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Science and Symbolism in Saivaism (Hinduism) : Professor R Kanagasuntheram, Adelaide, South Australia

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Professor R Kanagasuntheram, Adelaide, South Australia

Emeritus Professor R. Kanagasuntheram was The term "Hinduism" appears to

the Professor of Anatomy at the National have been a word introduced by the
University Singapore for many years. After his foreign invaders to denote the
retirement, he served at the University of religion practised by all those people
Jaffna, Sri Lanka as the Professor of living south and east of the Indus
Anatomy during the difficult political period. valley. From "Indus" came the word
He was actively involved in organising annual Hindus and the religion of them,
Thirumurai Conferences in Singapore for a therefore came to be known as
number of years. He had authored many Hinduism. In actual fact, the religion
religious articles and delivered religious talks of ancient India was known as
at many occasions. He is having his retired "Sanadana Dharma" which means
life in Adelaide, South Australia. the righteous type of living for all
INTRODUCTION Saivaism regards Lord Shiva as
Saivaism which forms a major Pathy (gjp) or the Supreme under
section of Hinduism is practised whose control are the souls (gR) and
chiefly in South India. The followers bondage (ghrk;) which binds the
of Saivaism are called Saivaites and souls towards worldly enjoyments
they regard Lord Shiva as their thus preventing the souls of
supreme deity. Hence there is the individuals from realising divinity i.e.
common saying, Praise to Shiva Mukthi, Moksha or Liberation. The
from South (njd;dhLila rptNd trinity of Pathy, Pasu and Pasam is
Nghw;wp). Although Saivaism is symbolically represented by the
mainly confined to South India at fingers of the hand. The thumb
present, the origin of Saivaism is representing Pathy (God) stands
shrouded in antiquity and mystery. apart while the index finger
The archaeological findings of representing the soul stands in close
Mohenjadaro and Harappa speak of companion-ship with the 3rd, 4th
an ancient pre-aryan civilisation on and 5th fingers representing the
the banks of the Indus valley dating three aspects of Pasam known as
back to more than 2000 B.C. The Anavam (Ego), Karmam (effects of
relics and modes of worship of these good and bad deeds performed by
highly civilised people who are the individual) and Maya which
considered to be of Dravidian stock refers to the world and all its living
do indeed point to Shiva worship. It and non-living objects which cause
is, therefore, highly probable that it delusion.
is these Dravidians who had From the above example it is clear
migrated towards South India when that the soul is bound to pasams.
the Aryans gained supremacy over However, when the soul (index
the Indo-Gangetic plains. finger) attaches itself to God

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(thumb), the soul is then liberated age of three years. Sundara-

and attains Moksha. This example moorthy Nayanar regarded Lord
illustrates the use of symbolism in Shiva as his friend and even
explaining the more difficult requested him to go as a messenger
philosophical concepts of God, Soul to Paravaiyar whose wrath was
and Pasam. roused when she heard that
Sundara-moorthy Nayanar had got
Saivaism has as its scriptures the
married to Sankiliyar without her
twelve Thirumaraigal (jpUKiwfs;)
knowledge. This attitude of
and the Fourteen Siddhantha
Sundaramoorthy Nayanar towards
Shastras which include Sivagnana-
Lord Shiva is the Yoga or Sakhya
botham and Sivaganana Sithiyar.
relationship. The path of Gnana or
The Thirumuraigal and the Shastras
the path of virtuous was the one
which are the equivalent of Vedas
followed by Manicavasagar who was
and Agamas describe the paths and
ordained by Lord Shiva himself
methods such as rituals and worship
under the guruntha tree at
to be adopted for attaining Moksha.
Thiruperunthurai. So God himself
In addition, Saivaism believes in the
becomes the Guru if only one has
concept of the Law of Karma i.e. the
single pointed love and devotion
phenomenon of cause and effect. In
towards Him.
simple terms, this means "as you
sow, so will you reap." So one's So love is the instrument through
happiness and misery are the result which we can approach God most
of one's own creation and not the easily. "fhjyhfpf; frpe;J fz;zPH
result of some intervention by ky;fp XJthH jk;ik ed;ndwpf;F
others. Saivaism also upholds the ca;g;gJk;"
theory of reincarnation which is said
to be determined by the sum total of
Indeed it is said that God is
the good and evil we do in this love and love is God -
world. md;Gk; rptKk; ,uz;nld;ghH
Saivaism maintains that one can
attain Moksha by Devotion or
md;Ng rptkhtjhUkwpfpyH
Bhakthi, in which the devotee md;Ng rptkhtjhUkwpe;jgpd;
worships God as his master, father, md;Ng rptkha; mkHe;jpUe;jhNu.
friend or by adopting the path of
sanmarga. These attitudes or paths WHY DO WE USE
are described as Sariyai (rhpia), SYMBOLISM IN RELIGION?
Kiriyai (fphpia), Yoga (Nahfk;) and
Gnana (Qhdk;). A simple example will illustrate the
rationale behind symbolism. We can
The path of Sariyai was adopted by pose the question as to why a
Thirunavukkarasar whose devotion teacher makes use of only a relief
to Lord Shiva was that of a servant map of Africa to explain to the
to the master or Dasya. The attitude students where the mountains,
of a son to father (Vatsalya) - Kiriyai rivers, forests, grasslands and
was the path taken by Thurugnana- deserts are situated. Thus the map
sambander who started singing in merely serves as a symbol to the
praise of Lord Shiva at Sirkali at the student to study the geography of

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Africa although the student had was due to the genius of our ancient
never set foot in Africa. Hence the sages and saints who symbolised it
use of a symbol in religion is to through their intuitive mind. Their
simplify and thereby overcome the interpretation of the Shivalingam
difficulty of understanding the appears to be both scientific and
concept of God who is beyond time, sound. Shiva means the "Supreme"
space and causation and therefore and Lingam means a "Symbol".
beyond definition. Therefore Shivalingam is the symbol
of the supreme.
Chpyhd;> Fzk; Fwpapyhd;>
nraypyhd;> ciuf;Fk; Ngupyhd;> The Shivalingam is often made out
xU Kd;dpyhd;> gpd;dpyhd;> of stone and is elliptical in shape
gpwpNjhh; rhh;gpyhd;> tuy; and stands on a circular receptacle.
Nghf;fpyhd;> Nkypyhd;> jdf;F The base or stand lies below the
Neupyhd;> capHf; flTsha; receptacle. Shiva is represented by
the circular receptacle since a circle
vd;DNs epd;whd;.
has no beginning or end and so
Thus, God is attributeless and Shiva is without beginning or end.
infinite. So how can the finite mind Indeed He is the beginning, the
of man understand the infinite? It is middle and the end; just like any
through the love of the Bhakta that point on the circle can serve as the
the infinite projects Himself as the beginning, middle or end. Thus, the
finite God e.g. Shiva, just like the circular disc representing the
waters of the vast ocean become absolute i.e. Shiva is not only
condensed to form ice thus symbolically justified but also
assuming shape and form from the scientifically correct. The Lingam
shapeless and formless water. which projects out of the circular
Hence it is understandable why we disc is the symbol of the Universe
need symbols for our prayer, which is projected out from the
worship and meditation. It is also absolute, namely Shiva. Thus, from
well known that Hinduism and the absolute issues the relative
Catholicism which have a large Universe which without the
number of symbols have also the sustenance of Shiva will have no
largest number of sages and saints. independent existence.
Thus by providing attributes to the
Moreover, the Lingam is elliptical in
attributeless God, the human mind
shape. This has a scientific basis
is able to concentrate and meditate
since the Universe is elliptical and
on the God-head.
not circular as is usually imagined.
The planets themselves have an
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SHIVALINGAM elliptical orbit while the minute
The significance of the Shivalingam particles called the atoms have
has been unfortunately electrons (smaller particles) moving
misinterpreted by some observers round the central nucleus in an
as merely representing the male sex elliptical orbit. Moreover, even our
organ and that this is a primitive astral bodies which are subtler than
form of worship. However, the the gross body are also said to be
adoption of Shivalingam in Saivaism elliptical in shape. Thus the
elliptically shaped Lingam has not

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only symbolic value but also has an orchestrated rhythm directed and
underlying scientific basis. Hence it guided by some unseen intelligent
may be concluded that the circular principle. Indeed even the scientists
disc represents the "being" and the are beginning to concede that the
Lingam below the circular disc Universe is intelligent. The recent
probably represents the soul which book entitled "The intelligent
has its attachments with the Lingam Universe" by Sir Fred Hoyle, F.R.S,
representing the Universe. In other of Cambridge University bears
words, the soul is attached to the testimony to the above view. Hence,
external world (Universe). It has to it is clear that the Universe does not
free itself from the Maya of the operate on mere physical and
Universe by merging itself with chemical law. So it may be surmised
Shiva. Hence both the Universe and where this intelligent principle is
the Souls emanate from the coming from. The Tamil saying that
absolute (Shiva) and later become "mtdd;wp XH mZTk; mirah"
one with the "Being" (Absolute) at perhaps provides the answer. It
the time of dissolution. means that even a small atom will
not move with the wish of the Lord.
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NATARAJA Such a view was put forward by
Saint Thirumular who lived at least
Nataraja, the dancing Lord has his
one thousand years ago in his book
abode in Chidamparam in
entitled Thirumanthiram that the
Cuddalaore. Nataraja is said to
dance of Shiva brings forth the
perform his cosmic dance in
movement of every particle in the
Chidamparam where He dances in
Universe. It is almost unbelievable
ecstasy and absorbs everything into
that the discovery was made with
Himself. The "secret" (rpjk;gu
the Saint's intuitive super-conscious
ufrpak;) is nothing but an empty
mind while the modern scientists
space which represents pure
confirmed this discovery only a few
consciousness. It is only with the
decades ago.
pure consciousness in his heart that
the devotee can experience the The Nataraja form or image has four
Absolute in His transcendental arms. In the upper right hand he
aspect (m&gk;). So at Chidam- holds the drum, udukkai or damaru.
param, the symbol of space This is the symbol of sound i.e. the
represents the expansion of pure sound of creation. The scientists
consciousness, to be attained by the themselves admit that there was an
devotee in the temple of his own explosive sound when the Universe
heart. was created. This is known as the
"Big Bang" theory. This is the
Nataraja means "the King of dance".
beginning of evolution or Srishti.
The dance of Nataraja, also known
The left upper hand of Nataraja
as the cosmic dance, is symbolic of
holds the flame, the symbol of
the rhythmic movements of the
destruction or Samhara when
Universe. Indeed every planet and
involution of the Universe takes
every particle or atom is performing
place. The right lower hand is in a
the same dance. This is not a
raised posture assuring the devotee
chaotic movement but a well
of protection so that he could be

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free from fear. This is the symbol of vibhuti markings and the Tilak
preser-vation. The lower left hand (nghl;L) on Nataraja's forehead will
pointing towards the raised left foot be explained in the following note on
of Nataraja instructs the devotee to "The significance of vibhuti".
take refuge and surrender at the According to Anandacoomaraswami,
foot of the Lord. "Jhf;fpa jpUtb the significance of Shiva's dance is
Jiznad ek;gpNdd; Jupa three fold. First it is the image of his
eluh[Nd" rhythmic activity as the source of all
The prostrate titan or demon who is movement within the Cosmos which
being crushed by the right foot is the arch: Secondly the purpose of
symbolises the crushing of the ego the dance is to release countless
or evil nature of men. The entire souls of men from the snare of
symbolic aspect of Nataraja is well illusion. The place of the dance at
summarised by the following poem:- Chidamparam, the centre of the
"Njhw;wk; Jbajdpy; Universe is within the heart. In
NjhAk; jpjpaikg;gpy; conclusion, he says that the dance is
rhw;wpap;Lk; mq;fpapNy a synthesis of science, religion and
rq;fhuk; - Cw;wkh art. "This is poetry: nonetheless, the
Cd;W kyHg;gjj;jpy; truest science"
cw;w jpNuhjk;Kj;jp
Behind Nataraja lies the prabha It is said that vibhuti (tpG+jp) or holy
consisting of 36 deepams or lights. ash as its commonly known, is the
These represent the 36 tattwas or symbol of the supreme in its
stages in the evolution of the soul transcendental and immanent
towards the realisation of cosmic aspects, being and becoming i.e.
consciousness resulting in Moksha or unmanifested and manifested. Shiva
Liberation. It is also said that ear- Himself has smeared his body with
rings worn by Nataraja are of two ash indicating that the whole
types (male and female) thus Universe is dissolved and absorbed
symbolising Shiva, the energiser and unto Him. This means that the ash is
Shakti, or the energy principle. The symbolic of the universal which is
cobra coiling round the neck and changeless and infinite. The ash also
arm of Nataraja represents the signifies the transient nature of all
indifference of the Lord to the material things which when burnt
presence of evil forces which do not leave only the ash behind. Thus the
affect him in the least as He ash symbolises the destruction of all
performs his Anantha Thandavam material objects and desires.
(Mde;jj; jhz;ltk;). The coiling Another meaning conveyed by
cobra may also symbolise the vibhuti is based on the puranic story
awakening of Kundalini Shakti. This that Shiva burnt the God of desire,
removes all fear from the hearts of Kama (who is responsible for
Bhaktas to whom no evil can befall causing agitation of the mind) into
as is well illustrated by the Kolaru- heap of ashes and adorned himself
pathikam (NfhsWgjpfk;) of Thiru- with that ash signifying that He has
gnanasambandar. Finally, the three conquered all desires and that his

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Bhaktas should do like-wise in order who was afflicted with severe

to attain him. burning sensation all over his body.
The king was made to suffer from
Vibhuti is a symbol worn by the
this ailment as the Samanas
Hindus who are worshippers of
(rkzH) who were the King's
Shiva. Vibhuti can be applied on the
advisers set fire to the residence
forehead and other parts of the body
where Thirugnansambander was
in the form of three parallel lines.
staying. This was done with the
Only those who have received
concurrence of the King and on
Theedchai (jPl;ir) or initiation are
realising this atrocious deed,
allowed to wear in this manner. This
Sambandar ordered the fire to
initiation prepares the individual to
scorch the King igaNt nrd;W
destroy one's world of attachments.
Thus wearing Vibhuti in the form of ghz;baw;fhfNt. The King was first
treated by the Samanas whose
three parallel line indicates the
treatment merely increased the
destruction of the three Malams
intensity of his ailment. So
namely Anavam (Mztk;),
Sambander was then called in and
Kanmam (fd;kk;) and Maya
he sang the Thiruneetu Pathigam
(khia). Hindus, who are not
(Eleven verses extolling the virtues
initiated, smear Vibhuti on the
of Vibhuti). And this immediately
forehead and over the rest of the
cured the King. In these songs the
body just like Shiva has besmeared
potency of the holy ash in
his body. Still others wear Vibhuti as
overcoming obstacles one may
a small circular dot on the forehead.
encounter in one's own life has been
This is the site of the third eye of
extolled. Hence all Saivaites should
Shiva which opens in an individual,
recite these verses at least once a
to reveal to him the true nature of
God, Soul and Universe.
The holy ash unlike most other
materials does not change colour
nor does it fade or produce any In the modern world it is admittedly
unwelcome smells. Its usual white true that science and technology
colour indicates purity. Hence have provided mankind with
Vibhuti is regarded as the most advancements in agriculture,
precious object in the spiritual sense education, health services, transport
and it reminds its wearer to become and communi-cation, power supply
pure in thought, word and deed. The and other material comforts. It is
sacred ash is also known to have also equally true that science and
been used by sages, saints and technology have taken us to the
Avatars to produce miraculous cures brink of catastrophe as there is a
and to remove any obstacles that real threat to the very survival of
came in their way while performing mankind owing to the danger of a
their duties for the benefit of nuclear holocaust. Hence it is urgent
mankind. Thus Thirugnanasam- to consider why this danger signal
bandar who started singing about has been hoisted. It is not difficult to
the glories of Lord Shiva at the decipher the reasons for the present
tender age of three years made use dilemma in which man finds himself.
of Vibhuti to cure the Pandyan King The answer to the present dilemma

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lies in the neglect of the practice of CONCLUSION

religion which alone can reduce the
Symbolism in Saivaism is only a
animal nature in man.
means to understand God who is
Science and religion are not beyond human description. The
contradictory but are comple- symbols of Shivalingam, Nataraja
mentary to each other as both are and Vibhuti have a deeper
seekers of truth. Science philosophic and scientific meaning.
investigates the truth in the external This interpretation holds good for
or material universe and hence other symbols used in Saivaism.
scientific findings are within the This has to be fully explained to the
perception of our senses. Religion, young Hindu children so that they
on the other hand, delves into the could understand the use of
inner nature of man such as his soul symbolism in Saivaism.
and mind. Thus science is concerned
It becomes clear from the preceding
with the objective world while
remarks that progress in science
religion deals with the subjective
and technology must be matched by
world. Hence the methodology
an evolution in the spiritual nature
applied for investigating the gross
of man which alone can remove the
material universe is totally
miseries of the present day world.
inadequate and unsuitable for
Hence, it is the duty of parents and
finding out the subtle nature of the
teachers to inculcate the spiritual
soul and God. Scientific investi-
values among children so that there
gations are carried out in red-brick
is a fuller development of human
universities while religious experi-
potentiality which will enable future
ence can be gained only by prayer,
generations to understand the
worship, concentration and
brotherhood of man and the
meditation in solitude. So, in order
fatherhood of God. With this in view,
to gain religious experience, we
let us all pray: Let all religions
have to spend much more time in
prosper and let there be harmony
contemplation and meditation than
among all religions. Let there be
what we are doing at present. Most
peace, good will, progress and
of us do not devote even an hour or
prosperity not only in Australia but
two a day for religious practices
also among nations and peoples of
which alone can build up the
the world. Finally, in conclusion it
character of man. How then can one
may be stated that a synthesis of
ask "Have you seen God?" Most
science and religion would perhaps
people do not even understand the
provide a lasting solution to the
nature of God which is well
problems confronting the world.
expressed by the following song:
tpwfpy; jPapdd;
ghypw; gLnea;Nghy;
kiwaepd;Wsd; khkzpr;Nrhjpad;
cwTNfhy; el;L under Personal to view other related
czHTf;fapw;wpdhy; articles
KWfthq;fpf; filaKd;epw;FNk

Aum Muruga Journal No. 21 Jan/March 2003

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