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Structures and Functions of Biomolecules


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Sunil Khare
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


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Structures and Functions of Biomolecules

Dr. S.K. Khare

Associate Professor of Biochemistry
Dept. of Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Technology – Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016

(Revised 09-Jan-2007)

Structure and Functions of
Nucleic Acids

Carbohydrates; Isomerism; Monosaccharide; Disaccharide; Polysaccharide; Lipids; Fatty acid; Proteins; Amino
acid; Nucleic acid; Nucleotide; DNA; RNA
Structure and function of biomolecules is most fundamental aspect of study of living organisms.
There are four major biomolecules namely, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids which
encompasses the life.

Structure and functions of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are defined as polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone with empirical formula (CH2O)n.,
simplest being glyceraldehydes (Aldose) or dihydroxy acetone (Ketone).

Based on number of monomeric units, these are classified monosaccharides, disaccharides,

oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.

Based on the number of carbon atom, the carbohydrates are classified as triose, tetrose, pentose,
hexose and heptose. Fig.1 shows some of the major carbohydrates.

Fig.1: Some of the major carbohydrates

Study of carbohydrates necessitates the concept of isomerism.
• Two broad categories for isomeric forms are
o (i) Structural isomers
o (ii) Stereo isomers
• The structural isomers are defined as isomers having some molecule formula but different
• The stereo isomers whereas have same molecular and structural formula but differ in
configuration i.e. arrangement of atoms in space.
• Stereo isomers are further sub grouped into optical isomers and geometrical isomers.
• Optical isomerism is more relevant for carbohydrates.

Optical isomerism stems from the presence of chiral centre (asymmetric carbon atom). Chiral
center means the carbon atom having four different groups attached to it. This leads to two
possibilities by which atoms can be arranged as shown in figure below:




In case of carbohydrates, the simplest compound D-glyceraldehyde is used as reference

compound. D- represents the hydroxyl group on right hand side whereas L- has it on the left
hand side. These two forms reflect mirror image of each others and called Enantiomers. The
stereoisomers which are not enantiomers are termed as distereoisomers.

Van’t Hoff formula 2n works out the numbers of possible optical isomers, where n is the
number of chiral carbon. Thus a triose will have 21 two optical isomers. In the example of D-
glucose, D- Mannose and D- galactose are optical isomers, but these are not enantiomers of
each others. These will be called distereoisomers.

D- glucose and D- Mannose have different configuration only at C-2 carbon. Such
carbohydrates which differ in configuration only at one carbon atom are called epimers of
each other.

Enantiomers have same Melting point, boiling point, solubility in various solvents except
they rotate plane polarized light in opposite direction, one will rotate in clock wise direction
called dextrorotatory ( represented by +) and other in anti clock wise direction called
levorotatory (represented by -).

Structure and functions of major carbohydrates can be summarized as following:

• Glucose, "blood sugar", the immediate source of energy for cellular respiration
• Galactose, a sugar in milk (and yogurt), and
• Fructose, a sugar found in honey.


Two monosaccharides are linked by glycosidic bond in α or β anomeric carbon

• Sucrose — common table sugar = glucose + fructose linked by α - 1-1 glycosidic bonds
• Lactose — major sugar in milk = glucose + galactose linked by β- 1-4 glycosidic bonds
• Maltose — product of starch digestion = glucose + glucose linked by α - 1-4 glycosidic

• Starches
Starches are polymers of glucose. These are predominant storage sugar in plants. Two
types of linkage are found in starch:

amylose consists of linear, unbranched chains of several hundred glucose residues

(units). The glucose residues are linked by a α - 1-4 glycosidic bond between their C1
and C4 carbon atoms.

amylopectin differs from amylose in being highly branched. At approximately every

thirtieth residue along the chain, a short side chain is attached by a α - 1-6 glycosidic
bond to the C 6 carbon atom (the carbon above the ring). The total number of glucose
residues in a molecule of amylopectin is several thousand.

Animal’s storage sugar is polysaccharide glycogen. The structure of glycogen is similar
to that of starch, although the branches in glycogen are shorter and more frequent.

Cellulose is probably the single most abundant organic molecule in the biosphere. It is
the major structural material of cell wall of the plants. Like starch, cellulose is a
polysaccharide with glucose as its monomer which are linked β- 1-4 glycosidic bonds in
a linear chain.

Carbohydrates provide the bulk of the calories (4 kcal/g) in most diets, and starches provide
the bulk of that. The image shows starch grains (lightly stained with iodine) in the cells of the
white potato. Rice, wheat, and corn are also major sources of starch in the human diet.
Cellulose is the major constituent of cell wall. Wood, cotton and paper are forms of cellulose.
Carbohydrate also forms the part of some glyoproteins. The precise functions of this class of
biomolecules in the cells are innumerable.

Structure and functions of Lipids

Lipids are one among four major biomolecules of living systems. By definition these are
insoluble or sparingly soluble in aqueous solutions and soluble in organic solvents.

Fatty acids are major constituents of lipids. Fatty acids are mono carboxylic acid containing
long-chain hydrocarbon molecules. Some important fatty acids are enlisted in Table 1.

The numbering of carbons in fatty acids begins with the carbon of the carboxylate group. e.g,
palmitic acid a 16-carbon fatty acid CH3(CH2)14COOH is designated as16:0

Table 1: Some important fatty acids

Representation Common Name Structure

4:0 Butyric acid CH3(CH2)2COOH
6:0 Caproic acid CH3(CH2)4COOH
10:0 Decanoic acid CH3(CH2)8COOH
12:0 Lauric acid CH3(CH2)10COOH
14:0 Myristic acid CH3(CH2)12COOH
16:0 Palmitic acid CH3(CH2)14COOH
18:0 Stearic acid CH3(CH2)16COOH
20:0 Arachidic acid CH3(CH2)18COOH

All sets of examples in the above table are fatty acids that contain no carbon-carbon double
bonds. These are called saturated fatty acids.

Unsaturated fatty acids are those having carbon-carbon double bonds in between. The numeric
representations for these fatty acids consists the number of carbon atoms, followed by the
number of sites of unsaturation. The site of unsaturation in a fatty acid is indicated by the symbol
(∆) and the number of the first carbon of the double bond (e.g. oleic acid is a 16-carbon fatty acid
with one site of unsaturation between carbons 9 and 10, and is represented by 16:1∆ 9). Some
commonly occurring unsaturated fatty acids are:

18:1∆ 9 Oleic acid CH3(CH2)7C=C(CH2)7COOH

18:2 ∆ 9,12 Linoleic acid CH3(CH2)4C=CCH2C=C(CH2)7COOH
18:3 ∆ 9,12,15 Linolenic acid CH3CH2C=CCH2C=CCH2C=C(CH2)7COOH
20:4 ∆ 5,8,11,14 Arachidonic acid CH3(CH2)3(CH2C=C)4(CH2)3COOH

Saturated fatty acids having short carbon chain are liquid at room temperature, whereas long
carbon chain fatty acids are solid. The presence of double bonds in fatty acids significantly
lowers the melting point making them liquid.

Classification of lipids
Lipids are generally classified into seven groups viz.
1. Acyl glycerols
2. Phosholipids
3. Sphingolipids
4. Glycolipids
5. Alkyl glyceryl ethers
6. Terpenoids
7. Wax

Acyl glycerols
Also called Triacylglycerides or neutral lipids, these are composed of a glycerol backbone, in
which each alcoholic group is esterified by fatty acids. Following is the typical triglyceride
structure in which fatty acids are indicated by R.

These are most commonly occurring form of lipids in cell, stored in adipose or fat depot, serve as
major energy source.

The basic structure of phospholipids is very similar to that of the triacylglycerides except that
Carbon -3 (sn3, carbon numbers in lipids are conventionally termed as sn) of the glycerol
backbone is esterified by phosphoric acid. This basic block of the phospholipids is called
phosphatidic acid.

Several different types of phsopholipids are formed by further attachment of different groups at
Phosphatidic acid C-3 phosphoric acid.

• Ethanolamine (phosphatidylethanolamine), Choline (phosphatidylcholine, also called

• Serine (phosphatidylserine),
• Glycerol (phosphatidylglycerol),
• myo-inositol (phosphatidylinositol and diphosphatidylglycerol more commonly known as

X -represent substituent group

Phospholipids are amphipathic in nature due to presence of both hydrophilic (charged

substitution at C-3) and hydrophobic (fatty acid chains at C1 and 2. This property makes them
essential components of membrane.

Glycerol ethers
Also called plasmalogens, these contain either an O-alkyl (-O-CH2-) or O-alkenyl ether (-O-
CH=CH-) species at C-1 (sn1) of glycerol. A basic O-alkenyl ether species is shown in the
Figure below:

Basic structure of typical plasmalogens

One of the physiologically important alkyl ether plasmalogens is platelet activating factor (PAF)
which is a choline plasmalogen in which the C-2 (sn2) position of glycerol is esterified with an
acetyl group instead of a long chain fatty acid. PAF mediates hypersensitivity and acute
inflammatory reactions.

Sphingolipids are composed of a backbone of sphingosine, which is derived from glycerol. The
structure of sphingosine is shown below:

Sphingolipids are predominately present in the myelin sheath of nerve fibers. Some of the
important sphingolipids are:

• Ceramides – In this case the sphingosine is N-acetylated at CH2OH by a variety of fatty

acids generating different types of ceramides.

• Sphingomyelin is an abundant sphingolipid in which CH2OH is esterified by phosphoric
acid and choline instead of fatty acid.
• Glycosphingolipids other major class of sphingolipids are generated by substitution of
carbohydrates at CH2OH. Cerebrosides and Gangliosides are major classes of
o Cerebrosides: also called galactocerebrosides because galactose is the
o Gangliosides: it also contains sialic acid.

They are carbohydrate containing derivative of tiglycerides. Galactose is predominant
carbohydrate present in glycolipids. 3-sn monogalactosyl galactosyl diacyl glycerol and 3-sn di
galactosyl diacyl glycerol are commonly present in membrane structures especially in the
chloroplast membrane.

Terpenoids and Sterols

These are very distinct group of lipids composed of the monomer repeating units called
“isoprenoid units”. Steroids, carotenoids, rubber and terpenes fall in this class of lipids.
Structure of β-carotene and cholesterol, few among important compound of this class are shown

Waxes are class of lipids found as protective coating on fruits and leaves or secreted by insects.
Chemically these are complex mixture of long chain alkanes and derivatives of secondary
alcohol and ketones.

Major functions of lipids
Lipids perform and are involved in variety of important cellular functions. However, following
are some of the major physiological functions attributed to lipids:
1. Energy source in animals, insects, birds and high lipid seeds e.g. triacyl glycerols.
2. Some of the lipids derivatives serve as vitamins and hormones e.g. Prostaglandins.
3. Essential components of biological membranes e.g. shingolipids and glycoloipids.
4. As lipo-proteins in protein modification and recognitions.

Structure and Functions of Proteins

Proteins, one of the most important class of biomolecules, which are responsible for wide array
of cellular activities. Proteins are constituted by amino acid as monomeric unit or building
blocks. A typical amino acid has the amino, carboxyl moieties and "R" group (also called as side



The nature of R-group varies from amino acid to amino acid. There are a total of 20 amino acids
which make up proteins. At physiological pH , amino acids exits zwitterions form. Zwitterions,
can be defined as the molecule carrying equal and opposite charge, thus having no net charge.

Each functional group of amino acid has a fixed pKa value enlisted in Table 2. Thus, the
ionization state of amino acids will be pH dependent.

Table 2: Functional groups and pKa values of different amino acids

Amino Acid Symbol Structure pK1(COOH) pK2(NH2) pK R Group

Amino Acids with Aliphatic R-Groups

Glycine Gly - G 2.4 9.8

Alanine Ala - A 2.4 9.9

Valine Val - V 2.2 9.7

Leucine Leu - L 2.3 9.7

Isoleucine Ile - I 2.3 9.8

Non-Aromatic Amino Acids with Hydroxyl R-Groups

Serine Ser - S 2.2 9.2 ~13

Threonine Thr - T 2.1 9.1 ~13

Amino Acids with Sulfur-Containing R-Groups

Cysteine Cys - C 1.9 10.8 8.3

Methionine Met-M 2.1 9.3

Acidic Amino Acids and their Amides

Aspartic Acid Asp - D 2.0 9.9 3.9

Asparagine Asn - N 2.1 8.8

Glutamic Acid Glu - E 2.1 9.5 4.1

Glutamine Gln - Q 2.2 9.1

Basic Amino Acids

Arginine Arg - R 1.8 9.0

Lysine Lys - K 2.2 9.2 10.8

Histidine His - H 1.8 9.2 6.0

Amino Acids with Aromatic Rings

Phenylalanine Phe - F 2.2 9.2

Tyrosine Tyr - Y 2.2 9.1 10.1

Tryptophan Trp-W 2.4 9.4

Imino Acids

Proline Pro - P 2.0 10.6

All amino acids except glycine (R = H) are chiral. Every Amino acid in biological system exists in the L-
configuration, where "L" implies that the amino acid confirmation similar to L-glyceraldehyde.

Each amino acid has a standard three letter and one letter abbreviations which are used instead of
full name. The properties of each amino acid are dictated by the side chain, which can vary in
size, shape, charge, reactivity and ability to hydrogen bond. The amino acids are grouped
according to the properties of their side chains:

1. Amino acids with non-polar or hydrophobic R group- aliphatic

The first six amino acids, glycine (GLY, G), alanine (ALA, A ), Methionine (Met, M), valine
(VAL, V) leucine (LEU, L), and isoleucine (ILE, I), raline (PRO) and are aliphatic in nature.
Glycine is smallest. Glycine and alanine are too small to have a hydrophobic effect. Methionine
is sulphur containing amino acid. Valine, leucine and isoleucine are considerably hydrophobic.

Aromatic: Phenylalanine (PHE, F), tryptophan (TRP, Y) and tyrosine (TYR, W) are aromatic
in nature. These contain aromatic side chain. They are specifically absorbs at 280 nm thus form
the basis of quantitative estimation of protein by ultra violet (UV) method.

2. Amino acids with polar but uncharged R group

The amino acids are sulfur containing, namely cysteine (CYS, C), two hydroxyl-containing
amino acids, serine (SER S) threonine (THR, T) and amide containing Aspargine (ASN, N) and
glutamine (GLN, Q). One typical imino acid, Proline (PRO, P) is also found in this category.
Because of its cyclic structure, it leads to bending of protein chain. Proline is an imine and usual
in that its nitrogen atom present as secondary Cysteine is involved in inter molecular di sulfide
bond (called cystine) with other cysteine of the poly peptide chain. These disulphide bonds are
the only covalent bond beside peptide bond in the protein and impart stability to the protein. Ser
and Thr have side chains which can hydrogen bond to water or to other groups on neighbouring
macromolecules. Asn and Gln are amide of acidic amino acids- aspartic and glutamic acid

3. Polar positively charged amino acids

The amino acids lysine (LYS, K), arginine (ARG, R) and histidine (HIS, H) are considered basic
hydrophilic, since they contain basic side chain groups that will have a positive charge at pH 7.4.

4. Polar negatively charged amino acids

The amino acids aspartic acid (ASP, D) and glutamic acid (GLU, E) are considered acidic
hydrophilic, since they contain acidic side chain groups that will have a negative charge at pH

Peptide bonds
Protein chains are held together by peptide bonds, which are simply amide linkages between
alpha amino and carboxylic group of neighbouring amino acids. When amino acids are linked,
through peptide bonds, the species is called a polypeptide. Their molecular weights are expressed
in Daltons, (1 Dalton is equal to 1 atomic mass unit).

Each peptide chain has two free ends, the amino terminus or N-terminal, which is on the left, and
the carboxyl terminus or C-terminal, which is on the right. The peptide chains is represented
from N-terminal to C-terminal and the sequence of amino acid is written in three letter
abbreviations e.g. Met-Ser-Tyr- Cys- Val- Lys-Ala.

The peptide bond itself is rigid, and thus is not free to rotate. This rigidity leads to only a definite
possible conformation to protein structure.

Structure of Proteins
Proteins have a total of four levels of structures:

Primary structure - the simple amino acid sequence of a protein is called as its primary
structure. Since the possible way of arrangement of the chain will depend on the sequence of
amino acid residues leading to proper protein folding, the primary structure dictate three
dimensional structure,

Secondary structure – defines the interaction of closely located amino acids in a chain. Two
main types of secondary structures observed in the proteins are helices and pleated sheets.

- Alpha helix is a helical structure around an axis. This is coiled in clockwise
(right handed) manner. It has an average of 3.6 amino acids per turn. The helix is
stabilized by hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl of each first amino acid of
the chain to the NH of the amino acid four residues away. All main chain amino
and carboxyl groups are thus hydrogen bonded, and the R groups stick out from
the structure in a spiral arrangement.


- Beta pleated sheet is composed of two or more straight chains that are hydrogen
bonded side by side. If the amino termini are on the same end of each chain, the
sheet is termed parallel, and if the chains run in the opposite direction (amino
terminal on opposite ends), the sheet is termed antiparallel. Pleated sheets may
be formed from a single chain if it contains a beta turn, which forms a hairpin
loop structure. Often a proline can be found in a beta turn, since it places a "kink"
in the chain.

Tertiary structure - refers to the arrangement of amino acids in the space i.e. in three
dimensional form. Distinct amino acid are brought closer in chain are further linked by polar-
polar interaction, hydrophobic interaction, ionic interaction, disulfide, Van der Waals forces and
hydrogen bonds. Hydrophobic amino acids, are buried inside the core of protein and charged

and polar group are located on the surface. which tend to cluster and exclude water. This allows
a protein to have greater water solubility.

If protein consists of more than one polypeptide chains, their association with each other –
implies the Quaternary structure. Accordingly protein are termed as dimeric ( wherein one
chain is referred as monomeric unit), trimeric or oligomeric. If the chains are similar i.e. have
same amino acid sequence these are called homomeric or heteromeric if chains are different.

Functions of proteins
As for as functions are concerned proteins carry out most diverse and possibly the largest
volumes of cellular functions. Some of the key functions are summarized as below:

o Biocatalysis- Almost all the biological reactions are catalyzed by the enzymes.
These are substrate specific and carry out reactions at very high rates under mild
physiological conditions. Several thousand enzymes have been identified to date.

o Membrane are constitute of lipoprotein and some proteins are integral part of
membrane. Receptors found on the membrane are also protein in nature.

o Transport and storage proteins - small molecules are often carried by proteins in
the physiological setting e.g. haemoglobin is responsible for the transport of
oxygen to tissues

o Muscle are made up of proteins and their contraction is done by actin and myosin.

o Mechanical support - skin and bone are strengthened by the protein collagen.

o Antibodies of immune system are protein structures.

o Many of the hormones and growth factors such as insulin or thyroid stimulating
hormone are proteins.

Structure and Functions of Nucleic Acids

Nucleic acid are most important biomolecules of the cells forming very basis of central dogma of
life. Nucleotides are their monomeric unit or building blocks.

Nucleotides are composed of three components namely: nitrogenous bases, sugar and phosphoric

Nitrogenous bases: Purines and Pyrimidines are two types of bases which occur in nucleotides.

There are five major bases found in cells. The derivatives of purine are called adenine and
guanine, and the derivatives of pyrimidine are called thymine, cytosine and uracil. The common

abbreviations used for these five bases are, A, G, T, C and U. DNA contains A, G, C and T,
whereas RNA contains A, G, C and U bases. Their structures are as following:

Cytosine, C

Uracil, U

Thymine, T

Adenine, A

Guanine, G

Sugar: Ribose and 2-deoxy ribose are the sugars found in RNA and DNA respectively. Sugar is
attached to the position ‘X’ as shown above in case of each base. Base + sugar is called

Phosphoric acid: get attached to C-5 OH group of the sugar.

Polynucleotides are formed by joining of nucleotides by phosphodiester linkages. The bond
formation takes place between the alcohol of a 5'-phosphate of one nucleotide and the 3'-
hydroxyl of the next, resulting into a phosphodiester bond. In DNA and RNA the nucleotides
are arranged in linear way and proceeds in the 5' ----> 3' direction. A common representation of
ploynucleotide for example can be seen as below:
5'pApTpGpC OH3'

Structure of DNA
Based on the assumptions of Chargoff and Utilizing X-ray diffraction data, obtained from
crystals of DNA, James Watson and Francis Crick proposed a model for the structure of DNA in
1953. The discovery of DNA structure is one of the hall mark of the modern molecular biology.
They established that DNA has a double helical structure comprising of two complementary
antiparallel polynucleotide strands, wound around each other in a rightward direction They
proposed that the bases are in the interior of the helix and extended at 90 degree perpendicular
to the axis of the helix. Purine Bases form base pairs and as a thumb rule- A will pair with T, and
C with G. According to this pattern, known as Watson-Crick base-pairing. The bases form
hydrogen bonds with each other and impart stability to the structure. The base-pairs composed of
G and C contain three H-bonds, whereas those of A and T contain two H-bonds. For this reason
G-C base-pairs is stronger than A-T base-pairs. The outcome will be that DNA having more GC
base pairs will be more stable than the one having more AT pairs. A typical structure of DNA is
shown in Fig. 2

Following are specific features of DNA structure

- It is double helical structure. One polynucleotide chain forms one strand. Two such
strands form double helix.
- Chain has sugar phosphate backbone and the bases are arranged perpendicular to the
- Two strands are antiparallel to each other : one in 5' ---> 3' direction and the other in
the 3' ---> 5' direction.
- A and T ; and G and C occur as complementary and form base pair with
corresponding complementary base in opposite strand.
- One turn of the helix is 0A and 10 base pairs are found per turn with rise of A.
- On the surface of double helix two deep grooves are found which are
called major and minor grooves.
- Helix is right haded along the axis

The double helix of DNA exist in several different forms. The B-form is most prevalent under
physiological conditions of the cell. A and Z are other two reported for the DNA.

Fig. 2: Double helix structure of DNA

Structure of RNA
Unlike DNA, RNA are single stranded polynucleotide. It contains Uracil base instead of
thymine, thus four bases of RNA are A, U, G and C. There are three types of RNA present in the

- Messenger RNA
- Transfer RNA
- Ribosomal RNA

Messenger RNA (m-RNA) - does not contain very organized secondary structure. The
polypeptide is linear in general, except acquiring hairpin structure at some places due to the base
pairing between complementary base pairs of the chain. Messenger RNA is generated in the
nucleus as the complementary copy of DNA strand by a process called transcription. It therefore
carries the genetic information of the DNA to be used for protein synthesis.

Transfer RNA (t-RNA): have well defined clover leaf structure as shown in fig. It has four
arms, which are designated as Dihydrouridine (DHU), anticodon, pseudouridine (TψC) arms and
one small optional arm. 3’ of the t-RNA has conserved sequence CCA at which specific amino
acid is attached. Anticodons located at anticodon arm form complementary base pairs with codon
during protein synthesis process. Thus the role of t_RNA is to transfer amino acid for protein

Ribosomal RNA (r-RNA): It forms complex with protein to form cell organelle called
ribosomes. The structure of ribosome is shown below. The RNA and protein constitution of
ribosome is also summarized in the same. Ribosomes are the site of the protein synthesis in the


23S rRNA

50S 34 proteins

70 S
16S rRNA
subunit 21 proteins


5S rRNA 5.8S rRNA

28S rRNA

60S ~49 proteins


80 S
18S rRNA
subunit ~33 proteins

Functions of Nucleic acid
The concept of central Dogma explains the functions of nucleic acid in nutshell as below:

Reverse transcription ↑↓ Transcription

↓ Translation


First and foremost is that DNA is very basis of life. It is the master molecule responsible for
hereditary and genetic material of the cell carrying all the in formations

- It is able to replicates it self during cell division and the process called replication.
- It synthesise a complementary messenger RNA which is responsible for carrying the
information for protein synthesis.
- It also regulates protein synthesis.

Suggested Readings
1. A.L. Lehninger, D.L. Nelson and M.M. Cox. Principles of Biochemistry, McMillan Worth (2004).
2. L.Stryer, Biochemistry, W.H. Freeman, New York (1996).
3. E.E. Conn and P.K. Stumph. Outlines of Biochemistry, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1987).
4. D. Voet and J.G. Voet. Biochemistry. John Wiley and Sons, Canada (2004).


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