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Special Monograph, From: For As Order The

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_I .H E
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Degree : 4 - 5 Number 55

0 0
Rev. 55: P1: G:H: 2.60

Special, Private Instructions.

Super—Sensory and Extra—Sensory Perception.

This Lesson contains portions of a highly valued Secret Instruction.

You who receive it do so as a special mark of Trust whi~ch The Dflayans
bestow upon you. It is only issued to certain members and they are
expected to develop their abilities along these lines, to KEEP THE
SECRET and to arrange that a receipt be kept with their Will, to in-
sure that this Series of Lessons be returned to The Mayan Order upon
their demise, or be passed on to ONE ONLY of their heirs whose name
has been Registered with The Mayan Order.


By now I am sure you are experiencing many delightful results with your
experiments in Super—Sensory or E~ctra—Sensory Perception. By now you have
doubtlessly amazed many of your friends who have assisted you in your practice.

If you have practiced often, by now you should be somewhat adept in

~ to your ~ ~ exacti-y~. -

what he is to do so that he will understand clearly. In these early experiments,

about seventy per cent of your good results depends on your instructing your var-
ious transmitters properly.

Your transmitter is to think, NOT of the final action such as “go find
the match I hid under the pillow on the sofa” but MUST think of each step and
one part at a time of what he wants you to do. Thus, if a match were hidden
under a pillow on the sofa he would be required to think “Start”. After you
start, he thinks ‘1Go this way”. When you do so, he thinks “Here” or “Bend over”
or ‘1No— PICK UP the pillow”, “Now feel UNDER it” and as your hand touches the
hidden match, “Ah, THAT’S IT ~‘

You, need only learn to be receptive in your NERVOUS system, to be Sen-ET1 w518
sitive to the slightest IMPULSE coining to your nerves from him.

At first you may gain most of your awareness of his wishes, through his
unconscious muscular reactions. It may seem almost as though your transmitter
leads you voluntarily and almost by main force to the objective. This is merely
an indication of intense concentration on his part. That is the way you want
him to concentrate. But do not allow yourself to form the habit of waiting for
muscular reactions or depending upon them alone. If you do, you will delay the
day when you can perform the most remarkable demonstrations without any contact.
This muscular “leading” Xs fine at the start to develop your confidence and
your sensitivity, your Perceptive ability.

One of the •most adept of all practicioners of this method of thought—

reception living today, is Doctor C. George Newman. Dr. Newman travels a great
deal, mainly through Minnesota and the Dakotas where his demonstrations are well
known. Perhaps some of our members in this Special Group who receive these
Rev. 55: P2:G:H~ 2.60

lessons have witnessed his demonstrations. He makes his home these days in

To give you an idea of how far he has developed his Super—Sensory Per-
ception, the following are examples of but two of his favorite demonstrations.

He will take a position at one end of a room and turn his back to those
watching. With his back turned and with his hands behind his back (toward those
watching) he will hold a handkerchief by opposite corners. The person chosen
by the group to act as transmitter stands at the opposite end of the room and
THINKS of any number between one and ten.

Slowly, without a word being spoken, Dr. Newman starts tying knots in
the handkerchief, starting when the transmitter thinks “Start”, and slowly, one
after another, he ties another knot and another until he has tied as MARY KNOTS
as his transmitter was thinking of, then he drops the handkerchief on the floor.

Please remember, this is not “parlor magic” but a demonstration of a

most remarkable Power, an ability that nearly every developed person can possess
with practice. To a scientist it is a most amazing demonstration.

Thother favorite experiment of Dr. Newman’s is to send for the latest

edition of a newspaper. Then, while he is out of the room, the transmitter
--—~mente~Iv~se%aats--an one JILQr4~~on any page of the newapaper. No one knows_what
word was mentally chosen by the transmitter and the transmitter may be anybody.

When the word has been chosen, Dr. Newman is called back into the room.
He takes the newspaper and spreads it on a table. He places the transmitter to
his left side and behind him. He then bends over the newspaper and with eyes
half closed moves a pointing forefinger over every inch of each column of the
first page.

If the chosen word is on the first page, his finger comes to rest, stops
very close to that word. If the selected word is on another page, he does the
same as he did with page one and with each page until he locates the vicinity
of the chosen word.

When the vicinity is discovered, he moves his pointing finger one word
at a time (just as you did with the three matches in your first experiment)
until he reaches the THOUGHT OF word.

Throughout this experiment, remember, Dr. Newman has NO CONTACT with

his transmitter. No handclasp, no stick held by both parties, no handkerchief
nor wire nor string; NO CONTACT WHATEVER. Dr. Newman cannot even see his assis-
tant for the transmitter stands behind him and looks over his shoulder in order
to see the newspaper and to give his entirely MENTAL commands.

Almost all of the other great demonstrators of this ability have now
passed on; Dr. Washington Irving Bishop, Hellstrom, Houdini and others. In this
series you are given the entire secret of the method, a method that has often
been called “The Million Dollar Secret” for actually millions of dollars have
been paid the various public demonstrators of it merely for demonstrating it.
It is a secret that has always been closely held, well—guarded by those who are
Rev. 55: P3: G:H: 2.60
— A

given it and one that is very valuable.

Like all Mayan instruction, to make it usable to you, you must work it.
You must practice, practice, practice. Many of our members, I know, will be
all too human about going in for intensive practice. But among the special
group being given this secret, will be a few, perhaps only one or two, who WILL
practice hard and often until they master it fully. To them will be given still
more advanced secrets that we value even more highly.

Long years from now or perhaps much sooner, you will hear of someone
creating a furor in the scientific circles, in the newspapers and in magazines
with their demonstrations of this particular phase of Super—Sensory Perception.
You may be very sure it is one of your Companions of this group or one of their
heirs. If this becomes your experience and that future demonstrator is in your
vicinity, go up to him (or her) and make yourself known. Give the Mayan pass-
word you have received, show your Mayan Membership Card. You will receive a
royal welcom and possibly, some very interesting private exhibitions and per-
haps personal instruction.

On the other hand, YOU MAY BE

- that Demonstrator, yourself.

All that is necessary is that you PRACTICE what you have been taught until you
master it. You will not need to seek fame. Your friends arid neighbors will
spread the word of your increasing ability so that Lame will seek you ... IF YOU
~ - ___ - - - - --

Whether you wish to give public demonstrations or not, develop this abil—
ity for which The Mayans have given you this Secret Instruction. It will lead to
many remarkable experiences and opportunities to do good. You can get such in—
struction from no other occult society or organization. Protect this teaching,
its secret, even more zealously than The Mayans themselves do; it is entrusted
to you. No part of this may be quoted in print or in written form. It is to
be fully protected by all those who receive it.

If you have practiced well and obtained satisfactory results with the
experiments suggested up to here, you are now ready to take the next step. Do
not attempt this until you are comparatively adept at using the methods already
given to you.

In this stage of your development, you repeat again all the experiments
previously given to you: locate the thought—of match from among a number scatter-
ed on a table, starting with three matches and adding more; locating hidden ob-
jects in various places of semi—concealment in a room, etc.

Do all this again with this important difference: you do away with ALL
physical contact with your transmitter.

Whenever you chaiige the person who is to act as the transmitter of thought
to you, remember you must instruct him in WHAT he is to do and in what he is NOT
to do. He is to think of each step you are to take, each stage of the experiment,
not “Go find the pin” but “Start”, “Go this way”, etc.

For the first of the no—contact experiments, have your transmitter stand
at your left side with his right arm bent at the elbow and the right hand held
Rev. 55: P4:.~Q~:H~: .2.60

palm down. Extend your left arm, bent at the elbow, palm down, so that the back
of you~’ hand is directly below the palm of your transmitter’s hand.

Your fore—arm and the fore—arm of your transmitter should be exactly

parallel but NOT TOUCHING.

The back of your hand should be separated from the palm of your trans-
mitter’s hand by about three inches of empty space no contact.

You will find that you get the signals in the nerves of the back of your
hand just the same as you did when you held the transmitter’s wrist in the very
first experiment. The difference is that you are now not touching your trans-
mitter at all.

The hair on the back of your hand may prickle a little, a slight feeling
of warmth from your transmitter’s hand is all you will feel. MAINTAIN YOUR LEFT
RIGHT HAND to search out the THOUGHT—OF articles.

It has been argued by some that there are heat currents from your trans-
mitter’s pa1m~ to guide you to the hidden article and that you are still muscle—
reading. Perhaps occasionally this is so but you would, in that case, have to
- - £Thd~meext~remely~hot-han&e~transmitter. _______ __ - -

As you progress and master this try, every now and then, starting your
experiment with your hand a foot or more away from the palm of your transmitter.
I do not believe any human hand normally generates sufficient heat to be percep-
tible to another person at that distance. Even if the heated hand theory were
true, how could that tell you which cushion on the sofa to lift or which of sev-
eral articles was the thought—of article or which word on a newspaper page was
held secretly in the mind of the transmitter? You will find wilder theories
than this, advanced to “explain” what you are demonstrating.

Actually, you are gaining in perceptive ability through what Dr. Rhine
calls your Extra or Super—Sensory powers. The Hindus call this force Prana.
The Mayans thought of it as Spirit, a sort of Magnetic Aura surrounding yourself
and every living person. It is the lack of this invisible substance which so
shocks one when touching a dead person. We may safely call it Spirit, the
energy exuded from our persons all through every moment of our life.

Too often we carelessly think of Spirit as a sort of ghost, as something

that, if we could see it, would look like we do in our physical bodies. Spirit
is invisible so we cannot see it readily with our physical sense of sight any
more than we can see electricity or other energy forms. We can see the effects
of electricity or a flash of electrically—charged burning air but not the elec-
tricity itself. Yet we can detect which way an electrical current flows and we
can draw almost exact pictures of invisible magnetic fields.

We of the Mayans know that the Spirit, the Prana, extends beyond the
boundaries of our bodies, beyond the reservoir of intricate physical mechanisms
within our flesh. Spirit is within, yes, but it also extends out beyond our
merely physical self.
Rev. 55: P5~~G:~1..2.6O

It is this that influences you when you join a crowd. Your Spirit or
Prana mingles with those near you and theirs with yours and with others until
the entire crowd “averages out” into a distinct character of its own. This is
the explanation of mob—psychology that has for so long puzzled our leading psy-

Put a civilized man into a mob gone berserk and he will take part in
deeds that would horrify him to ever contemplate when he is alone and calm. It
is this that makes social contact, such as dancing with one of the opposite sex
so enjoyable to most people. It is this mingling of Prana—Spirit — that often
makes you instantly like or dislike some new acquaintance the moment you shake

You cannbt join any throng of people, whether it be in a church, a thea-

tre, or a crowded city street, without being temporarily and subtly affected by
the contact and the mingling of your penetrating and elastic Prana with that of
others. The type of associate you habitually mingle with will affect your Spi-
rit and your Mental processes for good or ill according to their nature and the
strength or potentiality of their Prana and you can and do affect them in like

In the more modern Hindu understanding of Prana, that taught chiefly

during the last thousand years, there are usually seven (sometimes nine) centers
of Pranic force. The Brain and eyes, the heart, the navel, the sexual organs,
Jhathighs and calves are generally chart~i~s these centex~andsnmetirnas the
hands and feet. The Mayan theory is more like the original Hindu teaching that
our entire body expresses it, much like a magnetic field. That Prana is the
energy within us, our Spirit. Not the Soul, mind you, but the Spirit. As a
Mayan, versed in the Mayan Philosophy, remember always the difference between
Soul and Spirit, a difference that today is not understood in colleges or uni-
versities, is not in fact understood in most churches or church teachings and
is not well defined in any existing modern dictionary or encyclopedia. While
there exists a vast, a complete, difference in the nature of Spirit and Soul,
the two words are so confused in usage even in many of the otherwise erudite
writings, that it is easy for one to become confused. Recognition that Spirit
and Soul are as- different as Mind and Body is one of the basic teachings of The

To continue: The hands are merely a convenient place for perceiving

the force. The position described here for your early experiments with it have
the added “contact” of the parallel fore—arms and the bodies parallel and side
by side. But as you progress with your practice you will see that even this
invisible “contact” may be dispensed with.

Those of you who completely master the ability to demonstrate this prin-
ciple will find much that this leads to in which you will rejoice during all
the rest of your life. Is this reason enough to cause you to resolve now to
master it yourself? Pleasure and joy while you practice it and master it and
rewards that can only be hinted at now will be in your future Christian life.

May the Omnipotent Father Give You Inspiration to Persevere on The Path,



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