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Swastika Was Used in Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Age Cultures Astrology PDF

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Swastika was used in Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Age cultures

and its probable origin is from Astrology

By: Bipin R. Shah

Neolithic cultures emerged around 8000-12000 BC from Anatolia to far east of China and
were primarily characterized by the production of stone tools, pottery, early form of textiles,
wood and stone shelter houses, burials, and red pottery and jade objects. Such archaeological
finds indicate the presence of tribal or clan settlements where some basic agriculture and
domestication of animals were practiced. Archaeological research, to date, has led to the
identification of some nearly seventy Neolithic cultures and they were named after the
archaeological sites where they were first identified. They are scattered around the world.
One of the cultures was called Majiayao Culture: Banshan type (2600-2300 B.C). The
interesting part of one of the pottery Jar (now in Hongkong) museum carried the symbol of
Swastika. See picture below:

Majiayao Culture: china (2600-2300 B.C) Greece (800-1000 BC) Mediterranean Neolithic Idol with horns

The first known archeological Swastika was “Mezine Swastika”, the earliest swastika ever
found was uncovered in Mezine, Ukraine, carved on an ivory figurine, which dates to an
incredible 12,000 years, and one of the earliest cultures that are known to have used the
Swastika was a Neolithic culture in Southern Europe, in the area that is now Serbia, Croatia,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, known as the Vinca Culture, which dates back around 8,000 years.

Mezine Swastika in Ivory-Ukraine estimated 10-12000 years old carved out of Mammoth Tusk

One of the oldest known Swastikas was painted on a Paleolithic cave at least 10,000 years

Minoan civilization 2700 to 1450 BC Bronze Age Etruscan Pottery Swastika on Baalbek Lebanon Temple

Swastika from Indus-Saraswati valley Seals- Bronze Age Elamite Bronze Age Bowl 2500 BC

Swastika in France (Roman Period) Swastika in Spain (Roman Period) Swastika in Italy Roman Mosaic

The swastika is therefore one of the oldest symbols of Mankind, going back at least 10 to
12,000 BC., but it may go back further back in time with future discoveries. Swastika
appeared in the various prehistoric archaeological remains like rock art and pottery and
monuments. Some observers simple ignore it beyond the point of artistic decoration while
some interpret them as solar or religious symbol. The Equilateral cross with arms bent at

right angles, all in the same rotary direction, usually clockwise. The swastika was a symbol of
prosperity and good fortune and swastika was widely distributed throughout the ancient
world. The word “swastika” originated from India’s Sanskrit language: Swastika – “swa” is
“higher self”, “asti” meaning ” being” and “ka” as a suffix, so the translation can be
interpreted as “being with higher self”, usually a Shramanic terminology. We do not know
what Neolithic cultures called Swastika before. The Swastika symbol was a powerful and
positive symbol used by various Bronze Age and Neolithic culture around the world, so it will
be very speculative how and who developed the sign. As can be seen, the Swastika has been
around from Neolithic age based on known archeology. Fernando Coimbra stated in his
paper on Swastika and emphasized its astronomical origin:

“The discovery of a Chinese comet Atlas at Mawangdui, dating from the 4th century BC, is
surely a turning point regarding the interpretation of the swastika. In fact, one of the
depicted comets has the shape of that symbol. This discovery was made in 1978.”

Swastika in Mandarin Chinese is called the WAN symbol. WAN is a homophone for ten
thousand in Chinese and Japanese, a number often used to encompass all of the universe’s

Swastika is being considered a symbol of purity, wealth and fortune and has always been
used as a symbol of light and wisdom among saints and sages. The use and display of
Swastika can be found in China, Greece, South America, Armenia, and Anatolia, Persia, china,
Tibet, India, Japan and many other cultures of the world. It was a favorite symbol on ancient
Mesopotamian coinage, seals and potteries. In ancient Greece, from 8th through 9th centuries
BC, we have discovered artifacts depicting swastika. This commonality among far away
civilization form eastern part of the globe to far west part of Globe is very striking and
intriguing. This is as interesting as the theory of Atlantis, theory of Anunaki or Enki or theory
of Pyramids across the globe or theory of some divine race who populated the earth with the

What this paper is proposing is simple. The ancients saw something in the sky and soon after
good things must have followed and this idea may have spread through sea voyager of the
ancient world during the Bronze Age but it still leaves many questions unanswered. We can
only observe that the Swastika appeared in various parts of world just like Megaliths and
Pyramids. Was it a creation of super race as some have theorized that help populate the
world and build pyramids? Interestingly, there is only one country of earth that is India that
still uses swastika for all auspicious occasions in worships, rituals and ceremonies while in
rest of the world it has become a piece of archeology or decoration. Nazi recognized

something else like Aryan supremacy but used swastika in a reversed form. Ancient Aryans
probably adopted the sign but may not have invented that. It was introduced in Sanskrit
dictionary as what Aryan understood it meant. Other civilization may carry other meanings
and we do not have any clue to that.

Antiquaty of Swastika:
As per National Geography’s world Genome project where DNA are collected to chart the
course of human migration that began as early as 100,000 years ago and passed through India
around 50,000 years ago. India has many Bronze Age and Neolithic sites where archeology of
the presence of early human is established. The Indus-saraswati seals show the use of
Swastika. Those who believe in “out of India” theory or India as a staging ground for
populating the world as the DNA chart from National geographic study indicates (below) than
one assumption will be that it arose from the early days of Indus-saraswati civilization and
Swastika have been in use since very early ages and Vedic Aryan incorporated into their
culture . This is just one theory but cannot be certain. This assumption will be based on that
Hinduism has kept the Swastika traditions in all their ancient religions like Brahmanism,
Jainism and Buddhism to this date while other countries to the east have kept them with
their Buddhist worship but in west it has disappeared after its hated use by Nazi.


It is almost impossible to assign the date of origin of Swastika since we find through various
archeological finds that places them farther in antiquity. During Roman era, swastika was
present in the west from Anatolia to Spain. Roman may have borrowed it from Etruscan or
Greek civilization. In Scandinavia, the left-hand swastika was the sign for the god Thor's
hammer. Thor is always equated with Indian God Indra with his thunderbolt. The swastika
also appeared in early Christian and Byzantine art which is assumed to be borrowed from
Greece. Unexpectedly, it has shown up also in South and Central American archeology
(among the Maya) and even in North America (principally among the Navajo Indian tribe).

The mystery of Swastika and its identical appearance in various parts of world is mystifying. It
can be theoretically explained but it is difficult to assign a credit to any civilization or a
source. However, it shows the linkage among the ancient civilization.

Greek Helmet with swastika sign Greek Corinthian coin Hindu temple in S.E. Asia

Examples of coinage

Swastika is used by various civilizations in various ways and we would exclude Nazi from this
explanation. The right-hand swastika moves in a clockwise direction, and the left-hand
swastika is called sauvastika moves in a counterclockwise direction. We do not find its use in
present Christianity (although once was common during Roman era and early Christianity) or
Islam. What Swastika meant to them is only a guess. We know for sure it did not mean evil
because they will not be using it. With such a large presence in the world in almost all
cultures, anyone can formulate their own theory of its origin.

During 19th century after discovery by Schliemann at Hissar, India, several authors concluded
that this may be Indo-Aryan symbol. However, later discoveries in Mesopotamia, Indus valley
with seals, potteries and motif changed the assumption to Swastika being Pre-Indo-Aryan.
(Coimbra 1999). Rita Dutta in her publication in the journal of South Asian archeology
proposed in her article “Swastika Symbol on Bharhut Stone Railing: A Case Study:
” That “Swastika, the geometric motif, in all probabilities was derived from a simple cross design. It is believed
by scholars that, a simple cross symbolizes four cardinal directions. It is an emblem of great antiquity and one of
the earliest simple decorative sign consisting of a number of straight lines, easy to draw and easy to remember.
The motif has a shape that is eminently graceful. It is more austere and aesthetically a very satisfying motif has
found universal appreciation. Later on, this simple cross gave birth to the swastika pattern by giving its' arms
equal size, length, style and thickness throughout. The peculiarity of this symbol is that it has a geometrical
tension about it’s' form. It is an equilateral cross with all the ends of the lines extended at right angles in the
same direction rotated at 45 degrees either to the right, clockwise or to the left, anti-clockwise. The one that has
the arms extended to the right is generally called swastika. It is suggested that the clockwise turning
(dakshinavarta) of swastika signifies the solar energy and masculine power. The other having those extended to
the left is called sauvastika (Wilson Thomas 1973). The anti-clockwise (vamavarta) position symbolizes the lunar
energy and feminine force (P. C. Little 1972). The other distinctive stylized variety of swastika is known as
tetraskelion. It is a spiral variety of the swastika, as the spiral arms of the tetraskelion produce an illusion of
cyclic or whirling movements either to the right or left. Sometimes the ends are shown touching the next arm of
the cross and the motif assumes the shape of a wheel, which symbolizes the cycle of movement of all astral and
heavenly bodies. In the present case, we have used the term swastika to designate all these varieties of the sign

without any discrimination. Thus there are several varieties of swastika motifs, which have been found in almost
every part of the globe.” After her first explanation of relation to Geometry, she hints towards
the Astronomy and with Swastika’s antiquity and presence since Neolithic time, it cannot be
said Aryans or Indo-Europeans invented it but it can be said that they used it in various ways
but its origin and spread is shrouded in mystery. In spite of numerous archeological
discoveries of Swastika around the world, its true purpose and exact significant confined to
speculations. Was it a symbol of creation, preservation or destruction?

Sewell in his Indian antiquary has listed innumerable theories of the origin of Swastika. While
Cunningham concludes that:

“We shall not dwell on these more or less plausible interpretations, we see in all that has been said about the
mysterious swastika a teaching of far more greater import than the idle and laborious conclusions arrived by
clever ethnologist.”

rd th th
Swastika in comb-Denmark 3 -4 century AD Osberg Ship-Norway(800AD) Snoldelev Stone Denmark 9 cen.

Swastika-kafic Arabic script Phoenician Swastika Navajo Indian Swastika Mayan Indians of Mexico

Assumptions of astrological connections:
The right-hand swastika with the arm may be considered a solar symbol and imitates the
course taken daily by the Sun, which in the Northern Hemisphere appears to pass from east,
then south and then to the west. The right hand Swastika is used in Hinduism, Jainism and
Buddhism. The left-hand swastika shows reverse motion starting from west to north to the
east as used by Hitler’s Nazi party. The question is if this was a charting process for sun’s
movement by Neolithic sky grazers or astronomers? Or perhaps it represents our milky way
that our ancient astronomers or astronauts thought off and left that symbols just like the
presence of Pyramids throughout the world.

Klaus Dana’s picture of the presence of worldwide Pyramids narratives and location of pyramids

The earlier assumption on origin of Swastika got preempted by the discovery of Han dynasty
silk comet atlas called “Mawangdui Atlas” as shown below. Fernando Coimbra further
observed in his article:

“one of the comets is depicted with the shape of a swastika on a Hans’s dynasty silk map with a caption
mentioning that it appeared for several times in different seasons of the year. Meanwhile one could think that
the atlas’s drawings, made about 2500 years ago, constitute a fantasy of their authors, but according to C. Sagan
and A. Druyan (1985) they are very similar with modern photos of comets. In fact the Chinese astronomical
records are very precise in spite of going back to the middle of the second Millennium BC, according to
archaeological evidence (Yoke, 1985). Furthermore, the ancient Chinese made long and precise lists registering
cometary observations, including the date, the type of comet, the star group where it was first seen, its
movement, colour, apparent length and the time it took to disappear (Sagan; Druyan, 1985). The same authors
refer that the Chinese just draw what they saw. This way the Swastika shaped comet must have been a reality.
When comets, constituted by “dirty” ice with silicates approach the sun the heath transforms the iced silicates

into gas, dust and other components. Then, cometary jets can be formed due to the action of solar radiance and
solar winds, pushing the gas and the dust in a certain direction forming the cometary tail (Xi, 1984). Then, if the
nucleus spins over itself, the jets may acquire a shape similar to a swastika” This is observed through telescope
and is named Comet Encke.

No wonder that the Tang dynasty Empress Wu Zetian (684-704 AD) decreed that the swastika
would also be used as an alternative symbol of the Sun. From this observation, the theory of
Swastika may have been formed by ancient unknown astronomers and for thousands of
years that the asteroid like Swastika have come close to the earth but never caused any harm
and then it may have emerged as a symbol of good omen and perhaps linked to the divinities
associated with preservation.

Other Astrological assumption that we already outlined was Shramana astrologer’s

observation of our Milky Way galaxy and their interpretation of God’s creation and as
incorporated in ancient Indian religious beliefs since early Mesolithic age or beginning of
Bronze Age. Same physical explanation applies for galaxy. There is a dark hole and new stars

are born and died leaving trail of gases that can be seen swirling around the nucleus of
Galaxy. This sign was spread from Indus valley to Mesopotamia and rest of the world through
ancient Silk Road routes. This assumption is based on continuity of the use of swastika in
India through ages and National Geographic findings of peopling of this world.

In either of the astrological assumptions, both statements are valid:

1. It is probably derived from astrological phenomenon seen by the ancients throughout the
ancient world and thus appearing in all ancient cultures and civilization. We do not know for
sure how the various civilization interpreted that as sign of good or evil or either connected
with sun or something peeling of the sun but in case of comet, it kept reappearing again
probably in the shape of Swastika . Vedic Aryans probably sanskritised that as “Godly event”

2. It entered in to various traditions of the world in form of seals, motif, mosaics as a sign of
happiness, wealth, healthiness and some sort of respect for the Supreme Being who control
the universe.

Milky Way Galaxy as seen from the telescope (enlarged)

Nearby M-33 Triangulum Galaxy that also has the shape of swastika

9 century BC Disk with embedded swastika

Milky Way Galaxy (swirling Swastika)

Swastika’s Sanskrit meaning is largely stayed within India and various India’s religions and
also with Buddhism outside of India. With Hitler’s adoption of left handed Swastika, Swastika
is stigmatized and symbolized as “devil’s mark” in people’s minds. Therefore, the uses of
Swastika decoration in west have disappeared.

However, fact remains that the Swastika had remains sacred symbol of universality and
blessing of the God. Ancient Indo-European cultures used Swastika in many ways to signify
good luck or good omen. Indo-Aryans had expanded the concept while incorporating it in all
their religious texts. It employed Swastika for all their auspicious occasions and as a part of
Samsara (theory of reincarnation). Archeologically speaking, we find its presence in Armenia,
ancient Hindu architecture, and also in the ruins of the ancient city of Troy. The design of
interlocking swastikas is found in mosaic of the cathedral of Amiens, France. The picture
found at ancient city of Troy (see below) point to astronomical significance.

1. French math-depicting swastika and suggesting start of David originated from Swastika 2. Discovery of
Swastika at Troy in Turkey 3. Swastikas at Sanahin, Armenia

Indian Traditions:
We can confidently say that Indus-saraswati civilization had made Swastika seals judging
from its archeological findings. We do not know how they were used or for what purpose.
Was it a sign of worship out of fear or some ancient divine belief? These traditions have
continued for millennium uninterrupted.

At present, India is the only country that continues to utilize the swastika as the most
auspicious sign among various religions of India, mainly Hindus, Jainas, and Buddhists. In
Hinduism, the two forms of the swastika represent two forms of the creation: facing right it
represents the evolution of the universe (Pravritti), facing left it represents the involution of
the universe (Nivritti). It is also seen as pointing in all four directions (north, east, south and
west) and thus signifies stability. Its use as a sun symbol can first be seen in its representation
of the God Surya. The left-hand swastika (called a sauvastika) usually represents the terrifying
Goddess Kali or (evil). However, it meant to designate the sun during fall and winter. It is the
form most commonly used in Buddhism Swastika with 3 dots and a crescent.

On a new year or at the night of Diwali, Hindu and Jainas performs “Laxmi Puja” or worship of
Goddess of wealth and the first page of new accounting book is marked with the sign of

Swastika. The Swastika is used for all auspicious occasion like wedding, birthdates; prayers
and ground breaking for new home construction. In India, the swastika is an auspicious mark
“worn as jewelry or marked on objects”.

Among the Jainas it is the emblem of their seventh Tirthankara (Ford Maker) and is also said
to remind the worshiper by its four arms of the four possible places of rebirth—1. Animal or
plant 2. Hell 3. As a Human on Earth 4 Haven (Deva’s world).

In the Buddhist tradition the swastika symbolizes the footprints, of the Buddha. It is often
placed at the beginning and end of inscriptions, and modern Tibetan Buddhists use it as a
clothing decoration. With the spread of Buddhism, the swastika passed into the iconography
of China and Japan, where it has been used to denote plurality, abundance, prosperity, and
long life. It summary Swastika is directly related to Buddha and can be found carved on
statues on the soles of his feet and on his heart. It is said that it contains Buddha’s mind.

The ancient Indian Shramana interprets Swastika as part of the evolution of the world.

“The center of the swastika represents the uterus, the origin point of the Universe, the vertical line, Shiva and
the horizontal line, the female organ. Their cross forms the origin and evolution of the whole world.”

Thus, symbolically, the swastika's cross is said to represent God and creation and for ancient
astronomer it was confined to Milky Way, our own universe. The Hinduism interprets the
right-hand swastika is one of the 108 symbols of the god Vishnu as well as a symbol of the
Sun and of the sun god Surya. The symbol imitates in the rotation of its arms the course taken
daily by the sun, which appears in the Northern Hemisphere to pass from east, then south, to
west. The swastika is emblematic of masculine principle.

The swastika used in mediation is a special one, with additional marks. There are three dots
above the swastika and a little crescent on the top of all this, with a dot in the middle. The
four arms represent the four realms of possible births: human, heavenly, infernal, plant, and
animal. The crescent and dot symbolize the land of the perfected soul, which is described in
the scientific mapping of the general features of the universe as being in the shape of an
inverted umbrella. The three dots represent the hope for final emancipation; they represent
the Ratna tray, the three jewels that one adopts and practices to escape from the cycle of life
and death.

A good luck yogic asana named ‘svastikasana’ is sometimes assumed in meditation in the
form of an “in stretched” position than “outstretched” leg cross. Here two crosses are formed
by squatting with crossed legs and with arms closed over the chest.

From Bulgaria 5000 BC Mexican Culture of Teotihuacan dated to at least 700 AD

Hindu interpretation Jainism interpretation Buddhist interpretation-swastika in reverse

In Buddhism, the swastika is a symbol of good fortune, prosperity, abundance and eternity.

Lalibela Swastika in Ethiopian church wall of Rome catacomb-wording “Zotiko Zotiko” means “Life of Life”

Phoenicians display of Swastika Swastika sign variations in other cultures

2. The astronomical origins of the swastika motif, Fernando Coimbra, PhD, Quaternary and
Prehistory Unit, Centre for Geosciences, FCT, Portugal
3 Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse by Bob Kobres,
4 swastikas:
6. Swastika Symbol on Bharhut Stone Railing: A Case Study by Rita Dutta, Journal of the
society of south Asian Archeology
7. The Indian Sentinel, Volume 2, Page 217-Swastika, by Rev. Cyprian Vabre.
8. Swastika-Germanic Iron Age
9. The Migration of Symbols by Goblet d'Alviella, http://sacred-
10. The Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols, Robert Beer, Serindia Publications, Inc., 2003
11. Swastika:The Forgotten Constellation Representing the Chariot of Mithras. In: Ivan Šprajc
and Peter Pehani Ed. ANCIENT COSMOLOGIES AND MODERN PROPHETS: Assasi, Reza. 2013.

12. Sagan, Carl; Ann Druyan (1985). Comet, Ballantine Books. p. 496. ISBN 0-345-41222-2.
13. (Chinese) Bao Jing " “卍
与“卐卐”漫 漫议 ("卍卍""and "卐 卐" Man Yee)". 2004-01-06,
14.. The Swastika: Symbol Beyond Redemption? Steven Heller. Sky horse Publishing,
15. The Swastika Symbol in Navajo Textiles. Laguna Beach, California: DAI Press. ISBN 0-
9701898-0-X by Aigner, Dennis J. (2000).
16. The Cosmic Serpent, by Clube, V. and Napier, B. Universe Books, 1982.
17. Bhilsa topes-A history of Buddhism by Alexander Cunningham.
18. The Stupa of Bharhut: A Buddhist Monument Ornamented with Numerous Sculptures
Illustrative of Buddhist Legend and History in the Third Century B.C. (1879) by Cunningham
19. Comet Encke


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