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Biological Activities of QIAPI 1 As A Melanin Precursor and Its Therapeu-Tic Effects in Wistar Rats Exposed To Arsenic Poisoning

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Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 15, 99-108 99

Biological Activities of QIAPI 1 as a Melanin Precursor and Its Therapeu-

tic Effects in Wistar Rats Exposed to Arsenic Poisoning

Arturo Solís-Herrera1, Ghulam M. Ashraf2, María del C.A. Esparza1, Ruth I.S. Arias1,
Sergei O. Bachurin3, George E. Barreto4 and Gjumrakch Aliev5,6*

Human Photosynthesis Study Center. R & D & I Department, López Velarde 108, Centro, Aguasca-
lientes, Aguascalientes C.P. 20000, México; 2King Fahd Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz
University, P. O. Box 80216, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia; 3Institute of Physiologically Active Com-
pounds of Russian Academy of Science, Severniy Proezd, 1, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, 142432,
Russia; 4Departamento de Nutrición y Bioquímica, Facultad de Ciencias, Pontificia Universidad Jave-
riana, Bogotá D.C., Colombia; 5GALLY International Biomedical Research Consulting LLC, 7733
Louis Pasteur Drive, #330, San Antonio, TX, 78229, USA; 6School of Health Science and Healthcare
Administration, University of Atlanta, E. Johns Crossing, #175, Johns Creek, GA, 30097 USA

Abstract: The chemical process initiated by QIAPI 1 has been deemed to be the most important biological reaction asso-
ciated with human photosynthesis, and possibly neuroprotective effects under various inflammatory events. However, the
detailed biological activities of QIAPI 1 as a melanin precursor are still unknown. In the present work, cytotoxicity test
was done by MTT assay to determine cell viability of various cell lines (WI-38, A549, HS 683) like proliferation tests and
its effect on cytokine production. Arsenic poisoning is an often-unrecognized cause of renal insufficiency. No prophylac-
tic and/or therapeutic compounds have shown promising results against kidney diseases. The pathogenesis of Arsenic-
induced nephropathy is not clear. Arsenic, as itself, does not degrade over time in the environment, and its accumulation
may induce toxic effects. In this study, we also report the histological findings of the kidney in 3 groups of Wistar rats, a
control group, a group exposed to arsenic in the water; and a group exposed to arsenic and treated with QIAPI 1 simulta-
neously. The findings of the current evidence indicates a potential therapeutic ability of QIAPI 1.
Keywords: Arsenic, cytotoxicity, human photosynthesis, melanin, QIAPI 1.

INTRODUCTION Arsenic, a naturally occurring metalloid, is a carcino-

genic compound, and may induce renal failure and kidney
Biochemical processes within the human body utilize
insufficiency in people exposed to its high concentrations [4,
water in almost all reactions, and human photosynthesis most
5]. Besides with arsenic being found in water, soil, and air as
likely influence our capacity to dissociate water, especially
a contaminant, it has also been used in chemotherapy for
upon onset of a pathological event. Our previous observa-
acute leukemia and other types of tumor [6, 7]. Previous re-
tions point to an important role of melanin in human cellular
port also indicated that arsenic can be found in Asian tradi-
metabolism and energy consumption, and demonstrate that tional medicine and some homeopathic compounds. For ex-
this compound may be the main fuel in eukaryotic cells
ample, 1% arsenic trioxide is used to treat skin diseases, such
[1, 2].
as eczema and psoriasis, leukemia, and stomatitis [6]. A spe-
The chemical process initiated by QIAPI 1, the melanin cific nutritional role for inorganic arsenic has been uncov-
precursor, is probably the most important biological reaction ered only recently, but animal food has been supplemented
associated with human photosynthesis [1]. QIAPI 1 has with growth-promoting organic arsenical additives for many
shown interesting results and has been investigated for its years [8]. Although adaptation to some organic arsenicals
potential protective effects in the last 20 years. For example, was readily achievable, animals were unable to adapt to the
QIAPI 1 protects the brain from various neurological disor- toxic effects of inorganic arsenic compounds [9] that under-
ders, such as cerebral palsy, and Alzheimer Disease [3]. Al- goes hepatic bio-methylation [10]. As a compound, arsenic is
though previous reports indicate a potential protective role of absorbed through lungs or gastrointestinal (GI) tract, reach-
QIAPI 1, further studies are needed to fully address its ef- ing the blood in a few minutes, and up to 70% of its blood
fects in the brain. content is eliminated with urine [11, 12].
In this current study, we assessed biological activities of
QIAPI 1 by using cytotoxicity and proliferation tests on cell
*Address correspondence to this author at the “GALLY” International Bio- cultures. We also report the effect of QIAPI 1 on arsenic-
medical Research Consulting LLC, San Antonio, TX 78229, USA; induced kidney damage using histological evaluation of the
Tel: +440-263-7461; E-mails:; kidney of 3 groups of Wistar rats: a control group, a group

187-/15 $58.00+.00 © 2015 Bentham Science Publishers

100 Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 2 Solís-Herrera et al.

exposed to arsenic in the water, and a group exposed to both 30 min with subsequent addition of SDS and optical density
the arsenic and QIAPI 1 at the same time. measurement as described above for the cytotoxicity test. In
this case, the MTT test was used to assess number of cells,
MATERIALS AND METHODS which were proliferating during the 96 h incubation. The
data were normalized to 100% corresponding to optical den-
Materials sity in wells containing cells without QIAPI 1 (control wells)
QIAPI 1 was obtained from Dr. Arturo Solis-Herrera, and 0% to wells containing seeding concentration of the cells
MD&PhD from Centro de Estudios de la Fotosíntesis Hu- (background MTT readout).
mana. S.C., Aguascalientes, Mexico.
Cytokine Production Test
Experimental Animals
To assess the effect of QIAPI 1 on cytokine production,
Studies were performed on 2-3 months old Wistar rats we isolated PBLs as described above. Leukocytes were
kept in the University of Aguascalientes animal house in treated with selected, nontoxic concentrations of QIAPI 1 (1
Aguascalientes, Mexico. The animals were kept in cages (5 mg/ml; 500 μg/ml, 300 μg/ml) with or without 5μg/ml of
animals per cage) with unrestricted access to water ad libi- lipopolysacharides (LPS). After 24h of incubation at 37 oC/
tum, industrialized food and artificial light for 12 hours daily 5%CO2, samples of leukocytes and supernatants were col-
cycle. The rats were kept for 10 days prior to experiments. lected. To evaluate the influence of QIAPI 1 on IFN-γ pro-
duction, additional samples were collected after 72 h of in-
Animal handling procedures, as well as all experimental
protocols, were approved by the Research and Ethics Com-
mittee of University of Aguascalientes prior the executing Cytokines production was assessed using ELISA kits
experiments. All procedures were in compliance with Euro- (BD Biosciences, USA) for human IFNγ, TNF-α, and IL-6
pean Directive-2010 of FELASA, NIH guidelines to use and DuoSet for human IL-3 (R&D Systems, USA) according
animals for research. to manufacture´s procedures. Cytokines levels were ex-
pressed as pg/ml and read at 450 nm using a Multiskan RC
Cytotoxicity Test spectrophotometric reader (Thermo Labsystems, USA).
Cytotoxicity test was performed on 3 cell lines: (a) WI-38 Arsenic Poisoning and QIAPI 1 Treatment
(human diploid cell line from normal embryonic (3 months
gestation) lung tissue, (b) A549 (human lung adenocarcinoma Rats were randomly assigned into three groups (10 ani-
epithelial cell line), and (c) HS 683 (human neuronal glioma mals each). Animals in ‘group 1’ did not undergo any addi-
cell line); and on peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) from tional treatments and, therefore, were designated as a con-
10 healthy volunteers (5 male and 5 female at ages 23-45). trol; animals in ‘group 2’ were exposed to water solution of
The cytotoxicity data was used to calculate LC50 values for arsenic (10 mg/l, ad libitum) to “simulate” arsenic “natural
each cell line and PBLs. LC10 and LC5 were also calculated intoxication” in humans through drinking water; animals in
for PBLs to use these non-toxic concentrations for studies of ‘group 3’ were exposed to arsenic poisoning similarly to the
QIAPI 1 effects on cytokine release by leukocytes. animals in the group 2 but with an additional supplementation
of the arsenic-containing water with QIAPI 1 (0.00585938
Cell viability was determined using the MTT (3-[4,5- mg/ml, ad libitum). The variables considered were: basal
dimethyltiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) urine and blood after arsenic determination, complete blood
(Sigma Chemicals Co., USA) test. The MTT is reduced to count, urinalysis, and mortality. At the end of the experiment
formazan by mitochondria. Briefly, the cells (2x105cell/ml) (4 months), animals were killed by decapitation as described
and leukocytes (2×106 cells/ml) were seeded in 96 well elsewhere for the future histological evaluation of potential
plates and incubated for 48 h in the presence of 5–0,05 therapeutic effects of QIAPI 1.
mg/ml of QIAPI 1. After the incubation, cells were treated
with 20 μl of MTT for 90 min. Next, 100 μl sodium dodecyl- Biochemical Analysis
sulfate (SDS) was added to each well and the samples were
allowed to incubate for additional 3h at 37 oC. The optical Blood samples were collected each month during the
density was measured at 570 nm. The optical densities were progress of this experiment. Routine blood tests include
normalized to 100% corresponding to optical density of counting the total number of the red (erythrocytes) and white
wells without QIAPI 1 (control wells) and 0% to wells con- (leukocytes) blood cells, hematocrit, and hemoglobin levels.
taining no cells (background MTT readout).
Histopathological Examination
Proliferation Tests Tissue samples of kidney were collected post-mortally,
Proliferation test was performed on 3 cell lines: WI-38, stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), and observed
A549, and HS 683. 3×104 WI-38 cells and 2×104 A549 and under a light microscope to assess histomorphology of neph-
HS 683 cells were seeded into each wells in 96-wells culture ron and kidney vasculatures.
plates in appropriate culture medium with 10% FBS. Follow-
ing 24 h incubation at 37˚C/5%CO2, medium was removed Body and Organ Weights
and replaced with QIAPI 1 in culture medium at indicated Water solution of arsenic (10 mg/l, ad libitum) and
test concentrations. After 96 h incubation at 37 oC/5% CO2 , QIAPI 1 (0.00585938 mg/ml, ad libitum) was used for 4
MTT was added, samples were additionally incubated for months. Urine basal levels was discarded because of difficulty
Biological Activities of QIAPI 1 as a Melanin Precursor Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 2 101

in urine collection. The body weights of rats from each group On the basis of the results of MTT assay for human leuko-
were recorded just before and after the treatments while or- cytes the LC50, LC10 and LC5 were 7 mg/ml (extrapolated),
gan weights (kidney and liver) were measured post-mortally. 1 mg/ml, and 0.5 mg/ml, respectively (Table 2).

Statistical Analysis Table 2. LC of QIAPI 1 for human PBLs.

Data is expressed as mean ± SD of 3 different experi-
ments, and analyzed using One-Way ANOVA followed by Lethal concentration QIAPI 1 [mg/ml]
Dunnet’s post test. A statistically significant difference was
defined at p<0.05. LC50 7.0

LC10 1.0
LC5 0.5
Previous studies report that the administration of QIAPI
1 in Alzheimer patients has shown promising results, as it
may improve memory and cognition, and a few AD people Table 3. Concentrations of QIAPI 1 that inhibit proliferation
have noted bowel and bladder improved control [13, 14]. of cell lines.
Citing the potential effect of QIAPI 1 under various disease
conditions, we first carried out experiments to understand its Concentrations of QIAPI Concentrations of QIAPI
basic biological activities. Firstly, we assessed its possible Cell line 1 inhibit 50% prolifera- 1 inhibit 99% prolifera-
cytotoxicity by using MTT assay. The percentage of viable tion [mg/ml] tion [mg/ml]
cells in the presence of QIAPI 1 was found to be declining
gradually as concentration of QIAPI 1 increased, with ap- WI-38 1.0 4.5
prox. 85%, 60% and 75% cytotoxicity observed at 5 mg/ml A549 2.0 5.5
QIAPI 1 for WI-38 (Fig. 1), A549 (Fig. 2) and HS 683 (Fig.
3) cell line, respectively. Based on this data, LC50 were esti- HS-683 2.0 5.5
mated for each cell line (Table 1). Fig. 4 presents the results
of cytotoxicity test (MTT assay) for human PBLs. Proliferation test of QIAPI 1 was also done on all the
three cell lines. The influence of QIAPI 1 to suppress prolif-
eration capability of the cell lines was found to be increasing
Table 1. LC50 of QIAPI 1 for human cell lines.
gradually with increase of QIAPI 1 concentration, with ap-
proximately 10% viable cells being observed at 5 mg/ml
Cell line LC50 of QIAPI 1 [mg/ml] QIAPI 1 for all three cell lines: WI-38 (Fig. 5), A549 (Fig. 6)
and HS 683 (Fig. 7). Table 3 presents the concentrations of
WI-38 3.0
QIAPI 1 that inhibit proliferation of the cell lines.
A549 4.5 Studies of the effect of QIAPI 1 on TNF-α production in
HS-683 3.5 human leukocytes showed that the compound increased the
level of cytokine production in a dose-dependent manner.
The effect, but not significant, was observed only with un-
The cytotoxicity of QIAPI 1 for human PBLs was found
stimulated human PBLs (Fig. 8). No effect of QIAPI 1 was
to be comparatively lower than for the cell lines, with ap-
observed on IL-6 production by human PBLs (n=10).
proximately 40% cytotoxicity observed at 5 mg/ml QIAPI 1.

Fig. (1). Cytotoxicity test (MTT assay) for WI-38 cell line.
102 Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 2 Solís-Herrera et al.

Fig. (2). Cytotoxicity of QIAPI 1 for A549 cell line.

Fig. (3). Cytotoxicity of QIAPI 1 for HS-683 cell line.

Fig. (4). Cytotoxicity of QIAPI 1 for human PBLs (n=10).

Biological Activities of QIAPI 1 as a Melanin Precursor Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 2 103

Fig. (5). Proliferation test of QIAPI 1 for WI-38 cell line.

Fig. (6). Proliferation test of QIAPI 1 for A549 cell line.

Fig. (7). Proliferation test of QIAPI 1 for HS-683 cell line.

104 Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 2 Solís-Herrera et al.





T 500


1 400




0 Mean±Std dev
0 0,3 0,5 1 Mean±Std dev
QIAPI 1 [mg/ml]

Fig. (8). Effect of QIAPI 1 on spontaneous TNF-α production by human PBLs (n=10).






T 30




Mean±Std err
-20 Mean±Std dev
0+LPS 0,3+LPS 0,5+LPS 1+LPS
QIAPI 1 [mg/ml]

Fig. (9). Effect of QIAPI 1 on IFN-γ production after LPS stimulation by human PBLs (n=10). Results after 24h of incubation.

Studies of the effect of QIAPI 1 on IFN-γ production gans [15]. Of special importance, the kidney is considered as
showed that incubation with QIAPI 1 for either 24h (Fig. 9) main target of arsenic, as this compound can cause insuffi-
or 72h (Fig. 10) strongly decreased, in a dose-dependent ciency and renal failure, and normal physiological kidney
manner, the level of interferon production in response to functioning is essential for arsenic biotransformation and
LPS-induced stimulation. excretion [5, 16]. We observed the presence of cortex or me-
We also determined the potential therapeutic effect of dulla and number of glomeruli and vessels by staining frozen
QIAPI 1 on Wistar rats exposed to arsenic via the drinking sections with H&E [5]. Major kidney alterations include
water. It has been well documented that the arsenic exposi- structural abnormalities of nephron and vascular membranes
tion can cause toxic effects to the brain, and peripheral or- and heavy deposition of abnormal flak-like materials [5].
Biological Activities of QIAPI 1 as a Melanin Precursor Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 2 105




P 150





-50 Mean±Std err
0+LPS 0,3+LPS 0,5+LPS 1+LPS Mean±Std dev
QIAPI 1 [mg/ml]

Fig. (10). Effect of QIAPI 1 on IFN-γ production after LPS stimulation by human PBLs (n=10). Results after 72h of incubation.

Fig. 11 shows the renal anatomo-histological features of rat Table 4. Comparison of differences in statistical analyses
group 1, which served as control and was not exposed to values of adrenal glands weight before and after
arsenic or QIAPI 1. Tissue edema and hemorrhage were seen treatment with QIAPI 1.
in rat group 2 exposed to arsenic (Fig. 12). The significant
difference can be observed clearly by comparing them with
control group kidney (Fig. 11). These findings suggest pres- Adrenal glands weights Control (mg) Treated (mg)
ence of an arsenic-induced damage in renal tissue, which is
Mean 17.7 24.428
mainly attributable to the altering multiple metabolic path-
ways through uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation [17]. Sample Size 9 7
In this context, previous studies support the idea of a reactive
SD 1.791 7.057
oxygen species (ROS) mediated damage to kidney, which
might explain the toxicity induced by arsenic exposition SEM 0.5970 2.667
[18]. The epithelial cells of proximal convoluted tubules are
Median 17.40 23.300
found to be more sensitive to arsenic-induced toxicity due to
their highest filtration and reabsorptive activity and anatomi- Lower 95 % 16.323 17.902
cal positions as the first renal tubular epithelial cells to be
Upper 95 % 19.077 30.955
exposed to filtered toxicants [5, 19]. From a systemic toxic-
ity induced by arsenic, this may include renal failure and Minimum 15.600 12.500
kidney cortical and tubular necrosis [20, 21].
Maximum 21.400 36.200
In kidney failure patients, QIAPI 1 has been reported to
protect kidney and showed remarkable improvements up to Mean difference 6.729 6.729
80% [22]. QIAPI 1 also showed remarkable response in cir-
2.773 with 14
rhotic liver, boosted by liver’s natural tendency of regenera- t
degrees of freedom
tion [22]. These earlier reported findings have been further
strengthened by the findings of current study. In rat group 3, P value 0.0149
when rats were treated with QIAPI 1 simultaneously with
F value 15.526
arsenic, Bowman's space was found to be reduced, suggest-
ing a marked reduction in fibrosis and retraction of glomeru-
lus (Fig. 13). Bleeding was also found to be decreased sig- Organ weights of rats were determined after treatment
nificantly. The tissue edema and hemorrhage observed in rat with water solutions of arsenic and QIAPI 1 ad libitum.
group 2 exposed to arsenic was also found to be decreased Table 4 and Table 5 represent the results of detailed statisti-
significantly in rats exposed to arsenic and treated simulta- cal analyses on the weights of adrenal glands and spleen,
neously with QIAPI (Fig. 13). These findings suggest thera- respectively. The mean weight of adrenal glands was found
peutic potential effects of QIAPI 1. to be significantly enhanced by 38% in treated rats (P<0.05),
106 Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 2 Solís-Herrera et al.

5X 10X

40X 100X
Fig. (11). Control group, kidney, Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) count-staining, at different resolutions shows intact morphology.

5X 10X


Fig. (12). Arsenic exposed group, kidney, H & E staining at different resolutions shows severely damages that accompanies with the presence
of a large sized edematous structures throughout kidney tissues (indicated by arrows).

(Table 4). The mean weight of spleen was found to be We also assessed the blood constituents in animals ex-
slightly reduced by 16% in treated rats (Table 5). These re- posed to arsenic and arsenic+QIAPI 1 combination. Our re-
sults show that the effect of arsenic and QIAPI 1 is not uni- sults indicated a tendency, but not statistically significant,
form and varies from organ to organ. The physiological effect of the QIAPI 1 treatment on red blood cells of animals
make up and biological functions of different organs play exposed to arsenic. Similar effects were observed in the he-
vital role on the nature of effect induced by arsenic and/or moglobin and in white blood cells numbers (Table 6).
Biological Activities of QIAPI 1 as a Melanin Precursor Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 2 107

Table 5. Comparison of differences in statistical analyses values of spleen weight before and after treatment with QIAPI 1

Spleen Weights Control (mg) Treated (mg)

Mean 272.777 228.849

Sample Size 9 6

SD 59.698 86.725

SEM 19.899 35.405

Median 269.90 210.25

Lower 95 % CI 226.89 137.82

Upper 95% CI 318.67 319.88

Minimum 345.40 386.10

Maximum 345.40 386.10

Mean difference -43.928

t 1.169 with 13 degrees of freedom

Two-tailed P value 0.2365

F 1.898

Table 6. Blood analysis of animals exposed to arsenic alone, and in combination with QIAPI 1 treatment (Q1).

Type of Blood Cells Control Arsenic Arsenic + Q1

Red blood cells 4,754,000±669,674 5,146,000±671,315 4,192,000±1,528,690

White blood cells 83,200±15,841 114,200±24,911 106,600±36,903
Eos 1 1,6±0,489 1,5±0,5
Seg 36,4±10,480 39,2±12,237 35,4±8,428
Lym 62±9,757 58,2±11,822 62±7,899
Mon 2 1 2±0,816
Hematocrit 43,97±1,652 46,08±3,407 45,34±2,270
Hemoglobin 0,342±0,013 0,360±0,021 0,345±0,016

5X 10X

40X 100X

Fig. (13). Arsenic exposed group animals which are simultaneously treated with QIAPI 1, H & E, staining at different resolutions shows pres-
ence of non-significant alterations throughout kidney tissues (indicated by single arrows).
108 Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 2 Solís-Herrera et al.

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Received: March 14, 2015 Revised: April 14, 2015 Accepted: April 20, 2015

DISCLAIMER: The above article has been published in Epub (ahead of print) on the basis of the materials provided by the author. The Edito-
rial Department reserves the right to make minor modifications for further improvement of the manuscript.

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