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Instant Chinese - A Mandarin Chinese Phrasebook & Dictionary

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Lists of Words/Expressions
1 Hello
2 Thank You
3 Sorry / Excuse Me
4 Please
5 I
6 My
7 You
8 Yes / No
9 Names
10 We
11 Speak
12 Understand
13 Who?
14 What?
15 When?
16 Where?
17 Why?
18 How?
19 This
20 That
21 Write
22 Address
23 Introductions
24 Family
25 Age
26 Go
27 Come
28 Toilet
29 Money
30 Credit Cards
31 Want
32 Need
33 Airport
34 Tip
35 Taxi
36 Bus
37 Subway
38 Train
39 Walk / Stroll
40 Hotel
41 Room Service
42 Numbers
43 Counting Things
44 Counting People
45 Time
46 Days
47 Weeks
48 Months
49 Years
50 Drink
51 Bar
52 Eat
53 Dim Sum
54 Peking Duck
55 Like / Don’t Like
56 Pay
57 Have
58 Don’t Have
59 Telephone
60 Cell Phone
61 Computer
62 Internet / E-mail
63 Seasons
64 Weather
65 Meet / Meeting
66 Buy
67 Shopping
68 Gifts
69 Cost / Price
70 Newsstand
71 Post Office
72 Sightseeing
73 See
74 Travel Agent
75 Martial Arts
76 Peking (Beijing) Opera
77 Emergency
78 Ill / Sick
79 Medicine
80 Doctor
81 Dentist
82 Hospital
83 Ambulance
84 Police
85 Embassy
86 Lost
87 Barber Shop
88 Beauty Parlor
89 Student
90 Read
91 Mistake
92 Rest
93 Rent
94 Bicycle
95 Street
96 Directions
97 Books
98 Business
99 Great Wall of China
100 Goodbye

Additional Vocabulary
China’s Provinces
China’s Autonomous Regions
Major Cities in China
40 Places in China You Mustn’t Miss
Famous Places in Beijing
Famous Landmarks near Beijing
Famous Shopping Districts in Beijing
Famous Places in Shanghai
10 Most Well-Known Chinese Personalities
Important Festivals in China
Important Signs
Other Countries in Chinese
Words A to Z

In 1949 the newly established Chinese government issued an edict making

Mandarin the national language of the country and mandating that it be taught in
all schools. Today, virtually most Chinese speak Mandarin Chinese, known as
putonghua (puu-toong-whah) or “the common language,” as their first or second
This book uses English phonetics to represent the syllables making up
Mandarin Chinese, making it possible for total newcomers to the language to
communicate quickly and easily on a basic level without any previous
introduction to the language.
In addition, each Chinese word is given its tone in pinyin—this is to enable
those with a basic knowledge of Spoken Chinese to say the words more
accurately, if they wish. However, for those who know nothing about tones, the
phonetic versions presented here are close enough to the “correct” pronunciation
that the meaning is generally understandable.
With eight major “dialects” in China [some are actually different enough to be
called languages!], the Chinese are used to coping with a variety of accents and
variations in the tonal quality of speakers. They are especially tolerant of
foreigners who make an effort to speak Chinese, and go out of their way to help
Here are a number of important introductory terms to get you started, keeping
in mind that the phonetics are designed to be pronounced as English:

China Zhōngguó (Johng-gwoh) 中国

Chinese Language
Hànyǔ (Hahn-yuu) 汉语
or Zhōngwén (Johng-wern)* 中⽂
Chinese (person)
Zhōngguórén (Johng-gwoh-wren) 中国⼈
Beijinger Běijīngrén (Bay-jeeng-wren) 北京⼈
Shànghǎirén (Shanghai-wren) 上海⼈
Overseas Chinese
Huá Qiáo (Hwah Chiaow) 华侨
Hong Kong Xiāng Gǎng (She-ahng Gahng) ⾹港
Kowloon Jiǔlóng (Jow-lohng) 九龙
Macao Àomén (Ow-mern) 澳门

*Hànyǔ is the literary term for the Chinese language; Zhōngwén is the term generally used in ordinary

1 Hello Nǐ hǎo (Nee how) 你好

Hello! (to one person)

Nǐ hǎo! (Nee how) 你好!

Hello! (to more than one person)
Nǐmen hǎo! (Nee-mern how) 你们好!

Good morning! (until about 10 a.m.)
Nǐ zǎo! (Nee zow) 你早!

Good morning! (very polite form)
Zǎoshang hǎo! (Zow-shahng how) 早上好!

Good afternoon / Good evening!
Nǐ hǎo. (Nee how) 你好!

Good night!
Wǎn ān! (Wahn ahn) 晚安!

Zài jiàn! (Dzigh jeean) 再见!

2 Thank You Xièxie (Shay-shay) 谢谢

Thank you.
Xièxie. (Shay-shay) 谢谢。

Thank you very much.
Fēichǎng gǎnxiè.
(Fay-chahng gahn-shay) ⾮常感谢。

Thank you for your hospitality.
Duōxiè nǐ de kuǎndài.
(Dwoh-shay nee der kwahn-die) 多谢你的款待。

No, thanks.
Xièxie, bú yào.
(Shay-shay boo yee-ow) 谢谢,不要。

Don’t mention it. / You’re welcome.
Búkèqi. (Boo ker-chee) 不客⽓。

3 Sorry / Excuse Me bàoqiàn (bow-chee-an) 抱

I’m sorry, I apologize.

Duìbuqǐ. (Dway-boo-chee) 对不起。

I’m very sorry.
Wǒ hěn bàoqiàn. (Woh hern bow-chee-an) 我很抱歉。

Excuse me. (to get attention, make way)
Láo jià. (Lao jah) 劳驾。

Excuse me… (May I trouble you)
Máfan nǐ… (Ma-fahn nee…) ⿇烦你 …

Excuse me… (May I ask a question)
Qǐng wèn… (Cheeng wern…) 请问 …

4 Please Qǐng (Cheeng) 请

Please hurry!
Qǐng gǎnkuài! (Cheeng gahn-kwigh) 请赶快!

Please be careful.
Qǐng xiǎoxīn yìdiǎn.
(Cheeng she-ow-sheen ee-dee-an) 请⼩⼼⼀点。

Come in, please.
Qǐng jìn. (Cheeng jeen) 请进。

Please sit down.
Qǐng zuò. (Cheeng zwoh) 请坐。

Can you please help me?
Néng bāng wǒ yíxià ma?
(Nerng bahng woh ee-she-ah mah) 能帮我⼀下吗?

Please write it down.
Qǐng xiě xiàlai. (Cheeng shay she-ah lie) 请写下来 。

Please write it in Roman letters.
Qǐng yòng pīnyīn xiě.
(Cheeng yohng Peen-een shay) 请⽤拼⾳写 。

5 I Wǒ (Woh) 我

I’m an American.
Wǒ shì Měiguórén.
(Woh shr May-gwoh-wren) 我是美国⼈。

I’m British/English.
Wǒ shì Yīngguórén.
(Woh shr Yeeng-gwoh-wren) 我是英国⼈。

I am _____.
Wǒ shì _____. (Woh shr _____) 我是 _____。

Australian Àozhōurén (Ah-oh-joe-wren) 澳洲⼈
Canadian Jiānádàrén (Je-ah-nah-dah-wren)
Fǎguórén (Fa-gwoh-wren) 法国⼈
German Déguórén (Duh-gwoh-wren) 德国⼈
Rìběnrén (Ree-bern-wren) ⽇本⼈
Spanish Xībānyárén (She-bahn-yah-wren)

I am from _______.
Wǒ shì ______ lái de. (Woh shr _____ lie-duh)
我是 ______ 来的。

Australia Àodàlìyà (ah-oh-dah-lee-yah)
Canada Jiānádà (Jah-nah-dah) 加拿⼤
Denmark Dānmài (Dahn-my) 丹麦
England Yīngguó (Eeng-gwoh) 英国
France Fǎguó (Fah-gwoh )法国
Germany Déguó (Der-gwoh) 德国
Holland Hélán (Her-lahn) 荷兰
Ireland Àiěrlán (Ay-er-lahn) 爱尔兰
Italy Yìdàlì (Ee-dah-lee) 意⼤利
Japan Rìběn (Ree-bern) ⽇本
New Zealand
Niǔxīlán (New-she-lahn) 纽西兰
Nuówēi (Noh-way) 挪威
Ruìdiǎn (Rway-dee-an) 瑞典
Switzerland Ruìshì (Rway-shr) 瑞⼠
Měiguó (May-gwoh) 美国

I’m here on vacation.
Wǒ lái dù jià. (Woh lie doo-jah) 我来渡假。

I’m in China on holiday.
Wǒ lái Zhōngguó lǚxíng.
(Woh lie Johng-gwoh lwee-sheeng) 我来中国旅⾏。

I’m traveling on business.
Wǒ zuò shēngyi lǚxíng.
(Woh zwoh sherng-ee lwee-sheeng) 我做⽣意旅⾏。

I’m in China on business.
Wǒ wèile zuò shēngyi lái Zhōngguó.
(Woh way-ler zwoh sherng-ee lie Johng-gwoh)

I am traveling alone.
Wǒ dāndú lǚxíng.
(Woh dahn-doo lwee-sheeng) 我单独旅⾏。

I don’t understand (listening).
Wǒ tīng bù dǒng.
(Woh teeng boo dohng) 我听不懂。

I’ve had enough, thank you.
Wǒ gòu le, xièxie.
(Woh go ler, shay-shay) 我够了,谢谢。

I know.
Wǒ zhīdào. (Woh jr-dow) 我知道。

I don’t know.
Wǒ bù zhīdào. (Woh boo jr-dow) 我不知道。

I’m not sure.
Wǒ bù qīngchu. (Woh boo cheeng-choo) 我不清楚。

I’ve (already) eaten.
Wǒ chī le. (Woh chr ler) 我吃了。

6 My Wǒ-de (Woh-der) 我的

These are my bags.

Zhè shì wǒ-de xíngli.
(Jer shr woh-der sheeng-lee) 这是我的⾏李。

My address is _____.
Wǒ-de dìzhǐ shì _____.
(Woh-der dee-jr shr_____) 我的地址是 _____。

That is my book.
Zhè shì wǒ-de shū.
(Jer shr woh-der shoo) 这是我的书。

7 You Ni (Nee)* 你

Are you Chinese?

Nǐ shì Zhōngguórén ma?
(Nee shr Johng-gwoh-wren mah) 你是中国⼈吗?

Are you Japanese?
Nǐ shì Rìběnrén ma?
(Nee shr Ree-bern-wren mah) 你是⽇本⼈吗?

Do you live here?
Nǐ zhù zài zhè ge dìfang ma? 你住在这个地⽅吗?
(Nee joo dzigh jay-guh dee-fahng mah)

Are you married?
Nǐ jiéhūn le ma?
(Nee jay-hoon-ler mah) 你结婚了吗?

Do you have children?
Nǐ yǒu háizi le ma?
(Nee you high-dzu-ler mah) 你有孩⼦了吗?

*The “you” (nǐ) is generally left out of sentences when it is understood from
the context.

8 Yes / No* Shì (shr) 是 / Bù (Boo) 不

*“Yes” and “No” are not commonly used on their own in Chinese. “Yes” is
usually expressed by repeating the verb. The negative is expressed by putting
bù (boo) or méi (may) in front of verbs and adjectives.

9 Names Míngzi (Meeng-dzu) 名字

first name míng (meeng) 名

family name xìng (sheeng) 姓

What is your first name?
Nǐ guì míng? (Neen gway-meeng) 你贵名?

What is your family name?
Nǐ xìng shénme? (Nee sheeng shern-mo) 你姓什么?

My family name is _____.
Wǒ xìng ______. (Woh sheeng _____) 我姓 ______。

10 We Wǒmen (Woh-mern) 我们

Where are we? / Where is this?

Zhè shì nǎli? (Jer shr nah-lee?) 这是哪⾥?

We are not going.
Wǒmen bú qù. (Woh-mern boo chwee) 我们不去。

We have one daughter.
Wǒmen yǒu yígè nǚér.
(Woh-mern you ee-guh nwee-urr) 我们有⼀个⼥⼉。

We live in America.
Wǒmen zhù Měiguó.
(Woh-mern joo May-gwoh) 我们住美国。

We are married.
Wǒmen jiéhūn le.
(Woh-mern jeh-hoon-ler) 我们结婚了。

We want to go to _____.
Wǒmen yào qù _____.
(Woh-mern yee-ow chwee _____) 我们要去 _____。

11 Speak Shuō (Shwo)

Do you speak English?

Nǐ huì shuō Yīngwén ma?
(Nee hway shwo Eeng-wern mah?) 你会说英⽂吗?

I don’t speak Chinese.
Wǒ búhuì Zhōngwén.
(Woh boo hway Johng-wern) 我不会中⽂。

I speak a little Chinese.
Huì yīdiǎn Zhōngwén.
(Hway ee-dee-an Johng-wern) 会⼀点中⽂。

Please speak more slowly.
Qǐng shuō màn yīdiǎn.
(Cheeng shwo mahn ee-dee-an) 请说慢⼀点。

What did you say?
Nǐ shuō shénme?
(Nee shwo shern-mo) 你说什么?

Please repeat that.
Qǐng nǐ zàishuō yībiàn.
(Cheeng nee dzie shwo ee-bee-an?) 请你再说⼀遍。

What did he say?
Tā shuō shénme?
(Tah shwo shern-mo) 他说什么?

12 Understand Dǒng (Dohng) 懂

I understand.
Wǒ dǒng. (Woh dohng) 我懂。

I don’t understand.
Wǒ bù dǒng. (Woh boo dohng) 我不懂。

We don’t understand.
Wǒmen bù dǒng. (Woh-mern boo dohng) 我们不懂。

Do you understand?
Nǐ dǒng ma? (Nee dohng mah) 你懂吗?

Did you understand?
Nǐ míngbai le ma?
(Nee meeng by-ler mah) 你明⽩了吗?

I need an interpreter.
Wǒ xūyào fānyì.
(Woh she-yow fahn-ee ywahn) 我需要翻译。

13 Who? (question) Shuí (Shway) 谁?

Who are you?

Nǐ shì shuí? (Nee shr shway) 你是谁?

Who is that?
Nà shì shuí? (Nah shr shway) 那是谁?

Who is first?
Shuí shì dìyī ge?
(Shway shr-dee ee-guh) 谁是第⼀个?

Who speaks English?
Shuí néng shuō Yīngwén?
(Shway nerng shwo Eeng-wern) 谁能说英⽂?

14 What? Shénme? (Shern-mo) 什么?

What is this called in Chinese?

Zhège Zhōngwén jiào shénme?
(Jay-guh Johng-wern jow shern-mo) 这个中⽂叫什么?

What is that called?
Nàge jiào shénme?
(Nah guh jee-ow shern-mo) 那个叫什么?

What time is breakfast?
Jǐdiǎn chī zǎofàn?
(Jee-dee-an chr zow-fahn) ⼏点吃早饭?

What time is lunch?
Jǐdiǎn chī wǔfàn? (Jee-dee-an chr woo-fahn)

What is your address?
Nǐ de dìzhǐ? (Nee-der dee-jr) 你的地址?

What is this street?
Zhè shì něi tiáo jiē?
(Jur shr nay-tee-ow jeh) 这是哪条街?

What is that?
Nà shì shénme?
(Nah shr shern-mo) 那是什么?

15 When? Shénme shíhou? (Shern-mo shr-hoe)

When are we going?

Wǒmen shénme shíhou qù?
(Woh-mern shern-mo shr-hoe chwee) 我们什么时候去?

When will you be finished?
Nǐ shénme shíhou huì hǎo?
(Nee shern-mo shr-hoe hway how) 你什么时候会好?

When does it begin?
Shénme shíhou kāishǐ ?
(Shern-mo shr-hoe kigh-shr?) 什么时候开始?

16 Where? Nǎlǐ? (Nah-lee) 哪⾥?/ Nǎr?
(Nah-urr) 哪⼉?
Where is _____?
_____ zài nǎ? (_____ zigh nah-urr) _____ 在哪?

Where is it?
Tā zài nǎlǐ? (Tah zigh nah-lee) 它在哪⾥?

Where do you live?
Nǐ zhù zài nǎ? (Nee joo zigh nah?) 你住在哪?

Where are you from?
Nǐ shì cóng nǎ lái de?
(Nee shr tsohng nah-urr lie-der) 你是从哪来的?

Where do you want to go?
Nǐ xiǎng qù nǎlǐ?
(Nee she-ahng chwee nah-lee) 你想去哪⾥?

Where are we going?
Wǒmen yào qù nǎlǐ?
(Woh-mern yow chwee nah-lee) 我们要去哪⾥?

Where is my friend?
Wǒ-de péngyou zài nǎlǐ?
(Woh-der perng-you zigh nah-lee) 我的朋友在哪⾥?

Where is the bus stop?
Chēzhàn zài nǎlǐ?
(Cher jahn zigh nah-lee) 车站在哪⾥?

17 Why? Wèishénme? (Way shern-mo) 为什么?

Why? (whenever needed)

Wèishénme? (Way-shern-mo) 为什么?

18 How? Duō? (Dwoh) 多; Zěnme? (Zern-mo) 怎

How much is it / that?

Duōshao qián? (Dwoh shou chee-an) 多少钱?

How much is this?
Zhè shì duōshao? (Jur shr dwoh-shou) 这是多少?

How does this work?
Zhè zěnme cāozuò? (Jur zern-mo chow zwoh)

How far is it?
Lí zhè duō yuǎn? (Lee juh dwoh ywahn)

How long will it take?
Zhè yào duō jiǔ? (Juh yow dwoh jeo) 这要多久?

19 This Zhè (Jur) 这; Zhèi (Jay) 这

This is mine.
Zhè shì wǒde. (Jur shr woh-der) 这是我的。

What is this?
Zhè shì shénme? (Juh shr shern-mo) 这是什么?

I don’t like this (it).
Bù xǐhuan. (Boo she-hwahn) 不喜欢。

How much is this?
Zhè shì duōshao? (Jur shr dwoh-shou) 这是多少?

This is very good.
Zhè hěn hǎo. (Jur hern how) 这很好。

20 That Nà (Nah) 那/ Nèi (Nay) 哪

What is that?
Nà shì shénme?
(Nah shr shern-mo) 那是什么?

That’s my luggage.
Nà shì wǒde xíngli.
(Nah shr woh-der sheeng-lee) 那是我的⾏李。

Is that so?
Shì ma? (Shr mah) 是吗?

How much is that?
Nà shì duōshao?
(Nah shr dwoh-shou) 那是多少?

Who is / was that?
Nà shì shéi? (Nah shr shay) 那是谁?

What is that street?
Nà shì něi tiáo jiē?
(Nah shr nay-tee-ow jeh) 那是哪条街?

21 Write Xiě (Shay) 写

Please write it down.

Qǐng nǐ xiě xià. (Cheeng nee shay shah) 请你写下。

Please write it in Roman letters.
Qǐng yòng pīnyīn xiě.
(Cheeng yohng peen-yeen shay) 请⽤拼⾳写。

Please write it in Chinese.
Qǐng yòng Zhōngwén xiě.
(Cheeng yohng Johng-wern shay) 请⽤中⽂写。

22 Address Dìzhǐ (dee-jr) 地址

(This is) my address.

Wǒ-de dìzhǐ. (Woh-der dee-jr) 我的地址。

What is your address?
Nǐ-de zhùzhǐ shì?
(Nee-der joo jr shr) 你的住址是?

Please give me your address.
Qǐng gàosu wǒ nǐ de dìzhǐ. 请告诉我你的地址。
(Cheeng gow-soo woh nee der dee-jr)

My home address is ...
Wǒ jiā de dìzhǐ shì…
(Woh-jee-ah der dee-jr shr...) 我家的地址是 …

Please write it down.
Qǐng xiě xià lai. (Cheeng shay shah lie) 请写下来。

Please read it to me.
Qǐng dú zhè ge gěi wǒ tīng.
(Cheeng doo jur-guh guy-woh ting) 请读这个给我听。

Please read it out loud.
Qǐng dàshēng dú.
(Cheeng dah sherng doo) 请⼤声读。

23 Introductions Jièshào (Jeh-shou) 介绍

May I introduce myself?

Wǒ kěyǐ jièshào wǒ zìjǐ ma? 我可以介绍我⾃⼰吗?
(Woh ker-ee jeh-shou woh-dzu-jee mah)

My name is _____.
Wǒ de míngzi shì _____.
(Woh-der meeng-dzu shr ____) 我的名字是 _____。

This is my name card.
Zhè shì wǒ de míngpiàn.
(Jur shr woh-der meeng pee-an) 这是我的名⽚。

What is your name?
Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi?
(Nee jow shern-mo meeng-dzu) 你叫什么名字?

I’m pleased to meet you.
Jiǔ yǎng. (Joe-yahng) 久仰。

Do you have a name card?
Nǐ yǒu míngpiàn ma?
(Nee you meeng pee-an mah) 你有名⽚吗?
This is my wife.
Zhè shì wǒ de fūren.
(Jur shr woh-der foo-wren) 这是我的夫⼈。

24 Family Jiārén (jah-wren) 家⼈

zhàngfu (jahng-foo) 丈夫
fūren (foo-wren) 夫⼈
qīzi (chee-dzu) 妻⼦
háizi (high-dzu) 孩⼦
nǚér (nwee-urr) ⼥⼉
érzi (urr-dzu) ⼉⼦

Do you have children?
Yǒu háizi ma? (You high-dzu mah) 有孩⼦吗?

I have two daughters.
Yǒu liǎngge nǚér.
(You lee-ahng-guh nwee-urr) 有两个⼥⼉。

Are you married?
Jiéhūn le ma?
(Jeh hoon-ler mah) 结婚了吗?

I’m married.
Jiéhūn le. (Jeh hoon-ler) 结婚了。

I’m single.
Méi jiéhūn. (May jeh-hoon) 没结婚。

This is my wife.
Zhè wèi shì wǒ qīzi.
(Jur-way shr woh chee-dzu) 这位是我妻⼦。
This is my husband.
Zhè wèi shì wǒ zhàngfu.
(Jur-way shr woh jahng-foo) 这位是我丈夫。

25 Age Niánlíng (Nee-an-leeng) 年龄; Suì (Sway)

How old are you? (to young children)

Nǐ jǐ suì? (Nee jee sway) 你⼏岁?

How old are you? (to all others)
Nǐ duōdà? (Nee dwoh dah) 你多⼤?

26 Go Qù (Chwee) 去

I am going.
Qù. (Chwee) 去。

I’m not going.
Bú qù. (Boo chwee) 不去。

Are you going?
Nǐ qù ma? (Nee chwee mah) 你去吗?

Is he/she going
Tā qù ma? (Tah chwee mah) 他/她去吗?

Are they going?
Tāmen qù ma? (Tah-mern chwee mah) 他们去吗?

Are we going now?
Wǒmen xiànzài qù ma?
(Woh-mern shee-an-zigh chwee mah) 我们现在去吗?

27 Come Lái (Lie) 来

I’m coming.
Wǒ lái. (Woh lie) 我来。

I’m not coming.
Wǒ bù lái. (Woh boo lie) 我不来。

He/she is coming.
Tā lái. (Tah lie) 他/她来。

He/she is not coming.
Tā bù lái. (Tah boo lie) 他/她不来。

I cannot come.
Bùnéng lái. (Boo nerng lie) 不能来。

They are coming.
Tāmen lái. (Tah-mern lie) 他们来。

I will come tomorrow.
Wǒ míngtiān lái. (Woh meeng-tee-an lie) 我明天来。

Please come to my home/house.
Qǐng lái wǒ jiā zuò zuò.
(Cheeng lie woh-jee-ah zwoh-zwoh) 请来我家坐坐。

28 Toilet Cèsuǒ (Tser-swoh) 厕所

nán (nahn) 男
nǚ (nwee) ⼥
public toilet gōnggòng cèsuǒ
(gohng-gohng tser-swoh) 公共厕所

Where is the toilet, please?
Qǐngwèn, cèsuǒ zǎi nǎr? 请问,厕所在哪⼉?
(Cheeng-wern, tser-swoh dzigh nah-urr)

Is there a public toilet near here?
Zhè fùjìn yǒu gōnggòng cèsuǒ ma?
(Jur foo-jeen you gohng-gohng tser-swoh mah)

I need to go to the toilet.
Wǒ yào qù cèsuǒ.
(Woh yee-ow chwee tser-swoh) 我要去厕所。

29 Money Qián (Chee-an) 钱

Chinese currency Rénmínbì (wren-meen-bee)

US dollars
Měiyuán (May ywahn) 美元
Hong Kong dollars Gǎngbì (Gahng bee) 港币
Australian dollars Àodàlìyàyuán 澳⼤利亚元
(Ah-aw-dah-lee-yah ywen)
Canadian dollars Jiābì (Jee-ah-bee) 加币
English pounds Yīngbàng (Yeeng bahng) 英镑
Japanese yen Rìyuán (Ree ywahn) ⽇元
travelers’ checks lǚxíng zhīpiào 旅⾏⽀票
(lwee-sheeng jr-pee-ow)
credit cards xìnyòngkǎ
(sheen-yohng kah) 信⽤卡
cash xiànkuǎn
(shee-an-kwahn) 现款

Where can I exchange money?
Nǎlǐ kěyǐ duìhuàn qián? 哪⾥可以兑换钱?
(Nah-lee ker-ee dway-hwahn chee-an)

What is today’s exchange rate for US dollars?
Jīntiān měiyuán duìhuàn lǜ duōshao?
(Jeen-tee-an May ywahn dway-hwahn lwee dwoh-shou) 今天美元兑换率多


Can you write it down?
Nǐ néng xiě xiàlai ma?
(Nee nung shay-she-ah lie mah) 你能写下来吗?

30 Credit Cards Xìnyòngkǎ (Sheen-yohng kah)

Do you accept credit cards?

Nǐ shōu xìnyòngkǎ ma?
(Nee show sheen-yohng kah mah) 你收信⽤卡吗?

Which credit cards do you accept?
Nǐmen jiēshòu nǎxiē xìnyòngkǎ?
(Nee-mern jeh-show nah-shay sheen-yohng kah)

Can I use my credit card to get cash?
Wǒ néng yòng xìnyòngkǎ qǔ xiànjīn ma?
(Woh nerng yohng sheen-yohng kah chwee shee-an ma) 我能⽤信⽤卡取现


31 Want Yào (Yow) 要

I want to go to the Great Wall.

Wǒ yào qù Chángchéng.
(Woh yow chwee Chahng Cherng) 我要去长城。

I want to go sightseeing.
Wǒ yào qù guānguāng.
(Woh yow chwee gwahn-gwahng) 我要去观光。

I want to buy a newspaper.
Wǒ yào mǎi bàozhǐ.
(Woh yow my bow-jr) 我要买报纸。

I want to go to the American Embassy.
Wǒ yào qù Měiguó dàshǐguǎn. 我要去美国⼤使馆。
(Woh yow chwee May-gwoh Dah-shr-gwahn)

I want to rest.
Wǒ yào xiūxi.
(Woh yee-ow she-oh-she) 我要休息。

32 Need Xūyào (She-yee-ow) 需要

I need some aspirin.

Wǒ xūyào āsīpǐlín.
(Woh she-yee-ow ahs-pee-leen) 我需要阿司匹林。

I need some foot powder.
Wǒ xūyào jiǎozhǐ fěn.
(Woh she-yee-ow jee-ow chee fern) 我需要脚趾粉。

I need some shampoo.
Wǒ xūyào xǐfàjì.
(Woh she-yee-ow see-fa-jee) 我需要洗发剂。

I need some razor blades.
Wǒ xūyào guāhú dāo.
(Woh she-yee-ow gwah-hoo dow) 我需要刮胡⼑。

I need some eyedrops.
Wǒ xūyào yǎn yàoshuǐ.
(Woh she-yee-ow yahn-yee-ow shway) 我需要眼药⽔。

I need an umbrella.
Wǒ xūyào yǔsǎn.
(Woh she-yee-ow yuh-sahn) 我需要⾬伞。

33 Airport Fēijīchǎng (Fay-jee-chahng) 飞机场

airport shuttle bus jīchǎng jiē sòng chē

(jee-chahng jee-eh sohng-cher)
fēijī (fay-jee) 飞机
hángkōnggōngsī 航空公司
hotel shuttle bus
lǚguǎn jiē sòng chē 旅馆接送车
(lwee-gwahn jee-eh sohng-cher)
flight number
hángbān hàomǎ 航班号码
(hahng-bahn how-mah)
yùdìng (yuu-deeng) 预定
ticket piào (pee-ow) 票
first-class tóuděng cāng
(toe-derng tsahng) 头等舱
first-class ticket
tóuděng piào
(toe-derng pee-ow) 头等票
economy class jīngjì cāng
(jeeng-jee tsahng) 经济舱
economy class ticket pǔtōng piào
(poo-tohng pee-ow) 普通票
confirm quèrèn (chwee-uh-wren) 确认
connecting flight xiánjiē hángbān 衔接航班
(shee-an jee-eh hahng-bahn)
boarding card dēngjī kǎ
(derng-jee kah) 登机卡
carry-on baggage shǒutíbāo
(show-tee bow) ⼿提包
aisle seat kào zǒudào zuòwèi
(kow-zow dow zwoh-way)
window seat kào chuāng zuòwèi 靠窗座位
(kow-chwahng zwoh-way)
passport hùzhào (hoo-jow) 护照

Please help me with my luggage.
Qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ bān xíngli. 请你帮我搬⾏李。
(Cheeng nee bahng woh bahn sheeng-lee)

Where do I wait for the hotel shuttle bus?
Zài nǎli děng lǚguǎn de bāshì?
(Dzigh nah-lee derng lwee-gwahn der ba-shr)

Is this the queue for the shuttle bus?
Zài zhèlǐ páiduì děng lǚguǎn bāshì ma?
(Dzigh jur-lee pah-dway derng-gwahn ba-shr mah) 在这⾥排队等旅馆巴⼠

Where can I get a taxi?
Nǎlǐ yǒu chūzū chē?
(Nah-lee you choo-joo cher) 哪⾥有出租车?

From 2014, the Chinese government have begun to loosen the visa
requirement of international travelers. If you are transiting, chances are that
you no longer need a transit visa in major airports. For group travelers, you
may not need to apply for a visa at all (especially for Hainan province).

At the Customs hǎiguān (high-gwahn) 海关

Here is my passport.
Zhè shì wǒde hùzhào.
(Juh shr woh-der hoo-jow) 这是我的护照。

Here is my arrival card.
Zhè shì wǒde rùjìngkǎ.
(Jur shr woh-der roo-jeeng-kah) 这是我的⼊境卡。

Here is my departure card.
Zhè shì wǒde chūjìngkǎ.
(Jur shr woh-der choo-jeeng-kah) 这是我的出境卡。

My purpose (of visit) is business.
Wǒ lái Zhōngguó shāngwù lǚxíng.
(Woh lie johng-gwoh shahng-woo lu-sheeng)

My purpose (of visit) is sightseeing.
Wǒ lái guānguāng.
(Woh lie gwahn-gwahng) 我来观光。
I have items (don’t have any item) to declare.
Wǒ yǒu / méiyǒu wùpǐn shēnbào. (Woh you / may-you woo-peen shern-
bow) 我 有/没有 物品申报。

I intend to stay in China for … days.
Wǒ yùjì huì zài Zhōngguó … tiān.
(Woh yuu-jee hway zigh johng-gwoh… tee-an)

34 Tip Xiǎofèi (Shou-fay) ⼩费

Is tipping permitted here?

Zhèlǐ kěyǐ gěi xiǎofèi ma?
(Jur-lee ker-ee gay shou-fay mah? 这⾥可以给⼩费吗?

How much should I tip?
Yīnggāi gěi duōshao xiǎofèi?
(Yeeng-guy gay dwoh-shou shou-fay) 应该给多少⼩费?

This tip is for you.
Zhè xiǎofèi shì gěi nǐ de.
(Jur shou-fay shr gay nee-der) 这⼩费是给你的。

35 Taxi Chūzūchē (Choo-joo-cher) 出租车

taxi stand chūzūchē zhàn

(choo joo cher jahn) 出租车站
piào jià (pee-ow-jah) 票价

Where can I get a taxi?
Chūzūchē zài nǎr?
(Choo-joo cher dzigh nah-urr) 出租车在哪⼉?

Is there a taxi stand near here?
Zhè fùjìn yǒu chūzūchē zhàn ma?
(Jur foo-jeen yow choo-joo cher jahn mah)

Please call a taxi for me.
Qǐng gěi wǒ jiào chē.
(Cheen gay woh jow cher) 请给我叫车。

I want to go to ____.
Wǒ yào qù ____.
(Woh yow chwee ____) 我要去____。

Please take me to _____.
Qǐng sòng wǒ dào _____.
(Cheeng sohng woh dow _____) 请送我到 _____。

Please take me to the airport.
Qǐng dài wǒ dào fēijīchǎng. 请带我到飞机场。
(Cheeng die woh dow fay-jee chahng)

The airport, please.
Qǐng qù jīchǎng.
(Cheeng chwee jee-chahng) 请去机场。

I’m in a hurry.
Wǒ gǎn shíjiān.
(Woh gahn shr-jee-ann) 我赶时间。

How long will it take to get to the airport?
Dào jīchǎng yào duōshao shíjiān?
(Dow jee-chahng yow dwoh-shou shr-jee-an?)

Please take me to my hotel.
Qǐng dài wǒ dào wǒde lǚguǎn. 请带我到我的旅馆。
(Cheeng die woh dow woh-der lwee-gwahn)

Please pick me up at ______.
Qǐng dào ______ jiē wǒ.
(Cheeng dow ______ jee-eh woh) 请到 ______ 接我。

Please come back at ____.
Qǐng ____ huílai.
(Cheeng ____ hwee lie) 请 ____ 回来。

Please take me to this address.
Qǐng dài wǒ dào zhège dìzhǐ. 请带我到这个地址。
(Cheeng die woh dow jay-guh dee-jr)

Please go to Tiananmen Square.
Qǐng qù Tiānānmén Guǎngchǎng. 请去天安门⼴场。
(Cheeng chwee Tee-an-ahn-mern Gwahng Chahng)

Can you wait for me?
Nǐ néng děng wǒ ma?
(Nee nerng derng woh mah) 你能等我吗?

Please wait for me.
Qǐng nǐ děng yī děng.
(Cheeng nee derng ee derng) 请你等⼀等。

How much do I owe you?
Gāi fù duōshao qián?
(Guy foo dwoh-shou chee-an) 该付多少钱?

How much?
Duōshao qián? (Dwoh shou chee-an) 多少钱?

36 Bus Qìchē (Chee-cher) 汽车

central bus station qìchē zǒng zhàn

(chee-cher zohng jahn) 汽车总站
bus station
gōnggòng chēzhàn 公共车站
(gohng-gohng-chee-cher jahn)
bus stop
qìchē zhàn (cher jahn) 汽车站

Is there a bus stop near here?
Zhè fùjìn yǒu qìchē zhàn ma? 这附近有汽车站吗?
(Jr foo-jeen yow chee-cher jahn mah)

Where is the bus station?
Gōnggòngqìchē zhàn zài nǎlǐ? 公共汽车站在哪⾥?
(Gohng-gohng chee-cher jahn dzigh nah-lee)

How do I get to the bus station?
Dào qìchē zhàn zěnme zǒu? 到汽车站怎么⾛?
(Dow chee-cher jahn zern-mah dzow)

Which bus do I take to get to Tiananmen Square?
Dào Tiānānmén zuò jǐ lù chē? 到天安门坐⼏路车?
(Dow Tee-an-ahn-mern zwoh jee loo cher)

Is it necessary to change buses?
Yào huàn chē ma? (Yow hwahn cher mah) 要换车吗?

How much is the fare?
Piào jià duōshao?
(Pee-ow jah dwoh-shou) 票价多少?

Do you have a map/brochure of the city?
Nǐmen yǒu méiyǒu běn shì dìtú / jièshào shū?
(Nee-mern you may-you bern shr dee-too /jee-eh-shaow shoo) 你们有没有本


Please give me a bus timetable.
Qǐng gěi wǒ yīgè gōnggòng qìchē shíkèbiǎo.
(Cheeng gay woh ee-guh gohng-gohng chee-cher
shr-ker beow) 请给我⼀个公共汽车时刻表。

Please take me to the bus station.
Qǐng dài wǒ dào gōnggòng qìchē zhàn.
(Cheeng die woh dow gohng-gohng chee cher-jahn) 请带我到公共汽车站。

Where does the bus for downtown / the airport leave from?
Qù chéng lǐ / fēijīchǎng de gōnggòng qìchē cóng nǎr kāi?
(Chwee cherng-lee / fay-jee-chahng der gohng-gohng chee-cher tsohng narr
去 城⾥/飞机场 的公共汽车从哪⼉开?

Is this the bus for the airport?
Zhè shì bùshì qù jīchǎng de gōnggòng qìchē?
(Jay shr boo shr chwee jee-chahng der gohng-gohng chee-cher) 这是不是去

How much is it to the airport?
Qù fēijīchǎng duōshao qián? 去飞机场多少钱?
(Chwee fay-jee-chahng dwoh-shou chee-an)

What time is the bus leaving?
Gōnggòng qìchē jǐdiǎn kāi? 公共汽车⼏点开?
(Gohng-gohng chee-cher jee-dee-an kigh)

37 Subway Dìtiě (Dee-tee-eh) 地铁

subway station dìtiě zhàn (dee-tee-eh jahn) 地铁站

subway ticket dìtiě piào (dee-tee-eh pee-ow)
subway card* dìtiěkǎ (dee-tee-eh kah) 地铁卡
*for multiple travels’ commuters
subway ticket machine
dìtiě shòupiàojī 地铁售票机
(dee-tee-eh show-pee-ow jee)
light rail transit/LRT
qīngguǐ (cheeng-gway) 轻轨
LRT station qīngguǐ zhàn
(cheeng-gway jahn) 轻轨站

Where is the nearest subway station?
Zuìjìn de dìxià tiěchē zhàn zài nǎlǐ?
(Zway-jeen der dee-shah-tee-eh cher jahn zigh
nah-lee) 最近的地下铁车站在哪⾥?

Let’s go by subway.
Wǒmen zuò dìxià tiě qù. 我们坐地下铁去。
(Woh-mern zwoh dee-shah-tee-eh chwee)

How much is the subway ticket?
Dìtiě piào duōshao qián? 地铁票多少钱?
(Dee-tee-eh pee-ow dwoh-shou chee-in)

I’d like a monthly pass.
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yuè piào.
(Woh shee-ahng my yu-eh pee-ow) 我想买⽉票。

I’d like one adult ticket.
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yīzhāng chéngrén piào.
(Woh shee-ahng my ee-jahng churng-wren pee-ow)

I’d like one child/senior ticket.
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yīzhāng értóng / lǎonián piào.
(woh shee-ahng my ee-jahng ern-tohng/lao-nee-an pee-ow) 我想买⼀张⼉童

When is the last train?
Zuìhòu yībānchē jǐdiǎn? 最后⼀班车⼏点?
(Zway-hoe ee-bahn cher jee-dee-an)

38 Train Huǒchē (Hwoh-cher) ⽕车

China National Railways

Zhōngguó tiělù 中国铁路
(Johng-gwoh Tee-eh-loo)
Maglev (magnetic levitation) cí xuánfú
(tsu shwen-foo) 磁悬浮
HST (High-speed Train) gāotiě (gow-tee-eh) ⾼铁
bullet-train dòngchē (doong-cher) 动车
train station huǒchē zhàn
(hwoh-cher jahn) ⽕车站
local (ordinary) train pǔtōng chē
(poo-tohng cher) 普通车
express train kuàichē (kwie cher) 快车
slow train màn chē (mahn cher) 慢车
train ticket chē piào (cher-pee-ow) 车票
ticket office shòupiào chù
(show pee-ow choo) 售票处
one-way ticket dānchéng piào
(dahn cherng pee-ow) 单程票
round-trip ticket láihuí piào
(lie-hway pee-ow) 来回票
first-class ticket tóuděng piào
(toe-derng pee-ow) 头等票
economy-class ticket pǔtōng piào
(poo-tohng pee-ow) 普通票
soft-class (ticket) ruǎnzuò (rwahn zwoh) 软座
hard-class (ticket) yìngzuò (eeng zwoh) 硬座
soft sleeper ruǎnwò pù
(rwahn woh poo) 软卧铺
hard sleeper yìngwò pù
(eeng woh poo) 硬卧铺
compartment chēxiāng (cher-she-ahng) 车厢
reserved seat ticket yùdìng zuòwèi piào 预定座位票
(yuu-deeng zwoh-way pee-ow)
unreserved seat ticket wú yùdìng zuòwèi piào
(woo yuu-deeng zwoh-way
pee-ow) ⽆预定座位票
chēfèi (cher-fay) 车费
boarding platform
yuètái (yuu-eh-tie) ⽉台
dining car
cān chē (tsan cher) 餐车
transfer dǎo / huàn
(dow / hwahn) 倒 / 换
get on (board)
shàng chē (shahng cher) 上车
get off (disembark) xià chē (she-ah cher) 下车

Where is the train station?
Chēzhàn zài nǎlǐ?
(Cher jahn zigh nah-lee) 车站在哪⾥?

Where is the ticket office?
Nǎlǐ shì shòupiào chù?
(Nah-lee shr show pee-ow choo) 哪⾥是售票处?

I want to go to ____.
Wǒ yào qù ____ .
(Woh yow chwee ____) 我要去____。

What is the track number?
Jǐ hào huǒchē?
(Jee how hwoh-cher) ⼏号⽕车?

What is the track number for the train going to Beijing?
Qù Běijīng de huǒchē zài jǐ hào tái?
(Chwee Beijing der hwoh-cher zigh jee how tie)

How do I get to the train station?
Dào huǒchē zhàn zěnme zǒu?
(Dow hwoh-cher jahn zern-mo dzow)

Please take me to the train station.
Qǐng dài wǒ dào huǒchē zhàn. 请带我到⽕车站。
(Cheeng die woh dow hwoh-cher jahn)

Do you have a railway timetable, please.
Qǐng gěi wǒ yīgè huǒchē shíkèbiǎo.
(Cheeng gay woh ee-guh hwoh-cher shr-ker-beow)

When does the train leave for Shanghai?
Qù Shànghǎi de huǒchē jǐdiǎn kāi?
(Chwee Shang-hai der hwoh-cher jee-dee-an kigh)

Where do I buy a ticket?
Piào zài nǎr mǎi?
(Pee-ow dzigh nah-urr my) 票在哪⼉买?

Do I have to transfer anywhere?
Wǒ jiāng zài nǎlǐ huàn chē? 我将在哪⾥换车?
(Woh jee-ahng zigh nah-lee hwan-cher)

39 Walk / Stroll Zǒu (Dzow) ⾛ / Sànbù (Sahn-boo)

Let’s go for a stroll.

Wǒmen qù sànbù.
(Woh-mern chwee sahn-boo) 我们去散步。

I prefer to walk.
Wǒ xǐhuan zǒu lù.
(Woh she-hwahn dzow-loo) 我喜欢⾛路。

Is it too far to walk?
Zǒu lù qù tài yuǎn le ma?
(Dzow loo chwee tie ywahn-ler ma) ⾛路去太远了吗?

Can I walk there from the hotel?
Wǒ néng cóng lǚguǎn zǒu qù ma? 我能从旅馆⾛去吗?
(Woh nerng tsohng lwee-gwahn dzow chwee mah)

40 Hotel Lüguǎn (Lwee-gwahn) 旅馆;
Fàndiàn (Fahn-dee-an) 饭店

reservations yùdìng (yuu-deeng) 预定

reservations desk yùdìng chù
(yuu-deeng choo) 预定处
hotel concierge jiēdài yuán (jeh-die-ywahn) 接待员
service fee fúwùfèi (foo-woo fay) 服务费
lobby datang
dà táng (da-tahng) ⼤堂
check in
rùzhù (roo-joo) ⼊住
check out
tuìfáng (tway-fahng) 退房
chūnà (choo-nah) 出纳
room key
yàoshi (yee-ow shr) 钥匙
room number
fángjiān hàomǎ 房间号码
(fahng-jee-an how-mah)
single room dānrén fáng
(dahn-wren fahng) 单⼈房
double room shuāngrén fáng
(shwahng-wren fahng) 双⼈房
twin room shuāngchuáng fáng
(shwahng chwang fahng) 双床房
suite tàofáng (tao fahng) 套房
kōngtiáo (kohng-tee-ow) 空调
laundry bag
xǐyī dài (she-ee die) 洗⾐袋
laundry form xǐyī dān
(she-ee dahn) 洗⾐单
morning call service
jiàoxǐng fúwù 叫醒服务
(jee-ow sheeng foo-woo)
“Do not disturb” qǐng wù dǎrǎo
(cheeng woo dah-rao) 请勿打扰
“Make up room” qǐng dǎsǎo
(cheeng dah-sao) 请打扫
I have / don’t have a reservation.
Wǒ yǐjīng / méiyǒu yùdìng le fángjiān.
(Woh ee-jeeng/may you yuu-deeng-ler fahng-jee-an) 我 已经/没有 预定了

Do you have any vacancies?
Yǒu kòng fángjiān ma?
(You kohng fahng-jee-an mah) 有空房间吗?

I will be staying for two nights.
Wǒ yào zhù liǎng wǎn.
(Woh yow joo lee-ahng wang) 我要住两晚。

I would like it for two nights.
Wǒ xiǎng zhù liǎng yè.
(Woh she-ahng joo lee-ahng yeh) 我想要住两夜。

I would like a room with a view.
Wǒ yào hǎo fēngjǐng de fáng. 我要好风景的房。
(Woh yee-aw how ferng jeeng der fahng)

How much is the room rate?
Fáng fèi duōshao qián?
(Fahng fay dwoh-shou chee-an) 房费多少钱?

What time is breakfast?
Jǐdiǎn chī zǎocān?
(Jee-dee-an chr dzow-fahn) ⼏点吃早餐?

Do you have English language newspapers?
Nǐmen zhè yǒu méiyǒu Yīngwén bàozhǐ?
(Nee-mern jr you may you Eeng-wern bow-jr)

I’ve lost my key.
Wǒ diū le yàoshi.
(Woh deo ler yow-shr) 我丢了钥匙。

What time is check out?
Shénme shíjiān tuìfáng?
(Shern-mo shr-jee-an tway-fahng) 什么时间退房?

Is there a service fee?
Yǒu fúwùfèi ma?
(You foo-woo fay mah) 有服务费吗?

breakfast zǎocān (zow tsahn) 早餐

Most Chinese hotels and some motels / hostels offer free breakfast and / or
Internet during stay. Be sure to check with the front desk.

Is the breakfast included (in the room price)?
Fáng jià bāokuò zǎocān ma?
(Fahng-jee-ah bow kway zow-tsahn mah)

Is free Internet included (in the room price)?
Fáng jià bāokuò miǎnfèi shàngwǎng ma?
(Fahng-jee-ah bow kway mee-an-fay shahng-
wahng mah) 房价包括免费上⽹吗?

41 Room Service Kèfáng yòngcān fúwùbù (Ker-
fahng yohng-tsahn foo-woo-boo) 客房⽤餐服务部

I would like to order breakfast.

Wǒ xiǎng dìng zǎocān.
(Woh she-ahng deeng dzow-tsahn) 我想订早餐。

Do you serve (have) Western food?
Yǒu Xīcān ma? (You she tsahn mah) 有西餐吗?

Do you have Japanese food?
Yǒu Rìběn liàolǐ ma?
(You ree-bern lee-ow-lee mah) 有⽇本料理吗?

Please bring me some scrambled eggs and toast.
Qǐng ná chǎo jīdàn hé miànbāo gěi wǒ.
(Cheeng nah chow jee-dahn her kow mee-an-bow gay woh) 请拿炒鸡蛋和⾯

42 Numbers Hàomǎ (How-oh-mah) 号码

The Cardinal Numbers

líng (leeng) 零
1 yī (ee)* ⼀
èr (urr) ⼆; also liǎng (lee-ahng) 两
3 sān (sahn) 三
sì (suh) 四
wǔ (woo) 五
liù (leo) 六
7 qī (chee) 七
8 bā (bah) ⼋
9 jiǔ (jeo) 九
10 shí (shr) ⼗

*Sometimes, for easier pronunciation, the number 1 can be pronounced yāo
(yow) instead of yī (yee).

From 10 on, the numbers are combinations of the first ten numbers. Eleven is
10 and 1, 12 is 10 and 2, etc. Twenty is 2-10; 30 is 3-10, and so on.

shíyī (shr-ee) ⼗⼀
shíèr (shr-urr) ⼗⼆
13 shísān (shr-sahn) ⼗三
14 shísì (shr-suh) ⼗四
15 shíwǔ (shr-woo) ⼗五
shíliù (shr-leo) ⼗六
17 shíqī (shr-chee) ⼗七
shíbā (shr-bah) ⼗⼋
shíjiǔ (shr-jeo) ⼗九
èrshí (urr-shr) ⼆⼗

sānshí (sahn-shr) 三⼗
sìshí (suh-shr) 四⼗
50 wǔshí (woo-shr) 五⼗
60 liùshí (leo-shr) 六⼗
70 qīshí (chee-shr) 七⼗
80 bāshí (bah-shr) ⼋⼗
90 jiǔshí (jeo-shr) 九⼗
100 yībǎi (ee-by)* ⼀百
*bǎi (by) is the designator for 100.

From 100 on, the numbers are combinations of the 100 + 0 (zero) + the ten
numbers. So, 101 is 100 + 0 +1, and so on, as follows:

yībǎi líng yī (ee-by-leeng-ee) ⼀百零⼀
yībǎi líng èr (ee-by-leeng-urr) ⼀百零⼆
103 yībǎi líng sān (ee-by-leeng-sahn) ⼀百零三
yībǎi líng sì (ee-by-leeng-suh) ⼀百零四
105 yībǎi líng wǔ (ee-by-leeng-woo) ⼀百零五
yībǎi líng liù (ee-by-leeng-leo) ⼀百零六
107 yībǎi líng qī (ee-by-leeng-chee) ⼀百零七
yībǎi líng bā (ee-by-leeng-bah) ⼀百零⼋
yībǎi líng jiǔ (ee-by-leeng-jeo) ⼀百零九
yībǎi yī shí (ee-by-yee-suhr) ⼀百⼀⼗
yībǎi èrshí (ee-by-urr-shr) ⼀百⼆⼗
130 yībǎi sānshí (ee-by-sahn-shr) ⼀百三⼗
140 yībǎi sìshí (ee-by-suh-shr) ⼀百四⼗
150 yībǎi wǔshí (ee-by-woo-shr) ⼀百五⼗
175 yībǎi qīshí wǔ (ee-by-chee-shr-woo)
èrbǎi (urr-by) ⼆百
201 èrbǎi líng yī (urr-by-leeng-ee) ⼆百零⼀
300 sānbǎi (sahn-by) 三百
400 sìbǎi (suh-by) 四百
500 wǔbǎi (woo-by) 五百
600 liùbǎi (leo-by) 六百
700 qībǎi (chee-by) 七百
bābǎi (bah-by) ⼋百
jiǔbǎi (jeo-by) 九百
yīqiān* (ee-chee-an) ⼀千

*Qiān (chee-an) is the designator for 1,000.

1,500 yīqiān wǔbǎi
(ee-chee-an-woo-by) ⼀千五百
liǎngqiān (lee-ahng-chee-an) 两千
2,700 liǎngqiān qībǎi
(lee-ahng-chee-an-chee-by) 两千七百
10,000 yīwàn* (ee-wahn) ⼀万

*Wàn (wahn) is the designator for 10,000 – this is the term used in Chinese
for 10,000 (ten thousand), so non-speaking Chinese need to get used to this

11,000 yīwàn yīqiān
(ee-wahn-ee-chee-an) ⼀万⼀千
12,000 yīwàn liǎngqiān
(ee-wahn-leeng-chee-an) ⼀万两千
15,000 yīwàn wǔqiān
(ee-wahn-woo-chee-an) ⼀万五千
100,000 shíwàn (shr-wahn) ⼗万
150,000 shíwǔwàn (shr-woo-wahn) ⼗五万
200,000 èrshíwàn (urr-shr-wahn) ⼆⼗万
sānshíwàn (sahn-shr-wahn) 三⼗万
500,000 wǔshíwàn (woo-shr-wahn) 五⼗万
yībǎiwàn (ee-by-wahn) ⼀百万

The Ordinal Numbers

The ordinal numbers are created by adding the prefix
dì (dee) to the cardinal numbers.

1st dìyī (dee-ee) 第⼀
2nd dìèr (dee-urr) 第⼆
3rd dìsān (dee-sahn) 第三
4th dìsì (dee-suh) 第四
5th dìwǔ (dee-woo) 第五
6th dìliù (dee-leo) 第六
7th dìqī (dee-chee) 第七
8th dìbā (dee-bah) 第⼋
9th dìjiǔ (dee-jeo) 第九
10th dìshí (dee-shr) 第⼗
and so on …
20th dìèrshí (dee-urr-shr) 第⼆⼗
30th dìsānshí (dee-sahn-shr) 第三⼗
50th dìwǔshí (dee-woo-shr) 第五⼗
one half
yībàn (ee-bahn) ⼀半
one quarter sìfēnzhīyī (suh fern jr ee) 四分之⼀

43 Counting Things Dōngxi (Dohng-she) 东西

The Chinese language uses special indicators, or “measure words,” for

counting things, based on what they are— people, flat things, round things,
animals, fish, etc. There are over a dozen such terms, so keeping them
straight, and using them properly, can be a problem for the beginner.

However, the most common of these indicators, gè (guh) 个, can be used
when you are uncertain about which one to use. The measure words go
between the numbers and the nouns they apply to. Here is a list of the most
common ones:

• books: běn (bern) 本

one book
yī běn shū (ee-bern shoo) ⼀本书

• the number of times something occurs:
cì (tsu) 次
• trees: kē (ker) 棵

• buildings and houses: suǒ (swoh) 所

• large, long, slender objects such as telephone cables: tiáo (tee-ow) 条

• small, round objects like pencils and sticks:
zhī (jr) ⽀
• flat things like pieces of paper:
zhāng (jahng) 张

two sheets of paper
liǎng zhāng zhǐ (lee-ahng-jahng jr) 两张纸

• bowls and things that come in bowls:
wǎn (wahn) 碗
• bottles and bottled things: píng (peeng) 瓶

two bottles of beer
liǎngpíng píjiǔ (lee-ahng-peeng pee-jeo) 两瓶啤酒
• money: kuài (kwie) 块

• glasses of water, etc: bēi (bay) 杯

three glasses of water
sānbēi shuǐ (sahn-bay shway) 三杯⽔

I have three books.
Wǒ yǒu sānběn shū.
(Woh you sahn-ben shoo) 我有三本书。

Please give me one sheet of paper.
Qǐng gěi wǒ yīzhāng zhǐ.
(Cheeng gay woh ee-jahng jr) 请给我⼀张纸。

Two glasses of water, please.
Qǐng gěi liǎngbēi shuǐ.
(Cheeng gay lee-ahng-bay shway) 请给两杯⽔。

One hamburger, please.
Qǐng gěi yīge hànbǎo bāo. 请给⼀个汉堡包。
(Cheeng gay ee-guh hahn-bow-bow)

44 Counting People Rén (wren) ⼈

person/people rén (wren-meen) ⼈

1 person
yīge rén (ee-guh wren) ⼀个⼈
2 persons
liǎngge rén 两个⼈
(lee-ahng-guh wren)
3 persons sānge rén (sahn-ge wren) 三个⼈
4 persons sìge rén (suh-guh wren) 四个⼈
5 persons wǔge rén (woo-guh wren) 五个⼈
6 persons liùge rén (leo-guh wren) 六个⼈
7 persons qīge rén (chee-guh wren) 七个⼈
8 persons bāge rén (bah-guh wren) ⼋个⼈
9 persons jiǔge rén (jeo-guh wren) 九个⼈
10 people shíge rén (shr-guh wren) ⼗个⼈

*位 wèi (way) is used for counting person / people in polite language.

Example: ⼀位⽼师 yīwèi lǎoshī (yee-way lao-shr) (a teacher) instead of ⼀

个⽼师 yīge lǎoshī (yee-guh lao-shr).

45 Time Diǎn (Dee-an) 点

Telling time in Chinese is a combination of the appropriate number, plus diǎn

(dee-an), which means something like “point of time.” In this usage it is the
equivalent of the English “o’clock.”

time (of day) shíjiān (shr-jee-an) 时间
xiǎoshí (shee-ow-shr) ⼩时
half an hour bàn xiǎoshí
(bahn-shee-ow-shr) 半⼩时
fēn (fern) 分
a.m. shàngwǔ (shahng-woo) 上午
p.m. xiàwǔ (shee-ah-woo) 下午

In China the 24-hour day is divided into four periods:

midnight to 6 a.m. (early morning)
qīngzǎo (cheeng-zow) 清早
6 a.m. to noon (morning)
zǎoshang (zow-shahng) 早上
noon to 6 p.m. (afternoon) xiàwǔ (shee-ah-woo) 下午
6 p.m. to midnight (evening) wǎnshang
(wahn-shahng) 晚上
In designating the time period as well as the hour, both words precede the
hour, as in the following examples.

1 a.m. qīngzǎo yī diǎn
(cheeng-zow ee dee-an) 清早⼀点
8 a.m. zǎoshang bā diǎn
(zow-shahng bah dee-an) 早上⼋点
1 p.m. xiàwǔ yī diǎn
(shee-ah-woo ee dee-an) 下午⼀点
8 p.m. wǎnshang bā diǎn 晚上⼋点
(wahn-shahng bah dee-an)
what time? jǐdiǎn? (jee dee-an) ⼏点?
at / in zài (zigh) 在
early zǎo (zow) 早
late wǎn (wahn) 晚
on time zhǔnshí (ju-wun-shr) 准时
in the morning zài zǎoshang
(zigh zow-shahng) 在早上
in the afternoon
zài xiàwǔ (zigh shee-ah-woo) 在下午
in the evening
zài wǎnshang (zigh wahn-shahng) 在晚上
1 o’clock yī diǎn (ee dee-an) ⼀点
1 a.m. zǎoshang yī diǎn
(zow-shahng ee-dee-an) 早上⼀点
1:10 yī diǎn shí fēn
(ee dee-an shr fern) ⼀点⼗分
yī diǎn bàn (ee dee-an bahn) ⼀点半
2 o’clock liǎng diǎn (lee-ahng dee-an) 两点
3 o’clock sān diǎn (sahn dee-an) 三点
2 a.m. zǎoshang liǎng diǎn 早上两点
(zow-shahng lee-ahng dee-an)
2 p.m. xiàwǔ liǎng diǎn 下午两点
(shee-ah-woo lee-ahng dee-an)
2:30 liǎng diǎn bàn (lee-ahng dee-an bahn)
3.15 sān diǎn shíwǔ fēn / sān diǎn yī kè
(sahn dee-an shr-woo-fern/yee ker)
3:30 sān diǎn bàn
(sahn dee-an bahn) 三点半
4 o’clock
sì diǎn (suh dee-an) 四点
5 o’clock
wǔ diǎn (woo dee-an) 五点
6 o’clock liù diǎn (leo dee-an) 六点
7 o’clock
qī diǎn (chee dee-an) 七点
8 o’lock bā diǎn (bah dee-an) ⼋点
9 o’clock
jiǔ diǎn (jeo dee-an) 九点
10 o’clock shí diǎn (shr dee-an) ⼗点
11 o’clock
shíyī diǎn (shr-ee dee-an) ⼗⼀点
12 o’clock
shíèr diǎn (shr-urr dee-an) ⼗⼆点

What time is it (now)?
Jǐdiǎn le? (Jee dee-an ler) ⼏点了?

It is 6:30.
Liù diǎn sānshí / liù diǎn bàn.
(Leo dee-an sahn-shr / bahn) 六点三⼗∕六点半。

It is 12:30
Shí èr diǎn sānshí / shí èr diǎn bàn.
(Shr-urr dee-an sahn-shr / bahn)

What time are we leaving?
Wǒmen shénme shíjiān zǒu?
(Woh-mern shern-mo shr-jee-an zoe) 我们什么时间⾛?

What time does the bus leave?
Gōnggòng qìchē jǐdiǎn chūfā?
(Gohng-gohng chee-cher jee-dee-an chuu-fah)

What time is breakfast / lunch / dinner?
Zǎocān / wǔcān / wǎncān shì jǐdiǎn?
(Zow-tsahn/wuu-tsahn/wahn-tsahn shr jee dee-an)
早餐/午餐/晚餐 是⼏点?

One moment, please.
Qǐng děng yī děng.
(Cheeng derng ee derng) 请等⼀等。

What time does the museum open?
Bówùguǎn jǐdiǎn kāimén? 博物馆⼏点开门?
(Boh-woo-gwahn jee-dee-an kigh-mern)

What time does the theater open?
Jùchǎng jǐdiǎn kāimén?
(Jwee-chahng jee-dee-an kigh-mern) 剧场⼏点开门?

What time does the play / film start?
Huàjù / diànyǐng jǐdiǎn kāishǐ?
(Hwah-jwee / dee-an-yeeng jee-dee-an kigh shr)
话剧/电影 ⼏点开始?

46 Days Tiān (Tee-an) 天

The days of the week, from Monday through Saturday, consist of the “day
designator” xīngqī (sheeng-chee) plus the numbers one through six. Sunday
consists of the “day designator” plus tiān (tee-an), the word for “day.”

Monday xīngqīyī (Sheeng-chee-ee) 星期⼀
xīngqīèr (Sheeng-chee-urr) 星期⼆
Wednesday xīngqīsān
(Sheeng-chee-sahn) 星期三
Thursday xīngqīsì (Sheeng-chee-suh) 星期四
xīngqīwǔ (Sheeng-chee-woo) 星期五
Saturday xīngqīliù (Sheeng-chee-leo) 星期六
Sunday xīngqītiān
(Sheeng-chee-tee-an) 星期天
jīntiān (jeen-tee-an) 今天

What day is today?
Jīntiān shì xīngqī jǐ?
(Jeen-tee-an shr Sheeng-chee jee) 今天是星期⼏?

Today is Monday.
Jīntiān shì xīngqīyī.
(Jeen-tee-an shr Sheeng-chee-ee) 今天是星期⼀。

every day
měitiān (may-tee-an) 每天
tomorrow míngtiān (meeng-tee-an) 明天
tomorrow morning míngtiān shàngwǔ 明天上午
(meeng-tee-an shahng-woo)
tomorrow afternoon míngtiān xiàwǔ 明天下午
(meeng-tee-an she-ah-woo)
this morning jīntiān zǎoshang 今天早上
(jeen-tee-an zow-shahng)
this afternoon jīntiān xiàwǔ 今天下午
(jeen-tee-an she-ah-woo)
day after tomorrow
hòutiān (hoe tee-an) 后天
zuótiān (zwoh-tee-an) 昨天
day before yesterday
qiántiān (chee-an tee-an) 前天
in the morning zài zǎoshang
(zigh zow-shahng) 在早上
in the afternoon zài xiàwǔ
(zigh she-ah-woo) 在下午
in the evening zia wǎnshang
(zigh wahn-shahng) 在晚上
last night
zuótiān wǎnshang 昨天晚上
(zwoh-tee-an wahn-shahng)
early zǎo (zow) 早
wǎn (wahn) 晚
on time
zhǔnshí (joon-shr) 准时

Counting Days
1 day
yī tiān (ee tee-an) ⼀天
2 days
liǎng tiān (lee-ahng tee-an) 两天
3 days sān tiān (sahn tee-an) 三天
4 days sì tiān (suh tee-an) 四天
5 days wǔ tiān (woo tee-an) 五天
6 days
liù tiān (leo tee-an) 六天
7 days qī tiān (chee tee-an) 七天
8 days
bā tiān (bah tee-an) ⼋天
9 days
jiǔ tiān (jeo tee-an) 九天
10 days
shí tiān (shr tee-an) ⼗天
21 days èrshíyī tiān (urr-shr-ee tee-an)

Note: When counting days, there is no need for a measure word.

47 Weeks Xīngqī (Sheen-chee) 星期

this week zhège xīngqī

(jay-guh sheeng-chee) 这个星期
last week shànggè xīngqī
(shahng-guh sheeng-chee) 上个星期
next week xiàgè xīngqī
(she-ah-guh sheeng-chee) 下个星期
weekend zhōumò (joe-mwo) 周末
week after next xià xiàgè xīngqī 下下个星期
(she-ah-shah-guh sheeng-chee)

Counting Weeks
1 week yī xīngqī (ee sheeng-chee) ⼀星期
2 weeks èr xīngqī (urr sheeng-chee) ⼆星期
3 weeks sānxīng qī (sahn sheeng-chee) 三星期
4 weeks
sì xīngqī (suh sheeng-chee) 四星期
5 weeks wǔ xīngqī (woo sheeng-chee) 五星期
6 weeks
liù xīngqī (leo sheeng-chee) 六星期
7 weeks qī xīngqī (chee sheeng-chee) 七星期
8 weeks
bā xīngqī (bah sheeng-chee) ⼋星期

I will be in China for two weeks.
Wǒ jiāng zài Zhōngguó dài liǎnġ ge xīngqī.
(Woh jee-ahng zigh Johng-gwoh die lee-ahng-guh sheeng-chee) 我将在中国

48 Months Yuè (Yuu-eh) ⽉

The Chinese word for month is yuè (yuu-eh). Yuè is used when naming or
listing the months, and rì (ree) is used when giving dates. The names of the
months consist of the appropriate number plus yuè—in other words, yī (one)
plus yuè (month) equals January.

January Yīyuè (Ee-yuu-eh) ⼀⽉
February Èryuè (Urr-yuu-eh) ⼆⽉
March Sānyuè (Sahn-yuu-eh) 三⽉
April Sìyuè (Suh-yuu-eh) 四⽉
May Wǔyuè (Woo-yuu-eh) 五⽉
Liùyuè (Leo-yuu-eh) 六⽉
July Qīyuè (Chee-yuu-eh) 七⽉
Bāyuè (Bah-yuu-eh) ⼋⽉
September Jiǔyuè (Jeo-yuu-eh) 九⽉
Shíyuè (Shr-yuu-eh) ⼗⽉
November Shíyīyuè (Shr-ee-yuu-eh) ⼗⼀⽉
Shíèryuè (Shr-urr-yuu-eh) ⼗⼆⽉
this month
zhègè yuè (jay-guh yuu-eh) 这个⽉
next month xiàgè yuè (shee-ah-guh yuu-eh) 下个⽉
last month shànggè yuè
(shahng-guh yuu-eh) 上个⽉
month after next xià xiàgè yuè 下下个⽉
(shee-ah-shee-ah-guh yuu-eh)
měi gè yuè (may-guh yuu-eh) 每个⽉

To enumerate months, add the prefix gè (guh) to yuè, the word for month,
and put the appropriate number in front of the word:

1 month
yī gè yuè (ee guh-yuu-eh) ⼀个⽉
2 months liǎng gè yuè
(lee-ahng-guh-yuu-eh) 两个⽉
5 months
wǔ gè yuè (woo guh-yuu-eh) 五个⽉
6 months
liù gè yuè (leo guh-yuu-eh) 六个⽉
12 months shíèr gè yuè
(shr-urr guh-yuu-eh) ⼗⼆个⽉
every month měi gè yuè
(may-guh yuu-eh) 每个⽉
a few months jǐ gè yuè (jee-guh yuu-eh) ⼏个⽉

49 Years Nián (Nee-an) 年
this year
jīnnián (jeen nee-an) 今年
next year míngnián (meeng nee-an) 明年
last year qùnián (chwee nee-an) 去年
every year měi nián (may nee-an) 每年
one year
yī nián (ee nee-an) ⼀年
two years liǎng nián
(lee-ahng nee-an) 两年
three years sān nián (sahn nee-an) 三年
four years sì nián (suh nee-an) 四年
five years wǔ nián (woo nee-an) 五年
Happy New Xīn Nián Hǎo!
(Sheen Nee-an How) 新年好!
New Year’s Day Yuándàn (Ywahn Dahn) 元旦

50 Drink Hē (Huh) 喝

yǐnliào (een-lee-ow) 饮料
coffee kāfēi (kah-fay) 咖啡
niúnǎi (new-nigh) ⽜奶
tea chá (chah) 茶
shuǐ (shway) ⽔
mineral water kuàngquán shuǐ
(kwahng-chwahn shway) 矿泉⽔
ice bīng (beeng) 冰
soya-bean milk dòujiāng (doe-jee-ahng) ⾖浆
tomato juice fānqié zhī
(fahn-chee-eh jr) 番茄汁
coconut milk
yēzi zhī (yeh-dzu jr) 椰⼦汁
grapefruit juice
xīyòu zhī (she-yuu jr) 西柚汁
vegetable juice
shūcài zhī (shoo-tsigh jr) 蔬菜汁
ginger ale jiāngzhī qìshuǐ 姜汁汽⽔
(jee-ahng-jr chee-shway)
sarsaparilla shāshì (shah-shr) 沙⼠
coco-cola (coke) kěkǒu kělè
(ker-koe ker-ler) 可⼝可乐
lemon tea níngméng chá
(neeng-merng) 柠檬茶
soda water sūdá shuǐ
(soo-dah shway) 苏打⽔
condensed milk
liànrǔ (lee-an-roo) 炼乳
cocoa kěkě (ker-ker) 可可
ovaltine Āhuàtián
(ah-hwa tee-an) 阿华⽥
yakult Yǎnglèduō
(yahng-ler-dwoh) 养乐多
xuěgāo (she-eh-gow) 雪糕
bīngqílín (been-qi-lee) 冰淇淋
milk-shake nǎixī (nigh-she) 奶昔
I’m thirsty.
Wǒ kě le. (Woh ker ler) 我渴了。

I’d like a beverage.
Wǒ xiǎng diǎn yǐnliào.
(Woh shee-ahng dee-an een-lee-ow) 我想点饮料。

What do you want to drink?
Nǐ xiǎng hē shénme?
(Nee she-ahng her shern-mo) 你想喝什么?

I’ll have coffee, please.
Qǐng gěi wǒ kāfēi.
(Cheeng gay woh kah-fay) 请给我咖啡。

I’ll have black coffee, please.
Qǐng gěi wǒ hēi kāfēi.
(Cheeng gay woh-hay kah-fay) 请给我⿊咖啡。

More coffee, please.
Qǐng duō lái kāfēi.
(Cheeng dwoh lie kah-fay) 请多来咖啡。

I’ll have green tea, please
Qǐng lái yībēi lǜchá.
(Cheeng lie ee bay lwee-chah) 请来 ⼀杯绿茶。

Tea with milk, please.
Qǐng lái yībēi hóngchá jiā niúnǎi.
(Cheeng lie ee-bay hohng-chah jah new-nigh)

I’ll have tea with lemon, please.
Qǐng lái yībēi níngméng chá. 请来⼀杯柠檬茶。
(Cheeng lie ee bay neen-merng chah)

More tea, please.
Qǐng duō lái chá. (Cheeng dwoh lie char) 请多来茶。

A glass of milk, please.
Qǐng lái yībēi niúnǎi.
(Cheeng lie ee-bay new-nigh) 请来⼀杯⽜奶。

Mineral water, please.
Qǐng lái yībēi kuàngquánshuǐ. 请来⼀杯矿泉⽔。
(Cheeng lie ee-bay kwahng-chwahn shway)

May I have a straw (for my drink)?
Qǐng gěi wǒ xīguǎn.
(Cheeng gay woh she-gwahn) 请给我吸管。

51 Bar Jiǔbā (Jew-bah) 酒吧

píjiǔ (pee-jew) 啤酒
draft beer shēng pí (sherng pee) ⽣啤
black beer
hēi píjiǔ (hay pee-jew) ⿊啤酒
pútaojiǔ (poo-tao-jew) 葡萄酒
red wine hóng pútaojiǔ
(hohng poo-tao-jew) 红葡萄酒
white wine bái pútaojiǔ
(bigh poo-tao jew) ⽩葡萄酒
martini Mǎdīngní
(mah-deen-nee) 马丁尼
tea set
chájù (chah-jwee) 茶具
whisky with soda
Wēishìjì jiā sūdá 威仕忌加苏达
(way-shr-jee jah soo-dah)
whisky with water Wēishìjì jiā shuǐ
(way-shr-jee jah shway) 威仕忌加⽔

Let’s go get a drink.
Wǒmen qù hē jiǔ. (Woh-mern chwee her jew)

A glass of red wine.
Yībēi hóng pútaojiǔ.
(Ee bay hohng poo-tao-jew) ⼀杯红葡萄酒。

Two glasses of white wine.
Liǎngbēi bái pútaojiǔ.
(Lee-ahng bay bigh poo-tao-jew) 两杯⽩葡萄酒。

A bottle of beer, please.
Qǐng lái yīpíng píjiǔ.
(Cheeng lie ee ping pee-jew) 请来⼀瓶啤酒。

Two bottles of beer, please.
Qǐng lái liǎngpíng píjiǔ.
(Cheeng lie lee-ahng ping pee-jew) 请来两瓶啤酒。

A glass of beer, please.
Qǐng lái yībēi píjiǔ.
(Cheeng lie ee bay pee-jew) 请来⼀杯啤酒。

Draft beer, please.
Qǐng lái yībēi shēng píjiǔ.
(Cheeng lie ee-bay sherng pee-jew) 请来⼀杯⽣啤酒。

Two maotai, please.
Qǐng lái liǎngbēi máo tái.
(Cheeng lie lee-ahng bay mao-tie) 请来两杯茅台。

The bill, please.
Qǐng jiézhàng / mǎidān.
(Cheeng jee-eh-jahng/ my-dahn) 请结帐/买单。

52 Eat Chī (Chr) 吃

fàn (fahn) 饭 / cān (tsahn) 餐
Chinese food
Zhōngcān (Johng-tsahn) 中餐
Western food Xīcān (She tsahn) 西餐
fànguǎn (fahn-gwahn) 饭馆 /
cānguǎn (tsahn gwahn) 餐馆
hotel restaurant
fàndiàn (fahn dee-an) 饭店
dining room cāntīng (tsahn teeng) 餐厅
coffee shop
kāfēi tīng (kah-fay teeng) 咖啡厅
American-style breakfast
Měiguó zǎocān 美国早餐
(May-gwoh zow-fahn)
menu càidān (tsigh-dahn) 菜单
rice (cooked) mǐfàn (me-fahn) ⽶饭
I’m hungry.
Wǒ è le. (Woh uh-ler) 我饿了。

What do you want to eat?
Nǐ xiǎng chī shénme?
(Nee she-ahng chr shern-mo) 你想吃什么?

Where shall we go to eat?
Wǒmen qù nǎlǐ chī?
(Woh-mern chwee nah-lee chr) 我们去哪⾥吃?

What time do we eat?
Wǒmen shénme shíjiān chīfàn?
(Woh-mern shern-mo shr jee-an chr-fahn)

Let’s go eat.
Wǒmen qù chīfàn. (Woh-mern chwee chr-fahn)

I like Chinese food.
Wǒ xǐhuan Zhōngcān. (Woh she-hwahn Johng tsahn) 我喜欢中餐。

A table for two, please.
Liǎng wèi. (lee-ahng way) 两位。

A menu (or menus), please.
Qǐng ná càidān. (Cheeng na tsigh dahn) 请拿菜单。

What is that?
Nà shì shénme?
(Nay she shern-mo) 那是什么?

I want that.
Wǒ yào nà ge. (Woh yee-ow nay-guh) 我要那个。

Please give me ____.
Qǐng gěi wǒ ____. (Cheeng gay woh ____)
请给我 ____。

Please bring me ____.
Qǐng sòng ____ lái .
(Cheeng sohng ____ lie) 请送 ____ 来。

I would like _____.
Wǒ xiǎng yào _____.
(Woh she-ahng yee-ow _____) 我想要 _____。

More butter, please.
Qǐng duō lái huángyóu.
(Cheeng dwoh lie hwahng-you) 请多来黄油。

Just a little, please.
Jiù yīdiǎn diǎn.
(Jew ee-dee-an-urr dee-an-urr) 就⼀点点。

Is that enough?
Nà xiē gòu le ma? (Nah shay go-ler mah) 那些够了吗?

Please give me a little more.
Qǐng gěi wǒ duō yīdiǎn.
(Cheeng gay woh dwoh ee-dee-an) 请给我多⼀点。

That’s enough!
Nà xiē gòu le! (Nah shay go-ler) 那些够了!

That’s too much!
Nà xiē tài duō le!
(Nah shay tie dwoh-ler) 那些太多了!

I can’t eat all of this!
Wǒ bùnéng chī wán suǒ yǒu de! 我不能吃完所有的!
(Woh boo nerng chr wahn swoh you-der)

53 Dim Sum* Diǎnxin (Dee-an Sheen) 点⼼

*This famous Cantonese dish (known virtually around the world) is called
diǎnxin (dee-an sheen) in Mandarin, the national language.

egg tart dàn tà (dahn tah) 蛋挞
sweet cream bun nǎi huáng bāo
(nigh-hwahng bow) 奶皇包
preserved egg and pídàn shòuròu zhōu
pork porridge (pee-dahn show-roe dzow)
crispy fried squid yóuyú sū
(you-yuu soo) 鱿鱼酥
turnip cake luóbo gāo
(lwaw-bwo gow) 萝⼘糕
steamed dumplings
xiā jiǎo (she-ah jee-ow) 虾饺
char siu bao chāshāo bāo
(BBQed pork bun)
(tsah-shou bow) 叉烧包
Pheonix (chicken) fèng zhuǎ (ferng jwah) 凤⽖
lotus leaf rice nuòmǐ jī (nwoh-me jee)

We want to eat dim sum.
Wǒmen yào chī diǎnxin.
(Woh-mern yee-ow chr dee-an sheen) 我们要吃点⼼。

I want to go to a dim sum restaurant.
Wǒ yào qù diǎnxin fànguǎn.
(Woh yow chwee dee-an sheen fahn-gwahn)

I’m full!
Wǒ bǎo le! (Woh bow-ler) 我饱了!

54 Peking Duck Běijīng Kǎoyā (Bay-jeeng Kow-
yah) 北京烤鸭

I’d like to have Peking Duck.

Wǒ yào chī Běijīng kǎoyā.
(Woh yee-ow chr Bay-jeeng Kow-yah)

I want to go to a Beijing Duck restaurant.
Wǒ xiǎng qù yī gè Běijīng kǎoyā guǎn.
(Woh she-ahng chwee ee-guh Bay-jeen kow-yah gwahn) 我想去⼀个北京烤

Is it very expensive?
Hěn guì ma? (Hern gwee mah) 很贵吗?

I’d like to make reservations for dinner this evening.
Wǒ yào dìng jīntiān de wǎnfàn.
(Woh yee-ow deeng jeen-tee-an der wahn-fahn)

There will be three of us.
Wǒmen yǒu sān wèi. (Woh-mern you sahn-wei)
55 Like / Don’t Like Xǐhuan (She-hwahn) 喜欢 /
Bù Xǐhuan (Boo she-hwahn) 不喜欢

I like it.
Xǐhuan. (She-hwahn) 喜欢。

I don’t like it.
Bù xǐhuan. (Boo she-hwahn) 不喜欢。

I like Chinese food.
Xǐhuan Zhōngcān.
(she-hwahn johng tsahn) 喜欢中餐。

I’d like Western food.
Wǒ xiǎng yào Xīcān.
(Woh she-ahng yee-ow She tsigh) 我想要西餐。

It’s delicious.
Hǎochī. (How chr-der) 好吃。

It tastes good.
Kěkǒu. (Ker-koh) 可⼝。

I don’t like to eat Chinese food every day.
Bù xǐhuan měi tiān chī Zhōngcān.
(Boo she-hwahn may-tee-an cheen Johng tsahn)

Shanghai xiaolongbao (steamed bun) Shànghǎi xiǎolóngbāo
(shahng-hi she-ow-lohng
sweet and sour pork tángcù lǐ jǐ
(tahng tsu lee jee ) 糖醋⾥脊
dumplings jiǎozi (jee-ow joo) 饺⼦
wontons húntún (hoon toon) 馄饨
Chinese fried breadstick yóutiáo (you tee-ow) 油条
Nanjing salted duck yánshuǐ yā
(yahn-shway yah) 盐⽔鸭
shīzi tóu (shr-dzu toe) 狮⼦

sweet and tángcù lǐyú 糖醋鲤鱼
sour carp
(tahng-tsu lee-yuu)
mapo tofu mápó dòufu
(mah-pwaw doe-foo) ⿇婆⾖

Kung Pao chicken Gōng bǎo jī dīng
(Gohng-bow jee-deeng) 宫保

fish flavored yúxiāng ròusī
pork slices (yuu-shee-ahng roe-suh)
saliva chicken (chilled chicken in spicy kǒushuǐ jī (koe-shway jee)
bean paste)
dandan noodles dàndàn miàn
(dahn-dahn mee-an) 担担⾯

poached sliced fish in hot chili oil shuǐzhǔ yú

(shway-joo yuu) ⽔煮鱼
huǒguō (hwoh-gwoh) ⽕锅
kelp / seaweed
hǎidài (hi-die) 海带
bàoyú (bow-yuu) 鲍鱼
sharkfin yúchì (yuu-chee) 鱼翅
gānbèi (gahn-bay) ⼲贝
lóngxiā (lohng-she-ah) 龙

bird’s nest yànwō (yahn-woh) 燕窝
roast suckling pig kǎorǔ zhū (kow roo-joo) 烤
preserved meat làròu (lah-roe) 腊⾁
chāshāo (chah-shou) 叉烧
sausage xiāngcháng
(shee-ahng chahng) ⾹肠
fried pork flakes ròusōng (roo-sohng) ⾁松
local dish dìfang cài (dee-fahng tsigh)
set meal
tàocān (tao-tsahn) 套餐
fried rice
chǎofàn (chaow-fahn) 炒饭
plain rice
báifàn (bye-fahn) ⽩饭
crispy rice guōbā (gwo-bah) 锅巴
porridge zhōu (joe) 粥
noodles miàn (mee-an) ⾯
clay pot shāguō (shah-gwoh) 砂锅
meat bun ròu bāozi (roo bow-dzu) ⾁
preserved fǔrǔ (foo-roo) 腐乳
bean curd
fermented black bean dòuchǐ (doe-chee) ⾖豉
preserved egg pídàn (pee-dahn) ⽪蛋
salted duck egg xiányā dàn
(shee-an yah-dahn) 咸鸭蛋
crab meat xièròu (she-eh roo) 蟹⾁
míng xiā (meeng-she-ah) 明

I want to eat ____.
Wǒ yào chī ____. (Woh yow chee ____)

56 Pay Fùqián (Foo-chee-an) 付钱
bill / check zhàngdān
(jahng-dahn) 帐单
credit card xìnyòngkǎ
(sheen-yohng-kah) 信⽤卡
traveler’s checks lǚyóu zhīpiào
(lwee-you jr-pee-ow) 旅游⽀票

I want to pay the bill.
Wǒ yào fù zhàng.
(Woh yee-ow foo jahng) 我要付帐。

The bill, please.
Qǐng suàn zhàng. (Cheeng swahn jahng) 请算帐。

Separate checks, please.
Qǐng fēnkāi suàn.
(Cheeng fern-kigh swahn) 请分开算。

Do you take credit cards?
Nǐmen shōu xìnyòngkǎ ma? 你们收信⽤卡吗?
(Nee-mern show sheen-yohng kah mah)

Do you take traveler’s checks?
Nǐmen shōu lǚyóu zhīpiào ma? 你们收旅游⽀票吗?
(Nee-mern show lwee-you jr-pee-ow mah)

A receipt, please.
Qǐng gěi shōujù.
(Cheeng gay show-jwee) 请给收据。

57 Have Yǒu (You) 有

Do you have any / it / some?

Nǐ yǒu ma? (Nee you mah) 你有吗?

I have it / some.
Yǒu. (You) 有。

I don’t have any / it.
Wǒ méiyǒu. (Woh may you) 我没有。

Do you have the tickets?
Nǐ yǒu piào ma? (Nee you pee-ow mah)

Do you have _____?
Nǐ yǒu _____? (Nee you _____)
你有 _____?

boiled eggs
zhǔ jīdàn (joo jee-dahn) 煮鸡蛋
boiled water kāishuǐ (kigh-shway) 开⽔
bottle opener
kāipíngqì (kigh ping chee) 开瓶器
a boyfriend nánpéngyou
(nahn perng-you) 男朋友
a calendar
rìlì (ree-lee) ⽇历
a camera zhàoxiàngjī
(Jow-she-ahng-jee) 照相机
dim sum
diǎnxin (dee-an sheen) 点⼼
an envelope xìnfēng (sheen-ferng) 信封
a headache tóuténg (toe-terng) 头疼

58 Don’t Have Méiyǒu (May You) 没有

I don’t have my passport.

Wǒ méiyǒu hùzhào.
(Woh may you hoo-jow) 我没有护照。

I don’t have any money.
Wǒ méiyǒu qián. (Woh may you chee-an) 我没有钱。

We don’t have time.
Wǒmen méiyǒu shíjiān.
(Woh-mern may you shr-jee-an) 我们没有时间。

I don’t have an umbrella.
Wǒ méiyǒu yǔsǎn.
(Woh may you yuh-sahn) 我没有⾬伞。

I don’t have a pen (ball point).
Wǒ méiyǒu yuánzhūbǐ. (Woh may you ywahn-joo-bee) 我没有圆珠笔。

59 Telephone Diànhuà (Dee-an-hwah) 电话
local call běndì diànhuà
(bern-dee dee-an-hwah) 本地电话
long-distance call chángtú diànhuà
(chahng-too dee-an-hwah) 长途电话
international call guójì diànhuà
(gwoh-jee dee-an-hwah) 国际电话
public telephone gōngyòng diànhuà 公⽤电话
(gohng-yohng dee-an-hwah)

I want to make a phone call.
Wǒ xiǎng dǎ diànhuà.
(Woh she-ahng dah dee-an-hwah) 我想打电话。

I want to make an international call.
Wǒ yào dǎ yīgè guójì chángtú diànhuà.
(Woh yee-ow dah ee-guh gwoh-jee chahng-too
dee-an-hwah) 我要打⼀个国际长途电话。

I want to call long-distance.
Wǒ xiǎng dǎ chángtú.
(Woh she-ahng dah chahng-too) 我想打长途。

May I use your phone?
Wǒ kěyǐ yòng nǐ de diànhuà ma?
(Woh ker-ee yohng nee der dee-an-hwah mah)

A collect call, please.
Duìfāng fùkuǎn.
(Dway-fahng foo-kwahn) 对⽅付款。

What is your telephone number?
Nǐ de diànhuà hàomǎ shì?
(Nee-der dee-an-hwah how-mah shr) 你的电话号码是?

My telephone number is _____.
Wǒ de diànhuà hàomǎ shì _____.
(Woh der dee-an-hwah how-mah shr _____ )
我的电话号码是 _____。

I want to send a fax.
Xiǎng dǎ chuánzhēn.
(She-ahng dah chwan zhern) 想打传真。

60 Cell Phone Shǒujī (show jee) ⼿机

Do you have a cell phone?

Yǒu shǒujī ma? (You show jee mah?) 有⼿机吗?

I want to buy / rent a cell phone.
Wǒ yào mǎi / zū shǒujī.
(Woh yee-ow my / joo show jee) 我要 买/租 ⼿机。

Where can I buy a cell phone? 哪⾥可以买⼿机?
Nǎlǐ kěyǐ mǎi shǒujī? (Nah-lee kuh-ee my show jee)

Let’s take a selfie!
Wǒmen zì pāi ba!
(Wor-mern her-jow bah) 我们⾃拍吧!

My phone is out of battery!
Wǒ de shǒujī méi diàn le!
(Woh der show-jee may-dee-an ler) 我的⼿机没电了!

Do you have a Charge-pal (back-up battery for cell phones)?
Nǐ yǒu chōng diàn bǎo ma?
(Nee you chohng dee-an bow mah?) 你有充电宝吗?

I need to recharge ….
Wǒ xūyào gěi …. chōng diàn. 我需要给…充电。
(Woh shee-yee-ow gay ... chohng-dee-an)

Do you have Blue-tooth?
Nǐ yǒu lányá ma?
(Nee you lahn-yah mah) 你有蓝⽛吗?

Do you have GPS?
Nǐ yǒu GPS ma? (Nee you GPS mah)

Bad reception! (phone)
Xìnhào bùhǎo! (Sheen-how boo-how) 信号不好!

Is there Internet connection here?
Zhèlǐ néng shàngwǎng ma?
(Juh-lee nerng shahng-wahng mah) 这⾥能上⽹吗?

Is there mobile-Internet connection here?
Zhèlǐ néng yídòng shàngwǎng ma?
(Juh-lee nerng ee-doong shahng-wahng mah)

Is there Wi-Fi connection here?
Zhèlǐ yǒu Wi-Fi ma?
(Juh-lee you Wifi mah) 这⾥有 Wi-Fi 吗?

What’s the Wi-Fi password?
Wi-Fi mìmǎ shì duōshao?
(Wifi me-mah shr dwoh-shou) Wi-Fi 密码是多少?

I have an Android phone.
Wǒ yǒu ānzhuó shǒujī.
(Woh you ahn-jwoh show-jee) 我有安卓⼿机 。

I have an iPhone.
Wǒ yǒu iPhone. (Woh you iPhone) 我有iPhone。

I don’t have a smartphone.
Wǒ méiyǒu zhìnéng shǒujī.
(Woh may-you jr-nerng show-jee) 我没有智能⼿机 。

Do you want to voice-chat?
Nǐ xiǎng yǔyīn liáotiān ma? 你想语⾳聊天吗?
(Nee shee-ahng yuu-een lee-ow-tee-an mah)

Do you want to video-chat?
Nǐ xiǎng shìpín liáotiān ma? 你想视频聊天吗?
(Nee shee-ahng shr-peen lee-ow-tee-an mah)

Let’s chat online!
Wǒmen wǎngshàng liáo ba! 我们⽹上聊吧!
(Woh-mern wahng-shahng lee-ow bah)

61 Computer Diànnǎo (Dee-an-now) 电脑 /
Jìsuànjī (Jee-swahn-jee) 计算机

computer hardware yìngjiàn (eeng-jee-an) 硬件

computer software ruǎnjiàn (roo-an-jee-an) 软件
cord diànxiàn (dee-an-she-an) 电线
modem tiáozhì jiětiáoqì 调制解调器
(tee-ow jr jay tee-ow chee)
hard disk yìngpán (eeng-pahn) 硬盘
CD disk CD guāngdié
(Cee-Dee guang-deen) CD光碟
computer mouse diànnǎo shǔbiāo
(dee-an-now shuu-biao) 电脑⿏标
printer dǎyìnjī (dah-een jee) 打印机
English word processing Yīngwén wénzì chǔlǐ
(Eeng-wern wern-dzu choo-lee)

I don’t have a computer.
Wǒ méiyǒu jìsuànjī / diànnǎo.
(Woh may you jee-swahn-jee/dee-an-now)
我没有 计算机 / 电脑。

May I use a computer?
Wǒ kěyǐ yòng diànnǎo ma?
(Woh-ker-ee yohng dee-an-now mah) 我可以⽤电脑吗?

I want to buy a disk holder.
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi cípán jià.
(Woh she-ahng my tsu-pahn jah) 我想买磁盘架。

62 Internet / E-mail Yīngtèwǎng (Eeng-ter-wahng)
英特⽹ / Diànzǐ yóujiàn (Dee-an-dzu you jee-an)

I would like to check my email.

Wǒ xiǎng chá wǒ de diànzǐ yóujiàn.
(Woh she-ahng chah woh-der dee-an-dzu you-jee-an) 我想查我的电⼦邮

Where can I go to get on the Internet?
Dào nǎlǐ qù shàng Yīngtèwǎng?
(Dow nah-lee chwee shahng Eeng-ter-wahng)

Is there an Internet café?
Yǒu wǎngbā ma? (You wang-baah mah) 有⽹吧吗?

I want to search the Internet.
Wǒ xiǎng chá Yīngtèwǎng.
(Woh she-ahng cha Eeng-ter-wahng) 我想查英特⽹。
How much is it per hour?
Yī gè xiǎoshí duōshao qián?
(Ee-guh she-ow-shr dwoh-shou chee-an)

What is your email address?
Nǐ de diànzǐ yóujiàn xìnxiāng shì shénme? (Nee-der dee-an-dzu you
jee-an sheen-she-ahng shr-shern-mo) 你的电⼦邮件信箱是什么?

Because of the policy set by the Chinese government, Facebook, Twitter,
Google, Instagram, etc. are still banned in mainland China. As a result,
Chinese local service providers flourish.

Do you have Twitter?
Nǐ yǒu Tuītè ma? (Nee you Twitter / tway-ter mah)
你有 Twitter/推特 吗?

Do you have Facebook?
Nǐ yǒu Facebook / liǎnshū ma?
(Nee you Facebook / lee-an-shoo mah)
你有 Facebook/脸书 吗?

What’s your (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) ID?
Nǐ de … yònghùmíng shì shénme?
(Nee der ... yohng-hoo-meeng shr shern-mer)

Do you have QQ?
Nǐ yǒu QQ ma? (Nee you QQ mah) 你有QQ吗?

What’s your QQ number?
Nǐ de QQ hàomǎ shì duōshao? 你的QQ号码是多少?
(Nee der QQ how-mah shr dwoh-shou)

My QQ number is….
Wǒde QQ hàomǎ shì…
(woh der QQ how-mah shr...) 我的QQ号码是…

Do you have Wei Xin (Wechat)?
Nǐ yǒu Wēixìn ma?
(Nee you way-sheen mah) 你有微信吗?

What’s your Wei Xin ID?
Nǐ de Wēixìn yònghùmíng / ID shì shénme?
(nee der way-sheen yohng-hoo-meeng shr shern-mer) 你的微信 ⽤户名 /

ID 是什么?

My Wei Xin number/ID is….
Wǒde Wēixìn yònghùmíng / ID shì ….
(Woh der way-sheen yohng-hoo-meeng shr...)
我的微信 ⽤户名 / ID是…

Do you have Weibo?
Nǐ yǒu Wēibó ma?
(Nee you way-bwo mah) 你有微博吗?

What’s your Weibo ID?
Nǐ de Wēibó yònghùmíng shì shénme?
(Nee der way-bwo yohng-hoo-meeng shr shern-mer) 你的微博⽤户名是什

Do you play video games?
Nǐ wán shìpín yóuxì ma?
(Nee wahn shee-ping you-she mah) 你玩视频游戏吗?

Do you play online games?
Nǐ wán wǎngluò yóuxì ma? 你玩⽹络游戏吗?
(nee wahn wahng-lwaw you-she mah)

I’m online.
Wǒ zàixiàn. (Woh zigh-shee-an) 我在线。

I’m offline.
Wǒ búzài xiàn.
(Woh boo zigh-shee-an) 我不在线 。

Are you online / offline?
Nǐ zàixiàn / bùzài xiàn ma? 你 在线 / 不在线 吗?
(Nee zigh-shee-an / boo-zigh-sheen-an mah)

63 Seasons Jìjié (Jee-jeh) 季节

spring chūnjì (chwun-jee) 春季

springtime zài chūntiān
(zigh chwun-tee-an) 在春天
summer xiàjì (shee-ah-jee) 夏季
summertime zài xiàtiān
(zigh shee-ah-tee-an) 在夏天
qiūjì (chew-jee) 秋季
autumn qiūtiān (chew-tee-an) 秋天
dōngjì (dohng-jee) 冬季

What is the best season in Beijing?
Běijīng de nǎ yī ge jìjié zuìhǎo?
(Bay-jeeng-der nah-ee guh jee-jeh zway-how)

When does spring begin?
Chūntiān shénme shíhou kāishǐ?
(Chwun-tee-an shern-mo shr-hoe kigh-shr)

Is it hot during the summer?
Xiàtiān rè ma? (Shee-ah tee-an ruh mah) 夏天热吗?

What is the best season in Shanghai?
Shànghǎi de nǎ yī ge jìjié zuìhǎo?
(Shahng-high-der nah-ee guh jee-jeh zway-how)

Does it get cold in Guangzhou in winter?
Guǎngzhōu dōngtiān lěng ma?
(Gwahng-joe doong-tee-an lerng mah) ⼴州冬天冷吗?

64 Weather Tiānqì (Tee-an-chee) 天⽓

wēndù (wern-doo) 温度
weather forecast tiānqì yùbào
(tee-an-chee yuu-bow) 天⽓预报

How is the weather today?
Jīntiān tiānqì zěnmeyàng?
(Jeen-tee-an tee-an-chee zen-mo-yahng)

What is the temperature?
Wēndù yǒu duōshao?
(Wern-doo you dwoh show) 温度有多少?

It’s cold!
Mán lěng de! (Mahn lerng der) 蛮冷的!

It’s hot!
Mán rè de! (Mahn ruh der) 蛮热的!

It’s sunny.
Yǒu tàiyang. (You tie-yahng) 有太阳。

It’s bad.
Bùhǎo. (Boo how) 不好。

It’s windy.
Yǒufēng. (You ferng) 有风。

It’s windy!
Fēng dà! (Ferng dah) 风⼤!

It’s raining.
Xiàyǔ le. (Shee-ah yuu ler) 下⾬了。

It’s snowing.
Xiàxuě le. (Shee-ah she-eh luh) 下雪了。

65 Meet / Meeting Jiàn (Jee-an) 见 /
Huì (Hway) 会

Please meet me at my hotel.

Qǐng zài wǒ de lǚguǎn jiàn.
(Cheeng dzigh woh-der lwee-gwahn jee-an)

What time shall I come?
Wǒ shénme shíhou lái?
(Woh shern-mo shr hoe lie) 我什么时候来?

I’m sorry I’m late.
Hěn bàoqiàn lái wǎn le.
(Hern bow-chee-an lie-wahn-ler) 很抱歉来晚了。

What time does the meeting start?
Huìyì jǐdiǎn kāishǐ?
(Hway-ee jee-dee-an kigh shr?) 会议⼏点开始?

66 Buy Mǎi (My) 买

I want to buy _____.

Wǒ xiǎng mǎi _____. (Woh she-ahng my _____)
我想买 _____。

gǔdǒng (goo-dohng) 古董
píngguǒ (peeng-gwoh) 苹果
xiāngjiāo (shee-ahng-jow) ⾹蕉
books shū (shoo) 书
cashew nuts yāoguǒ (yow-gwoh) 腰果
flashlight shǒudiàntǒng
(show-dee-an-tohng) ⼿电筒
jiākè (jah-ker) 夹克
qīqì (chee-chee) 漆器
mineral kuàngquán shuǐ
(kwahng-chwahn shway) 矿泉⽔
posters zhāotiēhuà
(jow-tee-eh-hwah) 招贴画
tea set chájù (chah-jwee) 茶具

I would like an English-Chinese dictionary.
Wǒ xiǎng yào yīběn Yīng Hànzì zìdiǎn.
(Woh she-ahng yow ee-bern Eeng-Hahn dzu-dee-an) 我想要⼀本英汉字典。

I want to buy a tourist map.
Wǒ yào mǎi yīzhāng lǚyóu tú. 我要买⼀张旅游图。
(Woh yow my ee jahng lwee-you too)

67 Shopping Mǎi dōngxi (My-dohng-she) 买东西

shopping center shāngchǎng

(shahng-chahng) 商场
shop / store
shāngdiàn (shahng-dee-an) 商店
department store bǎihuò gōngsī
(by-hwoh gohng-sr) 百货公司
street market shìchǎng (she-chahng) 市场
bookstore shūdiàn (shoo-dee-an) 书店

Where can I buy an umbrella?
Nǎlǐ kěyǐ mǎi yǔsǎn?
(Nah-lee ker-ee my yuu-sahn) 哪⾥可以买⾬伞?

Is there a department store near here?
Zhè fùjìn yǒu bǎihuò gōngsī ma?
(Jur foo-jeen yoh by-hwoh gohng-sr mah)

What time do you open?
Nǐmen shénme shíhou kāimén?
(Nee-mern shern-mo shr-hoe kigh-mern)

I want to go to a street market.
Wǒ yào qù shìchǎng.
(Woh yee-ow chwee shr-chahng) 我要去市场。

How much is this in US dollars?
Zhè zhí duōshao Měiyuán?
(Jur jr dwoh-show May ywahn) 这值多少美元?

I’m just looking.
Wǒ suíbiàn kànkan. (Woh shway-ban kahn-kahn)
I’d like a raincoat, please.
Qǐng gěi wǒ yǔyī. (Cheeng gay woh yuu-ee)

I’d like a pair of sandals, please.
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi liǎngxìé.
(Wo she-ahng my lee-ahng-shay) 我想买凉鞋。

I need some razor blades.
Wǒ xūyào guāhú dāo.
(Woh shee yee-ow gwah-hoo dow) 我需要刮胡⼑。

I need some sanitary napkins.
Wǒ xūyào wèishēng jīn.
(Woh shee yee-ow (way sherng jeen) 我需要卫⽣⼱。

I need some toilet paper.
Wǒ xūyào wèishēngzhǐ.
(Woh shee yee-ow way-sherng jr) 我需要卫⽣纸。

I am looking for _____.
Wǒ zài zhǎo _____. (Woh zigh jow _____)
我在找 _____。

How much is this?
Zhè ge duōshao qián?
(Jay-guh dwoh shou chee-an) 这个多少钱?

How much is that?
Nà ge duōshao qián?
(Nah-guh dwoh-shou chee-an) 那个多少钱?

I want that.
Wǒ yào nà ge. (Woh yee-ow nah-guh) 我要那个。

May I have a receipt?
Néng gěi wǒ yīgè shōujù ma? 能给我⼀个收据吗?
(Nerng gay woh ee-guh show jwee mah)

Do you take US dollars?
Nǐmen shōu Měiyuán ma?
(Nee-mern show May ywahn mah) 你们收美元吗?

Do you take British pounds?
Nǐmen shōu Yīngbàng ma?
(Nee-mern show Eeng bahng mah) 你们收英磅吗?

Do you take traveler’s checks?
Nǐmen shōu lǚyóu zhīpiào ma? 你们收旅游⽀票吗?
(Nee-mern show lwee-you jr-pee-ow mah)

Do you take credit cards?
Nǐmen shōu xìnyòngkà ma? 你们收信⽤卡吗?
(Nee-mern show sheeng-yohng kah mah)

68 Gifts Lǐwù (Lee-woo) 礼物

gift shop
lǐpǐn diàn (lee-peen dee-an) 礼品店
antique shop gǔdǒng diàn
(goo-dohng dee-an) 古董店
jewelry store zhūbǎo diàn
(joo-bow dee-an) 珠宝店
shūdiàn (shoo-dee-an) 书店

Please show me _____.
Qǐng gěi wǒ kàn _____.
(Cheeng gay woh kahn _____) 请给我看 _____。

I want to buy _____.
Wǒ yào mǎi _____.
(Woh yee-ow my _____) 我要买 _____。

May I see that?
Wǒ kěyǐ kàn nà ge ma?
(Woh ker-ee-kahn na-guh mah) 我可以看那个吗?

May I look at it?
Wǒ néng kàn ma?
(Woh nerng kahn mah) 我能看吗?

69 Cost / Price Jiàgé (Jah-guh) 价格

Can you tell me the price?

Nǐmen néng bào yīxià jiàgé ma?
(Nee mern nerng bow ee-shee-ah jah-guh mah)

How much is this?
Zhè ge duōshao? (Jay-guh dwoh-shou) 这个多少?

Is the price negotiable?
Kěyǐ jiǎng jià ma?
(Ker-ee jee-ahng jah mah) 可以讲价吗?

That one is too expensive.
Nà yī gè tài guì.
(Nah ee-guh tie gway) 那⼀个太贵。

70 Newsstand Bàotíng (Bow-teeng) 报亭 / Bàotān
(Bow-tahn) 报摊

Do you have (is there) a newsstand?

Yǒu bàotān ma? (You bow-tahn mah) 有报摊吗?

Where is it?
Tā zài nǎlǐ? (Tah zigh nah-lee) 它在哪⾥?

Do you have English language newspapers?
Yǒu Yīngwén bàozhǐ ma?
(You Eeng-wern bow-jr mah) 有英⽂报纸吗?

I’d like to buy this magazine.
Zhè zázhì wǒ yào mǎi.
(Jur zah-jr woh yee-ow my) 这杂志我要买。

I want to buy this book.
Zhè běn shū wǒ yào mǎi.
(Jur-ben shoo woh yee-ow my) 这本书我要买。

71 Post Office Yóujú (You Jwee) 邮局

xìn (sheen) 信
mail (verb)
jì xìn (jee sheen) 寄信
yóutǒng (you-tohng) 邮筒
háng yóu (hahng-you) 航邮
postage stamp yóupìào (you pee-ow) 邮票

Where is the nearest post office?
Zuìjìn de yóujú zài nǎlǐ? 最近的邮局在哪⾥?
(Zway-jeen-der you jwee zigh nah-lee)

How do I get to the post office?
Dào yóujú zěnme zǒu?
(Dow you-jwee zern mo dzow) 到邮局怎么⾛?

Please mail this.
Qǐng jì zhè jiàn. (Cheeng jee jur jee-an) 请寄这件。

72 Sightseeing Guānguāng (Gwahn-gwahng) 观光

I want to go sightseeing.
Wǒ yào qù guānguāng.
(Woh yee-ow chwee gwahn-gwahng) 我要去观光。

I want to go to the Great Wall.
Wǒ yào qù Chángchéng.
(Woh yee-ow chwee Chahng Cherng) 我要去长城。

How far is it?
Lí zhè duō yuǎn? (Lee jur dwoh ywahn) 离这多远?

How long will it take?
Zhè yào duō cháng de shíjiān? 这要多长的时间?
(Jur yee-ow dwoh chahng der shr-jee-an?)

Where is ______?
______ zài nǎ? (______ zigh nah-urr)
______ 在哪?

Can I walk there?
Wǒ kěyǐ zǒu lù ma?
(Woh ker-ee dzow loo mah) 我可以⾛路吗?

May we come in?
Kěyǐ jìnlái ma? (Ker-ee jeen-lie mah) 可以进来吗?

May I / we wait here?
Zhè kěyǐ děng ma?
(Jur ker-ee derng mah) 这可以等吗?

May I / we take photos here?
Zhè kěyǐ zhàoxiàng ma?
(Jur ker-ee jow-she-ahng mah) 这可以照相吗?

73 See kàn (kahn) 看
We want to see the Great Wall.
Wǒmen xiǎng kàn Chángchéng. 我们想看长城。
(Woh-mern shee-ahng kahn Chahng Cherng)

Have you seen the Great Wall?
Nǐ kàn guò Chángchéng ma?
(Nee kahn gwoh Chahng Cherng) 你看过长城吗?

We want to see Tianamen Square.
Wǒmen xiǎng kàn Tiānānmén. 我们想看天安门。
(Woh-mern shee-ahng kahn Tee-an-ahn-mern)

74 Travel Agent Lǚxíngshè (Lwee-sheeng Sher)

We would like to see the downtown area.

Wǒmen xiǎng qù kàn shì zhōngxīn.
(Woh-mern she-ahng chwee kahn shr johng-sheen)

Can you arrange a tour of the area?
Nǐ néng ānpái běndì yóu ma? 你能安排本地游吗?
(Nee nerng ahn-pie bern-dee you mah)

How long is the tour?
Lǚyóu yào duō jiǔ?
(Lwee you yee-ow dwoh jew) 旅游要多久?

Is it all right to take photographs?
Kěyǐ zhàoxiàng ma?
(Ker-ee jow-she-ahng mah) 可以照相吗?

75 Martial Arts Wǔshù (Woo-shoo) 武术

I’d like to see a martial arts exhibition.

Wǒ xiǎng kàn wǔshù biǎoyǎn. 我想看武术表演。
(Woh she-ahng kahn woo-shoo bee-ow-yahn)

Where can I see a martial arts exhibition?
Wǔshù biǎoyǎn zài nǎlǐ? 武术表演在哪⾥?
(Woo-shoo bee-ow-yahn zigh nah-lee)

Is there a fee?
Yào shōufèi ma? (yee-ow show fay mah) 要收费吗?

How much is it?
Duōshao qián? (Dwoh-shou chee-an) 多少钱?

76 Peking (Beijing) Opera Jīngjù (Jeeng Jwee) 京

I want to go to the Beijing Opera.

Wǒ yào qù kàn Jīngjù.
(Woh yee-ow chwee kahn Jeeng Jwee) 我要去看京剧。

What is on tonight?
Jīntiān wǎnshang shénme jiémù? (Jee-an-tee-an wahn-shang shern-mo
jeh-moo) 今天晚上什么节⽬?

What is the name / title (of the play)?
(Biǎoyǎn) Jiào shénme míngzi?
([Bee-ow-yahn] Jow shern-mo meeng-dzu)
(表演) 叫什么名字?

What time will it begin?
Shénme shíhou kāishǐ?
(Shern-mo shr-hoe kigh-shr)

Are the performers famous?
Yǎnyuán chūmíng ma?
(Yahn-ywahn choo-meeng mah) 演员出名吗?

How long will it last?
Yǎn duō cháng shíjiān?
(Yahn dwoh-chahng shr-jee-an) 演多长时间?

Where can I buy tickets?
Zài nǎli kěyǐ mǎi dào piào? 在哪⾥可以买到票?
(Dzigh nah-lee ker-ee my-dow pee-ow)

Is it necessary to buy tickets in advance?
Yīdìng yào tíqián mǎi piào ma?
(Ee-deeng yee-ow tee-chee-an my pee-ow mah)

77 Emergency Jǐnjí qíngkuàng (Jeen-jee cheeng-
I’ve lost my camera.
Wǒ diū le zhàoxiàngjī.
(Woh dew-ler jow-she-ahng-jee) 我丢了照相机。

Someone has stolen my money.
Yǒurén tōu le wǒ de qián. 有⼈偷了我的钱。
(you-wren tow-ler woh der chee-an)

Someone has stolen my passport.
Yǒurén tōu le wǒ de hùzhào. 有⼈偷了我的护照。
(you-wren tow-ler woh der hoo-jow)

Someone has stolen my purse.
Yǒurén tōu le wǒ de qiánbāo. 有⼈偷了我的钱包。
(you-wren tow-ler woh der chee-an-bow)

Help! (shout)
Jiùmìng ā! (Jew-meeng-ah) 救命啊!

78 Ill / Sick Bìng (Beeng) 病

I’m sick.
Wǒ bìng le. (Woh beeng ler). 我病了。

I don’t feel well.
Wǒ gǎnjué bùhǎo.
(Woh gahn-jway boo how) 我感觉不好。

It is very serious.
Hěn yánzhòng. (Hern yahn-johng) 很严重。

I have a pain in my chest.
Wǒ xiōng téng. (Woh shee-ong terng) 我胸疼。

I have a pain in my stomach.
Wǒ wèi téng. (Woh way terng) 我胃疼。
I feel dizzy.
Wǒ juéde tóuyūn.
(Woh jway-der toe ywun) 我觉得头晕。

I have a fever.
Wǒ fāshāo le. (Woh fah-shou-ler) 我发烧了。

I have a heart condition.
Wǒ yǒu xīnzàngbìng.
(Woh you sheen-dzahng beeng) 我有⼼脏病。

I have diabetes.
Wǒ yǒu tángniàobìng.
(Woh you tahng-nee-ow beeng) 我有糖尿病。

I have a headache.
Wǒ yǒu diǎn tóu tòng.
(Woh you dee-an toe-tohng) 我有点头痛。

79 Medicine Yīyào (Ee-yee-ow) 医药

drugstore (pharmacy) yàofáng (yee-ow-fahng) 药房

aspirin āsīpǐlín
(ah-srn-pee-leen) 阿司匹林
eye drops yǎn yàoshuǐ
(yahn yee-ow shway) 眼药⽔
cough medicine késou yào
(ker-soh yee-ow) 咳嗽药

Where is a pharmacy?
Yàofáng zài nǎlǐ?
(Yee-ow-fahng dzigh nah-lee) 药房在哪⾥?

What time does the pharmacy open?
Yàofáng jǐdiǎn kāi?
(Yee-ow-fahng jee-dee-an kigh) 药房⼏点开?

I’d like some aspirin.
Wǒ xiǎng yào āsīpǐlín. 我想要阿司匹林。
(Woh she-ahng yee-ow ah-sr-pee-leen)

I’d like some eye drops.
Wǒ xiǎng yào yǎn yàoshuǐ. 我想要眼药⽔。
(Woh she-ahng yee-ow yahn yee-ow shway)

I’d like something for a cold.
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi gǎnmào yào. 我想买感冒药。
(Woh she-ahng-my gahn mao yee-ow)

I’d like something for a cough.
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi késou yào.
(Woh she-ahng-my ker-soh yee-ow) 我想买咳嗽药。

I’d like some contraceptives.
Wǒ xiǎng yào bìyùn yào. 我想要避孕药。
(Woh she-ahng yee-ow bee-ywun yee-ow)

80 Doctor Yīshēng (Ee-sherng) 医⽣ / Dàifu
(Die-foo) ⼤夫
I need to see a doctor.
Wǒ yào kàn yīshēng.
(Woh yee-ow kahn ee-sherng) 我要看医⽣。

Is there a doctor who speaks English?
Yǒu néng shuō Yīngwén de yīshēng ma?
(You nerng shwo Eeng wern der ee-sherng mah)

Please call a doctor for me.
Qǐng gěi wǒ jiào yīshēng.
(Cheeng gay woh jow ee-sherng) 请给我叫医⽣。

Call a doctor quickly!
Gǎnkuài jiào yīshēng!
(Gahn-kwie jow ee-sherng) 赶快叫医⽣!

Please prescribe Western medicine.
Qǐng gěi wǒ Xīyào.
(Cheeng gay woh She-yee-ow) 请给我西药。

81 Dentist Yáyī (yah-ee) ⽛医

I have a toothache.
Wǒ yá téng. (Woh yah terng) 我⽛疼。

I’ve broken a tooth.
Wǒ de yáchǐ duàn le.
(Woh der yah-chr dwahn-ler) 我的⽛齿断了。

I’ve lost a filling.
Wǒ de yá tiánliào diū le.
(Woh der yah tee-an lee-ow dew-ler) 我的⽛填料丢了。

I need to go to a dentist.
Wǒ yào qù kàn yáyī.
(Woh yee-ow chwee kahn yah-ee) 我要去看⽛医。

Can you recommend a dentist?
Nǐ jièshào yīgè yáyī hǎo ma? 你介绍⼀个⽛医好吗?
(Nee jeh-shou ee-guh yah-ee how mah)

82 Hospital Yīyuàn (Ee-ywahn) 医院

Western hospital Xīyīyuàn (She-ee ywahn) 西医院

emergency room jízhěnshì (jee-zhern shr) 急诊室
shìgù (shr-goo) 事故

Is there a hospital near here?
Zhè fùjìn yǒu yīyuàn ma?
(Jur foo-jeen you ee-ywahn mah) 这附近有医院吗?

Take me to a hospital.
Sòng wǒ dào yīyuàn qù.
(Sohng woh dow ee-ywahn chwee) 送我到医院去。

I want to go to a Western hospital.
Wǒ yào qù Xīyīyuàn.
(Woh yee-ow chwee she-ee ywahn) 我要去西医院。

83 Ambulance Jiùhùchē (Jew-hoo-cher) 救护车

Please call an ambulance!

Qǐng kuài jiào jiùhùchē!
(Cheeng kwai jee-ow jew-hoo-cher) 请快叫救护车!

It’s urgent!
Hěn jí! (Hern jee) 很急!
Take me (him / her) to the hospital!
Sòng wǒ (tā) dào yīyuàn qù! (Sohng woh (tah) dow ee-ywahn chwee) 送
我 (他/她) 到医院去!

She was hit by a car!
Tā bèi qìchē zhuàngdào le! (Tah bay chee-cher joo-ahng dow-ler) 她被

84 Police Jǐngchá (Jeeng-chah) 警察

“People’s police” Rénmín jǐngchá ⼈民警察

(Wren-meen jeeng-chah)
police station jǐngchájú
(jeeng-chah jwee) 警察局

Call the police!
Kuài jiào jǐngchá!
(Kwai jee-ow jeeng-chah) 快叫警察!

Someone has stolen my money.
Yǒurén tōu le wǒ de qián. 有⼈偷了我的钱。
(you-wren tow-ler woh-der chee-an)

Someone has stolen my watch.
Yǒurén tōu le wǒ de shǒubiǎo. 有⼈偷了我的⼿表。
(you-wren tow-ler woh-der show-bee-ow)

Embassy Dàshǐguǎn (Dah-shr-gwahn) ⼤使馆

I want to go to the American embassy.

Wǒ yào qù Měiguó dàshǐguǎn. 我要去美国⼤使馆。
(Woh yee-ow chwee May-gwoh dah-shr-gwahn)

I want to go to the _____.
Wǒ yào qù ____. (Woh yee-ow chwee ____) 我要去____。

Australian embassy Aodàlìyà dàshǐguǎn
(Ow-dah-lee-yah dah-shr-gwahn) 澳⼤利亚⼤使

Belgian embassy Bǐlìshí dàshǐguǎn
(Bee-lee-shr…) ⽐利时⼤使馆
British embassy Yīngguó dàshǐguǎn
(Eeng-gwoh…) 英国⼤使馆
Canadian embassy Jiānádà dàshǐguǎn
(Jah-nah-dah …)
French embassy Fǎguó dàshǐguǎn
(Fah-gwoh …) 法国⼤使馆
German embassy Déguó dàshǐguǎn
(Der-gwoh …) 德国⼤使馆
Italian embassy Yìdàlì dàshǐguǎn
(Ee-dah-lee …) 意⼤利⼤使馆
New Zealand Niǔxīlán dàshǐguǎn
embassy (New-she-lahn…)
Portuguese embassy Pútáoyá dàshǐguǎn
(Poo-tou-yah…) 葡萄⽛⼤使馆
Spanish embassy Xībānyá dàshǐguǎn

86 Lost Diū le (dew-ler) 丢了

lose (the way) mí lù (mee-loo) 迷路

lost (object) diū (dew) 丢
Lost-and-Found Shìwù zhāolǐng chù 事物招领处
(Shr-woo Jow-leeng choo)

I’m lost.
Wǒ mí lù le. (Woh mee-loo-ler) 我迷路了。
I’ve lost my camera.
Wǒ diū le zhàoxiàngjī.
(Woh dew-ler jao shee-ahng jee) 我丢了照相机。

I’ve lost my luggage.
Wǒ diū le xíngli.
(Woh dew-ler sheeng-lee) 我丢了⾏李 。

87 Barber Shop Lǐfà guǎn (Lee-fah gwahn) 理发

lǐfà (lee-fah) 理发
shave guā liǎn (gwah lee-an) 刮脸
beard húxū (hoo-she) 胡须
massage ànmó (ahn-moh) 按摩

I want a haircut.
Wǒ yào lǐfà.
(Woh yee-ow lee-fah) 我要理发。

I want a shave.
Wǒ yào guā liǎn.
(Woh yee-ow gwah lee-an) 我要刮脸。

Please trim my beard.
Qǐng xiū wǒ de húxū.
(Cheeng show woh-der hoo-she) 请修我的胡须。

Please massage my head.
Qǐng ànmó wǒ de tóubù. 请按摩我的头部。
(Cheeng ahn-moh woh-der toe-boo)

88 Beauty Parlor Měiróng yuàn (May-rohng
ywahn) 美容院

facial massage miànbù ànmó

(mee-an-boo ahn-moh) ⾯部按摩
lǐfà (lee-fa) 理发
xǐ tóu (she toe) 洗头
manicure xiū zhǐjia (shew jr-jah) 修指甲
wash and blow xǐ hòu chuīgān
(she hoe chway-gahn) 洗后吹⼲

Is there a beauty parlor in the hotel?
Lǚguǎn yǒu měiróng yuàn ma? 旅馆有美容院吗?
(Lwee-gwahn you may rohng ywahn mah)

I’d like to make an appointment for tomorrow.
Wǒ xiǎng yùdìng zài míngtiān. 我想预定在明天。
(Woh she-ahng yuu-deeng dzigh meeng-tee-an)

Please give me a permanent.
Qǐng wèi wǒ tàng tóufa.
(Cheeng way woh tahng toe-fah) 请为我烫头发。

Please give me a shampoo.
Qǐng wèi wǒ xǐ tóu.
(Cheeng way woh she toe) 请为我洗头。

89 Student Xuésheng (Shway-sherng) 学⽣

I’m a student.
Wǒ shì xuésheng. (Woh shr shway-sherng) 我是学⽣。

Here is my student card.
Zhè shì wǒ de xuéshengzhèng. 这是我的学⽣证。
(Jur shr woh-der shway-sherng zherng)

Can you give me a discount?
Néng dǎ zhékòu ma?
(Nerng dah juh-koe mah) 能打折扣吗?

90 Read kàn (kahn) 看; Dú (Doo) 读

I cannot read Chinese.

Wǒ búhuì kàn Zhōngwén.
(Woh boo hway kahn Johng-wern) 我不会看中⽂。

Please read it to me.
Qǐng gěi wǒ dú zhège.
(Cheeng gay woh doo jur-guh) 请给我读这个。

Please read it out loud.
Qǐng dàshēng dú.
(Cheeng dah sherng doo) 请⼤声读。

Can you read English?
Nǐ néng dú Yīngwén ma?
(Nee nerng doo Eeng-wern) 你能读英⽂吗?

Can you read Romanized Chinese?
Nǐ néng dú Pīnyīn ma?
(Nee nerng doo Peen Een mah) 你能读拼⾳吗?

91 Mistake Cuòwù (Tswoh-woo) 错误 / Cuòshì
(Tswoh-shr) 错事

Excuse me, I think I made a mistake.

Duìbuqǐ, wǒ zuò le yī jiàn cuòshì.
(Dway-boo-chee, woh zwoh-ler ee-jee-an tswoh-shr) 对不起,我做了⼀件错


Excuse me, I think you made a mistake.
Duìbuqǐ, nǐ zuò le yī jiàn cuòshì.
(Dway-boo-chee nee zwoh-ler ee-jee-an tswoh-shr) 对不起,你做了⼀件错


He made a mistake.
Tā zuò le yī jiàn cuòshì.
(Tah zwoh-ler ee-jee-an tswoh-shr) 他做了⼀件错事。

That is not a mistake.
Nàge búshì cuòshì.
(Nay-guh boo shr tswoh-shr) 那个不是错事。

It is (there is) a big mistake!
Yǒu dà cuòshì! (You dah tswoh-shr) 有⼤错事!

92 Rest Xiūxi (Show-she) 休息

I want to rest.
Wǒ yào xiūxi. (Woh yee-ow show-she) 我要休息。

I need to rest.
Wǒ xūyào xiūxi.
(Woh she-yee-ow show-she) 我需要休息。

Can we rest?
Wǒmen néng xiūxi ma?
(Woh-mern nerng show-she mah) 我们能休息吗?

93 Rent Zū (Joo) 租

I want to rent a car.

Wǒ yào zū yīliàng chē.
(Woh yee-ow joo ee lee-ahng cher) 我要租⼀辆车。

What is the rate per day?
Yītiān zūjīn duōshao?
(Yee-tee-an joo jeen dwoh-shou) ⼀天租⾦多少?

How do you charge for extra mileage?
Chāochū de lǐchéng zěnme suàn? 超出的⾥程怎么算?
(Chow-choo der lee-cherng zern-mo swahn)

Does the price include gasoline?
Jiàqian bāokuò qìyóu fèi ma? 价钱包括汽油费吗?
(Jah-chee-an bow-kwoh che-you fay mah)

I want an American car.
Wǒ xiǎng yào yīliàng Měiguó chē.
(Woh shee-ahng yee-ow ee-lee-ahng May-gwoh cher) 我想要⼀辆美国车。

How many kilometers are included in the basic fee?
Měitiān jīběn de gōnglǐ shù shì duōshao?
(May-tee-an jee-bern der gohng-lee-shoo shr dwoh-shou) 每天基本的公⾥数

94 Bicycle Zìxíngchē (Jee-sheeng-cher) ⾃⾏车

I want to rent a bicycle.

Wǒ yào zū yīliàng zìxíngchē. 我要租⼀辆⾃⾏车。
(Woh yee-ow joo ee lee-ahng jee-sheeng-cher)

What is the charge per hour?
Yī xiǎoshí duōshao qián?
(Ee she-ow-shr dwoh-shou chee-an) ⼀⼩时多少钱?

Do I have to pay in advance?
Yào xiān fù qián ma?
(Yee-ow shee-an foo chee-an ma) 要先付钱吗?

95 Street Jiē (Jeh) 街 / Jiēdào (Jeh-dow) 街道

alley (narrow street)

hútòng (hoo-tohng) 胡同

What is (the name of) this street?
Zhè shì něi tiáo jiē?
(Jur shr nay-tee-ow jeh) 这是哪条街?

96 Directions Fāngxiàng (Fahng-she-ahng) ⽅向

How do I get to the _____?

Dào _____ zěnme zǒu?
(Dow _____ zern-mo dzow) 到_____怎么⾛?

bus station
qìchē zhàn (chee-cher jahn) 汽车站
bus stop qìchē zhàn (chee-cher jahn) 汽车站
downtown area chéng lǐ (cherng-lee) 城⾥
yīyuàn (yee-ywahn) 医院
lǚguǎn (lwee-gwahn) 旅馆
post office
yóujú (you-jwee) 邮局
public market
shìchǎng (shr-chahng) 市场
railway station huǒchē zhàn
(hwoh-cher jahn) ⽕车站

97 Books Shū (Shoo) 书

shūdiàn (shoo-dee-an) 书店

I’m looking for books about China.
Wǒ yào zhǎo yǒu guānyú Zhōngguó de shū. (Woh yee-ow jow you
gwahn-yuu Johng-gwoh der shoo)

I want to buy some books about China.
Wǒ yào mǎi guānyú Zhōngguó de shū.
(Woh yee-ow my gwahn-yuu Johng-gwoh der shoo)

Where will I find books about the Chinese language?
Nǎlǐ yǒu xué Zhōngwén de shū?
(Nah-lee yee-ow shu-eh Johng wern der shoo)

Where will I find guidebooks?
Nǎlǐ yǒu lǚyóu xiǎocè?
(Nah-lee you lwee-you shou-tser) 哪⾥有旅游⼩册?

98 Business Shēngyi (Sherng-ee) ⽣意 / Shēngyè
(shahng-yeh) ⽣业

advisor gùwèn (goo-wern) 顾问

business person shāngrén
(shahng-wren) 商⼈
business hours
yíngyè shíjiān 营业时间
(eeng-yeh shr-jee-an)
zījīn (dzu-jeen) 资⾦
company gōngsī (gohng-suh) 公司
huìyì (hway-ee) 会议
conference room huìyì shì
(hway-ee shr) 会议室
zīxún gōngsī 咨询公司
(zhe-sheen gohng-suh)
contract hétong (her-tohng) 合同
director dǒngshì (dohng-shr) 董事
distributor xiāoshòu zhě
(shee-ow-show-juh) 销售者
general manager zǒngjīnglǐ
(zohng jeeng-lee) 总经理
joint venture
hézī qǐyè 合资企 业
(her-dzu chee-yeh)
office bàngōngshì
(bahn-gohng-shr) 办公室
president (of
zǒngcái (zohng-tsigh) 总裁
representative dàilǐrén
(die-lee-wren) 代理⼈
vice president (of fù zǒngcái
(foo zohng-tsigh) 副总裁
foreign-own quánzī yōngyǒu de wàiqǐ (chwahn-dzu yohng-you
der wie-chee) 全资拥有的外企

Where is your office?
Nǎlǐ shì nǐ de bàngōngshì? (Na-lee shr nee-der bahn-gohng shr) 哪⾥是

What time does the conference start?
Huìyì jǐdiǎn kāishǐ? (Hway-ee jee-dee-an kigh shr) 会议⼏点开始?

99 Great Wall of China Chángchéng
(Chahng Cherng) 长城

We would like to see the Great Wall.

Wǒmen xiǎng qù kàn Chángchéng.
(Woh-mern she-ahng chwee kahn Chahng Cherng)

We want to go to the Great Wall.
Wǒmen yào qù Chángchéng. 我们要去长城。
(Woh-mern yee-ow chwee Chahng Cherng)

Please take the most scenic route.
Qǐng zǒu fēngjǐng zuì hǎo de lù. 请⾛风景最好的路。
(Cheen dzow ferng-jee-in zhui how der loo)

Can you wait for us?
Nǐ néng děng wǒmen ma?
(Nee nerng derng woh-mern mah) 你能等我们吗?

We expect to be back in two hours.
Wǒmen liǎng xiǎoshí jiù huílai. 我们两⼩时就回来。
(Woh-mern lee-ahng shee-ow-shr jew hway-lie)
100 Goodbye Zàijiàn (dzigh jee-an) 再见

Zàijiàn! (Dzigh jee-an) 再见!

See you later.
Yīhuìr jiàn. (Ee hway-urr jee-an) ⼀会⼉见。

We hope to see you again.
Xīwàng wǒmen zàijiàn miàn. 希望我们再见⾯。
(She-wahng woh-mern dzigh jee-an-mee-an)

Additional Vocabulary

China’s Provinces

Ānhuī (Ahn-hway) 安徽
Fújiàn (Foo-jee-ahn) 福建
Gānsù (Gahn-soo) ⽢肃
Guǎngdōng (Gwahng-dohng) ⼴东
Guìzhōu (Gway-joe) 贵州
Hǎinán (High-nahn) 海南
Héběi (Her-bay) 河北
Hēi lóng jiāng (Hay-lohng-jee-ahng) ⿊龙江
Hénán (Her-nahn) 河南
Jiāngxī (Jee-ahng-she) 江西
Jílín (Jee-leen) 吉林
Liáoníng (Lee-ow-neeng) 辽宁
Qīnghǎi (Cheeng-high) 青海
Shāndōng (Shahn-dohng) ⼭东
Shānxī (Shahn-she) ⼭西
Shǎnxī (Shah-ahn-she) 陕西
Sìchuān (Suh-chwahn) 四川
Yúnnán (Ywun-nahn) 云南
Zhèjiāng (Jur-jee-ahng) 浙江

China’s Autonomous Regions

Guǎngxī Zhuàng (Gwahng-shee Jwahng) ⼴西壮
Nèiměnggǔ (Inner Mongolia) (Nay Merng-goo)

Níng xià (Neeng-shee-ah) 宁夏

Xīzàng (Tibet) (She-zahng) 西藏
Xīnjiāng (Sheen-jee-ahng) 新疆

Major Cities in China

Ānshān (Ahn-shahn) 鞍⼭
Ānyáng (ahn-yahng) 安阳
Àomén (Ow-mern) 澳门
Bāotóu (Bow-toe) 包头
Běidàihé (Bay-die-her) 北戴河
Běihǎi (Bay-high) 北海
Běijīng (Bay-jeeng) 北京
Chángchūn (Chahng-chwun) 长春
Chángshā (Chahng-shah) 长沙
Chéngdé (Chweeng-der) 承德
Chóngqìng (Chohng-cheeng) 重庆
Guǎngzhōu (Gwahng-joe) ⼴州
Dàlǐ (Dah-lee) ⼤⾥
Dàlián (Dah-lee-an) ⼤连
Dàqìng (Dah-cheeng) ⼤庆
Dūnhuáng (Dwun-hwahng) 敦煌
Fóshān (Fwo-shahn) 佛⼭
Fúzhōu (Foo-joe) 福州
Guǎngzhōu (Gwahng-joe) ⼴州
Guìyáng (Gway-yahng) 贵阳
Hā'ěrbīn (Hah-urr-bin) 哈尔滨
Huánghé (Hwahng Her) 黄河
Hūhéhàotè (Hoo-her-how-ter) 呼和浩特
Jílín (Jee-leen) 吉林
Jǐnán (Jee-nahn) 济南
Kāifēng (Kigh-ferng) 开封
Kūnmíng (Kwun-meeng) 昆明
Lánzhōu (Lahn-joe) 兰州
Lāsà (Lah-sah) 拉萨
Lùdá (Loo-dah) 陆达
Luòyáng (Lwoh-yahng) 洛阳
Lúshān (Loo Shahn) 庐⼭
Nánchāng (Nahn-chahng) 南昌
Nánjīng (Nahn-jeeng) 南京
Nánníng (Nahn-neeng) 南宁
Níngbō (Neeng-bwo) 宁波
Níngxià (Neeng-shee-ah) 宁夏
Qīngdǎo (Cheeng-dow) 青岛
Qīnghǎi (Cheeng-high) 青海
Qínhuángdǎo (Cheen-hwahng-dow) 秦皇岛
Quánzhōu (Chwen-joe) 泉州
Qūfù (Chwee-foo) 曲⾩
Shànghǎi (Shahng-high) 上海
Shānhǎiguān (Shahn-high-gwahn) ⼭海关
Shàntóu (Shahn-toe) 汕头
Sháoshān (Shou-shahn) 韶⼭
Shěnyáng (Shern-Yahng) 沈阳
Shēnzhèn (Shern-zern) 深圳
Tàiyuán (Tie-ywahn) 太原

Tiānjīn (Tee-an-jeen) 天津
Tǔlǔfān (Too-loo-fahn) 吐鲁番
Wēnzhōu (Wern-joe) 温州
Wūlǔmùqí (Uu-roo-moo chee) 乌鲁⽊齐
Wǔhàn (Woo hahn) 武汉
Wǔtáishān (Woo tie shahn) 五台⼭
Wúxī (Woo-she) ⽆锡
Xiàmén (She-ah-mern) 厦门
Xīān (She-ahn) 西安
Xiānggǎng (Shee-ahng Gahng) ⾹港
Xīnjiāng (Sheen-jee-ahng) 新疆
Yán'ān (Yahn-ahn) 延安
Yángzhōu (Yahng-joe) 扬州
Yíxīng (Ee-sheeng) 宜兴
Zhènjiāng (Jun-jee-ahng) 镇江
Zhèngzhōu (Juung-joe) 郑州
Zhūhǎi (Joo-high) 珠海

40 Places in China You Mustn’t Miss

Here is a list of the 40 most beautiful places in China (Beauty is in the eye of
the beholder), in alphabetical order of the name of the province in which they
are located. A concise description is also given.

Ānhuī (ahn-hway) 安徽
• Hongcun Ancient Village Hóng cūn (Hohng-tsoon) 宏村 — a
thousand-year old village with a perfect mountain as backdrop.

• Mount Huangshan Ānhuī huángshān (Hwahng Shahn) 安徽黄⼭ —
a World Heritage Site, considered the most scenic mountain in China.

Fújiàn (Woo-ee Shahn) 福建
• Mount Wuyi Wǔ yí shān 武夷⼭ — a World Heritage Site; a mountain
with a beautiful, clear river.

• Xiapu Mudflat Xiá pǔ (She-ah Poo) 霞浦 — the natural beauty of the
largest mudflat in China.

Gānsù (gahn-shoo) ⽢肃
• Echoing Sand Mountain and Crescent Lake Míngshāshān hé
Yuèyáquán (Meeng-shah Shahn her Yu-eh-yah Chwahn) 鸣沙⼭和⽉⽛泉
— an heavenly oasis in the middle of the Gobi desert.

Guǎngdōng (Gwahng-dohng) ⼴东
• Fortress Towers, Kaiping Kāipíngdiāolóu (Kigh-peeng Dee-ow-low)
开平碉楼 — Luxurious fortresses with Western influence built in the early
20th century. Unique in the world.

Guǎngxī (Gwahng-she) ⼴西
• Yangshuo Yángshuò (Yahng-swoh) 阳朔 — a most well-known tourist
destination, Karst at its best.

Guìzhōu (Gway-joe) 贵州
• Huangguoshu Waterfall Huángguǒshù pùbù (Hwahng-gwoh-shoo
Poo-boo) 黄果树瀑布 — a “77 x 101” meters waterfall in the jungle.

Hǎinán (High-nahn) 海南
• Guanyin Statue, Nanshan Nánshān Hǎishàng Guānyīn (Nahn-
shahn Hi-shahng Gwahn-eeng)
南⼭海上观⾳ — the biggest bodhisattva statue in the world; built on the sea.

• Yalong Bay Yàlóngwān (Yah-lohng-wahn) 亚龙湾 — the only world-
class tropical beach in China.

Héběi (Her-bay) 河北
• Chengde Mountain Resort Bìshǔ Shānzhuāng (Bee-shoo Shahn-
jwahng) 避暑⼭庄 — it was used as a summer palace by the Chinese
emperors, so it has to be a cool place.

Hēilóngjiāng (Bay-long-jee-ahng) ⿊龙江
• Saint Sophia Cathedral, Harbin Shèngsuǒfēiyà Dàjiàotáng
(Sherng Swoh-fay-yah Dah-jee-ow-tahng) 圣索⾮亚⼤教堂 — the largest
Orthodox church in East and Southeast Asia.

Hénán (Her-nahn) 河南
• Longtan Valley Lóngtán Dàxiágǔ (Lohng-tahn Dah-she-ah-goo) 龙潭

⼤峡⾕ — the No.1 Valley of Narrow Gorges in China.

Húběi (Woo-bay) 湖北
• One Incense Pillar, Enshi Canyon Ēnshī Dàxiágǔ yīzhùxiāng
(Ern-shr Dah-she-ah-goo Ee-joo-shee-ahng) 恩施⼤峡⾕⼀柱⾹ — this
pillar is 150 meters tall, but only four meters wide. Incredible!

• Shennongjia Shénnóngjià (Shern-nohng Jee-ah) 神农架 — the only
well-preserved sub-tropical forest ecosystem in the world’s mid-latitudes.

Húnán (Woo-nahn) 湖南
• Fenghuang Fènghuáng (Ferng-hwahng) 凤凰 — Stilted houses,
picture-perfect village.

• Zhangjiajie Zhāngjiājiè (Jahng-jee-ah Jee-eh)
张家界 — the inspiration for the planet Pandora of the movie Avatar.

Nèi Měnggǔ (Nay Merng-goo) 内蒙古
• Singing Sand Bay Xiǎngshāwān (Shee-ahng-shah Wahn) 响沙湾 —
the wind here sings in soft whispers.

Jiāngsū (Jee-ahng soo) 江苏
• Brahma- Palace Fàngōng (Fahn-Gohng) 梵宫 — Feng shui (geomacy)
and Buddhism merged together.

Jiāngxī (Jee-ahng she) 江西
• Mount Lu Lúshān (Loo Shahn) 庐⼭ — events that changed China
happened on this mountain frequently.

• Wuyuan Wùyuán (Woo-Ywahn) 婺源 — one of the most scenic rural
places in China.

Jílín (Jee-leen) 吉林
• Heaven Lake, Changbai Mountain Chángbáishān Tiānchí
(Chahng-by-shahn Tee-an-chee) 长⽩⼭天池 — the deepest lake in China,
inspirational to Chinese and Koreans.

Liáoníng (Lee-ow-neeng) 辽宁
• Benxi Water Cave Běnxī Shuǐdòng (Burn-she Shway-dohng) 本溪⽔

洞 — stalagmites, stalactites and a underground river.

• Golden Pebble Beach National Resort, Dalian
Jīnshítān (Dah-lee-an Jeen-shr-tahn) ⾦⽯滩 — ancient rock formations on
a picture-perfect golden pebble beach.

Níngxià (Neeng-shee-ah) 宁夏
• Sand Lake Shāhú (Shah-hoo) 沙湖 — an astonishing wetland
flourishing with life in the middle of dry country.

Qīnghǎi (Cheeng-high) 青海
• Qinghai Lake Qīnghǎihú (Cheeng-high Hoo)
青海湖 — check out Tour de Qinghai, the most famous cycling race in

Shǎnxī (Shahn-she) 陕西
• Xi’an City Wall Xīān Chéngqiáng (She-ahn Churng-chee-ahng) 西安

城墙 — a taste of China 1,000 years ago.

Shāndōng (Shahn-dohng) ⼭东
• Trestle Bridge, Qingdao Qīngdǎo Zhànqiáo (Cheeng-dow Jee-an-
chee-ow) 青岛栈桥 — the pride of this seaside city.

Shānxī (Shahn-she) ⼭西
• Hukou Waterfall Húkǒu Pùbù (Hoo-koe Poo-boo) 壶⼝瀑布 — it is so
famous that it appears on the Chinese 50 Yuan note.

• Yungang Grottoes Yúngāng Shíkū (Ywun-gahng She-koo) 云冈⽯窟
— you can spend up to a year in this Buddhism Sanctuary and still have lots
to learn.

Sìchuān (Suh-chwahn) 四川
• Hailuogou Glacier National Park Hǎiluógōu (Hi-lwaw Go) 海螺沟
— an accessible glacier park, away from civilization.

• Jiuzhaigou Jiǔzhàigōu (Jew-jigh Go) 九寨沟 — a must-do for both
Chinese and international travelers.

Xīzàng (She-zahng) 西藏
• Potala Palace Bùdálāgōng (Boo-dah-lah Gohng) 布达拉宫 — the
crown jewel of Tibet.

Xīnjiāng (Sheen-jee-ahng) 新疆
• Lake Karakul Kālākùlèhú (Kah-lah-koo-ler Hoo) 喀拉库勒湖—if you
survive one the most dangerous roads in the world, you will be rewarded

• Nalati Grassland Nuólātí Cǎoyuán (Nah-lah-tee Chow-ywahn) 那拉

提草原 — experience the Kazak culture and best meadow in China.

Yúnnán (Ywun-nahn) 云南
• Three Pagodas, Dali Shěngdàlǐ Chóngshèngsì Sāntǎ (Sherng-Dah-
lee Cohng-sherng Suh Sahn-tah) 省⼤理崇圣寺三塔 — built in Tang
dynasty more than 1,200 years ago, it is still the biggest pagoda in China

• Pudacuo National Park, Shangri-la Xiānggélǐlā Pǔdácuò Guójiā
Gōngyuán (Shee-ang-geh-lee-la Poo-dah-tswoh Gwoh-jee-ah Gohng-
ywahn) ⾹格⾥拉普达措国家公园 — Shangri-la.

Zhèjiāng (Jur-jee-yahng) 浙江
• Nanxi River Nánxī jiāng (Nahn-shee Jee-ahng) 楠溪江 — like a water-
and-ink painting in real life.

• Thousand Island Lake Qiāndǎohú (Chee-an-dow Hoo) 千岛湖—the
Chinese version of Queenstown, and much bigger.

• Yunhe Rice Terrace Yúnhé Tītián (Ywun-her Tee-tee-an) 云和梯⽥ —
one of the most accessible rice terraces, and certainly one of the best-looking
as well.

Famous Places in Beijing

Baiyun (Daoist) Temple Báiyúnguān (By-ywun Gwahn) ⽩云观

Behai Park Běihǎi Gōngyuán (Bay-high Gohng-ywahn) 北海公园

Beijing University Běijīngdàxué (Bay-jeeng Dah-shway) 北京⼤学

Beijing Zoo Běijīng Dòngwùyuán (Bay-jeeng Dohng-woo-ywahn) 北京


Coal Hill Jǐngshān (Jeeng Shahn) 景⼭

Forbidden City Zǐ jìn Chéng (Dzu-jeen Cherng) 紫禁城

Front Gate Qián Mén (Chee-an Mern) 前门

Gate of Supreme Harmony Tài Hémén (Tie Her Mern) 太和门

Great Hall of the People Rénmín Dàhuìtáng (Wren-meen Dah-hway-
tahng) ⼈民⼤会堂

Hall of Perfect Harmony Zhōng Hédiàn (Johng Her Dee-an) 中和殿

Hall of Preserving Harmony Bǎo Hédiàn (Bow Her Dee-an) 保和殿

Hall of Supreme Harmony Tài Hédiàn (Tie Her Dee-an) 太和殿

Hall of Union Jiāo Tàidiàn (Jow Tie Dee-an)

Imperial Gardens Yùhuā Yuán (Yuu-hwah Ywahn) 御华园

Imperial Palace Gù Gōng (Goo Gohng) 故宫

Mao Zedong Memorial Mausoleum Máozédōng Jìniàntáng (Mao
jer-dohng Jee-nee-an Tahng)

Marco Polo Bridge Lúgōuqiáo (Loo-go Chee-ow)

Museum of Chinese History Zhōngguó Lìshǐ Bówùguǎn (Johng-
gwoh lee-shr Bwo-woo Gwahn)

Museum of the Chinese Revolution Zhōngguó Ggémìng
Bówùguǎn (Johng-gwoh Guh-meeng Bwo-woo Gwahn) 中国⾰命博物馆

National Library of China Zhōngguó Túshūguǎn (Johng-gwoh Tuu-
shoo-gwahn) 中国图书馆

Nationalities Cultural Palace Mínzú Wénhuàgōng (Meen-joo Wern-
hwah Gohng) 民族⽂化宫

North Lake Park Běihǎi Gōngyuán (Bay-high Gohng Ywahn) 北海公园

Palace of Earthly Tranquility Kūnníng Gōng (Kwun Neen Gohng)

Palace Temple Yǒnghé Gōng (Yohng-her Gohng)

People’s Cultural Park Rénmín Wénhuà Gōngyuán (Wren-meen
Wern-hwah Gohng-ywahn) ⼈民⽂化公园

Summer Palace Yíhé Yuán (Ee-her Ywahn) 颐和园

Temple of Heaven Tiāntán Gōngyuán (Tee-an Tahng Gohng-ywahn) 天


Tiananmen Square Tiānānmén Guǎngchǎng (Tee-an Ahn Mern
Gwahng-chahng) 天安门⼴场

Xidan Market Xīdān Shìchǎng (She-dahn Shr-chahng) 西单市场

Zhongshan Park Zhōngshān Gōngyuán (Johng-shahn Gohng-ywahn)

Famous Landmarks near Beijing

Great Wall of China Chángchéng (Chahng Cherng) 长城

Ming Tombs Shísān Líng (Shr Sahn Leeng) ⼗三陵

Famous Shopping Districts in Beijing

Jiàn'guó Ménwài (Jee-an Gwoh Mern Wigh)

Liúlí Chǎng (Leo Lee Chahng) 琉璃场

Qián Mén (Chee-an Mern) 前门
Wángfǔjǐng (Wahng Foo Jeeng) 王府井
Xīdān (She Dahn) 西单

Famous Places in Shanghai

The Bund Wàitān Zhōngshānlù (Wigh-tahn Johng-shahn Loo) 外滩中


Fuxing Park Fùxīng Gōngyuán (Foo-sheeng Gong Ywahn) 复兴公园

Jade Buddha Temple Yùfósì (Yuu Fwo-suh)

Longhua Temple & Pagoda Lónghuá miào hé tǎ (Lohng-hwah Mee-
ow her Tah) 龙华庙和塔

Lu Xun Memorial Museum Lǔxùn Jìniànguǎn (Loo-sheen Jee-nee-an
Gwahn) 鲁迅纪念馆

Museum of Natural History Zìrán Lìshǐ Bówùguǎn (Dzu-rahn Lee-
shr Bwo-woo Gwahn)

Old Town Shànghǎi Jiùshì (Shahng-high Jew Shr) 上海旧市

People’s Park-Square Rénmín Guǎngchǎng (Wren-meen Gwahng
Chahng) ⼈民⼴场

Shanghai Children’s Palace Shànghǎi
Shàonián Gōng (Shahng-high Shou-nee-an Gohng)

Shanghai Exhibition Center Shànghǎi Zhǎnlǎn Guǎn (Shahng-high
Jahn-lahn Gwahn) 上海展览馆

Shanghai Museum Shànghǎi Bówùguǎn (Shahng-high Bwo-woo
Gwahn 上海博物馆

Sun Yat-sen Residence Sūnzhōngshān Gùjū (Soon Johng-shahn
Goo-jwee) 孙中⼭故居

Tomb of Song Qingling Sòngqìnglíng Fénmù (Sohng Cheeng-leeng
Fern-moo) 宋庆龄坟墓

Workers’ Cultural Palace Gōngrén
Wénhuà Gōng (Gohng-wren Wern-hwah Gohng)

Xijiao Park Xījiǎo Gōngyuán (She Jow Gohng Ywahn) 西⾓公园

Yu Garden Yùyuán (Yuu Ywahn) 豫园

10 Most Well-known Chinese Personalities

It is always good to know about these people, since they are often mentioned
or cited in conversations in China.

Confucius, or Kǒngzǐ (Koong-dzu) 孔⼦ — a Chinese teacher, politician,
philosopher and the founder of Confucian of the Spring and Autumn period of
Chinese history. He left behind a philosophy that is still much adopted in
modern China.

Sun Tzu Sūnzi (Soon Dzu) 孙⼦ — a great general who wrote the Art of

Qín Shǐ Huáng (Cheen Shr Hwahng) 秦始皇 — the first Emperor of
China; also the King of the state of Qin who conquered all other Warring
States and united China into an empire for the first time in Chinese history.

Guan Yu Guānyǔ — (Gwhan Yuu) 关⽻― considered the God of War, was
one of the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia.

Li Bai Lǐbái (Lee By) 李⽩ — the most famous poet in Chinese history.

Wǔzétiān (or Wu Tse-t’ian) Wǔzétiān (Woo Zuh Tee-an) 武则天 — the only
female emperor in Chinese history.

Yue Fei Yuèfēi (Yu-eh Fay) 岳飞 — a national hero who represented the
essence of Han Chinese culture.

Sun Yat Sen Sūnzhōngshān (Soon Johng Shahn) 孙中⼭ — a Chinese
revolutionary, first president and founding father of the Republic of China.

Mao Ze Dong/Mao Tse-tung Máozédōng (Mao Jer- dohng) ⽑泽东 — a
Chinese Communist revolutionary and the founding father of the People’s
Republic of China.

Ma Yun Mǎyún (Mah Ywun) 马云 — the richest man in China as of 2015, a
household name for being the co-founder of Alibaba, the largest online retail
chain in China.

Important Festivals in China

Nowadays Chinese people celebrate both Chinese and Western festivals. The
following list some of the most celebrated festivals / holidays in China.

New Year’s Day Yuándàn (Ywahn-dahn) 元旦
Chinese Spring Festival*
Chūnjié (Choon-jee-eh) 春节

*Common greeting to wish others happiness and prosperity during the lunar
new year is:

Xīnnián kuàilè ! (Sheen-nee-an kwie-ler!) 新年快乐!

Happy New Year!
Gōngxǐfācái (gohng-she fah-tsigh) 恭喜发财! May you be happy and

Valentine’s Day Qíngrénjié (Cheeng-wren jee-eh) 情⼈节
Qingming Festival* Qīngmíngjié (Cheeng-meeng jee-eh) 清明节

*This is a traditional Chinese festival dedicated to tomb-sweeping and paying
respect to ancestors.

Children’s Day Értóng jié (Uh-tohng-jee-eh) ⼉童节 celebrated on

June 1st in China.

Mid-Autumn Zhōngqiūjié
(Johng-chew jee-eh) 中秋节

*A traditional Chinese festival for family get-togethers and feasts.

Singles’ day Guānggùnjiē (Gwahng-goon jee-eh) 光棍节

*A pop culture festival on November 11 (written as 11.11 in Chinese) to
celebrate bachelor life. The date is chosen for the connection between singles
and the number “1.”

Shèngdànjié (Sherng-dahn jee-eh) 圣诞节

Important Signs

Arrivals Jìnguān (Jeen-gwahn) 进关
Departures Chūguān (Choo-gwahn) 出关
Hǎiguān (High-gwahn) 海关
Bathroom Yùshì (Yuu-shr) 浴室
Occupied (toilet in
Shǐyòng zhōng (Shr-yohng-johng) 使⽤中
Alley (narrow street)
Hútòng (Hoo-tohng) 胡同
Bicycle Parking Cúnchēchù
(Tswun-cher choo) 存车处
Bicycle Parking Zone Zìxíngchē cúnchēchù
(Dzu-sheeng-cher Tswun-cher-choo) ⾃⾏车存车

Car Parking Lot Tíngchē chǎng
(Teeng-cher chang) 停车场
Closed Door Guānmén (Gwahn mern) 关门

Yíngyè shíjiān 营业时间 (Eeng-yeh shr-jee-an)
Bus Stop Qìchēzhàn
(Chee-cher jahn) 汽车站
Caution Xiǎoxīn (Shee-ow-sheen) ⼩⼼
Tíngzhǐ yíngyè (Teeng-jr-eeng-yeh) 停⽌营业 /
Guānmén (Gwahn-mern) 关门
Wēixiǎn (Way-shee-an) 危险
Jǐnjí chūkǒu (Jeen-jee Choo-koe) 紧急出⼝ / Tàipíng
mén (Tie-peeng mern) 太平门
Entrance Rùkǒu (Roo-koe) ⼊⼝
Chūkǒu (Choo-koe) 出⼝
Do Not Enter Bùxǔ jìnrù
(Boo-shee Jeen-roo) 不许进⼊
Don’t Touch Wù chù (Woo-choo) 勿触 /
Wù mō (Woo-mwo) 勿摸
Drinking Yǐnyòngshuǐ
(Eeng-yohng shway) 饮⽤⽔
Elevator Diàntī (Dee-an-tee) 电梯
Employees Xián rén miǎn rù 闲⼈免⼊ (Shee-an-wren mee-an- roo)
First Aid Jíjiù (Jee Jeo) 急救
Jìnzhǐ (Jeen-jr) 禁⽌
Hospital Yīyuàn (Ee-ywahn) 医院
Tōngzhī (Tohng-jr) 通知
Information Wènxùn tái
(Wern-sheen tai) 问讯台
Information Wènxùn chù
(Wern-sheen choo) 问讯处
Keep Out
Qǐng wù rù nèi 请勿⼊内
(Cheeng-woo roo-nay)
Ladies’ Room Nǚ cèsuǒ
(Nwee tser-swoh) ⼥厕所
Left Luggage Xíngli jìcún chù ⾏李寄存处(Sheeng-lee jee-tswun choo)
Luggage Xíngli guì (Sheeng-lee gway) ⾏李柜
Main Street Dàjiē (Dah-jee-eh) ⼤街

Men’s Room Nán cèsuǒ (Nahn tser-swoh) 男厕所

Non-potable Fēi yǐnyòngshuǐ (Fay eeng-yoong shway) ⾮饮⽤⽔

No Entrance / Jìnzhǐ rù nèi (Jeen-jr roo-nay) 禁⽌⼊内
No Entry
No Parking Bùxǔ tíngchē (Boo she-teeng-cher) 不许停车
No Picture Qǐng wù pāizhào (Cheeng woo pie-jow) 请勿拍照
No Smoking Qǐng wù xīyān (Cheeng woo she-yahn) 请勿吸烟
No Spitting Qǐng wù tǔtán (Cheeng woo too-tahn) 请勿吐痰
No Bùzhǔn rù nèi (Boo joon
roo-nay) 不准⼊内
Open (for
Yíngyè (Eeng-yeh) 营业
Open Door Kāimén (Kigh mern) 开门
Please Don’t Qǐng wù dòngshǒu (Cheeng woo dohng-show) 请勿动⼿
Please Line Qǐng páiduì (Cheeng pie-dway) 请排队
Jǐngchá (Jeeng-chah) 警察
Public Bath
Yùchí (Yuu Chr) 浴池
Gōngyòng diànhuà (Gohng-yohng dee- an-hwah) 公⽤
Public Toilet
Gōngyòng cèsuǒ (Gohng-yohng tser- swoh) 公⽤厕所
Lā (Lah) 拉
Push Tuī (Tway) 推
Reserved Yùyuē (Yuu-yuu-eh) 预约
Self-Service Zìzhù (Dzu-joo) ⾃助
Smoking Kěyǐ xīyān (Kuh-ee she-yahn) 可以吸烟
Sold Out Quán mǎn (Chwahn mahn)
Full House Kè mǎn (Ker mahn) 客满
Ticket Office Shòupiào chù (Show-pee-ow choo) 售票处

Toilet Cèsuǒ (Tser-swoh) 厕所

Yǒu kōng fáng (You kohng fahng) 有空房
Waiting Xiūxī shì (Sheo-she shr)
Welcome Huānyíng guānglín (Hwahn-eeng gwahng-leen) 欢迎光

Admission Miǎnfèi rùchǎng (Mee-an-fay roo-chahng) 免费⼊场

Other Countries in Chinese

Àodàlìyà (Ah-oh-dah-lee-ah) 澳⼤利亚
Jiānádà (Jya-nah-dah) 加拿⼤
Fǎguó (Fah-gwoh) 法国
Germany Déguó (Duh-gwoh) 德国
Great Britain Yīngguó (Eeng-gwoh) 英国
India Yìndù (Een-doo) 印度
Italy Yìdàlì (Ee-dah-lee) 意⼤利
Japan Rìběn (Ree-bern) ⽇本
(North) Korea Cháoxiǎn (Chow-she-an) 朝鲜
(South) Korea Hánguó (Hang-gwoh) 韩国
New Zealand Niǔxīlán (New She-lahn) 纽西兰
Pakistan Bājīsītǎn (Bah-jee-she-tahn) 巴基斯坦
Spain Xībānyá (She-bahn-yah) 西班⽛
United States
Měiguó (May-gwoh) 美国


big / small
dà / xiǎo (dah / shaow) ⼤/⼩
heavy / light zhòng / qīng (johng / cheeng)
long / short
cháng / duǎn (chahng / dwan) 长/短
good / bad
hǎo / huài (how / hwai) 好/坏
cheap / piányi / guì (pee-an-ee / gwee)
easy / difficult róngyì / nán (rohng ee / nahn)
true / false
zhēn / jiǎ (jun / jah) 真/假
quick / slow
kuài / màn (kwie / mahn) 快/慢
left / right
zuǒ / yòu (zwoh / you) 左/右
early / late
zǎo / wǎn (dzow / wahn) 早/晚
old / young lǎo / shào (lao / shaow) ⽼/少
full / empty mǎn / kōng (mahn / kohng) 满/空
safe / ānquán / wēixiǎn (ahn-chwan / way-shee-an) 安全/
quiet / noisy ānjìng / chǎonào (ahn-jeen / chow-now) 安静/吵闹
inside / outside lǐbian / wàibian (lee-bee-an / wie-bee-an) ⾥边/外边

first / last
xiān / hòu (shee-an / hoh) 先/后
before / after
yǐqián / yǐhòu (ee-chee-an / ee-hoh) 以前/以后

Words A to Z

3D movie
sāndi diànyǐng (sahn-dee dee-an eeng) 3D电影
suànpán (swahn-pahn) 算盘
bàoyú (bow-yuu) 鲍鱼
Action (movie) Dòngzuò piàn (doong zwoh pee-an) 动作⽚
abroad guówài (gwoh-wigh) 国外
accept jiēshòu (jay show) 接受
zhǔnquè (joon-chueh) 准确
yǎnyuán (yahn-ywahn) 演员
acupuncture zhēnjiǔ (jun-jeo) 针灸
adaptor plug zhuǎnjiē qì (jwahn-jee-eh chee) 转接器
address dìzhǐ (dee-jr) 地址
admission rùchǎng (roo-chahng) ⼊场
adult dàren (dah-wren) ⼤⼈
aerobics jiànměi cāo (jee-an-may tsow) 健美操
after (prep.)
guò (gwoh) 过
zài (zigh) 再
fǎnduì (fahn dway) 反对
agree tóngyì (tohng-ee) 同意
nóngyè (nohng-yeh) 农业
AIDS Àizībìng (aye-dzu beeng) 爱滋病
kōngqì (kohng-chee) 空⽓
kōngtiáo jī (kohng-tow-jee) 空调机
airconditioning kōngtiáo (kohng-tee-ow) 空调
airline hángkōng gōngsī (hahng-kohng gohng-suh) 航空公

airline hostess
kōngzhōng xiǎojie (kohng-johng shiaow-jah) 空中
airline ticket fēijī piào (fay-jee pee-ow) 飞机票
air pollution kōngqì wūrǎn (koong-chee woo-rahn) 空⽓污染
airsick yūn jī (ywun-jee) 晕机
alarm clock nàozhōng (now johng) 闹钟
alcohol jiǔ (jeo) 酒
a little yīdiǎn (ee-dee-an) ⼀点
all quánbù (chwahn boo) 全部
guòmǐn (gwoh-meen) 过敏
alley hútòng (hoo-tohng) 胡同
hǎibá (high-bah) 海拔
ambassador dàshǐ (dah-shr) ⼤使
amount, total
zǒng’é (zohng urr) 总额
amusing, fun hǎowán (how-wahn) 好玩
Android phone
ānzhuó shǒujī (ahn-jwoh show-jee) 安卓⼿机
gǔdài de (goo-die-duh) 古代的

angry shēngqì (sherng-chee) ⽣⽓

animal dòngwù (dohng-woo) 动物
anniversary zhōunián jìniàn (joe-nee-an jee-nee-an) 周年纪念
gōnggào (gohng gaw) 公告
answer huídá (hway-dah) 回答
antibiotics kàngshēngsù (kahng-sherng-soo) 抗⽣素
apartment dānyuán fáng (dahn-ywahn fahng) 单元房
appendicitis mángchángyán (mahng chahng yahn) 盲肠炎
appetizer lěngpán (lerng-pahn) 冷盘
applaud pāishǒu (pie-show) 拍⼿
appliance diànqì (dee-an-chee) 电器
shēnqǐng (sherng-cheeng) 申请
application form
shēnqǐng biǎo (sherng-cheeng bow) 申请表
appointment yuēhuì (yway-hway) 约会
xīnshǎng (sheen-shahng) 欣赏
architecture jiànzhù (jee-an-joo) 建筑
area (district)
yīdài (ee-die) ⼀带
jūnduì (jwin-dway) 军队
arrival card
rùjìng kǎ (roo-jeeng-kah) ⼊境卡
arrive dàodá (dow-dah) 到达
art yìshù (ee-shoo) 艺术 /
měishù (may-shoo) 美术
art gallery huàláng (hwah-lahng) 画廊
artist yìshùjiā (ee-shoo-jah) 艺术家
art museum měishùguǎn (may-shoo gwahn) 美术馆
arts & crafts gōngyì měishù (gohng-ee may-shoo) ⼯艺美术
Asia Yàzhōu (Yah-joe) 亚洲
ask wèn (wern) 问
gōngzuò (gohng-zwoh) ⼯作
assist, help
bāngzhù (bahng-joo) 帮助
qìchuǎnbìng (chee-chwahn beeng) ⽓喘病
yùndòng (ywun-dohng) 运动
attorney lǜshī (lwee-shr) 律师
xīyǐn rén (she-een-wren) 吸引⼈
audience guānzhòng (gwahn-johng) 观众
lǐtáng (lee-tahng) 礼堂
aunt gūgu (goo-goo) 姑姑
kěkào (ker-kow) 可靠
zuòzhě (zwoh-juh) 作者
authorize shòuquán (show-chwahn) 授权
automatic zìdòng (dzu-dohng) ⾃动

automobile qìchē (chee-cher) 汽车

avenue dàjiē (dah-jeh) ⼤街
average píngjūn (peeng-jwin) 平均
awake, wake up huànxǐng (hwahng-sheeng) 唤醒
baby yīngér (eeng-urr) 婴⼉
baby food yīngér shípǐn (eeng-urr shr-peen) 婴⼉⾷品
bachelor dānshēn hàn (dahn-shern-hahn) 单⾝汉
back door hòumén (hoe mern) 后门
back yard hòuyuàn (hoe ywahn) 后院
bad (quality)
chà (chah) 差
yǔmáoqiú (yuu-mao chew) ⽻⽑球
dàizi (die-dzu) 袋⼦
baggage xíngli (sheeng-lee) ⾏李
baggage cart
xíngli chē (sheeng-lee cher) ⾏李车
baggage check xíngli tuōyùn dān (sheeng-lee twoh-ywun-dahn) ⾏
baggage claim
xíngli tīng (sheeng-lee teeng) ⾏李厅
baggage tag xíngli pái (sheeng-lee pie) ⾏李牌
bakery miànbāo diàn (me-an-bow dee-an) ⾯包店
ball qiú (cheo) 球

ball game qiúsài (cheo sigh) 球赛

ballpoint pen yuánzhūbǐ (ywahn-joo bee) 圆珠笔
ballroom wǔtīng (woo-teeng) 舞厅
zhúzi (joo-dzu) ⽵⼦
bamboo shoots
zhúsǔn (joo soon) ⽵笋
xiāngjiāo (she-ahng-jow) ⾹蕉
band (musical)
yuèduì (yway-dway) 乐队
bandage bēngdài (bung-die) 绷带
band-aid zhǐxuè jiāobù (jr-shway jee-ow-boo) ⽌⾎胶布
yínháng (een-hahng) 银⾏
banquet yànhuì (yahn-hway) 宴会
banquet room
yànhuì tīng (yahn-hway teeng) 宴会厅
bar (drinking)
jiǔbā (jeo-bah) 酒吧
kǎo (kow) 烤
yǐ huò yì huò (ee-hwoh ee-hwoh) 以货易货
bàngqiú (bahng-cheo) 棒球
dìxiàshì (dee-she-ah-shr) 地下室
basketball lánqiú (lahn-cheo) 篮球
basketball game lánqiú sài (lahn-cheo sigh) 篮球赛
bathe xǐzǎo (she-zow) 洗澡

bathing beach yùchǎng (yuu chahng) 浴场

bathing suit yóuyǒngyī (you-yohng-ee) 游泳⾐
bathrobe yùyī (yuu yee) 浴⾐
bathroom (bath) yùshì (yuu-shr) 浴室
bathroom (toilet) cèsuǒ (tser-swoh) 厕所
bath towel xǐzǎo máojīn (she-zow mao-jeen) 洗澡⽑⼱
bathtub zǎo pén (zow-pern) 澡盆 /

yùgāng (yuu-gahng) 浴缸
batteries diànchí (dee-an-chr) 电池
hǎiwān (high-wahn) 海湾
beach hǎitān (high-tahn) 海滩
bean curd
dòufu (doe-foo) ⾖腐
beard húzi (hoo-dzu) 胡⼦
beat, win
yíng (eeng) 赢
piàoliang (pee-ow-lee-ahng) 漂亮
beauty (natural)
zìrán měi (dzu-rahn-may) ⾃然美
beauty salon fàláng (fah lahng) 发廊
bed chuáng (chwahng) 床
bedroom wòshì (woh-shr) 卧室 / wòfáng (woh-fahng) 卧房
beef niúròu (new-roe) ⽜⾁
beefsteak niúpái (new pie) ⽜排

beer píjiǔ (pee jeo) 啤酒

yǐqián (ee-chee-an) 以前
bell (door)
líng (leeng) 铃
bell captain
xíngli lǐngbān (sheeng-lee leeng-bahn) ⾏李领班
yāodài (yee-ow-die) 腰带
best zuìhǎo (zway-how) 最好
better bǐjiào hǎo (bee-jow-how) ⽐较好
yǐnliào (een-lee-ow) 饮料
big, large, great dà (dah) ⼤
niǎo (nee-ow) 鸟
birth control
jiéyù (jeh-yuu) 节育
shēngrì (sherng-rr) ⽣⽇
bǐnggān (beeng-gahn) 饼⼲
hēi (hay) ⿊
tǎnzi (tahn-dzu) 毯⼦
bleed liúxuè (lew-shway) 流⾎
blonde jīnfà (jeen-fah) ⾦发
blister pào (pow) 疱
blood-pressure xuèyā (shway-yah) ⾎压
blood type xuèxíng (shway sheeng) ⾎型

blue lán (lahn) 蓝

Bluetooth lányá (lahn-yah) 蓝⽛
boarding pass dēngjīpái (derng-jee pei) 登机牌
boat chuán (chwahn) 船
body (human) shēntǐ (shern-tee) ⾝体
body temperature tǐwēn (tee-wern) 体温
boil (verb) zhǔ (joo) 煮
boiled egg
zhǔ jīdàn (joo jee-dahn) 煮鸡蛋
boiled water kāishuǐ (kigh shway) 开⽔
bon voyage
yīlùshùnfēng (ee-loo-shwern-ferng) ⼀路顺风
bookkeeper kuàijì (kwie-jee) 会计
tíng (teeng) 亭
xuēzi (shway-dzu) 靴⼦
biānjiè (bee-an-jay) 边界
borrow jiè (jay) 借
boss lǎobǎn (lao-bahn) ⽼板
bottle píng (peeng) 瓶
bottle opener kāipíng qì (kigh peeng-chee) 开瓶器
boulevard dàdào (dah-dow) ⼤道
bowl wǎn (wahn) 碗
box hézi (her-dzu) 盒⼦

quánjī (chwahn-jee) 拳击
nánhái (nahn-high-urr) 男孩
boyfriend nánpéngyou (nahn perng-you) 男朋友
bra rǔzhào (roo-jow) 乳罩
branch office fēnbù (fern boo) 分部
shāngbiāo (shahng-bee-ow) 商标
bread miànbāo (mee-an-bow) ⾯包
rǔfáng (roo-fahng) 乳房
xīnniáng (sheen-nee-ahng) 新娘
xīnláng (sheen-lahng) 新郎
qiáo (chow) 桥
xiōngdì (she-ong-dee) 兄弟
Fójiào (Fwo-jow) 佛教
Buddhist Fójiàotú (Fwo-jow too) 佛教徒
budget yùsuàn (yuuswahn) 预算
buffet zìzhù cān (dzu-joo-tsahn) ⾃助餐
buffet dinner zìzhù wǎncān (dzu-joo wahn-tsahn) ⾃助晚餐
buffet lunch zìzhù wǔcān (dzu-joo woo-tsahn) ⾃助午餐
bullet train dòngchē (doong-cher) 动车
building lóufáng (low-fahng) 楼房

businessperson shāngrén (shahng-wren) 商⼈

busy máng (mahng) 忙
butter huángyóu (hwahng-yoe) 黄油
cabbage juǎnxīncài (jwen sheen tsigh) 卷⼼菜
kècāng (ker-tsahng) 客仓
cable television bìlù diànshì (bee-loo dee-an-shr) 闭路电视
kāfēi guǎn (kah-fay-gwahn) 咖啡馆
cafeteria shítáng (shr-tahng) ⾷堂
jìsuànjī (jee-swahn-jee) 计算机
canal yùnhé (ywun-her) 运河
qǔxiāo (chwee-she-ow) 取消
capital (city)
shǒudū (show-doo) ⾸都
Cappuccino kǎbùqínuò (kah-boo-chee-nwoh) 卡布奇诺
cash xiànjīn (shee-an-jeen) 现⾦
cashier chūnà (choo-nah) 出纳
casual suíbiàn (sway-bee-an) 随便
cell phone shǒujī (show-jee) ⼿机
centigrade shèshì (sher-shr) 摄⽒
central zhōngyāng (johng-yahng) 中央
cereal màipiān (my-pee-an) 麦⽚

ceremony diǎnlǐ (dee-an-lee) 典礼

chair yǐzi (ee-dzu) 椅⼦
change (money) língqián (leeng-chee-an) 零钱
changing money
duìhuàn (dway-hwahn) 兑换
piányi (pee-an-ee) 便宜
check (noun)
zhīpiào (jr-pee-ow) ⽀票
check in rù zhù (roo-joo) ⼊住
check in (at airport)
bàn chéng shǒuxù (bahn cherng show-shee) 办程⼿

check out (hotel)
tuìfáng (tway-fahng) 退房
Gānbēi! (Gahn-bay) ⼲杯!
chef’s special
zhǔchú tècān (joo-choo ter-tsahn) 主厨特餐
cheongsam (dress) qípáo (chee-pow) 旗袍
child háizi (high-dzu) 孩⼦
Chinese movie Zhōngguó diànyǐng (Johng gwoh dee-an eeng) 中国

Chinese Spring Chūnjié (Choon-jee-eh) 春节
chocolate qiǎokèlì (chiao-ker-lee) 巧克⼒
chopsticks kuàizi (kwie-dzu) 筷⼦
Christmas Shèngdànjié (Sherng-dahn jee-eh) 圣诞节
church jiàotáng (jow-tahng) 教堂
city, town chéngshì (cherng-shr) 城市
city map chéngshì jiāotōngtú (cherng-shr jow-tohng too) 城

tóngxué (tohng-shway) 同学
climb (a hill)
pá shān (pah-shahn) 爬⼭
yīmàojiān (ee-mao-jee-an) ⾐帽间
closing time
guānmén (gwahn mern) 关门
clothing yīfu (ee-foo) ⾐服
club (recreational)
jùlèbù (jwee-ler-boo) 俱乐部
coach, bus
chángtú qìchē (chahng-too-chee-cher) 长途汽车
dàyī (dah-ee) ⼤⾐
Coca-cola (coke) kěkǒu kělè (ker-koe ker-ler) 可⼝可乐
cocktail jīwěijiǔ (jee-way-jew) 鸡尾酒
cocktail party jīwěijiǔ huì (jee-way-jew-hway)鸡尾酒会
cold dishes lěngpán (lerng-pahn) 冷盘
cold drink lěngyǐn (lerng een) 冷饮
color yánsè (yahn-suh) 颜⾊
comedy xìjù (see-jwee) 戏剧
comfortable shūfu (shoo-foo) 舒服
communist party Gòngchǎndǎng (Gohng-chahng-dahng) 共产党

concert yīnyue huì (een-yway-hway) ⾳乐会

condensed milk liànrǔ (lee-an-roo) 炼乳
bìyùn tào (bee-yuun-tao) 避孕套
Kǒngzǐ (Koong-dzu) 孔⼦
gōngxǐ (gohng-see) 恭喜
contact lenses
yǐnxíng yǎnjìng (yeen-sheeng yahn-jeeng) 隐形眼镜
corner (street) guǎi jiǎo (gwie-jow) 拐⾓
duì (dway) 对
counter (sales)
guìtái (gway-tie) 柜台
counter (service)
fúwùtái (foo-woo-tie) 服务台
country (nation) guójiā (gwoh-jah) 国家
countryside nóngcūn (nohng-tswun) 农村
cream nǎiyóu (nigh-you) 奶油
crowd rénqún (wren-chween) ⼈群
crowded yōngjǐ (yohng-jee) 拥挤
cultural wénhuà de (wern-hwah der) ⽂化的
cultural exchange wénhuà jiāoliú (wern-hwah jee-ow lew) ⽂化交流
culture wénhuà (wern-hwah) ⽂化
currency huòbì (hwoh-bee) 货币
custom (way)
fēngsú (foong-soo) 风俗
gùkè (goo-ker) 顾客
Customs hǎiguān (High-gwahn) 海关
Customs tariff guānshuì (Gwahn-shway) 关税
dad bàba (bah-bah) 爸爸
daily měitiān (may-tee-an) 每天
daily paper rìbào (rr bow) ⽇报
dance (verb) tiàowǔ (tee-ow-woo) 跳舞
dance hall wǔtīng (woo teeng) 舞厅
dance party wǔhuì (woo hway) 舞会
date (courting) yuēhuì (yway-hway) 约会
declare shēnbào (shern-bow) 申报
degree (college) xuéwèi (shway-way) 学位
delicatessen shúshí diàn (shoo-shr dee-an) 熟⾷店
mínzhǔ (meen-joo) 民主
demonstration shìwēi (shr-way) ⽰威
bù (boo) 部
departure chūfā (chwee-fah) 出发
departure card
chūjìng kǎ (choo-jeeng-kah) 出境卡
deposit (money)
yājīn (yah-jeen) 押⾦
tiánpǐn (tee-an-peen) 甜品
dictionary zìdiǎn (dzu-dee-an) 字典
diplomat wàijiāo jiā (weigh-jee-ow-jah) 外交家
disabled person cánzhàng rénshì (tsahnzahng-wren-shr) 残障⼈

disco dísīgētīng (dee-ss-ger teeng) 迪斯歌厅
discount zhékòu (juh-koe) 折扣
divorce líhūn (lee-hwun) 离婚
domestic guónèi (gwoh-nay) 国内
dormitory sùshè (soo-sher) 宿舍
double room shuāngrén fáng (shwahng-wren fahng) 双⼈房
downtown shì zhōngxīn (shr-johng-sheen) 市中⼼
draft beer chā pí (jah pee) 喳啤
Dragon Boat Festival Duānwǔjié (Dwahn Woo Jeh) 端午节

dragon boat race lóngzhōu bǐsài (lohng joe bee-sigh) 龙⾈⽐赛

dress (noun)
yīfu (ee-foo) ⾐服
drinking straw xīguǎn (she-gwahn) 吸管
sījī (suh-jee) 司机
driver’s license jiàshǐ zhízhào (jah-shr jr-chow) 驾驶执照
yàodiàn (yow-dee-an) 药店
drunk, tipsy
zuì (zway) 醉

yā (yah) 鸭
huīchén (hway-chern) 灰尘
duty (customs)
shuì (shway) 税
duty free
miǎn shuì (mee-an-shway) 免税
early zǎo (zow) 早
earphone ěrjī (urr-jee) ⽿机
dìzhèn (dee-jun) 地震
dōng (dohng) 东
East China Sea
Dōng Hǎi (Dohng High) 东海
jīngjì (jeeng-jee) 经济
editor biānjí (bee-an-jee) 编辑
xuǎnjǔ (shwen-jwee) 选举
electric plug diàn chātóu (dee-an chah-toe) 电插头
diàntī (dee-an-tee) 电梯
e-mail diànzǐ yóuxiāng (dee-an-dzu you-shee-ahng) 电⼦

emergency room
jízhěn shì (jee-jun shr) 急诊室
English language
Yīngwén (Eeng-wern) 英⽂
rùkǒu (roo-koe) ⼊⼝
entry visa rùjìng qiānzhèng (roo-jeeng chee-an-zhehng) ⼊


error cuòwù (tswoh-woo) 错误

escalator zìdòng fútī (dzu-dohng-foo-tee) ⾃动扶梯
Espresso Yìdàlì nóng kāfēi (ee-dah-lee nohng kah-fay) 意

Europe Ōuzhōu (Oh-joe) 欧洲
European (person) Ōuzhōurén (Oh-joe-wren) 欧洲⼈
evening wǎnshang (wahn-shahng) 晚上
evening dress
wǎn lǐfú (wahn lee-foo) 晚礼服
evening party
wǎnhuì (wahn hway) 晚会
lèihuài le (lay-hwie-luh) 累坏了
exhibition zhǎnlǎn huì (jahn-lahn-hway) 展览会
exhibition hall
zhǎnlǎn guǎn (jahn-lahn gwahn) 展览馆
exit chūkǒu (choo-koe) 出⼝
fèiyòng (fay-yohng) 费⽤
expensive guì (gway) 贵
shúliàn (shuu-lee-an) 熟练
extension cord
jiēcháng diànxiàn (jeh-chang dee-an-she-an) 接
eyedrops yǎn yàoshuǐ (yahn-yow-shway) 眼药⽔
eyeglasses yǎnjìng (yahn-jeeng) 眼镜
face liǎn (lee-an) 脸
Facebook liǎnshū (lee-an-shoo) 脸书
factory gōngchǎng (gohng-chahng) ⼯⼚
Fahrenheit Huáshì (hwah-shr) 华⽒
faint tóu hūn (toe-ywun) 头昏
fake màopái (mao-pie) 冒牌
fall (verb) shuāidǎo (shoo-ai-dow) 摔倒
family jiā (jah) 家
family members qīnrén (cheen wren) 亲⼈
yǒumíng (you-meeng) 有名
famous dish míng cài (meeng tsigh) 名菜
yuǎn (ywahn) 远
farm nóngchǎng (nohng-chahng) 农场
nóngfū (nohng-foo) 农夫
fast food kuàicān (kwie-tsahn) 快餐
shímáo (shr-mao) 时髦
cuò (tswoh) 错
fee, expense
fèiyòng (fay-yohng) 费⽤
female nǚ (nwee) ⼥

jiérì (jeer-rr) 节⽇
wèihūnfū (way-hwun-foo) 未婚夫
fine, penalty fákuǎn (fah-kwahn) 罚款
fire (conflagration) huǒzāi (hwoh-zigh) ⽕灾
fire alarm
huǒ jǐng (hwoh jeeng) ⽕警
fire escape
ānquán tī (ahn-chwahn tee) 安全梯
fire exit
tàipíng mén (tie-peeng mern) 太平门
biānpào (bee-an pow) 鞭炮
first-aid kit jíjiù xiāng (jee jeo she-ahng) 急救箱
first-class tóuděng (toe-derng) 头等
fish yú (yuu) 鱼
qízi (chee-dzu) 旗⼦
flashlight shǒudiàntǒng (show-dee-an-toong) ⼿电筒
shuǐzāi (shway-zigh) ⽔灾
huār (hwah-urr) 花⼉
flower shop
huādiàn (hwah dee-an) 花店
folk dance
mínjiān wǔdǎo (meen-jee-an-woo-dow) 民间舞蹈
folk music
mínjiān yīnyuè (meen-jee-an- een-yway) 民间⾳

food poisoning shíwù zhòngdú (shr-woo johng-doo) ⾷物中毒

wàiguó de (wigh-gwoh-der) 外国的
foreign exchange
wàihuì (wigh-hway) 外汇
foreign guest wàibīn (wigh been) 外宾
shùlín (shoo-leen) 树林
free (cost)
miǎnfèi (mee-an-fay) 免费
free (time)
yǒu kòng (you kohng) 有空
free trade zone
zìyóu màoyì (dzu-you mao-ee-choo) ⾃由贸易
freezing bīngdòng (beeng-doong) 冰冻
French cuisine Fǎguó cài (fah-gwoh tsigh) 法国菜
French fries
zhá shǔtiáo (zah shoo-tee-ow) 炸薯条
frozen food lěngcáng shípǐn (lerng-tsahng shr-peen) 冷藏⾷

shuǐguǒ (shway-gwoh) ⽔果
fruit juice
guǒzhī (gwoh-jr) 果汁
fruit store
shuǐguǒ diàn (shway-gwoh dee-an) ⽔果店
full mǎn le (mahn-ler) 满了
full stomach
bǎo (bow) 饱
fuse (noun)
bǎoxiǎnsī (bow-shee-an-suh) 保险丝
gamble dǔbó (doo-bwoh) 赌博
gambling house dǔchǎng (doo chahng) 赌场

game, match qiúsài (cheo-sigh) 球赛

gangster (movie) jǐngfěi piàn (jeeng fay pee-an) 警匪⽚
garbage lājī (lah-jee) 垃圾
garden huāyuán (hwah-ywahn) 花园
garlic suàn (swahn) 蒜
gasoline qìyóu (chee-you) 汽油
gasoline station jiāyóuzhàn (jah-you jahn) 加油站
German Déwén (Duh-wern) 德⽂
ghost (movie) guǐ piàn (gway pee-an) ⿁⽚
rénshēn (wren-shern) ⼈参
girl nǚháizi (nwee-high-dzu) ⼥孩⼦
nǚpéngyou (nwee-perng-you) ⼥朋友
glasses (eye) yǎnjìng (yahn-jeeng) 眼镜
shǒutào (show-tou) ⼿套
gold jīn (jeen) ⾦
jīnyú (jeen yuu) ⾦鱼
gāoěrfūqiú (gow-urr-foo-cheo) ⾼尔夫球
goose é (er) 鹅
government office jīguān (jee gwahn) 机关
gram kè (ker) 克

grandfather zǔfù (zoo-foo) 祖⽗

grandmother zǔmǔ (zoo-moo) 祖母
zǔ fùmǔ (zoo-foo-moo) 祖⽗母
pútao (poo-taow) 葡萄
cǎo (tsaow) 草
great, big dà (dah) ⼤
guest kèrén (ker-wren) 客⼈
guest house bīnguǎn (been gwahn) 宾馆
dǎoyóu (dow-you) 导游
guidebook lǚyóu zhǐnán (lwee-you jr-nahn)
gym tǐyùguǎn (tee-yuu-gwahn) 体育馆
tǐcāo (tee-tsow) 体操
fùkē yīshēng (foo-ker-ee-sherng) 妇科医⽣
bàn (bahn) 半
hall (meeting)
guǎn (gwahn) 馆
handbag shǒutíbāo (show-tee-bow) ⼿提包
handball shǒuqiú (show-cheo) ⼿球
handicapped person cánjí rénshì (tsahn-jee wren shr) 残疾⼈⼠
handicraft shǒugōngyìpǐn (show-gohng-ee-peen) ⼿⼯艺品
hangover sù zuì (soo zway) 宿醉

Happy Birthday Shēngrì kuàilè (sherng rr kwai ler) ⽣⽇快乐

harvest shōuhuò (show-hoe) 收获
hay fever kūcǎo rè (koo tsow ruh) 枯草热
health club jiànshēn fáng (jee-an-shern fahng) 健⾝房
heart attack xīnzàngbìng fāzuò (sheen-zahng-beeng fah-zwoh)
high school zhōngxué (johng shway) 中学
highway gōnglù (gohng-loo) 公路
xiǎo shān (shou-shahn) ⼩⼭
history lìshǐ (lee-shr) 历史
jiàqī (jah-chee) 假期
home jiā (jah) 家
gùxiāng (goo-she-ahng) 故乡 / jiāxiāng (jah-she-
ahng) 家乡
tóngxìngliàn (tohng-sheeng-lee-an) 同性恋
honey fēngmì (ferng-mee) 蜂蜜
Hong Kong Xiānggǎng (Shee-ahng Gahng) ⾹港
horror (movie) kǒngbù piàn (kohng boo pee-an) 恐怖⽚
house fángwū (fahng-woo) 房屋
housewife jiātíng zhǔfù (jahteeng zoofoo)家庭主妇
HST (High-Speed Train) gāotiě (gow-tee-eh) ⾼铁

hurry hěn jí (hern-jee) 很急

husband zhàngfu (jahng-foo) 丈夫
ice bīng (beeng) 冰
ice cream bīngqílín (beeng chee-leen) 冰淇淋
ice skating huábīng (hwah beeng) 滑冰
ice water bīng shuǐ (been shway) 冰⽔
iced coffee
bīng kāfēi (beeng kah-fay) 冰咖啡
yònghù míng (yohng-hoo-meeng) ⽤户名
bù héfǎ (boo-her-fah) 不合法
jù mù diànyǐng (jwee moo IMAX dee-an eeng) 巨
zhòngyào (johng-yee-ow) 重要
bù kěnéng (boo-ker-nerng) 不可能
industry gōngyè (gohng-yeh) ⼯业
inexpensive piányi (pee-an-ee) 便宜
informal fēizhèngshì (fay-jern-shr) ⾮正式
information (news) xiāoxi (she-ow-she) 消息
information desk wènxùn chù (wern-shwun-choo)问讯处
injection zhùshè (joo-sher) 注射
insurance bǎoxiǎn (bow-shee-an) 保险

interesting yǒu yìsi (you-ee-suh) 有意思

mùjiān xiūxi (moo-jee-an she-oh-she) 幕间休息
guójì (gwoh-jee) 国际
fānyì (fahn-ee) 翻译
intersection (streets) shízì lùkǒu (shr-dzu-loo-koe) ⼗字路⼝
qǐngtiě (cheeng-tee-eh) 请帖 / qǐngjiǎn (cheeng-
jee-an) 请柬
yāoqǐng (yee-ow-cheeng) 邀请
xiàngyá (shee-ahng-yah) 象⽛
jacket duǎn shàngyī (dwahn-shahng-ee) 短上⾐
yù (yuu) ⽟
jail, prison
jiānyù (jee-an-yuu) 监狱
jazz juéshì (jway-shr) 爵⼠
jeans niúzǎi kù (new-zigh-koo) ⽜仔裤
jewelry zhūbǎo (joo-bow) 珠宝
jogging mànpǎo (mahn-pow) 慢跑
joke (noun) xiàohuà (shee-ow-hwah) 笑话
journalist jìzhě (jee-juh) 记者
journey lǚxíng (lwee-sheeng) 旅⾏
juice (fruit) guǒzhī (gwoh-jr) 果汁

jumper/sweater máoyī (mao-ee) ⽑⾐

jungle cónglín (tsohng-leen) 丛林
justice gōngzhèng (gohng-jerng) 公正
kǎlā OK (kah-lah-OK) 卡拉OK
kelp / seaweed
hǎidài (hi-die) 海带
key yàoshi (yow-shr) 钥匙
gōngjīn (gohng-jeen) 公⽄
kilometer gōnglǐ (gohng-lee) 公⾥
Hánguó pàocài (pow-tsigh) 韩国泡菜
yòuéryuán (you-urr-ywahn) 幼⼉园
wěn (wern) 吻
kitchen chúfáng (choo-fahng) 厨房
kite fēngzhēng (ferng-jerng) 风筝
kleenex zhǐjīn (jr-jeen) 纸⼱
Korea (North) Cháoxiǎn (Chow-she-an) 朝鲜
Korea (South) Hánguó (hahng-gwoh) 韩国
Kyoto Jīngdū (Jeeng-doo) 京都
lacquerware qīqì (chee-chee) 漆器
lake hú (hoo) 湖

lamb (meat) yángròu (yahng-row) ⽺⾁

landlord fángzhǔ (fahng-joo) 房主
yǔyán (yuu-yahn) 语⾔
late wǎn (wahn) 晚
laundry bag
xǐyī dài (she-ee die) 洗⾐袋
laundry form
xǐyī dān (she-ee dahn) 洗⾐单
fǎlǜ (fah-lwee) 法律
lǜshī (lwee-shr) 律师
leader lǐngdǎo (leeng-dow) 领导
leave (depart)
líkāi (lee-kigh) 离开
leave a message
liú huà (leo hwah) 留话
lecture jiǎngyǎn (jee-ahng-yahn) 讲演
leisure time kòngxián shíjiān (kohng-shee-an shr-jee-an) 空

xìn (sheen) 信
library túshūguǎn (too-shoo-gwahn) 图书馆
license zhùcè zhèng (joo-tser-zherng) 注册证
light rail transit/LRT qīngguǐ (cheeng-gway) 轻轨
liquor báijiǔ (by-jeo) ⽩酒
literature wénxué (wern-shway) ⽂学
local dish dìfāng cài (dee-fahng tsigh) 地⽅菜

suǒ (swoh) 锁
chángshòu (chahng-show) 长寿
Los Angeles
Luòshānjī (Lwoh Shahn-jee) 洛杉矶
lost-and-found shīwù zhāolǐng (shr-woo jow-leeng) 失物招领
love (verb)
ài (aye) 爱
LRT station qīngguǐ zhàn (cheeng-gway jahn) 轻轨站
yùnqi (ywun-chee) 运⽓
luggage xíngli (sheeng-lee) ⾏李
lunar calendar
yīn lì (een lee) 阴历
Àomén (Ow-mern) 澳门
magazine zázhì (zah-jr) 杂志
magic móshù (mwo-shoo) 魔术
Maglev (magnetic cí xuánfú (tsu shwen-foo) 磁悬浮
májiàng (mah-jee-ahng) ⿇将
dàlù (dah-loo) ⼤陆
main station
zǒngzhàn (zohng jahn) 总站
make up room (guest’s
qǐng dǎsǎo (cheeng dah-sao) 请打扫
nán (nahn) 男
man, male
nánrén (nahn-wren) 男⼈

management guǎnlǐ (gwahn-lee) 管理

jīnglǐ (jeeng-lee) 经理
ànmó (ahn-mwo) 按摩
jìgōng (jee-gohng) 技⼯
liú huà (leo-hwah) 留话
microphone màikèfēng (my-ker-ferng) 麦克风
Mid-Autumn Festival
Zhōngqiūjié (Johng-chew jee-eh) 中秋节
jūnshì (jwin-shr) 军事
niúnǎi (new-nigh) ⽜奶
mineral water kuàngquánshuǐ (kwahng-chwahn shway) 矿泉⽔
mobile-Internet yídòng wǎng (ee-doong wahng) 移动⽹
miniskirt chāoduǎnqún (chow dwahn-chwun) 超短裙
model (fashion) mótèr (mwo-ter-urr) 模特⼉
monosodium wèijīng (way-jeeng) 味精
Moscow Mòsīkē (Mwo-suh-ker) 莫斯科
mountain shān (shahn) ⼭
movie diànyǐng (dee-an eeng) 电影
movie theater diànyǐngyuàn (dee-an-eeng ywahn) 电影院
museum bówùguǎn (bwo-woo-gwahn) 博物馆
music yīnyuè (een-yway) ⾳乐

Muslim Huíjiàotú (Hway-jee-ow-too) 回教徒

nap xiǎo shuì (shiaow-shway) ⼩睡
guó (gwoh) 国
national guójiā (gwoh-jah) 国家
guójí (gwoh-jee) 国籍
native dress
guófú (gwoh-foo) 国服
línjū (leen-jwee) 邻居
xīn (sheen) 新
news xīnwén (sheen-wern) 新闻
newspaper bàozhǐ (bow-jr) 报纸
New Year Xīnnián (Sheen Nee-an) 新年
New Year’s day Yuándàn (Ywahn-dahn) 元旦
New Year’s Eve Chúxī (Chwoo She) 除⼣
nightclub yèzǒnghuì (Yeh johng-hway) 夜总会
noodles miàn (mee-an) ⾯
north běi (bay) 北
North America Běiměi zhōu (Bay May-joe) 北美洲
nuclear hé (her) 核
nurse hùshi (hoo-shr) 护⼠
nursery tuōérsuǒ (twoh-urr-swoh) 托⼉所
oatmeal màipiàn (my-pee-an) 麦⽚
zhíyè (jr-yeh) 职业
ocean hǎiyáng (high-yahng) 海洋
bàngōngshì (bahn-gohng-shr) 办公室
official (bureaucrat) guān (gwahn) 官
bú zàixiàn (boo zigh-shee-an) 不在线
old (person)
lǎo (lao) ⽼
online zàixiàn (zigh-shee-an) 在线
one-way dānchéng (dahn-cherng) 单程
open kāimén (kigh-mern) 开门
opera gējù (ger-jwee) 歌剧
orange juice júzi zhī (jwee-dzu jr) 桔⼦汁
outlet (electric) chāzuò (chah-zwoh) 插座
overcoat dàyī (dah-ee) ⼤⾐
overseas guówài (gwoh-wigh) 国外
Overseas Chinese Huáqiáo (Hwah Chee-ow) 华侨
owner wùzhǔ (woo-zoo) 物主
Pacific Ocean Tàipíngyáng (Tie-peeng Yahng) 太平洋
bāoguǒ (bow-gwoh) 包裹

bǎotǎ (bow-tah) 宝塔
palace gōngdiàn (gohng-dee-an) 宫殿
xióngmāo (shee-ong mao) 熊猫
Paris Bālí (Bah-lee) 巴黎
parking lot
tíngchē chǎng (teeng-cher chahng) 停车场
party (recreational)
jùhuì (jwee-hway) 聚会
lǚkè (lwee-ker) 旅客
passport hùzhào (hoo-jow) 护照
passport number hùzhào hàomǎ (hoo-jow how-mah) 护照号码
password mìmǎ (me-mah) 密码
pastry gāodiǎn (gow-dee-an) 糕点
peace hépíng (her-peeng) 和平
peanuts huāshēng (hwah-sherng) 花⽣
Pearl River Zhūjiāng (Joo Jee-ahang) 珠江
pearls zhēnzhū (zhern-joo) 珍珠
Peking Duck Běijīng kǎoyā (Bay-jeeng kow-yah) 北京烤鸭
penicillin qīngméisù (cheeng-may-soo) 青霉素
performance yǎnchū (yahn-choo) 演出
performer yǎnyuán (yahn-ywahn) 演员
xǔkě (she-ker) 许可

yàodiàn (yow-dee-an) 药店
physical exam
tǐjiǎn (tee jee-an) 体检
pīngpāngqiú (peeng-pahng-cheo) 乒乓球
platform (train) zhàntái (jahn-tie) 站台
play (theatrical)
xìjù (she-jwee) 戏剧
cāochǎng (tsow-chahng) 操场
police station gōng’ānjú (gohng-ahn jwee) 公安局
pollution wūrǎn (woo-rahn) 污染
popular music liúxíng yīnyue (lü-sheen een-yway) 流⾏⾳乐
population rénkǒu (wren-koe) ⼈⼝
porridge zhōu (joe) 粥
pottery táoqì (tou-chee) 陶器
premier (country) zǒnglǐ (zohng-lee) 总理
prescription yàofāng (yee-ow-fahng) 药⽅
president (company) zǒngcái (zohng-tsigh) 总裁
president (country) zǒngtǒng (zohng-tohng) 总统
printed matter yìnshuā pǐn (een-shwah peen) 印刷品
prison jiānyù (jee-an-yuu) 监狱
zhíyè (jr-yeh) 职业
prostitute jìnǚ (jee-nwee) 妓⼥
shěng (sherng) 省

gōnggòng (gohng-gohng) 公共
public square guǎngchǎng (gwahng chahng) ⼴场
bùdīng (boo-deeng) 布丁
purse, handbag
shǒutíbāo (show-tee-bow) ⼿提包
zhìliàng (jr-lee-ahng) 质量
quantity shùliàng (shoo-lee-ahng) 数量
question wèntí (wern-tee) 问题
queue páiduì (pie-dway) 排队
quick, fast
kuài (kwie) 快
quiet, peaceful
ānjìng (ahn-jeeng) 安静
race (human)
zhǒngzú (johng-joo) 种族
racism zhǒngzú piānjiàn (johng-joo-pee-an-jee-an) 种族

raincoat yǔyī (yuu-ee) ⾬⾐
rap music ráoshé (rao-sher) 饶⾆
rape qiángjiān (chee-ahng-jee-an) 强奸
shōujù (show-jwee) 收据
reception, party
zhāodài huì (jow-die-hway) 招待会
recharge (battery)
chōng diàn (chohng-dee-an) 充电

tuīkuǎn (tway-kwahn) 推款
region dìqū (dee-chwee) 地区
relative, kin
qīnqi (cheen-chee) 亲戚
xiū (shew) 修
resident permit jūliú zhèng (jwee-leo zherng) 居留证
rest xiūxi (shew-she) 休息
reverse charges duìfāng fùfèi (dway-fahng-foo-fay) 对⽅付费
rice (cooked) báifàn (by-fahn) ⽩饭
rich fùyǒu (foo-you) 富有
ring (jewelry) jièzhi (jeh-jr) 戒指
river hé (her) 河
road lù (loo) 路
roast suckling pig kǎo rǔ zhū (kow roo-joo) 烤乳猪
Romance (movie) yánqíng piàn (yahn cheeng pee-an) ⾔情⽚
room key yàoshi (yee-ow shr) 钥匙
room number fángjiān hàomǎ (fahng-jee-an how-mah) 房间号

round-trip láihuí (lie-hway) 来回
round-trip ticket
láihuí piào (lie-hway pee-ow) 来回票
row, line, queue pái (pie) 排
gǎnlǎnqiú (gahn-lahn chew) 橄榄球
fèixū (fay-shee) 废墟
safe (adjective)
ānquán (ahn-chwahn) 安全
safe (noun)
bǎoxiǎn xiāng (bow-she-an-she-ahng) 保险箱
saké (liquor) Rìběn jiǔ (rr-burn jew) ⽇本酒
sales tax yíngyè shuì (eeng-yeh shway) 营业税
sandwich sānmíngzhì (sahn-meeng-jr) 三明治
San Francisco Jiùjīnshān (Jeo-jeen Shahn) 旧⾦⼭
cì shēn (tsu-shern) 刺⾝
satellite wèixīng (way-sheeng) 卫星
sausage xiāngcháng (shee-ahng chahng) ⾹肠
scallops gānbèi (gahn-bay) ⼲贝
scenery fēngjǐng (ferng-jeeng) 风景
school xuéxiào (shway-she-ow) 学校
Science fiction (movie) kēhuàn piàn (ker hwahn pee-an) 科幻⽚

scientist kēxuéjiā (ker-shway-jah) 科学家

hǎixiān (high-she-an) 海鲜
mìshū (me-shoo) 秘书
security guard
ānquán rényuán (ahn-chwahn wren-ywahn) 安全

seminar yántǎo huì (yahn-tow-hway) 研讨会

Shǒuěr (Show-ur) ⾸尔
service fee
fúwù fèi (foo-woo fay) 服务费
set meal tàocān (tao-tsahn) 套餐
sex (gender) xìng (sheeng) 性
ship chuán (chwahn) 船
shopping area shāngyè qū (shahng-yeh-chwee) 商业区
Siberia Xībólìyà (She-bwo-lee-yah) 西伯利亚
signature qiānmíng (chee-an meeng) 签名
singer gēshǒu (guh-shoo) 歌⼿
single room dānrén fáng (dahn-wren fahng) 单⼈房
Singles’ day Guānggùnjié (Gwahng-goon jee-eh) 光棍节
Silk Road Sīchóu zhī lù (Suh-choe Jr Loo) 丝绸之路
sleep shuìjiào (shway-jee-ow) 睡觉
smartphone zhìnéng shǒujī (jr-nerng show-jee) 智能⼿机
zúqiú (joo-chew) ⾜球
society shèhuì (sher-hway) 社会
soda water
qìshuǐ (chee shway) 汽⽔
soft drink ruǎn xìng yǐnliào (rwahn-xeeng-ahng een-lee-ow)
soldier zhànshì (jahn-shr) 战⼠
nán (nahn) 南
South China Sea
Nánhǎi (Nahn High) 南海
souvenir jìniànpǐn (jee-nee-an-peen) 纪念品
souvenir shop jìniànpǐn diàn (jee-nee-an-peen dee-an) 纪念品

space shuttle
hángtiān fēijī (hahng-tee-an- fay-jee) 航天飞机
specialty zhāopái cài (jow-pie tsigh) 招牌菜
spirits lièjiǔ (lee-ah jew) 烈酒
sports yùndòng (yuun-dohng) 运动
stadium tǐyù chǎng (tee-yuu-chahng) 体育场
stereo yīnxiǎng (een-shee-ahng) ⾳响
straw xīguǎn (she-gwahn) 吸管
study shūfáng (shoo-fahng) 书房
study abroad liúxué (lew-shway) 留学
subway card
dìtiě kǎ (dee-tee-eh kah) 地铁卡
subway ticket dìtiě piào (dee-tee-eh pee-ow) 地铁票
suit (Western wear)
xīfú (she-foo) 西服
suite tàofáng (tao fahng) 套房
mòjìng (mo-jeeng) 墨镜
swimming yóuyǒng (you-yohng) 游泳
swimming pool
yóuyǒngchí (you-yohng chr) 游泳池
jiāoxiǎngyuè (jow-she-ahng-yway) 交响乐
table tennis pīngpāngqiú (peeng-pahng-cheo) 乒乓球
taste, flavor wèi (way) 味
tax free miǎn shuì (mee-an shway) 免税
jiàoshī (jow-shr) 教师
cháguǎn (chah-gwahn) 茶馆
technology transfer jìshù zhuǎnràng (jee-shoo jwahn-rahng) 技术转

television diànshì (dee-an-shr) 电视
temple sìyuàn (suh-ywahn) 寺院
tennis wǎngqiú (wahng-chew) ⽹球
text (phone) duǎnxìn (dwahn-sheen) 短信
Tàiguó (Tie-gwoh) 泰国
theater jùchǎng (jwee-chahng) 剧场
theater tickets
xì piào (she-pee-ow) 戏票
Tibet Xīzàng (She-zahng) 西藏
lǎohǔ (lao-hoo) ⽼虎
tip (gratuity) xiǎofèi (shiaow-fay) ⼩费
today’s special
jīnrì tècān (jeen-rr ter-tsahn) 今⽇特餐
toilet paper
cè zhǐ (tzer jr) 厕纸

Dōngjīng (Dohng-jeeng) 东京
lǚxíng (lwee-sheeng) 旅⾏
tour escort
lǐngduì (leeng-dway) 领队
tour group
lǚxíng tuán (lwee-sheeng-twahn) 旅⾏团
tourist lǚkè (lwee-kuh) 旅客
tournament bǐsài (bee-sigh) ⽐赛
trade fair jiāoyì huì (jow-ee hway) 交易会
trademark shāngbiāo (shahg bee-ow) 商标
translate, translator fānyì (yuán) (fahn-ee (ywahn)) 翻译(员)
transportation yùnshū (ywun-shoo) 运输
transportation yùnshū fèiyòng (ywun-shoo fay-yohng) 运输费⽤
tutor dǎoshī (dow-shr) 导师
twin room shuāngchuáng fáng (shwahng chwang fahng) 双
tuītè (Twitter/tway-ter) 推特
typhoon táifēng (tie-ferng) 台风
umbrella yǔsǎn (yuu-sahn) ⾬伞
bùxíng (boo-sheeng) 不⾏
bófù (bwo-foo) 伯⽗

bù shūfu (boo-shoo-foo) 不舒服
uniform zhìfú (jr-foo) 制服
United Nations Liánhéguó (Lee-an-her Gwoh) 联合国
United States Měiguó (May-gwoh) 美国
universe yǔzhòu (yuu-joe) 宇宙
urinate xiǎobiàn (shiaow-bee-an) ⼩便
vacancy kòng fáng (kohng-fahng) 空房
Valentine’s Day Qíngrénjié (Cheeng-wren jee-eh)情⼈节
vacation fàngjià (fahng-jah) 放假
vegetarian sùshí (soo-shr) 素⾷
venereal disease xìngbìng (sheeng-beeng) 性病
video-chat shìpín liáotiān (shr-peen lee-ow-tee-an) 视频聊

Yuènán (Yway-nahn) 越南
villa biéshù (bee-eh-shoo) 别墅
cūnzhuāng (tswun-jwahng) 村庄
voice-chat yǔyīn liáotiān (yuu-een lee-ow-tee-an) 语⾳聊天
páiqiú (pie-cheo) 排球
ǒutù (oh-too) 呕吐
wage, salary
gōngzī (gohng-dzu) ⼯资
waiting room hòuchē shì (hoe-cher shr) 候车室
wallet píjiāzi (pee-jah-dzu) ⽪夹⼦
wall poster qiángbào (cheen-ahng bow) 墙报
zhànzhēng (jahn-jerng) 战争
shuǐ (shway) ⽔
watermelon xīguā (she-gwah) 西⽠
wealthy yǒu qián (yoe-chee-an) 有钱
Wechat Wēixìn (Way-sheen) 微信
wedding hūnlǐ (hwun-lee) 婚礼
weekend zhōumò (joe-mwo) 周末
Weibo Wēibó (Way-bwo) 微博
huānyíng (hwahn-eeng) 欢迎
xī (she) 西
West (world)
Xībiān (She-bee-an) 西边
Western (movie) Xībù piàn (She boo pee-an)西部⽚
Western country
Xīyáng (She-yahng) 西洋
Western toilet zuòshì cèsuǒ (Tswoh-shr-tser-swoh) 坐式厕所
yěshēng dòngwù (yeh-sherng-dohng-woo) 野⽣动

wind fēng (ferng) 风

windy guāfēng (gwah-ferng) 刮风

pútaojiǔ (poo tou jew) 葡萄酒
world shìjiè (shr-jeh) 世界
wristwatch shǒubiǎo (show bee-ow) ⼿表
writer zuòjiā (zwoh-jah) 作家
xerox fùyìn (foo-een) 复印
x-ray X-guāng piànzi (x-gwahng-pee-an-dzu) x-光⽚⼦
Yangtze River Chángjiāng (Chahng Jee-ahng) 长江
Yellow River
Huánghé (Hwahng Her) 黄河
suānnǎi (swahn-nahn) 酸奶
young niánqīng (nee-an-cheeng) 年轻
qīngnián (chee-ahng-nee-an) 青年
líng (leeng) 零
zipper lāliàn (lah-lee-an) 拉链
dòngwùyuán (dohng-woo-ywahn) 动物园
The Tuttle Story:
“Books to Span the East and West”

Many people are surprised to learn that the world’s leading publisher of books on Asia had
humble beginnings in the tiny American state of Vermont. The company’s founder, Charles E.
Tuttle, belonged to a New England family steeped in publishing.
Immediately after WWII, Tuttle served in Tokyo under General Douglas MacArthur and was
tasked with reviving the Japanese publishing industry. He later founded the Charles E. Tuttle
Publishing Company, which thrives today as one of the world’s leading independent publishers.
Though a westerner, Tuttle was hugely instrumental in bringing a knowledge of Japan and Asia
to a world hungry for information about the East. By the time of his death in 1993, Tuttle had
published over 6,000 books on Asian culture, history and art—a legacy honored by the Japanese
emperor with the “Order of the Sacred Treasure,” the highest tribute Japan can bestow upon a
With a backlist of 1,500 titles, Tuttle Publishing is more active today than at any time in its past—
still inspired by Charles Tuttle’s core mission to publish fine books to span the East and West and
provide a greater understanding of each.
Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.

Copyright © 2004, 2015 Boyé Lafayette De Mente

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