The Mayans: Vade Mecum, Vol Ventibus Annis
The Mayans: Vade Mecum, Vol Ventibus Annis
The Mayans: Vade Mecum, Vol Ventibus Annis
Beloved Centurion :
Patience and Faith are two qualit :he~ which .are 'essential if we are to
progress in building a 11 more stately mansion 11 • These two qualities go hand in
hand . If we are able to cultivate one , we are usually.\able to develop the other .
If you find your patience growing thin at times and I know that many of
you do - it is not eas,y to build a new life - then if it were possible I would
like to suggest that you try to find a stone cutter and watch him at his work,
hammering away at his rock , perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack
showing in it . Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two , and you
will know it was not that blow that did it but all that had go~e before .
Imagine the patience of this workman' ' and try to visualize his satisfaction
when his work was successfully completed . Of course he knew what the final result
. would be . He not only had the patience but he had ' the faith . There was never a
doubt in his mind as to the ultimate result , and that is the faith which you,
· Beloved Centurion; must have .
You have , I know, a conviction that you can build a life which is exactly .
as you would like it to be . Strong convictions u sually go ahead of great action .
All of your strength and your force comes from your faith . If you believe , you
are strong ; those who doubt are weak . A rrla.n who is strongly possessed of an i dea .
has already gone a long way toward mastery . ·
You will find , as you continue with this lesson which we call YOUR HELPERS ,
that even the books in your library are a tremendous help to you . The lesson is
so filled with great truths and strong principles for helping you to accomplish
your aim that your instructor will not make more comment here , but will only say
that in these pages you can find ~ ll§li life by studying it carefully and carrying
out the instructions given to attain the more abundant life in a !!lQ£§. stately
mansion .
The following prayer lays stress on your helpers . Say it thoughtfully and
then proceed.
* * * ~*"
* * ~}
As is the case in any important building enterprise, you must
* * assume the direction and carry the responsibility for the work
* PEOPLE * and its results, yet you will need help all the way along, and
you can have it. This will be a survey of the hands and forces
* ~t
that will be available, some as you invite them and others who
* * * * * *
will work with you even though you may not -know it.
It takes many workers to erect a building, and they have to represent many
talents and abilities. Those you will need in your undertaking will be even more
numerous and cover even a wider range of skills. It will be for you to marshal,
direct, and deploy them, without seeming to be too dictatorial or self-confident,
and certainly without failing to be grateful. Using help in the right spirit and
with the best results is a skill within itself.
First and most evident among your helpers will be people, though you will
have many impersonal ones also. No one can carry on an important building enter-
prise or set up a desirable life alone, neither can they function after they are
built without human help. A house in any stage of construction is a poor thing
without friends and neighbors.
If you live in the spirit of brotherhood you will have plenty of human
help in living your life happily and well. If you are a friend you will have
friends. If you are helpful in what others are doing they will be helpful in
what you are doing. Any task is easier and can be done better when its doer is
upheld by the consciousness of good will, and knows a helping hand is always
ready in an hour of need.
You will be surprised at how many human workers there will be, how much
they will do for you, and how much it will mean to your happiness and success.
Some of them will give you lifts without which you could not go on, and some of
these may be support and assistance of which you will never know.
When your house is done it will be lighted with companionship and friend-
liness. It will not be a cold and desolate structure standing on a plain of
futility, but a center of happy helpfulness in a sunny neighborhood.
The only compensation any of them will expect will be your responding good
you do for others will some day come back to you multiplied manifold, so you will
get paid in something very much better than the coin of the realm.
Rev. 187: P4: G:H: 12.62
~* 1f
***** Has i t occurred to you that among your helpers in many of
* the things you have done hav~ been occasions, wordless situa-
it OCCASIONS * tions that rose and opened doors and lifted burdens for you,
* * and then disappeared? It will be so in this supremely
* * * * * * * 1r
important task also.
Among the forces that come to our aid occasions are different and work in
a different way. They operate by the power of challenge. Sometimes conditions
seem wrong for a given purpose, and at other times exactly right. These latter
cases are occasions .
You have days when things slip into place automatically. It is amazing
what progress you can make. It was not so the day before, and it will not be so
the day after. The reason was that you had an occasion. You saw that the tide
was at the flood, and you were ready.
Some seize their great occasions when they come, while others do not. The
reason is that some are watching for them, even searching for them, and others
are paying no attention. They are preoccupied, or careless, or incredulous; so
they miss the boat and spend the rest of their lives wondering why nothing espec-
ially good ever happened to them.
There is another th~ng to notice about occasions: Suppose yours does not
come, or at least that you do not perceive it, -what then? Does that necessarily
leave you to plod and struggle on as best you can? Not at all, though even that
can be made a way to victory in a good purpose. There is something you can do,
and often i t is the best thing to have happen. Who needs the good experiences of
life laid in his hands ready-made? After all, you want to deserve some credit,
don't you?
This is what you can do about a missing occasion to challenge you and draw
you up to greater stature -you can start looking for one. Somewhere there is a
need you can meet, a place you can fill, a waiting task you can do. Do not push
someone out who has already found it and needs i t as much as you do. That adds
nothing to anyone's real advantage. Find a place of your own. The finding of it
as well as the filling of it will enlarge your powers and through them your life
itself. There are too many occasions going to waste for anyone to go without.
Meeting some real need in the world will put you far and quickly ahead
with your house of life, because you will need more space for your true self to
work in. Too, a real occasion will help prove to you how ready Life is to help
Rev. 187 : P5 : G: H: 12. 62
The next statement may seem an amazing one; and perhaps it is,
but it is true. The enlargement on it which is to follow will
* PROBLEMS * be an attempt to show why that is the case. Here it is - one
* important group of helpers you will have in the building of
your more stately mansion is your problems. Some never quite
realize it, and so miss the gain; but one of the secrets of
getting on is learning to make friends with our problems and allow the solving of
them to make usgrow.
If, on the other hand, you have developed a good philosophy of life and
are using it you will be able to look a problem in the face without dread. You
will see it not merely as a peril, but as a challenge. If you do your best to
solve it you probably ~ill win, but in any case, the effort will make you wiser,
stronger, more confident, and more resourceful. Danger, not safety, makes hands
strong to resist, and if necessary, feet strong to run.
You do not see generals who have never been in a battle or masters in any
field who have had no experience with its responsibilities and requirements.
Reputations are built by attempting difficult things and doing them. There is no
easy road to success in the art of living. The way there is paved with problems
and lined with dangers. It is not for the weak-willed and the uncertain, but for
determined travelers who know by experience how sharp the thorns can be even in a
bed of roses.
You might think of life not only as being like a building but as being
like a game of chess, or football, or anything of the kind. Is i t not the problems
that make the game, and is it not practice in solving them that makes the master?
And is not ability to solve them what gives the master his standing?
Some of these people will come in person with counsel by word of mouth .
Others of them will speak from a distance by words written or printed on a page .
Others will speak from former times through their writings and influence on life ,
the wise thoughts of people, far and near, living in this world and the next. You
will hear or read the words of some. You will feel the sweep of the influence of
others speaking namelessly in the silence of the ages .
Enough books, even good books , have been written to overload the earth . Out
of all this vast production a limited number have lived because they were deathless .
These great thoughts are still open to you to strengthen you , enrich your mind , and
enlarge your capabilities . Every hour you spend with the thoughts of the wise and
good will make a constructive difference in you and your work.
You could not read them all , nor would that be best . It is better to read
a few great books thoroughly and digest them into your life than to skim lightly
over many lesser ones. Some will tell you how to do things . Others will tell you
in what spirit to do them . With strength and help you can work out the methods for
When Solomon succeeded to his father ' s throne God appeared to him in a
VlSlon and asked what gift he would like to have . Solomon chose wisdom . Then God
assured him that if he had chosen wealth , power , and honor , he would have had that
alone, but since he had chosen wisdom he should have the other gifts also . That
is , temporal things have no producing power , but wisdom has the power to bring
other things with it. That was what Jesus meant when He said if we would seek
first the kingdom of God and his righteousness the temporal values would be added
to it .
That is the way the principle works . If one asks the superficial blessings
he may.get them, but no more . But if he asks wisdom it will give him the skill to
get the others , so he will have them all. Wisdom and righteousness do not come as
secondary considerations . They are not bargain bonuses that go with power and
place . It is the other way around .
Wisdom is a light by which you can find everything you need for your build-
ing, the secret by w~ich these materials may be assembled well, and the key to it
after it is built . It is help wise counselors will bring you if~you seek it .
The greatest minds of all the past have bequeathed you their reflections .
Those of the present offer theirs in addition , rising up to share with you what
their hour~; of inspiration have taught them . What wonderful helpers you have ,
and how great is the guidance they can bring!
Rev. 1 87 : P7 : G: H: 12. 62
Among the helpers who gather around to aid you in this most
* * important of all building tasks will be a silent and- gentle
* THE PAST * influence called The Past. It will show you day by day the
* * records and lessons of experience in the traces of time, and
effort. It will exert no compulsion. It comes only as an
advisor who can help you to make the future better, to make
sure that what you are building now is indeed a MORE ·stately mansion
If you permit it, the past will show you trails that have been blazed but
not beaten, and how far they lead. It will tell you of plans that have been made
but not carried out. It will point out to you works that have been begun but not
completed. It will tell you of past failures you can now avoid and past partial ·
successes you can now make complete. It will tell you of the pioneers and heroes
at the end of whose struggles you are beginning, whose work you can carry on. It
remembers lessons everyone else has forgotten.
The past will tell you .o f the mistakes you can avoid and the possibilities
you can realize. It will show you things that were not possible yesterday, but
that new skills, developments, and resolution, make possible in your day and at
this stage of it. It will quietly help you to see what to imitate and what to
avoid. If you do not recognize it , it will not reproach you; but if you do, it
will be immeasurably helpful. It is a most car-eful_ and accurate _scri_be_. Its
records will omit nothing. Do not disregard it as old-fashioned. It was new-
fashioned in its time. It is not a rival of the present, but a forerunner of it.
The past will show you how far others have gone in building their more
stately mansions and at what point they gave up, so you can try to have more per-
sistence. It will show you what others have completed, so you can plan to make
yours different and better. The past is a great conserver. It helps you to avoid
all this waste of doing what will not endur·e, of turning into blind roads, of in-
vesting yourself in labor only to find it futile.
The past will tell you what has functioned for or against other builders,
so you can profit by their dearly bought experience and approach your work with a
. ..... more informed . mir1d a:q.d ll1()r~ w:Ld~1y gpen~d eyes. _S ea charts are made on the basis
of where ships have gone on the rocks. Mankind moves more co:niide.ntly into the
future knowing the disasters of the yesterdays. The past tells you how other
plans have gone wrong so yours may have a better chance of going right.
Some people scorn the counsel of the past because they think i t does not
apply now. This costs them vastly in terms of success and happiness. You will
be wise to remember that it has the record of the approaches to all you can be
and do, and to make use of these records of remembered things.
The past is y;our friend. It waits to help you. Time spent consider-
ing it will be ~ profitable. Questions asked of it will receive
the answers of experience whichis .22. important an ingredient of
truth. The present knows only the one picture that is clicking by
right now on the projector. The future knows nothing yet for sure.
But the past knows all that has ever yet been either present or
Rev. 187 : P8 : G: H: 12 . 62 i
* ** * ***** * It has been said that there is a tide in the affairs of
men which, taken at its flood, leads on to fortune. Your
THE UNIVERSE problem is to recognize that tide and be sure to take it
* * at its flood. That tide is a current that sweeps through
the universe, both physical and spiritual. It comes so
sil ent and unseen that many miss it .because they are not
l ooking for it. One must have his boat ready, for there is only one day and hour
exactly right for sailing.
There are those who do not think much about the universe. They do not
understand its nature, or they doubt its beneficence, or they do not feel the
throb in it, so they hurt their own interest by missing the help of its great
forces. The universe is God's field of operation, so it is our friend. Through
its forces there is provision for the best to come within the reach .of each .of us.
------=---~The universe is your friend . . Make up your mind to that and work with it.
You wil l be surprised how it will dellver you from danger and £allure and how it
will help you to power and success.
The powers of God's universe keep you alive and able to go about the living
of your life in an ever more adequate way. They keep you breathing. They provide
you with vital, constructive forces and protect you from dangerous and destructive
ones. They warm you and provide you with sustenance. They give you all of which
your home rooftree and your more stately manslon alike are built. The storehouse
and powerhouse of God's universe do and wil l furnish you all you need.
The universe is vast and you are small, yet you are made for each other,
and you are a living part of the same plan with it. Being animated, as it is, by
divine resources and intentions, it takes what amounts to a personal interest in
you. Do you not catch meanings for you in its manifestations - the sunrise, the
trees, the flowers, the streams, the living creatures, your fellow-human beings,
and the sweeping of the tides of destiny?
The Bible says the stars in their courses fought against Sisera, the Phil-
istine chieftain. They seem to do exactly that when one is in the wrong, but when
he is in the right, they defend him and contend for him. Sisera thought himself
independent of the li.niverse. Be wiser than he, and enter into an alliance with
it. You will find it receptive, and that it keeps its promises. All created
things will work with you in the effort to achieve your best possible life.
You can be in league with the forces that hold up the stars and order
their motions, that control the powers of the restless seas, that mix
the colors and design the flowers, that guide the cycle of the seasons,
and that order the currents of history - think of that! But your
privilege is to accept or miss, and on that choice will swing more of
the future than you know. In league with such forces there is only
one way to fail, and that is to fail to use them for good. Nothing
can be built. without the help of the powers of the universe, nor with-
out using them in harmony with the .will of their Creator and ours.
) .
Rev. 187: P9: G:H: 12.62
Faith in the love and power of the Heavenly Father is the strongest and
most effective tool you can ever ~ in accomplishing anything. It is not a sub-
stitute for the usual instrumentalities, but it is that which empowers you in the
use of them so you can succeed in undertakings that with ordinary instruments
alone woul d be impossible. Faith is the dynamo of the universe and of life . Love
gives us interest in a thing, hope gives us the concept, but faith gives us the
will and courage to do and the power to trust beyond our ability to do, so we are
able to do it.
The fundamental textbook of all that God and faith in His means is that
Library of inspired writings called The Bible. The reverent student who learns
and follows its teachings can always accomplish more as a builder than those who
have not learned or do not use the secret. It pictures the discovery and use of
this power by all kinds of people, and the results of failure to find and use it
by all kinds of people. Only he is able to hear the still, small voice and feel
the strength of the unseen hand. Thus finite man can become the contact between
a task and the infinite power.
That silent yet eloquent book, The Bible, thrills with life and
sparkles with meaning. It throws an all-revealing spotlight on the
great facts, powers, and values of the higher life, including faith.
Faith in turn will lever many a forbidding load into place for you.
It waits to be a helper, and without its aid many a wonderful life
would not have been wonderful at all.
If you are not familiar with the Bible and are reading it for the
first time, here is a suggestion for that first time. Read the New
Testament first, then the Psalms, and other poetical books, then
the books of history at the beginning. After that read the whole
Book in order, or any special part you are interested in .
Do not fail to call on this g~eat set of plans and specifications for its
instruction in the building of your more stately mansion. It will keep you on
the right track and save the waste of error, affording peculiar beauty to the
~ ~ "- ' f!' ··'
Rev. 187: P10: G:H: 12.62
house you are building . What the blueprints are to the builder of a house, The
Bible is to the builder of a life, and more .
Your next lesson will be devoted to the subject PROTECTIVE MEASURES, and can be
a powerful force for accomplishment in your life.