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RainforestQA 90 Days Better QA Guide

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90 Days to Better QA

The Strategic Guide to Kickstarting

Your QA Process

Software defects Software quality is inextricably tied to business success today. It’s not good enough
cost the US to conceive of innovative features or deliver them quickly. Organizations must also be
able to execute them well. Unfortunately, many organizations spend so much time on
economy $59.5 engineering with ingenuity and speed that they leave the principles of quality assurance
billion every in the dust.
year. Nearly half
of those costs In many cases businesses can get by in the short term in this manner, and may even
could have been achieve a high degree of success due to the “first-mover” advantage. But as the
customer base scales up, the product grows more complex and the market expects
prevented by more maturity from the offerings, the cracks in this veneer eventually start to show.
better testing. 1
These cracks typically manifest themselves in a plethora of higher-order business
problems. These could be customer complaints, site outages, high instances of
abandoned orders— the list goes on and on. At their root these problems usually stem
Software from one or more major categories of common quality woes:
defects cost
☐☐ Inadequate testing coverage
organizations ☐☐ Poor performance
$1.1 trillion ☐☐ Test processes impeding engineering velocity
in business
valuation last Some organizations may only face troublesome issues in one category. In the most
year.2 QA testing dysfunctional cases, an organization may suffer chronic issues in all three. Many of
these issues can seem daunting to address at first glance— particularly when business
budgets have problems are layered on multiple technical and process issues.
fallen for two
years in a row. 3 But with proper investigation, solid planning and steady execution, it’s possible for
engineering leaders to make big gains in as little as a few months. Sure, you won’t chip
away at everything in one fiscal quarter, but by targeting one or two major problems you
can make a difference.

In this guide, we’ll explore what it takes to put your QA process on track to meet your
quality goals in just 90 days.

3 1
Creating a Roadmap to Better QA
Section One


“You get one shot
at it and if the The key to change is striking a balance between the most impactful short-term fixes that
quality of what can address some of the most obvious business pain points in a short window, while
we’re delivering keeping the long game in mind. A 90 day period will afford time for both planning and
taking action. You’ll pull the trigger on focused, short-term fixes now, while allotting time
doesn’t create for meaningful planning and early execution of medium-term and long-term fixes.
and keep those
individuals happy
them.” 4
☐☐ Evaluation of the current state of QA— what is good, bad or lacking?
☐☐ Establishment of business and technical goals for short-, medium- and long-term
-Aaron Haehn, Director
of QA and release ☐☐ Identification of metrics that will measure progress toward goals
Sprint ☐☐ Identification of a team of stakeholders to jumpstart this round of improvement
☐☐ Implementation of one to two new processes

By the end of the 90-day period, an organization should be able to show measurable
improvements in at least one or two key areas. At the same time, they should keep in
mind that day 90 is a springboard for future incremental gains. In this section, we’ll delve
further into an aggressive 90-day timeline for improving QA results.

Days 1-30: Assess & Monitor

The first 30 days is all about taking stock of the situation. Engineering leaders should use
this time to ask as many questions as possible across key stakeholders—line-of-business
application owners, front-line customer service representatives, QA staff, developers,
and whoever else has a stake in the quality equation.


The goal is first and foremost to diagnose the biggest business problems related to QA.
For example, customer complaints could be rolling in rapidly about a particular software
1 2
product or mobile app to the point where it is affecting customer satisfaction numbers.
Alternatively, outages and performance issues on a company’s retail site might be getting
to the point that cart abandonment has gone through the roof and revenue is slipping.

Once the biggest business pain points have been identified, it is time to turn the lens
inward and start asking “why?” repeatedly. Cart abandonment might be caused by
outages, but why are those outages happening? If it is a code quality problem, why is
that an issue?

Ultimately you’re digging deep to diagnose the engineering root cause to the business
problem— be it technical or process-oriented, it likely comes down to some permutation
of a quality issue. A truly fruitful assessment is one that tries to identify very specific QA
problems, because the more generalized an identified problem is, the harder it is to make
a definitive improvement to fix it. The more things are broken down, the easier it is to
start to plan and measure progress.

Clearly, the crucial part of this entire assessment stage is asking the right questions.
But equally important is how you find the answers. Listening to employee analysis is
important, but leaders should also be asking people to use data whenever possible to
back up those assertions. The more data is used to substantiate a diagnosis, the easier it
will be to gain buy-in both from the top down and the bottom up as you plan and carry
out your improvements.


Data is crucial to backing up assessment assertions. If you find you don’t have enough
data to test your hypotheses about what’s going wrong with tests and QA processes,
now is the time to start amending that. Before you establish an improvement plan or
try to execute on it, make sure the right mechanisms are in place to measure both the
current deficiencies and what future success will look like.

This is essential for not only ensuring you’re maximizing your efforts, but for proving the
ROI of the initiative to the executive suite once you hit day 90.

Days 31-60: Plan & Execute

Once you’ve identified the metrics that will matter most to this improvement cycle and
you’ve ensured that you’ve got mechanisms in place to reliably collect them, it’s time to
think about goal setting. The key here is to create achievable goals you’d like to target,
both immediately and farther out in the future.


“Setting the right expectations for goals is so important. Otherwise, you put a process
together that might be fine and which makes improvements beneficial to the business,
but the goals are not achievable,” says Derek Choy, CIO of Rainforest QA. “At the end of
the day, if you miss the target, the team is discouraged because they worked on a whole
bunch of things and still feel like they failed. From a business perspective they also feel
like you failed, even if your improvements were a huge accomplishment— all because
there was an unrealistic expectation at the outset.”

“Collecting At this point, it’s time to plan short-term and long-term actions that can be taken to
information is not achieve those goals. As you establish the goals and the plans for how you’re going to
achieve them, it is crucial to communicate expectations both up and down the food
enough. If nobody chain so that executives know what to expect from your progress and the people
talks about it, involved in the work know how their workflow will need to start changing. As you
you might as well communicate upward, this is the time to use data and metrics to make justifiable budget
throw it out.” asks or requests for reallocation of resources to achieve goals. Ideally, all stakeholders
will have been involved enough in that initial assessment that their suggestions are
- Daria Mehra fueling these plans, which will drive their engagement and buy-in.
Director of Quality
Engineering, Quid

The goals are made, the plans for improvements are in place and now it’s time to start
executing short term fixes. This could be making one or two process or workflow
changes. It could be temporarily (or permanently) reallocating someone from one team
to another to either supplement manpower in a certain area or bring a new type of
thinking to an old issue that has previously been a pain point. It could also mean bringing
in a new technology to help streamline work in the biggest bottleneck you’ve identified
through your assessment. This early execution is all about thinking small and fast. You’re
looking to make one meaningful and measurable change that can both help the business
now and also act as a proof-of-concept for more change moving forward

Days 61-90: Evaluate and Refine

The last month of your 90-day cycle should be dedicated to continued execution and to
observation. Start looking at the initial execution and keep track of the metrics that you
identified early on.


If necessary, refine the metrics to add context about the changes that are (or are not)
happening. And, finally, don’t be afraid to share your initial successes. Look for ways
to present the data clearly and transparently across the organization so that everyone
knows how things are going.


The observations and progress on the metrics will be what informs your future action. By
day 90 you should be able to prove whether you met your realistic goals and to set new
goals for the future. You should be able to use the data from the improvement cycle to
inform suggestions for longer-term fixes and you should be able to break down those
long-term fixes into other small objectives that can be accomplished in the next 90 days.
As you refine the long-term plan, the data gathered will also allow the team to adjust
budget and expectations for change in the future.

Troubleshooting Common Issues
Section Two


“Software moves So far we’ve mostly explored the management mechanisms you’ll need to put in place
fast. Engineering to carry out your 90-day QA improvement plan. Now it’s time to turn the lens toward
is a really rapidly the kinds of changes that realistically can be made during this timeframe. The types
of change you’ll need to make are obviously unique to your organization and highly
evolving field and
dependent on your assessment during the first weeks of the initiative. But these are a few
the best skill that examples of the types of problems that organizations tend to run into when looking for
any developer or quick wins in quality.
tester or dev ops or
anybody involved As you look through these, be mindful of the fact that you can’t solve all of these types
of issues at once. You may not even completely fix one of them in 90 days, but this
in producing
timeframe should be sufficient to get started on one or two large issues and begin to
software can have show measurable improvements.
is the ability to
evolve and adapt, As we’ve already mentioned, the short-term initiative is also great for proof-of-
along with how concepts. Data collected from changes made to one product group, one process or one
technology can suggest the most important changes that need to be made across the
quickly we’re
business moving forward.
changing.” 5

-Melissa Benua, senior COMMON QUALITY ISSUES

technical lead,
Bugs Clustered on “A significant percentage of our customer
Specific Features complaints are about a single product.”

QA Slows Down “Our team is consistently missing deployment deadlines,

Development or we must sacrifice test coverage to meet deadlines.”

Too Many Bugs on “Our team seems to need to rewrite regression tests
Legacy Features every time the developers touch older software.”

Users Find Bugs Before “Every time we launch a new product or feature, customers
Your Team Does complain that our software or website seems half-baked.”

Pain Point: Bugs Clustered Around Features


You have a significant number of test cases, but issues still appear regularly. You have
one or two “problem features” where bugs seem to crop up most frequently.


It might seem obvious, but if an organization starts hunting around in its metrics and
finds that the majority of issues revolve around a specific application, product feature
or code base, then the greatest gains are going to be made if a 90-day improvement
initiative focuses in on that specific software.

It doesn’t mean abandoning everything else in the interim, but instead repurposing a few
extra resources and muscle to make a difference in the targeted technology.

For example, if the majority of customer complaints focus on one aspect of a product
then a short improvement initiative would be well spent solely in improving quality
around that aspect. It might mean borrowing product managers or some developers
from other projects and reassigning them for a month or two to build up test coverage
or automation around that feature.


A big believer in data-driven quality improvement, Quentin Thomas, senior QA

Automation Engineer for BleacherReport, says the best changes are made based on facts
rather than feelings. In one instance, he managed to take a trove of defect data from his
organization to prove that the majority of issues were coming from an old code base
that was only being lightly maintained. Rather than suggesting the organization pour
more resources into coverage for that code-base, the data showed that maybe it needed
to be abandoned altogether.

“The data gave us the ammo as QA to say “Hey, why don’t we just consider phasing it
out, because it is causing us a lot of issues and that’s better than trying to spend all this
time to test and analyze this stuff,” he says. “Sometimes getting rid of a service no one is
maintaining is going to do a better job of improving quality than anything QA can do.”

Pain Point: QA is Holding Up Velocity

Every release becomes a struggle between shipping on time and completing your QA
process. Testing often doesn’t begin until late in the development process.


The average level If your assessment shows that QA is holding up development velocity, moving from
of automation manual to automated testing should be an overarching goal. But that is a long-term goal
that takes tons of incremental improvement to achieve.
for all QA test
activities is just As your team works toward it, it’s imperative to look for stopgap measures that improve
16%. 7 velocity without having to wait for a year-long push to build out an automated test
framework. Additionally, even already highly automated shops can find that velocity is
impeded if the automated tests are extremely brittle. In that case, improving thereliability
of testing and instituting stopgaps is crucial to keep the gears moving.


Enterprise infrastructure management firm SolarWinds leans heavily on its real-time SaaS
operations analytics solution to help clients understand what’s going on with their IT data.
The development team averages 20-25 pushes per day to keep Librato continuously
improved. but the highly visual platform was challenging the limits of their existing
automation capabilities.

“As we scaled up, we found that we had a lot of challenges with our existing automated CI
tools, both in terms of how long it took to run those tests, and the overall stability of those
test suites,” says Matt Sanders, Director of Engineering for SolarWinds.

As a result, the organization still needed to depend on manual testing that didn’t impede
velocity but also kept risks minimized. They turned to Rainforest to fill the gap for on-
demand testing.

“For a long time it was common that when we made changes to our visualization layer,
we would roll it out only for our team, wait 2 or 3 days, and then turn it on for everyone
else,” Sanders says. “We tend not to do that anymore because at this point we feel like the
feedback loop is fast enough that if we break something we’re going to find out pretty fast.
Now that we’re using Rainforest as a safety net, it’s more acceptable to move fast.”

2017 World Quality Report, Capgemini
Pain Point: Too Many Bugs on Legacy Features


Your regression testing suite is large and constantly growing. Every new release seems to
create new issues that center around older features. If you have automated tests, many
of them are broken or unreliable.


If organizations are struggling to identify problems in updates to older features due to

reliability problems in regression testing, then this is where the leader may want to bite
the bullet during the improvement cycle.

If there’s no automated regression test suite in place, you may want to assess whether or
not some of your manually executed tests would be more efficient if automated (without
sacrificing accuracy). If the team already has automated regression testing in place, but
that automation is flaky, it might be time to rethink the approach.

“Are you constantly getting false positives or false negatives? Are tests just breaking and
needing to be rewritten any time the software is touched?” says Mehra. “If so, you don’t
have automation, you have technical debt.”


According to Mehra, when she arrived at Quid her team’s regression suite was running
on someone’s laptop and not in a continuous integration environment. It couldn’t be
maintained because it was written in a language no one in the company was willing to
support. She needed to rebuild and decided to try implementing Rainforest QA in order
to allow non-coders in the company who understood quality problems to help create the
regression suite.

“I could draw on the experience of customer support folks and our commercial team, who
do demos of the product and know it intimately to write tests,” she says. “We helped them
with test design and having a solution like Rainforest allowed us to completely sidestep the
coding problem and have work flow directly from user to test.”

Pain Point: Users Find Bugs Before Your Team Does


You’re executing a number of tests in pre-production, but your customers always seem
to find issues after release.

If the regression suite has been developed and the biggest problems tend to be
manifesting themselves in newer features, then it may be that your exploratory testing
strategy needs improvement.

As you assess your problems, ask yourself who’s finding the most bugs and when are
they usually identified? “If you don’t have an answer to that, then the answers are ‘your
end users’ and ‘after you release the software,’” Mehra says.

If your engineering organization already has a decent-sized QA team, Mehra believes

the most impactful investment is is to focus on exploratory testing rather than having
just them retesting old flows over and over again. But there’s also no reason why a
smaller team or even a large-team spread thinly can’t find external resources to shore
up exploratory testing. Whether doing it internally or outsourcing, for the sake of 90-day
improvement, working on exploratory testing can help to indicate where longer-term QA
process improvements can be made.


Thomas with BleacherReport has fueled reductions in defects quarter over quarter
by leveraging Rainforest to incorporate fast, effective exploratory testing into their
development process.

“The information gathered during exploratory testing is combined with all the defects that
our team found internally and issues reported by users. We compile all that information
into QA reports for each quarter,” he says. “Then we can see where we need to focus our
QA muscle. We are doing the same level of testing internally as before, but now it’s much
smarter and more focused.”

Other Common QA Scenarios
While the previous pages outlined four key QA problems that many teams face, they
don’t account for every issue that QA teams face. Here are just a few more common
scenarios that your team may experience, with some quick tips for resolving them.


If your team is having difficulty identifying the source of outages or performance issues,
then it may be necessary to dedicate improvement efforts to instituting tools that offer
greater visibility into all aspects of the application stack. These are tools like PagerDuty,
Datadog, and Bugsnag.

The important thing is to take the results that these monitoring tools start to surface and
create processes that get stakeholders into a room talking about them. “Put diagrams up,
discuss what you see on the dashboards, and get people thinking,” Mehra says. “One way
to do it is attach it to a periodic retrospective that the team does. Maybe you do it every
two weeks or every month, allocate ten months on the agenda.”


Sometimes what looks like a test coverage problem often comes down to issues with
test environments or test data, because the organization is unable to execute a specific
scenario in its test environment because it doesn’t have the right data or the environment
doesn’t support that function. Even with added coverage, if the environment doesn’t
support executing that test case then the bugs are still going to sneak through.

This is the type of issue that can be found, diagnosed and improved through the targeted
implementation of service virtualization and test data management tools.


One mistake that engineering organizations often make is to conflate number of tests
with the robustness of test coverage. But it is very possible to have a high test count and
still let through an unacceptable number of bugs that impact performance or customer

In this scenario, the quality of test cases may be an issue. Or you could be facing some
dependency-related problems. For example, an organization could need to spend an
improvement cycle simply instituting a process where code review is never conducted
in isolation. If there’s a dependency between mobile and web, then both teams should
have to look at that in code review to ensure that dependency issues don’t slip through
the cracks.

Thinking Beyond 90 Days
Section Three


“There’s a strong No matter which area you choose to target for your 90-day initiative, one thing to keep
connection in mind is that the pull of the status quo is strong if you keep people in the same roles
they’ve always filled. Leaders can jump start change by using the shortened window of
between the
improvement as an excuse to make some dramatic human resource reallocations that
quality of an would never work politically if it was positioned as a lasting change.
application and
the business value For example, say test coverage is not hitting the right spots because the quality of test
that application cases has reached a plateau. This might be a call to bring in other people from other
teams who might not traditionally write test cases, such as product managers. If senior
provides. As
management knows that a key product manager is needed, but only for a couple of
software works months, they’re much more likely to give the green light. Similarly, if test environment
its way into the problems are hindering quality, then perhaps the answer is bringing in architects from
heart of every another team to help design a better provisioning process.
organization, every
“We’ve got to be a little bit more creative from a human resource perspective and make
IT leader needs
sure that effort is focused on having the right resource rather than dictating changes to
to internalize this those normally responsible for something,” says Choy. “ Maybe I’ll borrow resources from
reality. 6 other teams to help me build out coverage for a few weeks. Or, maybe I will have my
developers actually stop development for one sprint and have them focus on building
-David Chappell, databases, test coverage, automation, whatever, so I can see a significant improvement
technology analyst in the next month or two on a targeted problem.”
David Chappell and
Associates It’s not just a matter of getting creative with new technologies or processes, but also
bringing in the outside people who can affect change at a rapid clip.

Similarly, engineering and quality leaders are more likely to magnify the results of
initiatives like these if they’re creative with the alliances they make outside of the
traditional tech geek circle. For example, Mehra says one of the best things that QA and
software engineering leaders can do is build relationships within the customer success

“They’ve been told where the bugs are by irate users so they will talk to you at length
about the fragile areas of an app and will solve half the problem for you, because you
don’t need to go looking for bugs they’ve already found,” she says.



As you start your 90-day journey, it’s important to keep in mind that the goal is making
these improvements stick. It’s very easy for an organization to slip back into bad habits if
they’re comfortable enough and if new processes are difficult to maintain.
Key Takeaways
It may make sense as you’re drawing up objectives for your next 90-day initiative to bake
☐☐ Don’t spread your focus in a maintenance plan for changes made in this previous improvement cycle.
too thinly: try to break
down problems as “Draw up a plan of how the organization will maintain the change. Want some
specifically as possible inspiration? Look at the service plan for your car,” explains executive communication
and work incrementally
and leadership consultant Jonathan Halls. “It identifies things to check every ten
☐☐ Do gain buy-in from the
team and executives thousand miles or so. Look at your change project and ask what needs to be checked
☐☐ Don’t forget to look and then write it down with clear instructions that are observable and measurable.
for quick fixes as Appoint someone to make sure these are checked and report back to management on
well as long-term the change results.” 8
☐☐ Do expose data for But before you even start your initiative you should be thinking about the sustainability of
optimal use changes. This means trying to maintain four success factors over the next three months:
☐☐ Don’t get too hung up
on mindless automation
☐☐ Executive buy-in
☐☐ Do communicate:
manage expectations of ☐☐ Team buy-in
executives and the team ☐☐ Proof of measurable improvement
continuously ☐☐ Making process changes as painless as possible

First of all, you can’t do this without executive buy-in. Senior leaders need to be engaged
and convinced of the benefits. Similarly, you’ll need buy-in from your team. On both
ends of the spectrum this kind of buy-in is best gained through data-driven proof.
Metrics will be your best friend when making the business case for change and they’ll be
your best friend for sustainability when they offer evidence of improvement. But cold
hard facts may not always be enough--leaders who make things stick also know how
to frame the metrics so that they get team carrying out changed process to understand
what’s in it for them.

“If you want your team to accept change and make it stick, you need to frame it in a way
that will tap into people’s emotions,” explains transformational leadership consultant
Bill Hogg. “This is why leaders have to make the concept of change real for people — it
cannot exist as a conceptual theory.” 9

In this case, it might mean explaining to a team how an improvement of performance

metrics shown by the 90-day push will mean fewer 3 am wake-up calls in the long-term
due to outage emergencies.

Ultimately, it’s important to keep organizational pain in mind when suggesting new
processes. Wherever possible, these changes should be working with the normal flow of
development and shouldn’t contribute to technical debt in the long run. Otherwise you
risk losing gains as quickly as you made them.

About Rainforest QA
Rainforest QA helps agile and continuous delivery engineering teams move faster with the
industry’s only AI-powered crowdtesting platform. Our platform leverages 60,000 qualified
testers to deliver on-demand, comprehensive and machine learning-verified regression
test results. Rainforest customers spend less time and money testing so they can ship
better applications faster.

For more information on Rainforest, visit

Learn More

Special thanks to Daria Mehra, director of quality engineering at Quid

and author of Tester’s Digest, Quentin Thomas, senior QA Automation
Engineer for Bleacher Report, Russell Smith, co-founder and CTO of
Rainforest QA and Derek Choy, CIO of Rainforest QA, for valuable input
in developing this guide.


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