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Judging Building Codes

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Point of view

Building Codes
Who is responsible for interpreting and writing the codes, anyway?


aws regulate the practice of structural engineering, a difference of opinion between the design professional
L perhaps more than any other profession. Those laws are
called building codes, and virtually every U.S. city, county,
and the building official, the building official has the final
authority on code interpretation. That is not only the
and state has adopted one. In retrospect, it is perhaps a custom and practice, but it is also specifically stated in
mistake that engineers have allowed building codes to the building code; it is, in fact, legally binding. The 2000
become law because laws are ultimately interpreted by International Building Code (the most current, published,
judges. This article discusses the consequences of a model building code) states:
building code’s judicial review. “Section 104—Duties and Powers of Building Official
Structural engineering is not an exact science; virtually 104.1 General. The building official is hereby authorized
every engineering decision involves judgment. Most and directed to enforce the provisions of this code. The
engineering problems can be solved competently in building official shall have the authority to render
more than one way. Making the practice of engineering a interpretations of this code and to adopt policies and
law, however, implies that each engineering problem has procedures in order to clarify the application of its
only one acceptable solution because a law should mean provisions. Such interpretations, policies, and procedures
the same to all who are governed by it. Legislation of shall be in compliance with the intent and purpose of
building codes inherently eliminates or minimizes this code. Such policies and procedures shall not have
engineering judgment. Engineers should have been more the effect of waiving requirements specifically provided
aware of the ramifications of this when they started for in this code.”
writing building codes and seeing them adopted as laws. All other model codes contain similar or identical
On the other hand, since the days of Hammurabi 4000 statements describing the powers and responsibilities of
years ago, the public has always seemed to want the the building official. In the 1997 Uniform Building Code
design of its buildings governed by laws. So it is unlikely (UBC), it is found in Section 104.2.1.
that engineers could have completely avoided the Over time, the continual process of plan review, and
legislation of their practice, even if they had offered the exchange between design professionals and building
some protest along the way. officials on projects, has led to generally consistent code
Until recently, the practice of structural engineering interpretation, even when the code wording is unclear.
has not been significantly affected by the legislation of Thus, in practice, a general understanding has developed
building codes. Engineers write building codes, and in between design professionals and building officials as to
everyday practice, building officials (who generally are the intent of the building code, and how to satisfy each
also engineers) enforce them. The design professional code requirement in each building code jurisdiction.
and the building official interpret the code requirements And, of course, the codes themselves become clearer
during the plan review process for each individual with time, as current codes clarify previous codes.
project. When code wording is unclear, or when there is
This point of view article is presented for reader interest by the Many parts of the country have experienced a dramatic
editors. However, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of increase in construction defect litigation. When code
the American Concrete Institute. Reader comment is invited. interpretation is an issue in these lawsuits, the “final
word” no longer belongs to the building official, it

Concrete international / MAY 2003 93

belongs to the judge. Because the building code is a legal satisfy the sulfate durability requirements of the originally
document, and only a judge can rule on matters of law, governing 1991 UBC. I testified on behalf of the defendant
interpretation of the code in construction defect lawsuits in the trial. A significant part of my testimony dealt with
is made—not by the engineers who use, enforce, or write code interpretation issues. My code testimony was
the codes—by a judge. It is unlikely that the judge has based on my 39 years of structural engineering experience
had any structural engineering training, and often the in Southern California, dealings with most Southern
judge is reading the building code for the first time. California building officials, and actual code-writing
Nonetheless, it is the judge who must make the final experience as a longtime member of ACI Committee 318,
decision about code conformance. Of course, judges can Structural Concrete Building Code, the committee that
hear expert engineering testimony to aid them in their wrote the code sections at issue in the case.
decision, but the judge alone decides whether the code Specifically, the plaintiffs alleged that the water-
was satisfied or violated. cement ratio (w/c) of the concrete supplied exceeded
This puts a tremendous burden on judges and it puts the 0.45 limit specified in Table 26-A-3 of the 1991 UBC
every party responsible for building code compliance in for severe sulfate exposure, and thus violated the code.
a sort of “double jeopardy.” Code requirements must be The defendant argued that Table 26-A-3 was not applicable
satisfied first, in the original plan review and permitting to residential foundation concrete and at the time the
process, and in that case, the building official is the final homes were designed and built was rarely specified in
authority on code interpretation. If the building is ever California by licensed design professionals or required
the subject of litigation, and code requirements are at by building officials for residential foundation concrete.
issue, the final authority is the presiding judge, who may
agree or disagree with the original decisions of the Code interpretation was critical
design professionals and the building official. It is A key issue in the case was the distinction between the
entirely possible that the original design of a building two code categories of structural concrete: reinforced and
could be fully in conformance with existing and commonly plain. Requirements for these two categories of structural
understood code interpretations at the time of design concrete are fully contained within the 1991 UBC,
and issuance of the permit. Yet, years later a judge could Chapter 26. The 1991 UBC requirements for reinforced
decide that, by his or her interpretation, the code was in concrete are generally identical to those of ACI 318-89,
fact violated, and those whom the judge decides are “Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete,” a
responsible for code conformance were negligent. document, as its title indicates, intended only for reinforced
Ironically, as pointed out previously, the law itself states concrete (for plain concrete, ACI 318-89 refers to another
that the building official is the final authority on code ACI document). UBC requirements for plain concrete are
interpretation. Yet in litigation, the judge interprets the substantially different than those from ACI and are
code and, years later, can override the decision of the clearly identified as such in Chapter 26. The defendant
building official. argued that the foundations for these homes, as in
A judge’s interpretation of the building code, particularly virtually all Southern California wood-framed homes,
if it conflicts with the prevalent interpretation between were designed as plain concrete:1 that plain concrete
design professionals and building officials, and even if it has was permitted by 1991 UBC for foundations in wood-
no legal influence on other cases, will be cited by parties framed California homes (2622a); that Table 26-A-3 is in a
who may benefit from that interpretation. If a judge’s section of the code (2604f), taken directly from ACI 318-89,
decision on code interpretation is appealed and upheld, applicable only to reinforced concrete; and Table 26-A-3
the decision becomes case law. Thus, judicial decisions, does not appear, nor is it referenced in the parts of the
in essence, will increasingly help fashion our building code applicable to plain concrete (2622 and two other
codes in the future, or, at the very least, participate in clearly identified sections, 2621a [shotcrete] and 2615l
their writing and, in some cases, change the intent of [pedestals and footings]). Therefore, argued the defendant,
building officials, code writers, and design professionals. Table 26-A-3 does not apply to the foundation concrete in
The following example is from a recently tried case. the homes, and the code had not been violated. The
defendant further pointed out that its interpretation of
HOMEOWNERS SUE CONCRETE the code was not unusual; rather, it was the prevalent,
In Mesa Vista South Townhome Association v. California The defendant attempted to introduce a consensus-based,
Portland Cement Corporation, Orange County Superior published opinion from the Slab-on-Ground Committee of the Post-
Court Case #802639, a bench trial with no jury, owners of Tensioning Institute affirming that the specific type of foundation
40 homes built on soil containing elevated levels of designed and built in this case was in fact plain concrete, rather
water-soluble sulfates sued the concrete material than reinforced concrete, but the judge refused to allow its
supplier, alleging that the foundation concrete did not introduction on the grounds that it was hearsay.

94 MAY 2003 / Concrete international

common, and virtually universal interpretation in and, in my opinion, it has the potential to bankrupt the
Southern California at the time the homes were designed home-building industry. Some of these ramifications are
and built, and for decades prior to that. discussed in the following.
The plaintiff argued that Table 26-A-3 applied to all
concrete, plain and reinforced; that the foundations in Plain concrete does not exist
the homes were in fact reinforced concrete, not plain The judge decided, in effect, that there is no difference
concrete;2 and that the failure to limit the w/c to 0.45 was in the code requirements for plain and reinforced
a code violation involving negligence on the part of the concrete. This will come as quite a surprise to the
concrete material supplier, who should have known that members of ACI Committee 318, who defined plain
the code required the lower w/c for sulfate resistance, concrete in the early 1970s to distinguish it from reinforced
and should have provided it. concrete. Chapter 26 of the 1991 UBC contains all of the
requirements for both plain and reinforced concrete; by
Judge rules for plaintiff deciding that all those requirements apply equally to
The judge agreed emphatically with the plaintiff and both plain and reinforced concrete, the judge obviated the
awarded almost $6 million to them for repairs to the necessity for separate categories of structural concrete.
foundations, which included increasing their resistance As a member of ACI Committee 318 in the early 1970s
to sulfates. In the judge’s finding on negligence per se, he when the category of structural plain concrete was being
decided, by his reading of the code, that everything developed, I know that the intent of the committee was to
contained within Chapter 26 of the 1991 UBC applies isolate the requirements for plain and reinforced concrete,
equally to both plain and reinforced concrete. Therefore, not to mingle them. Why would there be a need for two
it did not matter whether the foundations were plain or categories of structural concrete if ACI Committee 318
reinforced concrete. The failure to satisfy Table 26-A-3, did not intend them to be significantly different?
said the judge, was a code violation involving negligence
per se on the part of the concrete material supplier. All California homes are illegal
In support of his decision, the judge cited Section ACI Committee 318 developed the code category of
2601 of the UBC, which states: “The design of structures plain concrete in part to waive minimum reinforcing
in concrete of cast-in-place or precast construction, steel requirements for reinforced concrete that were felt
plain, reinforced or prestressed, shall conform to the to be unnecessary for foundations and basement walls in
rules and principles specified in this Chapter.” light residential construction. The judge’s decision
In the judge’s opinion, this clearly means that all means that these minimum requirements for reinforced
requirements contained within Chapter 26 applied concrete do apply to plain concrete residential foundations.
equally to plain, reinforced, and prestressed concrete. Because virtually no residential foundation satisfies the
He stated in his decision: “In other words, by the plain, minimum reinforcement requirements, the judge has, in
unambiguous words of the UBC, Chapter 26 applies to all effect, decided that the foundations supporting every
concrete, not just reinforced concrete….” wood-framed home ever built in UBC jurisdictions are
Section 2601, however, can also be interpreted, just as illegal. For example, Section 2610f requires a minimum
plainly and unambiguously, to mean that Chapter 26 amount of reinforcement at any section of a flexural
does contain all requirements for plain, reinforced, and member equal to
prestressed concrete, and that they are contained in
separate, clearly identified sections (specifically, 2622,
2621a, and 2615l for plain concrete; 2618 and portions
of 2611 for prestressed concrete; and the balance,
taken directly from ACI 318-89, for reinforced concrete). Because it is in Chapter 26, this requirement applies
What was “plain and unambiguous” to the judge in his equally to plain and reinforced concrete, according to
interpretation of the code was not all that clear to the the judge; therefore, it would apply to plain concrete
writers of the code, me included, and generations of residential foundations. Typical continuous residential
design professionals and building officials who wrote, foundations under wood stud-bearing walls resist
used, and consistently interpreted the code in a completely differential soil movements, at least in part, by bending;
different way. therefore, they could be considered flexural members. It
The judge’s decision has extraordinary ramifications, is not uncommon in California for these continuous wall
far beyond just the sulfate durability issues in the case, foundations to have b and d dimensions of 12 and 14 in.
(300 and 350 mm), respectively; therefore, for Grade 60
(fy = 60 ksi [400 MPa]) reinforcement, Section 2610f
A plaintiff expert testified that the foundations contained anchor would require 0.56 in.2 (360 mm2) of longitudinal rein-
bolts and therefore could not be considered plain concrete. forcement at both the top and the bottom of the footing.

Concrete international / MAY 2003 95

Many residential foundations in California are built with There are several things that engineers could do to
no longitudinal reinforcement, many with one No. 4 bar remedy this situation through their professional organi-
top and bottom, and some with one No. 5 bar top and zations. First, existing code wording must be reviewed
bottom. None of these foundations contain the minimum and made more clear so judges reading the codes for the
amount of reinforcing required by Section 2610f. In fact, I first time will not drastically misinterpret the intent of
am unaware of any ground-supported residential founda- the committee writing them. This may require reviews of
tion built in California that satisfies this requirement. codes by lawyers prior to publication. Second, legislation
The judge’s decision means, therefore, that based on this should be developed and proposed to limit the authority
code requirement alone, virtually every residential of judges in “second-guessing” building officials who
foundation ever built in California, or any other UBC have reviewed plans and issued permits and certificates
jurisdiction, is illegal. of occupancy on projects in accordance with established
“interpretations, policies, and procedures” as stated by
Material suppliers are responsible for law. This will help to avoid the untenable “double
engineering design? jeopardy” situation faced now by all parties responsible
The concrete material supplier in this case, according for building code conformance.
to the judge, was responsible for building code require- Finally, legislation should be developed, proposed,
ments contained in a part of the code titled “Engineering and adopted to clearly and precisely define who is
Regulations…” (Part V, 1991 UBC). In the current 1997 responsible for engineering requirements of the code; is
UBC, the analogous requirements are in Volume 2, titled it just the licensed engineer who prepares the plans, or
“Structural Engineering Design Provisions.” If, as the is it everyone who supplies any services or materials on
judge ruled, material suppliers are responsible for code a project, as the judge decided in Mesa Vista South?
requirements in this part of the code, which is clearly Currently there are those within the construction
intended for trained and licensed design professionals, community who feel that everyone is responsible for
then I see no reason why a hardware store selling nails compliance with engineering requirements; there are
for use in plywood shearwalls would not be responsible others who feel that licensed design professionals are
for the spacing of the nails. If the actual spacing violates required to include all applicable code requirements into
the structural engineering requirements stated in the their plans and specifications (as the code itself states
code, the hardware store is negligent, according to the they must); and contractors and material suppliers are
judge. Precisely the same logic that led the judge to his responsible only for building and supplying in accor-
decision also leads directly to this bizarre conclusion. dance with those plans and specifications. Because the
This judge has, of course, completely ignored the public seems to want engineering requirements legis-
function of the design professional who, based upon his lated, they have the obligation to clarify, by legislation,
or her engineering training, experience, and licensure, who is responsible for those engineering requirements.
decides and specifies the spacing of the nails or the Until it is done, the division of responsibilities between
strength and durability requirements for the concrete. design professionals, contractors, and material suppliers
on construction projects will be unknown and at the
WHAT’S THE SOLUTION? whim of the courts.
This is a striking example of a case in which a judge’s
Selected for reader interest by the editors after independent expert
after-the-fact interpretation of the building code bears no
evaluation and recommendation.
resemblance to the way the code was consistently inter-
preted in day-to-day practice and is radically different
from the intent of the writers of the code. In reaching his
decision, the judge gave no weight to the fact that building
officials in the State of California rarely, if ever, interpreted
the code in the way he did, including the building official ACI Fellow Kenneth B. Bondy is a consulting
who issued the permits and certificates of occupancy on structural engineer in West Hills, CA. He is
the homes at issue in the case. The judge clearly did not a member of ACI Committee 318, Structural
consider, or perhaps understand, the ramifications of his Concrete Building Code; Joint ACI-ASCE
decision on virtually all California residential construction. Committee 423, Prestressed Concrete; and
Nonetheless, because the building code is a law, and the the ACI Board Committee on Responsibility
final authority on interpretation of laws lies with the in Concrete Construction. An engineering
judge, the judge’s interpretation prevails. I might point graduate of the University of California at
out that the judge’s decision may be appealed, but even Los Angeles, he has specialized in the
if it is overturned, the chilling ramifications of judges design and construction of post-tensioned and reinforced
interpreting building codes are evident. concrete building structures for more than 39 years.

96 MAY 2003 / Concrete international

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