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Purlin Design LSM

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The document provides design calculations for checking the capacity of an ISMC beam under various load conditions.

The design inputs provided include material properties, geometric properties of the section, loads acting and end conditions of the beam.

The design steps followed are checking the shear capacity, moment capacity, and interaction ratio to check the overall strength of the section.

Wind pressure down ward (-ve) along Y axis = 0.

925 KN/m2
Wind pressure down ward (+ve) along Y axis = 0.065 KN/m2
Sheet dead weight per square meters = 0.25 KN/m2
Live load on roof = 0.75 KN/m2
Weight of purlin per meters @ ISMC150 = 0.1672 KN/m
Angle of roof = 5 Degree
Spacing of purlins = 1.2 m

Factored Load Calculation

Major direction
1) 1.5 DL+ 1.5 LL = 2.043 KN/m
2) 1.2 DL+ 1.2 LL+ 1.2 WL(+ve) = 1.728 KN/m
3) 1.2 DL+ 1.2 LL+ 1.2 WL(-ve) = 0.302 KN/m
4) 0.9 DL+ 0 LL+ 1.5 WL(-ve) = -1.246 KN/m
Minor direction
1.5 DL+ 1.5 LL = 0.179 KN/m



End Condition of purlin Simply Supported

Number of sagrod provided 2
Major axis length La = 7.5 m
Minor axis length Lb = 2.5 m

Design Inputs

Youngs Modulus E = 200000 N/mm2

Poissons Ratio µ = 0.3
Factored Moment-Major Axis Ma = 14.365 kN-m
Factored Moment-Minor Axis Mb = 0.140 kN-m
Factored Shear Force in Major Direction Va = 7.661 kN
Factored Shear Force in Major Direction Vb = 0.223 kN
Yield Stress Fy = 250 N/mm2
Ultimate Stress Fu = 410 N/mm2
Partial safety factor (PSF) ϒm0 = 1.1 kN

End condition (as per clause = Both Ends Supported

Sectional Properties
Depth of member D = 150.00 mm
Width of flange W = 75.00 mm
Thickness of Flange tf = 9.0 mm
Thickness of web tw = 5.70 mm
Area of section A = 2130 mm2
Elastic modulus Mojar axis Zea = 105000 mm3
Plastic modulus Major axis Zpa = 118310 mm3
Elastic modulus Minor axis Zeb = 19500 mm3
Plastic modulus Minor axis Zpb = 34220 mm3
Radius of gyration Major axis Ra = 61 mm
Radius of gyration Minor axis Rb = 22 mm
Moment of Inertia about mojar axis Ia = 7880000 mm4
Moment of Inertia about minor axis Ib = 1030000 mm4

Section Clasification

ϵ = SQRT(250/fy) = 1

Width to Thickness ratio of compression flange =W/tf = 8.3 < 9.4 ϵ

Deptth ot thickness ratio =(D-2*t f
)/tw = 23.2 < 84 ϵ

As per IS 800-2007 Table 2 Section is clasified as Plastic Section

βb = 1 As per IS 800-2007- Clause

Designed Shear carring capacity =Fy*(D-2*tf)*tw/sqrt(3)/1.1 = 98.73 kN

in major direction

Designed Shear carring capacity =Fy*(D-2*tf)*tw/sqrt(3)/1.1 = 98.73 kN

in minor direction

Hence beam is safe in shear of major direction

Hence beam is safe in shear of minor direction

Depth to thickness ratio =(D-2*tf)/tw 23 < 67 ϵ

Beam is not susceptible shear buckling Hence full capacity can be used

Use eqaution 1 for calculating Moment carring capacity

Equation 1 When 0.6 Vda > Va

Maximum designed capacity of be Mda =βb*Zpa*Fy/1.1 = 26.888636 kN-m
Maximum designed capacity of be Mdb =βb*Zpb*Fy/1.1 = 5.3181818 kN-m

To avoid irreversible deformation under serviceability loads,

Designed moment capacity shall be less then
For major axis
Mda < 1.2 Zea Fy /ϒm0 (For Simply supported) = 28.636 kN-m
Mda < 1.5 Zea Fy /ϒm0 (For cantilever) = 35.795 kN-m

For minor axis

Mdb < 1.2 Zeb Fy /ϒm0 (For Simply supported) = 5.3181818 kN-m
Mdb < 1.5 Zeb Fy /ϒm0 (For cantilever) = 6.6477273 kN-m

Equation 2 When 0.6 Vda < Va

Major axis
Plastic and compact Section
a ) Mdva = Mda - β (Mda-Mfda) >1.2 Zea Fy / ϒm0 = 21.631 kN-m
For Semi Compact
b ) Mdva = Zea x Fy / ϒm0 = 23.864 kN-m

Designed Moment carring Capacity in major direction = 21.631 kN-m

Minor axis
a ) Mdvb = Mdb - β (Mdb-Mfdb) >1.2 Zeb Fy / ϒm0 = 2.876 kN-m
Semi Compact
b ) Mdvb = Zeb x Fy / ϒm0 = 4.432 kN-m

Designed Moment carring Capacity in minor direction = 2.876 kN-m

Designed Moments from equation 1 and 2

Moments in major direction for beam supported at both end = 26.888636 kN-m
Moments in minor direction for beam supported at both end = 5.3181818 kN-m

Over All member strength (interaction ratio) =

Ma/Mda + Mb/Mdb = 0.560 < 1

Hence the overall member strength is satisfactory

Check for wind in suction

Wind force in major direction 1.246 kN/m
Wind force in minor direction 0.037 kn/m

Factored moment in major direction Mas 8.764 kN-m

Factored moment in minor direction Mbs 0.029 kN-m

Modulus of rigidity G =E/(2*(1+µ)) = 76923.077 N/mm2

St. Venent's torsion constant It =2*W*tf^3/3 + (D-tf)*tw^3/3 = 45154.071 mm4

Bf = Ifc/(Ifc+Ift) = 0.500 mm4

Ifc =inertia of compression flange
Ift =inertia of tension flage
Warping constant =(1-Bf)*Bf*Ib*(D-tf)^2 Iw = 5.119E+09 mm6

Effective length factor Kb = 1.000

Critical Moment carring capacity of section

Mcr = 40.692

Non dimensional slenderness ratio =sqrt(Bb*Zpa*Fy/Mcr) ϒLT = 0.853

αLT = 0.21 for Rolled Section

ØLT =0.5*(1+αLT*(ϒLT-0.2)+ϒLT^2) = 0.932

χLT =1/(ØLT+sqrt(ØLT^2-ϒLT^2)) = 0.764 <= 1

Fbd = χLT *Fy/PSF = 173.711 N/mm2

Moment carring capacity of section in major axis in suction

Mdas =Zpa*Fbd/10^6 = 20.552 kN-m

Hence moment carring capacity in major is satisfactory

Interaction ratio check

=Msa/Mdas + Msb/Mdb = 0.432 <= 1
Hence section over all strenght is satisfactory

Check for Deflection

Major direction
1 DL+ 1 LL = 1.445 KN/m
1 DL+ 0.8 LL+ 0.8 WL(+ve) = 1.183 KN/m
1 DL+ 0.8 LL+ 0.8 WL(-ve) = 0.294 KN/m
1 DL+ 0 LL+ 1 WL(-ve) = -0.645 KN/m

δ = 5 w l ^4 /384 EI = 37.782 mm

Allowable deflection (as per table 6 of IS-800-2007) L / 200 = 37.500 mm

Hence the overall member is not satisfactory in deflection check

A Cross sectional area cm2 8.67 11.7 16.19
Iy Moment of inertia about axis parallel to Y passing cm 4
76 186.7 416.4
through centroid
Iz Moment of inertia about axis parallel to Z passing cm4 12.6 25.9 59.9
through centroid
It Torsional moment of inertia (St. Venant) cm4 1.3 1.8 2.9
iy Radius of gyration about axis parallel to Y passing cm 2.96 3.99 5.07
through centroid
iz Radius of gyration about axis parallel to Z passing cm 1.21 1.49 1.92
through centroid
Wu+ Max elastic modulus about U-axis cm3 20.27 37.34 66.62
Wv+ Max elastic modulus about V-axis cm 3
4.87 7.81 13.92
Wpl,u Plastic modulus about U-axis cm 3
23.66 42.89 75.54
Wpl,v Plastic modulus about V-axis cm 3
7.8 12.88 22.61
Iu Moment of inertia about U-axis cm 4
76 186.7 416.4
Iv Moment of inertia about V-axis cm 4
12.6 25.9 59.9
20.88 24.38 28.21 33.01 38.67 45.64 53.66 62.93
779.4 1223.3 1819.3 2694.6 3816.8 6362.6 10008 15082.8

102.3 121 140.4 187.2 219.1 310.8 430.6 504.8

4.6 6.6 9.2 12.5 18.5 20 23.2 33.3

6.11 7.08 8.03 9.03 9.93 11.81 13.66 15.48

2.21 2.23 2.23 2.38 2.38 2.61 2.83 2.83

103.92 139.81 181.93 239.52 305.34 424.17 571.89 754.14

20.53 23.99 27.48 34.21 39.68 48.46 59.09 68.66
118.31 158.68 208.01 275.04 352.63 492.05 663.52 1277.57
34.22 39.95 47.28 58.75 69.64 91.03 120.75 148.41
779.4 1223.3 1819.3 2694.6 3816.8 6362.6 10008 15082.8
102.3 121 140.4 187.2 219.1 310.8 430.6 504.8
A Iy Iz It iy iz Wu+ Wv+ Wpl,u
Cross Moment of Moment of Radius of Radius of Max Max Plastic
sectional inertia inertia gyration gyration elastic elastic modulus
area about axis about axis about axis about axis modulus modulus about U-
parallel to parallel to parallel to parallel to about U- about V- axis
Y passing Z passing Y passing Z passing axis axis
through through through through
centroid centroid centroid centroid

cm2 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3

ISMC75 8.67 76 12.6 1.3 2.96 1.21 20.27 4.87 23.66
ISMC100 11.7 186.7 25.9 1.8 3.99 1.49 37.34 7.81 42.89
ISMC125 16.19 416.4 59.9 2.9 5.07 1.92 66.62 13.92 75.54
ISMC150 20.88 779.4 102.3 4.6 6.11 2.21 103.92 20.53 118.31
ISMC175 24.38 1223.3 121 6.6 7.08 2.23 139.81 23.99 158.68
ISMC200 28.21 1819.3 140.4 9.2 8.03 2.23 181.93 27.48 208.01
ISMC225 33.01 2694.6 187.2 12.5 9.03 2.38 239.52 34.21 275.04
ISMC250 38.67 3816.8 219.1 18.5 9.93 2.38 305.34 39.68 352.63
ISMC300 45.64 6362.6 310.8 20 11.81 2.61 424.17 48.46 492.05
ISMC350 53.66 10008 430.6 23.2 13.66 2.83 571.89 59.09 663.52
ISMC400 62.93 15082.8 504.8 33.3 15.48 2.83 754.14 68.66 1277.57
Wpl,v Iu Iv
Plastic Moment of Moment of
modulus inertia inertia
about V- about U- about V-
axis axis axis

cm3 cm4 cm4

7.8 76 12.6
12.88 186.7 25.9
22.61 416.4 59.9
34.22 779.4 102.3
39.95 1223.3 121
47.28 1819.3 140.4
58.75 2694.6 187.2
69.64 3816.8 219.1
91.03 6362.6 310.8
120.75 10008 430.6
148.41 15082.8 504.8
Wt in
Sno. Section Ax D Bf Tf Tw Iz Iy
Kg /mrt

1 ISMC75 7.15 9.1 75 40 7.5 4.8 78 12.8

2 ISMC100 9.58 12.2 100 50 7.7 5 192 26.4
3 ISMC125 13.04 16.6 125 65 8.1 5.3 422 59.8
5 ISMC150 16.73 21.3 150 75 9 5.7 788 102
7 ISMC175 19.55 24.9 175 75 10.2 6 1237 121
9 ISMC200 22.38 28.5 200 75 11.4 6.2 1830 139
11 ISMC225 26.15 33.3 225 80 12.4 6.5 2711 186
13 ISMC250 30.62 39 250 80 14.1 7.2 3838 218
15 ISMC300 36.35 46.3 300 90 13.6 7.8 6418 311
17 ISMC350 42.71 54.4 350 100 13.5 8.3 10090 430
18 ISMC400 50.09 63.8 400 100 15.3 8.8 15207 505

D W Tw Tf d1 A Ixx Iyy
mm mm mm mm mm cm² cm4 cm4
ISMC75-7.14 75 40 4.8 7.5 60 9.1 78.5 12.9
ISMC100-9.56 100 50 5 7.7 65 12.2 192 26.7
ISMC125-13.1 125 65 5.3 8.2 89 16.7 425 61.1
ISMC150-16.8 150 75 5.7 9 113 21.3 788 103
ISMC175-19.6 175 75 6 10.2 135 24.9 1240 122
ISMC200-22.3 200 75 6.2 11.4 155 28.5 1830 141
ISMC225-26.1 225 80 6.5 12.4 173 33.3 2710 188
ISMC250-30.6 250 80 7.2 14.1 194 39 3880 211
ISMC300-36.3 300 90 7.8 13.6 240 46.3 6420 313
ISMC350-42.7 350 100 8.3 13.5 288 54.4 10000 434
ISMC400-50.1 400 100 8.8 15.3 335 63.8 15200 508
moment of
Ct Ix Zx Zy Zpx Zpy inertia (St. Rxx Ryy
1.32 1.57 25.1 9.02 23.66 7.8 1.3 11.86 29.28
1.54 2.23 45.4 14.8 42.89 12.88 1.8 14.71 39.67
1.94 3.47 78.4 25.9 75.54 22.61 2.9 18.98 50.42
2.2 5.41 122 38.3 118.31 34.22 4.6 21.88 60.82
2.19 7.44 164 44.7 158.68 39.95 6.6 22.04 70.48
2.18 9.83 213 51.1 208.01 47.28 9.2 22.08 80.13
2.31 13.3 280 63.7 275.04 58.75 12.5 23.63 90.23
2.29 18.8 359 73.9 352.63 69.64 18.5 23.64 99.2
2.35 21.7 502 91.2 492.05 91.03 20 25.92 117.74
2.44 25.9 679 111 663.52 120.75 23.2 28.11 136.19
2.42 35.9 900 129 1277.57 148.41 33.3 28.13 154.39

Zxx Zyy Zpx Zpy rxx ryy

cm3 cm3 cm cm
20.9 4.81 23.66 7.8 2.94 1.19
38.5 7.71 42.89 12.88 3.97 1.48
68.1 13.4 75.54 22.61 5.05 1.91
105 19.5 118.31 34.22 6.08 2.2
141 23 158.68 39.95 7.04 2.21
181 26.4 208.01 47.28 8.02 2.22
241 33 275.04 58.75 9.02 2.37
307 38.5 352.63 69.64 9.92 2.37
428 47.1 492.05 91.03 11.8 2.6
576 57.3 663.52 120.75 13.6 2.82
760 67 1277.57 148.41 15.4 2.82

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