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Cómo Convertir Un Oscilador Armónico en Una Partícula Libre

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A geodesic approach for the harmonic oscillator

Rodrigo Sánchez-Martı́nez
Facultad de Fı́sica, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa de Enrı́quez CP 91000 Veracruz, México
H. N. Núñez-Yépez
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Apartado Postal 55-534,
Iztapalapa, CP 09340 CDMX, México
A. L. Salas-Brito
Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, Apartado
Postal 21–267, Coyoacán, CP 04000 CDMX, México

The harmonic oscillator (HO) is present in all contemporary physics, from elementary classical
mechanics to quantum field theory. It is useful in general to exemplify certain techniques in
theoretical physics. In this work, we use a method for solving classical mechanics problems by
first transforming them to a free particle form. This technique has been before used for solving the
one-dimensional hydrogen atom and also for solving the motion of a particle in a one-dimensional
dipolar potential. Using canonical transformations we convert the HO Hamiltonian into a free
particle form which is very easy to solve. Our approach may be helpful to exemplify how canonical
transformations may be used in mechanics and how it is possible to visualize the geometry of the
new phase space. Besides, we expect it will help students to grasp what is meant when it is
said that a problem has been transformed into another completely different one. We also intend
the paper to exhibit the power granted by the Hamiltonian approach for analyzing mechanical

The formalism of Hamiltonian mechanics [1, 2, 3] is frequently not appreciated in full by most under-
graduate and even by some graduate students. Instructors usually exemplify the use of Hamiltonian
techniques by dealing with one-dimensional problems, particles interacting through the Newtonian
potential or joined by springs, and the like. However, the mentioned problems may be more readily
addressed using the Lagrangian formalism [1, 2, 3, 4] and so an example is needed which may be quickly
posed using the Hamiltonian and which could be difficult to formulate within the Lagrangian formal-
ism. This kind of problem is seldom if ever discussed in advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate
classical mechanics. For the lack of these kind of examples, many students wonder if the Hamiltonian
is just another technique to write down the classical equations of motion which just happen to be more
cumbersome to employ than the Lagrangian approach.
With the aforementioned difficulty in mind, in this work we purport to use the Hamiltonian approach
to establish a quite different property, one that should appear at first difficult to believe to a student of
advanced mechanics which is learning from standard textbooks as [3] or from more elementary books
as [4], namely that motion in Kepler’s problem is equivalent to geodesic (free) motion on a hypersurface
in phase space. In this paper, we discuss not the Kepler problem but the harmonic oscillator, a simpler
problem, showing that it may be regarded as equivalent to the motion of a non interacting or free
particle but moving on a curved space. In posing the problem, we were partially inspired by the Boya

et al. paper [5] which establishes the equivalence between the motion under the 1D Kepler potential
[6, 7] and free motion on a circle. The Boya et al. paper, in turn, follows in the wake of Moser proof
of the equivalence between bound Kepler’s motions with geodesic motions on a sphere [8].
A note of caution is in order before embarking in our analysis, Moser used global techniques for
giving his proof but we are instead going to discuss the matter in the standard local methods of
Hamiltonian mechanics [1, 3, 4, 9]. This paper, we emphasize, intends to be a pedagogical introduction
to the capabilities of the Hamiltonian formulation for an audience of physics and mathematics students
or instructors.

Hamiltonian approach to the harmonic oscillator

The Hamiltonian of a particle of mass m in a harmonic oscillator potential is
p2 1
H(p, q) = + mω 2 q 2 (1)
2m 2
where ω is the natural frequency of the oscillator. As the system is autonomous, the energy, E, is a
constant of the motion.
In Lagrangian mechanics the Euler-Lagrange equations, the differential equations which describe
the motion, are invariant under change of coordinates. Therefore it is allowed perform a suitable change
of coordinates, qi → Qj (qi ), without loosing physical information. The same thing does not happen
in the framework of Hamiltonian mechanics. Since the coordinates and the momenta are in the same
hierarchy level, we are free to carry out changes of the form

(pi , qi ) → Pj (pi , qi ), Qj (pi , qi ) . (2)

However, unlike E-L equations, Hamilton equations do not hold for any transformation of the type
above, but for some special category, named canonical transformations (CT). The principal feature of
a CT is that it preserves the canonical relation between the pairs (Pi , Qi ), it is {Pi , Qi } = 1, where
∂f ∂g ∂g ∂f
{f, g} = − (3)
∂q ∂p ∂q ∂p
is the Poisson bracket of the functions f (p, q) and g(p, q).
Let us begin mentioning that, in advanced classical mechanics, the following canonical transforma-
tion (CT) [3, 9, 12, 13],

q= sin Q, p = 2mωP cos Q. (4)

is sometimes used as a way for solving the problem.
In the new coordinates, Q and P , introduced in (4), the Hamiltonian (1) becomes independent of

H 0 (P, Q) = ωP. (5)

However, it is not easy to associate any physical significance to the new momentum, P ,1 besides the
fact that it has dimensions of action. In any case, such association is not necessary in any way to solve
the problem. In this work, we present another canonical transformation with the same purpose but
The CT proposed has a clear relationship with a transformation to action angle variables, but such matters may be
distracting when we first discuss the Hamiltonian formalism pinpointing its advantages and discussing possible uses.

offering a menu richer in physical interpretations. But, in the end, our purpose is to find new canonical
coordinates able to transform (1) into a Hamiltonian with no potential energy term, that is, a free
particle Hamiltonian, but at the prize of converting the Euclidean space in which the particle moves
in a curved one. Earlier works in such direction may be found in [10, 11] but without the emphasis in
the geometry of the transformed phase-space manifold.

A geodesic approach in a different phase space

The way the coordinates are used in the canonical transformations (4), and since the angular argument
does not appear explicitly in the result, suggest that to obtain an appropriate CT, we must begin by
q= sin Φ, p = P cos Φ, (6)

where Φ(P, Q) is a function that needs to be chosen in order to make the transformation canonical.
Notice that the change (6) removes the potential in the Hamiltonian, leaving only the kinetic energy
terms in the Hamiltonian expressed in the new (P, Q) phase space coordinates,

e Q) = . (7)
As the solutions following from this Hamiltonian ought to behave as free particles in the phase space
defined by the transformations (6), it is natural to call the motion of the particle in the new coordinates
geodesic. That is, we are substituting dynamics by geometry. A similar but more general approach has
been previously taken in [10]. It is to be noted also that the new coordinates have the same dimensions
that the original pair (p, q).
For P and Q to be canonical their Poisson bracket should equal 1,
∂q ∂p ∂p ∂q
{q, p}Q,P = − = 1, (8)
∂Q ∂P ∂Q ∂P

this condition gives a simple differential equation for the function Φ(P, Q),

P ∂Φ
= 1. (9)
mω ∂Q
After integrating we have
Φ(P, Q) = , (10)
were we have chosen as zero the arbitrary function of P required. Therefore, the complete transforma-
tion is
P h mωQ i h mωQ i
q= sin . p = P cos . (11)
mω P P
As this transformation is canonical, Hamilton equations hold for the new Hamiltonian, H.The
e time
evolution of the system as
P (t) = P0 , Q(t) = (P0 /m) t + Q0 . (12)
where P0 and Q0 are starting conditions. Along the process energy, E, is conserved H = H
e = E, so
we can choose √
P0 = ± 2mE. (13)

Hence, the solutions are r
q(t) = 2
sin ωt + φ0 ,
mω (14)
p(t) = 2mE cos ωt + φ0 ,
where φ0 = mωQ0 /P0 is a constant depending on the initial conditions. On the other hand, if our
purpose were simply to find a transformation that eliminates potential-like terms in (1), we may proceed
in a more general way as follows. We may separate the Hamiltonian as
p2  m2 ω 2 q 2 
H= 1+ , (15)
2m p2
this separation suggests a definition for the new momentum as
m2 ω 2 q 2
P (p, q) = p 1 + , (16)
where the positive sign of the square root has been taken arbitrarily; also note that the dimensions of
the momentum are not altered by the last step. In order to complete the canonical transformation, we
use a generating function G such that [2, 3]
∂G ∂G
p= and Q = . (17)
∂q ∂P
Solving for p(P, q), from definition (16) and integrating with respect to q, we find
qp 2 P2 h mωq i
G(P, q) = P − m2 ω 2 q 2 + arctan p (18)
2 2mω P 2 − m2 ω 2 q 2
up to an additive arbitrary function of P , which we choose as a vanishing one. From the second
condition of (17) and writing P in terms of the original coordinates we obtain
p2 + m2 ω 2 q 2 h mωq i
Q(q, p) = arctan . (19)
mω p
Equations (16) and (19) are actually the inverse transformation of eqs. (11).
In some cases it is useful to perform a change of coordinates to simplify the description of some
physical problems and find their solution. For example, let X = X(x, y) and Y = Y (x, y) be two
independent continuous functions of the points on the plane. If they have continuous inverse, x =
x(X, Y ) and y = y(X, Y ), we can identify any point of the plane by using these new pair of coordinates
(X, Y ). In order to see how the new coordinates looks geometrically, we plot the graphic of the simplest
equations of the new system, i.e. the curves generated by setting X = constant and Y = constant.
Since we associate each of these simple curves to one single coordinate, they are named coordinates
curves [14].

Now we will plot some coordinates curves Q = constant and P = constant in the original phase
space to give some idea about how the transformation looks geometrically.
In the figure above the curves of constant P coincide with the well-know ellipses of constant energy
of the problem, while the curves associated to constant Q are simply given by (19) and do not have
any special registered name. Therefore, it is easy to see that the CT presented in this work makes the
system to move in the “natural” coordinate curves.

Figure 1: Two coordinates systems, the polar coordinate system at the left and the elliptical coordinate
system at the right, described by the variables (r, θ) and (ξ, η) respectively. In both systems, there are
represented a pair of coordinate curves on the original xy plane.

Figure 2: Representation of the canonical transformation in the original coordinates in arbitrary units,
with m = 1 and frequency ω = 1. It is easy to see that the CT presented in this work finds a new
coordinate system for the phase space with the special feature that the P -curves coincide always with
the energy constant curves on which, indeed, the system moves.

In conclusion, we have found a CT: (p, q) → (P, Q) that makes the equations of motion take the form
of the simplest physical problem, namely, the free particle. That is, the system moves freely along the
curves with P constant, which for the HO and in the original phase space, are ellipses representing

the curves of constant energy. The way we have obtained this transformation, by defining the new
momentum as in (15), can be extended easily to other problems of one degree of freedom and time-
independent. This exclude the possibility of transforming in the same way a harmonic system with a
frequency or mass changing in time.
We expect the analysis of a HO given in this work would help clarify the importance of the Hamil-
tonian formulation, which allows transformations as the one discussed here: a CT making a completely
bounded system equivalent to one without any interaction whatsoever—at the prize of deforming the
phase space manifold. We have shown that the classical motion under an elastic potential may be made
equivalent to free motion on a certain curve in phase space. Of course, we do not intent the discussion
in this work to be interpreted as simply another way of solving the harmonic oscillator. No, our point
here is only to show beginning graduate students the enormous power the Hamiltonian formulation
affords over the description of the motion of bodies.
Some students may still wonder whether we could extend this method to quantum mechanic. The
answer is definitively no, since the quantum transformations need unitary operators, Û , to be pro-
duced, and not all conceivable canonical transformation may have an equivalent Û associated. More
simply, think of our example at hand: the HO, if it could be possible to make a quantum transfor-
mation from this system to a free particle, then the HO energy spectrum would be continuous in the
transformed system. This is impossible in quantum mechanics as, remember, unitary transformations
always preserve the operator eigenvalues [11].
We have one more point to mention, given the free nature of the motion in the transformed phase
space the topology of phase space should be special, a sort of cylinder in which the position coordinate
can grow without limit but without the particle which it describes going too far from the point to which
the spring is attached. This feature may also offer the opportunity of relating the techniques of the
Hamiltonian formulation with certain aesthetic aspects of the description of motion. Such features have
always played a relatively important part in the theoretical aspects and in the development of mechanics
[12, 13, 15]. As we said before, if we accept the freedom granted by the Hamiltonian formulation and
adopt a geometric standpoint we may convince ourselves that the notion of interaction potential is used
because we insist in describing motion using Euclidean geometry. That is, such interaction potential
partially lose their importance to be substituted by phase space geometric features, as we exhibited in
this work. From this standpoint, interactions may be conceived as a warping of phase space. Dynamics
can be replaced by geometry.
RSM thanks the Verano de la Ciencia 2018 program of the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias for the
scholarship granted to him for a Verano de la Ciencia stay at the Laboratorio de Sistemas Dinámicos,
UAM-Azcapotzalco, and to the Facultad de Fı́sica, Universidad Veracruzana for the support given
through the Programa de Movilidad.

[1] L. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz, Mechanics, (Pergamon Press, Oxford UK, 1978).

[2] V. I. Arnold, Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, (Springer Verlag, New York USA,

[3] H. Goldstein, Ch. Poole, J. Safko, (Addison-Wesley, Addison-Wesley, San Francisco USA, 2010).

[4] M. R. Spiegel, Theoretical Mechanics, (Schaum Publishing, New York USA, 1967).

[5] L. J. Boya, M. Kmiecik, A. Bohm, Phys. Rev. A 37, 356 (1988).

[6] H. N. Núñez-Yépez, A.L. Salas-Brito, Didier A. Solı́s, Phys. Rev. A 83, 064101 (2011).

[7] R. Loudon, Proc. R. Soc. A 472, 20150534 (2016).

[8] J. Moser, Comm. Pure Applied Math. XXIII, 609 (1970).

[9] W. Greiner Classical mechanics: systems of particles and Hamiltonian dynamics. Springer-Verlag,
New York, USA, 2003.

[10] A. Gómez-Trapote, Rev. Mex. Fis. 48, 4 (2002).

[11] E. N. Glass, J. J. G. Scanio, Am. J. Phys. 45, 344 (1977).

[12] E. Corinaldesi Classical mechanics por physics graduate students. World Scientific, Farrer Road,
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[13] K. S. Lam Fundamental principles of classical mechanics: a geometrical perspective, World Scien-
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[14] J. Happel, H. Brenner, Low Reynolds number hydrodynamics with special applications to particulate
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[15] J. V. José, E. J. Saletan, Classical dynamics: a contemporary approach, Cambridge University

Press, Cambridge, UK, 1998.

List of changes
We made some changes so that the paper were more didactic.

1. In the section Hamiltonian approach to the HO we added a paragraph explaining some generalities
of the canonical transformations.

2. At the end of the next section, we wrote more about how to visualize the geometry of the new
phase space, by interpreting the CT as a change of coordinates. First we plotted constant curves
of other coordinate systems (polar and elliptic) and then the constant curves of the CT found.

3. In the conclusions, we answer the questions of the referee about generalizing the CT to a time-
dependent frequency system and a quantum system.

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