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Boi - Esps Appl Intial Form

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The Board of Directors,

Bank of India
Head Office: Star House, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Mumbai 400 051

Re: Application for Employee Stock Purchase Scheme (ESPS)

Employee ID (PF No.)

Demat A/c. No. (as applicable) CDSL Client Id:
NSDL Client Id: DP ID:
Name of the Depository Participant
No. of Shares Applied
Through Branch: Name (Sol ID)
Amount Blocked @ ` 80/- Per Share `
Saving Bank A/c No.

I, _____________________________,S/O, W/O,D/O Shri _____________________________ Permanent Employee of Bank of

India, do hereby state that the above information is True and Correct and that I have read and understood the ESPS Scheme
bound by the scheme and confirm that:

(1) The ESPS Scheme is only for Permanent Staff members of the Bank and I am eligible to participate in the scheme and
that the Bank has the right to allot in full or part or reject my application without providing reasons thereof.

(2) By applying for the shares issued to me, I am authorizing the Bank to mark lien on my Saving Bank Account as per
details provided above and transfer the application money to the extent of shares to be allotted to me to BOI-ESPS
Account. I hereby undertake to make sufficient balance available in my Saving Bank Account for the purpose.
(3) The shares allotted to me will be credited to my Demat account as provided above and shall be under lock in period of one
year from the date of allotment.

(4) The Shares will be listed on National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited, Stock Exchanges and Price of
Equity Shares can be affected by Market fluctuations.

Signature Date:

Mobile No.
Email id:

In case of any information or clarification, please contact Bank’s Registrar and Transfer Agents:

Bigshare Services Pvt. Ltd. 1st Floor, Bharat Tin Works Building, Opposite Vasant Oasis, Makwana Road, Marol, Andheri (East),
Mumbai-400 059 Phone: 022 62638200, 62638222, Email:

For Office Use Number Dated Remarks

Shares Applied

Application Entered By

Application Verified By

Lien Marked (`)

(Reference No)

Signature and PF Number of Bank Official / Branch Manager and Stamp

mesJee ceW,
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yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ Fbef[³ee
he´Oeeve keÀe³ee&ue³e: mìej neGme, yeevêe kegÀuee& mebkegÀue,
cegbyeF& 400 051
keÀce&®eejer mìe@keÀ Kejero ³eespevee kesÀ efueS DeeJesove (F&SmeheerSme)
keÀce&®eejer DeeF&[er (heerSHeÀ meb.)
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SveSme[erSue ie´enkeÀ DeeF&[er : [erheer DeeF&[er:
efve#esheeieej keÀe veece:
hewve meb.
DeeJesove efkeÀ³es ieS Mes³ejeW keÀer mebK³ee
MeeKee Üeje: veece (meesue DeeF&[er)
he´efleMes³ej ©. 80/- kesÀ oj hej mebjef#ele jeefMe ©.
ye®ele Keelee mebK³ee.
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(1) F&SmeheerSme ³eespevee kesÀJeue yeQkeÀ kesÀ mLee³eer keÀce&®eejer meom³eeW kesÀ efueS nw SJeb ceQ ³eespevee ceW Yeeie uesves kesÀ efueS hee$e ntB leLee yeQkeÀ keÀes hetCe& Deeyebìve ³ee DeebefMekeÀ Deeyebìve
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ye®ele Keeles ceW he³ee&hle Mes<e jeefMe jKeves keÀe Je®eve oslee ntB~
(3) cegPes Deeyebefìle Mes³ej Thej efo³es ieS cesjs [ercewì Keeles ceW pecee efkeÀ³es peeSBies Deewj Deeyebìve keÀer leejerKe mes 1 Je<e& keÀer DeJeefOe kesÀ efueS uee@keÀ-Fve heerefj³e[ ces jnWies~
(4) ³es Mes³ej SveSmeF& efueefceìs[ Deewj yeerSmeF& efueefceìs[ mìe@keÀ SkeÌme®eWpeeW hej met®eerye× neWies Deewj FeqkeÌJeìer Mes³ejeW keÀe cetu³e yee]peej kesÀ Gleej ®eæ{eJe Üeje he´YeeefJele nesiee~

nmlee#ej efoveebkeÀ:

ceesyeeFue meb.
F&-cesue DeeF&[er:
efkeÀmeer peevekeÀejer ³ee mheäerkeÀjCe kesÀ efueS ke=Àhe³ee yeQkeÀ kesÀ jefpemì^ej SJeb DeblejCe SpeWìeW mes mebheke&À keÀjW:
efyeieMes³ej mee|Jemes]pe he´eFJesì efueefceìs[, he´Lece leue, Yeejle efìve JekeÌme& efyeeÅu[ie, Jebmele DeesSefmeme kesÀ meeceves, cekeÀJeevee jes[, cejesue DebOesjer (hetJe&) cegbyeF&-400 059
HeÀesve: 022 62638200, 62638222, F&cesue:
keÀe³ee&ue³e he´³eesie kesÀ efueS mebK³ee efoveebkeÀ efìhheCeer
DeeJesove efkeÀS ieS Mes³ej
DeeJesove ope& efkeÀ³ee ie³ee, Üeje
DeeJesove mel³eeefhele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee, Üeje
ie´nCeeefOekeÀej DebefkeÀle (©.) (meboYe& mebK³ee)

MeeKee he´yebOekeÀ / yeQkeÀ DeefOekeÀejer keÀer heerSHeÀ mebK³ee SJeb nmlee#ej leLee cegnj

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