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Gonzales Vs Climax Mining

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Gonzales vs.

Climax Mining o Gonzales argued that the Addendum Contract was void, thus the
arbitration clause contained therein likewise void ab initio.
PLAINTIFF: Jorge Gonzales, Panel of Arbitrators  He contended that any issues as to the nullity,
DEFENDANT: Climax Mining Ltd., Climax-Arimco Mining Corp, Australasian inoperativeness, or incapability of performance of the
Philippines arbitration clause/agreement must be determined by
DATE: January 22, 2007 the court prior to referring them to arbitration.
PONENTE: J. Tinga o However, Climax-Arimco countered that Gonzales’ attack on or
TOPIC: repudiation of the Addendum Contract is not a ground to deny
effect to the arbitration clause in the Contract.
Facts:  Section 2, par. 1 pf RA 876 itself considers that
arbitration stipulation an independent contract in its own
 This is a consolidation of 2 petitions rooted in the same disputed Addendum right whose enforcement may be prevented only on
Contract entered into by the parties grounds which legally make the arbitration agreement
itself revocable
- 1st contract: Gonzales was a claim owner of mineral deposit who o Likewise, Climax-Arimco emphasized that in Sec. 24 of RA 7285,
entered into a joint venture via Production Sharing Letter Agreement the Court instead of trying the case, may, on request of either or
with Geopphil Inc. and Inmex for 36months which was extended to both parties, refer the parties to arbitration, unless it finds that the
develop, operate, mine, and exploit the mining claims of Gonzales arbitration agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of
- 2nd: Gonzales, Armico, Geo, Inmex and Aumex signed an Addendum being performed. Arbitration may even be ordered in the same
Contract allowing Armico to apply for FTAA suit brought upon a matter covered by an arbitration agreement
- 3rd: Financial Accommodation Contract with Climax-Armico and even without waiting for the outcome of the issue of the validity of
Australasian the arbitration agreement.
- 4th: Assignment of Accession Agreement between Clima-Armico and
Australasian Issue: W/N DENR has the jurisdiction over the arbitration and the nullification of the
- Gonzales sought the nullity of the Second Contract, FTAA, 3rd contract, Addendum Contract, NO
4th contract and 5th contract with preliminary injunction with the Mines
and Geosciences Bureau-DENR (MGB-DENR) Ruling:

 In GR No. 161957 – this Court held that the DENR Panel of Arbitrators had Disputes do not go to arbitration unless and until the parties have agreed to abide by
no jurisdiction over the complaint for annulment of the Addendum Contract the arbitrators decision. Necessarily, a contract is required for arbitration to take place
on grounds of fraud and violation of the Constitution and that the action and to be binding. R.A. No. 876 recognizes the contractual nature of the arbitration
should have been brought before the regular courts as in involved judicial agreement.
issues The doctrine of separability, or severability as other writers call it, enunciates that an
o Both parties filed their MR arbitration agreement is independent of the main contract. The arbitration agreement is
o Gonzales averred that the DENR Panel of Arbitrators has to be treated as a separate agreement and the arbitration agreement does not
jurisdiction because the case involves a mining dispute that automatically terminate when the contract of which it is part comes to an end.
properly falls within the ambit of Panel’s authority The separability of the arbitration agreement is especially significant to the
o On the other hand, Climax Mining LTD filed their Motion for Partial determination of whether the invalidity of the main contract also nullifies the arbitration
Reconsideration and/or Certification seeking reconsideration of clause. Indeed, the doctrine denotes that the invalidity of the main contract, also referred
that part of the Decision holding that the case should no be to as the container contract, does not affect the validity of the arbitration agreement.
brought for arbitration Irrespective of the fact that the main contract is invalid, the arbitration clause/agreement
 It argued that the arbitration clause in the Addendum still remains valid and enforceable.
Contract should be treated as an agreement The separability of the arbitration clause is confirmed in Art. 16(1) of the UNCITRAL
independent of the other terms of the contract, and that Model Law and Art. 21(2) of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.
a claimed rescission of the main contract does not The proceeding in a petition for arbitration under R.A. No. 876 is limited only to the
avoid the duty to arbitrate resolution of the question of whether the arbitration agreement exists. Second, the
 In GR No. 167994 – Gonzales challenged the order of the RTC requiring separability of the arbitration clause from the Addendum Contract means that validity or
him to proceed with the arbitration proceedings which was sought by invalidity of the Addendum Contract will not affect the enforceability of the agreement to
Climax-Arimco while the complaint for nullification for the Addendum arbitrate. Thus, Gonzales petition for certiorari should be dismissed.
Contract was pending before the DENR Panel of Arbitrators This brings us back to G.R. No. 161957. The adjudication of the petition in G.R. No.
167994 effectively modifies part of the Decision dated 28 February 2005 in G.R. No.
161957. Hence, we now hold that the validity of the contract containing the agreement
to submit to arbitration does not affect the applicability of the arbitration clause itself. A
contrary ruling would suggest that a parties mere repudiation of the main contract is
sufficient to avoid arbitration. That is exactly the situation that the separability doctrine,
as well as jurisprudence applying it, seeks to avoid. We add that when it was declared
in G.R. No. 161957 that the case should not be brought for arbitration, it should be
clarified that the case referred to is the case actually filed by Gonzales before the DENR
Panel of Arbitrators, which was for the nullification of the main contract on the ground
of fraud, as it had already been determined that the case should have been brought
before the regular courts involving as it did judicial issues.

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