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The document discusses various key performance indicators (KPIs) used to measure the performance of different aspects of human resources such as benefits and compensation, employee relations, recruiting and hiring, and training and development.

The main topics covered include human resources, benefits and compensation, employee relations, HR generalists, human capital management, recruiting and hiring, and training and development.

Metrics discussed related to training and development include training expense as a percentage of total labor expense, training expense as a percentage of total revenue, total expense for training and development, cycle time for transfer or promotion and new hire training, new hires trained per training and development employee, and positions filled as a percentage of total employees.


A Comprehensive Collection of KPI Definitions for

Table of Contents
Human Resources KPI Encyclopedia

Human Resources Metric Definitions

Human Resources ��������������������������������������������������2

Benefits & Compensation��������������������������������������������4

Employee Relations��������������������������������������������������8

HR Generalists ����������������������������������������������������10

Human Capital Management��������������������������������������12

Recruiting & Hiring ������������������������������������������������14

Training & Development��������������������������������������������17

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Human Resources
Human Resources The Human Resources (HR) Department
is responsible for personnel sourcing,
Benefits & Compensation hiring, training, skill development, benefits
administration and compliance with applicable
Employee Relations national, regional and local laws. In short, the
HR Group is responsible for the attraction,
training and wellbeing (to a certain extent)
HR Generalists of its ‘customers’ - the employees of the
company. The HR function is also sometimes
Human Capital Management referred to as “Human Capital Management” or
“Talent Management.”
Recruiting & Hiring
Training & Development

Human Resources
KPI Encyclopedia

Cost Quality
• HR Administration Expense as a Percentage of • Percentage of Workforce Unionized – The number
Total HR Expense – Total HR administration-related of employees across all manufacturing sites who are
(data entry, documentation, enrollments, etc.) expense members of a labor union divided by the total number of
divided by total HR Department expense, as a percentage. company-wide employees, as a percentage.
• HR Administration Expense per Firm-Wide
Employee – Total HR administration-related (data entry, Revenue
documentation, enrollments, etc.) expense divided by the
total number of company-wide employees. • Total Revenue per HR Employee – The total revenue
earned by the company divided by the total number of HR
• HR Expense as a Percentage of employees.
Total Expense – Total HR Department expense divided
by total, company-wide expense over the same time • Total Revenue: HR – Total revenue earned by the HR
period, as a percentage. Department over a given period of time.

• HR Expense as a Percentage of
Total Revenue – Total HR Department expense divided
by total, company-wide revenue over the same time
period, as a percentage.
• HR Expense per Firm-Wide Employee – Total HR
Department expense incurred by the company divided by
the total number of company-wide employees.
• Total Expense: HR – The total expense incurred by the
HR Department over a given period of time.

• HR Administration Headcount Ratio – The number
of company-wide, full-time equivalent employees
(FTEs) divided by the total number of HR Administration
• Total Headcount: Human Resources – The total
number of HR employees working for the company.
• Human Resources Headcount Ratio – The number
of company-wide, full-time equivalent employees (FTEs)
divided by the total number of HR Department employees.

• Span of Control: HR – The average number of HR
employees reporting to each HR manager.
• Management Levels: HR – The total number of
management levels, or layers, in the HR Department.
• Organizational Structure: HR – Yes/no metric
indicating whether the HR function is centralized (all
employees in a single location) or decentralized.

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Benefits &
Human Resources
Human Resources
Benefits & Compensation The Benefits and Compensation Group
concerns itself with employee compensation
Employee Relations (wages, salaries, bonuses) and related benefits
such as health insurance, life insurance,
HR Generalists 401Ks and other benefits (financial or non-
financial). The group compares their company’s
compensation packages to those of similar
Human Capital Management firms and adjusts based on those findings. The
Benefits and Compensation Group sometimes
Recruiting & Hiring also manages incentive-based compensation
Training & Development

Benefits & Compensation
KPI Encyclopedia

Cost Cost (Cont.)

• Healthcare Expense per Covered Employee – The • Percent Change in Unit Cost: Salary Change – The
average amount of health insurance expense incurred by percent change in unit cost for performing a salary change
the company, for each employee covered by company before and after implementing process improvements
health insurance. (such as automation, removal of low-value tasks, etc.).
• Healthcare Expense per Covered Employee – The • Unit Cost: Enroll in Benefits – The total cost of
average health insurance-related expense incurred by enrolling employees in benefits programs divided by the
the company divided by the total number of employees total number of employees enrolled in benefits programs
covered by the company’s health insurance plan. over a certain period of time.
• HR Benefits Administration Expense per Firm-Wide • Unit Cost: Request Salary Change – The total cost of
Employee – Total HR Benefits Administration-related processing salary change requests divided by the total
expense divided by the total number of company-wide number of salary changes requested over a certain period
employees. of time.
• HR Benefits Expense as a Percentage of Total HR • Unit Cost: Salary Change – The total cost of salary
Expense – Total HR Benefits Administration-related changes performed divided by the total number of salaries
expense divided by total HR Department expense, as a changed over a certain period of time.
percentage. • Average Base Salary: Sales Support
• HR Compensation Administration Expense per Employees – The average annual base salary for Sales
Firm-Wide Employee – Total HR Compensation Support employees working for the company over a
Administration-related expense divided by the total certain period of time.
number of company-wide employees. • Labor Expense as a Percentage of Sales – The total
• HR Compensation Expense as a Percentage of Total labor-related expense (wages, employee taxes, benefits,
HR Expense – Total HR Compensation-related expense bonuses, etc.) divided by total sales generated over the
divided by total HR Department expense, as a percentage. same period of time, as a percentage.
• Salaries as a Percentage of Operating • Labor Expense as a Percentage of Total
Expense – Total company-wide salary expense divided by Revenue – The total employee compensation-related
total company-wide operating expense, as a percentage. expense divided by the total dollar amount of revenue
• Benefits Expense per Firm-Wide Employee – The generated by the company over the same period of time,
total benefits expense incurred by the company over as a percentage.
a certain period of time divided by the total number of • Employee Health Insurance Expense as a
company-wide employees. Percentage of Total Revenue – the total employee
• Compensation Expense per Firm-Wide health insurance-related expense incurred by the company
Employee – The total compensation expense incurred by divided by the total dollar amount of revenue generated
the company over a certain period of time, divided by the over the same period of time, as a percentage.
total number of company-wide employees. • Payroll Taxes as a Percentage of Total
• Percent Change in Unit Cost: Enroll in Benefits – Revenue – The total payroll tax-related expense incurred
The percent change in unit cost for enrolling in benefits by the company divided by the total revenue generated
before and after implementing process improvements over the same period of time, as a percentage.
(such as automation, removal of low-value tasks, etc.). • Average Compensation: Administrative
• Percent Change in Unit Cost: Request Salary Employees – The average total compensation (salary,
Change – The percent change in unit cost for requesting bonuses, commissions) for administrative employees over
a salary change before and after implementing process a certain period of time.
improvements (such as automation, removal of low-value • Average Compensation: CEOs & Presidents –
tasks, etc.). The average total compensation (salary, bonuses,
commissions) for CEOs and Presidents over a certain
period of time.

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Benefits & Compensation (Cont.)
KPI Encyclopedia

Cost (Cont.) Cost (Cont.)

• Average Compensation: CFOs – The average total • Average Base Salary: Compliance Officers – The
compensation (salary, bonuses, commissions) for CFOs average base salary for compliance officers over a certain
over a certain period of time. period of time.
• Average Compensation: Compliance • Average Base Salary: COOs – The average base salary
Officers – The average total compensation (salary, for COOs over a certain period of time.
bonuses, commissions) for compliance officers over a • Average Base Salary: General Managers – The
certain period of time. average base salary for general managers over a certain
• Average Compensation: COOs. – The average total period of time.
compensation (salary, bonuses, commissions) for COOs • Average Base Salary: IT Employees – The average
over a certain period of time. base salary for IT employees (excluding managers) over a
• Average Compensation: General certain period of time.
Managers – The average total compensation (salary, • Average Base Salary: IT Managers – The average
bonuses, commissions) for general managers over a base salary for IT managers over a certain period of time.
certain period of time.
• Average Base Salary: Receptionists – The average
• Average Compensation: IT Employees – The average base salary for receptionists, or executive assistants, over
total compensation (salary, bonuses, commissions) for IT a certain period of time.
employees (excluding managers) over a certain period of
time. • Average Base Salary: Sales Managers &
Supervisors – The average base salary for sales
• Average Compensation: IT Managers – The average managers and supervisors over a certain period of time.
total compensation (salary, bonuses, commissions) for IT
managers over a certain period of time. • Average Base Salary: Sales Representatives – The
average base salary for sales representatives over a
• Average Compensation: Receptionists – The average certain period of time.
total compensation (salary, bonuses, commissions) for
receptionists, or executive assistants, over a certain period • Average Base Salary: Vice Presidents – The average
of time. base salary for company Vice Presidents over a certain
period of time.
• Average Compensation: Sales Managers &
Supervisors – The average total compensation • Total Expense: Benefits – The total expense incurred
(salary, bonuses, commissions) for sales managers and by the Benefits function over a given period of time.
supervisors over a certain period of time. • Benefits Expense as a Percentage of Total
• Average Compensation: Sales Expense – Total Benefits expense divided by total,
Representatives – The average total compensation company-wide expense over the same time period, as a
(salary, bonuses, commissions) for sales representatives percentage.
over a certain period of time. • Total Expense: Compensation – The total expense
• Average Compensation: Vice incurred by the Compensation function over a given period
Presidents – The average total compensation (salary, of time.
bonuses, commissions) for company Vice Presidents over • Compensation Expense as a Percentage of Total
a certain period of time. Expense – Total Compensation expense divided by total,
• Average Base Salary: Administrative company-wide expense over the same time period, as a
Employees – The average base salary for administrative percentage.
employees over a certain period of time.
• Average Base Salary: CEOs & Presidents – The
average base salary for CEOs and Presidents over a
certain period of time.
• Average Base Salary: CFOs – The average base salary
for CFOs over a certain period of time.

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Benefits & Compensation (Cont.)
KPI Encyclopedia

Headcount Service
• Benefits Headcount Ratio – The number of company- • Percentage of Premium Covered (Employee and
wide, full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) divided by the Dependents) – The percentage of health insurance
total number of Benefits employees. premiums that are paid for by the company for plans that
• Compensation Headcount Ratio – The number of cover the employee and any dependents the employee
company-wide, full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) has.
divided by the total number of Compensation employees. • Percentage of Premium Covered (Employee
• Payroll Headcount Ratio – The number of company- Only) – The percentage of health insurance premiums
wide, full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) divided by the that are paid for by the company for plans that cover the
total number of Payroll employees. employee (does not include any dependents the employee
• Total Headcount: Benefits – The total number of
Benefits employees working for the company.
• Benefits Employees as a Percentage of Total HR
Employees – Total number of Benefits employees divided
by the total number of HR employees, as a percentage.
• Total Headcount: Compensation – The total number of
Compensation employees working for the company.
• Compensation Employees as a Percentage of
Total HR Employees – Total number of Compensation
employees divided by the total number of HR employees,
as a percentage.

• Organizational Structure: Billing – Yes/no metric
indicating whether the Billing function is centralized (all
employees in a single location) or decentralized.
• Span of Control: Benefits – The average number of
Benefits employees reporting to each Benefits manager.
• Management Levels: Benefits – The total number of
management levels, or layers, in the Benefits function.
• Organizational Structure: Benefits – Yes/no metric
indicating whether the Benefits function is centralized (all
employees in a single location) or decentralized.
• Span of Control: Compensation – The average
number of Compensation employees reporting to each
Compensation manager.
• Management Levels: Compensation – The total
number of management levels, or layers, in the
Compensation function.
• Organizational Structure: Compensation – Yes/
no metric indicating whether the Compensation function
is centralized (all employees in a single location) or

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Human Resources
Human Resources
Benefits & Compensation
Employee Relations The Employee Relations Group is responsible
for managing the various interactions between
HR Generalists employers and employees. This group is
accountable for resolving workplace disputes
Human Capital Management (from simple write-ups to complex litigation)
and managing relationships with temporary
employees and labor unions.
Recruiting & Hiring
Training & Development

Employee Relations
KPI Encyclopedia

Cost Productivity
• Unit Cost: Employee Relations Claim – The total cost • Employee Relations Claim per Employee Relations
of managing an Employee Relations claim divided by the Employee – The total amount of Employee Relations
total number of Employee Relations claims managed over claims managed over a certain period of time divided by
a certain period of time. the total number of employees who work in the Employee
• Total Expense: Employee Relations – The total Relations function.
expense incurred by the Employee Relations function over • Cycle Time: Employee Relations Claim – The
a given period of time. average number of days required to manage an Employee
• Expense per Employee Relations Employee – The Relations claim, from the time an Employee Relations
total expense incurred by the company divided by the claim is filed by an employee until when the Employee
total number of employees working within the Employee Relations claim is dealt with.
Relations function.
• Employee Relations Expense as a Percentage of
Total Expense – The total Employee Relations expense • Number of Labor Disputes – The total number of
divided by total, company-wide expense over the same grievances filed over a certain period of time by employees
time period, as a percentage. involved in labor disputes with the manufacturer.
• Total Volume: Employee Relations Claims – The total
Headcount number of Employee Relations claims managed over a
• Total Headcount: Employee Relations – The total given period of time.
number of employees working for a company’s Employee
Relations function.
• Employee Relations Headcount Ratio – The number
of company-wide, full-time equivalent employees (FTEs)
divided by the total number of employees working within
the Employee Relations function.
• Employee Relations Employees as a Percentage of
total HR Employees – The total number of employees
working within the Employee Relations function divided by
the total number of HR employees, as a percentage.

• Span of Control: Employee Relations – The average
number of employees working within the Employee
Relations function reporting to each Employee Relations
• Management Levels: Employee Relations – The total
number of management levels, or layers, in the Employee
Relations function.
• Organizational Structure: Employee Relations – Yes/
no metric indicating whether the Employee Relations
function is centralized (all employees in a single location)
or decentralized.

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Human Resources
Human Resources
Benefits & Compensation
Employee Relations
HR Generalists Human Resource Generalists manage the
day-to-day HR activities, such as maintaining
Human Capital Management HR information system records and compiling
reports from the database, developing
Recruiting & Hiring department goals, objectives and systems,
scheduling interviews and performing other
related activities as required and assigned.
Training & Development

HR Generalists
KPI Encyclopedia

Cost Productivity
• Percent Change in Unit Cost: Change Home • Cycle Time: Interview Scheduling – The average
Address – The percent change in unit cost for number of hours required to schedule an interview, from
changing an employees home address before and after the time a potential candidate is contacted for an interview
implementing process improvements (such as automation, until when the candidate responds in the affirmative.
removal of low-value tasks, etc.). • Cycle Time: HR Information System Record
• Unit Cost: Change Home Address – The total cost Maintenance – The average number of minutes required
of changing an employee’s home address in the HR to maintain and update the HR information system
information system divided by the total number of home records, from the time new information is acquired until
addresses changed over a certain period of time. when the HR information system records are updated.
• Unit Cost: Interview Scheduling – The total cost of • Cycle Time: Salary Action – The average number
scheduling an interview divided by the total number of of business days required to process an employee’s
interviews scheduled over a certain period of time. salary adjustment, from the initiation of the process until
• Total Expense: HR Generalists – The total expense all necessary information is posted into the HR record
incurred by the HR Generalist function over a given period keeping system.
of time.
• Expense per HR Generalist – The total expense
incurred by the company divided by the total number of
HR Generalists.
• HR Generalists Expense as a Percentage of Total
HR Expense – The total HR Generalist-related expense
divided by the total HR Department expense, as a

• Total Headcount: HR Generalists – The total number
of HR Generalists working for the company.
• HR Generalists Headcount Ratio – The number of
company-wide, full-time equivalent employees (FTEs)
divided by the total number of HR Generalists.
• HR Generalists as a Percentage of total HR
Employees – The total number of HR Generalists divided
by the total number of HR employees, as a percentage.

• Span of Control: HR Generalists – The average
number of HR Generalists reporting to each HR Generalist
• Management Levels: HR Generalists – The total
number of management levels, or layers, in the HR
Generalist function.
• Organizational Structure: HR Generalists – Yes/
no metric indicating whether the HR Generalist function
is centralized (all employees in a single location) or

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Human Capital
Human Resources
Human Resources
Benefits & Compensation
Employee Relations
HR Generalists
Human Capital Management Human Capital Management focuses on the
practices and processes for managing people
Recruiting & Hiring in an organization. This group manages payroll,
compensation levels, staffing levels, employee
Training & Development performance and ensures adequate minority

Human Capital Management
KPI Encyclopedia

Cost Organizational
• Annual Salary Increase – The percent increase in • Span of Control: Human Capital
annual salary for each employee working within a certain Management – The average number of Human Capital
job role, function or department. Management employees reporting to each Human Capital
• Total Expense: Human Capital Management – The manager.
total expense incurred by the Human Capital Management • Management Levels: Human Capital
function over a given period of time. Management – The total number of management levels,
• Expense per Human Capital Management or layers, in the Human Capital Management function.
Employee – The total expense incurred by the • Organizational Structure: Human Capital
company divided by the total number of Human Capital Management – Yes/no metric indicating whether the
Management employees. Human Capital Management function is centralized (all
• Human Capital Management Expense as a employees in a single location) or decentralized.
Percentage of Total Expense – Total Human Capital
Management expense divided by total, company-wide Productivity
expense over the same time period, as a percentage.
• Productive Hours as a Percentage of Total Hours
Worked – The number of hours worked dedicated to
Headcount specific tasks or projects divided by the total number
• Performance Management Headcount Ratio – The of hours worked over the same period of time, as a
number of company-wide, full-time equivalent employees percentage.
(FTEs) divided by the total number of Performance
Management employees. Quality
• Total Headcount: Human Capital Management – The • Average Employee Tenure – The average number
total number of Human Capital Management employees of years that employees have been employed by the
working for the company. company (can be segmented by employee type, function
• Human Capital Management Headcount Ratio – The or department).
number of company-wide, full-time equivalent employees • Turnover Rate: First Year of Employment – The
(FTEs) divided by the total number of Human Capital number of employees who leave the company during their
Management employees. first year of employment divided by the total number of
• Human Capital Management Employees as a employees hired within the same year, as a percentage.
Percentage of Total HR Employees – Total number • Turnover Rate: Involuntary – The total number of
of Human Capital Management employees divided by the involuntary separations over a certain period of time
total number of HR employees, as a percentage. divided by total number of firm-wide employees, as a
• Part-Time and Temporary Employees as a percentage.
Percentage of Total Employees – The number of • Turnover Rate – The percentage of positions within the
part-time and/or temporary employees divided by the total company that were vacated over a certain period of time.
number of company-wide employees, as a percentage.
• Turnover Rate: Voluntary – The percentage of positions
• Permanent Full-Time Employees as a Percentage of within the company that were voluntarily vacated over a
Total Employees – The number of permanent full-time certain period of time.
employees divided by the total number of company-wide
employees, as a percentage. • Turnover Rate: Management – The percentage of
management positions within the company that were
vacated over a certain period of time.

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Recruiting &
Human Resources
Human Resources
Benefits & Compensation
Employee Relations
HR Generalists
Human Capital Management
Recruiting & Hiring The Recruiting and Hiring Group attracts,
screens and selects talent for open positions
Training & Development within the company. The group identifies
vacancies, develops position descriptions,
formulates a strategic recruitment plan,
reviews applicants and, finally, selects
individuals to be hired. Upon selection of a new
candidate, the Recruiting and Hiring Group will
provide an offer and handle any subsequent

Recruiting & Hiring
KPI Encyclopedia

Cost Organizational
• Cost per Hire– The average cost incurred by the HR • Span of Control: Recruiting & Hiring – The average
Department to fill a single open position within the number of Recruiting & Hiring employees reporting to each
company. Recruiting & Hiring manager.
• HR Recruiting & Hiring Expense as a Percentage of • Management Levels: Recruiting & Hiring – The total
Total HR Expense– The total HR Recruiting & Hiring- number of management levels, or layers, in the Recruiting
related expense divided by total HR Department expense, & Hiring function.
as a percentage. • Organizational Structure: Recruiting & Hiring – Yes/
• Recruiting & Hiring Expense per Employee – The no metric indicating whether the Recruiting & Hiring
total Recruiting and Hiring expense incurred by the function is centralized (all employees in a single location)
company divided by the total number of employees. or decentralized.
• Percent Change in Unit Cost: Create Job Requisition
– The percent change in unit cost for creating a job Quality
requisition before and after implementing process
improvements (such as automation, removal of low-value • Average Requisition Days on Hold: Directors –
tasks, etc.). Average number of business days requisition postings for
directorial (or VP, executive) level jobs were put on hold
• Unit Cost: Job Application Processing – The total during the recruiting process.
cost of processing job applications divided by the total
number of job applications processed over a certain period • Average Requisition Days on Hold: Managers –
of time. Average number of business days requisition postings
for managerial level jobs were put on hold during the
• Unit Cost: Approve Promotion – The total cost of recruiting process.
approving a promotion divided by the total number of
promotions approved over a certain period of time. • Average Requisition Days on Hold: Staff – Average
number of business days requisition postings for staff
• Unit Cost: Create Job Requisition – The total cost of (front-line or entry level) level jobs were put on hold during
creating job requisitions divided by the total number of job the recruiting process.
requisitions created over a certain period of time.
• Percentage of Positions Filled Externally – The total
• Total Expense: Recruiting & Hiring – The total number of positions filled by external sources (not working
expense incurred by the Recruiting & Hiring function over for the company already) divided by the total number of
a given period of time. new hires over a certain period of time, as a percentage.
• Percentage of Positions Filled Internally – The total
Headcount number of positions filled by employees already working
• Recruiting & Hiring Headcount Ratio – The number for the company in some capacity divided by the total
of company-wide, full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) number of new hires over a certain period of time, as a
divided by the total number of Recruiting and Hiring percentage.
employees. • Time to Fill – The average number of business days
• Total Headcount: Recruiting & Hiring – The total required for the HR function to fill a single open position
number of Recruiting & Hiring employees working for the within the company.
company. • Time to Fill: Directors – The average number of
• Recruiting & Hiring Employees as a Percentage of business days required for the HR function to fill a single
total HR Employees – The total number of Recruiting open director level position within the company.
& Hiring employees divided by the total number of HR • Time to Fill: Executives – The average number of
employees, as a percentage. business days required for the HR function to fill a single
open executive level position within the company.
• Time to Fill: External Hires – The average number
of business days required for the HR function to fill a
single open position within the company with an external

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Recruiting & Hiring (Cont.)
KPI Encyclopedia

Quality (Cont.) Volume

• Time to Fill: Internal Hires – The average number • Number of Requisitions Filled: Directors – The total
of business days required for the HR function to fill a number of director (or VP, executive) level job requisitions
single open position within the company with an internal filled in a given time period.
candidate. • Number of Requisitions Filled: Managers – The total
• Time to Fill: Managers – The average number of number of manager level job requisitions filled in a given
business days required for the HR function to fill a single time period.
open managerial level position within the company. • Number of Requisitions Filled: Staff – The total
• Time to Fill: Staff – The average number of business number of staff (front-line or entry level) level job
days required for the HR function to fill a single open staff requisitions filled in a given time period.
(front-line or entry level) position within the company. • Total Volume: New Hires – The total number of new
• Time to Start – The average number of business days hires made over a given period of time.
from the posting of a job requisition to the business day a
new hire starts the job.
• Time to Start: Directors – The average number of
business days from the posting of a job requisition to the
business day a new directorial hire starts the job.
• Time to Start: Executives – The average number of
business days from the posting of a job requisition to the
business day a new executive level hire starts the job.
• Time to Start: External – The average number of
business days from the posting of a job requisition to the
business day a new external hire starts the job.
• Time to Start: Internal – The average number of
business days from the posting of a job requisition to the
business day a new internal hire starts the job.
• Time to Start: Managers – The average number of
business days from the posting of a job requisition to the
business day a new managerial hire starts the job.
• Time to Start: Staff – The average number of business
days from the posting of a job requisition to the business
day a new staff (front-line or entry level) level hire starts
the job.

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Training &
Human Resources
Human Resources
Benefits & Compensation
Employee Relations
HR Generalists
Human Capital Management
Recruiting & Hiring
Training & Development The Training and Development Group seeks to
maximize company performance by training
and continuously improving the competencies
of its employees. In some cases, the group
may train existing employees to take over
new positions. The three main focuses of
the Training and Development Group are,
not surprisingly, employee training (current
job), education (future job) and development
(continued success).

Training & Development
KPI Encyclopedia

Cost Headcount
• HR Training Expense as a Percentage of Total HR • HR Training & Development Headcount Ratio – The
Expense – Total employee training and development number of company-wide, full-time equivalent employees
related expense divided by total HR Department expense, (FTEs) divided by the total number of HR Training and
as a percentage. Development employees.
• Training & Development Expense per • Succession Planning Headcount Ratio – The number
Employee – The total training and development expense of company-wide, full-time equivalent employees (FTEs)
incurred by the company divided by the total number of divided by the total number of Succession Planning
company-wide employees. employees.
• Percent Change in Unit Cost: Job Application • Total Headcount: Training & Development – The total
Processing – The percent change in unit cost for number of Training & Development employees working for
processing a job application before and after implementing the company.
digital/automated processes. • Training & Development Employees as a Percentage
• Percent Change in Unit Cost: Promotion of total HR Employees – Total number of Training &
Approval – The percent change in unit cost for approving Development employees divided by the total number of HR
a job promotion before and after implementing digital/ employees, as a percentage.
automated processes.
• Percent Change in Unit Cost: Enroll in Training – The Organizational
percent change in unit cost for enrolling an employee in
a training program before and after implementing digital/ • Span of Control: Training & Development – The
automated processes. average number of Training & Development employees
reporting to each Training & Development manager.
• Percent Change in Unit Cost: Performance
Appraisal – The percent change in unit cost for • Management Levels: Training & Development – The
performing an appraisal before and after implementing total number of management levels, or layers, in the
process improvements (such as automation, removal of Training & Development function.
low-value tasks, etc.). • Organizational Structure: Training &
• Unit Cost: Enroll in Training – The total cost of Development – Yes/no metric indicating whether
enrolling employees in training programs divided by the the Training & Development function is centralized (all
total number of employees enrolled in training programs employees in a single location) or decentralized.
over a certain period of time.
• Unit Cost: Performance Appraisal – The total cost of
conducting performance appraisals divided by the total • Cycle Time: Transfer or Promotion – The average
number of appraisals performed over a certain period of number of business days required to transfer or promote
time. an employee, from the initiation of the process until
• Training Expense as a Percentage of Total Labor all necessary information is posted into the HR record
Expense – Total training-related expense divided by the keeping system.
total labor-related expense (wages, salaries, benefits, • Cycle Time: New Hire Training – The average number
training etc.) over the same time period, as a percentage. of business days required to train a new hire, from
• Training Expense as a Percentage of Total the time they start until the initial training program is
Revenue – The total employee training-related expense completed.
incurred by the company divided by the total dollar amount • New Hires Trained per Training & Development
of revenue generated over the same period of time, as a Employee – The total amount of new hires trained over
percentage. a certain period of time divided by the total number of
• Total Expense: Training & Development – The total Training & Development employees.
expense incurred by the Training & Development function
over a given period of time.

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Training & Development (Cont.)
KPI Encyclopedia

• Manufacturing Employee Cross-Training – Yes/no
metric indicating whether the company actively cross-
trains factory employees to increase competency in more
than one manufacturing capacity.

• Training Days per Year – The total number of business
days per year allocated to training staff.

• Positions Filled as a Percentage of Total
Employees – The total number of positions filled over
a certain period of time, divided by the total number of
company-wide employees, as a percentage.

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