171
died 26-Nov-1873 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably172
buried 28-Nov-1873 in Stanbridge Ridge, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada;
Stanbridge Ridge cemetery172
married Proven Freeborn Johnson 10-Mar-1829 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec,
born Abt. 1799 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada171
census 26-Jan-1852 in St-Armand West, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 35.11, Dist. 3171
6. Proven: Hannah Stone20
born Bef. 180220, 173
married Proven [1] Calvin Spears 27-Jan-1823 in Frelighsburg, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada20
born Abt. 1800 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada174, 22
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1253.3421
census 19-Aug-1850 in Berlin, St Clair, Michigan, USA; pp. 211.25, dw. 40522
a. Probable: Edward Spears239, 23
born Abt. 1824 in Quebec, Canada23
census 19-Aug-1850 in Berlin, St Clair, Michigan, USA; pp. 211.32, dw. 40623
married Proven Charlotte [Unidentified] Bef. 1844 in Ontario, Canada23
born Abt. 1825 in Canada23
i. Proven: Elizabeth Spears23
born Abt. 1844 in Ontario, Canada23
ii. Proven: Calvin Spears23
born Abt. 1849 in Ontario, Canada23
b. Probable: Nelson Spears239, 24
born Abt. 1826 in Quebec, Canada24
census 19-Aug-1850 in Berlin, St Clair, Michigan, USA; pp. 211.36, dw. 40724
married Proven Sarah [Unidentified] Bef. 184924
born Abt. 1830 in Canada24
i. Proven: Andrew J. Spears24
born Abt. 1849 in Michigan, USA24

7. Proven: Rhoda Stone13
born Claimed Abt. 28-Feb-1804 in Quebec, Canada175
died Claimed 19-Oct-1870 in Fairmont, Martin, Minnesota, USA
married Proven Ebenezer Groat Bef. 183213
born Claimed Abt. 05-Apr-1800175
died Claimed 02-Oct-1865 in St Charles, Winona, Minnesota, USA
buried Claimed St Charles, Winona, Minnesota, USA
a. Claimed: Miles Groat175
born Claimed 03-Aug-1832 in Montpelier, Washington, Vermont, USA
died Claimed 07-Sep-1918 in USA
b. Claimed: Arnold Groat175
born Claimed 17-Aug-1836 in Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada
died Claimed 10-Mar-1913 in USA
c. Claimed: Bateman Groat175
born Claimed Abt. 28-Oct-1838 in Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada
died Claimed 02-Feb-1920 in USA
d. Claimed: Mary Ann Groat175
born Claimed Abt. Apr-1840 in Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada
died Claimed 26-Mar-1909 in USA
e. Claimed: Orin Groat175
born Claimed 1841 in Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada
died Claimed 28-Dec-1891 in USA
f. Claimed: Sophrina Groat175
born Claimed Abt. Feb-1843 in Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada
died Claimed 18-Jul-1870 in USA
g. Claimed: Debbie Elizabeth Groat175
born Claimed Abt. 08-Apr-1843 in Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada
died Claimed 26-Jan-1900 in USA
h. Claimed: Jesse Groat175
born Claimed 13-Jul-1849 in Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada
died Claimed 06-Apr-1933 in USA
8. Proven: Lucy Stone13
born Bef. 180725
married Proven Harmon Truax 25-Feb-1828 in St-Armand, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; St-
Armand-West Anglican Church25
born Claimed 24-Oct-1803 in Quebec, Canada
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1253.0626
died Claimed Abt. 1894 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, USA
a. Proven: George Truax237
born 12-Mar-1842 in Quebec, Canada237
died 08-May-1917 in Wellington, Alpena, Michigan, USA237
buried 09-May-1917 in Hillman, Alpena, Michigan, USA237
married Proven Hulda [Unidentified] Bef. 1917237
9. Proven: Thomas Stone12
born Abt. 1807 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably177
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1251.33178
census 1851 in Sheffield, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; [Historic]177
married Proven Hannah Deline 12-Apr-1826 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA27
born Abt. 1814 in Quebec, Canada177
a. Proven: Alonzo Stone179
born Abt. May-1826 in Quebec, Canada177, 179

census 1880 in Rubicon, Huron, Michigan, USA; pp. 156A180
died 30-Sep-1897 in Long Rapids, Alpena, Michigan, USA179
married Proven Orcelia Shibley Bef. 1853181
i. Proven: Agnes Stone182
born Abt. 1853 in Canada; Probably184
married Proven Stiles Olmstead182, 184
born Abt. 1843 in Michigan, USA184
census 1880 in Casnovia, Muskegon, Michigan, USA; pp. 168B184
ii. Proven: Solomon J. Stone181
born 10-Dec-1855 in Ontario, Canada181, 185
census 1880 in Rubicon, Huron, Michigan, USA; pp. 156A185
died 23-May-1942 in Alpena, Alpena, Michigan, USA181
buried 26-May-1942 in Long Rapids, Alpena, Michigan, USA181
married Proven Susan A Dingman 15-Jan-1880 in Verona, Huron, Michigan,
born Abt. 1860 in Ontario, Canada185
married Proven 2nd Hattie [Unidentified] Bet. 1880 - 1888254
born Bef. 1872 in Michigan, USA254
married Proven 3rd Mary Rashaw 03-Sep-1899 in Long Rapids, Alpena, Michigan,
born Abt. 1880 in Michigan, USA186
iii. Proven: Oscar Stone182, 180
born Abt. 1859 in Canada180
married Proven Alvina Edwards 28-May-1889 in Bloomfield, Huron, Michigan,
born Abt. 1869 in Canada187
iv. Proven: Josephine Stone180
born Abt. 1861 in Canada180
v. Proven: Clarissa Stone180
born Abt. 1866 in Michigan, USA180
vi. Proven: Orcelia Stone183
born 17-Dec-1867 in Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan, USA183
married Proven 2nd Rebecca Truax Bet. 1867 - 1872180, 188
born Abt. 1848 in Canada180
died 03-Aug-1882 in Rubicon, Huron, Michigan, USA189
vii. Proven: Richard Stone190
born 03-Apr-1872 in Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan, USA190
died 28-Mar-1967191
buried Long Rapids, Alpena, Michigan, USA191
married Proven Henrietta Cornell 23-May-1899 in Long Rapids, Alpena, Michigan,
born Abt. 1881 in Canada188
viii. Proven: Annie Stone180
born Abt. 1873 in Michigan, USA180
ix. Proven: Angus Stone180
born Abt. 1875 in Michigan, USA180
x. Proven: Benjamin Stone180, 192
born 10-Apr-1878 in Rubicon, Huron, Michigan, USA192
xi. Proven: Theodore Stone180
born Abt. 1880 in Michigan, USA180

xii. Proven: Martin Stone193
born 03-Jul-1882 in Rubicon, Huron, Michigan, USA193
died 15-Aug-1882 in Rubicon, Huron, Michigan, USA193
b. Proven: Simon Stone177
born Abt. 1828 in Quebec, Canada177
census Claimed 1861 in Hungerford, Hastings, Ontario, Canada
married Proven Emily Deline Bef. 1852194
born Claimed Abt. 1835 in Quebec, Canada
i. Claimed: Hannah Stone
born Claimed Abt. 1852 in Ontario, Canada
ii. Claimed: Nancy Stone
born Claimed Abt. 1854 in Ontario, Canada
iii. Proven: Martha Jane Stone196, 195
born Claimed Abt. 1856 in Ontario, Canada
married Proven Benjamin M. Crawford 25-Jun-1904 in Grand Blanc, Genesee,
Michigan, USA195
born Abt. 1853 in Argentine, Genesee, Michigan, USA195
married Proven 2nd John I. Drown 16-Jan-1925 in Bad Axe, Huron, Michigan,
born Abt. 1855 in Michigan, USA196
iv. Claimed: Orlando Nelson Stone197
born Claimed Abt. 1859 in Ontario, Canada
married Proven Lena E. Wright 12-Jan-1891 in Port Hope, Huron, Michigan,
born Abt. 1875 in Canada197
v. Proven: Melissa Stone198
born Abt. 1865 in Ontario, Canada198
married Proven Moses Ferguson 18-Nov-1889 in Port Hope, Huron, Michigan,
born Abt. 1861 in Ontario, Canada198
vi. Proven: George Stone199
born 17-Dec-1867 in Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan, USA199
married Proven Ella Beldah 26-May-1893 in Port Hope, Huron, Michigan, USA200
born Abt. 1874 in Canada200
vii. Proven: Thomas Stone201
born 23-Jan-1872 in Huron, Michigan, USA; Stated "St. Clair" cannot be
identified but may be near Rubicon201
married Proven Emily Tagge 31-Dec-1903 in Faunus, Menominee, Michigan,
born Abt. 1882 in Wisconsin, USA194
viii. Proven: Alonzo Stone202
born Abt. 1874 in Michigan, USA202
married Proven Elizabeth Hope 04-Feb-1901 in Bad Axe, Huron, Michigan, USA202
born Abt. 1883 in Michigan, USA202
married Proven 2nd Eliza Sturk 07-Jan-1891 in Bad Axe, Huron, Michigan, USA203
born Abt. 1843 in Canada203
c. Proven: William Stone177
born Abt. 1836 in Quebec, Canada177
d. Proven: Catherine Stone177
born Abt. 1839 in Quebec, Canada177

e. Proven: Joshua Stone177
born Abt. 1845 in Quebec, Canada177
f. Proven: Hannah Stone177
born Abt. 1851 in Quebec, Canada177
10. Proven: William Stone12
born Bet. 1808 - 1813 in Quebec, Canada205
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1251.31204
married Proven Huldah Harding 11-Sep-1827 in Highgate, Franklin, Vermont, USA28
married Proven 2nd Caroline Darby Bet. 1828 - 183446
died 24-Oct-183446
11. Proven: Charlotte Stone240
born Abt. 1810 in Quebec, Canada22
married Proven [1] Calvin Spears Bef. 1839 in Canada13
born Abt. 1800 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada174, 22
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1253.3421
census 19-Aug-1850 in Berlin, St Clair, Michigan, USA; pp. 211.25, dw. 40522
a. Proven: Elijah Spears22
born Abt. 1840 in Ontario, Canada22
b. Proven: John Spears22
born Abt. 1842 in Ontario, Canada22
c. Proven: Nancy Spears22
born Abt. 1844 in Ontario, Canada22
d. Proven: Gideon Spears22
born Abt. 1847 in Ontario, Canada22
e. Proven: Hannah Spears22
born Abt. Jun-1850 in Michigan, USA22
12. Proven: Charles Stone12
born Abt. 1814 in Quebec, Canada29
census 1880 in Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA; pp. 89C29
fact Abt. 1864 in St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Wallings Map,
Lot 4-19207
married Proven Jane [Unidentified] Bef. 188029
born Abt. 1811 in Quebec, Canada29
13. Proven: Anna Maria Stone13
born Abt. 1816 in Quebec, Canada31
died Claimed Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada
buried Claimed Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada; Dryden Baptist cemetery, Columbus
married Proven John Groat 04-Feb-1836 in Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada; Baptist Church30
born Abt. 1811 in Quebec, Canada31
census 1852 in Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada; pp. 43.46, Dist. 131
a. Proven: Ambrose Groat31
born Abt. 1837 in Ontario, Canada31
b. Proven: Alfred Groat31
born Abt. 1839 in Ontario, Canada31
c. Proven: Harriet M. Groat31
born Abt. 1843 in Ontario, Canada31
d. Proven: Charles Groat31
born 11-Mar-1848 in Whitby, Durham, Ontario, Canada; East Whitby31, 238
died 20-Jun-1923 in Ontario, Canada238
e. Proven: Marlotte Groat31
born Abt. 1850 in Ontario, Canada31

f. Proven: Mary Groat31
born Abt. 1851 in Ontario, Canada31

Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Damien de Bedford by Abbé Isidore Desnoyers. Étude manuscrite Diocèse de Saint-
Hyacinthe, 1886.
Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Ignace de Stanbridge by Abbé Isidore Desnoyers. Étude manuscrite Diocèse de
Saint-Hyacinthe, 1887.
Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Folio 16th: George Stone of the Township of Stanbridge, farmer, son
of late Simon Stone and his wife Anna Schoolcraft died on the Twenty Fourth day of November in the year of our Lord
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Five and was buried on this Twenty Seventh day of the same month and year
in the presence of the subscribing witnesses by me R. A. Flanders, Minister. Witnesses Francis Welch and Lorenzo D.
4 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 5-3. Sarah R. Fisk wife of Peter

Stone b. April 20, 1792 d. Sept 27, 1878. Marker 5-4. Peter Stone d. March 27, 1866 ae. 75 yrs.
5 Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint-Jacques de Foucault by Abbé Isidore Desnoyers. Étude manuscrite Diocèse de Saint-

Hyacinthe, 1886. pp. 2 "In 1797, 14th of July, the Seigneur Gabriel Christie made a grant of 4 x 30 arpents to Simon
Stone in the 8th Range near Missisquoi Bay."
6 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 60, pp. 30196-30217. Mar 13, 1805, pp. 30216. Authorization to lease Crown and

Clergy land. James Schoolcraft, range 9, lot 15; William Schoolcraft range 10, lot 13; Simon Stone range 7, lot 10;
Elijah Spears range 9, lot 19.
7 Notary Leon Lalanne: 12th Feby 1820, Philip Ruiter Atty of F. Des Rivieres to Simon Stone. Notary Leon Lalanne:

12th Feby 1820 Deed of Sale by Simon Stone & Consort to George Stone.
8 Simon Stone Genealogy, Ancestry and Descendants of Deacon Simon Stone of Watertown, Mass. By J. Gardner

Bartlett, Published for The Stone Family Association, 1926.

9 Notary Leon Lalanne: 21st Sept. 1803, Sale by Gilbert Hyatt to Simon Stone: Identifies that the land sold is in

Ascot. Isaac Stone represents Simon Stone of Templeton and is identified as Simon's son.
10 New Hampshire Births: Simon Stone born 18 Nov 1762 New Ipswich Twp, Hillsboro, New Hampshire. Parents

Elias Stone and Sarah.

11 Pioneer Cemetery, Village of Pittsford, Monroe Co., NY: Stone, Simon 1764-1832
12 Québec, Bedford: Land Registry Records, Bedford Land Record, No. 3159. Last Will and Testament of Simon

Stone filed 29th Oct 1839.

13 Québec, Bedford: Land Registry Records, Bedford Land Record, No. 3086, 3087 & 3088.
14 Vermont: Marriage Record, Peter STONE of Stanbridge, Canada & Sally FISK - married 3 Jul 1812 at Highgate,

VT by Peter Sax.
15 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Philipsburg Anglican: On March 11, 1816
Adam Stone of Seigneury of St. Armand of major age and Martha Brewer of Stanbridge of minor age were married in
presence of his sister and brother. James Reid, Minister. Witnesses Margaret Stone, George Stone.
16 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Page 507 records the marriage of Zanetta 0. STONE, age 23, of Stanbridge to William Asa GRAY on 26 Oct 1848 in
Stanbridge BA church.
Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and
complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Frelighsburg Anglican: On March 10, 1817
George Stone and Hannah Welch both of Stanbridge major age were married by banns by James Reid, Minister.
Witnesses Adam Stone, John Welch.
18 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Frelighsburg Anglican: On February 24,
1817 John Lampman Bachelor & farmer and Elizabeth Stone spinster of minor age both of Stanbridge were married by
banns. James Reid, Minister. Witnesses Jacob Bockus, Elizah Schoolcraft.
19 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Philipsburg Anglican: On March 10, 1829
Freeborn Johnson of the Seignorie of St. Armand and Margaret Stone of Stanbridge were married by James Reid
Minister. Witnesses Levi Johnson and William Stone.
Québec, Frelighsburg: Anglican Church Records, Frelighsburg Anglican: On this twenty seventh day of January one
thousand eight hundred and twenty three Calvin Spear Batchelor and farmer, and Hannah Stone, spinster, both of major
age and of Stanbridge were married after publication of Banns in the presence of the subscribing witnesses. James Reid
Minister. Witnesses Adam Stone, Martha Stone.

Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1253.34, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 7 Head of
household Calvin Speers, renter, labourer. 6 Total in household, 3 5 and under, 2 6 but under 14. Males: 1 21 but not 30
Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 6 Methodists.
22 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Aug-1850, pp. 211.25, dw. 405, Berlin, St. Claire Co., MI, fam. 405, Calvin Spear

age 50 sex m farmer born in Canada, Charlotte age 40 sex f born in Canada, Elijah age 10 sex m born in Canada, John
age 8 sex m born in Canada, Nancy age 6 sex f born in Canada, Gideon age 3 sex m born in Canada, Hannah age 2
mos. sex f born in MI.
23 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Aug-1850, pp. 211.32, dw. 406, Berlin, St. Claire Co., MI, fam. 406, Edward Spear

age 26 sex m farmer born in Canada, Charlotte age 25 sex f born in Canada, Elizabeth age 6 sex f born in Canada,
Calvin age 1 sex m born in Canada.
24 Federal Population Schedule, 19-Aug-1850, pp. 211.36, dw. 407, Berlin, St. Claire Co., MI, fam. 407, Nelson Spear

age 24 sex m farmer born in Canada, Sarah age 20 sex f born in Canada, Andrew J. age 1 sex m born in MI.
25 Pamela Wood Waugh and Shirley Dean Wood, Québec, Missisquoi: Missisquoi Co., Volume 1, (Extracted and

complied from microfilm located at Les Archives Nationales de Québec), Philipsburg Anglican: On February 25, 1828,
Harmon Truax and Lucy Stone, both of majority age, both of Township of Stanbridge were married by Richard
Whitwell, Minister. Witnesses William Stone and Margaret Stone.
Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1253.06, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 4 Head of
household Harmonius Truax, owner, farmer. 3 Total in household, 1 5 and under. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr.,
Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 3 Methodists.
27 Vermont: Marriage Record, Highgate, page, #133: Thomas Stone md Hannah DELINE, 12 Apr 1826, both of

28 Vermont: Marriage Record, William STONE of Highgate & Huldah HARDING - married 11 Sep 1827 at Highgate,

29 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254589 National Archives Film T9-0589 pp. 89C: Chase, Lake Co.,

MI : Charles STONE Self male married white age 66 born in Canada occupation Farmer father born in VT mother born
in MA: Jane STONE Wife female married white age 69 born in Canada occupation Keeps House father born in Eng
mother born in VT.
30 Ontario: Marriage Record, Feb 4. 1836 Anna M. Stone and John Groat, both of Whitby. Witnesses Charles Stone

and Nancy Calkins. Performed by Israel Marsh, Baptist Minister, Whitby.

31 Ontario: Census, 1852: pp. 43.46, Dist. 1, Whitby, Durham Co., 1 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 149.01 Lot 5-17: John

Groat age 41 m born in L.C. occ./rel. farmer, Baptist, married. Annah age 35 f born in L.C. occ./rel. Baptist, married.
Ambrose age 15 m born in U.C. occ./rel. labourer, Baptist. Alfred age 13 m born in U.C. occ./rel. labourer, Baptist.
Harriett M. age 9 f born in U.C. occ./rel. Baptist. Charles age 4 m born in U.C. occ./rel. Baptist. Marlotte age 2 f born
in U.C. occ./rel. Baptist. Mary age 1 f born in U.C. occ./rel. Baptist.
32 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Monument 1-3: East.a Simon Stone b. Jan.

1, 1819 d. Feb. 24, 1919. East.b John S. Stone b. Dec. 13, 1819, d. April 21, 1827. North.a Hannah Stone b. Nov. 30,
1822 d. Jan. 8 1912. North.b Jerusha J. Stone b. July 29, 1835 d. June 6, 1924. South.a Julia Ann Stone b. Nov. 16,
1826 d. July 23, 1846. West.a George Stone b. Jan. 22, 1795, d. Nov. 24, 1855. West.b Hannah Welch wife of George
Stone: b.: Dec. 15, 1792 d. March 12, 1877.
33 Obituary, Unidentified newspaper: Miss Jerusha J. Stone died at the Wales Home, Richmond, on June 6th, 1924.

The funeral too place on the 8th inst. Service was held at the house of Mr. A Kemp and the interment took place at the
family plot at Stone....
34 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Julia Ann Stone D: July 23, 1846 Bur:

Jul 25, 1846 d/o George and Hannah Welch Stone of Stanbridge.
Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 69.21, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 83.39,
83.47 Lot 4-19, 4-17: George Stone age 58 male born in Canada occ./rel. Farmer, Methodist, Married. Hannah age 60
female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Methodist, Married. Hannah age 30 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Adam
age 23 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Malvina age 20 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Derusa age
17 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Charlott Baker age 35 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist.
Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 30, pp. 15896-15952. Nov 22, 1786, pp. 15896. No. 100 on a list of 280 associates.
37 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 171, pp. 83398-83407. March 31, 1798, pp. 83402. List of associates includes Simon

David J. Ellis, Anna's first child is born in 1791 making her born in early 1770. The location of birth is given in the
1880 census entry for Charles.
39 Personal Assertions and Interviews, Correspondence between Jerusha Stone and Gardner Bartlett: Simon Stone,

father of George Stone deceased Sept 20, 1825. Anna Schoolcraft wife of Simon Stone died Jan 24, 1834.

David J. Ellis, Listed as age 17 in Capt. Jones' Company in the Loyal Rangers Regt. That Co. was commisioned 22-
Nov-1781. That list is not dated but the Loyal Rangers existed only between 1781 and 1783. Over 60 in 1825 means
born bef. 1765. Age 17 after 1782 means born after 1765. The location of birth is given in the 1880 census entry for
41 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.07, Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Simon Stone, 8 total in household, 3

6 but under 14, 1 14 but under 18. Males: 1 18 but not 25 Sing.: 1 60 and up Marr. Females: 2 < 14: 1 14 but not 45
Sing.: 1 45 and up Marr.
42 Québec: Missisquoi Historical Society, Missisquoi Historical Society Reports, Vol 5. pp. 43 et seq., Seignory of

Noyan, refers to: On the 25th of May, 1790, General Christie ... made a return of the inhabitants living in his part of the
seigniory, on that date, consisting of Abraham Fryot, George Linton, Captain Duncan Cameron, James Struthers,
Garret Barron, Abner Stillman, Walter Scott, Sr., Walter Scott, Jr., Thomas Scott, John Ward, William Leech, Dudley,
Allen and Dunham, Simon Stone, Solomon Dunham, Adam Clapper, Adam Schoolcraft, Schoolcraft and sons.
(Archives Ottawa).
Québec: Military Records, Books, official records, etc., Capt. Jones' Co. was commision 22 Nov 1781. Simon Stone
listed as a Private, age 17, 5 ft. 5 in. with 1 yr. 5 mos. of service coming from America. Date of report uncertain. The
Loyal Rangers was a Provincial Regiment that existed only between 1781 and 1783.
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, Leon Lalanne: 12th Jany 1807, Agreement of Adam Schoolcraft & Isaac
Abbé Isidore Desnoyers, April 1st, 1887, Histoire de la Paroisse de St. Ignace, pp. 102: 4th Range. "Simon Stone
was also the first, so it is said, who was buried at the site which is still used today as a burying ground for the Protestant
population of this locality, situated 15 arpents to the south of the Catholic church." Simon may be the totally illegible
marker in lot 2-4 that is just inside the gate.
46 Personal Assertions and Interviews, Correspondence between Jerusha Stone and Gardner Bartlett: Carline Darby

wife of William Stone died Oct 24, 1834.

47 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.24, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Peter Stone, 11 total in

household, 3 under 6, 5 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 5 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Sing.: 1 14 but
not 45 Marr.
48 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.44, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 4 Head of

household Peter Stone, renter, farmer. 13 Total in household, 2 5 and under, 4 6 but under 14. Males: 1 14 but not 18
Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr., 1 30 but not 60 Sing., Females: 5 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 3 14 but not 45 Sing.
49 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, abt. 2 March 1842: pp.

2573.19, prob. Conc. 1 - 6 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Peter Stone, owner, farmer. Total present in
household 8. Native of Canada 7 Eng. Native of U.S.A. 1. Years in province for non native 32. Children: 3 female 6 but
under 14, 3 aged 5 thru 16. Males: 1 18 but not 21 Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and
up Marr. 100 acres land, 50 cleared, looks like sheep farmer. 3 Canadian Weslyan Methodist.
50 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 71.02, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Peter Stone age 62 male born in

Canada occ./rel. Methodist, married. Sarah R. age 60 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Methodist, married. Mary P. age
19 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist.
51 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 18.28, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Peter Stone age 70 M/M born in L.C. occ./rel.

farmer, W. Meth., Sarah R. age 69 F/M born in U.S.A. occ./rel. W. Meth., Mary J. Cook age 13 F/S born in L.C.
occ./rel. spinster, W. Meth., B. A. Stone age 13 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. no denom.
52 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.8: Sarah R. Stone B: Apr 20, 1791, Bur: Oct 1,

1878 widow of the late Peter Stone of Stanbridge Twp.

Québec, Farnham: West Farnham Methodist Church, Folio 6th: Peter Stone of Township of Stanbridge, farmer, died
on March 27, 1866 and was buried on March 29, 1866 by Francis Hunt. Witnesses Freeman Scott.
54 David J. Ellis, Conjecture. She is mixed in with Peter and two of his children, in the Stone cemetery. This seems like

another child.
55 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 5-5, Nancy M. Stone wife of

Norman Corey d. Mar. 26, 1859, ae. 46 yrs.

Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 71.07, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Norman Corey age 46 male born in
Canada occ./rel. mechanic, Methodist, married. Nancy age 39 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, married.
57 David J. Ellis, Conjecture based on her inclusion amongst Peter Stone's family in the Stone cemetery. Also note the

middle name, Rollins, of her first child. That is in another of Peter's grandchildren and is probably Sarah Fisk's middle
58 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 5-6, Molitto w. of Nelson Cook d.

July 2, 1853 ae. 38 yrs. [Age ambiguous but does say 38 upon close inspection.]
David J. Ellis, I suspect the stone cutting error is that her age was 38, not 58.

Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),
Methodist church: Moletta Stone spinster of Stanbridge to Nelson Cook on 14 Mar 1838 in St. Armand.
Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Nelson Cook B: July 22, 1811 Bapt: Oct
16, 1842. s/o Whipple and Lydia Cook of Farnham.
62 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, abt. 2 March 1842: pp.

2573.20, prob. Conc. 1 - 6 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household George R. Stone, owner, farmer. Total
present in household 3. Native of Canada 2 Eng., 1 native of England. Children: 1 male under 6. Males: 1 21 but not 30
Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr. 50 acres land 30 cleared, looks like sheep farmer. 1 Church of Scotland.
63 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 71.30, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story log, 1 fam. (vacant), Agric.

83.39 Lot 4-19: George R. Stone age 37 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, farmer, married. Jane age 37 female
born in England occ./rel. Methodist, married. Leonard age 13 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. James age 10
male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Seth age 8 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Sarah J. age 7 female
born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Fanny age 2 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Unnamed age 1 male born
in Canada occ./rel. Methodist.
64 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 18.32, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Gorge R. Stone age 44 M/M born in L.C.

occ./rel. farmer, Adventist, Jane age 47 F/M born in England occ./rel. Adventist, Leonard age 22 M/S born in L.C.
occ./rel. laborer, Adventist, James age 19 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. Adventist, Seth age 18 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel.
Adventist, Sarah age 15 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. spinster, Adventist, Fanny age 11 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel.
Adventist, Thomas age 10 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel. laborer, Adventist, Mary L. age 7 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel.
spinster, Adventist.
65 Québec, Stanbridge: Second Adventist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.1: George R. Stone D: July 5, 1868

Bu: July 7, 1868 ae. 52 yrs. Buried Stanbridge. Wit: Eleanor B. Dow.
66 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

page 505 records the marriage of George Rollins STONE, status B, of Stanbridge to Jane BOTHAM on 1 Nov 1838 in
St Armand ME church.
67 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 71.14, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 83.41

Lot 3-20: Thomas Best age 40 male born in Canada occ./rel. farmer, Methodist, married. Elizabeth age 32 female born
in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, married. Ann Gilea age 18 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Charles age 16
male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Catherine age 15 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Galloway age 12
male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. James age 10 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. George age 7 male
born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Theodore age 4 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. J. Westley age 3 male
born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist.
68 David J. Ellis, Conjecture that she is the daughter of Peter Stone and Sarah Fisk as burial is near to those parents and

her age is a fit to their family. Unverified claim that she is also witness at the marriage of Susannah Stone, proven to be
Peter's daughter. Claims to be spinster at her marriage and thus is not the same person as Simon Stone's daughter.
69 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Monument 4-1:W. Thomas Best d. Dec. 28,

1880 ae. 75 yrs. 10 mos. 18 days. 4-1:S, Magdalene Rosenberger wife of Thomas Best d. June 8, 1846 ae. 36 yrs. 4-
1:N, Elizabeth Stone second wife of Thomas Best d. Nov 19, 1879 ae. 62 yrs.
70 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.8: Elizabeth L. Stone D: Oct 20, 1879, Bur:

Oct 22, 1879 ae. 58 yrs, w/o Thomas Best of Stanbridge. Wit A. D. Phelps.
71 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Marriage of Elizabeth L STONE, status S, of Stanbridge to Thomas BEST on 30 August 1848 in St Armand ME
Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Dunham Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Gage, Lucy Temperance,
B. Dec. 16, 1843, Bapt. Dec. 25, 1854, d/o Thomas & Elizabeth Lois Stone Best of Stanbridge, QC.
73 David J. Ellis, Lucy is absent from the 1852 enumeration and is baptized under the surname Gage. She may be

74 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Eastern Townships Research Centre, Dunham United Church fonds,

UC033/008/001a [Stewards Book for the Dunham Methodist Circuit] and file cards at Missisquoi Museum: Stanbridge:
Susannah daughter of Peter & Sally Stone Born May 25 1819 Bapt Jan 20 1820 by Fitch Reed.
75 Québec: Cemetery Records, Cowansville Protestant cemetery: Susannah Stone Shufelt, w/o Jacob W. Shufelt 1819 -

1893. Jacob W. Shufelt h/o Susannah Stone 1816 - 1908.

Québec: Census, 2-Feb-1852: pp. 108.15, Dist. 2, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 120.26
Lot 6-23: Jacob W. Shufelt age 36 male born in U.S.A. occ./rel. farmer, Methodist, married. Susannah S. age 33 female
born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, married. Sarah M. age 11 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Peter E. age 9
male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. David A. age 6 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. William A. age 21
male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Sarah age 38 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel. Methodist.

Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),
page 507 records the marriage of Susanna STONE, status S, of Twp of Stanbridge to Jacob William SHUFELT on 29
Dec 1840 in St Armand ME church.
78 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 | NA Film Number C-13204 | District 65 | Sub-district H | Division 3 |

pp. 6 | hse. 21 | Census Place: Dunham, Missisquoi Co., QC | Jacob SHUFELT M German Male age 64 born in USA,
Farmer, Congregationalist | Susana SHUFELT Female age 62 born in QC, Congregationalist | Katie FOLIANL Irish
Female age 43 born in QC, Catholic.
79 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.9: Luke Stone D: June 18, 1844, Bur: June 20,

1844 ae. 23 yrs. s/o Peter and Sarah Stone of Stanbridge Twp.
80 David J. Ellis, Conjecture: Leonard's son is staying with Peter and Sarah in 1861.
81 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 71.09, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story log, 1 fam., Leonard P. Stone

age 28 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist, farmer, married. Emily age 20 female born in U.S.A. occ./rel.
Methodist, married. Albert age 4 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. H. Allen age 3 male born in Canada occ./rel.
Methodist. Unnamed age 1 male born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist.
82 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Martha Orcelia Stone D: Jan 14, 1848

Bur: Jan 16, 1848 d/o Peter and Sally Stone of Stanbridge. Wit. John Welch.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 5-7:a, Simon Luke Stone d. June 19,
1844 ae. 21 yrs. Marker 5-7:b, Martha O. Stone d. Jan. 14, 1848 ae. 17 yrs. children of Peter and Sarah R. Stone.
Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Mary Philena Stone B: Jan 25, 1832
Bapt: Dec 10, 1844 d/o Peter and Sarah Fisk Stone of Stanbridge. Wit. Joel Spears.
85 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

page 506 records the marriage of Mary Philena STONE, status S, of Twp of Stanbridge to Thomas Moses ROBERTS
on 26 Sep 1859 in Farnham ME church.
86 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 2-2 Martha Brewer wife of Adam

Stone died Feb 4, 1868 ae. 72 yrs. 1 mos. 25 days. Marker 2-3 Adam Stone d. Sept. 9, 1862 ae. 69 yrs. 9 mos.
87 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.21, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household Adam Stone, 6 total in

household, 3 under 6, 1 14 but under 18. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 2 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
88 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1253.07, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 4 Head of

household Adam Stone, renter, farmer. 7 Total in household, 2 5 and under, 3 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not 60
Marr., Females: 3 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 6 Anglican.
89 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, abt. 2 March 1842: pp.

2573.18, prob. Conc. 1 - 6 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household Adam Stone, owner, farmer. Total present in
household 10. Native of Canada 9 Eng. Native of U.S.A. 1. Years in province for non native 27. Children: 2 female
under 6, 3 male 6 but under 14, 3 aged 5 thru 16. Males: 1 14 but not 18 Sing., 2 18 but not 21 Sing., 1 30 but not 60
Marr. Females: 2 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Marr. 129.5 acres land, 70 cleared, looks like sheep farmer. 1
Episcopal Methodist.
90 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 63.42, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 83.37

Lot 4-18: Adam Stone age 60 male born in Canada occ./rel. farmer, Episcopalian, married. Martha age 57 female born
in U.S.A. occ./rel. Episcopalian, married. Miles age 24 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Edwin B. age 21
male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Charles age 18 male born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Ellin age 15
female born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian. Laura age 10 female born in Canada occ./rel. Episcopalian.
91 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 18.19, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Adam Stone age 69 M/M born in L.C.

occ./rel. farmer, C. of E., Martha age 66 F/M born in U.S.A. occ./rel. W. Meth., Edwin age 29 M/S born in L.C.
occ./rel. merchant, no denom., Laura Ann age 19 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. teacher, no denom.
Québec, Stanbridge: Second Adventist Church Records, Adam Stone consort of Martha Stone of Stanbridge died
September 9, aged 69 yrs. 9 mos. and was buried at Stanbridge September 11, 1862 by Chs. P. Dow, Minister.
Witnesses H. Currie, Joseph Seagar.
93 David J. Ellis, In 1850 Miles, a proven son of Adam, is living with Hiram.
94 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Aug-1850, pp. 16.01, dw. 104, Munson, Geauga Co., OH, fam. 109, Hiram B.

Stone age 28 sex m Carpenter born in Canada, Emily age 23 sex f born in Canada, W. H. age 4 sex m born in Canada,
E. E. age 2 sex m born in Canada, E. E. age 1 Mos. sex m born in OH, Miles age 21 sex m Carpenter born in Canada.
95 Family Bible, Hiram B. Stone Family Bible, Family Record: Hiram B. Stone the oldest son of Adam Stone was born

in Stanbridge, Canada East on the 23d day ofJanuary A.D. 1822.

96 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jul-1860, pp. 17.12, dw. 1109, Munson, Geauga Co., OH, fam. 1041, Hiram B.

Stone age 38 sex m cabinet maker born in Canada E, Emily age 32 sex f born in Canada E, Henry W. age 14 sex m
born in Canada E, Irvin E. age 12 sex m born in Canada E, Edith J. age 8 sex f born in OH, Elmer B. age 4 sex m born
in OH.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255417, NA Film T9-1417, pp. 230D: 1880 Maxville, Buffalo Co.,
WI : Hiram B. STONE Self male married white age 58 born in CAN occupation Farmer: Marion STONE Wife female
married white age 47 born in SCO occupation Keeping House father born in SCO mother born in SCO: George L.
STONE Son male single white age 15 born in OH occupation Works On Farm father born in CAN mother born in
CAN: Mattie STONE Dau female single white age 12 born in WI occupation Does Housework father born in CAN
mother born in CAN: Zinnette STONE Dau female single white age 5 born in WI father born in CAN mother born in
98 Family Bible, Hiram B. Stone Family Bible, Deaths: Hiram B. Stone died November 10th 1895 AE Seventy three

years and 9 months 17 days.

99 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Page 506 records the marriage of Iram STONE, of Stanbridge to Emily PANGBORN on 15 Apr 1845 in Stanbridge
BA church.
100 Family Bible, Hiram B. Stone Family Bible, Names and dates of wife and children. [DJE: Some dates contradict,

some entries apparently added later.]

101 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Eastern Townships Research Centre, Dunham United Church fonds,

UC033/008/001a [Stewards Book for the Dunham Methodist Circuit] and file cards at Missisquoi Museum: Stanbridge:
Jane Minerva daughter of Adam & Martha Stone Born Nov 29 1819 Bapt Jan 20 1820 by Fitch Reed.
102 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Page 506 records the marriage of Jane Minerva STONE, age 19, status S, of Stanbridge to Jacob CLARK on 8 Jan
1838 in St Armand ME church. Parents Adam STONE.
103 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375837 | NA Film Number C-13201 | District 60 | Sub-district A | Division 1 |

pp. 51 | hse. 229 | Census Place: Brome, Brome Co., QC | William MOFFITT M Irish Male age 57 born in USA,
Farmer, Church of England | Minerva MOFFITT M Irish Female age 61 born in QC, Church of England | Frank
MOFFITT Irish Male age 26 born in QC, Farmer, Church of England | Forest MOFFITT Irish Male age 21 born in QC,
Farmer, Church of England | Ellen MOFFITT Irish Female age 18 born in QC, Church of England | Celia MOFFITT
Irish Female age 28 born in QC, Church of England | Emma MOFFITT Irish Female age 24 born in QC, Miliner,
Church of England.
104 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Aug-1850, pp. 16.07, dw. 105, Munson, Geauga Co., OH, fam. 110, Leonard

Blakely age 27 sex m Painer born in Canada, Martha age 26 sex f born in Canada, O. L. age 2 sex m born in Canada,
Mehitabel age 35 sex f born in Canada, Permelia age 24 sex f born in Canada.
105 David J. Ellis, Age 23 by time of marriage means born before Apr-1824. Hiram born Jan 1823 therefore she is born

no earlier than 12 months later.

106 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst),

Page 506 records the marriage of Martha Maria STONE, age 23, of Stanbridge to Leonard BLAKLEY on 5 Apr 1847
in Stanbridge BA church.
107 David J. Ellis, Conjecture: Claimed to be living next to Hiram in the 1850 census for Geauga County, Ohio.
108 Federal Population Schedule, 12-Jul-1860, pp. 14.17, dw. 1086, Munson, Geauga Co., OH, fam. 1018, Leonard

Blakely age 37 sex m farmer born in Canada E, Martha age 36 sex f born in Canada E, Oscar age 11 sex m born in
Canada E, Kirby age 9 sex m born in OH, Ellen age 7 sex f born in OH, Dora age 1 sex f born in OH.
109 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254601, NA Film T9-0601, pp. 89A: 1880 Bridgeport, Saginaw Co.,

MI : Leonard BLAKELY Self male married white age 56 born in QUE occupation Farmer father born in CT mother
born in VT: Martha M. BLAKELY Wife female married white age 55 born in QUE occupation Keep House father born
in QUE mother born in VT: Kirby BLAKELY Son male single white age 29 born in OH occupation Teacher father
born in QUE mother born in QUE: Dora BLAKELY Dau female single white age 20 born in OH occupation Teacher
father born in QUE mother born in QUE: Clara BLAKELY Dau female single white age 18 born in OH occupation At
School father born in QUE mother born in QUE.
Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1259.39, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 8 Head of
household William Gray, owner, farmer. 8 Total in household, 1 5 and under, 4 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not 60
Marr., 1 30 but not 60 Sing., Females: 2 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 8 Anglican.
Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, 2 March 1842: pp. 2570.17,
Conc. 7 - 12 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household William Grey, owner, farmer. Total present in household 5.
Native of U.S.A. 2. Children: 1 female 6 but under 14, 1 aged 5 thru 16. Males: 2 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 18 but not 21
Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 14 but not 45 Sing. 1 Anglican, 2 Catholic, 1
112 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 113.39, Dist. 2, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1 story frame, 1 fam., Agric. 179.28

Lot 7-10: Wm. Gray age 51 male born in NY occ./rel. farmer, Episcopal, married. Zannetta age 26 female born in
Canada occ./rel. Baptist, married. Arthur B. age 2 male born in Canada occ./rel. Baptist.

Québec, Bedford: Anglican Church Records, On the fourteenth day of April, Eighteen hundred and seventy two the
body of Julia Gray, daughter of the late William Gray of Bedford yeoman and of Mary Schoolcraft his wife and wife of
John H. Corey of Bedford carpenter, having departed this life on the twelfth inst. aged fifty two years was buried by
114 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Arthur Bertrand Gray born Mar 22, 1850,

bapt. Dec 28, 1853 s/o William and Zanella O. Gray.

115 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.06: Milton Monroe Gray born Oct 29, 1853,

bapt. Dec 28, 1853 s/o William and Zanella O. Gray.

116 David J. Ellis, Age 23 by date of marriage therefore born twelve months after Martha and before November 1825.
117 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.1: Miles G. Stone D: Jan 24, 1879 Bu: Jan

26, 1879 ae. 51 yrs. 4 mos. 16 days. Buried North Stanbridge. Wit: C. C. Stone.
118 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 2-1. M. G. Stone d. Jan. 24, 1879 ae.

~~ 16 days. [Marker unclear.].

Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 18.26, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., George Stone age 33 M/M born in L.C.
occ./rel. merchant, no denom., Harriet age 23 F/M born in L.C. occ./rel. no denom.
Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1900, pp. 319A.23, dw. 95, fam. 200, ED #768, 1489 Newport Ave., Lake View
Twp., Chicago, Cook Co., IL : Maggie Skakel head female single age 59 born in Oct 1840, Can. Fr. occupation nurse,
emmig. 1887 father born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.: Harriet Stone sister female widow age 62 born in Jan
1838, Can. Fr. occupation emmig. 1887, 0 ch. father born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.: Grace Schoolcraft niece
female single age 25 born in Jun 1874, WI father born in Can. Fr. mother born in Can. Fr.
121 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254766, NA Film T9-0766, pp. 273D: 1880 Franklin, Merrimack

Co., NH : Edwin B. STONE Self male married white age 48 born in CANADA occupation Works Printing Office
father born in CANADA mother born in VT: Zernel STONE Wife female married white age 45 born in CANADA
occupation Work Hosiery Mill father born in CANADA mother born in CANADA.
122 Québec: Census, 6-Apr-1891, pp. 1.08, Hse. 2, Dist. 168-R Div. 1, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., George

H. Kemp, male, age 52, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother USA, Meth., farmer, Laura M., female, age 49,
married, wife, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, Meth., Bertha E., female, age 25, dau, born in QC, father QC,
mother QC, Meth., primary sch. teacher, Georgianna, female, age 22, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.,
cook, Mary M., female, age 19, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., miliner, Vesta E., female, age 17, dau,
born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Frederck A., male, age 14, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC,
Unitarian, farmer, Edwin B. Stone, male, age 59, widow, brother in law, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, Meth.
123 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 18.23, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., Charles Stone age 27 M/M born in L.C.

occ./rel. farmer, no denom., Caroline age 26 F/M born in L.C. occ./rel. no denom., Zenetta age 4 F/S born in L.C.
occ./rel. spinster, no denom.
124 Québec: Census, 1881: FHL Film 1375840 | NA Film Number C-13204 | District 65 | Sub-district L | Division 3 |

pp. 46 | hse. 223 | Census Place: Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC | Charles C. STONE English Male age 46 born in QC,
Farmer, C. Methodist | Caroline STONE M English Female age 45 born in QC, C. Methodist | Clark STONE English
Male age 15 born in QC, C. Methodist | Effie STONE English Female age 11 born in QC, C. Methodist | Maud STONE
English Female age 9 born in QC, C. Methodist | Frank STONE English Male age 7 born in QC, C. Methodist.
125 Québec: Census, 7-Apr-1891, pp. 4.20, Hse. 19, Dist. 168-R Div. 2, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co.,

Charles C. Stone, male, age 57, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother USA, Meth., farmer, Caroline, female,
age 55, married, wife, born in QC, father USA, mother USA, Meth., Effie, female, age 21, dau, born in QC, father QC,
mother QC, Meth., teacher pub. sch., Frank L., male, age 17, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, John McGregor, No. 790 9th November 1858 Deed of Donation from Adam
Stone & uxon to Charles C. Stone. Personally appeared Adam Stone and Martha Brewer his wife of Stanbridge.
Identifies Charles C. Stone as their son. Donation binds Charles to care for his parents and their daughter, Laura A.
Stone, until she marries.
127 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.6 #880 baptism of Ellen Ann Stone born June

13, 1838, bapt. Dec. 31, 1853 and of Laura Ann Stone born Feb 24th, 1842, bapt. Dec 31, 1853 daughters of Adam and
Martha Stone.
128 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery: Range 5, Lot 10, Chas. C. Stone 1834-1898. Range 5, Lot 9, Caroline

Vaughn 1836-1920 wife of Chas. Stone.

Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Folio 3rd. Married 27 May 1856 Charles Curtis STONE and
Caroline VAUGHAN at Stanbridge Anglican. James Jones, Minister. Wit: Charles Vaughn and Mary Jane McDonald.
130 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: St. Ignace de Stanbridge M-3, Missisquoi Co., pp. 7.12, Hse. 69,

Stone Caroline, age 65, Head, widow, female, born in Québec on 12 Jan 1836, Wayne, age 12, Grandson, single, male,
born in Québec on 20 Jan 1889, Vaughan Charles, age 63, Pensioner, married, male, born in Québec on 3 Dec 1837.

Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 3.33, Hse. 32, Dist. 14, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co.,
Edem Clark Stone, age 46, Head, widow, male, born in QC on Sep 1865, Carloline, age 75, Mother, widow, female,
born in QC on Jan 1836, Waine, age 22, Son, single, male, born in QC on Jan 1889.
132 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 2-5. Cortez E. son of C. C. and C.

Stone died Mar 3, 1864 ae. 9 yrs. [Verified by Brenda Birch.].

David J. Ellis, Buried near his brother and with the name Curtis, it is highly probable this is Charles Curtis Stone's
134 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 2-6. Elmer son of Charles and

Caroline Stone d. Nov 18, 1860 ae. 8 mos.

135 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.8: Adam Clarke Stone B: Sep 30, 1865, Bapt:

July 13, 1879 s/o Charles C. & Caroline Vaughan Stone. Wit. Samuel Palmer.
136 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.8: Effie Armida Stone B: June 26, 1869, Bapt:

July 13, 1879 s/o Charles C. & Caroline Vaughan Stone. Wit. Samuel Palmer.
Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.8: Beatrice Maud Stone B: Sept 14, 1871,
Bapt: July 13, 1879 s/o Charles C. & Caroline Vaughan Stone. Wit. Samuel Palmer.
Vermont: Marriage Record, Derby VT reported marriage between Eva Schoolcraft (Bockers) and Adam C. Stone on
19-Oct-1895. 2nd marriage of Eva Schoolcraft (Bockers) age 37 born in residing in Fitch Bay QC. Parents Eli Bockers
& Jane Vaughn.
Massachusetts: Marriage Records, pp. ~~~, #15, Westford, 1880: August 14, Charles E. Schoolcraft, age 20, farmer,
born Canada parents Edward and Hannah 1st marriage & Eva E. Bockus age 20, born Canada parents Eli and Jane
Bockus 1st marriage.
140 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., QC: Lot 6-08:S.a, G.

Hanson Kemp d. Feb. 15, 1915 77 years. Replacement marker.

141 Québec, Bedford: Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford, 1804-1879, (Compiled by R. Neil Broadhurst), pp.

506, ACGS Protestant Marriages in the District of Bedford: Stone, Laura A., M. 5 Apr 1865, , in Farnham residing
Stanbridge, Methodist spouse George Hanson Kemp.
142 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Dunham Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Kemp, Georgianna, B.

Aug. 25, 1868, Bapt. June 2, 1872, d/o G.H. & L.A. Stone Kemp.
143 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Dunham Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Kemp, Mary Malissa, B.

May 10, 1871, Bapt. June 2, 1872, d/o G.H. & L.A. Stone Kemp.
144 Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.06, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household George Stone, 7 total

in household, 4 under 6, 1 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 2 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
145 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1253.38, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 4 Head of

household George Stone, owner, farmer. 8 Total in household, 2 5 and under, 3 6 but under 14. Males: 1 18 but not 21
Sing., 1 30 but not 60 Marr., Females: 2 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
146 Library and Archives Canada MG 31 C1 Film C-732, FHL US/CAN Film #1375938, abt. 2 March 1842: pp.

2573.22, prob. Conc. 1 - 6 Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co. Head of household George Stone, owner, farmer. Total present
in household 8. Native of Canada 7 Eng. Native of U.S.A. 1. Years in province for non native 39. Children: 2 male 6
but under 14, 1 female 6 but under 14, 4 aged 5 thru 16. Males: 2 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 18 but not 21 Sing., 1 30 but
not 60 Marr. Females: 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Marr. 100 acres land, 40 cleared, looks like sheep farmer. 2
Canadian Weslyan Methodist.
147 Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 12.01, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., A. M. Stone age 30 M/S born in L.C. occ./rel.

farmer, no denom., Hannah Stone age 33 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. spinster, W. Meth., Hannah Stone age 69 F/W born
in U.S.A. occ./rel. W. Meth., J. J. Stone age 26 F/S born in L.C. occ./rel. Milliner, no. denom.
Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.8: Hannah Stone B: Dec 21, 1793, Bur: Mar
14, 1877 Relict of late George Stone of Stanbridge.
Obituary, Unidentified newspaper: An aged and respected citizen, Hannah Stone, widow of the late George Stone,
of North Stanbridge, County of Missisquoi, departed this life for her eternal reward, on Monday, March 12th, 1877.
Mrs. Stone was born in Parsonsfield, New Hampshire, on the 21st Dec., 1792. When she was about ten years of age,
her father, the late John Welsh, with his family came to Canadaand settled in North Stanbridge, in the year 1801...
150 Personal Assertions and Interviews, Correspondence between Jerusha Stone and Gardner Bartlett: most dates of

George and Hannah Stone's children.

Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, Folio 9th. On March 25, 1840 Emily STONE. daughter of George,
and aged 20, of Stanbridge, married William CLARK, son of Jacob. by William SQUIRE, Minister. Wit: Jacob Clark
and L W Kemp.
Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 1-8. Emily Stone wife of Wm. ~~~
d. Mar 14, 1859 ae. 38 yrs.

Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 1-9. Cynthia daughter of Wm Clark
died April 17, 1857 ae. 12 yrs. 11 mos. 14 days.
Québec: Notarial and Land Records, John McGregor No. 366 28th May 1855 Deed of Donation from George Stone
and uxon to Adam M. Stone. Mentions providing a home for daughters Hannah, Melvina, and Jerusha Stone as long as
they remain unmarried.
Personal Assertions and Interviews, Correspondence between Jerusha Stone and Gardner Bartlett: Unknown author
added Jerusha's date of death, incorrectly as June 3rd, and referred to her as Jerusha Jane Stone.
156 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 65.27, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., David McGrath age 54 male born in

Ireland occ./rel. Episcopalian, laborer, widower. James Devlin age 24 male born in Ireland occ./rel. Episcopalian,
laborer, widower. Lucy Welch age 19 female born in Canada occ./rel. Methodist. Hannah Stone age 26 female born in
Canada occ./rel. Methodist.
157 Québec: Census, 12-Feb-1852: pp. 69.28, Dist. 1, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., 1.5 story frame, 1 fam., Francis Stone

age 28 male born in Canada occ./rel. Farmer, Methodist, Married. Zerua age 30 female born in Canada occ./rel.
Methodist, Married.
158 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 1-5, Francis G. Stone d. April 17,

1864 ae. 39 yrs. Marker 1-6, Zerua wife of F. G. Stone died Sept 11, 1866 ae. 43 yrs.
Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: George Francis Stone D: April 17,
1864, Bur: April 19, 1864 A farmer of Stanbridge Twp. Wit A. M. Stone.
Québec: Census, 1861: Dist. 2, pp. 19.46, Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co., F. G. Stone age 37 M/M born in L.C. occ./rel.
farmer, no denom., Zaria age 39 F/M born in L.C. occ./rel. no denom., Polly Currie age born in L.C. visiting from
161 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, married 30 May 1850, Francis George Stone of Stanbridge, county

of Missisquoi and Zerua CURRIE were married by B. Hitchcock, Minister. Wit: Hannah Stone, Malvina Stone (daus/of
George) St Armand Methodist.
162 Québec, Stanbridge: Second Adventist Church Records, Zerua CURRIE, wife of Francis G STONE of Stanbridge

died Sep 11, 1866 age 45 and buried Stanbridge Sep 13, 1866. Chs. P Dow, minister. wit:Frances Johnson and Eleanor
Dow. Stanbridge Advent Folio 6th.
163 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Adam Melvin Stone son of George and Hannah Stone of Stanbridge

born Aug 3, 1829 and baptised Feb 21, 1886 by George Grenfall, Minister. Wit: H E and Lena Wallbridge. Methodist
Bedford, folio 17th.
164 Québec: Cemetery Records, Stone Cemetery, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Marker 1-7a. Adam M. Stone b. Aug. 3,

1829 d. Oct. 4, 1913. Marker 1-7b Minerva Wanzer, his wife b. June 6, 1838 d. Feb. 8, 1918.
165 Québec: Census, 16-Apr-1891, pp. 21.21, Hse. 104, Dist. 168-R Div. 2, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co.,

Adam Stone, male, age 57, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., farmer, Manerva, female, age 51,
married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Effa, female, age 12, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC,
Meth., Frank, male, age 11, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth.
166 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: St. Ignace de Stanbridge M-2, Missisquoi Co., pp. 3.15, Hse. 24,

Stone Adam M., age 72, Head, married, male, born in Québec on 3 Aug 1828, Minervia E, age 60, Wife, married,
female, born in Québec on 6 June 1849, Sawyer Verian, age 15, Domestic, single, male, born in Québec on 10 Sept
167 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 4.14, Hse. 41, Dist. 14, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co.,

Adam M. Stone, age 81, Head, married, male, born in QC on Aug 1829, Manerve, age 71, Wife, married, female, born
in QC on Jun 1839, John B. Burns, age 12, Domestic, single, male, born in England on Jan 1899.
Québec: Census, 1825: pp. 808.22, Township of Stanbridge, Bedford Co. Head of household John Lampman, 7 total
in household, 3 under 6, 2 6 but under 14. Males: 1 25 but not 40 Marr. Females: 1 < 14: 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
169 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.35, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 5 Head of

household John Lampman, renter, labourer. 10 Total in household, 3 5 and under, 4 6 but under 14. Males: 1 30 but not
60 Marr., Females: 3 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 10 Anglican.
170 Appendix to the XXXth volume of the Journals of the House of Assembly of the province of Lower-Canada, pp. W-

171 Québec: Census, 26-Jan-1852: pp. 35.11, Dist. 3, St. Armand West, Missisquoi Co., 1 story log, 1 fam., Agric. 63.28

Lot 8-86, 8-87: Freeman Johnson age 53 male born in St. Armand occ./rel. farmer, Anglican, married. Margaret age 55
female born in Caldwell's Manor occ./rel. Anglican, married.
172 Québec, Dunham: Second Adventist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.01: Stow, Margaret, D. Nov. 26, 1873,

Bu. Nov. 28, 1873, ae. 77 yrs. w/o Greborn Johnson. Buried in Stanbridge Ridge.
David J. Ellis, Hannah is identified as being of "major age".

Verne Raymond Spear, Genealogy: The Descendants of George Spear 1642-1988, (The Trade Press, W. Springfield,
MA 1988), Calvin6 Spear(s) (Elijah5, Moses4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, George1), b. (1800), Stanbridge, PQ, Canada.
The compiler was not able to document whether or not Calvin was the son of Elijah Spear and Anna Partelow, but what
data was obtained points in that direction.
175 David J. Ellis, The information for Rhoda Stone and Ebenezer Groat's family comes from a reliable researcher. I just

have not attempted to obtain and verify the necessary citations.

176 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 30, pp. 15854-15866. Aug 31, 1802, Letters Patent for Sutton. Simon Stone pp.

15858, 15862, lot 28 range 4. Martin Kimmel pp. 15858, 15860, lot 20 range 2
177 Ontario: Census, 1852: pp. 21.32, Dist. 1, Sheffield, Addington Co., Log house, Agric. 31.31 Lot 1-5: Thomas Stone

age 44 m born in C.E. occ./rel. farmer, E. Methodist, married. Hannah age 37 f born in C.E. occ./rel. E. Methodist,
married. Alonzo age 25 m born in C.E. occ./rel. E. Methodist. Simon age 23 m born in C.E. occ./rel. E. Methodist.
William age 15 m born in C.E. occ./rel. E. Methodist. Joshua age 6 m born in C.W. occ./rel. E. Methodist. Catherine
age 12 f born in C.W. occ./rel. E. Methodist. Hannah age 1 f born in C.W. occ./rel. E. Methodist.
Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.33, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 5 Head of
household Thomas Stone, renter, farmer. 4 Total in household, 2 5 and under. Males: 1 21 but not 30 Marr., Females: 1
Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr.
Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363836, p 43 rn 231: Alonzo Stone, 30 Sep
1897, Long Rapids, Alpena, Michigan, age 75 years 4 months, Male, Widowed, Farmer, Father Thomas Stone, Mother
Hannah Stone.
180 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254582 NA Film T9-0582 pp. 156A, Rubicon, Huron Co., MI :

Alonzo Stone Self male white age 60 born in CAN occupation Farmer father born in ENG mother born in CAN:
Rebecca Stone Wife female white age 32 born in CAN occupation Keeping House father born in CAN mother born in
CAN: Oscar Stone Son white age 21 born in CAN occupation Works At Home father born in CAN mother born in
CAN: Josephine Stone Dau white age 19 born in CAN occupation Servant father born in CAN mother born in CAN:
Clarissa Stone Dau white age 14 born in MI occupation At School father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Celia
Stone Dau white age 13 born in MI occupation At School father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Annie Stone Dau
white age 7 born in MI father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Richard Stone Son white age 9 born in MI father born
in CAN mother born in CAN: Angus Stone Son white age 5 born in MI father born in CAN mother born in CAN:
Benjamin Stone Son white age 3 born in MI father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Theo Stone Son white age 3M
born in MI father born in CAN mother born in CAN: Eliza A. Yates SDau white age 17 born in CAN occupation At
Home father born in CAN mother born in CAN.
181 Michigan: Death Record, 1942 Local File No. 67 - Solomon J. Stone died 23 May 1942 at 309 Fletcher, Alpena,

Alpena Co., MI; widowed; residence same as death; b. 10 Dec 1855; 86y 5m 13d; b. WI; farmer; s/o Alonza Stone and
Orcelia Shibley, both born Canada; informant: Mrs. Agnes Olmstead, 12th & Chisholm, Alpena, MI; burial, cremation
or removal: (not specified here, but his name was found in cemetery readings) Long Rapids, MI, Long Rapids
Cemetery 26 May 1942 (Long Rapids Cemetery on M65 north of M32, just north of the town of Long Rapids, Alpena
Co., MI); Alex C. Hunter, Alpena, MI (funeral director); Dr. O. Bertram, 226 W. Miller St., Alpena, MI attended from
13 Aug 1941 - 23 May 1942 and last saw alive on 23 May 1942, death occurred at 1:30 p.m.; valvular heart leakage
and prostatitis.
182 Obituary... Surviving Mr. [Solomon] Stone are one son, Herbert Stone, Bad Axe; two brothers, Oscar Stone, Bad

Axe; Richard Stone, Alpena; two sisters, Mrs. Agnes Olmstead, Alpena and Mrs. Celia Crawford, Onaway; and 15
nieces and nephews.
183 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2297920, item 2 p 64 rn 107: Orsilia Stone, 17

Dec 1867, Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan, Female, Father Alonzo Stone born Canada, Mother Rebecca Stone born
Canada, Record dated 15 Oct 1868.
184 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254597 NA Film T9-0597 pp. 168B, Casnovia, Muskegon Co., MI :

Stiles Olmstead Self male white age 37 born in MI occupation Lumberman father born in NY mother born in ---: Agnes
Olmstead Wife female white age 27 born in MI occupation Keeping House father born in NY mother born in ---: Lola
Olmstead Dau white age 7 born in MI occupation At School father born in MI mother born in ---: Joseph Olmstead Son
white age 1 born in MI occupation At Home father born in MI mother born in ---: Perl. Olmstead Brother white age 34
born in MI occupation Miller father born in MI mother born in ---: Add. Olmstead Brother white age 28 born in MI
occupation Miller father born in MI mother born in ---: Frank Olmstead Brother white age 23 born in MI occupation
Miller father born in MI mother born in ---: William Clough Other white age 20 born in MI occupation Works In Mill
father born in MI mother born in ---: Douglas Rodgers Other white age 19 born in MI occupation Works In Mill father
born in MI mother born in ---: Albert Huchinson Other white age 25 born in MI occupation Works In Mill father born
in MI mother born in ---: Cerry Miles Other white age 16 born in MI occupation Works In Mill father born in MI
mother born in ---.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254582 NA Film T9-0582 pp. 156A, Rubicon, Huron Co., MI :
Solomen Stone Self male white age 26 born in CAN occupation Laborer father born in CAN mother born in CAN:
Susan Stone Wife female white age 20 born in CAN occupation Keeping House father born in CAN mother born in
186 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342511, item 1 rn 1741: 03 Sep 1899,

Long Rapids Twp, Alpena, Michigan, Groom Solomon Stone, age 40, born Canada, father Alonzo Stone, Bride May
Vipe Rashaw, age 19, born Michigan, father Joseph Rashaw, mother Eunice Turk.
187 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342485, v 2 p 599 rn 96: 28 May

1889, Bloomfield, Huron, Michigan, Groom Oscar Stone, age 25, born Canada, father Alonzo Stone, mother Not
Known, Bride Alvina Edwards, age 20, born Canada, father Thos. Edwards, mother Larisa Tennant.
188 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342511, item 1 p 11 rn 1687: 23 May

1899, Long Rapids Twp, Alpena, Michigan, Groom Richard Stone, age 27, born Michigan, father Alonzo Stone,
mother Rebecca Truax, Bride Henrietta Cornell, age 17, born Canada, father Benj. F Cornell.
Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363670, p 271 rn 63: Rebeca Stone, 03 Aug
1882, Rubicon, Huron, Michigan, age 31 years, Female, Married, Farmers Wife.
Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2297930, item 3 p 130 rn 199: Richard Stone,
03 Apr 1872, Lexington, Huron, Michigan, Male, Father Alonzo Stone born Canada, Mother Rebecca Stone born
Michigan: Cemetery Records, Long Rapids Cemetery: Charles Stone 16 May 1921 - 21 Aug 1965 "Son of Richard";
Henrietta Stone 9 Jul 1881 - 7 May 1937; Richard Stone 3 Apr 1872 - 28 Mar 1967; Solomon Stone 10 Dec 1855 - 23
May 1942; William J. Stone Sr. 3 Jun 1919 - 20 Jan 1984.
192 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2320565, item 3 p 368 rn 263: Benna Stone, 10

Apr 1878, Rubicon, Huron, Michigan, Male, Father Alonzo Stone born Canada, Mother Rebecca Stone born Canada.
193 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1867-1897 LDS US/CAN 2363670, p 271 rn 64: Martin Stone, 15 Aug

1882, Rubicon, Huron, Michigan, age 1 month 12 days, Male, Father Alonzo Stone, Mother Rebeca Stone.
194 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342665, v p 338 rn 397: 31 Dec 1903,

Faunus, Menominee, Michigan, Groom Thomas Stone, age 29, born Michigan, father Simon Stone, mother Emily
Deline, Bride Emily Tagge, age 21, born Wisconsin, father John Tagge, mother Alvina Wetske.
195 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342667, v 1 p 16 rn 6383: 25 Jun

1904, Grand Blanc, Genesee, Michigan, Groom Benj. M. Crawford, age 51, born Argentine Tp., father John Crawford,
mother Caroline Fisher, Bride Jane Stone, age 47, born Grand Blanc, father Simon Stone, mother Emily Deline.
196 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342768, v 3 p 1 rn 8: 16 Jan 1925, Bad

Axe, Huron, Michigan, Groom John I. Drown, age 70, born Michigan, father Franklin, mother Herrick, Bride
Mrs.Martha J. Crawford, age 63, born Canada, father Simon Stone, mother Delyne.
197 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342490, v 2 p 167 rn 5: 12 Jan 1891,

Port Hope, Huron, Michigan, Groom Nelson Stone, age 30, born Canada, father Simon Stone, mother Emily Deline,
Bride Lena E. Wright, age 16, born Canada, father Thos. S. Wright, mother Darkis A. Furgeson.
198 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342485, v 2 p 611 rn 211: 18 Nov

1889, Port Hope, Huron, Michigan, Groom Moses Ferguson, age 28, born Ontario, father W. F. Ferguson, mother Ann
E. Tomlin, Bride Melissa Stone, age 24, born Ontario, father Simon Stone, mother Not Known.
199 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2297920, item 2 p 62 rn 89: George Stone, 17

Dec 1867, Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan, Male, Father Simon Stone born Canada, Mother Emily Stone born Canada.
200 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342496, item 2 p 198 rn 83: 26 May

1893, Port Hope, Huron, Michigan, Groom George Stone, age 25, born Michigan, father Simon Stone, mother Emma
Deline, Bride Ella Beldah, age 19, born Canada, father Ebenezer Beldah, mother Not Known.
201 Michigan: Birth Record, Michigan Births 1867-1902 LDS US/CAN 2297930, item 3 p 130 rn 197: Thomas Stone,

23 Jan 1872, St. Clair, Huron, Michigan, Male, Father Simon Stone born Canada, Mother Emily Stone born Canada.
202 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342518, v 2 p 3 rn 34: 04 Feb 1901,

Bad Axe, Huron, Michigan, Groom Alonzo Stone, age 27, born Mich, father Simon, mother Emeline Deline, Bride
Elizabeth Hope, age 18, born Mich, father Theodore.
203 Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342490, v 2 p 167 rn 4: 07 Jan 1891,

Bad Axe, Huron, Michigan, Groom Simon Stone, age 60, born Canada, father Thomas Stone, mother Hannah Deline,
Bride Eliza Sturk, age 48, born Canada, father Not Known, mother Not Known.
204 Québec: Census, 1831: pp. 1251.31, Twp. Of Stanbridge settled 1795, Missisquoi Co. Concession 4 Head of

household William Stone, owner, farmer. 6 Total in household, 1 5 and under. Males: 1 14 but not 18 Sing., 1 21 but
not 30 Marr., Females: 1 Under 14, 1 14 but not 45 Marr., 1 14 but not 45 Sing., 1 45 and up Sing.
David J. Ellis, Identified as fifth son in Simon's will.

Lib. Arch. Can. RG4 A1 (S-Series) Vol. 84, pp. 26219-26222. Sep 10, 1804 petition to lease Crown and Clergy
land, pp. 26220. Simon Stone, range 7, lot 13
Part of the Wallings map, published in 1864. It depicts the five counties located between the Richelieu River and
Lac Memphrémagog in the Eastern Townships of Québec.
208 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Sarah Rollins Cook B: Feb 16, 1839

Bapt: Feb 23, 1843. d/o Nelson and Maletta Cook of Farnham. Wit: John Bowker Jr.
209 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Lucy Cook B: Nov 16, 1840 Bapt: Feb

23, 1843. d/o Nelson and Maletta Cook of Farnham. Wit: John Bowker Jr.
210 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Maletta Cook B: Aug 15, 1842 Bapt:

Feb 23, 1843. d/o Nelson and Maletta Cook of Farnham. Wit: John Bowker Jr.
211 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Whipple Cooke B: Aug 30, 1844 Bapt:

Dec 10, 1844. s/o Nelson and Moletta Stone Cooke of Farnham.
212 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Mary Jane Cook B: April 27, 1848 Bapt:

Jan 21, 1849. d/o Nelson and Moletta Stone Cook. Wit: Harriet Bowker.
213 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Nelson Cook B: Apr. 18, 1852 Bapt: Jun

6, 1852. s/o Nelson and Maletta Cook of Farnham, QC.

Québec: Census, 10-Apr-1891, pp. 11.21, Hse. 53, Dist. 168-R Div. 2, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co.,
Leonard Stone, male, age 57, married, head, born in QC, father QC, mother England, Sec. Advent., farmer, Ellen M.,
female, age 47, married, wife, born in QC, father USA, mother QC, Sec. Advent., Affie J., female, age 28, dau, born in
QC, father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent., Darsy, female, age 12, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent.,
Bernard, male, age 8, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent., Nina, female, age 5, dau, born in QC,
father QC, mother QC, Sec. Advent.
215 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1901: St. Ignace de Stanbridge M-2, Missisquoi Co., pp. 3.25, Hse. 26,

Stone Leonard, age 61, Head, married, male, born in Québec on 12 Nov 1839, Ellen M., age 57, Wife, married, female,
born in Québec on 14 Nov 1843, Bernard F., age 18, Son, single, male, born in Québec on 14 Feb 1883, Nina E., age
15, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on 3 Sep 1886.
216 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy, 1911: pp. 4.08, Hse. 39, Dist. 14, St. Ignace de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co.,

Leonard Stone, age 71, Head, widow, male, born in QC on Nov 1838, Nina E., age 25, Daughter, single, female, born
in QC on Sep 1886, Mary P. Miller, age 55, Domestic, single, female, born in QC on Jul 1855.
217 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Leonard Stone B: Nov 12, 1839 Bapt:

Apr 20, 1840 s/o George Rollins and Jane Stone of Stanbridge.
218 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: James Stone B: May 23, 1842 Bapt: Oct

31, 1842 s/o George and Jane Stone of Stanbridge. Wit Hannah Stone.
219 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Seth Stone B: July 27, 1843 Bapt: Apr

29, 1845 s/o George R. and Jane Botham Stone of Stanbridge.

220 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, John McGregor, No. 1740 6th September 1867 Donation from George R. Stone

& uxon to James Stone. James is required to give a home to Fanny Stone Sarah Jane Stone during sickness. James to
provide a home and pay for schooling for his brother Thomas B. Stone and sister Mary Louisa Stone until the age of
221 Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Luke Stone B: Jan 14, 1845 Bapt: Apr

29, 1845 s/o George R. and Jane Botham Stone of Stanbridge.

222 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Dunham Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Best, Theodore Towner,

B. Jan. 27, 1849, Bapt. Feb. 26, 1854, s/o Thomas & Elizabeth Lois Stone Best of Stanbridge, QC.
Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Dunham Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Best, John Wesley, B.
May 18, 1850, Bapt. Feb. 26, 1854, s/o Thomas & Elizabeth Lois Stone Best of Stanbridge, QC.
224 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Dunham Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Best, Julia Ann, B. Mar.

10, 1852, Bapt. Feb. 26, 1854, d/o Thomas & Elizabeth Lois Stone Best of Stanbridge, QC.
225 Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Dunham Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Best, Calvin, B. Dec. 17,

1853, Bapt. Feb. 26, 1854, s/o Thomas & Elizabeth Lois Stone Best of Stanbridge, QC.
Québec, Dunham: Methodist Church Records, Dunham Meth., BCHS Index Reel 124.10: Best, Mary Philena, B.
July 29, 1855, Bapt. Sept. 27, 1855, d/o Thomas & Elizabeth Lois Stone Best of Stanbridge, QC.
227 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Calvin L. Best, Superintendant for English & Best Sec. Dealers, of

the State of New York, son of Thomas Best and of Elizabeth Stone, his wife, both deceased, a bachelor, and Jane M.
Schoolcraft of the township of Stanbridge, daughter of William M. Schoolcraft and of Hannah E. Irish his wife, a
spinster, both being of full age, were united in the bonds of Holy Matrimony, by authority of License and without any
opposition to the said marriage, on the twentieth day of February one thousand eight hundred and eighty three in the
presence fo the subscribing witnesses George Rogers Off. Min. C. L. Best, Jane M. Schoolcraft, E. A. Russell, Melissa
A. Schoolcraft.

Québec: William Miller Schoolcraft Family Bible, Childrens Names: Children of William M, Schoolcraft and
Hannah, E, Irish his wife. Edna, Diedamia; Born, July 18th. 1850. Clarenceville. C.E. Miron, Rufus; Born Feb', 27th.
1852. Stanbridge. C.E. Mary, Ann; Born, Dec', 18, 1853. Stanbridge. C.E. Jane, Monroe; Born Sep', 26th. 1855.
Clarenceville C.E. Melissa, Amanda; Born Sep', 16th. 1857. do do. Daughter, namelefs. Born Aug', 20. 1859. do do.
Martha, Malvina; Born, Feb', 4th. 1861. do do. Pamelia, Serina; Born March 9th. 1863. do do. Hannah, Louesa; Born,
Feb', 20. 1865. do do. Lewis, Elwin; Born, Oct', 9th. 1867. do D.C. Lettie, Eliza; Born, Dec', 7th. 1869. do do.
229 Québec: Notarial and Land Records, John McGregor, No. 2857 9th September 1879 Last Will and Testament of

Elizabeth L. Stone, wife of Thomas Best. Identifies Ida May Miller, her grand-daughter. Identifies three unmarried
daughters Alberta E. Best, Sarah N. E. Best, [Lillian crossed out] Susan L. Best, and Mary V. Best the wife of George
Miller. Identifies sons Herman, Theodore and Calvin Best.
230 Québec, Bedford: Methodist Church Records, Jane M. Schoolcraft wife of Calvin L. Best died at the residence of

her father William M. Schoolcraft township of Stanbridge county of Missisquoi and province of Québec on the first
day of November Two thousand eight hundred and eighty four aged twenty nine years and was buried on the third day
of the month and year above written in the presence of the subscribing witnesses. Witnessed by D. Connor.
231 Québec, Cowansville: Congregational Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.08: Susannah Emeretta Shufelt died

Nov 2, 1862, bur. Nov 3, 1862 in Cowansville d/o Jacob and Susannah Stone Shufelt.
Québec, St. Armand: Methodist Circuit Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.12: Sarah Mary Shufelt born Oct 20, 1831
[1841?] bapt. Dec 10, 1844, s/o Jacob W. and Susannah Stone Shufelt of Dunham.
Québec, Cowansville: Congregational Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.08: Peter Elwin Shufelt born
Dunham Mar 6, 1843, reg. Apr 20, 1876 s/o Jacob W. and Susannah Stone Shufelt.
234 Québec, Cowansville: Congregational Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.08: David Adam Shufelt born

Dunham Jan 27, 1846, reg. Apr 20, 1876 s/o Jacob W. and Susannah Stone Shufelt.
235 Québec, Cowansville: Congregational Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.08: William Ashley Shufelt born

Dunham Aug 18, 1850, reg. Apr 20, 1876 s/o Jacob W. and Susannah Stone Shufelt.
236 Québec, Cowansville: Congregational Church Records, BCHS Index Reel 124.08: Emma Lavinia Shufelt born

Dunham Feb 19, 1855, reg. Apr 20, 1876 d/o Jacob W. and Susannah Stone Shufelt.
237 Michigan: Death Record, Michigan Deaths 1897-1920 The Archives of Michigan, 1917 rn 052: Geo. Truax, 8 May

1917, Wellington, Alpena Co., Michigan, age 75 yrs. 1 mos. 28 days, apoplexy and old age, born 12 Mar 1842 Canada,
male, white, married, farmer, Father Horas Truax born Canada, Mother Lucy Truax born Canada. Burial 9 May 1917
Hillman Mich Informant Hulda Truax wife.
238 Ontario: Death Record, Ontario Deaths 1869-1947 GSU film number: 1976691 Digital GS number: 4171757 Image

number: 749 Reference number: p 395 Name: Charles Groat Death date: 20 Jun 1923 Age at death: 75 years 3 months
8 days Death place: Ontario Birthdate: 11 Mar 1848 Birthplace: E. Whitby, Ontario Gender: Male Marital status:
Married Race: White Ethnicity: Canadian Father's name: John Groat Mother's name: Annie Stone.
239 David J. Ellis, Probable from the age, location and birth location in 1850.
240 David J. Ellis, The ages of children and Charlotte's age imply that she and Hannah must be two different persons.
241 Québec, Stanbridge: Anglican Church Records, Stanbridge Ang., BCHS Reel 124.06: Vaughan, Caroline, B. Jan.

12, 1836, Bapt. Jan. 21, 1843, d/o Clark Rogers & Elizabeth Corey Vaughan. Wit: Peter Bockus.
242 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 17, Lots 12 to 17: PALMER: Front: Charles W. Palmer [lot 17]

1880 - 1909 Gertrude Palmer [lot 14] 1884 - 1962. Side 1: Delbert A. Heath [lot 12] 1876 - 1943 his wife Carrie
Palmer [lot 13] 1878 - 1934. Side 2: Samuel B. Palmer [lot 16] 1851 - 1921 his wife Zanetta Stone [lot 15] 1857 -
243 Québec: Cemetery Records, Mystic cemetery, Row 21, Lots 14 & 15: STONE: Leonard Stone Nov. 12, 1840 - June

15, 1911 his wife Ellen M. Moulton Nov. 14, 1844 - Feb. 4. 1911.
Québec: Newspapers, The Advertiser and Eastern Townships Sentinel, March 28, 1856, No. 12, pp. 2, col. 6: Letter
to the editor signed by L. F. Stone, M. Schoolcraft, S. Schoolcraft & N. Greenier at West Farnham dated 22 March.
States residents of West Farnham returned from 6 months imprisonment in Montreal. Denied bail and had to be held
until the next Court session when they were found not guilty. No mention of what the charge was.
245 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L, Vol. 65, pp. 32486-32489. Jul 20, 1807 petition seeking more favourable lease terms sign

by Peter Schoolcraft, James Schoolcraft and Simon Stone uses the words “back rents”.
246 Lib. Arch. Can. RG1 L3L Vol. 204, pp. 95811-95812. Oct 16, 1835, Petition for recognition of Baptist ministers.

Peter Stone pp. 95811. George Stone pp. 95811.

Québec: Newspapers & Directories, Wallings Map [Missisquoi Historical Society]. G. R. Stone in St. Ignace de
Stanbridge just South East of intersection Range 4 Lot 18 [G. R. Stone]
248 Québec: Newspapers & Directories, Wallings Map [Missisquoi Historical Society]. G. M. Stone in St. Ignace de

Stanbridge just North of intersection Range 4 Lot 19 [G. M. Stone]

Québec: Census, IGI [FHL US/CAN Film #1375840, NA Film Number C-13204]. 1881, District 64 | Sub-district E |
Division | pp. 45 | dw. 191 | Census Place: St-Sébastien, Iberville Co., QC | Samuel B. Palmer Irish Male age 26 born in
QC, Farmer, Baptist | Zanetta Dutch Female age 24 born in QC | C. Zanetta Irish Female age 2 born in QC | Charles
Irish Male age 5 mos. born in QC
250 Québec: Census, 6-Apr-1891, pp. 03.13, dw. 12, Dist. 168-R Div. 2, St. Igance de Stanbridge, Missisquoi Co.,

Samuel Palmer, male, age 40, married, head, born in QC, father Ireland, mother Ireland, Meth., farmer, Zenetta, female,
age 34, married, wife, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Carrie, female, age 12, dau, born in QC, father QC,
mother QC, Meth., Charles, male, age 10, son, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Gertrude, female, age 7, dau,
born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth., Alice, female, age 1, dau, born in QC, father QC, mother QC, Meth
251 Québec: Census, Automated Genealogy []. 1901, pp. 08.07, dw. 80, St.

Ignace de Stanbridge M-3, Missisquoi Co., Palmer Samuel, age 48, Head, married, male, born in Québec on 22 May
1852, farmer, Zaneta, age 43, Wife, married, female, born in Québec on 14 May 1857, Gertraude, age 17, Daughter,
single, female, born in Québec on 19 Mar 1884, Alice, age 11, Daughter, single, female, born in Québec on 20 Oct
1889, Leon, age 7, Son, single, male, born in Québec on 22 Jun 1893
252 Québec: Church Records, Bedford, Methodist Church. Laura Ann Stone wife George Hanson Kemp farmer of the

township of Stanbridge Masisiquio County sixty five years of age died September the Eleventh & was buried
September the fourteenth day of said month in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred & seven by me. J. C.
Brown. Witnesses Geo. H. Kemp & Bertha E Mackey.
Michigan: Civil Vital Records, Marriages 1868-1925 FHL US/CAN Film #2342505, v 1 p 375 rn 1185. 15 Jan
1880, Verona, Huron, Michigan, Groom Solomon Stone, age 22, born Ontario, resides White Rock, farmer, Bride
Susan A. Dingman, age 20, born Ontario, resides Meade Twp
254 Michigan: Civil Vital Records, Births 1867-1902 FHL US/CAN Film #2320195, item 1 p 387 rn 37. Jennie Stone,

11 Oct 1888, Rubicon, Huron, Michigan, Female, Father Soloman Stone born Mich., Mother Hattie Stone born Mich.

Unplaced Individuals from Canada
[Unidentified] Schoolcraft20
born Estimated Bef. 1814
1. Conjecture: Robert Schoolcraft20
born Abt. 1830 in Bedford, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada3
census 15-Jun-1860 in Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA; dw. 3671
census 10-Jun-1870 in Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA; dw. 11621
census 1880 in Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama, USA; pp. 117D, Ward 36
married Proven Mary D. Grief 20-Nov-1853 in Johnson, Illinois, USA3, 4
born Abt. 1838 in McCracken, Kentucky, USA3
died Bef. 187021
a. Proven: Robert Frank Schoolcraft1, 21
born Abt. 1855 in Kentucky, USA1
b. Proven: Mary Minnie Schoolcraft1
born Abt. Apr-1860 in McCracken, Kentucky, USA1, 22, 22
c. Proven: Mary Schoolcraft21
born Abt. 1862 in Kentucky, USA21
married Claimed 2nd Lamuella Little 08-Feb-1864 in McCracken, Kentucky, USA20
married Claimed 3rd Laura Anna Stith aka Francis Bet. Nov - Dec-187320
born Abt. 1842 in Kentucky, USA6, 20, 23
died 22-Jan-1890 in Greenville, Butler, Alabama, USA23
d. Claimed stepson: Edward Malcolm Evans aka Edward Malcolm Schoolcraft20, 6
born Abt. 1859 in Kentucky, USA6
e. Claimed stepson: Charles Carventry Evans aka Charles Carventry Schoolcraft20, 6
born Abt. 1865 in Kentucky, USA6
f. Claimed stepson: Henry Clay Evans aka Henry Clay Schoolcraft20, 6
born Abt. 1869 in Kentucky, USA6
g. Claimed stepdaughter: Elizabeth Evans20
h. Claimed stepdaughter: Anna Laura Evans20
2. Conjecture: William Henry Schoolcraft20
born Oct-1835 in Canada7
census 27-Sep-1860 in Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, USA; dw. 23342
census 21-Jun-1870 in Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA; dw. 2595
census 1880 in Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA; pp. 91C24
census 01-Jun-1900 in Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama, USA; pp. 311A.47, dw. 13, ED 105,
101 Hunt St.7
married Proven Mary M. [Unidentified] Abt. 18597
born Dec-1836 in Kentucky, USA7
a. Proven: Martha M. Schoolcraft2
born Abt. 1859 in Kentucky, USA2
b. Proven: Lillie Schoolcraft7
born Jun-1892 in Alabama, USA7
3. Conjecture: [Unidentified] Schoolcraft20
born Estimated Bef. 1845
a. Proven: George M. Schoolcraft20
born Nov-1863 in Kentucky, USA8
census Jun-1900 in St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, USA; pp. 292B.81, dw. 84, ED 233,
1814 Block 896, Ward 158

4. Conjecture: Edward Schoolcraft20
born Abt. 1848 in Canada5
census 21-Jun-1870 in Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA; dw. 2595
5. Conjecture: [Unidentified] Schoolcraft20
born Estimated Bef. 1864
married Proven Greada [Unidentified] Bef. 188220
born Oct-1865 in Kentucky, USA9
census 14-Jun-1900 in Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA; pp. 69A.26, dw. 369, ED 66, 210
North St.9
a. Proven: John M. Schoolcraft9
born Oct-1882 in Kentucky, USA9
census 14-Jun-1900 in Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA; pp. 69A.26, dw. 369, ED
66, 210 North St.9
6. Conjecture: [Unidentified] Schoolcraft20
born Estimated Bef. 1868
a. Proven: Mary Schoolcraft10
born Jun-1886 in Alabama, USA10
census 13-Jun-1900 in Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA; pp. 173A.34, dw. 540, ED
71, 1102 South 3rd. St.10
b. Proven: Cyril Schoolcraft10
born Sep-1888 in Alabama, USA10
census 13-Jun-1900 in Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA; pp. 173A.34, dw. 540, ED
71, 1102 South 3rd. St.10

Robert Schoolcraft30
born Estimated Bef. 1827 in Canada
1. Proven: Charles R. Schoolcraft11
born 02-Apr-1845 in Quebec, Canada11, 25, 13
census 05-Aug-1870 in Bellmont, Franklin, New York, USA; dw. 25613
census 1880 in Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA; pp. 124C, Ward 414
census 05-Jun-1900 in Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA; pp. 161B.93, dw. 138, ED
153, Ward 5, 17 Green St.15
census 07-Jun-1900 in Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA; pp. 132B.77, dw. 287, ED
151, 5 Church St.16
fact 09-Feb-1894 in Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA; Notice of his business in
Concord NH published in Chateaugay, NY12
died 13-Dec-1926 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA25
married Proven Marilla S. Carlton 01-May-1874 in Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA11
born Abt. Mar-1849 in West Concord, Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA16, 11
a. Proven: Charles Carlton Schoolcraft14, 26
born 23-Jul-1875 in Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA26
died 12-Jan-1937 in Los Angeles, California, USA; Location "Carlton" stated in death
record cannot be found in Los Angeles County26
married Proven Virginia Mae Phillips 12-Dec-1916 in Santa Clara, California, USA27
died 12-Oct-1947 in Chico, Butte, California, USA28

Mary Schoolcraft31
born Abt. 1800 in New Hampshire, USA35

married Proven Luke Ainsworth Bef. 182431
1. Claimed: Mary J. Ainsworth35
born Abt. 1824 in Vermont, USA35
married Claimed Jasper Hide Orcutt 1848
born 28-Feb-1824 in Roxbury, Washington, Vermont, USA34
census 06-Aug-1860 in Northfield, Washington, Vermont, USA35
census 06-Aug-1870 in Northfield, Washington, Vermont, USA36
census 1880 in Northfield, Washington, Vermont, USA; pp. 195B37
died Claimed Northfield, Washington, Vermont, USA
2. Claimed: Annette Ainsworth35
born Abt. 1835 in Vermont, USA35
3. Proven: George G. Ainsworth17
born Abt. 1846 in Vermont, USA17
census 1880 in Ludington, Mason, Michigan, USA; pp. 514B29
married Proven Olive [Unidentified] Bef. 186829
born Abt. 1852 in Illinois, USA29
a. Proven: Sarah Ainsworth29
born Abt. 1868 in Michigan, USA29
b. Proven: Maud Ainsworth29
born Abt. 1874 in Michigan, USA29
c. Proven: Lottie Ainsworth29
born Abt. 1879 in Michigan, USA29
married Proven 2nd Mary Jane Weaver 11-Dec-1905 in Ludington, Mason, Michigan, USA17
born Abt. 1850 in Vermont, USA17

John Schoolcraft32
born Abt. 1834 in Quebec, Canada18
census 26-Jul-1850 in Bridport, Addison, Vermont, USA; pp. 16.08, dw. 10118

Edward Schoolcraft33
born Abt. 1838 in Vermont, USA19
census 07-Jul-1860 in Shelburne, Chittenden, Vermont, USA; pp. 542.01, dw. 106119

1 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jun-1860, pp. 46.05, dw. 367, Paducah, McCracken Co., KY, fam. 349, Robt.

Schoolcraft age 28 sex m waggonmaker born in Canada, Mary age 21 sex f born in KY, Robert J. age 5 sex m born in
KY, Mary M. age 2 mos. sex f born in KY, Henry Smith age 22 sex m painter born in PA, Charles Snider age 21 sex m
waggonmaker born in Germany, Henry Robinson age 15 sex m born in KY, Mariah Smith age 16 sex f domestic born
in KY.
Federal Population Schedule, 27-Sep-1860, pp. 329.01, dw. 2334, Mayfield, Graves Co., KY, fam. 2333, W. H.
Schoolcraft age 24 sex m wagon maker born in Canada, Mary M. age 22 sex f born in KY, Martha M. age 1 sex f born
in KY, Perry C. Bragg age 13 sex m born in KY.
Kentucky: Vital Records, \"Electronic\", LDS US/CAN #216833: McCracken Co., Marriages: 15 Dec 1853 Robert
Schoolcraft age 23 residence Paducah born Bedford, Canada to Mary D. Gruf age 15 residence Paducah born
McCracken Co.
Illinois: Vital Records, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763 - 1900: Schoolcraft, Robert and Grief, Mary B .
Married Johnson Co. 20-Nov-1853. License Vol./Page 00B/0350.

Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jun-1870, pp. 44.39, dw. 259, Paducah, McCracken Co., KY, fam. 277, Henry
Schoolcraft age 33 sex m works in wagon factory born in Canada, Mary M. age 30 sex f born in KY, Edward age 22
sex m works in wagon shop born in Canada.
6 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254026 NA Film T9-0026 pp. 117D, Undated 3rd Ward,

Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL : Robert Schoolcraft Self male married white age 54 born in Canada: Francis
Schoolcraft Wife female married white age 38 born in KY: Frank Schoolcraft Son male widow white age 26 born in
KY: Mary Schoolcraft dau female single white age 18 born in KY: Eddy Schoolcraft Son male single white age 21
born in KY: Chancy Schoolcraft Son male single white age 13 born in KY: Henry Schoolcraft Son male single white
age 11 born in KY: Charley Phillips Other male married white age 44 born in GA: Mary Phillips Other female married
white age 40 born in GA: Doyle Phillips Other male single white age 12 born in AL: James Phillips Other male single
white age 10 born in AL: Ann Phillips Other female widow white age 67 born in AL.
7 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1900, pp. 311A.47, dw. 13, fam. 15, ED #105, 101 Hunt St., Montgomery City,

Montgomery Co., AL : William Schoolcraft head male married age 65 born in Oct 1834, Eng-Can. occupation
carpenter, marr. 40 yrs. father born in AL mother born in AL: Mary wife female married age 63 born in Dec 1836, KY
occupation marr. 40 yrs., 1 ch. 1 liv. father born in AL mother born in AL: Lillie dau female single age 8 born in Jun
1892, AL father born in Eng-Can. mother born in KY.
Federal Population Schedule, Jun-1900, pp. 292B.81, dw. 84, fam. 93, ED #233, 1814 Block 896, Ward #15, St.
Louis, City of St. Louis, MO : Philip C. Frostman household & lodgers : George M. Schoolcraft lodger male married
age 36 born in Nov 1863, KY occupation marr. 19 yrs., 5 ch., 4 liv. father born in ME mother born in KY: Roberta
lodger female single age 16 born in Dec 1883, AL father born in KY mother born in KY: Edna lodger female single
age 9 born in Jan 1891, AL father born in KY mother born in KY.
9 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1900, pp. 69A.26, dw. 369, fam. 376, ED #66, 210 North St., Paducah,

McCraken Co., KY : Greada Grief head female widow age 35 born in Oct 1865, KY occupation 4 ch., 4 liv. father born
in MD mother born in VA: John M. Schoolcraft son male single age 17 born in Oct 1882, KY occupation mate father
born in KY mother born in KY: Frank Grief son male single age 15 born in Apr 1885, KY occupation telegraph
messenger father born in KY mother born in KY: Minnie E. dau female single age 9 born in Apr 1891, KY father born
in KY mother born in KY: Ruby E. dau female single age 6 born in Oct 1894, KY father born in KY mother born in
KY: Sallie Allinsworth aunt female widow age 49 born in Dec 1850, VA father born in VA mother born in VA.
10 Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jun-1900, pp. 173A.34, dw. 540, fam. 567, ED #71, 1102 South 3rd. St., Paducah,

McCraken Co., KY : Hush J. Perkins head male married age 59 born in Jul 1840, KY occupation ship carpenter, marr.
12 yrs. father born in KY mother born in KY: Mollie wife female married age 67 born in Aug 1832, KY occupation
marr. 12 yrs., 2 ch., 1 liv. father born in KY mother born in KY: Cyril Schoolcraft grand-child male single age 11 born
in Sep 1888, AL father born in AL mother born in AL: Mary grand-dau female single age 13 born in Jun 1886, AL
father born in AL mother born in AL.
11 New Hampshire: Marriage Record, Marriage 1 May 1874 in Concord NH by D. W. Adkinson, clergyman | Groom:

Chas. R. SCHOOLCRAFT 1st marriage, age 29 years, born Canada, resident West Concord NH, occupation clerk |
Bride: Marilla S. CARLTON 1st marriage, age 25 years, born West Concord NH, resident West Concord NH |
Husband's father: Robert SCHOOLCRAFT, born Canada | Wife's father: Stephen CARLTON.
12 New York: Newspapers, Chateaugay, February 9th, 1994: Messrs. A. M. Bennett and P. Munsil of Chateaugay, and

C. R. Schoolcraft of Concord, N.H., have engaged in the grocery and provision trade at Concord, under the firm name
of A. M. Bennett & Co. The new firm succeeds the firm of Perkins & Berry - an old established concern, and their
place of business is at No. 1 North Main street. The business is being conducted by Mr. Schoolcraft assisted by Charles
Munsil and John Boomhower of this place.
Federal Population Schedule, 5-Aug-1870, pp. 37.35, dw. 256, Belmont, Franklin Co., NY, fam. 278, Jason
Walbridge age 40 sex m painter born in VT, Eliza age 45 sex f born in NY, Wesley age 18 sex m born in NY, Walter
age 8 sex m born in NY, Dilbert age 3 sex m born in NY, Charles Schoolcraft age 22 sex m painter laborer born in
14 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254766 NA Film T9-0766 pp. 124C, Ward 4, Concord, Merrimack

Co., NH : Charles R. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 35 born in NY occupation Grocer father born in
NY mother born in NY: Marilla S. SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 31 born in NH occupation
Keeping House father born in NH mother born in MA: Charles C. SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 4 born
in NH occupation At Home father born in NH mother born in NH.
Federal Population Schedule, 5-Jun-1900, pp. 161B.93, dw. 138, fam. 148, ED #153, Ward #5, 17 Green St.,
Concord, Merrimack Co., NH : Wilfred Cote household : Charles R. Schoolcraft lodger male divorced age 55 born in
Jun 1845, Can. Eng. occupation grocery dealer, emmig. 1865 father born in Can. Eng. mother born in Can. Eng.

Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jun-1900, pp. 132B.77, dw. 287, fam. 354, ED #151, 5 Church St., Concord,
Merrimack Co., NH : Charles R. Schoolcraft head male married born in Apr 1845, NY occupation grocer, marr. 26 yrs.
father born in NY mother born in NY: Merilla wife female married born in Mar 1849, NH occupation marr. 26 yrs. 1
ch. 1 liv. father born in MA mother born in MA: Charles C. son male single born in Jul 1875, NH occupation grocer
father born in NY mother born in NH.
Michigan: Marriage Record, Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 LDS US/CAN 2342671, v 3 p 388 rn 2720: 11 Dec
1905, Ludington, Mason, Michigan, Groom George G Ainsworth, age 59, born Vermont, father Lauk Ainsworth,
mother Maria Schoolcraft, Bride Mary Jane Weaver, age 55, born Vermont, father Unknown, mother Unknown.
18 Federal Population Schedule, 26-Jul-1850, pp. 16.08, dw. 101, Bridport, Addison Co., VT, fam. 110, Jones family,

John Schoolcraft age 16 sex m farmer born in Canada, other houshold members.
19 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jul-1860, pp. 542.01, dw. 1061, Shelburn, Chittenden Co., VT, fam. 1063, Chester

Blinn age 72 sex m, Other residents, Edward Schoolcraft age 22 sex m farm laborer born in VT.
20 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. The Kentucky Connection.
Federal Population Schedule, 10-Jun-1870, pp. 22.19, dw. 116, Paducah, McCracken Co., KY, fam. 120, Robert
Schoolcraft age 38 sex m wagon and carriage shop born in Canada, Frank age 13 sex m born in KY, Minnie age 10 sex
f born in KY, Mary age 8 sex f born in KY, Anna Anderson age 19 sex f born in TN, Jennie age 16 sex f born in TN.
Kentucky: Vital Records, \"Electronic\", SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 41. Births from files at the Kentucky State Library,
Frankfort: McCracken Co. Mary M. Schoolcraft 20-Nov-1860 female parents Robert Schoolcraft and May Grief.
Alabama: Cemetery Records, Grave marker: Laura wife of Robert Schoolcraft Born in Hardin Co., Ky died in
Greenville, Ala. Jan 22, 1890. Aged 48 Yrs.
24 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254430 NA Film T9-0430 pp. 91C, Undated Paducah, McCracken

Co., KY : Henry Schoolcraft Self male married white age 44 born in Canada: Mary M. Schoolcraft Wife female
married white age 42 born in KY.
25 California: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 58. Deaths, Los Angeles Co., California, Cert. No. 58064: Charles

Schoolcraft, ae. 81y 8m 11d, d. 13 Dec 1926 at Los Angeles, b. 2 Apr 1845 at NY, mother [sic]. Martha Carleton b.
NH, res. CA 10 yrs., informant Charles C. Schoolcraft.
26 California: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 58. Deaths, Los Angeles Co., California, Cert. No. 4277: Charles

Carleton Schoolcraft, ae. 61y 5m 19d, d. 12 Jan 1937 at Carleton, h/o Virginia Phillips, b. 23 Jul 1875 at Concord, NH,
par. Charles R. Schoolcraft b. England & Marilla Carleton b. NH, Whsl merchant, res. CA 15 yrs.
27 California: Vital Records, California Marriages - SAN Vol. 1 No. 1 pp. 55 - 62: Charles C. Schoolcraft of Concord,

N.H. to Miss Virginia Phillips the only daughter of Charles H. Phillips on Tuesday evening. Married 12-Dec-1916 in
Santa Clara Co. Society Section, Col 1, San Francisco Examiner, Sunday, 17-Dec-1916, Edition.
28 California: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 54. Deaths, California: Virginia Mae Schoolcraft, nee Phillips, d.

12 Oct 1947 in an auto accident near Chico CA. Widow of Charles C. Schoolcraft of NH who d. Los Angeles in 1937.
San Francisco Chronicle, 14 Oct 1947, pp. 24, col. 2.
29 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254594 NA Film T9-0594 pp. 514B, Ludington, Mason Co., MI :

George AYNSWORTH Self male married white age 33 born in VT occupation Shingle Sawyer father born in VT
mother born in VT: Olive AYNSWORTH Wife female married white age 28 born in IL occupation Keeping House
father born in IRE mother born in CAN: Sarah AYNSWORTH Dau female single white age 12 born in MI occupation
At School father born in VT mother born in IL: Maud AYNSWORTH Dau female single white age 6 born in MI father
born in VT mother born in IL: Lottie AYNSWORTH Dau female single white age 1 born in MI father born in VT
mother born in IL.
30 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. A New Hampshire Marriage.
The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. A Michigan Marriage with Ties to
32 The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. John Schoolcraft.
The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Edward Schoolcraft.
34 Vermont: Civil Vital Records, Roxbury Town Book 1. Family Record of Samuel M. & Mary Orcutt. Jasper Hide

Orcutt was Born Feby. 28th 1824

Federal Population Schedule, 6-Aug-1860, Northfield, Washington Co., VT, dw., Jasper Orcutt age 36 sex m
merchant born in VT, Mary J. age 36 sex f born in VT, Mary Ainsworth age 60 sex f born in NH, Annette age 25 sex f
born in VT
Federal Population Schedule, 6-Aug-1870, Northfield, Washington Co., VT, dw., Jasper Orcutt age 46 sex m
merchant born in VT, Mary J. age 46 sex f born in VT, Fanny B. Ainsworth age 70 sex f born in NH

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL US/CAN Film #1255348 NA Film T9-1348 pp. 195B: Northfield,
Washington Co., VT : Jasper H. Orcutt Self male married white age 56 born in VT occupation Post Master father born
in VT mother born in VT: Elizabeth H. Orcutt Wife female married white age 40 born in VT occupation Keeping
House father born in VT mother born in VT: Mary C. Orcutt Dau female single white age 4 born in VT father born in
VT mother born in VT: Julia DONOVAN Other female single white age 22 born in VT occupation House Servant
father born in IRE mother born in IRE

The Virginians
Proven: Augustine Schoolcroft66
born Abt. 09-Nov-1690 in Lancaster, Lancashire, England66
fact Bet. 1714 - 1721 in Madison's & Pigg's Corner, Beulahville, King William,
Virginia, USA; Indentured servant67, 68
fact 1722 in Stafford, Virginia, USA; Probably Overwharton Parish. Debt to Rawleigh
Travers69, 70, 71
died Aft. 1722 in Virginia, USA70

married Conjecture [Unidentified]72

1. Conjecture: James Schoolcraft
born Bef. 1735
married Proven Margaret Mills 14-Oct-1753 in Overwharton Parish, Aquia, Stafford, Virginia, USA3
a. Proven: Mary Schoolcraft4
born 16-Mar-1754 in Overwharton Parish, Aquia, Stafford, Virginia, USA4

Proven: Austien Schoolcraft aka Austin Astien1

born Abt. 02-Apr-1720 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably.1
fact 21-May-1760 in Augusta, Virginia, USA; Estate appriasal of Daniel Richardson,
Will Book2, 73
fact 11-Dec-1766 in Blue Grass, Highland, Virginia, USA; Originally Crab Apple
Bottom, Augusta County. Land adjoining Mattias on the South Branch of the Potomac
River below Crab Apple Bottom2, 74
fact Bef. 1778 in Leading Creek, Montrose, Randolph, West Virginia, USA8
died Abt. Oct-1780 in Fink's Run, Lorentz, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort
Buckhannon2, 75

married Proven Catharina Countryman Bef. 174114

died Abt. Jun-1787 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; [Previously VA]2, 21
1. Proven: John Schoolcraft77
born Abt. 1741 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; Probably.78
census 1782 in Monongalia, West Virginia, USA79
military 10-Oct-1774 in Monongalia, West Virginia, USA; Listed in Capt. Ralph Stewart's Militia
men in the summer of 177420
fact 11-Dec-1766 in Straight Fork, Pendleton, West Virginia, USA; Originally Augusta Co.,
Virginia. Granted 53 acres on Straight Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac River7
fact Bet. 1781 - 1787 in Slab Camp Bottom, French Creek, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Inherited
Matthias' original claim10
fact 21-May-1781 in Stone Coal Run, Weston, Lewis, West Virginia, USA; A few miles South of
Lorentz. Granted 400 acres, Stone Coal Run, Monongalia River. Probably near Brushy Fork of Stone
Coal Creek13
fact 25-Jun-1781 in Fink's Run, Lorentz, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Granted 400 acres, Main
Fork of Fink's Run11
fact Bet. 1782 - 1785 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort Buckhannon,
Monongalia Co., VA80
fact Bet. Nov-1784 - 22-Mar-1787 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; Involved in 15 Court actions

in Harrison Co., WV (prev. Monongalia Co., VA).81
fact 1792 in Fayette, Kentucky, USA82
fact 1799 in Garrard, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists65
fact May-1801 in Fishing Creek, Somerset, Pulaski, Kentucky, USA; Granted 100 acres, Fishing
Creek, Pulaski Co.215
fact 1802 in Pulaski, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists168
fact Bet. 1803 - 1804 in Garrard, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists50, 44
died Aft. 1804 in USA44
married Proven Elizabeth [Unidentified] Bef. 1763 in Virginia, USA18, 83
died Oct-1779 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort Buckhannon, Monongalia
Co., VA84
buried Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Hyre cemetery, Brushy Fork Rd. near Lorentz85
a. Proven: Leonard Schoolcraft91, 86
born Abt. 1763 in Virginia, USA91
fact Apr-1779 in Virginia, USA; Captured by Indians91
fact 05-Dec-1787 in Jane Lew, Lewis, West Virginia, USA; Led renegade Indian attack
on the West family at Hacker's Creek.43
died Aft. 178743
married Claimed [Unidentified] Bef. 1788
i. Conjecture: Michael Schoolcraft
born Abt. 1788 in Monongalia, West Virginia, USA49, 44, 272
census 1810 in Washington, Virginia, USA; pp. 728.17, Town not stated45
census 1820 in Washington, Virginia, USA; pp. 042.08, Town not stated46
census 1830 in Lee, Virginia, USA; pp. 323.10, Town not stated47
census 1840 in Lee, Virginia, USA; pp. 073.28, Town not stated48
census 01-Sep-1850 in Owsley, Kentucky, USA; dw. 26249
census 27-Jun-1860 in Travellers Rest, Owsley, Kentucky, USA; dw. 143274
military Bet. 10-Sep - 20-Nov-1813 ; War of 1812, Private in Captain Abraham
Staples Co., 6th Regt. Virginia Militia277
fact 1804 in Garrard, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists44
fact 1846 in Lee, Virginia, USA; Tax Lists276
died Aft. Jul-1860274
married Proven Martha Ann Finn aka Patsy 12-Dec-1809 in Grayson, Virginia,
born Abt. 1796 in Virginia, USA; Claimed "Hawkins Co." is in Tennessee49, 280
census 27-Jun-1860 in Travellers Rest, Owsley, Kentucky, USA; dw. 144278
census 14-Jun-1870 in Madison, Jefferson, Indiana, USA; dw. 642279
died Aft. 1870279
ii. Conjecture: George Schoolcraft
born Bet. 1790 - 1800 in Virginia, USA253
married Proven Catherine Brown Bet. 1816 - 181728, 254
born 1797 in Virginia, USA28
died Bet. 1840 - 184928
married Proven 2nd Nancy [Unidentified] Bet. 1840 - 1849256
born Abt. 1809 in Kentucky, USA264
census 02-Sep-1850 in Pulaski, Kentucky, USA; dw. 333, Div. 2264
census 14-Aug-1860 in Somerset, Pulaski, Kentucky, USA; pp. 256.16, dw.
1735, Dist. 1265
b. Proven: Lucy Schoolcraft89
born Abt. 1764 in Virginia, USA89
died Oct-1779 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort Buckhannon,
Monongalia Co., VA84

buried Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Hyre cemetery, Brushy Fork Rd. near
c. Proven: Mary Schoolcraft89
born Abt. 1766 in Virginia, USA89
died Oct-1779 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort Buckhannon,
Monongalia Co., VA84
buried Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Hyre cemetery, Brushy Fork Rd. near
d. Proven: Martha Schoolcraft89
born Abt. 1766 in Virginia, USA89
died Oct-1779 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort Buckhannon,
Monongalia Co., VA84
buried Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Hyre cemetery, Brushy Fork Rd. near
e. Proven: John Schoolcraft92, 86
born Abt. 13-Feb-1767 in Augusta, Virginia, USA93
census 1820 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; pp. 152.14, Town not stated95
census 1830 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; pp. 255.20, Town not stated96
census 1840 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; pp. 49.01, Town not stated97
military 02-Jul-1833 ; False application for Revolutionary War Pension98, 99
fact Oct-1779 in Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Captured by Indians near Fort
fact Bef. 1784 in Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Escaped from Indian capture.100
fact Bet. 1791 - 1801 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists101
fact Bet. 1803 - 1806 in Randolph, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists102
fact Bet. 1805 - 1816 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists255
fact Bet. 1817 - 1834 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists257
died 06-Mar-1850 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA94
married Proven Nancy Brown 18-Jul-1804 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; [Previously
VA]98, 103
born Abt. 1784 in Virginia, USA98, 104
census 21-Sep-1850 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; dw. 1302, Dist. 30104
census 21-Jul-1860 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; dw. 1030, Western Lewis Co.105
f. Proven: Austin Schoolcraft89
born Abt. 1770 in Virginia, USA89
died Oct-1779 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort Buckhannon,
Monongalia Co., VA84
buried Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Hyre cemetery, Brushy Fork Rd. near
g. Proven: Sarah Schoolcraft89
born Abt. 1772 in Virginia, USA89
died Oct-1779 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort Buckhannon,
Monongalia Co., VA84
buried Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Hyre cemetery, Brushy Fork Rd. near
h. Proven: Jacob Schoolcraft86
born Abt. 1772 in Augusta, Virginia, USA107, 106
census 1810 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; pp. 23.25, Town not stated108
census 1820 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; pp. 152.02, Town not stated109
census 1830 in Wood, West Virginia, USA; pp. 55.09, Town not stated110
military 25-Nov-1833 ; False application for Revolutionary War Pension106
fact Oct-1779 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Captured by Indians near
Fort Buckhannon84
fact Bef. 1784 in Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Escaped from Indian capture100

fact Bet. 1793 - 1801 in Randolph, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists112
fact Bet. 1802 - 1805 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists113
fact Bet. 1809 - 1816 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists113
fact Bet. 1818 - 1827 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists259
fact Bet. 1827 - 1842 in Wood, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists260
fact 1842 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists261
died Apr-1850 in Gilmer, West Virginia, USA111
buried Orma, Calhoun, West Virginia, USA; Bear Run cemetery114
married Claimed Rebecca Parsons Bet. 1790 - 1803115, 116
born Claimed Abt. 1784 in Jackson, West Virginia, USA116
died Conjecture Bet. 1820 - 1830117
i. Proven: Sarah Schoolcraft128
born Bef. 1801 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; Probably.128
married Proven Jonathan Howell 27-Aug-1817 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA128
ii. Proven: Aaron Schoolcraft124, 347
born Abt. 1803 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; Probably.124
census 1830 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; pp. 255.06, Town not stated129
census 1840 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; pp. 47.09, Town not stated130
census 16-Sep-1850 in Gilmer, West Virginia, USA; dw. 514, Dist. 17131
census 25-Aug-1860 in Ritchie, West Virginia, USA; dw. 1067. [Ritchie,
Ritchie Co., VA]132
census 16-Sep-1870 in Murphy, Ritchie, West Virginia, USA; dw. 218, PO
census 1880 in Murphy, Ritchie, West Virginia, USA; pp. 307B134
fact Bet. 1822 - 1848 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists262
fact 1843 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; Land Grant at waters of Leading
married Proven Sarah Stallman 28-Feb-1822 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA136
born Abt. 1805 in Virginia, USA131
iii. Proven: James Schoolcraft124, 347
born Abt. 1804 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; Probably.124, 125
census 1830 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; pp. 255.07, Town not stated126
census 1840 in Kanawha, West Virginia, USA; pp. 115.15, Town not stated127
census 05-Nov-1850 in Kanawha, West Virginia, USA; dw. 1645, Dist. 29125
fact Bet. 1826 - 1838 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists263
married Proven Catherine Elizabeth Bush 11-Jun-1825 in Lewis, West Virginia,
born Abt. 1803 in Virginia, USA125
iv. Proven: Permelia Schoolcraft124, 347
born Abt. 1805 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; [Previously VA]124
married Claimed Elijah Hall Bef. 1856
died Bef. 1856266
married Proven 2nd Solomon Nicholas 28-Dec-1856 in Calhoun, West Virginia,
born Abt. 1801 in Randolph, West Virginia, USA266
v. Probable: Rebecca Schoolcraft332, 333
born Abt. 1806 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; Probably.332
died 15-Nov-1879 in Sand Fork, Gilmer, West Virginia, USA332
married Proven [Unidentified] Ratliff332
vi. Proven: John A. Schoolcraft124, 347
born 09-Jul-1811 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; [Previously VA]138, 142
census 1830 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; pp. 254.13, Town not stated139

census 1840 in Kanawha, West Virginia, USA; pp. 115.23, Town not stated140
census 06-Aug-1850 in Gilmer, West Virginia, USA; dw. 185, Dist. 17141
census 02-Nov-1860 in Arnoldsburg, Calhoun, West Virginia, USA; dw. 997142
census 14-Sep-1870 in Calhoun, West Virginia, USA; dw. 433, PO Grantsville.
Washington District143
fact Bet. 1832 - 1849 in Lewis, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists267
fact 1855 in Gilmer, West Virginia, USA; Land grant at Big Bear Run144
died 12-Feb-1880145
married Proven Sarah Martha Hall Bef. 1833146, 141
born 30-Dec-1817 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; [Previously VA]138, 142
census 1880 in Calhoun, West Virginia, USA; pp. 221C. Washington District147
died Aft. 1880147
vii. Proven: Mary Ann Schoolcraft347
born Harrison, West Virginia, USA; Probably.347
married Proven John Cooper West Virginia, USA347
married Claimed 2nd Mahala [Unidentified] Bef. 1835
viii. Claimed: Benjamin S. Schoolcraft
born Abt. 1835 in Virginia, USA118
census 27-Jun-1860 in Newark, Wirt, West Virginia, USA; dw. 295118
census 17-Jun-1870 in Elizabeth, Wirt, West Virginia, USA; dw. 127119
census 1880 in Clay, Wirt, West Virginia, USA; pp. 154B. [Historic]120
died Bet. 1888 - 1890121
married Proven Mary A. [Unidentified] Bef. 1852118
born Abt. 1833 in Virginia, USA118
married Proven 2nd Martha J. Collins 23-Oct-1867 in Wirt, West Virginia, USA;
born Apr-1854 in Virginia, USA119, 122
census 1890 in Elizabeth, Wirt, West Virginia, USA121
census 02-Jun-1900 in Elizabeth, Wirt, West Virginia, USA; pp. 126B.64, dw.
10, ED 123122
died Aft. 1890121
i. Proven: Polly Schoolcraft89
born Abt. 1773 in Virginia, USA89
died Oct-1779 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort Buckhannon,
Monongalia Co., VA84
buried Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Hyre cemetery, Brushy Fork Rd. near
j. Proven: Charity Schoolcraft89
born Abt. 1774 in Virginia, USA89
died Oct-1779 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort Buckhannon,
Monongalia Co., VA84
buried Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Hyre cemetery, Brushy Fork Rd. near
k. Proven: Nancy Schoolcraft89
born Abt. 1774 in Virginia, USA89
died Oct-1779 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Near Fort Buckhannon,
Monongalia Co., VA84
buried Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Hyre cemetery, Brushy Fork Rd. near
2. Proven: James Schoolcraft14, 76
born Abt. 12-Aug-1743 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]14
census 1784 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; pp. 90.3-15149
census 1810 in Pulaski, Kentucky, USA; pp. 135.13, Town not stated150

military 1774 in Monongalia, West Virginia, USA; Listed in Capt. Ralph Stewart's Militia men in
the summer of 177420
fact 22-Mar-1775 in Augusta, Virginia, USA; Estate appriasal of James Stewart, Will Book151
fact 17-Aug-1779 in Augusta, Virginia, USA; Estate appriasal of James Stewart, Will Book152
fact 25-Jun-1781 in Fink's Run, Lorentz, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Granted 400 acres, Main
Fork of Fink's Run.12
fact Bet. 1784 - 1794 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists153
fact 1796 in Madison, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists268
fact Bet. 1797 - 1799 in Garrard, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists64
fact 1801 in Somerset, Pulaski, Kentucky, USA; Claim for the 100 acres on Fishing Creek154
fact Bet. 1802 - 1811 in Pulaski, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists156
fact Aug-1802 in Clifty, Pulaski, Kentucky, USA; Granted 150 acres on Clifty Creek155
died Bet. 1811 - 1816156, 157
married Claimed Elizabeth Shawnee Bef. 1773158, 269
born Bef. 1757159
a. Proven: James Schoolcraft Jr.160
born Abt. 1773 in Virginia, USA164
census 1820 in Hanover, Butler, Ohio, USA; pp. 005.42169
census 1830 in Fairfield, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; pp. 134.02170
military 1790 ; Scout in Virginia State Militia165
fact Bet. 1796 - 1803 in Randolph, West Virginia, USA; Tax Lists166
fact 1802 in Pulaski, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists167
fact 1804 in Garrard, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists44
fact 1804 in Madison, Kentucky, USA; Tax and legal issues.270
fact 1810 in Gallia, Ohio, USA; Legal issues271
died 30-Nov-1834 in Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA171
buried Buck Creek, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; North Union cemetery171
married Proven Mary Carpenter 26-Oct-1795 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA; [Previously
died Bet. 1813 - 1820173
i. Claimed: Jeremiah Schoolcraft177
born Abt. 1798 in Virginia, USA179
census 1840 in Washington, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; pp. 006.20178
census 06-Sep-1850 in Davis, Fountain, Indiana, USA; dw. 679179
married Proven Margaret Miller 05-Oct-1828 in Butler, Ohio, USA180
born Abt. 1807 in Virginia, USA179
ii. Probable: James Schoolcraft181, 200
born Claimed 14-May-1810 in Ohio, USA181
census 28-Sep-1850 in Washington, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; dw. 99182
census 23-Jun-1860 in Washington, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; dw. 417176
census 06-Jul-1870 in Cerro Gordo, Piatt, Illinois, USA; dw. 328183
census 1880 in Cerro Gordo, Piatt, Illinois, USA; pp. 214A184
died Claimed 06-Jul-1883 in Piatt, Illinois, USA185
married Claimed Nancy Ann Franklin 20-Oct-1836 in Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA188
married Claimed 2nd Catherine Miller 06-Nov-1844 in Piatt, Illinois, USA186
born Abt. 1822 in Ohio, USA182
died Claimed 16-Jun-1887 in Piatt, Illinois, USA187
iii. Claimed: Eliza Schoolcraft189, 190
born Claimed Abt. 1811 in Washington, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA
died 23-Nov-1828 in Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA189
iv. Claimed: Katherine Schoolcraft191, 192
born Claimed Abt. 1813 in Ohio, USA
married Claimed Archibald Rains 19-Jul-1835 in Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA191

married Claimed 2nd Adam Cosner Aft. 1835193
married Proven 2nd Elizabeth [Unidentified] Bet. 1813 - 1820171, 173
born Abt. 1784 in Tennessee, USA175
census 1840 in Washington, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; pp. 001.18174
census 01-Oct-1850 in Washington, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; dw. 121175
census 23-Jun-1860 in Washington, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; dw. 417176
died 21-Jun-1860 in Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA171
buried Buck Creek, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; North Union cemetery171
v. Claimed: Mary Ann Schoolcraft194
married Claimed Reuben Burkhalter 17-Jul-1844 in Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA194
vi. Claimed: Margaret Schoolcraft195
born Claimed Abt. 1824 in Indiana, USA
married Claimed Henry Alenduff 29-Aug-1844 in Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA195
vii. Claimed: Elizabeth Schoolcraft201
born Claimed Abt. 1824 in Indiana, USA
died Claimed 26-Oct-1865 in Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA201
married Claimed George Washington Custer 06-Apr-1837 in Tippecanoe, Indiana,
viii. Probable: John Joseph Schoolcraft aka Jotham175, 196, 200
born Abt. 1824 in Ohio, USA175
census 01-Oct-1850 in Washington, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; dw. 121175
census 23-Jun-1860 in Washington, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; dw. 416197
census 01-Aug-1870 in Oxford, Benton, Indiana, USA; pp. 1.18, dw. 3, Parrish
census 1880 in Prairie Green, Iroquois, Illinois, USA; pp. 340B199
married Claimed Nancy Steed Acres 22-Feb-1852 in Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA196
born Abt. 1827 in Ohio, USA197
ix. Probable: Sarah Schoolcraft175
born Abt. 1825 in Ohio, USA175
census 01-Oct-1850 in Washington, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; dw. 121175
x. Probable: Francis Marion Schoolcraft175, 203
born Abt. 1827 in Ohio, USA175
census 01-Oct-1850 in Washington, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA; dw. 121175
census 30-Aug-1860 in Davis, Fountain, Indiana, USA; dw. 1238204
census 13-Jun-1870 in Watseka, Iroquois, Illinois, USA; dw. 21205
census 1880 in Watseka, Iroquois, Illinois, USA; pp. 249A206
died 21-Feb-1913 in Watseka, Iroquois, Illinois, USA207
buried Watseka, Iroquois, Illinois, USA; Oak Hill cemetery207
married Proven Elizabeth Ellen Downey 29-Sep-1853 in Fountain, Indiana, USA208,

born Abt. 20-May-1838 in Ohio, USA204, 210

died 21-Apr-1883210
buried Watseka, Iroquois, Illinois, USA; Longshore cemetery210
b. Proven: John Schoolcraft161
born Abt. 1785 in Virginia, USA211
census 1810 in Clay, Kentucky, USA; pp. 150.10, Town not stated212
census 1820 in Hopkins, Kentucky, USA; pp. 262.23, Town not stated213
census 1830 in McLeansboro, Hamilton, Illinois, USA; pp. 243.26214
fact 1807 in Clay, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists217
fact Bet. 1810 - 1814 in Clay, Kentucky, USA; Tax Delinquents Lists218
fact Bet. 1815 - 1823 in Hopkins, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists219
married Probable Mary [Unidentified] Bef. 1807220, 221

i. Proven: Nancy Schoolcraft222
born Abt. 1807 in Kentucky, USA225
married Proven John Barker 04-Nov-1826 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA222
born Abt. 1807 in Kentucky, USA225
census 16-Oct-1850 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA; dw. 507, Dist. 10225
ii. Probable: James Henry Schoolcraft221, 230
born Claimed 29-Jan-1812 in Hopkins, Kentucky, USA231, 234
census 16-Oct-1850 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA; dw. 487, Dist. 10234
census 05-Jul-1870 in Picketville, Breckenridge, Stephens, Texas, USA; dw. 25.
Ghost Town235
census 1880 in Stephens, Texas, USA; pp. 498C, Dist. 172, Precinct 8236
died Claimed 1895 in Stephens, Texas, USA231
married Proven Temperance Trout 04-Jun-1835 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA230
born Claimed 14-May-1818 in Tennessee, USA232, 234
died Claimed Abt. 1895 in Stephens, Texas, USA232
iii. Probable: John Schoolcraft Jr.221, 229
born Abt. 1817 in Kentucky, USA227
census 1840 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA; pp. 005.26, Town not stated226
census 16-Oct-1850 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA; dw. 506, Dist. 10227
military 09-Jan-1862 ; 6th Illinois Cavalry, Co. K.237
died 12-Jan-1862237
married Proven Margaret Ann Right 25-Jun-1834 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA229
born Abt. 1817 in Tennessee, USA227, 228
census 07-Sep-1860 in Independence, Dunklin, Missouri, USA; pp. 12.04, dw.
iv. Probable: Hezakiah Schoolcraft221, 239
born Abt. 1818 in Kentucky, USA240
census 16-Oct-1850 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA; dw. 491, Dist. 10240
census 28-Jun-1870 in Walpole, McLeansboro, Hamilton, Illinois, USA; dw.
124, Twp. 6, Range 5, 6241
census 1880 in Grayson, Texas, USA; pp. 100D, Precinct 1242
married Proven Mary Ann Trout 28-Mar-1844 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA239
born Abt. 1829 in Tennessee, USA240
v. Proven: Margarite Schoolcraft223
born Claimed 1818
died Bef. 10-Feb-1849243
married Proven Thomas Braden 12-Oct-1829 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA223
died Bef. 10-Feb-1849243
vi. Proven: Susannah Schoolcraft224
born Conjecture Bef. 1819
married Proven Edmund Barker 23-Oct-1834 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA224
vii. Claimed: Almon Berry Schoolcraft221
born Abt. 1820 in Kentucky, USA244
census 16-Oct-1850 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA; dw. 496, Dist. 10244
census 07-Aug-1860 in Pike, Stoddard, Missouri, USA; pp. --.14, dw. 1121245
census 1880 in Tarrant, Texas, USA; pp. 89C, Dist. 92246
died Claimed 1890
married Proven Sarina Caroline Trout 11-Feb-1846 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA247
born May-1829 in Tennessee, USA244, 248
census 15-Jun-1900 in Carterville, Williamson, Illinois, USA; pp. 28A.28, dw.
256, ED 109248
died Claimed 1915

c. Probable: George Schoolcraft309, 216
born Bet. 1775 - 179029
census 10-Feb-1821 in Delaware, Indiana, USA; pp. 34.0329
fact 1812 in Fishing Creek, Somerset, Pulaski, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists249
fact Feb-1812 in Fishing Creek, Somerset, Pulaski, Kentucky, USA; Granted 100 acres,
Fishing Creek, Pulaski Co.251
fact Bet. 22-Aug-1812 - 10-Nov-1813 ; Private, Kentucky Mounted Volunteer Militia,
Commanded Isaac Shelby.250
fact Bet. 1813 - 1816 in Clay, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists252
fact 25-Jul-1815 in Clay, Kentucky, USA; Appointed his Capt. as Power of Attorney33
died 30-Sep-1823 in Marion, Indiana, USA305
married Proven Nancy [Unidentified] Bef. 1812306, 216
born Conjecture Bef. 1796
died Bef. 1850275
i. Claimed: William Schoolcraft307, 308
born Abt. 1812 in Kentucky, USA311
census 1840 in Center, Marion, Indiana, USA; pp. 293A.04310
census 17-Aug-1850 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA; dw. 1269311
census 07-Jun-1860 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA; dw. 218, Ward 4312
married Proven Matilda Myers 01-Dec-1836 in Marion, Indiana, USA313
born Abt. 1814 in Indiana, USA311
census 1880 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA; pp. 436B, Ward 14315
died 21-Sep-1887 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA314
ii. Claimed: John Schoolcraft308, 317
born 09-Jun-1814 in Kentucky, USA308
census 1840 in Huntington, Indiana, USA; pp. 7.06, Town not stated318
census 02-Sep-1850 in Huntington, Huntington, Indiana, USA; dw. 508319
died Bet. 1850 - 1860320, 321
married Proven Maria Adams 24-Apr-1839 in Huntington, Indiana, USA325
born Mar-1824 in Connecticut, USA319, 324
census 04-Jun-1860 in Huntington, Huntington, Indiana, USA; dw. 108321
census 29-Jun-1870 in Huntington, Huntington, Indiana, USA; dw. 456322
census 1880 in Huntington, Huntington, Indiana, USA; pp. 730C323
census 22-Jun-1900 in Huntington, Huntington, Indiana, USA; pp. 142B.55, dw.
540, ED 81, 37 Whitelock St.324
iii. Claimed: James Schoolcraft308
born Claimed 12-Sep-1815308
census 1840 in Perry, Marion, Indiana, USA; pp. 310A.11233
married Proven Catherine Snow 11-Jul-1834 in Marion, Indiana, USA326
iv. Claimed: Isaac Schoolcraft308
born Claimed 01-Jan-1817308
died Conjecture Bef. 1848328
married Proven Barbara Fansaler 24-Feb-1841 in Marion, Indiana, USA327
born Conjecture Bef. 1825
v. Claimed: George Schoolcraft308
born Claimed 14-Sep-1818308
married Proven Mary Amanda Sink 15-Jun-1847 in Marion, Indiana, USA329
vi. Claimed: Sarah Schoolcraft308
born Claimed 05-May-1820 in Indiana, USA308
married Proven John Snow 23-Aug-1838 in Marion, Indiana, USA330
census 1840 in Perry, Marion, Indiana, USA; pp. 310A.07346

vii. Claimed: Samuel Schoolcraft308
born Claimed 28-Nov-1821 in Indiana, USA308
died Bef. 1850275
married Proven Nancy Stevens aka Polly Stevens 06-Jan-1842 in Marion, Indiana,
USA331, 275
born Abt. 1820 in Indiana, USA334
census 04-Oct-1850 in Decatur, Marion, Indiana, USA; dw. 9334
d. Proven: Catherine Schoolcraft159
born Claimed Abt. 1777162
e. Proven: Isaac Schoolcraft295
born Abt. 1794 in Virginia, USA293, 292
census 1820 in Waconteby, White, Illinois, USA; pp. 001.03. [Historic - may now be in
Hamilton Co.]289
census 1830 in Franklin, Illinois, USA; pp. 105.02, Town not stated290
census 1840 in Mount Pleasant, Cassville, Barry, Missouri, USA; pp. 36.29291
census 01-Jun-1850 in Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA; pp. 495.23, Death Index292
fact 1815 in Clay, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists293
fact Bet. 1816 - 1817 in Hopkins, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists294
died Aug-1849 in Pulaski, Arkansas, USA292
married Proven Nancy Johnson 06-Jan-1816 in Hopkins, Kentucky, USA295
born Conjecture Bef. 1800
i. Probable: Sarah Schoolcraft296
born Conjecture Bef. 1820
married Proven Russell E. Brown 26-Mar-1835 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA297
married Conjecture 2nd Martha [Unidentified] Bef. 1830298
born Abt. 1810 in Illinois, USA299
census 16-Dec-1850 in Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA; dw. 551299
census 06-Jun-1860 in Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA; dw. 17300
ii. Conjecture: Alexander Schoolcraft302
born Abt. 1824 in Kentucky, USA301
census 30-Nov-1850 in Maumelle, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA; dw. 798. [Pyeatt]301
iii. Proven: Elizabeth Schoolcraft299
born Abt. 1830 in Kentucky, USA299
census 27-Jul-1860 in Maumelle, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA; dw. 385. [Piatt]335
iv. Proven: Phebe Schoolcraft299
born Abt. 1835 in Illinois, USA299
married Proven A. R. Schults Bet. 1850 - 1860300
born Abt. 1831 in Mississippi, USA300
census 06-Jun-1860 in Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA; dw. 17300
v. Proven: John Schoolcraft299
born Abt. 1838 in Illinois, USA299
vi. Proven: Martha Schoolcraft299
born Abt. 1840 in Illinois, USA299
f. Conjecture: Joshua Schoolcraft304
born Bef. 1795 in Virginia, USA303
fact 1816 in Hopkins, Kentucky, USA; Tax Lists303
g. Proven: Patsy Schoolcraft158, 157
married Proven Alexander Smith 07-Jul-1833 in Hamilton, Illinois, USA163
3. Proven: Matthias Schoolcraft15
born 12-Mar-1745 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA; [Previously Albany Co.]15
military 1774 in Monongalia, West Virginia, USA; Listed in Capt. Ralph Stewart's Militia men in

the summer of 1774282, 20
military 10-Oct-1774 ; Listed in Capt. John Lewis's Militia men at the time of the Battle of Point
fact 11-Dec-1766 in Blue Grass, Highland, Virginia, USA; Originally Crab Apple Bottom,
Augusta County. Granted 130 acres on the South Branch of the Potomac River below Crab Apple
fact 1775 in Slab Camp Bottom, French Creek, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Originally Augusta
County. Granted 400 acres, Slab Camp Bottom, Sand Fork, Monongalia River. Slab Camp cemetery,
beside Slab Camp fork, is about six miles north of Sand Fork and twelve miles South of Fink's Run.9
died Apr-1781 in Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Stone Coal Creek, a few miles South of Lorentz87,

buried Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Hyre cemetery, Brushy Fork Rd. near Lorentz85
married Probable [Unidentified] Aft. 1761148, 281
a. Proven: Matthew Schoolcraft88, 89
born Bet. 1761 - 1765 in Virginia, USA283
military 1774 in Monongalia, West Virginia, USA; Listed in Capt. Ralph Stewart's
Militia men in the summer of 1774282, 20
fact 25-Jun-1781 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Inherited Mattias' grant
at Slab Camp Bottom10
died Bet. 1782 - 17879
4. Proven: Catharina Lisabetha Schoolcraft16
born Abt. 18-Jun-1749 in Tulpehocken, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA16
5. Proven: Simon Schoolcraft86, 89
born Bef. 1753 in West Virginia, USA; [Previously VA]284
fact 1779 in Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia, USA; Shot in the arm by Indians.63
fact Apr-1781 in Stone Coal Run, Weston, Lewis, West Virginia, USA; Captured by Indians near
Fort Buckhannon. [Monongalia Co., VA]87
fact 09-Jul-1790 in Canada; Applies for 200 acres on La Forche river, near Detroit42
died Aft. Aug-179042
6. Probable: Christian Schoolcraft19, 285
born Bef. 176119
census 1782 in Monongalia, West Virginia, USA19
7. Conjecture: Michael Schoolcraft86
born Bef. 1765 in West Virginia, USA; [Previously VA]258
fact Apr-1781 in Stone Coal Run, Weston, Lewis, West Virginia, USA; Captured by Indians near
Fort Buckhannon. [Monongalia Co., VA]87

Henry R. Schoolcraft
born Bet. 1810 - 182051
census 1840 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA; pp. 359.05, Ward 151
died Conjecture Bef. 186052

married Proven Matilda [Unidentified] Bef. 183152, 341

born Abt. 1813 in Kentucky, USA52
census 03-Jul-1860 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA; dw. 1265, Ward
census 1880 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA; pp. 15A57
1. Proven: James Schoolcraft52
born Abt. 1831 in Pennsylvania, USA52

married Conjecture Mary [Unidentified]337
born Abt. 1834 in Louisiana, USA53
census 14-Jun-1870 in Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA; dw. 235, Ward 753
census 1880 in Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA; pp. 362A54
a. Conjecture: Matilda J. Schoolcraft53
born Abt. 1855 in Louisiana, USA53
b. Conjecture: Sylvester Schoolcraft53
born Abt. 1858 in Louisiana, USA53
2. Proven: Jane Schoolcraft52
born Abt. 1837 in Alabama, USA52
3. Proven: Alfreda Schoolcraft341
born 1842 in Louisiana, USA343, 52
died 09-Nov-1887343
married Proven William B. Chippendale Abt. 1860344
born Abt. 1832 in France52
census 03-Jul-1860 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA; dw. 1265, Ward 2316
died 1864 in Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, USA; Battle of Ezra Church344
4. Proven: Luke Schoolcraft52
born 13-Nov-1847 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA57
census 02-Jul-1870 in St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, USA; dw. 626, Subdiv. 10336
census 08-Jun-1880 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA; pp. 15A57
fact Bet. 1874 - 1889 in Minnesota, USA; Famed minstrel, with George H. Coes.339, 340, 345
died 10-Mar-1893 in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA; Hotel Stratford55, 342
buried Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA; Cedar Grove cemetery342
married Proven Bella [Unidentified] Bef. 1870336
born Abt. 1847 in Wisconsin, USA336
married Proven 2nd Eliza I. Clarke 07-Jan-1871 in Marion, Indiana, USA338
born Abt. 1845 in Indiana, USA57

J. Schoolcraft62, 288
born Abt. 1814 in Indiana, USA62
census 15-Aug-1860 in Bonham, Fannin, Texas, USA; dw. 1146, Beat 262

married Proven M. A. [Unidentified] Bef. 184762

born Abt. 1828 in Ohio, USA62
1. Proven: Mary Schoolcraft62
born Abt. 1847 in Iowa, USA62
2. Proven: Dolly Schoolcraft62
born Abt. 1849 in Arkansas, USA62
married Proven George Macklin 16-Jan-1868 in Jefferson, Missouri, USA286
3. Proven: John K. Schoolcraft62
born Abt. 1851 in Arkansas, USA62
married Proven Amanda M. Patterson 01-Apr-1883 in St Francois, Missouri, USA287
4. Proven: Mariah Schoolcraft62
born Abt. 1853 in Texas, USA62
5. Proven: Clara Schoolcraft62
born Abt. 1855 in Texas, USA62
6. Proven: Josephine Schoolcraft62
born Abt. 1857 in Texas, USA62

7. Proven: Marcus Schoolcraft62
born Abt. 1859 in Texas, USA62

New York, Schenectady: First Reformed Church, Baptism of Astien ob Augustien on [2 April 1720], parents Jacob
Shultgraft & Madalena Schultgraft, sponsors Phillip Schueler & Grechen Vrooman.
Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country and Detailing Some Facts and Opinions on Two
Particular Branch of This Family - With Regards to the Migration of That Branch From New York, to Virginia and
Kentucky. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Edward J. Schoolcraft, 4809 Douglas MacArthur NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
87110, 1986 (4th Printing 1993, w/revisions)
3 Overwharton Parish Register 1720 – 1760 by Wm. F. Boogher. pp. 166 Scoulcraft, James married Margaret Mills,

October 14, 1753.

Overwharton Parish Register 1720 – 1760 by Wm. F. Boogher. pp. 167 Scoulcraft, Mary. Daughter of James and
Margaret born March 11, 1754.
Bonded Passengers to America by Peter Wilson Coldham, Vol. VIII Northern Circuit: 1665-1775. pp. 19,
Lancashire. Schoolcraft, James. S Lent 1751. [S – Sentenced to be transported to the American Colonies for a period of
seven years.]
6 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 57: On 11 December,

1766, Mathias Schoolcraft is granted 130 acres of land on the South Branch of the Potomac River below Crabapple
Bottom, Augusta County... his property begins at a "Sugar tree corner, to his father's land".
7 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 57: On 11 December,

1766, John Schoolcraft is granted 53 acres of land located on Straight Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac River.
8 Augusta Historical Bulletin Vol. 13 Fall 1977 No. 2. A court of Commissioners ... on 28th Day of March 1780. ...

John Willson & Alexander Maxwell as tenants in Common are intd to 400 acres of land by right of settlement before
1778 as asses of Ostin Schoolcraft Lying in Au C on the branch of Leading Cr adj the land of Peter Springston & OC.
9 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 60: On 25 June, 1781,

Mathew Schoolcraft, "Heir at law to Mathias Schoolcraft", received approval of a claim to 400 acres of land on the
Slab Camp Bottom on a branch of the Monongalia called Landfork, which had been settled in 1775. [FHL US/CAN
840856 Adjustments to Claims to Unpatented Lands - Monongalia, Yohogania and Ohio Counties, West Virginia -
1773 to 1785 pp. 341.]
10 Dennis Rogers. In July 1787 this land was surveyed for Robert Pike (who by the way was the administrator of

Matthias’s estate in 1784) “Assignee of John Schoolcraft who was Heir at Law to Matthew Schoolcraft Deceased,” by
virtue of a Certificate granted “to the said Matthew Schoolcraft Heir at Law to Mathias Schoolcraft.” Thus Matthew
died between 1781 and 1787. John could have been the eldest son of Matthew, but that’s putting three generations of
adults or near adults between 1745 and 1787. But, and this is where I get shaky on primogeniture, if Matthew had no
male children, the next eldest son of Matthias could have been heir. Or, if Matthias had no other male children, John
born 1741 could have been heir as Matthias’s eldest brother.
11 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 60: On 25 June, 1781,

John Schoolcraft, "Heir at law to Austien Schoolcraft", received approval of a claim to 400 acres of land on the main
fork of Fink's Run, which had been settled in 1774. [FHL US/CAN 840856 Adjustments to Claims to Unpatented
Lands - Monongalia, Yohogania and Ohio Counties, West Virginia - 1773 to 1785 pp. 335.]
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 60: On 25 June, 1781,
James Schoolcraft received approval of a claim to 400 acres of land on the the main branch of Fink's Run adjoining
lands claimed by John Schoolcraft, which had been settled in 1774. [FHL US/CAN 840856 Adjustments to Claims to
Unpatented Lands - Monongalia, Yohogania and Ohio Counties, West Virginia - 1773 to 1785 pp. 341-342.]
13 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 60: On 21 May, John

Schoolcraft received approval for his claim to 400 acres of land on Stone Cole Run, a branch of the west fork, which
had been settled in 1775. [FHL US/CAN 840856 Adjustments to Claims to Unpatented Lands - Monongalia,
Yohogania and Ohio Counties, West Virginia - 1773 to 1785 pp. 238-239.]
New York: Church Records, Schoharie, The High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation. James on August 12
1743, parents Asten Schoelkrafft & Catharina Contriman S:H:V: sponsors James Schoelkrafft & Elisabeth S:H: Vrouw.
New York: Church Records, Schoharie, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Matthes on Mar. 31 [1745] born
Mar. 12 [1745], parents Asten Schulkraf & Catharina, sponsors Matthes Bauman and his wife.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 4, pp. 52. Pennsylvania Births [FHL Book 974.816/T1 K2h]:
Catharina Lisabetha Schul Kraft parents Asten Schul Kraft, Spon. Catharina Lisabeth Schraff. Born bpt. 18 Jun 1749 in
Host Ref. Ch., Tulpehocken, Berks Co.

Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Edward J. Schoolcraft Edward
J. Schoolcraft, pp. 51. Although no baptism records have been found, other evidence exists in Harrison Co., Virginia,
that a son, John, had been born to Austien and Catherine some time prior to the birth of their son, James.
18 Dennis Rodgers. Land and court records add many pieces to the picture of the Virginia (WV) Schoolcrafts, and one

of those is a 1766 conveyance of land in Virginia’s Northern Neck signed by Astien, his wife Catherine, son John, and
John’s wife, Elizabeth. Of course an Indian wife in the white settlements would likely have adopted an Anglo name,
but whatever the circumstance, we do know the name thanks to that document.
19 State Census, Virginia & West Virginia, Monongalia Co. Original County returns from 1782 by John Evans, Clerk,

pp. 2-2.6. Christian Schoolcraft. White 2.

20 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 58: 10-Oct-1774 John

Schoolcraft, James Schoolcraft, Mathias Schoolcraft and Mathew Schoolcraft are all listed. May not have actually
fought in the Battle of Point Pleasant.
21 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit N - Harrison County,

Virginia, Minute Books: Her son is paid for the support of his mother and an Elizabeth Countryman with final payment
on 19-Jun-1787 when Catherine is noted as deceased.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 13 - 19. Ed Schoolcraft's analysis of John Schoolcraft's
Indian wife.
23 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 3 - 8. Ed Schoolcraft's analysis of Margaret Bush's letter.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 9 - 12. Ed Schoolcraft's analysis of Mrs. J. W. Calhoun's
25 Buzz Brake []
26 Newsletters authored by Bob Neiswanger and Peg Hetrick, Issue 11, March 1999

27 History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of West Virginia, written 1851 by Wills DeHass
28 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 125 - 132: The George

Schoolcraft who married Catherine Brown is Ed Schoolcraft's ancestor and he devotes extensive analysis to the facts
presented. His proof concerning each of the five children, except possibly Ann, appears valid. The unproven point in
my mind is whether Ed's George is the one in the Pulaski and Clay County tax lists or not.
29 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 34.03, Delaware Co., IN, George Schoolcraft. Male: 5 <10, 1 16-26, 1 26-

45, female: 1 <10, 1 26-45, agriculture: 2.

30 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 9. Ed Schoolcraft details George's family, the facts that he

uses and includes a commentary suggesting George's origin.

31 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit CC: Court Order

Books, Pulaski Co., KY: Book 2 pp. 604 - Feb 1812 Court. Surveyed for George Schoolcraft ass. of Beazley Hart 100
acres of land by virtue of a Certificate No. 892 and granted January term 1806 situate and being in the County of
Pulaski and the waters of Fishing Creek beginning on two white oaks standing on a military line and corner to Israel
Harts survey thence his line North 130 poles to a black oak and dogwood thence N53E120 poles to a stake thence
L10E113 poles to a black oak Dicky Muses corner thence his line L20E22 poles to a black oak thence L61W140 poles
to the beginning.
32 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit BB: Pulaski County

KY Tax Lists FHL US/CAN 008209. 1812 - Schoolcraft, George - White Males over 21: One. One hundred acres -
Fishing Creek.
33 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit DD. George

Schoolcraft to Thomas McJilton. Power of Attorney. Know all men by these presents that I George Schoolcraft of the
County of Clay and State of Kentucky, a private soldier in the late campaign of Kentucky Mounted Volunteer Militia,
commanded by his excellency Isaac Shelby, belonging to Capt. Thomas McJilton's Company, attached to the 11th
Regiment commanded by Lieutenant Col Williams, .... Signed 15th july 1815.
34 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit DD: Clay County KY

Tax Lists FHL US/CAN 007936. 1813 - George Schoolcraft listed - White males over 21: One. 1814 - George
Schoolcraft listed - White males over 21: One. 1815 - George Schoolcraft listed - White males over 21: One; Isaac
Schoolcraft - White males over 21: One. 1816 - George Schoolcraft listed - White males over 21: One.
35 State Census, Virginia & West Virginia, Monongalia Co. Original County returns from 1782 by John Evans, Clerk,

pp. 3-1.11, Morris Morris. White 2.

36 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 253.02, Stoner, Bourbon Co., KY, Morris Morris. Male: 1 <10, 1 26-45,

female: 1 16-26, 1 26-45.

Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 120.49, North Middletown, Bourbon Co., KY, Morris Morris. Male: 2 <10,
1 10-16, 1 26-45, female: 2 <10, 1 26-45.

Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 181.18, Center, Marion Co., IN, Morris Morris. Male: 2 <5, 1 15-20, 1 20-
30, 1 50-60, female: 1 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 20-30, 1 30-40.
Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 306.27, Lawrence Ward 4, Marion Co., IN, Morris Morris. Male: 1 10-15, 2
20-30, 1 50-60, female: 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 50-60.
40 Federal Population Schedule, 10-Aug-1850, pp. 268A.10, dw. 1021, Center, Marion Co., IN, fam. 1032, Morris

Morris age 72 sex m milling business born in VA, Rachael age 66 sex f born in VA, Olue Shelton age 18 sex f born in
IN, Caroline Morris age 15 sex f born in IN, Henry Kerny age 16 sex m born in Germany.
41 Tennessee, Marriages, 1796-1950, index, FamilySearch (,

William Brown and Catherine Sweet, 15 Oct 1795.

42 Ontario: Land Claims, 9 July 1790 Simon files for 200 acres in Canada on the La Forche river near Detroit.
43 Chronicles of Border Warfare, Alexander Scott Withers, pp. 377 - 378. Leonard Schoolcraft led an attack on the

West family at Hacker's Creek on 5-Dec-1787.

44 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit AA. Garrard County,

Kentucky. FHL US/CAN 007988. James Schoolcraft - 12 April 1804; 1 white males over 21. John Schoolcraft - 12
April 1804; 1 white males over 21. Michael Schoolcraft - 12 April 1804; 1 white males 16 but under 21.
Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 728.17, Not Stated, Washington Co., VA, Michl. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 16-
26, female: 1 16-26.
46 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 42.08, Not Stated, Washington Co., VA, Michael Schoolcraft. Male: 2 <10,

1 26-45, female: 1 <10, 1 16-26.

47 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 323.10, Not Stated, Lee Co., VA, Michel Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1

10-15, 1 40-50, female: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 1 30-40.

48 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 73.28, Not Stated, Lee Co., VA, Michael Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 2 5-10, 1

10-15, 2 20-30, 1 50-60, female: 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50.

49 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Sep-1850, dw. 262, Kentucky, Owsley Co., KY, fam. 262, Michial Schoolcraft age

59 sex m brick mason born in KY, Palsey age 54 sex f born in VA, Overton age 32 sex m brick mason born in VA,
Polley age 27 sex f born in VA, Madison age 17 sex m laborer born in VA, James age 15 sex m laborer born in VA,
Nathan age 11 sex m born in VA, Elizabeth Hobbs age 8 sex f born in VA.
50 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit AA: Garrard County

KY Tax Lists: Exhibit AA. Garrard County, Kentucky. FHL US/CAN 007988. John Schoolcraft - 21 July 1803; 1
white males over 21; 1 white males 16 but under 21. [James Schoolcraft from Dennis, details not known to me].
51 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 359.05, New Orleans Ward 1, Orleans Co., LA, Henry Schoolcraft. Male: 1

5-10, 1 10-15, 1 20-30, female: 1 <5, 2 20-30.

52 Federal Population Schedule, 3-Jul-1860, pp. 267.40, dw. 1265, Ward #2, New Orleans, Orleans Co., LA, fam.

2365, Mrs. Matilda Schoolcraft age 47 sex f born in KY, James age 29 sex m painter born in PA, Jane age 23 sex f born
in AL, Luke age 12 sex m born in LA, Wm. B. Chippendale age 28 sex m Treas. Var. ~~~ born in France, Alfreda age
18 sex f born in LA.
53 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1870, pp. 25.39, dw. 235, Ward #7, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Co., LA,

fam. 238, Mary Schoolcraft age 36 sex f sempship born in LA, Matilda J. age 15 sex f born in LA, Sylvester age 12 sex
m born in LA.
54 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254452 NA Film T9-0452 pp. 362A, Baton Rouge, East Baton

Rouge Co., LA : Mary Schoolcroft Self white age 58 born in LA occupation Keep House father born in LA mother
born in TN: M... Schoolcroft Dau white age 24 born in LA occupation School Teacher father born in LA mother born
in LA: Silvester Schoolcroft Son married white age 21 born in LA occupation Labor father born in LA mother born in
New York: Newspapers, History of the New York Stage, pp. 121-122: Luke Schoolcraft died in Cincinnati, March
12, 1893.
Minnesota: Newspaper, Found frequently in the St. Paul Daily Globe and the Omaha Daily Bee in the 1880s. Refer
Omaha Daily Bee, April 23, 1889, page 2 to identify the name Luke Schoolcraft. []
57 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254543 NA Film T9-0543 pp. 15A, 8-Jun-1880 208 Hampshire St.,

Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA : Luke Schoolcraft Self male married white age 32 born in New Orleans occupation
Singer father born in LA mother born in LA: Eliza I. Schoolcraft Wife female white age 35 born in IN occupation
Keeping House father born in IN mother born in IN: Matilda Schoolcraft Mother white age 66 born in KY father born
in KY mother born in KY: Aaron Clarke FatherL married white age 76 born in MA father born in MA mother born in -
--: M. O. Smith SisterL male white age 33 born in IN occupation Nurse father born in IN mother born in IN: Jane
White Other age 26 born in SC father born in SC mother born in SC.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit CC: Court Order
Books, Pulaski Co., KY: Book 1 pp. 362 Nov 1802 Peggy Schoolcraft applies for land. Book 2 pp. 217 Aug 1805
Peggy Schoolcraft is granted the land.

Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 123 - 124. Ed analyses
Peggy Schoolcraft's possible origin.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 7. U.S. Mortality List - 1860. 8th Ward, Louisville, Jefferson
Co., KY: Mary Schoolcraft, ae. 42, b. Ireland, d. Aug-1860, Consumption.
61 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 61. U.S. Mortality List - 1860. Schoolcraft, Mary, Female,

Age 48, died in August 1860 in Jefferson Co., KY. Cause of death: Consumption. Born in: Ireland.
62 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Aug-1860, pp. 174.31, dw. 1146, Beat #2, Bonham, Fannin Co., TX, fam. 1167, J.

Schoolcraft age 46 sex m miller born in IN, M. A. Schoolcraft age 32 sex f born in OH, Mary age 13 sex f born in IA,
Dolly age 11 sex f born in AR, John age 9 sex m born in AR, Mariah age 7 sex f born in TX, Clara age 5 sex f born in
TX, Josephine age 3 sex f born in TX, Marques age 1 sex m born in TX.
63 Chronicles of Border Warfare, Alexander Scott Withers, pp. 288 - 289. ... in the year 1778, had caused the

inhabitants to desert their homes the next year ... Simon Schoolcraft ... Instantly the report of a gun was heard, and
Schoolcraft let fall his arm. The ball passed through it, and striking a steel tobacco box ... following after West, ...
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit AA. Garrard County,
Kentucky. FHL US/CAN 007988. James Schoolcraft - 1 June 1797; 1 white males over 21. James Schoolcraft - 27
April 1799; 1 white males over 21; 1 white males 16 but under 21. James Schoolcraft - 19 April 1800; 1 white males
over 21.
65 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit AA. Garrard County,

Kentucky. FHL US/CAN 007988. James Schoolcraft - 27 April 1799; 1 white males over 21; 1 white males 16 but
under 21. John Schoolcraft - 9 May 1799; 1 white males over 21.
66 FHL BRITISH Film 1526146: St. Mary's Church (Lancaster, Lancashire) Parish registers, 1599-1900.
67 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Abstracts of Virginia Land

Patents and Grants for the period of 1695 to. 1732: Rice WILLIAMS & John DOWNER, 740 acs (N.L.), in a fork of
Mattapony Riv., about 12 mi. above the inhabitants of K.&Q. Co.; beg. at Madison's & Pigg's cor.; by S. side of the
main run; 16 Dec 1714. pp. 213. Imp. of 15 pers: Joseph Grigory, Jos. Arch., Walter Williams, Wm. Mattock, Thos.
Essex, Richd. Care, Reynard Mackdaniel, Wm. Ingram, Sarah Howard, Henry Loyde, James Risque, Jane Clemments,
Jno. Moore, Thomas Curtis, Augustine Schoolcroft.
68 David J. Ellis. The location "... in a fork of Mattapony River, about twelve Miles above the inhabitants in the County

of King & Queen & bordered as follows, to wit, begining at two White oaks bt the edge of Such on Ground being
Madifons & Piggs Corner, ~~~ ~~~ fourty two deg. Westerly four hundred and five poles to two Red oaks & a White
oak by the head of a branch ~~~ North fourty five deg. West for five hundred and fifty two poles to a White oak & a
~~~ by Riv. South side of the Main River down ~~~ ..." best correlates with the point on the Mattaponi river where it
turns West, away from the King and Queen county line. The only apparent fork in the river is at that point. The
description fits the south side of the river, putting it just in King William County. Its about 20 miles South East of
Bowling Green.
69 David J. Ellis. Stafford County Genweb, Biographies of Church Wardens, Vestrymen and Members of Aquia

Church, Overwharton Parish 1757, Peter Daniel. "His marriage on July 15, 1736 to Sarah Travers (171?-1788) as the
first marriage recorded in The Register of Overwharton Parish" ... "His wife, nee Sarah Travers (1717- 1788), survived
him; she was one of the three children of Rawleigh Travers (16 - circa 1722), a justice of Stafford County in 1714, and
Hannah Ball (circa 1683- 1748)". I believe it probable that Rawleigh Travers was also living in Overwharton Parish
and that Augustine Schoolcraft would also have lived nearby in order for Rawleigh to manage the debt.
70 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Records of Wills for Stafford

Co., Book "K" - 1721 to 1730: This will covers pages 27 through 56 and on page 56 reference is made to "a/c vs.
Schoolraft". The interpretation of this entry is that "Schoolraft" was indebted to Travers for a sum of money. Although
the "given name" of Schoolraft is not given, it is most probable that it is Augustine Schoolcroft.
71 Virginia Will Records. Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., Baltimore, 1982. pp. 373. Travers, Rawleigh. (1722). Page

27, will; p. 31, inventory; p. 32, Acct. vs. Leachman's Estate; p. 56, a/c vs. Schoolraft.
72 David J. Ellis. Conjecture. Because Augustine is in Stafford County, and probably Overwharton Parish, in 1722 and

because this James is also in Overwharton Parish in 1753 I conjecture they are father and son. James would have been
born between 1722 and the early 1730's. It is unlikley he is the same James as is the son of James (1688) as that person
was last recorded in Boston and all his family are in New York State.
73 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 57 - Augusta County Will

Book No. 2, pp. 388: Estate appriasal of Daniel Richardson

74 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 57 - On 11 December,

1766, Mathias Schoolcraft is granted 130 acres of land on the South Branch of the Potomac River below Crabapple
Bottom, Augusta County... his property begins at a "Sugar tree corner, to his father's land".
Chronicles of the Border Warfare in North-western Virginia. By Alex Withers, Clarksbury, Virginia, 1831. Austien
was killed in the "fall" of 1780, and that Austien's niece was taken prisoner at that time by the Indians.

Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 67: Conclusion of
extensive prior analysis - that James Schoolcraft Sr. is a son of Austien and Catherine Countryman Schoolcraft, -- and
is the James Schoolcraft that appears on the 1784 personal property tax list of Harrison County, Virginia with a total of
8 members of his household, -- and the James Schoolcraft that, sometime around 1795, moved to Kentucky.
77 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 66: Conclusion of

extensive prior analysis - that John Schoolcraft Sr. is a son of Austien and Catherine Countryman Schoolcraft, -- that he
is the father of the 8 Schoolcraft children that were supposedly massacred by the Indians, -- and that he is the father of
some (but not necessarily all) of the 5 Schoolcraft male children supposedly taken captive by the Indians.
78 David J. Ellis. Genealogical estimate used for date of birth.
79 State Census, Monongalia Co., VA, Recon. from List of Inhabitants and Buildings, 1782 for Monongalia Co., John

Schoolcraft. Male over 21 1.

80 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit M. 1782 List of

Inhabitants and Buildings in Monongalia Co. includes John Schoolcraft and 1 Tithables. Personal Property Tax Lists
for Monongalia Co. include John in 1783 and 1785. 1784 is missing and he is not listed in 1786-1810.
81 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit N. Harrison Co. VA

(WV) Minute Books. Includes John Schoolcraft in 15 Court actions between November 1784 and 22-Mar-1787.
Dennis Rodgers. Fayette County Tax Lists. Jno. Schoolcraft; 1 white males over 21; 3 cattle.
83 David J. Ellis. Often claimed to be an Indian girl called Miotoka Nyeswanan. No evidence found to substantiate this

legend. The name Nyeswanan comes from a confusion over the maiden name of Jacob Brake Sr.'s wife (Elizabeth
Cooper) who was sister to John Neiswanger's wife (Magdalena Cooper). A letter from Jacob's grandson, Abram W.
Brake, to Laura Jackson Arnold is believed to contain the same information as claimed by Janet Cosgrove in SAN Vol.
2, No. 1, pp. 13 - 19.
84 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 73-80: in October 1779,

John's wife and 8 of his children killed and two, probably John Jr. and Jacob, captured by the Indians. [History of the
Early Settlement and Indian Wars by Wills DeHaas - 1851. pp. 253.]
85 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 9 - 12; Letter by Mrs. J. W. Calhoun: Refers to burial in the

Hire cemetery of John's wife, the eight children and later Matthias.
86 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 91: Proves that John

Schoolcraft Sr. was father of John Jr, Jacob, Leonard, and either the father or brother of Simon and Michael. Proves all
five were captured by Indians at one time or another.
87 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 70-71: Withers, DeHaas

and McWorter each relate that in April 1781, Mathias, Simon and Michael Schoolcraft were attacked by Indians while
returning from hunting at the head of Stone Coal Creek. Mathias was killed. DeHaas refers to all three as brothers but
Ed believes only Simon and Michael were brothers and that Mathias was their uncle.
88 David J. Ellis. Ed Schoolcraft shows that Mathew cannot be Mathias' son due to their respective ages. The

Monongalia Co. land record "hier at law" proves they are two related persons. I do not trust that he is Austien's son as
the names Mathew and Mathias are equivalent. Mathew may be John's son which might account for the confusion over
Mathias being stated as brother to Simon and Michael.
89 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 3 - 8; Letter by Margaret Bush [has proven inconsistencies]:

Their children were John 1761, Jacob 1762 who married Mary Ann Parsons, Leonard 1763, Lucy 1764, Matthias 1765,
Mary 1766, Martha 1766, Simon 1768, Michael 1769, Austin 1770, Sarah 1772, Polly 1773, Nancy 1774, Charity
90 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit L: In April 1781, the

last of the children, three boys, Matthias, Simon and Michael, visited a pigeon roost on Stone Coal Creek, where
passenger pigeons congregated in vast numbers. While returning to the fort, they were fired upon by the Indians;
Matthias was killed, and the other two were made prisoners.
Chronicles of Border Warfare, Alexander Scott Withers, pp. 282. Soon after the happening of this affair [April
1779], a party of Indians came into the Buchannon settlement, and made prisoner Leonard Schoolcraft, a youth of
about sixteen, who had been sent from the fort on some business.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 67: Conclusion of
extensive prior analysis - that John Schoolcraft Jr. is a son of John Schoolcraft Sr., -- that he is one of the 5 Schoolcraft
male children supposedly taken captive by the Indians, -- and he is the "acknowledged" veteran of the Revolutionary
War from the State of Virginia.
93 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 85-94: Ed shows that John

lied about his age and service in the pension application and that he was born between 1767 and 1770. I believe his
birth day was probably 13th Feb as stated in the pension application. I think it likely he just removed exactly ten years
from his age, in effect using his age on the death record.

Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1850, pp. 057.24, dw. , District 30, Lewis Co., VA, John Schoolcraft age 83 sex
m Farmer, died in February of tater worms born in VA.
Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 152.14, Not Stated, Lewis Co., VA, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 >45, female:
1 >45.
96 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 255.20, Not Stated, Lewis Co., VA, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 50-60,

female: 1 10-15, 1 30-40.

97 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 49.01, Not Stated, Lewis Co., VA, John Schootcraft. Male: 1 70-80, female:

1 50-60.
98 Abstracted by Virgil D. White, Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files, (National Historical

Publishing Company, Waynesboro, Tennessee, 1992), SCHOOLCRAFT John, VA Line, S7468, sol was b 13 Feb 1757
in Hampshire Co VA & he lived in Ohio Co VA at enl & in 1781 he moved to Monongahalia Co VA & also enl there
& after the Rev he lived in Lewis Co VA where he app 2 Jul 1833, on 27 Apr 1860 sol's wid Nancy Schoolcraft made
aff'dt in lewis Co VA aged 76, sol had m Nancy Brown 18 Jul 1804 in Harrison Co VA & sol d 6 Mar 1850 in Lewis
Co VA.
99 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 85-94: Ed shows that John

lied about his age and service and the pension was granted in error.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 99-102: Ed shows that
Jacob and John had escaped from capture by 1784.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit V from FHL US/CAN
847163 Harrison Co., VA Tax Lists 1784-1816: 1791 - John Schoolcraft. 1792 - John Schoolcraft. 1793 - John
Schoolcraft. 1794 - John Schoolcraft. 1795 - John Schoolcraft. 1796 - John Schoolcraft. 1800 - John Schoolcraft. 1801
- John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable; 1 Horse, tax .12¢.
102 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit W Randolph Co., VA

Tax Lists 1784-1820: 1803 - John Schoolcraft. 1804 - John Schoolcraft. 1805 - John Schoolcraft. 1806 - John
103 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 92. States that John and

Nancy married in Harrison Co. on 18 July 1805. This may indicate a typographical error in either Ed's work or the
Pension summary. States Nancy's parents were James Brown and Sarah Shepherd.
104 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Sep-1850, dw. 1302, District 30, Lewis Co., VA, fam. 1324, Carr Bailey Sen. age

58 sex m farmer born in VA, Sarah age 59 sex f born in VA, Manderrille age 28 sex m farmer born in VA, Elizabeth
age 22 sex f born in VA, Mary J. age 12 sex f born in VA, Albert Bailey age 8 sex m born in VA, Nancy Schoolcraft
age 67 sex f born in VA.
105 Federal Population Schedule, 21-Jul-1860, pp. 154.12, dw. 1030, Western Lewis Co., Lewis Co., VA, fam. 1030,

Carr Bailey age 69 sex m minister Baptist born in VA, Sally age 69 sex f born in VA, Nancy Schoolcraft age 76 sex f
born in VA, Albert Bailey age 18 sex m born in VA, Sarah J. Fisher age 11 sex f born in VA.
106 Abstracted by Virgil D. White, Genealogical Abstracts Of Revolutionary War Pension Files, (National Historical

Publishing Company, Waynesboro, Tennessee, 1992), SCHOOLCRAFT Jacob, VA Line, R9268, sol was b in 1759 in
Hardy Co VA & he lived in Augusta Co VA at enl & after the Rev he lived in Monongahalia Co VA then moved to
Harrison Co VT[sic] then moved to Lewis Co VA where he appl 25 Nov 1833.
107 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 94-99: Ed shows that

Jacob lied about his age and service in the pension application and that he was probably born after John but not later
than 1772/1773.
108 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 23.25, Not Stated, Harrison Co., VA, Jacob Scoolcraft. Male: 2 <10, 1 >45,

female: 1 <10, 2 10-16, 1 26-45.

Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 152.02, Not Stated, Lewis Co., VA, Jacob Schoocraft. Male: 3 <10, 1 10-16,
1 16-18, 1 16-26, 1 >45, female: 1 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 >45.
Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 55.09, Not Stated, Wood Co., VA, Jacob Schuylcraft. Male: 1 50-60,
female: 1 30-40.
111 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1850, dw. , District 17, Gilmer Co., VA, Jacob Schoolcraft age 70 sex m No

occupation, died in April of old age born in VA.

112 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit W Randolph Co., VA

Tax Lists 1784-1820: Jacob Schoolcraft - 1793 - 1795 & 1797 & 1800-1801.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit V from FHL US/CAN
847163 Harrison Co., VA Tax Lists 1784-1816: Jacob Schoolcraft - 1802 - 1805 & 1809 - 1813 & 1816.
114 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 94-99: Ed notes the claim

that James is burried in Bear Run Cemetery, Orma.

Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Claimed: pp. 94-99: Ed notes
the unverified claim by others that Jacob married Rebecca Parsons, daughter of Charles Parsons and Unknown
116 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 2 No. 2 Cover Photo Fall 1986:

Sarah Jane Schoolcraft, husband Lewis Hudnall and daughter Mary. Chart on pp. 4.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 94-99: Ed conjectures this
possibility based on census data.
118 Federal Population Schedule, 27-Jun-1860, pp. 44.17, dw. 295, Newark, Wirt Co., VA, fam. 295, Benjamin

Schoolcraft age 25 sex m laborer born in VA, Mary A. age 27 sex f born in VA, Ann E. age 8 sex f born in VA, Charles
A. age 6 sex m born in VA, William age 2 sex m born in VA, Virginia age 5 mos. sex f born in VA, John W. Releg age
15 sex m laborer born in VA, Lucretia A. Lazure age 21 sex f born in VA.
119 Federal Population Schedule, 17-Jun-1870, pp. 17.21, dw. 127, Elizabeth, Wirt Co., WV, fam. 123, Benj.

Schoolcraft age 35 sex m farmer born in VA, M. J. age 16 sex f born in VA, C. A. age 16 sex m works on farm born in
VA, William age 12 sex m born in VA, Virginia age 9 sex f born in VA, M. J. age 8 sex f born in VA, Amanda age 6
sex f born in WV.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255415 NA Film T9-1415 pp. 154B, Clay, Wirt Co., WV : Benj.
Schoolcroft Self male married white age 45 born in VA occupation Wheelwright father born in VA mother born in VA:
Martha J. Schoolcroft Wife female white age 26 born in VA occupation Keeps House father born in VA mother born in
VA: Mahala C. Schoolcroft Dau white age 9 born in WV father born in VA mother born in VA: Ida Belle Schoolcroft
Dau white age 7 born in WV father born in VA mother born in VA: Rosella Schoolcroft Dau white age 6 born in WV
father born in VA mother born in VA: Benj. Schoolcroft Son married white age 5 born in WV father born in VA
mother born in VA: D. M. Schoolcroft Son married white age 9M born in WV father born in VA mother born in VA:
Saml. Hardway Other married white age 22 born in VA occupation Laborer father born in NJ mother born in VA.
121 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 1 pp. 39 Census Special Schedule Surviving Soldiers, Sailors,

Marines, & Widows: FHL US/CAN #338268: 1890 Elizabeth Dist., Wirt Co., WV, dwelling 409, family 410,
Schoolcraft, Martha widow of Benjamin S. Schoolcraft, Pvt Co. E. 11th WV Inf., Enl. Aug 1862 Dis. 28-Jun-1865.
122 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jun-1900, pp. 126B.64, dw. 10, fam. 10, ED #123, Elizabeth, Wirt Co., WV : Mary

F. Schoolcraft head female widow age 45 born in Apr 1854, WV occupation farmer, marr. 25 yrs. crossed out, 9 ch., 9
liv. father born in WV mother born in WV: David son male single age 20 born in Aug 1879, WV occupation day
laborer father born in WV mother born in WV: Alonzo son male single age 18 born in Jul 1881, WV occupation day
laborer father born in WV mother born in WV: Garfield son male single age 16 born in Jul 1883, WV occupation day
laborer father born in WV mother born in WV: Paul son male single age 11 born in Jun 1888, WV father born in WV
mother born in WV: Casey son male single age 11 born in Jun 1888, WV father born in WV mother born in WV:
Gussie Clayton boarder male single age 9 born in Apr 1891, WV father born in WV mother born in WV.
123 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 56, FHL Book 975.426 V2m Virgina & West Virginia: Vital

Records, Wirt County, Virginia Marriages by Martha Metz, Wes Cochran & Linda Camp: Benjamin Schoolcraft to
Martha Collins on 23 Oct 1867 in Wirt Co., VA Groom ae. 30. Bride ae. 15.
124 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 94-99: Ed shows that

Jacob had children Aaron, James, John, Mary, Ann and Permelia and reasons the ages of the male children from their
first appearance on the tax rolls at age 21.
125 Federal Population Schedule, 5-Nov-1850, dw. 1645, District 29, Kanawha Co., VA, fam. 1686, James Schoolcraft

age 46 sex m farmer born in VA, Catharine age 47 sex f born in VA, Peter age 23 sex m laborer born in VA, Samuel
age 16 sex m laborer born in VA, Hagle age 15 sex m born in VA, Edward age 12 sex m born in VA, James age 10 sex
m born in VA, George age 6 sex m born in VA, Jacob age 5 sex m born in VA, Sarah age 3 sex f born in VA, Oliver
Boggs age 5 sex m born in VA.
126 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 255.07, Not Stated, Lewis Co., VA, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 20-30,

female: 2 <5, 1 20-30.

127 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 115.15, Not Stated, Kanawha Co., VA, Jas. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 2 5-10,

1 10-15, 1 30-40, female: 1 <5, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 30-40.

Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 46, FHL US/CAN #825112, Virgina & West Virginia: Vital
Records, Virginia Marriages Vol #1: Jonathan Howell to Sarah Schoolcraft on 27 Aug 1817 in Lewis Co., VA parents
Bride: Jacob Schoolcraft.
Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 255.06, Not Stated, Lewis Co., VA, Aron Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-15, 1 20-
30, female: 2 <5, 2 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 30-40.
130 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 47.09, Not Stated, Lewis Co., VA, Aaron Schootcraft. Male: 1 30-40,

female: 2 10-15, 2 15-20, 1 40-50.

Federal Population Schedule, 16-Sep-1850, dw. 514, District 17, Gilmer Co., VA, fam. 518, A. Schoolcraft age 42
sex m farmer born in VA, Sally age 45 sex f born in VA, Mahala age 17 sex f born in VA, John E. Ratcliff age 4 sex m
born in VA.
132 Federal Population Schedule, 25-Aug-1860, pp. 153.03, dw. 1067, Ritchie, Ritchie Co., VA, fam. 1018, Aaron

Schoolcraft age 50 sex m farmer born in VA, Sarah age 60 sex f born in VA, John C. Ratcliff age 12 sex m born in VA.
Federal Population Schedule, 16-Sep-1870, pp. 35.10, dw. 218, PO Harrisville, Murphy, Ritchie Co., WV, fam. 208,
Aaron Schoolcraft age 69 sex m farmer born in VA now WV, Sarah age 49 sex f born in VA now WV.
134 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255413 NA Film T9-1413 pp. 307B, Murphy, Ritchie Co., WV :

Aaron Schoolcraft Self male married white age 76 born in VA occupation Farmer father born in VA mother born in
VA: Sarah Schoolcraft Wife female white age 61 born in VA occupation Keeps House father born in VA mother born
in VA.
135 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 1 pp. 5, Virginia Land Grants Book 2, pp. 162: Aaron Schoolcraft,

granted 50 acres on the Waters of Leading Creek, Lewis Co., in 1843.

Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 46, FHL US/CAN #824939, Virgina & West Virginia: Vital
Records, Virginia Index to Marriages Vol #1: Aaron Schoolcraft to Sarah Stallman on 28 Feb 1822 in Lewis Co., VA.
Source Book 1 pp. 18.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 46, FHL US/CAN #824939, Virgina & West Virginia: Vital
Records, Virginia Index to Marriages Vol #1: James Schoolcraft to Catherine Bush on 11 Jun 1825 in Lewis Co., VA.
Source Book I pp. 39.
138 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 7; Family Bible in poss. of Audria Schoolcraft McCumbers.

Sally wife of John December 30, 1817. John Schoolcraft, July 9, 1811. Peter P. son of John & Sally October 8, 1852.
Charles F. June 21, 1855. Nancy June 21, 1855. Sary Amy March 10, 1858. Martha M. March 26, 1861. Sary A.
October 4, 1875. Lucinda July 4, 1858. Mary E. May 26, 1860. Phebe Susan daughter of Dorothy June 16, 1857.
George W. January 2, 1866. Peter P. May 10, 1877. Charlie son of Margaret 1880. John H. September 26, 1860.
William son of Christena September 30, 1868. Ida Jane daughter of Christena 1867.
139 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 254.13, Not Stated, Lewis Co., VA, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 15-20,

female: 3 <5, 1 15-20.

140 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 115.23, Not Stated, Kanawha Co., VA, Jno. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 20-30,

female: 2 <5, 2 5-10, 1 30-40.

141 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Aug-1850, dw. 185, District 17, Gilmer Co., VA, fam. 185, J. Schoolcraft age 35

sex m farmer born in VA, Sally age 30 sex f born in VA, Jemima age 17 sex f born in VA, Rebecca age 14 sex f born
in VA, Christina age 11 sex f born in VA, Paulus age 10 sex m born in VA, Dolly age 7 sex f born in VA, Aaron age 5
sex m born in VA, Allen age 4 sex m born in VA, Eliza age 2 sex f born in VA.
142 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Nov-1860, pp. 137.01, dw. 997, Arnoldsburg, Calhoun Co., VA, fam. 894, John

Schoolcraft age 49 sex m farmer born in Harrison Co., Sally age 44 sex f born in Harrison Co., Dorothy age 22 sex f
born in Kanawha Co., Paulser age 17 sex m born in Kanawha Co., Aaron age 15 sex m born in Gilmer Co., John A. age
13 sex m born in Gilmer Co., Elijah age 12 sex m born in Gilmer Co., Ruben M. age 10 sex m born in Gilmer Co.,
Peter P. age 8 sex m born in Gilmer Co., Charles F. age 5 sex m born in Gilmer Co., Nancy Jane age 5 sex f born in
Gilmer Co., Sarah Amy age 3 sex f born in Calhoun Co., John H. age 1 mos. sex m born in Calhoun Co.
143 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Sep-1870, pp. 63.23, dw. 433, PO Grantsville, Washington, Calhoun Co., WV,

fam. 434, John Schoolcraft age 55 sex m farm laborer born in VA, Sarah age 55 sex f born in VA, Charles age 16 sex
m farm laborer born in VA, Jane age 16 sex f born in VA, Nancy age 14 sex f born in VA, Mahala age 12 sex f born in
VA, John age 10 sex m born in VA, Fred age 8 sex m born in VA, Not named age 1 sex m born in WV.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 1 pp. 5, Virginia Land Grants Book 2, pp. 459: John Schoolcraft,
granted 200 acres on Big Bear Run, Gilmer Co., in 1855.
145 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 2 pp. 8-9. Roane Co., VA, Wills Vol. 1 pp. 60-61 Feb 1880. Will

of John Schoolcraft mentions son Peter, claims against Adam Rup & Reubin Schoolcraft & Charles Schoolcraft, heirs
Palser, Aaron, John, Elijah, Reubin, Charles, Jammima, Christine, Nancy Jane, Sarah Amy & Martha Mahalia
Schoolcraft. Probated 28-Feb-1880 states death on Feb 12, 1880.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1 pp. 49 - 50, IGI 1981 Edition, Virginia/West Virgina Births:
Aaron Schoolcraft parents John Schoolcraft & Sarah Martha Hall. Born 1847 in Gilmer Co.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255401 NA Film T9-1401 pp. 221C, Washington, Calhoun Co.,
WV : Chas. Schoolcroft Self male white age 22 born in WV occupation Farmer father born in VA mother born in VA:
Margarett Schoolcroft Wife female white age 24 born in WV occupation Keeping House father born in (VA) mother
born in (VA): Sarah A. Schoolcroft Dau white age 4 born in WV father born in WV mother born in WV: Peter P.
Schoolcroft Son white age 3 born in WV father born in WV mother born in WV: William G. Schoolcroft Son white age
1 born in WV father born in WV mother born in WV: Sallie M. Schoolcroft Mother white age 65 born in VA father
born in (VA) mother born in (KY): Martha M. Schoolcroft Sister white age 19 born in WV father born in VA mother
born in VA: Joseph Conley Nephew white age 17 born in MO occupation At Home father born in WV mother born in
WV: Wm. Nichols Nephew white age 16 born in WV occupation At Home father born in WV mother born in WV:
John Schoolcroft Nephew white age 19 born in WV father born in WV mother born in WV: Geo. W. Schoolcroft
Nephew white age 16 born in WV occupation At Home father born in WV mother born in WV.
148 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 72: The appraisal of

Mathias estate is clearly indicative of someone who is living as a single man.

State Census, Harrison Co., VA, Recon. from 1784 Tax List for Harrison Co., James Schoolcraft. Total 8.
150 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 135.13, Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 >45,

Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 59: Augusta County Will
Book No. 5, pp. 348.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 59: Augusta County Will
Book No. 6, pp. 85-91.
153 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 102 & Exhibit V. Harrison

County, Virginia. FHL US/CAN 347163. 1784 - James Schoolcraft; 1 tithable; 8 persons in household. 1785 - James
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable; 7 cattle. 1786 - James Schoolcraft. 1787 - James Schoolcraft. 1788 - James Schoolcraft. 1789 -
James Schoolcraft. 1790 - James Schoolcraft. 1791 - James Schoolcraft. 1792 - James Schoolcraft. 1793 - James
Schoolcraft. 1794 - James Schoolcraft; 2 tithable.
154 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit BB. Pulaski County,

Kentucky. FHL US/CAN 008209. 1802 - James Schoolcraft Sr.; 1 white males over 21; 150 acres Clifty Creek, 2 mare
horses. 1803 - James Schoolcraft; 1 white males over 21; No taxable property. 1805 - James Schoolcraft; 1 white males
over 21; No taxable property. 1810 - James Schoolcraft; 1 white males over 21; No taxable property. 1811 - James
Schoolcraft; 1 white males over 21; No taxable property.
155 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit CC: Court Order

Books, Pulaski Co., KY: Book 1 pp. 333 Aug 1802 granted 150 acres of land on Clifty Creek. Book 2 pp. 217 Aug
1805 granted.
156 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit BB: Pulaski County

KY Tax Lists FHL US/CAN 008209: James Schoolcraft listed - 1802, 1 male over 21, 150 acres Clifty Creek; 1803;
1805; 1810; 1811.
157 David J. Ellis. Elizabeth's second marriage and the step daughter require she be a widow by 1816. The only known

Schoolcraft in KY who has died by then is James. Thus Patsy must be his child.
158 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 125: Betsey Schoolcraft

marries Samuel Johnson in Hokins co. on 19-Feb-1816. A later record in 1833 identifies Patsy Schoolcraft as step
daughter of Samuel Johnson implying Elizabeth's marriage was a second one.
159 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 106-107: Harrison County

Minute Book for 1795 pp. 213 shows Catherine, daughter of Elizabeth Schoolcraft, is indentured to John Haigle.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 67: Conclusion of
extensive prior analysis - that James Schoolcraft Jr. is a son of James Schoolcraft Sr., -- and is the James Schoolcraft
that served as a scout in Randolph County, Virginia with the State Militia in the year of 1790, -- and that he married
Mary Carpenter in Harrison County, Virginia, -- and sometime around 1802, he moved to Kentucky.
161 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 117-120: John is son of

James Sr.
David J. Ellis. The claimed birth in 1777 is consistent with an indenture in 1795. She would be age 18 at that time
and would need her mother's permission.
163 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 2 pp. 46. Illinois: Vital Records, Marriages, Hamilton Co., IL

1821-1854: Patsey Schoolcraft m. Alexander Smith 7-Jul-1833. James Twigg, J.P. Step-dau. Samuel Johnson. Rec #
164 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 103: James Schoolcraft Jr.

was born about 1773. Estimated from the Harrison Co. Tax List which shows his father with 2 tithables impying James
Jr. was age at least 21 at the time.

Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 104: Ed refers to the
Calendar of Virgina State Papers, Vol. VIII, pp. 243. Served 61 days, age 20, 5' 8". Believed to have lied about his age.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit W. Randolph County,
West Virginia. From original at Virginia State Archives, Richmond. 1796 - James Schoolcraft. 1797 - James
Schoolcraft. 1801 - James Schoolcraft. 1802 - James Schoolcraft. 1803 - James Schoolcraft.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit BB. Pulaski County,
Kentucky. FHL US/CAN 008209. 1802 - James Schoolcraft Jr.; 1 white males over 21; No taxable property, 2 mare
168 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit BB. Pulaski County,

Kentucky. FHL US/CAN 008209. 1802 - John Schoolcraft; 1 white males over 21; 100 acres Fishing Creek.
169 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 5.42, Hanover, Butler Co., OH, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 10-16, 2 16-26,

1 >45, female: 3 <10, 1 26-45.

170 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 134.02, Fairfield, Tippecanoe Co., IN, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 5-10, 2

20-30, 1 60-70, female: 1 <5, 1 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50.

171 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 117: James died there on

30 November 1834 and his wife Elizabeth died there on 21 June 1860. Both buried in North Union Cemetery,
Tippecanoe Co.
172 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 104: Ed provides the date

and location. Refers to marriage bond stating both are of age and without parents or guardians. Does not mean that
James Sr. had died - only that he was in Kentucky.
173 David J. Ellis. The break in child sequences between 1813 and 1820.
174 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 1.18, Washington, Tippecanoe Co., IN, Mrs. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 15-20, 1

20-30, female: 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 20-30, 1 40-50.

175 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Oct-1850, dw. 121, Washington, Tippecanoe Co., IN, fam. 121, Jotham Schoolcraft

age 26 sex m famer born in OH, Elizabeth age 66 sex f born in TN, Sarah age 25 sex f born in OH, Francis age 23 sex f
born in IN.
176 Federal Population Schedule, 23-Jun-1860, pp. 55.26, dw. 417, Washington, Tippecanoe Co., IN, fam. 416, James

Schoolcraft age 50 sex m farmer born in PA, Catharine age 40 sex f wife born in IN, John age 14 sex m born in IN,
Malinda age 12 sex f born in IN, Henry age 10 sex m born in IN, Isaac age 6 sex m born in IN, Mary E. age 3 sex f
born in IN, Martha J. age 1 sex f born in IN, Elizabeth age 71 sex f guest born in PA.
177 David J. Ellis. Age and location strongly suggest the claim is justified.
178 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 6.20, Washington, Tippecanoe Co., IN, Jeremiah Schoolcraft. Male: 3 <5, 2

5-10, 1 40-50, female: 2 5-10, 1 30-40.

179 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Sep-1850, dw. 679, Davis, Fountain Co., IN, fam. 691, Jeremiah Schoolcraft age 52

sex m laborer born in VA, Margaret age 43 sex f born in VA, Ann age 20 sex f born in VA, Jacob age 15 sex m born in
IN, Alexander age 14 sex m born in IN, John age 7 sex m born in IN, Maria age 6 sex f born in IN, Elijah age 3 sex m
born in IN.
180 Ohio: Marriage Records, Event Marriage: Jeremiah Schoolcraft : M: Spouse Margaret Miller : Date 5 Oct 1828 :

Place Butler, Ohio.

181 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 25, Source unstated, Ohio Births: James Schoolcraft parents

James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft. Born 14 Mar 1810 in OH.

182 Federal Population Schedule, 28-Sep-1850, dw. 99, Washington, Tippecanoe Co., IN, fam. 99, James Schoolcraft

age 40 sex m farmer born in Unknown, Catharine age 28 sex f born in OH, John age 4 sex m born in IN, Malinda age 1
sex f born in IN, Henry age 2 mos. sex m born in IN, John Milles age 50 sex m famer born in Unknown.
Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jul-1870, pp. 41.07, dw. 328, Cerro Gordo, Piatt Co., IL, fam. 328, James
Schoolcraft age 60 sex m farmer born in PA, Catharine age 50 sex f born in OH, Henry age 20 sex m farmer born in IN,
Malinda age 21 sex f born in IN, Isaac age 17 sex m farmer born in IN, Mary age 14 sex f born in IN, Martha age 11
sex f born in IN.
184 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254242 NA Film T9-0242 pp. 214A, Cerro Gordo, Piatt Co., IL :

James SCHOOLCROFT Self male married white age 70 born in OH occupation Retired Farmer father born in VA
mother born in VA: Catharine SCHOOLCROFT Wife female married white age 58 born in OH occupation Keeping
House father born in NY mother born in NY.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 58, Source unstated, Illinois Deaths: Schoolcraft, James, d. 6
Jul 1883 in Piatt Co., IL. Son of James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft. Husb of lst: Nancy Ann Franklin on 20 Oct 1836 in
Tippecanoe Co., IN. Husb of 2nd: Catharine Miller on 6 Nov 1844 in Piatt Co., IL.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 29, Source unstated, Indiana Marriages: James Schoolcraft to
Catherine Miller on 6 Nov 1844 in Piatt Co., IL James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft.

Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 58, Source unstated, Illinois Deaths: Schoolcraft, Catharine,
d. 16 Jun 1887 in Piatt Co., IL. Dau of Joseph Miller & Catharine Botafield. Wife of James Schoolcraft.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 29, Source unstated, Indiana Marriages: James Schoolcraft to
Nancy Ann Franklin on 20 Oct 1836 in Tippecanoe Co., IN James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft.
189 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 59, Source unstated, Indiana Deaths: Schoolcraft, Eliza, d. at

the age of 10/11 on 23 Nov 1828 in Tippecanoe Co., IN. Dau of James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft.
190 David J. Ellis. If the death record is correct then Eliza is born about 1817/1818 and may be the child of Elizabeth,

not Mary as claimed by some. She is not likely to be the daughter of Elizabeth as another daughter called Elizabeth is
born before Eliza's death. This family is not well defined as original sources have not been determined.
191 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 29, Source unstated, Indiana Marriages: Archibald Rains to

Katherine Schoolcraft on 19 Jul 1835 in Tippecanoe Co., IN James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft.
192 David J. Ellis. The break in child sequences between 1813 and 1820 suggest Elizabeth is actually this one's step

Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 29, Source unstated, Indiana Marriages: Adam Cosner to
Katherine Schoolcraft on aft. 1835 in James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 29, Source unstated, Indiana Marriages: Reuben Burkhalter to
Mary Ann Schoolcraft on 17 Jul 1844 in Tippecannoe Co., IN James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft.
195 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 29, Source unstated, Indiana Marriages: Henry Alenduff to

Margaret Schoolcraft on 29 Aug 1844 in Tippecanoe Co., IN James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft.
196 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 29, Source unstated, Indiana Marriages: Jotham Schoolcraft

to Nancy Steed Acres on 22 Feb 1852 in Tippecanoe Co., IN James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft.
197 Federal Population Schedule, 23-Jun-1860, pp. 55.19, dw. 416, Washington, Tippecanoe Co., IN, fam. 415, Jotham

Schoolcraft age 35 sex m farmer born in OH, Nancy age 33 sex f wife born in OH, John age 11 sex m born in IN, Mark
A. age 5 sex m born in IN, James age 4 sex m born in IN, Margaret E. age 3 sex f born in IN, Sarah J. age 2 sex f born
in IN.
198 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Aug-1870, pp. 1.18, dw. 3, Parrish Grove, Oxford, Benton Co., IN, fam. 3, Jotham

Schoolcraft age 47 sex m farm labor born in OH, Nancy age 45 sex f keep house born in OH, Mark A. age 17 sex m
farm labor born in IN, Margaret age 14 sex f born in IN, James age 16 sex m farm labor born in IN, Sarah age 11 sex f
born in IN, Mary age 9 sex f born in IN, Malinda age 7 sex f born in IN.
199 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254214 NA Film T9-0214 pp. 340B, Prairie Green, Iroquois Co., IL

: Jothan SCHOOLSCRAFT Self male married white age 56 born in OH occupation Farmer father born in PA mother
born in PA: Nancy SCHOOLSCRAFT Wife female married white age 53 born in OH occupation Keeping House father
born in VA mother born in KY: James SCHOOLSCRAFT Son male single white age 26 born in IN occupation Farmer
father born in PA mother born in KY: Margret E. SCHOOLSCRAFT Dau female single white age 24 born in IN father
born in PA mother born in KY: Sarah J. SCHOOLSCRAFT Dau female single white age 21 born in IN father born in
PA mother born in KY: Malinda C. SCHOOLSCRAFT Dau female single white age 17 born in IN occupation At
Home father born in PA mother born in KY.
200 David J. Ellis. Jotham and James are enumerated in adjacent households in 1860 and are probably therefore siblings.
201 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 59, Source unstated, Indiana Deaths: Schoolcraft, Elizabeth,

d. on 26 Oct 1865 in Tippecanoe Co., IN. Dau of James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft. Wife of George Washington Custer.
202 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 3 pp. 29, Source unstated, Indiana Marriages: George Washington

Custer to Elizabeth Schoolcraft on 6 Apr 1837 in Tippecanoe Co., IN James & Elizabeth Schoolcraft.
203 David J. Ellis. I believe the gender is an enumerator error.
Federal Population Schedule, 30-Aug-1860, pp. 168.30, dw. 1238, Davis, Fountain Co., IN, fam. 1200, F. M.
Schoolcraft age 30 sex m farmer born in OH, Elizabeth E. age 22 sex f born in OH, Emily J. age 5 sex f born in IN,
Emiline age 3 sex f born in IN, Laticia age 2 sex f born in IN.
Federal Population Schedule, 13-Jun-1870, pp. 3.11, dw. 21, Watseka, Iroquois Co., IL, fam. 23, F. M. Schoolcraft
age 41 sex m laborer born in OH, Elizabeth E. age 33 sex f born in OH, Emily J. age 15 sex f born in IN, Emeline age
13 sex f born in IN, Lettie age 12 sex f born in IN, Elizabeth age 9 sex f born in IL, Joshua age 4 sex m born in IL, Ora
age 2 sex f born in IL.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254214 NA Film T9-0214 pp. 249A, Watseka, Iroquois Co., IL :
Marion F. SCHOOLCRAFT Self male married white age 53 born in OH occupation Farmer father born in OH mother
born in OH: Ellen SCHOOLCRAFT Wife female married white age 41 born in OH occupation Keeping House father
born in IRELAND mother born in NJ: Joshua SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 13 born in IL occupation At
Home father born in OH mother born in OH: Orra SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white age 11 born in IL
occupation At Home father born in OH mother born in OH: Willie SCHOOLCRAFT Son male single white age 8 born
in IL occupation At Home father born in OH mother born in OH: Gracie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single white
age 6 born in IL occupation At Home father born in OH mother born in OH: Lillie SCHOOLCRAFT Dau female single
white age 2 born in IL father born in OH mother born in OH: Frank BAILEY GSon male single white age 4 born in IL
father born in VT mother born in IN: George BAILEY GSon male single white age 2 born in IL father born in VT
mother born in IN.
207 Illinois: Cemetery Records, Oak Hill Cemetery, Watseka: Schoolcraft, Francis M d. Feb. 21, 1913.
208 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 3 pp. 56 - 65, Source W.P.A. project, Indiana Marriages: Francis

M. Schoolcraft to Ellen Dunn on 29 Sep 1853 in Fountain Co.

209 Illinois: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 50. Marriages, Iroquois Co., IL FHL US/CAN 1321548 Book C, pp.

282, #9240: Lillian Schoolcraft m. Caldwell Marrical 27-Nov-1902 in Watseka by O. J. Dwinell M.G., wit. Emma
Jacob & Nelly Kessler, filed 29-Nov-1902. Groom res. Donovan, IL, teacher, ae. 27, 1st marr., b. Clifton, IL, par. John
Marrical & Ollie Carpenter. Bride res. Watseka, ae. 24, 1st marr., b. Watseka, par. Francis Schoolcraft & Ellen Downey
or Downing.
210 Illinois: Cemetery Records, Longshore Cemetery, Longshore: Schoolcraft, Ella d. Apr. 21, 1883 Ae. 44y 11m 1d.
211 Dennis Rodgers. John's birth in about 1785 is calculated from his age range in the 1810 census of Clay County and

from his appearance on the tax lists of Clay in 1807, and assumes that the Clay County John is the same John who
migrated to Hopkins County and then to Hamilton County..
212 Federal Population Schedule, 1810, pp. 150.10, Not Stated, Clay Co., KY, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 16-26, female:

2 <10, 1 16-26.
213 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 262.23, Not Stated, Hopkins Co., KY, John Schoolcraft. Male: 3 <10, 1 10-

16, 1 16-26, 1 26-45, female: 1 <10, 2 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 26-45.

214 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 243.26, McLansborough, Hamilton Co., IL, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 5-10,

2 10-15, 2 15-20, 1 20-30, 1 50-60, female: 1 <5, 1 10-15, 1 40-50.

215 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit CC: Court Order

Books, Pulaski Co., KY: Book 1 pp. 107 May 1801 granted 100 acres of land on Fishing Creek. Book 1 pp. 349 Sep-
1802 relinquished to Benjamin Sayers.
216 David J. Ellis. While Ed is correct in associating a George Schoolcraft with James, I believe he has chosen the

incorrect George. It seem far more plausible that the only who appears in the Kentucky tax records and who died in
Indiana is a far more likely combination. He would have married just before appearing in the tax lists and his children
are born shortly thereafter.
217 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit DD FHL US/CAN

007936: Clay County KY Tax Lists: John Schoolcraft listed - 1807 with 1 over 21.
218 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit HH: Clay County KY

Tax delinquents and Insolvents List FHL US/CAN 986629: John Schoolcraft listed with 1 over 21 and four mares.
219 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit FF: Hopkins County

KY Tax Lists FHL US/CAN 008045: John Schoolcraft listed - 1815 - 1823 with 1 over 21.
220 Illinois: Vital Records, Listed as members of the Lick Creek (Old Prairie) Primitive Baptist Church in Hamilton Co.

in 1828 are John Schoolcraft and MARY Schoolcraft.

Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 119: Refers to oral history
that John's wife was an Indian woman called Sary. Some children were Margarite m. Thomas Braden 12-Oct-1829;
Nancy m. John Barker 4-Nov-1826; James m. Temperance Trout 4-Jun-1835; Almon m. Serena Caroline Trout 11-Feb-
1846; John Jr. m. Margaret Ann Right 25-Jun-1834
222 Illinois: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 46. Marriages, Hamilton Co., IL 1821-1854: Nancy Schoolcraft m.

John Barker 4-Nov-1826. Wm Golson. Dau. John Schoolcraft. Son Jacob Barker. Rec #76.
223 Illinois: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 46. Marriages, Hamilton Co., IL 1821-1854: Margarite Schoolcraft m.

Thomas Braden 12-Oct-1829. No Return. Dau. Jno. Schoolcraft. Rec # 122-A.

Illinois: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 46. Marriages, Hamilton Co., IL 1821-1854: Suszannah Schoolcraft
m. Edmund barker 23-Oct-1834. Dau. John Schoolcraft. "License returned & no certificate on it" - a book entry. Rec #

Federal Population Schedule, 16-Oct-1850, dw. 507, District 10, Hamilton Co., IL, fam. 507, John Barker age 43
sex m Farmer born in KY, Nancy age 43 sex f born in KY, Martha age 18 sex f born in IL, Susannah age 14 sex f born
in IL, Nancy age 12 sex f born in IL, John E. age 10 sex m born in IL, Eliza A. age 8 sex f born in IL, Hezekiah age 6
sex m born in IL, James age 3 sex m born in IL, Elizabeth age 3 mos. sex f born in IL.
226 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 5.26, Not Stated, Hamilton Co., IL, John Schoolcraft. Male: 2 <5, 1 20-30,

female: 1 <5, 2 30-40.

227 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Oct-1850, dw. 506, District 10, Hamilton Co., IL, fam. 506, John Schoolcraft age

33 sex m farmer born in KY, Margaret age 23 sex f born in TN, Elizabeth age 14 sex f born in IL, James H. age 12 sex
m born in IL, John age 11 sex m born in IL, Joseph age 9 sex m born in IL, Mary A. age 7 sex f born in IL, Thomas age
3 sex m born in IL, Silas age 1 sex m born in IL.
228 David J. Ellis. The census age was probably mis-written by ten years.
229 Illinois: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 46. Marriages, Hamilton Co., IL 1821-1854: John Schoolcraft Jr. m.

Margaret Ann Right 25-Jun-1834. James Twigg, J. P. Rec # 285.

Illinois: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 46. Marriages, Hamilton Co., IL 1821-1854: James Schoolcraft m.
Temperance Trout 4-Jun-1835. Wm. Gholson. Dau. Geo. Trout. Rec # 303.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 2 pp. 70 - 73, Source unstated, Texas Deaths: James Henry
Schoolcraft died in ca. 1895 in Stephens Co., Tex. He was born 29 Jan 1812 in Hopkins Co., KY. the son of John and
Sary Schoolcraft. He married Temperance Trout 4 Jun 1835 at McLeansboro, Hamilton Co., I11., the dau of George
Trout and Katherine Nall.
232 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 2 pp. 70 - 73, Source unstated, Texas Deaths: Temperance

Schoolcraft died in ca. 1895 in Stephens Co., Tex. She was born 14 May 1818 in Tennessee, the dau of George Trout
and Katherine Nall. She was married to James Henry Schoolcraft.
233 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 310.11, Perry, Marion Co., IN, James Schoolcraft. Male: 1 20-30, female: 1

234 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Oct-1850, dw. 487, District 10, Hamilton Co., IL, fam. 487, James Schoolcraft age

39 sex m laborer born in AR, Temperance age 31 sex f born in TN, Sarina age 14 sex f born in IL, John age 12 sex m
born in IL, Susannah age 9 sex f born in IL, George age 6 sex m born in IL, Sarah age 3 sex f born in IL, Hezekiah age
8 mos. sex m born in IL, John Braden age 12 sex m born in IL, Nathan J. age 6 sex m born in IL.
235 Federal Population Schedule, 5-Jul-1870, pp. 3.21, dw. 25, Pickettville, Stephens Co., TX, fam. 27, James

Schoolcraft age 60 sex m stock raiser born in KY, Temperance age 52 sex f born in TN, George age 26 sex m stock
raiser born in IL, Hezekiah age 20 sex m stock raiser born in IL, Josiah age 18 sex m stock raiser born in IL, James H.
age 16 sex m stock raiser born in MO, Mary Caroline age 14 sex f born in MO, Eliza Jane age 11 sex f born in MO.
236 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255327 NA Film T9-1327 pp. 498C, District 172, Precinct 8,

Stephens Co., TX : James Schoolcraft Self male married white age 70 born in KY occupation Farmer father born in KY
mother born in KY: Temperance Schoolcraft Wife female white age 62 born in TN occupation At Home father born in
NC mother born in TN: Hezekiah Schoolcraft Son male married white age 30 born in IL occupation Works On Farm
father born in KY mother born in TN: Martha Schoolcraft DauL male white age 21 born in TX occupation House
Keeper father born in SC mother born in SC: James H. Schoolcraft Son married white age 23 born in MO occupation
Laborer father born in KY mother born in TN: David Schoolcraft GSon married white age 4 born in TX father born in
IL mother born in TX: Joseph Schoolcraft GSon married white age 2 born in TX father born in IL mother born in TX.
237 Military Records: Civil War listings, John Schoolcraft enlisted 9 Jan 1862 from Hamilton Co., IL and died 12 Jan

1862, in 6th Illinois Cavalry, Co. K.

238 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Sep-1860, pp. 12.04, dw. 800, Independence, Dunklin Co., MO, fam. 78, Margaret

Schoolcraft age 48 sex f none listed born in TN, James age 23 sex m born in IL, John age 20 sex m born in IL, Mary
age 16 sex f born in IL, Thomas age 14 sex m born in IL, Sylas age 10 sex m born in IL.
239 Illinois: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 46. Marriages, Hamilton Co., IL 1821-1854: Hezikiah Schoolcraft m.

Mary Ann Trout 28-Mar-1844. John Braden J.P. Rec # 679.

240 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Oct-1850, dw. 491, District 10, Hamilton Co., IL, fam. 491, Hezekiah Schoolcraft

age 32 sex m laborer born in KY, Mary age 21 sex f born in TN, Isaac age 3 sex m born in IL, James age 2 sex m born
in IL, Elizabeth Johnson age 18 sex f born in IL.
241 Federal Population Schedule, 28-Jun-1870, pp. 19.03, dw. 124, Walpole, Township 6, Range 5, 6, Hamilton Co., IL,

fam. 124, H. Schoolcraft age 52 sex m farmer born in KY, Mary age 43 sex f house keeper born in IL, Isaac age 23 sex
m farm laborer born in IL, James age 21 sex m farm laborer born in IL, Almond age 19 sex m farm laborer born in IL,
John age 17 sex m farm laborer born in IL, George age 14 sex m born in IL, Susan age 12 sex f house laborer born in
MO, Hesakiah age 9 sex m born in IL, Hardyman age 6 sex m born in IL, Caroline age 2 sex f born in IL.

Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255306 NA Film T9-1306 pp. 100D, Precinct 1, Grayson Co., TX :
George Brown Self male married white age 27 born in PA occupation Farmer father born in MD mother born in MD:
Mattie Brown Wife female white age 17 born in IL occupation Keeping House father born in TN mother born in TN:
Heydiah Schoolcraft Other married white age 61 born in KY occupation Farm Laborer father born in GA mother born
in GA: Sirena Schoolcraft Other white age 13 born in IL father born in KY mother born in IL.
Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. 7 - 11 Spring 1986:
Photocopy of letter describing land deal by John Schoolcraft's heirs, dated 10 Feb 1849.
244 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Oct-1850, dw. 496, District 10, Hamilton Co., IL, fam. 496, Almon Schoolcraft age

30 sex m laborer born in KY, Caroline age 20 sex f born in TN, Mary age 4 sex f born in IL, George age 2 sex m born
in IL, Wm. H. Trout age 15 sex m born in IL.
245 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Aug-1860, pp. ~~~.14, dw. 1121, Pike, Stoddard Co., MO, fam. 1055, Almond

Schoolcraft age 35 sex m laborer born in IL, Caroline age 35 sex f born in TN, Mary age 13 sex f born in IL, George
age 11 sex m born in IL, Eliza age 8 sex f born in IL, Nancy age 5 sex f born in MO, William age 1 sex m born in MO.
Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1255328 NA Film T9-1328 pp. 89C, District 92, Tarrant Co., TX : A
B Schoolcraft Self male married white age 60 born in KY occupation Farme father born in VA mother born in SC:
Lanna C Schoolcraft Wife female white age 51 born in IL occupation Keeping House father born in --- mother born in
TN: William Schoolcraft Son married white age 20 born in MO occupation Farm Hand father born in --- mother born
in ---: James H. Schoolcraft Son married white age 17 born in IL occupation Farm Hand father born in --- mother born
in ---: Albert M. Schoolcraft Son married white age 14 born in IL occupation Farm Hand father born in --- mother born
in ---: Margaret A. Schoolcraft Dau white age 11 born in --- father born in IL mother born in ---.
247 Illinois: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 46. Marriages, Hamilton Co., IL 1821-1854: Almond Schoolcraft m.

Serena C. Trout 11-feb-1846. John Braden J.P. Rec # 772.

248 Federal Population Schedule, 15-Jun-1900, pp. 28A.28, dw. 256, fam. 265, ED #109, Carterville, Williamson Co.,

IL : Marion Schoolcraft head male married age 34 born in Jul 1865, IL occupation stationary fireman, marr. 2 yrs.
father born in KY mother born in IL: Ada M. wife female married age 36 born in Feb 1864, IL occupation marr. 2 yrs.,
3 ch., 2 liv. father born in IL mother born in IL: Orra M. Fuller stepdau female single age 13 born in Jan 1887, IL father
born in IL mother born in IL: George A. stepson male single age 10 born in Dec 1889, IL father born in IL mother born
in IL: Sarena C. Schoolcraft mother female widow age 71 born in May 1829, IL father born in Unk. mother born in
TN: [two boarders].
249 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit BB: Pulaski County

KY Tax Lists FHL US/CAN 008209: George Schoolcraft listed - 1812, 1 male over 21.
250 Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 1 pp. 4-5 Summer 1985:

Power of Attorney concerning military service. 11th Reg. Kentucky Mounted Volunteers under Lt. Col. William
Williams in the War of 1812.
251 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit CC: Court Order

Books, Pulaski Co., KY: Book 2 pp. 604 feb 1812 granted 100 acres of land on Fishing Creek.
252 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit DD FHL US/CAN

007936: Clay County KY Tax Lists: George Schoolcraft listed - 1813 through 1816 with 1 over 21.
253 David J. Ellis. A placeholder guess based only on him not being too much older than Catherine because she married

about at age 20.

254 Kentucky: Vital Records, "Electronic," Kentucky Marriages - SAN Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. 69 - 71: David Cowan to

Meekey Schoolcraft on 13 Apr 1840 in Pulaski Co. Surety Malcom Robertson. Consent their mothers Patsey Cowan &
Catherine Schoolcraft. Source Kentucky State Library, Frankfort.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit V. Harrison County,
Virginia. FHL US/CAN 347163. 1805 - John Schoolcraft. 1806 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable; No Horse. 1807 - John
Schoolcraft. 1809 - John Schoolcraft. 1810 - John Schoolcraft. 1811 - John Schoolcraft. 1812 - John Schoolcraft. 1813
- John Schoolcraft. 1815 - John Schoolcraft. 1816 - John Schoolcraft.
256 Kentucky: Vital Records, "Electronic," Kentucky Marriages - SAN Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. 69 - 71: Daniel McDaniel to

Ann Schoolcraft on 26 Apr 1849 in Pulaski Co. Surety Jacob Owens. Consent of mother Nancy Schoolcraft. Source
Kentucky State Library, Frankfort
257 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit X. Lewis County,

Virginia. From original at Virginia State Archives, Richmond. 1817 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1818 - John
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1819 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1820 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1821 - John Schoolcraft;
1 tithable. 1822 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1823 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1824 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable.
1825 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1826 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1827 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1828 - John
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1829 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1830 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1831 - John Schoolcraft;
1 tithable. 1832 - John Schoolcraft Sr.; 1 tithable. 1833 - John Schoolcraft Sr.; 1 tithable. 1834 - John Schoolcraft; 1

David J. Ellis. Michael would most likely have been at least 12 years old to be on a hunting trip. To have escaped
the massacre in 1779 he would have been a teenager and gone to the fort with the other men.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit X. Lewis County,
Virginia. From original at Virginia State Archives, Richmond. 1818 - Jacob Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1819 - Jacob
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1820 - Jacob Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1821 - Jacob Schoolcraft; 2 tithable. 1822 - Jacob
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1824 - Jacob Schoolcraft; 2 tithable. 1825 - Jacob Schoolcraft; 2 tithable. 1826 - Jacob
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1827 - Jacob Schoolcraft; 1 tithable.
260 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit Y. Wood County,

Virginia. From original at Virginia State Archives, Richmond. 1827 - Wood Co., Jacob Schoolcraft; 1 horse. 1828 -
Jacob Schoolcraft; 1 horse. 1829 - Jacob Schoolcraft; 1 horse. 1830 - Jacob Schoolcraft; 1 horse. 1831 - Jacob
Schoolcraft; 1 white males over 16; 1 horse. 1832 - Jacob Schoolcraft; 1 white males over 16; 0 horse. 1833 - Jacob
Schoolcraft; 1 white males over 16; 0 horse. 1834 - Jacob Schoolcraft; 1 white males over 16; 0 horse. 1835 - Jacob
Schoolcraft; 1 white males over 16; 0 horse. Jacob Schoolcraft; 1 white males over 16; 0 horse. Jacob Schoolcraft; 1
white males over 16; 0 horse.
261 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit X. Lewis County,

Virginia. From original at Virginia State Archives, Richmond. 1842 - Jacob Schoolcraft; 1 tithable.
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit X. Lewis County,
Virginia. From original at Virginia State Archives, Richmond. 1822 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1824 - Aaron
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1825 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1826 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1827 - Aaron
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1828 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1829 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1830 - Aaron
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1832 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1833 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1834 - Aaron
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1835 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 2 tithable. 1836 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 2 tithable. 1837 - Aaron
Schoolcraft; 2 tithable. 1838 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1839 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1840 - Aaron
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1841 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1842 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1843 - Aaron
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1844 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1845 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1847 - Aaron
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1848 - Aaron Schoolcraft; 1 tithable.
263 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit X. Lewis County,

Virginia. From original at Virginia State Archives, Richmond. 1826 - James Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1827 - James
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1828 - James Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1829 - James Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1830 - James
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1832 - James Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1833 - James Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1834 - James
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1835 - James Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1836 - James Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1837 - James
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1838 - James Schoolcraft; 1 tithable.
264 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Sep-1850, dw. 333, Division 2, Pulaski Co., KY, fam. 333, Daniel McDaniel age 28

sex m farmer born in KY, Ann age 24 sex f born in KY, Terrepsa age 5 mos. sex f born in KY, Nancy Schoolcraft age
41 sex f.
265 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Aug-1860, pp. 256.16, dw. 1735, Dist. #1, Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY, fam. 1678,

Daniel McDaniel age 38 sex m farmer born in KY, Ann age 32 sex f born in KY, Tempa age 8 sex f born in KY, Julia
age 6 sex f born in KY, Joseph age 4 sex m born in KY, Sarah age 2 sex f born in KY, Nancy Schoolcraft age 50 sex f
born in KY.
266 Virginia & West Virginia: Civil Vital Records. West Virginia Marriages. pp. 2.18 Dec 28, 1856 at Calhoun Co. by

W. A. Brannon, Solomon Nicholas, ae. 55, b. Randolph Co., widowed, farmer, resides Calhoun Co., parents Levan &
Margaret Nicholas to Permelia Hall, ae. 51, b. Harrison Co., widowed, resides Calhoun Co., parents Jacob & Rebecca
Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit X. Lewis County,
Virginia. From original at Virginia State Archives, Richmond.1832 - John Schoolcraft Jr.; 1 tithable. 1834 - John
Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1835 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1836 - John Schoolcraft; 1 tithable. 1840 - John Schoolcraft;
0 tithable. 1841 - John Schoolcraft; 0 tithable. 1842 - John Schoolcraft; 0 tithable. 1847- John Schoolcraft; 0 tithable.
1848 - John Schoolcraft; 0 tithable. 1849 - John Schoolcraft; 0 tithable.
268 Dennis Rodgers. Madison County Tax Lists. 1796. James Schoolcraft; 1 white male over 21; 1 horse; 3 cattle.
Dennis Rodgers. If James Sr was having children in 1774 as well as in the period from 1785 to 1791, it's possible he
had several wives. I won't go into what the online trees say, because they are so out in left field. The most common
thread is that James, born about 1743, married Elizabeth Shawnee! I know of no evidence in primary or secondary
records giving the name of his wife.

Dennis Rodgers. There was an 1804 lawsuit in Madison County, KY by James Schoolcraft for damages against
William Wood (a redhead) for trespass and assault and battery. It is not clear from the papers I obtained, but I believe
the suit was dismissed in 1805. There is nothing in the file to indicate whether the plaintiff was James Sr or James Jr.
Ed found a Delinquent Tax List for 1804 taxes in Garrard County indicating that a James Schoolcraft moved to
Madison County. There are no Schoolcrafts on tax lists in Garrard County after 1804, and there are no Schoolcrafts on
the tax lists of Madison County after 1786 through 1807, the end-date of the film I examined. It clearly appears that the
James in Garrard County left the area. The timing of the filing of this suit and perhaps its dismissal could well indicate
the last appearance of James Jr in Kentucky before he likely left for Ohio.
271 Dennis Rodgers. By 1810 James Jr had been sued in the court of Gallia County, OH. Evidence of the suit only

exists in the form of a legal notice appearing that year in the Scioto Gazette, a newspaper published, I presume, in
Scioto County, OH which is in south central Ohio. I have looked for the suit in the Gallia County courthouse, but
according to the clerk there, the minute or order book for the early time period is missing. According to the legal notice
the suit was filed by Jeremiah Carpenter, for the use of John Forest, who was Carpenter's son-in-law. The notice
mentions a foreign attachment of James' property for a debt of $120 and $100 damages.
272 David J. Ellis. I disagree with Ed over Michael's birth. I think he shaved his age in 1850. The Tax record requires he

was born at or before 1788. The 1810 census allows for an earlier birth than 1791. Dennis Rogers and I agree that he
was born about 1888, else he would have also appeared in the 1803 tax list.
273 Virgina & West Virginia: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 2 No. 3 pp. 37, Grayson County Court House, Consent

Agreement: I Hereby certify that I am the nearest kinsman that Pattsy Finn hath in this parts and that I have given my
free consent to this marriage with Michal Schoolcraft. Given under my hand this 6th day of Dec 1809. Henry [X] Finn.
Marriage Register: Michal Schoolcraft with Pattsy Finn. Dec 12th 1809.
274 Federal Population Schedule, 27-Jun-1860, pp. 22.21, dw. 143, Traveller's Rest, Owsley Co., KY, fam. 143,

Abraham S. Schoolcraft age 41 sex m farmer born in VA, Sarah E. age 31 sex f born in VA, Francis M age 17 sex m
farmer born in VA, Sarah L. age 15 sex f domst. born in VA, Florence M. age 5 sex f born in TN, Martha L. age 3 sex f
born in KY, Robert B. age 5 mos. sex m born in KY, Michael Schoolcraft age 68 sex m brick mason born in PA.
275 David J. Ellis. In 1826, following George Schoolcraft’s death in 1823, Nancy remarries to James Thorp. James and

Nancy are not apparent in 1850 although several of George and Nancy’s children are still in Marion County. One of
them, Samuel, marries “Polly Stevens” in 1842 but Samuel is not apparent in 1850. I conjecture that Nancy, with three
Schoolcraft children and Jackson Thorp is probably the widow of Samuel Schoolcraft. I conjecture that Jackson Thorp
is the orphaned son of her mother-in-law, Nancy, and James Thorp. I conjecture that Alexander Thorp who is living
with William Schoolcraft, the son of George Schoolcraft, is William’s step brother.
276 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit II, Personal Property

Tax Lists, Lee Co., VA: Michael Schoolcraft; 1846, 1 tithable.

277 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 120-123: Michael at

Lambert's Point. Refers to National Archives, D.C. for records.

278 Federal Population Schedule, 27-Jun-1860, pp. 22.29, dw. 144, Traveller's Rest, Owsley Co., KY, fam. 144, Jas. C.

Schoolcraft age 25 sex m stone mason born in VA, M. H. Schoolcraft age 28 sex m stone and brick mason born in VA,
N. H. Schoolcraft age 22 sex m stone mason born in VA, M. A. Schoolcraft age 60 sex f seamstress born in VA.
279 Federal Population Schedule, 14-Jun-1870, pp. 87.36, dw. 642, Madison City, Jefferson Co., IN, fam. 675, Mary

Schoolcraft age 73 sex f seamstress born in VA, Madison age 32 sex m laborer born in VA, Mark Hudson age 17 sex m
laborer born in IN, Nellie age 14 sex f born in IN, Mary age 10 sex f born in IN.
280 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 1 pp. 4-5, Rev. Dickey's interview of Madison H. Schoolcraft: My

mother was Martha Ann Fenn. My mother was born in VA near Richmond, Hawkins Co. I believe. Daughter of Gabriel
Fenn and Miss Armold whose give name I do not remember. She was .. Benedict Arnold, his granddaughter.
David J. Ellis. Matthias might have been married as early as 1761 for Matthew to be born but his wife might have
died suffiently early for Matthias' lifestyle to have reverted by 1781.
Dennis Rodgers. A number of militia companies served for a limited time in the Spring and early summer of 1774,
probably building forts. One of those companies was that of Captain Ralph Stewart from the Tygart Valley in now
Randolph County, WV. Included in this company were John, James, and Matthew Schoolcraft. The members of the
company were paid for a maximum of 32 days, not sufficient time to allow them to have traveled to Point Pleasant and
return after the battle. John and Matthew were paid for 32 days, and James was paid for 26 days. A number of men in
this unit, including the Schoolcrafts were known to have lived in the Buckhannon area, a little northwest of the Tygart

Dennis Rodgers. Explained that Matthew inherits from Matthias in 1781. In 1789 John, who would be Matthias
elder brother, inherits when Matthew dies. This proves Matthias and Matthew are distinct persons. The laws of
primogeniture permit this inheritance path and few other possibilities exist. Matthias is presumed to be at least age 16
when Matthew is born, probably at least age 18. In order to inherit an 1781 he would probaly be at least 16. It's possible
that his military service in 1774 is actually a record of his father, Matthias, but if it is indeed Matthew then he would be
at least 13 by then and thus born closer to 1761.
284 Dennis Rodgers. Regarding Simon, there was a lawsuit in Augusta County, VA, in 1779 by Ralph Stewart against

John Schoolcraft and Matthias Schoolcraft. The suit was based on a promissory note dated 24 March 1774 and signed
by John and Matthias (by their marks) and witnessed by Simon Schoolcraft (by his mark) and another person. That
means to me that Simon was likely an adult, or nearly an adult, in 1774. That would put his birth sometime around
1753, and of course the only known person in this branch of the family who could be his father is Astien. I believe it
was this Simon who was involved in the skirmish with Indians in the spring of 1779 and taken by the Indians in April,
1781, and who claimed land in Ontario from the British in 1790. By the way, Simon made two additional claims for
land in the same area, but I could find no record of his ever obtaining title to any land there.
285 David J. Ellis. Conjecture. The 1782 census elliminates Christian in Cambridge NY as a plausible candidate. The

Christian is over age 21, living with one other person, and near to John. He may be one of John's sons although I feel
that Austien is more plausible.
286 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, Jan 1989, pp. 73, Missouri Marriages [IGI, 1984]: Dolly

Schoolcraft to George Macklin on 16 Jan 1868 in Jefferson Co.

287 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 1, Jan 1989, pp. 73, Missouri Marriages [IGI, 1984]: Missouri

Marriages [IGI, 1984]: Amanda M. Patterson to John K. Schoolcraft on 1 Apr 1883 in St Francois Co.
288 David J. Ellis. An unidentified James Schoolcraft marries a Mary Ann Davidson at Clark, Missouri, USA on Mar

7th, 1849. This record could be considered a match to the J. and M. A. Schoolcraft in Bonham, Texas, except that a
family bible is claimed to contain a very conficting family by Moses Usher.
289 Federal Population Schedule, 1820, pp. 1.03, Waconteby, White Co., IL, Isaac Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <10, 1 16-26, 1

>45, female: 2 <10, 1 16-26.

290 Federal Population Schedule, 1830, pp. 105.02, Not Stated, Franklin Co., IL, Isaac Schoolcraft. Male: 1 5-10, 1 10-

15, 1 30-40, female: 3 <5, 2 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 30-40.

291 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 36.29, Mt. Pleasant, Barry Co., MO, Israel Schoolcraft. Male: 1 <5, 1 15-20,

1 40-50, female: 1 <5, 2 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 20-30.

292 Federal Population Schedule, 1-Jun-1850, pp. 495.23, dw. Death Index, Little Rock, Pulaski Co., AR, Isaac

Schoolcraft age 54 sex m married, laborer, died of dropsy in Aug after 1 mos. illness born in KY.
293 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit DD FHL US/CAN

007936: Clay County KY Tax Lists: Isaac Schoolcraft listed - 1815 with 1 over 21.
294 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit FF: Hopkins County

KY Tax Lists FHL US/CAN 008045: Isaac Schoolcraft listed - 1816, 1817 with 1 over 21.
295 Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, pp. 124 - 125: Isaac believed

to be son of James Sr. 6-Jan-1816 married Nancy Johnson in Hopkins Co., KY.
296 David J. Ellis. Isaac is the only descendant of this group who married a Johnson and is of the appropriate age to be

Sarah's parent. Her marriage record shows John Johnson was her grandfather.
297 Illinois: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 46. Marriages, Hamilton Co., IL 1821-1854: Sarah Schoolcraft m.

Russell E. Brown 26-Mar-1835. James Twigg. Grand-Dau. John Johnson. her parents do not reside in Hamilton Co.
Rec # 300.
David J. Ellis. Isaac's death record shows he was in AR by 1850. Martha, a widow of similar age is in same county.
There is a consistency with birth and census locations.
299 Federal Population Schedule, 16-Dec-1850, dw. 551, Little Rock, Pulaski Co., AR, fam. 556, Martha Schoolcraft

age 40 sex f born in IL, Elizabeth age 20 sex f born in KY, Phebe age 15 sex f born in IL, John age 12 sex m born in IL,
Martha age 10 sex f born in IL.
300 Federal Population Schedule, 6-Jun-1860, pp. 3.16, dw. 17, Little Rock, Pulaski Co., AR, fam. 18, A. R. Schults age

29 sex m printer born in MS, Phebe age 25 sex f born in IL, A. R. age 2 sex m born in Little Rock, Martha Schoolcraft
age 45 sex f born in Unknown, Elizabeth P. Johnson age 28 sex f born in IL.
301 Federal Population Schedule, 30-Nov-1850, dw. 798, Pyatt, Pulaski Co., AR, fam. 807, James C. Anthony age 68

sex m farmer born in VA, Alexander Schoolcraft age 26 sex m carpenter born in IL, Nancy Conner age 20 sex f born in
IL, Martha A. age 5 sex f born in TX, Nancy E. age 4 sex f born in AR.
302 David J. Ellis. Conjecture that he is a son of Isaac and Martha. Probably born in KY, not IL. Confusion possible as

three siblings born in IL.

Edward J. Schoolcraft, Concerning the First Schoolcraft Immigrants to This Country, Exhibit FF: Hopkins County
KY Tax Lists FHL US/CAN 008045: Joshua Schoolcraft listed - 1816 with 1 over 21.

Ethel May Diel, "Schoolcraft Newsletter," Newsletter published 1985 - 1987: Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. 6 Spring 1986:
Discussion of the descendants of James Schoolcraft in Kentucky.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 1 pp. 8: Deaths, Indiana from Western Censor Newspaper,
Indianapolis Monday Evening 13 Oct 1823: Died in this county on the 30th ult. Mr. George Schoolcraft.
306 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 1 pp. 8: Deaths, Indiana from Western Censor Newspaper,

Indianapolis Monday Evening 8 Dec 1823: Notice of settlement of the estate by Nancy Schoolcraft, adm'x, dated 11
Nov 1823.
307 David J. Ellis. Samuel's marriage record shows William is his guardian, his mother is alive, his father probably dead

and he is a minor. Samuel and William are probably brothers or nephew and uncle. George, who died in 1823 is a
plausible parent.
308 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 1 pp. 9, Census records, Probate Court Marion Co., Marriage,

Huntington & Marion Co.: Children William b. abt 1810 KY; John b. 9-Jun-1814 KY; James b. 12-Sep-1815; Isaac b.
1-Jan-1817; George b. 14-Sep-1818; Sarah b. 5-May-1820 IN; Samuel b. 28-Nov-1821 IN.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 1 pp. 9: Ed Schoolcraft points out a connection to Harrison Co.,
VA via one Morris Morris who is joint adm'x of George's estate and was also listed on the Harrison Co. return with
John and Christian Schoolcraft in 1782.
Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 7.04, Center, Marion Co., IN, Wm. Schoolcraft. Male: 1 20-30, female: 1
Federal Population Schedule, 17-Aug-1850, dw. 1269, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN, fam. 1286, Wm. Schoolcraft
age 38 sex m grocer born in KY, Matilda age 36 sex f born in IN, C. age 7 sex f born in IN, Wm. H. age 4 sex m born
in IN, John F. age 2 sex m born in IN, Alexander Thorp age 14 sex m born in IN.
312 Federal Population Schedule, 7-Jun-1860, pp. 27.10, dw. 218, Ward #4, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN, fam. 200,

Thomas H. Johns family, fam. 201, Wm. Schoolcraft age 50 sex m laborer born in KY, Matilda age 46 sex f born in IN,
Cinderilla age 18 sex f born in IN, W. H. age 15 sex m born in IN, John J. age 12 sex m born in IN, Alexander age 8
sex m born in IN, Zeralda Wisemer age 26 sex f seamstress born in IN.
313 Indiana: Vital Records, Indiana Marriages - SAN Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 56 - 65: William Schoolcraft to Matilda Myres

[Myers} on 1 Dec 1836 in Marion Co.. Source Book 2, pp. 129 W.P.A. project.
314 Indiana: Vital Records, SAN Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 62. Deaths, Marion Co., Indiana from W.P.A. project Book H-2, pp.

364: Matilda Schoolcraft, ae. 73y, d. 21 Sep 1887 at Indianapolis.

315 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254295 NA Film T9-0295 pp. 436B, 14th Ward, Indianapolis,

Marion Co., IN : Matilda Schoolcraft Self white age 67 born in IN occupation Keeping House father born in KY
mother born in TN: John Schoolcraft Son married white age 28 born in IN occupation Engineer father born in KY
mother born in IN: Stephen Morris Other married white age 19 born in IN occupation Laborer father born in IN mother
born in IN.
316 Federal Population Schedule, 3-Jul-1860, pp. 267.40, dw. 1265, Ward 2, New Orleans, Orleans Co., LA, fam. 2365,

Mrs. Matilda Schoolcraft age 47 sex f born in KY, James age 29 sex m painter born in PA, Jane age 23 sex f born in
AL, Luke age 12 sex m born in LA, Wm. B. Chippendale age 28 sex m Treas. Var. ~~~ born in France, Alfreda age 18
sex f born in LA
317 David J. Ellis. This person is identified as John Jr. in his marriage record even though that conflicts with what Ed

Schoolcraft claims for John Jr. son of John and Sary.

318 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 7.06, Not Stated, Huntington Co., IN, John Schoolcraft. Male: 1 20-30,

female: 1 15-20.
319 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Sep-1850, dw. 508, Huntington, Huntington Co., IN, fam. 508, John Schoolcraft age

35 sex m butcher born in KY, Maria age 26 sex f born in CT, Rufus age 9 sex m born in IN, George age 7 sex m born
in IN, Oscar age 4 sex m born in IN, Ezara age 1 sex m born in IN, Cyrus Adams age 43 sex m born in MA.
320 David J. Ellis. Census record shows his widow in 1860.
Federal Population Schedule, 4-Jun-1860, pp. 7.09, dw. 42, Huntington North W. & E. Canal, Huntington Co., IN,
fam. 42, Samuel Hefs family, fam. 43, Maria Schoolcraft age 36 sex f tailoress born in CT, George W. age 16 sex m
laborer born in IN, Oscar age 14 sex m born in IN, Ezra age 11 sex m born in IN, Omar age 7 sex m born in IN,
Rebecca A. Irving age 30 sex f milliner born in OH, Victoria age 3 sex f born in IN.
322 Federal Population Schedule, 29-Jun-1870, pp. 59.20, dw. 456, Huntington, Huntington Co., IN, fam. 462, Mariah

Schoolcraft age 45 sex f keeping house born in MA, Oscar age 24 sex m harness maker born in IN, Ezra age 20 sex m
medical student born in IN, Emar age 17 sex m baker born in IN.
323 Federal Population Schedule, 1880: FHL Film 1254285 NA Film T9-0285 pp. 730C, Huntington, Huntington Co.,

IN : Mariah Schoolcraft Self white age 55 born in CT occupation House Keeping father born in MA mother born in
MA: Oscar Schoolcraft Son married white age 33 born in IN occupation Painter father born in KY mother born in CT:
Ezra Schoolcraft Son married white age 29 born in IN occupation Drug Clerk father born in KY mother born in CT:
Omar Schoolcraft Son married white age 26 born in IN occupation Restaurant father born in KY mother born in CT.

Federal Population Schedule, 22-Jun-1900, pp. 142B.55, dw. 540, fam. 553, ED #81, 37 Whitelock St., Huntington
City, Huntington Co., IN : Maria Schoolcraft head female widow age 76 born in Mar 1834, CT occupation NY. - 0215
ch., 4 liv. father born in MA mother born in MA: Oscar E. son male single age 54 born in May 1846, IN occupation
printer father born in IN mother born in CT: Ezra E. son male single age 50 born in Sep 1849, IN occupation gracery
salesman father born in IN mother born in CT: Jessie M. grand-dau female single age 10 born in Oct 1889, IN father
born in IN mother born in IN.
325 Indiana: Vital Records, Indiana Marriages - SAN Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 56 - 65: John Schoolcraft to Maria Adams on 24

Apr 1839 in Huntington Co.. Source Book A, pp. 3 FHL US/CAN #874488.
326 Indiana: Vital Records, Indiana Marriages - SAN Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 56 - 65: James Schoolcraft to Catherine Snow on

16 Jul 1834 in Marion Co.. Source Book 2, pp. 18 W.P.A. project.

327 Indiana: Vital Records, Indiana Marriages - SAN Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 56 - 65: Isaac Schoolcraft to Barbara Fansaler on

24 Feb 1841 in Marion Co. By John Myers, J.P. Bride married with consent of her father John Fansaler. Groom being
of lawful age. License Issued 17 Feb 1841. Source Book 3 pp. 121 FHL US/CAN #499367.
Indiana: Vital Records, Indiana Marriages - SAN Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 56 - 65: Barbara Schoolcraft to Benedict Hubbard
on 7 Sep 1848 in Marion Co. By George Hoover, J.P. Both of lawful age and she of Marion County proved by the
affidavit of Peter Fansaler which is filed. License Issued 6 Sep 1848. Source Book S pp. 46 FHL US/CAN #499368.
Indiana: Vital Records, Indiana Marriages - SAN Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 56 - 65: George Schoolcraft to Mary Amanda
Sink on 15 Jun 1847 in Marion Co. By J. Stevens, Acting J.P. License Issued 15 Jun 1847. Source Book 4 pp. 400.
Indiana: Vital Records, Indiana Marriages - SAN Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 56 - 65: Sarah Schoolcraft to John Snow on 23
Aug 1838 in Marion Co. By Joseph Bales, J.P. Return filed 11 Dec 1838. Bride married with written consent of Nancy
Tharp. Groom being of lawful age as proved by the affidavit of William Snow. License Issued 20 Aug 1838. Source
Book 2 pp. 241 FHL US/CAN #499367.
331 Indiana: Vital Records, Indiana Marriages - SAN Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 56 - 65: Samuel Schoolcraft to Miss Polly

Stevens on 6 Jan 1842 in Marion Co. By George Tomlinson, J.P. Return filed: 4 Mar 1842. Groom married with
consent of his parents being given verbally - that of his mother and of William Schoolcraft his guardian. License Issued
5 Jan 1842. Source Book 3 pp. 181 FHL US/CAN #499367.
332 Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 2, Number 2 pp. 77 - 78, FHL US/CAN #163923, #808255. Vital Records,

West Virginia Death: Rebecca Ratliff, ae. 73 yrs. on 15 Nov 1879 in Sandy Fork, Gilmer Co., WV, parents A.
Schoolcraft, Cause of death: Paralysis. Informant: James G. Ratliff.
333 David J. Ellis. I believe this citation should say "a Schoolcraft" signifying only the maiden name. Given age and

location its probable that she is the daughter of Jacob Schoolcraft and Rebecca Parsons.
334 Federal Population Schedule, 4-Oct-1850, dw. 9, Decatur, Marion Co., IN, fam. 9, Nancy Schoolcraft age 30 sex f

born in IN, James age 8 sex m born in IN, George W. age 6 sex m born in IN, John W. age 4 sex m born in IN, Demes
E. age 2 sex m born in IN, Jackson Thorpe age 20 sex m laborer born in IN.
335 Federal Population Schedule, 27-Jul-1860, pp. 49.01, dw. 385, Piatt, Pulaski Co., AR, fam. 54, Elizabeth

Schoolcraft age 50 sex f governefs born in TN, Alexander Whitta age 6 sex m born in AR, Priscila Mallary age 18 sex f
born in TN, Jacob age 12 sex m born in AR, William N. Jones age 20 sex m farm hand born in TN, Martha Clifton age
18 sex f born in NC.
336 Federal Population Schedule, 2-Jul-1870, pp. 172.31, dw. 626, Subdiv. 10, St. Louis, St. Louis Co., MO, fam. 1366,

Luke Schoolcraft age 26 sex m actor born in LA, Bella age 23 sex f born in WI.
337 David J. Ellis. Mary married a son of Henry and Matilda who are also found in this location. It may have been James

who married Mary as Luke seems to have already had two wives and James is not enumerated after 1860. Issue is that
James is shown without a wife in 1860 but the children may have been from a prior marriage.
Schoolcraft Ancestral News, Volume 1, Number 3 pp. 56 - 65: Indiana Vital Records, Indiana Marriages Luke
Schoolcraft to Lizzie Clark on 7 Jan 1871 in Marion Co. By F. C. Holiday, M.G. License Issued 7 Jan 1871. Source
Book 11 pp. 270 FHL US/CAN #499371.
Minnesota: Newspaper, Found frequently in the St. Paul Daily Globe and the Omaha Daily Bee in the 1880s. Refer
Omaha Daily Bee, April 23, 1889, page 2 to identify the name Luke Schoolcraft.
340 Wikipedia, Luke Schoolcraft (November 13, 1847 - March 10, 1893) was an American minstrel music composer

and performer. He appeared in numerous minstrel shows throughout the North after the American Civil War.
341 Wikipedia, Schoolcraft was born in New Orleans, Louisiana into a family of actors and artists. [1] His father, Henry

R. Schoolcraft was an actor who appeared in shows at Crisp's Gaiety Theater and who despite his death before 1860,
saw to it that his son Luke and his daughters Jane and Alfreda (who would be famous in her own right as Alfreda
Chippendale) all pursued careers in theater.
342 Wikipedia, It was with this company that he performed his final show at the Walnut Street Theater in Cincinnati,

Ohio. He died on March 10, 1893 in his room at the Hotel Stratford. His body was transported to Boston, his funeral
was held at the Church of the Advent and he was buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery in Dorchester, Massachusetts.

Wikipedia, Alfreda "Alfy" Chippendale (1842 - November 9, 1887) was an American stage actress who appeared on
the stage in the United States and England.
Wikipedia, Alfreda married William B. Chippendale, scion of a famous English acting family headed by William H.
Chippendale about 1860. Her husband joined the Confederate Army as Second Lieutenant of the Louisiana 30th
Infantry. He died in 1864 at the Battle of Ezra Church near Atlanta, Georgia.
Wikipedia, Schoolcraft joined with his old friend George H. Coes in 1874 and they formed "one of the most famous
minstrel tandems in history." [2] Schoolcraft & Coes appeared with a number of leading companies including
Emerson's Megatherian Minstrels and Barlow, Wilson, Primrose & West.
346 Federal Population Schedule, 1840, pp. 310.07, Perry, Marion Co., IN, John Snow. Male: 1 <5, 1 20-30, female: 1

347 Recollections of a Lifetime. Col. D. S. Dewees, pp. 22. Jacob Schoolcraft married a sister to Joseph and Anthoney

Parsons and was the father of Aaron, James and John, daughters, Mary Ann who married John Cooper. Permelia who
married Elijah Hall Sr., being his third wife, and after his death she married Solomon Nicholas, as his second wife, the
Solomon Nicholas before mentioned

Name Index
[Unidentified], Abigail 312 [Unidentified], Nancy 324, 663, 670
[Unidentified], Adeline 319 [Unidentified], Olive 658
[Unidentified], Agnes 564 [Unidentified], Philip 379
[Unidentified], Almira 312 [Unidentified], Rachel 327
[Unidentified], Angelica 322 [Unidentified], Rose 428
[Unidentified], Anna 311, 375 [Unidentified], Salina 310
[Unidentified], Annice 557 [Unidentified], Sarah 325, 637
[Unidentified], Bella 673 [Unidentified], Zernel 633
[Unidentified], Caroline 318 Ablett, Anna 385
[Unidentified], Catharine 543 Ablett, Phoebe 385
[Unidentified], Catherine 365, 375, 530 Ackley, Ezra 296
[Unidentified], Charlotte 637 Ackley, Smith 296
[Unidentified], Christie 554 Acres, Nancy 668
[Unidentified], Clarissa 325 Acres, Steed 668
[Unidentified], Elizabeth 279, 284, 315, 548, 663, Adams, Lucy 428
668 Adams, Maria 194, 670
[Unidentified], Emery 292 Adams, Nelson 530
[Unidentified], Emily 630 Adle, Cornelius 108, 431
[Unidentified], Emma 376 Adle, Ellen 431
[Unidentified], Esther 312 Adle, Emeline 431
[Unidentified], Ethel 565 Adle, Everett 431
[Unidentified], Frances 292, 319 Adle, Frances 431
[Unidentified], Georgia 555 Adle, George 431
[Unidentified], Gertrude 548 Ainsworth, George 179, 658
[Unidentified], Grace 495, 565 Ainsworth, Lottie 658
[Unidentified], Greada 657 Ainsworth, Luke 658
[Unidentified], Hannah 318 Ainsworth, Maud 658
[Unidentified], Harriet 564 Ainsworth, Sarah 658
[Unidentified], Hulda 638 Aldrich, Ira 416
[Unidentified], Imogene 428 Alenduff, Henry 668
[Unidentified], Jane 539, 559, 641 Allen, Ethan 24, 81, 82, 158, 207, 369, 551
[Unidentified], Julia 317 Allen, Frances 369
[Unidentified], Lena 310 Allen, Hannibal 369
[Unidentified], Loretta 314 Allen, Margaret 369
[Unidentified], Louisa 295 Allen, William 154, 293
[Unidentified], Louise 412 Armstrong, Robert 557
[Unidentified], Lucinda 327, 559 Arnem, Leah 49, 311
[Unidentified], Lucy 379 Arnem, Van 49, 311
[Unidentified], Mabel 383 Ashton, Levi 568
[Unidentified], Madalena 279, 282 Asseltine, Isaac 70, 91, 141
[Unidentified], Magdalene 294 Atwood, Asa 526
[Unidentified], Mahala 666 Atwood, Bonaparte 526
[Unidentified], Margaret 278, 310, 318, 562 Atwood, Dolly 135, 503
[Unidentified], Martha 671 Atwood, Flora 527
[Unidentified], Mary 292, 378, 550, 656, 666, 668, Aunchman, Louise 120, 467
673 Austin, Christopher 469
[Unidentified], Matilda 672 Babbitt, Sarah 535
[Unidentified], Melinda 326 Babcock, Ann 409

Babcock, Estella 409 Best, Calvin 417, 629
Babcock, Esther 409 Best, Herman 630
Bakeman, Angeline 48, 324 Best, John 629
Baley, Mary 78, 79, 364 Best, Julia 629
Barber, Thirza 291 Best, Lillian 630
Barker, Edmund 669 Best, Mary 629
Barker, Elizabeth 544 Best, Philena 629
Barker, Joanna 556 Best, Sarah 630
Barker, John 669 Best, Susan 630
Barry, Mary 110, 158, 422, 543 Best, Theodore 629
Beagle, Narina 426 Best, Thomas 629
Becker, Adonius 57 Best, Towner 629
Becker, Christina 48, 321 Best, Wesley 629
Becker, Electa 317 Bice, Sarah 157, 554
Becker, Elisabeth 283, 355 Bice, Sophia 157, 554
Becker, Elizabeth 168 Bigford, Louisa 152, 551
Becker, Elizabeth Margaret 21, 57, 69, 177 Bilas, Phebe 371
Becker, Margareth 283, 355 Billings, Elizabeth 543
Becker, Maria 317 Billings, Hakie 543
Beeler, Ella 474 Bingham, Abner 68
Beerman, Prosper 408 Blakeley, Dora 632
Beerwort, Ada 414 Blakeley, Ellen 632
Beerwort, Allan 414, 424 Blakeley, Kirby 632
Beerwort, Allen 414, 424 Blakeley, Leonard 632
Beerwort, Ann 414 Blakeley, Oscar 632
Beerwort, Annette 424 Blanchard, Eva 500
Beerwort, Carrie 414 Blinn, Chester 179
Beerwort, Earle 424 Bockus, Edwin 530
Beerwort, Edmund 414 Bockus, Ella 426
Beerwort, Edna 414, 424 Bockus, Eva 542, 634
Beerwort, Eliza 414 Bockus, Irvin 530
Beerwort, Elizabeth 414 Bockus, John 156, 530
Beerwort, Ella 414 Bockus, Merrit 530
Beerwort, Frank 414 Bockus, Turner 530
Beerwort, Frederick 109, 414 Bockus, Wesley 530
Beerwort, Gordon 424 Bonell, Mary 429
Beerwort, Graham 414 Boomhower, Abraham 533
Beerwort, Harriet 414 Boomhower, Adam 153, 160, 563
Beerwort, Harvey 413 Boomhower, Adelaide 538
Beerwort, Henry 414 Boomhower, Albert 558
Beerwort, Herbert 414, 424 Boomhower, Albro 568, 569
Beerwort, Huxley 413 Boomhower, Alonzo 152
Beerwort, Maria 414 Boomhower, Andrew 568
Beerwort, Marshall 414 Boomhower, Ann 557, 559, 560, 562
Beerwort, Martha 414 Boomhower, Archibald 535, 562
Beerwort, Mary 414 Boomhower, Arthur 538
Beerwort, Mina 414 Boomhower, Balthasar 71, 72
Beerwort, Ray 424 Boomhower, Bertrum 564
Beerwort, Stanley 424 Boomhower, Burton 566
Beldah, Ella 640 Boomhower, Clara 538, 565
Bellingham, James 12, 14 Boomhower, Clarence 568
Bemis, Eliza 382 Boomhower, Clark 151, 157, 534, 536
Bemis, Harriett 382 Boomhower, Cornelia 568
Benoit, Rosalie 567 Boomhower, David 160, 544, 560
Best, Alberta 630 Boomhower, Debora 565
Best, Ann 629 Boomhower, Delia 539, 559

Boomhower, Della 567 Boomhower, Riley 565, 566
Boomhower, Edward 537, 544, 560, 567 Boomhower, Rolland 538
Boomhower, Eleanor 562 Boomhower, Rosanna 559
Boomhower, Elias 562 Boomhower, Rosella 562
Boomhower, Elizabeth 538, 565 Boomhower, Sally 559
Boomhower, Ella 566 Boomhower, Sarah 534, 560
Boomhower, Elwyn 537 Boomhower, Silas 562
Boomhower, Emma 565 Boomhower, Theresa 566
Boomhower, Enville 567 Boomhower, Thomas 567
Boomhower, Ernest 564 Boomhower, Thompson 562
Boomhower, Ethel 550 Boomhower, Vivian 538
Boomhower, Eva 567 Boomhower, Walter 153, 159, 160, 556, 565
Boomhower, Frances 534 Boomhower, William 538, 559
Boomhower, Franklin 536 Boomhower, Wilson 562
Boomhower, George 527, 558, 560, 567 Boss, Anna 31, 87, 207, 283, 289
Boomhower, Hannah 151, 152, 550, 560, 563 Boss, Barbara 31, 87, 207, 283, 289
Boomhower, Harriet 537, 566 Botham, Elizabeth 429
Boomhower, Harry 567 Botham, Jane 628
Boomhower, Herbert 537 Bourdon, Adèlin 565
Boomhower, Hiram 534 Bowker, Lisa 370
Boomhower, Homer 536 Bowles, John 464
Boomhower, Horatio 565 Braden, Thomas 669
Boomhower, Ida 560, 566 Bradley, Hannah 132, 494
Boomhower, Irving 567 Braithwait, Caroline 497
Boomhower, Isabelle 534 Braithwait, Frank 497
Boomhower, Jacob 1, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 533 Braithwait, Fred 497
Boomhower, James 558, 561, 562 Braithwait, George 497
Boomhower, Jane 559, 560 Braithwait, Henry 497
Boomhower, Jennie 569 Braithwait, Nellie 497
Boomhower, Jeremiah 151, 152, 158, 527 Braithwait, Thomas 133, 497
Boomhower, Jessie 538 Brake, Abraham 191
Boomhower, John 93, 94, 151, 153, 566 Brake, Elizabeth 190, 191, 192
Boomhower, Julia 556 Brake, Jacob 189, 190, 191, 192, 243, 246, 247
Boomhower, Julius 535 Bream, Bridget 134, 503
Boomhower, Laura 560 Brewer, Martha 174, 631
Boomhower, Lester 537, 538 Brooks, Robert 526
Boomhower, Lincoln 538 Brown, Catherine 195, 196, 663
Boomhower, Loretta 538 Brown, Ella 472
Boomhower, Lottie 567 Brown, Frank 424
Boomhower, Lovina 534, 535, 559, 568 Brown, John 418
Boomhower, Lyman 537 Brown, Lucy 418
Boomhower, Margaret 550, 557, 559, 560 Brown, Nancy 664
Boomhower, Marquis 563 Brown, Russell 671
Boomhower, Martin 549 Brown, Spencer 472, 520
Boomhower, Mary 536, 557, 560, 562 Brush, Crean 284, 369
Boomhower, Matilda 534, 535, 538, 560 Buchanan, Elizabeth 429
Boomhower, May 566 Buchanan, John 369
Boomhower, Minerva 560 Bullock, Christopher 469
Boomhower, Miriam 538 Bullock, Elsie 469
Boomhower, Nancy 534, 538 Bullock, Emma 469
Boomhower, Nellie 568 Bullock, Flora 469
Boomhower, Nelson 558, 559, 564 Bullock, Fred 470
Boomhower, Orrinda 538 Bullock, Lizzie 469
Boomhower, Parsons 538 Burkhalter, Reuben 668
Boomhower, Paul 558 Burridge, Ann 388
Boomhower, Peter 153, 563 Burridge, Lucy 388

Burrowes, guardianship 14 Clark, Matilda 544
Burrowes, Thomasin 12, 13, 14, 279 Clark, Nelson 544
Burse, Julia 527 Clark, Philip 545
Bush, Catherine 665 Clark, Robert 544
Bush, Elizabeth 665 Clark, Samson 545
Busteed, William 62 Clark, William 635
Button, Cora 526 Clarke, Eliza 673
Button, Esther 526 Clement, Lydia 528
Buzzel, Abram 554 Clement, Mary 120, 470
Buzzel, Andrew 554 Collier, Florence 427
Buzzel, Carrie 554 Collins, Delany 370
Buzzel, Elizabeth 424 Collins, Elizabeth 534
Buzzel, George 555 Collins, Jane 534
Buzzel, Jennie 554 Collins, Martha 666
Buzzel, Robert 554 Collins, Melinda 537
Buzzel, Virna 555 Collins, Nancy 537
Caldwell, Henry 66, 68, 70 Combs, Effie 554
Cameron, Dennis 502 Comstock, Alice 424
Cameron, George 131, 501 Comstock, Leslie 424
Cameron, Janet 501 Comstock, William 424
Cameron, Margaret 428 Conley, Stephen 518
Cammer, Anna Christina 21, 26, 27, 31, 41, 279, Conner, Elizabeth 537
282 Conner, John 534
Camp, Chasney 423 Cook, Christian 59
Camp, Thomas 423 Cook, Ichabod 61, 62, 63
Campbell, E. 526 Cook, Jane 628
Canfield, Caroline 289 Cook, Lillian 52
Carlton, Marilla 657 Cook, Lucy 628
Carpenter, Mary 239, 240, 667 Cook, Maletta 628
Carpenter, Stephen 370 Cook, Mary 628
Carscallan, James 62 Cook, Nelson 628
Carscallan, John 62 Cook, Rollins 628
Carter, John 327 Cook, Sarah 628
Carter, Paul 327 Cook, Selinda 531
Casey, Almira 565 Cook, Whipple 628
Chapman, Anna 410 Coons, Effie 554
Chapman, Belle 410 Cooper, Elizabeth 190, 191, 192
Chapman, Eliza 296 Cooper, Magdalena 190, 191, 192
Chase, Catherine 50, 314 Copp, Annie 556
Chase, Edward 411 Copp, Edith 556
Cheeseboro, Phebe 48, 49, 311 Copp, Ellen 556
Cheeseboro, Phoebe 48, 49, 311 Copp, Hattie 556
Cheeseman, Lillian 419 Copp, Moses 556
Chippendale, William 673 Copp, Oral 556
Christie, Gabriel 57, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 104 Copp, Richard 556
Clapper, Adam 66, 71 Copp, Walter 556
Clapper, Eve 530 Corey, Alzina 526
Clark, Catherine 544 Corey, John 518
Clark, Cynthia 635 Corey, Niles 417
Clark, Daniel 544 Corey, Norman 628
Clark, Edward 544 Corliss, Edward 422
Clark, Emily 545 Cornell, Henrietta 639
Clark, Jacob 631 Cosner, Adam 668
Clark, Jane 544, 560 Cotton, Alvira 495
Clark, Jenette 545 Cotton, Mary 495
Clark, Martha 544, 560 Countryman, Catharina 26, 282, 662

Countryman, Catherine 26, 185, 240, 282, 662 Deline, William 379
Cowan, David 196 Delus, Dennis 326
Cowan, Elmer 497 Delus, John 326
Cowan, Ethel 497 Delus, Joseph 326
Cowan, Oren 497 Demar, Ernest 568
Cowan, Orretta 497 Demar, Leon 568
Cowan, Theodore 496 Dettler, Peter 62
Cramer, Lillie 474 Dettler, Valentine 62
Crawford, Benjamin 640 Dewitt, Eliza 465
Cumming, Elizabeth 149, 540 Dewitt, Mary 465
Cummings, Elizabeth 148, 149, 150, 157 Dimond, George 119, 121, 158
Currie, Zerua 636 Dimond, Maria 553
Curtis, Jane 418 Dimond, Mary 553
Curtis, Sally 370 Dimond, Sarah 119, 464
Curtis, William 418 Dingman, Jacob 379
Custer, George 668 Dixon, Charles 430, 431
Custer, George Washington 668 Dixon, Edward 431
Custer, Washington 668 Dixon, Grover 431
Dahn, Herman 469 Dixon, Pearl 431
Dappet, Ellen 565 Dixon, Warden 431
Dappet, Laura 565 Dixon, William 430
Darby, Caroline 641 Dominick, Anna 52, 53, 316
Davis, Adelbert 499 Dominick, Maria 52, 53, 316
Davis, Jane 553 Donaldson, Alma 428
Davis, Rose 466 Donaldson, Chauncey 426
Dechaine, Lenora 500 Donaldson, Claude 426
Decker, Albert 381 Donaldson, Hugh 426
Decker, Arville 381 Donaldson, Joseph 426
Decker, Charlotte 382 Donaldson, Mary 430
Decker, Ellen 381 Donaldson, Sabins 534
Decker, Emily 382 Donelly, James 501
Decker, Enoch 381 Donovan, Charlotte 536
Decker, Euretta 381 Donovan, Rose 536
Decker, Eveline 98, 99, 380 Douglas, Agnes 533
Decker, Gerrish 381 Douglas, Alexander 533
Decker, Harriet 381 Douglas, Amelia 533
Decker, John 95, 99, 381 Douglas, C. 388
Decker, Louis 381 Douglas, Hamilton 533
Decker, Minerva 381 Douglas, Orlando 533
Decker, Napoleon 381 Douglas, Rosella 533
Decker, Stephen 381 Douglas, William 533
Decker, Washington 381 Downer, Roana 95, 389
Decker, William 381 Downey, Elizabeth 668
Deline, Almira 379 Downey, Ellen 668
Deline, Amanda 379 Drown, John 640
Deline, Catherine 378 Drury, Charles 496
Deline, Daniel 379 Dubuque, Zoe 427
Deline, Elizabeth 379 Ducolon, David 389
Deline, Emily 640 Ducolon, George 389
Deline, George 98, 378, 379 Dulmage, David 62
Deline, Hannah 158, 174, 378, 542, 638 Dunbar, Almon 534
Deline, Huldah 378 Dunham, Barbary 144, 357, 517
Deline, James 378 Dunham, N. 543
Deline, Jonas 379 Dunham, Solomon 66, 67, 68, 104, 141, 142, 143,
Deline, Peter 379 144, 145, 148
Deline, Uriah 93, 94 Durrell, Maria 499

Dyre, Cordelia 500 Gagnier, Melinda 292
Eden, Dora 419 Gambe~~, Anna 474
Edmondson, Elizabeth 547 Gardner, Willis 542
Edwards, Alvina 639 Gay, Henry 425
Edwards, Andrew 474 Gay, William 425
Eldred, Wilbur 378 Gaylord, Albert 560
Embery, Andrew 62 Gearing, Elliot 407
Embury, Samuel 103 Gearing, John 407
Erwin, Maria 528 Gee, Thomas 562
Estes, Allen 540 Germand, Eliza 326
Etherington, Philadelphia 531 Germond, Eliza 326
Evans, Anna 178, 656 Gerths, Theodore 495
Evans, Carventry 178, 656 Getty, Elizabeth 501
Evans, Charles 178, 656 Getty, John 131, 501
Evans, Clay 178, 656 Gibson, Frances 474
Evans, Edward 178, 656 Gibson, Hannah 143, 145, 517
Evans, Elizabeth 178, 656 Giddings, Mary 498
Evans, Henry 178, 656 Gill, George 417
Evans, Laura 178, 656 Gillett, Charles 467
Evans, Malcolm 178, 656 Gleason, Lydia 384
Fairlee, Adeline 321 Gleichmann, Hannah 46, 323
Fairlee, Nancy 321 Goddard, James 156, 532
Fansaler, Barbara 194, 670 Golden, Phebe 325
Ferguson, Moses 640 Gossweiler, Adolf 426
Files, Ethel 558 Gossweiler, Adolphus 425
Finlay, Hugh 68 Gossweiler, Charles 425
Finn, Ann 663 Gossweiler, Eliza 426
Finn, Martha 663 Gossweiler, Louis 426
Fisher, John 36, 293 Gossweiler, Matilda 426
Fisher, Maria 294 Gray, Albert 519
Fisher, Reginia 294 Gray, Arnold 518
Fisk, Sarah 174, 627 Gray, Arthur 633
Fitch, Mable 474 Gray, Asa 174, 518, 632
Fitts, Simon 539 Gray, Bertrand 633
Fitts, William 538 Gray, Cynthia 519
Folton, Cora 474 Gray, Dunham 144, 518
Forsyth, Clarissa 313 Gray, Edward 144, 518
Fortine, Elizabeth 469 Gray, Joseph 519
Fowler, Moses 364 Gray, Julia 518
Franklin, Ann 667 Gray, Lucina 518
Franklin, Nancy 667 Gray, Marriett 519
Frazier, David 542 Gray, Milton 633
Frazier, Jacob 565 Gray, Monroe 633
Fridedall, Jacob 53, 319 Gray, William 142, 144, 145, 174, 518, 632
Fridendall, Jacob 53, 319 Green, Charles 559
Furlong, William 469 Green, Marcellus 97, 390
Gage, Catherine 564 Green, Milton 559
Gage, Edna 564 Greene, Almeda 390
Gage, Emma 564 Greene, Edna 390
Gage, General 564 Greene, Leo 390
Gage, Helen 564 Greene, Leta 390
Gage, Jennie 564 Greene, Marion 390
Gage, John 15, 564 Greene, Mildred 390
Gage, Lucy 629 Grief, Mary 178, 656
Gage, Mary 564 Groat, Alfred 641
Gage, Temperance 629 Groat, Ambrose 641

Groat, Ann 638 Haynes, Edward 14
Groat, Arnold 638 Haynes, George 14
Groat, Bateman 638 Haynes, Rebecca 14, 279
Groat, Charles 641 Hazelton, Clarence 423
Groat, Debbie 638 Hazelton, Dexter 423
Groat, Ebenezer 171, 172, 174, 175, 638 Head, Ann 371
Groat, Elizabeth 638 Head, Deborah 371
Groat, Harriet 641 Heald, George 464
Groat, Jesse 638 Heath, Arthur 408
Groat, John 171, 172, 175, 641 Heath, David 408
Groat, Marlotte 641 Heath, Leroy 412
Groat, Mary 638, 642 Heens, Catharina 371
Groat, Miles 638 Heens, Christina 372
Groat, Orin 638 Heens, Elizabeth 372
Groat, Sophrina 638 Heens, Eva 372
Haines, George 559 Heens, Henrich 371
Haines, Wellington 559 Heens, Lena 372
Hair, Laura 463 Heens, Maria 371
Halcrow, George 536 Heens, Peter 372
Hall, Martha 666 Heens, William 82, 284, 371, 372
Hall, Sarah 666 Herrington, Minnie 561
Harding, Huldah 174, 641 Hick, Paul 62
Harrington, Alida 291 Hickey, Frank 540
Harris, Hobart 564 Hill, Jane 548
Harris, Orsin 564 Hill, Mary 548
Harris, Robert 423 Hilliker, Byron 427
Harris, Rush 423 Hilliker, Edgar 427
Hart, Albertine 407, 411 Hilliker, Elizabeth 427
Harten, Eliza 559 Hilliker, Hugh 427
Harten, Jane 559 Hilliker, Luretta 427
Haskell, Angelia 538 Hilliker, Marietta 429
Haskell, Nellie 538 Hilliker, Ruby 427
Hauver, Alexander 532 Hilliker, Theodore 426
Hauver, Alla 532 Hilliker, William 427
Hauver, Alvin 531 Hiltz, Anna 52, 53
Hauver, Amanda 529 Hiltz, Catherine 53, 316
Hauver, Amasa 532 Hiltz, Maria 52, 53, 316
Hauver, Amelia 532 Hitchcock, Nancy 553
Hauver, Amesty 532 Hoare, Ebenezer 370
Hauver, Anna 529, 532 Hodge, John 566
Hauver, Benjamin 156, 531, 532 Hodgson, Elizabeth 11, 278
Hauver, Christopher 532 Hofacker, Ervie 390
Hauver, George 529 Hogle, James 62
Hauver, Hamilton 531 Hogle, Mary 110, 111, 425
Hauver, Henry 532 Holbrook, Abigail 118, 462
Hauver, John 532 Hope, Elizabeth 640
Hauver, Joseph 532 Hopkins, Charles 411
Hauver, Melissa 531 Hord, Ethel 390
Hauver, Peter 156, 529 Horton, Clarissa 117, 120, 122, 123, 357, 461, 470
Hauver, Philip 156, 532 Hoselton, Edward 383
Hauver, Victoria 532 Hoskin, Ann 541
Hauver, Washington 532 Hoskin, Mary 541
Hauver, William 531, 532 Hotchkins, Mary 103
Hayes, Edmund 549 Houghtaling, Helmut 317
Hayes, Eliza 547 Houston, Christobel 428
Hayes, John 549 Howard, Mary 219, 290

Howell, Jonathan 665 Johnson, Ella 530
Hubbert, Cora 548 Johnson, Elwin 502
Hubbert, Manila 548 Johnson, Freeborn 174, 637
Huddleston, Jennie 385 Johnson, Nancy 131, 671
Huddleston, Palmer 385 Johnson, Samuel 131, 501
Hulbert, Eliza 292 Johnston, Anna 293
Hulbert, Henry 292 Johnston, Jane 215, 290
Hulbert, John 35, 292 Johnston, John 215, 221, 290
Hulbert, Maria 292 Johnston, Maria 293
Hulbert, William 292 Johnston, Philura 378
Hulett, Mortimer 464 Jones, Evalina 568
Humphries, John 555 Jones, Frances 62
Hungerford, Jane 408 Jones, Mabel 568
Hungerford, Sarah 408 Jones, Maud 568
Hunnewell, Cynthia 382 Jones, Nellie 567
Hunter, Christina 412 Jones, Oliver 179
Hurlbut, Bertha 417 Jones, Thomas 568
Hutchins, Roanna 95, 96 Jones, Timothy 119
Hyde, Mary 463 Judd, Richard 462
Hyde, Samantha 463 Kammer, Anna 21, 26, 27, 31, 41, 279, 282
Ingilby, William 12 Kammer, Anna Christina 21, 26, 27, 31, 41, 279,
Irish, Abigail 109, 110, 421 282
Irish, Alonzo 407, 410 Kammer, Christina 21, 26, 27, 31, 41, 279, 282
Irish, Andrew 411 Keenan, Aaron 428
Irish, Anna 416 Keenan, Beatrus 428
Irish, Armenia 415 Keenan, Ralph 430
Irish, Beals 110, 421 Keenan, Rolland 428
Irish, Calvin 407, 410 Keenan, Washington 430
Irish, Caroline 420 Kellar, Ann 556
Irish, Catharine 420 Kellar, Christopher 556, 557
Irish, Colborne 420 Kellar, George 556
Irish, Diadama 415 Kellar, Hester 556
Irish, Ebenezer 109, 415 Kellar, Huldah 557
Irish, Effey 412 Kellar, Jane 556
Irish, Eleanor 416 Kellar, Lovina 557
Irish, Eliza 111, 112, 416 Kellar, Margaret 557
Irish, Emily 420 Kellar, Mary 556
Irish, George 412 Kemp, Bertha 634
Irish, Guy 412 Kemp, Frederick 635
Irish, Hannah 111, 112, 416 Kemp, George 634
Irish, Harley 412 Kemp, Georgianna 635
Irish, Helen 416 Kemp, Hanson 634
Irish, Henry 106, 109, 412, 420 Kemp, Mary 635
Irish, Jennie 412 Kemp, Mellisa 635
Irish, John 420 Kemp, Vesta 635
Irish, Julia 412 Kent, Arlington 528
Irish, Leon 412 Kent, Arthur 528
Irish, Melissa 416 Kent, Elizabeth 528
Irish, Miranda 416 Kent, James 528
Irish, Ophilia 416 Kern, Balthasar 26, 284, 370
Jarrett, John 410 Kettle, Jane 537
Jasper, Mary 196 Kettle, Mary 537
Jayne, Magaret 557 Keys, Lydia 463
Jewett, Eunice 108, 406 Kibby, Clara 386
Johnson, Ada 564 Kimble, Barbara 386
Johnson, Bernice 502 Kimmel, Barbara 98, 386

Kinman, Elizabeth 148, 149, 150, 157 Mattice, Catherine 326
Knight, Margaret 11, 278 Mayer, Matthew 466
Knight, Robert 546 McCarthy, George 380
Knight, William 546 McClain, Martha 473
Knowlton, George 555 McCullough, George 388
Krankright, Sarah 365 McDaniel, Daniel 196
Lalande, Rosella 151, 156, 529 McDougall, Filura 527
Lalanne, Leon 70, 104, 105, 117, 130, 147 McElroy, Jennie 465
Lamb, Frank 383 McFinstry, Sarah 540
Lamb, Mary 383 McGongal, Alexander 62
Lambert, Polly 381 McGovern, Walter 499
Lamon, Eugene 407 McGrillobray, Daniel 62
Lampman, John 152, 171, 172, 174, 637 McIntosh, Mary 95, 99, 390
Larabee, Richard 560 McKains, Justus 62
Laroche, Aurilla 568 McKay, Samuel 60, 61, 62, 63, 283, 355, 356, 380,
Lawrence, John 36, 62, 289 461
Lawyer, John 23 McKee, Elizabeth 374
Lawyer, Peter 318 McKee, William 469
Lay, Amos 68 McKetchin, Agnes 468
Layman, Alonzo 379 McKetchin, Philomen 468
Leland, John 416 McKinney, Catherine 36, 89, 296
Lindsay, Benjamin 409 McKinney, Deborah 289
Lindsay, Elizabeth 409 McKinney, Maria 36, 89, 296
Lindsay, Emma 409 McLeod, Jennie 380
Lindsay, Fred 409 McNeil, Charles 421
Lindsay, James 409 McNeil, Elwin 421
Lindsay, Julia 407 McNeil, Georgiana 421
Lindsay, Lucy 409 McNeil, Isabelle 421
Lindsay, Sarah 409 McNeil, Mary 421
Lingard, Elizabeth 12, 13, 14 McNeil, William 421
Litne, Delia 542 McWilliams, Patrick 292
Little, Lamuella 656 Medor, Matilda 535
Littlefield, Ann 379 Mickley, Fred 411
Littlefield, Sarah 379 Miller, Catherine103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 358, 406,
Locke, Fred 416 667
Loomis, Harriet 464 Miller, Diadama 109, 415
Loomis, Julia 464 Miller, Edward 561
Loukes, Margaret 528 Miller, Garret 60
Lovell, Charles 495 Miller, George 629
Macklin, George 673 Miller, Harlow 471
Mahannah, Atlanta 388 Miller, James 561
Mahannah, Catherine 382 Miller, John 109, 371, 419, 561
Mahannah, Charlotte 388 Miller, Joseph 543
Mahannah, Clarissa 382 Miller, Lovina 371
Mallory, Ann 468 Miller, Margaret 667
Marcy, Charles 416 Miller, Peter 48, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 70, 103
Marcy, Gilbert 416 Miller, Ralph 60, 68, 69, 103, 104
Marcy, Peter 472, 520 Miller, Robert 109, 419
Marinus, Abraham 309 Miller, Sarah 371
Marinus, Beata 46, 77, 89, 309 Mills, Margaret 184, 662
Marinus, Diana 309 Mitchell, Della 536
Marinus, Maria 309 Moffat, William 631
Marinus, Peter 309 Moffatt, William 631
Marinus, William 309 Monahon, Mollie 383
Martin, Elvin 531 Montressor, Frances 369
Martin, Mead 531 Montressor, John 81, 82, 283, 369

Morrill, Aubine 423 Parks, Ellen 545
Morris, Morris 194, 195 Parks, Emma 545
Moulton, Edith 555 Parks, Hannah 546
Moulton, Edwin 422 Parks, Hester 561
Moulton, Loelah 110, 422 Parks, James 545, 561
Moyles, Catherine 534 Parks, John 561
Moyles, Margaret 534 Parks, Minerva 561
Munroney, Francis 564 Parks, Thomas 561
Murgatroy, Esther 537, 568 Parrigo, James 62
Murphy, Grace 429 Parsons, Rebecca 240, 665
Murphy, Mary 419 Patterson, Amanda 673
Myers, Matilda 194, 670 Paul, Emily 408
Neiswanger, John 190, 191, 192 Peabody, Carrie 407
Neiswanger, Magdalena 190, 191, 192 Peabody, Fillimore 406
Newell, H. 637 Peabody, Gary 407
Newell, Marion 632 Peabody, Hila 407
Newton, Samuel 529 Peabody, John 406
Newton, William 529 Peabody, Lorenzo 406
Nickerson, Ernest 422 Peabody, Lucinda 407
Norton, William 93, 94 Peabody, Nellie 407
Notemire, Ann 471, 519 Peabody, Wesley 406
Notemire, Henry 141, 144, 151, 157, 519, 539 Pears, Clara 548
Notemire, Sarah 120, 471, 519 Pearse, Luther 464
Noyes, Benjamin 390 Peek, Jane 294
Noyes, Cottom 390 Pelletier, Charles 387
Nyeswanan, Maotoaka 189 Pelletier, Joseph 387
Nyeswanan, Miotoka 189 Pelletier, Melinda 387
O'Dell, Caroline 467 Penniman, Jabez 82, 369
O'Dell, Gertrude 467 Perry, Ida 386
O'Dell, Henry 410 Perry, Mary 291
Olmstead, Stiles 639 Perry, May 386
Olsen, Lena 495 Peters, John 60, 61
Orcutt, Amelia 536 Peters, Lucinda 110, 422
Orcutt, Sarah 536 Peterson, Almira 549
Oswalt, Charles 386 Peterson, Amanda 562
Oswalt, Henry 386 Peterson, Andrew 558
Otis, Ann 420 Peterson, Ann 545, 546, 557
Otis, Julia 420 Peterson, Catherine 545
Owen, Emily 385 Peterson, Charity 549
Page, Henry 499 Peterson, Charlotte 546, 549, 557
Pangborn, Emily 631 Peterson, Eleanor 558
Pariyant, Samuel 62 Peterson, Elijah 549
Parker, Cynthia 471 Peterson, Eliza 549
Parker, Edith 470 Peterson, Emily 549
Parker, Harriet 471 Peterson, George 546, 549
Parker, Hellen 471 Peterson, Henry 549
Parker, Hester 470 Peterson, Hilda 388
Parker, Lois 470 Peterson, Huldah 546
Parker, Lucy 470 Peterson, James 557
Parker, Mary 470 Peterson, Jane 545, 546, 557
Parker, Nathaniel 470 Peterson, Lucina 545
Parker, Persis 470 Peterson, Mahala 546
Parker, Sewell 470 Peterson, Manley 546
Parker, Stone 470 Peterson, Manson 546
Parks, Ann 561 Peterson, Mary 545
Parks, Caroline 544 Peterson, Nelson 557

Peterson, Nicholas 545 Reynolds, Susan 410
Peterson, Philip 545, 549 Reynolds, Thankful 498
Peterson, Polly 545 Richards, Mary 526
Peterson, Rebecca 557 Richardson, Frederick 527
Peterson, Rosetta 558 Richardson, Wesley 469
Peterson, Sarah 546 Rider, Abner 159, 554
Peterson, Schoolcraft 549 Rider, Caroline 554
Peterson, Scovil 549 Rider, Henrietta 554
Peterson, William 558 Right, Ann 669
Peterson, Wilson 558 Right, Margaret 669
Pfyffer, Marie 463 Riley, Rosella 387
Phelps, Catherine 70, 91, 92, 94, 98, 99, 104, 141, Ring, Hannah 121, 472
155, 356, 378, 381 Ring, Rosetta 472
Phelps, Charles 551 Ritcha, David 159, 554
Phillip, William 315 Roberts, Duke 525
Phillips, Hannah 158 Roberts, Henry 525
Pierce, George 467 Roberts, Moses 631
Pierce, Jane 295 Roberts, Samuel 525
Pole, Elizabeth 379 Roberts, Thomas 631
Pomeroy, G. 424 Roberts, Turner 525
Popple, Benjamin 539 Robins, Etta 383
Popple, Frank 539 Roloffs, Lawrence 557
Popple, Stephen 536 Rosa, Sarah 374
Porter, Lawrence 296 Rose, Anna 371
Porter, Maria 296 Rose, Catharina 371
Potter, Allen 430 Rose, Charles 371
Potter, Bryan 430 Rose, Cynthia 370
Potter, G 430 Rose, Elizabeth 371
Potter, George 430 Rose, Isaac 370
Potter, Harold 430 Rose, Jacob 87, 266, 370, 371
Potter, Ira 430 Rose, Jerusha 370
Potter, Noel 430 Rose, John 370, 371
Potter, Paul 430 Rose, Lorenie 371
Potter, Wilfred 430 Rose, Margareth 371
Powell, Ann 316 Rose, Matthew 370
Powell, Sarah 316 Rose, Orsamus 371
Primmerman, Estella 552 Rose, Peter 371
Primmerman, Maude 552 Rose, Samuel 370
Pringle, Jane 544 Rose, Sarah 371
Pringle, Nancy 544 Rose, Silas 370
Prouty, James 135, 502 Rose, William 82, 87, 284, 370, 371
Pruyne, Abraham 374 Ross, Ellen 555
Pruyne, Daniel 374 Rowe, Anne 208, 289
Pruyne, Frances 374 Rowe, Barbara 208, 289
Pruyne, Francis 374 Rowe, Margaret 76, 85, 89, 208, 289
Pruyne, Maria 374 Ruiter, Philip 71, 94, 117, 358, 627
Pruyne, Sarah 374 Russell, Persis 541
Rains, Archibald 667 Saddlemire, John 322
Rashaw, Mary 639 Saddlemire, Mahala 322
Rausler, John 468 Safford, Charles 566
Reddick, Sarah 293 Safford, David 119
Reid, Diane 547 Salsburg, Catherine 45, 314
Reid, Mary 547 Sammons, Catalina 374
Reinhard, Arianne 1, 76, 89, 323 Sanderson, Eleanora 541
Reinhard, Christine 89, 326 Sanderson, Elizabeth 566
Reynolds, Elizabeth 410 Sanderson, Harriet 541

Sandt, Adam 325 Schoolcraft, Anson 386
Sandt, Catherine 325 Schoolcraft, Anthony 153, 158, 159, 553
Sandt, Caty 325 Schoolcraft, Armenia 388
Sandt, Elizabeth 325 Schoolcraft, Armida 552
Sandt, John 325 Schoolcraft, Arnetta 496
Sandt, Joseph 325 Schoolcraft, Arthur 385, 554
Sandt, Peter 321 Schoolcraft, Arvilla 499
Sandt, Sarah 325 Schoolcraft, Augusta 430
Sandt, William 325 Schoolcraft, Augustine 5, 11, 14, 183, 184, 278,
Sawyer, Edith 420 279, 662
Sawyer, Nellie 420 Schoolcraft, Aurelia 318
Sawyer, Sarah 170 Schoolcraft, Austien 183, 184, 185, 186, 193, 244,
Schell, Catharina 320 282, 662
Schell, Maria 320, 322 Schoolcraft, Austin 245, 664
Schneider, Anna 23, 41, 46, 75, 87, 88, 283, 309 Schoolcraft, Axtell 291
Schneider, Elizabeth 75, 77, 87, 282, 364 Schoolcraft, Azro 463
Schneider, Maria22, 23, 41, 46, 75, 77, 87, 88, 282, Schoolcraft, Belle 543
283, 309, 364 Schoolcraft, Benjamin 473, 666
Schoolcraft, Aaron 665 Schoolcraft, Berry 669
Schoolcraft, Abalina 556 Schoolcraft, Bertha 463
Schoolcraft, Abraham 291, 365 Schoolcraft, Bertram 555
Schoolcraft, Adaline 414, 424 Schoolcraft, Bessie 548
Schoolcraft, Adam 53, 54, 59, 62, 66, 67, 68, 69, Schoolcraft, Betsy 365
70, 72, 91, 92, 95, 99, 117, 129, 137, 141, 145, Schoolcraft, Blanche 415, 422
168, 258, 312, 318, 320, 355, 378, 380, 426 Schoolcraft, Brown 418
Schoolcraft, Addie 552 Schoolcraft, Carlton 657
Schoolcraft, Agnes 376, 499, 548 Schoolcraft, Caroline 291, 313, 426, 466, 555
Schoolcraft, Albert 120, 383, 388, 465, 467, 468, Schoolcraft, Carroll 463
473, 495, 554 Schoolcraft, Catharina 185, 292, 672
Schoolcraft, Alberta 499 Schoolcraft, Catharine 185, 672
Schoolcraft, Albertine 555 Schoolcraft, Catherina 292
Schoolcraft, Alexander 310, 375, 671 Schoolcraft, Catherine 50, 53, 54, 82, 98, 284, 290,
Schoolcraft, Alfred 462 318, 319, 320, 323, 327, 365, 371, 411, 426,
Schoolcraft, Alfreda 673 671
Schoolcraft, Alfretta 496 Schoolcraft, Caty 323
Schoolcraft, Alice 291, 472, 519, 548, 553 Schoolcraft, Chancy 385
Schoolcraft, Allen 158, 411, 422, 429, 551 Schoolcraft, Charity 545, 666
Schoolcraft, Almon 669 Schoolcraft, Charles 179, 296, 388, 419, 465, 468,
Schoolcraft, Almyra 501 475, 540, 542, 657
Schoolcraft, Alpha 387 Schoolcraft, Charlotte 550
Schoolcraft, Alpheus 157, 553 Schoolcraft, Chester 319, 539
Schoolcraft, Alvira 388 Schoolcraft, Christian20, 43, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66,
Schoolcraft, Alzina 412 68, 69, 70, 77, 78, 91, 103, 147, 168, 177, 186,
Schoolcraft, Amanda 144, 380, 417, 464, 542 194, 283, 355, 356, 364, 672
Schoolcraft, Amelia 156, 383, 533 Schoolcraft, Christina 318, 321, 326, 496
Schoolcraft, Andrew 132, 133, 137, 195, 496 Schoolcraft, Christine 318, 326
Schoolcraft, Ann i, 50, 89, 143, 311, 314, 365, 380, Schoolcraft, Christopher 63, 68, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
415, 416, 419, 425, 518, 547, 549, 550, 666, 134, 142, 143, 144, 145, 150, 382, 498, 517
668 Schoolcraft, Clara 120, 387, 673
Schoolcraft, Anna i, 36, 52, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 89, Schoolcraft, Clarence 423, 428
156, 167, 168, 170, 292, 293, 294, 297, 321, Schoolcraft, Clarinda 156, 532
358, 428, 431, 531, 550, 627 Schoolcraft, Clarissa 117, 120, 385, 470, 551
Schoolcraft, Anne 36, 52, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 156, Schoolcraft, Clark 429
167, 168, 170, 293, 297, 358, 531, 627 Schoolcraft, Claude 465
Schoolcraft, Annette 430 Schoolcraft, Clinton 424, 429
Schoolcraft, Annis 122, 123, 124, 461 Schoolcraft, Clyde 465

Schoolcraft, Coat 130, 131, 494 Schoolcraft, Esther 48
Schoolcraft, Columbus 98, 99, 382 Schoolcraft, Ethan 158, 551
Schoolcraft, Cora 543, 555 Schoolcraft, Ethel 380, 387, 422
Schoolcraft, Cornelius 540 Schoolcraft, Etta 555
Schoolcraft, Cynthia 364, 375, 421 Schoolcraft, Eunice 78, 195, 364, 410
Schoolcraft, Cyrene 145, 517, 530 Schoolcraft, Eva 50, 312, 314, 318, 322, 375, 408,
Schoolcraft, Cyril 178, 657 423
Schoolcraft, Daniel 153, 158, 314, 319, 546, 547, Schoolcraft, Evangline 496
553 Schoolcraft, Eve 386
Schoolcraft, David 46, 49, 50, 87, 311, 312, 327, Schoolcraft, Evelyn 293
384, 419, 472, 473, 546, 555 Schoolcraft, Ezra 310, 326
Schoolcraft, Dean 551 Schoolcraft, Flavilla 406
Schoolcraft, Deborah 153, 154, 159, 556 Schoolcraft, Flora 383, 540, 553
Schoolcraft, Deidama 416 Schoolcraft, Florence 380, 387, 408, 423, 499
Schoolcraft, Della 386 Schoolcraft, Frances 89, 296
Schoolcraft, Delphene 468 Schoolcraft, Francis 668
Schoolcraft, Diana 554 Schoolcraft, Frank 468, 656
Schoolcraft, Diantha 364 Schoolcraft, Franklin 409
Schoolcraft, Dolly 673 Schoolcraft, Frederick322, 324, 325, 365, 463, 465
Schoolcraft, Dora 422 Schoolcraft, Freeman 119, 120, 465, 467
Schoolcraft, Dow 152, 158, 472, 519, 550 Schoolcraft, Gaylord 428
Schoolcraft, Edgar 157, 471, 472, 519, 548, 553 Schoolcraft, George 105, 109, 110, 117, 124, 178,
Schoolcraft, Edith 499 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 325, 388, 407, 419,
Schoolcraft, Edna 386, 416 420, 423, 427, 464, 465, 466, 500, 503, 540,
Schoolcraft, Edson 500 656, 663, 670
Schoolcraft, Edward 152, 177, 179, 376, 387, 531, Schoolcraft, Georgiana 555
542, 547, 548, 657, 658 Schoolcraft, Georgina 325
Schoolcraft, Edwin 410, 422, 502 Schoolcraft, Gertrude 429
Schoolcraft, Effie 425, 463 Schoolcraft, Gideon 321
Schoolcraft, Eleanor 106, 109, 409, 419, 420, 426 Schoolcraft, Gilbert 539
Schoolcraft, Elias 318 Schoolcraft, Grace 496, 503, 552
Schoolcraft, Elijah 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, Schoolcraft, Gretchen 314
313, 463, 553 Schoolcraft, Guy 470
Schoolcraft, Elisha 51, 52, 316 Schoolcraft, Hannah 111, 121, 133, 135, 147, 150,
Schoolcraft, Eliza318, 322, 383, 384, 418, 419, 667 155, 406, 417, 420, 467, 470, 473, 497, 525,
Schoolcraft, Elizabeth 77, 82, 87, 141, 151, 157, 543, 548
185, 284, 296, 317, 322, 326, 327, 370, 467, Schoolcraft, Harold 411
532, 539, 549, 555, 668, 671, 672 Schoolcraft, Harriet 315, 324, 384, 423, 430, 472,
Schoolcraft, Ella 415, 422, 463 495, 520, 542
Schoolcraft, Ellen 387, 495 Schoolcraft, Harry 411
Schoolcraft, Elma 52 Schoolcraft, Harvey 409
Schoolcraft, Elmer 465, 541 Schoolcraft, Hawley 552
Schoolcraft, Elmina 315 Schoolcraft, Hazel 418, 502
Schoolcraft, Elmore 500 Schoolcraft, Helen 82, 284, 292, 371, 422
Schoolcraft, Elva 469 Schoolcraft, Heman 110, 158, 422
Schoolcraft, Elvira 501 Schoolcraft, Henrietta 383
Schoolcraft, Elwin 417, 541, 552 Schoolcraft, Henry i, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27,
Schoolcraft, Emeline 318 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 78, 81, 82, 85,
Schoolcraft, Emily94, 365, 384, 385, 389, 423, 542 89, 103, 109, 110, 177, 198, 205, 209, 210,
Schoolcraft, Emina 430 221, 278, 290, 291, 323, 380, 383, 415, 421,
Schoolcraft, Emma 121, 472, 520, 542 427, 471, 474, 519, 531, 541, 542, 656, 669,
Schoolcraft, Emmet 291 672
Schoolcraft, Ephraim 380 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe i, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25,
Schoolcraft, Ernest 385 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 78, 81,
Schoolcraft, Espy 387 82, 85, 89, 103, 205, 209, 221, 290
Schoolcraft, Estella 325 Schoolcraft, Herbert 429

Schoolcraft, Herman 555 Schoolcraft, Josiah 548
Schoolcraft, Herrick 418 Schoolcraft, Julia 325
Schoolcraft, Hezakiah 669 Schoolcraft, Juliet 469
Schoolcraft, Hiram 51, 52, 317, 384 Schoolcraft, Juliett 548
Schoolcraft, Homer 540 Schoolcraft, Julina 384
Schoolcraft, Horatio 429 Schoolcraft, Katherine 667
Schoolcraft, Horton 117, 120, 470 Schoolcraft, Kitty 375
Schoolcraft, House 423 Schoolcraft, Larkin 541
Schoolcraft, Howard 292, 293, 468 Schoolcraft, Laura 178, 468
Schoolcraft, Huldah 390 Schoolcraft, Lawrence 1, 21, 32, 33, 36, 41, 42, 43,
Schoolcraft, Ibei 149, 543 44, 46, 75, 76, 77, 85, 87, 88, 89, 208, 209,
Schoolcraft, Ida 96, 97, 109, 389, 414, 424, 541, 210, 236, 283, 289, 290, 293, 294, 309, 320,
542 323, 364
Schoolcraft, Ira 46, 310, 313, 315, 472, 520 Schoolcraft, Lena 419
Schoolcraft, Isaac 105, 106, 108, 109, 134, 294, Schoolcraft, Leon 419
316, 375, 415, 503, 670, 671 Schoolcraft, Leonard 134, 196, 197, 243, 426, 499,
Schoolcraft, J. 5, 17, 183, 200, 239, 241, 242, 673 663
Schoolcraft, Jackson 132, 133, 137, 195, 496 Schoolcraft, Leroy 52
Schoolcraft, Jacob41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 50, 51, 54, 62, Schoolcraft, Lettie 418
88, 89, 240, 242, 243, 289, 297, 311, 312, 314, Schoolcraft, Lewis 417
320, 322, 323, 428, 664 Schoolcraft, Libbie 384
Schoolcraft, James 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, Schoolcraft, Lillie 464, 656
18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 31, 41, 63, 67, 68, Schoolcraft, Linus 500
69, 72, 76, 82, 85, 93, 94, 117, 118, 119, 120, Schoolcraft, Lisabetha 185, 672
122, 123, 124, 131, 147, 183, 184, 185, 193, Schoolcraft, Lorenzo 95, 97, 151, 152, 158, 386,
195, 199, 240, 278, 279, 282, 293, 295, 356, 387, 467, 471, 519, 550
419, 461, 462, 465, 471, 473, 502, 503, 519, Schoolcraft, Louisa 123, 124, 292, 417, 419, 431,
531, 548, 551, 662, 665, 666, 667, 669, 670, 470, 545
672 Schoolcraft, Louise 94, 389
Schoolcraft, Jane121, 132, 290, 319, 385, 388, 417, Schoolcraft, Lovina 423
418, 430, 471, 494, 548, 549, 554, 629, 673 Schoolcraft, Lucina 464
Schoolcraft, Jared 110, 422 Schoolcraft, Lucinda 314
Schoolcraft, Jason 474 Schoolcraft, Lucy 430, 663
Schoolcraft, Jennie 423, 503 Schoolcraft, Luke 87, 198, 673
Schoolcraft, Jeremiah 667 Schoolcraft, Lydia 144, 145, 313, 469, 519
Schoolcraft, Jesse 408 Schoolcraft, Lyle 548
Schoolcraft, Jessie 550 Schoolcraft, Lysebeth 327
Schoolcraft, Jewich 543 Schoolcraft, M. A. 200
Schoolcraft, Joel 117, 120, 121, 470, 471, 519 Schoolcraft, Mabel 412, 465, 551, 552
Schoolcraft, John 32, 33, 36, 41, 42, 45, 51, 52, 59, Schoolcraft, Madora 463
65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 76, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 93, Schoolcraft, Mae 294, 548
94, 105, 141, 144, 145, 150, 178, 179, 185, Schoolcraft, Magdalena 27, 82, 284, 369
186, 187, 188, 189, 192, 211, 240, 242, 243, Schoolcraft, Mahala 547, 551
245, 246, 247, 279, 282, 289, 290, 293, 294, Schoolcraft, Malvina 417
295, 296, 313, 316, 320, 321, 357, 375, 386, Schoolcraft, Mandon 466
411, 412, 418, 420, 429, 468, 474, 498, 503, Schoolcraft, Marcus 674
517, 541, 548, 550, 657, 658, 662, 664, 665, Schoolcraft, Margaret 9, 35, 36, 81, 199, 279, 283,
668, 669, 670, 671, 673 289, 292, 325, 355, 364, 365, 369, 496, 668
Schoolcraft, John the Baptist 199 Schoolcraft, Margarite 669
Schoolcraft, John Wyngaart 36, 87, 295 Schoolcraft, Maria 27, 71, 72, 82, 179, 284, 292,
Schoolcraft, Johnston 290 309, 315, 317, 318, 321, 322, 323, 327, 358,
Schoolcraft, Jonathan 17, 98, 381 369, 467, 496
Schoolcraft, Jones 427 Schoolcraft, Mariah 673
Schoolcraft, Joseph 668 Schoolcraft, Marie 410
Schoolcraft, Josephine 553, 673 Schoolcraft, Marion 668
Schoolcraft, Joshua 671 Schoolcraft, Marshall 387

Schoolcraft, Martha 78, 132, 364, 417, 467, 494, Schoolcraft, Orvil 500
554, 656, 664, 671 Schoolcraft, Oscar 410, 466, 467
Schoolcraft, Martin 67, 68, 69, 104, 121, 142, 144, Schoolcraft, Owen 385
147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 357, 525 Schoolcraft, Ozias 53, 317
Schoolcraft, Mary 52, 89, 142, 143, 144, 158, 174, Schoolcraft, Patsy 671
198, 200, 279, 319, 378, 380, 387, 411, 415, Schoolcraft, Paul 51, 312, 319
416, 420, 423, 424, 428, 501, 518, 540, 547, Schoolcraft, Pearl 375, 419, 552
549, 656, 657, 662, 664, 666, 668, 673 Schoolcraft, Permilia 417
Schoolcraft, Matilda 135, 198, 410, 502, 554, 673 Schoolcraft, Perry 325
Schoolcraft, Matthew 188, 672 Schoolcraft, Peter42, 43, 46, 48, 67, 68, 69, 71, 89,
Schoolcraft, Matthias 184, 185, 186, 188, 240, 242, 98, 129, 130, 132, 136, 147, 152, 157, 290,
245, 671 309, 310, 311, 321, 323, 358, 494, 499, 539
Schoolcraft, Maud 424 Schoolcraft, Phebe 671
Schoolcraft, May 387, 422 Schoolcraft, Phelps 98, 381
Schoolcraft, McKinney 296 Schoolcraft, Philip 98, 99, 100, 137, 158, 379, 387,
Schoolcraft, Melinda 142, 144, 517, 530 473, 543
Schoolcraft, Melissa 417, 466, 470, 555 Schoolcraft, Phoebe 411
Schoolcraft, Melvin 423 Schoolcraft, Plinny 472
Schoolcraft, Melvina 556 Schoolcraft, Polly 543, 666
Schoolcraft, Merosia 469 Schoolcraft, Prescott 499
Schoolcraft, Merritt 427 Schoolcraft, Rachel 49, 86, 295, 311, 375
Schoolcraft, Merton 419 Schoolcraft, Ralph 106, 110, 420
Schoolcraft, Michael 186, 187, 188, 196, 197, 198, Schoolcraft, Raymond 427
244, 663, 672 Schoolcraft, Rebecca 474, 547, 665
Schoolcraft, Mildred 423 Schoolcraft, Rennselaer 296
Schoolcraft, Miller 111, 112, 416 Schoolcraft, Rensselaer 365
Schoolcraft, Millie 465 Schoolcraft, Richard 15, 278
Schoolcraft, Milo 552 Schoolcraft, Riley 554
Schoolcraft, Minerva 105, 431, 503 Schoolcraft, Roana 96
Schoolcraft, Minna 411 Schoolcraft, Robert 157, 177, 178, 179, 278, 296,
Schoolcraft, Minnie 293, 499, 555, 656 411, 540, 656, 657
Schoolcraft, Minor 324 Schoolcraft, Rosannah 99, 381
Schoolcraft, Miranda 420 Schoolcraft, Rosella 156, 529
Schoolcraft, Monroe 417, 551, 629 Schoolcraft, Rowe i, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27,
Schoolcraft, Moreus 540 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 78, 81, 82, 85,
Schoolcraft, Moses 121, 148, 472 89, 103, 205, 209, 221, 290
Schoolcraft, Moulton 422 Schoolcraft, Rufus 416
Schoolcraft, Munson 157, 540 Schoolcraft, Ruggles 420
Schoolcraft, Myrna 429 Schoolcraft, Ruth 195, 383, 472, 519
Schoolcraft, Myron 409, 416, 552 Schoolcraft, Sabrina 551
Schoolcraft, Nancy 134, 135, 193, 194, 315, 317, Schoolcraft, Samuel 77, 78, 130, 131, 364, 494,
318, 365, 503, 666, 669 495, 541, 671
Schoolcraft, Nellie 296, 411, 469 Schoolcraft, Sarah 106, 109, 153, 160, 383, 413,
Schoolcraft, Nelly 36, 540 425, 466, 469, 472, 473, 501, 520, 551, 563,
Schoolcraft, Nelson 472, 473 664, 665, 668, 670, 671
Schoolcraft, Norman 468 Schoolcraft, Scofield 147, 150, 158, 160, 543
Schoolcraft, Olive 504 Schoolcraft, Seena 501
Schoolcraft, Oliver 295 Schoolcraft, Seneca 324
Schoolcraft, Onam 552 Schoolcraft, Serina 417
Schoolcraft, Ophelia 497, 553 Schoolcraft, Silas 384
Schoolcraft, Orin 500 Schoolcraft, Simon 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150,
Schoolcraft, Orpha 410 152, 186, 196, 518, 539, 540, 672
Schoolcraft, Orra 1, 150, 151, 152, 153, 157, 159, Schoolcraft, Solomon 144, 518
533 Schoolcraft, Sophia 45, 51, 89, 292, 319
Schoolcraft, Orris 408 Schoolcraft, Sophronia 156, 530
Schoolcraft, Orrison 388 Schoolcraft, Springer 295

Schoolcraft, Squire 195 Settle, Eva 45, 46, 88, 320
Schoolcraft, Stephen 296 Settle, Mary 51, 52, 88, 316
Schoolcraft, Susan 290, 294, 503 Shaffer, Martha 310
Schoolcraft, Susannah 381, 669 Shaw, Lowell 416
Schoolcraft, Sydney 531 Sheehan, Harriet 540
Schoolcraft, Sylvanus 383 Sheehan, Mary 540
Schoolcraft, Sylvester 51, 52, 314, 428, 673 Sheffield, Ellen 14
Schoolcraft, Theodore 384 Shelman, Bertha 385
Schoolcraft, Theressa 474 Sherman, Richard 292
Schoolcraft, Thomas 108, 122, 135, 278, 406, 502, Sherman, Updike 292
541, 548 Sherman, Willette 34, 35, 292
Schoolcraft, Van Rennselaer 296 Sherwood, Justus 60, 61, 63
Schoolcraft, Viola 410, 464 Shibley, Orcelia 639
Schoolcraft, Walter 427, 541, 555 Shoecraft, Ann 374
Schoolcraft, Wellington 423 Shoecraft, George 374
Schoolcraft, Whitney 495 Shoecraft, Jacob 86, 374
Schoolcraft, Willard 407 Shoecraft, James 374
Schoolcraft, William 26, 41, 46, 53, 67, 68, 69, 75, Shoecraft, John 59, 86, 374
77, 78, 87, 89, 93, 94, 98, 99, 103, 104, 105, Shoecraft, Lina 375
106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 117, 122, 151, Shoecraft, Mary 374
156, 168, 177, 178, 278, 282, 290, 294, 309, Shoecraft, Mathew 375
325, 326, 357, 364, 375, 384, 385, 390, 406, Shoecraft, Peter 374
409, 410, 411, 416, 422, 425, 426, 429, 466, Shoecraft, Rachel 59, 86, 87, 374
468, 471, 472, 474, 519, 529, 531, 541, 542, Shoecraft, Sammon 375
543, 546, 656, 670 Shoecraft, Sarah 374
Schoolcraft, Willis 540 Shoecraft, William 374
Schoolcraft, Windsor 541 Shrader, Bell 473
Schoolcraft, Wyman 428 Shrader, Minnie 473
Schoolcraft, Wyngaart 36, 87, 295 Shufelt, Adam 630
Schoolcroft, Adam 15 Shufelt, Ashley 630
Schoolcroft, Augustine 5, 11, 14, 183, 278, 279, Shufelt, David 630
662 Shufelt, Ellen 567
Schoolcroft, Elizabeth 278 Shufelt, Elwin 630
Schoolcroft, Henry 278 Shufelt, Emeretta 630
Schoolcroft, James 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, Shufelt, Emma 630
184, 278, 279, 282 Shufelt, Jacob 630
Schoolcroft, John 279 Shufelt, Lavina 630
Schoolcroft, Margaret 9, 279 Shufelt, Miranda 463, 500
Schoolcroft, Mary 279 Shufelt, Peter 630
Schoolcroft, Richard 278 Shufelt, Sarah 630
Schoolcroft, Robert 278 Shufelt, Susannah 630
Schoolcroft, Thomas 278 Shufelt, William 630
Schoolcroft, William 278 Shultes, Gideon 322
Schultes, Gideon 322 Shultes, Jacob 322
Schults, A. 671 Shultes, John 322
Schults, A. R. 671 Simington, Edward 467
Scofield, Hannah 147, 148, 154, 357, 539 Sink, Amanda 670
Scott, Eliza 558 Sink, Mary 670
Scott, Ellen 559 Sisco, Benjamin 461
Scott, Jane 558 Sisco, Charles 535
Scott, John 563 Sisco, Diantha 123, 462
Scott, Minerva 559 Sisco, Enos 535, 536
Scott, Thomas 66, 68, 69, 357, 517 Sisco, Esther 124, 462
Scott, Wesley 563 Sisco, George 536
Sears, Harry 567 Sisco, Lester 535
Selby, Lee 120 Sisco, Louisa 124, 462

Sisco, Samantha 462 Spears, Jude 526
Sisco, Samuel 123, 124, 461 Spears, Julina 528
Sisco, William 123 Spears, Lucretia 155, 525
Skakel, Daisy 498 Spears, Lydia 525
Skakel, Elizabeth 133, 496 Spears, Maria 527
Skakel, Harriet 633 Spears, Martin 528
Slack, Frances 296 Spears, Maud 528
Slack, Francis 89, 296 Spears, Minerva 155, 525
Slack, John 296 Spears, Moses 150, 155, 525, 527
Slack, Peter 296 Spears, Nancy 641
Slack, Robert 89, 296 Spears, Nelson 174, 637
Slack, Sarah 296 Spears, Noah 528
Slater, Garret 390 Spears, Philip 529
Slater, Stephen 390 Spears, Rhoda 529
Small, Crocker 410 Spears, Rowland 526
Smith, Alexander 671 Spears, Rufus 528
Smith, Elizabeth 134, 503, 535 Spears, Sarah 527
Smith, Jessie 387 Spears, Sheldon 526
Smith, John 412 Spears, Turner 525
Smith, Lucinda 473 Spears, Viola 528
Smith, Lucy 473 Spears, William 526
Smith, May 387 Sperbeck, Peter 50, 315
Smith, Sarah 153, 158, 159, 553 Sprague, Effie 468
Snow, Catherine 194, 670 Springer, Carol 295
Snow, John 194, 670 Springer, Evaline 295
Snyder, Mary 136, 499 Staley, George 385
Spears, Albert 528 Stalker, John 71, 93, 94, 129
Spears, Alexander 527 Stallman, Sarah 665
Spears, Alzina 527 Stearns, Hannah 529
Spears, Amanda 527 Stebbins, Eliza 527
Spears, Andrew 637 Stedman, Eugene 407
Spears, Arlington 528 Stedman, Jennie 407
Spears, Benjamin 527 Steiner, Catherine 45, 322
Spears, Blakely 526 Sternberg, Christina 23, 41, 75, 283, 327
Spears, Calvin 172, 174, 179, 637, 641 Steven, Silas 156, 530
Spears, Carelton 527 Stevens, Nancy 671
Spears, Carleton 526 Stevens, Polly 671
Spears, Catherine 528 Stickman, Elizabeth 467
Spears, Charlotte 527 Stiles, Seley 62
Spears, Cornette 528 Stith, Anna 656
Spears, David 155, 525, 527 Stith, Laura 656
Spears, Edson 526 Stockham, Anthony 141
Spears, Edward 637 Stockwell, Amelia 469
Spears, Eleanor 526 Stockwell, Edwin 469
Spears, Elijah 149, 150, 526, 527, 641 Stockwell, Nelson 469
Spears, Eliza 526 Stoddard, Chancy 388
Spears, Elizabeth 637 Stoddard, Loella 388
Spears, Elmer 526 Stolicker, John 71, 93, 94, 129
Spears, Emily 526 Stolicker, Mahala 151, 152
Spears, Emma 526 Stolicker, Mary 71, 98, 129, 130, 132, 136, 358,
Spears, Gideon 641 494
Spears, Hannah 527, 528, 641 Stone, Adam 152, 172, 173, 174, 631, 634, 636
Spears, Henry 149 Stone, Agnes 639
Spears, Ibri 528 Stone, Albert 630
Spears, Joel 121, 149, 150, 155, 525 Stone, Allen 630
Spears, John 641 Stone, Alonzo 638, 640

Stone, Amanda 634 Stone, Martha 631, 632, 640
Stone, Angus 639 Stone, Martin 640
Stone, Ann 632, 634, 636 Stone, Mary 629, 631, 632
Stone, Anna 171, 172, 175, 641 Stone, Mattie 632
Stone, Annie 639 Stone, Maud 634
Stone, Armida 634 Stone, Melissa 640
Stone, Beatrice 634 Stone, Melvin 636
Stone, Benjamin 639 Stone, Melvina 637
Stone, Booth 631 Stone, Miles 633
Stone, Catherine 640 Stone, Minerva 631
Stone, Charles 171, 172, 175, 633, 641 Stone, Moletta 628
Stone, Charlotte 172, 174, 641 Stone, Nancy 627, 640
Stone, Clarissa 639 Stone, Nelson 640
Stone, Clarke 634 Stone, Orcela 631
Stone, Curtis 633 Stone, Orcelia 639
Stone, Edith 632 Stone, Orlando 640
Stone, Edson 632 Stone, Orselia 174, 632
Stone, Edwin 631, 633 Stone, Oscar 639
Stone, Effa 636 Stone, Peter147, 152, 168, 169, 172, 174, 327, 499,
Stone, Effie 634 627
Stone, Elias 170 Stone, Philena 631
Stone, Elizabeth 171, 172, 174, 629, 637 Stone, Rhoda 171, 172, 174, 638
Stone, Ellen 634 Stone, Richard 639
Stone, Elmer 632, 634 Stone, Rollins 628
Stone, Emily 635 Stone, Samuel 635
Stone, Fanny 629 Stone, Sarah 629
Stone, Francis 636 Stone, Seth 629
Stone, Frank 634, 636 Stone, Simon i, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 93, 94,
Stone, George 71, 169, 171, 172, 174, 628, 632, 95, 103, 104, 142, 147, 150, 167, 168, 169,
633, 635, 636, 640 170, 172, 173, 358, 627, 630, 635, 640
Stone, H. 630 Stone, Solomon 639
Stone, Hannah 174, 636, 637, 640, 641 Stone, Susannah 630
Stone, Henry 631 Stone, Theodore 639
Stone, Hiram 631, 632 Stone, Thomas 171, 172, 174, 629, 638, 640
Stone, Irvin 631 Stone, William 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 631, 640,
Stone, Isaac 69, 170 641
Stone, Isabel 632 Stone, Zanetta 174, 632, 633
Stone, Israel 170 Stoner, Jacob 327
Stone, James 629 Stoner, Peter 327
Stone, Jane 629, 631, 637, 640 Streeter, Charles 418
Stone, Jerusha 637 Streeter, William 291
Stone, John 635 Sturk, Eliza 640
Stone, Josephine 639 Sunlin, Phillip 465
Stone, Joshua 641 Swadling, Ann 379
Stone, Julia 636 Swadling, Elizabeth 379
Stone, Laura 634 Sweeney, Francis 384
Stone, Leonard 168, 169, 628, 630 Tagge, Emily 640
Stone, Lincoln 632 Talmadge, Bert 503
Stone, Lois 629 Talmadge, John 503
Stone, Louisa 629 Tanner, Dennis 566
Stone, Louise 632 Tarter, Fleming 196
Stone, Lucy 171, 172, 174, 638 Tarter, Margaret 196
Stone, Luke 629, 630 Tarter, Squire 196
Stone, Margaret 172, 174, 637 Taylor, Alex 66, 68
Stone, Maria 171, 172, 175, 641 Taylor, Charlotte 527
Stone, Marie 632 Terry, Adam 415

Terry, Eliza 109, 414 Trout, Ann 669
Terry, Harriet 109, 414 Trout, Caroline 669
Terry, Huldah 413 Trout, Mary 669
Terry, Jane 413 Trout, Sarina 669
Terry, John 106, 107, 109, 110, 413, 414 Trout, Temperance 669
Terry, Maria 413 Truax, Abraham 124
Terry, Martha 413 Truax, Arthur 462
Terry, Mary 413 Truax, Catherine 124
Terry, Melissa 415, 421 Truax, George 638
Terry, Sarah 109, 110, 415, 421 Truax, Harmon 174, 638
Tetrault, David 420 Truax, Henry 462
Thayer, Marble 464 Truax, Howard 462
Thomas, Ella 538 Truax, Jane 385
Thomas, Florence 386 Truax, John 123, 124, 462
Thomas, Nora 538 Truax, Maria 36, 87, 293
Thomas, Sarah 466 Truax, Nancy 551
Thomas, William 385 Truax, Rebecca 639
Thompson, Cecilia 563 Tryon, Emily 547
Thompson, Cinderella 563 Tryon, Jane 547
Thompson, David 557 Tryon, Mary 124, 474
Thompson, Edith 563 Tucker, Hattie 496
Thompson, Edna 563 Unwin, Ann 566
Thompson, Edward 559 Unwin, Eliza 566
Thompson, Elijah 562 Van Arnem, Leah 49, 311
Thompson, George 563 VanDenburgh, Cecilia 87, 375
Thompson, Gilbert 562 Vandousen, Christine 99
Thompson, Herbert 563 Vanornam, Harriet 466
Thompson, Jennie 563 Vaughan, Caroline 633
Thompson, Joseph 563 Vaughan, Ida 552
Thompson, Manson 563 Vaughan, Jane 552
Thompson, Marshall 563 Vaughan, Mary 552
Thompson, Nellie 412 Vaughan, Ozen 533
Thompson, Roscoe 563 Vincent, Abigail 498
Thompson, Ruth 563 Vincent, Allen 498
Thompson, Stouton 562 Vincent, Charlotte 498
Thompson, Wilson 557, 563 Vincent, Eliza 498
Thrall, Ann 317 Vincent, Ella 498
Thrall, Hester 317 Vincent, Ethan 131, 497
Tibbitts, Edmond 471 Vincent, Joseph 131, 135, 497
Tibbitts, Ella 471, 519 Vincent, Leonard 498
Tibbitts, Henry 471 Vincent, Lucy 498
Tibbitts, Ida 471 Vincent, Turner 498
Tibbitts, Minnie 471 Vorce, John 158
Tibbitts, Myrtle 471 Vorce, Nelson 566
Tibbitts, Rufus 471 Walbridge, Solomon 150
Tibbitts, Walter 471 Waldron, George 417
Tipping, Alexander 415, 422 Wall, Patrick 81, 284, 369
Tipping, James 415, 422 Wallace, Edith 389
Tittemore, Bernard 532 Wallace, George 389
Townsend, Athelia 319 Wanzer, Minerva 636
Townsend, Jane 500 Ward, Almira 465
Townsend, Nancy 319 Washburn, Ida 567
Traver, Freeman 518 Washburn, Lottie 567
Traver, Levi 145, 518 Washburn, May 567
Traver, William 518 Watson, Aloisa 518
Trerice, Minnie 538 Watson, James 142, 517

Watson, Jane 518 Winch, Rhoda 495
Watson, John 143, 423 Winch, Silas 132, 133, 494
Watson, Julia 517 Wing, George 419
Watson, Mary 518 Winslow, Cordelia 133, 496
Watson, Wallace 423 Wittier, Aaron 556
Watson, William 517 Wolford, Caroline 320
Weatherby, Alfred 416 Wolford, Catherine 53, 320
Weatherby, Grout 416 Wolford, Caty 53, 320
Weaver, Jane 658 Wolford, Cornelia 319
Weaver, Mary 658 Wolford, Eliza 53, 320
Webster, Harriet 466 Wolford, John 53, 319, 320
Webster, Noble 463 Wolford, Martha 319
Weidman, Adam 53, 315 Wolford, Seneca 319
Weidman, Ann 316 Wood, Alvina 549
Weidman, Caty 316 Wood, David 545
Weidman, Elias 315 Wood, Enos 547
Weidman, Joseph 316 Wood, Huldah 562
Welch, Hannah 174, 635 Wood, Joseph 546
Welch, Susannah 473 Wood, Marilla 558
Westfall, Rachael 46, 311 Wood, Mary 558
Westfall, Rachel 49, 87 Wood, Miles 546
Westlake, Elizabeth 537 Wood, Milo 563
Westlake, Mary 537 Wood, Norman 563
White, Samuel 294 Wood, Reuben 561
Whiting, Edmund 382 Woodbury, Earl 431
Whiting, Ernest 382 Woodbury, Edward 431
Whiting, Louisa 382 Woodcock, Ann 549, 561
Whiting, Mary 382 Woodcock, Catherine 550, 561
Whitney, Etta 499 Woodcock, Christy 561
Williams, John 538 Woodcock, David 557
Willsea, Fletcher 468 Woodcock, Deborah 561
Wilsey, Jabez 411 Woodcock, Edward 561
Wilson, Alfred 389 Woodcock, Electa 563
Wilson, Anna 389 Woodcock, Emma 561
Wilson, Carrie 389 Woodcock, George 550, 558
Wilson, Daisy 542 Woodcock, Gilbert 549
Wilson, Della 470 Woodcock, Hannah 558
Wilson, Elizabeth 389 Woodcock, Ida 561
Wilson, George 563 Woodcock, Jane 559, 563
Wilson, Georgina 389 Woodcock, John 550, 560
Wilson, Glenna 389 Woodcock, Loretta 561
Wilson, Harriet 389 Woodcock, Mahala 558
Wilson, James 389, 562 Woodcock, Manson 560
Wilson, John 389 Woodcock, Mary 559, 561
Wilson, Leon 389 Woodcock, Matilda 561
Wilson, Mary 501 Woodcock, Minnie 561
Wilson, Robert 379 Woodcock, Osburn 560
Wilson, Sarah 389 Woodcock, Sarah 549
Wilson, Thomas 389 Woodcock, Scovil 550
Wilson, William 379 Woodcock, William 550, 561
Winch, Alden. 495 Woodcock, Wilmer 557
Winch, Bertha 494 Woodcock, Wilson 561
Winch, Cora 495 Woodruff, Joseph 495
Winch, Hattie 494 Woods, James 538
Winch, Jacob 132, 133, 494 Woodward, Ellen 551
Winch, May 495 Worden, Bennet 295

Worts, Rose 468 Zimmer, Adam 318
Wright, Lena 640 Zimmer, Catharina 45, 51, 54, 89, 311, 318
Wright, Oscar 551 Zimmer, Catharine 318
Wright, Sarah 323, 421 Zimmer, Catherine 45, 50, 53, 312, 317
Wright, William 551 Zimmer, Daniel 50, 313
Yates, Richard 384 Zimmer, Eva 317
Yeates, Duncan 501 Zimmer, Hiram 318
Young, Anna 370 Zimmer, Isaac 318
Young, Daniel 413 Zimmer, Jacob 318
Young, Eliza 413 Zimmer, John 45, 51, 53, 317, 318
Young, Elizabeth 423 Zimmer, Levi 318
Young, Hannah 423 Zimmer, Maria 45, 51, 53, 54, 89, 310, 311, 317
Young, Hiram 313 Zimmer, Marietta 321
Young, Nancy 370 Zimmer, Mary 46, 51, 52, 53
Young, Philip 413 Zimmer, Paul 318
Young, Ransford 413 Zimmer, Peter 53, 317
Young, Sarah 413 Zimmer, William 321

All notes Most of the Vermont civil records have been upgraded to fix typographical errors
and inconsistencies. Those presently in the online copy of the books is the most current and
should be copied. The resulting document will need to be repaginated. A few minor changes may
be required in some family trees as a result of fixing these typographical error.

pp. 149 Two signatures attributed to “W. McGregor” were mistranscribed and should
be changed to be “J. M. McGregor”.

pp. 151 William’s census enumeration for 1825 was located in Russeltown. That
suggests that the following section should be replaced:

William’s marriage record shows he is a shoemaker in Montreal so evidence of his childhood

location is masked. However, I recommend caution regarding the statement that he was in
Montreal when he married. In these times circuit ministers were common. “This parish” may
have been quite extended, possibly even to include parts of Stanbridge. In any event, the
1831 census shows that William has returned from Montreal and is living in Range 7 and is
close to John Boomhower’s widow and her sons that live in northern half of lot 19 in range 7.

Replace with:

William’s marriage record shows he is a shoemaker in Montreal so evidence of his childhood

location is masked. However, I recommend caution regarding his location as the Anglican
parish covered by Christ Church was large. The marriage was performed by Jehosaphat
Mountain, brother of the Bishop of Quebec, and it’s likely that the ceremony took place in
the church itself, which was on Rue Notre Dame. By 1825 William is enumerated in
Russeltown (St-Chrysostome) which, in 1825, was actually part of the parish of Ste-Martine.
By 1831 William and his family are living in Stanbridge, Range 7, and is close to John
Boomhower’s widow and her sons that live in northern half of lot 19 in range 7.

pp. 156 Both census enumerations for 1825 and 1831 imply that William had an
unidentified daughter. After the sentence:

Amelia Schoolcraft is buried in Pigeon Hill with her husband and with Anne Schoolcraft and
her husband.

Insert after that sentence:

William is enumerated in Russeltown (St-Chrysostome) which, in 1825, was actually part of

the parish of Ste-Martine. That enumeration appears to include his wife and five daughters. If
one considers that Cyrene, age three in 1825, may have been mistakenly counted as female,
then all of the children discussed correlate well with the 1825 and 1831 enumerations except
that there may be another female, who would probably have been born about 1819.

pp. 529 Add a new census enumeration for 1825 to William’s record.

Probable: William C. Schoolcraft
born Abt. 1791 in Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Probably
census 1825 in Russeltown, Saint-Chrysostome, Le Haut-Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada; pp.
census 1831 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 1255.09, Range 7
census 12-Feb-1852 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; pp. 133.25, Dist. 2
fact 1836 in Wentworth, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA; Legal involvement
died 28-May-1855 in Stanbridge, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada
buried 30-May-1855 in Mystic, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada; Vaughan cemetery

pp. 111 The sentences describing the militia are poorly worded:

This was not a full time regular army. There was still some friction with the U.S.A. and
occasionally barn burning. This was a part time Militia of local farmers protecting each other.
It did not recruit persons from as far away as Stanbridge so both these persons called William
are from the Rouville area. Each person would be at least age sixteen, i.e. born bef. 1822.

Replace with:

This was not a full time regular army. It was one of a number of local Loyalist militias
established to combat the political rebellions of 1837 and 1838. This was a part time Militia
of local farmers protecting each other and their farms. It did not recruit persons from as far
away as Stanbridge so both these persons called William are from the Rouville area.
Alexander Macfie’s annual return of January 1838 lists men as being aged 18 to 60. None the
less, given the local nature of these militias I think it very likely that there was flexibility in
age when it came to recruiting.

pp. 107-108; 111; 134-137; 412; 502-504 In this and prior editions of this work I have
conjectured that the Isaac Schoolcraft and Thomas Schoolcraft that are found in North West
Vermont and later Quebec might be two sons of Peter and Mary (Stolicker) Schoolcraft.
While I had always been concerned about the coincidental naming match to two of William
and Catherine (Miller) Schoolcraft’s children, I had not found any other evidence to suggest
a connection. A recently located military record has provided evidence that Isaac did
originate in the Clarenceville area. While still no more than conjecture, I personally believe it
more likely that Isaac and Thomas are grandchildren of William and Catherine. Such a
change impacts the discussion of William Schoolcraft’s early census records on pp. 107-108;
the discussion of military records on pp. 111; the discsussion of Isaac and Thomas on pp.
134-137; and the outline descendant reports on pp. 412 and 502-504.


The discussion of Isaac and Thomas on pp. 134-137.


The outline descendant report on pp. 502-404 describing Isaac H. and Thomas W.
Schoolcraft as sons of Peter and Mary (Stolicker) Schoolcraft to show them as sons of John
Schoolcraft on pp. 412.


The discussion of the early census records at the top of page 106 as far as the sub heading
“Where the Children Went”.

Replace with:

Isaac H. and Thomas W. Schoolcraft

If you have read previous Editions of this book you will notice that both these individuals
had been conjectured to be the sons of Peter and Mary (Stolicker) Schoolcraft. By the mere
presence of this subject in this Chapter you may deduce that I no longer support that
conjecture. That is correct, but the situation is not clear cut. Whatever way you look at the
following it amounts to speculation.

A muster roll for Alexander Macfie’s company covering service between November 4 and
November 11, 1838 includes four persons with the Schoolcraft name (Figure 20). They are
listed sequentially, with no possibility of duplication. They are identified and then sign1 as
“Ralph Schoolcraft; George Schoolcraft; Isaac (x) Schoolcraft and Isaac (x) Schoolcraft Jr.”
The first three are children of William and Catherine but Isaac Jr., although fairly obviously
closely related, cannot be William’s son. Alexander Macfie’s annual return of January 1838
(Figure 17) lists all men in his company as being aged 18 to 60. Isaac Jr. is not included in
that because he did not enlist until late in 1838. Those conditions should mean that Isaac Jr.
is born before 1820. However, this is the only time he is recorded and I suspect that age was
not rigidly enforced when recruiting these local militias. The only male children of William
and Catherine who are known to have married in the early 1820s are Thomas and Isaac.
Thomas took his family to Parishville, New York in the early 1830s and is not really a factor.
Furthermore, his family is well understood and correlates perfectly with the early census
records (Table 17) leaving no possibility of a child called Isaac Jr. (Note that Thomas has
two step children that complete the correlations.)

Table 17: Thomas Schoolcraft Early Census Records

1825 1830 Suggested
Provincial Foucault
Married male 1786-1800 male Thomas Schoolcraft (1797)
Married female 1781-1811 female Eunice Jewett/Carpenter (1802)
Single female 1812-1819 female Maria Carpenter (1820)
Single male 1820-1825 male Harvey Carpenter (1822)
Single female female Hannah Schoolcraft (1826)
Single male male George Schoolcraft (1829)

Isaac Sr. also has a well understood family that correlates perfectly with his early census
records (Table 18). This appears to leave an impasse regarding Isaac Jr.’s parents. Only the
deceased John Schoolcraft is old enugh to have fathered Isaac Jr. and he did not marry, or did
he? I previously mentioned that John purchased land under a seigniorial agreement2 in 1821.
Most often, an unmarried son will remain with his father and work the family farm. Not until
he marries will he leave home and become independent. This makes me consider the

possibility that John had married, and with that possibility, that he also might have had a son.
John is not mentioned in the 1825 or any later census. We do know that he was very ill3 in
1822 and his absence in 1825 may imply that he had died. In such a situation his family
would likely be living with one or other of the grandparents.

Table 18: Isaac Schoolcraft Sr. Early Census Records

1825 1830 1831 Suggested
Provincial Foucault Provincial
Married male 1801-1807 male 1772-1801 Isaac Schoolcraft (1801)
Married female 1781-1811 female 1787-1817 Diadama Miller (1806)
Single female 1820-1825 female 1818-1831 Mary Ann (1825)
Single male male 1825-1831 William M. (1827)
Single female male 1825-1831 Herrick (1828)
Single male 1825-1831 John (1831)

If John had married, we unfortunately have no record of his wife so it is not possible to seek
a record of her or her parents. We do have early records of John’s father and, fortuitously,
they are very revealing.

Table 19: William Schoolcraft Early Census Records

1825 1830 1831 Suggested
Provincial Foucault Provincial
Married male 1766-1785 male 1772-1791 Wm. Schoolcraft (1767)
Married female 1781-1811 female 1731-1786 Catherine Miller (1779)
Single female 1781-1811 female 1787-1817 Eleanor (1810)
Single male Missing from the record 1811-1813 Ralph (1811)
Single male 1812-1819 male 1814-1817 George (1812)
Single male 1820-1825 male 1814-1817 William (1816-21)
Single female 1820-1825 female 1818-1831 Anna Minerva (1820)
Single male 1786-1800 Missing from the record John (1799)
Single male 1820-1825 male Missing John’s child (1820-25)
Single male 1820-1825 male Missing John’s child (1820-25)

Thomas and Isaac are both married and enumerated separately (Table 17 and Table 18).
Sarah may not be married but Adam Terry’s enumeration, although confused, may show her
and her future husband John Terry. Mary is presumed dead. Those four persons have been
omitted from Table 19. In 1825, William is enumerated as having eight persons in the
household but nine are actually enumerated. After correlating William, Catherine, and the
remaining known children, only Ralph cannot be located. Most interesting is an extra single
male born before 1800 and two very young male children. I conjecture that this is John and
two sons. We know that illness was present in his family and I currently suspect it first took

his wife, leaving him “single”, and then he died shortly after 1825. The 1830 town census
substantiates the 1825 correlation, but without John. The 1831 Provincial census continues to
substantiate William and his family but without John’s presumed sons. Maybe they were
with the other grandparents at this time.

I conjecture that Isaac Jr. is John Schoolcraft’s son and is living with his paternal
grandparents at least through 1830.

After the military record of 1838, the next time Isaac is found is in 1856 when he marries
Elizabeth Smith in Cornwall, Ontario. This is about 100 miles West from the Clarenceville
region and another strongly Loyalist region on the St. Lawrence River. Not an unlikely place
to find him. By 1861 he has returned to Quebec with Elizabeth where they are living in
Frelighsburg. Between then and 1871, Elizabeth appears to have died and he remarries to
Bridget Bream at St. James’ Methodist church in Montréal, after which they live in Dunham
and then Brome. Isaac is quite a bit older than both Elizabeth and Bridget so it is expected
that he might trim his age a bit. The earliest census statement indicates he was born about
1825 but I think it more likely it was a few years earlier than that to better fit the military
service. He is enumerated in Brome on April 7, 1891 with his wife and family. However,
three weeks later he enumerated with Leonard Schoolcraft in Potton.and is described both as
a widower and as Leonard’s grandfather. He clearly cannot be Leonard’s grandfather as there
is only a six year difference in their ages and Leonard’s ancestry is proven back through
Peter and Mary (Stolicker) Schoolcraft. We cannot know why Isaac is referred to as
Leonard’s grandfather. As a grandchild of William and Catherine he would be Leonard’s
second cousin.

Next I wish to look into the second person whose name is another echo of William and
Catherine’s children – Thomas W. Schoolcraft. Thomas, is a resident of Franklin, Vermont,
when he marries Dolly Atwood in 1853 at Georgia. By 1861 he is enumerated in St. Armand
West but is without his wife and is apparently lodging with another family. I have been
unable to locate Thomas in 1871 but by 1881 he is a widower, living alone, in Potton. I have
been unable to locate him in 1891 but his burial in 1892 is witnessed by Elmore Schoolcraft.
Elmore also lives in Potton and is a brother of the Leonard mentioned when discussing Isaac
Jr. Thomas and Isaac Jr. are both living in proximity to each other and in proximity to
Christopher Schoolcraft’s sons. In my earlier analysis that placed Isaac as John Schoolcraft’s
son I noted that the enumerations of John’s father implied that John had two sons. I
conjecture that Thomas is the second of these. In Thomas’ case there is not a good indicator
of his age. The 1861 census has him born in 1833 but that declaration is made by a landlord
who may have guessed. The 1881 census has him born in 1821 but age declarations tend to
get less accurate the older the person is.

The foregoing conjecture is the one that I presently favor – John was married and had two
sons called Isaac and Thomas. Now I shall present an alternative. It is apparent that Isaac and
Thomas have a potential connection to Peter and Mary (Stolicker) Schoolcraft as they are
both found with descendants of that couple. Both Leonard and Elmore Schoolcraft are
grandchildren by Christopher and Mary (Snyder) Schoolcraft. The marriages of all Peter’s
male descendants occur after 1830 so both Thomas and Isaac too old to be grandchildren.
There is a birth hiatus between Peter’s last two known children that permits ample time to

accommodate Isaac and Thomas. However, if they do belong to Peter and Mary, the early
census records detailed in Table 20 should indicate that.

Table 20: Peter Schoolcraft Early Census Records

1825 1831 Suggested
Provincial Provincial
Married male 1766-1785 Bef. 1771 Peter Schoolcraft (1768)
Married female Bef. 1781 Bef. 1786 Mary Stolicker (1780)
Single male 1786-1800 Married Samuel (1800)
Single male 1801-1807 Missing John (1805)
Single male 1801-1807 Married Christopher (1807)
Single female 1781-1811 Missing Seena (1809)
Single female 1812-1819 Married Matilda (1811-15)
Single male 1812-1819 1818-1825 James (1816)
Single female 1819-1825 1818-1825 Nancy (1823)
Single male 1808-1811 Missing Unidentified
Single male 1819-1825 1818-1825 Unidentified

The 1825 census for Peter has obvious discrepancies between the number of people counted
and the number stated to be in the household. The household is stated to be nine persons,
which would correlate with his entire family, excluding Hannah who married in 1823.
(Hannah is omitted from Table 20.) However, the counts actually show eleven persons. Of
the two extra males, one is aged between fourteen and seventeen and too old to be either
Thomas or Isaac. The other is under six. In 1831 the household is five persons which, if you
conjecture that the older children are living away from home, leaves one unplaced male born
between 1818 and 1825. Thus there is a possible fit for either Thomas or Isaac, but not for

pp. 275 Insert a new figure between Figure 17 and Figure 18, renumbering as

Figure 20: Rouville Militia Pay List, Nov. 4 to Nov. 11, 1838

1Rouville Militia, 3rd Batt., Capt. Alex Macfie. pp. 154, entries 34-37, Pvt. Ralph Schoolcraft, Nov. 4, 1838 to Nov.
11, 1838, 8 days at 1s. 5d., 11s. 4d, Pvt. George Schoolcraft, Nov. 4, 1838 to Nov. 11, 1838, 8 days at 1s. 5d., 11s. 4d,
Pvt. Isaac [x] Schoolcraft, Nov. 4, 1838 to Nov. 11, 1838, 7 days at 1s. 5d., 9s. 11d, Pvt. Isaac [x] Schoolcraft Jr., Nov.
4, 1838 to Nov. 11, 1838, 6 days at 1s. 5d., 8s. 6d.
2 Québec: Civil Records, Notary Léon Lalanne. Unnumbered 18th Oct 1821 Deed of Sale by Jonathan Irish to John
Schoolcraft. This is a routine sale of 50 acres of land in lot 13, ranges 10 and 11, in Caldwell's Manor (Foucault) by
Jonathan Irish to John Schoolcraft. [DJE: This is seigniorial land and almost certainly this deal means John is of
major age, although that is not stated.].
3 Québec: Civil Records, Notary Léon Lalanne. Unnumbered, 30th August 1822, Robt Christie for Hon. J. Caldwell

to William Schoolcraft: ". William Schoolcraft of the Seigneurie of Foucault, commonly called Caldwell Manor, who
acknowledged and declared that John Schoolcraft his son of major age not present by reason of ill health is the


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