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English CG (GR 7-8)

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English Grade 3

3rd Quarter

3rd Quarter Grade 3
Supplemental Lesson Plan
Lesson 6
Focus: Noting details, elements of narrative, imperative sentences, exclamatory sentences,
words with long /o/
A. Introduction/Preparatory Activities
Start the learning session by activating the pupils’ prior knowledge. Ask the
motivation questions below. You may translate the questions to the pupils’ mother
tongue to guide them.
What do you think are the characteristics of a bully? What are some of the
examples of acts of bullying?

• Motivation-Motive questions
• Story: “The Bully”
Knowledge: Bullying

B. Body/Developmental Activities
1. Unlock new words before reading the story through context clues.
2. Have the pupils read the story “The Bully”. Ask questions during reading to keep
track of the pupils’ comprehension of the text listened to.
3. After reading the story, have the pupils answer the comprehension questions.
Facilitate discussion. Furthermore, expand the lesson by reading about bullying.
Test the pupils’ understanding by letting them identify pictures that show acts of
bullying with those that show kindness.
4. Review the rules in forming sentences, putting stress on the essential parts of a
sentence – the subject and the predicate. Have them to practice more through
the Learning Tasks.
5. Review short vowel CVC words. Have the pupils sort the words according to their
medial sounds. Then, practice reading the words. Pronounce the words carefully
so that the pupils will be able to associate the words with their meanings.
6. Give the pupils differentiated activities to assess their learning profile. Instruct
them to choose only one of these activities.

C. Conclusion/Evaluation
1. Facilitate instruction. Make sure that each pupil has the chance to speak and
share their part on every group activity.

2. Send consistent messages to your pupils that if something did not work today,
you will be back at it tomorrow and the day after until success occurs.
3. Guide the pupils in doing the Summative Test. Ask them to read the items slowly
and at least two times. Tell them that this activity serves as part of their formative
assessment so you can make important instructional decisions that will meet the
learner’s needs.
• To realize the idea that one needs to share in order to gain some friends
• To recognize that one should stand up for oneself so that he/she would not be
• To identify the subject in a sentence
• To decode short vowel CVC words
• To use short vowel CVC words in a sentence correctly

Key Questions
What is a bully? What do you think of bullies?

Get Hooked
What do you think are the characteristics of a bully? What are some of the examples of
acts of bullying?

Word Package
bullying – involves intentional and repeated actions and words designed to intimidate
or hurt another person.

Read Aloud
The Bully
The little girl stood in the corner of the playground, with the lion beside her. “Why don’t
we play like the others?” the lion asked. The little girl said, “I don’t like playing because some
of the big boys are so big and rough. They knock you over.” The lion growled. “They wouldn’t
knock ME over,” he said. All the boys were running towards the little girl.
“Go away,” said the lion.
“I won’t,” said Jack Tall.
The little girl got behind the lion. The lion began to swish his tail. Jack Tall was running
closer and closer. The lion growled. Then Jack Tall saw the lion’s teeth. He stopped running.
He stood still. He stared.
The lion opened his mouth wider. Jack Tall went pale.

Then the lion roared.
He roared and he ROARED and he ROARED.
All the children stopped playing and put their fingers in their ears. And the
biggest boy, Jack Tall, turned round and ran and ran – out through the playground
– out through the school gates – along the streets. He never stopped running
until he got home to his mother.

Think About It!

Answer the following questions:
1. Why doesn’t the girl like to play with the others?

2. What did the lion do when Jack Tall was running towards the girl?

3. When did he stop running?


4. Do you think Jack Tall deserves to be threatened like what the lion did? Explain
your answer.

5. If someone bullies you at school, how will you respond to him/her?


Listen carefully as your teacher will read this paragraph about bullying.
What is bullying?
Bullying involves intentional and repeated actions and words designed to intimidate
or hurt another person. There is usually an imbalance of power, either physical or
psychological, between the perpetrator and his or her victim. If a child is on the receiving
end of taunts and name-calling by any persons regularly, then that is considered bullying.
Physical aggression, social alienation, verbal aggression, and intimidation are the four main
categories of bullying.

From the given information about bullying, identify the pictures below whether they
show bullying or not.
Check () the pictures that show friendship and care and cross out (X) the pictures
that show bullying.

Essential Language
• The subject of a sentence is whom or what the sentence is about.
• The subject can be one word or more than one word.
The bully hurts other kids.
The bigger student bullies his smaller classmates.

Learning Tasks
What or whom is the sentence about? Draw a line under the subject.
1. The cave is the bats’ habitat.
2. The highways are busy.
3. The fast cars pass quickly.
4. The city has tall buildings.
5. Tired birds rest in the branches.
6. The lion is the king of the jungle.

Say and Spell

A. Look at the picture of the woods. Write five
sentences about it. Underline the subject
of each sentence. Read your sentences in
the class.

B. Write it!
The ____________ of a sentence is whom or what the sentence is about.

Skill Extenders
1. Sort the following CVC words based on their medial sounds.

sun bin wet bat cot

pot leg tip man dug
beg bun lad tot pit
jug mad top put fed
map bet fit cog bug

/a/ /e/ /i/ /o/ /u/

2. Color the same words with the same colors.

man men man map

top pot top tip

bet but bit but

fit tot fat fit

big bug bag bug

3. Sort the words and write the sentence.

a. hit / Rex / and / fell / a rut
b. a bud / jen / pins / on Pete
c. pets / a bus / sit / on / Mel’s

Make a slogan for a campaign against bullying. Present this in class.

Integrating Task
Interview someone who is a victim of bullying. Ask him/her: Who bullies him/her?
What do they look like? What are the possible reasons for bullying him/her? Present to the
class the information you have gathered.

Summative Test

I. Draw a sad face (L) if the sentence is an act of bullying. Draw a happy face (J) if the
sentence is an act of kindness.
1. Stealing someone’s personal things
2. Helping a classmate who is in need
3. Pushing a smaller classmate
4. Teasing somebody to make him/her feel bad
5. Giving someone a gift for his/her birthday
6. Eating another student’s food in his/her lunchbox

II. What is the subject of the following sentences? Underline it.
1. Summer is very hot.
2. Winters are cold and snowy.
3. People like fall season.
4. Many families go on picnic in spring.
5. Children play on the playground.
6. The bikes are on the grass.
7. Trees lose their leaves in fall.

III. Listen to the teacher. What word did you hear your teacher say?
Circle it.
1. cup, cut, cud
2. sad, sat, sag
3. bib, bid, bed
4. wag, wig, wit
5. hot, hop, hog
6. sip, sup, sap
7. dim, din, den
8. mud, mad, mid

IV. Choose the word that will make the sentences correct.
1. The big pup can (wog, wig, wag).
2. Will Mom run for the (bus, bug, sun)?
3. Mel sips coffee from a (cub, cup, cop).
4. The bug has red (pots, bats, dots).
5. Pat fed his pet (pup, pep, peg).
6. Jeff gets a bass in a (not, net, nut).

Lesson 7
Focus: Rhyming words, subject and predicate, forming sentences, initial blends

A. Introduction/Preparatory Activities
1. Start the learning session by activating the pupils’ prior knowledge. Ask the
motivation questions below. You may translate the questions to the pupils’
mother tongue to guide them.
What do you know about bats?
What do you want to know about bats?
2. To prepare the class, let the pupils accomplish the K-W-L chart about bats.

• Motivation-Motive questions
• Poem: “Little Bat”
• K-W-L chart
Knowledge: Importance of bats to humans and the environment

B. Body/Developmental Activities
1. Unlock new words before reading the story through context clues.
2. Have the pupils read the poem “Little Bat”. Ask questions during reading to keep
track of the pupils’ comprehension of the text listened to.
3. After reading the poem, have the pupils answer the comprehension questions.
Facilitate discussion. Furthermore, expand the lesson by reading and discussing
about the usefulness of bats.
4. Review the rules in forming sentences, putting stress on the essential parts of a
sentence, the subject and the predicate. Let the pupils practice on choosing the
appropriate subject for the sentence. Have them to practice more through the
Learning Tasks.
5. Introduce l-controlled initial blends. Practice reading the words in class.
Pronounce the words carefully so that the pupils will be able to associate the
words with their meaning. This would also help them in spelling purposes.
6. Give the pupils differentiated activities to assess their learning profile. Instruct
them to choose only one of these activities.

C. Conclusion/Evaluation
1. Facilitate instruction. Make sure that each pupil has the chance to speak and
share their part on every group activity.
2. Send consistent messages to your pupils that if something did not work today,
you will be back at it tomorrow and the day after until success occurs.

Guide the pupils in doing the Summative Test. Ask them to read the items slowly
and at least two times. Tell them that this activity serves as part of their formative
assessment so you can make important instructional decisions that will meet the
needs of your learners.

• To realize the importance of bats to humans and the environment
• To identify rhyming words
• To use the appropriate subject to complete a sentence
• To form a sentence from a fragment
• To decode words with initial blends
• To use initial blends in forming sentences

Key Questions
• What do you know about bats?
• What do you want to know about bats?

Get Hooked
Accomplish the first and second column of the K-W-L chart. Do the last column after
reading the poem.

K-W-L Chart
Topic: _______________________________

K – What I already know W – What I want to know L – What I have learned

Word Package
echoes – repeated sounds
ceiling – the top of a room or a cave
swoop – to come down in a rush
snug – comfortable and sheltered

Read Aloud
A. It’s reading time!
Little Bat

Small and furry,

little bat,
fly through the sky at night.

Listen, listen,
little bat,
as echoes guide your flight.

Now swoop and dive,

little bat,
catch insects as you fly.

Hurry, hurry,
little bat,
back to your cave nearby.

All snug and warm.

little bat,
toes hold the ceiling tight.

Sleepy, sleepy,
Little bat,
Wrapped in your wings ‘till night.

B. Rhyming Words
Find a word in the poem that rhymes with each of these words.
Then, write another word that rhymes with each word.
1. nearby ______________ ______________
2. night ______________ ______________

Think About It!
Answer the following questions:
1. At what time of the day did the bat fly?
2. How does the bat find its way around?
3. What does the bat eat?
4. Where does the bat sleep?
5. How do bats help people?

Read the following information about bats. This will give you an idea about the
importance of bats in the environment.
Bats help people in several ways:
1. There are many species that can eat thousands of mosquitoes and crop destroying
insects in an evening. Imagine a whole colony of bats eating away. There are
others that pollinate many fruits and nuts that we enjoy.
2. Large fruit bats can spread seeds throughout the rain forest helping to plant new
3. Vampire bats have a special blood thinning chemical in their saliva that we study
and use. Microbat’s echolocation is being studied to see if we can duplicate it to
assist blind people.
4. Bat’s poop, called guano, is the best plant fertilizer known to man.

Essential Language
• Every sentence has a subject.
The subject of a sentence tells what or whom the sentence is about.
Examples: A bat lives in a cave.
Bats help people in many ways.
• A sentence fragment is a group of words that does not tell a complete thought.
Some sentence fragments can be fixed by adding a subject.

Learning Tasks
A. Add a subject to each group of words.
1. ____________________ hopped into the water.
2. ____________________ are singing on the branches of the trees.
3. ____________________ is orange and black.
4. ____________________ buzzed near the flowers.
5. ____________________ are in their full bloom.

B. Change each fragment into a sentence by adding a word from the word bank.

Whales Fish Crabs

The ocean Plants

1. _________________ is a habitat.
2. _________________ grow on the ocean floor.
3. _________________ swim in the water.
4. _________________ dig in the sand.
5. _________________ are the largest sea creatures.

Say and Spell

Look around you. What do you see? What can you say about your school? Write five
sentences about the following subjects:
1. school
2. teachers
3. students
4. classmates
5. classroom

Skill Extenders
A. Read each word. Draw a line from the word to its picture.

blocks • •

clap • •

glad • •

B. Read the words again:

blocks clap glad

These words start with bl, cl, and gl.

Listen as your teacher sounds out each pair of letters. Name the pictures below.

cl- pl-

fl- bl-

gl- sl-

C. Sort the following words. Explain your basis for grouping the words together.

black, clip, flat, glad, plus, slap, block, blank, clap, clam, flag, flash, glass, plan, plant,
slam, slacks, blanket, class, flap, glow, planet, slippers

Write a letter of advice to the bat hunters. Explain why they should stop hunting and
killing bats.

Integrating Task
Bats help people in many ways. However, bats has also become the subject of hunting.
How can you help save the bats from becoming one of the endangered species on Earth?
Divide the class into four groups. Each group will make a poster on what they can do
to preserve the bats and their habitat.

Summative Test
I. Write the subject of each sentence.
1. A habitat is where living things live. __________________
2. Animals share their habitats with plants. __________________
3. People have habitats, too. ___________________
4. The climate is the weather in a habitat. _________________
5. Snow is covering some habitats. ________________

II. Choose a subject that best completes each sentence. Rewrite the correct sentence.

Fish People Bears

Birds Everyone

1. ____________________ needs the right kind of habitat.

2. ___________________ live in trees.
3. ____________________ find shelter in buildings.

4. ___________________ swim in lakes and oceans.
5. ___________________ live in the woods.

III. Mark () the same words.

1. blob blab plop blob

2. clad clap clad glad

3. flip flap flop flip

4. glad glad glob glib

5. bless bliss gloss bless

6. clog clad clog clop

7. plum glum slum plum

IV. YES or NO?

1. Can a tree clap? _____ _____
2. Will a big flag flap? _____ _____
3. Will you clap if you are glad? _____ _____
4. Can you do a flip off a cliff? _____ _____
5. Can you make a glass flat? _____ _____


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