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MUIDS Physical Education Plan 2018-2019: Volleyball Unit

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MUIDS Physical Education Plan 2018-2019

Volleyball Unit
Stage 1 Desired Results
Established Goals Students will be able to independently use their
1. Performance;
A. Students demonstrate Knows how to play sports under rules also;
the motor skills and environment is controlling by rules.
movement patterns needed
to perform a variety of Apply all skills and fitness into lifetime activities for
physical activities. enjoy with friend and keep exercise for long life
B. Students assess and learning.
maintain a level of physical
fitness. Control self-emotion during life pressure as win and
2. Concept; lose or sometime friend play mistake but under rules
A. Students demonstrate so a student needs to control emotion.
knowledge of movement
concepts, principles, and Nature of volleyball skills is expect to play success in
strategies that apply the one touch so player must try full ability every time it is
learning in the performance provide high concentrate ability.
of physical activities.
B. Students demonstrate Use teamwork technique to work together also
knowledge of physical understanding world around will have both strong and
fitness concepts, principles, weak peoples.
and strategies to improve
health and performance. The component of fitness will be basic fitness to use in
3. Responsibility; other physical activities also promoted wellness.
A. Students demonstrate
and utilize knowledge of The muscular strength and flexibility as main fitness
rules and regulations from volleyball will be a key for quality life activities.
develop strategies,
teamwork, sportsmanship,
and leadership needed to
play sports.

Students will understand that…
How does sportsmanship affect your team’s
All movements incorporate performance?
directional awareness
Sportsmanship and adherence to What strategies can be used to avoid and
resolve conflict?
rules deter conflict with team
members and the opposing team
What are the proper techniques for passing
There are proper techniques (bump and set), setting, spike, serve and
related to Volleyball position rotation? How are these similar?

Use specific skill at the right time

All players play offense and What are some effective ways of getting
defense everyone on your team involved in the
Muscular strength and flexibility are
main fitness for volleyball. How does muscular strength affect your skills
Winning and losing are nature of and movement during a competition?
sports competition that will be good What are training technique make you jump
practice for real life in society. higher? How jumping ability effect game
strategy and your leisure time.
Sportsmanship and teamwork
make a volleyball team

Students will know… Students will be skilled at…
The fitness components that is Demonstrate adequate fitness components to
required for volleyball. participate in volleyball drills and games.

Terminology specific skills to Explain how the transition between offence

volleyball. and defense is best done by communication
and control.
All movements incorporate
directional awareness proper Incorporate timing and explanation as to the
reasons for bump, set, spike, serve, block, in
positioning for playing defense and
certain situations.
Demonstrate effective skill performance in a
Proper position for playing defense variety of serve, offensive of bump, set,
and offense. spike role translate to defensive role of block
and receive opponent play.
Sportsmanship and adherence to
rules deter conflict. Effective use different serving style, spike
and tip, to make quality power game during
The right time to use skills of each play to accomplish an oppotuni9ty to score.

Proper techniques relate to serving, Use sportsmanship strategies to prevent

bumping, setting, spiking, and conflict with others.
Demonstrate an understanding of the rules of
A range of offensive and defensive volleyball.
Demonstrate fair play, proper game etiquette
and resilience while competing.
Overall rules for a basic volleyball
game, Including the position,
substitution rules and score

Stage 2- Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
- Class
- Skills/rubric and Students will perform specific skills (bump, set, spike, serve
skill tests. and block) in daily games and reflect on their performance.

- Responsibility/ Explain how and when to use offense skill bump, set, spike
Rubric connection with defense skill block and bump to gain an
- Paper quiz and
test Explain when you would ‘help’ during part of solving problem.
Describe how you can put your teammates in correct
positions to play right skills by communicating with them
- Performance/rubric
using proper terminology.
- Positive
Predict a team’s strategy based on score / time situations
Different strategies to encourage a teammate who is
- Learning ability/ struggling offensively or defensively.
Critique a classmate’s technique and provide feedback for

Observe students during all activities and give positive

constructive feedback immediately when necessary.

Teach a specific technique or skill to a beginner class.

Skills test on specific bump up, bump passes, set passes,

serve, spike and block, relating to the game.

Quiz on specific rules, boundaries, strategy, and history of the


Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:

Reflect on your game performance as a team and individually
and analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

Create a strategy to improve your performance and skills as

well as your teams.

Reflect on your overall tournament placement and explain

your finishing placement and how you could have done better.

Summary of Key Learning events and Day 1

Instruction; I Introduction on first meet;
While teaching skills and strategies, - All year round plan
conclude each lesson with a game of - how to participate PE
some kind. - 1st unit is Volleyball
1. Teach skills: II. Stretch/Warm-up
- Serve: Underhand, Overhead, III. Lesson Focus
Sidearm a. Ice breaker; cooperative game
- Passes: bump and set, being able b. Tour gymnasium
IV. Closure; Discussion
to direct both
- Defensive skills: tip-over, net
recovery, block
- Offensive skills: offensive volley, Day 2
spike, backward set I.introduction; Fitness test
2. Teach a short history and evolution II. Stretch/Warm-up
of volleyball. III. Lesson Focus, Explain and demonstrate
3. Teach the importance of teamwork ( test cardiovascular endurance test)
and an acceptance of individual IV Culminating Activities
differences. Classes warm-up
4. Teach the rules of the game as a. test muscular endurance
skills are being taught: b. test cardiovascular endurance
V. Assessment;
- The difference between legal and
Participation and effort observation
Illegal taps
VI. Closure, Discussion about fitness test
- The service rules while learning to
- Regal rotation and scoring when Day 3
ready for the first game I introduction; bump skill
- The rules around the net while II. Stretch/Warm-up
learning net recovery, spiking, and
blocking III. Lesson Focus, Explain and demonstrate
5. Teach the ground rules for your bump-up skill
school: boundaries, obstructions IV. Culminating Activities
6. Teach strategies: Individual bump-up
- Be prepared: Keep eye on the ball, Partner bump-up
Good position is dependent on V. Assessment;
where the ball is when receiving, Participation and effort observation
get behind and under the incoming IV. Closure, Discussion about bump skill
ball, pay attention even when it
seems the point is over, It is not
over until the ball hit the ground
- When in doubt, hit it up Day 4
- Offensive strategies include hitting I. Introduction: Review Volleyball skills
the ball II. Stretch/Warm-up; station training
To the open court, deep, to the III. Lesson Focus
weakest player, with a change of a. bump pass
direction, and with power and b. modify volleyball game
IV. Culminating Activities
a. Individual, partner and group practice bump
b. modify volleyball game with apply rules
V. Assessment;
a. Participation and effort during activities observation
VI. Closure; discussion about weak and strong area

Day 5
I. Introduction: first ball passing (bump, set)
II. Stretch/Warm-up; station training
III. Lesson Focus
a. explain; good pass and bad pass to setter
b. Bump up and bump pass
c. modify game bump and set king of the court
IV. Culminating Activity
a. group station training ( Interval)
b. Individual bump up and
c. Partner work bump
d. King of the court
V. Assessment;
a. focus on the task and effort observation
b. skill record
V. Closure; what is good or bad pass
a. Questions/Review

Day 6
I. Introduction: serve
II. Stretch/Warm-up; station training
III. Lesson Focus
a. explain; demonstrate Serve skill
b. modify game ( king of the court)
IV. Culminating Activity
a. group station training ( Interval)
b. Individual bump up and
c. Partner work bump
d. practice serve
e. King of the court
V. Assessment;
a. focus on the task and effort observation
b. skill record
V. Closure; what is good serve or bad serve
a. Questions/Review

Day 7
I. Introduction: position, Rotation in volleyball
II. Stretch/Warm-up; station training (push –up,
jumping jack, squash, jog, Ladder
III. Lesson Focus
a. explain; demonstrate position, rotation and add vb
c. modify game ( king of the court)
IV. Culminating Activity
a. group station training
b. review serve
c. Partner, team bump
d. practice rotation (students practice in the court one
group each time)
e. game(King of the court)
V. Assessment; observation
a. focus on the task and effort observation
b. skill record
V. Closure; what is good teamwork, how to improve
team skill, how to play volleyball in rules
a. Questions/Review

Day 8
I. Introduction: teamwork in volleyball
II. Stretch/Warm-up; run 3 labs, station training
(push –up, jumping jack, squash, jog, Ladder
III. Lesson Focus
a. explain; how to work by team in volleyball
b. modify game ( king of the court)
c. volleyball game
IV. Culminating Activity
a. group station training
b. review all volleyball skill
c. game(King of the court)
d. game , class tournament
V. Assessment; observation
a. focus on the task and effort observation
b. teamwork
V. Closure; what is good teamwork, how to improve
team skill, how to play volleyball in rules
a. Questions/Review

Day 9
I. Introduction: tournament in volleyball
II. Stretch/Warm-up; run 3 labs, (push –up, jumping
jack, squash, jog,
III. Lesson Focus
a. explain; how to play in volleyball (volleyball
b. modify game ( king of the court)
c. volleyball game
IV. Culminating Activity
a. group station training
b. review all volleyball skill
c. group practice
d. game , class tournament
V. Assessment; observation
a. focus on the task , team and effort observation
b. teamwork
V. Closure; what is good teamwork, how to improve
team skill, how to play volleyball in rules
a. Questions/Review

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