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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning Secondary Lesson Plan Template

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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Secondary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Anja Fletcher PSMT Name: Scott

Lesson Plan Title: Creating a Story Map Lesson Plan Topic: ELA
Date: June 1, 2019 Estimated Time: 30-45 minutes
Grade Level: 3rd School Site: UNLV

State Standard(s):
RL.3.1 - Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to
the text as the basis for the answers.

Teaching Model(s):
One-on-one instruction
Small group

SWBAT explain the key elements of setting, characters, and plot of a fictional text
through story mapping.

Materials and Technology Resources:

“Heidi Heckelbeck is the Bestest Babysitter” passage
Pens / Markers
“Story Map” worksheet

Instructional Procedures:
a. Introduction (3-5 minutes):
T/W: Ask student if they know what fiction is.
S/W: Respond with answer.
T/W: Ask student what nonfiction is.
S/W: Respond with answer.
T/W: Say, “Today we are going to learn how to understand the different elements of a
fictional text through story mapping. We’ll learn how to identify the setting, characters, and plot
of a passage.”
T/W: Ask student, “Why do you think we might want to identify the different elements
of a text?”
S/W: Respond with answer.

b. Activities or Learning Experiences (10-20 minutes):

Begin by introducing my student to a book by one of her favorite authors using a book
talk as follows:
“When Heidi wants to try babysitting, her mom doesn’t think she’s old enough
yet. So to prove she’s ready. Heidi creates the Little Explorers’ Museum with the help of
her friends, Laurel and Bruce, for the Brewster Elementary School fair. It will be an

exciting exhibit of fabulous art projects, nifty science experiments….and babysitting!
But when Heidi worries that her babysitting station won’t be cool enough to attract
visitors, she turns to her Book of Spells to find the perfect magical solution.”

Student will read chapter 2 passage.

Using the “Story Map” worksheet, have student begin filling in the worksheet (title of the
book, author’s name) helping student if needed.
Under the section titled, “Main Character”, ask the student who they think the main
character is, and what problem the character may be experiencing.
Next, ask student if they can identify the beginning, middle, and end of the story and
have student record answer.
Ask student if they would recommend the story to others and why, have student record
Explain that student just created a story map and that now the student will be able to
create one on their own.

c. Closure (15 minutes):

Teacher and student will discuss the process and student will orally retell the story map.

d. Extension activity:
Student will read the next passage and complete another story mapping worksheet
without aid from the teacher.

Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

Teacher will help student identify any parts of the story map student may have difficulties

Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative:
Collect the Mapping Out a Scene from a Book worksheet and assess whether student was
able to accurately identify and record each part of the story.
b. Summative:
Assess the student monthly to ensure that the student has retained the information and use
books in the same genre if struggling occurs.

Homework Assignment:
None assigned.



Coven, W. (2015). Heidi Heckelbeck Is the Bestest Babysitter! Little Simon.

Heidi Heckelbeck Is The Bestest Babysitter!
By: Wanda Coven
“When Heidi wants to try babysitting,
her mom doesn’t think she’s old enough yet. So
to prove she’s ready. Heidi creates the Little
Explorers’ Museum with the help of her
friends, Laurel and Bruce, for the Brewster
Elementary School fair. It will be an exciting
exhibit of fabulous art projects, nifty science
experiments….and babysitting! But when
Heidi worries that her babysitting station won’t
be cool enough to attract visitors, she turns to
her Book of Spells to find the perfect magical

Heidi Heckelbeck Is The Bestest Babysitter!
By: Wanda Coven

Chapter 2 – A Special Announcement

Heidi tapped her best friend, Lucy Lancaster, on the shoulder.

“Have you ever babysat before?” asked Heidi.
Lucy looked up from her desk. “Nope,” she said. “And I
wouldn’t want to, either.”
This surprised Heidi. “Why wouldn’t you want to babysit?”
Because little kids NEVER listen,” said Lucy. “And they always
get into your stuff.”
Heidi raised her eyebrows. “Well, I like to be in charge,” she
Then their teacher Mrs. Welli stood up and did the “Holy
macaroni” routine to get the class’s attention.
“Holy!” called Mrs. Welli.
“Macaroni!” responded the class.
Then the classroom grew quiet.
“Today I have a special announcement,” Mrs. Welli began.
Everyone listened closely.
“Brewster Elementary is going to hold a school fair to raise
money for our new music program. The fair will be hosted by the
second and third grades. That means you’ll create the booth
activities and collect the tickets. And the booth that collects the
most tickets will win a pizza-movie party!”

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