Lailatul-Qadr (The Night of Power)
Lailatul-Qadr (The Night of Power)
Lailatul-Qadr (The Night of Power)
It has also been reported by Aisha, the wife of the Prophet (p.b.u.h)
who said:
"I asked the Messenger>Of A11ah if I knew which night was the
Night of Power and what Prayer I should say during that night? He
said to me: Say: "O Allah! You are forgiving and you love
forgiveness, so you too forgive me.
From the foregoing verses of the Qur'an and the sayings of the
Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) I would like to mention to you the
I am sure every one of us would like to live a life free of sins an free
of mistakes. Everyone would like to meet Allah on the Day of
Judgment without sins. Every one of us would like to feel that
he/she is reborn today. All of us wish to rejuvenate ourselves, and to
start a new year with a fresh outlook and a fresh life. Every one of
us wants to live a pure life and everyone wants to purify
himself/herself without anguish or torment. The Night of Power is
one of the best ways in which a person is to achieve all these ideals.
For this reason may I suggest that you start looking for it, so you
will be able to observe it and enjoy it.
May Allah give us the strength, the power, the courage and the
effort to do our best to obey Allah and to follow His teachings. May
Allah guide us and may Allah strengthen our Iman May Allah help
us to live another year with sincerity and devotion. May Allah make
us realize that one year of our life is over and that we are one year
closer to our graves.
Let us wake up and do our best to please Allah in our daily life. Let
us ask Almighty Allah forgiveness. Ameen