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Improving Students Vocabulary Through Song Inthe First Grade Os Senior High School

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FKIP University of Lampung

Jl. Soemantri Brojonegoro No.1 Gedung Meneng Universitas Lampung
Yunita Gasma, HeryYufrizal, MuhammadSukirlan 082373635910

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan lagu bahasa
Inggris dapat meningkatkan kosa kata siswa sekolah menengah atas, dan
untuk mengetahui aspek kosa kata yang mana yang mengalami
peningkatan tertinggi. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah penelitian
kuantitatif. Tes kosa kata digunakan sebagai instrument pengambilan data.
Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas sepuluh pada siswa sekolah
menengah atas di Bandar Lampung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
ada peningkatan statistik yang signifakan dalam peningkatan pencapaian kosa
kata siswa setelah mereka diajarkan menggunakan lagu. Ini menyarankan
bahwa lagu bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan pencapaian kosa kata siswa.

The aim of this study was to find out whether the use of song could increase
senior high school students’vocabulary achievement. The approach of
this study was quantitative. Vocabulary tests were used as the instrument
to elicit the data. The subjects of this study were the first grade students of
senior high school students in Bandar Lampung. The result showed that
there was a statistically significant increase of students’ vocabulary
achievement after they were taught through songs. This suggests that songs
are effective to improve students’ vocabulary achievement.

Key words: vocabulary achievement, media, song

INTRODUCTION Their idea can help them in

understanding the subject with the

Vocabulary is an important aspect in
teacher's guide.
learning language, especially in

learning a second or a foreign As we know that English is

language. When learners are learning positioned the first foreign language

a new language, they should have in Indonesia. Therefore, students in

enough vocabulary, Wilkins (1976) Senior high school are expected to

said that without grammar very little master English communicatively.

could be conveyed but without However, when people learn English

vocabulary, nothing can be as their foreign language, they must

conveyed. We are able to understand master the vocabulary first because

the language even if we do not low vocabulary mastery also can

understand grammar. On the other make them unable to express their

hand, we are not able to understand ideas in English. It is because they

one single simple sentence if we are have to master sufficient

not able to recognize the meaning of vocabularies which mostly are

vocabulary.Vocabulary is considered complicated. Thus learners need to

as an important language component be high concentrated in memorizing

because it is able to support the vocabularies, Thornbury (2002).

learners’ ability in developing

Based on the previous research, it
language skills (Lado,
was found out that he students have
1959).Vocabulary can make the
problem in memorizing and
students convey their idea both in
understanding vocabulary. They
oral and written form effectively.
easily forget some new words that The students in traditional classroom

the teacher taught and sometimes tend to be passive because they are

they could not remember how to just controlled by the teacher and the

pronounce it. They tend to dislike students’ creativity is

English subject because their lack of less developed. In fact, the students

vocabulary. Language teacher should need something to make them

possess considerable knowledge on interested in teaching learning

how to manage an interesting process which can make them fun in

classroom activity so that the the classroom (Maulaya, 2008).

learners can gain a great success in

Nowdays there are many types of
their vocabulary learning. With it,
media for teaching vocabulary to the
hopefully the student can improve
student,the one instraction media is
their interest in vocabulary learning.
English song. The use of English
Thus, the researcher thinks that their
song can improve the quality of
English teachers need to find better
vocabulary in teaching learning
technique to make learning
process.It happened because song
vocabulary more enjoyable.
can stimulate the students to achieve

There are a lot kinds of media for the new words that they had already

teaching vocabulary, for example listened. It is supported by Griffe

flash-card, vocabulary list, direct (2001) that song is a part of music

method, and total physcal response. that you sing through words. Cebula

English teachers usually ask the (2008) also states that the students

students to tap a new word from their who participate in learning through

explanation (Zatnikasari, 2008). songs usually express themselves

easily and pick up a lot of new vocabulary by using English song as

words. Another previous research the media.

related to implementation English

song as media for teaching

vocabulary is from (Setia, 2012). In
This research was quantitative in
her study she tried to find the
nature.Itwas focused on the product
effectiveness of using songs in
(results of the test). The design was a
teaching English language to primary
one group pre test-post test design.
school student. She discovered that
The subjects of this research were the
the use of songs not only helps the
students of class X 1 of SMA Utama
students to improve their language
2 Bandar Lampung in the first
proficiency, but it also stimulates and
semester of 2016/2017 academic
increases the students’ interest to
year. The researcher chose the
learn, enjoy and engage in the
materials for the students based on
learning process.
the English curriculum that was
Based on the background above, the
School-based Curriculum 2013 for
researcher applied song in teaching
senior high school. This research
vocabulary. Apllied song as media
used the result of the try-out test to
for teaching vocabulary can lead the
measure the validity, reliability, level
student build their enjoyable,
of difficulties, and discrimination
interesting, motivation and
power of the tests. The total items of
confidence while in teaching learning
the try-out test were60 items. The
process. Furthermore, the student
reseacher checked the
might be easy increase their
students’vocabulary achievement by
giving two vocabulary tests to the teaching vocabulary to senior high

students. The vocabulary tests were school students’ using song could

pre-test and post-test. There were 50 increase the students’ vocabulary

items. The data analyzed by using achievement.

Repeated Measure T-Test of SPSS

Table 1.The Mean Scores of Pre-test and
(Statistical Package for Social

Science) version 16.0.

Std. Std. Error

RESULT Mean N Deviation Mean

The result from the calculation by Pair POST 72.21

28 8.81647 1.66616
1 TEST 43
using Paired Sample T-Test (SPSS
PRET 58.14
16.0) showed that the mean score of 28 12.58957 2.37921
EST 29

pre-test result was 58.14 while in the

post-test was 72.21 in which the gain

was 14.07 points. There was an Table 2. Result of Students’ Vocabulary

increase of the student’s vocabulary
Paired Differences
achievement after the treatments
(p<0.05, p=0.0000), the Hypothesis Interval of
(H1) proposed in this research was Std. Std.
Devia Error Lowe Sig. (2-
accepted, and for H0 is rejected Mean tion Mean r Upper t df tailed)
because the result of t-count (4.721) 1 TEST 1.407
15.77 2.980 7.955 20.18 4.72
- 14 27 .000
135 50 94 692 1
it is higher than t-table (3.06) for

sd.deviation 27. It means that H0

was rejected. It could be stated that

Therefore, there were four types of
Content word; verb, adjective, DISCUSSION

adverb, and noun. The table below Based on the result of the pre test and

showed the increase of students’ posttest it could be concluded that

vocabulary achievement in each type there was an increase of students’

of content word. vocabulary achievement. By using

song the students became more

Table 3. Types of Content Word
interested and enjoyable in learning
N Content Pre Post Gai
o of Word Test Test n vocabulary. They could remember
(Mean (Mean
vocabulary easily, because they learn
) )

1 Verb 8.28 10.92 2.64 words by singing together.

2 Adjectiv 8.42 11.21 2.79


3 Adverb 6.03 8.78 2.75

Song is also effective to make the
4 Noun 6.32 12.25 5.93
students to remember the words

easily and feel more

motivated in the class because the

The table showed that the type of
y learn in an interesting way
content that has the highest score was
(Zatnikasari, 2008). Songs will be
noun. It increased from 6.32 in the a good choice because according
pre-test to 12.25 in the post test. to Millington (2011). Song can

Then, the vocabulary that had the improve each aspect in vocabulary

lowest score was verb. It increased such as; verb, adverb, adjective and

from 8.28 in the pre-test to 10.92 in

the post test.

From the research, it can be seen that

students’ vocabulary achievement

increased significally after three achievement. Learning vocabulary

times treatment. It is supported by through song helped the students to

Cebula (2008) who points out that
find and memorize the meaning of
the students who participate in
vocabulary easilybecause the
learning through songs usually
learners could feel enjoy while in
express themselves easily and pick
teaching learning procees.
up a lot of new words. The reports of

the result showed that songs was The young learners like senior high

effective in improving students school students tend to learn with the

vocabulary achievement, it can be enjoy way. Therefore, by using song
seen after they taught using a song. It
as media they might be easier to
happened because song can stimulate
comprehend English vocabulary.
the students to make a good sentence
from the new words that they had
Some suggestions could be listed as
already listened. It is supported by
Griffe (2001) that song is a part of

music that you sing through words. For teaching

In short, song had good impact on English teacher should select the

students’ vocabulary achievement. appropriate media in teaching

vocabulary for young learners. One

of teaching media that could be
After conducting the research at the
implemented by the teacher is song.
first grade students of SMA Utama 2
The teacher could use song in
Bandar Lampung and analyzing the
teaching English to make the students
data, the researcher concluded a
learn easily.
major conclusion. Song could
For further researchers:
increase the students’ vocabulary
1. In this research , the

researcher only focused to

find out the increase of the

students’ vocabulary

achievement using pop songs

only. Therefore, the researcher

recommended for further

researchers to find out the

increase of the students’

vocabulary achievement

using another genre of song ,

for example beat song, jazz

song, hip hop song, r&b song,

since song can help students

to develop their vocabulary.

2. Further research should be

conducted on different level

of students. It can be

conducted at senior high

school or junior high school.

REFERENCES Thornbury, S. 2002. How to Teach
Vocabulary. England: Longman.

Wilkins, D. A. (1976) Notional

Cebula, D. 2008. Songs and Rhymes Syllabuses. Oxford: Oxford
in Language Teaching. University Press.
Available at
Zatnikasari, R. 2008. The
Effectiveness of Songs in
s.htm. Accesed on November Increasing Students'
19, 2016 Vocabulary.Bandung:
Unpublished Paper
Griffe, D.T. 2001. Songs in Action.
Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall

Lado. R. 1959. Language Testing:

The Construction and Use of
Foreign Language Test.
London: Longman Group

Maulaya, R. 2008. The Effectiveness

of Songs as an Interactive
Teaching Strategy to
Improve Students’ Listening
Ability. Bandung:

Millington, N. 2011. Using

Song Effectively to
Teach English to
Young Learners,
accessed on 12
February 2017.

Scott, W. A & Ytreberg, L.H. 1990.

Teaching English to Children.
Longman Inc: New York.

Setia, R. 2012. English Song as

Means of Aiding Students’
Proficiency Development,
accessed on Febuary 13, 2017

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