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Causes of Child Labour

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Causes of Child Labour

Some common causes of child labor are poverty, parental illiteracy, social apathy, ignorance, lack of
education and exposure, exploitation of cheap and unorganized labor. The family practice to inculcate
traditional skills in children also pulls little ones inexorably in the trap of child labor, as they never get the
opportunity to learn anything else.

Absence of compulsory education at the primary level, parental ignorance regarding the bad effects of
child labor, the ineffectively of child labor laws in terms of implementation, non availability and non
accessibility of schools, boring and unpractical school curriculum and cheap child labor are some other
factors which encourages the phenomenon of child labor. It is also very difficult for immature minds and
undeveloped bodies to understand and organize themselves against exploitation in the absence of adult
guidance. Poverty and over population have been identified as the two main causes of child labor. Parents
are forced to send little children into hazardous jobs for reasons of survival, even when they know it is
wrong. Monetary constraints and the need for food, shelter and clothing drives their children in the trap of
premature labor. Over population in some regions creates paucity of resources. When there are limited
means and more mouths to feed children are driven to commercial activities and not provided for their
development needs. This is the case in most Asian and African countries.

Illiterate and ignorant parents do not understand the need for wholesome proper physical, cognitive
and emotional development of their child. They are themselves uneducated and unexposed, so they don’t
realize the importance of education for their children. Adult unemployment and urbanization also causes
child labor. Adults often find it difficult to find jobs because factory owners find it more beneficial to
employ children at cheap rates. This exploitation is particularly visible in garment factories of urban
areas. Adult exploitation of children is also seen in many places. Elders relax at home and live on the
labor of poor helpless children.

The industrial revolution has also had a negative effect by giving rise to circumstances which
encourages child labor. Sometimes multinationals prefer to employ child workers in the developing
countries. This is so because they can be recruited for less pay, more work can be extracted from them
and there is no union problem with them. This attitude also makes it difficult for adults to find jobs in
factories, forcing them to drive their little ones to work to keep the fire burning their homes.

The incidence of child labor would diminish considerably even in the face of poverty, if there are no
parties willing to exploit them. Strict implementation of child labor laws and practical and healthy
alternatives to replace this evil can go a long way to solve the problem of child labor. Children who are
born out of wedlock, orphaned or abandoned are especially vulnerable to exploitation. They are forced to
work for survival when there are no adults and relatives to support them. Livelihood considerations can
also drive a child into the dirtiest forms of child labor like child prostitution and organized begging.

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