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Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers – Additional Material

New Template: Seventh Son

You come from poor, unassuming, ordinary people; but you were born different. As the seventh son of a
seventh son, you are destined to become a great hero, just like in the faerie stories you heard growing up. You may
not be as strong and skilled as other adventurers searching for their fortunes – many of whom consider you
backward or a “rube” – but you're clever and the fates keep you safe from many dangers. (And note that “seventh
daughters” certainly exist – “son” is just the most traditional term.)
Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 13 [30].
Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.; HP 12 [0]; Will 13 [5]; Per 13 [5]; FP 13 [0]; Basic
Speed 6.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [0].
Advantages: Fit [5] and Rapid Healing [5]. ● Another 45 chosen from among Daredevil [15], Luck [15, 30, or 60],
or Serendipity [15/level]. ● A further 50 points chosen from among the previous advantages or ST +1 or 2 [10
or 20], DX +1 or +2 [20 or 40], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 [10], Per +1 or +2 [5 or 10], Will +1 or +2 [5 or 10], Basic
Move +1 [5], Absolute Direction [5], Alcohol Tolerance [1], Ally (Hound†; Built on 50%) [Varies], Animal
Empathy [5], Animal Friend [5/level], Blessed [Varies]; Common Sense [10], Danger Sense [15], Honest Face
[1], Luck Talent‡ [5/level], Magic Resistance [2/level], No Hangovers [1], Outdoorsman [10/level], Rapier Wit
[5], improve Fit [5] to Very Fit [15] for 10 points, or improve Rapid Healing [5] to Very Rapid Healing [15]
for 10 points.
Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Uneducated) [-5]. ● Another -15 points chosen from among Chummy [-5] or
Gregarious [-10], Curious [-5*], Gullibility [-10*], Honesty [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Overconfidence
[-5*], Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions [-5], or Truthfulness [-5*]. ● A further -25 chosen from the
previous disadvantages or Charitable [-15*], Clueless [-10], Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Easy to Read [-10],
Gluttony [-5*], Language (Native/None) [-3], Laziness [-10], Stubborness [-5], Stuttering [-10], or Wealth
(Struggling) or (Poor) [-10 or -15].
Primary Skills: Climbing (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Hiking (A) HT+1 [4]-14; Navigation (Land) (A) IQ [2]-12;
Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-14; Swimming (E) HT [1]-13; and Weather Sense (A) IQ [2]-12. ● One of
Axe/Mace, Spear, Staff, or Two-Handed Axe/Mace, all (A) DX+2 [8]-14. ● One of Thrown Weapon
(Axe/Mace or Knife) (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Bow or Throwing, both (A) DX+1 [4]-13; or Sling (H) DX [4]-12.
Secondary Skills: Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Knife (E) DX+1 [2]-13; Stealth (A) DX [2]-12; Wrestling (A)
DX+2 [4]-14; and one of the following professional packages:
1. Farmer. Animal Handling (Horse, Cattle, or other “work animal”) (A) IQ [2]-12. ● Either Naturalist (H) IQ [4]-
12 or both Veterinary (H) IQ-1 [2]-11 and one of Bolas or Lasso, both (A) DX [2]-12. ● Spend another 2
points on Weather Sense, raising it to IQ+1 [4]-12.
2. Fisherman. Boating (Unpowered) or (Sailboat) (A) DX [2]-12; Fishing (E) Per+1 [2]-14; Knot-Tying (E) DX+1
[2]-13; and Navigation (Water) (A) IQ [2]-12.
3. Craftsman. Armoury (any) (A) IQ [2]-12 and Leatherworking (E) DX+1 [2]-13. ● One of Carpentry or
Masonry, both (E) IQ+2 [4]-14; or Smith (Iron) (A) IQ+1 [4]-13.
4. Woodsman. Camouflage (E) IQ+1 [2]-13; Survival (Forest) (A) Per [2]-13; and Tracking (A) Per [2]-13; ●
Spend another 2 points on Stealth, raising it to DX+1 [4]-13.
Background Skills: Choose four of Area Knowledge (Any), Current Affairs (Regional), First Aid, Games, Gesture,
or Panhandling, all (E) IQ+1 [2]-13; Gambling or Packing, both (A) IQ [2]-12; Riding (Horse) (A) DX [2]-12;
Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]-14; Running (A) HT [2]-13; or Survival (Any) (A) Per [2]-13.
* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.
† DF5: Allies (p. 8). Cost depends on frequency: (9 or less) [2], (12 or less) [4], (15 or less) [6], or
(Constantly) [8].
‡ Gambling, Games, Stealth, Strategy, Tactics, and Survival. Reaction bonus from gamblers and the
superstitious. (Created by Michael Kreuter)

Customization Notes
A seventh son is focused on advantages and attributes, rather than skills, spells, or powers. Of course, with so
many luck-based traits, he has a good chance of pulling off any skill that has a default. The biggest choice to make
in the son's advantages is how many points to sink into luckiness. With a minimum of 45 points (for, say,
Extraordinary Luck [30] and Serendipity 1 [15]) and a maximum of 95 points (usually in Daredevil [15],
Ridiculous Luck [60], Serendipity 1 [15], and Luck Talent 1 [5]) to put into lucky traits, this peasant wanderer can
start off with a charmed life and practically nothing else! Because of that, this template is a good fit for a player
who wants to play an “underdog” without sacrificing playability or survivability.
GMs may wish to make Daredevil into a leveled trait. If so, its cost becomes 15/level, and it adds a bonus
equal to its level (instead of a flat +1) to all rolls when the character is putting himself in unnecessary danger.
There is no other change; if you roll a critical failure, you may reroll it once, regardless of your Daredevil level.
The skill choices are based on the son's previous profession; note that the farmer's skills depend on whether he
raised plants (Naturalist) or livestock (Veterinary and a wrangling weapon). Dungeon Fantasy doesn't recommend
Carpentry and Masonry as appropriate skills, but they can be useful in a dungeon. Specifically, they can be used to
shore up doors, walls, and similar structures made of wood or stone (respectively). This takes minutes equal to the
square footage (assume 10 minutes for a typical door) and requires an appropriate tool kit (DF1: Adventurers, p.
24). On a successful roll, add +1 to the door or structure's HT rolls to maintain structural integrity. On a critical
success, add an effective +1 DR (or +10% to existing DR, rounded down, for DR 20+) to the structure as well. This
lasts until the object fails a HT roll. Players are encouraged to find other creative uses for these skills as well.

Treat the seventh son as a scout for the purpose of the occupational lenses in DF3: The Next Level. That is, if
a seventh son wants to become a bard, apply the Scout-Bard lens to the son's template.
The reverse does not really make sense – a bard could not “decide to become a seventh son,” because the son's
abilities reflect a lack of training and an inborn luck that cannot be learned. However, the following simple lens is
provided for games with enough starting points that PCs can have both a template and an occupational lens. In
such a case, a Bard-Seventh Son (for example) could represent a bard who started off as a lucky peasant, but has
since mastered his craft. In all cases, if this lens contains skills that the template already has, combine them if
possible. Apply any leftover points to other lens skills.

Seventh Son Lens (+50 points)

Advantages: 45 points spent on Daredevil [15], Luck [15 or 30], and Serendipity [15/level].
Skills: Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]; Scrounging (E) Per [1]; Swimming (E) HT [1]; Weather
Sense (A) IQ-1 [1].
Credit: aesir23 and Jason “PK” Levine.
Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers – PK’s House Rules

Splitting IQ from Per and Will

When separating IQ from Per and Will, delvers should be built on 280 points. In many cases, the extra 30
points is exactly enough to cover the increased cost of Per and Will, but not in all cases. Adjust each template using
the following guidelines.

Artificer: Requires exactly 30 extra points for Per and Will. No changes
Assassin: Requires 10 extra points for Per and Will, leaving 20 points left over. Add “Weapon Master (Knife)
[20]” to mandatory advantages.
Barbarian: Requires no extra points for Per and Will, leaving 30 points left over. Spend 60 points on
advantages (instead of 30).
Bard: Requires 40 extra points for Per and Will, remaining 10 points short. Drop Per and Will to 13. This
affects Intimidation, Detect Lies, Observation, and the Enthrallment skills. Add "Per +1 or +2 [5/level]" and "Will
+1 to +3 [5/level]" to advantage choices.
Cleric: Requires 40 extra points for Per and Will, remaining 10 points short. Drop ST to 11.
Demonologist: Requires 50 extra points for Per and Will, remaining 20 points short. Drop Will to 14. This
affects Exorcism, Meditation, and Intimidation. Spend 25 points on advantages (instead of 30). Raise disadvantage
choices to -30 from the second list (instead of -25).
Druid: Requires 40 extra points for Per and Will, remaining 10 points short. Drop Will to 12. No skills are
affected. Add "Will +1 or +2 [5/level]" to advantage choices
Elementalist: Requires 50 extra points for Per and Will, remaining 20 points short. Drop Will to 14 and Per
to 13. This affects Intimidation, Meditation, Scrounging, Observation, and Search. Spend 25 points on advantages
(instead of 30). Raise disadvantage choices to -30 from the second list (instead of -25).
Holy Warrior: Requires 20 extra points for Per and Will, leaving 10 points left over. Spend 35 points on
advantages (instead of 25).
Innkeeper: Requires exactly 30 extra points for Per and Will. No changes
Justiciar: Requires 40 extra points for Per and Will, remaining 10 points short. Drop Will to 12 and spend 30
points on advantages (instead of 35). This affects Intimidation. (From Pyramid #3/10.)
Knight: Requires no extra points for Per and Will, leaving 30 points left over. Raise Per and Will to 11 and
Basic Speed to 7.00. This affects Intimidation, Scrounging, and Observation. Note that the knight can optionally
take up to an additional -15 points in disadvantages, putting any points gained this way into skills.
Martial Artist: Requires no extra points for Per and Will, leaving 30 points left over. Add the following to
advantage section: Either ST +3 [30] or Chi Talent +2 [30].
Mystic Knight: Requires no extra points for Per and Will, leaving 30 points left over. Take Imbue 3 (Magical,
-10%) [36] (instead of Imbue 2). Raise the 10 required Imbuement Skills to (VH) DX [2]-15 each, then spend a
further 12 points on existing or new Imbuement Skills (instead of 10). (From Pyramid #3/13.)
Necromancer: Requires 40 extra points for Per and Will, remaining 10 points short. Raise disadvantage
choices to -30 from the second list (instead of -20).
Ninja: Requires no extra points for Per and Will, leaving 30 points left over. Spend 30 points on Ninja
Training abilities (instead of 20). Spend 40 points on advantages (instead of 20).
Scholar: Requires 50 extra points for Per and Will, remaining 20 points short. Drop Per to 14 and Will to 12.
This affects Observation, Scrounging, Search, Meditation, and Survival.
Scout: Requires 10 extra points for Per and Will, leaving 20 points left over. Spend 20 more points on
Seventh Son: Requires 20 extra points for Per and Will, leaving 10 points left over. Spend 10 more points on
advantages. (From MyGURPS.)
Shaman: Requires exactly 30 extra points for Per and Will. No changes.
Swashbuckler: Requires no extra points for Per and Will, leaving 30 points left over. Raise IQ, Per, and Will
to 11. This affects Savoir-Faire, Streetwise, First Aid, Gesture, Seamanship, Connoisseur, Fast-Talk, Gambling,
Intimidation, Scrounging, and Search.
Thief: Requires exactly 30 extra points for Per and Will. No changes.
Wizard: Requires 50 extra points for Per and Will, remaining 20 points short. Drop Will to 14. This affects
Meditation. Raise disadvantage choices to -20 from the first list and -30 from the second list (instead of -15 and
Dungeon Fantasy 2: Dungeons – Additional Material

Temple Healing Costs

The clerics in town are always willing to heal adventurers for a fee – provided the party didn’t do anything
foolish like ransack the temple the last time they were in town! Any service up to 10 energy points costs $1 per
point, while more serious procedures (which require circles of casters or dipping into the serious power items) cost
$50 per energy point. The following table summarizes the most common procedures. Credit: Sean Punch.

Temple of Imhotep – Healing and Restoration

– Results not guaranteed. No refunds. –
– Outpatient Procedures –
Awaken . . . $1
Minor Healing . . . $3
Cure Disease . . . $4
Major Healing . . . $4
Neutralize Poison . . . $5
Cleansing . . . $6
Instant Neutralize Poison . . . $8
Dispel Possession . . . $10
Stone to Flesh . . . $10
– Surgery –
Restoration . . . $750
Great Healing . . . $1,000
Regeneration . . . $1,000
Remove Curse . . . $1,000
Instant Restoration . . . $2,500
Instant Regeneration . . . $4,000
Resurrection . . . $15,000
Dungeon Fantasy 3: The Next Level – Additional Material

Racial Size Comparison Chart

Credit: Emily Smirle.
Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables – Additional Material

New Weapon Modifier: Elven Blade

Halve baseline weapon weight for actual carry weight, but double it when assessing breakage (e.g., a saber
weighs 2 lbs., so an elven saber weighs 1 lb. but breaks as if 4 lbs.). The blade is automatically balanced (+1 to
skill), but can have a second level of balanced for another +15 CF. It also has a level of ornate (+1 to reactions)
and can have up to three more levels at the usual CFs, for as high as +4 to reactions! Any fencing weapon, sword,
or knife: +9 CF.

Notes: Elven weapons will regularly exercise both limit-breakers, stacking balanced (+15 CF), elven blade (+9
CF), and ornate (+9 CF) to get a sword that costs 34 times as much, weighs half as much, breaks as if it had four
times its carry weight, gives +2 to skill, and garners +4 to reactions. Legendary ones will often add fine or very
fine to get a damage bonus and further suppress the odds of breakage. Credit: Sean Punch.
Dungeon Fantasy 11: Power-Ups – Additional Material

Elementalist Power-Ups
Dungeon Fantasy 9: Summoners also provides guidelines for non-traditional elements. Those who focus on
said elements can summon the following storms. Credit: Sean Punch.

Storm of Metal
Prerequisite: Elemental Influence 6+ (Metal or All Elements).
Steely nails shred everything in the area. Anyone struck takes 2d cutting damage.
Advantages: Cutting Attack 2d (Elemental Storm, +180%) [40].

Storm of Wood
Prerequisite: Elemental Influence 6+ (Wood or All Elements).
Tiny wooden splinters fill the air. A roll of exactly 14 means a target is hit once – but add an extra hit per
point of success (e.g., a 9 means six hits). An active defense avoids one splinter if made exactly, and one extra per
point of success. Each splinter inflicts 4d small piercing damage, but DR is multiplied by five; even DR 0 is
boosted to DR 1.
Advantages: Small Piercing Attack 4d (Armor Divisor, (0.2), -50%; Elemental Storm, +180%; Rapid Fire 15,
+100%) [40].

Storm of Void
Prerequisite: Elemental Influence 6+ (Void or All Elements).
A swirling hole opens in reality, randomly sucking or teleporting chunks off everything in the area. Those
affected take 2d-2 corrosion damage. Every 5 points of damage rolled permanently destroys DR 1 at a random hit
location. Don't use this attack if you like to loot armor!
Advantages: Corrosion Attack 2d-2 (Elemental Storm, +180%) [40].

Ninja Power-Ups
Dungeon Fantasy 12: Ninja includes plenty of “power-ups” for its stars. In addition to learning the abilities
therein, ninja can buy unlimited Ninja Talent [10/level] – there's always a more skillful master hiding somewhere.
This makes it possible to improve certain Ninja Training abilities above the usual limits: one level of Enhanced
Parry, Killing Strike, or Silence per two full levels of Ninja Talent, or one level of Enhanced Dodge or Super Jump
per three full levels. Additional options: Extraordinary Luck [30] and improving Weapon Master (Ninja Weapons)
[35] to full Weapon Master [45].

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