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History of Architecture 1

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[Assimilation Alex] History of Architecture (0001-0100)

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1. 1.5 Pycnostyle intercolumniation has how many 22. Caesar A Filipino architect whose philosophy is 'the
Diameters diameters? Homer structure must be well oriented'.
2. 3 Diameters Diastyle intercolumniation has how many
diameters. 23. Callicrates Architects of the Parthenon.
and Ictinus
3. 13 Usual number of stories for a Chinese pagoda.
24. Canephora Female statues with baskets serving as
4. 176 How many stained glass are there in the
Chartres Cathedral?
25. Carlos Architect of Iglesia ni Cristo.
5. Acropolis The fortified high area or citadel of an ancient
Santos Viola
Greek City.
26. Cavetto A concave molding approximately quarter
6. Acroterion Strictly, a pedestal at the corners or peak of a
roof to support an ornament, more usually, the
ornament itself. 27. Chartres Finest example of French-Gothic architecture
7. a. i, ii, iii Parts of an entablature, in order of top to
bottom. i. Cornice ii. Frieze iii.Architrave 28. Cha-sit-su Japanese tea house
8. Amenemhat In the middle kingdom, in Egyptian 29. Circus Roman building which is a prototype of the
I architecture, who consolidate the hippodrome of the Greek.
administrative system, made a survey of the
30. Colosseum Roman building for which gladiatorial battles
country, set boundaries to the provinces, and
took place.
other helpful works.
31. Columnar Greek architecture was essentially.
9. Antefix An upright ornament at the eaves of a tile roof,
concealing the foot of a row of convex tiles
that cover the joints of the flat tiles. 32. Composite Which of the order was added by the Romans
to the orders used by the Greeks.
10. Anthemion Also called a 'Honeysuckle' ornament.
33. Console A decorative bracket usually taking the form
11. Anthemion The characteristic of Greek ornament.
of a cyma reversa strap.
12. Apotheca In ancient Greece and Rome, a storeroom of
34. Cortel The open court in an Italian palazzo.
any kind, but especially for storing wine.
35. Dapogan In the kitchen of the bahay kubo, the table on
13. Apse A semi-circular or semi-polygonal space,
top of which is the river stone, shoe-shaped
usually in church, terminating in axis and
stove or kalan is known as ___.
intended to house an altar.
36. Dipteral Temples in Greece that have a double line of
14. Arch and With the use of concrete made possible by
columns surrounding the naos.
vault pozzolan, a native natural cement, the Romans
achieved huge interiors with the. 37. Domical From the 5th century to the present, the
roof character of Byzantine architecture is the
15. Areostyle Intercolumniation of 4 diameters.
construction practice of using.
16. Art Noveau What architectural term is termed to be free
38. Doric The style of the order with massive and
from any historical style?
tapering columns resting on a base of 3 steps.
17. Baldachino An ornamental canopy of stone or marble
39. Eero Architect of TWA airport.
permanently place over the altar in a church.
18. Bale Ifugao house (southern strain).
40. Embrasures Another term for crenel or intervals between
19. Baroque The architecture of the curved line is known as merlon of a battlement.
41. Epidauros The most beautiful and best preserved of the
20. Bartizan A small tower usually corbelled at the corner Greek theaters.
of the castle.
42. Erich Architect of the Einstein Tower.
21. Bilik The emergency hideout found directly behind Mendelsohn
the headboard of the Sultan's bed.
43. Eustyle Intercolumniation of 2.25 diameters.
44. Exedra A large apsidal extension of the interior
volume of a church.
45. Gladiatorial Amphitheaters are used for ___. 68. Opus Marble mosaic pattern used on ceilings of
Contests Tesselatum vaults and domes.
46. Hagia The most famous structure of Byzantine 69. Pantheon The most famous and perfect preservation of
Sophia architecture and notable of its large dome. all ancient buildings in Rome.
47. Imhotep King Zoser's architect who was deified in the 70. Parthenon The building in the acropolis generally
26th dynasty. considered as being the most nearly perfect
building ever erected is the.
48. Jugendstijl Art Noveau is known as the international
style, in Germany it is known as ___. 71. Pediment Triangular piece of wall above the entablature.
49. Kenzo Tange "Modern architecture need not be western". 72. Pendentive A spherical triangle forming the transition from
the circular plan of a dome to the poly-gonal
50. Khufu Not among the three pyramids in Gizeh
plan of its supporting structure.
51. Lamin The tower atop the torogan where the
73. Pinacotheca A Greek building that contains painted
princess and her ladies in waiting hide during
74. Propylaea Forming the imposing entrance to the
52. Louis "Form follows function".
acropolis and erected by the architect
Mnesicles is the.
53. Marble Romanesque architecture in Italy is
75. Prytaneion Senate house for chief dignitaries in Greek
distinguished from that of the rest of Europe
by the use of what material for facing walls.
76. Pteroma The space between the colonnade and the
54. Marble The mineral of greatest importance to Greek
naos wall in Greek temple.
architecture of which Greece and her
domains had ample supply of was. 77. Pyramid of The highest sloped pyramid in Gizeh
55. Masjid A Muslim temple, a mosque for public
worship, also known as place for Prostration 78. Pyramid of The world's first large-scale monument in
Zoser stone.
56. Masu-gumi A compound bracket or capital in Japanese
architecture. 79. Rameses I The beginner of the great hypostyle hall at
karnak and the founder of the 19th dynasty.
57. Mnesicles Architect of the famous Propylaea, Acropolis.
80. Refectory The dining hall in a monastery, a convent, or a
58. Mudejar A term given to the mixture of Christian,
Spanish, and Muslim 12th-16th century
architecture. 81. Richard "A house is like a flower pot"
59. Narthex A long arcaded entrance porch in an early
Christian church.
82. Roman "cubicula" or bedroom is from what
60. Nave The principal or central part of a church,
extending from the narthex to the choir
orchancel and usually flanked by aisles. 83. Senusret I Who erected the earliest known obelisk at
61. Niche A recess in a wall to contain a statue or other
small items. 84. Square Plan shape of a Japanese pagoda.
62. Octagonal Plan shape of a Chinese pagoda. 85. Stadium A foot race course in the cities.
63. Odeion A kindred type to the theater. 86. Stereobate The lowest step in the crepidoma.
64. Opus A type of Roman wall facing which is made of 87. Stoa An ancient Greek Portico, a long colonnaded
Incertum small stone laid in a loose pattern roughly shelter used in public places.
resembling polygonal work.
88. Stupa Domical mound containing a relic.
65. Opus A type of Roman wall facing with alternating
89. Stylobate The uppermost step in the crepidoma.
Mixtum courses of brickworks.
90. Systyle Intercolumniation of 2 diameters.
66. Opus A type of roman wall facing with rectangular
Quadratum block with or without mortar joints. 91. Tabernacle A decorative niche often topped with a
canopy and housing a statue.
67. Opus A type of Roman wall facing with a net-like
Recticulatum effect 92. Tokonama A special feature of Japanese houses, used to
display a flower arrangement or art.
93. Tracery The ornamental pattern work in stone, filling the upper part of a Gothic window.
94. Tumuli Earthen burial mounds containing upright and lintel stones forming chambers for consecutive burials for several
to a hundred persons.
95. Van Alen The architect of Chrysler building in N.Y.
96. Walter Gropius Founder of the Bauhaus School of Art.
97. William Architect of Robinson's Galleria
98. Wrestling What sporting event takes place in the Palaestra?
99. Zaguan Found in the ground floor of the bahay na bato, it is where the carriages and floats are kept.

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