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797F 4X4 LMR

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The presentation discusses a new 797F Low Maintenance Ratio (LMR) high altitude engine for Toromocho that aims to improve performance, efficiency and reduce maintenance costs. It includes upgrades to the air intake system, valve train, lubrication system and other components.

The new 4x4 air system has approximately 1000kg lower weight, 550mm shorter package height, reduces vibration, fewer parts, independent front and rear structures to minimize interactions compared to the current 4x2 system.

The HLA and low lift cam are designed to reduce valve seating velocity and various component fatigue/wear, improve spring and pushrod life by maintaining zero lash during valve events.

797F 4x4 LMR Program Update

Presentation to Chinalco – Toromocho

February 19, 2016
797F Low Maintenance Ratio (LMR) High Altitude Engine

Project Bundling of key customer value features:

Description • 4x4 high altitude air system
• Self-cleaning oil filter + Centrifugal Oil Filter (COF)
• Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjusters (HLA)
with low lift cam
• Individual port thermocouples – telematics ready

Customer • Extends oil change intervals

Benefits • Eliminates oil filter replacement
• Reduces contamination risk to engine during service LMR Key Iron
• Eliminates lash adjustment and reduces valvetrain loads T2 C175 Iron

• Provides full life turbochargers and air system

• Reduces engine weight compared to current 4x2 HAA

Validation • Lab Testing – full strain, vibration, and thermal assessment (complete)
• TPG Testing – Machine performance and vibration (in process)
• Field – 2 HAA machines for in use demonstration (begin early 3Q16)
4X4 Air System Benefits

Future 4X4 vs Current 4X2

• Approximately 1000 kg weight reduction

• 550 mm reduction in overall package

• Reduces overall air system
vibration levels

• 100 fewer parts per engine

• Front and rear support structures are

independent of each other
• Eliminates potential for vibratory
interactions between the two
• Reduces effects of thermal growth
and distortion
4x4 HAA 4x2 HAA
• Predicted reduction in cycle fuel
4x2 Lessons Learned Applied
• C175-20 engine 2nd order and 5th order
block vibration factored into design

• Turbochargers completely supported

from front and rear housings for optimal
vertical support

• Minimized system height and lengths to

reduce overall package vibration levels

• Air system structure separated into two

• Minimize system thermal growth
and distortion of support structures
• Eliminates vibratory interactions
between front and rear

• Inner-stage exhaust ducting between

HP and LP made as short as possible
to eliminate need for hot exhaust piping
Turbos supports
Structures • Eliminated wastegate + left & right Air &
Exhaust mixing
HLA and Low Lift Cam Benefits
Hyd Lash Adj (HLA)
Eliminates lash setting interval
Maintains targeted lash
Rocker Shaft / Bolt
Fatigue Life (IN) improvement
Wear Reduction Pushrod
Fatigue Life (IN)
Bridge Wear Reduction
Fatigue Life improvement
Wear Reduction Pushrod Force

Fatigue Life improvement

Spring Fatigue Factor


Valve Seat
Fatigue Life improvement
Wear Reduction
Lifter Shaft / Bolt
Valve Seating Velocity Fatigue life improvement
Reduction Wear Reduction

Cylinder Head
HLA – How They Work

Ring Piston

1. Check
Seat -
Body -

Body -
Intake Valve Closed Intake Valve Open
1. Check valve opens. 4. Check valve closes
2. Oil refills chamber 5. HLA is hydraulically
3. Lash reset to zero locked
6. Maintains zero lash
during valve lift event.

Body - Tip
797F LMR Engine – Lubrication System

Self Cleaning Filter & COF

HPFP clean oil

port Distributor Motor

Backflush To
COF Backflush
Filter Out Oil To COF

Unfiltered oil press.

IMG_0571 - Windows Photo Viewer

Aluminum body: 88 kg
No Filter bypass valve Filter In

SCF Functional Overview

Dirty oil filtered through fine mesh screens.
< 0.5% of the filtered oil flow powers the hydraulic motor which turns the distributor.
3% of the filtered oil is directed back through the screen elements to flush out the debris (self clean) and is carried to
a centrifugal filter.
~97% of clean oil goes to the engine main oil gallery
SCF filters oil to 40 micron absolute. (Today’s cartridge filter is 20 micron)
Centrifugal filter removes contaminants from the backflush oil.
No service required for SCF which means clean side of lube system always remains closed!

Supplier YouTube Video – Functional Overview (

797F LMR Engine – Lubrication System

Centrifugal Oil Filter (COF)

• 4 liters of dirt holding capacity

• 25 lbs when full of contaminants

• 1 unit per engine (2nd unit

potentially required for HA sites.)

Cleaning • CAT custom base design for

(high pressure) optimal packaging

Drive chamber Contaminant

(crankcase pressure) buildup



Cut-off valve

797F Low Maintenance Ratio (LMR) High Altitude Engine

• As reviewed, Ferreyros and Caterpillar are

committed to making the 797F 4x2 C175-20 a
successful engine for Toromocho.

• We are also committed to developing new

technologies and products to improve performance,
improve efficiency, and reduce maintenance costs
for Toromocho.

• Thank you for partnering with us!

Thank You!

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