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Jmeter Integration With Jenkins and Maven Notes

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1) Install Maven

Download Maven and set the path in environmental variables and verify with

mvn --version
2) Create a simple maven project
Use the quick start archetype:

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=projectname -

DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
3) Directory structure should be as follows
Main folder → src → test → jmeter → file.jmx
→ pom.xml
4) Add the Jmeter Maven Plugin
Edit the pom.xml. Remove the junit dependency and add jmeter plugin. It should
look like this:

<project xmlns=""

5) Create a Jmeter Test and place the jmx file inside jmeter folder
6) Run it in Maven
Go to the project path and run the below command:

mvn install
7) Commit the Maven project to github
Create a repository in your github
Go to directory from command prompt
Do the following
→ $ git init
→ $ git add .
→ $ git commit -m 'First-commit'
Copy the link from your repository
→ $ git remote add origin <remote-repo-link>
→ $ git remote -v
→ $ git push origin master
8) Get Jenkins Running
Running a Jenkins instance locally is very easy. Download the latest Jenkins war
and then run the below command.

java -jar jenkins.war

9) Add the Performance Plugins
Go to Manage Jenkins → Manage Plugins → Available and add the following
→Maven Integration plugin
→Git plugin
→GitHub plugin
→Performance plugin

10) Add Paths in Jenkins

Go to Manage Jenkins → Configure System and add paths of JDK, Maven and Git in
11) Create the job in Jenkins
→Go to the Jenkins main page.
→Click New Job.
→Give the job a name.
→Choose free-style software project.
→Click OK
→Select Git under source code management
→Set the repository URL to <remote-repo-link>
→Add a Maven build step with “verify” as the goal.
→Down in Post-build Actions check the Publish Performance test result report
→Click the Add a new report box and choose JMeter.
→For Report files specify **/*.jtl
→Also under Post-build Actions check the Archive the artifacts checkbox.
→Under Files to archive specify **/*jtl-report.html. This will keep a copy of the html
formatted reports for each build so you can look at them in Jenkins.
→Click Save
→Click Build Now

12) Verify the reports

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