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Surplus production, variability, and climate change

in the great sardine and anchovy fisheries
Larry D. Jacobson, Jose A.A. De Oliveira, Manuel Barange,
Miguel A. Cisneros-Mata, Roberto Félix-Uraga, John R. Hunter, Jin Yeong Kim,
Yasunobu Matsuura, Miguel Ñiquen, Carmela Porteiro, Brian Rothschild,
Ramiro P. Sanchez, Rodolfo Serra, Andres Uriarte, and Tokio Wada

1903 We used fishery and survey data to calculate annual surplus production (ASP) and instantaneous surplus
production rates (ISPR) for eight anchovy and nine sardine stocks. In addition, we calculated ASP per unit spawning
area for six anchovy and six sardine stocks. Median ASP was highest for stocks with highest median biomass (mostly
anchovies), and ASP was typically about 16% of stock biomass. ASP was often negative, more frequently for
anchovies (36% of years) than for sardines (17% of years). ISPR was less variable for sardines and autocorrelated for
longer-lived stocks (mostly sardines). Strong biomass increases tended to be preceded by short, abrupt increases in
ISPR, and declines were pronounced when catches exceeded ASP for 5 years or more. The longest “runs” of positive
and negative production were 21 and 4 years for sardine off Japan, 10 and 3 years for sardine off California, 8 and 2
years for anchovy off Peru, and 4 and 3 years for anchovy off California. ISPR is more sensitive to environmental
changes than catch, biomass, or ASP and appear to be better for identifying environmentally induced regime shifts.
Long time series show evidence of density-dependent effects on ASP in anchovies and sardines, but environmentally
induced variation appears to dominate.

Résumé : Des statistiques de pêche et des données d’inventaire nous ont servi à calculer la production excédentaire
annuelle (ASP) et les taux instantanés de production excédentaire (ISPR) chez huit stocks d’anchois et neuf stocks de
sardines. De plus, nous avons calculé l’ASP par unité de surface de frayère chez six stocks d’anchois et six stocks de
sardines. L’ASP moyen est maximal chez les stocks qui possèdent la plus grande biomasse médiane (surtout des an-
chois) et correspond normalement à environ 16% de la biomasse du stock. L’ASP est souvent négative, plus souvent
chez les anchois (36% des années) que chez les sardines (17% des années). L’ISPR est moins variable chez les sardi-
nes et est autocorrelé chez les stocks à longévité plus grande (surtout des sardines). Les augmentations importantes de
biomasse sont normalement précédées d’une croissance abrupte de l’ISPR; lorsque les prises dépassent l’ASP pour

Received January 31, 2001. Accepted April 25, 2001. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on
August 30, 2001.
L.D. Jacobson1,2 and J.R. Hunter. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, P.O. Box 271, La Jolla,
CA 92038, U.S.A.
J.A.A. De Oliveira. Marine and Coastal Management, Private Bag X2, 8012 Rogge Bay, South Africa.
M. Barange. GLOBEC International Project Office, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Prospect Place, Plymouth PL1 3DH, U.K.
M.A. Cisneros-Mata. Instituto Nacional de la Pesca, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Pesqueras (INP-CRIP), Calle 20 No. 605
Sur, C.P. 85400, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico.
R. Félix-Uraga. Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas (CICIMAR), Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Playa El Conchalito S/N,
Apartado Postal 592, C.P. 23096, La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico.
J.Y. Kim. National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, West Fisheries Research Institute, No. 98-36, 1Ga, Bukseong-
Dong, Jung-Gu, Incheon, 400-201 South Korea.
Y. Matsuura. Instituto Oceanografico, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Butantan, Sao Paulo, 05508, Brazil.
M. Ñiquen. Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE), Esquina Gamarra y General Valle, Apdo. Postal 22, Chucuito, Callao, Peru.
C. Porteiro. Instituto Español de Oceanografia, Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo, Apartado de Correos 1552, Cabo Estay Canido,
Vigo 36280, Spain.
B. Rothschild. School of Marine Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts, 706 South Rodney French Boulevard,
New Bedford, MA 02744-1221, U.S.A.
R.P. Sanchez. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, P.O. Box 175, 7600 Mar del Plata, Argentina.
R. Serra. Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, Casilla 8-V, Valparaiso, Chile.
A. Uriarte. Instituto Tecnológico Pesquero y Alimentario (AZTI), Avda. Satrustegui, 8, San Sebastián, 20008, Spain.
T. Wada. National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2-12-4 Fukuura,
Kanazawa-ku, Yokohoma, Kanagawa-ken 236, Japan.
Corresponding author (e-mail:
Present address: National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole,
MA 02543-1026, U.S.A.

Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58: 1891–1903 (2001) DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-58-9-1891 © 2001 NRC Canada

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5 ans ou plus, il y a un déclin prononcé. Les plus longues « séquences » de production positive et négative ont été
respectivement de 21 et 4 années pour les sardines au large du Japon, de 10 et 3 années pour les sardines au large de
la Californie, de 8 et 2 années pour les anchois au large du Pérou et de 4 et 3 années pour les anchois au large de la
Californie. Les ISPR est plus sensible aux changements de l’environnement que ne le sont les captures, la biomasse ou
l’ASP et semblent être plus appropriés pour détecter les changements de régime dus à l’environnement. Les longues
séries temporelles laissent croire à l’existence d’effets de densité-dépendance sur l’ASP chez les anchois et les sardi-
nes, mais la variation attribuable à l’environnement semble dominer.

[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction Perspectives which include marine mammals, birds, and other fish
(Hunter and Alheit 1995). Small pelagic species provide a
Annual surplus production (ASP) is biological production large fraction of the total global catch of marine fish and
in excess of the amount required, when no fishing occurs, to support some of the largest individual fisheries in the world
maintain the same stock biomass level at the beginning of (Hunter and Alheit 1995). Dramatic changes in ASP and
consecutive years (Ricker 1975). ASP is the net result of re- biomass due to recruitment variability, rapid somatic
cruitment, somatic growth, and mortality. It can be expressed growth, and high mortality rates are characteristic of small
as the product of stock biomass and the rate of ASP per unit pelagic fish, particularly with fishing. Thus, ASP is useful in
biomass. The rate may be density independent (constant over the study of responses of anchovy and sardine stocks to en-
time or variable due to environmental factors only), density vironmental change, such as regime shifts. We define re-
dependent (variable due to stock biomass), or both. gimes as periods of high and low surplus production rates
ASP is a fundamental variable in fishery science and fish- (see below) associated with decadal-scale variability in the
eries management. Maximum sustained yield (MSY) is pro- environment (Trenberth 1990; Lluch-Belda et al. 1992;
portional to maximum ASP (i.e., dMSY = ASPmax, see Schwartzlose et al. 1999).
below). In any year, catches larger than ASP/ d reduce stock The main purpose of this paper is to measure and charac-
biomass, while smaller catches increase stock biomass. If terize variability in ASP and ASP rates for anchovy
ASP is negative, then stock biomass will decline, even with (Engraulis spp.) and sardine stocks (Sardinops, Sardinella,
no catch. Thus, ASP is important when managers seek to and Sardina spp.) around the world and to evaluate them as
optimize economic benefits from a fishery, adjust harvest a way to detect regime shifts (Lluch-Belda et al. 1989,
levels to attain biomass targets, prevent overfishing, or re- 1992). We hypothesize that ASP rates are more sensitive
build overfished stocks. than other population indicators and therefore more effective
According to the theory of density dependence (e.g., in identifying regime shifts. Our research was part of a plan
Schaefer 1957), and neglecting environmental effects, fish- coordinated by the Small Pelagic Fish and Climate Change
ing reduces stock biomass but increases the rate of produc- (SPACC) Program of the Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynam-
tion per unit biomass because of reduced competition for ics (GLOBEC) Program, with the ultimate objective of un-
food and habitat, removal of older, slow-growing individu- derstanding and predicting climate-induced changes in the
als, and other factors. If the increased rate of production production of small pelagic fish around the world.
exceeds the proportional reduction in biomass, then ASP for
the stock as a whole increases, and vice versa. ASP is zero Materials and methods
at the theoretical extremes when biomass is zero (but the
production rate is maximum) and at carrying capacity when ASP was calculated for annual periods (years, usually calendar
stock biomass is high (but the production rate is zero). In years or July–June fishing years) used by managers in assessments
theory, maximum ASP occurs at an intermediate biomass for each stock. We restricted analyses to fish ages 1 and older (ages
1+) because anchovies and sardines spawn and recruit throughout
level that depends on the shape of the spawner–recruit the year (Blaxter and Hunter 1982) and recruitment is complete by
relationship, density-dependent growth and mortality, fishing age 1. Our calculations exclude ASP by age-0 fish (see below). All
mortality rates by age and size, and other factors production calculations and biomass and catch data are in units of
(Sissenwine and Shepherd 1987). Density-dependent effects body weight.
on ASP are important because fishing reduces stock biomass Catch data used in this analysis were official estimates of total
and keeps the engine of production “turned on.” Wada and catch in weight (all ages) less an estimate of the catch weight of
Jacobson (1998) suggested that density-dependent effects on age-0 fish (Table 1). Age-0 fish (young of the current year) are typ-
recruitment (an important component of ASP) are typical in ically less than 10% of the total catch weight in most anchovy and
sardines but difficult to measure without many years of data sardine fisheries (Table 1). It was not always possible to deduct the
and models that accommodate environmental variation. catch weight of age-0 fish from official catch estimates, however,
due to data limitations. The relative error in using catch data that
In contrast with density-dependent effects, environmental include age-0 fish is a positive bias proportional to catch weight of
effects on ASP by small pelagic fish like sardines and an- age-0 fish and inversely proportional to production by older fish
chovies are often more dramatic, even in short time series (Appendix A).
(e.g., Barnes et al. 1992), because most small pelagic fish As described above, ASP is defined as the change in stock bio-
are short-lived and planktivorous (Hunter and Alheit 1995). mass from one year to the next with no fishing. ASP by a single
Small pelagic fish are major components of large marine cohort (age group) in an unfished stock is
ecosystems where they may affect the population dynamics
of their planktivorous prey and predators (Cury et al. 2000), (1) Pt, a = B*t +1, a +1 - Bt, a

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Perspectives 1893

where Bt,a is the biomass of the cohort at age a and at the begin- éP + Bt ù
(6) rt = ln êt
ning of year t. The asterisk is for the special case of no fishing dur- ú
ing year t. ASP by a cohort in a fished stock depends on catch as ë Bt û
well as biomass:
with units per year. ISPR measures the net rate of somatic growth,
(2) Pt, a = Bt +1, a +1 - Bt, a + d t, a C t, a recruitment, and natural mortality. With no fishing in year t,
B t*+ 1 = Bt e r t ; with fishing, Bt + 1 = Bt e r t - Ft where Ft is the instan-
where Ct,a is catch weight and d t, a converts catches to units of taneous fishing mortality rate (Appendix B summarizes the rela-
equivalent population biomass at the beginning of the next year tionships among r t , Ft , and Ct). In either case, ASP is
(MacCall 1978; Opsomer and Conrad 1994) to account for losses Pt = Bt( e r t - 1).
and gains due to natural mortality and growth that would have oc- ISPR calculations for anchovies and sardines are useful because
curred if the catch had not been taken. For simplicity, it is assumed they help distinguish between effects on ASP due to changes in
that the fishery operates continuously throughout the year (MacCall stock biomass Bt and changes in the rate of production per unit
1978), although most anchovy and sardine fisheries are seasonal. biomass (measured by r t ). That is, ISPR calculations convert esti-
In some cases, age-specific estimates of abundance and catch mates of gross ASP (which vary among stocks due to overall stock
were not available (e.g., Jacobson et al. 1994). We therefore modi- size) to instantaneous “per capita” measures that can, like instanta-
fied eq. 2 to approximate ASP for ages 1+: neous fishing mortality rates, be compared for stocks of different
size. The logarithm in eq. 6 makes distributions of annual instanta-
(3) Pt = Bt +1 - Bt + dC t neous rates more symmetrical and easier to compare. Other mea-
sures, such as production per unit biomass (Pt /Bt), are similar to
where d was an average (see below) adjustment factor, assumed ISPR. We also calculated production per unit spawning area j t =
constant over time. We considered using time-dependent catch ad- Pt /At when estimates of spawning area (At) were available.
justment factors but found too much variability in annual growth To minimize the effects of measurement and estimation errors in
data and mortality estimates. In our calculations, recruitment at the biomass estimates (often considerable, e.g., Jacobson et al. 1994;
beginning of year t + 1 (part of Bt+1) was counted as production Deriso et al. 1996), we used medians (Q50%) to measure the central
during year t. tendency of estimates. We used 10% and 90% quantiles (Q10% and
The adjustment factor d was an approximate weighted average: Q90%) to measure range and the difference between the median and
A 84% quantile sr = (Q84% – Q50%) as a “robust” measure of standard
~ deviation. The robust statistic was analogous to traditional standard
å C ada deviation values because, for the normal distribution, Q84% is 1 SD
(4) d =
a =1
to the right of the mean.
å Ca Data
a =1
Biomass estimates were available for eight anchovy stocks
~ (Engraulis spp.) (Table 1). Catch data were available for all an-
where C a was proportional to age-specific catch weight per recruit
at average fishing mortality rates (see below). Based on a quadratic chovy stocks with the exception of two almost unexploited stocks
regression model for the results in table 1 of MacCall (1978) (with off Northern Patagonia and Uruguay – Buenos Aires (Table 1).
F = 0.5·year–1), age-specific adjustment factors were, d a = 0.999 – Biomass and catch data were available for nine exploited sardine
0.529ka + 0.0899ka2 where Ka = M – Ga was the difference between stocks (Sardinops spp., Sardinella brasiliensis, and Sardina
instantaneous rates for natural mortality (M) and growth (Ga ) (see pilchardus) (Table 1).
below). We used the best available information for each stock in surplus
Average instantaneous growth rates were Ga = ln(wa+1 / wa ) with production calculations. Depending on advice from the responsible
weights at age (wa) from a von Bertalanffy curve (Ricker 1975). scientists, the type of biomass estimate, and situation, we omitted
We used a single von Bertalanffy growth curve to smooth the data up to five of the most recent biomass estimates because recent esti-
and obtain approximate average growth rates. mates are often the least reliable (Pope 1972). When necessary, of-
The term used to compute d in eq. 4 was ficial biomass statistics for ages 0+ were adjusted by subtracting
the biomass of age-0 fish. Biomass estimates for S. sagax off
~ Fa northern Chile and southern Peru began at age 2, and we back-
(5) Ca =
(1 - e– Z a )b a calculated biomass of younger age groups assuming natural mor-
tality with no fishing. As described above, catch weights of age-0
fish were deducted from official catch records where possible (Ta-
where Za = Fa + M - Ga and Fa was the average fishing mortality ble 1).
rate for age a from stock assessment work (constant for all ages
when age-specific estimates were not available). In our calculations,
C a was approximately proportional to age-specific catch weight per Results
recruit at average fishing mortality rates because
Natural mortality rates (M) assumed in stock assessment
work for stocks in our study ranged from 0.8 to 1.2·year–1
å -Z t
ba = et = 0 (with Z 0 = 0) (median 1.1·year–1) for anchovies and from 0.3 to 0.96·year1
(median 0.51·year1) for sardines (Table 1). For most stocks,
was proportional to age-specific biomass per recruit. average adjustment factors for catch (d) were large enough
to affect production calculations. They ranged from 0.61 to
Summary statistics 0.78 (median 0.67) for anchovies and from 0.76 to 1.03 (me-
To make comparisons among stocks and species, we calculated dian 0.85) for sardines (Table 1).
ASP (in kilotonnes per year), as described above, as well as the in- Natural mortality rates and average adjustment factors for
stantaneous surplus production rate (ISPR): catch data were highly correlated (Fig. 1). This could be ex-

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Table 1. Anchovy and sardine stocks and stock areas, years with biomass estimates (at the time of the analysis), years with production estimates used in this study, natural
mortality rates (M) from stock assessments, average catch adjustment factors ( d ), and average percentage (by weight) of age-0 fish in catches.
Years with Years with
biomass estimates production estimates
Stock and stock area (first year–last year) (first year–last year (N)) M (year–1) d Age-0 fish in catch
Engraulis anchoita (N. Patagonia)a 1993–1995 1993–1994 (2) 1.1 na na
E. anchoita (Uruguay – Buenos Aires)a 1993–1995 1993–1994 (2) 1.1 na na
E. capensis (South Africa)b 1985–1995 1985–1994 (10) 1.2 0.62 Substantial; no adjustments
E. encrasicolus (Bay of Biscay)c 1987–1995 1987–1993 (7) 1.2 0.61 Range 1–22%; mean 7%; adjusted
E. japonica (Japan)d,f 1978–1997 1978–1996 (19) Mean 1.1 0.77 Range 2–40%; mean 15%; adjusted
E. mordax (California)e 1953–1995 1953–1990 (38) 0.8 0.71 Mean probably <10%; no adjustments
E. ringens (N. Chile – S. Peru)f 1984–1993 1984–1990 (7) 1.0 0.61 range 0–12%; mean 4%; adjusted
E. ringens (Peru)f 1962–1993 1962–1989 (28) Mean 0.92 0.78 Range 0–33%; mean 8%; adjusted
Sardinops melanostictus (Japan)g 1951–1995 1951–1991 (41) 0.4 0.92 Range 0–20%; mean 5% during 1978–1999;
pre-1978 unknown; no adjustments
S. melanostictus (South Korea)f 1971–1996 1971–1992 (22) 0.51 0.85 Range 0–22%; mean 3%; adjusted
S. sagax (South Africa)f
1988–1996 1988–1993 (6) 0.6 0.85 Substantial; no adjustments
S. sagax (N. Chile – S. Peru)f 1974–1993 1974–1988 (15) 0.3 0.94 Zero; no adjustments
S. sagax (California)h 1932–1996 1932–1961, 1983–1992 (40) 0.4 0.83 Mean probably <10%; no adjustments
S. sagax (Gulf of California)i 1972–1989 1972–1984 (13) 0.7 0.86 Range 0–3%; mean 1%; no adjustments
S. sagax (Magdalena Bay)j 1981–1996 1981–1992 (12) 0.7 0.76 Range 0–28%; mean 5%; adjusted
Sardina pilchardus (Iberian Peninsula)f 1976–1996 1976–1994 (19) 0.33 1.03 Zero; no adjustments
Sardinella brasiliensis (Brazil)k 1977–1992 1977–1988 (12) 0.96 0.71 <1%; no adjustments
Note: na, not applicable.
Sánchez et al. (1996).

Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 58, 2001

Butterworth et al. (1993).
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (1996).
Hayashi (1961).
Jacobson et al. (1994), Jacobson et al. (1995), and Methot (1989).
Unpublished estimates (Japanese data from T. Wada, NRIFS, Japan; Chile and Peru data from R. Serra, IFOP, Chile; Korea data from J.Y. Kim, NFRDI, South Korea; South Africa data from
J. De Oliveira, MCM, South Africa; Iberian Peninsula data from A. Uriarte, AZTI, Spain).
Wada and Jacobson (1998).
Barnes et al. (1997) and Deriso et al. (1996).
© 2001 NRC Canada

Cisneros-Mata et al. (1995).

Félix-Uraga et al. (1996).
Cergole (1995).
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Perspectives 1895

Fig. 1. Average catch adjustment factors (d ) used in production Fig. 2. Median ASP and median stock biomass for anchovy
calculations and natural mortality rates used in stock assessments (solid circles) and sardine (open squares) stocks. Median produc-
for sardines (open squares) and anchovies (solid circles). tion values near 2000 kt are for E. encrasicolus (northern
Patagonia stock) and E. capensis off South Africa.

Table 2. Median biomass and median production estimates for anchovy and sardine stocks.
Stock and stock area Median biomass (kt) Median production (kt)
Engraulis anchoita (N. Patagonia) 2105 –211
E. anchoita (Uruguay – Buenos Aires) 2339 390
E. capensis (South Africa) 2050 –230
E. encrasicolus (Bay of Biscay) 94 9
E. japanica (Japan) 91 34
E. mordax (California) 547 –1
E. ringens (N. Chile – S. Peru) 2274 507
E. ringens (Peru) 8238 1412
Sardinops melanostictus (Japan) 237 12
S. melanostictus (South Korea) 3880 794
S. sagax (South Africa) 172 74
S. sagax (N. Chile – S. Peru) 8549 1346
S. sagax (California) 224 21
S. sagax (Gulf of California) 202 106
S. sagax (Magdalena Bay) 41 7
Sardina pilchardus (Iberian Peninsula) 617 146
Sardinella brasiliensis (Brazil) 412 31

pected because age-specific adjustment factors (d a in eq. 4) chovy stock was based on only 3 years of biomass estimates
were computed as a function of natural mortality rate (see (Table 1). Larger sample sizes would likely give higher esti-
above). However, based on our results, the linear regression mates of median ASP for both stocks.
model d = 1.05 – 0.353M (R 2 = 78%, n = 15) would suffice Years of negative ISPR and ASP were common, particu-
to approximate average correction factors d for any sardine larly for anchovies, reflecting the possibility of declines in
or anchovy stock. biomass, even in the absence of fishing. ISPR (and ASP)
Median ASP was highest for stocks with high median bio- were negative in 36% of years (n = 113 for all years and all
mass, although South African and northern Patagonian an- stocks) for anchovies and 17% of years (n = 180) for sar-
chovy stocks had relatively low median ASP levels (Table 2; dines (Table 3). For individual anchovy and sardine stocks,
Fig. 2). The correlation between median ASP and median the percentage of years with negative ASP and ISPR ranged
biomass was 0.91. A linear regression equation Pmedian = from 14 to 60% for anchovies and from 0 to 33% for sar-
0.16Bmedian (forced through the origin) suggests that ASP is dines.
typically about 16% of biomass in exploited anchovy and For anchovies, median ISPR (all years and all stocks) was
sardine stocks. Stocks with the highest biomass were mostly 0.14 and the robust measure of standard deviation was sr =
anchovies. The relatively low median ASP for South African 0.52 (Table 3). For sardines, median ISPR was 0.18 and sr =
anchovy was due to a declining biomass trend during 1985– 0.28. Production rates in consecutive years (Table 3; Fig. 3)
1994, and the median ASP for the northern Patagonian an- were positively correlated for long-lived stocks with low nat-

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Table 3. ISPR (year–1) summary statistics.

% negative Lag 1 auto
Stock and stock area Q10% Median Q90% Q90% – Q10% sr years correlation
Engraulis anchoita (N. Patagonia) na –0.11 na na na 50 na
E. anchoita (Uruguay – Buenos Aires) na 0.20 na na na 50 na
E. capensis (South Africa) –0.45 –0.07 0.64 1.09 0.42 60 0.07
E. encrasicolus (Bay of Biscay) –0.20 0.16 0.88 1.09 0.67 43 –0.63
E. japanica (Japan) –0.01 0.41 0.80 0.81 0.74 16 0.27
E. mordax (California) –0.41 0.01 0.76 1.17 0.68 50 –0.12
E. ringens (N. Chile – S. Peru) 0.06 0.27 0.67 0.60 0.66 14 –0.37
E. ringens (Peru) –0.24 0.17 0.66 0.90 0.48 25 0.02
All anchovies –0.37 0.14 0.75 1.12 0.52 36 na
Sardinops melanostictus (Japan) –0.30 0.10 0.49 0.79 0.48 27 0.54
S. melanostictus (South Korea) 0.09 0.21 0.42 0.34 0.41 0 0.85
S. sagax (South Africa) 0.11 0.43 0.66 0.55 0.58 0 0.17
S. sagax (N. Chile – S. Peru) 0.07 0.16 0.24 0.17 0.24 0 0.46
S. sagax (California) –0.15 0.18 0.59 0.74 0.46 33 0.23
S. sagax (Gulf of California) 0.12 0.45 0.80 0.68 0.66 0 0.38
S. sagax (Magdalena Bay) –0.09 0.12 0.63 0.72 0.50 25 0.09
Sardina pilchardus (Iberian Peninsula) 0.12 0.22 0.30 0.18 0.29 0 0.17
Sardinella brasiliensis (Brazil) –0.06 0.08 0.37 0.43 0.28 33 0.16
All sardines –0.08 0.18 0.51 0.59 0.28 17 na
Note: Q10% and Q90% are the 10 and 90% quantiles and st is a robust measure of standard deviation. na, not applicable.

Fig. 3. Autocorrelation (lag 1 year) in ISPR for anchovies (solid Fig. 4. Q90% – Q10% (a measure of range) for ISPR and number
circles) and sardines (open squares). of years of production data for sardines (open squares) and an-
chovies (solid circles). The two points with high Q90% – Q10%
values at 8 and 10 years of data are for E. encrasicolus (Bay of
Biscay) and E. capensis (South Africa). Data for two E. anchoita
stocks with only 2 years of production data are excluded.

ural mortality rates (mostly sardines) and uncorrelated or

negatively correlated for shorter-lived stocks with high natu-
ral mortality rates (mostly anchovies).

Long time series two anchovy stocks (E. encrasicolus in the Bay of Biscay
About 30 years of data may be required to measure the with 8 years of production data and E. capensis off South
full range in ISPR for anchovy and sardine stocks. The Africa with 10 years of production data). In the exceptions,
Q90% – Q10% values (a measure of range, see above) for two high values of Q90% – Q10% were observed despite relatively
sardine stocks (S. melanostictus off Japan and S. sagax off low numbers of years with production estimates.
California) and two anchovy stocks (E. ringens off Peru and Stocks with at least 28 years of ASP estimates included
E. mordax off California) with at least 28 years of produc- two anchovy stocks and two sardine stocks. There were 38
tion data were generally higher than Q90% – Q10% values for years of ASP estimates for E. mordax off California, 28
stocks with fewer years of production data (Tables 1 and 3; years for E. ringens off Peru, 41 years for S. melanostictus
Fig. 4). However, this generalization did not hold true for off Japan, and 40 years for S. sagax off California. We ana-

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Perspectives 1897

Fig. 5. Left panels: catch data (open circles), biomass (solid circles), and ASP (solid triangles) estimates. Right panels: ISPR estimates
for (a and b) Japanese sardine S. melanostictus, (c and d) Californian sardine S. sagax, (e and f) Peruvian anchovy E. ringens, and
(g and h) Californian anchovy E. mordax.

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1898 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 58, 2001

Fig. 6. Probability distributions of annual ISPR for (a) E. mordax (California), (b) E. ringens (Peru), (c) S. melanostictus (Japan), and
(d) S. sagax (California). Bar plots are histograms rescaled so that frequencies sum to 1. Smooth lines are nonparametric density esti-
mates (Venables and Ripley 1999) based on the same data.

Table 4. Schaefer surplus production models Pt = a B + bB t fit to biomass (Bt) and ASP (Pt) estimates by simple linear regression
forced through the origin.
Stock and stock area Residual df a P for a b P for b Multiple R 2 (%)
Sardinops melanostictus (Japan) 39 0.29 0.041 –1.5 × 10 0.10 16
S. sagax (California) 38 0.28 0.011 –9.2 × 10–5 0.014 16
Engraulis ringens (Peru) 26 0.46 0.046 –1.4 × 10–5 0.25 32
E. mordax (California) 36 0.31 0.11 –2.3 × 10–4 0.052 11
Note: P values test the hypothesis that a parameter was zero.

lyzed the time series of catch data, ASP, ISPR, and biomass likely to be underestimated in some cases because time se-
estimates for these stocks in detail. ries began or ended in the middle of a run.
Results for stocks with long time series show that declines Density-dependent relationships between ASP and biomass
in biomass tend to be pronounced whenever catch exceeds were explored by fitting crude Schaefer (1957) surplus pro-
ASP for 5 or more years (Fig. 5). Strong biomass increases duction models Pt = a Bt + bB 2t to annual production and
and highly productive regimes appear to be preceded by biomass estimates by linear regression forced through the or-
abrupt increases in ISPR. Statistical distributions for ISPR igin (Table 4; Fig. 7). Residuals from regression models for
were skewed with relatively long tails over positive values sardines were autocorrelated, with runs of years with ASP
and with modes around zero (Fig. 6). higher or lower than predicted by the model (Fig. 7).
Periods with positive ASP and ISPR were longer than pe-
riods with negative values (Fig. 5). Consistent with the auto- Production per unit spawning area
correlation results (see above), long-term time series plots ASP per unit spawning area was higher for sardines than for
(Fig. 5) of ISPR for sardine stocks (S. melanostictus off anchovies. Median ASP per unit of spawning area was 0.66 t·
Japan and S. sagax off California) were smoother and less km–2·year1 for anchovies (all years and all stocks) and 5.3 t·
variable than for anchovy stocks (E. ringens off Peru and km–2·year–1 for sardines (Table 5). Median ASP per unit
E. mordax off California). The longest “runs” of positive spawning area for individual stocks ranged from –2.3 to 8.7 t·
ASP and ISPR were 21 years for S. melanostictus off Japan, km–2·year–1 for anchovies and from 1.4 to 16 t·km–2·year–1 for
10 years for S. sagax off California, 8 years for E. ringens sardines. Median ASP values per unit spawning area for
off Peru, and 4 years for E. mordax off California (Fig. 5). E. ringens and S. sagax off northern Chile and southern Peru
The longest runs of negative ASP and ISPR were 4, 3, 2, were relatively high but calculated using spawning area esti-
and 3 years (Fig. 5). ASP and ISPR were positive in all mates based on general knowledge about spatial distribution
years for five other sardine stocks, but the time series were during the spawning season rather than annual ichthyo-
shorter (£ 22 years) (Tables 1 and 2). Duration of runs is plankton or acoustic surveys (Table 5).

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Perspectives 1899

Fig. 7. ASP and stock biomass for (a) E. mordax (California), (b) E. ringens (Peru), (c) S. melanostictus (Japan), and (d) S. sagax
(California). Solid lines are Schaefer surplus production models fit by quadratic linear regression forced through the origin. Broken
lines connect ASP and biomass estimates for consecutive years and the earliest year is identified in each plot. Data for S. sagax off
California are missing for the years 1962–1982. Some points are obscured due to overlap.

Table 5. ASP per unit spawning area (1000 kt·year1· km–2) for anchovy and sardine stocks.

Stock and stock area n Q10% Median Q90% Type of spawning area estimate
Engraulis anchoita (N. Patagonia)a 2 –3.4 –1.8 –0.060 AIS
E. anchoita (Uruguay – Buenos Aires)a 2 0.62 4.9 9.2 AIS
E. capensis (South Africa)b 10 –16.0 –2.3 24.0 AAS, AIS
E. encrasicolus (Bay of Biscay)c 6 –0.28 0.66 3.8 AIS
E. mordax (California)d 5 –3.0 –0.030 11.0 AIS
E. ringens (N. Chile – S. Peru)c 7 2.1 8.7 35.0 AD
All anchovies 32 –4.7 0.66 20.0
Sardinops melanostictus (Japan)c 14 –11.0 6.0 18.0 AIS
S. sagax (South Africa)b 6 0.76 3.6 9.1 AAS, AIS
S. sagax (N. Chile – S. Peru)c 15 5.0 11.0 21.0 AD
S. sagax (California)e 7 1.6 2.0 4.0 AIS
Sardina pilchardus (Iberian Peninsula)c 2 15.0 16.0 16.0 AIS
Sardinella brasiliensis (Brazil)c 5 –1.3 1.4 5.3 AIS
All sardines 49 –1.9 5.3 17.0
Note: Spawning areas were estimated either by annual ichthyoplankton surveys (AIS) or annual acoustic surveys (AAS) or from average distributions
during the spawning season (AD).
Sánchez et al. (1996).
Barange et al. (1999).
Unpublished data (Chile and Peru data from R. Serra, IFOP, Chile; Bay of Biscay and Iberian Peninsula data from A. Uriarte, AZTI, Spain, and
C. Porteiro, Instituto Español de Oceanographia, Spain; Japan data from T. Wada, NRIFS, Japan; Brazil data from Y. Matsuura, Universidade de Sao
Paulo, Brazil).
Fiedler et al. (1986).
Barnes et al. (1997).

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1900 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 58, 2001

Table 6. ASP at age over the life span of a hypothetical cohort of S. sagax off California based on
data from Butler et al. (1993).
Age Annual natural Individual body Cohort Cohort ASP
(years) mortality rate (year–1) weight (g) number weight (g) (g·year–1)
0 13.4 0 1.000 0.0000 0.0810
1 0.4 53 0.00154 0.0810 0.0148
2 0.4 93 0.00103 0.0958 –0.0109
3 0.4 123 0.00069 0.0850 –0.0146
4 0.4 152 0.00046 0.0704 –0.0176
5 0.4 170 0.00031 0.0528 –0.0126
6 0.4 193 0.00021 0.0402 –0.0120
7 0.4 202 0.00014 0.0282 –0.0090
8 0.4 205 0.00009 0.0192 –0.0063
9 0.4 205 0.00006 0.0128 –0.0042
10 0.4 205 0.00004 0.0086 –0.0028
11 0.4 205 0.00003 0.0058 –0.0019
12 0.4 205 0.00002 0.0039 –0.0013
13 0.4 205 0.00001 0.0026

Discussion unit of spawning area during the 1993 season, which ex-
tended from the beginning of July 1993 to the end of June
A total of eight anchovy and nine sardine stocks were stud- 1994.
ied, including populations from the southeast, southwest, and Higher variability in anchovies may be due to shorter life
northeast Atlantic Ocean and the southeast, northeast, and span and higher natural mortality rates that reduce the num-
northwest Pacific Ocean. Results provide a comprehensive ber of age-classes in anchovy relative to sardine stocks (e.g.,
overview of the interannual and interdecadal variability in Barange et al. 1999), differences in geographic distribution,
ASP and ISPR for anchovies and sardines around the world. or other differences in life history. Higher variability in an-
Medians of annual ASP/B ratios were 0.15 for anchovies chovies has important practical and scientific ramifications.
and 0.20 for sardines. As described above, d values were 0.67 Based on available data, fishery managers should recognize
for anchovies and 0.85 for sardines. These results suggest that that years with negative ASP occur in both anchovies and
median ASP harvest rates of about 10% for anchovies and sardines but more commonly in anchovies. In addition, man-
17% for sardines would give increased and decreased stock agers should expect periods with positive ASP to last longer
biomass levels in the next year with equal probability. How- in sardines than in anchovies. Scientists should recognize
ever, these calculations ignore differences among individual that differences in life history may make sardine and an-
stocks. The relative benefits of median ASP harvest rate poli- chovy stocks in the same general area respond differently to
cies are unknown and should be a topic for future research the same climatic signal. For example, trends in ISPR for
through simulation. E. mordax and S. sagax off California are not similar. In
Median average adjustment factors d for catch in ASP calcu- general, ISPR rates are less variable for sardines than for an-
lations (Table 1) were 0.67 for anchovies and 0.85 for sardines. chovies, and sardines appear better able to buffer short-term
This suggests that 1 t of foregone catch under prevailing condi- environmental variability.
tions in anchovy and sardine fisheries would result in 0.67 t of Instantaneous production rates for stocks with long time se-
additional anchovy biomass or 0.85 t of additional sardine bio- ries were skewed to the right with a few relatively large values.
mass after 1 year. Increases in biomass due to foregone catch Skewed distributions for ISPR with more positive values than
would be in addition to gains from recruitment. negative values would be expected in exploited stocks due to
In the absence of better information, estimates of ASP per density dependence. In addition, distributions of ISPR should
unit spawning area for anchovy and sardine stocks may be resemble distributions for recruitment, which are usually
useful in setting management quotas based on annual esti- skewed to the right (Hilborn and Walters 1992). In the worst-
mates of spawning area or in estimating the potential yield case scenario of no recruitment, distributions of ISPR are
of unfished sardine and anchovy stocks based on estimates bounded below by the sum of instantaneous rates for (negative)
of spawning area. However, it is important to remember that natural mortality and (positive) somatic growth (i.e., in an un-
the spawning area and ASP estimates used in our analysis fished stock, r ³ –M + G because r = –M + G + R and the re-
were 1 year out of phase because spawning in year t results cruitment rate R ³ 0). The hard lower bound at –M + G and the
in recruitment of age-1 fish at the beginning of season t + 2 absence of a hard upper bound likely contribute to skewed dis-
that was recorded as production in season t + 1. Also, tributions in ISPR.
spawning area estimates were usually for periods near the ISPR may be better for identifying the onset of unfavor-
peak spawning season that did not coincide in any fixed way able and, particularly, favorable regimes (Luch-Belda et al.
to annual seasons used for productivity calculations. For 1989, 1992; and defined above) than many other measures.
S. sagax off California, for example, spawning area data for Estimates of stock biomass are slower in reflecting regime
February–March 1994 were used to estimate productivity per shifts to unfavorable conditions because stock biomass in-

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Perspectives 1901

cludes age-classes that may persist for several years. Simi- 106 t, respectively. In contrast, Wada and Jacobson (1998)
larly, stock biomass may take time to build after the onset of determined that carrying capacity (and BMSY) changed by a
favorable conditions. ASP estimates respond slowly to fa- factor of about 75 following regime shifts in Japanese sar-
vorable regime shifts when biomass is low because even dine. Similarly, Jacobson and MacCall (1995) found that
high ISPR gives little ASP under low biomass conditions. BMSY for California sardine changed from about 270 000 to
Catch data are the least sensitive indicator of regime shifts 1800 t when 3-year average temperatures changed by 0.8°C.
because economic factors, policy, and fishery management Based on recruitment success in Japanese sardine and Cal-
procedures affect catches. For example, catches may remain ifornia sardine, Wada and Jacobson (1998) hypothesized that
high after regime shifts from favorable to unfavorable condi- density-dependent effects on recruitment (an important com-
tions, even after biomass falls, because of market demand or ponent of production) “typically exist for Sardinops spp. but
lack of fishery management or because policies for setting can only be measured using long time series of data with
total allowable catch limits aim to maintain stable catches large (thousand fold) changes in abundance.” By analogy
from year to year. with recruitment, we hypothesize that density-dependent ef-
ISPR values are more sensitive than other measures, but fects on ASP and ISPR are best measured, even in long time
sensitivity comes at the cost of more variability. ISPR in any series, using relatively complex models that accommodate
particular year during an unfavorable regime may be as high environmental variability.
as typical values during favorable periods, and vice versa. There are difficulties in using fisheries data to track envi-
For example, compare ISPR for S. melanostictus off Japan ronmental changes that are difficult to circumvent and not to
during 1958 when conditions were generally not favorable be ignored. Most time series of production estimates are
with ISPR during 1974–1980 when conditions were gener- shorter than required (about 30 years) to completely appreci-
ally favorable. ISPR is more sensitive and better for identify- ate variability. Catch data are often available for longer peri-
ing the timing of regime shifts retrospectively, but several ods of time but, as shown above, are relatively insensitive to
years of high or low ISPR might be required to determine climate change.
whether a regime shift has just taken place. Another disadvantage is that fishery data provide little in-
For example, a shift to favorable regime conditions is evi- formation about ages younger than taken in the fishery (e.g.,
dent in ISPR for S. melanostictus off Japan by 1970 but not eggs, larvae, and juveniles). A quick calculation (Table 6)
reflected in biomass and ASP estimates until at least 1972 based on “best” estimates of natural mortality rates and
and not evident in catch data until at least 1976. A shift to stage durations for age-0 fish and weight at age data (all
unfavorable conditions in the same stock was evident in the from tables 2 and 3 in Butler et al. 1993) with M = 0.4·year1
ISPR and ASP by 1986 but not evident in biomass estimates for ages 1+ (assumed in stock assessment work) shows that
until at least 1990 and never clearly evident in the catch ASP is negative for a an unexploited cohort of S. sagax off
data. For S. sagax off California, a favorable regime during California after age 2 and that the bulk of positive produc-
the 1980s and 1990s is clearly evident in the ISPR estimates tion occurs at age 0 (as individuals grow from eggs to stage-
but not evident in biomass, ASP estimates, or catch data. For III juveniles at age 1). Thus, ASP in our study due to a
E. ringens off Peru, a period of unfavorable conditions is ev- strong or weak recruitment of age-1 fish might have resulted
ident in ISPR and ASP estimates for 1970, while catches from environmental factors during the previous year (while
and biomass were at maximum levels. ISPR increased to the cohort was age 0) or 2 years previous (during gameto-
near normal levels by 1975, long before stock biomass, genesis). The same calculation shows that the effect of a
catches, and ASP showed substantial increases. Finally, the large persistent year-class on ASP is negative after age 2.
period of high biomass and apparently productive conditions
for E. mordax off California during the 1973–1977 was due Acknowledgements
to a single year of high production and production rates in
1972 followed by several years of mostly negative produc- This research is the work of Working Group 3 (Compara-
tion and production rates. tive Population Dynamics) of the Small Pelagic Fish and Cli-
As described above, our analysis focused on environmen- mate Change (SPACC) Program of the Global Ocean
tal effects on ASP and ISPR, and we did not partition vari- Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC) Program (
ability into density-dependent and density-independent (i.e., It was supported by GLOBEC, the Scientific Committee on
environmental) components. However, preliminary produc- Ocean Research (SCOR), the U.S. National Science Founda-
tion model results in this paper indicate that environmental tion, the Inter-America Institute for Global Change Research
effects likely contribute more variance to ASP and ISPR (IAI), and the agencies and universities that employ the au-
than density-dependent effects for anchovy and sardine thors. The School for Marine Science and Technology at the
stocks in our study. Production models fit to long time series University of Massachusetts provided a venue and support for
of production estimates for S. melanostictus off Japan, a working group meeting. We thank Kevern Cochrane and an
S. sagax off California, E. ringens off Peru, and E. mordax anonymous reviewer for comments that substantially im-
off California explained relatively low to moderate propor- proved the manuscript.
tions (average 19%) of the total variance in production. Pa-
rameter estimates for the production models were usually
statistically significant but were misleading in at least two
cases. The production models for Japanese and California Barange, M., Hampton, I., and Roel, B.A. 1999. Trends in the
sardine imply that BMSY is in the vicinity of 1 × 107 and 1 × abundance and distribution of anchovy and sardine on the South

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1902 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 58, 2001

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Spawning biomass of the northern anchovy in 1995 and status Pt Pt

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Appendix B tuting terms for B*t +1 gives rt = Rt + Gt – M and

Bt +1 = B*t e- Ft .
The instantaneous annual surplus production rate (ISPR) The relationship between ISPR, Ft, and catch is given by
is the sum of rates for recruitment (Rt), somatic growth (Gt), Baranov’s catch equation (Ricker 1975):
and natural mortality (M). Following MacCall (1978):
(B3) Ct = (1 - e- Z t )Bt
(B1) Bt +1 = Bt e R t + Gt - M - Ft Zt
where Ft is the fishing mortality rate. MacCall (1978) as- where Z t = Ft – rt . The adjustment factor d converts units of
sumed that recruitment was a seasonal “pulse.” We assume catch to units of ASP (see above) so that B*t +1 - Bt = d C .
that recruitment is a continuous process (because most sar-
dines and anchovies recruit throughout the year), but the Appendix B references
difference in convention is not important. With no fishing MacCall, A.D. 1978. A note on production modeling of popula-
during year t: tions with discontinuous reproduction. Calif. Fish Game, 64:
(B2) B*t +1 = Bt e R t + Gt - M . Ricker, W.E. 1975. Computation and interpretation of biological sta-
tistics of fish populations. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. No. 191.
As shown above, Bt*+1 = Bt e rt , where rt is the ISPR. Substi-

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