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BSNL Internship Project

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Mr.Pradeep Kumar Sahoo

RTTC, BSNL, Bhubaneswar-751007

1. Executive summary
2. Introduction to Performance Management
3. Importance of Performance Management
4. Need for the study
 Title of the project
 Statement of the problem
 Purpose of the study
 Scope of the study
 Objectives of the study
5. Research methodology
 Sampling plan
 Area covered
 Methodology
6. Data collection
 Primary data
 Secondary data
7. Data Analysis
 Statistical tool
 Statistical package
8. Limitation of the study
9. Theoretical aspects of Performance Management
10. Introduction to the company
11. Analysis and interpretation
12. Findings
13. Suggestions
14. Conclusion
15. Bibliography
16. Annexure
This is to certify that the project report entitled “Performance Appraisal survey at
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd wrt. Bhubaneswar & Cuttack SSA has been prepared by Asutosh
Lenka,15BBA009 a student of BBA,MunicipalCollege,Rourkela under my supervision &
guidance towards partial fulfillment for the requirements of Bachelor of Business Administration
(BBA) of. MunicipalCollege,Rourkela
His Field work during Survey is excellent. During her project work, she was very sincere,
devoted & showed keen interest in learning the nitty-gritty of Training & development strategies
of BSNL,Odisha with reference to Bhubaneswar –Cuttack SSA.

Perfume your future with the sweet fragrance of hard work & dedication.I wish her all the
best in her future endeavor.

Place: Signature of Guide



Designation :DGM-cum-Principal,RTTC,BSNL,BBSR-7


The satisfaction that accomplishes the successful completion of any project would be
incomplete without the people whose constant guidance & encouragement crowns all
efforts with success. I convey my sincere gratitude to Mr. Pradeep Kumar Sahoo,DGM-
cum-Principal,RTTC,BSNL,Bhubaneswar for giving me an opportunity & his constant
inspiration & motivation in preparing my project work in BSNL.
I am also thankful to all the Faculty & Staff of RTTC,Bhubnaeswar for their
unstinted support & cooperation , constructive criticism & valuable guidance as & when
needed during the course of the project work.
Lastly, I am thankful to my Guide Dr Snigdha Das for her valuable advice in
guiding me at every stage in bringing out this project.

Place: (Asutosh Lenka)

Date: BBA, Municipal College,Rourkela

I, Autosh Lenka ,a student of BBA,Municipal College ,Rourkela bearing Roll No.

15BBA 009 do hereby declare that the project work entitled “Training & Development
Survey at BSNL with reference to Bhubaneswar-Cuttack BSNL submitted by me for the
partial fulfillment towards the award of degree of BBA in Management is a record of my
own research work.

The report embody the original findings based on my study & observation & has
not been submitted earlier for the award of any Degree or Diploma to any institutes or

(Asutosh Lenka)
Date: BBA, Municipal College,Rourkela
Telecommunication is a technology intensive industry with a high probability of
obsolescence. Our country has witnessed a number of technologies varying from magneto
exchanges to the modern New Technology Digital Switches. We have also seen changes in the
transmission technology starting from carrier systems to the DWDM systems providing long
distance circuits across the length and breadth of the country. Telecommunications today is
both a public utility and a vital infra-structure. Therefore an in house training center is an
essential institution for continuous training of the officers and employees in this key
technological field.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) is a state owned Public Sector Enterprise(CPSE)
Which provides a host of telecom services such as Landline,Mobile,Data,Satellite & Broadband
services to name a few. It is a Total Telecom Services Provider to the nation & life line of
Communication. Today India has the highest Mobile users crossing 100 Crores of customers
spanning length & breadth of our country.
Managing human resources in today’s dynamic environment is becoming more and more
complex as well as important. Recognition of people as a valuable resource in the organization
has led to increases trends in employee maintenance, job security, etc. My research project deals
with “Performance Appraisal as carried out at Bhart Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL)†•. In
this report, I have studied &evaluated the performance appraisal process as it is carried out in the
Organization & individual for their survival & attainment of mutual goals should develop &
progress simultaneously; this can be done mainly through training technique because training is
the most important technique & it is a value addition to the organization through Human
Resource Development for the development of the employee. The employee she/he been
selected, placed & introduced in an organization should be provided with training facilities in
order to adjust & make them suitable for the Job as no organization can get a candidate who
exactly matches with the job & organizational requirements.

Once employees are recruited, selected & inducted into an organization, their performance has to
be monitored on a continuous basis .Thus employee Performance is the most important sub-
system, specialized & one of the fundamental operative functions of Human Resource
Development. Organizational efficiency, productivity, progress & development, also organization
viability, stability & growth to greater extent depend on training. If the required training is not
provided it leads to the performance failure of the employees. Training enhances the
Competence, Commitment, and Creativity & Contribution to the organization thereby enhancing
their performance at workplace. The first part of my survey deal with performance appraisal.
In this section, I have given a brief conceptual explanation to performance appraisal. It
contains the definition, process and significance of performance appraisal. In the second
section of my report, I have conducted a research study to evaluate the process of
performance appraisal as adopted in BSNL set up .My focus area includes BSNL
Bhubaneswar & Cuttack SSA.In the third Section I have collected data & interpreted in
the form of a spreadsheet to assess the Employee performance in BSNL.
The analysis of the questionnaire was carried out through which the purpose of the study was
These tests gave the clear idea about the most significant factors which are positively correlated
and those factors which are not so significant and are not positively correlated. Hence it helped
the study to identify the important factors which are quiet essential for effective training and
development in the organization.
This study gives a detailed idea about the employee’s attitude towards the training
program and how the employees apply the knowledge, skills and attitude in job performance.
Therefore through the analysis the study could be interpreted that the performance
Appraisal programs are quiet effective but still needs to be improved on some of the aspects
mentioned above.

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Management is defined as managing 5 M’s :

 Man
 Machine
 Materials
 Money
 TiMe
From the above only Man is living .All others are non living.Hence it’s the People who manages
all four other entities.Hence Human Resources form an important asset of any organization.
Human Resource Management refers to the PEOPLE dimension of an Organization. It is
defined as the people who staff and manage organization. It comprises of the functions and
principles that are applied to retaining, training, developing, and compensating the employees in
organization. It is also applicable to non-business organizations, such as education, healthcare,
etc Human Resource Management is defined as the set of activities, programs, and functions that
are designed to maximize both organizational as well as employee effectiveness……………
Scope of HRM without a doubt is vast. All the activities of employee, from the time of his entry
into an organization until he leaves, come under the horizon of HRM.The divisions included in
HRM are Recruitment, Payroll, Performance Management, Training and Development,
Retention, Industrial Relation, etc. Out of all these divisions, one such important division is
training and development.
Performance appraisal is important aspect in the organization to evaluate the employee’s
performance. It helps in understanding the employee’s work culture,
involvement and satisfaction. It helps also the organization in deciding employee’s
promotion, transfer, incentives and pay increase. In this present paper an
attempt has been made to examine the effectiveness of performance appraisal system of
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited this study is highlights that’s performance appraisal is
the process of assessing the performance and progress of an employee. For the completion
of efficient research work descriptive research design has been used in this paper. In the
research paper after having analyzed the data, it was observed that practically that the
appraisal system of BSNL is average. The systematic procedure of performance appraisal
helps the supervisors to frame training policies and programs. It helps to analyze strength
and weakness of employees so that new jobs can be designed for efficient employees. It also
helps in framing future development programs

The importance of human resources to business success in any context has been widely
recognized. Richard and Johnson (2001) are among the many who argue that human
resource management strategies impact on an organization’s overall
effectiveness, and that the effective utilization of human resources can give an organization
a competitive advantage.

“BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED” is abbreviated as BSNL. It is 4th largest

department of Telecommunication Company in Asia and seventh in world
today. This is one of the most earning revenue in India. Above more than 3 laces
employees, officer and engineers working in BSNL at present.

The success for any organization will therefore depend on its ability to measure accurately
the performance of its employees and use its objectivity to optimize them as a vital
resource. Performance appraisal serves as a motivation tool. Through evaluating
performance of employees a person’s efficiency can be determined if the target are
achieved. This very will motivates a person for better job and helps him to improve his
performance in the future.

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (known as BSNL, is a public sector communications

company in India. It is the largest telecommunication company in India and the 7 th largest
in the world. Its headquarters are at Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Harish Chandra Mathur
Lane, Janpath, New Delhi. It has the status of Mini-ratna - a status assigned to reputed
Public Sector companies in India.

BSNL is India's oldest and largest Communication Service Provider (CSP). Currently
BSNL has a customer base of 65.3 million (Basic & Mobile telephony). It has footprints
throughout India except for the metropolitan cities of Mumbai and New Delhi which are
managed by MTNL. As on July 31, 2017, BSNL commanded a customer base of 29.7
million Wireline, 3.7 million CDMA-WLL and 98.9 million GSM Mobile subscribers.
Today, BSNL is India's largest Telco and one of the largest Public Sector Undertaking of
the country with authorized share capital of US$ 4.26 billion (INR 17,500 Crores) and
assets of US$ 14.74 billion.

The foundation of Telecom Network in India was laid by the British sometime in 19th
century. The history of BSNL is linked with the beginning of Telecom in India. In 19th
century and for almost entire 20th century, the Telecom in India was operated as a
Government of India wing. Earlier it was part of erstwhile Post & Telegraph Department
(P&T). In 1975 the Department of Telecom (DoT) was separated from P&T. DoT was
responsible for running of Telecom services in entire country until 1985 when Mahanagar
Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) was carved out of DoT to run the telecom services of
Delhi and Mumbai. It is a well known fact that BSNL was carved out of Department of
Telecom to provide level playing field to private telecoms.Subsequently in 1990s the
telecom sector was opened up by the Government for Private investment, therefore it
became necessary to separate the Government's policy wing from Operations wing. The
Government of India corporatised the operations wing of DoT on October 01, 2000 and
named it as Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL).BSNL operates as a public sector.

Employment at BSNL
BSNL's employee base comprises of more than 2,57,000 telecom engineers and
professionals. (Both Executive & Non-Executives)
BSNL's Work Culture
Teamwork, leadership, motivation, etc. are the management principles followed at BSNL.
The entire staff is divided in four groups.
CMD Board of Directors Sr.DDG CGM’s at Each Circle

Employee distribution at BSNL

Performance appraisal may be defined as a structured formal interaction between a
subordinate and supervisor that usually take the form of periodic interview (annual or
semi annual), in which the work performance of the subordinate is examined and
discussed with a view of identifying weakness and strengths as well as opportunities for
improvement and skills development.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) was incorporated on 15th September 2000. It took
over the business of providing of telecom services and network management from the
erstwhile Central Government Departments of Telecom Services (DTS) and Telecom
Operations (DTO), with effect from 1st October‘2000 on going concern basis. It is one of
the largest & leading public sector units providing comprehensive range of telecom
services in India.
It is the largest provider of fixed telephony and fourth largest mobile telephony provider
in India, and is also a provider of broadband services. However, in recent years the
company's revenue and market share plunged into heavy losses due to intense competition
in Indian telecommunications sector. BSNL is India's oldest and largest communication
service provider (CSP). It had a customer base of 95 million as of June 2011. It has
footprints throughout India except for the tropolitan cities of Mumbai and New Delhi,
which are managed by Mahanagar Telephone Nigam (MTNL). BSNL has installed
Quality Telecom Network in the country
& now focusing on improving it, expanding the network, introducing new telecom services
with ICT applications in villages & winning customer's confidence. Today, it has about
43.74 million line basic telephone capacity, 8.83 million WLL capacity, 72.60 million GSM
capacity, 37,885 fixed exchanges, 68,162 GSM BTSs, 12,071 CDMA Towers, 197 Satellite
Stations, 6,86,644 RKm. of OFC, 50,430 RKm.
of microwave network connecting 623 districts, 7330 cities/towns & 5.8 lakhs illages

BSNL is the only service provider, making focused efforts & planned initiatives to bridge
the rural-urban digital divide in ICT sector. In fact there is no telecom operator in the
country to beat its reach with its wide network giving services in every nook & corner of
the country & operates across India except New Delhi & Mumbai. Whether it is
inaccessible areas of Siachen glacier or North-Eastern regions of the country,
BSNL serves its customers with a wide bouquet of telecom services namely Wireline,
CDMA mobile, GSM mobile, Internet, Broadband, Carrier service, MPLS-VPN, VSAT,
VoIP, IN Services, FTTH, etc. BSNL is numero uno of India in all services in its license
area. The company offers wide ranging & most transparent tariff
schemes designed to suit every customer. BSNL has 90.09 million cellular & 5.06 million
WLL customers as on 31.07.2011. 3G Facility has been given to all 2G
connections of BSNL. In basic services, BSNL is miles ahead of its rivals, with 24.58 million
wireline phone subscribers i.e. 71.93% share of the wireline subscriber base.
BSNL has set up a world class multi-gigabit, multi-protocol convergent IP infrastructure
that provides convergent services like voice, data & video through the same Backbone &
Broadband Access Network. At present there are 8.09
million broad-band customers.
The company has vast experience in planning, installation, network integration &
maintenance of switching & transmission networks & also has a world class ISO 9000
certified Telecom Training Institute. During the 2010-11, turnover of BSNL is around Rs.
29,700 Crores

Most companies have some formal or informal means of appraising their employees’
performance. Performance appraisal means evaluating an employees’ current and/or past
performance relative to his or her performance standards.
According to Newstorm, “It is the process of evaluating the performance of the employees,
sharing that information with them and searching for ways to improve their performance.”
A “Performance appraisal” is a process of evaluating an employees’ performance of a job in
terms of its requirements. It is the step where the management finds out how effective it has been
at hiring and placing employees.


 Plan
 Develop
 Perform
 Assess
 Review



This is a better technique than that of straight ranking method. In this method, each employee
is compared with all others in pairs and as a group. After all the comparisons are over, the
final ranking is made. The system is not suitable to rank relatively large no of employees.

In this method, the evaluators assign numerical ranks to the employees on the basis of
their overall performance appraisal and arrange them from best to the poorest. Although
the method does not provide any scientific basis, it can be used to increase employee’s
motivational level.

 GRADING METHOD(A.P.A.R) Annual Performance Appraisal Report

This method determines certain features of the employees’ performance in advance, defines
in category and assigns with grade such as Grade A for outstanding performance, Grade B
for excellent, Grade C for average and Grade D is poor. The feature to be graded includes
leadership, communication, analystic ability, job acknowledgement, etc. Grading the
employees’ with written exam is a common practice.


It is a well known method and commonly used for assessing the employee performance. By
this method, an employee can be assessed by his superiors, colleagues, sub-ordinates or
sometimes by customer too. It depends on the organization or nature of the job. Scores
gained by the employees’ on different traits are added to determine the final score.

In BSNL, Grading Rating Scale known by the name APAR (Annual Performance
Appraisal Report) which is a Grading system of assessing an Employee’s performance
against a set of standards is adopted. The APAR Form is appended at the end which is graded
as under:

 APARs graded between 8 and 10 will be rated as “Outstanding”

 APARs graded between 6 and short of 8 will be rated as “Very Good”
 APARs graded between 4 and 6 short of 6 will be read as ‘Good’
 APARs graded below 4 will be given a score of “Zero”

The different colors used for APAR’s are as follows:

 (1) हरा : उच्च प्रशासनिक श्रेणी एवं ऊपर
 Green : SAG Level & above

 (2) पीला : कनिष्ठ,वररष्ठ समयमाि व कनिष्ठ प्रशासनिक श्रेणी

 Yellow : JTS, STS & JAG

 (3) सफेद : वर्ग “ ख ”

 White :Gr ‘B’

This method is although traditional is very popular, simple and easily understandable to put to
use for evaluating employee performance. These are a kind of “one form fits all” and require
minimal time, effort, cost and training. In this method, an employer’s performances both in terms
of quality and quantity are assessed as a graphic scale. The graphic rating scale format is a
performance appraisal checklist in which a rater rates performance such as excellent, good,
average, fair and poor. The continuum offer includes a numerical scale such as 1 is assigned
lowest performance level and 5 is highest. It defines core traits of employees such as attitude,
work knowledge, managerial skills and team building skills. These traits are allotted in a
numerical scale and the scores gained by the employees’ on each factor are tabulated by the
appraisal. The total score is summed upto determined the best performer. Comparison among
pairs is possible.

This is known as free form method or narrative method. This method other uses no standard
format but there can be format for this method. By this method the performance of an employee
is described by his superior. The description is based on facts and often includes examples and
evidence. The rater describes both strong and weak points of the employees’ behavior. The major
advantage of this technique is that it provides a good deal of information regarding the employee
and reveals a lot about the evaluator. However, essay description is highly subjective and time
consuming in nature and sometimes costly too.

In this method, a group of judges evaluate the employees. The immediate supervision of the
employee and other members discuss and set the performance standards to evaluate the
employees. Though the method is time consuming, it is relatively free from business.


This method deploys a senior HR personnel or a training officer to act as appraiser. The officer
discusses interviews of a set of supervisors to evaluate and rate their respective sub-ordinates.
For each type of appraisal, the appraiser gets well equipped with particular questions. He asks
those questions to the supervisors in order to review their respective employee performance.


In this method, each employee gets the opportunity to receive performance feedback from his/her
supervisor, peers and co-workers, sub-ordinates and staff members, top management and
sometimes from customers and suppliers along with the rater employee himself. This feedback
system consists of questionnaires consisting of wide range of questions pertaining to the
competencies of the employees at the workplace. 360 degree feedback is known as multi-source
feedback. It is a holistic approach of assessing employee performance by incorporating feedback
from all to observe and are affected by the performance of employees.


It is a method of performance appraisal in which the rater has to make a forced choice between
the available characteristics, about the employees. It is in the form of survey questionnaires. In
this method, different categories of a performance are set, the proportion in each category need
not be symmetrical.


1. To know about effectiveness of performance appraisal System of Bharat Sanchar Nigam
2. To assess the training and development needs of employees.
3. To overcome the various hurdles of performance appraisal and to improve its
6. To study the relationship of performance appraisal and organizational effectiveness.
Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. In this paper
description research method is used.

A research design is the specifications of methods an procedures for acquiring the
information is to be collected form which source by what procedures.
Research design refer to “framework or plan for a study that guides the collection and
analysis of data.” In the present study description research is done. This research focuses
on effectiveness of performance appraisal system of BSNL.

Collection of data is the first step in statistics. The data collection process follows the
formulation for research design including the sample plan. The data can be secondary or
In this research study researches have used a combination of both primary & secondary
sources of data in order to avoid any kind of discrepancy or error.
The primary data has been collected from the respondent by the use of questionnaires. The
research study was conducted on total of 40 employees of BSNL. The secondary data is
collected through use of websites, Journals, company annual reports of BSNL and
magazines etc.


In this study I have collected primary data through fill Questionnaires by respondents.
Once the data was collected from both primary and the sources it was coded edited and
presented in form of charts, figures and tables. The charts
have been presented after tabulation in order to provide a clear idea of the information. I
have been used simple statistical tools to analyze the information and based on this the
interpretation has been drawn. The analysis has been done
on the basis of the percentage of responses received for different questions keeping in view
the objective of study, questionnaires was designed and tested on few
employees of BSNL. I have been taken as sample size 30 employees of BSNL.
In all 15 questionnaires were given to employee falling in the category of supervisors and
above. Out of which 30 could be collected back duly completed by respondents. The
researcher individually contacted the employees to get response on the questionnaires. It
has been an uphill task to enter the enormous data received
the questionnaires which consist of nearly 15 questions. Response to the descriptive
question though very few but was valuable for purpose of study. Hence these further
structured in time with the system adopted for completion and data
After collecting the data on “Performance Appraisal System” from the organization
through questionnaire, data was analyzed and interpreted. The various topics are covered
for analysis and interpretation of data through questionnaire.
Q1.Are the promotional policies well defined in BSNL?
Response Number Percentage
Yes 38 80%
No 02 20%
Can’t Say NIL 0%

Yes 38
No 2
Can’t Say NIL

Interpretation- As per the guidelines from the bsnl,personnel department employees are to be
promoted accordingly. However there is confusion among the employee as these policies are not
explained time to time, many are not aware of the existing promotion policies. From the above
chart, it can be seen that 80% respondents are agree and 20% are disagree that promotion
policies are well defined in the organization.
Q2.How often the performance appraisal form is filled or performance appraisal is done
in BSNL?

Response Number Percentage

08 20%
Quarterly 10 25%
Semi-Annually 02 5%
Annually 20 50%


Interpretation- If the appraisal is done on a more frequent basis, the employee has a chance to
find out the gaps in his / her performance on a more regular basis which will help them to
improve more on their performance and thereby eliminate waste. As shown in above chart, 20%
of respondents say appraisal done monthly, 50% of respondents say appraisal done annually in
the organization. 13% say Quarterly.

Q3.In your opinion does it identify training needs?

Response Number Percentage
To A large Extent 30 75%
To Some Extent 10 25%
Can’t Say NIL 0%
20 Series1
15 Series2
10 Series3
1 2 3 4

Interpretation- The systematic procedure of performance appraisal helps the supervisors to

frame training policies and programmes. As shown in above chart, 75% of respondents are agree
that performance appraisal system followed in BSNL is identify the training needs 75%say to a
large extent so, according to this it is clear that the training and future development programmes
in the organization takes place according to performance appraisal.

Q4. Does the appraisal help you in polishing skills & performance area?
Response Number Percentage
YES 35 70%
NO 05 30%
CANT SAY 00 0%


Interpretation: 70% respoindents say “YES” the appraisal help them in polishing skills &
performance area & 30% say NO.

Q5. Do the employees get the feedback of performance appraisal?

Response Number Percentage
20 70%
Often 15 20%
Only when required 05 10%
Rarely NIL 0%

Always 20
Often 15
Only when required 5
Rarely NIL

Interpretation: 70% responded the employees get the feedback of performance appraisal in

Q6.How do you rate the overall assessment of performance appraisal in BSNL?

Response Number Percentage

Outstanding 35 80%
Very Good 05 20%
Good NIL 0
Satisfactory NIL 0
Average NIL 0



20% Series1
35 5 Series1
Outstanding NIL
Very Good Good
Satisfactory Average

Interpretation: 80% responded that the overall assessment of performance appraisal in

BSNL is Outstanding means Employees are of good opinion as to method of performance

Q7. Does the organization provide counseling after appraisal?

Response Number %
YES 10 30%
NO 30 70%
CANT Say 0 0%


Interpretation- It is a very important task of organization toprovide counseling to the employees
after appraisal. Thecounseling should be given with a positive attitude as this can have an effect
on the employee’s future performance. The purpose of counseling should be to solve the
problems facedand motivate the employee to perform better. When respondents were asked that
organisation provide counseling to employees after appraisal 70% respondents say YES , and it
is not good. 30% respondents say NO.

8. Does personal bias creeps-in while appraising an employee?

Response Number Percentage
YES 30 75%
NO 10 25%



15 Series1

1 2 3 4

Interpretation- In the process of appraising, both the parties are human being, that is, the one
who is being apprised and the other who is appraising. Thus, when asked from among the sample
size of 30 respondents, as huge as 75 % responded that personal bias do creep in while
appraising an individual. Hence, it is inevitable to say that personal likings do not come in the
process of appraisal.

9. What kind of remedial measures are taken by organization after appraisal?

Response Number Percentage
Job Rotation 10 20%
Sent to Training 30 80%
Counseled NIL 0%
Any Other NIL 0%
Job Rotation 10
Sent to Training 30
Counseled NIL
Any Other NIL

Interpretation- Based on the performance the remedial measures are taken to do away with
weakness if any and build on strength and add to existing capability. Responses of employees on
remedial measure were shown in above chart; here 10% respondents say job rotation. 90% say
training program, during the job it was felt that more training input is to be provided to
employees to overcome the weakness and improve upon the existing capability of employee.

10. What method is being used for performance appraisal in BSNL?\

Response Number Percentage
Forced Choice
Essay Method
360 degree
A.P.A.R(Grading) 40 100%
Paired Comparision
Any other
Forced Choice distribution
Essay Method
360 degree
Paired Comparision
Any other

Interpretation- For appraising performance of the employees it is very important to determine

the method of evaluation. Numerous methods have been devised to measure the quantity and
quality of employee’s job performance. As shown in above chart,100% of respondents say that
APAR method is used in BSNL for performance evaluation of employees.

11. Does the system help you in aligning your goals with those of organization?
Response Number Percentage
YES 20 50%
NO 20 50%
Cant say NIL 0%

YES 20
NO 20
Cant say NIL

As shown in above chart, 50% of respondents say yes and 50% give negative response. Thus we
can say 50% respondent are agree that performance appraisal system help employees to aligning
their goals with those of BSNL.
12. Is the promotional policies are linked with the performance appraisal system.
Response Number Percentage
YES 40 100%
NO 0 0%
Can’t Say 0 0%







YES NO Can’t Say

Interpretation - A promotion may be defined as an upward advancement of an employee in an

organization to another job, which commands better pay/wages, better status and higher
opportunities and responsibility, a better working environment, and facilities etc. Performance
Appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the performance of employees according to which
promotion and demotion given to the employees. As shown in chart, 100% of respondents say
that the promotion policies in BSNL are not linked with performance appraisal.
13. Who appraises you?
Response Number Percentage
Appraisal committee 40 100%
Superior 40 100%
Immediate Superior 40 100%
Self appraisal 40 100%
Peer 40 100%
20 Series1

15 Series2

Appraisal Superior Immediate Self Peer
committee Superior appraisal

Interpretation- Immediate supervisor is the most appropriate candidate to appraise the

performance of her and his subordinates because No one is more familiar with subordinate’s
performance and superior has responsibility of managing aparticular unit. So, as shown in above
chart, 100% of the respondents say that their superior appraised them which is a good indication
for the organisation.
14. What is employee’s opinion as to the purpose of performance appraisal system is to
fulfil performance standards/ yardsticks.
Response Number Percentage
YES 40 100%
NO 0 0%

20 YES
15 NO

Interpretation- The main purpose of the Appraisal system is to check whether the employee is
able to fulfill performance standards or not. As shown in above chart, 100% of the respondents
say that the Performance Appraisal System does give a true and fair view of their contribution to
the Organization. But 40% respondents replied in the negative.
15. What is employee’s opinion as to present appraisal system followed in BSNL?

Response Number Percentage

Fully satisfied 20 50%
Satisfied 10 25%
Need to modified 10 25%
Dissatisfied 0 0%




0 Series2 Series2

Interpretation – As researcher’s aim is to study effectiveness of present appraisal system

followed BY bsnl. Respondent were asked about present appraisal system followed by the
organization. As shown in above chart, only 20% respondents are fully satisfied and 10% are
satisfied with the present appraisal system. A So, this is a good sign as increased level of
satisfaction is the main emphasis of any appraisal system.
 Performance Appraisal in BSNL helps to increase productivity and achieve the
goals of the organization

 Performance Appraisal system are well planned in the organization.

 The training given in organization helps improve Employee performance.

 The Performance appraisal should be evaluated periodically.

 The training programs strongly focus on technical and managerial capabilities

which in return enhance the productivity of Employees in BSNL.

 Employees’ attitude towards the performance appraisal is Positive.

 There is involvement of employees in determining the Performance objectives in


 More priority is given for on the job trainings than the value addition programs
like motivation, stress management, group dynamics to enhance Employee
Performance in BSNL which faces a stiff competition in present scenario.

After having analyzed the data, it was observed that practically that the appraisal system of
BSNL is Very Good.. To be an effective tool, appraisal has to be on the continuous basis in the
organization & BSNL should develop & take necessary steps to educate & train each & every
Employee(Both Executive & Non-Executives) towards achieving a grading of “EXCELLENT”.
For that Top management support must be there.

Before actually deciding drafting what should be the kind of appraisal the
following things should be taken care of:
1. The very concept of performance appraisal should be marketed throughout the organization.
Unless this is done, people would not accept it, be it how important to the organization.
2. To market such a concept, it should not start at bottom; instead it should be started by the
initiative of the top management. This would help in percolating down the concept to the
advantage of all, which includes the top management as well as those below them. This means
that the top management has to take a welcoming and positive approach towards the change that
is intended to be brought. 3. Further, at the time of confirmation also, the appraisal form should
not lead to duplication of any information. Instead, detailed appraisal of the employee’s work
must be done – which must incorporates both the work related as well as the other personal
attributes that are important for work performance.
4. It should be noted that the appraisal form for each job position should be different as each job
has different knowledge and skill requirements. There should not be a common appraisal form
for every job position in theorganization.
5. If greater amount of objectivity can be infused into the appraisal system, it can help to bring
more transparency.
6. The job and role expected from the employees should be decided well in advance and that too
with the consensus with them.
7. A neutral panel of people should do the appraisal and to avoid subjectivity to a marked extent,
objective methodsshould be employed having quantifiable data.
8. The time period for conducting the appraisal should be revised, so that the exercise becomes a
continuous phenomenon.
9. Transparency into the system should be ensured through the discussion about the employee’s
performance with the employee concerned and trying to find out the grey areas so that training
can be implemented to improve on that.
10. Ideally in the present day scenario, appraisal should be done, taking the views of all the
concerned parties who have some bearing on the employee. But, since a change in the system is
required, it cannot be a drastic one. It ought to be gradual and a change in the mindset of both the
employees and the head is required.


 Employees should decide and determine the training programs that they need so
that they can work more effectively and efficiently, employees should decide some of
the training they would like to undergo.

 The HR department should conduct briefing and debriefing sessions for employees
for Performance Appraisal as to give them an idea as to why this training is been
conducted and what they have to learn in the training program conducted and also
after training completion they should take a feedback as to how effective was the
training so that the necessary improvements in training programs can be considered
and implemented.
 Apart from on-job training programs the HR Department should conduct constant
value addition programs such as Time management, Stress management trainings,
group dynamics, grievance redressal, these will help to add value and is also
essential in today’s business scenario.

 Performance of every employee undergone training should be evaluated so as to get

Improved quality of training activities, Improve ability of the trainers to relate
inputs to output know their understanding about the training programme

 It should provide new recruits or trainees a scientific pace for imbibing the
knowledge and skills required to discharge their duties and responsibilities
meaningfully and purposefully.

 The company should conduct training programs at regular intervals to update their
performance level from time ti time which helps the employees to enhance their
knowledge for their current jobs.

 The company should design the training program based on the current
requirement, which includes development of technical skills, personality
development, time management, computer knowledge etc.


Human Resources Management by Gary Dessler
Publised by Pearson Education 9th Edition
PP 184 - 240
a. Books
Training, Methods of Training, Effectiveness of Training
 Nov 2004
Annual Report of Bharatiya Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL)
2006-2007 PP- 1-10

ANNEXURE(sample Copy)

प्रपत्र I/ FORM-I स्टॉफ सं .

(ब्लु बुक के मुतानबक)
(As per Blue Book)

भारतीय दू रसंचार सेवा, भारतीय डाक और दू संचार ले खा एवं नवत्त सेवा

भवि निमाग ण कायग संबंधी अनधकाररय ं के नलए
वानषगक कायगनिष्पादि मूल्ां कि प्रनतवेदि
Group ‘B’ Officers of Telecom Service,
P&T Accounts and Finance
& P&T(BWS) Service of DOT
अनधकारी का िाम
Name of the Officer

जन्म नतनि
Date of Birth

समाप्त ह िे वाले वषग /अवनध की ररप र्ग

Report for the year/period ending
प्रपत्र I / FORM-I

Ministry/Department of …………BSNL(A Government of India Enterprise)……………..

Annual Performance Appraisal Report of Group ‘B’ Officers of Telecom Service, P&T Accounts and Finance &
P&T(BWS) Service of DOT

समाप्तप्त वषग /अवनध का प्रनतवेदि

Report for the year/period ending

वैयप्तिक ब्यौरे

(मंत्रालय /नवभार्/कायाग लय के सं बंनधत प्रशासनिक अिुभार् द्वारा भरे जािे के नलए)

(To be filled by the Administrative Section concerned of the Ministry/Department/Office)

1. अनधकारी का िाम
Name of Officer

2. जन्म की तारीख (नदि/माह/वषग) (शब् ं में)

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) (in words)
Whether the Officer belongs to SC/ST/OBC-
3. वतग माि श्रेणी में लर्ातार नियु प्ति की तारीख नदिां क श्रेणी
Date of continuous appointment Date Grade SDE
to the present grade

4. वतग माि पद तिा उस पर नियु प्ति की तारीख पद नदिां क

Present post and date of Post SDE Date
Appointment thereto

5. वषग में कायग से अिुपप्तथिनत की अवनध (छु ट्टी,

प्रनशक्षण आनद पर) यनद उि अनधकारी िे प्रनशक्षण
नलया है त उसका नववरण दें ।
Period of absence from duty (on (1)
training, leave, etc.) during the year.
If he has undergone training, specify.


अनधकारी का िाम
Name of the Officer
ररप र्ग की अवनध
Reporting period
भार् – 2 नजस अनधकारी का प्रनतवेदि नलखा जािा है , उसके द्वारा भरे जािे के नलए
PART-2 To be filled in by the Officer Reported Upon

(कृपया प्रनवनिय ं क भरिे से पहले अिु देश ं क ध्याि से पढ़ ले )

(Please read carefully the instructions before filling the entries)

1. नकए र्ए कायों का सं नक्षप्त नववरण

Brief description of duties:

2.कायग के ज लक्ष्य/उद्दे श्य/ध्येय आपिे स्वयं अपिे नलए निधागररत नकए ह ,ं या आपके नलए निधागररत नकए र्ए ह उि
(पररणाम/मात्रा या अन्य रूप में ) कायों आठ-दस मदें प्रािनमकता के आधार पर बताएँ और हरे क लक्ष्य की दृनि से अपिी
उपलप्ति बताएँ ।
Please specify targets/objectives/goals (in quantitative or other terms) of work you set for yourself or that were
set for you, eight to ten, items of work, in the order of priority and your achievement against each target.

लक्ष्य/उद्दे श्य /ध्येय उपलप्तियाँ

Targets/Objectives/Goals Achievements

3. (अ). कृपया मद 2 में बताए र्ए लक्ष्य / ं उद्दे श्य /

ं ध्ये य ं की प्राप्तप्त में रही कनमय ं का सं क्षेप में उल्ले ख
करें । यनद
लक्ष्य ं की प्राप्तप्त में क ई बाधाएँ रही ह ं त वे बताएँ ।
(A) Please state briefly, the shortfalls with reference to the targets/objectives/goals referred to in Item-2.
Please specify constraints, if any, in achieving the targets.
(बी) कृपया उि मद ं का भी उल्लेख करें नजिमें काफी अनधक उपलप्तियां रही है और उिमें अपिे य र्दाि का भी
उल्लेख करें ।
(B) Please also indicate items in which there have been significantly higher achievements and your

4. कृपया उल्लेख करें नक क्या पूवगवती कैलैंडर वषग की अचल सं पनत्त वानषगक नववरणी निधाग ररत तारीख अिाग त्
कैलैंडर वषग से
उत्तरवती वषग क 31 जिवरी तक दजग करा दी र्ई िी। यनद िही ं त नववरण दजग करािे की तारीख दी
Please state whether the annual return on immovable property for the preceding calendar year was filed
within the
prescribed date, i.e. 31st January of the year following the calendar year. If not, the date of filing the return
be given.


नदिां क: सू चिा दे िे वाले अनधकारी के

Date: Signature of the officer reported
अनधकारी का िाम
Name of the Officer ……………………
ररप र्ग की अवनध
Reporting period ………………………….
संख्यात्मक वर्ीकरण का निधागरण प्रनतवेदि तिा पुिनिगरीक्षण प्रानधकारी नकया जािा है ज 1-10 के पैमािे पर ह िा चानहए,जहाँ 1 सबसे
क्रम श्रेणी का तिा 10 उच्चतम श्रेणी का उल्लेख करता हैं।
Numerical grading is to be awarded by reporting and reviewing authority which should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers
to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest.
(कृपया प्रनवनिय ं क भरिे से पहले नदशानिदे श ं क ध्याि से पढ़ ले )
(Please read carefully the guidelines before filling the entries)
(अ) कायग निष्पादि का मूल्ां कि (इस भार् का भार 40% ह र्ा)
(A) Assessment of work output (weightage to the Section would be 40%)
प्रनतवे दि पुिनवगल कि प्रानधकारी पुिनवगल कि प्रानधकारी के
प्रानधकारी (सं द भग भार् 5 का पै र ा आद्याक्षर
2) Initial of Reviewing
Reviewing Authority Authority
Authority (Refer Para-2 of Part-5)
(i) पूवगनिय नजत कायग की पररपूणगता/नवषय के आधार पर
आबंनर्त नकया र्या कायग
Accomplishment of planned work / work allotted as
per subjects allotted.
(ii) कायग निष्पादि की क नर्/Quality of output
(iii) नवश्ले षणात्मक य ग्यता/Analytical ability
(iv) अपवादात्मक कायग की पररपूणगता/नकए र्ए अप्रत्यानशत कायग
Accomplishment of exceptional work / unforeseen
tasks performed
निर्गत कायग पर कुल नमलाकर श्रेणीकरण
Overall Grading on ‘Work Output’
(बी) व्यप्तिर्त नवशेषताओं का मूल्ां कि ( इस भार् का भार 30% ह र्ा)
(B) Assessment of personal attributes (weightage to this Section would be 30%)
प्रनतवे दि पुिनवगल कि प्रानधकारी पुिनवगल कि प्रानधकारी के
प्रानधकारी (संदभग भार् 5 का पैरा आद्याक्षर
2) Initial of Reviewing
Reviewing Authority Authority
Authority (Refer Para-2 of Part-5)
(i) कायग की अनभतृप्तप्त /Attitude to work
(ii) नजम्मेदारी का ब ध /Sense of responsibility
(iii) अिु शासि का अिु सरण
Maintenance of Discipline
(iv) संप्रेषण क्षमताएँ /Communication Skills
(v) िे तृत्व र्ुण / Leadership qualities
(vi) दल की भाविा में कायग करिे की क्षमता
Capacity to work in team spirit
(vii) समय साररणी का अिु सरण करिे की क्षमता
Capacity to adhere to time-schedule
(viii) परस्पर व्यप्तिर्त संबंध /Inter-personal relations
(ix) समय छनव एवं व्यप्तित्व
Overall bearing and personality
व्यप्तिर्त नवशेषताओं पर कुल नमलाकर श्रेनणकरण
Overall Grading on ‘Personal Attributes’
अनधकारी का िाम
Name of the Officer ……………………

ररप र्ग की अवनध

Reporting period ………………………….
(स) प्रकायाग त्मक सक्षमता का मूल्ां कि (इस भार् का भार 30% ह र्ा)
(C) Assessment of functional competency (weightage to this Section would be 30%)
प्रनतवे दि प्रानधकारी पुिनवगल कि प्रानधकारी पुिनवगल कि प्रानधकारी
Reporting (संदभग भार् 5 का पैरा के आद्याक्षर
Authority 2) Initial of Reviewing
Reviewing Authority Authority
(Refer Para-2 of Part-5)
(i) नियम/नवनियम/कायग एवं य ग्यता के क्षेत्र में प्रनक्रयाएँ एवं
उिके सही प्रय र् की जािकारी
Knowledge of Rules/Regulations/Procedures in the
area of function and ability to apply them correctly.
(ii) िीनतबद्ध य जिा बिािे की क्षमता
Strategic Planning ability
(iii) निणगय लेिे की क्षमता/Decision Making ability
(iv) समन्वय क्षमता/Coordination ability
(v) अधीिथि क प्रेररत एवं नवकनसत करिे की क्षमता
Ability to motivate and develop subordinates
(vi) पहल शप्ति /Initiative
प्रकायागत्मक सक्षमता पर कुल नमलाकर श्रेणीकरण
Overall Grading on ‘Functional Competency’

भार्-4 सामान्य

1. जिता के साि भार्ीदारी (जहाँ भी प्रय ज्य)

Relations with the public (wherever applicable)
(जिता की आवश्यकताओं का उत्तरदानयत्व एवं अनधकारी तक अनभर्म पर कृपया नर्प्पणी दें ।)
(Please comment on the Officer’s accessibility to the public and responsiveness to their needs).

2. प्रनशक्षण
(कृपया अनधकारी की प्रभानवता एवं कायग क्षमताओं में और अनधक सुधार और वृप्तद्ध करिे की दृनि से उसक प्रनशक्षण के नलए
नसफाररश करें ।
(Please give recommendations for training with a view to further improving the effectiveness and capabilities of the Officer).

3.स्वास्थ्य की प्तथिनत
State of Health
(कृपया अनधकारी की सत्यनिष्ठा पर नर्प्पणी दें ।)
(Please comment on the integrity of the Officer)

5.प्रनतवेदि अनधकारी द्वारा अनधकारी की समस्त नवशेषताओं की तस्वीर(लर्भर् 100 शब् ं में ), नजसमें सामार्थ्ग क्षेत्र एवं
कम सामार्थ्ग क्षेत्र, असाधारण उपलप्तियाँ ,महत्वपूणग असफलताओं(संदभग ,भार्-2का 3(अ) एवं 3(ब) एवं दु बगल वर्ों के प्रनत
अनभवृनत्त शानमल ह ।
Pen Picture by Reporting Officer (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including area of
strengths and lesser strength, extraordinary achievements, significant failures (ref: 3(A) & 3(B) of Part-2) and
attitude towards weaker sections.

6. प्रनतवेदि के भार्-3 के खंड अ, ब तिा स में नदए र्ए भारांश के आधार पर कुल नमलाकर संख्यात्मक वर्ीकरण।
Overall Numerical Grading on the basis of weightage given in Section A, B and C in Part-3 of the Report.

प्रनतवे दि अनधकारी के हस्ताक्षर

Signature of the Reporting Officer
थिाि िाम साफ अक्षर ं में :
Place:………………………….. Name in Block Letters ………………………………………………
पदिाम :
Designation ……………………………………………….
नदिां क: प्रनतवे दि की अवनध में :
Date: …………………………. During the period of Report …………………………………………….
अनधकारी का िाम
Name of the Officer ……………………

ररप र्ग की अवनध

Reporting period ………………………….


1. पुिनवग ल कि अनधकारी की अनभयु प्ति :


पुिनवग ल कि अनधकारी के अंतर्ग त से वा काल:

Length of service under the Reviewing Officer

2. क्या आप भार्3व भार्4 में निर्गत कायग तिा नवनभन्न र्ुण ं के संबंध में प्रनतवेदि अनधकारी द्वारा नकए र्ए मू ल्ांकि से
सहमत है ?
क्या आप अनधकारी की असाधारण उपलप्तिय /
ं महत्वपूणग असफलताओं के संबंध में नकए र्ए मू ल्ांकि से सहमत है?
3(अ) (ब) तिा भार्-4(5))।यनद आप प्रनतवेदि अनधकारी द्वारा नदए र्ुण ं के नकसी संख्यात्मक मूल्ांकि से सहमत िहीं है त
कुपया अपिा
मूल्ांकि इस खंड के नदए र्ए स्तंभ में दे तिा प्रनवि य ं क आद्याक्षर करें ।
Do you agree with the assessment made by the Reporting Officer with respect to the work output and the various
attributes in
Part-3 & Part-4? Do you agree with the assessment of Reporting Officer in respect of extraordinary
failures of the officer reported upon (Ref. Part-3(A)(iv) and Part-4(5)).
(In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the
provided for you in that section and initial your entries)
हाँ िहीँ
Yes No

3. असहमत ह िे की प्तथिनत में कृपया इसके कारण बताए,क्य क ई बात हैं नजसे आप कुछ बदलिा या ज डिा चाहते है ?
In case of disagreement, please specify the reasons. Is there anything you wish to modify or add?

4.पुिनवगल कि अनधकारी द्वारा कलम तस्वीर। कृपया समाल चि करें (लर्भर् 100 शब् ं में ) नजसमें अनधकारी की समस्त
नवशेषताओं की सामर्थ्ग क्षेत्र एवं कम सामार्थ्ग क्षेत्र एवं उसकी दु बगल वर्ों के प्रनत अनभवृनत्त शानमल ह ।
Pen picture by Reviewing Officer. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the
including area of strengths and lesser strength and his attitude towards weaker sections.
5. प्रनतवेदि के भार्-3 के खंड-अ,खंड-ब तिा खंड-स में नदए र्ए भारांश के आधार पर कुल नमलाकर संख्यात्मक वर्ीकरण।
Overall Numerical Grading on the basis of weightage given in Section-A, Section-B and Section-C in Part-3 of the Report.

पुिनवग ल कि अनधकारी के हस्ताक्षर

Signature of the Reviewing Officer

थिाि : िाम साफ अक्षर ं में :

Place:………………………….. Name in Block Letters ………………………………………………
पदिाम :
Designation ……………………………………………….
नदिां क : प्रनतवे दि की अवनध में :
Date: …………………………. During the period of Report …………………………………………….

(To be filled in by the Incharge entrusted with the responsibility of maintenance of
Circle Copy of APAR in the Field Unit/Circle/Distt.)

This is to certify that this APAR (earlier ACR) for the period ………………………………. has been disclosed to
the officer reported upon and all actions in compliance to the DOP&T O.M.No. 21011/1/2005-Estt.(A) (Pt.III)
dated 14th May, 2009 in connection with the Annual Performance Appraisal Report of the officer have been

Signature of the Incharge entrusted with the

Responsibility of maintenance of APAR in the
Field unit / Circle / Distt.

Name of the officer …………………………………………………………..

Designation …………………………………………………………..

Office …………………………………………………………..

(Note: It must be ensured that while sending the DOT copy of APAR, this certificate must be duly filled up. In
the absence of this certificate the APAR will not be accepted by DOT).
Guidelines regarding filling up of APAR with numerical grading

(i) एपीआर के स्तंभ नवनधवत सावधािी और ध्यािपूवगक तिा पयागप्त समय दे ते हुए भरिे चानहए।
The columns in the APAR should be filled in with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time.

(ii) यह आशा की जाती है नक 1 अिवा 2 के नकसी वर्ीकरण (निर्गत कायग वा नवशेषताओं वा कुल नमलाकर श्रेणीकरण के
प्रनतकूल) क
नवनशि असफलताओं के मार्ग से कलम नचत्र में पयागप्त रूप से औनचत्य नदया जाएर्ा और इसी प्रकार 9अिवा10 के
नकसी श्रेणी के
संबंध में नवनशि उपलप्तिय ं के संबंध में औनचत्य नदया जाएर्ा। श्रेणी 1-2 अिवा 9-10 नवरल ह ती है अतः उिका
औनचत्य नदए
जािे की जरूरत है । सांप्तख्यक श्रेणी प्रदाि करते हुए प्रनतवेदि एवं पुिनवगल कि प्रानधकाररय ं क नकसी अनधकारी का
उिके अधीि वहीं संख्या में वतगमाि में कायगरत सहय नर्य ं क तुलिा में करिा चानहए
It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be
justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified
respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and
hence the
need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting and reviewing authorities should rate the
officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them.

(iii) एपीएआर का 8 से 10 के बीच का वर्ीकरण “ उत्कृि “ नलया जाएर्ा तिा सूचीकरण/पद न्ननत के नलए औसत
प्राप्तांक की
र्णिा करिे के नलए प्राप्तांक 9 नदया जाएर्ा।
APARs graded between 8 and 10 will be rated as “Outstanding” and will be given a score of 9 for the
purpose of
calculating average scores for empanelment/promotion.

(iv) एपीएआर का 6 तिा 8 से छ र्ा के बीच का वर्ीकरण “बहुत अच्छा” नलया जाएर्ा तिा प्राप्तांक 7 नदया जाएर्ा।
APARs graded between 6 and short of 8 will be rated as “Very Good” and will be give a score of 7.

(v) एपीएआर का 4 तिा 8 से छ र्ा के बीच का वर्ीकरण “अच्छा” नलया जाएर्ा तिा प्राप्तांक 5 नदया जाएर्ा।
APARs graded between 4 and 6 short of 6 will be read as ‘Good’ and given a score of 5.

(vi) एपीएआर का 4 से कम वर्ीकरण “शून्य ” नलया जाएर्ा ।

APARs graded below 4 will be given a score of “Zero”.

Guidelines regarding the colour scheme to be used by different grades of Officers in DOT while filling up their APAR form.

(1) हरा : उच्च प्रशासनिक श्रेणी एवं ऊपर

Green : SAG Level & above

(2) पीला : कनिष्ठ,वररष्ठ समयमाि व कनिष्ठ प्रशासनिक श्रेणी

Yellow : JTS, STS & JAG

(3) सफेद : वर्ग “ ख ”

White :Gr ‘B’

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