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Past Form of Verb To Be

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A. Complete with WAS or WERE and transform to – and ? form. PAST SIMPLE TENSE: REGULAR VERBS
1) (+) I ______ happy.
(-) _______________________________ A. Complete with REGULAR VERBS in past simple: “d- ed - ied”
(?) _______________________________
1) We always ____________ (walk) to school.
2) (+) She ______ in London last week. 2) He ____________ (play) flute at school every day.
(-) _______________________________ 3) Our lesson _______ (end) at two o'clock.
(?) _______________________________ 4) He ________ (work) in Bogotá City.
5) They ___________ (study) in Harvard University.
3) (+) The children ______ in the garden. 6) We __________ (finish) our lessons at three o'clock.
(-) _______________________________ 7) I ____________ (start) to study English.
(?) _______________________________ 8) Helena _________ (answer) all the teacher's questions.
9) My brother _________ (walk) in the park every morning.
10) The dog ____________ (follow) the boy everywhere.
B. Complete with the verb to be in Present tense: AM – IS- ARE
or the verb to be in Past tense: WAS -WERE B. Complete with the AFFRIAMTIVE and NEGATIVE form of
REGULAR VERBS in Past Simple tense.
1) Ana (be) ____ at the party last night. My cousins (be) _____ too. EXAMPLE: I talked to Alice but I did not talk to Robert. (TALK)
2) Jim (be) ______ my best friend. We (be) ____ in the same class.
3) They (be) ______ at the beach yesterday. Now, they (be) _____ at 1.VISIT 2. TRAVEL 3. WASH 4. STUDY 5. WATCH
the mall. 6. LEARN 7. ORDER 8. LIVE 9. ASK 10. MOVE
4) Tom and I (be) _____ in the mountains. We (be) ____ on a camping
1) They ____________ their grandparents on Saturday but they
trip together. I hope we don't see a bear!
_______________________their cousins on Sunday.
5) When Luis (be) _____ a kid, he (be) ______ interested in music.
Now, he is 18 and he (be) ________ interested in science. 2) I ________ to Cali but I ______________________ to Bogotá.
3) He _________ his car. He _______________________ his bike.
6) Tennis (be) ______ my favorite sport when I was in high school.
4) She _____________ English in high school. She
Now, I am in college and my favorite sport (be) ______ soccer.
________________ French in primary school.
7) It rained all day yesterday. I (be) ____ sad because I could not go
5) I ____________________ a movie yesterday night but
outside. However, today it (be) ______ sunny. And I (be) _____
I ________________________ a TV program yesterday.
happy because I can go outside!
6) They ________________ Science at school but they
______________________ Science at University.
C. Translate to Spanish point B in your notebook.
7) He ____________ the bedrooms last night but his sister
D. Describe a famous person that is already dead with this ____________________ kitchen.
information: NAME, AGE, HOMETOWN, PHYSICAL APPEREANCE 8) They _______ in Soata so They __________________ in
9) The girls __________________ easy questions but the boys
________________________________________________________ ____________________________ simple questions.
________________________________________________________ 10) Julia ______________ to Cúcuta but she
________________________________________________________ ________________________ to Cali.
________________________________________________________ C. Translate to Spanish point B in your notebook.

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