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Title White Death: Author Tim Vicary

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White Death TimAuthor


1 Match a number from A with a letter from B to make 4 Which of these people speak to the court? Tick the
complete sentences. correct names.

a Stephen
1 Stephen put the toothpaste in the bag ... b The airport policeman
2 Sarah was visiting different countries with c Hassan
Stephen, ... d Sarah

3 Hassan bought a lot of toothpaste ... e Anna Harland

4 Sometimes Sarah felt ill ...
10 marks
5 The airport policemen found the heroin ...
B 5 Write a short summary of the story. (What happened
a ... because he cleaned his teeth very often. at the airport? What happened in the court? Who put
b ... but then they separated. the drugs in the bags? Why?)
c ... after someone telephoned them. .............................................................................
d ... because she was going to have a baby. .............................................................................
e ... because he wanted Hassan to die. .............................................................................
20 marks .............................................................................
2 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? .............................................................................
a Mr Cheng was a Police Inspector. .............................................................................
b Anna waited a long time outside the prison. .............................................................................
c Sarah bought the three tubes of toothpaste. .............................................................................
d Stephen wanted Sarah to die. .............................................................................
e Inspector Aziz arrested Sarah and Hassan. .............................................................................
f Hassan’s family were very poor.
g Sarah was very afraid in the court. 30 marks
h Anna visited Stephen in the afternoon.
i All the toothpaste was in Hassan’s bag.
j Hassan sold heroin in his country. Total marks

20 marks

3 Fill in the gaps in the following dialogue.

Sarah Mother, don’t be angry, please. I’m ...............
have a baby. It’s Hassan’s baby. We wanted
to come to England, and tell you about it
there, but now we can’t. I love ..............., and
he wants to be ............... husband, mother.
Mother? Please ............... be angry.
Anna Oh, Sarah! What’s ............... happen to your

20 marks

oxford bookworms library stage 1 38 © oxford university press photocopiable

White Death Tim Vicary

Setting 14 Hassan is a _____ young man.

a F rich b F bad c F lazy d F poor
Choose the best answer.
15 Inspector Aziz _____ Mrs Harland.
1 Sarah Harland is _____. a F doesn’t like b F is sorry for
a F at school b F on a ship c F doesn’t want to talk to d F is angry with
c F in prison d F at home 16 The person who telephoned the airport police
2 Sarah’s mother _____. about Sarah and Hassan was _____.
a F comes to visit her b F telephones her a F Anna b F Mr Cheng c F Stephen
c F emails her d F writes to her d F Inspector Aziz
3 Anna Harland can only see her daughter for 17 Last year Hassan’s father gave him a new _____.
_____. a F television b F car c F house
a F one minute b F ten minutes d F watch
c F an hour d F one day 18 _____ is ill because of heroin.
4 Sarah’s new boyfriend is _____. a F Stephen b F Hassan
a F a policeman b F Hassan c F Inspector Aziz d F Sarah
M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E

c F a lawyer d F Stephen 19 Sarah wants to be a _____.

5 The police stop Sarah when she is at _____. a F policewoman b F pilot
a F the airport b F the railway station c F lawyer d F doctor
c F her house d F a party 20 _____ is going to England to talk to Stephen’s

6 The police arrest Sarah because there is _____ in mother and father.
her bag. a F Inspector Aziz b F Anna
a F money b F a bomb c F whisky c F Mr Cheng d F Sarah
d F heroin
7 _____ was on the same plane as Sarah and 20 marks
a F Anna b F Inspector Aziz
c F Stephen d F Mr Cheng Dialogue
8 Sarah is going to _____.
Who said this?
a F buy some drugs b F have a baby
21 ‘I want to see my daughter. It’s very important.’
c F marry Stephen d F fly to Australia
a F Mr Cheng b F the police lawyer
9 The story happens in _____.
c F Inspector Aziz d F Anna
a F a hot country b F a quiet town
22 ‘Hassan’s important to me now, not Stephen.’
c F England d F a cold country
a F Anna b F Mr Cheng c F Sarah
10 The law says that people who bring heroin into
d F Inspector Aziz
that country must _____.
23 ‘I arrested your daughter three days ago. I’m
a F go to prison for a long time b F leave the
very sorry for you.’
country c F die d F pay a lot of money
a F the police lawyer b F Mr Cheng
20 marks c F the judge d F Inspector Aziz
24 ‘I always tell you the truth, you know that.’
a F Sarah b F Stephen c F the airport
Characters policeman d F Hassan
25 ‘They can sell these tubes of heroin in our
Choose the best answer.
country for perhaps eighty thousand pounds.’
11 Stephen was Sarah’s boyfriend for _____. a F the police lawyer b F Mr Cheng
a F fifteen years b F a month c F Hassan d F Anna
c F a few days d F two years 26 ‘Someone telephoned me before the plane
12 Mr Cheng is _____ lawyer. arrived.’
a F the police b F Sarah and Hassan’s a F Inspector Aziz b F Mr Cheng
c F Stephen’s d F Anna’s c F the airport policeman d F Anna
13 _____ likes going to different countries. 27 ‘Sarah did not buy the toothpaste. I bought it.’
a F Anna b F Mr Aziz c F Sarah a F Stephen b F the airport policeman
d F Mr Cheng c F Hassan d F Anna

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White Death Tim Vicary

28 ‘He likes playing with girls, but he doesn’t love Plot

Choose the best answer.
a F Anna b F Stephen
c F Inspector Aziz d F Hassan 41 The police look in Sarah and Hassan’s bags
29 ‘You don’t usually look in everyone’s bags. because _____.
There isn’t time.’ a F Sarah is English b F they look in
a F Mr Cheng b F Stephen c F Hassan everyone’s bags c F Sarah and Hassan are
d F the airport policeman young d F someone telephoned them
30 ‘My first girlfriend left me for a new man.’ 42 When Sarah arrived in the country, she had
a F Stephen b F Inspector Aziz _____.
c F the police lawyer d F Mr Cheng a F eighty thousand pounds
b F no money c F about a thousand
20 marks pounds d F about fifty pounds
43 The police find drugs in three _____.
a F bottles of water b F packets of
Vocabulary cigarettes c F tubes of toothpaste

M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E
d F boxes of sugar
Choose the best answer.
44 At first, Anna thinks that _____ put drugs in
31 to take someone to prison
her daughter’s bag.
a F throw b F stop c F arrest d F carry
a F the airport police b F Hassan

32 not dirty
c F Inspector Aziz d F Stephen
a F clean b F young c F new d F cold
45 Sarah doesn’t like Stephen now because he is
33 this tells you what is right and wrong in a
a F older b F fat c F lazy d F different
a F book b F law c F story d F prison
46 Stephen talks very _____.
34 making a lot of noise
a F quickly b F quietly c F slowly
a F angrily b F quietly c F quickly
d F carefully
d F loudly
47 The night before their flight, Sarah and Hassan
35 people must go here if they do bad things
were in _____.
a F hospital b F airport c F hotel
a F prison b F England c F Hassan’s
d F prison
country d F Australia
36 when something costs a lot of money
48 Stephen wanted _____ to die.
a F cheap b F fast c F expensive
a F Hassan b F Sarah c F the police
d F new
lawyer d F Anna
37 the place where people listen to law cases
49 Anna knows Stephen is ill because she is _____.
a F police station b F court
a F a policewoman b F his friend
c F hospital d F lawyer
c F a doctor d F a nurse
38 a man who is married
50 In the end, Anna wants to _____ Hassan.
a F brother b F wife c F son
a F kill b F say goodbye to
d F husband
c F know more about d F marry
39 to give something to someone in exchange for
money 20 marks
a F sell b F lend c F buy d F borrow
40 to have bad, angry feelings about someone or
something Total marks
a F kill b F hate c F laugh d F leave

20 marks

oxford bookworms library sTAge 1 109 © oxford university press photocopiable

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