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Supreme Court: Gasing/Truck Operator, Finding Sereno To Have Been Illegally

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 175910 July 30, 2009
FE VDA. DE TE, represented by her Attorney-in-Fact,
Before us is a petition for review on certiorari 1 with prayer for
preliminary injunction assailing the Order 2 dated March 22, 2006
of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 19, Digos City, Davao del
Sur, in Civil Case No. 3488.
The facts, as culled from the records, follow.
On February 14, 1995, a Decision was rendered in NLRC Case No.
RAB-11-07-00608-93 entitled, Patricio Sereno v. Teodoro
Gasing/Truck Operator, finding Sereno to have been illegally
dismissed and ordering Gasing to pay him his monetary claims in
the amount of ₱43,606.47. After the Writ of Execution was
returned unsatisfied, Labor Arbiter Newton R. Sancho issued an
Alias Writ of Execution3 on June 10, 1996, directing Fulgencio R.
Lavarez, Sheriff II of the National Labor Relations Commission
(NLRC), to satisfy the judgment award. On July 23, 1996, Lavarez,
accompanied by Sereno and his counsel, petitioner Atty. Rogelio
E. Sarsaba, levied a Fuso Truck bearing License Plate No. LBR-514,
which at that time was in the possession of Gasing. On July 30,
1996, the truck was sold at public auction, with Sereno appearing
as the highest bidder.4
Meanwhile, respondent Fe Vda. de Te, represented by her
attorney-in-fact, Faustino Castañeda, filed with the RTC, Branch
18, Digos, Davao del Sur, a Complaint 5 for recovery of motor
vehicle, damages with prayer for the delivery of the truck
pendente lite against petitioner, Sereno, Lavarez and the NLRC of
Davao City, docketed as Civil Case No. 3488.
Respondent alleged that: (1) she is the wife of the late Pedro Te,
the registered owner of the truck, as evidenced by the Official
Receipt6 and Certificate of Registration;7 (2) Gasing merely rented
the truck from her; (3) Lavarez erroneously assumed that Gasing
owned the truck because he was, at the time of the "taking," 8 in
possession of the same; and (4) since neither she nor her
husband were parties to the labor case between Sereno and
Gasing, she should not be made to answer for the judgment
award, much less be deprived of the truck as a consequence of
the levy in execution.
Petitioner filed a Motion to Dismiss 9 on the following grounds: (1)
respondent has no legal personality to sue, having no real
interests over the property subject of the instant complaint; (2)
the allegations in the complaint do not sufficiently state that the
respondent has cause of action; (3) the allegations in the
complaint do not contain sufficient cause of action as against him;
and (4) the complaint is not accompanied by an Affidavit of Merit
and Bond that would entitle the respondent to the delivery of the
tuck pendente lite.
The NLRC also filed a Motion to Dismiss 10 on the grounds of lack of
jurisdiction and lack of cause of action.
Meanwhile, Lavarez filed an Answer with Compulsory
Counterclaim and Third-Party Complaint. 11 By way of special and
affirmative defenses, he asserted that the RTC does not have
jurisdiction over the subject matter and that the complaint does
not state a cause of action.
On January 21, 2000, the RTC issued an Order 12 denying
petitioner's Motion to Dismiss for lack of merit.
In his Answer,13 petitioner denied the material allegations in the
complaint. Specifically, he cited as affirmative defenses that:
respondent had no legal personality to sue, as she had no interest
over the motor vehicle; that there was no showing that the heirs
have filed an intestate estate proceedings of the estate of Pedro
Te, or that respondent was duly authorized by her co-heirs to file
the case; and that the truck was already sold to Gasing on March
11, 1986 by one Jesus Matias, who bought the same from the
Spouses Te. Corollarily, Gasing was already the lawful owner of
the truck when it was levied on execution and, later on, sold at
public auction.
Incidentally, Lavarez filed a Motion for Inhibition, 14 which was
opposed15 by respondent.
On October 13, 2000, RTC Branch 18 issued an Order 16 of
inhibition and directed the transfer of the records to Branch 19.
RTC Branch 19, however, returned the records back to Branch 18
in view of the appointment of a new judge in place of Judge-
designate Rodolfo A. Escovilla. Yet, Branch 19 issued another
Order17 dated November 22, 2000 retaining the case in said
Eventually, the RTC issued an Order 18 dated May 19, 2003 denying
the separate motions to dismiss filed by the NLRC and Lavarez,
and setting the Pre-Trial Conference on July 25, 2003.
On October 17, 2005, petitioner filed an Omnibus Motion to
Dismiss the Case on the following grounds: 19 (1) lack of
jurisdiction over one of the principal defendants; and (2) to
discharge respondent's attorney-in-fact for lack of legal
personality to sue.
It appeared that the respondent, Fe Vda. de Te, died on April 12,
Respondent, through her lawyer, Atty. William G. Carpentero, filed
an Opposition,21 contending that the failure to serve summons
upon Sereno is not a ground for dismissing the complaint,
because the other defendants have already submitted their
respective responsive pleadings. He also contended that the
defendants, including herein petitioner, had previously filed
separate motions to dismiss the complaint, which the RTC denied
for lack of merit. Moreover, respondent's death did not render
functus officio her right to sue since her attorney-in-fact, Faustino
Castañeda, had long testified on the complaint on March 13, 1998
for and on her behalf and, accordingly, submitted documentary
exhibits in support of the complaint.
On March 22, 2006, the RTC issued the assailed Order 22 denying
petitioner's aforesaid motion.
Petitioner then filed a Motion for Reconsideration with Motion for
Inhibition,23 in which he claimed that the judge who issued the
Order was biased and partial. He went on to state that the judge's
husband was the defendant in a petition for judicial recognition of
which he was the counsel, docketed as Civil Case No. C-XXI-100,
before the RTC, Branch 21, Bansalan, Davao del Sur. Thus,
propriety dictates that the judge should inhibit herself from the
Acting on the motion for inhibition, Judge Carmelita Sarno-Davin
granted the same24 and ordered that the case be re-raffled to
Branch 18. Eventually, the said RTC issued an Order 25 on October
16, 2006 denying petitioner's motion for reconsideration for lack
of merit.
Hence, petitioner directly sought recourse from the Court via the
present petition involving pure questions of law, which he claimed
were resolved by the RTC contrary to law, rules and existing
There is a "question of law" when the doubt or difference arises
as to what the law is on certain state of facts, and which does not
call for an examination of the probative value of the evidence
presented by the parties-litigants. On the other hand, there is a
"question of fact" when the doubt or controversy arises as to
the truth or falsity of the alleged facts. Simply put, when there is
no dispute as to fact, the question of whether or not the
conclusion drawn therefrom is correct, is a question of law. 27
Verily, the issues raised by herein petitioner are "questions of
law," as their resolution rest solely on what the law provides given
the set of circumstances availing. The first issue involves the
jurisdiction of the court over the person of one of the defendants,
who was not served with summons on account of his death. The
second issue, on the other hand, pertains to the legal effect of
death of the plaintiff during the pendency of the case.
At first brush, it may appear that since pure questions of law were
raised, petitioner's resort to this Court was justified and the
resolution of the aforementioned issues will necessarily follow.
However, a perusal of the petition requires that certain procedural
issues must initially be resolved before We delve into the merits
of the case.
Notably, the petition was filed directly from the RTC which issued
the Order in the exercise of its original jurisdiction. The question
before Us then is: whether or not petitioner correctly availed of
the mode of appeal under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
Significantly, the rule on appeals is outlined below, to wit: 28
(1) In all cases decided by the RTC in the exercise of its
original jurisdiction, appeal may be made to the Court of
Appeals by mere notice of appeal where the appellant raises
questions of fact or mixed questions of fact and law;
(2) In all cases decided by the RTC in the exercise of its
original jurisdiction where the appellant raises only
questions of law, the appeal must be taken to the Supreme
Court on a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45.
(3) All appeals from judgments rendered by the RTC in the
exercise of its appellate jurisdiction, regardless of whether the
appellant raises questions of fact, questions of law, or mixed
questions of fact and law, shall be brought to the Court of Appeals
by filing a petition for review under Rule 42.
Accordingly, an appeal may be taken from the RTC which
exercised its original jurisdiction, before the Court of Appeals or
directly before this Court, provided that the subject of the same is
a judgment or final order that completely disposes of the case,
or of a particular matter therein when declared by the Rules to be
appealable.29 The first mode of appeal, to be filed before the Court
of Appeals, pertains to a writ of error under Section 2(a), Rule 41
of the Rules of Court, if questions of fact or questions of fact and
law are raised or involved. On the other hand, the second mode is
by way of an appeal by certiorari before the Supreme Court under
Section 2(c), Rule 41, in relation to Rule 45, where only questions
of law are raised or involved.30
An order or judgment of the RTC is deemed final when it finally
disposes of a pending action, so that nothing more can be done
with it in the trial court. In other words, the order or judgment
ends the litigation in the lower court. 31 On the other hand, an
order which does not dispose of the case completely and
indicates that other things remain to be done by the court as
regards the merits, is interlocutory. Interlocutory refers to
something between the commencement and the end of the suit
which decides some point or matter, but is not a final decision on
the whole controversy.32
The subject of the present petition is an Order of the RTC, which
denied petitioner's Omnibus Motion to Dismiss, for lack of merit.
We have said time and again that an order denying a motion to
dismiss is interlocutory.33 Under Section 1(c), Rule 41 of the Rules
of Court, an interlocutory order is not appealable. As a remedy for
the denial, a party has to file an answer and interpose as a
defense the objections raised in the motion, and then to proceed
to trial; or, a party may immediately avail of the remedy available
to the aggrieved party by filing an appropriate special civil action
for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court. Let it be
stressed though that a petition for certiorari is appropriate only
when an order has been issued without or in excess of
jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction.
Based on the foregoing, the Order of the RTC denying petitioner's
Omnibus Motion to Dismiss is not appealable even on pure
questions of law. It is worth mentioning that the proper procedure
in this case, as enunciated by this Court, is to cite such
interlocutory order as an error in the appeal of the case -- in the
event that the RTC rules in favor of respondent -- and not to
appeal such interlocutory order. On the other hand, if the petition
is to be treated as a petition for review under Rule 45, it would
likewise fail because the proper subject would only be judgments
or final orders that completely dispose of the case. 34
Not being a proper subject of an appeal, the Order of the RTC is
considered interlocutory. Petitioner should have proceeded with
the trial of the case and, should the RTC eventually render an
unfavorable verdict, petitioner should assail the said Order as part
of an appeal that may be taken from the final judgment to be
rendered in this case. Such rule is founded on considerations of
orderly procedure, to forestall useless appeals and avoid
undue inconvenience to the appealing party by having to assail
orders as they are promulgated by the court, when all such orders
may be contested in a single appeal.
In one case,35 the Court adverted to the hazards of interlocutory
It is axiomatic that an interlocutory order cannot be challenged by
an appeal. Thus, it has been held that "the proper remedy in such
cases is an ordinary appeal from an adverse judgment on the
merits, incorporating in said appeal the grounds for assailing the
interlocutory order. Allowing appeals from interlocutory orders
would result in the `sorry spectacle’ of a case being subject of a
counterproductive ping-pong to and from the appellate court as
often as a trial court is perceived to have made an error in any of
its interlocutory rulings. x x x.
Another recognized reason of the law in permitting appeal only
from a final order or judgment, and not from an interlocutory or
incidental one, is to avoid multiplicity of appeals in a single
action, which must necessarily suspend the hearing and decision
on the merits of the case during the pendency of the appeal. If
such appeal were allowed, trial on the merits of the case would
necessarily be delayed for a considerable length of time and
compel the adverse party to incur unnecessary expenses, for one
of the parties may interpose as many appeals as incidental
questions may be raised by him, and interlocutory orders
rendered or issued by the lower court.36
And, even if We treat the petition to have been filed under Rule
65, the same is still dismissible for violating the principle on
hierarchy of courts. Generally, a direct resort to us in a petition for
certiorari is highly improper, for it violates the established policy
of strict observance of the judicial hierarchy of courts. 37 This
principle, as a rule, requires that recourse must first be made to
the lower-ranked court exercising concurrent jurisdiction with a
higher court. However, the judicial hierarchy of courts is not an
iron-clad rule. A strict application of the rule is not necessary
when cases brought before the appellate courts do not involve
factual but legal questions.38
In the present case, petitioner submits pure questions of law
involving the effect of non-service of summons following the
death of the person to whom it should be served, and the effect of
the death of the complainant during the pendency of the case. We
deem it best to rule on these issues, not only for the benefit of the
bench and bar, but in order to prevent further delay in the trial of
the case. Resultantly, our relaxation of the policy of strict
observance of the judicial hierarchy of courts is warranted.
Anent the first issue, petitioner argues that, since Sereno died
before summons was served on him, the RTC should have
dismissed the complaint against all the defendants and that the
same should be filed against his estate.
The Sheriff's Return of Service39 dated May 19, 1997 states that
Sereno could not be served with copy of the summons, together
with a copy of the complaint, because he was already dead.
In view of Sereno's death, petitioner asks that the complaint
should be dismissed, not only against Sereno, but as to all the
defendants, considering that the RTC did not acquire jurisdiction
over the person of Sereno. 1avvph!1

Jurisdiction over a party is acquired by service of summons by the

sheriff, his deputy or other proper court officer, either personally
by handing a copy thereof to the defendant or by substituted
service.40 On the other
hand, summons is a writ by which the defendant is notified of the
action brought against him. Service of such writ is the means by
which the court may acquire jurisdiction over his person. 41
Records show that petitioner had filed a Motion to Dismiss on the
grounds of lack of legal personality of respondent; the allegations
in the complaint did not sufficiently state that respondent has a
cause of action or a cause of action against the defendants; and,
the complaint was not accompanied by an affidavit of merit and
bond. The RTC denied the motion and held therein that, on the
basis of the allegations of fact in the complaint, it can render a
valid judgment. Petitioner, subsequently, filed his answer by
denying all the material allegations of the complaint. And by way
of special and affirmative defenses, he reiterated that respondent
had no legal personality to sue as she had no real interest over
the property and that while the truck was still registered in Pedro
Te's name, the same was already sold to Gasing.
Significantly, a motion to dismiss may be filed within the time for
but before the filing of an answer to the complaint or pleading
asserting a claim.42 Among the grounds mentioned is the court's
lack of jurisdiction over the person of the defending party.
As a rule, all defenses and objections not pleaded, either in a
motion to dismiss or in an answer, are deemed waived. 43 The
exceptions to this rule are: (1) when the court has no jurisdiction
over the subject matter, (2) when there is another action pending
between the parties for the same cause, or (3) when the action is
barred by prior judgment or by statute of limitations, in which
cases, the court may dismiss the claim.
In the case before Us, petitioner raises the issue of lack of
jurisdiction over the person of Sereno, not in his Motion to Dismiss
or in his Answer but only in his Omnibus Motion to Dismiss.
Having failed to invoke this ground at the proper time, that is, in a
motion to dismiss, petitioner cannot raise it now for the first time
on appeal.
In fine, We cannot countenance petitioner's argument that the
complaint against the other defendants should have been
dismissed, considering that the RTC never acquired jurisdiction
over the person of Sereno. The court's failure to acquire
jurisdiction over one's person is a defense which is personal to the
person claiming it. Obviously, it is now impossible for Sereno to
invoke the same in view of his death. Neither can petitioner
invoke such ground, on behalf of Sereno, so as to reap the benefit
of having the case dismissed against all of the defendants. Failure
to serve summons on Sereno's person will not be a cause for the
dismissal of the complaint against the other defendants,
considering that they have been served with copies of the
summons and complaints and have long submitted their
respective responsive pleadings. In fact, the other defendants in
the complaint were given the chance to raise all possible
defenses and objections personal to them in their respective
motions to dismiss and their subsequent answers.
We agree with the RTC in its Order when it resolved the issue in
this wise:
As correctly pointed by defendants, the Honorable Court has not
acquired jurisdiction over the person of Patricio Sereno since there
was indeed no valid service of summons insofar as Patricio Sereno
is concerned. Patricio Sereno died before the summons, together
with a copy of the complaint and its annexes, could be served
upon him.
However, the failure to effect service of summons unto Patricio
Sereno, one of the defendants herein does not render the action
DISMISSIBLE, considering that the three (3) other defendants,
namely, Atty. Rogelio E. Sarsaba, Fulgencio Lavares and the NLRC,
were validly served with summons and the case with respect to
the answering defendants may still proceed independently. Be it
recalled that the three (3) answering defendants have previously
filed a Motion to Dismiss the Complaint which was denied by the
Hence, only the case against Patricio Sereno will be DISMISSED
and the same may be filed as a claim against the estate of
Patricio Sereno, but the case with respect to the three (3) other
accused will proceed.
Anent the second issue, petitioner moves that respondent's
attorney-in-fact, Faustino Castañeda, be discharged as he has no
more legal personality to sue on behalf of Fe Vda. de Te, who
passed away on April 12, 2005, during the pendency of the case
before the RTC.
When a party to a pending action dies and the claim is not
extinguished, the Rules of Court require a substitution of the
deceased.44 Section 1, Rule 87 of the Rules of Court enumerates
the actions that survived and may be filed against the decedent's
representatives as follows: (1) actions to recover real or personal
property or an interest thereon, (2) actions to enforce liens
thereon, and (3) actions to recover damages for an injury to a
person or a property. In such cases, a counsel is obliged to inform
the court of the death of his client and give the name and address
of the latter's legal representative. 45
The rule on substitution of parties is governed by Section 16, 46
Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended.
Strictly speaking, the rule on substitution by heirs is not a matter
of jurisdiction, but a requirement of due process. The rule on
substitution was crafted to protect every party's right to due
process. It was designed to ensure that the deceased party would
continue to be properly represented in the suit through his heirs
or the duly appointed legal representative of his estate. Moreover,
non-compliance with the Rules results in the denial of the right to
due process for the heirs who, though not duly notified of the
proceedings, would be substantially affected by the decision
rendered therein. Thus, it is only when there is a denial of due
process, as when the deceased is not represented by any legal
representative or heir, that the court nullifies the trial proceedings
and the resulting judgment therein.47
In the case before Us, it appears that respondent's counsel did not
make any manifestation before the RTC as to her death. In fact,
he had actively participated in the proceedings. Neither had he
shown any proof that he had been retained by respondent's legal
representative or any one who succeeded her.
However, such failure of counsel would not lead Us to invalidate
the proceedings that have long taken place before the RTC. The
Court has repeatedly declared that failure of the counsel to
comply with his duty to inform the court of the death of his client,
such that no substitution is effected, will not invalidate the
proceedings and the judgment rendered thereon if the action
survives the death of such party. The trial court's jurisdiction over
the case subsists despite the death of the party. 48
The purpose behind this rule is the protection of the right to due
process of every party to the litigation who may be affected by
the intervening death. The deceased litigants are themselves
protected as they continue to be properly represented in the suit
through the duly appointed legal representative of their estate. 49
Anent the claim of petitioner that the special power of attorney 50
dated March 4, 1997 executed by respondent in favor of Faustino
has become functus officio and that the agency constituted
between them has been extinguished upon the death of
respondent, corollarily, he had no more personality to appear and
prosecute the case on her behalf.
Agency is extinguished by the death of the principal. 51 The only
exception where the agency shall remain in full force and effect
even after the death of the principal is when if it has been
constituted in the common interest of the latter and of the agent,
or in the interest of a third person who has accepted the
stipulation in his favor.52
A perusal of the special power of attorney leads us to conclude
that it was constituted for the benefit solely of the principal or for
respondent Fe Vda. de Te. Nowhere can we infer from the
stipulations therein that it was created for the common interest of
respondent and her attorney-in-fact. Neither was there any
mention that it was to benefit a third person who has accepted
the stipulation in his favor.
On this ground, We agree with petitioner. However, We do not
believe that such ground would cause the dismissal of the
complaint. For as We have said, Civil Case No. 3488, which is an
action for the recovery of a personal property, a motor vehicle, is
an action that survives pursuant to Section 1, Rule 87 of the Rules
of Court. As such, it is not extinguished by the death of a party.
In Gonzalez v. Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation,53
We have laid down the criteria for determining whether an action
survives the death of a plaintiff or petitioner, to wit:
x x x The question as to whether an action survives or not
depends on the nature of the action and the damage sued for. If
the causes of action which survive the wrong complained [of]
affects primarily and principally property and property rights, the
injuries to the person being merely incidental, while in the causes
of action which do not survive the injury complained of is to the
person the property and rights of property affected being
incidental. x x x
Thus, the RTC aptly resolved the second issue with the following
While it may be true as alleged by defendants that with the death
of Plaintiff, Fe Vda. de Te, the Special Power of Attorney she
executed empowering the Attorney-in-fact, Faustino Castañeda to
sue in her behalf has been rendered functus officio, however, this
Court believes that the Attorney-in-fact had not lost his
personality to prosecute this case.
It bears stressing that when this case was initiated/filed by the
Attorney-in-fact, the plaintiff was still very much alive.
Records reveal that the Attorney-in-fact has testified long before
in behalf of the said plaintiff and more particularly during the
state when the plaintiff was vehemently opposing the dismissal of
the complainant. Subsequently thereto, he even offered
documentary evidence in support of the complaint, and this court
admitted the same. When this case was initiated, jurisdiction was
vested upon this Court to try and hear the same to the end. Well-
settled is the rule to the point of being elementary that once
jurisdiction is acquired by this Court, it attaches until the case is
Thus, the proper remedy here is the Substitution of Heirs and not
the dismissal of this case which would work injustice to the
SEC. 16, RULE 3 provides for the substitution of the plaintiff who
dies pending hearing of the case by his/her legal heirs. As to
whether or not the heirs will still continue to engage the services
of the Attorney-in-fact is another matter, which lies within the sole
discretion of the heirs.
In fine, We hold that the petition should be denied as the RTC
Order is interlocutory; hence, not a proper subject of an appeal
before the Court. In the same breath, We also hold that, if the
petition is to be treated as a petition for certiorari as a relaxation
of the judicial hierarchy of courts, the same is also dismissible for
being substantially insufficient to warrant the Court the
nullification of the Order of the RTC.
Let this be an occasion for Us to reiterate that the rules are there
to aid litigants in prosecuting or defending their cases before the
courts. However, these very rules should not be abused so as to
advance one's personal purposes, to the detriment of orderly
administration of justice. We can surmise from the present case
herein petitioner's manipulation in order to circumvent the rule on
modes of appeal and the hierarchy of courts so that the issues
presented herein could be settled without going through the
established procedures. In Vergara, Sr. v. Suelto, 54 We stressed
that this should be the constant policy that must be observed
strictly by the courts and lawyers, thus:
x x x. The Supreme Court is a court of last resort, and must so
remain if it is to satisfactorily perform the functions assigned to it
by the fundamental charter and immemorial tradition. It cannot
and should not be burdened with the task of dealing with causes
in the first instance. Its original jurisdiction to issue the so-called
extraordinary writs should be exercised only where absolutely
necessary or where serious and important reasons exist therefor.
Hence, that jurisdiction should generally be exercised relative to
actions or proceedings before the Court of Appeals, or before
constitutional or other tribunals, bodies or agencies whose acts
for some reason or another are not controllable by the Court of
Appeals. Where the issuance of an extraordinary writ is also
within the competence of the Court of Appeals or a Regional Trial
Court, it is in either of these courts that the specific action for the
writ’s procurement must be presented. This is and should
continue to be the policy in this regard, a policy that courts and
lawyers must strictly observe.55
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition is DENIED. The
Order dated March 22, 2006 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch
19, Digos, Davao del Sur in Civil Case No. 3488, is hereby
AFFIRMED. Costs against the petitioner.
G.R. No. 175910 July 30, 2009
by her Attorney-in-Fact, FAUSTINO CASTAÑEDA


A Decision was rendered by the NLRC finding Sereno to have been

illegally dismissed and ordering Gasing to pay him his monetary
claims. Due to unsatisfaction of claims, a Fuso truck, which at
that time was in the possession of Gasing, was levied and sold at
public auction, with Sereno appearing as the highest bidder.

Meanwhile, respondent Fe Vda. de Te, represented by her

attorney-in-fact, filed a Complaint for recovery of motor vehicle
against petitioner, Sereno, Lavarez and the NLRC. Petitioner filed
a Motion to Dismiss. This was denied.
It appeared that the respondent, Fe Vda. de Te, died.
Petitioner filed motion to dismiss but this was denied. Petitioner
moves that respondent's attorney-in-fact, Faustino Castañeda, be
discharged as he has no more legal personality to sue on behalf of
Fe Vda. de Te, who passed away during the pendency of the case
before the RTC.

ISSUE: Whether or not the denial of the motion to dismiss is


When a party to a pending action dies and the claim is not
extinguished, the Rules of Court require a substitution of the
deceased.Section 1, Rule 87 of the Rules of Court enumerates the
actions that survived and may be filed against the decedent's
representatives as follows: (1) actions to recover real or personal
property or an interest thereon, (2) actions to enforce liens
thereon, and (3) actions to recover damages for an injury to a
person or a property. In such cases, a counsel is obliged to inform
the court of the death of his client and give the name and address
of the latter's legal representative.

Strictly speaking, the rule on substitution by heirs is not a matter

of jurisdiction, but a requirement of due process. The rule on
substitution was crafted to protect every party's right to due
process. It was designed to ensure that the deceased party would
continue to be properly represented in the suit through his heirs
or the duly appointed legal representative of his estate. Moreover,
non-compliance with the Rules results in the denial of the right to
due process for the heirs who, though not duly notified of the
proceedings, would be substantially affected by the decision
rendered therein. Thus, it is only when there is a denial of due
process, as when the deceased is not represented by any legal
representative or heir, that the court nullifies the trial proceedings
and the resulting judgment therein.47
In the case before Us, it appears that respondent's counsel did not
make any manifestation before the RTC as to her death. In fact,
he had actively participated in the proceedings. Neither had he
shown any proof that he had been retained by respondent's legal
representative or any one who succeeded her.
However, such failure of counsel would not lead Us to invalidate
the proceedings that have long taken place before the RTC. The
Court has repeatedly declared that failure of the counsel to
comply with his duty to inform the court of the death of his client,
such that no substitution is effected, will not invalidate the
proceedings and the judgment rendered thereon if the action
survives the death of such party. The trial court's jurisdiction over
the case subsists despite the death of the party. 48

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